HomeMy WebLinkAbout493216 CLASSIC CONTRACTORS INC - CONTRACT - BID - 7312 ROSELAWN OFFICE BUILDINGI 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 City of Fort Collins Purchasing SPECIFICATIONS _►N CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR ROSELAWN OFFICE BUILDING BID NO. 7312 Financial Services Purchasing Division 215 N. Mason St. 2ntl Floor PO Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522 970.221.6775 970.221.6707 fcgov.com/Purchasing PURCHASING DIVISION 215 NORTH MASON STREET, 2ND FLOOR, FORT COLLINS L 11. Q. If modular building is an acceptable alternative, please clearly identify all required information for bidders to integrate into bids. A. Bidders responsibility. Build to specification notes on drawings. 12. Q. Is the Pre-Fab'd building to be included or excluded in Bids? If excluded, City will need to provide clear specifications and scope definitions between "Modular Home Builder" and Site Construction General Contractor. If included, City will have formulate specifications and possibly a per -determined list of acceptable "Modular Home Builders". A. Bidders responsibility. Build to specification notes on drawings. There will not be a pre -determined list of acceptable "Modular Home Builders". 13. Q. If we want to provide an alternate bid for a site built building, how do we submit with the current bid format? A. Submit your price in the bid schedule for a stick built or modular type building. Lump Sum Bid. 14. Q. Is the general contractor responsible for builder's risk insurance? A. Yes. 15. Q. Please confirm a 2-year warranty period is applicable for this project. Ref: RFP Spec 01740 A. Yes. 16. Q. Please clarify the scope for electric secondary and underground communication conduit between the transformer and the building. There is conflicting information as to whether this is part of the general contractor's scope. Also please clarify responsibility for asphalt patching of any trenches for electric secondary and communications conduit. A. All electrical secondary and communication conduit to be part of the bidder's scope. Contractor is also responsible for all asphalt/concrete patching too. 17. Q. Please clarify responsibility for the water meter pit and 3/4" service line to the building. A. Site contractor will bring water and sewer to within 5 feet of the building. General Contractor is responsible for the tie-in. Site contractor is responsible for the meter pit. 18. Q. Please clarify responsibility for the sewage grinder pump, grinder alarm panel, 4" building sewer to the grinder, and 1 %" HDPE pressure sewer line. A. The sewage grinder pump is installed. The grinder alarm panel has been supplied by the site contractor. Bidder to install and connect the alarm panel. bidder to tie-in the existing 4" sewer. Bidder to coordinate start-up with City of Fort Collins, site contractor and grinder pump manufacturer before grinder pump start-up. Addendum 1 — Roselawn Office Building Page 3 of 7 ' any d them to perform or furnish, any of- the Wort; or anyonefnr whose -nets _anv -of them may be liable; the indemnificatich obligation under piiragaph6.31 shall not be limited in: any way by.any'Emaslien Lin the amount or type oC'damages. comprttsauon ar benefits payable by .'or for CON'I RACTOR or arty suvliSubumtraao� Supplier or other person or organization under workers' compensation acts. disability benefit acts or other employee beneGl acts 633. 1 he indemniliwtion obligations of CONTRACTOR under. poramph 6,31 .Shall not extend to the halbibtyof ENGINEER and ENG[NEF,R's. Cotuuttants,. oftirzrs. directors,„employees or.ngents. caused by the professional ncgligcnce, errors ur omissions orally of then. Sanitlal of Obligations: 6.34. All rcpreschtations indemnification-, warranties andguanintees made_ in icyuircd by or given in accordance. with the Contract `Dotxnmcism. as well, as all continuing obligations indicated in the Contract Documents: will! survive final papnent.,compterion,arul acceptanceol:Jhe. Work avid termination or completion of dicAgrcemcriL ART[CCLF 7--0THER WORK Related Work az ae: 7,1,. OWNER niay perfomt other. work related to the Project at the site by OWNER's own forces, or lot other direct • contracts 'therefor 'whichshall contain Gcri ml, Conditions similar to these; or have other work performed by utility owners, .If the fact that silch,otherwork. is to be perfi*mt d lvashot noted in the Contract Documents.. then; (i) written notice thereof will be given to. CONE Rr\CTOR prieir to starting any such other work and (ii)CONTRACTOR may make a claim therefor as provided in Articles 1 I mxl 13 if CONTRACTOR'believej 'that such performance will invuhre additional expense to C0NTR:4CC0R a reins, additional time and die parties are unable to agret: as to the amount or giant thereof 7.1 CONPRr\CTOR shall afford etnch other contractor who u.a parry to such a direct contract and each utility owner (and 01VNER, if O�Wi ER his pertorming the: additional work with OWNER', employees). proper and sale access.to the sitemnda reasonable opportunity for tfie introduction and'storage of materials and equipment and the execution of such other work and shall pruperlyconnect acid ccordiriate the- Wurk' with theirs: L nless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, CONTRACTOR &all As all cutting. fitting and patching.of.the Work that maybe- required to male its several parts come.together properly and Integrate with such other work. CONTRACTOR. shall riot endarkeer any work of -others by cutting. e cuvating or olherwise.altering, their work and will only cut.onadter their work withthe wriuenconsentof EINGLNtER and the others whose work will be affected. The duties andres(ionsibilities of CCaNI'RAC.rOR under This pars uph are for the benefit of such utility owners and other contractors to the extentihat there ate mmparible E1C'DCi;ENER.V, CONUI'iIO,AL3 1'1lii,C (179u E&iail' 1s ca/CITY OF'FORT COLIAMAKJDIF'1CArioms I RhT4i2aUeF provisions for .the benefit of CONTRACTOR in :said direct contracts between OIVNiER and such utility owners and other. contractors. 7.3: If the proper, execution or results of any part of CQN`PH_-\CT0R2 Work- depends upon work performed by others under .this- Article 7, CONTRACTOR shall inspect. such other work and promptly report to. E'NGIV'EER in writing any delays, defects or dcticrencies in such other work that render it unavailable or unsuitable for the. prgM execudcm tmd results of CONfRACTOR's, Work. CON'TRACTOR's failure. so to rcpc t..will' constitute an. acceptance of such,,odier work. as fit and proper Car integration with 'CONTRACTOR's Work except.fbr. latent or norapiparem: defect: nnd'deficiencies in such other work. Cew nation: 7A. If OWNER contractswith others for the performance of oiher,work on the Project at the site; .the fiillowing will beset forth in Supplementary Conditions: 7R.1. theperson,4imi orcorpotation who will have authority snd rcsponsibihN• fix coordination of the actn tncs. among the variousprime contractors will, be identified, 7-4.2. - the specific .mattcts to bc, covered by such authority and responsibility will be itemized: and. 7.433. the extent • of, such 'authority and responsibilities will be pmvidca. Unless otherwise provided in the Supplementary Conditions, 0".rNF.R shall have ,solo authority and resporuibility in respect of such coordunation, MU UCLE tL-OWNER'S RFSPOi\SLBILarES. 8:1. Except as otherwise provided in these Geneml Conditions, OWNTR shall' issue all communications to COi TRACTOR thnwch ENGD0 R. $2. Ih case of termination of the employment a LNL GINEER; OWNER shall appofm an engineer against wlrum-EOi FTRAt_'fOR-nrekc-no-reasiunable-iibjcetiork whose status under. the Contract Dowm_ents shall be that of the former MNGNEER- 8.3. OWNER: shall famish the dart required' of. OWNER vender the 'Contract Documents promptly and shall make patymenis to•CONTRACTOR.promptly when they are due as provided in paravtraphs 14 4.and 14..1J. 8.4. OWNER's duties in respect of providing lands and easements and providing &garcering surveys to establish reference points are set, forth in piiragniphs4"1 and 4.4. P.rriigmph4.: refers to OWNLR's•identifying and making available to C (JNTR,\(.1'OR copies of rcports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at the sire and drawings,of physical conditions in existing. 1 1 1 t_J 1 1 L strictures at onumigiious to.the site that have been utilized by ENG WEER in preparim the Contraci Documents: o.F'c'I-pertiliwring ua4-titatnta ..ufamsa-nfe-sat torah•inpamrriphsa-a-thrtxtaii-5 14r , S.C. 06%WER isobligated to execute Change•Ordds as indiwted in piragaph 10.3. S. OWWERs responsibility in, respect of- certain ts mspations, tesnd appruvats 'is set forth ".'in pamgmph 13:4. 5.3. In connection with n1VNF,hs right to stop Work or suspend Work, sec: p ara5n iphs 13,I(I and 15.1. Paragraph 15.2 icals'tvith OIV:VFRs right to terminate services of CONERAC'rOR.under certain circumstinces IS;9: The OWNER swill not supervise;, direct or have control or authority ,over, not be responsible for. CQYfR4Cl'OR's-mchns, methods techniques; sequences or procedures of consuuctioh or the safety precautions and progrm, ms. incident thereto, or for any failure or CnNfRAC TOR' io comply with laws and Regulations applicable to the -furnishing or perlonnance of the•Work. OWNER will not be responsible lar CONTRACTORS failure to perform or fiarnish the Work in ❑ccordand'.0 with the Contract Documents F-Iy—E)WNEiRs-Iztpansikiil ity-ire-respear-o�tttidisslosad Asbesr" PC -Bs; RAEiIE@2tr .'io-�latrT-�&iT'vtrCBVaf2r(-(\FfaY2iliad-of-Ella-Sire: is SCk-fO(iIi-iri-pfifRPfBph-"�3- ice`Ft`Utt-�i�'1{.'rD�lm`ra_"es�izv11i,Im rc4X+FFt�-\.�F4)".r,-aasonah6— -donee--Elms 4 4 nleial tu•F'tt"rpagemants-Ma va-been-made-tilt-satisfy--t?A-ti E&'s K "OR—- rKas"po�nstbility-ur-rrspeac-tliare�FW ill-bans-set-Earth-i»-thz Supplementary -Cor dit ions, ARTICLE 9-&C,1IF,F.R'S STATUS *DURING CONSTRUCTION OIMVER'i fUpre.reritative. 9,1. ENGD4&-,R will be OWNERSrepresentative during the Lor&ru_ction, period The duU6 and responsibilities .and the limitations of authority of JD1GNEER as OIYNER's mpresentalive during construction are set forth in the Contrict Documents and shall na be extended without written consent of OWNER arn1GNG[NCE[L visits ti/ Site. 9.. ENGDIEER will make visits to the 'site at intervals appropriate to the various .stages of construction as ENGINNEFR deems necessary in order to, observe as an esperienced and qualified design professional the pregrecs, Cn(UC'C4h'NtTGV;,COM1UfTiQ�'A' t`11 WJ (l7Jn (;itiliull WI CI rY OF FORT COLLINS MODIHCATIONS IAGV •IQOaOj that has been made and the quality of the various aspects of CO\TRACTOR's exenned Work Erased on information obtained.during such visits and observations. 6NGlNEER will endeavor for the benefit of OIATfER to deterntme;.. in general;.' if. the Work is proceeding. in nccordaned with the Contract Documents ENGLyEER %till not be.requiredlo make.erlwustive or continuous on- sile.inspectioro to check,the quality or tluantity of the Work. ENGRIEE.Ws ctl'orts. will be •directed toward providing for OWNER a greater degree of contiderice that the completed .Work will conform generally in • the Contract Documents. On the basis of such visits aril on - site observations, HNGWEE':R'. will Leep- OWNER informed of the progess of the Work and will endeavor to guard OWNER aeainst defective Work: ENGINEFR's visits and. on-suc ii scryatlons are subject to all the limitations on ENGIrYEER's authority and responsibility set forth in ��zttr�agrlph 9.13, and particulark, but without hmitatiort dunrtg. tx as a result of 6NGI14EER's.on-site visits or observations of (UNI'RAc-rOR's. Work ENGENEER'MR not supervise duoct- control oc have authority overor he resportsihle for CONTRACTOR's means, methods, technique-, sequences or procedure's of construction, or the safety precautions. and programs incident thereta- or for anyfailureof Gt)NTRAt;'I;QI: to comply with Laws .and Regulauoms appliiihle to the furmshntg or perfi6ninartcc of the Work. Project Repretentativer U. if OWNER and ENGLYEER agree, ENGINEER will furnish a Resident t'roject RePresentative to assist ENGINEER. in providing more Contmuous.observation of the Work The responsibilities and 'authonty and limitations thereon nf. any such Resident .Project Representative- and .assistants will be as. provided in liamgmphs 9:3 and -9.13 nrttF-iir-rive-.Sutrt)kmantrty Conditions of these General! Conditions.. if OWNER designatesanother .representative or agent to represent OWNER atthe site who is not; ENGIN-EERs. Consultant, agent or employee- the responsibilities and authority and limitations, thereon of such other person will be as 9.3.1. The Representative's dralinus in matters penaina\e ln.ihe.on-rile t,nrk will in general,be with the ENGii`IEER and CONTRACTOR But. the Representative will keep_ the OWNER gopedy advised about 'such matters The R2rxesenixtiie's de alines -with subcontractors will unly"be thttweh or with the. full..knowlcdee .and oporoyahoC_the CON'l'R4G'COR 93.2. Duties and Responsibilities. Rctresentative ~will: 9.3:2.I.Schedules - Review. .theruo�ess schedule and other schedules prepared Ir: the CONTRACTOR anti consult. mth the EJGG&-ER ccncernine ac"Hbilily_ 3 Conferences and Mmling Attena meeting with the CONTRACTOR such as. pregonsiructiort�onferenrxsLprotness meeting_ and. other: iob..unfaencess .mtd _ prepare and circulate copies of miinutcs of "mcelines. •9.:123. Liaison 9.12.31. Serve as. ENGRNEER'S' .liaison with CONTRAC OR. ivoil:ine primipallY through' CONTRACTORS superintendent to assist the CON-rR.Acrm in understanding the Centrad Documents A..a t in oblainirte f-6m OWNER additional dctaiLior information; when required for Proper.exczution of the. Work, 93:133. Advise the ENGINEER and CONTRACTOR of the commencement of anvv Work- m4uirine a Shop Dmwing or %%ample submission -if thc'submissiowhas not been amzoycd by the ENGINEER. 9 �,_'.J.Review of W4ir1�R3Jectiori of DeFrctive eV�k. Inspecdons and Tcsts"- "Conduct on -site oizservationsof theWork proatuss to assist (fie ENGINEER .in detamiiniit�th_gt the 1Vork is �pexdma to :accordance w9th the Contract.Dmuments 9.3�2.33. Accomennv. .visitins,�iru rotors representing 2ubfic or other agencies having jvr sd ctiom'overthe Proiee recor l the rostd .or thew inspections and report' to, the EdGNEER. 9.3 Li. ImerprLwiton of Contract Documents. Report ta ENGEN-EL-R .when elarifiLitions and intcrpielatibm of the'�Contract Documents are needed .and transmit to CONTRACTOR clariftcauton mxl LuttuDictutiorL of the Contract DecumcnLs as mued by the ENGINEER. Modificatipns. Consider and evaluate CONTRACTOR'S suggentiorts for sieve cE�ettAl, coutxnotrs t9 nlut tt v§v tarua�i I tJl CTr1'OG CORT CULLI1S91UOthl CA'IlONS tltls\' �t2a11111 ntodiLeatibrt in Dmwimas or. Specifications amd. report:thega- recommendations'toENGINEER. Accttrately wmsmit _to .CONTRACTOR decisions issued by the ENOI.i= 9:3:2:7t Records. 9�2 s�!—RzF4rts: 9:3.= 8.1. Furnish. I~ GLNEER periodic report&. as r uirecL of the-okess. of the Work and -of. the CONTRACTOR'S coinnlia- cr1 2 tt'llh tht prQe�ress=cl).e�i!!le and schedule oC shop. Dmiving and sample submitLit Consult vim 11VGIYL[i adwmce- of s_rheduling may art tests, gmL 5 ctrj—f 1�r %tart a important philses Of the Wert:. 933:8:3. Dmfi proposed Change Orders and Worl�Rrel:tiv_C}rarn�es; obtaining backup material from the CCONTMC:fOR and. -recommend la ENGLEER Change Arderc lVprk Daeetive Changes and field orders: 12eport, rmmei ately to LNGLNEERa td'rjWN'E& they cccurreriu of arty accident. Payment Requests. Review nppIkatians for x�a with theygnt with COWRACCOR for compliance established- pra-edurc [or their submission and forward with recommendation to 7 IgGI\itEL•P` notirr-, particularly the relatibn5hlp of the pavteent miuestcd'to the schedule of values. work completed acid materials and.euuiPrinent. delivered at the sile•but'net,incorporated in die. Work: 9.3:21U). Completion. 93 IG.1.6efor� LNG IM. issues a Certificate of 'ubstantial (:omolenbn. strter to CONTRACTOR a list of pbserve itrnis. reaui airs correction or completion. ' 9 T2:102. Conduct finial' ircpec[ion inthe coalmnv of the F.NGINP.NR_ OWNER and. CONTRACTOR .and prepare a final. list of items to be corrected or completed.. 'Observe that all items on [lie• Final list have, been corrected or completed and make recommendations to ENGMER concerning accenlance: 93:3. Limitation of Authority: 'The Representative shall ' not, 9.3.3; 1. Authori7.e any' ryYation-s frog the Cantr,tct Documents or:uittrot any suhstitute- or_zcgrtfpment, winless authorized by the. 'materiabs ENGWIUiR 9.3.3:3: .Exceed_ limitntinns. of VNd NEE'R'S� authoritv:as set forth in the Contract Documents 9333 lTndcrakc anv.of the respohsibilitics Of the CONPRACTOR Subeontractora or COVC[�TOR•Ssuwc tertdent. Advise on or issue dircNtiollativa to_ or assume control of er any�asrect`of the mea s methods etches tLc.%.sequuues. or ' ,procedures gr coilstrtictgir� a is _�Ss�tic _axe ifically called for in the ContnrcrFJoannents.. Advise on or issue directions rep,-adoc assume control over safery ' precautions and to ams in cormecdons with die• LVodr: 2..LI6. Acccpt 3 2 DrDrawmas_orrssamplc submittals From anyone 'other than the CONTRACTOR _ :Authl .OWNER. to _ eccupv. the Work in whole or in part. Panici atp a in speciulimd field or labomtury tests or inspections conducted by others. caccep_t as q=11cat1y author:: by the ENGINEER ' Clarifications and Lrterpietations: 9.4. ENGMER will issue with rrlsonable promptness such written clarifications. or interpretntigns of the. F1i'OC eery, 7t7GV:.CONutTl6..�'t"tttJ tt Yin ErDticnl .vr arc oFrotcr COLLINS atoDIFtra no-+s tasv uaouoi I rots regents of the Contract D&umertts (in the form of niul= or otherwise) as ENGINEER tasty determine necessary, which shall be consistent with theintent of and reasonably inferable from the Contract Documents: Such' written clarifications amd interpretations will be binding on QWNFR and CONTRACTOR. If pIWER or, CON R-ACTOR believes'thaF a written clarification or interpretation justifies an adjustment in they Contract Price or the Contract TweY andtheparties.are unable to agree. to the amount or. encnl Ihcr'wE if any. OWNER or CONTRACTOR may mAe a written claw therefor .is. provided in Arucic-1 l ur Ariicle IZ Autharized ✓ariadiins in )York yS, ENGINEER may authorize. minor variations in the Work from, the requirements of the Contract Doctimeritv.whkh-do not'involve an ad11ustawnt in the Contract Price or the Comrl Timcs land are compatible with the.'design concept of the �complcted Project ai-a functloruny whole us indicated by the Contract Documents. These may be.nocomplished by n Field Order and will b; binding on OWNER and also on COIWRACTOR.who-shall perform the Work involved promptly. If OWNER or CONE RAC TOIL bcli •ves that a FieldOrdcrjastifics an adjusmtent in theContract Price or .the Contmcr `times and. the parties are unable to agree as .it) the .amount, or ektent thereof. OWNER: or CONMNCTOR may make a written claim therefor is provided in Al Por,12, Reje�ng Defedive I trark:. 9.6. FNGINEER will have authority to disapprove or re1ect WVtwk- which Fi rCrNEFR' believe. to he &fective, .or that ENGLNEER believes will not procluee it completed Project that conformi to the Cimtract Documents or that wig prejudice the intdgrity of'the design concept of flit Completed Project is a.functioning whole as indicated by die Contract Mumcr[ts.. ENGINrEER will also- have authority to require special inspection or resting of the Wcik as provided in paragraph I3.9..whether,or not the Work is fabricated, installed or completed. Chap. Dralviirgw. Change Ordersand Payments: 9.1. -Lh connection with ENGINEER's authority as to ShbpDm%vings and'Samples,,me paragraphs 6?4 through .6.2v�'� a1CIUalY C; 9.8: In. connection with ENC,INCCR's authority as to Change Orders. see .articlesIU 11.and 12: 99. In conneclion with ENGINEER'S authority, as to' Applications''for "Payment; see Al 14. Deteratinatrans fur Unit Prices.'. 9:I0. ENGINEEK twill, determine the actual quantities and classilitations of UniL.Price Work performed by CONTRACTOR.. E 40DIMR- will: review with CONFR (:['OR the H*N' r NiER's -preliminary .determinations onsuch matters belore rendering a written decision -thereon (byrecommendation of,an .Application 21 I for Paynient orrodterwise). E, t-GLN'EER's aTitten decision thereon trill, be final and binding apart, OWNER and CONfR--kCCGR unless, within ten days after the date of .any such decision either OWNER w CONTRACTOR delivers to the other and to ENGINEER wrium nmice of intention to appeal -Irani ENGIN TER's de6sion'and:' (i) an appeal from EArGINT-ER's declsibn is taken within un the time Emits and in accordance with the procedures. -set fords in Ghtbit GC -A, "Dispute Resolution agreement% entered into between OWNER 'und C:ONCRAC'OR pursuant to Article lo, or (ni) if nosuch_Dispuic Resolution agreement has been entered into, a.formal proceeding Ts tretiwif d by the appealing party in a.forutn of competent jurisdiction to- axcrcise such nghts ur remedies as the appealing party may have with res?ep ci io FNGNFER's decision_ unless otheiwise agreed in writing by OWNER and cogrR:,kabR Such appeal will rat bc.subject to the procedures of paragraph 9.11. peeisionsgn Mlpatt 1,11, ENUNEEK will be tfe initial interpreter of the rcqu rdmems of the Contract Documents.and judge ofno d e accepmliality of he Work [here coder. Claiins,.desputes and other matters re lati%.it) the accelxahility'of thrWork or the, interpretation of the requirements. of the Contract Documents pieta fining to'thc performanceand furnishing of the Work and claims -under Articles i I arid 12 at respect of changes in the. Contract Price or Contract Times will be retcrred initially to ENGINEER in writing.witha request for a Formal decision in accordance'with this,baracmph. Written notice of each such claim, dispute or tither matter will be delivered by -the claimant to LNGNEER and the other party to the Agremorit promptly (but.. in no event later than thirty days) after the smit of the occurtence or event giving rise thereto, and written supportingdata.willl bi,:.submitted to ENGNEF,R and the ditherparty within slxty.days aRerthe start of such occurrence or, event unless LNGL\ZER allows an additional periml,of time far the submission of additional or more accurate dater in support of such clairti, dispute or other matter, The•opposing party shall submit any response to �.NGNEER and the claimant within thirty days alter receipt of the claimant's last submittal (unless F.NGiNF.F.R allowsadditional time). DIGUEER will render a formal decision in writing within thirtydays after racei_pt of the opposing pangs submittal, if any, in accordance with this paragraph ENGINEL•Rs written decision on such claim, dlisputaor•othermatter .will be final and binding upon OWNER and C7N IZ-ACTOR unless: (i).an appeal from L•Z4GNEER's decision'is taken within the- time limitit and in accordance with the procedures set forth in ESHiB rf .GC-.4 "Dispute Resolution Agreement'� entered into belweCn OWNER. and CON ACTOR pursuant to Article 16i, or (ii) if no such .Dispute'Resolution Agreemerdhas been entered .into, a written notice of intention to appeal from LNIGNLLR's written decision is delivered by OWNER or CONTRACTOR to the other and to ENGNEER within thirty: days after the flute of such decision and a formal proceeding is'instituted by thc.appealirg party'in a finam of competent jurisdiction to exercise such rights or remedies as the appealing Party may have with,respect to such claim.. dispute or other matter in accordance with applicable Laws and Regulations within snit} daysof the clare of such iWDC 9ENER.a1. cot lurno� a tits 091)u EJiawi i 2 WICITYOil FORT cuttta}atoolRC.ATiousacev-aaaom decision-. t nIm otherwise agreed in writub, by' Ol1!-IER and CUNrRACTOF, 9.12, When functioning as interpreter and judge tinier paragraphs9.10 and 9.il ENGINNEER will not shoty able to OWNER or CONTRA((rQR'and will not be liable in connection with any. interpretation or. decision rendered in good failhAri ;such capacity. The.rcndlering of a decision by ENGL.\iEER pursuant 6 paragraphs 9.10'6r 9.11 with .respect toany such claim: dispute or other matter(except any whichhavv been waived by the•niaking or acceptartce of final peymcnt as provided in paragraph 14.15) will be a condition precedent to any exercise by OWNER or CONTRACTOR of such rights or remedies as either may otherwise have tinder the Contract poeuiaenta or by l'aiys or. Regulations in respect of any such claim, dispute or other molter-p irsuanHer\rt clo-l€: 9.13. Lunitatidns, on ENClNEER's Authodry and' Respnn.siblYhevc - - - 9.13.1. Neither FNGiNEER's authority or rsponsibility. under this Article 9,or under any other provision of the'Contract Documents nor any decision made by ENGINEER in good faith either in exercise or -not exercise such authority or responsibility or the undcrmkiri , 6�creim orperformrmcx of any authdufiy or responsibility by ENGNEFR shall creatc,.impuse or give rise to any 'ditty owed by Er O=- R to CC)NTIU GFOR, any Sulx:ontra<aor, any Supplier, any other parson ar organization, or to any surety for or employee or agent of.any.of them. 9,13.2. ENGINEER will not supervise; direct, control or have authority over or be responsible for CONTRACTORS _ means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction or die safety precautions and programs incident thereto, or for any fdailure of CONTRACTOR to comply with Laws and Regulaticits applicable. to the furnishing or perforninhce of the Work, ENO r[\,TEER will not be responsible for CONTRACTOR's failure to -perform or ftindsh the Wale in accordance. with -the Contract Documents. 9.13.3. ENGINEER will not be responsible for the acts or omissions of CONTRt\CTOR ix of tiny Subcontractor, any Supplier,.or orany other person or .organvation perCormino. or furna' ing any of the Work 9.13.4. ENGINEER's review_ofthe final Application for Payment and ad'compan6ng'ddwumenrrnaon and all mainlerpince:and operating instructions. schedules, -guarantees, [fonds and certificates of inspection; tests and approvals and uther dcmru entalicvt required to be. delivered by piaragraph 14:12 idlll only be to determine generally that their content. complies with, the reyuirrrrents of, and to the rase. of certificates of inspections, tests nil' approvals that, the rrstilts certified indicate compliance with the Contract Documents. 9.135. The limimuorts. upon authority and 77 �I C 11 1 1 I L II u rzsponsibility set forth in this praragrmph 9,13 slialt also ._apply to ENG WEER's Consultants„ Resident Project Representative and assistants ARTICL.E.10-CHANGES IN:TREWORIC 10.1. Without invalidating the Agreemaat and without notice to'any surety, OWNQL may, at. Any time or from time. to time- order additions; deletions or.revisions in the Work.. Such additions, deletions or revisions will, be authorized by a Written Amcrid sent a Change. Order.: or a: Work Change Directive- Upon receipt or a6y such document, CONTRACTOR shall promptly, proceed with the Work involved which will, be performed under the applicable conditions of the Contract Documents (except as otherwise specifically.. provided): 10.2: If OWNER and COINURACTOR are unable to .agree as to the witem, if any, of an,adjusmient in the' - contract. -price or an adjustment.ofahe Contract Times that should be Allowed as a result of 3. Work- ChangeTlirecuve; a'claim niav he made there(orras provided in Article I t or Article l', 10.3. CoVTRACTOR shall not be entitled to an increase n the Contract Price or an exteatsi6t of the Contract Times with respect to,any Work performed that is nht required'by the Contract- D3 cuments as amended, modilied and supplcmcntcdas provided in paragraphs 3.5 and.3,b, except m the caw of an emergency as provided in paragraph 6: 3. or in thecase or uncovc iaz Work. as, provided in paragraph 13,9: IOA: OWNER and CONTRACTOR' shall: execute appropriate Change Orders recommended by ENGIK=E (or Written Ameridnients) covering: 10.4.1. changes in the Work which are (i) ordered. by OWNER pursuant to pamemph 10,1', (ii) required 'because of acceptance of oIefecrn•e Work tinder pamgraph'l3.13 or correcting defective: Work under, paragraph'1Y 14„or(ui)agreed to by the parties; 10.4.2, changes in tire Contract Price or Contract Times which are agreed to by the parties; turd 10.4:3: .changes in the Contract Price or Contract Times which embody the sobsutru:c or arty written decision rendered by ENGINEER pursuant. to paragraph 9.11; provided lhat,'in•lieu ofexecuung any -such Change Order, an appeal may be taken from any subh decii iun in accordance with the provisions of the Contract Documents and applicable Laws. end Regulations, but during any such appppecaal. CO\1TRACTOP shall carry. on the Work aril adhae to -the progress schedule as provided in paragraph 6.29_ 105. If notice of any change -affecting the general scope. or the Wo&or the-prnyisiens.of,thz Contract Documents. Etc'UCOr1E7t-1L,CONUf110N5 191u$ (1w(! Ec iLi"6 wi a'rrc OFrotrr CotLln, atouu� ICAnovs (acv,Ir_otto) (mclujing, but not limited to. C'ontmct Price,or Contract Times) is. required by the provisions of'any, Bond. to be =item to a surety„ the. giv' of any'such notice will be CtdNTRACTOR's responsibility; and the amount of each applicable Bond will beAdjusted accordingly. ARTICLE it -CHANGE OF CONI'RACT•PRICE 11.1. The Contract price constitutes the total cnnapen5atron (subject to Authorized adjustments) payabld to CONTRACTOR for performing the Work.. NI shades, resphmshbilitics andbhligations,assigned to or undertaken by C ON r RAC't'OR shall ho al CONT RACTOR's expense with&L,.hangc in the'Contmct MCC. I I.^_. Thc,Contract'.I'tice may only: +be changed by a Change Order or by a .Written /Amendment Any claim -for an adjustment in the Contract Price ;Ball he based on written notice delivered by•tic.pcarty,mRmA the claim 16 the other party and to ENGINEER promptly (brat in rho eventlater than thirty days) •after the start of the occurrence or wcm gtvirtg rise. to the claim and siaring the general nature of the claim, Notice of the amounti�f the claim with.supporltng data shall'be delivered within sissy days alter the start of such occurrence or event (Unless F-Mi hNFBR ailows:addilional time tar claimantto submit Additional or more accurate data in support of die claim) and shill be accompanied by claimant's tyriaen statement that the adjustnent claimed covets Ali knowm amotlrita to which the claimant is entitled as a result of said occurrence or event All claims for adjustment in the Contract. Price, shall be determined by GsiGMER in •accordance with parae ph9.11if OWNER and CONTRACTOR cannot utherwisn agree ,on the amount involved. ago claim ror an adjustment in the Contract Price will be valid if not submitted in accordance ivith this paragrmiph t 1.2. .1.1.3. The value ofuny Wick. covered by a :Change Order or of anv.claim loran adjustmem .in the. Contract Price will be determined'ias fdlltnvs:, 1 L.M. t4here the. Work involved -is covered by unit prices aintamcd..in the , Contract Documents. by application of such Unit prices to the.quanthties of the items involved (subject to -the provisions. of 33 I paragraphs 11.9.1 through f 1.93: inclusive); CONTRACTOR :shall obtain, competitive bids from Subcontractors acceptable to OW'1`M and 11.3.2. where the Work involved is not covered. by CONTRACTOR and shall dcliver such bids to tout pares contained in the Conttuct-Documents, by a. OWNER who will then determine; with the advice of mutually 4md payment basct including lump' sum 6NGINEL•R..which.bids if any'. will be accepted. If ' (which may include annllio%xmnce far overhead' and any subcontract �,rovides that the•Subcontractoi is to profit not necessarily .in accordance with be'poid on the basis of Cost of the Work plus a Tee, ptiragraph l L.6.2): the Subcontractoes.Costof the \York Lind fee shall be determined in the same manner as CONTRaCTOR's 11.3.3. where the Work involved is not covered by unit Cost of the Work find ree as provided in ' prices contained in the Contras :Documents and. paragraphs 114 11.3, I f_6 _anti 117 All agReentrnt to a- Lump sum is not reached under subwntrm6 shall bt subjecfto the oiher.provisions'of paragraph 11.3:2. on the basis of the. Cost of the Work. the Citrntract Documents insofar asapplicahle. (Cktenrimed-as provided in paragraphs I�.l 4 and I1,S) plus a C ONTRAC.I Ohs fee for overhestd and profit: 11 4 4: (Cost% of special cottsulwnts (inelading bar' (deterfined as provided paragraph 1 1',6). not limited to engineers, architects, testing laboratories, surveyors. attomeys and accounlmrls) Cmvtojdie Work-, crriploycd for services specifically related to -the. 11,4. 'fhy: corm Cost of the: Work means the Stan of all mststneccssarily incurred aW paid by CONTRACTOR in Work. I.l 4S. Supplemental costs including dia.following; ' the proper performance.of the Work 6zcept as otherwise may be agreed to in writing by OWNER; such costsshall' '['He proporuob_ of necessary be'in amounts no htgher'thnn those prevailing in 'the transponatim travel and suhsstence e peaces of tocaliry of the Project, shalt include vly the Following C ON'FRAC 1UR's employees incurrcd in items.anti shall not irtchide any *of the costs itumimd- in discharge of duues'connected With the Work, , paragraph I I a: 11.4.5.=. Cast, including traitspurta[ian -and I1.41_Payroll costs for employees in the direct, maintenance of all materials, supplies, employ of WNTRACTOR in the performance of the equipment_ machinery;.appliances, office and Work under schedules of .job classifications nureed temporary facditiei; at the site and hand tools not ' upon by OWNER and CON mA(] 'OR. Such owned by the worker: which,are eonsumed'tn the employees- shall include without lunimiion performance of die Work, and cmJss.:market 5uperintendcrits, foremen and other personnel viluc of such items used but not consumed which employctl'�fulLtime at the site. Payroll co%ts.for remain-the praperty.ofCONTRACTOR. employees not emploved full-time on the Work chaff be apportioned on the basis of their time sixid on the 11.4.153. Rentals pf all construction Work. PayrQU costs shall include. but not be.l'united tih ecrtipment and machinery and the parts thereof safaris and wages -plus the e w of fringe benefits whether rented lo6m C'c?NITFLACTOR or others in which shall include .social security contributions„ accordance with rental agrxmenis.approvcd by unemployment. eectse.and payroll teaices, workers' OWNER -with the advice.ofENG EER.anb.the cuntpersatiiiR'health iind•redrement benefits,�bonuse+ costs of transportation, loadira , unliudirig, rttadFt)4iiley.1r applicable thereto. installation,,dismantirngand removal•theieof-all The expenses of parfonning Work alter mgular in accorcv with. terns, of °aid rental dan 'The working hours, on Saturday; Sundry or'legal holidays. agreements. renal of ariv•such equipment, r' nt shill br Iuded,in the aberve to the exteauthorised machiriaiv' or pans shall cease when the use , by OWNER. thereof WWI longer necessary, for the Work, 11.43, Cent of all materials and equipment furnished t; Sales, consumer, use of similartw= `and' -incorporated in the Work including costsof related to ' the Work and, :for which transportation and storage thereof, and Suppliers field CONTRACTOR is liable, imposed by Laws and ' services required in wruiection therewith All cash Regulations. discounts shall: accrue to CONTRACTOR tailess OW'I,TPdepmiL% funds with CONTRACTOR with Deposits lost for causes other than which to make payments," to which case the cash negli_ance of CONTRACTOR, am•• discounts shall accnta to OWNER All trade Subcontractor or .anyone directly or indirectly , discounts rebates and refunds and returns from silt of emploved byanyCof diem or for whose acts any surplus materials and cquipmenr shall accrue to of than may li .liable. and royalty p'aymems and OWNER: and CUXJTLACTOR shall muke provisions lioes for permits and licetses. .so that they may be obtained Losses and darnages C•and related Pavnients made by CONTR.t1CTOR to the WCPL tscs) caused by damage to the Work. not Subcontractors for Work"perforriud or furnished b.y coiripertsated by irm"we or otherwise. sustained Subcontmdtors. ff required by OWNER, by GoN'tkACTOR in wrinecticm with the FacocoeNFx:u.co:furrto� i�tostt�iesecm "4 tvrCI'rY OF'FORT OoLLuz_%iobiFtCATIONS IRL•7'4000e) I 1 I Lperformance and Furnishing of the 'Work (except lossesand•damages within the deductible amounts-. of progpeeny insurance established by OWNER in as or lance .with paragraph 5 9); provided they. have - resulted .from causes- other than the - negligence of CONTRACTOR, any Subeoranctor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or for whose acts any of them, may be liable. 'Such losses • _shall' include. settlements made with the written consent and appruvgl of OWNEfe No such lasses, damages arxl expenses shall be .included in the Tint *of the Work for the , purpose of determining. CONTRACTORS fee. If however. any such loss n damagerequires reconstruction and CONTRACTOR 'is laced in charge thereof, CONTRACTTOR shall be paid• for services it fee proportionate to that stated in paragraph 11.6.2. 1 14 5;T Tlx: cost of utilities. fuel and :sanitary facilities at thesite. 11A.-M, . Plinor espcnscs such as telegrams, Iona distance telephone mils, telephone service at the site„expressage and similar petty cash items in connection with the Work. Cost of prcmiwns for additionaLBonL6 and insumme required because of changes in the ' Work: 11.5, The term Cost of the Work.shall not.ancludc any of the following: 1 LS,I, Payroll costs and other compensnliom of CO`'TR:\CTOR's officers, exec6tives, principals (of• txtMership hnd.solc proprietorships). general mamagas, -.attorneys, engmcers, architects, .estimators: auditors_ accountants, purchasing and contracting agents:. 4editefs, timckccpcfa. clerks and other personnel. employed by CONTRAC OR,whether at the site Or in -office CONTRACTOR's principal or a branch • (or general'adutinistration'of the. Wort: and not specifically included in the agreed' upon schedule of job classifications, referred to in pnra3nph l.lA.l or ' specifically covered by paragraph 1IA4-all (if which are to be considered li&i istratuve-costs covered by the CON1'RACTOR's fee. 11.5,2. Expenses. of COaffRACTOR's principal and branch offices other than'C".ONTRr\GTOR's afGez aL tile: site, 11.5.3. Any part of CONCRACTOR's capital• expenses. including interest on, CONTRACTOR'S: capital employed for the Work and charets against CONTRAC'•TOR.for delinquent. payments 11.5.4. Coast of premiums for ull Sunds and for. all insurance -whether or not CONTRACTOR is required by the Contract Documents tq purchase and maintain the same (ceept for the cost of premiums covered by subparagraph 11.4.5:9 above). ' P1oOCohNFxxt,colixno,` (9io-s 09911E Niiuu w/Q'IY orroR.T COLLINS AtCN119CAT1ONS (REV V2om) I1.5,5, Costs due to the negligence of CONTRACTOR any Suhcbmnuctor. or anyone directly or inctirecdy employed by any of them,or for whose acts any of them may be liable including buL not limited to the connection of tkjectoe• \York disposal.6f rrlaterials or ecimphlent wrongly supplied and making guud'any damage to property. 11.5,6. Other overhead or general, expense costs of any 6ind'and the coatis of any item riot specifically and expressly included in paragraph s I.A, 1116. The C0NT"CT0iZ:s .fee allowed to CONTRACTOR Ici overhead and profit shall be determined as.folluws: 11.6.1•. a mutually acceptable fixed fee.,or I I o?; if lt:ecdA'�e is not agreed upon; then a fec, based on the tollowing percentages of the.'vanous portions of the Cost of the Wank: ll.6.2.1. for casts. 'incurred under r'mgmph-1 1-4, and 11:4,2; the TONT RACTOR'.s fee rM l,he fifl< cnpercent;, 11.6:2c2. for costs incurred under paragraph 11.4.3, the CONTPiV_ TOR'% fce.shuall be five pdreenr. where one or more, tiers of subcontracts are on the basis of Cost of the Work plus a fee and no fixed fec. is agreed uport the intent of paragraphs 111 - 1, 11-4.2, 11;4.3.and I1.62 Li that the Subcommaor who actually performs or tumishes the Wait, it whatever tier, drib Ix paid a fee.of Fifteen percent of the costs .incurred by such Subcontractor raider piarazfaphs 11.4.1 and I L4.2 and that. any higher tier Ubcontrtctor and CONTRACTOR will cach.be paid a'lee at fiva-pe[ceriEOf-thanErmounEpi+id-ko the nett lower tier Subcontractor; to be negotiated in.&gpd faith with the lNN/;-but not to e czed five percent of the amount paid to tat: next lower Tier Subcontractor, At) fee shall be payable on the basis of costs itemized Order paragmphs 11.4.4, 1 1.4.5 and 113; 1 L625. the amotmt of credit to be allotted by CONI'Rt\CTOR to OWNER far any, change which results'in*a neudeciessc in cost willbe the aniount of the actual net decrease in cost plus a deduction in CONTRACTOR'S fee'by an amount equal to five percent of such'nctdterease; and 11.6.,2.6. when both addiiions.andLcredits are .involved in any one change. the adjuistmenl in CONTRr\CTOles fee shall he computed on the basis of the net charge in' accordance with paragnphs11.6,11 through 1 11.625, inclusive, 11,7. Whenever the cost of atw- (Volkis to he 25 I determined pursuant to ,ptimeraph, I f l and l 1,5: CONTRACTOR will esiablish and maintain records thereof in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices andsubmit in form acceptable to LNO WEER an itemized cost breakdown together with suppdrting data Ctrs/ allowances. 11.8. -It is understood that CONTRACTOR has included in the Contract Price- all allowances so named-n'the- Cootract Documents and shall cause the Wort. so covered to 6c furnished and, _prformLdL r'ir such sums as may be acceptable toOWNER: and ENGINFER CONTRAC.L'OR. agrees that:. I1,8A, the allowances include the cost, to CONCRAC OR (less any applicable trade discounts) of.materials an l equipment required by the allowances .to be delivered at the siic,.and all upplicable,taips;.arid 1I.8.12, CONTRACTOR's costs Car unloading; and handling oh the site. lahor,urutallahon costs, overhead,' profitand other expenses contemplated .for the allowanceshave been included in the Contract Price. and not in the allowances and no dcomnd Rw additional payment;on account of any of the foregoing will be valid. Prior to final payment, -,in appropriate Chntrtgc Order will be: issuZd'as. recommended by FNGINUR to mtlectactual amounts due CODffRAC'rOR an account of Work covered bv allowances. arxi the Contract Price shall hie correspondingly adjusted. 1 L9. Unit Price :cork 11.9. 1. Where the Contract Documents.provrde that ill or partof the Work is to bc: Unit -Price Work, initially the Contract._ Price will be 'deemed to include Cor :all, unit Price-Wbo k to ttinornt equar to the Burn, of iho established unit .prices for 2ach Separately identified. item of Unit Price Work times the estimated quantity of each item as indicated in die Agreement Tlia estimated quantities of items or Unit Price Work are. riot guaranteed and are solely'ror. the purpose 'of comparison of Bids aril determining an initial Contract. Price.. Determinations of the actual quantities and classifications of Unit Price Work_ performed by CONTRACTOR will be made by LNGINTERin accordance with paragraph 9:10, - 11.92. Each unit price will be deemed to includu an antrum'eonisicered by CONTRACTOR to be adequate to cover CONf'RACTOR's overhead .and profit for each separately identified item.\VNGR or CONITRAGrOR may make a claim .fur an adjustmentin the Contract Price in accordance with Article hl in 11:9IL the quantity of any item. of Unit Price Work pertonnol by CONTRACTOR diti'ers materially and significantly from the estimated rjuantite.of suchitem indicated in the-Agreennent FJCDCr;ENER,ll. COAR-1101M 19 M 0"Q Edirim l' 26 wr CITY OF'FORT WLLJ.\S MODIFICX[IONS a KIN.tr20ran and L k 9 3.- . there is no corresponding acljustinent with, respect to any other item of Work' and 11 —3.3, if CONTRACTOR believes that. CONTRACTOR is entitled to an increase in Crimmct , Price as .a. result of: having incurred additional' expense or. OWNI ERbelieves that UWNEI. is entitled tr a decrettse m Contract Price and the parties are unable. to ogee as to' the .amount of arty such increase or decrease. L t `b:3R: CONTRACTOR acknowledges that the OWNER lies the right to add or delete items in the Bid or changequantities at OWNFR'S sole discretion with'ouoatTectine the Cyntm'ce Price of any remaimnrs item r;o long. as. the deletion or addition dues not exceed twenty-five percent of the orictinal total Contract Price- Awricu..12—CHGLYGF.OFGoiV:1' kcrTLNIES u.t. The ContracCrims (or AMilcstonrs) may only be changed' by It Chmnge. Order or a Written Amendment. Any claim for art adjustment of the Contract Timms (or Milestones) shall lx based on written notice deliveredby the party making the claim to th& other party and_ to ENGINEER promptly. (but inno- event later than thirty days) after the occurrence of the event giving. rise to the general and stating the genl nature of the claim. Notice of the extent of the claim with-s. pprrting data shall be delivered within sNN clays atter such occurrence (unless F.NGfNEER alldws additional time. to ascertain more accurate data in Support of the. claim) and shall be accompanied by the ciaimant's.written statement chit the adjustment claimed is the entire adjustment to which the claimant has rrison.to b�eliave it Ls -entitled cis a -result of the occurrence: of said event All claims Car adjustment in the Contract Tines (or \ Glesiones) shall be determined by FNCMNFRR in. accordance with pamgmphy,ll if 01'YWI R and CONTRACTOR cannot otherwise agree',: No claim for in adjustment in .the Contract Times (or %filestories) will be valid if not submitted in accordance with the requircmtents of this paragraph 12A. 12:2. . All time limiEs stated in the Contract Documents are of the essence. of the Agreement: 12:3. Where CON"fRACTOR is prevented from completingany pail of'the Work within the Contract Times for \Milestones) due to delay beyond the control of CONTRACTOR; the Contract Times (or Milestones) will be extended irittn amount 61tIal to time lost Clue to such delay if it claim is made therefor as provider) in paragraph 12.1. Delays beyond the control of CON, M\CTORshill'include.'but not be limited to, nets or neJect by OWNER; acts or neglect of utility Cnvners.or other contractors performing other work as contemplated by Article 7_ fires, floods, epidemics.. abnormal weather conditions or act,, of Galt. Delays attributable to and 11 t 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I 17 1 I 1 1 11 I within the control of a 3ubcontmctor or Supplier shall be ckemedto be delays within the control of CONERAC_TOR 1'_.4. Whure CONTRACTOR is prevented from comptetmg any pan or the Work within the Contract Times (or Milestones) due to delay bevond the cpntrol� of both OWNER and CONxtens TRACTOR, :tin eion of the Contract Times (or Afilestones) in am amount equal to the time Imt due to such delay shall be COS 1TRAC1'OR's•sote. .and Lxdusivc remedy for such delay. In no evert'. shall' OWNER be liable to.CONTR.ACTORR, any Subcontractor„ any Supplier, any other person or organization, or to any surety for or employee or agent of. any, of them, for damages arising out of or revulting from ()delays,caused ley or within'the-control of the CONTRACTOR, or (ir) delays hcyond the comrol of both parties incluc[4 but not Iamdeid tu, fires duods- epiderm" abnormal weather contlitioris .acts of Gnd or acts'or neglect by utility owners err other contmcturs perfomr mg other work as contemplated by ArticicT ARTICLE: ii-n 'fs AND INSPECTIONS;. CORRF,CTION, R&NOVA( OR ACC E lYrArNCE OF OF14,Y 1VICWORK. 131. Nofice,o%Defedai Prompt notice of all czjectNe Work of which -0WkEP or ONGIMEHR have actual knowledge will be given to. CONTRACTOR All dwftclive Work: may be rejected,, corrected or accepted as provided in this Article lei, Acceas to Work: 13:2: '(' — ENGRNEER, ENGTNrMR's Consultants;. other representatives . and personnel! of OWINM2R. itd,pendcnt testing laboratories, and govcnimcntnl agencies with jurCMictiorml interests will have access to the Wsirk rat reasonable umes for their obsavation inspecting; and testitg: C(DN'TRr(CTOR shall provide them proper and safe conditions lot such. nceess .and advise deem of CONTRACTOWs site safery,Procedures and programs so .that they may comply tkireivrthas applicable. Te.sNanc Inspections. 1'3J CON'I`RACTOR :hall give ENGINEER timely notice of readiness of the Work for all requiredinpections., tests or approvals, anal shall coopetate wtth inspection and testing personnel to facilitate required inspections ur tests. 13:4. -OWNER shall employ and pay for. the.servious of an independent testing laboratory to' perform: all tnspectipns .teat;, or approvals required by the Contract. Documents, except:. 13.4.1_ for inspections, tests tr.approvals covered by paragraph 13.5 below: 13.4.2. that costs incurred in connection with tests or inspections conducted,pursmint to pamvTaph 13.11) exec uE'uex,it, coNutno,a ivtaas tt rm t:m'tuu w) t1r 06 FORT COLLI M moungCATI OYS (REV aQ 0a!1) Below :shield lie' paid as provided ire said paragraph 13 );and 13.4.3: as otherwise spucifically provided in the Contract Documents. 135. ;If Laws or Regulitiorte of anv public body haBmg jurisdiction requ a a any Work (or, part thereot) 'specifically to be mspecwd, tested or approved'by an emproyce or other rcprescnta6ebfsuch public body. CONTRACTOR shall astiirme full resp6miladity tar arranging and obtaining such inspections. tests or approvals; pay all'costs ,in connection therctvitti: and .Furnish ENGINEER. the required certificates of .inspection or .approval. Mi\FFRACTOR shall, also'bi responsible (or arranging and obtaining „and shall pay all costs in connection .with any utspecnoris,,tests or approvals_ required Fur'OWNER's and FiNC.LNEER's acceptance of materials or equipment to be incorporated in the•Wurk-or of materials• mix designs. .or equipment submitted 'far approval prior to CONTRACTOR'S purchase thereof For incorporation in tKe hark. 136. If any Work (or the. work of ethers) that is to be inslxctcd . tested or approved is covered by CONLRt\CTOR without written concurrence. of F.NCTINEER; it- must if,rcqustca by ENGINEER..bc uncovered tar observation. I.3.7 Unwvcnng,Work as provided in paragraph 13.6 shill be at CONI'RACIOR's expense unless CMI'RACTOR. has given FNGINEFR timely notice of CONSRACTOTs intention to cover the sane and M1,13NEER has notacted with reasonable promptness in r"xinse to such' notice, Unem-eying !Mork;. 13:8. If any W6rk is. covered .contrary to the written request of ENGINEER it must,'if requested by LNG [N]MR- be 6ric&arei for la IGLNEER's observation and replaced atCO:vTRr\C.TOR's crpenu., 13.9. 1ffiNGWER.considers itnecessary or.ndvisablc dint covered Work be observed by FaNGLNEER or inspected. or tested tie others, CONTRACTOR, at L, tGINEER's request shall uncover, expose or otherwise make available 'for observation, inspection or testing,as sNr G64TM- Z may require, that portion of the Work in question furnishing all nccessery labor: material and equipment, If it is found that such Work is defecrrve. COM17RACTOR,slull pay all .claims, costs, losses and damages. caused by,:arising; out of orresvlting.from such uircovering. espoiwe. observation,' inspection and testing and of _mLisfitctory .replacement or 'roconstnicuon. (including but. mot. limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others); and: wiV 'ER shrill be entitled to an -appropriate decrease -in the Contract, Price, .and. if the purties arc -unable to agree *as to the amount thereof. may make a claim ihercfor as provided in ,Article 11. 1f.however ,,such Woik. is. not. found to be &Jf crave, CONI'RMIOR shall fie allowed an inerense in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contact Times (or Milestones), or both, directly anribumlile to such 17 19. Q. Please confirm the propane tank is to be provided by owner, as clarified at the pre - bid. A. This is correct. ' 20. Q. Please provide anticipated depth of asphalt and any base course requirements for the patch along the north side of the building. ' A. Meet code minimum. 21. Q. Please provide required depth of concrete paving and any base course requirements for the handicapped parking stall. ' A. Meet code minimum. 22. Q. Are soil amendments, topsoil, or seeding required for the graded areas disturbed ' during construction? A. No. 23. Q. A 3' width section of sidewalk is shown south of the handicapped parking on C1 and C4, but not on SD1. Please clarify. ' A. Contractor to provide per C1 and C4. Include price in line item #5, Alternate Pricing of the Bid Schedule. 24. Q. RFP section 01050 requires a final improvement survey. Please confirm if this is still ' required with most of the site utility work being completed by others. A. City of Fort Collins to provide. 25. Q. Are spoils from the crawlspace to be hauled off -site, or is there an on -site stockpile location. ' A. There will be an on -site stockpile location. 26. Q. Please confirm the foundation perimeter drain should drain to a sump located in the crawlspace. Daylighting of the drain doesn't seem feasible. A. Yes. 27. Q. Are sound batts desired in the interior partitions or restroom partitions? 1 A. Yes. 28. Q. Please confirm R30 batt insulation is acceptable for the floor insulation. This would meet the minimum energy code for floors over unconditioned space. A. This is acceptable. ' 29. Q. Can hollow metal steel door frames be used for interior doors (plans reference wood frames)? Are solid core flush doors acceptable? Any preference on species of wood? ' A. Please reference revised sheet A104. Addendum 1 — Roselawn Office Building Page 4 of 7 uncovering. expoaire, _observaticin. 'inspection, tasting, replacement nntl reconctri cribm and,. if -the parties .are - unable to auree as to the amount or extent thereof, C0N'TiZACf0P may make'ii claim thiaefo r as provided in Articles I L and f 3: 0114NER Maf Y Stop the Work: 13:Ip. if the Work is defective, or CONTRACTOR fails to supply sfcient skilled workers or suitable materials or equipmem or fails to furnish or'perforan thz Work in such a. wary that the completed Work will conform -to the Contract Documents.OWNER may order. CONTRACTOR to st p the Wort:. orany portion thereof until. thccause fUr such order has been eliminated; however, this right of OWNER to stop the Work .shalI not give ris to any duty on the bait of OWNER to exercisc this right for the benefit of CONTRACTOR or any.surety or other party. Correction orRentosW ofDefecdve IVork- 13:11. If required by RINGMER; CONTRACTOR shali. promptly, as directed, either correct all d!active Work,. whether or not fabricated, installed or completed, or, if the Work has been rejected by 6NIGINM. remove it from the site, and replace it with Work that is not defecgive. CONTRACTOR shall ,play all claims., cost& loses and cbmag,-s mused by or,n�ultirg from %Uch.correction or rernoval_(includutg but not limited'to.all costs of repair or replacement of work of others), 13,12. Correction Period 13.12.1, If within ene,yw•xr two vcam.atter the date of Substantial Completion or such longer period of time as may be prescribed lay Laws.or Regulatiots or by the terms of tiny applicable spccial'guarantee required try the Contract Dccurnents.or by irly specific provision of the Contract Ckicuments, any Work u; found' to be ,k ective, CONM\C.'TOR,-hall promptly, without cost to OWNER and in accordance with OWNCR'c written -instructions.- (i) correct suds defective' Work, or, if it has \Wa been rejected by OEat remove it from the -site nd replace "n with Work that is not defective; and (ii) satisfactorily corrector remove and replace any damage to other Work or the work of others:resulting therefrom. If CONTRACTOR floes not promptly cauply with the terms of such mructions, or in an emergency where: delay would cause serious risk of less or damage, OWNER may have the ok/ective Work corrected or the rejected Work removed and repladzrl, and all claims,. costs, losses and damages caused by or resulli g, Gam such removal' and repL•acement (including but not limited to all costs of repair or rcplacdinent of work of mhers).will be paid by COVFR\CTOR 13.12.2. fn spe011 circumstances where a .puticular item of equipment is placed in continuous service before. Substantial Compfetidt ,of all the Work, the na' cartion period for that item may start to nun from an earler.date if so provided in the Speciticutions or by Written Amendment. 13,123_ 1.Vhere defrcdve :Work (arid damage to. other EXI)C UENERAt• CoNtuno1M ti tvs (1990 esiitr;) =� Wl CITY PORT CY?LLR.S MODItICA11ONs IItEah1r20010 Work restiltutg therefrom) has been corrected, removed or replaced underthis parauraph 13,12; the correction period hereunder with e4ectto such Work will be extended for an additional period of ere-yrae two veers after such. currection. or removal and replacement ryas teensatisfactorily completed Ac6,ptance of Defective lVorR': 13,13. IL instead of requiring correction or removal and replacement. or defective )Mork;" O1;WT-R,(attcl prior tp. ENGINEER's recommcrulaiion of final payment. also HNI GINFFR) prefers to accept it, OWNER may do so. CONTRACTOR shall, pay all claims, costs, losses and damages attributable. to OWNER's evaluation of and determination to accept such dfective Wtirk (such costs to be approved. by ENGINEER as to reasonableness).. If any such acceptance occurs prior to L.aNUNF.ER's recommendation of limit payment, a C'harige Order will be issued incorporating the necessary revisions in the. Contna;t Da:uancn s with rc;pect ' toi the Work; and OWNER shall be entitled to an appraprinta de reasc in the Contract Price, andf i r tha:pattics arc unable to agree as to the amount thereof; OWcLR may make a claim therefor .as prividcd in Article 11, If the acceptance occurs after such:recommendation; an appropriate vnount will be paid byCUN'CR ACTC)RtoOWNER OWNER Sky rortWt Defective Wark: 13.14. If CONTRACTOR fails within a.ressonable time after written notice from 177NCIMEER to correct defective. Work.or to remove and replace rejected Work as required by F.NGfNF.ER in accordance'with paragraph 13.11, or if CONTRA&OR'rails to perfomt the Work in accordance with the Contract Docunwttt or if CONTRACTOR lails to dimply with any other provision of the Contract Dccuments._ OWNER may, after seven days written notice,to CONTRACTOR.correct and remedy any such deficiency. 'Ili exercising tic rights and remedies under this paragraph OWNER shill proceedexpeditiously, In connection with such corrective and remedial action, OWNER may.excludeCGNTRA C-rOR from all or put of the site. take possession of all -or pnruof the Work,'and suspend CONTRACTOR s services related thereto, take possession of CONTPACTORs tools• apiptiances, construction equipment and machinery at the site and incorporate in the Work. all materials and equipment stored ut the site, or for which OWNER has paid CONTRACTOR: but which are stored elsewhere. CONTRACTOR shll allow OWNER, OWNER's representatives,. agentsdund employees. O\1NER's' other contractors and ENER GINEand GNGINTFFR's Consultants access to the site to enable OWNER to exercisethe rights andremecliei under.this pami; tiph: All claims, costs, losses and dania es incurred or sustained by OWIMRR in exercising nich rights and remedies will be charged against CONTRACTOR and a Chime Order will be .issued ineogorating the necessary revisions in the Contract"Doc:uments with respect to the Work-, and CI%VNER shall be entitled to an appropriotedeatase in the Conmet Pricc, and. if the parties are umblc to nerce is to diceamount thereof. OWNER may make a claim therefor as. provided in Article 11. such claims, costs, lose and I 1 i 1 I I l u I I I damages y ill include but nor be limited %to all cixsts of repair or replacement of work of others ,destroyed, or damaged by correction. removhl or .replacement of CONTRACTOR'sdefective Work. CO` 1LACTOR shall Rot be allowed an a teroion. of the tontraci Times (or 'Milestones) heenuse of any delay in performance of the Work attributable to the eracise by.OtVNM of OW'NER's tights and remedies hereunder, ARTICLE t4�PAt: ffivrS TO CO,\TfUCTOR A XD COMPLETION Schedule of flaLre.c. 14.1. The schi ddlc of values established as provided in paragraph 2,9 will sAvc as the basis forptlt'ss payments. and will .be incoiporatcd into a, torte, of :4pphcation' for Payment ac rpW61e to ENc;IDIEER Pro gress payments on aecounlnf.Omt Prim Work will be based on the number of tmits'complewd. Applicatinn for Pragrmr 11nt'nrenri 14.2. At least nventy days before the date established. for each progress payment (but not more often than once a month), CONTRACTOR shall submit to ENGINEER for review an Application for Payment filled out and signed by CONI'RAC 1'OR covering, the Work completed as of the date of the Application and Accompanied by such .supporting documentation as is requ red by the Contract Documents. If payment is requested on the- hasis or mmeriaLs and equipment not incorporated in the Work but &livered and suitably stored at the .site or .at another location agrrcd to in writing, the Applicatidri for payment shall also,be aceompanied'by a bill of stle,'invoice or other documentation warrantors that OWNER has received the. materials And equipment free and clear of all Liens and evidence that the materials And equipiuent. Are coverer[ by appropriate property insurance and other arrangements to, protect 0\kNI NCs' interest therein, all of, which will be: satisfactory to OWNER, The Amount of retainagc with respect to progress payments will be as. stipulated in'the Agreerttemt Any funds 41 t are withheld kv_jhe OWNER shall riot be subiect to substitution by the CONTRACTOR with securities or anv armneements involvirw_ an estroty car custotlianship_By ceeeutmg die'applicatigg for payment form the CONTRACTOR expressly waives his nPht to the benefits of Colorado Revised Statutes. Section 24-991-101, Ct seq. COVTR•LCTOR:v Nannnq, of Title: Ida: .CO\ITRVCTOR'% arranisand guanintees that title to all Work,, materials and equipment covered by _tiny Application .for PiyrtiMt, whether -incorporated in the Projector will pass to OWNER no.later than the'timc of payment free iindclear of all Lines. bathers of;Lpplieadu&v for Prugrery Ppyment 14.4. ENGINEER will. within fen days after, receipt of each Application for.Payment, either indicate in writittg.A. hJCA7C'OL'NtTt�tL CONUI71UN1' 191(" D n9u Ei61ino m cITY oFFOKr COLLI M kt0DIFICA n0N5 (KEV J/'700l) recommendation of.paymeut and present the Application to 0%Vt\TR br rehtnclhe Application to CONTRACTOR' indicating iri'miting,ENGEVEER's reasons for refusing to recommend pay,mcnt. In the [after case, CONTRACTOR may male'the necessary corec6arts and resubmit the application. 'fen days after presentation of the .4pplication'for.('ayment to OWNER%with ENGINEER'S recommendation, the amount reotirmacruled will (subject .to the provisions.of die Imt sentence of paragraph.14J) become, due and when due will be paid by OWNER to CON'LR ACTOLZ 14.5. EMU IEFRs recommendittion of any payment requcsted'in an Application for Payment will,conslitutc_ a representation by ls-N.rGINEE;R to 01VNER, bused on FNIG, NMER's oat -site n6scrvations of the e-ccutcd Work as an experienced anti quaLiicd desigrtprofcssional and on ENGINUER's revtcw, of the Application for Payment and the accompanying data and schedules, that to the best of ENGINEER's knowledge, ihf67'ation and bclicf: 14.5.1, the [Mirk .has progressed to the point eradicated, 14 5;"_. the. quality of the Work, is .generally, in accordance with the Contract Doeuincnts (vubjcci to' ort.evalu5tion of the Work iv a functioning whole prior to or upon'Subsuintial Completion, to the results of any subsequent tests called for•ih the Contract Doeumenss, taa final determination of quantities and classifications for Unit Price, Work 'under Paragraph 9,111, and to anyy otNr,qualificatitins,smtcd' in the recommendation); and 14.53. the conditib s precedent to eCONTR\CTOR's.being entitled to such payment appear to. have been ftiltilled iniclar as it is ENG4NEER's responsibiliry.to observe the Work: However, .by recommending .any such payment ENGINEER will ant. tharehy be deemed to have represented that: (i)exhaustive or continuous on,ite utspecticins.have becri mock to.check the quality or the quantity. of the Work beyond the responsibilities specifically assigned to ENGINE M- in the Contract .Documents or (it) that there may not be other matters or issues between the parties that might entitle C'ONTR,.WTOR to be paid additionally by. -OWNERor entitle OWNER to withhold payment to CONTPACf OR 14,6. ENGfi1EER's. recommendation- of any payment, including tinsl payment, shall not mean that ENGINEER is responsible -.far CONTRACTOWs means, methWs, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction, or 4he safety' precttutions and.protgams incident thereto,. or for'any failure of CONTRACTOR is mraply with Lawn and Reguluiuns Applicable to the funtistun6 or performance 'of Work,. or for any failure of CONTRACTOR to perform or rdmish 'Work in !accordance with the ContrtcCDocuments. 14.7, F,NGliMEER may refuse to recommend the whole or any part of any payment if, in-ENGINEER's opinion it would: he incorrect to 'make the representations to 19 OWNER refenred to iri paragraph:14,5. ENGENEER may also refuse to recommend anv such payment_ ar,.beeause of subsequently discovered evidence or theresults. of subsequent iicpections.or tests, nullify any such payment previously. recommentler4 ,ia such extent as may be necessgry in ENf41Nl;ER's opinigh to :protect ,OWINMR, from loss &tt;ause:. 14.7'',1. the Work is.drfedi4�r, uncompleted Work has beondamp_ed requUU6 correction or replaaarient, I'43,3. the Camract. Price has Been reduced by Written Amendment or Change Order, 14.73. OWNER has been required to correct d�facm°a Work or complete Work in accardance with paragraph 13.14. or 14.7.4. ENGLNEER. has actual knowledge of the Occurrencc.. of -any of the events enumerated in perailraphs 1 S ?:1 through 15 2:a inclusive. OWNERma • refuse to make payment of the full amount recommended by DNGINF&R.becau 14.7,5. claims hard been made against OWNM on account or C 6KrR4C: rOR's perf4triance.or furnishing of the Work; Liens have heen 61ed in connection -with, the. Work, except where CC. KMACTOR his delivered n. spceific ,13ond.satisfactory to OWNER to secure the satisfaction and iftWiargc of such Liens. 14.7.7% there are other items enotlingOWNM to a set- off agnurst the am aunt reopmmemied: or 14.7:8. OWNER has actual knowledge ,of the occurrence of any. or the events- nurnerated in pamgmphs 14,7.1 through 14.73•or, pamv,�. aplts 1;.?:I through 15,3.4 indiisiv&, but 'OWNER must give CONTRACTOR immediate .written notice (with a copy to F,N'GIN'FiF.R) statingthe reasons for such action and promptly pay-CONI TRACTOR the amount so withheld, or any adjustment thereto atreed tb, by Owi\TM aril CONTRACTOR: when CONTRACTOR corrects to OWNER's satisfaction the reasons for such action. Subsraneal Completion: 14.8. When CONrTRACTOR considers the entire Work, early for its 'intended use CONTRACTOR shall notify, OWNER'and E_tiGQ`TER m writing that the entire Work 'is substantially Cmiplete (except for items specifically listed by CONTR\CrOlk ils ira;ntnplett� and request Ihlt FVGL�EER issue a certificate of Substantial Cumpletion: Within a reasonable time lhere-aller, OWNER,. CONTRACTOR and ENGNEER shall make an inspection of the Work to determine the status of completion: If ENGINEER does not consider the Work substantially complete:. ,C GINE1R will notify CONTRACTOR. in writing wing the reasons therefor. It- I:NGf 1F.ER MI)CcENEwu. coulxllo%s wins Oarxt v6uu r 30 w/CITY OF FORT OOLLIMMOOIF1CAMONS(MV-tnnUnl aii+siders the Work substantially complete, 13vLN GEER will prepare.and deliver to 01Vi`1ER it tentative cenificate of Substantial Completion which shall fix the date of Substantial. Completion. There- shall be attachcd to the certificate- a, tentative list of items. ib be cumpleted or corrected before final payment, OWNI RP shall have seven days after receipt of the tentative certificate during which to make written. objection to ENGMER. as. to any provisions of the certificate or attached list. I' after considering such objcctiuns.: ITUINEER concludes that -the' Work is not substantially cimtplete, ,ELiJGINEER' will within• fourteen days after submission cf the tentativc certificate to OWNLP notify CONTRACTOR in-wvritirv- stating the reasons dicrcfa, ik after consideration of OCVNER's ohjections, PVGINEF,R conmders the Work substantially complete, E1,JtGI\r6ER will within .said ,fourteen days._ execute and deliver to. OWNER and CONTRACTOR a. definitive catificate of Substantial Completion (with' a revised tentative list of items to be completed or corrected) rcilcciina _such charges from the ,tentative certificatcus ENGINEER believes justified n, acr consideration of any Objections from OWNER. At the time of delivery of the renmtivc certi&ate of Substantial Completion FNGLNVER awidlt deliver to OWNER and C.ON'fRAC TOR a written moommendarion as to division of restximibilities pending final' payment liethycen' OWNER and cONTRACTOR %with rispo:t to security, optratiom safety, mainteriaruc, heat, utilities, insurance and warranties and guarantees: Unless OWNER and CONTRACTOR agree otherwise in writing and so intom PNOINEER in writing prior to ENC?LNEbR's issuing the 0rimwe certificate of Sulr_staniial Completion, INEER's aforesaid recommendation will be binding on OtVNER and CONTRACTOR until Final payment 14,9, OIVNER' shall have the ,riort to exclude CONTRACTOR: front the Wank after the date of Substatial' Completion, but OWNER shell allow COT`'TR.M\ TOR reasonable accessto complete or correct items on the tentative list Parrial Utilization: tall): Use by OWNER at OWNFR's option of any' sutwamially completed part of the Worl.