HomeMy WebLinkAboutRESPONSE - BID - 7031 APP ARTIST IN ACTIONS (2)�A" w l� "Orange Burst Poppies " Acrylic 12 "Tx 1?"Wx2T inn .lisajcarneron.com "Voile Or•angen Poppies" Acr yl 30.48 x 30.48 x 5.08 cm Detail sample extract, Up. Up, and Awcry" Acrylic (3) 36 " x 30 Gallery Wrap Canvas Installed sire: 36'Wx90"Tx T Lin detailliertes Beispiel :I f Ar f and Weg' Acrvl (3) 91.44 x 76.2 cm Leinwand tisa J Camerwi listi/cameron.com 40 Detail sample ex1ructed as indicated below Ein detailliertes Beispiel "Cosmos ioslnos " AcrYlic Acal 60 " 017 x 48 "T.y 2 "D 1i2,4x121.92x5.08 C111 : �J,�J�j _4 q c 46, win ,lista cll91croll.co111 41firmaalioa An'tlrccam Acrylic 48"Tx60"W.> 2"D "Acker Verhal this " Acrv/ 30.48 x 30.48 x 3. 08 "cni tirtivwliscjculneron.coin x V • ' ;'! --.i .,, /�Li � _ • a _ "Slice of Life" Acrylic 36 7x 36' W x 2 vo 'Otte 40, F "Alicateci i), , o I I - Acrylic 48"x 48 " x 4 " calli'as iL.LIIC.; L)L.L,.Li No Text C�2 ,z/isa J Cameron urlrIr.lisaiccmrer•orl.conl R r � Al � 1 I �• ii t Ji16c'1 Lliiili� Acill is Acr"y'i 60'Wx487x 2 152.4x121,92x5,08 cm I Tanc v Free- Acrylic 60 "Tx 48 "Wx 2 T No Text "Hang High " Acglic ?A' W , AO "T ,• I "ll N tisa J. Cameron 4524 Skyline Drive Fort Collins, CO 80526 970.372.3096 lira@lisajcanteron. coin www.lisajcanzeron. corn. The 3-D painting style I developed is unique and created with animated enthusiasm as I drip and fling layers of color. It is entertaining for viewers to witness as the layers of color develop into representational imagery. My style is an evolution combining Impressionist painters "Spirit of Place" and Contemporary applications like Jackson Pollock's dripped paint technique. Each painting reflects playfulness and vigor and can be appreciated by both patrons of abstraction or impressionism. First, I lay down a foundation with broad brush strokes in an impressionistic style; ( Then I paint without restraint splashing and dripping color, mimicking my excitement and enthusiasm for my subjects. The paintings are created by building a multicolored woven surface with dripped layers on large scale panels to form windows of site -specific scenery. The layers create visual perception of depth and tactile dimension. The resulting images can be viewed as representational or abstract depending on the viewers distance from the canvas. Standing near my work viewers see lively splashes and drips of seemingly unorganized color, but as they step away, "Ah Ha", the layers of color form images. At first glance, the style is loose and whimsical, but with closer observation the painting yields detail and depth. It is like getting two paintings in one. "BEET STREETS" 14' H x 12' W x 5'D Stainless steel, steel, sandstone, glass Located at 625 Ninth St., and depicting an oversized map of Fort Collins City Streets using curving stainless steel. A smaller map circa 1900 is layered on top of a map from 2000 and is highlighted by a brass star pinpointing the location now housing the Fort Collins Streets Facility offices, once known as the local sugar beet factory grounds. • JTJ M. 1 C Ice Harvest Taken from a historic photograph (circa 1910) of `ice harvesting' on Monument Lake, paint on polycarbonate.. steel frames 30' long x 8' high Lisa Cameron & Tim Upham October of 2007 i 1� YAMAHAOL it 1 S' CHALK ONE UP FOR ART • LA STRADA FEST CONTINUES TODAY t •: - 1 ly _F •. L •A'Ms Yam' a(.. , h 5 Y S ?, The Denver Pos:Kathryn Scott Osler Artist Lisa J. Cameron of Fort Collins uses pastel chalks Saturday to create 'Mother and Teresa on the street in Larimer Square. La Strada dell' Arte, Denver's first Italian street painting festival, features artists using chalk to create images on the pavement. The event is free and continues today from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. 10 F,AD.SChE LEIT[:r: KULTUR Zwischen Kunst and Natur: die (von links) im Dreilandergarten. August 6, 2008 Sympo;:iums-Tcilnehmer UrsTwellmann, Tim Upham, Lisa Cameron and YuzoChiba Kunst, die im Freien entsteht Vier Kunstler arbeiten beim ersten Kunstsymposium des Kieswerk-Open-Air in Well am Rhein „So beautiful!", schwarmt Tim Upham aus Colorado fiber das Geiande im Kies- werk in Weil am Rhein. Der Dreilarder- garten, der modeme Pa«Ilon von Zaha Hadid, das alte Kieswerk, wo heute der Bildhauer Volker Scheurer sein Atelier and eine Galerie betreibt and Uberall Skulpturen stehen - das alles inspiriert den Kunstler aus Amerika. Das game Areal ist fur ihn „a wonderland": „It's ma- gic. it's a dream..." Tim Upham isteinervon vier interna- tioralen Unstlern, die seit gcstern beirn erster. Kunstsymposium des Kieswerk Open -Air im DreiRindergarten arbeiten. Die Besucher k6nnen ihnen zuschauen urd so auch die Entwickiunssschritte and den Entstehungsprozess dcr Kunstwerke mitverfolgen. Es ist die Idee dieses Sym- posiums, das vom Kulturamt gemcinsam mit dean Kunstraum Kieswerk organisiert wi rd, days die Leute nicht nur das Kinoer- lcbnis unter freiem Himmel and die Live- Musik geniefier, sondem auch dal Ent- stehen von Kunstwerken erleben k6n- rcn. Dafur erweist sich dieser Ort mit set - rem spannenden Kontrast zwischen \a- tur, Industriclandschaft and Architektur als-iberaus geeignet. So lasst sich Tim Upham, der mit Stahl and Glas arbeitet and immer den Raum -nit cinbezicht, von der besonderen Atmosphere inspirieren. Die vielen Menschen, die Abend fUr Abend zum Kino aufs Gelende s"men, das Grim, die Geschichte des Ortes, alle these Beobachtungen and Eindriicke sol- ten mit eintliefien in die plastische Ar befit, die der Amerikaner urtcr anderem mit Glassplittern schaffen will. Ebenfalls erstmals in Europa ist die Malerin Lisa j. Cameron aus Colorado. Sie malt im Jackson- Pollock-Stil, mit heftiger