HomeMy WebLinkAboutWORK ORDER - RFP - P1044 CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES (20)EXHIBIT "A" WORK ORDER FORM PURSUANT TO AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS AND ICON Engineering, Inc DATED September 15 2011 Work Order Number: SB- 2011-4 Purchase Order Number: 9[15710 Charge * 504-50452811 521130 3 Project Title: Alternatives Analysis for Fossil Creek MP update Commencement Date: September 19 2011 Completion Date: December 30 2011 Maximum Fee: (time and reimbursable direct costs): 35 655.00 Project Description: Complete an Alternatives Analysis of proposed improvements for the Fossil Creek Basin Master Plan update Scope of Services: See attached scope of work Service Provider agrees to perform the services identified above and on the attached forms in accordance with the terms and conditions contained herein and in the Services Agreement between the parties. In the event of a conflict between or ambiguity in the terms of the Services Agreement and this work order (including the attached forms) the Services Agreement shall control. The attached forms consisting of three (3) pages are hereby accepted and incorporated herein by this reference, and Notice to Proceed is hereby given. CC: Purchasing Service Provider: By"ti%`�h�*,ff L Date: City of Fort Collins: Submitted By: Project Manager Date: 9 /5—.-0/ Reviewed By:� C. SW Master Planning & FP A in. Mngr. Date: 1.� Reviewed By:_ Water Eng. and Field Serv. Mngr. Approved By: Approved Date: Z! /,� Utilities General Manager Date: Dir Purchasing & Risk Mgt Date: ((Q ENGINEERING, INC 8100South AkronStreet Suite 300.Centennial. CO80112-Phone (3031221-0802/Fax(303)221-4019 Exhibit A Master Drainageway Plan Update Scope of Work Water Quality Improvement Analysis — Feasibility Analysis 1. Alternatives Feasibility Analysis A. Following acceptance by the City of the best alternative plans, the Professional will proceed with the more detailed evaluation described in the following sections of this Agreement. B. Triple Bottom Line (TBL) Analysis — For each conceptual water quality alternative determined as part of the initial phase, or selected to be added during the associated Focus Group Meetings (FGMs), a TBL analysis shall be completed by the professional during a meeting at the City offices. C. Alternative Ranking and Additional Alternatives - Following the TBL analysis, the professional shall complete the following: a) The preferred BMP alternatives shall be ranked in a table; b) The preferred BMP alternatives shall be presented on a conceptual level map for review and contributing basin area for each alternative shall be shown; c) Additional BMPs shall be added as needed to achieve uniform treatment throughout the watershed, if possible; d) Alternatives will be presented by flow path or basin reaches, as appropriate; e) Conceptual Map shall follow template styles provided by City staff, f) The conceptual level map shall be reviewed by City staff prior to completing the next phase of the project. D. Engineering Investigation — For each conceptual alternative selected as part of previous task items, the professional shall complete the following engineering task items: a) Quantify the water quality capture volume (WQCV) used for evaluating the feasibility of the alternative. This shall include, at a minimum, the computation of WQCV following procedures outlined in UDFCD Volume III; b) General hydraulic calculations to develop and evaluate the best alternative plans, including sizing and geometry dimensions and determination of the approximate capacity of proposed structures, including pond outlet structures. If the BMP is proposed to be used in conjunction with existing and/or master planned flood control facilities, the estimated effect of the BMP on the 100- year storm event shall also quantified. Hydrologic routing may be required to evaluate the alternatives on a case -by -case basis. The professional shall be cognizant of the outfall and conduit systems entering and exiting the proposed water quality facilities in evaluating each facility. Similarly, the professional shall be cognizant of estimated elevations for any proposed diversion inflow systems associated with the Selected Plan. c) Documentation of known utility conflicts, as coordinated with City staff. d) Determining the cost of each BMP treatment, including operation and maintenance expenses and costs related to acquisition and right-of-way for the facility. All costs shall be coordinated with City Staff. e) Potential water rights needs/issues through qualitative discussion. In evaluating each alternative the consultant shall follow the outline of "Just Enough" Engineering Analysis, prepared by Ayres and Associates (Attached) as a general rule in work effort for each alternative. E. The Professional shall be generally cognizant of the soil characteristics and water table of the basin(s) and shall consider the hydrologic soil groups in evaluating each alternative. Hydrologic soil groups shall be used as identified by the regional USGS soil survey maps. F. Criteria and Regulatory Changes - the Professional, where appropriate, shall provide recommendations concerning modifications to the existing relevant water quality regulations and ordinances of the City relating to the drainage basin. G. Open Space and Preservation Areas — Professional shall document open space and preservation areas, as identified during the Focus Group Review of the conceptual alternatives. If costs are