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fcgov com/purchasing ADDENDUM No 1 6082 Horsetooth Ziegler Roundabout and Ziegler Road Improvements SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Description of Bid 6082 Horsetooth Ziegler Roundabout and Ziegler Road Improvements OPENING DATE 3 00 P M (Our Clock) February 25 2008 To all prospective bidders under the specifications and contract documents described above the following changes are hereby made CHANGE Plan Sheet Revisions Plan sheet No 19 is revised to include the paving of Mr & Mrs Bill Warrens driveway This additional work will include pulverizing the existing asphalt in place shaping and compacting the pulverize asphalt and a 2 asphalt overlay (HBP Grading S PG 64 22) of the existing driveway within the limits shown on the revised plan sheet Plan sheet No 9 is revised to delineate the pay areas for the Alternate Bike Ramps with 6 Curbheads Contract Document Revisions and Clarifications Revised Bid Schedule — The protect bid schedule is revised to reflect the addition of the driveway and paving as outlined in item no 1 under Plan Sheet Revisions above 2 Paving quantities in the bid schedule were revised to reflect minor revisions in each of these items Traffic control for the protect will be provided by the Owner The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating with appropriate City Streets Dept staff to ensure that all necessary closures detours signage and traffic control measures are in place for all phases of work in the Contract Any reference to payment to the Contractor for Traffic Control or Traffic Control Devices in the specifications or contract documents shall be inapplicable on this protect No separate payment shall be made to the Contractor for Traffic Control or Traffic Control Devices where renewal Is a way of life CONTRACT DOCUMENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Pages BID INFORMATION 00020 Notice Inviting Bids 00100 Instruction to Bidders 00020 1 -00020-2 00300 Bid Form 00100-1 - 00100-9 00400 Supplements to Bid Forms 00300-1 00300-3 00410 Bid Bond 00400-1 00420 Statements of Bidders Qualifications 00410-1 00410-2 00430 Schedule of Major Subcontractors 00420-1 00420-3 00430-1 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 00500 Agreement Forms 00510 Notice of Award 00500-1 00520 Agreement 00510-0 00530 Notice to Proceed 00520 1 -00520-6 00530 1 00600 Bonds and Certificates 00610 Performance Bond 00600-1 00615 Payment Bond 00610-1 00610-2 00630 Certificate of Insurance 00615-1 00615-2 00635 Certificate of Substantial Completion 00630-1 00640 Certificate of Final Acceptance 00635-1 00650 Lien Waiver Release(Contractor) 00640-1 00660 Consent of Surety 00650-1 006502 00670 Application for Exemption Certificate 00660-1 00670-1 - 00670 2 CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT 00700 General Conditions Exhibit GC -A 00700 1 - 00700-34 00800 Supplementary Conditions GC -Al - GC-A2 00800 1 - 00800-2 00900 Addenda Modifications and Payment 009001 00950 Contract Change Order 00960 Application for Payment 00950-1 00950-2 00960-1 00960-4 SPECIFICATIONS SOILS REPORT Correction or Removal o(, ... .......... Correction Period-- ........................... in general ....... ...... 13, 14.7, 14.11 Article or Paragraph Number Observation by ENGINEER—_ ............. . ...... � 9.2 OWNER May Stop Work.. ... ........ ........ J3.10 Prompt Notice of Defects,,,,,..._... , ............ 13.1 . .. .................. .......9,6 uncoveiring the Work ........................... ... ............ 118 Defuntions; ... ............... ............... .............. Delays............... 111 ........ Delivery of Bonds .............. ...... .......... . ...... Delivery ofeedificateg of insurance ... ........ ....... 2'? Determinations for Unit Prices ........ ......... ...... Differing Subsurface or Physical Conditions— Notice of ... ............................. ....... .... -.4-23 ENGINEER's Revievv ............. ............ A.2.4 Possible Contract Documents Change... ....... 4.2.5 Possible Price and Times Adjustments.... ........ A 2,6 and Resolving ............... ............ .7,5. 3,1Z 6.14.2 Dispute Resolution — Agreement, ......................... .............. Arbitratiork .................. .............. ScrierailliS Nk&tim ...... ........... ...... -t6.6 Dispute Resolution Agreement......, ....... --- ..... 115.1-16.6 Disputes, Decisions by ENGINEER .................Y.119.12 Documents -- Copies of . ......... ....... ...... ......... ... 12 Record 6.19 Reuse of ............. ...... ...... ....... .33 Drawings.-disfinitim of:...._.._................J-15 Easements ... ............................... .......................... 41 Effective date of Agreement -- definition of.........- 1.16 Emergencies ....... .......... .......... ...... ........... - --- 0.23 ENGINEER— as initial:interpreter on disputca ................. 9.11-9.12 definition 0(........... ........ ...... ... ... 1 . 17 Limitations on authority and responsibilities..... 913 Replacement of ..................... ............ —, -82 Resident Project Representative ............... . ..... :93 ENGINEER& Consultant -- definition of ..................1.18 ENGINEERs- authority and responsibility, limitations on .... Authorized Variations in the Work— ................. 9-5 Change Orders, responsibility for ....... 9.7, M 11, 12 Decisions on Disputes..,...... deyecstve Work, notice of ................................ Evaluation of Substitute Items.._.._ Liability_................................. ........ 032, 9.12 Notice Work is Acceptable, - _ . ........ )4.13 Observations ...... .................................. 6 30.2, 9,2 OWNMs Rilprcscruative ....... ................. Payments to they CONTRACTOR, Responsibility for. ...... ...... ....... .... 9,9,14 Recommendalkat of Payment ...... Article or Paragraph Number Responsibilities--Limitstams; mi ....... ..... ,9.11-9,13 Review of Roports on Differing Subsurface and Physical Conditions .... ....... ................ 4.2-4 Shop Drawings and Samples, review responsibility.: .....- ....... ....... ..... 6,26 Status During Construction-- authorizedvariations:in the Work ..... R.5 Price—---- -------- P.10 terpreter 9.11-9�12 and Responsibilities— � I I I ...................9.13 OWNER's Representative,, . ...................9.1 Project Representative....... ..... ...... ........... 9.3 Rejecting De/0cfiwWeak .. ............. ...... :9,6 Shop Drawings, Change Orders and payments ... ........ .................... 9.749 Visits toSihk ... ........................ ... .... ... 9,2 Unit:Price ....... ... ... ........ 9-10 Visits to Site ....... ........ . ..... ...... 'R.2 Written consent rcquirc4., ....... ............... Y-Z 9 I. Equipment, Later, NUterials and . ...... ... 0.3-6.5 Equipment rental, Cost of the Work ... ........ ..... I IA53 Equivalent Materials and Equipment ,, ....... ...... error or emissions .................. ......... Evidence of Financial Arrangerncrita .................... 0 11 Explorations of physical ccinditicni ........................4.2.1 4.2.1 Fee, CONTRACTORs--Com Plus ................. . ....... JL6 Field Order. - definition Or ...................... ............... 1.19 issued by ENGINEER ... . ...... ........... ....... 3.6.1,9.5 Final Application for Payment...._... ............. 14,12 Final Inspection................................................... 14.11 Final Payment.. and Acccpmnce.. ........ ..... 1413-14.14 Prior to, for cash allowinces 11.8 General Provisions.......................................... 17.3-17.4 General Requirements -- definition of ... ....... ......... .... 1.20 principal references ui 2A, 6.4, 6.6-67, 6.24 Giving Notice............ - . ...... - ...... .. 171 Guarantec- of Wirk—by CONTRACTOR,..,,... 0.30-14.12 Hazard Communication Programs ....... ... ....... Hazardous Waste— definition of........._ ... ........................ ...... ...... 1,21 general.._......_.. ..... . . .. ..... - - .4.5 OWNER's responsibility for .............................. t.10 r,X,'W (T-ENIERAL COMATIONS 1910-8 (1 M 91nnOtO wf(ITY OF FORT COLUNS M00MCAMM MV 9/99) Indemnification..._,.._....................6. 12, 6.16, 6.31-6.33 Initially Acceptable Schedules_ ............. Inspection — Certificates Of—......... .............. R 13.4, 13.5,. 1.4. 12 Final .........:: - ...:........14.11 Article or. Paragraph Number Special, raptured byHNGMER ................._.....96 Tests. and Approval ......$3, 13.3.13A Insurance -- Acceptance of, by OWNER,.. _.... 5.19 Additional,: required by changes in the Work..,., ..,....:............... Before starting. the Work ............ ... 23 Bonds and -min genera( ,,;,.," ::.,..........5 Cancellation Provisions ........ ........... ..._..5.8 Certificates o(....... ... .... .7, 5 53 5.4,11, 5.4.13, ...:.op.......aration.......a,".5.6.5, 5.8, 5.14, 9.13A, 14.12 conpleted 5.4.13 CONTRACTORS Liability ....... ........ - ,.,,.,_.5.4 CONTRACTOR's objection to coverage ..,,,,,,,,,,5.14 Contractual Liability .............. ___ ........ ......... deductible amounts, CON'fRACTORs ,5.4.10 responsibility .................... _....... ......... ..........5.9 Final Application for Payment.... _. 14.12 Licensed Insurers ...................................... ........5.3 . Notice requirements, material changes ........ 5.8, 10.5 Option to Replace.. _.... _......... . 5.14 other special insurance .......... -... ..................... 5,10 OWNER as fiduciary for inswedq,,,,5.12-5.13 OWNER'sLiability, ,._..._. ..._.....5.5 OWNER's Responsibility ................................... 8.5 Partial Utilization,Property Insurance,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5.15 Property ............................. _...........5.6-5.10 Receipt and Application of Insurance Proceeds ............................................ _,S.12-5.13 Special Insurance s._...... .... _..............___._.,,,.5.10 Waiver of Rights ... .._,.......... ...S.I I Intent of Contract DoawM aria ............. Interpretations and Clatificationy _ . .3.6.3, 9.4 Tnvestigatitms of physical conditions..„ ......... ...........4.2 Labor. Materiels and Equipment._...._.... ... .... 63-6.5 Lands. - and Easements._ ...................._... _....... . Availability of........... 4.1, 8.4 Reports and Tests_.... ...... $A Lawsand Regulations --Laws or Regulations -- Bonds ....... _ _ _... ..:....5. 1.52 Changes in the Work-......_. Contract Documents .. ...Ig4 3.1 CON f RACTOWs Responsibilities...... _. ........... 6.14 Correction Pericd,de(ective Work _................. 13,12 Lost of the Work, taxi's,,.,,, 11,45.4 definition of.....__._ _,. _......1.?2 gencral6. 14 Indemnification ,_,.__... _. ........................ 6.31-6.33 Insurance,._.,.,-. 5.3 Precedence __ .... .. ..... .I, 1, 3.3.3 Reference to:.......... ...........3.3.1 Safety and protection,,, ........................... &20, 132 Subcontractors. Suppliers and Others ........ _6.8-6.11. Article or Paragraph Number Tests and Inspection ............. J3.5 use of Premises ....,.,... ,.... .....0.16.. Visitsto Site........................................................9.2 Liability Insmuancc-- CONIRACfORa .......................................5.4 OWNERs 5,5 Licensed Sureties and Insurer;.... , 5.3 Liens -- ..... Application for Progress payment:.._..... ......14.2 CONTRACTORS WarrantyofTitle....................14.3 Final Application for Paym'ent:.........................14. 12 definition of 123 Waiver.of Claims........._......:.: . ..................14.13 Limitations On LNGINEER's authority and responsibilities ... ...... . ._.._....,, ,,,.9,13 Limited Reliance by CONTRACTOR Aathorizcd..... g.2.2 Maintenance and Operating.Manuaia.- Final Application for Payment ..... .................... ..14.12 Manuals (of others} - precedence....... _................... ..3:3.3. Reference to in Contract Document4 ..................3.3.1 Materials and equipment-- furrtishcd by CONTRACTOR_, not incorporated in Work... , .... ................ 14.2 .._.... Materials or equipment -equivalent... ....... _....._........ 0.7 Mediation (Optional) ..................... .................... . --3C7 . Milestones --definition of. ..... ..................... ..._...., Miscellaneous — ...1.24 Computation of Times: ..................... _._. _........_ 17.2 Cumulative Remedies--.— ............ ..........17A Giving Notice,__ Notice ol'Claim,.,_„_..„ ..._._.......,... ................. professional Fees and Court Com- lac-ludcd.....17.5 Multi -prime contracts.,___, ...... 7 Not Shown or Indicated_.,_,.,.,,.,.. 4A2 Notice of.. Acceptabilityof Project. .............14.13 Award, definition ol;,,,, _ ,25 .,. Claim ............................... , .. .7.3 L7efects,13.1 Differing Subsurface or Physical (Tonditions..._.4.2.3 Giving ._.... .... ......, 17.1 Tests. and Inspections,,, ., 133 Variation, Shop Drawing and Sam*... .............. 0,27 Notice to Praeed-- definition of ............................... .. .............. ....... 126 giving uf.. ....... ........_....:3 E1CDC. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1910-3 (1990 EDI110N) m'QTY EFFORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 9199) Notification to Surcly--- .............. .. ............... —, l(15 Observations, by ENGINEER...,.., . --- .... ... 0.30,91.2 Occupancy of the work._ .............. 3.15,,14,10 Omissions or acut by CONTRACTOR.........:.. f+.9; 9.13 Open Pail policy form, Insurance-- . ......... -.-- 542 OptiontoReploce, .................. ....... ...... ..... --- .... !� 14 Article or Paragraph Number "OrEqual" ltwns� .....................................................6.7 Other work 7 ()vertone Work—prolubition, of ... ......... ......... ....... 63 Acceptance of defective Work ............ . ......... J113 appoint an ENGINEER..,,. ___ ....... .......8.2 as fiduciary .................... .... -- ... .......... .5� 12-5,13 mailability of Landt, tesponsibility ......... .......4.1 definition of......._...__........_ - ............. --- ..... 127 data, furnish ....... ........... _ ................ ........... _ t3 May CareaDtfective Work ........................... 1114 May refuse to make payment... ........._..... I ... _J4.7 May Stop the Work......... .......----35-10 May Suspend Work, Terminate,........_ . ....... Payment, Make prompt ........ _ .......... F3.14.0,14,13 performance of other work.--.- ............... ...... 7A permits and licensers requirerntnts....... 11 purchased insurance requirements_ ...... __5.6-5.10 OWNERs— Acceptance of the Work..._......................0.302.5 changed rders, obligation to executc.. _$.6, 10A Communications ............................................... A I Coordination of thr, Wmk,, � .... .... ........ ......... _ 7A Disputes, request for decision ............................9.11 Inspections, tests and approvals ............. ... .$.7,13.4 Liability Insurance ................. I ..... 1— .... I .......... —5.5 Notice of Defects .............................................. 13A Reprewmative-Zairing Construction, FNGINEFIrs &MUS ........... ....... 91 ResponsibiliLies-- Asbestos. PCSa, Petroleum, Hazardous Waste or Radioactive Material — 1, 1. ... 1. r. '$10 Change Orders .... ........................... _ ...... __8.6 Cheops in the work...._.___....__....._._... 101 communications ........... ......... —8,1 CONTRACTOR's responsibilities .................. g9 evidence of financial arrangemems ............. &- 11 inspections, tests and approvals . ................... $ 7 insure"" ............... _-- ...... ....... ........ .... &'5 lends and easements._... - ........ .... .... 9.4 prompt.payment by 8.3 replacement of ENGINEER...._,..... 0,2 reports and tests ......................... ... 8.4 SUV or suspend Worl . ...... .......... $.S. 13AQ 15.1 terminate CONTRACTORs services...._......_...... .. ........ ... -lt 8, 151 separate representative at Mn..............................93 testing, independent ..... ...............13.4 use or occupancy of the Wadi;.. ... ... $.15,6.30.14,14.10 written Consent Of approval required.....,...... — .... ... ....... 9. 1, 6.111.4 EX,W GENERAL CON I)ITIONS 1510-8 (1"0 EDMON) wl CITY CP FORT COLLINS MODISCATIONS MEV 91") Article or Paragraph Number written notice required......... ........._....7. 1, 9.4, 9,11, ......_..,._.....................J12, 119, 143, 15A PCBs -- definition of ........ .....1.29" general.....;.................... .......... ......... 4,5 OWNER's responsibility fur.. Partial Utilization -- definition of ... ......... , ........ i.29 general 6.30 2.4. 14.10 Property Insurance,- ,. .... .... ...... .__......... 5.I5 Patent Fees and Royalties_, ,., .... _. .......... 6,12 Payment Bonds; .,....... ... ........ S.l-5.2 Payments, Recommendation of ............, 14.13 Payments to CONTRACTOR and Completion — Application for PtogressPaymens_....................14.2. Cl)NTRACTOR's Warranty of Title , ..... „ ,.14.3 Final Application for Payment.......................14.12 Final. Inspection— _ ........... ... ...... ............ .. ......... 14,11 Final Payment and Acceptance.,,,, ,,._,_ 14A3-14.t4. general ... , 0.3, 14 Partial Utilization..... .. .........14.10 Rctninage................................4........................ a4:2 Review of Applications for Progress Payments,,,,,.,.,_ .......... ,,14.4-14,'7 ...... . prompt payment: ....... ....... ............ ......... .............. 0.3 Schedule of Values ..... ...... ................................14.1 Substantial Completion, _......_....... .... ......... 4.8-14:9 Waiver of Claims ....... ........... ...... I ... I................ 14.I5 when Payments due ................................14A, 14.13 withholding payment ......... _.... _.................... Performance Bonds,., _.,..,... ................... _,14:7 .......... Permits................... ................... .............. .........0.13 Petroleum -- definition of. )..30 general...................._.......................................4.5 OWNER's responsibility Ear.:,_ ...... .......... ...........8.10 Physical Conditions -- Drawings of, in a relating to ... .........._.......... .2.1.2 ENCHNEER's review.................„.,.,...,,,.,._.,,..,4.2,4 existing strueturas. _..... _... _..---... _........_......... A.2.2 amoral _....... Subsurface Notice of Differing Subsurface Of......................4.2.3 Possible Contract Documents Change,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4.2 i Possible Price and 'Times Adjustments ............. 4 2.6 Reports and Drawings., 4.2.1 Subsurface and......... ......... ...... . _.. .......... ...... .._. _4,2 Subsurface Conditions; _...... 4.2.Lt Technical Data, Limited Reliance eliance by CONTRACTOR Authorized..., ... ... 4,2.2 Underground Facilities -- general..................... .............. _............ ..... .4.3 Not Shown or Indicaed..........-._.... 4.3.2 Protection Of. .......... .......... ............ 4A6,20 Nit Article or Paragraph Number Shown or Indicated... ....... .. ............ .. . ...4.3.1. Tccbnical Data ........ .................. 4 2.2 Reconstruction Conference ......... ....... .:......... ........ .... 2.8 Preliminary Matters-. ..... ., ... ........... ,,,.,„ 2 Preliminary Sohedules............................ ............ ...... 2.6 Pretnnsm Use of .......... . ................ 6.16-6.18 price. Change of Contract.... ............ ...........I 1 Price, Contract --definition a ..................:... 111 Progress Payment, Applications fM_.................. 14.2 Progress Payment.-retainagc .......... ......-. 14.2. Progress schedule, CONTRACTOR's..... ...... ;Z,(4 2.8. 2.9, ................:.::........... 6.6, 6.29, 10.4, 15.2.1 Project --definition o(............................_............:.... 1,31 Project Representative•- EPIOINEER's:Status During Construction............9.3 Project Representative, Res/dent--dettnitlon of ..... 133 prompt payment by OWNER.....................................8.3 Property insurance — Additional .... ... _ .... ........ ........ ................. ..._.... 5.7 general5.6.5.10 Partial Utilization ................. _ _ ...........5.15. 14.102 receipt and applicationof. proceeds............ 5.125.13 Protection, Safety and, ......................... __ O..20-6.21, 13.2 Punch list. Radioactive 'Matcrial-- defintiono(......:.:......... ............_,....,............... L32 genera14.5 OWNEW% responsibility for .... .......................... .$, 10 Recommendation of Payment................14A, 14.3, 14,13 Record Documents.... _,....... ........................ _ �.19, 14.12 Records. procedures for maintaining ...................... Reference Points :.............. Reference to Standards and Specifications of Technical 5acietics.........................................3.3 Regulations, Laws and (or).... .............................. ... 6,14 Rejecting Defective Work.._..._.._. _........._.._........._9.6 Related Work.. HISite ..:...._. ......................_.7.1-7.3 Performed. prior to Shop Drawings and Samples submittalsreview,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, y. 28 Remedies, cumulative... _............. _.......... .... 1 Z4, 17.5 Removal a Correction ofNfecNve Work _..„__13.11 rental agreements, OWNER approval reyuired.....I ]A A3 replacement ofENG'INEER, by OWNER...,.,,.,,_„.,.„., 71.2 Reporting and Resolving Diserepancies........................_......2.5, 3.3,2, 6.14�2 Reports -- and Drawings,._...., . 4.21. and Tests, O4{NERs responsibility �... ....... $A Resident and Project Representative -- definition of _.......1.33 provisionfor .... .............. ...... ........... _......... ............... 9.3 CJCIX' GEN Kk CONDrDOM I910-80990 lint Flux, W1 Ory OF FORT COLLMS MODIF1CATION9 (RF,V 9199) Article or Paragraph Number Resident Superintendent, CONTRACTOR'g, ....6.2 Responsibilities-- CONTRACTORsnn general ......... ........: d ENGINEER's-ingeneraj................ ....... ....... ...9 Limitations on ............................ .............. 9.13 OWNER's-in genccal.,...... ........ ...... ; 8 Retainago ....... ...................... ..... ...,... ........ ... 142 Reuse of i)oe tmmts ......... .. .:...:... ......33 Review by CONTRACTOR: Shop Drawings. and Samples prior to Submittal.... .................. .. 6 25.. Review of Applications for progress Payments .. ...... .... .. .......14:4-14.7 Right to an adjustmont;.._..._. ........._ .......102 Rights of Way,_. ......................................... 4.1 .Royalties, Patent Fees: and ...... ............... ......... ...612 Safe .Structural ixedmg................. ._..... .. .:6:18 Safety -- and Protection .......... .... .. ......4.3 2, 616, 6.18, ........................... .... 6.2"11, 7.2, 13.2 general.,....., ......... .............§.20,6!23 ReProsentativc, CONTRACTORS ......... .........621 Samples-- defnition-of............ . . ................. .........1.34 &moral ............................. ............, 6.24-6.28 Review by CONTRACTOR ........ _.... _..... ......... . 6.25 Review by hNG1NEER.................. ............ 0,26,6:27 related Work ...................... ......... ... ................... 0,28 submittal of .............. ... _.... .... .... .. .......... 624.2 submittal procedures.........................................b.25 Schedule of progress ... ......... .......... ....... 2:6, 2.8-2.9, 6,6, :....o...................................6.29, 10.4, 15.2.1 Schedule at' Shp Drawing and Sample Submittals..............................2.6, 2:8•2.9, 6,24428 Schedule of Values_ ...... ._.............._. 2.6, 2.8-29, 14.) Schedules -- Adherence to ............................... ........ ......:....15.21 Adjusting....................._.....,..-----..................6:6 Change of Contract Times..,. _ .....................I.....10.4 Initially Acceptable, .... ........ ..........._.............2:8, 2.9 Preliminary ..........._ ............................... _..........2.6 Scope of Changes ....... ....... .............. ...........10.3-10.4 Subsurface Conditions ..... ................... ......... .....,, Shop Drawings — and Samples, general ................................. 6.24-6.28 Change Orders & Applications for Payments, and.. ...... ......................_._._...9.7-9.9 definition of............ ........... . _..... _:....,..... _. _....1.35 F,NGINEER's approval. of,- ................ ... _3,6,2 ENGINEER'sresponsibility for review ..................................... 9.7, 6.24di.28 related Work ...... .__..__........._..... ...................6.28 review procedures ........................... ..... 18, 6.24-6.28 Article or Paragraph Number submittal required ...... ............. ...........6.24.1 Submittal Procedures .................... ......... .... .6.25 use to approve substitutions...... — ........... ..... .... 6.7.3 Shown or Indicated;„ ................................. 4.3.1 Site Access .......... .._.................. Site Cleanliness....._................ .._............... . ,.._..4.17 Site, Visits to — by ENGMER....................................... 9.2: 13:2 by others ........: ............ ............ ..... _ J3.2 .special causes: of loss" policy form, insurance .... .:....................... .......... 5.. 6.2 definition a( ........................ .................... ) 36 Specifications-- doilnationo[..:_.- ............... ..... 1.36 of Technical Societies, reference t4.............. ... 3-31. precedence ..................................................1.3.3 Standards and Specifications ' of Technical Somettat. ............. , ..... _.........:..3.3 Starting Construction, Beloit,....... ........... 7.5-2.9 Starting the Work,,... ..... ...................... ..... ....2.4 Stop or Suspend Work — by CONTRACTOR . ,,... 15.5 by OWNER,-_ ........... ............ 88.1310, 15.1 Storage of in aterials and equipment ..... .........4.1; 7.2 Structural. Loading, Safety..............................6.18 subcontractor— E oneerning ........................... ..........G.7FG.11 definition ef;..--...............................................1.37 delays ............ ... _ .. _........ _....._12.3 waiver of rights._ .... .............. .._,._...._._.......... 6.11 Subcontractors --in general ...... ............ _,..........,61-6.11 SubcontracW-requited Provisions,........ 5.11. 6.11, 11.4.3 Submittals— Appl ications for Payment ................................. 14,2 Mainumance and Operation Manuals .............. 14.12 Procedures--, ...... .... — ........ .......... ---A25 Progrms Schedules ......... ..... ___ _............. ..,2.6,2.4 Samples.... ... ...... ....... _....... ........ --- ...... .24.6.29 Schedule of Values .................. ................... 2.6,.14.1 Schedule of Shop Drawings and Samples Subm issions............ ...,.... _. _........2.6, 2.8-2.9 ............. Shop Drawings ................................._....: Substantial Completion-- certifieation of............................t+.30.2.3, 14.8-14,9 definition of .......... ............ .................. ............. 1,38 Substitute Construction Methods or Proeedires.......6:7.2 Substitutes and "Or Equal" Iran s.,... __..,. _,.. _.._... _.6.7 CONTRACTOR's Expense,...... _... .... ..... _ _..6.7: 1.3 ENGINEFRs F,valuntion....... .................6J.3 "Ot•Equal"......................... _....,.................. 69. L 1 Substitute Construction Methods EJCW t4NMUL COMaT1ONS 1910.9 f199a W1110M w! CJTY CR FORT COt:ISNSMODIFICA770M (RF.V 91") Article or Paragraph Number or Procedures ........ ........ ........... ..... _0.72 Substitute Items.. .... . _03,11 Subsurface and Physical Owdiuons_- Drawings ot in or Telati1g, to ........ __ .. . ......... 4.2.1..2 ENGIMEER's Review ..... .............. .................. 4.2,4 general... .................. ...... _ ..... . ......... ...... ___4.2 Limited Reliance by CONTRACTOR Authorized.._:.....- - " * 4.12 Notice of ImIcting Or Physical Conditions... .......... ...... ...... _ ......... _AZ3 Physical Conditions,.... ............. ____ ... ...... 4.11-2 Possible Contract Documents Change.. .... __4.2.5 Possible Price and Times Adjustments... ..... 4,16 Reports and Drawing....._......_ ... 4.11 Subsurface and. ..... ......... ........... ......... ....... 4,2 Subsurface Conditions at the Site, . .42 11 Technical Data, ... __ ............... 4.2.2 Supervisioni.. CONTRACTORs responsibility._ . ....... _ ..... ... _0. I OWNER shFdl nut supervisq., _.8,9 ENGINEER shall not superviq ......... __ ... 92,9.13.2 Superintondence, ............. ............. _ ..... ... ... .. � _¢,2 Superintendent, CONTRACTORs resident .... ... .0,2 Supplemental ............ ............ 11A�5 Supplementary Conditions— definition Of.. ........ ........ ............. ............... )39 principal references to ................. J. 10, 1. 1 g, 12,2.7, ............. _ 4.2, 4.3, 5. 1, 53, 5,4, 5A-5,9, .5.11, 6.8, 6,13, 7.4. 8.11, 9.3,9. 10 Supplementing Contract Documents...,_....._ 6 Supplier — definition Of ........... ...... _,_ ..................... ...... J.40 principal references to ....... __3,7, 65,6,8411, 6.20, 6.24, 9. 13, 1412 Waiver of Rights, ....... ... Surety — consent to final Payment ........ ............ .. 14,12,14,14 ENGINEER has no duty to ................................ 9,13 Notification of - _ . ... ............ _101. 10,5,15.2 qualification of...__.... ................ _ ___51-5-3 Survival of Obligations_ ... ....... ....... ... ... .......634 Suspend Work, OWNER May ... ........... - _ . 13. 10, 15.1 Suspension of Work and Termination-, ......................15 CONTRACTOR May -top Work OWN F R May Suspend Work 15.1 OWNER May Terminate_ Taxes_ -Payment hy(7ONTRACTOR._,....1, Technical Data -- Limited Reliance by CONTRACTOR__ .........4.12 Possible Price and Times Adjustments_..... _416 Reports of Differing Subsurface and Physical Conditions..... _ __ .. ..... ....... A.2.3 xiv Temporary construction ... . ... :4,1 Article or Paragraph Number Termination -- by CONTRACTOR byOWNER_........ ...... ...... _8.8, 15.1-15-4 of ENGINEERs employment ......... ... ............. $.2 Suspension of Work-in general ...... _ ...... _ ......... Terms and Adjectivel__ Tests and Inspections — Access W the Work by othdrii-,_ .... ...... CONTRACTOR's responsibilities cost of 13.4 covering Work Prior to .............................. 13.6-13.7 Laws and Regulations (or) ................................ 13.5 Notice of DeLem _13.1 OWNER May Stop W01`k .... ... ................. . 13.10 OWNER's independent testing .......................... 13A special, required by ENGINEER ._ . ..... ................ 9,6 timely notice ............... 13A Uncovering the Wick at IINGINEERs request, .. ...... ................ 13.8-13.9 Times-- Adjustin& ..........................................................6.6 Change of contract " * ** ...................... 12 Computation, of,.... ....... ...........17.2 Contract Times -definition of__ ................. ... 1,12 day....... - .... .. ...... .. ....... ........ ... _.17.2,2 Milestones Requirements— appeals ..... .. . ....... .... .910,16 clarifications, claims and disputes, ....... 11.2.12 Commencement of Contract Times,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2.3 Reconstruction Conference ....................... I...? g schedules .........................................2.6, 2.9,6.6 Starting the Work * 2A Title, Warranty of, 14.3 Uncovering Work............_ 'Conditions--",-'- 13.8-13.9 "*' Underground Facilities, Phy Physical definition Of-................ ................................ 3,41 Not Shown or Indicated_ . .. ......... __ 4,3,2 protection of..... ... ..... 43, 6.20 Shown or lndicateq. __43.1 Unit Price Work -- claims .... ... ...... 119.3 definition general I 19, 14 1. 145 Unit Prices. - general 11.3.1 Determination for 9" 0 Use of Remises,... _ 6.16, 6,18, 610,2 4 UNItty owners.........__ ..... .......... t5 13, 6,20, 7.1-7.3, 13.2 Value of the Wok . ...................................................11.3 Values, Schedule __;. EJC'DC GENERAL CONINTIONS 19104 (1990 ED1110M) W CITY OF FORT COLUNS MODIFICATIONS (REV 909) Variations in work —Minor Authorized;;:_ :... ... .... ..... 6,25,&27,9,5 Article or paragraph Number Visits,to,Sjw-byEN4jNEER ...... ........................... 9,2 Waiver of Clabn3--w Final payment,,,,,,,,,, ...... _14 15 Waiver of Rights by insured partic*.— .......... _J. 11, 6.11 Winnodyand quaranitc, General —by CONTRACTOR ..... ........... ........ ........... ........0.30 Warranty of Title, CONTRACTOWs .......... ..... _J43 Work — Access to .... ............. ...... - ....... byothers ...... _ ......... ........ ....... .. ............. ... .... 7 Changes in the ................................... ........ .... 10 Continuing the ........................... 4.29 CONTRACTOR Mq Stop Work or Terminate...... ... --- .......... .......... .... 153 Coordination of ...................................................7A Cost orthe. ............... ...... ....................... definition of,........_ .. ................. ____ ........... 1,43 ne0octed by CONTRACTOR, .................. ........13.14 other work,. ........ -.7 OWNER -tky Stop Work .......... 13.10 OWNER May Suspend Work__ ....... J3.10; 15.1 Related, Work at Site.................................... Starting the.. ...................... .... —.2-4 Stopping by CONTRACTOR .... ....... ............. 15.5 Stopping by OWNER.....:.... Variation and deviation authorized. minor ..... Work Change Directive — claims pursuant to .......... ............. .. ............ J0.2 definition Of.........._.........._ L44 principal references to ..... ......... Written Amendment — definition of, .............................. ___ ................. JA5 principal references to,,,,,,,,,,,,,, L 10, 15, 3.10,15. IZ 6.62,6-8.2,6.19, 10.1, 10.4, Written Clsrif�ations and Interpretations ., ....... _ .... __ .... .... __16.3,9.4,9.11 Written Notice Required — by CONTRACTOR .............................71, 71, 9-10-9A1, 10.4. 1 LZ 12-1 -10.4, by owNisk,*, I1:2,13.14 EJCW (ENOUL CONDITIONS 1910-8 (1990EDIIION) wi (,ITY OF FORT COLLIM, MOV1FICA170M Xv 91M (This page ieR blank intentianamy) ni 6JCDC (ENLRAL CONDIIJONS 1910.s (199e LZITION) RtCTTV OF FORT COMM MODIFICATIONS (RFV OV99) No Text GENERAL CONDITIONS ARTICLE. t- DFNMTIONS Wherever used in these General .Conditions ,or in the other Contract Documents the following terms have the meanpngs Indicated which am applicable to both the srnguiar and plural thereof, 1.1. Addandit-Wrtten or c instruments issued prior to the opening of Bids ieclarify, correct a change to Bidding Requirements or the Contract Documents. . 1 Z Aggrrxeamm6-The written contract between OWNER. and CONTRACTOR covering. the Work to be Performed, other Contract Documents are attached to the Agreement and made a earl thereof as provided therein. 1.9. Ayy lkistion for Payment -The form teem IxNGfNnEER which m to be used. by CONTRACTOR. m requesting 1Z car final payments and which is to be accornpartai bf' strclt supporting documentation as is required by the Coramet Documonts 1.4. AsLestos—Arlymaterial that comainsmore, than one pa ceentasbesyssaml is friable or is releasing asbestos fitters Imo the art above ctur ant. antaon levels establishedby the United States Occupational Safety and Health Admimnaraticrt 15. Bid -The otter or proposal. of the bidder submitted on the prescribed form Ratting forth the prices for the Work to be performed 1.6. Bidding Documems—The advertisement a invitation to Bid, instructions to bidders, the Bid form, and the proposed Contract. Documents (including an Addenda issued prior to receipt of Bids). 1.7. Bidding Requirements --The advertisement or - invitation to Dict instructions to bidders, and the Bid form. 1.8, Bonds—Perfamanco mud Payment bonds and other vWrtnnents of security. 1.9. Chonge Order —A document recommended by 24GINEER, which is signed by CONTRACTOR and OWNER and authorizes an addition, deletion a revision in the Work, a an adjusbitent in the Contract Price or the Contract Times, issued onor after the Effective Date of the Agreement 1.10. COniact Documents —The Agreement, Addenda (which pertain to the Contract Documents), CONTRACTOR's Bid (including documemation accompanying the Bid and any post Bid documentation submitted prior to the Notre of Award) when attached as an exhibit to the Agreement, the Notice to Proceed, the Bonds, these General Conditions, the Supplementary Conditions, the Specifications and the Drowinga as the EJCDCUBF AAL CONETRONS 1910,90990 FAtiou w" CITY OF FORT COLLINS MMIFICATIONS tRLV VION) are more specifnodly Werdified in ar with. all Writim Amendments, pursuantto e Effective 111. Contract Price—Themoneys payable by OWNER to CONTRACTOR for completion of the Work in socordence with the Contract Documents as stated in the Agreement (subject to the provisions of paragraph 11.9 1 in the case of Unit Price Work): 1.12. Canrract rims —The numbers of days a the dates stated in the Agreement:.() to achieve substantial Completion, and (it)to complete the Workso that it is ready for final payment as evidenced by ENOTNEER's written recomme: tion of final payment in accerdarxe with paragraph 14:13, 1.13. CON7RACr'OR--The person, funs m ctuporation with: whom OWNER has entered into the Agreement 1.14. *fecoive-An,adjective whichwhen modifying the wad Work raters to Work that is unsatisfactory, faulty or deficient in that it does not coo farm to the.. Contract Documents, or does not mect the requirements of any inspection, reference standard, lest or approval refined to in the:Commct Documents, or has been damaged prior to ENGINEER's moommendation of .final nevme : furless Paragraph 14.8 or 14,10) 1,15. Drawings --The drawings which show die scope, extent and character of the Work to be furnished. and Performed by CONTRACTOR and which have been prepared or approved by ENOlNEER and an referred to in the Contract Documents. Shop drawings are not Drawings as so defined 1.16. FQectity Dote of dnr Agreement —The date indicated in the Agreement on which. it beco nes effective, but if no such date is indicated it means the date on which the Agreement is signets and delivered by the last of the two parties to sign and deliver. 1.17 ENGINM-The persim, firm a corporation named assuch. in the. Agreement. 1.18. BNODW R's Conspitam-A Person. firm or txm . Don havinngg a contract With ENGINEER to furnish Services as via, indepaidem professional associate or caeadtantwith respect to the Project and who is identified as such in the Supplementary Conditions, 1.1.9 Field Order —A. written order issued by LNGINEER which orders minor changes in the Work in accordance with paragraph 9.5 but which dots cat involve a change in the Conuact ce a tie Contract Times. SECTION 00020 INVITATION TO BID Rev 10/20/07 Section 00020 Page 2 LM Oemaml Ragtammenrs-Santora of;Divisiori l of the Spedificantiom 1.21. HazanIcus (Paste -The tun Ha^mrdous Waste shall have the meaning provided in Section 1004 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 USC Section 6903)'as. amended Gan timetothme,. i?2xk LowsovzdRingulattons, Laws orRegulatiasr--Any and all ap�icable laws. ruins, regtdaGana gtdremes,. uades antf or&m a[ arty end ai4 gmerlmlerrtal burGcs, WIN- Me atcrt ft & be those holidays observe agencies, auttwritiesartl comtahavirg jrmscflutton 1,23. Lfens-Liam, diargea, seouray mWests or encutrlaancm Upon real property or personal pnpraty. L24- Mikarona-=A . • i evert specified in list Castraa Doouaeme tag to mrimemedam completion data or time. prior to Substantial Completion of all the Work. 12S. NoNae eAwaarrf-A written notice by OWNER to the at successful bidder stating that upotcomPlianee by rip apparent:5u 1 bidder with the curutitama precedent enumerated therein, within the time. specified, OWNERwill sign and deliver the Agreement. 1,26, .Modes to Pire"al-A written nohee given by OWNER to CONTRACTOR (with a copy to ENC+INGER). fling. the date on which the Contract Times will eomnemmtoxunand onwhich CON RACTOR shall start to perform CONTRACTOR'S obligation under the Contract Documents, 1.27. OWNER -The public. body or authority wwccpf�waauoq association, firm or person with. whom CONTRACTOR has entered into the Agreement and for whom the Work is to be provided 1.2s. Partial Vritiaotim-Use by OWNER of a substantially completed part of the Work for the purpose for which it is intended (or a. related purpose) prior to Substantial Completion of all the Work. 1,29. PCB.v-Polyehlormated hip henyls. 1,30. Pokokson--Petroleum. iruluding cruise oil Of any faction thereof which is liquid at standind condition of ternpaatore and presuae,(60 degrees Fahrelitit and 14.7 pounds per. square inch ainotute), suchas oil. petroleum, fuel (A oil sludge, oil refuse, gasoline. kerosene and out mixed with other non -Hazardous Wastesand crude oils. 1.31. Prr�ect-Thor toll dottaructiar ufwhhuh the Work to beprcemetl undertic Cantreo l)ocwnems Nay be the whole, or a }tart. as rnaliesrlcd elsewhere in the Crrdtact Documents. 1.32g. Radioactive Maternal -Source, special nuclear, or byre nduct material as defined by the Atomic Energy Act of L'ICVCCQ NfisALCOM MOM19I0-S(1990F&ticn) wt al'Y OFFOR.T O()LLIM MODIFICATIONS (XIEV 42000) 1954.(42USC Section 2011 sync(.) A$ amended fivm time to time. 1:32,b. Regu7nr Worliiar Howl -Regular wort ft bouca cified in the Uenefti Rauramerift. 1.33, ResidoN uY Re nfaNw-The authorized representative afIIJ INIMR who may be twig" to the site orm y pan thereof 1.34. Sarnpks-Fflysical cAmples of materials, equipment, or wakmene}tipp that air representative of some portion of du Work and which establish the standards by which such portion of the Work will be judged L35. Shop Amaangs.-Ail drawings, d egrRmss diummison9 scdred des and o� data or iofmmation which CONTRA C1't�t$�aud epared �byaM=OR for illustrate some portionofthe W rk.. 1.36. Spacykafians-Thew portion of the Ocinhact Documents construng of written technical of materials, equitinnert, construction systema, and workmanship as applied to the Work andattain administrative details applicable then to. 1.37. 5ik+vsemuroP-.Art individual. fiat or corporation having a direct contract with CONTRACTOR or with airy oher Subcontractor fbr the patimmu ce of a part of the Workat the site, f✓ ioteaded: or if ran such ccrtificme is issued when the Work is core p ate .and ready for final payment as evidernced by ENGINFER's wr umn recommendation of final payment in accordance with paragraph 14.13. The terms 0substantially compute" and "substantially mmnlemd" as aoolied to all or oar of the Wok refer to 1.39. Suppkmennroty Con4fions-T part of the Contract Documents which amends or supplements these General Conditions. I AO. Supplier -A manufacturer, fabricator. supplier, distributor, materialman or vendor having a directcontract with CONTRACTOR or with any Subcontractor to furnish. materials or erliat Moen to be incorporated in the Work by CONTRACTOR or tiny Subcontractor. 1,41. Umkrgromid FadlidtrAll pipelines, conluitk ducts, cables, wires, madrok& vaults, mules, march Or other such facilities or anaehmeriM and �ry encasements ountainmg such facilities which have been installed underground to 6mdsh any of the following services or materials: electricity: gases, stemn, liquid petroleum products, telephone or other communications, cable television, sewage, and drainage removal, traffic a whet comral systems or water. f43.. Unit Price Work —Wale to be paid form the basis. of unit prices, 1.43. Wank}The;emue completed construction or the various sepandely idemtGable thered required to be fwnisbetl under the Contract ents. Work mckides and is the resuif of parfurmmgor frmmishing labor and Curnishtrg and 'in aopatatug'materials and equipment into the aron tructloq and pefomung a tarnishing services: and finishing documents, all as required by the Contract: Documents: * Change. Directive —A written directive to TOR,issued on or after the Effective Date of car and 'signed by OWNER and recommended MR. ordering: an ta.1didat deletion or revision rk, a responding to dttfaring or unforeseen iditiots under which the Workis to be as provided in pamgmph4.2 or 43 or to i under paragraph 6.23. A Work Change ill not change the Contract Price ortheContract is evidence that the parties expect that the. acted or documented by a Work Change ,ill be incorporated in a subsequently issued ler follovi ng negotiationsby the patties as to its. y, on the Contract Price or Commot Times as paragraph 10.2.. 1.45. Written Amencinent--A written amendment of the Contract Aommtems,signed by OWNER and CONTRACTOR on or after the Effective: Date of the Agreement and normally dealing with the noneagmi cring. or nontechnical rather than strictly construction -related aspects of the Contract Documents. ARTICLE 2—PRELIMINARY MATTERS Delivery of Ban&.- 2.1. When CONTRACTOR delivers the executed Agreements to OWNER, CONTRACTOR shalt also deliver toOWNER such Bonds as CONTRACTOR may be required to furnish in accordance with paragraph 3.1. C*es ofDo armenty 2.2. OWNER shall furnish. to CONTRACTOR up to ten Copies (unless otherwise specified in the Supplementary Conditions) of the Contract D(xuments as me reasomfily necessary fa the execution of the Work. Arkhtioal copies will be furnished, upon request, at the cost of reproduction Cammeacenienr ofConuacr Times; Notice to Procee& 2.3. The Contract Times will commence to non on the thirtieth day after the Effective lkde of the Agreement or, IirCDC OENkAtAL CONIATIONa 1910a (1990 Utlmj wi CllY OF FORT WLLINS MODIFICATIONS uiliV ittoss) if Notice to Proceed is given, on the dayy indicated in the Notice to Proceed, A Notice to Pfccmi may be given at MY time within thirty days after the. Effective Date of the Wismotigrcement oF-Eu1'�pettiag'or' � Y-agart3ta-lyft'eetive-Ante efdtr�Ajveemmt; wttieh¢ra-deteisear6a^_ SMrtfng tke Work. 2.4. CONTRACTOR shall assetto perform the Work on the date when the Contract Timm commence to run, but no. Wok shall bedoneat the site price to the date on which the Contract Times commence to run Before Sanding Consbncdon. lefom undertaking each part of the Work, iCTOR shalt carefully study and compare the Documenns and the and verify p�taunt shown thereon and all. applicable field tees. CONTRACTOR shall promptly repair in 1 ENGINEER a conflict, error, ambiguity or ey. which C OAACTOR may discover and in a written. meapreotim or clarification from RR lx:forc proceeding with ang Work affected towever, CONTRACTOR shah not be liable to in ENOTNEER for failure to repot any care ice, nbiguity or diso"a in the Contract K unless CONTRA C TOR knew .or reasonably 2.6, Within ten days after the Effedive Date of the Agreement (unless <nt}urw.so specified in the General Requirements), CONTRACTOR shall submit to ENGINEER for rcviow: 2AL a preliminary. progress schedule indicating the times (numbers of days or dates) fa starting and compiea g the various staglas of the Work including any Milestones specified in the Coated Doxunew. 2.6.2, a preliminary schedule of Shop Drawing and Sample submittals which will list each required submittal and the times for submitting, reviewing and Processing such submittat 26�1 In no, ease _a_vill a s4heolu)5 be aoceptgbjgwlgtfl )tfluws,)ess than ^I" calendar cats far eaahreview by M%ntia 2.6.3. A preliminary. schedule of values for all of the Work which will include quantities sral prices of items aggregating .the Contract Price and will subdivide the War, into component parts in wificient detail to save as the basis for progress payments during construction Such prices will include an appropriate snow of overhead and profit applicable to each item of Work 2.9. Before any Work at the site is started, CONTRAC.'rOR a Nfa shall each deliver to the other OWArER, with copies to .omAitioras hNGFNEER., oerGifroatea of mouiatwe (and other_evidettce of assurance which tNTRACT�O F��y-Are�s'ret�rirprl. to puraws: and maintain in accordance with. parAgmpM5.4�;;&en&3:1:. 1' andl/neli9a coe/arrence: 2.8... Within twar%days after the ComradTimes start to.. nm, butbefore airy Work at the site is stated, a ccdaffererme: attended by CONTRACTOR, .ENGINEER. and othersas: appropriate willbe held to establish a working utxierstandiitg among the partiesas to the Work alxl to discuss; the schedules referred to to patagnat9t 2;6,. 1nMWy:AccgMM0&hS( tec a an 0 to MUIN"K AS prtw1000 MOW, tM schedule will be acceptable to ENGINEER' as an orderly progression of the Work to an within arty specified Milestones and the of Progress of "th Work nor interfere with or In 13NGINkfsK as provutmg a wcvaauie Armuecmcrn as reviewing and processing the required submittals CONTRACTOR's schedule of values will be as ntable to ENGINEER as to fen and substance. ARTICLE.3--CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: INTENT, AMENDING,REUSE Intent: 3.L. The Contract. Documents: comprise the entire agrxmnant behveen OWNER anon C6AITRACiOR Wia:etning the Wmk The Contras Dodumerms. me. complementary; what as called fa by ale w As bnndmg as if crelled for by eft. The 0. Doxumends will be mmnrucd ifl Aaixclena with the law of t}ia place or the Project 32. It is the intent of the Contract Documens to li!G'I7FOENHRAL 4"ONDI714t�t51939-8 (19RP66aa1) 4 wl oily OFFC)RT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS athV,10M 3.3. Reference to Srandardk and 4vdfim7ianx of Tedraedf &dedes; Rgrerling and Rembing Mazh eindesr 3.3.2. If;. during... the.: performance of the. Weak, CONTRACTOR discover any conflict; error, ambiguity of discraparacy within fhe Camas Documents or between flee Contract Ikimanents and any perm islon of any suit Low or Regulation anolicuble to -the ouformance of the Wain or of any CONTRACTOR sball coon it to ENGINEER in writing at once, and, CONTRACTOR shall no proceed with the work affected thereby (accept m an emergency, as sudiori2ed by paragraph 6.23) untilan amendment a sirppplemenfw the Contract Documents has been issued by one of the methods indicated in pamsmph3.5 or 36c Provided, however, that CONTRACTOR shall not be liable to OWNER or ENGINEER for failure to report any suchconflict, amen, amb' tY or discrepancy unless CONTRACTOR knew a reasonably should have known thereof. 3.3.3. Excels as otherwise specifically statedin the contract Documents or as may be provided by amendment uu supplement threw issued by one of the methods indicated in .paragraph 3.5 or 3.6, the provisions of the Cattract Documents shall take precedence in resolving any conflict, errs, ambiguity " discrepancy between the provisions of the Contract Documers and., the provisions of any such standard, specification, manual, code or instruction (whether or trot specifically incorporated by reference in the Contract Documents); or, the provisions of any such Laws or Regulations applicable to the performance of the Work (unless such an inerpretatitn of the provisions of the Contract Documents would result. in violabort of such Law or Regulation). pT6,si of any such staadmd, stteciftcation, manual, leor mstintcuon:sha11 tx effective to dmngti.the duties frytesptnsibilities of gWNER, CONTRACTOR. or 3.4. Whenever inth ordered', "as directed'. approved" or terms of adjectives "reasonable, or 'satisfactoryor ad used to describe a jtuittment ofENGINET su mqu ramem, dire Solely to evaluate, in compliance with the m Contract Dooumems 1 concept of the compleu shown or indicated in 0 is a specific statement any suchterat or adject ENGINEER any duty c fimushing or perfcrme authority to undertak hose ser forth in the. Cataract '!fictive to assiggnn to OWNER, INEER's CoreulMrib, r�entz or unity to supervise or direct the or the Work or any duty or xuability inconsistent with the i or any other provision of the Contract Documents the terms "as "as required"; "as allowed". 'as m effect or import am used, or the "suitable, "acceptable'. "proper' Gives of like dTcct or import are quirement, dueaion. review Or :as to the Weak, it is intended that :ion, review or judgment will be tenemi the completed Work for FIR] authority to supervise or direct the. ce of the Work or any duty or responsibility contrary to the 9..13 or any other provision of the .' mauling andSkMemenring Connsnrpo<umenrs: 3.5. The Contract Documens may be amended to Provide for additkxts; deletions and revisions in the Work or to mix* the terms and conditions thereof in one or more a the following ways: 3.5.1. a fomtal Written Amendment, 3.5.1 a Change Order (pursuant to paragraph 10.4), Or WDC(NNERAL COM 171ONS 1910a (1990 Elfam) w%CITY OI� FORT GULLING MODIFICATIONS tREV 0f2000) 3.5.3 a Work. Champ Directive (pursuant to. paragraph to 1). 16. In addition. the requirements of the Contract Documents may besupplemented, and minx variations and deviations to the Wait may be authoring, in oneor more of the following ways: 3.6.1, AField Outer (pursumtttoparagraph 9.Sa 3.6:2. ENGII Tc's approval ofa Shop Drawing or Sample (Pursuant to paragraphs 6.26 mid 6.27), ur 3.63. ENGINEER's: written interpretation or clarification (pursuatr to Paragraph.9.4) Reuse of Documents 3.7. CONTRACTOR, and :any Subcontractor or Supplier or other person or :organization perftxmin$.or fvrmahing any of the Work under a data or inclaect contract with OWNER () shell not have or acquire any title to or ownership tights in any of the Drawinn J M vy "I . a me seal or nN V1N.b= Q &NGIN$ 'a 0111ant, a (ii) shall not rem any of such Drawugs. Spedficationt, other documents or copies on csaensions of the project :or any other project. without ARTICLE 4-.AVATLABILITY OF LANDS; SIJBSURFACF AND PHYSICAL CONDITIONS; REFERENCE POINTS AmUabi&r , ofLands: 4.1. OWNER shall furnish, as indicated in the Contract Dmuments, the lands upon which the Wok is to be Performed, rights -of -way and easements for access thereto, and such other :lands which are designated for the use of CONTRACTOR - OWNER shall identify. any encumbmncrs or rrstrictiom not of gerend application but specifically related to use of lamb so furnished with which CONTRACTOR will have to comply in perfuming the Work, iasements for Permanent structures or permanent changes in existing futilities will be obtained and paid for by OWNER unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, If WNfRACTOR and OWNER are unable to agree on entitlement to or the amount cx extent of any adjuslmmts in the Contract Prase or the Contract. Times as a result of any delay in OWNER s furnishing these lands, rights -of= way or easelntals. CONTRACTOR may make a claim therefor as provided in Articles II and 12. 5 CONTRACTOR shall provide for oil adt4hosl lox% and. =ass thereto that may be required for temporary. construction facilities or storage of materials and equipmera. In &bmnfacemugpky*wcondtil,), 4.21 Repotf$aid Drd*hW: Rtfefetce is mask ro c the -supplementary coadifiass for identification of:, ,$ubatface Cevu itians: Those reports of :espbnmtittis and tests of subsurface codutos at or antii ' to the site then have been wifind by ENOin. preparing the Contract Documents: and FfotnkW CortaMns. Thom 4mwinp of Physical txanibicns in orrelaung to existing surface a subwrhor structures at a emhguous to the site- .(exempt Unfound Facilities) that hove bean. utiiited by B fCINM in. preparing the Caamlti Doctmtents. 