gestischerBewegung. tropfender urd ver- laufender Farbe. Doch wenn man naher- tritt, vcrwandeln sich ihrc wild-abstrak- ten Gemelde, die aus reiner Farbbewe- gung and Farbspuren zu bestchen schei- nen, in realistische and naturalistische Blumen and Pflanzen - ein fantastisches Vexierspiel. Yuzo Chiba aus Sapporo ker.nt den Ort schon von eine- Ausstel- lung irn Kunstwerk Kieswerk vo- fiin:`jah- ren. Diesel Mal will der japaner eine gro- Be abstrakte Skulptur aus Plexiglas schaf- fen, bestehend aus drei geometrisch-kon- struktiven Elementen, die sich bberkreu- zen urd Oberschneiden. Damit mbchte Yuzo Chiba die Schnittpunkte der drei Lander im Drciltindereck symbolisieren. Zur Veranschau Itch ung zeigt er schon mal ein kleines Modell der Plastik. Der Schweizer Holzbildhauer Urs Tvmllmann war gerade zwci Wochen lang im Engadin and hat von dort ..einen An- lienger voll mit Asten" mitgebracht. lWelhnanns Material fist das Holz, das er bricht, spaltct, zersagt and zu Skulptwen and Objekten gestaltet. Besorders genie arbeitet er mit FundstUcken aus dem Wald, mit Forstholz, mit Schwemmholz, -and ct ist beim hicsigen Forstamt nosh auf weiterer Materialsuche. Vor neon jah- ren hat der Kunstler zur Weiler Landes• gar wnschau „Gran 99" eine Schwemm- holzkugel geschaffen, die von der Stadt angekauft wurde and die heute noch Im Dreilandergarten steht. Manche Besu- cher werden rich auch roch an 'hvell- manns ..Baum-Blbliothek- erinnern, die ebenfalls auf dem Grungelartde zu sehen war. Beim Kunstsymposium kann er sich vorsteller., etwas Ahnliehcs wic these hdl- zerne Kugel zu gestalten. „Aber ich bin da noch often". Bis Sonntagwerclen die vier Kunstler, die Bildhauer Volker Scheurer zusam- mengebracht hat, rund um das Kieswerk arbeiten. Nachmittags bis in den Abend hincin rind sic an verschicdcncn Orten au` dem Areal anzutreffen. Bis 19 Uhr ist das Gelandc frci zuganglich, danach wird die Kasse f-j-die Fil.rnvorfiihrungen gebtf- net. Von heute an haben die Besucher die Mdglichkcit, unter den entstandenen Ar- beiten ihr bevorzugtes Kunstwerk auszu- wahlen. Am Sonntag 21 Uhr wird dann der Publikumspreis bekanntgegeben. Auch der Weg'.n die Galeric im Kunst- raurn Kieswerk lohnt sich. Dort rind Ar- beiten von Volker Scheurer zu sehen, die auf Kapverden entstanden rind, sowie un- gcwbhnliche reliefa;tige, Behr farbinten- sive Textilbilder der polnischen Kiinstle- rin Anna Dziezewska. Zur rnuitikulturel- ten and vieisprachigen Kurstlergerneir- scPaft, die sich momentan im Kieswerk aufhalt, gchort auch die japanische Pianis- tin Yoshiko Kasahara, die Frau von Yuzo Chiba, die am 7. August, 20 Uhr, ein klei- nes Klavierkonzert gibt. Roclvitha 1 reY 16 — August 2008 -- NORMFORTYNEWS By Libby James North For.y News I;Q CaIll:[JII, ,P::iutU studio ,its on a blul), ON erlookin-. 1 lorsetooth Iteseryoir. ]bade a stuntilna, array ul r:i!:u-tired poi, rests on tahlcs. Olt the tarp -draped floor cozens and dozen, of cars of* I:ousc paint :arc lined up. Gal- lons and quarts ,It in order]) ruse., no drips or dribbics run - ill it,-, doeen their sides or cloo- t; tip the cducs of their carc- fi.dlV replaced lid:. ?1nd afong- sidc ihctri arc buckets tilled erith paint sticks, most pristine and nee, ready to be used to imp and dribble paint across I can%as. A huge cane'a., par- tially finished, lies flat on the flour. another, oxen lamer, resU rn :ul casrl. ..Paint sticks," C'Imeron cx- plained. "arc tiro." Shc ,,ailwrN them up by the fistful at paint stores %%'hero she frequently buys "mistaken- that have been improperly rnixcd. Wilh these lools and materials she c[elles the paintings for ee rich sit: is knoee rl and re- spcctcd to - illcncs in Boulder; scutl;dalc, Ari/.. 1-olt Collins, l.stes Park and the Vir-in Is- land". Cameron, a graduate of the University of Wyoming, echo has a dc,ice in art %%till an cntph.a.is on pairllin�, hasn't f(-o lam (02,o -a 1`JIA7r-' high above :ft the C..Y matures alee:ry; etor cd \%till the cnlhu- stasm .nu€ ahamlor. that i, ce i- d:nt in her :iirrcn,, %corl. fh: saooshini, sxcirk. skinmdrib- bl;s and slrate, icall\ placcu w ips ;md drops she uses tick. to produce. and that ha,. e beconic li:r ;radcmark, are the result of :I lontz search for a sh•Ic all her tm n, Her quest. she said, ee:as as- sisted by her rnoee from a small hornc'studio in Loycland it) her currcnt honic in Springy C'an- yon Height: on the south-west Side of' Horsclooth Rcscreoir. it %\as there that she found the cne ironment that enabled her to Win_ her eeork to a ticey leycl. "\o one bother. trio here... site said. "I planted all the on my place. I love lisicnir..-, to meadoeyLuk; and house v rcns that sin, all tim long. in the <tnn- nlcr. Orioles and hunullim!birds hang Iroutld because I feed 111cm. Faeens. limos, raccoon:, skunk,, coyotes, rabbits and o:- ::asiinlally a molintilll lion. bell of elk shoe% up Outside Illy door. 1 planted llueecrs to hccoinc models tur my painlings, but in- stead 1 created a ,,rand salad bar tier the 6\11dlific. I decor -,ct tired of lookin_, at the clouds, sunsets and lights of the cite bcloee'-" Cameron has atom s been fas- cinated eeiih color and the eeav it is used — in combinations in extremes ill %allIn-, d:Lrcc: Creative corner. Lisa Cameron has found ner rnjse on a b:u# overlookaig Horsetooth Reservoir where site paints and makes raku-fired pots. Photo by Libby James of intemite', but for a long, tittle, all that she understood` about color eeas not rcllccicd in her eeork. it \ea, as if she eeere eeailirw, for the right medium to c:xpres� her cone ictions about color. "Victor Flack, my professor at the L nnersite of W)onling. hammered color theol- into Inc," she said. "tic had stroll, opinions and e%asn'i eery popu- lar with the other students, but I bought into eerrythin- he had to ,hare about the use of color. € learned so mush from him." Cameron eeas no sli'angcr to the art aurld eehcn , is entered colic�,e. Born in Bcdtiard, Pa., she moe ed to Chce cnnc and ,!raduatcd from C'cntral Iligh School there. She xeas ,front ly influenced by her mother. a painter, jeeecIry m::kcr and all teacher. 