9951283 t of 2
`-Fort Cn alli invoices,
must appear
` Collins1 1�7 on all invoices, packing
slips and labels.
Date: 03/29/2011
Vendor: 113275
FORT COLLINS Colorado 80525
FORT COLLINS Colorado 80524-4
Delivery Date: 02/25/2009 Buyer: JOHN STEPHEN
N ote:
Line Description Quantity UOM Unit Price Extended
Ordered Price
CHANGE ORDER 1 1 LOT EA 1,700.00
Total $1.700.00
City of Fort Collins Director of Purchasing and Risk Management
This order is not valid over $5000 unless signed by James B. O'Neill 11, CPPO
City of Fort Collins Purchasing, PO BOX 580, Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
Phone:970-221-6775 Fax: 970-221-6707 Email:purchasing@fcgov.com
Invoice Address:
City of Fort Collins
Accounting Department
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
Purchase Order Terms Rnd Conditions
Page 2 of 2
Tax exemPrins. By mnnc the Coy arena Collin ei exempt f suite and hical ratio. our Exerwinn Number is
911-00503. Fedml Excea Tax Exemption Contra. of Refuse, ge Rlml1597 is refinanced with the Collator of
Failure of Inv nrrehnem no insiea upon strict ryrfmmnnce of the mmw oil mode flo a hereof. failure m deaaY to
Intemnl Revere. Denver, Coleman (Ref. Colorado Revised Stnenes 1993. Climber 39.16, 1I4 rat.
exe¢im arty rights a, mmedk woodod herein,, by law. failure or pmmptlY mnfy Im Scum in the event or a
breach, file acceptance Wrier Mymmt for goods h rmusider m ePpmvsl of the design. Pbell am eleae Ill,, Seller of
Guests Rejencd. GOODS RUECTED doe to failure I. noon mrairolinfla, either when initiated m doe m defecle of
any of the warranties or obligations of this pnrchaa water and shall nor be dimmest a waiver of any right ehh,
damage in mail.may be rearmed oyou for credit end are nor re N mahmod except upon mceipt of wtlnen
parchow, m imimupon mielPorfnmance herenrow any nfit, rights or boadkx as many such gsa*. regardless
instructions farm the City of Fn Collins.
M when shipped, received or accepted, as to any Prior or snMemient default beatrmla, ter shall any pt,rMneJ
oral mNifiatsn or feMnuenn of ran prmhaw idea by the Purchaser ememee an, a waiver of any of the terns
famme,ion. GDODS am subject In the City of Pon Collins inspection on aoval
Final AccaMna e. Reedit or the enorra dies, services or mnaamrn, in response m due order an result in
Naboirad paymml an the pan of the City of Fern Collins However, It Is in M understood then FINAk.
Seller and the Pursha er remgnia that In noun! ecnnmae pmnice, overcharge, ..Ill., Ibm mi
ACCEPTANCE is daps efind noun completion ofrill.,lic.lus awiad inspeetinn pms:ekrrex.
violations art in fid bame by the Pardoner. Tmelofere. !m good aura and as conedenlion !or executing this
purehau water. the Sella hereby arum at the Pmcleser any red all claims it may now have or together
Freight Tens. Shipments men M F.O.B., CM of Fn Callift, 700 Wood St., Fort Collins. CO R05Lw. unless
scattered radar federal or ream anima lane, for some mmrchargm reining In the particular gmatx or xcrviax
whenviae Nmeifhed an thin oMe, if pnniaian ix gram an prepay Single ads charge aefl mlely, rise anginal freight
purchased m.anered by she n,rehmerparmmm In thin purehme ruler,
bill mast accompany imitice. Additional charges far paka, will be, he naepled
Shipment Deemer, Where monuffthears hove distnhuling Mints in swimm Pa .% of the cmmrry, shsPrnrnt is
If one Purchaser shavers the S,Ila to comm, no.ce.ra.ing m deketive garde by n Into 1. he Mod noon by the
aPaled form the boron distribution Point to destination. fled excess freight will he dedtmeM form Imme, who
Pmmtiaer nil Ids Seller, and the sells (hereafter indicates IN modality or unwillingness to comply, the nrmreser
shipments ere made form Brener dlsra.e.
may some the wok m he l erfstrrnal by the mew mxpedaitem man available m it, ail the Seller shell pm ell
cents ILmt enited with such wink.
