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City of F6rt Collins �Purc�hasng ADDENDUM No. 1 SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Financial Services Purchasing Division 215 N. Mason St. 2nd Floor PO Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522 970.221.6775 970.221.6707 fcgov. com/purchasing Description of RFP 7025: Water Feature Renovation at Fossil Creek Community Park OPENING DATE: 3:00 P.M. (Our Clock) April 17, 2009 To all prospective bidders under the specifications and contract documents described above, the following changes are hereby made. CHANGES/CLARIFICATIONS: The Bid Opening Date Has Been Changed To April 17, 2009 Fossil Creek Water Feature Rehab Questions/Clarifications 1) When is the project to be completed? A: Substantial completion is 30 days from date of contract, Final completion is 15 days after substantial completion. Goal is June 15th opening to Public. 2) Irrigation specifications have editing comments. A: ignore editing comments 3) Can you clarify the nature and extent of the waterproof membrane and joint seal where the slab meets the retaining wall? Is it all bentonite or is there an epdm component under the water feature with a bentonite seal only at the joint where the slab meets the wall? A: Attached colored version of Detail 11 page 6 for clarification of extent of water stop. Material to be bentonite as noted on detail. Joint sealant to be same as noted in specifications section 07920, 2.02 B 4) There is no description for bid alternate #6 "Remove sandstone retaining wall type 2" in the definition of bid items section 01800 A: Provide price to remove sandstone retaining wall type 2 from the bid. No alternative pricing required, actual wall could be installed by Artist instead. Wall drains, grading and coordination with artist to be part of base.bid. 5) We assume that the Type 3 Concrete Header is included in the base bid? Please verify. A: Yes SECTION 00100 ' INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1.0 DEFINED TERMS Terms used in these Instructions to Bidders which are defined in the Standard General Conditions of the Construction Contract (No. 1910-8, 1990 ed.) have the meanings assigned to them in the General Conditions. The term "Bidder" means one who submits a Bid to OWNER, as distinct from a sub -bidder, who submits a Bid to Bidder. The terms "Successful Bidder" ' means the lowest, qualified, responsible and responsive Bidder to whom OWNER. (on basis of OWNER's evaluation as hereinafter provided) makes an award. The term "Bidding Documents" includes the Advertisement or Invitation to Bid, Instructions to Bidders, the Bid Form, and the ' proposed Contract Documents (including all Addenda issued prior to receipt of Bids). ' 2.0 COPIES OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS 2.1. Complete sets of Bidding Documents may be obtained as stated in the ' Invitation to Bid. No partial sets will be issued. The Bidding Documents may be examined at the locations identified in the Invitation to Bid. 2.2. Complete sets of Bidding Documents shall be used in preparing Bids; neither OWNER nor Engineer assumes any responsibility for errors or ' misinterpretations resulting from the use of incomplete sets of Bidding Documents. 2.3. The submitted Bid proposal shall include Sections 00300, 00410, ' 00420, and 00430 fully executed. 2.4. OWNER and Engineer, in making copies of Bidding Documents available on the above terms, do so only for the purpose of obtaining Bids on the Work and do not confer a license or grant for any other .use. ' 3.0 QUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS 3.1 To demonstrate qualifications to perform the Work, each Bidder must ' submit at the time of the Bid opening, qualifications including financial data, a a written statement of summary of previous experience, previous commitments and evidence of authority to conduct business in the jurisdiction where the Project is located. Each Bid must contain evidence of Bidder's qualification to do business in the state where the Project is located or covenant to obtain such qualification prior to award of the contract. The Statement of Qualifications shall be ' prepared on the form provided in Section 00420. ' 3.2. In accordance with Section 8-160 of the Code of the City of Fort ' Rev 10/20/07 Section 00100 Page 1 h DJ 1� mtv of them to nerfomt, or furnish Any. of. the Wort: CT anyone Cot w}t�o •acts any. of therw may be 14 He. the indemnification. oblit_ ition under :paragraph 6:31 shall not 'be limited in ani' way by any limitatiim on. the. amount or type of damages., compensation or:benefits payable. by or forCO\TI2A( •T()R or am seich Subcontractor; Supplier or other person or organization under workers" compensation acts, disability benefit acts ,orotherrrnployce benefit acts. 6:31 The . indcmnificauon obligations of COIN TRACTOR' under paragraph 631 shall not, zklend to the liability of FNGIl`'EER and'ENGIN6ER's;C'tinsultxnls. officers, directors, emptogees or agent. •caused',bN, the professional negligence, errors or onitssicros of any of them. Sun'n al oJ-0bligg#ons: -0:34,. All representations; indemnifications, warranties, and guarantees made in, required by or given in. accordance. "with. the Contract 1")ocumcmt "as well :as all •aintinuine obligations indicated in rho Contract :•Documents, will sttnrve final payment: comPletian.,and"!acceptance nt' the Work and,iennination.orcompletionciFthe Agreement. ARTICLF'•7-01TITER AVORiC Related lVork w,.4ite. 7.1, OWNER may.perform other work related to the Project at the -site by.OWNER's own forces, or let other direct contracts therefor }which shall contain General Cond+tions'similar to these, orhawe othcc:work performed Iry utittty. owners. If the fact that such other work -'is to be pertomied ws+s.not rioted in the Contract:Documents, then: (i) written notice. there of"wilt be given io CONTRACTOR prior" to starting .:any such other Work and .(ii);CONTR:ACTOR "tray make a cliu,n therefor as provided in'Aiticlzs t 1 and 12 if CONTRACTOR believes ,that such performance will 'involve additional "expanse to Cf?NTR\CTOR or requires additional time an&fhe pnrties arc: uns ble io njmc as'lu the amount of extent thereof 72 CONITRACTOR shall afford each other contractor who is a.party'to'such a direcivcontract and each tatiliry .owner (cod OWNER, if•-OWNTGR -is- performing the additional work' with OW tT,Tt's employed). proper and Safe Access to, the site and a rea unable opportwiity. for the mirtiduc.tion and storage of materials and equiprtiem and -these cation of such other work and shall properly connect .and' coordinate the Work with.'lheus. Unless otherwise provided' in. the C.on"a Documents..CC)NTRACTOR shall do all cuttirt€ fitivi lg ,ind patcliin of the Work that may be'rgquirzd to ,snake its'several "parts cone together properly and "integrate with Well other work. CC*TRAGTOR shair noterldangerany work of others by cutting, excavating or othcnvise altering their work and wol, only cut or after their work with the written consent of ENGINEER and, the others whose work will, be affected. The,dutias and respon"sibijitias of CDNTRAC•:I'OR""under Es. paragraph arc Cqr the benefit of such utility owners and other contractors 46- the .e.saeru that .there are cotnparable EJCDC 0ENEkAL CONIJITI QNS I9I n K 1 I'1'lo Edtidai is W CITY Y OFFORT COLLINS MODIFICA'IIONS tltEV IJ2000) proytsions for the benefit of CONTRACTOR' in said die ect-cctniracts b"etween' MWER and•such utility owners and other contractors. 7?: if the proper executiun or results of any part of CONITRACTOR's Work depends upon work performed b , others under this Article. 7. CONTR.ACTOR. shall inspect such other wort: and proafptly report to. Liv-ClMEER'in writing any delays;. defects:ordeficiencies in such uther work thatrender it unavailable cT unsuitable for the'proper exemtion and results' CO NTTRaCTOR's W url .. CONTRAi2TOR's failure. so to 'report will constitute an acceptance of such other work: as fit and proper Cor integration with CONTRAC'TOR's Work - Except for latent, or nonapparent defects and deficiencies in.such other work Goor&nation: - 7.4. If- OWNER. contracts with "others for the performance of'other work.on the -Project at the site. the follrnvinill beset forth in Suppleinientary Conditions: 7 4, l'. the person; firm or corporation who•will have authority and responsihility for" coordin. i . of. the -activitic"among the yariou,:iiprime contractorswill he identified; 7.4:2. thc•specitic matters to he covered' by such aluthority and responsibilityavill beitetnized. and 7.4.1 the extent of such authority and responsihddtes will K. provided. lanlcss otherwise, provided in the Supplementary Conditions, 0WNiR shrill Inge sole authority and responsibility in'resPect of'such iorditiatiom r�[i7`ICLE t3=O�YiVRR'S I2I:SPONS}13ILIT'I�S 8.1. Except as otherwise, provided u+• these. Geneml Conditions, •QWNTFk shall issue all communications to CONTRACTOR through ENGINEER. 8.2. In case of Termination of the eniplo37tient of L�IGI E-E,R, OWNER shall appoint an engineer against whom CO1tTR4CTOR-mel:es nv=reasensb}r objection whose stratus under the Contract Documents shall be tfttt ,of the: forma ONGLtv'EGR iW1*ER :shall furnish the data .required of OW1vRR' under 'the Contract DoLunients promptly and shrill snake }xrvments: to,CONTRACTOR proiptly when they aredue as provided iri" agraphs 14A grid 1 1:13. 8.4: OWNER's. duties in respect of providing hands and easements and providing engin.rertn_ sarvevs to establish reference points are set forth "in - gmphs 4:1 and 4:. Paragraph 4? refers• to 'O\1 N R's idegtifyina and making available to C0NTRAETIOR 600ics of reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at the site and drawings of.phy"cal eorid+ttons in existing strutturesaror, coritiguous.to,the site that have been utilized by 1 NGINGI R in preparing -the Contract Docum'ruts.• 5+= . s�nsil3ilibrs-ist rrs�rst•-etasi►a aR forth-in•�sregreph -5-5 throu-04. ; &6. OWNER is abligated to execute Change Orders as indiiatrdinparagraph 10A, 8:7_, oXk NM. 's resnonsibility in respect ,of certain inspections,., tests. and Approvals is set forth in paragraph,13.4. US, , In connection with 01V, NER s right to stop Work or stiSpcnd Work, scc fpragraphs I3A0 and 15.1. Paragraph 15.2 deals with UIVMER's nghl to termutate Xmces.of C(-)NTRA 'TOR: under-crrtain.circumstanc�s. $.9. The QWNER.shall not sup i-visel. direct or have �cont ul or . authoritv over; nor bc, responsible .for. CCJ1J'I'.i:AI Oh'smuis method! techniques.. squences or procedures of construction or the safety precautions and pjmmms incident- thereto, or for anv failure of C NVrOkC'fOR to cnmply with I:aas• and Regulations applicable. to .the ,furnishing or. perfonnance,of_the 1Vnrk_ C�tVi�rls'R will not hr rcSpomiblc for CCaN'1RA(_IT)R's failure to perform or furnish the Work in accordance with dieContract Docurn ents. :�Sl'1CS1f75_ priiS5�WelaUfflo— ^ ai-.xOv""—WRge �OF Radioactive N ter:RISS — raQ-ar-revistl l at -tile site is s149A in•f-gMph 44- cm-«Wr.r..-icrars'u`rtcc+,-it3-fta-3ll errttngemants-Have-baana-ntada-to•-satisft-•CGW'�IEIt's. rzspattsibiJity-in-respect=thereof-u'i Il-be-ns set-fcxrh-in-the Supplenaentirv-C itlot i.,; ARTICLE. 9 FNC INFERS. 'STATUS DURiNG CON.WRUCII.ON O NNEli:'s'Rc7�resrirtatil �e: 9.1. ENGIN71TR will be MNLRs , representative - during the- construction period. 'fhe• duties and ,responsibilities.. ,tend the. limitations of authority of E1gGm-,Ek. as .b,%t•NER's _ .rrpresentatrVe during construction' are set: fbdh;in•'the Contract.Documcrats and !hall not' be .extended without v1 nse tten connt, oGOWArER and NGINEER I lsitk to Site:, ,9: . EjNQflTEER will _make visits�to the site tit, intervals appropriate to ,the various . statics of. construction as ENGINEER deems necessary in order -to observe as an experienced_:anti qualified design professional the pro`ress that has-been made and the quality of the various aspects of CitlNTRACV)R's eveta)ted -Work.. Based on in formation -obtained during -such .A,isits and observations. ENG NLER will;rndeavor for the bertefit.of NN- MR to determine; in general, if the- Wiirk is proceeding in accordance with the Contract ;Documents. EN(_iiNFF.Jt will,not.be required to mike -exhaustive or continuous on - site mspections'to check %ea ettality or .quantity• of the Work. ENGINEER's efforts, will be directed toward providing for OWNER a; greater dcgree.bf;confidcnce`that the completed 13%ork will cynform generally 'to the C'ontraet Documents, fin the basis of such visits:ard on - site. observations; .} NCYNLE;•R will keep -OWNER informed of the:progress of the Work and will endeavor to guard C)IVNER agalrvst tkfectne Work, FtiCtINF,FR's visits and on -site otscrvattnns arc .subject to all the limitations on ENGLNEE:R's authority and" respomsibilit}• set Forth in paragaph 9:13,•and particularly. but without limitation dozing or as a result of LNGIN TEERs on -site visits- or ol-servations of C ON7R aC'TOR s Work 1 V,GINNTEER will not supervise. direct control. or. have ,authority over or ,be rT s. ansible' for CC.).NrI•R ,.*f0R's means,. methods:, techniques: sequences,or procedures of construction. or the safety precautions and: programs incident thereto, or for anv failure of CONTR:aC:TOR. to comlily with Law•s.:and .Rcgulatiom 'applicable sto the furnishing or performance ofthe'W'ork. Project Represrnkidve: 9:3. If ONVNF:R and ENIG IN, F:FT2 agree, HNGINRkR NOR fUrnlsh_n Resident .I? pjcct Representative to assist INGLNEER in,providing.tnoreconfinuous observation of the Work, The- regiansibilitics, and :authority. and ;limitations thereon of -any such: Rygident Project Representative and assistarrts •will be .as. provided in paragraphs 9? and 9:13. arad-i»-t"„e ur ilemenaiy Conditions. of these G-eneral Conditions. 117-OWNER designates. another representative .or agent to represent OWTrER.at the: site who is:not. ENGINTEER's Consultant, agent or emplgyet: the resp onsibilitie§ and authority and limitations, thereon of .such oilier person :twill_ be as provided -in tl - Jet - parazran]103 !)ai The Representative's dealings in matters pertaining to.the''on-sitc .work wilL in t eneraL be with the L,"1Gr EER• and .CONTRACTOR- But, the Representative will' keep_the: OWNER �proparl}' advised :about -,such 'matters; "The'. Represtmw ive's dealutirswith .subcOntractors will only be ;through or with.'the full knowledge. and . appal.. of the. CONTRACTOR 9.3.2. -Duties ;and:. Responsibilities.. Representative will:. 9 a.'_'_1_Schedules. •.-' Review .the •progress FJCt)GCiE»v6RAL :>Ciir7)tTtOI 1'lI() $,(119V 6�5tiant 19 ar/ CITY ell' FORT COLLINS MODIFICATION'S ( RE V 4,7000) �I C� I 1 I r schedtle and other schedules prepared by the CUNTRA('TQR— `.anti conwlt _ ' �ti2th ._ thle ENGINEER'wncernin4i keeptability. ('onferences and- Nieeimg - Attend meettrm with the. C()WRAt i'OR .such as preccrostructidn_ conterences;_,prog meetings and. "otherr JJob' c nterences and prepare and circulate Cool(S' of minutes of meetinaS. 93:?3_ Liaison Serve as ENGINEER'S liaison with CONTRACTOR, wvrkirs ixincimfiv ' through CONI*P,A('I'ORS:sunerintendent to acsisf the CONTRAC_"rok 6 undctstanding the C ontract'Doauments. .Assist in obtaining Isom OWNER additional details or inf6nn.Miom when rrgurred for piorxr execution of the Work. 4:3.2:33. Advise- the. EN(;iNFsER and CONTRACTOR of the commencement of any Work rcgjirine a Shop 1)mwina or sa)nple'submission if dw st.'-ission has not bcrir aPrjroved bi, the •FN GINH ER_ 9.3Y?_4.Revieiv_of 11%ork..Rejeetiort of Defective 11fork:_IrLsPcctions and Test- - 9.3.2A.1, `C'ohduct on=site observations of d1c: Work in progress to assist. thL ENGIIN'EER indctcnninJne that tltc 1\)ork rsptocccdin,in accordnn c with the .Ccintra,.t:DowrncnLS. I `-).12.4.3. Accompany visitim- iin esp cwrs reprmntuie public or Mier agencies havine jurMicti6n_ovef:th6 fltti'ec tecortl the, results of these. igi Wctions and. `report to the ENGINEER. 9.:^_� Interreiaiiiin _ oC Ca_ninsct Documents. Repurt, to ENGINEER %%htn ctarifications.`and interpretations of the Contract Documents - are negd,td and tram-mit. to t-OA°TKAC1'0R^clarification and intermetati`on of . the Umtmcl : Dmirments _ as` issued by the ENGLNEER: %4odificat1cm!i. Considcr and evaluate C.ON I RACGOWS- _suow-tionsfor sfl �j U tib'NbRA1 cUNL�i77C11,^3;(41ns3:1)9IUEdi[iari wt C711' UJ FOIUr COLLINS A1Qt)IPJCA11ON5 (REV V200+)) mcidification in Drat inks or Sjxcitications and report. these r&ommerrihi ions I-NGL'�TEGR. Acciiratcly" transiitit. to _CONTRACTOR decisions issued by the.LNt3I1`iEER 4^3.2.7. Records: 93_17_3. Record names: adde&ccs arid. telcphonc numhers. of all COVTRMGTORS "suhcontractors and majqrsuliers of cquipmcnt and materials. �:., Reliorts, 932.fi. ---Furnish- MgGETEER 1-.c ilic reporLe. •ts required ot_the�pn>��testi oC the 1L,,rk and of the CON,7R,ACT(-) S cost gliaiicz�iJith" the4Ptog L and schedule ,of sho - Drawing .and sample submittals. 913 1 _8_ Consult with "ENTG�T�T 1'i 13 w� advance oC' schziftilgig major test inspectior� on startof irnrortant nikasi:s of the Work 9.3 2,8,3: Drab. proposed Cl-maze Orders and Work Dirmfte;; Changes;._ obtainine backup material from the CONTRAC O and recommend to ENGINEER Change Orders., Work Daective fhan_es and Gold orders: 9 3 "`.d:4. ReJiart immediately. to ENGUIJEER and MVINI R'thc occurrence of ant accident" Paymeiit-Rcauesm Rojew.applic.-ations for p N-men_t ttith CONTRACTOR for compliance. with the " established-nrmedure Tor their sulmtission and forward wnh recommendation to I ENGR, J ER, notina-particularly the relationship of the payment reeptested to the scheduleof values work -completed and materials and er{uigment delivered at the site but not -incorporated in the Work. �t:3.2:14. Com l�etion. 9?.^_.111�1._Before: ENGINEER issues a Certificate -of substantial Completion .submit to .C'ONTRACTOR" a -list of observed items reauiririacorrection or completion. 9.3.2:1t1.2. Conduct final inspection in the compani" of .the- ENGINEER_ OWNER and CONTRACTOR anal. prepare a final list of items to be corrected or completed. U.2.10.3. Observe that all items on the final list have becmcorrected or completed and make reconimcridadons to ExGMEER concerning acceptance. 9:3.3_ Limitation of _authority: The Renresentative shall not 9 3.3.1 _ Authorikc. _ any , deviations from the Contract Dcieument:. or accept anv sulistituw materials or ggilip�mgp_unless authorized by the h�IGINEER 9.3:32.. :Exceed limitations of ENGINEER'.; authority as serforth in the C6ntractlEi6cuments. .any of the rctiponsibilitics. .of the CONTRACTOR, Subcontractors, or nN"TRk QR' superintendent. 9:3.3.4. Advise on. oor issue. directions reL�ttit�e to or assume. control over any asl�.ct_ of_the meads• methods.: teeluui7ue. sequences or procedures fioL go s Ct!q qn unless - such is seeifically tolled for in the Contract Documents: 9.3.35, Advise an or issue directions re rdirm or assume control over salzty precauticins and programs,in connections with the Work. 9_3.3:6. __c_ sect Shop Draining§ ar swBPlg submittals from anyone other than the CO-NITR ACTOR: 9.k3.7• Authorize OWNER to occupy the Work in whole ovin part: 9.3.3.& Pagiija4te in' sp C41izztl field or laboratory -tests or insNctionsconduUM by others zwcegt, as sWcil�cally authorized bye the ENGINEER: Clarificationsantt lnternretations. .A: ENGPREER «ill issue with. reasonable promptness -ouch �vritteni clarifications -or interpretations of the rkI)COEVERALCONllITIONS191UA(1J90EcL M) e4 CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS 0R1EV J Y10) requirements of the C=ontract'Doeurnents (in the form of Drawings.•or,otherwise) as. NGMIER may determine necessary,. wNch.shall "be consistent with the intent of and reasonably'inferable from theCin"dDocuments. Such written: clarifications and interpretations will be binding on t'1i•Vi4R Find CON` RAJ('TOR ]f OWNER or CO?�,TR,ACTOR believes fiat a .iwritten clarification or interpretatlon..justifievan adjusunental,the Contract Price, or the Contract Times and the paiues.are unable to agree to. the .amount or ement. there6l if an) OWNER or CON -TRACTOR may make a. written claim therefor as prof ided•in Article "I 1 or Article- 12. . Authorized"1 iriafiuns in'ii%ork: Q 5. ENGINEER - a}, autfxr-izc minor variations in the Work, from 'ihe rcxluirements of the Contract Documents which "do not.'involve an a6ustment in the Contract Price or the. Contract Times and are compatible with ,tic design concept ,cif :the ,eom pletcd Project as a functi6nins whole as -indicated by' the Contract .Doc-uments. These Ina} be accomplished by n Fieldbrder and will. be binding on OWNER and also on Cy;',Ti;A&ok who shall jiertorni :the Work irnolved Promptly. It'0\11NFR_orCONiTRAC,'TOR 1xlicvcs that a Field Ordar jusgfi :sari adjustmentin tic Contract Price or the Coniract Times.and the.partics,arc unable to agree as to the a.jnount or i:gent thereof, Oti'VNER or CONTRACTOR may- make a µ_ einen claim therefcw as provided in Article i I, Or 12-. Rejecting Defective iVork; ,9 b; FNCrfNCFR_ will have authority to disapprove or reject Work, which F;tyGTNF.Fk Fh;liL�es to be :klWtive, or.tt at "ENGINE ER believes will 'not peodpee a completed Project that. conforms to, the Contract Documents or that will prejudice the integrity or di design concept of the comotect pleted Prdts,a funcWmne *hole as indicated by the. Contract Domuerits. Ei TOPvEER will also have authority .to .require special .m,}xetiarr or trstiiL of the \fork as "prgvicied in pare, +raph 13:St; .NvheLh, r or not the llrork is fabricate4 installed or cnmpli;ied. Shorphratvings, Chaiige Orders and Papruenls.- .9,7, 'In connectiorrwith•LtiGI1GLGpis authority as to Shop:Drawings and'Satnples, see paragraphs 6.1-4 through 6,28 inclusive: 9'8. In connettit.. with EN1GRM-CWs authority as to Charwe,Urders. sec,Artieles lC�. 1T.ani1,1?. 9n. to connection with-fN-G tEER:; authority as to Applications for: Payment.. see _ayrticle:14. Ucternritiatiuirs fur.Uni!'Prices 9.10.., ENGLNEEIZ, willdaerminc' the actual quantt6es anil classificatiorvs. yf`Urtit"Puce. lWrk:.perfcmned by CONTRACTbR: ENGINEER %61.1 review with C:0NrvRACI'0R: the ENCTI'NIVER's preliminary determinations on such matters before rendering a_written decision ,thcreofl.(b .recumntendafion of,an Application I u for Payment or otherwise), ENGLNLLR's written decision thereon %vill be final and binding "upon OWNER and CONfRAC'T'OR, unless; within ten days after the date of any such decision either 0XVNT.R ur CONTRACTOR -delivers the other and to ENGII>cEER written notice of intention.to appeal from I N(tJNFH,R's decision.and: (i) an appeal from ENNGINEER's decision is taken within the time limits and iri,:accordance'with the- procedures set forth in Exhibit GC A, "Di". ute:Resolution agreement% entered into between OWNER and C:)NTR.ACTOR pursuant to Article 16, or (u) 'i f nit such Dispute Resolution A�eement his •been entered into. a, formal procredii g is instituted by the; appealing party in a, forum of coinpitmit jurisdiction to Lxercise suchnghts or remedies.as:the ;appealirig;pany may have with respect to HNGINksF,:R's'decisidm unless tlthcnvisc agreed 'in uYitirm by 0WjV R and CONTRACTOR, Suidi appeal will not be subject to the procedures of paragraph A 1' L Decfsionx on Disputes• 9:11- FNG1_NFF.R_ will he the initial interpreter of the requirements of the Corcu-act Docurrici is and judge of the ncceptahility of the Work thereunder, Gains.disputes and other matters relating to the acceptability of:thc Work or the interpretation 4 the requirements of tlic Contract Dkumantspc, aining,to the perfamiancc and furimishins.of the Work and`.claims•under.flrticics 1 I ani112in respect of changes in'the Contract Price or Conti -del Times will be, refened initially to'ENGINrEsR-rn %truing with a request for a 'formal" decision in accordance with this. paragraph. Written notice of each sueh'claiii, disod[Z be either matter will K dbGvered by tho claanant to ENG.11i LEER and the other party to the. Asrccmcnt promptly (hut in no event later than'thirt} days) aRcr the start of the occurrence or event giving me thereto. and Written supporting t1<gla• will be suiihiiWd to fiNCaI*E-k and the other party within s1my days after: the start of such oi:currenee. or event unless GNNTGL?vEER allo}tb an addiii6haf *riW of time fur die :submission of addilional or more accurate data 41 support of such claiin, disputeor other matter, c,The"opposing NrnY shiiJI subrniiany iesp cirise'to. ENGINELR. and the claimant within thiity days after receipt of the cl rimant's last submittal ('Unless 1F'NGTNTF.R alfoiss addition l time). QNGINEER %fill render a.fonnial decision'in,writing within thinly day s:al'ter receipt of the'opposing ptirt}''sait6m.ival. if any: in' accordancewith This pA.mgraph. ENGflNT U--Rs written decision on such claim, dispute or other nfaifer wdl bc.tinal arul'binding. u}�on OWNER and CONTRACTOR unless; (i) an kippiet+l frgm ENG RNEER's decision is taken %i. thin the time. limits 'find ' in .,accordance smith the procedures .set forth in EQi [i8 T Cif A., "Dispute Resbluuon Agreement";:entered into beiweert OtMT—•R and CONYTRACTOR purstiiubt to :Article'l6, or (n)`if. no such Dispute Resolution Agreement has.ibeen entered Into, a written notice of intention to appeal: Gom. L�lG .EErKs written de' cision 'is delivered by OWNER or CONTRACTOR to ;the tither and to L•eNGI'i EIR within thirty days after .the date of su6h decisom 'Una a romial proceeding is.instituted by the appealing party in,a forum of campetent_jurisdiction to a}ercise such ri&silor remedies as,ttic appealing patty. rna} has c.itrth respect to such claim: dispiute or other matter in accordance with applicable Laws and' kertulatitms within sixm; days of'the date or such EICDC CiE'Nt:tf a CONDITii.M119104 t l!11(I Etlitivii'I. -` iv/ C111"OF FOIiT.COLLINS.-MO1jUFICATrONS (REV •1/7'000) de6siom,4mass:;othemvise. agreed in writing by 0XVINER and CONTRACTOR- 9.12.. When functioning as interpreter and judge under p arag mphs 9.lq and 9 1 I. ENGINEER will not show panialitt^to6VNIRR or CONTRACTOR and will not be liable in connection with any interpretation or decision rendered in good faith in suiih capacity. The renderine of a clecisibn by LNG I NTEER pursu int to paragraphs 9.10 or 9.11 with. respect to any such claim, clispute or other matter (except any which'hrive been'svaived by the malcinL or acceptance ,of •final payment as provided in paragraph.j4 15)- will he a condition precedent to any ex ercix by OWNER or CONTRACTOR of such rights. or remedies as either'm9v otherwise have under ihe Contract Doctiments or by Laws.6r'Rceulation, in"respe of any such claim. dispute tir other ntaller pisrsufait to elt#iEla i g: 9.13.. Lindiations on LWGI ~ER's Airlhorilr and ReTi sibuiries• 9:11A. Neither ENG11NrF.W.s suthoriN or resp orsibility under this Ahicic9 or under anv other provision of the t oitracf IJ6cunianfs nor an}i decision made liy EN61Nf k, in good faith either to e\Crcise or not exercise such authority or respomihilitv.or the undertaking, r;cercise or pcvformancc-of any authority or responsibility by ENGr.NFFR: shalf create: impo s'e or give rise to an} duty owed by NGEI TM R to CONTRr\C'l OK , any 'Subconfractor, any Supplier, any other pierson or 6rgsm7Atiort, or to any surety for 4 employer or'ngcnt of any of thciii. 9.13.2, F�1G11�ihR twill not supcnisc, direct, control or have authority over or he responsible for CONT.TRACTOWs mean,, methods. techni4uer;; sey ienccs or pn,ccduics of cdmsttuction. or the safety precaulrcros and prctr nis incident thereto, pr for atw failure of C'.ONI MCACTOR to comply -with Laws and Regulations applicable to the furnishing or 1xiforinarnx of the 1Vc;iL MINIG11NE avill not be responsible for. CONTRACTOR's failure to perform or Turn i the Wbrk in.amordancx wAh'ihe contract Documents. 9.133. I NGIATER will not be responsible for the acts eir orti6iilris: of 60NTTRAGTOR of of titer Subcc6rtractor, any' -supplier or olany other person or organization ;performing ar furnishing any of the 9.13.4. ENGINNEER's revie% of the final Application for Payment and accompanying documentation and all maintenance and operaung.iristnrctiom, scheaules. "arantees. Bonds and certilicales of'irispedion: test` tad apl als'and other doc:umeritation required to be delivered by jrarAm pH la 12 Will only;, be. to deieriniite s enerally that. !heir cbnient complies with the recjuaemzrits of and, n the casd "17, rtifriales of mspectii3ns ip15 and' approi afs that - the results rxrtificd: indicate compliance with the ContractDocuments., 9:1315. The liinititioits upon authority and responsibility -4t forth in this parrign ph 9;13 shal I also apply TNEE Rs Consultants, Resident Project Representative and assistants. tW`JjC1IEj0-P:L%XGES IN THE WORT: 10.L Without invalidatu-ig—the Agreement and without 651ic,e to any surety. . OWTqR May, at any time orfir , orn time.to irate. revisions in the Work. ,Such additions;, tions;. deletions or revision- will be authorized by a Written AmendmeriL a Chine Order, or a Work Cliaf6� Diric-tive- - up;nn 'receipt of arn, such doctirrient., CON9RACTOk shall promptly proceed with the iVork invofved - iti:hich will be perlbimed under the. appl ic able conditi6iis or the Contract D'ocumMs (except as otherwise smcifir-alls- provided), 10.21. [f OMNER kind CONITRACMDI� are -Linable to agree. as to. the .extent,, if any, of an adjustment in the, Contract Pricc,or an :adjustment ofilie Contract Times that should ba,aIlowed,a.% a result of -a Work Change Directive, a claim may he madc' thcrcior as.provJ'dcd in 'Article I I or Article 11, 10.3. CONTRACTOR -shall not beentitled to an increase in thb Cohoct'Price or an extension .6f the Contract Tinter with res1vato.any 41'6rk- perr6rmed-that is not required by .the Contract, L)oc.umenis as amended modified and su plemcnic-d asj*jrn?i4cct I_fi,paragraphi 3;5 � and 3.6, except in the case of an emergency as provided in [trappaph 613 as or in the case -of uncovering, Work pi�o_vi&d in ,paragraph''13-9. 10.4. OWNER and CONTRACTOR shall cNeLute appri.Vmaw Cliangc, Orders recommended byINUNIMiR (or Writteh-A,i'nt ndnient,),Cvvarin-,: 10.4_1. changs in.the-Work which tare (i) ordered by !DWITER 'pair. want tofparqgTiph I 0A e (ii) required because of ;acceptance of defective Work under paragral,0313 of correcting I defeclii,e W6rk-: under ' , to:by or n - ggraph 13 14 . (i i) agreed t, by the parties: '10 4? z changes in the- Contract Price or Contract Timesyhjch are agreed to bylheparties . .and IQ43- chanees. in the Cont-ract, Pri.ce or Contract Times which -embody the, substance of any written decisio , ri� -rendered. by ENGLNEER pursuard to paragraph `1_ 11; pro --ded di 4t,,4-lieu of executin VI - , in pg rrm°such Change Order, an uppeaj ; may br taken trorn-, aniv such decision in th'�'&iovisi .. of the _Conii-�cr 15ocurnents .1ccor ... s and, iupplkabk, taws and Retidlafiorik but 'diu tri any, such ;a I. `C6YI'kAd'0k slIll carrycarryon,,thc Work and ad PCto: em "the protrress schedule as. provided in pafdgraph 6,29. 10.5: If notice of any change affcctinai the general scope of the Work, or the provisions of th'e Contract Documents UCI)CUENERALCONDMONS 190-8 0990E(filkwo "-ICI-FYOI;IiOR-fa)LLINSNIODII-ICATIONS'(RLV4,7(J(JU) (iiicluding, but not limited to -Contract Price or.'Qontract Times) i;.re-quired by the provisions off any Dond to be given .to. s surety; the giving of any such notice: will be C0NTr,LAC_T0Ts re_�(mnsibility.-and the amount of each applicable Band will be adjusted accuroinggly; AR'.11CLF 11-CHANGE OF C'OIN`T%kCTVRICE I I. L The Contract INicc o6ristitutes the total co�npensation (subject toiuthori7zd:adjtLsuiienL-,).p-,Ivable JU IdOties, iespo.n0ii1itiesand obligatiotwassi" d to- ,or' undertaken I-n, CC)INT k*I:ORshall,be at_(b 9P.ckACT0R!s expense Ajth6utchhnge in the ('ontraict'Mcc. 'ly he chatigO lay a 11.2 The ,Contraict fi'bcc ma Cl arige Order or:fiv a� Written _ilmendnicm Any claim ,f6r.:PP 4justinent* in the Ctint . mkx Price shall ba I*ivd On -written notice delivered by the party snaking the claini to the bilier.party and to ENGIRT) promptly (1?6t'in no ,event loser than thirty _days) after the. start of the o� I cu 11 rren cc of I event g , iN irg rise. , to.the-claint and stating the general wiIii . re of-, the, claim,. -,Notice,of the. ainpiltil of the cIaim-%vith supporting data shall be delivered iv'ithin,st,xty (Jays.1a fter the " 'start of such oiccurr.ence, orevent (unless 'F(,?CTrNTFFR allows additional.time for 6Wrhant.to suhni it addi't 6tial �or moire accurate dntn in sup . pon ofthe: . cln'im) land shall be accompariied by Ouirnairit's ��fitt at meat . . , . .5n q fhilt,Alte�i&jusiiirierit eUnied covers all ,known.nm(.nints'to which. the claimant is entitled: as a, ,result, bF said dints the occurrence 6r event. All claims. for :adjustment. Contract: -Price slyall deteriiiined by',lRJGJNEMR in accordance. with parigraph9.11 if OWNER and COMP CrOk cannoCoffic'n%ise agree on'L . he -,amount -involved.. No claim for an ,adjustment in the: Contract T-'rict v�Rl be valid'if not s0bniii_fcd'in:aM'ordance with this . r'- ' hf 1; 2 '--' . . . - . .Pa UgTap. I IA The Value'. of, any .Work ork wver�tVby. a Change (order or; of any, claim m. for an a6ustMtit. eb i e' 'ih the C 'nEr-a-01 U Prke will.be 1. -%vitereAh.; Woik'irivolved is covered Uy unit pxiccs contained 'in the Con L'�. by application Such unit.priccs to-6c,quzintities of the items involved (subject to th� "M' Ymiais of ' parogrpphs 11:9,1 through 11.9.3. inclusive); I L3.21 where the Work- involved is not covered by um prices contained .in the Contract Docignenlc, by a mutually agreed :paymeurl basis, including lump sun 6b`ich may include an' alloivance for overhead and profit not-nec:es;;arily in accordance with fxiragrrph'f1.6.2); ' 11.3.3. tyhere the Work involved is not covered by unit prices contained in the, Conirkt" Documents and agreement to n lump sum is not reached under paragraph I I 1-2; on the basis of the Cost of the Work (detemtned as prcrvrded in paragnrplis i 1.4 and 11.5) plus a CONTRAC OR's fee for overhead and profit (determined as provided in paragraph 11 A 11 I C_osrofrhe iP:ork: 11.4: The term Cast of the Woik: mcam; the sum of all 'Costs necessarily incurred arid paid by CONTRAC•TQR in the proper performance of the Work. Except as other%vise ma)_ be agr&d'to in tvriting by OWNER, such casts shall be in "nmaunts no hither than those prevailing in the locality: of the Project, shall' include -only the following items and shall not include any of the costs itemized it) paragraph 11. _ Payroll cots for eriploiees in the direct employ of CC)NTRACT0R in the' performance of the Uloik` under schedules of job classifications agreed upcin .lij• OWNEk and CON-rRACMR. Such employees shall include without limitation srperintcndcnts; foremen and other personnel employed 'full-time at, the site.' i ayroll costs for employees riot employed full -tittle on the Wgrk shall he _appottioneii onA'he hams of'tlle'e time spent on die Work: Payroll costsshaill includerbut;im be lam itcd to: salaries and Wages plus the cost of fringe benefits Which Shall oiclud� •social security contributions; uneImploytnerit; e cjs and +payrroll taxes, ivoikers' totnpensihon health andreEiietnent benefits —bonuses: s , ' kia."fty apfilicable thereto. Thy expert,o�s of performing Work after regular working hours on Saturday: Sunlay;or legal holidays, shall be iniJIudedin the af;6ve.to the exert authorized Lr}, OIkNM. . 11.4.2. Cost of all materials and equipment furnished and incui}iotntec1 ui 'die Work. iricludiiti_ cost, of ttah,W- hxnoh grid storage thereof and Suppliers' field services: required in connection therewith All cash thscounts shall 'accrue to CONTRACTOR unless OWNER, deposits furtds' with CONTRACTOR withwhich io make payments: in which case the crash dtscouhts shall accede' to OWNER. Al trade discounts; rebates and refunds and returns: from sale of siurplus- :rnaterials and Equipment' shall accrue to. OWNER. and ('ON I'R,ACT0R shall maka•provjs ors so that they niav bc-obEtiined: • - 11 A.3. "Pa}anenm made by CONTRACTOR to the Subcontractors for \Mirk" performed" ter famished by Suficnntmc,tors, . It' regiiiied' by 0%VNPR, 1 JCUC MNE'RAL.CONIATIO.Ns t 91ItaJ.l I;)qu Eeitim). `4 w7(1-r)*o.FORtCOLLINS MQOtI'1CAIIONS (]WV•I, 0(i)l CgNTRACTOR shall obtain ct mpetitiva bids. from Subcontractors acceptable to OWNM- and CONTRACTOR acid shall deliver such bids to OWNER tt'howill then determine; with the advice of 2,TGiNEER which bids il any, will: be accepted. If anv subcontract provides that the Subcontractor is_ to be paid on the basis of Cost of the Work plus a fee; the Subcontrac toes Cost of the Work anti fee shall be determined in the same manner as CONfRACTOR's Costa of the Work 'and fee as provided in tar graphs 11:4, 11 S, 11'_6 and 11.7 All subs ontnriss.shall 6e subject to the other'provisions of the ConttnctDocuinrnts iiuofar as.appfucable. 11.4,4" 'Cost,;' of special_ consultants (including but not hmiE«l to engineers, .architects, testing, labonituries; surveyors; uitonags :rind, accountants) employed for sen•iees siiocifirafly related to the Work. LI.�#.5. Supplemental�costsirtcludin5 thug following: 11,4:5:1. The proportion of necessary transportatiOtt travel" and siihsistence expenses of C (M:fRAd161t{s employees . incurred in dischargeofduties cbnn&tcd with the Work, 11.4:5:3. -Cast, including transportation and niaiiiter>uice. of all -materials supplies, cquij)nient, machinery, appliances office and temporary facilities at the site and hand tools not awned bylthe workers, which.arc e(cnsu.ned in the performance of die AVOrk, and cost"less. market value of such items used but not consumed which die e propertyof ('C)NTRACTC)R. IIA5;3• Retittitc cif all construction eijuipmeru and machinery and the parts thereof whether rented from C'0?vT[LXCT)Ror others in -accordance %0h, enial agreements approved by MWIIP: witli t.he. iiefviceol".LNGMTGER; and the costs of transportation; 'loading. unitraididg, installation, disnrriniling and .removal thereof —all in' ;iccordancc :with terms of said rental. aK&nirnts, The rental of any such" equipment, 'machinery cur ports ;shall cease when the use tfiereofis no longer,n&essary" for the Work. Sales, consumer,'useor _ similar taxes related to 'die Work, and 'fiir Which C(C)13TRACTOItiis`fiable;� imposedLaws And Regulatioru. 11 AA5. Deposits lost for causes other than netAerice. . or CONTRACTQF; any Subcontractor •or anyone direWv or- indirectly ' etriplayeda?y,•anyof them, or for wh6k acts any of them may be liable, and royalty payments.and fees for•perntits'and licenses, 11-4.5:6, Losses and :damages: (and related expenses). caused by damage to the Work. not compensated by insurance orAicrwisc sustained by CONTRACTOR -in connection with the 1 perlbrmance and furnishing of die. RVork (except losses.and damages ivithiii the deductible amounts of ,property insurance established by OIVNER in accordance with pare �), provided they have resulted fiom -causes other than the negligence of CONTRACTOR,, any Subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly .employed by any of them or for.whose acts any of thrmmay be liable. Such losses shall include settlements .made .with the. written. consent and approyal (if OWNER No. such losses, damages and expenses shall be included in,tlie-Cosi of the Work, for the purpose of determining CONTRk7OR's fee. It however, any such loss or damage requires reconstruction and CO NL TRAC TC}R is placed in change thereof, CC)Nl'R.ACfOR shall be paid for services•a fee proportionatcto that stated in paragraph 11,6%2. 1711e cost of utilities, furl and :sanitary facilities. at Site_ Minor expenses ,such. as telegrams, lonE •distance telephone calls, telephone• service at the Sae;',exprctsagc:and similar petty cash items in c6micetion.tvith the Work: IIA5.9. Cost ofpremiumsfor additiona)Bonds imi.insurance required because of changes to the tNrork. tl S. !'.he term .Cost of the :1•V.ork shall not include any of IC following: 1.1 3-1, payroll, costs and other .compensation of CONTRACTOWs officers, eaecutices, principals (of partnership and scilc.prolifictorships); general managers; estgineers, architects,,.estmtators: aitornevs. -auditors; aeWuhlants; , purchasing and •contracting agents, expo liters, timekeepers, ;clerks and other personnel entpl&ed bv CONfRACTOR.whether at the site or in .CONTRACTOR's :prinetpal or a ,branch office for geneml adininistratibn of tl?e Work and not specifically Included: in the aerccd' .upon sciicdule of job classificatiarts, referred: _to at•,:parngnph 11.4.1 or specifically covered by paragraph .l 1 4.4=all of which are to tee considered administrative cysts covered by the CONTIZACTOR's fee. f 1,5.2. Expenses,of CO_NTRb%CTOR's principal and. branch offices other than COl fW'.TC)R's office at the site. 11.5.3..Any part of, CONTRACTOR's capital expenses, .including interest on CONTRACTOR'S capital._.emplyyed :fcir. the -\Vork and charges .against CONTI�CTOR for, deliinlilehtprayme tts: 'I L5.4. Cost of premiums for .-all Bonds and for all insurance whether or not CONTRACTOR is. required by .the Contract Documents to. purchase and` maintain the-sam6 (except for the cost of,pfemiums covered by subparagraph i_ 1.4.5.;O above). EJC UC(ibN RAL eoNi)rnor,81910-8, 09,I)P E66M) e•/ C171' OP I'OICI" CCILLINS MODIFICATIONS tRL:V 412 0001 lCo:;ts due to the negligence of CONTRACTOR tiny Subcontractor, or anyone directly.orindirectly employed by, any, of them or for whose ads am' of.them may be liable: including but not limited to. the correction :of iir/cefive Work. disposal of materials or eilnipment u*oitely supplied and making good any.damage to.property. 1 1:5_6. Other overhead or general. expense •costs of any kind and the •costs,of.6ny item nol specifically and Cxpiessly rnclude'd in p.uaeraph, l 1,;4. HA. `I•he, COIN P-ACTOW.5 fee Allowed to COM-RAC:.TOR . for .overhead, and profit shall be determined as follows- 115.1_ a mutually aceeptuble fixed fee: or 11.6.2. If a fitted fee IS not agreed up6n, then a fee based on the followingg. Percentages of the .various portions:of the Cost of.the Work:; for cents. incurred under paragraphs 11.4.1 and 1 1 _ .2, the UNT RAC 10R's fccshAII he:fiftcen percent 11.6 ?? for castsincurred under paragraph .11.4.3, the CONTRACTOR's fee shall be. live pcfcenk 11 A23. yvhere one or more tiers . of suhoonttacts.arc on the basis of C c.0t 6f the Work plus, a The and nn fieed fee, is :agreed, upon, the .intent of paragn•apiv; 11;4.1, 11 41•2; 11.4.3 and i l ).2 is +that, the, Subcixttractor who actual1% performs or furnishes the Work, at �vltateyer tier. will bc.�aid fce of fiftecn..percent,of the ct>_sis incurred by such' Subcmtracror urider M. ragraphs 11.4 1 and I I A,_ and ;l}iht •any higher tier Subcbntraetor Anil COINTRACTOR will each be paid fri-o€ ova pyre it Fi`th2-Hniount paid -to 11,6.14. no fee shall be payable on the basis of casts itemized under paragraphs I-L424, 11.4.5 and 11.5'. l 1,6.2 ?, . the amount ,of credit• lobe allowed 6 CONT1LACfOR to OWNER for any change lehich results•in,a reef decrease-in•cost-will be. the amount of the :actual netAccrease'in cost plus a decfuction:in CC7i3TI AXE R s lee by. an. amount equal: ty'fivc,perceht.of suck, net dwease; and when, -both additioris;and.crediLs are involved, in anyone- change, the -adjustment in CON -TRACTORS 'fee "ll'be computed on the basis of the net change in accordance with plragraphs 1.1 a:? I• thr6ugh..11-6 ? 5;. inclusive. 11.7. kVhenever the cast of any. Work isto be 15 I Ir--, u determined. pursuant to paragraphs I1,4 card I1-5, CC_)h'iRACT�IR will establish and maintain records thereof in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices,and submit•in Conn aeceptable. to -ENGINEER. an itemized cost breakdown tugetherivith supporting data. Cush .=lflrman"ee_►: i l i3. It is undemoodahatC'.ON11TRACTOR has included in .the Contracv Price all allowances so named in the Contract,FjocumenCS and shall cause the Work so'ccwered to be furnished :and! ,perfonned fcir:'such .sums as inay be acceptable c, OWIJ TER,and I NGRNEER. cbN"1'RAc"fC7R. agrees that: I L,8.1, the allowances include the cast to CUNTRAC=FOR (less.any applicable trade discounts) UI' materials and equipment required by the -allowances to be delivered at the'site::and alf applicable taxes; and 11.812. CONTRAC.TOR's= costs for tiriloading and handling.on thesite, labor;, installation costs, overhead, profit and other expcnxs cmnternplated for the nllowarices have been included in the Contract Price and not in the allowances and no .demand for additional'paynfent.on-account of any of tlic;foregoing will bc.valmd, Prior to find I- pay nient, an appropriate Change Order will Ix ired as recommended lay h OMBER.'7to reflect ,actual amounts clue CONTRACTOR-nnaec:ount of Work covered by allo%vanccs And the Contract :Deice shall be correspondingly adjusted: 11.9.. Unit Price JVork:' 11.9.1. Where the C ontrai:t Iyocumcnts provide that all or part of die Work is to be Unit.Price Work, initially the .'Contract price MH he deemed to include for .all Unit Price Work an .amount equal to the stiu» of the established unit prices for each :sep arnteN identified item .of:Unit Price Work times the estimated quantity of each item as indicated in the Agreenment.. The estimated quantities of itei ms of Unit Price Work are riot guaranteed and are solely for the. purpose of comparison ofBids:and,deier mirtinganinit.ialContract Price. Determinaticvis of the actual yiiaritities and classifications of unit Price Work performed by CONTRACTOR Will'. be made bV E-?JGETUR in accordance with para_raph 9- l t)- 11.9.2. I achl, unit price will Lx deemed to include an amoitrt,coniidere(I by CONTRACTOR to be adeclume to cover CONI R.ACTOR's overhead Witt profit for each separately; identified item_ i f.qa owiNEE2 or CONTIZAC.TOR :tray make a Llaim for an adjustment .in the Contract Price. in accordmcc with Article 11 iC 1 1•.9.3.1. the quantity of anv item .of Unit Face Work performed 'bf C�N'f:RACI`0R-',, differs materially and •significantly from . the estimated quantir of such item indicated • n� the Agreeniznt; EIC.Ur,Ctk'ARAL.CCIND71O S'fyIii-t1(1)7tlEctitimj. =�' w!(1111OFFORTCOLLINSMODIFIC.1110NStli13V 1 :aCHi) and there is no corresponding adjustment with res"pect.to any, aher' tem of Woik; anti 11:9 3 3< if G(7tir I hAC"1'C)Ft believes that CONTRACTCJR 'is entitled to an ..increase in Contract Price .as- a result of having :incurred ad.itional ,:,Vdse or O1LINTER •believes that O4lNElt is entitled to a.docrease in C;ontract.Price and t}ie ryaiue..Hre unable:.to agree as to the amount of any such increase or decrease: l 1:9 3.4. C.ONTFAGTOR acknowledges tim 'the OXVNER has the riehtto add or delete items in the }aid or chancequantities at, OWNERS stile discretion without affectin>_. the Contract, !'rice. of anv Iremaininc :item : so lone as die deletion or addition- does -not exceed twenty-five percent of the orikinal tnial Contma 1'rice, ARTICLE 12=CI1AINGE'OF CON7'RA('T" CUCI.FN I 11. The Contract Times (or Milestones) may only be changed by a Cliange Ordcr or a Writteii Amendment, Any claama fix an ad'ustnizrit of the Contract Tiriies (or Adilestoncs) shall he flmased on witten notice delivered by the party Making —the clainm to the other party, .and to .FNG1NF'ER promptly (but,in no event later than, thirty days) after the occurrence of the event giving rise to the claim,an&itatmng the general nature of thc.ckaim: Noticc of the e.,,unt of fhc claim with supporting. data sliall *be delivered within simy days after such occurrence (unlest ENGINEER allows additional time to ascxrwin more accurate .data in. support .of the claiiti) and shall be accompanied by the. claimant's written statement that the .adjustment clauned is the entire adjwmnint to which the claimatll .has reason to beffeve-tt is -entitled es'aresult of .the oecunence of said event. All claims for adjustment in the Contract Times (or Dfilestones)'shall be,determiiied by ENGINFFR in aceorcl<ince with- paragraph911 if O41NTER and CONTRACTOR cannot otherwise agree. No claim fear an adjustment in the Contract. Times (or Milestones) will be valid if not submitted in accordance with the requirements ofthis patraeriph III., 11'> All-time lunits stated in the C_ oniract Documenis are -of the'osseiice'of the.Agreement 1't3. Where CONTR.ACTOR is, prevented from completing any pan of the, Work within time Contract Times (or lvtilestones).due•to delay6evond the control of CONTRACTOR', the Contract -Times (or 144ilestones).wilI lac extended in an amount, equal to pine lost, due to such delay if a claim is. made therefor as provided in paragraph 13.1. !.Delays beyond the control of CONTRACTOR shall include: but not be limited'to, acts or negleil by.OWNER._ acts orrieelect of utility owners or other contractors perfcvnimg either n'-ork as cantemplated by Article7. Rees. floods .epidemics. abnormal weather conditions or acts of God Delays :attnhutahle to and withijn the control of a Subcontractor of Suppher shall be deemed to be ddays within the control of CONTRACTOR 12, 4, Where CONTRACTOR is' prevented from completuiig any part of the Work within the Contract limes (or Milestones). due to'cleinybeyond the -control of both MNER and C6NTRA&01� an.extension of the Contract Times (or.lvfilestones) in an amount equal to the time lost due:to,such delav-shall be CONTRACTORS sole and,exclusive rem.edy.lbi' such delay; In no event shall ,OWNER be liable to CONTTRACTOiC any Sybcoqtructor, any Supplier. anyother person or,oruartization. or to any .surety for or employ pe or agent of any of them, for damages arisiV out of, or resulting, from .(i) delays caused by •or 'within the'e-ontral of the -CONTRAC"MR. or (u) dcLiys beyond the,cpntrol of both ryArtiqi. including- but not limited to. fires,. �C_5'1 floods.. epide-miLs. abnormal weather conditions, acts of'God or acts or neglect,h�• utility owners or other coriti=actors'ocrfbrming other work as contemplated by Articie 7- ART.11CLE - 13—TF_'YES AND INSPECTIONS; CORRFCTION, RKMOVA), OR ACCEMANCK OF 13.1. Nofiee of Defects: Prompt notice of all,dLfcctive.NVork,,of,%�'hicii OWNER or ENGINEER have actual knowledge will be given to .CONTRACTOR All defective Work' m%, be rejected, corre6f6d or icccrAcd as prqvidedin'this Ar6cicJ 3- Accos to ffark: 111. 04N114ER_ ENIGU\=-R, ENG13NEERs Consultants; _ other repiesentdti'ves" and personnel of OkVN -E R. indeperidient test with rt�asonHble--�,tirnes for their ob , servati . on,'inspecting and testing. CONTRACTOR shall prqvide,ihem proper and safe conditions lor. such access and. -advise them of c.C)N!tRAC-T_dR!s_ site, safety' pro and progranis so -16t.they may comply *therewith as applicable: Te,as and Inspecfion'S." 13,1 CON'TRACTO.R shall give. 0GLNEEIZ timely notice of readiness of the I'Vork -for all required inspections, test-. or approvals, and shall cA3operate with inspection and icsLing persortriel io�facilitEite,.Teqtiired;irLsWctic.)ns or tests. -13A a QVVNM� shall employ .and pay for the,services of an. independent testing, laboratory to perform all .inspections, tests, cur' approvals required by. the, Contract bdcumjcnts excepi; ,I 3A 1 fbr insNetiomAms or approvals. covered by paragraph 13.5-below., 11.4.2; that costs incmed i-c orinection %vlh test-, �onducted'p ant to N CT nagmph 13.9 EjCDCQE-N'ER.AL(0qTqD1_n0NS iota-s (199k) Ediim) wl ci-i-y Cif;.FORT COLLINS MOD . IFICATION 5 IAEVC2000) below shall, �be poid as provided in said pariigaph:119: and 13 ,4.1,as otherwise :specifically provided e, in th Contract -Documents, 13.5: If Laws or Rcgula6orri of any public ,body .hAviq,_, jurisdiction requ ire any Work (or part thereula sl:vcific-Aly to be .inspected; 'tested or approved by ,an employze or other pepi-csentativelof s4ch.public body- QQNTItAQ'I'OR 611 am e full responsibility arr rif-,ing and for" � .� _ - ". pections.. or- a ak pay all costs- �,biainmil s�uch�ins Lc�6 — - - . pprov in connection theremi k..and furnish. FsNG.INI k R the required certificates of inspection.. or approval, coi�-rRACMR shall also be res)onsihic for:arran--im, and cibtaininqard'shA• Ny all costs in connection with any inspccfi6n& tests or approvals required for OWNERS .and,F-'N(;FNEP,'R'sacceptAncif.of.ninterialsorequipnientto be incowp todmLhe'.Work:or ofmaterials, .mix designs, or equipment suhmi.ned for approval prior to COINTRACTOR's -purchasc thereof for ihiorpora tion in I the Work. , ) 13.6 If any Wor.K� (-or the work, of others" that is t, be inspc�ctcd,, tested or approved is covered by -)ut -n concurrence ofCONFTRAC7OR withy . writtL FNiGINFFR, it must, if'requested by I-NGINFF,'R- be unodvered for observation, 13.1 Uncovering Work-. as provided in lwagn. ph 13-,6 shall he at , MNTRAcrows exIvrise unless CO NTRACTOR has given ENGINEER 6fficly noticeof CONTRACTO - R's intention to cover the. sameuiid FNGIN_E�R.. has, hot acted with rc w-nahlc promptness in response to such notice: UnCo$'JUing T Work:, 13.& If, any- XVork,, is: covered contrar); io,the written request. - of ENGINEER i it must, if requested by EN Q NE E R - NG INE ER be uncoVered I& L 's observation and replaz:ed at CONTTRACTORs expense. 13 9' � If FN(7,F.NTFF-R considers it,necesriry ora&is-abIc thatcovered tVork be observed try ENG.11NEER or ins*ted or :tested: bv othas CO3N7IZJ%r CT OR, at ks, requ- - t� sha H 6 otherwise INdINEE es ricovcr,•expose or make c available, tier observation, inspection .or I t.esting as ,QqGLNEER may require, that'portion, of the Work in question, ffimishih-g all' necessary labor., material and equipment- If it is found that such Work is defeclrve. COI URACTOR -shall pay :all claims. costs, losses and clam ages c,,a6sed by. arising out -of or resulting, from such uncovering n v- ex inspection.and testing posur-6, observation, ins* on and or -SafisraLtory, replacement. -or reconstruction, (including :but not limited to ill coasts of re0air. or .rtll;cement of,w-ork of others). :and OWNMR . shall 'be crifilledjo.an , appropriate, decrease in the qontract Piice, and. if the parties tore .re unabl,e, to,iigro�c .as to the unickirit Lhereo[ may make a claim the-refor as provided :in .?irticle I I. If.- however. such Work is not, found to be shall be ' a I lowed an indw— c- in the Contract Price or an exterision-of the'(jontiact Times (or Kfle_4cmeq), ',oi both, extens r6eifV attribumble to such 27 Collins in determining whether a bidder is responsible, the following, shall be considered: (1) The ability, capacity and skill of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the services required, (2) whether the bidder can perform the contract or provide the ,service promptly and within the time specified without delay or interference, (3) the character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience and efficiency of ' the bidder, (4) the quality of the bidder's performance of previous contracts or services, (5) the previous and existing compliance by the bidder with laws and ordinances relating to the contract or service, (6) ' the sufficiency of the financial resources and ability of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the service, (7) the quality, availability and adaptability of the materials and services to the ' particular use required, (8) the ability of the bidder to provide future maintenance and service for the use of the subject of the contract, and (9) any other circumstances which will affect the bidder's performance of ' the contract. 3.3. Each Bidder may be required to show that he has handled former Work so that no just claims are pending against such Work. No Bid will be ' accepted from a Bidder who is engaged on any other Work which would impair his ability to perform or finance this Work. 3.4 No Bidder shall be in default 'on the performance of any other ' contract with the City or in the payment of any taxes, licenses or other monies due to the City. ' 4.0 EXAMINATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SITE 4.1. It is the responsibility of each Bidder, before submitting a Bid, ' to (a) examine the Contract Documents thoroughly, (b) visit the site to familiarize himself with local conditions that may in any manner affect cost, progress or performance of the Work, (c) familiarize himself with ' federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations that may in any manner affect cost, progress or performance of the Work, (d) study and carefully correlate Bidder's observations with the Contract ' Documents, and (e) notify Engineer of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies in the Contract Documents. 4.2. Reference is made to the Supplementary Conditions for , identification of: Subsurface and Physical Conditions SC-4.2. 4.3. The submission of a Bid will constitute an incontrovertible ' representation by Bidder that Bidder has complied with every requirement of this Article 4, that without exception the Bid is premised upon performing and furnishing the Work required by the Contract Documents and ' such means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction as may be -indicated in or required by the Contract Documents, and that the Contract Documents are sufficient in scope and detail to indicate and , convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performance and furnishing of the Work. Rev 10/20/07 Section 00100 Page 2 , 11 I 1 uncovering. e-,q-)Mre, .observation. ing}+ection, testing; ripQement and reconstruction; and. if the parties are 'unable to agree as, tothe amount or ektent thereof. CONTRACTOR,may lake_ claim therefor"as•ri-raided in articles LI and.122 . 011, 1 AT ' A v Stop the Mork: 13.10: If !Fie, \Wrk•is iQ.-c-five, or, CONTRACTOR fails to supply sufficient skilled workers or "suitable_ materials or. equipment, or ;fails to furnish or perform the Work in,such a tsar that the completed Work twill conform to the Contract .Documents. OWNER may order C'ONTRat OR' to stop the Wa-, or ahv pot•uon •thereof, until the cause for such order has keen eliminated;.htrveter, this n,,ht ot`()WNHR to stop the Work shallnot give rtsc to any duty on the part of U.WN�tR to- rxertiise •this right' Or lhr benefit of CON f RAM'Qk or any surety,or'other party: Correction 4Renioval ofDefecdvk lvdrk. 1. AL If required M T;b1G1NE1:12 CC?NT'RACT'C)R sfxtll promptly as .directed eitlur correct all. defective Work, whether.or not fabricated; insuilled or coinpfeted or, if the Work has IlecriL rejected by HNIGI vl'E"R, remove it from the situ and replace" it '•with• 'Work that is not citf Clive, C0V1 l:R,4cT ?R shall 'pay. all claims. ccists kisses and ,damages unused -by or �resulting from such correction or removal (includitg but not limited to:all casts of repair or replacement' of Work of others). 13.12. Correction Period: 13 1^_•.l_ if within tzar two vcars-aftcr thc.date of Substantial C'.ompleiiori.m such longer period of time as Beefy be :prescribed by Laws' or Regulations or by the tt eras of an} applicalile'Spccial guarantee' required by the Contract l;rocuinents or by any specific: provision of the Contract Documents, any fork is found to be ck feetive, C'O\9'RA&OR.shn, It promptly, without cost to OWNER and iivaccor atiiee with OW ER's written instructions: (i) correct such. defective'Alork, or. if.it has been rejected by O\t2TER',.remove=it from the site. and replace it with Work that t4 not :ciz%cuts, :and (ii) mustactorily corrector remove and replace any damage to other\4ork.orlhe i%�cirk of'othersresulting therefrom. If COiVTRACTOR'does not promptly comply with Ste terms of such instructions; or in an emergency where delay would cause serious risk of loss .or damage, O\\TTER may have,the-defer/rive Work corrected or the rejected Work rgnoVed and replaced, and all 'claims, costs; losses and damagescaused. by or resulting from such 'removal and replacem..ent (including but not limited to all costslof repair'or replacement of work of 91hers) trill be' pxaie[ by CQNMv _ACTOR, 131 ^'? .Tn slx: tl' circumstances where a p> trtieular item of :egwpment is placed to ,continuous service before :Substanti;il: C.omPletitm, of ,all the Work. the cmection periotifur thni iii . tray staii:io run from an earlier date if so.,provided in the Specifications or by !WrittenAm6dfiient. i.3,, 1?.:i, Whera•d jecrire Wort; (and damage tit other t]CDCGENERAL, CO, DI TIC) S 1910-811990E66T) %/U1TOrFO1tTCOLLINS MODIFICATIONS QtE-Vd/.n0o) Work. resulting 0ierefrbni) has 'been corrected - removed or replaced under, this, paragraph. 13:1, the correction period hereunder ivith rls%* t,to:such,Work will hw extended for an additional period of _one freer two veers after such ,correction or removal 'and replicetnent has'haan satistac.tnrilJ completed - Acceptance of pefeciiae Ikork. 13.13. If imtead,ol requiring.correction or removal and •replacem nt: 'of lekctiv Work,•'O\' NCR fapi prior to F.NGfNEER's recommendation of final pajtnenl also .ENGINbFRI prefers to.accept it, OWNIsR may do so,. CC>NTPiACTOR shall pay all claims, costs, losses and damages :attribumble to OWNhh'.s evaluation of and detcrminationto accept such dgPcI4,e M4: (such costs to be approved by ENG1NE1 R as to reasonableness). If any such acceptance occurs prior :to. E*,, 1 G N Hl-.R's rewmmendation_of fund payment, a',Change"Coder will be issued incorrx fins the necessary revisions in the Contract. ,Documents with respe0 to• the Work .and OwN k shall lie entitled roan apiiropHgte decrease. in the Contract Price, and. ifthe:parties are unable to,-. as to the amount thereof, :0" N117,k may make a claim therefor at provided in Article 11. Ifthe acccptancc.occurs after such recommendation; an appropriate amount will be -paid by CONTRAC;1'to7,0WN1 ER. G1YIVER;11a1-Correct Dejectil•eif`orki. 13.14. If CONTRACTOR fails within a reasonable time after' iviitteri notice from ENGI INMFR to correct: d.eNctive. Work or io remove rind nplacc rejected Work as required hj• EN!gf fCER n-accordanec nrith t�iraeraph 1.31 11 or if CONTRACTOR fails to perform ihe'Work•, to accordance with the Cimtmet Dbb umehts, or`if CONTRACTOR fails tit comply with any .tither ;pr6vision of the_ Contract Documents, 0X4-NETt may,' aher set en day! written nNTR otice to C():1\CTOR, eorrm and remedy any such defictc ey, In ezemistng the ngltts and rantedics and. r fhis para raph "OWNER shag t6ceed e.Oediiiously_ In cormecti6ri l6th such •corrective itild.,remediaF action, MINI ER. may exOude CONTRACTOR tram all or }tart of the site; take possession of all or pan oI the Work- and suspend CCaNTR 71761 s services related iheretu, take ,nof CONITRACTORs toolk ippliances equipment and!Aachinery at thesiie and incorporate to the `Aklci_r1 .all materials -and equipment stored at the site: or for Which O'"WER has paid GONf:RACTOR" '.but which" are stored . elsewhere. CONTTRACTOR :s� It allcri+ •01V,�'IDZ COW NCR's representatives. agents and employees. O\NTIER's. other contractors. and EN1GENE) R and. INIGINEERs Consultants access to .the site• ;lo enable. bWNER to exercise the rights and remedies under this puraraph. All claan ,, costs losses'and`dania ,ts.iricurred 6r sustained by OWNTEA- in even s1rT shelf rights and remedies .will be charged against C6.VfRA(jTOR and-a'Chartge. Order will be issued.;Icorp_urattng - the necessary revisions : in the Contract Documents with respect to the 'Work; rind O�VNERshall' 6e: entitled to an dppropriate cle�rasc din "the. Contract. Price and if the parties are unable to, agree as to the amount therebf OWNERmay make a claim therefor as Provided -in Atticte"'I l_ Such"claims, casts, Hisses and 11 damages will include but not be limited to all costs of repair or replacement :of work of others destroyed or ' damaged. by correction removal. or replacement of CONTRACTOR'-, rlefecfn:w Wcj& C_QNTRACTOR Mall ,not, be allowed an v.aertsion of the C retract Tunes (or Milestones)' hecsuse or mty; .delay. ire. perfgcrnance. of the Work attributable to the excise by Mk E'ER of CiINNERs rights and remedies hereunder: ARTICLE 144AYNLEt;1.TS'TO'COiv°rRACTOR AND COMPLETTOIY Se%iedule:nf Values. 14.1. The schedule of .values established as provided in .paragraph ,1b will serve as the basis.for progress•paymrnts and well` he incorporated: into a font _of Application for payment acceptable to,ENGi1 TEER. Progressp vments on account.of Unit, Price Work will b.e baseli on the number of unit'-, completed �ppficatigle for Progress Yat'menJ'; 14.?.- At least, tw6ty days bef6re thtc date established for each progrss payment (tut not more often than once n month); CONTMACTOR s1ud1 submit to GNGIN) ER for review -an Application for Ila),nient filled out and signed by CUti 1'R!\GTQR coveiing the Work. completed as of the date, of• t}ic Application and accornph nj,-d by such supporting documentatibm as is required by the Contract Documents. if :P:ixratcnt is;. requested on thebasis of materials andequipment not incorporated in the Work- but %ieliverzd and suitably .cored: at the. site of at another location agreed tQ in writing, the .4.0icandn for:fhyment sh ill;alsi� be accontpariied l?y a, bill of s tle;, invoice: or other. documentaticn. Warranting• (Fiat Oy, NCR- has received the materials and cquipnieni free anti :clear of all Liens and ,evidence that1he materials and equipment are covered by apprapriale property:.insurancx and` other .arrangements to protect OWNLZZ'.s •iitferea 'therein all .of which will be, satisfsictory to QXVt`i>ylz_ The aniount of retninage with aspect to progress ,pgyments will be. :as, stipulated in the the et Sa. CUr\'TR4C"TOR's;LYwTantji of Title. 14.1 • t 1NTRACTOR`• ,hrranis.t rid,gur mntees that title. to all. Work, matzriiils and eyuipmept, covered by anv Application feu Payment .whether .incorporated -in' the •Protect. or not }will pass w, OWNER n_ o later than the time. of paymcnt tier and clear of:all :L' iens. Review of.,4pplicalions fur Progrress Payment• 14A. ENGIiv`EER will;. tirithin 'ten days. aflcr receipt of m6h Applicafion for, Payment. either indicate in a�ritiiuy e EJC DC (iE 4ERAL C0M)1T1gNS 19I0•9, (WQ E(filim) tit CITY -OF FORT COLLiNS NiODIFIGA'rioNs rRLv •1RrAJtJJ recommendation. of payment and present the Application to. OWNT-R, or return the Applimuon to CONTRACTOR ,mdtlating to writing ENGINEER's:reasons.for•refusine to recommend payment, In the latter ctise; CONTRACTOR may make the necessary corrections. arid resubmit the Application. Ten days iftar presentation of the Apphcation.for Payment to (Mrl,M- with L�iGINELRs recontmendatiott the amount recommended will (stibject to the provisions of the last sentrnce of paragraph 14.7) beccmte:due and when due will be paid by,Q.MV IER to CC-K,TRCTOR 14.5. .E'NGilvEE}Zs recommendation of any payment requested, in an application for 'll tyment will iunstitute a repre_ceniation by ENGINEER to QWNIsR,, Ixi-,ea on C;iVCJfI�iEER's ctn-site observations _of the executed Work as an a cpenerwed'and;gpalified;cltsign,Professiotial:and on 'ENGINE:h-R.'s.review of the Application for.1'aymerit and the -accompanying data and schedules, that to -the best of E iJGfitF.Fk's knon•ledoc,,inf6rr Cation and beliet' 14:5.1. the 'Work has programed. to ,the point indicated, 14.5t2 . the quality of :the Work is gendrally in an accordce=yvith the;C;ontract Documents (sulsject to an .evaluation of the'Work •as a fimciionin'e whole prior,to or•upon Substantial Completion, to the results df -Aq suliccquent- tests called .For in ,the ..Contract I)dctimenbt . tty a final determination of quantities and classifications for Unit Price Work -under paragraph 9.1t1. and to any. otha,qualificationi.stvtted i t the recomntcndaticm), and 11:53:.the conditions Precedent to CONTRACT0 Rs, being. entitled, to such payment Appear to have, been fallillcd insofiar as it is -ENGIINIM-Wsrz_ponsibtlity•to observe die Work. However, by ,recommending any such- payment ? CIN-- EEEIZ yvill riot' the mbi , be deeff&i t0 have :_represented that; (i) exhaustive or continuous on -site utspecti xts have been rnade .to .check• the quality or the quantny of •the Rork beyond the resp�ynslbdrtles specifically assigned to, EhNQINLL1Z in -tlie. Contract Documents or (ii) that there m ry ngt be other -matters Air issues .henveeit the parties- that 'iiiight entitle CO TTRAC OR Io; br: paid addition.illy by O\VR`Z'R or. entitle OWNL•R to HithhoId payment to CONTRACTOR. 14_f: ENGINE-EWs recommendation- of.any payment, •66144ing,fmal puyment,-shall=not,mean that ENGLNEER is responsible :fair. CONTRACTOWS' ,, means'. •methods, techniques_wquences,or procvdures.of construction, or .the safety. precautions and .prggnmrsincident4fiereto, or for any failure of CONTRACTOR to comply }with. Laws and Re$ulaiions applicable .to the fcimishing or performance, of Work .. or, For any 'M-Lire of C'_U�'1'12A�:1'OR to perform dr. funusFi Work in accordance with the -Contract Documents. 143. ENGINE M mayretuse to recommend the whole ocanv partaf.any payment'if. in ENON Xs opinion it would he incorrect .to make, the :repmmentations to -�q I I I I J I I u I 11 I I I I I I I ii OWNER referred to in,lwagraplf 14,5, ENG JN-E-LT-,1 may ,also refuse-10'recommend any such payment, or,lbecause of subsequently discovered evidence or the results of :subse(,I,ue'nt in'Specti . ons or tests; nullity any' y such payment 'Previously recommended: to such extent as may be 'neces4gry,-in :opinion it) protect 0XV,,TFR From lom because:- 14 ' 7. 1, the Work it defective; or completed Work has been damaged requiring correction or replacement. 14.7.2. the Contract Price has bec'n reduced by Written,Arnendtfitnt or Chanee (Yrder;, 14-T1 OWNER has b6en required to correct. ii,kfive,Wbrk or ccrmplctc Vork in accofdance with paragraph 1114,or 14.7.4LNGIT,.MER has. actual knowledge of the occurrence of 'any.' of the evcnmrhum'erated in paragriaphs 15.02.' 1 through 13.2.4,ihclusive. 0W=:refuse to make =,of the .-ftill'atnount raeo by'PNGKJI-J-'R 14,7,5> claims have been, - made against. OWTR on account of C()t\1'I'R.ACI'OR's.'f.crfoinia6cc or furnishing of the: Work, 14-7 o. Liens have been -filed in connection with the Work, except where CONTRACTOR: has delivered a specific 136nd;satisfactory to',()W&iPR to •scdUrc the satisfqction and discharge o[suckLiens, 14.7:7; there are other items entitfin2- MINER to set- offa-Pplinst the amount recommended, or- 14.7X OWNER' Jum - actual knowledge of the ,occurrence of an, of the events en'Affierated in �paragraphs 14,7,1 tluou> h 14,73 or:ptmi1j,-,l*s I i2.1 but OWN . must give C()NqR2kC.T0R immediate. 'w1ittep'nofice (with ,a carp} t6F.NGINTTR) staling the reasons for such action promptlypy Q01NFM1'%Q.TQR 'the iduoulirso Nvithheld, or any adjds llniont, thereto weed to, by 1 b\V?VMR' land - CC)NTRtkCT0rC when CONTRACTOR corrects -to ONVNER's satisfaction the reasons far such .action ,Skbslqnddl. Coniplitio.ii.- 141N_ When'COMR.ACTOR�considers the critire Work readv R)r -its intended use CONTLACTOR shall notify CAVINMR and ENGLN =-. in writing that.the entire Work is subsantially complete (except for items !4)eciflcally fisted by CONTRAc."r"Ok as incomplete) and reqUesttha t NGM-ER issue a cendicate of Substantial Completion. Within :u reasonable, time thereafter. DIVINER. CONTRACTOR and ING' INEER sh2l] make an inspectiowl of the Work to determine ffic'Aatus of complict.ion. If HNGNIEFR.' does ;not d6nsidc,r the Wotk, substantiallycomplete. -ENIGINTER- Will notify CO-NMACTOR in writing! "2ivini, the reasons 'therefor-. if E,1\101NPIL'Rl 30 W/ UTYOFfORT COLLINS MODIFICA-1710INS ftV4P0(AJ) ,consi&rs thi, Work substan'tially c(inliplete, ENIGIINTEER will prepare and.deltiver' 1'o_6WNdZ,H tentative certificate of Substantial- Completion Which shall fm,lihe date of 'SOstan6a 1� Com plot ion. Theree-shall be attached to the c I If -'to be completed or or icate- a, tentative list items. cp rected b6fore fi. FIR- I - 'ment_ O'WINER-rhallhave seven 'Asy I s after receipt of the. tentafive certificHte .'during Which to , make- wrinen objection- to- ENG'INTEER` :as to anv prov isiorts-of .the certificate or Attached list, If, :after considermg-such objections; ENGLINEER-c .. oncludes that the %Voik'is n'pf, ' subs,umtiAlly coinplete,'ENG=,R will ,within fourteen days , after submission of the tentative certificate to OWNE'R. nbfih- COOMACTOR in writing, swtiiig- Lhe.reasofis therefor. III after consideration of OWNiF.R.'s objections ENGINEER -considers the Work °Su6staiitihllv will Within said ,fbuAeendays ceouute and deliver to OWNER rind CONUKACTOR a definitive certificate of Substantial Completion (with a revised tentative list of items to be completed or, correc ted) reflecting such changcs from the tentative certificate as ENGINEER. befiCresjustified after consideration -ofmiy o*ctions fr6m OWNER. At the time or delivery of the tentative certificate 01"Substantial Completion 'FN(3)NTFFR will deliver to OWNER and CONTRACTOR a written rccom IIn I endat . ion asio - divisiOn of rqponsibilities pending final payment .,between between OWNHW�.O' *and NTRACTOIZ with re�p'cc'rio security, opcfatidn, mtaty, maintenance, beak utilities, insurance and Warranties ;and guilrantoes.. 'Urtim' OWNER and CONiWACTOR 'agrile,other'wlse in ivritmg and'so infbnrr ENGINEI-_*R infivriting pnor.tb ENGINPER's issdmg the ,dcliinitiv'e• certificate SUh.S te . , taiiiial , Completion, ENTGDTJMR's afore'31id recommenda6c;n will bebinding on,OWNER'-And CONTRACrOk7until 6n�l paymeint 14.9, 0".INFIM .-,hall bavz: the riLalv tee exclude ca\rrR,Ac'r0R firom the Work after the date of Sul:Ktifitia I -Completioit, but-' bWNER "shall. allow COWRNI TOR reasonable 46eoss to complete dr correct itGnis on -the. tentative list, Partial 11filizatian: 14 1 Q, Use by OWNFRfZ' at. 01WNTER's optiOn of any, s substantially o6niplelted lmrfofthe Work, 'which; (i) 1)a sTbe(',Jfically boni'idLfitifiedin the Contract Docuffien'L'q. 017 ancl ENGINEER tint! agree constitutes se&rately functioningand usable part of the WmIc that can -be. used; by OW7N-LR' for its intended purpose withot,t s jenjfie-amirite6ciene'e' with CONTRACTOR's fwf6rmiinu flie, remainder of the Work; may be accomplished prior to Substantial Completion of all the.VdiLsubject to the followinin 14:10.1,.011TNTER =Fit ' any time may- _request CONTRACTOR in.%�Tiong-t-t)-peftnit'OtNfNT-,R.to use any rich ,r Jan of -the Work,• �yhich OWNE R belieyes to be A ready for 61 intended L"w and: substantially . . complete; , If CONTRAOTOR agrees,that'such part of the W(-)rk--i,; s.u'bsts.iritL411y,'&t)m'plete,,CON'-FRA(.TOR will certify to OWNER -and ENGINTEER that such part. or the. W6rk is suhstaniially'complctc And t6qucst ENdu\TER to issue -V 6"Ecute of Substantial C'6mplefion 'ffir that part of the :Work, 1 CONCRACTO DR at.anv time may notdy., C)WtiT�T , PN and ENGIINZER'mi writiirg:[hat CONTRACTOR considers . .any such pail.of.the.Work read),, for its. intended use gird- substantially completeand request I17G'LNTEIt to issue a certificate or Substantial. Completion for that part of -the W brl;- Within a t�asgnable time•afler either sudit request; OWNER CONTRACTOR and ONIGINTEER shall make an inslxctionof-thiii putt of the Work to .determine. its. status of completion. If ONGINE;> R does nbt.Wnsider-that,pari-of the Work to bz substarttrally cornplttz; ENI G iC) M. will notify iJWVI�iE12 anJ :CAi`I7 RACTOR in writina 6vinL the reasortt therefor. if.."MUN:EE::R considers,thnt ptn of the 1W?ork to be.: substantially, complete., the provisions of paragraphs 1,,4 3_ and 14?9 will apply with respect to ccrtirkatton of Suhstantial Completion ._of.that part of the \York and the division of responsibility inrespect thereof and access thereto. 14.10:1 No occupancy or_scparate-operatinn of part of the,Work will be awomplished prior to ccimpliance wgih'.th2 requ r�iientc ofparag aph 5,15,in respect of property insurance. Rinal,Htspection: 14.1.1- . Upon written notice from e;ON'rRACI.OR that the -entire Work. or an agreed Portion thereof' is complete, I Q1GIt1E-U_ will make: a find inspection with O}WNTR .and G()N f kA(k CC).K .and will rx-)Lh' coNri, R.ACT()R in. writing n.f.all partm particulars in which this spactilcm reveals that the Work.is•it'complete or'Wictive. CONTRACTOR_ shall immediately take,such measures as -are necessary to coniplete.such work -of remedy such,dcticiencies. Fna1. 1pplicolion. jar Pal'ntent' 141,11 After. CON'TRACTC)k Chas completed_ all such corrections to the salisfaction_ol ENGINEER and, delivered ui a.cordance with the . Contract Liocuntents all maintenance :and operating instructions; schedules, guarantees, Bonds. certificates .or other evidence of insurance required by paragraph 5.A, certificates of iiispcctiorr,. marked -up record documents (as provided in paragraph G.19)_ and -other clucwtterim CONTRACTOR may make application lnr -.final .payment following the procrduie for progress. payments.. The fmati�pplication for Payment shall ble accompanied (except .as preciously dalivterzd) by: (i) all d6 umentatio_n called for in the Contract Do-cwpe`nis, iricludiitg but not Ciniit id to the zwiilgriez of insurance reclVired by. wbporagr4ph 5.4.13. (ii) consent of the surer)',: if any, to hniil pavTttent. and (iu) complete and ,legally •clTeclive:..releases or waivers _(satisfactory to OWNER) oC all Liras arising out of or filed in connec iin.with the Work. .tn lieu. of such -releases or waivers of Liens •and• as ;approved by OWNER, CONTRACTOR may furnish receipts or releases in full .and affidavit of CONTTRACTOR that: (i) ihe_Teleases and receipts -include. all'labur, services.,matcnal and equipment for ,yliich a Lien, ;could'' be. filed . ;and (ii) rill payrolls, njaterial and ;equipment 'bills and othi r indebtedness gcnncctcd.cgith t}tc;WVorl lorcvhtchOlV1VHR or,OWNFR's Froperiy;mii hi m,anyw•ay be resportsible.have.been paid or othenvtse saustied If any Subcontractor or -Supplier fails EJCUC(iEi�ER` L,CONL)rnoNs wlv-809)I)Edlim) W/ CITY 01; PORT CY)LLIyS MODUTICATIONS tRHV VZODUI to hirnish such a_ release. or .receipt in lull. CONTf�.4CT(3R.may,furnish a. Bond or other collateral satis(actorv• to QWNER to-indemriifj. , ODkVNi ER :against anyLiea keleases or waivers of liens and the..ccrosent of the -stiretV toL fin4lize- .payment are- to be' submitted. on forms confor-mina to the -format of the OWNER'S standard forms bound in the. Project manual. Final flaj%ntent andAcceplance: 14,13. If on the brasLN is of ENGGER's observation of the -York dUTUM corutruttiom and final inspection. and Ei OME''r-R's review of die final:Application;for Payment and accompanying documentation as required .by the Contract -documents, ENC.RBRR, is satisfiedthat the \.work, has -teen completed; and (7C)NTR)kC�TC).R's, other oblitwtions under the ,Contract Documents have been fulfilled, E1gGLNFFR wih, within ten days.aftci receipt of the. final, Application,, for 1'aytnent, indicate in writing .ENGINEER's recommendation of payment -and present theApplicitign.'to,OiVN—ER.for.payment.. At,.tx same Iime,RNGliti'EER still also Jive written notice to OWNER ,and CO`J 1 ACTQR that the Work is.acceptable subject to the provisions of paragraph 14.15. Otherwise, ENGfNEEK will return —the Application to CONTRACTOR, indicating in writing the rewris for refusing to rcctimmcnd 'finial payment, in which case CONTRACTOR shalt make die nccc�aryr.correcLi,o s and rea'ubmit the Application. Thirty days afterpresentation to :(Mk RR of the Application" and accompanying documentation, in appropriate ;form ,nnd substance and with ENGM.FR's recommendation and notice- of acceptability, the,amount,rcoommended by_fENGDJEER will become due and will he Paid bi ()WVNPk to CO\1 rTRACTOR..subjcct to tetras raph 1:7_6-2 of then: c�energl Cutiditions; 14.1., ,:K thrciugh: no fault. of CONMACTOR, final cohin letlon .of 'the Work m significantly delayed and if II�Iu1NEER so, conf.imis; C�W?�TER. shall;. u_poti,reccipt of CONTRACTOR's. final Application for `Payment aril recommendadon of CNGINEGR, and mithout terminating the.Agreement, make payment of the balance due fir that lxxtion ofthe Work. fully.criinplctzd.and:acccpted, .If.thc rernainitic balance, to be held by OWNER -'For lVbrk not fully-comFleted or. corrected is. lim than, the reminage stipufated7 In -tie' :Wgteetnzrrt Arid if 13oncls have been furrushed as.tectuired in paragraph.5:I,;the mT.itten•ccnsent of the surety to the payment of=the balance due -for that portion of the Work fully completed and accepted shall be submittal by CO1vTRACTOR .to ENGINEER with the .Application fur such -payment. Such payment shall be made under the ,terms .arid condiiions ,governing final payment. except that it -shall- not_ constitute a waiver of claims: With,& of Glainro: l4.l5.. Themakingand acceptance, of fi na 1: payment will ,constitute. 14.15,1. a waiver nl`,all claims by (-)WNFR against 'CONTRAt T(R except. claims arising .from 'unsIettled.l.iens from-Lkfrctiue Work appearing after 31 L 1-1 I� 11 Coral inspection pursuant to paimgraph 14.11, from failure to comply with the Contract Documents or the terms of,any•special guarantees specified therein M from CONTIACTOR's continuing oblitions under. the Contract Documerim and 14 15._.A waiver of all claims by CONTRACTOR aeaiitst ONV1N�Li2 other than "those, previously mnde in tivritiitg and still unsettled. ARTICLE 15--StiSPENSIOIN Or, \VORK AND 'TERNII NATION 011 NER il141, Suspend i-V rk: 15,1 at: an), time mid without cause OWNER may suspend the lbork:oranv portion thereof tar a period of not more -than ninety chivy by 1`166ce in' .writing to cmtr R'AG'TOR and ENT(MEFR Which will 'fix the date. on which 1Vo k will be resumed, . (,C)MMAC TOR shall resume the Wort: on the date so fixed. C:.ONTRAC"fOR. shall Ix allotted an ad3usimcnt in the. Contract Price or an extensidn of the Contrrict Times, Or boilt• dimctly attributable to any such suspension. if C ON7'RAcmR makes an approvedclaim therefor as provided in .46cles 11 And 12. 01P7VER iliail Terndnate: 15Z Upon the, occurrence of any one or. more of the following cvcnts; 15,2.1, if,CONTRAc'TOR .I-ersistently fails to perform the, VV'ork `inn accordance with •fic Contract D66umcnts. (including, but. not limited to, failure to supply sufficient *illed workers. or suitably.' materials or egUipment or fnilure 19-.adliere to the prWess schedule: established grader paraumpli29 as adjusted from time to time pummant-to paragraph 6:6)_ ' 15' 2. if CONTRACTOR disregardz Laws or Regtilations:of e,ny publicAmdy having' jurisdiction:. 1 t 2.3. if CONTP.IVCTOR disrep if ts'the authority of E1gGINLl3R_ or l i i 4: if CONTRACTOR t�thertwisz Violates in anv substantial %vaV. anV pro6s'ions. of the Contract L�ucumenis QWMER mar'. alter .diving CONFIUC:TOR (and the surety if any) seven days'. written notice and to the extent permitted by Laws and Regulations,; terminate the services of C•ONTILACToR ericlude:CONTRACTok from the site and tale possession- of the Work and of :all CUNIIAC'f'Oks loots, appliances, construction equipment and machinery at the site.and use'the same to the full extent they 'could be .used. ley: CONTRACTOR (without. liability. .to CONTRACTOR 1'nr- trespass or tzttiverslon);.inceitporate in tine Work all materials and eitiiipment.storedacthe site or,for which OIVNER has paid E4CVC(;ENXL.CONDfTI0NSt91ii-t19WEetirim't '` w/ (11T OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (kEV 4/ oW) CC)NTR1CTOR but which are .stored elsewhere, and ftnish'the SVork'as MVINMR may deem q*dient. In such case QONTRACTOR shall not -,be ; entitled to receive anv further payment until the Work is LniAed. If the unpaid balance of the Contract Price exceeds all claims costs, 10-s and danriages sustained b}' OWNER arisin> out of nr resulting.from completing ,thz Work such excess will be paiid'tb (ONTRA(1 T.OR If siirh claims oists:'losses and damages exceed such unpaid balance, CONTRACTOR shall pey ithe difference to OVVNER.._ Such claims, costs. losses and damage, incurred,by OIVNtRtvill be reviewed by tMjITT k as to theii reasonableness and',when so appro'zl:liV k tiC3CNF FR inccitjxoratecl in a C:hartge Order,prnvidcxI 'that when exercisingany rights err remedies under this paragniph O1VNE R' shall not be, required .to obtain the lowest price -for the 1Vorl.• performed 1:53. VV.here (`0N'1'kA( T,OR's services have been .so termina, Wd by OWN-E-R, the termination will not allect any rights or remedies of DWi\llb 'against CONTRACTOR then e:ustinc or which may thereafter accrue. Anj• retention or _payment of .moneys due CO3"TRAM'O 2 by ' 6,vighk Will, rich release. CONTRAi TOt2 from liability, 13.4. upon seven days' writicn jqotlnT to CONFI A(TI'OR. :and E:NGIN.MR, OXVMER may, without cause, and widuiurpreludice to any other Tight Or remedy of0WINR RZ elect to tenminate the, :lgreeiiieiit, to such case,, C QNTRACOR' shall' be paid (without duplication of any items: 15.4.1. for completed and acceptable Work executed In, acmrdancc'u ith the Contract Documcnfs prior to Ole effective date of temtmation; ini_luiling fair and reasonable sums for overhead- and prhfit on such \Volk; 15.4,2. for expenses sustained prior to the efective date of tenninatioli in, perfonnaig services and iurnishing Ia1ioG materials or eguipmant as required by the Contract Documents in"connection with uncompleted Work, plus Gau` and reasonable sums for overhead and prpi n on'such expenses, 15.43, f_oi all claims costs 16i si s_ and 'damages incurred in settlement of,termiriated contracts with Stibcoriiractors; Suppliers and oth6rs.:trid i'5.4.4. forreasonable ex7)enses' directly: attributable to termination CONTRaGTOR'shall not be Nid.on'account•of loss of anticipated profits or revenge or other -economic loss arising. out of or resulting from such,iemtination CONTR,ICTOR Mqj.- Srgp RUbrk or Ternrinalei 15.5. W.throur:h no actorrfault'of CON fR�VCf0R, the VVorl. •is-,suspencled for a period) of more than `ninety days by OVVNER or under an order of -'court or other public Ul t rity, or E.NG'lNEE'N fails to act .on ant` ,Application Cor J'ayment within lhnrty da}s after it ns submitted or (7VV1dFlt. fails for thin days to pa} any E, sum finally detennined.to be due,%then CC)N1712L\CTOR may-, .upon seven .dnys'...written 2 notice 'to OXVNE-R and ENGINEER. and provided OWNER or ENORvEER.do not remedy; such suspension or failure wiihin ihi, J time; terminate the Agreement and recover from, OWNER payment on thesstrie terms as prof ided in paragraph 15-4. In lieu of terminating the-Aareement_and without prejudice to.anv other right or remedy.. if E IGMEER lras'failed to act on an Application for Paymem within,thirty days alter it is submittal. or OWNER -has, faded fi r thirty flays- to pay C_"OI TRACTOR any sum finally determined, to be due. CONTRACTOK may upon seven days' written notice to OjVNER and EN INE}:R-stop the Work, uniill .payment of :all such amounts due CONTRACTOR .iric'!U utg interest ifiereon. The prow tsiorts;of this paragraph 1 A,5 -are. not intended to'prcclude C,ONURACTOR.,fr6m making claim under Articles j 1 and 12 for an in(acase in Contract- Price or Contract Times or ,othcdvisc for .expenses or damage directly attributable to CONTRACTOI:'s stopping Work as licrmittcdby. thisparagraph: AH 1 IC:I..F, 10-I),ISPUTE RESOLU7-ION i'f and to the e�-tcnt'that OWNER and (-ONTIZACi'OR have agreed on'.ffic method and procedureforresolving disputes between, them, that may arise under this - iiicnt,:such disl ute resolution;mcihod.and,procedure, if. any, Amll he as set forth :in 6Nhibii C;C-,A, ",Dispute Resolution Agreement" , to he attached hereto and made a Part hereof, 1f.no such: ag{eement 'on the method, and Ixptcdurr for resgl"vi_g sucli:.disputcs has been reached, :and subject to the pr&isions.of paragaphs9,lb, 9.11 and 9.12.- OWNIMtZ and `C(7NTRACT0R may exercise mch iight5 or remedies as either may othcrwisc have under the Contract documents or by Laws or Regulatk ns. in respect of any dispute: ARTICLE i7-IMISCELLANEOUS, Giiinb i\'otice: 17,I. Whenever any . ,provision, cif the Contract Documents requires the giving of written notice, it vtiill be deemed.ti") have bee» validly given if delivered in person to the individual,or to.a member of the firm; orto.an.ofGcerof' the corporation for whom it is intended. orif delivered at or sent byregisteroxl,or.•certified:maiLl postage prepaid; io the last business. address latoµ n-to the giver of the, notice. 17.2: Computation of Tiirre: 17.3,1. When tiny period of time is referred to in the Contract Documents by` clays it; Will ;be wniputed to x.Xclude the first, and include the last. flay ,of such perial: If the- last day of -arty su& pcnf xl fafls on a Saturday ,or Sunday or en.a diy_niade.a;lcgal holiday by the.law of,the a' licablelurisdiction, such..day will beomifted frorn-the,co iputanom WCDC4ENERALC0M)1TUJ11'S1919-8(09(1E(titionl W1 CITY Ol; FORT CY)LU NS `fODI11CATIONS i;FLEV •1Rtxi0i 17.2-1 A. calendartlay:of twenty-four hours measured fiom midnight. to. the next midnight will constitute a day'.. Node,- of Ctnini; 17.3, Should OANINIiK.or CON?T.RACTOR suffer injury or damage to person or .pr *rty, because of :any error, omission or act of the other party or of any of the other IA,tny_ s emplov;eee !y ,agents or others. for whose acts the other.p,•arty is legal ly, liable, clams will be made;in:writing to the other par- , within a raasonahle time of the first observance of such injury or damage. The provisions of this paragraph 173 shall not be corvtiued as a ctrhstirine for or a waiver of the piovisions of any applicable statute of limitations or repose.Cunrulative R6nerGes- 17 4. The duties and obligations; unposed. by these Gencral-Con-and the n�hts and remedies available hereunder .to .the :parties ,hereto;- and in particular but without limitation, the .warranties, guarantees and ohligations impose*d upon, CC)NI:RA(.a•OR by Ixtragraphs 6712, 6.16 6 3(l, 631, 632;. 1 + 1,13:11 13_l4, 1.43 and] 5,2 and all of'the.nghts and remedies available to Ql\ITER and -ENGMIEFR_ biercunder; are;in addition ,0. and are n6t,to be construed in any Nvay::as a limitation ,of', any rights and reiedies availahle.to any or,all of them which are otherwise impose l or "available by Laws- or Regulations by special,warranty or guarantee or by other provisions of the Contract D,ocuments;:and the provisions of this paragraph will be ,as effective ac if rcp6ated specifically in thc'Contract_Documcrits in connection with each particular duty, ohligafi6n, right and remedy to which they apply. 1'rvfe sional pees and,,C'oait Costs,lncluderL- 17 5. Whenever reference is made to claims, costis_ losses aniftdamages",, it shaft include in each Casc, but not belitniteii:ti„all tzes,and chat�es ofeit`ineers;;architects, atlumeys and other :professionals and. all ..court or arbitration or other dispute resolution cost-.. 17:6. The laws of the State of Cohuadahply to this �*reeMML Referenceto two pertinent Colorado Mtuies areas follows: 17.6:2. IP:a-claim is filed OWNER is required by law (CRS 38-26-M).to"withhold' from all:payments.(b CONTRACTOR sufficient funds to iruure .,the. lJSayment of all claims. for labor. ddateriaK team hire, susienance: ;prrn,isions, provender, or, -other ;suMies used` or consumed..bV ('Oti I'RAt TOR .or his 33 E.ICD c;M KAL COND1 T ONS 191 n ss j 1 19U i clitiml. 34 wlUTTC)r.FOIiT.COLLINSMQDII'ICATIONSQiLVW. OW) (This page Icft blank intentional Iv.) EJCDC (;t^,'6RAL CONL)I-n(JNS 191 U X 11990 Edtim I Wl CITY OF I;ORT CXJLLIi IS MODIFICATIONS tRL{V •1 M101 I 35 EJCUC UENIY n CONDi 11 ONS 191 O-R j i)w Edtimi. 30 W/UT0F,FORTCOLLINSmODII'JCA-I'IONS0tEV-Ir;OiN)) EXHIBIT.GC-A to General Conditions of the Construction Contract Between OWNER and CONTRACTOR DISPUi'E RESOLCrfION AGREE-AMNT OWWER and CONTRACTOR hereby agree than Article IF of the General Conditions of the Constiuction Contract between CMNI VR and (,6N'rRAC1'0R. is amended to include the.followinc agreement of the parties: 16.1,. All claims,- disputes and other matters in question between OWNER. and C:ONIRACTOR arisir out of;or relating to ihc.C'ontract Documents or the breach thereof (c\ccpt for claims which have been waived by the making or acceptance of final payment as provided by paragraph 14.1;5) will be decided by arbitration in :accordance with the (construction lndustry Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration .A_-s ciation then obtaining, subject to the limitations of the Article 16. This agrozincnt so to arbitrate and any other agreement or consort to arbitrate entered into in accordance Herewith as provided in this ,Article 16 will be spccilicaUy enforceable under the prevailing lawof anycourt,having jurisdiction 16.2, No demand for arbitration of any claim, dispute or oih,.r matter that is required to be referred to GNGINGLR initially for decision in accordance with paragraph 9-11, will be made until the earlier of (a) the date on which HNGINEER has.rendered.a written dmision or (b) the thirty-firstday-afterthepartics have presented their evidence to. ENGINEER if a written decisiduh has.no;i been rendered Ily I:TNIGIiVI 1�R before, that date: J?o demand for arbitration of any such claim; dispute or other matter will be made later than thirty days after• the ditte on which FMCHNI' .ER. has rendered a written decision in respect thereof in accordance. with paragraph 9.1 It and the failure to demand: arbitration within said thirty. days period w0l result in 1 IGINE.ER's, decision :bcine Penal and "binding uptm 01VNER and COIIFTMACTOTC If ENGINT-R renders a decision afier'arbiiration proceedings have been initiated such decision may be entered as evidence but will not supersede die arbitration proccedings, except where the decision is acceptable,to the pirties concerned.. No demand for arbitration of any written decision of 0NGFNEER rendered 41 accordance with paragraph 9,10 will be made later than ten days after the party making such demandhas defivcred written notice, of intention to.appeal as provided in paragraph 9.10, 16.3. Notice or the demand trip arbitration will be filed in writing with .the either party to the Agreement and with the American Arbitration Association. and a copy Nvill he sent to L RNMEER for infotmatibn The demand for arbitrationwill be made within the thirty -dray or ten -lay period spiecified in paragraph 162 as applicable. aryl in -ail other. cases within a.reasonable time after the claim. dispute or.gther matter in question has arisen; and in no event shal l any such demand be made after the date wheninstitution of legal or equitable proceedings based on such claim. dispute or other matter in question would he barred by the applicable: statutes of limitations. EJCMCIENERALCONDITIONS I M-30990Editian wl�CITY OFFORTCOtMr 'T10DM, ,CAT10NS,(RFV9199) 16.4, Except as provided in paragraph 16,5 below, no arbitration arising out of or relating. to the Contrdci Documents shall include by cortsolithation, joinder or in any other manner any other person or entity (including ENOrNEER- ENGINrEER's Consultant and the Officers. directors; agents, emplovees or consultants of ant, of them) who is not a party to.thts contract unless: 16.4,1. the inclusion of such other person or entity is necessary if complete relief is to be afforded among those who are already' parties to the arbitration, and 16,4.2. such other person or entity is substantially involved_ in a question•of law or fact which is common to those who are already parties to the arbitration and which will.arisc in such proceedings, and 16.4.3. the written consent of the other person or entity sought to be included and of OWNER and CONTRAC rOR- has-been obtained for such inclusion; which consent shall make specific reference to this partgmph; but no such consentshall. constitute. consent to arbitration of any dispute not spei-i.firally described in such consent or to arbnrntton •with am arty not specifically identified in such consent. 16.5- Notwithstandinc, rmragraph 16,41. .if a claim, dispute or other matter in question between MINER and CONTRACTOR involves the Work of a Subcontractor, either OWNER or WN`CRACTOR may join such Subcontractor as a party to the.arbitrntion between OWNER and CONTRACTOR hereunder. Cl7NTRMCToR shall include in all subcontracts required by paragraph 6A1 a sl ecilic provision whereby the $ubcontract x consents to being joined in an arbitration between OkNgTF.R and CONTRACTOR involving .the Work of such, $ubconuactor. Nothing, in this paragraph 10.5 nor in the provision of such subcontract consenting to joinder shall create any claim, right or cause of action in Iiivor' of Subcontractor and against OWNI ER,. ENGINEER or ENGLN>ER's Consutttints.that does not otherwise exist, 16.6.. The award rendered by the. arbitrators- will be final; judgment may be entered upon it in any court having jiartsdiction thereof: anti' it will not be subject to modd-wation or appeaL 16. . OWNER and CONT T ,VCTOR agree that they shall first submit .anv arid- all unsettled claims, counterclaims. disputes and other matters in question between them .arising out- of or relating to the Contract - Documents or the,breach thereof ("disputes')_: to mediation by the :American Arbitration Association tinder the Construction Industry Nlediafion Rules of the American Arbitration Association,prior- to either of them initiating against the- other a demand :for arbitration _pursuant to paragraphs 16`1 through 166, unless belay to initiating arbitration would irrevocably prejudice one of'the parties. The respective thirty and ten day time limits .Vidiin which to file a demand fair .arbitration as. provided in paragraphs ? and f6:3 above shall be suspended) with respect I. o a dispute submitted to mediation within .those same applicable time fimits'anl shall remain suspended until ten days after the termination of the: mediation The mediator of any dispute suhmitted to mediatio.n under this Agreement. shall notseave as arbitrator of such dispute unless otherwise agreed.. GC -Al ' 5 . 0 INTERPRETATIONS AND ADDENDA.• ' 5.1. All questions about the meaning or intent of the Bidding Documents are to be submitted in writing to the Engineer and the OWNER. Interpretation or clarifications considered necessary in response to such questions will be ' issued only by Addenda. Questions received less than seven days prior to the date for opening of the Bids may not be answered.. Only questions answered by formal written Addenda will be binding. Oral and other ' interpretations or clarifications will be without legal effect. 5.2. All questions concerning the scope of this project should be directed to the Engineer. Questions regarding submittal of bids should be directed to the City of Fort Collins' Purchasing Division. ' 5.3. Addenda may also be issued to modify the Bidding Documents as deemed advisable by OWNER or Engineer. 5.4. Addenda will be mailed or delivered to all parties recorded by the OWNER as having received the Bidding documents. 6.0 BID SECURITY 6.1. Each Bid must be accompanied by Bid Security made payable to OWNER in the amount stated in the Invitation to Bid. The required security ' must be in the form of a certified or bank cashier's check payable to OWNER or a Bid Bond on the form enclosed herewith. The Bid Bond must be executed by a surety meeting the requirements of the General Conditions ' for surety bonds. 6.2. The Bid Security of the successful Bidder will be retained until such Bidder has executed the Agreement and furnished the required ' contract security, whereupon Bid Security will be returned. If the successful Bidder fails to execute and deliver the Agreement and furnish the required contract security within 15 days of the Notice of Award, OWNER may annul the Notice of Award and the Bid Security of that Bidder will be forfeited. The Bid Security of other Bidders whom OWNER believes to have reasonable chance receiving the award may be retained by OWNER ' until the earlier of the seventh day after the effective date of the Agreement or the thirty-first day after the Bid Opening, whereupon -Bid Security furnished by such Bidders will be returned. Bid Security with ' Bids which are not competitive will be returned within seven days after the Bid opening. 7.0 CONTRACT TIME. The number of days within which, or the date by which the Work is to be substantially, complete and also completed and ready for Final Payment 1 (the Contract Times) are set forth in the Agreement. 8.0 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES. ' Rev 10/20/07 Section 00100 Page 3 rl J GJCTX: C FNF.RAI,, t'OTjC31 oNs l91 C}9 ( I y9foidiliai w+ LJII' C1F F4KTCULL!\'$ MODII ICAT[Q:JS IRGV 9/9=11 #ks A1. SE SECTION 00800 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS E ' SECTION 00800 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Conditions of the Contract These Supplementary Conditions amend or supplement -the General Conditions of the Construction Contract (EJCDC General Conditions 1910-8, 1990 edition with City of Fort Collins modifications) and other provisions of the Contract ' Documents as indicated below. SC-4.2 Subsurface and Physical Conditions: A. Add the following language to paragraph 4.2.1 of the General Conditions. 