4,23.1. the completeraesn of such reports and drawings for CONTRACTOR'S )wrpcscs. includin& but not limited to, any aspects of the meats, methods4 techniques, sequences and procedures of c mmuction to be employed by CONTRACTOR and safary precautions and programs incident therew, or other rots; interpretatiaa; opinions and informatim contained in such repots or shown or auloated in such drawings, or 4223. on rtrawn yy CONTRACTOR interpretation, of a. conclusion any "technical -dos" cc any such dem, interpretations, opinions a information. 41:3. Monier of Dffererg Subsurface or Physical CorxdNcvtr: If CONTRACTOR believes that any stub tt'face or physical condition at or comigtmt a to the site that is ncovered;orevealed abhor: 42:33. is of such a4ature as to establish that any "teetnical. data" on which CONTRACTOR is entitled to rely as provided in paragraphs 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 is materially inaccurate. or 42.3.1. is of such a nature as to require a clrnrnge in the:Commet Daormcnts, or differs materially from that shown a VCUCr3W ALCONUMOs 191"(1990F4601) cat QtY OFFORT WLLINS MOOIFICATtONS (REV 42000) indicated in the Commot Doc mnams, or 4.23A. is of an unusual nature; and differs materially from: conditions ordinarily encountered aoI generally recognized as inherent in work of the character. provided for in the Contract Documents, then 4,2.4. irNOiAM's Review ENOD40 R will promptly review the Part .mAm cint itiona determine the neceseby ofOWNI3R's obmirimg additional evioratitm or tests with respect dteato and advise. OWNER. in writing (with a copy to CONTRACTOR) of ENOTNEEl2's findetgsand conclusuora. 4.2.5: Fusible Contract Dorrauants Chow: If ENGINEER concludes that s change in the Contract Documents k rogoned a a. result of a cumhtiorl the meets OW or: of the oatega`ies it peragmph 4.2.3, a Wok Ctimuta Directive or Change order will be issued as prov in Article 10 to reflect and dominant the consequences of such change. 4,2.6. Fosubk Frame and Tinier A,#uiMeer*r:An equitable adjustment in the Created Price Or :in the Contract Times, or both. will be allowed to the mxtetnt that the existence of such uncovered or revealed condition couses an increase or decrease in CONTRACTOIis cog of, or time regnvad for performance ot: the Work: subject; however, to the Mowing:: 42.6.1. such condition mustmea any me Or more of the catwi es described in paragraphs 4,2.3.1 thuatgh 4:2.3.4, inclusive; 4.2 6,2. a d=,W in the Contract Documents t Vermo to pam,$raph 4.2.5 will not be an automatic authorization of nor a condition prowdentto entitlement to any such adjustment; 4.263. with respect to Wok that is paid for on a Unit Price Base% any adjustment in Contract price will be subject to the provisions of paragrapis9.10 end 11,.9; and 4,2.6.4. CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to any adjustment in. the Contact Price or Times if; 1. CONTRACTOR knew of the exuutncc of such conditions at the time CONTRACTOR made a foal commitment to OWNER in respect of contract Price and Canoe Times by the submission of a bid or becoming bound under a negotiated conaacr, or to 5A.2. the existence of such. 6tion cowl .reasonably have. been )voted or revealed as a result, of any trusties, invas[iga[ian, exploration, or study of the site andconapous t regmrcd by the Bidding. iirements or Contract Documents to be such CONTRACTOR failed to. give the written notice within the time and. 0sm4uired by paragraph 4.2:3.. MR and CONTRACTOR am unable to agree on am to to as to the amount or letl�tti of any such e adjustrnrnt in the Contract Rice or Contract a claim may ;be made therefor as provided. in I and 12. However; OWNER, ENGINEER and EER's Consultants shall not be liable to 'ACTOR for arty claim% costs. losses or damages d,by CONTRACTOR on or in connection with any )1ect or anticipated project. 4.1 Physical Con4R6ons—Underground Favih less 43.1. Sho" orincleated.• The information and data .shown or indicated in the Contract Documents with respect to existing Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the: site is based to information and data furnished to OWNER a ENGINEER by the owners of such Underground Facilities or by others. Unless it is otherwiseexpressly provided in the Supplementary Conditions: OWNER and ENGINEER shall %tat be responsible for the accuracy or completeness of any such information or data, and The cost ofall of the following will be included in the Cxntrad Price and CONTRACTOR shall have full responsibility for: (i) reviewing and cfieckag all such IMomta[ion and dam, I locating. all Underground Facilities shown or indicated in the Contract Dccumems,(ii) coordination of the Work with the owners of such Underground Facilities during. construction, and (iv)the safety and protection of all such Underground Facihties as provided in pma raph620 and repairing any damage thereto resulting from the Work, 4.3.2, N01 Shown or Indicated: If an Und;rgtvund Facility is uncovered or revealed at or comigunus to the site which was not shown or indicated in the Contract Document-,: CONTRACTOR shall, pionnt1v -immediately after becoming aware thereof and hetore further disturbing conditions affected thereby a Performing any Work in connection therewith (except in an emergerny as require{ by paragraph6.23), identify the owner of soh Underground Facility and BJCRC GBNFRAL CONDF11ONS 191e�S n1991) Wumi Wi CITY OF FDRT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS tRLW4[2aaen e%tent. If Contract sequences nliN. If mitt to or the mount or t in Contract Price or )Rmay make a claim I and 12. However, and ENGTNEER's o CONTRACTOR: for damages incurred or on or in connection Rejemnee t>aiMs 4A. OWNER shall .provide enginocritg surveys to establish reference points for construction which in ENGRNEER.'s judgment are necessary to enable CONTRACTOR. to proceed with. the Work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for Laying out the Work, shall psect anti preserve the established referenca Mints and 911 i aka nochangesor relocations without the 60( written approval of OWNER. CONTRACTOR shall report to ENGINEER whenever any reference point is lost or destroyed ca requires relocation because of necessary change; in grades or locations, and shall be responsible for the swurate replacement or relocation of such reference points by professionally qualified personnel. 4.5. Asbevros, PCBs, peholeum, f/aimr o s Waste or Radoisdive btaretial. 4.3.1. OWNER shall be responsible for any Asbestos, PCBs, Petroleum, Tlarardoos Waste or Radioactive Material uncovered or revealed at the site which was not shown or indicated in Drawings or Specifications or identified in the Contract Documents to be within the scope of the Work and which may present a substantial danger to persons. or 1x'oyer yv exposed thereto in connection with the Work at the sde. OWN M- shall not be responsible fix any such materials brought to the site by CONTRACTOR, SubcomincW , Suppliers or anyone else for whom CONTRACTOR is responsible. ARTTCLB S--BONDS: AND INSURANCE ParJwrau ce, Paymear amt01herBon dk, e and to the as provided otherwise by Yaws or axaapt aspNVWat atnerwlse by Laws or xegwaaom ana ahaU be a mmvulted by atech suratm as am named in the current hat of "Conparoes Hold' Canificstea of Authoriryas AcFtptable:Sureties on Federal Bends and as Acoeptabla Companies" as published in Circular 574 (am by the Audit Staff Bureau of Government Financlnt Opemtiam, U.S.Treasury Department. All Baths signed byanagent must be ac compartled by a certified copy. of such agents authority to act: — 5 2 If the surety an any Bond &urtMed by CONTRACTOR is declareda ba laupt or becomes msol¢ent a its right to do business is terminated in any stale where any part of dw Project is located or it ceases to — meet the requirements of paragraph 5.1, CONTRACTOR shall within ten days. thereafter suhstitute another Bond and surety, both of which must be acceptable to OWNER. 53. Licenard Saredas,ard fasaraw; Colificares of — Insurance: 5,11. All . Bonds andinsurance required by the Contract Documents to be pombased and maintained by OWNER or CONTRACTOR shell be obtained from surety or insurance companies that are duly licensed or authorized to the jurisdiction in which the ftoct is located to issue Bonds or imurance policies for the limits mid coverages so rh surety and inama" companies .full also meet sttch — Additional requirements and qualifications as may be provided in tie Supplememary Conditions. 5.3.2. 0ONTRACTOR shall deliver to OWNER. with: copies to tech additional insured identified in the — Supplementary Caxlitiona, certificates of insurance (arid other evidence of imtaance requested by HXDCOEWRAL CON01110N91910-8 ¢9906dttal) & w/ 01Y OF FORT COLONS 610On0CA11ONS(KLV40000) CON'TRACTOR's:Uabift Insarutrce: 5.4.1. daims under worker:' coutpenset ot>;.;disability benefits and other similaranli oyes benefit acts; 5.4 2. claims for damages l in= of bodily injury, occupational sickruas or -disease„ or death of CONTRAC'TOR's employees;. 5.4.3, claims for damages because of bodily uijury; sicknessor disease, a death of any pemon other than CONTRACT OW4 employees;. inthraetly-rotates#�teilyd�ofsue9.psry/yt;Ay eE1�-rense� 5AS.. claims for damages, other .than.. to the Work itself because of injuty, to or destraction of tangible property wherever located, including loss of use resulting therefrom; and 5.4.6. claims for damages because of bodily injury or death of arty person or Property damagearising out of the ownership, maintenance a use of any motor vehicle. The policies of insurance so required by this paragraph 5.4 to be purchased and maintained shall: 5.A.7, with respect to insurance required by Paragraphs 5.4.3 through 5.4.6 inclusive arY�.�.4.�._, include as additional insureds (subject to any customary erclusion in respect of professional liubility): OWNER, ENGINBEI, ENGINEER's Conskits and any other persons or entities identified in the Supplementary Conditions, all of whom shall be listeil asadditional insureds, andinclude coverage for the respective officers and employees of all such additional insureds: 5.4.8. include the specific coverages and be written for not less than the limits of liability provided in the Supplementary Conditions or required by Laws a Regulations, whichever is greatet; 5.4.9. include completed openu rgns insurance; EKOC OHNERAL CON[mTAONa9194 n99a Eeitim) W GITY OF FORT C'OLLINa MOOIFJCXn0N tIM--V.ilraW) 5.410, include contractual liability insurance covering CONTRACTOR's indemnity obligaitictn under pamgmphsd l2, 6.16 and 6.31 through 6.33; 5.4.11 contain a provision or endorsement that the coverage alfbrded will riot be cancelled, materially changed or renewal refused until at least thirty daye Prior written notice has been given to OWNER and CONTRACTORand to each other additional insured idenfillied in the Supplementary Conditions to whom a celtifimte of insunmee has been. issued (and the cer ificetes of minuance funusined by the CONTRACTOR.pustauR to paragraph5,33 will. so 5.4.12. remain in effe t at least until first payment mid at all times thaeaftarwhen CONTRACTOR may inacc�ad withp �apreplacing p3 2� olive Wok 5.4.13. with respect to completed operations ummrtce, and any insurance cover ago written tea. a claims -made has remain in. effect fa at least two yearn after thus payment (and CONTRACTOR shall fumislr OWNER -and mah other additional 'insured identified in the Supplementary Conditions to whom. a certificate of insurance: has been issued evidence sausfaLioy to OWNER and any such additional insured of continuation of .such insurance at 5ml OWNER'sLfabUrly Insarmnee: 53. In addition to insurance required to he provided by CONTRACTOR under paragraph 5.4. OWNER, at OWNER's option, may purchase and maintain at OWNER's aeperm OWNER's own liability insurance as will protect OWNER against claims which may arise from operations under the Contract Documents. Pi"e'rtty InSuMnet,' .44--...-1•Balsas-otiterwisarwdad-at^tlte-Supplementary Ctoadmais;, ..OWNER purchase- .-and.._massnat tt .sasi_.themof.{subj", to_sush deductible--amounts--.aa..may_-be.._pro ided.---in-_the .. S-6.+- dude--_-tine..-:-intaasts-,..of-_.E>WNER, aatitias-i hent ad-its-thg-F,wpplarienua5`-4`omlitiar� asdtoflwheanis-deemed-fo-intvrarrinsurabk interest and42tail-bahsted nawt�aaaaad: �rc-additonal-tnaurad- �hall a; least instiale 'Is — and Wadi in In Mit and Shall at the� , extended I 4ViN 0 59, owNER dz& ftd be ate kv pwdutsing and mein any p ty irmmum to proted the imeredA oiRACTOR. Sub acwm or othom in. li1CDCOBNUM CONL ITIOM I9I0-8 (1990Edi(W it)WIary OF FORT (:ULWN9 flMrICATIOM(RE44a00 n.-..m-.n.. Receipt and.AppAcadanoj]nsurance Proceeds: Any :insured toss under the .policies I 11 gmphs5.6 and 5.7 will be Rand made,. payable to OWNER as fit to an. appropriate Change Order or OWNER asfiduciary shall have power to adiust tle any less with the insurers unless one of the in interest shell object in wrkmi within fifteen days, e ocatrrenceof loss to OWNERS exercise of this If such objection be made, OWNER as fiduciary seine the loss AccalAW e. tfHonds and Insurance; Option to Replace: partial Utilization Property1mumnce: 5,15. If OWNER fro s it )necessaryto occupy or ore. a portion or pornors of the Work prior to Suhstantlal AJCpCOENERAL CONit'IIONS 19M8 (1990 Edlim) W; CITY OF FORT COLUM MODIFICATIONS Qtt;V 42M0) Completion of all the Wodc, such use or oocupancy may be accomplished it, accordance with paragraph 14:10., ided that no suds use or occupancy shall cwmmena fore the insurers:troviding the property msunvu:v have pruvruag me ptrnenY Insurance, shall consent by endorsement on the policy orpo hcies, bat the pprruuppaaty insurance shall not be cancelletl a .permitted to lapse on ocean of any such partial . use oraccuparwv. ARTICLE "ONTRACTOR'S RES1'ONSIMLITIES Saperidsion andSLperintende ice: 61 CONTRACTOR shall sapervise, inspect and direct the Work campetatdy and efficiently, devoting such attention thereto and applying such skills and expertise as may be neceasmp to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents: CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for the means, method% Wm' ,segnanees and procedures of corla uctiom but NIRAL?OR "I not be responsible for the rxthgence ofoilners m the design or specification of a specific mearumetlnod technique; ssqucnce or procedure of consWction which is siwwn or indicated in and e(prmly required by the Contras Dom mus. CONTRACTOR small be tespomubte to see that the completed Workcomplies acoumtely with the Contract )R.shall keep on the Work at all. togmas a competent resident all not be replaced without written and ENGINHIR excent tuner exaaorormry ctounsuutxs The suparmtendent will be CONTRACTOR% representative at the site and shall have authority to act on behalf of CONTRACTOR All communications to the superintendent Shall be as binding as if givento CONTRACTOR. Labor, Materials and Equipment; 6.3. CONTRACTOR shall provide competent, suitably qualified personnel to. survey, lay out and construct .the Work as required by the Contract Documents..CONTRACTOR shall. at all times maintain guctttiscipline mail order at the site. Except as otherwise required for the safety or protection of persons or the Work or property at the site or adjacent thereto, and kept as othemse indicated in the Contract Documents, all Work at the site shall be performed .during regular working hours and (X)NTRACTOR will not permit overtime work or the performance of Work on Saturday, Sunday or arty legal holiday without OWNER's written consent given after prior written notice to ENGINEER. CO R ACT( gall albmit regt to the ENOR Do Ices than 48 hours in advance ofanv Work to be performed on Saturday, Sunday Holidays or outsiok the is up lot, Workalg Hcwrs II SECTION 00020 INVITATION TO BID Date: January 30, 2008 Sealed Bids will be received by the City of Fort Collins (hereinafter referred to as OWNER), at the office of the Purchasing Division, 3:00 P.M., our clock, on February 25, 2008, for the Horsetooth-Ziegler Roundabout and Ziegler Road Improvements; BID No. 6082. If delivered, they are to be delivered to 215 North Mason Street, 2nd Floor, Fort Collins, Colorado, 80524. If mailed, the mailing address is P. 0. Box 580, Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580. At said place and time, and promptly thereafter, all Bids that have been duly received will be publicly opened and read aloud. The Contract Documents provide for the construction of Bid 6082 Horsetooth- Ziegler Roundabout and Ziegler Road Improvements: Horsetooth Road: Improvements to Horsetooth Road consist of removal of existing asphalt surfacing and concrete curb & gutter, various utility adjustments, necessary excavation and embankment placement, installation of new asphalt surface, curb & gutter, median cover, crosswalks, and various appurtenances associated with the roadway construction. Ziegler Road: Improvements asphalt surfacing, concrete various utility adjustments, installation of concrete curb new asphalt driveways and appurtenances associated with to Ziegler Road consist of removal of existing curb & gutter, existing trees, existing fence, necessary excavation and embankment placement, & gutter, new asphalt surfacing, construction of concrete driveway approaches, and various the roadway construction. Roundabout Construction: Improvements related to the roundabout construction consist of construction of concrete curb & gutter, concrete pavement, colored concrete truck apron, median covers, and various appurtenances associated with the roundabout construction. All Bids must be in accordance with the Contract Documents on file with The City of Fort Collins, 215 North Mason St., 2nd floor, Fort Collins, Colorado 80524. Contract Documents will be available January 30, 2008. A prebid conference and job walk with representatives of prospective Bidders will be held at 1:30 P.M., on February 14, 2008, at 281 N. College Conference Room 1A, Fort Collins. Prospective Bidders are invited to present their questions relative to this Bid proposal at this meeting. Rev 10/20/07 Section 00020 Page 1 6.11. TJAIcat otherwise specified in the General. Requirem,a , CONTRACTOR shall fsrmmh and assume full ltty for atl materiels equipment, labor. constructim equipment lord mtehvay, tools, applianwm„ fuel;. power,7ighk 1rt01, tdepharto, water, sanitary fadti[ies, t poetry lhet'litim and all other. feoilitiea and loci toss necemary for the fianishit performaaM testing am r4AP and completion Of Work. 6 must.cem t41 ` n¢ testiiotlu�. A. �y of L g Ri mro m art Us IM f review m the ofSasam Rate. bi MACITLMt. .Division or die Cdv Ciak's olEce 642 Ceiaemt Rtsniaiotn' Cow of Fott Collua of cahent OF MOM, am 'nip IM 909 as not r am that M rardous wattteas a fuel 63. All materials and equipment shall be of good gpraiityand new, moept.as otherwise provided in the as to the Rind and An materials and cmmected, crected, t accordance with mcetit as ofhertvm progrev &hade. 6,6 CONTRACTOR shall Where to the progress schedule established in occardartoc with paragraph 19 as it may be adjusted from time to time as provided below: Ter 1 CONTRACTOR to �il es i toxtent EN(�hER paragtaphm2.9 proposed wtu.atments m the progress schedule that will not flange the Conrad Timm (err Mikstmes). Such adjustments will conform y to the progress schedule then in effect and ad 't�dy will comply with any provisions of the General: Rerguermentsapiphcable thereto. 6,6.2. pr= adjustments in the progress schedule thatwill � the Contract Times (or Nflestones) of paragraph 12. 1. SLk,,h adjustments may only be ran& by a Clmnae Order a Written Amaximentm acetsdanoe with Article 12. 6.7. Su6arirutesand wo3 Egaal" hems 6.7,1. Whenaver an item of material or equipment is .specified or described in the Coated Documents by using the tarns of a proprietary item or thenameof particular Supplier, the specification or descriptionis untended to establish the type, fumsim and quality required Hales; the specification or description E)C M: GENE&AL CONDITIOM519104 OMEdinm) 12 WI(]Ty OFFORT cX1LLIM MODIFICATIONS OW411000) oo mums or is followed by .words rmh6 that no like, equivalent or "rr-oqued" ilea or no sulxattummi'Ls permitted, other dews of material or eguipnad Or material or equipment of dha Suppliers may be accepted by ENGINEER under the foliowmg circumsmrtem: , E. _ nit' D a 1e the follows l as emeoted in the cal Requremems and a GINEER may e is a*" under the gaigrmWiinoes: eats for review of pra}waed substitute items iterial or equipment win not be accepted by [NM firm anyone other than TRACTOR: If CONTRACTOR wishes to h or use a substitute item of material or mete. CONTRACTOR shell first make napplication to ENGINEER for ecoeptance 4 cenhfyingthat the proposed subetimh will rm y to functions and achieve die a for by the gancral design, be similar balance to that ap"Ied and be suited to the use as that apaaW The application will the extent, i which the evaluation 3ubstanial Cempletion on time, whather or not acceptance of the substitute for use in the Work will require a charge in: any of the Contract Documents (or in the pprrovision of any other duet ouramat With OWNBR for work on the "ad) to adapt destV to the proposed sutatimte and whether or not inCorpm um a use Of the substikde in connection with the Work is subject to payment of any license fee ar royally. All variations of the substitute from that specified will be ideas OIL application and available maintartatce, repair and replacement service will be indicated, The application will also comain an itemized estimate of all costs or creifita that will result directly or indirectly from soceptance of such substitute, includug costs of redesign and Claims Of other OMMIC ms Rfreded bry the resulting change, all of which will be considered by ENG04EM in evaluating the substitute. ENGINMR mapp uae RACTOR to furnish additional %tat the proposed substitute. CONIPF cTORS Espeitse: ,All data to be Provided by CONTRACTOR in support of any proposed "a -equal" a substitute item will be at CONI'RACTOWs e spense. 6.72. Usunde Catsinwtion Medtoiis or Procedures: If as� iftc means, methoct,..tahnique; sequence or Pracrodiao of construction is shown or to to by 61.1 Engiw06 Evabration: ENGINEER will be allowed a reasonable time within which to evaluate each Proposal or submittal made pursuant to paragrapls: and 6.7.2. ENGINEER. will be the sole judge of acceptability. No or�a 1" a substitute will he Ordered,: installed or utilized. without ENGINEER's Aria written acceptance which will be. evidenced by a@her a Change Order or an approved c;V.N1RAGTOR to furnish at CONTRACTOXs sxpelse a special performance guatamee or other surety with respect to any "a -equal" or subuiaato ENGINEER will record time rwpired UNGMER. and ENGINEER's Cotstdtaras In avalusting substitutes proposed or submitted by CONTRACTOR pursuant to parap;xaphs V.1.2 and. 6.7,2 and in making charges in the Contract Documents or uh the provision of arty other direct contract with OWNER for work m the Project) occasioned thereby. of tort ENGINEER. accepts a substitute nam so pOR or submitted by CONTRACTOR CONTRACTshall renaborse OWNER for the charges of ENGINEER and ENGINEER'S Consultants for evaluating each such Proposed substitute item. 6X Coneerning Sabcontrad^ &applien and Nken.- 1. CONTRACTOR ill not contractor, Supplier Or olherpersm [nose acceptable to OWNER. and IS indented in paragraph 6.8.2), whether ENGINEER may have reasonable objection. CONTRACTOR shall not be required to employ any Subcontractor, Supplies other person or famish aganirr6an to ish or Per any of the Work against whom CONTRACTOR has reasonable 06 won. WCDC(WftAL COMMONS 191"(IMB MI w/ 01Y OF l�()RT ODLLINS NIODWiCAIIONS (RLW 41-1000) CONTRACTOR shin t our notleless �than 20 h .tl+_P FXn_SQScuS (tFSfL.i3 hyitk>},t `"fIgo " Ea, g! the 20 ctxemirem dla➢ la: to refer to the _ot'k the valug cif '.�dn.bAls not I— the 20 RCrSti!+A a Cceoacn ee. ey--Uwtditions Hi. dcli�tg identity of certain Or or w o arree to tLmrsh the a a equipment) to be acceptance a. objection in ire Contract Documental of cry V W Ntsx. a any such ubcotmcta, Supplier w uganization $)Hill constitute a waiver OWNER or ENGINEER to reject 6_9. o.v.1. CONTRACTOR shall be fully re ble to OWNER and ENGINEER for all ads and anissios Of the SUboomntctork Suppliers and. other persons and Organizations performing or furnishing any of the Work under a direct Or mduac[ oenmact with CONTRACTOR just as CONTRACTOR is responsible for CONTRACTOR's own acts and c ussiots. Nothing in the Contract Documents shall create for the benefit of any such Subcontracau. Supplier a other person or organization any contractual relationship between OWNER m ENGINEER. and any such Subcaaracra, Supplier or Other person Or organization, nor shall it create any 01110tion on the part of OWNER or ENGINEER 10 Puy a to we to the payment of my moneys duce any such: Subcmtractor, Supplier or other person or Orgam"'fion "coP1 asmay otherwise be required by Laws and RegulationsOWNERa El IN M in f arTsh to.any sap_trcomracta sthpplicr a tigpecscm a oraanhrse� kkk= of, amounts i. G C(>NTRALI'OR m nce With CONTRACTOR'S "Appheat1OM fa Penmen 13 Permits 6.10, 1 he divisi sts and sections of the 3peu6kauiarls lad the identifications of Tkawi shall not control. CONTRACTOR its the Vtrak mono Su6cpNra�om or St"bara tong the Work to be perfarmal4yartyap A — trade ¢�43. fawsaadRegatatiws. 6.14.1. CONTRACTOR shall gore all notices and cotnQlyy with all Laws and Regulationsapphcable to furrushlrg and performance of the work. Except where othe wtsa mTrm* required by applicable Laws- and RVr�Italkim rwwtha Of•V 9 nor �S�I:GM13R shot be TaR)o Bible for mom" CONTRACTOR's compliance with any Law* a Reguiatiawa 614.2. If CONTRACTOR pafomty any Work knowing or having reason toknow that it is carrtrery to Laws or Regulations, CONTRACTOR shall boon all claims, costs; losses and damages caused by, arising out of or reswdmm' gg therofran; however, it shall mat be CONfRACTOR's ppnnmmary responsibility to mako certain thattho Speci6cltions and l3novirgs arc in accordance with Laws and Regulations, .but this shall act relieve CONTRACTOR of CONTRACTOR's obatgstions under paragraph 3.3.2. Tares: and 6.15. CONTRACTOR shall pay all s11es. calmer the.. use and other similar, taxes required to be paid by Work CONTRACTOR in .accordance with the Laws .and uch Regulations of the place of the Project which are sere applicable during the perfomance of the Wok vita the 615.1 9M NII is exempt Colorado State atsd c of oagE4_ e orss,rwtbeirntdu intheCoNraet.Prlra. Patent fees and Reyak7es• 6.12: CONTRACTOR shalt poy all license fees royalties and assume all cons incident to the. use in teifomtanee of the Work or the Incorporation in the M disclueal by OWCiE7R m the Cattract Docwnens To tle fullest eXtctd permitted by Laws and Rtgtwlltiras, CONTRACTOR stall mdemnnSSyy and hold herrinless OWt,TRR, RNGiNSGR T3Nt1INB!#R's Constikams and the offixrs, diranurs,. employees, agents and other tonsuliants ofauh and arty of them 6aaard agaust dt claims,osCs. lossm end dannageaarising out of a resultii 6'om airy inGingeaxra oTpatant a rights indadentm the use m: the. perfonnarwx oT ilia Woresrrh>ig boon the intaporalion in ilia Work of am invention,. design, lxoocs, txoduct a devrcc rdxspea6ed in :the Contract EXVCOENBRAL CONDITIOM 19105 (1990EMM) 14 WCITY OF FORT COLUM MODIFICAT10NS(REV 4/2000) CL40 Detsnnsmt d'Rcverwe State Capjtal Annex 13Colpa3. Sales and t7se Tetxs fur the Slete:.of Cnldxsdb R�nurtel are 7tuisrsnorix— District tRT•fi) loaddo 0o arras are collected by tba State of tde _K"gimnoft. of rent Am anv�r <' than sunatnrenan and n ,� plat is 'catjy " led into C� (lsyaa are m..be pyr_d. by ON I KAW OR and are to ce mcmoelJtaop;;Oi aw bid Ilan use of Premises;• amine eostramon and equipment and the. and land and areas d areas Permitted by laws. and Regulations, permits And casements, and shall mn premises with. construction ar other materials o equipment. �R shall assume full respatdbiUy for arty ty such land or area, or to the owner o srf or of any adjacent: land or arias, resulting valance of the Work Should am claim be _such_owner a occuptpmt bocattsc of the settle with such other party by negotiation or rithcnvise resolve the claim by Arbitration or other resolution proceeding o at law. CONTRACTOR shall, to the Rd lost extent permitted by Laws and Regulations, indemnify and hold hamless .OWNER• ENGINEER, SNGHUMR's Cprmiltam and anyone directly or indnectly employed by any of then from and against all claims, costs, losses and damages arisirg out of o resulting from arty claim o action, legal or equitable, brought yarty such owner o occupant 8gair6i OWNER. ENG!= o oiler party m&mnifred hereunder to the extent musedby or based upon CONTRACTORS performance of the Work, 6.17, f)auing the jrogross of the Wok CONTRACTOR. stroll keep due paerises free from Accumulations of waste materials. rubbish and other daois resiltirg from the Wok At the conpktin" of the Wok CONTRACTOR shall remove all waste materials, rubbish and debris from and about doe premises as well as all tools, appliarras, ccnslructinn epnipmem and machinery and surplus mataiats. CONTRACTOR.shalh leave the site clean. anti ready fo oagtnpancy by OWNER m Suhstantid Completion of du Work: CONiR.ACTOR shall. resooe to M, not condition all property net designated for altemtkm by the Contract Documents. 6.18. CONTRACTOR shall AA load no, penal, any part Of any s OMwe to be loaded in any manner that will mdRnger the structure, = shall CONTRACTOR subject any part of the Wok or adjacent property to stresses or pressures that will endanger it. Record Documents, EXI)COUNMAL CONOITIONs 19148(1990Bdnidv) -i Llly OF FORT WLLIM MODIFICATIOM aa:YdlraW) 6.19: CONTRACTOR shall maitlaim in a safe place. at the site one record copy of At Drawings, Specifiiatiom,. Addenda, Written .Amendments. Change Orders, Work Change Directives, Field Orders and written nateisctations and clarifications (issued pursuant to paragmpht)A) tit9ood order and mwotated to show all dimities, made tuCrirnE construnion These record d o...ms togetlte with all a ed Samples and a dwurttctpart of aU :approved �Drawmtb will be be SeferyandF}ureo 4w 6.20. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for inhiatiilg, mains n iN and auparvising all safety preember s end programs in Ommecttm with the. Work. CONTRACTOR shall take all necessary precaution: for the safety ot; and shall provide the nece neiy protectionto }invent damage, injury or loss to: 6.20.1. all persons on the Wok site or who may be affected by the Work; 6.20:2. all the Work and materials and equipment to be incorPoarad therein. whether in storage on or oft the site; and 6,20.3 other poverty at the site or adjacent thereto, including trees; Amfis,. lawns; walks, pavemems, roadways, structurea, utilities and Umkiground Facilities not designated fo removal mki ation m replacement in the course of cortsbuctien. CONTRACTOR shall comply with all applicable Iaws and Regulations of tiny public body having jurisdiction: for safety of persons or property Or to protect them from damage, injury or lees; and shall erect and maintain all necessary safeguards for such safety andprotection. 1> MW1 +e+ody owners a aujaeertr property and of Utubrground Facilities and unii4byy owners when prosecution o the Work may affect Lm, and shall Cooperate with them in the protection• removal, relocation and replacement. of their properly. All damaggee,� injury aloss to any property referred to in paragraphs 6.20.2 or 6.20.3 mused directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, by CONTRACTOR, any Subovnbactor. Supplier o any other posot or oganimtian directly o indireaty employed by any o(dtem w perform o famish. any of the Wnrk o anyone fowhose sots an of clan may be liable; shell hereme(ied by CONTRACTOR (escep damage o lass attributable to t}n (ash ofbrawings o Speciftmtiors o to the acts o omissions of OWNER o:FTdG1Nti1•:R. a ENGINEER'S Corsailnlat ur anynrx employed by any of Them o amasue fo wtmase aria aay of them may he liable, arri mat attributable, directly or ualirei;dy, in whole o in part, to thw fault ottegligenoa tit' CONTRAC�1'OR o arty Subotmractor, Suppliu iu other person o ogoniaandrt directly Or irulimcily..employed by any of them). CONTRACTOWsdutiesandre unnsibilities for the safety and prouxtion of the Work ahaU cominme untilsuch time as all the Wok is completed and FNGINFHR has issued a 15 notice. to OWNER efts CONTRACTOR in accordance with paragraph 14.13'tint the Work is ac eptable(exceptas otherwise expressly provided in connection with Subarantw Completion). 6:2L SaftfyRepr¢nrtaduc CONTRACTOR shall designate a qualified and eagxsiaraed sufoy sepreaemative at flx sits whose suttee andxaspatadrilitit>a simft be the pr+eYootion of accidems.end the menuainatg end supeawising of satiny precautions and programs AaawC onmanicabox P"AMms 6.22. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for 0=14any eatchange of material safety date sheets or ,2Z rxmnmrmrcation information required to be made avdlable to mr exchanged between or among. employers at the site in accordance with Laws or Regulations, iifi= 6x4, ShopTNmvingsandSarxrHer submit MR may require ono in cified in. the General m on the Strop DmwaV respect toquantities. since and dentgn criteria,. h show ENGTNRRR the 1TRACTOR. proposes to ,INFER. to review the purposes required by purposes required by p+rograp1 626 The numbers of each Sample to be submitted will be as specified in the Specifications. sza SsewdaalProradntta: 6.25.1• adm subaritting each Shop Drawing or Sampple, CONTRACTOR shall have detetmmEn d id verifkd: 6.2513. all field meavummetus, quantities; dimensions, slictified perferrnance criteria,. installation requtaments, materish,catalog mmsbers: andsundar information with respect tfieseto, 6:25.1.2. all materials with to intended use, falrricanar, ' . handli�. do the assembly and "on pmlaetm8 to performancaofthe Wok and 6251.3.. all informationrelative to CONTRACTOR's sole reaponsibitities in respect of metre, methods, techniques, sequirices and pronedu rea of optatnetionand safety precautions and programsincidimil therato. CONTRACTOR shall also havereviewed and coordinated each Shop Drawing or Sample with other Strop Drawinpp and Samples and with the requrnemetus of the Work and the Contract Documents,. 6 25.2, Each submittal will bear a stamperr specific written indication tot CONTRACTOR has smttsfred CONTRACTOR'sobligatiau under the Common Documents with r4'spect to CONTRAMOR's review mid approval of that submittal. At the time of each Drawing or Sample aunmtteu may nave =in me requirements of the Contract Documenas, such notice to be in a written communication separate from the submittal: and.: inaddition, drill mist a specific trmatiat to be made on each Shop Drawing and Smmnle aohmirrad.to ENOINEER for review and '"'•:..6,..r....,.._... coveted by the submittals will, after installation of 6:24.2 CONTRACTOR sfiall also submit Samples to incorporation in the Work, cartoon to the into matnm IsN'OINEFR for review and approval in accordance given m the Contract Documents and be compatible with with said accepted schedule of Shop Ihawrr4Ds and the design concept of the crampleted Project as a Sample submittals Each Sample will be ideraiked funoinnu� whole as indhcaud by the Cenaact clearly at to material, Supplier. pertineru data such as Documems. IIIGDNDI,FR.'s review and apprcwah will rot catalognumbers and the use for which intended and extend to meters, methods, techniques, setpences or otherwise as EN<)DMER may require to enable procedures of construction (except where a partiearlar ENGINEER to review the submittal for the limited means, method teckdcpe, sequence or procedure of YXI)COMi4EKN. CONDIMM 191" tt9Ra E&iM) 16 w// LSTY OFFORT WLUM MODIFICATIONS W,V V200e) hem as sa which the and expressly called for by the than the corrections called .for previous submittals. 6,2& Where a Shop Drawing. or Sample is required by the Contract Documents or the schedule of Shop Drawing and Sample submissions accepted by ENGINEER as requmed b }arjgh2.9, any related Work perlenned prior to GINF„ Rs review and approval of the pertinent submittal will heat the sure expense read responsibility of MNTRACTM Coatnnaineme {Nall. 6.29. CONTRACTOR shall carry oa the. Work. and adhere to the progress schedule during all disputes on disagreements with OWNER. No Work shall be delayed or postponed pending resolution of any tes' a dmsegraame p except as permitted by paragraph ] 5 5 crier OWNER and CONTRACTOR may otherwise Agree in writing. 6.30. CONPR4CTOR's Gmeraf Wanwtty and Guarantee: 6.301. CONTRACTOR warrants and guanmees to OWNER, ENGINEER and ENGINEER's Consultants that all Work will be in accordance with the Contract Documents and will not be dgfective CONTRACTORS warranty and guarantee hereunder "chides defects or damage caused by. abuse, modification or anprope maintenance or operation by person. oher trout CONTRACTOR Subcontractors or Suppliers; or normal wmr and tear under normal uwge. 6.30.2. CONTRACTOR's obligation to perform and complete the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents shall be absolute. None of the following willcatstitute an acceptance of Work ftt is non in EICI)C MNERAL CONOI'TIONS 1910.8 O990 Emtim) w 'Cl Ty OF FORT COLLINS MIXIIFICA'r1ONS mREV V20M) accordance with the, Coomct Documents eta release of. CONTRACTOR'* obligatiorn. to perform the Weak in accordancewith the Contract Documents: 6:30.1L observations by ENGINEER; nea nmeadatiot. of arty progress or final psymert by ENGINEER; 630.2.3. the asvmme of a oxtifuate of Substantial Completion or any payment by OWNER to CONTRACTOR under the Contract Documents; 630.2 4. use or occypatrcy of the Work or any part thereof by OWNER; 00.2.5, any acceptance by OWNER or any failure todoso; 6.30,2.6. any review and approval of a Shop Drawing or Sample submittal or the issuance of a notice of acceptability by ENGINEER Mascara to paragraph 14.13; 6X2.7any inspecticm, test ur approval by others; or 630,21. any correction of defacttve Work by OWNER farfenaraflealea: 6-3L To the fullest extent ppermitted by Laws and Regulations, CONTRACTOR sMl indemnify and hold harmless OWNER, ENGINEER, ENGINEER's Consultants and the officers, directors, cmployoes, agents and other consultants of each and any of them from and against all clears, costs. losses and damages (including. but not limited to, all foes and charges of oragnears, architects,. attorneys and odd professionals and all court. or, arbitration or other dispute resolution costs) mused by, tensing out of orrresulting from the performance of the any such claim, cony less or dannage: (rjis attriblmble to bodRy tn1uY• sickness. disease or dealit or to salary to or destrutson of tanlpble pr ny (other dmua the Work itaeln, including the kiss of use resulting dmre&ore, end (u).ie caused in whole or in part by any n�6gr,,,t actor omission o(CONTRACTOR arty Subcormuactor, any Supplier. awry ptusot or orgenirauon direoly or italirectiy employed by any of Ihem to perfiam or ftanrisli any of the Work or arryona for w}uose acts a� of them maybe liable, regardlos of whether or net caused in pint bbyy any negfiger a or omission of a person or entity indemnified hnareumler or whether liability is imposed upon such indemnified party by Laws ant Regulations regardless of the negligence of airy such person or entity. 6.32. In any and all claims against OWNER or ENGINEER or airy of their respective consultants, agents, offices, directors or employees by any employee (or the survivor or personal reprosenmuve of such employee) of CONTRACTOR my Subcontractor, any Supplier say person or orgammuxa directly or indirectly employed by E any of them to pert*= or furnish any of theWork or attym for whose gets arty of dumi may be liable, the jAmmification obliogam totter pwagraph631 shall not be IImtYad in any way by any limtiatim on the mount a type of cod ipermitim or bme6ts payaiile by a fa CONTRATTTIOR.or any such Subcontractor, Supplier Or alter ppea�raomet or o4onezation under wodoea compensation: acts, diaabilitybeneftads or other employee benelitam 633. The indemnification abbiatims of CONTRACTOR urtder'pamgrapit6.31she not extend to. the liability of ENODNEER. and ENGINEER's Cornulu ms, officers, direntors, employees or sprints cause by the txolkssioiml otgligenm errors a omissions ofany ofthem. SLrvitat of DbAgadexv 6,34. All representabool, imkmrifications, warranties mW guarantees made A required. by orgiven uraccordanoe. with the Contract Douments, as well as erg caettmumg obti"U'urs indicated in oe the Contract DMTU wilt. wrytve find payment, completion and acceptance of the Work and termination Or completion of the Agreement. ARTICLE 7—OTHER WORK Itetrued Wain at.%(#: other work. mtoca DOW a claim or are onanw m agree as w upc anvw.�, w unwu. 7.2. CONTRACTOR shall: afford each other contractor who is a parry to such a direr contract and each utility. owner (and OWNER, if OWNER is performing. the additional work with OWNER's employees) proper and r.:nrn to vha sita and. a reasonable nmd'turriv for the prov stow for the benefit of CONTRACTOR in said direct eontraetahetween OWNER am such utility owners andahercont actors, Cowl fnmten 74. 1f OWNER eommets with Others for the performance of alter work on the project at the site, the following will be set forth in Supplementary Conditiorw 7A.l. the person, farm' a corporation who will have audtatty raid responability fir coordination of the actiieiiies among the'variars prime cottructars will be id ehfifiedk 7.42 the specific matters to be covered by such authority and responsibility will be itemized; and 7A3. the extant of such authority and responsibilities will be provided LWess otherwise provided in the Supplementary Conditions, OWNER shall have sole autimriry and resp msobllity in respect of such coordination. ARTICLE S—OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES H.I. Except as otherwise provided in these General Conditions, OWNER shall issue all communications to CONTRACTOR tlroughENOMIKER. U. In caseof termination Of the employment of ENGINEER, OWNER stall appoint. an engineer against wham-C-"ti23'FRAG%F6R-makam*tas9oreble-objeetrt� whose status under the CormactDocuments stall be that ofthe fornerENGINEER . 8.3. OlX'NER shall furnishthe data rNu rCd Of OWNER under the Conuact Documents promptly and shallmake payments to CONTRACTOR promptly when they are due as provided =paragraphs 14.4and 14.13. airy work of Others by 8.4. OWNERs duties in respect of providing lands erirg their work and and easements and providing engirroatag surveyyss to the written consent of establish reference points we set forth in paaagrephs 4A vork will be affected. and 4.A. Pacagmph4.2 refas to OWNER's identifying ONTRACTOR under and mak'ag available to CONTRACTOR copies, of uch utility owners and. reports. of explorations and tests. of subsurface conditions them are comparable at the site and drawings of physical conditions in existing E"C.OEN MCONvino ASt41aSit99a 6(kim) 18 wt C1 rYOt F'OKT COLLINS MODDICATIONS(KEV4haoa) sauctures at or contiguous to the site that have been utilized by ENGINEER in preparing the Contract Documents A IN IN fb"JY inpemgraphs35- :lt} 8A OWNER is obligated to execute Change Orders as indicatedinparagraph 10.4. 8.2. OWNM responsibility in respect of certain brspwucins, tests .and approvals is set forth in. paragraph 13.4. S.S. In connection with OWNEWs right to stop Work or suspend Work, see hs 1310 and 15.1. Fmigraphl5l deals with o lts nght to termirate services of CONTRACTOR under certain circumstances. 8,9. The OWNER asi[] rot supervise, direct or have control or suthuity ova, nor be responsible for, CONTRACTOR's mesa, methods, technique; sequences Oro lxe>catlutes of uoswctioi w the safety precaupons and lrogmms tnoidwa thereto, a fa any fadum of C,ON'CkACTOIt to amply with taws and. Re1#dditions applicable to the-fwruaitims or perform use, of the Work. DIVNIiR will not: be responsible for failure to psfcam or furnish the Work the CcettractDocuments. g:18--0lltPlg}�s-nespr�i6ili41titi-respeoE.of-.undlisalesad fla-the sire is salfeHA-arnq�; CONTRAOPOR Fame his evidervea that an'.eurgemaraa-��hive--been--mado--te-_satis{y:...OtYPFE[i�11—tiana under the czarvsftis,-� s ty-in-eespee6�thereof-wtA-bams�sat-forth -in." Suppiemetkrry.EonBriiore: ARTICLE 9-ENQNFER•S STATUS DIIRING CONSTR1.1C710K ORWE'R's RepresentablT.- 9:1. ENGINEER will be OWNER's representative during the construction period. The deities and reaportstbilities and the limitations of authority of ENGINEER as OWNER's representative 0-ning amsunctionare set forth in the Contact Documents and shall not be extended without written consent of OWNER and EN(iTNEER. lulus to Site: 9.2 ENGINEER will make visits to the site at intervals MGMto the various stages of construction as ENGINEER deans necessary in order to observe as an experienced and qualified design professional the progress FXDC OENFRAL COM TIONS 19104(1990 Utim) cot UTY OF FORT dVLL)NS MOO)FICATrOVa (REV 42(0o) the quality of the various aspects executed Work. Based on. ring suety visits and observations, 'or for the benefit of OWNER to if the. Work is proceeding in nuact.:Documents ENGINEER lake exhaustive or continuous on- k one quality or "mity of the efforts will be directed toward. grouterrddl�nc e of conlidee that generally to the grand OWNER against defective Work. ENGINEWs visits and O"ke 0WInvationa at subject to all the limitations on ENGINEER's authority and responsibility act Ionic in paragraph 913, and partk ular butwithout limitsfim cGaurg a a a result of ENG 's orraite visits rr observations of QONTRACTORs Work ENGINEER will nor supervise, direct, control a have authority over or beresponsiblefm CONTRACTOR's means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction, a the safety �vscautions and programs incident: thereto, or for. any fiilwe of CONTRACTOR to comply with. Laws and Regulations .applicable to the ftn'ms}urig or perfdmnance of the Work Project Rep"Senkufve: 93, If OWNER and ENGINEER agree, ENGINEER will furnish a Resident Project Representative to assist ENGINEER in iikng more continuous observation of the Warp;. The halides and authority and limitations thereon �sny such Resident Project Representative and assistants will be as provided in langraphs" odlq 9.13 QmAtiwi of these General Conditions. If OWNER dt des another rreepprresentative or aggent to represent OWNER at the site who is tit ENGINEER's Consultant, agent or employee, the responsibilities and authority and limitations thereon of such other person will be as q rhc .v. I tars Maryto. onaite wor wi in »rwnt be with the_.ENGIATEER eta CONTRAr`Tntt A,rt rh. Re_lt�aawtwe. will l eeR ]he-_()WNIg?.....pfuLetlY. xdv,n. eol_aboul such platters _, T}IF$es.$iI§LrY9'S -- deal, cosh subucntrac as will nnl be thnw ix with coNTRAcraR 93 2 Duties and Ri;;iq <_' iUes e�p divwill . Schedules - Reirim the rroaress 19 91,2 3,_.—A-m.X_ ,IO=ZP°clef, reataramtlne mtbhc �k:£or aa•ncres bay r l'u— �.aJ..52�_ clarihcatiaat aml nit latitate afthe Contract atulM1ault_._,to CONTRACtOR clerificatnmm anti intetoretatlaLi. of the Cmtraet _D_ocumutls us_ .Isw_�c_ -by the 932.6. Mvmtfications. Consider and ;yRluate Q N, I•K.AUtVK+ Mr M fa tnCDIISiiiNMKAL CONDn7OM 19104 09901 &IM) 2O wi(,3TYOFFORTCOLLIMMODIIICATIONs(NLY420o ••. 9, 2j-R44Mtls.. L#:1. __ FWttia : fkiNBER penodic ......ar41�k�"�$saq{1 at due t�o�ACTgRS cali�m�s-W�.J�bo ofiltc tw u150�T{otn or start o[ imoatalttoNnses Weak • ft. �� . f: •, . tea,..-�r,�r�r� Re cat immediatel to anV a 2 PS Rcuticats. tions �rmymetxwithCS>Nl'RACTgR oroomglialwe with the a5tabiished aocedltrc for thou wbm=(m and fomwd with recommendation m EN b , Marl rekaf _.. df. ..�.: .1an.Gl4.-LcIN_ed o ac e wO...m m 'Is and gqg�merg defiver�ar the site t nmt i rg. 9.13:2-is?— .pletmt,. MDMMMn�� m CONTRACTOR a lot of Obwved items tmm+a gorrecthaacompletion 9.32-IO2: CorrlutY 5aal ursoacNon in theoemigmy of IN CONTRACTOR and M a sr, list o Mato be9990 ed 93.. 3. t ., �. tiiailisthavebecttcrrreoeddreab a. Mau ENREMeraL UM 12 bouIINEFR concerning acceptance 9.3.3..Limitation of Authodty' The Representative stall Int;. 9.S_3.1;,,_ Authorize M deviatiatu Rom the. car* et Iktcurrrents or aca8tt ovnv atwit tt SllNiffAtllS__QC�gttij?tll.9lL�dtl�.S,F..®1141�[liSSl..�y�IF E`i�j6IN traqunwuams of [ha Cattraa L14cumatRs (in dte form of Drawigys dr r+dterwea) as ENCrJNEER may dcterrt»ne �rr�eccee��azaryy which shdlbe aonaistant with the invent of anal renstanabiy inferable :Gom the Ci>ntnect Ihasuments. Such wrtttat cleribcntiorta and irnerpretetions win be biniiitµl on OWE aad GONTRACTpR. If O1S+NER. or CONTRACTOR lietieves that a written clariCtcation w intatpretatiol3ustiGasan ant inthe Conftacl Price or dto Contract Timas and t7ta: parties see urmbte. tp agree to the amount or cdent tbdemC if arry UtVNER o CONTRACTOR may in a writtat claim therefor as provided in Article. f I or Article 12. Axtkorizody'arfakensin Work ' authorize minor variationsin equitemems of the Contract . twelve an a4usterneart in the tract Tithes and are compatible of the completed Project as a indicated by the Contract I aa:omplished by a Field Order on OWNER and also can ill perform the Work involved c amps and the partres are unable to as rou nt or extent thereat OWNERag� or TOR ma make a written claim therefor as Article I 1 or 12.. 9332.__Y.;xceed tienitahans--Cg INWER's Rejecrireg Defecrime Work "t `q as rorLh t4 a tra t 93;±,,,,3 iJndahilto cry off rt ities 9.6. ENGINEER will I Off the fONTRACTOR 4uhenrarac t reject Work which ENGR G4N'T.�CT.A�-�supettrtetltkll3. atliatENG1NFiERbaliew 91 &4—.Q!iYx-9t1.s-mne:.:dgpFtb4t} IdalAY'e win fxejddr to .B.r assmeconkol over anv aspect the completed P meg:metiwd,�•_techru,'cluuerices.�or the Corsrac ens ue rg.— gut Usra.AI�Y _�s19h_..a- authority to sQecifycapy lied fpr iA ihc—cq4mtj�Q.ujt eal& Work as an 9.3.35. Advise an ,,.,pr __iasue.®_,direcdogs revolixtg..., ..or .a�5!tm4_.. 9p.1!#4J_.. img._;£�.1.53Y prgcpuuons Anil PMgms 1R conr�tions W_tth.tlta Work. 9•� itt from ._ anyone ra d;—ft.._pL �!rlthe submrtfa.La Croon arwona Other than Uia CON;ITtAC'J',OR; 913.7. Autborize OWNER to occupy the Wok in wbok or in oaa 93.3.Y__,_Pa�ticipate ir,_speytial,Jm{i_tiel-4 or Nrbumtory tests or impactions co duciti_ by others OSCept.,_a_s .. speti7_ficaJty_.. hNGINEER .'.. . Clar0catians andlnrerprearri&m: 9.4. ENGINEER will issue with reasonable promptness such written clarifications or interpretations of the ity to ch ves tobee, ve a aoduce a completed Documents or that sign conceptof the tole as indicated by ER willalso have n or testing of the wheOw or riot the Strop I9rmainge, Change OrAersandPayments: 9.7. In connection with ENGINEERS authority as to Shop Drawirpsand samples, see paragraphs 6.24 through 6.28 inclusive. 9.8. In connection with ENGMER's authority as to Change Orders, me Articles 10, 11, and.12. 9:9. In uroraection with ENGINEER's authority as to Applications for Payment, sea Article 14_ Detarwri ado"fer Unit ('ricer: 9.10, ENGINEER will determine, the newel quantities and classificaticra of lint Price Work NTturmed by CONTRACTOR. ENGINEER will review with CONTRACTOR the WMNEER's preliminary determinations on such matters before rendaitsa a written decision thereon (by recommendation of an Application WCOC UENtRAL CONOWNS 191" 099oedua) 21 wf CITY OF FORT COLLINS MO DIFICKOONS tR6Y InCODi The Contract Documents and Construction Drawings may be examined online at 1. City of Fort Collins BuySpeed: https://secure2.fcqov.com/bso/login.jsp 2. Mercury-LDO Reprographics: www.mercury-ldo.com Copies of the Contract Documents, complete with Construction Specifications and Drawings, may be viewed and purchased at: 1. Mercury LDO Reprograhics: • FORT COLLINS: 422 S. Link Lane, Ft. Collins, CO 80524 Ph: 970-484-1201, Fax: 970-221-0404 • ENGLEWOOD: 9632 E. Arapahoe, Englewood, CO. 80112 Ph: 303-790-7169, Fax: 303-792-2936 • DENVER: 860 Bryant Street, Denver, CO. 80204 Ph: 303-893-8701, Fax: 303-893-0617 • COLORADO SPRINGS:11 E Las Vegas, Colorado Springs, CO. 80903 Ph: 719-231-8121, Fax: 719-633-5710 • LODO: 1660 Wynkoop Ste. 130, Denver, CO. 80202 Ph: 303-785-2520, Fax: 303-785-2522 • BOULDER: 2575 Pearl St. Unit C., Boulder, CO. 80302 Ph: 303-539-1350, Fax: 303-539-1356 2. Builders Exchange, 223 South Link Lane, Fort Collins, Colorado. Rev 10/20/07 Section 00020 Page 2 Dedsmasop li Mg.' 9,11. ENGINEER will be the initial i=ter of die requitements of the Caritaid Documents and edge of the acceptability of to Work thermader. Claims, diaputas mad other mattes relim m to the acceptability of the Work or t: formal decision to eccardance with this paragaph ear notice of each such claim,d�aptne orother matter 6e tiebrered bq the cmwane fa 11<NGINEER and the r pally to dro. Agrccment promptly (but in no "am limn Urttty days? after the. start of the occurrence or s gguwirg ri" thereto. and written supporting data will uFmuitled to EJNGINTiER and the party within r pays after the start of such occurrence, or event unless 3RNEER. allowsan additional period of time fa the mission of additiamt or more accurate data in support. itch claim dispute or other matter. Thr pppaa tag part} t submit arty rempomm to ENGINEER atxl the plaimant ,in thirtv days after roctot of de claimed$ last thirty days afterreueipt of the oppa'ug patty's submiaal, if cony. m acoodarice with this pamgmph. FsNGINEER's written Jectsimton suchclaim, dis�a or outer matter will be farad and binding tgnorn OWNER and CONYRAt;°f(5R untks:s: G) an ;aPpeBl #roan ENGINEER'S daisiot is taken Nitkun Je tmne limits snJ ut accodance with the �ores sot fottFi in EXEIEIT GC -A, °Dispute Ittionlynanent". eraered unto betweanOWNERand CONTRACTOR pursumt W Artirde 16, or (r j U ra such Dispute Resolution Agreement has been catered into, a writen nofice of irterntion to appeal. from ENGINEERS written decision is delivered by OWNER or CONTRACTOR tan the adsr and to E NGINM within thirty days after the date of web decision and a formal proceeding is imtituted by rheappealirg party in n &rum of competent jurisdiction to exorcise such rights or remedies as the appealing patty may have with r ct to web claim, dispute or other matter in accordance wi applicable. Laws and..Regolations within shay days of the date of such siCDCO NIRAL CONDinOM 1910.8 (tsva EStiar) 22 w/CITY OF FORT OOLLtNS MODIFICATIONS dtEVAtlNO) daimon.. unless otherwise agreed, in writ¢g by OWNER abd CONTRACTOR 913. Lbakadom on MWINEER's Arthoriry and Itcyp°nat8fydes.' 9.13.1 North& ENGINEER'S. autliarity _. or in goon fe nthtrtty or or gyre rise to airy duty owed by ENGINEER to CO NTRACTO,I , any Subcoamctor, any Supplier. any other person or organization, or to arty surety for or employee or sgoM of arty of them. 9.13,2. ENG1NHER will net supaviac, direct,. control or have authority over or be responsible for CONTRACTOR's meats;mcthods. tedauquM seeluenoes or procodums; of castructwtx or the safety. precautions and programs utcidem thereto. or for arty fultre of CONTRACTOR to comply with Laws and Regubttious al ' to tie nrm.