. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................................water consultants
September 17, 2010
City of Fort Collins
Purchasing and Risk Management Division
Attn: James B. O'Neill II
215 N Mason Street
Fort Collins, CO 80522
RE: Request for Proposal for Water Rights Engineering — RFP 7174
Dear Mr. O'Neill:
Michael A. Sayler
Christopher J. Sanchez
Jeffrey A. Clark
Charles E. Stanzione
Raymond J. Dunn
Daniel O. Niemela
Laurel E. Stadjuhar
We are pleased to provide you this proposal for water resource engineering services for the City
of Fort Collins, and look forward to discussing this project in more detail.
Bishop-Brogden Associates, Inc., (BBA) is a water resources consulting firm specializing in
surface water hydrology, ground water geology and water rights engineering. The company is
based out of Englewood, Colorado, and has extensive experience throughout the state and other
western states on a wide variety of water -related projects. Since 1980, BBA has served to meet
client needs in the areas of:
❖ Water rights investigations and protection
❖ Water supply planning
❖ Water resource development and
❖ Surface water hydrology
❖ Ground water hydrology
❖ Well permitting, design and testing
❖ Modeling of surface and ground water
❖ Water court assistance and expert
❖ Water rights evaluations
❖ GIS and mapping applications
BBA currently has a staff of approximately 16 experienced engineers, hydrologists, geologists,
GIS and other specialties. The principals with BBA are engineers, hydrologists and geologists
with over 50 years of combined experience and are directly involved in every project undertaken
by the firm.
The attached Summary of Qualifications provides additional information about our experience
and capabilities, and presents resumes of the key staff that we anticipate will be dedicated to this
project. We are currently proposing that the following individuals will work on the majority of
the tasks related to the project (described in more detail under the proposed Scope of Work,
Bishop-Brogden Associates, Inc., ("BBA") is a water resources
consulting firm specializing in the control and development of water.
The company has its offices in Englewood, Colorado, but has
consulted with clients on special water problems around the country
and internationally. It was formed in 1980 specifically to address
client needs in the fields of surface water hydrology, ground water
geology and water
IN.Ylf 1
BBA employs',`{
experienced engineers UNOCAL
and geologists. It .,,.a
currently has 19
employees. The
principals with BBA are directly involved in all
projects undertaken by the company.
Services offered by BBA and its principals include the
• Water resource development
• Water rights investigations
• Surface water hydrology
• Ground water hydrology
• Well design and testing
• Modeling of surface and ground water
• Expert testimony
BBA's principals are engineers and geologists with over 50 years of combined experience and are
involved in every project undertaken by the firm. The day-to-day operations and project
management duties are handled by:
• Michael A. Sayler - Principal - BS and MS Engineering, University of Wyoming,
experienced in Colorado hydrology, western water rights and computer modeling, PE
in numerous states.
• Christopher J. Sanchez - Principal - BA Geology, Colorado College, experienced in
Colorado geology, hydrology and western water rights, PG in Wyoming and Utah.
• Jeffrey A. Clark — Principal — BS in Watershed Science, Colorado State University,
experienced in Colorado water resources, hydrology, water law and water supply
• Charles Stanzione - Principal - BA Geology, Colorado College, experienced in
Colorado geology, hydrology and western water rights, PG in Wyoming and Utah.
This section of our Statement of Qualifications illustrates our general experience and qualifications
in the areas of:
• Water rights
• Ground water and wells
• Water resource modeling
• Denver Basin geology and ground water
• Ground water modeling
Bishop-Brogden Associates, Inc. ("BBA") has been consulting in water rights since 1980; although,
principals with the firm have been working with water rights since 1970. Water use and water rights
in Colorado are based on the priority system,
which says, "first in time, first in right". During a
drought, the owner of a senior right on a stream
can "call" water past the owner of a junior water
right. As a result, to ensure a water supply during
dry years, cities, towns, water districts, ranches
and other water users pursue senior water rights on
the stream system.
BBA works with cities, towns, water districts, and other water users to evaluate and purchase senior
water rights, transfer water rights and develop augmentation plans. BBA prepares the engineering
report that describes the characteristics of the water right(s) and prepares a water plan to use the new
or transferred water rights. BBA then works closely with the
client's water attorney to obtain a final decree from Water Court
and then to protect that water right once adjudicated. This work
may require mapping irrigated areas, analyzing diversion records,
calculating consumptive use, identifying potential injury and
mitigating that injury and presenting testimony in Water Court to
support the water plan. Most water plans are successfully
negotiated before a court hearing takes place.
Some of BBA's water rights clients have included the following:
• Cities of Aurora, Sterling and Lakewood, Colorado, and
South Adams County Water and Sanitation District
• Transit Mix, Unocal, Winter Park and Keystone Resorts, TOSCO, Gilpin Co., Tri-State
Generation and Transmission and Cordillera
• Colorado Depts. Of Corrections and Parks, Woodmoor and Todd Creek Districts
• Smith Ranch, American Soda, Anderson, Warrior and Agricultural Ditches and many others
0 States of Wyoming and Nebraska, Nature Conservancy and the Audubon Society
Bishop-Brogden Associates, Inc. ("BBA") has been consulting in the field of water rights since 1980,
and some of its principals have been working in the field since the early 1970s. Many of BBA's
clients rely on surface water rights to support their municipal -type developments and have actively
pursued the purchase and transfer of these rights to their points of diversions for their uses. BBA
works continuously with its clients to ensure they have a dependable physical and legal supply of
water throughout the year and works with clients to protect their water rights once established.
Some issues that BBA considers as it assists clients in purchasing
and transferring surface water rights include the following:
• Location and extent of historic use
• Amount of consumptive use and return flows
• Place(s) of new use and new point(s) of diversion
• Future depletions if shallow wells are used
• Need for year-round replacement, and others
To assist clients in this process, BBA engineers and hydrologists
complete studies to identify the characteristics of water rights and
their amenability to transfers and new uses. BBA has numerous
in-house computer models it uses to study closely the yield of the water rights and the ability to
transfer the rights up and down stream systems. BBA works closely with clients' water attorneys to
secure final decrees. Sometimes expert testimony in water court is required to successfully transfer
the rights, but most of the time, the transfers are negotiated and consent decrees are entered.
Some of BBA's surface water clients have included the following:
Cities of Sterling, Granby, Aurora and others
Districts such as Meadows, Todd Creek, Mount Carbon, Woodmoor and others
Industry clients such as Tri-State Generation and Transmission, UNOCAL, American
Soda, Castle Rock Development, and others
In many areas, there is no streamflow information and it is necessary to generate streamflow data to
predict the availability of water. In other areas, it is desirable to know the water availability to a new
use at a place on the stream between streamflow gages. To assist clients in these situations, Bishop-
Brogden Associates, Inc. (`BBA") develops surface
water computer models to predict water availability
at different places along a stream. For some
projects, BBA uses drainage area -precipitation -
elevation relationships and streamflows at a known
gage to generate streamflows in a basin with no
gage data. These models and data are then used to
determine water availability at a particular point on
a stream. BBA water resource engineers are
experienced in creating source code for these types
of models as well as working with "off -the -shelf"
models, such as CORSIM and RIBSIM, that can be used for the same purpose. BBA has also
developed spreadsheet models to examine water availability in small streams and tributaries.