% which; (i) has specrfirally been identified ihthe Connect Documents, or (u) OW -NM ENGLNrEER and CO&MACTOR agree constitutes a separately functioning and usable part of the Work that can be used by O\V.ILR for its intended purpose without significant interference ' with CONTRACTOR's performance of the remainder -of the Work. may be accomplished prior to Substantial Completion of all' the Work subject. to the following: 14.In_I.OWNER as any time- may request CONTRACTOR in wriLing,to permit OWNER to use any such [wart of the Work }which OWAP bclieves to be ready for its iniutded use and sulbstantially complete. If CONTRACTOR agrees that sudipart of the Work is subsLunially complete, CONTRLM'TOR %ill.certily to OWNER end ENGMER that such part of the Work is substantially complete and request ENGL\rEER to issue- a 'certificate. of Substantial ("omplction for that part of the Work. 7 L I CONTRACTOR of any time may notify OWNER afid FNG MEER in wTiiing that CONTRACTOR considers anysiich part of the Work ready for its intended use and substantially complete and request ENGINEER to issue a certificate or Substantial Completion for that inn. of the Work. Within a reasonable time after either such request, OWNE-P, CONTRACTOR and L•r'� OL EER shall make an inspection of that part of. the Work to determine, its status.of completion If EtNGNEER dues nut consider Ihnt part of the Work'to be substantially complete ENGIINEER %ill notify OWNER and CONTRACTOR in writing giving the reasons therefor: If NG[MN NR considers that part of the Work to -be substantially complete. the provisions of paragraphs.14,8 end 14.9 will apply with respect to certification, of Substantial Completion of that pan of the Work and the division of responsibility in respect thereof and acceaathereto. No occupancy or scp=w operation of pan of ate Work will be accomplished prior to compliance - with the requirMcnm of pamgrnph 5:15 at respect of property insurance. - Filial larpeceon:- 14.1 I. Upon wiiU6 notice from coN'i:RACTOR that the entire Work or an agreed portion thereof is complete,. EN'GMTER will 'make a final inspection with OWNER and CONTRACTOR and will notify CONTRACTOR in writing or. all parciculars in which: this inspection reveals that the Work is incomplete or ILI&rtve: CONTRACTOR. shill immediately take such measures as are necessary, to complete such work or renudy such deficiencies, Final elpplicnrion for Pnrnienc 14.12. Alter CONTRACTOR his completed all such corrections to the satisfaction of 6NGRMEFR aril clelivored in .accordance 'with the Contract Documents all maintenance and operating instructiom schedules.. guarantees, Bonds.. certificates or other evidimi a of mmirice required by pam&aph5.4. certificates of inspection, marked-uprecord documents (as provided in paragrnph6.19) and other dauments, CO,YfRACTOR may make applicatibn' for final paymcht, following the procedwe, for progress payments. The tmal-Application for Payment .shall be aix:ompunied (except, as previously delivered) by: (i)_all documentation called for in the Continct Documents including but not .limihod to the. evidenli of insurance required by subparagraph 5 4.13., ((u)consent of the atra if any; .to final payment and (ai) complete and legally etTeaive. releases m waivers. (satisfiictory, to OVVNER).of ail Liam arising out of or tiled in cono&tion.with the Work. In Iieu or suchreleasesor waivers �of Liens and .as approved by' OWNER, CONrPLACTOR may furnish receipts or releases tri A h and aftidavii'of CONTRACTOR that: (i) the releases and receipts include all labor. services material and equipment for which a Lien could be filed, and (it) till payrolls, material and equipment bills, and otter indebtedness, avmccted with the Work ror which OWNER or OWNER's property might in any way be rrspomsible have been paid or othericim satisfied' If any, Sub:onrracroror Supplier fails t.iCUCUENEXAL,CONDMONi"l9 h4 (i SH)O Bilitiqu IV/ (71YOEfOR'I'COLLINS .�tODu'icdrioNs(ii. Vdroo) to furnish such a release or receipt ih full. CONTRACTOR may fiunidi a Bond or other collateral satisfactory to OWNER to indemnify OWNER against any Lien Release; or waivers.of liens anclthe'consent of the surety tofinalize oacmtent arc to'be submined on forms conforming to the Formal of the OWNERS standard forms bound in the Proiect mnnual� final Payment artrGfeceptance. 14.'13. Jr. on the basis of ENL;_INEER's obstrvation of the Work duringu+t>,trttclion and final mSpCUiML and NGlNEER's review or the final. Appl ication.for Payment ,and accompanying documentation as required by the Contract Documerim NGINEF.R is satisfied that the Work has been oompletcd :arid. CONTRACTOR's other obligations- under the Cuntma Documents have been filrillcd ENGINEER will, within tent days.aftcr receipt of the Rural Application for Paymm4 indicate in writing EtNGINEER's recommendation of payment and present the. Application to OWNER for payment. At the same timeENGNEF.R will alsa give written notice to OWNB'R am1 CONTRACTOR the_ t die Work is acceptable subject to the provistons of patayrcaph 14,15_ Otheii'vise, NOINVER will rerum. the Application to CONTRACTOR, indicating in writing the reasons fix refusing, to, recommend final payment. in lvhich. case CONTRACTOR shall make the nccc mry correcdorts :end iesubtnitthe Application. 'rhinydays after .presentation to OWNER, of the .Application and accompanying documentation, in mpproptiatt Firm and substance and with ENGINEb:R'a recommendation and notice of acceptability, the amount recommended by ENGINEER will become due and will be ppid by OWNER to CONTRACTOR. suhiect•to. rnriamlih 17.6. of these Gtgeral C�ndiryops 14.14. df:: through no ('atilt of COlN7PACTOR final_ completion of the Work is sigpificantly. delayed tend if ENGINms EER so Cortfa, OWNER 'shall,. upon receipt of CONTRACTOR's ftrial Application.C& Payment -and recommendation of ENGEJEER, and without terminating the :\greeinent, make payment of file balance due for dial portion of the' Work fully completed andaccepted. if the remaining' balance to be held by 01VNT•R for Work not Tutly completed or corrected. is. less than thin retainage stipulated - in'the Agretment and if Bonds helve -been furnished as required in paragraph 5.1. fhe written consent of the surety to the payment of thu balance due for that portion of fix Work ftilly,completed and accepted shall be submitted by CONTTRACTOR .to EN'GINTEER with the Application for suchpaymea Suchpaymart•shsll,bc made under the terns and conditions governing final puyment; except that shall not constitute a waiver of claims. t4,'nirei ofdii ni.sr 14.1.5. 'The luakine and acccptancc of final paynierit.w'ill constitute: 1.4,15.1.a waiver of all' claims' by OWNER against CONTRACTOR. except claims arising from unsealed. (:iens, from ikrecrine- Work appearing after 3l t Tirol inspection.,pitmanc t, p:uarrraph 14.11. from failure to comply kith=the ConlractDocuments or the terms of any special .guarantees specified therein, or from CONTRACTOR's continuing obligations tmda the Contract Documents: and 14.15.2. A waiver of all claims by CONTRACTOR agconsi OWNER other than those previously made in tinting and still unsettled - ARTICLE 15-SUSPE\SIOY OF AVORK AM TER,NmxA'rION 0MVER .11ay Su3pend'tbork, 15.1. :\[.arty time anal without cause,. OWNER may suspend the Rork or -any portion thereof for a.penod o f not more .than. ninety days by notice in writing .to CONTRAcroR aril• ENGINEER which will fix the date on which Work will be resumed CONTRACTOR' shall. resume the Wort; on the date so fixed CONTRACTOR shall he allowed an adjustment in the Contract Price err an extension of the Contact Times. or both, directly attributable to any such suspension if C,ONTR.ACr0P, makes an uMdvdd claim therefor as ,pnwid ed in Articles 1.1 arid I OIVA'ER May Terminate: 15:2t Upon the occurrence of any one or more of the followina events: 15;2,1, if CO`7IZikCCORpersistendyl'ndstoptif6mi the WoW in accordance with the Contract Documents (including: but not limited to; failurc,io supply sufficient. skilled-w(ukers or suitable materials or equipment or fniluro ioadhereto oneprogress schcilule estnbhshed under pnragrdph29 qs. adjusted from time tu'iime pursuant to paregrdph 6.6); 0.2.2. if CONTRACTOR disrcganlsr Laws. or Regulations ofany'public•body Imvingjurisdictim 15:2a it cnNTR.4CTOR disregar(ts Clio diuthority of ENGINEER or 15:14, if CONTRACTOR otherwim violates in any substantial way any provisions of the Contract Documents: OWNER may. after giving- CONTR:iCfOR (and the surety, if•anv) seven days` vTitten notice and to -the extent permitted bit Lawsand Regulations, terminate the services of CONTRACTOR; e,,ctude CONrk,\c-rok Irom the site and take possession of the .)York and of gall' CONTR \CTOR's touts, uppliatu5cs, construction cquipment and machinery at Ilse site and use the same to the Lull extent,thev could be used by CONTRACTOR (without liability `to CONTRACTOR tar tr'cspass or conversion). inmrpordie in the Work:, all materials and equipment store, at the site or for which OWNER has Raid WCDC CEO MAL CoNlYn OM i rig WOU r(t ticm 32 ay CITY OP FORT COLLISti \IODIFIC'A'f10N5 tRL•V di20Uin CONTRACTOR bier which are stored elsewhere; and finish the .Work as OWNER may deem expedient, fn such case CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to receive any further payment untiltheWoik is finished If the tmpaid balancep lI1C Comract. Price exceeds all claims. c(*IS. losses and damages sustained by OWNER arising out of or resulting, lrom completirig the Work such excesswill be paid to CON ACTOR If such c4tims;,costs, lasses and damages -exceed such unpaid balance, CONTRACTOR shall pay thc;dliffaence to OWNER. Such claims..c sts. loses and'damages inciured by OWNER will be reviewed by ENGINEER as uo their red sondbleness and when so approved. by ENGINEER incorporated in wCharise Order, provided that when exercising any rights or mmcdies under this. pampaph OIVNFh shall not be required to obtain the lowest price. for die Work pedomied., 15.3. Where CON"FRACTOR's services have been. so terminated by OWNER, tkc: termination will, not affect any rights_ or remedies of OWNER. .against CONTRACTOR then 'existing or which may thereafter accrue, Any retention or payment of moneys due CONI'RACI'OR' by OWNER' will not ri;lcasc. CO ` f RACTOR from habi lity, 1$,4; Upon seven derv-.� written notice to 'CONTR,AC-r0R and F,NGINTEEP. OWNFR may, without causal and widtout prejadlce to any other right or remedy -of O\4 UL elect to'tomin5te thc::\}eement. In such case, cONFfR'AC'fOlt, shall; be paid. (without duplication of any items): 15.4.1..for completed and acceptable Wok executed in accordance with the Contract Documents prior to the elTectfve,date of terminatiixm,-including Eair and reasonable sumsfor overhead and profit on syih )York. 15.4.2, for expenses sustained prior to the effective date of temtuuttinn in performing :services and ftirrashing.lab4, materials dic,etluipment as, required, by the, Contract. Documents in .connection. with uncompleted Work. plus Carr and reasonable sunls,for overlumd and profit on such cxpenses, 154.3.. Ier all claims, citstw;, losses,and-ditmages iNutred, at settlement of terminated contractts. with Subd:omrtcters; Suppliers and others; and ISAA, for reasonable expenses directly nhiibtarible to termination. CONTRACTOR shall not be pair.) on account ofloss of anticipated profits or revenue of other tcinumic loss arising cut of or resulting lion such termination C0NT1?71CT01?dIay Stop @urk'or Terminate: 15.5. 1C through no act err. ftlult of CONTRACTOR. the Work is suspended for a period of more than ninety days by OWNER or under an order of courtor other public authority, or ED'UfNEFR. fails',to act on an), Applic Lion for Payment within thirty days after it is submitted or 0Wi fFK fails for thirty days to pay. C)N P-ACfOR any. F 1 i I 1 1 I I I L I I t I sum finally determined to be due, diem CONTRACTOR mar. upon seven days' written notice to MNER and D GNEER and provided OWN- M or ENG ,NEER do not remedy such suspension or failure within that ,time, terminate the Apti�ement and recover liom OWNER paymenton the same termsas provided in Cxtrayrpph 15A. -In lieu of terminating the Agrcemenl and without prejudice to any other right -or remedy. ifENUNE3R has faded to act on an Application for Payment Within thiiny days after it is submitted. or OWNER has failed fucthirty.days to pry CONTRACTOR any, sum, finally daertmned to be clue_ CONTR ACTOR. may�upon seven days written notice to OWNER and ENG WEER'stop the Woik until jtsi)- ment of all such amounts flue CONTRACTOR.. including interest thereon: The provisions of this paragraph 1 5 are not intended to praludc CONTRACTOR front making claim under Articles 11 and 12 for an increase in Contract' Price orConract Tims of otherwise for expenses or damage directly attributtmbte'to CONrrP-kC'rOR•s stopping Work as permitted hey this ptragnph ARTICLE.16—DISPITTE IiNSOLt1T10N lf,and.to the crtent that OW'NFR and CONTRACTOR have aghed on the method and procedure for resolving disputes lxtween them, that may apse under this Agreement, such dispute resolution method.and procedure, if any, shall he as set forth in b..•duhitGC: iA ".Dispute Resolution .Ageement , to be. attached hereto and; made a part hereof. If no such ngrectrmcnt on the afethod and procedure for resoh'irug such disputes has been reached„ and subject- to.the provisiors of paraglaphs9.loi 9.11 and 9,12. OWNER' and CONTRACTOR may exercise such rights or.remedics; as either may otherwise have under the Contract Docutnents or by Laws or Regulation in respect of any. dispute. ARTICLE 17—INIISCELLANEOUS Giivrg Notice: 17.1- Whenever any provision of the Contract Documents requires the giving of written notice, itavill be deemed to have been validly - en if delivered in person to the individual or to a. member of the firm. or to an officer of mc.curpwation for whom'it is intended or if delivered al or sent by reostead or certified mail, postage prepaid' to the last buisinessaddress known to the giJer of the notice. 17.2f ConWutatiun ojTune.% 17.=.L When any period of -time is referred to in the Contract'Doe_uments by days. it will be computed to exclude *the first and include the last day of such period. If the last day^of any such period falls on a. Saturday or Sunday or on a day rnadc�a legal holiday by the law of the applicable jurisdiction.. such day will be. omitted from the computation., txuCcr mum ofli0 I q I u-3 (tri�e5tiVm WiClrroFFOR Tmtu�safonutctno stttsv.irouoj 1.72.2; A ealentlar day of twenty-four hours measured from midnight to the next n idnight will constitute a day, Nopce oJG7nurc 173;.ShouldOWNEZorCONTRACTOR.sullcr:injury or damage; to person or,property because of any error, omisston,or:act of the other purty.or of any of the other partys emplovecs,;oi agents or others for. whose acts the other party is legally liable: claim will be made -in tvn;tira} to the other party within a reasonable time of the first observance of such injury or damage.. The provisions of thts.paragmph.17 3 shall not be oonmtrued as a substitute 'fox or waiver of the provisions or any applicable statute of limitations or repose.Gunrt&afire Remedies:- 17.4 the duties and obligations imposed by diese Gerkral Conditions and the nghts,and remedies avaihhle hereunder .to the parties hereto, and. in particular but without limitation; the :warranties, guarantees end obligations ,imposed upon CONTRACTOR by pnmgraphc 6.12, 6.16, 6.3(t, 6,31, 6-32, 13.1, 13:1.2, 13:14: 14,3 and 1'5.2 and all of the rights.. and remedies available to OWNER and E IGTNFFR thereunder, arc'in additidn t6, and are not to be construed in any way as a. limitation of, any rights :cod remedies available to any or all ukhcm which .are otherwise imposed or available by Laws or 'Regulations by special warranty or guarantee or.hy other provisions of the Contract. Documents, and the provisions of this pamgraph will' he as etTeerve as if relkated specifically in the Contract Documents in'connection with cacifparticular duty, obligation; right and remedy to which they apply: f7nfiitionul Feesund Cuurf Cmtvinclurfi& 17.5: Whenever- reference is made to 'claims, costs. losses ind.damagcs"., it shall include in each case. but not be limited to, all fees and charges of ep&neers, archiiects, attorneys and other professionals and all court or arbitration or other dispute "solution costs. 17.6: 'Thu Jaws -of the Stoe oft ghorado app to its 6ereement. Reference to two pminera Colorado statutes are as follows'. 17.6.1. Colorado Rgised-Statu(c3 fCRS 8=17.1U1 mtu¢e that Colorado labor be cmploved to perfonm the Work to the cmcra of not less.than 80 Peraatt �&U % of each tv or class. of labor in the seTeral classiliauions uf:v killcd and common labor employed omthe oroiem Colorado labor meansany person who is a• bona fide resident of the State of Colorado et the time of em� Looyment, without discrimination as lo'racc, color, aced,'aee. relieaon or sex' 17:6?w if a claim is fled. OWNER is required bv. law (CRS 38=26-107) to Withhold from all.pavments to CONTRACTOR sufficient funds to insure the Pyment of all claims for labor. materials. team hire.. sustenance, provisions, provender, or other supplies used or consumed by CONTRACTOR or, his 33' I OCDCOENEFU. COutxnO'e-) 14u -3 (199u EJivat) 34 pV/MYOF MRT CULLU.SA1ODLHCATIOUS 1MV4i2004A I I I I I I 1 1 1 I �I 1 I I I I LJ 1 11 ' (I'hms pzcc,left hlirkintentionilly.) I I I [:JCUCUfiiJF]e.V:,CO ui710;w�19iiF5(17)awtiail 35 Ww0'rYOFFOR400LLIMM DIFIclrloNsIRGV iaoim 1 6JCOCGENE:RALCONIX]IONS IM-3' {fAw Editiml ;� w/my 06 FORT C0[.f.t"smo0tFICA'tlONS (RL•'V,PNOO) I I 1] 1 1 1 I 1 EXHIBIT GC -A to General Conditions of the Construction Contract Bctiv_een OWNER and CONTRACTOR 'DISPUTE RESOLU[10N AGREEJ ea, OWNER and CONTRACTORhereby agree that Article 16 of the Genaal.CuiJitionis of the Conslniction Comma' heiween OWNER and CONTRACTOR is amended to include the following ageement of the parties? 16.1. At claims, disputes and other matters in question between OWNER,and Cvi TRAUrOR arising, our of or relating to the Contraet Doetimeras or the breach thereof (except for clairnswhich have been waived by the making or'acceptance of (coat payment as provided by paragraph-14.1.5) will be decidedby arbitration in accordance with the. Construction lndusuiv Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration .Association then obtain "- subject to the limitatmits,of the Article 16. This agreement sn to -.arbitrate and any other 'agrcanent or consent to arbitmw entered into in accordance. herewith 63. p*idcd ih7dh s,Article. l¢ will licspecifiatly enforceable under the prevai ling law of any court [Laving jurisdiction 16.2. No demand for arbitration of any claim; dispute or other matter Unit is rquircd to be rererred to IIIGLNEL•R initially for decision in acavdance with ptnngmph'9.11 will he made until the earlier or(a) the date on whichhNGINLER has miidered a. written dccWcn or (h) the thuty first day after the parses have presentedtheir .evidence to lD1GtNQR if a written di cisibn has not been rendered by hN01NFER-before that date. [do demand for arbitration ofanvsuch claim „dispute or other matter will be made. later tntn thirty chtys after the date -on which ENGENrEM has rendered a written decision in respect thereof in accordance with paraemph'9.11; and the failure to demand arbitration withinsaid thirty days period %kilL resulr in L',IGWE-ER's rlecisioir being final. and binding upon OWNER and,COIyTRAG'TM tf ENGINE -ER renders a decision alter. ai 6kmtion proecedings' have been initiated,•.such decision may beIentered m a•id mcebut Will. not supersede the arbitration, piocaduigs, except where the e(eciiion.isacceptabletgthzpnRiescoricamed� hbdemanii for arbitration of any written decisicin of HNGWELR rendered in.aecordana: with paragraph 9.10 will be made later than ten days after the party making such demand has dcliVcrW Ivni¢en notice of intention to appeal as provided in paragraph 9:10. 16.3. Notice of; the-demandfix nrhitralim will he filed in writing with the offer paity to the Agreument and with the %menc ui Arbitration.,%_ a;ialion and a copy will, be sent to ENG[NECR for information. 'The demand for arbitration will be made within the tliirtyrlay or ten -clay period tmeci ied in paragraph 16.2 as applicable anJ inall. other cases within a reasonable time after the' claim, dispute or other matter in question has arisen,and'in no event shall. tiny such demand be made after the date when institution of legal or equitable procxcdinpp based on such claim, dispute or ot}ier matter in question .would is Barred' by the applicable statute of lirnitutiorc: EY,bC GENER.41. (J6NDIT16S} 191 a-S,t t 9911 Editim) w, CITY OF FORT COL1.1N5 MODIF[CaT10\5 LRFV 9i99) 16,4, Grcept as provided in paragraph 16.5 belcnv, no .arbitration arising-. out of or relating to the Contract Documents shall include by consolidation, Joinder orinany. other manner_ any other, person or ontay` rim luding ENGliVEER ENGMER's .CPiuultant and the officers., .directors, agents, emptoyees.or eomultnnrs.of ang of them) whoisnot a party to this contractunless: 16.4.1. the inclusion of such, other, person or entity is ,necessary,if oomplctc relief is to be-eflordcd-amata, thus! who re aUeady parties tp the arbitrati�r> and 16.4.2. such other person or entity is .substantially involved in a question of law or fact which is common to those who are already parties to the.arharntion and which will arise in. such prouccling_Cand. 16.4.3. the wriu n consent of the other person: or entity sought to, be included and of OWNER and CON'1'RACI'OR has [men ohtained for such inclusion;, which, consent shall make specific reference to. this parsegg�aph;,hut m such consent shall,constimte consent to arlsitrttion of any dispute not specifically described in such consent onto arhnration with any patty not speeificatly identified -in arch consent. 16.5, Notwithstanding paragraph 16.4. if.a claim:, dispute or other matter in question between OWNER and CONTR.NCTOR involves the Work of a Sub ontractor, either OWNER or CO!,TVRACfOR may join such Subcontractor as a party to the arbitration between 01ANI ER. and CON'rRAC'rOR hereunder. COKMACt'OR sh ll include in all. subcontracts required by paragraph 6.11 a. specific_ provision' whereby the Subcontractor consents to being joined in an arbitration between OWi3ER. and CON7RACIOR involving the Work of such Subconhactor. Nothing. in this ' rigmph 16.5 nor in the provision of such subcontract consenting to joinder .shall' create any claim, righi Or cause or action in, &or of Subcontractor and against OWNER. EiNGLNEER. or E IGf.iE13R'sConsuleansthatdoes'nototherwiseexist, 16.6. 'The aw•ard'rendered by the arbitrators will be. final, judgment may, he entered ufxin it in any court having jurisdiction thereof and it will not be subject to moditictition or appeal'. .16.7. OWNER and.CONTRACTOR agree'that they shall fiist submit -any and all tiniet_tlLd claims„ wuntercLtims, disputes and odier matters in qut~tion betwecn them arisirig, out of or relating* to the' Contrael .Da;ummts or the breach thereofCdrsputes"). to mediation by the American :Arbitration Assoeiaiicim under the Cortstruclion Industry &fediatiou Riles of the. American Arbitration l�ssticiatian prior to either of them initiating against the other a demand for arbitration pursuant to puragimpits 16.1 through 15 6, tudess delay in imhating arbitration would irrevocably prejudice one of the. parties.• fhe respective thirty and ten day time timits within which to file to demml for abittitits provided i,amiro`raphs- 16,2 and 16.3' above shall be suspended with respeet.to H. .dispute submitted to mediation within those same. applicable time limits and shall remain suspended until ten dnys after the termination of the mediation. The nwdiatnr ofanydispute submitted to mediation under this Agreement shall' not serve as arbitrator of such'dispute uiif uss olhmvise, agreed (iC-Al 30. Q. Please clarify window types desired, i.e. material, cladding, interior material, sills/aprons, jamb treatment, casing, etc. Only glass type is specified in the plans. A. Contractor to provide. At a minimum, all windows must be triple pane insulated per sheet Al04. Bidder to install drywall casing, poplar sills, finish / paint to match. 31. Q. Please clarify exterior door specifications, i.e. material, cladding, glazing, interior material. Please confirm handicapped door operators are not required. A. Please reference revised sheet A104. 32. Q. Is sheet vinyl or VCT required in the janitor closet? Plan and finish schedule calls out both. A. Sheet vinyl. City of Fort Collins to pick colors. 33. Q. Is there a standard specification for flooring materials (type, manufacturer, etc) that can be used for bid purposes. A. Bidder to provide. 34. Q. Is FRP desired in the janitor closet? Should the fixture be a mop sink or a utility sink? A. Meet code minimum. Mop sink. 35. Q. Are any toilet accessories or building accessories to be supplied or installed by the contractor? A. No. City of Fort Collins will provide. 36. Q. Is any exterior lighting desired on the building? A. Meet code minimum. 37. Q. Please provide a minimum efficiency standard for the A/C condenser? A. Meet code minimum. HVAC system, including heating and A/C, to be design -build by bidder. To be reviewed and approved by City of Fort Collins. 38. Q. Will the City of Ft. Collins except a concrete and steel structure? As an option? The City seems pretty set on the design and specs provided. A. No. 39. Q. Has the building received zoning and planning approval? There is a reference in the bid docs about needing it, how will this approval play into the schedule and liquidated damages? A. Yes. Any approvals delaying the time frame of the project will be taken into consideration and will not affect liquidated damages. 40. Q. The bid docs reference that the city will pay for the building permit and the contractor needs to pay for the building permit, which is it? A. Bidder to pay for the building permit. Addendum 1 — Roselawn Office Building Page 5 of 7 ' L1rl)c(jENmXL0N1)1-i*lO%s olo-S wi.)Il EQliuly -GC .AI ,,, rrTY OF FORT COLIA,% NFQDTFICATTOZ,�s (R.F-v 4[9-1) I i SECTION 00800 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 i i 1 1 1 1 SECTION 00800 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Conditions of the Contract These Supplementary Conditions amend or supplement the General Conditions of the Construction Contract (EJCDC General Conditions 1910-8, 1990 edition with City of Fort Collins modifications) and other provisions of the Contract Documents as indicated below. SC-4.2 Subsurface and Physical Conditions: A. Add the following language to paragraph 4.2.1 of the General Conditions. The following report(s) of exploration and tests of subsurface conditions at the site of the Work: Geotechnical Investigation of Modular Building at Roselawn Cemetery by CTL Thompson, Project No. FC05361-125, dated November 11, 2010 Contractor may rely upon the accuracy of the technical data contained in the geotechnical documents, but not upon nontechnical data, interpretations or opinions contained therein or upon the completeness of any information in the report. B. No drawing of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface or subsurface structures (except Underground Facilities referred to in Paragraph 4.3) which are at or contiguous to the site have been utilized by the Engineer in preparation of the Contract Documents, except the following: N/A SC-5.4.8 Limits of Liability A. Add the following language at the end of paragraph 5.4.8. The limits of liability for the insurance required by the paragraph numbers of the General Conditions listed below are as follows: 5.4.1 and 5.4.2 Coverage A - Statutory Limits Coverage B - $100,000/$100,000/$500,000 r 5.4.3 and 5.4.5 Commercial General Liability policy will have limits of $1,000,000 combined single limits (CSL). This policy will include coverage for Explosion, Collapse, and Underground coverage unless waived by the Owner. 5.4.6 The Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance policy will have limits of $1,000,000 combined single limits ' (CSL). 5.4.9 This policy will include completed operations coverage/product liability coverage with limits of $1,000,000 combined single limits (CSL). ' SC-8.10 OWNER's Project Manager A. Add the following language to ARTICLE 8: ' 8.10. The OWNER will provide a Project Manager. The CONTRACTOR shall direct all questions concerning ' Contract interpretation, Change Orders, and other requests for clarification or instruction to the Project Manager. 8.10.1 Authority: The Project Manager will be the OWNER's ' representative during the construction of the project. The Project Manager shall have the authority set forth in the OWNER's Capital Project Procedures Manual. The Project Manager shall have the authority to reject work and materials whenever such rejection may be necessary to ensure the proper performance of the Work in accordance ' with the Contract Documents. 8.10.2 Duties and Responsibilities: The Project Manager will make ' periodic visits to the project site to observe the progress and quality of the Work and to determine, in general, if the Work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. ' The Project Manager shall not be required to make comprehensive or continuous inspections to check the progress or quality of the Work. The Project Manager shall ' not be responsible for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures, or for safety precautions or programs in connection with the Work, or for any failure of the Contractor to comply with laws and regulation applicable to the performance or furnishing of the Work. Visits and observations made by the Project Manager shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR of his obligation to conduct comprehensive inspections of the Work, to furnish materials and perform acceptable Work, and to provide SC-12.3 adequate safety precautions in conformance with the Contract Documents. The Project Manager shall at all times have access to the Work. The CONTRACTOR shall provide facilities for such access so the Project Manager may perform his or her functions under the Contract Documents. 8.10.3 One or more Resident Construction Inspector(s) (RCI) may be assigned to assist the Project Manager in providing observation of the Work, to determine whether or not the Work is proceeding according to the construction documents. CONTRACTOR will receive written notification from the OWNER of any RCI assignments. The RCI shall not supervise, direct or have control or authority over, nor be responsible for, CONTRACTOR's means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction or the safety precautions and programs incident thereto, or for any failure of CONTRACTOR to comply with Laws and Regulations applicable to the furnishing or performance of the Work. The RCI will not be responsible for CONTRACTOR's failure to perform or furnish the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. The RCI's dealings in matters pertaining to the on -site work will be to keep the Project Manager properly apprised about such matters. 8.10.4 Communications: All instructions, approvals, and decisions of the Project Manager shall be in writing. The CONTRACTOR may not rely on instructions, approvals, or decisions of the Project Manager until the same are reduced to writing. Add the following language to the end of paragraph 12.3. Contractor will include in the project schedule five 5 days lost due to abnormal weather conditions. SC-13.12 Correction Period: 13.12.1 If within one year after the date of Substantial Completion or such longer period of time as may be prescribed by Laws or Regulations or by the terms of any applicable special guarantee required by the Contract Documents or by any specific provision of the Contract Documents, an Work is found to be defective, CONTRACTOR shall promptly, without cost to OWNER and in accordance with OWNER's written instructions ... I SECTION 00900 ADDENDA, MODIFICATIONS AND PAYMENT 00950 Contract Change Order 00960 Application for Payment [J 1 e 11 r i 1 11 I SECTION 00950 CHANGE ORDER NO. ' PROJECT TITLE: Roselawn Office Building CONTRACTOR: Classic Contractors Inc. , PROJECT NUMBER: 7312 ' DESCRIPTION: 1. Reason for change: 2. Description of Change: , 3. Change in Contract Cost: , 4. Change in Contract Time: ORIGINAL CONTRACT COST $ .00 ' TOTAL APPROVED CHANGE ORDER 0.00 TOTAL PENDING CHANGE ORDER 0.00 TOTAL THIS CHANGE ORDER 0.00 TOTAL % OF THIS CHANGE ORDER , TOTAL C.O.% OF ORIGNINAL CONTRACT ADJUSTED CONTRACT COST $ 0.00 (Assuming all change orders approved) ' ACCEPTED BY: DATE: Contractor's Representative ACCEPTED BY: DATE: Project Manager REVIEWED BY: DATE: Title: ' APPROVED BY: DATE: Title: �■ II■ APPROVED BY: DA Purchasing Agent over $30,000 cc: City Clerk Contractor Project File Architect Engineer Purchasing � � S\ ƒ }\M / %® q%� A bey \w zwZZ00 z05wz SGca0—G g0�) )�§0( C\LA ) ) 0 z \ \z — * ) \ \ ) g / w cct o ) k\ � 0 » m /< 7) \««{ \ z z \.. \ \ �\ \\//a j \\ z \ » e _ )2 0: 2 = F- z A� j) \\\k\ f }\ ( \} \ k) )/ £uz\« j z ) ) » < // 0z \\)\) 2 E3 0 $ ® w ( .. _ _ , z / _CL CL z ® = - § - - f < CT { \ \ j - - < < < \ \ \ E < } ) CL M uo ® 3 0 / i < \ < z .\\ \ / z f \ 0 a) , 0 w0 < < ±�mr } )$3 \ \ ) c \ % § ®/ 2 6! a 2 a 2 a z } o/ Z / 3/ j/ R/\ U O d m N W N Q �� �OOO00000OOOOOOOO00000Oo0oOOOOOooO 000000000000000000000000000000000 d .6 W 0v)��6q�bo9�609���ta��6o9��6.ao9���609U,ul6q�6qbo9���� a) O N C .- - ~ N m a �oO0000CDC) oOOOOO0000000000Oo00oo0000 3 o 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Y O N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E fi> bq 69 69 69 69 69 69 ef> 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 43 d> EA eA Ffl EA eri 69 69 69 69 EA 69 fA fJ-> 6969 >� E O U o m T ~0 O COooOOOoo0OOOOOOOOOooOOOOOOOOCDC) ooOO o o CD o o CD O o O o 0 0 0 o O o o O CD o 0 0 o O o O O O o O o o O O N Y o a o O E 69 69 69 er> v., &% 69 &I es> &I et> 69 69 69 69 69 69 es> et> Vt <» Ge e» e> 69 ef> ef> 69 es> Ul Vt et> eF> 69 I- '> 'c Owl o "La U d cL �• Q� O U Q 7ia a O0000OooO000C)oOOOO00000OO00000C)CiOo a a �00000000000000000O000000000000000o Q a> Y 000000000o0o0000000000o000000000000 E 69 Ef> EA 69 69 69 69 to EA 69 69 69 69 69 69 6q ef> es> e % 69 69 69 69 fR 69 EA 69 69 61) 69 69 69 eA 61> >0 p_ > O N -C U t c > H2 O C00000CD00000000000000OO0000000000o0 00000000000000000000000000000000000 E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q bl> Ef> 69 69 Q=Y 69 69 69 69 69 esi 69 69 69 69 69 69 ef> eR 69 69 64 69 69 69 ef> EA e» 69 69 69 69 V), 69 a) C U �a N C C Z I T O - C Q 7 � a U o U) Z fl H O a� a� E m_ o Z C U N LL � O a m Cl) LU 0 U m 0000000000000000000000000000000000 co 6 000000000000000000000000000000000 a FOIL~O6%6000»0»���sU3CD 69U: ci �VV�s0s��V)s0s������69���U3-&3ss0a�� 0 aD o rn U m o ca a 0000000000000000000000000000000000o -a o00000000000000000000000000000000000 N E Y E O O_ o 0 0 o 0 o 0 06 o 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 06 0 0 0 0 0 06 0 06 69 EA Vi EA 69 fA 69 N Vi V) fA Vf Vf EA <A 61T Vf EA Vf EH V> 6% 69 V) N V-T eH V1 69 69 EA V> V) 0 611 0 V� Z w3:E 0 a) } O (0 ~� a O C:000o0o0000000aooCDoo0o0ooa000CDo00000 LL 0 z o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 0 05 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N O(U p 'E O 0 a • > Vf VJ V) V) V) EA 6q V) V3 EA eH fA 6zi Efi Vf Vf V) Efi V3 V3 EA Vf Vf 64 Vf Vi 66 Vf Vi Vi 0), ell V> Eli V) i= U o d d J (� a a Q a �000oo00000000000000000000o000000000 oo00oo000o00oo0000000000000000000000 Q0000000000000000000000000006.....00 fA ER EA V> fA e» 64 69 69 69 EA Vf Vf Vf 69 EA Vi Vi Vi 61i 69 6-1 EA Efi Vf Vi V) V> V> V) V> Vf 69 Vi Vf E 0 U t 3~2 O �000000000000o000oo000000o00000000a 0000000000000o00000000000000000000a E6666600000000o00000000000o006o666a Q etr ea e» V> u> e» Vf u> 6v E» E» 01, v> u3, 6q » ef> e» eA 64 61) Abl <A 64 Q, 0). eH Vi EH vi eul 'C U tea` m U c � � O O W I (D = m O U Q F— a� a a� CoE= 0 Z 11 41. Q. Was there a certain manufacturer used for basis of design if building is ' prefabricated? A. No. 42. Q. In Section 01030 the alternates listed in this section do not match the alternate listed on the bid form. Please clarify. ' A. Use the alternates on the bid form. 1 1 Addendum 1 — Roselawn Office Building Page 6 of 7 1 L o-0 0 0 � c '� 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 0 O W= D 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 o mN� 61) 0 L c a "6 jN 0 O _ O O UL N aura o e» O c 73 N 0 Q c :3 o m o m o W } _ '> .V O F Q c Vk 2 d Q W U) O O F c 0 .c U W N L v' U U Q O 7 O c Z F L 9 N E z TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Section 01010 Summary of Work ' 01025 Measurement and Payment 01026 Application for Payment 01027 Change Order Procedures 01030 Alternates 01040 Coordination 01041 Superintendent 01046 Access to Site 01050 Field Engineering 01060 Regulatory Requirements ' 01200 Project Meetings 01310 Construction Schedules 01340 Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples 01370 Schedule of Values 01400 Quality Control 01410 Testing 01510 Temporary Utilities 01520 Construction Equipment and Aids 01530 Barriers and Enclosures 01560 Temporary Controls 01590 Field Offices and Sheds ' 01600 Material and Equipment 01656 Disinfection of Domestic Water Lines 01666 Testing Piping System 01700 01710 Contract Close -Out Cleaning 01720 Project Record Documents 01730 Operating and Maintenance Data 01740 Warranties and Bonds APPENDIX ' Soils Report 11 I ' Table of Contents - 1 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 No Text I [1 E r DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Portions of these specifications designated as Bidding and Contract Requirements and Division 1, General Requirements, apply to this Division and all Sections herein. No Text I SECTION 01010 SUMMARY OF WORK PART GENERAL 1.01 PROJECT SITE A. Location: The site is located at 2718 E. Mulberry Street, Fort Collins, Colorado. 1.02 DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK A. General: The work consists of the construction of cast -in -place foundation and modular office, complete with related sitework, parking and driveways. 1. Architectural, structural, mechanical, plumbing and electrical engineering systems design and installation for the structure shall be design/build by the selected Subcontractor. 2. Site civil and site electrical construction shall be subcontracted separately by the Owner. 3. Contractor shall be responsible for modular building construction documents and ' engineering as required by the Larimer County Building Department. B. Unless otherwise provided, Contractor shall provide, at his expense, all materials, labor, equipment, tools, transportation and utilities, including cost of connection necessary for successful completion of the project. ' C. It is the intent of the Owner not to disturb the normal functions of the complex, its residents and their visitors, employees, vendors, suppliers, contractors or related outside businesses during the work of this project. ' 1. Refer to Section 01046, Access to Site, for specific construction access, phasing and scheduling requirements. D. The Contractor shall be responsible for seeing that all contractors, subcontractors, suppliers and workmen associated with the project conduct themselves in a professional, respectful and ' businesslike manner while on the site. 1. Firearms, alcoholic beverages and controlled substances are not permitted on the premises. 2. Smoking or use of tobacco products shall only be allowed in designated areas, and is prohibited within any structure. 3. All workers shall refrain from the use of profane or abusive language and other forms of harassment on the site. 4. Other specific conditions of this Section shall be as arranged at the Pre -Construction Conference. Refer to Section 01046 for specific rights of the Owner's principal representative. E. Related requirements or conditions specified elsewhere: ' 1. Section 01030, Alternates. 2. Section 01046, Access to Site. 3. Section 01060, Regulatory Requirements. 4. Section 01400, Quality Control: Quality control and workmanship standards. 5. Section 01600, Material and Equipment: Quality of materials and equipment to be installed in the work. 1 1.03 HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBILITY A. Handicapped Accessibility/Adaptability: For purposes of building permit review by Larimer County, and general coordination of interrelated elements of the Work, the following shall aPPIY 1. Entire building shall be constructed as handicapped accessible. The following provisions shall be made: ' Rosetawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 01010 - 1 a. Provide blocking in wall framing for installation of grab bars in accessible ' bathrooms. b. Furnish and install lever trims for all finish hardware for doors. C. All exterior and interior doors shall be T-0" wide with accessible thresholds. ' d. Furnish and install thermostats, power outlets, switches and other miscellaneous accessories at mounting heights required by applicable accessibility and/or building codes. 1.04 CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS A. Superintendent Qualifications: Refer to Section 01041. 1.05 FORM OF BID AND/OR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT A. The work of this Project shall be bid and construction contracts awarded on the following basis, unless otherwise modified in the General or Supplementary Conditions of the Contract: , 1. Lump sum basis. 1.06 WORK BY OTHERS ' A. Owner shall furnish and install all grading, landscaping and related site improvements, beyond the construction limits indicated on the Drawings, by separate contract. B. On -site extension of new dry utility services, including but not limited to: ' 1. Underground secondary electrical service. 2. Underground telephone/telecom service. 3. Underground cable television service. 4. Underground fiber optic service. ' C. Owner shall furnish and install all office systems and furnishings by separate contract. D. Owner shall furnish and install all window coverings by separate contract. E. Owner shall furnish and install projection screen(s), chalkboards and marker boards, and other , audio/visual equipment. F. Owner shall furnish and install all telephone and data/ equipment and wiring by separate contract, except for the empty conduit runs. G. Owner shall furnish and install all vending equipment by separate contract. , H. Owner shall furnish and install all site furnishings, bicycle racks and playground equipment by separate contract. I. Owner shall furnish and install all residential appliances by separate contract. J. Owner shall furnish and install all computers and other movable equipment by separate contract. K. Owner shall provide any applicable project or building inspection services as required by Chapter 17 of the International Building code (IBC), current edition, by separate contract. The 1 Architect and Engineers will not provide these services. END OF SECTION I I 11 01010 - 2 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 D I ` SECTION 01025 ' MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT PART GENERAL ' 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. This Section covers methods of measurements and payment for items of Work covered in the Bid Form/Bid Schedule. 1. Owner will not pay for defective work and will not pay for repair or additional work required to bring the project to a point of acceptance. B. Bid Price: 1. The Total Bid Price covers all Work required by the Contract Documents. All work not specifically set forth as a pay item in the Bid Form shall be considered a subsidiary obligation of the Contractor and all costs in connection therewith shall be included in the prices bid for the various items of Work. 2. Prices shall include all costs in connection with the proper and successful completion of the Work, including furnishing all materials, equipment and tools, performing all labor and supervision to fully complete the Work, associated General Conditions and Division 1 expenses associated with the Work, and the costs of Contractor overhead, profit and bonding applicable to the particular Bid Item. C. Related work specified elsewhere: 1. Bid Form/Bid Schedule. END OF SECTION I L 1 I ' Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 01025 • 1 SECTION 01026 APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT PART GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. Submit Applications for Payment to Owner in accordance with the schedule established by the General and Supplementary Conditions of the Contract and Owner -Contractor Agreement. B. Related requirements specified elsewhere: 1. Owner -Contractor Agreement: a. Lump sum and unit prices. b. Progress payments, retainages and final payment. C. Allowable progress payments for Contractor overhead, profit and Division 1 expenses. 2. Bid Form. 3. General and Supplementary Conditions: a. Retainages. b. Liquidated damages, if applicable. C. Partial release of lien affidavits. 4. Section 01700, Contract Closeout. 5. Section 01714, Construction Waste Management. 6. Section 01730, Operating and Maintenance Data. 1.02 FORMAT AND DATA REQUIRED A. Submit itemized Applications using standard City of Fort Collins forms, unless otherwise approved. B. Provide itemized data on continuation sheet. Format, schedule, line items and values shall be those of the Schedule of Values accepted by Architect. C. Applications for payment shall include only that material, labor and/or stored material in place as of the date of Application. 1.03 PREPARATION OF APPLICATION FOR EACH PROGRESS PAYMENT A. Application Form 1. Form shall be completed and notarized by a Notary Public, state of Colorado. 2. Fill in required information, including that for Change Orders executed prior to date of submittal of Application. Incomplete Application forms shall be returned to the Contractor and not processed. 3. Fill in summary of dollar values to agree with respective totals indicated on continua- tion sheets. 4. Certification shall be executed with signature of a responsible officer of contract firm. B. Continuation Sheets: 1. Fill in total list of all schedule component items of work with item number and scheduled dollar value for each item. 2. Fill in dollar value in each column for each scheduled line item when work has been performed or products stored, as of date of Application. 3. List each Change Order executed prior to date of Application at the end of the continuation sheets. a. List by Change Order number and description, as for an original component item of work. C. Retainage: The Owner shall withhold retainage from each progress payment, as stipulated in the General and Supplementary Conditions. Contractor shall reflect the amount retained on each Application for Payment. 01026 - 1 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 r1.04 RELATED SUBMITTALS REQUIRED WITH APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT A. Partial Release of Liens Affidavit: Contractor shall submit a Partial Release of Liens Affidavit with each Application for Payment certifying payment to Subcontractors, material suppliers or other entities having provided labor, materials and equipment related to the Work covered by the previous Application for Payment, as specified in the General and Supplementary Conditions. B. Prior to acceptance of Application for Progress Payments, Contractor shalt show that project record drawings are current and up to date per Section 01720, as requested by the Architect or Owner. C. Prior to acceptance of Final Application for Payment, Contractor shall submit complete operating and maintenance manuals, including all warranties, for review and acceptance by the Architect and Owner. Refer to paragraph 1.06 below. 1.05 SUBSTANTIATING DATA FOR PROGRESS PAYMENTS A. When the Owner requires substantiating data, Contractor shall submit suitable information with a cover letter identifying: 1. Project name, Application number and date. 2. Detailed list of enclosures. 3. Stored materials may be submitted for payment, provided they are stored on site, in the Subcontractor's insured facility, or in a bonded warehouse facility as of the date of Application. a. Submit item number and identification as shown on Application, description of specific material. b. Submit certificate of insurance indicating coverage of stored materials, if requested by the Owner. B. Submit one (1) copy of data for each copy of Application. ' 1.06 PREPARATION OF APPLICATION FOR FINAL PAYMENT A. Fill in Application form as specified for progress payments. B. Use continuation sheet for presenting the final statement of accounting as specified in Section 01700, Contract Close -Out. 1.07 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURE ' A. Submit Applications for Payment to Owner within the time limitations and deadlines stipulated in the Agreement. B: Number: Four (4) copies of each Application, or as established with the Owner. ' C. Final Certificate for Payment shall be processed only after operating and maintenance manuals have been received, reviewed and accepted by the Owner. ' END OF SECTION I ' Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 01026 - 2 OC YNO-10'D SNI-1-10'-) 1TJ0;zl sNi��oo 1-ai0=l =10 3�:)IAA0 NMY-1350Z! NOLL.)M!USNOJ TJOA ION "al I T__________________________________ ___- I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I g I I � I I b W d I I I I I ' 04 I zc I y 1 pill I E. g� ____________- �-f I I O i I I gf J 1 u 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 SECTION 01027 CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURES PART GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. Contractor shall prepare and promptly implement Change Order procedures: 1. Provide full written data required to evaluate proposed changes in the Contract Sum or extensions of the Contract Time. 2. Maintain detailed records of work done on a time-and-material/force-account basis. 3. Maintain detailed records of weather -related delays to substantiate claims for additional time. B. Designate in writing the member of Contractor's organization who is authorized to accept changes in the work. C. Related requirements specified elsewhere: 1. Owner -Contractor Agreement and Conditions of the Contract: a. Methods of determining cost or credit to Owner resulting from changes in the work made on a time -and -material basis. b. Contractor's claims for additional costs. C. Allowable limits for Contractors overhead and profit. d. Established unit prices. 2. Section 01026, Applications for Payment. 3. Section 01046, Access to Site: Designation of Owner's Principal Representative, authorized to execute change orders. 4. Section 01310, Construction Schedules. 5. Section 01370, Schedule of Values. 6. Section 01600, Material and Equipment: Substitutions. 7. Section 01720, Project Record Documents. 1.02 DEFINITIONS A. Change Order: See General Conditions. B. Architect's Supplemental Instructions, standard City of Fort Collins form: A written order, instructions or interpretations signed by Architect making minor changes in the work not involving a change in Contract Sum or Contract Time. C. Proposal Request, standard City of Fort Collins form: A written request by the Owner or Architect describing proposed changes in the work and requesting change order pricing from the Contractor, but not authorizing the work to be completed until approved in writing by the Owner. D. Construction Change Authorization, standard City of Fort Collins form: A written order to the Contractor signed by Owner which amends the Contract Documents as described and authorizes Contractor to proceed with a change which affects the Contract Sum or the Contract Time, for inclusion in a subsequent Change Order. 1.03 PRELIMINARY PROCEDURES A. Owner may initiate changes by submitting a Proposal Request to Contractor. Request will include: 1. Detailed description of the change, products and location of the change in the project. 2. Supplementary or revised Drawings and Specifications. 3. The projected time span for making the change and a specific statement as to whether overtime work is or is not authorized. 4. A specific period of time during which the requested price will be considered valid. 5. Such request is for information only and is not an instruction to execute the changes or to stop work in progress. 01027 - 1 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 B. Contractor may initiate changes by submitting a written notice to Owner containing: 1. Description of the proposed changes. 2. Statement of the reason for making the changes. 3. Statement of the affect on the Contract Sum and the Contract Time. 4. Statement of the affect on the work of separate contractors. 5. Documentation supporting any change in Contract Sum or Contract Time as ' appropriate. C. Changes in the work affecting construction cost and/or contract time shall not be started without a fully executed Change Order or other written authorization from the Owner and Architect, in accordance with the General and Supplementary Conditions. 1.04 CONSTRUCTION CHANGE AUTHORIZATION A. In lieu of a Proposal Request, Owner may issue a Construction Change Authorization for ' Contractor to proceed with a change for subsequent inclusion in a Change Order. B. Authorization will describe changes in the work, both additions and deletions, with attachments of revised Contract Documents to define details of the change and will designate ' the method of determining any change in the Contract Sum and any change in Contract Time. C. Owner and Architect will sign and date the Construction Change Authorization as authorization for the Contractor to proceed with the changes. D. Contractor will sign and date the Construction Change Authorization to indicate agreement ' with the terms therein. 1.05 DOCUMENTATION OF PROPOSALS AND CLAIMS A. Support each quotation for a lump sum proposal and for each unit price which has not ' previously been established with sufficient substantiating data to allow Architect and Owner to evaluate the quotation. 1. Labor and equipment required. ' 2. Materials required: a. Recommended source of purchase and unit cost. b. Quantities required. 3. Taxes, insurance and bonds. ' 4. Credit for work modified or deleted from Contract similarly documented. 5. Overhead and profit. Refer to Supplemental Conditions of the Contract for established limits, if applicable. 6. Justification for any change in Contract Time. B. Support each claim for additional costs and for work done on a time-and-material/force- account basis, with documentation as required for a lump sum proposal plus additional information: 1. Name of the Owner's authorized agent who ordered the work and date of the order. 2. Dates and times work was performed and by whom. 3. Time record, summary of hours worked and hourly rates paid. 4. Receipts and invoices for: ' a. Equipment used, listing dates and times of use. b. Products used, listing quantities. C. Subcontracts. C. Document requests for substitutions for products as specified in Section 01600. D. Support each claim for additional time due to weather -related delays with the following daily information: 1. Statement of the reason for requesting an extension to the Contract Time due to the weather, including the materials or trades affected and the adverse effects of the weather upon these items. 2. Weather conditions at the site of the project for each day requested. 3. Temperature in Fahrenheit at the site for each day requested. 4. Any additional information requested by the Owner. 1 01027 - 2 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 1.06 PREPARATION OF CHANGE ORDERS A. Contractor shall prepare each Change Order, unless Owner or Architect is authorized to prepare Change Orders at the Pre -Construction Conference. B. Form: Change Order, standard City of Fort Collins form or Owner provided form. C. Change Order will describe changes in the work, both additions and deletions, with attachments of revised Contract Documents to define details of the change. D. Change Order will provide an accounting of the adjustment in the Contract Sum and the Contract Time. 1.07 LUMP SUM/FIXED PRICE CHANGE ORDER A. Content of Change Orders will be based on either: 1. Owner's Proposal Request and Contractor's response as mutually agreed between Owner and Contractor; or 2. Contractor's proposal for a change as recommended by Architect. B. Owner will sign and date the Change Order as authorization for the Contractor to proceed with the changes. C. Contractor will sign and date the Change Order to indicate agreement with the terms therein. 1.08 UNIT PRICE CHANGE ORDER A. Content of Change Orders will be based on either: 1. Owner's definition of the scope of the required changes. 2. Contractor's proposal for a change as recommended by Architect. 3. Survey of completed work. B. The amounts of the unit prices to be either: 1. Those stated in the Agreement. 2. Those mutually agreed upon between Owner and Contractor. C. When quantities of each of the items affected by the Change Order can be determined prior to start of the work: 1. Owner will sign and date the Change Order as authorization for Contractor to proceed with the changes. 2. Contractor will sign and date the Change Order to indicate agreement with the terms therein. D. When quantities of the items cannot be determined prior to start of the work: 1. Owner will issue a Construction Change Authorization directing Contractor to proceed with the change on the basis of unit prices and will cite the applicable unit prices. 2. At completion of the change, Owner will determine the cost of such work based on the unit prices and quantities used. a. Contractor shall submit documentation to establish the number of units of each item and any claims for a change in Contract Time. 3. Owner wilt sign and date the Change Order to establish the change in Contract Sum and in Contract Time. 4. Owner and Contractor will sign and date the Change Order to indicate their agreement with the terms therein. 1.09 TIME AND MATERIAL/FORCE ACCOUNT CHANGE ORDER/CONSTRUCTION CHANGE AUTHORIZATION A. Owner will issue a Construction Change Authorization directing Contractor to proceed with the changes. B. At completion of the change, Contractor shall submit itemized accounting and supporting data as provided in paragraph 1.05, Documentation of Proposals and Claims. C. Owner will determine the allowable cost of such work as provided in General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions. D. Owner will sign and date the Change Order to establish the change in Contract Sum and in Contract Time. E. Contractor will sign and date the Change Order to indicate their agreement therein. 01027 - 3 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 i i [1 F. Owner must approve in writing and on a daily basis all time and material Change Orders. 1.10 CONTRACTOR OVERHEAD AND PROFIT A. General: Allowable limits to the Contractor's and Subcontractors' mark-ups on Change Orders shall be as established in the General Conditions of the Contract. 1.11 CORRELATION WITH CONTRACTOR'S SUBMITTALS A. Periodically revise Schedule of Values and Application for Payment forms to record each change as a separate item of work and to record the adjusted Contract Sum. B. Periodically revise the Construction Schedule to reflect each change in Contract Time. 1. Revise subschedules to show changes for other items of work affected by the changes. C. Upon completion of work under a Change Order, enter pertinent changes in Record Documents. Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 END OF SECTION 01027 - 4 SECTION 01030 ALTERNATES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. This section identifies each Alternate by number and describes the basic changes to be incorporated into the work only when that Alternate is made a part of the work by specific provisions in the Owner -Contractor Agreement. B. Coordinate related work and modify surrounding work as required to properly integrate the work under each Alternate for the complete construction required by the Contract Documents. C. Related requirements specified elsewhere: 1. Bidding Documents: Method of quotation of the cost of each Alternate and the basis of the Owners acceptance of Alternate. 2. Owner -Contractor Agreement: Incorporation of Alternates into the work. 3. Bid Form and Bid Schedule. 4. Sections of the Specifications as listed under the respective Alternates. Referenced Sections of Specifications stipulate pertinent requirements for products and methods to achieve the work stipulated under each Alternate. D. Alternates will be accepted as follows, unless otherwise modified by the General or Supplementary Conditions to the Contract. 1. Alternates will be accepted in the order listed. E. The Owner will consider the price quotation for each Alternate, in addition to the Base Bid, in determining the apparent Low Bidder, unless otherwise modified by the General or Supplementary Conditions to the Contract. Refer to Information for Bidders. 1.02 DESCRIPTION OF ALTERNATES A. Alternate No. 1 (Add): Add gable roof element at entry. B. Alternate No. 2 (Add): Add wood trellis at porch. END OF SECTION 01030 - 1 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 I 1 I Ili I 1 SECTION 01040 COORDINATION PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 COORDINATION REQUIREMENTS A. Contractor shall be responsible for the overall coordination of all civil, architectural, structural, plumbing, mechanical and electrical components and systems that are a part of this project. 1. Coordinate components and systems prior to purchasing or fabricating. 2. Coordinate materials, equipment and fixtures supplied by various trades for compatibility with the final installation. 3. Coordinate with Owner. 4. Site construction by Owner. B. Coordinate all work included in the Construction Documents, including but not limited to the following construction trades: 1. Demolition. 2. Earthwork, excavation and grading. 3. On -site utilities, including utilities installed by Owner. 4. Portland cement and other hard surface pavements. 5. Landscaping and site irrigation systems by Owner. 6. Cast -in -place concrete and precast concrete. 7. Rough and final carpentry. 8. Cabinetwork. 9. Building, roof and foundation insulation. 10. Roofing and flashings. 11. Doors and windows glazing systems. 12. Painting and finishing. 13. Flooring and hard surfaces. 14. Specialties and equipment. 15. Pre-engineered steel structures. 16. Mechanical, plumbing systems. 17. Electrical systems. C. Coordinate scheduling, submittals and work of the Drawings and various Sections of Specifications to assure efficient and orderly sequence of installation of interdependent construction elements. D. Coordinate and verify that utility requirement characteristics of operating equipment are compatible with the building utilities. Interruption of utility services shall be scheduled with and subject to the approval of the Owner seven (7) business days prior to the interruption. E. Coordinate utility locates and utility designs with Larimer County, ELCO Water District and/or the City of Fort Collins and other jurisdictions having authority over the project. Refer to Section 01060. F. Related requirements specified elsewhere: 1. General and Supplementary Conditions: Contractors Responsibilities. 2. Section 01010, Summary of Work. 3. Section 01050, Field Engineering. 4. Section 01060, Regulatory Requirements. 5. Section 01310, Construction Schedules. 6. Section 01600, Materials and Equipment: Substitutions. 1.02 RELATED WORK BY OTHERS A. Coordinate as required with the Owner for related work, as shown on the Drawings or specified herein, to be performed by the Owner's own forces or by separate contract from this project. Refer to Section 01010. 01040 - 1 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 1.02 COORDINATION OF SCHEDULES A. Coordinate schedule of construction activity with the Owner's continued use of the facility and , site. Refer to Section 01046, Access to Site. B. Coordinate schedule of construction activity with the Owner and other Contractors as necessary to facilitate the related work by others described above. ' 1.03 COORDINATION MEETINGS A. In addition to progress meetings specified in Section 01200, Contractor shall hold coordination ' meetings and pre -installation conferences with personnel and Subcontractors to assure coordination of work. 1.04 COORDINATION OF SUBMITTALS A. General: Schedule and coordinate all submittals specified in Section 01340 or other Sections. B. Coordinate work of various Sections having interdependent responsibilities for installation, connection and start-up and controls for systems and equipment. C. Coordinate requests for substitutions to assure compatibility of space, operating elements and the effect on work of other Sections. 1.05 COORDINATION OF SPACE A. Coordinate use of project space and sequence of installation of mechanical, plumbing, fire protection and electrical work which is indicated diagrammatically on the Drawings. Follow routing shown for pipes, ducts and conduits as closely as practicable, with due allowance for available physical space; make runs parallel with lines of building. Utilize space efficiently to maximize accessibility for other installations, for maintenance and for repairs. B. In finished areas, except as otherwise shown, conceal pipes, ducts and wiring in the construction. Coordinate locations of fixtures and outlets with finish elements. 1.06 COORDINATION OF CONTRACT CLOSEOUT A. Coordinate completion and cleanup of work of separate Sections in preparation for Substantial Completion. B. Assemble and coordinate closeout submittals specified in Section 01700. C. After Owner's occupancy of premises, coordinate access to the site by various Sections for correction of defective work and work not in accordance with Contract Documents to minimize the disruption of Owner's activities. END OF SECTION 01040 - 2 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 I ' SECTION 01041 SUPERINTENDENT PART 1 GENERAL ' 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. Contractor shall employ a competent superintendent and any necessary assistants, who shall be in attendance at the project site during performance of the work. B. Superintendent shall be on the jobsite to the minimum level specified herein, but in all cases whenever a Subcontractor is working on the project. C. Related work specified elsewhere: ' 1. General and Supplementary Conditions of the Contract. 2. Section 01010, Summary of Work: Contractor Qualifications. 3. Section 01040, Coordination. ' 4. Section 01046, Access to Site. 1.02 QUALIFICATIONS A. Superintendent Qualification Requirements: Contractor shall employ a competent superintendent to supervise and coordinate all construction and jobsite administration tasks for the duration of the project. 1. Superintendent shall be a regular employee of the Contractor's firm, unless the use of a contract employee is approved and authorized by the Owner in writing. 2. Superintendent shall have a general knowledge of the building type and type of construction proposed for this project, and shall have successfully completed at least ' one (1) project of similar size and complexity in the past five (5) years, serving in a similar capacity. 3. Contractor shall submit a written resume, references for similar completed projects and other supporting documents to verify the qualifications of the person(s) to be ' employed as superintendent for this project, if requested by the Owner. B. General Contractor Qualification Requirements: Refer to Section 01010, Summary of Work. 1.03 REQUIRED LEVEL OF SUPERVISION A. Superintendent shall be present at the jobsite until Substantial Completion on a full-time basis. 1. Superintendent shall be present at the jobsite whenever a Subcontractor is working on the project. ' 2. Superintendent shall be present during any municipal or utility inspection.. 3. Superintendent shall be present at any scheduled or Owner -requested meeting. B. Superintendent shall be present at the jobsite after Substantial Completion and through project close-out as follows: 1. Superintendent need not be on -site full time during this period, except as noted below. 2. Superintendent shall be present at the jobsite when any punchlist work is being completed. END OF SECTION 1 01041 -1 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 SECTION 01046 ACCESS TO SITE PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 OWNER'S USE OF PREMISES A. City of Fort Collins shall fully occupy the existing facility, parking areas and grounds during construction of this project, except for specific areas designated strictly for use by the Contractor as specified in paragraph 1.02. B. It is the intent of the Owner that the Contractor not disturb the normal functions of the complex, residents, visitors, employees, vendors, suppliers, contractors or related outside businesses during the work of this project. C. City of Fort Collins shall not occupy or use any portion of the building or site until Substantial Completion of the project. 1.02 CONTRACTOR'S USE OF PREMISES A. Contractor shall have access to the site of new construction as required for the successful completion of the project, as arranged at the Pre -Construction Conference. B. Site area affected by construction access, construction activities, employee parking and material storage areas is to be minimized. 1. General limits of the site access are as shown on the site plan in the Drawings. Final limits shall be as determined at the Pre -Construction Conference. 2. Owner's access to non -affected areas of the site shall be maintained at all times. Employee parking areas will be maintained throughout the duration of the Project, as determined at the Pre -Construction Conference. C. Contractor shall assume full responsibility for the protection and safekeeping of products under this Contract stored on the site and for completed work. D. Noise Control: Refer to Section 01560, Temporary Controls. E. Dust and Erosion Control: Refer to Section 01560, Temporary Controls. F. Construction Hours: Refer to Section 01560, Temporary Controls. G. Toilet Facilities: Refer to Section 01510, Temporary Utilities. 