HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHANGE ORDER - RFP - 7100 JEFFERSON STREET ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS PROJECTof Planning, Development & Trans`orta/f1'on ®�®�lli1� Transportation Planning &Special Projects v 281 North College Avenue P.O. Box.580 Fort Collins, CO 80522.0580 970.224.6058 970.221.6239 - fax fcgov. comRransportation CHANGE ORDER FORM PROJECT TITLE: Jefferson SUSH 14 Project PROJECT NUMBER: 400901804 CONTRACTOR: ATKINS (PO#9102518) CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 3 In preparing change orders show in order as separate numbered paragraphs the following 1. Reason for change. 2. Description of change. 3. Change in contract cost. 4. Change in contract time. 1. & 2. See attached for reason and description of change. 3. The contract cost will increase by $38,750.00 4. The contract time will be extended thru April 30, 2012. ORIGINAL CONTRACT COST $401,975.00 TOTAL APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS $14,720.00 TOTAL PENDING CHANGE ORDERS $0.00 TOTAL THIS CHANGE ORDER $38,750.00 ADJUSTED CONTRACT COST $455,445.00 (Assuming all change ordtelrs approved) ACCEPTED ACCEPTED BY: 'old Lo, DATE: Z3 1Z t a /Raoresentttaativel SUBMITTED BY: / DATE: �--n//,�!%yC/L--� (Pr j er) REVIEWED BY: APPROVED BY: APPROVED BY: N (V'ir DATE: (Purchasing Agent) cc: City Clerk Contractor Purchasing Project File Atkins North America, Inc. 4601 DTC Boulevard, Suite 700 Denver, Colorado 80237 Telephone: +1.303.221.7275 Fax: +1.303.221.7276 www.atkinsgiobal.com/northamerica January 30, 2011 Kathleen Bracke City of Fort Collins 281 North College Avenue Fort Collins, Colorado 80524 RE: Jefferson Street Alternatives Analysis Purchase Order Number: 9102518 Atkins Project Number: 100015273 Time Extension Request: April 30, 2012 Additional Budget Request: $38, 750.00 Dear Kathleen: Please accept this request for a time extension and an additional $38, 750.00 for the Jefferson Street Alternatives Analysis Project. The purpose of the budget request is described below. Project Management Billings, progress reports, and progress status updates will be provided to Fort Collins on a monthly basis. Management activities also include management of contracts and submittals to Fort Collins and weekly conference calls. Agency Coordination • Attendance at a Public Utilities Commission diagnostic meeting • Attendance at two Technical Advisory Committee meetings • Attendance at Executive Oversight Committee meeting • Attendance at one other coordination meetings Public Meetings The consultant will participate in the final public meeting to actively engage the corridor property owners, tenants, and general public in the process. This input will be used to make a final decision on the preferred recommendation for the corridor. Develop Conceptual Alternatives (continuing update requests) Alternatives have been developed for the corridor and two intersection options including a roundabout and traditional signal intersection. As the alternatives have been finalized, additional request have been made to make modifications to the alternatives. Some of these updates may include: 0 Revising cost estimates Jefferson Street Alternatives Analysis — Additional Time and Budget Request February 1, 2012 Page 2 of 2 • Updating alternatives according to team feedback and comments from EOC and TAC • Responding to information requests • Adding detail to existing altematives • Coordination with subconsultants on roundabout specifics Revision and Preparation of Cost Estimates The consultant will revise and update the cost estimates for the preferred corridor alternative and two intersection options — traditional signal and roundabout. These estimates will include revised design drawings and urban design drawings of each alternative. Implementation Plan