HomeMy WebLinkAbout162251 REDFLEX TRAFFIC SYSTEMS - INSURANCE CERTIFICATE (6),4coRv CERTIFIrCATE OF' LIAOIL'tTY INS, _ ���_f Calsforfasal Ins"uraace Center,' ,ONL Y,AND,.C_O , FERSuN0..4RIGHT E UPON,THErCERTIFICATE AJG +& Co Ins Brokers o£ ''CA HOLDERt THIS,CEF2TIFICATEkDO S'NOTsA'MEND, EXTEND OR. 3'69i7 Mt. Dsablko Blvd��, #300' ;' ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED,€BY THE POLICIE$�bELOW ; Lafayet"te CA, 94549L s 1 xPhonet ,925 299=111f2 Fax;?,925 29;9 032,E x' INSURERS AFFO,RDIN,G COVE=RAGE?' .. ;P7AUSA[I.i;VHI1LiSPRITLAS'"3Lf3' CO:_ ` INSURER'S:: LIHERTYfmuwaL •fPIR ants 4 CO`r. RedfleX Tiaffsc $ys terns, ZriC':: INSURERC EDTDLRAkICE Al�RICANj SBECIALTY:` _ 23751, _N 23rd AvenuerS�teINSUR=RD;< Phoenix AZ85085 ;1854 'LIBRRTY4MUTtJAL-PIRE�INs� co-,_ ` ,...� aRAVELERsr,X=VALTY-', &' SURETY!C0 THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE CLSTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED`LTOgTNE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED},NOTWITHSTANDING °gfVY REQUIREMENT;q,TERM OREONDI,TIC)M11 OF,ANYkCONTRAGT OR,OTHER DOCUMENT WITFf RESPECT TO WHICH TMIS�CERTIPICATE MAY BE,ISSUED,OR ^ PERTAIN TME:INSURAfVCEAFFORDED BY THE POLICIES .DESCRl8E0 HEREIN;(S SUBJECT TO ALL THE�TERMS'�EXCLUSIONS;ANO,CONOITIONS,OF SUCH+ ;MAY •POUCIESLAGGREGATEtLIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE�BEEN REDUCED BYrPAID CLAIMS' �App --� "` "" _ POLICYsNU BER s OLI Y . - (faATIDN ,..DATE MMfDD/Y.Y a . , L1M_ITSr - A;:+X 4 OEM€RALLIAB(LITV'� X - =coMMrfzaGfucENERnLuaafLtTY_ - TB3Z9I453980Q30 03j/�l{5/10 "03/1S/ril. (EACHOCCURRENCEti 5 PREMISES(Eadccurence)r.. S 1,000r,000H..- MADE OCCUR` , ., .:. n - MED EXP (Any,.oeo pmonjf.. . (GENERALAAG�REGATE- tX iP@r. project/loci. ISO -FORM •CG0001 tGEN'LAGGREGATELIMITAPPUESPER: PRO,DUCTS�",COMPtOP.AGG 5,2,OOQ,000: _ uCv, PiEc°r.;> If (AUTOMOBILE LU\BILITI! _ _ � - tCOM81NED SINGLE UMIT. S 1 O.OQ OOQ'; A� a XANYnuro �ASJZ91453980020•: 03/15f10 / / = U SAL6tOWNEQ AUTOS � - , � - �BOOILYgINJURY� - s i sCH�quoauros hISOr FORM rtCA000'1 (aerpe��jy - BODILY INJURX' i5 s �, HIRED AUTOS" .. j ANON tVEDAUT08 ? i (Per'acciderEtj PERTY,DA(uIAGE RO4. S X£`'A' M Best XA.XV J { c en ,6ARA.OE LUUiILITY� -. , _ ,I UT AO ONLY EAl O $R THAN ACE TH 3 _ .� I ,ANY AUTO ,. .; ...:..._ .. 1 . AOG� 'EXGESSltlMBRELLA`LIABILITY �fEAEHOCCURRE7JCE_.. 5 19,'000,OQO- �`B` X ^OCCUR D7"o srn6g� TIi2Z9V 9800,40 k03/r,15/10 03/015/1`1'+r AGGREGATE s 19;000U�000 �Sest �AXV S X `. RETENTION st19:,'OOQ. _ ' WORKERS COMPENSATION AND � i X FORM UMiTS ER,! ,- = - EL;EACHACCIE)ENT IL' X -, '.3EMPLOYER54LIABfUTY 'WCJ,Z914S$98OOlO: _ =03/1`5/,10,,03/�15/11 'XA . tANYtPROP.RIETOR/PARTNEPJEXECUTIV_E_- OFFI ERiMEMBEREXCLUDE6?:""" AL'S gBESTr pjY/, ELOISEASE FsIEMPLOYE 8 1,700000 tttes desa06e under :: _ _ _ EL;tlISPOLIC,YLIMIT, �G ,ErrorsbDiussi�ons': ;PPL1�0001967�500;*- !03/,fl°5%lOt r03�/�15/11� EEO',, �$2�,,00�0�,00'_Oj . ° }�erliaWkl t' .