Pamll%. Seller shall Pictax at sellers note cogs, all flumen e, permits. cmillcales and license, mgalifld by all
,wifiable laws. reguhOnne, nMinor. and cola afthe amen, municwhoi, lemmry or pnlilio$ mhdlvsnn where
The wok Is performed, of recruited by any mina duly cnminned Public mnhmhy having pats fietlnn over the rook
of vemku. Seller regime agree, to cold the City of Fee Collins hamka form wall slogan all liability and Inns
emerged by them by rear plan banned or amebfiahrd vklelbn of eny such Inws, remrhmmmi, wNinnas, mlen
and emplacements.
Aulhodatien. All parties in this crewel agree that the rcprettmndvor an, In fact. Nora fide am provess red and
complete awliorhy to bind aid Portion.
LIMITATION OF TERMS. This Purchae frier apecmly limits acceplencu to the terms coed con efines staled
M1crcin see Smith ads any applemrnaery or additional hmm am conditions mneeed hereto at inempnmmil mmsn by
ref e. Any additional an difffles, mmm ads companies parMwd by seller arc ohjecad to ads hereby relalM.
PLEASE ADVISE PURCHASING AGENT Immediately if yma cannot make compine shirmen, to move gin our
Imposed delivery dare. aided. Time ix of the caimce. Delivery mad pmf..W mlm he effected wsdsn the time
stated on the omens nNer and Ihe drcumau amcmd hemin. No use of the Perch. Including, wiNnl
limimlinn, aap,once of per l late deliveries, shall stowage a weive, alhis mewfl inn. In ate event ore, delay.
the Posehvam Whitt have, in eddidkm ra other legal and emsohlc went the inn ofplactm due order elsewhere
tied holding We Seller liable fa damages. Hanover, the Seller shell new he liable for damages as . mole of delays
due to seas am ...lily foreseeable which me beyond its ....able mmaml fled within am fault ofmadi,oce,
such ncu of Gad, ace o(dvil or ml0mrymahndlms.6fvernmered rnontio, Brea, stskee, Berl, epidemics, sate or
Hass Provided that nonce orlhe conditions causing race delay is given to the puahaser within five (5) days of the
pane when Ids Seller firm reeci.ed knowledge thereof In she even, of .fly rush delay. he date of delivery shall be
extended fm she perms easing to to we marally dal by man nrlhe delay.
The Seller wamnts that all grads, ankles, materials and wok covered by this order will mufmtn with amicable
ammonia. apeciRatina, samples and/or other description given. will M A, for The purples uacnded. and
par od woe The highest degree of art led emnmtmec in accordance with accepted standards for wok of a
smshg more. The Seller most, m hold Ne Putchxr hamlet from ads Tors, damage or stems which use
Purchaser may mffft m incur am necmm, N kc Schein, bash Wf wre nnry. The SallttshNseparate, l replace, pnn e, make
grad, wlthme eons, an the grandniece. any defeck or Rings awning within an U I year or within such longer permd of
time as may he prescribed by law ar by the temu nr any applicable wamnty provided by the Seller arm the date of
paePtanee of the Bide fumsamd hemmder (ageoptrna nor to M memorably Motor%residing frm imperfect
oa defeefive work door an materials famished by Me SNItt. Accordance m one of rands, by the Paehaer shall not
cnmimrc a weivc+afany claim vedmthen wamnty. Exempt,u Men ix Provided he this peaches, order, am Se•Ikrs
linhllity herardn shall ex,md m ell damages pmaime ely arwd by The hooch of sorry of The ficgoing examinees
or prompt , but such liability shall in no event include loss of pmNs or lima of use. NO IMPLIED WARRANTV
The Pmehaer may make ehango an legal limn by wrinen change nNer.
The puehaxr may make any changes to the tens, other don legal tams, including additions In or delennns form
the 9nnnllties originally aNarad in the specifiemimwor dmwmgs, by verbs or -rune, clmnge order. If any arch
change nf.%Inv sweet dim or the lime of Pmfmmlmec hereunder. an quintile odjusmmllt shall be made.