011cn she t:a red along, to eeorkshops ee ith her nloln and puked up tips :;rid techniques that site incorporated into her eeork. Be' the tilrtc sit: %%as ready fir collcec, she had In array of all scholarships lionl eehiclt to choose. alter ,raduation she set out to make a lip ins with het all. At Ill,- time she dill siructurcd and realistic pieces that eecrc soon accepted by a Lox eland gallery. O\cr the year, dic ha, boon im olecd in a ntnnh:r of :art in public place; projects. from enhan:in, transformer boxes eeilh rlalire eeildllueecrs to a 12-panel three-dimensional historical mural installed at the entrltlCe 10 ill: k '1\ 11 of MOIIU- KULTUR Suche nach der Balance Volker Scheuer and weitere Kunstler eines Symposiums stollen im Weiler Kunstraum Kieswerk aus Drr Nachhah eines bMwnder: ;<urstsom risers ist nosh in diesem Winte: im Kunst - :aim Kieswerk In Well am Rhein zu spu- . .ln de. Dezemberartsstellung sins einige Bilde: and Objek;e zu sehen, die wahrenc cities Symposiums mil, vier in- LeMaflO.naien Kiinstlern irn August i;n DreiCande.ga:ten entstanden sird. Das Hauptgewicht der Schau liegt aber auf neuen Arbeiten des Bildl:auc s Volker Scheurer, der im Kieswerk sein Atelier and die Galerie bctreibt. Zudem hater die Galerierlume, die das Hemstuck des <ilten Industriegeb�udes bilden, um neu ,estaltete Kunstraurne in den ehemaligen Silos erweitert. Auch dort finden sick nun effektvoil and stilvoll prasentierte Skulp- turer,, %Yandohjekte, Bilder urd Installa• tioncn. Das alte Materiailager wurde so- ar zu einer Art Krypta verwandelt. Vokke: Scheurer hat vie: Neues gesehaf- ter., darunter ak;uclle Skulptuxn in Holz, die das T hema Balance behandeln. Eire der stark abstrahierten Figuren Nt uber zchn Me:er Koch, sic steht vor der Galerie and bevvegt rich rnit dent Wind - was die Suche nach der Balance i:n Lebea and die Labili:lt der menschlichen Existenz sym. nolisier% Ein fragiles Gieichgewicht halt auch tine weitere forma; reduzienc Hoiz- skulptu:, die an cineni d,inncn Draht zu sch:veber. scheint. In anderen Ob;ekten arbeitet Scheurer mi; hauchd6nnen Pa. pierschichten, die nel'cfartige Strukturen ergeben. Ebenfails neu bind die ..Dialog. raume„, wic Offrrungen cir.£erah:nt von Hoizbalken, in denen kleine ult:an:arin- Mauc F igurenpaarc and Formercle:nentc ir. verschledenen Konstellationen zusam- ntcngestell: wcrdcn -Onnen. \eben dern intensiv !CUchtenden Uhrarrarinb:au sel,zt de: Bildhauer auf uramadsche star ke Farbkontraste wic Rot and Schwarz. Aus schwarze:n Sand der tapverder, Bird abs;rahicr tc weihEche Figurer geforn:t and auf schwari-rotcr. Bildprund Kesetzt, Im Niaterial, in der Farbe and der Reduktion au; clementare F•ornen spiegeln diese Figurea auch das Pure de: atur and ccn Charakterder ln- sel. „Roter Horizon;" heilit eire andere liilderreihe m:t roten Horizontstreifen and sch.va,-zcn Unienspurcn, die an Vo. gelsci•.varrne oder Vulkanisch-EmptIves ucnkcr::assen. An die Nageibi.der eires Der Bildhauer Volker Scheurer neben seinen Figuren aus schwarzem Sand der Kapverdon I ;: I e.. , os r. i . ,. r k • •. Giinther Ucckcr crinrert ein Material- bild, in dem sick aus :oten Goiftees dyna- mische Figu;rnlinien abzeichnen. , z einer g:urz cigeaen Technik faszi- niert die junkie polnische Kunstlerin Ania Dziezcwska. Sic vcrwendet textile Ele rncnte and verschiedene farbige Stoffe wie Seide, die sie zer•schnefdet, verkno- tct, fiicht and ver:vcb; zu abstrakten Farb- komposAioren vor, dichter Textur and dynamischen Unien. Nlehr der konstruk- tiven Formersprache zugewardt ist der japanische Kbnstler Yuzo Chiba. Von ihm sieh: man tine weifie Piexigiasskulotur: eine Plastik aus d:ei ineinander ver- schrankier. geornetrischen Formeneie- menten, die symLolisch fGr das D:eiiand stehen. Auch seine in diesem : icrbst ge rnalten Tuschebilder nehnrer. Bezig zai das Motiv eines Kubus ' dugs-rai I str ru r,, sondern spontan, fife• end, mit spielerischen Elementen. „Flo- werpower" auf ungewdhnl:che Art br ingt die amerikanische Malerin Lisa Cameron in ihrern Biid ,.Wildblumen„, dasaussieht wic c.rc wild wuchernde Blumenwiese. Von Nahem betrachter ist es reinstes Ac• tion Painting � la Jackson Pollock: Die Kunstlerin aus Colorado iasst Farben Crop. fen and ver:auten, urd aus dern abstrak. ten „Chaos" kristallisieren sick ver. schlungere Naturmotive heraus-einfach yerbiiiffend schdn! Ros►tividra J ),ev .- Bis 21. Dezember, Freitwg, Sanwag, Sonntag 14.19 f1hr; 13. Dezember, 20 Uhr Kunst171rne; 20. Dezember, 20 Uhr 1 echterabend. 