HomeMy WebLinkAboutRESPONSE - RFP - 7116 BALL FIELD CONCESSIONAIRE ROLLAND MOORE PARKProposal for Rolland Moore Park #7116 Ball Field Concessionaire Submitted by: Dave Nawrocki-Owner High Plains Vending dba Red Cart 1486 Sailcrest Ct. Fort Collins, CO 80526 970-412-3444 nawrock@comcast.net Red Cart is a new business in Fort Collins. The cart is currently under construction and will be completed by March 5 h, 2010. The cart is mobile.. It measures 40" X 49" and has a 36" condiment table that detaches for transport. The cart is towed by owner and stored in owner's garage when not in use. Included are the blue prints for the cart that have been approved by the Larimer County Health Department prior to starting construction. The cart is constructed primarily of wood that has been sanded smooth and all surfaces inside and out will be painted with a super high quality, durable exterior paint per health department requirements. The propane fired two burner stove is stainless steel; the fire box is made of aluminum flashing. Steam table pans are stainless steel. Included in packet are blueprints and photos of what the shape and size of the cart will be. The photos are taken of the prototype that was constructed using the blueprints that are submitted. The color of the cart will be red -and not yellow. The umbrella will be red: I have done a site inspection of the concession area at Rolland Moore Park. My cart will fit perfectly in the designated area and not impede pedestrian traffic in any way. It is a compact cart design with the capacity to service 200 people per hour if needed. It is brand new and will provide a fresh, professional appearance. The menu will be simple but providing something for a wide range of tastes. Hot dogs, specialty dogs, nachos, sodas, water, chips and candy will be the base menu offerings. Other items can be added per customer requests and city approval. Please see attached menu. Prices are approximate. Hot dogs are Hebrew National All Beef Kosher brand. I will source, promote and use as many local products as makes sense to do so and that are perceived to be a value by the customer. The customer feedback will drive menu changes. The entire focus of Red Cart is geared toward a positive, fun and relaxing experience for the customer. Red Cart is a new business and will be available for the maximum amount of hours when events are scheduled at the Complex. General business liability insurance has been quoted by Bekitt & Associates Insurance here in Ft. Collins, and will be the type and with the limits specific within the requirements of 3.4 in request for proposal. Employee Mules of Conduct Employees must arrive at work on time and ready for work. Employees must arrive at Vendor location according to the prescribed schedule. Employees must conform to the Vendor Cart Dress and Deportment Code. Employees must read and conform to the guidelines provided for workers in the food service industry including instructions on personal washing, cleaning equipment, and handling food. Employees must be able to safely and efficiently operate all of the equipment used in the operation of a hot dog cart. Employees must be able to provide proper food services to customers in a timely and profitable manner. Employees must always convey a friendly positive professional attitude especially when dealing with customers. Employee's conduct, hygiene and dress must always conform to the standards required of the local Department of Health for the Food service industry. Non -employees are not allowed behind the cart. Non -employees are not allowed to operate any equipment. Employees must be able to consistently and accurately charge customers the correct amount for the items purchased and give back the correct change. All monies collected from sales will be deposited into the cash box at the end of each working day or shift. All monies collected from sales will be counted and logged at the end of each working day or shift. An inventory of remaining foodstuffs will also be counted at