*N a performmxe of Work ENGINEER will not be responsible for CONTRACTOR's failure to perform or furnish the Work in accordance with the Conrad Documents 9.113. ENGIlNEER will not be responsible for the acts or omissions of CONTRACTOR or of any subcontractor, any Supplier, or of any alter person a oagaru nlio n performing or furnishing any of the work 9.13.4. ENGINEER's review of the final Application for payment. and weemtpsrtying documentation and all maintenance and operating itsrudkm schedules. delivered by paragraph 1d.12 will only be to determine gtocraly that their content complies with the roquirenents oL and in the case of certificates of inspechorA tests and approvals that the results certified indicate compliance with; the Contract Documens. 9.135_ The lumitanrnts upon authority and responsibility set faun in this paragraph 913 shall also Apply to I#NGINEER's Conauttants, Resident Project Representative and assistants. ARTICL&10—CHANGFSIN THE WORK Without irna"Mtthe Agreement and without e to any surety, 0 may, at any time or from to time, Order additions, deletions or revisions in the. Such additions, deletion or revision will be aimd by a Written Amatdmens. a Change Older. m a 10:2. If,OWNER and CONTRACTOR are unable to 9" as to the amount, if any, of an adjustment in the C"Arad Friar m an adjustment of the Coat met Times that should be allowed as a result of a Work Charge Directive, a claim may be made therefor as provided in Article 11 or Article 12.. 10.3 CONTRACTOR shall not be enu lodlo an irwromc in die Cunttad Price or an extension of the Contract Times with respect to any Work performed that is not reeqquI by the Contract Documents as amended, moth and s�gplemented as provided in paragraphs 3.5 an 13 6, ascept in the case of on ampgetncy as prwrded in paragraph 4.23 cr in the case of uncovering. Work as provided in paragraph 13.9. 10.4.. .OWNER and CONTRACTOR shell execute appropriate Change Orders recommended by ENGiNEElt. (a Written Amendments) covering: 10.4.1. changes in the Work which. are Q) ordered by OWNER pursuant to paragraph 10.1, (i requvvd because of acceptance of defective Work unxter paragraph 13.13 or correcting defective Work under paragraph 13.14.. or (h) agreed to by the ponies; 10.4.2. changes in the Contract Priceor Contract Timers which are agreed to by the parties; and 10.43, dianges in the Contract Prim or Contract Timex which embody the substance of any written. decision tendered by RNGINSFA pursuant to paragraph. 9. 11; provided that in lieu of executing any such Change Order, an appeal may be taken from any such decision in anxadma:e with the. provisions of the Contract Documents and applicable Laws and Reguations, but duping my such a 1, CONTRACTOR shall carrrryy on the Work and adhere to the progress sche u e as provided in paragraph 6.29. 10:5. If notice of any change affecting the general scope Of the Work a the provisionsof the Contract Documents MIX GENERAL CONDITIOM 1910-8 (1994EdhiuN wi CITY OF FORTCOLLINS MODIFICATIONS OiLV 4flaWn (including, but act limited to Contract price or Contract Times) is rewired by the provisions of any Bond to be t iren to a smeE ; the givityl of any such notice will be (..ONTRA 4ff0%t reerionsibitity; :and the amount of each applicable Bond will be s4knoted accordingly. ARTICLE I I-CIiANGE OF CONTRAC ' PRICR I1.1. Ths Cmtmet Price constitutes the total compensation (subject to authorized adjustments) payable to CONTRACTOR for performing the Work. All duties, rmpoombilitits anddeligetiws tawgr d to or undertaken by' CON PACT0R slatl ire m C..ONTRACTOR's expense without change in the CnnttoctPrim. 112. The Contract Price may only be changed by a Change Order or by a Written. Amendment Any clan for an adjustment in the Contract Price shall be based an written notice delivered by the party making the claim to the other party wid to ENGINEER promptly (but in no event later than thirty days) after the start of the occurrence or went giving rise to the claim and sating the general nature of the claim. Nohoe of the amount of the claim with supporting data shall be delivered within sixty days alter the start of such occurrence or went (unless ENGINEER allows additional time for claimant to submit additional or more accurate data in support of the claim) and shall be accompanied by claimant's written statement that du a(jusment claimed covers all knownamounts to which the claimant is emoted as a result of said occurrence or event. All claims for adjustment in the Contract Price shall be determined by ENGINEER in accordance with paragraph9:11 if OWNER and CONTRACTOR cannot otherwise agree on the amount involved. No claim for an Ausment in the Contract Price will be valid if not submined in accordance with this paragraph.11.2. 11.3 The value of any Work covered by a Change Order m of any claim for an adjustment in the Contract Price: will be determined as follows: 11.3.1. where the Work involved is covered by unit pricers combined in the Contract Documents, by application of such unit prices to the quantities of the items involved (subject to the provisions of 23 paragetphs 1:L93 through 11.9.3, mchISWOX 11:32, where Or Work involved is not mwered by unit priced contained in the Contract Documents, by a mutually agiscd Payment basis, including hemp sum (which may include an allowance for dead and profit not necessarily in WcOrdlmoe with paragraph 11.6A 11,33. where the Workuwolvcd is rot covered by unit prices mmaiad in the Contract Documents and agreemlet to a hungy sum is nut reached. under Mb"113 k onthe basis -of the Cost of the Work picdaba a CO ,ate RACTOR's ha ovided in ��ov�erhead sand and iprofit per_.. (d¢tarmaredaapmvided in paragraph 1 t.G): Cog of the Work., 11:4. The term Cpst of the Work means the sum Of all costssecessarily incurred and paid by CONTRACTOR in. the props performance of the Work. Except as otherwise may be agreed to in writing by OWNER such costs shall be in:amouras no higher thanthose prevailing m the locality of the Project, shall include arty the fislloZg. items rust shall not include my of the costs Retained in paragraph 113: for employees in the died tCTOR in the perfbrmanco of the les of job clasaiicadats egrrad and CONTRACTOR Suds includewithout limitation semen and other personate at thesite. payroll costs for aycd fuUjjmmo on the Workshall e basis of their time: sperm on the. or Coss of all materials and equippmnem furnished wprpumaxi in the Work, tw Win& costs of nnationmid storage thereof, and Suppliers! field a r cad in connection therewith All cash suer st,atl accrue to CONTRACTOR unless sit deposits fends with CONTRACTOR with. to make ptymems, in which cam the cash ras s1sll .accrue to OWNER. All trade ids, rebates and refunds and returns from sale Of s materials and equipment SIMU accrue to 5R and CONTRACTOR shall make provisions they may be obtained, payments made by CONTRACTOR to the Subcontractors fir Work performed m famished by Subcontractors. If required by OWNER, EY-DCOgHEKAL CONDITIOMR 1910.8 09aeliAt ni) 24 wiU Y OFFORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS(REV aaaoon 11.4.4. Costs of -special 00nsl31 (irwhtding but not limited to ertglrcera, amhiteAa, testi IabMumries, sutvey0% aitmllaya and aaeaurdanfa empl07M fen services apad6eally related to the 1.1..4.5. Supplemental costsincluding the following 11A.5.1. The propurbon of necasamy TRAion, ravel mid subsistenae axpenses: of CTC2R's employ= incurred in discharge of duties commtod with the We& 11.4♦5.2. Casa, .including transportation and mainiamance, of all materiels. suppb'es; cquipt ens, machinery, appliances, 06`we aazndd tampmary fteffiiies st the into and hand Ws not owned by the workers, which are consumed in tltc performance of the Welk and cast leas market value of such items, used but not oar®mned which rimainlhe property of CONTRACTOR, 11.4.53. Rernails of all enuiensam andmachinery and t agreements. The renal of any such equipment.. machinery. or parts shall us" when the use thereof is no larger necessary for the Work. 11.A.S.4. Salas, consumer, use or similar taus related to the Work, and for which CONTRACTOR is liable, imposed by Laws and. Regulations: 1 I.4.5 5. Deposits lost for cause; other then negligence of coNTRACTOR any Subcontractor on anyone diratly or indirectly employed, by my of them or for whose sets any of them may be liable, and royalty payments and fees fen permits and licenses. IIA.5.6.. Losses and damages (and related e„peases) caused by damage to the Work, not coinpensated by insurance or otherwise, sustained. by CONTRACTOR in connection with the Performance anti furnshuig of the Work (ettcept losses and damages within the deductible amounts Of proptrtY itsurance established by OWNER in etor, a anyone directly or indirwhr by any of them a for whose sets arty of be liable. Such losses shall indude t made with the written consent and or damage requires reconsmmt at and CONTRACTOR is aced in charge thereo,&. CONTRAC'TOfi she be paid for services a fee 11 4.5.7. The cost of utilities, fuel and sanitary facilities at the site. Minor expenses such as telegrams, fang distance telephone calls, telephone servwe at the site, expressage and SMART petty cash items in. connection with the Work. 11.4,5.9, Coo of premiums for additional Bonds and insurance required because of charges in the Wok. 113, The tam Cast of the Work stall not include any of the following: 11.5.1. Payroll .aces andother compensation of CONTRACTOR's officers, executives, principals (oh partnership and sole prolxietoraliips) general managers, engineers, architects, estimators, aroneys, auditors, accaunta» ts, purchasing and amunolmg agents, expadiren timekeeper etaks aid odaa personnel employed by CONTRACTOR whether at the siteor in CON'i'24CTOR's prueipal a a breach office for geateraI administration of the Work and not specificaly Included in the agreed upon schedule of jo% classifications referred to m paragraph 11.4.1 a specifically covered by paragraph 11 AA-anll of which are to be considered administrmnvecosts covered by the CONTRACTOR's fee. 11.5,2. Expenses of CONTRACTOR's principal and branch offices other than CONTRACTOR's office at the site. 11.53. Any part of CONTRACTOR'S capital expenses, awludimg interest on CONTRACTOR'S capital employed for the Work and charges against CONTRACTOR for delinquent payments.. 11.5.4, Cost of premiums for all Bondsand for all insurance whether or not CONTRACTOR is required by the Contract Documents to purchase and maintain the same (except for the: coat of premiums covered by subparagraph above). EJCOCaEN' tAI.CON"7I0NS 19198 a990E(k6w) cot CITY 01; FORT C OLUNS MOnIFICA1lONS fREV VIOW) 11;53. Costs due to the negligence of CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly, employed by an of them or :for whose ads any of them may be liable, including but. not limited to, the correction of aiefeetnw Work dist><raI of materials Or equipment wrongly supplied andmakitg good WAY damage to property. 1i:16- Other overhead or general expense costs of any kind and the costs of any itent not specifically and "PteadY included in paragraph 11..4. 11.6, The CONTRACTOR'sfee allowed to CONTRACTOR fur overhead and profs shall be determined as follows: 11.4,1. a mutually "table fixed fee; or 11.6.2, if a toted fits is not agreed tgmn, than a fee. based on the fbilowut'M percentages of the various porticos of the Cost of Wo& for costs incurred under paragraphs11.41 and 11.41, the CONTRACTOWs fee shall be fifteen percent; l h.6:2.2. for costs incurred under paragraph I ]AA the CONTRAMOR's tee shall be five percent; 11,6.2.3. where one Or more tiers of subcontracts are on the bass of Cost of the Wok plus a fee and no fixed fee is agreed upon, the ante "Of paragraphs 11.4.1, 11.4.2, 11.4.3 and 11.6.2 .is that the Subcontractor who actually GI s r furnishes f� fifteen at: whatever tier, pa percent of the cosy incurred by such Subcontractor under paragraphs 11.4.1 and 1142 and that airy h 6er Subcontractor and CONTRACTOR wiU each be 11.6:2.4. no fee shall be payable on the basis of awls itemized antler paragraphs 11,4,4, 11.4.5 and I L5; i f,6.2.5. the amount of credit. to be allowed by CONTRACTOR to OWNER for any which results in a net decrease in cost wall ba the amain of the actual net decrease in cost plus a deduction in. CONTRACTOR's tee by an amount equal to five percept of such net decrease; and 114.2.6. when both additions and credits are involved in a erne she I, the adjustment in CONTRACTO1s fee shall be computed on the basis of the net change in accordance with paragraphs through 11 b25, inclusive. 113, 4Ntemever the cost of any Work is to he 25 daWnuaW pursuant to paragraphs IIA and 11.5, and CONTMACTOR will establish and maintain records thereof in accovdance with generally accowwo, 11:9.3.2. theft is roc corrasapwsdu* adjustment other Wcak; and To= and submit in form acceptable to tl]NERR an with respeetto arty Item of demised cost breakdown together with wppartingdata, 11:9.3.3, if CONTRACTOR behaYza diet CashAflowanees:. CONTRACTOR is entitled to anincrease In. Contract Price as a result Of 119Ymg incurred be&vm that 118. Itisunde mod that C.ONTRACTOR.basincluded additional expese an OWNER in the :Co mot Price all allowances so named in the Contract. Documents and "It cause the Work an covered OWNERisatntWtoaCl muminCodnwtPcim acid the parties are unable to agree as to the to be furnished and Perfumed fez such sums A; a he CONT OR smountof any such in crease or tkcreaase. �eptabletox.1WNER atdBN©INBSR agree tat: 11 9 to CO2+1TR./+r'fOR aclatowkvl¢m that the allowances include the cost to the B' a eharffia d1nm. at OWNDIY9-fie _ CONTRACTOR (leas my applicable trade discounts) fYjaE� lg..the gR of materials atdsquipmem.requtrad by theallowances t n m tag aA delaOft or yl S>5� 1 -fixg y"2" of toba ddiverodeLihasi[a arndall appliaabkmwra and t g:a Vaal C 1tmct prim 11 g.2. CONTRACTOR's cogs far urd sdiV and hardgng on the site, labor, installation costs, overhead, .profit and other expenses contemplated for the alldwanooa have been imchded m the Contract Price ARTICLE 13-�CHANGEOFCONTRAC"fT1MRS and not in the aurnYances and no demand few additional Payment on account of any of the foregoing will be vand 121. The Cormara Times (orMilaaones) may only be c3a Wd by a Change Order or a Written Amendment. Prior w final payment, PA to Change Order will be issued as recommended b4=111 ER to reflect actual claim for an a�ant of the Contract Times (err �atanes) "I be on writterzrnotico delivered by amounts dad CONTRACTOR on account of Wak covered.. the party mainrg ilea claim m the. other party and to by allowances, and the Contract Price shall be, resNonainglyadicamd. ENGIi`1EER pmmpdy (let in m event inter tfnm ihuiy days) erne ilea occunascaofdaa eYent ' ' rise to the the of claim. Notice 11.9. IMF( PriceWork chum and atatirag general nature of the extent of dot clans wth supporting data shall be of delivered an &LYIy A a%T AUCh OGCtIr[anCa (mn1CAS I I.9.1 Where the Contract Documents provide that all EN(" MR allows i time m asoelmn. mare or part of the Work is to be Unit Price Work. initially accurate data in supper of the clam) and shell bo the Contract Price will be. dammed. to include fie all. aaceanpamad by the etmmanfs written stataoal[. that the Unit prise Wodt an amount. equal, to the Alan of the adjumnent clamed is dot edire adjustment to which the established tacit prices for each separately identlficd.. claimant has reason to believe it is entitled as a rawt Of item of Unit. Price Work tines the estimated quantity the occurrence of said event. All claims for adjustment in. of each item as indicated in the end. The the Contract Times (or .Mleatcvta)shaDbedduntinedby estimated quar"es of items of Urat Work. a;e ENQTNRER m accordance with pomgmph 9.11 of not guaranteed and are solely for the purpose of OWNER and CONTRACTOR earamt otherwise agree, comparison of Bids and determining, an initial Contract Pace Determinations of the acrruai quantities and No claim for an adjustment in the Contract Tines (or Milestones) will be valid if not submitted in accordance clessmfaatioa of Unit Price Work per by with the requirements of this paragraph 12.1. CONTRACTOR will be made by 1 3(I>Idl' in. accordance with paragraph 9.10. 12.3. All time limits stated in the Contract Documents am of the essence of the Agreement. M9.2. Each unit pprice will be deemed to include an amountoo sidered by CONTRACTOR to he adetpaate to cover CONTRACTOR'a overhead and Profit for each separately identified item. 11.9.3.OWNER or CONTRACTOR. may make a claim for an adjustment in the CtaMd pricein. accordance with Article I I if 119.3.1. the quantity of any item. of Unit Price.. Work lncdormod. by CONTRACTOR differs matcrid anti significantly from the estimated quantity of such item indicated in the Agreement', Exec GENFAAL WNDITIOM 191" (t99QE&kn) 26 w/Gyre OF Foxl'OOLUNS Mr7DIFICAMNS meEvaao(a) 12.1 Where CONTRACTOR is prevented from completing any pan of the. Work within the Contract Times (or Milestones):dte to dalsy.6eyond the control of CONTRACTOR, the Contract Times (a Milestones) will be extended in an amount equal to time lost due to such delay if a claim is made therefor as provided in WA.111. Delays beyond the control of CTOR shall include, but nor be limited to. acts or Tgkd by OWNER, acts or neglect of utility owners err other contractors performing other work as contemplated by Article 1, fires, foods, epidemm abrmmai weather conditions a acts of God Delays attributable to and within the control of a Suhcomracw or Su} lien shall be deemed to be delayswithin the control of CONTRACTOR. ARTICLE 13-TESTS AND INWEC1'IONS; CORRECTION, :REMOVAL OR ACCEPTANCE OF DEf7VTDW WORT 13.1. Niidce ofDefeera: Prompt nudes Of all *fective Work of which OWNER or ENGINEER have actual knowledge will be given to CONTRACTOR All defective Work may be tejected, corrected or acctptedas rwovicW in this Anccic 13, Access, toWork. ENGINEE&s Personnel of rwawwtnxmr Man'C ats war nave access to trai Work at reaeeaeWe-times for their observation, inspmung and testing. CONTRACTOR shall provide them praappe�r and. safe conditions for such access and adviso dam of CONTRACTOR'S site safety procedures anal programs so that they may comply therewith as applicable. TedrandInspernamr 13.3. CONTRACTOR shall. give ENGINEER timely notice of readiness of the Work for all required impectitx>.s, tests or approvals sral stall cooperate with inspection and testing Personnel to faeditate required inspections or tests: 134, OWNER %hall employ and pay for the services of an btrkpandent testing laboratory to perform all 1114 ctsws, tests, or approvals required by the Contract L7ocvmtntsexcept: 13.4.1. for inspor:tions, tests or approvals covered by Paragraph 13.5 below; 13.42. that costs incurred in emmection with tests or inspections conducted pursuantto paragraph 13 9 tXDC (SE'NERAL CONVInONS 19108 (1990 Ed aml w%CITY OF t'ORTODWNS MOUIRCATIONS (RLV •120en1 below shag be paid as provided in acid paregmph 13.9; and 13.43.. as otherwisee specifically provided in the Contact Documents, or approved by an employee or job public bodv, CONTRACTOR *Milt lity ffar armrvitat and Or for n81e for be the Wodc. - _.... 13.6. if any Work. (cribs work of others) that is to be =tined or approvedis covered CTOR without written cortcunence of ENGINEER, it mast, if requested by ENGINEER, be uncovered for observatien- 13.7. Uncovering Weak asprovided in paragraph 13.6 5111111 he at CONTRACTOR's expanse unless CONTRACTOR has given ENGINEER tautly notice of CONTRACTOR's intention to cover the saute and ENGINEER has not acted with reasonable promp it a in response to such mice. Uncovering Work. 13.8, If airy Work is covered commry to the written request of ENGINEER, it, most, il requested by ENGINEER, be uncovered for ENGINEER's observation and replacedat CONTRACTOR's expense. 13,9. IfENGfNEERc sides it nem%ary or advisable that covered Work be observed by ENGINEER or i�t�x�deal ar tested by others, CONTRACTOR, at M r1iWEER's re 4 ftfl unawer, expose or otherwise. make available observation. inspection or iesling ns 04GINEMZ may require, that pmlicn of t}re Work in question fomishing $in necessary Labor, material and equipmem. If it is found that such Work is defective, CONTRACTOR shall pay all claims, costs, losses and damages ceased by; arising out of cr resulting Tram such wroovcrittg eeppxxssuure, observation, inspection and testing and of sabsfamory replacement or reaxsnuatian, fincluding but tat limited to all costs of repair or repittcemem a[ work of olhrrs); and OWNER shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the Contract Price, and if the parties are viable to agree as to the amLvnt thereof- may make a claim therefor as provided in. Article 11. If,. however, such Work is not found to be defe fiiv, CONTRACTOR shall be allowed an incresse in the Contract Price or an eNtcnsion of the Contract Times (nr Milesurnes), or both, directly attributable to such 77 uncovering, moire, observation. nt>spaetiot team )& replacement Seal reconstruction; and, n the parties are. unable to a�a as to the amount o extent thereon& CONTRACTORmay make a claim therefor as provided in. .Articles I and 12... CJ8?MR allay&vp:tie Work: correction WROMW ofDgfecdve Work 13.11. if maluired by ENGINEER, CONTRACTOR shall r,n medv as direded either correct all &*cove Wok. removal (including but not replacement of work ofo is 13A2. Cmreaon Peni0e; 1312:1.If within MMH rims, cast, losses and �mn Sucncorectim or to am casts of Moir or of cars or Regulations, or by the special guamrUee required by or by Orly speci6oprovialon of s, any Wok rs foupd n bit ?R sMR pranptty, widusn,cost. rdence with 4WS9ER's written uch dried ve Work, or. if it has R, remove it from the site and hat is no delecrive, and (ii) ith the where delay would awe serious risk of loss or damage, OWNER may have the def a ive work corrected or the rejected Wok removed and replaced, end :all claims, coats, losses and damages mused by or resulting from Such removal Oral repiaament Cinchxlmg but not. limited to all cots of repair or replacement of work of others) will be paid by CONTRACTOR. 13,12.2.in special circumstances where a particular item of equipment is placed in continuous service before Substantial Completion of all the Work the conwtion period for that item may Start to tun from an earlier date if so provided in the Specifications or by Written Amendment. 13.12.3. Where &fecdve Work (and damage to Other 6KUC 0ENSRALCONrxT1ONa I910-3 (1990r5&101) 28 wI(3'ryOF FORT COLLINS MODWICATIONS(MVAlm00) Work rcmlting thou om) bas been corseted, removed or rep cod under this paragraph 13.12, the correction period hereunder with respect to such Work will be etumded far: an additional period of ere -year tM v a after such correction or removal and. replacement has been saudadorily onmflGad. Acogwunce o f Defkeliv a:Work:. 011?Iv1'R May Con'td Defec Aw Work: to comply win viler prtrrrsnm w ew ...A.�a�. Documem, O may,. after seven days written notice to CONTRACTOR coned and remedy any such. defeciency. In exercising do rights and remedies under thts paragraph OWNER slap proceed expeditiously. In connection with such corrective and remedial action, OWNER may exclude CONTRACTRIn m all or �akof the site, take possession of all. or part of the Warr, and aormruictim equipment andmachinery at thesite and Incorporate in the Work .all materials and equipment Stored at the site or for :which OWNER has paid. CONTRACTOR but which :are stared elsewhere. CONTRACTOR .shall allow OWNER. OWNER's represemativM agents and ear oyem OWNER.`s other contractors and ENG and ENGINEERS Consultants access to the site to enable OWNER to exercise the ripp}}mmaS mud remedies under this paragraph. At claim irises and damages incurred at sustained by OWNER in exercising such r�htx mad remedies will be charged against CONTRACTOR. miel a tIaa W Order will be issued aworporating_the necessary revisions in the Contract Dmorrems with respect to the Work, end OWNER stall be emitted to an appropriate decrease in thhe cmAnict price, and, if mho pynnriles are unable to agree as to the amount thereof; OWNER may make a claim therefor as provided in Article 11. Such claims, "a % losses and damages will include lit not be limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others destroyed or eft b ccorection, removal a replacement of. CO OR's d4cdve Work. CONTRACTOR shall Out be allowed on tndeusion of the Contact Times (or tufrlestimes)) because of any delay in cxmove of the Work adn'batsble to the exercise by O= of OWNEl2's rights and remedies hereunder. ARTICLE I4--TAYMENTSTO CONTRACTOR. AND COMPLETION' Seksulde of Values.: 1.4.1, The schedule of values established as provided in 29 will serve as the basis for progress. payments andwi I be ir=,r warted into a form of Application for Payment aaeptab to ENGINEER. Progress payments on account of Unit price Work will be based on the norther of units completed. Awhom ion for.Prftraia Paiwsent.- 141 At least twenty days before the date established for each progress payment (but not more often than dace a month), CONTRACTOR shall submit to ENGINEER for roview an TA lncanah far Payment filled out and signedby CONTRACTOR covering the Work campletetl..as of the date of the Application mid scoompantod by such supporting documentation as is required by the Contract. Documents. If ,payment is requested Out the basis of materials and equipment not incorporated in the. Work but delivered and suitably stored at the site or at another location agreod to in writing, the Application for Payment shall also be accompanied by a bill of sale, invoice or other documentation weranung that OWNER has received the materials and equipment lice and clear of all Liens and evidence that the materials and equipment are covered by appropriate property insurance and other arrangements to Protect OWNER's interest therein, all of which will be satisfactory to OWNER. The amount of rommage with respect to Progress Payments will be as stipulated in the COINTRACTOR's Warranty of ride: 14.3. CONTRACTOR wannnL%arch guarantees that title to all Work, materials and equipment covered by any Application for Payment whether incorporated in the PrOject Or act, will pass to OWNER no later than the time of payment bee and Clear of all liens. Review of Aluplimitons for Progress Payment: 14A ENGINEER will, within ten days after receipt of each Application for Payment, either indicate in writing a FXnC%-N0iAL COtq)M0 S 19104 0990 Edema wf CITY Of rOaTCOLLINS MOU1fiCATIONS mEv 4,10001 �ymmg_and present the Application theApplitatlon to CONTRACTOR NGINEER's reasons for rofusing to In the latter case. CONTRACTOR sty oorrections and resubmit the days afte�tsemation of the nt to OWNER with I GINEMs immit recommended will (subject io: last sentence of paragraph 14.7) i'due will be paid by OWNER to 14.5. ENGINEW's recommendation of any payment requested in an Application. for Payment will constitute a representation by ENGINEER to OWNSK based on ENGINEUR's on -site observations of the executed Work as anm�en encedanalquadifeddesign professional and on ENGl1gEER's review of the Apphcation for Payment and the accompanying date and soMdules, that tothe bast of ENGINE M knowledge, information and belief 14.51the Work has progressed to the point indicated, the quality of the Work is itenerally in an evahnabon of the Work as a functions pri" to or upon. Substantial Completion, to i of any subsequent tests called for in the sated 14.5.3.the conditions precedent to CONTRACTOR's being entitled to such payment appear to have been fedEhledinsofar as it. is ENGINEER's responsibility to observe the Work. However, by recommending any such payment ENGINEER will not theroby be deemed to have represented that: (i)odairstive or continuous on.site inspections have been made to check the quality or the quantity of the Work beyond the responsibilities specifically assigned to ENGINEER in the Contact Documents or (it) tfiat there. may not be other matters Or issues between the parties that might entitle CONTRACTOR to be pail additionally by OWNER <u entitle OWNER to withhold payment to CONTRACTOR 14.6. ENGINEER's recommendation of any payment, ancluding foal payment, shall not mean dest ENGINEER is responsible for CONTRACTOR's memo, methods, techniques, sequences o ptuctcTtres of cornkttUian, 'athe eateryy unions and programs incident thereta, or for any faureof CONTRACTOR to comply with Laws and Regulations applicable to the furnishing or Performance . of Work, or for any failure of CONTRACTOR to perform or furnish Work in accordance with the Contact Documents 14.7. ENGINEER may refuse to recommend the whole a snpan of any payment if, in ENGMER's cpinim it would be incorrect to make the representations to 29 OWNER refared to in paragraph 14.5. ENGINEER may. also refilse so recommend any suclipsymem, or, because of. subsetlucrdT discovered evidence or the results Of subsegttem nspeections a tests; minify any such payment previously mcommerlded, to.. such extent as may be. necessary in ENG1NEi11ra opinion to protect OWNER liven lossbecatse: 14.7.1. llw Work is def cdw, nor ceeaplded Work has been demogedr quaing cmwtmn or repWbmem., 14.7.2. the Contract Pricehas been reduced. by Written.. Amendment or Change Order; 14.7,1 OWNER has been rer�rmod to career. defective Weak or complete Wank m accordance with; paragraph 13.14, or 10A. ENGINEER ins actual knowledge of the occurraw of any of the events emm'.ormed in paragraphs 15.21 through 15 2.4 inclusive. OWNER ma rcfuse to make payment of the full amount m recomended by:ENGINEER because: 147.5, claims have been made against OWNER on. account ofCONTRACTOR'sPerformance arfumishi il; of the Work, 14-7.6. Urns have been filed in connection with the Work, vcMt where CONTRACTOR has delivered a: speolfc Ttond satisfactory to OWNER to secure the: satisfaction and discharge of such Liens, 14.73. there am other name entitling OWNER to a set.= :off agaittstthe amount recommended of 14.71, OWNER has actual knowledge of the occurrence of any of the. events enumerated in paragraphs 14.7.1 through 14.73 or paragraphs 15.23 through 1524 atchrsive; Net OWNER must give CONTRACTOR immediate. wrtum notice (with a copy to ENGINEER) sating the reason for such notion and promptly pay CONTRACTOR the amount so withheld; or any a��,�I�ttema t tdusrom agreed to by OWNER and CONTRACTOR, when CONTRACTOR corrects to. OWNER:'9 satisfaction the reasons for such action Sabown6df Comptetioo: use a oatiliicate of enable time of the Work to determine the status of completion. If ENCr1NEER does not consider the Work substantially complete, ENGINEER will notify CONTRACTOR in wriong. giving the reasons therefor If ENGINEER EJCDC OENERAL CONDITIONS 191" (I"OEAtim) 30 WCfrYOFFOaTCOLLINSMODII9CATlON =,V42a0a} 14.9. OWNER $lat) have rho right to exclude CONTRACTOR from the, Workafter the date of Substantial Canpleton, but OWNER shall allow CONTRACTOR reasonable across to cmrlplele a correct items on the tentative list t'v" Udozadoa: 14.10. Use by OWNER at OWNER's option of any subammially completed pan of the Work, wench (i) has snac�ta�all been idem lied m the Contract Documents, or (h) Oy IV ENGINEER and CONTRACTOR Wee omshtutes a separately fuucrionr� and usable part of the Work that can be used by OWNER for its intended pugs without sigrafrunt interference with rn5a'rRaf'Tr]R% rrrfnrma5ee of the rem tinder of the prmr to Substantial to the following! at .any time may request writing to permit OWNER to use for its intended use and IICONTRACTOR agrees that the Work .:is salstartaliy cam will ratify to OWNER and: to issue a Certificate of Substantial 'fa that part of the Work- 14102 No occupancy or separateq*mti(M IF part of the Work will be accomplisher: prim. to compliance with the requirements of pantgraph 5.15 in respect of property I ntuarxe, Finat lhapectiow 14.11. Upon written notice from CONTRACTOR tot the entire Work or an agroed portion thereof la complete, ENGINEER will make a firel ' with OWNER and CONTRACTOR and will no CONTRACTOR in caning of all particulars in whudn this atgtackm reveals that the Work is incomplete or cIrfective. CONTRACTOR shall immediately take such measures as are necessary to complete such work orremedy such :deficiencies. F7nat,4l0o4&nfor Payment. 14.11 After CONTRACTOR has completed all such corrections to the satisfaction of ENGINEER delivered. in accordance with the Contract Documents all maintenance and operating irwwctiom schedules. guararmcos, Bond,% certificates or other evidence of msumnce required by pardacph5.4. certificates of inspection, marked -up record umerxs (as provided in parnsimph6,19) and other documents. CONTRACTOR may make application for foal payment following the procedure for prog" paymatts. The final Application for puvment :Jmfl ba aa;ompanied (except as previously delivered) by: {i) aA docurnentanon called for in the Comraet Doamtoms iucludirg but no hmited to the aviilatce of insumm;e requred by sulipetagraph 5.4.13, (ii) consent of the surety, if airy. to foal pnymem, and (iii). complete and legally ef%rxive releases. or waivers (satisfactory b OWNER) of altLients ansaig orb o[ err filed m. comacnon with the. Work. in lieu nF such relCNuses or waivers of Lieu and as approved by OWN[iR, CONTRACTOR may famish receipts or releases in fu11 xnd afCixlbvit of CONTRACTOR that: {i) the releases and text ps htclude all labor, servxvA material and equipment for which a Lien could b: flal. and (i')all payrolls, material and equipmcut bills, and other indebtedness man mtad with tlic Work for which OWNER; or OWNER'.s Property might way onuupn ohenvncesatistedf any or Supplierfails WCAC UBMAL CON4)i"nOM)19104 (19" Bdtim) wi C[TY OF 1'ORT CULLINS MOOII4CATIONS tRBY4H0M0 to. tarnish strch a release or rto* ippt infull, CONTRACTOR may furnish a. Bond or othut collateral satisfactory to OWNER to indemnify OWNER against any Lien. Releases:� waivem of liens and the co ntof the rre3. U f 1, to bz bmi ' on ormsfo aRu 1>r>t:Pthe t 7at ofMa 0 'S stndad F3nat:Payment an d AcegNaaca: 14:13. If on fix basis of ENGINEER's observation of the Work duritng. construction and fowl inspection, and 1--col yocumeas, t iNtr1-NhhH. is satisfied that the Work has beencompleted and CONTRACTOWs other obligetiats under :the Contract Documents have been ful6iled; ENGINEER will, within ten days after mocaptof the final Application for paymeal, indicate in writing ENGIN$ER's recommeendation, of payment and presort ano ULMIKAC1(W 014 the Work a acceptable subject to the provisions of paragraph 14.15. Otherwise, ENGINEER will mourn .the Apppph ion m CONTRACTOR, ka4citing in writing the reasons for refivn m recommend fowl payment, in which case cauwnu Gc MppinraG(1n Lim" daymaRer presentation to OWNER of the Application and aCY,umpxr�y.� documentation, in appropriate foam and subsmnae anq with ENGINEE R's recommendation and notice of acceptability, the amount reoatnmerded by ENGINEER will bO—e-e doeand will he paid by OWNER to 14,14, If through no fault of CONTRACTOR, final completion of the Work is significantly delayed and if E ODDIER so contimis, OWNER shall, upon receipt of CONTRACTOR'S final Application for payment and recommendation of ENGINEER, and without terminating the Agreemem, make payment of the balance due for that Portion of the Work fully completed and accepted. If the remaining balance to be held by OWNER for Work not fully completed or corrected is less than the retainmge stipulated in the Agmenent, and if Bonds have been furnished as required in paragraph 5.1, the written coven[ of the surety to the paymem of the balance due for that portion of the Work ful yi cetttpleted and accepted shall be submittal by CONTRACTOR to ENGINEER with the Application for such payment. Such payment shall be made under the terms andconditions governing final payment except that it shall nS curstitutc a waiver of chums. iI'oiverafClaims 14,15. The making and acceptance of final payment will amstitaw 14, 13-La waiver of all claims by OWNER against CONTRACTOR, except claims arising from unsettled Liens, from dgfacdve Work appearing after 31 Construction Document Ordering Instructions (Download a complete P1anWell 4.0 Ordering Guide from www.planwell.com) 1. GO TO: www.mercury-ldo.com 2. SELECT: Denver Links: "Plan Well" 3 4. SELECT: the desired "Project Number" from the list Rev 10/20/07 Section 00020 Page 3 final atspamen pursomf to paragraph 1* 1 L from }lilure to comply with the Contract Documents or the terms of aritsyy ssppeaR1 specified t}terem or from CONTRACTOR , orsmuang obhgatxm wida rho Contract Docmmeras; and 14;15.2.A Waiver of all claims by CONTRACTOR against OWNER outer then those previously made in writing and still unsealed. ARTICLE 15 SUSMNSEON OF WORK AND TERIEMVION OWNFAR May Sw?µread Work: OWNER d?nyTerxidmme: 152...17pon the occurrence of any one or more of the following evenw. 152.1. if CONTRACTOR persistently fails to perform the Work in aceodanec with the CAxtuaa Documents (including but limited to, failure to supply,sdlicias skilled workers to suitable materials car equipmets Or failure.. to adhere to the progress schedule established under pamigraph29 as adjusted from time to time pursuers to paragraph 6.6); 15,22. if CONTRACTOR disregards Laws or Regulations of any public body havirsjurisdidiom 15,23, if CONTRACTOR disregards the authority of ENGINEER;.or 15.2.4. if CONTRACTOR otherwise violow in any .substantial way arty provisions of the. Contract Documents; OWNER :may. gibe[ giving CONTRACTOR (anti the sawalX, nE ony): se an days wnnen notice amp to" o lFc cutest pemunsed by Plows erxb strums laminate the smos of CONfRACfOR,.exclak CoNTRA("i'OR Fran erne sits and lake posst'ssion of tlia Wok and of all C.ONTRACTOR's tools, appliao:es, cunstruonon equipment and machinacy n the site and user thesame to the full extant tlry could t>t used by CONTRACTOR (without la+nilsy to CONTRACTOR for bdsPaas or cornersion), inw rete in the Wak all materials and equipmam stored at the site or for which OWNp,R has Paid WCDCM146K.ALCONL4MONS lYluSfi94esdtim) 32 wlLt"rY OFFOKT COLLINS MODIMATIONS(xLV4t1IX)e) 15.3, Where CONTRACTOR's services have been so terminated by OWNER, the lanninatim will not atfat any rights or remedies of OWNER against CONTRACTOR than existing or which may thereafter.. socnue. Any retention a payment of moneys due CONTRACTOR by OWNER, will not reposes CONTRACTOR Gan liability. 15.4. Upon seven days' written notice to mNTRACTOR and ENGINEER, OWNER: may, without cause and withoutprejudice to any other right, a remedy of OWNER elect to terminate Ow Agreemem In such case, CONTRACTOR shall be paid (without duplication of any items)'. 15.4.1, for completed and acceptable Work .executed in accordance with the Contract Documents: prio to the cffecbve date of termination, including Grirand reasonable sums for overhead and profit cm such Work; 15.4,2. for expenses sustained prior to the effective date. of tamrmi,on in performing services and furniating labor. materials or equipment as recpared by the Contract Documents to oomrecttau with uncompleted Work, plus Wr and reasonable some for overhead and profit an suchsxperees; 15.4.3 for all claims, costs, losses and damagas incurred in settlement of terminated canmets with Subcontractors, Suppliers and others and 15.4.4. for reasonable expanses directly attributable to termination. CONTRACTOR shwil not hepall on.account of lam of anticipated profits or revenue or other economic toss arising out of or resulting from such tarmination. CONTRACTOR May &ap War* car Terwdemte. 15,5, 1f t}urouahno act a fault of CONTRACTOR, the Work is s qxm d for a period of more than niraty days by 0WRdM m undo an order of court or other public authority, or HN(iWEF,R. fails to out on any Application fa Payment within thirty days alter it is subnduW a OWNER fails for thirty days to pay CONTRACTOR any sum tndly:determined to be dud, may, upon seven stays' written .notice to OWNER and ENGINEER. and provided OWNER or ENGINEER do not remedy such suspemim or failure within that time,. terminate the Agreement and recova from OWNER. payment to the same tams as provided in paragraph 13.4. In lieu of terminating the Agreement and withata prejudice: to any other right or remedy, if ENGINEER has failed to act on an Avolication fa havers within thift dnvq au, it %oft s :moat for tnvty days to ppaay sum rlmlty detmnined m tie t*Id, upon seven days' written notice to MR stop the Wain until na merit of 0 ARTICLE 16-DISMTE:RMLIMON if and to the extent that OWNER and comrRAC.TOR liays agreed pn titer method and procalura Pon mscilving disputes between therm that mayarise unddr this Agreenlem, ands dislwte resoluaon mahnd anti poeedute,. 1f ®tnry1}' shalt be as set loth in Exhibit G(=A; "Dispum Rtsaluttm.Agreallent", m rid attached hmkoand madd. a pat hereof. Sf no such aaggccaemam an the method and prpper6rra fa resovirt� such disputes has ban machtd, and sulrjact to -tier provisions of pamgraphs9:10, 4.11 mid 912, OWNL•R andCONTRACTOR.may exercise such. rights. o rem�'tiies as Dither may otherwise have undar the Contract Documents or by Laws or Regulation in respect of any dispute. ARTICLE.17—MISCELLANEOUS Giving Notice: 17.1. Wherever any provision of the Connect. Documents requires the. giving of written notice, it will be deemed to have been validly given if delivered in person to the individual or to a member of the firm, or to an olrar of the corporation for whom it is intended, or if delivered at or sent by tej�isteral or certified mail, postage prepid, to the last business address known to the giver of the notice. 171. Computation of Tim 17.2.1. When any period of time is refi'rred to in the Contract Documents by days, it will be computed to =ludo the Jim and include the test day of such period. If the last day of any such period falls en a Saturday or Sunday or on a day made a legal holiday by the law of the applicable jurisdiction, such day will N omitted from the computation. WCRC08MRAL CONDITIOM41910.a ft99e Ear.) w! C'ITY OF FORT (X)WMS NUMIFICATIONS (REV,1a Wm) 17:2,2. A ealerdar day of twenty-four hours measured from midnight to the next midnight will constitute a day, Notice ofCialrn 17.3, Should OWNER or CONTRACTOR defter injury a ilatnage to person or property because. of my error, anission or act of the other party or of day of the other party's employees a agents or others for whose sets the other party is legally liable, claim will be made in writing to the other party within a reasonable time of the first 17.4.. The duties and obligations imposed by thaw General Conditions and the rights and remedies ®veritable hereunder to the parties heret4. and, in particular but without: limitation, the werrarties, guarantees and obligations imposed upon CONTRACTOR by parsgmphs 6.12, 6.1:6; 6.30, 6.31, 6:32,13:i,13.12,13:14, 14.3. and 15.2 and all of the rights and remodies available to OWNER and ENGINEER thereunder,are in addition to, art; am not to be crosnued in any way as a limitation or available by haws or r or guaramec or by other as ProfeWanat Fees and Court CoatslncWded. 175. Whenever ret'erance is made to "claims, outs, losses and damages", it_shallinclude in each case, butnot be limited to, all fees anti charges of engineers, architects, attorneys and other prormumals and all Dart or arbitration or other dispute resolution costs. IZ&__Th9.lAWA_Q(ttle_5tste..ofCQI Ca4,ue.Op]xtsthis AgreemertlRgIsMy;e to two pertiz Cgltxg5il>rstatutes areas follows: 176' If a claim is r1h OWNER is tauuu� taw �38-26-107). to wrthh_ _old _from flu payments, to (`O iy AL �'CiR su((Ctem ft_ 3s ,(q insure the PaYm mt a all claims for laho materials tea hits susterane� oawisiom, Provender, or other supplies used o mnsumed IV CONI'RAC'fOR a his 33 F.7CUCOE a&CONDfMM 1910-S(199OF*k") 34 wtaryoF1'OR7OOLLINSMODtl7CAIlONS(#"42000) p'hisp"rle&hlank intentionally) H1CDC(MERAL CON[N'gONS 1910S (19" Bdtfm) 35 pi CITY OF FORT COLLIM MODIFICATIONS (RLV 4nW) 7CDG(3QN Mf'ONIXT)ONS igms(l9POE6tlm) ;6 wi CITY OF FORT COLLINS NIOM7JCATlONS OtE'V 4P000) EXHIBIT GC -A to General Conditions Of the Construction Contract Between OWNER and CONTRACTOR I}IS"TyU'TERESOLUTION AGREEMENT OWNER and CONTRACTOR hereby agree that Article 16 of the General Conditions of the Construction, Contras between OWNER and CONTRACTOR is amended to include the following agreement. of the parties: - 16.1 All cloths, disputes and other moors in question banveen (7WNhiT2 and CONTRACTOR arising.. out ofor ralaimg tothe Contract 1)oeumertsor the Finach thereof (except fa claims whrch have bean waived by tkc.. meknng or aceepmtca of final paymeat es provided by paragraph I4.15). will 6c decided by arbitration in accedence wtih the Consmrction Irxhany Arbitratncn Rules. of the American Arbitmtot A�mcialion than ati[ainatg, subjet to thekmitauos oC the Annche T6:. T}us .agreement so ro arbitrau and any other agreement. or corrtctiit m arintrataamared redo in acixxdanec herewith as provided Ia this Article 16 wt7t be spxi6ca11y anforceahla under the prevailing lawof any court having jurisdictiol. I6:2 No dcnmdfo arbitration of any claim, dispute Or other matter that is required to W refared to ENGINEER initially for decision in accordance with pmagraph 911 will be made until the earlier of (a) the date on which ENGINEER has rendered a written decision or (b}the thirty-first day after the l.»r"es have preseiitad chair evidence to ENGINkT3R if a written decision has not been nmdered kY ENGINEER. before that data. No dlemarat for athsivation of any claim; dispute or other matter wit] fie made later than tkuty days after the date on which ENGINEER hag rhmdcred a written decision In respcat there f in accordance with pamgmph 9.1 I: and the fadn"' to demand ed»tration withm said thirty days' period will result in ENGINEER's decision being fatal and binding upon OWNER and CONTRACTOR If ENGINEIR rerders a derision after arbitrator proceedings have been initiate d su t decision may he entered as evidence but wit] rant. supersede the arbitration proceedings, except where the decision is acceptable to the parties concerned. No demand for arbitration of any written decision of ENTOINEER rendered in accordance with paragraph 9,10 will be made Cater thanten days after the party makirg such demand has dehveraJ written notice of intention to appeal as provided in paragraph 9.10, 16.3. Notice of the demand for arbdmtion will be filed in writing with the other party to the Agreement and with die American Arbivatidm Association, and a copy, will be sent to MiTNEER for information. The demand far arbitration will be made within the thirty -day or ten-d period specified in paragraph. 16.2 as applicable, and in all other cases within a reasonable time after the claim, dispute or other matter in question has arisen, and in no event shell any such demand be made after the date when institution of legal or equitable proceedings based on such claim, dispute Or other matter in question would be barred by the applicable statute of limitations. ETCUCUENERAL CONDITIONS 1910.8 (1990E hum) -'CITY OF FORT COLIJNS MOnIFICATIONS (REV 9199) 16:4 Enccept as provided in aph 16:5 below, no arbitation arising out Of tx relating to the Contract Documents shall include by consolidation joinder or in any other manner .any -.other personor entity (including ENGINEER, ENGINEER's Consultant and the officers, directors; gents, employees or consultants of any of them) who is not sparty tothis contract unless: 16.4.1. the inclusion of such other person or entity is necessary if complete relief is to be afforded among thosewho am already patties to the arbitration, and. 16:4,2. such Other person or entity is substantially involved in a question of law or fact which is common,. tothose who arc already parties to the arbitration and which will arise in such proceedings, and I6AI the written consent of the other pwson or anptty sought to be included and of 0 . and CONTRACTOR has been obtained ter such inclusion, which consent shall make specific reference to this paragraph; but no such consent stall constitute consent to arrbbtuatton of any dispute rot specifically described in such consent a to arbitration with any party not specifically identified in such. consent M. thsmrdmg paragraph 16.4, if a claim, alter in question between. OWNER and. involves the Work of a subcontractor,, or CONTRACTOR may join such in all subcontracts required by paragraph -6.11 a pravhsion whereby the Subcontractor consams to Iirrecl inan arbitration between OWNER. and ACTOR involving the Work of such ractor, Nothing in this paagraph 16.5 nix in the a of such subcontract consenting to joinder shall creme any claim, right or cause of action in favor of Subcontractor and agaust OWNER, ENGINEER or Consultants that does not otherwise exist 16.6, The award rendered by the arbitrators will be final, judgment may be entered upon it in any court having jurisdiction thhereot; and it will not be subject to modificatiom or appeal. 16.7. OWNER and CONTRACTOR agree that they shall Fist submit any and all unsettled claims, counterclaims. disputesand other matters in cptestion between them arising out of or relating to the Contract Documents or the breach thereof ("disputes"), to mediation by the American Arbitration Assmistidm under the Construction Industry Mediation Rules of the American ,,Arbitration Association prior to either oftheminitiating against the other a demand for arbitration pursuant to paragraphs 16,1 through 16.;6unless delay in initiating arbitmtim would irrevocat+ly, jthhce one of the parties. The respective tkirtyand ten day time limits within which Io rite a demand for arbitration as provided in paragraphs 16.2 and 16.3 above shall be suspended with respett to a dispute sulanitted to mediation within those same applicable time limits and shall remain suspended until ten days Rterthe termination of the mediation. The mediator Of any dispute submitted to mediation under this Agreenment ,hail no serve as arbitrator of such dispute unless otherwise agreed. CC -Al EXMC GENERAL CONDITIONS 1910-8 (199D Ediim wl CITY OF PORT COLLINS MOD➢7CATIONS.(REV 9194) SECTION 00800 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS No Text SECTION 00800 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Conditions of the Contract These Supplementary Conditions amend or supplement the General Conditions of the Construction Contract (EJCDC General Conditions 1910-8, 1990 edition with City of Fort Collins modifications) and other provisions of the Contract Documents as indicated below. SC-4.2 Subsurface and Physical Conditions: A. Add the following language to paragraph 4.2.1 of the General Conditions. The following report(s) of exploration and tests of subsurface conditions at the site of the Work: Subgrade Investigation Horsetooth and Ziegler Roads Roundabout Fort Collins, Colorado CTL Thompson, Project FC04210-135 November 13 2007 Contractor may rely upon the accuracy of the technical data contained in the geotechnical documents, but not upon nontechnical data, interpretations or opinions contained therein or upon the completeness of any information in the report. B. No drawing of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface or subsurface structures (except Underground Facilities referred to in Paragraph 4.3) which are at or contiguous to the site have been utilized by the Engineer in preparation of the Contract Documents, except the following: SC-5.4.8 Limits of Liability A. Add the following language at the end of paragraph 5.4.8. The limits of liability for the insurance required by the paragraph numbers of the General Conditions listed below are as follows: Rev 10/20/07 Section 00800 Page 1 5. CLICK: "Most Current Set" to view the list of documents available for the project I Xder Items by clicking the 4 cart Icon: Star[ Orda N8:1 Yat Issue Set 7/29/2002 Architectural 24X36 LBW Issue Set 7/29/2002 Nchitectural 24X36 LBW - Rension2 2/10/2004 Architectural 24X36 LBW - ®A:4 Issue Set 7/29/2002 Nchitectural 24X36 LBW --. ®A3 Revision 1 11/12/2003 Architectural 24X36 LBW .ad 6. CLICK: Sheet No. to view 7. CLICK: to add a specific document to your "Shoppjng Cart" 8. CLICK: Start My Order to place the order for printing I 9. REGISTER -or- LOGIN 10. SELECT: Process -Media, Output Size and Binding options 11. ENTER: Job Number and PO information then click Next. 12. REVIEW: Recipient information. 13. ENTER: Quantities 14. CLICK: the down arrow to populate order. 15. SELECT: Delivery options and Due time. 16. ENTER: Your phone number in the special instructions box. 17. CLICK: Next. .� 18. REVIEW order y, 19. CLICK: SUBMIT Planwell contact 970-691-2201 Rev 10/20/07 Section 00020 Page 4 5.4.1 and 5.4.2 Coverage A - Statutory Limits Coverage B - $100,000/$100,000/$500,000 5.4.3 and 5.4.5 Commercial General Liability policy will have limits of $1,000,000 combined single limits (CSL). This policy will include coverage for Explosion, Collapse, and Underground coverage unless waived by the Owner. 5.4.6 The Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance policy will have limits of $1,000,000 combined single limits (CSL). 5.4.9 This policy will include completed operations coverage/product liability coverage with limits of $1,000,000 combined single limits (CSL) . _ Rev 10/20/07 Section 00800 Page 2 SECTION 00900 ADDENDA, MODIFICATIONS AND PAYMENT 00950 Contract Change Order 00960Application for Payment Rev 10/20/07 No Text SECTION 00950 CHANGE ORDER NO. PROJECT TITLE: CONTRACTOR: PROJECT NUMBER: DESCRIPTION: 1. Reason for change: 2. Description of Change: 3. Change in Contract Cost 4. Change in Contract Time: ORIGINAL CONTRACT COST $ .00 TOTAL APPROVED CHANGE ORDER 0.00 TOTAL PENDING CHANGE ORDER 0.00 TOTAL THIS CHANGE ORDER 0.00 TOTAL % OF THIS CHANGE ORDER TOTAL C.O.$ OF ORIGNINAL CONTRACT ADJUSTED CONTRACT COST $ 0.00 (Assuming all Chan e orders approved) ACCEPTED BY: DATE: Contractor's Representative ACCEPTED BY: DATE: Project Manager REVIEWED BY: DATE: Title: APPROVED BY: DATE: Title: APPROVED BY: DATE: Purchasing Agent over $30,000 CC: City Clerk Contractor Project File Architect Engineer Purchasing Rev 10/20/07 Section 00950 Page 1 nnotin APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT PAGE 1 OF 4 OWNER: City of Fort Collins PROJECT: APPLICATION NUMBER: APPLICATION DATE: PERIOD BEGINNING: ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: PERIOD ENDING: PROJECT NUMBER: CHANGE ORDERS Application is made for Payment as shown below in connection with Contract The present status of the account for this Contract is as NUMBER DATE AMOUNT follows: 1 2 Original Contract Amount: 3 Net Change by Change Order: Current contract Amount: $0.00 Total Completed and Stored to Date: Less Previous Applications: Amount Due this Application - Before Retainage: $0.00 Less Retainage: Net Change by Change Order $0.00 AMOUNT DUE THIS APPLICATION: $0.00 CERTIFICATION: The undersigned CONTRACTOR certifies that all obligations of CONTRACTOR incurred in connection with the Work have been satisfied as required in Paragraph 14.3. of the General Conditions of the Contract. The above Amount Due This Application is requested by the CONTRACTOR. I Date: M Payment of the above Amount Due This Application is recommended by the ENGINEER. Date: By: Payment of the above Amount Due This Application has been reviewed by the OWNER'S Project Manager. Date: By: Payment of the above Amount Due This Application is approved by the OWNER. Rev 10/20/07 Section 00960 Page 1 t ti j i i i. j � j j j j i j � j ► � j APPLICATION FOR CONTRACTAMOUNTS PAYMENT PAGE 2OF4 Work Work Work Completed Completed Completed Stored This Previous To Bid Item Month Periods Date Materials Total This Earned Percent Unit Number Description Quantity Units Price Amount Qty. Amount Qty. Amount Qty. 