12009 Ob 4 Aoki, Ar 1_ IT All, At "Custer AcrYlic 117 12 Wx 2 "D Regio - Kultur Mittwoch, 06 August 200: magischer Ort voller Inspiration unstler-Symposium im Kieswerk: vier Gastkunstler / Faszination des „genius loci" Hauger ein. Das chemali- : im Weiler Drei- i wird in der Re- :zt als augerge- Hort der Kultur, is derzeit vor Ort e open air Kino Kiinstler Volker t daran wesentli- Er hat zur Grun ;elegte Industrie- >tmals als Studio genutzt. Regel- ene sowic Gast. n and zahlreiche isbauten folgten. >iente hat einen n Charme: Rund- 2n rich die uber- -n, charakteristi- reieck-Skulpturen n den Himmel, `Cunstlerutensi- rasent, Kreati- ,� der Luft. Ein avierflugel wartet Jer Galerie, die ine steile Au&n- erreicht, auf Pia- .. Zur Zeit gibt es - open air sei ge- n Augenbereich and Konzertbuh- n Teil des Nille- ist Erstaunliches [anden Scheurers Helfer entstan- re Zimmer, eines Begegnungsstatte :hen Stil, stehen Kiinstler-Gasten offen. Und Gdste sind scit gestern such da: Das crste Kiinstler-Sym- posium findet in Zusatnmen- arbeit mit deco Weiler Kultur- amt staff. Vier kreative Kopfe wohnen nun direkt im Indust- riedenkmal and Lassen rich von Geschichte und Atmo- spharc des Gebaudes and der Umgcbung inspirieren: 7_wei Amerikaner, ein Japaner and ein Schweizer hat Volker Schcurer in Rucksprache mit Kulturamtsleiter Tonio Pag- lick nach Weil am Rhein eingeladen. Sic begeben rich bis Sonntag taglich in ihren hier entstehenden Arbeiten auf die Spuren des „genius loci". Und sie rind rich alle vier einig: Dieser Ort fordert kiinstlerische Kreativitat ge- raderu heraus. Alle vricr haben von Pag- lick and Schcurer ciniges iibcr das ehemalige Kieswerk sowic den daneben liegenden Hadid-Bau erfahren. Wichtig ist der Aspeki, class hier ursprungliche Natur zur In- dustriclandschait wurde and anschliegend wieder zuruck- transformiert wurde. Der Japaner Yuzo Chiba, der bereits vor tunl'Jahren im Kieswerk seine Kuben aus- stellte, will die Dreiland-Situ- ation thematisch aufgreifen. Ein Modcll seiner aus Plexi- glas geplanten Arbeit hat cr mitgebracht. Er will das Drei- 15ndereck mataphorisch um- tammt die Kiinstlerin Anna Dziezewska, die gerr.ein- usherr-' Volker Scheurer in der Galerie im Kieswerk irallel zum Kunst -Symposium. miinzen auf leich- - te gcometrische and plastische Aussagen. Mit sci- nen Skulpturen versucht er, die der Natur innen- wohnenden Ge- setzmal3igkeiten zu abstrahieren and in reduzierter Form darzustcl- len. Auch der Schweizer Urs P. Twcllmann ist in Weil kein Unbe- kannter. Er hat be- reits bei der Griin- '99 mit Schwemm- holz aus dem Rhein eine faszi- nierende Kugel ge- schaffen, die von der Stadt gekauft wurde. Jetzt plant cr wieder mit Holz, das er bricht, spaltet, zer- sagt and gleich- $am analysiert, um es dann in andere Zusam- menhange zu bringen. Tim Upham aus Colorado ist von der Wirkungsstdt- te begeistert: „Ein magischer Ort - cin Traum!" Seine mcist gewaltigen Plastiken setzen sich stets intensiv mit Natur. Ge- schichte and Ar- chitektur der Um- gebung auscinan- der. Mit Beton and vor allem mit Glas %vill er hier lokale Impulse autgret- feu. Die Malerin Lisa J. Came- ron schlielilich, ebenfalls aus Colorado, erzeugt mit ihren Farbil5chen je nach Betrach- tungsabstand faszinierend unterschiedliche Wirkungen. Durch die Farbschichtung w-irken ihre Bilder skulptural: zunachst v.illkiirlich wirken- de Formen setzen sich bei Vor dem Kieswerk: die Teilnchmer des Symposiums (von links oben): Urs F 7. ellmann, Tim Upham. Lisa i. Cameron and Yuzo Chiba Fotos: Gabriele Hauge grolierem Abstand zu Figbrli- chem zusammen. Die vier Kunstler, die t5g- lich ab etwi IS Uhr auf dem Gelande arbeiten, freuen sich auf intensive Publikumsbc- gegnungen. So vcrspricht der Ort mit Vlusik, Kunst, Gc- sprachen and Filmen zu ci- nein „Kunst open air" zu werden. Idealer k6rinte di Nutzung des Kieswerks nick sein. Es :vird ein Publikumsprei ausgelobt. Am Donnerstag. August, um 20 Uhr spielt di japanische Pinnistin Yoshik Kasahara Werke von Lisz Beethoven and japanische Komponisten. tisa J Cameron Public Art 4524 Skyline Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80526 970.372.3096 lisa@lisajcaineron.coin www.lisajcaineron.com Uiefnr6 C+raafc rall"1 ", Arn,'anf Fnrf iniGne i'nlnradn 0 • Transformer Box Project Fort Collins, Colorado "Wild Flowers of 4 Corners" Vegetation indigenous to the Four Corners area is painted in a loose, impressionistic style, depicting yucca, aster, sumac, and dugaldia on a cluster of cabinets. The cold urban environment has been transformed into a lush field of • f h f wildflowers creating an inviting atmosphere for pedestrians. 2007 $3,400 • Medical Center of the Rockies Loveland, Colorado Hospital commission of 5 water color paintings. 3 of 5 subjects are portraits of children representing caring, family, and friendship. 2 depict soothing local architecture and it's environment. unframed 2006 $6,225 • Lowry Foundation Historical Wall Mural Colorado 4 Finalist with Tim Upham 3-D mural depicting history of Lowry Air Force Base 2006 $15,000 pl - • Trios Murals - 1999 and 20M Fort Collins, Colorado L "GARDEN SENSATION" 1999 52' W x 10' H "SUNSET FANTASY" 2000 2 F W x 6' H +i Murals for interior of Trios Salon Spa Store to create soothing environment through color use and application. Created in corridors the murals gave the illusion of depth and a feeling of more space. • Performance Art • Painting live during "Celebration of Hope and Humanity" show 2003, and the *�, "Tsunami Relief Fund" 2005, Fort Collins Participating in Italian Street Painting Festivals in Denver, Vail and^ Fort Collins, Colorado. I Page 1 G�2 qq hsa ppnn 4524 Skyline Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80526 C.-n , Cameron 970.372.3096 lisa@lisajcaineron.com www. lisajcatneron. coin • Current Gallery Representation • Kieswerk International Gallery, Weil am Rhein, Germany— 2008 — 2009 • Teal Art Gallery, Breckenridge, Colorado — 2009 • Naked Horse Gallery, Scottsdale, Arizona — 2008 — 2009 • Meko's Gallery and Framing, Fort Collins, Colorado, 2005 — 2009 • Casa de Artistas, Scottsdale, Arizona 2008 —2009 • Trimble Court Artisans Cooperative, Fort Collins, Colorado— 2004 — 2009 • Earthwood Artisans, Estes Park, Colorado — 2006 — 2009 • Best of Both Worlds, St. John, Virgin Islands — 2006-2009 • EarthWood Collections Pearl Street Mall Boulder Colorado — 2007— 2009' • International Award Winner Weil am Rhein German y" Awarded second place for interpretation of the indigenous flora in "Three Nations Garden" during the 2008 Invitational International Open -Air Symposium c • Best of Colorado Denver International Airport - DIA a 'Ripe and Ready" Acrylic, 48"" H x 38" W Best of Colorado Artists exhibition at DIA. August 15 - January 31, 2007 s�r% • National - Best of Show Greeley, Colorado " National - Best of Show in 2005 Greeley National Art Exhibition -Red Rockets",Acrylic 38" W x 48" T • Where the Buffalo Roam West Yellowstone Yellowstone, Montana "FANCY DANCER" Sponsored by Yellowstone Resort & Conference. 