Through traditional "bookkeeping" accounting techniques, BBA engineers use the models to
simulate the flow of water down a stream system, predict diversions by ditches and canals, and track
surface and ground water return flows back to the stream. The models are used to support planning
efforts and water rights applications in Water Court so that a new water user can be assured of a
dependable physical and legal water supply.
Various BBA clients that have required computer modeling of surface water resources include:
• Unocal, Cordillera, Middle Park WCD in the Colorado River basin and South Adams
County Water and Sanitation District
• North Platte Coalition and the North Platte Irrigators Assoc., in Wyoming and
Nebraska, and City of Aurora, in South Park, Colorado
0 Other clients such as TOSCO, Winter Park Resort, Rangeview and others
No Text
This section of our Statement of Qualifications presents selected projects completed by Bishop-
Brogden Associates that illustrate our experience and capabilities in ground water, water rights,
modeling, well design, and other fields.
Departments Of Natural Resources
And Parks And Recreation
Bishop-Brogden Associates, Inc. (`BBA") worked as the water rights/water resources
sub -consultant on a team of consultants hired by the City to complete a study of uses for
retired gravel quarry lands along the Cache la Poudre River Corridor. The study, which
has been completed, involved analysis of
augmentation requirements for the quarry sites, based
•ao pl•nnln0
upon future uses which would incorporate the sites
into the city's overall Cache la Poudre River
recreation plan. The study involved determination of `c
water requirements, analysis of sources of
augmentation water and estimates of costs to purchase
the augmentation water. A side task included
SnetogY for Ora%* Lange Along the Poutln Rh
applications for substitute water supply plans for Cmofftn Ira
•o R.,Yn
certain sites.
Specific work tasks on this project included:
• Review of augmentation requirement for
each pit along the Cache la Poudre River.
• Analysis of evaporative losses in the Fort
Collins area.
• Analysis of potential replacement water
supplies and suitability of each supply for
gravel pit augmentation.
Water Rights
Since 1980, Bishop-Brogden Associates, Inc. ("BBA") has consulted to the City of Sterling on water
supply and water rights matters. Sterling is undergoing extensive growth and the City retained BBA
to ensure its water supply facilities and water rights remain ahead of its demands. The City owns a
Projected Growth - New Wells
1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050
Peek Oxnard - TOW Well Cwe ly
variety of water rights including senior and junior direct
flow rights, storage rights and a large recharge right. The
City's only water source is high capacity wells
constructed into the alluvium of the South Platte River.
The City continuously faces calls from downstream senior
rights, administration by Colorado for its compact with
Nebraska, and interference from its own and nearby
wells. As a result, it is necessary for the City to be active
in efforts to protect its water rights and to secure additional water rights.
BBA's responsibilities are to ensure the City has enough physical supplies to meet its demands and
adequate water rights transferred to municipal uses to allow the continued production of its wells.
BBA works closely with the City's water rights attorney in securing decrees for its historic water
rights and to expand its yield through development of new water storage and recharge projects.
Some of the projects BBA has completed on behalf of the City of Sterling include:
• Water production analysis to identify future water supply and rights needs
• Change of use of senior water rights, including 2,500 of of consumptive use
• Development of city-wide augmentation plan including development of recharge and
storage water rights.
• Analysis of aquifer recharge and well yields.
• Lower South Platte River streamflow modeling for discharge permits and water
rights transfers
Fort Collins — James O'Neill
September 17, 2010
Page 2
Project Manager/Principal-in-Charge:
Assisted by:
Ground Water Investigations Manager:
Project Engineers:
Senior Hydrogeologist:
Mapping and GIS:
Jeff Clark, Principal
Mike Sayler, Principal
Chris Sanchez, Principal
Jon George & Julia Keedy
Tim Crawford
Harun Ahmed
Project Scope of Work
To complete the water rights engineering analysis described in the RFP, we propose to perform
the following task categories, with a brief description of the nature of the work efforts associated
with each task. These tasks were considered together to develop the estimated costs to complete
this analysis described below.
Water Supply & Storage Company (WSSC) Information
The goals of this section of project tasks is to develop a comprehensive understanding of
the WSSC system as it relates to the shares owned by Fort Collins and to thoroughly
research available information necessary to perform the engineering analysis necessary to
complete the change of use. The tasks associated with this section can be summarized in
the following categories.
Review of WSSC Water Rights Environment — This section will involve the
review of WSSC water rights decrees, previous change case information, WSSC
bylaws and related ditch company information, historic calls and the
administrative conditions and research and review of water rights likely affected
by the proposed change of use of the Fort Collins shares. This work task may
also include a share -trace to identify the locations of use of these shares. We will
also preliminarily identify and research other water rights that may be affected by
the proposed change of use of these shares, the owners of which may oppose the
change of use in water court.
b. Review of the WSSC Physical Environment — This work effort will involve
developing an understanding of the operations of the WSSC system, specifically
as it related to the delivery of water to the Fort Collins shares and to other
shareholders potentially affected by the proposed change of use. In addition, we
will need to research potential mechanisms for delivering return flow water to the
stream from this ditch or other sources. This work effort will also include the
research, collection and analysis of various technical information such as
streamflow records, diversion records, reservoir release and trans -basin import
operations and exchange operations. We will also research information related to
the water operations of other water rights that may be affected by the proposed
change of use of these shares and are likely to oppose the change of use in water
2. Fort Collins Water Supply System Information
The proposed change of use of these shares will require an understanding of how these
shares will be incorporated and used within the Fort Collins water supply system. We
will need to review information about the existing and projected future water supply
SACWSD (South Adams County Water and
Sanitation District)
Water Rights and Modeling
Bishop-Brogden Associates, Inc. ("BBA") has worked with SACWSD ("District") and the District's
other consultants to assist the District in expanding its water rights and supplies. SACWSD serves
an extensive area in northern metropolitan Denver. In 2003, the District had a demand of 6,800 acre-
ft of water per year, but because of increased development pressures, the District will require over
13,000 acre-ft per year more of dependable water supplies to meet known future demands.
Developers building new homes and desiring service from the
District bring water rights to the District, and BBA analyzes
those water rights, and prepares them for inclusion in
augmentation and exchange plans for the District. BBA
constructed a point -flow streamflow model, in FORTRAN, of
the South Platte River from the Denver area north to near Ft.
Lupton. The model was used by BBA to quantify the exchange
potential of 2500 acre-ft of consumptive use in certain water rights to the District's points of
diversion. Because the District is ever expanding and pursuing new water rights, the model will be
used by BBA to examine the exchange potential of new water rights that may be acquired by
developers or the District, and transferred by the District for municipal use.
Some of the work tasks BBA completed on behalf of the District include the following:
• Analyzed 2,500 ac-ft of historic consumptive use yield in Burlington, Fulton,
Brighton, Lupton Meadow ditch companies and Wellington Reservoir Company
• Constructed streamflow model of river to study exchange potential
• Incorporated MODFLOW model results for ground water return flows and well
• Utilized recharge ponds and lawn returns to increase replacement water rights
• Assisting in the transfer of 8,500 ac-ft of fully consumable water rights.