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The following General Requirements supplement these General Conditions. PROJECT GENERAL REQUIREMENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 01010 SUMMARY OF WORK............................................................................................ General Reqs. 2-3 01040 COORDINATION..................................................................................................... General Reqs. 4-5 01310 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES............................................................................. General Reqs. 6-7 01330 SURVEY DATA — (Contractor Supplied)................................................................. General Reqs. 8 01340 SHOP DRAWINGS................................................................................................... General Reqs. 9 -11 01410 TESTING................................................................................................................... General Reqs. 12 - 13 01510 TEMPORARY UTILIITIES...................................................................................... General Reqs. 14 01560 TEMPORARY CONTROL....................................................................................... General Reqs. 15 -16 01570 TREE PROTECTION............................................................................................... General Reqs. 17- 18 01580 TRAFFIC REGULATION — (Contractor Supplied) ................................................. General Reqs. 19 -20 01700 CONTRACT CLOSEOUT........................................................................................ General Reqs. 21 01711 SITE CLEANUP....................................................................................................... General Reqs. 22 01720 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS....................................................................... General Reqs. 23 General Reqs. - 1 Bids will be received as set forth in the Bidding Documents. The Work is expected to be commenced within the time as required by Section 2.3 of General Conditions. Substantial Completion of the Work is required as specified in the Agreement. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond guaranteeing faithful performance and the payment of all bills and obligations arising from the performance of the Contract. No Bid may be withdrawn within a period of forty-five (45) days after the date fixed for opening Bids. The OWNER reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, and to waive any informalities and irregularities therein. Bid security in the amount of not less than 5% of the total Bid must accompany each Bid in the form specified in the Instructions to Bidders. Sales Prohibited/Conflict of Interest: No officer, employee, or member of City Council, shall have a financial interest in the sale to the City of any real or personal property, equipment, material, supplies or services where such officer or employee exercises directly or indirectly any decision -making authority concerning such sale or any supervisory authority over the services to be rendered. This rule also applies to subcontracts with the City. Soliciting or accepting any gift, gratuity favor, entertainment, kickback or any items of monetary value from any person who has or is seeking to do business with the City of Fort Collins is prohibited City of Fort Collins By James B. O'Neill, II, CPPO, FNIGP Purchasing & Risk Management Director Rev 10/20/07 Section 00020 Page 5 Horsetooth Road & Ziegler Road Roundabout SECTION 01010 SUMMARY OF WORK 1.1 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. The Work shall consist of the construction of the outlined improvements: BID NO. Date: January, 2008 1. Horsetooth Road: Improvements to Horsetooth Road consist of removal of existing asphalt surfacing and concrete curb & gutter, various utility adjustments, necessary excavation and embankment placement, installation of new asphalt surface, curb & gutter, median cover, crosswalks, and various appurtenances associated with the roadway construction. 2. Ziegler Road: Improvements to Ziegler Road consist of removal of existing asphalt surfacing, concrete curb & gutter, existing trees, existing fence, various utility adjustments, necessary excavation and embankment placement, installation of concrete curb & gutter, new asphalt surfacing, construction of new asphalt driveways and concrete driveway approaches, and various appurtenances associated with the roadway construction. 3. Roundabout Construction: Improvements related to the roundabout construction consist of construction of concrete curb & gutter, concrete pavement, colored concrete truck apron, median covers, and various appurtenances associated with the roundabout construction. B: Protection and Restoration. 1. The Contractor shall replace to equal or better conditions all items removed and replaced or damaged during construction. 2. The Contractor shall restore all areas disturbed to match surrounding surface conditions. _ 3. The Owner's Field Representative must approve the condition of all replaced and/or restored areas prior to final payment 1.2 NOTICES TO PRIVATE OWNERS AND AUTHORITIES The following items shall be coordinated between the Contractor and the Owners Field Representative. A. Notify private owners of adjacent properties, utilities, irrigation canals, and affected governmental r agencies when prosecution of the Work may affect them. B. Give notification 48 hours in advance to enable affected persons to provide for their needs when it is necessary to temporarily deny access or services. C. Contact utilities at least 48 hours prior to excavating near underground utilities. D. Contact all agencies at least 72 hours prior to start of construction. Notify all agencies of the proposed scope of work schedule and any items, which would affect their daily operation. E. Names and telephone numbers of affected agencies and utilities in the area are listed below for Contractor's convenience. General Reqs. - 2 Horsetooth Road & Ziegler Road Roundabout UTILITIES Water: Storm Sewer: Sanitary Sewer: Electric: Gas/Electric: Telephone: Traffic Operations: Cable Television: PRPA Date: January, 2008 City of Fort Collins 221-6700 Fort -Collins Loveland Water District 226-3104 City of Fort Collins, Colorado 221-6700 City of Fort Collins 221-6700 City of Fort Collins 221-6700 Xcel Energies 225-7847 Qwest Communications 377-6411 City of Ft. Collins, Colorado 221-6630 Comcast Cable 484-7166 PRPA 229-5222 *Utility Locates Colorado Utility Notification Center 1-800-922-1987 AGENCIES Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA): 844-3061 Poudre Fire Authority Non -Emergency: 221-6581 Emergency: 911 City of Fort Collins Police Department Non -Emergency: 221-6550 Emergency: 911 Latimer County Sheriffs Department Non -Emergency: 221-7177 Emergency: 911 Postmaster: US Postal Service Bill Adams: 225-4111 Ambulance: Poudre Valley Hospital Non -Emergency: 484-1227 Emergency: 911 Transportation: Transfort: 221-6620 Traffic Engineering: 221-6630 END OF SECTION General Reqs. - 3 Horsetooth Road & Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 SECTION 01040 COORDINATION 1.1 GENERAL CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES — A. Coordinate operations under contract in a manner which will facilitate progress of the Work. The Contractor shall also coordinate with the Utility Companies and City Traffic Department whose Work is — separate from the General Contractor's contract. B. Conform to the requirements of public utilities and concerned public agencies in respect to the timing and manner of performance of operations which affect the service of such utilities, agencies, or public safety. — C. Coordinate operations under contract with utility work to allow for efficient completion of the Work. D. Coordinate all operations with the adjoining property owners, business owners, and surrounding — neighborhoods to provide satisfactory access at all times and keep them informed at all times. E. Keep traffic areas and temporary residential accesses free of excavated material, construction equipment, — pipe and other material and equipment. F. Keep fire hydrants and utility control valves free from obstruction and available for use at all times. G. Conduct operations in a manner to avoid unnecessary interference with public and private roads and drives. H. Provide and maintain temporary approaches or crossings at streets and residences. 1.2 SCHEDULE AND MILESTONES The Contractor shall submit a detailed project schedule showing milestones and the critical path for The Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout. This schedule shall be agreed to by both the Owner and Contractor. The Contractor shall provide a current schedule at each week's project coordination meeting showing the critical path for the project and any obstacles that will prevent the project from meeting the required completion date. Significant Milestone: July 1, 2008. The following improvements must be completed prior to July 1, 2008: A. The roundabout and the improvements along Ziegler Road and Horsetooth Roads shall be fully open for use by the public. Items that must be complete before these items are open to the public include final concrete curb & gutter in place, concrete and asphalt surfaces complete in place (all lifts), sidewalks and pedestrian ramps, median covers, crosswalks, and pedestrian refuge islands _ complete in place, signage and striping complete in place, all utility adjustments in the roadway complete in place, and any other necessary items inside the roadway necessary to make the roundabout usable by the public. The progress schedule shall be monitored closely during construction and may be updated by written agreement of the parties as changes occur in the project progress. If the milestones are not met, the Owner may utilize the remedies provided in paragraph 15.6 of the Supplementary Conditions as well as any other _ remedy provided by the Contract Documents or provided by law or equity. The Owner may also assess liquidated damages as outlined in Article 3, Section 3.2 of the Agreement. General Reqs. - 4 Horsetooth Road & Ziegler Road Roundabout 1.3 CONFERENCES Date: January, 2008 A. A Pre -construction Conference will be held prior to the start of construction. 1. The Contractor shall participate in the conference accompanied by all major Subcontractors. 2. The Contractor shall designate/introduce Superintendent, and major Subcontractors supervisors and key personnel assigned to project. 3. The Contractor shall submit in writing proposed daily construction hours to Engineer for approval. 4. The Contractor shall designate all access roads, and staging and areas in writing to the Engineer for approval. 5. The Engineer shall invite all utility and irrigation companies involved. 6. The Utilities will be asked to designate their coordination person, provide utility plans, and their anticipated schedules. 7. The Engineer shall introduce the Project Representatives. B. Additional project coordination conferences will be held prior to start of construction for coordination of the Work, refining project schedules, and utility coordination. C. The Engineer may hold coordination conferences, to be attended by all parties involved, when the Contractor's operations affect, or are affected by, the work of others. 1. Contractor shall participate in such conferences accompanied by Subcontractors as required by the Engineer. 1.4 PROGRESS MEETINGS A. The Contractor and Owner shall schedule and hold regular progress meetings at least weekly and at other times as requested by the Owner or required by the progress of the Work. B. Attendance shall include: 1. Contractor, Superintendent, and other key personnel. 2. Owner's Representatives. 3. Engineer and Project Manager. 4. Others as may be requested by Contractor, Engineer or Owner. C. Minimum agenda shall include: 1. Review of work progress since last meeting. 2. Identification and discussion of problems affecting progress. 3. Review of any pending change orders. 4. Revision of Construction Schedule as appropriate. 5. Review Milestone Schedule. 6. Discuss the work scheduled for the next two weeks. 7. Discuss the surveying needed for the next week. D. The Engineer or a Project Representative shall preside at meetings and record and distribute minutes to the participants. E. The Engineer or Engineer's Field Representative and Contractor shall agree to weekly quantities at the progress meetings. The weekly quantity sheets shall be signed by both parties. These quantity sheets, when signed, shall be final and shall be the basis for the monthly progress estimates. This process ensures accurate monthly project pay estimates. General Reqs. - 5 Horsetooth Road & Ziegler Road Roundabout END OF SECTION SECTION 01310 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES 1.1 GENERAL Date: January, 2008 A. The contractor shall prepare a detailed schedule of all construction operations and procurement after review of tentative schedule by parties attending the pre -construction conference. This schedule will show how the contractor intends to meet the milestones set forth. 1. No work is to begin at the site until Owner's acceptance of the Construction Progress Schedule and Report of delivery of equipment and materials. 1.2 FORMAT AND SUBMISSIONS A. Prepare construction and procure schedules in a graphic format suitable for displaying scheduled and actual progress. B. Submit two copies of each schedule to Owner for review. 1. Owner will return one copy to Contractor with revisions suggested or necessary for coordination of the Work with the needs of Owner or others. 1.3 CONTENT A. Construction Progress Schedule. 1. Show the complete work sequence of construction by activity and location. 2. Show changes to traffic control. 3. Show project milestones. B. Equipment, Materials and Submittals schedule. 1. Show delivery status of critical and major items of equipment and materials. 2. Include a critical path schedule for Shop Drawings, tests, and other submittal requirements for equipment and materials, reference Section 01340. 1.4 PROGRESS REVISIONS A. Submit revised schedules and reports at weekly project coordination meetings when changes are foreseen or when requested by Owner or Engineer, and with each application for progress payment. B. Show changes occurring since previous submission. 1. Actual progress of each item to date. 2. Revised projections of progress and completion. C. Provide a narrative report as needed to define: 1. Anticipated problems, recommended actions, and their effects on the schedule. 2. The effect of changes on schedules of others. 1.5 OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY A. Owner's review is only for the purpose of checking conformity with the Contract Documents and assisting General Reqs. - 6 Horsetooth Road & Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 the Contractor in coordinating the Work with the needs of the Project. B. It is not to be construed as relieving Contractor from any responsibility to determine the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction as provided in the General Conditions. END OF SECTION General Reqs. - 7 Horsetooth Road & Ziegler Road Roundabout SECTION 01330 SURVEY DATA Date: January, 2008 1.1 SURVEY REQUIREMENTS A. The Owner will not provide the construction surveying for the Project. The Contractor shall provide all survey staking necessary to construct the Project in conformance with the Drawings. B. The Owner will make the projects CAD drawings available to the Contractor upon request. C. The Contractor shall provide as -constructed information to the Owner in an AutoCAD compatible format — prior to final completion being issued. END OF SECTION General Reqs. - 8 Horsetooth Road & Ziegler Road Roundabout SECTION 01340 SHOP DRAWINGS 1.1 GENERAL Date: January, 2008 A. Submit Shop Drawings, Samples, and other submittals as required by individual specification sections. 1. The Engineer will not accept Shop Drawings or other submittals from anyone but the Contractor. B. Schedule: Reference Section 0 13 10, Construction Schedules. Submittals received by the Engineer prior to the time set forth in the approved schedule will be reviewed at any time convenient to the Engineer before the time required by the schedule. C. Any need for more than one resubmission, or any other delay in obtaining the Engineer's review of submittals, will not entitle the Contractor to an extension of the Contract Time, unless delay of the Work is directly caused by failure of the Engineer to return any scheduled submittal within 10 days after receipt in his office of all information required for review of the submittals or for any other reason which prevents the Engineer's timely review. Failure of Contractor to coordinate submittals that must be reviewed together will not entitle the Contractor to an extension of Contract Time or an increase in Contract Price. D. Resubmit a corrected submittal if errors are discovered during manufacture or fabrication. E. Do not use materials or equipment for which Shop Drawings or samples are required until such submittals, stamped by the Contractor and properly marked by the Engineer, are at the site and available to workmen. F. Only use Shop Drawings which bear Engineer's mark "NO EXCEPTION TAKEN" in the performance of the Work. Review status designations listed on Engineer's submittal review stamp are defined as follows: 1. NO EXCEPTION TAKEN Signifies material or equipment represented by the submittal conforms to the design concept, complies with the information given in the Contract Documents and is acceptable for incorporation in the Work. Contractor is to proceed with fabrication or procurement of the items and with related work. Copies of the submittal are to be transmitted for final distribution. 2. REVISE AS NOTED Signifies material or equipment represented by the submittal conforms to the design concept, complies with the information given in the Contract Documents and is acceptable for incorporation in the Work in accordance with Engineer's notations. Contractor is to proceed with the Work in accordance with Engineer's notations and is to submit a revised submittal responsive to notations marked on the returned submittal or written in the letter of transmittal. 3. REJECTED Signifies material or equipment represented by the submittal does not conform to the design concept or comply with the information given in the Contract Documents and is not acceptable for use in the Work. Contractor is to submit submittals responsive to the Contract Documents. 4. FOR REFERENCE ONLY Signifies submittals which are for supplementary information only; pamphlets, general information sheets, catalog cuts, standard sheets, bulletins and similar data, all of which are useful to Engineer or Owner in design, operation, or maintenance. But these submittals do not constitute a basis for determining that items General Reqs. - 9 Horsetooth Road & Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 represented thereby conform to the design concept or comply with the information given in the Contract Document. The Engineer reviews such submittals for general information, but not for substance. 1.2 SUBMITTAL REGISTER A. The Contractor shall complete the Submittal Register and submit with the Final Construction Schedule submittal. The Contractor must resubmit an updated Submittal Register with each application for progress payment. A format of the Submittal Register is provided below, Contractor should reproduce this format, (or an approved alternate) for this register. B. Instructions for Completing the Submittal Register: Column 1: References, specification section, and paragraph in which submittal is requested. This will be done for each item of equipment or material. Column 2: Describe types of submittal required, i.e., shop drawing, certificate, etc. Column 3: List the material or item for which submittal is required. Column 4: Contractor shall provide the date that he intends to make each submittal. Column 5: Contractor shall provide that date by which each submittal must be approved to accomplish timely incorporation into the project. Column 6: Contractor shall provide the mailing date of the initial submittal made to the Owner. Column 7: Contractor shall record the review action of the Owner to the last submittal for the item, equipment, or material. Column 8: Contractor shall record the mailing date of subsequent submittal for each item, equipment, and material until submittal is accepted by Owner. Colman 9: Contractor may record remarks as necessary to coordinate with other submittal or provide necessary information. 1.3 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Include the following information as required to define each item proposed to be furnished. 1. Detailed installation drawings showing foundation details and clearances required for construction. 2. Relation to adjacent or critical features of the Work or materials. 3. Field dimensions, clearly identified as such. 4. Applicable standards, such as ASTM or Federal Specification numbers. 5. Drawings, catalogs or parts thereof, manufacturer's specifications and data, instructions, performance characteristics and capacities, and other information specified or necessary: a. For Engineer to determine that the materials and equipment conform to the design concept and comply with the intent of the Contract Documents. b. For the proper erection, installation, and maintenance of the materials and equipment which Engineer will review for general information but not for substance. c. For Engineer to determine what supports, anchorages, structural details, connections and services are required for materials and equipment, and the effect on contiguous or related structures, materials and equipment. 6. Complete dimensions, clearances required, design criteria, materials of construction and the like to enable Engineer to review the information effectively. B. Manufacturer's standard drawings, schematics and diagrams: 1. Delete information not applicable to the Work. 2. Supplement standard information to provide information specifically applicable to the Work. C. Format. General Reqs. -10 Horsetooth Road & Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 I. Present in a clear and thorough manner. 2. Minimum sheet size: 8 I/2" x 11 ". 3. Clearly mark each copy to identify pertinent products and models. 4. Individually annotate standard drawings, which are furnished, cross out items that do not apply, describe exactly which parts of the drawing apply to the equipment being famished. S. Individually annotate catalog sheets to identify applicable items. 6. Reproduction or copies of portions of Contract Documents: a. Not acceptable as complete fabrication or erection drawings. b. Acceptable when used as a drawing upon which to indicate information on erection or to identify detail drawings. 7. Clearly identify the following: a. Date of submission. b. Project title and number. c. Names of Contractor, Supplier and Manufacturer. d. Specification section number, specification article number for which items apply, intended use of item in the work, and equipment designation. e. Identify details by reference to sheet, detail, schedule or room numbers shown in the Contract Documents. f. Deviations from Contract Documents. g. Revisions on resubmittals. h. Contractor's stamp, initialed or signed, certifying the review of submittal, verification of products, field measurements and field construction criteria, and coordination of the information within the submittal with requirements of the Work and the Contract Documents. 1.4 SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS A. Make submittals promptly in accordance with approved schedule, and in such sequence as to cause no delay in the Work or in the work of any other contractor. B. Minimum number required: 1. Shop Drawings. a. Three (3) copies minimum, two (2) copies which will be retained by Engineer. 1.5 RESUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS A. Make corrections or changes required by Engineer and resubmit until accepted. B. In writing, call Engineer's attention to deviations that the submittal may have from the Contract Documents. C. In writing, call specific attention to revisions other than those called for by Engineer on previous submissions. D. Shop Drawings 1. Include additional drawings that may be required to show essential details of any changes proposed by Contractor along with required wiring and piping layouts. END OF SECTION General Reqs. - 11 No Text Horsetooth Road & Ziegler Road Roundabout SECTION 01410 TESTING 1.1 GENERAL Date: January, 2008 A. Provide such equipment and facilities as the Engineer may require for conducting field tests and for collecting and forwarding samples. Do not use any materials or equipment represented by samples until tests, if required, have been made and the materials or equipment are found to be acceptable. Any product, which becomes unfit for use after approval hereof, shall not be incorporated into the work. B. All materials or equipment proposed to be used may be tested at any time during their preparation or use. Furnish the required samples without charge and give sufficient notice of the placing of orders to permit the testing. Products may be sampled either prior to shipment or after being received at the site of the work. C. Tests shall be made by an accredited testing laboratory selected by the Owner. Except as otherwise provided, sampling and testing of all materials and the laboratory methods and testing equipment shall be in accordance with the latest standards and tentative methods of the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM). D. Where additional or specified information concerning testing methods, sample sizes, etc., is required, such information is included under the applicable sections of the Specifications. Any modification of, or elaboration on these test procedures (which may be included for specific materials under their respective sections in the Specifications) shall take precedence over these procedures. 1.2 OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES A. Owner shall be responsible for and shall pay all costs in connection with testing for the following: 1. Soil tests, except those called for under Submittals thereof. 2. Tests not called for by the Specifications of materials delivered to the site but deemed necessary by Owner. 3. Concrete tests, except those called for under Submittals thereof. 4. Asphalt tests, except those called for under Submittals thereof. 1.3 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES A. In addition to those inspections and tests called for in the General Conditions, the Contractor shall also be ^ responsible for and shall pay all costs in connection with testing required for the following: 1. All performance and field testing specifically called for by the specifications. 2. All re -testing for Work or materials found defective or unsatisfactory, including tests covered under section 1.2 above. 3. All minimum call out charges or stand by time charges from the tester due to the Contractor's failure to pave, pour, or fill on schedule for any reason except by action of the Engineer. B. Contractor shall notify the Project Engineer 48 hours prior to performing an operation that would require — testing. 1.4 CONTRACTOR'S QUALITY CONTROL SYSTEM A. General: The Contractor shall establish a quality control system to perform sufficient inspection and tests of all items of Work, including that of his subcontractors, to ensure conformance to the functional performance of this project. This control shall be established for all construction except where the Contract General Reqs. - 12 Horsetooth Road & Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 Documents provide for specific compliance tests by testing laboratories or engineers employed by the Owner. The Contractor's control system shall specifically include all testing required by the various sections of these Specifications. B. Superintendence: The Contractor SHALL employ a full time Superintendent to monitor and coordinate all facets of the Work. Superintendent shall be on site when any work is in progress, including weekend work. The Superintendent shall have adequate experience to perform the duties of Superintendent. C. Quality Control: Contractor's quality control system is the means by which he assures himself that his construction complies with the requirements of the Contract Documents. Controls shall be adequate to cover all construction operations and should be keyed to the proposed construction schedule. D. Records: Maintain correct records on an appropriate form for all inspections and tests performed, instructions received from the Engineer and actions taken as a result of those instructions. These records shall include evidence that the required inspections or tests have been performed (including type and number of inspections or test, nature of defects, causes for rejection, etc.) proposed or directed remedial action, and corrective action taken. Document inspections and tests as required by each section of the Specifications. Provide copies to the Engineer weekly. END OF SECTION SECTION 01510 TEMPORARY UTILITIES 1.1 UTILITIES A. Furnish all utilities necessary for construction. B. The Contractor will be responsible for furnishing water in reasonable amounts for execution of the General Reqs. - 13 Horsetooth Road & Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 work. The Contractor shall coordinate and schedule with the Owners' Field Representative for the City of Fort Collins to select the appropriate fire hydrant and set the hydrant meter. C. Make arrangements with Owner as to the amount of water required and time when water will be needed. 1. Owner will fix the place, time, rate and duration of each withdrawal from the distribution system. 2. Unnecessary waste of water will not be tolerated. D. Furnish necessary water trucks, pipes, hoses, nozzles, and tools and perform all necessary labor. 1. Only Owner shall operate existing valves and hydrants. 1.2 SANITARY FACILITIES A. Contractor shall fumish temporary sanitary facilities at each site for the needs of construction workers and others performing work or famishing services on the Project. Fumish a minimum of two portable toilets at the trailers (if office trailers are required) and a minimum of one at each project work site or as required to accommodate the number of personnel working on site. B. Contractor shall properly maintain sanitary facilities of reasonable capacity throughout construction — periods. C. Contractor to enforce the use of such sanitary facilities by all personnel at the site. r D. Place facilities out of public view using the greatest practical extent. END OF SECTION SECTION 01560 TEMPORARY CONTROLS 1.1 NOISE CONTROL A. Take reasonable measures to avoid unnecessary noise when construction activities are being performed in — populated areas. B. Construction machinery and vehicles shall be equipped with practical sound muffling devices, and operated in a manner to cause the least noise consistent with efficient performance of the Work. — General Reqs. -14 Horsetooth Road & Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 C. Cease operation of all machinery and vehicles between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Due to the aggressive schedule that this project entails, exceptions will be made. The City of Fort Collins will require written requests for exception to be submitted to the Project Engineer 3 days prior to work. 1.2 DUST CONTROL A. Dusty materials in piles or in transit shall be covered when necessary to prevent blowing. B. Earth and road surfaces subject to dusting due to construction activities and detouring of traffic shall be kept moist with water or by application of a chemical dust suppressant. Chemical dust suppressant shall not be injurious to existing or future vegetation. C. Dust control within the lime deposit area shall conform to the project's health and safety plan. At a minimum, the lime area shall be covered as soon as possible after compaction has been obtained to minimize surface drying and dust. Dust control for this area may involve multiple watering and/or continuous watering to maintain a moist surface. 1.3 POLLUTION CONTROL A. Prevent the pollution of drains and watercourses by sanitary wastes, concrete, sediment, debris and other substances resulting from construction activities. 1. Retain all spent oils, hydraulic fluids and other petroleum fluids in containers for disposal off the site. 2. Prevent sediment, debris or other substances from entering sanitary sewers, storm drains and culverts. 1.4 EROSION CONTROL A. Take such measures as are necessary to prevent erosion of soil that might result from construction activities. Measures in general will include' 1. Control of runoff 2. Trapping of sediment 3. Minimizing area and duration of soil exposure 4. Temporary materials such as hay bales, sandbags, plastic sheets, riprap or culverts to prevent the erosion of banks and beds of watercourses or drainage swales where runoff will be increased due to construction activities. B. Preserve natural vegetation to greatest extent possible. C. Locate temporary storage and route construction traffic so as to preserve vegetation and minimize erosion. D. Comply with the City of Fort Collins' Storm Drainage Erosion Control Manual and Plan. E. Comply with all necessary State of Colorado requirements as they pertain to the NPDES Phase II requirements. The Contractor shall provide the Owner with a copy of the stormwater management plan (SWMP) and Discharge Permit from the State of Colorado. The Contractor shall provide the Owner with copies of all SWMP inspection reports, incident reports, and all other necessary paperwork required by the State of Colorado as part of the SWMP. 1.5 SECURITY A. Contractor is responsible for protection of the site and all Work, materials, equipment and existing facilities General Reqs. - 15 Horsetooth Road & Ziegler Road Roundabout thereon, against vandalism. Date: January, 2008 B. No claim will be made against the Owner by reason of any act of an employee or trespasser, and the Contractor shall make good all damage resulting from his failure to provide security measures as specified. C. Security measures will be instituted to protect owners of existing facilities during normal operation, but will also include such additional security fencing, barricades, lighting, watchman services or other measures as Contractor feels is required to protect the site. END OF SECTION SECTION 01570 TREE PROTECTION A. Tree Barriers: All trees which will be preserved, but are within the limits of construction, must be protected from all damage associated with construction. A sturdy, physical barrier (fluorescent orange in color) must be fixed in place around each tree for the duration of construction. This barrier will be placed no closer than six (6) feet from the trunk, or one-half of the drip line, whichever is greater. The barrier itself must be fixed so it cannot be moved easily, but the material can be flexible, such as orange safety fence attached to metal T- posts driven into the ground, but must act as an effective deterrent to deliberate or accidental damage of each tree. The Project Engineer or Manager must approve actual materials and location of barrier. The movement or storage of equipment, material, debris, or fill within these required protective barriers is completely prohibited. In situations where the construction will come closer to a tree than six (6) feet, the orange barrier must still be erected. However, additional padding must be placed around the trunk of each tree starting at ground level and proceeding up the trunk to a height of six or seven feet. Padding should be a minimum eight (8) inches thick, and made of a material strong enough to protect the bark from accidental impacts with hand _ tools or power equipment. General Reqs. - 16 Horsetooth Road & Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 B. Accidental Poisoning: During the construction, the Contractor shall not cause, or permit the cleaning of equipment or material within the root zone of any tree. The Contractor shall not store or dispose of waste material including, but not limited to; paints, solvents, asphalt, concrete, mortar, or any other material harmful to the life of a tree, within the root zone of each tree, or group of trees. C. Root Pruning Specifications: When the cutting of tree roots is necessary, each final cut must be made as cleanly as possible for all roots over three (3) inches in diameter using the following method: 1. The line of excavation will be drawn out and appropriate excavation equipment used to clear the area at least six inches in front of the actual finished excavation line. Roots can then be cut using tools such as axes, stump grinders, or trenchers. 2. Each root over three (3) inches in diameter will then be cut cleanly back to the excavation line using stump grinder operated by an experienced licensed arborist. A sharp hand or bow saw is acceptable for roots under three (3) inches in diameter. Axes and trenchers do not cut roots cleanly and will not be used for final root cuts. D. Contractor shall coordinate with the Owners' Field Representative prior to and during the tree protection erection and root pruning activities. Owners' Field Representative, at his/her opinion, will contact the City Forester and/or City Arborist for advice and approval of the tree protection measures taken by the Contractor and also the City's advice and approval during the root pruning activities. E. No damaging attachments, wires, signs, permits or other objects may be fastened by any means to any tree preserved on this project. F. Violation of Specifications and Penalties for Damaging Trees, Any violation of these specifications will lead to penalties based on the type of violation and/or the resulting damages, and may be grounds for the termination of this contract. The penalties will be assessed based on the amount of damage done and the total value of that tree, or group of trees, prior to the damage. The minimum penalty will be $100.00. Penalties for any damage will be based on the total value of the tree as determined by the City Forestry Division staff and the severity of the damage as a proportion of the total value of that tree. This could include up to the full value of the tree. As an example, there are two American Elm trees to be preserved on another project. They are valued at $7,960 and $6,667 for the south and north trees respectively. The south tree is approximately 100 inches in circumference; therefore each inch is worth one -hundredth of the value, or $79.60 per inch. Similarly, the north tree is 91 inches in circumference, making each inch worth $73.26. To extend this to penalties paid, if one inch of the bark on the south tree is scuffed, the penalty would be $100 (the minimum allowed); if two inches are damaged, the penalty would be $159.20 and so on up to 50% of the circumference of the trunk. If 50% or more is damaged, the full value of the tree will be assessed as a penalty. (This example serves to illustrate how damages will be assessed). General Reqs. - 17 Horsetooth Road & Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 This method of assessing penalties will be applicable to all trees not marked for removal on the project, accidental poisoning and improper pruning. END OF SECTION General Reqs. -18 Horsetooth Road & Ziegler Road Roundabout SECTION 01580 TRAFFIC REGULATION 1.1 TRAFFIC CONTROL Date: January, 2008 A. The traffic control for this project shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Traffic control is defined as the manpower and devices necessary to channelize vehicular and pedestrian traffic through the project. A full-time Traffic Control Supervisor will be required on the project during all construction operations. B. The Contractor and/or Traffic Control Contractor must submit traffic control plans and coordinate all traffic control with the City's Traffic Control Coordinator. The traffic control plans must be submitted and approved 72 hours prior to starting construction and before making each modification. C. Conformance: City of Fort Collins Work Area Traffic Control Handbook, Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (U.S. Dept. of Transportation), or applicable statutory requirements of authority having jurisdiction. D. The traffic access/control plan limitations for handling traffic for these projects are described below. Construction of the roundabout is expected to occur in two phases. These phases are described as follows and are shown in detail on sheet 34 of the Drawings. Phase 1 shall consist of the construction of the northern half of the west, all of the north, all of the east, and the eastern half of the south legs of the intersection. This phase will require the construction of a detour on the southwest comer of the intersection to accommodate two-way traffic from northbound Ziegler Road to westbound Horsetooth Road and eastbound Horsetooth Road to southbound Ziegler Road. This phase of the intersection would also require at least one lane closure on the east side of Ziegler Road from Charlie Lane to Horsetooth Road to allow for construction of the additional travel and bike lanes and sidewalk for northbound Ziegler Road. During this phase of work, at the intersection of Horsetooth and Ziegler Roads, southbound Ziegler Road from the north side of Horsetooth Road and westbound Horsetooth Road from the east side of Ziegler Road will be closed to all non -construction traffic. Phase 2 shall consist of the construction of the southern half of the west leg and western half of the southern leg of the intersection. This phase will require the northeastern '/e of the intersection described in Phase 1 to be complete, serviceable, and ready for traffic before this section of the intersection is closed for construction. This phase will require closure of Horsetooth Road west of Ziegler Road in the eastbound direction and closure of Ziegler Road south of the intersection in the southbound direction. Any modifications to the traffic control plan must be approved by the City's Traffic Control Coordinator and the Engineer. E. Vehicle, bike, and pedestrian access to all side streets and private drives shall be maintained at all times. The Contractor will develop an access control plan in coordination with adjacent property owners, and submit it in conjunction with the traffic control plan to the Engineer for approval prior to the start of any Work. Pedestrian traffic shall be maintained at all times, utilizing temporary sidewalks when necessary. F. The Contractor must work with the adjacent residents to provide and maintain sufficient access for them during the duration of the project. It will be the Contractors responsibility to coordinate and communicate with the residents during construction. General Reqs. -19 Horsetooth Road & Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 G. The Contractor must maintain, at their cost, access to all businesses during their business hours. It will be the Contractors responsibility to coordinate and communicate with the businesses during construction. H. The Contractor shall keep all traffic areas free of excavated material, construction equipment, pipe, and other materials and equipment. I. The Contractor shall keep fire hydrants and utility control valves free from obstruction and available for use at all times. J. The Contractor shall provide and maintain, at their cost, temporary driveway approaches on driveways open to traffic at all times to insure that the approaches are smooth, compacted, and will not prohibit or inhibit the use of the driveway. The driveway approaches must be maintained seven days a week. In the case of bad weather the Contractor must repair the driveways immediately following the storm and must work to maintain access during the storm. 1.2 WORK AREA SAFETY A. The Contractor shall maintain a safe work area and protect area residents, motorists, bicyclists, pedestrians, and children from work area hazards. B. The Contractor shall provide all work area safety control devices, such as barricades and safety fence _ around all excavations and drop-offs. C. Work area safety control devices will not be paid for separately. Cost for this equipment should be included in the lump sum cost for the work items which will require work area safety control devices. 1.3 PARKING A. Provide suitable parking areas for the use of all construction workers and others performing work or furnishing services in connection with the Project so as to avoid interference with public traffic, Owner's operations, or construction activities. END OF SECTION General Reqs. - 20 Horsetooth Road & Ziegler Road Roundabout SECTION 01700 CONTRACT CLOSEOUT 1.1 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION Date: January, 2008 A. Substantial Completion shall be defined as: the roundabout and the improvements along Ziegler Road and Horsetooth Roads being fully open for use by the public. Items that must be complete before these items are open to the public include final concrete curb & gutter in place, concrete and asphalt surfaces complete in place (all lifts), median covers, sidewalks, crosswalks, and pedestrian refuge islands complete in place, signage and striping complete in place, all utility adjustments in the roadway complete in place, and any other necessary items inside the roadway necessary to make the roundabout usable by the public. B. Substantial Completion dates or times are outlined in Section 00520 - Agreement 1.2 FINAL COMPLETION A. Final Completion shall be defined as the completion of all Work including cleanup, Project Record Documents delivered to the Owner, all punch list items completed, and final processing of all change orders. The Work must be ready for final payment and acceptance. B. Final Completion will be subject to the terms outlined in Section 00520 - Agreement. END OF SECTION SECTION 01711 General Reqs. - 21 SECTION 00100 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Horsetooth Road & Ziegler Road Roundabout SITE CLEANUP 1.1 GENERAL A. Execute cleanup, during progress of the Work, and at completion of the Work. B. Adequate cleanup will be a condition for recommendation of progress payments. 1.2 DESCRIPTION Date: January, 2008 A. Store volatile wastes in covered metal containers and dispose off site. — B. Provide on -site covered containers for the collection of waste materials, debris and rubbish. C. Neatly store construction materials, such as concrete forms, when not in use. D. Broom clean adjacent paved surfaces and rake other adjacent surfaces. E. The streets adjacent to the construction area shall be cleaned of debris generated by the project by the Contractor at the earliest opportunity, but in no case shall the street be left uncleaned after the completion of the day's work. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to provide the necessary equipment and _ materials to satisfactorily clean the roadway at no additional cost to the project. The City's Street Department will sweep the street at an approximate hourly rate of $70.00 for a minimum of 2 hours. The Contractor must sign a Contract with the City Street Department prior to requesting street sweeping. If the streets are not cleaned by the Contractor within 24 hours after having been given notice from the Project Engineer, the Project Engineer will have the Streets Department sweep the streets at the rates listed above and will back charge the Contractor for expenses incurred. 1.3 DISPOSAL A. Wastes shall not be buried or burned on the site or disposed of into storm drains, sanitary sewers, streams or waterways. B. Remove waste materials, clearing materials, demolition materials, unsuitable excavated materials, debris and rubbish from the site at least weekly and dispose of at disposal areas furnished by Contractor away from the site. END OF SECTION General Reqs. - 22 Horsetooth Road & Ziegler Road Roundabout SECTION 01720 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS 1.1 GENERAL A. Maintain at the site one record copy of 1. Documents and samples called for in General Conditions 6.19. 2. Field Test Records. 3. Certificates of compliance. 1.2 MAINTENANCE OF DOCUMENTS AND SAMPLES Date: January, 2008 A. File documents and samples in accordance with the specifications section numbers. B. Maintain documents and samples in a clean, dry, legible condition and in good order. Do not use record documents for construction purposes. 1.3 RECORDING A. Label each document "PROJECT RECORD" in neat large printed letters. B. Record information concurrently with construction progress. 1. Do not cover Work until required information is recorded. C. Marking of Project Records. 1. Legible and with a dark pen or pencil. 2. Ink shall not be water based or subject to easy smearing. D. Mark Drawings to record actual construction. 1. Field dimensions, elevations, and details. 2. Changes made by a Modification. 3. Details not on original Drawings. 4. Horizontal and vertical locations of underground utilities and appurtenances referenced to a minimum of three permanent surface improvements. 5. Depths of various elements in relation to project datum. 6. Location of utilities and appurtenances concealed in the construction, referenced to visible and accessible features of the structure. 1.4 SUBMISSION A. Accompany submittal with transmittal letter in duplicate containing: 1. Date. 2. Project title and number. 3. Contractor's names, address, and telephone number. 4. Index containing title and number of each Record Document. 5. Signature of Contractor or his authorized representative. END OF SECTION General Reqs. - 23 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout The Colorado Division of Highways "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction" (2005), except as revised herein, is hereby adopted as a minimum standard of compliance for this project. The City of Fort Collins Storm Drainage Construction Standards, City of Fort Collins Water Utilities Standard Construction Specifications, Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards, the Fort Collins — Loveland Water District and South Fort Collins Sanitation District Standards, and City of Fort Collins Work Area Traffic Control Handbook, shall also serve as minimum standards of compliance for this project. They are not included in the contract documents, but may be obtained at the appropriate City Departments. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to purchase and familiarize themselves with all of the City Department Specifications. These project specifications, City Department specifications, and CDOT standard specifications are considered minimum standards for compliance on this project. In those instances where the CDOT Standard Specifications conflict with the City specifications listed above, the City specifications shall govern. In those instances where the CDOT Standard Specifications conflict with any of the provisions of the preceding Sections 00001 through 01750, General Requirements, the preceding sections shall govern. PROJECT CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS INDEX OF REVISIONS SECTION PAGE 201 CLEARING AND GRUBBING..........................................................Technical Specs 3 202 REMOVALS.............................................................................................................. Technical Specs 4-5 203 EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT................................................................... Technical Specs 6-8 208 EROSION CONTROL.............................................................................................. Technical Specs 9 210 RESET STRUCTURES............................................................................................. Technical Specs 10-12 304 AGGREGATE BASE COURSE................................................................................ Technical Specs 13 306 RECONDITIONING.................................................................................................. Technical Specs 14 401 PLANT MIX PAVEMENTS - GENERAL................................................................ Technical Specs 15-20 403 HOT BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT........................................................................... Technical Specs 21-24 412 PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT.................................Technical Specs 25-26 506 RIPRAP..................................................................................................................... Technical Specs 27-28 603 CULVERTS AND SEWERS.................................................................................... Technical Specs 29 604 MANHOLES, INLETS AND METER VAULTS ...................................................... Technical Specs 30 607 FENCES..................................................................................................................... Technical Specs 31 608 SIDEWALKS AND DECORATIVE CROSSWALKS ............................................. Technical Specs 32-33 609 CURB AND GUTTER............................................................................................... Technical Specs 34 Technical Specs - I Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 610 MEDIAN COVER............................................................................Technical Specs 35 619 WATER LINES........................................................................................................ Technical Specs 36 630 TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (Contractor Supplied) ........................................ Technical Specs 37-40 Technical Specs - 2 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout REVISION OF SECTION 201 CLEARING AND GRUBBING Section 201 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised for this project as follows: Subsection 201.01 is revised to include the following: Date: January, 2008 This work shall consist of clearing, grubbing, removing, and disposing of vegetation and debris within the limits of the right of way, easement areas, borrow pits, and other areas shown in the Contract or required by the work. Vegetation and objects designated to remain shall be preserved free from injury or defacement. The Owner will designate all trees, shrubs, plants, and other objects to remain. Every object that is designated to remain and is damaged shall be repaired or replaced as directed, at the Contractors expense. Clearing and grubbing shall extend to the toe of the fill or the top of cut slopes, unless otherwise designated, and shall include all trees 8-inches in diameter and smaller. All surface objects, trees, stumps, roots, fencing, and other protruding obstructions not designated to remain shall be cleared and grubbed, including mowing, as required. Undisturbed stumps, roots, and nonperishable solid objects located 2 feet or more below subgrade or embankment slope may remain in place. In areas to be rounded at the tops of back slopes, stumps shall be removed to at least 2 feet below the surface of the final slope. All cleared material or debris shall be disposed of outside of the project limits. Payment will be made under: Pay Item and Pay Unit The pay unit is denoted by ( ) 201-01 Clearing and Grubbing — (LS) The above prices and payments shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals and for doing all work involved in the clearing and grubbing as specified in these specifications, and as directed by the Engineer. END OF SECTION REVISION OF SECTION 202 REMOVALS Technical Specs - 3 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 Section 202 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised for this project as follows: Subsection 202.01 is revised to include the following: The Contractor shall remove and dispose of all concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter, crosspans, driveways, inlets, irrigation structures, pipe, structures, asphalt, fence, trees, retaining walls and any other obstructions that are designated for removal by the Engineer. All such removals will be measured in the field, and quantities agreed to by the Contractor and the Engineer. Subsection 202.02 is revised to include the followin Remove Pipe (RCP, CMP, PVC) - The Contractor shall remove all (clay tile, concrete, PVC, ductile, corrugated metal, steel) pipes according to the construction drawings or as directed by the Engineer. All trenches will be backfilled to City of Fort Collins specifications to 95% compaction. All areas must he graded according to Engineers direction and all pipe removed is to be the property of the Contractor. Remove Concrete Curb & Gutter —The Contractor shall remove and dispose of all existing concrete curb & gutter that is designated for removal in the Drawings. Remove Concrete Sidewalk — The Contractor shall remove and dispose of all existing concrete sidewalk that is designated for removal in the Drawings. Remove Asphalt Pavement (Full Depth — 4" - 8") — The Contractor shall remove and dispose of existing asphalt pavement to subgrade in the areas indicated in the Drawings. Once the pavement is removed, the Contractor shall compact the existing subgrade to 95% compaction based on a modified proctor moisture -density curve. Remove Type R Inlet — The Contractor shall remove and dispose of existing Type R Inlets that are designated for removal in the drawings. Where pipes entering and exiting the Type R Inlet are to remain in place after the inlet is removed, the existing pipe(s) shall be sawcut outside of the inlet so that minimal damage occurs to the existing pipe during removal of the inlet. Remove Wire Fence— The Contractor shall remove and dispose of all existing barbed wire fence in the locations shown on the drawings. All posts shall be removed, and the holes shall be filled to the elevation of the surrounding terrain. Remove Asphalt Drive — The Contractor shall remove and dispose of existing asphalt drives within the limits shown in the Drawings. Once the asphalt material has been removed, the Contractor shall compact the existing subgrade to 95% compaction based on a modified proctor moisture -density curve. Remove Gravel Drive — The Contractor shall remove and dispose of existing gravel drives within the limits shown in the Drawings. Once the gravel has been removed, the Contractor shall compact the existing subgrade to 95% compaction based on a modified proctor moisture -density curve. Subsection 202.12 is revised to include the following: The Contractor and the Engineer shall field measure and agree upon the quantity to be removed before the work commences. Should the Contractor fail to request the Engineer to measure any work, the Contractor shall not be compensated for materials that were not measured by the Engineer. Payment will be made under: Pay Item and PaLIJnit The pay unit is denoted by O. 202-01 Remove Curb and Gutter — (LF) 202-02 Remove Concrete Sidewalk — (SF) 202-03 Remove Asphalt— Full Depth (4" — 8") — (SY) 202-04 Remove Type R Inlet— (EA) Technical Specs - 4 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 202-05 Remove Wire Fence — (LF) _ 202-06 Remove Pipe — (LF) 202-07 Remove Asphalt Drive — (SY) 202-08 Remove Gravel Drive — (SY) The above prices and payments shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals and for doing all work involved in removals and rotomilling, including excavation, backfill, haul and disposal, as specified in these specifications, and as directed by the Engineer. All saw cutting involved in removing the necessary items in order to complete the Work shall be considered incidental to the Work and will not be paid for separately. END OF SECTION Technical Specs - 5 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 REVISION OF SECTION 203 EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT Section 203 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised as follows: Subsection 203.01 is revised to include the following: Unclassified Excavation - This shall consist of excavation of all materials on the site to final grades, excluding the bid items listed in Section 202. Excavation of unsuitable material will only be paid for if it is found to be unsuitable in its original state. This item shall be measured from the plans and cross sections, and will be paid for by the cubic yard. This item shall be paid according to plan quantity. Embankment (Complete in Place) - All excavated material, except the material being hauled and disposed, shall be placed as embankment and compacted, to final grades, as specified in Section 203.07. The use of scrapers will not be permitted to compact the material. A disk with 4 wheel drive tractor 815 CAT or equal will be required to do this work. The embankment quantity was not adjusted to allow for shrinkage during compaction. This item will be measured from the plans and cross sections and will be paid for by the cubic yard. This item will be paid according to plan quantity. Haul and Dispose of Excess Material — This item shall consist of hauling offsite and disposing of any excess material generated during excavation for the roadway and roundabout construction. Excess material generated phases of the Work other than roadway and roundabout construction such as utility installation shall be disposed of as part of the item of work and shall not be considered as payment under this item. This item will be paid according to plan quantity. Muck Excavation (Complete in Place) - This shall include excavation of unsuitable material, supplying and placing Class I or 2 Structural Backfill, Pit Run or an approved fill, recompacting material to finish grade, and haul and disposal of unsuitable material. Muck -excavation of material from rain or weather damage will not be paid for and is entirely the Contractor's responsibility. This item shall be measured in the field, and will be paid for by the cubic yard. The proposed material shall meet the following minimum requirements: LL Maximum: 30 PI Maximum: 6 "R" Value Minimum: 78 The minimum strength coefficient of the Aggregate Base Coarse shall be 0.11. After specified compaction has been obtained, the sub -grade under the curb, gutter, sidewalk, and pavement shall be proof -rolled with a heavily loaded rubber tired roller, fully loaded water truck, or approved equal. Those areas which produce a rut depth of over one-half (1/2) inch or which crack the sub -grade after pumping and rebounding shall be ripped, scarified, wetted or dried if necessary, and re -compacted to the requirements for density and moisture at the Contractor's expense. Where unsuitable material is encountered, the Engineer may require the Contractor to remove the unsuitable materials and backfill to the finished grade with approved material. The completed sub -grade shall be proof -rolled again after placement of approved material. This will be paid for at the contract unit price for Muck Excavation. The Contractor shall refer to the plans for re -grading information. This work shall include all excavation, embankment, and grading required to prepare these sites for landscaping. Splashblock/Hardscape Shaping (Complete in Place) — The areas in the medians beneath the exposed aggregate concrete shall be backfilled with suitable onsite material approved by the Engineer. These areas shall be backfilled in lifts not to exceed six inches (6") and compacted with a plate compactor or as directed by the Engineer. This item will not be paid for as Embankment. This item will be measured in the field and will be paid for by the square foot. Flowable Fill Over Utilities — shall be a Portland Cement Concrete Mix. The cement shall conform to the Standard Specifications for Portland Cement, ASTM C 150-85, Type I/11. The minimum 24-hour strength shall be 10-psi and the maximum 28 day strength, 60 psi. The maximum aggregate size shall be one inch (1 "). The minimum slump shall be six Technical Specs - 6 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 inches (6") and the maximum, eight inches (8"). The non -shrink backfill shall be consolidated with a mechanical ^ vibrator. Payment of using flow fill will be paid for by the cubic yard. This item will only be paid for when used as directed by the Engineer. Potholing — The Contractor shall be responsible for locating electrical, gas, fiber optic, cable, telephone, traffic signal conduit and other existing utility lines and shall be performed every 100 lineal feet or as deemed necessary by the Contractor. All related work, including excavation, backfilling, shoring, labor and number of hours will not be measured and paid for separately, but shall be included in the work. Repair of damaged existing utility lines caused by the Contractor will be at the Contractor's expense. Potholing will be paid as a lump sum item. These items will not be paid separately under items in section 202, 210, 603, or 604. Embankment and sub -grade material shall be compacted to 95% of maximum density at +/- 2% optimum moisture. Maximum density shall be determined by ASTM D 698. This will apply under the roadway, curb and gutter, sidewalk, and driveways. Topsoil shall be compacted to 85% of maximum density at/or near optimum moisture. Excavation and Embankment will only be paid when a significant change in grade is required, as determined by the Engineer. Minor cuts and fills shall be considered incidental to the work, and shall not be paid separately under this section. Subsection 203.04 is revised to include the following: The excavations and embankments shall be finished to smooth and uniform surfaces conforming to the typical sections specified. Variation from the sub -grade plan elevations specified shall not be more than 0.08 feet. Subsection 203.13 is revised to include the following: Payment will be made under: Pay Item and Pay Unit The pay unit is denoted by (). 203-01 Unclassified Excavation — (CY) 203-02 Embankment — (CY) 203-03 Haul and Dispose of Excess Material — (CY) 203-04 Muck Excavation — (CY) 203-05 6" Screened Imported Topsoil in Parkway Areas — (CY) 203-06 Roundabout Center Island Fill — 60/40 Mix — (CY) 203-07 Splashblock/HardscapeShaping —(SF) 203-08 Flowable Fill Over Utilities — (CY) 203-09 Potholing — (EA) The above prices and payments shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals and for doing all work involved in Unclassified Excavation, Embankment, Haul & Dispose, Topsoil (stripping, stockpiling, placing), Muck Excavation, Borrow ABC and Median Hardscape Shaping, including without limitation, haul, stockpiling, placing of material, watering or drying soil, compaction, proof rolling, finish grading, and disposal of unusable materials, as shown on the plans and as specified in these specifications, and as directed by the Engineer. END OF SECTION Technical Specs - 7 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout REVISION OF SECTION 208 EROSION CONTROL Section 208 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised as follows: Subsection 208.05 is revised to include the following: Date: January, 2008 All Erosion Control Devices, Materials, and Techniques required to prevent damage to the storm water facilities as outlined in the City of Fort Collins Standards will be considered incidental to the work, and shall be included in the price. No measurement for payment shall be made for maintenance of Erosion Control devices. This item will be paid for as a lump sum price to the Contractor. This item shall include procurement of all necessary stormwater discharge permits, maintenance of erosion control devices, proper documentation for the Stormwater Management Plan as required by CDPHE and all other applicable agencies, Subsection 208.07 is revised to include the following: The accepted quantities will be paid for at the contract unit price. Payment will be made under: Pay Item and Pay Unit The pay unit is denoted by O. 208-01 Erosion Control — (LS) The above prices and payments shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals and for doing all work involved in installing and maintaining erosion control, complete -in -place, as specified in these specifications, and as directed by the Engineer. END OF SECTION REVISION OF SECTION 210 RESET STRUCTURES Technical Specs - 8 No Text Rorsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 -" Section 210 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised as follows: Subsection 210.10 is revised to include the following: Work contained in this Subsection shall meet the requirements of the current City of Fort Collins and Fort Collins - Loveland Water District Utilities Standard Construction Specifications or other applicable water utility agency standard construction specifications. Copies of the specifications can be obtained at The Fort Collins Loveland Water District at 5150 Snead Dr, Fort Collins Colorado. The Contractor shall cooperate and coordinate with the City Water Utilities Department, Fort Collins -Loveland Water District, or other applicable water utility when shutting off water to minimize downtime to customers. The _ Contractor shall also coordinate work involving the relocation of fire hydrants, water meters, curb stops, and water valves, and lowering water and sewer service lines, and water lines. The Contractor shall supply all materials required to complete the work that is not supplied by the City or other applicable water utility, and these materials shall be included in the costs of each item. This shall include, but not be limited to; new copper line and fittings, new stop boxes, meter pits, excavation, backfill and compaction. New copper fittings, stop boxes, and meter pits will be required at each location. All structures located in bituminous pavements to be surfaced shall be adjusted prior to, or during paving operations. All structures located within a concrete pavement shall be adjusted prior to pouring the concrete pavement section. The Contractor shall perform all work needed to ensure that said structures can be readily adjusted and shall have all necessary materials on hand prior to commencing the work. The adjustments shall be made as noted below. All structures shall be adjusted to be'/.", (+/-)'/," below the pavement surface. The Contractor shall be responsible for immediately cleaning out all construction materials that may fall into manholes, valve boxes, or other structures during the construction process. In the event that a structure was not properly adjusted (i.e. too high or too low) or the structure was covered and not adjusted after the paving operation, written notice will be given by the Engineer to the Contractor requiring the Contractor to make the necessary adjustments within 5 working days. In the event that the structure is not adjusted within said time frame; the Engineer shall have the right to engage a third party to complete the work, and to withhold the cost of such work from payments due the Contractor. If a structure is adjusted prior to an overlay operation, the Contractor shall place bituminous base material around the structure as directed by the Engineer to insure that it will not be a hazard to vehicular traffic. This will be paid for under the bid item for Asphalt Patching. Adjust Manhole Ring/Cover — Manholes located within existing asphalt pavement shall be adjusted by removing an area of pavement with a minimum diameter one foot (F) larger than the structure (centered on the structure). This shall be done by cutting vertical edges, adjusting the manhole by grouting concrete rings and/or utilizing metal shims to raise the structure to the proper grade, then spreading and mechanically compacting bituminous material of the same grade and quality as the adjacent pavement. NOTE.• All manholes shall be raised through the top lift. When the manhole adjustment is complete, the slope of the top surface of the manhole cover shall match the slope of the pavement in both the longitudinal and traverse directions. Any manhole cover which is unstable or noisy under traffic shall be replaced. This item will be paid under Adjust Manhole Ring/Cover — (EA). Modify Manhole - Manholes located within existing asphalt pavement or sub -grade shall be adjusted by removing an area of pavement or sub -grade with a minimum diameter two foot (2') larger than the structure (centered on the structure). All OSHA shoring is the responsibility of the Contractor. This shall be done by cutting vertical edges in the pavement, if required, and excavating below the ground surface to the required barrel seam needed to start the adjustment. The cone section shall be removed and additional sections added or removed to obtain the plan finished Technical Specs - 9 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 elevation. All manhole sections shall be cleaned and an approved gasket material applied prior to reassembly. This work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fort Collins Standard Construction Specification and/or the South Fort Collins Sanitation District Specifications for Sewer Mains. The excavation shall be backfilled with on -site material and shall be mechanically compacted or Flowable Fill used if directed by the Engineer. This item will be paid under Modify Manhole — (EA). Flowable Fill will be paid under Section 608. Adjust Valve Box— Valve boxes located within asphalt pavement shall be adjusted by removing the existing pavement around the valve box, adjusting the valve by turning it to the proper grade, trimming the existing asphalt by cutting vertical edges, then spreading and mechanically compacting bituminous material of the same grade and quality as the adjacent pavement. If a valve box cannot be turned up, or can be turned up, but not sufficiently to achieve the proper grade or if the top section of the valve box is in poor condition, the Contractor shall excavate around the top section of the valve box and remove and replace the top section with a longer section supplied by the Contractor. The excavation shall then be back filled with Non -Shrink flowfill to the top of sub -grade, and then, material of the same grade and quality as the adjacent pavement shall be placed. The Contractor shall exercise reasonable care while attempting to adjust the valve boxes. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the Contractor is negligent and breaks the valve box, the valve box shall be replaced at the Contractor's expense. This item will be paid under Adjust Valve Box — (EA). Relocate Fire Hydrant— The Contractor shall be responsible for remove and relocating the existing fire hydrant at the location shown on the Drawings. This item shall include any pipe, couplings, thrust blocking, joint restraints, labor, and other materials and appurtenances necessary to relocate the fire hydrant to the location shown on the Drawings. Relocate Meter Pit— The Contractor shall be responsible for removing and relocating existing meter pits where shown in the Drawings. This item shall include removal of the existing meter pit, resetting of the meter pit, extension of the copper service line when necessary, any necessary couplings, all excavation, and any other materials, labor, or other appurtenances necessary to relocate the meter pit as shown in the Drawings. Remove and Reset Mailbox —The Contractor shall be responsible for removing and resetting existing mail boxes at the locations shown in the Drawings. This item shall include all necessary excavation, labor, and materials necessary to remove and reset existing mail boxes at the locations shown in the Drawings. This item shall also include filling of holes from where the existing mail boxes were removed. Remove and Reset Split Rail Fence —The Contractor shall be responsible for removing and resetting existing split rail fence at the locations shown in the Drawings. This item shall include all necessary excavation, labor, and materials necessary to remove and reset the existing split rail fence at the locations shown on the Drawings. This item shall also include filling of holes from where the existing fence posts were removed. Remove& Replace Brick Fence Corner Post —The Contractor shall be responsible for removing and replacing existing brick comer fence posts at the location shown in the Drawings. This item shall include all necessary labor, materials, excavation, and other items necessary to remove and replace existing brick comer fence posts at the locations shown in the Drawings. Subsection 210.13 is revised to include the following: Payment will be made under: Pay Item and Pay Unit The pay unit is denoted by ( ). 210-01 Adjust Manhole Ring/Cover—(EA) 210-02 Modify Manhole —(EA) 210-03 Adjust Valve Box — (EA) 210-04 Relocate Fire Hydrant — (EA) 210-05 Relocate Meter Pit — (EA) Technical Specs - 10 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 —� 210-06 Remove and Reset Mailbox — (EA) 210-07 Remove and Replace Split Rail Fence — (LF) 210-08 Remove & Replace Brick Fence Comer Post— (EA) The above prices and payments shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and for doing all the Work involved in adjusting structures, complete -in -place, including non -shrink backfill, concrete, metal shims, bituminous materials, haul and disposal, excavation, bedding material, backfill, and compaction as shown on the plans, as specified in these specifications, and as directed by the Engineer. END OF SECTION Technical Specs - 11 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout REVISION OF SECTION 304 AGGREGATE BASE COURSE Section 304 of the Standard Specifications is revised as follows: Date: January, 2008 Subsection 304.01 is revised to include the following: This work shall consist of placing 10" of Aggregate Base Course (Class 5 or 6) overpreviously prepared pavement sub - grade approved by the Engineer. Aggregate Base Course will be used under the asphalt pavement section and shall meet the requirements of Subsection 703.03. The proposed material shall meet the following minimum requirements: LL Maximum: 30 PI Maximum: 6 "R" Value Minimum: 78 The minimum strength coefficient of the Class 5 or 6 Aggregate Base Course shall be 0.11 Subsection 304.06 is revised to include the following: Aggregate Base Course shall be compacted to at least 95% of maximum density at or near optimum moisture as determined by ASTM D698. Subsection 304.07 is revised to include the following: Aggregate Base Course will be measured by the ton at proper moisture. Quantity will be adjusted accordingly if the moisture content is too high. Haul and water necessary to bring mixture to optimum moisture will not be measured or paid for separately, but shall be included in the price for Aggregate Base Course. Load tickets shall be consecutively numbered for each day. Soil sterilization shall be applied under all new asphalt Paving and shall be considered incidental to the work Sterilization shall not be paid for separately under this item Subsection 304.08 is revised to include the following: The accepted quantities of Aggregate Base Course will be paid for at the contract unit price per ton. Payment will be made under: Pay Item and Pay Unit The pay unit is denoted by O. 304-01 Aggregate Base Course— (Class 5 or 6) — 6" Depth —(TON) The above prices and payments shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals and for doing all work involved in Aggregate Base Course including haul, sterilization, and water. The work will be complete -in -place, as shown on the plans, as specified in these specifications, and as directed by the Engineer. END OF SECTION Technical Specs - 12 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 REVISION OF SECTION 306 RECONDITIONING Section 306 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised for this project as follows: Subsection 306.02 is revised to include the following: The top 8" of the sub -grade including fill areas (curb, gutter and sidewalk areas) shall be reconditioned by scarifying and re -compacting. The sub -grade shall be thoroughly mixed and dried or moistened to full depth and compacted as specified in Section 203.07. The reconditioned surface shall not vary above or below the lines and grades as staked by more than 0.04 foot under asphalt or concrete pavement or 0.08 foot under aggregate base course. The surface shall be tested prior to application of any base course or pavement. All defective work shall be corrected as directed by the - Engineer. The surface shall be protected and maintained until base course or pavement has been placed. If the Contractor chooses to use road base as a fine grading material or a material to mitigate over excavated or rain damaged areas this shall be entirely the Contractor's cost and shall be considered incidental to the Work. The _ Contractor shall be paid for reconditioning, if reconditioning has been attempted, and muck excavation in the event that unsuitable material is encountered and removed at the direction ofthe Engineer. It shall be at the Engineer's discretion to determine if the Contractor has made a sufficient effort to control the moisture in the sub -grade material and made a reasonable effort to recondition the sub -grade. Soil sterilization shall be applied under all new asphalt paving and shall be considered incidental to the work. Sterilization shall not be paid for separately under this item. This item (Reconditioning) will not be necessary or paid for in Subsection 306.04 is revised to include the following: The accepted quantities of Reconditioning will be paid for at the contract unit price per square yard. Payment will be made under: Pay Item and Pay Unit The pay unit is denoted by O. 306-01 Sidewalk Preparation — (SY) 306-02 Sidewalk Reconditioning (8") - (SY) The above prices and payments shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals and for doing all work involved in Reconditioning, complete -in -place, including compaction, wetting or drying, and finish grading, as shown on the plans, as specified in these specifications, and as directed by the Engineer. END OF SECTION Technical Specs - 13 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 REVISION OF SECTION 401 & 703 PLANT MIX PAVEMENTS — GENERAL & AGGREGATES Section 401 and 703 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised as follows: Subsection 401.02 is hereby revised to include the following: Requests made in writing by the Contractor for changes in the job mix formula will be considered by the Engineer. A job mix formula shall be determined by the Contractor and submitted to the Engineer for approval a minimum of one week prior to the beginning of construction for each proposed change. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with an asphalt mix design report from an independent testing laboratory acceptable to the Engineer. The report shall state the Mix properties, optimum oil content, job mix formula and recommended mixing and placing temperatures. The costs for all job mix formulas shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. If the Contractor uses more than three (3) job mix formulas for a type of plant mix pavement used, the City may charge the Contractor for testing and evaluation of the mix designs, including the costs for calibration of a Nuclear Asphalt Oven. For Superpave Mixes, delete Table 401-2 and replace with the following: TABLE 401_2 Grading Test Procedure Minimum Test Sampling Frequency Result All Gradings CP L-5109 Method B 80 One per 10, 000 metric tons (10,000 tons) or fraction thereof minimum In subsection 401.02, delete the second, third, and fourth paragraphs and replace with the following: 1. A proposed plant mix pavement mix design prepared in accordance with Colorado Procedure 52(CP52-99), including a proposed job -mix gradation for each mixture required by the Contract which shall be fully within the Master Range Table, Tables 703-3A, B, and C, before the tolerances shown in Table 401-1 are applied. The weight of lime shall be included in the total weight of the material passing the 75 mm (No. 200) sieve. The restricted zone boundaries shown for all gradings in Tables 703-3A, 703-3B, and 703-3C are to be used as guidelines in mix design development. However, the job -mix gradation is not required to pass above or below the restricted zone boundaries. 2. The name of the refinery supplying the asphalt cement and the source of the anti -stripping additive. 3. A sufficient quantity of each aggregate for the Department to perform the tests specified in section 2.2.1 of CP52. In subsection 401.02 delete Table 401-1, including the footnotes, and replace with the following: TABLE 401-113itumen Content t0.3% Asphalt Recycling Agent f0 2% Temperature of Mixture When Discharged from Mixer f 10°C "Hot Bituminous Pavement - Item 403 the 9.5 mm (3/82) and larger sieves f6% the the 4.75 min (No. 4) and 2.36 turn (No. 8) sieves f5% the 600 mm (#30) sieve f4% the 75 mm (#200) sieve t2% 'When 100% passing is designated, there shall be no tolerance. When 90-100% passing is designated, 90% shall be the minimum; no tolerance shall be used. Delete Subsection 401.07 and replace with the following: Technical Specs - 14 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 Plant mix pavement shall be placed only on properly prepared unfrozen surfaces which are free of water, snow, and ice. The plant mix pavement shall be placed only when both the air and surface temperatures equal or exceed the temperatures specified in Table 401-3 and the Engineer determines that the weather conditions permit the pavement to be properly placed and compacted. Table 401-3 Placement Temperature Limitations in °C Compacted Layer Minimum Surface and Air Thickness in Temperature °C (°F) mm (inches) Top Layers Below Layer Top Layer <38 (1'/2) 15 (60) 10 (50) 38 (1%2) - <75 (3) 10 (50) 5 (40) 75 3 or more 7 (45) 2 (35 Note: Air temperature is taken in the shade. Surface is defined as the existing base on which the _ new pavement is to be placed. If the temperature falls below the minimum air or surface temperatures, paving shall stop. The Contractor shall schedule the work so that no planed or recycled surface is left without resurfacing for more than 10 calendar days during the period specified in Table 401-3A, below. The Contractor shall immediately place a temporary hot bituminous pavement layer on any surface that has been planed or recycled and can not be resurfaced in accordance with the above temperature requirements within 10 calendar days after being planed or recycled. The minimum thickness of the temporary hot bituminous pavement layer shall be 50 mm (2 inches). The Contractor shall perform the quality control required to assure adequate quality of the hot bituminous pavement used in the temporary layer. All applicable _ pavement markings shall be applied to the temporary layer surface. The Contractor shall maintain the temporary layer for the entire period that it is open to traffic. Distress which affects the ride, safety, or serviceability of the temporary layer shall be immediately corrected to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The temporary hot bituminous pavement layer shall be removed when work resumes. Table No. 401-3A Periods Requiring Overlay of Treated Surfaces Period During Which Planed or Recycled Location by Elevation Surfaces Must be Overlaid within Ten Days All areas below and including 2100 m October 1 to March 1 7000 feet All areas above 2100 in (7000 feet) up to September 5 to April 1 and including 2600 m 8500 feet All areas above 2600 in (8500 feet) August 20 to May 15 In Subsection 401.15, delete the third and fourth paragraphs (including table) and replace with the following: Technical Specs -15 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 The minimum temperature of the mixture when discharged from the mixer and when delivered for use shall be as shown in the following table: Asphalt Grade Minimum Mix Discharge Temperature, °C °F * Minimum Delivered Mix Tern erature, °C (OF)** PG 58-28 135 (275) 113 (235) PG 58-22 138 (280) 113 (235) PG 64-22 143 (290) 113 (235) AC-20 Rubberized 160 (320) 138 (280) PG 76-28 160 (320) 138 (280) PG 70-28 149 (300) 138 (280) PG 64-28 149 (300) 138 (280) PG 58-34 149 (300) 138 (280) The maximum mix discharge temperature shall not exceed the minimum discharge temperature by more than 17°C (30°F) . * * Delivered mix temperature shall be measured behind the paver screed. Hot -mix asphalt mixture shall be produced at the lowest temperature within the specified temperature range that produces a workable mix and provides for uniform coating of aggregates (95% minimum in accordance with AASHTO T 195), and that allows the required compaction to be achieved. Subsection 401.16 is hereby revised to include the following: The mixture shall be laid upon an approved surface, spread and struck off to provide for drainage to the side(s) of the roadway with a minimum cross slope of two percent (2%) or as directed by the Engineer. In subsection 401.17, first paragraph, delete the last two (2) sentence and replace with the following: When the mixture contains unmodified asphalt cement (PG 58-28, PG 58-22, or PG 64-22) or modified (PG 58-34), and the surface temperature falls below 850C (185 °F), no further compaction effort will be permitted unless approved. If the mixture contains modified asphalt cement (AC-20R, PG 76-28, PG 70-28, or PG 64-28) and the surface temperature falls below 110°C (230 °F), no further compaction effort will be permitted unless approved. Subsection 401.17 is hereby revised to include the following: All pneumatic tire rubbers shall be equipped with rubber skirts. In subsection 703.04 delete Table 703-3 and replace with Tables 703-3A, B, and C as follows: TABLE 703-3A Technical Specs - 16 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 —' Master Range Table for Hot Bituminous Pavement (Grading S) Sieve Size Percent by Weight Passing Square Mesh Sieves Restricted Zone Boundary (Guideline) Minimum Maximum 37.5 mm (P/2") 25.0 mm (1") 100 19.0 mm ('/a") 90 - 100 12.5 mm (%2") 9.5 nun C/8") 4.75 mm (#4) 2.36 mm (#8) 23 - 49 34.6 34.6 1.18 mm (#16) 22.3 28.3 600 nun (#30) * 16.7 20.7 300 mm (#50) 13.7 13.7 150 mm (#100) 75 mm (#200) 2-8 * These additional Form 43 Specification Screens will initially be established using values from the As Used Gradation shown on the Design Mix. TABLE 703-3B Master Range Table for Hot Bituminous Pavement (Grading SX) Percent by Weight Sieve Passing Square Mesh Restricted Zone Boundary (Guideline) Size Sieves Minimum Maximum Technical Specs -17 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 37.5 mm (1 %x") 25.0 mm (1") 19.0 mm (3/4") 100 12.5 mm ('/2") 90 - 100 9.5 mm (%,) 4.75 mm (#4) 2.36 mm (#8) 28 - 58 39.1 39.1 1.18 mm (#16) 25.6 31.6 600 turn (#30) * 19.1 23.1 300 mm (#50) 15.5 15.5 150 mm (# 100) 75 mm (#200) 2 - 10 * These additional Form 43 Specification Screens will initially be established using values from the As Used Gradation shown on the Design Mix. TABLE 703-3C Master Range Table for Hot Bituminous Pavement (Grading SG) F Percent by Weight Passing Square Mesh Sieves ... .. .._ .. .. Restricted Zone Boundary (Guideline) Minimum Maximum Technical Specs - 18 Construction surveying is to be provided by the Contractor Section 00520 is revised as follows Section 3 1 The Work shall be Substantially Complete within One Hundred Five (105) calendar days after the date when the Contract Times commence to run as provided in the General Conditions and completed and ready for Final Payment and Acceptance in accordance with the General Conditions within fifteen (15) calendar days after the date of substantial completion Section 3 2 Liquidated Damages 1) Liquidated Damages One Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy Eight Dollars ($1 778) that expires after the One Hundred Five (105) calendar day period for Substantial Completion of the Work until the Work is Substantially Complete 2) Final Acceptance After Substantial Completion Six Hundred Dollars ($600) for each calendar day or fraction thereof that expires after the fifteen (15) calendar day period for Final Payment and Acceptance until the Work is ready for Final Payment and Acceptance A quantity was added in the bid schedule for Alternate Bike Ramps with 6 Curbheads The applicable areas for this pay item are delineated on the revised surfacing plan as Concrete G Section 608 of the technical specifications was revised to describe measurement and pay The revised specification for this item is included with this addendum Please contact John D Stephen CPPO CPPB Senior Buyer at (970) 221 6777 with any questions regarding this addendum RECEIPT OF THIS ADDENDUM MUST BE ACKNOWLEDGED BY A WRITTEN STATEMENT ENCLOSED WITH THE BID/QUOTE STATING THAT THIS ADDENDUM HAS BEEN RECEIVED SECTION 00100 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1.0 DEFINED TERMS Terms used in these Instructions to Bidders which are defined in the Standard General Conditions of the Construction Contract (No. 1910-8, 1990 ed.) have the meanings assigned to them in the General Conditions. The term "Bidder" means one who submits a Bid to OWNER, as distinct from a sub -bidder, who submits a Bid to Bidder. The terms "Successful Bidder" means the lowest, qualified, responsible and responsive Bidder to whom OWNER (on basis of OWNER's evaluation as hereinafter provided) makes an award. The term "Bidding Documents" includes the Advertisement or Invitation to Bid, Instructions to Bidders, the Bid Form, and the proposed Contract Documents (including all Addenda issued prior to receipt of Bids). 2.0 COPIES OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS 2.1. Complete sets of Bidding Documents may be obtained as stated in the Invitation to Bid. No partial sets will be issued. The Bidding Documents may be examined at the locations identified in the Invitation to Bid. 2.2. Complete sets of Bidding Documents shall be used in preparing Bids; neither OWNER nor Engineer assumes any responsibility for errors or misinterpretations resulting from the use of incomplete sets of Bidding Documents. 2.3. The submitted Bid proposal shall include Sections 00300, 00410, 00420, and 00430 fully executed. 2.4. OWNER and Engineer, in making copies of Bidding Documents available on the above terms, do so only for the purpose of obtaining Bids on the Work and do not confer a license or grant for any other use. 3.0 QUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS 3.1 To demonstrate qualifications to perform the Work, each Bidder must submit at the time of the Bid opening, a written statement of qualifications including financial data, a summary of previous experience, previous commitments and evidence of authority to conduct business in the jurisdiction where the Project is located. Each Bid must contain evidence of Bidder's qualification to do business in the state where the Project is located or covenant to obtain such qualification prior to award of the contract. The Statement of Qualifications shall be prepared on the form provided in Section 00420. 3.2. In accordance with Section 8-160 of the Code of the City of Fort Rev 10/20/07 Section 00100 Page 1 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 37.5 min (1'/2") 100 25.0 mm (P) 90 - 100 19.0 our (3/4") 12.5 into (V2") 9.5 mm C18-) 4.75 mm (44) * 39.5 2.36 min (#8) 19 - 45 26.8 dl 1.18 mm (# 16) 18.1 600 mm (#30) * 13.6 300 mm (#50) 11.4 150 min (# 100) 75 mm (#200) 1-7 * These additional Form 43 Specification Screens will initially be established using values from the As Used Gradation shown on the Design Mix. END OF SECTION Technical Specs - 19 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 REVISION OF SECTION 403 HOT BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT Section 403 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised as follows: Subsection 403.01 is revised to include the following: Hot Bituminous Pavement — This shall consist of constructing one or more courses of HBP Grading S & SG over existing pavement or subgrade surfaces previously prepared by the contractor or City of Fort Collins Crews. Subsection 403.02 is revised to include the following: Laboratory Mix Design — Grading S & SG - The mix designs shall be prepared by an independent laboratory acceptable to the Engineer and shall be submitted by the Contractor to the Engineer for approval a minimum on one (i ) month prior to the beginning of paving for this project. The criteria for the mix design is as follows: HBP Grading S & SG SEE TABLE 403-1 NEXT PAGE FOR DESIGN CRITERIA A request made in writing by the Contractor for changes in the job mix formula will be considered by the Engineer. The Contractor shall prepare a quality control plan outlining the steps taken to minimize segregation of HBP. This plan shall be submitted to the Engineer and approved prior to beginning the paving operations. When the Engineer determines that segregation is unacceptable, the paving shall stop and the cause of segregation shall be corrected before paving operations will be allowed to resume. The Contractor will not be allowed to clean the paver hoper during paving operations. Reclaimed materials will not be allowed in Hot Bituminous Pavement. A maximum of 20% reclaimed material will be allowed for HBP Grading SG. The Contractor shall construct the work such that all roadway pavement placed prior to the time paving operations end for the year, shall be completed to the full thickness required by the plans. The Contractor's Progress Schedule shall show the methods to be used to comply with this requirement. Vertical drop offs will not be allowed at the end ofanv dav's Paving. Paver ioints will be required to a taper equaling 3 times the amount ofdrop. Paving joints shall beat the lane lines or in the center ofthe lane. In no case shall the paving ioints be in the wheel path The contractor shall submit a longitudinal joint and pavement marking plan 3 days prior to paving. Technical Specs - 20 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 ASPHALT 2" Grading S-100 (PG 64-28) 2.75" Grading S-100 (PG 64-22) 2" Grading S-100 (PG 64-22) 5" Grading SG-100 (PG 58-28) 6" Aggregate Base Coarse (Class 5 or 6) The design mix for Grading S and SG shall conform to the following: TABLE 403-1 Propel Vest Method GYakiiu S . g ding SG Grading t ia4ing sx N!A Ibis Project Air Voids, percent at: N (initial) CPL 5115 > 11.0 3.0 - 5.0 > 11.0 3.0 - 5.0 > 11.0 3.0 - 5.0 N (design) N maximum > 2.0 > 2.0 > 2.0 Lab Compaction (Revolutions): N (initial) (a) CPL 5115 8 100 8 100 (a) (b) N (design) (b) N maximum a 174 174 a Stability, minimum (a) CPL 5106 42 42 (a) for information Aggregate Retained on the 4.75 mm (No. 4) Sieve with at least two CP 45 60 60 60 Mechanically Induced Fractured Faces, % minimum Accelerated Moisture Susceptibility CPL 5109 80 Tensile Strength Ratio (Lottman), Method B 80 80 minimum Minimum Dry Split Tensile CPL 5109 205 (30) 205 (30) 205 (30) Strength, kPa(psi) Method B Grade of Asphalt Cement PG 64-28 PG 58-28 PG 64-28 Top Layer Grade of Asphalt Cement Layers PG 64-28 PG 58-28 PG 64-22 Below To Voids in the Mineral Aggregate CP 48 14.0 12.0 (a) VMA %minimum a Voids Filled with Asphalt (VFA) % AIM 65 - 75 65 - 75 (a) a (a) Current CDOT Design Criteria (b) Residential 50, Collector 75, Arterial 100 Note: AIMS-2 = Asphalt Institute Manual Series 2 Note: The current version of CPL 5115 is available from the Region Materials Engineer. Note: Mixes with gradations having less than 40% passing the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve shall be approached Technical Specs - 21 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 with caution because of constructability, problems. Subsection 403.03 is revised to include the following: Regardless of the delivery temperature, the mixture shall not be placed for use on the roadway at a temperature lower than 2250 F. Emulsified Asphalt for tack coat shall be Grade CSS-lh. The tack coat shall consist of a 1:1 dilution (one (1) part emulsified asphalt to one (1) part water). The application rate fortack coat shall be approximately 0.1 gallons per square yard. The existing pavement shall be broomed and cleaned to be free of dirt, water, vegetation and other deleterious matter immediately prior to commencing the paving operation. Edges of the area to be patched shall be sawcut vertically, and perpendicular or parallel to the roadway, as directed by the Engineer. Tack coat shall be placed against clean, vertical edges on all sides of the area to be patched. Hot Bituminous Pavement Grading S shall be placed in equal lifts not exceeding three (3) inches. The minimum lift thickness for Grading S shall be (1 ''/s) inch. HBP Grading SG shall be placed in equal lifts not exceeding four (4) inches and the minimum lift thickness shall be three (3) inches. Overlaying layers of Hot Bituminous Pavement shall not be placed until the lower layer has cooled sufficiently to provide a stable material which will support the equipment without rutting, shoving or moving in any manner. Tack coat shall be placed between all lifts. NOTE: Any leveling courses Placed shall be paid for at the contract unit price for Hot Bituminous Pavement. Subsection 403.04 shall include the following: Hot Bituminous Pavement Grading S and SG will be measured by the ton and paid for at the Contract Unit Price for Asphalt Patching and Hot Bituminous Pavement. Pavement cutting, excavation, subgrade preparation, haul and disposal, bituminous materials, aggregate, asphalt cement, asphalt recycling agent, additives, hydrated lime, and all other work necessary to complete each hot bituminous pavement item will not be paid for separately but shall be included in the unit price bid. Load slips shall be consecutively numbered for each day and shall include batch time. Subsection 403.05 is revised to include the following: Payment will be made under: Pay Item and Pay Unit The pay unit is denoted by O. 403-01 Hot Bituminous Pavement — Grading S — (2" Depth) — (PG 64-28) — (TON) 403-02 Hot Bituminous Pavement — Grading S — (2.75" Depth) — (PG 64-22) — (TON) 403-03 Hot Bituminous Pavement — Grading S — (2" Depth) — (PG 64-22) — (TON) 403-04 Hot Bituminous Pavement — Grading SG — (5" Depth) — (PG 58-28) — (TON) 403-05 HBP— Grading SG —Asphalt Patching— (PG 58-28) — (TON) The above prices and payments shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved in Hot Bituminous Pavement and Asphalt Patching, including pavement cutting, excavation, subgrade preparation, haul and disposal, compaction, rolling, surface preparation, and bituminous Technical Specs - 22 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2009 materials, complete in -place, as shown on these plans, as specified in these specifications, and as directed by the Engineer. END OF SECTION Technical Specs - 23 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 REVISION OF SECTION 412 PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT Section 412 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised as follows: Subsection 412.03 is revised to include the following: Concrete pavement for the main lanes and the truck apron shall conform to Class "P" concrete as specified in Subsections 601.02 and 601.03. Class "P" concrete shall have a minimum 28-day field compressive strength of 4200 psi. The Contractor shall submit a concrete mix design for Class "P" showing and establishing the proportions of all the ingredients. The Contractor shall be responsible for all subsequent adjustments necessary to produce the specified concrete mix. The Contractor shall submit a new mix design based on the Class "P" requirements when a change occurs in the type of cement, or sources of fly ash, or aggregate. The contractor may delete Class F fly ash and also substitute Size 67 aggregate in lieu of the larger aggregate blend for the Class "P" concrete only upon the approval of the mix design submitted to the Engineer. The Contractor shall also submit a mix design for Class "E" High Early Concrete. This mix shall have a minimum 24-hour field compressive strength of 3000 psi and a minimum 28-day field compressive strength of 4200 psi. This item shall be paid for by the cubic yard of concrete used. It shall include supplying, placing, curing and texturing the high early concrete. Payment for the cost of using high early concrete will be paid for by the cubic yard for the incremental increase in cost and will be paid only when the Engineer requires use of high early concrete. No concrete shall be placed until the applicable mix design and maturity relationship has been submitted, reviewed and approved by the Engineer. Review and approval of the mix designs by the Engineer will not constitute acceptance of the concrete. Acceptance shall be based solely on the work conforming to the specifications and on satisfactory test results of the concrete placed on this project. Subsection 412.12 is revised to include the following: Immediately following the burlap drag finish, the surface shall be given an "astroturf' drag finish. Materials used for final finish shall be of such texture and weight to produce a uniform texture similar to a broom type finish. Drags shall be full width of the new pavement and maintained in acceptable condition as specified for "astroturf' drag finish. Subsection 412.13 is revised to include the following: The Contractor shall saw joints early enough to control or limit random cracking but not too early as to create chipping along the sawed joint. Saw cutting will not be allowed between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. unless approved by the Engineer. Saw cutting joints shall be included in this work and will not he nnirl for avemen[ omt and doweling layout for approval bv the Engineer. Subsection 412.17 is revised to include the following: The concrete pavement smoothness shall meet the requirements of Category 4, Class I, as shown in Table 412-1 for the Profilograph test. Subsection 412.18 is revised to include the following: Technical Specs - 24 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 ^ Silicone joint sealant material: Concrete joints shall be sealed with an approved silicone joint sealant material. A copy of the manufacturer's recommendations pertaining to the application of the sealant shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to the beginning of work, and these recommendations shall be adhered to by the Contractor, with such exceptions as this specification may require. The sealant material shall be applied into the joint using equipment and techniques recommended by the joint sealant manufacturer. The Engineer may elect to check for bonding or adherence to the sides of the joint. If the sealant does not bond to the joint, the Contractor shall remove the joint sealant material and clean and reseal these joints in accordance with the criteria outlined. Backer rod: Shall be a round, heat resistant material meeting the requirements set forth by the joint sealant manufacturer. The Contractor shall submit the proposed material to the Engineer for review and approval prior to use. The backer rod shall be placed in such a manner that the grade for the proper depth of the sealant material is maintained. The depth of the sealant shall be a maximum of inch. The Contractor shall thoroughly clean the joint and adjacent pavement surface for a width of not less than one inch (1") on each side of the joint of all scale, dirt, dust, residue, or any foreign material that will prevent bonding of the joint sealant. This operation is to be accomplished by immediately flushing the joints with water after sawing. The joints shall be sandblasted after they have dried, just prior to sealing. After sandblasting, the joint shall be cleaned using compressed air with a minimum pressure of 100 psi. The sandblasting and air cleaning shall be performed on the same day as the backer rod placement andjoint sealant application. Sealant shall not commence for a minimum of 24 hours after sawing or a weather event without approval of the Engineer. Enhanced Concrete Crosswalk —10" — Tile Red w/Stamped Border — Concrete crosswalks shall be Class "I"' " concrete as specified in Section 412 of these specifications. The concrete shall be integrally colored with the required lbs. of Davis Color per sack of cement. The Contractor shall submit a new mix design based on the Class "P" requirements when a change occurs in the type of cement, flyash or aggregate size. The Color of the crosswalks _ will be Davis Color "Tile Red". The texture will be Brickform Texture Mats FM-3500 Cal Weave, 24"x24". The surface of the concrete crosswalk shall be sealed and protected from drying by applying Davis W-1000 Clear Cure and Seal, or approved equal. The unit price bid per square yard of concrete crosswalk shall include the entire ^ Contractor's costs. The price bid shall include: saw cutting, furnishing and installing dowel bars and keyways as required; supplying, forming, placing, finishing, and edging the concrete surface; curing/sealing materials; joint materials/sealers; texturing equipment as determined, and all other related and necessary materials, work, and equipment required to construct the concrete crosswalks in accordance with the Specifications. ^ Payment will be made under: Pay Item and Pay Unit The pay unit is denoted by O. 412-01 Concrete Pavement — 8.5" — (SY) 412-02 Concrete Track Apron — 8.5" — Tile Red — (SY) 412-03 Enhanced Concrete Crosswalk — 8.5" — Tile Red w/Stamped Border — (SY) The above prices and payment shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, ^ and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved in placing concrete pavement, complete -in -place, including haul, concrete materials, finishing the surface, saw cutting the joints, curing, placing dowels, and sealing joints as shown on the plans, as specified in these specifications, and as directed by the Engineer. END OF SECTION Technical Specs - 25 Horsetootb Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2005 REVISION OF SECTION 506 RIPRAP Section 506 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised as follows: Subsection 506.01 is revised to include the following: This work consists of the construction of riprap sections with riprap, Type II bedding and covered with topsoil in accordance with these specifications and in conformity with the lines and grades shown on the plans or established grades. Subsection 506.02 is revised to include the following: Color of buried riprap shall be approved by the Engineer. Exposed riprap shall be gray to blue gray in color or as approved by the Engineer. Rock used for riprap shall be hard, durable, angular in shape and free from cracks, over -burden, shale and organic matter. Thin, slab type stones, rounded stones and flaking rock shall not be used. Removed concrete shall not be used for riprap without specific written approval by the Engineer. Service records of the proposed material will be considered by the Engineer in determining the acceptability of the rock. Neither breadth nor thickness of a single stone shall be less than one-third (1/3) its length. Bedding material shall conform to the specification for Type II Filter material as per the City of Fort Collins Storm Drainage Design Criteria and Construction Standards (Table 12-3) or CDOT Class A filter material (Section 703.09). Subsection 506.03 is revised to include the following: Wherever possible, the excavation for the riprap sections shall be undisturbed material, or where this is not possible, the underlying materials shall be compacted to 95% of maximum density as determined by ASTM D 698. The bottom of the excavation shall have a uniform slope, be reasonably smooth, free from mounds and windrows and free of debris prior to placing the filter material. Bedding material shall be placed on top of the sub -grade material prior to riprap installation at all locations of riprap sections shown on the plans. The layer shall be shaped to provide the minimum thickness of bedding material as shown on the details of the plans. Riprap material shall be placed immediately after the bedding material is placed and in a manner to provide a well - graded mass of stone with minimum voids. Riprap may be machine -placed with sufficient handwork to minimize disturbance of the bedding material layer. This material shall be placed to the required thickness and grade shown on the details of the plans. Topsoil material shall be used to backfill and bury the entire riprap bed area and compacted to insure thorough settling of the topsoil within the rock voids. The top three inches (Y) of the topsoil shall be loosely placed. This material shall be placed to the required thickness as shown on the details of the plans. The contractor shall utilize, when appropriate, existing topsoil on site. Subsection 506.04 is revised to include the following: Riprap sections specified in the plans will be paid for at the contract unit price per EA. The unit price bid shall include all costs associated with installation of the bedding material, riprap and topsoil including excavating for the placement of these materials, all materials, delivery, stockpiling and handling of the riprap. Subsection 506.05 is revised to include the following: Technical Specs - 26 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 —' Payment will be made under: Pay Item and Pay Unit The pay unit is denoted by 506-01 15'x6'x18" Type "L" Buried Rip -Rap w/ Bedding and 6" Topsoil — (EA) 506-02 10'x6'xl8" Type "L" Buried Rip -Rap w/ Bedding and 6" Topsoil — (EA) 506-03 5'x5'xl8" Type "L" Buried Rip -Rap w/ Bedding and 6" Topsoil — (EA) — 506-04 Cobble in Tree Wells incl. Weed Barrier Underlayment — (TON) The above prices and payment shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, — and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved in excavating, placing riprap, bedding, and topsoil, complete -in - place, including haul and stockpile of materials, handling of the riprap and finish grading of the surface as shown on the plans, as specified in these specifications, and as directed by the Engineer. END OF SECTION Technical Specs - 27 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 REVISION OF SECTION 508 TIMBER TREE WELLS Section 508 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised as follows: Subsection 508.01 is revised to include the following: This work consists of the construction of timber tree wells around existing ash trees along the east side of Ziegler Road north of Charlie Lane. These tree wells shall be constructed to the heights and depths at the locations shown on the plans. Subsection 508.10 is revised to include the following: Method of measurement shall be by the square foot face of tree well constructed. Quantities shall be measured in the field prior to payment being made. Subsection 508.11 is revised to include the following: The accepted quantities measured as described in subsection 508.10 listed above shall be paid for at the contract unit price bid for each of the pay items listed below: 508-01 Timber Tree Well - (SF) The above prices and payment shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved in excavating for the foundation, placing the timber tree wells, any necessary backfill, all cleanup, complete and constructed to the elevations and as specified in these specifications. END OF SECTION Technical Specs - 28 Collins in determining whether a bidder is responsible, the following shall be considered: (1) The ability, capacity and skill of the bidder to — perform the contract or provide the services required, (2) whether the bidder can perform the contract or provide the service promptly and within the time specified without delay or interference, (3) the — character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience and efficiency of the bidder, (4) the quality of the bidder's performance of previous contracts or services, (5) the previous and existing compliance by the — bidder with laws and ordinances relating to the contract or service, (6) the sufficiency of the financial resources and ability of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the service, (7) the quality, _ availability and adaptability of the materials and services to the particular use required, (8) the ability of the bidder to provide future maintenance and service for the use of the subject of the contract, and (9) any other circumstances which will affect the bidder's performance of the contract. 