HomeMy WebLinkAbout102564 DELLENBACH MOTORS - PURCHASE ORDER - 9111586City of
�.Fort Collins
Date: 03/1612011
Vendor: 102564
FORT COLLINS Colorado 80525
PO Number Page
9111586 1o12
This number must appear
on all invoices, packing
slips and labels.
FORT COLLINS Colorado 80521
Delivery Date: 03/16/2011 Buyer: JAMES HUME
N ote:
Line Description wO"""y UOM Unit Price cxcenueu
Ordered Price
4 each, 2011 Police Tahoe 1 LOT EA 126,668.00
per 12-14-10 quote
Attn: Ron Heusinkveld
Dept: Police
Exterior color: white
Interior color: ebony
Deliver vehicles & title documents to:
Fleet Main Shop, 835 Wood Street, Fort Collins, CO
City of Fort Collins Director of Purchasing and Risk Management
This order is not valid over $5000 unless signed by James B. O'Neill It, CPPO
City of Fort Collins Purchasing, PO BOX 580, Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
Phone:970-221-6775 Fax: 970-221-6707 Email:purchasing@fcgov.com
Invoice Address:
City of Fort Collins
Accounting Department
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
Purchase Order Terms and Conditions Page 2 of 2
T.a aemmleau. Hy auras. Me City of v.. Collins a enemas ever, atom and 1-1 uses 11nr F:.mmn mNumM1a t. 11. NONW AIVER.
9R-CN5g2. federal Excise Tex Exempdnn C,muffbam AI Renvory RSN 597 ra re,mmmd with the Call.m of Failure of the Pamhane In Imul Ilpan dial performance of the coma time condilan, hermf, flee, or delay In
Internal Revenue. Denver. Colorado Beer. Colorado Rml.d Stamm ill Chnant l9 2h. 114 (a) enevist tiny .,his or renum., pmvoled hereb or by Inv, fnium, to pmmpdy mttry the Seller in the Went of A
hmuh, the acceptance ofm payment for Pat hemMm or Remove Afrhe drater, Cball set ml.m the Seller of
Death, Rejected. GOODS REJECTED due to figlum m meet amcifieatinim. either when shipped to due to defccis of any of the ..A,,. or nbltgnurms of this purchase timer and shall ram h deemed A waiver of any right of tam
damage in omit. in, be mutant m you for credit and ore ram to h predated except upon meipt of vermin puremaer in fiAnNI man Manor perfnral lac mf or any of its rights or mmedies as in nary such grads, mmenti m
inamelinna ftom the City of Fire Collins, of when shimsed, rccu,v,d an reecpled, its In any Canon nr solempacal default hereunder, nor shall tiny FmFrmel
oral modifielion or rc.laaion of this Inaction older by the Purchaser epende res a waiver of any of the name
Impaction. GOODS am subject o the City of Pen Collins inmceien on naval. hmm[
Final Acceptance, r ire of he memhmeby, , mrvie. or equipment in n•.ma. In thin older can small, is
nnlhnnxed payment on the pan of the City of Pnn Collins. Howmer, it a in he Indentured Ihm FINAL
Seller odd he Purchaser reeegnim he, in acme] trimmue' paretwc. oeerehnrgea rcnbim fmm autumn
ACCFPTANCE isdeperldem upon completion ofaliapph.blemmrhdirenculion procedures.
violations Are In fee' borne by the Purchaser Thrembre. for gmdI anus, and as cemideadur, W rxecnnng rht,
Purchase enter, the Seller hemhv Rituals, m the Purchaser any and all claims it may new have m herenner
Fretless Tease. Shipments Shi tt sera h F.U.B.. Cif f F
gh y n set Collins. TnCe Wood St.. ran Collins. CO RI unlcu
imperial carder falell ar "am ambmu Iowa !m such nverchnrgw. chip, A the panieulm gnarl. or.rvi.a
Ada min specified an this norm. If fmco m en is green to pommy hnigh and cbrge t mnmeN. the unginel f e g ,
pumbmM or mmnml by the Pnrchaserp omme, .,his Mrrchun nMer
bill more accompany iAwmal Additional charges for Mreking will rot he mecpaM.
