HomeMy WebLinkAbout108964 WEITZEL AND SONS EXCAVATING INC - PURCHASE ORDER - 9953543Date: 6/11/2009
Fort Collins
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Purchase Order Number: 9953543
Delivery Date: 6/10/2009 Buyer: STEPHEN, JOHN
Purchase Order number must appear on invoices, packing lists, labels, bills of lading, and all correspondence.
Line Qty/Units Description Extended Price
Excavation Costs
Excavation costs for the Collindale patio
Total $8,245.29
City of Fort CoffmDirector of Purchasing and Risk Management City of Fort Collins
This order is n alid over $5000 unless signed by James B. O'Neill Il, CPPO Accounting Department
City of Fort Collins Purchasing, PO Box 580, Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 PO Box 580
Phone: 970-221-6775 Fax: 970.221.6707 Email: purchasing@fcgov.com Fort Collins, CO 80522.0580
Purchase Oidef Terms and Condilims
Iaseymnpliols 13Y ill nnm ll CAY oft vColli Llonsl l till If r".0 Illeol"Itee NIIIIIII,11
98 04502, I ede at Ell sc Iax Esellptito, Cenlfeme of R1,11y 84 6000581 11 elif cd u'@ d e (ollcern' of
Ileenlil Ileyliti , Dcmvcn Cowl'ads (Ref Colorado Revised Statues 1913. (ha, cr39-20. 114 (a)
Gs.,IlRcje,md GOODS REJLC I LDdw lO Hill ". """,eelcf rll-whmal'ppe I o' Arc to deeds of
do amg, ill I :rail I_ Ill ly be el ,,d Io y ,, fe ed , a I.I it, no, lie pl'aeul u.\ee,)l l PO I \le PI of 'Ile
iusuve.iolls Germ dm Chy of Felt Colb
InN letio l GOODS are suhjcd to ill, City of Pon Collins ...sprat's on ", I, 'I
Most Ase,fo114C Rceo Ill llfil C ,If ell ell SC sec44 to I,Q 1' 'I to 11': .'If"- 1 11 ma"IIIIII IllLII
pay nc 1 01 ,he put of the City of lost Wilms. Hoene', it is to c ioodeistood II n, FINAI, ACU;I'TAW L'4
dq+"d"I upon con4)Iclial of ,If npplicablc legowed imycdio.l plosedlncs.
Foo'lif le"Its Sit 'p rn ll man be ' Oli., Cityof Felt Coffins, 700 Wood St. Iron Collois.CO 9052'�IIIIIIIN
whs,sc Se,6110 on tlisode, Ifpe'nsson is6,cuo aodtl ergo np,"¢y the o',mal fe'abl till
mist Ioconlpany mvoiea Additmnol eho,e, foe pnkmb „'ill not be :it cepttel.
Slo,tllent D'mmncc. W hero m toldhcmrcts I.nvcdin,ibelill6 polet, in w'nou, purls offhc rounuyshipnn'm iv vryu'cd
Bostdlencorest lb,o e,wilpointmd'slinmie".and cxecc4 Blight,vill bedcchmlcd So Invoiwwhmal,ipnuul.,;nc
slack Gen,"emer disuulcc.
I'et+nips. S'sk, slnli peomac o, sellers sole cost Ill nweasary po+nils_unifcmes;nuI lice+.... I'equirsit by all ap )kabl,
laws,mavlmions, it Ill nce,androlesofdmnste, nnnicipoliyleni,eryto"shu'al nnbdivi'lon wbf.'c l be wm'k Is
purGvnmd, or rcgoe'd by any fit, dilly emsli ued public I lh.Lay Imvinaj,;risdioion over fill work of vender.
SCic1'GIIthis to"'. lohold the Cfly .11oil (,.If sI nlessfanand 6' xl;dl fielfill,,lild1: reel by them by
eaa+...fov,illed.,.1ablfshed,tlloti ,of my such Paws "'lloli Inle,'l['el' nests.
Atlllltll'r/onion. All pn111Cs to Ibis confeel o" es thm the ICplel'olan," It, e, III tuft, best fide :lllit pU"t," Ill[ ;I I
completc authority to bind sold psnic'.