1 The following report(s) of exploration and tests of subsurface conditions at the site of the Work: ' Geotechnical Engineering Report - Terracon Project No. 20005008 Contractor may rely upon the accuracy of the technical data ' contained in the geotechnical documents, but not upon nontechnical data, interpretations or opinions contained therein or upon the completeness of any information in the report. No drawing of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface or subsurface structures (except Underground Facilities referred to in Paragraph 4.3) which are at or contiguous to the site have been utilized by the Engineer in preparation of ' the Contract Documents, except the following: ' SC-5.4.8 Limits of Liability A. Add the following language at the end of paragraph 5.4.8. The limits of liability for the insurance required by the paragraph numbers of the General Conditions listed below are as follows: 11 Rev 10/20/07 Section 00800 Page 1 5.4.1 and 5.4.2 Coverage A - Statutory Limits Coverage B - $100,000/$100,000/$500,000 5.4.3 and 5.4.5 Commercial General Liability policy will have limits of $1,000,000 combined single limits (CSL). This policy will include coverage for Explosion, Collapse, and Underground coverage unless waived by the Owner. 5.4.6The Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance policy will have limits of $1,000,000 combined single limits (CSL). 5.4.9This policy will include completed operations coverage/product liability coverage with limits of $1,000,000 combined single limits (CSL) . SC-12.3 Add the following language to the end of paragraph 12.3. Contractor will include in the project schedule four (4) days lost due to abnormal weather conditions. Rev10/20/07 Section 00800 Page 2 , SECTION 00900 ADDENDA, MODIFICATIONS AND PAYMENT 00950Contract Change Order 00960Application for Payment Rev 10/20/07 SECTION 00950 CHANGE ORDER NO. PROJECT TITLE: CONTRACTOR: PROJECT NUMBER: DESCRIPTION: 1. Reason for change: 2. Description of Change: 3. Change in Contract Cost 4. Change in Contract Time: ORIGINAL CONTRACT COST $ .00 TOTAL APPROVED CHANGE ORDER 0.00 TOTAL PENDING CHANGE ORDER 0.00 TOTAL THIS CHANGE ORDER 0.00 TOTAL o OF THIS CHANGE ORDER TOTAL C.O.o OF ORIGNINAL CONTRACT ADJUSTED CONTRACT COST $ 0.00 (Assuming all change orders approved) ACCEPTED BY: DATE: Contractor's.Representative ACCEPTED BY: Project Manager REVIEWED BY: Title: APPROVED BY: Title: APPROVED BY: Purchasing Agent over $30,000 cc: City Clerk Contractor Project File Architect Engineer Purchasing DATE: DATE: DATE: DATE: Rev 10/20/07 Section 00950 Page 1 Ccrtin- nnacn NUMBER 1 2 3 OWNER: City of Fort Collins ENGINEER: CHANGE ORDERS DATE I Net Change by Change Order AMOUNT $0.00 APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT PAGE 1 OF 4 PROJECT: APPLICATION NUMBER: APPLICATION DATE: PERIOD BEGINNING: CONTRACTOR: PERIOD ENDING: PROJECT NUMBER: Application is made for Payment as shown below in connection with Contract The present status of the account for this Contract is as follows: Original Contract Amount: Net Change by Change Order: Current contract Amount: $0.00 Total Completed and Stored to Date: Less Previous Applications: Amount Due this Application - Before Retainage: $0.00 Less Retainage: AMOUNT DUE THIS APPLICATION: $0.00 CERTIFICATION: The undersigned CONTRACTOR certifies that all obligations of CONTRACTOR incurred in connection with the Work have been satisfied as required in Paragraph 14.3. of the General Conditions of the Contract. The above Amount Due This Application is requested by the CONTRACTOR. Date: By. Payment of the above Amount Due This Application is recommended by the ENGINEER. Date: By: Payment of the above Amount Due This Application has been reviewed by the OWNER'S Project Manager. Date: By. Payment of the above Amount Due This Application is approved by the OWNER. Date: By. Kev 1oizoi07 Section 00960 Page 1 APPLICATION FOR CONTRACT AMOUNTS PAYMENT Work Work Completed Completed This Previous Bid Month Periods Item Unit Number Description Quantity Units Price Amount Qty $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTALS $0.00 PAGE 2OF4 Work Completed Stored To Date Materials Total This Earned Percent Amount Qty. 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Amount Qty. Amount Qty. Amount Period Date Billed $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTALS CHANGE ORDERS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 PROJECT TOTALS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Section 00960 Page 3 STORED MATERIALS SUMMARY On Hand Received Installed Item Invoice Previous This This Number Number Description Application Period Period PAGE 4 OF 4 On Hand This Application $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTALS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Section.00960 Page 4 Provisions for liquidated damages are set forth in the Agreement. , 9.0 SUBSTITUTE ("OR EQUAL") MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT ' The Contract, if awarded, will be on the basis of material and equipment described on the Drawings or specified in the Specifications without ' consideration of.possible substitute or "or equal" items. Whenever it is indicated on the Drawings or specified in the Specifications that a substitute or "or equal" item of material or equipment may be furnished ' or used by CONTRACTOR if acceptable to Engineer, application for such acceptance will not be considered by Engineer until after the "effective date of the Agreement". The procedure for submittal of any such ' application by CONTRACTOR and consideration by Engineer is set forth in the General Conditions which may be supplemented in the General Requirements. 10.0 SUBCONTRACTORS, SUPPLIERS AND OTHERS 10.1. Each Bidder shall submit at the Bid opening to OWNER a list of ' principal subcontractors he proposes to use in the Work. Refer to Section 00430 contained within these Documents. 10.2. If OWNER or Engineer after due investigation has reasonable ' objection to any proposed Subcontractor, either may, before the Notice of Award is given, request the apparent successful Bidder to submit an ' acceptable substitute without an increase in Bid price. If the apparent successful Bidder declines to make any substitution, OWNER may award the contract to the next lowest responsive and responsible Bidder that proposes to use acceptable subcontractors. Subcontractors, suppliers, ' other persons or organization listed and to whom OWNER or Engineer does not make written objection prior to the giving of the Notice of Award will be 'deemed acceptable to OWNER and ENGINEER subject to revocation of , such acceptance after the effective date of the Agreement as provided in the General Conditions. 10.3. CONTRACTOR shall not be required to employ any subcontractor, , supplier or other persons or organizations against whom he has reasonable objection. The use of subcontractors listed by the Bidder and accepted , by OWNER prior to the Notice of Award will be required in the performance of the Work. 11.0 BID FORM. ' 11.1. A copy of the Bid Form is bound in the Contract Documents which may be retained by the Bidder. A separate unbound copy is enclosed for ' submission with the Bid. 11.2. Bid Forms must be complete in ink or typed. All lump sum prices ' on the form must be stated in words and numerals; in case of conflict, words will take precedence. Unit prices shall govern over extensions of SUMS. ' Rev 10/20/07 Section 00100 Page 4 ' I 0 T 0 0 8 I I 0 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01000 Project Summary 01010 Summary of Work 01160 Site Conditions 01200 Measurement and Payment 01300 Coordination and Project Meetings 01310 Construction Schedule 01330 Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples 01340 Survey Data 01400 Quality Control and Testing 01450 Materials Testing 01500 Temporary Controls 01510 Temporary Utilities 01570 Traffic Control 01600 Materials and Equipment 01700 Contract Closeout 01800 Definition of Bid Items DIVISION 2 - SITE CONSTRUCTION 02111 Site Preparation 02210 Earthwork and Grading 02230 Site Clearing 02231 Tree Protection 02235 Topsoil 02321 Trenching, Backfilling, and Compacting 02348 Geotextile Stabilization Fabric 02375 Site Rock Work 02507 PVC Plastic Pipe and Fittings 02535 Sandscape 02722 Drainage Structure and.Piping 02750 Concrete Paving 02810 Irrigation Systems 02819 Aquatic Play Equipment and Recirculation System 02877 Prefabricated Shelters 02932 Steel Fence 02950 Planting, Soil Preparation, Finish Grading 02970 Planting Maintenance DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE 03240 Fibrous Reinforcing 03300 Cast -in -Place Concrete DIVISION 7 - THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION 07920 Joint Sealants Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1 of 2 DIVISION 8 - DOORS AND WINDOWS 08110 Steel Doors and Frames 08710 Door Hardware DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION 13210 Specially Placed Concrete-Shotcrete: Artificial Rock and Sculptures DIVISION 16 — ELECTRICAL 16010 General Electrical Requirements 16051 Common Electrical Requirements 16120 Wire and Cable — 600 volt or less 16130 Raceways and Boxes 16140 Wiring Devices APPENDIX A — GEOTECHNICAL REPORT END OF SECTION Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 2 of 2 R r.a.. y .DIVISION 1.,A..�.... _� �'.•�_.s __.. _.._. x�, _...,._....�... S._ _. _ � �. ,{� .. __ _.__. a_... _ _ :�: = ...,�. SECTION 01000 — PROJECT SUMMARY PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Scope A. This section contains general requirements that are applicable to this project. 1.02 Description of Work A. The Contractor shall provide labor, materials and equipment necessary to perform the work items O called for on the bid schedule. 1.03 City Furnished Materials A. None. 1.04 Conditions of Work A. Area of Work: The Contractor shall confine his operations to the immediate work area. Material a storage shall be confined to areas shown on the Drawings or designated by the City. B. Regulations: The Contractor shall comply with applicable Federal, State, and local regulations pertaining to safety, traffic control, fire prevention,erosion control and environmental protection. C. Working Hours: The Contractor's working hours shall be between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., with no work on weekends and Federal holidays, unless otherwise approved by the City. D. Material Storage: The Contractor's material and equipment storage site shall be limited to the area of the project site. The area shall be kept orderly and free of litter. The location of staging and material storage areas shall be approved by the Owner's representative. E. Construction Fencing: The Contractor may construct a fence around the project limits to prevent pedestrian and automotive access to the construction site, and to prohibit access to protected areas. Fence height and materials shall be approved by the Owner's Representative. Construction fences shall be maintained in good condition throughout the duration of the construction process. 1.05 Project Cleanup A. The Contractor is responsible to maintain the construction site in a clean and orderly condition from the start of the project to completion. Daily cleanups are required. 1. The City may require Contractor to perform cleanup within 100 feet of the progress of the work and perform cleanup of the site daily prior to work stoppage. B. Store volatile wastes in covered containers and dispose off -site. 1. Provide on -site covered containers for the collection of waste materials, debris and rubbish. 2. Neatly store construction materials, such as concrete forms, when not in use. C. Wastes shall not be buried or burned on the site or disposed of into storm drains, sanitary sewers, streams or waterways. D. At project completion the Contractor shall remove equipment, materials, and debris from the site ' including toilets and dumpsters. Areas around work sites shall be cleaned, with dirt and grass surfaces raked clean of any slag from the Contractor's operations. Broom clean exterior paved surfaces. Remaining dirt and fill material shall be removed, or may be scattered, with the approval of the City. ' Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 01000 — PROJECT SUMMARY Page 1 of 3 1 1.06 Trash Removal A. Non -salvageable items and trash shall be hauled off the site and disposed of in accordance with applicable state and local regulations. Items shall be transported in tarp -covered or closed vehicles. Materials dropped or blown off vehicles shall be picked up immediately by Contractor. 1.07 Verification of Dimensions A. The Contractor shall he responsible for the coordination and proper relation of the work. He shall field verify dimensions and advise the City of any discrepancies prior to proceeding with that phase of the work. 1.08 Fire Hydrants A. Fire Hydrant Connections: City's or District's permission is required for connection to fire hydrants. Only compatible adapters shall be utilized for hydrant connections. A gate valve shall be provided and installed by the Contractor between the hydrant and supply hoses to control flow. Connection shall include backflow protection. Temporary connections to fire hydrants shall be disconnected at the end of each working day. No quick closing valves such as plug or butterfly valves will be used. 1.09 Outages A. Utility outages necessitated by the work shall be requested in writing at least fifteen (15) working days prior to the proposed outage. The request shall be directed to the City and shall stipulate the specific utility system(s) and circuits to be affected, the location of the work, the time at which the shutdown will occur, and the duration of the outage for each system. Outages shall be kept to a minimum both in number and in duration. Where multiple outages are required, as many outages as can be accurately scheduled shall he submitted as a group. 1.10 Fill Material A. Excess fill material (unless approved to remain on site) including rock; .gravel, sod, broken concrete, asphalt, plaster, etc., shall be hauled off the site and disposed of in accordance with applicable State and local regulations. B. Additional fill material, if required, shall be hauled to the site from off the site as a necessary part of the work. Material'composition shall be subject to the requirements of the specifications. 1.11 Parking A. Parking of the Contractor's vehicles shall be restricted to an area designated by the City. 1.12 Telephone A. Business Telephone: At the beginning of construction, the Contractor shall provide the City with a telephone number at which the Contractor or his representative may be contacted at any time during regular working hours. The Contractor shall also provide a phone number for after -duty hours contact. 1.13 Sanitary Provisions A. The Contractor shall provide temporary toilets for the use of construction personnel. Location, type, proposed maintenance, etc., shall be approved by the City prior to.placing toilets. Temporary toilets shall be removed at the completion of construction and the adjacent area restored to the condition existing prior to the start of construction or as indicated on the plans. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 01000 — PROJECT SUMMARY Page 2 of 3 1.14 Pollution Abatement A. Transporting materials to or from the site shall be accomplished in a manner preventing materials or particles from becoming airborne. Earth materials shall be covered, wetted or otherwise protected. Gravel, sand and concrete shall be contained within vehicles to prevent spillage. B. Prevent the deposit of dirt, mud or debris on improved streets and roads, and remove debris should such deposition occur. C. Burning of material on site is prohibited. D. Stream beds, lakes, ponds, drainage ways, sanitary and storm sewers, etc., shall not be polluted by fuels, oils, bitumen, acids, or other harmful materials. Surface drainage from the construction site, which contains harmful amounts of sediment, shall not be allowed to drain onto adjacent areas. Grading shall be accomplished to allow sedimentation to settle out prior to flowing onto adjacent areas. E. Flushing of concrete trucks is allowed only at the project site or the designated contractor storage area, with the responsibility of control and cleanup resting with the Contractor. F. Toxic, corrosive and flammable materials for construction other than specified shall not be used without prior approval of the City of Fort Collins. When approved, disposal of these materials or their containers will be off site and conform to state and federal regulations. iA. 1.15 Protection of Property Initiate, maintain and supervise necessary protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to: 1. The Work and materials and equipment to be incorporated in the project, whether in storage on or off the site: and 2. Property at the site or adjacent thereto, including fences, patios, driveways, sidewalks, pavement, trees, shrubs, lawns, walks, structures, utilities and underground facilities not designated for removal, relocation or replacement in the course of construction. B. Maintain, protect, and support existing utilities and other appurtenances against damage by shoring, bracing, or other means. C. Do not stockpile excavated material against existing appurtenances. 1.16 Survey Requirements ' A. Contractor shall perform surveying necessary to complete the work. 1.17 A. Construction Superintendent The construction superintendent shall be at the job site any time work is being accomplished by any of the trades. PART 2 - MATERIALS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) ' PART 4 - MEASUREMENT & PAYMENT (Not Used) IEND OF SECTION ' Fossil Creek Community Park. Water Feature SECTION 01000 — PROJECT SUMMARY Page 3 of 3 DIVISION 1 . SECTION 01010 - SUMMARY OF WORK PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Description of Work A. The City of Fort Collins Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature improvements include, but are not limited to, construction/installation of the following: a spray water feature, rock wall, concrete faux wall, concrete flatwork, boulder setting, sanitary sewer line, water feature plumbing renovations, site earthwork, irrigation system and landscaping. B. Protection and Restoration. 1. Replace to equal or better conditions items removed and replaced or damaged during construction. Restore areas disturbed to match surrounding surface conditions. 1.02 Notices to Private Owners and Authorities A. Notify private owners of adjacent property, utilities, affected governmental agencies, and school district when execution of the work may affect them. B. Give notification 48 hours in advance to enable affected persons to provide for their needs when it is necessary to temporarily deny access or services. C. Contact utilities at least 48 hours prior to excavating near underground utilities. D. Contact agencies at least 72 hours prior to start of construction. Notify agencies of the proposed scope of work, schedule and items that would affect their daily operation. E. Names and telephone numbers of affected agencies and'utilities in the area are listed below for Contractor's convenience. Water — City of Fort Collins, Colorado 212-2900 Storm Sewer - City of Fort Collins, Colorado 212-2900 Sanitary Sewer — South Fort Collins Sanitation District, Colorado 674-3300 Electrical - City of Fort Collins, Colorado 212-2900 Gas — Xcel Energy 800-481-4700 Telephone - Qwest 800-222-0400 Roads - City of Ft. Collins, Colorado 221-6588, inspections only 221-6609 Cable Television — Comcast 800-824-4010 Utility Locates - One -call System 1-800-922-1987 Safety - Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 844-3061 Fire - Poudre Fire Authority Non -Emergency 221-6570/ Emergency 911 Police - City of Fort Collins Police Department Non -Emergency 221-6540 / Emergency 911 Larimer County Sheriffs Department - Non -Emergency 416-1985 Postmaster - United States Postal Service 800-275-8777 Ambulance - Poudre Valley Hospital Non -Emergency 484-1227 / Emergency 911 Public Transportation - TransFort 221-6620 Traffic Control - Traffic Engineering 221-6815 Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 01010 — SUMMARY OF WORK Page 1 of 2 PART 2 - MATERIALS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) PART 4 - MEASUREMENT & PAYMENT (Not Used) END OF SECTION Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 01010 — SUMMARY OF WORK Page 2 of 2 DIVISION SECTION 01160 — SITE CONDITIONS PART 1 - SITE INVESTIGATIONS AND REPRESENTATION 1.01 General Investigations A. The Contractor acknowledges that he has satisfied himself as to the nature and location of the work, the general and local conditions, particularly those bearing upon access to the site; handling, storage, and disposal of materials; availability of water, electricity and roads; uncertainties of weather, or similar physical conditions at the site; the conformation and conditions of the ground; the equipment and facilities needed preliminary to and during the execution of the work; and all other matters which can in any way affect the work or the cost thereof under this Contract. 1.02 Soil Conditions A. The Contractor further acknowledges that he has satisfied himself as to the character, quality and quantity of surface and subsurface materials to be encountered from his inspection of the site and from reviewing any available records of exploratory work furnished by the Owner or included in these Documents. Failure by the Contractor to acquaint himself with the physical conditions of the site and all the available information will not relieve him from responsibility for properly estimating the difficulty or cost of successfully performing the work. 1.03 Contractor Representation A. The Contractor warrants that as a result of his examination and investigation of all the aforesaid data that he can perform the work in a good and workmanlike manner and to the satisfaction of the Owner. The Owner assumes no responsibility for representations made by its officers or agents during or prior to the execution of this Contract, unless (1) such representations are expressly stated in the Contract, and (2) the Contract expressly provides that the responsibility therefore is assumed by the Owner. PART 2 - INFORMATION ON SITE CONDITIONS 2.01 General Information obtained by the Engineer regarding site conditions, subsurface information, groundwater elevations, existing construction of site facilities, and similar data will be available for inspection, as applicable, at the office of the Engineer upon request. Such information is offered as supplementary information only. Neither the Engineer nor the Owner assumes responsibility for the completeness or interpretation of such supplementary information. A. Differing Subsurface Conditions: In the event that the subsurface or latent physical conditions are found materially different from those indicated in these Documents, and differing materially from those ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inherent in the character of work covered in these Contract Documents, the Contractor shall promptly, and before such conditions are disturbed, notify the Owner in writing of such changed conditions. 2. The Engineer will investigate such conditions promptly and following this investigation, the Contractor shall proceed with the work, unless otherwise instructed by the Engineer. If the Engineer finds that such conditions do so materially differ and cause an increase or decrease in the cost of or in the time required for performing the work, the Engineer will recommend to the Owner the amount of adjustment in cost and time he considers reasonable. The Owner will make the final decision on Change Orders to the Contract regarding adjustments in cost or time for completion. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 01160 - SITE CONDITIONS Page 1 of 3 B. Underground Utilities: 1. Known utilities and structures adjacent to or encountered in the work are shown on the Drawings. The locations shown are taken from existing records and the best information available from existing utility plans, however, it is expected that there may be some discrepancies and omissions in the locations and quantities of utilities and structures shown. Those shown are for the convenience of the Contractor only, and no responsibility is assumed by either the Owner or the ' Engineer for their accuracy or completeness. PART 3 - CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR UTILITY PROPERTIES AND SERVICE 3.01 General A. Where the Contractor's operations could cause damage or inconvenience to railway, telegraph, telephone, television, oil, gas, electricity, water, sewer, or irrigation systems, the operations shall be suspended until arrangements necessary for the protection of these utilities and services have been made by the Contractor. B. Notify utility offices which are affected by the construction operation at least 48 hours in advance. Under no circumstances expose any utility without first obtaining permission from the appropriate agency. Once permission has been granted, locate, expose, and provide temporary support for existing underground utilities. 1 i C. The Contractor shall protect utility poles from damage. If interference of power poles, telephone poles, guy wires, or anchors are encountered, notify the Owner's Representative and the appropriate utility company at. least 48 hours in advance of construction operations to permit the necessary arrangements for protection or relocation of the interfering structure. D. The Contractor shall be solely and directly responsible to the Owner and operators of such properties for damage, injury, expense, loss, inconvenience, delay, suits, actions, or claims of any character brought because of injuries or damage which may result from the construction operations under this Contract. E. Neither the Owner nor its officers or agents shall be responsible. to the Contractor for damages as a result of the Contractor's failure to protect utilities encountered in the work. F. If the Contractor while performing the Contract discovers utility facilities not identified in the Drawings or Specifications, he shall immediately notify the Owners and the utility in writing. G. In the event of interruption to domestic water, sewer, storm drain, or other utility services as a result of accidental breakage due to construction operations, promptly notify the proper authority. Cooperate with said authority in the restoration of service as promptly as possible and bear all costs of repair. In no case shall interruption of water or utility service be allowed to exist outside working hours unless prior approval is granted. H. The Contractor shall replace, at his own expense, existing utilities or structures removed or damaged during construction, unless otherwise provided for in these Contract Documents or ordered by the Engineer. 3.02 Interfering Structures A. Take necessary precautions to prevent damage to existing structures whether on the surface, aboveground, or underground. An attempt has been made to show major structures on the Drawings. The completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed, and it is presented simply as a guide to avoid known possible difficulties. 3.03 Field Relocation A. During the progress of construction, it is expected that minor relocations of the work will be necessary. Such relocations shall be made only by direction of the Owner's Representative. If existing structures are encountered that prevent the construction, and that are not properly shown on the drawings, notify the Owner's Representative before continuing with the construction in order that the Owner's Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 01160 —SITE CONDITIONS Page 2 of 3 Representative may make such field revision as necessary to avoid conflict with the existing structures. If the Contractor shall fail to so notify the Owner's Representative when an existing structure is encountered, and shall proceed with the construction despite the interference, he shall do so at his own risk. 3.04 Easements A. Easements and permits will be obtained by the Owner where portions of the work are located on public or private property. Easements will provide for the use of the property for construction purposes to the extent indicated on the easements. Copies of these easements and permits are available upon request to the Owner. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to determine the adequacy of the easement obtained in every case and to abide by requirements and provisions of the easement. The Contractor shall confine his construction operations to within the easement limits or make special arrangements with the property owners or appropriate public agency for the additional area required. Damage to property, either inside or outside the limits of the easements provided by the Owner, shall be the responsibility of the Contractor as specified herein. The Contractor shall remove, protect, and replace fences or other items encountered on public or private property. Before final payment will be authorized by the Owner's Representative, the Contractor will be required to furnish the Owner with written releases from property owners or public agencies where side agreements or special easements have been made by the Contractor or where the Contractor's operations, for any reason, have not been kept within the construction right-of-way obtained by the Owner. B. It is anticipated that the required easements and permission will be obtained before construction is started. However, should the procurement of any easement or permission be delayed, the Contractor shall schedule and perform the work around these areas until such a time as the easement or permission has been secured. 3.05 Land Monuments A. The Contractor shall notify the Owner's Representative of existing Federal, State, Town, County, and private land monuments encountered. Private monuments shall be preserved, or replaced by a licensed surveyor at the Contractor's expense. When Government monuments are encountered, the Contractor shall notify the Owner's Representative at least two (2) weeks in advance of the proposed construction in order that the Owner's Representative will have ample opportunity to notify the proper authority and reference these monuments for later replacement. END OF SECTION Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 01160 — SITE CONDITIONS Page 3 of 3 ' 11.3. Bids by corporations must be executed in the corporate name by the president or a vice-president (or other appropriate officer accompanied by evidence of authority to sign) and the corporate seal shall be affixed and attested by the secretary or an assistant secretary. The corporate address and state of incorporation shall be shown below the corporate name. ' 11.4. Bids by partnerships must be executed in the partnership name and signed by a partner, his title must appear under his signature and the official address of -the partnership must be shown below the signature. ' 11.5. Bids by joint venture shall be signed by each participant in the joint venture or by an authorized agent of each participant. The full ' name of each person or company interested in the Bid shall be listed on the Bid Form. 11.6. The Bid shall contain an acknowledgement of receipt of all Addenda ' (the numbers of which must be filled in on the Bid Form). 11.7. No alterations in Bids, or in the printed forms therefore, by ' erasures, interpolations, or otherwise will be acceptable unless each such alteration is signed or initialed by the Bidder; if initialed, OWNER may require the Bidder to identify any alteration so initialed. ' 11.8. The address and telephone number for communications regarding the Bid shall be shown. '. 12.0 BID PRICING. Bids must be priced as set forth in the Bid Schedule or Schedules. ' 13.0 SUBMISSION OF BIDS. 13.1. Bids shall be submitted at the time and place indicated in the Invitation to Bid and shall be enclosed in an opaque sealed envelope marked with the Project title, Bid No., and name and address of the ' Bidder and accompanied by the Bid Security, Bid Form, Bid Bond, Statement of Bidders Qualifications, and Schedule of Subcontractors as required in Section 00430. If the Bid is sent through the mail or other delivery ' system, the sealed envelope shall be enclosed in a separate envelope with the notation "BID ENCLOSED" on the face of it. ' 13.2. Bids shall be deposited at the designated location prior to the time and date for receipt of Bids indicated in the Invitation to Bid, or any extension thereof made by addendum. Bids received after the time and ' date for receipt of Bids will be returned unopened. Bidder shall assume full responsibility for timely delivery at the location designated for receipt of Bids. ' Rev 10/20/07 Section 00100 Page 5 I DNISION 1 SECTION 01200 - MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT PART 1-GENERAL 1 1.01 Description A. This section covers the methods employed in determining the payment due for work completed under this contract. B. The bid price should cover all work required by this contract based upon the quantities outlined in the bid form. C. Where actual quantities differ from those outlined in.the bid form; unit prices as stipulated in the bid form shall be utilized to compute payment. D. Where unit prices are not set forth for specific work, that work shall be considered a subsidiary obligation of the Contractor. E. Quantities given in the bid form are estimates for the purpose of evaluating bids consequently some difference may arise in actual and bid quantities. ' 1.02 Lump Sum Prices A. Where lump sum (LS) prices are given for an item in the bid schedule or for items added during construction by change order, the price will include materials, labor, overhead and other cost incurred to complete the construction of the item in accordance with the plans and specifications. 1.03 Unit Prices . A. Unit prices for each item shall, include its pro rats share of profits, taxes, and overhead, and are for the items installed in place, maintained and guaranteed. Including these factors, unit prices must accurately reflect actual costs. Unit prices are to be valid for the life of the contract. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) _ PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION a 1 Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 01200 — MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Page 1 of 1 DMSION 1.. SECTION 01300 — COORDINATION AND PROJECT MEETINGS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 General A. In order to provide for an orderly progression of work, parties involved in the construction will meet at various times during the project to discuss pertinent items regarding the work. B. Coordinate operations under contract in a manner that will facilitate progress of the work. C. Conform to the requirements of public utilities and concerned public agencies in respect to the timing and manner of performance of operations that affect the service of such utilities, agencies, or public safety. 1.02 Conferences A. The pre -construction conference will be held at a time to be determined by the Owner, after the award of the contract and prior to the issuance of the Notice to Proceed. The meeting will involve the Owner, the Engineer, the Contractor and representatives of the owners of utilities and other properties that will be directly affected by the work. Among the Contractor's representative on the site. The Contractor will have a complete construction schedule ready for review at the time of the pre -construction conference. B. Hold conferences for coordination of the Work when necessary. C. The City may hold coordination conferences to be attended by all involved when Contractor's operations affects, or is affected by, the work of others. 1.03 Progress Meetings A. Contractor and the City shall schedule and hold regular progress meetings at least weekly and at other times as requested by the City or required by the progress of the Work. B. Attendance shall include: 1. Contractor and Superintendent 2. Owners Representative 3. Landscape Architect 4. Others as may be requested by contractor, Landscape Architect or Owner C. Minimum Agenda shall include: 1. Review of work progress since last meeting 2. Identification and discussion of problems affecting progress 3. Review of any pending change orders 4. Revisions of Construction Schedule as appropriate D. Meeting Minutes shall be prepared and distributed by the Contractor. 1.04 Job Site Administration A. Contract administration and construction observation services will be provided by the Owner. The Owner will make decisions regarding changes in the work and adjustments in contract quantities and/or unit prices. END OF SECTION Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 01300 — COORDINATION AND PROJECT MEETINGS Page 1 of 1 DIVISION 1 1 SECTION 01310 - CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 General A. It is the intent of the Owner to begin construction on approximately April 1, 2009. The signing of the contract and issuance of a Notice to Proceed will be completed promptly to accomplish that objective. The Notice to Proceed will authorize the Contractor to begin project administration and construction work on the site. Construction work shall not begin on site prior to the pre -construction conference. B. The Contractor shall complete all work, including cleanup of the site by June 15, 2009, specified in the Agreement, subject to the "Liquidated Damages" provision described under "Instructions to Bidders." C. Delays during project contract period outside control of the Contractor are subject to time extension consideration but not financial compensation unless such delay is significant enough to reasonably require Owner initiated work suspension (demobilization) as determined in the field by the Owner at the time of occurrence. See Paragraph 1.04 for requirements for modifying the Contract Time due to weather delays. D. Contractor shall plan and schedule his own work effort (personnel, equipment and material) to complete the project satisfactorily within the project time limits. Such schedule shall be in general conformance with the schedule submitted at the pre -construction conference. This includes the requirement that the Contractor conduct his operations to enable a shift of work effort from one part of the project to another to reasonably accommodate unexpected delays, and to conduct his daily operations so as to not create a public nuisance including but not limited to access or traffic obstruction, dust and mud generation, work outside of construction limits, noise, unsatisfactory cleanup or.site restoration, unacceptable equipment/materials staging, flooding, etc. No work is to begin at the site until City's acceptance of the Construction Schedule. E. Contractor shall prepare and submit a Critical Path Method (CPM) schedule. The schedule shall show all work completed within the contract time and shall cover the time from the date of Notice to Proceed to the completion date. Contractor shall use Microsoft Project 2000 or approved equivalent to develop and manage the CPM schedule. F. The Contractor may voluntarily shut down or suspend work due to conditions beyond his control provided a minimum of 24 hours notice is provided to the Owner together with the reasons for subject suspension of work. The Contractor shall leave the project conditions in such a way so as not to cause 1 a public nuisance or a threat to public safety. Neither remobilization costs nor additional time will be allowed for such suspension unless agreed to in writing in advance. G. The Owner or Engineer may order work shut down or suspended for such nonconformance issues as unsafe conditions, nonconformance with schedule, cause of public nuisance, unnecessary private property disturbance, materials and labor unsuited to the task, nonconformance to technical specifications, failure to comply with permits, etc. The Owner or Engineer will give a written warning to the Contractor with a specified deadline during which time the Contractor shall remedy the cause(s) described on the warning. Failure to do so shall justify the Owner or Engineer to order work shut down or suspended. Such shutdown will not be compensated by cost reimbursement or time schedule adjustment. H. Failure to promptly execute the approved schedule in the judgment of the Owner will result in a written warning submitted to the Contractor explaining the specific compliance needed. Failure of the Contractor to remedy the noted items may be considered a breach of contract possibly leading to work shutdown for cause or contract termination. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 01310 —CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES Page 1 of 3 1.02 Format and Submissions A. Prepare Construction and Procurement schedules in a graphic format suitable for displaying schedule and actual progress. B. Submit two copies of each schedule to owner for review. Owner will return one copy to contractor with revisions suggested or necessary for coordination of the Work with the needs of Owner or others. 1.03 Progress Revisions A. A schedule update shall be submitted to the Owner at each weekly progress meeting that will reflect work performed in the previous week and the upcoming week. Schedule updates shall not change any Contract times. B. A complete schedule update shall be submitted with each application for progress payment. C. Show changes occurring since previous submission. 1. Actual progress of each item to date. 2. Revised projections of progress and completion. D. Provide a narrative report as needed to define: 1. Anticipated problems, recommended actions, and their effects on the schedule. 2. The effect of changes on schedules of other work. 1.04 Modifications to Time of Completion in the Approved Schedule A. The date of beginning and the times for completion of the work are essential conditions of the Contract Documents and the work embraced shall be commenced on a date specified in the Notice to Proceed. The Contractor will proceed with the work at such rate of progress to ensure full completion within the contract time. It is expressly understood and agreed, by and between the Contractor and the Owner that the contract time for the completion of the work described herein is a reasonable time, taking into consideration the climatic and other factors prevailing in the locality of the work. Every effort shall be made by the Contractor to complete the project within the "Contract Time" shown in the proposal. The "Contract Time" anticipates a "Normal" weather and climate condition in and around the vicinity of the Project site during the times of year that the construction will be carried out. Extensions of time based upon weather conditions shall be granted only if the Contractor demonstrates clearly that such conditions were "unusually severe," would not have been reasonably anticipated, and that such conditions adversely affected the Contractor's work and thus required additional time to complete the work. B. The following specifies the procedure for the determination of time extensions for unusually severe weather. The listing below defines the anticipated number of calendar days lost to adverse weather for each month and is based upon National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) or similar data for the geographic location of the project. Monthly Anticipated Calendar Days Lost to Adverse Weather Conditions JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC (7) (4) (4) (4) (6) (3) (4) (2) (3) (3) (2) (5) The above schedule of anticipated adverse weather will constitute the base line for monthly (or portion thereof) weather time evaluations. Upon acknowledgment of the Notice to Proceed and continuing throughout the contract on a monthly basis, actual adverse weather days and the impact of adverse weather days that delay the work will be recorded on a day-to-day basis. It is assumed that the work will be carried out Mondays through Fridays (holidays excepted) unless an approved construction Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 01310 —CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES Page 2 of 3 schedule or written authorization from the Owner indicates otherwise. The number of days of delayed work due to adverse weather or the impact thereof will then be compared to the monthly adverse weather schedule above. An actual adverse weather day must prevent work for 50 percent or more of the Contractor's workday, delay work critical to the timely completion of the project, and be documented by the Contractor. The. City Representative observing the construction shall determine on a daily basis whether or not work can proceed or if work is delayed due to adverse weather or the effects thereof. The Contractor shall notify the`Construction Coordinator in writing of any disagreement as to whether or not work can proceed on a given date, within 2 calendar days of that date. The Owner will use the above written notification in determining the number of working days for which work was delayed during each month. C. At the end of each month, if the number of working days for which work was delayed due to adverse weather exceeds that shown in the above schedule, a Change Order will be executed which increases the Contract Time. The number of workdays delayed due to adverse weather or the impact thereof will then be converted to Calendar Days based on the contract completion day and date. This conversion assumes a 5-day work week, Mondays through Fridays, holidays excepted; should the Contractor have authorization to work weekends and/or holidays, then the method of conversion of workdays to calendar days would take this into consideration. The contract time period will then be increased by the number of calendar days calculated above and a new contract completion day and date will be set. D. The Contractor's schedule must reflect the above -anticipated adverse weather delays on all weather - 1 dependent activities. E. While extensions of time shall be granted for "unusually severe" weather or climate conditions, the 1 Owner shall make no monetary compensation for any costs to the Contractor arising out of such delays. The Contractor shall comply with the portions of the Contract Documents relating to his project schedule and amendments thereto which result from the "unusually severe" weather condition. F. Breakdowns in equipment or lack of performance by the Contractor will not be considered justification for an extension of time. Liquidated damages will be assessed as delineated elsewhere. G. The Contractor shall not be charged with liquidated damages or any excess cost when the delay in 1 completion of the work is due to the following, and the Contractor has promptly given written notice of such delay to the'Owner or Engineer. 1. To any preference, priority, or allocation order duly issued by the Owner. 2. To unforeseeable causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor, including but not restricted to, acts of God, or of the public enemy, acts of the Owner, acts of another Contractor in the performance of a contract with the Owner, fires, floods, epidemics, ' quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes, and abnormal 'and unforeseeable weather as provided above; and 3. To any delays of Subcontractors occasioned by any of the causes specified in paragraphs 1 and 2, above. 1.05 City's Responsibility A. City's review is only for the purpose of checking conformity• with the Contract Documents and assisting Contractor in coordinating the Work with the needs of the Project. B. It is not to be construed as relieving Contractor from any responsibility to determine the means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction as provided in the General Conditions. PART 2 - MATERIALS (Not Applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) jPART 4 - MEASUREMENT & PAYMENT (Not Applicable) END OF SECTION Fossil Creek CommunityPark Water Feature SECTION 01310 —CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES Page 3 of 3 f SECTION 01330 — SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Shop Drawings A. Submit newly prepared information drawn accurately to scale. Highlight, encircle, or otherwise indicate deviations from the Contract Documents. Do not reproduce Contract Documents or copy standard information as the basis of Shop Drawings. Standard information prepared without specific reference to the Project is not a Shop Drawing. B. Shop Drawings include fabrication and installation drawings, setting diagrams, schedules, patterns, templates, and similar drawings. Include the following information: 1. Dimensions. 2. Identification of products and materials included by sheet and detail number. 3. Compliance with specified standards. 4. Notation of coordination requirements. 5. Notation of dimensions established by field measurement. 6. Sheet Size: Except for templates, patterns and similar full-size Drawings, submit Shop Drawings on sheets at least 8-1/2 by 11 inches but no larger than 24 by 36 inches. 7. Submittal: Submit 3 blue- or black -line prints and 2 additional prints where required for maintenance manuals, plus the number of prints needed by the Contractor for. distribution. The Owner's Representative will retain 2 prints and return the remainder. a. One of the prints returned shall be marked up and maintained as a "Record Document." 8. Do not use Shop Drawings without an appropriate final stamp indicating action taken. 1.02 Product Data A. Collect Product Data into.a single submittal for each element of construction or, system. Product Data includes printed information, such as manufacturer's installation instructions, catalog cuts, standard color charts, roughing -in diagrams and templates, standard wiring diagrams, and performance curves. 1. Mark each copy to show applicable choices and options. Where printed Product Data includes information on several products that are not required, mark copies to indicate the applicable information. Include the following information: a. Manufacturer's printed recommendations. b. Compliance with trade association standards. c. Compliance with recognized testing agency standards. d. Application of testing agency labels and seals. e. Notation of dimensions verified by field measurement. f. Notation coordination requirements. 2. Do not submit Product Data until compliance with requirements of the Contract Documents has been confirmed. 3. Preliminary Submittal: Submit a preliminary single copy of Product Data where selection of options is required. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 01330 — SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES Page 1 of 3 4. Submittals: Submit 2 copies of each required submittal; submit 4 copies where required for maintenance manuals plus additional copies as needed by the Contractor for distribution. The Owner will retain one and will return the other marked with action taken and corrections or modifications required. 5. Distribution: Furnish copies of final submittal to installers, subcontractors, suppliers, manufacturers, fabricators, and others required for performance of construction activities. Show distribution on transmittal forms. a. Do not proceed with installation until a copy of Product Data is in the Installer's possession. b. Do not permit use of unmarked copies of Product Data in connection with construction. 1.03 Samples I A. Submit full-size, full -fabricated Samples cured and finished as specified and physically identical with the material or product proposed. Samples include partial sections of manufactured or fabricated components, cuts or containers of materials, color range sets, and swatches showing color, texture, and pattern. 1. Mount or display Samples in the manner to facilitate review of qualities indicated. Include the following: 1 a. Specification. Section number and reference. b. Generic description of the Sample. c. Sample source. d. Product name or name of the manufacturer. e. Compliance with recognized standards. f. Availability and delivery time. 2. Submit Samples for review of size, kind, color, pattern, and texture. Submit Samples for a final a check of these characteristics with other elements and a comparison of these characteristics between the final submittal and the actual component as delivered and installed. a. Where variation in color, pattern, or other characteristic is inherent in the material or product represented, submit at least 3 multiple units that show approximate limits of the variations. b. Refer to other Specification Sections for requirements for Samples that illustrate workmanship, fabrication techniques, details of assembly, connections, operation, and similar construction characteristics. c. Refer to other Sections for Samples to be returned to the Contractor for incorporation in the Work. Such Samples must be undamaged at time of use. On the transmittal, indicated special requests regarding disposition of Sample submittals. d. Samples not incorporated into the Work, or otherwise designated as the Owner's property, are the property of the Contractor and shall be removed from the site prior to Substantial Completion. 3. Preliminary Submittals: Submit a full set of choices where Samples are submitted for selection of. color, pattern, texture, or similar characteristics from a range of standard choices. The Owner will review and return preliminary submittals with the Owner's notation, indicating selection and other action. 4. Submittals: Except for Samples illustrating assembly details, workmanship, fabrication techniques, connections, operation, and similar characteristics, submit 3 sets. The Owner will return one set marked with the action taken. 1 Fossil Creek CommunityPark Water Feature SECTION 01330 - SHOP O DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES Page 2 of 3 5. Maintain sets of Samples, as returned, at the Project Site, for quality comparisons throughout the course of construction. a. Unless noncompliance with Contract Document provisions is observed, the submittal may serve as the final submittal. b. Sample sets may be used to obtain final acceptance of the construction associated with each set. B. Distribution of Samples: Prepare and distribute additional sets to subcontractors, manufacturers, fabricators, suppliers, installers, and others as required for performance of the Work. Show distribution on transmittal forms. 1.04 Quality Assurance Submittals A. Submit quality -control submittals, including design data, certifications, manufacturer's instructions, manufacturer's field reports, and other quality -control submittals as required under other Sections of the Specifications. B. Certifications: Where other Sections of the Specifications require certification that a product, material, or installation complies with specified requirements, submit a notarized certification from the manufacturer certifying compliance with specified requirements. 1. Signature: an officer of the manufacturer or other authorized individual shall sign Certification documents. C. Inspection and Test Reports: Requirements for submittal of inspection and test reports from independent testing agencies are specified in Division 1 Sections "Quality Control" and "Testing," and in the applicable technical specifications. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) END OF SECTION 01330 Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 01330 — SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES Page 3 of 3 I 1 1 1 1 1 DNISION;1 :; 4 , SECTION 01340 - SURVEY DATA PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Survey Requirements A. Contractor is responsible for the layout of the Work. The City will not provide surveying. B. Base measurements, both horizontal and vertical, on established control points. Verify established control points at site prior to laying out the work. C. Perform layout of the Work with qualified personnel. 1. Stake pipes, sleeves and conduits at the following minimum locations: a. Irrigation/Utility Sleeves: Stake sleeves at end points and changes in horizontal alignment. b. Electrical Conduit: Stake conduit at end points and changes in horizontal alignment. c. Offset staking shall be for both alignment and grade. d. Contractor shall stake the piping and verify piping both for grade and alignment at each of the above locations. Keep field measurements in a field book to be turned in to Owner. Keeping of field book is a requirement for progress payment. 2. As a minimum, stake plazas, courts and pathways at grade changes, changes in horizontal . alignment, and at 25 foot stations along sidewalk centerline. 3. As a minimum, stake drainage channel and swale alignments at changes in horizontal alignment, . and at 25 foot stations along center of channel/swale and at the top of bank on both sides of the channel. 4. As a minimum, stake the fences at changes in horizontal alignment. 5. As a minimum, stake structures at corners and at column locations. 6. As a minimum, stake open areas/landscape areas at changes in vertical slope, and using 25 foot grid in smaller areas and at 100 foot grid in larger areas. 7. As a minimum, stake the top and bottom of berms and depressions at changes in horizontal alignment, and at 25 foot stations along the top and bottom of the slope around the perimeter of the berm or depression. 8. Refer to Drawings for earthwork requirements. D. Field books, notes, and other data developed by Contractor in performing surveys required by the Work will be available to City for examination throughout the construction period. 1.02 Submittals A. Submit to City survey data with other documentation required for final acceptance. PART 2 - MATERIALS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) PART 4 - MEASUREMENT & PAYMENT (Not Used) END OF SECTION Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 01340 — SURVEY DATA Page 1 of 1 DMSION1 <_. SECTION 01400 - QUALITY CONTROL AND TESTING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 General A. Provide such equipment and facilities as the City may require for conducting field tests and for collecting and forwarding samples. Do not use materials or equipment represented by samples until tests, if required, have been made and the materials or equipment are found to be acceptable. A product that becomes unfit for use after approval hereof shall not be incorporated into the work. B. Materials or equipment proposed to be used may be tested at any time during their preparation or use. Furnish the required samples without charge and give sufficient notice of the placing of orders to permit the testing. Products may be sampled either prior to shipment or after being received at the site of the work. C. Tests shall be made by an accredited independent testing laboratory selected by the Contractor. Except as otherwise provided, sampling and testing of materials and the laboratory methods and testing equipment shall be in accordance with the latest standards and tentative methods of the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM). D. Where additional or specified information concerning testing methods, sample sizes, etc., is required, such information is included under the applicable sections of the Specifications. Modification of, or elaboration on, these test procedures which may be included for specific materials under their respective sections in the Specifications shall take precedence over these procedures. 1.02 Transmittal of Test Reports A. Written reports of tests and engineering data furnished by Contractor for Engineer's review of materials and equipment proposed to be used in the work shall be submitted. as specified for Shop Drawings. B. The testing laboratory retained by the Owner will furnish three (4) copies of.a written report of each test performed by laboratory personnel in the field or laboratory. Two (2) copies of each test report will be transmitted to the Engineer and one (1) copy to the Contractor and (1) copy to the owner within seven (7) days after each test is completed. 1.03 City's Responsibilities A. The City shall be responsible for and shall pay the costs in connection with the following testing: 1. Soil Compaction Tests. 2. Trench Backfill. 3. Pipe Bedding and Structural Bedding. 4. Tests not called for by the Specifications 5. Concrete, mortar and grout tests. 1.04 Contractor's Responsibilities A. In addition to those inspections and tests called for in the General Conditions, Contractor shall also be responsible for and shall pay the costs associated with testing required for the following: 1. Performance and field testing specifically called for by the specifications. 2. Re -testing for Work or materials found defective or unsatisfactory, including tests covered under 1.03 above. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 01400 — QUALITY CONTROL AND TESTING Page 1 of 2 13.3. Oral, telephonic, telegraphic,or facsimile Bids are invalid and , a p will not receive consideration. 13.4. No Bidder may submit more than one Bid. Multiple Bids under ' different names will not be accepted from one firm or association. 14.0 MODIFICATION AND WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS. 14.1. Bids may be modified or withdrawn by an appropriate document duly , executed (in a manner that a Bid must be executed) and delivered to the place where Bids are to be submitted at any time prior to the opening of Bids. ' 14.2. Bids may also be modified or withdrawn in person by the Bidder or an authorized representative provided he can prove his identity and authority at any time prior/to the opening of Bids. I 14.3. Withdrawn Bids may be resubmitted up to the time designated for the receipt of Bids provided that they are then fully in conformance with , these Instructions to Bidders. 15.0 OPENINGS OF BIDS. , Bids will be opened and (unless obviously non -responsive) read aloud publicly as .indicated in the Invitation to Bid. An abstract of the , amounts of the Base Bids and major alternates (if any) will be made available after the opening of Bids. 16.0 BIDS TO REMAIN OPEN SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE. All Bids shall remain open for forty-five (45) days after the day of the Bid Opening, but OWNER may, in his sole discretion, release any Bid and I return the Bid Security prior to that date. 17.0 AWARD OF CONTRACT. ' 17..1. OWNER reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, to waive any and all informalities not involving price, time or changes in the Work, ' to negotiate contract terms with the Successful Bidder, and the right to disregard all nonconforming, nonresponsive, unbalanced or conditional Bids. Also, OWNER reserves the right to reject the Bid of any Bidder if ' OWNER believes that it would not be in the best interest of the Project to make an award to that Bidder, whether because the Bid is not responsive or the, Bidder is unqualified or of doubtful financial ability or fails to meet any other pertinent standard or criteria established by , OWNER. Discrepancies between the indicated sum of any column of figures and the correct sum thereof will be resolved in favor of the correct sum. 17.2. In evaluating Bids, OWNER will consider the qualifications of the , Bidders, whether or not the Bids comply with the prescribed requirements, and such alternates, unit prices and other data, as may be requested in ' Rev 10/20/07 Section 00100 Page 6 1 3. Testing of pipe (if required). 4. Vacuum testing of manholes (if required). 5. Concrete materials and mix designs. 6. for fill backfill Gradation tests embedment, and materials. 7. Material Substitution - tests for basic material or fabrication of equipment offered as a substitution for a specified item on which a test may be required in order to prove it compliance with the D specifications. Nothing contained herein is intended to imply that the Contractor does not have the right to have tests performed on any material at any time for his/her own information and job control so long as the Owner does not assume responsibility for the cost or for giving them consideration when appraising quality materials. 1.05 Contractor's Quality Control System A. General:: The Contractor shall establish a quality control system to perform sufficient inspection and tests of items of work, including that of his subcontractors, to ensure conformance to the functional performance of this project. This control shall be established for construction except where the Contract Documents provide for specific compliance tests by testing laboratories or engineers employed by the City. Contractor's control system shall specifically include testing required by the various sections of the Specifications. B. Contractor's quality control system is the means by which he assures himself that his construction complies with the requirements of the Contract Documents. Controls shall be adequate to cover the construction operations and should be keyed to the proposed construction schedule. C. Records: maintain correct records on an appropriate form for inspections and tests performed, instructions received from the City and actions taken as a result of those instructions. These records shall include evidence that the required inspections or tests have been performed (including type and number of inspections or test, nature of defects, causes for rejection, etc.) proposed or directed remedial action, and corrective action taken. Document inspections and tests as required by each section of the Specifications. Provide copies to City in a reasonable time. D. Pipe alignment and grade is to be maintained through the use of suitable surveying instruments or laser equipment operated continuously during construction. Horizontal tolerances of + 0.3 feet and vertical tolerances of + 0.1 feet maximum deviation from plan and construction staking are to be maintained, except that visible "snaking" of the horizontal alignment and changes in directions of slope will not be permitted. PART 2 - MATERIALS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) PART 4 - MEASUREMENT & PAYMENT (Not Used) IEND OF SECTION I Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature 1 SECTION 01400 — QUALITY CONTROL AND TESTING Page 2 of 2 DIVISION 1 SECTION 01500 - TEMPORARY CONTROLS 1.01 Noise Control A. Take reasonable measures to avoid unnecessary noise when construction activities are being performed in populated areas. B. Construction machinery and vehicles shall be equipped with practical sound muffling devices, and operated in a manner to cause the least noise consistent with efficient performance of the work. C. Cease operation of all machinery and vehicles between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. 1.02 Dust Control A. Dusty materials in piles or in transit shall be covered to prevent blowing.. B. Earth and road surfaces subject to dusting due to construction activities and detouring of traffic shall be kept moist with water or by application of a chemical dust suppressant. 1. Chemical dust suppressant shall not be injurious to existing or future vegetation. 1.03 Pollution Control A. Prevent the pollution of drains and watercourses by sanitary wastes, concrete, sediment, debris and other substances resulting from construction activities. 1. Retain spent oils, hydraulic fluids and other petroleum fluids in containers for disposal off the site. 2. Prevent sediment, debris or other substances from entering sanitary sewers, storm drains and culverts. 1.04 Erosion Control A. Take such measures as are necessary to prevent erosion of soil that might result from construction activities. 1. Measures in general will include: a. Control of runoff. b. Trapping of sediment. c. Minimizing area and duration of soil exposure. d. Temporary materials such as hay bales, sandbags, plastic sheets, riprap or culverts to prevent the erosion of banks and beds of watercourses or drainage swales where runoff will be increased due to construction activities. B. Preserve natural vegetation to the greatest extent possible, except where otherwise noted. C. Locate temporary storage and route construction traffic so as to preserve vegetation and minimize erosion. D. Comply with the City of Fort Collins' Storm Drainage Erosion Control Manual. END OF SECTION Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 01500 —TEMPORARY CONTROLS , Page 1 of 1 DIVISION t,. A-, SECTION 01510 - TEMPORARY UTILITIES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Utilities A. Furnish utilities necessary for construction including, but not limited to temporary electric power and pay cost associated with utilities during and used for the contract period. Temporary utilities installation shall meet the construction safety requirements of OSHA, State and local governing agencies. 1.02 Water A. Contractor is responsible for obtaining water for construction and shall pay costs associated with establishing a temporary meter used during construction. 1.03 Sanitary Facilities A. Furnish temporary sanitary facilities at the site in the vicinity of the construction for the needs of construction workers and others performing work or furnishing services on the Project. B. Properly maintain sanitary facilities of reasonable capacity throughout construction periods. C. Enforce the use of such sanitary facilities by all personnel at the site. D. Obscure sanitary facilities from public view to the greatest extent practical. PART 2 - MATERIALS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) PART 4 - MEASUREMENT & PAYMENT (Not Used) END OF SECTION I I r 0 Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 01510 - TEMPORARY UTILITIES Page 1 of 1 0 SECTION 01570 - TRAFFIC CONTROL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 General A. Traffic Control necessary to complete the project will be provided by the Contractor and will not be paid for separately. B. The Contractor must coordinate with adjacent residents to provide and maintain them sufficient access during the duration of the project. It will be the Contractor's responsibility to coordinate and communicate with the residents during construction. C. Keep traffic areas free of excavated material, construction equipment, pipe, and other materials and equipment. D. Keep fire hydrants and utility control devices free from obstruction and available for use. E. Conduct operations in a manner to avoid unnecessary interference with public and private roads and drives. F. Provide and maintain temporary approaches or crossings at streets, businesses, and residences. G. Keep roads open and in acceptable condition, unless closure or detour has been approved by City's Traffic Control Coordinator 72 hours prior to closure or detour. H. The pedestrian access route shall be kept free of excavated material, construction equipment, obstructions, and other materials. I. Post signs around the perimeter of the construction site to restrict public access. 1.02 Warning Signs and Lights A. Provide suitable barricades and warning signs for: 1. Open trenches and other excavations. 2. Obstructions, such as material piles, equipment, piled embankment. 1.03 Parking A. Provide suitable parking areas for the use of construction workers and others performing work or furnishing services in connection with the Project so as to avoid interference with private property, public traffic, City's operations, or construction activities. Such parking shall occur on the project site or another suitable location, approved by the City. PART 2 - MATERIALS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) PART 4 - MEASUREMENT & PAYMENT (Not Used) END OF SECTION Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 01570 - TRAFFIC CONTROL Page 1 of 1 I DMSION`.1 1 SECTION 01600 — MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Related Documents A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.02 Summary A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements governing the Contractor's selection of products for use in the Project. 1.03 Definitions 1 A. Definitions used in this Article are not intended to change the meaning of other terms used in the Contract Documents, such as "specialties," "systems," "structure," "finishes," "accessories," and similar terms. Such terms are self-explanatory and have well -recognized meanings in the construction 1 industry. 1. "Products" are items purchased for incorporation in the Work, whether purchased for the Project or taken from previously purchased stock. The term "product" includes the terms "material," ' "equipment," "systems," and terms of similar intent. 2. "Materials" are products substantially shaped, cut, worked, mixed, finished, refined, or otherwise fabricated, processed, or installed to form a part of the Work. ' 3. "Equipment" is a product with operational parts, whether motorized or manually operated, that requires service connections, such as wiring or piping. ' 1.04 Submittals A. Product List: Prepare a list showing products specified in tabular form acceptable to the Owner. ' Include generic names of products required. Include the manufacturer's name and proprietary product names for each item listed. 1. Coordinate product list with the Contractor's Construction Schedule and the Schedule of Submittals. ' 2. Form: Prepare product list with information on each item tabulated under the following column headings: 1 a. Related Specifications Section number. b. Generic name used in Contract Documents. C. Proprietary name, model number, and similar designations. d. Manufacturer's name and address. e. Supplier's name and address. f. Installer's name and address. g. Projected delivery date or time span of delivery period. 3. Complete List: Within 15 days after date of commencement of the Work, submit 3 copies of the completed product list. Provide a written explanation for omissions of data and for known variations from Contract requirements. 4. Owner's Action: The Owner will respond in writing to Contractor within 2 weeks of receipt of the completed product list. No response within this period constitutes no objection to listed 1 manufacturers or products, but does not constitute a waiver of the requirement that products Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 01600 — MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT Page 1 of 3 1 comply with Contract Documents. The Owner's response will include a list of unacceptable product selections, containing a brief explanation of reasons for this action. 1.05 Quality Assurance A. Source Limitations: To the fullest extent possible; provide products of the same kind from a single source. B. Compatibility of Options: When the Contractor is given the option of seeking between 2 or more products for use on the Project, the product selected shall be compatible with products previously selected, even if previously selected products were also options. C. Foreign Product Limitations: Except under one or more of the following conditions provide domestic products, not foreign products, for inclusion in the Work: 1. Not available domestic product complies with the Contract Documents. 2. Domestic products that comply with the Contract Documents are available only at prices or terms substantially higher than foreign products that comply with the Contract Documents. 1.06 Product Delivery, Storage and Handling A. Delivery, store, and handle products according to the manufacturer's recommendations, using means and methods that will prevent damage, deterioration, and loss, including theft. 1. Schedule delivery to minimize long-term storage at the site and to prevent overcrowding of construction spaces. 2. Coordinate delivery with installation time to assure minimum holding time for items that are flammable, hazardous, easily damaged, or sensitive to deterioration, theft, and other losses. 3. Delivery products to the site in an undamaged condition in the manufacturer's original sealed container or other packaging system, complete with labels and instructions for handling, storing, unpacking, protecting, and installing. 4. Inspect products upon delivery to ensure compliance with the Contract Documents and to ensure that products are undamaged and properly protected. 5. Store products at the site in a manner that will facilitate inspection and measurement of quantity or counting of units. 6. Store heavy materials away from the Project structure in a manner that will not endanger the supporting construction. 7. Store products subject to damage by the elements above ground, under cover in a weather -tight enclosure, with ventilation adequate to prevent condensation. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 Product Selection A. General Product Requirements: Provide products that comply with the Contract Documents, that are undamaged and, unless otherwise indicated, new at the time of installation. B. Product Selection procedures: The Contract Documents and governing regulations govern product selection. Procedures governing product selection include the following: 1. Proprietary Specification Requirements: Where Specifications name only a single product or manufacturer, provide the product indicated. No substitutions will be permitted. 2. Semi -proprietary Specification Requirements: Where Specifications name 2 or more products or manufacturers or where Specifications specify products or manufacturers by name, accompanied by the term "or equal" or "or approved equivalent," provide one of the products listed or comply Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 01600 — MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT' Page 2 of 3 with the Contract Document provisions concerning "substitutions" or obtain approval for use of an unnamed product. 3. Nonproprietary Specification Requirements: When Specifications list products or manufacturers that are available and may be incorporated in the Work, but do not restrict the Contractor to use these products only, the Contractor may propose any available product that complies with Contract requirements. Comply with Contract Document provisions concerning "substitutions" to obtain approval for use of an unnamed product. 4. Descriptive Specification Requirements: Where Specifications describe a product or name, provide a product or assembly that provides the characteristics and otherwise complies with Contract requirements. 5. Compliance with Standards, Codes, and Regulations: Where Specifications only require compliance with an imposed code, standard, or regulation, select a product that complies with the standards, codes, or regulations specified. 6. Visual Matching: Where Specifications require matching an established Sample, the Owner's decision will be final on whether a proposed product matches satisfactorily. 7. Visual Selection: Where specified product requirements include the phrase "... as selected from manufacturer's standard colors, patterns, textures..." or a similar phrase, select a product and manufacturer that complies with other specified requirements. The Owner will select the color, pattern, and texture from the product line selected. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 Installation of Products A. Comply with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations for installation of products in the applications indicated. Anchor each product securely in place, accurately located and aligned with other Work. END OF SECTION 1 L IFossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 01600 — MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT Page 3 of 3 to x �t w .... _._. SECTION 01700 — CONTRACT CLOSEOUT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Related Documents A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including general and supplementary conditions and other Division 1 specification sections, apply to this section. 1.02 Summary A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for contract closeout including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Inspection procedures. 2. Project record document submittal. 3. Operation and maintenance manual submittal. 4. Submittal of warranties. 9. Final cleaning. 10. As -built drawings B. Closeout requirements for specific construction activities are included in the appropriate Sections in Divisions 2 through 16. 1.03 Substantial Completion A. Preliminary Procedures: Before requesting inspection for certification of Substantial Completion, complete the following. List exceptions in the request. 1. In the Application for Payment that coincides with, or first follows, the date Substantial Completion is claimed, show 100 percent completion for the portion of the Work claimed as substantially complete. 2. Advise the Owner of pending insurance changeover requirements. 3. Submit specific warranties, workmanship bonds, maintenance agreements, final certifications, and similar documents. 4. Obtain and submit releases enabling the Owner unrestricted use of the Work and access to services and utilities. Include occupancy permits, operating certificates, and similar releases. 5. Submit record drawings, maintenance manuals, final project photographs, damage or settlement surveys, property surveys, and similar final record information. 6. Deliver tools, spare parts, extra stock, and similar items. 7. Make final changeover of permanent locks and transmit keys to the Owner. Advise the Owner's personnel of changeover in security provisions. 8. Complete startup testing of systems and instruction of the Owner's operation and maintenance personnel. Discontinue and remove temporary facilities from the site, along with mockups, construction tools, and similar elements. 9. Complete final cleanup requirements, including touchup painting. 11. Touch up and otherwise repair and restore marred, exposed finishes. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 01700 — CONTRACT CLOSEOUT Page 1 of 5 I B. Inspection Procedures: On receipt of a request for inspection, the Owner will either proceed with inspection or advise the Contractor of unfilled requirements. The Owner will prepare the Certificate of I Substantial Completion following inspection or advise the Contractor of construction that must be completed or corrected before the certificate will be issued. 1 1. If the Owner's Representative determines that the work is not substantially complete at the time of review or that deficiencies remain at time of compliance review, the Contractor shall pay for the additional review(s) by Owner's Representative. 2. Results of the completed inspection will form the basis of requirements for final acceptance. 1.04 Final Acceptance A. Preliminary Procedures: Before requesting final inspection for certification of final acceptance and ' final payment, complete the following. List exceptions in the request. I . Submit the final payment request with releases and supporting documentation not previously submitted and accepted. Include insurance certificates for products and completed operations where required. 2. Submit an updated final statement, accounting for final additional changes to the Contract Sum. 1 3. Submit a certified cony of the Owner's final inspection list of items to be completed or corrected endorsed and dated by the Owner. The certified copy of the list shall state that each item has been completed or otherwise resolved for acceptance and shall be endorsed and dated by the Owner. 4. Submit final meter readings for utilities, a measured record of stored fuel, and similar data as of the date of Substantial Completion or when the Owner took possession of and assumed responsibility for corresponding elements of the Work. ' ' 5. Submit consent of surety to final payment. 12. Submit a final liquidated damages settlement statement. 1 13. Submit as -built drawings and an as -built site survey with a 1 foot contour interval, high points, low points, ridges, and horizontal and vertical utility locations including invert elevations. 14. Submit as -built drawings of the stormwater detention pond, prepared by a licensed survey, certifying that the pond meets or exceeds the minimum storage and other physical requirements. 15. Submit evidence of final, continuing insurance coverage complying with insurance requirements. 1 B. Reinspection Procedure: The Owner will reinspect the Work upon receipt of notice that the Work, including inspection list items from earlier inspections, has been completed, except for items whose completion is delayed under circumstances acceptable to the Owner. 1 1. Upon completion of reinspection, the Owner will prepare a certificate of final acceptance. If the Work is incomplete, the Owner will advise the Contractor of Work that is incomplete or of obligations that have not been fulfilled but are required for final acceptance. 2. If necessary, reinspection will be repeated. The cost of additional inspections shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. 1.05 Record Document Submittals 1 A. General: Do not use record documents for construction purposes. Protect record documents from deterioration and loss in a secure, fire-resistant location. Provide access to record documents for the Owner's reference during normal working hours. 1 B. Record Drawings: Maintain a clean, undamaged set of blue or black line white -prints of Contract Drawings and Shop Drawings. Mark the set,to show the actual installation where the installation varies substantially from the Work as originally shown. Mark which drawing is most capable of showing Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 01700 — CONTRACT CLOSEOUT Page 2 of 5 conditions fully and accurately. Where Shop Drawings are used, record.a cross-reference at the corresponding location on the Contract Drawings. Give particular attention to concealed elements that would be difficult to measure and record at a later date. 1. Mark record sets with red erasable pencil. Use other colors to distinguish between variations in separate categories of the Work. 2. Mark new information that is important to the Owner but was not shown on Contract Drawings or Shop Drawings. 3. Note related change -order numbers where applicable. 4. Organize record drawing sheets into manageable sets. Bind sets with durable -paper cover sheets; print suitable titles, dates, and other identification on the cover of each set. 5. Prior to Contract Closeout, obtain from the Owner a digital copy of the AutoCAD bid documents. Using AutoCAD v. 2004 (or later version), the Contractor shall transpose information contained on the Record Drawings maintained on site to the AutoCAD drawings. 6. The contractor shall the provide a reproducible mylar copy of the Record Drawings and a copy of the digital files to the Owner's Reprsentative. Label each sheet "Record Drawing." On the first sheet, the Contractor or resident Superintendent shall execute the following statement: Having reviewed this document and all attachments, I affirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the information presented here is true and accurate. Signed: Date: ■ Position: ' C. Record Specifications: Maintain one complete copy of the Project Manual, including addenda. Include ' with the Project Manual one copy of other written construction documents, such as Change Orders and modifications issued in printed form during construction. 1. Mark these documents to show substantial variations in actual Work performed in comparison , with the text of the Specifications and modifications. 2. Give particular attention to substitutions and selection of options and information on concealed construction that cannot otherwise be readily discerned later by direct observation. 3. Note related record drawing information and Product Data. 4. Upon completion of the Work, submit record Specifications to the Owner. D. Record Product Data: Maintain one copy of each Product Data submittal. Note related Change Orders ' and markup of record drawings and Specifications. 1. Mark these documents to show significant variations in actual Work performed in comparison with information submitted. Include variations in products delivered to the site and from the manufacturer's installation instructions and recommendations. 2. Give particular attention to concealed products and portions of the Work that cannot otherwise be readily discerned later by direct observation. 3. Upon completion of markup, submit complete set of record Product Data to the Owner. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 01700 — CONTRACT CLOSEOUT ' Page 3 of 5 the Bid Form or prior to the Notice of Award. ' 17.3. OWNER may consider the qualification and experience of Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other persons and organizations proposed for those portions of the Work as to which the identity of ' Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other persons and organizations is submitted as requested by OWNER. OWNER also may consider the operating costs, maintenance requirements, performance data and guarantees of major ' items of materials and equipment proposed for incorporation in the Work when such data is required to be submitted prior to the Notice of Award. ' 17.4. OWNER may conduct such investigations as OWNER deems necessary to assist in the evaluation of any Bid and to establish the responsibility, qualifications and financial ability of the Bidder's proposed ' Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons and organizations. to do the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents to OWNER's satisfaction within the prescribed time. ' 17.5. If the Contract is to be awarded, it will be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible Bidder whose evaluation by OWNER indicates to OWNER that the award will be in the best interest of the OWNER. Award ' shall be made on the evaluated lowest base bid excluding alternates. The basis for award shall be the lowest Bid total for the Schedule or, in the case of more than one schedule, for sum of all schedules. Only one contract will be awarded. 17.6. If the Contract is to be awarded, OWNER will give the Successful Bidder a Notice of Award within forty-five (45) days after the date of the Bid opening. ' 18.0. CONTRACT SECURITY. The General Conditions and the Supplementary Conditions set forth OWNER's requirements as to performance and other Bonds. When the Successful Bidder delivers the executed Agreement to the OWNER, it shall be accompanied by the required Contract Security. ' 19.0 SIGNING OF AGREEMENT. When OWNER gives a Notice of Award to the Successful Bidder, it will be accompanied by the required number of unsigned counterparts of the Agreement with all other written Contract Documents attached. Within fifteen (15) days thereafter, CONTRACTOR shall sign and deliver the ' required number of counterparts of the Agreement and attached documents to OWNER with the required Bonds. Within ten (10) days thereafter, OWNER shall deliver one fully signed counterpart to CONTRACTOR. Each ' counterpart is to be accompanied by a complete set of the Drawings with appropriate identification. ' 20.0 TAXES. ' Rev10/20/07 Section 00100 Page 7 E. Miscellaneous Record Submittals: Refer to other Specification Sections for requirements of miscellaneous record keeping and submittals in connection with actual performance of Work. 1 Immediately prior to the date or dates of Substantial Completion, complete miscellaneous records and place in good order. Identify miscellaneous records properly and bind or file, ready for continued use and reference. Submit to the Owner. F. Maintenance Manuals: Organize operation and maintenance data into suitable sets of manageable size. 1 Bind properly indexed data in individual, heavy-duty, 2-inch (51-mm), 3-ring, vinyl -covered binders, with pocket folders for folded sheet information. Mark appropriate identification on front and spine of each binder. Include the following types of information: ' 1. Emergency instructions. 2. Spare parts list. 3. Copies of warranties. 1 4. Wiring diagrams. 5. Recommended "turn -around" cycles. 6. Inspection procedures. 7. Shop Drawings and Product Data. 1.06 Warranties and Bonds A. Provide duplicate notarized copies. Maintain copies of Contractor's submittals and assemble documents executed by subcontractors, suppliers, and manufacturers. Provide table of contents and assemble in binder with durable plastic cover. ' B. Submit material prior to final application for payment. For items of Work delayed materially beyond date of substantial completion, provide updated submittal within ten days after acceptance, listing date of acceptance as start of warranty period. t1.07 Final Payment A. The Contractor shall submit written certification that Contract Documents Work has been reviewed and 1 that Work is complete in accordance with Contract Documents and ready for Owner Representative's review. B. In addition to submittals required by the conditions of the Contract provide submittals required by ' governing authorities, and submit a final statement of accounting giving total adjusted Contract Sum, previous payments and sum remaining, due. C. Owner's Representative will issue a final Change Order reflecting approved adjustments to Contract ' Sum not previously made by Change Order. D. Retainage will be held until advertisement for liens and encumbrances is completed. 1 PART 2 — PRODUCTS Applicable) Not A ( PP ) ' PART 3 — EXECUTION 3.01 Closeout Procedures ' A. Operation and Maintenance Instructions: Arrange for each Installer of equipment that requires regular maintenance to meet with the Owner's personnel to provide instruction in proper operation and maintenance. Provide instruction by manufacturer's representatives if installers are not experienced in I operation and maintenance procedures. Include. a detailed review of the following items: 1. Maintenance manuals. 2. Record documents. 3. Spare parts and materials. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 01700 — CONTRACT CLOSEOUT Page 4 of 5 4. Tools. 5. Lubricants. 6. Fuels. 7. Identification systems. 8. Control sequences. 9. Hazards. 10. Cleaning. 11. Warranties and bonds. 12. Maintenance agreements and similar continuing commitments. B. As part of instruction for operating equipment, demonstrate the following procedures: 1. Startup. 2. Shutdown. 3. Emergency operations. 4. Noise and vibration adjustments. 5. Safety procedures. 6. Economy and efficiency adjustments. 7. Effective energy utilization. 3.02 Final Cleaning A. General: The General Conditions require general cleaning during construction. Regular site cleaning is included in Division 1. B. Cleaning: Employ experienced workers or professional cleaners for final cleaning. Clean each surface or unit to the condition expected in a normal, commercial building cleaning and maintenance program. Comply with manufacturer's instructions. 1. Complete the following cleaning operations before requesting inspection for certification of Substantial Completion. C. Removal of Protection: Remove temporary protection and' facilities installed for protection of the Work during construction. 1. Remove labels that are not permanent labels. 2. Clean exposed exterior and interior hard -surfaced finishes to a dust -free condition, free of stains, films, and similar foreign substances. Restore reflective surfaces to their original condition. Leave concrete floors broom clean. 3. Wipe surfaces of mechanical and electrical equipment. Remove excess lubrication and other substances. Clean plumbing fixtures to a sanitary condition. Clean light fixtures and lainps. 4. Clean the site, including landscape development areas, of rubbish, litter, and other foreign substances. Sweep paved areas broom clean; remove stains, spills, and other foreign deposits. Rake grounds that are neither paved nor planted to a smooth, even -textured surface. D. Compliance: Comply with regulations of authorities having jurisdiction and safety standards for cleaning. Do not burn waste materials. Do not bury debris or excess materials on the Owner's property. Do not discharge volatile, harmful, or dangerous materials into drainage systems. Remove waste materials from the site and dispose of lawfully. 1. Where extra materials of value remain after completion of associated Work, they become the Owner's property. Dispose of these materials as directed by the Owner. END OF SECTION Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 01700 — CONTRACT CLOSEOUT Page 5 of 5 SECTION 01800 - DEFINITION OF BID ITEMS The following items describe the scope of work for this contract and are further clarified through limit -of -work lines, notes on the drawings and specifications. The work described in each Bid Item may contain work from one or several technical specifications sections. The contractor shall refer to the technical specifications that apply to the individual components. ' Bid Item 1 — Bid Bond & Mobilization: Includes overhead, bonds, guarantee, mobilization, marshalling, disassembly and security of items indicated on the plans or specifications and other related items or incidental work or costs necessary for the completion of the described elements. Bid item includes work associated with the Bid Bond and mobilization as a complete item. Bid Item 2 — Demolition, Temporary Controls, Construction Staking: Contractor shall furnish licensed surveyor for construction staking and to verify grades. Contractor shall prepare and submit a traffic control plan to the Owner for review and approval prior to construction operations. Contractor shall also provide necessary Work Area Traffic Control Devices, Erosion Control Plan and Erosion Control Devices in accordance with City Standards. Contractor shall furnish required labor, materials, equipment, implements, parts and ' supplies necessary for, or appurtenant to site clearing as shown in the plans including clearing of low vegetation and removal of items noted on the plans or specifications. Work includes stockpiling, hauling (if necessary), recycling of construction waste, disposal and related expenses. Contractor shall furnish required labor, materials, equipment, implements, parts and supplies necessary for, or appurtenant to, the dust control operations as required by the City of Fort Collins and the State of Colorado. Water from the ponds and from Fossil Creek may be accessible to contractor for dust control purposes only. Use of water from Fossil Creek shall be`approved by City. Bid item includes work associated with demolition, site clearing, temporary controls, and construction staking as a complete item. 1 Bid Items 3 — Landscape: Contractor shall furnish required labor, materials, excavation, backfill, equipment, implements, testing, parts and 1 supplies necessary for, or appurtenant to installation of items in accordance with the drawings, and specifications. Bid item includes work associated with furnishing and installing the items on the basis of each item installed complete. Does not include irrigation. ' Bid Item 4 — Irrigation System: Contractor shall furnish required labor, materials, trenching, backfilling, equipment, implements, testing, parts and supplies necessary for, or appurtenant to installation of irrigation system in accordance with'the drawings and specifications. Bid item includes work associated with installing sleeves, piping, fittings, wiring, controls, valves, sprinkler heads, coordination, startup testing/training of the irrigation system for Owner, for. the Irrigation System as a complete bid item. Bid Item 5- Earthwork and Utilities: Contractor shall furnish required labor, materials, equipment, implements, testing, parts and supplies necessary for, or appurtenant to site earthwork including; general excavation; filling; placement of excess fill, rough grading; fine grading; grading for subgrade and base course; testing; the preparation and conditioning of subgrades beneath sidewalks, slabs, soil cement pavement and other paved areas as shown on the plans, sanitary sewer and all connections to existing systems, perimeter drains and subsurface drains and related work in accordance with the plans and specifications. The intent of the grading is for the earthwork to balance within the site. Bid item includes work associated with site preparation and conditioning and work associated with site earthwork as a complete item. IFossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 01800 - DEFINITION OF BID ITEMS Page 1 of 2 L Bid Item 6 — Spray Feature: Contractor shall furnish required labor, materials, excavation, backfilling, equipment, implements, testing, startup testing/training of the water feature mechanical system for Owner with aid of Equipment Manufacturer(s)parts and supplies necessary for, or appurtenant to installation of the Spray Feature Mechanical System in accordance with the drawings and specifications. Bid item includes work associated with retrofitting, furnishing and installing the inlet piping, drain piping, water feature circulation pump, filter / water treatment pump system, sump pump, electrical, controls, and appurtenances. Bid item includes work associated with furnishing and installing the Spray Feature Mechanical System as a complete bid item. Bid Items 7 — HARDSCAPE: Contractor shall famish required labor, materials, equipment, testing, implements, testing, parts and supplies necessary for, or appurtenant to installation of the concrete pavements with the required thickness, color and finish as shown in the plans, and in accordance with the specifications and Geotechnical Engineering Report. Bid item includes work associated with installing the concrete walks and plazas, base materials, concrete steps, shotcrete walls, vault door installation, and structural fill installed as a complete item. ALTERNATE BID ITEMS . ,... _ .. , .... .dS ..__sr, .t.