HomeMy WebLinkAboutRESPONSE - BID - 7156 TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLESBid Schedule 7156. Traffic Signal Poles Standard S-614-40A S-61.4-40A S-614-40A S-614-40A S-614-40A S-614-40A S-614-40A S-614-40A S-614-40A S=614-40 S-614-40 S-614-40 S-614-40 Mast Arm Length 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 66 65 70 75 Finish Galvanized Galvanized Galvanized Galvanized Galvanized Galvanized Galvanized Galvanized Galvanized Galvanized Galvanized Galvanized Galvanized Quantity 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Finish Powder Coat Powder Coat Powder Coat Powder Coat Powder Coat Powder Coat Powder Coat Powder Coat Powder Coat Powder Coat Powder Coat Powder Coat Powder Coat Total Cost $ O Z/ 8� y CITY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO AWARD INDIVIDUALLY OR AS A GROUP Quantity 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. Price Each Total Cost $ / FIRM. NAME Are youa, Corporation, Partnership, DBA, LLC, or. PC SIGNATURE v / y ADDRESSL Jeti��� l�iLh cif Ja PHONEIFAX # --Lz /e ) Z-5 I— /C Y6 E-MAILADDRESS-ZgG:ha/ 4 SA rev03/10 1. Buy America The contractor agrees to comply with 49 U.S.C. 53230) and 49 C.F.R. Part 661, which provide that Federal funds may not be obligated unless steel, iron, and manufactured products used in, FTA=funded projects are produced in the United States, unless a waiver has been granted by FTA or the product is subject to a general waiver. General waivers are listed in 49 C.F.R. 661.7, and include final assembly in the United States for 15 passenger vans and 15 passenger wagons produced by Chrysler Corporation, and microcomputer equipment and software. Separate requirements for rolling stock are set out. at 49. U.S.C..53230)(2)(C) and 49 C.F.R. 661.11. Rolling stock must be assembled in the United States and. have a 60 percent domestic content. A bidder or offeror must submit to the FTA recipient the appropriate Buy America certification (below) with all bids or offers on FTA-funded contracts, except those subject to a general waiver. Bids or offers that are not accompanied by a completed Buy America certification must be rejected as nonresponsive. This requirement does not apply to lower tier subcontractors. Certification requirement for procurement of steel, iron, or manufactured products Certificate of Corrrpliance with 49 U.S C. 53236)(1) The bidder or offeror hereby certifies that it will meet the requirements of 49 U.S.C..53230)(1) and the applicable regulations in 49 C.F.R: Part 661.5. Date ":111Z6/10 Signature Company Name Title. �li CC l"r2E.s ►L0-c= Certificate of Non-Compliance.wifh 49 U.S.C. 53236)(1) The bidder or offeror hereby certifies that it cannot comply with the requirements of 49 U.S.C. 53230)(1) and 49 C.F.R. 661.5, but it may qualify for 'an exception pursuant to 49 ,U.S.C. 5323(j)(2)(A), 53230)(2)(B), or 53230)(2)(D), and 49 C.F.R. 661.7. Date Signature. Company Name Title SA rev03/10 2. ENERGY CONSERVATION REQUIREMENTS Energy Conservation - The contractor agrees tacomply with mandatory standards and policies: relating to energy efficiency which are. contained in the state energy conservation plan issued .in compliance with the Energy Policy land Conservation Act. 3. CLEAN WATER REQUIREMENTS Clean Water - (1') The. Contractor agrees to,comply, with all applicable standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C. 1251. et seq. The Contractor agrees to report each violation to the Purchaser and understands and agrees that the Purchaser will, in turn, report each violation as required 'to assure notification to FTA and the appropriate EPA Regional Office`. (2) The Contractor also agrees to include these requirements. in each ;subcontract exceeding' $100,000 financed in whole or in part with,Federal assistance provided byFTA. 4. LOBBYING Modifications have been made to the Clause pursuant to Section 10 of the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995, P.L. T04-65 [to be codified at 2 U.S'.C. § 1601`, ei seq.] - Lobbying Certification and Disclosure. of: Lobbying Activities for third party conlractors are mandated by 31 U.S.C. 1352(b)(5), as amended by Section `10 of the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995, and DOT implementing regulation, "New Restrictions on Lobbying," at 49 CFI §'20 110(d). -Language in Lobbying Certification is mandated by49 CFR Part 19, Appendix A; Section 7, which provides that contractors file. the certification`required by 49 CFR Part 20, AppendixI.A. Modifications have been made to the Lobbying Certification pursuant to Section 10 of the Lobbying Disclosure Act of'1995. Use of•"Disclosure of Lobbying Activities," Standard Form-LLL set forth in Appendix of 49 CFR Part 20 as amended by "Government wide Guidance For New Restrictions on Lobbying," 61 Fed. Reg. 1413 (1/19/96) is mandated by 49 CFR Part'20;.A'ppendix A.. Byrd Anti -Lobbying Amendment, 31. U.S.C'. 1352, as amended by Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995, P.L.104-65 [to be codified at 2 U.