HomeMy WebLinkAbout102564 DELLENBACH MOTORS - PURCHASE ORDER - 9111589City of
,Fort Collins
Date: 03/16/2011
Vendor: 102564
FORT COLLINS Colorado 80525
PO Number I Page
9111589 tots
This number must appear
on all invoices, packing
sli sand labels.
FORT COLLINS Colorado 80521
Delivery Date: 03/16/2011 Buver: JAMES HUME
Line Description "„�"'�;;,`a UOM Unit Price " &Cl'uOu
2 each, Chevy Traverse
per 1-10-11 quote
Attn Ron Heusinkveld
Dept: Police
Exterior colors: one Dark Blue and one Gold Mist
Interior color: ebony
Deliver vehicles & title documents to:
Fleet Main Shop, 835 Wood Street, Fort Collins
Cam, C3. O!�94.e�
City of Fort Collins Director of Purchasing and Risk Management
This order is not valid over $5000 unless signed by James B. O'Neill It, CPPO
City of Fort Collins Purchasing, PO BOX 580, Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
Phone:970.221.6775 Fax: 970-221-6707 Email:purchasing@fcgov.com
Invoice Address:
City of Fort Collins
Accounting Department
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
PDrchasc Ordcr Tcrms and Condition
Page 2 of 2
Tax exemmma. 8y "mare IIN City nrpm Collins I, ..in farm ore lad IIXeI axes. Om EaemmMn NumMr to
O8-04502. Feakml Excise Tax Elongated Cotial of Registry 94-air gSNT is combacd with the Collector of
Internal Rawemm, Denver. Colorado Meal Colmmle Revised Staone% 1073, Charter 1a16.114 (nl.
Goods Rejeetd. GOODS REIE=-D due an failure to mM vax,ficatinm, cider when shipped m due h defecn of
it.., in mmah may be remmeal m you far credit and are ma m be acplmed cacem upon recom, of wends
am uclinna All the City of Pna Collins.
hares inn, GDOns ram splice, to elm City nfPm, Collins rmnennn ran amval.
Failure of the Purchaser m poem morn rust Perfnesuna, of the aem%lad codifioo, Incei failure ar dAny In
eaeren. any .,hl, m ran cajea Immided harem m by aw, fail. on Pmmry ramify the Spheral the event of n
hrcach, the am "rue, nforMymrn, far gold. herenmin or oMamrsl of d r design. sha11 ..led. the Seller vl
any of the wnnamss or rbli,nhns of this pmeM1mwe anlo oral shall ram be round! a waiver Army nigh, of the
Froo aser aenest upon same, pe brappr tt hereof rr any of its .,his m reasons -,a any such mode, regardless
of when shored, I, aid rr arccNed, o to any Pnor ram .0sonent default hereumler. ram shell any yer mad
earl mmhhemine or reweiaaioo nr thin Pnrebaae once by the purclmwer ones le as a waiver of nay ar the mama
Final AccerFamo Receipt of the merchandise, services ar egnipm s, is rchalow a ,his Term eon remit nr 12 ASSIGNMFNT OF ANTfrRUST CLAIMS.
aathnraed ,,.art no the part of be Clay of Fort Hollinshowever, i, as In be undenlrmd Ian, FINAL Seller mid Ill, Purelmeer necn,one that in actual economic fromame, roorhmm, amdang from setinern
ACCEPTANCE k areannualndent npcompletion dell Tppliesbic lmriml inslrrdm precedum, lodualom me i. Fall be —by the Parch.... Tnuetnom�nfar gnarl emtemda emtidemian far eacois,his
pnrtbasa enter, the Seller hereby assigns an flc purchaser any nntl nil dnims it Troy now have or loofter
Freight Tam., Shipment mar, he F.O.B.. City of Fop Collins, 700 Wmul SL. Fan Collins. CO 841522, nalcs'n acquired abler roloil To ..IT anmmar Maws far arch nverelarger,elaim, an the pntmctds, 6.Is rr mes'uc.a
mherwise recited en this arde, If Intentional is given to prom, freight and charge immorally. the original freight purchased or rm,mmo[ by the Puzhnwr mmturnnn ibis mpclum older.
hill must hr mmplay immix. Additional charges far packing will ram he aeeemd
Shipment Digmce. Wham annnercmmn have d-Fran-g In -,am in o r— of the emry, shipmen, i,
exmcted (,am the ncaml dimrilm,im mint in Tellurium. aml vpmo rrtlgh� mwill he ddeemd rmm fini when
ahlpmme me mark farm gmvmr sstmnee.
