HomeMy WebLinkAboutRESPONSE - BID - 6081 ASBESTOS ABATEMENT AT THE ANDRIJESKI PROPERTYCity of Fort Collins Bid 6081 ASBESTOS ABATEMENT AT THE ANDRIJESKI PROPERTY BID OPENING FEBRUARY 8 2008 3 00p m (our clock) WE HEREBY ENTER OUR BID FOR THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS REQUIREMENTS FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT AT THE ANDRIJESKI PROPERTY PER THE BID INVITATION AND ANY REFERENCED SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS The City of Fort Collins' is requesting bids for the asbestos abatement at the Andnjeski Property located 1425 North Overland Trail Fort Collins CO Asbestos abatement materials must be removed in accordance with applicable Federal State and local requirements and Asbestos Abatement Work Plan Project must be completed within 14 working days or as approved by the Project Manager Contractor must enter into the attached Service Agreement and name the City of Fort Collins as an additional insured per Exhibit B A pre -bid meeting will be held January 26 at 10 00 a m at the site If questions on these specifications please call Steve Seefeld Project Manager at 970-221- 6227 or e-mail sseefeldaa fcgov com Purchasing questions should be referred to John Stephen CPPO CPPB, Senior Buyer at 970-221-6777 or e-mail Isteohen onfcgov com BID SCHEDULE Our firm will remove asbestos abatement by competent persons trained knowledgeable and qualified in the techniques of ACM removal surface preparation wastedisposal and OSHA asbestos compliance The Contractor must comply with all applicable federal state and local regulations and be capable of performing the work specified in the specifications Lump Sum; /I 400 FIRM NAME 4 C,.orR Are,4 a Corporation Partnership DBA LLC or PC ADDRESS kJ©/ Sp,4 PHONE/FAX #/�-�j7- E-MAIL ADDRESS yi. pl yn �l� (,, Submission of a bid is deemed as acceptance of all terms conditions and specifications contained in the City s specifications initially provided to the bidder Any proposed modification must be accepted in writing by the City prior to award of the bid Only bids properly received by the Purchasing Office will be accepted All bids should be clearly identified by the bid number and bid name contained in the bid proposal No proposal will be accepted from or any purchase order awarded to any person firm or corporation in default on any obligation to the City Bids must be furnished exclusive of any federal excise tax wherever applicable Bidders must be properly licensed and secure necessary permits wherever applicable Bidders not responding to this bid will be removed from our automated vendor listing for the subject commodities The City may elect where applicable to award bids on an individual item/group basis or on a total bid basis whichever is most beneficial to the City The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids and to waive any irregularities or informalities Sales prohibited/conflict of interest no officer employee or member of City Council shall have a financial interest in the sale to the City of any real or personal property equipment material supplies or services where such officer or employee exercises directly or indirectly any decision - making authority concerning such sale or any supervisory authority over the services to be rendered This rule also applies to subcontracts with the City Soliciting or accepting any gift gratuity favor entertainment kickback or any items of monetary value from any person who has or is seeking to do business with the City of Fort Collins is prohibited Freight terms unless otherwise noted, all freight is F O B Destination, Freight Prepaid All freight charges must be included in prices submitted on proposal Discounts any discounts allowed for prompt payment etc must be reflected in bid figures and not entered as separate pricing on the proposal form Purchasing restrictions your authorized signature of this bid assures your firm s compliance with the City's purchasing restnctions A copy of the resolutions is available for review in the Purchasing Office or the City Clerks Office Request Resolution 91-121 for cement restrictions Collusive or sham bids any bid deemed to be collusive ore sham bid will be rejected and reported to authorities as such Your authorized signature of this bid assures that such bid is genuine and is not a collusive or sham bid Bid results for information regarding results for individual bids send a self-addressed self -stamped envelope and a bid tally will be mailed to you Bid results will be posted in our office 7 days after the bid opening James B O Neill II CPPO FNIGP Director of Purchasing and Risk Management where renewal is a way of life