this time. Any reasons for discrepancies should be noted in writing at this time. Employees will not borrow from the company cash box. Employees will not sell any unauthorized products from the food cart or on company time. Employees will conform to the posted menu prices and will not extend special pricing to any friends, relatives, customers or themselves unless authorized by the company owner or supervisor. Employees are required to maintain business confidentiality. Employees are not to discuss details of our business with non -employees such as sales volume, product costs, sources of supply, location or event plans, etc. Any thefts of products or money will result in the employee's immediate work termination and will be reported to the appropriate authorities. Any departure from the above guidelines may result in the employee's immediate work termination. This instruction guide is binding and is to be read and signed by each vendor cart employee and kept on record by the company owner. Employee Signature: Employer Signature: Date: IARIMER DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT COUNTY 1525 Blue Spruce Drive Fort Collins, Colorado 80524-2004 General Health (970) 498-6700 Environmental Health (970) 498-6775 ®LA LiP Fax (970) 498-6772 February 11, 2010 Dave Nawrocki dba Red Cart 1486 Sailcrest Court Fort Collins, CO 80526 The plans and specifications submitted for the construction the Red Cart mobile unit with commissary to be located at 3512 S Mason in Fort Collins, Colorado, have been reviewed by this department. The following items were not clearly specified in the plans or were not in compliance with the Colorado Retail Food Establishment Rules and Regulations. The plans are approved at this time. These items must be clearly specified in writing or be modified to be in compliance with the above regulations prior to approval of the submitted plans. Please respond in writing to the bolded items. 1. The menu is acknowledged. 2. The cold holding and hot holding equipment on the mobile unit is limited. Please be advised, potentially hazardous foods must be held below 41 °F or above 135T during storage, display and preparation. 3. This operation is not approved for any type of grease cooking. 4. All food preparation, ware washing, water tank filling and dumping, and cart cleaning must be done at the commissary kitchen. 5. The hand washing sink must on the mobile unit must have hot and cold running water, single service hand towels from a dispenser and soap at all times the cart is in operation. 6. Please be advised foods, cups, plates and tableware must be adequately protected from customer contamination, such as coughing, sneezing and handling. 7. Please be advised the cart must be constructed of an approved material that is smooth, non -absorbent, easily cleanable and durable. 8. The department will require the cart to comply with Chapter 9 Mobile Retail Food Establishments or Push Carts of the above noted regulations. When the cart is operating it must operate out of the approved commissary. Be advised, when operating, the cart must report to the commissary at least once per day for supplies and cleaning operations. 9. An adequate, uncontaminated supply of potable water must be provided at all times, under pressure, when the cart is in operation. This water must be obtained from the commissary kitchen or other approved source, such as a licensed kitchen. 10. Be advised all liquid waste must be stored in a retention tank that is at least IS% larger than the fresh water supply tank. The two 6 gallon fresh water tanks and the two 7 gallon waste water tanks must be with the cart at all times during operation. If water cannot be replenished or dumped, the cart must close. 