HomeMy WebLinkAboutWORK ORDER - RFP - P1124 CIVIL ENGINEERING ANNUAL (15)C� ,-Z,72- EXHIBIT "A" WORK ORDER FORM PURSUANT TO AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS AND INTERW EST CONSULTING GROUP DATED: July 15, 2008 Work Order Number: Purchase Order Number: Project Title: Poudre Trail at Mulberry and Lemay Commencement Date: 04-20-12 09-01-13 Completion Date: Maximum Fee: (time and reimbursable direct costs): $54,200 Project Description: - See Attached Scope of .Services Sec Description Acceptance Professional agrees to perform the services identified above and on the attached forms in accordance with the terms and conditions contained herein and in the Professional Services Agreement between the parties. In the event of a conflict between or ambiguity in the terms of the Professional Services Agreement and this work order (including the attached forms) the Professional Services Agreement shall control. Professional - M-L-PI4 � OJ-16-12 M I ek:r Park Pfa 'ing & C The attached forms consisting of six 16, pages are hereby accepted and incorporated herein, by this reference, and Notice to Proceed is hereby given. City of Fort Collins T James B. O'Neill II, CPPO, FNIGP Director of Purchasing and Risk Management (over $30.000.00) Date: April 19, 2012 Mr. Jason Stutzman City of Fort Collins Park Planning and Development PO Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 Poudre Trail at Mulberry and Lemay Revised Project Description and Scope of Services Dear Jason - INTER WEST CON SU LT[NG GftOUV Attached is the revised project scope and description for the pedestrian trail and bridge design at Mulberry and Lemay: Description Interwest will provide engineering services necessary to create construction plans in CDOT format for approximately 1.000 linear feet of concrete trail and a pedestrian bridge design across the Poudre River. Scope of Services Trail plan, profile and grading — Interwest will prepare plan, profile, grading, cross section, tab sheets, note sheets, and detail drawings in CDOT format for the trail and show the proposed profile of the bridge across the Poudre River. Estimated Fee: $9,800 Meetings — Interwest will attend multiple meetings to coordinate the design with the City of Fort Collins project management team. Estimated Fee: $2,400 SWMP — Interwest will prepare an erosion control plan and a stormwater management plan for the initial application to the State for the project. Estimated Fee: $1,800 Floodplain Process Assistance — Interwest will assist the City with the Floodplain documentation necessary to construct the trail and pedestrian bridge including benchmarks and BFE elevations along the trail segments. Interwest will also incorporate the as -built survey points (provided by contractor's surveyor) into exhibits to close out the floodplain use permit and provide the required documentation to Anderson to complete the CLOMR/LOMR. Estimated Fee: $2,800 Bridge Design — San Engineering will design and prepare detailed construction drawings in CDOT format for the bridge abutments, piers, and retaining walls associated with the bridges across the Poudre River. Preliminary Design: $6,000 Final Design: $16,500 Total Estimated Fee: $22,500 1218 W. ASH, STE, C, WINDSOR, COLORADO 80550 TEL. 970.674.3300 - FAX 970.674.3303 Surveying Services - King Surveying will prepare the legal description for the Trail/Public Access Easement and the Floodplain Easement on the Agnew Carwash property. King will also survey the wetland boundary that is delineated by Cedar Creek. Estimated Fee: $2,500 Environmental Permitting - Cedar Creek will map the wetlands and prepare the required environmental permits associated with the construction of the trail and bridge crossing including the Nationwide Permit and Threatened and Endangered Species Report. Estimated Fee: $4,200 Construction Administration - Interwest and San Engineering will be available to review shop drawings, respond to RFIs, and conduct construction field visits (structural inspection only) throughout the construction phase of the project. Estimated Fee: $8,000 Reimbursables- for prints, mileage, and deliveries, etc.. Estimated Fee: $200 Total Estimated Fee: $54,200 Assumptions - I. Specifications provided by others. 