`_ AM ;BEST, A? XV iDESCRIPTIONsOF OPERATIONS I CDCATIONS I VEHICLES f EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT / SPECIAL PROVISIONS P, r LG3234090'7 The Csty, of aFo;t Collins, fGO, roffaers,,, .directors, nits agents represen`tatives and employees are amsd asr Addkt',onal Insured 'a_ ss , ,respects �to�.iGeneral� Liabrlity;.,..REPRINT (Orsgw �3/5/l0,jr= r ' i CERTIFIGAJ t'jt _LULK „ s. S - • -. -r -Tr f - .CZTF,ORTr^ SHOULrDANY OF THE ABOVEDESCRIBED POLICIES BE:OANCELLED BEFORETHE EXPIRATION GATE THEREOF SHE ISSUING 3O INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL, . ,:DAYSVFR' TEN u vxss - d NOTICE TO,TNE CERriFICATE,HOLDER NAMED TO THEtEP,T BUT FAILURE TO00 SO SHALL'' j , =� IMPOSE:NOOBLIOATION OR(LI�ABILF ITY OAMY KIND -UPON THE INSURER ITS'AOENT5.Of3� { CltyO£ Fort C0111n8i` F- r sF...+a3au { - REPRESENT TIVES _ . 300'?Llipor`te Ave A " T ` AUTHOR ESEN I E, 1 Fort Collins CO f8,';0525, ,i ♦ 9, 1 r ©A RD'CO RATION 1988. r, C.O , RP,O , AGORD 25,(2001108) � • i 1 "Bod,'1 ! tnluryl" "propezty damage" or persorinl � aad advertising injury" ansu g ou of opecatioris �pedoaned for the state, munce;paltry or pohtieal stibdtv►sson, or dtly tnlury" of "property damage" mcludt d �vntlunthe "pcodu tsompleted` operations liazaid'.;. except when requtred by �vntten contract or ageemeat ttuttatcd.pitor to3loss .or 3`.r;. t�BOdll ttn �» a TO..0 dania '� oFA!i ersonal 4nd3,aaveltls111 11n U ," �,ut3�e39�iieCAu3e Y NLy P PY ! `P % ) `Y, ghgentlp � ,,, x .. whole or m pat,''hy you'e�i those; aei�ng oa your behalf°. " i Item 15 ADDITIONAL'INSiTItED,ANDGWAI�'R OF SUBIZOG_ATION `LESSOR OF'LEASED. EQUIPMEN T ��. _.y. , ... .... .. l:; Secaon Il .,lW}4 Is An" Ineuredsts aineri$ed`to=uielude4,As a,0 'tonalsijisured,ariy persoa;orrorgainzatiott froiis ThereYtsno coverage for the acidt>lonalx injury' arising out of Yhe>sole negligeri insiaeL-- y A person's or orgazuzatwn's status;�as_ azc,„ � ` ^for°suckrIeased''equtpmenft'ends.;. C.. Uchcrr'Lissurance si tusured uadec thss endorsement endsswhen'the agceetnent wtth you . snsuraace ,for that addihonaltitnsuned oa ,any other basis In�rthat even, this policy :44pppfy j!$ .on the basis requtred'i'y such wiittea agreement . To the extent that,the addihonal+tinsured,tias the tight:to �ursve any ;other �uisulrautce carrnr for.coverage;kmcludug a., iefense, yvc shall share thai nglit with the acichtional insured � x- Item 16 r)<iNOWI EDGE OF pCG JRItENCE Subparagraph,2 a,,b gand{e Hof Condition 2 SgctwnpIS7' Cori?atemcial'General Iaabtlity Gondttsons ace ursended¢toadd thetfallowtng~ _ ,. ,r ., As U' Mthis paragraph, :the word lou tefers,to anN executeve officer „partner, tneiiibersor:Iegal repzesentahve;warid 'any'other Aemployees" wtthstiisutartce;or risk management respon"s�fi>7ihes` j Item 17* II1vINTENTIONAL EI2iRORS.AND OMISSIONS] Paragraph 6 ~of Section iy, CommerctalGeneral isabtltty Coudttonsis ,amcndedo,addthe following. Any'uruntenhoiial ctrortor omtsston nii the descnphon of,jor Failure to";completely desciib ;anypretruses or.. soperanons 'intended to; b`e covered by this policy will not tnvalsdate or$affect coverage for those premt5ey or ;operations However, ycru gtust report such error or orntsston to us as soonras practicablerafter its dtscoveryF This provision doesfnot affect{our�nght to collect°;addthonsl,pretruum or exercise our nght of cancellation ornonP; ;... renewal 'a`.t, ,. gin. e=„vw x. x�.. ,_. ,;+,. �� s..y. •.,..