&C. §'1601,.etseq.] -Contractors who apply or bid for an award of $100,000' or more shall file the certification. required by 49 CFR part 20, "New Restrictions on' Lobbying;"'Each tier certifies to the tier "above that: it will not and has not used Federal appropriated funds to,pay any.person or organization for.influencing.or attempting to, influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress, officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with obtaining any Federal contract, grant or any olheraward covered by 31 U.S.C. 1352. Each tier shall also disclose the name of any registrant under the Lobbying Disclosure Act of.1995 who has made lobbying contacts on its behalf with non -Federal funds with respect to hat Federal'contract, grantor award covered by 31' U.S.C. 1352. Such disclosures are forwarded fro m:tier to tier up to'the recipient. SA rev03/10t 4 APPENDIX A, 49 CFR PART 20--CERTIFICATION REGARDING LOBBYING Certification for Contracts, Grants, Loans, and Cooperative Agreements. (To be submitted with each bid or.offer exceeding $100,000) The undersigned [Contractor] certifies, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that: (1) No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be, paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of an agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. (2) If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for making lobbying contacts to an officer or employee, of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form--LLL, "Disclosure Form to. Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions [as amended by "Government wide Guidance for New Restrictions on Lobbying, 61 Fed. Reg. 1413 (1/19/96). Note: Language in paragraph (2) herein has been modified in accordance with Section 10 of the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 (P.L. 104-65, to be codified at 2 U.S.C. 1601, et seq.)] (3) The undersigned shall require that'the language of this. certification, be included in the award. documents for all subawards at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants; loans, and cooperative agreements) and'that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction irriposed by 31, U.S.C. § 1352 (as amended by the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995). Any person who fails to filethe required certification shall be. subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,00.0 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. [Note: Pursuant to 31 U.S.C. § 1352(c)(1)-(2)(A), any person who makes a prohibited expenditure or fails to file or amend a required certification or disclosure form shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such expenditure or failure.] The Contractor, j„ c -/r, _`�vh,- ut„c.2 certifies or affirms the truthfulness and accuracy of each. statement of its certification.and disclosure, if any. In addition, the Contractor understands and agrees that the provisions of 31 U.S.C..A 3801, et seq., apply to this certification and disclosure, if ignature_of Contractor's Authorized Official ulc-c_� Name and Title of Contractor's Authorized Official Date SA eev03/10 5. FEDERAL CHANGES Federal Changes - Contractor shall at all times comply with all applicable FTA regulations; policies, procedures and directives, including without limitationthose listed directly or by "reference in'the, Master Agreement between Purchaser and FTA, as they may be amended or promulgated from time to time during the term of this contract.' Contractor's failure to so comply shall constitute a material breach of this contract.. 6. CLEAN.AIR Clean Air — '(1) The Contractor agrees to cornply'withall applicable standards, orders or`regulationsissued pursuant to the Clean Air,Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. §§ 7401 et seq., The Contractor agrees to report each violation to the Purchaser and understands and agrees that the. Purchaser will, in turn, report each vio.lation.as required: to assure notification to FTA and the appropriate EPA. Regional Office. (2) The, Contractor also agrees to* include these 'requirements in each subcontract exceeding. $100,000 financed in whole or in part with Federal assistance provided by FTA. 7... RECYCLED PRODUCTS Recovered Materials - The contractor agrees to comply with all the requirerents of Section 6002 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), as amended (42 U.