2. Geotechnical engineering provided by others. 3. All tloodplain modeling and documentation provided by others. 4. All as built survey information will be provided by others. 5. No permitting tasks (excluding the fioodplain use permit) will be completed by Interwest. 6. CDOT Survey Control Plan & Right -of -Way Plans are not required. 7. Interwest will not be responsible for any easement negociations. Schedule Interwest, King Surveyors, San Engineering and Cedar Creek will begin work on the project immediately. Thhaanks,PD jn,/ M"-�/2� Wvt, Michael Oberlander, PE PROPOSAL TO COMPLETE ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES FOR THE POUDRE TRAIL PROJECT APRIL, 12 2012 Objective: Complete a wetland delineation, Threatened and Endangered Species (T&E including candidate and proposed species) habitat analysis, and prepare a Nationwide Permit application, if necessary. Schedule: Field mapping and habitat evaluation: By April 30, 2012. Preparation of delineation and habitat analysis reports: To be determined Preparation of Nationwide Permit 42 application, if necessary: To be determined Methodology -Wetland Delineation: Wetland mapping will be completed using the methodology outlined in the publication Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (1987) supplemented by the document Interim Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Great Plains Region. Intensity of mapping will conform to the 'routine, on -site determination method". Wetland boundaries and sample point locations will be marked in the field and drawn on a field map for identification purposes. Interwest will cause to have a survey completed and a delineation map prepared for submittal to the Corps of Engineers. Cedar Creek Associates, Inc. will prepare a letter report for submittal to the City of Fort Collins and the Corps of Engineers detailing the methodology used to survey the site and the results of the fieldwork. Copies of all field data sheets and the delineation map will be included with the letter report. Methodology-T&E Habitat Analysis: Threatened and endangered species listed for Larimer County, and could be present on site, will be determined through a contact with the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). The project site will then be visited simultaneously with the wetland delineation to evaluate site characteristics and determine whether suitable habitat exists for any of the species potentially occurring on site. Photographs will be taken of the habitat present. Letter reports, including habitat photographs and project maps, will be prepared and submitted to the USFWS for concurrence as to whether habitat exists for any target species potentially occurring on site. One letter report will address plant species while the second will address animal species. The fieldwork and reports will be completed and prepared by biologists certified by the USFWS. Methodology -Nationwide Permit Application Preparation: Cedar Creek will follow guidelines promulgated by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) for the preparation of Nationwide Permits. Cedar Creek will review the prepared engineering plans and summarize such for inclusion in the permit application. Cedar Creek will also prepare a summary section on project objectives, location, the wetland delineation completed for this project, and other basic information required by the COE as part of the Nationwide Permit application program. A compensatory wetland mitigation plan will also be prepared, if necessary. The completed Nationwide 42 Permit Application package will be submitted to the Corps of Engineers. Proposed Costs Field survey = $640 Delineation Report = 400 T&E Habitat Analysis Reports = 960 Nationwide 42 Permit Application prep. w/ mitigation plan (if necessary) = 1,280 - 2,000 Project Management = 160 Miscellaneous (flagging, copying, etc.) = 50 Total = $3,490-$4,210 Costing Assumptions: 1.) No representatives from Cedar Creek will be required for meetings with government agencies. 