3.3. Each Bidder may be required to show that he has handled former Work so that no just claims are pending against such Work. No Bid will be accepted from a Bidder who is engaged on any other Work which would impair his ability to perform or finance this Work. 3.4 No Bidder shall be in default on the performance of any other contract with the City or in the payment of any taxes, licenses or other monies due to the City. 4.0 EXAMINATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SITE 4.1. It is the responsibility of each Bidder, before submitting a Bid, to (a) examine the Contract Documents thoroughly, (b) visit the site to familiarize himself with local conditions that may in any manner affect — cost, progress or performance of the Work, (c) familiarize himself with federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations that may in any manner affect cost, progress or performance of the Work, (d) study and carefully correlate Bidder's observations with the Contract Documents, and (e) notify Engineer of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies in the Contract Documents. 4.2. Reference is made to the Supplementary Conditions for identification of: Subsurface and Physical Conditions SC-4.2. 4.3. The submission of a Bid will constitute an incontrovertible representation by Bidder that Bidder has complied with every requirement of this Article 4, that without exception the Bid is premised upon performing and furnishing the Work required by the Contract Documents and such means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction as may be indicated in or required by the Contract Documents, and that the Contract Documents are sufficient in scope and detail to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performance and furnishing of the Work. Rev10/20/07 Section 00100 Page 2 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 REVISION OF SECTION 603 CULVERTS AND SEWERS Section 603 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised as follows: Subsection 603.01 is revised to include the following: This work shall consist of the installation of reinforced concrete pipe, pipe encasement, pipe connections, and joint encasement in accordance with the plans, specifications, and the City of Fort Collins Storm Drainage Design Criteria and Construction Standards. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to purchase and familiarize themselves with these specifications. The Contractor shall include in the Work all the necessary items to complete the Work including but not limited to excavation, bedding, backfill, and compaction. The accepted quantities will be paid for at the contract unit price. Payment will be made under: Pay Item and Pay Unit The pay unit is denoted by (). 603-01 15" RCP Class III — (LF) 603-02 18" RCP Class III — (LF) 603-03 15" RCP FES Class III — (EA) 603-04 18" RCP FES Class III — (EA) 603-05 4" Median Underdrain Pipe — (Perforated) - (LF) 603-06 4" Median Underdrain Clean -out — (EA) 603-07 4" Median Underdrain Connection to Existing Storm Sewer — (EA) The above prices and payments shall include full compensation for famishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals and for doing all Work involved in installing pipe and encasing joints, complete in -place, as shown on the plans, as specified in these specifications, and as directed by the Engineer. Concrete and/or Asphalt patching will be paid for separately under the appropriate item. Where a new storm sewer joins an existing sewer that is to remain, a concrete collar to join the new pipe to the existing pipe shall be included in the installed cost. END OF SECTION Technical Specs - 29 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 20M REVISION OF SECTION 604 MANHOLES, INLETS, AND METER VAULTS Section 604 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised as follows: Fort Collins Loveland Water District Specifications can be obtained at 5150 Snead Drive Fort Collins, Colorado. A mandatory pre -construction will be required before the contractor starts any work on the district system. Subsection 604.01 is revised to include the following: This work shall consist of the construction of manholes, CDOT Type `R' inlets, type 13 combination inlets, and providing and maintaining erosion control, in accordance with the plans, specifications, and the City of Fort Collins Storm Drainage Design Criteria and Construction Standards. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to purchase and familiarize themselves with these specifications. The Contractor shall include the cost of excavation, backfill, compaction, and installation and maintenance of erosion control into each item listed in this section. The Contractor shall clean all sediment caught in the storm sewer system due to this project. The frequency of the cleaning shall be at the direction of the Engineer. The Contractor will not be allowed to flush the pipes with water. All erosion control devices, materials, and techniques required to prevent damage to the storm water facilities as outlined in the City of Fort Collins Standards will be considered incidental to the work, and shall be included in the price. No measurement for payment shall be made for maintenance of Erosion Control devices. Subsection 604.02 is revised to include the following: Proportioning shall conform to the requirements for Class B concrete as described in Section 601. Subsection 604.08 is revised to include the following: The accepted quantities will be paid for at the contract unit price. Payment will be made under: Pay Item and Pay Unit The pay unit is denoted by (). 604-01 Double Type 13 Inlet — (EA) The above prices and payments shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals and for doing all work involved in constructing inlets, constructing manholes, and installing and maintaining erosion control, complete -in -place, as specified in these specifications, and as directed by the Engineer. END OF SECTION Technical Specs - 30 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 REVISION OF SECTION 607 FENCES _ Section 607 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised as follows: Subsection 607.01 is revised to include the following: Smooth Wire Fence (4 Strand Wire T-Post) — Follow Section 710 from Colorado Highway Specifications for installation of new fence. This item consists of installing new fence and will be paid for by the linear foot. Any existing fence that is removed is paid for under Remove Fence (Various Types). Subsection 607.04 is revised to include the following: — The accepted quantities will be paid for at the contract unit price. Payment will be made under: Pay Item and Pay Unit The pay unit is denoted by O. 607-01 4-Wire Smooth Wire Fence — (LF) The above prices and payments shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals and for doing all work listed above: complete in place, as specified in these specifications, and as directed by the Engineer. END OF SECTION Technical Specs - 31 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 REVISION OF SECTION 608 SIDEWALKS AND DECORATIVE CROSSWALKS Section 608 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised for this project as follows: Subsection 608.01 is revised to include the following: This work shall consist of the construction of concrete sidewalks (6"), pedestrian access ramps, exposed aggregate median splashblock, driveways, crosspans, and drive approaches, in accordance with the plans and specifications. Required saw cutting will be incidental to the work and will not be measured or paid for separately. The use of aggregate base material for fine grading or over excavated areas will not be paid for separately. Subsection 608.02 is revised to include the following: Proportioning shall conform to the requirements for Class "D" concrete as described in Section 601. The Contractor shall also submit a mix design for High Early Concrete. This mix shall have a minimum 24-hour compressive strength of 3000 psi and a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 3500 psi. It shall include supplying, placing, curing and texturing the high early concrete. The price shall apply to all Sections including Section 412, 608 and 610. Payment for extra cost of using high early concrete will be paid for by the cubic yard for the incremental increase in costs and will be paid only when the Engineer requires use of high early. Subsection 608.04 is revised to include the following: Truncated Dome Panels: Pedestrian Access Warning Cast Iron Plates — East Jordan Iron Works Model 7005-71, Detectable warnings on new curb ramps shall be truncated domes of the dimensions shown in the plans. Domes shall be prefabricated by the manufacturer as a pattern on concrete or masonry pavers. Pavers shall meet all Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements for truncated domes, and when installed, shall be capable of producing the pattern of domes as shown in the plans. Pavers shall meet the requirements of ASTM C 902 or ASTM C 936. It is the Contractor's responsibility to adequately protect their work from damage by weather (including cold, heat, rain, wind), vandalism, or other causes until such time as it is accepted by the City. If traffic control devices are used to protect the work, they will not be paid for separately, but shall be included in the work. Subsection 608.05 is revised to include the following: All items included in this section shall be measured by the square foot. Access ramp area shall be measured from back of walk to point of curb return to point of curb return. Subsection 608.06 is revised to include the following: The accepted quantities will be paid for at the contract unit price. Payment will be made under: Pay Item and Pay Unit The pay unit is denoted by O. 608-01 Concrete Sidewalk - 6" — (SF) 608-02 Concrete Access Ramp w/ Truncated Domes — (SF) 608-03 Pedestrian Refuge Island Ramp w/ Truncated Domes — (SF) 608-04 Concrete Driveway Approach w/ Aprons - 6"— (SF) The above prices and payments shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, Technical Specs - 32 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 —' and incidentals, and for doing all work involved in constructing concrete sidewalks, miscellaneous flatwork, access ramps, drive approaches, and driveways, complete -in -place, including haul, concrete materials, finishing the surface, saw cutting joints, curing, placing dowels, and sealing joints as shown on the plans, protection from staining existing concrete from washing the exposed aggregate, cutting the plastic used to separate the different colors as specified in these specifications, and as directed by the Engineer. END OF SECTION Technical Specs - 33 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 REVISION OF SECTION 609 CURB AND GUTTER Section 609 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised as follows: Subsection 609.01 is revised to include the following: This work shall consist of the construction of cast in place vertical 6" inflow curb and gutter, 6" outfall curb and gutter (1-fit pan), and 4" mountable curb and gutter (1-ft pan) in accordance with the details and these specifications. The unit price bid per linear foot of curb and gutter, no sidewalk, includes construction of new curb and gutter sections, complete and in place, measured along the flow line. Removal of curb and gutter is not included in this section, but will be measured and paid separately as described in Section 202. It is the Contractor's responsibility accented by the City. If traffic control devices are used to protect the work, they shall not be paid for separately, but shall be included in the work. Subsection 609.02 is revised to include the following: Proportioning shall conform to the requirements for Class "D" concrete as described in Section 601. Subsection 609.07 is revised to include the following: The accepted quantity of curb and gutter will be paid for at the contract unit price per linear foot. Payment will be made under: Pay Item and Pay Unit The pay unit is denoted by O. 609-01 Vertical Curb & Gutter- 30" - (LF) 609-02 Vertical Curb & Gutter— 18" Outfall & Infall - (LF) 609-03 4" Mountable Curb w/ F Gutter — (LF) The above prices and payments shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and for doing all work involved in constructing vertical curb and gutter, variable height curb and gutter, concrete median curb, complete -in -place, including haul, concrete materials, finishing the surface, saw cutting joints, curing, placing dowels, and sealing joints as shown on the plans, as specified in these specifications, and as directed by the Engineer. END OF SECTION Technical Specs - 34 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout REVISION OF SECTION 610 MEDIAN COVER MATERIAL Subsection 610.01 is revised to include the following: Date: January, 2008 ^ This work shall consist of the construction and installation of exposed aggregate median cover material and 4" thick splashblock in the areas designated on the drawings. The unit price bid per square foot of median cover and splash block shall include construction of the new median cover and splashblock materials. Subgrade preparation for each of these items is not included in this work, and shall be paid for separately under a different item of work. Traffic control for the installation of each of these items shall not be included in this item, and shall be paid for separately under a different item of work. Subsection 610.02 is revised to include the following: Exposed Aggregate Concrete: The Exposed Aggregate Concrete shall be Class "EA" concrete integrally colored with 1'/2 lbs. of Davis Color No. 5237 "San Diego Buff' per sack of cement. The surface of the Exposed Aggregate Concrete shall be sealed and protected from drying by applying Davis W-1000 Clear Cure and Seal, or approved equal. "San Diego Buff" shall be used for all exposed aggregate concrete in the median. Splashblock: Splashblock concrete shall be class "D" concrete integrally colored with 1 %2 lbs. of Davis Color No. 5237 "San Diego Buff' per sack of cement. The concrete shall be stamped according to the latest version of the Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards. _ Subsecton 610.05 shall be revised to include the following: The accepted quantities of exposed median aggregate cover and splashblock shall be paid for at the contract unit price bid per square foot for each of the items listed below. Payment will be made under: Pay Item and Pay Unit The pay unit is denoted by O. 610-01 Exposed Aggregate Median Cover — San Diego Buff (4") — (SF) 610-02 4" Splashblock — San Diego Buff— (SF) The above prices and payments shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, incidentals, and work involved in constructing the exposed aggregate median cover and splashblock. Also included in the price of the work shall be all necessary saw cutting, doweling, finishing, washing of the exposed aggregate surface, curing compounds, and all other items necessary to provide a complete and serviceable product to the Owner. END OF SECTION Technical Specs - 35 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 REVISION OF SECTION 619 WATER LINES Section 619 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised as follows: Subsection 619.01 is revised to include the following: This item shall include the installation of an irrigation meter pit and appurtenances for the roundabout center island irrigation system. This work shall meet the requirements of the most current City of Fort Collins Utilities Standards. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to purchase and familiarize themselves with these specifications. They can be obtained at 700 North Wood Street, Fort Collins, CO, 80521. All work associated with installing the irrigation meter and service that is NOT itemized in the bid tab shall be considered incidental to the work and will not be paid for separately. This includes, but is not limited to excavating and backfiiling for the new service, meter pit, copper service line material, any necessary couplings, meter setter, approved meter, tracer wire, corporation stop and valve box, and any other items necessary to provide a fully complete and serviceable irrigation meter and service line for the roundabout center island. Subsection 619.02 is revised to include the following: '/1' Water Service for Irrigation — Backflow preventer, meter pit, and pressure reducing assembly - All materials shall be per the most current City of Fort Collins details for service lines, curb stops, and meter pits. 4" PVC Sleeve Under Sidewalk for Irrigation Lines — All 4" PVC sleeves shall be PVC C-900 DR-18 pipe. Subsection 619.03 is revised to include the following: The contractor will be required to install the irrigation tap and meter pit to City of Fort Collins standards. Subsection 619.05 is revised as follows: Payment will be made under: Pay Item and Pay Unit The pay unit is denoted by O. 619-01 %" Water Service for Irrigation — Backflow preventer, meter pit, and pressure reducing assembly — (CIP) - (LS) 619-02 4" PVC Sleeve Under Sidewalk for Irrigation Lines — (LF) The above prices and payment shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved in installing ductile iron water pipe and valves, connecting to existing water lines according to the Fort Collins -Loveland Water District Standards, complete -in -place, as shown on the plans, as specified in these specifications, and as directed by the Engineer. END OF SECTION Technical Specs - 36 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 REVISION OF SECTION 630 TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES Section 630 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised as follows: Subsection 630.01 shall be revised as follows: This work shall consist of famishing, installing, moving, maintaining and removing temporary traffic signs, advance warning arrows panels, barricades, channeling devices, and delineators as required by the latest revision of the "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways" (MUTCD), the City of Fort Collins' "Work Area Traffic Control Handbook", June 1989 with Revisions dated May 29, 1991, and the City of Fort Collins' "Design Criteria and Standards for Streets, Subsection 1.4, "Barricades, Warning Signs, Signal Lights", July, 1986. This work includes use of the above devices to channelize or direct traffic away from the work zone, but does not include work zone protection. It is the Contractor's responsibility to protect his work zone and to protect Pedestrians and Bicyclists from potential hazards arising from his work until such time as the work has been completed and can be opened to traffic. Traffic Control Devices shall be measured and paid for under this section based upon a lump sum pay item. In the event of a conflict between the MUTCD criteria and the City's criteria, the City's criteria shall govern. Traffic control devices shall be placed and/or stored in the City right-of-way in such a manner that minimizes the hazards to pedestrians, bicyclists and vehicles. Proper placement and storage of traffic control devices will be subject to the Engineer's discretion. Traffic control devices shall be removed from the site immediately upon completion of the Work, but not before the concrete has cured sufficiently to allow vehicular traffic to use it. Message Boards — Will be placed to the plan designed by the City of Fort Collins. This item will be paid for per y day (Day). Traffic Control— The scope for the traffic control has been described under Section 01580 Traffic Regulation. This item will be paid for as a lump sum (LS). Subsection 630.02 shall include the following: All traffic control devices placed for this project must meet or exceed the minimum standards set forth in the MUTCD. All traffic control devices shall be clean and in good operating condition when delivered and shall be maintained in that manner on a daily basis. All traffic control devices shall be clearly marked and free of crossed out information or any other form of defacement that detracts from the purpose for which they are intended (i.e. crossed out information, information written in long -hand style, etc.) Additionally, any sign blank with sign faces on both sides must have the back sign face covered when in use to avoid confusion to motorists traveling in the opposite direction and other potentially affected parties, such as residents affected by any information the sign may present. Subsection 630.05, the second paragraph shall include the following: The reflective material shall be AP1000 Polyester (Reflexite Corporation), 3M Type III or Transparent (Reflexite Corporation). Vinyl material is not acceptable unless its brightness is equivalent to or greater than the types named as approved by the Engineer. Subsection 630.08 shall be revised as follows: Technical Specs - 37 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout control on this project is the Date: January, 2008 For this project, a Traffic Control Plan shall be prepared. The Traffic Control Plan shall be submitted for approval to the Traffic Division by 12:00 noon, two working days prior to the commencement of work. (Note: Traffic Control Plans for work done on Monday and Tuesday shall be submitted the previous Friday by 9:00 a.m.). Facsimiles of plans shall not be allowed. No phase of the construction shall start until the Traffic Control Plan has been approved. Failure to have an approved Traffic Control Plan shall constitute cause for the City to stop work, as well as the Contractor's forfeiture of payment for all work and materials at that location, with no adjustment in the contract time. The Traffic Control Plan shall include, as a minimum, the following: (1) A detailed diagram which shows the location of all sign placements, including advance construction signs (if not previously approved), fines doubled for speeding signs and speed limit signs; method, length and time duration for lane closures, and location of flag persons. (2) A tabulation of all traffic control devices shown on the detailed diagram including, but not limited to: construction signs; vertical panel; vertical panel with light; Type 1, Type 11, and Type III barricades; cones; drum channeling devices; advance warning flashing or sequencing arrow panel. Certain traffic control devices may be used for more than one operation or phase. However, all devices required for any particular phase must be detailed and tabulated for each phase. (3) Number of flaggers to be used. (4) Parking Restrictions to be in affect. Approval of the proposed method of handling traffic is intended to indicate minimum devices needed to control traffic. Such approval does not relieve the Contractor of liability specifically assigned to him under this contract. Parking Restrictions shall be clearly shown on the Traffic Control Plan, including the location and quantity of "NO PARKING" signs, the date to be placed, and the date to be removed. Failure to have an approved Traffic Control Plan, including the Parking Restriction information listed above shall constitute cause for the City to stop work, as well as the Contractor's forfeiture of payment for all work and materials at that location, with no adjustment in the contract time. Subsection 630.09 shall be revised as follows: Traffic Control Management shall be performed by a Traffic Control Supervisor (TCS). The TCS(s) shall possess a valid Driver's License, a current American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) certification as a Worksite Traffic Control Supervisor or Colorado Contractor's Association (CCA) certification as a Traffic Control Supervisor. (Proof of certification shall be presented to the City Traffic Control Manager, and when requested by a City representative, for each TCS utilized on this project.) This Project will require a full-time Traffic Control Supervisor (TCS). The TCS shall have a minimum of one-year experience as a certified TCS. The TCS shall be on site at all times during the construction. Qualifications shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval a minimum of one week prior to commencement of the work. Technical Specs - 38 5.0 INTERPRETATIONS AND ADDENDA. 5.1. All questions about the meaning or intent of the Bidding Documents are to be submitted in writing to the Engineer and the OWNER. Interpretation or clarifications considered necessary in response to such questions will be issued only by Addenda. Questions received less than seven days prior to the date for opening of the Bids may not be answered. Only questions answered by formal written Addenda will be binding. Oral and other interpretations or clarifications will be without legal effect. 5.2. All questions concerning the scope of this project should be directed to the Engineer. Questions regarding submittal of bids should be directed to the City of Fort Collins' Purchasing Division. 5.3. Addenda may also be issued to modify the Bidding Documents as deemed advisable by OWNER or Engineer. 5.4. Addenda will be mailed or delivered to all parties recorded by the OWNER as having received the Bidding documents. 6.0 BID SECURITY 6.1. Each Bid must be accompanied by Bid Security made payable to OWNER in the amount stated in the Invitation to Bid. The required security must be in the form of a certified or bank cashier's check payable to OWNER or a Bid Bond on the form enclosed herewith. The Bid Bond must be executed by a surety meeting the requirements of the General Conditions for surety bonds. 6.2. The Bid Security of the successful Bidder will be retained until such Bidder has executed the Agreement and furnished the required contract security, whereupon Bid Security will be returned. If the successful Bidder fails to execute and deliver the Agreement and furnish the required contract security within 15 days of the Notice of Award, OWNER may annul the Notice of Award and the Bid Security of that Bidder will be forfeited. The Bid Security of other Bidders whom OWNER believes to have reasonable chance receiving the award may be retained by OWNER until the earlier of the seventh day after the effective date of the Agreement or the thirty-first day after the Bid Opening, whereupon Bid Security furnished by such Bidders will be returned. Bid Security with Bids which are not competitive will be returned within seven days after the Bid opening. 7.0 CONTRACT TIME. The number of days within which, or the date by which the Work is to be substantially complete and also completed and ready for Final Payment (the Contract Times) are set forth in the Agreement. 8.0 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES. Provisions for liquidated damages are set forth in the Agreement. Rev10/20/07 Section 00100 Page 3 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 The TCS shall be equipped with a cellular phone. The cost of this phone shall be incidental to the work. The _ TCS cellular phone number will be made available to the Engineer, Inspector, and the General Contractor It is the intent of the specifications that the TCS be the same person throughout the project. If the TCS is to be replaced during the project, the Engineer shall be given a minimum of one (1) weeks notice and nualifrcations shall be submitted for approval of the TCS. replacement. Payment for the TCS shall be included in the lump sum pay item. The TCS's duties shall include, but not be limited to: (1) Preparing, revising and submitting Traffic Control Plans as required. (2) Direct supervision of project flaggers. _ (3) Coordinating all traffic control related operations, including those of the Subcontractors, City Streets Department, and suppliers. (4) Coordinating project activities with appropriate police and fire control agencies, Transfort, school districts and other affected agencies and parties prior to construction. (5) Maintainine a proiect traffic control diary which shall become part ofthe Citv's nroiect records. (6) Inspecting traffic control devices on every calendar day for the duration of the project. (7) Insuring that traffic control devices are functioning as required. (8) Overseeing all requirements covered by the plans and specifications, which contribute to the convenience, safety and orderly movement of traffic. (9) Flagging. (10) Setting up and maintaining traffic control devices. (11) Attending weekly progress meetings as requested by the Engineer and/or Contractor. (12) Shall perform a minimum of Five (5) complete site checks per day, during day light hours, including weekends and/or as requested by the City of Fort Collins representatives. Traffic control management shall be maintained on a 24-hour per day basis. The Contractor shall make arrangements so that the Traffic Control Supervisor or their approved representative will be available on every working day, "on call" at all times and available upon the Engineer's request at other than normal working hours. All traffic control devices shall be placed under the supervision of a Traffic Control Supervisor. The Traffic Control Supervisor shall have up to date copies of the City of Fort Collins' "Work Area Traffic Control Handbook", and Part VI of the MUTCD, pertaining to traffic controls for street and highway construction, available at all times. -- Subsection 630.13 shall be revised as follows: The Contractor shall supply and pay all costs associated with the traffic control for this project. Traffic Control devices as per the provided traffic control plans are minimum requirements, additional devices, signage may be Technical Specs - 39 Horsetooth Road and Ziegler Road Roundabout Date: January, 2008 required after initial set-up is completed This applies to all phases of this project. The accepted quantities will be paid for at the contract unit price for each of the pay items listed below: Payment will be made under: Pay Item and Pay Unit The pay unit is denoted by (). 630-01 Traffic Control — (LS) Flaggers and all incidental equipment will not be measured and paid for separately, but shall be included in the Work. The flaggers shall be provided with electronic communication devices when required. These devices will not be measured and paid for separately, but shall be included in the Work. The cost of batteries, electricity and/or fuel for all lighting or warning devices shall not be paid for separately but shall be considered subsidiary to the item and shall be included in the Work. Sandbags will not be measured and paid for separately, but shall be included in the Work. The Contractor may provide larger construction traffic signs than those typically used in accordance with the MUTCD, if approved; however, no additional payment will be made for the larger signs. The City shall not be responsible for any losses or damage due to theft or vandalism. SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR WORK ON ARTERIALS AND COLLECTORS NOTE: Cross street traffic shall be maintained at all times unless authorized by the Engineer in writing. NOTE: Full closures on arterials and collectors, including those listed above, will be allowed under extreme circumstances and only upon approval by the Engineer and City Traffic Division. Plans shall be approved a minimum of one week prior to the commencement of work and/or the time required to adequately notify the public through the media. NOTE: The General Specifications provides additional details on allowed closures along Harmony Road and Ziegler Road. SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR WORK ON RESIDENTIAL STREETS NOTE: Full closures on all residential streets shall be allowed as shown on the traffic control plans only if approved by the City Traffic Division END OF SECTION Technical Specs - 40 No Text WUIM I N C O 4 P O Y 4 T E p SUBGRADE INVESTIGATION HORSETOOTH AND ZIEGLER ROADS ROUNDABOUT FORT COLLINS, COLORADO Prepared for: CITY OF FORT COLLINS Engineering Department 281 North College Avenue P.O. Box 580 Fort Collins, Colorado 80522-0580 Attention: Mr. Chris Parton Project No. FC04210-135 November 13, 2007 351 Linden Street I Suite 140 1 Fort Collins, Colorado 80524 Telephone:970-206-9455 Fax:970-206-9441 TABLE OF CONTENTS SCOPE SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION FIELD AND LABORATORY INVESTIGATION SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SUBGRADE PREPARATION SOLUBLE SULFATES LIMITATIONS FIGURE 1 - LOCATIONS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS FIGURE 2 - SUMMARY LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS APPENDIX A - LABORATORY TEST RESULTS CITY OF FORT COLLINS• ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SUBGRADE INVESTIGATION NORSETOOTN AND ZAEGLER ROADS ROUNDABOUT CTL I T PROJECT NO. FC04210.135 1 2 - 2 3 - 4 5 - IF SCOPE This report presents the results of our subgrade Investigation forthe widening of a portion of Ziegler Road and a new roundabout at the intersection of Horsetooth and Ziegler Roads in Fort Collins, Colorado (Figure 1). We believe our report is in general conformance with Chapter 5 of the "Larimer County Urban Areas Street Standards"dated January 2, 2001 (repealed and reenacted April 1, 2007) as adopted by the City of Fort Collins. The City requires submittal of this Subgrade Investigation that addresses the type and pavement support characteristics of the subgrade soils present at the site. After the City has reviewed the subgrade Investigation, design traffic data will be provided by the City and the design portion of the investigation including pavement section recommendations will be completed. Our report includes a description of the subgrade soils encountered in our exploratory borings and laboratory test results. Alternative pavement sections, construction and materials guidelines based upon laboratorytest results, City of Fort Collins design criteria Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards, the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) 2007 "Pavement Design Manual," American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)1993 "Guide for the Design of Pavement Structures", will be appended to this report after traffic data is provided by the City of Fort Collins. SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION The site consists of the Intersection of Horsetooth and Ziegler Roads and the east side of Ziegler Road from Charlie Lane to Horsetooth Road in east Fort Collins, Colorado. Ziegler Road is paved full -width with curb and gutters south of Charlie Lane. The east side (northbound lane) of Ziegler Road narrows north of Charlie Lane with no curb and gutter. Horsetooth Road is paved the full -width with curb and gutter. The alignment of Ziegler Road has a gradual slope to the north. Land -use of the area is generally residential and rural -residential. CITY OF FORT COLLINS - ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SUBGRADE INVESTIGATION NORSETOOTH AND ZIEGLER ROADS ROUNDABOUT CTL I T PROJECT NO. FC04210.135 FIELD AND LABORATORY INVESTIGATION _ Our field investigation consisted of seven borings drilled to a depth of 10 feet. _ Borings were drilled at approximate 450-foot spacing along the east side of Ziegler Road, outside of paved areas In accessible areas. The approximate locations of our borings are shown on Figure 1. The borings were drilled on October 24, 2007 with 4- inch diameter solid stem augers and a truck -mounted drill. Bulk samples were obtained from the upper 4 feet of the borings and California samples were obtained from selected Intervals within the borings. The number of blows from a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches, required to drive the California sampler, were recorded and _ are presented on our summary logs of the borings presented on Figure 2. Laboratory testing was performed in general accordance with AASHTO and ASTM methods to determine index properties of the soils sampled and subgrade support values for those soil types influencing the pavement design. To evaluate potential heave, swell -consolidation testing was performed on three samples of the subgrade soils under a pressure of 150 psf. Two samples were tested for water- soluble sulfate content. Results of laboratory tests are presented in Appendix A and summarized in Table A-1. Hveem stabilomatertesting (R-Value) will be performed on a composite sample of representative bulk samples of the subgrade after the City has reviewed this subgrade investigation and provided design traffic data for use in our pavement design. The results of Hveem stabilometer tests will be included in our subgrade investigation and pavement design report to follow. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The subgrade material encountered beneath the surface generally consisted of sandy to very sandy clays with slight amounts to traces of gravel. Roadbase materials were encountered in the upper levels of TH-1 and TH-4. Sandy, clay fill _ materials were encountered in the upper levels of TH-2. No ground water was observed in the borings. CRY OF FORT COLLINS - ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 2 SUBGRADE INVESTIGATION HORSETOOTH AND ZIEGLER ROADS ROUNDABOUT CTL I T PROJECT NO. FC04210.135 T Samples of the sandy clay tested in the laboratory contained between 22 and 37 percent clay and silt -sized particles (passing the No. 200 sieve), had liquid limits between 50 and 60, and plasticity indices between 22 and 26. The samples classified as A-6 in accordance with the AASHTO classification method with group indices ranging from 7 to 12. Four samples of the sandy clay tested for swell potential swelled from 0.4 to 1.5 percent when wetted under application of a 150-psf pressure. Based on the results of laboratory testing and City of Fort Collins requirements, we believe that swell mitigation will not be required. SUBGRADE PREPARATION Our laboratory tests indicate that most of the shallow subgrade soils have moisture contents that are near the plastic limits. This suggests that unprepared subgrade soils may yield under equipment during paving. We believe most of the subgrade soils will require stabilization in order to establish a firm subgrade before paving. However, the possibility exists that conventional moisture treatment and compaction may result in firm subgrade. Therefore, we will provide recommendations in our pavement design report for conventional moisture treatment and compaction and alternative stabilization methods. To prepare the subgrade for paving with conventional moisture treatment and compaction, subgrade soils should be scarified a minimum of 18 inches deep, moisture conditioned to between 1 percent below and 2 percent above optimum moisture content and compacted to at least 95 percent of standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 698). Scarification and recompaction of the upper 18 inches of subgrade soils should occur as close to the time of pavement construction as possible. The final subgrade surface must be protected from excessive drying or wetting until such time as the pavement section is constructed. CITY OF FORT COLLINS - ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SUBGRADE INVESTIGATION 3 HORSETOOTH AND ZIEGLER ROADS ROUNDABOUT CTL I T PROJECT NO. FCD4210.135 Soil stabilization by chemical treatment can increase the stability of the _ subgrade, add strength and stiffness to the subgrade, and improve the engineering properties of the soils. Design and construction guidelines for chemical or other _ stabilization methods will also be provided in the design report. Maintaining moisture contents near optimum will be critical to avoid excessive deflections, rutting and pumping of the subgrade during subgrade preparation of streets. If moisture and density cannot be sufficiently controlled during subgrade preparation and stabilization Is required, chemical stabilization, stabilization by removal and replacement, or stabilization using geotextiles and imported granular - materials may be used. For isolated or small areas requiring stabilization, removal and replacement or "crowding" coarse aggregate into the subgrade may be effective. _ If large areas require stabilization, chemical treatment of the soils may be a more effective alternative. SOLUBLE SULFATES A water-soluble sulfate concentration of 0.010 percent was measured in two samples of the near -surface subgrade soil. The purpose of the tests was to determine the risk of exposure to sulfate attack where portiand cement concrete is used and to assess the risk of Increased swelling due to reaction to chemical stabilization. The result indicates Class 0 (formerly "negligible") exposure to sulfate attack on concrete _ (e.g. curb and gutter or pavements) according to the American Concrete Institute (ACI). ACI has no special recommendations for concrete with negligible exposure to sulfate attack. Sulfate concentrations above 0.5 percent can cause an adverse reaction between the sulfates and the stabilizing agent, resulting in heaving of the subgrade if lime or fly ash stabilization Is performed. Based on the results found, we believe there is a low risk of Increased swelling due to sulfate reaction to chemical stabilizing agents at this site. CITY OF FORT COLLINS - ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SUBGRADE INVESTIGATION HORSETooTH AND 21EGLER ROADS ROUNDABOUT CTL I T PROJECT NO. FC04210.135 LIMITATIONS The subgrade investigation, conclusions, and recommendations Included in this report are based upon our field observations, laboratory testing, and design criteria required by the City of Fort Collins and the AASHTO design guide. The report will be amended to include Hveem stabilometer tests and pavement section design recommendations following review and approval by the City of Fort Collins. We believe the geotechnical services for this project were performed in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily used by members of the Profession in the locality of the project. No warranty, express or implied, is made. If we can be of further service in discussing the contents of this report, or in the analyses of the proposed pavement systems from a geotechnical point of view, please call. CTL j THOMPSON, INC. Thomas W. Finley CPG Senior Geologist Reviewed by: Geotechnical CITY OF FORT COWNS-ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SUBGRADE INVESTIGATION $ HORSETOOTH AND 21EGLER ROADS ROUNDABOUT CTL I T PROJECT NO. FC04210.135 9.0 SUBSTITUTE ("OR EQUAL") MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT The Contract, if awarded, will be on the basis of material and equipment described on the Drawings or specified in the Specifications without consideration of possible substitute or "or equal" items. Whenever it is indicated on the Drawings or specified in the Specifications that a substitute or "or equal" item of material or equipment may be furnished _ or used by CONTRACTOR if acceptable to Engineer, application for such acceptance will not be considered by Engineer until after the "effective date of the Agreement". The procedure for submittal of any such _ application by CONTRACTOR and consideration by Engineer is set forth in the General Conditions which may be supplemented in the General Requirements. 10.0 SUBCONTRACTORS, SUPPLIERS AND OTHERS 10.1. Each Bidder shall submit at the Bid opening to OWNER a list of — principal subcontractors he proposes to use in the Work. Refer to Section 00430 contained within these Documents. 10.2. If OWNER or Engineer after due investigation has reasonable objection to any proposed Subcontractor, either may, before the Notice of Award is given, request the apparent successful Bidder to submit an acceptable substitute without an increase in Bid price. If the apparent successful Bidder declines to make any substitution, OWNER may award the contract to the next lowest responsive and responsible Bidder that proposes to use acceptable subcontractors. Subcontractors, suppliers, other persons or organization listed and to whom OWNER or Engineer does not make written objection prior to the giving of the Notice of Award will be deemed acceptable to OWNER and ENGINEER subject to revocation of _ such acceptance after the effective date of the Agreement as provided in the General Conditions. 10.3. CONTRACTOR shall not be required to employ any subcontractor, supplier or other persons or organizations against whom he has reasonable objection. The use of subcontractors listed by the Bidder and accepted by OWNER prior to the Notice of Award will be required in the performance of the Work. 11.0 BID FORM. 11.1. A copy of the Bid Form is bound in the Contract Documents which may be retained by the Bidder. A separate unbound copy is enclosed for — submission with the Bid. 11.2. Bid Forms must be complete in ink or typed. All lump sum prices _ on the form must be stated in words and numerals; in case of conflict, words will take precedence. Unit prices shall govern over extensions of SUMS. Rev 10/20/07 Section 00100 Page 4 APPROX. SCALE: 1'= 2W E. HORSETOOTH RD. O Q O LLI J 0 LU IV CITY OF FORT COLLINS HORSETOGTH AND ZIEOLER ROADS ROUNDABOUT CTL I T PROJECT NO. FC04210.135 3 E. HORSETOOTH RD. i Sf(E a E. HARNON\ RO. VICINITY MAP "WCOLLIISAREA) NOT TO SCALE ND: INDICATES APPROXIMATE - LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY BORING. Locations of Exploratory _ Borings FIGURE 1 TH-1 TH-2 TH-3 10/12 "8/12 25/1 8/12 V n8/12 r 1-117/12 TH-4 0 2 S 1 5 20 LEGEND: El ROADBASE ® FILL; SANDY CLAY, STIFF AND CLAYEY SAND, DENSE, SLIGHTLY GRAVELLY, BROWN CLAY, SANDY TO VERY SANDY, SLIGHTLY GRAVELLY, MOIST, STIFF, BROWN, REDDISH BROWN (CL) DRIVE SAMPLE. THE SYMBOL 8/12 INDICATES 8 BLOWS OF A 140-POUND HAMMER FALLING 30 INCHES WERE REQUIRED TO DRIVE A 2.5-INCH O.D. SAMPLER 12 INCHES. s BULK SAMPLE FROM AUGER CUTTINGS. i S NOTES: ' 1. THE BORINGS WERE DRILLED ON OCTOBER 24, 2007, USING 44NCH DIAMETER CONTINUOUS -FLIGHT AUGERS AND A TRUCK -MOUNTED DRILL RIG. 2. THESE LOGS ARE SUBJECT TO THE EXPLANATIONS, LIMITATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS IN THIS REPORT. w LL SUMMARY LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS i CITY OF FORT ANDCOLZI G -ENGINEERING RROADS ROUNDABOUT HORSETROTECT NO. EGLER ROADS ROUNDABOUT FIGURE 2 CTLITPROJECT N0. FC0/210.135 No Text APPENDIX A LABORATORY TEST RESULTS CITY OF FORT COLLINS - ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SUBGRADE INVESTIGATION HORSETOOTN AND 21EGLER ROADS ROUNDABOUT CTL I T PROJECT NO. FC04210.135 No Text iT -__-_--__-;- EXPANSION UNDER CONSTANT ---'-,--.------------------------. PRESSURE DUE TO WETTING ------------- ------------------------------- -- APPLIED PRESSURE - KSF Sample of CLAY, SANDY (CL) From TH-1 AT 2 FEET z O 0 y z Q X -1 W 00 z O -2 y W C -3 2 O 0 4 _.---------- 100 DRY UNIT WEIGHT= 106 PCF MOISTURE CONTENT= 18.1 % ---------------- J-1-LJ-- `-`--"-'----- EXPANSION UNDER CONSTANT ------------- PRESSURE DUE TO WETTING APPLIED PRESSURE - KSF Sample of CLAY, SANDY (CL) From TH-2 AT 2 FEET CITY OF FORT COLLINS - ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT HORSETOOTH & ZIEGLER ROADS ROUNDABOUT PROJECT NO. FC04210-135 10 100 DRYUNITWEIGHT= 105 PCF MOISTURE CONTENT= 2D.7 % Swell Consolidation Test Results FIGURE A-1 z Z 0 O N a CL •� W 0 C 2 N LU IL 6 O U a EXPANSION UNDER CONSTANT PRESSURE DUE TO WETTING -- -'------r---—r-..-.-:---------------------�-----------------:- , , �I F , a y_y—L1 ______1 ____._____1 J , _________ _____,__« I ______ ____ _r i_ ...... 0.1 u APPLIED PRESSURE -KSF Sample Of CLAY, SANDY (CL) ®_ From TH-3 AT 2 FEET 3 2 A DRY UNIT WEIGHT= 107 PCF MOISTURE CONTENT= 9,9 % s __-___.,__y__�—��—�. EXPANSION UNDER CONSTANT _J ___ PRESSURE DUE TO WETTING .._______�._ LJ _!I e - 1 . _.——r—r-_._______r__ — __-__-----rr ._.__—.___r_------.