&C, 6962), including but not limited to theregulatoryprovisions of 40 CFR Part 247, and Executive Order 12873,,as they apply to the procurement of the items designated in Subpart B of 40 CFR Part 247. B. NO GOVERNMENT OBLIGATION TO THIRD PARTIES No Obligationby the Federal Government. (1) The Purchaser and Contractor acknowledge and agree that, notwithstanding.any concurrence by the Federal Government in or approval of the solicitation or award of the underlying.contractI.absent the express written consent by the Federal Government, the FederalGovernment is nota'party to this contract and shall not be subject to any, obligations or liabilities to the Purchaser; Contractor, or any other party (whether or not a party to that contract) pertaining to any matter resulting from the underlying contract. (2) The Contractor agrees to include the above.clause in each subcontract financed in whole or:in part with Federal assistance provided -by, FTA. It is further agreed that; the clause shall not.be modified, except to identify the subcontractor who will be subject to its provisions. .9. PROGRAM FRAUD AND FALSE OR FRAUDULENT°STATEMENTS AND RELATED' ACTS Program Fraud and False or Fraudulent Statements or Related Acts. SA rev03/10 6: (1) The Contractor acknowledges that the`provisions of the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986, as amended, 31 U.S.C. § 3801 et sue: and U.S. DOT regulations, "Program Fraud Civil Remedies," 49C.F.R. Part 31, apply to its actions pertaining to this Project.. Upon execution of the underlying contract, the Contractor certifies or affirms the truthfulness and accuracy of any statement it has made, it makes, it may make, or causes to be made, pertaining to the underlying contract orthe FTA assisted project for which this contract work is being performed. In addition to other penalties that may be applicable, the Contractor further acknowledges that if it makes, or causes to be made, a false, fictitious, or fraudulent claim, statement, submission, or certification, the Federal. Government reserves the right to impose the penalties of the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986 on the Contractor to the extent the Federal Government deems appropriate. (2) The Contractor also acknowledges that if: it makes, or causes to be made a false, fictitious, or fraudulent claim, statement, submission, or certification to the Federal Government under a contract connected with a project that is financed in whole or in part with Federal 'assistance` originally awarded by FTA under the, authority of 49 U.S.C. § 5307, the. Govern ment'reserves the right to impose the penalties of 18 U:S.C. § 1001 and 49 U.S.C.,.§ 5307(n)(:1) on the Contractor; to the extent the Federal Government deemsappropriate: (3) The Contractor agrees to include the above two clauses in each subcontract financed`in whole or in part with Federal assistance provided by FTA. It is further agreed that the clauses shall not be modified, except' to identify the subcontractor who will be subject to the provisions: 10. TERMINATION a. Termination for Convenience (General.ProvisIon) The (Recipient) may terminate this contract, in whole or in part; at any time by written notice to the.Contractor when it is in the Government's best interest. The Contractor shall be paid its costs, including contractclose-out costs, and profit on work performed up to the time of termination.. The Contractor shall promptly submit its termination claim to (Recipient) to be' paid the Contractor. if the Contractor has any propertyin its possession belonging to the (Recipient), the Contractor Will accountforthe same, and dispose of it in the manner the (Recipient) directs. b. Termination for Default (Breach or Cause] (General Provision) If the Contractor does not deliver supplies in accordance with the contract delivery schedule,'or, if, the contract is for services, the Contractor falls to perform in the manner called for in the contract, or if the Contractor' fails to comply with any other provisions of the contract, the (Recipient) may terminate this'contract for,default. Termination shall be effected by serving'a notice of termination on the contractor setting forth the manner in which the Contractor is in default. The contractor will only be paid the contract price for supplies delivered and accepted, or services. performed in accordance with the manner of performance set forth in the contract. If it is .later determined by the (Recipient) that the Contractor had an .excusable reason for` not performing, such as a strike, fire, or flood; everitswhich are not the fault of°or are beyond the control of the Contractor, the (Recipient), after'setting up a new delivery of performance schedule, may allow the Contractor to continue Work,: or treat the termination as,a termination for convenience. c. Opportunity to Cure (General Provision) The.(Recipient) in its'sole discretion may, in the case of a termination for breach or default, allow the Contractor [an appropriately short period of time] in which to cure the defect. In such case.the notice of termination will state the time period in SA rev03/10 7 which cure is permitted and other appropriate conditions If Contractor fails to remedy to (Recipient)'s satisfaction the breach or default of anyof the terms, covenants, or conditions of this Contract within [ten (10), days] after receiptby Contractor of written notice from (Recipient) setting forth the nature of said breach or default, (Recipient) shall have. the right to terminate the Contract without any further obligation to Contractor. Any such, termination for default shall not inanyway operate to preclude (Recipient) from also