��,. ,....r... Add Alt #1 — Sand Play Area: Contractor shall furnish required labor, materials, equipment, implements, testing, parts and supplies necessary for, or appurtenant to installation of the sand play area as shown in the plans, and in accordance with the specifications. Bid items include work associated with installing the subsurface drain, sand and base material, type 1 retaining wall, type 1 concrete header, and installation of stockpiled turtles installed as a complete item. Add Alt #2 — Fence and Landscape Improvements on Top of Vault: Contractor shall furnish required labor, materials, equipment, implements, testing, parts and supplies necessary for, or appurtenant to installation of Fence and Landscape improvements on top of the vault as shown in the plans, and in accordance with the specifications. Bid items include work associated with installing the planting, earthwork, buffalo grass sod, mulch, type 2 concrete header, concrete steps, type 1 fence and type 1 removable fence installed as a complete item Add Alt #3 — Existing Shelter Relocation: Contractor shall furnish required labor, materials, equipment, implements, testing, parts and supplies necessary for, or appurtenant to installation of the existing shelter in the area as shown in the plans, and in accordance with the specifications. Bid items. include work associated with uninstalling the existing shelter, disassembly of the shelter, replacement of the legs, d reinstallation of revised shelter w/new caissons installed as a complete item . Add Alt #4 — Sandscape Concrete in Spray Feature: Contractor shall furnish required labor, materials, equipment, implements, testing, parts and supplies necessary for, or appurtenant to installation of the sandscape concrete area as shown in the plans, and in accordance with the specifications. Bid items include work associated with installing the sandscape concrete with welded wire mesh in replacement for the integral color concrete with welded wire mesh installed as a complete item Add Alt #5 — Color Concrete Perimeter of Spray Feature: Contractor shall furnish required labor, materials, equipment, implements, testing, parts and'supplies necessary for, or appurtenant to installation of the integral color concrete area as shown in the plans, and in accordance with the specifications. Bid items include work associated with installing the integral color concrete in replacement for the grey concrete installed as a complete item END OF SECTION END OF DIVISION 1 Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 01800 - DEFINITION OF BID ITEMS , Page 2 of 2 11 1 DIVISION 2 SECTION 02111 — SITE AND PREPARATION O N CONDITIONING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Work Included A. The contract work to be performed under this section consists of furnishing the required labor, materials, equipment, implements, parts and supplies, reconditioning, compaction, wetting or drying, and finish grading, as shown on the plans necessary for, or appurtenant to the site preparation beneath interior and exterior slabs, pavements, grass pave, play courts, and beneath the 1 skate park in accordance with these specifications. 1.02 Related Sections ' A. Section 02235 - Topsoil B. Section 02750 — Concrete Paving 1.03 Submittals A. Submit soils analysis of imported fill materials, if imported materials required. 1 PART 2 - MATERIALS ' 2.01 Subgrade Materials A. Strip and remove existing vegetation, debris, and other deleterious materials from proposed building, court areas and pavement areas. Exposed surfaces should be free of mounds and depressions, which could prevent uniform compaction. B. Stripped materials consisting of vegetation and organic materials should be wasted from the site, or used to revegetate landscaped areas or exposed slopes after the completion of grading 1 operations. If it is necessary to dispose of organic materials 'on -site, they should be placed in non- structural areas and in fill sections not exceeding 5 feet in height. 2.04 Fill Materials A. Clean on -site soils or approved imported materials may be used as fill material. B. Approved imported materials may be used as fill material and are suitable for use as compacted fill beneath interior or exterior floor slabs. Imported soils (if required) should conform to the following: Percent finer by weight Gradation (ASTM C136) 3" 100 ' No. 4 Sieve 50-100 No. 200 Sieve 35 (max) Liquid Limit 30 (max) ' Plasticity Index 15 (max) Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02111 —SITE PREPARATION Page 1 of 3 1 Group Index 10 (max) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 Site Clearing A. Where present, trees, bushes, and a minimum of topsoil will be stockpiled on the site. The area will be graded to the required depth to accommodate the base and concrete thickness and provide a uniform slope at plus or minus one tenth of a foot (+. l'). 3.02 Site Preparation A. Strip and remove existing debris or other deleterious materials from proposed building areas. Exposed surfaces should be free of mounds and depressions that could prevent uniform compaction. B. If unstable conditions develop, workability may be improved by scarifying and drying. Overexcavation of wet zones and replacement with granular materials may be necessary. C. Temporary dewatering will be required for excavations approaching or in the groundwater. Use of lime, fly ash, kiln dust, cement or geotextiles may be used as a stabilization technique. Laboratory evaluation is recommended to determine the effect of chemical stabilization on subgrade soils prior to construction. Lightweight excavation equipment may be required to reduce subgrade pumping. 3.03 Subgrade Preparation A. Required moisture content and compaction of subgrade soils shall be maintained until construction of the related improvement. B. The contractor shall alert the owner of soft spots or structures that could affect the stability of the slab. C. Subgrade compaction and moisture tests shall be performed by a qualified professional prior to installation of the related improvement. Defective work shall be corrected as directed by the Owner's Representative. 3.04 Placement of Fill Material A. Exposed areas, which will receive fill, once properly cleared and benched where necessary, should be scarified to a minimum depth of 12-inches, conditioned to near optimum moisture content, and compacted. D. Engineered fill should be placed and compacted in horizontal lifts, using equipment and procedures that will produce recommended moisture contents and densities throughout the lift. Fill material to placed on the site shall be compacted to at least 95 percent of Standard Proctor Density ASTM D698. 1. On -site clay soils shall be compacted within a moisture content range of I percent below, to 3 percent above optimum. 2. Imported granular soils should be compacted within a moisture range of 3 percent below to 3 percent above optimum unless modified by the project geotechnical engineer. D. Fills shall be placed in six inch (6") layers. In areas where proposed structures, courts and paving are proposed fill materials shall be compacted to ninety five percent (95%)'standard density at optimum moisture. In areas where landscaping is proposed fill materials shall be compacted to ninety percent (90%) standard density at optimum moisture. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02111 - SITE PREPARATION ' Page 2 of 3 3.05 Fine Grade A. Elevation of base material for spray park concrete shall be controlled using automatic laser - regulated equipment capable of providing a true accurate to plus or minus one -quarter inch END OF SECTION Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02111 —SITE PREPARATION Page 3 of 3 DIVISION 2 SECTION 02210 — EARTHWORK AND GRADING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Work Included A. The Contractor shall famish labor, materials, tools, equipment and perform work and services necessary for earthwork and grading in the quantities required. Furnish and install supplementary or miscellaneous items, appurtenances and devices incidental to or necessary for a healthy, sound, and complete, craftsman -like installation. Work to include: 1. Grading to contours, cutting and filling, 2. Establishment of subgrades. 3. Maintenance of Erosion Control Measures 1.02 Related Sections A. Section 01200 -Measurement and Payment: Requirements applicable to unit prices for the work of this section. B. Section 01400 — Quality Control and Testing: Testing fill compaction. C. Section 02111 —Site Preparation and Conditioning D. Geotechnical Engineering Report prepared by Terracon, dated March 11, 2001 1.03 Quality Assurance A. Reference Standards: Standards listed hereunder and referenced elsewhere in these specifications shall become a part of this specification and are incorporated herein by reference. The latest edition, amendment or supplement thereto in effect thirty (30) days before date of invitation shall apply. 1. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). 2. American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM). 1.04 Project Record Documents A. Submit under provisions of Section 01700. B. Accurately record actual locations of utilities by horizontal dimensions, elevations or inverts, and slope gradients. 1.05 Submittals A. Testing and Inspection Service: Owner will engage soil testing and inspection service for quality control testing of soil compaction during earthwork operations, as required under City rules and regulations. Contractor will coordinate schedules with the Owner in order to allow for adequate time to conduct tests. Soil compaction and moisture content test of areas to receive paving must be performed within 48 hours of when flatwork begins. 1.07 Job Conditions A. Site Information: Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02210 — EARTHWORK AND GRADING Page 1 of 6 ' 1. The soil boring tests indicated subsurface conditions are not intended as representations or warranties of accuracy or continuity between soil borings. It is expressly understood that the ' Owner will not be responsible for interpretations or conclusions drawn by Contractor. Data are made available for information only. 2. Soil investigation and test reports are available for examination at the Owner's office. 3. Additional test borings and other exploratory operations may be made by the Contractor at no cost to the Owner. B. Underground Conditions: 1. Protect from damage any underground pipes, utilities or structures encountered during construction. Restore any damaged underground obstructions to their original condition at no additional expense to the Owner unless evidence of other arrangements satisfactory to all parties are presented to the Owner. 2. Before commencing work, obtain information concerning location, type, and extent of concealed existing utilities on the site and adjacent properties. Consult records and personnel of Owner, ' local utility companies, municipal utility departments, cable TV company, and telephone company. File a notice of excavation with these agencies at least two business days prior to commencing work. ' 3. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to verify actual locations and to protect or restore all underground obstructions encountered. 1.08 Sheeting, Shoring, and Bracing: A.. Except where banks are cut back on a stable slope, provide and maintain all sheeting and shoring necessary to protect adjoining grades and structures from caving, sliding, erosion, or other, damage in accordance with. applicable codes and governing authorities. B. Remove sheeting and shoring gradually as excavation backfilling progresses to protect the construction or other structures, utilities, or property. 1.09 Blasting A. No blasting will be permitted. 1.10 Drainage A. Maintain the excavations and site free from water throughout the course of the work. B. Discharge water shall not be allowed to flow directly into Fossil Creek. Discharge water shall be cycled through the on -site water quality pond(s) or into the existing ponds. 1.11 Interruption of Service A. Coordinate interruption of utility services with the Owner. Make connections to the existing system requiring the interruption of service during the time (weekends, nights, or holidays) designated by the Owner. B. Obtain permission to cut and replace existing service lines. Notify affected user two hours in advance of and restore service within four hours after any interruption. Repair all lines at no additional expense to the Owner. C. No valve or other control on the existing system shall be operated without permission of the Owner. aFossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02210 — EARTHWORK AND GRADING Page 2 of 6 1.12 Limit of Operations A. The Contractor will limit his operations to only those areas identified on the drawings. If the remaining area of the site is disturbed, in the opinion of the Owner, the Contractor will repair and reseed the disturbed area. All costs of this work will be borne solely by the Contractor. B. If unauthorized over -excavation occurs, the Contractor shall be responsible for the repair of the area, backfilling with approved material, and compacting to the specified density. 1.13 Erosion Control A. The contractor shall submit an Erosion Control Plan for this project. Submit timing and sequence for proposed earth changes. Submit description and location of proposed temporary erosion control measures for water and wind erosion, including: control of surface runoff, protection of adjacent properties, and minimize disruption by heavy equipment. For further information, refer to the City of Fort Collins Erosion Control Manual. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 Suitable Materials A. Soil materials, whether from sources on or off site, must be approved as suitable for intended use and specifically for fill and backfill. All materials for construction fills and backfills shall meet specified requirements for gradation and other factors defining suitability for.; the intended use. All classes of suitable material shall be free from perishable matter, debris, frozen materials and stones and cemented pieces larger than permitted by the specified gradation. Suitable materials are defined as follows: ' 1. Topsoil: Topsoil shall be selectively excavated, loose, friable and reasonably free of admixtures of subsoil, refuse, stumps, roots, rocks, brush, weeds, or other material which would be detrimental to the development of vegetative growth. Topsoil shall be defined as the top 6 inches of soil found on the site and stockpiled and taken from designated on -site sources. 2. Fill and Backfill Material: Fills and backfills that are not otherwise specified herein shall be constructed with suitable excavated materials of clays, silts, sands, gravels, ,bedrock pieces, or combinations thereof which contain 100 percent particles smaller than 4 inches. This material shall be placed in accordance with the requirements hereinafter specified. 2.02 Unsuitable Materials A. Material containing perishable matter, such as roots, sod, grass, decayed vegetable matter, debris, frozen material, or materials having unsatisfactory compaction characteristics will be classified as unsuitable for fill material use in the work. Materials which are unsuitable due to excessive moisture or incorrect gradation may be reclaimed if brought into specification by screening, manipulation, aerating, or blending with other suitable soils. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION: A. Field Measurements: Before commencing work, locate all baselines and coordinates required for control of the work, establish required grade staking for control of excavation, fill, and embankment construction. Field verify by excavation the location of all utility crossings, services connections, and connections to existing lines before proceeding with earthwork. B. Layout Lines and Levels: Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02210 — EARTHWORK AND GRADING ' Page 3 of 6 OWNER is exempt from Colorado State Sales and Use Taxes on materials and equipment to be incorporated in the Work. Said taxes shall not be ' included in the Contract Price. Reference is made to the General and Supplementary Conditions.. 21.0 RETAINAGE. ' Provisions concerning retainage are set forth in the Agreement. , 22.0 PURCHASING RESTRICTIONS. Purchasing restrictions: The Bidder's authorized signature of this Bid , assures the Bidder's compliance with the City's purchasing restrictions. A copy of the resolutions are available for review in the Purchasing and Risk Management Division or the City Clerk's office. ' A. Cement Restrictions: City of Fort Collins Resolution 91-121 requires that suppliers and producers of cement or products , containing cement to certify that the cement was not made in cement kilns that burn hazardous waste -as a fuel. 23.0 COLLUSIVE OR SHAM BIDS. Any Bid deemed by the City in its sole discretion to be a collusive or sham Bid will be rejected and reported to authorities as such. Your authorized signature of this Bid assures that such Bid is genuine and is not a collusive or sham Bid. 24.0 BID RESULTS. For information regarding results for individual Bids send a self- addressed, self -stamped envelope and a Bid tally will be mailed to you. Bid results will be posted in the Purchasing office seven (7) days after the Bid Opening. END OF SECTION Rev 10/20/07 Section 00100 Page 8 1 ' 1. Verify that survey bench mark and intended elevations for the Work are as indicated. 2. The drawings indicate existing elevations and proposed elevations. The existing elevations and 1 elevations to be established are given for the convenience of the Contractor to assist him in arriving at the quantities of excavation, grading, and backfilling, etc. 3. Before earthwork operations are started, all construction items shall be completely staked out for the Owner=s approval. For any area with a two percent slope or flatter, the Contractor shall lay out.a 50-foot on -center grid and calculate the exact elevation at every intersection of the grid lines. These calculations will be approved by the Owner. I 4. Preliminary grade stakes for subgrade elevations shall be set at 50 feet on -center for: the center line of walks, all drainage swales, breaks in grade, spot elevations, and as otherwise required to complete the work of this section to the elevations shown on the Drawings or as modified in the field by the Owner. 5. Protect bench marks, temporary benchmarks, survey control points, sidewalks, paving, curbs, existing above and below grade utilities, and existing vegetation that is to remain from excavating equipment and vehicular traffic. 3.02 Subsoil Excavation A. Excavate subsoil from areas to be further excavated for concrete paving, sand playground, volleyball pit, and skinned infield area. B. Do not excavate wet subsoil or excavate and process wet material to obtain optimum moisture content. C. When excavating through roots, perform work by hand and cut roots with sharp axe. D. Perform excavation of every description to the lines and grades indicated on the drawings. 3.03 Filling A. Install Work in accordance with the Geotechnical Engineering Report, and in accordance with the City of Fort Collins standards. E. Fill areas to contours and elevations with unfrozen materials. C. Place fill material on continuous horizontal layers and compact in accordance with the following schedule: Material Subgrade soils beneath fill areas On -site soils or approved imported fill Beneath slabs Beneath pavements Utilities Miscellaneous backfill Minimum Percent Compaction (ASTM D698) 95 95 95 95 90 D. Clay soils placed beneath pavement should be compacted within a moisture content range of 2 percent below to 2 percent above optimum. E. Granular soils should be compacted within a moisture content range of 3 percent below to 3 percent above optimum unless modified by the project geotechnical engineer. F. Maintain optimum moisture content of fill materials to attain required compaction density throughout the lift. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature ' SECTION 02210 — EARTHWORK AND GRADING Page 4 of 6 a G. Slope grade away from building minimum 2%, unless noted otherwise. H. Make grade changes gradual. Blend slope into level areas. I. Remove surplus fill materials from site. J. In areas to receive paving in place of material, scarify to a depth of 6 inches and compact to the specified density, to the required subgrade elevation. K. In areas to receive paving over 1 foot or more of compacted fill as shown on the drawings, the above requirement is waived. L. In fill areas, the natural soil should be scarified to a depth of 6 inches and recompacted to the specified density, except as specified for paved areas above. M. Spread approved fill material uniformly in layers not greater than 8 inches (6 inches for pond liner) or loose thickness over entire fill area. N. Suspend. fill operations when satisfactory results cannot be obtained because of environmental or other unsatisfactory site conditions. Do not use muddy or frozen fill materials. Do not place fill material on muddy or frozen subgrade surface. O. Maintain surface conditions which permit adequate drainage of rain water and prevent ponding of surface water in pockets. 3.04 Tolerances A. Tolerances for areas to receive paving shall be plus or minus 0.05 foot. In the areas to be landscaped and the remainder of the site, tolerances shall be within plus or minus 0.1 foot. 3.05 Field Quality Control A. Section 01400 - Quality Assurance: Field inspection and testing. B. Testing: In accordance with AASHTO T180. C. Allow testing service to inspect and approve subgrades and fill layers before further construction work is performed. Notify testing service not less than 8 working hours in advance. Testing shall be at the discretion of the Owner. D. If tests indicate Work does not meet specified requirements, remove Work, replace and retest. E. Verification of grading within allowable tolerances shall be conducted as requested by the Owner. The Contractor shall provide; all necessary surveying equipment and a survey crew, if requested by the Owner. If, in the opinion of the Owner, the grading does not conform to the required grades and tolerances, the Contractor shall regrade the area and bear all costs associated with the regrading and reverification until the specifications are met. 3.06 Disposal of Waste Materials A. Transport waste material, trash, debris, and dispose of it off the Owner=s property at an approved landfill. 3.07 Dust.Control A. Obtain Area Emission Permit, if required. B. Control the amount.of dust generated from construction to prevent hazardous conditions or public nuisance. Use of water will no be permitted when it will result in hazardous conditions such as ice, flooding, or pollution. Blowing dust will not be permitted. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02210 - EARTHWORK AND GRADING ' Page 5 of 6 3.08 Cleaning A. During and upon completion of earthwork operations, clean areas within contract limits and within the public ROW. Remove tools and equipment. Provide site clear, clean, free of debris, and suitable for site work operations. END OF SECTION Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02210 — EARTHWORK AND GRADING Page 6 of 6 DIVISION:2 SECTION 02230 — SITE CLEARING PART 1 — GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.02 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: 1. Protecting existing trees to remain. 2. Removing existing trees, shrubs, plants and grasses. 3. Clearing and grubbing. B. Related Sections include the following: 1. Division 1 Section "Temporary Controls" for temporary utilities, temporary construction and support facilities, temporary security and protection facilities. 2. Division 1 Section "Site Conditions" for verifying utility locations and for recording field measurements. 3. Division 2 Section "Tree Protection " for protecting trees remaining on -site that are affected by site operations. 4. Division 2 Section "Earthwork" for soil materials, excavating, backfiliing, and site grading. 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Tree Protection Zone: Area surrounding individual trees or groups of trees to be protected during construction, and defined by the drip line of individual trees or the perimeter drip line of groups of trees, unless otherwise indicated. 1.04 MATERIAL OWNERSHIP A. Except for stripped topsoil or other materials indicated to remain Owner's property, cleared materials shall become Contractor's property and shall be removed from Project site. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Photographs or videotape, sufficiently detailed, of existing conditions of trees and plantings, adjoining construction, and site improvements that might be misconstrued as damage caused by site clearing. 1.06 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Traffic: Minimize interference with adjoining roads, streets, walks, and other adjacent occupied or used facilities during site -clearing operations. 1. Do not close or obstruct streets, walks, or other adjacent occupied or used facilities without permission from Owner and authorities having jurisdiction. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02230 —SITE CLEARING , Page 1 of 3 1 1 1 Fli 0 a 2. Provide alternate routes around closed or obstructed traffic ways if required by authorities having jurisdiction. B. Salvable Improvements: Carefully remove items indicated to be salvaged and store on Owner's premises where indicated. C. Utility Locator Service: Notify utility locator service for area where Project is located before site clearing. D. Do not commence site clearing operations until temporary erosion and sedimentation control measures are in place. PART 2 - PRODUCTS[ (Not Applicable)] PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Protect and maintain benchmarks and survey control points from disturbance during construction. B. Locate and clearly flag trees and vegetation to remain or to be relocated. C. Protect existing site improvements to remain from damage during construction. 1. Restore damaged improvements to their original condition, as acceptable to Owner. 3.02 TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL A: Provide temporary erosion and sedimentation control measures to prevent soil erosion and discharge of soil -bearing water runoff or airborne dust to adjacent properties'and walkways, according to Erosion Control Plan to be submitted by Contractor for approval by Owner prior to start of work. B. Inspect, repair, and maintain erosion and sedimentation control measures during construction until permanent vegetation has been established. C. Remove erosion and sedimentation controls and restore and stabilize areas disturbed during removal. 3.03 UTILITIES A. Arrange for disconnecting and sealing indicated utilities that serve existing structures before site clearing, when requested by Contractor. 1. Verify that utilities have been disconnected and capped before proceeding with site clearing. B. Locate, identify, disconnect, and seal or cap off utilities indicated to be removed. 1. Arrange with utility companies to shut off indicated utilities. 2. Owner will arrange to shut off indicated utilities when requested by Contractor. C. Existing Utilities: Do not interrupt utilities serving facilities occupied by Owner or others unless permitted under the following conditions and then only after arranging to provide temporary utility services according to requirements indicated: 1. Notify Architect not less than two days in advance of proposed utility interruptions. 2. Do not proceed with utility interruptions without Architect's written permission. D. Excavate for and remove underground utilities indicated to be removed. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02230 — SITE CLEARING Page 2 of 3 E. Removal of underground utilities is included in Division 2 Sections covering site utilities. 3.04 CLEARING AND GRUBBING A. Remove obstructions, trees, shrubs, grass, and other vegetation to permit installation of new construction. i. Do not remove trees, shrubs, and other vegetation indicated to remain or to be relocated. 2. Cut minor roots and branches of trees indicated to remain in a clean and careful manner where such roots and branches obstruct installation of new construction. 3. Grind stumps and remove roots, obstructions, and debris extending to a depth of 18 inches (450 mm) below exposed subgrade. 4. Use only hand methods for grubbing within tree protection zone. B. Fill depressions caused by clearing and grubbing operations with satisfactory soil material unless further excavation or earthwork is indicated. 3.05 DISPOSAL A. Disposal: Remove surplus soil material, unsuitable topsoil, obstructions, demolished materials, and waste materials including trash and debris, and legally dispose of them off Owner's property 1. Optional: Separate recyclable materials produced during site clearing from other nonrecyclable materials. Store or stockpile without intermixing with other materials and transport them to recycling facilities. . END OF SECTION Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02230 — SITE CLEARING Page 3 of 3 SECTION 02231 — TREE PROTECTION PART-1 GENERAL ' 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and ' Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.02 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the protection and trimming of existing trees that interfere with, or are affected by, execution of the Work, whether temporary or permanent construction. B. Related Sections include the following: ' 1. Division 1 Section "Summary" for limits placed on Contractor's use of the site. 2. Division 1 Section Temporary Controls for temporary tree protection. 3. Division 2 Section "Site Clearing" for removal limits of trees, shrubs, and other plantings affected ' by new construction. 4. Division 2 Section "Earthwork" for building and utility trench excavation, backfilling, compacting ' and grading requirements, and soil materials. 1.03 DEFINITIONS ' A. Tree Protection Zone: Area surrounding individual trees or groups of trees to remain during construction, and defined by the drip line of individual trees or the perimeter drip line of groups of trees, unless otherwise indicated. ' 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. ' 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Tree Service Firm Qualifications: An experienced tree service firm that has successfully completed ' tree protection work similar to that required for this Project and that will assign an experienced, qualified arborist to Project site during execution of tree protection and trimming. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Drainage Fill: Selected crushed stone, or crushed or uncrushed gravel, washed, ASTM D 448, Size 24, with 90 to 100 percent passing a 2-1/2-inch sieve and not more than 10 percent passing a 3/4-inch ' sieve. B. Topsoil: Natural or cultivated surface -soil layer containing organic matter and sand, silt, and clay particles;, friable, pervious, and black or a darker shade of brown, gray, or red than underlying subsoil; reasonably free of subsoil, clay lumps, gravel, and other objects more than 1.5 inch in diameter; and ' free of weeds, roots, and toxic and other nonsoil materials. 1. Obtain topsoil only from well -drained sites where topsoil is 4 inches deep or more; do not obtain Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02231 — TREE TRIMMING AND PROTECTION Page 1 of 4 from bogs or marshes. C. Filter Fabric: Manufacturer's standard, nonwoven, pervious, geotextile fabric of polypropylene, nylon, or polyester fibers. D. Temporary Fencing: Orange Snow Fence; a minimum of 48 inches high; with `T'posts; with tie wires, and other accessories for a complete fence system. E. Organic Mulch: Shredded Cedar, free of deleterious materials. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Temporary Fencing: Install temporary fencing around tree protection zones to protect remaining trees and vegetation from construction damage. Maintain temporary fence and remove when construction is complete. B. Protect tree root systems from damage caused by runoff or spillage of noxious materials while mixing, placing, or storing construction materials. Protect root systems from ponding, eroding, or excessive wetting caused by dewatering operations. C. Mulch areas inside tree protection zones and other areas indicated. 1. Apply 3-inch average thickness of organic mulch. Do not place mulch within 6 inches of tree trunks. D. Do not store construction materials, debris, or excavated material inside tree protection zones. Do not permit vehicles or foot traffic within tree protection zones; prevent soil compaction over root systems. E. Maintain tree protection zones free of weeds and trash. F. Do not allow fires within tree protection zones. 3.02 EXCAVATION A. Install shoring or other protective support systems to minimize sloping or benching of excavations. B. Do not excavate within tree protection zones, unless otherwise indicated. C. Where excavation for new construction is required within tree protection zones, hand clear and excavate to minimize damage to root systems. Use narrow -tine spading forks and comb soil to expose roots. 1. Redirect roots in backfill areas where possible. If encountering large, main lateral roots, expose roots beyond -excavation limits as required to bend and redirect them without breaking. If encountered immediately adjacent to location of new construction and redirection is not practical, cut roots approximately 3 inches back from new construction. 2. Do not allow exposed roots to dry out before placing permanent backfill: Provide temporary earth cover or pack with peat moss and wrap with burlap. Water and maintain in a moist condition. Temporarily support and protect roots from damage until they are permanently relocated and covered with soil. D. Where utility trenches are required within tree protection zones, tunnel under or around roots by drilling, auger boring, pipe jacking, or digging by hand. l . Root Pruning: Do not cut main lateral roots or taproots; cut only smaller roots that interfere with installation of utilities. Cut roots with sharp pruning instruments; do not break or chop. 2. The installation of utilities, irrigation lines or anyunderground fixture requiring excavation deeper than six (6) inches shall be accomplished by boring under the root system of protected existing trees at a minimum depth of twenty-four (24) inches. The auger distance is established from the Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02231 — TREE TRIMMING AND PROTECTION Page 2 of 4 L I E u face of the tree (outer bark) and is scaled from tree diameter and breast height as described in the chart below. Tree Diameter at Breast Height (inches) 0-2 3-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 Over 19 3.03 REGRADING Auger Distance From Face of Tree (feet) 2 5 10 12 15 A. Grade Lowering: Where new finish grade is indicated below existing grade around trees, slope grade . beyond tree protection zones. Maintain existing grades within tree protection zones. B. Minor Fill: Where existing grade is 6 inches or less below elevation of finish grade, fill with topsoil. Place topsoil in a single uncompacted layer and hand grade to required finish elevations. C. Moderate Fill: Where existing grade is more than 6 inches but less than 12 inches below elevation of finish grade, place drainage fill, filter fabric, and topsoil on existing grade as follows: 1. Carefully place drainage fill against tree trunk approximately 2 inches above elevation of finish grade and extend not less than 18 inches from tree trunk on all sides. For balance of area within drip -line perimeter, place drainage fill up to 6 inches below elevation of grade. 2. Place filter fabric with edges overlapping 6 inches minimum. 3. Place fill layer of topsoil to finish grade. Do not compact drainage fill or topsoil. Hand grade to required finish elevations. 3.04 TREE REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT A. Violation of these specifications will lead to penalties based on the type of violation and/or the resulting damages, and may be grounds for the termination of this contract. 1. Penalties will be assessed based on the amount of damage done and the total value of that tree, or group of trees, prior to the damage. Penalties for damage would be based on the total value of the tree as determined by the City Forestry Division staff and the severity of the damage as a proportion of the total value of that tree. This could include up to the full value of the tree. B. Promptly repair trees damaged by construction operations within 24 hours. Treat damaged trunks, limbs, and roots according to City Forester's instructions. B. Remove and replace trees indicated to remain that die or are damaged during construction operations that City Forester determines are incapable of restoring to normal growth pattern. 1. Where practical, provide new trees of same size and species as those being replaced; plant and maintain as specified in Division 2 Section "Exterior Plants." 2. Provide new trees of 6-inch caliper size and. of a species selected by Architect when damaged trees more than 6 inches in caliper size, measured 12 inches above grade, are required to be replaced. Number of replacement trees required to mitigate loss of larger trees will comply with City Code. Plant and maintain new trees as specified in Division 2 Section "Exterior Plants." C. Aerate surface soil, compacted during construction, 10 feet beyond drip line and no closer than 36 inches to tree trunk. Drill 2-inch- diameter holes a minimum of 12 inches deep at 24 inches o.c. Backfill holes with an equal mix of augered soil and sand. 1 Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02231 — TREE TRIMMING AND PROTECTION Page 3 of 4 3.05 DISPOSAL OF WASTE MATERIALS A. Burning is not permitted. B. Disposal: Unless otherwise agreed to, remove excess excavated material and displaced trees from Owner's property and recycle as mulch. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature END OF SECTION SECTION 02231 — TREE TRIMMING AND PROTECTION Page 4 of 4 SECTION 00300 BID FORM 1 F1 F� F� J A. This work consists of stripping, salvaging and stockpiling topsoil, and excavating/redistributing topsoil from stockpiles to place on designated landscape areas. It shall include the placing of topsoil upon constructed cut and fill slopes after grading operations are completed. 1.02 Related Sections and Documents A. Section 02111 -Site Preparation and Conditioning B. Section 02210 — Earthwork and Grading C. Section 02950 — Planting, Soil Preparation and Finish Grading D. Geotechnical Engineering Report prepared by Terracon, dated March 11, 2001 PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Topsoil shall consist of loose friable loam free of subsoil, refuse, stumps, roots, rocks, brush, weeds, heavy clay, hard clods, toxic substances, or other material which would be detrimental to its use on the project. Topsoil shall consist of natural on -site ground cover. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS A. Remove sod and grass before stripping topsoil. B. Generally, the top six inches (6") of topsoil, within the limits of the project, shall be salvaged prior to beginning hauling, excavating, or fill operations by excavating and stockpiling the material at designated locations in a manner that will minimize sediment damage, and not obstruct natural drainage. Topsoil may be less than six inches (6") deep. Strip topsoil to whatever depths are encountered, or a maximum of six inches (6"), in a manner to prevent intermingling with underlying subsoil or other waste materials. ' 1. Remove subsoil and non -soil materials from topsoil, including trash, debris, weeds, roots, and other waste materials. C. Soil stockpiles ' 1. Limit height of topsoil stockpiles to 10 feet. 2. Stockpile topsoil materials away from edge of excavations without intermixing with subsoil. ' 3. Grade and shape stockpiles to drain surface water. 4. Stockpiles shall be protected from sediment transport by surface roughening, watering, and perimeter silt fencing. 4. Cover to prevent windblown dust. 5. Do not stockpile topsoil within tree protection zones. 6. Stockpile surplus topsoil to allow for respreading deeper topsoil. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02235 — TOPSOIL Page 1 of 2 7. Weeds shall be controlled on soil stockpiles remaining after 30 days. C. Topsoil shall be placed directly upon completed cut and fill slopes and other disturbed areas to be landscaped whenever conditions and the progress of construction will permit. D. Topsoil shall be placed to a minimum 5 inch thickness in turf areas and a minimum 4 inch thickness in non -turf areas. Topsoil shall be keyed to the underlying material by the use of harrows, rollers, or other suitable equipment. E. Water shall be applied to the topsoil as required in a fine spray by nozzles or spray bars so the topsoil areas will not be washed or eroded. END OF SECTION Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02235 — TOPSOIL ' Page 2 of 2 J I SECTION 02321 — TRENCHING, BACKFILLING, AND COMPACTING PART 1 —GENERAL 1.01 Section Includes A. General cleaning and grubbing, excavation, bedding construction, filling, grading and surface restoration associated with installing subsurface pipes of various types. 1.02 Related Work A. Section 02230 — Site Clearing B. Section 02507 — PVC Plastic Pipe and Fittings 1.03 Notification of Utility Companies A. The Contractor shall notify all affected utility companies of his construction operations to. coordinate his work regarding poles, wires, valve boxes, and other surface obstructions and to determine the location of gas, watermain, power, light, cable television, telephone or telegraph conduit or service connection thereto or any other subsurface structure that crosses or passes through the space occupied by any of the proposed improvements. The Contractor shall make arrangements with the utility companies for any relocation of interfering utilities. Owner has already made arrangements for relocation of known utility conflicts. Contractor shall be responsible for utility coordination after issuance of the Notice to Proceed. Contractor shall coordinate work with the Construction Coordinator when scheduling activities related to utility relocations. 1.04 Protection A. Sheeting and Shoring: The CONTRACTOR shall protect excavations by shoring, bracing, sheet piling, underpinning, or other methods required to prevent any excessive widening or sloughing of the trench which may be detrimental to human safety, to the pipe or appurtenances being installed, or to existing facilities or structures. The latest requirements of OSHA shall be complied with at all times including trenching and confined space entry requirements. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for underpinning adjacent structures which may be damaged by excavation work, including service utilities and pipe chases. B. Weather and Frost: The CONTRACTOR shall protect bottom of excavations and soil adjacent to and beneath foundations from frost. 1. Do not place backfill, fill, or embankment on frozen surfaces. 2. Do not place frozen materials, snow, or ice in backfill, fill, or embankments. 3. Do not deposit, tamp,. roll, or otherwise mechanically compact backfill in water. C. Drainage and Groundwater: The excavation shall be graded to prevent surface water run-off into trench or excavation. 1. Maintain excavations and trench free from water during construction. 2. Remove water encountered in the trench to the extent necessary to provide a firm subgrade, to permit joints to be made in the dry, and to prevent the entrance of water into the pipeline. 3. Divert surface runoff and use sumps, gravel blankets, well points, drain lines, or other means necessary to accomplish the above. 4. Maintain the excavation or trench free from water until the structure, or pipe to be installed therein, is completed to the extent that no damage from hydrostatic pressure, flotation, or other cause will result. 5. Water shall be prevented from entering into previously constructed pipe. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02321 —TRENCHING, BACKFILLING, AND COMPACTING Page 1 of 9 6. The pipe under construction shall not be used for dewatering. PART 2 — PRODUCTS 2.01 Concrete A. Cast -in -place concrete shall be in accordance with Section 03300. 2.02 Mortar A. Mixture of mason sand, water, Portland cement and masonry cement as follows: Portland cement - ASTM C150, Type I, IS or II Masonry cement - ASTM C91, Type II Water - Free of oil, acid, excess alkalinity, organic matter, and salts Sand - 100% passing No. 8, 15 to 35% passing No. 50, and 2 to 10% passing No. 100 2.03 Granular Bedding A. Pipe shall be bedded in a uniformly graded material conforming to CDOT #67 granular bedding unless otherwise noted on the Drawings or as approved by the Engineer: Well -Graded Sand Sieve Size Total Percent Passing by Weight 3/8 inch 100 No. 4 95 — 100 No. 8 80 — 100 No. 16 50 — 85 No. 30 25 — 60 No. 50 10 — 30 No. 100 2 — 10 Squeegee Sand Sieve Size Total Percent Passing by Weight 3/8 Inch 100 No. 200 0-5 CDOT #67 Sieve Size Total Percent Passing by Weight 1 Inch 100 3/4 Inch 90 — 100 3/8 Inch 20 — 55 No. 4 0 — 10 No. 8 0-5 Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02321 —TRENCHING, BACKFILLING, AND COMPACTING Page 2 of 9 Cement Sand Sieve Size Total Percent Passine by Weight 3/8 Inch 100 No. 4 90 — 100 No. 108 70 — 100 No. 20 50 — 85 No. 50 25 — 50 No. 100 8 — 30 No. 140 0 — 15 No. 200 0-5 2.04 Replacement Material (Stabilization Material) A. Material used as stabilization in locations where the CONTRACTOR has been directed to muck excavate shall conform to the following "Foundation Material' gradation(s). The material shall be uniformly graded 3/" or 1 V? rock. CDOT #467 Sieve Size Total Percent Passing by Weight 2-1/2 Inch --- 2Inch 100 1-1/2 Inch 90— 100 l Inch --- 3/4 Inch 35 - 70 3/8 Inch 10 — 30 No. 4 0-5 CDOT #67 Sieve Size Total Percent Passing by Weight IInch 100 3/4 Inch 90 — 100 3/8 Inch 20 — 55 No. 4 0 — 10 No. 8 0-5 2.05 Flowable Fill A. The approved mixture for flowable fill is shown below: Ingredients: Pounds/Cubic Yard Cement 42 (.047 sack) Water 235 (39 gallons as needed) Coarse Aggregate (No. 57) 1700 Sand (ASTM G33) 1845 The desired 28-day strength is 60 psi. The combination of material listed above or an approved equivalent may be used to obtain the desired flowable fill. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02321 —TRENCHING, BACKFILLING, AND COMPACTING Page 3 of 9 2.06 Backfill A. Backfill shall meet the following requirements: Use only backfill for trenches which is free from rocks, large roots, other vegetation or organic matter, and frozen material. No rocks greater than 3 inches in diameter shall be allowed. Backfill material shall be suitable for future pavement construction over all trenches. B. Cut -Off Walls: 1. Controlled Low Strength Material Backfill (Flo -Fill --See Section 02321). PART 3 — EXECUTION 3.01 Surface Obstructions A. Structures, sidewalk, driveways, curb and gutter, trees, shrubs, lawns, signs, fences, utilities, survey monuments, pavements, lawns, culverts, and other appurtenances which are adjacent to the right of way or work easements, shall be carefully protected against damage. In the event of damage or inadvertent injury or removal of these surface features by failure of the Contractor to exercise reasonable precautions or proper construction techniques, he shall bear the full cost and responsibility for resulting damages and shall replace or repair such damage as early as possible. No allowance for extra payment or time lost will be allowed for such interferences that the Contractor could have suspected or anticipated during site inspection and interpretation of the Contract Documents. B. Clearing, grubbing, and removal of all pavements, sidewalks, curbs, signs, poles, fences, etc., shall be done only as necessary for the completion of the work. Brush, trees, shrubs, concrete, rubble, and other removals which are not intended to be replaced shall be disposed of by the Contractor off the site of work. Burning of trees and brush is notpermitted. C. Obstructions which are intended to be replaced shall be stored and protected by the Contractor. Fences, signs, mailboxes, trees, shrubs, and similar features requiring removal, shall be restored to their original position except where permanent removal is indicated. D. Monuments for land surveys encountered in the path of work shall be carefully protected from movement. Should removal be necessary, the Contractor shall notify the Construction Coordinator in advance. The Contractor will set reference stakes and give notice that the monument can be removed. The Contractor will reset the monument after backfilling and settling at no cost to the Owner. The Contractor will also be held responsible for reestablishing monuments lost due to his negligence or failure to notify the Construction Coordinator. 3.02 Subsurface Obstructions A. The approximate location and size of sewers, drains, culverts, irrigation pipes, gas mains, watermains, electric and telephone conduits and other underground structures shown on the drawings are based on records available to the Owner or surface markings indicating their existence. B. The Contractor shall use caution in excavating and trenching.so that the exact location of underground structures, both known and unknown, may be determined; he shall be held responsible for the repair of such structures when broken or otherwise damaged during construction. C. The Contractor shall make arrangements with the utility companies for any relocation of interfering utilities. D. When the Construction Coordinator permits the Contractor to "make a change to avoid a utility relocation, the.Construction Coordinator shall determine whether the change constitutes extra work as defined in the General Conditions. E. Any underground utilities or other structures that are located outside of the construction limits of this contract which the Contractor wishes to have moved to facilitate construction shall be Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02321 — TRENCHING, BACKFILLING, AND COMPACTING Page 4 of.9 ' arranged with the owner of such structures; the Contractor shall pay all costs of the accommodation and shall provide written authorization prior to any such activity. ' F. In the event that there is any question as to whether any of the above enumerated obstructions, underground utilities, or other structures cross or pass through the space occupied by the completed structures of this contract, the Construction Coordinator's decision shall be binding. ' G. During the construction of the pipelines, it may be necessary to cross under certain sewers, drains, culverts, water lines, gas, lines, electric conduits, and other underground structures. Where necessary, the flow in drains or culverts shall be. diverted so that the excavation may be kept dry during the progress of the construction work. Every effort shall be made to prevent damage to 1 such underground structures. Wherever such structures are disturbed or broken, they shall be restored to existing or better condition at no additional cost to the Owner.. H. The Contractor shall, use sand or gravel backfill beneath said structures. This backfill shall be ' deposited and thoroughly compacted by mechanical means in layers not to exceed six inches in depth. 3.03 Excavation A. Excavation shall be made in such a manner that the pipe can be laid safely and accurately to the line and grade shown., ' B: Topsoil shall be salvaged and reused as required. C. The depth of excavation shall extend from the ground surface to the bottom of the pipe bedding. Unnecessary excavation below this required level shall be backfilled at the Contractor's expense ' with compacted sand, gravel, crushed stone or concrete, as approved by the Construction Coordinator. D. The bottom of the trench must be dug to a depth of 4 inches minimum below the pipe barrel and ' bell, or as indicated on the Drawings. Bell holes must be hand excavated to allow for proper jointing, and to insure that the pipe rests' evenly along the barrel and is not resting on the bell. E. Trench widths shall be limited at the top of the pipe to not less than a 6-inch clearance on either ' side of the barrel to allow for the free flow of bedding material between the pipe and the trench wall. Maximum trench width at the top of the pipe shall be the outside pipe diameter plus 30 inches, except that the trench width need not be less than 30 inches. The trench above the top of the pipe may be sloped, stepped or vertical, to comply with state and federal regulations. F. No more than 150 feet of trench shall be left open at any time. The entire trench shall be backfilled to within 50 feet of the open trench upon conclusion of each day's work. The trench shall not be backfilled until the pipe installation is reviewed by the ENGINEER. Trench shall be backfilled within 100 feet of the pipe installation at all times. Provide construction fence barricades around open trenches and pits when unattended. Maintain access to residences, commercial enterprises and municipal facilities at all times. Intersecting streets, private drives, and alleys shall be open to local traffic at end of each day, unless otherwise permitted by the Owner. ' G. Clean-up shall be maintained within 400 feet of the trench excavation. Prior to placement in the trench, all pipe, fittings, and appurtenances shall be cleaned and examined for defects by the CONTRACTOR. If found defective, the CONTRACTOR shall ' reject the defective pipe, fitting, or appurtenance. The CONTRACTOR shall advise the ENGINEER of all defective materials. All surplus excavation shall be placed, in an orderly manner. If material is stockpiled on private ' property, written permission must be obtained from the property owner and provided to the ENGINEER. All muck excavation, bedding, and pipe zone -material shall be imported unless otherwise ' designated by the OWNER's geotechnical engineer. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02321 — TRENCHING, BACKFILLING, AND COMPACTING ' Page 5 of 9 ' Upon completion of the work, all plants, rubbish, unused materials, concrete forms, and other like material shall be removed from the job site. The site shall be left in a state of order and cleanliness. H. Contractor shall follow the most current regulations concerning excavations set forth by OSHA, ' 29 CFR Part 1926. 3.04 Rock Excavation ' A. Rock excavation shall be defined to include all hard, solid rock in ledges, bedded deposits, boulders, buried concrete structures not shown on the plans, and all natural conglomerated deposits so firmly cemented as to possess all the characteristics of solid rock. Removals of , isolated masses less than 1/2 cubic yard which are not attached to larger masses will not be considered rock excavation. B. Firmly cemented sedimentary materials in the form of silt -stone, sandstone, shale, or conglomerate, shall be classified as rock if, after several blows with the pointed end of a standard ' pick applied to the flat surface, the material cannot be loosened, broken down, or penetrated. C. When the Contractor believes he has encountered what may be classified as rock excavation, he shall notify the Construction Coordinator who will test the degree of resistance, and make a final ' determination. D. The depth of rock excavation in a trench shall be a minimum of 6 inches below the pipe barrel to provide space for a sand or gravel bedding material. Bedding material shall be evenly spread, ' compacted, and shaped to conform to the pipe. E. Trench width in rock excavation shall not be less than that for ordinary excavation. Maximum trench width shall be the outside pipe diameter plus 18 inches for an unsheathed trench, and not to , exceed the outside pipe diameter plus 30 inches for a sheathed trench. F. Blasting will not be permitted unless securing Construction Coordinator's approval, showing evidence of insurance specifically for such work, and demonstrating that the blasting will be ' conducted to protect adjacent existing or completed work, persons, and surrounding property. The hours of blasting may be. fixed by the Construction Coordinator. Any damage caused by blasting shall be repaired or replaced at -the Contractor's expense. The Contractor shall ascertain ' that the method of blasting will be in accordance with state and local ordinances. Any blasting shall be done only under the direct supervision of a certified blaster. 3.05 Sheathing and Bracing ' A. Where it is necessary to protect nearby structures and pavements, or when the trench must be confined to allow for traffic flow, tight sheathing will be required. The Contractor to call the Construction Coordinator's attention to any unforeseen condition that requires the use of sheathing. Sheathing. must be driven unless soil conditions allow the sets to be placed after excavating. If placed after excavating, the voids between the trench wall and sheathing must be immediately filled with sand. , B. Removal of sheathing must not take place until the trench is backfilled. Flooding or jetting the trench shall be done after the sheathing is removed. C. The Construction Coordinator may approve, in writing, some or all of the sheathed sets to remain ' in place. Sheathing ordered left in place shall have the upper portion within 2 feet of a street surface cut off and removed. D. Spot braces, individual shorings spaced at various intervals along trench, portable trench boxes or , sliding shields will be considered incidental to the cost of the pipe laying. 3.06 Wet Trench Conditions ' A. The Contractor shall attempt to dispose of all groundwater or surface drainage seeping in the trench by employing ordinary dewatering techniques such as.the use of sump pumps, dikes, etc. Allowing water to flow into the pipe being laid will not be permitted except in the case of a storm Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02321 —TRENCHING, BACKFILLING, AND COMPACTING Page 6 of 9 ' ' sewer where the joints have set. Water entering the installed pipe must flow through the pipe or be pumped out. The installed pipe shall not be used as a reservoir. A temporary stopper or plug must be installed on the upper end of each pipe being laid if there is danger of sand or debris being washed into the pipe. Do not place water so that it ponds on roadway subgrade or adjacent private property. ' B. Contractor shall follow provisions of Section 02140 Water Control, the approved Water Control Plan, and the Groundwater Discharge Permit. C. If the existing soil in the trench bottom is judged to be unsuitable by the Construction Coordinator after dewatering measures have been taken, a minimum of the top 6-inches of the subgrade shall '. be removed and replaced with stabilization material. 3.07 Dewatering A. Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining a dry trench by ordinary dewatering techniques, well points, or other measures as approved in the Water Control Plan or by the Construction Coordinator during the course of work. ' B. If wells are utilized for dewatering, the wells shall be drilled, maintained, and abandoned in accordance with the requirements of the State of Colorado, Office of the State Engineer. 3.08 Granular Base to Replace Poor Subsoil ' A. At any time material such as muck, sawdust, bark, or other material is encountered which would not form a suitable and permanent base, the Construction Coordinator shall be notified to decide if it should be removed and replaced with suitable granular bedding or stabilization material. The ' sand or gravel base replacement is to be compacted in 6-inch layers up to the bottom of the normal trench section. 3.09 Granular Bedding A. Bedding material shall be placed from the trench bottom to the pipe spring line in accordance with the Drawings or as required by pipe material specifications. ' 3.10 Backfilling with Existing Material A. Backfilling shall be accomplished immediately after installation of the pipe unless otherwise approved by the' Construction Coordinator. ' B. Unless otherwise noted on the Drawings, initial backfill material over the pipe to a minimum depth of 1 foot above the pipe shall be granular bedding material or previously excavated granular soil reasonably free of large rock, organic matter, clay or other unsuitable material if approved by the Construction Coordinator. Trench backfill over the initial backfill zone may be previously ' excavated soil except as determined by the Construction Coordinator to be unsuitable. C. The initial backfill material over the pipe up to a minimum depth of one foot above the pipe shall be filled in by hand and well compacted over and around the pipe with hand tampers or mechanical means to the proper density. Special care shall be taken in placing and tamping the initial backfill material so the alignment and grade of the pipe will not be disturbed nor the pipe damaged. ' D. When backfilling in frozen material, the Contractor shall cover the pipe and tamp the backfill around the pipe using only loose thawed material. No frozen material shall be placed in the trench. All frozen material shall be kept from around manholes and other structures. 3.11 Granular Backfill A. Granular backfill shall be provided by the Contractor and placed in the trench when the excavated material is unsuitable for backfill or when ordered by the Construction Coordinator. Bank run ' gravel may be used provided the initial backfill zone (one foot above pipe) has been filled with acceptable granular bedding material. . Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02321 —TRENCHING, BACKFILLING, AND COMPACTING ' Page 7 of 9 3.12 Trench Compaction A. The pipe trench shall be backfilled to the limits as shown on the Contract Drawings. The backfill in all areas shall be moisture treated to within 2 percent of optimum moisture content (sand soils) or between optimum and 3 percent over optimum moisture content (clay soils), processed to a uniform consistency, placed in 8 inch maximum loose lifts, and compacted by vibrating, tamping, or a combination thereof to 75% relative density for sand material as determined by the relative density of cohesionless soils test, ASTM D4253,. or to 95% of the Maximum Standard Proctor Density for cohesive soils as determined by ASTM D698. Where cement sand is utilized, compaction may be achieved using at least 5 passes of a heavy, walk behind or self-propelled, vibratory mechanical compactor. Prior to compaction, sand soils shall be brought to within 2 percent of the optimum moisture content, and clay soils shall be processed to between optimum and 3 percent above, optimum moisture content for soil compacted according to ASTM D698. All backfill shall be brought up to equal height along each side of the pipe in such a manner as to avoid displacement. Backfill material shall be distributed in 6-inch maximum lifts over the full width of the trench. Wet, soft or frozen material, asphalt chunks, or other deleterious substances shall not be used for backfill. If the excavated material is not suitable for backfill, as determined by the ENGINEER, suitable material shall be hauled in and utilized and the rejected material hauled away and disposed of. Backfilling shall be conducted at all times in a manner to prevent damage to the pipe or its coating and shall be kept as close to the pipe laying operation as practical. Backfilling procedures shall conform to the additional requirements, if any, of appropriate agencies or private right-of-way agreements. 3.13 Restoration A. Unsurfaced Areas: All surface cuts shall be, as a minimum, restored to a condition equal to that prior to construction. B. Surfaced Areas: All surface cuts shall be, as a minimum, restored to a condition equal to that prior to construction. All gravel or paved streets shall be restored in accordance with the regulations and requirements of the agency having control or jurisdiction over the street,: roadway, or right-of-way. C. Grassed or Landscaped Areas: In landscaped or agricultural areas, topsoil, to a depth of 12 inches, shall be removed from the area of general disturbance and stockpiled. After installation of all pipelines, appurtenances and structures and completion of all backfill and compaction, the stockpiled topsoil shall be redistributed evenly over all disturbed areas. Care should be taken to conform to the original ground contour or fmal.grading plans. 3.14 Disposal of Surplus or Undesirable Material A. . Surplus material shall include all excavation that is more than the amount needed for backfilling or is undesirable for backfilling. B. The Contractor shall find his own disposal sites, remove and load excess material, haul, and dispose of material. Such material shall become property of the Contractor. Measurement and payment will not be made separately but will be incidental to other Bid Items. 3.15 Field Quality Control A. Moisture and density tests are the responsibility of the Contractor and shall be performed by a private Geotechnical Consultant. B. Field tests will be conducted to determine compliance of moisture/density testing methods with specified density in accordance with ASTM D2922. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02321 — TRENCHING, BACKFILLING, AND COMPACTING Page 8 of 9 SECTION 00300 BID FORM ' PROJECT: Place Fort Collins, Colorado 1 Date April 13, 2009 1. In compliance with your Invitation to Bid dated March 20 2009 and subject to all conditions thereof, the undersigned a (Corporation, XX��Y��4XXx�XXXX��XX X8 TX authorized to do business in the State of Colorado hereby proposes to furnish and do everything required by the Contract ' Documents to which this refers for the construction of all items listed on the following Bid Schedule or Bid Schedules. 2. The undersigned Bidder does hereby declare and stipulate that this proposal is made in good faith, without collusion or connection with any other person or persons Bidding for the same Work, and that it is made in pursuance of and subject to all the terms and conditions of the ' Invitation to Bid and Instructions to Bidders, the Agreement, the detailed Specifications, and the Drawings pertaining to the Work to be done, all of which have been examined by the undersigned. ' 3. Accompanying this Bid is a certified or cashier's check or standard Bid bond in the sum of 50 ' ($ ) in accordance with the Invitation To Bid and Instructions to Bidders. 4. The undersigned Bidder agrees to execute the Agreement and a Performance ' Bond and a Payment Bond for the amount of the total of this Bid within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date when the written notice of the award of the contract is delivered to him at the address given on this ' Bid. The name and address of the corporate surety with which the Bidder proposes to furnish the specified performance and payment bonds is as follows: Deyeleper'sSure _& ina Greenwood Vl , CO 80111 5. All the various phases o� Work enumerated in the Contract Documents with their individual jobs and overhead, whether specifically mentioned, included by implication or appurtenant thereto, are to be performed by ' the CONTRACTOR under one of the items listed in the Bid Schedule, irrespective of whether it is named in said list. ' 6. Payment for Work performed will be in accordance with the Bid Schedule or Bid Schedules subject to changes as provided in the Contract Documents. ' 7. The undersigned Bidder hereby acknowledges receipt of Addenda No. through % IRev10/20/07 Section 00300 Page 1 C. Test results shall be submitted to :the Construction Coordinator by the Contractor or the Geotechnical Consultant for approval by the Owner prior to acceptance of the pipeline and shall be made available on the day of the test. D. Moisture/density tests shall be performed at a minimum of once every 200 linear feet, as measured along the pipe, or as determined by the Construction Coordinator. Tests shall be performed at a depth of two (2) feet above the top of the pipe bedding and in two (2) foot vertical increments up to finish grade. A minimum of one test shall be performed in the backfill and one at final grade. A minimum of one test shall be performed for each service line or lateral installation. E. Moisture/density tests in the vicinity of manholes shall be performed at a maximum of one (1) foot away from the manhole section. A test shall be performed in all four directions from the manhole (four tests total per set). A minimum of one set of tests shall be performed for every two (2) feet of backfill material. F. All failed test areas shall be recompacted and retested at Contractor's expense. G. All compaction shall be to a minimum of 95 percent (%) of the maximum Standard Proctor Density unless otherwise noted on the Drawings. H. All compacted material shall be within 2% (+/-) of the optimum moisture content of the soil as determined by ASTM D698. Water shall be added to the material, or the material shall be harrowed, disced, bladed, or otherwise worked to ensure a uniform moisture content as specified. END OF SECTION 1 Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02321 —TRENCHING, BACKFILLING, AND COMPACTING Page 9 of 9 SECTION 02348 — GEOTEXTILE STABILIZATION FABRIC PART 1 — GENERAL 1.01 Summary A. Provide geotextile stabilization fabric as shown and as specified. Comply with applicable provisions of Div. 0 and 1. 1.02 Submittals A. Product Data: Submit geotextile fabric data. Include material samples, certification of physical properties, and installation procedures.02] Select reference to 01010 or 01330 for submittal procedures. B. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01010/01330. 1.03 Storage and Handling A. Store and handle fabric in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. PART 2 — PRODUCTS 2.01 Geotextile Stabilization Fabric A. Fabric shall be a woven polypropylene, polyethylene, or polyamide material with very high installation survivability whose function is to provide subgrade reinforcing. B. Provide fabric with the following performance and in-service properties (properties shall be in both principal fabric directions where applicable): Property Value Test Weight 6 oz/yd2 (min.) ASTM D3776 Tensile Strength 270 lb (min.) ASTM D4632 Elongation 15% (min.) ASTM D4632 Puncture Strength 110 lb (min.) ASTM D4633 Mullen Burst Strength 430 psi (min.) ASTM D3786 Water Flow Rate 4 gal/min/ftz (min.) ASTM D4491 Apparent Opening Size (AOS) 40 sieve ASTM D4751 PART 3 — EXECUTION 3.01 Fabric Installation A. Install fabric as shown and in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Fabrics and keyed in sections shall be installed as shown in Construction Plans. B. Areas to be covered by fabric shall be cleared of debris and other items which could tear or puncture material. Roll out fabric on surface and manually pull taut to remove wrinkles. C. If lapping of fabric is required, minimum overlap shall be 2 ft on parallel strips and 3 ft on butt strips. Overlaps may be eliminated if fabric sections are either factory or field sewn. Seam strength shall be at least 80% of fabric tensile strength. D. After placement, make provisions to prevent lifting or movement of fabric by wind. Repair or replace torn or punctured fabric in accordance with manufacturer's instructions; no extra compensation will be allowed. Cover fabric within 72 hr of placement. Do not allow vehicles on fabric until after backfill or aggregate is placed. E. Place initial lift of backfill or aggregate in a manner that will not cause damage to fabric. Wheel or tread rut depth caused by construction equipment shall not exceed 3 in. Fill all surface ruts with additional material; smoothing of ruts without adding material will not be allowed. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02348 — GEOTEXTILE STABILIZATION FABRIC Page 1 of 2 ' F. At existing or proposed trees and shrubs, fabric will be suitably stapled to prevent uplift at exposed edges. G. Permanent fabric shall be installed with 1 " of topsoil applied uniformly on top of the fabric. Care shall be taken to ensure soil mixes into the fabric matrix adequately to support root growth. Seed is then applied to top of soil followed by a temporary erosion control fabric. END OF SECTION Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02348 — GEOTEXTILE STABILIZATION FABRIC Page 2 of 2 DIVISION 2 ; SECTION 02375 — SITE ROCK WORK PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Section Includes A. The work of this section shall include excavation, grading and installation of site boulders placed at the locations shown on the Drawings. The materials to be used for the construction of such structures shall be as specified herein. Site Rock Work includes the following: 1. Boulder Walls 2. Landscape Boulders 3. Sandstone Boulders 1.02 Related Sections A. Section 02210 - Earthwork & Grading PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 Materials A. Sandstone Boulders: 1. Stone Type: Colorado Buff Sandstone 2. Approved Suppliers:. a. Arkins Park Stone Quarries, 970-663-1920 b. Tribble Stone, 303-444-1840 c. Or approved equivalent. 2. Boulder sizes shall be as indicated on the drawings. $. River Rock Boulders: 1. Stone Type: Large Rounded Granite River Rock (no sharp edges or fractures) 2. Approved Suppliers: a. stockpiled on site 3. Boulder sizes shall be as indicated on the drawings. Where plans do not specify specific sizes, sandstone boulder sizes shall range between 0.5 ton and 1.5 tons. An even mix of the full ranges of sizes shall be provided (not all 0.5 ton). PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 Handling A. Handling of the stone/boulders shall be carried out in such a way that the stones/boulders are not damaged or scarred. Damage stones/boulders may be rejected by the Owner. 3.02 Placement A. Placement of Sandstone Boulders: Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02375 — SITE ROCK WORK , Page 1 of 2 ' 1. Place stone/boulders with flat side up and most attractive face (as determined by Owner's Representative) facing activity areas, unless otherwise noted or directed by the Owner's ' Representative. 2. Vertical Joints: chisel or hammer stone as required to achieve joint widths as indicated on the drawings. Stone chinking will not be allowed. ' 3. Horizontal Joints: Joints between horizontal courses of stone shall be level, unless otherwise noted. ' 4. Tolerance: Top of Boulder or Top of Wall elevations shall be within 0.1 of the designed elevation. Horizontal coursing 5. Bury approximately 1/3 the height of the stone/boulder, unless otherwise noted. ' 6. Locations and quantity shall be as indicated in the drawings. Final placement of stone/boulders shall be reviewed and approved on site by the Owner's Representative prior to placing paving, surfacing and landscaping in abutting areas ' 7. Upon completion of Owner accepted setting of boulders, rocks will be clean and debris free. B. Placement of River Rock Boulders: ' 1. Place stone/boulders in the configuration shown on the drawings. 2 Bury approximately 1/3 the height of the stonelboulder, unless otherwise notes. ' 3 Locations and quantity shall be as indicated in the drawings. Final placement of stone/boulders shall be reviewed and approved on site by the Owner's Representative prior to placing paving, surfacing and landscaping in abutting areas. 3.03 Clean Up A. Remove unneeded stone debris from the site. ' B. Clean dirt, debris, trash and other deleterious material from stone surfaces and surrounding areas. END OF SECTION 1 Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02375 — SITE ROCK WORK Page 2 of 2 SECTION 02507 — PVC PLASTIC PIPE AND FITTINGS PART 1 —GENERAL 1.01 Summary A. Provide pipe and fittings as shown and as specified. 1.02 Related Sections A. Section 02321 — Trenching, Backfilling, and Compacting 1.03 Submittals A. Test Reports: Upon request, submit three certified copies of test and inspection reports in accordance with applicable ASTM Standards. B. Product Data: Submit product data for pipe, fittings, and gaskets. C. Accurately record locations of fittings and field changes. Prior to final application for payment, deliver record drawings to Owner. 1.04 Material Handling A. Carefully unload and store pipe to prevent chipping, cracking, or damage to surface coatings. Pipe shall not be skidded upon ground. Repair damaged coatings. B. Pipe or fittings shall not be dropped. Damaged pipe or fittings shall not be installed. C. Lubricant shall be stored or handled in a manner to prevent contamination of the lubricant. D. Rubber gaskets shall be stored in a location which protects them from deterioration. E. Pipe shall be stored in accordance with manufacturer's specifications. PART 2 — PRODUCTS 2.01 PVC Plastic Pipe, General A. PVC pipe, fittings, and accessories shall be of material and type indicated in the Drawings and shall conform to the quality and type specified in this Section. If not designated, use the material , listed below. Each pipe shall be stamped or indelibly marked with its type and class and the manufacturer's name or mark. ' 2.02 PVC Gravity Pipe A. All gravity pipe and fittings shall be manufactured in accordance with ASTM D3034. The standard dimension ratio (SDR) of plastic gravity pipe shall not exceed 35. B. All PVC pipe and fittings shall be made from PVC components that conform to ASTM D1784. . C. All joints shall be bell and spigot type and shall be manufactured in accordance with ASTM D3212. All gaskets shall be of o-ring type and manufactured in accordance with ASTM F477. ' All bells shall be formed integrally with the pipe and shall contain a factory installed elastomeric gasket, which is positively retained. 2.04 Bedding , A. PVC pipe shall be bedded in accordance with the Drawings (see standard details) using CDOT #67 granular material place to a minimum of one (1) foot above the top of pipe. Refer to Section 02321 for Trenching, Backfilling, and Compacting specifications. , 2.05 Tees and Wyes A. Tees and wyes shall be of the diameter indicated consisting of a standard or short length of main pipe with a factory fabricated spur attached. Joining of spur to main line pipe shall provide ' strength, water -tightness, and a flush inside surface of the main line pipe. All work shall be done in accordance with the Drawings (see standard details). Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02507 — PVC PLASTIC PIPE AND FITTINGS Page 1 of 3 ' n J 1 1 H 2.06 Gravity Pipe Couplings A. ASTM C 1173, rubber or elastomeric sleeve and stainless band assembly fabricated to mate with OD of pipes to be joined, for nonpressure joints. 2.07 Gravity Pipe Couplings A. Cast -in -place concrete shall be in accordance with Section 03300. PART 3 — PRODUCTS 3.01 Line and Grade A. Contractor shall provide line and grade at a convenient offset. Contractor shall be responsible for preservation of line and grade markings and if disturbed, shall pay actual cost of replacement. B. Contractor shall transfer line and grade from offset to sewer by means of laser beam equipment or other approved methods. Inform Owner of proposed methods and equipment prior to construction. Discontinue methods that do not produce accurate control for setting line and grade. 3.02 Line and Grade A. PVC pipe installation, including trenching, bedding, backfill, and compaction, shall be done in accordance with the Drawings and with Section 02321, Trenching, Backfilling, and Compacting. Pipe shall be joined in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and as specified below. B. Where practicable, begin at lowest point of proposed sewer line; lay with bell end or receiving groove edge upstream in direction of laying. C. Pipe shall be laid immediately following the trench preparation and bedding provisions of Section 02321 and of the Drawings. D. Exercise care when handling pipe. Ropes, nylon slings, or other devices must be used for lowering pipe into trench. Only pipe which is suitable for use is to remain on site. Damaged or broken pipe shall be immediately separated from acceptable pipe. E. Lay pipe uniformly to line and grade on a prepared bed providing even support along entire barrel. Excavate bell holes in bedding material so pipe will rest on barrel and not on bell. As work progresses, interior of sewer shall be cleared of dirt and debris. Do not lay pipe where water is above bedding material except where Owner determines that foundation is stable, pipe will not be displaced upward, and joint construction will not be affected by water. F. Joint materials and methods shall conform to manufacturer's recommendations. G. Rubber -type gasket joint shall be made using lubricant of vegetable origin. Groove in spigot shall be lubricated before setting gasket. Prior to connecting pipe joints, all'surface of the joint shall be clean, dry, and completely free of dirt. When final grade is achieved, the joint shall be carefully pushed home using approved methods of leverage. Seating of the gasket shall be checked around the entire circumference of the pipe by visual and feeler gauge inspection. H. At all watermain crossings provide and install watertight external gasket joint sealant a minimum of 10 feet to each side of the watermain crossing or at two pipe joints, whichever is greater. Follow manufacturer installation specifications. I. Each pipe shall be bedded by hand or by equally careful means to 12-inch cover before laying subsequent pipes. Fill space between pipe and trench wall in 6-inch layers and manually compact. Pipe sizes larger than 15 inches diameter may require mechanical compaction of bedding material. J. Pipes shall be laid with straight alignment between adjacent manholes and/or inlets. K. When work is not in progress, securely close ends of pipe fittings so that no trench water, earth, or other substances will enter pipe. 3.03 Alignment and Grade Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02507 — PVC PLASTIC PIPE AND FITTINGS Page 2 of 3 A. Owner reserves the right to require further tests of alignment and grade if video tape and inspections indicate additional tests are necessary in the Engineer's opinion. If so directed, Contractor shall check alignment and grade by the lamping method. If pipe shows poor alignment, offset or open joints, sags or kinks; defects shall be corrected by Contractor before final acceptance. If defects are found due to failure of proper installation or sound materials, Contractor shall pay for and promptly correct defects. END OF SECTION Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02507 — PVC PLASTIC PIPE AND FITTINGS Page 3 of 3 ' lIVISION 2 SECTION 02535 - Sandscape TextureTM PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 Work Included ' A. Full depth Sandscape TextureTM Concrete. 1.2 Description — Sandscape TextureTM Concrete Includes: ' A. Materials: concrete, integral color, surface treatment. B. Pressurized cleaning equipment C. Concrete placement and finish ' D. Surface treatment E. Sealer Application 1.3 Submittals A. Submit samples as required showing color, finish and sealer B. Color chart ' C. Product data D. Equipment data ' 1.4 Contractor A. Cast in place Sandscape TextureTM Concrete is to be installed by a decorative ' concrete contractor with a minimum of 3 years experience installing Sandscape TextureTM Concrete. The contractor shall submit a list of several prior installations for the customer to view in order to evaluate the overall level of quality and expertise demonstrated by the contractor. ' B. Preferred installer to be Colorado Hardscapes, Inc.: 8085 E. Harvard Ave., Denver, CO 80231, Phone: 303-750-8200, Fax: 303-750-8886 or approved equal PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 Concrete 11 A. Mix Design a. Concrete shall have a minimum of 3,500 psi (per ACI 318) or as required by local building codes or industry standards, whichever is higher b. Portland Cement shall conform to ASTM C150, C595 or C1157 depending on soil conditions. C. Aggregate shall conform to ASTM C33 ; d. Air entrainment shall conform to ASTM C260 Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02535 — SANDSCAPE Page 1 of 2 2.2 COLORING, TEXTURE AND SEALING MATERIALS A. The concrete shall be colored with the following Sandscape TextureTM color: Prairie B. CHI 027 Surface Treatment will be used for texturing. C. Coordinate Sealing with Artist for art work installation PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 3.3 Installation A. The area to receive Sandscape TextureTM concrete shall have the sub -grade prepared as required as for any concrete slab on grade. B. The formwork shall be installed in accordance with the drawings. The slab thickness shall be consistent with that of ordinary concrete slabs under the same conditions. C. Provide reinforcement as specified. D. Control joints and/or expansion joints shall be provided in accordance with the drawings and the guidelines established by the American Concrete Institute. As with any concrete slab, Sandscape TextureTM concrete usually contains construction joints, control joints and expansion joints. The contractor shall advise and work with the architect/engineer to determine the best location for these joints to minimize the visibility of the joints and to minimize unsightly cracking. E. All concrete flatwork shall be performed under the direct supervision of a Craftsman holding the following certificate: American Concrete Institute (ACI) Concrete Flatwork Finisher and Technician (ACICFFT). A minimum of one certified Craftsman is required at each finishing operation. F. The concrete shall be placed and screeded to the finished grade, and floated to a uniform surface using standard finishing techniques. G. Surface Treatment will be applied and cleaned off with proper equipment. H. After the initial curing period the surface of the slab shall be sealed. Installation Tolerances A. Uniformly finish the concrete surface B. Uniformly apply the CHI 027 surface treatment C. Install control joints in a timely manner to minimize random cracking. D. Remove the surface down to the fine aggregate using pressurized equipment. Care is to be taken in not leaving any deep or shallow inconsistencies in the overall Sandscape TextureTM E. Evenly apply the recommended sealer F. Clean up project site END OF SECTION Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02535 — SANDSCAPE ' Page 2 of 2 6) Please verify the Type 1 fence and Type 1 removable fence is to have 2.25" 12 ga. square tube posts. Need to specify spacing for post A: The posts are to be 2.25" DIAMETER steel posts, ASTM grade B per Details 2 and 3 on sheet 7. Post spacing shall be 3 7/8" clear, typ. 7) Bid item #7 indicates that the concrete steps are included, but plan sheet #3 indicates they are included in Alt. #2. Please clarify. A: Concrete steps to be included with Alt #2 not with bid item #7. 8) Electrical drawings state that they are preliminary, cot for construction. Will final drawings be supplied? A: Yes 9) Does the existing pump station have a flow sensor to start and stop the pump? How is excess pressure relieved? A: Pump starts and stops with an existing timer control. There is no pressure release valve required as spray features are activated the pressure changes will feed back to the flow from the water falls, varying the waterfall flowrate. 10) Vortex drain box calls out (2) on site plan sheet 4, and (3) on sheet 9. Which is correct? A: Three (3) Vortex drain boxes are required. Two (2) in center of spray area and one (1) near the new vault door. Please contact John D. Stephen, CPPO, CPPB, Senior Buyer at (970) 221-6777 with any questions regarding this addendum. RECEIPT OF THIS ADDENDUM MUST BE ACKNOWLEDGED BY A WRITTEN STATEMENT ENCLOSED WITH THE BID/QUOTE STATING THAT THIS ADDENDUM HAS BEEN RECEIVED. where renewal is a way of life ' 8. BID SCHEDULE (Base Bid) 1. BIDDER will complete the Work for all bid items listed in Schedule 1. 2. Bid Form Abbreviation Legend a. LS = Lump Sum b. EA = Each c. LF = Linear Foot ' d. SF = Square Foot e. SY = Square Yard f. CY = Cubic Yard SCHEDULE1 Provide materials and labor associated with installation, maintenance, start-up and Owner training, as indicated on the drawings and in the Specifications, for each of the following bid items. Owner is iresponsible for payment of Building Permit application fees. Bid Item #1 Bid Bond and Mobilization ' To include all materials complete, in place (such as but not limited to the following: Bid Bond and Mobilization), as indicated on the Drawings, and in the Specifications. Lump Sum Price $ -7s00 ' In Writing C&v2s.,v >c � /) Bid Item #2 Demolition, Site Clearing, Temporary Controls, Construction Staking ' To include all materials complete, in place (such as but not limited to the following: Demolition, Site Clearing, Disposal, Protection and Stockpiling of Items to Remain, Tree Protection, Erosion Control Plan and Implementation, Traffic Control, Construction Staking), as indicated on the Drawings, and in ' the Specifications. Lump Sum Price $ -7000 5 ` In Writing SF✓,&11 -ifroJst.NAlo r_jy,-" Hyr/!7tie`j% kur/ /610 ' Bid Item #3 Landscape To include all materials complete, in place (such as but not limited to the following: Sod, Shrubs and ' Perennials, Boulders, Dry -Laid Rock Walls, Sand, Concrete Mow Strips, Fences), as indicated on the Drawings, and in the Specifications. Lump Sum Price $ ZG,CIOO 1 ' In Writing 7'wc NYY Qx, l� ras Rev 10/20/07 Section 00300 Page 2 C r 1 rDIUIS'°'+"�` "„'T ��t',y�F. `s `r �t> J' tE�"°"�, ��,, 3 F �r��"'�: rt�.��Tzs��'�' �,,�,� �. —� r.,` �� * ��� r�' ��'�'• - ....:iL.3C"�: _ .z�_.,dG�$��'r'a.;:,t'Lisad..L3.1`�r.�..r..:x.�.�1�3w1:�"�.r�..�tw�z2L�a..��.:`slt;"2�z,'�LY't...��:� �.§d�4 si��'.��,���„•,1�$.� �.b..�l.,::v_.. �`,."t SECTION 02722 - DRAINAGE STRUCTURES AND PIPING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Work Included A. Site drainage work as shown on the drawings. Site drainage system work includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1. PVC Drain Pipe. 1.02 Related Sections and Documents A. Section 02750: Concrete Paving. B. Drawings and general provisions of the Construction Contract, and Division-1 Specification sections apply to work of this section. 1.03 Protection of Property and Safety Measures A. Property and Utilities: All trees, shrubs, flowers, fences, buildings, walks, roadways, and other property shall be protected from damage. Any damage to said property shall be repaired or replaced to the Owner's satisfaction at the Contractor's expense. Open trenches left exposed shall be flared and barricaded as per OSHA regulations by the Contractor. Contractor shall restore all areas to their original condition. Contractor shall be responsible to contact utility companies and the Owner's representative for staked locations of all utilities on the property. If staked utilities are damaged by the Contractor, the utilities shall be repaired at the Contractor's expense. 1. All trenching and other work within 3 feet of existing trees shall be done by hand so as not to damage tree roots or limbs. All trenches shall be no less than one foot from the trunk of any tree. Promptly notify Owner's Representative of unexpected sub -surface conditions. B. Replacement of Paving and Curbs: Damage caused by trenching, crossing existing and/or proposed roadways, paths, curbing, etc. shall be kept to a minimum and all damaged areas shall be restored to their original condition. This will include compaction of subgrade to 95% relative compaction. C. Restoration shall take the following course: 1. Matching existing paving sections for asphalt paving. Thoroughly compact sub -base, base course, and bituminous course, matching grade of existing paving. No rough or rolled grades will be allowed. 2. Concrete paving -concrete to match adjoining concrete work, with expansion joints. 3. Sidewalks - concrete to match adjoining concrete work. 1.04 Quality Assurance A. For all site drainage work; conform to specifications and standards of local jurisdiction to the extent that they are more restrictive than specified herein. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02722 - DRAINAGE STRUCTURES I Page 1 of 3 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 Materials A. Fittings: Furnish ells, tees, wyes, couplings, flared end sections, and other fittings of the same type and class of material as the conduit, or of material having equal or superior physical and chemical properties as acceptable to the Owner's Representative. B. PVC Sewer Pipe: ASTM D3033, Type PSP, SDR 35; or ASTM D3034, Type PSM, SDR 35 with PVC, ASTM D3033 or D3034, solvent cement joints complying with ASTM D2855 using solvent cement complying with ASTM D2564; or elastomeric joints complying with ASTM D3212 using elastomeric seals complying with ASTM F477. 1. Pipe to be perforated or solid as noted on plans. 2.02 Soil Materials A. Pipe Bedding and Cover: Crushed rock or gravel, maximum 1.5" size, uniformly graded, 30 to 50% passing No. 4 sieve, 3 to 12% passing No. 200 sieve. B. Backfill: On -site materials as approved by Soils Engineer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 Preparation A. General: Install pipe in accordance with governing authorities having jurisdiction, except where more stringent requirements are indicated. 1. Inspect pipe before installation to detect any apparent defects. Mark defective materials with paint and promptly remove from the site. 2. Lay pipe beginning at the low point of system, true to the grades and alignment indicated with unbroken continuity of invert. B. Plastic Pipe: Install plastic pipe in accordance with manufacturer's installation recommendations, in accordance with ASTM D2321. 3.02 Installation A. Layout site drainage work and establish extent of excavation by area and elevation. Set required lines, levels, and elevations. B. Contact Owner's Representative upon finding any discrepancy in required lines, levels, and elevations. C. Perform excavating and backfilling as required to install site drainage work. D. Install site drainage system true to grade and alignment indicated. 1. Provide necessary equipment for lowering pipe safely into trenches. Handle pipe and accessories to prevent damage. Damaged materials replaced at Contractor's expense. 2. Do not place pipe in water, nor when trench or weather is unsuitable for site drainage work. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02722 - DRAINAGE STRUCTURES Page 2 of 3 ' 3. Remove all dirt and foreign material from pipe before installation. Provide bulkheads as required to prevent entrance of dirt or water after installation. ' 4. Lay and fit pipe sections to provide a smooth, uniform invert, with sealed joints and full bearing in bedding material. Provide continuous fall in flow direction. 5. Cut pipe ends entering structures flush with inner face of structures. Make tight epoxy grouted connections between drainage structure and pipe as required. Contractor shall make excavations, installing drainage structures, related accessories, backfilling, compacting backfill and leaving ' sites in a clean, neat condition. 6. Obtain required inspections and perform testing prior to backfilling. Remove obstructions, replace damaged components, and retest as required. Provide a satisfactory free flowing site ' drainage system. 3.03 Backfilling A. Conduct backfill operations of open -cut trenches closely following laying, jointing and bedding of pipe, and after initial inspection and testing are completed. B. Place bedding material in bottom of trench before installing pipe. After pipe and connections are in position, place and compact bedding and cover material using hand methods to one foot over top of ' pipe, compacted to 95%, Standard Proctor. Backfill to grade as specified in Section 02200. 3.04 Testing ' A. Perform testing of completed conduit lines in accordance with local authorities having jurisdiction. ' END OF SECTION 02722 I Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02722 - DRAINAGE STRUCTURES I Page 3 of 3 DMSION 2 SECTION 02750 — CONCRETE PAVING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Included A. Bidding Documents and Information, Conditions of the Contract and Division 1 - General Requirements apply to the Work of this Section of the Specifications. B. Section Includes: 1. Sidewalks, curb and gutter, plazas and exterior slabs 2. Integrally Colored Concrete Pavement 3. Waterstop for Exterior Pavement 1.02 Related Sections: A. Section 03240 — Fibrous Concrete Reinforcing B. Section 07900 -Joint Sealers: Colored sealants for joints. C. Section 03300 - Cast -In -Place Concrete 1.03 References A. Geotechnical Engineering Report prepared by Terracon, dated 3/11/2001 B. American Concrete Institute: 1. ACI 301 - Structural Concrete for Buildings. 2. ACI 305R - Hot Weather Concreting. 3. ACI 306R - Cold Weather Concreting. 4. ACI 316R - Recommendations for Construction of Concrete Pavements and Bases. C. American Society for Testing and Materials: 1. ASTM C309 - Liquid Membrane -Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete. 2. ASTM C979 - Pigments for Integrally Colored Concrete. 1.04 Submittals A. Submit product data and manufacturer's instructions for: 1. Pigments. 2. Curing compounds. 3. Color Hardener and Release Agents. 4. Reinforcing and Concrete Mix Designs B. Samples: 1. Submit sample chip(s) of specified color(s) indicating pigment number(s) and required dosage rate(s). Submittals are for general verification of color and may vary somewhat from concrete finished in field according to Specifications. 2. Submit samples of imprinted concrete color samples. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02750 - CONCRETE PAVING ' Page 1 of 6 1.05 Quality Assurance A. Perform work in accordance with ACI 301 and ACI 316R. ' B. Conform to ACI 305R during hot weather. C. Conform to ACI 306R during cold weather. ' D. Obtain materials from same source and maintain high degree of consistency in workmanship throughout Project. E. Installer Qualifications: Concrete shall be fmished by firm with five years experience with work of similar scope and quality. F. Colored Concrete Field Samples: ' 1. Provide field sample under provisions of Section 01400. 2. At location on Project selected by Owner's Representative, place and finish 4 x 4 feet area demonstrating materials, workmanship, and curing method to be used throughout Project. ' 3. 'Retain samples of cements and aggregates used in mock-up for comparison with materials used in remaining Work. ' 4. Accepted .field sample provides visual standard for work of Section. 5. Field sample may remain as part of Work. However, it can be removed when no longer required for comparison with fmished work. G. Where work occurs in public rights -of -way, it shall conform strictly to current government ' specifications. 1.06 Delivery, Storage and Handling ' A. Pigments: Comply with manufacturer's instructions. Deliver pigments in original, unopened packaging. Store in dry conditions. 1.07 Project Conditions A. Colored Concrete Environmental Requirements: 1. Schedule placement to minimize exposure to wind and hot sun before curing materials are ' applied. 2. Avoid placing concrete if rain, snow, or frost is forecast within 24 hours. Protect fresh concrete from moisture and freezing. ' 1.08 Performance Requirements A. Pavement design and installation shall accommodate Light duty commercial vehicles and trash ' removal. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 Forms A. Forms may be either stationary or slip -form type. If slip forms are used,.fmished surfaces shall be ' of quality equal tothat produced by stationary forms. B. Stationary forms shall be steel or wood, free of distortion and defects, and of appropriate size and ' strength. Use flexible spring steel forms or laminated boards to form radius bends. Apply nonstaining, clear, paraffin -based form oil. 2.01 Concrete Mix ' A. Mix and deliver concrete in accordance with ASTM C94. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02750 - CONCRETE PAVING Page 2 of 6 C. Mix Design: Concrete mix shall comply with the Geotechnical Engineering Report prepared by Terracon dated 3/11/2001. The Geotechnical Engineering Report is available D. Cement: Color shall be gray. E. Sand: Color shall be locally available natural sand. F. Admixtures: Do not use calcium chloride admixtures. 2.02 Reinforcement A. Fiber reinforcement shall comply with Section 03240. B. Welded wire fabric shall comply with ASTM A185; furnish flat sheets. C. Reinforcement bars shall comply with ASTM A615, Grade 60. 2.03 Pigments for Integrally Colored Concrete: A. Manufacturer: 1. Davis Colors manufactured by Davis Colors; phone 213-269-7311, or approved equivalent. 