City of Fort Collins
7307 Transportation Planning
and Engineering Consultant On -call
December 2, 2011
Transportation Planning and Engineering Consultant On -call 1 8
C. Project experience
Atkins has been the prime consultant on over 34 local
on -call services contracts for municipal clients, CDOT,
and FHWA since 1998. We take pride in our demonstrated
delivery under on -call contracts.
The City of Fort
Collins On -call Civil
Engineering Services
(Ongoing). This contract
with the City required
on -call civil engineering
services. The projects
include design, layout
sheets, quality control
check, and construction documents for the Pleasant Valley
Canal culvert under Drake Road that was extended to
accommodate the widening of Drake Road. The project
also consisted of a cast -in -place concrete box culvert,
wingwall extensions, and bridge rail built in accordance
with CDOT Standard Plan M-6ot-1; drainage design,
preliminary/final design, cost estimates, and construction
administration assistance for the replacement of the
Arthur ditch; the development of a transportation
performance measurement system; and the conceptual
design and feasibility study of a one -lane roundabout at the
intersection of Ziegler and Ketcher Roads.
Project specific experience
The Atkins team has a significant amount of successful
experience working with the City and throughout Colorado,
and we have highlighted a sample of those projects we
believe will directly relate to your program needs.
SH 82 Corridor
Optimization Plan, City
of Glenwood Springs
(2oo8). Atkins worked
with the City of Glenwood
Springs, Garfield County,
and CDOT to identify
and evaluate several
alternatives to improve
the movement of people and goods along and across
SH 82. A key component of this project was to identify
alternatives that improved local and regional mobility
while maintaining or improving the local community
character. Atkins led a project team that included elected
officials, City staff, CDOT, County staff, and numerous
interested stakeholders from the local community to
develop a list of possible alternatives to address existing
and future congestion on SH 82 and to promote a
multimodal solution. The results of the analysis allowed
the alternatives to be ranked against each other based on
overall sustainability of the solution and the overall cost/
benefit to the community.
Jefferson Street
Alternatives Analysis,
City of Fort Collins
(Ongoing). Atkins is
providing the City with
planning and alternatives
analysis services for the
Jefferson Street Corridor.
The project includes a complete set of design options for
Jefferson Street/SH 14 and the intersections of Mountain
Avenue and Linden Street. The alternatives analysis
included traditional roadway and intersection designs
along with roundabouts and other innovative context -
sensitive design solutions based upon local, state, and
national best practices.
Because of the number of stakeholders and agencies
involved, the decision making process on Jefferson Street
is a key to its success. Establishing an executive committee
to make key decisions throughout the project broke the
holdup of continual agency backtracking. The consensus
preferred alternative for the corridor includes extensive
streetscape design that will remove a lane from the state
highway for a portion of the project and will provide a
three -lane section through the revitalization portion of the
corridor that will allow for pedestrian plaza areas, wider
sidewalks, and traffic calming landscaped medians.
North College Avenue,
City of Fort Collins
Colorado (2011). Atkins
provided structural design,
environmental compliance,
and construction
engineering services for
the North College Avenue
project that improves
the safety, operations, and aesthetics between Vine Drive
and the Hickory/Conifer intersection. Carrie Wallis led
the NEPA clearance document categorical exclusion
for the City. Atkins provided final design, construction
management, and environmental clearance services.
Evaluation of
OTGreenLITES Program
(2011). Integrating
sustainability into
transportation processes is
an area of interest of many
federal, state, and municipal transportation departments
and is a key component to the overall success of a program.
Atkins supported CDOT in taking a proactive approach
to develop and implement a cost-effective transportation
sustainability program in which sustainable design
elements are identified during the design scoping phase
of the project, as opposed to later in the design process
where sustainable design elements are simply considered
an afterthought. Carrie Wallis worked with CDOT to "test
drive" the New York State DOT's GreenLITES process, an
internal sustainability rating and certification process for
transportation designs. This model was used on two I-70
Transportation Planning and Engineering Consultant On -call 1 9
interchange design projects to determine how well the
GreenLITES sustainability process can be integrated into
CDOT transportation projects statewide.
FasTracks Station
Area and Highway 42
Corridor Integrated
Implementation Plan,
City of Louisville
(Ongoing). Atkins is
working with the City
of Louisville to develop an integrated infrastructure
implementation plan that advances the public outreach
and facilitation, planning, and preliminary engineering
necessary to define the infrastructure needs for two
projects: the Louisville FasTracks Station Area and the
Highway 42 Corridor Plan. The selection of Atkins for this
project was a direct result of the decision making process
established for the Jefferson Street Alternatives Analysis
Mason Street Corridor
FTA Small Starts
Submittal using
SUMMIT, City of Fort
Collins (Ongoing). LSA
is assisting the City in
operation, maintenance,
and application of their
TransCAD based travel
model. As a part of an on -call effort, LSA assisted in the
development of SUMMIT analysis for the Mason Street
Corridor FTA small starts submittal. The work effort
involved development of all the necessary model inputs,
model runs, model outputs, and final report with the
SUMMIT results. The technical effort was updated recently
to reflect a revised opening year and modifications to
corridor operations. Mason Street Corridor BRT received
an approval by FTA for $65.5 million dollars for the
implementation of the project.
Downtown Strategic
s Plan, City of Fort
r _ ' Collins (2004).
O&V conducted the
baseline transportation
•' conditions assessment
including the evaluation
_ of traffic circulation
and access, pedestrian
accommodation, bicycle facilities and multimodal transit
services. The furl was responsible for the integration
of existing and future downtown and campus land uses
with a multimodal transportation system that would not
only link those uses, but enhance the business viability of
downtown Fort Collins. Pedestrian and bicycle connections
and improved walkability were key elements of the
plan's future land use scenario and multimodal network.
O&V worked closely with the City in the evaluation
of pedestrian counts and use patterns downtown and
Transfort in the determination of improved transit routing,
business representatives, and stakeholder groups in the
development of transportation alternatives that carried the
support of all parties.
V. References
The following References table highlights six references
for our project manager, Carrie Wallis, and our firm.
VI. Summary
Atkins has been providing a wide range of engineering
services for the City and many clients along the Front
Range, and we look forward to continuing our work with
the City. We support our commitment with established
credentials —having delivered successful projects for you.
It is our understanding that the City's fundamental goal
is to have an experienced, responsive, and committed
organization for a wide variety of projects that the City may
encounter. Our objective is to exceed your expectations
and work as an extension of City staff. We will complete
tasks independently while working closely with you, when
appropriate. We recognize and embrace the importance of
any and all future projects. We look forward to applying
our experiences to accomplish your goals.
Karen Good
Daren Sterling
Mellissa Allen
City and County of Denver
City of Commerce City
201 West Colfax Avenue
8602 Rosemary Street
12300 West Dakota Avenue
Denver, Colorado 80202
Commerce City, Colorado 80022
Lakewood, Colorado 80228
Yates Oppermann
Kirk Webb
Matt Robenalt
CDOT Region 6
City of Fort Collins
4201 E. Arkansas Avenue
2000 South Holly Street
P.O. Box 58o
Denver, Colorado 80222
Denver, Colorado 80222
Fort Collins, Colorado 80522
Transportation Planning and Engineering Consultant On -call
B.S., Civil Engineering,
Colorado State University
Professional Engineer
Colorado 39867, 2005
Utah 7664906-2202, 2010
Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design
Accredited Professional
Professional Affiliations
American Society of Civil
Womens Transportation
Womens Transportation
Seminar, Member of the
Year 2oo8
Carrie Wallis, PE, LEED AP BD+C
Project director
Experienced in transportation planning and collaborative decision making, Carrie
will facilitate the implementation of innovative and sustainable solutions to help you
connect your multi -modal vision throughout the community. Carrie has 13 years of
experience in transportation planning and engineering. She has worked on several
feasibility studies conducting alternatives analysis and preparing implementation plans.
Carrie has expertise conducting intensive public involvement programs, including
the I-7o East EIS public involvement program, which received many accolades for its
innovative outreach techniques. She also has extensive experience with NEPA analysis
and understands the importance that PEL studies can have. Often the history of
decisions made in the planning phase is lost; Carrie will ensure that all decisions agreed
upon early in the process are carried through to design.
Carrie's enthusiasm and recent experience on Jefferson Street make her perfectly suited
to successfully deliver on -call contracts that will set the stage for future Fort Collins
improvements. Team leader, consensus builder, and proactive communicator are just a
few ways clients describe Carrie. She develops agreed upon sustainable solutions and
will implement proven project management techniques.
Carrie's relevant project experience includes:
Jefferson Street Alternatives Analysis, City of Fort Collins, Colorado.
Atkins is providing the City of Fort Collins with planning and alternatives analysis
services for the Jefferson Street Corridor. Carrie is the project manager for this project
which includes a complete set of design options for the Jefferson Street/SH14, the in
intersection of Jefferson/SH14 and Mountain Avenue, and the Mountain/Lincoln and
Linden intersections. The alternatives analysis will include traditional roadway and
intersection designs as well as roundabouts and other innovative context -sensitive
design solutions based upon local, state, and national best -practices. This project will
require extensive stakeholder and agency involvement including CDOT, the Colorado
Motor Carriers Association, UPRR, and the DDA.
North College Improvements, City of Fort Collins, Colorado. Environmental
coordinator for a design and construction project on North College in northern Fort
Collins to improve the safety, operations and aesthetics between Vine Drive and the
Hickory/Conifer intersection. The project includes many different required elements
including meeting ballot language, meeting Floodplain Administration's Requirements
within the Poudre River Floodway and State water quality requirements, and following
federal, state, and local right-of-way acquisition process.
Evaluation of GreenLITES Program, CDOT. Project manager for this project that
integrated sustainability into transportation processes is an area of interest of many
federal, state, and municipal transportation departments. Atkins is supporting CDOT
in taking a proactive approach to develop and implement a cost-effective transportation
sustainability program, in which sustainable design elements are identified during the
MON. design scoping phase of the project, as opposed to later in the design process where
sustainable design elements are simply considered an afterthought.
Transportation Planning and Engineering Consultant On -call
B.S., Civil Engineering,
Colorado State University
Professional Engineer
Colorado 24245,1986
Professional Affiliations
Women's Transportation
Institute of Transportation
Aurora Economic
Development Council
Adams County Economic
Jeff Kullman, PE
Principal in charge
Jeff has 30 years of progressive leadership in the transportation industry including
nearly twenty seven with CDOT in a variety of roles ending his career as the Region i
transportation director. Jeff has experience in all areas of managing and establishing
transportation policy, procedures and oversight for transportation planning and
NEPA work, context sensitive design and construction. In his work he incorporates a
collaborative style and approach that facilitates innovation and quality. In addition,
he has a thorough understanding of all forms and elements of transportation funding
from local options, state and federal funding, public private initiatives as well as the
establishment of maintenance and business improvement districts. Jeff has a thorough
understanding of Fort Collins and the northern Front Range, reflecting his 15-year
residency of the community and his extensive experience in CDOT serving as a traffic
and program engineer in Region 4.
Jeffs relevant project experience includes:
Jefferson Street Alternatives Analysis, City of Fort Collins, Colorado. Atkins
is providing the City of Fort Collins with planning and alternatives analysis services for
the Jefferson Street Corridor. The project includes a complete set of design options for
the Jefferson street/SH14, the intersection of Jefferson/SH14 and Mountain Avenue,
and the Mountain/Lincoln and Linden intersections. The alternatives analysis will
evaluate traditional roadway and intersection designs as well as roundabouts and other
innovative context -sensitive design solutions based upon local, state, and national
best -practices. This project will required extensive stakeholder and agency involvement
including CDOT, the Colorado Motor Carriers Association, Union Pacific Railroad
(UPRR), and the Downtown Development Authority (DDA). Jeff was critical through
the agency coordination process.
MoveColorado North College Avenue, City of Fort Collins, Colorado. Jeff served as the
innovative finance planner for the North College Avenue project in northern Fort
Collins. This project is essential to improve the safety, operations and aesthetics on
North College between Vine Drive and the Hickory/Conifer intersection. Jeff assisted
the city in establishing and prioritizing strategies and funding sources to help facilitate
the completion of meaningful phases of construction on this important regional
arterial. Funding concepts included traditional sources within the city, MPO programs,
and close interaction with CDOT on their internal funding options as well as Mineral
Impact funds distributed by the Colorado Department of Local Affairs.
Rifle Gateway, City of Rifle, Colorado. Atkins was selected by the City of Rifle to
continue the development of the Rifle Gateway selected improvement option. Working
in cooperation with CDOT Region 3, preliminary safety improvements within the
Gateway corridor, additional traffic analysis, and miscellaneous assistance with funding
and further project development will be provided. Generally, the project includes
approximately t mile of SH 13 from I-7o, the six block core downtown area, and the
extension of Park Avenue immediately west of downtown. The project will involve two
steps: conceptual corridor alternatives development (Step 1) and the preliminary design
ffifth.and support toward the development of the preferred corridor alternative (Step 2).
Transportation Planning and Engineering Consultant On -call
Jim Hanson, PE, PTOE
Project manager
Jim has 14 years of experience in transportation planning. He has managed and
l ;
provided technical support on a variety of projects ranging from small town plans to
large -corridor studies. Through his various experiences, Jim has learned to effectively
convey analytical and innovative planning concepts to elected officials and the public.
