HomeMy WebLinkAboutWORK ORDER - RFP - P1126 WETLAND AND RIPARIAN ECOLOGICAL RESTORATIONEXIIEIT "illy WORK ORDFU FORM PURSUANT TO AN AGREEMENT HETWEEN THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS and Bi.obabita s,,_ Inc. DATED: April5,20.10 Work Order Number: NA-174 Project Title: Conceptual design and fea5ibilit5, for Sterling and. Udall.testordtion ConrmenceinJat Date: April 5, 20] 0 Completion :Date: Maximum. Fee: September. 3.0, 20.14) $13, 3.50 Project Description.- See -attached. description Scope of -Services' See httachod:Scape of Services Service Provider agrees to perform the services identified above anti on the attached forms in accordance �vit11 tita terms -and conditious.c4nYained herein and in the Ses'viees Arestnent between the parties, fn the evenhofA eonflict.between or ambignity.in the terms of the Services Agreement and this -Mork order (including theiAtached forms); the. Servicca AgrecnrentsHall control. Service.Provider 2 icy: Date: i1 APPROVAL: Director of Purchasing Theattached formsconsisting ofzero (0) pages are hereby accepted and incorporated herein bythls reference, and Notice to Proceed is hereby given. City of Fort Colifns Date: 1�;4oe P .1 r la April 2,1201.0 Mr. Rick Bachand Project. Manager Fort Collins Natural Areas Program PO Box 580 Fort Collins, GO 80522-0580 RE- Poudre Restoration :Feasibility Concepts Blohabltats Proposal No. 10906.01 Subj: Biohabitats Scope and Fee. Dear Mr. Bachand; This proposal letter is in response to'your recent request for Biohabitats to assist the City of Fort Collins with developing a concept plan for restoration and habitat enhancement of natural areas along the Poudre River. We understand that at this time the City would like initial concept drawings/renderings which would depict improvements to the -Sterling and Udall properties. Scope Based on our understanding. of the project needs and desired level .of effort, our scope of work and fee for the project will be limited to the items .below: Task I Field Visit— We .will conduct a site visit :to each of the properties to collect additional elevation and site information including specific areas that would-be appropriate for enhancement/restoration. As part of our site visits, we may meet..With keypersons knowledgeable about the site from the county or city engineering or floodplairi offices for pre - application meetings. For the purposes of the cost estimate, we anticipate this task will require 2 persons for 1 day period. Task 2 Concept Drawings- The intent of the concept drawings is to provide the City with feasible restoration. concepts and planning level information. The main restoration concept. for Sterling is: to lower the berm between the river and the pond to create an area with more natural connectivity. with the river. and expanding the riparian vegetation. Material from the berm would be utilized to create more wetland areas in the pond. The restoration concept for Udall will involve enhancing the existing low bench through grading and native: revegetation.. Using base mapping supplied by the City.; we will develop a color concept,plan for each site that illustrates the restoration concepts. Task 3 Plan-in-h.and Meetings.-- We will participate in a half -day field session to visit both sites, review draft concept drawings, and discuss modifications to the restoration concepts. Prior to the field visit, we will submit a draft Version of the concept plans to the City for review. Task 4 Feasibility Memorandum Following the plan -in -hand meeting, we will incorporate comments into the final -version of the concept:plans and prepare a short memorandum summarizing key issues along: with planning -level construction cost information for each of the .concepts. Fee & Schedule Our fee for the field. work, concept ;develop.ment, and plan -in hand meetings described. above is $1:3,1 350_.00. Note: this fee does not cover any hydraulic analysis related to floodplain regulations. Any such hydraulic analysis will be added on a time and materials basis based :on o.ur contract rates. We are available to begin work as -soon. as we receive your written notice to proceed'. Assumptions The scope and fee estimate for this task is .based en the assumptions listed below. 1. The City of Fort Collins is responsible for coordinating project planning activities with the .gravel company which reportedly stilt has an active :permit for the Sterling property, 2. Biohabitats'sco.pe of work does not include an assessment of water rights or other legal property right.issues associated with, the project. 3. The scope, fee, and schedule: do not include hydraulic analysis (floodplain modeling) or attendance at related city or county meetings. 4. At the completion of the tasks covered under this scope of work, approximately three moriths will be required to complete floodplain-related hydraulic analyses at each site with the appropriate review and approval process. Also during! this time, implementation. planning may occur. 5. The City will,provide Biohabitats.a boat to access the Sterling pond for depth measurements. Please let me know if you need any more information. We look forward to continuing: our work with you and the Natural Areas Program. if you have any questions regarding our proposal, please.confact me by phone .(303 477=0660)or by email at cbrowne@biohabitats.com. Thank - you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, BIOHABiTATS, MC. >-: Claudia Browne, Southern Rocky Mountain Bioregion Leader