pursuing all available remedies against Contractor and its sureties for said breach or default. d. Waiver of Remedies for any,8reach In the event that, (Recipient) elects to waive -its remedies for any breach by Contractor of.any covenant, term or condition of this Contract, such waiver by (Recipient) shall not limit (Recipient)`s remedies for any succeeding breach of that or of any other term, covenant, or condition of this Contract. e. Termination for Default (Supplies and Service) If the Contractor fails to deliver' supplies. or to perform the services within the time specified in this contract or any extension or if the Contractor' fails to comply with any other provisions of this contract, the (Recipient) may terminate this contract for default. The (Recipient) shall terminate by deliveringto the Contractor a Notice of Termination specifying the nature of the default. The Contractor wiil.only be paid the contract price.; forsupplies delivered and accepted, or services performed in accordance with the manner or performance set forth in this contract. If, after termination' for failure to fulfill contract obligations, itis determined that the Contractor was not in default, the rights and 'obligations of the parties shall be the same as if the termination had been issued for the convenience of the Recipient. 11. GOVERNMENT WIDE DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION (NONPROCUREMENT) Background and Applicability. In conjunction with the Office of Management and Budget and other affected Federal agencies, DOT published an update to 49 CFR Part 29 on November 26, 2003. This government -wide regulation implements Executive Order 12549, Debarment and Suspension, Executive Order 12689, Debarment: and Suspension, and 31 U.S.C: 6101 note (Section 2455, Public Law 103-355, 108-Stat. 3327). The provisions of Part 29 apply,to all grantee contracts and` subcontracts at any level expected to equal or exceed $25,000 as well as any contract orsubcontract (at any level) for Federally required auditing services. 49 CFR 29.220(b). This represents a ohange from prior practice in that the dollar threshold for application 'of these rules has been lowered from $100,000 to $25,000. These are contracts and subcontracts referred to in the regulation as "covered transactions:" Grantees, contractors, and subcontractors (at any level) that enter into covered transactions are required to verify that the entity (as well ,as its principals and affiliates) they pro' to contractor subcontract with is not excluded or disqualified. They do this by (a)' Checking the Excluded Parties List System, (b) Collecting a certification from that person, or (c) Adding a. clause or condition to the contractor subcontract. This represents a change from,prior practice in that certification is still acceptable but is no.longerrequired. 49 CFR 29.300. Grantees, contractors, and subcontractors who enter into covered transactions also must require the entities they contract with to comply with 49 CFR 29, subpart C ar7d SA'rev03/10 include this requirement in their own subsequent covered transactions (i.e., the requirement flows down to subcontracts. at all levels). Clause Language The following clause language is suggested, not mandatory. It incorporates the optional method of verifying that contractors are.not excluded. or disqualified by certification. Suspension and Debarment This fcontract is a covered transaction for" purposes of 49 CFR Part 29. As, such, the contractor is required to verify that none of the contractor, its. principals, as defined at 49 CFR 29.995, or affiliates, as defined at,.49'CFR 29.905, are excluded or disqualified as defined at 49 CFR 29.940 and 29.945. The contractor is required to comply with 49 CFR 29, Subpart C and, must. include` the requirement to comply with 49 CFR 29, Subpart C in any lower tier covered transaction it enters into. By signing and submitting its bid or proposal, the bidder or proposer certifies as follows: The certification in this clause is a.material representation of fact relied upon by (insert agency name}. If it is later determined that the bidder or proposer knowingly rendered an_ erroneous certification; in addition to remedies available to (insert agency name}, the Federal Government may pursue available remedies; including but not limited to suspension and/or, debarment. The bidder or proposer agrees to comply with the requirements of,49 CFR 29, Subpart C while this. offer is valid and throughout`theperiod of any contract that may arise from this offer. The bidder or proposer further agrees to include a provision. requiring such compliance in its lower tier'covered transactions. 