1 of 25 artists selected to raise awareness for the arts commissioned to paint life size fiberglass buffalo 2007 A PM ecf of WYEO. Inc • P.O. Box 190 • WW Yeg—fore. MT 59758 • Denver CowParade Denver, Colorado "The Next Stage" "Cow Flower Power" Sponsored by Wells Fargo Sponsored by Cherry Creak Ar 8" long, S" high and 2"5" wide 4"*" 8" long. 5' high and 2"5" wide Sponsored by Wells Fargo 1 c o w w pa r a d e ,. CowParade is the largest and most popular public art event in the world. More than 100 million people worldwide have seen the Cows Event. 2006 host cities include Lisbon, Portugal, Boston, _ Buenos Aires, and Denver, Colorado! 7m!v • Exhibitions • Creative Capital Exhibition- Denver International Airport and Colorado State Capital. Denver. CO- 2009 • Kieswerk Open Air, Weil am Rhein, Germany - 2008 - 2009 • The Home Show at the Enclave, Loveland, CO - 2004 • Tointon Museum Gallen. Greeley CO - 2008 • La Via dell Arte Participant Show. Fort Collins. CO - 2004 • Reno Tahoe Airport Authority, Reno -Tahoe International Airport NV - 2007 • Women Rock the Sunset, Fort Collins, CO - 2004 • The Best of Colorado. Denver International Airport CO - 2006 - 2007 • Sisters, Fort Collins, CO - 2002 • Lloyd's "Out of the Blue", Fort Collins, CO - 2006 • lmprov Contemporary Art, August, Fort Collins, CO - 2002 • Art for the Heart, Estes Park. CO - 2006 • Snow Ball, Arts Alive Fund-raising Campaign, February, Fort Collins, CO - 2002 • Lloyd's "Au Naturale'', Fort Collins, CO - 2006 • Junior League Garden Tour, Fort Collins, CO - 1999 • Mia Bleu. Fort Collins. CO - 2006. 2007. 2008 • Warren Na1de Mansion Art Show - .August - September. Cheyenne WY - 1999 • 2D or Not 21), Fort Collins, CO - 2005 • Wyoming Game & Fish Conservation Art Competition, Cheyenne, WY 1995-1998 • Richard Schmid Fine Art Show &Auction. Rist Canyon. CO - 2005 - 2009 Watercolor Floral Show, Chevenne Little Theater, Cheyenne. WY - October 1994 • National Greeley Art Exhibit, Fort Collins, CO - 2005 • The Holiday Show, Laramie, Wyoming, February -March 1991 • Sound of Color, Fort Collins. CO - 2005 • Uniycrsity UP Gallerv. University of Wyoming, Laramie. WY - April 1990 • Cache Bank, Fort Collins, CO - February & October 2004 • WYSIWYG Gallery One Laramie Plains Civic Center, WY - Nov. & May 1990 PAY. 2• MOCA Studio Tour. Museum of Contemporary Art, Fort Collins, CO 2001-2007 • The Salon des Refuses Show, Laramie Plains Civic Center, WY - 1990 IN J Cameron 4524 Skyline Drive Fort Collins, CO 805 970.372.3096 Dear Review Committee In my submission for this project I have included images of past Art in Public Places projects and commissioned painting examples. If selected as a finalist I will demonstrate why I have been invited to participate in many performance art projects. The 3-D painting style I developed is unique and created with animated enthusiasm as drip and fling layers of color. It is entertaining for viewers to witness as the layers of color develop into representational imagery. A few examples of live Art in Action projects I have completed include street chalk drawing festivals throughout Colorado and painting live to the music of the Symphony, Opera Fort Collins and many other musicians and singers for fundraisers at the Lincoln Center. I also created a painting representing the "Spirit of Place" during a week long invitational art festival in Germany in 2008. My favorite part of the event was watching patrons discover imagery in my painting as they talked with me and stepped away from the canvas to see the imagery appear. Guests came back daily to watch the progression of the artwork. I was awarded seconded place at the symposium for the painting I created on location, Drei Nationen Garten. For exterior work I paint on large scale single or multiple panels of weather and vandal resistant Lexan or steel to form windows of site -specific scenery. In the 3-dimensional wall piece "ICE HARVEST", I reverse painted on Lexan to create a representational painting separated into 13 pieces and mounted in steel stacked frames representing ice blocks. This idea was derived after collaborating with the project design team. The painting samples I provided are a contemporary style of painting that can be pushed to abstraction or refined to become more realistic. My style lends itself well to both patrons of realism and abstraction. It is a mixture of Impressionism and Jackson Pollock's dripped paint technique. This paint technique is what I am becoming known for and is a colorful and lively approach used to create renditions of genius loci or my surroundings. It is also notable that in addition to APP projects I have been awarded, I have worked as an assistant on others including one in Aurora Colorado in 2008 for $215,000. This has given me first hand experience of large and medium scale projects from conception, certifications from structural engineers to installation. have enjoyed working with design teams and look forward to the opportunity of working with your team in the development of an interactive art project that would help continue to raise awareness of the vitality of our downtown community. Thank you so much for your time. Sincerely, Lisa