UNOCAL (Union Oil Company of California)
Water Rights
Bishop-Brogden Associates, Inc. (`BBA") has consulted to Unocal since 1980 on water rights and
water supply matters. Unocal has extensive shale oil interests and water holdings in the Colorado
_ YALLE� i
SIPHON H ON NE CA Mesa sYzt"m l
Q i D«e srd
/t IR"Od"s
Schematic Diagram
Illustrating the "Check"
River Basin. Water supply requirements for shale oil
operations are considerable and include direct flow water
rights from the Colorado River, senior irrigation rights on
the Roaring Fork and Parachute Creek, and storage rights.
Together with Unocal's water counsel, BBA was
responsible for maintaining these valuable resources and
improving their physical and legal yield.
To assist Unocal in preserving its water supply for its
several hundred million dollar shale oil investment, BBA
completed studies in many different areas of hydrology
and worked closely with Unocal's other consultants.
A sample of the projects BBA has completed on behalf of Unocal includes the following:
• Computer model studies of the Colorado River using CORSIM Il
• Well yield studies to confirm Unocal's Phase I water supplies
• Transfers of water rights to optimize the use of the rights
• Investigations into wasteful practices of downstream senior appropriators
• Protection against water rights transfers by others
• Mine hydrology studies to assist in the permitting process
Water Rights
Bishop-Brogden Associates, Inc. (11BBA"), has
consulted to the Rocky Mountain Arsenal ("RMA")
since early 1980s on water rights and supply matters.
The RMA relies on junior storage rights and alluvial
well rights to develop its water supplies. It has
contractual rights in the Highline Canal, a ditch system'(
owned and operated by the Denver Water Board, and y'
uses the rights to augment its water deliveries from the
Figure I
Righlim C..J
Ricr Di�mion and lrti� p1Arn:�ge
Apud Ao0 Di ae m
Anivallmplcd Apcs
Aped Ao0 N W
wells. Recently, the RMA under went a transformation from an industrial facility to a federal
F d
d R 12 %
wildlife refuge, and has ongoing, extensive cleanup and
remediation of some of the country's most contaminated lands.
Water rights and supply have been an integral part of this
Working with RMA's water attorney and its other consultants,
BBA completed a number of work tasks, including the
• Examined alternative water supplies and implemented supplies for RMA to achieve
its goals
• Successful adjudication of RMA on -site storage reservoirs
• Analysis and quantification of water demands and consumption
• Quantification of future water demands
• Analysis of various long-term water supply options to meet future demands,
including analysis of Kiowa Creek basin water rights
• Historic use analysis of contract rights in the Highline Canal
0 Preparation of several Temporary Substitute Water Supply Plans
Water Rights
Bishop-Brogden Associates, Inc. (`BBA"), has worked with the Consolidated Mutual Water
Company ("Consolidated") for a number of years. Consolidated transferred its water rights
ownership in the Lee Stewart and Eskins Ditch ("LSE").
The transfers were protested heavily by nearby
Water Rights of the LSE Ditch
municipalities because of the seniority of the rights in
T nsferred Priority 12
�Ayandoned Priority 12 the ditch. The LSE diverts off of Clear Creek, a heavily
11 rprnsferred Priority 12
Priorit 5 ndoned Priority 12
y rity 12 left in Ditch over -appropriated stream with many different users.
N00. •'• olidated Mutual's Priority 1
riority 27 Issues involved in the transfer were focused on the
51 amount of use by the individual priorities by the
Priority different users. The LSE is a major water system in the
Denver metro area. It diverts several hundred acre-ft of
water per year and delivers the water to irrigation
uses on the north side of Clear Creek. It has several
different priorities including the very senior Priority
12. w 500
0 400
BBA assisted the water attorney for Consolidated in F ioo
the transfers by completing a number of complicated w o
studies, including the following: Q
• Historic use of different priorities of LSE
• Return flow studies
A Preliminary Estimate of LSE
River Depletions (+)/Accretions(-)
Jul AUSSepOctNOvOec
• Development of spreadsheet models to evaluate the yield of the transfer
• Field work to confirm irrigated acreage and crops grown
• Detailed consumptive use studies to quantify the amount of water consumed by the
use of the water
0 Studies to determine the impact of the transfer on existing water rights
Department of Corrections
Water Rights
The Colorado Department of Corrections retained Bishop-Brogden Associates, Inc. ("BBA") to assist
their water rights attorney in securing a plan for augmentation for their Honor Camp near Rifle,
Colorado. The Colorado legislature authorized the expansion of the facility beyond its current
inmate level and the use of water allowed in the existing decree. The facility is located on Middle
Rifle Creek just above the Rifle Gap Reservoir. The Colorado Department of Parks and Recreation
was a co -applicant in the augmentation plan, desiring a new water supply for the irrigation of land at
the Rifle Gap State Park.
The water planning was complicated by the reuse of effluent
on lands historically irrigated by the Heinze Ditch, the water
jointly owned by Corrections and Parks. As a result
the diversions were one hundred percent consumable. The
A Reporl Describing
degree of administration of water rights on Middle Rifle
For The
Creek was such that a senior call could be on the stream
system year-round. As such, BBA designed the
augmentation plan so that Corrections and Parks could have
a year-round, uninterrupted supply of water for the inmates
and the park visitors.
Some of the tasks BBA completed for Corrections and Parks included:
• Completed historic use analysis of different priorities of water rights in a
single ditch
• Determination of stream depletions and the water rights to replace them
• Sized an on -site reservoir for use in augmentation and other uses
0 Assisted in the negotiation of a settlement decree for Corrections and Parks
Water Rights
Since 1980, Bishop-Brogden Associates, Inc. ("BBA"),
has been consulting to the Agricultural Ditch and
Reservoir Company (the "Ag Ditch") on water rights
matters. Some of BBA's principals have consulted to
the company since the early 1970s and for many years,
managed the daily operations of the ditch.. The Ag Ditch
has several, senior, direct flow and storage water rights
decreed to it. It owns headgates on Clear Creek above
Golden, Colorado and diverts about 15,000 acre-ft per year from
Clear Creek for irrigation and municipal uses. Over the
BBA has assisted the ditch company in protecting its water rights
eY,.. Irnl b.lc
by protesting large water rights transfers on Clear Creek andT.
working with the company's water attorneys to transfer senior:'.�.�:bi..LL..-�.
water rights to the Ag Ditch, increasing the yield and delivery of
the ditch system.
Since the 1980s, BBA has completed many tasks to ensure the company's water rights are protected
and operated in an efficient manner. Some of these tasks include:
• Ditch -wide historic use analysis of the Ag Ditch and the Welch Ditch
• Seepage studies to identify losses and critical sections of both ditches
• Parcel -by -parcel consumptive use studies and return flow calculations
• Successfully transferred up to 3800 acre-ft of Welch Ditch diversions and
consumptive use to the Ag Ditch
• Successfully adjudicated an exchange between Welch Ditch rights and the Ag Ditch
under terms and conditions to protect existing water rights
• Participated in several large transfers to protect Ag Ditch water rights
Gravel Mine, Arkansas River
Water Rights and Ground Water
Bishop-Brogden Associates, Inc. ("BBA") has consulted
with Transit Mix on water rights and ground water matters.
