APR-16-1997 12 59 CENTRAL SERVICES 303B942375 P 03/03
contract will extend beyond the oument B" year, State and CdffiWW understand and intend
list ft obligation of the State to pay the annual charges hereunder construtes a emremt
expense of the State payable eacbtswely 8vsn State's fiords and shall not in azW way be
wnstived to be a general obligation iuddadness, or other um, fiscal year finimms
obligation .whatsoever, of Me State of Colorado or any agency or dapasmoemc thereof, whhin
the meaning of any provision of sxtioms 1, 2. 3. 4 or 5 of article XI, section 20 of smelt X,
of the Co so t� Or any other camadmdOml or statutory 1unttation or requirement
applicableconcerning the creation of indebtedness Neither the State, nor t
couiractor oat its behalf, has pledged the firlt Earth and credit of the State, or any agency or
department thereof, to the payment of the changes bereander, and this contract shall not
directly or oonot {wady obligate the State, or any agency or department thereof, to apply
money franc, or levy or pledge any form of taxation to, the payment of t annual charges
37 State-hripdshed Property
a. The Spite shall deliver tot conizzew, for use in comnecdon with and under the
tams of this cone d, the State-firrmshed property described in this contract together with any
related data and hifoeniation that the contractor may request and is reasonably required for the
intended use oft property (mftiatber referred to as •Statrrf rriushed property)
b If State-fiirmshed property is received by the contractor in a condition not suitable
for the mtended rise, the COMMW shall, up= receipt of it, notify the State, detailing the
fads, and, as directed by the State and at Sao expense, either repair. modify, recruit, or
otherwise dispose oft property After completing die directed wow and upon written
retprest of the c=Mc=, the State shall make an egmtablc adjustmeni as provided is
paragraph (f) of this do,ae
c If damage occurs to State pipperty, the risk of which has been assumed by the Stele
ender We cotmaa, the State shall replace the itaos or the contractor shall male such repairs
as the State directs However, If the contractor cannot effect such repairs wrthm t fait
tegWmd, the contractor shall di a of the property as directed by State When any propaty
for which the State isrespaneibble is replaced or repaired. the State shall ma)w an equitable
adjustment in accordance with paragraph M of this pin
d. The State and all is dtslgoees shall have access at all rexsomable times to the
premises in which airy State pmgerty is located for $e purpose of inspecting &t State
property The contractor shall malmain an inventory and accountability system acceptable to
the State, and mark or tag the property in accordance with State procedures
e Risk of lass Unless otherwise provided in this contract, the contiactor assumes
the risk of, and shall be responsible for, my loss or de>aractiost of, or damage m. State
property upon is delivery tot contractor However, the Contra= is imt responsible for
reasonable wear and tear to State property or for Sate property properly consumed in
performing this contract
f Fgastable adjus went. When this clause specifies an equrrable adjustment, it shall be
made to any affected contract provision in accordance with the procedures of the Changes
clause When appropriate, the State may mrtrate an equitable adjustment in favor oft State
The right to an equitable adjustment &ball bet contractor's exclusive remedy The Sate sball
not be liable to suit for bench of contract for—
(i) Any delay in delivery of Star-firrnlshed propany,
Otis; r 4 Appmdbc A 6.59 G awn