2. Substitutions: Comply with Section 01600 for substitution request procedures. B. Materials: Pigments shall contain pure, concentrated mineral pigments especially processed for mixing into concrete and complying with ASTM C979. C. Packaging: If pigments are to be added to mix at Site, furnish pigments in pre -measured Mix - Ready disintegrating bags to minimize job site waste. D. Colors: a. Concrete mix shall contain the dosage rate of pigments indicated in the manufacturer's instructions. Dosage rate shall be based on weight of portland cement, fly ash, silica fume, lime and other cementitious materials but not aggregate or sand. Refer to the "Site Concrete Schedule" and to the site plans for locations of the various colors of concrete. b. Colored Plaza: Flagstone Brown, 3 lbs of pigment, 641 per cubic foot of Type II cement (2%) 2.04 Accessories A. Curing Compound for Standard Grey Concrete: Prokrete Apromulsion @ 50A, white or Acceptable Substitution. B. Curing Compound for Colored Concrete: Curing compound shall comply with ASTM C309 and be approved by pigment manufacturer for use with colored concrete. Provide W-1000 Clear Cure & Seal and Color Seal II tinted to match colored concrete and manufactured by Davis Colors. Color Seal II will only be used where indicated on the plans. If not specified on the plans, Clear Cure and Seal shall be used. B. Sealants: Joint sealers shall be type specified in Section 07920. Provide in color matching colored concrete. C. Forms: Wood, masonite or steel, profiled to site conditions. D. Joint Filler: Adjacent to Rocks, Walls and Other Areas Requiring a Sealant: Neoprene Sponge Rubber ASTM D1752 Type I, 1/2 inch thick, with strippable top. E. Other Joints: Asphalt impregnated fiberboard, ASTM D1751 1/2 inch thick by full depth of concrete. F. Reinforcing Steel: ASTM A615; 40 ksi; deformed bars. G. Waterstop: Manufactured by Vinylex, Split Ribbed, Model Number RSB6738 Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02750 - CONCRETE PAVING Page 3 of 6 IPART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 Sample ' A. Provide a 4' X 4' sample of each proposed concrete color and finish for review by the Owner's Representative prior to placement of sidewalks or pavement. Obtain written authorization to proceed prior to placing remaining walk. The sample may become a part of the permanent work if ' approved by the Owner. If the sample is not approved, the Contractor shall remove the test section from the site and shall place another sample for approval. 3.02 Examination and Preparation A. Verify grades and elevations of base. Remove loose material from compacted subgrade. Proof - roll subgrade; give notice of unstable areas. Moisten subgrade to provide a uniformly damp ' condition. B. Verify compacted subgrade is ready to support paving and imposed loads. ASTM D698, Minimum Percent Compaction: 95 ' C. Moisten substrate to minimize absorption of water from fresh concrete. D. Set clean forms to required grades and lines, rigidly braced and secured. Sidewalks shall be minimum 5-inch thick, except provide minimum 8-inch thickness at Trash Compactor Slab in ' Maintenance Yard. D. Check tolerances as follows (slip form methods shall produce equivalent results): ' 1. Top of form: 1/8 inch in 10 feet 2. Alignment of vertical face: 1/4 inch in 10 feet E. Adjust manholes and utility structures to grade. ' 3.03 Forming A. Place and secure forms to correct location, dimension, and profile. ' B. Place expansion joints at intervals shown on drawing maximum. C. Coordinate utility pads with respective Division 15 and Division 16 Contractors. ' D. Place joint filler between paving components and building or other appurtenances. E. Form for handicap accessibility at curbs and gutters as shown. ' 3.04 Placing Reinforcing A. Where indicated on the drawings, sidewalks, plazas exterior slabs and utility pads shall be reinforced with 6 x 6 - W I A x W I A fabric installed in the top 1 /3 of the slab. Interrupt reinforcing at construction joints. Support wire fabric in position prior to pouring concrete. Minimize lifting wire fabric during placement of concrete. B. Refer to section 03240 for Fibrous Reinforcing information. ' C. Place and support steel reinforcement as specified in Section 03200/03300. D. Reinforcement for concrete stairs shall be as shown on drawings. ' E. Coordinate installation of rocks into formwork. 305 Mixing Color Pigments A. Pigments: Mix in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Mix until pigments are uniformly ' dispersed throughout mixture and disintegrating bags, if used, have disintegrated. B. Schedule delivery of concrete to provide consistent mix times from hatching until discharge. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02750 - CONCRETE PAVING Page 4 of 6 3.06 Placing Concrete A. Place concrete in accordance with ACI 301 and Section 03050. B. Do not disturb reinforcement, embedded components, or formed joints during concrete placement. C. Place concrete continuously between predetermined construction joints. D. Apply curing compound on exposed concrete surfaces immediately after finishing. Apply in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 3.07 Finishing A. Provide uniform joint patterns as shown on drawings, with dummy joints at 10 foot o.c. where not otherwise shown. Sawed joints should be cut within 24 hours of concrete placement, and should be a minimum of 25% of slab thickness. B. Sidewalks: Medium broom, radius edges and trowel joint. Remove joint tool marks so only vertical joint is visible. Heavy broom finish and scoring required by ADA at handicap access ramp and curb ramp locations C. Slope or cross slope walks and slabs to provide positive drainage. D. Broomed: Pull broom across freshly floated concrete to produce fine, medium texture in straight lines perpendicular to main line of traffic. Do not dampen brooms. 3.08 Joints A. Construct expansion, weakened -plane control (contraction), and construction joints straight with face perpendicular to concrete surface. Construct transverse joints perpendicular to centerline, unless otherwise detailed. B. Weakened -Plane Control or Contraction Joints: Provide joints at spacing of 15'-0" on centers maximum each way. Construct control joints for depth equal to at least '/o of the concrete thickness, as follows: 1. Form tooled joints in fresh concrete by grooving top with recommended tool and finishing edge with jointer. 2. Form sawed joints using powered saws equipped with shatterproof abrasive or diamond - rimmed blades. Cut joints into hardened concrete as soon as surface will not be torn, abraded, or otherwise damaged by cutting action. C. Construction Joints: Place construction joints at end of placements and at locations where placement operations are stopped for period of more than 1/2hour, except where such placements terminate at expansion joints. Construct joints using standard metal keyway -section forms. D. Expansion Joints: Locate expansion joints at maximum of 180'-0" on centers maximum each way unless otherwise shown on the Construction Drawings. Provide pre-molded'joint filler for expansion joints abutting concrete curbs, catch basins, manholes, inlets, structures, sidewalks, and other fixed objects. E. Joint Fillers: Extend joint fillers full -width and depth of joint, and not less than inch or more than 1 inch below finished surface where joint sealer is indicated. Furnish joint fillers in 1-piece lengths for full width being placed; wherever possible. Where more than 1 length is required, lace or clip joint filler sections together. F. Joint Sealants: Joints shall be sealed with approved exterior pavement joint sealants, and shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 3.09 Damaged Work A. Concrete work shall be protected from damage as a result of settlement, vandalism, construction activity, or other causes. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02750 - CONCRETE PAVING Page 5 of 6 B. Cracked or otherwise damaged sidewalks shall be removed and replaced. 3.10 Curing A. Colored Concrete: Apply curing compound for colored concrete in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 3.11 Color Tolerances A. Minor variations in appearance of colored concrete, which are similar to natural variations in color and appearance of un-pigmented concrete, are acceptable. 3.12 Repair and Protection A. Repair or replace broken or defective concrete. Remove surface stains. Protect concrete from damage until Substantial Completion. B. Prior to final inspection, sweep concrete and wash free of stains, dirt, and other foreign material. END OF SECTION Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02750 - CONCRETE PAVING Page 6 of 6 DIVISION 2 SECTION 02810- IRRIGATION SYSTEM PART1: GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE Furnish all labor, materials, supplies, equipment, tools and transportation, and perform all operations in connection with and reasonably incidental to the complete installation of the irrigation system renovations, and guarantee/warranty as shown on the drawings, the installation details, and as specified herein. Items of work specifically included are: A. Procurement of all applicable licenses, permits, and fees. B. Coordination of Utility Locates ("Call Before You Dig"). C. Installation of new irrigation equipment and connections to existing irrigation system as shown on the plans and stated herein. D. Field location of existing mainline and spare control wires. E. Cutting and capping of laterals and mainline during construction. It is the responsibility of the contractor to coordinate control of existing irrigation system during construction. F. The contractor is responsible for any plant material damaged by actions associated with demolition and new connections to existing irrigation system. G. Maintenance period. H. Sleeving for irrigation pipe and wire. 1.2 . WORK NOT INCLUDED Items of work specifically excluded or covered under other sections are: A. Payment of all development, plant investment, or any other fees and permits associated with the .purchase and installation of the tap. B. Coordination of Utility Locates ("Call Before You Dig"). C. Excavation, installation, and backfill of tap into municipal water line. D. Excavation, installation, and backfill of water meter and vault. E. Provision and connection of electrical power supply to the irrigation control system. F. Installation of pumping plant for irrigation system. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Submit samples under provisions of Submittals Section of Specifications. Fossil Creek Community Park SECTION 02810- IRRIGATION SYSTEM Page IofII Bid Item #4 Irrigation ' To include all materials complete, in place (such as but not limited to the following: Irrigation System) as indicated on the Drawings, and in the Specifications. Lump Sum Price $ 9oac -%° ' In Writing ni wG= iH aysia..va "'` 1100 Bid Item #5 Earthwork and Utilities To include all materials complete, in place (such as but not limited to the following: Water Control, Earthwork, Erosion Control, Sanitary Sewer, Subdrains, Perimeter Drains), as indicated on the Drawings, and in the Specifications. Lump Sum Price $ l2,, Cot) =� In Writing %jmm-LfL= 7-Hous✓iNo `" /an Bid Item #6 Spray Feature To include all materials complete, in place (such as but not limited to the following: Aquatic Play Equipment, Recirculation System, Power Distribution and Controls and revisions to Existing Pump System), as indicated on the Drawings, and in the Specifications. Lump Sum Price $ S'� d©D ' In Writing fc,j--r/ rcivi'-- 7-ifvuso-AvO Bid Item #7 Hardscape To include all materials complete, in place (such as but not limited to the following: Site Preparation, Base Materials, Structural Fill, Sidewalks, Plazas, Concrete Steps, Shotcrete Walls, Vault Door), as indicated on the Drawings, and in the Specifications. Lump Sum Price $ 33. OQo 00 In Writing 7-61A-e�2` Z1-1aysL4Na —1aa ' TOTAL BASE BID - BID ITEMS 1 THROUGH 7 Lump Sum Price $ %SO,, /m In Writing Onrr" HtIAIOW-'-O -NiadsviLAID '"gory ADDITIONS/DELETIONS ' Add or subtract the following amounts for the items listed below. Alternate Bid Item #1. Sand Play Area To include all materials complete, in place, as indicated on the Drawings, and in the Specifications. Lump Sum Price $ Z7'02-V 06 ' (add) In Writing 4)v ���dusv9�0 ?rNc NAY t�u� x��n ' Rev10/20/07 Section 00300 Page 3 11 ' B. Deliver four (4) copies of all required submittals to the Owners' Representative within 15 days from the date of Notice to Proceed. C. Materials List: Include pipe, fittings, mainline components, water emission components, control ' system components. Quantities of materials need not be included. D. Manufacturers' Data: Submit manufacturers' catalog cuts, specifications, and operating instructions for equipment shown on the materials list. E. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings called for in the installation details. Show products required for proper installation, their relative locations, and critical dimensions. Note modifications to the installation detail. ' F. Project Record Drawings: Submit project record (as -built) drawings to Owner prior to commencement of maintenance period (refer to specification section 3.12 for specific requirements). 1.4 RULES AND REGULATIONS ' A. Work and materials shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the National Electric Code, the Uniform Plumbing Code as published by the Western Plumbing Officials Association, and applicable laws and regulations of the governing authorities. ' B. When the contract documents call for materials or construction of a better quality or larger size than required by the above -mentioned rules and regulations, provide the quality and size required by the contract documents. ' C. If quantities are provided either in these specifications or on the drawings, these quantities are provided for information only. It is the Contractor's responsibility to determine the actual quantities of all material, equipment, and supplies required by the project and to complete an independent estimate ' of quantities and wastage. 1.5 CONSTRUCTION REVIEW ' The purpose of on -site reviews by the Owners' Representative is to periodically observe the work in progress and the Contractor's interpretation of the construction documents and to address questions with regards to the installation. ' A. Scheduled reviews such as those for irrigation system layout or testing should be scheduled with the Owners' Representative as required by these specifications. B. Impromptu reviews may occur at any time during the project. ' C. Final review will occur at the completion of the irrigation system installation and Record (As -Built) Drawing submittal. ' 1.6 GURANTEE/ WARRANTY AND REPLACEMENT The purpose of this guarantee/warranty is to insure that the Owner receives irrigation materials of prime quality, installed and maintained in a thorough and careful manner. ' A. For a period of two years from commencement of the formal maintenance period, guarantee/warranty irrigation materials, equipment, and workmanship against defects. Fill and repair depressions. Restore landscape or structural features damaged by the settlement of irrigation trenches or ' excavations. Repair damage to the premises caused by a defective item. Make repairs within seven I Fossil Creek Community Park 1 SECTION 02810- IRRIGATION SYSTEM Page 2 of t l days of notification from the Owners' Representative. B. Contract documents govern replacements identically as with new work. Make replacements at no additional cost to the contract price. C. Guarantee/warranty applies to originally installed materials and equipment and replacements made during the guarantee/warranty period. PART 2: MATERIALS 2.1 QUALITY Use materials which are new and without flaws or defects of any type, and which are the best of their class and kind. 2.2 SUBSTITUTIONS Pipe sizes referenced in the construction documents are minimum sizes, and may be increased at the option of the Contractor. 2.3 SLEEVING A. Install separate sleeve beneath paved areas to route each run of irrigation pipe or wiring bundle. B. Sleeving material beneath pedestrian pavements shall be PVC Class 200 pipe with solvent welded joints. C. Sleeving beneath drives and streets shall be PVC Class 200 pipe with solvent welded joints. D. Sleeving diameter: as indicated,on the drawings and installation details or equal to twice that of the pipe or wiring bundle. 2.4 PIPE AND FITTINGS A. Mainline Pine and Fittings: 1) Use rigid, unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) 1120, 1220 National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) approved pipe, extruded from material meeting the requirements of Cell Classification 12454-A or 12454-13, ASTM Standard D1784, with an integral belled end. 2) Use Class 200, SDR-21, rated at 200 PSI, conforming to the dimensions and tolerances established by ASTM Standard D2241. Use PVC pipe rated at higher pressures than Class 200 in the case of small nominal diameters which are not manufactured in Class 200. a. Use Schedule 40, Type 1, PVC solvent weld fittings conforming to ASTM Standards D2466 and D1784. Use primer approved by the pipe manufacturer. Solvent cement to conform to ASTM Standard D2564. B. Lateral Pipe and Fittings: 1) Use rigid, unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) 1120, 1220 National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) approved pipe, extruded from material meeting the requirements of Cell Classification 12454-A or 12454-B, ASTM Standard D1784, with an integral belled end suitable for solvent welding. Fossil Creek Community Park SECTION 02810- IRRIGATION SYSTEM Page 3 of I I ' Use class 200, SDR-21, rated at 200 PSI, conforming to the dimensions and tolerances established by ASTM Standard D2241. Use PVC pipe rated at higher pressures than Class 200 in the case of small nominal diameters which are not manufactured in Class 200. ' Use UV radiation resistant Schedule 40, Type 1, PVC solvent weld fittings conforming to ASTM Standards D2466 and D1784 for PVC pipe. ' 2) Use primer approved by the pipe manufacturer. Solvent cement to conform to ASTM Standard D2564, of a type approved by the pipe manufacturer. 3) For drip irrigation laterals downstream of zone control valves, use UV radiation resistant polyethylene pipe manufactured from Prime Union Carbide G-resin 7510 Natural 7 manufactured by Union Carbide or a Union Carbide Licensee with a minimum of 2% carbon black, and minimum nominal pipe ID dimension of 0.810" for 3/4 inch pipe. Use PVC /compression line fittings compatible with the drip lateral pipe. Use tubing stakes to hold above -ground pipe in place. C. Specialized Pipe and Fittings: ' 1) Copper pipe: Use Type "K" rigid conforming to ASTM Standard B88. Use wrought copper or cast bronze fittings, soldered or threaded per the installation details. ' Use a 95% tin and 5% antimony solder. 2) Galvanized steel pipe: Use Schedule 40 confonming to ASTM Standard A120. ' Use galvanized, threaded, standard weight, malleable iron fittings. 3) Ductile iron piper Use Class 50 conforming to ASTM Standard. ' 4) Use Class 50 ductile iron fittings. Mechanical joints? Joint restraints? Use a dielectric union wherever a copper -based metal (copper, brass, bronze) is joined to an iron -based metal (iron, galvanized steel, stainless steel). 5) Assemblies calling for pre -fabricated double swing joints shall utilize LASCO Unitized swing ' joints or approved equal. Swing joints shall be rated at 315 psi, and use 0-ring and street elbow construction. ' 6) Low Density Polyethylene Hose: a. Use pipe specifically intended for use as a flexible swing joint. ' Inside diameter: 0.490+0.010 inch. Wall thickness: 0.100+0.010 inch. Color: Black. ' b. Use spiral barb fittings supplied by the same manufacturer as the hose. 7) Assemblies calling for threaded.pipe connections shall utilize PVC Schedule 80 nipples and PVC Schedule 40 threaded fittings. Fossil Creek Community Park SECTION 02810- IRRIGATION SYSTEM Page 4 of I I 8) Joint sealant: Use only Teflon -type tape pipe joint sealant on plastic threads. Use nonhardening, nontoxic pipe joint sealant formulated for use on water -carrying pipes on metal threaded connections. 2.5 SPRINKLER AND BUBBLER IRRIGATION COMPONENTS A. Remote Control Valve (RCV) Assembly for Sprinkler Laterals: As presented in the installation details. Use wire connectors and waterproofing sealant to join control wires to solenoid valves. Install a separate valve box over a 3-inch depth of 3/4-inch gravel for each assembly. Adjust flow control per manufacturer's recommendations prior to use. Install valve designators to match existing irrigation system B. Sprinkler Assembly: As presented in the drawings and installation details. Use the sprinkler manufacturer's pressure compensating screens (Rain Bird PCS) to achieve 30 PSI operating conditions on each sprinkler and to control excessive operating pressures. 2.6 DRIP IRRIGATION COMPONENTS A. Remote Control Valve (RCV) Assembly for Drip Laterals: As presented in the installation details. Use wire connectors and waterproofing sealant to join control wires to solenoid valves. Install a separate valve box over a 3-inch depth of 3/4-inch gravel for each assembly. Adjust flow control per manufacturer's recommendations prior to use. B. Drip Emitter Assembly: 1) Barb -mounted, vortex and/or pressure compensating emitter device as presented in the installation details. The device shall be Rain Bird Xeri-bug XB-10pc series. 2) Install emitter types and quantities on the following schedule: a. Ground cover plant: 1 single outlet emitter each or 1 single outlet emitter per square foot of planting area, whichever is less. b. Shrub: 2 single outlet emitters each. c. Tree: 4 single outlet emitters each or I multi -outlet emitter each (with 4 outlets open). 3) Use 1/4-inch diameter flexible plastic tubing to direct water from emitter outlet to emission point. Length of emitter outlet tubing shall not exceed five feet. Secure emitter outlet tubing with tubing stakes. 4) Install an access sleeve for each multiple -outlet emitter located in a turf area. C. Flush Cap Assembly: as presented in the installation details. Locate at the end of each drip irrigation lateral pipe. Install a separate valve box over a 3-inch depth of 3/4-inch gravel for each assembly. --------------------------------------------------------- 2.7 CONTROL SYSTEM COMPONENTS A. Control Wire: 1) Use American Wire Gauge (AWG) No. 14 solid copper, Type OF or PE cable, UL approved for direct underground burial from the controller unit to each remote control valve. Use AWG No. 12 wire for common wire. Fossil Creek Community Park SECTION 02810- IRRIGATION SYSTEM Page 5 of I I Comment: NOTE TO USERS: THE FOLLOWING TWO SECTIONS ARE REDUNDANT AND ONE OR THE OTHER NEEDS , REMOVED. THE FIRST TOBE DEALS WITH INDEPENDENT CONTROLLERS AND THE SECOND WITH CENTRALIZED CONTROL. ' 2) Color: Use white for common ground wire. Use easily distinguished colors for other control wires. Spare control wires shall be of a color different from that of the active control wire. Wire color shall be continuous over its entire length. ' 3) Splices: Use wire connector with waterproof sealant. Wire connector to be of plastic construction consisting of two (2) pieces, one piece which snap locks into the other. A copper crimp sleeve to be provided with connector. Utilize DBR6-300 splices. ' 4) Encase wiring not located near PVC irrigation pipe in PVC Schedule 40 electrical conduit. B. Existing Control Wire: ' 1) It is assumed that existing 24 VAC control wire between existing controller and solenoid valves is in workable condition. Any concerns are to be brought to the attention of the Owner prior to connection of the existing control wires -------------- - PARUTI T 3: EXECON ' 3.1 INSPECTIONS AND REVIEWS A. Site Inspections: 1) Verify site conditions and note irregularities affecting work of this section. Report irregularities to the Owners' Representative prior to beginning work. 2) Beginning work of this section implies acceptance of existing conditions. 3) Contractor will be held responsible for coordination between landscape and irrigation system installation. ' 4) Landscape material locations shown on the Landscape Plan shall take precedence over the irrigation system equipment locations. If irrigation equipment is installed in conflict with the landscape material locations shown on the Landscape Plan, the Contractor will be required to ' relocate the irrigation equipment, as necessary, at Contractor's expense. B. Utility Locates ("Call Before You Dig" ): ' 1) Arrange for and coordinate with local authorities the location of all underground utilities. 2) Repair any underground utilities damaged during construction. Make repairs at no additional cost to the contract price. C. Irrigation System Layout Review: Irrigation system layout review will occur after the staking has been completed. Notify the Owners' Representative two days in advance of review. Modifications will be identified by the Owners' Representative at this review. ' 3.2 EXCAVATION, TRENCHING, AND BACKFILLING A. Excavate to permit the pipes to be laid at the. intended elevations and to permit work space for installing connections and fittings. ' B. Minimum cover (distance from top of pipe or control wire to finish grade): 1) 24-inch over mainline pipe and over electrical conduit. Fossil Creek Community Park SECTION 02810- IRRIGATION SYSTEM Page 6 of I I 11 L Comment: Use this "Control System Components" section for projects with Central Control Systems. Note that there are four possibilities for subsection A of this section: . Central Control - General Specification Central Control - Rainbird MAXICOM Cefi6i Control - Rainbird Master II Satellite Control - General Specification Choose the section that applies to this project and delete the others. 2) 26-inch over control wire. 3) 26-inch over signal wire. 4) 18-inch over lateral pipe to sprinklers and bubblers and over manifold pipe to drip system zone control valves. 5) 8-inch over drip lateral pipe in turf or paved areas downstream of drip system zone control valves. 6) 3-inch over drip lateral lines in shrub bed areas (under finished grade). C. Backfill only after lines have been reviewed and tested. D. Excavated material is generally satisfactory for backfill. Backfill shall be free from rubbish, vegetable matter, frozen materials, and stones larger than 2-inches in maximum dimension. Remove material not suitable for backfill. Backfill placed next to pipe shall be free of sharp objects which may damage the pipe. Stones larger than 1-inch maximum dimension are not permitted in first (deepest) 6-inches of backfill. E. Backfill unsleeved pipe and sleeves in either of the following manners: 1) Backfill and puddle the lower half of the trench. Allow to dry 24 hours. Backfill the remainder of the trench in 6-inch layers. Compact to density of surrounding soil. 2) Backfill the trench by depositing the backfill material equally on both sides of the pipe in 6-inch layers and compacting to the density of surrounding soil. F. Dress backfilled areas to original grade. Incorporate.excess backfill into existing site grades. Dispose of excess backfill off site. G. Where utilities conflict with irrigation trenching and pipe work, contact the Owners' Representative for trench depth adjustments. 3.3 SLEEVING AND BORING A. Install sleeving at a depth which permits the encased pipe or wiring to remain at the specified burial depth. B. Extend sleeve ends six inches beyond the edge of the paved surface. Cover pipe ends and mark with stakes. Mark concrete with a chiseled'Y' at sleeve end locations. C. Bore for sleeves under obstructions which cannot be removed. Employ equipment and methods designed for horizontal boring. 3.4 ASSEMBLING PIPE AND FITTINGS A. General: 1) Keep pipe free from dirt and pipe scale. Cut pipe ends square and debur. Clean pipe ends. 2) Keep ends of assembled pipe capped. Remove caps only when necessary to continue assembly. B. Mainline Pipe and Fittings: Fossil Creek Community Park SECTION 02810- IRRIGATION SYSTEM Page 7 of I I 1) Use only strap -type friction wrenches for threaded plastic pipe. 2) PVC Solvent Weld Pipe: ' a. Use primer and solvent cement. Join pipe in a manner recommended by the manufacturer and in accordance with accepted industry practices. ' b. Cure for 30 minutes before handling and 24 hours before allowing water in pipe. from c. Snake pipe side to side within the trench. ' 3) Fittings: The use of cross type fittings is not permitted. C. Lateral Pipe Fittings: and I ) Use only strap -type friction wrenches for threaded plastic pipe. 2) PVC Solvent Weld Pipe: a. Use primer and solvent cement. Join pipe in the manner recommended by the manufacturer and in accordance with accepted industry practices. b. Cure for 30 minutes before handling and 24 hours before allowing water in the pipe. ' c. Snake pipe from side to side within the trench. 3) UV Radiation Resistant Polyethylene Pipe: a. Join pipe in the manner recommended by manufacturer and in accordance with accepted ' industry practices. b. Snake pipe from side to side within the trench, on the soil surface, and hold in place with 1 4) tubing stakes spaced every five feet. Fittings: The type fittings is use of cross not permitted. D. Specialized Pipe and Fittings: ' 1) Copper Pipe: a. Buff surfaces to be joined to a bright finish. Coat with solder flux. ' b. Solder so that a continuous bead shows around the joint circumference. 2) Galvanized Steel Pipe: a. Join pipe in the manner recommended by manufacturer and in accordance with accepted industry practices. ' b. Use factory -made threads whenever possible. Field -cut threads will be permitted only where absolutely necessary. Cut threads on axis using clean, sharp dies. c. Apply Teflon -type tape or pipe joint compound to the male threads only. I Fossil Creek Community Park SECTION 02810- IRRIGATION SYSTEM Page 8 of l I 3) Insert a dielectric union wherever a copper -based metal (copper, brass, bronze) and an iron - based metal (iron, galvanized steel, stainless steel) are joined. 4) Pre -fabricated double swing joints: Install per manufacturer's recommendations. 5) Low Density Polyethylene Hose: Install per manufacturer's recommendations. 6) PVC Threaded Connections: a. Use only factory -formed threads. Field -cut threads are not permitted. b. Use only Teflon -type tape. c. When connection is plastic -to -metal, the plastic component shall have male threads and the metal component shall have female threads. 7) Make metal -to -metal, threaded connections with Teflon -type tape or pipe joint compound applied to the male threads only. 3.5 INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER IRRIGATION COMPONENTS A. Remote Control Valve (RCV) Assembly for Sprinkler Laterals: 1) Contact Owner's Representative before making connections to spare control wires or mainline. 2) Flush mainline before installation of RCV assembly. 3) .Install where indicated on the drawings. Wire connectors and waterproof sealant shall be used to connect control wires to remote control valve wires. Install connectors and sealant per the manufacturer's recommendations. 4) Install only one RCV to a valve box. Locate valve box at least 12-inches from and align with nearby walls or edges of paved areas. Group RCV assemblies together where practical. Arrange grouped valve boxes in rectangular patterns. Allow at least 12-inches between valve boxes. 5) Adjust RCV to regulate the downstream operating pressure. 6) Attach ID tag with controller station number to control wiring. B. Sprinkler Assembly: 1) Flush lateral pipe before installing sprinkler assembly. 2) Install per the installation details at locations shown on the drawings. 3) Locate rotary sprinklers 12-inches from adjacent walls, fences, or edges of paved areas. 4) Locate spray sprinklers 3-inches from adjacent walls, fences, or edges of paved areas. 5) Set sprinklers perpendicular to the finish grade. 6) Supply appropriate nozzle or adjust arc of coverage of each sprinkler for best performance. Fossil Creek Community Park SECTION 02810- IRRIGATION SYSTEM Page 9 of I 1 7) Adjust the radius of throw of each sprinkler for best performance. 3.6 INSTALLATION OF DRIP IRRIGATION COMPONENTS A. Remote Control Valve (RCV) Assembly for Drip Laterals: I ) Contact Owner's Representative before making connections to spare control wires or mainline. 2) Flush mainline pipe before installing RCV assembly. 3) Locate as shown on the drawings. Wire connectors and waterproof sealant shall be used to connect control wires to remote control valve wires. Connectors and sealant shall be installed as per the manufacturer's recommendations. 4) Install only one RCV to valve box. Locate at least 12-inches from and align with nearby walls or edges of paved areas. Group RCV assemblies together where practical _'•_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Comment: Pressure setting in Paragraph 4 conflicts with the Pressrue 5) Arrange grouped valve boxes in rectangular patterns. Set RCV assembly discharge pressure to Adjustment Procedures in Section E. 30 PSI. Delete pressure setting in Paragraph 4 if Section E is used. B. Drip Emitter Assembly: I ) Locate as shown on the drawings and installation details. 2) Flush lateral pipe before installing emitter assembly. 3) Cut emitter outlet distribution tubing square. 4) Install an access sleeve as part of each multiple -outlet emitter assembly for emitters located in turf areas. 5) Use tools and techniques recommended by the manufacturer. Make openings for barb -mounted emitters with the emitter manufacturer's hole -punching tool. C. Flush Cap Assemblv: Install at the end of each drip irrigation lateral pipe as shown on the installation details. D. Pressure Adjustment Procedure: 1) Fully open all zone control valves and energize the RCV assembly. 2) Determine which emitter has the least outlet pressure; this is the critical emitter. 3) Identify zone control valve associated with the critical emitter; this is the critical zone control valve. 4) Set discharge pressure of RCV such that the critical vortex emitter has a pressure of 15 PSI + 2 PSI and/or the critical pressure compensating emitter has a pressure of 25 PSI + 5 PSI. Measure with pressure gauge attached to critical emitter. 5) Identify the critical emitter for remaining zone control valves. 6) Set each zone control valve as described in paragraph 4 above. Fossil Creek Community Park SECTION 02810- IRRIGATION SYSTEM Page 10 of I l 3.7 INSTALLATION OF CONTROL SYSTEM COMPONENTS _ _ _ - Comment: NOTE TO USERS: A. Control Wire: THE FOLLOWING TWO SECTIONS 1) Bundle two in ARE REDUNDANT AND ONE OR THE OTHER NEEDS TO BE control wires where or more are the same trench. Bundle with pipe wrapping REMOVED. THE FIRST DEALS tape spaced at 10-foot intervals. WITH INDEPENDENT CONTROLLERS AND THE SECOND 2) Provide a 24-inch excess length of wire in an 8-inch diameter loop at each 90 degree change of WITH CENTRALIZED CONTROL. direction, at both ends of sleeves, and at 100-foot intervals along continuous runs of wiring. Make wiring loop by turning control wire 5 turns around 1-inch pipe. Coil 24-inch length of wire within each remote control valve box. 3) If a control wire must be spliced, make splice with wire connectors and waterproof sealant, ' installed per the manufacturer's instructions. Locate splice in a valve box which contains an irrigation valve assembly, or in a separate 6-inch round valve box. Use same procedure for connection to valves as for in -line splices. ' 3.8 Project Record (As -Built) Drawings. A. Submit Record Drawings under provisions of As -Built Drawing Section of Specifications- or , Contractor Closeout, Record Documents. Maintain on -site and separate from documents used for construction, one complete set of contract documents as Project Documents. Keep documents current. Do not permanently cover work until as- built information is recorded. , B. Record pipe and wiring network alterations. Record work which is installed differently than shown on the construction drawings. Record accurate reference dimensions, measured from at least two permanent reference points, of each irrigation system valve, each backflow prevention device, each controller or control unit, each sleeve end, each stub -out for future pipe or wiring connections, and other irrigation components enclosed within a valve box. C. Prior to Final Review, purchase fromithe Owners' Representative a reproducible mylar copy of the ' drawings. Using AutoCAD or drafting software, duplicate information contained on the project drawings maintained on site. Label each sheet "Record Drawing". Completion of the Record Drawings will be a prerequisite for the Final Review. 3.9 MAINTENANCE ' A. Upon completion of Final Review, maintain irrigation system for a duration of 30 calendar days. Make periodic examinations and adjustments to irrigation system components so as to achieve the most desirable application of water. B. Following completion of the Contractor's maintenance period, the Owner will be responsible for maintaining the system in working order during the remainder of the guarantee/warranty period, for performing necessary minor maintenance, for trimming around sprinklers, for protecting against , vandalism, and for preventing damage during the landscape maintenance operation. 3.10 CLEAN-UP ' A. Upon completion of work, remove from the site all machinery, tools, excess materials, and rubbish. End of Section Fossil Creek Community Park SECTION 02810- IRRIGATION SYSTEM Page I I of 11 ' ' Alternate Bid Item #2. Fence and Landscape Improvements on top of Vault To include all materials complete, in place, as indicated on the Drawings, and in the Specifications. cc Lump Sum Price $— ' (add) In Writing , 11oysw,✓r1 ' Alternate Bid Item #3. Existing Shelter Relocation To include all materials complete, in place, as indicated on the Drawings, and in the Specifications. Lump Sum Price $ <3 90 O0 1 (add) In Writing !'iyc zYtioS4A1`0 7HA-cy-7 H(IAJ0A-�'—v N/Ac=l-Y //0a Alternate Bid Item #4. Sandscape Concrete in Spray Feature To include all materials complete, in place, as indicated on the Drawings, and in the Specifications. 00 Lump Sum Price $ 360 J (add) / In Writing /ykc � 711ouvoAlo sip 4/tnnJ kew x� i00 ' Alternate Bid Item #5 Color Concrete Perimeter of Spray Feature To include all materials complete, in place, as indicated on the Drawings, and in the Specifications. Lump Sum Price $ I-AS6' 00 (add) � In Writing two THOdSy�Ano £/G'Hr HuyOnc� i4pf7Y /00 Alternate Bid Item #6 Remove Sandstone Retaining Wall Type 2 To include all materials complete, in place, as indicated on the Drawings, and in the Specifications. ' co Lump Sum Price $ v'!Y4O �— (subtract) n Writing 5' � Stu L1s.a^/o 91 C H : H (/AlO /ruin �i0o UNIT PRICES For additions and deletions to the Contract, the following unit prices shall be applicable for the specific items listed. Unit Prices shall be complete, in place including required labor, materials, permits, equipment, implements, testing, parts and supplies necessary for, and incidental to proper installation, 1 as indicated on the Drawings, and in the Specifications. 1. The Contractor agrees that for requested and/or required changes in the scope of work, the 1 Contract Sum shall be adjusted in accordance with the following unit prices, where the Owner elects to use this method of determining costs. 2. The Contractor is advised that the unit prices will enter into the determination of the successful ' bidder. Unreasonable prices may result in rejection of the entire bid proposal. ' Rev 10/20/07 Section 00300 Page 4 ' ply',S,QN 2 SECTION 02819- AQUATIC PLAY EQUIPMENT AND RECIRCULATION SYSTEM PART GENERAL Furnish all labor, materials, supplies, equipment, tools and transportation, and perform all operations in ' connection with and reasonably incidental to the complete retrofit installation of the aquatic spray equipment and recirculation system, and guarantee/warranty as shown on the drawings, the installation details, and as specified herein. All work, material and execution must conform to manufacturer's specifications for operation. Items of work specifically included are: ' 1.01 SCOPE A. This project is compromised of retrofitting new equipment to an existing mechanical system. B. Installation of aquatic play equipment as shown on plans and described here within, including activation devices, spray equipment and controller. This includes installation of spray elements ' on new hardscape, all required piping to new spray elements from retrofitted control valve manifold in existing mechanical vault, installation of new control valve manifold, and core drilling pipes through existing vault ' C. Installation of water drainage equipment with connection to existing wet well intake pipe. Includes installation of deck drains, trench drains, all drain pipe connections as shown on plans and connections to existing wet well. rD. This scope of work shall include installation of new sump pumps in existing wet wells with all required piping to discharge sump water to sanitary sewer connection as shown on plans. ' E. New connection of existing filtration system to sump pump discharge to sanitary sewer. F. Installation of new pipe to sanitary sewer. rG. Sandblasting and waterproof sealing of each wet well. This includes draining of wet wells by pumping and drying wet wells with heaters. H. Waterproof sealing of wet wells to concrete vault floor and filling voids between access hatches and wet wells. ' I. Electrical connections and control wire routing of spray park activation equipment. J. Verification of elevations prior to construction to confirm drainage pipe slopes and slope to new ' sanitary sewer connection.. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Manufacturer's descriptive literature for specified systems, including all components. B. Shop Drawings: Indicate component connection details and details of interface with adjacent Fossil Creek Community Park SECTION 02819- AQUATIC PLAY EQUIPMENT ' Page 1 of 10 construction and equipment. C. Certificates: Certify that products of this section meet or exceed specified requirements. D. Manufacturer's Instructions: Indicate installation instructions for specified equipment including each component. E. Operation and Maintenance Data: Submit manufacturer's maintenance instruction and parts lists for specified equipment. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing products specified in this section with not less than three years of documented experience. B. Installer Qualifications: Company specializing in performing the work of this section with minimum of three years documented experience. C. Products Requiring Electrical Connection: Listed and classified by Underwriters' laboratories (UL) as suitable for the purpose specified and indicated. 1.04 REFERENCES A. This installation shall comply with all applicable provisions of the latest edition of the following codes: NEC National Electrical Code NFPA National Fire Protection Association UBC Uniform Building Code UPC Uniform Plumbing Code B. Materials furnished hereunder shall comply with the latest edition of applicable standard specifications published by the following organizations: ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials ANSI American National Standards Institute ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASSE American Society of Sanitary Engineering AWWA American Water Works Association CS Commercial Standards NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association NSF National Sanitation Foundation 1.05 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Furnish and install aquatic playground materials, apparatus, tools, equipment, transportation, temporary construction, and special or occasional services as required to effect a complete working installation, as shown on the Drawings and described in the Specifications. Fossil Creek Community Park SECTION 02819- AQUATIC PLAY EQUIPMENT Page 2 of 10 System Operation: 1. Water is currently recirculated from two wet wells to a series of water falls. Water sheet and channel flows to a collection area and gravity flows back to wet wells. 2. The new system configuration shall keep flow going to two (2) water falls and water shall be collected with new trench drains and gravity drained back to existing wet wells. 3. An existing third existing pump discharge pipe shall be reconfigured with a control valve manifold to supply water to a series of five (5) new spray feature elements. The spray elements shall be activated by a foot controller on the spray pad and the elements shall be capable of sequencing upon activation. Water will be collected from two (2) centrally located deck drains and gravity drained back to existing wet wells. 4. The spray park controller shall be located within an existing mechanical vault. Communication with foot activators shall be by wired. The controller shall activate solenoid control valves in the pump vault by hardwire communication. 5. New sump pumps shall be installed in the existing wet wells to allow easier water evacuation from the wet wells. These sumps shall pump water up to a specified elevation and it shall gravity flow to a new sanitary sewer connection. 6. The existing filter backwash discharge pipe shall be reconfigured to connect to the new sump discharge pipe outside the existing vault. ' 1.06 PRODUCT HANDLING A. Protection: Equipment shall be boxed, crated, or otherwise completely enclosed and protected during shipment, handling, and storage. Equipment shall be protected from exposure to the elements and shall be kept thoroughly dry at all times prior to installation. Pumps motors, electrical equipment, and other equipment having anti -friction or sleeve bearings shall be stored in weather -tight warehouses that are maintained at a temperature of at least 60 degrees F. Painted surfaces shall be protected against impact, abrasion, discoloration, and other damage. Painted surfaces that are damaged prior to acceptance of equipment shall be repainted to the satisfaction of the Architect/Engineer. 3. Electrical equipment, controls, and insulation shall be protected against moisture or water damage. Space heaters and sump pumps provided in the equipment shall be kept connected and operating at all times until the equipment is placed in service. B. Replacements: In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary to the approval of the Architect/Engineer at no additional cost to the Owner. Fossil Creek Community Park SECTION 02819- AQUATIC PLAY EQUIPMENT Page 3 of 10 1.07 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND PROTECTION A. Store materials under cover and elevated above grade. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. Equipment not listed within these Specifications or on Drawings as furnished by the equipment supplier, but required for the complete installation of the water feature mechanical or electrical systems, shall be furnished by the Contractor. B. Products shown on the Drawings, but not listed in this Section, shall be provided in accordance with information shown on the Drawings and the General Provisions of this part of the Specification. 2.02 AQUATIC PLAY EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER A. Aquatic play equipment manufacturer shall be: Vortex Aquatic Structures International, 328, Avro Street, Montreal (Quebec), Canada H9R 5W5, Telephone (514) 694-3868, Fax (514) 335-5414. 2.03 AQUATIC PLAY EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER'S RESPONSIBILITY A. Aquatic playground materials and component parts shall be guaranteed to be free from defects of materials and workmanship, for a period of 18 months from date of shipment or one year from date of start-up, whichever comes first. 1. Coating system shall be warranted for a period of one year against peeling or fading under normal environmental conditions. 2. Above ground elements and anchor bases shall be guaranteed against structural failure for a period of five years under normal usage. 3. Controller shall be guaranteed against failure for a period of two years under normal usage. 2.04 AQUATIC PLAY ELEMENTS . Side Winder 1. Model No.: VOR7518 2. Spray Diameter: 12-foot 3. Flowrate: 10-20 GPM 4. Pressure: 5-15 PSI 5. Color: Stainless Steel/Brass Team Spray No. 01 Fossil Creek Community Park SECTION 02819- AQUATIC PLAY EQUIPMENT Page 4 of 10 J F1 I 1. Model No.: VOR 7640 2. Flowrate: 15-20 GPM 3. Pressure: 1-10 PSI 4. Color: Stainless Steel/ Brass/ UHMW Water Jelly No.03 1. Model No.: VOR 7010.0000 2. Spray Diameter: 6-foot 3. Flowrate: 30-35 GPM 4. Pressure: 1-2 PSI 5. Color: Stainless Steel/ Brass Ground Geyser 1. Model No.: VOR 0301 2. Spray Diameter: 8-foot 3. Flowrate:5-10 GPM 4. Pressure: 5-10 PSI 5. Color: Stainless Steel/ Brass Magic Touch -Foot Activator 1. Model No.: VOR 0606 2. Stainless steel construction 3. Power: low voltage 4. Color: By Owner 2.06 AQUATIC PLAY CONTROLLER 1. Model No.: Smart Flow Controller by Vortex 2. Housing: NEMA4X with lockable hasp. 3. Input Voltage: 120VAC/60 Hertz 4. Output Voltage: 24VAC/60 Hertz 5. Time Clock: Integral, solid state, 8 programs. 6. Capacity: 12 hardwired outputs, timed duration from 1 second to 4 hours or dynamically sequenced 7. Display: back lighted LCD display. 8. Output Control Modes: Timed duration, dynamic sequencing, show sequencing. 9. Safety: Underwriters' Laboratories Listed 2.07 CONTROL VALVE MANIFOLD 1. Model Number: Manufactured -by Vortex 2. 3-inch Schedule 80 PVC manifold 3. Five (5) 1-inch plastic solenoid valves 2.08 DRAIN EQUIPMENT A. Deck Drain & Sump 1. Model Number: VOR 1000 2. Sump: Fiberglass box with stainless steel strainer basket 3. Grate: Polyethylene, tamper resistant 4. Connections: 8-inch PVC Fossil Creek Community Park SECTION 02819- AQUATIC PLAY EQUIPMENT Page 5 of 10 B. Trench Drain 1. Model Number: Lawson Aquatics, Deck Drain System , 2. PVC Construction 3. 4. Grate: PVC, Sand Colored Connections: 3-inch PVC adaptors 2.08 SUMP PUMPS A. Main Sump Pump 1. Model Number: Dayton DCM050 , 2. Chemical resistant submersible 3. 1/2 horsepower motor 4. 304 stainless steel housing ' 5. Rated for 42 GPM at 20ft. head 6. Discharge: 2-inch NPT B. Secondary Sump Pump ' 1. Model Number: Dayton 3BB73 2. 1 /3 horsepower motor 3. Cast iron body ' 2.09 PIPE AND FITTINGS: A. PVC Pipe and Fittings Outside Pump Vault: , 1. Use rigid, unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) 1120, 1220 National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) approved pipe, extruded from material meeting the requirements of Cell Classification 12454-A or .12454-13, ASTM Standard D1784, ' , with an integral belled end suitable for solvent welding. 2. Use Schedule 40 PVC pipe for all pipe conforming to the dimensions and ' tolerances established by ASTM Standard D2241. 3. All flanged connections shall be Class 125/150 lb. ' 4. Materials: Fittings for PVC pipe shall be Spears Schedule 40 PVC solvent weld fittings, ASTM Standards D2466 and D1784. ' Use primer approved by the pipe manufacturer. Solvent cement to conform as ASTM Standard D2564, of a type approved by the pipe manufacturer. , B. Steel Pipe Inside Pump Vault: 1. Steel Pipe: Schedule 40 steel pipe, ASTM Standard A120. Fittings shall be ' flanged or grooved, standard weight, malleable iron fittings. Grooved fittings shall be ITT Gruvloc or Victaulic. 2. Stainless Steel Pipe: Pipe shall be Type 304 stainless steel, Schedule 40. Fittings ' shall be Schedule 40, stainless steel, grooved fittings.. Fittings shall be Victaulic. Fossil Creek Community Park SECTION 02819- AQUATIC PLAY EQUIPMENT Page 6 of 10 ' 1 3. Use of dielectric union wherever a copper -based metal (copper, brass, bronze) is joined to an iron -based metal"(iron, galvanized steel, stainless steel). 2.10 PIPE COMPONENTS: 2.11 A. Wall Penetration Seal: 1. Penetrations shall be core drilled in the field after equipment has been installed for correct location. Size penetrations approximately 1-inch larger than the pipe passing through, leaving enough room on all sides to grout around pipe. Use Xypex Admix C- 500 for grouting around pipes. WET WELL WATERPROOF SEALING A. Void between Access Hatches and Wet Wells: 1. These three (3) areas shall be dry and filled with pea gravel to 2-inches below top of wet well. Fill the void with SikaSet Plug, fast acting Portland cement waterstop. B. Gap Between Bottom of Vault Floor and Wet Wells: 1. Install a thick bead of SikaFix HH LV, expanding polyurethane chemical grout around the tops of both wet wells to seal them to the vault floor. C. Waterproof Sealing of Wet Wells: 1. Use Super Thoroseal Waterproof Coating to seal the entire interior walls of each wet well. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 SITE AND DRAWING EXAMINATION A. Contractors submitting a proposal for this work shall first examine the site of the proposed work that they may fully understand facilities, difficulties, and restrictions attending the execution of the contract. No subsequent allowances shall be made because of omission, error, or negligence in connection with this provision. B. Contractors submitting a proposal for this work shall carefully examine the architectural and structural Drawings and Specifications. C. Questions pertaining to work that do not appear to be sufficiently detailed or explained, or pertaining to the true meaning of any part of the Drawings or Specifications, or discrepancies found existing in or between the Specifications and Drawings, shall be referred to the Aquatic Consultant clarification or correction. Fossil Creek Community Park SECTION 02819- AQUATIC PLAY EQUIPMENT Page 7 of 10 3.02 COORDINATION A. The Contractor shall cooperate with subcontractors of other trades, whose work is in any way affected by, or affects the work under this Section. B. The Contractor shall coordinate the work under this Section with that of other trades to effect a complete installation consistent with the requirements and intent of the Drawings and Specifications. C. The Contractor shall coordinate the work under this Section with the City of Fort Collins Parks Department. D. The Contractor shall furnish materials so as to avoid delay in the progress of the work and shall store them as to prevent interference with other work. 3.03 GENERAL INSTALLATION A. Install and connect all equipment in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations unless otherwise noted. If specified installation is contrary to manufacturer's instructions, cease installation of affected components or systems. Notify Project Manager and the Aquatic Consultant and do not resume installation without clear instructions. B. Protect pipes, conduits, and equipment from damage from inclement weather. C. Parts to be cast into concrete shall be located as detailed on the Plans and shall be rigidly supported to resist loads imposed during concrete pour. E. Parts to be cast in concrete shall be located as detailed on the Plans shall be rigidly supported to resist loads imposed during concrete pour. E. Water pipe lines shall be flushed free of debris as follows: 1. Completely drain piping and equipment. F. Pump and Recirculation equipment shall be installed as shown on plans and details. Any inconsistencies shall be brought to the attention of the General Contractor and Engineer. 3.08 DEFECTIVE WORK AND MATERIALS A. Materials or work found to be defective or not in strict conformity with the drawings, or different from the requirements of the Drawings and Specifications, or defaced or injured, shall be removed and satisfactory material and work substituted. 3.09 AQUATIC PLAY ELEMENTS Fossil Creek Community Park SECTION 02819- AQUATIC PLAY EQUIPMENT Page 8 of 10 ' A. Side Winder 1. Install where shown on plans and per manufacturer's specifications. B. Team Spray No. 01 ' 1. Install where shown on plans and per manufacturer's specifications. C. Water Jelly No.03 ' 1. Install where shown on plans and per manufacturer's specifications. D. Ground Geyser ' 1. Install where shown on plans and per manufacturer's specifications. E. Magic Touch -Foot Activator 1. Install where shown on plans and per manufacturer's specifications. ' 3.10 AQUATIC PLAY CONTROLLER 1. Install where shown on plans and in a location that is easily accessible. 2. Make all connections in accordance with manufacturer's specifications. ' 3.11 CONTROL VALVE MANIFOLD 1. Disconnect existing 3-inch flange downstream of air relief valve and make new 3-inch ' connection with elbow to route manifold along the vault wall. 2. Anchor the manifold to the concrete wall in a manner that fully supports to the pipes when filled with water and minimizes any vibration during operation. Use rubber bushings where ' necessary to buffer plastic pipe from metal and concrete. 3. Connect all valve connections in accordance with manufacturer's specifications. 3.12 DRAIN EQUIPMENT 1. Install where shown on plans and per manufacturer's specifications. 2. Check inverts of connecting pipes prior to installation. Any discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of the water feature engineer and Owner's Representative. ' 3. All pipes shall be installed with a minimum 4% slope to the 10-inch collection pipe at the wet well. 3.13 SUMP PUMPS 1. Install where shown on plans. 2. Make all pipe and electrical connections per manufacturer's specifications. 3. Anchor pumps and pipes. ' 4. Grout all pipes through concrete wet wells and vault floor. Use Xypex Admix C-500 for all grouting. 1 I= 3.14 PIPE COMPONENTS: A. Wall Penetration Seal: 1. Grout the voids between pipe and vault completely through. 2. There shall be a minimum of %z-inch of void space between pipe and concrete wall for grouting. Fossil Creek Community Park SECTION 02819- AQUATIC PLAY EQUIPMENT Page 9 of 10 J 3.15 WET WELL WATERPROOF SEALING A. Wash down the floor in the entire vault, flushing the water to the floor drain. B. Wet wells shall be drained down using a pump. C. Wet wells shall be dried using a heater until the concrete surfaces do not feel damp to the touch. D. Sand blast concrete to roughen surface and expose the aggregate. E. Install two coats of Super Thoroseal to the full interiors of each wet well, install per manufacturer's specifications. F. Install all products per manufacturer's specifications. 3.16 CLEAN-UP A. Upon completion of the work of this Section, the Contractor shall remove unused equipment and implements of service, and leave the entire areainvolved in a neat, clean, and acceptable condition as approved by the Owner. B. Soiled, abraded, or discolored surfaces of the aquatic play area shall be cleaned and left free from blemishes or defects. 3.17 TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS A. General: The Contractor shall test equipment installed by him to show that it complies with specified requirements. Testing shall be done in a manner approved by the Architect/Engineer. B. Electrical tests: 1. Electrical circuits, feeders, and equipment shall be tested and proven free of faulty grounds, open circuits, or shorts, as required by local codes. C. Contractor shall, at his expense, make the aquatic play system operational and make tests, adjustments, and corrections, until it is shown to be in proper operating condition. END OF SECTION Fossil Creek Community Park SECTION 02819- AQUATIC PLAY EQUIPMENT Page 10 of 10 J 3. Unit prices for irrigation shall include pipe, fittings, valves, concrete thrust block and stablizers, and other items shown on the Drawings, as described in the Specifications or recommended by the manufacturer as part of the installation. DEMOLITION ITEM UNIT PRICE ' Demo — Existing Curb $ LF Demo — Existing Asphalt Roadway $ SY Demo — Asphalt Saw Cutting $ Z LF Protection Fence - 4' Snow Fence with 'T' posts $ 3 LF EARTHWORK AND UTILITIES ITEM UNIT PRICE Pot Holing $ 200 � CY Imported Fill $ 25" CY ' Earthwork - Cut and Stockpiling $ / CY Earthwork — Fill $ / 19 CY Imported Structural Fill $ V ` CY ' Topsoil Stripping and Stockpiling $ 15' , CY Topsoil Spreading and Placement $ /S " CY ' Vehicle Tracking Pads $ 3 SF Sanitary Sewer Pipe — 6" PVC $ is-- LF Sanitary Sewer - Cleanout $ /'00 EA Sanitary Sewer — Manhole $ 2,Cc& ' EA Erosion Control Fabric — NAG 6350 $ 1 = SF Erosion Control Fabric — NAG 120 $ / SF ' Erosion Control - Silt Fence $ 2 c LF Erosion Control Bales $ /0 EA ' Erosion Contol — Gutter Wattle Inlet $ /00 ' EA Erosion Control — Wattle $ 2m EA Erosion Control — Ditch Wattle $ - on — EA 4" Perforated Pipe $ /a ` LF Acid Wash and Seal Wet Wells $ / g�0 - LS 1 Concrete Seal exterior of Wet Wells $ 22006 ^ LS Perimeter Drain at rock wall $ . / o LF ' Rev10/20/07 Section 00300 Page 5 SECTION 02819- AQUATIC PLAY EQUIPMENT AND RECIRCULATION SYSTEM PART GENERAL Furnish all labor, materials, supplies, equipment, tools and transportation, and perform all operations in connection with and reasonably incidental to the complete installation of the aquatic spray equipment and recirculation system, and guarantee/warranty as shown on the drawings, the installation details, and as specified herein. All work, material and execution must conform to manufacturer's specifications for operation. Items of work specifically included are: 1.01 SCOPE A. Installation of Aquatic play equipment as shown on plans and described here within, including activation devices, spray equipment and controller. B. Installation of water recirculation system including revisions to: below grade pump vault and reservoir, below grade chemical vaults, main pump and valves, filter and filter pump, water quality monitoring and treatment equipment, and all required piping. C. Installation of all pipe associated with the installation of the spray park equipment including but not limited to: drainage to sewer. D. Electrical connection of spray park equipment. E. Verification of elevations for vault production and drainage to sewer. F. Installation of pipe sleeves through or under perimeter sidewalk. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Manufacturer's descriptive literature for specified systems, including all components. B. Shop Drawings: Indicate component connection details and details of interface with adjacent construction and equipment. C. Certificates: Certify that products of this section meet or exceed specified requirements. D. Manufacturer's Instructions: Indicate installation instructions for specified'equipment including each component. E. Operation and Maintenance Data.: Submit manufacturer's maintenance instruction and parts lists for specified equipment. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing products specified in this Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature EQUIPMENT SECTION 02819- AQUATIC PLAY Page 1 of 11 section with not less than three years of documented experience. B. Installer Qualifications: Company specializing in performing the work of this section with minimum of three years documented experience. C. Products Requiring Electrical Connection: Listed and classified by Underwriters' laboratories (UL) as suitable for the purpose specified and indicated. 1.04 REFERENCES A. This installation shall comply with all applicable provisions of the latest edition of the following codes: NEC National Electrical Code NFPA National Fire Protection Association UBC Uniform Building Code UPC Uniform Plumbing Code B. Materials furnished hereunder shall comply with the latest edition of applicable standard specifications published by the following organizations: ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials ANSI American National Standards Institute ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASSE American Society of Sanitary Engineering AWWA American Water Works Association CS Commercial Standards NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association NSF National Sanitation Foundation 1.05 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Furnish and install aquatic playground materials, apparatus, tools, equipment, transportation, temporary construction, and special or occasional services as required to effect a complete working installation, as shown on the Drawings and described in the Specifications. B. System Operation: 1. Water shall be recirculated from a reservoir to spray equipment using a main pump. Main pump shall supply water to a valve manifold and as spray equipment is activated the valves open supplying water. Water is collected through three (3) drains to the reservoir. Water in the reservoir is continuously filtered and water quality monitored. Acid and chlorine are injected and. as required. The reservoir and. filter are connected to a storm sewer pipe to discharge overflow and backwash. There is also a.level sensor and refill valve on the reservoir for filling the system. 2. The spray park shall utilize a variable frequency drive main pump that pressurizes the system constantly and allows the pump to shut -down when valves are not operated. A pressure dump pipe shall be installed back to the reservoir. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature EQUIPMENT SECTION 02819- AQUATIC PLAY C, Page 2 of 11 ' 3. The spray park controller shall be located within an adjacent mechanical room. Communication with foot activators shall be by wireless signal from roof mounted antenna. The controller shall activate solenoid control valves in the pump vault by hardwire communication. 4. Water treatment chemicals shall be stored in separate vaults and connected to the main pump vault by pipe. ' 1.06 PR DUCT HANDLING O UC ' A. Protection: 1. Equipment shall be boxed, crated, or otherwise completely enclosed and protected during shipment, handling, and storage. Equipment shall be protected from exposure to the elements and shall be kept thoroughly dry at all times.prior to installation. Pumps motors, electrical equipment, and other equipment having anti -friction or sleeve bearings ' shall be stored in weather -tight warehouses that are maintained at a temperature of at least 60 degrees F. 2. Painted surfaces shall be protected against impact, abrasion, discoloration, and other ' damage. Painted surfaces that are damaged prior to acceptance of equipment shall be repainted to the satisfaction of the Architect/Engineer. ' 3. Electrical equipment, controls, and insulation shall be protected against moisture or water damage. Space heaters and sump pumps provided in the equipment shall be kept connected and operating at all times until the equipment is placed in service. ' B. Replacements: 1. In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary to the approval of the Architect/Engineer at no additional cost to the Owner. 1.07 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND PROTECTION ' A. Store materials under cover and elevated above grade. ' PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL ' A. Equipment not listed within these Specifications or on Drawings as furnished by the equipment supplier, but required for the complete installation of the water feature mechanical or electrical systems, shall be furnished by the Contractor. ' B. Products shown on the Drawings, but not listed in this Section, shall be provided in accordance with information shown on the Drawings and the General Provisions of this part of the ' Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02819- AQUATIC PLAY EQUIPMENT Page 3 of 11 Specification. 2.02 AQUATIC PLAY EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER A. Aquatic play equipment manufacturer shall be: Vortex Aquatic Structures International, 328 Avro St., Pointe Claire (Montreal) Quebec, Canada H9R 5W5, contact: Randy Flint, telephone (970) 266-8684, Fax (514) 335-5414 Email: rflint@vortex-intl.com 2.03 AQUATIC PLAY EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER'S RESPONSIBILITY A. Aquatic playground materials and component parts shall be guaranteed to be free from defects of materials and workmanship, for a period of 18 months from date of shipment or one year from date of start-up, whichever comes first. 1. Coating system shall be warranted for a period of one year against peeling or fading under normal environmental conditions. 2. Above ground elements and anchor bases shall be guaranteed against structural failure for a period of five years under normal usage. 3. Controller shall be guaranteed against failure for a period of two years under normal usage. 2.04 AQUATIC PLAY ELEMENTS All Aquatic play equipment shall utilize type 304 stainless steel housing and Cast bronze top plate with LTV protected textured aliphatic urethane coating. Team SprayTM I. Model No.: W-006 2. Height: 4'; 6' 3. Flowrate: 7 GPM; 9 GPM 4. Pressure: 3 PSI; 4 PSI Water JellyTM 1. Model No.: W-028 2. Height: 4'; 8 ; 12' 3. Flowrate: 3 GPM; 5 GPM; 6 GPM 4. Pressure: 7 PSI; 9 PSI; 11 PSI SidewinderTM I. Model No.: W-055 2. Height:8'; 3. Flowrate: 76 GPM 4. Pressure: 15 PSI Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature EQUIPMENT SECTION 02819- AQUATIC PLAY Page 4 of 11 ' Ground GeyserTm 1. Model No.: W-091 2. Height: 12"; 18" 3. Flowrate: 35 GPM; 40 GPM ' 4. Pressure: 6 PSI; 9 PSI ' 2.05 AQUATIC PLAY ACTIVATION DEVICE Foot Activator 1. Model No.: W-017W 2. Housing: 6" diameter type 304 stainless steel. 3. Button: 1'/z" diameter, high impact polyvinyl chloride. 4. Finish: Textured aliphatic urethane with UV sealer coat. 5. Color: Select from red, yellow, blue, green, dark blue, orange, or purple. ' 6. Fasteners: Tamper resistant 18/8 stainless steel. 7. Anchor Bolts: 3/8" x 12" x 2" 18/8 stainless steel with leveling nuts and washers. 8. Activator Switch: Integral, 12 VDC. ' 2.06. AQUATIC PLAY CONTROLLER Water OdysseyTM Solid State Dynamic Controller 1. Model No.: WDC-16-32-W-NX 2. Housing: NEMA4X with lockable hasp. 3. Input Voltage: 120VAC/60 Hertz 4. Output Voltage: 24VAC/60 Hertz ' 5. Time Clock: Integral, solid state, 8 programs. 6. Capacity: 16 wireless inputs, 32 hardwired outputs - timed duration from 1 second to 4 hours or dynamically sequenced - up to 8 outputs may be show sequenced. 7. Display: 4 x 20 character, back lighted LCD display. 8. Output Control Modes: Timed duration, dynamic sequencing, show sequencing. 9. Safety: Underwriters' Laboratories Listed ' 2.07 AQUATIC PLAY ACCESSORIES Owner shall choose decorative drain cover style and cover. A. Decorative Drain & Sump ' 1. Model Number: W-037-Style By Owner-S 2. Sump: Type 304 stainless steel with 4" FIP bottom fitting. 3. Grate: %" Type 304 stainless steel plate with a heavy-duty textured aliphatic urethane ' finish (Specify pattern). 4. Colors: Select from red, yellow, blue, green, dark blue, orange, or purple. 5. Fasteners: Tamper resistant 18/8 stainless steel. 6. Anchor Bolts: 3/8" x 12" x 2" 18/8 stainless steel with leveling nuts and washers. 7. Hydraulic: Maximum 100 GPM with 4" drain gravity drain line recommended 2.08 PRECAST CONCRETE VAULT AND COMPONENTS: 1 A. Provide materials required by local codes for installation of the vault and associated piping. ' Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature EQUIPMENT L SECTION 02819- AQUATIC PLAY Page 5 of 11 B. General: Provide materials required by local code for installation of the vault and associated piping. 1. Minimum inside dimensions of 6'-0" side, 8'-0" long, 7'-2" high, installed on concrete slab. 2. Power: 460V/3PH/6OHz/20FLA and 208V/3PH/60Hx/20FLA. 3. Power disconnects and electrical panels. 4. Preformed openings for ventilator and piping details. Manufacturer shall determine perforation locations and elevations 5. Grade level, 36" x 36" lockable landscape cover with stainless steel hinge. 6. Ventilation vents 7. Access ladder 8. Circulation pump with integral basket strainer 9. Filter pump and strainer 10. Sand filter 11. Water Monitoring and Chemical Injection equipment 12. Valve manifold per manufacturer's design with drain, water hammer arrestor, and pressure gauge. Brass control valves sized per manufacturer. 13. Sump pump with float switch 14. Interior light 15. Convenience outlet 16, 24-Inch media filter with multiport valve and automatic backwash and pump 17. Prewired control panel in a NEMA 4X enclosure C. Provide shop drawings of piping connections to vault, and electrical schematic of system controls for approval by Owner's Representative. 2.09 FOUNTAIN PUMP SYSTEMS: A. Provide all materials required for the complete installation of the main fountain pumping system, filter and pump recirculation system, electrical system, and control package. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02819- AQUATIC PLAY EQUIPMENT Page 6 of 11 B. The system shall include, but not be limited to, the following components: 1. Main Feature pump shall be VFD rated at 500 GPM at 60 ft. head, 10 HP Variable Frequency Drive. 2. Pump/Filter recirculation unit shall be single speed rated at minimum 70 GPM at 25 PSI for 1/2-hour turnover of reservoir. Pump shall be across -the -line started and operated. 3. All pumps are operated on 460V/3PH/6OHz. ' 4. Safeties shall include: no flow shut -down, low pressure and high pressure shut- down. ' 5. Provide pressure dump back to reservoir for use in the event the VFD goes down. 6. Furnish shop drawings for approval before commencing with and construction or fabrication of the system. 7. All pumps shall include isolation valves on the upstream side ' 8. The pump systems shall be Grundfos, Gould, Pentair or approved equal. 9. Main feature pump shall include discharge butterfly valve, discharge pressure transducers and PLC's by provided by pump manufacturer. 10. Main feature pump to have 4-inch Wye strainer on discharge 2.10 PIPE AND FITTINGS: ' A. PVC Pipe and Fittings Outside Pump Vault: 1. Use rigid, unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) 1120, 1220 National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) approved pipe, extruded from material meeting the requirements of Cell Classification 12454-A or 12454-13, ASTM Standard D1784, with an integral belled end suitable for solvent welding. 2.- Use Schedule 40 PVC pipe for all pipe sizes 1-inch to 3-inch and Schedule 80 PVC for all pipe sizes 4-inches and greater conforming to the dimensions and tolerances established by ASTM. Standard D2241. 3. All flanged connections shall be Class 125/150 lb. 4. Materials: ' Fittings for PVC pipe shall be Spears Schedule 80, Type 1, PVC solvent weld fittings, ASTM Standards D2466 and D 1784. ' Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02819- AQUATIC PLAY EQUIPMENT ' Page 7 of 11 2.11 Use primer approved by the pipe manufacturer. Solvent cement to conform as ASTM Standard D2564, of a type approved by the pipe manufacturer. B. Steel Pipe Inside Pump Vault: 1. Steel Pipe: Schedule 40 steel pipe, ASTM Standard A120. Fittings shall be flanged or grooved, standard weight, malleable iron fittings. Grooved fittings shall be ITT Gruvloc or Victaulic. 2. Stainless Steel Pipe: Pipe shall be Type 304 stainless steel, Schedule 40. Fittings shall be Schedule 40, stainless steel, grooved fittings. Fittings shall be Victaulic. 3. Use of dielectric union wherever a copper -based metal (copper, brass, bronze) is joined to an iron -based metal (iron, galvanized steel, stainless steel). PIPE COMPONENTS: A. True Union Ball Valves: 1. Dual EPDM 0-ring sealing system. 2. Built -In handle lockout. 3. Self-adjusting PTFE floating seat design. 4. Valve shall be manufactured by Spears or approved equal B. Butterflv Valves: 1. Standard or Tru-Lug style. 2. Buna-N seat and seals. 3. Solid type 316L stainless steel stem. 4. Lever operated. 5. Valve shall be manufactured by Spears, Milwaukee or approved equal C. Basket Strainer: 1. Pump intake basket strainers shall be provided on all pump intakes. 2. Provide a 14-inch and 3-inch basket strainer with flanged connections and clamped cover. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature EQUIPMENT SECTION 02819- AQUATIC PLAY Page 8 of 11 ' 3. List out stainless steel screen with 5/32-inch perforations. 4. 1 '/z-inch flush/drain plug located at bottom of basket. ' D. Wafer -Tyne Check Valve: 1. Silent check style with cast iron body, free from blow holes; sand holes and other ' impurities. 2. Disc, seat and stem guide shall be machined bronze and shall be aligned to allow ' proper seating and full closure before flow reversals. E. Wall Penetration Seal: ' 1. For pressurized steel pipe penetrations, use Link Seal, as manufactured by Thunderline Corporation, Wayne, MI 48184. ' 2. For nonpressurized PVC pipe penetrations, use Asphaltic Concrete Adapter, as manufactured by Certainteed Corporation, Valley. Forge, PA 19482. 3. Sized as recommended by manufacturer to fit pipe and wall opening. F. Pressure Gauges: ' 1. Furnish two (2) liquid filled pressure gauges per pump system, minimum diameter of 3-inches. 2. Pressure gauges shall be installed one directly upstream and one downstream of pumps. 3. Housing shall be stainless steel, internals shall be bronze, range shall be 0-80 PSI. ' G. Flanged Mounted Check Valve: 1. Flanged style iron body silent check valve. ' 2. Rated for 200 PSI nonshock cold water, Class 125/150 lb. flanges. 3. Disc, seat and stem guide shall be machined bronze, and shall be aligned to allow ' proper seating full closure before flow reversal. 4. Size as indicated in drawings and details. ' H. Thrust Blocks: 1. Use thrust blocks for fittings on pipe greater than or equal to 3-inch diameter or ' any diameter rubber gasketed pipe. 2. Use 3,000 PSI concrete placed as shown on installation details. ' Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02819- AQUATIC PLAY EQUIPMENT ' Page 9 of 11 1 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 SITE AND DRAWING EXAMINATION A. Contractors submitting a proposal for this work shall first examine the site of the proposed work that they may fully understand facilities, difficulties, and restrictions attending the execution of the contract. No subsequent. allowances shall be made because of omission, error, or negligence in connection with this provision. B. Contractors submitting a proposal for this work shall carefully examine the architectural and structural Drawings and Specifications. C. Questions pertaining to work that do not appear to be sufficiently detailed or explained, or pertaining to the true meaning of any part of the Drawings or Specifications, or discrepancies found existing in or between the Specifications and Drawings, shall be referred to the Aquatic Consultant clarification or correction. 3.02 COORDINATION A. The Contractor shall cooperate with subcontractors of other trades, whose work is in any way affected by, or affects the work under this Section. B. The Contractor shall coordinate the work under this Section with that of other trades to effect a complete installation consistent with the requirements and intent of the Drawings and Specifications. . C. The Contractor shall furnish materials so as to avoid delay in the progress of the work and shall store them as to prevent interference with other work. 3.03 GENERAL INSTALLATION A. Install and connect all equipment in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations unless otherwise noted. If specified installation is contrary to manufacturer's instructions, cease installation of affected components or systems. Notify Project Manager and the Aquatic Consultant and do not resume installation without clear instructions. B. Protect pipes, conduits, and equipment from damage from inclement weather. C. Parts to be cast into concrete shall be located as detailed on the Plans and shall be rigidly supported to resist loads imposed during concrete pour. D. Parts to be cast in concrete shall be located as detailed on the Plans shall be rigidly supported to resist loads imposed during concrete pour. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02819- AQUATIC PLAY EQUIPMENT Pagel 0 of 11 HARDSCAPE ' Standard Grey Concrete Pavement (5" thick) $ Z74 S SF Color Concrete Pavement (5" thick) $ S' s SF Asphaltic Concrete Paving $ 30 SY Concrete Curb and Gutter $ 25" _ LF ' Concrete Mow Strip $ i5- LF Sandstone Wall Type 2 $ %6 LF Boulder Wall Type 1 $ s s LF Boulder set in concrete $ I S71 EA AQUATIC EQUIPMENT VAULT Core Drills for 1.5" Pipe $ /00 EA Core Drills for 3" Pipe $ /sv EA Core Drills for 2" Pipe $ / s-n " EA Water Tight Seal for 3" Wall Hole $ S EA Water Tight Seal for 4" Wall Holes $ 0 EA Sch. 40 PVC Water Feature Piping and Fittings - 1.5" $ 13 LF Sch. 40 PVC Water Feature Piping and Fittings - 3" $ 16 P LF Sch. 40 PVC Water Feature Piping and Fittings - 2" $ /Y LF Sch. 40 PVC Water Feature Piping and Fittings - 6" $ 2/ LF Sch. 40 PVC Water Feature Piping and Fittings - 8" $ 2 2 LF Sch. 40 PVC Water Feature Piping and Fittings -10" $ Z e J LF Sch. 40 PVC Drain Pipe from Sump/Filter to S.S. - 3" $ 20 LF ' Sump Pump —1/2HP $ by J EA Sump Pump —1/3HP $ 600 EA Sump Pump Controls $ /000 LS SikaPlug Water Stop (Sealant for open spaces at wet well access doors) $ EA ' SikaFix HHLV (Sealant for joint between top of wet well and floor) $ I /$' LF ' Super Thoro Seal (Wetwell Sealant) $ ZS�a _ LS IRev10/20/07 Section 00300 Page 6 E. Water pipe lines shall be flushed free of debris as follows: 1. Completely drain piping and equipment. 'I F. Pump and Recirculation equipment shall be installed as shown on plans and details. Any inconsistencies shall be brought to the attention of the General Contractor and Engineer. ') 3.08 DEFECTIVE WORK AND MATERIALS 'I A. Materials or work found to be defective or not in strict conformity with the drawings, or II different from the requirements of the Drawings and Specifications, or defaced or injured, shall be removed and satisfactory material and work substituted. ' 3.09 CLEAN-UP A. Upon completion of the work of this Section, the Contractor shall remove unused ' equipment and implements of service, and leave the entire areainvolved in a neat, clean, and acceptable condition as approved by the Owner. B. Soiled, abraded, or discolored surfaces of the aquatic play area shall be cleaned and left free from blemishes or defects. ' 3.10 TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS A. General: The Contractor shall test equipment installed by him to show that it complies with specified requirements. Testing shall be done in a manner approved by the Architect/Engineer. B. Electrical tests: ' 1. Electrical circuits, feeders, and equipment shall be tested and proven free of faulty tY grounds, open circuits, or shorts, as required by local codes. C. Contractor shall, at his expense; make the aquatic play system operational and make tests, adjustments, and corrections, until it is shown to be in proper operating condition. END OF SECTION i ' Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature EQUIPMENT SECTION 02819- AQUATIC PLAY Page 11 of 11 SECTION 02877 - PREFABRICATED SHELTERS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Summary A. Section Includes: 1. Prefabricated shelters 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings for each type of proposed structure. B. Product Data: Submit catalog data as specified under Section'01330 Submittal Procedures. C. Samples: Submit color samples for selection. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 Prefabricated "1-Top Pavilion" A. Acceptable Manufacturers: 1. Classic Recreation GR Marolt Associates Bud Marolt PO Box 114 Englewood, CO 80151 888-762-1090 or303-762-1090 http://www.maroltassociates. com B. Description: 12'x12' Orlando Model - powder coated legs 1. Colors: As selected by Owner's Representative from Manufacturer's Standards. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 Installation Install on concrete bases where indicated. Touch up damaged paint. All items shall be installed according to manufacturer's instructions wherever applicable. END OF SECTION Spring Canyon Community Park SECTION 02877 — PREFABRICATED SHELTERS Page 1 of 1 DIVISION SECTION 02832 — STEEL FENCE ' PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Work Included A. The Contractor shall furnish labor, materials, tools, equipment and perform work and services necessary for construction steel fence in the quantities required. Furnish and install supplementary or miscellaneous items, appurtenances and -devices incidental to or necessary for a healthy, sound, ' and complete, craftsman -like installation. Work to include: 1. Steel Fence. ' 1.02 Submittals A. Submit the manufacturer's literature, color specification and two (2) posts painted with the specified finish. Do not paint fences in the field until the submittal(s) has been approved by the Owner's Representative. 1.04 Quality Assurance A. Reference Standards: Materials shall comply with standards and specifications of the International Fence Industry Association. ' A. Provide at least one person who shall be present at all times during execution of this portion of the work and who shall be thoroughly familiar with the type of materials being installed and the best methods for their installation and who shall direct all work performed under this section. 1.04 Guarantee A. Guarantee fence against defects for a period of two years from the date of final acceptance. B. This guarantee will not be enforced should damage occur due to vandalism, improper maintenance by Owner, lawn mower damage, or other circumstances beyond the control of the Contractor. ' C. Replace or re -install fence when it is no longer in a satisfactory condition as determined by the Owner's Representative for the duration of the guarantee period. 1 PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 Fencing Materials — Rail Fence ' A. Steel Posts ' 2.02 Finish A. Powder Coated: Sherwin Williams (SW) 6447 Evergreens ' 2.03 Hardware and Fasteners A. Hardware and Fastener materials shall comply with standards and specifications of the International Fence Industry Association. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02832 — STEEL FENCE Page 1 of 2 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 Layout A. Contractor shall install fencing in the alignment shown on the drawings. 3.02 Installation of Fencing and Other Materials A. Workmanship: The completed fence shall be shall be approved by Owner's Representative. Details of construction not specified shall be performed in keeping with good standard fencing practice. B. Concrete: Set posts in concrete designed to have a minimum compressive strength of 3,000 psi at 28 days. Slope top of footing from posts out to edge approximately one (1) inch to match finish grade at edges. Provide smooth trowel finish on top, of footings. C. Line Posts: Space line posts as specified on the drawings and approved by Owner's Representative and set in concrete as detailed. END OF SECTION Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02832 — STEEL FENCE Page 2 of 2 ' DMSIONµ2 SECTION 02950 — PLANTING, SOIL PREPARATION, FINISH GRADING PART 1 - GENERAL ' 1.01. Scope A. Bidding Documents and Information, Conditions of the Contract and Division 1 — General ' B. Requirements apply to the Work of this Section of the Specifications Soil preparation and soil amendments C. Finish grading. ' D. Fertilizer E. Wood Mulch F. Weed Barrier G. Landscape Boulders H. I. Tree Stakes, Guys and Tree Wrap Plant Materials ' J. 1.02 Buffalo and Bluegrass Sod Related Sections A. 1.03 Section 02810 - Irrigation Unit Price — Measurement and Payment 1 B. Organic Amendment: By percent complete. Includes supplying amendment. Provide Delivery Tickets with job name and delivery date from supplier. C. Soil Preparation: Includes distribution of soil amendment, grading, ripping, roto-tilling, and finish grading. By the percent complete. Includes all soil preparation, placing and tilling amendments, mulch bed subgrade establishment and finish grading. D. Tree shrub, and groundcover planting: Includes installation of steel header, weed barrier, and mulches, planting of trees, shrubs, groundcovers, perennials, and annuals. Includes fertilization and backfill. By the percent complete. E. Crusher Fines: Includes subgrade preparation and excavation, installation and compaction of crusher F. fines materials. By the percent complete. Skinned Infield Mix: Includes subgrade preparation and excavation, installation and compaction of crusher fines materials. By the percent complete. G. Sod: Includes furnishing and installation of sod. By the percent complete. H. Landscape Boulders: Includes furnishing and installation of boulders. By the percent complete. 1.04 Protection A. Protect landscaping and other features remaining as final work. ' B. Protect existing structures, fences, sidewalks, utilities, paving, and curbs. ' Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02950 — PLANTING, SOIL PREPARATION, FINISH GRADING Page 1 of 11 1.05 Samples, Submittals and Quality Assurance A. Organic Amendment: Submit sample in a plastic baggie. Product delivered to site shall match the submitted sample. B. Organic Amendment Analysis: Submit copies of amendment analysis from qualified soil testing laboratory. C. Organic Amendment: Submit organic amendment delivery receipts to owner's representative for review. D. Soil Analysis: Submit copies of soil test results from CSU lab. Submit copies of CSU cover letter with recommendations that are provided with soil test. E. Fertilizer: 1. Submit copy of sod fertilizer composition to be used and supplier source. 2. Submit sample of Osmocote fertilizer in a plastic baggie. F. Organic Mulch: 3. Wood Mulch: Submit sample of proposed mulch in a plastic baggie. Submit name of proposed supplier. G. Weed barrier: Submit brand name and model number/name of proposed weed barrier to be used. H. Tree Stakes, Guys, Webbing, and Guying cord. Submit sample of each. 1.06 Inspections A. Site Inspection: Contractor will inspect existing site conditions and note irregularities affecting the work of this section. Verify that grading operations have been satisfactorily completed and that topsoil of adequate quantity and quality has been placed in areas as specified. Verify that the areas to be revegetated are protected from concentrated runoff and sediment from adjacent areas. Note previous treatments to the areas such as temporary seeding or mulching and discuss with the Owner's Representative how these treatments will affect permanent revegetation. Report irregularities affecting work of this section to the Owner's Representative before initiating work. When the Contractor begins work under this section, it implies acceptance of existing conditions. 2. Contractor shall notify Owner's Representative prior to start of work. Owner's Representative will be responsible to monitor the work. B. Pre -planting Inspections: Plant material shall be inspected by a Owner's:Representative before planting. Inspection of materials may be sequenced by major planting areas to accommodate efficient planting operations. Plants for inspection must be in a single location preferably on the project site. Rejected materials must be removed from the site, replaced and reinspected before planting. If the supplier is.a local nursery, tagged plants maybe inspected.at the nursery.. Photographs of the plant materials to be obtained from non -local sources may be submitted to the Owner's Representative for preliminary inspection:' This preliminary inspection is subject to final approval of plants at the job site. The Owner reserves the right to reject plant material at any stage of construction or guarantee period. 2. Soil amendments, backfill mixes and mulches will be inspected at the site by the Owner's Representative before they are used in planting operations. 3. Owner's Representatives will inspect staked locations of trees before digging for those plants occurs. Owner's Representatives will inspect the location of shrubs in their containers at the Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02950 — PLANTING, SOIL PREPARATION, FINISH GRADING Page 2 of 11 , 11 11 proposed locations before digging commences. Contact Owner's Representative at least two days in advance. C. Substantial Completion Inspection: 1. As soon as all planting is completed, a review and preliminary inspection to determine the condition of the vegetation will be held by the Owner's Representatives upon request by the Contractor. 2. The inspection will occur only after the following conditions have been met: a. Landscape areas will be free of weeds and neatly cultivated; b. Plant basins shall be in good repair; c. Irrigation systems shall be fully operational with heads properly adjusted; d. Debris and litter shall be cleaned up and walkways and curbs shall be cleaned of soil and debris left from planting operations. 3. If, after the inspection, the Owner's Representative is of the opinion that the work has been performed as per the Contract Documents, and that the vegetation is in satisfactory growing condition, he will give the Contractor Written Notice of Acceptance and the Guarantee Period shall begin. 4. Work requiring corrective action in the judgment of the City Representative shall be performed within the first ten (10) days of the guarantee period. Any work not performed within this time will necessitate an equivalent extension of the guarantee period. Corrective work and materials replacement shall be in accordance with the Contract Documents, and shall be made by the Contractor at no cost to the Owner. 5. Final approval and Substantial Completion notice will be given when all deficiencies are corrected. D. End of Guarantee Period Inspection: 1. At the end of the second full growing season the Owner's Representatives will inspect trees for satisfactory condition. The inspection shall take place in September and the Owner's Representative shall contact the Contractor concerning replacements. Replacements may take place the following spring if deemed proper or necessary. 2. The Contractor is responsible for removal of tree stakes, wire and webbing at the end of the guarantee period. 1.07 Plant Material Guarantee/Warranty A. Provide a two-year warranty (unless noted otherwise) from the date of Substantial Completion. Substantial Completion is hereby defined as the point at which the Landscape Contractor is 100% complete with installation and is ready for a Substantial Completion Review. The -Owner's representative will have sole authority to grant Substantial Completion. The minimum two-year warranty includes all aspects of this section (except seed) including installation; and materials. B. Guarantee plant material used in this section against defects due to any cause for a period of two full growine seasons from the date of acceptance of all work. This guarantee includes insect infestation or infection by disease organisms. C. Replace woody vegetation when it is no longer in a satisfactory condition as determined by the City Representative for the duration of the Warranty Period. Make replacements within fourteen days of notification from the City Representative. Replacement planting for trees shall be done in the spring planting season, except as approved otherwise. If a tree is in marginal condition at the end of the guarantee period it may be agreeable to both parties to wait until the end of the growing season before deciding whether to replace that tree. Plant materials that arereplaced during the warranty period shall be replaced one time at the Contractor's expense. Cost of subsequent replacements, if required, shall be Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02950 — PLANTING, SOIL PREPARATION, FINISH GRADING Page 3 of 11 negotiated with the Owner's Representative. Warranty replacement plant -materials planted within 6 months after Substantial completion shall have the same end of warranty -as the original installation. Plants replaced within 6 months of the end of the warranty shall be warranted an additional 6 months after the date of completion of.the initial warranty period. D. This guarantee will not be enforced should woody vegetation die due to vandalism; improper maintenance procedures carried out by the Owner involving over or under watering, lawn mower damage, over -fertilization, fire, flood, or hail or other similar circumstances beyond the control of the Contractor. E. It is the responsibility of -the Landscape Contractor to monitor ongoing maintenance of the project during the warranty period. If the Landscape Contractor finds fault with ongoing maintenance activities of the Maintenance Contractor, they shall be immediately brought to the attention of the Owner's Representative. The warranty will in no way be invalidated because of activities of the Maintenance Contractor unless approved by the Owner's Representative. F. Replacements shall be of the same kind and size as originally specified and shall be installed as described in the contract documents unless changes are approved by City Representatives. Repairs and replacements shall be made at no expense to the Owner. 1.07 Sod Warranty/Guarantee A. Guarantee sod against defects for a period of two growing seasons from the date of final acceptance. B. This guarantee will,not be enforced should sodded area die due to vandalism, improper maintenance by Owner, lawn mower damage, or other circumstances beyond the control of the Contractor. C. Replace sodded turf when it is no longer in a satisfactory condition as determined by the Owner's Representative for the duration of the guarantee period. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 Organic Amendment A. Organic Amendment shall be A-1 Organic, Colorado Compost (Windsor 686-5121), or equivalent approved 7 days prior to bidding. Compost shall meet the following specifications: A totally organic product (Mountain peat is not acceptable in the amendment) that has been aerobically and naturally processed without the addition of coarse wood chips, in such a manner as to maintain a consistent temperature of 140 degrees Fahrenheit or greater for a period of time sufficient to create the following characteristics, measured by dry weight: 1. Maximum allowable organic matter: 60% 2. Organic matter to nitrogen ratio 2 5: 1 to 30:1. 3. pH: 6.5 to 7.5 4. Salts: 2.0 to 3.0 minhos. 5. Less that 40% inorganic matter. 6. Less than 5% soil, dirt, or sand 7. Maximum particle size of/z" diameter 8. Eradication of all harmful weed seeds, pathogens, and bacteria. A well decomposed earthy smell (non -offensive) 2.02 Topsoil A. Existing on -site topsoil for use as part of backfill mix. Submit a minimum of 2 samples of soil to the . Colorado State University Soil Testing laboratory for analysis and fertilizer recommendations. Samples Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02950 — PLANTING, SOIL PREPARATION, FINISH GRADING Page 4 of 11 1 shall be taken from widely varying sections of the site. 2.03 Fertilizer: A. Fertilizer for turf shall be commercial type, of uniform composition, free flowing, and conforming to applicable state and federal laws. Fertilizer shall be formulated to meet the suggestions of the CSU soil laboratory for turf fertilization. B. Fertilizer for trees, shrubs, and perennials shall be Osmocote Sierrablen, 9 month slow release fertilizer. Apply per manufacturer's recommendations. C. Bone Meal. Commercially.available brand. Submit proposed formulation and company name. 2.04 Mulch A. Fibrous Redwood or Fibrous Cedar Mulch shall be used in planting beds. 2.05 Weed Barrier A. Weed barrier shall be - Mirafi 140, Typar 3341, or Polyspun 300 or approved equivalent. 2.06 Landscape Boulders A. Installation of the art work in the landscape boulders shall be coordinated by the General Contractor. It shall be the responsibility of the general contractor to provide a schedule to the Owner's Representative indicating the necessary completion dates of the boulder installations by location so that the installer of the landscape boulders does not delay construction activities.. . 2.07 Tree Stakes, Guys, and Tree Wrap 1. Tree Stakes - 8 Foot long, 2" diameter Lodgepole Pine or metal "T" stakes. (Available from Direct Landscape Supply (303) 79.7-7733). 2. Guy Anchors - 24 long metal ' posts or approved equivalent. 3. Guying and Staking Cord - 1/4" Diameter yellow nylon rope or 14AWG wire with 1/2" X 12" PVC sleeves. 4. Webbing: 2"nylon webbing or rubberized cloth. No hose permitted. 5. Tree Wrap: 4" minimum width commercial tree wrap: Secure tree wrap with jute rope or a similar biodegradable material. 2.08 Plant Materials A. Plant List - A plant list is provided on the drawings. Quantities shown on the list are for information only. Contractor shall be responsible for verifying quantity takeoffs as shown on the drawings. In the event of a discrepancy between quantities shown on the plant list and quantities depicted on the plans, the quantities' depicted on the plans shall govern. B. Plant Material Quality - Plants shall meet the American Association of Nurserymen (AAN) standards for established plants and, the Landscape Contractors of Colorado standard specifications. The most recent. editions shall. govern. Plants shall be well branchedand, well established in their containers or balls. Plants that shown signs of being potbound with substantial roots circling the perimeter of the container may be rejected. Trees shall be Colorado grown, or have been grown at a source with a latitude equal to or north of Colorado and with a similar climate, or have been acclimated in Colorado for at least 3 growing seasons. Shrubs and perennials shall be Colorado grown or have been acclimated to the Colorado climate by being planted early enough in the growing season to adapt to Colorado conditions and develop_ adequate rooting to survive winter. Meeting these standards shall not relieve the contractor of required conditions of the warranty/guaranty. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02950 — PLANTING, SOIL PREPARATION, FINISH GRADING Page 5 of 11 C. Diseases and injuries - Plants with disease or insects are not permitted. Plants with substantial scarring of the trunk may be rejected. Plants with wounds or broken branches may be rejected D. Plant Review - All plant material is subject to review by the Owner's Representative prior to delivery to the site. Review at the nursery does not constitute final acceptance. All plant material is subject to review at the site prior to planting, review during substantial completion, review. at final acceptance, review at any time during the warranty period, and review at the time of the warranty completion. Dead, poor, or unhealthy specimens shall be replaced within 10 days of notification by the Owner's Representative. The Owner's representative or his assigned representative shall be the sole person responsible for deciding whether a plant is to be replaced. E. Botanic and Common Names - Both.names are given in the plant list and are in conformance with standard horticultural practice. Plants are to be delivered to the site with tags bearing the botanic name as indicated on the plant list. F. Digging, wrapping and handling - Plants shall be dug and prepared for shipment in a manner that will not cause damage to branches, shape, and future development after planting. G. Balled and burlapped plants shall be nursery grown stock adequately balled with a firm rootball, and in sizes and ratios conforming to the Colorado Nursery Act and in conformance with the AAN standards. Balls shall be firmly wrapped in non treated burlap and bound and secured with wire, nylon, or jute. Broken or heavily damaged balls will not be accepted. Chicken wire is not acceptable. H. Container grown plants shall have been nursery grown in containers and shall have sufficient roots to hold the entire soil mass together when the container is removed. I. Options: If all other requirements for size are met a container plant may be substituted for a balled and burlapped plant. A spaded plant may be substituted for a balled and burlapped plant. 2.09 Plant Protection N. Plants shall be protected at all times from drying out of°other injury. Protect balls of plants from drying out. Wrap trees with a protective cloth when transporting. Do not transport trees in a an uncovered moving vehicle when the outside temperature is above 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Spray trees with water prior to travel to any destination. Use caution in handling plants to prevent major damage to roots/ trunk, or branches. 2.10 Sod A. Turfgrass Sod: Certified Approved Number I Quality/Premium, including limitations on thatch, weeds, diseases, nematodes, and insects, complying with TPI's "Specifications for Turfgrass Sod Materials" in its "Guideline Specifications to Turfgrass Sodding." Furnish viable sod of uniform density, color, and texture, strongly rooted, and capable of vigorous growth and development when planted. B. Turfgrass Species: Sod of grass species as follows, with not less than ninety-five (95) percent germination, not less than eighty-five (85) percent pure seed, and not more,than one-half (1/2) percent weed seed: Subparagraphs below are examples only.. Deternune if a single -species grass.or mixture of two or more grass species is required. Insert specific cultivars to each grass species if required. Consult university cooperative extension service or county extension agency for current recommendations. Revise descriptions and insert proprietary seed mixes if preferred: Indicate areas of full sun, sun and partial shade, and shade here or on Drawings. - Full Sun: Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis), a.minimum of three improved cultivars. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02960 — PLANTING, SOIL PREPARATION, FINISH GRADING , Page 6 of 11 IAQUATIC PLAY EQUIPMENT ITEM ' "Team Spray" "Sidewinder" "Water Jelly" "Ground Geyser' Deck Drain Foot Activator 1 Lawson drain base & grate J I -- IRRIGATION UNIT PRICE $ (92-00 EA $ �+Q� l EA $ 45-00 - EA $ iSSoo EA $ 17 Sol EA $ 3s-na " EA $ 15-40 EA ITEM UNIT PRICE Irrigation for Turf (seed or sod) areas less than 10 feet in width $ 2 6o SF Irrigation of Turf areas (seed or sod) 10 feet or greater in width $ 2 =' SF Drip Irrigation - per Shrub, Perennial or Grass in planting bed $ Z %s EA Sleeve Pipe - 2" $ 19 - LF Sleeve Pipe - 3" $ 9 J LF Remote Control Valve Assembly for Sprinkler Laterals - 1" $ 2.5'0 ' EA Remote Control Valve Assembly for Drip Laterals - 1" $ 2sd - EA Mainline Connection Fittings to Add Valves $ ZS7J EA Control Wire $0. ES' LF Flush Cap Assembly $ 12 J EA Lateral Pipe -1 n $ 2 LF Lateral Pipe -1.25" $ 3 LF 1 LANDSCAPE Finish Grading Organic Amendment - Class 2 Bluegrass Sod Buffalo Grass Sod Deciduous Shrub - #5 container Perennial - #1 container Ornamental Grass - #1 container Weed Barrier ' Rev 10/20/07 $ (9. SF $ s CY $ 6, 65- SF $ 13= SF $ EA $ EA $ /f1 ' EA $ o• 3S' SF Section 00300 Page 7 IPART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 Examination ' A. Verify Rough grading is within t 1 tenth of a foot. Verify site is free from obstructions, objects, or structures that are not a part of the final site construction. Verify major drainages are completed and -in place. Do not start work until the site is acceptable. Once landscape grading has commenced, the ' Landscape Contractor shall be responsible for bringing all grading to final line and grade and creating positive drainage. B. Verify substrate base has been contoured. 3.02 Clearing A. Prior to any soil preparation , existing vegetation not to remain and which might interfere with the ' specified soil preparation shall be mowed, grubbed, raked, and the debris removed from the site. Prior to or during grading or tillage operations the ground surface shall be cleared of materials which might hinder final operations. ' 3.03 Soil Preparation and Finish Grading I� it A. Ripping: 1. Protection- Field locate all buried cables, wires, electrical service, irrigation lines and any other subsurface element that may be damaged during ripping operations. Stake and/or paint locations with an easily visible system that will enable equipment operators to avoid damaging buried utilities. 2. Prepare irrigated and non -irrigated seed, sod, shrub bed, and ground cover areas as follows: a. Rip soil to a minimum depth of 12" in two directions using an agricultural ripper with tines spaced no greater than 12". Areas adjacent to walks, buried obstructions, structures, curbs etc. where the use of large mechanical equipment is difficult, shall be worked by hand. b. If roots of trees are encountered, minimize ripping operations as needed to avoid cutting roots or damaging plant material. c. Apply Roundup to areas to be seeded a minimum of 2 weeks after topsoil has been redistributed and before application of soil amendment. Apply Roundup only when weeds are growing vigorously. Apply at manufacturers maximum recommended rate. B. Spread the following amendments over the entire area to receive landscaping. Incorporate the amendments into the top 6 inches of soil by rototilling: General Irrigated Shrub Bed, Seed and Sod Areas groundcover, and perennial Area Compost 4CY/1,000SF., 5 CY/1,000SF Fertilizer Per recommendation of soil lab report Bone NA 201bs./100SF Meal Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02950 — PLANTING, SOIL PREPARATION, FINISH GRADING Page 7 of 11 C. Incorporate amendments by discing or rototilling into the top 6 inches of soil. Obtain a uniform. mixture. Work tight areas by hand. D. Restore fine grade with float drag to remove irregularities resulting from tilling operations. Float drag in two directions. Use only a hand rake in perennial and annual beds. E. Eliminate uneven areas and low spots. Establish a finish grade that provides positive drainage as indicated on the grading plans. F. Remove debris, roots, branches, stones, in excess of 1-2" inch diameter in size. G. Coordinate grading of subgrade to the following depths: Adjacent to curb s & other Surfaces Tolerances within Open Areas 1. Seeded areas 1/2" below pavement and curbs 0" t 1" 2. Sodded areas 1" below curbs and walks 1"± 1/2" 3. Shrub bed areas 3" in gravel mulch; 2" in wood chips 311± 1" 4. Perennial Beds 2" below curbs and walks ± 2" H. Do not plant until finish grade has been reviewed by the Owner's Representative. This review does not reduce Contractor's responsibility to provide a finished product that drains. 3.04 Weed Barrier A. Weed barrier shall be placed in shrub beds and where noted on the plans and details. Do not place weed barrier in perennial beds. At edges of curbs, walls, structures, pavements, and headers, weed I barrier shall be turned down into grade and secured with 11 gauge, 12 inch long staples at 18" inches O.C. B. Where individual weed barrier sheet abut they shall overlap a minimum of 4 inches and be secured with 11 gauge, 12 inch long staples at 18" inches O.C. along the joint. 3.05 Mulching A. Wood Mulch Beds. 1. Place wood or cedar mulch in shrub and perennial beds. 2. Place wood mulch to a 2 inch depth. Do not use weed barrier in perennial mulch beds. 3. Gently brush cedar mulch off of perennials once installed. Take care in placement not to damage newly planted materials. 4. Prior to placing mulch and planting in mulch beds, apply Roundup herbicide to'weeds and -allow beds to sit for 7 days. Apply Roundup at manufacturers recommended rate for perennials. 5. Place a 2" layer of Cedar Mulch in tree rings. Do not install weed barrier in tree rings. 3.06 Tree and Shrub Planting A. Tree Staking: Prior to planting, stake all proposed tree locations for review by the Owner's Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02950 — PLANTING, SOIL PREPARATION, FINISH GRADING , Page 8 of 11 J Representative. Any plant material installed prior to this review is subject to removal or relocation at the expense of the Contractor. B. Planting Pits: Dig planting pits twice the diameter of the rootball for container and balled and burlapped stock. Establish bottom of the planting pit so that the top of footballs will be slightly higher than surrounding grade in order to allow for settlement. Roughen edges of planting pits to provide a rough surface on edges. Retain excavated material next to planting pit for mixing organic amendment and fertilizers. 2. . For planting trees amend excavated planting pit soil with Bone Meal and organic amendment using the following mix: Bone Meal at the Rate of 1 cup per tree. Organic amendment at the rate of 4 shovelsful (Spade) per tree. 3. Thoroughly combine, organic amendment, and bone meal with excavated soil. Mixture should provide an evenly blended mixture for use as-backfill. C. Tree and Shrub Planting: 1. Shrub Planting: a. Remove stock from containers including shrubs in peat pots. Do not break the rootballs. Do not remove plant materials by pulling on the stems of the plants. Once removed, slice the perimeter of the rootballs in several locations using a sharp instrument or butterfly pot-bound plant materials prior to planting by sticking the shovel into the bottom of the rootball and splaying the root mass. Roughen side of the plants to break up circular root growth. b. Plantshrubs so that the plant, when in the ground, is approximately 2'inches above the surrounding grade. Lightly compact ba`ckfill in hole after planting and water thoroughly. C. Apply Osniocote fertilizer at the base of the plant after backfilling. Apply at manufacturer's recommended rate. Water lightly to activate fertilizer. 2. Tree Planting a. Establish planting pit as specified above. b. If.trees are containerized, remove trees from containers. If trees are balled and burlapped, leave burlap firmly secured until after planting. c. Handle trees carefully during planting. Avoid excessive shaking and rapid movements. Protect tree trunks with a soft cloth or rubberized material when handling by the trunk. d. Roughen the sides of planting pits. e. Gently lower tree into planting pit and set plumb. Establish bottom of pit so that top of tree rootball is approximately 2 inches above surrounding grade. Protect trunk and tree branches while placing tree. f. Untie and remove burlap from the top 1/3 of the rootball. Remove wire basket from the top and 2/3 (or all), of all sides. of the rootball. g. Backfill tree planting pit using the mixture described in section 3.713. Backfill one-half of pit with backfill mixture and water in thoroughly before placing any more backfill. h. Backfill the. rest of the planting pit with backfill mixture and water in thoroughly. Lightly compact backfill. Do not vigorously compact. i. Apply slow release Osmocote'fertilizer around the rootball diameter of the tree. Apply at manufacturer's recommended rate. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02950 — PLANTING, SOIL PREPARATION, FINISH GRADING Page 9 of 11 j. Stake or guy all trees. Trees should be plumb. Stake deciduous trees 'up to 21h " caliper. Guy deciduous trees over 2 1/2 " caliper. Guy all evergreen trees. Install 3 guys per tree at 1/3 points. Drive Guys for evergreens and deciduous trees fully into the ground so no part of the guy is above finish grade. k. Wrap deciduous trees with specified tree wrap. Wrap from bottom of trunk to the first major lateral branch. Secure with jute or other biodegradable material. Install after November 15 and no later than December 15. Remove wrap approkimately March 15 and no later than April 15. 1. In non -irrigated grass areas (if any), build a soil watering ring six inches larger than the diameter of the rootball and 4 inches high to form a basin to hold water (not required for conifers). Fill basin with water, being careful not to break the rim of the ring. m. If there are spade dug and planted trees they shall be deep watered with a watering needle angling from the inside of the ball out toward the perimeter. 3.07 Perennial, Groundcover and Annual Planting A. Planting Beds Staking. Prior to planting any perennials or annuals, and prior to installing header or header, stake, flag, or paint proposed beds scaling off the plans to determine bed configuration and size. Contact the Owner's Representative for review of extent and configuration. Do not plant or install header until review has been completed. B. Establish fine grade and'subgrade adjacent to headers as described above. C. Prepare soil as per section 3.4 under soil preparation. D. Layout all planting pots prior to planting. Space plants equally within beds to ensure a uniform appearance. Remove all pots prior to planting including peat pots. E. Plant all plant material so that the plants are flush with finish grade (top of mulch) when complete. This will require slightly mounding'each plant. Lightly compact soil around base of plant to ensure adequate root/ soil contact. Do not vigorously compact. . F. Reestablish fine grade by hand raking or smoothing grade by hand prior to placing mulch. G. Apply specified mulch taking care not to damage plants. Clear excess mulch from plant foliage. H. Apply Osmocote slow release fertilizer at the manufacturer's recommended application rate. Water in thoroughly. Keep plants moist but not saturated each day for 14 days after planting. 3.08 Sod Installation A. Sod: Harvest, deliver, store, and handle sod accordingto requirements in TPI's "Specifications for Turfgrass Sod Materials" and "Specifications for Turfgrass Sod Transplanting and Installation" in its "Guideline Specifications to Turfgrass Sodding." Deliver sod in time for planting within twenty-four (24) hours of harvesting. Protect sod from breakage and drying. B. Lay sod within twenty-four (24) hours of harvesting. Do not lay'sod if dormant or if ground is frozen or muddy. C. Lay sod to form a solid mass with tightly fitted joints. Butt ends and sides of sod; do not stretch or overlap. Stagger sod strips or pads to offset joints in'adjacent courses. Avoid damage to sub -grade or sod during installation. Tamp and roll lightly to ensure contact with subgrade; eliminate air pockets, and form a smooth surface. Work sifted soil or fine sand into minor cracks between pieces of sod; remove excess to avoid smothering sod and adjacent grass. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02950 — PLANTING, SOIL PREPARATION, FINISH GRADING ' Page 10 of 11 1 11 D. Lay sod across angle of slopes exceeding 1:3. Steel staple anchors are commonly used. Anchor sod on slopes exceeding 1:3 with wood pegs[ or steel staples] spaced as recommended by sod Supplier but not less than two (2) anchors per sod strip to prevent slippage. Saturate sod with fine water spray within two hours of planting. During first week after planting, water daily or more frequently as necessary to maintain moist soil to a minimum depth of 1-1/2 inches below sod. 3.09 Maintenance A. General 1. Continuously maintain plantings included in the Contract from the beginning of Contract work and during the progress of work, see Section 02970 Planting Maintenance. 2. The Owner will assume the responsibility of maintenance including watering, fertilizing, weeding, etc. upon written acceptance of Substantial Completion from the Owner. The Contractor shall periodically inspect the project during the two-year guarantee period and immediately notify the Owner's Representative of any irregularities or deficiencies which will affect the guarantee. 3. Round -Up herbicide may be used in mulched tree rings if grass seed has sprouted from seeding operations. 4. The Contractor shall be responsible for resetting of any plants to an upright position or to proper grade and for the removal and replacement of any dead plant material. 3.09 Project Record (As -Built Drawing) A. Maintain one complete set of contract documents on site. Keep documents current. Record changes in location, quantity and species of plant material. Submit corrected drawings to the Owner's Representative prior to final inspection. 3.10 Tree Stakes B. Remove tree stakes, guy wire and webbing at the end of the two -season guarantee period. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature END OF SECTION SECTION 02950 — PLANTING, SOIL PREPARATION, FINISH GRADING Page 11 of 11 DIVISION 2' .� °, . ,,. C h x r 237 Z ye> f n SECTION 02970 — PLANTING MAINTENANCE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Scope A. Furnish all supervision, labor, material equipment, and transportation, and perform operations in connection with and reasonably incidental to maintaining planting, including winter watering, called for under this contract. Maintain landscape materials in an attractive, healthy, operable condition until seeded areas are established, landscape punch list items are complete, and landscape work is accepted by Owner. 1.02 Quality Assurance A. Work Force: Contractor's representative shall be experienced in planting and irrigation maintenance. B. Maintenance Record: Submit to the Owner's Representative a monthly record of maintenance operations performed, including a record of all herbicides, insecticides, and disease control chemicals used. 1.03 Environmental Conditions A. The requirements for winter treatment of plants will be applicable when the maintenance period extends past October 15. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 Materials A. Replacement materials shall conform to the specifications for original installation. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 Tree Care A. Watering: When hand watering, use a water wand to break the water force. All trees and shrubs shall be winter watered using a need type root feeder at least once per month between irrigation system winterization and spring start-up. Irrigation system may be used for winter watering, providing the system is re -winterized after each use. B. Staking: Inspect stakes monthly to prevent girdling of trunks or branches, and to prevent rubbing that causes bark wounds. Remove stakes and guys after one year, or as determined by Owner's Representative. Stakes will remain the Contractor's property and shall be removed from the site. C. Weed Control: Keep planting areas free of weeds. Use recommended legally approved herbicides. Avoid frequent soil cultivation that destroys shallow roots. Weed at least once per week. D. Insect and Disease Control: Maintain reasonable control with approved materials to prevent visual and structural damage to the plants. E. Wounds: All wounds or injuries should be traced out and disinfected with alcohol or equal. No tree wound compounds or paints shall be applied. F. Tree rings: Mulched tree rings shall be kept tidy and weed free. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 02970 - PLANTING MAINTENANCE Page 1 of 2 ' G. Replacement of Plants: Remove dead and dying plants and replace with plants of an equal size, condition, and variety or original planting plan. Replacements shall be made at no expense to ' H. Owner. Trash Removal: Remove trash, clipped grass, and blown dirt weekly from shrub beds, lawns, walks, and tree basins. Keep the entire area within the limits of planting free. from trash and dirt ' (water or wind carried) at all times. Repair erosion damage for duration of maintenance period. 3.02 Turfgrass Care A. Mowing: Mow only the turf areas as needed to maintain a height of 3 inches. Do not mow ' wildflowers. B. Edging: Trim edges at least twice monthly or as needed for neat appearance. Catch clippings and ' removed from lawn areas. Vacuum or blow off walks. C. Watering: Water turf areas at the frequency required to obtain proper turf establishment and to maintain a lush, green lawn. Apply water in such a way to encourage deep root growth. ' 3.03 Low Maintenance Grasses A. Mowing: Mow low maintenance grasses and wetlands grasses only after they have produced ' mature seeds and/or gone dormant for the winter or for weed control. B. Watering: Water as frequently as needed to obtain plant establishment (usually 6 to 8 weeks) and thereafter as needed to avoid dieback. Apply water slowly and deeply to prevent runoff and ' encourage deep root growth. C. Weed Control: The Owner will determine the need for weed control. END OF SECTION 1-1 Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature a SECTION 02970 - PLANTING MAINTENANCE Page 2 of 2 DMSION,3 R SECTION 03240 — FIBROUS CONCRETE REINFORCING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Work Included A. Fibrous concrete reinforcement 1.02 Related Sections: 1. Section 02750 —Concrete Paving 2. Section 03300 - Cast -in -Place Concrete 1.03 References A. General: Sources listed by reference, including revisions by issuing authority, form a part of this specification section to extent indicated. Standards listed are identified by issuing authority, authority abbreviation, designation number, title, or other designation established by issuing authority. Standards subsequently referenced herein are referred to by issuing authority abbreviation and standard designation. B. American Concrete Institute: 1. ACI 211.1 — Standard Practices for Selecting Proportion for Normal, Heavyweight and Mass Concrete. 2. ACI 318 — Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete. 3. ACI 544.1R — State -of -the -Art Report of Fiber Reinforced Concrete. 4. ACI 544.2R — Measurement of Properties of Fiber Reinforced Concrete. C. American Society for Testing and Materials: 1. ASTM C1399-98 — Test Method for Determining Average Residual Strength of Fiber Reinforced Concrete. 2. ASTM C94 — Standard Specification for Ready -Mixed Concrete. 3. ASTM C 1116 — Standard Specification for Fiber -Reinforced Concrete and Shotcrete. 4. ASTM CIO 18 — Standard Test Method for Flexural Toughness and First Crack Strength of Fiber -Reinforced Concrete (Using Beam with Third Point Loading). 5. ASTM rl 19 — Standard Method of Fire Tests of Building Construction Material. D. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 1. ASCE 9 — Standard Practice for the Construction and Inspection of Composite Slabs E. Underwriters Laboratories 1. UL Fire Resistance Directory. 1.04 System Description A. Performance Requirements: Provide fibrous concrete reinforcement which has been manufactured and mixed with concrete to achieve performance criteria stated by manufacturer without defects, damage or failure. B. Fire Classifications: Provide fibrous concrete reinforcement with fire.classifications as follows: 1. Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Report File No. R8534-11 Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 03240 — FIBROUS CONCRETE REINFORCING i Page 1 of 3 ' 2. Southwest Certification Services Omega (SWCS, Point Laboratories, Inc. #8662-1. 1.05 Submittals ' 1. General: Submit listed submittals in accordance with Conditions of the Contract and Division 1 Submittal Procedures Sections. Printed data shall state a minimum amount of fiber to be added to each type of concrete. e2. Product Data: Submit product data, including manufacturer's product specification sheet for each product specified. a. Indicate proposed fibrous concrete reinforcement materials including application rate per ' cubic foot. b. Include manufacturer's printed batching and mixing instructions. e c. Submit fiber reinforcement's certification of performance meeting or exceeding ASTM C1116. e4. 3. Samples: Submit selection and verification samples. Quality Assurance Submittal: Certificate by the Concrete Supplier prepared stating approved fibrous concrete reinforcement materials, at the minimum rate added to each batch of concrete delivered to the project site. Each certificate shall be accompanied by one copy of each batch ' delivery ticket indicating the trade name, manufacturer's name and amount per cubic yard, of fibrous concreter reinforcement material added to each batch of concrete. e 1.05 Quality Assurance A. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with the following code requirements applicable to project. Submit applicable National Evaluation Service Report (NER) to document compliance with the following codes: 1. BOCA National Building Code 2. SBCCI Standard Building Code 3. ICBO Uniform Building Code and all supplements as adopted by the Council of American Building. Officials. e 4. Local Building Codes and supplements as adopted by the governing agency. 1.06 Warranty A. Project Warranty: Refer to the Conditions of the Contract for project warranty provisions. ' B. Manufacturer's Warranty: Submit, for Owner's Acceptance, manufacturer's standard warranty document executed by authorized company official. Manufacturer's warranty is in addition to and not a limitation of, other rights Owner may have under the contract documents. C. Warranty Period: One year commencing on Date of Substantial Completion. PART2-PRODUCTS ' 2.01 Fibrous Reinforcing A. Manufacturer: Fibermesh or approved equivalent. 1. Contact: 4019 Industry Drive, Chattanooga, TN 37416; Telephone (800) 635-2308 2. Products: Fibermesh fibrous concrete reinforcement. 1 eFossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 03240 — FIBROUS CONCRETE REINFORCING Page 2 of 3 e 2.02 Materials A. Fibrous Concrete Reinforcement: 100% virgin polypropylene, MD Graded, fibers containing no reprocessed olefin materials and specially manufactured for use as concrete secondary reinforcement 1. Physical Characteristics: a. Specific Gravity: 0.91 b. Fiber Length: Multi -Design Gradation 2.03 Related Materials A. Concrete: Refer to Section 02750 and Division 3 for related concrete materials. 2.04 Mixes A. Mixing: Mix materials in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, including product data and product technical bulletins 2.05 Source Quality A. Obtain fibrous reinforcements from a single manufacturer. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 Manufacturer's Instructions A. Compliance: Comply with manufacturer's product data including product technical bulletins, product catalog installation instructions and product carton instructions for installation. 3.02 Application A. Fibrous Reinforcement: Add fibrous concrete reinforcement to concrete materials at the time concrete is batched in amount in accord with approved submittals for each type of concrete required. B. Concrete Placing and Finishing: Refer to Section 02750 for placement and finishing concrete materials. END OF SECTION Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature . SECTION 03240 — FIBROUS CONCRETE REINFORCING Page 3 of 3 Organic Mulch Sand MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Vault door and installation END OF SECTION Rev 10/20/07 $ 0. 90 SF $ 3s_ CY $ 2-000 _ EA Section 00300 Page 8 SECTION 03300 - CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE PART 1 — GENERAL ' 1.01 Summary A. This section addresses cast -in -place concrete for manholes, encasement and cut-off walls, ' including forms, reinforcing steel, finishing and curing and other appurtenant work. 1.02 Related Sections A. Section 02321 — Trenching, Backfilling, and Compacting and Section 02507 — PVC Pipe and ' Fittings. PART 2 — MATERIALS 2.01 Cement ' A. All cement shall be Portland cement. 1. Portland cement shall conform to ASTM C 150 2. Portland Cement shall be Type I/II a. No other cement shall be used without the prior written permission of the Engineer. 2.02 Aggregates A. All fine and course aggregate shall conform to ASTM C33 ' 2.03 Water A. All water shall be free from objectionable quantities of silt, organic matter, alkali, salts, and other ' impurities, or conform to ASTM C94 2.04 Admixtures A. An air -entraining agent shall be used in all concrete ' 1. All air -entraining agents shall conform to ASTM C260 2. Total air content of 5 to 8 percent shall be provided ' B. A water reducing admixture may be used, if approved by the Engineer 1. A water reducing admixture shall conform to ASTM C494, for Type A or Type D chemical admixture 2. The water reducing admixture shall not contain any calcium chloride 3. The water reducing admixture shall be compatible with the cement being used. ' C. Accelerators 1. Accelerators shall conform to ASTM C494 and ACI306 ' a. If calcium chloride is used as an accelerator, the amount used should not exceed 2%, by weight, of the cementatious material b. Calcium chloride shall be in solution prior to adding it to the batch process ' D. Fly Ash l . When fly ash is used in concrete, the cement replacement. shall not exceed 20% a. Class C or Class F. fly ash shall conform to ASTM C618 b. Class C fly ash will not be permitted where sulfate resistant concrete is required Fossil Creek Community Park' Water Feature SECTION 03300 - CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE ' Page 1 of 2 E. Any admixture except air -entraining agents, accelerators and retarders must be approved by the ' Engineer. 2.05 Concrete Reinforcement A. All deformed reinforcing bars shall conform to ASTM A615 or ASTM A617 1. All bars shall be either Grade 40 or 60 B. All welded steel wire fabric shall conform to ASTM A185 PART 3 — CONCRETE 3.01 General A. Contractor shall have a minimum of six (6) sacks per cubic yard, and shall develop a minimum compressive strength of 3500 PSI after 28 days. B. Concrete shall have a maximum allowable water/cement ratio of 0.50, by weight. 1. The water/cement ratio may be increased to .56, by weight, if a water -reducing agent is used. a. High early or rapid set concrete will be allowed in high traffic situations b. Reference paragraph 2.4.13 3.02 Placing A. Unless prior written permission is obtained from the Engineer, concrete shall not be placed unless the air temperature adjacent to the concrete placement is 30 degrees Fahrenheit, and rising. 1. If the temperature drops below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, concrete placement shall cease 2. The temperature of the mix shall not be less than 50 degrees Fahrenheit, nor more than 90 degrees Fahrenheit at the time of placement. 3. If heated mixing water and/or accelerator is used the above temperature restrictions may be waived with prior written permission from the Engineer a. Water shall not be heated to a temperature exceeding 150 degrees Fahrenheit. B. Unless prior written permission is obtained from the District, concrete shall not be placed unless the temperature of the plastic concrete cannot be maintained at 90 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. 1. To facilitate the placement of concrete in hot weather, the aggregate or the water may be cooled. 3.03 Finishing A. Manhole bases and inverts shall be true to line and grade with a smooth invert and a broom finish on the invert benches. 3.04 Curing A. Finished concrete shall be.cured by protecting it against moisture loss, rapid temperature change and from rain, flowing water and mechanical injury for a minimum of 72 hours after placement. 1. Concrete shall be maintained at a minimum temperature of 50 degrees Fahrenheit during the curing period 2. The contractor is responsible for protecting the.concrete from traffic and the elements. END OF SECTION Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 03300 - CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE Page 2 of 2 1 rl �-1 1 11 11 SECTION 07920 Joint Sealants PART 1-GENERAL 1.01 Summary A.- Bidding Documents and Information, Conditions of Contract and Division I — General Requirements apply to the Work of this Section of the Specifications B. Section includes sealants and joint backing for: 1. Masonry Control Joints 2. Sealing at. Opening Penetrations 3. Bedding for Thresholds 4. Construction and Expansion Joints 5. Sidewalk/Foundation Wall Joint 6. Precast Concrete Joints 1.02 Related Sections: 1. Section 02750 —Concrete Paving 2. Section 03300 - Cast -in -Place Concrete 3. Section 08110 — Steel Doors and Frames 4. Section 13210 Specially Placed Concrete Shotcrete 5. Division 16 - Electrical 1.03 Submittals A. General Requirements: Section 01330 B. Product Data: Submit data indicating sealant chemical characteristics, performance criteria, substrate preparation, limitations, installation instructions and color availability. C. Submit 2 copies of sealant manufacturer's color samples for each type of sealant for color selection by Owner. D. Submit schedule or matrix listing locations of use and dissimilar materials sealed for each product E. Install 5 lineal feet of each type of exposed to view sealant for acceptance of color and workmanship by Owner. Installation may become part.of final work if accepted. Performing work without Owner's acceptance will be subject to rejection and removal by this contractor. 1.04 Delivery Storage and Handling A. General Requirements: Section 01600 B. Deliver materials in manufacturer's original, unopened packaging, with identification labels intact and legible. C. Store materials in area protected from weather, moisture, sunlight, open flame and sparks D. Do not use material whose shelf life has expired 1.05 Environmental Requirements A. Observe environmental precautions based on conditions Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 07900 — JOINT SEALANTS Page 1 of 4 B. Meet requirements of sealant manufacturer's recommendations for maximum and minimum application temperatures and humidity 1.06 Quality Assurance A. Applicator Qualifications: Installation of sealants shall be done only by recognized sealant contractors in strict accordance with recommendations of the manufacturer of materials being used. B. Sealant not fully adhered to joint surfaces and not neat and workmanlike in appearance will be rejected. Rejected work shall be removed and joints thoroughly cleaned prior to installing new sealant 1.07 Warranty A. Provide a project warranty covering materials and workmanship for a period of 2 years. Correct defective work within a 2 year period after Date of Substantial Completion. B. Include coverage for installed sealants and accessories which fail to achieve airtight and watertight seal, exhibit loss of adhesion or cohesion, or do not cure. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.01 Joint Sealant Symbols A. Sealant Types/Grades: Type S = Single Component; Type M = Multiple Components; Type P = Pourable or Self Leveling: Grade NS = Non -Sag; Class (25) = Withstands 25 percent movement. B. Sealant Uses: NT = Non -Traffic; M=mortar; G=glazing; A=aluminum; T=traffic; O=Tested on substrates other than standard ones. 2.02 Product Description/Uses A. High performance general purpose (non -traffic) silicone;.ASTM C920, Type S, Grade NS, Class 25, Uses NT, M, G,A, and O; single component, non -sagging, non -staining, non -bleeding. 1. Color: Colors as selected by the Owner 2. Applications: Use for: a. Control, expansion, and soft joints in masonry, exterior b. Joints between concrete and other materials c. Joints between exterior metal frames and other materials d. other exterior non -traffic joints for which no other sealant is indicated. 3. Movement Capability: 50 percent + 4. Service Temperature Range: -65 to +200 degrees F 5. Shore A Hardness Range: (ASTM D2240) 20 to 35 6. Manufacturers/Products a. Sonalastic "Ultra" b. Dow "790" c. GE "UltraPruf II" d. Acceptable Substitution B. General Purpose Traffic Bearing Self -leveling Polyurethane; ASTM C920, Type P, Class 25, Uses T, M, and A; single component, non -staining, non -bleeding. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 07900 — JOINT SEALANTS ' Page 2 of 4 r 1. Color: Standard colors matching finished surfaces 2. Applications: Use for exterior and interior pedestrian traffic bearing joints; joints between ' foundation walls and adjacent sidewalks: 3. Movement Capability: 25 percent + ' 4. Service Temperature Range: -40 to +180 degrees F 5. Shore A Hardness Range: (ASTM D2240) 20 to 35 6. Manufacturers/Products ' a. Pecora "Urexpan NR201" b. Sonolastic "SL-1" c... Acceptable Substitution C. General Purpose Interior Sealant; Acrylic emulsion latex; ASTM C834, single component, non- staining, non -bleeding, non -sagging, paintable. ' 1. Color: Colors as selected by Owner 2. Applications: Use for interior wall and ceiling control joints (except masonry control and expansion joints), joints between door and window frames and wall surfaces and other interior ' joints for which no other type of sealant is indicated. 3. Movement Capability: 2 to 5 percent + 4. Service Temperature Range: 2 to 160 degrees F 5. Shore A Hardness Range: (ASTM D2240) 15 to 40 6. Manufacturers/Products a. Pecora "AC-20+" b. Sonolastic "Sonolac" Acceptable c. Substitution D. Exterior Metal Lap Joint Sealant: Butyl or polyisobutylene, non-drying, non -skinning, non -curing. 1. Applications: Use for under door thresholds and concealed sealant bead in sheet metal work. 2.03 Accessories ' A. Primer: Non -staining type, recommended by sealant manufacturer to suit application B. Joint Cleaner: Non -corrosive and non -staining type, recommended by sealant manufacturer; compatible with joint forming materials C. Joint Backing:.Round foam rod recommended by sealant manufacturer ASTM D 1056 or ASTM D1667, oversized 30 to 50% larger than joint width ' 1. Manufacturers: a. Dow "Ethafoam" b. Sonnebom "Sonofoam" ' C. Denver Foam d. Schlegel Mfg. "Schlegel Foam" e. Acceptable Substitution D. Bond Breaker: Pressure sensitive tape recommended by sealant manufacturer to suit application ' Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 07900 — JOINT SEALANTS Page 3 of 4 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 Examination, A. Verify substrate surfaces and joint openings ready to receive work B. Verify joint backing and release tapes are compatible with sealant. Use only materials recommended by manufacturer for specific type of sealant 3.02 Preparation A. Remove loose materials and foreign matter which may impair adhesion of sealant B. Clean and prime joints per manufacturers' instructions C. Perform preparation in accordance with ASTM C 1193 D. Protect elements surrounding sealant installation from damage, disfiguration or overrun 3.03 Installation A. Perform installation in accordance with ASTM C1193. Installation not tooled correctly or overrun on other materials is cause for rejection B. Measure joint dimensions and size joint backers to achieve width -to -depth ratio, neck dimension and surface bond area as recommended by manufacturer C. Apply sealant prior to masonry having sealer applied D. Install bond breaker where required or where joint backing is not used. E. Install sealant free of air pockets, foreign embedded matter, ridges and sags F. Apply sealant within recommended application temperature ranges. Consult manufacturer when sealant cannot be applied within these temperature ranges. G. For extra wide joints, over inch, use polyurethane recommended by manufacturer for wide joints. H. Tool joints concave where moisture is anticipated. Tool all other joints concave I Press clean, dry sand into sealant surface prior to curing joints in masonry walls, including joints adjacent to window, door and other metal framing. J. Clean adjacent soiled surfaces, Protect sealants until covered. 3.04 Extra Materials A. Perform installation in accordance with ASTM C1193. Installation not tooled correctly or overrun Deliver to Owner extra materials from same production run as products installed. Package products with protective coverings and identities with descriptive labels including locations used. 1. Furnish 2 tubes of each color and type of sealant including primer 2. Furnish 1 roll of compatible backer rod for each type of sealant END OF SECTION Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 07900 — JOINT SEALANTS Page 4 of 4 ' SECTION 08110 — STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES ' PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Summary A. Section Includes: ' 1. Hollow metal doors. 2. Hollow metal frames. B. Related Sections: 1. Hardware including Thresholds and Weatherstripping: Section 08710 Door Hardware. ' 2. Field Finish: Section 09900 Paints and Coatings. 1.02 References A. Reference Standards: See Section 01423. Comply with following: ' 1. NAAMM Standard HMMA 861 or ANSI A250.8-1998. 2. ANSI A115 Specifications for Door and Frame Preparation for Hardware. ' 1.03 Submittals A. Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with Section 01330. B. Templates: Hardware templates for hardware mounted on hollow metal work shall be submitted under Section 08710 directly to hollow metal manufacturer immediately after acceptance of hardware schedule. Report failure to receive templates with reasonable promptness to General Contractor. C. Color to be light grey, submit paint sample for approval. ' 1.04 Quality Assurance A. Regulatory Requirements: ' 1. Fire Rating: Provide fire rating label acceptable to local building code authority.on doors and frames indicated on the door schedule. If any door or frame scheduled to be fire -rated cannot qualify for appropriate labeling because of its design, hardware or any other reason, advise Architect prior to ' submission of bids. 2. NFPA Standard No. 80. 1.05 Delivery, Storage and Handling A. General: Store frames in manner to prevent twisting. Doors with dimples or dents will be rejected. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 Door and Frame Manufacturers A. Manufacturers: 1. Southwestern Hollow Metals 2. Gateway Metal Products ' 3. North Central Supply 4. Curries Manufacturing 1 5. Elco Metal Products Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 08110 — STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES ' Page 1 of 3 6. Transit Mix Door Shop 7. State Door, Inc. 8. Accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600. 2.02 Hollow Metal Frames A. General: Frames for hollow metal doors, indicated to be hollow metal shall be of design sections as detailed and assembled as indicated. B. Gages: 1. Frames on Exterior Walls: 14 gage steel. C. Construction: Construct frames encompassing one or more doors with sidelights or transoms, and steel window walls, etc., in rigid units of as large size as practical to reduce to minimum number of job -fabricated joints. 1. Joints and Connections Including Job -Fabricated Joints: Welded and ground and entire assembly reinforced and braced as required to ensure absolute rigidity. 2. Where so indicated or as required, provide channel stiffening within and securely welded to frame member. 3. Do not use exposed screws except where specifically accepted. D. Accessories: 1. Reinforcement for Hardware: Machine frames for attachment of hardware;, including mortising, reinforcing, drilling and tapping for hinges. a. Butt Hinges: Seven gage, 12" long, full width of frame profile or equivalent. b. Closers: 10 gage, 12" long, full width of frame or equivalent. c. Strikes, Flush Bolts and Other Surface Mounted Hardware: 12 gage or equivalent. 2. Anchors: Furnish anchors of type and number required for anchoring frames to structure, partitions, etc. as follows: a. Three jamb anchors on seven foot high jamb. b. Four jamb anchors on jambs over seven feet. c. Wire'anchors will not be allowed. Provide such installation instructions as are necessary to ensure proper installation of anchors. E. Hinges: Install mortar protection box behind each hinge cut. 2.03 Hollow Metal Doors A. General: Doors indicated to be hollow metal shall be hollow metal, flush, swing type doors of types indicated. B. Construction: Construct hollow metal doors from 14 gage steel, fully welded, ground smooth and completely sound and fire insulated. Provide thermal insulation in exterior doors. Manufacture hollow metal doors and panels with flush tops, sides and bottoms. Plastic inserts are not acceptable. Vertical seams shall be fully welded. Lock seams or epoxy filled seams are not acceptable. C. Labels: Provide fire rated construction and UL labels where listed in door schedule. D. Hardware: Mortise and reinforce doors to receive hardware. 1. Hinges: Seven gage steel plate, 9", welded to continuous 16 gage interior edge channels or equivalent. Drill and tap. Use of coined or extruded holes not acceptable. 2. Locks, Latches, Push/Pulls: 12 gage steel spot welded to 16 gage interior edge channels or equivalent and designed to provide adequate support and reinforcement for required hardware. 3. Closers: Not less than 12 gage internal reinforcement. Provide special attention to reinforcing doors where Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 08110 = STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES Page 2 of 3 ' U 1 closers are to be bolted through door. E. Insulation: Foam or batt type. Honeycomb core is not acceptable. ' 2.04 Finish A. Cleaning and Primer: 1. Thoroughly clean surfaces of grease, rust and scale to insure paint adherence. Apply filler to doors where required to produce a smooth surface. 2. Doors and Frames to be painted light grey: Apply one coat of baked on factory primer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 Installation A. Frames: ' 1. Set steel frames accurately in accordance with details, straight and free of twist with head level and jambs plumb. Rigidly anchor to walls and partitions and securely brace until surrounding work is completed. Provide deflection clearances at frame heads where indicated. 2. Fire -Rated Openings: Place frames and provide clearances in accordance with NFPA Standard No. 80. 3. Field Welds: Make welds full length of joints. Remove splatter and grind exposed welds to match adjacent surfaces. Provide Architect with ample notice to review welds before finish operations begin. 4. Wherever possible leave spreader bars in place until frames are securely anchored. 5. Jambs shall be filled with grout under Section 04810 where frames occur in masonry walls. B. Doors: Apply hardware in conformance with hardware manufacturer's templates and instructions. Hang doors to be free of binding with hardware functioning properly. 1. Clearance Tolerances: a. Head: 1/8" maximum. b. Jamb: 1/8" maximum: c. Between Doors (Pair): 1/8" maximum. d. Sill without Threshold: 1/2" maximum. 3.02 Adjusting A. Adjustment: At completion of job, adjust doors and hardware as required and leave in proper operating condition. END OF SECTION Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 08110 — STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES Page 3 of 3 DIVISION 8 DOORS SECTION 08710 —DOOR HARDWARE , PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Summary ' A. Section Includes: 1. Door Hardware i B. Related Sections: 1. Hollow Metal Doors and Frames: Section 08110 Steel Doors and Frames. 2. Threshold Sealant: Section 07920 Joint Sealants. 1.02 Submittals A. Hardware Schedule: 1. Within 20 days after receipt of order for finish hardware, prepare complete schedule and submit in accordance with Section 01330. 2. Do not order hardware until accepted copy of schedule is returned to supplier bearing stamps of Contractor and Architect. 3. Include catalog cut of each different hardware item on hardware schedule. 4. Schedule: Indicate following details: a. Door Numbers b. Frame Materials c. Location d. Hand of Door e. Size and Thickness of Door £ Degree of Opening ' g. Door Material h. TYPe of Attachment i. As well as any other pertinent information regarding door and quality and type of hardware to be furnished. B. Templates: Within 10 days after receipt of accepted hardware schedule, submit four sets of templates and ' schedules to: 1. Hollow metal door and frame supplier. C. Quality Control Submittals: 1. Submit in accordance with Section 01330. Closeout Submittals: ' D. Contract 1. Operation and Maintenance Data: Submit in accordance with Section 01700. Include printed sheets from manufacturer covering hardware furnished. Include following information: ' a. Name, address and telephone number of hardware suppliers. b. Maintenance instructions and parts list for each type of operating hardware including: Fossil Creek Spray Park SECTION 08710 — DOOR HARDWARE Page 1 of 5 I I 9. PRICES The foregoing prices shall include all labor, materials, transportation, shoring, removal, dewatering, overhead, profit, insurance, etc., to cover the complete Work in place of the several kinds called for. Bidder acknowledges that the OWNER has the right to delete items in the Bid or change quantities at his sole discretion without affecting the Agreement or prices of any item so long as the deletion or change does not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the total Agreement Price. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: WALSH CONSTRUCTION, INC. CONTRACTOR BY: Matthew T. Walsh :r Signat re � J F - President Title * - _License Number (If Applicable) (Seal °f id is by corporation) Attest: t:.. Rev 10/20/07 Address W/1 1 CONSTRUGPON ING 8139OPEN VIEW PLACE LOVELAND.CO M37 Telephone 970-622-8227 04/13/2009 Date Email matt.walsh@skybeam.com Section 00300 Page 9 I 1 (1) Locks (2) Exit Devices (3) Closers 1.03 Quality Assurance A. Supplier Qualifications: Hardware supplier shall have in his employ regular member, in good standing, of American Society of Architectural Hardware Consultants, who shall be responsible for detailing, scheduling and ordering of finish hardware. B. Regulatory Requirements: Provide Underwriters Laboratory listed hardware for fire or accident hazard where scheduled or required to maintain rating of opening. 1.04 Delivery, Storage and Handling ' A. General: Comply with Section 01600. I LJ 1 1. Delivery: Deliver hardware to job site only after proper provisions for storage have been made. 2. Labels: Properly package and label each item to indicate exact location for which intended. 3. Check -In: Hardware supplier shall authorize his representative to be present when finish hardware is delivered to site and shall check in each item and turn over to Contractor for storage in secure place under lock and key. 1.05 Warranty A. Warranty: Provide following written warranties covering hardware in accordance with Section 01780. 1. Warranty against mechanical failure of door closers for five year period. 2. Warranty against failure of parts for hardware except door closers for two year period. Warranty shall include cylinder locks. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.02 General Material Requirements A. Fasteners: Furnish necessary screws and bolts for proper installation. Provide suitable sizes, type and finish to harmonize with hardware. 1. Hardware Attached to Metal: Templated and fastened with machine screws long enough to penetrate 1/2" thick reinforcing. C. Cylinders: Furnish cylinders of same keyway unless otherwise specified. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 Installation A. General: Provide factory hardware technician to be present to assist and instruct those applying finish hardware. B. Fastening: Furnish items of hardware with attachment screws, bolts, nuts, etc. as required to attach hardware to type of material involved and with finish to match adjacent hardware. 1. Make attachments to metal by template machine screws. 2. Through -bolt hardware such as door closers, forearm shoes of closers, holding devices and panic hardware mounted on doors or panels. 3. Attach hardware to masonry or concrete with expansion bolts or similar drilled anchors to develop full strength of attached device. Set expansion anchors in solid masonry not mortar Fossil Creek Spray Park SECTION 08710 — DOOR HARDWARE Page 2 of 5 joints. C. Weatherstripping and Thresholds: 1. Weatherstripping: Run full height of both jambs and full width of head. 2. Thresholds and Door Bottoms: Run full width of opening. Install thresholds with continuous threshold anchors cast into slab and set in sealant under Section 07920. D. Mounting Heights (Unless Otherwise Indicated): Dimensions given are from floor to center line of hardware item. 1. Door Knobs and Levers: Standard - 38 Inches 2. Pushplates: Standard - 46 Inches 3.03 Protection A. Painting: Do not install kickplates, pushplates, and door bottoms until after painting is complete. Loosen locksets and panic hardware prior to painting and retighten after painting is complete. Mask hardware or otherwise protect during painting operation. 3.04 Adjustment A. Adjusting by Hardware Manufacturer's Representative: Prior to final inspection, inspect and adjust door closers, locks and items requiring close adjustment and regulation and check keying. 3.05 Hardware Schedule A. Attached Hardware Schedule B. Keying to match existing key set specifications to be provided by City Parks Department Per attached hardware schedule Fossil Creek Spray Park SECTION 08710 — DOOR HARDWARE Page 3 of 5 I I HARDWARE SCHEDULE Legend: Manufacturer (SCH) Schlage (GLY) Glynn Johnson (PEM) Pemko (IVE) Ives 4 Schedule' Notes: 1. It is the intention that the hardware specified shall be of sufficient quantities necessary to complete the Work. Notify the Architect of omissions or discrepancies prior to bid date for clarifications or instructions. Adjustments to the Contract Sum will not be allowed for omissions not clarified prior to bid opening. 2. Hardware supplier shall be a certified direct distributor and be a full sales and service organization for the manufacturer's listed. Compliance with this Section shall include letters of certification from the manufacturers certifying the hardware supplier is a factory direct authorized distributor. Certifications=shall be submitted for approval with and be incorporated with hardware schedule submittal. Submittals will not be considered without the certifications. 3. Furnish all items in US26D, Satin Chrome unless otherwise specified, Thresholds and Weatherstrip shall be Mill Finish Aluminum. Closers shall be Powder Coated Aluminum. Trim and Flat Goods may be furnished in US32D, Satin Stainless Steel. 4. Hinges at out -swinging doors with locksets shall have a non -removable pin (NRP). 5. Hardware supplier shall verify all lock functions with Owner prior to ordering material. 6. Hardware supplier shall meet with the Owner to finalize keying requirements and obtain keying instructions in writing. Both the cylinders and keyblanks shall be protected from unauthorized manufacture and distribution by the manufacturer's United States patents. All cylinders shall be keyed by supplier, combinated in sets or subsets, masterkeyed or grandmaster the City Of Fort Collins keying system. Quantities of permanent keys will be as determined by the Owner. Permanent keys shall be stamped with the applicable key mark as determined by the Owner for identification, and sequentially numbered per change on the reverse side of the key that the key mark is stamped on. Permanent keys shall also be stamped "Do Not Duplicate". Deliver all permanent keys and cores direct to Owner from supplier by secure courier return receipt requested. Owner shall be responsible to change out the permanent cores. All cylinders shall be furnished with temporary cores. Furnish 5 construction keys and 1 construction control keys. Fossil Creek Spray Park SECTION 08710 — DOOR HARDWARE IPage 4 of 5 DOOR NUMBER: 1 EACH TO HAVE: 3 EA HINGE 5BB1 4.5 X 4.5 652 IVE 1 EA STOREROOM LOCK ND96TD SPA 626 SCH 1 EA PRIMUS CORE ONLY 20-740 626 SCH 1 EA OVERHEAD HOLDER 90OH-J 630 GLY 1 SET SEALS 305CS HEAD AND JAMBS AL PEM 1 EA DOOR SHOE 216APK OR 2221APK (AS REQUIRED - NOTCH AL PEM FOR FRAME STOP) 1 EA THRESHOLD 273X3AFG MS&ES10 (OR AS DETAILED) AL PEM END OF SECTION Fossil Creek Spray Park SECTION 08710 — DOOR HARDWARE Page 5 of 5 RM SECTION 13210 — SPECIALLY PLACED CONCRETE: SHOTCRETE 1.0 PART ONE - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS: A. Drawings and general provisions of contract, including general and supplementary conditions and IDivision 1 - Specifications Sections, apply to Work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: A. Work includes preparation of substrate surface, placing of reinforcement, gun applied concrete and related items as shown, specified, or both shown and specified. 1 1. Shotcrete Walls 1.3 SUBMITTALS: 1 A. SHOP DRAWINGS/ CONSTRUCTION DETAILS B. GENERAL 1. No work shall be done except from reviewed drawings, photographic references and construction maquettes (models), each of which must be kept at all work locations. 2. Review shall not act to relieve the Contractor from responsibility for accuracy of the fabrication details and placing diagrams. Dimensions and locations to be verified prior to the presentation of shop drawings/maquettes. C. DRAWINGS/MAQUETTES 1. Shop drawings for reinforcement prepared according to ACI 315.80 "Details and Detailing of Concrete Reinforcement," for the following: A. All hand -carved artificial rockwork. E. WRITTEN INFORMATION: 1. Proposed mix proportion. F. PRODUCT DATA: 1. Mill reports for reinforcing steel. 2. Data for proprietary materials and items, including admixtures, patching compounds, curing compounds, and others as requested by Architect/Owner's representative. G. SAMPLES: I. General: Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 13210 — SPECIALLY PLACED CONCRETE - SHOTCRETE Page 1 of 18 1 a. Samples shall represent the finished surfaces, texturing, coloring, etching, etc., as shown on. the documents. No concrete shaping or texturing shall begin prior to approval of samples. b. Samples shall not be removed until the completion of work. c. Rejected samples shall be resubmitted for approval at no additional cost to the Owner. 2. Samples: a. Furnish representative samples of materials for material testing, mix proportion testing, and preparation of preconstruction test panels. b. Sample panels of all different textures as shown in the documents. H. ADMINISTRATIVE SUBMITTALS: 1. Description of planning, equipment and methods. 2. Construction schedule: Coordinate with general construction schedule as per Division 1. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE: A. QUALIFICATION OF SHOTCRETE CONTRACTOR: 1. The Shotcrete Contractor shall have been in business a minimum of five (5) years and indicate in detail his experience in the construction of the following (at least 5 examples of each): a. Artificial shotcrete water features, rockwork and planting pockets similar to those shown on the drawings and photographic references. b. Shotcrete sculptures of similar scale and size as those shown on the drawings. c. Shotcrete play elements suitable for climbing. B. ARCHITECT'S DIRECTION: 1. "It is intended that the finished products of Work in this Section simulate natural rock as shown in the construction drawings, Designer's directions and aesthetic intentions and as specified herein: a. To achieve these simulations, the Shotcrete Contractor shall. coordinate and cooperate fully with contractors and with the Architect/Owner's Representative. b. All Work in this Section shall be performed under the direction of the Architect/ Owner's Representative. c. The Architect/Owner's Representative explicitly reserves the right to continuously monitor the Work for aesthetic quality and to assume control of the Work through direction of the Shotcrete Contractor's job superintendent until specified effects are achieved. C. DESIGN CRITERIA: 1. The fabrication of artificial rockwork and placement, installation, and/or adjustment of fmish details shall be accomplished in such a manner as to appear as realistic as possible and "read right" to the trained eye. The environments being simulated are as described on the individual drawings. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 13210 — SPECIALLY PLACED CONCRETE - SHOTCRETE Page 2 of 18 I 2. This project is artistic in nature and may require field adjustments to completed work to obtain the desired effect. The Architect/Owner's Representative will decide questions of aesthetic effect. Minor changes or adjustments to in -place work shall be made at no increase in Contract Sum. D. JOB MOCK-UP ' 1. Erect hand -carved rockwork walls of not less than 25-square feet after the approval of photographs and sample panels as specified in paragraph 1.3 B, but before the commencement of rockwork construction. This mock-up shall represent the fmished surfaces texturing, coloring, etching, seaming, etc. 2. The mock-up shall serve as a standard by which the aesthetic qualities of future rockwork construction will be based. ' 3. The installation of all work under this Section shall be performed by the Shotcrete Contractor. No work shall be executed without the Shotcrete Contractor being present on the premises. 1 , 1.5 PHOTOGRAPHS: A. REFERENCE MANUAL: 1. Color copy reference photos displaying color, form and texture of actual landscape features, will be provided to the Shotcrete Contractor by the Architect/Owner's Representative. These photographs are a part of the Contract Documents and shall form the basis for the Shotcrete work in conjunction with the drawings. Shapes, forms, colors and textures shown in the photographs take precedence over references made to these items in the drawings and models. Drawings and models will take precedence over the photographs with respect to layout, dimensions, grades, structural reinforcing and detailing. 1.6 STANDARDS: A. CODES: 1. Comply with the provisions of the following codes, specifications and standards. However, in case of conflict with the specifications and drawings, the strictest provision shall take precedence. B. STEEL: ' 1. CRSI "Manual of Standard Practice"; 2. ACI 315, latest edition, "Manual of Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforcing Bars". ' 3. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): The specifications and standards hereinafter referred to, latest edition. 4. Mill Affidavits: Mill affidavits, stating the grades and physical and chemical properties of the reinforcing steel, an conformance with ASTM Specifications, shall be submitted to the Architect before delivery of the steel to the job site. 5. ASTM-A 615 "Specification for Deformed and Plain Billet Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement." C. SHOTCRETE: Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 13210 — SPECIALLY PLACED CONCRETE - SHOTCRETE Page 3 of 18 1. ACI 506 "Recommended Practice for Shotcreting" 2. ASTM-618-73 "Standard Specification for Fly Ash..." , 1.7 PROTECTION OF PROPERTY: A. CONTAMINATION: I 1. In addition to normal precautions for the protection of the public, workers and property, take special precautions to prevent contamination of soil with cement, paint, dye and other chemical materials. B. CHEMICALS: 1. Limit the area for working and storing chemical materials to areas within ten horizontal feet of a Shotcrete.structures and other areas specifically approved by the Owner. C. RUNOFF: a 1. Control runoff from mixing and placing operations. Channel runoff directly to an approved drainage 0 system, or pond in an on -site location approved by the Owner's Representative. D. WASTE DISPOSAL: 1. Dispose of waste material, rebound and cement and chemical containers off -site except as . specifically allowed by these Specifications. 1.8 DELIVERY, HANDLING AND STORAGE: , A. GENERAL: 1. Properly deliver and handle materials to prevent contamination, segregation or damage to materials. 1 B. REINFORCING STEEL: ' 1. Delivery: Deliver reinforcement to the job site bundled, tagged, and marked. Use metal tags indicating bar size, lengths, and other information corresponding to marking shown on placement diagrams. Deliver new and free from rust and mill scale in original bundles with mill tags intact. ' 2. Storage: Store reinforcement at the job site in a manner to prevent rusting, bending and accumulation of dirt and excessive scarring to epoxy coating and/or rust. , 3. Placement: At time of original placing, the reinforcement shall be free to deleterious matter that would inhibit bond. Sandblast or wire brush as required. ' C. CEMENTS & AGGREGATES: 1. Store cement in weather -tight enclosures to protect against dampness and contamination. 2. Prevent segregation and contamination of aggregates by proper arrangement and use of stockpiles. 1. Store admixture properly to prevent contamination, evaporation, freezing or other damage. ' Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 13210 — SPECIALLY PLACED CONCRETE - SHOTCRETE , Page 4 of 18 I 1 1.9 PROJECT CONDITIONS: A. EXAMINATION OF SUBSTRATE & CONDITIONS: 1. The installer must examine the conditions under which the work under this Section is to be performed, and notify the General Contractor of any unsatisfactory conditions. Do not proceed with work under this Section until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner acceptable to the installer. ' B. PROTECTION OF INSTALLED WORK: 1. Protect installed work from damage by other trades until Owner's acceptance of work. Advise General Contractor of required protection procedures. C. COORDINATION: ' 1. Coordinate with other work and other contractors and subcontractors whose work will be effected by the Shotcrete work. 1 1.10 SEQUENCING, SCHEDULING, AND COORDINATING: A. PRE -INSTALLATION MEETING: i1. Prior to commencing installation, arrange a job site meeting to be attended by the Shotcrete Contractors' Representative, and the Representatives of other trades associated with the work of this Section and related Sections. B. PURPOSE OF MEETING: 1. The purpose of the meeting shall be to. discuss requirements of the Contract Documents, shop drawings, job and surface readiness and material storage and protection, to assure that details are correct, that materials shall be installed properly, and coordination of other trades. C. MEETING REPORT REQUIREMENTS: 1. Meeting date, names and affiliations of those present. 2. Written statements from each installer and manufacturers' Representative of their acceptance of the requirements of the Contract Documents for the use of their material. D. . MEETING REVIEW: 1. Do not commence work of this Section unless documents required herein above have had their final review by the Architect/Owner's Representative and Owner's Representative. 1.11 GUARANTEE: A. Guarantee Work listed in this Section for one year from date of Final Acceptance. B. Provide two copies of written statement of guarantee, satisfactory of Architect prior to Final Acceptance. 2.0 PART TWO - PRODUCTS aFossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 13210 — SPECIALLY PLACED CONCRETE - SHOTCRETE Page 5 of 18 2.1 REINFORCING MATERIALS: A. REINFORCING BARS: 1. Comply with ASTM A 615, Grade 40. B. WELDED WIRE FABRIC: 1. 6 x 6-W2.1 x W2.1 WWF, comply with ASTM-185 or ASTM A 82. C. STEEL LATH: 1. Unpainted 1.75 pound black expanded metal lath, maximum 1/2 inch clear apertures. D. SPACERS: 1. Backup forms shall be fastened to reinforcing bars by means of special tie wires, as shown on the drawings. E. SUPPORTS FOR REINFORCEMENT: 1. Provide supports for reinforcement including bolsters, chairs, spacers and other devices for spacing supporting, and fastening reinforcing bars. Use only supports manufactured for that purpose. Brick, stone and similar materials are unacceptable. F. WIRE: 1. 16-gauge soft -annealed galvanized steel tie wire. 2.2 PNEUMATICALLY PLACED SHOTCRETE: A. DEFINITION: 1. Pneumatically placed wet mixture of aggregate and portland cement. Minimum strength of 3,000 PSI in 28 days. B. CEMENTS: 1. Use cement conforming to one of the following: a. Portland Cement conforming to ASTM C-150. Use only one brand of cement throughout the project. b. Blended hydraulic cement conforming to ASTM C-595 type IS, IS -A, IP or IP-. C. AGGREGATES: 1. Standard Aggregates: a. On Shotcrete on the first floor on grade or on slab on grade shall use normal weight aggregates conforming to ASTM C-33. b. Aggregates shall be manufactured from natural rock or stone, washed gravel either natural or crushed, clean, and free of deleterious substances. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 13210 — SPECIALLY PLACED CONCRETE - SHOTCRETE Page 6 of 18 1 1 1 1 Rev 10/20/07 SECTION 00400 SUPPLEMENTS TO BID FORMS 00410 Bid Bond 00420 Statement of Bidder's Qualifications 00430 Schedule of Subcontractors SECTION 00410 Section 00410 Page 1 i 2. Structural Substrate - Gradation limit for combined aggregates. Aggregate conforming to the following: Sieve Size Percent by weight U.S. Standard passing individual Square Mesh Sieves 3/4 in. 100 1/2 in. 80-95 3/8 in. 70-90 No. 4 50-70 No. 8 35-55 No. 16 20-40 ' No. 30 10-30 No. 50 5-17 No. 100 2-10 Batch fine and coarse aggregates separately to avoid segregation. 3. Texture Coat - Gradation limit for combined aggregates Sieve Size Percent by weight U.S. Standard passing individual Square Mesh Sieves 3/4 in. 1 /2 in. - 3/8 in. 100 No. 4 95-100 No. 8 80-100 No. 16 50-85 i No. 30 25-60 No. 50 10-30 No. 100 2-10 2.4 WATER: A. MIXING WATER: i1. Use fresh, clean and potable mixing water or use nonpotable water, which produces mortar cubes having 7- and 28-day strengths equal to at least 90 percent of the strength of similar specimens made from water from a municipal supply. Make strength comparison on mortar cubes in accordance with ASTM C 109. B. CURING WATER: 1. For finish Shotcrete, use curing water which is free from elements which could cause staining. 2.5 ADMIXTURES: A. Use accepted admixtures meeting the requirements listed below, if admixtures are required or permitted. Except as otherwise accepted, dissolve soluble admixtures in water before introduction into the mixture. Agitate liquid admixtures which settle. IFossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 13210 — SPECIALLY PLACED CONCRETE - SHOTCRETE Page 7 of 18 r B. Chemical admixtures conforming to ASTM C494. C. Air entraining admixtures conforming to ASTM C260. D. Calcium chloride conforming to ASTM D98, in predissolved flake or pellet form. D. Fly ash and pozzolanic materials conforming to ASTM C618. E. Integral Color used in Mudbanks - Davis Colors 'Mesa Buff color #5447 - 2 lbs. / 94 lbs. Cement. Or approved equal. F. Other admixtures that are permitted or required. 2.6 MOISTURE RETAINING COVER: A. BURLAP: Cloth made from jute and weighing approximately 9 oz. per sq. yd. For moist curing and conforming to AASHTO M 182. B. MEMBRANE FORMING CURING COMPOUND: ASTM C 309 2.7 PROPORTIONS: A. Submit for acceptance proportioning and test data from prior experience if available. If data from prior experience are not available or accepted, make and have tested specimens from three or more different mix proportions in accordance with Paragraph 3.D. Submit recommended mix proportions and test results for acceptance. 2.8 CEMENTITIOUS WATERPROOFING A. The waterproofing system shall be a cement based mix containing chemicals which penetrate with moisture into the capillary tracts and activate to form crystals which close the capillaries to produce the waterproofing effect. The cementitious waterproofing system shall become a permanent, integral part of the structure applied between structural Shotcrete surface and texture coat and shall be non- toxic, inorganic, free of calcium chloride and sodium based compounds. The cemerititious waterproofing system shall be HEY'DI K-11, manufactured by HEY'DI American Corp., Norfolk, Virginia, or an equal. Bonding agents, if required, shall be HEY'DI SB Bonding Agent or an equal. 3.0 PART THREE - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL: A. TEXTUREDSHOTCRETE: 1. Shotcrete shall be placed in two separate applications unless otherwise indicated on drawings. a. Structural Substrate: The first application shall be a structural substrate, capable of maintaining the intended shape and supporting live and dead loads as specified or required by codes. 2. Texture Coat: The second application. shall produce the intended color and.texture. Where applicable, surface conditions must comply with specification requirements. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 13210 — SPECIALLY PLACED CONCRETE - SHOTCRETE , Page 8 of 18 1 iJ 11 1 L B. STRUCTURAL BASE: 1. Shotcrete as a structural base for GFRC panels: Shotcrete shall be placed in one application per paragraph 3.1 A. 1. above. 3.2 PREPARATION OF SURFACES FOR STRUCTURAL SUBSTRATE: A. INSPECTION: 1. Examine the substrate, and the conditions under which concrete reinforcement is to be placed, and correct conditions which would prevent proper and timely completion of the work. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. B. EXISTING CONCRETE: 1. Remove unsound material before applying Shotcrete. Chip or scarify any area to be repaired to remove offsets which would cause an abrupt change in thickness without suitable reinforcement. 2. Taper edges to leave no square shoulders at the perimeter of a cavity. Remove loose material from areas receiving Shotcrete: 3. Wet the surface until it is damp, but without visible free water. 4. Sandblast existing surfaces that do not require chipping, to remove paint; oil, grease, and other contaminants, and to provide a roughened surface for proper bonding of the Shotcrete. C. ROCK: 1. Clean rock surfaces of loose material, mud, and other foreign matter that will prevent bond of the Shotcrete. D. STEEL: 1. Remove rust, oil, scale, and previously applied paint from steel surfaces receiving Shotcrete. Comply with Specification SSPC-SP6 of the Steel Structures Painting Council. E. FORMS: 1. Use form -coating material on removable forms to prevent absorption of moisture and to prevent bond with Shotcrete. 2. Use a nonstaining material for surfaces exposed to view when construction is completed. 3. The form -coating material shall not interfere with subsequent bonding to the shotcrete when this is required, 3.3 FORMING SHOTCRETE STRUCTURES: A. GENERAL BACKFORMING: 1. No extra will be paid for Shotcrete backforming which is required because of misunderstandings of existing understructure that is integrated into the building structure. The Shotcrete Contractor is responsible for familiarizing himself/herself with the existing conditions and the integral structure furnished for Shotcrete backforming by pre -bid field visits and reviewing the Building Construction Documents. Backforming cost shall be included in the Contract Price. 1 Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 13210 - SPECIALLY PLACED CONCRETE - SHOTCRETE Page 9 of 18 1 B. STEEL BACKFORMING: 1. Where Shotcrete is to be constructed above existing grade, and where angle or shape cannot be approximated by cut engineered fill, use the backforming construction described below or an alternate method. a. Place reinforcing steel as described under 3.4. b. Construct an armature of metal lath on the unexposed side of the Shotcrete structure material behind the steel reinforcing bars. c. Bend backform to conform approximately to the welded steel reinforcing frame and hold away from the nearest bars a minimum distance of one (1) inch. The contractor may increase the thickness of the shotcrete to avoid matching exactly the steel reinforcing outline with the backform. However, variation from the steel outline must be approved by the Architect. Variation from the steel outline will not be permitted on the second floor. d. Fasten backform to the reinforcing bars with tie wires or anchor spacers. Space ties or spacers not more than 10 inches on center in all directions. e. Armature may remain in place after completion of Shotcreting. 3.4 STEEL REINFORCING A. ALTERNATE REINFORCING STANDARDS: 1. All shotcrete structural steel reinforcement is shown on the drawings and supplemented in these Specifications. The Shotcrete Contractor may, at his option, develop alternate reinforcement sizing and placement to facilitate his Work provided: a. Obtain written approval of the Architect. b. All structural calculations for alternate reinforcement are fully and clearly documented by a registered structural engineer, licensed in the State of Colorado. 3. Obtain required permits and approvals of such alternate sizing and placement, in a timely manner, without delaying the progress of the work, and at no additional expense to the Owner or his agent. B. GENERAL: 1. Clean reinforcement of loose rust, mill scale, earth, ice, and other materials, which reduce or destroy bond with concrete. 2. Touch-up bare exposed metal surfaces of epoxy coated rebar with similar coating approved by manufacturer. 3. Accurately position, support and secure reinforcement against displacement by construction or concrete placement operations. Locate and support reinforcing by metal chairs, runners, bolsters, spacers and hangers, as required. 4. Notify Architect/Owner's Representative upon completion of reinforcing and prior to placing shotcrete. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 13210 — SPECIALLY PLACED CONCRETE - SHOTCRETE Page 10 of 18 C. MINIMUM STANDARDS: 1. Comply with specified standards for details and methods of reinforcement placement and supports, and as herein specified. The following minimum steel placement standards are supplemental to steel reinforcement schedules and notes on the drawings. a. Fabricate steel bars of size and length indicated and accurately bend or form to the slopes indicated by methods that will not injure the materials. Heating of reinforcing will not be allowed. Fabrication shall be in accordance with the manual of Standard Practice for ' detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures, ACI 315. b. Provide sufficient numbers of supports and of strength to carry reinforcement. Do not place reinforcing bars more than 5 cm (2") beyond the last leg of any continuous bar support. Do not use supports as bases for runways for concrete conveying equipment and similar construction loads. c. Position, support, and secure reinforcement against displacement by formwork, ' construction, or concrete placement operations. Locate and support reinforcing by metal chairs, runners, bolsters, spacers, and hangers, as required. I d. Place reinforcement to obtain the minimum coverage for concrete protection. Arrange, space, and securely tie bars and bar supports together with 16 gage wire to hold reinforcement accurately in position during concrete placement operations. Set wire ties ' so that twisted ends are directed away from exposed concrete surfaces. e. Place No. 4 bar as a key rod at intersections of plane surfaces. f. Lap bars (30) diameters at splices. With respect to viewing outer surface from a perpendicular viewpoint, lap bars on top of each other rather than side by side. ' g. Place and bend bars around circles and curves, openings, corners and angles to conform with the model. Bends are to be permanently shaped, not sprung into place. Follow the outline of the rock formations to eliminate excess non -reinforced Shotcrete outcroppings. Ih. Tie reinforcing steel to wall ties and to extended footing, wall or roof steel. i. The tie bars and tie anchors which are exposed to air and which do NOT come in contact with any backfill material shall be given a protective covering of asphalt coating or Rustoleum, or equal. j. Tie bars and tie anchors which come in contact with backfill material shall be encased ' with a coating of Shotcrete. Steel shall be covered by a minimum of 1" of Shotcrete. k. Use additional #4 bars diagonally across corners of openings and wherever Shotcrete ' formations act as beams. Place additional #5 bars at points of maximum stress, i.e., one in top and one in bottom extending 12" into supports. 1. Place mesh on steel reinforcing on side opposite the backup material and wire securely to the reinforcing bars at not less than 20 inch intervals in both directions. Lap mesh minimum 2 inches at adjacent ends. I Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 13210 — SPECIALLY PLACED CONCRETE - SHOTCRETE Page 12 of 18 m. Reinforcing bars placed over "Steeltex", shall be supported by slab bar bolsters, high chairs, etc. Spacing shall be No. 3 at 10" o.c. Place pieces of truss loop below bar supports. n. Install welded wire fabric in as long lengths as practicable. Lap adjoining pieces at least one and one-half (1-1/2) meshes plus end extension of wires, but not less than 12 inches in slab on grade. Extend mesh across supporting beams and walls. Provide adequate support for mesh to ensure proper location. Place uniformly 1-1/2" to 2" from finished surface. o. Installation of reinforcing to be complete in every way by end of working day prior to placement of concrete. p. Unacceptable Materials: Reinforcement with any of the following defects will not be permitted in the work. 1. Bar lengths, depths, and bends exceeding specified fabrication tolerances. 2. Bend or kinks not indicated on drawings or final shop drawings. 3. Bars with reduced cross-section due to excessive rusting or other cause. 3.5 PROVISIONS FOR OTHER TRADES: A. GENERAL: 1. Provide openings in shotcrete formwork to accommodate work of other trades. Determine size and location of openings, vents, weepholes, recesses, and chases from trades providing such .items. 2. All non -sleeved piping shall be set by the appropriate contractor. 3. Sleeves shall be provided by the appropriate contractor and installed by the Shotcrete Contractor. 4. Accurately place and securely support items built into forms. 3.6 BATCHING AND MIXING SHOTCRETE: A. MIXING PROPORTIONS: 1. Control by weight batching, or by volume batching meeting the requirements of ASTM C685. B. BATCHING & MIXING EQUIPMENT: 1. Use batching and mixing equipment capable of proportioning and mixing ingredients at a rate that will provide adequate production and with an accuracy that will insure uniformity of batches. Weighing equipment shall be capable of batching with the accuracy specified in ASTM C94. , Volumetric equipment shall be capable of batching with the accuracy specified in ASTM C685. C. READY MIXED CONCRETE: Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 13210 — SPECIALLY PLACED CONCRETE.- SHOTCRETE , Page 13 of 18 ' 1. Ready mixed concrete shall comply with ASTM C94, except that it may be delivered to the shotcrete equipment in the dry state if that equipment is capable of adding the water and mixing it ' satisfactorily with the dry ingredients, or with ASTM C685, in which case the ingredients are delivered dry and proportioned and mixed at the site. 3.7 PLACING SHOTCRETE: ' A. GENERAL: 1. Place shotcrete using suitable delivery equipment and procedures that will result in shotcrete in ' place meeting the requirements of this specification. Refer to ACI Standard 506-66, Recommended Practice for Shotcreting. B. PLACEMENT TECHNIQUES: 1. Control thickness, method of support, air pressure, and/or water content of shotcrete to preclude sagging or sloughing off. Discontinue Shotcreting or provide suitable means to screen the nozzle ' stream if wind or air currents cause separation of the nozzle stream during placement. 2. Dampen absorptive substrate surfaces prior to placement of shotcrete to facilitate bond and to reduce the possibility of shrinkage cracking developing from premature loss of the mixing water. 3. Broom or scarify the surface of freshly placed shotcrete to which, after hardening, additional layers of shotcrete are to be bonded. Dampen surface just prior to application of succeeding ' layers. 4. First, fill with sound material corners and any area where rebound cannot escape or be blown free. Complete the comers between the web and the flanges of structural steel before application to the flat areas. 5. Provide a supply of clean, dry air adequate for maintaining sufficient nozzle velocity for all parts ' of the Work and, if required, for simultaneous operation of a suitable blow pipe for clearing away rebound. C. PLACEMENT AROUND REINFORCEMENT: 1. Hold the nozzle at such distance and angle to place material behind reinforcement before any material is allowed to accumulate on its --face. In the dry -mix process additional waste may be added to the mix when encasing reinforcement to facilitate a smooth flow of material behind the bars. ' 2. Do not place shotcrete through more than one layer of reinforcing steel rods or mesh in one application unless demonstrated by preconstruction tests that steel is properly encased. Test to ascertain if any voids or sand pockets have developed around or behind reinforcement by probing ' with an awl or other pointed tool; by removal of randomly selected bars; or by coring or other suitable means. 1 D. COVER OF REINFORCEMENT: 1. Place shotcrete to provide the following minimum cover over reinforcement: a. For shotcrete used as lining or coatings: 3/4 in. for fine aggregate shotcrete and 1-1/2 inc. for coarse aggregate shotcrete. ' Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 13210 — SPECIALLY PLACED CONCRETE - SHOTCRETE Page 14 of 18 b. For reinforcement in slabs and walls: 3/4 inc. for fine aggregate shotcrete and 1-1/2 in. for coarse aggregate shotcrete. c. For principal reinforcement in beams, girders and columns: 1-1/2 in. 2. Minus tolerance on cover shall be 3/8 in., except that it shall not be greater than one-third of the specified cover. E. LINE & THICKNESS CONTROL: 1. Use adequate ground wires or other accepted means to establish the thickness, surface planes, and finishlines of the shotcrete. Maintain specified tolerances by keeping ground wires secure and .taut. F. PLACEMENT PRECAUTIONS: 1. Do not place Shotcrete if drying or stiffening of the mix takes place at any time prior to delivery to the nozzle. Do not use rebound or previously expended material in the shotcrete mix. 2. Remove over -spray or rebound prior to final set and before placement of Shotcrete material on such adjacent surfaces. 3.8 REPAIR OF SURFACE DEFECTS A. Remove and replace shotcrete which lacks uniformity, exhibits segregation, honeycombing, or lamination, or which contains any dry patches, slugs; voids, or sand pockets. Remove and replace damaged in -place shotcrete. B. Repair defective areas in accordance with procedure specified in 3.02 and 3.03. C. Replace any shotcrete which subsides after placement. 3.9 JOINTS: A. CONSTRUCTION JOINTS: 1. Taper construction joints to a shallow edge form, about 1 in. thick, except where the joint will be subjected to compressive stress. In this case, use non -tapered joints and take special care to avoid or remove trapped rebound at the joint. 2. The entire joint shall be thoroughly cleaned and wetted prior to the application of additional shotcrete. 3. Submit shop drawings of all construction joints located in each exhibit for Architect's approval. 4. Make joints perpendicular to the main reinforcement. Continue reinforcement across joints. B. CONTROL JOINTS: 1. Install control joints in accordance with the shop drawings. Do not extend reinforcement or other embedded metal items, which are bonded to the shotcrete, continuously through control joints. C. AESTHETIC JOINT PLACEMENT: Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 13210 — SPECIALLY PLACED CONCRETE - SHOTCRETE , Page 15 of 18 1 1. Position construction and control joints to conform to the locations of natural occurring cracks and ' joints in the simulated rock and earth forms as shown in drawings and photographs. 3.10 PREPARATION OF SURFACES FOR TEXTURE COAT: 1 A. CRACKS: 1. Cracks should be opened, cleaned and repaired with a 3:1 mix of sharp sand and Portland cement 1 mixed with a solution of 1 part bonding agent to 5 parts water or a patching material recommended by the cementitious waterproofing manufacturer. ' 2. Moving or dynamic cracks should be treated as expansion joints with HEY'DI K-I I and an elastic sealant in accordance with sealant manufacturer's instructions. B. CONSTRUCTION JOINTS: 1. Construction joints shall be designed and located by Shotcrete Fabricator and approved by Architect. Submit shop drawings locating construction joints in each habitat where required. 1 Construction joints should be thoroughly cleaned and dampened. Apply one slurry coat of cementitious waterproofing at the rate of 2.25 lbs. per sq. yd. After it has reached an initial set, dampen if dry and apply a second coat of the cementitious waterproofing at the same rate. Pour concrete while the second coat is still less than 6 hours old to assist in bonding and to form an 1 uninterrupted membrane. 3.11 FINISHES: 1 A. STRUCTURAL LAYER: 1. Provide Natural Gun Finish on structural layers except those designated to receive cementitious 1 waterproofing. Provide broom finish on areas to be waterproofed. 2. Do not scrape or cut to remove high spots until the shotcrete has become stiff enough to withstand pull of the cutting device. B. TEXTURE COAT: 1 1. The Shotcrete Contractor will provide an expert (s) to perform texturing, shaping and coloring of the Texture Coat (Section 1.05 Prequalification, this Section). 1 2. The Texture Coat Expert will:be approved by the Architect prior. to beginning any work. 3. Finished product of the Texture coat shall simulate natural formations of sand, rock and mud as described in the specifications and drawings, and photographs. 1 4. Extend texture coat minimum 12 inches below finish grades. D. COLORING: 1. Surface Applied Color: a. Color of rock- and sand -forms shall match the color (in general and in detail) of natural materials displayed in the photographic samples. ' Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 13210 — SPECIALLY PLACED CONCRETE - SHOTCRETE Page 16 of 18 b. Color texture coat with integral color agents and by painting after final texturing. Staining and etching may be used in specific circumstances approved by. the Architect. Color shall be approved by the Architect without exception otherwise. c. Paint shall be flat finish. d. Color mixes and application processes shall be approved by the Architect prior to beginning of Work. e. Samples: See Section 1.3.G. f. Apply to all sculptures and rockwork (not mudbank) a vandal resistant coating such as Ideal Chemical Products' "Tufflon", or an approved equal to resist graffiti. 3.12 CURING AND PROTECTION: A. INITIAL CURING: 1. Immediately after finishing, keep shotcrete continuously moist for at least 24 hours. Use one of the following materials or methods: a. Ponding or continuous sprinkling. b. Absorptive mat or burlap fabric, sand, or other covering kept continuously wet. c. Continuous steam (not exceed 150 F) or vapor mist bath. d. Curing compounds and application. Comply with ASTM C309. On natural gun or flash finishes, use twice the normal application rate recommended by the manufacturer, or 100 s.f. per gal., whichever is less. Do not use curing compounds on any surfaces against which additional shotcrete or other cementitious finishing materials are to be bonded unless positive measures, such as sandblasting, are taken to remove curing compounds completely prior to the application of such additional materials. e. Do not use Curing Compounds on Texture Coat, Structural Layer which is to receive Texture Coat, or any surface against which additional shotcrete or other cementitious finishing materials are to be bonded. f. Employ positive measures, such as sandblasting, to remove over -sprayed curing compounds completely prior to the application of such additional materials. B. FINAL CURING: 1. Provide additional curing immediately following the initial curing and before the shotcrete has dried. Use one of the following materials or methods: a. Continue the method used in initial curing. b. Materials conforming to "Specifications for Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete", (ASTM C 171). c. Other moisture retaining coverings as accepted. C. FORMED SURFACES: 1. . If forms are to be removed during curing period, immediately use one of the curing materials or methods listed in Paragraph G.1. Continue such curing for the remainder of the curing period. Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 13210 —SPECIALLY PLACED CONCRETE.- SHOTCRETE , Page 17 of 18 BID BOND Developers Surety & Indemnity Company 'KNOW ALL MEN BY ` P.8SE PRESENTS: that we, the undcrsigned Walsh Construction, Inc. as P z: i ic:ipa 1, and as Surety, are, hereby held and firmly .bound unto the Cit V of 'drt LC+1F1s, Colorado, a,,:;{4lNR., in the sum of wFive Percent of Bides for zhE payment of which, well and trulYr' to be made, we Hereby jairitly and �e;rera].11r bind ourselves, successors, and assigns, 'THE C01%AITION Of this Obligation is such that whereas the Principal has submitted to the City of Fort Call ns�._.._Colorado the accampanying Bid and hereby TfLade a park hereof to eater intr a Construction Agreernerit for the Uanrttruction of Fort Collins Pzoject, 7025 Water Feature Renovation at F'o ,;ij Greek Community Park. NOW THEREFL3F,.E, (a) If said Bid shall be rejected, or 1(b) If said Bid shall be accepted and the Princi ai shall e}:acute and d deliver a ContracL in the foTm of Contract attached hereto (properly- completed in 1 accordance with said Bid) and shall furnish a BOND for his faithfui pez:fcrmance of said Contract, and for payment of all persons performing .labor or furnishing materials in connection therewith, and Vhall in all other respects perform the Agreement created by the acceptance ;,f said B.id, then this obligation shall be 'void; otherwise the same shall re irl inn force and effect, it being expressly understood and agreed that the 1 liability of the Surety for any and all claims hereundez7 shall, in no e-%£ent, exceed the penal amount of this obligatio-z as herein stated. 'The Surety, for value r.Qceived, hereby stipulates and agrees that the obligations of said Siarety and its SOND :hall be in no wTay impaized or ,affected by any extension of the time within which the OWNER may accept such Sid; and said Surety does hereby- waiire notice of any such extension. 'Surety Companies executing bonds must be authox.,zed to transact business in the State cif Colorado and be accepted by the OWNER. I Iev 10;20M7 Section 00410 Pate 2 D. DURATION OF. CURING: 1. Continue curing for the first 7 days after shotcreting, or for the first 3 days if high -early -strength is obtained. During the curing period, maintain shotcrete above 40' F and in a moist condition as specified in Paragraphs G.1 and G.2. Prevent rapid drying at the end of the curing period. E. NATURAL CURING: 1. Natural curing may be allowed when authorized by the Architect/Owner's Representative/engineer, if atmospheric conditions surrounding the shotcrete are satisfactory, such as, when the relative humidity is at or above 85 percent. END OF SECTION Fossil Creek Community Park Water Feature SECTION 13210 — SPECIALLY PLACED CONCRETE - SHOTCRETE Page 18 of 18 SECTION 16010 -GENERAL ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. All work as required to provide complete, operating systems, including completion of all details and items of work 'nbt specifically shown on the Drawings or within these Specifications. 2. Coordination 3. Submittals 4. General project requirements 1.2 COORDINATION, A. Coordinate the work specified in this Division with the work of other trades. B. Order the progress of the electrical work so as to conform with the progress of the other trades. C. Complete the entire installation as soon as the condition of the other work within the facility will permit. D. Any cost resulting from ill-timed work performed under this Division shall be borne by the Electrical Contractor. E. Prior to submitting a bid, visit the site of the project to ascertain and establish all conditions affecting the proposed electrical work. Make provisions within the Bid Amount for the cost of such conditions and factors. 1.3 REFERENCES A. ANSI/IEE C2 — National Electrical Safety Code and other publications B. ANSI/NFPA 70 — National Electrical Code (NEC) C. NECA — Standard for Installation 1.4 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Obtain and pay for all permits, licenses, and inspections required. B. Furnish to the Owner a certificate of final inspection and approval from the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) over the electrical installation. Fossil Creek Park Water Feature 16010 - 1 GENERAL ELECTRICAL 3/19/09 REQUIREMENTS ' C. Conform to all aspects of the NEC, with all local or jurisdictional interpretations, modifications, and ordinances. ' D. Conform to applicable building codes plus International Mechanical Code (IMC) or Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC), as applicable. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS ' A. Materials and Equipment: Acceptable to the AHJ as suitable for the use intended. B. All materials shall be new and conform to applicable standards. 1. Underwriters' Laboratories (UL) 2. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) ' 3. National Electrical Manufacturer's Association (NEMA) ' 4. Insulated Power Cable Engineer's Association (IPCEA) C. Defective or damaged materials shall be replaced in a manner meeting approval of the ' Engineer and at no additional cost to_the Owner. Such work shall be performed prior to final acceptance by the Owner. IPART 3 - EXECUTION ' 3.1 WORKMANSHIP A. Install all electrical systems and perform all work using procedures defined in the NECA Standard of Installation, unless otherwise indicated within these Specifications or on the Drawings. r3.2 CUTTING AND PATCHING ' A. Perform all cutting, channeling, chasing, drilling, etc. as required to remove any electrical equipment or materials in areas of remodel. Where installed in new conditions, order the work so as to minimize such methods and use only where inadvertent omissions have been made during the construction process. ' B. Perform all such work as required to conceal conduits, except as otherwise indicated on the Drawings or as within these Specifications. ' C. Perform all such work in a manner to minimize damage to portions of wall finishes, surfaces or structure which are not being demolished, refinished, etc. Fossil Creek Park Water Feature 16010 - 2 GENERAL ELECTRICAL ' 3/19/09 REQUIREMENTS D. All penetrations in concrete or masonry shall be by use of core drill or saw cutting, except as specifically permitted on the Drawings. Caulk, mortar into place and waterproof all penetrations in below grade walls or floors. END OF SECTION 16010 Fossil Creek Park Water Feature 16010 - 3 GENERAL ELECTRICAL 3/19/09 REQUIREMENTS SECTION 16051 - COMMON ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Sleeves for raceways and cables. 2. Sleeve seals. 3. Grout. 4. Common electrical installation requirements. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For sleeve seals. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 SLEEVES FOR RACEWAYS AND CABLES A. Steel Pipe Sleeves:. ASTM A 53/A 53M, Type E, Grade B, Schedule 40, galvanized steel, plain ends. B. Cast -Iron Pipe Sleeves: Cast or fabricated "wall pipe," equivalent to ductile -iron pressure pipe, with plain ends and integral waterstop, unless otherwise indicated. C. Sleeves for Rectangular Openings: Galvanized sheet steel. 2.2 SLEEVE SEALS A. Description: Modular sealing device, designed for field assembly, to fill annular space between sleeve and raceway or cable. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturersoffering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Advance Products & Systems, Inc. b. Calpico, Inc. C. Metraflex Co. d. Pipeline Seal and Insulator, Inc. e. As approved Fossil Creek Park Water Feature 16051 - 1 3/19/09 COMMON ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS 2. Sealing Elements: EPDM interlocking links shaped to fit surface of cable or conduit. Include type and number required_ for material and size of raceway or cable. 3. Pressure Plates: Carbon steel or stainless steel. Include two for each sealing element. 4. Connecting Bolts and Nuts: Stainless steel of length required to secure pressure plates to sealing elements. Include one for each sealing element. 