Transit Mix is an aggregate producing company, and
develops and operates gravel mines throughout the Arkansas
basin. BBA provides assistance Transit Mix to address
"Senate Bill 120" water rights and potential ground water
impacts that may develop from a gravel operation that
intersects the water table.
Senate Bill 120 requires gravel mine operators to obtain a well permit from the State Engineer's
Office before beginning mining. To obtain a well permit for a "wet" mine, a gravel mine operator
must prevent injury to existing water rights owners, including
wells. To assist Transit Mix in obtaining well permits for their
operations, BBA quantified evaporation from the pit and
drawdowns on nearby wells, and proposed solutions to prevent
injury to water rights and wells. BBA identified water rights
that Transit Mix could use or purchase to replace depletions,
and calculated the historic consumptive use and depletions.
Transit Mix Dewatering Operations
Some specific tasks BBA completed for Transit Mix have included:
• Calculated historic depletions of water rights on the Arkansas River and assisted in
changing water rights to augmentation and developed plans for recharge and SWSPs
for multiple sites
• Calculated future depletions from wet gravel mining operations
• Constructed computer model of alluvial systems to determine drawdowns on nearby
0 Assisted in development of lined gravel pit storage and marketing of storage ponds
Nontributary Classifications and Augmentation Plan /
Substitute Water Supply Plan Development
In 2009, the Colorado Supreme Court issued a ruling which effectively required oil and gas wells
to be administered under the water rights prior appropriation system. Previously, oil and gas
wells were administered by the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. Well permits
were not needed for oil and gas wells, and augmentation plans and substitute water supply plans
(SWSPs) were not needed for these wells. In response to the Vance ruling, the State Legislature
enacted House Bill 09-1303, which provided oil
and gas developers more time to initiate
augmentation plans, SWSPs, nontributary
determinations, and well permit applications, and
allowed the State Engineer's Office to develop
rules and regulations for administering produced
water from oil and gas wells. The new procedures
apply to both conventional oil and gas development and produced water from coal bed methane
(CBM) wells, although differences between the methods is recognized in the legislation and draft
Bishop-Brogden Associates, Inc. (BBA) is an active member of the technical advisory group for
the drafting of the Produced Nontributary Ground Water Rules. BBA is actively participating in
the on -going rulemaking to ensure that the end product is based on the best available science and
information. BBA is familiar with the models, science and
methodologies being presented and discussed and is wellA
� C /J)�
positioned to assist the oil and gas industry with their well ✓� %�
permitting and water rights needs.
BY RFPPFSfiNTATfV6(b) Omry, Fu�v, Logy, MCHWPKJb 1,
P.,4 PNak RED, sa.m. suyrA,, r,Fta�, wp� smmani�.,
�a t.e°m:
Jn 971A9'OR(SIL da.6°Y4 U+2Ei �AHWye.Ray.ReVP.PmI.
In addition to the participation with the new rulemaking process, Y�
Caxn°mm nre Arru°AnDN u H+miarAmD ammo ro °z r ae
BBA has assisted oil and gas companies with water rights and�k,»Hw�
Ytlt®IAW � WATR p aiNdKlpN WIi11 TN6 MAWU W
10:2 W d M°T1 Mm �INdRMtTR� 31'6IF1f AND P]f IIIIDQU
water supply investigations associated with water development
for drilling facilities in remote locations in the Piceance Basin.
No Text
Attached is our Current Standard Schedule of Compensation. We periodically change our rates,
generally increasing them to account for inflation and incentive raises. The rates are for categories of
employees with BBA, employee specific rates can be provided.
Fort Collins — James O'Neill
September 17, 2010
Page 3
system, and discuss what features and operations need to be included in the change of use
application (proposed points of diversion, places of storage, necessary exchange
operations, etc.) and in the associated engineering analysis. This effort will involve the
review of water system reports, maps, meeting(s) with City staff, a site visit to primary
facilities, review of water demand and operations information, etc.
Historic Use'Analysis and Water Budget
The foundation to a successful change of use case is a comprehensive evaluation of the
historic use and development of the water rights, such that the proposed new use of the
water right maintains the same hydrologic conditions under future uses. The completion
of this effortwill include the collection, review and analysis of the diversion records,
irrigated area; historic cropping, climate data, soils data and groundwater conditions. The
irrigated area' will be determined through a research of available historic information
(from previous owners, State Engineers Office records, County or NRCS reports,
previous engineering reports, etc.), the collection and analysis of various aerial
photographs, interviews and site visits.
This information will be input into a historic consumptive use analysis using the
Modified Blaney-Criddle method or other appropriate methodology, depending upon
available information. We will then also prepare a historic water budget of diversions,
consumptive uses, surface return flows and groundwater return flows. Depending upon
the number and location of the historically irrigated farms, consideration will be given to
a farm -by -farm analysis versus an aggregated share analysis. This water budget will be
used to develop appropriate terms and conditions for the change of use case.
4. Report Preparation
All of the work efforts described above will be incorporated into an engineering report or
reports to assist with the water court change of use process. The report or reports may be
produced in various stages of formality depending upon discussions with City staff and
the City's water rights legal counsel. For purposes of this proposal, we are assuming that
a preliminary; draft engineering report will be prepared for distribution to objectors for
review. The ;report will summarize information about the WSSC system, Fort Collins'
shares to be changed, the historic use analysis, proposed changes of use, proposed terms
and conditions to prevent injury to other water rights and a proposed accounting form.
5. Assistance with Water Court Application and Proposed Decree
We will provide assistance to the City and the City's water rights legal counsel with the
drafting of the water court application and a proposed decree for distribution to objectors.
Assistance with the water court application will include the incorporation of the
appropriate technical information regarding the WSSC shares, posting of any notices
required (we ; have assumed a one -day site visit to post notices), the drafting of the
application and preparation of verification page. We anticipate assisting the water rights
legal counsel with the drafting of various sections of the proposed decree and preparation
of associated fables and maps.
6. Negotiation with Objectors and Trial Participation
Following completion of the preliminary engineering report and proposed decree, it is
common to have meetings with various objectors to discuss issues and potential
settlement terms, review of various draft stipulations and changes to the proposed decree.
If settlement with any objector becomes difficult, it may be required to review objector
Expert Reports and prepare rebuttal analysis and reports. Ultimately, a trial may be
www.bbawater.com Bishop-Brogden Associates, Inc.
water consultants
Effective January 2010
Applicable to Services Furnished on a Per Hour Basis
Classification Billing Rate
Michael A. Sayler
Christopher J. Sanchez
Jeffrey A. Clark
Charles E. Stanzione
Raymond J. Dunn
Daniel O. Niemela
Laurel E. Stadjuhar
Principal.......................................................................................... $140.00-$175.00
Associate........................................................................................ $125.00-$140.00
Project Manager.............................................................................. $115.00-$125.00
Senior Engineer/Hydrogeologist/Hydrologist................................. $105.00-$115.00
Project Engineer/Hydrogeologist/Hydrologist ............................... $97.50-$105.00
Engineer/Hydrogeologist/Hydrologist II ........................................ $85.00-$97.50
Engineer/Hydrogeologist/Hydrologist I ......................................... $70.00-$85.00
GIS Specialist.................................................................................. $75.00-$95.00
Technician...................................................................................... $55-$65.00
Word Processing/Administration.................................................... $50-$65.00
Intern/Technician............................................................................. $40-$50.00
The above Standard Schedule of Compensation is subject to periodic revision. The schedule
includes salary costs, ordinary overhead and profit. Applicable expenses for travel and subsistence,
incidental out-of-pocket costs, communications, reports preparation, printing, outside services, etc.,
are reimbursable at invoice cost plus 10 percent. Mileage is reimbursed at fifty ($0.50) cents per
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Detailed resumes of our employees are in this section of our Qualifications.