The Pumhmm cosy as troy time by wide. ch.c water, mminne this ngmmrcew es m my or dl maeirms of Inv
gook than nor slo gstd, euhjeet to any vaulod a adjhrrmms I m ecm the parses or m any wok M materials then in
morass presided that the Noxhaaer shall not he liable for any clsems fur nmlcil ated pmfle on the uncompleted
pmbou of the grads erxfor wok, fm incidental or mnmmmnteel damages, and that no such ndjmtmeat he mode in
fever of Inv Seller with tarrur Ie am gmW, which arc theScorn mmdard ebodi No such temermnn shall reliaw•
,be pumhnser tor ate Seller nfiery of dean nhligetsmr,s m any grde delivered persuades,
Any Whim for edjamcnl moat be asserted .!Ohio thins Cfl) days form he dale the change m bermunn0nn Is
The Seller wamau the, all goods Wild hrouMer shall have been pmm,ud, cold, delivered Pool famished is sole,
cmmplleme with all applicable lam and mile lstines in which Inv goods arc subject Tm Soler shall locum ads
deliver each dmmmeme na may he remoted meRM ar evNene emnplh.e. All laws ad regdide.n, occurred to he
inmRmmted in eMonflu w of this che... We, hnrehy flmww ted weram by Ilk afrcess. The Seller Me, m
indemnify and hold the Pnmhaxr hamdeW form Ill costs nil dmmaga suffered by the Pun hnxr as n msnit of in,
Semen failure to amply with such law.
Neither angry shall ..I,. mmfa..1 come, the, ode, many manses due nr m become dim heret der without the
prior venom consent of the mher party.
10. TITLE.
The Sellerwpmants full. caar and a rrestrecud title In Ne pumhaer fmdl etumprom. mntenals, and items fumiahM
at perfomo mse of this nprcmmmt, face and cow, of am ads all fine, reanemsns, aameteon..,my arecrat
e.umbm.omd chums nr.thm.
The Seller shall Fell. the Purchnmr nos its cmmrnmnm of eny liar form all Rnheely am claims army nnmre
resurfle, form the oorm,... se of such work,
This releme shall .,Is even es the ever of rude of twidigence wf the perry science and Mind extend m the
directors. NBecrs cold of loyeo affluh party.
The SClleYs mnmmual obligations, including warranty, shall no he dMnmd to he NeleCed. In any way. hosen w
such wok Is performed it, cmrsed to he perfnmmd by tie Purchaser.
Wlrcrmva the Seller is renewed to use any design, device, meled,l or process ememl by loner. priori, rmlkmnk
m s mryrige. she Seller hall indemnify mad wave hmndess ads Puahaxr from any and ell a Wes for mfingmem
by man of the use sonnets 'emitted design, revive, numeral or pmoor in connection wish the connen, and
shall indemnify the Pomhuser far any cost women, or damage which It may be obliged to pay by mean ofsnch
infnngemam At mry huge during the pmxecminn or after the completion of Inv wok. In are mid eanipmcal, m
any Iran thereof or the mender sea of the gels is in well suit held to cnmhue infringement past the use of
seat owturo. so Mn is enjoined, the Seller shall, in its nw exrma ads nl ins apin, either prmnre far she
Pumbexr the right to continue using said eampmere or pens, replace the same with snlnlnminlly equal but
nminfnn8rng eauipnant. or mMiry it an it becomes no ... Empire
If the Seller shall become eamlva, or hankrrpt. make an maltreatment for tie mnefd of crMhms, apidn, a
recmiver m mwee for an, of ,he Mlle¢ propemy m Formosa, this order ram forthwith be, coaled be the
Pumhaserwidnt Iipbiliry.
The dentitions of hoe toned or the interprernllnn or the ngreamem nod the oldne of all ponies mutmdar shall be
enamorN nadir mod gnvm¢d by the ism of Inv Seme of Cati mdn, USA.
The folMwing Additional CnMila a aMry my b Mwhere the Seller is in perform conk hemanda.
mending the xe .— nfSellm Remesentnrivef,Loallmmen preme,nf.flcis
The Seller droll cunt' no sold wok 91 Sclier's own risk until the two is fully completed and mccumd, and %unit.