Post., Setter Than percTTrt o mllen ante cars, at[ acceonn prawn. eee'Remen and Itcansas renmrel by all
applicable Iowa, regulations, eninonces and mix of The aorta, nnmmmally, temmry or pnlihcal antaivii ino whole
the nark is mrfmmd, or remrircd by any mitt duly connituled public mtharly having Presdicunn ever the wall:
air vendm. Seller Super oppose To hold the City of Fort Cnihey hnmkal rmm and melanin all linhdily and Inns
incurred by them by reran of an owned m eamblehed dnlmaon of any well Imes, regulation¢, ordinances. roles
Ind re oreare t"
Autenmmton. All ponies to Nis tnnnso agree that the ra mbentalivez are, in lie,, harm tide and munwav Od1 nail
nmdemi Ill 11, m hind lead eurno.
LIMITATION OF TERMS. This Purchase Cider expressly limit lie mean and condihns staled
herein I. beat neat any mtmimncnmry m nddainol hours and conditions mnesed bvem or inmrpommd herein by
lithesome, Any data ..I we abhrem terms and cmdifims pmpocal by elk,ran objemed mead hncby owed
PLEASE ADVISE PURCHASING AGENT posethamly if you cnnn I make cmmplen, ahipmem To naive To you
pannier ddavay time as lamed. Timm in Ti osenee. Deity, ad permmnncc nime her efflead withht the time
stated on the purchae order and be Amumentz vprhed hercm. No Ten of lire pumbnsem reclaims, wdlhsel
Itmathun. nomea, wfpmtisl lam dafiva ea, shall whose axavaunter ofihts pmvistm. In he evml areas delay,
IM1e Pmchuer shall have, in additim a mire legal lad cralahle reasons, the .,,on of,mete, the under chewh m,
lad holding the Seder liable far damages. licani, it,, Sellet shall net hr ImhIv far dodge, as a .,It n delma
date to awuo an. aeuerwbly Eamarnble which nee brood i,, acu.mable copped ad main., t„ Paull or negligence.
such m1% ofGd, may nfcivil or military mahonmes, gmemmenml pdndlies, Rm, strikes, need, epidemics, ware rr
non provided that natter or the mndinmn eanamg such delay a given In the Pnmle,s r within nee (5) days of the
,ire when the Seller ram ramoud knnwledga thereof In the cvem of any such delay, the date of alklmer, bill he
exaceded See he parid equal in the hole acidly For by remns orthe delay.
The Seller wnrmaln that .11 vonAs, seeks matenrx and mark ememl by this under will conform with applicable
dmsdsgs, s,secinmllrna tnmpdes and/or other dnanpaians given, will he fit for the purposes Hounded. tied
mrfnmrl with Ile h,haa degree of cam pad emnnmnce an sci nndnnce will, nccom l atnndnrdz 1'ar walk or a
similar nnntre. The Seller ngrm m hold be pnich pe, la mcleo farm may Inc, donee or expcmv Inch the
Purchaser may suffer an incur an account or she Seller breach of wamnq. Tlm Scaler shall replace, rentr m make
good, without cot in she purcluaer, any defcct or hold arting within one I I I yam nr Mahtrtmml Iosear Moral of
,tare an may he prcacabd by law ar by the,em.a of nay nppltcnbk wmmmy prryded by the Seller name the Ante of
aoep,nno m ahf good fumebCA hemTaMm(accemmce ran, be he nnreasmnbly dehyCd). malting from Imru+Nm
m defedve wad dare arc mammal. ImnisMd by the Se•Ilam Aecem ame er lax of gads he the Pnrchnsec shall ram
cmritrde a watvo orally claim under Ibis warranty. Except on nthmvea amended to this pmhme and¢ the Smlen.
liability barometer shall mlend an all damages pmsands1v armed by she hunsh orally of the fmgring wo rmnnes
nr 6umm�mes. M1nt mreh limhiliy Shell in nr near ind,de N,o of Inmgt nr ins nr ne ND IMM IED W ARRANTY
The huahnCr may make mhmges m Iced 1. by written Thu., rule,
T1re Purchaser may make any changes to the ammo. other than legal lens, including addiiuma to or delowas farm
the gmntlllen originally ordered in the specifications or dmwmp, by verbal or wore. change owim If any *nch
change aR lathe amount due or the time of perfmmrance hermmdo, an equitable adjustment shall he mlaAe.