2.3 GROUT A.. Nonmetallic, Shrinkage -Resistant Grout: ASTM C 1107, factory -packaged, nonmetallic aggregate grout, noncorrosive, nonstaining, mixed with water to consistency suitable for application and a 30-minute working time. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 COMMON REQUIREMENTS FOR ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION A. Comply with NECA 1. B. Equipment: Install to facilitate service, maintenance, and repair or replacement of components of both electrical equipment and other nearby installations. Connect in such a way as to facilitate future disconnecting with minimum interference with other items in the vicinity. C. Right of Way: Give to piping systems installed at a required slope. 3.2 SLEEVE INSTALLATION FOR ELECTRICAL PENETRATIONS A. Electrical penetrations occur when raceways, or cables penetrate concrete slabs, concrete or masonry walls, or fire -rated floor and wall assemblies. B. Concrete Slabs and Walls: Install sleeves for penetrations unless core -drilled holes or formed openings are used. Install sleeves during erection of slabs and walls. C. Use pipe sleeves unless penetration arrangement requires rectangular sleeved opening. D. Cut sleeves to length for mounting flush with both surfaces of walls. E. Extend sleeves installed in floors 2 inches above finished floor level. F. Size pipe sleeves to provide 1/4-inch annular clear space between sleeve and raceway or cable, unless indicated otherwise. G. Seal space outside of sleeves with grout for penetrations of concrete and masonry Fossil Creek Park Water Feature 16051 -2 COMMON ELECTRICAL 3/19/09 REQUIREMENTS 1. Promptly pack grout solidly between sleeve and wall so no voids remain. Tool exposed surfaces smooth; protect grout while curing. H. Aboveground, Exterior -Wall Penetrations: Seal penetrations using steel or cast-iron pipe sleeves and mechanical sleeve seals. Select sleeve size to allow for 1-inch annular clear space between pipe and sleeve for installing mechanical sleeve seals. I. Underground, Exterior -Wall Penetrations: Install cast-iron pipe sleeves. Size sleeves to allow for 1-inch annular clear space between raceway or cable and sleeve for installing mechanical sleeve seals. 3.3 SLEEVE -SEAL INSTALLATION A. . Install to seal exterior wall penetrations. B. Use type and number of sealing elements recommended by manufacturer for raceway or cable material and size. Position raceway or cable in center of sleeve. Assemble mechanical sleeve seals and install in annular space between raceway or cable and sleeve. Tighten bolts against pressure plates that cause sealing elements to expand and, make watertight seal. END OF SECTION 16051 Fossil Creek Park Water Feature 16051 - 3 3/19/09 COMMON ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 16120 - WIRE AND CABLE - 600 VOLT AND LESS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: 1. Building wires and cables rated 600 V and less. 2. Connectors, splices, and terminations rated 600 V and less. 3. Sleeves and sleeve seals for cables. 1.2 SUBMITTALS . A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use. B. Comply with NFPA 70 C. NEMA WC 3 — Rubber Insulated Wire and Cable for Transmission and Distribution of Electrical ,Energy. D. NEMA WC 5 - Thermoplastic Insulated Wire and Cable for Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 BUILDING WIRE A. Copper Conductors: Comply with NEMA WC 70. B. Conductor Insulation: Comply with NEMA WC 70 for Types THW, THHN-THWN., or XHHW. 2.2 CONNECTORS AND SPLICES A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: Fossil Creek Park Water Feature 16120 - 1 WIRE AND CABLE 3/19/09 600 VOLT AND LESS I ' B. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following`. ' 1. AFC Cable Systems, Inc. 2. Hubbell Power Systems, Inc. ' 3. O-Z/Gedney; EGS Electrical Group LLC. 4. 3M; Electrical Products Division. 5. Tyco Electronics Corp. 6. As approved C. Description: Factory -fabricated connectors and splices of size, ampacity rating, material, type, and class for application and service indicated. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 CONDUCTOR MATERIAL APPLICATIONS ' A. Feeders and Services: :Copper for all feeders and services: Solid for No. 10 AWG and smaller; stranded for No.'8 AWG and larger. Motor and equipment connections to be made using copper conductor only. B. Aluminum conductor not permitted for any size or application. ' C. Branch Circuits: Copper. Solid for No. 10 AWG and smaller; stranded for No. 8 AWG and larger. ' D. Control Circuits: Copper stranded Type THHN/THWN 3.2 GENERAL WIRING METHODS A. All conductors to be installed in an approved raceway system, regardless of voltage or application. ' B. Minimum Wire Size: #12AWG, except that #14AWG may be used for control wiring (except as noted within other Sections of this Division).; C. Minimum Wire Size: Use #10 AWG for all exterior lighting circuit plus all 20 ampere, 120 volt branch circuits longer than 75 feet or 277 volt branch circuits longer than 200 feet. D. Place an equal number of conductors for each phase of a circuit in the same raceway. E. Neatly train and lace or wire -tie wiring inside boxes, cabinets, equipment; and panelboards. 3.3 WIRING CONNECTIONS AND TERMINATIONS A. Splice only in accessible junction boxes of proper size and volume. Fossil Creek Park Water Feature 16120 - 2 WIRE AND CABLE ' 3/19/09 600 VOLT AND LESS B. Use solderless pressure connectors with insulating covers for solid copper wire splices and taps. Stranded conductors #8 AWG and smaller to be connected using pressure connectors only after the conductors are solder tinned. C. For copper conductors #8 AWG and larger, using insulated solderless compression connectors. D. Terminate spare conductors with electrical tape and insulated splice caps. E. Thoroughly clean all conductors before installing lugs or connectors. 3.4 INSTALLATION OF CONDUCTORS. A. Use manufacturer -approved pulling compound or lubricant for conductor, sizes larger than #4 AWG and where necessary. Compound may be equal to Ideal "Yellow" and must not deteriorate conductor or insulation. Do not exceed manufacturer's recommended maximum pulling tensions and sidewall, pressure values. B. Install wire into conduit in building interior after building has been physically protected .from, the weather, with all concrete and, plastering work completed and after all mechanical work likely to damage wire completed. Do not install conductors in incomplete conduit runs. C. Make splices and taps that are compatible with conductor material and that possess equivalent or better mechanical strength and insulation ratings than unspliced conductors. All terminations in underground, exterior or wet location boxes to be watertight. D. Wiring at Outlets: Install conductor at each outlet, with at least 8 inches of slack. END OF SECTION 16120 Fossil Creek Park Water Feature 16120 - 3 . WIRE AND CABLE 3/19/09 600 VOLT AND LESS Seal joint with same caulk as used in rest of splash pad. The caulk is the first layer of protection against water infiltration, the bentonite water stop is the second layer of protection against water infiltration. N07ES: I. PROVIDE I M" RADIUS EDGE Al OUTSIDE EDGES 2. REFER 10 GRSDIIJG: LANS. 3. 5E.AL.IOINTS INS?L� H PAD CONCRETE. / TEXTURED CONCRETE WAH., Tr P. • '� • " / r SPLASH PAD CONCRETE SLOPE TO WAN / AWAY FROM WALL a • �h.-. -ry � .SEA IOINT; T[P; —a BENT"ONIT.E WATER STOP SECTION WATER STOP SCALE: l • = V -0„ 9ENTONITE WATER STOP SHALL ft LOCATED AI INTERFACE iMI/EEN TEXTURED CONpLEIE WALLAND SPLASH, PAD CONCRE1 E PLAN - Nl S ' TN WITNESS WiJEREoF, the P.ri.ncipal and the Surety have hereunto set their hands and seals th-is 13th day of April , 2009, and such- of them as are 'corporations have caul ed their corporal_e, seals to be hereto affixed and these presents to be slgr_ed by their proper offic+r;,, the day and year first ft)rth above. �' yet ' PRINCIPAL Name;,.Idal sh ('.onstri,etion. Inc. Address., 8139 Open View Place ' Loveland, CO 80537 " iBy: Matthew a s G C� SURETY Developers Surety & Indemnity Company 5613 DTC Parkway, Greenwood Village, CO 80111 By: David A. Wooldridge, LUTCF, AAI Title., Attorney In Fact (SLAL) ir I af 7 SectiOn 00410 Page SECTION 16130 - RACEWAYS AND BOXES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes raceways, fittings, boxes, enclosures, and cabinets for electrical wiring. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For surface raceways, wireways and fittings, floor boxes, hinged -cover enclosures, cabinets, underground warning tape, etc. B. Shop Drawings: For custom enclosures and cabinets. Include plans, elevations, sections, details, and attachments to other work. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use. B. Comply with NFPA 70. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 METAL CONDUIT AND TUBING A. Galvanized Rigid Steel Conduit (GRC): ANSI C80.1. B. Liquidtight Metal Conduit (LFMC): Flexible steel conduit with PVC jacket. C. Fittings for Conduit (Including all Types and Flexible and Liquidtight), EMT, and Cable: NEMA FB 1; listed for type and size raceway with which used, and for application. and environment in which installed. 1. Conduit Fittings for Hazardous (Classified) Locations: Comply with UL 886. 2.2 NONMETALLIC., CONDUIT AND TUBING A. ENT: NEMA TC 13. B. PVC: NEMA TC 2, Type EPC-40-PVC, unless otherwise indicated. Fossil Creek Park Water Feature 16130 - 1 3/19/09 RACEWAYS AND BOXES C. LFNC: UL 1660. D. Fittings for ENT and PVC: NEMA TC 3; match to conduit or tubing type and material E. Fittings for LFNC: UL 514B. 2.3 BOXES, ENCLOSURES, AND CABINETS A. Cast -Metal Outlet and Device Boxes: NEMA FB 1, aluminum, Type FD, with gasketed cover. B. Nonmetallic Outlet and Device Boxes: NEMA OS 2. C. Cast -Metal Access, Pull, and Junction Boxes: NEMA FB 1, cast aluminum, with . gasketed cover. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 RACEWAY APPLICATION A. Outdoors: Apply raceway products as specified below, unless otherwise indicated: 1. Exposed Conduit: GRC 2. Concealed Conduit, Aboveground: GRC 3. Underground Conduit to within 5 feet of building: PVC, Type EPC-40-PVC, direct buried. 4. Connection to Vibrating Equipment (Including Transformers and Hydraulic, Pneumatic, Electric Solenoid, or Motor -Driven Equipment): LFMC. 5. Boxes and Enclosures, Aboveground: NEMA 250, Type 3R. B. Comply with the following indoor applications, unless otherwise indicated: 1. Exposed and Subject to Severe Physical Damage: GRC 2. Concealed in Ceilings and Interior Walls and Partitions: GRC 3. Connection to Vibrating Equipment (Including Transformers and Hydraulic, Pneumatic, Electric Solenoid, or Motor -Driven Equipment): FMC, except use LFMC in damp or wet locations. 4. Damp or Wet Locations: GRC. 5. Boxes and Enclosures: NEMA 250, Type 1, except use NEMA 250, Type 4, in damp or wet locations. C. Minimum Raceway Size: 1/2-inch trade size. - D. Raceway Fittings: Compatible with raceways and suitable for` 'use and location. 1. Use threaded GRC fittings, unless otherwise indicated. END OF SECTION 16130 Fossil Creek Park Water Feature 16130 - 2 RACEWAYS 3/19/09 AND BOXES SECTION 16140 - WIRING DEVICES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY. A. This Section includes the following: 1. Receptacle with integral GFCI 2. Snap switches 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. B. Shop Drawings: List of legends and description of materials and process used for premarking wall plates. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined -in NFPA 70, Article 100, by a testing agency acceptable to. authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use. B. Comply with NFPA 70. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS. A. Manufacturers' Names: Shortened versions (shown in parentheses) of the following manufacturers' names are used in other Part 2 articles: 1. Cooper Wiring Devices; a division of Cooper Industries, Inc. (Cooper). 2. Hubbell Incorporated; Wiring Device-Kellems (Hubbell). 3. Leviton Mfg. Company Inc. (Leviton). 4. Pass & Seymour/Legrand; Wiring Devices & Accessories (Pass & Seymour). 2.2 DEVICE COLOR A. Except for special purpose devices and as otherwise indicated in these Specifications and on the Drawings, device and matching stainless steel device plate color shall be gray. Fossil Creek Park Water Feature 16140 - 1 WIRING DEVICES 3/19/09 2.3 GFCI RECEPTACLES A. General Description: Straight blade, feed -through type. Comply with NEMA WD 1, NEMA WD 6, UL 498, and UL 943, Class A, and include indicator light that is lighted when device is tripped. GFCI Receptacle shall have trip and not reset if critical components are damaged and ground fault protection is lost or if miswired, power to receptacle is disconnected. B. Duplex GFCI Convenience Receptacles, 125 V, 20 Ampere: 1. Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 2. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. Cooper; GF20 b. Pass & Seymour; 2095, PT2095 C. Hubbell GFR5352 d. As approved 2.4 SNAP SWITCHES A. Comply with NEMA WD 1 and UL 20. B. Switches, 120/277 V, 20 Ampere: 1. Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 2. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. Cooper; 2221 (single pole), 2222 (two pole), 2223 (three way), 2224 (four way). b. Hubbell; CS1'221 (single pole), CS1222 (two pole), CS1223 (three way), CS1224 (four way). C. Leviton; 1221-2 (single pole), 1222-2 (two pole), 1223-2 (three way), 1224- 2 (four way). d. Pass & Seymour; 20AC1 (single pole), 20AC2 (two pole), 20AC3 (three way), 20AC4 (four way). 2.5 WALL PLATES A. Single and combination types to match corresponding wiring devices. 1. . Cast aluminum with spring -loaded lift cover, and listed and labeled for use in "wet locations." B. Wet -Location, Weatherproof Cover Plates: NEMA 250, complying with type 3R weather -resistant, die-cast aluminum with in -use style lockable cover by Hubbell, Carlon or as approved. Nonmetallic assembly not permitted. END OF SECTION 16140 Fossil Creek Park, Water Feature 16140 - 2 3/19/09 1 WIRING DEVICES Fossil Creek Community Park APPENDIX L GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT PROPOSED FOSSIL CREEK COMMUNITY PARK WEST OF LEMAY AVENUE, NORTH OF PORTNER RESERVOIR FORT COLLINS, COLORADO TERRACON PROJECT NO.20005008 MARCH 14, 2001 Prepared for: BHA DESIGN 4803 INNOVATION DRIVE FORT COLLINS, COLORADO 80525 ATTN: MR. BRUCE HENDEE Prepared by: Terracon 301 North Howes Street Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 1rerracon � 1 Ireforacon March"! 4, 2001 301 N. Howes • P.O. Box 503 Fort Collins, Colorado 80591-0563 (970) 484.0359 Fax: (970) 484-0454 BHA Design 4803 innovation Drive Fort Collins, Colorado 80525 ' Attn: Mr. Bruce Hendee ' Re: Geotechnical Engineering Report - Proposed Fossil'Creek Community Park West of Lemay ,Avenue North of Portner Reservoir. ' Fort Collins, Colorado Terracon Project No. 20005008 ' Terracon has, completed a geotechnical engineering exploration for the proposed Fossil Creek Community Paris project situated on the west side of Lemay Avenue and north of ' Portner Reservoir in southwest Fort Collins, Colorado. This study was performed in general accordance with our. Proposal Number D2001023 dated January 9, 2001. Terracon previously performed a preliminary exploration for the subject site in January of ' 2000. For further information, refer to our'"Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report" dated February 7, 2000 (Project No. 20005008). ' The results of our engineering study, including the boring location diagram, laboratory test results, test boring records, and geotechnical engineering recommendations needed to aid 1 in the design and construction of proposed foundations, pavements, and. other earth connected phases of this project are attached. IThe subsurface soils at the site consisted of sandy lean clay, lean clay with sand and clayey sand. extending to the depths explored and/or to the bedrock below. Sandstone bedrock, underlain by claystone/siltstone was encountered beneath the upper soils in the majority of the test borings at approximate depths of 1/2 to 14 feet below existing site grades and extended to the depths explored. ' Groundwater was encountered in each of the preliminary test borings i.e. Boring Nos. 1-8 P ry 9 i g ) at approximate depths of 3-1/2 to 20 feet below existing site grades when checked 11 days after drilling. Groundwater was not encountered in the most recent test borings (i.e. Boring Nos. 9-21).to maximum depths of exploration, 25 feet. Arizona ■ Arkansas ■ Colorado ■ Georgia ■ Idaho ■ 116nois n Iowa ■ Kansas ■ Kentucky ■ Minnesota ■ Missouri ■ Montana ' Nebraska ■ Nevada ■ New Mexico ■ Oklahoma ■ Tennessee ■ Texas ■ Utah ■Wisconsin ■ Wyoming Quality Engineering since 196S Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report BHA Design - Fossil Creek Community Park Terracon Project No. 20005008 The results of field exploration and laboratory testing completed for this study indicate that the clay soils at the site have low to moderate expansive potential. The soils and/or bedrock at anticipated foundation bearing depth have moderate to high load bearing capabilities. Based on the subsurface conditions .encountered, the type of construction proposed and the assumed structural loads, it is recommended that proposed structures be supported by conventional -type spread footings, if founded a minimum of. 3-feet above the bedrock stratum. If the structural loads are in excess of those assumed -for the project and/or the foundations are to extend into or within three feet of the bedrock stratum, the proposed structures should be supported by a grade beam and straight shaft pier foundation system. Conventional slab -on -grade construction is considered feasible for the site provided the final slab elevations are a minimum of 4-feet above the relatively expansive bedrock stratum. If the slabs are placed on or within four feet of the bedrock, structural floor slabs should be considered. Due to the expense of a structural floor system, overexcavation of the relatively expansive bedrock and .replacement with a moisture conditioned non=to-low expansive, soil may be an option. Other design and construction recommendations, based upon geotechnical conditions, are presented in the report. We appreciate being of service to you in the :geotechnical engineering phase of this project, and are prepared to assist you during the construction phases as well. if you have any questions concerning this report or any , of our testing, inspection, design and consulting services please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, TERRACON Prepared by: Reviewe by: Daniel bent .l.T. David A. Rich Geotec ical Engineer Geotechnical Copi to: Addressee (3) City of Fort Collins (2): Mr. Craig Foreman JR Engineering (1): Mr. Mike Oberlander RBB Architects (1): Mr. George Brelig rnager I 1 Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report BHA Design . Fossil Creek Community Park Terracon Project No. 20005008 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. Letterof Transmittal...........................................................................................................................i INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................1 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION............................................................................................2 SITE EXPLORATION........................................................................................................... 3 FieldExploration..........................................................................................................3 LaboratoryTesting........................................................................................4 SITECONDITIONS................................................................................:..............................4 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS.............................................................................................. 5 Geology...................... ..........:............ :...................................................................... 5 SoilConditions ................................................ ......................... .5 Field and Laboratory Test Results...............................................................................6 Groundwater Conditions..............................................................................................6 PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING ANALYSES AND RECOMMENDATIONS ..........................6 Geotechnical Considerations.......................................................................................6 Foundation Systems - Spread Footings...........,..........................................................7 Foundation Systems - Grade Beam and Drilled Pier ............................... ..... ......... '8 Floor Slab Design and Construction..........................................................................10 Pavement Design and Construction.........................................................................11 Skate Park Design and Construction........................................................:................15 Earthwork..................................................................................................................16 General Considerations................................................................................I...16 SitePreparation...........................................................................................16 Subgrade Preparation......................................................................................17 Fill Materials and Placement............................................................................17 Shrinkage.........................................................................................................19 Excavation and Trench Construction...............................................................19 Additional Design and Construction Considerations.. ................. ...................I......20 Underground Utility Systems............................................................................20 SurfaceDrainage.........................................................................................20 GENERAL COMMENTS.....................................................................................................20 . 1 Report ' Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering BHA Design Fossil Creek Community Park ' Terracon Project No. 20005008 APPENDIX A Site Plan Logs of Borings 1 APPENDIX B Laboratory Test Results ' APPENDIX C General Notes 1 Pavement Notes 1 1 1 i . 1 1 iv . .1 1 1 POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY PO BOX 19725, IRVINE, CA 92623 (949) 263-3300 www.InscoDico.com KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that except as expressly limited, DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY does hereby make, constitute and appoint: ***Steven G. Smith, Trent L. Smith, David A. Wooldridge, jointly or severally*** as its true and lawful Attomey(s)-in-Fact, to make, execute, deliver and acknowledge, for and on behalf of said corporation as surety, bonds, undertakings and contracts ' of suretyship giving and granting unto said Attomey(s)-in-Fact full power and authority to do and to perform every act necessary, requisite or proper to be done in . connection therewith as the corporation could do, but reserving to the corporation full power of substitution and revocation, and all of the acts of said Attomey(s)-in- Fact, pursuant to these presents, are hereby ratified and confirmed. ' This Power of Attorney is granted and is signed by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY effective as of November 1, 2000: RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Board, the President and any Vice President of the corporation be, and that each of them hereby is, authorized to execute 1 Powers of Attorney, qualifying the Attomey(s)-in-Fact named in the Powers of Attorney to execute, on behalf of the corporation, bonds, undertakings and contracts of suretyship; and that the Secretary or any Assistant Secretary of the corporation be, and each of them hereby is, authorized to attest the execution of any such Power of Attorney; RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the signatures of such officers may be affixed to any such Power of Attorney or to any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such Power of Attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures shall be valid and binding upon the corporation when so affixed and in the future with respect to any bond, undertaking or contract of suretyship to winch it is attached. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its respective Executive Vice President Iand attested by its Secretary this I st day of December, 2005. kND By: PO David H. Rhodes, Executive Vice -President a•, 10 erg? 1936 ;:3; o'd7 • �owP :aa By. Walter A. Crowell, Secretary ,',�O""� *��"`"T?••, 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE On December 1, 2005 before me, Gina L. Gamer, (here insert name and title of the officer), personally appeared David H. Rhodes and Walter A. Crowell, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. H WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature 6 /�- � / GINA L. GARNER N p COMM. # 1569561 - (SEAL) 3 NOTARY PUBLIC CALIFORNIA ORANGE COUNTY CERTIFICATE • w My corm. expires May 13, 2009 The undersigned, as Assistant Secretary, of DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDENMITY COMPANY, does hereby certify that the foregoing Power of Attorney remains in full force and has not been revoked, and furthermore, that the provisions of the resolution of the respective Boards of Directors of said corporation set forth in the Power of Attorney, is in force as of the date of this Certificate. This Certificate is executed in the City of Irvine, California, the day of By Albert Hillebrand, Assistant Secretary ID-1438 (DSI) (Rev. 12/05) ri GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT PROPOSED FOSSIL CREEK COMMUNITY PARK WEST OF LEMAY AVENUE, NORTH OF PORTNE RESERVOIR FORT COLLINS, COLORADO TERRACON PROJECT NO. 20005008 MARCH 14, 2001 INTRODUCTION This report contains the results of our geotechnical engineering exploration for the proposed Fossil Creek Community Park project to be located west of Lemay Avenue and north of Portner Reservoir in southwest in Fort Collins, Colorado. The site is located in the. Northeast 114 of Section 12, Township 6 North, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian. The purpose of these services is to provide information and geotechnical engineering recommendations relative to: • subsurface soil and bedrock conditions • groundwater conditions • foundation design and construction • lateral earth pressures • floor slab design and construction • pavement design and construction • earthwork • drainage The recommendations contained in this report are based upon the results of field and laboratory testing, engineering .analyses, and experience with similar soil conditions, structures and our understanding of the proposed project. PREVIOUS EXPLORATIONS Terracon performed a preliminary geotechnical engineering exploration for the proposed site in January of 2000. During this preliminary subsurface exploration, 8 test borings were drilled throughout the site. For further information and findings thereof, please refer to our "Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report" dated February 7, 2000, Project No. Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report BHA Design Fossil Creek Community Park Terracon Project No. 20005008 20005008. For your convenience and review, we are enclosing the preliminary test borings in Appendix A of this report. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION The purpose of this subsurface exploration is to provide geotechnical engineering recommendations for the proposed project. Terracon has included a soil, bedrock, and groundwater profile analysis of the subject site, and information from a geotechnical engineering viewpoint, with regards to the proposed development. The proposed Fossil Creek Community Park is to consist of the following: a single -story, slab -on -grade maintenance building to be located in the southeast portion- of the site, various interior roadways and paved parking areas, a pedestrian bridge spanning Fossil Creek in the general vicinity of Test Boring Nos. 1 and 9, • baseball/softball fields with a concession building, • slab -on -grade pavilion facilities, soccer fields, tennis courts and basketball courts, • skate park, dog park, and • playground areas. Maximum wall and columns loads for the proposed structures are assumed to- be on the order of 2 to 5 klf and 10 to 100 kips, respectively. The proposed Lemay Avenue . improvements will be addressed at a later date when design Issues and alignments have been determined. 2 1 Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report BHA Design Fossil Creek Community Park Terracon Project No. 20005008 SITE EXPLORATION The scope of the services performed for this project included a site reconnaissance by a geotechnicai engineer and an engineering geologist, a subsurface exploration program, laboratory testing and engineering analyses. Field Exploration A total of S preliminary test borings were drilled on January 27, 2000, and 13 additional test borings were drilled on. February 24, 2001 to approximate depths of 10 to 25 feet below existing site grades at the locations shown on the Site Plan, Figure 1. Test. Boring Nos. 22 and 23 were not accessible to our drilling equipment due to the soft compressible terrain at the time of the. February 27, 2001 field exploration. The test borings were drilled at various locations throughout the site to provide soil profile analysis for the proposed development. The borings were advanced with a truck -mounted drilling rig, -utilizing 4-inch diameter solid stem augers. The boring locations were determined by the project team and were located in the field by JR Engineering, the project engineers. Elevations for each of the additional test borings were determined by JR Engineering personnel. As indicated on the enclosed boring logs for Test Boring Nos. 9 through 21, the existing grade and proposed final grade elevations are recorded. The accuracy of boring locations and elevations should only be assumed to the level implied by the methods used. Continuous lithologic logs of each boring were recorded by the..geotechnical engineer and/or the engineering geologist during the drilling operations. At selected intervals, samples of the subsurface materials were taken by means of pushing thin -walled Shelby tubes, or by driving split -spoon samplers. Penetration resistance measurements were obtained by driving the split -spoon into the subsurface materials with a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. The penetration resistance value.is a useful index in estimating the consistency, relative density or hardness of the materials encountered. 3 U Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report BHA Design Fossil Creek Community Park Terracon Project No. 20006008 Groundwater conditions were evaluated in Test Boring Nos. 1 through 8 at the time of the initial site exploration, and on February 7, 2000. Groundwater conditions were encountered Test Boring Nos. 9 through 21 at the time of site exploration. Laboratory Testing All samples retrieved during the field exploration were returned to the laboratory for observation by the project geotechnical engineer and were classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System described in Appendix C. Samples of bedrock were classified in accordance with the general notes for Bedrock Classification. At that time, the field descriptions were confirmed or modified as necessary and an applicable laboratory testing program was formulated to determine engineering properties of the subsurface materials. Boring logs were prepared and are presented in Appendix A. Laboratorytests were conducted on selected soil samples and are presented in Appendix B. The test results were used for the geotechnical engineering analyses, and the development of foundation and earthwork recommendations. All laboratory tests were performed in general accordance with the applicable ASTM, locator. other accepted standards. Selected soil and bedrock samples were tested for the following engineering properties: • Water Content • Swell -Consolidation • Dry Density • Expansion • Compressive Strength • Plasticity Index • Soluble Sulfates SITE CONDITIONS The site for the proposed Fossil Creek Community Park development is presently a vacant, undeveloped tract of land located on the west side of Lemay. Avenue and north of the existing Portner Reservoir in southwest Fort Collins, Colorado. Fossil Creekmeanders along the northern boundary of the proposed development. The site is sparsely vegetated with native grasses. and weeds and exhibits positive surface drainage in the south to east directions. Existing residential developments, Huntington Hills and Brittany Knolls are 4 F� IJ� Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report BHA Design Fossil Creek Community Park Terracon Project No. 20005008 located beyond the limits of the park site to the north and south respectively, and South Ridge Greens Golf Course is located to the east beyond Lemay Avenue. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Geology The proposed area is located within the Colorado Piedmont section of the Great Plains physiographic province. The Colorado Piedmont, formed during Late Tertiary and Early quaternary time (approximately 2,000,000 years ago), is a broad, erosional trench, which separates the Southern Rocky Mountains from the High Plains. Structurally, the. site lies along the western flank of the Denver Basin. During the Late Mesozoic and Early Cenozoic Periods .(approximately 70;000,000 years ago), .intense tectonic activity occurred, causing the uplifting of the Front Range and associated downwarping of the Denver Basin: to the east. Relatively flat uplands -and broad valleys characterize the present-day topography of the Colorado Piedmont in this. region, The site is underlain by the Cretaceous Pierre. Formation. It is estimated the Pierre shale underlies the site at typical depths of 1/2 to 14 feet below the surface. The bedrock is overlain by alluvial and eoiian clays of Pleistocene and/or Recent Age. Mapping. completed by the Colorado Geological Survey ('Hart, 1972), indicates the site in an area of "Low to Moderate Swell Potential". Potentially expansive materials mapped in this area include bedrock, weathered bedrock and colluvium (surficial units). Soil Conditions - An approximate 6-inch layer of silty topsoil consisting . of root, -growth and. organic matter presently overlies the site. The.subsurface soils encountered beneath the topsoil consisted of sandy lean clay, lean clay with sand and clayey sand extending to the underlying bedrock. Sandstone bedrock underlain by claystone/siltstone bedrock.was encountered beneath .the upper soils in the majority of the test borings at approximate depths of 112 to 14 feet below existing site grades and extended to the depths explored. 'Hart, Stephen S., 1972. Potentially Swelling Soll and Rock In the Front Range Urban Corridor, Colorado, Colorado Geological Surrey, Environmental Geology No. 7. 5 Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report BHA Design Fossil Creek Community Park Terracon Project No. 20005008 Field and Laboratory Test Results Field and laboratory test results indicate the clay soils are typically medium to stiff in consistency and exhibit moderate bearing characteristics and low to,� moderate swell potential. The upper bedrock stratum, where encountered, was weathered, however, the Underlying siltstonelclaystone was moderately hard to hard with increased depths. Groundwater Conditions Groundwater was- encountered throughout the site in the 8 preliminary- test. borings at approximate depths ranging from 3-112 to 20 feet below existing site grades when checked 11 days after the initial drilling. Groundwater was not encountered in the 13 additional test borings to maximum depths of exploration, 25 feet during drilling operations on February 24, 2001. These observations represent groundwater conditions at the time of the field exploration, and may not be indicative of other times, or at other locations. Groundwater levels can be expected to fluctuate with varying seasonal and weather conditions as well as volumes"within Portner Reservoir and Fossil Creek. Based upon review of U.S. Geological Survey maps (2Hillier, et al, 1983), regional groundwater is expected to be encountered in unconsolidated alluvial deposits on the site, at depths ranging from 5 to 20 feet below the, existing ground's'Urface at the project site. PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING ANALYSES AND RECOMMENDATIONS Geotechnical Considerations The site appears suitable for the proposed construction from a geotechnicalengineering point of view. The following foundation'systems were evaluated for use on the site: • spread footings and/or grade beams bearing on undisturbed soils and/or,engineered fill. if placed a'minimum of 3 feet above bedrock, grade beams. and straight shaft piers drilled in to bedrock where foundations are into or within 3 feet of bedrock, or where heavy concentrated load warrants a drill pier system. C.1 L� 'J Preliminary Geotechnicai Engineering Report BHA Design Fossil Creek Community Park Terracon Project No. 20005008 Foundation Systems - Spread Footings Due to the presence of low to moderate swelling overburden soils on the. site, spread footing foundations bearing upon undisturbed subsoils, and/or engineered fill are recommended for support for the proposed structures (i.e. the maintenance building, concession.. stands, pavilions and skate park features) if placed a minimum of three (3) feet above the relatively expansive bedrock stratum. It is our understanding that material in the vicinity of Test Boring No. 14, "The Knoll°, will be used for fill material. If footings are to' be placed on' engineered fill material, we recommend the materials be moisture -conditioned within 2 percent of the optimum moisture content, placed in uniform 8 to 12-inch lifts and compacted to 95 percent of Standard Proctor Density ASTM D698. Footings placed a minimum of three (3) feet above the bedrock on native, undisturbed soils or on engineered fill material may be designed using a maximum.beadng pressure of 2000 psf, In addition, the footings should be sized to maintain a minimum dead -load pressure of 500 psf. The design bearing pressure applies to dead loads plus design live load conditions. Exterior footings should be placed a minimum of 30 inches below finished grade for frost protection and to provide confinement for ,the bearing soils. Finished grade is the lowest adjacent grade for perimeter footings. Footings should be proportioned to reduce differential foundation movement. Proportioning on the basis of equal total settlement is' recommended; however; proportioning to relative constant dead -load pressure will also reduce differential settlement between adjacent footings. Total settlement resulting from the assumed structural loads is estimated to be on the order of 3/4 inch or less. Differential settlement should be on the order of 112 to 314 of the estimated total settlement. Additional foundation movements could occur N water from any source infiltrates the. foundation soils; therefore, proper drainage should be provided in the final design and during construction.. Footings and foundation walls should be reinforced as necessary to reduce the potential for distress caused by differential foundation movement. The use of joints at openings or other discontinuities in walls is recommended. Z Hillier, Donald E.; Schneidler, Paul A., Jr.; and Hutchinson, E. Carter, 1983, Depth to Water Table (1979) In the Boulder - Fort CoNna-Greeley Area, Front Range Urban Corridor, Colorado, United States Geological Survey, Map 14855-I. .7 Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report BHA Design Fossil Creek Community Park Terracon Project No. 20005008 The geotechnical engineer should observe foundation excavations. If the soil conditions encountered differ significantly from those presented in this report, supplemental recommendations�will be required. Foundation Systems - Grade Beam and Drilled Pier Grade beam and drilled. pier foundation systems should support structures exhibiting heavy concentrated loads or founded on or within three (3) feet of the relatively expansive bedrock. Straight shaft piers, drilled a minimum of 8 feet into firm or harder bedrock, with a minimum shaft length of 20 feet are recommended. For axial compression loads, piers may be designed for a maximum "end -bearing pressure of 20,000 pounds per square foot (psf), and a skin friction of 2,000 psf. All piers require sufficient dead load and/or additional penetration into the bearing strata to resist potential uplift of the expansive materials. All piers should be designed for a minimum dead -load pressure of 7,500 psf, based upon pier end area. A minimum practical horizontal spacing between piers of at least three (3) diameters should be maintained, and adjacent piers should bear at about the same elevation. Piers should be considered to work in group action if the horizontal spacing is less than three pier diameters. The, capacity of .individual piers may need to be reduced when considering the effects of group action. ,Capacity reduction is a function of pier spacing and the number of piers within a group. if group action analyses are necessary, capacity reduction factors can be provided. To satisfy forces in the horizontal. direction, for a pier diameter of 18 inches, piers may be designed for lateral loads using a modulus of 50 tons per square foot for the portion of the pier in the overburden clay soils and/or engineered fill, and 267 tsf in bedrock. The coefficient of subgrade reaction for varying'pier diameters is as follows: A Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report BHA Design Fossil Creek Community Park Terracon Project No. 20005008 The soil modulus 'and coefficient of subgrade reaction ,.are ultimate values; therefore, appropriate factors of safety should be applied in the pier design. When the lateral capacity of drilled piers is evaluated by :the. L-Pile (COM 624) computer program, we recommend that internally generated load -deformation (P-Y) curves be used. Terracon recommends the °stiff clay with no water" condition be used. The following parameters may be used for the design of laterally loaded piers, using the L-Pile (COM 624) computer program: 4 r c -�T'e _ E... — jrt� -• J*' tx A £i) 2 Fr �9st.�,.t+,$�'a 4� '•^�tt. �vSt t` a 6e a T; '4 z''S' ^Y ? , ✓ t� l(.ki ors.t� Fy �` o6��t1 'fie�r{/'k'e +f• -� r i*r f�� �^i��;�tn..,E�i#.} •.��,�~E� G �3�zF,., s..�.? �:�'t�µ� ,k'ck�_ M; �«'� 4 d c ��c <_ �.�ue:FfYi°»�.,�.�Ki'i'��. Unit Weight of Soil (pcQ 1 • a , , 1 11 111 Corresponding • 1 1 1 1 1 Principal Difference a• 'Notes: 1) Use 65 PCF below the water table All piers should be reinforced. full depth for the applied axial, lateral and uplift stresses imposed... The amountof reinforcing steel for expansion should be determined by the tensile force created by the uplift force on each pier, with allowance for dead -load. Minimum 9 Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report BHA Design Fossil Creek Community Park Terracon Project No. 20005008 reinforcement of at least one-half percent of the cross -sectional area of each pier should be specified. To reduce potential uplift forces on piers, use of long' grade 'beam spans to increase individual pier loading is recommended. For this project, a minimum pier diameter of 12 inches is recommended. Drilling to design depths should be possible with conventional single flight power augers. Groundwater conditions indicate that temporary steel casing may be required to properly drill and clean piers prior to concrete placement. Groundwater should be removed from each pier hole prior to concrete placement. Pier concrete should be placed immediately after completion of drilling and cleaning. If pier concrete cannot be placed in less,than 3 inches of water, a tremie should be used for concrete placement. Due to potential sloughing and raveling, foundation concrete quantities may exceed calculated geometric volumes. Casing should be withdrawn in a, slow continuous manner maintaining a sufficient head of concrete to prevent infiltration of .water or the creation of. voids in pier concrete.. Pier concrete should have a relatively high fluidity when placed in cased pier holes or through a tremie. Pier concrete with a slump in the range of 5 to 8 inches is recommended. Free -fall concrete placement in piers will only be acceptable if provisions are taken to avoid striking the concrete on the sides of the hole or reinforcing steel. The use of a bottom -dump hopper, or tremie discharging near the bottom of the hole where concrete segregation will be minimized, is recommended. To provide increased resistance to potential uplift forces, the sides of each pier should be mechanically roughened in . the bearing strata. This should be accomplished by a roughening tooth placed on the auger. Pier bearing surfaces must be cleaned prior to concrete placement. A representative of the geotechnical engineer should inspect the bearing surface and pier configuration. Floor Slab Design and Construction Conventional slab -on -grade construction is. considered feasible for the site provided the final slab elevations are placed a minimum of 4-feet above the relative expansive bedrock stratum.. If the slabs are placed on or within the 4-foot requirement of the bedrock stratum, 10 SECTION 00420 STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS All questions must be answered and the data given must be clear and comprehensive. This statement must be notarized. If necessary, questions may be answered on separate attached sheets. The Bidder may submit any additional ' information he desires. 1. Name of Bidder: WALSH CONSTRUCTION INC. 1 2. Permanent main office address: _8139 np an -Vi Pw P1 Lo��P�n� , C080537 3. When organized: 1998 4. If a corporation, where incorporated: Col nrad n 5. How many years have you been engaged in the contracting business under your present firm or trade name? 6. Contracts on hand: (Schedule these, showing the amount of each contract and the appropriate anticipated dates of completion.) Ramseier Farm Pk Appurtenances, ,� of ,roneiey $297,711.00 completion date .Tune 2009 7. General character of Work performed by your company: Utilities, Excavation, Park CnnStriir'tinn, Erosion Control I 8. Have you ever failed to complete any Work awarded to you? N e If so, where and why? IM 1 10. Have your ever defaulted on a contract? If so, where and why? Are you debarred by any government agency? No If yes list agency name. Rev10/20/07 Section 00420 Page 1 I 11 LJ FJ Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report BHA Design Fossil Creek Community Park Terracon Project No. 20005008 structural floor slabs should be considered.. Due to the economical expense of a structural floor system, overexcavation of the relatively expansive bedrock and replacement with a moisture conditioned non -to -low expansive soil may: be an option. Post -tensioned slabs are feasible for construction on the site. Some differential movement of a slab -on -grade floor system is possible should the subgrade soils become.. elevated in moisture content. To reduce potential slab movements, the subgrade soils should be prepared as outlined in the ."Earthwork" section of this report. Detailed recommendations will be provided during our comprehensive geotechnical engineering evaluation of the site. Pavement Design and Construction Based on the subsurface conditions encountered at the site, it Is our opinion the proposed pavement construction Is feasible at the site from a geotechnical engineering point of view. However, due to the relatively shallow depths to bedrock, over -excavation and replacement procedures may be- required. Typical City of Fort Collins'— Engineering Department and the Larimer County's aEngineering Department's pavement design criteria, requires a. minimum separation of 3-feet exist between the bottom of, the pavement structure to the top of potentially expansive and/or impermeable bedrock. Therefore, due to the relatively shallow depth of bedrock, as indicated on . the enclosed boring logs, it may be necessary in areas where bedrock will be within 3-feet of 'final grades, to over -excavate and -replace with engineered fill material in an effortto satisfy this requirement: The upper bedrock material, consisting predominantly of a non -to -low -expansive, sandstone, can be reused as subgrade fill material after moisture conditioning and recompaction efforts has occurred. The replaced fill mate rial,,'consisting of either, the overburden soils and/or sandstone bedrock, should be moisture conditioned to plus or minus 2 percent .of optimum moisture content, placed in uniform lifts andicompacted to at least 95 % of,Standard Proctor Density ASTM D698. Asphalt concrete underlain by crushed. aggregate base course; full -depth asphalt pavement underlain by crushed aggregate base course and non -reinforced concrete pavement are feasible alternatives for the proposed pavement sections. Based on the subsurface 11 Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report BHA Design Fossil Creek Community Park Terracon Project No. 20005008 conditions encountered at the site, it is recommended that all street improvements and/or pavement areas within the Fossil Creek Community Park Development be designed using an R-Value of 10, as determined by the soil classifications. Design of pavements for the project have been based on the procedures outlined in the 1993 Guideline for Design of Pavement Structures by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). Areas within proposed pavements on the site will be divided into categories based upon anticipated traffic and usage. Traffic criteria for pavement thickness design including the projected 20-year average daily traffic or volume, and approximate percentage of trucks was estimated by Terracon. From these estimated or assumed values, Terracon computed the 1&kip equivalent single axle load (ESAL) at 73,000 for automobile parking areas and 146,000 for heavy volume or truck access/drive areas. Local drainage characteristics of proposed pavement areas are considered to; vary from- fair to good depending 'upon location on the site. For purposes of this design analysis, fair drainage characteristics are considered to control the design. .These : characteristics, coupled with the approximate duration of saturated subgrade conditions, results in a design drainage coefficient,of 1.0 when applying the AASHTO criteria for design. For flexible pavement design, a terminalserviceability index of 2.5 for the exit lanes was utilized along with inherent reliability of 75% -and .a design life of 20 years. Using :the correlated design R-value of 1d, appropriate ESAUday, environmental criteria and other factors, the structural numbers (SN) of the pavement sections were determined on the basis of the 1993 AASHTO design equation. In addition to the flexible pavement design analyses, a rigid pavement design analysis was completed, based upon AASHTO design procedures. Rigid pavement design.is based on an evaluation of the Modulus of Subgrade-Reaction oUthe soils (K-value); the Modulus of Rupture of the concrete, and other factors previously outlined. The design K-value ;of 100 for the subgrade soils was determined by correlation to the laboratory tests results. , A modulus of rupture of 650 psi (working stress 488 psi) was used for pavement concrete. The rigid pavement thicknesses for each traffic category were determined on the basis of the AASHTO design equation. 12 1 FI F, Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report - BHA Design Fossil Creek Community Park Terracon Project No. 20005008 Recommended alternatives- for flexible and rigid pavements,_ summarized for , each traffic area, are as follows: . -._.. r..f... .. Pa.m@Jit.Ii�C1C�IB'SSP..LL1i�ikG�ll.' ..,.... s:._,. ..._. ., ♦ 33 ,4`' •..::l: �:�'?:Y•3 yz; ,?: ..... , -. 3- :� •;:ira'rv:c: ^:e:a�?.•;v, r > > s.........,,. -. �.�.:, s % 3ii a '>r ICCG�m�@4i@ 7 '-i vs ,c a a? Y i j� ,�'� >r } 53 F�•FkFN[4 1 i •sis > i'3 -33 � iit�si �� 3 L T- , )[ .fs i^,,� d3•, Wyk s, ., r;��?„Jr, i �7� �.L'�'S;a� . A i.;p,. i ai YS .a x � ri3L 1�3-71�y'Fii 3nS ,�sj�i��31 i� s Si� � � . �f.. 3s � � itl, j '3 �i�r�t�'�'�iT� � _ 1 i 8 i ;�1,3 3 3 %� > s,[�di � �y, L�Sy-E^i y � 3 •. L X� A,?, -s a : �t � •_ ,7;,�•9`�-9to ,�,��T n s }r, 3i _ `.�Wi � r 3 "5 , , ii tq, _ ` Js -y, L n ; *�';j� s+ i'�� .>•,�, x . �•�►f"'°`,,,-y"; �3 . ,� ,, �'� �9 �q8."�t 3ija• s "i , u t ��3'. , .,.,>i._ 4 �,. � � Jp �, e�• _.a.. ....1 ?._:>�:. s�S� .,,_v s?P,iiL� L �. ,y 4 7 A 3 Basketball and Tennis B 2 21/2 4'f Courts 5 5 _ C A 3-1/2 6 9-1/2 Automobile Parking B 2 4 3 9 Areas C 5-1/2 5-1/2 He,a,vy A 4 6 10 Volume — B 2 5 3 10 Track 6 6 Access Areas C Aggregate base course (f used on the site) should consist of a blend of sand and gravel, which meets strict specifications for. quality and gradation. Use of. materials meeting Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) Class 6 specifications is recommended for base course. Aggregate base course should be placed in lifts not exceeding six inches and should be compacted to a minimum of 95% Standard Proctor Density (ASTM D698). Asphalt: concrete and/or,, plant -mixed bituminous base course should be composed of a mixture of aggregate, filler and additives, if required, and approved bituminous material. The bituminous base and/or asphalt concrete should conform to approved mix -designs stating the Hveem properties, optimum .asphalt content, job mix formula and recommended mixing and placing temperatures. Aggregate used in plant -mixed bituminous base course and/or asphalt concrete should meet particular gradations. Material meeting Colorado Department of Transportation Grading S, SX or SG specification is recommended for asphalt concrete 13 Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report BHA Design Fossil Creek Community Park Terracon Project No. 20005008 surface course. Mix designs should be submitted prior to construction to verify their adequacy. Asphalt material should be placed in . maximum 3-inch lifts and should be compactedto a minimum of 92% to 96% of maximum theoretical density. Where rigid pavements are used, the concrete should ' be obtained from an approved mix design with the following minimum properties: • Compressive Strength @ 28 days ....................................... :.... 4,000 psi minimum • Strength Requirements ............................ ...ASTM C94 .......................................... • Minimum Cement Content........................................................... 6.5 sacks/cu. yd. • Cement Type.................................................................................Type 11 Portland Entrained Air Content................................................................................6 to 8% • Concrete Aggregate.....................:..................ASTM C33 and CDOT Section 703 • Aggregate Size ..................... ....1 inch maximum .................................................... • Maximum Water Content.........................................................0.49 Ib/lb of cement • Maximum Allowable Slump........................................................................4 inches. Concrete should be deposited by truck mixers or agitators and placed a maximum of 90 minutes from the time the water is added to the mix. Other specifications outlined by the Colorado Department of Transportation should be followed. Longitudinal and transverse joints should be provided as needed in concrete pavements for expansion/contraction and isolation. The location and extent of joints should be based upon the final pavement geometry and should be .placed (n feet) at roughly twice the slab thickness (in inches) on center in either direction. Sawed joints should . be cut within 24- hours of concrete placement, and should be a minimum of 25% of slab thickness plus 1/4 inch. All joints should be sealed to prevent entry of foreign material and doweled where necessary for load transfer. Preventative maintenance should be planned and provided for an on -going pavement management program in order to enhance future pavement performance. Preventative 14 Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report BHA Design Fossil Creek Community Park Terracon Project No. 20005008 maintenance activities are intended to slow the rate of pavement deterioration and to preserve the pavement investment. Preventative maintenance consists of both localized maintenance (e.g. crack sealing and patching) and global maintenance (e.g. surface sealing). Preventative maintenance is usually the first priority when implementing a planned pavement maintenance program and provides the highest returnon investment for pavements. Recommended preventative maintenance policies for asphalt and jointed concrete pavements, based upon type and severity of distress, are provided in Appendix D. Prior to implementing any maintenance, additional engineering observation is recommended to determine the type and extent of preventative maintenance. Skate Park Design and Construction Due to the relatively shallow depth to moderately expansive bedrock, it is recommended that the skate park structures be supported by spread footing type foundations bearing on a minimum of 3 feet of engineered fill material. It .is our understanding that material in the vicinity of Test Boring No. 14 will be used for fill material throughout the site. If footings are to be placed on fill material, we recommend the on -site soils be compacted to 95 percent of Standard Proctor Density ASTM D698. The on -site soils should be moisture conditioned within 2 percent of the optimum moisture content determined by the Standard ' Proctor Density ASTM 0698, placed in uniform lifts and mechanically compacted. Footings placed a minimum of three (3) feet above the bedrock on engineered fill material may be designed using a maximum bearing pressure of 2000 psf. In addition, the footings should be sized to maintain a minimum dead -load pressure of 500 psf. The design bearing pressure applies to dead loads plus design live load conditions. The remainder of the skate park area may be constructed with slab -on -grade type construction provided the final slab elevations are a minimum of four feet above the relatively expansive- bedrock stratum. 15 Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report BHA Design Fossil Creek Community Park Terracon Project No. 20005008 Earthwork • General Considerations The following presents recommendations for site preparation, excavation, subgrade preparation and placement of engineered fills on the project. All earthwork on the project should be observed and evaluated by Terracon. The evaluation of earthwork should include observation and testing of engineered fill, subgrade preparation, foundation bearing soils, and other geotechnical conditions exposed during the construction of the project. • Site Preparation Strip and remove existing vegetation, debris, and other deleterious, materials from proposed building and pavement areas. All exposed surfaces should be free of mounds and depressions, which could prevent uniform compaction. Stripped materials consisting of vegetation and organic materials should be wasted from the site, or used to revegetate landscaped areas or exposed slopes after completion of grading operations. If it is necessary to dispose of .organic materials on -site, they should be placed in non-structural areas and in fill sections not exceeding 5 feet in height. The site should be initially -graded to create a relatively level surface to receive fill, and to provide for a relatively uniform thickness of fill beneath proposed building structures. All exposed areas which will receive fill, once properly cleared and benched where necessary, should be scarified to a minimum depth of eight inches, _ conditioned to near optimum moisture content, and compacted. Although evidence of fills or underground facilities such as septic tanks and cesspools was not observed during the site reconnaissance, such features could be encountered during construction. If unexpected fills or underground facilities are 16 I r rl n Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report BHA Design Fossil Creek Community Park Terracon Project No. 20005008 encountered, such features should be removed and the excavation thoroughly cleaned prior to backfill placement and/or construction. It is anticipated that excavations for the proposed construction can be accomplished with conventional earthmoving equipment in the over -burden soils and weathered bedrock stratum. Depending upon depth of excavation and seasonal conditions, groundwater may be encountered in excavations on the site. Pumping from sumps may -'be utilized to control water within excavations. Based upon the subsurface conditions determined from the geotechnical exploration, subgrade soils exposed during construction are anticipated to be relatively stable. However, the stability of the subgrade may be affected by precipitation, repetitive construction traffic or other factors. If unstable.conditions develop, workability may be improved by scarifying and drying. Overexcavation of wet zones, and,.. replacement with granular materials may be necessary. Use of lime, fly ash; kiln dust, cement or geotextiles could also be considered as a stabilization technique: _ . Laboratory evaluation is recommended to determine the effect of chemical stabilization on sub.grade soils prior to construction. Lightweight excavation equipment may be required to reduce subgrade pumping. Subgmde Preparation - Subgrade soils beneath interior and exterior slabs, and beneath pavements should be scarified, moisture conditioned and compacted to a minimum depth of 8 inches. The moisture content and compaction of subgrade `soils 'should be maintained until slab or pavement construction. . Fill Materials and Placement. Clean on -site soils or approved imported materials maybe used as.fill material. On -site bedrock is not recommended for use as compacted fill beneath interior floor slabs. 17 Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report BHA Design Fossil Creek Community Park Terracon Project No. 20005008 Imported soils (if required) should conform to the following: Percent fines by weight Gradation (ASTM C1361 611 ......................................................................................................... 100 3.. .................... ......................................................... ..... ...70-100 No. 4 Sieve ....................................................... ........................ .50-100 No. 200 Sieve..............................................................................70 (max) • Liquid. Limit.......................................................................35 (max) • Plasticity index...................................................................15 (max) Engineered fill should be placed and compacted in horizontal lifts, using equipment and, procedures that will produce recommended moisture contents and densities throughout the lift. Recommended compaction criteria for engineered fill materials are as follows: Material Minimum Percent ASTM D690 Scarified subgrade soils ..................................................... ....:............... 95 On -site and imported fill soils: Beneath foundations. .......................................... ... .. ............95 Beneath slabs. ..................... ................. ....... _ .....95 Beneath pavements...................................................................95 Miscellaneous backfill (non-structural areas)........................................ ..90 On -site or imported clay soils should be compacted within a moisture content range of 2 percent ..below, to 2,percent above optimum. Imported granular soils should be compacted within a moisture range of 3 percent below to 3 percent above optimum unless modified by the project geotechnical engineer. 18 J 1 Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report BHA Design Fossil Creek Community Park Terracon Project No. 20005008 Shrinkage For balancing grading plans, estimated shrink or swell of soils and bedrock when used as compacted fill following recommendations in this report are as follows: Material Estimated Shrink(-) Swell (+) Based on ASTM D698 On -site soils: Clays........................................................................... -15 to -209�0 Claystone/Siltstone Bedrock .................... .......... ... -5 to +10% Excavation and Trench Construction Excavations into the on -site soils will encounter a variety of conditions.�Excavations into the clays and bedrock can be expected to stand on relatively steep temporary slopes during" construction. However, caving soils and groundwater may also be encountered. The individual contractors) should be made -responsible for designing and constructing stable, temporary excavations as required to maintain stability of both the excavation sides and bottom. All excavations should be sloped or shored in the interest of safety following local, And"federal regulations, including current OSHA excavation and trench safety standards. Thesoils to be penetrated by the proposed excavations may vary significantly across the site. The preliminary- soil classifications are based solely on the materials encountered in widely spaced exploratory test borings. The contractor should verify that similar'conditions exist throughout the proposed area of excavation. If different subsurface conditions are encountered at the time of construction, the actual conditions should be evaluated -to determine any excavation modifications necessary to maintain safe conditions. As a safety measure, it is recommended that all vehicles and soil piles be kept to a minimum lateral distance from the crest of the slope equal to no less than the slope height. The exposed slope face should be protected against the elements. 19 Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report BHA Design Fossil Creek Community Park Terracon Project No. 20005008 Additional Design and Construction Considerations Underground Utility Systems All piping should be adequately bedded for p,roper load distribution. It is suggested that clean, graded .gravel compacted to 75 percent of Relative Density ASTM D4253 be used as bedding. Where utilities are excavated below groundwater, temporary dewatering will be required during excavation, pipe placement and backfilling operations for proper construction. Utility trenches should be excavated on safe and stable slopes in accordance with OSHA regulations as discussed above. Backfill should consist of the on -site soils or imported materials approved by the geotechnicai engineer. The pipe backfill should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of Standard Proctor Density ASTM D698. Surface Drainage Positive drainage should be provided during construction and maintained throughout the life of the proposed project. Infiltration of water into utility or foundation excavations must be .prevented during construction. In areas where sidewalks or paving do not immediately adjoin the structure, we.recommend that protective slopes beprovided with:,a minimum grade .of approximately 5. percent for at least 10 feet from perimeter walls. GENERAL COMMENTS Terracon should be retained to review the final design plans and specifications so comments can be made regarding interpretation and implementation of our geotechnical recommendations in the design and specifications. Terracon also should be retained to provide .testing and observation during excavation, grading, foundation and construction phases of the project. The analysis and recommendations presented in this report are based upon the data obtained from the borings performed at the indicated locations and from 'other information discussed in this report. This report does not reflect variations, which may occur between borings or across the site. The nature 'and 'exterit of such variations may not become 20 11 1 11. List the more important projects recently completed by your company, stating the approximate cost of each, and the month and year completed, location and type of construction. See Attached 12. List your major equipment available for this contract. Backhoe, Skidsteer, various trucks & trailers, Anything through lease_ 13. Experience in construction Work similar in importance to this project: Walsh Construction Inc. has specialized in work of this nature since its inception in 1998. 1 14. Background and experience of. the principal members of your organization, including officers: See attached resumes 15. Credit available: $ 2,000,000 16. Bank reference: Guaranty Bank & Trust Co., Loveland, CO ' Deanne Slote 970-267-6935 17. Will you, upon request, fill out a detailed financial statement and ' furnish any other information that may be Yes required by the OWNER? 18. Are you licensed as a General CONTRACTOR? Yes ' If yes, in what city, county and state? What class, license and numbers? 19. Do you anticipate subcontracting Work under this Contract? Yes If yes, what percent of total contract? ' and to whom? Concrete and Shotcrete 20. Are any lawsuits pending against you or your firm at this time? ode IF yes, DETAIL i .1 Rev10/20/07 Section 00420 Page 2 Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report BHA Design Fossil Creek Community Park Terracon Project No. 20005008 evident until construction. If variations appear, it will be necessary to reevaluate the recommendations of this report. The scope of services for this project does not include either specifically or by implication any environmental assessment of the site or identification of contaminated or hazardous materials or conditions. If the owner is concerned about the potential for such contamination, other studies should be undertaken. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of our client for specific application to the project discussed and has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices. No warranties, either express or implied, are intended or made. In the event that changes in the nature, design, or location of the project as outlined in this report, are planned, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report shall not be considered valid unless Terracon reviews the changes, and either verities or modifies the conclusions of this report in writing. 21 Fossil Creek Community Park APPENDIX i i rr rr� �r rr rr �r rr rr rr r� rr r rr � r r r rr rrr iap FIGURE I: SITE PLAN - 9� FOSSIL CREEK COMMUNITY PARK FOSSIL CREEK k LEYAY AVENUE LEGEND FORT COLLINS. COLORADO NOS. 1-8- PRELIMINARY TEST BORINGS DRILLED JANUARY 2000 D Ro�.a Or DAq IrQrracon sw� Castled �' AR 1 301 N. HMO STRUT Da4: Oran NOS. 9-23 FINAL TEST BORINGS DRILLED FEBRUARY 2001 Apw.d o AR Fear Cosine, coLomm 6o5a awwc Lor, bi F6 � 2 k� :a f f ■ � j � td pn E� � g � ' \ ��| . «w o LA DEPTH (FT.) UISCS SYMBOL Ch MMR fn ■ TYPE §7 c RECOVERY 0 SPT - N BLOWS/FT. E■$d - = MOISTURE, ORY DENSITY PCF . N USTNOE FflEO M PSF �� § m m m m m m m m m = m m m m w m = m m m m m m m m m m m m = m m m m w m m m # ■ J GRAPHIC LOG § § ieov & f � a■ . 7 � . . P • � zk /2 . $ � 2 \ 14 0 . � 0 DEPTH (FT.) ® § § 0 p UMs ■YMMMM 2 �tA � B § m ■ TYPE 2 E bk § & §� § . .CA ¥ e ��. n e§ &: § e � _ MOISTURE, i � $ � DENSITY _ # UNCONFINED m STRENG P \ » �f� P..R m .e�,_ ■ ■ m §2 , s 22 , H� g H ¥pi, �� 2 eRAPHIcLOG C. § �§ ! % ® Ek ^w$!� 20 _ ^�� § § f ( ^g \� A \ ( ` cl & R k ® ® ` 2 � �. ■ DEPTH (FT.) | k§ � . p USC■eMBOc _ MW■ // @ e m ■ TYPE w acOMY §t § n°q / s , ems r n ° & \ c = MOI #ME,. i i .DRY DENSITYPCF §«§ § � § ■ .PSF $B■ � P m m m m m m m m m m m m w m m m m m m LOG OF BORING NO. 4 Pase 1 of 1 CUUT BSA Dd ARCHRECP / ENGfNEER srm LNsnay Avenue and Tr11by Road Fort Coffins Colorado PRQCr Fossa CredL Comnnudty Park J H L1 DESCRIPTION y SAMPLES TESTS Ri Z�L win 15 Mar g{� " 0.5 6' TOPSOIL SANDY -LEAN _ AY 2.0 Tan, brown, moist, to stiff 3.5 HEAMERED M AYSTObMSILTSTONE . nut, moist, moderately hard CT AYSTQ lS T=NE Gray. olive, lug, mow, mode—ly hard to hard, goody c=mtzd 19.5 5 10 15 CL 1 SS 12' 15 12 —_ — — 2 SS 12' 50 10 3 SS 8'b010.7 12 4 SS 12' 50 13 BOTTOM OF BORING THE STRATI r ICATtOIN LINES.RSPRESM THE AMOYINATE BMMDARY LIKES BEABEN SOIL AND ROCK TYPBSi IN•SITU, THE TRANSITION MT BE GRADUAL. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS 1 rerra'co'nm BOROYO STARTED 1-27-M WL $DRY W.D. S 18.0' A.D. ° aT; °° DL Water Checked on 2d7100 APPROVER DAR i JOB r 20005M 11 LOG OF BORING NO. 5 Page I of 1 CLmtfr BRA pesly ARCEITEECT / E NORZM SITE Laomy Aveane and TrElby Road Fort Colruis, Colorado PRO= FossB Credo Co ty Park DESCRIPTION 4 S = SAMPLES I TESTS W 1 cj z1\~� iO7 Xco w YZ . 0.5 6' TOPSOIL SANDY I PAN Cl _AY 2.0 Tan, brown, moist, stiff WF_ATSTRRRT) CIT TSTf1NU3 AYSMNE Rust. Stay, olive, Mn. MW9, wediam to moderately bud 12.0 5 10 ES CL 1 SS - 12' 13 LS 2 ST 12- 22 106 7290 3 SS 12" 5 31 4 S5 12-1 6 29 — z AITTSMKRCTAYSTONE Rust, gray, olive, to, moist, moderately bard to bard I; 19.8 5 SS 12' 29 16 6 SS 10" 010.8 15 BOTTOM OF BORING THE STRATI F IOATION LINES REMSENT THE APPRONIHATE BOMARY LINES BETWER SOIL AND R= TYPES: IN -SITU, THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. WATER LEVEL 0113ERVATTONS _ Irerrac n BORDTG STARTED 1-27-OB _DRY w•D• fIa � 14S A.EL 1-27-00 I'*&% CIYmSS soltmuN bL LVL Water Checked on W100: APPROVED D" 108 B 200O5B08 F1 1 LOG OF BORING NO. 6 Page 1 of 1 WEW BHA DWXn ARCRr ECr I DKIMF K SrrE Lemay Ave = and Tr11by Road Fort ColOro Colorado PRoIECr Fossil Credo Co Park cl DESCRIPTIAN ,. Ur SAMPLES TESTS \ F Qi ' 0.5 6" TOPSOIL SANDY LAAN CLAY 2.5 Brown. 8my, moist, medium stiff 5 10 15 CL 1 SS 12' 6 21 WEATHERFfi Cl eYCTONE/STIIS'� E Gray, nts[, tall. olive. brown. moist, modomtely bard 8.0 2 ST 12" 24 102 1980 3 SS 12' 15 19 — Cr avcrnrtFTs1[.T'sT�NE Gray, Lna<. on, olive, blown, moist, moderaWy bard to bard 3 19.8 4 SS 12-1 33 13 5 SS 12" 47 19 6 SS I 10' /0.8 14 BOTTOM OF BORING THE STRATIFICATION LIKES REPRESENT THE APPaDR11YUE aDWpARY LIVES OCK BETWEEN SOIL AND RTYPES: IN -SITU THE TRANSIT101 RRY. BE GRADUAL. WATLBLEVEL OBSERVATIONS 1rerraconW. BIauNGsTARTED 1-27-00 y W.D. �18.0'.. A.B. .0E'. FOREMAN� DL cvI water CLedccd LIII 3f7/00 . APPROVED DAR roa i ZBOOSOQS LOG OF BORING NO. 7 Paplofl CL03NT MADme ARCHrT'F.Cr I ENGDC= .. SrTE ' Lemay Aymn and Trilby Road Fort Colllrn Colorado PROIECr Food Credo Conummity Park DESCRIPTION 10 SAMPLES TESTS U. • 0.5 6" TOPSOIL CANDY TRAN CLAY 2.5 Bmwn, gray,,maist, very sdff 5 IO 15 CL I SS 12" 20 12 wl;.& mED CI AY&IONFAII.TSIONE Rum guy, oUve, moist, moderately bald 0 2 SS 12-1 19 21 3 ST 12" 23 104 3090 4 SS 12" 26 19 51m r_ JdYSTONi?fCTT STONE _— Rust. gray, olive. moist, moderately bard to bard 15.0 5 SS 12" 50 15 B07MM OF BORING I THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESIXT THE APPROXIMATE SOWDARY LINES .'.E. Solt AND R=.TTPES: IN -SITU. THE TRANSITION MAY BE ORAIXAL. - WA7M LEVEL OBSERVA7TONS irerta BORING STARTED 1-2740 10.0' W.D.7•s'A.B.eon G CMPl FA Wl. I� PORFbItN Dj. vvL WeaerCheekedoa2f7l00 APPROVED DAR Ims 20005il08 Walsh Construction, Inc. 8139 Open View Place, Loveland, CO 80537 - (970)622-8227 • Fax( 970)278-9396 ' email. matt. walsh@kybeam.com COMPLETED PROJECTS Name of Project: North Lake Park Pump Station 1 G.C.: Walsh Construction Inc. Owner: City of Loveland 500 East Third St., Loveland CO 80537 970-962-2727 — Fax 970-962-2903 Contract Amount: $215,000.00 Date of Completion: 03/15/2009 Class of Work: Municipal Percent of Work Self -Performed: 80% Name of Project: Creekside Park Restrooms ' G.C.: Walsh Construction Inc. Owner: City of Wheat Ridge I303-234-5900 — Fax 303-234-5924 Contract Amount: $172,711.00 ' Date of Completion: 12/01/2008 Class of Work: Municipal Percent of Work Self -Performed: 75% Name of Project: Restroom Replacement at Kensington & Collyer Parks G.C.: Walsh Construction, Inc. Owner: Cily of Longmont 1100 S. Sherman St., Longmont, CO 80501 ' 303-651-8451— Fax 303-651-8588 Contract Amount: $199,711.00 ' Date of Completion: 03/15/2008 Class of Work: Municipal Percent of Work Self -Performed: 70% ' Name of Project: Wray Hatchery G.C.: Walsh Construction Inc. Owner: State of Colorado / Division of Wildlife 6060 Broadway, Denver, CO 80216 970-472-4433 —Fax 970-472-4458 Contract Amount: $110,761.00 Date of Completion: 10/01/2007 Class of Work: Municipal Percent of Work Self -Performed: 80% LOG OF BORING NO. 8 Page 1 of 1 CLMxT ARCRCIECT I ENGINEER BHA Dedgn SITE IA=y Avemte and Trilby Road Fort CoB1 Colorado PROJECT Fossil Creek Consmmitir Park SAMPLES TESTS zr Nto = r~ ►_'' a OESCRIMON O J > • 0.5 6" TOPSOIL CANDY FAN CI AY 43f28i12 CI 1 SS 12' 11 19 I 2.0 Brown, taa, moist. stiff WEATHERED Lq eYCTTNA .TSTONS Tau, gray, rust, olive, moist, riff � to moderately hard 5 2 SS 12' 9 22 3 ST 12" 19 106 4 SS 12' 27 18 10 13.0 1 s r7 AYM MILTS I'OME TWO, gam, rust, olive, Tooist, modmoly bard to Lard S SS 12-1 41 16 20.0 6 1 SS 112-1 50 16 BOTTOM OF BORING THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE SOADART LINES BETWEEN SOIL AND ROCK rTM. IN -SITU, THE TRANSITION MAT BE aRAOUAL. WATER tEVMOBSERYATM . BGRWG STARTED 1-27-00' 5.0, w.n. 39 A B � ° FB DL IWL WL Irerracon APpxovpD DAR 110110 20003ON WL Water Cbedted on 2/�/00 LOG OF BORING NO. 9 Paplofl CLIENT ARCHITECT I ENGINEER. . BHA DesW SITE I.emay Avenue and Trilby Road FROIECT . Fort CoMns, Colorado FmH Creek Conartunity Fork SAMPLES I TESTS h F1.B�1yII LOm p '� Jgo OJ > Ir F J .0 W DESCRIPTION APPROX. PROFILE ELEVATION.: 4919.0 = N Ul 9 Z ~^ Sca ELEVATION: 4=.4, un.! In 8 cc it �z w w J o rur °�a, M�v GROUND SURFACE p r rc as = aw .AIL 6' TOPSOIL 4919.9 }MATEMREDCE AYSTONPmTTSTONE1ST Olive, Stay, uU1, nut, c&Areaas, 4917.4with interbedded 31/15158 l2' 9 106 2 SS I1' 0.9 8 [5AX. Stmda ouctSiltslone, dry to 3 7 7 tnoist moderately hard 5Olive. S+iY.rust calcarems, withh2mbedded Saadso=lSil=c=, moist, hard 4910.4 10 4 SS 12' 50 15 BOTTOM OF BOMG THE STRATL F ICAT10H LINES REPRESENT THE APPROYINATE WUNDART LIMES BETWEEN SOIL AND RACK TYPES. IN -SITU, THE TRANSITION MAY SE GWUAL. WAM LEVEL, OBSERVAITOM8 Irerracon BORING S[ARTID 2 24-01 DRY BI 1 � lWLsvr .. FORD Inittat Water I erd Rmdl AMOVED DAR ws r 200�gpg 17 LOG OF BORING NO. 10 Page 1 of 1 CLO:NT ARCHrrECT / ENGINEER BHA Desip SITE Lamy Avenue and Trilby Road PROJECT Fort Col0m Colorado Foug Creels codt7 Park SAMPLES TESTS \ O=N Qmm J u DESCRIPTION APPROX PROFILE ELEVATION, � 4918.0 LL In� r t° � n 0 w NOp >a tzci 1y� HHOC � APPROX GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION: .. 4921.1 tom- C m C �4 7 S JG. N " 0.5 6" TOPSOIL 4920.6 T FAN rI-AX vAih SAND Olive, brown, daxeaas, dry to moist, stiff to very Bdff CL 7 ST 1 ' 12 106 10500 40/23/81 5.0 4916.1 5 2 SS 12"1 15 it SYFAIITERFn 3 SS 12" 26 13 01 AySTONF . TSTON8 Olive, smy, mu, rust, c&LmrwTts. with imetbaddat SeodrJSl7 atoo=w, dry to g,g off. modetatdy hard 4911.E 10 4 SS I 12' 34 H evST(TpTFl3R-7'.SI'ANF Olive, gray, on, nat. durwus, with iumbedded SandstonelSiltstamc, moist, hard BOTTON OF BORING THE STIIATIFIrATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOLUDARY LINES BEAEEN-$OIL MID ROCK TYPES: -I9-SITU, THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. - WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS 1 rerr icon Boma STARTTe� , 2.24.81 DRY WD eoRn4c � 2.24-�1 . FORFAtAII MTZ wN Imk1a1 Water Le+d Rm i APPROVED DAR 11090 20005008 . LOG OF BORING NO. 11, Page I of I CLIENT ARCHrrECT I EtNOWEER BHA DONE SITE may Avm>m and Trilby Road Fort Colrus Colorado PRO,ECP _ Fossil Credo Community Park SAMPLES TESTS �3w+ i IL r it g E!a�i� , IJ1 S ED APPROX. MOFTLE EUVATI RIPTIDN 4917.0 APPROX. GROUND SURFACE ELEVAT[ON: 4917.E LL y p a y • 0.5 6' TOPSOIL 4913.1 SANDY .FAN CLAY --- CL 1 ISSf 12" 4 21 Dark brow. alcarcow. dry to . 3.5 moist. soft tD medium stiff 4910.1 2 ST 12" 19 98 s RFn 3 SS 12" 50 15 C AYS MNEISILTSTONE 5 Oliv% gray, tan, mSl, ralcareoas. wilb mtabedded Sad 1Siltsmoc, dry to moist, modenoely had 41SS112-1 40 19 10 11.0 4902.6 CLAv_sTONrtstT Ts TONE Olive, gray, tap, nut, eakArcous, with interbedded — SandsToce/Sillst°ae, moist, bard 5 SS 11" /0.9 15 15 6 SS 11' 10.9 14 20 24.7 4888.9 ? SS 8' !0 7 14 BOTTOM OF BORING THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPRONIRATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL AND R= TYPES: IN -SITU, THE TRANSITION NAY BE GRADUAL. WATIIL LEVM 011SERVATU24S Irerracon 80RM STARTW 2.24-01 $DRY �°`° W01 vrt Initlal Water Level ReatllD APPROVEDMTZ DAR 110111 y000yppg fl LOG OF BORING NO: 12 Pace 1 of l CLIENT ARCJIRECTI ENGa4EE t BHA Design SITE lAtnay Avenue and Trilby Road PROJECT Foil ColBns Colorado Fossil Cledc Communky Park SAMPLES TESTS X yx m U DESCRIPTIM I. L� to APPROX. PROFILE ElEvnTION.: 4911.0 44 W o 'A�j � � � ' SSE APPROX. GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION: 4925.2 � i� _ w� 0.5 6' TOPSOIL 4924.7 SANT)Y LEAN Ct_AY Olive to �rcarcous.'dry tun ifftostiff WEATNERM CT.AYCI QUISiLT.STONE Olive, stay, an. not, alcercous, with imerbaided Sandsmae/Siltstoae, dry to moist. moderately bard Olive, gmy. tsm nut. calcareous. with iatabedded SaadstonelSiltsu=, moil. hard Is 2 Soo - I .0594% TWO STRATIFICATION LIMES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE 80MARY LIKES BEriEEN SOJL AND R= TTPES:. IN -SITU, THE TRANSITION MAT BE GRADUAL. WATiR LEVEL OBSERVATIONS BORING STAIL72D 2-24.0I WL DRY WD 1 rerracon � I WI. . L*W Water Levd Rea APPROVED VAR JJOIBI. 200VjW 1 1 1 1 LOG OF BORING NO. 13 Par I of I C11EXT ARCHITECr J ENGINEER BRA Dedgn SITE Lenny Avemw and Trilby Road PROJECT Fort Collinik Colorado Fosdl Creek Commmaky Faril SAMPLES- r �f W DESCRIPTIGN APPROX- PROFILE ELEVATION.: 4M.0 x in w ul C2 Lu APPROX.GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION: 4420.6 f l CL w u io 2 R MR 0.5 6'TOPSOIL 4920.1 CL I SS, 12*1 19 — 13 SANDY T PAN rT-AY 2.0 4918-6 Dark brown, calcareous, dry to moist, very stiff {�jAYSY SAND 4 5 TM brown, moist, loose - SCI 2 SS 12' 10 15 SANnY LEAN rIAY 5— CE — Olive, brown, cmicucous. moist. Stiff 10.0 4910.6 3 SS. 12', 12 16 BOTTOM OF BORING THE STRATIFICATION LIKE$ REPRESEXT VIE APPRMINATE OMMARY LIVES qErjEEV Salt AKD It= TYPES' 10-SITU, THE TRANSITION MAY K GRADUAL. WATER. LEVEL OBSERVATIONS I�erracon BORIM STARTED, DRY WD 19 DORM CO&WLVTD IV& V& I = cm&ss AN MrL vI hgtw Watw Led Reads M_ APPROVED ]DAR IMB# 2000-gon I I I I I [i I 11 �I 11 LOG OF BORING NO. 14 ?we I of 1 CLIENT AACBrMCT I ENGW EFR BRA Design srm Lemay Avenue and Trilby Road Fort Comm, Colorado FROrEC"r Fossil Crock Comauinity Park SAMPLES TESTS In Y F m Z oo• kph a= IXy co M _1 N CD DESCRIPTIt1N APPROX. HOME ELEVATION.: 4937.0 APPROX. GROUND SURFACE E'IEVATION: 4941.6 i... v IL o c L H N U m 6^ TOPSOIL 4944.1 °T7 RFCCOMP. SANDSTOl�tt; ILT:cTntrt:• r3. SAMPLE Tao. rust, Bmy, dry to moist, moderately hard 0.5'-4.0' 42/27/73 I SS 10" SOL0.8 10 AASHTO Tao. rust. Bray. Taoist, hard ro very 5 A-7-6 — bird 7 12 10 4 4930_ BOTTOM OF SORENG 'Classified As Sandy Lean Clay TOE STRATIPIGYION LIVES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE SOOIOARY LINES SEMEN SOIL AND ROM TYPES: IN -SITU, THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. WATER LEVEL OBSERVA71ONS Irerracon BORING STARTED 2.24-Oi � DRY *D LE soRn+ac+oeaP[FSID. 2.24-01 v2 Rto _.: cm-5s FORF]44AN [yam irdtial Water Level Rmding APPROVED DAR 110180 20005M LOG OF BORING NO. 15 Pay 1 o1 i I: DENT ARCHITECT I ENGINEER BHA DeAgn SITE. Lem y Avenue and Trilby Read PROJFG[ Fort Collins Colorado Faasil Creek y Park SAMPLES TESTS J W OESCRIMM µzz AFMOX PROME ELEVATION.: 4911.0 Lu IIuu � � sr l(nd 0 APMCOL GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION: 49I .6 O � C i0 L 02 L 4912.1 AN CLAY, calaucous, dry' stillCL 1ST 12' 9 107 13370 4909,EAND2 SS 12' 28. 10 dry, medium de®e to 3 SS 12' 35 9 F3O 5 4 10 4 SS 12' 21 8 BOTTOM OF BORING THE SMMTIFICATION LINES REPRESENT•TNE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL AND ROCK TYPES: IN -SITU, THE TRANSITION NAY BE GMUAL. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS 1 refra cn BORING STARTED 2-24-01 D>;Y MO FOR-1 mn WL Inh1Y1 Water Lml Reading APPROVED TSAR 11081 20005 g I.j J 1-1 LOG OF BORING NO. 16 Page 1 of 1 CLIENT ARCUITECIIENGINEER BETA Design SITE Leoay Aveme and 'trilby Road PROJECT Fort Collins Cotorado Fossil Credo C Perk SAMPLES TESTS F .0 ILqqq W o iii Hp L O >1 ��. J X DESCRIPTION APPROX. PROFUE ELEVATION.: 4900.0 APPROX. GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION: 4907.6 O • 0.5 6' TOPSOIL. 4907.1 SANDY TFAN CT.AY Dark brown, calcareous, dry, very Stiff to bard 5.0 4902.E 5 CL L SS 12" 31 11 CIAYEY SAND Tan, brown, dry, medium dense to dense 2 SS 12-1 14 17 10 12.0 4895.6 42127/81 SANDY�AN CLAY Olix, brown, calcareous, moist, 3 ST 12' 23 103 2220 medium stiff 4 SS 12' 5 25 15 20.0 4887.E 20 S SS 12' 6 24, IN BOTTOM OF BORG THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROO(INATE 601 ART LINES BETIEEN SOIL AND ROCK TYPESi IN -SITU, THE'TRANSITION NAY BE GRADUAL., WATER LEVEI.OBSERVATIONS l rerracon'- BORING STARM 2 24-01 DRY WD BORING ,: 2-24-01 WL � W `: >a� MTZ WL initial Water Laid Rading APPROVED DAR .)JOBa 20009M LOG OF BORING NO. 17 Pa 1 of 1 CLUNT ASCHI]E_ CI, OM94M BHA Design SITE Lemay Avenue and Trilby Road PROTECT Fort Collins,Colorado Fossil CndL Conununky Park SAMPLES TESTS tj OESCRIPTION APPROX. PROFILE ELEVATION.: 4910.0 APPROX. GROUND SLRFACEELEVATION: 4974.6 X 0 OwC m Oa .We 'qu~i (L o WFCL " 0.5 6" TOPSOIL 4924.1 ' SANDY -FAl N C AY Dade brown, calateous, dry to Blom, medium stiff to stiff 4.0 VIRATHRRRn 4920.6 SANDSTONIIS1LTSTONE — 5 Tan, rust. gmy. dry to moist. — moderaaly had SANDSTONF/SITTSTONF 8.0 Tm, rust, gray, moss1. bard 4916.6 10 CLAYSTONEISILTSTONF_ Olive, gray, Ban. run, cakaceous, with ituerbodded SW&COBelSU(stote, moist, hard to very hand 910 1 SS 11- 5010.9 14 15 SO4 - .0033% 2 SS 10*15010.8 9 20 24.4 4900.2 BOTTOM OF BORING ' THE STRATIFICATION LIMES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE SOLNDARY LIMES -_ BETWEEN SOIL AND R= TYPES: tN•SITU, THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRACUAL. WATER LEM OBSERVATIONS. .. .. 1�rracan BORING STARTED �2 24-01 WL DRY WD = Bomr, coAf1�i'eD 2-24-01 wL W'.' CARES$ : FOR]]rAN MTz WL Initial water Level Reads APPROVED DAR JJOII1 20005008 i� 1 11 1 Matthew Walsh 8139 Opm Visa Plain, icuelrar d, Qblalac-b 890537 *; 970-29M141 EDUCATION B.S. - Construction klanagement, Colorado State University-. Fort Collins, CO 80521 Major GPA: 3.0/4.0 N1av 1997 Course Content: Con sti-action Prefect Administration, Scheduling & Planning. Con.str-action Contracts, Construction Estimating, Safety `.'.aiia�,--en,ent. Labor Relations, Elementary Structural Design Walsh Constructien., ir_c. Loy land, CO. July 1998 - Present General Contrlmi o G Pre�ident 0%: -i z. R.D. Ste -wart. Inc. L c: elai,d. CO. August 1997 - July 1998 General Con iact_r. Contact: Dave Hall (970) 669-1500 � PrOjeCt'�!a118"el- oversa, p,'o.je:: operations for commercial and multi -family construction Preie> t estilTat n`. budgeting, scheduling; cost control, general administration \eaoia:ea. rot and organized all subcontracts Pe. ornle on -site supervision RepolTcd to Div] Slonal Operations N4anager '-nu3aa Const—LiCzic C;07. i-iuntington Station, N.Y. Summers/Winters 1988-1997 or:srllct _ . Contact: Prescott Ainmarell (516) 351-6124 4 Supei-,-ised operations related to concrete. siteworh and steel fabrication _:1_. E -i`Si tei1 1_il'oI Uj: �.t s.1 cdiiiec co:rnan y '- iob cost control system V Dia__>;!c ed _:. ss l ie manageriai problems in coinparik ls�l_iet' "!ft-'Ce eila-'np"r Lli teryiRay L11Itles .zssisted i t Q "`an zing a!,.d maiiitairLina COiTiparlieS SllOps and yard E C Leratad de range of hea,- equipment Dre e tractor traliler combinations to move equipinent and materials to various jobs e Perfonried _eneral labor dwdes Self - Eftiploved.. alsli Contracting. No-diport. N.j Y. Surniners 1993 - 1995 Residential Landscape Cori s-truc on e Initiated con pan s existence C' Contracted twill related to residential landscaping Planned. Orgaiii _ed and supendsed eveyda�- operations and Use Environment ! -oip. Baiting Hollow, N.Y. Summer 1993 z Perfomaecl genera% tasks in accordance with marsh and wetland renovation 1 IJ LOG OF BORING NO. 18 ' Par 1 of 1 CLIENT ARCHITECT I ENGDNEFR BHA Design sRE Lentay Avenue and Trilby Road PROlEcr Fort CollinsColorado F(wU Credo Comm Park SAMPLES I TESTS u DESCRIPTION PROFIIEiM' to ` o� APPROX. A`170N.: 49IS.o W =I H APPROX. GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION: 49T2.7 �7 L� ,t' Ul K OJ ID t4 C nor uZ Ito " 0.5 V TOPSOIL 49=2 SANDx] T: AN C7 AY Datt brown, calcareous, dry ro moist. sniff 4.5 4918.2CL 5 1 SS 22' 12 l3 WEMEREb SAND -JCTT TSMNE Tau, rum. gray, dry w hoist, 8.0 moderately bud 4914.E WfiATHFRF.I) 9.5 4913.2 2 SS 12° 30 18 17T,, YcrONEISI TSTONE Olive, gray, am, rust, calcareau. 10 with imrlbaMed Sandsam Siltstow, moist, . moderately herd AY CT ONPJ.qjL7STONF 14.8 OlivelotiYb�d� 4907.9 3 SS 10' 010.8 13 SaodtitawlSilnttme, moist, trend BOTTOM OF BORING IRE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE 90UNIARY LINES - - EIMEN SOIL AND ROCK TYPES. IN -SITU, THE TRANSITION MY- RE GRADUAL. WATER LEVELOBSERVA71ONS - IrerramnI BORWOSIARTED Z-2*01 WL 8 DRY wn c 1 IVLmedal wL Water Level APPROVED DAR JOB/Hu 200QSM' LOG OF BORING NO. 19 PW 1 of 1 CIJEXT ARCitnicT I EM04M MDN[gn arm LMW Avenue and Trilby Road PROJECT Fort Collins Colorado Fossil Crtdc C unkv Park - SAMPLES I TESTS o u DESCRIPTION APPROX. PROFLLE ELEVATION.: 49i1.0 . APPROX.GROUNDSURFACE MEVATION: 4917.9 ILt.t O N 7 Y UJ O to UP Ic U a }IL ce LLyj • 0.5 6' TOPSOIL. 4917.3 20 SANDV FANCInY 4915.8 Dark brown, wkamDus, dry to moist, stiff WEATHERED SANDSTONEISH TSTQNE CL I SS '12' 45- S Tao, Last, gray, dry to molsr, s moderately hard . 8.0 4909.8 WBATHERED C1.AYSICiNM JXMn 2 SS 12' 26 13 Olive, gray, raw, rust, cidcereaas, 10 with interbedded Sandstow/Siltsmoe, moist, moderately hard 3 ST 12' 13 LIS 14.5 4903.3 IS .4 SS 12" 50 - 14 _ _ /'T aYSTONEIgIT.TSTONE Olive, gray, Lan, rust, calcareous, with interbedded SLedst „ e/Sihsmoe, moist, bard 19,9 4897.9 S SS 11' 10.9 15 BOTTOM OF BORING THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE 11"DART LINES aET1EEN WIL AND ROCK TYPES: IN -SITU, THE TRANSITION MAYBE GROAK. WATER L WEL. OBSERVATIONS Irerracon - BORWO STAR7ID 2-2441' g DRY wD ED WL RIG, CME FORFaM NMIrdtla! WaW LeveIR APPROVED DAR JIOBI 200050pg ;S h 1�7 L 11 1 J 1 1 ir LOG OF BORING NO. 20 Page I of 1 CLRNr - ARCHrrWT/EMINEM BuA Design SITE Lemay Areoue and Trilby Road PRoff= Fort C lbw Colorado' Fossil Creek Comnnmky Park SAMPLES TESTS X F oESCRIPTION APMOX.PRDFUZIMEVATION.: 4909.5 APPRGR OX. OUND SI7RPACE M.EVAMON: 4905.7 7 �' u� 1S' w a o L� Uw LL m N fa $ r pi� 9u''iCL ^ 0.5 6" TOPSOU.. 4905.2 CL 1 SS 12' 13 17 11111 SANITY LRAM rT N' Olive, brow4 calateous, dry to 3.0 OwisL medium stiff to stiff AW�M 4902.7 2 ST 12' 20 168 3290 SANDSrONE/Sl1;pSTONE 3 SS 12' 22 17 aa, nut, grey, dry to moist. 5 moderately turd WRATH CI aYCTONE/CTLTSTONF Olive, gray, I m, nut, Calcareous, 9.5 with interbedded 4896.2 Sauduone/5iltstame. moist: moderately haw Y.rrONI: 10 4 1 SS 112-1 43 14 cI _Ayc_rnlrlFttm OlEve. MY, M, nut, Wcalemu. widriWcd)cdded SeodstowAiltstome, moist, herd BOT70M OF BORING THE STRATIFICATION LIMES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE GOLMART LIMES RE7NEEN SOIL AND ROCK TTPES:- IN -SITU, THE TRANSITION PLY RE ORAWlAL. - wAM UVEL OBSERVATIONS i Lrracah TiORlNG STARTED 2.24.01 DRY Y� B M 1 a M toe r 20005DU wL Inhlal Waur Lend Rea APPROVED DAR LOG OF BORING NO. 21 Pagel of 1 CLIENT ARCHITECT / ENGINEER BRA Design SITE Lemy Avenue and Trilby Road PROTWT Fat Collins,Colorado Fossil Creels Cowmanfty Park l SAMPLES TESTS 0 g SK DESCRIPTION Y to >r Iri W 5 APPROK PROFQE EIEVATrom: 49f0.0 2 5 p-1 O ,GN7�GN7�yF•�+ L9 AMOX. GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION: 49l0.0 ¢ m C OI d Jie x ^ 0.5 6' T'OMEL 4909:5 CL l SS 12-1 21 9 SANDY I MAN f t "AY COMP. Dark blown, calcareous, dry to SAMPLE moist, very stiff 0.5*-4.0' 42125l60 5.0 4905.0 5 2 SS 12' 23 10 AASRT'O A-7-6 CL9YEY $ANT] br wq moist, loose 4903.0 F..7.0Tan, SANDY T FANCT_�Olive, brown, cdcaseoas, moist, m�NED stiff In Siff p 10 CL 3 SS 12' 8 20 BOTTOM OF BORING THE STRA TIPICAT10a LINESAEPRESM INC APPWXIKATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL AND 10M TYPES: IN -SITU, THE TRANSITION MAY BE BRAOM. - - WATER 1.E1'P1.OBSERVATIONS Marracon BORPIO STARTED 2441 WL DRY WD DRY BORING WL RIB CME-M FOREMAN MTZ W- Water Levd Checked 2a7/2001 APPROVED DAR " JOn M 2MSM GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT APPENDIX B Fossil Creek Community Park APPENDIX L33 F- v 0 I D R A T I 0 0 ).22 f— APPI4D PRESSURE. 73F 101 io 3.0 1 LEAN CLAY wM SAND Cc I w 1 8 1 PROJECT ENW CM* f —Inmx EN . um wee and Trilbr Road CONSOLIDATION TEST TERRACON ,r 2l— S W E L L R C O N S O L D A T I O N APPLIED PPJASUPZ IMF ins and dcpdt M Clstvficuion 10 3.0 LEAN CLAY with SAPID CL '....il. CCL* C.—unity. Perk _ twnsv Anmk N e�Trillw Rmu] - - � CONSOLIDATION TEST TERRACON T S w E L L F C O N S O L D A T i O N 30 AFn= PRESSURE, 73F 101 12 U.0 I WEATHMM CLAMONE/SILTSFONE I In 1 16 PROJECT MIU Pw i _ EA wv Ayemm JOB NO. MMUM_ aW TdLby Road DATE 3114MI CONSOLIDATION TEST TERRACON ing -d depth (ft.) u 18.0 . APPLFD PRESSURE, 73F � IN TM' US s w E L L C O N S O L I D A T I O N APPL ED PRPSSIAt1;'ISP g-d-d @, CLmdflcarl a DD MC% 1*1 is 2.0 SANDY LEAN CLAY CL w 9 CONSOLIDATION TESL' TERRACON J TRENT WILHELM ASBURY PROJECT MANAGER ' Trent Asbury has over 8 years Tenant Improvement Projects — Corporate / Retail /Food experience in construction services operations, project management, $10M T-Mobile Wireless, Small Format Retail Rollout (highly supervision, estimating and pre- branded 300-1000 square foot ground up stick framed buildings), 'construction activities for Program Management of over 100 sites responsible for commercial, retail, technical TI, everything from Lease thru Design and receipt of C of O. biopharmaceutical, residential and locations include TX, UT, MA, IN, NV, CA, IL, NH, CO, PA, large multi -family projects . $300k Robeks Fruit Smoothies and Healthy Eats, 1000 square foot food services 7 16t" street mall Denver, CO, Trent provides a broad range of . $2M Convergent Group, 70,000 square foot office facility with 1 management services for complex 2,500 square foot computer room, Greenwood Village, CO. systems, from preconstruction to project kick-off through closeout $3.5M YIPES Communications, 10, 000 square foot facility with for large and small-scale projects 4, 000 square foot colocation space and state of the art network operation center, Denver, CO. Professional Data Industrial ■ Bachelor of Science in Construction Management Colorado State University 1999 ' ■ Certified Associated Constructor - AIC Constructor Certification 'Commission AIC Constructor #800 rl 1 $39M Regional Transportation District, Elati Light Rail Maintenance Facility, 100,000 square foot structural steel Maintenance building, light rail specific tools Including (wheel truing lathe, sanding system, vehicle HIS) as well over S miles of light rail track., Denver, CO Multifamily Hiah-rise ■ $40M Greystar Real Estate and Development, 12 story high-rise apartment complex comprised of 267 High end apartment units, . including a 3 story parking garage. Denver, CO Biopharmaceutical ■ $6M IDEC Pharmaceuticals, 70,000 sf. R & D laboratory space, San Diego, CA. Green Field Projects ■ $8M Alexandria Technology Center, two-story shell and core building, designed for research and laboratory space including a 40,000 sfsub-grade garage, San Diego, CA. 1 v O I 0 R A T I O 1 1 1 1 1 ).46 F- APPLED PRFMUR$ TSF and (ft.) DD MC% 101 IS 2.0 1 SANDY LEAN CLAY CL 1 113 9 TERRACON z 1- s w E L L Sf 20 3.0 APPLIED PRMURE, 7SF v 0 1 6 R w T I O 0.32 1.341 0. APPLED PR>SSUR$ W 101 20 3.0 1 WEATHERED SANDSTONEISILTSTONiE I 113 1 171 n CONSOLS)ATION TESL' TERRACON ism 'Ity Pw* JOB NO. III II: and TrUbT-Rga&. DATE 3113/01 GRADAnON CURVES TERRACON 1 erracon Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil 301 North Ht w8W*0 [� P.O. Box on (I FORT DOLL %COLORA00 eam fa7a)41A4 = FAX IaWl4W Wail CUNT NAME bha dno PROJECT NO. 20005008 DATE: 371U01 Fort CcWW Colorado PROJECT NAME AND Foul Creek CWWKC y Park TEST RESULTS n L OCATKft W. UmwAre., N. of Portrw Reearwir u Fort COW%. Colorado MAXIMUM UMT WE10NT: 108.E IbNe SOURCE MATERIAL: Compasle Sempie from 'THE KNOLL' Test S3adn0 No. 14 @ 0.5 -4.0 OPTIMUM WATER CONTENT: 16J1 % SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: Sally Lean CWt MATERIALDESIGNATM Curve NO. 1 SAMPLE DATE: Z24MI LJUUIDUMTT: NOTPERFORMED Y TEST METT100: A _ PLASTIC UNIT: NOT PERFORMED 60 TEST PROCEDURE: ASTM DeWD4 PLASTICITY INDEX: NOT PERFORMED I SAMPLE PREPARATM WET % PASSING 0 00 SIEVE NOT PERFORMED II RAMMER: MECR MCAL: MANUAL: X . REVIEWED BY: David MOW. P.E.