October 30, 2001
Mr Vincent Ti Pascale it
13enefits Administrator
City of Fort Collins
P 0 Box 580
Dort Collins Colorado 80522-0580
Subject 2002 Renewal Summary
Dear Vincent
FAX NO 1106000300
P 02
We have received a] I of the benefit plan renewals for the City of Fort Collins (City) I or the
2002 plan year Fnelosed is a table that includes the coverage vendor, picmium rates, and
iate increase for each of the City's benefit plans
Paci riCare ougui illy proposed a 29% increase to the FPO/POS ASO fees currently being
charged by PacifiCate We were able to negotiate a reduction to +25% However
PaeifiCare will not reduce the 2002 renewal ASO fees any further While we still do not
believe that PacitCare has produced sufficient evidence to warrant the. mci ease, It is Blear
to us that PaclhCaie will not change its renewal position The ieduction Gorr a 29% to a
25%n increase will reduce the requited annual ASO picmium by approximately $22,000
from the 0119mally proposed ienewal ASO fees
In addition, we uc requesting a ietum of PaeifiCare ASO premium to the City in the
amount of $16 318 For overpayment of premium for the period January I through
September 30, 2001 This request is being made because the 2001 renewal lettei stated
that ASO fees would be $18 20 and $38 45 for the EPO and POS, respeelively Ilowever
it has come to our attention that PaeifiCare is billing the City $40 20 and $40 46, although
these fees were never commune ited to the City of to Mercer
Delta Dental originally proposed a 10 9%n ASO fee increase effective Pinuary 1, 2002
We were able to negotiate a reduction in the required increase to G 52% This will result
in annual savings of $1 850 from the oagm illy proposed ienewal ASO fee
Since the stop-loc5 canici will change from I rustmark effective Januaiy 1, 2002 please
he awnrc of ill caveats in the renewal that the City accepts We have assumed that the
City will select Standard Security of New York In the enclosed rate summary exhibit we
have included a summary of the caveats that were included with the renewal however,
WilhomM M, rc6r Incorporvod rhow d033760,Ao
370 17ih SI a-1 Sun 4000
D, nv,r CO 80202
OCT-30-01 TUE 09 57 AM W M MERCER INC FAX NO 1106000300 p 02
October 30, 2001
Mr Vincent H Pdscdlc, Jr
Benefits Administratot
City of Fort Collins
P O Box 580
!toll Collins Colorado 80522-0580
Subject, 2002 Renewal Summary
Dear Vincent
We have received all of the benefit plan renewals for the City of Foil Collins (City) for the
2002 plan year Fni losed is d table that includes the coverage, vendor picmlum rates and
into Increase foi each of the City b benefit plans
PacifiCare ougunally proposed a 29% increase to the FPO/POS ASO fees currently being
charged by PacifiCaie We were able to ntgotiate a reduction to +25%p However
Pac.rfiCare will not reduce the 2002 renewal ASO fees any fiiithci While we still do not
believe that PacifiCare has produced sufficient evidence to warrant the inciease it IS clear
to us that PacifiCve will not change its renewal positron The ieduction floin a 29%p to a
25%p increase will redui-e !lie required annual ASO premium by approximately $22,000
from the ouginally proposed ienewal ASO fees
in addition, we ire requr,stmg a iLturu of PacifiCare ASO premium to the City in the
amount of $16,318 for overpayment of plemium for the per rod January 1 through
September 30, 2001 This request is being made because the 2001 renewal letter stated
that ASO fees would be $38 20 and $38 45 for the EPO and POS, respeLlively llowever
it has come to our attention that P icif'Cam is billing the City $40 20 and $40 46, although
these fees were never communicated to the City of to Mercer
Delta Dental ongrnally proposed a 10 9% ASO fee increase effective January 1, 2002
We were able to negotiate a reduction in the required increase to() 52%p Thi% will result
in annual savings of $1 850 from the originally proposed ienewal ASO fee
Since the stop -loss carucr will change from Irustmark effective January 1 2002 please
be awnre of all caveats in the renewal that the City accepts We have assumed that the
City will select Standard Security of New York In the enclosed rate summary exhibit we
have included a summary of the caveats that weie included with the renewal however,
WillmniM MLrCLr Incorpnnttd phony rD33760000 —
370 17th Sbt-I Sun 4000
Drnvor CO 80202
An AWK Compiny
CT-30-01 TUE 09 57 AM W M MERCER INC FAX NO 1106000300 P 03
Mr VincentPascale
October 30 2001
Page 2
you should also lofcr to the actual mnewal for all information that is necessary to
complete this renewal
If you have any questions regarding any of Lhc, 2002 renewals please call me aL (303) 376
Phil Goldstein CEBS
Copy Mr idly Rueschhoff
0 lonor Wmum ryl0 bo1 doe
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