required, the costs associated with the preservation areas shall be documented. H. Regional City Planning Areas — Regional City planning areas, as identified during the Focus Group Review of the conceptual alternatives, shall be considered for each associated feasibility analysis. I. Written Report - The Professional shall prepare a written report to discuss the BMP evaluation and selection process for the basin. The report will state clearly the preferred plan of improvements, as recommended by the Professional. The information in the report will be sequential and orderly. The report shall be considered part of the total Technical Appendices for the basin Master Plans. This report will include: a) A written description clearly describing the alternative plans by improvement areas. Discussion of the alternatives feasibility study and the Professional's recommendation as to the plan to be adopted, rationale for arriving at the recommendations, and recommendations regarding the appropriate sequence of construction of the improvements in the basin. b) An elaboration on operation and maintenance aspects of the alternative plans. c) An elaboration on the constructability aspects of the alternative plans. d) An discussion regarding adopted water quality criteria and any recommended changes to the criteria e) Any deviation from City recommendations or requirements; f) Final Water Quality Improvement Map at an appropriate scale, clearly depicting the best alternatives. The map shall clearly present BMP coverage before and after the implementation of the best alternatives. g) The report will be contained in three-ring binder(s). The first part of the report shall contain the written summary for all alternatives. The second part will contain a narrative description of the recommended alternative plan and drawings reduced to 8.5" x I1" or I I" x 17", and the third part will contain reference material (Technical and Backup Information). h) Two (2) draft copies of the report will be submitted to the City for review purposes. 11. Schedule A. The schedule for the completion of this work is indicated below: Notice to Proceed: 9/15/2011 Draft Report Section: I 1 / ] 5/2011 Final Deliverables: 12/15/2011 Definitions of "Just Enough" Engineering for Alternatives Analysis I. Extended Detention — New pond or retrofit a. Determine volume requirement based on Urban Drainage b. Determine if you can grade in the required volume in available space at reasonable depth c. Determine if you can retrofit existing outlet structure or construct new outlet structure d. For new pond, who owns land and what is approximate cost e. Can water quality be added to existing pond without impacting hydraulic function of detention f. Review infall analysis and make recommendations if diversions are required. II. Infiltration Pond/Bio Swales/Porous Pavements a. Do existing soil types allow for infiltration, if not can (d) be satisfied b. Is area large enough to provide required filtration strata c. Who owns land and what is approximate cost d. Is there an outfall location for sub -drain; combined with over excavation and replacement of material III. In -Line Treatment a. What are the treatment requirements (cfs) and is there a proprietary devise that will meet that b. What device (manufacturer) is recommended c. What is the cost d. Is there room to construct the device and tie it in to existing storm sewer system e. Are there hydraulic impacts of the treatment system IV. Maintaining or Creating Disconnected Impervious Areas a. Is there developed property available and what is the approximate cost b. Is there un-developed property available that could be maintained as native? If so what is the cost c. Do existing soil types allow for infiltration, if not consider the cost of modification V. Buying Existing Properties and Constructing BMP's a. What is the cost of the property b. Questions in sections I, II and III would need to be answered depending on the BMP being proposed VI. LID a. Needs to be criteria driven, is there no other option? ICON ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT ESTIMATING SHEET PROJ£CTNME: F^uNCmk Basln WOFwlNlly CUENn C?YDFFORTCOLUNS- SOane9oyle PREPAREDBY: W Pmdwi FW..1mal % .6:.l E^A^eer GtldGIS Mmn PmpC Survv, MISc, CHECKED BY: WW Elm.' En".,II pe5gnar Sweym Cmr Dlrof w T[aS-n SimEll0 $IEI $90 bi S58 E75 E:<T Cwn D%Sm b^ Hwn H.. Hours H.. H. Hwrs Mwn Ibun TOTALS 1 Meetings and Correspondence a. Project Meeting (1 Assumed with Other Meeting) 2 2 1 $30 $612 b. TBL (1 Assumed with Other Meeting) 1.25 $15 $178 c. Field Review of Alternative Areas 4.00 8 $40 $1,520 2 TBL Documentation a. Meeting Summary 2 $260 b. Tabular Rankings 2 4 $10 $750 c. Alternative Summary Map 1 6 6 $20 $1,362 d. Additional BMPs 2 8 4 $10 $1,558 e. Coordination and Revision with City Staff 1 2 1 $20 $472 3 Engineering Investigation a. WOCV Determination 3 18 6 $20 $3,062 b. Hydraulic Analysis for Alternatives 3 15 83 15 $45 $13,575 c. Utilties 3.75 1 $15 $585 d. Alternative Cost Estimates 7.50 18.75 $13 $3238 4 Criteria Verification I Modifications 2 2 $10 $510 5 Open Space Documentation 2 4 2 $904 6 Regional Planning 2 4 $10 $750 7 Report Updates a. Develop Chapter to Master Plan Report for WO Alternatives 3 4 18 2 $10 $3,256 b. Final Water Quality Improvement Map 1 2 4 2 $10 $1,064 C. Pertinent Figures and Tables 4 $10 $490 d. Review and Revisions 2 8 2 2 $10 $1,510 7 58.50 193.25 0 40 4 0 0 298 $35 655 E1,050 E7 605 E23190 $0 E3 280 $232 $0 EO E298 E35,fi55