This unique skill allows him to interact with individuals to present the benefits and
impacts of various alternative solutions in a manner that is easily understood, the result
is that the community understands alternatives and can subsequently provide valuable
M.S., Engineering, Cal
input. As a result of his ability to work with communities, he has become a trusted
Poly, San Luis Obispo
advisor to many public agencies, often providing input on issues beyond projects he
is working on. In addition, Jim taught an undergraduate course at Cal Poly, San Luis
M.C.R.P., City and Regional
Obispo, in transportation and land -use planning and has prepared and presented
Planning, Cal Poly, San
technical papers at professional conferences and meetings. As the Atkins Colorado
Luis Obispo
transportation planning and traffic engineering group manager Jim is able to allocate
B.A., Urban Studies and
the proper resources to each project to ensure on -time delivery of quality work products
Planning, University of
in a cost effective manner.
California, San Diego
Jim's relevant project experience includes:
Registrations/Licenses SH 82 Corridor Optimization Plan, City of Glenwood Springs, Colorado.
Professional Engineer Project manager that worked with CDOT, Garfield County, and the City of Glenwood
Colorado (Civil) 41198, Springs to identify and evaluate several practical alternatives to improve traffic
operations along SH 82. A key component of this project was to identify alternatives
Utah 7718214-2202, 2010
that improve regional traffic flow while maintaining or improving the local community
Traffic Engineer
character. The SH 82 Corridor Optimization Study evaluated several strategies to
California 2104, toot
accommodate local and regional traffic demands along the SH 82 corridor. The study
identified 22 alternatives. Each strategy was evaluated based on various criteria in each
of the following categories: mobility, environment, safety, and cost. The plan has been
Professional Traffic
adopted by the City of Glenwood Springs and approved by the Colorado Transportation
Operations Engineer,
Commission to guide decisions and future transportation needs.
Professional Certification
On -call Traffic Engineering Services, City of Commerce City, Colorado.
Board, Inc., #2333, tt/7/07
Project director responsible for on -call traffic engineering support. The majority of the
tasks involved providing technical expertise related to traffic safety. Recent projects
Professional Affiliations
for this on -call contract include recommending the posted speed limit for a new road,
Institute of Transportation
evaluating proposed access from a development onto a public roadway, reviewing
proposed changes to railroad crossing signage, reviewing traffic impact studies,
and evaluating a request for the installation of a proposed uncontrolled mid -block
On -call Traffic Engineering Services, City of Montrose, Colorado. Project
director responsible for assisting Montrose staff with various on -call services including
the review of traffic impact studies and addressing access and safety issues for existing
roadways within the city.
Transportation Planning and Engineering Consultant On -call
M.U.R.P., Urban and
Regional Planning,
University of Colorado
M.L.A., Landscape
Architecture, University of
B.A., Environmental
Studies, University of
American Institute
of Certified Planners,
Professional Affiliations
American Planning
Steve Hoover, AICP
Project manager
Steve has eight years of environmental planning and problem solving experience
ranging from analytical support to project management. Broad professional experience
provides him with the capability for rigorous problem solving in complex and diverse
problem environments. In the context of NEPA, Steve has experience with multiple
resources areas including cumulative effects, land use and zoning, visual qualities,
housing, demographics, socio-economics, noise and vibration, environmental justice,
and energy. Steve is also experienced with spatial analysis though his work on
suitability modeling, decision support systems, visualizations, and ad hoc geographic
information system based analyses.
Steve's relevant project experience includes:
SH 82 Corridor Optimization Plan, City of Glenwood Springs, Colorado.
Transportation planner providing transportation planning expertise to assist in
the development of strategies for addressing mobility challenges on SH 82 corridor
through the city. The plan requires definition of mobility challenges, development of
evaluation criteria, refinement and evaluation of improvement strategies, and final
Fort Collins Mobility Objectives and Values Evaluation Statistics (FC
Moves) Report, City of Fort Collins, Colorado. Transportation planner that
supported the development of the PC Moves report which allows residents and
decision makers to effectively examine and evaluate Fort Collins transportation system
performance. The report is part of an ongoing program to measure and evaluate overall
transportation system performance using mobility indicators that reflect and respond
community transportation -related expectations.
Association Forest Highway Program, Long Range Transportation Plan, FHWA,
Urban and Regional Multiple States. Project manager for efforts to develop long-range transportation
Information Systems plans for multiple states, including Colorado, California, and, Nevada. The plans
Association reconcile the long-range visions, missions, and goals of partnering agencies with
baseline and future conditions, and prioritize transportation projects accordingly.
Alaska LRTP, FHWA, Alaska. Project manager assisting FHWA and the U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service to develop a Transportation Plan for FWS lands in the Pacific
Region, specifically wildlife refuges and fisheries units. This is a pilot project for
the FWS and will be precedent setting for future FWS LRTP in other regions. This
project includes multiple workshops to engage FWS leadership and outside agencies to
identify regional transportation goals and objectives; develop and implement a public
involvement program, identify a list of transportation deficiencies and capital needs,
and identify potential transportation funding sources. Atkins is assembling data and
conducting analysis of condition data from multiple FWS and FHWA databases as
an integral part of this project to facilitate the transportation needs list generation in
addition to composing and editing the LRTP document.
Regional, Community, and
Corridor Transportation
Traffic Operations/Access
Alternative Mode
Transportation Planning
University of Cincinnati,
B.S., Community Planning,
Principal, LSA Associates, Inc.,
Fort Collins, Colorado, 2000-
Principal, Balloffet and
Associates, Fort Collins,
Transportation Manager, Merrick
& Company, Fort Collins,
Colorado, 1993-1995
Principal, LSA Associates, Inc.,
Irvine, California, 1983-1993
Senior Transportation Planner,
The Irvine Company, Irvine,
California, 1980-1983
Senior Transportation Planner,
JHK and Associates, San
Francisco, California, 1972.1980
Mr. Moe has 39 years of experience in comprehensive multi -modal
transportation planning, land use/transportation planning, traffic
operations, corridor studies, traffic impact studies, and access analysis. Mr.
Moe has assisted communities throughout the United States in the
development of regional transportation plans, land use/transportation plans,
transit and non -motorized transportation planning, corridor studies, and
route location studies. Mr. Moe's expertise includes preparation of traffic
impact analysis for new development, fair -share traffic mitigation and fee
programs, phasing and the development of trip budgets geared toward
maintaining flexibility for land use market orientation.
Mr. Moe has developed transportation guidelines, which address all
transportation modes that integrate with local community standards and
regulations. Mr. Moe has prepared traffic impact analysis guidelines and
provided on call transportation development review for numerous
municipalities. He promotes visual presentation techniques for
presentations to elected officials and the public. Mr. Moe developed
"Connections", an interactive public process exercise where teams develop
alternative transportation solutions based on a defined budget. He also
developed pedestrian level of service procedures that are being used in
communities throughout the United States and a bicycle demand estimator.
Mr. Moe has managed three major transportation projects which have been
distinguished with national awards including the 2001 and 2004
International Best Practices Planning Study Award by the Institute of
Transportation Engineers and the 2006 FHWA/FTA Transportation
Planning Excellence Award.
Comprehensive Multi -Modal Long Range Transportation Plans
• Fort Collins, Colorado Transportation Master Plan
• Mason Street Transportation Corridor (Bus Rapid Transit), Fort
Collins, Colorado
• Fort Collins Civic Center Downtown Transportation and Parking Plan
• City of Fort Collins, Colorado Pedestrian Plan
• North Front Range MPO (Colorado) Regional Transportation
Authority (RTA) Feasibility Study
• City of Boulder, Colorado Transportation Master Plan Update
• City of Loveland, Colorado Transportation Plan
• City of Greeley Transportation Master Plan
• Boulder County, Colorado Transit Study
Longmont, Colorado Downtown Circulation and Parking Plan
Beth Vogelsang, AICP is a transit and transportation planner
with 18 years of experience in transit planning, land use pV Consulting, LLC,
integration and multi -modal planning. Ms. Vogelsang's Principal (Aug. 2002 -
background as a planner in both the public and private Present)
URS/BRW, Senior
sectors includes transit system and operations planning, rail Transportation Planner
planning, land use policy, and bike and pedestrian planning (Jan 1999 — Aug 2002)
for connectivity strategies. She has worked extensively with City of Corpus Christi,
local jurisdictions throughout Colorado establishing an Texas, Senior Planner
1 9 g (Aug 1995 —Dec 1998)
understanding of the synergies between growing population North San Diego County
densities, changing land use patterns, and the increasing Transit District, Planner
demand for improved transit mobility. She has been the (May 1993— May 1995)
transit lead for the 1-70 Corridor Land Use and Transit Stud San Diego Metropolitan
Y, Transit Development
the 83/86 Corridor Optimization Study, the C470 Board, Planner (May
Environmental Assessment, and the US 24 Corridor 1992—May 1993)
Environmental Assessment in Colorado Springs. Her work
with RTD includes the Central Platte Valley LRT, Fastracks' West Corridor Final Design,
Gold Line Environmental Assessment, US 36, Northwest Rail and North Metro
Environmental Assessment. She has supplemented her planning expertise with a
growing practice in public communication and jurisdictional coordination. Her skills and
personality allow her to effectively manage the technical needs of the project while
addressing the local community concerns the development of locally supported and
feasible transit systems.
Ms. Vogelsang is the transit manager for the City of Longmont's Transit Revitalization
Plan. She is working with city staff and RTD to evaluate current transit service
performance and routing, identify short term and long term ridership markets, and
negotiate with RTD a new transit system including fixed -route and demand -response
services for the community based on ridership market demand.
Ms. Vogelsang served as the Project Manager of the rail station connectivity study that
examined future land use, transit circulator system feasibility and routing, and bike and
pedestrian connections in the corridor. The highly successful project was completed in
2010 and recommendations are being implemented now.
Ms. Vogelsang was the Project Manager for the City of Golden's Transit Feasibility
Study. She worked with city staff, political representatives, RTD, Colorado School of
Mines, Jefferson County, area businesses, and residents in identifying a vision for transit
and sustainability, and detailing a service operations plan to implement that vision.
Transportation Planning and Engineering Consultant On -call
B.E.T., Civil Engineering,
Rochester Institute of
Professional Engineer
Colorado 32861, 1998
Minnesota 48144, 2010
New Mexico 17383
Pennsylvania 0447o8E,
Washington 42503, 2oo6
Professional Affiliations
American Public Works
Dan Liddle, PE
Project manager
Dan has 22 years of experience with all aspects of transportation improvement projects
including rural, low volume, and lower classified roadways. His expertise includes
several reconstruction, rehabilitation, and restoration (RRR) projects for municipalities,
FHWA, and DDT's. These projects are located both within Colorado and throughout the
western United States giving him a broad range of knowledge in different environments.
Dan's experience has included corridor feasibility studies, funding and implementation
strategies, NEPA documentation, and public involvement. He has managed large project
teams, presented to local governments and CDOT, facilitated steering and technical
committees, and coordinated public information programs. Dan's success is attributable
to his organizational skills to ensure schedule compliance and his ability to balance
project issues between participating agencies that create win -win situations
Dan's relevant project experience includes:
Jefferson Street Alternatives Analysis Project, City of Fort Collins,
Colorado. Dan is presently serving as the alternatives development task manager for
this joint agency coordination project. Project stakeholders are the City of Fort Collins,
CDOT, DDA, UPRR, Colorado Motor Carriers Association, and North Front Range
MPO, all with differing vested interests in the Jefferson Street Corridor. The project
goal is to transform the Jefferson Street corridor into an inviting, visually pleasing, and
desirable area for infill development while maintaining the functional flow and capacity
of a state highway that is a critical regional transportation facility. Jefferson Street
is located within Fort Collins "Old Town District" carries approximately to percent
truck volumes, and is located adjacent to active UPRR and BNSF railroad tracks and
switching stations.
Harmony Road Improvements (Ziegler to 1-25), City of Fort Collins,
Colorado. Project manager for the final design of Harmony Road between Ziegler
Road and Strauss Cabin Road. Project involves widening to achieve a six lane (three
lanes each direction) template. Vertical curve east of Lady Moon will be improved
(lowered approximately 4 feet) for sight distance.
South Taft Hill Road (Harmony to Horsetooth Road), City of Fort Collins,
Fort Collins, Colorado. Project manager for conceptual design and preparation of
construction plans, specifications, and cost estimates for i.o mile of arterial roadway,
intersection, utility, and signal improvements. Taft Hill Road is located within Larimer
County and the future annexation area for the city of Fort Collins. The project was a
joint agency project led by the City of Fort Collins with Larimer County participation,
and funding was through regional capital expansion fees. Conceptual design involved
a feasibility study of alternatives for ultimate and interim improvements. A major
consideration was determining proposed improvements that met available funding
while providing safety, capacity, and bicycle, and pedestrian improvements.
December 2, 2011
Mr. John Stephen, CPPO, LEED AP, Senior Buyer
City of Fort Collins Purchasing
215 North Mason Street, 2nd Floor
Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
Atkins North America, Inc.
4601 DTC Boulevard, Suite 700
Denver, Colorado 80237
Telephone: +1.303.221.7275
Fax: +1.303,221 7276
RE: Request for Proposal, Transportation Planning & Engineering Consultant On -call
Dear Mr. Stephen and Selection Committee Members:
The City of Fort Collins (City) is a leading community in urban planning and is recognized as one of the more
innovative and entrepreneurial places in the country. We are committed to provide you with world leading
tools and practices to successfully shape future growth in your sustainable community with safe, efficient,
multimodal planning projects that provide maximum livability. As a full -service transportation planning and
engineering consultancy, Atkins provides you with the capabilities to meet all of your needs. We plan, design,
and enable solutions for our clients to achieve their goals and objectives through commitment, creativity, and
technical expertise.
