BOND NUMBER: 003603181
(hereinafter called the Principal), as Principal, and Westchester Fire Insurance Company, a
corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of New York (hereinafter called the
Surety), as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto City of Fort Collins (hereafter called the
Obligee), in the sum of five percent of amount bid (5% of amount bid), for the payment of which
we, the said Principal and the said Surety, bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators,
successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents.
WHEREAS, the Principal has submitted a bid, dated June 19th, 2009 for the:
Landscape & Irrigation Improvements at Harmony & Shields
accept the bid of the Principal and the Principal shall enter into a contract with the Obligee in
accordance with such bid and give bond with good and sufficient surety for the faithful
performance of such contract, or in the event of the failure of the Principal to enter into such
contract and give such bond, if the Principal shall pay to the Obligee the difference, not to
exceed the penalty hereof, between the amount specified in said bid and the amount for which
the Obligee may legally contract with another party to perform the work covered by said bid, if
the latter amount be in excess of the former, then this obligation shall be null and void,
otherwise to remain in full force and effect. This obligation expires sixty (60) days from the
effective date of the bid.
Signed and sealed this 19th day of June, 2009
Landmark Landscapes, LLC
By: '"`�� (SEAL)
Eliot Schmidt, President
Thomas Sa�dl, Attorney in facts
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.yam. '+nt' Kh°�r''x 2.. d%,.il '°2''"aa'lfl°^ ,.�, a °°°.'°a, °�. ^«.. -ham, �'tna y� ,,�, sS a.,
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K' " ap men by these:presents : That WESTCFjESTER FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY; a corppratton of ttie State o£:New York having its prmcipal office B
the Ci af`Atianta Cieor is tusuant to the: followin Resolution`ado` ied:b the'Boazd of Directors oftlie said Com azt ,ontDecem6e 17; 2006 io wrt
tY8 P [, g�g P YI I = Pr Y , §? `", ✓� yyr �• +: g d
t P' a 1 , a .� I U. : r 3 a, :' E . ;i.
,s.' � °„�'^p" `:`RESOLVED,,tha{the following authonzagons relate to,.tlie exeeutwn;,forand bn[khalfofthe Company oftionds uad 'k,.rngs, redo$nizances contracts and, otberwnttencommrttnents,ofihe Comp riy. , gti
.. " et§t�!red into the ordinaryUtseOfbuslness:(e>achal WirComntm en[tr)1:.,ig {p-'�,, r'yalla'� p t.. <£t ,' :�* (Is .. 1.,
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SgE ij ,PEach'oCthe Chairtnan;ahe President and [he:Vice Presidents of the:Company is hereby authorized to ezecute any Wntten Commrt[nrnt for;and on b¢fizlf of the Company, underthe Seal oft , Company 6t'
(�. 'i 1 s1V. r,.` i ('r tYe ;Yris s w 'ti g s. : Fr,,a 1 Sti° j .�„° a ^:„y 1l1 :;.x:
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(Zj ` EaeFi.rluly appointed attomeym-fact ofthe„Comparry,is hereby authorized to exe¢ufe.anY WMtetr Enmmttrn�ent;forand on behalf oCtlie"Company under the seal of the Companyor otttenvtse;'to the exient,that �Ia<.
1. a! 1 such:2c[io gngggis aut}ionzed bythge grantof powCrs prbvrded;for in such pEysons wnnenappomtmrntas such attomDy in fact' €"�+_:,r'mn3M at dm',a ,:,°'??'.r t •,°..,;
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, f (3) Each of the Cbairtnan the President and the Vice Presidents of the Gompany t6 hereby authorized' -Coe and on behalf ofthe.Gompany lo;appomt m writing any person the attomey;m fact of the Company with ""•,. ;y° .
��•° fully war and. aiithon to e7cecilte for and on behalf p£tti'e Com any `vnrler the leaf ofttie Company or otherwise such Wtitt¢n Comtu tmonts of the;Gogrpany as.i"tjay be speo feed rn such wnuen,t" �� ' :;
¢t "t' '1 Po e ry s s , >e : Fs:.: P P..E .,_ r ., ,,s,? .Are w. �, 4 t s ,.
