HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHANGE ORDER - BID - 7073 MASON CORRIDOR MAX BRT FINAL DESIGN (7)((tit of Planning, Development tf, Transportation .R ''p1f p Engineering ®rt ®fyll�ryps 281 Nash CWlege Avenue IIW IIII I'vlii+s P.O. eox 580 `r..t^ Forl Collin s. CO 80522.0580 070.221.6605 970.221.6378 - fax kgo¢ corn)engineerrng CHANGE ORDER FORM PROJECT TITLE: Mason Corridor BRT PROJECT NUMBER: 400903280.521120.90 CONTRACTOR: Michael Baker Jr., Inc. (POS9957149) CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 7 In preparing change orders show in order as separate numbered paragraphs the following 1. Reason for change. 2. Description of change. 3. Change in contract cost. 4. Change in contract time. 1 &2. See attached for reason and description of change. 3. The contract cost will increase by $57,692.36. 4. There will be no change to contract lime. ORIGINAL CONTRACT COST TOTAL APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS TOTAL PENDING CHANGE ORDERS TOTAL THIS CHANGE ORDER ADJUSTED CONTRACT COST (Assuming all change orders approved) ACCEPTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: $3,052,460.20 $561,599.96 $0.00 $57,692.36 $3,671,772.62 fE: .311911( E: Va/M TE: Z( APPROVED BY: N (.W DATE: (Purchasing Agent) cc: City Clerk Contractor Purchasing Project Flla Page I of I John Stephen From: Terry Tyrrell Sent: Monday, March 21, 2011 9:34 AM To: John Stephen Cc: Terry Tyrrell; Erika Keeton; Helen Migchelbrink; Sandy O'Brien Subject: Mason Corridor BRT - Baker CO #7 Attachments: Baker CO#7 Final 3-21-11.pdf Good morning John, I have reviewed the attached proposal from Baker for supplemental consulting services regarding the University Station (CSU) modifications, the Spring Creek no -rise certification, the irrigation design at King Soopers (University Plaza) and the mechanical device change for the water quality system as requested by the City, in the amount of $57,692.36, related to the Mason Corridor BRT project. Based on my experience with similar requests for these types of services associated with the attached scope of work, I believe the requested budget is reasonable. The proposal's unit rates are similarly based on previous Professional Services Contracts with other consultants. As such, I recommend approval of this fee estimate. Regards, Terry Tyrrell, PE Mason Corridor Consultant Project Manager 281 North College Avenue PO Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 Fort Collins: 970.672.6949 Denver: 303.229.9377 3/21 /201 1 Michael Baker Jr., Inc. e Un0 Idllrxnl BdYrCM.vmdm I65 S. Union Blvd. Suite 100 Lakewood,CO 30228 (720)514-1100 FAX (720) 514-1120 March 11, 2011 Ms. Erika Keeton, PE Mason Corridor Project Manager 281 North College Avenue PO Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 Re: Change Order # 7, Fort Collins BRT Dear Erika: Attached please find documentation of additional work for the Mason Corridor BRT project, as discussed during our conference call on March 8, 2011. It is our understanding that this additional work will be added to the existing contract by Change Order #7. The budget for the original contract is $3,052,480.20. The following change orders have already been processed: • Change Order #1 was executed March 30, 2010 for Mason BRT MIS Component design services in the amount of$191,334.91. • Change Order #2 was executed July 16, 2010 (including: drainage cost estimates, drainage bid alternates, DTC modifications, Operations Analysis, Raptor survey, bridge rating, RR ROW exhibit support, irrigation design, PUC support, EA support and Casey Carwash analysis) in the amount of $140,163.11. • Change Order 43 was executed to extend the contract time through October 21, 2011 • Change Order 44 was executed October 15, 2010 for the McClelland re -design and environmental re-evaluation services in the amount of $170,723.13. • Change Order 45 was executed January 3, 2011 for environmental evaluation and testing for the demolition of the public service building in the amount of $6,669.92. • Change Order #6 was executed March 2, 2011 (including: MSO design, Prospect trash enclosure, NRRC and SIT renderings, Dellenbach retaining wall, PSCO demolition plans, add BNSF information to MIS plans) in the amount of $52,708.89. Change Order #7 in the amount of $57,692.36 brings the total contract value to $3,671,772.52. Should you have any questions, please contact me at 720-479-3168 or by email: gsleiphart@mbakercoro.com. Sincerely, MICHAEL BAKER JR., INC. S. Leiphart, PE nt Vice President do Transportation Manager MAX BRT Change Order #7 II-9-alion at Whole Foods and King Soopers _ ; $ 2,000.00 WQ changes $ 25,178.72 [TOTAL Change Order #7 i $ 57,692.36 1 CO#1 -MIS . $ 191,334.91 _ CO#2 - Ops Analysis, Rating, Carwash, drainage, etc. ' $ 140.163.11 ! CO#3 -McClelland, Warrant Study, Tree mil, Env. Re-eval $ 170,723.13 ! ICO#6 - PSCO hazmat investigation $ 6,669_:9.2 CON - MSO, Prospect trash, renderings, Dellenbach wall, PSCO ,demo, BNSF info $ 52,708.89 j Ion ina contract value g_ `NEW CONTRACT TOTAL i $3,052,480.20� ! $3,671,772.52 kei PROJECT: MAX Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Final Design PURPOSE: COV TO: Erika Keeton, PE FROM: Galina S. Leiphart, PE DATE: 3-11-11 Memorandum This memo documents the need for the items included in Change Order V. 1. University Station — CSU Changes On October 14, 2010 representatives from CSU presented a revised University Station concept to the BRT design team. The plaza area was revised to include: new running track entrance, bike/ped path separated from plaza, enlarged plaza at station w/boulder seating, landscaped berm, bike parking and a bike station structure. This change order request reflects the additional effort required to redesign the University Station in accordance with the concept presented by CSU including civil, drainage, architecture, landscaping, ROW updates, and irrigation. This work was not included in the original scope work as contracted in December 2009. 2. Spring Creek no -rise certification On February 18, 2011 the City provided 90% progress plans comments to Baker from Brian Varrella, City Floodplain Administrator; including the requirement for a floodplain use permit and no -rise certification for Spring Creek. The no -rise certification and floodplain use permit were not included in Baker's original scope, as Anderson Consulting was completing the analysis and CLOMR for the City. 3. Irrigation at Whole Foods and King Soopers Aqua'a original scope of work for irrigation design only included the eight (8) stations and impacted areas within CSU. This change order request reflects the additional work required to address irrigation impacts (demolition and design) in the parking lot islands at the Whole Foods and King Soopers properties. This work was not included in Aqua's original scope of work. 4. Water Quality (WQ) Changes This change order request reflects the additional effort required to revise the drainage design for use of CDS separators instead of using the current design that utilized jellyfish filters Page 1 �.�rof t``�s (meeting current City criteria). The City amended their design criteria to allow for a CDS, and requested that the design he changed accordingly. This revised design effort was not included in Baker's original scope of work. The history water quality requirement changes are included with the hours estimate in this package. Page 2