Fully trained project team that understands the City's vision. Atkins has provided consulting
services to the City for the past 12 years —including the past 8 through your Civil Engineering On -call
contract. In total, our team has 25 professionals that have experience working on your projects. Through this
work, we have developed a thorough understanding of your plans, policy decisions, and vision for the long-
term multimodal transportation system that will keep the City on the cutting edge of ground -breaking
planning practices. We understand the need to be responsive to any potential project need and to develop
options that are innovative, sustainable, and facilitate connections within the community.
Full -service team expertise. The Atkins team offers you a complete range of multimodal transportation
planning and engineering services for a one -source approach to project delivery. Locally, our services include
transportation and transit planning (alternatives analysis, corridor studies, and regional and long-term
planning); community involvement and public participation; environmental resource studies (historic
preservation, air quality, economics, noise, biological, and water resources); innovative finance and grant
preparation; and full -service design and engineering services.
Our team includes select subconsultants that we have come to know and trust through our work together on
numerous previous projects —several of which are disadvantaged business enterprise (DBE) certified to meet
or exceed your 9.9 percent goal and various requirements for federally -funded projects. All of our
subconsultants have previous experience working with the City directly or through other prime consultants.
All work will be delivered through a single point of contact, Carrie Wallis, our project director. Carrie has
extensive history- successfully completing transportation planning studies and related analyses for long-range
and short-term multimodal transportation needs. If you have any questions or wish to discuss our
qualifications further, please contact Carrie by phone at 303.221.7275 (work) or 303.947.4910 (cell) or by
e-mail at carrie.wallis@atkinsglobal.com. We acknowledge receipt of Addendum i.
Carrie Wallis, PE, LEED AP BD+C
Project Director
Jeff Kul man, PE
Vice President/Principal in Charge
Ourston Roundabout Engineering
Mr. Pankratz is licensed as a Professional Engineer to practice in Arizona, Colorado,
Maine, Minnesota, Montana, Utah, and Wisconsin. Over an eleven -year period, Mr.
Pankratz has acquired extensive experience in managing highway projects with a
high level of involvement in roadway design. For the last six years, Troy has focused
on solving geometric and capacity deficiencies with modern roundabout intersec-
tions. His projects include planning, education, design, and peer review for round-
abouts at locations across the country. Troy is a Level 3 Roundabout Designer, the
highest level certification from the Wisconsin DOT.
Roundabout Geometric Designer
» Develops CAD designs for roundabouts at complex locations which require
substantial knowledge of the balance between competing objectives.
» Applies the intrinsic geometric principles affecting safety in intersection design.
» Specializes in high -capacity multi -roundabout corridors and interchanges.
» Experienced in the design of roundabouts that can be expanded to increase the
capacity with minimal reconstruction as traffic volumes increase.
Roundabout Feasibility and Analysis
» Traffic analysis and lane configuration for roundabout intersections including closely
spaced roundabout corridors.
» Feasibility studies comparing multiple alternatives with diverse selection criteria.
Value Engineering studies.
1.70 / Eby Creek Road Interchange, Eagle, CO
Design of corridor of five roundabouts in a tight urban corridor including the redesign
of an existing roundabout nearing capacity.
1-70 G Interchange, Edwards, CO
Design assistance for a corridor of four roundabouts at an urban interchange with 1-70.
USH 41 Ramp Terminal Intersections Study, Winnebago and Brown County, WI
Feasibility study and conceptual design for 52 multilane roundabouts at 15
Avon Road/Benchmark Road Roundabout Reconstruction, Avon, CO
Conversion of the former teardrop roundabout to a full circulating roundabout with
extensive profile adjustments to the circle and approaches.
University of Wisconsin -
Platteville, Platteville, WI
B.S. Civil Engineering
Emphases in Structures and
Construction [1999]
Ourston Roundabout
Project Manager
[2006 to Present]
Strand. Associates, Inc.
Project Manager, Transportation
Engineer, Construction Project
11999 to 20061
Ourston Roundabout Engineering Inc. Tel: (608) 249-4545
5325 Wall Street, Suite 2305 Fax: (608) 249-4402
Madison, WI 53718 www.ourston.com
N Lisa Bachman, APR
P Public Involvement/Public Information
T 35
T 2 1/2
E BA in Communications and Public Relations from Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio
R Accredited in Public Relations by the Public Relations Society of America
O Colorado Springs/Monument, CO
C Lisa was a senior member of the CDOT/RTD Transportation Expansion (T-REX) Project
public information team, which expanded 17 miles of 1-25 and 1-225 and added 19 miles of light rail transit in metro
Denver. Lisa provided strategic guidance for project branding, project education collateral development, stakeholder
research, community relations, business and government relations. Lisa also served on the media relations committee of
the Economic Summit of Industrialized Nations hosted in Houston by then -president George H.W. Bush. She was also
national publicity chair for SpaceWeek International in Houston and orchestrated the "Return to Flight" community -wide
celebration at the NASA/Johnson Space Center for the return of the first Space Shuttle flight crew following the Space
Shuttle Challenger explosion.
"The public involvement/community outreach, as you know, has been a challenge because there are two such public
meetings and the work load is twice as much. Everything must be coordinated in a very short time frame. Good
coordination and organizational skills are a must. You and Mr. Barry Grossman should be commended for how well you
are coordinating, in a timely manner, with all the individuals involved in this project. Without the degree of professionalism
and dedication throughout this project that you have maintained, this project would have never remained on track and on
A Lisa Bachman has 75 percent availability to provide on this project/contract.
• Strategic communications advisor for the $1.67 billion, 7-year Transportation Expansion Project (T-REX) in metro
Denver for CDOT and RTD; provided strategic communications for the project's executive team, which included
the executive director of CDOT, the general manager of RTD, and representatives from the Federal Highway
Administration and the Federal Transit Administration
• Senior communications advisor for the 10-year 1-25 Safety Improvements Program, Environmental Assessment
study and the 4-year COSMIX project for CDOT, all in Colorado Springs; provided strategic guidance for public
information and public involvement programs for all three comprehensive projects spanning nearly 15 years
• Public involvement and facilitation for the CDOT US 50 W. Pueblo Planning & Environment Linkages Study
• Public information and public involvement lead for the Springs Community Improvements Program (SCIP) for the
City of Colorado Springs Public Works Dept.; led the public communications program for this 28-project effort
that addressed infrastructure projects in highly -traveled traffic corridors throughout Colorado Springs
• Colorado Springs Transit: TransAction Public Education Program, rebranding program to Mountain Metropolitan
Transit, Rapid Transit Feasibility Study, Academy Blvd. Corridor Great Streets Revitalization/Transit Readiness
Study, and Future of Regional Transit Governance and Funding Study
Transportation Planning and Engineering Consultant On -call
B.L.A., Landscape
Architecture, University of
Nevada at Las Vegas,1996
B.S., Marketing, University
of Nevada at Las Vegas,
Registered Landscape
Nevada 833, 2010
Professional Affiliations
American Society of
Landscape Architects,
Nevada Chapter President,
Geoffrey Schafler, RLA
Urban design, imaging and rendering lead
Geoffrey has participated in or managed planning and landscape architecture projects
and services for 14 years. His varied project portfolio includes urban design, parks,
trails, transportation aesthetics, and master plans. Geoffrey's specific project skills
include project design, cost estimating, specification writing, bid support, and contract
administration. Among his responsibilities as project manager for these projects has
been operating as the main client contact, managing subconsultants, ensuring timely
submission of deliverables, and QC.
Geoffrey's relevant project experience includes:
Shields Street Bridge over Larimer Canal No. 2 Replacement, City of Fort
Collins, Colorado. Atkins provided preliminary and final design services, including
construction documents, for the replacement of the bridge carrying South Shields Street
over Larimer County Canal No. 2. Shields Street crosses over the canal by means of a
retrofitted bridge/culvert structure. Major project elements are bridge replacement and
urban design. Geoffrey was responsible for the urban design which included multiple
alternatives and rendering for City selection of the preferred concept that was included
in the final PS&E. Phased construction was required to maintain a minimum of two
lanes (one each direction) of traffic along Shields Street during construction.
I-515/Galleria Drive Interchange Design, City of Henderson, Nevada.
Landscape architect responsible for providing landscape architecture services for
this project. This new interchange will be located on I-515 north of Sunset Road. The
project will provide aesthetically pleasing sound walls, bridge abutments, retaining
walls, and bridge design. Working in collaboration with City of Henderson, the Nevada
Department of Transportation (NDOT), and public outreach, it was determined the
aesthetic design should represent the heritage of Henderson. The aesthetic design
theme is comprised of elements indigenous to the southern Nevada region and more
specifically to the Henderson area. The colors selected for the project comply with
NDOT design guidelines and complement the Auto Show Drive interchange. The design
and colors will be used on the sound walls at various locations, bridge abutments,
and bridges. Responsibilities included providing graphic boards for public meeting,
attending public meetings, providing construction documents for the aesthetics portion
of the project, and completing landscape design.
Bullhead City Community Park Project, City of Bullhead City, Arizona.
Landscape architect responsible for managing landscape architecture services for this
project. Atkins provided planning and design services for Bullhead City's Community
Park. The master plan portion involves programming various park amenities including
water parks, shade structures, landscaping, and new circulation plans for pedestrians
and motorists. Design aspects included a non -motorized boat launch facility, new
roadways and parking lots, lighting, trails, new rest room facilities, seawall -type bank
stabilization along the Colorado River, and a new 36-inch gravity sewer main through
wfththe park to eliminate a large pump station and outdated force main. The project also
included a high level of public involvement.
:: )U--21i;J N
B.A., Environmental Studies,
Connecticut College
First Aid and CPR
Asbestos Inspector, No.
12211, Colorado
Hazardous Waste Site Safety
American Consulting
Engineers Council of
Colorado (ACEC/CECC),
Transportation Committee
Women's Transportation
Symposium (WTS), Board
Sweat Equity Non Profit
Board Member 2009-
Resource Conservation and
Recovery Act
(RCRA) Training
Mr. Epstein specializes in preparing and managing NEPA documents and
evaluating environmental impacts and regulatory issues for private and
public projects. Many of these projects have been large, complex and
controversial in nature. Representative types of projects include planned
regional transportation systems, general and international aviation facilities,
and transit and highway corridors.
He has performed field investigations, data collection and review, and
document compilations for categorical exclusions (Catex), Environmental
Assessments (EA), draft and final Environmental Impact Statements (DEIS
and FEIS), and has completed Records of Decision (ROD), The document
compilations include data reviews, editing and updating documents, and
writing technical sections. He is skilled in document preparation for social
and environmental justice, economics, farmland, right-of-way analysis,
parkland and recreational resources, safety and security, Sections 4(f) and
6(f), hazardous materials and floodplains/drainage/water resources.
NEPA EA. Mr. Epstein has provided technical assessment and impact
evaluation on transit and transportation related projects. He has
participated on the project management teams, helped make key decisions,
coordinated with key stakeholders and various sub consultants.
Additionally, he has been responsible for various environmental analyses in
the supplemental environmental assessment and has modified and edited
the documents in response to client and agency comments. His experience
includes FHWA (US 6 and Wadsworth EA, Pueblo Dillon Drive EA) and FAA
(Pueblo Memorial Airport EA).
is ?.: -1 . Mr. Epstein has worked on Draft and Final EIS documents and has
preformed field investigations, data collection and review, and document
compilations. The document compilations include data reviews, editing and
updating documents, and writing technical sections. He is skilled in
document preparation for social and environmental justice, economics,
farmlands, right-of-way analysis, parkland and recreational resources,
safety and security, Sections 4(f) and 6(f), hazardous materials, and
floodplains/drainage/water resources. He has also helped draft Records of
Decision. His experience includes coordination with FTA (RTD Gold Line EIS,
RTD North Metro Corridor EIS), FHWA (CDOT US 36 EIS) and FRA (Empire
Corridor Tier 1 EIS).
?u')li: Inv-)ly r'n>, :. Mr. Epstein has been involved in most aspects of public
involvement activities.
■ ■
' - C PE is a traffic
PSengineer that is recognized as a
regional and national expert on bicycle
and pedestrian facility planning and
engineering, with 18 years of expertise
in bicycle and pedestrian planning,
facility design and interface with mass transit. He has acted as
the bicycle and pedestrian planning lead on numerous projects
in Colorado, Arizona, Texas, Virginia, Florida, and Illinois
including the Gold Line EIS, US 36 EIS, the Northwest Rail EIS,
the SH 119/Gaming Area EIS in Clear Creek County, CO, the
West Corridor Final Design, the Gold Line EIS, among others.
He was the project manager for the recent City of Littleton
Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, the City of Englewood's
Master Bicycle Plan and Implementation Program the
OV Consulting, LLC, Principal
(Aug. 2002 -Present)
URS/BRW, Senior Traffic
Engineer (Apr 2001-
Aug 2002)
GHX.com, Software Product
Management (Jan
2001 -Mar 200 1)
Active.com, Software Product
Development (May
2000- Dec 2000)
BRW, Inc., Traffic Engineer
(Sept 1991 to Apr
Lakewood Bicycle System Master Plan, the City of Englewood Bicycle Facilities
Planning Study, and The City and County of Denver FHWA Sponsored Bicycle Traffic
Signal Research Study.
