t�,.� AND
DATED: March 30, 2011
Work Order Number:
Purchase Order Number:
Project Title: Proposal for Plan for Augmentation for Additional Gravel Pits and Change
of Use of Four Box Elder Ditch Shares
Commencement Date: April 1, 2011
Completion Date: August 31, 2011
Maximum Fee: (time and reimbursable direct costs):_$ 26,700
Project Description: Engineering work necessary to Prepare an augmentation plan for
Prospect North/Milne Pit and to change the use of four Boxelder Ditch shares to use as a
source for augmentation water.
Scope of Services:
See Attached
Professional agrees to perform the services identified above and on the attached forms in
accordance with the terms and conditions contained herein and in the Professional Services
Agreement between the parties. In the event of a conflict between or ambiguity in the terms of
the Professional Services Agreement and this work order (including the attached forms) the
Professional Services Agreement shall control.
Date: -*f- 4- //
WOPSA 05/01
-�psl1 O . S"l
The attached forms consisting of _ U pages are hereby accepted and incorporated herein,
by this reference, and Notice to Proceed is hereby given.
City of Fort Collins
BY�Zr• l�S��c.�—r,
Director of Purchasing and Risk Management (over $30,000.00)
WOPSA 05/01
The project will include all of the work necessary to complete an engineering report
and submit a water court application for the Resource Recovery Farm and Prospect
North/Milne Property. The proposed scope of work for Phase I is as follows:
1 . Analyze the water requirements for the Prospect North/Milne Property. BBA
previously analyzed the requirements for this site in 1998. BBA will review
more recent aerial photography and visit the site to confirm the current
exposed ground water surface area. Using local evaporation rates, BBA will
determine the monthly amount of evaporation, and using appropriate ground
water analysis, determine the delayed impact of the evaporation on the
stream. BBA and the City have discussed the possibility of lowering the
outlet of the lake to reduce the surface area. Based on the recent survey of
the lake provided by the City, BBA will prepare an analysis to calculate
surface area at various outlet elevations.
2. Review potential water requirements for other gravel pits owned by the City.
BBA has reviewed the results of the 1997 study, Strategy for Gravel Lands
along the Poudre River. BBA will review aerial photography to determine if
the City owns any gravel pits that may have augmentation requirements.
Based upon BBA's preliminary review, the WREN Pit may fall into this
category. For any gravel pits that are identified to have potential
augmentation requirements, BBA will review the files at the State Engineer's
Office (SEO) to verify the status and report to the City if any additional
requirements may exist. BBA has included in this estimate the work
necessary to address the augmentation requirements at one additional site
(other than the RRF and Prospect North/Milne).
3. Prepare a historical use analysis of the four Box Elder Ditch shares. This
task will involve visiting the property where the shares were historically
used, reviewing the other past or pending changes of use of Box Elder Ditch
shares, analyzing diversion records, talking to ditch company
representatives regarding historical operation of the ditch, and reviewing
aerial photographs,of the property. If possible, BBA will interview the former
owner of the land to learn more about the shares and their use. BBA will
also need to focus on the recent uses since the 1998 analysis. BBA will
complete a water budget analysis to determine the historical amount, timing
and location of depletions and return flows. BBA will also develop terms and
conditions for how the shares may be used in the future for augmentation
uses, including potentially diverting the shares to recharge or storage sites.
If appropriate, BBA will analyze the timing of recharge benefits due to
recharge into.various existing unlined pits.
4. Review other sources of augmentation water for use during the non -irrigation
season. This task will include talking with City Utilities Department staff
regarding the other water supplies that may be used for augmentation
WOPSA 05/01 3
outside the irrigation season. If BBA determines that the Box Elder Ditch
shares can be delivered to recharge or storage, the need for other water
supplies may be reduced or eliminated.
Develop the conceptual plan for augmentation. Based upon the amount,
timing and location of augmentation water required, and the amount, timing
and location of the replacement supplies, BBA will develop a conceptual plan
for augmentation. This task will include talking with the Water
Commissioner regarding river administration and potential calling water
rights, dry -up points, etc. This task will also involve developing a plan for
the future operation of the delivery of the four Box Elder Ditch shares.
Prepare a concise letter report with tables and maps presenting the findings
of our analysis, including the augmentation requirements at each site, the
historical depletions and return flows from the Box Elder Ditch shares, and a
water balance showing the future supplies that will fully augment the gravel
pit depletions. BBA will provide a draft letter to City staff and legal counsel
for review, make any necessary revisions and then follow up with a final
letter. This letter will support the City's water court application.
7. Assist in the preparation of a water court application for a plan for
augmentation and change of use. This will include working with legal
counsel to include the necessary technical information in the application, as
well as any necessary exhibits.