11. Be advised that the following items are required at the mobile unit during operation: • Food product thermometers (0 to 220°F). • Food handlers gloves and finger cots. • Approved sanitizer. • Test kits for the sanitizer. In addition to the $100 plan review application fee paid at the time the plans were submitted for review, a review fee is assessed for the actual review time. The review fee is assessed at a rate of $44 per hour. Currently review cost for this project is $ 88. Please be advised, before the department can give any approval for operation all plan review fees must be must be paid. The plan review billing invoices for this project are attached. The written plans are approved at this time. Be advised approval of plans, including the above modifications, does not constitute acceptance of the completed structures. Inspections of the premises must be conducted by this department prior to approval for operation and licensure of the establishment. Failure to follow the recommended changes may prevent or delay the licensure. Please feel free to contact this department if questions arise, or if I can be of further service at 498-6781. Respectfully, Jennifer Sorrentino COMMISSARY AGREEMENT Complete form if you are not self-contained and report to a commissary as a part of your regular operation. I, 1JP J, G'llxl7/21-- of (Owner/Operator) (Establishment Name) located at ,3�t I�i¢ fa/YT, !� .,, C v (Address of Establishment) do hereby give my permission to her jt fib �1�� 1/41'e0`;-4- Zed ?"t-ro (Name of Mobile Unit/Pusheart/Temporary Booth) to use my kitchen facilities to perform the following: t Preparation of foods such as vegetables or fruits, Ware washing cutting meats, cooking, cooling, reheating. Filling water tanks Storage of foods, single service items, and cleaning agents Dumping waste water X Service and cleaning of the equipment Other (list below) Commissary Water Supply? Municipal 4- Well Commissary Sanitary Sewer Service? Municipal 1C- Septic Indicate hours facility is open for mobile unit use: Sun 10't to P Mon 9,0 to `� P Tues f A to Wed ¢ to T P Thurs to Fri 0 A to as Sat $ to P Sun 9 is to l P Indicate the equipment available at the commissary for the proposed uses: Hand sink V- Prep Sink x Mop sink ;c. Three bay sink sL Dish machine 1C Refrigeration Y- Cooling equipment Dry Storage Other - +VIP Owner/Operator Date Phone Number This commissa°y Asreement:><s vaii$ for:the calendar year :orilY. Psoftware'\PUDLnFoofflan Review Mobile Unit plan review revised.doc (0211 1/)9) 7 LLA jt�jJ {_,Hjtd n nR,rlLn LJ.,llr'{3IG l.11Y LVUG - AaNY _ALTERA7lON A9AL3i OIV Tu15= ' 1486 SAT.LCREST CT. LICENSE wiia n ro.MnrcvLY �sarce, 2 i7 2010 crrvii�,arro.81oro FORT COLLL�TS, CO 80523049. CRO100(i2fli ) Department Use Only1375 PM)2WSEn57reet COLORADO BUSINESS REGISTRATION DemarCO �t� 7son, 2aasERv pare, PLEASE PRESS FIRMLY AND PRINT CLEARLY- INSTRUCTIONS FOR: THIS FORM ARE IN THE: PUBLICATION CR 101 Z 1. REASON FOR RUNG THIS APPLICATION K ■ DDng�l Ayptcatlon ❑0angeofOmreielip . ... - - 3 RECEDED 7411,. • DoyouhaveaDeptofRevenueAccountNumber? oyes oKb' (F Yes, Aecoum 9 R O • • ■ _Do you want this; number assigned to new kication? ❑'Yes ❑ No n (}��{{ r FEB 3 2 ti Ei a 2. Indicate Type of Organization )' ,,,, snr $ ❑ Estate ❑ Other NmrProfl V a Individual ❑<rimled UaMTty Letlad 8❑. Govemncem z ❑ Generall'armersMp Pa nershp(LLtP) .o Joint Venture ❑ Other Coto Depi. of Revenue W Limited Partnership ❑. Corpwafu'mn .a.n. Treat " - Lmdk.M liability Company 'S'Corpomtion �'-"— (LLC) ❑, ❑ Nanprofil507 (C)(3) a Limited Liability Partnership(U.P) ❑- -A adefation (Please enclose copy of the IRS lever of exemption.) to Taxpayer Name low rer ParMelsor Corporate Name)(Last RrsL Mddle) 4 _1' z' a,:t -� t .tom ib Tatpayer lD Raquned(see 1'r/ r%as §: a ({ L' Ms;�r is ra'�, 2 �tr r ,w r «� 3 `<,"• t� .. ire 'enS.:ni S 3a Street Address of Pnnopd Place of BusutessdColoradoCRY�, �', , G r State w ZIPCodeIle-It i Q! 1 .- isrlYta ac�what i `a n - ti c ating Ad dress erem rem' - nt Slate ZIP Code ^s Telephone m �r R�r d eS n , h i rw ..~F ;.c. a F_ sJ - -u •3, - a -vim ; Si Bards Name`(IFAvatable) ,:,,7 r s: - ,Bank Address Rank Account Number ':.-. x,.._ �"`•,. 11, .•J 'i... S Fust Day of Paynd (Mo1DayA't1 _ Payroll Records Location (List Address) Payroll Reco_NsTelephone t:: _ & 21 - 7 What products and/or servioesdo ymrprevde?