Tim Pnmbmer may at my Hme by wnnen change ardor, remamar this ngwrmem ns to any of
nu m, parux ar the
goods then nnotadopted. suhme, many equitable ad00 aymn, Implosion role the ps atos any weak or materials then no
pmgren pmvldd thou the Pumhmse alnll ram be bible far any dean. fan ainmamma pmftt on the nmmemoc 1
pmien of the graaLs md/m weak, far amidemnl ar ennsegaer,tial damage., and that ran mmh adpwtmcal Lou mark is
familiar the Seller math Name, an any ponds which are the Sellers ataralsel lack. No wrch remmalion fi ill mlmve
the Patch ... m red Seller Tram uFrhd.1ah,mon, as m ray ems &II,no d hounder
Any elatm for dlunmrnl mot me nanmed wiler ]harry 1301 days game the are rev change or lamination is
The Seller warm that all gmrls sold hem al shall have Free pmablead, sold d0t,cred and fumtsthed is sumo
emplimme with all wpplicable laws and repulmims in which the prods ram subject The Sell, hall exeeme am
deliver weh daument es may be mquimd to CR t nr C.'idlemf emrpllnme. All Inez lad rombnalo regeired to Is
incmnmtd in notemeren of,hs character arc hereby mcmrmm,ed herein by this reference. The Seller spaces It,
Sellov iy mail held the P with
hamlco (arm all cosh nnA damages mlHcrcd M the htrchl.er nz n rcanlT of rho
semen name In mnrply wftn,nd, row.
Mier tvnpnnernry consent
oncem mnfet or convey rhiz nnlcr, nr any armies due nr m btrani Anc hcrcundar withmn the
nfthe other parry.
10, TITI. E.
The Sella..al, fall, clear lad unmmctad title m the Parchi mr far all emospmcm. moledmis. and items hmt,hal
a whmpnIXe of this eprernma, face and clear of nmv and all Revs, restevorm. rescrvatium, ucune, namocai
emumbmneo lad elnama ofrahers,
IrtM Prlmhoer dimnx the Sellemn mmci nti v nfoming nr defective gamin by a darn• to lee ngrtd urym by the
AmJmsee cad the Seller, and the Seller thenwflo andicam it intraday arumillinor. hen comply. the Purchaser
may cause the wore to ba, P s fmmd by the mast espc•Aitirmn melms .-Ilu de m it, ad the Sellar limit pay all
trot usemsued with such weak.
The Seller shall mlms, the posh mblr mud it emmmam of any ,rcr farm all liability and elnima of any prom,
asnldng from the perfoenmvce of nch work.
This releoe .shall npply even In the even, of fault of negligocc of the Innny released and shall earn, m the
directors, nRcen are cmplme„ nfateh putty.
The Seller's medmemml Tblignitma. Including warranty. shall are he domm l in he reducd, in any way, hevnuxa
soon weak in pofemcd nr caused to be perfnm,nl by Ina' Purchase,.
Whenever the Lller iarcmnmdan mac any chador device. material m prmco covoml by temr. Parent hMemnrk
or copyright, the Scllen stall indemnify andwvc hnmlos the Purchnu'r rival env and all claims revtafteh oere
by reason of the use of inch rammed deign times, mmMal or plocmn in connection wall the mmmer. real
shall Indemnify, the Pumper for may coal, explave or damage which it nmv be nhhged in Pay by morn of Inch
tnlengeram at ram time during the pmaeeartm in after the mvmlmm of the weak. In cue said cut isomer. nr
am pm thmcnf at the intended arm of the scans. is is such mar held in crnsimc mfnngemml real the raw of
laid cquipmem or pm is cautioned. rate Settle shalt at an. awn exprnw and al Ih option, ratio prostam our ,he
Pumhmxe the Tight on common, worn, said emolument ar Pens. mplmce the mare with substantially equal and
nmafraine, ekpdpmnt, moral .1 son bt w. nonlnf ,a,,a,
If the Seller shall hecnm 'msolvanl at hanmm, make an assignment far the bene8l of owl nM nial n
roover or m sue for any of the Sellers paemmy we la arms, this aria may foulm ilb he ennceld he elm
Purehoer without linhihiv.