His approach in successfully completing these projects is to bring planning, engineering,
implementation, and stakeholder consensus together to find the most appropriate
solutions to difficult problems.
City and County of Denver Traffic Engineering On -Call: Mr. Vogelsang has been the lead
consultant on several bicycle studies, pedestrian studies, and transportation planning projects
through this on -call including;
• FHWA Sponsored Bicycle Traffic Signal Research Study Phase 1 and 2
• All Pedestrian Phase "Barnes Dance" evaluation for Downtown Denver
• City and County of Denver Strategic Transportation Plan Street Typology
Evaluation and Assessment
Ft. Collins Downtown Strategic Plan: Mr. Vogelsang worked on the transportation elements of the
Downtown Strategic Plan including parking, freight access, and multi -modal connectivity.
Ft. Collins Arterial Intersection Priority Study: Mr. Vogelsang evaluated candidate intersections for
multi -modal connectivity and accommodation as part of the screening process.
Mr. Sabba is a transportation planner with 4 years of experience in
transportation planning, travel demand modeling, geographic information
systems (GIS) and traffic operations analysis. His professional experience
as a transportation planner includes travel demand model development,
traffic signal design, corridor studies, and level of service analysis. He is
experienced in various travel demand software packages such as
TransCAD, CUBE, and Tranplan. He is skilled in Microsoft Access
Databases and ESRI ArcGIS. Mr. Sabba has experience with the
TransModeler and VISSIM micro simulation software packages.
Mr. Sabba has expertise in TransModeler and VISSIM micro simulation
software packages. He is also proficient in producing maps for reports
Transportation Planning
and public meetings using ArcMap and has contributed to power point
Transportation Demand Modeling
presentations given to the public and elected officials. A key aspect of his
Traffic Engineering
work includes preparing materials that effectively portray technical
information to a non -technical audience.
Mr. Sabba is experienced in travel model development as well as model
The Ohio State University,
application to support long range transportation plan development. He is
Columbus, M.S., Civil
experienced in performing alternatives analysis for roadway, transit and
200 Engineering (Transportation),
non -motorized aspects of long range transportation plans. He is well
versed with statistical techniques for data analysis and quality control
such as regression analysis, maximum likelihood estimation, and Monte
Carlo simulation.
Transportation Pln Inc.,FortCollins,Mr.
LSA Associates, I., Fort ollin
Sabba is also experienced in processing raw household survey to
p p g y
Colorado, 2008—Present
produce data used in travel model development. Processed data sets
Transportation Analyst, TEMS,
usually include cross -classified household trip production rates, trip
Inc., Frederick, Maryland, 2006-
attraction rates by employment/land use type, trip distribution statistics,
breakdown of travel by mode, and trip -making by time of day.
Traffic Engineer, City of
Salina, Kansas, April — July,
. Western Sector Park Development Plan
• North Front Range MPO Travel Demand Model
• Missoula MPO Travel Demand Model
• National Household Travel Survey (NETS)
• Springfield Rail Study, Illinois
• Orange County Transportation Authority Model (OCTAM)
• Great Park Access Study, Irvine, California
• Continuous Flow Intersection Traffic Design, Loveland, Colorado
Southern California Association of Governments Weekend Travel
Demand Model
Ph.D., Anthropology,
University of Chicago, 1986
M.A., Anthropology,
University of Alaska, 1979
B.A., Archaeology (Honors),
Yale University, 1975
John F. Hoffecker has more than 25 years' experience in cultural resources
management, historic preservation compliance, and environmental
assessment (and more than 10 years' experience in Colorado). He meets
the Secretary of the Interior's professional qualifications standards in both
archaeology and history, and his experience covers virtually every area of
cultural resources management, including file & literature searches,
archaeological field survey, historic building inventory, Section 106
consultation, preparation of historic preservation agreements and cultural
resources management plans, mitigative data recovery & recordation, and
paleontology assessments.
• City and County of Denver Reconstruction of
Colfax/Tremont/Delaware Intersection. Included urban
archaeological survey and assessment of impacts to historic
properties near U.S. Mint. Report for Pinyon Environmental
Engineering Resources, Inc. for CDOT. June -July 2008.
• Viaero Wireless antenna sites. Archaeological field surveys and
subsurface testing for sites in Phillips, Norton, Rawlins, Cheyenne,
and other counties in northwestern Kansas. February -June 2008.
• Environmental Data Collection for Xcel Energy Integrated
Gasification Combined Cycle. Cultural resources surveys on two
2,000+-acre sites in Morgan and Bent counties completed on an
accelerated schedule. May 2007.
• Denver Union Station EIS. Included archaeology and paleontology
affected environment and impact assessment. NEPA document for
Parsons-Brinckerhoff to Regional Transportation District & Federal
Transit Administration. March 2006.
• City and County of Denver Proposed Traffic Signal Interconnect
Project. Included inventory of historic structures and
archaeological sites. Report for Pinyon Environmental Engineering
Resources, Inc. May 2000.
• Roan Creek Bridge, Mesa County, Colorado. Included archaeology
and paleontology assessment and field visit. Report to Pinyon
Environmental Engineering Resources, Inc. October 2006.
M.S., Sociology, Long
Beach State University
B.S., Sociology, Long Beach
State University
Professional Affiliations
American Planning
Transportation Planning and Engineering Consultant On -call
Dennis Newjahr
Transit and station area planning
Dennis has 29 years of experience in the interpretation and application of federal
and state transportation statutes, regulations, policies, guidelines, and procedures
governing the development and management of federal- and state -sponsored programs.
He has proven experience in various transportation and program management
disciplines, including planning, project management, civil engineering, and financial
management. Dennis has prepared transportation plans, alternatives analysis, major
investment studies and policies, and New Starts reports; secured project funding; and
provided short- and long-range solutions that address regional mobility, accessibility,
and environmental requirements. He has built partnerships at local, state, and federal
levels to gain support of an organization's programs and projects and has managed
complex projects and large multidisciplinary teams of professionals. His ability to
integrate key program goals, priorities, and values has enabled him to develop capital
programs and projects that support various transportation technologies, including
commuter rail, heavy and light rail, bus, and rapid transit.
Dennis' relevant project experience includes:
American Public Rocky Mountain Rail Authority Project Management Consultant, Rocky
Transportation Association Mountain Rail Authority, Colorado. The Rocky Mountain Rail Authority was
Conference of Minority charged by CDOT with studying the feasibility of implementing high-speed rail service
Transportation Officials in the populous I-25 corridor north and south of Denver, and to the ski resorts and
other tourist/economic development areas along the I-70 mountain corridor. Atkins
served as project management consultant for this study, assisting with management of
the budget, schedule, and quality of the study consultant's work. Atkins was responsible
for developing the study consultant's procurement process, negotiating the study
scope with the selected consultant, managing the study consultant activities, and
providing initial document review of all major documents. Atkins is also responsible
for facilitating the monthly steering committee meetings and assembling, facilitating,
and documenting a peer review panel of national experts. Employee Role: As QC
task manager, responsible for establishing a system of routine technical activities to
measure and control the quality of the inventory as it is being developed; providing
routine and consistent checks to ensure data and document integrity, correctness, and
completeness; identifying and addressing errors and omissions; documenting and
archiving inventory material; and recording all QC activities.
Veterans Parkway -Santa Barbara Boulevard Overpass Design Services,
David Douglas Associates, Inc., Fort Myers, Florida. This project involves
preparation of design plans and specifications for a grade -separated intersection at
Veterans Parkway and Santa Barbara Boulevard in the city limits of Cape Coral in Lee
County, Florida. The project will provide an overpass for Veterans Parkway to go over
Santa Barbara Boulevard. New signalization will be needed, along with new lighting,
signing and marking, landscaping, and structures design. Atkins's tasks for this project
. -I..A t ffi d ' d
to u e ra c enginee nng, structures esign, tntelli gent transportation services, an
VWWWW11M.- tolling. Employee Role: As a technical advisor, responsible for providing technical
assistance regarding various transit modes.
B.S., Civil Engineering,
Michigan Technological
Professional Engineer
Colorado 41136, 2007
Professional Traffic
Operations Engineer
Sign Asset Management,
Honors and Awards
ITE Award 2009,
Transportation Planning and Engineering Consultant On -call
Jamie Archambeau, PE, PTOE
Corridor studies, regional planning and development
Jamie has nine years of experience in transportation planning and traffic engineering
including access control plans, feasibility studies, long range transportation plans,
roundabout analysis, corridor modeling and analysis.
Jamie's relevant project experience includes:
Downtown Streetscape Traffic Study, City of Steamboat Springs, Colorado.
Project manager study that analyzed traffic, pedestrian, and transit issues associated
with proposed streetscape improvements to the downtown area. This included
reviewing the streetscape plans to ensure the proposed improvements did not have a
negative impact to pedestrian circulation, transit operations, or traffic. Findings were
then presented to City Council. The study recommended geometric and operational
changes that would improve pedestrian safety and transit operations, while not
resulting in significant adverse traffic conditions. Calculated traffic signal progression
and potential operations to help the City get approval from CDOT for installation of a
traffic signal at tith Street.
I-7o Eagle Interchange Upgrade, CDOT Region 3, Eagle, Colorado. Project
engineer for this feasibility study to identify short-, intermediate-, and long-term
transportation solutions for the I-7o Eagle Interchange and Eby Creek Road from the
interchange south to US 6 (Grand Avenue). An early action project was identified during
the study to provide immediate relief to traffic congestion while the feasibility study
was being completed. Design alternatives were analyzed to select a feasible alternative
that was best for traffic, transit, and pedestrians. The selected roundabout alternative
allows the improvements to be made while using the existing structure over I-70.
Cheyenne Boulevard Road Dieting, City of Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Professional of the Year
Project engineer responsible for the evaluation of existing and future traffic conditions
Professional Affiliations
to determine the feasibility and impacts of road dieting on the Cheyenne Boulevard
Institute of Transportation
corridor. The improvements slowed through traffic and maintained enough capacity
to adequately accommodate existing and future corridor traffic demand. In addition,
the improvements enhanced access into and out of residential properties, improving
Women's Transportation
parking and bicycle circulation along the corridor. Subsequent to the public involvement
process the improvements were successfully implemented.
Forest Highway Long Range Transportation Plans, FHWA-CFLHD,
Multiple States. Project manager responsible for developing a long range
transportation planning processes for the forest highway program in each of the
following states: Colorado, California, Nevada, Arizona, Wyoming, New Mexico, and
South Dakota. These plans involved coordination with the FHWA-CFLHD, US Forest
Service, and the department of transportation in each state. These plans established
goals and objectives for the planning of forest highway road improvements, developed
a transparent project selection process consistent with the established goals and
identified forest highway priorities, and improved methods to stretch/
leverage federal highways funds to meet the stated priorities.
Transportation Planning and Engineering Consultant On -call
B.S., Civil Engineering,
Colorado State University
Professional Engineer
Colorado 40744, 2007
Utah 7555391-2202, 2010
Lee Kunselman, PE
Project cost estimates, financial planning, and preliminary
Lee brings ten years of experience in transportation design, study, and construction
management of projects for municipalities, state agencies, and private clients. His
experience includes interchange design, roadway improvements, parking lot design,
design for EAs, and construction inspection.
Lee's relevant project experience includes:
Turn Lane Improvements, City of Fort Collins, Colorado. Project Manager for
four new turn lanes, Fort Collins, Colorado. Responsibilities included plan set oversight
project coordination (this is a local agency project) and sub -consultant management.
Fossil Creek Trail Extension Underpass at CR 38E, City of Fort Collins,
Colorado. Lead engineer for the Fossil Creek Trail Extension, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Responsibilities included horizontal and vertical trail design, modeling, 30-percent
plan set generation and cost estimating.
Power Trail Underpass at Keenland Drive, City of Fort Collins, Colorado.
Lead engineer for the Keenland Drive trail extension under the UPRR right-of-way.
Responsibilities included horizontal and vertical trail design, modeling, 30-percent
plan set generation, cost estimating, and railroad submittal coordination.
Harmony Road (Timberline to Boardwalk), City of Fort Collins, Colorado.
Project Manager for the conceptual roadway design for a six -lane roadway section for
Harmony Road in Ft. Collins, Colorado. Responsibilities included design oversight, plan
set generation, railroad crossing oversight, and project coordination.
I-7o Eagle Interchange Upgrade, CDOT Region 3, Eagle, Colorado. Design
engineer for this feasibility study to identify the transportation solutions for the I-70
Eagle Interchange and Eby Creek Road from the interchange south to US 6. Includes
traffic study with roundabout intersection alternatives, environmental overview,
and roadway and drainage design. Additional three year intermediate projects
will be identified and final design plans will be prepared for shelving and funding
I-25 Widening and Frontage Road, CDOT Region 1, Colorado. Design
engineer for the widening of I-25 and the virgin alignment of the Frontage Road
connecting Castle Pines Parkway and RidgeGate Parkway in Douglas County,
Colorado. Responsibilities included horizontal and vertical design. Final Office Review
and advertisement plan set preparation, water quality incorporation and project
Transportation Planning and Engineering Consultant On -call 1 1
I. Introduction
At Atkins, we understand the City's need for a responsive
consultant that has the ability, capacity, and resources to
provide timely, sustainable, and innovative services. We
understand the unique issues facing municipalities, and we
will draw from over a decade of local lessons learned and
apply them to your program. The Atkins team offers the
advantage of a strong, deep, and locally managed network
of professionals.