J. Cameron 1. What expertise and sensibilities do you bring to the project? A. What makes me excited about working on the Art in Action project is being able to translate my experiences from other similar projects, forward to this one. a. International Snow Sculpture in Japan Represented the United States team capturing the event on film for future creation of a documentary of the event and answering questions from visitors and guests about our project b. Invitational International Art Symposium in Germany I created a painting live during the week long event from indigenous flora winning second place. c. Painted live during the "Celebration of Hope and Humanity" and "Tsunami Relief Fund" in Fort Collins. Painted to the music performed by Opera Fort Collins, The Symphony, jazz musicians and children's choruses. d. Participated in street Chalk Drawing festivals throughout Colorado. Created works as patrons observed and asked questions. All of these opportunities have given me the experience necessary to fabricate artistic creations under the inquisitive and close observation of the public eye. When completing a project under the watchful observation of others. There is no room for mistakes and you must be able to remain focused while being congenial and answering questions from the inquisitive viewer. I am out there to entertain. That is equally as important as the piece I am creating. 2. How does my initial concept fit into the themes of Sustainability, the History of Fort Collins or Eclectic/Bohemian? A. Sustainability - the ability to maintain balance a. The piece can demonstrate this physically, visually or both. It depends on how esoteric you want to be. To keep an artwork in balance we do this visually, through texture and color in a composition. Or physically we can use recycled material. I could also balance the piece by the choice of images I used- one side a one colored historical figurative industrial image countered by the other side, a brightly colored flamboyant subject from nature. B. History of Fort Collins a. Like the piece created for Monument Colorado, I can create imagery that reflects important industries that defined and developed Fort Collins. For example the Beet Factory or the agricultural beginnings of the University. I could also create imagery of indigenous, flora, fauna, or landmark landscapes (Horsetooth Rock) from which natives to the area have created and told folklore about for generations. This can be illustrated using my unique and colorful painting application or monochromatically like the reproduction of old photograph completed for Monument. C. Eclectic/Bohemian a. My painting style is eclectic, drawing from the impressionism style and adding the flair of Jackson Pollock creating a new style outcome. I am a full time artist and my work, personality and being represents the Bohemian lifestyle of frugality and voluntary poverty. I am living it, and my presence in the public as I create my work publicly for the Art in Action project is the embodiment of the theme eclectic/bohemian. 3. What is going to make my proiect exciting in the way it engages with visitors to Old Town Square? A. The untraditional process that I use to paint is unique and entertaining. I paint enthusiastically with paint stir sticks dripping and flinging paint onto my canvas. It is entertaining for viewers to witness as the layers of color develop into representational imagery. B. My painting style lends itself to both patrons of realism and abstraction. D. My proposed piece emphasizes the engaging element of surprise from different vantage points and distances. a. My work is made for pedestrians to view from many distances. Close up the imagery is abstract drips and splatters of layered color and from a distance the piece comes into focus and filled with representational imagery. E. It may have movable/kinetic components. a. The added levered element gives a different viewable subject depending from which direction you are approaching the sculpture 4. Can you move forward with your proiect with a portion of the budget and a shorter time line? A. I am comfortable creating artwork to fit a required budget and time line. B. I have sample projects and budgets of past projects as reference points. v ^? Rohl" tisa 1 Cameron 4524 Skylbie Drive l Fort Collins, CO 80526 \ 970.372.3096 tisa@lisajcaitieron•. coin• www. li.sajcaiiieron.. co?n. 1. "BEET STREETS" Stainless steel, steel, sandstone, glass 14'Hx12'Wx5'D A design consultant in collaboration with Tim Upham creating Art in Public Places artwork incorporating the facility's history. The piece is a reproduction of Fort Collins Streets circa 1900 & 2000 pinpointing the buildings location and provides seating for employees. City of Fort Collins Art In Public Places Program Streets Facility Project — Fort Collins, CO 2008 $24,000 2. "ICE - HARVEST" Reverse painting on Lexan/Steel framing 30'Wx9'Hx4'D Working in collaboration with Tim Upham to create site -specific Art in Public Places sculpture. This piece is a 3-D mural depicting the history of Tri-Lakes and installed at the entrance to Monument Colorado. Tri-Lakes Views Public Art Projects ARTWALLS Project Monument, Colorado 2007 $20,000 3. "WILD FLOWERS OF 4 CORNERS" Vegetation indigenous to the Four Corners area is painted in a loose, impressionistic style, depicting yucca, aster, sumac, and dugaldia on a cluster of cabinets. The cold urban environment has been transformed into a lush field of wildflowers creating an inviting atmosphere for pedestrians. City of Fort Collins Art In Public Places Program 2007 $3.400 4. "DREI NATIONEN GARTEN" Acrylic 52"W x 48"T x 2"D Site specific flowers painted in Germany