8. Meet two times with City staff and legal counsel to discuss the plan and its
BBA will charge for engineering and consulting services based on hourly rates
for personnel assigned to the project. Rates, including hourly salaries and
general and administrative overhead are outlined in the Standard Schedule of
Compensation attached to this document.
WOPSA O5/01 4
water consultants
March 22, 2011
Daylan Figgs
City of Ft. Collins
Natural Areas Program
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522
Michael A. Sayler
Christopherj. Sanchez
Jeffrey A. Clark
Charles E. Stanzione
Ray Dunn
Daniel 0. Niemela
Laurel E. Stadjuhar
RE: Proposal for Plan for Augmentation for Additional Gravel Pits and Change of Use
of Four Box Elder Ditch Shares
Dear Daylan:
This letter presents our proposal to assist the City of Fort Collins (the "City") with
additional work regarding augmentation of gravel pits along the Cachc la Poudre River
corridor, as well as a change of use of four Box Elder Ditch shares to use as a source of
augmentation water. On December 9, 2009, we submitted to you a proposal to prepare a
plan for augmentation for the City's Resource Recovery Farm (the "RRF"). Most of that
work has been completed and we have prepared a draft engineering report in that matter.
However, as part of the work for the RRF, the City has discovered that a plan for
augmentation may also be necessary for the Prospect North/Milne Pit. The City would
therefore like to consolidate a plan for augmentation for these two sites into a single
water court application. The City would also like to confirm if any other gravel pit
augmentation requirements may exist that are not known at this time. Additionally, the
City owns four shares of Box Elder Ditch water, which it would like to utilize in the plan
for augmentation and will therefore be required to change the use of the four shares.
We have discussed the status of the existing Substitute Water Supply Plan for the RRF.
The current SWSP expires October 31, 2010. However, we have confirmed that Lafarge
West. Inc. is planning to submit a renewal for the SWSP thru October 2011. Therefore,
we anticipate that the City will want to file an application for the plan for augmentation
some time before the next SWSP expires.
Daylan Figgs
March 22, 2011
Page 2
This proposal was prepared based upon our discussion of September 23, 2010,
information we have in our files regarding potential augmentation requirements for
various pits along the Cache la Poudre River, and a preliminary analysis we completed in
1998 regarding the historical use of the City's Box Elder Ditch shares. We also relied on
our experience with water supply planning in Colorado, including development of similar
plans for augmentation.
This proposal is for what we refer to as Phase I of the water court process. It will include
all of the work necessary to complete an engineering report and submit the water court
application. Work after the application is submitted, including meeting with objectors,
reviewing objector reports, and preparation and attendance at trial (if needed) would be
Phase 11 of the work. It is difficult at this point to provide you with an accurate estimate
of the Phase 11 work until we understand the degree of opposition to the water court
application. Our proposed scope of work for Phase I is as follows.
1. Analyze the water requirements for the Prospect North/Milne Property. We
previously analyzed the requirements for this site in 1998. We will review more
recent aerial photography and visit the site to confirm the current exposed ground
water surface area. Using local evaporation rates, we will determine the monthly
amount of evaporation, and using appropriate ground water analysis, determine
the delayed impact of the evaporation on the stream. We have discussed the
possibility of lowering the outlet of the lake to reduce the surface area. Should
you elect to survey the lake, we will prepare an analysis to show you the surface
area at various outlet elevations.
2. Review potential water requirements for other gravel pits owned by the City. We
have reviewed the results of the 1997 study, Strategy for Gravel Lands Along the
Poudre River. We will meet with you to identify the pits that the City currently
owns, and review aerial photography to determine if any of these pits may have
augmentation requirements. Based upon our preliminary review, the WREN Pit
may fall into this category. For any pits that are identified to have potential
augmentation requirements, we will review the files at the State Engineer's Office
(SEO) to verify the status. We will then report to you if any additional
requirements may exist. We have budgeted in this estimate for possible
augmentation requirements at one additional site (other than the RRF and
Prospect North/Milne). Should we learn that other sites require augmentation, we
may need to revise our estimate.
3. Prepare a historical use analysis of the four Box Elder Ditch shares. This task will
involve visiting the property where the shares were historically used, reviewing
the, other past or pending changes of use of Box Elder Ditch shares, analyzing
diversion records, talking to ditch company representatives regarding historical
operation of the ditch, and reviewing aerial photographs of the property. If
possible, we will try to interview the former owner of the land to learn more about
the shares and their use. We will also need to focus somewhat on the recent uses
since our 1998 analysis. Based upon our research, we will complete an updated
water budget analysis to determine the historical amount, timing and location of
Daylan Figgs
March 22, 2011
Page 3
depletions and return flows. We will also develop terms and conditions for how
the shares may be used in the future for augmentation uses, including potentially
diverting the shares to recharge or storage sites. If appropriate, we will analyze
the timing of recharge benefits due to recharge into various existing unlined pits.