-- ., ..., ....% .. arr ., LG `32`34 r09 07 . ' Page 17, i 1 Itcrii,l8 BODILY INJURY REDEFINITION The deGatuon of l�bodily mlury" to Secchon V ;Definitiois is replaced by,"theyfollowuig ' I.. . ._. ""$odtly injury" means bodily mlury, s�cltness or disease sustained byra persga It utciudes death or�mental angws}i,; . whtch� resuiisKat; anyl tttn from suc6upliysscat harm, phy cal "Aness or physical dyscase Mental .anguish. means a"nJ - type of aentaloVemohonal'clIaess or distress=� ` Item 19 'MOBILE EQ,iliPMENTIRLDEFINI,TIO i Paragraph 2 f (1)'(a), (b)-and (c} of;Sechon V "Defimnoaskdoessnot apply to self propeiled velucics of less than 1QOU'. 1 pounds Bros§ vehicle wctr #. F j Iem 20' SIIPPLEME:NTARY�PAYiYIENT5 Secuon,I Govezages, 3uppiementary Paymentsl Coverages Aland Bµitem 1 ?6 and 1 d,srespectrvety,;zre replaced - i 6 Up to�$2 500 for'cost of bail+bonds required because of accidents or 64F,c law y olattonszansing out�of the use; of`any veiiicte to, which the±Bpdily Fnlury Faalit7ity Cgvecage+applies We:do not:ha� a to fnrnzsh these bonds . I d ".'Al rcasonabk expenses nncu=rcd�by the tnsureit,atYourtequest to assistaus ul the`investrgacton or defenserof the, claim or "sort" tncludutg substanhate3rloss of'catYuxt u to $500 a day,'iecause;;of trme;ciff from;work Ite'in 21 +L'•IBERA7 T7aT'ION � �Sectton IV , GommezciuI General`Ltabth : Conditions u amended to addK`the foIIow�n l ' ;10 � Laberalizat:on Ff wegaciopt la cliangeFjn ourjforai's or,rule whtch woulc! broaden yaur`cove�uge�wtthout an extra c the i broader cove,., wtll a'. aro ilus ohc `Phis effe extcns�onF�stcttve u onfithe a rovalrof suchbraader .. coves' to ur state , t I Th�s:end�rrscmcnris e„cecuted bp'thc �WAU�SAU UNDERWRITERS INSURANGE�COMPANY` 1 j � EffeeuvatiDate�t0311511�0 `�t?��on Dole;;0311�5J11 ' Foc`ntmchmenC w}Pohcp`No Y1 .IZSi, 2WO30 i sfjc' ; ! tx S&CIZFT � 11 ORE SQ�WTI ! �" Countear�ctcd hy,., -� . _ _ Aucha�ed Repnsmtanve ., LG 3239 U9fi07 ... Page'8 ofh8° .. 4 No Text 'cs''� ,�r*"!*€i':L°.�?._`" ` `1`.,�j' `44..... �' r`' ': '" ' 1`s-s'^ P� z. •yam"' t J -�� 7� `.431!'ra'.`e°".t �' x �� �� "" fNS ;S�NME,�,- leacsfTra�f"� Sy _tuts, 'Zna r ,' •'"pp?� ?G�;� i..:.�.,.:'�� 'T�r�0,8"/��5/�0 ;1 Except' with !respect toE the Lino°ts of Insurance`; and any ri ghts S,or duties _;. specsfaallyr 5assignedY sn; the General I,alislsty ;coverage part to the fsrsht flamed Insured, the General hLsab�sl'sty �snsu`rarice appljes A-�Asl s£'�eachNamed Insured were_ the only rNamed„Insured, and. x r-r,��.a�,r b: ?separately ,to ,each snsiired .agains.t wlioin+ claim' 'is made, or "suit"4 s- `brought Valuable Papers �Pol'scy Number:, YU2L9L453980060F(Co D} Effective 3/15/'10 l „ Limit $250X; AM Best A XV Deductible. $5,0001 t .. s Installation:' Policy NumberY�12L9L453980060 Effectsvei 3/b15/10 11_: �smt $1, 000� 000 per occurrence 'AM ,Best A XY Deductible { $10? z000r, T2iird Party Fidelity Travelers Insurance !