1.03 CONSTRUCTION STAGING A. Contractor shall provide a staging and phasing plan for the Owner's review and approval, including: 1. Major materials to be stored on the site. 2. Major equipment to be used in the work, with the proposed placement of this equipment during different phases of construction. 3. Field offices, trailers and storage sheds, including those proposed by major Subcontractors. 4. Proposed location for construction vehicle and employee parking. 5. Proposed phasing or sequencing of construction on the site. 6. Means and methods of maintaining public access through the construction to the retail tenants, and safety barricades and/or enclosures for public sidewalks. END OF SECTION 01046 - 1 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 I I L 1 I I I SECTION 01050 FIELD ENGINEERING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. Provide and pay for field engineering services required for the proper execution of the work, including but not limited to: 1. Contractor will provide all required construction staking and field engineering, not itemized as provided by the Owner in paragraph 1.02. 2. Intermediate survey at completion of formwork for foundation structures, as specified herein. 3. Final completion survey, as specified herein. 4. Certification survey as may be required by applicable jurisdictions or utility providers. B. Related requirements specified elsewhere: 1. Section 01410, Testing. 2. Section 01720, Project Record Documents. 1.02 OWNER -FURNISHED INFORMATION A. Site Survey: Site survey prepared for the Owner by the Engineer will be provided to the Contractor for his use on this project. 1. Such data is offered solely for reference and is not to be considered a part of the Con- tract Documents. The data contained in the document prepared for the Owner by the Engineer is believed to be reliable; however, the Architect and Owner do not guarantee its accuracy or completeness. B. Architectural Site Plan Drawing or Horizontal Control Plan prepared by the Architect/Engineer. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Employ a Professional Engineer or Land Surveyor licensed in the state of Colorado and acceptable to the Owner and Architect. B. Documentation and Records: Surveyor or Engineer shall maintain a complete and accurate tog of control and survey work as it progresses. On request of the Architect, submit documentation to verify accuracy of field engineering work. 1. Enter all survey notes and construction stakeout cut notes into bound, hardcover field books. 2. All survey data developed by the Contractor in performing the work shall be available throughout the construction period. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Surveyor or Engineer: Submit name and address of Surveyor or Professional Engineer to be employed by the Contractor to Owner for approval before beginning work of this Section, if requested by the Owner or Architect. B. Completion Certificate: Upon completion of the work, submit to Owner a certificate signed by the Surveyor or Engineer certifying that elevations and locations are in conformance or non- conformance with Contract Documents. Refer to Section 01700, Contract Close -Out. C. Final Completion Survey: Upon completion of the work, submit to the Owner a Final Improvement Survey as specified below. 1.05 USE OF ENGINEER'S ELECTRONIC FILES A. General: Contractor and/or Surveyor may use the Architect's and Engineers' electronic CAD files for site and building layout, upon written request. 01050 - 1 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 I L 1 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Pages BID INFORMATION 00020 Notice Inviting Bids 00020-1 - 00020-2 00100 Instruction to Bidders 00100-1 - 00100-9 00300 Bid Form 00300-1 - 00300-3 00400 Supplements to Bid Forms 00400-1 00410 Bid Bond 00410-1 - 00410-2 00420 Statements of Bidders Qualifications 00420-1 - 00420-3 00430 Schedule of Major Subcontractors 00430-1 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 00500 Agreement Forms 00500-1 00510 Notice of Award 00510-0 00520 Agreement 00520-1 - 00520-6 00530 Notice to Proceed 00530-1 00600 Bonds and Certificates 00600-1 00610 Performance Bond 00610-1 - 00610-2 00615 Payment Bond 00615-1 - 00615-2 00630 Certificate of Insurance 00630-1 00635 Certificate of Substantial Completion 00635-1 00640 Certificate of Final Acceptance 00640-1 00650 Lien Waiver Release (Contractor) 00650-1 - 00650-2 00660 Consent of Surety 00660-1 00670 Application for Exemption Certificate 00670-1 - 00670-2 CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT 00700 General Conditions 00700-1 - 00700-34 Exhibit GC -A GC -Al - GC-A2 00800 Supplementary Conditions 00800-1 - 00800-2 00900 Addenda, Modifications, and Payment 00900-1 00950 Contract Change Order 00950-1 - 00950-2 00960 Application for Payment 00960-1 - 00960-4 SPECIFICATIONS SOILS REPORT 1 B. Engineers will require a release form to be signed and returned prior to release of any ' electronic files, waiving liability for any use the Contractor or Surveyor makes of the electronic files. PART 2 PRODUCTS Not used. ' PART 3 EXECUTION ' 3.01 PROJECT SURVEY REQUIREMENTS A. Reference Points: The Owner shall set construction reference points itemized in paragraph 1.02. Immediately upon entering the project, Contractor shall locate and maintain benchmarks and all other grades, lines, levels and dimensions. Report any errors or inconsistencies to the Architect/Engineer before commencing work. B. Basis for Layout: Surveyor shall reference the Architectural Site Plan or other Horizontal , Control Plan in the Drawings as the basis for the layout of the Project. Grading plans, utility plans, or other site -related Drawings shall not be used for basic building layout, other than for required coordination. C. Permanent Benchmarks: Surveyor or Engineer shall establish a minimum of two (2) permanent ' benchmarks on the site, referenced to data established by survey control points. 1. Benchmarks shall be referenced U.S.G.S. datum based on elevations above sea level if required by the Owner. D. Coordination: Surveyor shall contact all jurisdictions and/or utility providers for field locates ' and temporary markings of affected utility lines prior to beginning survey work. E. Batter Boards and Levels: Engineer or Surveyor shall stake out the building and sitework and provide rigidly set batter boards. Such batter boards shall continue in use free to all requiring , them, but the Contractor shall remain responsible for their maintenance and accuracy. From permanent benchmarks the engineer or surveyor shall ascertain grades and levels to the building as needed. F. Preservation of Monuments and Stakes: Carefully preserve all monuments, benchmarks, , property markers, reference points and stakes. In case of the destruction of these, the Contractor will be charged with expense of replacement and shall be responsible for any mistake or toss of time that may be caused. Permanent monuments or benchmarks which must be removed or disturbed shall be protected until properly referenced for relocation. Furnish ' materials and assistance for proper replacement of such monuments or benchmarks. G. Layout and Control: Surveyor or Engineer shall establish lines and levels, locate and layout by instrumentation and similar means the stakes for finish grading. He shall set control stakes and , shall reset stakes as required during progress of the work. H. Construction Staking: Contractor shall provide construction stakes for the following: 1. Double offset stakes on building slab corners for horizontal and vertical alignment. 2. Sanitary and storm sewer lines as follows: The first 100' from any junction shall be , stationed every 25'. From 100' on, stationing will be every 100'. Cut sheets shall be provided. Sewer services shall be staked with convenient offsets. 3. Water lines shall be staked on centerline at all fittings and angle points and any other points necessary for establishing the line. Water service will be staked with 5' offsets. 4. Any other stakes necessary for the correct alignment of building structures or components. 3.02 INTERMEDIATE SURVEY REQUIREMENTS ' A. Intermediate Survey: Upon completion of formwork for foundation structures, but prior to placement of cast -in -place concrete, Surveyor shall perform an intermediate survey to verify building placement in relation to required setbacks and new or existing easements or rights -of - way. Submit three (3) copies to the Owner. 01050 - 2 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 ! 1. Comply with any other requirements of the Owner's lender for this survey work. 3.03 CERTIFICATION SURVEY REQUIREMENTS A. Certification Survey: Upon completion of sitework, the Surveyor shall perform a certification survey if required by the City of Fort Collins or other jurisdictions or utility providers, including ' submittal of properly formatted drawings or other documentation to these authorities. Submit three (3) copies to the Owner. Certification surveys may be required for, but are not limited to: 1. Storm drainage facilities, including detention pond construction. 2. Water line improvements. 3. Sanitary sewer line improvements. 4. Retaining wall construction adjacent to property lines or public rights -of -way. 3.04 FINAL COMPLETION SURVEY REQUIREMENTS A. Final Improvement Survey: Upon completion of the work, the surveyor or engineer shall ' perform a final improvement survey of the as -constructed conditions, including but not limited to, required reference points, above -ground structures and other improvements, below -ground structures and utilities, and final topography. Submit three (3) copies to the Owner. I I 1 S 1 END OF SECTION �II�Icf�>Qt3 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 I I SECTION 01060 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 APPROVAL AND RECOMMENDATION AGENCIES ' A. Larimer County/City of Fort Collins has jurisdiction for review and approval of the project, including but not limited to, the following departments: 1. Planning and Zoning. 2. Building Inspection. 3. Engineering and Traffic Engineering. 4. Stormwater Utility. ' 5. Electric Utility. B. Other entities having jurisdiction of this project, include but are not limited to: 1. 2. Water/Wastewater Utility. Poudre Fire Authority. ' C. Codes which have been adopted by Larimer County applicable to the project include, but may not be limited to: 1. International Building Code, 2009 Edition (with local amendments). 2. International Fire Code, 2009 Edition. t 3. International Energy Conservation Code, 2009 Edition. 4. International Plumbing Code, 2009 Edition. 5. International Mechanical Code, 2009 Edition. 6. NFPA-1, Fire Code, Current Edition, where applicable. 7. NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, Current Edition, where applicable. 8. National Electrical Code, 2011 Edition. 9. ANSI Al17.1, American National Standards Institute Specifications for Making Buildings ' and Facilities Accessible to and Usable by Physically Handicapped People, Current Edition. 10. Americans with Disabilities Act, provisions for accessibility by physically handicapped people, 1990. , 11. Miscellaneous health and safety codes and standards applied by the State of Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. 12. Any other local, state or federal codes which are applicable. 13. In case of a conflict between referenced applicable codes, the one having the more ' stringent requirements shall govern. D. Related requirements or conditions specified elsewhere: 1. Section 01400, Quality Control: Quality control workmanship standards. , 2. Section 01600, Material and Equipment: Quality of materials and equipment to be installed in the work. 1.02 SERVICES AND UTILITIES t A. Utility services are provided to the area of the project by the following jurisdictions: 1. Water: ELCO Water District. 2. Sanitary Sewer: ELCO Water District. ' 3. Stormwater Drainage: Larimer County. 4. Natural Gas: Xcel Energy. 5. Telephone: Qwest. 6. Cable Television: Comcast. 7. Electric: City of Fort Collins. 8. Fiber Optics: City of Fort Collins. 01060 - 1 , Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 I 7 L I B. Specific on- and off -site utility extensions and service lines are shown on the Drawings, except: 1. Natural gas. 2. Telephone. 3. Cable television. C. Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating the work of these outside utility providers, as well as the coordination of these utilities with those shown on the Drawings. Refer to Section 01040. 1.03 COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS A. In addition to any applicable regulations referenced elsewhere, all Contractors shall strictly adhere to all applicable federal and state laws, orders, and all applicable standards, regulations, interpretations or guidelines issued pursuant thereto, including but not limited to: 1. National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended, and the implementing regulations of HUD and of the Council on Environmental Quality providing for establishment of national policy, goals, and procedures for protecting, restoring and enhancing environmental quality. 2. The Clean Air Act of 1970 as amended, requiring that federal assistance will not be given and that license or permit will not be issued to any activity not conforming to the State implementation plan for national primary and secondary ambient air quality standards. 3. Federal Lead -Based Paint Renovation, Repair and Painting Program, requiring the certification of contractors that perform renovation or repair work on structures built before 1978 to follow specific work practices to prevent lead contamination. This law applies where more than six (6) sq. ft. of interior painted surfaces, or twenty (20) sq. ft. of exterior painted surfaces, are being disturbed in housing, child care facilities and schools. 4. Copeland "Anti -Kickback" Act of 1934 prohibiting and prescribing penalties for "kickbacks" of wages in federally -financed or assisted construction activities. 5. The Lead -Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act - Title IV prohibiting the use of lead - based paint in residential structures constructed or rehabilitated with federal assistance, and requiring notification to purchasers and tenants of such housing of the hazards of lead -based paint and of the symptoms and treatment of lead -based paint poisoning. 6. Section 109 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, providing that no person shall be excluded from participation (including employment), denied program benefits or subjected to discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin or sex under any program or activity funded in whole or in part under Title I (Community Development) of the Act. 7. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion or religious affiliation, or national origin in any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. 1.04 HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBILITY A. Construction shalt be in substantial compliance with the requirements of the American National Standards Institute Specifications for Making Buildings and Facilities Accessible to and Usable by Physically Handicapped People, ANSI A117.1, Current Edition, and the Americans with Disabilities Act, 1990. 1.05 SAFETY OF LIFE, HEALTH AND PUBLIC WELFARE A. Contractor shall have sole responsibility for compliance on the job site with all applicable portions of the Williams -Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) and compliance with the Equal Employment Opportunity Act (EEO). 1. Contractor shall fully comply with OSHA requirements for maintaining Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) on the site. 01060 - 2 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 B. Protection of life, health and public welfare as it relates to construction of the project is the responsibility of the Contractor. The Owner will not provide observation, inspection, supervision or any comment on plans, procedures or actions employed at the project as they relate to safety of life, health or public welfare. If conditions are imposed by the Owner which interfere with or imply actions detrimental to safety, written notice shall be returned to the Contractor for action prior to affecting any unsafe conditions. C. The Architect shalt not have control or charge of, and shall not be responsible for, construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures for safety precautions and programs in connection with the work, for the acts or omissions of the Contractor, subcontractors or any other persons performing any of the work or for the failure of any of them to carry out the work in accordance with the Contract Documents. D. The Architect shall have no responsibility for the discovery, presence, handling, removal or disposal of or exposure of persons to hazardous materials in any form at the project site, including but not limited to asbestos, asbestos products, lead -based paint, polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) or other toxic substances. 1.06 LICENSES A. Refer to General and Supplementary Conditions. B. Contractor shall be responsible for meeting all contractor licensing requirements for Larimer County, including testing and fees as applicable. Contractor shall acquire and maintain all required licenses for the duration of the Project. C. Contractor shall acquire and maintain all specialty construction licenses required by the jurisdiction with authority over the Project. 1.07 PERMITS AND FEES A. General: Refer to General and Supplementary Conditions. B. Owner shall be responsible for the following permits and fees required by the regulatory agencies referenced above: 1. Plan review fees, including fees assessed by Poudre Fire Authority. 2. Building permit fees. C. Contractor shall be responsible for all permits, fees and inspections required by the regulatory agencies referenced above, including but not limited to: 1. Subcontractor fees. D. Tax Exempt Projects: The City of Fort Collins is a tax exempt entity, and therefore no sales or use taxes should be included in the Bid. E. Owner shall be responsible for the following permits, fees and inspections required by the regulatory agencies referenced above, including but not limited to: 1. Plan review fees. 2. Building permit fees. 3. Capital expansion fees, utility impact and plant investment fees, and other development fees. 4. Utility tap and meter fees. F. The Contractor shall be responsible for applying for, and acquiring, all building permits, inspections and any other permits required for the construction of this project. END OF SECTION 01060 - 3 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 ' SECTION 01200 PROJECT MEETINGS ' PART GENERAL ' 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. Owner shall schedule and administer Pre -Bid and Pre -Construction Conferences. B. Contractor shall schedule and administer periodic O/C (Owner/Contractor) progress meetings and ' specially called meetings throughout progress of the work. 1. Prepare agenda for meetings and conduct meetings. 2. Record the minutes, including significant proceedings and decisions. ' 3. Reproduce and distribute copies of minutes within five (5) days after each meeting to all participants in the meeting and parties affected by decisions made at the meeting. 4. Prepare and regularly update an 'open items" list to document and track required decisions and pending changes. ' C. Contractor shall schedule and administer pre -installation conferences and other meetings with subcontractors, suppliers and manufacturer's technical representatives throughout progress of the work. D. Representatives of contractors, subcontractors and suppliers attending meetings shall be ' qualified and authorized to act on behalf of the entity each represents. E. Owner's representative will attend meetings to ascertain that work is expedited consistent with Contract Documents and construction schedules. ' 1.02 PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING ' A. Owner shall schedule and administer the Pre -Construction Conference within five (5) working days after the date of Notice to Proceed. B. Location: A central site, convenient for all parties, designated by the Owner. C. Attendance: 1. Owner's principal representative. 2. Contractors project manager and superintendent. 3. Major subcontractors. D. Agenda: 1. Distribution and discussion of: ' a. List of major subcontractors. b. Project construction schedules. C. Schedule of Values. ' d. Contractors staging plan. 2. Critical work sequencing. 3. Major equipment deliveries and priorities. 4. Project coordination. ' a. Designation of responsible personnel. 5. Procedures and processing of: a. Field decisions. b. Proposal requests. C. Submittals, shop drawings and samples. d. Change Orders. e. Applications for Payment. ' 6. Distribution of Contract Documents. 7. Procedures for maintaining Record Documents. 8. Use of premises: a. Field office, work and storage areas. b. Owner's use of site and grounds. 9. Construction facilities, controls and construction aids. 10. Temporary utilities. 01200 - 1 11. Safety and first -aid procedures. 12. Security procedures and temporary site or building fencing and enclosures. 13. Periodic cleaning procedures. 14. Pending changes and substitutions by Change Order. 15. Installation of project sign. 1.03 O/C PROGRESS MEETINGS A. Contractor shall schedule and administer regular meetings as determined at the Pre -Construction Conference and specially called meetings as required by progress of the work. B. Location of the Meetings: As designated by Contractor and coordinated with the Owner's principal representative, normally the Contractor's field office. C. Attendance: 1. Contractor's project manager and on -site superintendent. 2. Owners principal representative. 3. Subcontractors as appropriate to the agenda. 4. Others as appropriate. D. Suggested Agenda: 1. Review of work progress since previous meeting. 2. Field observations, problems and conflicts. 3. Review of off -site fabrication and delivery schedules. 4. Revisions to the construction schedule. 5. Progress and schedule during succeeding work period. 6. Review submittal schedules and expedite as required. 7. Maintenance of quality standards. 8. Pending changes and substitutions, with review of the proposed changes for: a. Effect on construction schedule and completion date. b. Effect on other contracts of the Project. 9. Review of Contractor's application for progress/final payment. 10. Walk-through observation of the work in progress by the Owner's representative, Architect and his consultants, as necessary, and General Contractor. Subcontractors will only be involved in these walk-throughs as requested by the Owner or Architect. 1.04 PRE -INSTALLATION MEETINGS A. Contractor shall schedule and administer pre -installation conferences and other meetings with subcontractors, suppliers and manufacturer's technical representatives throughout progress of the work. B. Attendance: 1. Owner's representative. 2. Contractor's project manager and on -site superintendent. C. Suggested Agenda: As determined by Contractor. END OF SECTION 01200 - 2 I 1.1 I 1 t 1] SECTION 01310 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Owner estimated construction progress schedules for the work with subschedules of related activities which are essential to its progress. B. Submit revised progress schedules periodically. C. Related requirements specified elsewhere: 1. General and Supplementary Conditions, and Conditions of the Contract: Liquidated damages, if applicable. 2. Section 01027, Change Order Procedures: Requirements for documenting requests for time extensions due to weather. 3. Section 01040, Coordination. 4. Section 01200, Project Meetings. 5. Section 01340, Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples. 6. Section 01700, Contract Close -Out. 1.02 FORM OF SCHEDULES A. Type: Schedules will be computer generated, using "critical path" software subject to approval by the Owner and Architect. 1. Software shall indicate intermediate and final completion milestones. 2. Software shall indicate product data and shop drawing submittal dates, and indicate required ordering dates for long lead-time items. 3. Software shall be capable of automatically adjusting critical path entries. B. Prepare schedules in a continuous flow, both daily and weekly formats. 1. Provide separate horizontal bar for each trade, supplier or subcontractor. 2. Horizontal Time Scale: Identify the first workday of each week. 3. Minimum Size: 8-1 /2" x 11". C. Format of Listing: Table of Contents of this project manual as a minimum. D. Format of Scheduling: Chronological order of the start of each item of work, using "critical path" method. E. Identification of Listings: By major Specification Section numbers as a minimum. 1. Listings shall be complete enough to include each item of work that is sizable enough to affect either the start of, or completion of, other areas of the work. 1.03 CONTENT OF SCHEDULES A. Construction Progress Schedule: 1. Indicate the complete sequence of construction by activity. 2. Indicate the dates for the beginning and completion of each major element of construction. 3. Indicate critical intermediate and final completion milestone dates. 4. Indicate product data and shop drawing submittal dates, and required ordering dates for long lead-time items. 5. Indicate substantial completion, punch list completion, final completion and contract close-out dates. B. Final Completion Schedule: Contractor shalt update the latest progress schedule through contract close-out. C. Float Time: The Contractor and Owner hereby agree that "float" time designed into the schedule is an asset to the Project, and not for the exclusive use or benefit of the Contractor or the Owner, unless otherwise specified in the General and Supplementary Conditions. 01310 - 1 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 D. Nothing in these requirements shall be deemed to be a usurpation of the Contractor's authority and responsibility to plan and schedule the work as he sees fit, subject to all other requirements of the Contract Documents. 1.04 SUBMISSIONS A. Submit initial construction schedule within fifteen (15) days after Award of Contract. 1. Owner will review schedules and return review copy within ten (10) days after receipt, if modifications are required. 2. If required, resubmit within seven (7) days after return of review copy. B. Submit revised progress schedules with each Application for Payment indicating actual work progress in comparison to scheduled progress. C. Revised schedules shall be reviewed at each normally scheduled 0/A/C progress meeting, as set forth in Section 01200. D. Submit final schedule with contract close-out documentation. E. Claims for Weather -Related Contract Time Extensions: Refer to Section 01027 and General and Supplementary Conditions. F. Claims for Other Delays: Refer to General and Supplementary Conditions. 1.05 DISTRIBUTION OF SCHEDULES A. Distribute copies of the reviewed schedules to: 1. Jobsite file. 2. Owner's representative(s). 3. Architect. 4. Other concerned parties. B. Instruct recipients to report promptly to the Contractor in writing any problems anticipated by the projections shown in the schedules. END OF SECTION 01310 - 2 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 ' SECTION 01340 SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES ' PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. Contractor shall coordinate and submit shop drawings, product data, samples and other submittals required by the Contract Documents. ' B. Contractor shall review and approve shop drawings and submittals prior to transmittal to the Architect and Owner. C. Requirements and restrictions on resubmittals. D. Requirements for paper and/or electronic submittals. E. Related requirements specified elsewhere: 1. Conditions of the Contract: Definitions and additional responsibilities of parties. 2. Section 01040, Coordination. 3. Section 01200, Project Meetings. 4. Section 01310, Construction Schedules. 5. Section 01540, Erosion and Sedimentation Controls: Submittal requirements. 6. Section 01714, Construction Waste Management: Submittal requirements. ' 7. Section 01720, Project Record Documents. 1.02 SHOP DRAWINGS ' A. Shop Drawings: Drawings shall be presented in a clear and thorough manner, with sufficient detail and completeness to clearly illustrate all conditions of the specific installation. ' 1. Details shall be identified by reference to sheet and detail, schedule or room numbers shown on Contract Drawings. 2. Shop drawings shall be returned unreviewed if, in the opinion of the Architect or consultants, the drawings lack sufficient completeness or clarity to allow their review. B. Sheet Size: All shop drawings shall be 8-1 /2" x 11", 11" x 17" or 24" x 36", except as restricted ' in paragraph 1.07 for electronic submittals. C. Quantity and Format: Unless otherwise directed by the Architect, provide four (4) reproducible and three (3) prints or copies, including one (1) set for the Owner's records. D. Cover Sheet: Each copy shall contain the Shop Drawing Identification Form, located at the end ' of this Section. E. Electronic Submittals: Refer to paragraphs 1.07 and 1.08 below. 1.03 PRODUCT DATA A. Preparation: 1. Clearly mark each copy to identify pertinent products or models. ' 2. Show performance characteristics and capacities. 3. Show dimensions and clearances required. 4. Show wiring or piping diagrams and controls. B. Manufacturer's standard schematic drawings and diagrams: ' 1. Modify drawings and diagrams to delete information which is not applicable to the work. 2. Supplement standard information to provide information specifically applicable to the ' work. C. Quantity and Format: Unless otherwise directed by the Architect, provide four (4) complete sets, including one (1) set for the Owner's records. D. Electronic Submittals: Refer to paragraph 1.07 below. 01340 - 1 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 INVITATION TO BID 1.04 SAMPLES A. Office samples shall be of sufficient size and quantity to clearly illustrate: 1: Functional characteristics of the product with integral related parts and attachment devices. 2. Full range of color, textures and pattern. B. Contractor shall coordinate and submit all samples requiring finish, texture or color selection by the Owner so that these materials may be reviewed by the Architect as a complete package. The Owner reserves the right to withhold finish and color selections until all such samples have been submitted. C. Refer to paragraph 1.13 below for requirements related to return of approved samples. 1.05 CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES A. Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Owner a log of shop drawing, product data and sample submittals, indicating schedules for submission and review of individual products or equipment. B. Contractor shall coordinate and make submittals promptly, in accordance with the approved submittal schedule. The Owner shall not be responsible for delays in the work caused by the Contractor's failure to make submittals in a timely manner, the completeness and/or accuracy of such submittals, or failure to allow adequate time for review of submittals by the Architect or his professional consultants. C. Contractor shall review and approve shop drawings, product data and samples prior to submission to Owner. Contractor shall determine and verify: 1. Quantities. 2. Field measurements and construction criteria. 3. Conformance with specified finishes and color selections. 4. Field construction criteria. 5. Catalog numbers and similar data. 6. Warranty coverages. 7. Conformance to requirements of Specifications. 8. Completeness of submittal and compliance with the requirements of this Section. D. Coordinate each submittal with requirements of the work and of the Contract Documents. Contractor shall coordinate submittals between related items of work prior to purchasing or fabricating. E. Review of shop drawings and submittals by the Architect/Engineer is only for general conformance with design intent of the project and general compliance with the information given in the Contract Documents. Contractor shall be responsible for meeting all requirements of the Drawings and/or Specifications. 1. Contractor's review "stamp" language shall not waive or alter this responsibility. F. Notify the Owner in writing at time of submission of any deviations in the submittals from requirements of the Contract Documents. The Contractor must submit in writing any requests for modifications to the Drawings and Specifications. Shop drawings submitted to the Owner for this review do not constitute "in writing" unless it is noted that specific changes are being requested. Changes by means of shop drawings become the sole responsibility of the Contractor. G. Electronic Submittals: Refer to paragraphs 1.07 and 1.08 below. H. Begin no fabrication or work which requires submittals until return of submittals with Owner approval. 1.06 SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS A. Make submittals promptly, in accordance with approved schedule and in such sequence as to cause no delay in the work or in the work of any other Contractor. B. Number of submittals required: 1. Shop Drawings: As specified in paragraph 1.02.C. 2. Product Data: As specified in paragraph 1.03.C. 3. Samples: Submit one sample or set of samples of each item requested. 01340 - 2 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 ' 4. Construction Waste Management Plan: As specified in Section 01714. 5. The Owner reserves the right to withhold review and approval of submittals until all required copies have been furnished. ' C. Submittals shall contain the following information, to be completed on the attached Shop Drawing Identification Form: 1. Date of submission and the dates of any previous submissions. 2. Project title and number. ' 3. Names of: a. Contractor. b. Supplier or Subcontractor. 4. Field dimensions clearly identified as such. ' 5. Relation to adjacent or critical features of the work or materials. 6. Applicable standards such as UL, ASTM or Federal Specification numbers. 7. Identification of any deviations from Contract Documents. ' 8. Certification signatures and Contractor's stamp, initialed or signed, certifying to review of submittal, verification of products, field measurements and field construction criteria and coordination of the information within the submittal with requirements of D. the work and of the Contract Documents. Submittals for design/build systems, as specified in these Specifications or indicated on the Drawings, shall include the stamp and signature of the Professional Engineer/Architect registered in the State of Colorado who prepared the design and construction documents. 1.07 ELECTRONIC SUBMITTALS A. General: Contractor and/or Subcontractors may submit product data and shop drawings ' electronically to the Architect, upon written request. B. Electronic submittals shall conform to the same content, clarity, format, completeness and other requirements as specified above for paper submittals, except as follows: 1. Quantity: One (1) electronic submittal. 2. Sheet Size for Submittals: 24" x 48" maximum. 3. Clarity: Architect/Engineer reserves the right to reject electronic submittals if they are illegible when printed. C. Submittals requiring color and/or finish selections will not be accepted electronically. ' Separate color and/or finish samples or selection sheets shall be submitted separately from the electronic product data submittal. D. Contractor's Responsibility: Since scans of electronic shop drawings and product data submittals will only be made in black and white, the Contractor shall assume full responsibility ' for ensuring that Architect/Engineer modifications are accurately translated into the fabrication and construction process. 1.08 USE OF ARCHITECT'S AND ENGINEER'S ELECTRONIC FILES A. General: Contractor and/or Subcontractors may use the Architect's and Engineers' electronic ' CAD files for preparation of shop drawing submittals, upon written request. B. Architect and Engineers will require a release form to be signed and returned prior to release of any electronic files, waiving liability for any use the Contractor or Subcontractor makes of the electronic files. ' 1.09 OWNER RESPONSIBILITIES A. Upon receipt, Owner shall evaluate submittals for completeness, conformance to requirements ' of the Specifications, and to verify that Contractor has reviewed and approved the submittal. If the Owner determines that the submittal is incomplete or has not been properly reviewed and approved by the Contractor, the submittal shall be returned to the Contractor without a further review. Also refer to paragraph 1.05.C. B. Owner shall then distribute submittals to his consultants as applicable. C. Owner and consultants shall review submittals in a timely manner, in accordance with the requirements of General and Supplementary Conditions, but shall require a minimum of ten 01340 - 3 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 (10) working days for review. D. Owner's and Consultant's review shall be for general compliance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. This review shall not include: 1. Verification of field measurements. 2. Verification of quantities. 3. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). E. Owner shall return submittals to the Contractor, with stamp indicating approval, rejection, required revisions, or description of requirements for resubmittal, if applicable. 1. Owner shall not return more than two (2) copies of submittals to the Contractor. F. Unless the Owner and/or representative has required that a submittal be resubmitted, the Owner shall review each product submittal or shop drawing only once. Also refer to paragraph 1.11 below. G. Owner shall retain one (1) copy of submittals. 1.10 REQUIRED SHOP DRAWING, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLE SUBMISSIONS A. Provide complete information for products specified in individual Sections of these Specifications. 1.11 RESUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS A. General: If, after initial review by the Owner or representative, a submittal is required to be resubmitted by the Owner, the Contractor shall make any corrections or changes in the submittals required by the Owner and resubmit until approved. Resubmittals may be required for the following reasons: 1. Incomplete or unclear submittals, or submittals which have not first been reviewed and approved by the Contractor. 2. Lack of required number of copies of product data or shop drawings. 3. Lack of Professional stamp and signature where required for design/build systems. 4. Extent of the revisions necessary in the submittal to meet the design intent and to be properly reviewed. 5. Materials and/or fabrication details that do not meet the design or technical requirements of the specifications. 6. All color and/or finish selections have not been submitted as a complete package. B. Shop Drawing and Product Data: Revise initial drawings or data and resubmit as specified for the initial submittal. Identify any revisions made. C. Samples: Submit new samples as required for initial submittal. 1.12 DISTRIBUTION REQUIREMENTS A. Contractor shall distribute reproductions of shop drawings and copies of product data which carry the Owner stamp of review to: 1. Job site file. 2. Record Documents file. 3. Subcontractors. 4. Supplier or fabricator. 1.13 RETURN OF SUBMITTALS A. Samples: If samples submitted for approval in compliance with paragraph 1.04 above are to be returned, Contractor shall indicate this requirement with the sample submittal information. B. Upon approval of such sample(s), Contractor shall be responsible for picking them up at the Owner's office. If requested, the Owner shall arrange for shipping them back to the supplier or manufacturer, upon receipt of shipping fees in advance or upon receipt of the Contractor's shipping account number. END OF SECTION 01340 - 4 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 ' SECTION 01370 SCHEDULE OF VALUES ' PART GENERAL ' 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. Contractor shall submit to the Owner a Schedule of Values allocated to the various portions of the work. Upon request of the Architect, support the values with data which will substantiate ' their correctness. B. Schedule of Values shall be used only as the basis for the Contractor's Applications for Payment. ' C. Related requirements specified elsewhere: 1. Conditions of the Contract. 2. Section 01026, Application for Payment. 1.02 FORM AND CONTENT OF SCHEDULE OF VALUES A. Schedule of Values shall be submitted to the Owner within fifteen (15) days of Award of Contract. B. Format: Contractor's standard forms or computer printouts. Identify schedule with: 1. Title of project and location. 2. Owner and project number. 3. Name and address of Contractor. ' 4. Contract designation. 5. Date of submission. ' C. Schedule shall list the installed value of the component parts of the work in sufficient detail to serve as a basis for computing values for progress payments during construction. 1. List separately the costs associated with the materials and labor for each component part of the work. D. Contractor may include additional listings at their option. 1. Identify each tine item with the number and title of the respective major portion of work. 2. Contractor's overhead and profit shall be listed as a separate line item. 3. Contractor's contingency, if required by the General or Supplementary Conditions, shall ' be listed as a separate line item. 4. Mechanical and Electrical: Provide separate line items for rough -in and finish work for all plumbing, mechanical and electrical work. 1 E. For each major line item, list subvalues of major products or operations under the item. F. The sum of all values listed in the schedule shall equal the total Contract Sum. ' END OF SECTION ' 01370-1 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 SECTION 01400 ' QUALITY CONTROL PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. General quality control of the materials, equipment and labor for the project. B. Manufacturer's field services, support, and testing requirements. C. Related requirements specified elsewhere: a 1. Section 01060, Regulatory Requirements: Minimum Building Code standards and applicable laws. 2. Section 01600, Materials and Equipment: Quality of materials and equipment to be installed in the work. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturers: Where two or more units of the same class of fixture or equipment are required, these shall be the products of a single manufacturer. However, the component parts of the system need not be the products of the same manufacturer, unless otherwise specified. B. Design Criteria: D 1. Design equipment for operations at an elevation of 4,900 feet above mean sea level. 2. Coordinate details of the equipment with other related parts of the work, including verification that all structures, piping, wiring and equipment components are a compatible. 3. Design equipment to operate under all conditions of load without objectionable sound or vibration. Sounds or vibrations noticeable outside of room in which equipment is installed, or annoying sounds or vibrations noticeable inside room, wilt be considered Q objectionable. Correct conditions considered objectionable to Owner by means of approved vibration eliminators or by replacing equipment at Owner's option. 4. Nameplates: Provide a permanent operational data nameplate on each item of power- operated equipment indicating the manufacturer, product name, model number, serial a number, speed, capacity, power characteristics, labels of tested compliances and similar essential operating data. Locate nameplates in easily read locations. C. Design underground piping systems, joints, couplings, valves, vaults and other appurtenances to function under all conditions of load to be encountered on the site, including but not limited to: 1. Soils conditions, including expansion and contraction. 2. Water table conditions. 1.03 QUALITY CONTROL AND WORKMANSHIP STANDARDS A. Maintain quality control over suppliers, manufacturers, products, services, site conditions and workmanship to produce work of specified quality. B. Comply with industry standards, except when more restrictive tolerances or specified requirements indicate more rigid standards or more precise workmanship. C. Comply with applicable Building Codes, except when specified materials, equipment, systems, tolerances or workmanship requirements indicate more rigid or restrictive standards. 1. Applicable codes are considered to be only minimum standards. D. Contractor and Subcontractor Qualifications: Perform work by persons qualified to produce workmanship of specified quality. 1. Subcontractors shall be certified by the manufacturer as an approved installer, when specified in specific Sections. 1 2. Refer to Sections 01010 and 01041 for other qualification requirements. E. Secure products in place with positive anchorage devices designed for the appropriate loads and sized to withstand stresses, vibration and racking. 01400 - 1 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 i L: 1 1 LJ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 [1 1.04 MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS A. When required by individual Specifications section, submit manufacturer's printed instructions in the quantity specified for delivery, storage, assembly, installation, startup, adjusting and finishing. B. Comply with manufacturer's instructions in full detail. Include each step in sequence. Should instructions conflict with Contract Documents, request clarification from Architect/Engineer before proceeding. C. When required by individual Specification section, submit manufacturers written maintenance instructions for the Owner's use after occupancy. 1.05 MANUFACTURER'S CERTIFICATES A. When required by individual Specifications section, submit manufacturer's certificate, in duplicate, that products meet or exceed specified requirements. 1.06 MANUFACTURERS' FIELD SERVICES A. Whenspecified in respective Specifications section, require supplier and manufacturer to provide qualified personnel to observe field conditions, installation and workmanship, startup, testing and balancing of equipment as applicable and to make appropriate recommendations. B. Representative shall submit written report to Owner listing observations and recommendations. END OF SECTION 01400 - 2 1 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 SECTION 01410 TESTING PART GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. Materials testing by an independent, approved testing laboratory including, but not limited to: 1. Concrete testing. 2. Compaction testing. 3. Asphalt paving testing. B. Related work specified elsewhere: 1. Section 01060, Regulatory Requirements. 1.02 WORK BY SEPARATE CONTRACT A. Owner shall provide any applicable project or building inspection services as required by Chapter 17 of the International Building Code (IBC), current edition, by separate contract. The Architect and Engineers will not provide these services. Refer to Section 01010, Summary of Work, paragraph 1.06 Work by Others. 1.03 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Data on subsurface conditions as described in the attached Geotechnical Investigation Report by CTL Thompson dated November 2010, is not intended as representation or warranty of accuracy or continuity between said borings. Data is available for inspection at the office of the Architect or upon request of the General Contractor. The Owner will not be responsible for interpretations or conclusions drawn therefrom. 1.04 ACCESS TO SITE AND NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS A. Testing laboratory will be allowed access to the site as required in the performance of their work. Contractor shall provide testing laboratory at least 48 hours notice prior to time testing is required prior to the next phase of work. B. Asphalt Paving: Testing laboratory will be allowed access to the mixing plant for verification of weights or proportions, character of materials used and determination of temperatures used in the preparation of asphalt concrete mix. 1.05 TESTING REQUIREMENTS A. Open -Hole Inspection: Soils Engineer shall perform an open -hole inspection for each building site within the project to verify the findings of the above -referenced Geotechnical Investigation Report, prior to placement of any foundation structures, footings or piers. 1. Notify the Owner at the completion of excavation, prior to placement of any formwork. Contractor shall be responsible for notification of the Soils Engineer. 2. Do not proceed with formwork or foundation construction until results have been verified. B. Concrete: 1. Inspection and testing of concrete mix will be performed by an independent testing agent recommended by the Contractor and approved by the Owner. 2. Submit proposed concrete mix design to inspection and testing firm and Owner for review prior to commencement of work. 3. Test cylinders shall be taken and materials tested in accordance with requirements of Section 03300. 4. If tests indicate that materials do not meet specified requirements, remove defective work, replace and retest at no additional cost to Owner. 01410 - 1 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 ' C. Compaction at Foundations, Building Slabs and Utility Trenches: 1. Inspection and testing of compacted fill materials shall be performed by an independent testing agent approved by the Owner. 2. Notify the Owner at completion of each phase of excavation prior to placement of backfilt of all foundations and utility trenches. 3. When work of this Section or portions of work are completed, notify the testing laboratory to perform density test. Do not proceed with additional portions of work until results have been verified. 4. If tests indicate that compacted materials do not meet specified requirements, remove defective work, replace and retest at no additional cost to Owner. D. Concrete Paving: 1. Inspection and testing of pavement mix and testing of placed stabilizing base course shall be performed by an independent testing laboratory approved by the Owner. 2. When and if required, the testing laboratory will perform laboratory tests on proposed asphalt pavement mix to determine conformity with requirements. 3. The testing laboratory will perform one (1) series of compaction tests for stabilizing base course and for asphalt pavement. ' 4. When stabilizing base course or portion thereof has been placed and compacted in accordance with requirements, notify the testing laboratory to perform density tests. Do not place asphalt pavement until results have been verified and base course installation approved. S. Test results shalt include: ' a. Type of sub -base. b. Depth and density of base. C. Depth and density of paving. d. Compliance with Specifications in materials used. ' 6. If tests indicate that materials do not meet specified requirements, remove defective work, replace and retest at no additional cost to Owner. E. Structural Concrete Unit Masonry Testing: ' 1. Inspection and testing of structural concrete unit masonry shall be performed by an independent testing laboratory recommended by the Contractor and approved by the Owner. 2. Test structural concrete unit masonry materials in accordance with the requirements of Section 04220. 3. If tests indicate that materials do not meet specified requirements, remove defective work, replace and retest at no additional cost to Owner. F. Contractor shall conduct the following tests as required by local jurisdiction with authority over ' the installation and testing of utility systems. 1. Pipe alignment tests. 2. Sewer infiltration tests. 1 3. Sewer exfiltration or air tests. 4. Pressure and leakage tests. 1.06 TESTING FEES A. Fees for required materials testing will be paid for by the Owner as provided in the General and Supplementary Conditions. B. Fees for additional testing required due to improper performance of the work will be paid by the Contractor. 1.07 TESTING RESULTS A. Testing laboratory shalt furnish copies of the required test results to the following: 1. Owner's representative. ' 2. Structural Engineer for open -hole inspection, concrete. 3. Civil Engineer for compaction, Portland cement concrete paving and underground piping testing. 4. Contractor. END OF SECTION 01410 - 2 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 SECTION 01510 TEMPORARY UTILITIES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. Contractor shall furnish, install and maintain temporary utility services required for construction. Remove upon completion of work. B. Contractor shall furnish, install and maintain temporary sanitary facilities for use by construction personnel. Remove upon completion of work. C. Related requirements specified elsewhere: 1. Section 01030, Alternates. 2. Section 01060, Regulatory Requirements. 3. Section 01530, Barriers and Enclosures. 4. Section 01560, Temporary Controls. 5. Section 01590, Field Offices and Sheds. 6. Sections 01710, Cleaning and 01715, Waste Removal and Recycling: Trash removal during construction. 1.02 REQUIREMENTS OF REGULATORY AGENCIES U A. Comply with the current editions of all applicable building codes. Refer to Section 01060. B. Comply with applicable federal, state and local codes and regulations. C. Comply with applicable utility company requirements. 1.03 UTILITY FEES Q A. Utility charges and expenses for temporary construction usage for the following shall be paid by the Owner, unless indicated otherwise: 1. Temporary electricity. B. Utility charges and expenses for temporary construction usage for the following shall be paid by Q the Contractor, unless indicated otherwise: 1. Installation or connection charge for temporary electricity, water, natural gas, propane or telephone service. 2. Temporary sanitary facilities. O 3. Temporary local and long-distance telephone, including cellular. 4. Temporary heat and ventilation until start-up or use of the buildings permanent mechanical systems, including the cost of fuel used during construction. 5. Temporary heat within any winterization or weather protection enclosure(s), if applicable. O PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS a A. General: Materials for temporary construction uses may be new or used but must be adequate in capacity for the required usage, must not create unsafe conditions and must not violate requirements of applicable codes and standards. 2.02 TEMPORARY ELECTRICITY AND LIGHTING A. Contractor shall provide and maintain, at his own expense, temporary electrical power service to the site of construction, including temporary service feeds and panels. 1. Contractor shall utilize existing 120/240 V power at the site. 01510 - 1 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 n I 1 i �n i 1 1 i 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 III 1 B. Contractor may utilize existing 120/240V power service in the existing facility. C. Install circuit and branch wiring with area distribution boxes located so that power and lighting is available throughout the construction area by the use of construction -type power cords. D. Provide adequate artificial lighting for all areas of work when natural light is not adequate for work and for areas accessible to the public. E. Security Lighting: Provide temporary security lighting for temporary, secure materials storage area, as may be required by the Owner's or Contractor's Builder's Risk insurance. 2.03 TEMPORARY HEAT AND VENTILATION A. Contractor shall provide and maintain, at his own expense, all temporary heating, including all fuel and required attendance necessary to protect and dry all work during cold weather. B. Provide adequate forced ventilation of enclosed areas for curing of installed materials, to disperse humidity and to prevent hazardous accumulations of dust, fumes, vapors or gases. 1. Portable heaters shall be standard approved units complete with controls. Do not store materials near sources of intense heat or open flame. C. Permanent building heating system may be used upon installation, testing and acceptance by the jurisdiction having authority over this area of the work. 1. The project shall be substantially enclosed and secured with the buildings permanent glazing systems and either construction or permanent hardware. Pa[iLiT i7:7T:iAV1114010 C*140 to A. Contractor shall maintain a job telephone. Contractor shall pay all costs for installation, maintenance, removal and service charges for local calls. Toll charges shall be paid by the party who places the call. B. Telephones within the existing facility shall not be used by construction personnel during the construction period. 2.05 TEMPORARY WATER A. Contractor shall provide and maintain, at his own expense, all temporary construction water service to the site of construction. 2.06 TEMPORARY SANITARY FACILITIES A. Contractor shall provide sanitary facilities for use by construction personnel in compliance with current laws and regulations. 1. Service, clean and maintain facilities and enclosures in accordance with local governing health agencies. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION AND OPERATION A. General: Install and maintain temporary utility services in accordance with requirements of applicable federal, state and local codes and regulations, and applicable utility company requirements. B. Comply with applicable requirements specified in Division 15, Mechanical, and Division 16, Electrical. C. Maintain and operate systems to assure continuous service. D. Modify and extend systems as work progress requires. 3.02 INTERRUPTION OF EXISTING UTILITY SERVICES A. Interruption of the existing buildings utility services shall be scheduled with and subject to the approval of the Owner seven (7) business days prior to the interruption. Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 1 11 SECTION 00020 INVITATION TO BID Date: December 5, 2011 Sealed Bids will be received by the City of Fort Collins (hereinafter referred to as OWNER), at the office of the Purchasing Division, 3:00 P.M., our clock, on January 4, 2012, for the Roselawn Office Building; BID NO. 7312. If delivered, they are to be delivered to 215 North Mason Street, 2nd Floor, Fort Collins, Colorado, 80524. If mailed, the mailing address is P. O. Box 580, Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580. At said place and time, and promptly thereafter, all Bids that have been duly received will be publicly opened and read aloud. The Contract Documents provide for the construction of Bid 7312. The Work, either a modular or stick built building, includes all framing, plumbing, electrical, HVAC, drywall, trim work, siding finishes, roofing, handrails, gutter system, excavation, foundation and utility connections. Contractor must provide all applicable permits. ' All Bids must be in accordance with the Contract Documents on file with the City of Fort Collins, 215 North Mason St., 2nd floor, Fort Collins, Colorado 80524. ' A prebid conference and job walk with representatives of prospective Bidders will be held at 10:00 AM on December 12, 2012 at 2718 E Mulberry Street, Fort Collins. Prospective Bidders are invited to present their questions relative to this Bid proposal at this meeting. The Contract Documents and Construction Drawings may be examined online at: ' • City of Fort Collins BuySpeed: https://www.fcgov.com/eprocurement Bids will be received as set forth in the Bidding Documents. The Work is expected to be commenced within the time as required by Section 2.3 of General Conditions. Substantial Completion of the Work is required as specified in the Agreement. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond guaranteeing faithful performance and the payment of all bills and obligations arising from the performance of the Contract. ' No Bid may be withdrawn within a period of forty-five (45) days after the date fixed for opening Bids. 1 3.03 REMOVAL A. Completely remove temporary materials and equipment when use is no longer required, or upon completion of the work. B. Clean and repair damage caused by temporary installations or use of temporary facilities. C. Restore permanent facilities used for temporary construction services to original or specified condition. 1. Prior to final inspection, remove temporary lamps and install new lamps in all lighting fixtures used during the construction period. 2. Prior to final inspection, clean permanent filters and replace disposable filters in all mechanical equipment used during the construction period. Clean ducts, blowers and coils if units were operated during the construction period without filters. END OF SECTION 01510 • 3 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 ' SECTION 01520 ' CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT AND AIDS PART GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. Contractor shall furnish and maintain required construction equipment. ' B. Contractor shall furnish, install and maintain required construction aids and remove upon completion of work. C. Related work specified elsewhere: 1. Section 01046, Access to Site. ' 2. Section 01510, Temporary Utilities. 3. Section 01530, Barriers and Enclosures. 4. Section 01560, Temporary Controls. ' S. Section 01590, Field Offices and Sheds. PART PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. General: Equipment and construction aids for temporary construction uses may be new, used ' or rental equipment, suitable for the intended purpose, but must not violate requirements of applicable codes and standards. ' 2,02 CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT A. Provide construction equipment required by specific Sections of the Specifications or as necessary to facilitate execution of the work, including but not limited to: 1. Miscellaneous hand tools. 2. Miscellaneous power tools. 3. Goggles, masks, hardhats and other personal safety equipment. 4. Cranes, forklifts and other material handling equipment. 5. Rolling or vibrating plate compactors. 6. Concrete batching and pumping trucks and equipment. 7. Asphalt paving machines and rollers. 8. Concrete paving machines and curb and gutter extrusion equipment. ' 9. Excavators, graders, tractor and end loaders, scrapers, backhoes, trenchers and other heavy excavation and grading equipment. 10. Air compressors. I 11. Portable electrical generators. 12. Mortar batching equipment. 13. Concrete slab floats and joint saws. 14. Drywall texturing equipment. 15. Paint spraying equipment. 16. Prefinished metal roofing forming and seaming equipment. 17. Other equipment as required. 2.03 CONSTRUCTION AIDS A. Provide construction aids and temporary equipment required by personnel to facilitate execution of the work. Refer to respective Sections of the Specifications for the particular requirements of each trade, including but not limited to: 1. Scaffolding, staging, ladders and platforms. 2. Stairs, ramps, runways and guardrails. 01520 - 1 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 3. Hoists, platform lifts and chutes. 4. Concrete curing and thermal protection blankets. 5. Drop cloths and other protective materials. 6. Portable space heaters. 7. Other facilities as required. 2.04 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS A. General: Provide construction equipment, site access, coordination and assistance as necessary to accommodate delivery and erection of specialized building components, including but not limited to: 1. Manufactured housing units and components furnished by Custom Touch Homes. 2. Prefabricated steel structures, specified in Section 13122. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Consult with Architect, review site conditions and other factors which affect construction procedures and construction aids, including adjacent properties and public facilities which may be affected by execution of the work. B. Relocate construction aids as required by progress of construction, by storage or work requirements and to accommodate legitimate requirements of other subcontractors employed at the site. 3.02 REMOVAL A. Completely remove temporary materials, equipment and services: 1. When construction needs can be met by use of the permanent construction; or 2. At completion of the project. B. Clean and repair damage caused by installation or by use of temporary facilities. 1. Remove foundations and underground installations for construction aids. 2. Grade areas of site affected by temporary installations to required elevations and slopes and clean the area. C. Restore permanent facilities used for temporary purposes to specified condition. END OF SECTION 01520 - 2 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 I SECTION 01530 ' BARRIERS AND ENCLOSURES PART GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. Contractor shall furnish, install, and maintain temporary construction barriers and enclosures. B. Contractor shall furnish, erect, and maintain temporary site security fencing and gates. C. Contractor shall furnish, erect and maintain temporary safety barricade fencing. D. Related work specified elsewhere: 1. Section 01046, Access to Site. ' 2. Section 01060, Regulatory Requirements. 3. Section 01510, Temporary Utilities. 4. Section 01520, Construction Equipment and Aids. ' S. Section 01560, Temporary Controls: Dust partitions. 6. Section 01590, Field Offices and Sheds. 7. Section 02100, Site Preparation. PART PRODUCTS 2.01 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION BARRIERS AND ENCLOSURES A. General: Provide and maintain for the duration of construction all scaffolds, tarpaulins, canopies, warning signs, steps, platforms, bridges, and other temporary construction necessary for proper completion of the work, in compliance with applicable safety and other regulations. ' B. Safety Barricade Fencing: Refer to paragraph 2.08 below. 2.02 TREE AND PLANT PROTECTION ' A. Prior to commencing site work, erect and maintain protective fencing around existing trees and vegetation to remain as identified on the Drawings or as indicated by the Owner. 1. Approved Materials: Expanded plastic or chain link fencing. B. Individual trees shall have protective fencing erected beyond drip line to the satisfaction of the Owner. C. Groups of trees and other vegetation shall have protective fencing erected around the entire group to the satisfaction of the Architect. D. Areas within protective fencing shall remain undisturbed and shall not be used for any purpose. E. Any trees damaged or scarred during construction shall be repaired immediately by an approved tree surgeon. Where separations expose or damage the root system of trees designated to remain, remedial measures shall be taken immediately at the direction of the Owner to ensure the health of the trees. Trees designated to remain but damaged beyond repair or which subsequently die shall be replaced with a similar size and species chosen by the Owner at the sole expense of the Contractor. 2.03 TEMPORARY SITE FENCING A. Prior to commencing work, Contractor shall, at his option, erect and maintain construction fencing to enclose an area for ground level construction activity, storage and waste removal, as approved by the Owner. 1. Fencing Materials: Panelized, chain -link fencing with crossed X-type post supports, minimum 6'-0" high. 2. Refer to the approved staging plan for approximate limits of site area to be fenced for construction activities and storage. 1 01530 - 1 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 B. Provide vehicular and pedestrian access gates, with locks, as appropriate for construction access. 1. Furnish Owner's principal representative with keys to the lock of the primary access gate. C. Do not attach temporary fencing to any existing permanent construction, including buildings, trees, retaining walls, walks or pavements. D. Promptly remove temporary fencing materials upon completion of sitework, rough grading and asphalt paving and restore area to original condition. Contractor shall repair or replace any existing materials or equipment damaged as a part of this work at no cost to the Owner. 1. Fencing shall remain in place until building is secured. 2. Fencing shall be removed prior to finish grading, installation of underground sprinkler system and landscaping. END OF SECTION 01530 - 2 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 I I i I LJ I LJ 11 I 1 LI I SECTION 01560 TEMPORARY CONTROLS PART GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. Contractor shall furnish, install and maintain temporary facilities required for dust and pollution control. B. Contractor shall implement and maintain temporary controls required for noise and construction work hours limitations. C. Related requirements specified elsewhere: 1. Section 01010, Summary of Work. 2. Section 01040, Coordination. 3. Section 01046, Access to Site. 4. Section 01510, Temporary Utilities. 5. Section 01530, Barriers and Enclosures: Cold -weather construction enclosures. 6. Section 01540, Erosion and Sedimentation Control. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. General: Materials for temporary controls may be new or used, but must be adequate in capacity for the required usage, must not create unsafe conditions and must not violate requirements of applicable codes and standards. 2.02 DUST CONTROL A. Furnish and maintain such facilities or procedures as may be necessary to prevent air -borne dust generated by the construction activities of this project from affecting either the Owner's use of this site or neighboring properties. Implementation of such requirements will be at the sole discretion of the Owner or the City of Fort Collins. 2.03 POLLUTION CONTROL A. Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent spilling or littering of water -polluting substances. Do not allow any foreign materials to be dumped into any portion of the sanitary sewer or storm drainage collection system or into any water runoff collection basin. The Contractor shalt be responsible for all labor, equipment and materials necessary to remedy any such pollution as deemed appropriate by governing agencies with such jurisdiction. B. No burning of debris or any other air -polluting methods or equipment will be allowed. All motorized equipment shall be adjusted to minimize exhaust pollution. C. Erosion and Sedimentation Control: Refer to Section 01540. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Construction Work Hours: Construction activity will be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday during the construction period, except as limited in paragraphs 3.01.13. and 3.02. Sunday or holiday construction wilt not be allowed. B. Specific activities that may limit the Contractor's working hours, if applicable, shall be determined at the Pre -Construction Conference. I Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 I 1 3.02 NOISE CONTROL A. Construction activities that generate noise in excess of 85 db shall be limited to hours as established at the Pre -Construction Conference. 1. Prohibited after 5:00 p.m. every weekday. 2. Prohibited on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. 1 END OF SECTION 01560 - 2 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 1 1 l` 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I iI I PART 1 GENERAL SECTION 01590 FIELD OFFICES AND SHEDS ' 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. Contractor shall furnish, install and maintain temporary construction offices and secured storage facilities. B. Related work specified elsewhere: 1. Section 01046, Access to Site. 2. Section 01530, Barriers and Enclosures. ' 3. Section 01714, Construction Waste Management: Separation facilities for handling, recycling, salvage, reuse and return of materials. PART PRODUCTS 2.01 TEMPORARY FIELD OFFICES A. Contractor shall provide and maintain a secured, weathertight office for use by Contractor, Owner's representative and subcontractors. Building shall be the property of the Contractor and shall be promptly removed upon completion of the project. Location for the building shall be as arranged at the Pre -Construction Conference. 1. Structures shall be provided and maintained in good condition, as determined by the Owner's representative. 2. Signage and other advertising allowed on the structures shall be as determined at the Pre -Construction Conference. B. Existing Facilities: A portion of the existing house may be used as a temporary field office, if approved by the Owner. C. Minimum facilities shall include, but not be limited to: 1. Conference table and chairs for minimum eight (8) persons. 2. Bottled, chilled water dispenser and cups. 3. Plan rack or other facilities for storage of project record documents. 4. File cabinet or other facilities for storage of shop drawings, samples, color boards, installation instructions, materials data sheets, etc. 5. Adequate heat, air conditioning, ventilation and artificial lighting. 6. Other facilities as deemed appropriate or necessary by the Contractor. D. Facilities which may be paid for by the Owner as Division 1 expenses shall be subject to the approval of the Owner. 2.02 SEPARATION FACILITIES A. Contractor shall provide and secure a specific area to facilitate separations of materials for recycling, salvage, reuse and return, as specified in Section 01714. Recycling and waste bin areas are to be kept neat and clean, and clearly marked in order to avoid contamination of materials. ' PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 REMOVAL OF TEMPORARY FACILITIES A. Completely remove temporary facilities when use is no longer required, or upon completion of the work. B. Clean and repair damage caused by temporary installations or use of temporary facilities. 01590 - 1 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 I C. Restore permanent facilities used for temporary construction services to original or specified ' condition. END OF SECTION 1 I I I I I 1 01590 . 2 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 ISECTION 01600 MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT PART GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. Material and equipment incorporated into the work shall conform to applicable standards and manufacturer's specifications, requirements and applicable recommendations. I 1. Comply with size, make, type and quality as shown on the Drawings. 2. Manufactured and Fabricated Products: a. Design, fabricate and assemble in accordance with the best engineering and ' shop practices. b. Manufacture like parts of duplicate units to standard sizes and gages to be interchangeable. C. Two (2) or more items of the same kind shall be identical by the same manufacturer. d. Products shall be suitable for service conditions. e. Equipment capacities, sizes and dimensions shown or specified shall be adhered to, unless variations are specifically approved in writing. ' 3. Do not use material or equipment for any purpose other than that for which it is designed or specified. B. Provide maintenance materials, equipment and toots to the Owner at the completion of the project. C. Provide equipment or systems start-up, field testing and operational testing. D. Requirements for substitutions and project options. E. Related requirements specified elsewhere: 1. Conditions of the Contract. 2. Section 01010, Summary of the Work. 3. Section 01040, Coordination. 4. Section 01340, Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples. 5. Section 01400, Quality Control. 6. Section 01710, Cleaning. 7. Section 01714, Construction Waste Management: Construction waste diversion requirements. ' 8. Section 01715, Waste Removal and Recycling. 9. Section 01730, Operating and Maintenance Data. 1.02 MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS A. When Contract Documents require that installation of work shall comply with manufacturer's printed instructions, contractor shall obtain and distribute copies of such instructions to parties involved in the installation, including two (2) copies to the Owner. 1. Maintain one (1) set of complete instructions at the job site during installation and until completion. B. Handle, install, connect, clean, condition and adjust products in strict accordance with such instructions and in conformity with specified requirements. 1. Should job conditions or specified requirements conflict with manufacturer's instructions, consult with Architect for further instructions. Do not proceed with work i without clear instructions. C. Perform work in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Do not omit any preparatory step or installation procedure, unless specifically modified or exempted by Contract Documents. 01600 - 1 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 The OWNER reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, and to waive any informalities and irregularities therein. Bid security in the amount of not less than 5% of the total Bid must accompany each Bid in the form specified in the Instructions to Bidders. Sales Prohibited/Conflict of Interest: No officer, employee, or member of City Council, shall have a financial interest in the sale to the City of any real or personal property, equipment, material, supplies or services where such officer or employee exercises directly or indirectly any decision -making authority concerning such sale or any supervisory authority over the services to be rendered. This rule also applies to subcontracts with the City. Soliciting or accepting any gift, gratuity favor, entertainment, kickback or any items of monetary value from any person who has or is seeking to do business with the City of Fort Collins is prohibited. City of Fort Collins James B. O'Neill, ll, CPPO, FNIGP Purchasing & Risk Management Director 1.03 TRANSPORTATION AND HANDLING A. Arrange deliveries of products in accordance with construction schedules, coordinate to avoid conflict with work and conditions at the site. 1. Deliver products in undamaged condition in manufacturer's original containers or packaging with identifying labels intact and legible. 2. Immediately upon delivery, inspect shipments to assure that materials and equipment are in compliance with approved submittals, required quantities have been provided and that products are properly protected and undamaged. B. Provide equipment and personnel to handle products by methods to prevent soiling or damage to products or packaging. C. Recycle shipping cartons, pallets and other packaging materials as required to meet project goal for construction waste diversion. Refer to Sections 01015, 01714 and 01715. 1.04 STORAGE AND PROTECTION A. Preparation for Shipment: 1. Prepare in a manner to facilitate unloading and handling. 2. Provide skids, boxes, crates or other effective shipping devices to protect materials, fixtures or equipment against damage from rough handling, moisture, dust, excessive heat or cold. 3. Protect painted surfaces against impact, abrasion, discoloration and other damage. 4. Apply grease packing or lubricating oil to all bearing and similar items. 5. Tag or mark each item as identified in the delivery schedule or on the shop drawings. Package or bundle items consisting of multiple similar pieces. Tag or mark the package or bundle. 6. Include complete packing lists or bills of material with each shipment. 7. Do not ship equipment requiring cranes or special equipment for unloading or handling without notice or until Contractor is prepared to receive and care for it properly. 8. Protect electrical equipment, controls and insulation from moisture or water damage. B. Store products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, with seals and labels intact and legible. 1. Store products subject to damage by the elements in weathertight enclosures. 2. Maintain temperature and humidity within the ranges required by manufacturer's instructions. C. Exterior Storage: 1. Store fabricated products above the ground on blocking or skids. Prevent soiling or staining. Cover products which are subject to deterioration with impervious sheet coverings. Provide adequate ventilation to avoid condensation. 2. Store wood and wood products above the ground on blocking or skids, and cover to protect from weather exposure. D. Arrange storage in a manner to provide easy access for inspection. Make periodic inspections of stored products to assure that products are maintained under specified conditions and free from damage or deterioration. E. Protection after Installation: 1. Protect materials, fixtures and equipment with original protective wrappings until Substantial Completion of the project. 2. Provide substantial coverings as necessary to protect installed products from damage from traffic and subsequent construction operations. Remove when no longer needed. 1.05 SUBSTITUTIONS AND PRODUCT OPTIONS A. Products List: 1. Within thirty (30) days after Award of Contract, submit to Owner a complete list of major products proposed to be used with the name of the manufacturer and the installing Subcontractor. 01600 - 2 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 ' B. Contractor's Options: 1. For products specified only by reference standard, select any product meeting that standard. 2. For products specified by naming several products or manufacturers, select any one of the products or manufacturers named which complies with the specifications. 3. For products specified by naming one or more products or manufacturers and "or ' equal", Contractor shall submit a request for substitutions of any product or manufacturer not specifically named. 4. Naming approved manufacturers does not relieve the Contractor from meeting at[ specification requirements. 1 5. Manufacturer's material or equipment listed in Schedules, Specifications or on the Drawings are types to be provided for establishment of size, capacity, grade and quality. If other acceptable manufacturers are used, cost of any change in construc- tion required by their use shalt be borne by the Contractor. C. Contractor's Representation: A request for a substitution constitutes a representation that the Contractor: 1. Has investigated the proposed product and determined that it is equal to or superior in all respects to that specified. 2. Will provide the same warranties or bonds for the substitution as for the product specified. 3. Will coordinate the installation of an accepted substitution into the work and make such other changes as may be required to make the work complete in all respects. 4. Waives all claims for additional costs, under his responsibility, which may subsequently become apparent. D. Owner will review requests for substitutions with reasonable promptness and notify Contractor in writing of the decision to accept or reject the requested substitution. 1.06 MAINTENANCE MATERIALS A. Furnish to the Owner at the completion of the work all maintenance materials, equipment and tools specified in respective Sections of these Specifications, including but not limited to: 1. Ceramic tile: Remainder of one (1) carton. ' 2. Resilient flooring: Remainder of one (1) carton. 3. Modular carpet tile: Remainder of one (1) carton. 4. Paints and stains: One (1) gallon, each color. B. Materials specified for the Owner's maintenance stock shall not be used by the Contractor for ' replacement of defective or damaged materials during the course of construction or to remedy any defect in workmanship caused by the Contractor's own forces or his subcontractors. Maintenance materials may be used, with the written permission of the Owner, to replace ' materials damaged during construction as a result of vandalism or natural causes. C. Contractor shall certify in writing that all specified maintenance materials have been furnished and turned over to the Owner's representative or delivered to the location on the site directed by the Owner. PART PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. General: Use materials of commercial quality suitable for the anticipated service conditions. B. All materials and equipment to be installed in the permanent construction shall be new, unless otherwise permitted. C. Unless required otherwise, use components of standard sizes to assure future availability and permit field installation of repair parts. Make like parts of duplicate units interchangeable. 2.02 FABRICATION AND MANUFACTURE A. Workmanship and Materials: Design, fabricate and assemble equipment in accordance with the 01600 - 3 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 best engineering and shop practice. B. Lubrication: 1. Include lubrication systems which do not waste lubricants, require attention during startup or shutdown or more frequently than weekly during normal operation. 2. Furnish sufficient lubricants of the type recommended by the equipment manufacturer to fill lubricant reservoirs and replace consumption during startup, testing and operation prior to the Owner's acceptance of the equipment. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install equipment with or under the guidance of qualified personnel having the knowledge and experience necessary for proper results. B. Arrange work to facilitate maintenance, repair or replacement of equipment. Locate services requiring maintenance on valves and similar units in front of services requiring less maintenance. Connect equipment for ease of disconnecting, with minimum of interference with other work. C. Locate operating and control equipment, dampers, valves, traps, clean -outs, motors, controllers, switchgears, drain points, maintenance items and devices for easy access. Install access panels where units are concealed by finished and similar work. D. Provide required clearances in front of, and around, equipment as necessary for access and ventilation. Comply with all applicable codes and safety regulations. 3.02 PLACING EQUIPMENT IN OPERATION A. Before starting up each system: 1. Check each piece of equipment for proper drive rotation, belt tension and any other condition which may cause damage to equipment or endanger personnel. 2. Clean, blow-out or flush lubricating oil, water systems and other pipelines. 3. Lubricate equipment in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 4. Test lubrication system safety interlocks and system performance. 5. Perform final alignment checks under observation of the Owner's principal representative and, where required, manufacturer's field representative. 6. Demonstrate that no abnormal stresses are transmitted to equipment from piping, ducts or other attachments. 7. Check anchor bolt tensions, grout and shims. Use calibrated torque wrenches for tightening anchor bolts. Do not overstress bolts. B. Place equipment into successful operation in accordance with the written instructions of the manufacturer or the instruction of the manufacturer's field representative, including required adjustment, tests and operation checks. 3.03 PERFORMANCE TESTS A. Tests may be required, whether or not specifically called for, to determine if equipment will perform as specified or guaranteed. Final acceptance of equipment, or Substantial Completion of that part of the work, is contingent upon acceptable test results. B. Do not conduct tests on equipment for which manufacturers field service is specified, unless manufacturer's field representative is present and declares the equipment ready for test. C. Conduct tests as set forth in the Specifications, unless another manner of testing is approved. D. Equipment or systems that fail to satisfy the performance requirements shall be modified or replaced at Owner's option. If modifications are allowed, make modifications necessary to produce an installation which will satisfy the performance requirements. Retest after modifications or equipment replacement is complete. Modifications, additional equipment, retesting and structural, piping or electrical modifications necessary to accommodate modified equipment or replacement equipment shall be made at no additional cost. END OF SECTION 01600 - 4 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 ' SECTION 01656 ' DISINFECTION OF DOMESTIC WATER LINES PART GENERAL ' 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. Execute disinfection of domestic (potable) water systems. B. Related work specified elsewhere: 1. Section 01410, Testing. 1.02 SUBMITTALS ' A. Certification: Submit manufacturer's certification that materials conform to specified requirements. ' 1.03 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Exercise extreme care in handling of hypochiorites as they may be dangerous to health. B. Standard: Forewards to both AWWA B-300 and AWWA C601. PART 2 PRODUCTS ' 2.01 MATERIALS A. General: Materials approved by the City of Fort Collins or other utility provider with jurisdiction over this Project. 1. Hypochlorites: Reference AWWA C601. PART 3 EXECUTION ' 3.01 GENERAL A. Flush and satisfactorily disinfect new domestic (potable) water systems prior to placing in service in accordance with AWWA C601. B. Clean and swab the interior of the pipe, fittings, valves or appurtenances with a 5% (50,000 ppm) hypochlorite disinfecting solution if dirt, trench water or other contaminants enter the ' pipe or will not be removed by flushing operations. C. Manipulate valves to prevent the disinfection solution from flowing back into the line supplying the water or into adjacent parts of the in-service distribution system. D. Operate valves and other appurtenances while the lines are filled with heavily chlorinated water. 3.02 FLUSHING ' A. Preliminary Flushing: Flush pipelines at a minimum velocity of 2.5 feet/second to remove foreign material prior to disinfection. B. Final Flushing: Flush chlorinated water from the lines after chlorination until the chlorine concentration is no higher than that prevailing in the system, or less than 1 mg/1, whichever is higher. 3.03 METHODS A. General: Apply chlorine using the continuous feed method: 1. Tablet method may be used on short extensions up to 2,500' of water lines 12" and smaller. 01656 - 1 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 B. Continuous Feed Method: 1. Introduce chlorinated water into the lines at a constant rate so that the chlorine concentration in the water lines is maintained at a minimum of 50 mg/1 available chlorine. 2. Fill the entire main with the chlorine solution. 3. Retain the chlorinated water in the main for at 24 hours, at which time the treated water shall contain no less than 25 mg/1 chlorine throughout the length of the main. C. Tablet Method: 1. Do not use if trench water or foreign material has entered the line or if the water temperature is below 5° C (41 ° F). 2. Use only when scrupulous cleanliness has been exercised due to the fact that preliminary flushing is not possible with this method. 3. Place tablets in each section of pipe, hydrants, hydrant leads and other appurtenances in sufficient number to produce a minimum chlorine concentration of 50 mg/1. Reference Table 3, AWWA C601. 4. Attach tablets, except in hydrants and joints, with an adhesive on the top of the interior of the main such that there is no adhesive on the tablet except on the broad side next to the pipe surface. 5. Introduce water into the lines at a velocity of less than 1 foot/second. 6. Retain the water in the lines a minimum of 24 hours. 3.04 BACTERIOLOGIC TESTS A. Collect samples from the end of the pipeline after final flushing and prior to placing water lines in service and test for bacteriologic quality to show the absence of coliform organisms. 1. Collect samples in sterile bottles from a corporation stop with a copper tube gooseneck assembly installed in the main. 2. Do not collect samples from a hydrant or hose. B. Number and frequency of samples shall conform to the requirements of the public health authority having jurisdiction. 1. In no case shall the number be less than one (1) sample for lines with chlorinated supplies and two (2) samples collected 24 hours apart for unchlorinated supplies. 3.05 REPETITION OF PROCEDURE A. Repeat disinfection until satisfactory samples have been obtained if the initial disinfection or subsequent disinfections fail to produce satisfactory samples. , END OF SECTION I J 01656 - 2 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 I SECTION 01666 ' TESTING PIPING SYSTEM PART GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. Pressure and leakage testing of water mains. B. Pressure and leakage tests shall take place only after the pipeline is adequately blocked or cast - ' in -place thrust blocks have had sufficient time to cure. C. Contractor shall provide all equipment, taps and valves necessary to perform the work in connection with the testing procedure. D. Contractor shall expel all air from the piping system through air relief valves, blowoffs, service connections or temporary taps made at high points along the line. E. The line shall be filled slowly in a manner that will expel air from the line while the line is being ' filled. 1.02 PRESSURE TEST A. Minimum test pressure shall not be less than the rated pressure class of the specified pipe or 150 ' psig, whichever is greater. B. Once the line is pressurized to the specified test pressure, the line must maintain the test pressure within 5 psig for at least three (3) hours. I I [1 11 I 11 END OF SECTION njr.Ilsl Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 I SECTION 01700 CONTRACT CLOSE-OUT PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. Comply with requirements stated in Conditions of the Contract and in Specifications for administrative procedures in closing out the work. B. Related requirements specified elsewhere: 1. Conditions of the Contract: Fiscal provisions, legal submittals and additional administrative requirements. 2. Section 01026, Applications for Payment: Requirements for final payment. 3. Section 01050, Field Engineering: Surveying certificate and final completion survey 4. Section 01310, Construction Schedules. 5. Section 01600, Material and Equipment: Maintenance materials. 6. Section 01710, Cleaning. 7. Section 01714, Construction Waste Management. 8. Section 01720, Project Record Documents. 9. Section 01730, Operating and Maintenance Data. 10. Section 01740, Warranties and Bonds. 11. Testing requirements and closeout submittals required of specific trades or subcontractors. 1.02 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION A. Definition of Substantial Completion: Refer to General and Supplementary Conditions of the Contract. B. When Contractor considers that the work is substantially complete, he shall submit to the Owner: 1. Written notice that the work or designated portion thereof is substantially complete. 2. "Punch list" of items to be completed or corrected, as determined by the Contractor prior to inspection by the Owner. 3. Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, or other evidence of acceptance by the building official or other authority with jurisdiction over the project. 4. Complete prefunctional checklist and function performance testing from commissioning documentation. C. Within a reasonable time after receipt of such notice, Architect will make an inspection to determine the status of completion. D. Should Owner determine that the work is not substantially complete: 1. Owner will promptly notify the Contractor in writing, giving the reasons therefor. 2. Contractor shall remedy the deficiencies in the work and send a second written notice of substantial completion to the Architect. 3. Owner will reinspect the work, as appropriate. E. When Architect concurs that the work is substantially complete, he will: 1. Prepare a Certificate of Substantial Completion on Owner -provided form, accompanied by list of items to be completed or corrected. 2. Submit the Certificate to the Contractor for their written acceptance of the responsibilities assigned to them in the Certificate. 1.03 FINAL INSPECTION A. When Contractor considers the work is complete, he shall submit written certification that: 1. Contract Documents have been reviewed, and that the work has been inspected for compliance with Contract Documents. 2. Work has been completed in accordance with Contract Documents. 01700 - 1 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 I 1 1 1 1 3. Corrective or incomplete work has been completed from punch lists provided at Substantial Completion. 4. Equipment and systems have been tested in the presence of the Owner's representative and are operational. 5. Roofing systems have been inspected by the manufacturer's technical representative and have been approved by such technical representative. 6. Final cleaning has been completed and project is ready for final inspection. 7. Final Certificate of Occupancy has been issued. 8. Completion of "flush -out" of building's mechanical systems. 9. Verification of completion of all outstanding commissioning requirements. B. Owner will make an inspection to verify the status of completion with reasonable promptness after receipt of such certification. C. Should Owner consider that the work is incomplete or defective: 1. Owner will promptly notify the Contractor in writing, listing the incomplete or defective work. 2. Contractor shall take immediate steps to remedy the stated deficiencies and send a second written certification to Owner that the work is complete. 3. Owner will reinspect the work, as appropriate. D. When the Architect finds that the work is acceptable under the Contract Documents, he shall request the Contractor to prepare and deliver closeout submittals. E. Should Owner perform reinspection due to failure of the work to comply with the claims of status of either Substantial or Final Completion made by the Contractor: 1. Owner will deduct the amount of such compensation from the final payment due the Contractor. 1.04 SYSTEMS TESTING A. Contractor shall conduct tests for operational systems and equipment as specified herein prior to Final Inspection. Testing of systems or equipment shall include but not be limited to: 1. Drainage and weathertightness of roofing systems. 2. Domestic water service or other pressurized site utilities. 5. Mechanical and electrical systems, or Section 01600, Material and Equipment. ' 1.05 CONTRACTOR'S CLOSE-OUT SUBMITTALS A. Evidence of compliance with requirements of governing authorities: 1. Certificate of Occupancy. 2. Certificates of Inspection, including plumbing, mechanical and electrical. B. Final Completion Schedule: Refer to Section 01310. C. Project Record Documents: Refer to Section 01720. D. Operating and Maintenance Data, Instructions to Owner's Personnel: Refer to Section 01730. E. Warranties and Bonds: Refer to Section 01740. F. Keys and Keying Schedule: Coordinate with Owner. ' G. H. Evidence of Payment and Release of Liens: General and Supplementary Conditions. Maintenance Materials: Evidence that all required maintenance materials have been furnished and stored as directed by the Owner. I. Test Results: Written approval from the testing agency for systems or equipment requiring final testing, as specified above. J. Surveying Certificate: Certification of accuracy of building layout, grading and drainage, as referenced in Section 01050. K. Construction Waste Management Plan: Final report, as specified in Section 01714. 1.06 FINAL ADJUSTMENT OF ACCOUNTS ' A. Submit a final statement of accounting to the Owner. Statement shall reflect all adjustments to the Contract Sum: 1. The original Contract Sum, including accepted Bid Alternates. L01700 - 2 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 1 2. Additions and deductions resulting from: a. Previous Change Orders. b. Allowances. C. Unit prices. d. Deductions for uncorrected work. e. Penalties and bonuses. f. Deductions for liquidated damages, if applicable. g. Deductions for reinspection payments. h. Other adjustments. 3. Total Contract Sum, as adjusted. 4. Previous payments. 5. Sum remaining due, including retainage. B. Contractor will prepare a final Change Order reflecting approved adjustments to the Contract Sum which were not previously made by Change Orders. 1.07 FINAL APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT A. Contractor shall submit the final Application for Payment in accordance with procedures and requirements stated in the Conditions of the Contract and Section 01026, Applications for Payment. END OF SECTION 01700 - 3 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 ' SECTION 01710 CLEANING PART GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. Contractor shall execute periodic cleaning during progress of the work. B. Contractor shall execute final cleaning at completion of the work. C. Related requirements specified elsewhere: 1. Conditions of the Contract. 2. Section 01714, Construction Waste Management. 3. Section 01715, Waste Removal and Recycling. 1.02 DISPOSAL REQUIREMENTS ' A. Conduct cleaning operations to comply with applicable codes, ordinances, regulations and anti- pollution laws. B. Construction waste management shall be provided in accordance with the approved ' construction waste management plan specified in Section 01714. C. Disposal of waste materials, debris and rubbish shalt be at a commercially -operated recycling center, legal dumpsite or landfill. Refer to Section 01715. ' PART PRODUCTS ' 2.01 CLEANING MATERIALS A. Use only those cleaning materials which will not create hazards to health or property and which will not damage surfaces. ' B. Use only those cleaning materials and methods recommended by manufacturers of the surface material to be cleaned. C. Use cleaning materials only on surfaces recommended by cleaning material manufacturer. ' PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 PROGRESS CLEANING ' A. Contractor shall execute periodic cleaning to keep the building, the site and adjacent properties free from accumulations of waste materials, rubbish and windblown debris resulting ' from construction operations. 1. Contractor shall provide site cleaning at the end of each workday during progress of the work. 2. Building(s) and site shall be kept clean to the satisfaction of the Owner, including but ' not limited to: a. Removal of scrap lumber, plywood, gypsum wallboard and other waste construction materials. b. Removal of accumulations of sawdust, drywall compound, nails and other waste ' materials. C. Removal of cans, bottles and other rubbish. d. Removal of boxes, cartons, pallets and other construction packaging materials. ' 3. Stored materials that are to be used in the construction of the work are not subject to the provisions of this paragraph. 4. Refer to Supplementary Instructions to Bidders, General and Supplementary Conditions of the Contract for site cleaning damages and other remedies available to the Owner. ' 01710 - 1 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 SECTION 00100 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS I 1 11 I 1 Ll I B. Maintain parking areas, access drives and city streets clean from mud and other debris. ' 3.02 CLEANING PRIOR TO PAINTING A. Clean interior spaces prior to the start of finish painting and continue cleaning on an as -needed basis until painting is finished. B. Schedule operations so that dust and other contaminants resulting from cleaning process will not fall on wet or freshly finished surfaces. , C. Temporarily seal window and door openings prior to the start of finish painting to prevent windblown dust and other particulates from impairing wet or freshly finished surfaces. 3.03 CLEANING PRIOR TO CARPETING ' A. Scrape all wood floor substructures to remove accumulations of drywall compounds and other foreign material. ' B. Broom clean prior to installation of carpeting and/or pad. 3.04 FINAL CLEANING ' A. Final cleaning shall be performed by personnel or subcontractors skilled in this work. B. In general, the extent of final cleaning shall be to remove grease, mastic and adhesives, dust and dirt, stains, fingerprints, labels and other foreign materials from site -exposed interior and exterior surfaces. ' C. Interior cleaning shall include, but not be limited to: 1. Wash and polish glass, glazing and mirrors. Polish glossy surfaces to a clear shine. 2. Dry vacuum all carpeted surfaces. 3. Damp mop all vinyl composition or resilient flooring and base. ' 4. Damp mop all ceramic or porcelain the flooring and base. 5. Damp mop all exposed concrete slabs. 6. Wipe down all ceramic tile work and remove grout smears. ' 7. Wipe down all finish carpentry, woodwork and cabinetwork. 8. Wipe down all interior surfaces of wood doors, windows, casings and trims. 9. Wipe down and polish toilet partitions, toilet and bath accessories, signage components and other specialties. ' 10. Wash and wipe down ornamental metal surfaces. D. Exterior cleaning shall include, but not be limited to: 1. Power -wash or wash and wipe down siding and trim. 2. Wash and wipe down doors and frames. ' 3. Wash and polish glass and glazing. 4. Wash and wipe down site furnishings, bicycle racks, pipe bollards, ornamental metal fencing and other site amenities. , E. Site cleaning shall include, but not be limited to: 1. Broom clean and wash down all areas of exterior concrete flatwork. F. Ventilating Systems: 1. Clean permanent filters and replace disposable filters if units were operated during ' construction. 2. Clean ducts, blowers and coils if units were operated without filters during construction. G. Prior to final completion or Owner occupancy, Contractor shall conduct an inspection of the ' site, all site -exposed interior and exterior surfaces and all work areas to verify that work of the entire project is clean. END OF SECTION 01710 - 2 1 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 ' SECTION 01720 ' PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS PART GENERAL ' 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. Contractor shall maintain at the site one (1) record copy of each of the following documents: ' 1. Drawings. 2. Specifications or Project Manual. 3. Addenda. 4. Change Orders and other modifications to the Contract. ' S. Architect field orders or written instructions. 6. Approved shop drawings, product data and samples. 7. Field test records. B. Related requirements specified elsewhere: 1. Section 01340, Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples. 2. Section 01380, Construction Photographs: Requirements for construction record photography. ' 3. Section 01410, Testing. 1.02 MAINTENANCE OF DOCUMENTS AND SAMPLES ' A. Prior to beginning work, separate one (1) clean, complete set of project documents from construction sets and hold for record document purposes. The Owner will not furnish additional sets for the Contractor's use at the end of construction, unless compensated for by ' the Contractor. B. Store documents and samples in Contractor's field office apart from documents used for construction. Provide files and rack for storage of documents. C. Maintain documents in a clean, dry, legible condition and in good order. Do not use record ' documents for construction purposes. D. Make documents and samples available at all times for inspection by the Architect, Engineers and Owner's representative. ' 1.03 RECORDING REQUIREMENTS A. Record information concurrently with construction progress. Do not conceal any work until required information is recorded. B. Drawings shall be legibly marked to record actual construction: 1. Depths of various elements of foundation in relation to finished first floor datum. 2. Horizontal and vertical locations of underground utilities and appurtenances, referenced to permanent surface locations. 3. Location of internal utilities and appurtenances concealed in the construction, referenced to visible and accessible features of the structure. 4. Field changes of dimension and detail. ' S. Changes made by field order or by Change Order. 6. Details not included in original Contract Documents. C. Specifications and Addenda shall be legibly marked to record: 1. Manufacturer, trade name, catalog number and supplier of each product and item of ' equipment actually installed. D. Special Requirements: 1. Prefabricated Structures: Contractor shall provide shop drawings and/or erection ' drawings on compact diskettes in CAD format, compatible with the Owner's software system requirements as a part of the record document submittal. ' 01720 . 1 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. At contract closeout, deliver all Record Documents to the Architect for the Owner. B. Accompany submittal with transmittal letter containing: 1. Date, project name and number. 2. Contractor's name and address. 3. Title and number of each Record Document. 4. Signature of Contractor or his authorized representative. C. Submit one (1) copy of approved data in final form no later than fifteen (15) days after final inspection or acceptance, but prior to applying for final payment. D. As -Recorded Documents shall be submitted, reviewed and accepted by the Owner prior to the Final Application for Payment being processed. END OF SECTION 01720 - 2 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 H 11 SECTION 01730 OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE DATA PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. Contractor shall compile product data and related information appropriate for Owner's maintenance and operation of products, fixtures and equipment furnished for this Project. 1. Prepare operating and maintenance data as specified in this Section and as referenced in other pertinent Sections of the Specifications. B. Instruct Owner's personnel in maintenance of products and in operation of equipment and systems. C. Related requirements specified elsewhere: 1. Section 01060, Regulatory Requirements. 2. Section 01340, Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples. 3. Section 01700, Contract Close -Out. 4. Section 01720, Project Record Documents. 5. Section 01740, Warranties and Bonds. 1.02 SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Prepare data in form of an instructional manual for use by Owner's personnel. B. Format of Submittals: 1. Size: 8-1 /2" x 11". 2. Paper: Manufacturer's printed data or neatly typewritten. 3. Drawings: a. Provide reinforced punched binder tab, bind in with text. b. Fold larger drawings to size of text pages. 4. Provide fly leaf for each separate product or each piece of operating equipment. a. Provide typed description of product and major component parts of equipment. b. Provide indexed tabs. 5. Cover: Identify each volume with typed or printed title "OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS'. List the following: a. Title of project. b. Identity of separate structure as applicable. C. Identity of general subject matter covered in the manual. C. Binders: 1. Commercial quality three-ring binders with durable and cleanable plastic covers, ring size as required. 2. When multiple binders are used, correlate the data into related, consistent groupings. D. Number of Manuals Required: Three (3) copies of each complete manual, including all general information and plumbing, mechanical, electrical and fire sprinkler sections. 1.03 CONTENT OF MANUAL A. Table of Contents for each volume arranged in sequential order. 1. Contractor, name of responsible principal, address and telephone number. 2. List of each product required to be included, indexed to content of the volume. 3. List with each product, name, address and telephone number of: a. Subcontractor or installer. b. Maintenance contractor as appropriate. C. Identify the area of responsibility of each. d. Local source of supply for parts and replacement. 4. Identify each product by product name and other identifying symbols as set forth in Contract Documents. 01730 - 1 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 B. Product Data: Contractor shall mark or edit manufacturer's printed literature as to the specific items used in the Project. 1. Include only those sheets which are pertinent to the specific product. 2. Note each sheet to: a. Clearly identify specific product or part installed. b. Clearly identify data applicable to installation. C. Delete references to inapplicable information. C. Drawings: 1. Supplement product data with drawings as necessary to clearly illustrate: a. Relations of component parts of equipment and systems. b. Control and flow diagrams. 2. Coordinate drawings with information in Project Record Documents to assure correct illustration of completed installation. Do not use Record Documents as maintenance drawings. D. Written text as required to supplement product data for the particular installation: 1. Organize in consistent format under separate headings for different procedures. 2. Provide logical sequence of instruction for each procedure. E. Copy of each warranty, bond and service contract issued indicating: 1. Proper procedures in the event of failure. 2. Instances which might affect validity of warranties or bonds. F. Copy of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for each product or material. G. Color/Finish Schedules: 1. List of each color and finish selection for all exterior materials, including manufacturer and color/finish number. 2. List of each color and finish selection for all interior materials, including manufacturer and color/finish number. 1.04 GENERAL MANUAL FOR MATERIALS AND FINISHES A. Provide complete information for products specified in individual Sections of these ' Specifications. 1.05 MANUALS FOR PLUMBING, MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS A. Content for each unit of equipment and system as appropriate: 1. Description of unit and component parts. 2. Operating Procedures: a. Start-up, break-in, routine and normal operating instructions. b. Regulation, control, stopping, shutdown and emergency instructions. C. Summer and winter operating instructions. d. Special operating instructions. 3. Maintenance Procedures: a. Routine operations. b. Guide to "troubleshooting'. C. Disassembly, repair and reassembly. d. Alignment, adjusting and checking. 4. Servicing and lubrication schedule, with list of lubricants required. 5. Manufacturer's printed operating and maintenance instructions. 6. Description of sequence of operation by control manufacturer. 7. Original manufacturer's parts list, illustrations, assembly drawings and diagrams required for maintenance. 8. As -installed control diagrams by control manufacturer. 9. As -installed color -coded piping diagrams. 10. Charts of valve tag numbers with location and function of each valve. 11. List of original manufacturer's spare parts, manufacturer's current prices and recommended quantities to be maintained in storage. 12. Other data as required under pertinent Sections of Specifications. 01730 - 2 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 I 1 1 I I- 1 I B. Content for each electric and electronic system as appropriate: 1. Description of system and component parts. a. Function, normal operating characteristics and limiting conditions. b. Engineering data and tests. C. Complete nomenclature and commercial number of replaceable parts. 2. Circuit directories of panelboards. a. Electrical service. b. Controls. C. Communications. 3. As -installed color -coded wiring diagrams. 4. Operating Procedures: a. Routine and normal operating instructions. b. Sequences required. C. Special operating instructions. 5. Maintenance Procedures: a. Routine operations. b. Guide to "troubleshooting". C. Disassembly, repair and reassembly. d. Adjustment and checking. 6. Manufacturer's printed operating and maintenance instructions. 7. List of original manufacturer's spare parts, manufacturer's current prices and recommended quantities to be maintained in storage. 8. Other data as required under pertinent Sections of Specifications. C. Prepare and include additional data when the need for such data becomes apparent during instruction of Owners personnel. D. Provide complete information for products specified in: 1. Division 15, Plumbing and Mechanical Systems and Equipment. 2. Division 16, Electrical Systems and Equipment. 1.06 SUBMITTAL SCHEDULE A. Submit specified number of copies of approved data in final form no later than fifteen (15) days after final inspection or acceptance, but prior to applying for final payment. B. Operating and maintenance manuals shall be submitted, reviewed and accepted by the Owner prior to the Final Application for Payment being processed. 1.07 INSTRUCTION OF OWNER'S PERSONNEL A. Prior to final inspection or acceptance, fully instruct Owner's designated operating and maintenance personnel in operation, adjustment and maintenance of products, equipment and systems. B. Operating and maintenance manual shall constitute the basis of instruction. C. Review contents of manual with personnel in full detail to explain all aspects of operations and maintenance. END OF SECTION 01730 - 3 Rosetawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 SECTION 01740 WARRANTIES AND BONDS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. Contractor shall compile specified warranties and bonds and specified service and maintenance contracts. B. Review submittals to verify compliance with Contract Documents. C. Submit to Architect for review and transmittal to Owner. D. Related requirements specified elsewhere: 1. Instructions to Bidders: Bid or Proposal Bond. 2. Conditions of the Contract: Performance Bond and Labor and Material Payment Bond. 3. Conditions of the Contract: General Warranty of Construction. 4. Section 01700, Contract Close -Out. 5. Section 01730, Operating and Maintenance Data. 1.02 SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A. General: Submit warranties, bonds and service and maintenance contracts as specified in respective Sections of Specifications. 1. Unless otherwise indicated, all warranties shall be written in the Owner's name, and shall be transferable to future Owner(s) for the duration of the warranty period. B. Assemble warranties, bonds and service and maintenance contracts, executed by each of the respective manufacturers, suppliers and subcontractors, bound with operating and maintenance data. Manuals are specified in Section 01730. C. Number of original signed copies required: Three (3) each, or as required by number of manuals specified in Section 01730. D. Table of Contents: Neatly typed in orderly sequence. Provide complete information for each item. 1. Product or work item. 2. Firm with name of principal, address and telephone number. 3. Scope of warranty, bond or service and maintenance contract. 4. Date of beginning of warranty, bond or service and maintenance contract. 5. Duration of warranty, bond or service and maintenance contract. 6. Provide information for Owner's personnel: a. Proper procedure in case of failure. b. Conditions which might affect the validity of warranty or bond. 7. Contractor, name of responsible principal, address and telephone number. E. Format of Submittals: 1. Format: Prepare in duplicate packets. 2. Size: 8.1 /2" x 11" punched sheets for standard three-ring binder. Fold larger sheets to fit into binders. 1.03 SCHEDULE OF SUBMITTALS A. Submit documents within twenty-five (25) days after inspection and acceptance for equipment or component parts of equipment put into service during progress of construction. B. Otherwise make submittals within twenty-five (25) days after date of Substantial Completion, prior to final request for payment. C. For items of work where acceptance is delayed materially beyond date of Substantial Completion, provide updated submittal within ten (10) days after acceptance, listing date of acceptance as start of warranty period. 01740 - 1 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 ' 1.04 REQUIRED WARRANTIES AND BONDS A. Bid or Proposal Bond: Refer to Instructions to Bidders. ' B. Performance and Payment Bond: Refer to Conditions of the Contract. C. General Warranty of Construction: Refer to Conditions of the Contract. Unless modified elsewhere, General Contractor shall warrant all construction materials and workmanship for a period of two (2) calendar years from the date of Substantial Completion. D. Extended Warranties: Certain portions of the Project may have warranty coverage requirements in excess of the general warranty stipulated herein. Examples of these extended warranties may include, but not be limited to, roof shingles and windows. E. Warranties: Provide required warranties for products, materials and equipment covering ' defects in materials and workmanship for the time duration(s) specified in individual Sections. Where no specific warranty is mentioned, provide warranty coverages normally provided by the manufacturer for that product, but in no case less than two (2) years from the date of ' Substantial Completion. 1. Unless otherwise indicated, all warranties shall be written in the Owner's name. F. Provide warranties and/or bonds for products and services specified in individual Sections of these Specifications. ' 1. Warranties for individual materials or systems shall not be pro -rated, unless specifically allowed in individual sections of these Specifications. G. Maintenance Agreements: None required. However, all Contractors and Subcontractors shall be required to make service calls as requested by the Owner throughout the one-year general ' warranty period, at no additional expense to the Owner. H. Optional Bond(s): The Contractor shall retain the right to require Performance and/or Labor and Material Payment Bonds from any or all of his/her Subcontractors. The costs of such ' second or third tier bonds will not be paid for by the Owner. ' END OF SECTION 11 1 ' 01740 - 2 Roselawn Cemetery Office - 1043.02 No Text APPENDIX Soils Report City of Fort Collins Purchasing ADDENDUM No. 2 SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Description of BID 7312: Roselawn Office Building OPENING DATE: 2:00 PM (Our Clock) January 12, 2012 Financial Services Purchasing Division 215 N. Mason St. 2ntl Floor PO Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522 970.221.6775 970.221.6707 fcgov.com/Purchasing To all prospective bidders under the specifications and contract documents described above, the following changes/additions are hereby made and detailed as follows: The Opening Date has been changed to January 12, 2012 at 2:00 PM (our clock) Exhibit 1 — Revised Bid Schedule Exhibit 2 — Questions & Answers Exhibit 3 - Revised Drawing Sheet SD1 General Notes on Drawing Revisions • Sheet SD1 - See revised partial site plan for revisions to leader lines. • Sheet SD1 - The parking area, walk and steps are to be 5"T cast -in -place concrete. See also Sheet C4 for extents and patching • Sheet A103 - Radon system, radon system is to be passive and design build by selected contractor ' Please contact John Stephen, CPPO, LEED AP, Senior Buyer, Buyer at (970) 221-6777 with any questions regarding this addendum. RECEIPT OF THIS ADDENDUM MUST BE ACKNOWLEDGED BY A WRITTEN STATEMENT ENCLOSED WITH THE BID/QUOTE STATING THAT THIS ADDENDUM HAS BEEN RECEIVED. Addendum 2 7312 Roselawn Office Building Page 1 of 6 ' SECTION 00100 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1.0 DEFINED TERMS Terms used in these Instructions to Bidders which are defined in the Standard General Conditions of the Construction Contract (No. 1910-8, 1990 ed.) have the meanings assigned to them in the General Conditions. The term "Bidder" means one who submits a Bid to OWNER, as distinct from a sub -bidder, who submits a Bid to Bidder. The terms "Successful Bidder" means the lowest, qualified, responsible and responsive Bidder to whom OWNER (on basis of OWNER's evaluation as hereinafter provided) makes an award. The term "Bidding Documents" includes the Advertisement or Invitation to Bid, Instructions to Bidders, the Bid Form, and the proposed Contract Documents (including all Addenda issued prior to receipt of Bids). 2.0 COPIES OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS 2.1. Complete sets of Bidding Documents may be obtained as stated in the Invitation to Bid. No partial sets will be issued. The Bidding Documents may be examined at the locations identified in the Invitation to Bid. 2.2. Complete sets of Bidding Documents shall be used in preparing Bids; neither OWNER nor Engineer assumes any responsibility for errors or misinterpretations resulting from the use of incomplete sets of Bidding Documents. 2.3. The submitted Bid proposal shall include Sections 00300, 00410, 00420, and 00430 fully executed. 2.4. OWNER and Engineer, in making copies of Bidding Documents available on the above terms, do so only for the purpose of obtaining Bids on the Work and do not confer a license or grant for any other use. 3.0 QUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS 3.1 To demonstrate qualifications to perform the Work, each Bidder must submit at the time of the Bid opening, a written statement of qualifications including financial data, a summary of previous experience, previous commitments and evidence of authority to conduct business in the jurisdiction where the Project is located. Each Bid must contain evidence of Bidder's qualification to do business in the state where the Project is located or covenant to obtain such qualification prior to award of the contract. The Statement of Qualifications shall be prepared on the form provided in Section 00420. I II iJ 7 I J 1 i D I I F 1 [1 1 1 1 €_.16111111:M610 cgM e�ea a ►xoxe'cra sttloom GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION MODULAR BUILDING AT ROSELAWN CEMETERY 2718 EAST MULBERRY STREET FORT COLLINS, COLORADO CITY OF FORT COLLINS 300 LaPorte Avenue P.O. Box 580 Fort Collins, Colorado 80522-0580 Attention: Mr. Ethan Cozzens Project No. FC05361-125 35 t Owen Street I Suite 140 j Fort Collins, Cohorado 80524 Telephone: )70-206-N55 Fat: 970-206.944'1 November 11. 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS .SCOPE 1 SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS T SITE CONDITIONS 1 PROPOSED. CONSTRUCTION. 2 INVESTIGATION 2 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 2 Seismicity 3 SITE DEVELOPMENT 3 Fill Placement 3 Excavation 4 FOUNDATIONS 5 Footings 5 BELOW GRADE AREAS & WATER-SOLUBLE SULFATES 7 SURFACE DRAINAGE 7 LIMITATIONS 8 FIGURE 1 — LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY BORING. FIGURE 2 —SUMMARY LOG OF EXPLORATORY BORING FIGURE 3 — EXTERIOR FOUNDATION DRAIN DETAIL FIGURE 4 AND TABLE I — RESULTS OF LABORATORY TESTING APPENDIX A — SAMPLE SITE GRADING SPECIFICATIONS II ' ii I SCOPE This report presents the results of our Geotechnical Investigation for the proposed modular building to be located at the Roselawn Cemetery in Fort Collins, Colorado. The purpose of the investigation was, to evaluate the subsurface conditions and provide foundation recommendations and geotechnical.design criteria for the project. The report was prepared from data developed during field exploration, laboratory testing, engineering analysis and experience with similar conditions. The report includes ' a description of subsurface conditions found in our exploratory. boring and discussions of site development as influenced by geotechnical considerations. Our opinions and recommendations regarding design criteria and construction details for site development, foundations, floor systems, slabs -on -grade, lateral earth loads, and drainage are provided. If the proposed construction changes, we should be requested to review our recommendations contained in this report to determine if they apply to the new proposed construction. Our opinions are summarized in the following paragraphs. Further descriptions of the subsurface conditions, results of our field and laboratory investigations and our opinions, conclusions and recommendations are included in the subsequent sections of this report. ' SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS 1. Soils encountered in our boring consisted of 25 feet of sand with ' occasional gravels. Bedrock was not encountered during our investigation. Ground water was encountered at a depth of 11 feet during drilling. ' 2. We believe the proposed structure can be constructed on footing foundations. Foundation discussion and criteria for footing foundations are provided in this report. SITE CONDITIONS ' The proposed construction site is located in the northeast portion of the Roselawn Cemetery located at 2718 East Mulberry Street in Fort Collins, Colorado. The site is relatively flat. Structures in the area of the proposed construction include a maintenance building to the north and shed to the east. Lake Canal is located northeast ' CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODULAR BUILDING AT ROSELAWN CEMETERY 1 CTL I T PROJECT NO. FC0536 t-125 of the site as well as a detention pond. Ground cover consisted of a gravel paved roadway and asphaltic concrete parking area. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION We understand the proposed modular building will be approximately 1,000 square feet. The structure will be constructed on a cast -in -place concrete foundation with a crawl space below the building. The building will be used as a shelter and restroom. INVESTIGATION Subsurface conditions at the site were investigated by drilling one boring in the area of the proposed construction. The approximate location of the boring is shown on Figure 1. Our field representative observed drilling, logged the soils found in the boring and obtained samples. A summary log of the boring, including results of field penetration resistance tests, is presented on Figure 2. Samples obtained during drilling were returned to our laboratory and visually examined by the geotechnical engineer for this project. Laboratory testing included moisture content, dry density, gradation, and water-soluble sulfate tests. Results of laboratory tests are presented on Figure 4 and summarized in Table A-l. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Soils encountered in our boring consisted of 25 feet of sand with occasional gravels. No bedrock was encountered during our investigation. Ground water was encountered at a depth of 11 feet below the existing ground surface during drilling. Existing groundwater levels are not expected to affect site development. Further description of the subsurface conditions is presented on our boring log and in our laboratory testing. CITY OF FORT COLLINS NIODULAR BUILDING AT ROSELAWN CEMETERY 2 CTL 1-T PROJECT NO. FC05361.125 I 11 1l 11 I L� I 1 I I T Seismicity This area, like most of central Colorado, is subject to a low degree of seismic risk. As in most areas of recognized low seismicity, the record of the past earthquake activity ' in Colorado is somewhat incomplete. According to the 2009 International Building Code and the subsurface conditions encountered in our boring, this site classifies as a Site Class D. Only minor damage to relatively new, properly designed and built buildings would be expected. Wind loads, not seismic considerations, typically govern dynamic structural design in this area. A Remi Survey can be used to determine the shear wave velocities at the site. A survey of this ' type may result in a lower seismic site class (Site Class C). However, in our experience this is unlikely. SITE DEVELOPMENT ' Fill Placement 11 1 1 The existing on -site soils are suitable for re -use as fill material provided debris or deleterious organic materials are removed. If import material is required, we recommend importing granular soils. Import fill should contain no particle larger than 3 inches, 10 to 40 percent silt and clay -sized particles (percent passing No. 200 sieve) and exhibit a liquid limit less than 30 and a plasticity index less than 15. Areas to receive fill should be.scarified, moisture -conditioned and compacted to at least 95 percent of standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 698, AASHTO T 99). The properties of the fill will affect the performance of foundations, slabs -on -grade, and pavements. Sand soils used as fill should be moistened to within 2 percent of optimum moisture content. The fill should be moisture -conditioned, placed in thin, loose lifts (8 inches or less) and compacted as described above. We should be retained to observe placement and compaction of fill during construction. Fill placement and compaction activities should not be conducted when the fill material or subgrade is frozen. CITY OF FORT COLLINS ,'AODULAR BUILDING AT ROSEUVNN CEMETERY CTL I T PROJECT NO. FC05351-125 3 Site grading in areas of landscaping where no future improvements are planned can be placed at a dry density of at least 90 percent of standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTIv1 D 698, AASHTO T 99). Example site grading specifications are presented in Appendix A. Excavation The materials found in our boring can be excavated using conventional heavy- duty excavation equipment. Excavations should be sloped or shored to meet local, State and Federal safety regulations. Based on our investigation and OSHA standards, we believe the sand soils classify as Type C soils. Type C soils require a maximum slope inclination of 1.5:1 in dry conditions. Excavation slopes specified by OSHA are dependent upon types of soil and groundwater conditions encountered. The contractor's "competent person" should identify the soils and/or rock encountered in the excavation and refer to OSHA standards to determine appropriate slopes. Stockpiles of soils, equipment, or other items should not be placed within a horizontal distance equal to one- half the excavation depth, from the edge of excavation. Excavations deeper than 20 feet should be braced or a professional engineer should design the slopes. The width of the top of an excavation may be limited in some areas. Bracing or "trench box" construction may be necessary. Bracing systems include sheet piling, braced sheeting and others. Lateral loads on bracing depend on the depth of excavation, slope of excavation above the bracing, surface loads, hydrostatic pressures, and allowable movement. For trench boxes and bracing allowed to move enough to mobilize the strength of the soils, with associated cracking of the ground surface, the "active" earth pressure conditions are appropriate for design. If movement is not tolerable, the "at rest" earth pressures are appropriate. We suggest.an equivalent fluid pressure of 40 pcf for the "active" earth pressure condition and 65 pcf for the "at rest" earth pressure condition, assuming level backfill. These pressures do not include allowances for surcharge loading or for hydrostatic conditions. We are available to assist further with bracing design if desired. CITY OF FORT COUNS MODULAR BUILDING Ar ROSELA'NM CEMETERY 4 CTL IT PROJECT MO. FC0536 f -125 [1 1 1 1 1 Water and sewer lines are often constructed beneath pavement areas. Compaction of trench backfill can have a significant effect on the life and serviceability of pavements. We recommend trench backfill be moisture conditioned and compacted as described in the Fill Placement section of this report. Placement and compaction of fill and backfill should be observed and tested by a representative of our firm during construction. FOUNDATIONS We believe the proposed structures can be constructed on footing foundations. The soils encountered at the foundation elevation include loose to medium dense sand with gravels. Design and construction criteria for footing foundations are provided below. These criteria were developed from analysis of field and laboratory data and our experience. The recommended foundation alternative can be used provided all design and construction criteria presented in this report are followed. The builder and structural engineer should also consider design and construction details established by the structural warrantor (if any) that may impose additional foundation design and installation requirements. Footings 1. Footings should be constructed on undisturbed natural soils or properly compacted fill (see Fill Placement). Where soil is loosened during excavation, it should be removed and replaced with on -site soils compacted following the criteria in the Fill Placement section of this report. 2. Footings constructed on the natural soils and/or engineered fill can be designed for a net allowable soil pressure of 2,000 psf. The soil pressure can be increased 33 percent for transient loads such as wind or seismic loads. 3. Footings should have a minimum width of at least 16 inches. Foundations for isolated columns should have minimum dimensions of 24 inches by 24 inches. Larger sizes may be required depending on loads and the structural system used. 4. The soils beneath footing pads can be assigned an ultimate coefficient of friction of 0.4 to resist lateral loads. The ability of grade beams, or tooting backfill to resist lateral loads can be calculated using a passive equivalent CITY OF FORT COLLINS IMODULAR BUILDING AT ROSELAVJM CEMETERY CTL I T PROJECT MO. FC0,5361.125 ry L"I I! ' fluid pressure of 300 pcf. This assumes the backfill is densely compacted ' and will not be removed. Backfill should be placed and compacted to the criteria in the Fill Placement section of the report. ' 5. Exterior footings should be protected from frost action. We believe 30 inches of frost cover is appropriate for this site. 6. Foundation walls and grade beams should be well reinforced both top ' and bottom. We recommend the amount of steel equivalent to that required for a simply supported span of 15 feet. , 7. We should be retained to observe completed footing excavations to confirm that the subsurface conditions are similar to those found in our ' boring. Occasional loose soils may be found in foundation excavations: If this occurs, we recommend the loose soils be treated as discussed in Item 1 above. BELOW GRADE AREAS A crawl space is planned for the building. Lateral earth pressures on below ' grade walls can be calculated using an equivalent fluid density of 60 pcf. This value does not include pressure due to surcharge or hydrostatic pressure. t Water from surface irrigation of landscaping frequently flows through relatively ' permeable backfill placed adjacent to a structure and collects on the surface of less permeable soils occurring at the bottom of foundation excavations. This process can , cause wet or moist conditions in below grade areas after construction. To reduce the likelihood water pressure will develop outside foundation walls and the risk of ' accumulation of water in below grade areas, we recommend provision of an exterior foundation drain around the perimeter of the foundation excavation. In addition, the crawl space should be well ventilated per building code. The provision of a drain will not prevent moist conditions in crawl spaces. The exterior drain should consist of a 4-inch diameter open joint or slotted pipe encased in free draining gravel, backfilled to 2 feet below finished surface elevation and covered ' with 2 feet of compacted clay. The drain should lead to a positive gravity outlet, such as a sub -drain located beneath the sewer, or to a sump where water can be removed by , pumping. If the drain is "daylighted" downslope to the ground surface, the outlet should CITY OF FORT COLLINS "ODULAR BUILDING AT ROSELRNN CEMETERY 6 CTLiT PROJECT NO, FC05361.125 1 be fixture from from a permanent that provides protection blockage vegetation or other sources. A typical foundation drain detail is presented on Figure 3. ' WATER-SOLUBLE SULFATES ' Concrete that comes into contact with soils can be subject to sulfate attack. We measured a water-soluble sulfate concentration of less than 0.01 in one sample from this site. Sulfate concentrations less than 0.1 percent indicate Class 0 exposure to sulfate I attack for concrete that comes into contact with the subsoils, according to the American ' Concrete Institute (ACI). For this level of sulfate concentration, ACI indicates any type of cement can be used for concrete that comes into contact with the soils. In our ' experience, superficial damage may occur to the exposed surfaces of highly permeable concrete, even though sulfate levels are relatively low. To control this risk and to resist freeze -thaw deterioration, the water-to-cementitious material ratio should not exceed 0.50 for concrete in contact with soils that are likely to stay moist due to surface drainage ' or high water tables. Concrete should be air entrained. SURFACE DRAINAGE Performance of pavements, flatwork and foundations are influenced by changes ' in subgrade moisture conditions. Carefully planned and maintained surface grading can reduce the risk of wetting of the foundation soils and pavement subgrade. We ' recommend the following precautions be observed during and maintained after the completion of the building: 1. Wetting or drying of the open foundation excavation should be avoided. 