- CaOWW10M ErpMer mmmfimmmmmmum momm�■■mmmmm� vommmommomommmommommummom mommmmmommoommmmmmommmwmmm mmmmmomm mmommo m>•■ mmomwmm ommmommonommoma oommmommm �1•N�m���1• �i• �������i• �i• ���� GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT APPENDIX C Fossil Creek Community Park APPENDIX DRILLING AND EXPLORATION F,i 11 Fj DRILLING & SAMPLING SYMBOLS: R : Ring Barrell - 2.42" I.D.. 3" O.D., unless otherwise noted SS : Split Spoon - 1_ I.D., 2. O.D., unless otherwise noted PS : Piston Sample ST : Thin -Walled Tube - 2" O.D., unless otherwise rated WS : Wash Sample PA: Power Auger Fr: Fish Tad'Bit HA : Hand Auger RB : Soda Bit DO: Diamond Bit = 4", N, B BS : Bulk Sample AS: Auger Sample PM : Pressure Meter HS : Hollow Stem Auger DC: Dutch Cone WB : Wash Bore Penetration Test: Blows per foot of a 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches. on a 2-inch O.D. split spoon,, except where noted. WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT SYMBOLS: WL : Water Level WS : While Sampling WCI : Wet Cave in WD : While Drilling DCI : Dry Cave in BCR : Before Casing Removal AB :After Boring ACR : After Casting Removal Water levels indicated on the boring togs are the levels measured in the borings at the time Indicated. In pervious sails, the indicated levels may reflect the. location of groundwater. In low permeability soils, the accurate determination of groundwater levels Is not possible with only short term observations. DESCRIPTIVE SOIL CLASSIFICATION: Sol Classification is based on the Unified Soil Classification system and the ASTM Designations D-2487 and D-2488. Coarse Grained Soils have more then 50% of their dry weight retained on a C200 sieve; they are described as; boulders, cobbles, gravel or sand. Fine Grained Sods have leas than 50% of their dry weight retained on a #200 sieve; they are described as: clays, If they are plastic, and siha If they are slightly plastic or non -plastic. Major consthuenta may be added as modifiers and minor constituents may be added according to the relative proportions based on grain size. in addition to gradation, coarse grained soils are defined on the basis of their relative In -place density and fine grained soils on the basis of their consistency. Example: Lean day with sand, trace gravel, etiff ICLI: silty sand, trace gravel, medium dense ISM). CONSISTENCY OF FINE-GRAINED SOILS: Unconfined Compressive Stretgth, Oar, psf Consletency < 500 Very Soft 500 - 1,000 soft ' 1,001 - 2,000 Madium 2,001 - 4,000 stiff 4,001 - 8,000 Very Stiff 81001-16,000 Very Hard . RELATIVE PROPORTIONS OF SAND AND GRAVEL Descriptive Termial fof Components Abo Percent of Praaem in Sample) Dry weight Trace < 15 With 15 - 29 Modifier > 30 RELATIVE PROPORTIONS OF FINES Descriptive Termiel (of Components Abu Percent of Present in Sample) Dry weight Trace < 5 With 5-12 Modifier > 12 RELATIVE DENSITY OF COARSE -GRAINED SOILS: N490 wafft. Relative Density 0-3 Very Loose 4-9 Loose 10-29 Medium Dense 30-49 Dense 50.80 Vary Dense - 80+ ' Extremely Dense GRAIN SIZE TERMINOLOGY Major Contpahent of Semple Size Range Boulders Over 12 in. (300mm) Cobbles 12 In. to 3 in. (300mm to 75mm) Gravel 3 in. to 94 sieve (75mm to 4.75mm) Sand #4 to #200 sieve 44.75mnto 0.075mml Silt or Clay Passing 8200 Sieve 10.075mml lrarracon � I LABORATORY TESTS SIGNIFICANCE AND PURPOSE TEST SIGNIFICANCE PURPOSE Calffornia Used to evaluate the potential strength of subgrade soil, Pavement Bearing subbase, and base course material, including recycled Thickness Ratio materials for use in road and airfield pavements. Design Consdideflon Used to develop an estimate of both the rate and amount of Foundation both differential and total settlement of a structure. Design Direct Used to determine the consolidated drained shear strength of Bearing Capacity, - Shear soil or rock. Foundation Design S Slope Stability Dry Used to determine the in -place density of natural, inorganic, Index Property Density fine-grained soils. Soil Behavior Expansion Used to measure the expansive potential of fine-grained soil Foundation S Slab and to provide a basis for swell potential classification. Design Gradation Used for the quantitative determination of the distribution of Sol particle sines in soil. Classification Uquuid 6 Used as an integral part of engineering classification systems Solt Pfestk Limit to characterize the fine-grained fraction of soils, and to Classification plasfkAty specify the titre -grained fraction of construction materials. Index Aermealti ty Used to determine the capacity of soil or rock to conduct a Groundwater liquid or gas. Flow Analysis PH Used to determine the degree of acidity or alkalinity of a soil. Corrosion Potential Resistivity Used to indicate the relative ability of a soil medium to carry Corrosion electrical currents. Potential R6Vafue Used to evaluate the potential strength of subgrade soil, Pavement subbase, and base course material, including recycled Thickness materials for use In road and airfield pavements. Design Soluble Used to determine the quantitative amount of soluble Corrosioni Su a sulfates within a soil mass. Uncorinned To obtain the.approximate compressive strength of soils that Bearing Capacity Compression possess sufficient cohesion to permit testing in the Analysis y unconfined state. or Foundations Water Used to determine the quantitative amount of water in a soil 1 Property mass. Sol Behavior __ lrerracon .._ ' REPORr TERMINOLOGY (Based on ASTM 0653) t Allawabk Sag The recommended maximum contest stress developed at the interface of the Searing Capacity foundation element and the supporting material. Alhrvium Soil, the constituents of which have been transported in suspension by flowing water and subsequently, deposited by sedimentation. ' Aggregate Sass A layer of specified material placed on a subgrade or subbase usually beneath Corpse slabs or pavements: . . filackfifi/ A specified material placed and compacted in a confined area ' Bedrock A natural aggregate of mineral grains connected by strong and permanent cohesive forces. Usually. requires drilling, wedging, blasting or other methods of extraordinary force for excavation. Bench A horizontal surface in a sloped deposit. ' Caisson (Dr111ed pier 'A concrete foundation element cast In a circular excavation which may have an or shaft) enlarged base. Sometimes referred to as a castin-place pier or drilled shaft. Coeffkdent of A constant proportionality factor relating normal stress and the con-esponding Friction shear stress at which sliding starts between the two surfaces. ' COULF um Soil, the constituents of which have been deposited chiefly by gravity such as at the foot of a slope or cliff. Compaction The densification of a sail by means of mechanical manipulation: . Concrete Slab -on. A concrete surface layer cast directly upon a base, subbase or subgrade, and ' Grade typically used as a floor system. DWerentlat Unequal settlement or heave between, or within foundation elements of a Moviernent structure. EWh PNessure The pressure or force exerted by soil on any boundary such as a foundation w all. SSAL Equivalent Single Axle Load, a criteria used to convert traffic to a uniform standard, (18,000 pound axle loads). SVkWredRg Specified material placed and compacted to specified density and/or moisture conditions under observations of a representative of a.geotechnical engineer. Equhmlent Raid A hypothetical fluld having a unit weight such that it will produce a pressure against a lateral support presumed -to be equivalent -to that produced by the actual soil. This simplified approach Is valid only when deformation conditions are such that the pressure increases linearly with depth and the wall friction is ' neglected. &btiag FYI (or Materials deposited through the action of man prior to exploration of the site. man•mads ffio Fidsdrig Grade The ground surface at the time of field exploration. lrerracon RmPORT Tom iNoLDGY (Based on ASTM D653) EkMnshm Potential The potential of a soil to expand (increase in -volume) due to absorption of - moisture. Rnfshed Grade The final grade created as a part of; the project. FcxWng A portion of the foundation of a structure that transmits loads directly to the soil. Foundation The lower part of a structure that transmits the loads to the soil or bedrock. Host Depth The depth of which the ground becomes frozen during the winter season. Grade Beam A foundation element or wall, typically constructed of reinforced concrete, used to span between other foundation elements such as drilled piers. GrwmdWater Subsurface water found in the zone of saturation of soils, or within fractures in bedrock. Heave Upward movement. Lithciogk The characteristics which describe the composition and texture of soil and rock by observation. . Not" Grade The naturally occuring ground surface. Netive Soil Naturally occurring on -site soil, sometimes referred to as natural soil. Optimum Moisture The water content;at which,a soil can be compacted to a.maramum dry unit . Content weight by a given compactive effort. Aerched Water Groundwater, usually of limited area maintained above a normal water elevation by the presence of an intervening relatively impervious continuing stratum. Scarfly To mechanically loosen soil or break down existing soil structure. Settlement Dowrrward movement. SM7 Fktfan (SWe The frictional resistance developed between soil and an element of structure Shear) such as a drilled pier or shaft. Soil (earth) Sediments or other unconsolidated accumulations of solid particles produced by the physical and chemical disintegration of rocks, and which may or may not contain organic matter. Strain The change in length per unit of length.in a given direction. Stress The -force per unit area acting within a soil mass.. Strip To remove from present location. Subbase A layer of specified material in a pavement system between the subgrade and base course. Subgrade The soil prepared and compacted to supporta structure, slab or pavement system. lrarracon 11 11 IJ F1 1 1 1 21. What are the limits of your public liability? DETAIL 1,000,000 each occurance, 1,000,000 personal, 2,000,000 aggregate What company? Scottsdale Insurance Company 22. What are your company's bonding limitations? 2,000,000 23. The undersigned corporation to verification of Qualifications. Dated at Loveland hereby authorizes and requests any person, firm or furnish any information requested by the OWNER in the recital comprising this Statement of Bidder's this 13th day of WALSH CONSTRUCTION INC. Name of Bidder By: Matthew T.--WIE lsh Title: President State of Colorado County ofLarimer April 20 09 Matthew T. Walsh being duly sworn deposes and says that he is President of Walsh Construction Inc. and that (name of organization) — ---- the answers to the foregoing questions and all statements therein contained are true and correct. Subscribed and sworn t bef fe me this 13th day of April 2a19 . at ````�j11,St1!!!l1111f1`Atf 140 `ary �4ublic `.�`�'YQ.0,G: A4 r',. Loveland, CO 80537 My commission expires 11-29-2009 • Nor ' r yam:, OatlC O� ems''% O�'• ...••°s0_.�• Rev10/20/07 Section 00420 Page 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM ttoa Clessmfe:adon Criteria for Assigning group Symbdi and Orahp NaMs wng lborseary Teat! . Sind - group Nme Coarea{&shred Greve{s more than Chair Gnwls less Cu > 4 and 1 Ce GW Wao-pretied Sala mare then 50% of exams than a% fares` �, S3` provaf 60% rateinsd on fraction retained an No. 200 sieve W. 4 sLvs Cu < 4 WNW 1 > Cc > 31 OP Poorly graded grravef - Gravels ' Fna he i 2% /lose r Fares dessity as ML or MH OM Sky grewLG,H more t n 6 Fms Classify as CL or CH GC. Clayey Emir — Sands 50% or more Clean Sends Less Cu 5 and 1 Ca < 3' Sri Wellinided sand' of Clot" traction than 5% limes Panes No. 4 sit- - Cu < 5 and/or t > Cc > 3' SP P004Y gre4ed send' Sande with Fins Fmes Classify as ML or MH sM Silty send — mare than 12%time° Fmes geasdy as CL or di SC Clayey and°J1 Fm[smined Sail Site said Gaye Inorganic PI > 7 andWa on or above "A Im' Cl. Les etayw' 50% or more Liquid Uadt sass j Pena the than 50 PI < 4 or dots below 'A- Ine' ML Sipes" No. 200 Wye orynk Liquid Imk • Oren dried Organic day-- < D.75 OL Liquid Felt • not dried Organic sit' _ Sets and fJeya inorganic Is plats on or above 'A' fma CH Fat clays"' Liquid padt 50 or more A tote below 'A' rna MH fia■tk Set' • " organic Liquid limit . oven dried Orpeft efey— Liquid Bnb - not tided OH Orgsic s5tww fU organic sail primanty argindc, matter, dark In color• and ortishle odor PT Past ABased an the material passing the 3-'fir, aRel ad som contains 15 to 29% plus No. 200, add 'with 'with (75•mm) s(avo ec,A./D" sand' or gravel-. wiric aver is 41 liald sample rnnuitad cobbles at R. + pr. predominant. boulders, or both add 'with cobble ar sir Wi contains a 30% plus No. 200 boulders, or both to Wwp name. pedipp"naly sand. odd -sandy' m group `Gravel with5to12%flnaregtdnsdual 9t toll contains> d5%arid, add 'With 'myna. symbds: sand' to group name. 'ref mil contalrts Z 30% plus Na 200, GWQM waiRvaded grave( with silt *If arras chastity as CL-ML, uss dual symbol pradombtersay, grays% add 'gravely" to grasp GW-OC welPWaded gravel with Clay G0011011, or SC-Sm. name. GP -GM poorly graded Pavel with sit sif fbesa we organic. odd "with orgadc farm' "PI L 4 and plots an or above -A- Ones. GP -GC pooty greded gravel with day to group nano. ePl < 4 or plate blow 'A' Una. sSards with 5 to 12% fame require dual if sail conhiae .? 15 % gravel, add 'with 'PI pkru on or above 'A' fine. - raver to group mama. if *R plate below 'A' tires. wdVadied sand with not Attarbap Imits plat In shaded arse, mil is SW -SC welyraded wed with day, a CL-ML, shy day SPSM paaiy graded asm! with tit ' SPSC poosiv graded tend with day ' si � �. eri to - i ' - Oa' •t: G� !MH OR OH -M ML oa OL � I i 0 r0 'r u m e b m A m p r% rK ltg1IID tODT (IL) Irerracon m m m m m m .m = = = m m m m m m = = m | �■ j 12 � t| ! � ! |< � �� � £ � . } � ■ ! ! $ � ; � . - I !31 2 , ■ )�§ • \ 2 2 - || . I # I | # I | | 2 | !� - . $_� 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FMCOMMENDED PRISi8f7ATIVEKADITEMANCE POLICY FOR JOINMI CONCAM PAVEMEWrS Type TM obtlals eeewdy PAccaffiengled Makdana" sbwqv LOW ran Pearnd A No zov-ft L.Veft Wined G� Enlace or am"My macip" High I carlw Ibm" LOW 3ow clacla Papua. No S~ky. UrMs DdlMd N.0 mom= pisop1h Carume ps" too Chid.d Mob LOW S" Cradw 9 No smay L*Veb Ddb�d LamblW4 god mc*%QM4 Land tmater MlOtoh Skb ftpbcmoot LOW 6krA PWN&Md LOW Modkm PiWepth Pitch Medlar P.000h Oxome Fafth weEra ttepbe.e.rR Fliulting LOW owe RWkmd 9 LOW No Poky far tws PMI@d Nedbm Hip jolls Sul LOW Mane soft map cr� cra*.g LOW NW.- N.dkm Fftsul Jon Mdkm aha r4ow"MR, Migh LrValtrpv LOW ==19 mobbo No sovedry L�b km NkCLM High LAMM CwAcmrq Ties 11,9111,11,111,14 Low cbm a 2.9'am am." tow rase mom" MOM&" High ANO"n FWtdt roan Lop PachMa . and Lftft Ctfis ten "Mill (Jdm) IAW elar Medk= fto Creeds w ftpbm PWh racwsbw J*4 . sftwu Lam mom NI4dWm ftpbca Pefth rracon VINICTY MAP N.T.S. SHEET INDEX 1 COVER SHEET, DESIGN TEAM DIRECTORY, SHEET INDE: 2 WATER FEATURE SEWER SERVICE 3 EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS &DEMOLITION PLAN, BIC 4 SITE PLAN, LAYOUT PLAN � � � � � �'7%P�i ��:� � � �LT�oi iiAii Ri�^iT■I lii DiiANiill�i SECTION 00430 SCHEDULE OF SUBCONTRACTORS List all subcontractors for the work items listed below and all subcontractors performing over 15% of the contract. ITEM SUBCONTRACTOR C�-G4Nt7 S L� E? C lNN- is=n.In� � 5 c= Section 00430 Page 1 SECTION 00500 AGREEMENT FORMS 00510 Notice of Award 00520 Agreement 00530 Notice to Proceed ' Financial Services City ®f Purchasing Division 215 N. Mason St. 2nd Floor ' F6rtCollins PO Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522 970.221.6775 ' �Pur�chas� 970.221.6707 fcgov. com/purchasing 1 SPECIFICATIONS ' AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ' FOR Water Feature Renovation at � Fossil Creek Community Park 1 BID N0.7025 t PURCHASING DIVISION 215 NORTH MASON STREET, 2ND FLOOR, FORT COLLINS ' APRIL 13, 2009 — 3:00 P.M. (OUR CLOCK) ' SECTION 00510 ' NOTICE OF AWARD Date: May 13, 2009 ' TO: Walsh Construction, Inc. PROJECT: 7025 Water Feature Renovation at Fossil Creek Community Park OWNER: CITY OF.FORT COLLINS ' (hereinafter referred to as "the OWNER") You are hereby notified that your Bid dated April 13, 2009 for the above project has been considered. You are the apparent successful Bidder and have been awarded an Agreement for 7025 Water Feature Renovation at Fossil Creek Community Park. ' Base Bid Total: $150,000.00 Add Additive Alternative #4 for Sandcrete: $ 3,600.00 TOTAL $153,600.00 The Price of your Agreement is One Hundred Fifty Three Thousand Six Hundred Dollars ($153,600.00). ' Three (3) copies of each of the proposed Contract Documents (except Drawings) accompany this Notice of Award. Three (3) sets of the Drawings will be ' delivered separately or otherwise made available to you immediately. You must comply with the following conditions precedent within fifteen (15) days of the date of this Notice of Award, that is by May 28, 2009. 1. You must deliver to the OWNER three (3) fully executed counterparts of the Agreement including all the Contract Documents. Each of the Contract ' Documents must bear your signature on the cover of the page. 2. You must deliver with the executed Agreement the Contract Security (Bonds) as specified in the Instructions to Bidders, General Conditions ' (Article 5.1) and Supplementary Conditions. Failure to comply with these conditions within the time specified will entitle ' OWNER to consider your Bid abandoned, to annul this Notice of Award and to declare your Bid Security forfeited. ' Within ten (10) days after you comply with those conditions, OWNER will return to you one (1) fully -signed counterpart of the Agreement with the Contract Documents attached. City of Fort Collins ' OWNER By: ' Jame B. O'Neill, II, CPPO, FNIGP it ctor of Purchasing & Risk Management I Section 00510 Page 1 SECTION 00520 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is dated as of the 13Th day of May in the year of 2009 and shall be effective on the date this AGREEMENT is signed by the City. The City of Fort Collins (hereinafter called OWNER) and Walsh Construction, Inc. (hereinafter called CONTRACTOR) OWNER and CONTRACTOR, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set ' forth, agree as follows: ARTICLE 1. WORK ' CONTRACTOR shall complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents. The Project for which the Work under the Contract Documents may be the whole or only a part is defined as the construction of the 7025 Water ' Feature Renovation at Fossil Creek Community Park and is generally described in Section 01010. ARTICLE 2. ENGINEER The Project has been designed by BHA Design, who is hereinafter called ENGINEER and who will assume all duties and responsibilities and will have the ' rights and authority assigned to ENGINEER in the Contract Documents in connection with completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. ARTICLE 3. CONTRACT TIMES ' 3.1 The Work shall be Substantially Complete within thirty (30) calendar days after the date when the Contract Times commence to run as provided in the General Conditions and completed and ready for Final Payment and Acceptance in accordance with the General Conditions within fifteen (15) calendar days after the date when the Contract Times commence to run. I 3.2. Liquidated Damages. OWNER and CONTRACTOR recognize that time is of the essence of this Agreement and that OWNER will suffer financial loss if the Work is not completed within the times specified in paragraph 3.1. above, plus any extensions thereof allowed in accordance with Article 12 of the General Conditions. They also recognize the delays, expenses and difficulties involved in proving in a legal proceeding the actual loss suffered by OWNER if the Work is not completed on time. Accordingly, instead of requiring any such proof, OWNER and CONTRACTOR agree that as liquidated damages for delay (but not as penalty) CONTRACTOR shall pay OWNER the amounts set forth hereafter. Section 00520 Page 1 ' 1) Substantial Completion: One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) for each calendar day or fraction thereof that expires after the thirty (30) calendar day period for Substantial Completion of the Work until the Work is Substantially Complete. ' 2) Final Acceptance: After Substantial Completion, Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for each calendar day or fraction thereof that expires after the fifteen(15) calendar day period for Final Payment and Acceptance until the Work is ready for Final Payment and Acceptance. IARTICLE 4. CONTRACT PRICE ' 4.1. OWNER shall pay CONTRACTOR for performance of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents in current funds as follows: One Hundred Fifty Three Thousand Six Hundred Dollars ($153,600.00), in accordance with Section 00300, attached and incorporated herein by this reference. ARTICLE 5. PAYMENT PROCEDURES ' CONTRACTOR shall submit Applications for Payment in accordance with Article 14 of the General Conditions. Applications for Payment will be processed by ENGINEER as provided in the General Conditions. ' 5.1. PROGRESS PAYMENTS. OWNER shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Price on the basis of CONTRACTOR's Application for Payment as recommended by ENGINEER, once each month during construction as provided below. All progress payments will be on the basis of the progress of the Work measured by the schedule of values established in paragraph 2.6 of the General Conditions and in the case of Unit Price Work based on the number of units ' completed, and in accordance with the General Requirements concerning Unit Price Work. ' 5.1.1. Prior to Substantial Completion, progress payments will be in the l amount equato the percentage indicated below, but, in each case, less the aggregate of payments previously made and less such amounts as ENGINEER shall ' determine, or OWNER may withhold, in accordance with paragraph 14.7 of the General Conditions. 90% of the value of Work completed until the Work has been 50% completed as determined by ENGINEER, when the retainage equals 5% of ' the Contract Price, and if the character and progress of the Work have been satisfactory to OWNER and ENGINEER, OWNER on recommendation of ENGINEER, may determine that as long as the character and progress of the Work remain satisfactory to them, there will be no additional retainage on account of Work ' completed in which case the remaining progress payments prior to Substantial Completion will be in an amount equal to 100% of the Work completed. 90% of materials and equipment not incorporated in the Work (but delivered, suitably ' stored and accompanied by documentation satisfactory to OWNER as provided in paragraph 14.2 of the General Conditions) may be included in the application for payment. I Section 00520 Page 2 5.1.2. Upon Substantial Completion payment will be made in an amount ' sufficient to increase total payments to CONTRACTOR to 95% of the Contract Price, less such .amounts as ENGINEER shall determine or OWNER may withhold in accordance with paragraph 14.7 of the General Conditions or as provided by ' law. 5.2. FINAL PAYMENT. Upon Final Completion and Acceptance of the Work in ' accordance with paragraph 14.13 of the General Conditions, OWNER shall pay the remainder of the Contract Price as recommended by ENGINEER as provided in said paragraph 14.13. ' ARTICLE 6. CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATION ' In order to induce OWNER to enter into this Agreement, CONTRACTOR makes the following representations: 6.1. CONTRACTOR has familiarized himself with the nature and extent of ' the Contract Documents, Work, site, locality, and with all local conditions and Laws and Regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work. ' 6.2. CONTRACTOR has studied carefully all reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions and drawings of physical conditions which are ' identified in the Supplementary Conditions as provided in paragraph 4.2 of the General Conditions. ' 6.3. CONTRACTOR has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for obtaining and carefully studying) all such examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports, and studies (in addition to or to supplement those referred to in paragraph 6.2 above) which pertain to the subsurface or physical condition at or contiguous to the site or otherwise may affect the cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work as CONTRACTOR considers necessary for the performance or furnishing of the Work at the ' Contract Price, within the Contract Times and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, including specifically the provisions of paragraph 4.2 of the General Conditions; and no additional ' examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports, studies or similar information or data are or will be required by CONTRACTOR for such purposes. ' 6.4. CONTRACTOR has reviewed and checked all information and data shown or indicated on the Contract Documents with respect to existing Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site and assumes responsibility for the accurate location of said Underground Facilities. No additional examinations, ' investigations, explorations, tests, reports, studies or similar information or data in respect of said Underground Facilities are or will be required by CONTRACTOR in order to perform and furnish the Work at the Contract Price, ' within the Contract Times and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, including specifically the provision of paragraph 4.3. of the General Conditions. ' Section 00520 Page 3 ' 6.5. CONTRACTOR has correlated the results of all such observations, examinations, investigations, tests, reports and data with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 6.6. CONTRACTOR has given ENGINEER written notice of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies that he has discovered in the Contract Documents and the written resolution thereof by ENGINEER is acceptable to CONTRACTOR. ARTICLE 7. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 7.1 The Contract Documents which comprise the entire Agreement between OWNER and CONTRACTOR concerning the Work consist of the General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, those items included in the definition of "Contract ' Documents" in Article 1.10 of the General Conditions, and such other items as are referenced in this Article 7, all of which are incorporated herein by this reference. ' 7.2 Forms for use by CONTRACTOR in performing the Work and related actions in carrying out the terms of this Agreement are deemed Contract Documents and incorporated herein by this reference, and include, but are not limited to, the following: 7.2.1Certificate of Substantial Completion 7.2.2 Certificate of Final Acceptance 7.2.3Lien Waiver Releases 7.2.4Consent of Surety ' 7.2.5Application for Exemption Certificate2 7..6Application for Payment 7.3 Drawings, consisting of a cover sheet and sheets numbered as ' follows: SHEET INDEX 1 COVER SHEET, DESIGN TEAM DIRECTORY, SHEET INDEX 2 WATER FEATURE SEWER SERVICE 3 EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS & DEMOLITION PLAN, BID ALTERNATE PLAN, VAULT DOOR CUT DETAILS ' 4 SITE PLAN, LAYOUT PLAN 5 GRADING PLAN, PLANTING PLAN, PLANT LIST, PLANTING DETAILS 6 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 7 CONSTRUCTION & SHELTER DETAILS ' 8 STRUCTURAL DETAILS 9 WATER FEATURE SITE PLAN 10 WATER FEATURE VAULT DETAILS 11 WATER FEATURE DETAILS ' 12 WATER FEATURE DETAILS 13 IRRIGATION PLAN 14 IRRIGATION DETAILS 15 ELECTRICAL ' 16 ELECTRICAL 17 VAULT DOOR CUT DETAILS I Section 00520 Page 4 The Contract Drawings shall be stamped "Final for Construction" and dated. ' Any revisions made shall be clearly identified and dated. 7.4. Addenda Numbers 1 to 1, inclusive. 1 7.5. The Contract Documents also include all written amendments and other documents amending; modifying, or supplementing the Contract Documents pursuant to paragraphs 3.5 and 3.6 of the General Conditions. 7.6. There are no Contract Documents other than those listed or ' incorporated by reference in this Article 7. The Contract Documents may only be amended, modified or supplemented as provided in paragraphs 3.5 and 3.6 of the General Conditions. ARTICLE 8. MISCELLANEOUS 8.1. Terms used in this Agreement which are defined in Article I of the ' General Conditions shall have the meanings indicated in the General Conditions. ' 8.2. No assignment by a party hereto of any rights under or interests in the Contract Documents will be binding on another party hereto without the written consent of the party sought to be bound; and specifically but not ' without limitations, moneys that may become due and moneys that are due may not be assigned without such consent (except to the extent that the effect of this restriction may be limited by law), and unless specifically stated to the ' contrary in any written consent to an assignment no assignment will release or discharge that assignor from any duty or responsibility under the Contract Document. ' 8.3. OWNER and CONTRACTOR each binds itself, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other party hereto, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives in respect` to all covenants, ' Agreement and obligations contained in the Contract Document. I Section 00520 Page 5 OWNER: CITY OF FORT COLLINS By: DAMES 'NEILL II, CPPO, FNIGP D R CTOR OF PURCHASING D RISK MANAGEMENT Date Attest: S/ 1 l © 7 City Clei} Address for giving not P. 0. Box 580 Fort Collins. Cn Rn1 22 CONTRACTOR: Walsh Co uction, Inc. By Title: 'E.�(C7lNT Date: VMA q Q i , I' (CORPORATE SEAL) Attest: Address for giving notices: I Nv KN8 t 8n,937 LICENSE NO.: Section 00520 Page 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SECTION 00530 NOTICE TO PROCEED Description of Work: 7025 Water Feature Renovation at Fossil Creek Community Park To. This notice is to advise you: That the contract covering the above described Work has been fully executed by the CONTRACTOR and the OWNER. That the required CONTRACTOR's Performance Bond and Payment Bond have been received by the OWNER. That the OWNER has approved the said Contract Documents. Therefore, as the CONTRACTOR for the above described Work, you are hereby authorized and directed to proceed within ( ) calendar days from receipt of this notice as required by the Agreement. Dated this day of , 20 The dates for Substantial Completion and Final Acceptance shall be 20_ and 20_, respectively. City of Fort Collins OWNER By: Title: ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF NOTICE Receipt of the above Notice to Proceed is hereby acknowledged this day of 20 CONTRACTOR: Walsh Construction, Inc. By: Title. Section 00960 Page 1 SECTION 00600 BONDS AND CERTIFICATES 00610 Performance Bond 00615 Payment Bond 00630 Certificate of Insurance 00635 Certificate of Substantial Completion 00640 Certificate of Final Acceptance 00650 Lien Waiver Release (CONTRACTOR) 00660 Consent of Surety 00670 Application for Exemption Certificate SECTION 00610 ' PERFORMANCE BOND Bond No.P884301 ' -,"NOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: that (F_rm)Walsh Construction, Inc. ' !Address) 8139 Open View Place, Loveland, CO 80537 an Individual), (a Partnership), (a Corporation), hereinafter referred to as -he "Principal" and t .;,-m)Developers Surety & Indemnity Company (Address) 17780 Fitch, #200, Irvine, CA 92614 hereinafter referred to as "the Surety", are held and firmly bound unto ' City of Fort Collins, 300 Laporte Ave, Fort Collins, Colorado 80522 a ,Municipal Corporation) hereinafter referred to as the "OWNER", in the penal Sum of One hundred fifty three thousand six hundred and no/1100 --- in lawful money of ' the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. ' THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION are such that whereas the Principal entered into a certain Agreement with the OWNER, dated the 13thday of May 7009, a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof for the performance ' of The City of Fort Collins project,7025 Water Feature Renovation at Fossil Creek Community Park. Is NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall well, truly and faithfully perform its duties, all the undertakings, covenants, terms, conditions and agreements of said Agreement during the original term thereof, and any extensions thereof IN which may be granted by the OWNER, with or without Notice to the Surety and during the life of the guaranty period, and if the Principal shall satisfy all claims and demands incurred under such Agreement, and shall fully indemnify Is and save harmless the OWNER from all cost and damages which it may suffer by reason of failure to do so, and shall reimburse and repay the OWNER all outlay and expense which the OWNER may incur in making good any default then this ' obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. ' Rev10/20/07 Section 00610 Page 1 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Pages BID INFORMATION 00020 Notice Inviting Bids 00020-1 - 00020-2 00100 Instruction to Bidders 00100-1 - 00100-9 00300 Bid Form 00300-1 - 00300-3 00400 Supplements to Bid Forms 00400-1 00410 Bid Bond 00410-1 - 00410-2 00420 Statements of Bidders Qualifications 00420-1 - 00420-3 00430 Schedule of Major Subcontractors 00430-1 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 00500 Agreement Forms 00500-1 00510 Notice of Award 00510-0 00520 Agreement 00520-1 - 00520-6 00530 Notice to Proceed 00530-1 00600 Bonds and Certificates 00600-1 00610 Performance Bond 00610-1 - 00610-2 00615 Payment Bond 00615-1 - 00615-2 00630 Certificate of Insurance 00630-1 00635 Certificate of Substantial Completion 00635-1 00640 Certificate of Final Acceptance 00640-1 00650 Lien Waiver Release(Contractor) 00650-1 - 00650-2 00660 Consent of Surety 00660-1 00670 Application for Exemption Certificate 00670-1 - 00670-2 CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT 00700 General Conditions 00700-1 - 00700-34 Exhibit GC -A GC -Al - GC-A2 00800 Supplementary Conditions 00800-1 - 00800-2 00900 Addenda, Modifications, and Payment 00900-1 00950 Contract Change Order 00950-1 - 00950-2 00960 Application for Payment 00960-1 - 00960-4 SPECIFICATIONS SOILS REPORT 1- 1 hereby stipulates FURTHERI that the received, said Surety, for value 5 1 PROVIDED, and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the or to the Work to be .performed thereunder or the Agreement germs of the Ag_r shall in any way affect its obligation on Specifications accompanying the same of any such change, extension o f. 1 this bond; and it does hereby waive notice time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement or to the Work or to the Specifications. 1 PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the no final settlement between the OWNER and the right of any beneficiary her whose claim CONTRACTOR shall abridge may be unsatisfied. 1 PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the Surety Company must be authorized to transact OWNER. in the State of Colorado and be acceptable to the 1 business in three (3) counterparts, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed day of May 20 0 . each one of which shall be deemed an original, thisl3th 1 IN PRESENCE OF: Principal President� = _ ?Title, ✓CFI qa�` %!" V • C o, �, �c'l/ 1/il: �LoJCE Lf1yeC a"JD i co co --t (Address) -'(/C�orrpo r.4ate-,Sea1') PRESENCE OF : Other Partners 1 f,. per{�iFfh ha4uP�4 . 1Surety Y IN PRES4,NCOF: 1 y. David. A. Wooldridge, LUTCF, AA Attorney In Fact By: 17780 Fitch, #200, Irvine, CA 92614 117«Je A (Address) ' i ��y#yyil"4b ute� of 3ond must not be prior to date of Agreement. =,— '?jxCC?NTRACTOR js Partnership, all partners should execute Bond. 1 Rev10/20/07 Section 00615 Page 2 ' POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY ' PO BOX 19725, IRVINE, CA 92623 (949) 263-3300 www.inscoDico.com KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that except as expressly limited, DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY does hereby make, constitute and appoint: 1***Stevenmith Trent L. Smith David A. Wooldrid e 'ointl or several) *** G. S Wooldridge, y y as its true and lawful Attomey(s)-in-Fact, to make, execute, deliver and acknowledge, for and on behalf of said corporation as surety, bonds, undertakings and contracts of suretyship giving and granting unto said Attomey(s)-in-Fact full power and authority to do and to perform every act necessary, requisite or proper to be done in ' connection therewith as the corporation could do, but reserving to the corporation full power of substitution and revocation, and all of the acts of said Attorneys) -in - Fact, pursuant to these presents, are hereby ratified and confirmed. This Power of Attorney is granted and is signed by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of DEVELOPERS ' SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY effective as of November 1, 2000: RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Board, the President and any Vice President of the corporation be, and that each of them hereby is, authorized to execute Powers of Attorney, qualifying the.Attomey(s)-in-Fact named in the Powers of Attorney to execute, on behalf of the corporation, bonds, undertakings and contracts of ' suretyship; and that the Secretary or any Assistant Secretary of the corporation be, and each of them hereby is, authorized to attest the execution of any such Power of Attorney; 1 RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the signatures of such officers may be affixed to any such Power of Attorney or to any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such Power of Attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures shall be valid and binding upon the corporation when so affixed and in the future with respect to any bond, undertaking or contract of suretyship to which it is attached. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its respective Executive Vice President and attested by its Secretary this I st day of December, 2005. .......... .y..AND ..•••'• !4 -%ok": By: �J�pRPOR4l � V R •;y David H. Rhodes, Executive Vice -President ' Q: •' OCT. ': 4 cow: 10 :n 1936 By ........... ,•, •I•I•I••••.......����",, Walter A. Crowell, Secretary STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE On December 1, 2005 before me, Gina L. Garner, (here insert name and title of the officer), personally appeared David H. Rhodes and Walter A. Crowell, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signaturc(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. Signature WITNESS my hand and official seal. 6�� 2��;e (SEAL) CERTIFICATE GINA L. GARNER COMM. # 1569561 NOTARY PUBLIC CALIFORNIA ORANGE COUNTY My comm. expires May 13, 2W9 The undersigned, as Assistant Secretary, of DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY, does hereby certify that the foregoing Power of Attorney remains in full force and has not been revoked, and furthermore, that the provisions of the resolution of the respective Boards of Directors of said corporation ' set forth in the Power of Attorney, is in force as of the date of this Certificate. This Certificate is executed in the City of Irvine, California, the ��day of X&, 2,0 By Albert Hillebrand, Assistant Secretary ' ID-1438 (DSI) (Rev. 12/05) IN 111 SECTION 00615 PAYMENT BOND Bond No. P884301 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: that (Firm) Walsh Construction, Inc. (Address)8139 Open View Place, Loveland, CO 80537 (an Individual), (a Partnership), (a Corporation), hereinafter referred to as the "Principal" and (Firm)Developers Surety & Indemnity Company (Address) 17780 Fitch, #200, Irvine, CA 92614 hereinafter referred to as "the Surety", are held and firmly bound unto the City of Fort Collins, 300 LaPorte Ave., Fort Collins, Colorado 80522 a (Municipal Corporation) hereinafter referred to as the OWNER", in the penal sum of One hundred fiftyi:three thousand six hundred and no/W.lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION are such that whereas the Principal entered into a certain Agreement with the OWNER, dated thel3th day of May 2C09 a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof for the performance of The City of Fort Collins project, 7025 Water Feature Renovation at Fossil Creek Community park. NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall make payment to all persons, firms, subcontractors, and corporations furnishing materials for or performing labor in the prosecution of the Work provided for in such Agreement and any authorized extension or modification thereof, including all amounts due fog materials, lubricants, repairs on machinery, equipment and tools, consumed, rented or used in connection with the construction of such Work, and all insurance premiums on said Work, and for all labor, performed in such Work whether by subcontractor or otherwise, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. IRev 10/20/07 Section 00615 Page 1 IE ROVIDED, FURTHER/ that the said Surety, for value received., .hereby stipulates to he PROVIDED, and agrees that no change, extension of time, al Per ormed 'ation othere a under n :or the. terms of the Agreement or to the. Work to an Der a`-sect its obligation on S-oeci fi cations accompanying the same shall ) or waive notice of any such change, extension .oi this bond; and it does hereby wa time, alteration .or addition to the terms of the Agreement or to the Work or ' to the Specifications. PROVIDED, FURTHER, that no final settlement between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR shall abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder, whose claim may be unsatisfied. ' PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the Surety Company must be authorized to transact ate of Colorado and be acceptable to the OWNER. business in the St It �t IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed in three (3) counterparts, original, thisl3th day o Mav 2= each one of which shall be deemed an orig_ — y . VjD tie °j°.... Principal IN P ESENCE OF: 'o tva�� eva f�,` President -}Ak �` • (Title) �:. t`l` t (Corporae3FSea1) PRESENCE OF (Address) other Partners. IIn IN PRESENCE OF: Surety By: v David A. Wooldridge, LUTCF, AAI-A rney in Fact By: 17780 Fitch, #200, Irvine, CA 92614 (Address) ;(5urety. °Seal) m Cl HZ-Vti'W ,:Jaye.of ,Bond must not be :prior to date of Agreement. CONTRACTOR is Partnership, all partners should execute Bond. ' Rev10/20/07 Section_ 00610 Page 2 ' POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY PO BOX 19725, IRVINE, CA 92623 (949) 263-3300 www.InscoDico.com - KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that except;as expressly limited, DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY does hereby make; constitute and appoint: ***Steven G. Smith, Trent L. Smith, David A. Wooldridge, jointly or severally*** as its true and lawful Attomey(s)-in-Fact, to make, execute, deliver and acknowledge, for and on behalf of said corporation as surety, bonds, undertakings and contracts of suretyship giving and granting unto said Attomey(s)-in-Fact full power and authority to do and to perform every act necessary, requisite or proper to be done in ' connection therewith as the corporation could do; but reserving to the corporation full power of substitution and revocation, and all of the acts of said Attomey(s)-in- Fact, pursuant to these presents, are hereby ratified and confirmed. 1 1 11 This Power of Attorney is granted and is signed by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY effective as of November 1, 2000: RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Board, the President and any Vice President of the corporation be, and that each of them hereby is, authorized to execute Powers of Attorney, qualifying the Attomey(s)-in-Fact named in the Powers of Attorney to execute, on behalf of the corporation, bonds, undertakings and contracts of suretyship; and that the Secretary or any Assistant Secretary of the corporation be, and each of them hereby is, authorized to attest the execution of any such Power of Attorney; RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the signatures of such officers may be affixed to any such Power of Attorney or to any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such Power of Attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures shall be valid and binding upon the corporation when so affixed and in the future with respect to any bond, undertaking or contract of suretyship to which it is attached. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its respective Executive Vice President and attested by its Secretary this I st day of December, 2005. AND, OR., David H. Rhodes, Executive Vice -President By y. 'W 10 :o 1936 °o pow a ,...."A By' Walter A. Crowell, Secretary STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE On December 1, 2005 before me, Gina L. Garner, (here insert name and title of the officer), personally appeared David H. Rhodes and Walter A. Crowell, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. Signature WITNESS my hand and official seal. (SEAL) CERTIFICATE ------------ GINA L. GARNER COMM. # 1569561 NOTARY PUBLIC CALIFORNIA ORANGE COUNTY 3 My comet. expires May 13, 20119 The undersigned, as Assistant Secretary, of DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY, does hereby certify that the foregoing Power of Attorney remains in full force and has not been revoked, and furthermore, that the provisions of the resolution of the respective Boards of Directors of said corporation ' set forth in the Power of Attorney, is in force as of the date of this Certificate. This Certificate is executed in the City of Irvine, California, the 4�day of t/t% By Albert Hillebrand, Assistant Secretary ID-1438 (DSI) (Rev. 12/05) SECTION 00630 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE CONTRACTOR shall insert his own standard form for Certificate of Insurance. Rev10/20/07 Section 00630 Page 1 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE n"065/21/'9 4 a5 21 09 PR MER t Rg"a mince Grow Saxton Drive suite 100 THIS SATE IS WSLIED AS A MATTER OF II ITION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIG= UPON THE CERTMATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER' C Aft 8Y THE POLLS BELOW Collins CO 80525 E e: 970-223-1804 SAFFORDING COVERAGE NI41C s URA: Pianacol Assurance Wswma Odin specialty sasuramm as Walsh Conjis true ions _ Inc- acea BLL.. placed C g BO5I FIEURER Cc D D, E: THEPOL=WOFaEt9VAML6TEO88ANr1MM6EW5M TOTMRMAWWMMISMEFMIMPOL=PEFOODOUrATMWTVVMWAIMNG AWRIBOUSIBABU.TUMlOROOH0M0HOFANYCONAMCTOROHa3R000UWNrVMHRE9P=TOVACHTHSCEiTMATEMWBEFSSUEDOR MAYPERrAKIM*M5UMK-AFFOAAU)WTHEFOUDMOESCRMWISI iESSUBECTTOALLTHEMM&EXCLUSOM MOCOND MOMOFSUCH POUCE&AGQWWEUDHFSSHONMMAYHAYEB MR1MUQB)ByPAMDCLAffl& Lim TMOFUNURAN E POLMLyIR� DATE DATE 0 w LWI$ B GENE ALLMaMfY X1 8M9mRmALGEImALL mum 0-MM1MDE ®OOCUR 0500201560 05/01/09 05/01/10 EAOHOCCRRiRONCE S 1000000 t S $1Q0000 11M0EXPRAIgrensFe ) S PERSOML&AWWURV s 1000000 GEIR$tALAGGREGME s 2000000 (O NLA GREGATEUWAPPUESFBt PORKY LOC PRODUCTS-cowooPABG I s2000000 AYTOMOWLELUELW AWAUTO ALLOWNWAUTOB �ULMAUMS H9!®AUTO$ f OOMNHeDSDiQEUWT s BODWYY oe $ BODLyfuLw s � GANAM S GARAGELMASIM ANYAUTO AUM ONLY-EAACCKOU s 07HER7HAN EA A= S lJI lA --lawny OCCUR CLAM UADE DEDWTOLE RE7BwnON S EACHOCCURIONM S AGGREWE s S S S A WOEO OOArEmTJONMal � °"mFnVE OR EXCLUDED? SPEC pCw6-= a1/ 4104361 I QS/01/09 I 05/01/10 X Ulm ER E.L.EAHACcmEM 6100000 EA- MEASE-EA $ 100000 EA-D"ASE-POLOYLEAT s 500000 L I an ER 1 - --J �SRIMTIONOFOP9RATIDNStLOCATDNS/VEl1OfEStEJ O16ADMBYEIO TtSPECY11.PR0 City of Fart Collins is listed as an Additional Insured nih rngaxds to General Liability. Project: Water Feature Renovation at Fossil Creek Ca®anity Park City of Fort Collins ' Purchasing Division 215 N. ffiason Street Fart Collins CO BOS22 'I ACORD Z5 C=r OF SHWILDAWOF7HEA80YE POLFCMSBECANMAM 7MEE>QM7X DAnVMM OF.TWB ff N81EN*ANOR7OJWL 10 GAYS+MMflM31 MVMTOTHECEinWATEHOLDERHUM TOMLEFT.WTFAUMT000MM" &VOSEND08LIBATMORLIARIMOFAHYI=llPOHTHEBOL MMt.FF8AGENTSOR REFRfMfF'ATWM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IMPORTANT If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the poltcy(ies) must be endorsed. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may ' require an endorsement A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holier in lieu of such endorsement(s). DISCLAIMER The Certificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract between the issuing Insurer(s), authored representative or producer, and the certificate holder, nor does it affirmatively or negatively amend. extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon. ACo>:o25 MM1081 SECTION 00635 ' CERTIFICATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION TO: CITY OF FORT COLLINS (OWNER) DATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION: PROJECT TITLE:7025 Water Feature Renovation at Fossil Creek Community Park PROJECT OR SPECIFIED PART SHALL LOCATION: Fort Collins, Colorado INCLUDE: ' OWNER: City of Fort Collins CONTRACTOR: CONTRACT DATE: The Work performed under this contract has been inspected by authorized representatives of the OWNER, CONTRACTOR, and the ENGINEER and the project (or specified part of the project, as indicated above) is hereby declared to be substantially completed on the above date. A tentative list items of to be completed or corrected is appended hereto. This list may not be exhaustive, and the failure to include an item on it does not alter the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to complete all the Work in ' accordance with the Contract Documents. I ENGINEER AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE The CONTRACTOR accepts the above Certificate of Substantial Completion and 1 agrees to complete and correct the items on the tentative list within the time indicated. By: ' CONTRACTOR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE ' The OWNER accepts the project or specified area of the project as substantially complete and will assume full possession of the project or specified area of the project at 12:01 a.m., on The ' responsibility for heat, utilities, security, and insurance under the Contract Documents shall be as set forth under "Remarks" below. CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO By: OWNER AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE REMARKS: n Rev 10/20/07 Section 00635 Page 1 SECTION 00640 CERTIFICATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE TO: . Gentlemen: 20 You are hereby notified that on the day of , 20_, the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, has accepted the Work completed by for the City of Fort Collins project, 7025 Water Feature Renovation at Fossil Creek Community Park. A check is attached hereto in the amount of $ as Final Payment for all Work done, subject to the terms of the Contract Documents which are dated 20 In conformance with the Contract Documents for this project, your obligations and guarantees will continue for the specified time from the following date: f 20 . Sincerely, OWNER: City of Fort Collins By: Title: ATTEST: Title. Rev 10/20/07 Section 00640 Page 1 SECTION 00020 INVITATION TO BID Rev 10/20/07. Section 00020 Page 2 SECTION 00650 ' LIEN WAIVER RELEASE (CONTRACTOR) TO: City of Fort Collins, Colorado (OWNER) FROM: (CONTRACTOR) ' PROJECT:7025 Water Feature Renovation. at Fossil Creek Community Park ' 1. The CONTRACTOR acknowledges having received payment, except retainage from the OWNER for all work, labor, skill and material furnished, delivered and performed by the CONTRACTOR for the OWNER or for anyone in the construction, design, improvement, alteration, addition or repair of the above described project. 2. In consideration of such payment and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, the CONTRACTOR voluntarily waives all rights, claims and liens, including but not limited to, mechanic's liens, Miller Act claims (40 U.S.C.A. 270 ' a and b), stop notices, equitable liens and labor and material bond rights which the CONTRACTOR may now or may afterward have, claim or assert for all and any work, labor, skill or materials furnished, ' delivered or performed for the construction, design, improvement, alteration, addition or repair of the above described project, against the OWNER or its officers, agents, employees or assigns, against any fund ' of or in the possession or control of the OWNER, against the project or against all land and the buildings on and appurtenances to the land improved by the project. 1 3. The CONTRACTOR affirms that all work, labor and materials, furnished, delivered or performed to or for the construction, design, improvement, alteration, addition or repair of the project were furnished, delivered ' or performed by the CONTRACTOR or its'agents, employees, and servants, or by and through the CONTRACTOR by various Subcontractors or materialmen or their agents, employees and servants and further affirms the same have ' been paid in full and have released in full any and all existing or possible future mechanic's liens or rights or claims against the project or any funds in the OWNER'S possession or control concerning the project ' or against the OWNER or its officers, agents, employees or assigns arising out of the project. ' 4. The CONTRACTOR agrees to defend and hold harmless the OWNER, the lender, if any, and the Surety on the project against and from any claim hereinafter made by the CONTRACTOR'S Subcontractors, materialmen, employees, servants, agents or assigns against the project or against the OWNER or its officers, employees, agents or assigns arising out of the project for all loss, damage and costs, including reasonable attorneys fees, incurred as a result of such claims. Rev 10/20/07 Section 00650 Page 1 5. The parties acknowledge that the description of the project set forth ' above constitutes and adequate description of the property and improvements to which this Lien Waiver Release pertains. It is further acknowledged that this Lien Waiver Release is for the benefit of and may be relied upon by the OWNER, the lender, if any, and Surety on any labor 1 and material bonds for the project. 1 Signed this day of , 20_ CONTRACTOR By: ' Title: ATTEST: Secretary ' STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OF LARIMER ) Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 20 , by ' Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: ' Notary Public ' Rev 10/20/07 Section 00650 Page 2 SECTION 00660 CONSENT OF SURETY TO: City of Fort Collins, Colorado (hereinafter referred to as the "OWNER") CONTRACTOR: PROJECT: 7025 Water Feature Renovation at Fossil Creek Community Park CONTRACT DATE: In accordance with the provisions of the Contract between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR as indicated above, for (Surety) on bond of hereby approves of the Final Payment to the CONTRACTOR, and agrees that Final Payment to the CONTRACTOR shall not relieve the Surety Company of any of its obligations to the OWNER, as set forth in the said Surety Company's Bond. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Surety Company has hereunto set its hand this day of , (Surety Company) By ATTACH: Power of Attorney and Certificate of Authority of Attorney(s)-in- Fact. Rev10/20/07 Section 00660 Page 1 F SECTION 00670 1 Fl 11 I Section 00670 Page 1 A ' DR 0172 (12/98) COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE DENVER CO 80261 ' (303) 232-2416 1 CONTRACTOR APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE Pursuant to Statute Section 39-26.114(1)(a)(XIX) The exemption certificate for which you are applying must be used only for the purpose of purchasing construction and building materialsv� for the exempt project described below. This exemption does not include or apply to the purchase or rental of equipment, supplies, and materials which are purchased, rented, or consumed by the contractor and which do not become part of the structure, highway, road, street, or other public works owned and used by the exempt organization. Any unauthorized use of the exemption certificate will result in revocation of your exemption certificate and other penalties provided by law. A separate certificate is required for each contract. Subcontractors will not be issued Certificates of Exemption by the Department of Revenue. It is the responsibility of the prime contractor to issue certificates to each of the subcontractors. (See reverse side). FAILURE TO ACCURATELY COMPLETE ALL BOXES WILL CAUSE THE APPLICATION TO BE DENIED. Registration/Account No. (to be assigned by DOR) Period 89 _ 0170-750 (999) $0.00 � t:-c7 .. } 'T :� +t• 5'b ,y ':;- 1L s.• y.�_. r i ,,,>. >r �. h 1 F 4 e'£ w' i J! 'f d;,y'.� 1�'t <;u,tiY tlRd.i'- �Y4K i.;p L x' i #4 {6 rJt 1{ '? �£; y� �:. 7:.4 d } t t �4 1 y Rt 3f^tY s- AC'Ky,Sk 1WL' .' i' INFORMATION y Y <CONTRACTOR ry k� `*+11CSp 5 h i",a ai . i r', 4 hy` 1-Y�,. ! i <�� `a3 ,,}"�C. t 1 k J •Ae* . :'" v..•. 1, ,. . ,F ,J ... .:a7: ,.n?,.x,;._.., ..�'4 ke'rk._,+',e'�9!.11,':.:.:"`a?,l_..,+ir'rt...rf.a+'i:..rE. ,"k�a ,�r,?.s ,.. :" 'r�r '•.�e'l `'.,�3!:tr�`�,�':. Trade name/DBA: Owner, partner, or corporate name: Mailing address (City, State, Zip): Contact Person E-Mail address: Federal Employer's Identification Number: Bid amount for your contract: Fax Number: Business telephone number: Colorado withholding tax account number: � t d. ". nP`vi�. �.'tT �1S�C.nti.:=rf. fg� � � -,. iv4�?l.:a iii�i ..,� y4> rxt Copies$of contract orfagreement pa es 1 identi in ':the contractin aides 9 }and" 2 xcontainin ' sinafires}ofcon`ta tm{'' art es mus �" EX'EMP TI,OhN INFORMATION c s g g p t be attaches �Y .4-�- , ,...a.,.�. .. "�f. ;�.r ,., sn.-.. {`r'_ ,>i4fi _ tgwci:fi #.... �kxct�'G ,,1 �...Qf-S*�?•,. n�'n'!r: fS Name of exempt organization (as shown on contract). Exempt organization's number: 198- Address of exempt organization (City, State, Zip): Principal contact at exempt organization: Principal contact's telephone number: Physical location of project site (give actual address when applicable and Cities and/or County (ies) where project is located) Scheduled Month Day Year Estimated Month Day Year construction start date: completion date: k i d ..rr 9.' �_... � 3� _,:} � 1.;�p Zlt a 'ii`fx xw '�� 1� zz4_..5� w"'$�L2j ✓yy �Gi x� �t ` C.. ,��a FR.F.'' .d' F C t � � O'r L z... x� �,i"£ �� (K k �..:E F ..,h-.:�-�, ..._v/.t^0.. ��1�1'. t -:: .. � :i **�,,,"" ' + .r K^:Y_ ��.Y'F�FiF�# }P.'. .��'d A; �•5, C rS -i�d a`�§. h t:,,2i.F1`.it ft,,, S�ei t-F,%-{ } I declare under penalty of perjury in the second degree that the statements made in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. Signature of owner, partner or corporate officer: Title of corporate officer: Date: P LJviVVt W1U1r-t5 1.VW 1rilJLINh I Section 00670 Page 2 1 Special Notice Contractors who have completed this application in the past, please note the following changes in ' procedure: The Department will no longer issue individual Certificates of exemption to subcontractors. Only ' prime contractors will receive a Contractor's Exemption Certificate on exempt projects. Upon receipt of the Certificate, the prime contractor should make a copy for each subcontractor involved in the project and complete it by filling in the subcontractor's name and address and signing it. The original Certificate should always be retained by the prime contractor. Copies of all Certificates ' that the prime contractor issued to subcontractors should be kept at the prime contractor's place of business for a minimum of three years and be available for inspection in the event of an audit. Once an 89# has been assigned to you, please use the next five numbers following it for any applications submitted for future projects. This should be your permanent number. For instance, if you were assigned 89-12345-0001, every application submitted thereafter should contain 89-12345 ' on the application. The succeeding numbers will be issued by the Department of Revenue. DO NOT enter what you believe to be the next in sequence as this may delay processing of your application. 7 ' Section 00670 Page 3 SECTION 00700 GENERAL CONDITIONS I 1-1 11 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT These GENTERAL C01,01TIONS have been developed by using the ST.AjNDARD GENERAL CONDITIONIS Of THE CONSTRUCTION CONITRWT prepared by the Eogincas Joint Contfact Documents. Committee, No, 1910-8 (M-0 Edi6on.), as a Kise, Chang,'cs to that document are shmyn by underlining test that. has [wen added and striking Lhwugh text that.has.k-en deleted. E.JCDC GENERAL CONDITIONS 1-9 ]:M ( 1990 EDITION) N&q'fH CITY OF PORT COLLINS. MODIPICATIONS (.Rf:,V 9/99) I I I I I I Fi 7� I I I I I I I I I I Article or,Nragraph Number &Title DLT, [NIT I ONIS TABLE OF CONTENTS OF GENERAL CONDITIONS: Page Article or Paragraph Number Number &Titie .1. 1: Addend! .............................................. I 1 .1 Agreement . ..................................... ._ 131 Application for Pay-menk _ ......... 174. Asbc ' stos ............ ........ 1.5 I ......... 1.11 Bid, ....... -1.6 Bidding D&uments ................. J, 1 7 Bi dd i nu, Req utrem ents., 1. Iq Bonds.,... ................................... I 1-9 Change Qrder. . ............ 1. 1 Contract Documents 1.11 Lon tract, Price,_:_.:_...-.... .. 1.12 Contract Times. 1.13 CONTRACTOR ..................................1 1;14 defeaive .......... ...... ! ............. 1.15 Drawings.... ... IA6 F, frective Date, dthc Agreement, 1; 17 ..... EINIGINTEER ............................... ....... 1.18 ENGINTEERs Consultant 1-19 Field General Reqvire'nients Hhnrdows Wa4c. 1;22.a Laws and Rcgulafibns; Laws or 1.22.b Legal lloli(N)�;................. ------ 1-23 Liens.- ............ . 1.14 Milesione I. �r Notice,of Award 1-26 Notice to proceed ........ I.I., 1.7-7 .................... kN WE R -I 1 1. . I ............................. ...... I. Partial Utilization ................. 1.29 PCBS 130 Petroleum- ........ ----- I_3] Project., .... ........ 2 1. 32, a . ........... .................... Radibactiv.c Material., 2 1 - 3?. h .............. L ........... Regular VVofkin_& Hours ........ . ....... _ � _2 1.33 Resident Prqju t7kepresentative ............. 1) 1.34 Samples........ 1.35 I., ........................ Shop Dniwings ....... ................... ........ . 1.36 Specifications ................... ................ ---1-37 Subcontractor -1 1-38 SLihstantiai Completion- 7 1.39 ............. Supplementary Conditions .......... 1.40 Supplier._.__ 1.41 Underground Facilities 1 42 Unit Price Work-;-,,, . . .............. ............ 3 1.43 Work Lzi-I IVork.Change.Djrectivc ....... ; - I ------------ 1.45 . Written Amefidinent . . . . . . . . Pale Number PRE LIMEI:ARY NlAfTE RS ........... ....... 3 2.1 De-Ii very of Bonds ..... ............ ...... 3 'o 'pies of Documents ......... ............... 3 2.3 1� Commencement of Contract limes;,Notice to Proceed ................3 14 'Star in th Starting C Work ....... 3 2.52.7 Before Starting Construction;_ CONM\C,TC)Ws Responsibility to Report-, Prelim inary Scheddes; Pelivery. of C crlificates.of insurance, ........... 3-4 2.8 Frecoristruction ConferenCer__.. ........ 4 2,9 [hiti6lly Acceptable Schedules, ...... 4 3, COiNMNCT DOCUMIENI-TS, INTYNIT AN,WNDING, RELJSF ....... I .......... ........ _ ..... ....... 4 3.1-3.Z Intent .............. ........ 33 Rcference-10 Standards.and Speci- fica(ions (if Technic ' a ' I Societies: Repqrting an.(] Resolving,Dis- crepancieS2 ............ z .............. 3.4 Intent of Certain Terms or A.4U L-cs ................... ............ 5 15 AmendinL, Contract Doutments-__5 3.6 Supplementing Contract Documents ................................... 5 3.7 Reuse of Docum ............. ) 4- AVAII-ABIL.ITY OF. LANDS; SUBSUWACE AND PH1YSICAL CONDITIONS-, 'RErERENIMPOINTS 5 4.1 Availability ' of Lands. 5-6 4.2 Subsurface and,Physicil Conditions 6 4. 22. 1 Reports.an'd Drawings ................... 4. 2. 2 Limited R eliance by CONTRAC- TOR,AuLho rized3 T0,hpical Data 4.2.3 Notice of Differing Subsurface or Physical Conditions.--, ...•--, 6 4.2,4 FNIMNIFER's Review 4.25 5- Possible Contract Documents ChAnge.: ......................... ....... 4. '2. 6 Possi.b.le"Price and Times )-7 4.3 Physical Conditions-4inderground F.achitics ....................... ............... 7 4.3.1 shown or] ndicated 4.3.2 Not Shb%%m or Ind*icated_._.,, 7 4.4 Reference Points ........................... 7 EJCW GENEILAL CONDITIONSA910-3 (1990 tMIMM) W.CITY OF FORT COLUNS MOMFICAPONS (RFV 9/99i I I Artictc.or Paragraph Number page Article or Paragraph Number Number 8-- Title -Asbestos, PCBs, Petroleum, Hazardous Waste or Radioactive Material ..... 7-8 S. BONDS ANITINSUR.0,10E ................................. S 5. 1 - 5; 2 Performance, Payment and Other ffdnds ,53 Licensed Sureties and lnsurcrs; Certificates of Insurance---------------- ---- 8 5 .4 Liability CONTRA CrOR's i Insurance ......................................._.:9 5.5 OWNER's Liability Insurance:_.._--_,_ 5:6 Pi-opertyInsurance-1-.. ,,_9 53 Boiler and -Machinery or Addi- tiorial Property Insurance to 5:8 N6ticc of('aficcllation Pro%isi on 10 59 CONrrRACTORs Responsihility for DMucti.bleAmounts., .... I ........ 11) 5.10 •Qther Special Insurance 0 5: I I Waiver of Rip S. 12-5.13 Receipt and Aj3pI [cation of Insurance Pi:oceed ....................... 10-11 3..14 Acceptance,of Bonds and Insti. drice,:00fion to Replace.,., ........ ------- 11 5.13, Partial. litilization-Property Insurance ... ................................ 11 6, CONTRAM*OWS, RE SK-)N S] BI LITIES ................ 11 6.1-6-2 Supervision and Superintendence ....... 11 6,3.6-5 Labor, NwlaiciiaN.and hquipment. 11-12 6.6 Progress Schedule ............................. 6:7 Substitutes. and "Or;Equa 1" Items'. CONTRACTOR's E%pgri,sq: Sub4titute, Construction' -Methods or Pr6ciedures; FNGINEER!sVvaluation 6.8-6.11 Conce'ml:n'g Subcontractors, Supoliers,and Others: Waiver of Rights ..... ......... 6.12 . 1.P:jtcnt Fees, and Royalties .................... 14 6.13 Permits. ------...... -- -- -- 14 6114 Link-andRegulations--.__- 14 6,15 Taxes ............... ........ ................ 14-15 6.16 'Use bf,prcm- ises ............ 15 6:17' Site.Cleanliness. ............ :: 15 0,18 Safe Stru-6t4ral Loading,. ................... 6.19 Record Documents,.:._,. . _ : ................... 15 6.21) Safety and ilrotection ............ 15-16 6.21 '566ety Pepresefitat'Ve ........Ib 6.22 - Hazard Communication Programs ..... 16 6. 2 3 Emergencies ..................................... 16 24 Shop DrawingsandSaniples: ............. 16 Page Num her b:25 Subm itial. Pr6ceedures-, CON`� TRACTORs Review Prior to Shop Drawing or -Sample Subniiital 6.26 Shop Drawing �4 Sample Submit- wls Review by ENGINEER__ 16-17 6.2 7 Responsibility for Variations From Docum envi ....... 17 6.28 Related Work"Performed Prior to ENGINEER's Review and Appfoval 6f'Rcquired 17 6.1-9 Continuing & Work- 17 6.30 co,,NTRACT0R!s.General w6rrarityand Guarantee.,., 7 631-6.33 Indc mnification 6.34 Survival,of Obligations.,. .......... I 7- OMER WORK IS 3 7.1-7,- R : elated Work at Sitela 7-4 CooNihation'.- ------- I S 8; OW`FR'S RESPONS113.11.71TIFS ........................... 19 8. TRACTOR 8 8.2 Replacem ch I' of E.\,-,G DTEER ............ IS ,8.3 rurhish Data indPay Promptly Wfien Due ......... Is SA Lands,,and Easements- Re ports . Easements; I � and Tests 8.5 Insurance......................._...............1 8.6 Change Or&rs.: ..... .......... �8-7 Inspections; Tests and Approvals....".., ...........................19 8.8: Stop or Suqvnd W ork: ' : ' Terminate COIN Services.;._.:._ 9 8 Liniiiations on OWNER'S �Responsibifities' ....................... 8.10 iksbastos, PCBs, Petroleum, Hazardous' -Waste or Radic,A60vc Material ........... ..... 19 8.11 8viaence-of FiwciiI. Arrangements ... ................. _J 9 9. ENGINEERS STATUS DURING CONSTRUCTY'DIN..: : .................. .,..; .... .... 19 19 , I I 'OMNER's*prcsenta Live'; -------- 19 9.2, Visits to S, 19 9.3 Prqject, . eR' presentntive, ................ 19-71 - 9.4 Clai-ifications:Hrid Interpre- tations 21 9.5, Authorized Va ria Lions in 1Wk-21 EICDCiqLN]EI?�AL CONDITIONS 1910-8'(1990EDFIIION'1) %v/ CITY OF FORT CO1.11NM MODIFICATIONS 'REV 9199) I SECTION 00020 INVITATION TO BID Date: March 20, 2009 Sealed Bids will be received by the City of Fort Collins (hereinafter referred to as OWNER), at the office of the Purchasing Division, 3:00 P.M., our clock, on April 13, 2009, for the Water Feature Renovation at Fossil Creek Community Park; BID NO. 7025. If delivered, they are to be delivered to 215 North Mason Street, 2nd Floor, Fort Collins Colorado, 80524. If mailed, the mailing address is P. 0. Box 580, Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580. At said place and time, and promptly thereafter, all Bids that have been duly received will be publicly opened and read aloud. The Contract Documents provide for the construction of Bid 7025 Water Feature Renovation at Fossil Creek Community Park. All Bids must be in accordance with the Contract Documents on file with The City of Fort Collins, 215 North Mason St., 2nd floor, Fort Collins, Colorado 80524. Contract Documents will be available March 23, 2009. A prebid conference and job walk with representatives of prospective Bidders , will be held at 10:00 a.m., on March 31, 2009, at 5833 S. Lemay, Fossil Creek Community Park Maintenance Building, Fort Collins. ' Prospective Bidders are invited to present their questions relative to this Bid proposal at this meeting. The Contract Documents and Construction Drawings may be examined online at: • City of Fort Collins BuySpeed: https://secure2.fcgov.com/bso/login.3's Bids will be received as set forth in the Bidding Documents. The Work is expected to be commenced within the time as required by. Section 2.3 of General Conditions. Substantial Completion of the Work is required as specified in the Agreement. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond guaranteeing faithful performance and the payment of all bills and obligations arising from the performance of the Contract. No Bid may be withdrawn within a period of forty-five (45) days after the date fixed for opening Bids. The OWNER reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, and to waive any Rev10/20/07 Section 00020 Page 1 Anicic or Paragraph Page Article'Or Paragraph Pagc Number & Title Number 'Number &- ".title Numher 9:6 Reject.ing.Dz%ctireWork ...................27 l3.&-13:9 Uncovering t�%ork at. I NG1- j 9 7-9,9 Shop Drawings, Change Orders NEER's Request,.,,.,•,.,,.,, 27-25 and Payments ...... .......... ..................:71 13"1tr COUNTER rtay Stop the Work 28 9.10 Determinatitns for Unit Prices._-.- 21 22 13,11 ........... Correction or Removal of 9.11-9.12 Decisions on Disputes; FNC11 Dtfeciive Work ........................... 'R - \EIR as Initia(Interpreter 22 13.12 Correction.Period 9;.13 Limitations on ENdrj'gUR's 13,13 Acceptance ol"Dzrectir� Work- ......:2S Auihoi itj' and ReSnon biLttes,.- _.22 '3 1114 01NRvTrc May Correct Dzf�i lii e Work........ ......, C'Ht1NGES IN 1'HE.11j0[tl. .... ....... ? -.......25-�9 10.1 MrMiR's Ord-i'md Chang e.................D 14. PA1'MF..NTS *170 CONTRACTOR ANll 10.2 I0:3 Claim for Adjustment, ------- ,,,,,,,,,,;23 IVprk`tiot Required by C ontraci CONIPLETION-,---,•._., 14.1 Schedule. of Values 19 10.4 10.5 Documents ..... ........ ............�; Change Orders......:...................:.......'-3 Notification of Surety _ ,_.._ 23 14:2 14.3 Application for Progress Payment:................... I................29 CONTRACTbR's Warranty of ' CHANGE OF CONTRACT PR1Cis',.„. _„.. .................-� , 14-4-14J' Title... t'.... , Review ofApApplicationss . for 29 11 1-,1 1.3 Contract Price, Claim fc�r Progress Payments,,,,, "-30 Adjustment: Value of.' I4.8-14.9 Substantial Completion,,,, 31) I A 11.5 the Wort :�3 24 Cosi. or the Work., l „ 24 25 Exclwsions to Cost of the Work ........ '5 14,1it 14.11 14.12 Partial utilization } i'fia. rispectio.n Final Application for Paymicnt........31 ,, .l0-31 ,31 ' 11.6 11.7 I l:S r:.Uiti 1'.KA14*r )R's Fee Cost Records ......... ....... Cash Allowances ............................... 25 _'' 26 26 14.13-14.14 14.15 Final Payitient and Acceptance,31 Waiver of Claims:... .: . ...31-32. 11,9 Clmt Price 41'9r1, :.. ; ,_..................26 15. SUSPENSION OF WORK AND ' CHiCNCE OF CONTR 1CT`TIT S ............................26 12.1 Claim for Adjustment _.- 6 I2.^_ Time of the Essence .............. 2C TFRI IINATION 1.5,1 I5_'-15.4 - t 5.5 ................................................:32 MWER May Suspend Work .......... OIINhRMa•Tcrminat' = y CONTR-ACTOR May Stop 32 32 12.3 Delays Beyond CONTRACTOR'S. Work or Terminate;,;,;,,,,,,,,,,;, 32-33 ' 1.14 Delays Bq and OWNTER's vtd 16- DISPUTE RF-SOLUTiON ....... 33 rOfiTRACTOR's Control. .. _ 27 17. MISCI LLANFOUS_.-•=--•---•- 33 TESTS AND rNSPLCTIOtS: CORRECTION. RHMOVALOR, ACCEPIANCEOF' DL7EE77GT WORK_ 13.1 Notice: of Defects., ............................ 13.2 Aces to the Work_ -------- ............._:.27 27 , 7 -17,11 17.2, 17.3 17A 17.5 Givine Notice,.._,_.,,..,.,_ un r5 Computation of 1 ........................ Notice of Claim„ 01mulativc Remedies,.._ ......•..I......... Professional Fees:and Court 33 3 3 3 33 133 'rest,; and Inspections; Costs'Incluiled 3; 13.4 CONfRACTOR's Cooperation .......... OWNEWs Responsibilities; Independent Testing Laboratory..,,,-, 27 ?7 17.6 intentionally ............. _ ,-.......... Applicable State Laws ........., left blunt. 33-34 35 11:5 CONtRACTOR's EXHIBIT GC -A: (Optional) 13.t',-13.7 Responsibilities__ ........... .........27 Covering Work"Prior to (nspec- lion. Testing; or tlpprovbl,;:: Dispute Resolution Agreement.. ..... _GC 16.1-16,6 _ tlihltratlAn._. _......._ Ci: 16.7 Media -Al -Al iv rI EJCW GENLICkL CONDrrION5.1910-3 (1990 E.DI11ON1 wi QTY OF FORT COIN NMAiOD1FICATiONs CRF.V 9l971 INDEX TO GENERAL CONDITIONS 0tv of Fort Collins modifications to the General Conditions of the Construction Contract are not shown in this index. Article or Paragraph Number Acceptance of - Bonds.and Insurance ........... : .............. 1: ........... 5.14 defecfin•e Work ..............................10.4.1, 115, 13:13 final •............ 14,15. insurance ....... ........... other Work by CONTRACTOR ..... .................... 7.3 Substitutes and "Or -Equal" Items.:_ --_6.7.1 Work by*OWNER ................... .......... 2,3� 630; 6.34 Access to-Lhc-- LancUs, OWNER. and CONTRACTM responsibilities ......... ........ 4.1 site, related Work____ ------- T2 .... ............. --------- 13.21 13,14, 14.9 Wor ............ I ... I ... Acts orom.issions, Acts and Om fissions -- CONTRACTOR ............. 69.1, 9.13.3 ENGINFER_..., __6,2(). 9.133 OWNER ... ...... . .......................8.9 Addenda--definit ioh or (also see definition of.SpeeifiLations) ....... I.A.I.10, 6.19), Ll Additi pal Property 1iisufan6es, ................................ .. ;. .7 Adjustmenf% Contract Price or Contract Times 1. 5. 3.5. 4. It 43.2 4.5. 2. ........ 4_53, 9.4, 9.5, 10.2-10A, ...................I 1' 11 14, S. 15.1 progress schedule ....................... Ap-reement-- definition of ................. "Ali -Risk" Insurance. policyform,.........._................. 5A2 AllowanUs. Cash ............ . ....................................... 11.8 Amending Contract Documents ..... ... 3.5 Amendment. Written -- in ecricral ............. 1: 1 Q. 1-45, 3.5, 51I O; 5, 12i 6.6.2 .............. 6: 8.2, 6; 19. 10.1, 10.41 11.22 12.1; 1112.2., 14.7.2 Appeal. OWNER or CONTRACTOR intent to ..................... 9.11, 10.4, 16,2, 16,5 Application for.PaymMt-- definition of ........................................................ FNGTNF,FRs Respoqslibilitli,w ........... I .................... 9;9 final payment "' 9. 1 3,41-9:0_5.. 14.12-1 4-151 in general ..........................2.8, 2.9, -5.6.4, 9. 1.0j, 15.5 progress paym5nk ......... . ..... ..... 14.1-14.7 re,.,i.e%v of_ ........... ....... ........ ......... 14.4-14,7 ,Arbitration ..... ................ .................. 1- 16:6 Asbestos -- claims Pursuant thereto ... ......... ; .......... _4.5.2. 4.5:3 CONTRACTOR authorized -to stop Work- .... _.4.5.;_2 definition of I., ................ 11 .......................... ...J.4 Article or Paragraph Number OWNER responsibility for„ . ..... I., ................... 4.5. 1 SJ 0 possible price and times change,.,,_,,.,-„-,,,._-••.•4.5.2 Authorized Variations in Work ........... 3.6. 6,25, 6.27. 9.5 Mailability of Lands........ ........................ 4.1.8,4 Award, Notice of --defined ......... ............ ,, 1-25 Pkfore Starting Construct i6n, ............... .............. 2; 5 - 22, 8 Bid --definition of ....... ..............1.5 (1.1 1-10, 2-3, 3.3- 6.13, 11.43, 11.9.1) Bidding Documents-derinitiop Bidding Requirem ents-.dermition of............... 71 ............. ....... 4.2.6;2) Bands - acceptance of.................................................... additional bonds,................................. 10.5. 1 L4.5;9 Cost of the Work ............................................. 1, 1. 4 definition of ....... ------------- ....... delivery of.., ......... ....... .................... Final Application for Payment.., ---------- 14.14 general .......................1...............1.10, 5. 1 -35. 3, 5.13, ....... ....... 9.13, 10.5. 14,7.6 Performance, PlaYment and Other...._ ........ 5_1-5. I Bonds and Insurance --in general. ....................... i Builder's risk "all-risk" policy form .... .................. -5.6:1 Cancellation Provisions, Insurance_,,__,. -- 5.4 ' 11, 5.8, 5.15 Cagh.Allow2ncei ....................................................11.8 Certificate of Substantial Completion ..... ... 1.38, 6.30.23. .................... Cert i fi cH (es of Inspection., 9.13.4, 13.5, 14.12 Certificates of Insurance ........... 5,4.11, 5:4.13. ..................... 5;6:51.5.9, 5J 4. 9.13.4, 14,12 Change in Cont'raci Price— Cash Allowances.:,.... �_z______�I ...... claim for price adjustment ............. 41, 426, 4.5. 5.15, 6.8-2. 9.4 ........... 9,, IU, 10.5; 1.1.1 13.9; j 3.13,13.14, 14.7. 15.1, 15.5 C0N7,RA(,TQT-j lec ..................................... 11, 6 Cost.qf the Work-- general ... ... ;_.. I . .... ; ..... I .... 11.11 .......... 1 lArl 1.7 Exclusions to.-:_:l ...... _ ...... 11.5 'Cost Records,,., ------ ........... . 11.7 in general j. 1,�4 - ., 9,11, Lunip Sum Pricilg ... .............. .......... Noti rication,ofSure'iy ... ......... .105 Testing and Inspection, Uncovering the Work, ................................. 119 EJCDC Q;NU(-AL CONDMONS 1910.8 (1990 EDMONI w/ CITY OF, JZOR-t C01 I JMM MODIFICATIONS M V 9[49) F� I t I I I I I I L I I I I 1-11 I Unit Price. Work.,....._.- ........................... .] 19 Article or Paragraph Number Value of Work 1,3 Change in Contract Times - Claim for times adjustment,,,,,,, 4I; 4.2.6� 4.5, 5, 15, U.21 9A. 9:5_9:1 1. 10;'1 10.5. 111. 13.9, 13.131 1114, 14.7, 1 S. 1. 15,5 Contractual time Delays beyond COINTRACTOR's control............... .................. ....... ........ 123 Delays beyond OXVNFR's and Notification of suretyl�. ............ K15 Scope of change,......., .......... I:— ....... 10.3-10.4 Change Orders - Acceptance ofDefective Work_._..,__... ---------- 13.13 Amending-C,ontract Documents,,,,;;,,,,,;,,,, ,, .1,5 Cash Allowance "s Change of Contract Rice .................. ......... ..........I Change of Contract Times-___,, Changes in the Work. --- 7 ....... 10 CON-FRACTOR's fee ............... .....11,6 Cost of the Work, .......... ....... ............... 1-4-11.7 Cost Records 11.7 definition of,, enicrue9cies .............. ........... ........ .............. q. 23 ENIGINEERs responsibility ......-9:V10.4. I I 11.1- , 12,1 execution of.. ...... , ................. ........ ! ...... Indenanifiction., ........................ 6. 12, 6: I 6_631-633 Insurance, Honds and.,.. ............. 5:10, 5.1.11, 10.5 OWNER may terminate ................... p ...... J 15.4 M NIER!s Responsibi-I ity,. 10.4 Physical. Condit ions - Subsurface and, ............ - ............ ;. ............. Underground Facilities--.... .......... ........... 3: Record Documents.-, 6.19 Scope I of ... ..... ... 10.3-10.4 Substitutes ......................... ............... 6.&2 Unit Price Work value of Work, covered -by. ... ........................ 11.3 Changes in the Work..:._...... - . ....... surety Notification of ... I ..... 1 ............. 1 .......... I ()� 5 OWNTRs and CONTRACTOR's responsibilities:._...:. .I..."... . ......... ...... 10.4 Right. to an adjustment_,. ........... 10.2 Scope,orchangc ......... .. .................. 10.3-10.4 Claims -- against C.ONTRAM'OR. against. ENGI-i\TEERr-,--.,,,,....,..,,,..,,..,,..-.,,-,:.6.32 a6inst OWNER........;_ ........................ 6-32 Change of Contract Price .......................... 111,'2 Change ofCcntract Timeq ....................... _9.4, 111 COINTRACTOR!s .............. 4, 7.1, 9.4.,9 S. 9.11; 10, ...........................11.2, 11,9, 12.1, 119, 14,8; ...........................................15.1.1 15.5. 17.3 vi ('.O1NTRA(_'rC;R's Fee ......................................I1-6 Article or F'aragraph Number CONTTR.ACTOWs liability ........... 5A 6,12, 6.16, 6.31 Cost of the 1 1.4, 11.5 Decisions on Disputes....,.... ...... ..... 9.11,9,12 DispuLe.R " cs1olution ................ ........................ 1& 1 Dispute Resolution Agreement. ; ............ 16:1-1&6 ENGINEERas initial Lurilp Sum Pricing ...... ..... .............. 11.3-2 Notice of,- ............. ...... 17.3 ONMER's ................... 9A, 9.5, 9.11. 10 2, 11.2, 11.9 ...... ........... 12.1, 119. 13.13. 13.14' 17.3 OWNTER!s liability i.5 OWNER may refuse to make payment,..... „•4.7 Profcssional Fees and Court Costs Included ........ � . ._..._..ITS request tbr'f6rmal decision on........ ...................... 9.11 Substitute Item ...................... 6- 7. 1 _21 T im e Ext ens.ion .... .......... .. I. .....12.1 Time ......... .9.11. 12.1 UnitPricc Work--. .................... 11.9.3, Value of ...... I ................................. .......... 1. 1-3 I ....... 1aiver Waiver of --on Final N ymcnt .... : ...... ,;_J 4.14, 14.15 Work Chanee Directive_,, ...... z.: ' :.- ...... -.10-1 written notice required__.. .......... I :,, 9. 11. 11.12. 12.1 Clarifications and lnterprelutions ............ .6.3. 9.4. 9. 11 Clean Site ...................... _ .......... .......... 0. 17' Codes or Technical Society, Organization or N.-sociation Comnicticement.ofC&ntract,rimc5: 13 Communications -- general _. ...... _;_;___: ............. 6:9.2. 8.1 Hazard Communication Prog-rams,,, ........ 6,22 Completion-- Final Applic-ation for Payment ........ ................. 14,1 Final Insp6ct'ion ......... .......... 14.11 Final Payment and Acceptance ......... 14.13-14.14 Partial Utilization SubstariLial Completion„ 1.38, 14.8-14.9 .................... . Waiver of Claims ........................... 4.1 Computation of Times 1 ........... ------------- Concerning Subcontractors, Suppliers . andOrs.................................................6.5 Conferences -- initially acceptable -),9 preconstruction.... ... 1. ......................................... 2.9 Conflict, Error: Ambiguity, Disciepanc I v-- CONTRACTOR to Report,;_ .... ....... 3.3.2 Construction, before -sorting by (,ONTP,ACI*OR Construction Machinery, Equipment, etc .................. 6A Continuing the Work ...................... ............... I o.4 Contract Documents - Amending.,,,,,,,, ..................... ................ Bonds LJCDC IMNEFAL CONDITION'S 1910 -8 (1990 EDITION) wt CITY OF FORT cou.T,\-,'mor)iF1CAT7ONNS (RF.v 9t99' I Cash Allowances I I,X Article or Paragraph Number Change of Contract Prig„ .............. ................... I I Change of Contract Times...,_.._1_,,.,...., ------- 12 Changes in the Wor................................all. 4-1(0 check and verify ................. "). 5 Clarifications and 3.6; 9-4, 9.11 definition of ....... ENIGINUR as initial interpreter of,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, F.N('4NHFR as OW-NER.s representative .............. 9.1 genera13 Insurance.------ - .-. --------- ;13 Intent ....... ......... 3.1-14 in Inor variat ions -in the Work ..... ...: ................. OWINER's responsibility to furnish dati.,--, .......... U OWNTER.'s responsibility to make prompt payment... ....................... 8-3; 14-4, 14-13 precedence:... .......... __,_ ......... ............. :3. 1, 3.33. Record Documents....,._..; ..... _! i I . ............. :`7 ----- 6.19 Reference to Standards and Specifications, of Technical Societies ........ .............. I ........ 33 Related Work .......... ...... ; ...... ; .... ....................... 7. , 2 Reporting and Resolving Discrepancies__.2.5, 3.3 Reuse or 3.7 SuP Plementing ................ ....... ; ......................... , 3.6 Term inat ion of ENGINEERS Em plo)iii en! ... ...... 8:2 Unit Price Work .................. ......... I ........... 11.9 variations ..........................................3.6, 6.23. 6,271 . Visits to Site., ENGINVER's ............. 9.2. Contract Price__ Change ........ -j I Decision on Disputes ..... .......... ..................... ;.19.11 definition of .................. ............................ 1,11 (contrad Tiimcs-_ adj ustm ent of- ...... ....... 4-1. 9.4. 10.1 12 Change of ... * ............. * ............................ 12.1-12.4 Commencement of ... "... ... ... I ............... ... I.I..".1.11.-I definition o........................I...........................- . 1,12 CONTRACTOR- Acccptan6c of Insurance.............. ............. 5,14, Communications .................................... 2..6.9.2 Continue Work............_ .... ......... 6.29,10.4 coordination and scheduling._ definifion o..................................................... .!, 13 Limited Reliance on. Technical Data ...... 4.2.2 May Stop Work- or te. Recess.to oth6rs ... * .......... ; ........... provide site 7,2, 112 Safety and Protection ................... 4.3. L2, 6:16, 6.18, .............................. 6.21-6.23; 7.2, 13.2 Shop Drawing and Sample Review Prior to-Subminal ............................... 0,25 Stop Work requirements ................................... 4. 5 ,2 COI TRACTOR's Article or Paragraph Number Compensation- _.-,._..-Continuing Obligation.....,..... .......................... 14-15 De.fe cliveAlork ........... .............. 9:6. 13.1413; 14 Duty to Correct do fechvie Work Duty to Report-- Changes in the Work caused by Emergency.. ........ _ .......... ....... Defects in Work of Others,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,;, ,,,,,,,7.3 Differing conditions,,,,,,,,,,,,,. . . _ .............. ;4 -2. 1 Discrepancy in Documents.., .2.5,112. 6.142 Underground Facilities not indicated ........... 4.3, 2 Emergencies .......... .......... ........ ;23 Equipment and iMachincry Rental.,Cost of the Work._.; ...... ......... 11,4.5,3 Fee --Cost Plus 1;4_5_6, 11.5.1, 11-6 .General Warranty and .Guaranteq ..................... 6.30 Hazard Communication Programs-, ... ............... 0.22 Indemnification --- 6. 11.6- 16, 0.31-6.33 inspection of the Work ................................ 7.3, 13.4 labor, Materials and Equipment., ......... 6.3 -6. 5 Laws and Regulations Complinhce-l-A?- 6.14.1 Liability .......... Notice: of Intent to Appeal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. 10A obligationjo perform and complete the Work ................................... (). 3 U Patent Fees and Royal , ties', paid-fbrby:................ 6.12 Per formance and Other,Honds., ...... ............... 5,1 Permits.. obtained and paid for by., ...... ........ 6.13 Progress 2.8, 2:9; 6.6: 629� 10-4, 15.2.1 .Request for formal decisionon disputes. 9.11 Responsibilities-- Chafigr_% in the Work.------,---, ....: : -------- 10: 1 Concerning. Subcontractors, Suppliers and Oihers, ........................... 9 ... 1116.3-6.11 -Continuing the Work ........................... 6.29, 10A CON'TRAQTOR's expense ...... ............... (S.7.1 CONTRACTOR's General Warranty and G-tiarantce ........ ........ :6.31) CONITRACTORs review.prior to -Shop Drawing or Sample submittal --- ............. 6. - 2 5 Coordination of Work:,.,-,,,,„„,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,..,, 692 Emergencies, ....................... ENIGINEER's evaluation, Substitutes or "Or -Equal" --------- 6. 7.3 For Acts and Omissions: of Others, ........... .............. fi,9_1-6.9_2, 913 for deductible amounts, insurance .... ............ 5.9 7.2, 7.3, 8,9 Hazardous Communication Programs 6.22 indemnification .................... ............ vii EJO)C (-,ENiaAL coi4DrnbNS 1910-S t1990.ED1,n9N1 wl CITY OF FORT COLUNTS MODIFICATI(Mi (RFV 9199) I I I I I I r I I I I I I I I I Labor, Materials and Pquipmeni.,_..... 6. 3-6. 3 CONTRACTORS -other. .................... ...... Laws and Regulationi_._,_.,... ...... 6.14 Contractual l,iabilitv Insurance 10 Liability insurance:...:,. . 5,4 Contractual Time L -2.2 Article or Paragraph Number Notice of variation from Contract Documents :.._ ......... ; ........................ 27 Patent Fees and Royalties Progress, Schedule _ : ....... ------- :.� ...... ....... 6.6 Record Docum en ts. - _ . .......... ....... 10 related Work. performed prior to EINGUNTEER's approval of.required submittals... submittals ; ............ 1� ................ -Safe structural ...... ................. :_6_29 ..... _ 6'. I.S Safety and Protection ...... .... I ........ 7.2. 13:2 Safety Representative-, ...... __ ............ 6.21 Schedulino the Work-........................ 6:9,2 .Shop Drawings and -Samples., ................ Shop Drawings art ' (J-Samples.RevieNv MG'IINTE by �ER ...... t_, ._._ 6.26 Site Cleantiness, '::_7.7_T_ ------------ 6.17' Submittal Procedures .................................... 6.25 5 Substitute Constructiorrklethods; and Procedure s� ....... Substitutes and "OrmEquaV Items,_,-,- Superintendence... 6.2 Supervision............. ....... ................. ...... . I Survival of Obligations ................................ 634 Taxes Test-,; and [nspertions_ ....... 13.5 To Report�_ Use of Premises- 16-6. 1 K 6:30.2.4 . Review Prior to' -Shop, Dr 1wing-or Sample Submittal .. .............. ........ '.� ......1 6. 23 Right. to adjustment for chan-ees in the W&k ...... 10. 2 right to claim. 4, 7.1, 9-4, 9.5..9.11, 1 0,2 ' L2. I ....... .J 1;9, 12. 1; 13.9� �14.8-. 15:1, 15.5. 173 Safety and Protection,,,;,,,,,,;,,,,„ 7.2, 112 Safety Representative ........ ........................... 6. .71 Shop Drawings and Samples Subm ittals....624-6,228 Special Consultants ------ 11 14:4 Substitute Construction Methods and Procedures- 6.7 ' Substitutes and "Or -Equal" Items. , Expensei ........... ... .... 6.7. Subcontractors, Suppliers and Others, ... Supervision and Super intendence . ........ 6, 1 6.2, 6.21 Taxes, Nyment.l:,y 15 Use of Premises_. Warranties and 6.30 Warranty of'fitle ................................ ...... 1413 Written Notice Required -- CONTRACTOR stop Work or,terminite ...... _ 15. 5 Reports of Differing Subsurface and .Physical Conditions ........................ 4. 2. 3 Substantial Completion .......................... _... 14.8 viii Article or Nragraph Num ber Coordination-- 00MfkA(_'TQRsresponsibility,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,, tj.9.2- Copies of Document.,; ................. Correction Period, ....... 1___ ......... Correction. Removal or Acceptance of Do ,fective Work,-- in.gcneral_ ................................. 13.10-13.14 Acceptance of De .1&clive Work.,_., ...... ............1.3.13 Correction or Removal of be clive Work,: ............................ ...630, 13.11 Correction Period ................. ...... _ ....... 13.11 OWNhR May(orrccl Defective Work.. ......... 13.14 OW`N1TR Xfiy. Stop Work ...... ....... 13.10 Cost -- .of. Tests -and Inspections..... Records 11. 7 Cost of the. Work -- Bonds and insurance, additional,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,) 1.4 5.9 Cash Discounts j . 1. 4, 2 CONITRACTOR'§ Fee 116 Employee Expenses- ... 1.4.5,1 Exclusions to 0 enera I 11. 4-11. 5 Home office and overhead expenses .................... I I.-i .Losses and damages.. ................................... 11,4.5.6 Materials and equipnient.... ....... I-— ...... I ..' ....... I L 4 .2 Minor expense3. . .......................................... Payroll costs on changes.,,__1, 11. 4. 1 performed bN-Subcoritraettii,s,-.-,,:-.,,,,.,..,,_,,,.._, 14 j -3 Records 11. 7 Rentals of construction-C(Juipjticnt and, machinery 1.4;5..'3 Royalty payments. permits its and license fees ; 11.4.5-.5 Site office and temporary facilities,;,,,,,,,,, ...... 1 1.4. 5 Special.'Consultants, CONTRACTOR's .... 1.4-4 Supplemental.......,._::..: ......... 1.4.5 Taxes related to the Work . .11.4.54 Tests and Inspection.,,,,,,.,. .............................. Trade Discounts ljtilities.'f * fuel and sanitary. facilities,.,-. J J.4,5_7 Work after regular hours,,,._, ,,,,......... I ........... 11.4; 1 Covering ... _ . _... .: ...... .......... 0.6-13.7 C urnulative RcmediLi_ -17., 5, Cutting. fitting and patching, ....... ...... 7.2 Data, to beJumished h}- OWNP'R.. ......... . Day -definition Of_ ............ _ ....... ................ 17.12 Decisions on Disputes, ............ _ ..................... 9,11, 9,12 tie .4�ctive-definit ion --------- .......... 1,14 :._ defective. Work -- Acceptance Of ...................... ................ 1O.M. 1113 W CITY Of FART cou.ws Nior)mCA-n0N*S (REV 9/99) I Correction or Removal of 10.4-1, 13-11 Correction Per in general.- ---------- -- ------- J3.14-7. 14.11 Article or PlaTagraph Number Observation by ENGINEER ................................ 9.2 ()WNER May-StopWork,, .... ............ 13.110 PromptNative otDefecis: ...... ...................... 111 Rejecting_,,_, ........... ......... Uncovering the Work ------- ------- 13-8 Definitions Delays .......... ...................... 4A, 6,29, 12.3-12.4 Delivery of Bonds.., .............. .'7 ................... - Delivery of certificates :of -insurance... ....... z...... Determinations for Unit Prices,,,,,, . " ........ .......... Differing Subsurface or Physical Conditions- 1�oticc of 4.. 2.3 FNGT.\,TF,FR!s Review,:, ..... .......... 4.2.4 Possible Contract Documents Chan2 ............ 4-2- 4; Possible Pri cc and Tim- Adjustmentis. 4. 2. 6 Discrepancies-Reporttng and Resolving =5. 112, 6,14,2 Dispute Resolution- Aereement ............................. ........ Arbitration. 16,1-16.5 genera116 Mediation........................................................16.6 Dispute Resolution Agreement ...................... .... ((5A-16.6 Disputes, Decisions by FNGINFER ................... 9.11_9, 12 Docu ments- Copiesof,...... ......... ............. ................... Record 6.19 Reuse Drawings-deftnitiqn OE.,!,�,:;:.__:-:.,-,.:4!,- t..-.;..-..-.:::,1-15 Easements -4.1 Et Teetive date of Agrement definition pf .............. j. R.) Emergencies ------- -- ---------- --------- 23 ENGINEER'-- as initial interpreter on disputes * ................ 9.11-9.12 del'initiomof ...... .......... .................... .............. 1.17 I, imitations 011 authority and rLsponsibi,litic..j ..... 9.13 Replacement of,, ..................... . I I ...•....................... &I Resident Projcct.Rcprcsentativc_ ............. .......... 9.3 ENGrNTEERs Consultant --.definition of ..................1.18 ENGINEER'57- authority and responsibility, limitations on,..,,._9A3 Authorized Viiii6tions in the-.Wbrk ......... ; ............ 0,5 Change Orders, responsibility for_,-.9.7. 10, 11, 12 (_-larificatioris and Interpretations--__--_._..._ 3.,6.3, 9.4 Decisions on Disputes 9.11-9.12 ,iqcfive Work,, notice of., ............... ................ 13-1 E-Yaluati6n of Substitute. I te ms .......................... 67.3 (1.32; 9.12 Notice Work is Acceptable ------ _14A3 observations ........ ........ ................ -.6.30:7, 9..'2 OWNMs Representative-,.... 1- .......... ......... 9, 1 PaymeriLs to the CONKMACTM Responsibility 9.9., 14 Recommendation of Payment -...- .......... j4A, 14.13 Article or Paragraph Number Responsibilities --Limitations on .... ............. 9: 1 179J3 Review of Reports on Differ-ing Subsurfiice and Physical Shop Drawings.and Samples, review responsibility...--,. ------- M.. I ................... 26 Status Dt Awing V;(ristr uct lion -- authorized variations-i- the XVork- 9.5 Clarifications and Decisions on Disputeq, ................ ; ........ 9.11-9. 1'-) Determinations on -Unit Price, ... ENGINEER ;is Initial.1ritcrPreter ........ ENGMFER's Responsibilities...,,., ......... ,Limitations on ENGINEER Authority and Responsibilities ............................. 9.13 OWNT-R.'s Representative-,,, Project Representative --------- ----------- ,_______9.3 Rjccfing DiYiective Wor ........... : ......... Shop1:)iawings, Change Orders and Paymehm-, .... .......... 9, 7-9.9 Visits to Site Unit Pricc determ inations 9. 10 Visitsto Site. .............. ....................................... 92 Writicri.consent required,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, ...... 7.2,9,1 Equipment Labor, s and 6.3,6. 5 Rquipmeril.rental, Cost of thcMdrk ........ 1 1 ...... 1 L4.5-3 Equivalent Materials and Equi pmen.t...; ........ §;7 error or vmissions,, :__0.33 EvidenceofFinaricial I Explorations of -physical conditions .......2_1 ...... 4 Fee-, CONITRACTOR`s;-Costs Plus.. ........ ) 1'6 Field' Ordcr- `definition ....... 1.19 issued by ENGINEER ............................ 3.6.1.();5 Final .Application for Pmqnen! ......... 4.12 .Final Inspecti,oll ....... ........ 0 ................. Final Pa)Tient-- and Acceptance,.,., ..................... 14.13-14-14 Prior to, for cash allowances.............:.................I 1-8 General Provisions 173-17A General Requirement-,- -deflAition or ........................................ ............ j: 20 principal references tQ ............. ,�!:fj',6.4, 6:6-6.7_6.24 Giving Notice... ........... 7.1 Guarantee of Work7-by QOINTTMGTOR _jG.3(! 14-1'7 - 7 Hia7ard Cornmunication Program....... .... ............ 6,22 11mrdous W aste- dc&itioh,of ........................................ J.21 general.................... ------------- ...... ---- 4-5 OWNER's responsibility for ................ I .............. 8-10 EJCW UUNUCAL COINDMONS. 1910 -8 (1990 EDITION) .%Y/ CITY OF FORT COUINN 97993, I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Indemnification.-,.,,,-,,,- ... 1. 1. � ... 6: 1 Z 6.16, 631 -633 Initially Acceptable .9chc'dules.,__.,.,.;2.9 Inspection - Certificates of.., 134 115, 14.12 Final Article or Paragraph Num her Special. required byENGl_'1\T_-ER ......................... 9.6 Tests and ._,8_7. 13.3-13.4. Insurance - Acceptance of, by OWNtER ..................... ......... 5,14 Additional, required by changes in the Work,------ .. ................ ... .Before starting the Work....,_......,.- ........... ' .2,7- Bonds and --in general ....... .......... ........... * ......... Cancellation Provisions .............. ...................... 5.8 .Certificates of. 7 15,5.3, 5.4, 5,8. i, 14, 9,13.4, 14,12 completed operations....., .................... .......... 5.4.13 CONTRACTOWs Liability"I.I.. I—— ...... I ....... 5.4 CONITR-ACTOR's objection to coverage_ Contractual Liability_.__-...... ------- ** ------ * ------- ----- SAW deductible amounts, C01\�TRACTOR's responsibility .... _ ................................ Final Application for payment. . ............. ......... I 14. 1 Z '2 Licensed Insurers Notice icquirem.cnis, materiul.changes ........ 518, 10.5 Option to Replace......_....._.... ........ ............ . 5: 14 other special insuranec.5 ................. .......... 5.11) OWNER as fiduciary for insureds 5. 12-5: 13 OWNTFR's Liability_ ,................... O�\n\TER's Responsibility ......................... ........... $:5 Partial Utilization. Property Insurance.- 5.15 Property --- ;.1..Z ............ k.._.__16-.S. 10 Receipt and Application of insurance Proceeds... ................................. �-5, 13 Spccial Insurance-,- .................... ..... 5,10 Waiver of Rjahts .Intent of Contract Documents'""'*"**""" * .. ......... 3; 1 -3.4 interpretations and Clarifications" ................., 9,4 Investigations of'physical conditions ... 4.2 ...................... Labor, Materials and Equipment,.., .............. 03-6_5 Lands -- and Easements,,_,,,.., ..................... 9.4 Availability Of .... _ ................. _ ............ Al. 8.42 Reports and Tests,_--- .............. $.4 Laws and Regulations --Laws or Regulations" Bonds ................... Chanacs in the Work Contract Documents..,,- CO3L%rrkAC71'0R's Responsibilities,,,,,,,,.,, 6.1.4 Correction Period; defective Work .................... . 13,12 Cost of the Work. taxes A.A. 4 definition of .......... -------- ........ ........... ---- J.22 gencra16.14 Indemnification......... ................ ....... .... 6.31-6.33 Insurance 53 .precedence ___ .......... --------- -------- -3. L 3.3.3 Reference to,, ... 33.1 Surety and Protect i6n__ --------- ...... 132 Subcontractors, Suppliers and Others 6.8-6,11 Article or paragraph Number Tests and Inspections'..... -I 115 Use ....... ............ 6.16 Visits to Site....,-._ . ............ Liability Insurance-- CONTRACTCIR's........................................ 5A OWNER'S -" ............. 4; i Licensed Sureties and Insurers..----------- 5.3 Liens= - Application for Progress Pay"Ment...... CONTRACTOR's Warranty: of Title- ...... Final Application -for Paymentient,__, ......... 14,11- definition of Waiver Of Claims.._ ............14.15 Limitations on EN11031-NEER's authority and responsibilities.._._.. Lim ited Reliance. by CONTRACTOR Authorized 2 7 Maintenance and ()perhting, 14anuals_ Final Application -for Payment_, 4. 12 Manuals of others) -- Precedence ....... ......................................333.1 Reference to in Contract. DocumcnL5 ..................33.1 Materials and equipment -- furnished by .................... 6,3 not incorporated in Wort: .................. 14.2 Materials or Mediation (Pptional)__ ...... ---- - 16.7 M ilestonCS7-dc fin it ion ol .......... I., ....... t24 -Misceilancous- Computation of Times ... J 7.2 Cumulative Remedies ............ ......... ,--------- 17.4 GiVing Notice, ............. .............................. 17.1 Notice'of Claim.. ........................ ...................... 17-3 Professional Fees and Court Ccrsts.lncludcd ......... 17_5 'Multl-prime COntrRCtS ....... Not Shown or Indicated Notice Of— Acceptability.of Project. I_,.,..,_...... ...... 14.13 Award, 1-25 Claim ........... .......... 3.73 : Defects, 13.1 Differing Subsurface or PhysicaltCorditions .... 4.2-3 Giving 1.7.1 Tests and Inspection$; ........................ I ................ 13-3 Variation, Shop Drawing -and Sample., ............... 6.27 -Notice to Proceed -- definition of ................ ...................... ............. .1.26 giving of .9 1 ........ .......................... .................... I UMCCENUCAL C0NDrrt0Nnt910-s (1990 w/ CITY OF FOU occt.m7s MODIFICATIONS (kF.V 9/10) I Notification to Surety ....... 1 015 Qbservations.. by ENGINE.ER ........ * 630,'9,2 Occupancy of the Work ....... _ .......... 5,45.-6.30:2.4. 14, 10 Omissions or acts by CONTRACTOR.,,:,,._;-: A9. 9_1 3 Open Peril policy form, lnsurance_.......................5.52 Option to Replace ............................... ............ 14 Article or Paragraph. I Num ber "Or Equal" Items .......................... ................. 6.7 Other work 7 Overtime 1Vork,prohibition of_.,_-,-;:.:.....................03 m"j Acceptance of defective Work .......................... ...... j3.13 appoint an ENGINEER .......... as fiduciary,_,._, .... _ ... ...... : ...... __.i. 12-5,13 Availability of Lands-.. responsibilityy. ........ ,; ........... 4.1 definition o( ....... z ........ .......................... 1.27 data, furnish-.... .3 NInv Correct Wective Work.., , .... ........ ;.: ........ 13,14 May refuse to make payment..,...:........................ 114-7 May Stop the \Vork .......... ......................... ... 13, 10 May Suspend Work, Tenuinate. .............. J,S, 13.10, 1511-15.4 PapTlent, make prompt ....... — ........... M.3,.14.41 14,13 perf(x-manw of other work, .................... ........ 7.1 permits and liclenses,,,requirements.,..-,.,,..,,,-,,,,-§.13 purchased insurance requirements..... ........ i.6-5: 10 Ok\'NER!s-- Acceptance of the Work, ......... . .................. 6.30.2. 5 Change Orders, obligation to exccutt: ... ...... 8.6, 10.4 Communicationq .............. .............. ............. 8.1 Coordination ofthcAVork-,.. . . .......................... 7-4 Disputes, request for -decision.... ........................ 9-11 Inspections tests and 13.4 Liability In5urance— ... -5-5 Notice orDefecLs ........ J3.1 Representative --During Construction, ENGINEER's SiatUJS ..................... 9.1 Responsibilities -- Asbestos. PCBs. Pe ' troleum., Hazardous, Waste or Radioactive Material ................ 8.10 Change Drdcrs .......... ............. I .......... Changes in the. Work.,_, communications..-.-, .... ........................... CONTRACTOR's responsibilities,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8.9 evidence of financial-arraneements-,_... ....... 