LI M I'I'A'NON' 01: PERMS. Phis Purchase Oedo'to, L,sly limier accepts", to the tetras and conditions seed heroin
NI forth and any sop..Is tomry... oddil ionvl loons and wod,tioll, mmeccd Ile, 0o or in"og,onmd herds bymfe."J,
Any addilimlal .1 difl'cre..f tent¢ and conditions proposed by 11111, arc ollleded Io and hereby 1li"I'd
PLGASH ADVISIi PURCHASING AGIiN'f inmlWil,dy if yen Connof nuke completc sNpusnl to nnivc nu your
promise) Adivcry A;ne nil no1cA.'I'inv i4 ofdle Cssenev. Will, and Ill Re Illes, nurse lu effccwd wit Its do, lint'
limed on the pmehasIt order and Ibc 1.ei rents amched L'dl, No ads of Ilse PJeehafls including, ,,,till.....
liolimlion, atee'laoce of partial Isle ddhonss, shall opemwa;nvaiv,r of this pmrtsie I In dlc ewem of urydcb,y, ol,
Pnrehaereilall Love, in addition w miler Icgal and el4.itaNlc r'nedics, the option ol'pLacillg J.is ordemksewherc and
el le ins the Sd1u liable fr damages- Ihnvever, ,h, Scllce xbdl not be liable I'onlun,a li n rfmh ol'ddaq, due sea not le3l.ly f ill h d 'bey I + I I' 1 'J s, I l et11 f ill k s 1 I:
ofGtl ,,act4 ofc,lo'nlhl.y II -I f, bo fIIto' . f 1-k fl d' pdellcs ,v, Se"ntc
Mia th StIles Fill
l o'l,bo,heegs.mhi,, eew ova sell,
d,jws,) d;yef Nwton,
when (hJ Scllcr first received knowledge thm'eof In the ,acts stony such ddq•, the dew al'Aolivcrysholl be cwendal
for (he period egad to the time acumlly lost by reason of the delay
"I'Im Selle, wart:uns ll,al all 600ds, ,sides, n,ntet'inls and e•oek alas,) by thin order' will mnfonn wi,II npplicablc
dnnvings, speeifemions, san"I" L &I, tbf, (I.... pb l,given,olIlub,fete fhc pup,oses in(endal,nod be, Retool
wishWehighest d,,,eofto, 'e and wnpmldmc ill .,,.,donee aid,accepted I; Ill ds ton.mk of a similar mnare.
'fhc Selle;'ngrccs I,, hold the) ... 'Chose, ' harmless froll, nny loss It o, of c+yens, which the 11u.rohn'e"ist sole, of
ur on account offhc Sellms bleach ofwan... IN, I'Ile Shce,'hall replice. repair 01 make good, wilbom cost to the
woo, mry dcfcele-or funks'riving \viol,in one (1) year onrilllill such long,rpcfeel of ,ism nil may Ixipmsetibed Iry
I. or by Ore Ions of ony npplill fee wan slit y Provided by the Scllcr oIle. Jae IfI,. ofae,,pais, ofdle -eods
Gunisl,ed I"I'lu le (a,eepuncc no, tok..... 'earonably dchpmd), IcsvIIIIIg font inlperfccl or IfcIcc.ivc work dunUn'
m;it'nalsf el"d by flit, ScllcrAcl,ptun,ea',,,bgoodsbylie Pu,ele"r'ball not cwtsulmc avvaivet ofav
cloim under this wo tanty. Gvecp.Is mhel"e, Provided in (I'll Pumluwe..ruler, d e Scllce, Iiobilily hcleonder shop
em"od m ,If damages Proximately erased 1, .he breach of alp of'1hc fom6oing wol.t 1w, or boa'amtts, bra such
liability shall ill eveol include loss of peolil or It,,, of a NO IMPMED ,VARRANIY ()If
nt, rnrdla,fe may make dlalg,a Io raged tern., by,wrilfell d.allge order
'ncl, P,n'dusm' maymak'sey'l n6eswde, trams,o,If,IlanIt'll fit nus,.... luting iddi.iots ro s.' Melillo, from Il,
,eontilies m'i,mally ordocd in Isle specifmtions or drawings, by verbal or.dune cbnngc order. If any such shan't,
aRcets the, I due or fhc linre of,,, Nonesnu he,le Wis. an, ..... bible still I ran shall lie..mdc.