12. CIVIL RIGHTS REQUIREMENTS Civil Rights -The following requirements apply to the underlying contract: (1) Nondiscrimination -'In accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, as amended; 42 U.SC. § 2000d, section 303 of the'Age Discrimination Act of 1975,j as amended, 42 U.S.0 § 6102,.section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990,42 IJ.S.C.,§ 12132, and Federal transit -law at;49 U;S.C. § 5332, the Contractor agrees that it will not discriminate. against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, creed, national origin, sex; age, or disability Inaddition ; the Contractor agrees to comply with applicable Federal implementing regulations and other _implementing requirements FTA may issue. (2) Equal Employment Opportunity - The following equal employment opportunity requirements apply to the underlying contract: (a) Race, Color, Creed, National Origin, Sex - In accordance with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, as amended,. 42 U.S.C. § 2000e,. and Federal transit laws at 49 U.S.C. § 5332, the Contractor agrees to complywith all applicable equal employment opportunity requirements of U.S. Department of Labor (U.S. DOL) regulations; "Office.of Federal Contract Compliance Programs; Equal Employment Opportunity, Department.of Labor," 41 C;F.R.. Parts 60 et seg., (which implement Executive Order. NO.`11246, "Equal.,Employment:Opportunity;" as amended by Executive Order No. 11375, "Amending:Executive Order 11246 Relating to Equal Employment Opportunity," 42 U.S.C. § 20t70e note), and with any applicable Federal SA rev03/10 9 statutes; executive orders, regulations,- and Federal policies that may in the future affect construction activities undertaken in the course of the Project. The Contractor agrees -to take affirmative Action to ensure that applicants are. employed, an. d that employees are treated during employment; without regard to their race, color,.creed, national origin; sex, or, age,. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading,: demotion or transfer,, recruitment or recruitment advertising,. layoff or termination;' rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship; to addition, the,Contractor agrees'to comply with any implementing requirements FTA may issue. (b)Age- In accordance with section 4.of the Age'Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as amended 29 U.S.C..§`§ 623 and Federal transit law at 49 U;S.C_ § 5332; the`Contractor agrees to refrain from discrimination against present and prospective employees for reason, of age. In addition, the Contractor agrees to comply with any implementing requirements FTA may issue. (c) Disabilities - In accordance with section 102 of the: Americans. with Disabilities Act,.as amendedi 42 U.S.C. §,1211'2, the Contractor agrees that it will comply with the requirements of U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission; "Regulations to Implement the, Equal Employment: Provisions ,of the Americans with Disabilities Act," 29: C.F.R. Part 1630, pertaining to employment of persons with disabilities. In addition, the Contractor agrees.to comply with any implementing requirements FTA may issue: (3) The Contractor also -agrees to include these requirements in each.subcontract financed in whole: or in part with Federal assistance provided by FTA, modified only it necessaryto identify the affected parties. 13. DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (DBE) a. This contract is subject to the requirements of Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations; Pait 26,, Participation by Disadvantaged Business: Enterprises in-, Department of Transportation Financial Assistance Programs. The national goal for participation of Disadvantaged. Business Enterprises (DBE) is 10%, The agency's'overall goal"for DBE participation is 7.6 %. A separate contract goal [has not] been established for this procurement. b. The contractor shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the performance of this contract. The contractor shall carry out applicable requirements of 49CFR Part 26 in the award and administration of this DOT -assisted contract. Failure by contractor to carry out these requirements is a material breach'of this contract,: which may result in the termination of this contract or such other remedy as the City of Fort'Collins deems. appropriate. Each subcontract the contractor signs with a subcontractor must include the assurance in this paragraph (see 49 CFR 26.13(b)). [Bidders][Offerors] must present.the information required above [as a matter of responsiveness]' [with initial proposals] [prior to contract award] (see 49: CFR 26.53(3)) The successful bidder/offeror will be required to report its DBE participation obtained through race - neutral means.throughout the period of performance. d. The contractor is required to pay its subcontractors performing work related to this contract for SXrev03110 In satisfactory performance of that work no later than 30 days afterthe contractor's`receipt of payment for that Work -.from the City of Fort Collins. In addition, [the contractor may not'.hold retainage from its 'subcontractors.] [is. required to return any retainage payments, to those subcontractors within 30 days after the subcontractor's worki related to this contract is satisfactorily completed.] [is required to return any retainage payments to those. subcontractors within 30 days after incremental acceptance of the subcontractor's. work by. the {insert agency name} and contractor's receipt of the partial retainage payment related'to the subcontractor's work.] e. The contractor must promptly notifythe City of Fort Collins, whenever a_DBE. subcontractor performing work related to this contract is terminated.or fails to complete its work, and must make. good faith efforts to engage another DBE subcontractor Io, perform at least the same amount of work. The contractor may not terminate any DBE.subcontractor and perform that work through its' own forces or those of an affiliate without prior written consent of the City of Fort.Collins. 