2. Positive drainage should be provided away from foundations. We recommend a minimum slope of at least 5 percent in the first 10 feet away from the foundations in landscaped areas, where possible. Pavements and sidewalks adjacent to the building should be sloped for positive drainage away from the building. Water should not be allowed to pond on pavements. 3. Backfill around foundations should be moisture treated and compacted as described in the Fill Placement section of this report. CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODULAR BUILDING AT ROSELAWN CEMETERY CTL IT PROJECT NO. FM381-125 7 I 3.2. In accordance with Section 8-160 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins in determining whether a bidder is responsible, the following shall be considered: (1) The ability, capacity and skill of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the services required, (2) whether the bidder can perform the contract or provide the service promptly and within the time specified without delay or interference, (3) the character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience and efficiency of the bidder, (4) the quality of the bidder's performance of previous contracts or services, (5) the previous and existing compliance by the bidder with laws and ordinances relating to the contract or service, (6) the sufficiency of the financial resources and ability of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the service, (7) the quality, availability and adaptability of the materials and services to the particular use required, (8) the ability of the bidder to provide future maintenance and service for the use of the subject of the contract, and (9) any other circumstances which will affect the bidder's performance of the contract. 3.3. Each Bidder may be required to show that he has handled former Work so that no just claims are pending against such Work. No Bid will be accepted from a Bidder who is engaged on any other Work which would impair his ability to perform or finance this Work. 3.4 No Bidder shall be in default on the performance of any other contract with the City or in the payment of any taxes, licenses or other monies due to the City. 4.0 EXAMINATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SITE ' 4.1. It is the responsibility of each Bidder, before submitting a Bid, to (a) examine the Contract Documents thoroughly, (b) visit the site to familiarize himself with local conditions that may in any manner affect cost, progress or performance of the Work, (c) familiarize himself with federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations that may in any manner affect cost, progress or performance of the Work, (d) study and carefully correlate Bidder's observations ' with the Contract Documents, and (e) notify Engineer of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies in the Contract Documents. ' 4.2. Reference is made to the Supplementary Conditions for identification of: Subsurface and Physical Conditions SC-4.2. 4.3. The submission of a Bid will constitute an incontrovertible representation by Bidder that Bidder has complied with every requirement of this Article 4, that without exception the Bid is premised upon performing and furnishing the Work required by the Contract Documents and such means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction as may be indicated in or required by the Contract Documents, and that the Contract Documents are sufficient in scope and detail to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performance and furnishing of the Work. I fj 1 4. Roof drains should be directed away from the building. Downspout ' extensions and splash blocks should be provided at discharge points. Where downspouts discharge onto pavement, the pavement should be ' sloped away from the structure. If roof discharge is piped below slabs or flatwork, the pipes should be solid and glued at joints. 5. Landscaping should be carefully designed to minimize irrigation. ' Irrigation should not be located within 5 feet of the foundation. Sprinklers should not discharge within 5 feet of foundations. Irrigation should be limited to the minimum amount sufficient to maintain vegetation; ' application of more water will increase likelihood of slab and foundation movements. 6. Impervious plastic membranes should not be used to cover the ground , surface immediately surrounding the building. These membranes tend to trap moisture and prevent normal evaporation from occurring. Geotextile fabrics can be used to limit weed growth and allow for evaporation. , LIMITATIONS , Although our boring was spaced to obtain a reasonably accurate picture of subsurface conditions, variations not indicated in our boring are always possible. We ' should be retained .to observe footing excavations to confirm soils are similar to those found in our boring. Placement and compaction of fill, backfill, subgrade and other fills , should be observed and tested by a representative of our firm during construction. This report was prepared from data developed during our field exploration, ' laboratory testing, engineering analysis and experience with similar conditions. The recommendations contained in this report were based upon our understanding of the , planned construction. If plans change or differ from the assumptions presented herein, we should be contacted to review our recommendations. ' We believe this investigation was conducted in a manner consistent with that ' level of skill and care ordinarily used by members of the profession currently practicing under similar conditions in the locality of this project. No warranty, express or implied, is made. ' 11 CITY OF FORT COL LINS MODULAR BUILDING AT ROSELAWN CENIETERY H C T LIT PROJECT NO. FCG5361.125 1 11 [1 i LJ 1 i i 1 1 If we can be of further service in discussing the contents of this report or in the analysis of the proposed construction from the geotechnical point of 'view, please contact the undersigned. CTL I THOMPSON, INC. by: Spencer Schram, El Project Engineer CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODULAR BUILDINS AT ROSELAWN CEb1ETERY CTLIT PROJECT NO. FC03361.125 Division Manager 0 1 I APPROMATE SCALE: 1"= 50' 0 25' 50, LAKE CANAL CT. (DELOZIER DRIVE) Y h-, Arlo P- CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODULAR BUILDING AT ROSELA54.4 CEMETERY CtL I r PROJECT N'O. FC05361-125 I SITE w 3 LAKE rc CANAL w RD. a F MULBERRY ST. y� y� z °Y VICINITY MAP (FORT COLLINS, COLORADO) NOT TO SCALE LEGEND: TH-1 INDICATES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY BORING Location of Exploratory Boring FIGURE 1 w L w LL i I- LU w 0 TH-1 LEGEND: 1— 0 O1- SAND WITH OCCASIONAL GRAVEL, SLIGHTLY MOIST TO WET, LOOSE TO MEDIUM DENSE, BROWN. EIREDDISH =I8112 BROWN (SW, SW-SM) 9/12 — 5 5 DRIVE SAMPLE. THE SYMBOL 8/12 INDICATES 8 BLOWS OF A 140-POUND HAMMER FALLING 30 INCHES _ WERE REQUIRED TO DRIVE A 2.5-INCH O.D. SAMPLER 12 INCHES. 18112 DRIVE SAMPLE. THE SYMBOL 22/12 INDICATES 22 10 10- BLOWS OF A 140-POUND HAMMER FALLING 30 INCHES 2 WERE REQUIRED TO DRIVE A 2.0-INCH O.D. SAMPLER 12 INCHES. C WATER LEVEL MEASURED AT TIME OF DRILLING. ..: �21112 15 15� 20 20 -~ NOTES: w 1 w THE BORING WAS DRILLED ON OCTOBER 25, 2010 WITH 4-INCH DIAMETER CONTINUOUS FLIGHT. SOLID ` 22f12 LIJ o STEM POWER AUGERS AND A CME-45 TRUCK I 25 25 MOUNTED DRILL RIG. 2. THE BORING WAS BACKFILLEO UPON COMPLETION, NO SECONDARY GROUNDWATER MEASUREMENT L WAS TAKEN. L j 3. THE APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF THE BORING IS 30 30 PRESENTED.ON FIGURE 1. 4, THIS LOG IS SUBJECT TO THE EXPLANATIONS AND I I LIMITATIONS PRESENTED IN THIS REPORT. 35 3 L 40 400 i = i Summary Log of —45 45-j Exploratory Boring CITY OF FOR F COLLIPIS IAOGULAR BUILDING AT ROSELA[SNCEMEFERY FIGURE 2 CTLI FPROJECT NO FC05531-125 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 MODULAR SLOPE PER REPORT BUILDING FLOOR SLOPE EXCAVATION FOUNDATION WALL PER OSHA i ATTACH.PLASTIC SHEETING GEOTEXTILECOVER� TO FOUNDATION WALL , ,, �CRAWLSPACE VOIOR D 11 GRAVEL BACKFILL­ - DRAIN PIPE--,_.�f� i! A SEE NOTE 6 }�� 3 FOOTING OR PAD 8' MIN. L \-SLOPE GROUND'SURFACE AWAY I FROM FOOTING NO'STEEPER THAN 1:1 TO DRAIN AWAY FROM FOOTING NOTES: 1. DRAIN PIPE SHOULD CONSIST -OF 4-INCH DIAMETER PERFORATED PIPE 2. THE PIPE SHOULD BE PLACED IN A TRENCH WITH A SLOPE OF AT LEAST 1/8 INCH DROP PER FOOT OF DRAIN DOWNWARD TO A POSITIVE GRAVITY -OUTLET (DAYLIGHTED) OR TO A SUMP WHERE WATER CAN BE REMOVED BY PUMPING. 3. THE BOTTOM OF THE DRAINPIPE SHOULD BE AT LEAST 2 INCHES BELOW THE BOTTOM OF THE FOOTING AS MEASURED FROM THE HIGHEST POINT, 4. ENCASE DRAIN PIPE IN 1/2-INCH TO 3A4 INCH WASHED GrRAVEL..EXTEND GRAVEL LATERALLY TO FOOTING AND AT LEAST 1M HEIGHT OF FOOTING. FILL ENTIRE TRENCH WITH GRAVEL. 5. COVER ENTIRE WIDTH OF GRAVEL WITI I NONWOVEN GEOTEXTILE (MIRAFIO'140N; OR EQUIVALENT), ROOFING FELT IS AN ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE. 6. TO HELP CONTROL HUMIDITY IN THE CRAWL SPACE. A MINIMUM 10-MIL POLYETHELENE. OR OTHER APPROVED VAPOR RETARDER MAY. BE PLACED OVER THE CRAWL SPACE SOILS. AT THE BUILDER'S OPTION. THE RETARDER SHOULD BE ATTACHED TO CONCRETE FOUNDATION ELEMENTS AND EXTEND UP FOUNDATION 1NALLS AT LEAST B INCHES ABOVE THE TOP OF FOOTING. OVERLAP JOINTS 3 FEET AND SEAL PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. ' CITY OF FORT COUANS MODULAR BUILDING At ROSELAWN CE61E1ERV CTL I T PROJECT NO, FC051; 1•128 Exterior Foundation Wall Drain Detail FIGURE 3 I 6 HYDROMETER ANALYSIS I SIEVE ANALYSIS 25 HR. 7 HR, TIME READINGS U.S. STANDARD SERIES CLEAR SQUARE OPENINGS JS60N. 15MIN. (101.41N. 19MIN. 4MIN. 11AH. '200 '100 *50 '40 '30 116 110'8 1 328' 3'11W 3' 516, 8' 0 100 go__ ___.._._______.___.._-.to 6a -- za U 70 30 - _ - 60 _ .. _ 40 u U 50 50 U S 40 60 W a 30 OF 70 20 .80 - _90 10 ... _ ..-_ _- __ -__ _ —_. ___.. ._ _ __.___ _. ___.. ____.__t110 0 .001 0.002 .005 .009 '019 .037 .074 .149 .297 .590 1.19 2.0 2.38 4.75 9.S2 19.1 36.1 76.2 127 200 042 152 DIAMETER OF PARTICLE 174 60LLI.METERS CLAY (PLASTIC) TO SILT (NON -PLASTIC) SANDS PFINE GRAVEL FINE I EDIU61 COARSE COARSE COBBLES Sample of SAND, GRAVELLY (SW) GRAVEL 22 % SAND 74 % From TH - 1 AT 4 FEET SILT & CLAY 4 % LIQUID LIMIT % PLASTICITY INDEX % HYDROMETER ANALYSIS SIEVE ANALYSIS 25 HR. 7 HR. TIME READINGS U.S,STANOARD SERIES CLEAR SGUARE OPENINGS 45 MIN. 15 MIN. 60 MIN_19 MIN. 4MIN. IN3N. '2(N3 '100 *50'40'30 '16 '10'8 1:8' 3'4' N:' 3' 5.6. 8-D _. _._ _._ _ _--_______- __ __..__ __ .._ - - 110 90 { O 70 a ---- - -' ------._. -- --- - �49 60 2 ___._____.__. _—____ __ _._ _. _ _ _. _ - _ 150 - z ` e G 60 a 40 _ _ _ _ _ 30 70 20 p80 ---- 10---.—'— _ - - i 90 too .001 .001 (LD02 .005 .009 .019 .037 .074 -149 .297 S90 1.19 2.0 2.38 4.76 9.52 10-t 361 762 127 200 OA2 152 DPWE TER OF PAR TICLE IN 1.9LL0.IE TERS PPLAS SANDS GRAVEL QLA'i TIC) TO SILT (NO:l PLASiICi FINE I IIEOIUt.I COARSE Fc:E COARSE COBBLES Sample of SAND, GRAVELLY, SILTY (SW•SM) From TH - 1 AT 9 FEET .�_ CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODULAR BUILDING AT ROSELAWN CEMETERY CTL I T PROJECT NO. FC05361-125 GRAVEL 23 % SAND 72 % SILT F. CLAY 5 % LIQUID LIMIT °S PLASTICITY INDEX % Gradation Test Results FIGURE 4 I t I 3 I i u! ' J m H I a z r LU w r } cr O r Q O m Q J LL O } 7 N W r W s m m d i APPENDIX A SAMPLE SITE GRADING SPECIFICATIONS 1 1 1 1 1 i i A 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 ' SAMPLE SITE GRADING SPECIFICATIONS 1. DESCRIPTION This item shall consist of the excavation, transportation, placement and compaction of materials from locations indicated on the plans, or staked by the Engineer, as necessary to achieve building site elevations. 2. GENERAL The Soils Engineer shall be the Owner's representative. The Soils Engineer shall r approvefill materials, method of placement, moisture contents and percent compaction, and shall give written approval of the completed fill. 3. CLEARING JOB SITE The Contractor shall remove all trees, brush and rubbish before excavation or fill placement is begun. The Contractor shall dispose of the cleared material to provide the Owner with a clean, neat appearing job site. Cleared material shall not be placed in areas to receive fill or where the material will support structures of any kind. 4. SCARIFYING AREA TO BE FILLED ' All topsoil and vegetable matter shall be removed from the ground surface upon which fill is to be placed. The surface shall then be plowed or scarified to a depth of 8 inches until the surface is free from ruts, hummocks or other uneven features, which would ' prevent uniform compaction by the equipment to be used. 5. COMPACTING AREA TO BE FILLED ' After the foundation for the fill has been cleared and scarified, it shall bedisked or bladed until it is free from large clods, brought to the proper moisture content and compacted to not less than 95 percent of maximum dry density as determined in accordance with ASTM D 698 or AASHTO T 99. 6. FILL MATERIALS On -site materials classifying as CL, SC, SM, SW, SP, GP, GC, and GM are acceptable. Fill soils shall be free from organic matter, debris, or other deleterious substances, and shall not contain rocks or lumps having a diameter greater than three (3) inches. Fill ' materials shall be obtained from the existing fill and other approved sources. 7. MOISTURE CONTENT ' Fill materials shall be moisture treated. Sand soils can be moistened to within 2 percent of optimum moisture content. Sufficient laboratory compaction tests shall be performed to determine the optimum moisture content for the various soils encountered in borrow areas. CITY OF FORT COLLINS A-1 MODULAR BUILDING AT ROSELAWN CEMETERY CTL IT PROJECT NO. FC05361-125 F 1 5.0 INTERPRETATIONS AND ADDENDA. I 5.1. All questions about the meaning or intent of the Bidding Documents are to be submitted in writing to the Engineer and the OWNER. Interpretation or ' clarifications considered necessary in response to such questions will be issued only by Addenda. Questions received less than seven days prior to the date for opening of the Bids may not be answered. Only questions answered by formal ' written Addenda will be binding. Oral and other interpretations or clarifications will be without legal effect. 5.2. All questions concerning the scope of this project should be directed to the , Engineer. Questions regarding submittal of bids should be directed to the City of Fort Collins' Purchasing Division. ' 5.3. Addenda may also be issued to modify the Bidding Documents as deemed advisable by OWNER or Engineer. ' 5.4. Addenda will be mailed or delivered to all parties recorded by the OWNER as having received the Bidding documents. 6.0 BID SECURITY , 6.1. Each Bid must be accompanied by Bid Security made payable to OWNER in ' the amount stated in the Invitation to Bid. The required security must be in the form of a certified or bank cashier's check payable to OWNER or a Bid Bond on the form enclosed herewith. The Bid Bond must be executed by a surety meeting ' the requirements of the General Conditions for surety bonds. 6.2. The Bid Security of the successful Bidder will be retained until such Bidder ' has executed the Agreement and furnished the required contract security, whereupon Bid Security will be returned. If the successful Bidder fails to execute and deliver the Agreement and furnish the required contract security within 15 days of the Notice of Award, OWNER may annul the Notice of Award and the Bid Security of that Bidder will be forfeited. The Bid Security of other Bidders whom OWNER believes to have reasonable chance receiving the award may be retained by OWNER until the earlier of the seventh day after the effective date of the Agreement or the thirty-first day after the Bid Opening, whereupon Bid Security furnished by such Bidders will be returned. Bid Security with Bids which are not competitive will be returned within seven days after the Bid opening. 7.0 CONTRACT TIME. I The number of days within which, or the date by which the Work is to be substantially complete and also completed and ready for Final Payment (the , Contract Times) are set forth in the Agreement. 1 It . The Contractor may be required to add moisture to the excavation materials in the ' borrow area if, in the opinion of the Soils Engineer, it is not possible to obtain uniform moisture content by adding water on the fill surface. The Contractor may be required to rake or disk the fill soils to provide uniform moisture content through the soils. The application of water to embankment materials shall be made with any type of watering equipment approved by the Soils Engineer, which will give the desired results. ' Water jets from the spreader shall not be directed at the embankment with such force that fill materials are washed out. Should too much water be added to any part of the fill, such that the material is too wet to permit the desired compaction from being obtained, rolling and all work on that section of the fill shall be delayed until the material has been allowed to dry to the required moisture content. The Contractor will be permitted to rework wet material in an ' approved manner to hasten its drying. 8. COMPACTION OF FILL AREAS Selected fill material shall be placed and mixed in evenly spread layers. After each fill layer has been placed, it shall be uniformly compacted to not less than the specified percentage of maximum dry density. Fill materials shall be placed such that the , thickness of loose material does not exceed 8 inches and the compacted lift thickness does not exceed 6 inches. Compaction, as specified above, shall be obtained by the use of sheepsfoot rollers. , multiple -wheel pneumatic -tired rollers, or other equipment approved by the Engineer. Compaction shall be accomplished while the fill material is at the specified moisture , content. Compaction of each layer shall be continuous over the entire area. Compaction equipment shall make sufficient trips to insure that the required dry density is obtained. 9. COMPACTION OF SLOPES , Fill slopes shall be compacted by means of sheepsfoot rollers or other suitable , equipment. Compaction operations shall be continued until slopes are stable, but not too dense for planting, and there is no appreciable amount of loose soil on the slopes. Compaction of slopes may be done progressively in increments of three to five feet (3' to 5') in height or after the fill is brought to its total height. Permanent fill slopes shall not ' exceed 3:1 (horizontal to vertical). 10. DENSITY TESTS ' Field density tests shall be made by the Soils Engineer at locations and depths of his choosing. Where sheepsfoot rollers are used, the soil may be disturbed to a depth of ' several inches. Density tests shall be taken in compacted material below the disturbed surface. When density tests indicate that the dry density or moisture content of any layer of fill or portion thereof is below that required, the particular layer or portion shall be reworked until the required dry density or moisture content has been achieved. , CITY Or FORT COLLNS A-2 ' MODULAR BUILDING AT ROSELAWN CEMETERY CTL IT PROJECT NO. FC05361.125 r I I 11 1 0 1 11. COMPLETED PRELIMINARY GRADES All areas, both cut and fill, shall be finished to a level surface and shall meet the following limits of construction: A. Overlot cut or fill areas shall be within plus or minus 2/10 of one toot. B. Street grading shall be within plus or minus 1/10 of one foot. The civil engineer, or duly authorized representative, shall check all cut and fill areas to observe that the work is in accordance with the above limits. 12. SUPERVISION AND CONSTRUCTION STAKING Observation by the Soils Engineer shall be continuous during the placement of fill and compaction operations so that he can declare that the fill was placed in general conformance with specifications. All site visits necessary to test the placement of fill and observe compaction operations will be at the expense of the Owner. All construction staking will be provided by the Civil Engineer or his duly authorized representative. Initial and final grading staking shall be at the expense of the owner. The replacement of grade stakes through construction shall be at the expense of the contractor. 13. SEASONAL LIMITS No fill material shall be placed, spread or rolled while it is frozen, thawing, or during unfavorable weather conditions. When work is interrupted by heavy precipitation, fill operations shall not be resumed until the Soils Engineer indicates that the moisture content and dry density of previously placed materials are as specified. 14. NOTICE REGARDING START OF GRADING The contractor shall submit notification to the Soils Engineer and Owner advising them of the start of grading operations at least three (3) days in advance of the starting date. Notification shall also be submitted at least 3 days in advance of any resumption dates when grading operations have been stopped for any reason other than adverse weather conditions. 15. REPORTING OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Density tests made by the Soils Engineer, as specified under "Density Tests" above, shall be submitted progressively to the Owner. Dry .density, moisture content and percent compaction shall be reported for each test taken. 16. DECLARATION REGARDING COMPLETED FILL The Soils Engineer shall provide a written declaration stating that the site was filled with acceptable materials, or was placed in general accordance with the specifications. CITY OF FORT COLLINS A-3 MODULAR BUILDING AT ROSELAY/N CEIMETERY CrLI T PROJECT NO. FC05361-125 1 CTL.ITHOMPSOiN II i 1 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION MODULAR BUILDING AT ' ROSELAWN CEMETERY 2718 EAST MULBERRY STREET FORT COLLINS, COLORADO , CITY OF FORT COLLINS 300 LaPorte Avenue , P.O. Box 580 Fort Collins, Colorado 80522-0580 Attention: Mr. Ethan Cozzens ' Project No. FC05361-125 ' November 11, 2010 , 351 Linden Street I Suite {40 1 Fon CoAins, Colorado 8052-1 rclephone: 970-206-9455 Fair 970.206-N4'1 TABLE OF CONTENTS SCOPE 1 SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS 1 SITE CONDITIONS 1 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION 2 INVESTIGATION 2 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 2 Seismicity 3 SITE DEVELOPMENT 3 Fill Placement 3 Excavation 4 FOUNDATIONS 5 Footings 5 BELOW GRADE AREAS 6 WATER-SOLUBLE SULFATES 7 SURFACE DRAINAGE 7 LIMITATIONS 8 FIGURE 1 — LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY BORING FIGURE 2 — SUMMARY LOG OF EXPLORATORY BORING FIGURE 3 — EXTERIOR FOUNDATION DRAIN DETAIL FIGURE 4 AND TABLE I — RESULTS OF LABORATORY TESTING APPENDIX A — SAMPLE SITE GRADING SPECIFICATIONS i 1 I SCOPE ' This report presents the results of our Geotechnical Investigation for the proposed , modular building to be located at the Roselawn Cemetery in Fort Collins, Colorado. The purpose of the investigation was to evaluate the subsurface conditions and provide ' foundation recommendations and geotechnical design criteria.for the project. The report was prepared from data developed during field exploration, laboratory ' testing, engineering analysis and experience with similar conditions. The report includes a description of. subsurface conditions found in our exploratory boring and discussions of , site development as influenced by geotechnical considerations. Our opinions and recommendations regarding design .criteria and construction details for site , development, foundations, floor systems, slabs -on -grade, lateral earth loads, and drainage are provided. If the proposed construction changes, we should be requested to review our recommendations contained in this report to determine if they apply to the ' new proposed construction. Our opinions are summarized in the following paragraphs. Further descriptions of the subsurface conditions, results of our field and laboratory ' investigations and our opinions, conclusions and recommendations. are included in the - subsequent sections of this report. ' SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS ' 1. Soils encountered in our boring consisted of 25 feet of sand with occasional gravels. Bedrock was not encountered during our ' investigation. Ground water was encountered at a depth of 11 feet during drilling. 2. We believe the proposed structure can be constructed on footing , foundations. Foundation discussion and criteria for footing foundations are provided in this report. SITE CONDITIONS The proposed construction site is located in the northeast portion of the ' Roselawn Cemetery located at 2718 East Mulberry Street in Fort Collins, Colorado. The ' site is relatively flat. Structures in the area of the proposed. construction include a maintenance building to the north and shed to the east. Lake Canal is located northeast CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODULAR BUILDING AT ROSELAWN CEMETERY 1 CTL I T PROJECT NO- FC05351-125 ' detention Ground of, the site as well as a pond. cover consisted of a gravel paved roadway and asphaltic concrete parking�area. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ' We understand the proposed. modular building will be approximately 1,000 square feet. The structure will be constructed on a cast -in -place concrete foundation with a crawl space below the building. The building will be used as_a shelter and restroom. ' INVESTIGATION ' Subsurface conditions at. the site were investigated by drilling one boring in the - area of the proposed construction. The approximate location of the boring is shown on ' Figure 1. Our field representative observed drilling, logged the soils found in the boring and obtained samples: A summary log of the boring, including results of field penetration resistance tests, is presented on Figure 2. Samples obtained during drilling were returned• to our laboratory and visually examined .by the geotechnical engineer for this project. Laboratory testing included moisture content, dry density, gradation, and water_soluble sulfate tests. Results of . ' laboratory tests are presented on Figure 4 and summarized in Table A-l. ' SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Soils encountered in our boring consisted of 25 feet of sand with occasional ' gravels. No bedrock was encountered during our investigation. Ground water was encountered at a depth of 11 feet below the existing :ground surface during drilling. ' Existing groundwater levels are not expected to affect site development. Further description of the subsurface conditions is presented on our boring log and in our ' laboratory testing. ' CITY OF FORT COLUNS .MODULAR BUILDING AT ROSELAWN CEMETERY CTLI T PROJECT NO, FC05361-125 2- Seismicity , This area, like most of central'Colorado, is subject to a low degree of seismic risk. ' As in most areas of recognized low seismicity, the record of the past earthquake activity in Colorado is somewhat incomplete. , According to the 2009 International Building Code and the. subsurface conditions ' encountered in our boring, this site classifies as a Site "Class D. Only minor damage to ,relatively new, properly designed and built buildings would be expected. Wind loads, not , seismic considerations, typically govern dynamic structural design in this area. A.Remi 'Survey can be used to determine the shear wave velocities at the site. A survey of this type may result in a lower seismic site class (Site Class C). However, in our experience , this is unlikely. SITE DEVELOPMENT ' Fill Placement , The existing on -site soils are suitable for re -use as fill material provided debris or ' deleterious organic materials are removed. If import material is required, we recommend importing granular soils. Import fill should contain no particle larger than 3 , inches, 10 to 40 percent silt and clay -sized particles (percent passing No. 200 sieve) and exhibita liquid limit less than 30 and a plasticity index less than 15. Areas .to receive fill should be scarified, moisture -conditioned and compacted to at least 95 percent of standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 698, AASHTO T ' 99). The properties of the fill will affect the performance of foundations, slabs -on -grade, and pavements. Sand soils used as fill should be moistened to within 2 percent of , optimum moisture content. The fill should be moisture -conditioned, placed in thin, loose lifts (8 inches or less) and compacted as described above. We should be retained to observe placement and compaction of fill during construction. Fill placement and , compaction activities should not be conducted when the fill material or subgrade is. frozen. ' CITY OF FORT COLLINS , MODULAR BUILDING AT ROSELAWN CEMETERY 3 CTL 1 T PROJECT NO. FC05361-125 11 11 1 I� 1 L Site grading in areas of landscaping where no future improvements are planned can be placed at a dry density of at least 90 percent of standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 698, AASHTO T 99). Example site grading specifications are presented in Appendix A. Excavation The materials found in our boring can be excavated using conventional heavy- duty excavation equipment. Excavations should be sloped or shored to meet local, State and Federal safety regulations. Based on our investigation and OSHA standards, we believe the sand soils classify as Type C'soils. Type Q. soils require a maximum slope inclination of 1.5:1 in dry conditions. Excavation slopes specified by OSHA are dependent upon types of soil and groundwater conditions encountered. The contractor's "competent person" should identify the soils -and/or rock encountered in the excavation and refer to OSHA standards to determine appropriate slopes. Stockpiles. of soils,. equipment, or other items should not be placed within a horizontal distance equal to one- half the excavation depth, from the edge of excavation. Excavations deeper than 20 feet should be braced or a prof essional.engineer should design the slopes. The width of the top of an excavation may be limited in some areas. Bracing or "trench box" construction may be necessary. Bracing systems include sheet piling, braced sheeting and others. Lateral loads on bracing depend on the depth of excavation, slope of excavation above the bracing, surface loads, hydrostatic pressures, and allowable. movement. For trench boxes and bracing allowed to move enough to mobilize the strength of the soils; with associated cracking of the ground surface, the "active" earth pressure conditions are appropriate for design. If movement is not tolerable, the "at rest" earth pressures are appropriate. We suggest an equivalent fluid pressure of 40 pcf for the "active" earth pressure condition and 65 pcf for the "at rest" earth pressure condition, assuming level backfill. These pressures do not include allowances for surcharge loading or for hydrostatic. conditions: We are available to assist further with bracing design if desired. CITY OF FORT COLLINS NODULAR BUILDING AT ROSELAWN CEMETERY CTLI T PROJECT NO. FC05361-125 4 I Water and sewer lines are often constructed beneath pavement areas. , Compaction of trench backfill can have a 8i'gnificant•effect on the life and serviceability of pavements. We recommend trench backfill be moisture conditioned and compacted as ' described in the Fill Placement section of this report. Placement and compaction of fill and backfill should be observed and tested by a representative of our firm during , construction. FOUNDATIONS ' We believe. the proposed structures can be constructed on footing foundations. , The soils encountered at the foundation elevation include loose to medium dense sand with gravels. Design and construction criteria for footing foundations are provided t below. These criteria were developed from analysis of field and laboratory data and our ,experience. The recommended foundation alternative can be used provided all design ' and construction criteria presented in this report are followed. The builder and structural .engineer should also consider design and construction details established by the , structural warrantor (if any) that may impose additional foundation design and installation requirements. 1 Footings. 1.. Footings should be constructed on undisturbed natural soils or properly , compacted fill (see Fill Placement). Where soil is loosened during excavation, it should be removed and replaced with on -site soils , compacted following the criteria in the Fill Placement section of this report. 2. Footings constructed on the natural soils and/or engineered fill can be ' designed for a net allowable soil pressure of 2,000 psf. The soil pressure can be increased 33 percent for transient loads such as wind or seismic loads. ' 3. Footings should have a minimum width of at least 16 inches'. Foundations for isolated columns should have minimum dimensions of 24 ' inches by 24 inches. Larger sizes may be required depending on loads and the structural system used. 4. The soils beneath footing pads can be assigned an ultimate coefficient of , friction of 0.4 to resist lateral loads. The ability of grade beams, or footing backfill to resist lateral loads can be calculated using a passive equivalent CITY OF FORT COLLINS ' MODULAR BUILDING AT ROSELAWN CEMETERY 5 CTL I T PROJECT NO. FC05361-125 I 1] 7 LJ� 1 fluid pressure of 300 pcf. This assumes the backfill is densely compacted and will not be removed. Backfill should be placed and.compacted to the criteria in the Fill Placement section of the report. 5. Exterior footings should be protected from frost action: We believe 30. inches of frost cover is.appropriate for this site. 6. Foundation walls and grade beams should be well reinforced both top and bottom. We recommend the amount of steel equivalent to that required for a simply supported span of 15 feet. 7. We. should be retained to observe completed footing excavations to confirm that the subsurface conditions are similar to those found in our boring. Occasional loose soils may be found in foundation excavations. If this occurs; we recommend_ the loose soils be.treated as discussed in Item 1 above.. BELOW GRADE AREAS A crawl space is planned for the building: Lateral earth pressures on below grade walls can be calculated using an equivalent fluid density of 60 pcf. This value does not include pressure due to surcharge or hydrostatic pressure. Water from surface irrigation of landscaping frequently flows through relatively permeable backfill placed adjacent too -a structure and collects. on the surface of less. permeable soils occurring at the bottom of foundation excavations. This process can cause wet or moist conditions in below grade areas after construction. To reduce the likelihood water pressure will develop outside foundation walls and the risk of accumulation of water in below grade areas, we, recommend provision 'of an exterior foundation drain around the perimeter of the foundation excavation. In addition, the crawl space should be well ventilated per building code. ' The provision of a drain will not prevent moist conditions in crawl spaces. The exterior drain should consist of a 4-inch diameter open joint or slotted pipe encased in ' free draining gravel, backfilled to 2 feet below finished surface elevation and covered with 2 feet of compacted clay. The drain should lead to a positive gravity outlet, such as ' a sub -drain located beneath the sewer, or to a sump where water can be removed by pumping. If the drain is "daylighted" downslope to.the ground surface, the outlet should ' crrr of FORT COLLINS MODULAR BUILDING AT ROSELAWN CEMETERY 6 CTL 1 r PROJECT NO. FC05361-125 8.0 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES. Provisions for liquidated damages are set forth in the Agreement. 9.0 SUBSTITUTE ("OR EQUAL") MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT The Contract, if awarded, will be on the basis of material and equipment ' described on the Drawings or specified in the Specifications without consideration of possible substitute or "or equal" items. Whenever it is indicated on the Drawings or specified in the Specifications that a substitute or "or equal' ' item of material or equipment may be furnished or used by CONTRACTOR if acceptable to Engineer, application for such acceptance will not be considered by Engineer until after the "effective date of the Agreement'. The procedure for ' submittal of any such application by CONTRACTOR and consideration by Engineer is set forth in the General Conditions which may be supplemented in the General Requirements. ' 10.0 SUBCONTRACTORS, SUPPLIERS AND OTHERS ' 10.1. Each Bidder shall submit at the Bid opening to OWNER a list of principal subcontractors he proposes to use in the Work. Refer to Section 06430 contained within these Documents. ' 10.2. If OWNER or Engineer after due investigation has reasonable objection to any proposed Subcontractor, either may, before the Notice of Award is given, request the apparent successful Bidder to submit an acceptable substitute without an increase in Bid price. If the apparent successful Bidder declines to make any substitution, OWNER may award the contract to the next lowest responsive and responsible Bidder that proposes to use acceptable subcontractors. Subcontractors, suppliers, other persons or organization listed and to whom OWNER or Engineer does not make written objection prior to the giving of the Notice of Award will be deemed acceptable to OWNER and ' ENGINEER subject to revocation of such acceptance after the effective date of the Agreement as provided in the General Conditions. ' 10.3. CONTRACTOR shall not be required to employ any subcontractor, supplier or other persons or organizations against whom he has reasonable objection. The use of subcontractors listed by the Bidder and accepted by OWNER prior to the Notice of Award will be required in the performance of the Work. 11.0 BID FORM. 11.1. A copy of the Bid Form is bound in the Contract Documents which may be retained by the Bidder. A separate unbound copy is enclosed for submission with the Bid. be fixture that from blockage from ' a permanent provides protection vegetation or other sources. A typical foundation drain detail is presented on Figure 3. WATER-SOLUBLE SULFATES Concrete that comes into contact with soils can be subject to sulfate attack. We measured a water-soluble sulfate concentration of less than 0.01 in one sample from this site. Sulfate concentrations less than_ 0.1 percent indicate Class 0 exposure to sulfate attack for concrete that comes into contact with the subsoils, according to the American Concrete Institute (ACI). For this level of sulfate concentration, ACI indicates any type of ' cement can be used for concrete that comes into contact with the soils. In our experience, superficial damage may occur to the exposed surfaces of highly permeable concrete, even though sulfate levels are relatively low. To control this risk and to resist freeze -thaw deterioration, the water-to-cementitious material ratio should not exceed. 0.50 for concrete in contact with soils that are likely to stay moist due to surface drainage or high water tables. Concrete should be air entrained. ' SURFACE DRAINAGE Performance of pavements, flatwork and foundations are influenced by changes in subgrade moisture conditions. Carefully planned and maintained surface grading can , reduce the risk of wetting of the foundation soils and pavement subgrade. We recommend the following precautions be observed during and maintained after the ' completion of the building 1. Wetting or drying of the open foundation excavation should be avoided. ' 2. Positive drainage should be provided away from foundations. We , recommend a minimum slope of at least 5 percent in the first 10 feet away from the foundations in landscaped areas, where possible. Pavements and sidewalks adjacent to the building should be sloped for positive drainage away from the building. Water should not be allowed to ' pond on pavements. 3. Backfill around foundations should be moisture treated and compacted as described in the Fill Placement section of this report. ' CITY OF FORT COLLINS 7 , MODULAR BUILDING AT ROSELAWN CEMETERY CTLiT PROJECT NO. FC05261-125 [1 ' 4. Roof drains should be directed away from the building. Downspout extensions and splash blocks should be provided at discharge points. 1 Where downspouts discharge onto pavement, the pavement should be sloped away from the structure. If roof discharge is piped below slabs or flatwork, the pipes should be solid and glued at joints. 5. Landscaping should be carefully designed to minimize irrigation. Irrigation should not be located within 5 feet of the foundation. Sprinklers should not discharge within 5 feet of foundations. Irrigation should be limited to the minimum amount sufficient to maintain vegetation; application of more water will increase likelihood of slab and foundation movements. 1 6. Impervious plastic membranes should not be used to cover the ground surface immediately surrounding the building. These membranes tend to trap moisture and prevent normal evaporation from occurring. Geotextile fabrics can be used to limit weed growth and allow for evaporation. 1 LIMITATIONS Although our boring was spaced to obtain a reasonably accurate picture of subsurface conditions, variations not indicated in our boring are always possible. We should be retained to observe footing excavations to confirm soils are similar to those found in our boring. Placement and compaction of fill; backfill, subgrade and other fills should be observed and tested by a representative of our firm during construction. ' This report was prepared from data developed during our field exploration, laboratory testing, engineering analysis and experience with similar conditions. The ' recommendations contained in this report were based upon our understanding of the planned construction. If plans change or differ from the assumptions presented. herein; we should be. contacted to review our recommendations 1 We believe this investigation was conducted in a manner consistent with that level of skill and care ordinarily used by members of the profession currently practicing 1 under similar conditions.in the locality of this project. No warranty, express or implied, is made. 1 ' CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODULAR BUILDING AT ROSELAWN CEMETERY CTL I T PROJECT NO. FC05381-1 <5 1 If we can be of further service in discussing the contents of this report or in the analysis of the proposed construction from the geotechnical point of view, please contact the undersigned. CTL I THOMPSON, INC. by: Spencer Schram, El Project Engineer R.B. "Chip" Leadb Division Manager CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODULAR BUILDING AT ROSELAWN CEMETERY 9 CTL I T PROJECT NO. FC05361-125 1 APPROXIMATE SCALE: 1" = 50' 0 25' 50, CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODULAR BUILDING AT ROSELAWN CEMETERY CTL I T PROJECT NO. FC05361-125 v 11 ITE w 3LAKE CANAL *,pMULBFRRY wRD. m f . O,P VICINITY MAP (FORT COLLINS. COLORADO) NOT TO SCALE LEGEND: TH-1 INDICATES APPROXIMATE 0 LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY BORING Location of Exploratory Boring FIGURE 1 11 U F 0 5 L 10 15 20 wl a a 25 L 30 35 L 40 TH=1 ==n LEGEND: I� 0 SAND WITH OCCASIONAL GRAVEL, SLIGHTLY MOIST 1]8/12 TO WET, LOOSE TO MEDIUM DENSE, BROWN. REDDISH BROWN (SW. SW-SM) 9/12 5 DRIVE SAMPLE. THE SYMBOL 8/12INDICATES 8 I_I BLOWS OF A 140-POUND HAMMER FALLING 30 INCHES WERE REQUIRED TO DRIVE A 2.5-INCH O.D. SAMPLER 12 INCHES. 18112 — L DRIVE SAMPLE. THE SYMBOL 22112 INDICATES 22 10 P BLOWS OF A 140-POUND HAMMER FALLING 30 INCHES c; WERE REQUIRED TO DRIVE A 2-0-INCH O.D. SAMPLER 12 INCHES. 2 WATER LEVEL MEASURED AT TIME OF DRILLING. 21112 15 I 20-I JF NOTES: Iw LL ' _Iui 1. THE BORING WAS GRILLED ON OCTOBER 25. 2010 - �o WITH 4-INCH DIAMETER CONTINUOUS FLIGHT. SOLID STEM POWER AUGERS AND A CME-45 TRUCK 22/12 MOUNTED DRILL RIG. 25 2. THE BORING WAS BACKFILLED UPON COMPLETION. _ NO SECONDARY GROUNDWATER MEASUREMENT WAS TAKEN. 3. THE APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF THE BORING IS PRESENTED ON FIGURE 1, 3' 4. THIS LOG IS SUBJECT TO THE EXPLANATIONS AND I LIMITATIONS PRESENTED IN THIS REPORT. _ 45 CITY OF FORT COLLINS I.101-ULAR BUILDING AT ROSELMV4 CEMETERY CTLI T PROJECT NO FC05361-125 I Summary .Log of 451 Exploratory Boring - FIGURE 2 SLOPE EXCAVATION PER OSHA GEOTEXTILE COVER DRAIN SLOPE PER REPORT ATTACH PLASTIC SHEETING TO FOUNDATION WALL—,,, BACKFILL a IF 1 MODULAR BUILDING FLOOR t , c FOUNDATION WALL s < �CRAWLSPACE 4 OR `< ( VOID SEE NOTE 6 FOOTING OR PAD v 4 L `SLOPE GROUND SURFACE AWAY FROM FOOTING NO STEEPER THAN 1:1 TO DRAIN AWAY FROM FOOTING NOTES: 1. DRAIN PIPE SHOULD CONSIST OF 4-INCH DIAMETER PERFORATED PIPE. 2. THE PIPE SHOULD BE PLACED IN A TRENCH WITH A SLOPE OF AT LEAST 1/6 INCH DROP PER FOOT OF DRAIN DOWNWARD TO A POSITIVE GRAVITY OUTLET (DAYLIGHTED) OR TO A SUMP WHERE WATER CAN BE REMOVED BY PUMPING. 3. THE BOTTOM OF THE DRAIN PIPE SHOULD BE AT LEAST 2 INCHES BELOW THE BOTTOM OF THE FOOTING AS MEASURED FROM THE HIGHEST POINT. 4. ENCASE DRAIN PIPE IN 1/2-INCH TO 314-INCH WASHED GRAVEL. EXTEND GRAVEL LATERALLY TO FOOTING AND AT LEAST 112 HEIGHT OF FOOTING. FILL ENTIRE TRENCH WITH GRAVEL. 5. COVER ENTIRE WIDTH OF GRAVEL WITH NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE (MIRAFI®140N, OR EQUIVALENT). ROOFING FELT IS AN ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE. 6. TO HELP CONTROL HUMIDITY IN THE CRAWL SPACE, A MINIMUM 10-MIL POLYETHELENE, OR OTHER APPROVED VAPOR RETARDER MAY BE PLACED OVER THE CRAWL SPACE SOILS, AT THE BUILDER'S OPTION. THE RETARDER SHOULD BE ATTACHED TO CONCRETE FOUNDATION ELEMENTS AND EXTEND UP FOUNDATION WALLS AT LEAST B INCHES ABOVE THE TOP OF FOOTING. OVERLAP JOINTS 3 FEET AND SEAL PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. Exterior Foundation CI fY OF FORT COLLINS Wall Drain. Detail - MODULAR BUILDING AT ROSELAWN CEMETERY CTL I T PROJECT NO. FC05361-125 FIGURE 3 I I I I I I I U I I HYDROMETER HYDROMETER ANALYSIS SIEVE ANALYSIS 25HR. 7HR. TIME READINGS U.S. STANDARD SERIES CLEAR SQUARE OPENINGS 45MIN. ISMIN. 60MIN. 19MIN, 4MIN. IMIN. '200 '50 140 '30 *16 '10 '4 3,6' 341 1!4" 3' 516, 8* too -:=7 ----7 10 90 30 20 a 0 70 30 40 M< 60 w - z z so so -0 60 n 30 70 20 80 10 90 0 100 .001 0.002 .005 .009 .019 "037 074 .149 .297 .590 1.19 2.0 238 4&76 9.52 19.1 36 1 762 127 200 0.42 152 DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS F- LAY (PLASTIC) TO SILT (NON -PLASTIC) S GRAVEL :c i FINE I MEDIUM COARSE FINE I COARSE I COBBLES I Sample of SAND, GRAVELLY (SW) GRAVEL 22 % SAND 74 % From fH— - I AT 4 FEET SILT & CLAY 4 4o LIQUID LIMIT 40 PLASTICITY INDEX I HYDROMETER ANALYSIS SIEVE ANALYSIS 25HR. 711R. TIME READINGS U.S. STANDARD SERIES CLEAR SQUARE OPENINGS 451.11N. 15MIN. 60MIN. 19MIN. 4MIN. I MN. '50 '40 *30 '16 '10 a .1 3'8' 34* I Il* 3* 5'6* 8* too .0 10 90 so ... ... 120 =7 70 -130 0 0 z z 0 < 60 —7. - 40 < 1 z 50 .50 ED 40 L-7-7 30 170 20 ISO 10 90 0 [too .001 0.002 005 009 .019 .037 .074 .149 .297 590 1.19 20 2,38 476 9.52 0.1 36A 762 127 200 0,42 152 DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS CLAY (PLASTIC) TO SILT (NON -PLASTIC) SANDS GRAVEL FINE I MEDIUM COARSE FINE COARSE COBBLES Sample of SAND, GRAVELLY, SILTY (SW-S From TH - I AT A FFFT CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODULAR BUILDING AT ROSELAWN CEMETERY CTL I T PROJECT NO. FC05361-125 GRAVEL 23 % SAND 72 % SILT & CLAY 5 % LIQUID LIMIT % PLASTICITY INDEX % Gradation Test Results I FIGURE 4 a z w F- } O F- W a J 0 O 03 F- J LL O cr Q 7 V) ' r w w w U ' Z Q N J � w� N ¢ O Z Q LL J Z O � U G m � LL ¢ Q C J a > O J U � U I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 F i 1 1 1 1 L�I 1 1 1 APPENDIX A SAMPLE SITE GRADING SPECIFICATIONS 11 1 11.2. Bid Forms must be complete in ink or typed. All lump sum prices on the form must be stated in words and numerals; in case of conflict, words will take precedence. Unit prices shall govern over extensions of sums. 11.3. Bids by corporations must be executed in the corporate name by the president or a vice-president (or other appropriate officer accompanied by evidence of authority to sign) and the corporate seal shall be affixed and attested by the secretary or an assistant secretary. The corporate address and state of incorporation shall be shown below the corporate name. 11.4. Bids by partnerships must be executed in the partnership name and signed by a partner, his title must appear under his signature and the official address of the partnership must be shown below the signature. 11.5. Bids by joint venture shall be signed by each participant in the joint venture or by an authorized agent of each participant. The full name of each person or company interested in the Bid shall be listed on the Bid Form. 11.6. The Bid shall contain an acknowledgement of receipt of all Addenda (the numbers of which must be filled in on the Bid Form). 11.7. No alterations in Bids, or in the printed forms therefore, by erasures, interpolations, or otherwise will be acceptable unless each such alteration is signed or initialed by the Bidder; if initialed, OWNER may require the Bidder to identify any alteration so initialed. 11.8. The address and telephone number for communications regarding the Bid shall be shown. 12.0 BID PRICING. Bids must be priced as set forth in the Bid Schedule or Schedules. 13.0 SUBMISSION OF BIDS. 13.1. Bids shall be submitted at the time and place indicated in the Invitation to Bid and shall be enclosed in an opaque sealed envelope marked with the Project title, Bid No., and name and address of the Bidder and accompanied by the Bid Security, Bid Form, Bid Bond, Statement of Bidders Qualifications, and Schedule of Subcontractors as required in Section 00430. If the Bid is sent through the mail or other delivery system, the sealed envelope shall be enclosed in a separate envelope with the notation "BID ENCLOSED" on the face of it. 13.2. Bids shall be deposited at the designated location prior to the time and date for receipt of Bids indicated in the Invitation to Bid, or any extension thereof made by addendum. Bids received after the time and date for receipt of Bids will be SAMPLE SITE GRADING SPECIFICATIONS 1. DESCRIPTION This item shall consist of the excavation, transportation, placement and compaction of materials from locations indicated on the plans, or staked by the Engineer, as necessary to achieve building site elevations. ' 2. GENERAL The Soils Engineer shall be the Owner's representative. The Soils Engineer shall ' approve fill materials, method of placement, moisture contents and percent compaction, and shall give written approval of the completed fill. 3. CLEARING JOB SITE ' The Contractor shall remove all trees, brush and rubbish before excavation or fill , placement is begun. The Contractor shall dispose of the cleared material to provide the Owner with a clean, neat appearing job site. Cleared material shall not be placed in areas to receive fill or where the material will support structures of any kind. 4, SCARIFYING AREA TO BE FILLED All topsoil and vegetable matter shall be removed from the ground surface upon which ' fill is to be placed. The surface shall then be plowed or scarified to a depth of 8 inches until the surface is free from ruts, hummocks or other uneven features, which would prevent uniform compaction by the equipment to be used. ' 5. COMPACTING AREA TO BE FILLED After the foundation for the fill has been cleared and scarified, it shall be disked or ' bladed until it is free from large clods, brought to the proper moisture content and compacted to not less than 95 percent .of maximum dry density as determined in accordance with ASTM D 698 or AASHTO T 99. ' 6. FILL MATERIALS On -site materials classifying as CL, SC, SM, SW, SP, GP, GC, and GM are acceptable. t Fill soils shall be free from organic matter, debris, or other deleterious substances, and shall not contain rocks or lumps having a diameter greater than three (3) inches. Fill materials shall be obtained from the existing fill and other approved sources. ' 7. MOISTURE CONTENT Fill materials shall be moisture treated. Sand soils can be moistened to within 2 percent of optimum moisture content. Sufficient laboratory compaction tests shall be performed to determine the optimum moisture content for the various soils encountered in borrow areas. ' CITY OF FORT COLLINS A-1 ' MODULAR BUILDING AT ROSELAWN CEMETERY CTL 1T PROJECT NO. FC05361-1125 I The Contractor may be required to add moisture to the excavation materials in the borrow area if, in the opinion of the Soils Engineer, it is not possible to obtain uniform .moisture content by adding water on the fill surface. The Contractor may be required to rake or disk the fill soils to provide uniform moisture content through the soils. The application of water to embankment materials shall be made with any type of watering equipment approved by the Soils Engineer, which will give the desired results. Water jets from the spreader shall not be directed of the embankment with such force that fill materials are washed out. ' Should too much water be added to any part of the fill, such that the material is too wet to permit the desired compaction from being obtained, rolling and all work on that section of the fill shall be delayed until the material has been allowed to dry to the required ' moisture content. The Contractor will be permitted to rework wet material in an approved manner to hasten its drying. 8. COMPACTION OF FILL AREAS Selected fill material shall be placed and mixed in evenly spread layers. After each fill ' layer has been placed; it shall be uniformly compacted to not less than the specified percentage of maximum dry density. Fill materials shall be placed such that the thickness of loose material does not exceed 8 inches and the compacted lift thickness does not exceed 6 inches. ' Compaction, as specified above, shall be obtained by the use of sheepsfoot rollers, multiple -wheel pneumatic -tired rollers, or other equipment approved by the Engineer. Compaction shall be accomplished while the fill material is at the specified moisture content. Compaction of each layer shall be continuous over the entire area. Compaction equipment shall make sufficient trips to insure that the required dry density is obtained. 9. COMPACTION OF SLOPES Fill slopes shall be compacted by means of sheepsfoot rollers or other suitable equipment. Compaction operations shall be continued until slopes are stable, but not too dense for planting, and there is no appreciable amount of loose soil on the slopes. ' Compaction of slopes may be done progressively in increments of three to five feet (3' to 5') in height or after the fill is brought to its total height. Permanent fill slopes shall not exceed 3:1 (horizontal to vertical). 10. DENSITY TESTS Field density tests shall be made by the Soils Engineer at locations and depths of his ' choosing. Where sheepsfoot rollers are used, the soil may be disturbed to a depth of several inches. Density tests shall be taken in compacted material below the disturbed surface. When density tests indicate that the dry density or moisture content of any layer of fill or portion thereof is below that required, the particular layer or portion shall be ' reworked until the required dry density or moisture content has been achieved. CITY OF FORT COLLINS A Z MODULAR BUILDING AT ROSELAWN CEibIETER`( CTLtT PROJECT NO. FC05361-125 H 11. COMPLETED PRELIMINARY; GRADES All areas, both cut and fill, shall be finished to a level surface and, shall meet the following limits of construction: A. Overlot cut or fill areas shall be within plus or minus 2/10 of 'one foot: B. Street grading shall be within plus or minus 1/10 of one foot. The civil engineer, or duly authorized representative, shall check.all cut and fill areas to observe that the work. is in accordance with the above limits. 12. SUPERVISION AND CONSTRUCTION STAKING Observation by the Soils Engineer shall be continuous during the placement of fill and compaction operations so that he can declare that the fill was placed in general' conformance with specifications. All site visits necessary to test the placement of fill and observe compaction operations will be at the expense of the Owner. All construction staking will be provided by the Civil Engineer or his duly authorized representative. Initial and final grading staking shall be at the expense of the owner. The replacement of grade stakes through construction shall be at the expense of the contractor. 13. SEASONAL LIMITS No fill material shall be placed, spread or rolled while it is frozen, thawing, or during unfavorable weather conditions. When work is interrupted by heavy precipitation, fill operations shall not be resumed until the Soils Engineer indicates that the moisture content and dry density of previously placed materials are as specified. 14. NOTICE REGARDING START OF GRADING The contractor shall submit notification to the Soils Engineer and Owner advising them of the start of grading operations at least three (3) days in advance of the starting date. Notification shall also be submitted at least 3 days in advance of any resumption dates when grading operations have been stopped for any reason other than adverse weather conditions. 15. REPORTING OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Density tests made by the Soils Engineer, as specified under "Density Tests" above, shall be submitted progressively to the Owner. Dry density, moisture content and percent compaction shall be reported for each test taken. 16. DECLARATION REGARDING COMPLETED FILL The Soils Engineer shall provide a written declaration stating that the site was filled with acceptable materials, or was placed in general accordance with the specifications. CITY OF FORT COLLINS A_3 MODULAR BUILDING AT ROSELAWN CEMETERY CTL I T PROJECT ,NO_ FC05361-125 1 I 1 I [1 1 I I 1 I I returned unopened. Bidder shall assume full responsibility for timely delivery at ' the location designated for receipt of Bids. 13.3. Oral, telephonic, telegraphic, or facsimile Bids are invalid and will not ' receive consideration. 13.4. No Bidder may submit more than one Bid. Multiple Bids under different ' names will not be accepted from one firm or association. 14.0 MODIFICATION AND WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS. 14.1. Bids may be modified or withdrawn by an appropriate document duly executed (in a manner that a Bid must be executed) and delivered to the place where Bids are to be submitted at any time prior to the opening of Bids. 14.2. Bids may also be modified or withdrawn in person by the Bidder or an authorized representative provided he can prove his identity and authority at any time prior to the opening of Bids. ' 14.3. Withdrawn Bids may be resubmitted up to the time designated for the receipt of Bids provided that they are then fully in conformance with these Instructions to Bidders. ' 15.0 OPENINGS OF BIDS. ' Bids will be opened and (unless obviously non -responsive) read aloud publicly as indicated in the Invitation to Bid. An abstract of the amounts of the Base Bids and major alternates (if any) will be made available after the opening of Bids. ' 16.0 BIDS TO REMAIN OPEN SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE. All Bids shall remain open for forty-five (45) days after the day of the Bid ' Opening, but OWNER may, in his sole discretion, release any Bid and return the Bid Security prior to that date. ' 17.0 AWARD OF CONTRACT. 17.1. OWNER reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, to waive any and all informalities not involving price, time or changes in the Work, to negotiate contract terms with the Successful Bidder, and the right to disregard all nonconforming, nonresponsive, unbalanced or conditional Bids. Also, OWNER ' reserves the right to reject the Bid of any Bidder if OWNER believes that it would not be in the best interest of the Project to make an award to that Bidder, whether because the Bid is not responsive or the Bidder is unqualified or of doubtful financial ability or fails to meet any other pertinent standard or criteria established by OWNER. Discrepancies between the indicated sum of any column of figures and the correct sum thereof will be resolved in favor of the correct sum. 17.2. In evaluating Bids, OWNER will consider the qualifications of the Bidders, whether or not the Bids comply with the prescribed requirements, and such alternates, unit prices and other data, as may be requested in the Bid Form or prior to the Notice of Award. 17.3. OWNER may consider the qualification and experience of Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other persons and organizations proposed for those portions of the Work as to which the identity of Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other persons and organizations is submitted as requested by OWNER. OWNER also may consider the operating costs, maintenance requirements, performance data and guarantees of major items of materials and equipment proposed for incorporation in the Work when such data is required to be submitted prior to the Notice of Award. 17.4. OWNER may conduct such investigations as OWNER deems necessary to assist in the evaluation of any Bid and to establish the responsibility, qualifications and financial ability of the Bidder's proposed Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons and organizations to do the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents to OWNER's satisfaction within the prescribed time. 17.5. If the Contract is to be awarded, it will be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible Bidder whose evaluation by OWNER indicates to OWNER that the award will be in the best interest of the OWNER. Award shall be made on the evaluated lowest base bid excluding alternates. The basis for award shall be the lowest Bid total for the Schedule or, in the case of more than one schedule, for sum of all schedules. Only one contract will be awarded. 17.6. If the Contract is to be awarded, OWNER will give the Successful Bidder a Notice of Award within forty-five (45) days after the date of the Bid opening. 18.0 CONTRACT SECURITY. The General Conditions and the Supplementary Conditions set forth OWNER's requirements as to performance and other Bonds. When the Successful Bidder delivers the executed Agreement to the OWNER, it shall be accompanied by the required Contract Security. 19.0 SIGNING OF AGREEMENT. When OWNER gives a Notice of Award to the Successful Bidder, it will be accompanied by the required number of unsigned counterparts of the Agreement with all other written Contract Documents attached. Within fifteen (15) days thereafter, CONTRACTOR shall sign and deliver the required number of counterparts of the Agreement and attached documents to OWNER with the ' required Bonds. Within ten (10) days thereafter, OWNER hall deliver one fully signed counterpart to CONTRACTOR. Each counterpart is to be accompanied by a complete set of the Drawings with appropriate identification. 20.0 TAXES. ' OWNER is exempt from Colorado State Sales and Use Taxes on materials and equipment to be incorporated in the Work. Said taxes shall not be included in the Contract Price. Reference is made to the General and Supplementary ' Conditions. 21.0 RETAINAGE. ' Provisions concerning retainage are set forth in the Agreement. ' 22.0 PURCHASING RESTRICTIONS. Purchasing restrictions: The Bidder's authorized signature of this Bid assures the ' Bidder's compliance with the City's purchasing restrictions. A copy of the resolutions is available for review in the Purchasing and Risk Management Division or the City Clerk's office. ' A. Cement Restrictions: City of Fort Collins Resolution 91-121 requires that suppliers and producers of cement or products containing cement to certify that the cement was not made in cement kilns that burn hazardous waste as a fuel. 23.0 COLLUSIVE OR SHAM BIDS. Any Bid deemed by the City in its sole discretion to be a collusive or sham Bid will be rejected and reported to authorities as such. Your authorized signature of ' this Bid assures that such Bid is genuine and is not a collusive or sham Bid. 24.0 BID RESULTS. For information regarding results for individual Bids send a self-addressed, self - stamped envelope and a Bid tally will be mailed to you. Bid results will be posted ' in the Purchasing office seven (7) days after the Bid Opening. END OF SECTION SECTION 00300 BID FORM , 1 I 1 11 I I I 1 1 t E 1 SECTION 00300 BID FORM PROJECT: 7312 Roselawn Office Building Place: F7 �vc.�i-��, Cu. Date: / - /a- In compliance with your Invitation to Bid dated December 1, 2011 and subject to all conditions thereof, the undersigned a orporatio Limited Liability Company, Partnership, Joint Venture, or Sole Proprie-Fo-rT-a-uThorized to do business in the State of Colorado hereby proposes to furnish and do everything required by the Contract Documents to which this refers for the construction of all items listed on the following Bid Schedule or Bid Schedules. 2. The undersigned Bidder does hereby declare and stipulate that this proposal is made in good faith, without collusion or connection with any other person or persons Bidding for the same Work, and that it is made in pursuance of and subject to all the terms and conditions of the Invitation to Bid and Instructions to Bidders, the Agreement, the detailed Specifications, and the Drawings pertaining to the Work to be done, all of which have been examined by the undersigned. 3. Accompanying this Bid is a certified or cashier's check or standard Bid bond in the sum of �gplo ($ ) in accordance with the Invitation To Bid and Instructions to Bidders. 4. The undersigned Bidder agrees to execute the Agreement and a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond for the amount of the total of this Bid within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date when the written notice of the award of the contract is delivered to him at the address given on this Bid. The name and address of the corporate surety with which the Bidder proposes to furnish the .specified performance and payment Bonds is as follows:N��4A4inu,-v GPCfGncrr Iv_� 476—IV A X7-iAe(5Acz en. o Su;r6- 8_o SC114UAI 4?6; 5. All the various phases of Work enumerated in the Contract Documents with their individual jobs and overhead, whether specifically mentioned, included by implication or appurtenant thereto, are to be performed by the CONTRACTOR under one of the items listed in the Bid Schedule, irrespective of whether it is named in said list. 6. Payment for Work performed will be in accordance with the Bid Schedule or Bid Schedules subject to changes as provided in the Contract Documents. 7. The undersigned Bidder hereby acknowledges receipt of Addenda No. through EXHIBIT 1 — REVISED BID SCHEDULE 8. BID SCHEDULE (Base Bid) Contract will be awarded on Base Bid which includes Building and all alternates. City reserves the right to deduct alternate prices from base bid. Building Only Provide an overall price for a turnkey building. This includes all framing, plumbing, electrical, HVAC, drywall, trim work, siding finishes, roofing, propane tank, handrails, gutter system and Grinder Alarm Panel per the Aller-Lingle-Massey, ESC, and Interwest Consulting Group Specifications and Drawings. Contractor must provide all applicable permits. Building Only ALTERNATE PRICES 1. Provide pricing for the installation of the foundation only. This includes all labor and materials. 2. Provide pricing for the excavation work for the foundation only. This includes all labor and materials. 3. Provide pricing for the excavation work for the finish grading only per drawing C4. This includes all labor and materials. 4. Provide pricing for the installation of the patio only. Provide all labor and material. This includes all foundation work, framing, finishes and roofing material for the patio only. 5. Provide pricing for all flat concrete work/pads, asphalt, and striping. This includes all labor and materials. 6. Provide pricing including all labor and materials for foundation drain system including interior crawl space pit, pump, with dedicated electrical circuit to pump, drains to exterior grade and pipe to 5' from foundation. Addendum 2 # 3 Base Bid including Building and Alternates ------Total $ In Words ' City reserves the right to deduct alternate prices from base bid if they are in the best interest of the City. Addendum 2 ' 7312 Roselawn Office Building Page 2 of 6 EXHIBIT 1 — REVISED BID SCHEDULE 8. BID SCHEDULE (Base Bid) Contract will be awarded on Base Bid which includes Building and all alternates. City reserves the right to deduct alternate prices from base bid. Building Only Provide an overall price for a turnkey building. This includes all framing, plumbing, electrical, HVAC, drywall, trim work, siding finishes, roofing, propane tank, handrails, gutter system and Grinder Alarm Panel per the Aller-Lingle-Massey, ESC, and Interwest Consulting Group Specifications and Drawings. Contractor must provide all applicable permits. eJ Building Only i ALTERNATE PRICES 1. Provide pricing for the installation of the foundation only. This includes all labor and materials. $ 2. Provide pricing for the excavation work for the foundation only. This includes all labor and materials. 3. Provide pricing for the excavation work for the finish grading only per drawing C4. This includes all labor and materials. 