The denntttens of mmrs used m aM amemmlmtm little ngncmcm all the right, nfall rames lereander shall be
mnstmed notice and 6eymed he the Inv, of late State of .1made. IISA,
The fallowing Addilimid Cardihmn .,ply only an case, where the Seller is to preform work vocusido,
including elm wervitts of Sdicw RepmenmrivNsl. ran the pmnnsea nfmhers.
The Seller sl,oll omy an .,it woad a, Selkix own risk until the arms, n fully eomplmd oral domed, nal i1 L
In case of any acddkm, desmclies rr marry in the ware mdmr nmlenale he6m Sellers Real cmmInlnim am
cecpamms, nmpkm be walk a, Sallee, awn exnne soup a the w,wlminn of the h,rchnner. When appo Is
and,mnpme, am fomnM1cal by alMrs far amudhome nr ocelme by the Seller. IM1e Seller shall amene, asked.
and handle at this sale and Increase responsible th mfm o though ouch eirecxlals nmm lanr umrn ap,
wro barns frmelxd be be Setter under he add„
The Soler ab ll. al has awn -muse. aupo a& far Ibe payment of wmkcm rearwnsvunn, ackaing amomis rend
doo. b rni 1. n, tmpmvca ormlevel ran or in connection with the sued covered by this purchase older.
mdmr in their depledemx an ordnno with the laws or the seam in which file well as n be nine. The Saner
amll also cam mnmremeave general IiahiliN including. but not haired to, couract sl and ma nemblic public
Molly inemmuce wish hearty in1110' and dmlL banal oral Terms SJnn,Wn For tiny one perse 1. 55pn,n0a far any
one accident and pmperly damage lima per nechlen, of 8'I100.011) 11a, Seller shall howjr .Mato lima
emamemn, if rank la provide far .arch eenmen,adon unit Inwrame. Refuse any of the Sellers nr has enmmumis
employee hall do any weak Tgmn the premises of Talbert, ,he Seller shall mmimh the Purchase, will n eminent,
thou sad, runmeasrmn and tnwnmm time here pmwided. Such cenincntua nbell a,city the data wean such
orepemnnne and insurance have been one ideal. Such renificates shall mi the date when weh eemnnnattma
sea is To. exmms. The Sense ni,nm%that such onmnnsminn anal tnmmntt shot[ M mrntninol trill net Ilea
mare ver k a wenplNed and netemrl
The "me hereto assumes the entire remmrsibdav and Ilnhltre for any and all damgo, Ina, ar amory of any had
or m whalwavenn pewes rr pmIXm crawd by or resuhmg farm the execmmn arthc work well ed Ire in
Ibis pnmhn:e nner arm cmeeeaan herewith. The Seller will i.&..at, and hold I emleo the Purchaser aml any
r all of he Purchasers n?eers..,ma snit mnplmro farm and vernal ea, and all claim, bowel, dart,,.
chmgm or c%ocrems. wh pare direct or reduce, and whether to toners, or partnmy in which the Plarehmacr may
he ma ar wiNal Ire warm or tire, rpm. Td o. ramnm ra def ..11 am he pouf or me Scakc as of has
contractors, o of the SCllen at Cmaoemm nRea'm, opera we employees. In casm are still Ta nther
pmcedings shall he hmugid ammsa Ill, Purebaes or its airliners. agents or made,ms at ram time on scemm, or
to among of any no. action, rrcglms. massim or defedl of fie Seller or ram of has emdmamt or nay er an m
their nmem. ngenls or empinyms as mammal, be Sella touch, agents m swoon elm derone thereat and In
d6od the ware nl the Seller own expend, m ray any and all cosh. cenrgen. nanmcys Elea and other canoes,
nap and all ju l,ne.1, that may he inanrcd by m obtained ngninn the rere roar ar any of Its ar lion, ofnuers.
nganla ar eavdayoa jn met reds our mbar pmecedin6', and in case judgment or other hol be phaoi limn or
obtained against The pmnny of IM1e Pnrchoo. or and manes an or as a result mallet suit ar olso praec ll,11.
the Seller will m once cane the mine In he dionlved and dtvinrgvl by gvem, hand ore1wrvise. The Scllen and
has emtmdor; shall take Ill wfety prccadmo. hnnsh and mstnll nil guars accessory Far the pleasance of
accident, comply wash all law, and regu rairon with agora to wtoy IIXladmg, his, walpso It .Iran, he
Oeoduafimnl Saba, ad h,ehh Act of 1070 and all mica lad robilh mna ia,nd momnnnf flumen
Revlsol n3;I010