Principal - Hydrologist
B.S. in Watershed Science, 1985, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colorado
American Water Resources Association Board of Directors 1999-2003, President in 2002
2004-Present Bishop-Brogden Associates, Englewood, Colorado.
Principal - Hydrologist Responsible for performing and managing water rights and water
supply investigations; including historic use analysis, market valuation of water rights,
evaluation of alternative water supplies, water operations studies and assessment of water right
and water administration issues. Assist clients with the development of augmentation plans,
substitute water supply plans, change of water rights and protection of water rights. Serve as
client contact and project manager; supervise technical support staff, prepare letters and reports
summarizing the findings of various investigations and analyses.
1998-2004 City of Aurora, Colorado.
Senior Water Resource Engineer. Senior team leader and project manager for various water
resource planning and development projects. Responsible for water system planning, water
operations planning, water supply research and development, water acquisition, contract
negotiations, water court transfers and budget and contract management. Worked cooperatively
with numerous other water providers, government agencies, stakeholder groups and the general
public to develop and manage water resources. Managed the development of a comprehensive
computer system model, reservoir feasibility studies and other environmental, financial and
political investigations.
1993-1998 Centennial Water & Sanitation District, Highlands Ranch, Colorado.
Water Resource Engineer 1I. Project manager for an integrated ground water and surface water
supply system. Project highlights include the acquisition, pre -design and development of a
gravel -pit reservoir, negotiation of water supply contracts, facilities development, management
of an aquifer storage and recovery program and development of water operations and
accounting programs. Conducted various water supply and demand planning analysis, water
acquisition analysis and financial planning projections for water operations and facilities.
1989-1993 City of Thornton, Colorado.
Water Resources Administrator. Managed all water resource activities within the upper South
Platte River basin. Project highlights include the completion of water court transfers,
management of various ranch properties, water rights management and protection, coordination
with other water providers regarding operations and assisted with the development of decisions
support system for South Platte water administration.
JEFFREY A. CLARK - Continued
1987-1989 Spronk Water Engineers, Denver, Colorado.
Staff Engineer. Performed various hydrologic and engineering evaluations including water
rights evaluations, water right appraisals, water court transfers, augmentation plans,
development of water accounting forms and system operations studies. Assisted in the
development of a hydrologic model of the Arkansas River basin.
1985-1987 Division of Water Resources, State of Colorado.
Deputy Water Commissioner. Responsible for the daily administration of water rights within
the Boulder Creek watershed. Coordinated with various water users, public and private entities
and other stakeholders regarding water administration and water operations. Assisted the
general public, water attorneys and water consultants regarding water operations, data and
water rights. Assisted hydrographers in the measuring and recording of flow data, assisted in
the preparation of water rights tabulations and abandonment lists and assisted with well
augmentation compliance.
Resolving Public Policy Conflicts Certificate Course
CDR & Associates, Boulder, Colorado, May, 2000
Systematic Development of Informed Consent Certificate Course
Institute for Participatory Management & Planning, Denver, Colorado, June, 1998
Environmental and Public Policy Mediation Certificate Course
CDR and Associates, Boulder, Colorado, September, 1995
• Case No. 02CW 176, Application of Mark Anderson, Division No. 3 Water Court
Principal — Water Resources Engineer
1311110EI Y 1110
B.S. in Agricultural Engineering, 1984, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming
M.S. in Civil Engineering, 1985, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming.
American Society of Civil Engineers -Chairman, Water Resource Group, Colorado Section,
American Water Resources Association -Vice President, Colorado Chapter, 1997-2000
American Council of Engineering Companies of Colorado, Member of Water Resources Committee,
1999-Present, Chairman 2001-2003
American Council of Engineering Companies of Colorado, Board Member 2006-2008
Registered Professional Engineer in Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska and Minnesota
Certified Consulting Engineer, Colorado
1993-Present Bishop-Brogden Associates, Inc., Englewood, Colorado.
Principal. Responsible for conducting and coordinating water rights investigations and water
supply analyses; and the development and use of supporting computer modeling applications.
Ongoing duties include historic use analysis; market valuation of water rights; evaluation of
alternative water supplies; preparation of preliminary designs; and, preparation for, and
participation in water court proceedings including providing expert witness testimony.
Responsible for the preparation of letters and reports summarizing the findings of various
investigations and analyses. Served as project manager on projects for various municipalities,
special districts, industries, agricultural organizations and government entities involving water
rights analyses, water supply plans, river basin modeling, and water system design.
1990-1993 Ted Zorich and Associates, Inc., Lakewood, Colorado.
Staff Engineer. Responsible for water rights investigations, water supply analyses, water
system design, and computer modeling applications. Conducted consumptive use evaluations
of various water rights in the South Platte and Arkansas River Basins of Colorado. Performed
market valuations of water rights portfolios. Adopted a river basin simulation (RIBSIM) model
of the Cache La Poudre River Basin to model the impacts of a major water rights transfer on
existing water rights within the basin. Evaluated water supply options for municipalities and
property developers and developed recommendations from a variety of alternative sources.
Prepared preliminary design for a water supply system utilizing ground water from the aquifers
of the Denver Basin to irrigate more than 100 acres of greenbelt and open space in north El
Paso County, Colorado. Designed and monitored construction of water system enhancements
necessary to convert a small municipality in northeast Colorado from a ground water to a
surface water supply.
1986-1990 United States Army Corps of Engineers, Hanau, Germany.
Construction Officer with ranks of Lieutenant to Captain. Responsible for construction
management of numerous roadways, ranges and other facilities on U.S. Army training facilities
throughout West Germany. Supervised engineering section comprised of 30 surveyors,
draftsmen and quality control personnel.
1984-1986 Department of Agricultural and Civil Engineering,University of Wye Laramie,
Research Assistant. Responsible for the collection, reduction and interpretation of data for
various hydrologic projects and investigations. Developed and coordinated a sedimentation
study of furrow irrigation in the North Platte and Big Horn River Basins of Wyoming,
culminating in the development of a model to predict the critical tractive force necessary to
initiate furrow erosion. Supervised the collection of streamflow, diversion and ground water
level data as part of a study designed to develop an irrigation return flow model of the New
Fork of the Green River Basin near Pinedale, Wyoming.
"A Weighing Lysimeter For High Mountain Meadows", presented at the American Society of
Agricultural Engineers Western Regional Conference, Grand Junction, Colorado, February 1984 (Co -
Author James L. Smith).
"Sediment Yield From Irrigated Fields in Wyoming", American Society of Agricultural Engineers,
Paper No. 85-2070, presented at the 1985 Summer Meeting, American Society of Agricultural
Engineers, June, 1985 (Co -Authors K. J. Fornstrom and John Borrelli).