9 e z 4. Provide pricing for the installation of the patio only. Provide all labor and material. This includes all foundation work, framing, finishes and roofing material for the patio only. $ 5. Provide pricing for all flat concrete work/pads, asphalt, and striping. This includes all labor and materials. �;o 4.35�0 6. Provide pricing including all labor and materials for foundation drain system including interior crawl space pit, pump, with dedicated electrical circuit to pump, drains to exterior grade and pipe to 5' from foundation. Addendum 2 # 3 Base Bid including Building and Alternates ------Total $ G �CJ, b 70 In Words J,�Gf�r%�' ��f/7i n �ffEurS(�%%% �fUJ�/-(; L�-;:2,Vc City reserves the right to deduct alternate prices from base bid if they are in the best interest of the City. Addendum 2 7312 Roselawn Office Building Page 2 of 6 I I 1 I General Notes: Construction can be either stick framed or modular. City will pick all paint colors with awarded contractor. Contractor must make all utility connections. This includes, water, electrical, propane, and sewer. ♦ Water and sewer utility work is completed per drawing C1. ♦ Electrical tie-in to be made at existing pole mounted transformer. Electrical to be run under ground to new building per drawing E1.0. ♦ Telephone to be installed per drawing E1.0. 9. PRICES The foregoing prices shall include all labor, materials, transportation, shoring, removal, dewatering, overhead, profit, insurance, etc., to cover the complete Work in place of the several kinds called for. Bidder acknowledges that the OWNER has the right to delete items in the Bid or change quantities at his sole discretion without affecting the Agreement or prices of any item so long as the deletion or change does not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the total Agreement Price. 1 (Seal - if Bid is by I N corpo'rAte $EEL cat ORNo., Addendum 2 7312 Roselawn Office Building RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Title rr P3 30% License Number (if Applicable) Pam. a uX 9 .7 95? L V6L.4nO, CO 0605 39 hone �%7fJ 7/- le 6 g it S CIVA410 T,4 0 Q u/ X.VET, Nc T �i Page 3 of 6 I �*144i[CI[IIIZ11I( SUPPLEMENTS TO BID FORMS 00410 Bid Bond 00420 Statement of Bidder's Qualifications 00430 Schedule of Subcontractors SECTION 00410 BID BOND ' KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: that we, the undersigned classic Contractors, Inc. as Principal, and as Surety, are hereby held and firmly bound unto the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, as OWNER, in the sum of $ for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we hereby jointly and severally bind ourselves, successors, and assigns. THE CONDITION of this obligation is such that whereas the Principal has submitted to the City of Fort Collins, Colorado the accompanying Bid and hereby made a part hereof to enter into a Construction Agreement for the construction of Fort Collins Project, 7312 Roselawn Office Building. NOW THEREFORE, (a) If said Bid shall be rejected, or (b) If said Bid shall be accepted and the Principal shall execute and deliver a Contract in the form of Contract attached hereto (properly completed in accordance with said Bid) and shall furnish a BOND for his faithful performance of said Contract, and for payment of all persons performing labor or furnishing materials in connection therewith, and shall in all other respects perform the Agreement created by the acceptance of said Bid, then this obligation shall be ' void; otherwise the same shall remain in force and effect, it being expressly understood and agreed that the liability of the Surety for any and all claims ' hereunder shall, in no event, exceed the penal amount of this obligation as herein stated. The Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that the obligations of said ' Surety and its BOND shall be in no way impaired or affected by any extension of the time within which the OWNER may accept such Bid; and said Surety does hereby waive notice of any such extension. ' Surety Companies executing bonds must be authorized to transact business in the State of Colorado and be accepted by the OWNER. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Principal and the Surety have hereunto set their hands and seals this day of January 9 , 2012, and such of them as are corporations have caused their corporate seals to be hereto affixed and these presents to be signed by their proper officers, the day and year first set forth above. PRINCIPAL SURETY Name: Classic Contractors, Inc. Address: P, 0. Box 2798 North American Specialty Insurance Company 475 N. ,Martingale Road, Suite 850 Schaumburg, II.60173 Title: Darlene Krings, Attorncy-in-Fact (SEAL) NAS SURETY GROUP NORTH AMERICAN SPECIALTY INSURANCE COMPANY WASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY GENERAL POWER Or ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT North American Specially Insurance Company, a corporation duly organized and existing under laws of the State of New Hampshire, and having its principal office in the City of Manchester, New Hampshire, and Washington International ' Insurance Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New Hampshire and having its principal office in the City of Schaumburg, Illinois, each does hereby make, constitute and appoint: RUSSELL. D, LIAR, DARLENE KRINUS, JENNIFER WINTER, K'ANNE E. VOG13L, ROYAL R. LOVELL, KAY DILL, DIANI F. CLEMENTSON. BRANDI J. T TLEY and KEIAN T. URWIL.L.I:iR JOINTLY OR SEVERALLY Its true and lawful Anomey(s)-in-Fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver, for and on its behalf and as its act and deed, bonds or other writings obligatory in the nature of a bond on behalf of each of said Companies, as surety, on contracts of suretyship as are or may be required or permitted by law, regulation, contract or otherwise, provided that no bond or undertaking or contract or suretyship executed under this authority shall exceed the amount of: PIETY MILLION (F50,000,000.00) DOLLARS This Power of Attorney is granted and is signed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolutions adopted by the Boards of Directors of both North American Specialty Insurance Company and Washington International Insurance Company at meetings duly called and held on the 20 of March, 2000: "RESOLVED, that any two of the Presidents, any Managing Director, any Senior Vice President, any Vice President, any Assistant Vice President, ' the Secretary or any Assistant Secretary be, and each or any of them hereby is authorized to execute a Power of Attorney qualifying the attorney named in the given Power of Attorney to execute on behalf of the Company bonds, undertakings and all contracts of surety, and that each or any of them hereby is authorized to attest to the execution of any such Power of Attorney and to attach therein the seal of the Company; and it is FUR'1HER RESOLVED, that the signature of such officers and the seal of the Company may be affixed to any such flower of Attorney or to any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such Power of Attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shall be binding upon the Company when so affixed and in the future with regard to any bond, undertaking or contract of surety to which it is attached." J�ICW4UT V r///// `P ORq'PG,`°�p40NA(i ' _. d �Q,e d`.q• DY &a�4i.GOaPOi{'gJGG PQ =0( SFAL irZi' SlecenP. Andenoo, President & Chief Elctudee Oaleer of Wushlu&ton international l asurenee Company if ,S'�( F:.lYyC� w°.Z 1973 m+n ' & Senior Vice Pru ldent of North American Specialty Insurance Company U � �m n • 6y1�oAN�aa\. "rY n lutll By .—,>-eec r�7-i-zes�.._ msj�.'`N... •�r�da+ David At. Layman, Senior Vice Picsided ofof Washington Itact"mional Insurateo ConiPany "ntamc,va, & Vice P.edden/ of North American Specially Insn o,att Cmnpany ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, North American Specialty Insurance Company and Washington International Insurance Company have caused their official seals to be hereunto affixed, and these presents to be signed by their authorized officers this 12th day of September 2011 North American Specialty Insurance Company ' Washington International Insurance Company State of Illinois County of Cook SS: ' On this 12th day of September 201 before me, a Notary Public personally appeared Steven P. Anderson , President and CEO of Washington International Insurance Company and Senior Vice President of North American Specialty Insurance Company and David M. Layman , Senior Vice President of Washington International Insurance Company and Vice President of North American Specialty Insurance Company, personally known to me, who being by me duly sworn, acknowledged that they signed the above Power of Attorney as officers of and acknowledged said instrument to be the voluntary act and deed of their respective companies. OFFICIAL SEAL DJICLNELSON NOTARY PUBLIC- STATE OF ILINOIS D. Jill Klum,Nntaly Public MY COMMISSION E%PIRES.0"3112 ' I, James A. Carpenter the duly elected Assistant Secretary of North American Specialty Insurance Company and Washington International Insurance Company, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Power of Attorney given by said North American Speciaity Insurance Company and Washington International Insurance Company, which is still in lull force and effect. ' IN WI1 NESS WIIEREOF, I have set my hand and af0xcd the seals of the Companies this 9th day of Janualy 20 12 ' James A. Carpcmer, Vice Presidanl e, A,coUaa Scerolery of %Vashinglon Gnlemalanal 6nuraae Compary & North ,America, Spwally Innuance Company SECTION 00420 STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS All questions must be answered and the data given must be clear and comprehensive. This statement must be notarized. If necessary, questions may be answered on separate attached sheets. The Bidder may submit any additional information he desires. 1. Name of Bidder: �� 45Slc �•� L���S /lUc. 2. Permanent main office address: 6117 57R6 11oC_wW 4-4 20ve�2,4,UD, ('�. S5o?�3g3 3. When organized: / LM' 4. If a corporation, where incorporated: ;;�2000 — Coc.o��o 5. How many years have you been engaged in the contracting business under your present firm or trade name? 6. Contracts on hand: (Schedule these, showing the amount of each contract and 7. the appropriate anticipated dates of completion.) 17f 0,� F7, QL.Li, s _ /IOC 4.i�A//on.P�`lfEs�PnvFa General character of Work performed by your company: CyNcRE �a y Pa i N T 8. Have you ever failed to complete any Work awarded to you? -A)a If so, where and why? 9. Have you ever defaulted on a contract? Z o If so, where and why?, 10. Are you debarred by any government agency? A)o- If yes list agency name. 11. List the more important projects recently completed by your company, stating the approximate cost of each, and the month and year completed, location and type ' of construction. t��i one aNr.du�� iqsci 170, 3CS , Sci �?Diiu r-��� �r=i9 z /moo D 57wcx, �!Lloaa 12. List your major equipment available for this contract. 13. Experience in construction Work similar in importance to this project: ,i� - iVu- „.�c��Ji�4c. o G,rc..5 �j[l/�D/✓vS k3u � c. T _g - CliStvhr MW65 ' 14 Background and experience of the principal members of your organization, including officers: 15. Credit available: $ Z�260, &n D ' 16. Bank Reference: 17. Will you, upon request, fill out a detailed financial ' statement and furnish any other information that may be required by the OWNER? Y65 18. Are you licensed as a General Contractor?Fut7.6Y-L-1,QS If yes, in what city, county and state? 1, u,,n 4v&.4- 4,i t��vcr What class, license and numbers? Lmtww�?-Q455 A.i Atpcf� ' 19. Do you anticipate subcontracting Work under this Contract? If yes, what percent of total contract? ' And to whom? 6—CC4' ffv4G 00,'x.c�7� 20. Are any lawsuits pending against you or your firm at this time? IF yes, DETAIL AD 21. What are the limits of your public liability? DETAIL [:qa,01 /`,u.r s /:ti What company? a x UM6 - l �r/�%?rcr.�'- //L�S, 22. What are your company's bonding limitations?'7-Wccp -5iA,&_6 16" 46,tKS617L- 23. The undersigned hereby authorizes and requests any person, firm or corporation to furnish any information requested by the OWNER in verification of the recital comprising this Statement of Bidder's Qualifications. atEr CxL_/.."5 COthis a - day of �.4nlc%4,Cy 20� Name of Bi 0 State of 0�) L 4f) 0 cou t of L,g�CititFsf Je/i«tD'7 being4uly sworn deposes and says that he is , of �� (-- and that (name of organization) the answers to the foregoing questions and all statements therein contained are true and correct. r-t Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of .41J<ryelQY , 2012 (Seal) Notary Public _10SAY P,,_ My commission expires: JODY HORNER MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: October 20. 2015 SECTION 00430 SCHEDULE OF SUBCONTRACTORS List all subcontractors for the work items listed below and all subcontractors performing over 10% of the contract. ITEM SUBCONTRACTOR Q/Z/.4--l/A--1 �(5Z,t) fi/�e�'1 ute.tc & p/r(5 `4�w� Aim General Notes: Construction can be either stick framed or modular. City will pick all paint colors with awarded contractor. Contractor must make all utility connections. This includes, water, electrical, propane, and sewer. ♦ Water and sewer utility work is completed per drawing C1. ♦ Electrical tie-in to be made at existing pole mounted transformer. Electrical to be run underground to new building per drawing E1.0. ♦ Telephone to be installed per drawing E1.0. 9. PRICES The foregoing prices shall include all labor, materials, transportation, shoring, removal, dewatering, overhead, profit, insurance, etc., to cover the complete Work in place of the several kinds called for. Bidder acknowledges that the OWNER has the right to delete items in the Bid or change quantities at his sole discretion without affecting the Agreement or prices of any item so long as the deletion or change does not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the total Agreement Price. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: CONTRACTOR Printed Date Title License Number (If Applicable) (Seal - if Bid is by corporation)Attest:_ Address Telephone Email Addendum 2 7312 Roselawn Office Building Page 3 of 6 , SECTION 00500 AGREEMENTFORMS ' 00510 Notice of Award 00520 Agreement ' 00530 Notice to Proceed u 1 1 11 L! 1 SECTION 00510 NOTICE OF AWARD DATE: February 1, 2012 TO: Classic Contractors Inc PROJECT: 7312 Roselawn Office Building ' OWNER: CITY OF FORT COLLINS (hereinafter referred to as "the OWNER") You are hereby notified that your Bid dated January 12, 2012 for the above project has ' been considered. You are the apparent successful Bidder and have been awarded an Agreement for 7312 Roselawn Office Building. t The Price of your Agreement is One Hundred Thirty Six Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy Dollars ($136,870.00). ' Three (3) copies of each of the proposed Contract Documents (except Drawings) accompany this Notice of Award. Three (3) sets of the Drawings will be delivered separately or otherwise made available to you immediately. ' You must comply with the following conditions precedent within fifteen (15) days of the date of this Notice of Award, that is by February 15, 2012. ' 1. You must deliver to the OWNER three (3) fully executed counterparts of the Agreement including all the Contract Documents. Each of the Contract Documents must ' bear your signature on the cover of the page. 2. You must deliver with the executed Agreement the Contract Security (Bonds) as specified in the Instructions to Bidders, General Conditions (Article 5.1) and Supplementary Conditions. Failure to comply with these conditions within the time specified will entitle OWNER to consider your Bid abandoned, to annul this Notice of Award and to declare your Bid Security forfeited. Within ten (10) days after you comply with those conditions, OWNER will return to you one (1) fully -signed counterpart of the Agreement with the Contract Documents attached. ' City of Fort Collins OWNER ( p By: \ � ^' —c' _E Ja es B. O'Neill, II, CPPO, FNIGP ' D' actor of Purchasing & Risk Management 1 SECTION 00520 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is dated as of the 1'� day of February in the year of 2012 and shall be effective on the date this AGREEMENT is signed by the City. The City of Fort Collins (hereinafter called OWNER) and Classic Contractors Inc. (hereinafter called CONTRACTOR) OWNER and CONTRACTOR, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, agree as follows: ARTICLE 1. WORK CONTRACTOR shall complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents. The Project for which the Work under the Contract Documents may be the whole or only a part is defined as the construction of the 7312 Roselawn Office Building and is generally described in Section 01010. ARTICLE 2. ENGINEER The Project has been designed by Operation Services Department of the City of Fort Collins, who is hereinafter called ENGINEER and who will assume all duties and responsibilities and will have the rights and authority assigned to ENGINEER in the Contract Documents in connection with completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. ARTICLE 3. CONTRACT TIMES 3.1 The Work shall be Substantially Complete within one hundred twenty (120) calendar days after the date when the Contract Times commence to run as provided in the General Conditions and completed and ready for Final Payment ' and Acceptance in accordance with the General Conditions within ten (10) calendar days after the date when the Contract Times commence to run. 3.2. Liquidated Damages. OWNER and CONTRACTOR recognize that time is of the essence of this Agreement and that OWNER will suffer financial loss if the Work is not completed within the times specified in paragraph 3.1. above, plus any extensions thereof allowed in accordance with Article 12 of the General Conditions. They also recognize the delays, expenses and difficulties involved in proving in a legal preceding the actual loss suffered by OWNER if the Work is not completed on time. Accordingly, instead of requiring any such proof, OWNER and CONTRACTOR agree that as Liquidated damages for delay (but not as penalty) CONTRACTOR shall pay OWNER the amounts set forth hereafter. 1 I L 1) Substantial Completion: Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) for each calendar day or fraction thereof that expires after the one hundred twenty (120) calendar day period for Substantial Completion of the Work until the Work is Substantially Complete. 2) Final Acceptance: After Substantial Completion, Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) for each calendar day or fraction thereof that expires after the ten (10) calendar day period for Final Payment and Acceptance until the Work is ready for Final Payment and Acceptance. ARTICLE 4. CONTRACT PRICE 4.1. OWNER shall pay CONTRACTOR for performance of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents in current funds as follows: One Hundred Thirty Six Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy Dollars ($136,870.00), in accordance with Section 00300, attached and incorporated herein by this reference. ' ARTICLE 5. PAYMENT PROCEDURES CONTRACTOR shall submit Applications for Payment in accordance with Article ' 14 of the General Conditions. Applications for Payment will be processed by ENGINEER as provided in the General Conditions. 5.1. PROGRESS PAYMENTS. OWNER shall make progress payments on ' account of the Contract Price on the basis of CONTRACTOR's Application for Payment as recommended by ENGINEER, once each month during construction as provided below. All progress payments will be on the basis of the progress of the Work measured by the schedule of values established in paragraph 2.6 of the General Conditions and in the case of Unit Price Work based on the number of units completed, and in accordance with the General Requirements concerning Unit Price Work. 5.1.1. Prior to Substantial Completion, Owner will be entitled to withhold as contract retainage five percent (5%) of each progress payment, but, in each case, less the aggregate of payments previously made and less such amounts as ENGINEER shall determine, or OWNER may withhold, in accordance with paragraph 14.7 of the General Conditions. If , in the sole discretion of Owner, on recommendation of Engineer, Owner determines that the character and progress of the Work have been satisfactory to OWNER and ENGINEER, OWNER may determine that as long as the character and progress of the Work remain satisfactory to them, there will be no additional retainage on account of Work completed in which case the remaining progress payments prior to Substantial Completion will be in an amount equal to 100% of the Work completed. 95% of I 1 materials and equipment not incorporated in the Work (but delivered, suitably ' stored and accompanied by documentation satisfactory to OWNER as provided in paragraph 14.2 of the General Conditions) may be included in the application Section 00520 Page 3 for payment. ' 5.1.2. Upon Substantial Completion payment will be made in an amount sufficient, if necessary, to increase total payments to CONTRACTOR to 95% of the Contract Price, less such amounts as ENGINEER shall determine or OWNER may withhold in accordance with paragraph 14.7 of the General Conditions or as provided by law. 5.2. FINAL PAYMENT. Upon Final Completion and Acceptance of the Work in accordance with paragraph 14.13 of the General Conditions, OWNER shall pay ' the remainder of the Contract Price as recommended by ENGINEER as provided in said paragraph 14.13. ARTICLE 6. CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATION In order to induce OWNER to enter into this Agreement, CONTRACTOR makes the following representations: 6.1. CONTRACTOR has familiarized himself with the nature and extent of the Contract Documents, Work, site, locality, and with all local conditions and Laws ' and Regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work. ' 6.2. CONTRACTOR has studied carefully all reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions and drawings of physical conditions which are identified in the Supplementary Conditions as provided in paragraph 4.2 of the General ' Conditions. 6.3. CONTRACTOR has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes ' responsibility for obtaining and carefully studying) all such examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports, and studies (in addition to or to supplement those referred to in paragraph 6.2 above) which pertain to the ' subsurface or physical condition at or contiguous to the site or otherwise may affect the cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work as CONTRACTOR considers necessary for the performance or furnishing of the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Times and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, including specifically the provisions of paragraph 4.2 of the General Conditions; and no additional ' examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports, studies or similar information or data are or will be required by CONTRACTOR for such purposes. 6.4. CONTRACTOR has reviewed and checked all information and data shown or indicated on the Contract Documents with respect to existing Underground I Facilities at or contiguous to the site and assumes responsibility for the accurate ' location of said Underground Facilities. No additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports, studies or similar information or data in respect of said Underground Facilities are or will be required by t CONTRACTOR in order to perform and furnish the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Times and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, including specifically the provision of paragraph 4.3. ' of the General Conditions. 6.5. CONTRACTOR has correlated the results of all such observations, ' examinations, investigations, tests, reports and data with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. ' 6.6. CONTRACTOR has given ENGINEER written notice of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies that he has discovered in the Contract Documents and the written resolution thereof by ENGINEER is acceptable to CONTRACTOR. ARTICLE 7. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 7.1 The Contract Documents which comprise the entire Agreement between ' OWNER and CONTRACTOR concerning the Work consist of the General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, those items included in the definition of "Contract Documents" in Article 1.10 of the General Conditions, and such other ' items as are referenced in this Article 7, all of which are incorporated herein by this reference. 1 1 1 7.2 Forms for use by CONTRACTOR in performing the Work and related actions in carrying out the terms of this Agreement are deemed Contract Documents and incorporated herein by this reference, and include, but are not limited to, the following: 7.2.1 Certificate of Substantial Completion 7.2.2 Certificate of Final Acceptance 7.2.3 Lien Waiver Releases 7.2.4 Consent of Surety 7.2.5 Application for Exemption Certificate 7.2.6 Application for Payment 7.3 Drawings, consisting of a cover sheet and sheets numbered as follows: ARCHITECTURAL SD1 Architectural Site Plan A101 Floor, Reflected Ceilings and Roof Plans A102 Exterior Elevations A103 Building Sections and Details A104 Schedules, Interior Elevations, Door and Window Types I CIVIL C1 Utility Plan C2 Utility Details C3 Utility Details C4 Grading Plan ' ELECTRICAL E1.0 Electrical Plan 1 The Contract Drawings shall be stamped "Final for Construction" and dated. Any revisions made shall be clearly identified and dated. ' 7.4. Addenda Numbers 1 to 2, inclusive. 7.5. The Contract Documents also include all written amendments and other ' documents amending, modifying, or supplementing the Contract Documents pursuant to paragraphs 3.5 and 3.6 of the General Conditions. ' 7.6. There are no Contract Documents other than those listed or incorporated by reference in this Article 7. The Contract Documents may only be amended, modified or supplemented as provided in paragraphs 3.5 and 3.6 of the General ' Conditions. ARTICLE 8. MISCELLANEOUS ' 8.1. Terms used in this Agreement which are defined in Article I of the General Conditions shall have the meanings indicated in the General Conditions. ' 8.2. No assignment by a party hereto of any rights under or interests in the Contract Documents will be binding on another party hereto without the written ' consent of the party sought to be bound; and specifically but not without limitations, moneys that may become due and moneys that are due may not be assigned without such consent (except to the extent that the effect of this ' restriction may be limited by law), and unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent to an assignment no assignment will release or discharge that assignor from any duty or responsibility under the Contract Document. 8.3. OWNER and CONTRACTOR each binds itself, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other party hereto, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives in respect to all covenants, ' Agreement and obligations contained in the Contract Document. 1 [1 1 1 1 i 1 1 [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 OWNER: CITY OF FORT COLLINS By: JA Ej B. O'NEILL II, CPPO, FNIG DIRLs9TOR OF PURCHASING AND RISK MANAGEMENT Date: Address for giving notices: P. O. Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522 Appr to m As Isla t City Attorney PRINTED Title: 6�6--Y' Address for giving notices: Av LAgpr co °s39 License No.: 1 [1 i SECTION 00530 1 NOTICE TO PROCEED Description of Work: 7312 Roselawn Office Building 1 To: Classic Contractors Inc. 1 This notice is to advise you: That the contract covering the above described Work has been fully executed by the 1 CONTRACTOR and the OWNER. That the required CONTRACTOR's Performance Bond and Payment Bond have been received by the OWNER. That the OWNER has approved the said Contract Documents. 1 Therefore, as the CONTRACTOR for the above described Work, you are hereby authorized and directed to proceed within () calendar days from receipt of this notice as required by the Agreement. 1 Dated this day of 20 1 The dates for Substantial Completion and Final Acceptance shall be 20_ and , 20, respectively. 1 City of Fort Collins OWNER i By. Title: 1 ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF NOTICE 1 Receipt of the above Notice to Proceed is hereby acknowledged this 20 1 CONTRACTOR: Classic Contractors Inc. By: 1 Title: i 1 day of 1 I SECTION 00600 BONDS AND CERTIFICATES 00610 Performance Bond 00615 Payment Bond ' 00630 Certificate of Insurance ' 00635 Certificate of Substantial Completion 00640 Certificate of Final Acceptance ' 00650 Lien Waiver Release (CONTRACTOR) 00660 Consent of Surety ' 00670 Application for Exemption Certificate 0 I I I I i I I I I EXHIBIT 2 — QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ' NO FURTHER QUESTIONS WILL BE ANSWERED ' 1. Q. If we change to stick framing is the City handling the structural design aspect of the wood framing and design? ' A. Bidder to provide any structural engineering required. 2. Q. There are notes on the drawing cross sections about a radon system example section 1 /A103. Please explain the extent of the system. Can we get a specification? ' A. Sheet A103 — Radon system, radon system is to be passive and design build by selected contractor. 3. Q. The soils report calls for a foundation drain system reference figure 3. Is this to ' be installed? If it is where does it drain too? A. See soils report for cross section and installation requirements. Optional drain will consist of perforated pipe as specified, interior crawl space pit, pump, with dedicated electrical circuit to pump, drains to exterior grade and pipe to 5' from foundation. Refer to bid schedule Alternate # 6. 4. Q. The building cross sections are calling for a 4 inch thick slab on grade in the crawl space. Is this really needed and to be installed? A. Please delete this item. There will be no slab in the crawl space. 1 5. Q. We are having trouble understanding what is asphalt, what is just a gravel drive and what is concrete on the site plan SD1?. Please clarify? A. Please reference the attached Aller-Lingle-Massey Architects addendum sketch. 6. Q. Reference sheet SD1. Please go to the group of notes on the left hand side of the building plan. The third note down says 5"T x 4'x4' cast in place concrete pad for AC. This note appears to be pointing to the inside of the building. Is this correct?? Same place next note down reads "Patch existing paving.... Appears to be pointing to inside of the building. Is this correct? Same place next note down reads "Rework existing gravel drive at new construction". Back to my question above about the extent of gravel drive. Is it to be a gravel area west of the new building? Which alternate is this a part of? Alternate 3 maybe? A. Please reference the attached Aller-Lingle-Massey Architects addendum sketch. Sheet SD1 — The parking area, walk and steps are to be 5"T cast -in -place concrete. See also Sheet C4 for extents and patching. Addendum 2 ' 7312 Roselawn Office Building Page 4 of 6 I 1 i SECTION 006110 PERFORMANCE BOND Bond No. 2152122 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: I" . Classic Contractors Inc. PO Box 2798, Lovland, CO 80539 (a Corporation), hereinafter referred to as the'Principar and (Firm) North American Specialty Insurance Company (Address) 475 N. Martingale Road, Suite 850, Schaumburg, IL 60173 hereinafter referred to as "the Surety", are held and firmly bound unto City of Fort Collins. 300 Laporte Ave Fort Collins Colorado 80522 a (Municipal Corporation) hdreinafter referred to as the "OWNER', in the penal sum of One Hundred Thirty Six Thousand Eloht Hundred Seventy Dollars f $136,870.00) in lawful money of the United States,] for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION are such that whereas the Principal entered Into a certain Agreement with the OWNER, dated the 1L day of February. 2912, a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof for the performance of The City of Fort Collins Project,. 7312 Roselawn Office Building. NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall well, truly and faithfully perf m Its duties, all the undertakings, covenants, terms, conditions and agreements of said A;eement during the original term thereof, and any extensions thereof which may be granted by the OWNER, with or without Notice to the Surety and during the life of the guaranty period, nd if the Principal shall. satisfy ail claims and demands incurred under such Agreement, and shall fully indemnify and save harmless the OWNER from all cost and damages which it may suffer by reason of failure to do so, and shall reimburse and repay the OWNER all outlay and expense which the OWNER may Incur in making good any default then this obligation shall be voidt otherwise to remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED; FURTHER, that the said Surety, for value received, here" stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement or to the Work to be performed thereunder or the Specifications accompanying ithe same shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond; and it does hereby waive notice of arty such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement or to the Vyork or to the Specifications. PROVIDED, FURTHER, that no final settlement between the OWNE9 and the CONTRACTOR shall abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder, whose claim may be, unsatisfied. PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the Surety Company must be authorized to transact business in the State of Colorado and be acceptable to the OWNER. I 1 1 i t I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this irtWumme tsemecumd in three (3) counterparts, each one of which shall be deemed an original, this 14th day qt February 2012. IN PRESENCE OF: IN PRES CEO Witness (Surety Seal) P.O. Box 2798, Loveland, CO 80539 (Address) Other Partners By: North American Specialty Surety I sura� nce Comp ny By: 1�kJu �Q Darlene Krings, ttomey-i Fact 475 N. Martingale Road. Suite 850 (Address) Schaumburg, IL 60173 NOTE: Date of Bond must not be prior to date of Agreement . If CONTRACTOR Is Partnership, all partners should execure Bond. t E 1 L �AYVFNT BOND Bond No. 2152122 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: tr3t Classic Contractors Inc. PO Box 2798, Lovland, CO 80539 (a Corporation), hereinafter referred to as the'Prinrlpal' and (Firm) North American Specialty Insurance Company (Address) 475 N. Martingale Road, Suite 850, Schaumburg, IL 60173 hereinafter referred to as "the Surety", are held and firmly bound unto the Citv of Fort Collins. 300 Laporte Ave., Fort Collins. Colorado 80522 a (Municipal Corporation) hereinafter referred to as "the OWNER", in the penal sum One Hundred Thirty Six Thousand Eiaht Hundred Seventy Dollars f$136,870.00)ofin lawful money of the United State$, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, successors arf assigns, jointly and. severally, finely by these presents. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION are such that whereas the Trincipal entered into a. certain Agreement with the OWNER, dated the 1`0 day of February; 2012, a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof for the performance of The Cif of Fort Collins project, 7312 Roselawn Office Building. NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall make payment to all persons firms. subcontractors: and corporations furnishing materials for or performing labor in the prosecution of the Work provided for in such Agreement and any authorized extension or modifteation thereof; Includlng' all amounts due for materials, lubricants, repairs on machinery, equipment and tools, consumed; rented or used in connection with the construction of such Vifork, and all insurance premiums on said Work, and for all labor; performed in such Work whether by subcontractor or. otherwise, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect.. PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the said Surety; for value received; hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement or to the Work to be performed thereunder or the Specifications accompanying the same shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond; and it does hereby waive.notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement or to the Work or to the Specifications. PROVIDED, FURTHER, that no final settlement between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR shall abridge.the right of any beneficiary hereunder, whose claim may bo unsatisfied. PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the Surety Company must be authorized to transact business.in the State of Colorado and be acceptable to the OWNER. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this irnmxnenttseeeeptedin three (3) counterparts, each one of which shall be deemed an original. this 14th dale of February 2012. IN PRESENCE OF: IN PRESE !CE F: X ��Q� Witness Clas c Contractors, Inc. it P.O. Box 2798, Loveland, CO 80539 (Address) Other Partners By: North American Specialty Surety Insurance Company By: Darlene Krings, Attorney -in -Fact 475 N. Martinuale Road, Suite 850 (Address) Schaumburg, IL 60173 ' (Surety Seal) ' NOTE: Date of Bond must not be prior to date of Agreement if CONTRACTOR Is Partnership, all partners should execute Bond. NAS SURETY GROUP I 1 NORTH AMERICAN SPECIALTY INSURANCE COMPANY WASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT North American Specialty Insurance Company, a corporation duly organized and existing under laws of the State of New Hampshire, and having its principal office in the City of Manchester, New Hampshire, and Washington International Insurance Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New Hampshire and having its principal office in the City of Schaumburg, Illinois, each does hereby make, constitute and appoint: RUSSELL D. LEAR, DARLENE KRINGS, JENNIFER WINTER, K'ANNE E. VOGEL, ROYAL R. LOVELL, KAY DILL, DIANE F. CLEMENTSON, BRAND[ J. TETLEY and KELLY T. URWILLER JOINTLY OR SEVERALLY Its true and lawful Attomey(s)-in-Fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver, for and on its behalf and as its act and deed, bonds or other writings obligatory in the nature of a bond on behalf of each of said Companies, as surety, on contracts of suretyship as are or may be required or permitted by law, regulation, contract or otherwise, provided that no bond or undertaking or contract or suretyship executed under this authority shall exceed the amount of: FIFTY MILLION ($50,000,000.00) DOLLARS This Power of Attorney is granted and is signed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolutions adopted by the Boards of Directors of both North American Specialty Insurance Company and Washington International Insurance Company at meetings duly called and held on the 24's of March, 2000: "RESOLVED, that any two of the Presidents, any Managing Director, any Senior Vice President, any Vice President, any Assistant Vice President, the Secretary or any Assistant Secretary be, and each or any of them hereby is authorized to execute a Power of Attorney qualifying the attorney named in the given Power of Attorney to execute on behalf of the Company bonds, undertakings and all contracts of surety, and that each or any of them hereby is authorized to attest to the execution of any such Power of Attorney and to attach therein the seal of the Company; and it is FURTHER RESOLVED, that the signature of such officers and the seal of the Company may be affixed to any such Power of Attorney or to any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such Power of Attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shall be binding upon the Company when so affixed and in the future with regard to any bond, undertaking or contract of surety to which it is attached." \111HI) r �p0\\�\AlJ7Yr r�Iii� QPPqyWfR;.Q'yBySEAL :o' Wtg73 m = Steven P.Aodersoo,Preddent& Chlefasaative Wave of Wuhleetoo International Inearae«Company y: & Senier vice Pmddeut ofNoeth Aenerkee SWda ty rmereove CompanyB c(s, mm\n y T Dodd M. Laymae, Senior Vice Praidee of Wano,tea letervatiooal tesurvnee Company & Vice Prudent of North American Specialty irouronee Company IN WITNESS WHEREOF, North American Specialty Insurance Company and Washington International Insurance Company have caused their official seals to be hereunto affixed, and these presents to be signed by their authorized officers this 12th day of September 20 11 North American Specialty Insurance Company Washington International Insurance Company State of Illinois County of Cook ss: ' On this 12th day of September , 201.1 before me, a Notary Public personally appeared Steven P. Anderson , President and CEO of Washington International Insurance Company and Senior Vice President of North American Specialty Insurance Company and David M. Layman , Senior Vice President of Washington International Insurance Company and Vice President of North American Specialty Insurance Company, ' personally known to me, who being by me duly sworn, acknowledged that they signed the above Power of Attorney as officers of and acknowledged said instrument to be the voluntary act and deed of their respective companies. OFFICNL SEAL � (j D JILL NELSON LGCi tgrAfi'PUBIIL'SrAIE OP aLIN01a U. Iill Belson, Notary Public 1rr C01,ORaaION E%PWEa960Y1t I, James A. Camenter , the duly elected Assistant Secretary of North American Specialty Insurance Company and Washington ' International Insurance Company, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Power of Attorney given by said North American Specialty Insurance Company and Washington International Insurance Company, which is still in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and affixed the seals of the Companies this 14tbay c£February 20. 12. Junes A. Carpenter, Vice Pruident & Assiso nt Secmtary of Washington intemational Inswance Company & NoM Amencm Specialty Inswance Company SECTION 00630 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE CONTRACTOR shall insert his own standard form for Certificate of Insurance. I 1 1 ' Client#: 50187 CLACO2 ACORD.. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MMIDDIy"Y' 2/16/2012 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT NAME: Rosemary Klsling Flood & Peterson Ins., Inc. PN"�" o E.1:970 356.0123 ac,"e: 9703301867 P. O. Box 578 - rosema ksilin @floodand eterson.com ADDRESS: rY 9@ P Greeley, CO 80632 970 356-0123 CUSTOMER ID k: INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC p INSURED INSURER A: First Mercury Insurance Company Classic Contractors, Inc. First Mercury Insurance Company INSURER B: ry p y PO Box 2798 G t Continental Western Group INSURERC: P Loveland,CO80539 INSURER D INSURER E : INSURER F : COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: 1 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDLSUBRI INSR MD POLICY EFF POLICY NUMBER 'MMIDOIYYYY POLICY EXP MMIODIYYYY LIMITS A GENERAL LIABILITY X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS -MADE a OCCUR XI BI/PD Ded:5,000 MACGL000000562101 02/03/2012 02103/2012 EACHOCCURRENCE $1,000000 PREMISES Ea oxurzence S50,000 MED EXP (Any one person) S PERSONAL &ADV INJURY S1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE s2,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: POLICY PRO- 1] LOC PRODUCTS - COMPIOP AGG s2,000,000 S O AUTOMOBILE XI LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEOULEDAUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON-0WNED AUTOS CWP286042623 02/03/2012 0210312012 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea acadent) S100g000 BODILY INJURY (Per person) S BODILY INJURY (Per amident) S PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per acadedl S X X I S B XI UMBRELLA LIAR EXCESS LIAB OCCUR CLAIMS -MADE MAUMB000000562201 �02/031201202103/201 EACH OCCURRENCE S1000000 AGGREGATE S1,000,000 X DEDUCTIBLE RETENTION S 10000 $ S WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY YIN ANY PROPRIETORIPARTNERIEXECUTIVE❑ OFFICERIMEMSER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory in NH) If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below NIA I WC STATU- OTH- TORY L M i E.L. EACH ACCIDENT S E. L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ E.L. DISEASE -POLICY LIMIT S DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, if more..... is requiredl Certificate holder is included as Additional Insured as required by written contract with respects to liability arising out of work performed by the named insured. Reference: Roselawn Cemetary, Fort Collins, CO 01988-2009 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2009/09) 1 of 1 The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD #S676724/M676721 RDK t 1 d 1 11 1. ACORD M CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATEIMMIDDIYYYY) 02/14Y2012 PRODUCER 7501 Eol Assurance 501 E Lowry Blvd Denver, CO 80230-7006 'y THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAICN INSURED INSURERA Plnnacol Assurance 41190 Classic Contractors Inc 3995 North County Road 1 Loveland, CO 80539 INsuRER a: INSURERC: INBUPER O: INSURER E: COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANONG ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR ADOL POLOYEFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION RR INSRO TYPE OF INSUMNCE POLICY NUMBER DATE MMIDORYYY OATE(MM)DD/YYYY LIMITS GENERAL UABIL" EACH OCCURRENCE DAMAGE TO REMEO COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMSMADE OCCUR PREMISES MED E%PAn we PERSONAL &ADV INJURY GENT AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIERS PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE PRODUCTS-COMPIOP AGO POLICY PROJECT LCC AUTOMOBILE LIABLLIfT COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT MY AUTO m JURY ALL ONMED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS JURY HIREDAUTOS NONbAT1ED AUTOS ffEAAWI� Y DAMAGE relGARAGELWRfTY Y-EAAWIDMY AN EAACC AUTO AUTO ONLY: AGO EXCESSAMIlm" LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE AGGREGATE OCCUR CLAIMS MADE DEDUCTIBLE _ RETENTION $ WONKERS COMPENSATON.0 WC Ij STATU- OTHER A EMPLOYERS LIABILITY MY PROPRIETCWPARTNMEXEWIVE 4055078 04/01/2011 04/01/2012 TORYLIMITB ELEACH ACCIDENT $100,000 OFFICER4u1EMBER E%CWOED9 EL DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $100,000 IT 6. pieave des W UWW SPECIAL PROVISIONS We EL DISEASE- POLICY LIMIT OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERKnONSILACATIONSIVENICLE"WEXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT/SPECIAL PROVISIONS ROSE Lawn Office, Building CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION 1363585 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE City of Fort Collins 300 Laporte Ave. Fort Collins, CO 80522 THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF. THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 0 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Sean Vis ACORD 25(2001/08) Underwriter ACORD CORPORATION 1988 CERTIFICATE HOLDER COPY u 1 City of Fort Collins 300 Laporte Ave. ' Fort Collins, CO 80522 t IMPORTANT 'If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). ' If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). ' DISCLAIMER The Certificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract ' between the issuing insurer(s), authorized representative or producer, and the certificate holder, nor does it affirmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon. 1 1 SECTION 00635 ' CERTIFICATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION TO: CITY OF FORT COLLINS (OWNER) DATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION: PROJECT TITLE: 7312 Roselawn Office Building ' PROJECT OR SPECIFIED PART SHALL LOCATION: Fort Collins, Colorado INCLUDE: OWNER: -City of Fort Collins CONTRACTOR: Classic Contractors Inc. ' CONTRACT DATE: February 1, 2012 The Work performed under this contract has been inspected by authorized representatives of the OWNER, CONTRACTOR, and the ENGINEER and the project or specified part of the project, as indicated above) is hereby declared to be substantially completed on the above date. ' A tentative list of items to be completed or corrected is appended hereto. This list may not be exhaustive, and the failure to include an item on it does not alter the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to complete all the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. ENGINEER AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE The CONTRACTOR accepts the above Certificate of Substantial Completion and agrees to complete and correct the items on the tentative list within the time indicated. CONTRACTOR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE ' The OWNER accepts the project or specified area of the project as substantially complete and will assume full possession of the project or specified area of the project at 12:01 a.m., on . The responsibility for heat, utilities, security, and insurance under the Contract Documents shall be as set forth under "Remarks" below. CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO By: OWNER AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE REMARKS: 11 I 7. Q. Please go to the notes on the right hand side. First note "57 x 5' x 10' cast in place concrete pad for propane with 4 ea bollards" is all this work part of alternate 5? Same question for the stoop A. Yes. 8. Q. Third note down calls for a new fire extinguisher. Are we hanging the extinguisher on a post? Please provide a specification for this extinguisher. A. Fire Extinguisher can be mounted to interior wall of building in a secure fashion. Fire extinguisher to meet Poudre Fire Authority and code minimum requirements Addendum 2 7312 Roselawn Office Building Page 5 of 6 SECTION 00640 CERTIFICATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE 20_ TO: Classic Contractors Inc Gentlemen: You are hereby notified that on the day of , 20_, the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, has accepted the Work completed by Classic Contractors Inc. for the City of Fort Collins project, 7312 Roselawn Office Building. A check is attached hereto in the amount of $ as Final Payment for all Work done, subject to the terms of the Contract Documents which are dated February 1, 2012. In conformance with the Contract Documents for this project, your obligations and guarantees will continue for the specified time from the following date: 20 Sincerely, OWNER: City of Fort Collins By: Title: ATTEST: Title: I 0 I I I I 1 1 1] SECTION 00650 LIEN WAIVER RELEASE (CONTRACTOR) TO: City of Fort Collins, Colorado (OWNER) FROM: Classic Contractors Inc. (CONTRACTOR) PROJECT: 7312 Roselawn Office Building 1. The CONTRACTOR acknowledges having received payment, except retainage from the OWNER for all work, labor, skill and material furnished, delivered and performed by the CONTRACTOR for the OWNER or for anyone in the construction, design, improvement, alteration, addition or repair of the above described project. 2. In consideration of such payment and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, the CONTRACTOR voluntarily waives all rights, claims and liens, including but not limited to, mechanic's liens, Miller Act claims (40 U.S.C.A. 270 a and b), stop notices, equitable liens and labor and material bond rights which the CONTRACTOR may now or may afterward have, claim or assert for all and any work, labor, skill or materials furnished, delivered or performed for the construction, design, improvement, alteration, addition or repair of the above described project, against the OWNER or its officers, agents, employees or assigns, against any fund of or in the possession or control of the OWNER, against the project or against all land and the buildings on and appurtenances to the land improved by the project. 3. The CONTRACTOR affirms that all work, labor and materials, furnished, delivered or performed to or for the construction, design, improvement, alteration, addition or repair of the project were furnished, delivered or performed by the CONTRACTOR or its agents, employees, and servants, or by and through the CONTRACTOR by various Subcontractors or materialmen or their agents, employees and servants and further affirms the same have been paid in full and have released in full any and all existing or possible future mechanic's liens or rights or claims against the project or any funds in the OWNER'S possession or control concerning the project or against the OWNER or its officers, agents, employees or assigns arising out of the project. 4. The CONTRACTOR agrees to defend and hold harmless the OWNER, the lender, if any, and the Surety on the project against and from any claim hereinafter made by the CONTRACTOR'S Subcontractors, materialmen, employees, servants, agents or assigns against the project or against the OWNER or its officers, employees, agents or assigns arising out of the project for all loss, damage and costs, including reasonable attorneys fees, incurred as a result of such claims. ' 5. The parties acknowledge that the description of the project set forth above constitutes and adequate description of the property and improvements to which this Lien Waiver 11 Release pertains. It is further acknowledged that this Lien Waiver Release is for the benefit of and may be relied upon by the OWNER, the lender, if any, and Surety on any labor and material bonds for the project. Signed this day of 20_ CONTRACTOR: Classic Contractors Inc. By: Title: ATTEST: Secretary STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OF LARIMER ) Subscribed and sworn to before,me this day of 20_, by_ Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: Notary Public I II SECTION 00660 CONSENT OF SURETY TO: City of Fort Collins, Colorado (hereinafter referred to as the "OWNER") 1 CONTRACTOR: Classic Contractors Inc. 1 k PROJECT: 7312 Roselawn Office Building CONTRACT DATE: February 1, 2012 In accordance with the provisions of the Contract between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR as indicated above, for 1 on bond of (Surety) hereby approves of the Final Payment to the CONTRACTOR, and agrees that Final Payment to the CONTRACTOR shall not relieve the Surety Company of any of its obligations to the OWNER, as set forth in the said Surety Company's Bond. 1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Surety Company has hereunto set its hand this day of 20 1 (Surety Company) iBy: ATTACH: Power of Attorney and Certificate of Authority of Attorney(s)-in-Fact. 1 1 1 1 i 1 DR 0172 (12/98) COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE DENVER CO 80261 (303) 232-2416 CONTRACTOR APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE Pursuant to Statute Section 39-26.114(1)(a)(XIX) 0 DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE The exemption certificate for which you are applying must be used only for the purpose of purchasing construction and building materials for the exempt project described below. This exemption does not include or apply to the purchase or rental of equipment, supplies, and materials which are purchased, rented, or consumed by the contractor and which do not become part of the structure, highway, road, street, or other public works owned and used by the exempt organization. Any unauthorized use of the exemption certificate will result in revocation of your exemption certificate and other penalties provided by law. A separate certificate is required for each contract. Subcontractors will not be issued Certificates of Exemption by the Department of Revenue. It is the responsibility of the prime contractor to issue certificates to each of the subcontractors. (See reverse side). FAILURE TO ACCURATELY COMPLETE ALL BOXES WILL CAUSE THE APPLICATION TO BE DENIED. Registration/Account No. (to be assigned by DOR) Period 0170-750 (999) $0.00 89 - 'CO.NTRA'CTOR:INFOR`MATION., } e Trade name/DBA: Owner, partner, or corporate name: Mailing address (City, State, Zip): Contact Person E-Mail address: Federal Employers Identification Number: Bid amount for your contract: $ Fax Number. ( ) Business telephone number: ) Colorado withholding tax account number: Copies of contract oragreement pages (Ui) identifying the. contracting parties EXEM PT(ON INFORMATION and (2) containing signatures+of contracting parties must be attached 4 Name of exempt organization (as shown on contract): Exempt organization's number: 98 - Address of exempt organization (City, State, Zip): Principal contact at exempt organization: Principal contact's telephone number: Physical location of project site (give actual address when applicable and Cities and/or County (ies) where project is located) Scheduled Month Day Year Estimated Month Day Year construction start date: completion date: 1 declare under penalty of perjury in the second degree that the statements made in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. Signature of owner, partner or corporate officer: Title of corporate officer: Date: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Special Notice Contractors who have completed this application in the past, please note the following changes in procedure: The Department will no longer issue individual Certificates of exemption to subcontractors. Only prime contractors will receive a Contractor's Exemption Certificate on exempt projects. Upon receipt of the Certificate, the prime contractor should make a copy for each subcontractor involved in the project and complete it by filling in the subcontractor's ' name and address and signing it. The original Certificate should always be retained by the prime contractor. Copies of all I Certificates that the prime contractor issued to subcontractors should be kept at the prime contractor's place of business for a minimum of three years and be available for inspection in the event of an audit. ' Once an 89# has been assigned to you, please use the next five numbers following it for any applications submitted for future projects. This should be your permanent number. For instance, if you were assigned 89-12345-0001, every application submitted thereafter should contain 89-12345 on the application. The succeeding numbers will be issued by the Department of Revenue. DO NOT enter what you believe to be the next in sequence as this may delay processing of your application. I Ij I SECTION 00700 GENERAL CONDITIONS I I rl I I I I I I I I I 11 I I I I 11 GENERAL 0"ITIOINs EMU CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT I These GENERA[.COND'ITIONS -have been develop5d by, using the STAM)ARD,GM\U1, CONDITIONS OF TILE"CONSTRUCTION C6lv7F,V,T prepared by. the Eh&ecrs Joint Conti -act, DOCUMCnts- Committee: F.I(:[)(.* No, 19,10-8 (1".1 Edition), as 4 base. Changers to. lhat document are shown hy undcrlininWtext that hastbom addcd and striking through text that has been deleted: EJCDC GENERAL, comxrms 1910--8 (.1990 EDITION) WITH-CITY,01' F,'OIZTCOLLINS,IVIODfF[CA:PIONS QZ.EV 9/99) I Article or paragraph Number X, 'ritic DEFINIMONIS TABLE OF CONTENTS.OF GENERAL CONDMONS Page Article or.Parngraph Numhcr Number &Titic Lt Addenda .............................................. 1 1.2 Agreement ................­* ...... * ....... *­ .... J 1.3 Application for Payment .............. ........ I i.4 k%bestos ........ ..................................... 1 1.5 Bil.....................................................I 1:6 Bidding Documents.--_...:............ ........k L7 Bidding Requirements,,__, ............... :,;I 1.3 Bonds .................................................1 1-9 Change Order ............. ............ ........ I 1. If) Contract Documents LriContract Price .... ... „............::..:.:.:.:.:.:.1 1.12 Contract Tim es, -----------........:........._:_I 1:13 CONTRACTOR .................................:1 1.14 difective .............................................. I' 1.15 Drawings.......,.,.._.-........_..._ ............ 1.16 Effective Dawof the AgrFpmcnt I 1.17 ENGINEER............ I ...... 1.13 ENGINEER!s Consultarti: ..................... 119 Field Order .--- ............. ................... 1 1.20 ' General Requirements ......................... I 1.2 1 Hazardous Waste:.... I ...... .................... 2 1.22.it Laws:and Regulations', Inivs or Reg lotions. gu ...................................... 2 122-b Legal Holidays.:._ . ............. r .................. 2 ............................. ........ .......... -4 %,filestone ............................................ I 1.25 Notice of Award . ..... 2 1 =6 Notice to Prmeed ...... I ........................... 1 1.27 0 WNTER .............................................2 Lts Partial Utilization ................................ 1 1.29 PCBs ............. 2 1130 Petroleum _:­_!­­� 2 1 ;31 Project .................. ....... ------ .............. I ..I 16 Radioactive Mitcrial ..... .. ............... "I. 1.32.b Regular Working Hours,,,,,,,;,,,,;,,,, ,,, 1.3'3 Resident Project Representative,:,._.,,-' 1.34 Samples ................. ............................. 1*35 Shop Drawings...................................2 L36 Specifications ...................................... 2 137 Subconti-actor ..................................... I 1.38 Substantial Completion... ......... ..." .... I ... 1.39 Supplementary Conditions...., ............ 1.40 1.41 Underground Facilities. _: ---- 2 -3 1.42 Unit Price Work .................. ............. - 3 1.43 Work .................................................. 3 1.44 Work Change Directive. ........ ..- 1.45 Written Amendment ............ ............. :� Page Num ber' PRELMINTARY. 1vlATTERS_.__,_.1 ... ­,­­ ...... 1­3 -A Delivery of Bonds� ............................. J Copies of Docum cats; ........................ 3 1.3 Commmeement,of Contract Timcs; Notice to Proceed 3 2.4 Starting the Work ............ ......... ...... 3 2.5-2.7 Before Starting Ciartstructiom CONTRACTORs Responsibility to Report; Preliminary Scheililes; Delivery of Certificates of Insurance 3-4 2.s Precomtruction Conference: ..... ___4 ?-q Initially Acceptable'Schedules .... CONTRACT DOCLNIENTS! INTENT AMENDING. REUSE------.-...,,..-. 4 11-3.2 Intent ....................................... 74 3.3 Reference to Standards and Speci- fications of Technical Societies; Reporting and Resolving Dis- crepiuu:i6s, ...................... ... ...... iL5 3.4. Intent of Certain Terms or Aqjcctives ...................................... S. 3.5 Amending Contract DGcLments.,-.,, 3,6 Supplementing M)"Atract Documents, .................................. 5 17 Reuse of Documents .................... AVAILABII.Fry, OF LANDS;. SUBSURFACE AIND PHYSICAL CONDITIONS; REFERENCE PO NiTS ............ I ............................3 4.1 Availability of, Lan4_ .................. 5-6' 4,2 Subsurface and Physici I Conditions..... _... _ ............... 4.. * 2. 1 Reports and Drawings ....... ....... 4:2.2 Lirri ited Relirince by CONTRAC- TOR Authorized; Technical Data............................................ 4.2.3 Noticic of Differing Subsurface or Physical Conditions ............ :' 6 4;2.4 FNGT3NFET% Review ....................... 4:15 Possible Contract Documents Change............................. ........... 6 4.16 Possible Price and Times Adjustments ­ ­ ... ;" � _ Z'L­G-7 43 Physical Conditions ­Underground Facilitics........................................ 7 43.1 Shown or Indicated_ ............... ... 7 4.3.2 Not Shown or Indicated.., ........ 7 ---- zJ 4.4 Reference Points, .............. ............... 7 t:JCf)Cf.',L:,'4EUI,ALCONDITION,S 19 1 0-8i 1996 EDI I t0N1 wi OTY OF FORT MLLINSMODIRCATION, (REV1191) I 1 11 11 1 I 11 L t Anialc or Paragraph Number SS l'itle Page Article or Paragraph Number Number s., fitie 4.5 Atbtstns- PCBs, Petroleum, IIazardous.Waste or Radioactive Material .................... 7-8 BONDS -AND INSURANCE .................................. N. 5.1-5.2 Performance; Payment antl Other Bands...............................:..............? ` 5_3 Licensed Sureties and Insurers, Certificates of 5.4 CONTR.ACfOR's Liability insurance.,., ........................ 1.0 ........... 9 5.5 OWVNIR's Liability Insurance:,_,_,_,..,,, 9 5:6 Propertylnsurance, _ 9-10 .5.7 Boiler and Machinery orAddi- tional Property.Insurance........... :...:.l() 5:8 Notice of Cancellation Pralision10 5.9 CO\,FM\CTOR'sResponsibility' for Deductible Amountq„lib 5.16. Other Special Insurance: ......... S.11 Waiver of Rights.....,.,.., ..,11 5.12.5:13 Receipt and Application of Insurance Proceeds • . 10-I1 5.14 .Acceptance of Bunds and [nsu- ante; Option to Replace,,;;,,;;,,,,;,,,,,,;I I, 5,15 Partial Vtihzation-;Property Insurance., ... I .................................. 1• I CONTRAC(OR'S RESPONMILITIES ................11 6,1-6.2 Supervision and Superintendence,,,,,,, 11 0.3-6.5 labor. Materials and Equipment.,, 11-12 6:6 Progress Schedule........... 1..................12 6.7 'Substitutes and "Or -Equal" Items;, CONTRACTORS Expense; Substitute Construction Methods or Proecdurs;. ENCIINEERs Evaluation &M.II Ccncerning'Subcontraclors Suppliers and Others: Waiver -of Rights. .......................... 13-14 6,1`2 Patent Fees and Royalties.............I....1.14 6.13 Perm its ..._.__......:.,: _._..._:._..:.:.......: Id 6,14 Laws and Regulations ..... __.._,._._..__.. 14' 6.15 Taxes...................................._:....14IS' 6.16 Use of Pr miser'.....:......_..._....._.-._.15 6:17 Site Cleanliness 15 6.18 Safe Structural Loading....................15 Loading... 6.19 Record Documents..,.::..- ....:.............. 15 6.20 Safetyand Protection ._,.,,,,;I3-I6 6.21 Safely Representative „.,_;,,,,,;,,,,;, I6 6.2-1 Hazard Communication Programs,,,,,, 16 6.23 Emergencies ..................................... 16 6^4 Shop Drawings and Sam pies.............:16 E'7ge. Number 6.25 Submittal Proceidures; CON- TIMACTOR's Review Prior to Shop Drawing or Sample Submittal ............._..._..:_.. __._. __ 16 G.26 Shop Drawing S: Sample "iuhmit- talsReviev by ENGLLIEER;,,,,.16-17 6.27' '.Responsibility for Variations From Contract Docuiilents;;,:17 6.28 Related Work Performed Prior to ENGUIEF,12's Revicw'and Approval of Required Submittals :..... ......... .-------- ..:.. 6,29 ....:17 Continuing the Work ___. ...... _j7 6.30, CONTRACTORs General Warranty and Guarantee ........... ,:.17 indemnification, ------------- ­­­ _ _17-L8 6.34 Survival of Obligations,;., ..... 11 ...... J8 7. UTIIER.WORK_........ ............... ............ _..:. 15 7.1=7.3 Related Work at Site ......I !......-..1s T4 Coordination.---:,--: _::.::_: •.- 1$ OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES ..........:..............J 8 8.1 Communications to CON- 'rRACTOR ...................:.::...:.:...1 S 8.2 Rzplacementof EN"GWEER, ........... 18 8.3 Furnish Data and Pay Promptly When Due..... .............................. IS 8.4 Lands and Easements;.Reporrs- and •Pests ............. ...„.............. I8-19 83 Insurance.......................................19 'S.6 Change Orders .......... :::........ :.. 19 8.7 Inspections, Tests and Approvals ..... :... ..........:............ ...19 8:4 Stop or Suspend WVork; Terminate r ONEh lC1ORs Services -__.- ,;19 S.9 Limitations on OWNERS Responsibilities ...........................19 8. to Asbestos, PCBs, Petroleum,: Hazardous Waste or Radioactive Material .... ..... ... ...._._ 19 8.11 Evidence of Financal .Arrangements .... .............. _.........'19 ENGINEER'S ST;WTLLS DURING CONSTRUCTION ::........... ....................:..... ......19 9.1 OWVNER's: Representative.......__;., 19 `l2 Visits to Site.:.. �...._......._.:._I9 J.3 Project Representative ............... 19-21 9.4 Clarifications and Interpre= tat ions.........................................21 9.5 Authorized Variations in WWrk,"___21 L;jUDC CLiNLRAL CON61"1-IONS 1910 ASd 1990 MITIOM %Y(CTTY. OF FORT CUi.l.l\5 MODIFICATIONS iRf V 9i991 . § ` /© k J \a 7 § 7 ) ;\a§\� 2)»z Eel \ > / § §^& m \\ j w 0, ;§\m !(!}% �' \\\ / 22 §!j§ qa 7 \§) ! jj\2j 2 *_ )!g )) _ m z 4 o +! `!®®2 §;m$¥ v`! `!) §,, ) §m/ m;, -2 §( f u z m z0w :). /G-] w! /\\ > ƒ j) \%§e= \\§ \{§ })§ )k$ §\) 7 j u02m0 mmA \ § \ k E \\ 7p I Article or Paragraph Page Article or. Paragraph Number 3-Title Number Number &-Titte 9.6 qejectingDefective Work - .......... -1 93-),9 Shop Drawings. Change Orders and Payments :...................................' . -I. . - 9.10 Detcrminaticns for Unit Pric c4.­:- :-21 -22 9'1 1-9A- Decisions on Disputes; E N01- NEER as Initial lntcrprcteS 9.13 .............. Limitations on ENGINEE Rs Authority and Responsibilitics.-.22-23 CHANGPS INTM WORK ...................... ................. 2j M. I bw'NEE(s Ordeied Change................23 10.2 Claim f-or Adjusun cat ..... .......... ,.23 10.3 Work Not Required by Contract Documents ...................................... 23 lt).J Change Orders 23. 10.5 Noti fication of .... ...... --------- 2 3 CHANGE OF CONTRACT PRICE ...... 11.1-11.3 Contract Pride' Claian for Adjustment Value of the Work. 1 L4 Cost or the Work ......................... 11.3 Exclusions to Cost of the'Work,,,,,,,,., 1�5 11.6 CONtRA&MsFce ...... ; ...... :­­ -....25 1.1.7 Cost Records-, ........ ........ .... ­­25-26 1r1.3 Cash Allowances, .............................. .26 I,[ :9 Unit Price Work..._.......................... 26 CHAIWE OF CONTRACT ThMES ............................ 26• 12-1 Claim farAdjustment ........................ M. 1'),3 Time of the Essence, ......................... �6 12.3 Delays Beyond CONTRACTORs Control- ­­: ...... I . . ..... 1; --- ; ... 4. ..... 26-27 1 1-2.4 Delays Beyond OWNIER'sand CONTR.ACTOR:s Control ................27 TESTSAND.INSPECITONS; CORRECTION REMOVAL OR ACCEPTANCE OF DEFECTIVE WORK .......................................... ...... ;77 13.1 Notice of Defects ........................ I ...... 117, 11-2 Access to the Work.---- . ........ ........ �i7 133 Tests:and Insocctions-, CdNITRACTOR's Cooperation;,,,,,,., 27 13.4. OWNEWs Responsibilities', Independent Testing Laboratory....