(Cor,Ej Policy'rflumber 104$6ir759 tEffect.v_e. 03:/15/1O��to tiO3/,15/1!1 I;imZt $500,OOA •per claim A MBest1AfXV 3-top 4Gap coverage $forWA & OH? incl on general hab�ithty pelicys . ".;Except �lO t,Days in the evenb� of .caiscelIatioi for= lion payment. ,o£ prei4suiri: i + - i a,. v, ylLi�ERT,Y DirectSoluaons for Contractors- b, -UYABIBY COVVARA'bW'TAR--T- ifi 01i ItemiS CONTRACTORS, PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY,_ 'WW7 -,'MO)Df . NEWLY REDITTIEsilt Ifem 10.... BLANKET ADDITIONAL N R QFS�VBROGXTION,MANAGERS EXPANDED 30BRC►`GATION,(FOR RSO WAIVER , FSV113160�OM—,ME ftkmlTls IT I MRTOt ................................................. NITION refs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T, PAYMENTS 'These chap a kkoa­ ctpaM cyscctaons,, escribidt, 'en 0i"a separate-yo Ke, aim Aisreplaced by the following 49protect ".Item 2No gwNEi)�,wATEitcRAV-ri,,ExTEr4sioN Sul -bp, usion �,,-over a -Op Ao,,M, V.'y&ii o*,nbtlawn,rV►s:, ions2 of' on .Co lgid6VS �, Ms vG { i (2) Preauses you se12, gave away or abandon„ the "property damage" anses,out of anp part of those p cmiscs;,, ip occurs,from hazards tlratwecc known°bp you„or'"s}ioutd have>.ieasonablyrbeen>known by — �� ` you, at the tuna the•; property was transfered�or`abandoned„ � " AS 4 PROPERTY IN YOUR CARE `CUSTODY OR7CONTR(7I;{{ >, „ rl ; Subparagraphs (3) and (4) of exclusion l moo€ coverage A tdo no4PPlmFepGto, (a)` borrowed equrpmenthor b o zo dama "st0 ro m ur care and conceolwhilc'in trarzslG+, This insur nee does;not applp'to ;any.portton of a loss for whuh the nsvred has!available any other�vatui and colle able '� fineurance, whether primary,rexcess, contingent;�or oa any otherbasis, unless such pthcr insurance was spepfitally� pu=chasedby the,�nstsccd to apply rrx excess of'this,poheyti Insuranclel .y Svbjeca to Paragraphs 2,, 3 , and 5 ,,of ,'Se'cnor ;III . , Limits OF:Insurance, the. most„we,-,%m pay £or: insurance provided+BE, y Paragraph` 1; abova'is ;10,000-Each C�ccuirence�I';iriit � $25,OOQ�Aggregatc �Lrmif� The Each Occurrence 1I imtr forAhis coverage applYes tonali damages as a result of'ariy one occurrence regaidle§s' i of the riumber:.of persons or orgsnizatxons;who su"stain darriage liee'aiise of;that "oCC IT-nce aTlie AggregatcrLiavt:is the mostarc will paytifor tlie',sum.of'all occaircnccs';covcred bycrthisjprovisiori': � ItentS , CpN'TRACTORSPROFESSI©1VA�LIA$ILI?Y`' ,, ;, `Tlc`followingyexclusioaris added to. Paragraph 2, Exccluetionsyof�`Secttoa Ir-` Covccage�A$oct�Iy'Inluiy,Aaa jP iiopertj+DamagcLtabilitjr`adParagraph 2, Eiccleisiori"s,rof'Se'criori T.C,ovoragc.B--Pessonal{And?ldver'tisittg Injury Ll—t ty vThs}snsurance does notsappIy tos"bodily tnlury", "property damage" or'personal andury"ansiag out . oPffie rertdeizri of or failure toyrender an K rofessional sernces b. ou but o with respect to our royidui t _ g' z. YAPzw� Y Y �j..YG _ engineering,'aichttectu 16'ri,sumym8 services in your,capauty as,,an,,,t eer,,arcliitect or