HomeMy WebLinkAboutWORK ORDER - RFP - P1126 WETLAND AND RIPARIAN ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION (2)EXHIBIT "A" WORK ORDER FORM PURSUANT TO AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS And Biohabytats DATED: July 30, 2010' Work Order Number: NA480 Project Title: Final Design for Sterling & Udall riverbank restoration Commencement Date: August.1, 2010 Completion Date: Sterling.— October 31,.20t0 Udall — to be deterinined based on permitting needs. Maximum Fee: Not to exceed. $6I,590 Project Description: See attached description Scope of Services: See. attached Scope of Services Service Provider agrees to perform the services identified above and on the attached forms in accordance with the terms and conditions contained herein and in the Services Agreement between the parties. In the. event of a conflict between or ambiguity in the terms. of the. Services. Agreement and this wortk.order (hicluding the attached forms), the Services Agreement shall control. e3 /o �s-30 The attached forms consisting of six (6) pages are hereby accepted and incorporated herein by this reference; and Notice -to Proceed is herebygiven.. Scrvicel'rovidcri�itia�ij'S��nG, City ofFort.Collins: ,� C By: �Y�'Y J M�5.1.,���,�, Date: /a, / Date: f f 2c�:`cJ (; �a—�b APPROVAL:: D' ect r of Purchasing 'Biohabitats �II1T111:R.� Xr. u;Al',\41U\T.\I\ IIIv IPIt:i(IV IrrmrJxrmlW Southern Rocky Mountain Bioregion 1732 Wazee Street, Suite 209 Denver, CO 80202 303 477-0660 303 477-4648 fas www.b i o h a b i ra ts. co rn July 15, 2010 Mr. Rick Bachand Environmental Program Manager Fort Collins Natural Areas Program PO Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 RE: Udall and Sterling Restoration F000dplain Permitting and Final Design/Build - 2010 Biohabitats Proposal No. 10918.00 Dear Mr. Bachand: This proposal letter is in response to the City of Fort Collins recent request for Biohabitats to finalize floodplain permitting and designs for the Udall and Sterling Natural Areas based on the concepts that we developed (see technical memoranda for Udall and Sterling, dated June 23 and 24, 2010). A general construction scope is also included, with the understanding that the construction budget details will be submitted once designs are fmalized. Please note that this proposal is based on the assumption that FEMA review will not be required for either project. If floodplain regulators rule that FEMA review is required due to map revisions, then tasks will need to be added to carry out the submittal and agency review processes for the applicable site. For the purposes of this proposal and based on initial input from Natural Areas, we have also assumed wetland permitting will not be required. However, recent discussions about the projects with Terry McKee at the US Army Corps of Engineers indicate further communication is needed to determine specifically what they will require. (If needed, Biohabitats could assist the City with further determination of Corps requirements under our general 2010 technical assistance task.) Briefly, for Sterling, the Corps confirmed that a pond is considered to be naturalized after gravel mining has ceased and no mining is occurring on the property. So if there is no direct outlet from the pond to the stream, the Corps only has jurisdiction over the wetlands, not the open water. If the project impacts pond wetlands, however, (which we suspect it could, at least temporarily), the work would be permitted under Nationwide #27, aquatic enhancement, because the project is creating a higher value. For Udall — the Corps can provide a "No permit required" letter if no work is taking place below Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) or impacting a wetland. It appears that Phase 1 may meet the conditions for no permit needed (need to confirm, particularly for culvert relocation area), but the creation of the low bench in Phase 2 would require a permit. SCOPE OF WORK Prior to evaluation, permitting and final design, all utility locates will be completed to ensure on - site utilities are understood and incorporated into the analysis and design. If any additional surveys are required, their cost will come out of the construction budget. PHASE 1— HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS AND FLOODPLAIN PERMITTING Task 1.1 Floodplain Permit Pre -Application Meeting Biohabitats will meet with City floodplain managers to present and review the Udall restoration design concept. We will focus discussion on Phase 1 of the design and work out the steps necessary to gain approval from the City floodplain review process. The meeting will also clarify the current floodplain model for this portion of the City and the availability of any modeling work completed for the stormwater ponds. (Ideally, we would like guidance on how to streamline process and bypass the need for any modeling.) For the purposes of this proposal, we are assuming some modeling will be required, and the meeting will clarify required submittals, reviews, and scheduling. Biohabitats already completed a pre -application meeting with Latimer County, which was covered under a separate work order, and it was determined that floodplain modeling was required for the Sterling project. Task 1.2 Initial Model Analysis and Design Evaluation Biohabitats will obtain the existing HECRAS model from Larimer County and HEC2 model from the City (assuming that the pre -application meeting with City floodplain manager has determined that floodplain modeling is required for the Udall project) and