We have an extensive history of successfully delivering
on -call type contracts and are proud of our track record
as the prime consultant on 34 on -call services contracts
since 1998. Work under these contracts has included the
successful completion or ongoing efforts of nearly 600 task
orders to -date. We have provided on -call contracts for the
following clients:
• City of Fort Collins • City and County of
• City of Commerce City Denver
• Town of Castle Rock • CDOT Regions t, 2, 3, 4,
• City of Colorado Springs 5, 6, and DTD
• Douglas County • DRCOG
• City of Montrose • FHWA-CFLHD and
Multimodal planning benefits
This work has been
delivered consistently
and reliably over the
past decade due to our
commitment to quality
services. We provide this
through strong project
controls, the diverse
technical expertise as
all modes of travel. demonstrated through
project experience, and
our willingness to meet budget and schedule constraints as
shown in Section III - Personnel and availability.
Our team is structured to be responsive to any type of
project whether large or small. We have included several
local funs that are available to respond quickly and
efficiently. Atkins is too percent committed to provide the
City with cost-effective and efficient solutions that make
your job easier.
II. Project approach and understanding
The vision of the Transportation Master Plan is to become
a connected community through the integration of land
use and transportation, providing for mobility options,
developing a managed transportation system, investing in
quality transportation infrastructure, and increasing the
awareness of travel options. This vision is anticipated to
be accomplished through the evaluation of long range and
short-term multimodal transportation needs.
We understand that using the traditional linear
transportation planning process can typically result in a
plan with unknown costs and feasibility. Our approach
to the planning process and projects through the on -call
contract will use a collaborative, systems -based, iterative
process to coordinate land -use and transportation
planning that incorporates the three over -arching themes
of Plan Fort Collins —innovate, sustain, connect.
Today, the Atkins team stands ready to work with a
shared sense of purpose to help you achieve this vision.
The City requires a consultant capable of enhancing your
staffs capabilities by providing personnel who assist in
identifying, prioritizing, and delivering task orders. Our
team will deliver your program by:
• Providing on -demand, experienced professionals
with demonstrated ability to deliver a wide range of
transportation planning and design tasks
• Implementing innovative solutions that will benefit your
program now and during future development based on
an informed evaluation of the current state of the practice
that improves project performance
• Understanding the need to stretch existing funds and
applying creative and sustainable practices effectively to
maximize your return on investment
• Working proactively and collaboratively with you to share
the responsibility of delivering your program
Regardless of the size, complexity, or number of projects,
our team provides you with abundant staffing options
who are fully capable of tackling each assignment with
the focused attention necessary to ensure that the
transportation system fully connects the community.
Atkins has assembled a group of
recognized local experts prepared
to continue to keep the City at the
cutting edge of the transportation
industry by developing out -of -
the -box solutions. We recognize
the need to look for sustainable
solutions, such as our work
on CDOT's evaluation of the
GreenLITES program, that not only
addresses today's issues but also
accounts for the needs of future
transportation system users —all in
an effort to stretch your funds to
their maximum limits. Our team
will be engaged with your staff from
developing ideas to presenting
those ideas to the general public.
Transportation Planning and Engineering Consultant On -call
B.A., Urban and Regional
Planning, Miami
University of Ohio
MURP., Masters of Urban
and Regional Planning,
University of Colorado
Professional Affiliations
Women's Transportation
American Planning
Association (Colorado
Chapter Affiliation)
Kelly Leadbetter
Data collection and socio-economic data preparation and
Kelly has applicable planning experience ranging from research to analytical support.
Her expertise includes socio-economics, land use and zoning, tourism -based planning,
visual qualities, housing, demographics, alternative energies, and grant -writing. She
is also experienced with spatial analysis though her work on geographic information
system based analyses and database management.
Kelly's relevant project experience includes:
Jefferson Street Alternatives Analysis Project, City of Fort Collins,
Colorado. Assisted with research, analysis, stakeholder coordination, public meeting
facilitation, documentation, and review. Atkins is providing the City of Fort Collins
with planning and alternatives analysis services for the Jefferson Street Corridor. The
project includes a complete set of design options for the Jefferson street/SH14, the in
intersection of Jefferson/SH14 and Mountain Avenue, and the Mountain/Lincoln and
Linden intersections. The alternatives analysis will includes traditional roadway and
intersection designs as well as roundabouts and other innovative context -sensitive
design solutions based upon local, state, and national best -practices. This project will
require extensive stakeholder and agency involvement including CDOT, the Colorado
Motor Carriers Association, UPRR, and the DDA.
Alaska LRTP, FHWA, Alaska. Assisted with research, geographic information
system based analyses, synthesis, documentation, and review. Atkins is assisting the
FHWA and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to develop a Transportation Plan for
FWS lands in the Pacific Region, specifically wildlife refuges and fisheries units. This
is a pilot project for the FWS and will be precedent setting for future FWS LRTP in
other regions. This project includes multiple workshops to engage FWS leadership and
outside agencies to identify regional transportation goals and objectives; develop and
implement a public involvement program, identify a list of transportation deficiencies
and capital needs, and identify potential transportation funding sources. Atkins is
assembling data and conducting analysis of condition data from multiple FWS and
FHWA databases as an integral part of this project to facilitate the transportation needs
list generation in addition to composing and editing the LRTP document.
Forest Highway LRTPs; Arizona, New Mexico, South Dakota, Wyoming.
Assisted with research, synthesis, geographic information system based analyses,
technical writing, final documentation, and review. Atkins is working with Central
Federal Lands Highway Division and WFLHD to develop multiple state long-range
transportation planning processes for multiple agency programs. These planning
efforts include United States Forest Service and the USFWS programs.
Intervention of Physical Activity in Youth (IPLAY) Research Grant,
Denver, Colorado. Responsible for baseline, intervention and post -intervention data
f I-d l
management as well as conducting geographic inormation system ase ana yses,
synthesis, and documentation.
Transportation Planning and Engineering Consultant On -call
B.S., Civil Engineering,
Colorado State University
B.A., Political Science
International Relations,
University of California
Engineer Intern
Colorado 63992, 2007
Civil CAD Certificate, 2007
Basic CAD Certificate,
Professional Affiliations
Society of Women
Lindsay Merz, Ell
Public participation
Lindsay has four years of experience in public involvement, transportation design
and civil engineering. Her experience includes various aspects of public assistance
coordination and social media insight. She also has project experience in highway
and roadway design including not only the design of the roadway but also planning,
drainage, erosion control, utilities, design of structural elements such as walls, and
traffic engineering.
Lindsey's relevant project experience includes:
Public Involvement Program, Golden Gate National Recreation Area,
FHWA-CFLHD, San Francisco, California. Lead coordinator for multiple public
relations efforts in support of the National Park Service program and public relations
office to rehabilitate multiple roads within the Marin Headlands, immediately north of
the Golden Gate Bridge. Efforts to date for the program have included weekly website
updates, creating and sending weekly email notifications for construction activities,
coordinating graphics such as maps, and designing documents including PowerPoint
presentations, flyers, postcards and press releases, B-roll video coordination for news
outlets, and Twitter project updates. The program began two years ago, in 2009, and is
expected to continue through 2013. Lindsay is also the design engineer for the Bunker
and Mitchell Roads 3.2-mile roadway rehabilitation project and the Alexander Avenue/
Danes Drive Intersection Improvements project within the GGNRA. Web: www.
projectheadlands.com. Twitter: @projectheadland.
West Main Street Revitalization and Reconstruction, Town of Frisco,
Colorado. West Main Street serves as a major access route into Friscds downtown
business core from I-7o. West Main Street is a former Colorado State Highway which
was acquired by the town more than 25 years ago. It was a two lane roadway with
limited pedestrian and bicycle facilities. The purpose of the project was to design and
construct an integrated roadway corridor that will successfully integrate vehicular
travel, pedestrian and bicycle needs, and the adjoining land uses.
Transportation Planning and Engineering Consultant On -call
A.A., Computer Art, Platt
A.A., Interactive Graphic
Design, Platt College,
Diploma, Commercial
Art Technician, Colorado
Institute of Art
Christina (Tina) Brand
Urban design, imaging and rendering
Tina has zo years of professional design experience creating informational/educational
materials for successful public and private sector projects. She is accomplished in the
conceptualization, design and production of graphics that make complex, technical
information simple; and confusing concepts clear to a variety of audiences. Along
with the creation of associated materials such as project logos, large scale exhibits,
PowerPoint presentations and handouts, Tina has been responsible for designing
technical exhibits such as diagrams and interpretive displays for public meetings. She is
adept at designing and preparing mailers, brochures, website graphics, and newsletters.
Her skills also include designing and preparing technical reports and creation of the
included figures.
Tina's relevant project experience includes:
Northern Colorado Truck Mobility/SH 14 Relocation Study, Larimer
County and City of Fort Collins, Colorado. Contributed to the stakeholder
involvement process and truck driver information program with exhibit boards, flyers
and brochures.
East Corridor EIS, RTD, Denver and Adams County, Colorado. Responsible
for most graphic elements used in the inclusive public involvement and community
awareness programs associated with this project, including project logo, meeting
exhibits, newsletters, mailings, flyers, and maps. Also providing figures and charts used
throughout the environmental documentation.
I-7o East Corridor EIS, CDOT Region 6, RTD, and City and County
of Denver, Colorado. Providing graphic support to the extensive community
involvement process by creating a culturally sensitive identity system including project
logo, figure templates, and report covers to provide a consistent public face for the
project. Designed and produced a wide range of communication products used to
inform and educate the public, such as a bilingual newsletter, newspaper ads and flyers.
Also involved in the creation of public meeting exhibit boards and report figures.
Colorado 1-7o Truck Parking Guide, CDOT Regions i and 3, Colorado.
Designed and produced the innovative Colorado I-7o Truck Parking Guide. This
informational booklet provides truck drivers with the location of emergency truck
parking areas and other important information along the entire I-7o corridor. It was
designed to be easily read in a moving cab and durable enough to withstand months of
rough treatment.
West Vail Pass EA, FHWA and CDOT Region 3, Vail, Colorado. Developed
the project logo, large outdoor banners, postcards, newsletters, and signage for the
community awareness program. Also created many of the informational graphics
presented to stakeholders and general public.
Transportation Planning and Engineering Consultant On -call
B.A., English and Spanish,
Washington and Jefferson
Technical Writing,
Brooklyn College
Lacey Taplin
Technical editing and document support
Lacey provides technical writing, editing, and document support to all Atkins divisions.
Her experience includes designing document templates, formatting documents,
proofreading and comprehensive editing documents, and producing complete
documents. She has worked on NEPA documents, long-range transportation plans,
existing conditions reports, hydrology and hydraulics reports, environmental reports,
transportation management plans, TIGER grants, user guides, quality assurance plans,
and other technical reports.
Lacey's relevant project experience includes:
East Corridor EIS, RTD, Denver and Adams County, Colorado. Responsible
for formatting, proofreading, and comprehensive editing for the EIS and related
technical reports. Revised and updated the style guide for the project, including method
of resource documentation, punctuation, language use, and grammar. Also reviewed
Spanish -translated materials for public meetings and the project website. Provided
support at public and agency meetings, including drafting and finalizing meeting notes/
I-7o East Corridor EIS, CDOT Region 6, RTD, and City and County of
Denver, Colorado. Responsible for formatting, proofreading, and comprehensive
editing for the EIS and related technical reports. Also reviewed Spanish -translated
materials for public meetings and the project website. Provided support at public and
agency meetings, including drafting and finalizing meeting notes/summaries.
Alexander Avenue Planning Study, FHWA/CFLHD, Marin County,
California. Created the document template for the existing conditions report and
planning study as part of the comprehensive evaluation of the Alexander Avenue
Corridor. Responsible for compiling both reports from technical memorandums as well
as formatting and comprehensive editing. Also responsible for comprehensive editing of
the subsequent EA for Alexander Avenue and Danes Drive intersection.
Administrative and Technical Requirements for Traffic Engineering,
Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs, Saudi Arabia. Created the document
template for a comprehensive traffic engineering manual for the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia. Worked with technical staff to compile the manual, as well as format and edit
the compiled text. Also created and modified graphics to be included in the manual.
Transportation Planning and Engineering Consultant On -call
B.S., Urban and Reg
Planning, California State
Polytechnic University,
Professional Affiliations
Institute of Transportation
Women's Transportation
Innovative Tools for
Commercial District
Anahita Behrad
Environmental assessment
Anahita's experience involves preparing background information, compiling socio-
economic demographics, identifying mobility deficiencies and needs, defining study
corridor needs, defining and examining alternatives, and analyzing parking demands,
writing technical memoranda and technical portions of the reports, creating exhibits
for various reports and workshops, preparing presentations and talking points,
and coordinating projects. Her current general responsibilities with Atkins include
background condition and alternatives analysis, writing technical portions of reports,
preparing public workshop exhibits, and project coordination.
Anahita's relevant project experience includes:
Saddle Road Improvements Grants for Transportation Investment
Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) Application. Planner responsible
for compiling data, preparing, and writing the grant application on behalf of Hawaii
Department of Transportation in cooperation with CFLHD of FHWA. The application
requested $774.9 million from the TIGER discretionary funds for improvements to 16
miles of 46-mile Saddle Road in the Big Island of Hawaii.