"North Platte Valley Water Coalition: North Platte River Return Flow Model", presented at the Ninth
Platte River Basin Ecosystem Symposium, Kearney, Nebraska, February 24-25, 1998.
• Case No. 96-CV-1174-5, New Anderson Ditch Company, Boulder County District Court
• Case No. 96CV 1186-3, Base Line Land & Reservoir Company v. New Anderson Ditch Company,
Boulder County, District Court
• Case No. OOCV-545, E-470 Public Highway Authority v. Rick Lynn Wagner, Adams County District
• Case No. OOCV643, E-470 Public Highway Authority v. Third Creek, LLC, Adams County
• District Court
• Case No. OlCV0273, E-470 Public Highway Authority v. Fred B. Huebner, et al., Adams County
District Court
• Case No. 06GW23, Box Elder Creek Designated Basin, Colorado Ground Water Commission
• Case No. 03CW99, Central Colorado Water Conservancy District, Well Augmentation Subdistrict,
Division 1 Water Court
• Case No. 05CWIII, Center of Colorado Water Conservancy District and Centennial Water and
Sanitation District, Division 1 Water Court
• Amity Mutual Irrigation Company (AMIC), Hearing Before the AMIC Board of Directors Regarding
the Request for a Change of Use by Tri-State Generation & Transmission Association, Inc.
• Case No. 2007CW74, Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc., Division 2 Water Court
• Case No. 2002CW392, City of Loveland, Division 1 Water Court
Principal - Hydrogeologist
B.A. in Geology, 1994, The Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Emphasis in ground water geology. Received Distinction for completing a senior thesis entitled
"Analysis of Lawn Irrigation Return Flows in the Southeast Denver Area". Recipient of the Donald
B. Gould Scholarship Award in Geology.
Graduate course work at the University of Colorado, Denver.
Graduate course work at Colorado School of Mines.
American Water Resources Association — Colorado Section - President, Board of Directors, 2004
Colorado Ground Water Association
National Ground Water Association
Association of Ground Water Scientists and Engineers
Geological Society of America
Registered Professional Geologist in the State of Wyoming. PG-3248
Registered Professional Geologist in the State of Utah. PG 5552449-2250
1994-Present Bishop-Brogden Associates, Inc., Englewood, Colorado.
Principal, Hydrogeologist. Responsible for clients' studies of ground and surface
water supplies. These studies have included ground water supply investigations, well
field implementation, ground water modeling, ground and surface water
quantifications, analyses of ground water/surface water interaction, historic use water
rights analyses, water rights augmentation plan development, water rights valuations,
geologic analyses, geophysical log interpretation, and structural geology concerning
ground water supplies and water rights issues. Responsible for well construction
management, well rehabilitation implementation and analyses, pumping test
management, data analysis, expert testimony for water court proceedings, and
development and operation of ground water flow models for aquifer evaluations.
Summer 1993 Bishop-Brogden Associates, Inc., Englewood, Colorado.
Intern. Completed an analysis of lawn irrigation return flows in the southeast Denver
area. Provided support for various client projects.
Summer 1992 Keck Geology Consortium, Quetico Wilderness, Ontario, Canada.
Research Program Participant. Mapped the geology of regional fault zone. Analyzed
and interpreted structural geologic data. Co -wrote abstracts for publication.
"Monitoring and Management of Nonrenewable Ground Water Resources — Case Study: Denver Basin
Aquifers", American Water Resources Association 2006 Summer Specialty Conference — Adaptive
Management of Water Resources, Conference Proceedings, June 26-28, 2006 (co-author: Daniel O.
"Drilling Fluid Loss Events in the Denver Basin Aquifers", H2GEO: Geotechnical Engineering For Water
Resources, Geotechnical Practice Publication No. 2, Proceedings, October 22, 2004 (co-author: Michael
"Practical Approaches to Water Supply Investigations in Fractured Rock Aquifers in Colorado and Related
Case Studies", Fractured Rock Aquifers 2002, National Ground Water Association, March 13 -15, 2002.
"Structure of the Side Lake Shear Zone from Central Kahshahpiwi Lake to Northern Keefer Lake, Quetico
Provincial Park, Southern Ontario", Sixth Keck Research Symposium in Geology, 1993, and Geological
Society of America, North-Central Section, 27th Annual Meeting, 1993 (co-author: Andrea L. Troolin).
Case No. 03CW099 and 03CW177, Well Augmentation Subdistrict of the Central Colorado Water
Conservancy District and South Platte Well Users Association, on behalf of City of Sterling and South
Adams County Water and Sanitation District, Division 1 Water Court.
Hearings before the State Engineer regarding Produced Nontributary Ground Water Rules, Coal Bed
Methane and Non -Coal Bed Methane Oil and Gas Wells, Proposed Alternate Rules, December, 2009 and
January, 2010.
Project Manager/Senior Hydrogeologist
B.A., Geology, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO
Graduate course work at Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO
Colorado Ground Water Association — Vice President, Board of Directors, 2005-2006
— President, Board of Directors 2006-2007
— Past President, Board of Directors 2007-2008
— Secretary 2009-2010
American Water Resources Association
National Ground Water Association
Registered Professional Geologist in the State of Wyoming. PG-3579
Certified Well Tester in the State of Colorado
2000-Present Bishop-Brogden Associates, Inc., Englewood, CO
Hydrogeologist. Responsible for project support on ground water and water rights projects,
including well design and installation, pumping test management and data analysis, ground
water quantifications, report preparation, record acquisition and review, and ground water
monitoring program data collection and reporting
June1999- Colorado Geologic Survey, Denver, CO
Sept1999 Field Assistant, Assist in daily field assessments of local geologic features and structures,
research field study area (Colorado Springs Quadrangle), co-author geologic map, make
cross -sections and stratigraphic sections of study area.
"Geologic Map of the Colorado Springs Quadrangle, El Paso County, Colorado, Open File Report
00-3" Christopher J. Carroll and Timothy A. Crawford, 2000.
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required to resolve remaining issues. It is very difficult to estimate the nature of the work
and the potential costs associated with these activities until the number of objectors and
the extent of their concerns become more apparent. Therefore, this proposal includes the
activities and'costs to prepare the application, the preliminary engineering report and the
proposed decree for distribution to objectors. We would be happy to submit a separate
proposal for .the engineering services required at that point time, once the extent of
opposition can be more accurately understood.
Cost Proposal
Based on the information provided in the RFP, our understanding of the nature of the engineering
analysis that is required to support such a change of use case and the above description of our
proposed approach, wee believe that we could complete this work for $75,000. This cost proposal
is based on the attacled Table 1 summarizing the projected hours and the staff that will be
dedicated to this project for each of the major components of the Scope of Work.
Availability and Schedule
We understand from the RFP that the City would like to file an application with the water court
within about six months from the time that we are authorized to proceed. BBA has the staff and
resources available to assist the City's water rights legal counsel with the preparation of the
application within this timeframe, including any analysis necessary to adequately describe the
proposed change of use. We will work with the City staff to develop a schedule for the
completion of the preliminary engineering report discussed above, and dedicate the staff and
resources to complete'the analysis according to that schedule.
As detailed in the attached Statement of Qualifications, the nature of the work described in the
RFP is our specialty. '� We have worked extensively with water providers in nearly every major
drainage basin throughout the State, including the Cache La Poudre River basin, conducting very
similar water resource engineering analyses to the proposed change of use of the WSSC shares.