Shipman, Dialnme. Whom m.mrfarnrmm have dtohnn, Carioca is vanmes rem of be cmrmry. nbtpmem is
Inns pro,mmer dlmen lh Sella to cmnml nmmnfmmm,nr demclew .Is by A date In hagrmil u,A by be
erp ctol fmm the marent limrithAnes point m destinmmn. and i,mem f.,,h wdl he dammed fmm leenme what
Purchaser unit the Scllcr. And the Seller thereafter indkates its inability or unwillingness to comply. the Foremast
,himnems am mode fmm gone disom,.
may camas the work m In, pofmmeed by the mar eapmiltotm manna mulnbl, In it And lie Stier shall My all
m m¢a`°emimted with such work.
Permit" pmcum e ry pemhi q y et
t, Seller elate 1 sellers Clue cast all A.. es, tegument, tine licenses a aired h g
mpimid, law,, remdmiam, mdomr. and odes nhhe Awm, mural pd,y, mromay or negueal subdivision '-ban
TM Senor almll mleme ill, Purchaser and it conmenm of any tin from All liability and dorms of tiny nnbne
,he.6 in Refnmed. me material by airy other duty .,Ituahid mIllie amherity having j,nadicluen over the work
result ing form the perl'nrnrnnce alinch work.
of vend.,. Settee fnher agrees m gold the City of Pon Collins bnrmless fame .nd me , all linhillly And Iona
incurred by them by reran. of an nAxenml m emm ied vmlaten or any such Inws, mmtlntlms, amemmes, mles
Thm It., shall apply own m to even) of full of negligence nl the pony relcand and shall e.mal In he
am We're..%
dimmed, ofRces unit cmphycca ars,ch party.
Augmentation. All parries to this cmtmn agree that the close ...envea art, re fort barn fide and pa.,. fell And
The Sellers Imamonsil aNigmrons, including warent shall an, h decmnl In he mrlucul, in am way, h.u.
complete mnhmry to bind said parries,
each send, is meehromil or emeretl In he perfamrN by lh PlllchA.r.
LIMITATION OF TERMS. This Father. Order c.,.Iy limits mOnd.mc m be crm atilt conditions mined
Coal SM frch and any supplementary or Additional lama and conditions stressed hereto or tmmeromed hedn by
rcfercme. Any additional nrdffeemt tames med c-ilitam Cmposed by seller art onceled In and hereby mummer.
PLEASE ADVISE PURCHASING AGENT ire actin ely if you earned make cmmpkm thipmrnl to dove no varier
pmmisnd delivery date an noted, Time is ofthe emence. Delivery, and perfmmmce mad h eRecmN within the time
mauM on the Purchase order and the document, atrnchrd Inner. No acts of the P,mhmea ilrcllnling. wittml
limurnar, nceepmace of f aninl eras de ,co, ,shall memo. A waiver of this prmisim. In I,, even, arm, delay,
the Parch.., shall have, in addition In nlher legal and apnmhle remedies, the option of pineing this order elmwher,
.rid holding Clie Seller liable for damages. Hmwv,, [lie Seller xhall A., he liable for deal.,. as A mull Af dchy,
due m cans, an, entered, foreamahle which me hryond its mexonable mnmrl And withmn Its blue ofm, lgence.
such na.f Gone, sell of6vil or military mdherhlex, governmempul lerienlles. final. mom, Pat epidemics, wars or
rims pomaded that notice of he condition. .,a,, .with deem is given m the Purchase, within five (5) data uA the
time when the Selle, Best rcmivnd knowledge thmeC In be event of any arch ddny, the door of delivery shell he
eArmdM for the penM culture to the time Actually Inn by ma,— fie deem'.
The Sella wemnli 'he, till grad, milk,', marmnl, nM work, eavcmd by This order will e.nfemn with ngellhath,
drawings, apecrfrcantms, mmRles aMrm Adult dneenm.... green, will Is, RI for the purrpon, mended, tind
peafnrmod with the highest degree Arctic end emmmleme in reentrance with ne"M nmdnm for work of n
similar mature. Tim Seller agreed la hold to preclati hmmlem fmm nary Iron, damage or expeme which the
N.b. may Caper cr inert on aumml of the Sellem bmeh of oomnty. The Seller shall mpince, menu nr make
smM, without . 1In the Probe i.....y defco, or fade, Cement, within pare (I I yea nt within Hoch tongs, Ironed of
lime its may he prescribe! by law or by the lean, efany npplicnhl, vw rmmy pmeidm M1y be Seller after the date of
Acceptance of the goads furnished hereunder Ucemmme net to be uamexsnmbly delayed), mulling from imparfcea
or doleclivc wndt done or mom ads Permitted by rie Seller Aeeuminu or ram of gods by the Placement shall not
ennndha A wniwr nfany claim node, this emematy. Enter aA alhowiae Provided In Ihf porchy, nMer to Sellem
Ilnhiltq h remdm shall ,tend m all dome,, run eimmely wined by the Msnch orrery of the fruegoing wnmmte,
or gunrnmma, bid such luhiliry shall in tin serene Include Inca ofP .fits or Ions of use. NO IMPLIED WARRANTY
The Purch er may make drags m legal rem, by written change notice,
The PumM1mer may make ram changes In IM1e tames, other Iban leant ,ems. mdMim return. m nr dele rem from
the "A""- engimlly mahme in the xym,R eu.. m dmwrnps. It, vernal er —Am ehn,e .met. if.. meh
chnge effects the round donor the lime nfperfrmnnnec bmennder. tin cquimble mgnsmme list[M mark.