r a appouitment, which specification may be.by.general type. or crass of Vl�ritten Commitinrnts orby'specification of brie or.morepanrcular Wntten Commitments i p .; ;✓®A { y.., = :::.-.:
�; I r �. Iro t i r ;mot ,tat I li t i a < !!.<
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"^ t a, t execirte for and on behalf of the Company ignder [}ie Gompany s 5eal;lr othGwtse'such Wntten Commttments[of the Company asar`e `specified insuch written-deleganoh wlitCh'speofteation may be by,,+'f r `'t
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a (5)-t'. The.stt,namre of3any ofScer ortither person.execunng any: Wntten CoraMitment or.appmnatient or delc in:pu6ii9nt to th73.2e�so c ion, and the s .1Ftf th¢ Cori .�!r, innr bc-af.txed by f Csmde on sue}(.: ,a°'
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rga ,� Fl72THER RESOLVED tMt`the foregoing _Resolution shall not b- If '-ed to be ` exclusive statem: n tof the powers and authority of officers employees and other peesonS to°aCt fob and Anibehalf of th6, , . ��:
:@ = s '' : Coin any land.such Resolufie,.lA4I nothinWar otherwise atf¢ct the'ezerciseef any such power;pr authority otlieiwiSevalidly fed or vested i & -. ;::�' j li+` [ `a-�°"°�pg
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'N �"lli�i; FURTHER RESOLVED ithat.,the Reiolutton:of the lioard.: f Directors"of ihe.Cbmpany adoptedjal;�the meeuhg-field OJI November8 7999'relating toalie authonzanon of cenam:prirsons to execute fAt:and'on " 'a°"
`' °'behaf i'of the Cum aan Wntten Commltmeriis and a mtinentg and dglogano in liege rescinded � : � r r� f jig. , p ' I .: I . t: '°'�
g� o*. `a«' aka �.s�, P Y PW& §. by *� a „� §t', r�"�` & .', e ,..,r^ tg :.: ,y� 4 ram:
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I :, I) ies I ereby nbmmate ;c nstitute and appoint Alberto P ez, ilrficha 1 F aherty Shiron Leonard; Thomas -Sauer, alll,of the City of LITTLETON Colorado each F, , , l� ;;;
mr nr' 9 &i :.".�i,:: k "* k .,,i la<e:. aa:: y :, €r m -, t .,. t...' r*^^„9 f
:, mdiyiduaily if Chere be inure than one named ;its trii I lawful &Iomeyaist fact to,iiialce 'exec'ute seal?a id delrver;on its behalf, and as rts'act and deed any and all; .
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bonds, [mdertakmgs reGognizance5; contracts and other writings ari the nature thereof m penalties not exoeedmg Five rmlhon' dollars &:zero cents ($5 000 �000 00j apd ,� 0 .
lr :: „ ..A, . e i> s,t I .}" e I. }
. .:, the;ezeegtwn,t?f suchwritmgs m:pursuance�o.fthese presents steal} be as btiidwg upon€satd.Comlpany,pas�fiilly andaa ply as ifthey had lieen duly%'executedqia6nd- f -_ ,�
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., :;. �°ac,, WJedged by th`e- regularly elected officets of}dit,Company a[ its prmCtpal office s p'+ r +,�..,, jp $-
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f IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Stephen'Nl I1'aney; Vta l'restdeM bras heteunto'subseri6ed hts nazi a apd affixed the Ct iporate seal of thud WI STCHESTER '
s FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY this 13 day of March 2009 ,, ig '' 4
,' z ti x 's
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.. COMMONWEALTH OF PIENNSILUANIA l I �°/ 111 � t i $tr i .11E i I-: it ''li I( al I. : l it
3- COUNTY OF PHILADE[ PHIA ss ijr « ,»y t � ' :: a i M,. .; #1t , � iY` ��� i•,.w
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€I lY ;; li On this 13,'dary of March; AD 2009 beforelme, a Notary Public ofthe Cpmmonwiealtli of Pennsyilvania ai and for the County ofPhiladelphia came Steptietl I
t.: i, a i ..t
L. M.Haney Utce-PresidentoftheWESTCHESTER'FIAi1NS'URANCE:COMPliANYtome'petsonaliy,;known�t� ,,etheigd itd alandofficerwhoexeeit4edthe
5 :','•. `iecediri J iri�smunent - and he rich owleti ed:that he a cuted1. lhe same ihil thai the seal affixed f+j T."the' �ecedtn I iistrument:is the eo orate seal;gf satd�Cam II at r
P ,p ga air. �t a: g ',l,° . :e .r rsl .., i P i t T9 ..., m I
I;tlte said:eo. orate seallar d'hig:s: attue were'dul affzed.b ;.the::authori ;and direction ofthe'sard eo`"oration aril that Resolution as"da tad b ::the l3oardrofDtrectors°
w� i rP ' yo y c a ty � ' �- , , : �, ,� :pay ! Y .. s i ,. 41
ofpsaid Cjjoinpany referred to m the precedm$'instrtunent is now �n force . i , } "
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IN TESTIMONY WHER:} OF l have hereuntp set myahand and affixed my<offletat seal at the tatty of Philadelphia.. the day and year first above wntten
ti .% �,,� !,x p�,4. .^s ,,.�,m„ m.. �, +,. a "v ,. a„°ro :.;e`e
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I the<undersigned Assistant Secretary ofthe WESTCHESTER FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY-, do hereby Certify that the, original POWER'OF ATTORNEY of
whiohrthe foregoing is a substantially true and correct off; is in:full force and effect° "l g°{ `" tit i""
�p.ir('':i .a ..£"",. g 1'4, r'.I6`: �s 1 .° -"` .I .nl° t}",: M?' (`.+,"�;;.
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