I-7o East Corridor EIS, CDOT Region 6, RTD, and City and County of
Denver, Colorado. Planner responsible for preparing a draft environmental impact
statement (DEIS) reevaluation and additional sections of the final EIS. Anahita
facilitated public meetings, and was responsible for coordination between consultants.
Parking Management, ITE Anaheim Fixed -Guideway Transit Corridor Study, City of Anaheim,
California. Transportation planner and project coordinator assisting with the
alternative analysis and project coordination of a 3.5 to 5-mile fixed -guideway system
connecting the Anaheim Resort area to the proposed Anaheim Regional Transit
Intermodal Center. Anahita is responsible for project coordination, alternative analysis,
parking study, writing technical portions of reports, preparation of exhibits and
presentation material such as boards, PowerPoint, and discussion points. The project is
part of OCI'?is Go Local program funded by the renewed Measure M.
Whittier Parking Management Plan (PMP), City of Whittier, California.
Transportation planner for this project with the City of Whittier consisting of
development of the Uptown Whittier PMP which includes the development of two
funding districts: a Park Once Parking District and an Uptown Whittier Maintenance
District for public improvements. Anahita is responsible for preparing a technical
memorandum assessing current parking policies and potential for parking trade
system, evaluating the need for parking meters or new parking structures, preparing a
memorandum on capital, operating, and maintenance costs and funding mechanisms
for new meters or structures, assessing potential variable rates for parking meters, and
assisting in writing the final PMP report.
B.S., Civil Engineering,
Colorado State University
Professional Engineer
Colorado 42229, 2008
Professional Affiliations
Institute of Transportation
Women's Transportation
Transportation Planning and Engineering Consultant On -call
Anna Smith, PE
Anna has seven years of experience in a diverse range of traffic engineering
assignments including signal timing analysis, corridor modeling and analysis, access
control plans, accident analysis, signal design, signing and striping plan development,
noise modeling, and on -call services for clients. She has completed numerous traffic
engineering and operation projects throughout the state of Colorado and for several
other states. She is proficient in multiple traffic engineering software programs
including HCS 2000, Synchro/SimTraffic, TS/PP Draft, PC Travel, CORSIM, SignCAD,
AutoCAD, Microstation, and ArcGIS, and the noise software programs TNM 2.5 and
Anna's relevant project experience includes:
On -call Engineering Assistance, City of Commerce City, Colorado. Project
engineer/task manager responsible for on -call traffic engineering support. The majority
of the tasks involve providing technical expertise related to traffic safety. Recent
projects for this on -call contract include recommending the posted speed limit for
a new road, evaluating proposed access from a development onto a public roadway,
reviewing proposed changes to railroad crossing signage, reviewing traffic impact
studies, and evaluating a request for the installation of a proposed uncontrolled mid -
block crosswalk.
On -call Engineering Assistance, Town of Montrose, Colorado. Project
Engineer responsible for assisting Town of Montrose staff with various on -call services,
including the review of traffic impact studies and addressing safety issues for existing
roadways within the town.
Taft Hill Road Improvements, City of Fort Collins, Colorado. Project
engineer responsible for modeling existing and future traffic conditions on the
roadway to determine necessary design improvements for interim and ultimate design
configurations. Traffic operations were evaluated to determine level -of -service at major
intersections and along the corridor. In addition, access control recommendations were
made for both an interim and final design configuration along the corridor.
Update to Town Comprehensive Plan, Town of Silverthorne, Colorado.
Project engineer performing the analysis to update the town's master plan, including
forecasting long-term growth rates and determining future traffic patterns on town
Southeast Arterial Connection Road Access Management Plan, Town
of Castle Rock, Colorado. Traffic engineer responsible for developing an Access
Management Plan along the proposed South East Arterial Connection Road in Castle
Rock. Alternatives considered included the elimination of access points, consolidation
of multiple access points into a single access, and conversion of full movement access
points to right-in/right-out or three-quarter movement access.
All Traffic
mm Servloes
Eric Boivin
Data Collection
Mr. Boivin has 10 years of data collection experience, including manual counts, marketing and project
management. Data collection experience includes all forms of data collection, including: turning movement counts,
average daily traffic counts, origin destination studies (manual and license plate recognition system methods), travel
time studies and radar data collection. He has served on projects for many local government agencies and
consultants, including CDOT, El Paso County, as well as the Cities of Englewood, Golden, Littleton, and
Westminster, and numerous engineering consultants and planners.
Public Works/Municipal Eneineerine
Traffic Counts, Various Locations, CO -collected traffic count data, turning movement and ADT data in various
locations around Colorado, including Denver, Castle Rock, Vail, Longmont, Greeley and surrounding areas. Work
in some cities included city and county -wide count programs performed annually, while other work is performed on
and on -call basis. Provided bids, scheduled and managed data collection, billed projects, and produced reports
containing data collected.
Eneineerine Consultants
Traffic Counts, Various Locations - collected traffic count data, turning movement and ADT data in various
locations around Colorado, including Denver, Castle Rock, Vail, Longmont, Greeley and surrounding areas. He
was responsible to provide bids, schedule and manage data collection, produce reports containing data, and to
invoice projects. Data analysis for many different consultants.
Travel Time Studies, State-wide, CO — Managed the data collection for numerous state highways, produced reports
and assisted in data analysis for Felsburg Holt and Ullevig. This is an on -going annual project.
Origin -Destination Studies, Glenwood Springs, CO/Brush, CO — collected license plate data to determine cut -
through on projects using video systems, managed projects and data analysis for PBS& J and Wilson & Company.
Specific tasks included bidding, scheduling, equipment instal Iation/operation, data review, and invoicing.
Radar Data Collection, Idaho Springs to Vail, CO — collected data at 6 locations along Interstate 70 to determine
traffic slowing patterns for weekend mountain travel. Work was completed for an individual consultant.
Professional Reeistrations/Affiliations:
Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)
Work History:
All Traffic Data Services, Inc., Project Manager (2001-Present)
W.L. Contractors, Inc., Project Manager (1994-2001)
B.S., Fisheries and Wildlife
Science, North Carolina
State University
M.S., Ecology and
Evolutionary Biology, Iowa
State University
38 Hour Army Corps of
Engineers Wetland
Delineation and
Management Training
Program, Richard Chinn
Environmental Training Inc.
Stormwater Management
and Erosion Control, CETC #
Functional Assessment of
Colorado Wetlands
(FACWet) Methodology
Rocky Mountain Bird
Colorado Native Plant
Society of Wetland
Ms. Auckland is a wildlife biology and ecology professional with over 15
years of experience working on and managing projects. Her areas of
expertise include wetlands, threatened and endangered species, noxious
weeds, CDOT Categorical Exclusions, and construction monitoring. Ms.
Auckland manages most of Pinyon's biological resources and
transportation projects.
Biological Surveys and Analyses. Ms. Auckland's skills include wildlife
surveys, vegetation mapping, biological report preparation, agency
coordination, and permitting. She has completed biological evaluations for
multiple design and construction projects.
Construction and Erosion Control Monitoring. Ms. Auckland has
monitored erosion control BMPs on several construction sites and
coordinated with on -site crews and erosion control contractors to ensure
that the sites stay in compliance with their stormwater permits.
Endangered Species Surveys. Ms. Auckland has substantial experience
surveying for threatened and endangered species. Two projects include
surveys of the fall whooping crane migration along the Platte River in
Nebraska and surveying for the federally listed Ute Ladies' -Tresses Orchid
for the Army Corps of Engineers at Chatfield State Park.
Ornithology/Lepidoptery. As an outstanding field ornithologist, Ms.
Auckland's experience includes avian surveys, long-term population
monitoring, trapping, banding, and behavioral studies in 10 states, Mexico
and Australia. She has also completed multiple butterfly survey projects.
Wetlands Delineation, 404 Permitting, and Mitigation. Ms. Auckland has
been completing wetlands delineations, permitting, mitigation, and
reclamation monitoring plans since 1993. She conducted extensive
wetlands delineation of the RTD FasTracks Gold Line, North Metro, and I-
225 corridors. For Xcel Energy, Ms. Auckland worked as part of a two -
person team that completed delineation of two tracts of land that each
exceeded 2,500 acres in Bent and Morgan counties. Her 404 permitting
experience includes projects in Colorado, Wyoming, and California.
Stormwater Management
Site Investigations
Phase I ESAs
Phase II ESAs
Contaminant Investigations
M.S., Mechanical
Engineering, Rochester
Institute of Technology
B.S., Design Engineering
Technology, Brigham Young
Colorado, License #31909
Committee Member, ACEC
Southern Colorado Steering
American Council of
Engineering Companies
Colorado (ACEC)
Society of American
Military Engineers (SAME),
Pikes Peak Chapter
Ms. Thomas is an Environmental Professional with 18 years of consulting
and project management experience. She has experience in wastewater
permitting, stormwater management, regulatory compliance,
environmental audits, environmental site assessments, hazardous material
assessments, spill prevention (SPCC), methane and radon mitigation, and
environmental impact studies. Clients have included those in
telecommunications, waste management, residential and commercial
development, manufacturing, retail, and engineering industries.
Stormwater Management Plans. Ms. Thomas has experience in hydrologic
modeling and analysis and has completed stormwater modeling and
detention basin sizing for several clients. In addition, Ms. Thomas has
extensive experience in erosion and sediment control, including writing and
implementing stormwater management plans (SWMPs). She recently
completed stormwater management projects including 1.6 miles of the US
160/550 design/build project in Durango and Children's Hospital demolition
in Denver. Ms. Thomas has also recently completed SWMPs for the
following construction projects in the Denver and Boulder areas: 88th and
Dahlia Realignment, University of Colorado at Boulder North/South
Bikeway, City of Greeley #3 Ditch and 47th and Sand Creek Bridge
Ms. Thomas has experience with National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) permit requirements including Phase I
Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) permit compliance,
Industrial Stormwater Permit compliance and Construction Stormwater
Permit compliance. Ms. Thomas has conducted discharge sampling, illicit
discharge, dry -weather and wet -weather monitoring and sampling for a
wide variety of projects.
Site Investigations. Ms. Thomas has conducted Phase II assessments in
order to assess soil and groundwater contamination. Property
investigations have included leaking underground storage tanks, dry
cleaners, industrial facilities and municipal landfills. She has completed
sampling plans, sampling and report preparation. Ms. Thomas has also
conducted statistical analysis on the data obtained from sampling.
. Ms. Thomas has extensive experience in performing Phase I
Environmental Site Assessments. She has conducted assessments on more
than a 1,000 properties throughout the United States, including a collection
of 45 properties.
EoucA rim
B.S., Environmental Science
Metropolitan State College
of Denver
CDPHE Certified Asbestos
Project Designer, No. 16688,
OPS Petroleum Storage Tank
Committee Listed
Environmental Consultant,
No. 6193, Colorado
American Council of
American Institute of
Professional Geologists
Functional Assessment of
Colorado Wetlands
(FACWet) Methodology
40 Hour Hazardous Waste
Operations Course
38 Hour Army Corps of
Engineers Wetland
Delineation and
Management Training
Program, Richard Chinn
Environmental Training Inc.
Mr. Partington has 12 years of experience in environmental sciences. He has
worked as project manager and field operations manager on a variety of
projects requiring hazardous materials assessments, environmental
constraints analysis, biological resources evaluations, and National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)-related surveys. He has also established
effective working relationships with governmental agencies including the
Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers (Corps), Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
(CDPHE), and Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, Division of
Oil and Public Safety (OPS).
=? 1. Mr. Partington has worked on several NEPA projects, ranging in size
from relatively simple Categorical Exclusions to extensive Environmental
Impact Statements. Mr. Partington managed the Categorical Exclusion
documentation for the University of Colorado North/South Bikeway project,
and also managed the Pinyon team for the Central Park Boulevard and
Interstate 70 Interchange Environmental Assessment. Mr. Partington has
completed many NEPA-related surveys, including for hazardous materials,
threatened and endangered species, wetlands and geology/minerals/soils.
He has also worked on a number of RTD FasTracks projects completing
specific tasks including hazardous materials and minerals and geology
Mr. Partington has
completed many wetland delineations in Douglas, Weld, Boulder,
Jefferson, Larimer, Pueblo, Summit, and Grand counties in Colorado, and in
Laramie County, Wyoming. He is knowledgeable in preparation of
Individual and Nationwide Permits for the Corps, as well as Wetland
Finding in accordance with CDOT protocols. Mr. Partington has managed
and performed many habitat assessments for the presence of
federally -listed threatened and endangered species, and has conducted
burrowing owl surveys in accordance with Colorado Division of Wildlife
protocols, as well as providing a supporting role on migratory bird surveys.
Ph„ I Mr. Partington has completed numerous Phase I
Environmental Site Assessments for sites throughout Colorado, Idaho,
Montana, New Mexico, Wyoming, Nevada and Utah on vacant, private,
commercial and mining properties. Mr. Partington has also completed
several Modified Environmental Site Assessments related to transportation
projects for the CDOT under requirements of NEPA.
i _,
Transportation Planning and Engineering Consultant On -call 1 2
The City of Fort Collins defines sustainability as balanced
stewardship of human, economic, and environmental
resources for present and future generations. Using a
systems approach to each transportation project, we
will evaluate how various choices and alternatives affect
the social, economic, and environmental components
of sustainability such as protecting natural resources,
improving public health, strengthening energy security,
expanding the economy, and providing mobility to
disadvantaged people. The results of this analysis will
provide community input towards preferred options or
The City's Triple Bottom Line Approach
07o aC
We understand our job is to make your job easier; function
as an extension of your staff; complete projects on -time
and on -budget; and develop appropriate, creative solutions.
