Collinschasin Purg
August 23, 2011
Brendle Group
Attn: Judy Dorsey
212 W. Mlberry Street
Fort Collins, CO 80521
RE: 7265 Waste Stream Analysis Study
Dear Ms. Dorsey:
Financial Services
Purchasing Division
216 N. Mason St. 2n" Floor
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522
970.221.6707- fax
fcgov. com/purchasing
As you have been informed by telephone, your firm has been selected for an oral
interview for our Request for Proposal 7265 Waste Stream Analysis Study.
Your interview will occur on Friday, September 2, 2011 at 2:00 PM in Conference Room
2A located at 215 N. Mason Street in Fort Collins.
For the interview, you will have 15 minutes for a formal presentation in response to the
requirements of the Request for Proposal and then there will be a question and answer
period of 60 minutes.
For your information, the other firms selected for oral interviews are:
Sloan Vazquez
MSW Consultants
We appreciate the time expended by your firm in preparing your written response, and
look forward to your oral presentation.
SC!! "�-LS �
-r6r\ James .O'Neill Il, CPPO, FNIGP
A , Director of Purchasing and Risk Management
III 1 :• ..
City of
F6rt Collinschasin Purg
August 23, 2011
MSW Consultants
Attn: John Culbertson
842 Spring Island Way
Orlando, FL 32828
RE: 7265 Waste Stream Analysis Study
Dear Mr. Culbertson:
Financial Services
Purchasing Division
215 N. Mason St. 2n" Floor
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522
970.221.6707- fax
fcgov. com/purcha sing
As you have been informed by telephone, your firm has been selected for an oral
interview for our Request for Proposal 7265 Waste Stream Analysis Study.
Your interview will occur on Friday, September 2, 2011 at 12:30 PM in Conference
Room 2A located at 215 N. Mason Street in Fort Collins.
For the interview, you will have 15 minutes for a formal presentation in response to the
requirements of the Request for Proposal and then there will be a question and answer
period of 60 minutes.
For your information, the other firms selected for oral interviews are:
Sloan Vazquez
Brendle Group
We appreciate the time expended by your firm in preparing your written response, and
look forward to your oral presentation.
Si erely, -4 `—
James B. O'Neill Il, CPPO, FNIGP
Director of Purchasing and Risk Management
Financial services
Purchasing Division
215 N. Mason St 2n0 Floor
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522
970.221.6707- fax
fcgov. com/purchastng
August 23, 2011
Sloan Vazquez
Attn: Joe Sloan
18006 Skypark Circle, Suite 205
Irvine, CA 92614
RE: 7265 Waste Stream Analysis Study
Dear Mr. Sloan:
As you have been informed by telephone, your firm has been selected for an oral
interview for our Request for Proposal 7265 Waste Stream Analysis Study.
Your interview will occur on Friday, September 2, 2011 at 3:30 PM in Conference Room
2A located at 215 N. Mason Street in Fort Collins.
For the interview, you will have 15 minutes for a formal presentation in response to the
requirements of the Request for Proposal and then there will be a question and answer
period of 60 minutes.
For your information, the other firms selected for oral interviews are:
MSW Consultants
Brendle Group
We appreciate the time expended by your firm in preparing your written response, and
look forward to your oral presentation.
in1Jamcerely,es B. O'Neill II, PO, FNIGP
7 Director of Purchasing and Risk Management
City of
F6rt Collins
August 23, 2011
Tetra Tech
Attn: Brian Myller
518 17th Street, Suite 900
Denver, CO 80202
RE: 7265 Waste Stream Analysis Study
Dear Mr. Myller:
Financial Services
Purchasing Division
215 N. Mason St. 2"" Floor
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522
970.221.6707- fax
/cgov. comp urchasing
The City of Fort Collins Purchasing Division would like to thank you for your written
response to our Request for Proposal 7265 Waste Stream Analysis Study.
Proposals were received from four (4) firms. The three (3) top ranked firms are listed as
MSW Consultants
Brendle Group
Sloan Vazquez
We appreciate the time expended by your firm in preparing your written response. We
hope you continue your interest in City of Fort Collins' projects and wish your firm much
success in the future.
Sincerely, a�
James S. O'Neill II, CPPO, FNIGP
Director of Purchasing and Risk Management
VAeT JBO: bd