Several recent examptIes of similar projects are summarized below.
Representative Similar Projects
We have selected the following representative projects that we have completed in the last five
years, along with client references for each project. Please feel free to contact these individuals
regarding our work on these projects.
1. Tri State Generation and Transmission Association. We completed a change of use
and plan for augmentation utilizing over 20,000 ac-ft per year of historical consumptive
use credits that were historically used to irrigated almost 100 farms and over 17,000 acres
of land. This case involved Amity Mutual Irrigation Company shares as well as various
other small ditches, all of which diverted from the Arkansas River and its tributaries. The
plan for augmentation allows the changed water rights to be used directly, or via wells to
supply a 1,400 MW power plant to be located near Holly, Colorado. A final decree was
entered in Case No. 07CW74 less than three years after the application was filed. Over
20 objectors were involved in the case and all settled prior to trial.
POC: Terry Nelson, 303-254-3311, tnelsongtristategLorg
2. South Adams County Water and Sanitation District. We completed a change of use
and plan for augmentation in Case No. O1CW258. The application involved over 3,000
ac-ft of new augmentation supplies for augmentation of multiple wells in the South Platte
River Basin,: included changed water rights in the Burlington, Wellington, Fulton,
"River Augmentation — Case Study of a Project to Use Denver Basin Nontributary Ground Water to
Augment the Impact of Pumping a South Platte Alluvial Well", American Ground Water Trust
Managing Aquifers Forum, Lakewood, CO, March 2006.
"How Does Colorado Water Rights Administration Affect Oil Shale Production?", The Center for Oil
Shale Technology and Research and the Colorado School of Mines 29`h Oil Shale Symposium,
Golden, CO, October 2009.
Bishop-Brogden Associates, Inc.
Project Engineer
B.S. in Civil Engineering, 2003, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming.
Relevant course work includes: Fluid mechanics, open -channel flow, hydrology, geographic
information system.
American Water Resources Association (AWRA) — Colorado Section
Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Colorado (#43245)
2006 - Present Bishop -Broaden Associates Inc. Englewood, Colorado
Project Engineer. Responsible for various surface water related projects including:
evaluation of clients' long-term needs water demands and assessment of feasibility of
current supply to meet those demands, development of water augmentation and exchange
plans, historic consumptive use analysis including review of historic farming practices,
review of aerial photography to determine irrigated acreage, Blaney-Criddle analysis, and
water budget analysis, determination of depletions due to well pumping and reservoir
evaporation, monthly and annual accounting of water use, fieldwork, data collection and
interpretation, and other engineering duties.
2004-2006 TZA Water Engineers, Inc., Lakewood, Colorado
Water Resources Engineer. Responsible for various surface and ground water related
projects including: development of water augmentation plans and Substitute Water
Supply Plans (SWSP), perform monthly and annual accounting of augmentation plans
and SWSP, historic consumptive use analysis including review of historic farming
practices, review of aerial photography to determine irrigated acreage, Blaney-Criddle
analysis, and water budget analysis, determination of depletions due to well pumping
and reservoir evaporation, and Glover analysis. Field work including; supervision of
well drilling, well construction, pump test, and well rehabilitation, data collection, and
stream flow measurements.
Summer 2003 Bishop -Broaden Associates, Inc., Englewood, Colorado
Engineering Intern. Participated in water rights analysis, field data collection.
Water Resources Engineer II
r*111180" 1)�I
B.S. in Civil Engineering, 2004, The University of Texas at Austin
Relevant course work includes: Physical hydrology, hydrology, water resources planning and
management, water resources systems analysis, urban stormwater management, control of floods and
droughts, risk analysis of water/environmental systems, stochastic water and environmental systems,
engineering applications of GIS and GPS, applied fluid mechanics, and hydraulic engineering design.
M.S. in Civil Engineering, 2007, Colorado State University
Master's thesis analyzed the sensitivity of the Colorado River system to different streamflow inputs.
The system response, in terms of reservoir levels and sustainable demand of the upper Colorado River
basin, was compared using historical streamflows and tree ring derived streamflows which were
simulated using parametric and nonparametric methods.
American Water Resources Association — Colorado Section, Director -at Large (2009-2010), Member
American Society of Civil Engineers, Member (2000-2004, 2007-2008)
II RVOFy 4al Y ei0
Registered Engineering Intern in the State of Colorado
2006 - Present Bishop-Brogden Associates, Inc., Englewood, Colorado.
Water Resources Engineer II. Responsible to project manager for various surface water
related projects including: evaluation of clients' long-term needs water demands and
assessment of feasibility of current supply to meet those demands, hydrologic analysis to
determine watershed yield, determination of consumptive use of water due to snowmaking
applications for and management of Substitute Water Supply Plans, development of water
augmentation and exchange plans, historic consumptive use analysis including review of
historic farming practices, review of aerial photography to detennine irrigated acreage,
Blaney-Criddle analysis, and water budget analysis, determination of depletions due to well
pumping and reservoir evaporation, modeling of reservoir operations to optimize water
supplies, and monthly and annual accounting of water use.
2005 -2006 Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Graduate Research Assistant. Explored hydrologic simulation techniques and river system
modeling methods. Analyzed river system modeling results to compare streamflow
simulation methods.
JULIA A. KEEDY - Continued
Summer 2005 Colorado River Water Conservation District, Glenwood Springs, Colorado
Engineering Intern. Explored river system modeling methods in RiverWare, a river basin
modeling computer program. Assisted in debugging a reservoir accounting workbook.
Fall 2004 Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Graduate Teaching Assistant. Taught undergraduate fluid mechanics laboratory section
and evaluated students' performance on experiments and written reports.
Summer 2004 Halff Associates, Inc., Austin, Texas
Engineering Intern. Performed drainage area delineation and runoff modeling. Assisted
with proposal preparation and composition.
M.S., Irrigation Science, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute, 1994, Bari, Italy
B.S., Agricultural Sciences, Somali National University, 1986, Mogadishu, Somalia
Certificate in GIS, 2002, Metro State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado
Certificate in CAD, 1997, Arapahoe Community College, Littleton, CO
Certificate in Rural Development for Third World Countries, 1993, University of Padova, Italy
® Database: MS Access, Oracle (SQL, PL/SQL), MS SQL Server, and Data Modeling & Database
• Proficiency with ArcView 3.x, ArcGIS 9.x (or 8.x), and IDRISI. Experienced in ArcIMS and
ArcSDE; and supporting software such as AutoCAD, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Office (Excel,
Access, Word, Power Point).
June 2005- GIS Analyst Bishop-Brogden Associates Inc Englewood, Colorado.
Present Responsibilities include: Creating maps using GIS software; compiling geographic data
from a variety of sources including satellite imagery, aerial photographs, and existing
maps; updating database; analyzing geographic relationships among varying types of data;
presenting information to users and answering questions; providing support on various
water resource projects, including groundwater and surface water investigations, and field
work including stream flow measurements and groundwater level measurements.
Mar. 2003- GIS Specialist Arapahoe County Colorado.
May 2005 Responsibilities include: creating maps using GIS software; conducting research to locate
and obtain existing databases; gathering, analyzing, and integrating spatial data from staff
and determining how best the information can be displayed using GIS; compiling
geographic data from a variety of sources including censuses.