(CompleteSediii tij D iyouseIIffdurvehldebresv ❑Yes I]No •Isyourbusie 'ma'*Mtawngdidnct?❑Yes❑No ,.• { -( +'foC•1 r (f re F .+ c%a r y t +" Lr, Doyou red od6iii i r30dapor.less? ❑Yes ©I If € . OwnerA?artitmlCap Officer . s f a s �, k Title Seal Scarily t •' `' Federal Employer Idedficafim Number IN) Pa cob'Address (Rewdence m P 0 Box StreH, fhty State, ZIP Code) a r '' : T/ .: $''/c�f,'c = 9a, TitN Sorad lParmar y,t,.. rityf' �,. Employer Wenufiration Nunlber(FEIN)3 lel l0 9b Address (Resdence orPO Box, Sited, Cty State ZIP Code)'+' TelepMre- m M tltebusiness In wholeN In youi"Ird Pert;comp - 10a. Prmr Taxpayer Name - :-:. ;.- ':. -; Date of Acqua�on -. PnorT r UI Taz Accwrm Number �tOb Address ply `_ 1. ❑ If Seasonal, mark C Apr. : - July. ONect: - Feb .Y>.. each business month: ,shay Aug.. �c _ • . Mara y June; "= Sept. Dec. 2a. Fling Frequency: If sales tax co0eded is s2"°,ra 2h^Rrst Day of Sales (MONayIYr) l�E 1i10 y-�'i �0020• State Sales Tax.^:f^ ❑ $15.00hnomh orless-Annudty a€t- �+j' y — ! ,•' ::] , yr ';.vr 810� De a� (355j COO ❑ Under $30monih-Quarterly v+ v Mq' r, 0060• Sale - - law- LV4 ( g. Revenue Rey nAccouum m Nber/, / _ 1-1S300Imonih or more-Momhly ^.3 r� r -yr 750) l.xle O (�)$ /rfl "..�- )yr N ❑ Wholesale only - Annually. -� V M° V Inn 0100- 3. Wliolesde�>, Indicate which applies to you: -.;esr _ iv'r�� " S �`(ggg $1 Lx .'' yr -❑ Wholesaler ❑aChaileble ❑ RTD xo-yr 750) 1000•W 8- Retail -Sales ❑:.CO Mo -- ( cogs" ❑ Retailers -Use ❑ FD Vr a=`+iyr 750) N,hho�ldug(999)$1-1 0.00 a o 31z Fibng Frequency If wage w107holdmg amowt ts3 .f zo, y .x .�.Vaa �- mom-,-rry ,,:•s ram', -, s-' i❑-$1 $6999/Year Quartedy' ❑$50000+IYear Weekly+' r2^OiVGas x "'° OfViWithholdm9,.a., "° ; ' (0160 c a aaae-3 s t License vr, ,. .:°;yr 750 (999)S ❑$7000 999lYeai Modhty *M69file byBedionlcFundsTransler Make checkpayabieto ��TA� Colo. De t. of Revenue BOTH WHITE RAGF .%Sf BERET,;-g_l I declare under penalty of pequry In the second degree that the statements made in this application are he and complete to the best of my knowledge. �. tii,a G/-��r-�2v:-Ctx!`ltvJ.Rta. _-__ Title Date OFFICE USE ONLY Account Type NAIC$ng°+ . _- LC - OD °SC -- IAA , -' - ,'A Sig ❑ N-. TR-L -- -. " Date -Tech Sig (continue on reverse side of this page.) See page 3 for Return Check Policy David NAwrochd Has Completed Food Safety Works Safe Food Handler Training rnncRa, Instructor Larimer County Extension Extension Expires:1/12/11 1/2 SIZE STEAM PAN 1/2 S1ZE STEAM PAN 112 SIZE STEAM PAN -DRAIN WASTE WATER TANK o a o FRESH WATER TANK o, O �MURNERS VUEMOVABLE MELT WATER TANK -" 0) QiAl- CAPACITY METAL FIREDOX 6 INCH WIDE FENDERS COOLER - DRAINS' TO REMOVEABLE MELT WATEta TANK DRAIN WASTE WA IER TANK 7 GAL CAPACITY COPPER GAS LINE 48-1 PROPANE FIRED WATER HEATER 20 LB F'R OPANE TANK REGULATOR HOT AND COLD RUNNING VVATr--R SINK The site fee will be paid up frontas required and proposed percentage of gross sales , receipts will be determined through negotiation of what will be deemed acceptable by the City as I have no idea what the gross revenue potential for this site is. Signage on the cart will be a simple logo and name in a white circle on each side of the cart. Menus with logo and name will be affixed to cart for easy visibility by customers. Dress code will be navy blue shirt and pants or shorts. Shirts will have logo and name on upper left breast. Hats will have logo and name also. All license and permits will be secured. See attached copies of current licenses and permits. Cleanliness, sanitation and food safety will be of the utmost importance. Cart and condiment table will be kept clean at all times. Customers don't like a dirty cart. Two trash receptacles will be present. No loose trash or refuse will be tolerated or accepted in a 100 foot radius of vendor cart. Cold food will be kept at 41 degrees or below and hot food will be heated to 165 degrees and held at 135 degrees or above per health department requirements. Temperatures will be monitored and logged