14. INCORPORATION OF FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION (FTA) TERMS Incorporation of Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Terms -The preceding provisions include, in part, certain Standard Terms and Conditions required by DOT; whether or not expressly set forth in the preceding contract provisions_. All contractual provisions required by DOT; as set forth in FTA Circular 4220.11E, are hereby incorporated by reference. Anything to the contrary he notwithstanding, all FTA mandated terms shall be.deemedto control in the event.of a conflict with other provisions. contained in this Agreement. The .Contractor shall not perform any act,'fa I to perform any act, or refuse to comply.with any(name-ofgrantee) requests which would cause (name of grantee) to be in violation of the FTA.terms and conditions. SA rev03/10 1t TRINITY TRANSMISSION STRUCTURES, LLC July 26, 2010 Bid # 7156 — Traffic Signal Poles Mr. James B. O'Neill II City of Ft. Collins 215 North Mason St Ft Collins, CO 80524 Mr. O'Neill, This letter is to confirm that we have received and reviewed addendum no I. The, contents will be reflected in our bid proposal. We thank you for the opportunity to participate in this bid and look forward to working with you on this upcoming project. Thanks again, Dennis Knudson (214) 589-8761 2525 STEMMONS FREEWAY • DALLAS, TX •75207 • P.O. BOX 568887 • DALLAS, TX 75356.8887 214-631-4420 • Fax 214-589-8939 Financial Services Purchasing Division 215 N. Mason St. 2nd Floor PO Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522 970.221:8775 970,221.6707 fCgov, comJpurch Basin j ADDENDUM No.1 SPECIFICATION&AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Description of'RFP 7156: Traffic Signal Poles OPENING DATE: 3:00 P.M. (Our Clock) July 27,=2016 To all.prospective bidders under the specifications'and contract -documents described above, the following clarifications are hereby made. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS/CLARIFICATIONS: Q; Do you have any.drawings'of the Ft. Collins Traffic Signal Pole Standards along with any written' specifications? A We .are using both of the Colorado Department of Transportation standards (S 614-40 and S-614-40A) which are 'available, on the following 'website http://www.coloradddbt.i nfo/library/traffic/traffic-s=standa rd-plans. Q: It looks as if these are simply CODOT standard poles is that correct? If.;so do they have a. luminaire arm with .the luminaire arm' pole extension, or are they just the pole with the mast arm? A: We do require a 15': foof luminaire. with a 40 foot mounting height om the; poles, per specifications: 0: What'is the estimated minimum quantity`that'the City will order? I know this is a blanket order so the quantities will vary some;. but I do `not''ant .to',assume (4) poles will be ordered, and`that drives the unit price up.,to cover 4he freight cost, versus- assuming a full truckload of material :to be:,ordered,. which :would`_drive down the unit price= A We would order 4 poles immediately and at least 7 more by the. end of the year sizes to be determined. There is also a possibility of ordering additional poles in early 2011.1 Clarification: Powder coating must be done over galvanizing... Clarification:. Appropriate anchor bolts and bolt patterns must. be included with each pole., Please contact John D. Stephen, CPPO; LEED AIP;,Senior'Buyerat (970) 221-6777 with any questions regardingthis addendum. RECEIPT OF THIS ADDENDUM MUST 'BE ACKNOWLEDGED BY A WRITTEN .STATEMENT ENCLOSED WITH THE BIDIQUOTE,STATING`THAT 'THIS:ADDENDUM HAS BEEN RECEIVED. where, renew I i;� a way cif life Cityof Financial Services Collins Purchasing. Division :215 N. Mason St. i2n°Floor PO Box 580 .F6rt fart Collins, CO 80522 Nft�k� P u rch a s lng 970.221.6775 970,221,6707 i'cgov. com; purchasing INVITATION TO BID 7156`Traffic-,Signal Poles BID OPENING: 3:00 P.M. (our clock), July.27, 2010 The City of Fort Collins is requesting bids to'furnish to the City'Traffic Signal Poles per the attached specifications. Vendor must comply with attached'Federal; Requirements Sealed bids will be received and publicly openedat the office of the Director of Purchasing and .Risk. Management, PO Box 580; 215 North Mason St., 2nd floor, Fort Collins, Colorado 80522, .at the time and date noted on the bid proposal and/or contract documents. If delivered, they