2.) Weather or ground surface conditions will not interfere with the completion of fieldwork. 3.) A project map depicting the site will be provided to aid in the fieldwork. 4.) The boundaries of the proposed disturbed areas will not change from those noted on the project map provided to Cedar Creek as of April 12, 2012. 5.) A Corps of Engineers Individual Permit will not be required for this project. 6.) The mitigation area, if required, will be abutting or immediately adjacent to the project area. Proposal accepted and work authorized on behalf of Interwest Consulting Group: Date Please return to Stephen G. Long; Cedar Creek Associates, Inc., 613 Hinsdale Drive; Fort Collins, Colorado 80526 Manhours and Fee Estimate .• ._, .: Poudre River Pedestrian Bridge at Lelriay,Avenue Structural Engineering WORK ITEM - � TOIYIS T Principal Sliuctuml En'l I1CC( Civil FIl'IneCC CAD DI'at[el Sub- GOIISIIhnnl Direct Expense $108 $85 $85 1 $75 L.S. L.S. Preliminary Design Devclu p General Layout 2.0 4.0 f $516 Preliminary Sizing of Pier and Abulmen[s 2.0 6.0 $726 _ Preliminary Details of Pier and Abutments 2.0 2.0 8.0 $986- _ Wall Layout 2.0 8.0 _ $816. Wall Typical Sections 2.0 2.0 4.0 ` $686 Preliminary Quantity Calculations I.O 4.0 $448' I'Miminar Cost Estimate L(1 10 $363 Cooiclmariai 8.0 $50 _ $914.(- (1) Mecdnu in Fort Collins 4.0 $50 _ -_ $482 Subtotal 24A 17.0 1 24.0 $100 r. $5,937 - I Final Design U date and Finalize Gancia] Layout 2.0 2.0 _ ' $366' Foundation La out 1 0 6.0 $558 . Abutment I Desi�n Calculations 2.0 IIL(1 $1.066,":_ Abutment I Details 2.0 3.0 6.0 $921 Pier 2 Design Calculations 6.0 32.0 $3,368'' Pier Details 2.0 3.0 6.D __$921' Abutment 3 Design Calculations 2.0 10.0 $1,066 Abutment 3 Deaths 2.0 3.0 6.0 - $921 _- U date and Finalize Retaining Wall Layout 2.0 4.0 $516 Retaining, Wall Stem Design Calculations 2.0 4.0 $556 - Retainina A4a11 Footing/Foundation Design Calculations 2.0 8.0 $896 Retaining Wall Dctuils 2.0 3.0 S.o "$1,071 Handrail Derails 2.0 6.0 _$666 MISC. SIRIemi-al Shccts and Details 2.0 8.0 '$816, Final Qna1111tV CalLnlat1011S 1.0 6.0 $618_I Final Cost Estimate 2.0 3.0 - ;' $471=z ; Coordination 8.0 $50 _$914 -: (1) Meeting in Fort Collins 4.0 $50 _$482- Prefect S ccificalionv 3.0 $324 Subtotal 49.0 85.0 52.0 $too $16:517 Bidding Phase Ahead Pre -Bid Meeting 4.0 $50 _ ��$482- Respond to Questions/RFIS 4.0 " '$432' . Subtotal 8.0 $50 .. $914. Construction Phase Attend Pre -Construction Meetin d.0 $50 $482 ' San Engineering, LLC Pnudre River Ped Bridge- Structural MH E.t-4-9-12.xI, 4/19/2012 Manhours and Fee Estimate Poudre River Pedestrian Bridge at Lemay Avenue Structural Engineering 11'ORK ITEM 1'oWis '.. Principal Structural Engineer Civil Iiu ,lacer CAD Droller Sub- Consultant Direct Expense $108 $85 $85 $75 L.S. L.S. Rcs nuld to Questions/RFfs 6.0 $648 (6) Structural Inspections During Construction 30.0 $300 _ $2,850. Structural Shop Drawing and Submittal Reviews 3.0 10.0 $1.174 As -Built Drawings 2.0 1 6.0 I $666 Subtotal 15.0 40.0 . 1 1 6.0 I $350 $5,820 I - Total: - 96 142 I l 82 $600 . $29,188 ASSlllllptlllllti Structure type is pre -determined, therefore formal Structure $election Report is not required. Falsew'orle, temporary Shoring, excavation support and erection plans by Condactor Architectural enhancements are not required at ibis structure. - - - S:m Engineering. LLC Pondre River Ped Bridge- Structural Mil Est -4-9-12,k 4/19/2012