on an hourly basis. Sanitizer will be used in a spray bottle and also a sanitizer bucket will be used with a towel and monitored with test strips. The cart two burner stove is fueled by propane and no electricity will be required. Customer service will be friendly and polite. I will know a lot of the local softball people as my daughter is involved in Stars and Rocky softball. A professional approach will be mandatory as it will ensure a positive customer experience. This is crucial as I build the Red Cart brand. This will be reinforced with a Codes of Conduct Policy. This policy will apply to me the owner, my wife and daughter. Red Cart is a sole proprietorship and no other employees will be permitted. An adequate stock of supplies will be secured primarily from Sam's Club. Buns will be procured form Schmidt's Bakery in Loveland. Meticulous business records are maintained using a software program that was specifically designed for use with a vendor cart. All expenses and revenues will be logged on a daily basis. Cash flow and profitability will be monitored constantly using reports generated by this program. This business is driven by quality products, customer satisfaction and profitability. This is my first vendor cart business, and its success is very important to me:.. I, will be utilizing my 37 years of food service to ensure a positive customer experience. While working at independent restaurants, 5 star hotels, resorts and my current position as head chef of Spoons Soups and Salads here in Fort Collins, I have demonstrated the necessary experience to ensure the proper execution and planning that it takes to provide a very positive experience for this project. 2 �. -. -ikk F4 aim .W. I a Page 1 of 1 01, W�- r N� • A: e.. diw�ytc� LARIMER Larimer County COUNTY Department of Health & Environment 1525 Blue Spruce Drive Fort Collins, CO 80524-2004 (970) 498-6776 Estes Park (970) 577-2050 • r • Owner Name Establishment t I t^� Page of License Posted: Yes No ,(r,1( i fc ob Tp tvel Time In Inspection Time 'tTe Date. r Follow-up Required I Number of Repeat Seating Square Avge weekly Purpose Yes / No Critical Violations Capacity Footage meal vol. t t AII'listed violations must be com eted by the times specified by the regulatory authority. Failure to comply with any time limits may result in the initiation of administrative or legal regulatory action including civil penalties up to $1000 and/or cessation of operation. An opportunity for appeal of the inspection findings and timelimitations will be provided if a written request for an administrative hearing is filed with the Department within rive (5) days following the date of receipt of inspection. If the request for a hearing is received, a hearing shall he held no sooner than twenty (20) days after the operator is notified of the hearing. CRITICAL ITEMS relate directly to foodborne illness Value NON -CRITICAL ITEMS can become serious problem Value 1. Food supplies: 1. Approved source. 15 2. Containers free of damage, dents, swells. 15 3. Free of spoilage & adulteration. 15 4. HACCP plan for MAP. 15 5. No service of raw / undercooked animal food / sprouts 5 to highly susceptible individuals. 3. Temperature control for potentially hazardous foods: foods maintained at < 41' F or> 135' F. Cool quickly from 135'F to 70'F in two [tours and from 70'F to 41'F in four hours. Use shallow, uncovered pans in refrigerator or ice bath with frequent stirring. NO COOLING AT ROOM TEMPERATURE! 1. Cooling Procedures. 20 2. Rapid reheat >165'F. 20 3. Hot holding > 135'F. 15 4. Cold holding <41'F. 15 5. Adequate cooking. 20 6. Time as a control. 15 7. Product thermometers used, accurate. 5 4. Equipment adequate to maintain safe food temperatures. 20 6. Foods safely thawed at <41'R in a refrigemtor, under cold running 15 water, by microwave. or by cooking. 7. Re -service and cross contamination: 1. Unwrapped & potentially hazardous foods not re -served. No self 20 service of row animal foods. 2. Cross contamination from equipment. produce washed. 