'I he P, 'lliltao,l cfly n ife's elean, tie', Ienl mcd E to, lIIII f1its 6 Ls
the not sl 1 lj fl,mly cgti mble adj,,st e, Itt I hee,el. Ile,—: tsn,11,11R ol o,fe.ill, 11 I'll ell
provided flea let Pill eba.. ahill list be fable for lily dm net le' tool, mulpolf. ors del c>npfeed fell alot, "NC
goods fnlfe. vL.Lk,ill, 1Cldloal o'co nguun;l do sages nlI(hat Inuell oj"oole l load, ,form')I I1CSCllcr
will I'eNee, to mry 600ds seloso 'Is thcScllos slnnda'J sock. No aldl mnninaGmisball reJimc Ibc Pt rh:s¢-'robe
Scllcr ofmry of then bli,at ions u510 any geo(1s delive,ed hafull I,,
Anyclaim for edj,sleso, man eleered ldon Ihiny(30) days fro... Ibclaw the"flats,)I mmlinal issldded
file Stile, wmranls that all goods sold he,luedo'sholl full boat produced, sold, dlhoe,ed :old fial,isl,cd ill said
onp,lianccwllb Ill npplicable Inrvs and rcgldmiolls I. Mild fhc goods all, nlb)CCL'I he SCllcr shJllcxcallc:nulddlnr
meb domnm vs .Is my Iw mgl' Cd N. effeel I, c,'Jc we L.el,helil,l All I' ws sad 6 I' f .cgnirod to be
we..,oramd', ageemnI ofths lm ,tar acic'by"moq,oradl 1l by this ref c.'I" Scllce agrees.,,
indcnn.ify and hold the Purdlase, Massless from ail sells and dan.gcs suffered by Its Ile"I as a resat, of lhf
Scle, fader', 10 eleoply,vfit, such law.
III I only to de, mfoe this [Agl'CCIIICIII) Co1151 ate, o "sill, SOIIICf gewt'nllnclll contract" "all i.l II.C,11'llllllg of
Ankle XXV III ofdle Coloeodo Collnitwiml ("Arlidc XX\911"), dko the prov[4ions ofScclloo 15 oCAnidc XXV III
etc hcroby m,lepofamd ism fills IA61'edn...t). In each a cam, if tlm ICmnrocno'J or any .,III, persml who is u
..nb'ael holdcl",a defined in SadiOn 2(4.5)ofAlti�le XXVIII immnfionallyvi,,lnl,s Sefioo 15 or Seen ](2),)l
Milli, XXV111, fleco fill, IComnlm,,r) agrees it sllnli be i'Ish"blc le bold any sole source g,,,o eel Conunch ill'
poblic employs..... with file slow ofcotorads, orany of its pohli"nl stdulivisiooe, fur Intel, years
Nd.bcr se,y droll assign, unnsfen oil <olevcy ills order, or ony.noo." dun ono Iwconm d„c b''enndcra ilhmIt fhc
prior mriucn core'i of the odes,' pony.
11) III'Idi.
'I'hfill .'aolstill I,ll L,mecd title ill Its PliellaIll fell 1a1p1oa. n,ae,W,ald ilflrc 11i ill
pest' if ills apse urn be, :,d del'of, y a,d all l'els es.-cf, s, isu',uls sed'iy imn'nl
"le l ao,c, and,rains of ml,crs.
Foil .1 ill 'I to 111111111 net f "le,foliont, )fill, fc»s aid coll'f is I'll' Idy 1)
oy'gJnso-enedsp..i dedle'l o'bylaw, ftlilu,". "oeislitly ollibe de ScIlei iti filee, nofnbaad,
Ib, ncwPumcc of stet pay nlc i It). lod, berellndcr ,, ""s. ;ll ol'tlec design, sLnll luv Idcasc the Sell,, ofany.1 IN
vv, rumirs crobligmions off li,11 elitists otdcrmd shoot not lx fleetest I vaive. el ony ligln'title P,ltcba , m im'ut
upon strict pMxnatnce hill col of ;ony of ill 1i611t, or Icnledies as In I saeb goods, rcba,dlcss of1191cv1 sbip"ed,
Vefl or accepted, as is all, prior ol'ssbseg,.em deftell hereunder, Ito, 111Nll ally palilor tell Ill of Bello icmlo.. or
Itse... i lfdl, "i,srlsvl diet by dee Pit that, 'opome,s anal"If Illy of ill' W.,,, hc'aof
Seller lull tlm Plncbacrreeog..laedse ieadvert economic,, acke.o....ke cx.asap ins front; let .'telolelue'lma
'Ifile 16 I t l 1-.IIC',f Sol d' 't1 I 1' Ili cfgtl 1 'I d'@t
Sell. Icnby;ss'6st+ 1e Pe, 'eh;le', ly; ddl et ns'mnay low II to hil,tfie, ac,ui,,dealt-fede-,Io-lost,
"'stoic'laws Is, "'cheve, hal,,e, Ifloling I. it,, o,, sidor goods o1' set vile, I elm'f,l0. "'llfmd by Il,c Pis ellae.