„ r7 133 CONTRACTMs Responsibilities : ................ ...... '7 13.6-)3.7 (f6veriing Work Prior to Inspec- tion, Testing or Approval--.. 13.&U-9 Uncovering Work at LNG I - .Page Num her, N-E,ER*s Request-, .................... 27-28 alo OWNER .\ lay Stop the Work.--. ....... 23 13:1 1 Coriection or Removal of Def9etive Work : ............ ....... 28 13.12 Correction Period M 1113 Accepiance ofDofective Work.; ....... 2S 13:14 OWNER I'vlay Correct Dx(ecfive Work 28.29 PAYAmwvs,ro CONTRACTOR AND CQMPLETION­.­�.. - 79 14. V u Schec I I ....... :. .29 14.2 Application for ProgressPayment ................ : ....... ....... 29 14.3 CON'I'RAcrow, Warranty of Title -e­i'� .... * ... ......... 29 14.4-14.7 kevli , pplicntions,f6r Progress Payments ................. 14.3-14.9 Substantial Completion.,.,,._,,,,. ...... 30 14.10 Partial 14.11 Final Inspectiorl ............................31 31 14.12 Final Applicadonfor Payment ......... 31 14:13-14.14 Final Payment and Acceptance.:-- 31 14.15 Waiver of Cluims., ............. : ­,11732 15; SUSPENSION 0FWORK AND TERMINATION ................................................ .32 I O%VN`ER May Suspend Work .......... 3 2 15.2-13A OWNER may'rerminatc ................ 13- 15.5 CONTPACTOR.May Stop Work or Terminate.,,,;., 16. DISPUT-F RESOLUTION ................ ......... ....... 33' 17. MISCELLANE'OUS .......................... ---------- 3.31 17.1 Giving Notice.,_,,,,.--33 17.2 Ccxaputatian of Times,:,,.,,,,.,.,,,,,.; ,33 17.3 Notice 617 Claim ..............................33 17.4 Cumulative Remedies .....::.:.............33 17.5 Professional Fees and Court Costs Included .. .......................... 33 17.6 Applicable State Laws;,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 33-34 Intentionally left blank ............... 6­ .. .. .. ­ ----- ---- E\'MBIT GC -A: (Optional) Dispute Resolution Agreement ................... 16.1-16.6 Arbitration GC -Al 16.7 Mcdiation-a--, ............. o .......GC -Al LJCDC GENERAL CONVI FIWNSlg W -3 099fl ED11109) wiCITY oF FORT ccit.i.fN'.q,\[O[)IFICA110'4*S(RFV,9i'M) I I 1-1 I I I I I I F1 I I I I I I U I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I I [NDEX TO.GENERAL CONDITIONS. City of Fort Collins fri6difications t6rhe General C:onditicitis of the Cortitruction Contract are not show-n-in this index Article or Paragraph Nitfirri be r Acceptance of - Bonds and lnsumncq: ............... a ................ : ...... 5.14 defective Work ..... ....................... 10.41. 13.5: 13-13 final pyrrent .................. a ................. 12, 14-15 insurance:...............:.....a........... :14. -other Work by CONTRACTOR ..... ....... 7.3 Substitutes and "Or -Equal" j5:7.1 Work by OWNER ............................. _2,5, 6.30. 634 Access to the -- Lands. OWNHP andCON-rRAdwR: responsibilities,. .site: related Work Work . .......................................... 13.2; 1114,149 Acts or Om issions--, Acts and Om issions" coNwR.Aaroiz 6,9:1, 91-31 ENGINEER ....... .......... a ...... ................. 6.20, 9.133 OWNER. .................................................. §:20. 8.9 Addenda -definition of (also see definition of Specifications) ....... (1,6. 1A Additional, Property Lnsuranceq,, ......... I .................. :.. 5.7 Adjustments" ,Contract Price or Contract Times„,-.,..: ................... 1!5; 3.5. 4aE 4.3.1 4J.21 ............................... 4.33, 9.4. 9-5. 10.2-10.4, ............................... :1 ...... 1111,,12, 14.8, ISA progress schedule ........................................ ry.6 Agreement -- definition of ......................................................1 2 "All -Risk" insurance. policy form ........................... 5.6_1 Allowances, Cash ... I ....... a ........................................ 11.3 ,Amending Contract Docurrwntj.... ­,L­_J: ........ 3.5 Amendment. Writ ten-aa in-gencr.A., ..... 10, 1,45, 3.3, 5.10, 5,12, 6.6.2 ......... ().8.2, 6.19, 101, 10.4, 11.2 .... z-a--i !,_ 12.1, 13.12.2, 14.72 Appeal, OWNER or CONTRACTOR intent to.---_ ..................... �. 10, 9.11, 10.4, 16, 2, 16.5 Application for Paymcrn-­­ definition or ............ ENCIDIEFRN R,. ponsibility ............................... �.q final payment,...,.. ........... 9a 114.� 9:113:;'] zI - 12-14.15 ingeneral ......................... 2.9., 15:5 progress- ........ review of,__ ......................... Arbitration Asbestos - claims pursuant thereto ..... 4.5.2, 4.5,3 CONTRACTORauthorized'to stop Work-„_.-,_ 1.52' definitiono( .......................................................1..4 Article or Paragraph Number. OWNER responsibility for .............................. 4.3.1. S. I Lia possible price.and times change ................. 4.5a2 Authorized Variaiions in Work_ ....... 3.6. 6.15, 6.27, 9.5 Availability of Lands...._ 4A.8.4 Award. Notice a.-7! ............ 1.... 1,25 Before Starting Construction ................. a .... a ....... �Iai-2.8 Bid-definitibn of„ .................... IS (1'. 1, 1. 10. 2.3. 3:3, ...... 6.13. 11.4.3: 1 t.9. 1) Biddirig Documents--d4m.ition :of :.:, :..; 16 (6:8:2) Bidding Requir=ePts-definitiori of 1:7 (Li, 4, Z. 6 1) Bondsa- acceptance of... .... -.I., ................. ....... 14 additional bands,-. 10.5.. t [A5.9 Cost of the Work ..................... ... I ... ­ ..11. 5.4 definition of ..... ........ : .............. delivery of ............... .............. ; ............F 1, 5,1 final Application for Payment. - -------- 140-14141 general ...................................... _1,10, 5.1-5.3, 5.13; 9.13: 10.5. 14.7.6 Perliormance. Payment and .. .. . 5-1-5:2 Bonds arid Insur ance-ain general ................................. 5 Builder's risk" all-risk" policy foram .... ..................... 5.61 Cancellation Provisions, Insurince..... ...5.4, 1 .5:8, S.15 Ca%h Allo%%nncc-q Certificate.of Substantial Completion..... 1,38, .............. ......... 14:8, 14.10 Certificates of inspection_.�:9,13.4, 13.5, 14.12 Certi ficites of Insurance, ...... a ..... IV53. 5;4 11, 5,4,1-3, ............... 5.6.5; 5.8, 5. 14, 9.13-4, 14.12 Change in Contract Price -- Cash Alloxvnnc,!s,..-,.,, claim for price adjustment ............. 4A, 4t2.6. 4.5. 5.1.5, 6.8.'. 9A ........ a .......... 9.5. 9. 111 10. 21 V). 5j. 11. 2; 13:9. ........................ 13 ' 13..13:14, 14.7. 15.1. 15.5 CON'rRACTOR's fee ......... ....... ......... 11.6 Cost or the Work general ................................................ 11.4-11.7 Exclusions ...... :;;,;aI___;.;::_:,J 1.5 Cost Recrrls::...::...........:.--`---....:..:.:,._......:_:_a1. 7 in general .............. 1. 19 ' 1-44, 4.1 l,'l 0.4.2, 10.4.3: 11 Lump Surn Pricing...........a .......... .................... 11.32 Notification 6f Surety,_ ........ I., .......... ......... 10.5 Scope of ......... T_ .......... . ................ 10.3-10A Testing and Inspection. Uncoveririg the Work : .......... a ........ ....... 13.9 Lxt:CqENmu,co,,DiTtb,N's 191u-3 o990 rmnom %VI CITY OF FORT COLLNSMODMCA n0Ns t,Rrvwq)!, I I Urit Pricy Work11-9 Article or, Parturraph Num ber Value, of Work .................................................. j 13 Change in Contract Tirnes-, Claim for Limes adjustmcnk ...... ;4,1, 4.2.6. 4.5, 5, 15. 6.3;2; 9.4. 9.5, 9.11. 10.1 10.5; 12.1. ........... 119, 13.13, 13.14,14.7. 15A, 15.5 Contractual Delays beyond CONTRACTOR!., control 113 W- ays beyond OWNER!s and coNrrRAcToRs control., ...... 77­;� ....... ... 12.4 urety ........ Notification of surety-_,_ fo. s Scope of uhan ic .................................... ... 10.3:10.4 Change Orders— Acceptance of DefrMve Work --------------------- 13;.13 Amending Contract Documents .............. ... J-5 Cash Allowancis ''. Change of.Contract Price.....................................I Change of Contract Times 't ....... ....... z .... : ......... Changes in.the Work-: ..... ­­­7" . ....... 7­--' 10 CO,VrRACTORs fee ..... ....... 11.6 W Cost of the Work..... ... 11'.4-11'. 7 Cast Records ;,_.:zI­: I M­'.:­:­':­­ H-.7 dermitign of.: ...... ........... : ...... . .. ................... : ... i-9 emergencies ..................................................... 6. '1' E-INGMERIs responsibility ....... 9.5t, 10.4. 11.2. 111 ekcculion oC .....................................................10.4 Inclemnifictio*rl ......... ............... fi. 12, 6,16, 6.31-6.33. insurance, Bonds and ................... .... 5. 10. SA3, 10:5. OWNM mayderrninatc 15.2- 15.4 OWNER'S Responsibility-_-,,,,,,, 7 ......... ;$:6. 10.4 Physical Conditions-- - Subsurface ancL ..... : ................ ............ Underground Facilities .............. . ............. +12" Record Documents Scope of Change...... 4.,... ...... 10.3-10.4 Substitutes .........................I.............:..... 0.7.3: 6.8..2 Unit Price Work ............................................... 11.9 value or Work, covered by: ................... ........... H.3 Changes in the Work_.---.....-" .... ................... 10 Nrotifimdon of surety .........................................10.5 OWNERs and CONT s respcnsibili ties,- . ........................................ 10.4 ,Right to an adjustment .................... .............. 10.2 Scope of change ........................................ 10.3-10.4 Claims— agai6st CONTRA&OR ....................... .......... 6.16 against E14GMEEIZ --- ; ............. :.;­ 2.. I_: .... againsLOWi,(ER .... ........................................... 6:32 Change 917 ContracL Price ............................ 9.4. 11.2 Change of Contract Times .......................... 9.4, 12.1 CONTP-ACTORs­­­­­4. 7A. 9A 9. 9.11, 10.. ...................... f1,2, 11,9, 12.1. 13.9, 14.8, 15. 1. 15.5. 17.3 CONTPACTOR's Fee Article or Paragraph Number CONM\CTOR!s liability ........... 5A 6A-5 6.16, 6.31 Cost of the Work .1 IA: 11.3 Decisions.on Disputes ............................... 9.11,9.12 Dispute Resolution .... * ............... ................ ........ i 6.1 Dispute Resolution Agreement: ...................16.146.6 ENGINEER as initial ........ 9.11 Lump Sum Pricing.,., ........... ......... ...... 11.3-2 Notice of 17.3' OWNER's .................... 9.4. 9;5, 9.11. 10.2, 11.2, 1 L9 -1 ........ .......... -.12.1. 13.9, 1111.13.11 17.3 OW N,'EFVs liability,.t. 1, 1: .......... �­ -5;5 OWNER may refuse to make payment,......,,„...., 77�i­ 14.7 Professional Fees and Cow Costs I Included request for formal decision on, ..... ...... 9.'ll Substitute Items ............... .................... Time;Extcnsion ....... .......................................... III Tim e requirem ents, ............. :­ ....... value. of ....... :..! ........ ....................... .... .... J.1.3 Waiver of --on Final Pnymeny ............... 14.14, 14.15 Work Change Directive—— ...... 1: ­1 ....... written notice required., ............... ­­:9.11. 11:2, 121.1 Clarifications and Interpretations„.......... 3,6.1'9:4, 9.11 Clean Site ..................... ......................... ....... �'- 17 Codes of Technical Smicty, Organization or Association... Corn mencemcnt of C6ntract Times Communications-- general I .... . ......... ....... 1..".6.-16.9.2, 8.1 Ilazaid Communication Programs,--,,..., ... z,­�,0.22 Complefion-- Final Application for Paymcnl .................. ........ t4,12' Final Inspection.. ­­..................... 14.11 Final Payment and Acceptance ....... ..... - It 4. 13-14.14 'Partiul Utilization, ...........................................14.10 Substantial Completion ........ ............. 1.38. 14.9-14.9 Waiver of Claims ............. i ................... ..... J 4.15. computation of Times ................................ 17.11 .17- 2. Concerning Subcontractors, Suppliers and Others ......................... ........................ AS-6,11 Conferences -- initially acceptable schedules ...... ------ preconstructioR ................................................... 2.8 Contlict, Error, Ambiguity, Discrepancy— C6NTRAGrOR to Report .......... 2:5, 3.3.2 Construction, before starting by CONTRACTOR,,,,,,,, ......... -2.5-2-7 Construction Machinery, Equipment, ........... 6.4 Continuing the Work .................................. ­­6.29. 10.4 Contract Documents -- Amending.......................................................... 11-5 Bonds. .............................................................. 5.1 LICDC (IMNLRAL CONDI HONS 990 E131110K) wl CITY OF FORT ('01.1INSMODIFICATIONS MEV-)MI) I I I I I I I I I 1-1 I J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 I I I I I I Cash Allowances ............................................... I las :article or Paragraph Number -Change of Contract Pricq .............. ................. I I Changer of Contract Times I ChangFs in the Work .. .................. ........ 10.4•10.5 check and verify ............. . ............. .............. 2,5 Clarifications',and Interpretadowk ...... z_j.21 3.6, 9-4, 9. 11 definition of � ­__ ...... ... _.: .... z ...... .... FINIGINM as initial interpreter oC .......... ...... 9.11 ENGINEER as OWNER!s rcprescntativc. ............. -,cncral3 lrtsurancc. ...... ...... ........ 5.3 Intent ..................................... 3.1-3.4 ni inor variations in the Work ................ ........ 3W OWN&s responsibility to furnish data.... ........... U OW�j MR's responsibility to -make prompt payment .................. ......ti3, 14;4, 14.13 precedence . ........................... . .................. 3.1. 3-3.3 Record Dc�umcnts 6. . 19 Reference to Standards and Specifications of Technical Societies,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1. 1 .... I ......... I .... 3,3 Related Work........................................:............Y.'- Reporting and Resolving Discrepancies,,:,,,,, 2.5, 3.3 Reuse....... ...... I ............. 1___ --33 Supplementing ....................... .................................................. - ).6 _1 ds Terminationof mployTnent .......... 9.2 Unit Price Work ...............................................11.9 varintion...........................................3.6, 6;23,6;27 Visits -to Site, ENGINEER's ....................... _ ....... 0 Contract Price - adjustment or ..... 4. 194, 10.3, 11.2-11.3 Change of .... ... 1 I Decision on Dis&cq definition contract Timcs- adjustment of , ........ .. ........... 3.5, 4.1-9.4, 10 3. 12 Change of,,: .......................... ................... 12.1-12.4 Commencement o( ............................ .......... :.....2.3 definition 4.:.:, ; 1; 1.: ; 1'12 CONTRACTOR- Acceptanceof lns6rancc., ......... ......... .......... ­5; 14 Communications - ................. ... j62. 6.9.2 Continue'Work, ......................... ..... 6,29,10.4 coordination and scheduling.,_z .......................6.9.2 definition or ....................................................1. .Limited Reliance on Technical Data Authorized 4. 2'2 .May Stop Work. ,or -Term mate ............. ..15.551 provide siw access to others ......................... 7.2. 13.2 Safetyand Protection ............... :4.3. t.1 6.16, 6. 1 8, ......... q .............. 6;21-623; 1', 134' Shop Drawing and Sample Review Prior. to Submittal........................................6.1s M Stop Work requirements, ..... _ ........... _ ........ : ... 452 CONIT'RAcTows Articlepir Paragraph Number Compensation Continuing obligation .................................... 14-1.1 De ,fective Work ... ............... '9.6. 13.40-13,14 Duty'to correct defective Work ......................... 13. 11 Duty to Report, Changes -in the Work caused by Emergency .......... ................................. Defects in Work of Others . .... .... ............ 1-3 Differin conditions Mg .................... ........... 4 2: , 3 Discrepancy in'DocumenLa., 15, 3.1' . ...... 1 6.14:2 Underground Facilities not indicated ........... 4.3.2 Emergencies _, ......................... ; .......... ............6.23 Hquipment and Machinery Rental. Cost of the Work .....:............:...................:....I1 A.53 Fee, --Cost PILLq 1,4,3-6, 11 J: 1, 11.6 General Warranty and Guarantee,,,,,,,,,,,,,„_..... 6130, Hazard Communication Prqarams. .... ................ 6,22 Indemnification 6.16. 6.31-6.33 Inspection ofthe Work ............................... T3. 13.4 Labor, Materials and Equipment .................... 63-6..5 Ldwsand Regulations, Compliance N. ...... :: .... 6.14.1. Liability Insurance .- ­.­ ........... ­­­_­;­; ...... . 5.4 Notice of Intent to Appeal ..................I......00. 10.4 obligation to perform and complete theWL4k ....................................................6.30 Patent Fecsqnd Royalties, paid for by ................. 6LI2 Performance and Other Bands 5.1 Permits, obtained and paid for. bv....................... 6.13 Progress Schedule,-_:-- 2A 13, 19 6.0, .............. 4 ......... --- T,.29, 104, 15.2:1 Request r6r formal decisionon disputes._„_._.,,,;,, 9,11 Responsibilities -- Changes in the, Work ...... ....... ............. 10. 1 Concernin3,Subcontracturs, Suppliers and Others ................................ : ...... 6.S-611 Continuing the Work ..........................6.29. 10.4 CONTRAcTOR's expense ....... ....... CONTRACTORS General Warranty ,and Guarantce ........................... ­­ ...... 630 CONITRACTORs review prior to Shop Drawing or Sample submittal ................. 6'r25 Coordination o[Work 6.92 Emergencies., .............................................. 6.23 E3NiGrNT-E-R!s evaluation, S61:stitutes or "Or -Equal" Items....._ ....... ...... __-6.7.3 For Acts.and Omissions of Others ........ .................... 6.0-6.9.2. 9_13 fee deductible am ourtls,insurance._. ........... ::5.o general ........................................ 0,'7.2, 7.3. S.9 Hazardous Communication Provrtuns:,,. _.7,6.22 Indemnification ................................... 6.31-6,33 rJC'I)C GrNBULL CONDMONS 1910-S (19VO ELATIOM wICITY. OF FORT c.RrIvq!q,)j I Labor, ' Materials and Equipment ..............5 3-6. 5. Laws and Regulations_ 6.14 Liability Insurance... .................... ; ....... 1 ......... 5.4 Article or Paragraph Number Notice of variation from Contract .Documents....... . .................................. 6. 27 patent Fees and Royalties 612 Perm its.,.,. 1 :­­ 13 Progress Schedulc­­ ..... .................... 26,6 Record Documents 6.19 i elated Work- perfoartiLd prior to ENGINTERs approval or required submittals..,,-,., ............. T­1.1-zfi18 safe structural loading„ ........................ ...... 0.18 Safety and Protection....................G.20,7.2. 13.2, Safety Reprcsentati , ve' ..... -.1- .... I .......... *Scheduling the Work,, ... ....... ­ - 1. . ..... --.6.9.2- Shop Drawings and Samples ...................... ­§, 224 Shop Druwings.and Samples Review by ENGNEER............................... . 7;-,6.226� Site Cleanliness ........... 7­­­ .... jG- 17 Submittal Procedures ...................................6.5 Substitute Construction Methods. and Procedures 6.7.2 Substitute-, and "Or -Equal* Items................6.7.1 S.Uperintendenc5........................................... 6'2 Supervision ............... ............................ ...... (i. I Survival of 06ligations ................................6.34 Taxes ................................ 6. 15 Testa and Inspections-„-__,-. ........... ...... ...... Eli ToReport ...................................................... I.S. Use of Premises '­ ....... ;.1 ....... ;6.16-6.18, Review Prior to Shop Drawing or Sample Submittal ................ ; .... I ............. I .... A25 Right to ndjustincrt for changes in the Work.,_„ 10.2 right to claim....._...__-, 7-1, 9.4, 9.5. 9,1 1, 10.1 11.1-1 1-11:9-12.1. 13.9. 14.8, 15.1. 15.5, 17.3 Safety and Protection ............... ­6.20-6.22, 7.2, 13.2 Safety Representative ............ *"'* ....... ­ ...... ......6.21 '­ 621 Shop Drawings and Samples Submittals .... 6.114-6.219 Special Consultants---.:_:.._..__:_._.............__ 11.4.4 Substitute Construction Method& and Procedurcsfij Substitutes an&'Or-Equal" Items, Expensc.......................................... . 6 .7,1, 6:7.2 Subcontractors. Suppliers an Lher, .1 ........... j6.8-6-11 Supervisi6n and Superintendence ......... 6A. 6.2, 6,21 Taxes, Paymeru. by ............................ ; .............. tU S Use of Premises J.16-6.18 Warranties and guarantees,-,, ..................... 0.5.630 Warranty of'ritle.............................................. 14-3 Written Notice Rtqdirede- 00NTRt%CT0R-stqp Work or terminate.,.,,,,, I i.5 Reports of Differing Subsurface and Physical Conditions ....................... 4.2.3 Substantial Completion ........................ I ....... 14.S %M CONT RACTOP S --other ......................... I....................7 Contractual Liability Insurance_- ....... .......... Contractual Time Limits...... ........................ 1'2.2 Article or Paragraph Numwr Coordination- 001%Tf RACTOR!s responsibility .................. ..... §.9.1 Copies of Documents ................................................ 2:2, Correction Period... ....... ......... Correction. Removal or Acceptance of Defective Work.. in general .............................. IU:4.1, 13.10-13.14 Acceptance of Defective-Wdrk ......... ................. 1113 Correction or Removal of Defective Work ......... : ....... I...............6.30, 131.11 Corfectioti Period 4 13.12 OWNER May Correct Defechw, Work ............ 13.14 OWNER May Stop Work ................. 113; 10 Cost- of'rest3 and inspections......-„-„ ...... .............. -.13.-V Records 113 Cost of the Work - Bonds and insurance, additional ................... j I A.S.9 Cash Discounts ................ j 1.4.2 Fee...... 1.6 Employee Expenses ................. Exclusions,uj. ............. ...................................... 11.5 General 11.4-11:5 Home office,and ov6rhead expense* ............ ....... I L5 Losses and damages ..................................... 11.43.6 Materials and cquipmcni ...... I ................... I ...... I L4.2 Minor expenses ............................................ Payroll costs on changes..... .... ...... -1- ..... 11.4.1 performed by Subcontractors .......:.:.:..::.:........A l-4-3 Records 113 Rentals of construction equipment and machinery,,.-.-, ........... ............... 11-4.5.3 7-7- Royalty . payments: permits and license femk., ............ b ................. I ...... Site office and temporary fi,cilhie§ ................ I 1.4-i - Special Consultants, CONTRACTOR.'s ............. 11.4.4 'Supplemental ........... :­­ ------- ­ ................. .... 11.415, Taxes related to the Work ... .......................... Tests and Inspection ...... .......................... ........ j 3.4 Trade Discounts ........................ 11.4.2 Utilities; fuel and sanitary facilities, .............. j 1.45.7 Work after regular hours, ................................ 11-43 Covering Work ............ ; ............ : ..................... cumulative RcfiicdicI ........ Cutting, Fitting and raiLching ...... :--: ... 1-1: --- A-.1 --- : ..... 7.2 Data, to be fidniisfied by OWNER .................... .......... 8,3' Dayw-definition of ...................................... ....... -17,2.2 Decisions on Disputes ......................I............. 9411. 9.12 defective -definition of ...... ...... 1.­.: ......... j.14 defevtive Work - Acceptance or ......................................10.4.1, 13.13 EX0C GENERA. CONVI FIONS 191 (1 -8 (1990 ED] 110M W CITY OF FORT C.-ULLINS N (0 D1 FICAITONS (.REV')!9')) I I I I I I Ll I 11 L I I I I I I I I Corruction-or Removal of; 10.4.1, 13.11 Correction Period;.:.-_........... J3.12 in "encral ...... .....................13, 14.7. 14-11 Article or Paragraph Number Observation by FNUtN1HFR ............ ....... ............. 9.2 OWNER ivtay*'Stop Work .................................1110 Prompt Notice of Defects ...................................13.1 ...... :9,6 Uncovering the Work:......:-- ........ z; ---- - --- :1--1 1378 Definitions ............................. .................. -­­ ....... I. Delays ......................................, 12.3-1-14 Delivery of Bonds .... ..................7.... ... Delivery of certificates ounsurimce ...... ...... . -2.7 Determinations for Unit Price* ....... .......... I ... I I .... 1.9.10 .Differing Subsurface or Physical Conditions Notice 0( --.: :- ;-4.13 ENG MIER's Review., .......... ; ........... ; .......... ... 4-2A Possible Contract Documents Changq ............... 4.15 Possible Price and Times Adjustments .............. 4.16 Discrepancies -Reporting and Resolving-,,;.._„ -- 15, 3.3.16, t4.2' Dispute Resolution - Agreement, .... ............................ -;.J6.1-16.6 Arbitration 16.1-16-5 generaII6 Mediation.........................................................16.6 Dispute Resolution Agreement .......... ......... �1�6.1-16.6, Disputes, Decisions by ENGINE FR ............ ...... M 1-9:12 Documents -- Copies of„- 12 Record6.19 Reuse of_................. ---3 7 Drawingsi--definition of,,- ... ....... 1415 Easements pl :AI Effective date of Agreement'- deFiftition Qf ............. J,16 Emergencies, ... ...............................I....... ENGINEER - as initial interpreter an disputes,;,,,,,;,,,,,,, 9.1 1-9; 12 definition Eimitations on authority and Replacement oE --------------------------------- :1 ................. 8.2 Resident Project Representative. ......................... �9;3 ENIGI-NEER!s Consultant -- definition of LIS ENGl.NEER!s-- authorityand responsibility, limitations on ........ 9.13 Authorized Variations in.the Work .................... 9. i Change Orders, responsibility for...' ..... 9.7, 10, 11, 1' Clarifications and Interpretations .......... ­­3.6,3, 9.4 Decisions on Disputes_. ........ L; ­9. 11 -9. 12 defective Work, notice of ......................... ­­ ... ­13-1 Evaluation of Substitute Items .......................... fi. 73 Liability... ................... ! ........ ........... Notice Work is Acceptable,--- ..... Observations OWINER's Representative; ....... I ........ 9,1 Payments to the CON`17RACTOR,. Responsibility for............_ : ...... 14 Recommendation of Payment.. 1413 Article or Paragraph N . rumber Responsibilities --Limitations Lin ........... .1, ... F9.11,01 13 Review of Reports on Diffiering Subsurface and Physical Condit A.2-4 Shoo Drawings wings and Saniples. review ......... ....... ......... ...... A,26 : Status During Construction-- authorized variations in the Work ........ 9.5 Clarifications and 9.4 Decisions.on Disputes„_........ 9. 1 J-9J 21 Determinations on Unit 10 ENGINEER. as Initial Interpreter_— ..... 9.11-9:122 ENG(NEEKs Responsibilities ............ 9.1-9.11- I.imi6tions on ENGINFERs Aorhority and Responsibilities............... ........ OWNER'S Representative,,,,,,..,,,. 11-9; 1 Project Representative ........ Rejecting Defivaive Work .............................. 9.6 Shop Drawings, Change Orders and Payments.-., ...... - ......... 1 ... :-6:-0-9.9 Visits to Site..:..:.:._ : ........... -1 ........ -------- �.l Unit Price dctermihaticm5 9:10 Visits to Site 9.2 Written consent required .............................. 7.2. 9.1 Equipment, Labor, Materials and ......................... q. 3H5:5 Equipment rental, C6st of the Work., .......... ...... 111,4.3-3 Equivalent Nlaterials and Equipmenk ...................... J.7 error or am issions Evidence of Financial Arrangements, Explorations of physical conditions .............. M ......... 4.2-1 Fee, CONTRACTORs-Coits Plus ............................11.6 Field Order - definition of 1. 19 issued by ENGINEER, ...................... 3.6. L'9.5 Final Applica Lion for Paymen; ............... : ... I ... I ... -.. 14,1 -1 Final [rispectiorl .... ...... ; ................... ............... J4.11 Finit'Payment- and acceptance'.......................... ­ ........ IA.13-14,14 Prior to, for cash all6mrices 11-8 General Provisions .... : .. .. .. ......... ­­­­ ... [73-17:4 General Requirements - definition of ................................................... principal references to ............. 2.6. 6.4. 6.6-67, 6.24 Giving Notice. - -1. --- ----- ----------- w---, ... 1; ... .... 11.1 Guarantee of Work -by CONTRACTOR ...... :jS.30, 14.12 Hiznrd Communication Pr6gram.� .............. ............ 6-22 .Hazardous Waste - definition o( 1,21 general ..... ------- ................ OWNER's responsibility, fur .......................... .... 810 E)CDC GENMU. COND11-101N.51910-3 h970 MITION) WCITY OF FORT COUIN- MODIFICATIONS 4AF.V9Y99] I indemnification ............ ................. 6.. I 2 6.16, 6:3M33 Initially Acceptable Schedules .... .... ...... ------ 7.9 Inspection-- Cerdlicates 13.5, 14.12 Final........................................................... 14.1.1 Article or Parigitafibi iNumber Special, required byLNIGINEER ......................... 9.6 Tests and 13,343.4 Insurance.. Ac6cptancc of, by OWNIER ........................ ....... 5. w Additional. rcquircd by changes in the Work Before starting thz 1Vork........................q:,,:_.....).7 Bonds and --in -eneraf ...­­­­ ..............................3. Cancellation Provisions _,.............................. 5.8 Certificates of ------------ 2,7, 5, 5:3, SA. 11. :5.4.13, ........... ; ........... 5A5,3-S. 5.14, 9.13.4; 14,12 completed operations ...................... ................ 5.4.13 CONTRACTORS Liability ............... 5,4 .......... CONTPACTORs objection to coverage .... : ;:_ __ t.5.14 Contrietual Liability_ ... _ ................... :_;__54. 10 deductible amounts, COINITKACTORs responsibility ................................................ 5:9 Final Application for Payment .......... I., .... z --- ;:_.A4A2 Licensed Insurers .................... .... .3 Notice requirements. material changes... ... 1.5.9, lots Option to Replace.. I ........................................... -5,14- other special insurances ... I ......... I ....................... 5.10 . OWNER as fiduciary for insureds,,,,,,,,,,,,,, j.12-5.13 OWNFWs Liability_ ..................... * .... * ­ ..... ... * ... 3-5. OWNERs Responsibility .................. ..... o ........... 8.5 Partial Utilization. Property Insurance, ...... Property: ............... :__;: ............. Receipt and Application of Insurance Proceeds, ............................................. i.12-5.13 Special Insurance:.,_..,-..--_,.,.. ,......... I ..... . 510 Waiver of Rights ............ ...... Intent of Contruci Document ................................ 31.1-3.4 Interpretaiionsand , Clarificatini.s., ..................... 3.6.3. 9.4t Investigations of physicakonditionA ....... ....... 4.2 Labor. Materiali; and Equipment .............. ...... -6.3-6_5� Lands-- andEasements ........ . ......................................... 3.4 Availability. of......._...._............................ 4- 1' 8.4 Reports and Test%: ............................. __ ... ....... :.$.4 Laws and Regulations --Laws or Regulations. - Bonds......................................... Changes in the Work... ................ Contract Documents_:..::::...................... ........... ;1.1 ID . CNTRACTOR's Responsibilities ..................... 6-14 Correction PeriodA ective Work ........ ........... 131) Cost of the Work, wes............................... . IIA'5.4 definition of ............. wl. gencrald 14 Indmitification ........................................ (5.31-6.33 Insurance .Precedence:._.1. 3.3.3 Reference to .............. __ 13. 1 Safety and Protection.-,......,_,,,;_:.:.z; ........ 6.20, 113 Subcontractors. Suppliers and Other!I ........... 6.8-6.11 Article or Paragraph Number Tests and Inspectioris... .......................... ; ..... 13. i Use of Premises..,___ ...... _,,_ .................... _§, 16 Visits to Site.......-- - Liability Insurance-. CONTRACTOR!s............................................... . 5.4 OWNER'S 5;5 Licensed Sureties and Insurers . ........... ............. 5.3 Liens -- Application for Progress Payment --- ............ ... :J4.2- COIlTP_AcTOR,s WarrantycifTitle .................... 14.3, Final Application for Payntient, ............. : ........... 14- 1'2 definition ...... ­ 1. 1 .... I ....... I .............. I........, 1.23 Waiver ' ofclaims._: ...... ............................. i4' is Limitations on ENGINEER's authority and iesponsibilities_­,.,­, ---- ------- :-9.13 Lim iced Reliance by CONTRACTOR .Authorized ........ ............ . ................................ 4:2.2 Maintenance and Operating Manuals -- Final AppliLation foi Payment... ............... 11 ...... 14.12, Manuals (of others`) -- Precedence ......... * .......... 3.3.3; 1 Reference tQ'In Contract DfxumcnLj ................... 3.3.1 Materials and equipment-- burnishcd by coNTPA(7roR ... ........................... 6:3 not incorporated in Work.,,,,,,,,.......................„ 14.2' Muterials.or equipmentm-e 6.7 Mediation (Optional),-, ....... Milestones --definition of,; ..................................... J.2-V \,fisoMancous- Computation of'rimes............. ........................... 17-2 Cumulative Giving Notice....................................................17.1 Notice or claim .................................................17.3 Prbrc�Aonal Fees and Court Costs Included ......... 17.5 Multi -prime contracts ---- ...... ...... ­:.. _3 Not shoum or Indicated .......... .............................. 4.3:2 Notice of -- .Acceptability of Project .................................... 14. IJ Award, definition ....... ............ :­.L2i Claim............................. ! .............................. 17.3 Defects.13.1 DifYcring Subsurface or Physical Conditions;,,_, 4.2.3 Givinl, ...... 11- ......... .. ;­-1.1-1-1-1 ..... ­­_ATI Tests and Inspections ......................................... 13:3 Variation, Ship Drawing and Simple .................6. 1-7 i\Tozica to Proceed - definition of ...... ................................ .............. Iz26 givingof............................................................2.3 EJCOC GLN`E'_AL CONDITIONS IONS 1910-511990 EDITIOer) w/ CITY OF FORT COI.m;s MODIFICATIONS (REV W01)) 11 I Noti Cwation to .1itirety ......... ............ ....... ............. bhmrutions, by ENGINIFFIZ: 9.2 Occupancy of the Work...... I ........... 5:15_6.30.2A 14.10 Omissions. or acts by CON'FRACTOR,, .... 9:13 Open Peril policy Corm, Insurance........, q.6.2 Option to Replace :...........................I—................... Ii. 14 Anide or Paragraph Or Equal' Items ......................................................6.7 Other work 7 Overtime Work --prohibition o(. --- I ........... 6.3 Acceptance of defectiv,,Mfork.. ....... _ ...............13.13 1 appoint an ENGINEER ......... ..... 8. 2 as fiduciary .................... ................ Availability of Lands; responsibility ............ - 5.12.5,13 ....... 4.1 definition of .................................... .... j,27 data, furnish ........... ....... --------- 9.3 tMay Correct Defective Workot­:. ...... I.; ....... jj;1,V- Imay, FeAawto make payment, ............................. IAT May Stop the Work ....................... ........... 13. IQ May Suspend Work, Terminate 13.10. 15;1-15.4 P aymicrit, make prompt. ............. ...... �3, performanu., of other work .................................. 14A, 14,13 7.1 permits and licenses, requirements-_ .... purchased insurance requirements,;,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5.6-5'1 OWNER!s- Acceptance of the -Work ............. ......... ...... ,Change Orders, obligation to exceute ... ...... ;8.6, 1 0A Communications 8.1 Coordination of the Work7.4 .......... 1. ...... Disputes; request for decision ... ....................... I I Inspections, tests and appruvaIs,.,,_. ...... ... J.T 13:4 LiabilityInsurance._­,.. Notice of Defects RcprcsenuiriJe_During Construction, FNIGENI-il4s Status 9,1 Responsibilities— Asbestos, PCBs, Petroleum, Hazardous Waste or Ra(hoactive.Malerial 8 10 Change Orders,.., ....... : ............ ............. .... 8.6 Changes in the"Work ......... ;:10. 1 communications._.._ ?A CONTRAaOR's responsibiliLiesi... ...............8.9 evidence of financial urrangcmcrrt} .... . ..... _ �.'l I inspections, tests and approvals:,__,...,,.,_,,,,,, 83 insurance .................... .......... ?.5 lands and casemeniA. 8.4 prompt payment by ......... ............ . 8.3' replacemento[EN EEP ...... ............... �.2 reports and tests .. .... * ...... ...... * ......... . NA stop or suspend .............. 5.8, 13.10, f5.1 terminate CONTRACTORs services 9.R. I i.2 separate reprdsenta6ve at site._ .........................9.3 I I testing, independent,,,,-....,. use -or occupancy oftheWork-_ ___ . ..... written consent or appinval required ......................... 13.4 IS 6.30.14. 14.10 ........ ­.9. 1 � E)CDC UENMNLCONDI ROMS 19M-3 i1990 EDIT10,11 ry.'OTY OFTORT COLLINS MorjJF1CAn0NS(.RF.V9i99j I Article or. Paragraph Number written notice required„ ........... ........ 7.1,9 - 4 ' (,:k H, '* ................................. 11.12, 11.9. 14:7: LiA PCBs -- definition ot ----------------- -- ........ I ------ L29 general.................. .................. ......... ..... :.4,5 OWINEWs responsibility (or ........................ ...... ,$.10 Partial Utilization - definition 0(,.,, :1.28 genera1610.2.4, 1.4.10 Property Insurance.._........._ ............................... 5113 Patent,FeCS and Royalties....... ............................. - -6. 12 Payment Bonds.....__ .............................. __ .......... 5. 1-5,2 Payments, Rtcommendatian of .............. 14.4.14-7; 1403 Payments to CONTRACTOR and Completion -- Application for ProgressPayments ............... ; ...... J 4.2 cot,lTkACTOR's Wmanty of'ritle ...... ..... __- ' 14.3 Final Application for.Payment .......................... 14-12 Final Inspection ............................................... 114. 11 Final Payment and Acccptance. ............... 14.13-4 4. 1'4 general ........................ ................ 3. 14 Partial.Utilization,_ ---- 2-- ---- 7--: .... :_ --- 14-10 Retainage.... ........ ............................................ 14 2 Review uf Ap'plicifionS for Progress Payments ,,_., ...... I,_ ............ 1.14.414.7 prompt payment, .... ....................... ;_-_18.3 Schedule of Values .............................................1.4. t Substantial Completion;-,,,_..._...... _14.8-14.9, Waiver of Claims ... 14.15 when payments due ................................. 144, 14.13 withholding payment .... I ...... I ...... I ... I ... ...... -.' '14-7 Performance Bonds .................................... ........ i. 1 -5.2 Permits .................. ...0, 13 Petroleum - definition of IAO general............................................................. .4.5 OWINEWs responsibility feu„............... .Physical Conditions - Drawings of, in -or relating tQ ......................... 4-11-1 FNIGMER's review ......................................... 4.2.4 existing structur6s... --- I --------- - : ........... general4,21.2 ...................................... ........ ... ..... Notice of Differing Subsurface_ or.....................4.2.3 Possible Contract Documents Chang ..... ....... r1.2.5 Possible Price arid Times Adjustment;,,,,,,,, ;43.6- Reports and Drawings ...................... ........ ...... -Subsurfaceand........._......................._... ........ Subsurface Conditions ... . ...... ....... ... 4. 11. 1 Technical Data. Limited. Reliance by CONTRACTOR Authorized Underground Facilities -- general.............................................................3 Not Shown or Indicated ......... _,; ...... :T --- 7_ 4.3.1 Protection a( 4-1,6.7-0 Ka Article or Paragraph Mum her Shown or Indicated-,..., .... ........ * 4.3.1 Technical Data ................................................ 4.2 ' - Prcoonstruction, Conference,-,,,.„ ............... : ............... 2.8 Preliminary Marters_......... -- --------- I .......... Preliainary Schedules ...............................I...............2.6 Premises, Use of ............................................. .................. 6.16-6.18 Price, Change .................... .... I I Price, Convaict-dcrinition ..... ;.; ......... 111 Progress Payment, Applications for_ _ .................... _ 14.2 Progress Paymcnt,-,rctainaaq_ ............................ __ 14.2 Progress schedule, CONTRACTOWs.............2.6, 2. 8; *2.9, 6.6, 6;29l. 10.4. 1 i;2.1 Project -definition of'111-11- ... !-JAI Project Representative- ENGINEER!s Status During Construction ......... ' 9.3 Project Representative, Resident --definition of,.,,,.,_ - J.33, prompt payment by C)W\,rFk .... ......... ; .......... ..&� 3 Property I nsurtmce-- Additional ...................................... ............. --5.7 general5.6-5. 10 Partial Utilization-.- 14.10.2 receipt and application of proceeds ............. 5.12-5; U Protection, Safety and .............................. 0;20-&21. 1312 Punch list ........ Radioactive Nlaterial- defintion of .. ..................................................... 1.32 generaW.5 OkV?*.,*R's responsibility far.,....._ ...................... K 10. Recommendation or Paym ent .................. 14.4, 14.5; 14,13 Record Documents, .............................. 6:19. 14.12' Records, procedures for maintaining .......................... 2. S8 Reference Points ....... i_-,: .... _-- ........... - ............. , 4:4 Reference to S tandardi and Specifications of Technical Societies, ............. ... ...0. 1 ..... ..; ........ 13.3 Regulations, Laws and(or ' ) ............................. ......... 6.14 Rejecting Qeftctive Itiork ---------------- - --------- I ... ......... 9.6 Related Work - a, Site ............................... : ........................ 7,1-7.3, Perrormed prior to Shop Drawings and Samples submittals review .................... d: 218 Remedies, cumulative_-:.------..:. ----- -- .... J14, 17.5 Rcffio%ial or Correction ofD.?Jrctiva Wark. .............. �I rental agreements, OWNER approval required .... 11,45.3 replacement of EINGLNEER, by OWNER-_ .................8:2 Reporting and Resolving Discrepancies ................................. 2.5, 3.3.2, 6.14',2 Reports - and Drawings----_ ................. : ------- - ............... 4.2:1 and tests, OVV'NWs respoftsibiliiy__,_ ...... 5:4 Resident and Project Representative - definition of .................... 1.33 provisionCor ................. ................. ......................... 9.3 L'JCL)C GENERAL CONDITIONS 1910-8 ti990 E01110N) NYJ OTYCF FORr c-cii.mNSMUDIFICATIONS (R2V'M1)) I d I I I I I I I I J I I 11 I F 11 Article or Paragraph Num ber -Mident Superintendent, C.ONTRACTOWs ....... _:_zz62 Responsibilities-- CONTMACTOR's-in general ................................. ; 6 ENGINEERs-in general ........................................ 9 Limitations on 9:13 OWMiRs-in ...... Retainage ........ :.: ...... ............... ...... P:2 lZeuse of Docum ' ents ...................... ................ 3,7 Review by CONTRACTOR: Shop Drawings and Samples Prior to Submittal:....-., ...... ....... ­:5.25 Review of Applications for Progress Payments ..................................... 14.4-14.7 Right to an adjustment, ..... I.- ............................. Rights of way------..----- ....... ............ Roynitics, Patent Fees and...: ... ;;.: ................ ; ........ 15.12 .Safe Structural Loading ........ ......... .......... 18 Safety -- and Protection., ... ........ 4.3.1, 6.16, 6.'18, general ............. ................................. 0.20-6;23. RcpresentaLi"Ve, CONTMCTOWS.: .................... k)'2 I Samples— dcrmition of general ..................................................... §.24-6_28 Review by CONTRNCTOR ................................ 6.25 Review, by FNGI NFER'. .............................. qzM, 6.27 related Work submittal of 6 14.2 submittal procedures ....................... ........ ; ......... §. 25 Schedule of progress .... 16.2.8 -2:9, &E ........ ...... t:_.1.6.29, 10.4, 152-1 Schedule of Shop Drawing,ind Sample Submittals 7,.6. -1:3-2,9, 6.14-4:28 Schedule of Values ................... 2.8-2-9, 14.1 Schedules. - Adherence to .................. 15: 1_ I Adjusting., ......................................................... §.6 Change of Contract Timcw, ............. .............. 10-4 Initially Acceptable........_ .......... ------------ :_._2-8, 2 9 Preliminary........................................................ ?:6 Scope of Changes, ...................................... 10.3-10.4 Subsurface Conditions....._ ............ ......... ....... 4.2-1:1 Shop -Drawings -- and Samples, general: ...................... ...... 6.24-6,28 Change Orders & Applications for Payments; and._ .:..... ; ...... ------ 9.7-9.9 defmition o(.____­,W.6 411_11; : ENG[`NPER's approval of .................................. 16.2 ENGENEEWs responsibility for review ............................ : ......... 9,7,6 428 related review procedures.. ............................... 2.1,; 6.24-6:28' Article. or.Paragraph Number submittalrequired .................... __ .................... _.24.1 Submittal Procedures ............. 6:25 use to approVe subsutution,s,,­.,­ Shown or Indicated �1,11 Site Access 7.2. 13.2 Site Cleanliness 0.17, Site, Visits I ' 0 by ENGDJEER ............... 13.2 by others ........................ _.. .................... ...........13,22 .special caUS,s of loss" policy farm. insurance ___5:6.2 definition of 136 Specifications— , definition of... ............ .......... .......... ........ J, 36 of:rcchnical Societies. reference to, 33, i precedence ... ....... ...;: ...... ......... Standards and Specifications of'rechnical Societies,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 33 Starting Construction. Before ... .............. 15-2.8 Starting the W6rk ......... Stop or Suspend end Work-- - by CONTRACTOR .......... .............. ...... 15. 5 by ----_------ - 8.8, 13. 10, 15.1 Storage of materials and equipment, ...... z ...... ...... 4.1,7.2 Structural Loading, Safety ....................................... 6.13 Subuoniractor— Concerning ............................ ................... 6.8-6.11 definitionof, ............................ ....................... j.37 deI ivs ............ ................ ............ _._ ....... I ..... 113 waiver ofrights ................................................6.11 Subeuntructurs.-in 6,8-6.11 Subcontracts. -required proiisioP.S, 11. 6 11. 11.4.3 Subm ittals— Applioations for Payment ............................ ..... 14.2 ?O.iintenance. and Opmtian Manuals ....... ... ... WW2 Procedures ............. ; 6.25 Progress Schedules 2.6. 2.9 Samples ................................................... 6.24-6:28 Schedulc.or Values ................. .............. 14., F Schedule of Shop Dmwings and Samples Subm issions 2:6,,2.8-2.9 Shop Drawingsngq ......................................... 6 1 .24-6.23 Substaritial,Completion— certificationji(.,, ...... 6.30_2.3, 14.8-14.9 definition of. .......................... ......................... 138 Substitute Construction Tvbedtbds or Procedures 6.7.2 Substitutes and "Or Equal"Items 6.7 CONTR.ACTQR!s Expense,-. I ......... 7.1.3 ENGINEER's Evaluation .,., ....... :.1 ........ A 773 "Or-Equal.................................................. S6bstitute Construction Methods 15JCDCrENMkLCOND111ON5 1910.811990 MIMS) IVI CITY OF FORT (Rr.V 91991 I I City of F6rt Cdlimns Purchasing ADDENDUM No. 1 SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Description of BID 7312: Roselawn Office Building OPENING DATE: 3:00 PM (Our Clock) January 9, 2012 Financial Services Purchasing Division 215 N. Mason St. 2n° Floor PO Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522 970.221.6775 970.221.6707 fcgov. corn/purchasing To all prospective bidders under the specifications and contract documents described above, the following changes/additions are hereby made as follows: • The Bid Opening date has been changed to January 9, 2012 — 3:00 P.M. (our clock) General Notes • Bidding contractors shall allow for use of NM Cable (with separate ground wire) for the wiring methods inside the pre -fabricated building. Utilize only Copper NM Cable inside the building. Aluminum NM Cable shall not be allowed. Insulation rated for interior application. All exterior wiring shall be installed in EMT, GRC or PVC as applicable to the specific installation. Insulation shall be rated for exterior application. • Contractor to provide conduit stub -ups in the wall to the attic space for future data work. Locations of data to be per drawings. Bidder to provide jet -line in stub -ups for future use. • Each bathroom to receive a ventilation fan, ducted to the outside. • Design -build ducted system to accommodate all rooms with heat and A/C. Condenser location TBD. System requires a minimum of two ducted returns: 1 - in the conference room and 1 — in the hallway area. • Existing phone line located at Southeast corner of existing on -site building. Contractor to tie-in per drawings at this location. AND the following sections of this addendum are hereby added: Exhibit 1 — Questions & Answers Exhibit 2 — Revised Drawing Sheet A104 Please contact John Stephen, CPPO, LEED AP, Senior Buyer, Buyer at (970) 221-6777 with any questions regarding this addendum. RECEIPT OF THIS ADDENDUM MUST STATEMENT ENCLOSED WITH THE ADDENDUM HAS BEEN RECEIVED. Addendum 1 — Roselawn Office Building BE ACKNOWLEDGED BY A WRITTEN BID/QUOTE STATING THAT THIS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 1 of 7 ' 1 I Article or Paragraph Nurn tier or Pro6eckvcs 7.2, Substitute Rents_-.--_.--. Subsurface and Physical Conditions-- Drawings of. in or rclatng to ......................... ENGINEER's Review : ; 4-2;4 general.:.:...... -- --------- ............. iv ....... Limited Reliance by CONTRACTOR Auth6rizc*d ........... ....................................... 4.2.2 . Notice of Differing Subsurface or Physical Conditions .............. 7 ... ... Z :'�4.2-3 Physical Conditions:....._..j ................. 11.2 Possible Contract Dotumcnts Change ............... 4;2.5. Posisible'Price andtimes Adjustments ................ 4.2.6. Reports and Drawings ... ...... _ 1: --- I., --- .......... ... 4.2.1 Subsurface arat ... ;.; ....... ............. : .......... ; ... ; ........ 4�2 Subsurface Conditions at, the Site .................... 4.2.1-1 Technical Data ........... ............. _J2.1 Supervision— OWNER shall notsupervise ........ ...... ................ ENGINEER shall not supervise ................ 9_1 9.13.2 Superintendence, ........ ............. : ............. 6:2 Supuinwndent,* CONTRACTOR!s rcsidenk.,_... ........... �,2 Supplemental costs ........... . ­* ......... *'*'* ....... 11.4.5 Supplementary Conditions— definitibn of. .................................................... 1.39 principal references to .................. 1. 10, 1. 13, 2.2, 2,7; ........................ +2, 4.3. i 1. 53, 5.4, 5A-59. ............ I ..... 5,11. 6.8, 6,13; 7.4. 3.1 t. 9.3-9. tO Supplementi.n-'Contract DocciracriLs ..... .,,; ...... 3.6, Supplier -- definition of principal references to ........... 3:7. 6.5; 6.8-6.11. 6.20, ............................... 624,9.13, 14.12 Waiver of Pights, ........ ; ....................... I ...... - Surety - consent to,final payment,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 14, I 2, ENCYTNTFFR has no duty to ................................ 9.13 Notification of -_-:_- .... A ............ ww ------ 10.1, 10.5' 15t, qualificafion of .............. ................. ' 1-5.3 : Survival of Obli.-atimis ..... 66 .............. 6 ....................... 6.34 Suspend Work. OWNER ?vlay ....................... 13,10J5.1 Suspension of Workand Terminntion- .... j'5 COMRACTOP ' Nlay Stop, Work orTenn mate. .......................... .................... 15. 5 OWNER Ntay Suspend Work ......... I .... ­ ­ 5'1 OWNER May Terminate ' :.": .... I ....... : .......... Tales --Payment by CO,\ITPA(,-I'OR .............. ....... 6:15 Technical Data— u Lin ited Reliance by CONTRACTOR ... ............. Possible Price and Times Adjustnienis..._ ...... :_.4.16- Reports.of biffering.Subsurfaccand Physical Conditions ................................... . 4.23 siv Tcnipor2ryconstruction facilities.... _4 i Article. or Paragraph Number Termination. - by cx.)NnLAcT0R ........ .............. 13.3 by OWNER ........................................ 8.S; 15,1-15.4 of EINGINEER!s employment............ I ..................8.2 Suspension of Work-in general ................... ......... Is Terms and A4jectiveg,; ....... Tests rmdfitspections_ Access to the Work, by otherl.-...... ..... ............. J 3.2 CONTRACTOR's responsibilities .......... ............ 13.5 cost of 13.4 covffingAVork prior to........! ...... 77r ............ 136-133 Laws and Regulations (or) ............... ................ 13.5 1 e Notice ofD fccts� .......... _ ........ 13.1 OWNER \•fay Stop -Work ....................... ......... 13,10 OWNER's-ind.ependent testing .... ; .............. j 3.4 s*ial, required by ENGINEER.....................I....9.6 tamely notice requirett_ ...................................13.4. Uncovering the Work. at ENGRZERs. re quest_, Times -- Adjusting: ............. ....................... ; ............. ...... 0.6 Change of Contract„-,,,--,-. - ............. 2 Computation of ................ I ......... ..'_ 172 Contract Times --definition of .............. ............ 1. 12 day.................................. .......... ..... ........ 17,2.2 :Nilest oncs___ ........................................ ji. Requirements. - appeals.................... ................. 9_10, 16 .clarifications. claims and disputes ntract Times,,,,,,,,,,,;;;,; . 23 Commencement of Contract Preconstruction Contcrcnoqt_........................IS schedules ......................................... ).6, 2.9, 6.6 Starti * rig,tho Work,...... __ ------ ......... __ ...... 2.4 Title: Warranty of.,:- ---- ;-. _J4.3, Uncovering- Work,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , .. , ....13.8-119 Underground Facilities, Physical Conditions - definition of ................. ................. ............... 1.41 N , or Shown or Indicated --------------- t� ------------------ 4.12 protection of ............................... -------------- 4.3, 6.2k) Shown or In ' dicatcd, ..................... ................... 4.3.1 Unit Price Work - claims ............... 93 definition ........ ......... : ....... w ................. 1142, gene rall 1.9. 14.1. 14.5 Unit Prices -- general 11.3.1 Determination for ............................ 916 ...... I Use of PrcmiscS......................... I ..... 66.16. 6.18, 6.3014 Utility owners ............................ !j.13j.6.20, 7.1-7.3, 13.2 utilization, Partial...................625, i.15,'630.14. 14.10 Value of the Work .. .. ..... ........... I............1 1-3 Values. Schedule 0 .............................. 2.6i 2.8-2.9. 14.1. LJCDC GENERAL COINDITIONS 19 10 -3 0990 EDITIOI`A wl LITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (REV910-A r I I I I I I I I k I I I I I I [1 Variations in Work —Minor Authorized,_ ... :-I'l-1— 6.25,. 6.27, 9.5 Article or Paragraph Number Visits.to Site -by ENGINEER :................................... 9,2• Waiver of Claims --on Final Nyment,... _.... ,..... .__I-0:13' Waiver of Rights by insured parties...................11, G.I 1 Warranty and Guarantee. General --by CONTRACTOR ............................................... 030 Warranty of -Title, COi` TRACTORs;;,;,,,,;,,,;;, 14.3 Work — byothers ............................................... ......... ..:.... 7 Changes'ithq............... _. _. .. tc11) Continuing(he .................................................. CONTRACTOR MayStop Work or. Terns inate:............:................_.............:.15 5 Coordination of ................ --------------- ............ 7.4 Cost of the .....:....:::....::.........:...................: .I A-11,5 definition of.,.,,:,... 1.43 ' neglected by CONTRACTOR ...... :........:..:......... 1.3. 14 other Work.............................�...,. ,,,.�.,.,,..,,.�. OWNER May Stop Woik............... . .... . ...13:10 GWNF".R May Suspend Work ... 13 10, I5:1 Related, 1 rork at Site,,,,„ , 7.1 7.3 Startingthe ...::............._..::,._...-_............,.:::.::, .4 Stopping by CONTRACTOR..........................::.15.5 Stopping by OWNER ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15, -Variation and deviation authorized, in inor.... ....... 3.G Work Change Directive — claims pursuant to., ....... ....................... definition of 1144 principal references t....................... 3.5,3, 10.1-10.2 Written Amendment=- deftnition of, :t ,1-45- principal references to..............1-10, 3.5,,5.10,13 tw ¢.62.6.S2, n.z. i,. r, 19, 10.1; 10.41 1112.2. 14,71.z Written Clarifications and lntcrprciations,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, •, 3.6.3. 9.4. 9.11 WrittereNotica Required — by COI 47R CCTOR ....-- .........:.... 7.1, 9.1 o-9.13, .. .-. ... 1Q.4• I L2. I2;1 by OIVNER .................... 9,10.9,11, 10,4, 11,2, 13:14 I I ErODC GE\L•RdL CO.IDITiONS 1910 d i 1990 EDIII OM w! CITY OF. FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS IRGV 9i991 CC9i{s page Ictt hlarik i tentionslCv) CicoC CGNLck: CONDI IlONs 1910-37199U LOIIIOM wn cTfY OF FORT-CDIJJNS'\(ODIFICAnON:S R(GV 9i rA I l '1 I I IF I I 0 I I 0 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I GENERAL c6mrriONS ARTICLE t-=DEGTVmoNs' Whereverused in thesc:.General Conditions or iii the other Contract Documents. the Tgllowing terms have -the meanings indicated which are, upplicable -to both the singularand,plural thereof•_ LL Adzknda-Written or graphic instruments .issued Prior to. the opening of Hick which clarify., correct or change the Bidding Requirements or the Contract Documcntc I.J. .4griement=rhe wn tten contract Between OWN FR. eral:C;ON•fRACTOR' covering the Wort: to be performed:. other Contmct'Doeuments ate attached to the Agrctsttent and made a part thereof as provided therein. 13. Application for Puxnteru=fhe form accepted by Fr GINFHR which is to he used hS CONTRACCUR in requesting progress or final, payments and -which is. to he accompanied by such supporting dommenmtion .as is required by the Contract Documents.. IA,. Aibesro ;-Any miter akhttwritains morc.tfiam one. percentasbstos and is friable or is rcleasingiashestosfibers into the air above current actfon levels estahl shed by` the United States Occupational Safety and , Health istr Admination. 1.5. Rid—Thc offer or prolnisai of the bidder submitted on the prescribed form setting f6foi.the pries. fa Cher Work to he performed. 1,6- Bide6n$ Doctvnena—The advertisement or invitation to'Btd insalktioris to biddcrs,the Bid Conn; and the.propased Contract Docamems (includirng all, Addtrnia issued prior to receiptof Bids). L7, BiddLrq Requirements -The, advertisement or i vimrion:to Bid. ihstructions'to bidders. and the Bid form. LK .Bands —Performance and Payment bonds and other hsurumens of security.. 1:9. Giarge Order —A document recommended by, LNGMIMR, which is silmxf by CONTRACTOR and OWNER imd'authorizes an addtttam deletion or revision in the Work, or an adjustment in the C_`mtract� Price or- the Contract Times, issued on or after the Effective Datc of the Agreement 1.10. Con&uvt Docurneiits—The Agreement,. Addenda (which pertain to the -Contract. Documents),. CONTRACI•C)R's Bid (including documentation accompanying the Bid and any 'post Bid documentation submitted prior to the Notice of Award) when attached as an exhibit to the Agreement the' Notice to .Proc=L the Bonds. these General Conditions. the Supplementary Condition, ilte Specificviiens and the .Drawings as the EXTCatweR,u. CONDrno,a i4fu-s dwo H(fitiau cravat OF FORT COLLIMMODINCA1 IOVS(REV d6000i same are more specifically identified in the':\greetiieltt. together with till' Written Amendments, Change Orders,. 'Work ghange Dircctives, Field Ordcm arid ENGINEER's writirri imerp[etalions and clarifications issued pursuant to patagraphs3.5; 3 0 1 und,3.6) on. or alley the. Effective Date of the Ageement Sliap Drawing suligiittal4 approved pursuant to paragapks-6.26and 6.27.and the reports and drawings referred to in poragrophs 4 2.1, and. =.t are not Contract Documents. Lf L Cow racr Price —The _muruvs payable by OWNER to CONTRr�CTOR for completion of the Work in accordance with the Contmet.Documents as stated in the Agreement, (subject, to the provisions. of paragmp1f 1 1.9.1 in the ease of• Unit Price Work), 1:12, Canducl Times=Tha numbers ofdaysor the. dates.stnted in the:Agreement: (i) to achieve Substantial Completion, and (ri), to, complete the Work Aso that it, is ready for firral paymcnt.as cvidamcedhv L'NGINEER's written recommendation of fowl paymcm in accordance with paragraph 14,13. 1.13, C%NTR40-OR—The rem. m fmu or corNration with whom OWNER, has entered iran therAgrcemem. 1.14, 4k.tectivr An.adjectivc which when modifying the word Work rcfers.td Work that:is unsitislactory, faulty or deficient art that it does -not contomt to the Contract Documents, m ,does not meet the, .requirements. of any inspection, reremrice standard, test or approval'reterred to in the Contract Documens,.orhas.been chmaged prior to Ev'GINEER's rccommcndation'of filial payment (unless responsibility for the protection thereof has ban assumed by OWNER aCSubstantial Completion in ticcordi na"with roravrmph 14.8 or 14,10). 1-l5. Drawings-Thc drawings which show the scope, extent am] character of the Work to be ,furnished mid 1i,41bnned by CONTRACTOR.and which have -been .prepared cfrappioved by LNG Mf;R and arerefefred.to in the Contract Document:. Shop drawings are not Drawings as so detmed. LI6. Effective .Dare of die Agreemeni-The- date indicated in the Agreetnenton which it becomes affective, but if nasucli Dale Is indicated it means the date on high the Agreement is sipgted and delivered by the last of the two partiesto sign and deliver. l,ll. GVGLVEER—ThL parstm; firm air corportition [armed as suchin the Agreemrnt: 1.18. EMGINEER's Co»suLfant--A person. firm or corporation heaving a conutttctwith .Liv'GINEER to furnish services as .ENGINEL•R's independent. Frofessiohal associate or consultant with respectto_ the project and who is identified as such in the Supplementary Conditions.. 1:19. Field Order -A written order issued by ENGINEER which orders minor changes in the Work in accordance with paragraph 9S but which dcv:s not involve a change in theContract Pace or the Contract Times. I 1 L0. Genarrd Regiiirements-Sections of Divi3ion I of the SpedfitaiiionsI 1 2L Hazonli nx RVdou—Thu tam Flazardous.Waste shall' have -the: meaning provided in Section,1004 of the Solid. Waste Disposal Act(42 USC'Sectton. o9w) as aniended from time lo.timc: I.22.a: Laevs,and R{gitlaiionr; -Laao• of Regulations --Any. and all appliLmble laws: rulea, regulations, ordinances. aides and orders of any and all toveinmental bodies_ - agencies., authontim and courts having�j unsxhction I '-_.6. LeQal ffoSJalti'--shall be those holidays observed tie the -Gin•. of Fort Collins , 1.23: Liens —Liens, charges;. secunly interests or encumbrances upon real property or p sonal property. 1,24: 3filertone-A principal event ,specified in the Contract Documentsmlating to an intennudiMe completion tit. elate or time prior -to Substantial Completion all the Work. 1?5r gone,e dfAuani—A,%viiften notice tn• OWNER to the apparent suieessful bidder stating that upon compliance sy, the apparent :stimcssftil bidder with the enridnttons precedent enumerated therein, within tthe link sficcified,• Ol\ N.TM will sign and deliver the.,\smemcnt. 1.26. Notice to Proceed —A whiten, notice given. by OWNER to CONI`RACrUR (tvith a copy, to ELNUDIF.E:R): ftdrg the date on which the Contract Times will commence to rum and on which CONTRACTOR shrill start to p:rlbnn. CONTRAMR'S obligatiorm under the Contract Dcc umems. 1.27. OUNI R—The public• body or 'tmthority, corporation, association, Grin or person. with whom CONTRACTOR has entered into the Agreement and for whom the Work is to be provided: 138. Partial Utili_arion-Use. by OWNIER of it substantially completed part of the. Work .for the purpose ror which it is intended for a related purpose) prior to Substtitial Completion of all the Work lily. PCBs-Polychlorirvatcdbiphenyls. 1:30. Petroleum --Petroleum; including,-crude,oil or any fractibn .thereof which is liquid at. standard conditions of temperature .and pressure (60 degrees Fahrenheit and 143 potmds per square inch absolute), such as oil petroleum. fuel oil, oil sludge, oil refuse; uasoli= kerosene and oil mixed with other non-Ifazardcus Wastes and crude oils. 131. Project -The total constructitm of which the Woik to be provided under the Contract Uocumehts may be the whole, or It part as irslicated cLsewheie in the Contract Documents. 1.32a. 'Rac6uactive Hiitetial-Source: special nuclear. or hvlwoduet material as defined by the'Atomic Energ *Act of EICUC (;ENER.V: CONL)rnOm 1910-s O! 9V et ic"O. wt CITY oP ForiT CY7LG:.8 mootFICAnONS IREV ,U2000)' 19i4 (42 USC'Section.2Ol I et suet) .as amepded ,frona- timeto time. 1.32.b. Regular fVordiire'Hutirr-Re>;.ular work ute-hours are defined as '7:00am to 6:00om -ualm otherwise. sWiftelin theGeneml Requirements. 1.33. Resident Proj ci Reprawntatn•e-The authorized representative of LNGMER who may be assigned'lo the' site.orany part thereof. 1:34. Samples —Physical -examples of materials• equipment; or workmanship that, are representative of some portion. kit" the Work and which establish the standards by which such portion' of the Work will be judged .1,35. Shop . Urarvings-All drawings diagrams,. illustrations, schedutes and, other .data or inf6miatron which are specifically prepared or.assembled by or for CONfR.aCTOR tuxl submitted by CONTRACTOR to illustrate some portion orthe Work. L36. *cftarionr-Those portions of the Contract Licaurn6ts conansting ofuTntten technical descriptions of materials, equipment, construction systems, standardsand workmaruhip as. applied to the Work and ccrtnin administradvedetails ipplivabletherein: 1.37, .Srnbcattractor---Anindiviauni. irmloreortpmtion' having a direct contract with CONTPAc.'roR or with any other Subcctntiacmr for the pertormance of-n part of the Work at the site, 1.38, Substantial Completion —The Work (or a specified pan thereat) his progressed to the point %' here, at the opinion of F.NGINEF.R. as evidenced by GNGMEW3 definitive certificate • of Substaraml Completion, it sufficiently complete, in accordance With he Contract Doeumcnt5,' sorlhat. the Work (or spxiticd ptaft) dui be utilized tor the- purposes ,for which it is intended: or if nu ,such ceruucate, is ,issued, when the Work is complete and ready for final ,pgymtent. as evidetxcd by ENGINF.'FR's ieTittenremmmenlauon of final payment in accordance with paragraph 14.13: The terms "substantially complete" and "substamially completed" as applied to all or part of thc'Work refer to Substantial Completion (hereof. 1-39. Supplentinte ny Conditions -The part of. the Contract Documents which amends m supplements these Gerteml Conditions. 1.41). Supplier —A manufacturer, fa6ii6HtOr,. supplier. distributor. materialman or vendor haviriga direct contact with, CONTRACTOR or with any Subccrntructor to 'furnish inalerials'or equipment to be incxnpiihited in the Work by CUNT RACTOR orimy'Subcoraractor. 1:41 Undtrrgrorard• Facilities —All pipelines, conduits. ducts„cables, wires, manholes vaults, nimbus, tunnels or other such facilities or anachmcrim and any encasements containing such facilities, v6hich have been installed underground to furnish any of the billowing services. at I 1 I L` i I 1 1 0 I 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 1 I materials: electricity, gases. steam, liquid petroleum product, telephone or other communicutiors, cable television,. sewage and drainage reano'vaL. Uaffic'or other control systems or water. IA?; guilt Price I4'ork-Wort; to be paid for on the besic of taut prices. 1:43: anode -The entire: completed construction or the various separately identifiable parts thereof required to be furnished under the Contract Documents. Work'includes and is the result of performing ar "furnishing labor and furnishing and incorporating materials and equipment into the construction and perforating or famishing scrvices.and frrnishing document-, all asrequired by the Contract Documents. 1,44: U,a& Change Directive -A. written directive to COTITRALroK issued on or alter the Effective Date of the Agtcment and signed by OWNER and recommended by ENGINEER, b;,9n' g an addition., deletion or revision in the Work, or responding. to differing ,or unforeseen physical conditions under which the Work is. to be performed as provided in paragriph4.2 or 4.3 or to rntergencics under paragraph o 23A Work Change Directive will not change the Contract Pricear the Contract .Tunes, but is-elidmLe that. the panicsc4ectthat the change directed or documeracd by a, Work Cliange. Directive will. be incorporated in a subsequently issued Change order following negotiations by the panics as to its - effect, if any, on.die Contract Rice or Contract i•imes as provided in paragraph Il.? 1.45, i{'rftten Amn&mtnt- :A written amendment of. the Contract Dcxumunts, signed hy. OW'NFP, and CONTRACTOR on or after die Effective Date of the. r\gr6L,me6t and normally drrling with thelpenenginccring• or nontechnical. rather_ thanstrictly construction -related. aspects of the Contract Documents, AfiTICLE2-PREI: U IARY:\TATTERS Delivery Of Borird: _.1_ When CONTRACTOR delivers. the executed Artrecinads to owilEIL CONTRACTOR shall also deliver to OWNER such Bonds as.CONTRACTOR nmy beiequircdtofurnish iriaccbrdahc- WithparaEmaph5:1. Copies 41)ocumenti; 2 2 OWNER shall furnish to CONTRACTOR up lit ten copies (unless otherwise specified in thc,:Supplementary' Coiafifions) of the: Contract Documents:as are reasonably necessary for.the execution ofthe Work Additional copies will be furnished, upon rcqu Cut, at the cost ofreptoduChun. Comnrencenient of Contract Timaj Notice to Proeeeil 23. The contract Times will commence to run on the thirtieth day after the Effective Dnte.of the A,ffeemem, a?, exvcoevrx v .co:�ut no a't�m, r (FOO edctic,n. wt CITY of FORT Cotu M M061FICAnous (RLV arzoao i if a Notice to Proceed i;'given on the clay indicated in the Notice 'to proceed. A'Notice,to Proceed may.be given tit any lime withinah rty days utter the Effective Date of the 62'eumcnt.