set each one up for the respective restoration project according to the applicable County or City requirements. In an iterative process, we will analyze the impacts of the proposed restorations on the regulatory flood levels and floodway locations and make adjustments to the cross sections to try to eliminate impacts that would require a map revision and FEMA review. If impacts can be eliminated, then we will proceed with design based on those results. If impacts cannot be eliminated, Biohabitats will coordinate with Natural Areas to select the most acceptable design iteration. This task assumes that Biohabitats will be able to use cross sections from the existing models in our analysis. It does not include any bathymetric surveying. Task 1.3 Hydraulic Reports and Floodplain Permit Application Submittals Once the designs have been selected, Biohabitats will complete the required model runs necessary for engineering departments' floodplain reviews. We have estimated this effort based on the County's Hydraulic Modeling Report requirements, which includes documenting any updates to the pre- and post -project models as well as describing the effect of the restoration work itself. We will put together draft hydraulic reports for both Sterling and Udall and submit them to the County and City, respectively. Once comments have been received from the reviewers, we will complete any additional modeling, if required, and produce final copies of the reports, which we will then submit for the floodplain board hearings. We will also prepare for and participate in the hearings (and have assumed one meeting per site). PHASE 2 — FINAL DESIGN Task 2.1 Field Verification and Final Design Development Biohabitats will visit both restoration sites to collect data necessary for final design, such as utility locations, on -site materials, existing wetland locations, specific vegetation information for planting plan development, additional elevation measurements, construction access, and staging. The site visits will also provide an opportunity to solicit equipment input from our construction foreman for the design at both sites and the City structural engineer's input regarding the culvert relocation at Udall. The City will provide Biohabitats with the City's Stormwater Design Guidelines as guidance for the culvert outfall relocation design. Final outfall design will be approved by the City's Stormwater Utility prior to construction. Biohabitats will use the results of this visit and from the hydraulic modeling in the previous phase to develop the final design. Task 2.2 Final Design/Build Documents Biohabitats will prepare final design/build drawings for Natural Area's review for both sites. The drawings will be developed to a level of detail sufficient for a design/build project. They will likely include a grading plan that shows construction access and staging, applicable details and cross sections, planting plan, and cost estimate. Biohabitats will produce two (2) sets of the final design/build review drawings for each site. Biohabitats will lead a plan -in -hand field meeting as part of the review process. The plan -in -hand meeting will be conducted to review the different components of the design, confirm Natural Areas' expectations, and identify any possible site constraints that may still need addressed. Issues to discuss may include items such as disposal of debris, safety, erosion control measures, City staff participation, etc... Biohabitats will incorporate Natural Areas' comments into the final design/build drawings. We will submit two (2) sets of the final drawings and cost estimate for each site. PHASE 3 — CONSTRUCTION (General scope only, for future budget approval) Following the City's design approval and project selection, we will provide a revised Construction Scope with the details on equipment, tasks, methods, and milestones. (We assume only one of the projects will be constructed per calendar year.) Upon receipt of the final notice - to -proceed, Biohabitats will begin construction of the selected project. Dan Gravelding of Aquifer Solutions, who is part of our approved on -call team, will be construction foreman and will be responsible for arranging equipment and operators, as necessary. Should the City be able to provide equipment and operators to assist with the project, Dan will coordinate and integrate their roles in the best interest of the project. Biohabitats staff will be on -site during construction to guide the operators and ensure successful implementation of the design. Construction tasks will include items such as flagging locations, general construction monitoring, working with the contractor on material selection and placements, determining and checking elevations using a laser level, and resolving any issues that arise. FEE As requested, the scope and fee for Sterling and Udall have been combined to obtain efficiencies wherever possible, and our fee shown below includes all labor, direct costs, and reimbursables to successfully complete Phases 1 and 2 for both sites. (Note, this works out to roughly $30,780 per site for floodplain modeling, permitting, and final design.) A savings of $15, 255.00 could be realized if the City can issue a special approval for Udall without full floodplain modeling. As previously discussed, construction costs will be provided with the final design, and must meet a construction budget of not -to -exceed $170,000 per project. Fee (Includes Modeling for Udall) Phase 1 — Hydraulic Analysis and Floodplain Permitting $30,480.00 