from the three nation's corner, winning 2nd place at the international symposium Kunstraum Kieswerk Internationale Galerie 2008 $3.600 Image List 5. "SUNSHINE CELEBRATION" Acrylic 48"W x 48" T x 2"D Gallery wrapped canvas panel Big Gril dentistry, Fort Collins, CO Layers of woven acrylic color to create cactus. Full view imagf with a close up of cropped section Big Grins dentistry, Fort Collins; CO 2008 $3,600 6. "PRICKLEY PEAR" Acrylic 48"W x 48"_T x 2"D Gallery wrapped canvas panel Layers of woven acrylic color to create cactus. Full view imagf with a close up of cropped section Naked Horse, Scottsdale, NM 2008 $3,600 7. "SILVER LINING" Acrylic 60"W x 48"T x 2"D Gallery wrapped canvas panel Layers of woven acrylic color to create a native silver fox currently showing in Colorado Capital show located at Denver International Airport and finishing in Denver State Capital 2008 $3,800 8. "YELLOW FIN / BLUE FISH" Acrylic Full View - 6, 30" x 36" 2"D panels Installed size is 7'5"W x 6'8"Tx 2"D Layers of woven acrylic color to create fish in blue water. Full view image with a close up of cropped section. Water Valley Land Co., Windsor; CO 2007 $8,600 W IN J Cameron 4524 Sky in.e Drive Fort Colliazs, CO 80526 970.372.3096 Lisa@lisajca?nei-o,ii.. conz www.li.sajca.nwron. com Dear Review Committee, Letter of Intent In my submission for this project I have included images of past Art in Public Places projects and commissioned painting examples. If selected as a finalist I will demonstrate why I have been invited to participate in many performance art projects. The 3-D painting style I developed is unique and created with animated enthusiasm as drip and fling layers of color. It is entertaining for viewers to witness as the layers of color develop into representational imagery. A few examples of live Art in Action projects I have completed include street chalk drawing festivals throughout Colorado and painting live to the music of the Symphony, Opera Fort Collins and many other musicians and singers for fundraisers at the Lincoln Center. I also created a painting representing the "Spirit of Place" during a week long invitational art festival in Germany in 2008. My favorite part of the event was watching patrons discover imagery in my painting as they talked with me and stepped away from the canvas to see the imagery appear. Guests came back daily to watch the progression of the artwork. I was awarded seconded place at the symposium for the painting I created on location, Drei Nationen Garten. For exterior work I paint on large scale single or multiple panels of weather and vandal resistant Lexan or st( to form windows of site -specific scenery. In the 3-dimensional wall piece "ICE HARVEST", I reverse painted on Lexan to create a representational painting separated into 13 pieces and mounted in steel stacked frames representing ice blocks. This idea was derived after collaborating with the project design team. The painting samples I provided are a contemporary style of painting that can be pushed to abstraction or refined to become more realistic. My style lends itself well to both patrons of realism and abstraction. It is a mixture of Impressionism and Jackson Pollock's dripped paint technique. This paint technique is what I am becoming known for and is a colorful and lively approach used to create renditions of genius loci or my surroundings. It is also notable that in addition to APP projects I have been awarded, I have worked as an assistant on others including one in Aurora Colorado in 2008 for $215,000, This has given me first hand experience of large and medium scale projects from conception, certifications from structural engineers to installation. have enjoyed working with design teams and look forward to the opportunity of working with your team in the development of an interactive art project that would help continue to raise awareness of the vitality of our downtown community. Thank you so much for your time. Sincerely, Lisa J; Cameron (:��2 4524 Skyline Drive, Fort Collins, CO 8052 �Sa J Cameron Public Art 970.372.3096 Lisa@lisajca?neron.co?n www.lisajca?neron.co-, Hidnrie CtrPPtc Farility PrniPrt Fnrt (Aline CnIfiman C Transformer Box Project Fort Collins, Colorado "Wild Flowers of 4 Corners" �-19 Vegetation indigenous to the Four Corners area is painted in a loose, impressionistic style, depicting yucca, aster, sumac, and dugaldia on a cluster of Iffcabinets. The cold urban environment has been transformed into a lush field ofa`: wildflowers creating an inviting atmosphere for pedestrians. 2007 $3,400 Y Medical Center of the Rockies Loveland, Colorado Hospital commission of 5 water color paintings. 3 of 5 subjects are portraits of children representing caring, family, and friendship. 2 depict soothing local architecture and its environment. unframed 2006 $6,225 C Lowry Foundation Historical Wall Mural Colorado Finalist with Tim Upham 3-D mural depicting history of Lowry Air Force Base 2006 $15,000 C Trios Murals - 1999 and 2000 Fort Collins, Colorado "GARDEN SENSATION" 1999 52" W x 10' H "SUNSET FANTASY" 2000 21 � W x 6' H ; Murals for interior of Trios Salon Spa Store to create soothing environment through ?' s i 11.11.I t i i �'� : ' 1 a color use and application. Created in corridors the murals ave the illusion of depth g p , lY and a feeling of more space. � •ji `s�•haJ Performance Art Painting live during "Celebration of Hope and Humanity' show 2003, and the "Tsunami Relief Fund" 2005. Fort Collins i Participating in Italian Street Painting Festivals in Denver; Vail and -f r Fort Collins, Colorado. Page I �""`� 4524 Skyline Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80521 tisaJ. Cameron 