surveyor, ,.' ,Professional„services Include.;; .. • 1 Pep�►nng, approvuig, or,�fatluig co;�repare<az,apPmvexmaps �shopfd[awmgs �opuuons,reports siizveys'?fie2d �oriieis„e�hange order, of drawings and spectfications, anti 2 Supervisory or ul- cnon' activities perforinect as part of np related sielutectural ar eng neenng acuvrtzes cI1us eciuswnicioes,not.apply to your operanonsmrconnection,,wthcortstrucuonTvrork petforraedby you6oron= . your behalf ._ . ItcmF6 ,IJt11"GETO_,5EItEI►iISES RENTED YOU,..EXl?ATVDEWCOYERAGE' '' A Fize, Iaghtnutg{Or'Explosion Damage �iThe last paragraph�of 2 Exclustons under Section I? Goaerage A is replaeedby the fallowing Exclusions c sthrough n do nai apply to damage to pmmisessreate`d rto y u or;temporanlp occupied by:you' < with pemusnon of the owner when the damage'rs caused byrfire,,hghtsung,rorexplosion ar.subscquent damages• r y t ..- a suiting from such fire hghmmg ore iplosiari, urcluding water damage:, A scparate!larut oC tnsirrancc applies to'ah�s coverage as desenbed'm,Secuon III Luntts,ofTnsucance;, „B 4Li`mits forsDainagc o Premises Rented to You; j l?a3graph,Cr'of Section III. ° Lunits of Insurance is replaced by<ih`c foltowiag ` 1 Sublecttito 51 above ,the ,Darriage to Premises; Rented to. You; -limit is`tl a most -. wiapay under i, ver3ge?,4' • for aay cotnbiaatton oft „ t _ I:G�S2 S4"09.0T; ' Page 2�of 8, ` t i (a} aamage!rcaused b}r fire, 4g>tnmg orexploston'or suhsequentdamages_resufltng from such ire, ilightning or exple"stop, tnchtdmgwater dam_ age to preiruses`entedgtowyou,,or;temporarily occupied by you vnthipermission of the ownervand (b) `;property damage" (atherythan damage by Etre),to Premises,:tntludmgrtiie,canfents of such premises; reaYedto yo`ii fo`r aapen«lof•7ior feiverconsecutcve days,. Item 7 BQDILX:IN,rM'Y'TO CO EMj L YEhS. y f ! �Subject�to the Each Occurrence'Ltmtt and the General Aggregate Lurut, Paragraphs ;SecUan-II „Who Is.Aii�Irisurea;do not appty'to your supervisory of management employees" for,"bodilpluijAury" 2: ;,Subject to the Each OccuaenceLirntt and *the GerteralAggYegate Luntt,`Paragraphs 2 a (1)(a), (b) and'(e) of � �Sccgon'II Wlio Is An�Insureddo not a 1 ro our "em to ees" or "volunteer workers" for "bod in u "' ansmg out of a Good Satnantan act to a eo="employee" orccr"volunteerworker" A Good,Samaatam act meansui` attempt'to, xescue,ar atdta petsarntn,uiunisent of serous pcnl, pmvided the attempt xs4not recklessly made; Daa}ages owedAto en'mjured co "employee" or "volunteer wozker"wtll Ee reduced by a`u} .arnoiirit paid o"r.availalile?to. Stlee enjured�:co "employee" ors vvolunteer worker" underany other va$d and co]lecttblemsuancc. 1 Iterii 8 ,FiEALTH CARE,PR©PESSIONALS ASbiNSURBDS Paragraph 2.a (!) (d);of SeeUbn,II� Who+[e,An4Instired is deleted unless t j (i) 7i'ouSare engag�d to+the occupahonror_business o£ pravuijrrg or:offermg�atedtcal;`&eirgscal `dental,`.x iay ormursmgt r �servtces,�t�ratment,5advtce or tnstntctwn, oz . _ (u) The. employee has any o�cr utsucatue that would4also co�ver�daunstixan§tug under thu provuton;t�ah�ther.