While specific projects may have a unique set of critical
issues, three stand out as central to all projects and all relate
to client service —availability, quality, and experience.
Availability: All projects have a time frame for completion,
whether it is based on seasonal conditions, funding
constraints, or elected official expectations. We make sure
our project managers understand this and clearly identify
expectations for project delivery. Based on project needs,
we will develop a plan to properly staff projects for on -
time completion and budget compliance. We have the staff
resources necessary to begin and complete projects on your
schedule. If unique work elements are required, we have the
depth of national technical experts, if needed, to ensure we
meet all of your expectations.
Quality: We pride ourselves on the quality of our
deliverables. Our work is not done until you are satisfied.
This means that our project managers must get buy -off on
all deliverables and key project milestones to make sure we
are meeting your expectations. This communication helps
us keep on track and provide the product that is expected.
Experience: Our recommendations to you are only as
good as our experience. We recognize that our staff must be
up-to-date on current planning and engineering trends and
technology. Training and experience are critical to be able
to successfully apply current practices and technology. We
will make sure our project managers have the staff with the
experience necessary to properly serve the City. Our staff is
well versed in industry trends and technology; that means
we can assign staff with relevant experience to all projects.
A. On -call project methodology
We listen to our clients and work with them in a
collaborative process. This ensures we fully understand the
project goals and objectives for each assignment and that
you will have your true needs addressed. Our streamlined
consultant team will maximize the value of your
investment. To deliver an on -call contract with as much
value as possible, a diverse mix of staff and experience is
necessary to customize the team for each specific project.
Properly using senior leadership and experience with cost-
effective technical staff provides the "right" mix to complete
the job effectively and efficiently.
Our key staffs extensive experience working with you has
allowed us to anticipate your changing needs and refine
our successful five -step approach to taking on -call contract
project concepts to delivery. Our approach is shown in
the Task Order Approach figure that depicts how we
work with you to create an idea for a project, develop a
well defined scope of work, provide appropriate staffing
levels, establish a budget and schedule that is responsive
to your needs, and provide deliverables that exceed your
expectations. This is all to ensure you ultimately deliver the
best and most complete program possible.
Task Order Approach
Transportation Planning
Transportation Demand Modeling
Traffic Operations Analysis
University of Louisiana,
Lafayette, M.S., Civil
(Transportation), 2002
Engineer in Training (EIT),
Mr. Palakurthy is a transportation planner with 6 years of experience. Mr.
Palakurthy is an experienced transportation demand modeler in many of
the popular transportation software packages, a geographic information
systems (GIS) specialist, and an expert in various signal modeling
programs. His experience includes long-range plan development, corridor
studies, level of service analysis, and air quality analysis for signalized
intersections. His professional experience as a transportation planner
includes travel demand model development, land use allocation modeling,
traffic impact studies, corridor studies, level of service analysis, and air
quality analysis. He is experienced in various travel demand software
packages such as TransCAD, VISUM, EMME/2 and QRS 1I. He has
programmed and developed travel models with interfaces containing
dialog menus that facilitate easy testing of various land use and
transportation alternatives by the client. He has programmed various
model add -ins, interfaces and performance reporting in GISDK, the
programming language for TransCAD. He is skilled in GISDK, Microsoft
Visual Basic and ESRI ArcGIS. Mr. Palakurthy has expertise in
Synchro/SimTraffic and VISSIM micro simulation software packages.
Ravi also provides expertise in mapping and presentation of information.
This information includes land use allocation, networks, trip activity maps
and charts.
• Corridor MPO 2040 Long -Range Transportation Plan and Travel
Model Update
• Lincoln MPO Travel Model Update and Enhancement
• Rapid City Area Transportation Plan and Travel Model Update
• Southern California Association of Governments Weekend Travel
Demand Model, CA
• Southern California Association of Governments Screen line Count
Transportation Planner/Engineer,
Illinois Regional Travel Model
LSA Associates, Inc., Fort
Washtenaw Area Transportation Study Model Updates, Ann Arbor,
Collins, Colorado, 2004—Present
Transportation Planner, Capital
Square Traffic Study
Region Planning Commission,
Shoal Creek Transportation Studies
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 2002-
Mesa County Regional Travel Model Update
City of Lawrence —Douglas County, Kansas, Transportation Model
Conversion and Update
Erie Comprehensive Plan
North Front Range MPO Travel Model Refresh
Flagstaff MPO Travel Model Update
La Plata County and City of Durango Transportation Plan
Rapid City Area 2030 Long Range Transportation Plan
Longmont Multi -Modal Transportation Plan
Farmington MPO Metropolitan Transportation Plan Update
Fort Collins Northside Neighborhood Plans
Ourston Roundabout Engineering
Mr. Lenters has a 25 year record of continuous intersection safety and design
experience underpinned by highway engineering, traffic engineering, transpor-
tation planning, and project management. Since 1986, he has achieved nearly
equal experience in the public and private sector, broadening his understand-
ing of the needs of agencies. Leading small and large teams, he has developed
nationally renowned skills in roundabout design, facilitation, training and safety
reviews. Mark leads a team of 10 professionals who exclusively plan, design and
facilitate public outreach for modern roundabouts.
Through his ongoing leadership of a roundabouts -only team of professional engineers,
Mark's goal is to build a legacy of superbly operating roundabouts.
With his wealth of knowledge and experience, Mr. Lenters continues to provide value
in roundabout planning and design to clients including: WisDOT CDOT ADOT, MnDOT
Caltrans, San Diego, L.A.DOT Maine DOT, UDOT Flagstaff (AZ), Waterloo (ON) Franklin
County (OH), Horrock's Engineers, CH2MHill, Stanley Consultants, AECOM, Eagle
County (CO), Stantec; and, many others over the past decade.
Analysis, Planning, and Reviews
Peer reviews, design audits, in-service evaluations, studies comparing roundabouts with
traffic signals, and feasibility studies. Research of roundabout safety, capacity, vulnerable
users, human factors and traffic control devices.
Direct Design
Overseeing staff preparing full plan sets and managing the entire project or contributing
components to prime consultants; undertaking layout and design of pavement marking,
signing, grading, lighting and construction staging.
Design Oversight and Quality Assurance
Peer review to assure agencies of the correct site selection and design quality with the
highest degree of skill and professionalism. Mr. Lenters focuses on evidence to prove the
importance of any changes, explaining possible outcomes if changes are not made.
Education and Public Outreach
Building trust, listening, affirming, dispelling perceptions and educating for acceptance.
Ourston has the most extensive library of public education resources and the most diverse
tools and aids for building acceptance and for driver training.
Training and Workshops
Mark has taught or presented to thousands of individuals at private and governmental
agencies across several countries. He consistently receives highly positive feedback for
his outstanding presentation skill and communication ability.
Ourston Roundabout Engineering Inc.
5325 Wall Street, Suite 2305
Madison, WI 53718
Northwestern Universky
Certificates in Transportation and
Traffic Operations [1993-1996]
Lakehead University
BEng - Civil Engineering [19861
Mohawk College
Diploma (Hons) Civil Engineering
Technology f19831
Ourston Roundabout
President 12005 to Present]
RoundaboutsCanada (The
Sernas Group), Ontario, CA
C,eneral Manager [1998 to Present]
"Synthesis of North American
Practice: Modern Roundabouts"
Mark S. Lenters, P.E., Philip Weber,
P.Eng., Transportation Association
of Canada,2009
"Trucks in Roundabouts: Pitfalls in
Design and Operations"
Mark Lenters, Ed Waddell, Mike
Gingrich, ITE Journal, Feb. 2009
"Safety Auditing Roundabouts"
Mark S. Lenters, P.E. P.Eng., ITE
Intermountain Conference, 2005
Institute of Transportation
Engineers- Fellow since 1993
Roundabouts Task Force, 2008
Transportation Research Board -
Associate Member
Roundabouts Subcommittee
(ANTB-75), 2004
Tel: (608) 249-4545
Fax: (608) 249-4402
N Barry Grossman, APR
P Public Involvement/Public Information
T 35
T 2 1/2
E BA in Communication Arts (Public Relations emphasis), Regis University
R Accredited in Public Relations by the Public Relations Society of America
O Colorado Springs/Monument, CO
C From 1999 to 2006, Barry was a senior member of the CDOT/RTD Transportation
Expansion (T-REX) Project in metro Denver. Barry was responsible for stakeholder research studies, project education
collateral development, community and business relations, government relations and internal project team
communications. He was a key member of the team that developed the project's public information plan and the crisis
communication plan. He also was Senior Communications Advisor for the Colorado Springs Metro Interstate Expansion
(COSMIX) design -build widening project of 1-25. Among his many contributions, he provided strategic guidance during
discussions between Colorado Springs and El Paso County officials, Downtown Partnership officials, and local
businesses on the Bijou Street Bridge design and reconstruction.
"It is not every day that one gets to work with a true expert in their field and it was my privilege, as project manager of the
streetcar feasibility study, to work with Barry Grossman and Lisa Bachman. The project and the environment were
demanding and challenging and they were there every step of the way promoting, positioning, communicating and adding
value to the project. The public involvement plan was well conceived and encompassed the detail required to truly
determine what the affected public wanted. You are aware of their exemplary qualifications and resume, but my
recommendation is based on performance in a true project atmosphere, and based on their performance, I would highly
recommend them to you for any proposed project requiring public relations."
percent availability to provide on this project/contract.
Barry Grossman has 75
• Northwest Corridor Environmental Impact Study, metro Denver. Director of Public Involvement for
this highly controversial project. Oversaw the planning and implementation of elected official and
technical representative meetings and public meetings, including one that attracted more than
1,000 citizens; Web site content; and project educational collateral development.
• North I-25 Environmental Impact Study in northern Colorado from north of the metro Denver area
to Wellington. Strategic communications advisor for planning and implementation of elected
officials and technical representative meetings, public communications and public meetings.
• I-25 Safety Improvements Project in Colorado Springs; member of the public information team
responsible for community and business communications and media relations during reconstruction of six
• COSMIX (Colorado Springs Metro Interstate Expansion) project which expanded 1-25 and rebuilt interchanges to
relieve congestion and improve mobility. Served as strategic communication advisor for public communications,
business and government relations, and media relations.
No Text
Transportation Planning and Engineering Consultant On -call 1 3
It is essential to integrate
general stakeholder and
public interests into
appropriately balanced,
prioritized concerns
that can be agreed upon.
This creates a space for
transparent decision making
so that the final agreed upon
recommendation moves
Step one -identify
need: Our team's
key staff will work
collaboratively with you
to develop scopes for a
variety of projects. We
will engage your staff,
identify a need, and make
recommendations for
projects that will move
you toward program
Step two -develop
scope of work: Our
identified project
manager will coordinate with your staff to further develop
a scope of work that achieves your goals and identifies the
deliverables that satisfy your needs. During this step, our
staff will incorporate innovative solutions that focus on
ways to improve overall efficiency in an effort to save time
and money.
Step three -identify key staff. Our approach reflects
Atkins' commitment to providing you with the most
appropriate experts based on the requirements of the
project. Carrie will work with you to identify staff that are
best suited and most available to accomplish the project.
Step four -negotiate task order: Our project
manager will use the developed scope of work and our
understanding of the project goals to establish a schedule,
budget, and refine the scope to ensure completion of work
within the time frame you require.
Step five -deliver project: Our project manager will
apply project controls previously discussed to perform
the work identified, within the established schedule and
B. Project
controls for desired results
Effective project controls are
essential to project success by
ensuring that we deliver quality
products on time and within
budget. We have in -place, proven
project controls to maintain costs,
quality, and schedule. Carrie will
ensure all Atkins projects achieve
this goal and will follow up on a
monthly basis with our teaming
partners to ensure they are also
meeting this goal on all on -going
task orders. Carrie will convey
our information regarding project
in vision. controls and overall contract
performance to Aaron Iverson on a
abmonthly basis or as requested.
1. Quality control
Our proven five -step approach to quality assurance/quality
control (QA/QC) has one single focus —to consistently
provide you with quality deliverables. Our ability to
provide products of the highest quality is enhanced by our
extensive understanding of procedures within the City, as
well as CDOT and federal procedures. We follow our QA/
QC process on all deliverables and submittals whether it is
a complete set of design plans and specifications or a single
paragraph technical memorandum.
2. Cost control
Realistic budgets must be established at the start, with the
process actually starting during the pre-scoping phase.
All task orders will be submitted through Carrie to ensure
the City has a single point of contact, and so she can
ensure all tasks are scoped and budgeted properly. Prior
to submitting the task order for approval, Carrie will first
work with the City to ensure the correct staff from our team
is assigned. Carrie and our project manager will agree on
the correct blend of senior/junior staff members, a final
scope of work, and a project budget so that we can provide
the most efficient project delivery. We know that the City
has a limited budget and our goal is to be responsible with
your funds and ensure you can make the most of those
3. Schedule control
Meeting the schedule is essential to project success.
During project development, Carrie will work with the City
to identify what the time frame should be to meet your
objectives. We will continue to work together to assign the
best and most available
staff to deliver the project
on time, including using
our subconsultants. Our
project managers will
immediately communicate
with the City and Carrie if
issues arise and will take
corrective measures to
ensure the project stays on
Developing a
communications plan at
the beginning of the project
that includes how project
decisions will be made is
key to moving the project
forward on schedule.