pursuant m .Ills pumlrasC order
If the 1'nmbnI lie
Sell, the Scllcr to wn'ect Itoneonfmmtng oil defective auods by a II, e , be,greed npml by the
eol', lie and meSIle ttio nescnefet olost rinlohloo IIS inability o,I' Halle io it, foll f e Sells. lia )IL,ey,It may
,nose ,hc ,vak to be Performed by Ibc most expcdi.i..ns ..mans nvnilable m it, nnA Ulc Sollee shall pay all taro
anocimcd whb mall walk.
III SII -dell' . 1I -'I ' Iit, cotn i.lo..I vry lie' Goeill lability wild elaiel'.1 L era Ileerft lg
11nm lie pc Gn' n; tt of still o o h
'Ills rcica'o lmll o,ply Lie, ill lie Jv"of Of Roll, of t"ligcnee of lik Polly It'l,ed ,,III shall cxletld to Ill, dittoes,
ofiars unA n1lVlay,es .I''ucll pally.
I Ile Scllcr' cononauJl o11116nGon', including'te— I,, shall ILot k deemed m be reduced, in nny vv'ay, tm'lo."sill,
work ix pc.Tonned e. aulcd is be )"Soloed 1, the 11 Chose.:
Vvhamvcr IbC S,lleris Icguircd.o use ony design, device, Inmaiul orVma.. eovcr"d by Icuer, pamnL wale or
mpyriaht, the Scllcr shall indcnmify and save ha... "' de,I'tnehascl' IPom I and all lulus f, Infingenrsa 1, '., ,
of the see of sech pawowd desfg.., doviee nmwdal or pence's is coneces Lwit h the senvad, and s1m11 indemnify Ile:
Pnrdmmr for anycnsL.,xpcn.. oe.stung, "hid, it story lu obliged t,, pay 1, reason ofsndl i'di oacmcat of any rim,
dIm11I, the p.... Le ionnl'ttlor dml e,timlofthewolk-Inenid s,sn,auipnlenl, oram•pa�r Il,crodonlle imendeJ
c of tlm 600ds, le ill.mJlt soil held to ceeoillas it it and Ibc a,e of suit egeipmcrn or pan is enjoined, the
Sell,''fell:I'uly exptme' dxlit, splito, Loills, pmmre for fill Ito.WasonIle 'ihhfmw(luetslg sold
ell n,,-p:n.l. 'eIP ,@c little nfhsubsmnlally egul bt otld",glg egiiDncnt o'nodlfy T so if becomes
Iflie Scllcesfell bce,,nm insolv'n oI' bankrupt, nlzk, i al,si,"i for Ile Neod,ofmcdiuns,""ximo rests,". a'
mm,C fr Joy of ik Sell..'. pn+pnty or business, (hi, ordcnnay fm9nvi.h hC l;'e'ded by Ism I'u.okscr willow
'I'Its definitions of „'.... oscd to fee illfcrpn1nnoll of Ibc ugrccmJll. and Ill, ngifs,fill psillcs he,e,mde. Shell be
colnvucd antic. and govcmed by 'Ilela,as of fee else ofColonulo. USA.