I.seam of any imadem. dmmnkn ar Iranry m the vewd mWor materials befnm Sellers Bml emnpinsn Wed
accordance. complete Inv work at Seller's wwn cadmium and an the adsf non erlhe purchaser. When malainls
ads eaaipmem arc fumiahed by mhers for everdlalim m erecarm by the Seller. NC Seller shall rseeve, unlnad.
More and handle mom al the sole err bcenme mapnmible Nearer ns Ihwugh men mnrersals nd/m emePmens
were being fumialged by the Seller seal the order.
The Seller shall. at his own ex.me. parvlk for the paymem of wnkem commissioner. I.hnling occuparmard
diurese benefits. In tits Inuremct cw oyed n m in mn,le[Ih,n with the wok cavrnd by in. Purcnnx wou r.
asmr to then deperea ma In .rnNerue with the laws of the stage in which the wok is o m draft. The Seller
shell aim carry comrrebeaive general liability Weludsng, bud We limited to, cnlmemal mud aulnebllc public
howlily inmrmse with "lily Injury and death Iimlts of a, last S30ItAn for any wen sorer, S50n,w for mry
Wee .,ideal and Property damage limit Per .eidew of $4W. O. The Seller ,hall Ilkewix resod. his
sco mnme, if say. m Pmvde for arch cmme inumme aed'mmemna. wroc mry, rf IM1e Salter a, his o.amen m
employees shall do aAy wok upon the premises efmmm, the Seller shall emssh the Purch t. with a cmifiare
,be, such cmnmwnminn and infloormor hove Men Pnwidea Such scri fimms shall w Nsify be Ante when sure
ownfl rntsnn and insurance home been provided , Such omifhcalex shall specify the date when such compenmeon
and inm,mnee eapm,. The Seller mi env the ail, comPmaeim Wort insurance sbnll be mW earned unlit tlfer,he
rntsm work is completed and ncccided.
TM Sdkr heelry env ram IM1e cmim n, nalhiliry and linhiliN for any and all damage. Ion nr immy ormv kids
nnnrrs Me,,
i oennne a oewocnyh. The el or aeubng form Ihe chord hen ems, work Omvidesl for en
Ibis11 of the mdenrine Mon., herewith. The Soler will indemnitynstny M1anleel0e Pea-. dnearany
r gin of Ida a nremmm Mfkem, direct
or l and emrinyas form nil pminar par end sell soma, mesa, anmagero.
he ,,, or subject
enres, whether mmm o Iimmont, ads whnmr Ina. or de as, an he
erwbeh the Purchaser may
co ran or mhlae M or the of any pie, ace , naglml, emialrn or eefnh an arc ran of ss, semi. any of his
ntmeding sh eery 9r the Seller m mnmmmx emcem. armor m cmowl,m Ina suit ea other
by powingo Pinny ac,mrse, nsailW the essio purchase, sell, nOkcm, elrnia as v of his c m .",.am gin mmm or
by rear ne.al act pram, neglect, amsain . the
or Inv .,gr navy of em contractors or say of fits m
Mend h ese n.n,s nr employees as aforesaid. gee Seller.mreby nrrea m aaeamc lea dcfanc theeof mtl .
defend l.1 arc nd she Seller own ce.ac. b My any reed all emu, a rFa, mnmvyx fcof and miner timers.
any nil all juagmoms ehur may ts boomed ro or unpaid in car the dgment o m eery N it. m Nun nmmrs.
menu or empm the
in such suite or order pmarsaid ma and m case as. mull w m moor lien he Phcea neon or
, obtained agelnre the property of the Pto Wdis m said pmia li ,e a a rvm of melt ruin oe moorhe Seller am
the Solerwill mhaeauxthe some e a dlae. forand and flrged ,y going bond sswmeAft h The Seller nil
his demm�om shall take all laws
a precmddon, famish and In safety
all gaol necacery for Nc i m atflue,n hof
., ugfl m, mealy with all Inws to 1970regulatkonsnds with regard m sooty Indndtu6, hen herein Ilmieafinn, the
f3ccupmiooel Safety Wed Ilevllh Ace wf 19T0 and all cola and regulations imud Mrsuni ahvmn.
Rana) n rIn10