�the 1 aother;msurance,ts;pnmary„excess;;contmgentoronanl+oxtlte_rbasts o x - Item 9 $NFWI.Y FOR11iED ORACQWOO ENTITIESI Paragraph 3 nfFSccnon II Who,I""s�AnRInsuredts°replaced�by:the7followtng, i �TsN£ i 4 3 An� y,organtzatton other than a lotnt venture you newly acquue or�fortnyand overnwl�cli you tnatatA�n maaonEy ownership or,majoatystnteiest wril?qualtfyras�a;Named Insured'tEthete ta,no other stmtlas utsurance-avatlai�lezto: Shatdrgantzahon - .,_. und a %Coverage er`thts�proviston tstafforded only until r. : -.sue i the 180th day niter you acquire or form,the organtzaugn„ar I ru separate coverage is purchased for�the�orgaruzatJon, or; •• • Iis tlic end of the poLcy penal whnchever4- b Coverage A does not apply to bodtlyF injury' of ` PPenY damage".':that occurred;befoseiyou;acquued`or; farnted the orgamzaaon, and' ` e, Coveiage,B doesnot apply to "persona; and adverttsmg,tinjux>;' ansFng ouL of,au offense"committed`heE'ore � �pou acquired,ortformeilthe organiz'aaoii� x.,..,..,.., . Nv.;persanYor orgtzation?zs anytnsured rutthrrespect toile conduct of any Bast pafttesslup_curreiit;orpasttjoifit ventuic or•past limited ltabt7t}p<company� that ts'not shown as a Named Insured ta�the Declarations: { Ftem 10 BIiANICET-ADDITIONAL IN$UREDalWAIVER OF SU$RUGATION 14fANAGFR$ UR LESSORS; �A Sechan II JVPho Is An Insured rs amendgd{to include as an nsured,any;manager az lessor of preintses;le3'ed3bylyou= i to whteh�the wriMen teasetagreement obligates yoy'm pzocttre�addtdonaltmsured•coverage provided)that: ! the'"bodtly injury's; "propertyr damage' or ;personal end advettLctng injury" gtvwg use to ltabt7tty occur_ s sequentsto ..e3executtonfof the'agreement;'and: 2 the wntten agreement{ is ui effect at; the time of the bodily tniurp',r `ProPelJ'r`d"> "peisonat and; adveittstu" m for which So,erageis sou tit: �That;petson:oc organtzauon shall b`e refarred+,tiuJas theaddittonal snsured°; NYC, 32,3;4;0907• Page;3 of 8 - i - 7 nc;, maintenance or ff -Ald`lwa t pw A leased Co you and, caused,,�;!is Ewholc � ;for `701F agents,1,-,There, -�:. -f - -!�r .",m pasC, by srnne negligent acts or omissions of you, your`' P OM --,-n `Property M ., a' I - le iiallti8ii Ins ,or-,, 9T�so , f th6, neghgeace, tklen the coverage foatheradditlonal insured shall conform fothat l-4grccmenl;,"Pxovl c underthe law of the state where thga&. i:se" -�p �,imh th , - I ,insure J, pbtchs,insire 9�,j is,! iJ -b paragraph iA o—vei—Swe-,­ —�-, , 6-4 recovery t pq pmpertyx A or "persona 146 adverttryJI- ITT" T -*' p `to th- takes place after you>ceaseta be a tenant to that pmmtses t v h, Any premsses forw, ich cpyecage Is excluded by endorsement = C % D 'Other h f Me The .' agteement,�but to no event exceeds Th Ti�wv V, 61kni at of Thls Insurance shall ic*Cass,0�.evjQqfp,tvmsurgncc WC insured,�'-,,vvh lb � ` an excess, contingent or gamary bests, unlessTyou_are obligated under�,a watten, agreementttocprovxlt�Ilability insurance ' �'th— 'T that addmonal4nsure z, Tv'th eY�gxep,- t t carver torrc dition -g= e-.n& -1 O-Pumuc defense Item lI MAD ITIONALIAN EXPANDEMBLAN, BLANKET D 'AND WAIVE ----4NST-AlEATtON,j-, 3X A. Secttan II Who Is An & a. person+or=organtzattan to 11F lkgapew., Yvm e t tp d'b' 1 the' -1 �T Ail- I'd d rise to or -.