—— ______ —i --------- _ __i-,_______________J__M_ J ____ � •-1 �—J _1 _L _J 0.1 1.0 APPLIED PRESSURE - KSF Sample of CLAY, SANDY (CL) From TH-4 AT 4 FEET DRY UNIT W EIGHT= 117 PCF MOISTURE CONTENT= 11.9 _ % CITY OF FORT COLUNS - ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT HORSETOOTH 6 23EGLER ROADS ROUNDABOUT PROJECT NO. FC04210.135 Swell Consolidation Test Results FIGURE A-2 mid 25 THR. TIMEREADINGS MIN 45 MINU.S STANDARD SERIES V CLEAR SOUAREOPENINGS . 15 MIN. W MIN. 19 MIN. 4 MIN. 1 MIN. •2m •lm cn .— ..... ... .. . .. CLAY (PLASTIC) TO SILT (NON -PLASTIC) SANDS GRAVEL FINE wnnx nnE COARSE COBBLES Sample of CLAY, SANDY (CL) GRAVEL From TH - 1 AT 0.5 TO 4 FEET 0 % SAND 40 M° SILT &CLAY 60 % LIQUID LIMIT 40 PLASTICITY INDEX 26 CLAY (PLASTIC) TO SILT (NON -PLASTIC) SANDS n GRAVEL L FINE Sample of CLAY, SANDY (CL) cSA N co3BLEs GRAVEL From �- 0 % SAND 41 TH - 2 AT 0.5 TO 4 FEET SILT & CLAY 59 % LIQUID LIMIT PLASTICITY INDEX 36 22 CITY OF FORT COLLINS - ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT HORSETOOTH & ZIEGLER ROADS ROUNDABOUT Gradation PROJECT NO. FM4210-135 Test Results FIGURE A-3 CITY OF FORT COLLINS - ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT HORSETOOTH & ZIEGLER ROADS ROUNDABOUT PROJECT NO. FC04210-135 PLA5 f Ill I T INUC ... Gradation Test Results FIGURE A-4 Q F w J J U J U J U J U J U J U J U J U J U J U J U J U J U J U Q N yyyyyyyyyyyyyy D O D O D 0 0 0 z 0 0 z Z tQA Z ytQAy�tQlly Z Z Z Z Z Z Nffp Z Z (p Z to Z tAyN Z Q ZQ 0000000000 55 UUUUUUUUUUUUUU W m cc W O O w U LL e O o O 0 30j yN W 7 Q Q LL W d W d M N 3�a y o 0 ZOj U J UUUUUUUUUUUUUU J J J J J J J J J J J J J F U XX W LL O Z m - o � n Umamaa Q Q m Q a Q C7 m ¢g— wa m mom W 7 p o e ON w W N D co 7 N <ZW aZm y� LL ¢WU m mmm owo W n O gW W n N �i� O �` n fo to 'o pWa W w W� cc W n�ON�DnN<W naDn W co �jOo m wnt0 f0NN W W CN t0 � W U W Qy j U U U j m U U U U U U U U U FF m m W w N N V W N N< W N V W N a W U Z S S S S S S S S S 2 2 S 2 S Q Z O FrrI-- F- m 0 d W a N 9 LL Z U W 0 O Q IL t J H U 11.3. Bids by corporations must be executed in the corporate name by the president or a vice-president (or other appropriate officer accompanied by evidence of authority to sign) and the corporate seal shall be affixed and attested by the secretary or an assistant secretary. The corporate address and state of incorporation shall be shown below the corporate name. 11.4. Bids by partnerships must be executed in the partnership name and signed by a partner, his title must appear under his signature and the official address of the partnership must be shown below the signature. 11.5. Bids by joint venture shall be signed by each participant in the joint venture or by an authorized agent of each participant. The full name of each person or company interested in the Bid shall be listed on the Bid Form. 11.6. The Bid shall contain an acknowledgement of receipt of all Addenda (the numbers of which must be filled in on the Bid Form). 11.7. No alterations in Bids, or in the printed forms therefore, by erasures, interpolations, or otherwise will be acceptable unless each such alteration is signed or initialed by the Bidder; if initialed, OWNER may require the Bidder to identify any alteration so initialed. 11.8. The address and telephone number for communications regarding the Bid shall be shown. 12.0 BID PRICING. Bids must be priced as set forth in the Bid Schedule or Schedules. 13.0 SUBMISSION OF BIDS. 13.1. Bids shall be submitted at the time and place indicated in the Invitation to Bid and shall be enclosed in an opaque sealed envelope marked with the Project title, Bid No., and name and address of the Bidder and accompanied by the Bid Security, Bid Form, Bid Bond, Statement of Bidders Qualifications, and Schedule of Subcontractors as required in Section 00430. If the Bid is sent through the mail or other delivery system, the sealed envelope shall be enclosed in a separate envelope with the notation "BID ENCLOSED" on the face of it. 13.2. Bids shall be deposited at the designated location prior to the time and date for receipt of Bids indicated in the Invitation to Bid, or any extension thereof made by addendum. Bids received after the time and date for receipt of Bids will be returned unopened. Bidder shall assume full responsibility for timely delivery at the location designated for receipt of Bids. 13.3. Oral, telephonic, telegraphic or facsimile Bids are invalid and Rev 10/20/07 Section 00100 Page 5 will not receive consideration. 13.4. No Bidder may submit more than one Bid. Multiple Bids under different names will not be accepted from one firm or association. 14.0 MODIFICATION AND WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS 14.1. Bids may be modified or withdrawn by an appropriate document duly _ executed (in a manner that a Bid must be executed) and delivered to the place where Bids are to be submitted at any time prior to the opening of Bids. 14.2. Bids may also be modified or withdrawn in person by the Bidder or an authorized representative provided he can prove his identity and authority at any time prior to the opening of Bids. — 14.3. Withdrawn Bids may be resubmitted up to the time designated for the receipt of Bids provided that they are then fully in conformance with these Instructions to Bidders. 15.0 OPENINGS OF BIDS. Bids will be opened and (unless obviously non -responsive) read aloud publicly as indicated in the Invitation to Bid. An abstract of the amounts of the Base Bids and major alternates (if any) will be made available after the opening of Bids. 16.0 BIDS TO REMAIN OPEN SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE. All Bids shall remain open for forty-five (45) days after the day of the Bid Opening, but OWNER may, in his sole discretion, release any Bid and — return the Bid Security prior to that date. 17.0 AWARD OF CONTRACT. 17.1. OWNER reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, to waive any and all informalities not involving price, time or changes in the Work, to negotiate contract terms with the Successful Bidder, and the right to — disregard all nonconforming, nonresponsive, unbalanced or conditional Bids. Also, OWNER reserves the right to reject the Bid of any Bidder if OWNER believes that it would not be in the best interest of the Project — to make an award to that Bidder, whether because the Bid is not responsive or the Bidder is unqualified or of doubtful financial ability or fails to meet any other pertinent standard or criteria established by OWNER. Discrepancies between the indicated sum of any column of figures and the correct sum thereof will be resolved in favor of the correct sum. 17.2. In evaluating Bids, OWNER will consider the qualifications of the Bidders, whether or not the Bids comply with the prescribed requirements, and such alternates, unit prices and other data, as may be requested in the Bid Form or prior to the Notice of Award. Rev 10/20/07 Section 00100 Page 6 17.3. OWNER may consider the qualification and experience of Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other persons and organizations proposed for those portions of the Work as to which the identity of Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other persons and organizations is submitted as requested by OWNER. OWNER also may consider the operating costs, maintenance requirements, performance data and guarantees of major items of materials and equipment proposed for incorporation in the Work when such data is required to be submitted prior to the Notice of Award. 17.4. OWNER may conduct such investigations as OWNER deems necessary to assist in the evaluation of any Bid and to establish the responsibility, qualifications and financial ability of the Bidder's proposed Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons and organizations to do the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents to OWNER's satisfaction within the prescribed time. 17.5. If the Contract is to be awarded, it will be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible Bidder whose evaluation by OWNER indicates to OWNER that the award will be in the best interest of the OWNER. Award shall be made on the evaluated lowest base bid excluding alternates. The basis for award shall be the lowest Bid total for the Schedule or, in the case of more than one schedule, for sum of all schedules. Only one contract will be awarded. 17.6. If the Contract is to be awarded, OWNER will give the Successful Bidder a Notice of Award within forty-five (45) days after the date of the Bid opening. 18.0 CONTRACT SECURITY. The General Conditions and the Supplementary Conditions set forth OWNER's requirements as to performance and other Bonds. When the Successful Bidder delivers the executed Agreement to the OWNER, it shall be accompanied by the required Contract Security. 19.0 SIGNING OF AGREEMENT. When OWNER gives a Notice of Award to the Successful Bidder, it will be accompanied by the required number of unsigned counterparts of the Agreement with all other written Contract Documents attached. Within fifteen (15) days thereafter, CONTRACTOR shall sign and deliver the required number of counterparts of the Agreement and attached documents to OWNER with the required Bonds. Within ten (10) days thereafter, OWNER shall deliver one fully signed counterpart to CONTRACTOR. Each counterpart is to be accompanied by a complete set of the Drawings with appropriate identification. 20.0 TAXES. Rev 10/20/07 Section 00100 Page 7 OWNER is exempt from Colorado State Sales and Use Taxes on materials and equipment to be incorporated in the Work. Said taxes shall not be — included in the Contract Price. Reference is made to the General and Supplementary Conditions. 21.0 RETAINAGE. Provisions concerning retainage are set forth in the Agreement. _ 22.0 PURCHASING RESTRICTIONS. Purchasing restrictions: The Bidder's authorized signature of this Bid assures the Bidder's compliance with the City's purchasing restrictions. A copy of the resolutions are available for review in the Purchasing and Risk Management Division or the City Clerk's office. A. Cement Restrictions: City of Fort Collins Resolution 91-121 requires that suppliers and producers of cement or products containing cement to certify that the cement was not made in cement kilns that burn hazardous waste as a fuel. 23.0 COLLUSIVE OR SHAM BIDS. Any Bid deemed by the City in its sole discretion to be a collusive or _ sham Bid will be rejected and reported to authorities as such. Your authorized signature of this Bid assures that such Bid is genuine and is not a collusive or sham Bid. 24.0 BID RESULTS. For information regarding results for individual Bids send a self- addressed, self -stamped envelope and a Bid tally will be mailed to you. Bid results will be posted in the Purchasing office seven (7) days after the Bid Opening. END OF SECTION Rev 10/20/07 Section 00100 Page 8 ,.. SECTION 00300 BID FORM SECTION 00300 MRINIOS7U9 PROJECT 6082 Horsetooth-Ziegler Roundabout and Ziegler Road Improvements Place Date Z/2,5/08 1 In compliance with your Invitation to Bid dated Sr,jwKw 30 200% and subject to all conditions thereof the undersigned a (Corporation Limited Liability Company Partnership Joint Venture or Sole Proprietor) authorized to do business in the State of Colorado hereby proposes to furnish and do everything required by the Contract Documents to which this refers for the construction of all items listed on the following Bid Schedule or Bid Schedules 2 The undersigned Bidder does hereby declare and stipulate that this proposal is made in good faith without collusion or connection with any other person or persons Bidding for the same Work and that it is made in pursuance of and subject to all the terms and conditions of the Invitation to Bid and Instructions to Bidders the Agreement the detailed Specifications and the Drawings pertaining to the Work to be done all of which have been examined by the undersigned 3 Accompanying this Bid is a certified or cashier's check or standard Bid bond in the sum of FXvU- Tt-4ZXS* r OF JVM fKypA-X- %ice ($ 5 % ) in accordance with the Invitation To Bid and Instructions to Bidders 4 The undersigned Bidder agrees to execute the Agreement and a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond for the amount of the total of this Bid within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date when the written notice of the award of the contract is delivered to him at the address given on this Bid The name and address of the corporate surety with which the Bidder proposes to furnish the specified performance and payment bonds is as follows 6j"L.4V-r ) U e o�� tf lGt aaeo� co 0611% 5 All the various phases of Work enumerated in the Contract Documents with their individual jobs and overhead whether specifically mentioned included by implication or appurtenant thereto are to be performed by the CONTRACTOR under one of the items listed in the Bid Schedule irrespective of whether it is named in said list 6 Payment for Work performed will be in accordance with the Bid Schedule or Bid Schedules subject to changes as provided in the Contract Documents 7 The undersigned Bidder hereby acknowledges receipt of Addenda No I through I Rev 10/20/07 Section 00300 Page 1 BID SCHEDULE ADDENDUM No 1 6082 Horsetooth Ziegler Roundabout and Ziegler Road Improvements Item No Item Description 1 11, i I I itill Unit :Unitrice PTotal Cost ��`s 201-01 Clearingand Grubbing1 LS 202-01 Remove Curb and Gutter 850 LF 20202 Remove Concrete Sidewalk 2700 SF 20203 Remove Asphalt Full Depth (4 8 3950 SY 20204 Remove T e R Inlet 1 EA 20205 Remove Wire Fence 80 LF 20206 Remove Pi a 55 LF 20207 Mill Asphalt Drive & Leave in Place Driveway for Warren Property 1210 SY 202-08 Remove Gravel Drive 180 SY 20301 Unclassified Excavation 3500 CY 20302 Embankment 2800 CY 20303 Haul and Dispose of Excess Material 700 CY 203-04 Muck Excavation 100 CY 203-05 6 Screened Imported Topsoil in Parkway Areas 225 CY 20306 Roundabout Center Island Fill 60/40 Mix 250 CY 203 07 S lashblock/Hardsca a Shaping 2050 SF 203-08 Flowable Fill Over Utilities 100 CY 203 09 Potholing 50 EA 20801 Erosion Control 1 LS 210-01 Adjust Manhole Ring/Cover 5 EA BID SCHEDULE ADDENDUM No 1 6082 Horsetooth Ziegler Roundabout and Ziegler Road Improvements Item No 201-01 Item Descri tion Clearing and Grubbing Quanta 1 Unit LS Unit Price 37 Total Cost 3-785 a!" 202-01 Remove Curb and Gutter 850 LF Co -- 51s9 S oc 202-02 Remove Concrete Sidewalk 2700 SF 0,5 ,Z O Z45 202-03 Remove Asphalt - Full Depth (4'- 8) 3950 SY 3 4Y 155l0 3°'b 202-04 Remove Type R Inlet 1 EA (&`i%�" tpyo1-' 202-05 Remove Wire Fence 80 LF z % $ y e ` 202-06 Remove Pie 55 LF 13 fay -N $ CA 202-07 Mill Asphalt Drive & Leave in Place - Driveway for Warren Property 1210 SY �% 8 5 Bob 0-0 202-08 Remove Gravel Drive 180 SY oZ 5; t{50, 203-01 Unclassified Excavation 3500 CY .3 '03 " I O1.05'n 203-02 Embankment 2800 CY 3 o3 B`) 8q as 203-03 Haul and Dispose of Excess Material 700 CY 3o � oi5.'LO 203-04 Muck Excavation 100 CY 3S Q- 3$00 e= 203-05 6' Screened Imported Topsoil in Parkway Areas 225 CY 405;t5 203-06 Roundabout Center Island Fill - 60140 Mix 250 CY a� "7a50" 203-07 S lashblock/Hardsca a Shaping 2050 SF O Sa 1Oiob °, 203-08 Flowable Fill Over Utilities 100 CI 13001 6000 203-09 Potholing 50 EA 163 O ' ?5o O o0 208-01 Erosion Control 1 LS 15(ib'7 °s S_tolle 7 °2 210-01 Adjust Manhole Ring/Cover 5 EA 5�5t �`d 7815� BID SCHEDULE ADDENDUM No 1 6082 Horsetooth Ziegler Roundabout and Ziegler Road Improvements 210-02 Modify Manhole 5 EA 0404'- g;1.oO!e 210-03 Adjust Valve Box 5 EA 5 '5-7 5 210-04 Relocate Fire Hydrant 1 EA 1100 00'� 210-05 Relocate Meter Pit 2 EA 9 501'! ) 900 0= 210-06 Remove and Reset Mailbox 2 EA 17 y 3y 8 Remove & Replace Split Rail 210-07 Fence 515 LF w 5150'- Remove & Replace Brick Fence 210-08 Corner Posts 1 EA 1-735 1-735 0-9 Agg Base Course - (Class 5 or 6) - 304-01 6" Depth 1460 TON 17 %5550 ee 306-01 Sidewalk Preparation 1511 SY Ll o_, IAOYV 44 306-02 Sidewalk Reconditionin - 8" 100 SY 602 50C) HBP - Grading S - 2 Depth (PG 403-01 64-28 380 TON -7 9 95 3o3y3 go HBP - Grading S - 2 75' Depth (PG -) so- 403-02 64-22) 150 TON 5 11 3a5 403-03 HBP - Grading S - 2 Depth (PG 64-22) a151aa 380 TON 01.E HBP -Gradmg SG - 5 Depth (58- U6 403-04 28 1220 TON HBP - Grading SG Asphalt 403-05 Patching 58-28 50 TON 1y5'4 -7a-50 °'' HBP - Grading S - 2' Depth (PG 64-22) - Driveway for Warren 403-06 PropertV 130 TON 7 a °- I O l y O " 412-01 Concrete Pavement - 8 5" 2560 SY y% V I ao9a;l.el 412-02 Concrete Truck Apron - 8 5 - Tile Red 330 SY 3 ay /a3 et Enhanced Cross Walk - 8 5' - Tile q 7 ag 412-03 Red w/ Stamped Border 200 SY 1 gg5OQ' 15 x6'x18" Type L" Buried Rip -Rap 506-01 w/Bedding and 6 Topsoil 1 EA to 3y to (y35/ 02 10 x6xi 8" Type 506-02 Beddm and 6 LTo soi Buried Rip -Rap 2 5 ay � 1 0 y g oe EA BID SCHEDULE ADDENDUM No 1 6082 Horsetooth Ziegler Roundabout and Ziegler Road Improvements 506-03 5 x5 xl8 Type' L Buned Rip -Rap w/Beddm and 6' To soil 1 EA 506-04 Cobble in Tree Wells incl Weed Barrier Underla ment 20 TON 508-01 Timber Tree Well 500 SF w 8a oa t= 603-01 15 RCP Class III 33 LF L% to 1-7 603-02 18 RCP Class III 55 LF 4% 0 015 85 603-03 15 RCP FES Class III 2 EA qxt 92 8ta 603-04 18 RCP FES Class Ill 2 EA 09 g3' 6)558 603-05 4 Median Underdram Pipe Perforated 70 LF Z' / 8 e / -3 g 603-06 4" Median Underdram Clean Out 1 EA 3 603-07 4" Median Underdram Connection to Existing Storm Sewer 1 EA gay qa y �- 604-01 Double Type 13 Inlet 1 EA 3-70&m 3-700 = 607-01 4-Wire Smooth Wire Fence 305 LF .5 $' ) %LP q " 608-01 Concrete Sidewalk 6" 13600 SF 3 `f0a' 608-02 Concrete Access Ramp w/ Truncated Domes 925 SF , W -7 a 5 SE 608-03 Pedestrian Refuge Island Ramp w/ Truncated Domes 570 SF o & 3 at/00 608-04 Concrete Driveway Approach w/A rons - 6 552 SF t% 3 oc Z Z 0 $ — 608-05 Alternate Bike Ramp w/ 6" Curb Heads 590 SF 57.2 30ja $ 609-01 Vertical Curb and Gutter - 30 2400 LF % 3 �✓✓ 1 ZO 609-02 Vertical Curb and Gutter- 18 Outfall and Infall 1750 LF �OyiS 609-03 4' Mountable Curb w/ 1 Gutter 260 LF 1�✓ 34 Sy 610-01 Exposed Aggregate Median Cover - San Diego Buff 4' 4300 SF BID SCHEDULE ADDENDUM No 1 6082 Horsetooth Ziegler Roundabout and Ziegler Road Improvements 610-02 4" S lashblock - San Diego Buff 2050 SF 0 `? y 30 3/4" Water Service for Irrigation Backflow Preventer Meter Pit 3 y�5 3°I�5 a4 619-01 Pressure ReducingAssemblyCIP 1 LS 4' PVC Sleeve Under Sidewalk for 619-02 Irn ationLines 100 LF /01-0 i0/0 - Bonds & Insurance 1 LS t'/000Fo- l0000's 625-01 Construction Surveying 1 LS /OaSo''- /OS$O 9-c—P 626-01 Mobilization 1 LS Total (oq� l 03 C9 SIX HudoeZC> N1tJT--" Fa-MW-70 p ONE "W-Q` t7Aj -OW� DOLLARS TOTAL IN WORDS 9 PRICES The foregoing prices shall include all labor materials transportation shoring, removal dewatering overhead profit insurance etc to cover the complete Work in place of the several kinds called for Bidder acknowledges that the OWNER has the right to delete items in the Bid or change quantities at his sole discretion without affecting the Agreement or prices of any item so long as the deletion or change does not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the total Agreement Price RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED N Ag44 as CAVIL CONS-:W C -O(L6 I NL CONTRACTOR BUSINESS NAME BY 3o1}N LsonrE VP 2/zs/og Si re Date Sa"*A LEo w E. VP Printed Name Title License Number (If Applicable) (Seal - if Bid is by corporation) Ee�t 4 a' Address I S U 3 '.'.\r+o a-, b by q+errrnouee� c•• w , Guey.� Co bw3l Telephone (CV P) 351v- -)goq , Email So�as¢�Np Qprt3oGv�t cow t Check One Indrndual Doing Business in Company Name Corporation Partnership Rev 10/20/07 Section 00300 Page 4 SECTION 00400 SUPPLEMENTS TO BID FORMS 00410 Bid Bond 00420 Statement of Bidder's Qualifications 00430 Schedule of Subcontractors Rev 10/20/07 Section 00410 Page 1 00410 BID $ONO KNOW ALL MEN By THESE PRESENTS, that we, the undersigned Naranjo Cwd Constructors Inc as Principal, and Westfield Insurance Company as Surety, are hereby held and firmly bound unto the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, as Owner, in the penal sum of Five Percentot Amount Bid ($ 5% )for the payment of which, �_ well and truly to be made, we hereby jointly and severally bind ourselves, successors, and assigns THE CONDITION of this obligation is such that whereas the Principal has submitted to the City of Fort Collins, Colorado the accompanying bid and hereby made a part hereof to enter into a Contract Agreement for the construction of City of Fort Collins Project, 6082 gorsetooth — Ziegler Rotmdaboutt and Ziegler Road Improvements WHEREAS, the Owner, as a condition for receiving said bid, requires the Principal to deposit with the Owner a Bid Guaranty equal to five percent (5%) of the amount of said bid NOW, THEREFORE, (a) If said bid shall be rejected, or in the alternate, (b) If said bid shall be accepted and the Principal shall execute and deliver a Contract Agreement (properly completed in accordance with said bid) and Shall furnish a Performance and Payment Bond upon the forms prescribed by the Owner for the faithful Performance of said Agreement, and shall in all other respects perform the agreement created by the acceptance of said bid, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise the same shall remain in force and effect, it being expressly understood and agreed that the liabi- lity of the Surety for any and all claims hereunder shall, in no event, exceed the penal amount of this obligation as herein stated 00410 continued The Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that the obligations of said Surety and its bond shall be in no way impaired or affected by any extension of the time within which the Owner may accept such bid, and said Surety does hereby waive notice of any such extension IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Principal and the Surety have hereunto set their hands and seals this 25th day of _February , 2008 , and such of them as are corporations have caused their corporate seals to be hereto affixed and these presents to be signed by their proper officers, the day and year first set forth above PRINCIPAL SURETY Name Naranjo Civil Constructors Inc Westfield Insurance Company 1863 Second Avenue 6300 S Syracuse Way Suite 230 Address Greele CO 063 4:34 8y � BY J S—L.EoaBl V P Title Karen A Feggestad Attorneyin Fact � � � ���� d � t0l�p�J f• • � ' ( SEAL) (SEAL) _ .A •,,J r � v� � M -- e Jir IN18e5pN0iA< NOTE Surety Companies executing bonds must be authorized to transact business in the State of Colorado and be acceptable to the Owner MOODY INSURANCE AGENCY, INC 3773 CHERRY CREEK NORTH DRIVE SUITE 800 DENVER COLORADO 80209 3804 PHONE (303) 824 6600 THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY SUPERCEDES ANY PREVIOUS POWER BEARING THIS SAME POWER # AND ISSUED PRIOR TO 03107MO FOR ANY PERSON OR PERSONS NAMED BELOW General Power of Attorney CERTIFIED COPY POWER NO 0500152 07 Westfield Insurance Co. Westfield National Insurance Co. Ohio Farmers Insurance Co. Westfleld Center Ohio Know All Man by These Presents That WESTFIELD INSURANCE COMPANY WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY and OHIO FARMERS INSURANCE COMPANY corporations hereinafter referred to Individually as a Company and collectively as Companies duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Ohio and having its principal office in Westfield Center Medina County Ohio do by these presents make, constitute and appoint EVAN E MOODY DANIEL S FINHOLM VERA T KALBA D N BROYLES KAREN A. FEOGESTAD SCOTT J HOWARD, JOINTLY OR SEVERALLY of DENVER place and stead, to execute sura4vdw LIMI__LO_!1 THIS POWER OUAAANTE! OR DANK DEPC and to bind any of the Comps. seal of the applicable Compel the oremises Said annninin• "Be it Resolved U be and Is hereby vat and on behalf of the The Attorney -In fl deliver any and all notices and documr Attorney in Fact shot '00 It Further Res power of attorney or seal shall be valid a held an Februarryy a, In Wlfness Wharai COMPANY have cau MARCH AD 20 Corporals YV V-'1 ants r'-- AmxW rpa Sul, with and State of CO its true and lawful Attorneys) -In Fact with full power and authority hereby conferred In its name acknowledge and deliver arty and all bonds, reaognixances tmdsrtakklga or ogler InshUrnards or contracts of OF ATTORNEY CANNOT BE USED TO EXECUTE NOTE GUARANTEE MORTGAGE DEFICIENCY MORTGAGE IITORY BONDS les thereby as fully and to the same extent as If such bonds were signed by the President sealed with the corporate It and duly attedted by Its Secretary hereby ratifying and confirming all that the sold Attorney(a) In Fact may do In lnt Is made under and by authority of the following resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of each of the PANY, WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY and OHIO FIiRMERS INSURANCE COMPANY mident any Senior Executive, any Secretary or any Fidelity & Surety Operations Executive or other Executive shall call power she following pvisi appoint any one or more suitable persona as Attorney(a) In Fad to represent and act for subject to the following provisions x given full power and authority for and In the name of and on behalf at the Company, to execute, acknowledge and bgriizeneee, cwtoets, agreements of Indemnity and other conditional or obligatory undertakings and any antl all ding a terminaling the Company's liability thereunder and any such Instruments so executed by any such tding upon the Company as If signed by the President and salad and attested by the Corporals 9ecrelary t the at nature of any such designated person antl tha seal of the Company horelofore or hxeaEar aMxed to any testa relating thereto by facsimile and any power of attorney or certificate bearing facsimile signatures or facsimile I upon the Company wNh respect to any bond or undertaking to which It is attached (Each adopted at a meeting these pre INSURANCE COMPANY WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY and OHIO FARMERS INSURANCE these presents to be signed by ther SMor Exatattlw and their corporate seals to W hereto aMxad this 07th day of Stale of Ohio County of Medina sa WESTFIELD INSURANCE COMPANY WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OHIO FARMERS INSURANCE COMPANY By Richard L Kinnalyd, Jr Senior Executive On this 07th day of MARCH A D 2009 before me personally came Richard L Kinnalyd Jr to me known who, being by me duly sworn did depose and say that he resides In Medina. Ohio, that he is Senior Executive of WESTFIELD INSURANCE COMPANY WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY and OHIO FARMERS INSURANCE COMPANY the companies described In and which executed the above Instrument that he knows the seals of said Companies that the seats affixed to said Instrument are Such corporate seals that they were so affixed by order of the Boards of Directors of said Companies and that he signed his name thereto by like order Notarial Seal pt A L (, Affixed 2 fr \111lb, ! i r State of Ohio William J Kahelln A rney at Law Notary Puhhc County of Medina ss i> ^ram My Commission Does Not Expire (See 14703 Ohio Rew.,ed Lade) I.. e� �t1f)NAL iNy � SEAL mf tr �i • � • I Frank A Carrino Secretary of WESTFIELD INSURANCE COMPANY WESTFIELD NA rICNAL,N S U RANCE CCMPANY ind OH C FARMERo INSURANCE COMPANY do hereby enify that the soave and tar•goinq 11 a true and correct rap/ of a Pcwer of Attorrey Lxec,led by I I Companies Which is still in full orre and effect and P rth,,mme the regal roan, of the Bcards if C r.ctord at out in the Pr Nei of tttorrry a e in full fir a aft i'lood �p� In Wterid� I have hereunto .,et my hard and affixed the seals of -old Companies at Westfield Center Cha this 25th I, r d�Anna 10 VAS SEAL rwunrlrr� ► �,, b({, lase '3 �S c \�`� to " tee, .�"• 6 SPOAC2 (FV 1:11riad) (00 02) Fr Carrinollcrete S•s W ly SECTION 00420 STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS All questions must be answered and the data given must be clear and comprehensive This statement must be notarized If necessary questions may be answered on separate attached sheets The Bidder may submit any additional information he desires 1 Name of Bidder PAy'AiNSo GV« Cotas-" , 1ric 2 Permanent main office address 1$(Q3 a� �'``f ,�� ,£„�� (O �&Op31 3 when organized Fpe, (g8'7 4 R (9 7 If a corporation where incorporated L pLoyp , How many years have you been engaged in the contracting business under your present firm or trade names -7 Y2 Contracts on hand (Schedule these showing the amount of each contract and the appropriate anticipated dates of completion ) General character of Work performed by your company DErnoU.T1aN1 L-ARxtilwoR�c..0 V2ILn'i1ti5j CoNGf)Li,r-, 8 Have you ever failed to complete any Work awarded to you? No If so where and why? 9 Have your ever defaulted on a contract? If so where and whys 10 Are you debarred by any government agency If yes list agency name Rev 10/20ro7 Section 00420 Page 1 BID SCHEDULE ADDENDUM No 1 6082 Horsetooth Ziegler Roundabout and Ziegler Road Improvements 210-02 Modify Manhole 5 EA 210-03 Adjust Valve Box 5 EA 210-04 Relocate Fire Hydrant 1 EA 21005 Relocate Meter Pit 2 EA 21006 Remove and Reset Mailbox 2 EA Remove & Replace Split Rail 21007 Fence 515 LF Remove & Replace Brick Fence 21008 Comer Posts 1 Agg Base Course (Class 5 or 6) 304-01 6 Depth 1460 30601 Sidewalk Preparation 1511 F 30602 Sidewalk Reconditioning 8 100 SY HBP Grading S 2 Depth (PG 403-01 64 28) 380 TON HBP Grading S 2 75 Depth (PG 40302 64 22) 150 TON HBP - Grading S 2 Depth (PG 40303 64 22) 380 TON HBP Grading SG - 5 Depth (58 40304 28) 1220 TON HBP Grading SG Asphalt 40305 Patching 58-28 50 TON HBP - Grading S 2 Depth (PG 64-22) Driveway for Warren 403-06 Pro a 130 TON 41201 Concrete Pavement 8 5 2560 SY Concrete Truck Apron 8 5 Tile 412-02 Red 330 SY Enhanced Cross Walk 8 5 Tile 41203 Red w/ Stam ed Border 200 SY 15 x6 x18 Type L Buried Rip Rap 506 01 w/Bedding and 6 Topsoil 1 EA 10x6x18 Type L Buried Rip Rap 506 02 w/Bedding and 6 Topsoil 2 EA 11 List the more important projects recently completed by your company stating the approximate cost of each and the month and year completed location and type of construction sEE A-r c T.D 12 List your major equipment available for this contract 6EE A-srACtt4Fg, 13 Experience in construction Work similar in importance to this project _'SVE- A rr x wT.0 14 Background and experience of the principal members of your organization including officers SE-'E Arr -CWT.0 15 Credit available $ 300, Ci6U 16 Bank reference WE•LLg Fp,Q(�o-C�nccL �gy iR (c) 70)33lp-(p�3(D 17 Will you upon request fill out a detailed financial statement and furnish any other information that may be required by the OWNER 18 Are you licensed as a General CONTRACTOR? YES If yes in what city county and states `_ ._;, at class license and numbers? 19 Do you anticipate subcontracting Work under this Contracts YES If yes what percent of total contracts ? S oio and to whom -ZTe.a%.r A LA, ,c SLOftAS„n 1 v tc. Ta~j It 20 Are any lawsuits pending against you or your firm at this times No IF yes DETAIL Rev 10/20/07 Section 00420 Page 2 21 What are the limits of your public liability DETAIL .� M �4a4 rJ /tG6R�G�r4T� What company, g I-r„ jwoy5 22 What are your company's bonding limitations? 1.m%uaOM r71NC.1� p vC 3 m %LLAo" 23 The undersigned hereby authorizes and requests any person firm or corporation to furnish any information requested by the OWNER in verification of the recital comprising this Statement of Bidder's Qualifications Dated ate $ ooA-M this 215 day of 20d9. A44,0so CAVIL CaaSt+w� IWC Name of Bidde By Title VP State of Cni_6mn.1Z.0 County of W -2, 0M,0 l Ev* being duly sworn deposes and says that he is VP of PM 44tlQvIL Cn&y,"ycnw•S. )rlc and that (name of organization) the answers to the foregoing questions and all statements therein contained are true and correct Subscribed and sworn to before me this Xt5_ day of 2006 r - •�MY cOmmassion expires wpy CemmNt10n�0Pe$ • R0V®�T.' Rev 10/20/07 Section 00420 Page 3 Herman Naranjo President — Operations Superintendent EXPERIENCE SUMMARY Mr Naranjo has over 32 years of diverse experience in Concrete Construction in Colorado Mr Naranjo has been involved with the construction and construction management of concrete construction projects for over 30 years Mr Naranjo as Owner and President of Naranjo Civil Constructors, Inc has built an organization that specializes in civil concrete structures through urban and rural waterways and complex street and trail reconstruction projects Mr Naranjo has owned and operated Naranjo Civil Constructors Inc for 23 years and has built a solid reputation throughout the industry for his thorough knowledge of concrete construction operations and the application of the highest standards in safety, quality and productivity RECENT PROJECT EXPERIENCE 7th Ave Bridge Reconstruction over the No 3 Ditch Owner Contact City of Greeley Scope of Work Scope involves the demolition and replacement of existing bridge with a CIP 8 X 22 Concrete Box Culvert The project scope extends beyond a concrete structure in that it involves dewatering, excavation, sub -grade replacement backfill installation of storm drainage systems, and street and pedestrian walkway reconstruction 36th Avenue Drainage Improvements Owner Contact City of Evans Scope of Work Scope involved the demolition and replacement of existing bridge with a CIP 4 X 8 Concrete Box Culvert H + L Concrete Inc, as the General Contractor, performed the entire excavation subgrade replacement and prep as well as the backfill and final grading for the project The project also involves guardrail construction RCP and riprap placement at FES outflow Two Rivers Parkway — Greeley/Loveland Canal Owner Contact Weld County Scope of Work Scope involved the excavation and prep for a CIP 8 X 10 Concrete Box Culvert H + L Concrete Inc as the General Contractor completed the entire excavation, subgrade prep and concrete construction for the project Lower Shaw Heights Channel Improvements Owner Contact Urban Drainage & Flood Control District/City of Westminster Scope of Work Scope of work involved construction of an 8 X 10 CIP Concrete Box Culvert three concrete drop structures, and a ramp and retaining wall system for maintenance access near 80th Avenue and Sheridan, in Westminster Colorado H + L Concrete, Inc, built the structure while dealing with massive surges in stormwater runoff through the channel The project also had the additional complexity of being built amidst apartment complexes and the UP railroad line on one side and commercial businesses on the other Punt The Creek, Phase 11 / III Owner Contact Greenway Foundation Scope of Work Scope of Work involved the construction of several concrete structures interlaced with a new bike trail near Lower Downtown Denver The work was performed as part of a total project that diverted the Cherry Creek Channel and subsequently presented several water control challenges WORK EXPERIENCE H + L Concrete, Inc , Greeley, Colorado Owner - President CG&S Company, Greeley, Colorado Project Supenntendent Cowan Concrete Inc, Greeley, Colorado Concrete Foreman Jerry Naranjo 1863"" Avenue Greeley, CO 80631 Office (970) 3S6 - 7909 Education Bachelor of Science — Engineering — Civil Specialty Colorado School of Mines 1993 Professional Profile and Project ExRenence Naranjo Civil Constructors, Inc — Genera/ Manager, Vice President d Secretary, June 1999 — Present Currently responsible for all phases of project management, design -build services, estimating, business development, accounting, personnel management, and contract management Experience summaries of major responsibilities are as follows • Project Management Currently responsible for construction projects totaling nearly 5 0 million per year in revenue Project management tasks include but are not limited to pre - construction meetings, submittals, materials purchasing, scheduling, utility locates and potholing services, subcontractor management, progress billing, and equipment and manpower allocation Also serves as the in-house engineer to troubleshoot technical problems on the plans and in the field, as well as providing surveying and takeoff support to the excavating and concrete crews Tasked with promoting quality construction, safe working environments and ultimately project profitability • Design -Budd Services Offers small-scale design -build services to a select group of contractors normally related to drainage structures and solutions related to structural concrete Design services have been offered using AutoCAD R14, photo/image editors and publishing software to produce high -end presentation style drawings for ownership review and acceptance Subsequent "build" services are implemented from design and directly into the field • Estimating Obtains all quotes from suppliers and subcontractors for approximately 30 projects per month Manages the database of quotes received over time by supplier by specification Attends all pre -bid meetings on behalf of the organization and conducts thorough site investigations to troubleshoot conditions that could possibly impact the cost of construction • Business Development Responsible for assessing new business opportunities via public advertisements for bid, negotiated work with clients, and scanning contacts to develop new leads Constructs all presentation materials for new client development with several software packages namely, Microsoft Office, Adobe Publisher, and AutoCAD R14 • Accounting Responsible for tracking all accounting functions including but not limited to A/R, A/P, project cost tracking, payroll, and all federal, state and local taxation issues Also responsible for monthly, quarterly, and annual financial statements to be submitted to bonding and banking authorities Also develops budgets and revenue forecasts for internal review • Personnel Management Serves as new -hire screener in charge of selecting qualified applicants for various positions within the organization Responsible for all new hire reporting to the state as well as all personnel issues related to job performance evaluations, terminations, workman s compensation claims, and most importantly the redistribution of personnel to optimize crew performance • Contract Management. Responsible for getting low -bid and negotiated work under contract Responsibilities also include all tasks related to subcontracts, change orders, change of condition cost estimates, actual vs budget analysis, retainage issues, and punchlist management Serves as the point person for all clients, engineers, and subcontractors MORRISON KNUDSEN CORPORATION, Denver, Colorado SWAFEngineer -1996-1999 Served as a Staff Engineer and consultant to the mining and construction industry Known in the industry to be one of the most advanced users of the Mincom mine planning software Extensive participation in developing feasibility studies and mine plans in Venezuela and Germany Also served long-term consulting contracts for onsite engineering and innovative solutions for BHP New Mexico Operations in Farmington, NM and ALCOA Sandow Mine in Rockdale, Texas Provided engineering and cost analysis to support potential and ongoing mining and construction projects internal and external to the organization MORRISON KNUDSEN CORPORATION, Denver, Colorado Interim Office Manager- 1996 -1997 Responsible for starting the Mining Group's Denver Office, and developing a solid client base Responsible for consulting revenues, marketing and development of future business, and the subsequent expansion of the office to include technical staff relocated from San Antonio, Texas Also responsible for all administrative duties until support structures were in -place, and operational MINCOM.INC, Denver, Colorado Engineering Consultant-1995 -1996 Served as a software consultant to clients in Germany, Texas, New Mexico, and Pennsylvania, Mr Naranjo developed a strong background in the use of Mincom's Mine Planning and Geological Modeling Software He was also heavily involved in marketing and sales, by serving as the company representative for software exhibits in multiple locations He also completed a short-term assignment in Brisbane, Australia, working in the software development department, specifically responsible for the specifications and design of Mincom's user-fnendly GTi environment MORRISON KNUDSEN CORPORATION, Carlos, Texas Project Engineer-1993 -1995 Mr Naranjo provided dragline engineering and design support for a two-dragline (BE-1570) open - pit lignite operation He was responsible for developing long-range mine planning, strategic development, and designed and implemented post -mining topography, including endlake and drainage design Mr Naranjo provided daily engineering support to the operations engineer and pit superintendents and completed a temporary assignment as night shift dragline superintendent He was also responsible for the integration of state-of-the-art mining -software solutions in the mining engineering department John Leone 1863nd Avenue Greeley, CO 80631 Office (970) 356 — 7909 ENGINEERING MANAGER/ESTIMATOR Education Bachelor of Science — Chemical Engineering & Petroleum Refining - Colorado Schoo/of Mines 1992 Professional Profile and Project Exuenence Naranjo Civil Constructors, Inc - Engineenng Manager November 2005- Present Currently responsible for all phases of estimating and contract management Also act as project manager as needed Experience summaries of major responsibilities are as follows • Estimating Obtains all quotes from suppliers and subcontractors for approximately 30 projects per month Manages the database of quotes received over time by supplier by specification Attends all pre -bid meetings on behalf of the organization and conducts thorough site investigations to troubleshoot conditions that could possibly impact the cost of construction • Contract Management Responsible for getting low -bid and negotiated work under contract Responsibilities also include all tasks related to subcontracts, change orders, change of condition cost estimates, and actual vs budget analysis • Business Development Assists inassessing new business opportunities via public advertisements for bid, negotiated work with clients, and scanning contacts to develop new leads Constructs all presentation materials for new client development with several software packages namely, Microsoft Office, Adobe Publisher Aggregate Industries, Greeley, Colorado Estir»ating Manager- 2004-2005 Served as head estimator and project manager for Aggregate Industries Greeley Contracting Division Projects ranged in size from $5000 to $5,500,000 Projects included both private and public projects including CDOT projects Projects estimated and managed included projects with up to 10 subcontractors Responsible for obtaining all quotes from suppliers and subcontractors, attending all pre -bid meetings on behalf of the organization, getting subcontractors under contract, and managing projects in the construction phase 1--2 Contracting Company, Greeley, Colorado Estimator/Project Manager/Owner-1996-2004 Responsible for estimating and managing projects totaling $6,000,000 per year Projects ranged in size from $5000 to $3,300,000 Projects included both private and public projects including CDOT projects Approximately $2,000,000 of yearly revenue was subcontracted Responsible for obtaining all quotes from suppliers and subcontractors, attending all pre -bid meetings on behalf of the organization, getting subcontractors under contract, and managing project in the construction phase References • City of Greeley, Mike Bedell, Project Engineer (970) 336-4125 • Town of Parker, Tom Williams, Storm Water Engineer (303) 840-9546 • City of Evans, Dawn Anderson, Engineer (970) 475-1160 Christine Warner 1863nd Avenue Greeley, CO 80631 Office (970) 356 - 7909 Education Traffic Control Supervisor Training, Erosion Control Supervisor Training, Project Management Certification through Grow Colorado, Payroll — Labor Compliance through Colorado Department of Transportation Professional Profile and Protect ExoenencP Naranjo C/vi/ C0n0ruci0r4 Inc - Project Manager, Traffic Contro/Super visor, Erosion Conlin/Supervisor, Certified Payroll May 2002 - Present Currently responsible for all phases of project management, traffic control supervisor, accounting, payroll, subcontractor management Experience summaries of major responsibilities are as follows • Project Management Currently responsible for construction projects totaling nearly 5 0 million per year in revenue Project management tasks include but are not limited to pre - construction meetings, submittals, materials purchasing, utility locates and potholing services, subcontractor management, and progress billing Tasked with promoting quality construction, safe working environments and ultimately project profitability • Traffic Control Supervisor Responsible for drawing traffic control management plans, organizing traffic control equipment and maintaining a clean and safe worksite for all working personnel on our projects • Accounting Responsible for tracking all accounting functions including but not limited to A/R, A/P, project cost tracking, payroll, and all federal, state and local taxation issues Also responsible for monthly, quarterly, and annual financial statements to be submitted to bonding and banking authorities • Payroll Responsible for all aspects of payroll Collecting time data from each project and properly allocating time to those projects Documenting and tracking proper employee codes for certified payroll a Subcontractor Management Responsible for notifying and properly organizing subcontractors Ordering materials for the project in a timely manner Also acts as main point of contact for all suppliers and subcontractors on all projects Northern Colorado Traffic Control, Greeley, Colorado Traffic Control Supervisor —Scheduling Manager 1994 - 2002 Ms Warner managed several projects with as many as 20 employees on any one sight Has a vast knowledge of traffic control, project management, safety, and organizational skills EQUIPMENT VIN/SERIAL # 2004 BOBCAT SKIDSTEER S300 S/N 52581 1 086 2004 BOBCAT SKIDSTEER T250 TRACKED SKID S/N 52561 1767 2004 BOBCAT MINI EXCAVATOR 442 S/N 522311 534 2002 KOAMTSU P020OLC 7L A86173 2004 JOHN DEERE 544H WHEEL LOADER 1998 KOMATSU PC200 LC 6 A83877 1996 CASE 621E LOADER JEE0041490 1999 KOMATSU PC60 56132 2001 CAT 246 SKID LOADER 05SZ03021 DUMP TRUCKS 1992 KENWORTH TANDEM DUMP TRUCK 1XKAD69X4NS579621 2007 MACK TANDEM DUMP TRUCK 1993 KENWORTH TRACTOR 1 NKDLR9X9PJ5B907B 1996 GMC UTILITY DUMP TRUCK 1 GDKC34JHTJ510658 PICK UPS/SMALL VEHICLES 2006 FORD Fi 50 STX PICKUP 1 FTRF14WX6NA347 59 2005 DODGE DIESEL PICKUP 303KS28C55G708607 2005 DODGE HEMI PICKUP 103HU 1 801 SJ541426 2004 FORD F150 PICKUP 1 FTPW14524KDBS676 2003 TOYOTA 4RUNNER JTEBL114R63S000923 2003 TOYOTA SRS 4X4 PICKUP 5THBT44113S411279 2003 DODGE 02500 PICKUP 307KU25673G752305 2003 CHEW C1500 #43 2GCEC19X431237294 2003 CHEW C1500 #9 2GCEC19X331379H77 2003 CHEVY 2500 HD 4X4 1 GCHK29GX3E1 7 1090 2002 GMC 2500 UTILITY TRUCK 4X4 1 GDHK24UX2E1491 49 2001 CHEVROLET CREW CAB 4X4 1 GBJK33GO1 F144708 2001 CHEVROLET CREW CAB 4X2 1 GBJC33G1 1 F1467B6 2000 GMC UTILITY FUEL TRUCK 4X2 1 GDG024RBYR22461 5 1999 DODGE TURBO DIESEL 2500 EXTENDED CAB 4X4 187KF2363XJ544774 1999 FORD F350 CREW CAB 4X4 1 FDWW37S3XED96290 1990 DODGE DIESEL PICKUP UTILITY 1 S7KE26BSLS6B6435 2002 WACKER G25 PORTABLE GENERATOR TRAILER 4TCSU02522HG2000B 1999 INGERSOLL RAND GENERATOR TRAILER 29677UAJ221 1999 FONTAINE LOWBOY TRAILER 4LF4551 34X35OB57❑ 1995 GOLD STAR TRAILER 4HLCH 1 621 STOBO9S2 1995 MAXEY TRAILER I M9FT24T7S 1104053 1991 STRICK VAN TRAILER 1 S 1 1 S82B6ME336559 1991 STRICK VAN TRAILER 191 1 SB2SBME336594 1972 FRUEHAUF VAN TRAILER SLPS9921 B 2001 SUPTRAILER BENDS 1S9HP162110243790 2001 SUP TRAILER 1 S9TP14291 C243596 2001 HMO TRAILER 10031929900 1981 HMO TRAILER 10610587COLO MOBILE CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 2005 MULTIQUIP 2 SUBMERSIBLE PUMP N/A 2003 3 GAS TRASH PUMP SERIAL # 18606 MODEL # QP301 TH 2003 HONDA GX120 4 O HP JOINT SAW 2004 PARTNER K9SO 14 DEMO SAW 2003 PARTNER K950 14 DEMO SAW 2002 PARTNER K950 14 DEMO SAW 2002 WYLIE WATER TRAILER 2002 LASER LEVEL SPECTRA PRECISION 2002 TOPCON PIPE LASER 2001 PARTNER K950 1 6 CONCRETE DEMO SAW W/BLADE 2001 MUNRO 3 SUBMERSIBLE PUMP 2001 MUNRO 3 SUBMERSIBLE PUMP 2001 MUNRO 3 SUBMERSIBLE PUMP 2001 GEORGIA BUGGY CONCRETE TRANSPORT 2007 GEORGIA BUGGY CONCRETE TRANSPORT 2001 BOSCH ROTARY HAMMER DRILL 1 1 227E 2001 ASPHALT CUTTING TOOL ATTACHMENT 2000 STANLEY HYDRAULIC PLATE COMPACTOR FOR CASE 580 2000 HONDA GENERATOR 5 5 HP 2000 HONDA GENERATOR 5 5 HP 1999 HONDA GENERATOR 6 5 HP 1998 HYDRAULIC THUMB ATTACHMENT FOR KOMATSU P0200 1998 WACKER JUMPING JACK 199E HOTSY 550C 1997 CAT FORKLIFT 5000 LB 1996 MULTI QUIP RAMMER MT 135H 1995 MULTI QUIP GENERATOR 6 5 HP I1995 GROUND POUNDER PLATE COMPACTOR (HONDA) 1995 GROUND POUNDER PLATE COMPACTOR (HONDA) 1995 GAR SRO CONCRETE BUCKET 1993 GROUND POUNDER PLATE COMPACTOR (HONDA) 19BB DAYTON INDUSTRIAL GENERATOR 1 I HP BOMAG BW605 WALK BEHIND ROLLER 1985 LINCOLN ARC WELDER (PORTABLE) 1985 CLIPPER CONCRETE 14 FLOOR SAW W/ DIAMOND BLADE SN 7551 ❑BAM051 N/A N/A N/A N/A I N/A BID SCHEDULE ADDENDUM No 1 6082 Horsetooth Ziegler Roundabout and Ziegler Road Improvements 50603 5 x5 x18 Type L Buried Rip Rap w/Bedding and 6 Topsoil 1 EA 50604 Cobble in Tree Wells incl Weed Barrier Undeda ment 20 TON 50801 Timber Tree Well 500 SF 60301 15 RCP Class III 33 LF 603-02 18 RCP Class III 55 LF 603-03 15 RCP FES Class III 2 EA 603-04 18 RCP FES Class III 2 Eq 603d Underdram Pipe 70 LF E603 Underdram Clean Out L 1 EA Underdrain Connection Storm Sewer 1 EA 604-01 Double Type 13 Inlet 1 EA 607-01 4 Wire Smooth Wire Fence 305 LF 60801 Concrete Sidewalk 6 13600 SF 60802 Concrete Access Ramp w/ Truncated Domes 925 SF 608-03 Pedestrian Refuge Island Ramp w/ Truncated Domes 570 SF 608-04 Concrete Driveway Approach w/A rons - 6 552 SF 60805 Alternate Bike Ramp w/ 6 Curb Heads 590 SF b and Gutter 30 2400 LF b and Gutter 18 =Infail Infall 1750 LF e Curb w/ 1 Gutter 260 LF ExposedAggregate Median Cover 610-01 San Diego Buff 4 4300 SF PAST PROJECT INFORMATION Owner Information Owner Owners Rep Address Contact Phone Number Project Information Project Title Project Location Project Description Arehrtect/Enginser Information Architect/Engineer Address Phone Number Project Financial Information Original Contract Amount Final Contract Amount Change Order History Total Number of Change Orders Total Amount of Change Orders City of Greeley Wendy Daughtery City Engineer 1100 10th Street Suite 300 Greeley CO 80631 (970)336-4095 Promontory Pond Rehabilitation Greeley CO 2200CY Earthwork 3800 Ton Riprep 1900 Ton Bedding Pond Liner Repair Structural Concrete Modifications Smith Geotechnical 1225 Red Cedar Circle (970)490-2620 Page 1 of 3 Suite H Fort Collins CO 80524 476 759 00 371 721 49 1 2 478 77 mhb NAV #qnr MJA7 C C N 15 -rR U C T O m m PAST PROJECT INFORMATION Owner Information Owner Owners Rep Address Contact Phone Number Project Information Protect Titre Project Location Project Description Arohitect/Enginser Information Archdect/Engineer Address Phone Number Project Financial Information Original Contract Amount Final Contract Amount Change Order History Total Number of Change Orders Total Amount of Change Orders City of Evans Dawn Anderson 1100 37th Street (970)475-1129 City Engineer Evans CO 80620 2006 Concrete Project Evans CO Remove and replace concrete 5400LF of new regional concrete trail non potable pump station modifications Concrete Work Pump Station Work City of Evans Aqua Engineering 1100 37th Street Evans CO 4803 Innovation Dr Fort Collins CO (970)475-1129 (970)229 9868 Page 2 of 3 PAST PROJECT INFORMATION Owner Information Owner Owners Rep Address Contact Phone Number Project Information Project Title Project Location Project Description ArchitectiEngineer Information Archdect/Engineer Address Phone Number Project Financial Information Original Contract Amount Final Contract Amount Change Order History Total Number of Change Orders Total Amount of Change Orden; r Town of Johnstown Becky Ware Project Manager 4601 DTC Boulevard Suite 700 Denver CO 80237 (303)2212-7275 SH60 and Parish Ave Intersection Improvements Johnstown CO Intersection reconstruction Remove asphalt and concrete asphalt paving concrete network waterline storm sewer sigmtization PBSU 4601 DTC Boulevard (303)2212-7275 Page 3 of 3 Suite 700 Denver CO 80237 964 580 00 999 873 00 5 35 293 00 CURRENT PROJECT INFORMATION Owner Information Owner City of Golden Owners Rep Jeremy Reichert Project Manger Address 1440 10th Street Golden CO 80401 Contact Phone Number (303) 384-8152 Project Information Project Title 2007 Concrete Replacement Project Location Golden CO Project Description Remove and replace concrete Storm drainage work Architect/Engineer Information Architect/Engineer Address Phone Number Project Financial Information Original Contract Amount Contract Remaining Percent Complete Scheduled Completion Date City of Golden 1440 1 Oth Street Golden CO 80401 (303) 384-8152 Page 1 of 6 Owl CURRENT PROJECT INFORMATION Owner Information Owner Owners Rep Address Contact Phone Number Project Information Project Tdle Project Location Project Description ArchitectlEngmeer Information Architect/Engineer Address Phone Number Project Financial Information Original Contract Amount Contract Remaining Percent Complete Scheduled Completion Date - SAW 7a Y City of Greeley Michael Forslund 1001 9th Ave Greeley CO 80631 (970)336-4092 2007 Shared Concrete Replacement Greeley CO Remove and replace concrete City of Greeley 1001 9th Ave Greeley CO 80631 (970)336-4092 Page 2 of tc 158 000 00 70 000 00 56% Sep-07 CURRENT PROJECT INFORMATION Owner Information Owner Owners Rep Address Contact Phone Number Project Information Project Title Project Location Project Description Architect/Engineer Information Architect/Engmeer Address Phone Number Project Financial Information Original Contract Amount Contract Remaining Percent Complete Scheduled Completion Date Urban Drainage Flood Control District Jeff Fischer 2480 W 26th Ave Denver CO 80211 (303)455-6277 Cherry Creek at Stroh Ranch Parker CO Channel Grading Sculpted Drop Structures Riprap Basin Muller Engineering 777 S Wadsworth Boulevard (303)988-4939 Page 3 of b Lakewood CO 80226 II I9 ''a -...sue >• ti_-1'' G x CURRENT PROJECT INFORMATION Owner Information Owner Owners Rep Address Contact Phone Number Project Information Project Title Project Location Project Description Architect/Engineer Information ArchltecUEngmeer Address Phone Number Project Financial information Original Contract Amount Contract Remaining Percent Complete Scheduled Completion Date Town of Frederick Andy Jesik 451 Oak Street Frederick CO 80530 (303)833-1416 WCR13 Median Frederick CO Colored and patterned concrete median Civil Resources 451 Oak Street Frederick CO 80530 (303)833-1416 $ 274 000 00 $ 240 000 00 12% Jul-07 Page 4 of L MA6, IYRRFI NJO NOVA C C N 8 T R LJ C T C R S CURRENT PROJECT INFORMATION Owner Information Owner Owners Rep Address Contact Phone Number Project Information Project Title Project Location Project Description ArchitectfEngineer Information ArchitectlEngineer Address