III. Personnel and availability
Atkins provides the City with a full -service team that will
meet any potential need. Our staff has unmatched expertise
in each discipline and have extensive previous working
relationships. Carrie will be Atkins project director and
main point of contact. When a task order is identified,
Carrie will work with your project manager to determine
the task requirements and identify the most appropriate
and cost-effective project manager and support staff. Jeff
Kullman is the principal in charge. As the Denver office
transportation practice manager, Jeff will support Carrie
by making sure the resources proposed are available and
fully committed to your work assignments.
Transportation Planning and Engineering Consultant On -call 1 4
A. Key staff
Atkins has developed a reputation of excellence with
the City by providing client -focused, quality, innovative,
and responsive service. We are prepared to uphold this
reputation by providing you with respected, qualified
personnel who are experts within their respective
disciplines. Following the Project Organization chart
are the key staff members' qualifications and benefits they
bring to the City. We have included resumes for the entire
team in the Appendix.
.Jeff Kullman, PE
Carrie Wallis, PE, LEED AP BD+C,
project director. Carrie will be your
s single point of contact and understands
the challenges that you face. She gives her
personal commitment to partner with you
to promote livability in transportation
solutions. Carrie's main goal will be to
cost-effectively use our team members to
deliver task orders on time and on budget. She has 13 years
of transportation planning and engineering experience
with the last 5 years focused on project management.
Project Organization
Aaron Iverson, AICP
Carrie Wallis, PE, LEED AP BD+C
Carrie Wallis, PE, LEED AP BD+C Ray Moe (LSA)
Jim Hanson, PE, PTOE Beth Vogelsang, AICP (O&V)
Steve Hoover, AICP Dan Liddle, PE
Data Collection
Eric Boivin (ATD)
Scott Epstein (Pinyon)
Kelly Leadbetter
Socio-economic Data
Preparation and Analysis
Steve Hoover, AICP
Kelly Leadbetter
Traffic and Transit Forecasting
and Modeling
Kaushik Sabba (LSA)
Ravikumar Palakurthy, EI (LSA)
Troy Pankratz, PE (Ourston)
Corridor Studies
Jim Hanson, PE, PTOE
Jamie Archambeau, PE, PTOE
Transit and Station
Area Planning
Dennis Newjahr
Beth Vogelsang, AICP (O&V)
Ray Moe (LSA)
Project Cost Estimates and
Financial Planning
Dan Liddle, PE
Lee Kunselman, PE
Trov Pankratz, PE (Ourston)
Innovative Finance
Jeff Kullman, PE
Troy Pankratz, PE (Ourston)
Community Involvement and
Public Participation
Lisa Bachman (Bachman)
Lindsay Merz, EI
Ray Moe (LSA)
Barry Grossman (Bachman)
Preliminary Engineering
Dan Liddle, PE
Lee Kunselman, PE
Troy Pankratz, PE (Ourston)
Mark Lenters, PE (Ourston)
Regional Planning and
.Jim Hanson, PE, PTOE
Steve Hoover, AICP
,Jamie Archambeau, PE, PTOE
Sustainability and
Green Streets
Carrie Wallis, PE, LEED AP BD+C
Scott Epstein (Pinyon)
Environmental Assessment*
Scott Epstein (Pinyon)
Anahita Behrad
Julia Auckland (Pinyon) -
Biologieal resources
Brian Partington (Pinyon) -
Hazardous materials
Karlene Thomas (Pinyon) -
Stormwater/national pollutant
discharge elimination system
John Hoffecker(Pinyon)-
Historic preservation
Scott Epstein (Pinyon) -
Air quality
Anna Smith, PE -
Multimodal Planning
Beth Vogelsang, AICP (O&V)
Chris Vogelsang (O&V)
Ray Moe (LSA)
Urban Design, Imaging,
and Rendering
Geoffrev Schaller, RLa
Tina Brand
Technical Editing and
Document Support
Lacey Taplin
Note: All staff are Atkins employees unless otherwise noted
• Through Atkins local and national staff and Pinyon staff, we have the expertise available for any environmental resource studies
Transportation Planning and Engineering Consultant On -call 1 5
Carrie's enthusiasm and recent experience in the City make
her perfectly suited to successfully deliver your program.
Committed to delivering responsive and quality services,
Carrie specifically formulated our team and project
approach philosophy to address the needs of the City.
Carrie provides the following benefits:
• Continually promoting sustainable solutions. Through
her work on GreenLITES for CDOT, Carrie is advancing
livability in the regional transportation community.
• Provides community -focused solutions. On the US 6
Corridor Study in Eagle County, Carrie helped CDOT and
the community develop a vision and multimodal plan for
the future.
ShJeff Kullman, PE, principal in
charge. Jeff will use his 30 years of
industry experience to ensure our team
exceeds your expectations on all task
orders. His strengths involve continuous
coordination and communication with
clients to make sure we deliver task
orders on schedule and on budget. Jeff
provides the following benefits:
• Has a thorough understanding of all transportation
planning elements.
• Understands Colorado municipalities, having partnered
with them during his long, successful career with CDOT.
Jim Hanson, PE, PTOE, project
manager. Jim has provided
comprehensive planning services to
numerous municipalities in Colorado.
He will draw from lessons learned on a
variety of projects ranging from small
town plans to large -corridor studies, to
provide sustainable solutions. As a result
of his ability to partner with communities, he has become
a trusted advisor to many public agencies, often providing
input on issues beyond projects he is working on. Jim
provides the following benefits:
• Understands how to integrate the Planning
and Environmental Iinkage (PEL) process that
successfully positions projects for NEPA approval and
implementation. Jim successfully provided this for the
SH 82 Corridor Optimization Plan.
• Innovative solutions that he has learned through
extensive, nationwide experience.
Steve Hoover, AICP, project
manager. Steve has environmental
planning and problem solving experience
ranging from analytical support to project
management. In the context of NEPA,
he has experience with multiple resource
areas including cumulative effects, land
use and zoning, visual qualities, housing,
demographics, socio-economics, noise and vibration,
environmental justice, and energy. Steve provides the
following benefits:
• Understands the City having served as a transportation
planner for the Fort Collins Mobility Objectives and
Value Evaluation Statistics Report.
• Project manager for four FHWA long-range
transportation plans throughout the country and will
apply this experience to all task orders.
Ray Moe (LSA), project manager.
Ray has assisted the City and numerous
other communities in the development
of regional transportation plans. He
developed "Connections", an interactive
public process exercise where teams
develop alternative transportation
solutions based on a defined budget. Ray
also developed pedestrian level of service procedures that
are being used throughout the U.S. and a bicycle demand
estimator. Ray will provide the following benefits:
• Has established, successful working relationships with
City staff to ensure we deliver quality solutions that
exceed your expectations.
• Unmatched City knowledge having assisted in
developing the Fort Collins Transportation Master Plan.
ikBeth Vogelsang, AICP (O&V),
project manager. Beth has worked
extensively with jurisdictions throughout
Colorado establishing an understanding
of the synergy between growth,
changing land use patterns, and transit/
transportation infrastructure and local
mobility. She has a unique ability to
effectively coordinate technical project needs with local
community concerns. Beth recognizes the critical need
for participation throughout the project and the efficiency
in creating the means for that input early on. Beth will
provide the following benefits:
• An expert understanding of the dynamic between land
use mix, urban design, and sustainability.
• Experienced with public involvement and jurisdictional
coordination on transportation and transit projects.
atDan Liddle, PE, project manager.
Dan has experience in all aspects of
transportation improvement projects
including specialized expertise leading
municipal design projects throughout
Colorado. He has completed alternative
analyses and conceptual designs to
identify and optimize project costs while
working with agencies and affected property owners to
facilitate approvals and right-of-way acquisitions. Dan
provides the following benefits:
• Comprehensive knowledge of context -sensitive design
and complete streets concepts.
• Has established, successful working relationships with
City staff to ensure we deliver quality solutions that
exceed your expectations.
Transportation Planning and Engineering Consultant On -call 1 6
B. Additional staff
In addition to the experience of our key staff, our team
presents additional support staff with the necessary
expertise to assist on any task order needs. The following
Additional Staff Qualifications table is a snapshot of
these staff including their years of experience, role, and
benefit to the project.
C. Availability
Atkins has consistently delivered projects on -time for the
City, and we will continue to do so throughout this on -call.
You have our personal commitment to always provide
dedicated staff and capacity to meet each task order need.
Carrie and our team look forward to demonstrating why
more than 90 percent of our work comes from repeat clients.
IV. Project team capability, experience, and
A. Project team
We have selected our team members because of their areas
of expertise, value-added benefit, and ability to provide
quality work products on time and on budget. The City will
benefit from our strong working relationships, use of select
local consultants, multiple staffing opportunities, and staff
knowledgeable in your processes and procedures. Our team
Staff Qualifications
Team .-
years with firm/years experience
Traffic and transit forecasting and National roundabout expertise and
Troy Pankratz, PE; Ourston
modeling, project cost estimates understands City processes/procedures and
Years with Ourston: 5 Years experience: a
and financial planning, innovative established relationships with City staff
finance, and preliminary engineering
Lisa Bachman; Bachman
Community involvement and public
Brings wide range of public involvement
Years with Bachman: 3 Years experience: 35
and branding experience
Geoffrey Schafler, RLA; Atkins
Urban design, imaging, and
Understands the City having successfully
Years with Atkins: 4 Years experience: 15
provided solutions on prior City projects
Scott Epstein; Pinyon
Public participation, multimodal
planning, sustainability, and air
Broad expertise on environmental resources
Years with Pinyon: 7 Years experience: 9
and regulatory processes
Chris Vogelsang; O&V
Multimodal planning
Demonstrated bicycle, pedestrian, and
Years with O&V: 9 Years experience: 18
transit planning experience
Kaushik Sabha; LSA
Traffic and transit forecasting and
Experienced in alternatives analysis for
Years with LSA: 3 Years experience: 4
roadway and transit
,John Hoffecker; Pinyon
Historic preservation
Comprehensive understanding of historic
Years with Pinyon: 5 Years experience: 25
Dennis Nevvjahr, At
National experience in the interpretation of
Years with Atkins: years experience: 34
Transit and station area planning
federal statutes and regulations including
New Starts
Jamie Archambeau, PE, PTOE; Atkins
Corridor studies
Completed long-range transportation plans
Years with Atkins: 8 Years experience: 8
Lee Kunselman, PE; Atkins
Project cost estimates and financial
Understands City processes/procedures
Years with Atkins: 6 Years experience: to
planning and preliminary engineering
and established relationships with City staff
Kelly Leadbetter; Atkins
Data collection and socio-economic
Junior staff member who will provide
Years with Atkins: t Years experience: t
data preparation and analysis
quality, cost-effective solutions
Lindsay Merz, EI; Atkins
Community involvement and public
Extensive public information experience in
Years with Atkins: 4 Years experience: 5
challenging urban and sensitive areas
Tina Brand; Atkins
Urban design, imaging, and
Provides visually pleasing graphics in a
Years with Atkins: 9 Years experience: 21
short time
Lacey Taplin; Atkins
Technical editing and document
Editing skills will ensure text is written in
Years with Atkins: 4 Years experience: 4
proper and readable form
Anahita Behrad; Atkins
Environmental assessment
Understands the unique needs of regional
Years with Atkins: 2 Years experience: 2
regulatory agencies
Anna Smith, PE; Atkins
Understands the unique needs of regional
Years with Atkins: 7 Years experience: 8
regulatory agencies
Transportation Planning and Engineering Consultant On -call 1 7
is set up to be responsive to any potential project need
whether small or large and has the capacity to meet your
schedule, budget, and quality goals. The combination of
Atkins and our subconsultants provide the City a motivated
team with unmatched expertise that is excited to work with
you on all of your task order needs. The following Project
Team Resources and Project Team Experience
tables highlights, Atkins and our subconsultants roles, DBE
status, benefits, and relevant experience.
B. DBE usage
Atkins is not DBE certified, however we have included four
DBE -certified firms on our team. It is important that all
of our team members add value to you and improve our
ability to help you achieve your program goals. We chose
our DBE sub -consultants based on the experience of their
staff and ability to provide benefit to you. We will track
DBE participation through the duration of the contract to
guarantee that the overall contract meets or exceeds the
desired participation level of 9.9 percent.
Project Team Resources
Name of firm
Extensive knowledge of the City and demonstrated
Prime consultant
ability to deliver projects that promote
All Traffic Data
Data collection
Reliable data collection through innovative and
traditional means
Lisa Bachman PR
Community involvement and public
Development of innovative and analytical
Group, LLC
techniques for public participation
LSA Associates,
Traffic and transit forecasting and modeling,
Vast understanding of complex multimodal
public participation, and multimodal planning
transportation analysis and the North Front Range
Ordonez and
Unmatched transit, bicycle, pedestrian, and
Vogelsang, LLC
Multimodal planning
transit -oriented development planning experience
that connect communities
Traffic and transit forecasting and modeling,
project cost estimates and financial planning,
Nationally recognized roundabout experience
innovative finance, and preliminary engineering
Data collection and environmental assessment
Demonstrated environmental assessment
capabilities on municipal and CDOT projects
✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
All Traffic Data
Lisa Bachman PR Group, LLC
LSA Associates, Inc.
✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Ordonez and Vogelsang, LLC
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Ourston Roundabout Engineering
✓ ✓
✓ ✓
✓ ✓
Pinyon Environmental
✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