the bello,aing Addilional Co.e ib.o,s apply only ill uams whore theSell,r is tots. Jet"I work hmeundm', installs, file
s,I, us )I Sellers Itcpl'"'otif ivc(s), w, the pl,n...s, of whe"
y srshallcurry onmid workell Scllcrsown risknnfit themoll 1, Glllyconpddcd;uulaccepmd, test strapnce ,ila
of yet ""1 t I:1 f '"1 )fvl 'k IP' 'I N ''bf' SII 'I Ile IIf .nlJ aecNna ac
..npluC Ill, .... kno Side son s aed to tbv sal'term'' 1 of,he I , etch: s,'. V h, t now - ds, ld Cgt ip lout a v
fiu'uisLcdbyolh'sILL i.."Altuonill s... liwt by Ibc Self', the Scllce shall,,wive, ul Wd, nnrcmid Imndle so of
,If, sit' and ec,onm responsible Il,crcl'e.';s thoe'l,sid, lest n fit, and/oI' "..oipntod m''C loins furnished felt, Sell''
u; I,, It,
'I'lie Scllcrshall,mhisownespouse pnlvidcforfh,si,Ilmnt of,., kms compcnsuloll, melioll, ocm4mle ldisease
osel ill.Is ill employees employed on o, it sennfstion wah the work tingled by fills pumh'l, (11do', nnd/m' IO their
dq+'..I"", in aeeoRlmm" with (he leas of lie rot, ne which the work is n, Ire done. "Ile SCllcr shall ols, s sty
conlpesho,si, i l l''ol liability mdelf, ,bra.,.I Iimitedm,eonuaetml and uuro..lobilc public liability insmml\with
iodlly Injury and daalb linlim'fat le¢15300,000 foe any one person, S500,000 for ally me, areidonl and p,,q
11 .it'II 1 of S100o00 I he Sells tilealllkewise toons Ill, onufmi,it ly, l,, elAde filch
. I l s,s l l l led f an,. Bel 'e ally of d e SollC s or I'' 'I. tam s e t pfyaas,sh, II do try wo l aeon the
p f1h 'tl SII 'd Mlf'.Ill I -I vf' fl, ,ttifcafudm.nchcmnpcnsatiol will"ll, Cchave
Ix 1',, id"I told, It ff ton stall speify the d.Ivnhe, loot c,,npellsafo, lul lsl.'a JCI ", islet ,, l fill
Sid, cenibcoles shell specify the dam when such sompansalon and o"I';u.ec expirex.'(l,e Sell, ' ogres Ilmt.amh
e )mpmrsmioo and insurance shalt be maintained nnlfl lifer Ibc entire worn is eoo,,lood and aeccpmd.
hesell, bor¢by I6xnnms Ill,,mire Iwponxibili.y and liability rill a ,y and all It I,. loss or injury ofany kind a'
nestle whalsecvcrro Ile n'o...metpmpcnycrave toy", le'eltel, fi'on,Ibct,leo Imo ofibe workprovided for inthis
purcha, orcICror in "sell,...... here, fl,.'I'lie Sells, , ill infit nmify and hold hanutC. tic 19unh'rer and any ,, all of
the Poe 'hae...sle", ogees and I, iloyee, from :rod ugl000 any I 1 all eloos, losses, damage', lean,' or
cp 's I d (]'I'll I'' 1' 1 d -to peonsst to IS to liell do, P l "ay be pill., ablest
I y s I ,", I Noo."gl t of I, ddlll ,I fle, pa'1 offle, Slls Y fl' t-fmoo. o'ay of Ile
SNIeS, ivauos ofel s, a(,es o'eI loye's.I,seap sun it '.lie, eoe,edins'hall oeNoaglt L,aimv de
Ill,, dial.; to is offsets, agars It cmployecs nI rap• link al account orby , eail.... ofany act, avtio... ncglcvl, omission
err dClael,,,f Ill, Sellet'Of;i,,y of Ill, at, or1.1yofI1.1'1116'e1fiecl1,abems oil cnlployecs Is efoollsid, IIII
SCllcr hereby I..... to am..ne fhc defelxc the.wl'und is defold the aun,;n lbe Shceta own cxpesaa I. pay any and
all cos,',duugcs, attorneys fees It'd Od„'cxpLot any and Ill j... of lls thatnny be isclurad by to flaincd ug.,inrt
the Nichols, el any of its o1 their oflicel5, aganls or Ill toy... ill sncb Buis or still if ...dings, and m c,s,
ju It to'.ba It,., be phlecd upon le sbuled,li e, We propcnyof ohs PnrehAe , or said pani,, in eras assail
of soda school Lithe,'e.eliol"' A, Ihes,k, will at onceevme the sank to bedissolved and dischm'gulby f,w,b,m I
or nJmnvisc.'I'I"Scllcr mod Lis cone -actors shall takcall slfo.y procamias, fund4h and insloll Ill gvalds liece sap• fol'
the prcmnlise ,,I' accidents, comply with III lanm and olow It rcgnM to safety including, bill without
Illlaltmleln file O't, lioe:'l Sae.ywill I,flih AY of 1970 nod ,If I'adcx and Rgal'Jtion, iaPaCd puloollt fleseo.
Re""d 0.112001)