are lobe sent to 215 North Mason Street; 2" Floor, Fort Collins; Colorado 80524. If mailed, the address is P.O. Box,580, Fort'Collins, 80522-0580. Bids must be received at the Purchasing Office prior to 3:00 p.m. our clock); July27,`12010.. A copy of the Bid may be,obtained'as follows: Download the Bid `from'thePurchasing'Webpage,,Current Bids page, at: http://fc iov.com/eprocurement 2. Come by Purchasing at 215 North Mason St.,'2nd floor, Fort 'Collins, and request a. copy of the. Bid. Special Instructions All bids must be properly signed by an authorized representative of the company with the legal' capacity to bind the company to the agreement. Bids maybe withdrawn up to the date and hour set for closing. Once bids have been accepted by City and closing has occurred; failure to enter into contract or honor the purchase order will be cause for removal of supplier's name from1he City of Fort Collins' bidders list for a period of twelve"months from'the date of the opening. The City may also pursue any remedies available at law or in equity.: Bid prices must be held firm for a,period of forty-five (45) days after bid openings. Submission of a bid is deemed as acceptance of all terms,,conditions and specifications,conlained in the City's specifications initially provided to, the, bidder. Any proposed, modification. mustbe accepted in writing by. the City prior to award of the bid. Only bids properly received by the Purchasing Office' will be accepted. All bids should be clearly identified.by the bid number and bid name contained in'the-bid proposal. No proposal Will be accepted from, or ;any purchase order awarded, to any person, firm or corporation in default. on any obligation to the City. Bids must be furnished exclusive of any federal excise tax, wherever applicable.. Bidders must be properly licensed and secure necessary p p y permits wherever applicable: Bidders not; responding t6thisbid will be removed from. our, automated vendor listing for the subject commodities: The City may elect where applicable, to'award'bids on an individual item/group basis or`on a total bid basis, whichever is most beneficial 'to the City. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any And all bids, and to waive any irregularities or informalities. Sales prohibited/conflict of interest: no officer, employee, or member of City Council, shall have a financial interest: in the sale to the City of any real or personal 'property, equipment,. material,; supplies or services where: such.officer or employee exercises directly or indirectly any rlecis'ion= makingauthority concerning such sale or anysupervisory authority over the services to be rendered. This rule also applies to subcontracts. with the`City. Soliciting or accepting Any.gift, gratuity,'favor, entertainment, kickback or any items of monetary value from any person who hasor is seeking to do business with the City of Fort Collins is prohibited. Freight terms: unless otherwise noted, all freight is F.O.B: Destination, Freight Prepaid. All freigh'f charges must be included in prices submitted on proposal. Discounts: any discounts allowed for promptpayment, etc:, must be reflected in bid figures and not entered as separate pricing an the proposal form. Purchasing:restrictions: your authorized. signatureof this bid assures your firm's complianceWith the.City's purchasing restrictions. A:copy:of the resolutions is available for review in the Purchasing Office or the City Clerk's.Office: Request Resolution 91-121 for demo ntrestrictions. Collusive or sham bids: any bid deemed to be collusive or'a sham bid will be rejected and reported to authorities as such. Your. authorized signature of this bid assures that such bid is genuine and is. not a collusive or sham' bid. Bid results: for information regarding results for individual bids sender self-addressed, self -stamped' envelope and a bid tally will be mailed to you. Bid results will be posted in our office:7 days after the bid opening. James B. O'Neill II, CPPO,.FNIGP Director of Purchasing and Risk Management CITY OF FORT COLLINS. BID PROPOSAL 7156 TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLES BID OPENING: -July 27-, 2010 3:Wp.nn. (our, clock) WE'.HEREBY ENTER. OUR'BID FOR THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS'REOU11REMENTS FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLES PER THE' BID' INVITATION AND ANY REFERENCED' SPECIFICATIONS: The City of Fort Collins is requesting bids to furnish to the City'Traffic I Signal Poles per the attached specifications. Vendors responding to; this bid must comply with 6e federal requirements in Attachment # , 1. Vendors must complete and submit certification for BuyAmerica and Lobbying. All bids shall be F.O.B. City of Fort Collins Traffic, Department. For technical questions, please contact Britney Sorensen, Traffic Systems Engirieer/Supervisdr,at 970-416-2268 or bsorensenOfcnov.com. For purchasing questions, plbase4cWl John Stepheh, C.PPO, LEED AP, Senior Buyer at 070-22t- 6777 or istephen@fcgov.com. This is A one year agreement but, at the option of the City, the Agreement maybe extended',for additional oneyear periods not to exceed four (4) additional one year periods. Pricing changes shall be negotiated by and agreed to by both,parties' and may use the Denver - Boulder CPI-U as published bytheColbrado State Planning.and BudgetOffice as dguide.,,Wri ' Written notice of renewal shall be provided to the Service Provider'and mailed no later than,90 days prior to contract end. Awarded contractor must sign the attached Service Agreement and provide insurance, per Exhibit "B". 