20 11. Employee health: 1. Sick employees restricted from handling food and utensils. 20 2. Cuts, bums, bandages covered. 20 12. Employee practices: 1. Hands washed as needed. 20 2. Good hygienic practices, no common towels. 10 3. Smoking, eating, drinking. 5 4. Demonstration of knowledge / training needed. 15 5. Ready -to -cat food protected from bare hands. 20 20. Warewashing & sanitizing: 1. Three compartment sink: wash, rinse, sanitize, air dry. 50 ppm 10 chlorine or 200 ppm quaternary ammonia or 125 ppm iodine for one minute. 2. Warewashing machine: I80'F final rinse or 50 ppm chlorine at 10 dish level. 3. In -place equipment & CIP system: wash. rinse & sanitize. 10 27. Water supply: 1. Safe. adequate water source. 15 2. Hot and cold water under pressure provided at all times. 10 28. Sewage & wastewater properly disposed of. Disposal system 15 adequate. 30. No connections between potable water & waste water. Proper 10 backflow devices provided. 31. Handwashing sinks & toilet facilities: 1. Handwashing sinks & toilets provided. 15 2. Handwashing sinks accessible. 10 3. Hand soap, dispensed hand towels/hand dryer. 5 35. Pest control: 1. Evidence of rodents. 10 2. Evidence of insects. 10 3. Pest control & pesticide application. 15 4. Prohibited animals. 5 41. Chemical handling: 1. Properly labeled. 5 2. Stored separately. 10 3. Properly used. 15 Critical Items Require Immediate Corrective Action Visit the Food Inspection Reporting web site at wwwJarimer.org/food 2. Food containers properly labeled. 1 5. Accurate, conspicuous thermometers in refrigeratotsthot holding cabinets. 1 8. Food protected from contamination; covered, off Floor, raw meats stored below cooked & ready to eat foods. 2 9. Proper utensils provided & used. 2 10. In -use dispensing utensils properly stored. 1 13. Clean cloths & aprons, hair restrained, authorized personnel only. 1 14. - Food contact surfaces maintained, non -toxic, smooth, durable, non- absorbent, easily cleanable. 2 15. Non-food contact surfaces maintained, constructed to be smooth, durable, non -absorbent, easily cleanable. 1 16. Warewashing facilities provided, properly designed, installed. maintained and operated. 2 17. Warewashing facilities provided with accurate thermometers, chemical test kits, pressure gauge. I 18. Soiled equipment, dishes & utensils; scraped, preflushed, soaked. 1 19. Wash and rinse water clean & hot. 2 21. Wiping cloths saturated with 50 ppm chlorine. 200 ppm quaternary ammonia or 125 ppm iodine. I 22. Cutting boards, work counters, slicers, grinders, utensils and other food contact surfaces clean. 2 23. Non-food contact surfaces clean. 1 24. Clean equipment & utensils air dried and properly stored, handled to prevent contamination. 1 25. Single service articles properly stored, dispensed & used. 1 26. No re -use of single service articles. 2 29. Plumbing properly installed and maintained. 1 32. Toilet rooms enclosed, doors closed, toilet paper & waste receptacles provided. Adequate number of fixtures. 2 33. Recycle, garbage and refuse containers maintained, adequate number, covered when located outdoors. 2 34. Recycle, garbage and refuse areas clean, maintained and properly constructed. ' I 36. Floors clean, maintained, constructed to be easily cleanable. Base cove provided. I 37. Walls & ceilings clean, maintained, constructed to he easily cleanable. I 38. Lighting adequate, shields provided. 1 39. Rooms & equipment vented as required. I 40. Employee personal items properly stored and separated. 1 42. Premises clean, maintained, free of unnecessary articles. Maintenance equipment properly stored. Outer openings protected from entry of pests. 