The Pichmer may at any time by ewimn change order, mnnarde this agreement m to any or all Comiona of she
good, then not ampm'd. subject m tiny agminble Chamomile he,. the Canoes as to any walk nr mmcrels then o
pregrcrs provided the, the Pumhe.r shall ram be linhlc far Ary ebama for mentioned pmRl. on the uncompleted
panim of the pi and/or weak, to, imeideneel ar CaneMuemid damages, .rid he, no such adjumm., he made is
(hear,f ]he Seller with ncgmct In tiny god whkh me the Scllcrs smMmd Merck. Nn ouch mmiinntinrr shoed rd'reve
the Pace esorthe Scllm ofnny of Ihetr ahli,mba, its m any mods delivered Imeneder.
Any claim his ediomwm mime me nn,raM within Ihtny Uri) day. front the term the change or mmdnmirm is
ec end.
The Seller wam.is that all peal, cold hamrnde shall have Mat pmduced,.Id. dclivercd and fumshed in mum
mmphnnee with ell eaff.Mc Inns end repulmlons A which the goad arc mhl,a. The Seller shall exeane and
deliver such dmument m may h required In effect m ceideme cnmplinme. All laws and repermlown required in Is,
hempnmle l in Bmem,t of this ell mee ram In ehy mcmpamlm heroin by Ill,, el'emnoe. 1'Ile Seller e1 In
Indemnity and hM he Pamhamr hamlw from ill corm nM dmnnges mffcmd by the Puahnar as n ¢aide of Ic
%dean fnflur, to comply wilet such Imo.
Note, party dull align, nnmfer, nr emocy this enter, or tiny monies due or in hecom, title hemundar wlliout the
peinr wrumen,on.m of the edMr pram•
The Seller wnmms Fell, cam hM unmmlcmd tulle in the Panda. per till egamencn. mmeims, and acme Iirmi eed
in informant, of Ihm ag tit. fore and clear of any and all liens, mmcloor s, reservations. maturity interest
eneumhramc, nM eu me of mkmra.
k le. the Scllcr a remtred m me any letter, devbe. marmnl m p—.11 cmeml by leaser, prrenl, nmknmrk
or cmyngM, the Seller Orel nulemmfy and save harmless the himbn., fmm env and all claims fire infnmemenl
by mes. of be in, of nml, pmatrm design, dove,.mmennl o, prow. in comet wit be comma, and
shall bdemnif r Ilk Pmeheae far any can,. expert Ar damage which it may In, nMa,cd In pay Im moron of such
infnngeerem as any new during the prosecution or after the cmrpctlm of the work, In easemid cep irmmot or
any pan thereof or tic Intended use, of the goad, is in such .suit ]tell[ to annmmnt infiagcmem And de in of
said tradesmen, or pan Is enjoined, the Seller shall. at its own exrenxe and m Pis option. mama prm,rt for the
h chose, the right In enalinue .sing sold equipment or Pone. repinee• Cu,Ixnme with .culmmminlly cmmI hen
anninfnnging age ment. or mmllfy It so II bmames aminfringing.
IF the Seller Andi become inwlwnt or hanknep, make tin madmence, for it,, berm or clMbma, appoint i
.1. for All of the Selleem plter, urslms ty or h. Chi, order
ay forthwith he canceled by she
Ihm lhner m neilhota linhilih.
The defmirknt of ached. tmd or be mremrcmtim of Che mmeenmm and the right of all .,,a besides sba11 h
consmnnl under And gmemed by she h 1, of rheState ofCMemde, USA.