Phase 2 — Final Designs $31, 110.00 Total cost $61,590.00 Phase 3 — Construction to be determined Alternative Fee if no Modeling Required for Udall (@$15, 255) $46, 335.00 Please note that throughout the projects, Biohabitats will work with the City wherever possible to realize cost savings, e.g. by substituting "in-house" City resources. In keeping with our current contract arrangements, invoices will be prepared and submitted monthly, based on the percent of work completed and in accordance with the Terms of our current on -call contract. Should out of scope items arise (such as wetland permitting), additional tasks can be added, or we can bill for the work, with City approval, on a time and materials basis, based on our contract rates. SCHEDULING Biohabitats is available to begin work on the project immediately upon receiving Notice to Proceed. The final schedule for the projects depends on the floodplain permit processes. The pre - application meeting with the City (for Udall) and our initial modeling results for both projects should provide a good indication of whether or not these projects will require FEMA review. If FEMA review is not required, then construction should be able to occur in 2010. If, however, FEMA review is needed, then construction in 2010 will not be possible. If both projects are able to move forward without FEMA review, then Biohabitats will coordinate with Natural Areas to decide the best project to pursue for construction in 2010. Sterling Milestones. As noted earlier, the County floodplain process has multiple steps process involving 2 weeks for Engineering staff initial review, time for revisions and resubmittal (if needed), and finally, floodplain review board approval. The Floodplain Review Board meets the fourth Thursday of each month, and submittals must be received by the fourth Thursday of the preceding month. The most likely scenario for Sterling is permits and approvals in hand by October 2010 with construction (earth moving, grading) starting in November, 2010. Planting and project completion shall occur no later than the last day of May 2011. 4 ASSUMPTIONS The basis for our cost proposal included the following assumptions and exclusions: 1. Biohabitats' scope of work does not include an assessment of water rights or other legal property right issues associated with the project. 2. This scope of work fee does not cover any FEMA submittals or review coordination for floodplain remapping. 3. We assume that 464 permitting would not be required; and anytime for 404 permit applications or coordination would occur under a separate scope agreement. 4. This scope of work and fee estimate is based on the assumption that the projects are design/build and that the construction will not go out to bid. 5. This scope of work assumes that in addition to Stormwater Design Guidelines the City will provide specific drawing standards should the need arise. 6. This scope of work does not include geotechnical testing. 7. This scope of work assumes that any debris or excavated material is nonhazardous and does not include testing. 8. Revisions and changes in drawings, specifications or other documents when such revisions are inconsistent with approvals or instructions previously given by the City; required by the enactment or revision of codes, laws, or regulations subsequent to the preparation of such documents; or the preparation of alternates or deductive change orders requested by the City, shall be considered extra services and may require adjustments to the fee and schedule, with the exception of addressing minor comments and requests for documentation that supports their design, which may be requested by the City. The City will collect and reconcile conflicting review comments for submission to Biohabitats. 9. This scope of work does not include property surveys. 10. This scope of work does not include archeological, rare species, or cultural surveys. 11. The City shall provide Biohabitats timely access to all relevant data, plans, aerial photographs, hydraulic and hydrologic modeling data, construction documents and data in their possession that are applicable to this design effort. 12. Revisions to the final design plans due to errors and omissions will be completed in accordance with this proposal. Revisions due to first-time reviews and unanticipated reviews along with changes from the scope of work delineated in the Scope of Work will be considered an addition to this Scope of Work and accompanying Fee Estimate. 13.'No Weed Control Plan is required for the project. 14. This proposal is valid for 90 days, after which it may be renegotiated. 15. The City desires construction of one project in 2010 and will provide prompt reviews and assistance facilitating interdepartmental communications to assist with meeting that schedule. 16. We are anticipating a start date no sooner than mid to late October with completion prior to the winter season. Should the permit reviews or weather delay the start time, Biohabitats and the City may agree to postpone construction to 2011. We hope this proposal satisfies your current needs. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or require any additional information. We look forward to continuing our work with you and the Natural Areas Program. If you have any questions regarding our proposal, please contact me by phone (303 477-0660) or by email at cbrownegbiohabitats.com. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, BIOOHH%ABITATS, INC. Claudia Browne, Southern Rocky Mountain Bioregion Leader