This task will incorporate the work from all the previous tasks into an implementation plan. The implementation schedule will reflect and integrate the work product from the previous tasks, include a proposed budget and reflect the integration of the transportation system. The implementation plan will serve as the guide for all elements of phasing and transportation funding. Task Summary Hours Cost Project Management (6 months) 52 $7,280.00 Agency Coordination 44 $7,300.00 Public Involvement 8 $1,300.00 Develop Conceptual Alternatives (continuing update requests) 84 $14,180.00 Revision and Preparation of Cost Estimates 30 $4,250.00 Implementation Plan 24 $4,440.00 Total $38,750.00 Thank you for consideration. If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact me at 303-221-7275, or carrie.wallis@atkinsglobal.com. Carrie Wallis, P.E., Project Manager � ,-m:=` . ,`€La .✓'E�tr, t .9.Scou �-.: .#u`5' Came Wallis Kelly KellL Leadbeder Dan Liddle lee Kunselman Sco0 Barnhart Justin Justin Wither, JeffKalman Tina Brand Lacey Roddkk Project Manager Protect Planner Alternative Devi Concepi Design Traffic Analysis Traffic Analysis Impl..,u Finance DANK Graphics Admin Total asks tiN.... a,S. k3r..^.-si3`:....G... ` a•'Y .....: $� ..140 �S:n a+65, flfa�.785 $4?t2i+f20 !$�5165: 1f 95 VM200 S: D985: if-'=55 ,.Hours;:. ,.,;Cost>TiP Task 0: Project Management Coordinator, billing; schedule updates (reekly calls and .(her request thm Apnl30) 52 52 S 7,280 PMT mee4n s f TAC meede s 2 8 8 16 f 2,600 EOC meebn s 1 4 4 4 12 S 2,100 Other Meetings i 4 4 1 8 S 1.300 Task l: Establish decision process and comm. protocols Orafl ect management Ian f Final project mans ernen! an f Task 2: Refine reject purpose, objective oats Prepare ur se. ob' Eves, arts technical memorandum S Issues and o unifies assessment S Task 3: Stakeholder coordination and public involvement Agency coordination UPRR Dis nosed 4 4 8 f 1.300 SlakeholdercoordinaAon f Pro ownenmrotin s $ Public Meetings 1 meeGn f Exhi flurandouV esentafion preparation f Press releaseslmedia materials f Meeting abendance 4 4 f 743 OOA Merin s 2meeti s $ Cit, Grand Meeting andlorworitsedeoni meetin 4 4 S 560 Task 4: Document exisifing condklons Review preandus sNtlies'repais f lappingS Pareas avaliaba Ineeds assessment f Reviewkefine model assum lions S UItity documentation S Conduct existing conditions baffeoperations anaJ,,sis f Environmental overtrew (including assessment of amharo I f Recommend needed land use than esAeoal Policy modifications $ EvaluMon of pamt stability and demoopmento nities S Pre are exisfing conditions and condor Mariana an f Task 5:Update currenU rejected traffic conditionsfanal sis view arrant and future land use plans for the conidor S enficatia and transit, of demo hits and TA2s f Research and summary of national best pri $ Develop valuation mend $ Prepare no acted and action traffic forecasts $ Prepare balfic conditions fechnical mernerandum f Preare:ralfic analfsis technical memorandum $ Task 6: Evaluate traffic operations Prepare transportation systemsa Ikabon technical memorandum $ Task 7: Alternatives development i co dentist alramaVves(containing u ate requests) 40 32 72 S 11,240 Alternatives ana sis mrksholdS Exhibibhandou resenbston preparaffort urban feel graphics) 12 12 f 1.440 Mantling standards $ Evaluate and trackage retraining alternatives S Fuller awards 3to 4 rarrianing aitemarves f Task 8: Sslef, Preferred alternative Select preferred alternative Package ideal estimates 10 20 30 S 4,250 Alternatives summary repert S Task 9: Prepare implementation plan and finance stradgy Implementation and finance plan 24 24 1 f 4,440 u_W31rotalT-r..s,769=1,164-10 ir1r?"S98 IOsIt64 ,i-kgo nil" O 0 `.,7$z..e0 f.M242!e,xvA;;RR242 Ourston S 1,500.00 Total f 78,750.00 Coco feted work f 22,221 Movin forward f 16,521