The following Additional Conditions Apply rely in emes where the Seller is to perform were haearder,
including the.mice•, of Sellem Rcnmaentim,"o. A. the premmes of.gue,.
The Seller shall early tin said work al Scllcr, own risk it the sumo le frilly commeged AM aucrumd. All shall.
in cram of any nectdkm, d,rmdion Ar iql,, to the unrk And/or nmmrinlx before Selleri Chad completion and
mmTt... c, enmptew the work a, gdlcr'v sew exPenn and to the amisfnctinn of the Panels.,. When mare,,.[,
sad cufl,mmd are fimeri by all,. fee imrnllnrien or eer inn by the Seller, IM1e Seller shall mMve. C Cause,
Into, and handle xnme at the Ad, nma become mumnsibk therefor its though such mmmnLs And/or equTa ere
carom hear, Pummeled by the Seller h,Me, the nMer
The Seller still, at ire men exmmq pmome,S the payment of wridi cmmfenmtion. Including acenpmmsel
dines. real mill rmpleyux cmpbeed tin or As coroccurt wish be work eonened by his m.he. nMer.
.Ad. In thh dapemlrms is ee<mdan. with IM1e laws of the a am m which the work Is on he dome. The Seller
Abell abet carry emnpmhelsoc gemml liability including. hot ram limited Co. conmrnurl am amomMlilr Millie
liability Inmmner with Wily into" and dream limit of nt lead 9 n,prl for any tine Feel S50O.W for any
accident and mnFes, us.., line. per accident of 5dm,mn, The Seller stall likewise Win I...
conmelon, if any, to mowdc for such crmryn.nnn and mmnnn.. Hefm, tiny of IM1e Sellers or tin wnm ou,
employees shall do any work it" the m,mcce of agrees. the Scllcr shall Fee lie Purchase wit A ecroba m
Ihm srreh comrpenmrinn and in a hoe ham provided. Sorb emincams shop smelN to ,rule ethen such
mipmmum and insurance have been provided. Such emiF.m shall speak ah, doe mien such .nnipen.tum
and Console. expb,, Tam Shccr.,c. the, such imepamnMn and Imumnee 0.11 be maintain,,] amid age, the
entire walk is.,,Iemd and meemed.
The$eR, herchy nastme. the man, mapomlbllity eM liability for nary lad all dome,. tom n. ai ofnny Coal
mmuhnrsver m m leersaor prepm]y caused by in resulting Form for m the ennuis of the wnh provided in
ea pamhase, rase, nrun cmmefen lavoco lh. The Selle, will Indicator, and hold h.mdem the 1'olehnaer And nay
r it of the Pumhaw•a eRcem, sperm and employe, fmm and rearm, tiny nma till elmm. Irwees, damages.
chimes nr i,tro , whether direct or indhcl, and e,hmhcr In pavans nr pmm'e,Y m which the hrrclra.r may
h pad or subject by reaxre of any act, acenn, neglal, nmamton or e1cfnall mI the mad of the Seller. any it hit
mlmelnav, an nM of he Selkm or cmmema vfg c , agents me emplevyeu. In call, arm mile or olle
promMing, shall h bmmin spiuml the Punehime. or its officers. agents or employed at any time no unclear or
by rearm of any set, sate. ntglecr, omismm or defnuh or the Seller or tiny of lies co mmams or any of its or
their articem, agent, or mlpinyem A, Afm,ted. the Seller hembv ream to ammnc the defm. theater And In
defend Ilie more at to Sellers own ender., to pay any spa all eosin, threats. Commit, Aces and vaster espenses.
any and all Drdgma u, That may be, incased Iry or obm met ngatnd the Pomhn.r or Any areas or their effects,
Agents or enmhryes to such mils or other proceedings. And in case ludgmenl or other lien be pinanl non or
eMnhed against tltc ptnparty oftin Purchmer, nr said paniee in or its a mull of suds suite or mho pmeMiage.
the Seller will or once came Ih same he he dlmolved and di.hargeel by giving Mad orratcn.lse. The Seller And
his ermmmm shall take till mfety Rrccnmice, mA&h and ..,III all gmol; im.e, far IIle pavenCinn of
ecident,. emmly with till laws And regulations wits mand In rase, meuuding, hat without lar mean, the
Occupational Select, and Health Act of 197n and all mles and eceplmiena Issued pursmm thereto.
Revised 113,21110