-4yi t Will Fhn--E,faati t -Ennuis wmmensa-t�rurrlaFer-tlaerttku-sr�.iieth-cloy-eRnHhaday .of-Bld�openirig-or-the-tfaertietlydav-atkr-the Effectiv�F�ete of•the:agreemrn4whic•}t�wer•datr-isearlier. Starting the Nark: 2.4_ CONTRACTOR shall start toperform the Work w the date when the Contract Times;commence to run. but no Work shall he'dtrne at the site prior to the date on Which the Contract Times commence to run lrefore;Srartuig Canstmetion: 25. Before undertaking each part. of the Work, cavrKr\C'rbk shall carefully study and compere the C-caamet Documents. :and check and 'verily pertinent .figures shown tfierccn and all applimble Held measurements CONTRAGTOR shall promptly reptirt in writing to'VOIN ER any conflict error, ambiguity or divxepancy.' which •Co 1TRACTOR, may discover and shall obtain a written interpretation or elariticdion from ENGO DFGR before procceding with any Work affected thereby. however, CONTRACTOR shall not he linble.to OWNER or F.NCJNEFR far failure to report,urtyconflict, error: ambiguiiy .or discrepancy in the Coritiact Occuments,unlecs CONTRACTOR. knew or reasnrrably should Have known thereof 2.6. Within ten stays after dtc Effective. Date: of the Aercenicht (unless otherwise specified in the Cicneral -Requir`ments), C".ONTRAC>"TOR. shall submit. to, C. fGWEER.forreview: 2.6,1. a preluainary progress schedule indicming the times(numbers of days or dales) for starting and completing the various stages of die Work, utcluding -,arty Nlifestones specified in the Contract Documents 2:6.2. a preliminary schedule of Shop Drawing and Sample submihalswhich will list each required submittal and die times for subtnitting, revicwing and pmcgssingsuchsirtanittal; . 2:6.21. In no ,case will it schedfde -be acceptable' which allows less than "21 calendar days for each review by Enainneer. 10.3. Apreliminary schedule of vaiucs.for all of the Work which will include quantities and prices of items aggregating the Contract Price. and .will subdivide the Work into component ,ptirti in sufficient detail to serve as the basis for progress payments, during construction Such prices will include.- an appropriate amount of overhead and profit, applicable - to tacifileni of Work- 2:7. Before .any Work at the site is started; CON'TIL\CI'OR and-EiW+�- shall ewh deliver to the ether OVWER with copies, to eesfi addiFeaa�insarred idaitt... art-thz-Saipplentzntar FanditiottsF\GINEER. 1 certibratds; of iris imnce (and other evidence of insurance which—aithe�-ol'-thattt—or—enykLitiona}--insuied—trait raiasonahlg--rse east requested by ulV'VER)�,'which CONTRACTOR-4nd tuspewtivi+Ly-ara is required tb• purchasx anil maintain. m' accordance with paiagraphv S:d, $.6.er1d'-�:7: Preconstruction Confuence> '.S: Within twenty days after the Contract Times start to ran but before any Wcirk at the :tile is started a einfere* 'I'R attended by C6Nd.CTOR. EfvGMER arced aifi as apprnpinme will be held t6 establish a working understanding among the parties as to the Work and to discuss the schedules referted to im paragraph 3.6, procedures for handling Shop Drawings and other submittaLs, processing Applications for 'Payment .and maintaining required records. IaLdally Acceptable Schedulev. ? 9:. Unless otherwise provided in the Continct Documents; et k s ti4sarrOFthe fast ,a conference attended by CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER andothas'as appropriate dcsa' anted by -OWN -BR. will be held to review for aeceptabitity`to$NGWEER as provided below the :schedules submitted in accordance wick CONTRAC OK shall have an addtuoml ten days to make ontrections and adjustmems and to complete and 'L resubmit the schedules. No progress paymcnt shall be made to CONTRACTOR until the schedules are submitted to and acceptable .to ENOILW.FR is provided below. The progress schedule will he.aceepinble to F.NGINFFP,as providing ,in orderly progression of the Work .to completion within any specified MilcstonLs and the Contract•Times, but such acceptance will neither impose on LNGINIM-R: responsibility l`or the Sequencing scheduling or progress of the Work nor btteifere ivith.or relieve CQNMkCTOR from CONTR\CTOR's full responsibility therefor. CONTRACTOR's schedule of Shop Drawing and Sample submissions will be aeceptible to ENGfINMER an providing a workable armngcment for reviewing six{ - prtxessing, ter required-surbniiitals- CONTRACCOR's schedule of values wdl be acceptable to ENGUEE•R mrto form and substance. ARTICLE'.3-COYMNCr DOC_ UNrEws: hiTTENT. AALEtVDh`iG, REUSE' Intent 3.1- The Contract DutummSeias comprise the - enure. agreement. between OWNM and CONTRACTOR concerning thi Work. The Contract Documents are: complementary; what is called for by oneis asbindine as if called for by run all. The Coruna Doiianents will' be construed in accordance with the law of the place of the Project. 3?- ft is the .intent .of the C,o6mact Documents to titcoc urut:R,u. covtxno; s ti ius itsvv e�ra;t, WICITY OF FORT Cow M MoouaC.aTiDhs iRtV n 1zaool' describe a functionally, complete project for part thereof) to he cone trusted in accordance with the Contract Documents. Anv'Work, materials: or equipment that may reasonably be inferred from the Contract Documents or :from prevailirfg custom or trade usage as being requited to produce the intanded result will be famished. and performed whether or not _specifically taped ror.. When words or,phnises.winch-have a well known technical or construction industry or trade meaning are used to describes, Work: materials or,equipment such wards .or phases shall be interpreted in necordtmce with that meaning. Clarifiattions and interpretations or the Cen&iict Documents shall be issued{Sy, ENGINEER as -provided' in .paragraph 9.4.. 3.3. Reference; to $turrrlar'dv and Specifreettion.v of Technical Societies;- Reporting and Resohing. Discrepancies: - - 3,11: Reference to standards, 'specifications, manuals crcocks of technical society, organization or association, or to the'.Laws of Regulnnons•of nny governmental, authority, whether such rclerence be specific or by implicanon, shall mean the latest smndard, spceirimrint,manual, cute or haws or Regulatiort'r ineffect atthe time of opining of Bids.(or, on the EtTmtivc Bate of the Agreement if therewere no Bicb), except as may be otherwise- specifically stated in the Contract Documents. 3.3.2. IC during the performance of. the Work, CONTR.AC'rOR div:m*crs any contlicy error, ambiguity or discrepancy within the Contract Documents or henvem the: -.Contract Documents and any provision or any. such Law. or ,Regulation applicable to.the performance of'the work or of any such s'tandaid .specification, manual orcode or pf piny .instruction of any Supplier referred to fn paragraph 6.i. CONTRACTOR shall report it to ENGW=- in writing rut unce, and, CONTR\CTOR shall not pro_zed with the \Vexk affected thffCh}' (,[dtpt in an cmer5enc}' as autiwriied' by-paru_anaph 6:23) until an amendment or supplement to the Contract Documents has been issued by one of the methods indicated in pamgraphIS or3.6; provided, however, that CONTRACTOR shall not be dinble to OWNER a ENGINEER for tailurr to report any such eontlict, error, ambiguity ar discrepancy unless - CONTRACTOR 'krxuy or reasonably .should have known thereof. 3.3:3. Except as otherwise specifically stated in the Contract Dotatmeas or as may be provided by amendment or supplement. thereto issued by one ofthe methods 'indicated. :in barograph 3.5 or 3.6, the. pruvrsau . of the Contract Documents shall take pntiedmce in resolving any conflict, error, ambiguity or discrepancy between the provisions of the Contract Documents and: the ,provisions of any such standard, spc'citicmion. manual: code or instruction (whether or nor•specilleilly'iricaporated by rclercnce_in the Contriact Documents); or [1 L 1 n 3,3.3;2. .the provisions of any such' Laws or Regulations applicable to the performance of the Work (unless" such an interpretation of the. provisions.of the Contract Documents would result in violation of rich Law OFRegulation). - No provision of any:such standard, ipecilication, manual; Lade or instntt'tirin sha11 be effective to change the duties and, rasponsnhnlities of OWNI'iR, CONTfz,%CTUR or f?.NGNEEK or any of th6r subcontractors, consultaras, agents or employees from. thosee. setforth in the Contract llcumrnts, nor shall k be effective to assign to M*9R,. pNGINI TER or any of NTGINEFR 9 Cortsukhnt% agents or erniployees.any duty or authority to supervise tin direct the: rurnishingg or performance of the Work or any duty or authority td undertake responsibility inconsistent with the. provisions of paragraph 9.13 or any other provision of the Contract Documents. 3.4. W'hencvar in the Contract Documents the terms "as ordered" "as dirccte-d", "as•requimd", "as allowed", "as approved' or terms of like crtect or import are uscd� or the adjectives'rea_songble' "suitable' acceptable' ,proper" or"satisfactory" or, addectNes of like •eftect or import are used io Fd3R de,sciile_ a requirement, d'aecitiontreview or jiiihmrent of sM' GLV.as to sic -Work, it is'inteniled that. such requirement, direction review M judgment will' be solely to evaltrate, in general, the completed Workfor - complianc.e with the requirements of andinfenanaaon inthe Contract Documents and, conformance with the. design concept of the completed Project is n functioning whole as-. shown or indicated in the Contract Documents (unless there is'n speciU statementuidicntirig otherwise). The use of any such terra i r adjective shall not ba afective.to ausigmto 04GI IEERany duty ti authorityto supervise or direct the furnishing or performance of the Work or any fluty or nuthority to undertake' responsibility contrary' to the provisions of paragraph 9.13 or any other provision' of the Ccmtruct Documents. n enifing and Supplementing,ConoYnd Documents 3.5. The Contract Documents may be amended .to provide fur additions; deletions and rt:vhsions in;lhc Work or to modify -;the. terms and condilions'lhercof in one or roue of the following ways:. '3,5.1. afoimalWrittenAmendment 3.5.2, a Change Order(ptusuant to,paragr-aph 10,A). or F1CUC'VF.Nt'W�h�COtiU1T1(S\'S'19W( (1990 Eclitiuu wt ❑'rY OF FORT COLLI NZ MCA)JFICAT10N5 tR5V 11r Or10i 3.53: .a WorL Change Directive (pursuant to paragraph 10:1), - - 3.6. in addition; the requiiem6nis. of the Contract Document's may supplemented., -and minor variations nail deviations in the Workmap' he buthoriird; in' oh= or more of the.follmvinasvays: 16.1 AField Order (Pursuant toparagraph 9:Sa 3.63.DIGGvTSL•tVappravulofaShop Drawing or Sample (pursuanito, ptir4:ipbs 6,26 and 6,27), ur 3,6J: RiGWEEks written interpretation or clarification (pursuant to pa mi�nph 9.4)• Reuse.ofDocuments 3.7. CONTRACTOR, and any Subcontractor. or Supplier or other person or organirttion perfomtind or :furnishing, any,•bf.the. Work under- a, duect or indacct coraroct with OWNER (i).shall not have or acquire any title to or .ownershiprights in any of. the Drawings, Specifications. qr other documents (or copies of any thereca)-prepared by of Bearing theseal of f NGlKHHtl_or •F.NGW3ER's Consultant;_and (1i)shall not reuse -any of such Drawings. Specifications, oth& document%or copies on ex'tutsions of aie Proiilw or anyotherproject without written consent of OIVNCR and ENGINEER and 's*,itic written verification or adaptatiori by E NGINEF.R. ARTICLE 4-AVAILABILITY OF L.-VNDS; SIiBSURFACE XND -PHYSI(;AL CONnrri Ns; RF.FFRR.�C.F. Pomts• .: Icailabili(v off andii 4. L. 011nrER ::hall htrnish, as indicated in the Contract Documents the lands upon which the Work is to be performed, rights-6C-nray and easements for access thereto, and such other lands which are du� ignatcd for the use of CONTRACTOR. -Upon reasonable -ri,'ritien-request; OWNER shall ideniq an), encumbr secs or restrictions not of general-applicaipan but specifically related to use of lands so furnished wiih which CONTRACTOR will have to comply in performing. the Work. - Easementsfor permarient structures or permanent chances in existing Gcihties will be obl aired and paid Corby CRVNER, unhe3 .otherwise provided in the -Contract Documents. lf' COrYCRAC PR and OWNER are unable to agree on entitlement _to or the amount or eelent of any adjustments in the Contract Price or the Contract Times as a result of :my delay in OWNERS furnishing thesc. lands. rights -of - way of easements. CONTRACTOR may make a claim therefor .as provided in Articlas I.I and.I'_. CONTRACTOR_shaLl provide for all.ndditibnal lands atsl access thereto that may be required for temptmary•, construction facilities •oe stoiane of melerials arid equipmenL 12' Subsgdhce and Plipiad Corti&ion.¢ 4.2.1. Relarts arnd Draavngs: Reference'is made to the SupplcmentaryCondid(ons for identification of: 4,2.1,1. Subeiu-fact Cond dons:. Those repcirt_s of exploratici s and tests of suhsittfacex'm'ditions at or conuguaus.fo the site that have been•utiliwd by �iGINEER. in' preparing the Contract Documents:. and 4.2.1" Pkwicul CwitGtionr 'Chose drawings of physical conditiohs.in or relating to existing surface or.subsurface structures at or contiguous to the site (except•.11rxerground l:acilitics) that have bend utiltial.6y E\GLNEER'in preparing the Coritnu:t Documents, 4.2 1 Unthed Reliance by CoPrI '?CR, R. Authorked. 7;rdurical Bacar CONTRACTOR miay rely upon, the gencral-accuracy of t}x: "teclmicnl•rkiva" contained in•suchi. reports acid drawings, but such reportsand;drawings ate not Contract Docununts. Such *technical dam"'is identihcd in the Supplementary Conditions. Except for such reliance on such "technical data", CONTRACTOR may, not rely upon or make any claim agdirtst OWi\nEIL ENGINEER or an}' of ENGICUR's Consultants with.respect to: i,Z 2.1. .the cgmpletencss of such reports and drawings for CONTMRACTOR's purposes,. including, but not Waited to, any aspects of the. means, mcthod3. techniques; scquemces and procedures_ of construction to be cmploved by co,4TRQC76R and safcty precautions ark] progm tisincident thereto_.or other data, 'interpretations. opinions and information contained.insuch reports or shown or, indicated in such drawings, or 42,12_3_ any CONTRACTOR i» terpretation of or conclusion drawn tram luny-"techntcul data". or any such data. interpretations, optmom or information. 4.23 Notice elf Di(leriing Suhogfrce or Plusicul Cotirtilions., if coxrPACrOR believes ftIL any subairfacc orphysical cnnditiim at or contiguous to the sites that is uncovered or revealed 'either; is of such a nature as to establish that any "lechniml data," un.which CONTRACTOR is. entitled'ta rely as prpvided in paragraphs 4:1: I. and 4: ` is materially maua title. or 4.2.12. is of, such a nature • as to require a. change in the Contra ctDocuments. or 4.1.3_3,; differs materially from that shown. or HIC'.DCOENMU. CONUInONSUinsCl9vuEilimL wt crrY Oa PORT COILt.\S �IODIt1CA'r1ON5 /RIT 4r?alIOY indiented'in the Cgttract DNuments, or 4-21.3.4. is of ian unusual, nature, and diiTrrs materially frotru conditions ordinarily' encountered -and generally recogniaed'as inherent it work of the character provided for in the Contract .Documents: then CONTRACTOR shall, paonaptl} immediate!}• :after becoming aware thereof and before Curther disturbing ,wn0i.tiorvs affectedthereby: or Nrforming any Wgrl:' in connection therewith (except in an emergency as- permitttd by paragraph.6.23), notify OWNER and LNGZMER in wntmg, about such condition. CUVTRACTOK shall nix Further disturb such conditions or pcAomt any Wort: in connection therewith (cr..ept'm aforesaid) until receipt of written order to do so. 4.2,4. EcNUMEER'.i ReWeiv. LNULNEER gill promptly -review the pertinenk.:conditions, determine the necessity of OWNER's obtaining addiUcinal erplorationor tests with respect:thereto and advise OWNER. in writing (with a copy to CONTRACTOR) of 6NGINEFR's 6ndingsand conclusions, 4.25: Passible Contract Docuwerlts Change: If ENGINEER concludes that a change in the Contract Docttntcats is required as a result of a axtditiam thaLnteets one or more oCdie:categcdies in paragraph 4.2.3, a Work Change Direcuvc or a- Change Order will be issued as provided in Article lit to reflect and document. the .cons.qurnces of such change, 4.16. Pox$ihle Price arul !Fines .4,§ustments: An equitable adjut tment in the Contract -Price. or in; the Contract Times, or bodt; will be allowed to the extent that the existence of such uncovered ,or revealed condition. causes an increase or decrease in CONTRACTOR's cast of or time required for performance:ol the Work; subject, however, to the fallowing: 4.241. such condition must meet any one or more, of the categories described to pamgrapiis4''23;1 tFir6ugh'4.2,3 t, inclusive, 416.2, a chance in the Contract Documents pursuant to pamviaph, 42.5, will nut bo tut automatic-authorirtion of nor n condition prccedixit to entitlement to any inch adjustment; with respect to Work that is paid for on.a.Unit Price Basis, any adjustmenl,inContract, Price will' be subject to the. provisions of pargraphs9:16and IP. and CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to any adjustment in the Contmct•Price or Times i f; 4.;.6.4.1. CONTRACTOR knew of the cxistencc of such conditions at the time GUPffR4CI'OK made- a final cbmmitmenl' to OWNER in respect of Contract Price and Contract Timis by the submission oe a bidor. becoming bofmd under negdtintedconlrnct; or 412.6.4 =, the existence of such condition could reasonably have been discovered or revealed 'as a result of any. .eraminatiim, investigation, exploration. test or study of the site and'contiguais uire arias reqd by [he Bidding Requirements or Contruct Documents to be conducted by or for CONTRACTOR prior io C•ONF ACTOfes making such final .commitment; or ' 416-4.1 C09rRAM'OR failed to give the wridcil notice within the time and us regturud by paragraph 4.2.3. if OWNER CONCRACTOR are unable, to agree. on ' entitlement toor-.is to the amount or Icrhmth of any such equitable adjustment in .the Contmet Price or Contract 'rimcs. a claim may, be made therefor as provided in Articles II and 12. However,.OWNER, F.NGlNHPR and 1ANGl\IFERs• •Consulmms-shall not be liable- to ' CONTRACTOR for anyelaims,•custa, lossesor damages- sustained by CO\7RACTORon or in amnecyon with any otherprpjait or anticipated project ' 43. 1 hkoicrifConrfiAonf--!%nrlrrgrorinrl.Fitcilitiex: 4.3.1. Sh"n or btrficated' The information and data: shown or indicated in. .the -Contract' Documenti with respect to custiiig Underground .Facilities at or contiguous to diesltn is based on information and data. furnished to OWNFR Or F.N'GNFFR by the Owners or ' such Underground. Facilities_ or by others. Unless•it is otherwise expressly provided in the Supplemenctry Conditions: 4.3.1.I. 0'W JERand ENGENEER shall not be ' respe. To onsiblr the rccufacy our coni p[etc nem ofa ny such information or data, and, The cost of all of the following will bc. included in the Contract Priceand CONTRACTOR shall have Hill responsibility1or. (i) reviewingand checking all such information data. (a) locating all Underground Facilities shown or indicated in. the ContiacU Documents,(in7 coordination of the Work with the owners of such Underground Facilities-. ' during construction, and (iv)the safety and protection of all such. Underground Facilities as. provided in paragraph6.211 and repairing any, dumage thereto resulting from the, Work. ' 4J.2. :tot S7roanror ItuAcalerl if tin Underground Facility u une6vered or'revcaled at or.cohuguous. to the site which Was not shown of indicated in the Contract Documents, CCU\TRAC`_TOR shulL promptly ailer becomina aware thereof and bctore ' .immediately further disturbing conditions affected thereby or rerfonning any Work-in connection therewith (except. in an emer"easy as required by paragraph 6.23).. identify the owner of such Underground Facility' and ' gR7oC0[:'IaMAL CONDI7101M,19104 (1974WWII wi Q'ry of PORT COLLI hs moDwicA11oNS IRtiv •irt)oo i give written notice to that owner and to OWM3R and r,46 m_ INGNEER will promptly review the Undkrground Facility and determine the enent, if any, to which a change is required in the Contract Documents toxcflcct and documcm the consequences of .the c�cisteoce of the Underground fracilit�. If LNGMER,cuncludes that a-duugx in the Coract' Documents is required,a.Work Change Direcnttive.or"a Change Order will -be issued as provided in Article'10 toxc&ct and document such consequences. During such time. CO, i7RAC'TOR shall be responsible for -the safe-ty and protection of such Uri It ground Facility Facility a. pprov�ided din.- paragraph620- CONTRACTOR shah Mmay be allowed an increase in the Contractfrice or an extension of the'Contract Times, or both, to the cctcnt that they arc attribumbic to the existence of irty.Undergrotnd Facility that was not, shown or indicated ih the Contract .Documents; and that CONTRACTOR dill nct'krwn of and could not reasonably have been mcpcctcd to be awarc of or to have anticipated If OWNER and COMMACTOR are uriahle to agree on entitlement to or the amount of length of anysuch adjustment in Contract ,Price or Contract Time-- CONTkAC TOR -may. make a claim therefor as provided. in Articles I I. and 12. HNnvever, OWN7R, ENGINEER anti, FNCrNFF.R's Consultants shall notbe liable to CONTRACTOR far artyclaims, casts;. lcisscs. or damages incurred or sustained by CONTRACTOR on or in oorniection with ariy miner projector anticipated project 'Reference Points.* 4.4" OWN6R :shall provide engimcriN survcys to establish, reference' points. for construction which in LNOMER's judgment are necessary to enable CoNCRACTOR. to proceed with the Work, CONTRACTOR shall' be N5l)'MNe. for laying •out the Wexk:,shall protect and preserve the established reference points and shall make no changes or retocations without the prior written approval of OWNER CONTRACTOR shall report to ENGRN'EER whenever any reference point is last or. destroyed or requires relocation because :of ncassiry,changes: In grades or locations; and shall' be responsible for the accurate replacement -or relocation of such' reference points by professiuntdly qualified Fersori iel. . 4.5. Asbestos, PCBs. Petroleum, Ila=dous Rafe or RaQtoactive,lfyterial:- " 4.5.1. •OWNER: shall be responsible Cor any Asbestos, PCEts,. Petroleum; Flazarduus Waste or Radioactive Material uncovered or revealed at the site which was nol'shown or Indicated in Dntwings.6r Specifications or identified in the Contract Documents to k within the scope of the Wurk and, which may pnsenta substantial danger to persons or pruppe�rty ev sed thereto in connection with the.Waik at the site OWNER shall not _be responsible Cor any - such materials brought' to the site by CONTRACTOR, Subeommetors. Suppliers- or anyone, else Cor whom- CONTRACTOR is. r&Tormble. 11 r t EXHIBIT 1 — QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 1. Q. Is it building the allowed to quote only the and not site work? A. Bidder to bid both. 2. Q. Can the city award to different vendors for the site package and the building? ' A. No. Project to be coordinated through the bidder. 3. Q. To propose only the prefabricated building what licenses and or permits would be required? The building would have a State of Colorado approval seal. A. Whatever Larimer County and other authorities having jurisdiction require. This is up to the contractor to research. ' 4. Q. On the bid form for the building only it includes "handrails". Can you clarify where these are? If they are outside of the building could that item be moved to the site work scope of work? ' A. ADA grab bars are required per sheet A101. Exterior hand rails are required per SD1 if steps are needed at entrance (To Be Determined). This would be included in line item #5 of the Alternate Pricing section of the Bid Schedule. ' 5. Q. On the bid form for the building only it includes a grinder alarm panel. Would the connections other than power supply to the panel and or the wiring to the grinders be ' A. by the site work contractor? No, bidder to provide. 6.. Q. Would the telephone service on plan sheet E1.0 be the responsibility of the site ' electrical contractor? A. No, bidder to provide. 7. Q. Please confirm Larimer County as the Building Designation. A. Yes, they are the authority having jurisdiction. ' 8. Q. Are bidders to include permits fees? Are there any other exemptions regarding "traditional" building permit fees due to the project's public nature? ' A. Contractor to include permit fees. Work will be tax exempt. 9. Q. Foundation engineering/design is not part of the current bid doc's, are bidders to ' include engineering/design services? A. Yes. 10. Q. Several energy design components have been called out (ie wall thickness, ceiling ' insulation, window glazing design, etc). Based on permitting jurisdiction, it may be in the best interest of the public to identify an energy compliance minimum requirement ' A. and let the bidders define the energy design components. Please confirm. Work to be done to Larimer County Green Code Design. Addendum 1 — Roselawn Office Building Page 2 of 7 <1+.=C-f-�;`r:TI�AG&Olt`shn41-iui[neclinta{j={i) stop nll Weflf-nFwatsslta9alt�vitle�tsFthstafflousstaic}itiisrrtnel in-any-Brea-u(Teety¢Nh�,�e13}-I;Y:asrpt--is-ea�mt �sgena} 8ii-trill-'�Pc'- r r t}lefYNi�:F6aai-airi- saclrnatiez—in—writiitgJ.--tJVNF'N.—she I I —promptly. clxsulF with-E?S6T:YEEIbcroncerning-Fhrnecrssity=Cor- rldEtn or-rzi:.wlydnt-th��sie� EkI)C OENMAL CON01T10,N5 U to-5..099V E(Wel l w/ CPrY OF TORT UJULI M NIODIRCATIONS iREP Ai±OUeI' .ARTICLES- 130NDS'AND INSURANCE; Performance, Payment and Other.Band&- 5.I. CON*TRIACTOR%shall furnish Performance and Payment Bond& each in an aiitount.at.least equal to the Contract Price as security for the faithful perrortnanc; and payment of all CO,NTRACTORs obligationsunder the "Contraix Documehts. These Bonds shall remain in RTeet of lrasi unlil.ono'year after the clate'when anal payment becomes due, azcept as providedotnenvtse•hv Laws or Regulations or by the Contri ci Documents. CO T PUV: OR shall.also htmish such .otheiRo&ls as arc required by the Supplementary Conditians. ,All Bonds shall be in the form prescribed by the Contract Documents. �Ncc'pt as provided otherwise by Laws or Regulntiomt and shall be executed by such surnles'as are named -in the, current list of 'Companies `Holdir� Ccrtiticatcs of .authority as Acceptable. Sureties an_Fetlsal Bonds'snnl to A&eptable Reinsuring Companies" as published in Circular370 (amended) by the Audii SIa.R; Bureau of Government Financial Operations, U.S:'•I'reasury Department All Bonds signed by an agent must he accompanied by'a certified 6o of such agent's autharity tp act' ? 2. Ifthe surety on any Bond Mimi bed by CONTFAC!'OR .is declared a bankrupt or Becomes - insobent -or its right to do busirkss'is terminated in any state where any part of thc,Project is located.or it ceases to meet the requircments,of paragraph ?.l, CONI'R\CCOR. shall, }vidun ten days thcrnle substitute another frond and surety, both of which must Ke acceptable µt OIVPfFR. 5.3, licensed .Sarerier and Inmren': <:effif [es of .fnsamncC ill. NI Bonds .and insurance requirgd by the tro'ntruct,Docuinents to be•purchrised and maintained by owNTT1.• of cOYrRACTOR shall be. obtained from surety or insurance companies that are duly licensed or authoritid inthc jurisdictions in. which the project is located to issue Fronds or insurance policies for nhe limits and eoveiagrs � required Suchiurcn� and insurance cotiiparues shall also meet such additionalrequirements and qualifications as may, be providedin the Supplementary. Conditions. 53'. COiTCRACTOR shall delivei to OWNER, with uopiesto each nddtional'insured idenfified in the Supplemenuiry.Cunditicros, certificates of irmranie (and other evidence of insurance requested. by, OV4WER or .env- other' additional insured) which I ' COATRl CTOWv Liability Insurance: 5.4, CONTRACTOR shall purchase and rinah" such liability and other insurance as is upprbpriale for the - Work being performed andfurnished and, as well provide protectionfromclaiins.set forth below which may arise out of or result rom COs\tTR•\CTOR's performance and furnishing of the 'Work and CON'TRACTORs other obEgations under the C-ontruct Documents. whether it is;tu be performed or turmshed by' (;ONTRACTOR, any, Subcontractor or Suppirer, or by anyone drecdy or indirealI y, employed by :myof them to jierfbrm,or Furnish- any of the; Work• or by anyone for whose acts^ any of them ' may he liable: 5A:1. claims under worker' compensation. disability benefits and othersfmilar clriploye bcnefitacts; 5.4:2: claims for damsg�s.lxe-mrci: of hcetilp' injury occupational. siddicss or disease: or death of CONrRAC'rdR's employees; 5i1.3 claims for daniagiis because of.hodlly injury; sickness or disease oil death of any parson other than ' CONCRACTOR's employee% :}4:-l—ClaImS—fnF-drlma6'a9—a1S'11C2d—"y7c'ugu nlary. -1181 fi .,...af..� inc hy. rn.,.. tl�rno t ti.. �.."' `r-�-�r_ finny-�xhaF�s(art-ta+r-any otheweasore 5A.5. claims For damage-, nther than to the Work: itsclk because of iryury to or de5tntction of tangilitc property wherever,- It;.nt&: ;- including lose. 6 ,use resulting therefrom', and - �'4.6_ claims for drunages because of bodily injury or ' death iif any person or property damage arising out of the ownership, .maintenance or use of any motor vehicle. The policies of insurance so required by this paragraph 5.4 ' to lie ptirehasedand maintained shall: 5.4.7. with respect to insurance required; by paragaphs 5.4.3 through-5.46 inclusive and 5,,t.9, include as addtaonaL insureds (subject to mitt' customary exclusion in, respect of f professional, Gnbihty) CAVNM ENGINEER, ENUfbih6R's Consultants and any other persons or entities identified in. the SupplementaryCondilions• all of whom shall be -listed as additional insureds; and include coverage for. ' the respective -Officers and .employees of all such adtliticml ulsurads 5.4.S. include the specify covcrtgcs and be written for not 16then the limits of liability provided in the ' Supplementary Conditions or required. by Laws or• Regulaticm, whichever is greater, 5-.4.1). include completed oNrations irmrrtnec; ' UCUCeiE-ivF7G1L,COtiU[710, Inrtr3(t"o Eifidinl a'/ CITY OFFOR r COLLt R; . tobtInCAIIOm (REv.12000) 5.4.10. include ,contractual. liirbility irivamnce. covering CONTRACTOR'S: indemnityoblit•atiorn under paragraphs 6.1? 6.10 rmtd 6.31 thrvug i 633; 5.4.11: oontam a provision or endorsement that the coverage afforded will not be -cancelled. materially changed:or renewal refused until at least thirty days_ prior written notice has been uwcn ro,OWN[TC and Cot TRACTORand to each other additional insured identified in the Supplementary C•gnddtims. ter Whom' a. ixrhficale •of imumnce has been issued (•and the certificates of .insurance furnished by , the CblNTRACTOR pirsuant,to pam6raph5.3.2 will so provide)" .A.12. remain in effect at least until final payment and at all times thereafla when CONTRACTOR may Ix s6rzeciirg. removing or replacing clef se WA m accor. %n irh rAngmpli 13.12,, and 5.4.11 with respect to• completed operations insurance, rand any Cintiurahce coverage written. on. a clainis,made basis, remain in effect for at least two ycars,aRer final, payment (and COWR\C I'OR shill RuricshOWjJF-Rrand'.ench'other•addiuonai insured identified in the Supplementary Conditions to whrah a certificate ra of insunce figs Been issu d evidence satisfsnctoi)•'to OWNER and any such additional insured of continuation of arch insurance at final payment and one year thereafte ). OI61'ER'.e Liability Insurance; 5.5. In addition to, insurance required ter be provided by, CONM\C-TOR. under ;nragraph,5.4 OWNL•R :of OWNF.R's Option may purchitw and maintain at OWNI ER's expense OWNER's own Ilabiliq; insurance as will protect O6\NER toga rase Olaini5 tvhicfi may arise from t- opera tionsunder the Contract Documents. Propern, Insurance 5:6,--Unless-athaFwisrpruvide&in -the-SupplemenLwry Conditions.-O\VNLp�shah 1=-purzhnsa-and-m a rnmin pFopeny-Iin5taE3HP.ttlpOn-Eht�i4firteeH}it•"elCiitiheanio itt cp-dtot-tulhrepincenieni-.cost-FFieri+of=(asbjeet to-sticht deductible--amounts-as-may-La- provided--at---tha Supplementarp-C6r di6oris-or-required-by-Laws-ani! Ragulntiorts}-=flitsir>sitmnca-shnlh - 46: F—include—lilt—Tnteresta—ul'—r:?W YER; - s6Y�FhIE6R'sCtfastifta+bs--urtil-art}-ok#ier-pee;oro-ea=. rat itias-idantiCtad-in- kha-Supplementaty-Fonditions; etnhtvC-w}iemrisdmned Fo-hiave-arrinsurablrvaerest andstwlFbu listactas-am-rnsuraduFacklitiow I� mstired c 6: �--bin-tvrittat-art-a--13uildei's-Risk=el I -risk -or . - fefin-thee shed-at-kart-mrluda-instuun'0 ref -Fny�,. d '^g P -trnrpotnry-k;t}ildtr»,�s-fskewark artd-F1'ork-tirtra+tsi -and-skull-insirr>`againsE-eE-leasi thee-tF111Hw}ng-pepts---Elie;--41gIlF:,i:_, •kiandail cov"e—.Lhe ----- . . . . . . . . s---debRS - RIGYM;, defifmWen MI Of I All'q'OFI(l A 'w s 'y speeiti�ly,r uir d by ime4u t*eft . I an Arpliut-- un it- ayffie4. ftt-b.v if issuzd- -A j.4 waig-eeraif�vistqi e 10xR.ersi-r<`s,F'o` written-mytic z'69-Leen-iziven-to-OWNEP"and , GG,?�RakGTOR and tif eaeb a whom-ncertificqt,e-of-iiisurmic4 hHs-been-issited-enillwill with psmaph-5-14- 5,9.. OWNER.shall not be rcsporisible for pumhasing and maintaining any property insurance to protect the imarests.of CO.VFIZj\CTOK SuM,ondncws or,others in, speeiaE-eastrranQa -, 4-Tad-b"p PfO PR Ore'. 10 wiary-bilroRr M." N &eF-Of-PightSi- j4442'.—fn—tKWiti6n; O"N8 -T F*!" , tV agribist—CONTRA-G -OR-�Subcmautljm -ENGENEER� RIGPMER29 Gofsultar&s find th of-usa-or-ooie�oosequenfiRl-krA-e\ten , ding of - fh.- Vre Uf isl [Line �=Aer,"peFiZ eni' any su I 11 1 1] l�;avery-ogairisEam:-a€-G4�•TiktGTO[? Subwntnicters; �6�1,�`LEA's-Gunsttkiantstmd-th�c3Ais.:r�. dirtsfea.;:-isepleyres-an�ageatsaf-aw;-eFthcm- .Receiptand:tpplicadortof1n mnce.pnxeerb: 5.12. Any insured loss under the policies of insurance taquved by,prragraphs5:6 and 517 will be -adjusted w%dh (C) R and made; payable to OW NIM as fiduciary I'pr the. insureds. as then:irdcrests may appear, subloct to the• rtquirerneNs.of*any applicable- mortgage clause and of paragraph 5; 13. O1WER shalt deposit in a separate account dhy money so rcceived.andshall distribute it in accordance with such aiarccment as the -parties in interest may retch If no iuher special agreement is reached the 3amaged Work shall be repaitcd or replaced, the moneys so received applied on accottrit thereof amd the Work and the wst•thcrcof covered by an appropriate Ckange Order or Written AmcnthncnL. i.IT OWNER- as fiduciary shall havc.puwCr to adjust 'and settle any lass .with the, insurers unless one of the: parties in interest skull Abject in Wilting within fifteen days after the otxurrertee of.loss to OWNER's exercise of this ppiver, It such objection fie made, OWNER:ns fiduciary shall InAcz settlement with the insurers in accordance_ with ,such agreement as: the panics in. interest may. reach -If'no such agreement among die parties in -interest is reached. 0S1^!ER'.as fiduciary shall adjust awl settle the loss with the. insurzn ^ate, � na.raoz.;-watt- - I...--Ones-jmrt . in interzst� C)W. 133R �fidusrnry-shell-gice-bra li lkie proper perknnansroFsueliduties. Acceptance-ofRonds and;lnsuranci Optiontoffeplace. 5,14, .If 4FFE}IT) OWNER'has any objection to the Luvt:ragcatlbrdcd by or other provisions of the. Donds-or insurancerequired to be. purchased and maintained by the -eth� party CONTRACTORin accordance with Aniele 5 on die basis of,non-,onforrnrm& with the Contract. Documents, the R' in writing with of the certificates P&did Udlimdon-Property Insurance.: 5.15. If Ok%VER Grids it necessary to Occupy or use a portion, or portions of the Wort prior to Substantial t7(UCtVENE1t lL.GONUITIi)�b'd9IU.Y o"o wtiail av/CIV Or FORT.COLLItu AtOD114CA DONS I REV IRouaj "Completion of all the Worl_,suc i use or Occupancy may be accomplished in accordance with-paragntph,1.4.10; pruvided that no such use or occup2rny shah commence "before, the:insurers.providing the property insurance have ucknowledgcd notice thereof and in writes effected any changes in coverage necessitated thereb} 'rite insurers providing the property . insurance, shall consent by endorsement. on the. policy or policies, but the property ,insurance shall not be -cancelled or permitted: to lapse On account of any such partial use oioccupancy., ,Ut'pICCI•; !-CON'rH.tCTUH'S' RESPOe�SZBILITIES' '.Saperiisian and Superintendence. 'q:l. ,C'ON'I'RACroR shall supervise,. inspect and direct the Work competently and efficiently, devating suoh attention thereto and applying. such skills and expertise as may be necessary to perform the Work in .accordance with the ,Contmct Documents, CONTRACTOR shall he snlcly responsible far the means, methods, techniques, sequences and' procedures 'of construction. but CONTRAcm shall not be responsible for the negligence of othem in the do -•sign are-sp eciticttion of a specific means. method, technique, sequence or procedureuf construction which is shown or indicated in and expressly required by the Contract Documents CONTRACTOR shall be responsible toy sea that the completed Work complies accurately with -tfu,.Contract t7ocvments C,.2. CONTPutC•TOR shall kayi on the Work at all times •during its progress, tt competent resident superintendent who shall not•be. replaced without written rwticu� to OWNER and LNGINEER except under ottmordinary circumstances The superintendent will be CONTRACTORa representative at die siteand shall have atuthority� to ad an hhalf of CONTRACTOfC All aamntitrucations to the soperuatendcnt shall be as binding as if giv in to COVTR tC I OR Labor; Materials and Egaipmr nt. 6 i. WNTR &OR shrill provide competcm, suitably qualified personnel to survey, stay 'out And construct the Work as required by' tile- Contract Documents: CONTRACTOR shall at all times maintain good dis:ipfine and'ordcr at the site. E.ncept as otherwise required for the safety or protection of persons or the AVOrk or proprty' at the .site or adjaccnl .thereto, and eycept•ns othcrIvke- indicated in the Contract D&uments, all Wort: at the:site shale.be,performe_d,during _regular working -hours and CONT(L•tCTOR will not permit ovenanework:orahe performance of Work on'Saturday, 'Sunday or any lc6al holiday without OWNER's written consent given after prior written notice to EIiGMER CONTRACTOR shall submit requests to the ENGINEER no .less than. 48 hours .in advance of anv Work to Ix Performed on Saturday: Sunday. Holidays or outside the . Regular Working "Hours. 6.4'. Unless otherwise specified in the General Requircm:nt--;. CONTRACTOR shall funish and assume full rcWLmsibility for all materiels. equipment labor. trairsportalion, . oorstruction•.equipment and machinery'. tools. appliances fueL power. li_:ht: heat. telephone; water. sanitary facilities, temporary facilities and •all other facilities and incidentals necessary for 'the' furnishing, perfo mane, testing, smut -up and ogmpletiuvtof the We& 6 4:l kirchusitz Rcstrictiurt: CONTRACTOP must comply with the City' s ourchasine restrictiottsA copy of the resolutions are available for review in die offices of the Purchasing and Risk iyma¢ement Division or theCity Clerk's office. 6.4Z Cement Restrictions: Cia• oC Fart Collins Resolution '91-121'requires that suppliers tint ortxlu'ars of cement or pntmrcts containing cement ui canifv that the anent was not made m cement•kiIns drat bran hazardous waste as a fuel. &5- All materials and equipment shall be of good. quality and new, except as Otherwise- provided in the Contmct Doci iients, All .Ivartanties .arid' guarantees .g citicallycalled 'fit by the Specifications shall .egpressly run to the benefit of tOW'NT:R: If required hy'FNGINF,ER, CON'I'RACfUR. shall famish satisfactory' c6dence (including mfit ru of required tests) its to the: kind and qualiq; of materials. and equipment. All' materials and equi cat shall he: applied, installed. connected. erected, usett cleaned and conditionedinaccordance with instructions ofthe applicable Supplier, ciicept as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. Prrtgreecv %Aethile: 6,6. CON'rRACPOR shall adhere to the progress schedule established in accordance with paragraph2.9 as it may be adjusted from dine to time as provided .Mo - 6.6.1. CONTRACTOR shrill submit to LNGME•R for acceptance (to the extent indicated in Nragmph 2.9) proposed adjustments is the progress :schedule dial will hot change tic Contract Times (or 0lesiones). Such adjustments will conform generally ta'ihe progress schedule then in efYect and,additiomilly will, comply with any provisions of the General Requirements applicable thereto. 6.6.2. Proposed adjustments in theprogress schedule. thin will change. the Contract Times -(or \Ueswnes) shall be submitted in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 12.1•. Such adjustments may only be: made by a Change Order or Written Amendmentin accordance with Article 12. 6.7. SubaYitutes anti "Or -Equal." Items.' 6.7.1. Whenever an iteni of'matcrial or equipment is specified or'destrilxd in the Contract: Documents 'by using the name of a proprietary item or the name of a Particular Supplier; the specification or description is intended to establish the type, function .and' quality required. Unless the _specification or description WCDC GE*:Vd. COi4Dt'n 0 18 19I0-S Q001366(al' 12' w/CITY OF FORT COLLIMM0011-16T1ONS MILV,10000) cuntauts.ur is fuUowCd by words reading that no litre. equivalent or "or -equal" item or no substitution is. permitted; other items of material or equipment or material or equipment Of other Suppliers may be accepted by ENGINEER under -the following circumstanel Vr-&jual": If in FNGINEERs sole dixrelion an dent of material ur cquipmcra proposed by CON I AUTUR. is furtcuormlly equal to that named and sufficiently similar so that no change. in related Work will be required, it may be considered by ENGINEER•�rts an "or-equnl" .item, iii which case rcvictc andapprovabofthe proposed iiam may.. in FNG(NEER's: sole discrctiort,bc. accomplished without compliiance with some or all of the requirements. for acceptance of proposed substitutc items. Sub 6tute Items. If in ENGNHER's:sole' discretion an item of materialor, equipment proposed by CONTRACTOR does not+qualify'as- an "or -equal" item undersubparigaph 6,;7:I_l,,tt will be considered a proposed substitute item: CONTRAC- I.OR shall submit sufficient information as provided below, to allow•• , ENGINEER to detcrr»inc that the item of material or equipment proiposed is essentially equivalent to thatnamed and an acceptable.suhstituic therefor. The proceduni for review by the ENGINEER will include the following as sup[1 enlcd in the General Requirements and as ENGfNEER may decide is appropriate under the circumstances. Requests for review of proposed substitute items of material•or equipment will not be pcccptod by FNGNF.F.R from amroner other than CONTRACTOR If. CONTRACTOR wishes to furnish or use a substioac item. of material or. equipment, CONTRACTOR shall rust make writtcnappliration to ENGINE for acceptance thereof; ceniFying that the proposed substitute will .perform adequately the functions and achieve the results called for by the general desi� be similar in substance to't that specified and be suited'to the i;nme use as that specified The application will state the extent, if any. to which the evaluation and acceptmce oC the proposed substitute will prtijudica 'CONTRACTOR's achievement of .Substa uial Completion on time; whether or not acceptance of the substitute for tisc i t the Work will rzquve n 'change in any of the Contract Documents. (or in the provisions of •any other dirt:ct contract with OWNER fur work on the Project) to adapt the design to theproposed substitute and whether or not incorporation or use of,the substitute in.6onnection with the. Work is subjea to payment of any license fee or royalty. W varitaions of the proposed substitute from. that .specificd will be identified in the application and avalable,:mainteriancc• ripdir and replacement service will be indicated- The. app,hciuon'will also contain sin itemized estimate of .all costs or credits that will result directly or indirectlyfrom acceptance of such substitute- including costs of redeisign and claims of other contractors affected 11 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 I u J 1 1 by the rstrlt rig ch tge; ,aq' of, which wilt be t._onsiderccl, by ENGINEER in evaluating the proposed substitute. FITGLNEER' may reeyyuue: CONTRACTOR, to fornis_Fi_ additional daia•'about the proposed subsiiiuie. ' 6.7,1'.3.,C0:V7R4CTVRi'Evpensv:, All data -to be provided by CONTRACTOR in.support.of any. proposed 'or-equaV or subitittite item will be at CONTRAC'roR's expense. 6.7.2. Subshnrre Cunstnictian hfethods or PA0eedznvs. If a specific means, methoti.technique. '5egUm or procedure. of corvaructlon. Is shown• or indicated. in .and etxpressly required' by the Contract Document.;, CONTRACTOR may furnish or utilize, a -substitute means: mclhtnl: technique, sequence or procedure of constr6ction.acceptablc to:FNGINFER. Co?? I` (LACTOR'shalt submitsufficicnt informniion to allow FNIGINEFk in b'NGUr Mf s sole discretion; to, deterrulne;dmat the substitute proposed is equivalent to that expressly called for by the Contract Documems. The. procedure feu review by ENCIINEFiR. will he similar to that. pmyided in.subpnragrapli 67.1,2: 6,73. Engineer's F.vahtarhm:" •F_NGTNFER- will,4ie allowed a, reasonable time -within which to evaluate .each piopostl or submittal niade, pursuant. to paragraphs ;red 6, 7 -21: tNGNE•ER wi Il be thc' time judge of acceptability, Nip "Or--ecgqoal"' or substitute will he ordered, installed or utilized without FN'GINTF.ER's prior written acceptancc whichowill be evidencedby either a Change —Order or art approved Shop (hawing. OIVI REk may require. CONTRACTOR to famish at CONTRACTOR's expense a special perfot'ritance guarantee or, other surety with respectto any 'or -equal" or substitute. ENGINEER will record time rdquircd -by ENGWEER .and ENGWETKRs •Consultants in evaluating substitutes propascd or submitted by CONTRACTOR pursuant to panmg iphs'6;7,1 2.and 63.2 and in : mak rig emu n_es in the Contract Documents (or in the provisions, of any other direct contract with. OWNFR: for'work on the Project) occasioned thereby, Whether or nor ENGWEER accepts a stibstituteitem so proposed or submittedby CGNTR:\CTOR. CONTRACTOR shall reuttbtttse OWINUt for the charges of UNTGD =-.R: and LZGTNTEEles Consultants ror evaluating •each such proposed substitute item, 6_8. Concerning Subcontraclors, &fflierr and Ofhersr .. 6.8.1.. CONTRACTOR shall not employ, tiny Sitteontractor, Supplier or other person qr orgamztrtiort (including those acceptable to. OWNER and L TGENEFR'as indicated in partjzraph;6.9 2), whether initially or as a sub.,litulc, against whom OWNER or L"NTGIINMEt may have reasonable Objection.' CONTRACTOR shall not be required to employ any Su6contraetor, Supplier or other person orprgamiation to. furnish or perform any of the Work against whom CONCRACTOR has reas6mW objection. tICIOCOhNhTGV: CONDrnOtwl'.t7i" o7AJ Huitiao wl CTY OF FORT COLLIN- ,�IODIHCATIONS IRHV d2U(IUf 6.9 CONTRACTOR shall perform not less than 20 percent- of the Work withics. own"forces -(that is. without subcontnicting). The 20 percent requirement shall be understood to mferto the Work the value of which totals not less•than'20 percent of the Contract Price. 6.8:?. Lf-the-rSuppktiranter}L-Gtinditions Bidding Documents icquire: the identity' of certain Subcontractors. SuuFF�PtIICM- or other persiMIS . or orramzati(m ons ciu44g those who "aretG tunvsh the principal items of materials or equipment) to be submitted to OWNER irredvence-of ;the spzetEied date prior to the,ElTective Date of the Agrcemmt for ncoepmnce by MINIM and FNGLNF.'E?I��nd-iF 11'yFFk:-1£�AI'ricks-•setstxititd-n--{tsF-Eh.�r�"ef :rn aeeurdient:v=::;m—.F�r---Suppler emery--E�tclitiens� OWNER's, or,'.FNCrINEFR's acceptance {either in writing or by, (ailuig to make writtenobjection thereto by the date indicated for acceptance or objection in the bidding documents or the Contract Documents) of NrNGINbbK No :acceptance by VWAINK__ or. FVGTNF.FR•of my such Subcontractor. Supplier or other person or organization shall constitute.a wiim of any right of OWNER. or P.NGINFER. to reject defechve'Work. 6.9.1. CONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible to OWNER knit ENGINEER for all acts and omissions of the Subcontrctorsh $upplicts and other Persons and organiz<mtions performing or funtishing any of the Work un&r a di met or indirect contract with CONTRACTOR, just as CONTRAC`,TOR is responsible_ for CONTRACTOR's own acts and omissions' Nuthing in the Contract Documents shall create for the 'benefit .of any such Subcontmh tor, Supplier or other person or organization an}, contractual relalioruhip , between .UW'NFK or E�i ICi fNEGR and ,any such ,Subcunuactor; Supplier or other person or utganuatioR nor shall it create any obliyntion on the part of OWNER or,LNI GII TLER to pay or to see to the payment of any moneys due any such Sub iontiactor, Supplier ur other perstm or, organiattion except.as may otherwise he. required by Laws and Regulations• 'OWNER or ENGINEER' malt• furnish to anv subcontractor, supplier or other person or oreanization evidence .of amounts maid .to CONTRACTOR. in .accordsncc with CONTRACTOR'S'Applications for Payment': N 1 6,9.3 CONTRACTOR shall tie solely responsible for scheduling .and coordinating, the 'Work of SuIxuntractors. Suppliers and other persons and organization perRmnmg or famishing, any of the Work under a. director iuI irua .contract with CONfkaC.-TCR. 'CON'eRACTOR shall require all Subcontractors. Suppliers,anJ such oilier persons and or&'aoizzitionu performdg or fiirhishi io any of tilt Work to communicate with the LNGIVi-GLR through CONTRACTOR. 6.10. The divisio s and scctions of the Spei:ifications and the identifications of any Dmwings skillnot control CONTRACTOR in dividing the Work among Subcontractors &r uppliers or delineating the Work- totx pcit rmcd by any spentic trade; 6.11. All Work perfoimed for (:ONTRACTC)R by a Subcontractor to Supphcr will be pursuant to an appiopiiatc.ngrecmcnt between CONTRACTOR and the - Subcontractor or Supplier which specifically binds the. Subcontractor or Supplier to the 'applicable cants and conditions of the Contract Documents for the,benefit of OWNER -and :E 1GINEplf. Pident Fees and.RuFafries. 6,12, CONTRACTOR shall pay all license fees and royalties and assume all costs incidental'the use in the perforntar:ce of the Work or the incorporation in the Work of anyinvention, design, process, product or device which is the subject of p ttent rights or copyrights held by others. ff a particular 4wention design, process, product or device is specified' in the ,Ctaitrad Documents for use in the performance of the Work and if to theactual knowledge of OW:TR or Gi\ ANTE•R its use is subject to patent rights or copyri_hL, calliig for the payment ofany license fee or royalty to others; the existence of such rights s}iall be disclosed"by-OWNER' in the Contract Documents. To the (idlest extent permitted by Laws and Regulations. CONTRACTOR -shall indemnify and hold harmless OW'NEIL ENGLVTSR ,ENGINEM's Consultant,, and the officers, directors, employees, agents.andother consultants I)( each and'any of them from and against albcluims, eints:, losses.and damages arising out of or resulting from ,any irifiingenicrit of patent rights -Or copyrights incident to they use in the performance of the Work or resulting from the incorporation in.ahe Work- of any invenliort ,design. process. product or device not specified in the Contract Documents ,KX'DC ()ENEKAL MU'110NS U 1WS p90 Editipih W C11T Oa PORT C'OW M MODtFlC'A'rIONS tREV 42000 Cennits: 6,13. , 'Unless otherwise provided' in the Su lementary Condition[; CONTRACTOR shall obtain and -pay for all construction•permits and licerises. OWNER ,shall assist CONTRACTOR, when iiecessary, in obmining such permits und'liemses. CONTRACTOR' shall pay all governmental charges• and. inspection fees necessary .for the prosecution of the. Woik; which are applicable -at the' time of opening of Bids, or., if diere are no Bids, on the Effeedv_e. Date of the Ng&ment. CON'TRACCOR'drill pay'till charges of.utility owners. for connections.to.ihe Work, and OWNER shall Pay all charges of such iitility owners for capital costsrelated thereto such as. plant •investment -fees. 6.14. LawsandRegala2iyrns: 6.14;1. COMRACTOR Shall,givc�all notices and comply, with all l aws.and Regulations applipnblc-to furrushi g and perl'ormanice of the Work. Except inhere otherwise expressly required by applicable Laws -and Rcgulattons,. .neither .OWNER net. ENG INFER shall be responsible for monitoring Cnt`rrRA(:rOR's compliance with any Latvs .Or Regubitions,' 6.14:2_ if CON` [RAC 0R peribrms any Mirk knowing or having reason to knots that it is contrary to Laws or Regulation{ COYMA(' VOR'shall bear all claims, costs, losses and damages causedby,. arising out of or resulting thereffam;'6vever; h shall not be COWPACTORs primary responsibility �to- mak-c cc rtain•that the. Specifications and Dr %ours are in nccordanoc wiih, LaWS and Regulations• but this shall not relieve CONTRACTOR of C'ONT R aCTOWS obligdtinrvsunder fiarigraph 3.3.2. TtaFea 6:1j, CONTRACTOR shill pay all sates, consumer. List and other similar taxes nNuved to' be paid by CONTRACTOR, in accordance with the Laws and Regulations of the plan} of the Projectwhich are applicable during the perforamct of the.Work. 6.1? l -OWNER ts•exempt atom Colorado State and lord sales and .use taxes. en Miwtals ln_be pemian nt1y incorporated into the projic[. Said ta:-cs shall not be included in the Contract Price. CONTRACTOR must apply' Car. and receive, a 'Certifieate of-Exemotion .Cram the Colorado Dermrtment of Revenue for construction materials to be. ph sy�icnlly incorporated. into the -:project This Certification of "Grieco iun provides that. the CCRNrRe\CTOR shall neither pay nor include in his Bid Sales and Use 7fa:ces-on those buildinand yoilstruclion materials ohvsicully ;ineorootated into theoroiect: Address: Colorado Department of Revenue State Capital Anne J [1 1 LI 1375'Shennan'Street . Denver, Colomdo SO'=61. Sales and Use Tax;s for the, State of Colomdb. Rcuioml Transportation District(RTD) and certain Colorado counties are collected by the State of Colorado an' are. included. -in. the Certification..of Exemption. All applicable Sales and Use'Taxes-6ricludiiic State' collected =es). on any itemsother than construction and building materials Physically incorporated into the project.are to be .paid by CONT'.KAC'L'OK and are.td be included in appropr ate bid items. Use of Premises: 6.l6. CONTRACTOR. shall confine construction equipment, the storage of materials and equipment and the operations of workers to the site and land and arms identified in and permitted by the Contract Documents and tither land and areas permitted •hp laws and, Regulations, rights -of -way, permits ,and casements, ;and' shall riot uorcYtsorobly encumber the premises with construction equipment or other materials or equipment. CONTRACTOR shill'assumc6 full msponsibibty for any damage• to any such land or area, or to the owner or occupant thereof or of any adjacent land or areas, resulting from the performance of the Work, Should any claim be made by any such owner or occupant because of the performance of the Work, CON'rRA(1rOK•sball promptly settle with such other party by negotiation or otherwise resolve the claim by arbitration or other dispute resolution proeccding or at law. CONTRACTOR 'shalt, to the fullest extent permitted by Laws and Regulations, indc tmify.and hold ht<atmless. OWNER, UNGLNEER. L�IGLNEERs Consuicmt and anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them from and against all claims, costs, losses and damages arising. out of or resulting from -any claim or action legal or equitable, brought by any such owner or ocarpant. against OW \JFM ENG Ii i -ER or any other party indemnified hereunder to the.• extent' caused by or based ueon CONTRACTOWs Performance of the Work. 6.17. During the progress of the Work. CONTRACTOR shall keep the premises Gee from accumulations of waste materials. rubbish and other debris resulting •front the Work. At the completion of the Work CONTRACTOR shall remove all waste materials; rubbish and debris from and about the.pre-mises as well as all tools, appliances;. construction equiprriatt and machinery and surplus materials. CONTRACTOR shall leave'lhe site clean and ready for occupancy by OWNER. at Substantial; Completion of the Work. CONTRACTOR shall restore to original condifion•:dl propertynot designated ror'alteration by the Contract Dcx:uments. 6, I S: coNTRAcTOR shall not load nor permit any pan of any structure to be Ioaded'-in.any .mumier that Will endanger the structure, nor shall COIyTRACT.OR subject any part of the Work or.adjacent property to stresses or pressures that will endanger it. Record Docuiuenty p rive usNtw t.coNu noon U 1 os 0 "0 Ediiao wia'rcohr•OR'ICnttit•5Mouto- canO6'SIIEJarz000j 6.19• CONTRACTOR, shall maintain in it site, place at the site one record copy ofallraifi . D wings, _Speccations; Addenda, Written Amendmcrits, Change Orders. Work Change Directives.- Field Orders +and. 'wrilten interpretations "and claiifiwtibns. (issued pursuant, to pnrag;aph9.4)in good order and annotated-toshow all changes made during construction. These .record documents.togethnrwith,all approved Samples and.a counterpart of.all approved Shop Drawings will be available tb ENGIAIGEk.tor teferrnce. Upon completion df the Work, and prior to rzleaw,of final payment these record Tcumerils; :Samples and Shop Drawings will be delivered to.ENGINEER'forOWNER: Srrfery.ntid Protection_ 6.24). CONTRACTOR shill be responsible lox initiating, mamtainirtg and supervising , all 'safety precautions and programs in connection with the, Work. CON' RAC'TOR. shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of and shall provide the necessary protection to prevent damage, injury or lesss to' 6.20t1- all persons on the .Work site or who.may be affected by the Work; o _U-^_: all the,Work and materials and,equipatent to .be incorporated therein, whether'in storage on or off- the. site. and 6.20.3. other property at the site or adjacent thereto,, including trees, shrubs.. lawrts Walks, pavements, roadways.. structures, utilities and. Underground Facilities not dceignatcd for removal; relocation or replacement in the course or construction, CONTRACTOR shall comply with all applicahle'laws and Regulat iorts of any public Ludy having) urisdiction for safety of persons or property or to. protect themfrom damage, injury or loss; and shall .erect and maintain all necessan- safeguards for Such safety and protection. CONTRACTOR shall notify owners orad)ace'it pmpeity and of Undergroand Facilities and utility owners when prosecution of tare Work may affect them, and.shalf cooperatewiththem in the protection removaL-relocation and replacement. of thefr.propertv, All dainage; injury or loss Co. any property referred: to in paragraphs 6't1.2 or 6.203 unused, directly or indirectly, in whole .orinpart, by CONITRAMRO any Subcontractor, Supplier or any other person or organization directly 'or indirectly emploved by any or them to perrorm br furnish any, of the Work or anyone for whose acts any of them.may be liable, shall be remedied by CONTRACTOR (except damage or loss attrib'amble to the fault of Drawings or Specifications or to the acts onomissions of OWNER or ENGIi LEER to NGINEER's Consultant or anyone employed by any of •than or anyone few Whose acts any of them maybe,liuble, and not attributable, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, to the fault or negligence of CONL'1LACTOR or any Subcontractor, Supplier or other person ur organization directly or .indirectly employed by any of them). C064TR aC:TOR's duties and responsibilities ' for the safety and protection of the Work shallcontinue until such imic as all the Work is oontpl'eted and ENGIN6'ER has issued a li notice to OWNER,and' CONTRACTOR.in accordance with p@ra traph 3Yis acexptable (c�ept a3k otherwise expressly provided in connection with Substantial Completion),. 6,21, Sajerp Reprerenrgt(ve: CONTRACTOR shall de, t- (d a qualified and experienced. safetyrepresentativc at the site whose duties and responsibilities shall he the prevention of accidents and the mamwining and supervising of safety precautions and prugmms. HazardCommuaication Programs: 6,22. =%rfRACTOR .shall be responsible fur awrclinatine any exchtr �e oCmnterial'safcty data sheets sir other hazard oommunrcaU'nn intormstion'required'.to he made available to orexchanged between or.'amonp cmiloyers at the site in .accordance with -lawn or Regulations. emergamaev:. .6 _3, In cmcreencicsaffccting-thc.safety or protection of persons or the- Work orpropiaty, at-tlie sile.oradjUcffl. thereto, COMMACMIZ, without special instruction or authorization from C)tWFR or ENGNE.ER, is obligated to act to _prevent thrcateiicd damage, injury or .loss. CONTRACTOR shall .give ENGINEER prompt written notice if.CONTRA(-fQR believes that any significant changes in the \Yorkor, variations from the Contract Documents have been caused thereby. It' ENGINEER. defemiinesthat a change in the Contract Documents is required because orthe action taken by CONTRACTOR in response to such an emergency, a Work Change Directive or Change Order will" he issued to documcrit the consequences of such action G24. Shop Drawings andSanrples. ,6:24.1. CONTRACTOR shall submit Shop Drawings 'to ENGINEER for review and approval in accordance withthe acccliteikschedule of Shop Drawings and Sample suliniittals (sae pamerapli 2.9), )VI submittals wilt be ietentified as LIIGrN'EER may require and in the number of dopies' specified di the Genera4 Requvanents. Thn data shown on the Shop Chawinv_S will be complete with respect to quantities,. dimensions, specified performance and design criteria, miiierials: and similar data to show ENGL\TEER the materials and cquipmenl CO,\TfRACTOR proposes to. provide and to enable ENGINMER in review the information for the- limitedji"p es -required by. pamgraph 6.26: 6.242. CONTFLACTOR stiall also submit Samples to G�`GGvTER for review and appruval' in accordance with said accepted schedulc•uf Shop Drawings and Sample submittals. Each Sample will be identified' clearly as to materiaL Supplier. pertinent datwsuch as atalog.riumbers and the use ror which inienck;d and oihenvise as ENGINEER may require to enable LNG NICER, to review the submitml Ter the limited EXDCGENMR Lcow'no,suN-Sn vuEciticd) G svl CVYOF IQRT COLLI\SS16DMC..An0N5(M'd I!011r11' purposes required by par gmph626. The n6rubers of each'Sample to be submitted will be,as s7�cifial in the Specifications.. 6.25, Submittal Procedures: 6.25,1. Before submitting eaeh-'Shep Dritwirig or, Sample,.CONTRACTORshall'lnve dctermined'and 'verified: 6:35.11all field measurements, quangti.m dimensions, specified perfo_nnance criteria, installation requirements, materials, catalog numbers and similar informauum with respect thereto, fi 25.L_: alfinuterials with respect to intended use., fahncation, shipptrie, Handling, storagge, assembly and installation pertaining to Uic performance of the Work;. and' 6:25;1.3. all information, relative to C:')N'I RACTOR's Sole responsibilities in respect of means, method-, techniques sequences and procedurc., oreonsimetion and safety precautions, and prugranis incident thereto, CONTRACTOR shall'.also have: revitnvW and coordinated each Shop Drawing or Sample with other Shop Drawings and Samples and with the requiremerasof the Work, and .,the Contract Documents. 6.25.1 Each submittal will hear a stamp or specific' written indication that CONTRACTOR has satisfied C6NTRACT0R's obligations, under the Contract D6eunicnfs with. respect to (:ONTRAC'COR's teviinv and epprovalofthat submittal. 6:25.3: At the time of 'each submission, CONTRACTOR :shrill give ENGLN7EER specific written notice of such variiitions: if any, that the Shop Drawing or Sample submitted .may Have from. the rcquiuements.cif thc.Contract Documents, such notice to be in a written communication seprate from the aubminal_ and, .in aWition. shall Eausd a specific notation to be made on each Shop IDriiwi t-. and Sampld submitted to ENGRNEER. for .review and approval of each such variation 6.^_6. ENGMER will review and approve Shop Drawings and'Samples in accordance with the schedule of Shop .Drawings aril Sample submituals accepted by Etc 7GLNrEER as requiicd by paragraph 2.9, ENGINEER's review andnpproval will be only to determine if the items covered by the sitbmilmL' wi14 alter installation or incorporation: in the Work, confirm, to the informan6n given in the Contract Documents and be ecinpatible with the d6ign conwpt of the completed 1§ojeet as. a functioning whole as indicated by the Contract Documents. ENG[NEER's review and approval will not extend to mans, methods, techniques, mqucnces or procedures of construction (except where a parU filar means;, mencM, technique, srluence or procedure of L 1 11 1 constriction is.specifmcally and espresslycalled for by the, Contract Documents) octo-safetyprecnulions or prdvittms incident thereto. The review and approval 6f,a separate item as -such will not indicate approval of the assembly in which the item functions. CONTR,VCTOR shall make corrections required, by ENGINEER, and shall return the required number of corrected copies of Shop Drawings and submit as required now Samples for review and approval. CONTR-\CTOR shall direct specific attention in writing to revisions. other than dtc corrections called! for by, MIGIv'GER'on pn:vicws,suhmitmts: 6:27. ENGINEF.R's reviewand approval, of .Shop Drawings or Samples shall not relieve CONTRACTOR from respcm'sibility for arty variation from the requirements of the Contract Documents unless CONTRACTORhas in writing -called ENGIDIEERs atteritiun to each. such variation atthe time. bf submission as required by rvvragaPh 6.253 and ENGINEER has given written approval of each such variation by a specific 'written rotation thereof incorporatedin or accompanymp the: Shop -Drawing or .S.nmple appra nt; nor will any approval by FiNUINEER. relieve C0N`rRAC:rOR,G'om responsibility for complying with the requirements or paragraph 6.25,11 6.28. Where a Slop Drawing or Sample is reNuired by the Contract Documents or. the schedule of Shop Drawing and Sample submissions accepted by ENGENFER asr. required by paragraph 2 a, a& related Work performed' prior to EtNrGINFFR's review and approval.of the pertinent submittal will he at the sole expense nnd'respcinsthility of C:ONCR.4Crm "Cgncnaing the Work: 6,29, CONTRACTOR shall carry on the Work mid adheir' [it tfn: IirogresS srhadulc during all. diaput:s or disagreements with.OWNER: No Work shall be delayed or postponed ponding resolutionof any disputes or disagreements, except as permitted by pomgrapim 15,5 'is OWNER and: CONTRACTOR Envy' otherwise 4ieree 'in uTiting. 6.30. 'CONTR•I(.TOR's CenerLb Mirratt(v and Caarnatee: 6.30._I..C6NTRACTOR wturarits and guaranties to OWNER LNGWEER in& ENd EER's Cons6hants that all Work will be. in-accordancc,tvith the Contract Ooctiments and ' will' not be dejectivu. CON"TRICTOWs warranty and guarantee hereunder aCcludrs Clcfrcts or.dataage causal by; 6..10,I.L abuse• mudifacation or. improper maintenance. or operation .by. persons. odder .thtn CONTRACTOR; Subx ontrmtars'orSuppliers;.or 6.30.1;2; .normal wear and'tear under normal, usdgC. 6.30.2. CONTRACTOR's obligation to perform and complete the Woric in accordance with the Contract Documents shall.be-absolute. None df the following will constitute an.iicceomnca. of Work that icnot in EJ('t)ClitiJtRrV: CCIIJUI'n Ohl i g l o. (t wo Eoitioo col CITY OF FORI' COLLI NS:NlOUtlnGmTloNS 1 RL•'V .1coo0) accordance with the Contract Documents or a release of CONTRACTOR's obligation to. perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents: 6:302.I., olawrvationsbyENGMER: recommendation of any.prot?ess or final payment by L- G12,T] the issuance of .a certificate of 'Substantial Ctmtpletibn Pr arfv paymenL by. MNI ER'to CONTRACTOR undler lie Confect Documents;, 6:31f,2,q: 'use or oc up r cy of the Work or any ran thereof by.OW7R;. 630 2.5., any acceptance by OWNER or. any faii'ure-to doso:. 6 30 2.6., any, review and approval of u. Shop Drawing or Sample.submittal,or the issuance'of a notice bf'accepmbility by ENGINEER" pursuant to paragraph 14.13 -6:30.2.7,. any-'rrLgxcdbn; wst or. approval by ;other ti- or 6,30.2.8,, any correctonm of ckjl Crijv Work tray. OWNER: 7irr�uteitiftentinrr:. 6.31. 'ro the 'fullest extent: permits&I by laws and Regulations; CONTRACTOR shall indcnnify.and hold harmless. •OWN'ER; ENGIINTER ENGEVEER's Corsultaras anti theofticem directors, employee,, agents arid' other consultants or eachand any of them from and agmrut all claims, cosis, losses and damages (inclddirtg, but not 'limited to, nll fees' and .charges of engineers, architects, 6ttomeys and other professionals and III courF or arbitratio�n or other dispute, resolution costs) izusut by, arising out of or resulting b"om: the performance of"the Workrprovided tliat any such claim, cost, lass or damage: (i)is att6butable'to bilily injury_ sickness, disease or cleatl4 or to injury to or destruction,of tangible property (other than the Work iteelt); including the loss of use resulting, thererrom, and (ii).is.caused in whole or in pan by, any'negligent act or omission of CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor, any Supplier, -arty 'person or.orgmiization directly or indirectly employed by'any of them to perform or furnish any of the Work ot-anycne for whose acts any of them. may be liable; regardless of whether or not caused in part by any negligence or omission of a. person or entity indemnified hereunder or, whether 'liability. is imposed upon .such indemnified party by Laws anal ,Regulations regardless of the "negligence of mysuch person or entity. 632: 'Ira any .and all claims .against OWNER or [:NGINTEEP: or }inyof iheirrespective consultants agents, officers, directors or employees'by -any employee (or the survivor or Fxrsonal rcpresentzmi,o of such employee) of CONTRACTOR.. arty Subcontractor, any Supplier; any person or oroami tion directly or indirectly employed by 17