�m ld 3 .ram Psa, _arson [aubsequenr to the execugon of the w-ri, tn=4�; an i,:tb idn* adverttstslgsri)ury"forwrfitc}I$coverage , or persOnai and zatiowshillibcreferile the ad o su m red. The coveragey � vnt, -&,- � -d --li-ibiH afforded"*'t 'Ah' ddi tw�. � 11-1 � q, p�pe enac ,.or omtsslons of you; your employees, x� Vm� to 'Udfi erM" i— 'e-'j' erip T hi Ms.' k `goer3�19. 4PFT4S9(.,,JP� te a6p VW— h- �i� coverage whom ,Page 71 :ragriernent andTonly'fov,Liability cause'i} t*i vilioie or;ia:pact, b};°thc ri'e'gligent.acb�or; ornisstons,of`your your emptopees; your agents %or yourAsubcontramrs . aB1 C,iExclueois With apply.< respect5to�tlte iasuraace afforded to these.addiuonal insureds ,the follov►wmgaddutonal cxclustons apply_ T}iis u�su;ance docs,not _ .. . _ — .. `3 when rag rnvee is,�ada}labk undei'a eoinsolidated(wrap�up} uisuance,program;�n�wtitch youace uivolyed To the, defense,e,wxe shall shsse+that'right wuh the add co rooit o Wnaauurcage;�tn �Iteii►,I2-iH%ANKET>Al?DrTIdNAL INS.I3RED; t11�iD. WAIZ!ER OF,:SU$RO.GkT-ION :PERSON:sOIt ZAT—JONIE ?A -- - - -, - i (a) the; "b�oddp�vmtury" property damage" or ",personal and adverhstng Inluryt 'gxving rise to• labilltp occiiis subsequent p. the exequ49n of the agreement,: and (b) ytiie;wixtter► agreement Is sn'effect,at thetune of the "bo l ul >, .Y .,.! n cz� "pzopertfydamagea,personalntnry "`or "adverhsuzg.tnlucy"<;for which coverage is sought ^ v. _ that,persoii;or ozgasuzahnn`shatl3. beteferred�#o�as thet,'aldlhorial unsurrd- s lheze u no;:coveragcxfor the addiuonid, 4ulsu'ed f, Kq odtlyilnjury", "propezty:damage- or Kpeisonal_aztdfadverusmgY .inlucy"`a`astag out of the sole;negllgcnce of the addlaonat��nsarea or by"Liiose actingaon behalf of the additionakuisurecl excaptas+prowdedbelow` .A• If the wntteA agreement to`Indemntf} an;addltionai Insured leq&res,that,you,mde►nrufy the adcllhanA'Imured°fortis sole _ �negitgence, then? the coverage for the addnhgnal,Insured� shall conforctaYto that agreement, pzovided, howaver�`�tha€�thc �contractuals•indemmficanon` language' of the agreement GIs vand� under, -the law.of the state where the,,agceement�wa£ -.fohned.•sEE'the.wntten�ag>•eemcnt pzavldes theta pAanc�ularstite',.s law•will,apply,, then sgcliipro�nsioii un3l behonored: zB W�euverOfBubrogatlon, t �Foraaay addinonal lnsuredrthatsobtalns �insuredgatatus on thls,phcp through paragraph A ; above,5we walvc�annghp of ` recovery we• may have agauist the additional insured `because of payments we make f for bodily mtuiy , Y4propetty: r,.H. _ damage .oz ,personal3an$kadvernsingintury" to,�wiuctithisilnsurance applies' ; F.J {D U;slse`,r The Jit ag ecin' Th�s`iri: an;�eicte for<thai witten, Y extent hat the additional insured has tithe, right to"puz gue'any, other4lnstuance. cacner�fo;eoverage;,including�?i; z.....:.t..n,..l:....sal...t.'.F.::.1.�....rt.,.:�t.e...i.l.�:......t...a,.�e.7- - PP .. y" ansutg�oyt�ofr tssurveys,' fields.