970.372.3096 1isa@1isajca7neron.co?n www.lisajcainei-on.coir Current Gallery Renresentatiou C Kieswerk International Gallery, Well am Rhein, Germany— 2008 — 2009 o Teal Art Gallery, Breckenridge, Colo& 'C c Naked Horse Gallery, Scottsdale, Arizona — 2008 — 2009 o Meko's Gallery and Framing, Fort Collins, Colorado, 20u- - 20 Y Casa de Artistas, Scottsdale, Arizona 2008 — 2009 ^ Trimble Court Artisans Cooperative, Fort Collins, Colorado — 2004 — 2( 0 Earthwood Artisans, Estes Park, Colorado — 2006 — 2009 o Best of Both Worlds, St. John, Virgin Islands — 2006 — 20 EarthWood Collections, Pearl Street Mall, Boulder, Colorado — 2007— 2009 International Award Winner Weil am Rhein, Germanv Awarded second place for interpretation of the indigenous flora in "Three Nations Garden" during the 2008 Invitational International Open -Air Symposium Best of Colorado, Denver International Airport - DIA "Ripe and Ready" Acrylic, 48" H x 38" W Best of Colorado Artists exhibition at DIA. August 15 - January 31, 2007 National - Best of Show Greeley, Colorado National - Best of Show in 2005 Greeley National Art Exhibition "Red Rockets", Acrylic 38" W x 48" T Where the Buffalo Roam West Yellowstone Yellowstone, Montana Y Denver CowParade "FANCY DANCER" Sponsored by Yellowstone Resort & Conference. I of 25 artists selected to raise awareness for the arts commissioned to paint life size fiberglass buffalo 2007 Colorado "The Next Stage" o�� _ "Cow Flower Power" Sponsored by Wells Fargo Sponsored by Cherry Creak Ar 8' long, 5' high and 2'5" wide . � 8' long, 5' high and 2'5" wide Sponsored by Wells Fargo i c o w♦ p a r a d e CowParade is the largest and most popular public art event in the world. More than 100 million i�- - people worldwide have seen the Cows Event. 2006 host cities include Lisbon, Portugal, Boston, Buenos Aires, and Denver, Colorado! 0 Exhibitions al ♦ W w � A pm/ecl of W ED. Inc P.O. Box 190 • Wci1 Ye110 , MT 59 Creative Capital Exhibition- Denver International Airport and Colorado State Capital; Denver; CO — 2009 • Kieswerk Open Air, Weil am Rhein; Germany — 2008 — 2009 • Tointon Museum Gallery; Greeley CO — 2008 • Reno Tahoe Airport Authority; Reno -Tahoe International Airport NV — 2007 • The Best of Colorado; Denver International Airport CO — 2006 — 2007 • Lloyds "Out of the Blue", Fort Collins; CO — 2006 • Art for the Heart. Estes Park. CO — 2006 • Lloyds "Au Naturale", Fort Collins, CO — 2006 • Mia Bleu. Fort Collins. CO — 2006, 2007, 2008 • 2D or Not 2D, Fort Collins. CO — 2005 • Richard Schmid Fine Art Show & Auction, Rist Canyon, CO — 2005 — 2009 • National Greeley Art Exhibit, Fort Collins, CO — 2005 • Sound of Color. Fort Collins. CO — 2005 • Cache Bank, Fort Collins, CO — February & October 2004 Pg. 2 • MOCA Studio Tour, Museum of Contemporary Art, Fort Collins; CO 2001-2007 • The Home Show at the Enclave; Loveland; CO — 2004 • La Via dell' Arte Participant Show; Fort Collins; CO— 2004 • Women Rock the Sunset; Fort Collins; CO — 2004 • Sisters, Fort Collins, CO — 2002 • Improv Contemporary Art; August; Fort Collins, CO — 2002 • Snow Ball, Arts Alive Fund-raising Campaign; February; Fort Collins; CO — 200: • Junior League Garden Tour, Fort Collins, CO —1999 • Warren Nagle Mansion Art Show — August — September, Cheyenne WY ' • Wyoming Game& Fish Conservation Art Competition; Cheyenne, Wl 19 • Watercolor Floral Show, Cheyenne Little Theater, Cheyenne, WY — October 1994 • The Holiday Show, Laramie, Wyoming, February — March 1991 • University UP Gallery; University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY— April 1990 • WYSIWYG Gallery One Laramie Plains Civic Center, WY— Nov. & May 1990 • The Salon des Refuses Show, Laramie Plains Civic Center, WY — 1990 Tv Honer Bee " Acglic (4) 36".v 36"x 2" Canvas Installed si_e is 6'x 6'x ? " "Meine Honig Biene " Acre/ (4) 91.44 x 91.44 x 5. 08 en? Leinwand 1 Cameron isa �� T , ► ,` 4524 SkUltne Di i:ie Fort. Collins, CO 80526 I 1 irk 970.372.309E _ - Lisa@lisajcameron.com www. lisajcam.eron, com Ron Kechter, PE Facilities Project Manager Project Management, Planning & Design 970-221-6805 Larry Schneider Street Superintendent Transportation Services 970-221-6755 Holli M. Keyser Administrative Support Supervisor Transportation Services 970-416-2759 Betty Konarski Tri-Lakes Views PO Box 2564 Monument CO 80132 bkonarski@earthlink.net Lisa Marks Focus Friends LLC 970-226-3401 Ed Goodman Performance Projects for Fund-raising 4709 Dusty Sage RD. Fort Collins, CO 80526 970-225-2368 Carl Ann Hixon Art Projects, Art Mentor Programs 970-223-9084 Reference DeUi sample Uh urleu W OlUICated belutir Ein detailliertes Beispiel ..1 hree A1aourrs Garden" " Drei Nationen Garten" Acrvlic Acrvl 48 " .,r j 0 " x 2 " Canvas 121. 92cm x 127cm x 5. 08 cm Leim-rand Wes-- ... -._•�. u rates—; w ��w � • � - rrwt+►�uw � Lklali cxii'Ucled us illdiculw 00OW Lin alaillierle5 Beispici Rainy Da Suii —L slag Acrvl is Acryl 60'1Tx 48"Wx 1 "D 1 1.4.y 121.9 x5.08cm 44-0 .. s �• ifL : e 4 i �, _fir _ �� ee •. - Sr Ilk 44 lop d .. . / � � •rwr Jay "�-'/ ! ®« ,R � � ' .. .. _ x j 1 , Y-, \.'1 ��• �C. ,�.. ,.;� "fit ��� �-. •. ���� �,i , .. .� F 1.�4 µy...l 1 �.,�yF ��l'.� `; "�I •x. _�• �%1i Y_ - ,"''--"- _._.� . �7>Nii � -a, „ , 1 Cameron 11,111V.11saic aw_ r: Detail sample extracted us indicated belmi, Ein detailliertes Beispiel "Yell oar Fin - Palau " "Blau Fisch - Palau " Acri,lic Acrvl (6) 30" z 36" r 2" Galler'v Wrap Canvas (6) 76.1 x 91.44 x 5.08 Installed si:.e is T5 "W x 6'8 "Tx 1 " D leinivand 011.0 or11 Detail sainplc cxtracted as indicated helow Fill detaillicrtes Beispiel "Lemonade DaYdream " Ein Tgestraunl nut der Zitronenl imonade " Acrylic Acgl 48 "T x 48 121. 91 x 111.9? .x 5. 08 C111