1 43. Complete separation of living, sleeping & laundry from food & warewashing areas. I 44. Clean & soiled work clothing, linens properly stored. -. Risk Index Rating: Inspection Type: �^ ❑ Key Item 0 Complete ❑ Aanounccd/HACCP 151,01her - l y;0 r't I Inspected By: 1` ' ? t ~: ; t i t S t", tr` t Phone: �i "'" EHS # c` c Received By:-/*`,. Title: LARIMER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENT ESTABLISHMENT INSPECTION REPORT Establishment Name Page Of Address Date Received by: Inspected by: itenl/wt REMARKS Corrected upon inspection Correct by (mmlddlyy) An op-enion 4-r�,-jr0_4 r"'I s j C-t-co i" r n 1_1-r 0 I,-"% 7- f ea,-t r—, f:D i i c, :a---h cw--� rz-r) A. met - V C- fl- A I 's e A f 4+) -3 1 4l K061), t.. ckr,-,,'+ 2) e r-( °,�; Must collect �C0�,m,3 OF REVENUE taxes for:: STATE- --, COUNTY COI_ngAD0� SALES TAX LICENSE USE ACCOUNT NUMBER for all references LIABILITY INFORMATION ISSUE DATE LICENSE VALID TO DECEMBMBER31 caner aty hva s ymce ,;,�,,;; eu ^,� " vU THIS LICENSE MUST BE POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATION IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE: j MOBILE FT COLLINS:CO- NAWROCKI DAVID M HIGH PLAINS VENDING RED CARPET DAVE NAWROCKI 1486 SAILCREST CT FT COLLINS CO 80526 THIS LICENSE IS NOT TRANSFERABLE 1 E�e Director Department of Revenue red cart � — � a �� - � !�»� , / \— � ` ` � � \ e .� / � \ \� \��( ® Who We Are and What We Do We combine local Colorado products with the simple, fun and casual concept of the street food cart. We offer something to please everyone. The simple kosher all beef hot dog, jumbo dog or smoked Cajun bratwurst, all are served on a fresh baked bun from Loveland's Schmidt's bakery. Fresh chopped onions on your dog are the sweet Rocky Mountain variety from Grant Family Farms in Welling- ton. La Flavorita nacho chips are from Henderson. Our chili and nacho cheese sauce are made using my own special recipe and have never seen the inside of a can. The green chilies in the nacho sauce are fire roasted from Hatch Farms. Want salsa on your chips or dog? We get ours from Gilberto's Gourmet Good- ness right here in Ft. Collins. I searched for a truly great relish and found it in Wickles Wickedly Delicious relish. They make it without using high fructose corn syrup. Want potato chips? We feature the local Boulder brand. Even our cart is hand made by a local craftsman in Loveland. My name is Dave Nawrocki, owner of red cart street food. My family and I moved to Ft. Collins 4 years ago., I came here to take over the kitchen at Spoons Soups and Salads and have enjoyed working with local farmers to help bring their prod- ucts from farm to table. My daughter has enjoyed playing softball with the Stars league, has played for Webber JHS, and now plays on the Rocky Mountain HS team. My wife is a tremendous support to both of us and enjoys working for a local natural grocer. Starting a street food concept allows me to utilize my 37 years in foodservice to provide a fun, relaxed and delicious experience to our customers. I want you to have the best street food in Northern Colorado. Look for the "red cart" and en- joy! Hot Dog's Drinks & Misc. The Regular Dog $2.25 The Jumbo Dog $3.25 Smoked Cajun Bratwurst Sausage $6.00 Nacho's with Green Chili Cheddar Sauce $3.00 (Jumbo Dogs & Cajun Brat Sausage served on a large premium bun) Special Recipe Chili add .75 cents Special Recipe Green Chili Nacho Cheese Sauce add .75 cents Grilled Sweet Onions add .75 cents House made Cole Slaw add .75 cents The Regular Dog, Chips, Soda $3.75 The Jumbo Dog, Chips, Soda $4.75 Large Cajun Brat Sausage, Chips, Soda $7.50 Two Regular Hot Dogs, Chips, Drink $6.00 Ice Cold Soda's $1.00 Ice Cold Bottled Water $1.00 Hansen's Natural Soda $1.00 Candy Bar $1.00 Chips $.75 �LD CART Sp���AL� DOGSOdell's Super Deluxe Chili Cheese Dog- Regular $3.75 - Large $5.25 Dog topped with Cutthroat Porter Chili and green chili cheese sauce with 90 Shil- ling Ale. West Virginia Slaw Dog- Regular $3.75 - Large $5.25 Dog smothered in chili and creamy Cole slaw. Yellow mustard and chopped on- ions highly recommended on this one. Garden Dog- Regular $3.50 - Large $5.00 Dog topped with creamy Cole slaw and fresh tomato slices. Recommend jalape- nos, Wickles Wickedly Good Relish and mustard on this dog. Condiments (Load Your Dog as You Like) Rocky Mountain Sweet Onions (when available) Wickles Wickedly Good Relish (no