8. H inspections, tests and approvals_ ......... 7 uisurance ................................... lands and easements ..... .......... .......... . NA pMTpt payment by.,_ replaciment of ENGINEER ---------- ........... reports:ancl tests ..................................... :, _ _ 8A stop or suspend Work,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,; 13-10. 15'1 terminate a)NTRACTOR's. .. ............ ................. services -------- sis, I separate representative at site,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,, 9-3 testing, independent .............. ___ ............... _.. 1 3A Use or occupancy I of the Work-� ------------ ........... 5. 15; 6.30:2.41. 14. If) written consent or approval required ........................................ :9,1, 6.3. 1.1.4 xi EJCDC GLNUCAL CONDITIONS 1910.8 (1990 LDMON) %Y/ C& OF FORT COLUNS I I I I I I I F1 I I I I I I n I I I Article or Paragraph Number written notice reqpired._,, 9A, 9711. .......................11 2, l L9, 14-7. 15,4 definition of ._ .... .... : .......... 1.29 general.... ................................................... ..... 4,5 OWNER's responsibility .................... •10 'Partial Utilization - definition J. 2 8 genert116,30,2.4, 14.10 Property Insurance .... ......... ........... 15 Patent Fees and Royalties- ... ................................. 6.12 Payment Bonds ........... ...... 1-5.21 Payments. Recommendation of-,,.,., 7,:.:14, . 4= 14.7, 14.13 Payments to CONITRACTOR.and Completion - Application for ProgressPayments ............. ...... 141:2 COINTRACTOR's Warranty of *I:Itic.,_. ............ _ ' 14.3 Final.Appl ication for PaYm ent .............. ........... )4,12 Final Inspection... .... I .... ...................... . .......... 14-11 Final Payment and Acepwnc� ...... 4,13-14.14 general .......... 14 Partial Utilization -------- -- 14.10 Retainage ......................................................I...14.2. Review ol'Applications for Progress Payments_,._,.. ...... ..14.4714.7 prompt payment..., _ ayment..... Schedule of Values ..................... 14.1 SubstantiM Completion ............................... 14,9- 14.9 Waiver of Claims ..... .......... ................ ........... 14:15. when payments due ........................... ...... 14A, 14.13 withholding.pa)Tnent.". .... .......:...........14.7 . Performance ]Jonds Perm its ............ 1_6. 13 Petroleum - definition of •-30' * ....... ............. ................ ; ......... general .............. ................ ....................... 4,5 OWNER's responsibilitykv ............. ......... 10 Physical Conditions -- _8. Drawings oL in or relating to ................. 4. -1. 1. 2 ENGNEER's review 4. 2.4 existing structures... .............. ------------- general 4-2.1,2-,... .................... Notice of Differing Subsurface or.... ..... ....... ... 4.2.3 Possible Contract Documents Change _: .............1.15 Possible Price and Times AdjUstmenits., 4.16 Reports and Drawings, .......... ......................... :4.2, 1 Subsurface and ........ ........ .Subsurface Conditions- : ........... ...... _ .4:2. LI Technical Data, Limited ReIiiince by CONTRACTOR Authorized,..... ...... .... Al2 Underground Facilities= - general....................................................... _4. 3 Not Shown or Indiefted ... .:._: ............... 1 A2 protection of .........................................4.3, 74 6.20 xi .Article or Paragraph Number Shown or Indicated, 43.1 Technical Data ....... 4-2 2 .Preconstruction Conference 1. 8 Preliminan; khttees ---------- --------- l1rel im inary Schedules - .... I ..... I ........ I., ................. ..... .. 6 premises, Use of ' ........... 13 Price, Change of Contract ................ - ...... Price, Contract --definition "'0i ............ Progress Payment, Applications fur._,._..,,,. Progress I?ayment--rctainag;......... 14.2 Progress.scheduk, CONTRACTOR's,.; ......... 6t 2; 8, 2 -9, Project -definition •1-31 Project Representative- ENGINEER's Status.During Constructioit ... ;__-.9.3 Project Representative, Resident -definition of-, 1.33 prompt paym6t by OWNFR...; ................... ; .......... $3 property Insurance - Additional generaI5.6-5. 10 Partial Utilization._.___-__ 14. M2 reecipt,and application of proceeds .............. i- 1 1-5,13 Protection, Safetyand ... ;; ...... : .................. 6:26-6.21, 13.2 Punch list Radioactive Material- -defintiaii of-1-.1- ............... .......................... 1,32 genera14,5 OWNER's responsibility for ........................... -.8.10 Recommendation q ' of Payme................. 14.4,'l 4. 3, 14.13 Record Documents ...... ...... .................... 6-M 14,17 Records procedures form aintaining..; ........................ ).8 Reference Points ................ 4.4 Reference to Standards and -Specifications of Technical Societies Regulations, Lnws and ................ ................. 6.14 ltcic&ing Defecfive W&k- Related Work - all Site ................... .............. ..................... 7.1-7.3 Performed prior to Shop Drawings and Samples submittals revievv: .................. G: 28 Remedies, cutnulative 174, 17.5 ,Removal or Correction ofDqfecfiveW6rk .... ....... rental agreements, 01VINER approval required .... � replacement of EINMNIEER, by O\VNER...._._ 8.2 Reporting,and Resolving Discrepancies,,....... .........................215, 3.3.2, 6.14, _1 .Reports -- a - nd Drawings. .............. --------- 4.2.1 and Tests, 0WINTER's responsibility_,,,. Resident and Project Representative---' definition of ...................................................... 1.33 provision for ................................. ........ ....... ; .......... 9-3 L,JC.DCGL,-NLP-A.LCO1'DI-I'10i,'$]9lO-Stl99 IMMO,4) w/ CTTY tY FORT COLl.rN1.S\,iOD1F1CAn0NS (REV 9199) I Article or Paragraph Number. Resident Superintendent, C(-7KTRACT(-)Rs.,,,,,......,,,6.2 Responsibilities CONTRACTORs- in general ......... ........ ....... (3 ENGINEER's-in general„,,,,,,,,,,,,, ................ 9 Limitations on., ....................................... :...9_13 OWNER's-in general._. __ i._ !__ ........ ------ 8 Retainage ------- _." ........... Rcusc of Documients, ...... .................. Review by CONTRACTOR: Shop Drawings and Samples Prior to Submittal ............... 6.25 Reviexv.of Applications for Progress Payments ............... ......... ;..:14.4-14.7 Right to,an adjustment,, ........ ....... __ ................. 10.2 Rights of Way..-------------------------- -- --...........--- ...---- 4.1 Royalties, Patent Fees and ........... .............. ...........6.12 Safe Structural Loading .............. .................. 6.119 SH fety_ and Protection, 7:2 13-2 general .................. ; ........ ...................... 6.20-6,23 .P,co,rL,schtative,.CO'.N-rRAC.TOR's...; ... a ....... I ....... 6:21 Samples -- definition of general.................................................... Review by CONTRACTOR ............................... _6.25) Review by ENCUNFEV ......... .................... (,.26, 6.27 related Work .....................................................� 28 :siibmittal of ........... * .................. ............ 6:24.2 submittal. procedurcs.........................................6.25 'Schedule of progress.,.,,., 2.&2.9 6.6. Schedule of Shop Drawing,and Sample Submittals . '). .........................— 6, -. '.� Schedule of Values 2..6 2.8-191 14.1 Schedules-- Adherence to .................................................. 152. 1 Adjusting............ :_ ............................. ; .............. 6:6 Change of Contract Time*.................................10.4 Initially Accept able,,:_„-__,,,,,,,,;,,,; :.18, 2.9 PreI,iminary ..... .......... ............ ......... _..................2.6 Scope of Changes .......... .................... 10.3-10.4 Subsurface Conditions: ............... ................ Shop Drawings -- and Samples, general ............. .............. 6,24-6.28 Change Orders S-- Applications for Payments, anck --------- definition of PINGI N1 EER's.qpproval of- 3_6_2 ENGENEER'§ responsibility. far review ........ ............................ 9, 7. 6. 24-6.28 related Work --------------------- _ -(,. 2 8 review procedures ............... ............ ..... 2. N,. 6..24-6:28 x6i Article or Paragraph Number su.brn itot I.requ ired .......... : ...............6.24.1 Submittal Procedures 6.25 use to approve substitutions,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,_-__ - 6.73 Shown or Indicated 1 ............................................... 4.3,1 SiteAccess ............... ; ................... ...... E .... 7,1 112 Site Cleanliness......_.. ...................... ...... ............... 0.17 Site, Visits to — by ENGFNTEER 112 byothers. . ............................. _ ........... ........... 13,2 .specill,causes of loss" policy form, insurance 5. 6. 21 definition gf ......... _1:36 Speci fica t ions-- defination.of .... . . ................... J,36 of Technical Societies, reference to __.3.3.1 precedence `;_ ........ ; ..... ....... _:.: ...................... 33.3 Standards and Specifications Of Technical Societies .................. ....................... 33 Starting. Construction, Before -- �".52.8 _2 Starting the Work, .. .... ....2.4 Stop or Suspend Wdik by CONTRACTOR ............................ 15.5 OWNER 15.1 Storage of materials and 7.21 Structural Loading, Safety ...................... :.; .......... 6. 18% Subcontractor— Concerning :..................................... ...... definition of .......... ............ ...... I ......... 1.37 delays....... .............. ...... ; ................. waiver of rights.................................................6.11 Subcontractors --in general.-.,...._„-„ ......:.:.. 6.876.11 Subcontracts -required provisions 5,11, 6.11, 11.4.3 Subm ittals" Applications for Payment ......................... ........ 14,2 Miiinterimcc and Operation Manuals.-..____- -- ........ ..... 6:2) 5 Progress Schedules .... I ............................. 2;9 Samples_ ................... ; ..................... ........ 0.24-6:28 Schedule of'Value ................ ....... ................ 2.6, 14.1 Schedule of Shop Drawings and Samples Submissions........._ ................. Shop Drawings.....:,...... .......... ........ .,.6.24-6.28 Substantial Completion certification 14,8-14-9 definition of ................................... ................. ).38 Submitute,Construction Methods Or Procedures, ....... 6.7.2 Substitutes and "Of Equal" Items 6.7 CONTRACTOR I s Ex , , - P, E'1\1GH.qFF.R`s Evaluation-.. , ........... ....... 6.73 "(fir -Equal ....... .................. ........... ............. 6.7. 1 . I Substitute Construction Methods tucw wi-atAL com)mbNS 1910.8 Q990EDHIOM wl dTY OF FORT COLLINS MODIRC'ATKANB'�TTV 909) ' informalities and irregularities therein. Bid security in the amount of not less than 5% of the total Bid must accompany each Bid in the form specified in the Instructions to Bidders. Sales Prohibited/Conflict of Interest: No officer, employee, or member of City ' Council, shall have a financial interest in the sale to the City of any real or personal property, equipment, material, supplies or services where such officer or employee exercises directly or indirectly any decision -making ' authority concerning such sale or any supervisory authority over the services to be rendered. This rule also applies to subcontracts with the City. Soliciting or accepting any gift, gratuity favor, entertainment, kickback or any items of monetary value from any person who has or is seeking to do '. business with the City of Fort Collins is prohibited 1 City of Fort Collins 1 By James B. O'Neill, II, CPPO, FNIGP Purchasing & Risk Management Director Rev 10/20/07 Section 00020 Page 2 11 Article or Paragraph Number ar PI`OG�durCS.......... 7, Substitute Items Subsurface and Physical.Conditions-- Drawings oL in.or relating to,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,,;,, ENGINTEER's Review ................... ....... ......... a.2.4 general_, ...........:_.....:_..I..........:.:_.:...,:.:_::.4? Lunited Reliance by CON -TRACTOR Authorized-.-. I.4.2.2 Notice of Differing Subsurface or Physical Conditions.. ------- . ..... 4.2.3 ............... Physical Conditions-..,.- ........ ,. 4.2.L2 Possible Contract Documents Change_,.,,,,,,,,.„., Possible Price andTimes Adjustments_„_......._,_,p.2.6 Reports and Drawings_-.:._..... 4.21 Subsurface and. Subsurface Conditions at -the Site,,.,-,.,,--„. .„4.2_1.I Technical Data ............. ..................... 2. Supervision- CONTRACTOR's responsibility__",-____ ¢;I OWNE-Rshall not supervIse.:.............. ................ FNGINFER shall not supen•isc................ 9.'Z 9.13:'- Superintendence_ 6 2 SuperinACTOR's resident. ,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,t.2 Supplemental costs ......................... •,,,,,,,, 1.4.5 Supplementary Conditions -- definition of ...................................... 1.39 principal references to..................1.107 1.18. 2.2, 2,7, a =- 4.3, 5.1, 5:3, 5.4, 5.6-i.0, 5.11. 6.8, 6.13. 7.4; 8.11. 9.3, 9.10 Supplementing Contract Ducuments.,- - 3.6 -- Supplier definition of principal referenecs to........., 3.7, 6.5, (.;,8-6.11, 6.20, ...............................::... fi.24, 4,13, 14.12 Waiver of Rights_ ...... . 6.11 Surety - consent to final payment ........................ 14.12, 14.14 ENC.iNFERhas nodutvto:..•,..,-,,,,,,•--„,,,,,,_ Not Of 1............ ......... °......_....10-1, 10;5. 15,2 qualification of......:. -, .,_,. 5,1-5. Survival of Obligations:..............I.... 1.1.. I . 6.34 Suspend Wark,OWNER May .,.,-.-_,.,. _--13.1Ct.15.1 Suspension of Work - and Termination-,.._ CONTRACTOR Miry Stop Work or Terminate ................. .-..15:,5 OWNER May Suspend Work ...... .......... .. 15.1 OV,NI ER Mav Terminate;...__. .:..... ..........:.:.15:?-15.4 faxes --Payment by CONTI:AC'MR............... 0.15 Technical Data -- Limited Reliance by CONTRACTOR ..................4.2.2 Possible Price send Times.Adjustments.----__,__-_4.2,6 Reports of DilTering Subsurface and Physical Conditions-, ........... ...... 4.? 3 AV. Temporary construction facilities. 4.1 Article or Paragraph Number Termination - by CON7TRAC'1'0R------- 15,5 by OWNER .............................:......... a.8; 15 1-15.4 of ENGI NEER's"emplovtn Pill .......... . ....... . ......... .8:2 Suspension of Work=in,generaj .............................15 'terms and Adjectives;,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,_,_-:.,::._..,.:,:._:.:.::_.3.4 Tests and Inspections -- Access to the. Work-, by others " 13.2 CONTRAC'TOR's responsibilities :. ...........•._....,13.5 cost of hA covering Work prior to, ..... „_...- _. --I3.6-13.7 Laws and Regulations (or) ............................... 13`.5 Notice of Defects.._, , _,,,...13.1 OWN FR Nlay Stop Work,_._ _ _ .13,10 OWNER's independent testing...., ............. .......... 13.4 special, required by ENGINEF'R-,•.-,„ ........... timely notice required ...... ........ ................. ........ 13.4 Uncovering 1heWork, at ENGIi i .ER's request_,.... ----- es-- Adjustin&...................... ............ ........................ G.6 Change of Contract.__._ ......... , Compulation of_......- ...........:..... -:.........._..,...:17.2 Contract Times --definition of . ................... 1.12 day .......... ......._.................- ....................... 17.2.2 milestones ................... 12 Requirements-- aPpcals..... ................ ...................:........ y-10, 16 clarifications, ciaims.and disputes,;,,U.I 1. 1 1,1, 12 Commencement of Contract.Times." ...:.::........ 2.3 Preconstructiim Conference -2 8 schedules .......................... ........ 2,6, 2.9, 6.6 :Starting the Work._. .........".:...._.,. 7.4 Title, Warranty of ............ ........-_,;, .......... Llncoverntg Work ....................... :...... I..:..:13.8-13.9 Underground Facilities, Physical Conditions - definition of .:.....................:...:......:................. 1..41 Not Shown a Indicated _.." _. _ 4.3:2 protection,of ........ ......... ........................ 1.3, fi:?0 Shown of fndicated........... ...........4.3.1 Unit Price Work - claims ..., . , 11-9.3 definition of ,....,..L...................... 1,42 generall'1:9, 14.1, 14:5 Unit Prices -- general 1 1.3.1 Determination for .. .......6,16: 9,10 Use of Premises..,. 6,18, 6.30?.4 Utility owners ................. ......... 6.13, 6.20, 7.1-7.3, 13.2 Utilization; Partial.-.,_._-__ ........ 1,28. 5.15,; 14.10 Value of the Work •.........................._........, ............... 11.3 Values. Schedule ol;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„-,,,..._.6. . 2.8-2.9. 14:1 EJCDCGLNBCAL CONDITIONS.1910-8 (191)Q L1N11ON1 wl CITY OF FORT COI:I.m-, MODIFICATIONS (REV 9/99t I Variations in Work--Nlinor Authorized ....... 6.25, 6.27, 9.5 Article or Paragraph Number Visits to Site: -by ENGL\,TEER .......... ........................ 9.2 Waiver of'Clainis--on Final --------- 14.15 Waiver.of Rights,hy insured parties., ...... .......... 35. 117 6.11 Warrant,\, and GuaranEeeGeneraI--bv CCN"TRACTOR_.. ............ ........ 11 .................... 6.30 Warraniv of Title, Work — Access to ......... ............ .................. 13.? byothers ......................... ....... ............. 7 Changes in the. Continuing the .......... ..........• 6.29 CONTRACTOR May Stop Work or Terminate ................. : ...... ....................... ),;.i Coordination of ...... :.: ......... 7A Cost of the ......... ; .......... .................. )1,4-11:5 definition ................ I.A.1 neglected by CONTRACTOR .......................... 13.14 other Work..,,..._.....,., _...7 -OWNER N4a% ' Stop Work . ........... 1110 0%VNFR May Suspend Work ................... j 3.10, 15.1 Related, Work at Site ........ ............................ 7.1-7.3 Starting the, 14 Stopping by ...... 0.5 Stopping by OWNER .... ; ............................ 15. 1 = 15.4 Variation and deviation authorized. minor ........... 3.6 Work Change Directive -- claims pursuint to ............................................. )();2 definition - ,of, ....... ....... ............... _ .......... __..!_44 principal references to ............ I ........3.55.3. 10, 1 - 10.2 Written Amendment -- definition ....... ...... 4 5, princip,11 references to_ ......... 1: 10, 315, 5:10,15 . 12 ........... ( , 6. '). 6;8: 2, 6, 19, 10. 1, 1 0,�, I : 1 12.1, 13,12.2, 14.7.2_ Written Clarifications and lnterprctutions,___, 3.6.1-9.4. 9.11 Wriiten Notice Required- by CONTRACTOR ..................... ............. by OWNER ........ -9A 1, 10.4, 11 _1 13.14 kv EJCDC MNI�J(AL CONDITIONS 1910.8 (1990 EDM ON.) %v/ an- OF FORT COLLIN'S MODIFICATIONS (RFV 9199) I I I I I I I I I I I 11 I I I (This Page left blank'intcnt onally) bwc�cashI7k-AL coxbr noN&i qio-$.{I:99Q LvrnoNl wf CiTY S7F FS?RT•G�aLS.Ti�fi'1NGfiIFiCi177citvS (RFV:7ti`ii GENERAL CONDITIONS ARTICLE IL -DM, \\ herever used in these General Conditions or in the other Contract' Documents the following terms have the meanings indicated which arc applicable to both the singular and plural thereof. - I.). ,addenda —Written or graphic instruments issued prior to the opening of Bids which clarif -, correct or change. the 13idding Recidirements or the Contract Mmment.s. 1.2. .vlgreenrent—The:wrinencontract hct\vccn OW.N6R. and CONTRACTOR cove ruL .the Work to be performed; other. E'.ono-act 'Documems arc attached to the Agreement and madeva part thereof asprovided therein. 1.3. :applicatirnr *lbr PavnlLnl—The farm accepted by I NTIN13PR which is to be used by CONTRACTOR in requesting progress or final payments and which is to he accompanied by such supporting documentation as is mquiredby the Contract Documents. 1.4, :is-henos-Any material that contains more than one percent asbastos and is friable or is releasing ashcstos fitters. into the air above current action .levels established by the Clnitcd States Occupational Safay and Health Administration. 1.5, Rid -The offer or.proposal of'the bidder sulxniited on the prescribed form setting. forth the prices for the \York to be -performed. 1,6. Biddi i$_ Docimrerrls—The advertisement or mvltmion to Bid, instruction to bidders, the Bid 1'ormi.and the proposed Contract D'cx;uments (including all Addenda issued prior to receipt of Bids). 1-7. Blddtng Recpjirenzerlte--The .advertisement or invitation`to Bid; instructions to bidders, and the Bid form: 1.8: Bondi>Perfonnartce.and Payment bonds and other instruments of -security. I.9. Change Order —A, document recommended by LNGL,rEER which is sitned by CONTRACTOR and OWNEh.and authorizes an adiiition. deletion or revision in the Work, or, an acliustment in the Contract Price or the Contract Timcs,;issued on or alter the Effective Dataof the Agreement. 1.10. C:onlrycl Dociimenls—The iucement, Addenda (which pertain. to the Contract Documents): Crj)\1TRACf0R's Bid (including documentation accompanying- the Bid and any post Bid documentation submitted prior to the Notice- of Award) when attached as .an exhibit to the Agreement, the Notice. to Proceed, the Burins, these General Conditions, the Suolementary Conditions,. the 'Specifications and the Drawings as the E.ICDCGE,Rol.CONDITtOtst9tU-st 5oEdtimr w/CHT OF FORTGYtLLINSMODa7CATIONS(REV4rfj00) same are more specifically identified in the Agreement. toeether with all Written Amendments. Change Orders, Work Change Directives, Field Orders and ENGINEERN written interprictations and clarifications issued pursuant to paragaph5 3.6. 16.1 and 3:6.3` en or after the. Effective ,Date of the Agreement. Shop Drawing submittals approved ,pursuant to paragraphs -6.26 and 6.27 and the reports and drawings referred, to .in paragraphs 4 2.1 and 4? 2 are nut Contract.Documents, 111. Gbwracl Price —The moneys payable by r7\\ti ER to CONTRACTGR for completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents as.stated in the Agreement (subject, to the provisions of paragraph 1.1:9.1 in the case of Unit Price Work*); 1,1^_. C'onhacl Times-'fhe numbers of days or the dates seated in the Agreement: (i) to ,achieve Substantial Completion. and (ii) tp armplew the 1\`ork so that it is ready for final payment as evidenced by ENGINEF.ws written recommendation of final payment in accordance with paragraph 14.13. 1 11 C70•'V77(.I(1Y)R--The person, first or. corporation with whom OWNER has entered into the Agreement. 1.14. drfecth,e—an adjective which when modifying the word Work refers to Work that is unsatisfactory, faulty or deficient in that it does not confomr to the Contract I)ocuments, or does not meet the requirements of any inspection reference standard, test or approval .referred to in the Contract Documcnts or has been damaged prior to ENG114EER's recommendation• of final .payment (unless responsibility for the protection thereof has been assumed by 0W1%TER at Suiistztntital Completion in accordance wide lxlragraph 14.8 or 14,1% 1.15: Drawings --The drawings which show die scope, extent and character of the Work- to be fur_ ished and performed by CONTRACTOR and which Have been prepared or approved by ENG lNEER ink are referred to in the Contract Documents, Shop drawings are. not 1_Dmwings as so defined. l:lb_ Ef give Date of the Agreement --The date indicatedin the A&eementon which it becof es: effective, bin if no such date is indicated it.means the date on which the Agreement is signed and delivered by the last of the two panies:io sim and deliver. 1.17: EMGINFER-The person, firm or corporation named as such in the Agreement. 1.15: Ei\.rGIN ER's Colrwltaiil--A person. firm or corporation having a contract with.)✓I�iGCNELR to furnish services as ENGIATER's independent professional associate or consultant with respect to, lhe: Prgi61 and who is idendfi;zd as such in the Supplementary Conditions. 1.19: I field Under -A written order issued by ENGENMER which orders minor chandcs in the Work in accordance ttvAh para0iph,9.5 buttvhichAocsnot involve a. change in the Contract Price. or the'ConimctTime-. FI Il 11 1.20. of Division I of the Specifications. I,? I Nazardorts.Waste-The term IlaGtrdous t1'asie shall have thc,me.anirg prottded'in Sectibn 1004 oNhe Solid lVaste Disposal Act (42 USC'Section.63tt3) as amended from time to time: 1:22.a. Late and Regulatimu: Lamm or Regulations --Any and all applicable laws. rules, rcgulations. ordinances cones and 'order.", oC'anv and'�all god mmcntal bodies. -agencies, authorities and.courts hraviingjurisdiclion 1 22.b. Lrgdll(olitlays=shall be those Holidays observed by the City of Fort Colliris_ 1.23, Liens -Liens, charges, security interests or. �cn.:umbranccs upim real prop><-rty or personal property. 1-^ 1. Mlilestone--A., principal event . specified in the Cuntntct Dcx intents reI feint to an intermediate completion 'date Pr .time. prior to Substantial Completion of all the Work. 1 35 Notice ofAwaril—A written notice by OV NF:R. to tl c'aplxtrent 3uca l'ul•hiddersutting that upon compliance hey the apparent successful bidder with 'the, conditions precedent enumerated therein; within ihe'tuno`specilicd, '0yl414 R Will sign arufdeliiver-the Agreement. 1?6. .Notice to Pivee&P-A written notice given M? OWNER to CCU d FF-AC I CAR (with a copy io FNGiIJl:F.RI ftxi die, date :on which _the Contract Times will -commence to -run and on which.CC7 9RAC T,OR.ball start to txi-fonn CONi lZAC'Tc�R'S ohlientiorn 'wiper the ContinctDcocuments, L27. 01VAIER-The public body or authority, Corporation, association, firm or person with whom CONITRACTOR has entered into the Agreement and -for whom the Work is.to be:provided ! 28. Partial Utilization -Use by Ol«Z72. of a sulustantfatly completed .rzut�oflhe 1Vorh for the purpose Ior which it is gtiended (bra related purpose) prior to Substantial Complet im of all the Work 1.29. PCBs —Polychlorinated biphenyls. 1.30, Petr',oleum--Petroleum, including .crude, oil or anv fraction theTa)f which is liquid 'at standard conditions of temperature .and pressure (64. degrees 'Fahreriheit and 14:7 pounds per square inch absolute), such as oil. petroleum; fuel oil. -oil sludge:. oil rcf ise: gasoline. kerosene and oil mixixl with othermza on-flardous Wastesund.crude oils: 1:31: Project -The total corutruclibn-of 'which the Work to be provided Under the Contract Documents may be the. whole, or a pan' •as indicated elsewhere in the Contract Documcrits. 1 3_,a..Ra&uactn•e hUatenal-Source: special nuclear: or byproduct material as defined �c,dia Atomic Energy. Act of 1•:.1C�JCCtE`�'R.•U:.C:ODUITICr;.s t41tl-ttllyl0�.c�tim) w/ 0TY Or PORT jCOLLIM MODIFIC 1TiONS f,kGV.-10ONi) 1954 (42.6TSC ,Section 20.11 et seq;) .as amended from time- to time: 132.1). ReZular [Morkiny. Noun•-Repular workime hours are defined as 7Mftitrn to 6:00i n unless otherwise •spycitied in the General Reggirements., 1.33, Residetil. Project Represenlaiive=Theauthorized representative of'ENTGINEER who may be ass"imed to the site or'any pan thereof 1.34.. Samples"Physical ceamples of materials. equipment, or workmanship that are representative of -'sonic, portion of the Work and which establish the standards .by which such portion of the Work will he judged. 1.35: ,Shop Orastings—all drnwines, diaerams, illustratians, schedules ' and other data or information which arc spccttically.prepared or assembled by or for CONITI-ACTOR .aria .submitted by CONIRArTC)R to -illustrate some portion of the. Wofk. 136: Specifications those. portions of the (contract Documents.coneisting of nvritten technical descriptions of materiels, equipment, construction syst6m, standards and wtvkmare.hip• as •applied to the Work. and certain admin strttive details applithhle thereto: 1:37: Subconhactor=Ate individual, firm orcorporntion having a direct contract with CONi RACTOR or. with anv other :Subcontractor for the. per brmancc of -a part of the tNeuk at the site. 1 38, sahstmrtial' Complelion-=The Work, (or a specified part. thereof) has prcgrzs_sed to the pointwhere. in. 'the opinion of ENG12JFl h. as evidenced by :LI�1GM-ER's 'defintitive certificate of Suhstamial Completion it is sufficiently complete, in accordance. with the Contract Documents, solh-It the Work for specllied hut) un he utilized fir the pinI)pses for which it is intended;. or if no such certificate 'is issued; When the Work is complete and ready for final _payment as evidenced by FNIO NEFR's written recommendation of fbial payment in accordance tt nth paragraph 14' .13; The terries "suhsuintially complete" and "sutistimtially COMPleted" as applied to all or p'aii of the. Work, reter to Subslatttial'C:ompl enter thereof 139_ Supplemenian, Condilivrrs•=The pap of- the Ctritmet Dilcuttments which amendsbrsupplemtnts these. General C onditioris. 1.40, Supplier -A manufacturer, fabricator. supplier. distributor, m.iterhilman,nr:vendor ha'virig it direct contract Willi' CONMACTOR or with any. Subcontractor to 'furnish materials or equip inent •to be int.•orporateil :in the Work by CONTRACTOR-6t any -Subcontractor. 1:4L Undergnzooid Fircilities—All pipelines, conduits, ducts. cables nvires: manholes; vaults, titnks, tunnels or other such facilities: or attac_htnents.,and any encasements contacting' such facilities which 'have been installedunderground.to furnish,any of the following Qervices or materials- electricity, gases stetnt, liquid :petroleum products,. telephone or other communications_ cable tel6ision. sewage and drainage removal. traffic or other control systems nr tvater. i.42, !brit Price.4lfori=ll(cvl .to he raid f6r.on the htsis of unit prices. 1,43,. Rjot*--The entire completed construction or the various separately identifiable parts thereof•required to be furnished under the Contract Documents. Work- includes and is the result of performing or fumishiric labor and. furnishing and mconi ing materials and equipment into the constructiom and performing or furnishing services and furnishing ..doIcumerim all ns required b} the Contract Documents. 1,44, Jf%ark: Change Directive -A written directive to CONTRACTOR. issued on or••afler the Effective Tate of the Agreement. and:signed byOWNFR and recommended by ENGIIrIMP, order" an addrti n. deletiuit:oi revision in the Work; or fafionding to differing —or unforeseen physical conditions under which the Work is to he Performed .as provided .in .paraggmph 4t'_ or 4.3 or to cnrcracncics und.paragraph 6 23_ A Work Change, Dire ve will not change the contract Price orthc-Contract Timcs, but: is evidence that the prtics .c�7?cct that the change dircctcd or documented by, a Work-, Change DuectiLe will be incorporated in a sul�quently issued Change Order follmving negotiations by the parties as to its effect. if any_ on the Contract Price or-Gontraot Times as jlrrn•idcd in (iaragraph lCk2 1.43. IVntten Anrendmenl--A written amend- - ent of the Contract Dowments, signed by OWNER and CONTRACTOR on or after the Effective Date' of the e Agreement and normally cleating with the tioncngmecring or .nontechnical rather than strictly construction -related aspects of the ContraciDocuments. .ARTICLE 2=PRELDIEiNARY MATTERS DelirerF of.Bottdc 2.1.. When, CON 97FT AGTOR ,delivers the- executed Aw%ements to .O.XVANR. C(_)'NJ•RAC;T0_R shall' .also deliver 1xi OWNER such .Bonds as CC)`TR/AGTdR may be required t6 funtish irfaccordance.-with,pkrpgsph 5. I. Copies of Documents:. 2.3 0t1NER stroll fumish!to.CCJNTRLACTORup to ten. copies (unless .utherwise ,sPe6licd dn'thc Supplementary Conditions) of the Cch"6 Documents as are reasonably necessan• forthc.e..wcution of the Work:.-Additianit copies- %viJ1 lie f jrr fished, upon requ.esl_ at the .cost.of reproduction. �Comntenceinetrt of Contract Dinev; Notice•to Pruceed- ':3. The Contract Times ,%vUcomm_eirccto run•on the thirtieth day after the EtTective,Date-of the Agreement, or, UCDe-:c;E:,' RALCON71T1C'rgSvlu•o.tiv4u661iaril W/ CITY OF FORT COLLI N5 ,iiODI FICATIONS'tRliy •r R Otla I ifa Notice. to Proceed is given, onthe day indicated in the Notice to Pro eed. A Notice to Frciceed may be given at any time within thirty dais aller.the Effective Date of the Agrte�ment,n-g)o--.e__ �t-ivd c;xttti v of 13id-opening-orilne thimeth-claraftzr-tl>z-�J%eti�z-f-}ate of'the :�rtetniertt; titi�hiehever-dsire-israrlier- Starting the Work: 4. CONTRACTOR shall tstart. to,peTfom the Work on. the date when the Contract Tim es -commence to nut but. no Work shall he done at the site prior to the date on wliich.the•Contract Times: Commence to'run. Before 14arting Constmedon: :? 5• , .Before undertaking' «tch part. of the Wnrk; CONTRACTOR shall .cartfull}, study and compare the Contract Documents and chdck and verify .pertinent Geures. shoibn `thereon. and all applicable- Geld -measurements. CONTRACTOR RACTOR shall promptly re -co in writing to FsNGb`FNR any.contlict; error, amliguitr- or discrepancy which ryQi�i"I'fL4CTOR may discover and shall obtain a written interpretation or. rclarification from T NGTNFF.,it. before pryx ceding with ;any' \Noel. affected thercby,,h6w&cr; CONTRAUFOR:,shall not he liable to OAXN TFR or EN GTNvTFFR.for failure to%reporuarry contlict, error, ambiguity or discrepancy in the Contract Documents, unless CON` RAC OR knew' or reasb atbly should have known thereof_ .di, Widnin ten days after. the Effective- hate .of the Agecm6rit (unless othcrAisc .kpccificd in:; the Oencral .Requirements)i CONTRACTOR shall submit. to ,PqGINI:LR•for review, _1.6.1. a prelaninary progress -schedule indicating the. times.(numbers of dbys•or dates) Err starting, and completing du vinous m,Pes of die, Work,. iiieludinp, airy Nlilestones specifie i in the Contract Docunwrits: 2.ri:?. a preliminary schedule of Shop Drawing and $ample ,submittals: „%vhic*h, will list each required submtttal.and:the ttnies,for, submitting, rey,itwing aril processing such submittal,: .''6:2.L In no :case .will .,a schedule be acce table which allarvs less than _21 calendar dayrforeach review by I:rneineer: 2.6.3. .A preliminary schedule of values fur,all of the Work Which will. incicide quantiij s-arid'prices of items aggregating the, Lontiwt Price, and will subdivide the GVofLinio compiment partsan sullti tent detail to .serve as the basis- for progre .payments dtirirtg•.Con struction. Such prices will include: an appropriate.amoutir of overhead and profitapplicable to each,itenl.of WIork. 2.7. Before any Work at the site_, is, started. co) ,r•RAij.a)R sand-H4 wti,k. shall eaeh deliver to .the eihef OVNNI ER, with copies to,ewph �clegtiftea •�� .c 1 ��• r-,;.,� : � _E-NtTfhlJ�l:R, n 1 certificates of-insiirance,(and. other evidence of insurance +vltish-air#ter-Ett-i#iett}-eFerty-adallt+Rnal-ttrrd ratty iresetteb{};-request requested by OWNS which G'UNTRACI OR tract Ck respesttcdly-ere is required to purchase and maintain in accordance with paragraphs i 4,-5_6-and 1--7 !'recon3irNction Conference.: 18 Within twenty days after the Contract Times start to run, but before any Work at. the seta is started.`a'ci?nference attended by. C��NTR�CTOR, _ENtiINEEK' and others "as appropriate. will he held' to establish a working understanding among the parties .as'to the Work and to discuss the schedules referred to in paragiaph 26, procedures for handling Shop Drawings and other submittals processing applications, for. Payment and maintaining required.records. 1nii0ktj.4c,r17)U ileSehedules: 2.9. Unless otherwise provided .in the Contract Documents,alldtt fare #)nrissian E)1 t#te r t 4ppltsatim at ia- °� ; befare ti ork at:the site beg-ims, a confercncc attended by CONI RM TOR, ENC,INLEER .and others as 6ppie' r6aw dcsi� nag tcd .Ni, OWNIF.R will be held to review for acceptability.to ENGlN-,Ras:providcd below the schedules submitted in accordance, wide ,paingraph 21 jnd :DrLI!�ion�liGe ertl RegUirements. CONTRACTOR shall have -an additional ten days to make correctiong and adjustments and to complete and resubmit the sLhodUlos. No progress payment shall be made to CONITRACTOR until [he schedules are. submimM to and :accepthble- to 'F�tOWI F1 R: as provided .hclow; '171 progress schedule will be 'acceptable. to ENGfNFFR as providing. an orderly progression of -the Rork to completion within any sPecifted Milestones and the Contract Tunes, but Stich acceptance will neither,impose ;or i L�iGl2NTER responsibility for the seyuencin-g. Scheduling or progress. of t1 Work nor Qite'rtere with or relieve CONTRACTOR Front CONTRACTOR's. hell responsibili ty' therefor. CONTR.ACT(DR's_schedule of Shop Drawing and Sample submissions_will be acgq�)table ,to. F1JC;TNEEk, as providrrtu a. workable arrangement for •reviewing 'and. ,processutg�• the required submittals CO}TCtr1CTOR'9:schedule of values Will beacc2pfalile to 1z4 rgiJERas.to;fdrni and:substance; ARTiC.L'E'3--CONI72AGT:DOC.UNIE, TS:-INTEINT,., � MENDiIMGi REUSE. Intent: 11, The Contract Documents. comprise the endre agreemenh between OWNER 'and CONTRACTOR concanim-'the Work'. ` ho-•.C:oritracl Documents are; 'Wrnpleinentary_ tftt=is:c4Hed for by'one is as binding as if called for by all., The 'Contract `Documents• will .be cohstrued in,:acc&dan&c with -the, law cif tiic ;placr.oC the Project, . 3:? ` It• its ,tbe intent of the.: Contract Documents to EJG7Jt; Cir7J6'R eU. GONUI71iil,y:191 fhittl'J'ltl Eclitim i wJ C711' UFFOltT �70LL1 NS I.i011ll'JC.1TlOrJti t12LV :1�2fi0ti) describe it functionally complete -project (or part thereof) to be constructed in accordance'with the Contract Documents. Any Work. materials or equipment that may reasonably be ,inferred from the Contract Doi umcmts or Earn prevailing custom or trade usage as.being required to produce the intended result will be furnished' 'and perfcxrned whether or not,:pectffcally walled for: When words or.phrases which 1htVe. a Nvell. known technical or •construction industryor trade meaniria' are used to .descnbe :Wvik,: materials or equipment: such words or phrases .shall :be .interfim reted accordance. with that meanipg. clarifications.and interpretutions cf the Contract ;Documents+shall be issued by ENMNEEl. as provided in paiagraph 9.4, Reference'lo .iYandardc.and Specificabwer of Technical' .Svcieties: Reporting, and dlrsohzng DCcerepandies: 3.3 1 lReference to, standards, +spccihcations; manualsor Lodes of any technical.society, organization oe:association:.of tti •the l ai s or Regulntions •of any governmental'. authority; whether such reference be specific or ;by implicatiorL shall mean ':the latest standard. spccificatiim; manual. _code or Laws or RL-gylations incfteet.ot tlw time ofoliching ofBias (or, on tli . f fiective l)at� of the Ag ` men it`ihcrc were no Bids), except as .mny be .odier%ise° sjiecitically state(Iin the Contract Documents. 3.32 11, during the perfarmonce•.or- the Work, CONTRACTOR discovers any contlict; error, ambiguity or discrepancy within the Contract DocumcnLc or .between the Contract _Docun cnLs and any provision of any such Law or, Regulation applic itble to the performance of the 1Vor1; or:oC any suchistandarrl speciticttion, manual or code. or of any instruction of anv'Suppher referred toin paragraph 6.5, CONTRACTOR shall reportit to E iGDT-M R in writing at once, and CONTRjCCTOR shill not proceed with the •Work affected therebti (except in an emergenev as:a6thorizud by paratraph6:_3) until an amendment or supplement to the Contract L?ocumerits hasbeen issued: by one of the ntethbds jndicated in pamgraph'3.5 or. 3.6; ,provided, however, t1vit CONTRACTOR shall: not be liable to OWNER or ENGhNNEGR for failure .to report any such conflict. error. •ambiguity or, discrepancy unless t_ONTRACTOR knew or, reasonably: should have know, f)thereoL 3.3.3.. Except as otherwise speeiliuhlh'slated in the Contract Documents or as may be provided by amendment or supplement thereto Issued by cute of the methods indicated in: pararaph.3:5 or 3.6, the provisions of the Contract E)ocuments shrill take preceden&k in resolving any conflict; error. ;tmbieuity or.discrepancybetween the provisions of the Contract Documents and: 3.3.3. L the, provisions Of, any such. standard, spu:ifcation manual, code or instruction whethcr or not specifically incorporated by reference in the Contract Documents);. or, 3.3.3,2, the provisions, of any 5403 Laws or. Regulations applicable. lo-Ae,lierformAnce of the Work (unless, such aft driterprcutim, of the pro-6siunis of the- 6rducl Documents would result, in Violatibn ofsuch Lawor Rcuulation); No provision of,any such standarct specifidMion, manual; .code or .,instructionshHll be effective to -change. the duties and -responsibilities: of OWNER, CONTRACTOR or FNGINF F.K-, or .any- of their:subcontra ctors, consultants: agenL-,oi emplmee-s fr6ffi.thnse set forth in the Contract Documents, nor . sha , 11 it be cl7ictivC'10 assign to 0XVNFR 13NOINFER-orany: of ENGINTEFFIR's Con.5ultants. agents or cmpByce�s an), duty -or autho6ry t6, supavisc or direct the furnishing or i5LrIbrmance of the. Work, or any duty. or authority to Undertake responsibility inconsistent with the provisioms of paragraph agraph 9-13 or any other provisionof the Contract 001111111MI.S., 14. , -When&er in the Contract Documehts the terms "its ordered" "is directcd". 'as requircd% ".is allolved% .1a.5 wapprovcd" or terms,of like effect or import ,are used, or the ' ,,OjectNes "reasonable". sWisbW" 'a cceptAble" proper or ad-jectiws,of like effect or iniport are use - d to descrita requirement , -direction, review or. -,e jud 'grit ofENt-GfNE-ER a.s:to the Work it is intended that :such requirement, direction; review or judgmm will'be. solely tb,evqlijate. irl,general, the e6nipletexl. Work Ric pliance, , uith the requirements ofarid information in the ContractDoct"ll'111S .and 0nformainco with , Ole desian C()nCOt of'rthe complete Project. as -a •rureLioning whole as Shown or uldicated in the Contract Do-curnems (unless there is a specift'staterneft(ilidicsfirt otherwise)_ The use of any such'term,or adjective shAll.not be effective wwassign to :ENGINEEP-apy duty -or authority to,supervise or direct the mance furnishing or perforof the Work, or' any duty or 'IT 16, , . �Iilfioritv to 'kiridertakc responsibility Contm'ry 'to the provisions of parkgraph 9, 13 or any other provision of the Contract Documen'ts_ Amen&ng wid,Supplenienting. Cofidacf Duminentg.- 15. The Contract Documents may, be amended, to. ;proVide . for addition-,% deletions- and revisidn!s in . the Work or to. modify LheAemils and .co'n-diti-o-ns,,ifiefe-bf-in one or more of the, foIlowirtg ways: 3.5.1, a f6rinal'WritLertArnefidment; 3, : 5.2) . ; a Chanue.0rder (pursuant to paragraph 10.4). or UCDC(3u�fiRALjc6Nvrnp%. witi-s.og90 Emiai) w/ CITY rjF J;ORT LY)LUINS MODIFICATIOM iRPI -MR940.) 153,; a, Work— Change Directive (pursuant to parag-dph 10]). 3.i . In addition; All,e requirdnients 'of the Contract Documents may be supplemented- and minor variations and deviations in the Wort- may 6ie:RijLhorjZ0, - in. oile or more of the following ways: 3.6,1. A Field Order (pursuant to paragrdph 9.5), 3-6-2'. DvGTNt ER's'approval'of I D a Shop mwifn or Sample (PurstYa&io ria iravfis iiM' an,d_:627).:or A3. e..GINTEERs written interpretation or clarification ,pur-%mnt.to paragraph 94). Reuse of Documents: 33: CON ' TRACTOK aped any Subcontractor or Supplier or other, person .or organisaflbn perfbrniing. or furnishina any of 'the Work Linder a. direct or indirect contract'with 011T1HR Q) shall not have or ncqu- i-re, any title, t . o..or ownershxi rights. in any .of. Drawings. Specifications. or -o - e,r d(N:umervts"((ir copies of any thereof) prepared by or bearing thin seal of FNGINIF'.PR or R%,,CYTNT,ER's Consultant, and (ii)- 'shall noteewc any. of such D11'a'wtil-es" Specifications, nther. d6cuments.or. copies on extensions Xtensions of the Pr6ect, or any other-projeLt without writtenconsent. of OW.NER--.'tnti,ENGRNTE-ER,-.xnd . specific Written verification.or adaptation hy ENUINFEW ARTICUE-1 4-ANTAUABILITY-OF LANDS; Skilk'SURE%CE AND, PHV%ICAL CONI)MONS; R]EYMENCE-POINTS Awilabifitf, oAandc' 4.1- OWNER shaflIbriush, as AhMed in-theContracl Documents, the lands- upon which the -NVdk is to be performed, -righ"f4ay and .eascal.ents, 'for accessthereto, and such other lancLs wh - ielva re d6ignaicd for the u.--,- of CONTRACTOR !:ip"i.reqsoieble-wriiten-request; 601'effbio b-AwS OWNER s 'identify anv encumbrances or, restrldions 0 not of general applicationfiut specifically related to use of lands so furnish ed l% which CONTRACTOR twill have to, wmkv in. performing the Work, am sents'. for .permanent structures or permanent chanaes ;in existing fiacillilies.lvill,bv obtained, and paid.f6t by:(JNVN'EP-. -unless othenv . ise. provided in the Contract Documents. if cwvrkm_`ToR and :OWN -ER ate 'unable Lo:ugrec on entitiment to,vi the'amount or extent of any , djustments in the Contract Price or the:Contrad. Times, as:a:result of any delay irl (J11JKF Ws finnishing.these lands., rights -cif- way qT rase'ews. CONTRACTOR may make,it claim .thereffir as provided in Articles I I and'i I J J CONTRACTOR sit<all provide for all additional lailds.and access ilheretothat: may be required for temporary construction facilities or, storage' oC materials and equipment. 4.2. Subcurfaceand PhIsiealC'Qntlirions: 411. Repotty and Druwiitgs: Reference, is made to the:Supplementary: Conditions for idi ntilicaiion of: 4,2.1;1 Subsrn/dez Conditions Those reports of explorations anatests of'subsurface conditions at or contiguous to thei site that have been 'utilized by F1RfRv'EER in preparing the Contract Documents. and 4:2.1:2: Plrysjcul Conditions `Those drawings of physical conditions' in -,or relating to•txisting surface cA subsurface structures at or contiguous to the. site (creep[ Underground Facilities) that have been utiliIZl by ENGINEER in .preparing the Contrail Documents. 4.1-2 1 united Relimice by COMI7ta4'7G1t' >aldhnoized• l echncal Diytd MN rPA( fOR may rely upon the generalaccuracy of tFic."technical data',cgntnined in such reports. m and drangs. but•such reports, and drawings•are not Contract Documents. Such "technical. data is identified in the Supple-inentar)Conditionns. lbrsuch reliance .on such "technical data ,:CONTRA( I-OR:may flot rely upon or make any claim against OWNED_ ENGINEER or any of ENGI,NEER'$ (onsiultants with respect to: the completeness of —such reports and drawings for CONTRAC TORS purposes, including, but not 'linlited to, any aspect,: of the me':ans: methods, tcchnique> sequences. and Procedures Hof construction to (k employed by •0ON1 R (TOR '.arid precautions .prod pr9grtins incident '.arid saereto,:or` indicated in the Contract -Documents, or 4.2.3:4. is of an unusual nature. and differs materially Gom conditions ordinarily encountered and generally, recognized as inherent in work of the character provided for in the Contract Documents: then' 001\9 RACTOR shall, pmmptly immediately alter becoming aware thereof :and before further disturbing conditions` aflected thereby or performing any Work- in connection therewith (except to an emergency as permitted by paragraph &,23), notiR, OWNKR and ENGMEER in writing about such condition, GONrR cro 'sliall not farther disturb such axiditions or perform any Work yin connection therewith (except as al'orestiid) with receipt of'Gvritten order to do so. 4,2 4 EMGINEER's Re'+ien l;t"�1GliNraR trill promptly review the pertinent conditions determine the necessity of OW'N-ER s,ohtaining additional exploration or tests with respecrthereto and.advise OWN) R in writing C (With a• copy 'to 01,1TR.AC TOR)of FlJGINEVR's findings and conclusions: 4:2 5 Poysihle Contract Dokumeh& Change; If FNi37INN`6R concludes. that a change in the Contract Documents is required as a result of -a condition that,in&ts one�or more, of the categories in foragroph 42.3, a Work Change Directive or a Change Order will tx: 'issued as provided .in Article It) to reflect and document the corisequcnccs,of sueh_chan e, 4 6 O-Isihle' frier and Fines .4411stinartts: An equitable adiustntent 'in the Ctmtract• pike • -or in die Contract Times; oCboth; will be.allowed to the-exlent thkit the C-xiitencc of such uncovcrcd .or revealed 'condition ciusLN art increase .or deeredw in CON.TIZACTORs cost of, or time required Cur perforrnanceof- the k (.)rk; suhiect, hotlevcr; to the following: 4.2.12, other dais. uiterpretalions:, opinions 4.;2.61; such condition must meet any one or end information contntned in such reports or `shown more of tlu categories described in or indicated in such draw' Ings; or lxrragraplis a 2 3.1 though 4'2 3 4, inclusive; 4. 2;23_ any CONTTLA( 'FOR:interpretation of or conclusion drawn born any "techiicKal data" or, any such cLit i_ into rpretations. opinions or infurnialion. 4 2:3'. Notice of L) Bring Subsurface or P;n!sical ' Conditions. if :CON1RAC17OR believes that any subsurface.orphysical conditicin at or contiguous to the site dial is uncovered or revealed either.. 4.2:62. a change iri the Contract Documents pursuant to paragraph 4.2.5 utiill not be, an automatic aulhortz:ition of nor a -condition precedent to entitlement to any such adjustnwmc, 4:163wiih-respiL► tq Work that is.paicl for ona UnitTrice Basis,;, ny adjustment in Contract Price wdl ' •be. Subje6t to the provisions of paragraphs 9. I) and 1L9; and 4 2.3.1. is or such a nature'as.to establish that, CONTRACTOR shall not be.entided any trchntbal ;Zata on'ttihtch GONTCL+\CTOR is to tnj? adjustmenl in the t_oritract Trice or Times ' entitled to rely gas provided to parag'aphs 4.2.1and 4.2:2"ismatenalh tnaotiurate,.or 4?.32. is- of such a nature as,lo require a -change in the=(:'ontract Lrocuments; or 43,333_ differs materially from, that shown or WCO4 U YEttAt CONUI710NS 1910Y (IJ9V Editiml tv1 till' -Of FOR"r C7DLUNS _M011IP)CAT10N5 QZGV 1>it)(N1,1 4.2.6:4:1. C01,1 'R-AC TOR knew, of theexistence, of such conditions at. the :time cONTR'AGibR -made a final commitment to 0UITNER in !respect of C'ontractlPrice. arid, Contract,,Times by the submission of a bid or h� goming bound unifier a neeotiated contract; or 4.2:6A2. the, existence of such condition could reasonably have been discovered"or,revealed as.a result of any examination investigation exploration test' or 'study of the site and contiguous areas- required by the Bidding Requirements,orContract,Diacuments to be_ condLi6t+ki by or for CONTRACTOR prior to CONT1t CTOR's making;. such 'final commitment; or 4.2.6A3. CONTRACTOR failed to giyc the written notice within thetime and as rccluirod by,paragraph .2-3. if OWNER and CO�PfRACTOR arc unable to agree on -entitlement to or as to -the amount or, length of .any such .equitable adjustment ,in the 'Contract Price or Contract Times, :a claim. may ;be made' therefor ns provided in ,Articles IT and 12. '.However. C)1W'N . , EEN(',INET:12 and NO IEE.R's Consultants shall ncu• he ;liable to CONTRACTOR for any claims, costs• losses or damages sustained hy-CONTRACrfOR tin or in cz�nrrcotjon ti ith any oiher•prgcetor. anticipated project. 4.3. PftyAical eoni6tions—Underground Facilities 1:3.1. ; Stintwr ,»: lncfirared: The information and data shown or indicated 'im.thc.;C:ontract i)ocumchis, with respect: to existing Underground Facilities at or cotteguous to the site s'hased on informaticm and data furnished to OAVI FRor ENGiNFER byAhem hers of such Underground Facilities orby,others: Unless, it is otherwise e_xpres.sly provided in the Supplementary Conditions: 43.1.1 OWVNERarid" ENGTNEER-shall not be responsible for the accumv or fx)mpletgnesS of Any such infoimation orclats; and 4.3A2, -The com of all of the following will be included in the Contract price a6d CONTRACTOR shall -have full responsibilih• for- (i).reviewing and checking all !uch.inlonnaticin and data, (ii) lo", tirig all, Lrridert, tttutd i acililias shown cx indiczittil in the Contract Documenis,(jii) coordination of the Work tvrfh the owners of such Underground" Facilities during construction, and (iv).ih safety and protection of all ;such Clnclereround Facilities as provided in .para- - It 6:20 _ and- repairing any am dage. thereto resulti ng•from the. Work. A 32 hlot'.Shoiyi oringhcaled. if an Underground Tacility is cimovered or.iih,-We l'at or conliguous to the _site which was not shown or indicated in. the. Contract Documents, CON R.ACTOR "IL. promptly immediaiel'y .a[ier becymit>f; aware thereof and before furtherdisturbing, conditions. affected thereby or performing,any Work imconnectiontherewith (except in an emergency as .required by paragraph 6:23). idemify the owijer 6f,such ;Underground Facility and EJCDC SiE.'ti1=RSV. C`fiiNl)I Tf UtJS t I V-R tl'l�? Et6t ia� 1 µ'I CITY Ol; l'OftT C'r1LLI NS MODIFICATIONS IREV -IMAM) give written potice.to•tlatt owner and:"to QWVNER and ENGIINTT R: 04GTR will promptly review the Underground Facility and_.determine the extent. if any, to which a change is required in the Contract Documents to reflect and document the consequences of the _existence: of 'the- Undergound Facility; -If l3q6INELR concludes that a ciattnee in the Contract Documents, is recitured, a Work -Change Directive or a Change:Order.will bejssue&as,provided"an Article I to reed and.document such consequences. During such time, CONTRACTOR ",shall. be responsible for the safety and ,protection of such Underground hacility as :provided, in paragraph 6.20. CO.WRAC'TOR shaU may. be allowed an increase in the contract i rice or .an extension of the Contract Times, or both, to the extent that thav ate attributable to-the•existence of.any UhOrLuound Facility that was not shown or- indicated in: the Contract Document% andi that CONrr RACTOR did not.know.of and, could not'reaconahly have been expected to he, aware. of or to have anticipated , If OWNER and CONTRACTOR are.unable to;sgree on entitlementto or the.amount or length of any such adjustment in Contract Price or Contract Times, (7,0i�4lt PAC•TOR,-rnsy make a claim therefor -as providedin.Ariicles i i and 12_ .However, OWNFR, ENTGTNFF9 and FlNICUNFF.R's Consultants shall not be liable to;poN7rR.Ac-ro,R for any claims;. costs, losses..or damages incurred or sust-iined. by CONTRACTOR on or 'n .corin&tidn tyith any:other project:or anticipated prpjecL_ Reference Panels: d.+t, OkYV R .shall, provide- cngireerins surveys to .establish` reference points for construction which in mgouquR's .:judgment . are nece=ry to enable CQIv' ACTOR : -fo " pri Need with'." the Work. CONTRACTOR shallbe responsible for .laying oul the 1WTorl. •shell protect and preserve th,6 established reference points and shall make no.changcslor relocations without the prior written approvrd of gWWNTJR, COl`ITR?ACTOR. shall "report to ENGINEER whenever anyiion. reference point of is, lost or destroyed regwres. Yellacabecause Pf necessary- changes in grades or locations, :and shall be responsible for the accurate replacement or relocation of such .reference points. by. :prpfessibnally qualified •persomel. 4.5. Asbes-tux PCBs, Petroleum. HazarddusWaste or Radinaeln•e ,lfateridl: 4.5.1.. .0W'NER shall .be responsible, for any Asbestos, .PCBs,'Petroleum,, Aazard6tls. Waste or Radioae6ve'Material uncovered.or revealed at the site %6ich -was not shown or iributed in Drawin,--or Slxcifications or identified ire • the Contract Documents. to be i±Ohin the scope of -the. Work and which may, present "a substantial•_ilatier to persons or pro } "eposed thereto rrl.connectlon with the kVork at the sde. OWNERshall not be responsible for any such materials brought to, the site by CbNTRAL`FOR, :Subcontractors, Suppliers or anyone else for whom CONTRACTOR is -responsible. SECTION 00100 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS ti-'FR-�\GTt�R shall-ittim�iataly=(ij :sto}a-all 114wl: in RMF46tis 6eflditi On noel 4 55-#=f^fter reset} f-titielt-s esiRl.z�etiee CONTRA GT6R£ ckxes-tit t-agree' 'kesuine-Such-work f-,n io,� Wed, .. n,rU&rah ,petrel eNndi t-ior><�tlten=C3�lI K--t�iv-erd�-siisti-�>a-iea-af .t . ,.;e_t..k . F,�-.,�n,Rr-;~-;;,z- .^th--sstoh-•kiKa� eandition t)f in sjU h-,t}leet�"rz„ Rom' cA frt tit tlx c�rl�—F 4r^�IE:R ar?d-fit ?FC(�4{' r�' -�' ^rtno afiree-as•to-entitlement-t -or-die omo'un6tx extent of -an. .mot-��lt�t��letine-sits t#ie-Ulrt�k-tlia+i eithee•pnm�miiy�riixke-ii-cla an-Ilieretc3r�Eis-provi<led•in �,rneicri l evert } ^ r�, z w rc n .h, -e su rh deleted tx�rttort-of ilia-\Vurl lxrftinn�tl•-1�v--OWWERs-own. tortYs�or-r+tii2rs•in•accortia rx:e •with-,'trticlal7- T 5.. T�Ythe WUC3tT[ ttit tint -per! t2E%loj'-%-t7".r-erld R�gulnfier-OVv'gFR Shill—titdemhify Anil -:hold harmless- •.- -:t Obi fR C-T@R :. — �ttbc&viuctors; F?F1'I4 4z : R . tifheers;— du`esturs,�-•�•enljilovt�s--agents— • Other consultanl�s-rind-�•ulworUrttsBits--of-each-uticf;�arty-,iiC them -from antiauist-ell.:ctatms ctt -toy-tint hs ne?t-irti .,_ _ - � releattt; - et • tad E,ICLIC Ctb JlTtA1, CONI.)ITI ONS 191041 It 990 Ecdtiml W7 U IT ()r•. FOICT COLLINS m.bbi 1lCATIONS MEY 4 F OOa) ARTICLE 5--BONDS AND INSL-RA:NCE Perfonnance, Parnient and Other.l3onds.. 5.I. CONTACTOR shall 'furnish Performance and .Payment "Bonds', each in' an amount it.1east equal to die Contract i' icy a's,security=for the faithful performance and Payment of alltiN1 fiAt'I'Uft's otihe aucros' strider the Contrad'Dot.uments These .Liijnds shall remain ifi e rect t l aeast until one pear alter the date when ftnal payment becmnes due. except as'provided odwnwise.bv l.,a>ys nr Regulations or 6y the -Contntcl . 'bitumens. CONTRACTOR shall also furnish such oiher -fronds as arc required by, the.Supplentenlary,Conditipns.. All Bonds shtllbr in'Ihc'term prescribed by the Contract 0ocumcnis except as provided Ptherwise by Laws & Regulations and shall be eyrcuted by such sureties :as are. named in the current lid of '"Compan.ps Holding Certificates of Authority as Acceptable-Sturties on Feacral Bonds and as Acceptable Re.insitring {bmp'anies" as N.h1i.shed in Circular 570 (amended) by the audit Stag; Bureau of at C�ernmgnt Rinnncial ON rttions IJ;S.'l`r�isun Ih.partment. All Bonds diericd by an aeent mustbe accomPanicd by n•ccrtifictl:copy- of: ucli agent's authority to act- 3:? If the surety on any Bond ftifnished by C'ONTRAC1OK is declared a. bankrupt or heconu�s •insofvtnt or ,it✓. rieht:to do husiness is'terininated in, any state whore any Bart of the Prctcet is located or. it ceases to meet the re4uiremcrits•of paragraph 5,1, CONTRACTOR shall within ten days thereafter suhgitute another .Band and surety: lwth oftvhich must bt accepiable to QMt \rF.R. 5-3. Licensed VunMes.and Insurers: CWzr riicgtes of Insurance: 5.11, All Bonds and insurance. required by the Contrnc1'D&,utnentsj6 be purchased and maintained by .01MM or CONTRACTOR shall'be obtained from surety or aistrrance oortilianic-s hit are, duly licensed or authorized in the ;jurisdiction in, which the Prtiiect is located to issue Bondss<a ,or in•ance Policies for the. limits and coverages sp-reyutred .Sucltsurety and inutranc•e companies shall also meet such addiuintal reiiuirements tiiid qu5liGcations as may be Provided in th Supplcm,& an'Ci�ridilions, 5.3.2. CONTRACTOR ;shall deliver tit OWNET with copies to each additional 'insurecl identilied in the Supplementaq, Cgnditicvis �certiGcates of ihstirance (anti tither evidence of insurance requested by O1\WE R or tiny, .other additional' insured) which CONTTtACTOR'is required to'pdrihase;and maintain in accordance truth rxim aph 5.4, OWN` P' shall ,COATR-ICTOR'N Lkbilh), Insurance: 5.4. CONTRACT T)R.shall purchase and maintain such liability anti olther.4iisurance Hs -is appropriate for,the Work keiru,, rerfomed and furnished' and as will pr6xiide protection from 'claims, setforthbelow which may arise out .of or result from CONTRACTOR's, performance arilfurnishing, lot the AYclrk and CONITRAC'-TOR's other 6bfiga.lions.under the Con'tract'Documents. whether it is to IV performed or ftirfshed by CC)NETRACTM HTLY SU'b�oiitraaor' or Supplier: or by anyone directly or ifidfredh,. emploVed hy any W them to.perform of _ffirnish .any or or b�y 'afiyonc for whok.gcts,any of them may ,heIiRhle- 5A]. claims under workePe compCnsaI_ior.L.disability benaflisand-,othersimila? em.0loyee,Keneflithas-, 5 4:2- claims for damagrgs•.bccausc of bodi I in jury, uc:cupqdqnal sickness LT- disease, or ..death, of 543- clfiims:,.for 0am.ages because of hodiLy injury, sickness ordisca.Ni or,d6qth.ofany,pc.rson other than C,ONTR- C77OR's-einpiloyces- -5; 4A- e I a i , rns-Ter-daninges- -insured--by-customary Miln BSa-4VSUlt of sli other kfmon� AS, claims f6r'.&magc.,. other than to the Work itself, becAuse pfinjur3' to or destruction of tangibleproperty wherever. locatcl�_ inciudifig loss :of use resulting there-lir-om, and 5,4.6- claims f6r damages -because -of bodily inj ury or tle,lth of, any perso ' n .0 r prclperty..damage,�uisinn out of the ownership.. maintenance or use of.tiny motor I Whicle. The poliic'ies,of insur-6nee.w., required by this paragraph 5.4 td be. parch.11 ;v 01 . nd.mailptained 5.4.7. With, reslxcl to, insurance: required by paragr 4A _ 4phs 5.43 Aiij!V, And 5.4 includeto any. customary exelusiori.in respect peq of professional nal liability), Q%VNE. ENGh4EER- ENGLNIHER!s Consultants and art),. oiher,persons.or, endiies.identified iri.Lhc-SU 'ern onditiof& Allof s�,hom shall be iist� as:Irdditi.=lftry (�*;nsyre4 and fficl6de covenee for ,the ro*ctive:,officers :unit employees of all such 5 4:$: inclu&-tho specific coverages and be written r6r hotless than: the . Lirri,iis of liabiEty -provided in the SUpolemqntary .Conditions or: required, by Laws or Regulations; whichever is greater-. 5-4-9. inelddeizL4iipletedonerafioi-,ginsijr2nce-, Wt CITY 01; FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS I.PEV -112000) 5.4.10. include contractual liability insurance covering QONTRACEOR's indemnity obligations un&r panigraphs 6. .12, 6,16 and 6.31 thr'oui-,h 6,33; -5-4; 1 L contain a 1, 1 rov Ls I ion. or endorsement that the .coverage, 2ffarded - will not'bexanceller.L materially changed or renewal refused until at least alim. d.we .Prior .Written riotice. has. been. given to OWN -R and CONTRX:fOR and:to each -other -additional. insured identified in the Supplementary Conditions to whom n L�rtificate of _insurance "has -be Cn 'Is'suic'd ('and the certificates of .insurance fuMished by. the 6ursuant ,•to paragraph 5.32i6ll' so 5;4.12. remain'.in effmt:t 'L leasl�Urdlfinalpaymcnt and at all',times thereafter whei-k C'ONTIZAICTOR. may bccorrecting- removing or replacing ckf?q0 iw Word in accordance with paragraph 1-3,121,- and 3.4,13; with respect to., compl&M, operations insurance, and any, insurance xdveragc*written on a claims-Pi.ade bas,is, xeni.Pin in effect for at least two .years atter final payment (iin.cl .0 61NTRAM_,(* ;hall ffirniish 0%%7\TFR and each :other.addificna-I insured Wentiftcd,inheSufpmentar) .(-onditions to whom a cerificate of .insurance has ,beets issued evidence sa6shictory to OWNIM, and Iny such :additiowd I U Sured,o? continuation' of -'such insurance . at final payment and one year. thereafter).. -0*14,7VER's Liabifity Inmirance: - 5;5: In addition to, i tisurance, required'. to be piovided by QONTRACTOR under: paragraph.5,4,, QW7,UR_ at MINIER's pp!ioR may, and Maintain at A TEP VN 11sx4eroul OWNER's own,liabilitv. linsUranczas may arise from 1 opet-Mi6M, under the Contract Documents. Proper-0, Ifis-urance: Reguliatipns) nee .' r vueh U EM* I ses Of 4— UR4A._. I I I J .1 I I I I I h- I I I I I I I I ism- and-malicites-mischief, S-6=sevrFrAAErFiert�tti�A}xrtt stared BE Eh�-stEN -PFI Eke- i`c3rl: !Bn ."an for-Pwment---!nepded made gr eik of insuffince-has4ve-m T, 0;;4.*.R at final "-ff— PIP We ,ws-may-be,f-eiftiired4), l-ffvv*-erid R '-uwi,mis Wc6 (4-i d—i t; f w h 6 Rl nter-* iind swl hp I.-apd A" mn ir-wi re d- of: A A i6ofiat4tvareJ, ffee-(am not-41, , eVeOF)I-,RqUiFdd46 bapuribRsed--apd :.coverage- a lfo*d ill -not lie- wnoe. I led,-;Or-jll at, nal 1y given to.G"WER-flrtd -GO14RAOTOR and b, lbef Fidelit with 'N.9. ONVNER.shall not :bc...TesFkmstWe- fix purchasing .und maintaiiiing ahv property- insursrit�e to prolect . the intertsts-of','CQNTRACTOR, '�qbcontiactcor's- or others in —DAN -R She", ffLs "ny-ot 6[le OF addition -al wiRive all -phis 02a &;e- tef-,5 ffmkm�,-+eh-weivef tmw have to pfeel-1-1, iuFRne he.4 1*. IFU 0 :-hvise bleunder-any policy-se-ksued- +R�,-GEP:7 fl-i-tht -aflida g*ents--aPainy-c4f them4or... bzyond- 4lirast--lah sisal :loss -dafoege ---too r GAWNthe AAI )I"- I r.�eFncvv nguirisHany-.�t-S�QNTIU'A(-T91?;_Subiontractors, dtfestess.-ett}pleyers-e _ _ •. Receipt andApplication of Insurance Proceeds: 5;13. Arry insured-Ioss:under the: policies of insurance - required: by paragraphs 5.6 and J, will be adjusted with UVVNL$ end made payable tci OIVNUZ as.Ctducian' for the insureds, astheir. interests may, appear: �subjec:t. to the rzyuirettients;-pf :ariy at plicable :mortgage clause and or - paragraph S. OWNER .shall deposit in"a, separate account any money so received and shall. distribute it in accordance mith such: agreement as,the parties in interest may reach. if.no other special agreement is.reached the damaged Work .shall be repaired or replaced, the moneys.so ,received applied on account thereof and the Work and the .gist thercof.covcrcd by an ;appropriate C:hanae Order or GVritten Amendment. 5.11 011INER as fiduciary. shall.have power to adjust and settle any �loss with the.imurers unless one of. die parties in interest shall.objcct in writing.within tiftecn days :after the. occurrence oC loss ,to OWNER's exercise of this power. If such objection hc:.madc, .(?WNER as fiduciary shall make settlement with ,the insurcrs•in.accorchnu e with such agrcemeri.v:as the parties:in interest may reach. If no :such agreement.annong the -parties in interest is reached. ,O\N''NER-as,fiduciani shall ,adjust and settle the loss with the insurers -4�4-- t,tar rca ra i ttFe-krtd-fee tine jRF.zft��.-r,.r,�,,��,�-�. t?�Aexweet�fsuekt�ties: .4ceeptanee.ottla►ids.andlnsuiunce; CV#on:tn Replace: 5.14 if eith GGNL'RAG�T (:)1bR�tFll lies any nbjcc.tlon to the coverage affitrded Ina, or other prrivisions (it"the;Bonds-ar trtwar.cc.required to be purchased . ,and maintained by the &&ff—pefty C ONITILICTOR in'nccordance with Article ` opt the basis of inon�onformance with the Gme gnt Documents, the in writing within ten fifteen days •tlie.certificntes (ems other-ev-idence :Partial-:Vtili atiun-Property<Insurance: 51:15. _ If :ONV-NER,finds- .it.necessary to occupy or use fl portion or portions- of the Work prior to Suhstttitisl EJCDC.%VER.a1.cGtINTIONSiity-t (19N)Etfititli! w/ CITY OF IrORT CCtLLI-NS NI011alC'ATIONS:tRL•"V ,iR(A)()! ( oinpletion of -all the, Work,. such use or. occupancy may be •accomplished in .accordance with paragraph,14,lo; rvid d that no such -use or. oc:cgparu.'y skill, commence bfore the insurers pr6viding the properg% insurance have acknowledged notice. thereof and n 'writin`i effected any chan_es in cov.eraee necussitated therein- 'The insurers providing the property .insurance shell consult by endorsemem on the policy or policies: but the property insurance shall not be cancelled or penn'itted.to lapse oh account of any such partial use or occupancy. iWTIChE: di=COI\'1'-RAC-'I'OR'S .RESMNSI 3ILITl ES Supen7cion.and Superintendence: 6:I CQNT;RAC°TO t shall supervise, ;inspect and diced the' Work competently and efficicntly, devotin.4 such attention thereto and° .applying. such skills and L%perume. as may be necessary to, perform ,the Work in accordance with the Contract lkicwtents. CONTRACTOR shall he solely rcyxinsihlc for the means, .methods., t , -iqut s, :sequences =ands procedures of construction. but f _ NTR AC-r.6R stall not be.responsible ,ion: the negligence of others in the design or specification of a specif-ic tncans. method, technique, sequence or proc.edure. of.construction which isahown or indicated in and ea-pressly required ;by the Contract Docurnerits. CONTRACTOR shall !be iesporzihle to.;sce that the completed Wdrk. complies accurately with the: Contract Documents. C,.?, =CONTRACTO(t shall keep on the Work at all times. during, its progress ,a competent resident superintendent; -who shall: not be replace&w.tthout written notice to OWNM, and U4G]NL'O?_ eece-pt. under xt.raordi nti_ry circumstances; The. superinicaident Wi.II be CONTRACTOR's.represeritatiye at the cite_and_shall have authority to act %on behalf of CO'INUF CTOR- All wmmunications.to the superintendent shall:be as binding :as ifgiven,to,C'ONTTRA('TQR. Lahor,,1lateriiiis and Equipment: 63: COL3TRA('.TOR shallprovide: competent, suitably qualified ,personnz_1 to survey; lay out and c6istruct. ,the Work as' required by the Contract Documents. _ COiNgRACTOR shall at all times --maintain goocldiscipline, and order at the site. Except;as>othenvisc required ;Cur the <safety or. protection of. persons : or the Work .or property :at .the site, or adjackrtL. thereto: and evicept:as'.othenvise indicated in the _Contract Document& all Work at,the site shaft• be perfyrrtted during-.reL-Ikr working h6ws' wld CONTfA( TOR will .not.. permit overtime work or the performance of Wort- on Saturday, .Sunday .or any legal holiday without' OWNI Rs'. iM_f en consent given. after prior written nc*e to EN NNTLGR CONTRACTOR "0 submit reouests to 1he.ENGWEER no less than 48 hours :in :advance,ol' anv .Nook: to be Pterfornred on Satttr'day. Sunday: Hotidays•�or:outside the RegularAVorking.Hours. ' 6A, Lows otherwise. specified in, _the General contains or is fol lowed. word.'reading that no like, Requirements, CONTRACTOR .shall kirnish and assume equivalent ,or "or equal" item or. no substitution is Cull responsibility for. all mawriah...equipment, labor., permitted: other items of material:or equipment or transportation tx>nsituclion equipment and machines, material t+r eiluipment of ottizr Suppliers may br ' 'tools appliances, fuel, power: light. "rat h. telephone water: accepted by EN.GINEER under 'the following sanitary facihtim tempt)rary tacilities and all other facilities and circumstances: incidentals necessary for the furnishing; peifomiarice testing,start-up.and coinpletion of the Work. 6.7,1.k 'Or-Equdi". If in ENJ GTN6ER's: sole discretion an item of material or equipment 6..1. Purchasing Restrictions: . (ONTRAC I'OR proposed by CON'1 hACTfO t is furl tiomlly must.comply with the:City's purchasing restrictions_ A equal tq.that named and sufficiently.siinilar'sO that cop%,, of the Tesolutions areava[iIHbIc,[or.review'in the no change in related 1Nlorltwill be required; it map offices of :the purchasing arid. 'Risk .NAWnagement be con1sidered l:y ENGINFl-.R' as 'an "or -equal" Division or the City Clerk'sotlrce item to which case. renew •and approval of the ' proposed item may, in F-WINEER's sole 64.2. -:anent -Restrictions. Fri• of Fort Collins. 'dikrctiom he accomplished without compliance Resolution 9IA21 reuuiresthim suppliers.and producers with some or aLl of the requirements for of cement or products coritaininc cement •tb ccrnfv. that acceptance of proposed substitute items the cement -was not niude.-in cement lams• that burn 6.7 1 0 Subsiihile'Iren>, If tit 1:NGIN1-'R's sole ' ha7.ardous.tvastrasfu a.cl, discretion an i'tcm' of,material or equipment posed by CONTRACTOR does not qualify us 6.-Sr Alf materials. end .cquipmenC shall be of gtiod an "or -equal" item under stibparagtalili"fi.7,1:1, it quality and new ..except is otticntyisc provided in the will he considered a proposed substitute item, ' C ontract focuments. All uarrantim and guarantees t (}rN I RACI OR shall submit sufficient spccdically called for:hy the Specifications shall cxpressly mfom+ation as provided hclo' to allow ruri.to the benefttof OlVINrER Ifrequircd b}' FNG7TI\'F.FR, Eht(7TtdEFR to'dcti intinc.tliat the item ofmatriial CON1 RAG-rok shall furnish satisfactory evidence ar cquipment proposed is.csscniialfy equivalent to (including repots of required',test5) as to tlic kind and that ruinied':and an `acceptablc'sul)stitute therefor. ' quaut� of materials -aridequipmea All materialsand The procedure for review by th>: ENUINt.] IR A,III -e: uipmcnv shall be -applied .iiistallec, conntct4 erected, includ, the following as, supplemented in the used cleaned, and .condiUcmad in' accordance with (leneral 'ltaquiremants and, as EINGINiEEf may in5tiucticuis,ot the Applicable SuPPticr„ciccpt:as otherwise decide is a*cipriatc under the circumstances, provided'in'tile ContiactC?ocuments:: Requests --for rcvicw of proposed substitute items ' of material or equipment will not hc.accepted by Progre-tcSehedale• F,NGTNFFR•_ from Anyone other than CC-\, (TRACTOR•: If CO_N'TRtV-TOR wishes to 6.0, G:ONTRAt. roR sliall eadhere to the progress. f nli'sh or use n� substitute item of material or schedule established in accordance with paragraph 19 as it. equipment.. CONITRACTOIC sha11 first make ' may be adjusted from time to time as provided below' tlTitten application to NC ttk for ac ceptaiice thereof, -seemly ing.thiit the profs+,,( siibstitute,will 6,6,1. CONTRACTOR shall subiiit to LTv'GITNa-,R pzrforin aiialuti>zly the Functions And'aehieye the for acceptance (to the' extent indicated in `' results called Cor by.'the > eneral'desit'ri be similar }>ari uph9) proposed adjusunents ini'the-, progress insiibistance to thatspecifredend be suited to the ' •schedule that will not change the Contract Times: (br same use as that specified The application will it,Llestones), Such adjustments will.conform generally state the extent, if, any, to tvhieh -the.-evaluation to the progress schedule then in effect and additionally and acceptance ;of ;tire proposed 'substitute will ' will epni}+h svitli arty provisions. of lhr G.enenil Requi ements applicable thereto. prejudice` OONTRf1i'rOks achievement of Substantial Completibn on time, whether or not acceptance, of the 'substitute fps use in the �Vgrk G 6 +. Proposed Adjushtlenis in the pr•ogrest schedule twill recwire a change in airy of the Contract that will change the Contract- Times (or`Milestones) Documents (or in the provisions of imy other shall be submitted in accordancc with the requirements direct contra(t. with,OWNER for work on the. of Farrgtaph 1 a.l._ Such adjutitients may only be. Project) to adapt the design to the proposed 'made by a Change -Order Or Mitten °Amendment in substitute and whether or not incorponiiion Or use accordance with Article'l2. of the, substitute in connecticin .with the. Work is stibjectio,payment of anv license 'fee or royalty. 6,7: SubsTihrresanit:"Ur-Equal" Iteri:s, All variations of the proposed siibstitutu from that specified will be identified in the application and .6.7.1., "rhenevei- an item. of material or equipment is a.v'aaable mainteniutcr repau and replacement •specified or described.'iii the Contract'Documents by service twill be'indicated The application wilt using;the: name of a proprietary, item' or. the name of a slab' contain an 4cniimd estimate of 'all "cysts or parilClllar bupplice, the„spcctfiea ien ,or di scription is credits tha(wi-1l'result directly•or indirectly from ' inle!Zl to establish the type fiiricuon aruJ quality acceptant a 'of such substitute, including costs of required ljnlesg, the specification or description redesign and claims of. other Contractors affee ' EdC.UC Gr`NIRALC0,NLA TIONS 1910-H l 199)O i clitii+iri i ` tv/(,111'0]zFOItTCOLLIN.'iMOL)11-'ICXYIONSOtENI-I)lf)N)) by the resultine.-change, all of which will be considered. by 7ENGINT-ER- in evaluating, the proposed, substitute. -ENT.G]N'EEP, may require CONTRACTOR. ,to fill-hish additional data 'about the proposed substitute. CI)N7TUCTOR's Expense: all data to be, ,pi-pyided by CONTRJNQTOR in :,support of any proposed "or -equal' or-substiLute itern will be at ZZONTRACT Mseipense. Subsfilyte Construction A'A'aludy or 1'rocedinz's: It ;a Z cl tc,,means,.meth&i technique, sequence or proc- c- e-: of construction is shown or indicated in am, e\p'rcssl%,, required 'by the Contract 1.5ocun-le-rits, RAC_170R. may furnish or utili'7,c P substitute -,means, method.. 'technique. sequence or procedure :of construction acceptable .to U.'NIGINFER. C0M*k_ACT0R "11, submit sufficient infurniation. to allow IINGINFERL in . EN I GUNFEWs sole discretion, to detefinine- that! the substitute pri.Wse4 is cx 4uivalent to that e.x6ressly celled f6r hy,'t,he ContractDocuments. - Docents. The fir.ocedurc.'for review,by ENGILINTHER will be 'similar to.that provided insubparagraph1. h 63.1 ENGUNTTR will tv allowcd!i reasonable, time mithin .which to evaluate each proposal: 0r. submittal. made. pursuant to -ts,63I 1 2 ., paragraph z and.6,1,_'); E-N(7j be the "a"a sole ji;e of accelitahilhy. No or -equal" or. -uh.qiturewfllbeordered.installed orutilized Nkithout FNW-MIEFR's prior written arc- tAh�c which will lie evidenced LTy.either- a Change: order or an approved Shop OWNER may require CONTRACTOR .:to ftmiish' at. CONTRACTOR's expense .a speciaj pzffqrryiqme- gusndntee or other suiery. with respect to any ',or-equRV' Or substitute. ENO IINTEER Will Jecord'.Ite required by NGL E \Tu� and _cNUNTE-E-rcs. Constiltants in k ng: 13Y �"v a I tatii- sqbstltutes proposed (;QN-ULACTOR p*suant to t*ragrm phs 6,7,12 and 63and in roakirrss, Changes in the C(intrict Dockirrients-(or-in the Provisions Of any -other direct contra&w'ith_0INqTM, for worIL on the PrdjCCt) oc L-asioned thereby; Whether ,or no ENGINEER, kdebt.s'a substitute tLem so proposed or submi - ited by C ON T RNC T ()F_ - CONTRACTOR •shall 'relfflbur.�, OWINER ,for the, charges of. EING = -R and ENQ�ZR'S..(torl� 1writs fuat for each such , - - I •I - - , A . 8. �Coni:emirzg S44-ontractors. Sitppliers and .6-8-T. zCQNIq_lW,,T0R- -shall not employ any Subcontractor, Supplier 6c other,person or organtption (including ftse, gaepble' to OXNN M- and whether initially or:as a wbstiti:lte..agairst, - whom -b),VNER or 04G :may' - h�ve reasonable objection.CbMMACT&R.shiii] not tv required -to employ any Sah�6antr.,ictor-Sutip!iOr,ortotherpL-Tsonororc,,ani2ntion to fuinislt or perform, any of LAe Work against whom (GOITRAC'170R has. rea5o*hle objecticni. EJCDCQENERAL(:0NDM.0N5 19iO-8 w CI -IT Ol,'I;OftTCX-ILLI�NSb101)11,IC-NTLONS (KLV4,7(.Aj0) 6-9- CONITRACTOR shall perform notlessthan 2_0 percent of:•the NVoik-%%ith its own T&=s (that is, .withoutsubcontractinal The -201percent :requirement shall be understood: to' refer. to,the Work the value of which iotals"n6t less than 20 rgrceriv.-of,the Contract Diddin Documents require the identit3` of certain Subcontractors; Suppliers- or, other pCi-soris or or * oris'(incluTin ;\%-ho'*ate to furnish the g ,those PI=P-1Ien;s'Jf 'materials or equipment) to be suhmitted to CAVNER in -advance -of -the -specified Jaw prior to the Effective Date' of the Ageement for acceptance hV OWFR K7 and FTQGIMTRR. a L�_ gliMij4�d A list in 7 M Beeer th, the 71 OWNFR's ,or ENGINEEI,"R's acceptance (eiticr in writing or by failing to make Witteil ob jecLion thereto l!y the date- indicated 'f6r acceptance or objection in the bidding 4muments or the Contract, Eloculnents) of any hari—S 6_f-T-P.Aq(MAh in, W -Gh ease A_se OIRII Wr. An tab; - su wt�`ft _4 flf� W01—be he-& -4 op.try such -substitution -and -an apprctpt:ta[z-.C-itnnge-t?rder YAR-he-i�tt N-t.']Atitten AnienOment signt4. Will constitute, a. conditiom of:the Contract requiring the use of the :named ':qubcontractors: suppliers. or other persons or onganization.. on . the "fork -unless. prior written appr6val - is. lobtained...from -OXWER and INC, NIEFRL No acceptance by CANWER. or ENIGTNEFR Of any such S.ubcontractpr; Supplier or other person t - )r o . re-Inj 2 . �jtioiti shall ainstiti.Ite;n waiver . of any right of Or ENGINE.ER to rcILvt 5;J:1, CUIvrfRtNC"fCtR shall: be fully rzspclnsihle to DkWIER-and ENGINEER ER favall acts-arij omissions of the Subcontractors; ,Su liers;a'd.othd persk-)hs and -P . rganbntioiis, perfqrm in,_or.funfishin_g any of the Work tinder a dir6ct Or i!i4irezt, contract with WNflWTOR just as �OWJ�--NCTOR - Is ble TeT_ onsi for. MCONTRACTOWs own, acts and Nothing oihtng in the- Contract Documents shall createfor' the benefit of any ouch si,Abcontractor. Supplier or (other person or drgHmi'ation any contractual relatiom-Iiip between OWNER or ENGN M and :any such- S I ubco . nirkto.r. Supplier or other person or. org I aruzafioiv -nor. shall it create any, obli6tion,on the part of',O'v\riN-E-R.oT,.L7!NGr-N-E-ER to pay or to see to the payment of'any moneys due any I - sUch—SubWntractor, :Supplier- or other parson or organization e . %cept- as may otherNyisd be required by I :0VVI%TEk or ENGINMER may LuN�t and Regulatibrs. furnish toz`ny subcontractor, supplier mother person or. orgimization . &idence of' amounts. paid to C0NTRAC-`*I*QP_. in accordance with CONTRACTOR'S !Aivficutiohfor-Payment". 13 I I 1 F 1 0_92. 'CONTRACTOR, shall• he solely responsible for scheduling and c.00r lihating, the Work of Suticoittractors, Suppliers and, other persons and organizations. performing or furnishing any of the Work under a direct :or indirect contract_ with ( 1VI'RAi,,f.OR- all Subcontractors Suppliers and sttch•other. persons and cxgaruzitions, perforating or f irnishine any of the Woik _to commumcatc-%-vith-the fiNG1ZEER through C'•ONTI ACTOR. 6.14,: The divisions and.sectibns of the,Sprcifications and the iderititicxatiom of any 'Drawings .shall .not. control CONTRACTOR .in dividing the kVork among Subcontractors or Suppliers.or delineating the W.&k to be performed by any specific trade, 6;11. All. Work. perlbrmed far CONTRACTOR by a Subcontractor or. Supplier .dill be pursuant to an appp_rropnatc agrccmcn't hctwccn CONY ACTOR and the Subcontractor -or Supplier which spectlrcally, binds the Subcontractor or Supplier .to ,the ap}iiicahle 'terms and conditions of. the Contract Documents for the benefit of :OWNER and '1 4GINf ER_-tVheme e a ;}�h gT4.entept Patent Fees rind RoYa(tiea 6,12, CQj\TTR_A --TOR shall pay'.all license 1?es and royalties and assume all costs incident to the -use in the per3ormance of the. Work. or the incorporation' in the Work of am tnycnuon, design, pro. ass product or- &-viii. which ism -the su,bjecrof patent nghG or coln•riots.held by others. If a partiWitif nventitm: desigrL process, prodiict,ordevice is Specified in 'the E6nu`act Documentsf'or Use in the Performance of the Wort. and if to the. actual knowlaclge of OLtNNZR or LNGINGCR its use is:sul3ject• to patent rights or a*pvrignits calling. K)r the payment of am Wenne fee or rrovalty to others; the_nlstenie of such rights shall be disclosed, liv'(DWNER in the Contract,llocuments. To the t'ullest -extent permitted by: Laws. and Rel_ntlations, ,CONTR-ACTOR' ishall indemnify and- hold harmless U1y?qI R, ENGf ti-R, ;LNG I_NGERks Consulttvits and the oCGcxrs tliiectors ,employees, agents and b1her�corisultants of,eK uh and•any:of there, fiom and against all claims., costs; lo'sscs and :damages .arising out of or resulting from any infrinyemerit.of patent rights or,gop tits incident, to the use in the performance of the: lltork or resulting from the - incorporation in the Work of any invention, design, process;, product or -device not .spe-citied in the Contract Uocumi ts. I4 HICD C;bNE z L,COa 1D1 n0N`S 791 qa3 j IJ'lU Editiml. w/ MY OF FOICI-COLD NS MODIP1 CATIONS tkE V d r ODr)) Permits 6.13. Unless otherwise provided in the Supplementan- Conditions. CON., RACPOR Aiall obtain and pay i'or all construction permits and, licenses OWNER shall assist C ONf*F :,AC f(,)R, when neeessan; In otua nine. such permits and Iicenses. CON .TfLACTOR shall pay all governmental charees rid .inspection fees necessary .for the prosecution of the 11'orL •which are applicable at the time. n,f opera% of'13ids,. LT., if there'ure no Bids,. on the `E ctive Date of the 'Agreement. CONTRACTOR shall pa} aii .clt.arges'of utility owners for connections to the Work, and 0%M,4;'R,shall pay all,Oarges of such utility owners f6r CaPita I costs.•related thereto such as plant investment fees. A14. Laws andRefdiatiuns: .6.1A.A CONTRA TOR shall give all notices and aim lly with all Laws aws and Regulations applicable to Cutntslung and performance of tthe Work. Except tt•here otherwise expressly required ii}% ttlil,livable Laws and .Regulations; ` neither f.()1k.'NER nor f-NGINFER .shall 'he .roonsible for monitorine C (_)NTkAC—lbk"s• compliance with any taws or 'Rcgulationa. 6.14:1 If C1O NTR:,1C_TOR: performs any Work knowing or having reason to know -tat it lS ccihuary to I,aws or Regulations, CONTRAC FOR. shall Bear 'all dlaims costs, losses and damages caused by, arising nut of or resulting thercRom; hoivevcr, it shall not be CONTRACTOR's primary .reslxnisibility to make certain that the Specleatiomand I)rawines are in acco_ rdance- with'.l.aws and Regulations, -.but. this shalt . 'not" relieve 'CONTRACTOR of GON'f Ri1C:1 C)R'9 ohligaiiohi under paragraph 3.3.2, Taxes: 6.15•: CONTRACTOR sh><i rviy all sales, consumer, use and other similar Laves required to l e paid ti? CONTRACTOR in accordance with 'the Laws and Reeulations of the place of the Project which are applicable duru>g the.perfurmance of the Work. 6.15,1. OWNER is exefiipt. Mai Colorado State and lord sales and. usz laxe5 :on . materkds Jo be permanently rnegfNr�dWd into theyproject�Said taxes shall�not,be included in the Contract Price: Address, Colorado Department of Revenue Stale Carntal Annex 1`375 Sherman Street Denver-C_olorado. R02( I Sales and Use Takes for the State. of Colorado. Reeional'Transpnrtation District.. (RTD) and certain Colorado: counties- are collected by the State of Colorado dnd are 'inclu(ed: in, the Certification of Exemption,. — _ All applicable Sales and Use Taxes.fincludin_ State collected ta. s),,on arty items other'than-construction and.building, materials physically inccirporated into the proiect are to be Mid by COMRAC:TM and are to be included, in appropriate bid items. jlse off'renrisex. 6:I6. CONTRACTOR shall confine construction equipment, the story=a of inatcrials anti equipment and the .operations of workers, to the site :and land and areas idcnuGed iri and permitted by the Contract Documents. and other land and:areas,perniitted by Laws and Regulations. rights -of -way, liermits and .casements, and .-Mll not unreasonably enctmther the premises with constmiction equipment or other materials or equipment. CONTRACTOR sliall assume full •rc9ponsibility for any damage to any such land or area,, or to the owner or ,occupant thereof, or•ol'ary adjacent -land or areas, resulting - from the perf6mlance of the \York. .,Should any claim be made ;by -any such owner, or occupant hccausc of the performance of,the .Work.. CON I RAQ.71:OR shall promptly settle. with. such ,other patty by negotiation or oihcrmvisc resolve the claim,by_arbitration or -other dispute resolution proceeding or at Jaw. UaNTl A(jOlt:shaII to the fullest .extent permitted by. l..aws:and'.Regulations, indemmnify and (told harmless 01\fI�tEk .ENGMTL•ER, L� MI]INT)✓ER's in consultaand anyone' directly or indirectly employcd by any of them .from and igaiimst all clauns, costs, losses and damages arising out of or' resulting from any claim or action: legal or equitable,- brought, by any such owner or occupant against CI\�R.'GNGE JI✓R.or any other panv mdcmrtiGea hereunder to the e.Xteni caused by or based upon COt\'TR'\('TOR's.perfommattce.of the Work. 6.17. During the progressof the \\fork, CONTRACTOR shall keep the premises free from accumulations of waste materials, .rubbish and other debris. resulting from the work- :At the, tpmpletion1of the Work CUNTRnCTOR shall rernove all waste materials; rubbish and debris from and about the prernises' as well .as all tools,. appliances, contitiructiort equipment ,sen materd machinery and surplus ials. CONTRACTOR:shall leave: the site clean and ready for occupancy by 0WN`GR at Substantial ,Complet•\Y ion -of ork. C:ONTRACfOR.shall restore to orimnal condition all proper'tynoi desi tteii for alteration by:thz:r`tintraet Dourmzrtts 6 15. CONTRACTOR hall not- loadinor ,permit any purl of any, stricture. to bc; bailed to any' manner fhat will enhancer the stritdurie. nar.shatl Cc)NTR:AC.TOft subject any part of the ]York or adjacent propefty to stres�es or pressures that will endanger it. Record noeuinwtre• EJCDC tJg^NERAL COR MONS t 91 V-8. (199V 8dI ia, t WI CITY 01; FORT COLLINS 1IODIGICATIONS'(REV •1MM.) 6:19. CONTRACTOR slIaLl maintain in a sjfe place at the -site one record copy of all Drawings, Specifications, Addenda,. Written Amendments. Change Orders: Work Change Dirrctive� FieldOrders` •and. W� itten interpretations and clarifici6ons (issued pursuant to Im�'m1?h `9 `l/ in good ordzr and,annotated.:to show all ctmariL made during construction These record documents tixether with all :approved Samples and a counteroart of -all .approyEd Shop Dr.aNvings will be available toEtiGNEER for reference: Upon ixgmpletion of the \\fork and prior to release of final ;im-ment, these record documents;. Samples and .Shop Drawings will be delivered tes ENGIN,HLk for (jWNFk. Sajen+and Nrnreerfon: 6:20. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all, safety precautions and progams in conriection with the Nome. CON•f.RA(TFOR shall, take all richessary precautions for the safely OC and shall provide the ttecessary protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to` o 2o1 I, al I persons an the Work site LT who Play be .affected by dmc Work; 6.2102. ali,the Work and materials and,cquipment to .be incorl orated.dicrein; whether iri storage on or off the site: and 6:20.3: other:propeity at the site or adjacent thereto, including .trees, shrubs, lawns; walks;, pavenments; xc>it `M_'; structures, utilities .and Underground Nacilitics.nor dcsignated,for removal- relocation or rplacement.in•the course:of corfstruction. CONI FFRAC'TOR shall comply ,witli all applicable •Laws and Regulations of any public body having jurCsdiction for safety of pefs'ons or property or ',to protect diem. Gem damage, injury or lode,; and shall erect. and nmaintain all i ecesmry safeguards '.for such safety ;ancl protection. (C� RACTURshalt notify owners of adj'acerd property and of Underground Facilifies'and utility owners when prosecution, of the Work may .affect tier , -and shall "Vet -ate, with them :in theTrotection. removal, -relocation and replacement oftheir-property. M damage: injury or loss to: any propeiri ret`erred to in paragrap}is G 20.2 or 6 0.3'•cau ed, directly,ovindirecdT, in.whole orin part, by CQNFITtACTOR, .any Subcontractor, Supplier or any other .person or, organirttion directly :or. indirectly employed by any .of•them to perform orfumish.'anyof the Wort: or anyone for'Whose acts any:ofthen may Lye hable. shall:be ternedied by CC>NTRACTOR.(c ccept damage or loss attributable to the fault of D. N% ings or SpcoiGcations orto-the-Bets or -omissions ol'OWivTR,or ENGINLL•R or L MEER's Consultant•:ur anytnje, employed by any of them .or:anytxte for whose acts,any of them m5y be .liable, and not. attributable. dii-eetly or indirectly in whole�or 'in part; io,the fault or negligence of.CON 1"Rr. CTOk,or any Subcontractor;. Supplier of other perscm ,or-orly niration directly or indirectly employed by any of thern). d,0.?4'flts\G 10Ws,dutics,and responsibilities For: the.safety and protection of the Work shall corniriue,.until.such time as all the 1Vork is completed and ENGINEER has issued a El F 1 -notice to OWNER and CONTRACTOR in accordance 'with pttra,groh 14.1_i,that the Work -.is acceptable {except as otherwise expressly provided in -connection with Substantial Completion}. 6.21. Sgfti Represenraave: C ONTRlCTOR shall designate a qualified and e,xperienced safety representative at the site whose duties rand responsibdtties•shull be.the prevention of accidents and the maintaining and supervising of;safety precaution and programs. Hazar'r1 Communication Prograrits. 6 22, C ONTRAC VOR shall be responsible for coordinating any-exchangeofinaterial safety data shects.or other. ,hazard communication information. required to be, made available to of exchartged bch_veen or among employers : at the site in accodance with 13tas or Regulations. Ffireigencies:. 6.23, In.emergencies affecting the safct}F or.protection of persons or llte Work or property at the, site or adjacent thereto. C0NTPAC"fcjR, without spcciii instruction or authorim ion from OWNER or ENGrNEFR, is obligated to act to r)r&eill threate ted damage, injury or loss. CONTRACTOR shall give I NCi1NE:'R prompt written notice .if CONTRACTOR- believes that: any significant changes :in the Work or v,"ations from the Contract Docttmen6 have been, caused thereby. If b1G11,TEER dctcrrnincs, that: 'a change in the '(_ontract Documents is. required.because•ofthe action •taken by CONTRACTOR in resPOnse tQ n Work Change Directive or •Change Order µwill be issued to: document the <consequenccs or..wch`aZKion .6.124. Strop Drawingadnt/ Srirsple_c.' 6.241. CONTRACTOR' shall submit Shop: Drawings to ENGINEER for review and apprdwil ut•acecrdance with thc. aced pted, schedule of Shop Drawings and Sample submittals (sea paragraph 2;9}. Ail`sirbm ttaLs wtlb.be identified as E G1!'T1 R mmti require and in the number., of copies specified in .the Gerleriil Reifuuements. The data shown:on the Shop Drawings will be complete with respect to quantities, :dtrnensions sped died,j)erliinnance'and-dcsigncriteria. materials find similar •data to show ENGINEER the matengls and`eguipment tUN7'RACT'UR proposes to prbvide: and to enable: ENG1N-EER to review the 'information for the limited pu ses required by rum . graph 6 2�' 6 24 2:�CONTR\CT0R.shall also submit Samples to ENGINEER for review .and approval in accordance with said ac.cxpted schedule of :Shop Drawings, and Sample submittals.. C tcln ;Sample will 'be identified clearly,- us to material Suppher pertinent data such as catalog ntunhers'And tfic use for tvtttch. intcndcd and otherwise as ENGINT ER may iequiu to enable NIGINIiFR- to review the cub"miftsl 'for .the .limited E7Cll4 C k3VEK1y1. CUNI?ITIONS 1910, tl 1JU Etlitiml I tg wL(.1l)' OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS {ItE>`4riu(al) ►wr".,;: required by paragraph626 The numbers of each Sample to be, submitied will=be its sTtec:ified in the. Specification;. 6.25. Submittal Procedures. 6._5.1, Before .submitting each, Shop Drawing or :Sample; CONUfji CTOR shialt have deternimed and 6.25.1_ I. all Geld measurements quantities; dimensions, .specified perComtance criteria: instntlation requirements materials; catalog numbers :and similar infomtatiun •Fvith respect hereto, 6.215.121. all materials with respeul;to intended use, fabrication, shipping, handling, storage, assembls, ;and installation Fertaining to the performimcc'of the Work,. and 6.25-13. all information relative to COMTRAM'OR's :soldxesponsiUilities in respect -of means, .methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction and safetvpre autioms andproamis inci -rit4fiereto; CONTRACTOR shall also have ,reviewed and coorclirtated etch'Sliop Drawing or Sample with other Shop Drawing.% and Samples and with the requirements of the Work and the -Contract D6LumcnL%. 625.2. Each submittal .will bear.a stamp or spccitic written, indication that CONTRACTOR has satisfied CONfRACTOWs obligations under the Contract DoGunicnt4 with respect.to C.UN`fR.AC'i'C7R'srevicnv and approval,of thrasubminal. 6.25K1 At the -time (7f each submission - CONTRACTOR shall give ENG11NMER specific written notice of such variations, if any, that _theShop Drawing or Sample submitted may have. from the requirements of the Contract DQcum�nts sueh notice to be in a written corrimunicanon separate _froth the submittal;, and, in addition, shall cause a gkci6c notation to be made on, each -Shop Di wir* and Sample submitted to ENGINTER'for review and approval-ol each such variation. 626 ENGINE-M will review and approve Shop Drawirms and Samples in accordance with'the schedule of 5hbp Drawing and Sample submittals accepted by EN.Ci iEER as requiitd by p iagtaph?'l EIVGZNEER's review and npprovalwill be:only lo,cletenntne ifthe items covered dw submitta'ls Will; alter installation or incorporation in the W'orl , cbriform. to. the information given in'thz Contract Documents and be compatible -with the desire concept of the completed 1?rotect as a functioning whole as I indicated by the' Contract .Documents. ENGINE} review and approval %till not &tend to means, method's, leehniqucs_ sequences or procedures. of construction (except where a particular mean,, method, techraque, sequence or procedure of constructott is specific fly -arid: eV, ressly called for by the 'ContractDocumtmts):or to safetyprecautions .or programs incident thereto. The review and approval of a. separate item as such i611 not indicateapproval of the assembiv in which the item functions. " CONTRACTOR shall make corrections required hi, FINGINEER, and shall return the required number of corrected copies -of Shop Drawings and submit as required new Sample's for review -and approval. CONTTLACTOR shall direct specific attention in tvnung to revisions other than the cOrrcetions called for by IIvGINEMan previous submittals. 6.217."" ENGINEMO; review and approval of Shop Drawlnizs,or .S:amples shall not. relieve CONTRACTOR from responsibility for any•vanation from the requirements of the (contract Doeum.ci% unlczs CONITRAc-MR has in writing .called NGINEEER's .attention to each such variation_ at the ,time, of, submission. as required by paragraph 6,25.3 Had ,ENGINEER" has given "written approval of each Mich variation ,by a specific written, notation thereof incorporated in or accompanying the Shop DraWing or Sample,appf6vak nor "will any approval by .HNG NE.ER relieve C.C-)NT"C.70R. from rLsponsibility for complying with. •the.requirementsof paragraph 6? S-1 " 6.2,k 1Vh reL s Shop. Drawing •or=Samplc is required by the Contract Documents or the schedulc of.Shop Drawing and. Sample submissions accepted by ,ENGINEER as rerun d. by-, paragruph'2. any .related Work performed prior to >sNGIN1 15R's review and approval of the pertincrn submittal' kill heat the sole expense; and responsibility of Coivrf RAC'f oR. CmibnuingtNe lVork 6,29, :CONTRACTOit shad" carry on the Work and adhere to the, prrn,reas schalulc duririg all disputes or disagreements wish OWNER. No Work shall br delayed or postprmed pending resolution of any disputes or disagreements, c,Ncept as,petmitted by paragraph 1- - or as 011'j\T_R :find C(_,)NTRf1CT0R maav otherwise agree in writinu: Z311:. CONTR4CTOR's. C:eneral. MzrranlF and •Guarantee::. 636. L CONTRACTOR. warrants and,, gut miees to OIAN' -0411GUNMERand ENTGIItiEEI Ccxispliants that all Work will be in accordance with ;the Contract Documents and will] not., be c6tlecrrv'. CONTRACTOR'.. warranty and .guarantee hereurider excludes defects. or damage caused by: 63(00, abuse., modification or. -improper maintenancecor uperattcm,.by Persons other than. CO\lTrcAtto,R,,Sulicontr curs or.Sirppliers; or 6.30.1':2: normal wear,and tear under. normal usage,. b 30:? CONTRAC=TOR`s:'obligatiop Ito perform and ci)mplete the Work in accordance with .the Contract Documents shaim:. " absolute. .None.of_the" following will -constitute an acceptance of Work that is not in UMCGENEiiALCONUITIONSI'J111-81JI9 tlEditim) ea CITY Oh FORT COLLINS MODIIWATIONS'iREv;t ^iRlu! accordance witlrtlte Contract"Docutnznts ora release of QONTRACTOR's obligation to perform the -Work in accordance.>vith the Contract Documents;: 6:3113.1. observalions.by ENGTIIN-EER; 6:30??. recommendation of am' progress or 511.11 payment by.] NGINEER: 630• .3," :the issuances of a certificaie of ,Substantial Completion. or any "payinent by U\tIJ, ' to C'fJ fT'KkCTbR_ tender the Contract Documents; 6, 30.27 use orcccupancy of the Work or any part thereof, by:(AVIN1 R: 6.30,1:, any,5dceptancc. 133,,OWNER or any fails re to do so: 6.30'.6. any review and approval 4's Shop 1_'>mwing or.Sample;submittal.or the issuance of's notice of acceptability by Fr•' GI,NE-1 Rs Pursuant to paragraph 1 d:1 ; fi its 2.7, any jnspcctior; test or approval by others: or 6 30._>$. any correction of &,Wee re Work by t:)\Ni�rEK. Indenwifrcdrrnn: 631_. To. thefullest ;ex cnt permM.itted, by jLaw. and `Regulations, C 01,4TRA(-TQR shall. -indemnify and hold harmless QWN"MZ_ . M,,IGRNty1Z I rgcL R'S Corizultants"arid the officers, directors, employccs,=agents anii other consull.Ints of each:and,anv ofthem from and against -a11 claims, costs: losses and damages (including_ but not limited; ao; all fees and .charges:: of 'engineers-,arcNtects, attorneys and other pi•otgssiolials and all court or,arbitration•or, other dispute resolution�costs) caused by, arising out ,of or resulting ,,from the performance of the. Worl ;,prnv,ided tl at:anysuch elaim; crest loss•or damage" (i).is";attributable• to bodily injure'. -sickness, -disease .or deaf}) orao njt rv. to� or &strueiion.of tangible property (other .ihan the -Work itself), .iri'ludi'_ , the •.I'- of use resulting therefrom, and (ii) Is caused, in_whole,or in part .by, any; rxgligent.act Or omission of CON'TkACTOR. any Subcontractor, :env Supplier, any ;personor.oraanizatitmi directly or indirectly employ&} by'any of them" to perform or furiiish any of the "Work or anyone for whose acts, any of them may be liable; regardless.of whether or not caused .in part by.any'negligence or omission.ofa.Person Or entity indemnified hereunder or whether ,liabdity"is impose) upon such indemnified party by Laws and IZewaNtions re►rdlessrott}tenegl encrofanysuchperson,cirentity', 631." !rt_.any .and ",all_ claims ,;against OWNER or IIQGMERp any' of:their respective consultants; agents, officers. directors or emplgyees by any,employee (or the sun°ivor.t?n,persnnal rcprescntativ�:.�f such,canploycc) of CoiN I RACTtiR any Subcontractor. any supplier, any person or oreaniiafion directly or -Indirectly ,employed by 17