Feb. 2002- GIS Technician Adams County, Colorado.
Feb. 2003 Responsibilities include: creating and editing GIS data; importing/exporting spatial data,
converting data formats and projections, designing spatial database, customizing ArcView
projects by using Avenue, analyzing GIS data.
Feb. 1999- Cable Designer/Cable Design Quality Control/Cable Drafter International FiberCom Inc,
Dec. 2001 Englewood, Colorado.
Responsibilities include: designing and drafting broadband coaxial system; quality control
of designed and drafted coaxial cable.
Aug. 1998- Cable Drafter Holland Telecommunications Group Lakewood, Colorado.
Jan. 1999 Responsibility: drafting broadband coaxial system.
HARUN AHMED — Continued
Oct. 1989- Researcher, University of Padova Padova Italy.
Sep. 1994 Responsibilities include: conducting research related to farm irrigation and drainage,
and irrigation methods.
shallow groundwatr contribution to crops, relationship between irrigation water salinity
Mar. 1987- Teaching Assistant and Researcher Somali National University Mogadishu Somalia.
Sep. 1988 Responsibilities include. Assisting students during class, laboratory and office hours with
related Irrigation and Drainage coursework. Conducting research related to Irrigation,
Drainage and Hydrology.
Ahmed H., Borin M. Measuring and Modeling the Groundwater Table Contribution to Maize and
Soybean, Third Congress of the European Society for Agronomy, Padova, Italy, September 18-22,
Ahmed H., Borin M. Climate and Shallow Groundwater Table, Third Congress of the European
Society for Agronomy, Padova, Italy, September 18-22, 1994.
No Text
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Brighton, Lupton Bottom and Meadow Island No. 1 Ditch Companies. A final decree
was entered in Case No. OICW258 earlier this year.
POC: Curt Bauers, 720-206-0567, cbauers2sacwsd.or
3. Ditch -Wide Engineering Analysis for the Whitney Ditch. BBA completed a ditch -
wide consumptive use analysis for the Whitney Ditch on behalf of the Whitney Ditch
Company to support change of use applications by the Great Western Development
Company and the Poudre Tech Metropolitan District. The applications are currently
POC: Alex Yeros, (303) 398-0519, AYeros a,OMNITRAX.com
4. City of Sterling, Colorado. BBA has represented the City of Sterling on nearly all water
rights engineering aspects for many years. We completed change of water rights and plan
for augmentation in Case Nos. 98CW450 and OOCW253 involving over 2,000 ac-ft of
historical consumptive use credits from four different ditch companies, as well as a plan
for augmentation for a number of municipal wells. Also assist the City in various other
water court applications and in opposition to various large water court applications along
the South Platte River.
POC: Joe Kiolbasa, 1-970-520-9700, KIOLBASA cr,sterlingcolo.com
5. Loveland Ready -Mix Concrete, Inc. We completed a change of water rights of Barnes
Ditch inches and a plan for augmentation on the Big Thompson River in Case Nos.
OOCW142 and OOCW143. We are currently working on a change of water rights of
Hillsborough Ditch Company shares and plan for augmentation in Case No. 09CW105.
POC: Stephanie Fancher, 970-667-2680, stephanieh@Lrmconcrete.com
6. Battle Mountain Project, Minturn, Colorado. The Battle Mountain Project is a
residential and ski resort development on 4,000 acres that is being annexed into the Town
of Minturn, Colorado, but needed to provide its own water supplies. BBA has worked for
the developer of this project from the onset. Our activities have included various water
demand estimates, a review of Minturn supplies and a review of available water sources
and the filing of water rights applications. We have most recently finished preparation of
an Expert Report, rebuttal reports and final proposed decrees. This case is currently set
for trial in early October of this year.
Contact: Dave Kleinkopf, (970) 827-4601, dkleinkopf iDicfkk.com
7. Todd Creek Village Metro District, Brighton, Colorado. On behalf of Todd Creek
Village Metro District, we have conducted numerous water supply development projects
including development of non -tributary and alluvial water supply wells, acquisition of
reservoir storage and various interests in nearby ditch systems. We have recently
completed a preliminary engineering analysis to support a pending application to change
the use of several shares in the Brantner Ditch.
Contact: Roger Hollard, (303) 637-0344, ro eerr(a�equinoxland.com
Experience with the City of Fort Collins
We are currently under contract with the City's Department of Natural Resources to perform on-
going work developing plans for augmentation for various gravel pits located along the Cache la
Poudre River. This works involves use of various augmentation supplies owned by the City of
Fort Collins and includes working with City Water Resources staff and water rights legal counsel
to develop water court applications and decrees (POC: Daylan Figgs). We are also working with
the City to evaluate a petition for a designated ground water basin for Upper Spring Creek (POC
Fort Collins — James O'Neill
September 17, 2010
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Daylan Figgs and Steve Comstock). As a result of these projects with the City, we have
developed an understanding of the water rights administration near Fort Collins and the WSSC
system and various components of the City's water rights system, as well as an excellent working
relationship with the City's staff and water rights legal counsel.
We hope that this provides you with a summary of our qualifications and the nature of the
consulting services that we anticipate will be involved with this project. If you have any
questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call. We look forward to working with you on
this project.
Very truly yours,
Jeffrey A. Clark
Principal - Hydrologist
Contracting Agency
Authorized Signature
No. Work Task Description
Review of WSSC Water Rights
Environment - water rights info, decrees,
1 change cases, administration, call
records, bylaws, ditch cc info, share
Table 1
City of Fort Collins - RFP No 7174
Water Resource Engineering Analysis for the Water Supply & Storage Company
Summary of Proposed Costs
Bishop-Brogden Associates, Inc.
Task Totals
left Clark/Mike Sayler Jon George Julia Keedy Tim Crawford GIS/Drafting
hours @ $170 hours @ $105 hours @ $97.5 hours @ $115 hours @ $95.00 Hours Cost
16 $2,720 40 $4,200 16 $1,560 $0
$0 72 $8,480
Review of Ft. Collins System Needs -
3 points of diversions, places of storage,
other operations, exchanges, etc. 8 $1,360 16 $1,680 16 $1,560 $0 $0 40 $4,600
Historic Use Analysis - Diversion
records research irrgate `acreage, ;
crops interviews climate data, soilsµ
16 __.
$2 720:
$7 560 _d i 6
y $1,560
$0 24
, 128 $14 120
Site visits to ditch and share farms (4)
6 '
Meetings with client attorney and
Develop Water Budget - HCU, return
flows, lagging analysis
16 $1,840
Prepare, ccountmg
,$426 8
Assist with Application and Decree
preparation, incl. posting notices
$0 4
:10 ._Report
Preparat onM ^�
. `? $4,080. rr
$4 200
Direct Costs, Mileage and Expenses
Total Estimate
$32,340 80
24 $2,760 32
water consultants
Bishop-Brogden Associates, Inc. Background.........................................................Section 1
ProjectExperience....................................................................................................Section 2
General Experience
Specific Experience
Representative List of Clients..................................................................................Section 3
Standard Schedule of Compensation........................................................................Section 4
Resumes....................................................................................................................Section 5