high fructose corn syrup) Gilberto's Gourmet Salsa Jalapenos Mustard Ketchup Siracha Hot Sauce Red Cart Supports Colorado Products Fresh baked buns from Schmidt's Bakery, Loveland CO Salsa from Gilberto's Gourmet Goodness, Ft. Collins CO La Flavorita Tortilla chips, Henderson CO Cutthroat Porter Ale (in the chili) Odell's Brewery, Ft. Collins CO 90 Shilling Ale (in the nacho cheese sauce) Odell's Brewery, Ft. Collins CO Smoked Cajun Bratwurst Schmidt's, Loveland CO Boulder Potato Chips, Boulder CO Hatch Fire Roasted Chilies (in the nacho sauce), Roasted in Fort Collins CO The "red cart" was handcrafted in Loveland CO % Gomm re d cart 'Dress, Deportment & Hygiene Code ARRearance Guidelines: A person's overall appearance must be neat and clean to convey the attitude of professionalism required of the food service industry. Clothing must be clean without stains. A fresh change of clothing is required each day. Clothing should not be frayed or worn out. Shorts are permissible but no cut-offs, short shorts, or bikini bottoms. Short sleeve shirts are permissible but no bikini tops, halter -tops, or muscle shirts. No clothing will be allowed that has logos or messages that are offensive in any way. Company shirts and hats are proffered. Males must be freshly shaven. Hair must be clean and neat. The cash apron must clean and neat. Health Code Guidelines: (Food Focused Healthy Hygiene) Poor personnel hygiene, especially lack of or improper hand washing, is the number one cause of food borne disease outbreaks in the United States. It is also very preventable. In this case the old axiom "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" is very true. The following are typical health code guidelines for hot dog carts and these must be followed and strictly adhered to: Fingernails must be clipped and clean. Long hair must be tied back, pinned or contained in some manner so as to prevent contaminating food. Do not touch the food with your bare hands. All food should be handled using gloves, tongs, forks, spoons or other utensils. Hands must be washed after using the toilet, coughing, sneezing, blowing your nose, using the phone, handling money, garbage or any or unsanitary or toxic item. Hands must be washed upon re-entering the work area (the hotdog cart) even if you have just washed them in another place such as the bathroom. You must also wash your hands after eating, drinking, smoking, washing dirty dishes or other equipment, handling raw meat or other food, or even before putting on gloves to handle food. Hands must be washed using hot water and soap and lather for 15-20 seconds and then dried using a single use towel (such as paper towels). The use of gloves should not be seen as a means to short cut proper hand sanitation. Gloves can also pick up and spread germs. You would not use gloves to handle raw meat and then also to serve cooked food as this would transmit bacteria from the raw food to the cooked food. No smoking or tobacco chewing. (It is unsanitary around food, violates health code guidelines, and conveys a casual unprofessional attitude) No chewing gum. (It also violates health code guidelines and conveys a casual unprofessional attitude) Do not eat or drink when serving food. You must leave the food preparation and serving area for any of these activities. Move a short distance away from your cart. You must wash your hands when you return. You are allowed to drink from a closed beverage container (such as with a lid) while in the food service area. It must have a handle to prevent your hand from touching the area that your mouth will touch or it must have a drinking straw. Wash it between uses or discard it. Do not work with food when you are sick, sneezing, have a runny nose, sore throat, diarrhea, vomiting, dark urine or yellowing of the skin (jaundice) or fever. Do not handle food if you have an infected cut or burn, pus or boil. Wear gloves over any cuts, abrasions, or burns. Clothing must be clean and not allow cross contamination between raw and cooked foods.