4. Review other sources of augmentation water for use during the non -irrigation
season. This task will include talking with City Utilities Department staff
regarding the other water supplies that may be used for augmentation outside the
irrigation season. If we determine that the Box Elder Ditch shares can be
delivered to recharge or storage, the need for other water supplies may be reduced
or eliminated.
5. Develop the conceptual plan for augmentation. Based upon the amount, timing
and location of augmentation water required, and the amount, timing and location
of the replacement supplies, we will develop a conceptual plan.for augmentation.
This task will include talking with the Water Commissioner regarding river
administration and potential calling water rights, dry -up points, etc. This task will
also involve developing a plan for the future operation of the delivery of the four
Box Elder Ditch shares.
6. Prepare a concise letter report with tables and maps presenting the findings of our
analysis, including the augmentation requirements at each site, the historical
depletions and return flows from the Box Elder Ditch shares, and a water balance
showing the future supplies that will fully augment the gravel pit depletions. We
will provide a draft letter to City staff and legal counsel for review make any
necessary revisions and then follow up with a final letter. This letter will support
the City's water court application.
7. Assist in the preparation of a water court application for a plan for augmentation
and change of use. This will include working with legal counsel to include the
necessary technical information in the application, as well as any necessary
8. Prepare a request for a renewal of the current SWSP that is consistent with the
water court application filed in (7). The current SWSP expires on October 31,
2011 and the current approval states that a renewal needs to be submitted no later
than September 15, 2011.
9. We have also budgeted for two additional internal meetings to discuss the plan
and its development with City staff and legal counsel.
We charge for engineering and consulting services based on hourly rates for our
personnel assigned to your project. These rates include our employees' hourly salaries,
general and administrative overhead, and fee. Our rates are reflected in the attached
Standard Schedule of Compensation.
The expenses our personnel incur in direct connection with the project will be billed to
you at cost plus 10 percent. We will submit invoices monthly and terms of payment are
net thirty days; interest at the rate of IY percent per month (annual rate 18 percent) will
be added to that part of the balance not paid within thirty days of the invoice date.
Engineering services are subject to be discontinued on the project if payment on an
Daylan Figgs
March 22, 2011
Page 4
invoice is not made within 45 days of the date of that invoice, unless prior arrangements
have been made.
We estimate the work described above can be accomplished for approximately $30,600.
We will not exceed, this amount without obtaining the City's prior approval. To confirm
our understanding of this assignment, and authorize us to proceed, please sign the
enclosed copy of this letter and return it to us for our files. The terms of this proposal are
offered for a period of thirty days from submittal only.
We hope that this provides you with an indication of the engineering services that will
likely be involved in the preparation of a report for the proposed plan for augmentation.
If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call. We appreciate the
opportunity to submit this proposal and look forward to working with you on the project.
Very truly yours,
��✓� `r -ii ��Zj/(� ` For:
/ Contracting Agency
Michael A. Sayler, P.E.
Principal By:
Authorized Signature Title
cc: Mike Shimmin
Susan Smolnik
water consultants
Effective January 2011
Applicable to Services Furnished on a Per Hour Basis
Billing Rate
Michael A. Sayler
ChristopherJ. Sanchez
Jeffrey A. Clark
Charles E Stanzione
Ray Dunn
Daniel0. Niemela
Laurel E. Stadjuhar
Principal......................................................................................... $140.00-$180.00
Associate........................................................................................ $125.004140.00
Project Manager ........ :................... ................................................. $110.00-$130.00
SeniorEngineer/Hydrogeologist/Hydrologist.................................. $105.004115.00
Project Engineer/Hydrogeologist/I-Iydrologist ............................... $100.00-$110.00
Engineer/Hydrogeologist/Hydrologist 11........................................ $90.00-$105.00
Engineer/Hydrogeologist/1-Iydrologist I ......................................... $70.00-$90.00
GIS Specialist.................................................................................. $80.00-$100.00
Technician...................................................................................... $50-$65.00
Word Processing/Administration.................................................... $50-$65.00
Intern/Technician ............................................................................ $40-$50.00
The above Standard Schedule of Compensation is subject to periodic revision. The schedule
includes salary costs, ordinary overhead and profit. Applicable expenses for travel and
subsistence, incidental out-of-pocket costs, communications, reports preparation, printing, outside
set -vices, etc., are reimbursable at invoice cost plus 10 percent. Mileage is reimbursed at fifty one
($0.51) cents per mile.