3, SA rev03/1 0 EXHIBIT "B" INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. The Service Provider will provide, from insurance companies acceptable to the City, the insurance coverage designated hereinafter and pay all costs. Before commencing work under this bid, the Service Provider shall furnish the City with certificates of insurance showing the yp�e; amount, class of operations covered, 'effective dates and date- of expiration of policies, and containing substantially the following statement: "The insurance evidenced by this Certificate will not be cancelled or materially altered, except after ten (1.0) days written notice has.been received by the City of. Fort Collins." In case of the;breach of any provision of. the Insurance Requirements, the City, at its option, may take out and maintain, at the expense of the Service Provider; sucKinsurance as the City may deem, proper and may deduct the cost`of such insurance from any monies which may be due or'became,: due the Service Provider uriderthis.Agreement. The City, its officers, agents and employees shall be named as additional insureds on the Service Provider's, general liability and automobile liability insurance policies for ,any claims. arising out of work performed under this Agreement 2. Insurance coverages shall be as follows: A. Workers' Compensation & Employer's: Liability. The Service Provider shall maintain during the life of this Agreement for all of the Service Provider's employees engaged in work performed under this agreement: 1.- Workers' Compensation insurance; with :statutory limits as required by Colorado law. 2. Employer'sLiability insurance with limits of $100,000 per accident, $500,000 disease' aggregate, and $100,000 disease each employee. B. Commercial General &.Vehicle Liability. The Service. Provider shall maintain during the life of this Agreement such commercial general liability and automobile liability insurance as will provide. coverage for damage claims of personal injury, including.accidental death, as well as for claims for property damage, which may arise directly or indirectly irom.the. performance of work under this Agreement. Coverage.for property damage shall be on a "broad fort" basis. The amount of insurance -for each coverage, Commercial General and Vehicle, shall not be less than $500,000 combined single limits.for bodily injuryand property damage. In the event any work is performed by a subcontractor,, the` Service Provider shall be responsible for any liability directly or indirectly..arising out _of -the work performed under this Agreement by a subcontractor, .which liability is not covered 'by :the subcontractor's insurance. SA rev03/10 FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION TABLE OF CONTENTS A.1 - Federally Required and ether Model Contract Clauses I. Buy America ........................... _3 2. ENERGY CONSERVATION "REQUIREMENTS.................................................................... 4 3. CLEAN WATER REQUIREMENTS........................................................... ................... 4 4 LOBBYING...........................:.......................:..............:................:...........................a............. 4 5. FEDERAL CHANGES............................. ............ I ............... ......I. .............. ........................ :.. 6 6. CLEAN AIR ................ ........: ...:..... :..............................................:................................. 6 7. RECYCLED PRODUCTS....................................................................................................... 6 8. NO GOVERNMENT OBLIGATIONJO THIRD PARTIES.......................................6........... & 9. PROGRAM FRAUD AND FALSE OR FRAUDULENT STATEMENTS AND'RELATED' ACTS .... ....... ....... ::.............................................................................. ........... .................. 6 10. TERMINATION................................................................................................................... 7: 11. GOVERNMENT -WIDE DEBARMENT AND 1. SUSPENSION.(NONPR000REMENT)...... 8 12. CIVIL RIGHTS REQUIREMENTS................................................................................. 9.. 13. DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (DBE) ......... ............... ....:.................... .:..10 14. INCORPORATION OF FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION (FTA) TERMS `........... 11 SA rev03/10 2