Phone Number Project Financial Information Original Contract Amount Contract Remaining Percent Complete Scheduled Completion Date Town of Parker Tom Williams City Engineer 20120 E Mamstreet Parker CO 80138 (303) 840 954e Cherry Creek at Highlands Parker CO Channel grading trail replacement storm culvert Muller Engineering 777 S Wadsworth Boulevard (303)988-4939 Page 5 of 4 Lakewood CO 80226 53 000 00 53 000 00 0% JuW7 /' MRAN../O C C N e3 T R V C T C R S CURRENT PROJECT INFORMATION Owner Information Owner Owners Rep Address Contact Phone Number Project Information Project Title Project Location Project Description ArchRecUEnginser Information ArchitecVEngmeer Address Phone Number Project Financial Information Original Contract Amount Contract Remaining Percent Complete Scheduled Completion Date Town of Parker Tom Williams City Engineer 20120 E Mainstreet Parker CO 80138 (303) 840 9546 Jordan Culvert Repairs Parker CO Repair metal arch pipe under Jordan Road Muller Engineering 777 S Wadsworth Boulevard (303)988-4939 Page 6 of j, Lakewood CO 80226 23 000 00 23 000 00 0% Jul-07 SECTION 00430 SCHEDULE OF SUBCONTRACTORS List all subcontractors for the work items listed below and all subcontractors performing over 10t of the contract ITBN -PAv"., CA-51 l Pna—) SUBCONTRACTOR LAPio.g—r.E Section 00430 Page 1 BID SCHEDULE ADDENDUM No 1 6082 Horsetooth Ziegler Roundabout and Ziegler Road Improvements 61002 4 S lashblock San Diann Buff 2050 SF 61901 3/4 Water Service for Irrigation Backflow Preventer Meter Pit Pressure Reducing Assembly CIP 1 LS 61902 4 PVC Sleeve Under Sidewalk for Irn ation Lines 100 LF - Bonds & Insurance 1 LS 62501 Construction Surveying 1 LS 62601 Mobilization 1 LS Total DOLLARS +�+rau 1a� rvVRLJ SECTION 00500 AGREEMENT FORMS 00510 Notice of Award 00520 Agreement 00530 Notice to Proceed SECTION 00510 NOTICE OF AWARD Date February 26, 2008 TO Naranjo Civil Constructors, Inc PROJECT 6082 Horsetooth-Ziegler Roundabout and Ziegler Road Improvements OWNER CITY OF FORT COLLINS (hereinafter referred to as "the OWNER") You are hereby notified that your Bid dated February 25, 2008 for the above project has been considered You are the apparent successful Bidder and have been awarded an Agreement for 6082 Horsetooth-Ziegler Roundabout and Ziegler Road Improvements The Price of your Agreement is Six Hundred Ninety Four Thousand One Hundred Three Dollars $694,103 Three (3) copies of each of the proposed Contract Documents (except Drawings) accompany this Notice of Award Three (3) sets of the Drawings will be delivered separately or otherwise made available to you immediately You must comply with the following conditions precedent within fifteen (15) days of the date of this Notice of Award, that is by March 12, 2008 1 You must deliver to the OWNER three (3) fully executed counterparts of the Agreement including all the Contract Documents Each of the Contract Documents must bear your signature on the cover of the page 2 You must deliver with the executed Agreement the Contract Security (Bonds) as specified in the Instructions to Bidders, General Conditions (Article 5 1) and Supplementary Conditions Failure to comply with these conditions within the time specified will entitle OWNER to consider your Bid abandoned, to annul this Notice of Award and to declare your Bid Security forfeited Within ten (10) days after you comply with those return to you one (1) fully -signed counterpart of Contract Documents attached City of Fort Collins OWNER By James 0 Neill, II, CPPO, FNIGP D rec or of Purchasing & Risk Management conditions, OWNER will the Agreement with the 1 Section 00510 Page SECTION 00520 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is dated as of the 26 day of February in the year of 2008 and shall be effective on the date this AGREEMENT is signed by the City The City of Fort Collins (hereinafter called OWNER) and Naranjo Civil Constructors Inc (hereinafter called CONTRACTOR) OWNER and CONTRACTOR, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, agree as follows ARTICLE 1 WORK CONTRACTOR shall complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents The Project for which the Work under the Contract Documents may be the whole or only a part is defined as the construction of the 6082 Horsetooth-Ziegler Roundabout and Ziegler Road Improvements and is generally described in Section 01010 ARTICLE 2 ENGINEER The Project has been designed by Interwest Consulting Group, who is hereinafter called ENGINEER and who will assume all duties and responsibilities and will have the rights and authority assigned to ENGINEER in the Contract Documents in connection with completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents ARTICLE 3 CONTRACT TIMES 3 1 The Work shall be Substantially Complete within One Hundred Five (105) calendar days after the date when the Contract Times commence to run as provided in the General Conditions and completed and ready for Final Payment and Acceptance in accordance with the General Conditions within fifteen (15) calendar days after the date of substantial completion 3 2 Liquidated Damages OWNER and CONTRACTOR recognize that time is of the essence of this Agreement and that OWNER will suffer financial loss if the Work is not completed within the times specified in paragraph 3 1 above, plus any extensions thereof allowed in accordance with Article 12 of the General Conditions They also recognize the delays, expenses and difficulties involved in proving in a legal proceeding the actual loss suffered by OWNER if the Work is not completed on time Accordingly, instead of requiring any such proof, OWNER and CONTRACTOR agree that as liquidated damages for delay (but not as penalty) CONTRACTOR shall pay OWNER the amounts set forth hereafter Page 1 Section 00520 1) Liquidated Damages One Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy Eight Dollars ($1,778) that expires after the One Hundred Five (105) calendar day period for Substantial Completion of the Work until the Work is Substantially Complete 2) Final Acceptance After Substantial Completion, Six Hundred Dollars ($600) for each calendar day or fraction thereof that expires after the fifteen (15) calendar day period for Final Payment and Acceptance until the Work is ready for Final Payment and Acceptance ARTICLE 4 CONTRACT PRICE 4 1 OWNER shall pay CONTRACTOR for performance of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents in current funds as follows Six Hundred Ninety Four Thousand One Hundred Three Dollars $694,103, in accordance with Section 00300, attached and incorporated herein by this reference ARTICLE 5 PAYMENT PROCEDURES CONTRACTOR shall submit Applications for Payment in accordance with Article 14 of the General Conditions Applications for Payment will be processed by ENGINEER as provided in the General Conditions 5 1 PROGRESS PAYMENTS OWNER shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Price on the basis of CONTRACTOR's Application for Payment as recommended by ENGINEER, once each month during construction as provided below All progress payments will be on the basis of the progress of the Work measured by the schedule of values established in paragraph 2 6 of the General Conditions and in the case of Unit Price Work based on the number of units completed, and in accordance with the General Requirements concerning Unit Price Work 5 1 1 Prior to Substantial Completion, progress payments will be in the amount equal to the percentage indicated below, but, in each case, less the aggregate of payments previously made and less such amounts as ENGINEER shall determine, or OWNER may withhold, in accordance with paragraph 14 7 of the General Conditions 90% of the value of Work completed until the Work has been 50% completed as determined by ENGINEER, when the retainage equals 5% of the Contract Price, and if the character and progress of the Work have been satisfactory to OWNER and ENGINEER, OWNER on recommendation of ENGINEER, may determine that as long as the character and progress of the Work remain satisfactory to them, there will be no additional retainage on account of Work completed in which case the remaining progress payments prior to Substantial Completion will be in an amount equal to 100% of the Work completed 90- of materials and equipment not incorporated in the Work (but delivered, suitably stored and accompanied by documentation Page 2 Section 00520 satisfactory to OWNER as provided in paragraph 14 2 of the General Conditions) may be included in the application for payment 5 1 2 Upon Substantial Completion payment will be made in an amount sufficient to increase total payments to CONTRACTOR to 95% of the Contract Price, less such amounts as ENGINEER shall determine or OWNER may withhold in accordance with paragraph 14 7 of the General Conditions or as provided by law 5 2 FINAL PAYMENT Upon Final Completion and Acceptance of the Work in accordance with paragraph 14 13 of the General Conditions, OWNER shall pay the remainder of the Contract Price as recommended by ENGINEER as provided in said paragraph 14 13 ARTICLE 6 CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATION In order to induce OWNER to enter into this Agreement, CONTRACTOR makes the following representations 6 1 CONTRACTOR has familiarized himself with the nature and extent of the Contract Documents, Work, site, locality, and with all local conditions and Laws and Regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work 6 2 CONTRACTOR has studied carefully all reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions and drawings of physical conditions which are identified in the Supplementary Conditions as provided in paragraph 4 2 of the General Conditions 6 3 CONTRACTOR has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for obtaining and carefully studying) all such examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports, and studies (in addition to or to supplement those referred to in paragraph 6 2 above) which pertain to the subsurface or physical condition at or contiguous to the site or otherwise may affect the cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work as CONTRACTOR considers necessary for the performance or furnishing of the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Times and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, including specifically the provisions of paragraph 4 2 of the General Conditions and no additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports, studies or similar information or data are or will be required by CONTRACTOR for such purposes 6 4 CONTRACTOR has reviewed and checked all information and data shown or indicated on the Contract Documents with respect to existing Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site and assumes responsibility for the accurate location of said Underground Facilities No additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports, studies or similar information or data in respect of Page 3 Section 00520 said Underground Facilities are or will be required by CONTRACTOR in order to perform and furnish the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Times and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, including specifically the provision of paragraph 4 3 of the General Conditions 6 5 CONTRACTOR has correlated the results of all such observations, examinations, investigations, tests, reports and data with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents 6 6 CONTRACTOR has given ENGINEER written notice of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies that he has discovered in the Contract Documents and the written resolution thereof by ENGINEER is acceptable to CONTRACTOR ARTICLE 7 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 7 1 The Contract Documents which comprise the entire Agreement between OWNER and CONTRACTOR concerning the Work consist of the General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, those items included in the definition of Contract Documents in Article 1 10 of the General Conditions, and such other items as are referenced in this Article 7, all of which are incorporated herein by this reference 7 2 Forms for use by CONTRACTOR in performing the Work and related actions in carrying out the terms of this Agreement are deemed Contract Documents and incorporated herein by this reference, and include, but are not limited to, the following 7 2 1 Certificate of Substantial Completion 7 2 2 Certificate of Final Acceptance 7 2 3 Lien Waiver Releases 7 2 4 Consent of Surety 7 2 5Application for Exemption Certificate 7 2 6Application for Payment 7 3 Drawings, consisting of a cover sheet and sheets numbered as follows SHEET DESCRIPTTON 1 Cover Sheet 2 General Notes 3 Typical Sections 4 Right of Way Map 5 Horizontal Control Plan 6-7 Demolition Plan 8 Erosion Control Plan 9 Surfacing Plan 10-12 Flowline Plan and Profile 13-17 Splitter Island Details 18 Concrete Joint Plan Page 4 Section 00520 Grading Plan Signing & Striping Plan F Cross Sections Details Landscape and Irrigation Plan The Contract Drawings shall be stamped "Final for Construction" and dated Any revisions made shall be clearly identified and dated 7 4 Addenda Numbers 1 to 1, inclusive 7 5 The Contract Documents also include all written amendments and other documents amending, modifying, or supplementing the Contract Documents pursuant to paragraphs 3 5 and 3 6 of the General Conditions 7 6 There are no Contract Documents other than those listed or incorporated by reference in this Article 7 The Contract Documents may only be amended, modified or supplemented as provided in paragraphs 3 5 and 3 6 of the General Conditions ARTICLE 8 MISCELLANEOUS 8 1 Terms used in this Agreement which are defined in Article I of the General Conditions shall have the meanings indicated in the General Conditions 8 2 No assignment by a party hereto of any rights under or interests in the Contract Documents will be binding on another party hereto without the written consent of the party sought to be bound and specifically but not without limitations, moneys that may become due and moneys that are due may not be assigned without such consent (except to the extent that the effect of this restriction may be limited by law), and unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent to an assignment no assignment will release or discharge that assignor from any duty or responsibility under the Contract Document 8 3 OWNER and CONTRACTOR each binds itself, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other party hereto, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives in respect to all covenants, Agreement and obligations contained in the Contract Document Page 5 Section 00520 OWNER CITY OF FORT COLLINS By � 1 JAM B O'NEILL II, CPPO, FNIGP DIR TO OF PURCHASING AND K MANAGEMENT Date ail —7ID 1 r ff�Q • • 'c��V (CORPORATE SEAL) Attest City Clerk Address for giving notices P 0 Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522 LICENSE NO ApprovV as As ty Attorney CONTRACTOR Naranjo Civil Constructors, Inc By 5o1+r.1 L..Ee„r8 Title Date 3/y/0$ T test Address for giving notices ISLa3 allo av5 m Page 6 Section 00520 SECTION 00530 NOTICE TO PROCEED Description of Work 6082 Horsetooth-Ziegler Roundabout and Ziegler Road Improvements To _Naranjo Civil Constructors, Inc This notice is to advise you That the contract covering the above described Work has been fully executed by the CONTRACTOR and the OWNER That the required CONTRACTOR's Performance Bond and Payment Bond have been received by the OWNER That the OWNER has approved the said Contract Documents Therefore, as the CONTRACTOR for the above described Work, you are hereby authorized and directed to proceed within calendar days from receipt of this notice as required by the Agreement Dated this day of 20 The dates for Substantial Completion and Final Acceptance shall be 20 and 20, respectively City of Fort Collins OWNER 0 Title ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF NOTICE Receipt of the above Notice to Proceed is hereby acknowledged this _day of , 20 CONTRACTOR Naranjo Civil Constructors, Inc By Title Section 00530 Page 1 SECTION 00600 BONDS AND CERTIFICATES 00610 Performance Bond 00615 Payment Bond 00630 Certificate of Insurance 00635 Certificate of Substantial Completion 00640 Certificate of Final Acceptance 00650 Lien Waiver Release (CONTRACTOR) 00660 Consent of Surety 00670 Application for Exemption Certificate 1J l I I I msa — — L — —L W 0 CITY OF FORT COLLINS COLORADO I���o i �n m —ICI HORSETOOTH/ZIEGLER ROUNDABOUT I19� ENGINEERING DIVISION GRADING PLAN SECTION 00610 PERFORMANCE BOND Bond No 42638 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that (Firm) Naranjo Civil Constructors, Inc (Address) 1863 Second Avenue, Greeley, CO 80631 (I (�--�+�;, (a Corporation), hereinafter referred to as the "Principal' and (Firm) Westfield Insurance Company (Address) 6300 S Syracuse Way, Suite 230, Englewood, CO 80111 hereinafter referred to as 'the Surety", are held and firmly bound unto City of Fort Collins 300 Laporte Ave Fort Collins Colorado 80522 a (Municipal Corporation) hereinafter referred to as the OWNER", in the penal sum of Six Hundred Ninety Four Thousand lawful money of the United States, for the a well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, p successors assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents *One Hundred Three and No/100----($694,103 00) THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION are such that whereas the Principal entered into a certain Agreement with the OWNER, dated the 26th day of February 2008, a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof for the performance of The City of Fort Collins project, 6082 Horsetooth-Ziegler Roundabout and Ziegler Road Improvements NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall well, truly and faithfully perform its duties, all the undertakings, covenants, terms, conditions and agreements of said Agreement during the original term thereof, and any extensions thereof which may be granted by the OWNER, with or without Notice to the Surety and during the life of the guaranty period, and if the Principal shall satisfy all claims and demands incurred under such Agreement, and shall fully indemnify and save harmless the OWNER from all cost and damages which it may suffer by reason of failure to do so, and shall reimburse and repay the OWNER all outlay and expense which the OWNER may incur in making good any default then this obligation shall be void otherwise to remain in full force and effect Rev 10i20/07 1 Section 00610 Page PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement or to the Work to be performed thereunder or the Specifications accompanying the same shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement or to the Work or to the Specifications PROVIDED, FURTHER, that no final settlement between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR shall abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder, whose claim may be unsatisfied PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the Surety Company must be authorized to transact business in the State of Colorado and be acceptable to the OWNER IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed in three (3) counterparts, each one of which shall be deemed an original, this 29th day of February , 20 08 IN PRESENCE OF Principal saran o Clytf C �ructors. Inc I Gh ,iTrtle p M (Addy ate Seal) IN RESENCE OF 7 Other Partners By L/ IN PRESENCE OF Surety We tfield Incur Company " reelu �$alba, Witness " 793 iy Creek Dr No #800 By Attorney -In -Fact (AidsesST Denver. P,b_ 40209 (Surety JE4) NOTZ bbiF~`of Bond must not be prior to date of q��bNTRACTOA as Pat nershi Agreement,,,..o0 - p, all partners should execute Bond win Rev 10/20107 MOODY INSURANCE AGENCY, INC 3773 CHERRY CREEK NORTH DRIVE SUITE 800 DENVER COLORADO 80209 3804 PHONE (303) 824 6600 Ctlon 00610 Page 2 SECTION 00615 PAYMENT BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that Bond No 42638 (Firm) Naranjo Civil Constructors, Inc (Address)1863 Second Avenue, Greeley, CO 80631 (aR , (a P - @), (a Corporation), hereinafter referred to as the "Principal' and (Firm) Westfield Insurance Company (Address) 6300 S Syracuse Way, Suite 230, Englewood, CO 80111 hereinafter referred to as "the Surety , are held and firmly bound unto the City of Fort Collins 300 Laporte Ave Fort Collins Colorado 80522 a (Municipal Corporation) hereinafter referred to as "the OWNER", in the penal sum of Six Hundred Ninety Four Thousand lawful money of the United States, for the pa which well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves,successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents *One Hundred Three and No/100 ($694,103 00) THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION are such that whereas the Principal entered into a certain Agreement with the OWNER, dated the 26`" day of February 2008 a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof for the performance of The City of Fort Collins project, 6082 Horsetooth-Ziegler Roundabout and Ziegler Road Improvements NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall make payment to all persons, firms, subcontractors, and corporations furnishing materials for or performing labor in the prosecution of the Work provided for in such Agreement and any authorized extension or modification thereof, including all amounts due for materials, lubricants, repairs on machinery, equipment and tools, consumed, rented or used in connection with the construction of such Work, and all insurance premiums on said Work, and for all labor, performed in such Work whether by subcontractor or otherwise, then this obligation shall be void otherwise to remain in full force and effect Rev 10120ro7 Section 00615 Page 1 PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement or to the Work to be performed tFereunder or the Specifications accompanying the same shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement or to the Work or to the Specifications PROVIDED, FJRTHER, that no final settlement between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR shall abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder, whose claim may be unsatisfied PROVIDED FURTHER, that the Surety Company must be authorized to transact business in the State of Colorado and be acceptable to the OWNER IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed in three (3) counterparts, each one of which shall be deemed an original, this29th day OfFehruary 20 08 PN PRESENCE OF Principal Naran Civ Constructors, Inc p --(�-- By UP G r� 1Tit2e) (Address) (Corporate Seal) IN PRESENCE OF Other Partners IN PRESENCE OF Surety Westfield Insuranc pony era,i' �. f a, WIEn.00 ren 3771 Cheaj* Creek Dr No 1800 By Attorney -In -Fact 4 (�ddress)__ (Surety Dealer, Cq 80209 NOTE 4Se of Bond must not be prior to date of Agreement ,,0 CONTRACTOR is Partnsrship, all partners should execute Bond MOODY INSURANCE AGENCY, INC 3773 CHERRY CREEK NORTH DRIVE SUITE 800 DENVER COLORADO 80209 3804 PHONE (303) 824 6600 Rev 10/20/07 Section 00615 Pige 2 THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY SUPERCEDES ANY PREVIOUS POWER BEARING THIS SAME POWER N AND ISSUED PRIOR TO 03/07/00 FOR ANY PERSON OR PERSONS NAMED BELOW General POWER NO 0500102 07 Power Westfleld Insurance Co. of Attorney Westfleld National Insurance Co. CERTIFIED COPY Ohio Farmers Insurance Co. Westfleld Center Ohio Know All Men by These Presents That WESTFIELD INSURANCE COMPANY WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY and OHIO FARMERS INSURANCE COMPANY corporations, hereinafter referred to Individually as a Company and Collectively as Companies duly organized and constitute and existing under thelawsof the State of Ohio and having Its principal office In Westfield Center Medina County Ohio do by these EVAN Es MOODY DANIEL 9 FINrow VERA T KALBA, D N BROYLES KAREN A. FEOGESTAD SCOTT J HOWARD, JOINTLY OR SEVERALLY of DENVER and State of CO Its true and lawful Attorney(S) In Fad, with full Place and stead to execute, acknowledge and deliver arty and all bands, r Power and authority hereby ngth conferred or In tr name suretyship. acogM:aneq undertakings or otltar ImlrumeMs a contracts o� LIM T TIO THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY CANNOT BE USED TO EXECUTE NOTE GUARANTEE, MORTGAGE DEFICIENCY Mo TOAOE OR BANK DEPOSITORY BONDS and to bind any of the Companies thereby as fully and to the same extent as If such bonds were signed by the President sealed with the corporate seal of the applicable Company and duly attested by Its Secretary hereby ratifying and confirming all that the said Attorney(s) In Fad may do in the premises Said appointment is made under and by authority of the allow ng resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of each of the WESTFIELD INSURANCE COMPANY WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY and OHIO FARMERS INSURANCE COMPANY Be It Resolved that the President any Senior Executive, nVy Secretary or any Fidelity & Surety Operations Executive or other Executive shall be and Is her vested with full power and authority o appd4 any one or more Suitable persons as Attorney(s) In Fad to represent and act for and on behalf of the Company sullied to the fdiowln0 provisions The Attornei Fact may be given full power and authority for and In the name of and on behalf of the Company, to execute, acknowledge and deliver any do all bonds recong or er conterminating I, agreements of Indemnity and other conditional or obligatory undertakings and any and all notices and documents canceling or terminating the Company's liability thereunder and any such Instruments So executed by any such Attorney In Fad shall be as binding upon the Company as If signed by the President and sealed and attested by the Corporate Secretary Be It Further Ror esolveed that the of nature of any such designated person and the Seal of the Company heretofore or hereafter affixed to any sealeshall be valid and bindingcate upon the Cgthereto ompny with reaped facsimile reaped toand any bondany oruer ndertaking o rattorney or �ch It s�achefacsimile eal(ElasonSlad�ed a a facsimile meeting held on Februa 0 2000) WESTFIELD WESTFIELD NATIONAL and OHIO FARMERS INSURANCE have caused these presents to be signed by heiorFxand heicorporate seats to be hereto affixed this 07thday MARCH AD 200E Co eatParsh VOSY ,,r NONµ rH _ Affixed.ass $ .! tj P. a7AL ( SEAL \t � I ., ij 1r40J � State of Ohio County of Medina so WESTFIELD COMPANY WESTFIELD INATIO14ANI INSURANCE COMPANY OHIO FARMERS INSURANCE COMPANY ByRichardL Klnnalyd, Jr San/or Executive On this 07th day of MARCH A D 2000 before me personally came Richard L. Kinnaird, Jr to me known who, being by me duly sworn did depose and say that he resides In Medina, Ohio, that he is Senior Executive of WESTFIELD INSURANCE COMPANY WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY and OHIO FARMERS INSURANCE COMPANY the companies described In and which executed the above Instrument that he knows the seals of said Companies that the seals affixed to said Instrument are such corporate seals that they were so amxed by order of the Boards of Directors of said Companies and that he signed his name thereto by like order Notarial Seal DIAL AI/1vW Zr� ii►// date of Ohio N�0 Mullein J Kahalln A ney at Law Notary Public County of Medina s +� My Commission Does Not Expire (5ec 147 bra Ohio Revised yodel I Ff�nk A CarrIDO vecr-tar/ of WES TF ELD INSI, RANCE COMPANY WESTFIcLD "IArICNAL NSURANCE CCMPANY Ind OH O FARMER, I Nb U Rt�fIiCE COMPANY do rereby ortlry th It the Ioove Ind foreloIng is a trice and rorrect r)py If a Prwsr of Attdrrey a ec dtd by I I i orrpaty NIII0 S .,till in Lull of a Ind effect Ird INrthermore fro resolutlor S Of the Boards If L r ctors of Jut in tie Pr Ner of 1tt Jrrny a n In full fit' g gil effect fn"yet'PiS itlNeMpif I have rereunto ..et my hard and alnxed the seals Of -old Companies at vestneld Center C11O tills 29th 1 Ir f • ��sl!N� Z , , N li '- - r s r t SEAL� fire r v use �Y it + 9eo � �n er a 8P0ACVileDliibinad) (oe 02) Frank A Carrind Secret'gL'L' o Sdcrwwy CONTRACTOR Insurance SECTION 00630 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE shall insert his own standard form for Certificate of Rev 10/20/07 Section 00630 Page 1 W:K 1 iricATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE9/2078" PRODUCER ( ) (303) 824-6600 FAX: 303 370-0118 2/29/2008 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION Moody Insurance Agency, Inc. ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE 3773 Cherry Creek North Drive ALTERHOLDER.TE THE COVERAGEIAT AMEND, EXTEND ERTIFCFFORDED DOESBY THE POLICIES BELOW. OR Suite 800 Denver CO 80209-3804 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # INSURED Naranjo Civil Constructors, Inc. INSURERA: Bituminous Casualt CO 02075 INSURER B: Pinnacol Assurance 41190 H&L Concrete, Inc. INsuRERQ 1863 2nd Avenue D: GreeleyINSURER CO 80631 INSURER E: COVERAGES r nc rULIUItb Ur INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING I REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERT, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICI AT IMI H N Y H B RE Y P VSR ADD'L TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION POLICY NUMBER DATE MMIDo DATE MWDD LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY CH CCU KEN X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY DAMAGE TKEN O FED A P EMI Ea urre$ 100,0 CLAIMS MADE OCCUR CLP3250678 2/18/2008 2/18/2009 MED EXP An one ersan $ 5,0 X Additional Ina Form GL 3084 01/06 PERS NALSA VINJ RY $ 1,000,000 ENE AS NEGATE $ 2,000,000 GEVIL AGGREGATE X POLICY LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRO- JECT LOC PRODUCTS-COMP/OPAGG $ 2,000,000 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY A X ANVAUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS CAP3519779 2/18/2008 2/18/2009 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea,cadent) $ 11000,000 BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ X HIRED AUTOS X BODILY INJURY (Per accident) $ NON -OWNED AUTOS PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accident) $ GARAGE LIABILITY ANYAUTO AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT $ OTHER THAN AC AUTO ONLY: AGO $ EXCESSIUMBRELLA LIABILITY $ OCCUR CLAIMS MADE O RR E $ 11000,000 $ 1, 000,000 AGGREGATE $ A DEDUCTIBLE X RETENTION $10,000 CUP2581785 2/18/2008 2/18/2009 B WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETORMARTNER/EXECUTIVE OFFICEWMEMBER EXCLUDED? If yes, describe antler SPECIAL PR VISI NS b w 1452910 6/1/2007 6/1/2008 WC STATU- OTH- T V E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $ 1,000,000 E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYE 1,000, 000 E.L. DISEASE -POLICY LIMIT $ 1,000,000 Limit: $808,995 A OTHER Scheduled Equipment ACV CLP3250678 2/18/2008 2/18/2009 Deeuctible: $1, 000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCAnONS/VEHICLES/EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT/SPECIAL PROVISIONS RE: 6082 Borsetooth - Ziegler Roundabout and Ziegler Road Improvement, - Proj. #6082 City of Ft. Collin,, its Servants, agents, citizens and employees are listed as additional insured under the General Liability per the form referenced above and attached. This insurance is primary. Contractual liability is included. A waiver of subrogation applies in favor of the same in regards to the general liability when required by written contract. This certificate is subject to the term,, conditions, and exclusions of the policies. In the event of CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE City Of Fort Collins EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 215 North Mason Street 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT 2nd Floor — Fort Collins, CO 80524 FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATWES. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ACORD 25 (2001I08) Kara Smith, ACORD CORPORATION 1988 IMPORTANT If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). DISCLAIMER The Certificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract between the issuing insurer(s), authorized representative or producer, and the certificate holder, nor does it affirmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon. ACORD 25 (2001108) P... 2 & 2 4S025 (oiw).oee No Text A partnership or joint venture, not shown as a Named Insured in the Declarations, of which you have 33% or more ownership interest at the time of "bodily injury" or 'property damage' caused by an 'occurrence" or "personal and advertising injury" caused by an offense, is an insured, provided that no other similar liability insurance is available to that partnership or joint venture. B. CONTRACTORS AUTOMATIC ADDITIONAL INSURED COVERAGE SECTION II - WHO IS AN INSURED is amended to Include. Any 'owner", 'contractor", 'construction manager", "engineer" or "architect" if it is required in your written contract or written agreement executed by you and all other parties to the contract or agreement prior to any loss that such person(s) or organization(s) be added as an additional insured on your policy but only for the project designated in your written contract or written agreement and only with respect to "bodily injury,' 'property damage' or "personal and advertising injury" caused, at least in part, by your negligence and with respect to liability resulting from: A. Your ongoing operations for the additional insured(s), or B. Acts or omissions of the additional insured(s) in connection with their general supervision of such operations. With respect to the insurance afforded such additional insureds pursuant to this endorsement and the above referenced General Liability Form, the following additional provisions apply to limit that coverage: We will have no duty to defend the additional insured against any "suit" seeking damages for 'bodily injury," "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury,' until we receive written notice from the additional insured requesting that we defend it in the "suit." 2. The Limits of Insurance applicable to the additional insureds under this endorsement are the minimum limits specified in the written contract or agreement requiring this coverage, or as stated in SECTION III - LIMITS OF INSURANCE of the COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM, whichever is less. These Limits of Insurance are inclusive of and not in addition to the Limits of Insurance described in SECTION 111 of that form. 8. As additional conditions of coverage under this form, an additional insured under this endorsement will as soon as practicable: a. Give written notice to us of an 'occurrence" or an offense which may result in a claim. This shall include: (1) How, when and where the occurrence' or offense took place; (2) The names and addresses of any injured persons and witnesses; and (3) The nature and location of any injury or damage arising out of the 'occurrence" or offense. b. Give written notice to us of a claim or "suit" brought against the additional insured including specifics of the claim or "suit' and the date it was received. c. Give written notice of such claim or "suit," including a demand for defense and indemnity, to any other insurer who had coverage for the claim or 'suit' under its policy(ies), either at the time of, or at any time subsequent to the occurrence of the 'bodily injury," 'property damage" and/or the offense causing the "personal and advertising injury; which is the basis for such claims or 'suit'. (1) Such notification must demand the full coverage available under that policy; and GL-3084 (01/06) -2- No Text (2) The additional insured shall not take any action to waive or limit such other coverage available to it. 4. This insurance does not apply to: a. 'Bodily injury' property damage" or "personal and advertising injury' occurring after: (1) All work on the project (other than service, maintenance, or repairs) to be performed by you or on your behalf for the additional insured(s) has been completed; or (2) That portion of "your work" out of which the injury or damage arises has been put to its intended use by any person or organization other than another contractor or subcontractor engaged in performing operations for a principal as a part of the same project. b. "Bodily injury' "property damage" or 'personal and advertising injury" resulting from any act or omission of the additional insured(s) or any of their employees, other than the general supervision of work performed for the additional insured(s) by you. C. "Bodily injury" 'property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" resulting from work performed on a project where other valid and collectible insurance is available to the additional insured under an Owner Controlled Insurance Program or Consolidated (wrap-up) Insurance Program. d. "Bodily injury," "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury': (1) Arising out of the rendering or failure to render any professional services by any insured, or on their behalf, but only with respect to either or both of the following operations; (a) Providing engineering, architectural or surveying services to others in the insured's capacity as an engineer, architect or surveyor, and (b) Providing, or hiring independent professionals to provide, engineering, architectural or surveying services in connection with work the insured performs. (2) Subject to paragraph (3) below, professional services include: (a) The preparing, approving or failing to prepare or approve maps, shop drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, field orders, change orders, or drawings and specifications; and (b) Supervisory or inspection activities performed as part of any related architectural or engineering activities, but does not include the general supervision of your operations on such project. (3) Professional services do not Include services within construction means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures employed by you in connection with your operations as a construction contractor. For the purpose of this endorsement, the following definitions are added: 'Owner" means a person or organization who has ownership in the project premises, designated in your written contract or written agreement, at which you are performing operations. "Contractor" means a person or organization with whom you have agreed in a written contract or written agreement to perform operations for at the project designated in the written contract or written agreement. GL-3084 (01/06) -3- "Construction Manager" means a person or organization designated as 'Construction manager" in your written contract or written agreement, and has management or supervisory responsibilities over your operations for the project designated in your written contract or written agreement. "Engineer" means a person or organization who has been engaged by the "owner", "contractor" or "construction manager" to perform engineering services for the project designated in your written contract or written agreement and has a contractual responsibility for supervising, directing or controlling your operations on such project. "Architect" means a person or organization who has been engaged by the "owner", "contractor" or "construction manager" to perform architectural services for the project designated in your written contract or written agreement and has a contractual responsibility for supervising, directing or controlling your operations on such project. Any coverage provided herein will be excess over any other valid and collectable insurance available to the additional insured(s) whether primary, excess, contingent or on any other basis unless you have agreed in a written contract or written agreement executed prior to any loss that this insurance will be primary. However, any other insurance specifically purchased for a designated project(s), including but not limited to additional insured coverage, owners contractors protective coverage, etc., will be primary with the insurance provided by this endorsement being excess. If this insurance is determined to be primary, we agree not to seek contribution from such other insurance only if you have so agreed in the written L contract or written agreement. C. AUTOMATIC WAIVER OF SUBROGATION Item 8. of SECTION IV - COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS, is deleted and replaced with the following: S. Transfer of Rights of Recovery Against Others to Us and Automatic Waiver of Subrogation. a. If the insured has rights to recover all or part of any payment we have made under this L Coverage Form, those rights are transferred to us. The insured must do nothing after loss to impair those rights. At our request, the insured will bring "suit" or transfer those rights to us and help us enforce them. b. If required by a written contract executed prior to loss, we waive any right of recovery we may have against any person or organization because of payments we make for injury or damage arising out of "your work' for that person or organization. D. EXTENDED NOTICE OF CANCELLATION, NONRENEWAL Item A2.b. of the COMMON POLICY CONDITIONS, is deleted and replaced with the following: A2.b. 60 days before the effective date of the cancellation if we cancel for any other reason. Item 9. of SECTION IV - COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS, is deleted and replaced with the following: 9. WHEN WE DO NOT RENEW a. If we choose to nonrenew this policy, we will mail or deliver to the first Named Insured shown in the Declarations written notice of the nonrenewal not less than 60 days before the expiration date. b. If we do not give notice of our intent to nonrenew as prescribed in a. above, it is agreed that you may extend the period of this policy for a maximum additional sixty(60) days from its scheduled expiration date. Where not otherwise prohibited by law, the existing terms, conditions and rates will remain in effect during that extension period. it is further agreed that so long as it is not GL-3084 (O1/06) -4- SECTION 00635 CERTIFICATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION TO CITY OF FORT COLLINS (OWNER) DATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION PROJECT TITLE 6082 Horsetooth-Ziegler Roundabout and Ziegler Road Improvements PROJECT OR SPECIFIED PART SHALL LOCATION Fort Collins, Colorado INCLUDE CONTRACTOR Naranjo Civil Constructors, Inc CONTRACT DATE February 26, 2008 The Work performed under this contract has been inspected by authorized representatives of the OWNER, CONTRACTOR, and the ENGINEER and the project (or specified part of the project, as indicated above) is hereby declared to be substantially completed on the above date A tentative list of items to be completed or corrected is appended hereto This list may not be exhaustive, and the failure to include an item on it does not alter the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to complete all the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents ENGINEER AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE The CONTRACTOR accepts the above Certificate of Substantial Completion and agrees to complete and correct the items on the tentative list within the time indicated 'M1 CONTRACTOR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE The OWNER accepts the project or specified area of the project as substantially complete and will assume full possession of the project or specified area of the project at 12 01 a m , on The responsibility for heat, utilities, security, and insurance under the Contract Documents shall be as set forth under "Remarks below CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO By OWNER 1321 113 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE Rev 10/20/07 Section 00635 Page 1 SECTION 00640 CERTIFICATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE 20 TO Naranjo Civil Constructors, Inc Gentlemen You are hereby notified that on the day of , 20 , the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, has accepted the Work completed by for the City of Fort Collins project, 6082 Horsetooth-Ziegler Roundabout and Ziegler Road Improvements A check is attached hereto in the amount of $ as Final Payment for all Work done, subject to the terms of the Contract Documents which are dated 20 In conformance with the Contract Documents for this project, your obligations and guarantees will continue for the specified time from the following date 20 Sincerely, OWNER City of Fort Collins By Title ATTEST Title Rev 10/20/07 Section 00640 Page 1 SECTION 00650 LIEN WAIVER RELEASE (CONTRACTOR) TO City of Fort Collins, Colorado (OWNER) FROM Naranjo Civil Constructors, Inc (CONTRACTOR) PROJECT 6082 Horsetooth-Ziegler Roundabout and Ziegler Road Improvements 1 The CONTRACTOR acknowledges having received payment, except retainage from the OWNER for all work, labor, skill and material furnished, delivered and performed by the CONTRACTOR for the OWNER or for anyone in the construction, design, improvement, alteration, addition or repair of the above described project 2 In consideration of such payment and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, the CONTRACTOR voluntarily waives all rights, claims and liens, including but not limited to, mechanic's liens, Miller Act claims (40 U S C A 270 a and b), stop notices, equitable liens and labor and material bond rights which the CONTRACTOR may now or may afterward have, claim or assert for all and any work, labor, skill or materials furnished, delivered or performed for the construction, design, improvement, alteration, addition or repair of the above described project, against the OWNER or its officers, agents, employees or assigns, against any fund of or in the possession or control of the OWNER, against the project or against all land and the buildings on and appurtenances to the land improved by the project 3 The CONTRACTOR affirms that all work, labor and materials, furnished, delivered or performed to or for the construction, design, improvement, alteration, addition or repair of the project were furnished, delivered or performed by the CONTRACTOR or its agents, employees, and servants, or by and through the CONTRACTOR by various Subcontractors or materialmen or their agents, employees and servants and further affirms the same have been paid in full and have released in full any and all existing or possible future mechanic's liens or rights or claims against the project or any funds in the OWNER'S possession or control concerning the project or against the OWNER or its officers, agents, employees or assigns arising out of the project 4 The CONTRACTOR agrees to defend and hold harmless the OWNER, the lender, if any, and the Surety on the project against and from any claim hereinafter made by the CONTRACTOR'S Subcontractors, materialmen, employees, servants, agents or assigns against the project or against the OWNER or its officers, employees, agents or Rev 10/20/07 Section 00650 Page 1 assigns arising out of the project for all loss, damage and costs, including reasonable attorneys fees, incurred as a result of such claims 5 The parties acknowledge that the description of the project set forth above constitutes and adequate description of the property and improvements to which this Lien Waiver Release pertains It is further acknowledged that this Lien Waiver Release is for the benefit of and may be relied upon by the OWNER, the lender, if any, and Surety on any labor and material bonds for the project Signed this By Title ATTEST Secretary day of , 20 CONTRACTOR Naranjo Civil Constructors, Inc STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss COUNTY OF LARIMER ) Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20 , by Witness my hand and official seal My Commission Expires Notary Public day of Rev 10/20/07 Section 00650 Page 2 SECTION 00660 CONSENT OF SURETY TO City of Fort Collins, Colorado (hereinafter referred to as the "OWNER") CONTRACTOR Naranjo Civil Constructors, Inc PROJECT 6082 Horsetooth-Ziegler Roundabout and Ziegler Road Improvements CONTRACT DATE In accordance with the provisions of the Contract between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR as indicated above, for (Surety) on bond of hereby approves of the Final Payment to the CONTRACTOR, and agrees that Final Payment to the CONTRACTOR shall not relieve the Surety Company of any of its obligations to the OWNER, as set forth in the said Surety Company's Bond IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Surety Company has hereunto set its hand this day of , (Surety Company) MA ATTACH Power of Attorney and Certificate of Authority of Attorney(s)-in-Fact Rev 10/20/07 Section 00650 Page 3 SECTION 00670 Section 00670 Page 1 DR 0172 (12/98) COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE DENVER CO 80261 (303) 232 2416 CONTRACTOR APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE Pursuant to Statute Section 39-26 114(1)(a)(XIX) P I DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SP The exemption certificate for which you are applying must be used only for the purpose of purchasing construction and building material for the exempt project described below This exemption does not include or apply to the purchase or rental of equipment supplies and materials which are purchased rented or consumed by the contractor and which do not become part of the structure highway road street or other public works owned and used by the exempt organization Any unauthorized use of the exemption certificate will result in revocation of your exemption certificate and other penalties provided by law A separate certificate is required for each contract Subcontractors will not be issued Certificates of Exemption by the Department of Revenue It is the responsibility of the prime contractor to issue certificates to each of the subcontractors (See reverse side) FAILURE TO ACCURATELY COMPLETE ALL BOXES WILL CAUSE THE APPLICATION TO BE DENIED Registration/Account No (to be assigned by DOR) 89 - on contact at exempt Period Owner partner or corporate name Contact Person s Identification Number Bid a number I Color; contact s 0170-750 (999) $0 00 your account l declare under penalty of perjury In the second degree that the statements made In this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge owner partner or DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Section 00670 Page 2 Special Notice Contractors who have completed this application in the past please note the following changes in procedure The Department will no longer issue individual Certificates of exemption to subcontractors Only prime contractors will receive a Contractors Exemption Certificate on exempt protects Upon receipt of the Certificate the prime contractor should make a copy for each subcontractor involved in the project and complete it by filling in the subcontractors name and address and signing it The original Certificate should always be retained by the prime contractor Copies of all Certificates that the prime contractor issued to subcontractors should be kept at the prime contractors place of business fora minimum of three years and be available for inspection in the event of an audit Once an 89# has been assigned to you please use the next five numbers following it for any applications submitted for future protects This should be your permanent number For instance if you were assigned 89-12345-0001 every application submitted thereafter should contain 89-12345 on the application The succeeding numbers will be issued by the Department of Revenue DO NOT enter what you believe to be the next in sequence as this may delay processing of your application Section 00670 Page 3 SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR Horsetooth Ziegler Roundabout and Ziegler Road Improvements BID NO 6082 PURCHASING DIVISION 215 NORTH MASON STREET, 2ND FLOOR, FORT COLLINS February 25, 2008 — 3 00 P M (OUR CLOCK) where renewal is a way of life Section 00670 Page 4 SECTION 00700 GENERAL CONDITIONS GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT Thew GENERAL CONDITIONS have been developed by wing the STANDARD GENERAL CONDITIONS OF TITS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT pretmed by the Engineers Joiv: Corrow Docuntents Committee, MC DC No. 191" (1990 Edition), as a base. Changes to that docurnera arc shown by undaiming, textthat has been added and striking through te)d that has been dcictel EJCDC GENERAL CONDITIONS 1910.5 0 990 EDITION.) - WITH CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIPICATlONS (REV 9/99) Article or Paragraph Number & Title TABLE OF CONTENTS OF GENERAL CONDITIONS Page Article or paragraph Number Nutiber & Title 1.1 Addenda 1.2 Agreement., ......... __ ........ 13 Application for Payment ..............._.....I IA Asbestos ....... ....... ..... . 1.5 Bid' --- .......... L6 Bidding Documents ..... ... ... ....... 17 Bidding Requirements ,,,._,,., ........ ...... 1 1.8 BovidS, . . . . . . . . . . ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � ' . � 'I ... 1 1.9 Charge Order� ......... ...... ...... I,E) Contractoccuments I'll Contract Price......._ 1.12 Contract Times 1.13 CONTRACTOR_ ...... _ ....... ...... 114 defeeove--- 1,13 L)rawings ... .............. ........ __ ...... .. 1,16 Effective Date of the Agreement . ..... I LI? ENOINEER. . ...... __ ..... ..... ... ........ I 1,18 FNGINHER's Consultant, - - � ... -11---1 1,19 Field Order% ................. ....... ___ 1 1.20 Giuvenil Requirements... ....... 12 1 ................... Hazardous Waste _2 2 L22.a Laws imil Regulations; Laws or Regulahons.................. 2 1-22-b Legal Holidays.s ........ 2 1,23 Liens ...... _2 1,24 Milestone....._......_....... .... ....... .__..2 1.25 Notice of Award. ... 2 116 Notice to Proceed 1.27 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_2 OWNER 1,28 Farrier Utilization,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,.,_,,,,.,,,_2 2 130 Petroleum .. .. .... . . I 1 1.31 Project_.__...._.. 131a ... ____2 Radioactive Material 1.3111 Regular Woriting Hours.„..... 133 ....... Resident Project Representative............2 __2 1.34 Samples ............. 1,35 ....... .... - ... 4 ....... Shop Drawings ... .. ................ _._....2 -2 L36 Specifications ......................................2 137 Subcontractor 2 L38 Substantial Completion 1,39 Supplementary Conditions 2 1.40 Supplier ... __ .......... .... -1-- .1 ........ 1 1.41 Underground Facilities .... .. . ...... 2.3 IA2 Unit Price Work, _3 143 Work 3 1,44 work Change Nrective___ _3 1.45 Written Amendment 3 Page Number PRELIMINARY MATTERS.. ............. .......... . 3 2.1 DeliveryofBonds........................3 .. 12 Copies of DommentA ........ . ....... 13 commenermaritofContmot Times, Notice to Proceed. 2.4 Starting the Work..........._1--11-1-3 25-2.7 Before Starting Construction. CONTRACTORs Responsibility to Report; Prelim unity Schvides; Delivery of Certificates of Insurance.., .. 34 2.8 Preconstruction Conference, .... ___4 2.9 Initially Acceptable Schedules .. _- .... 4 CONTRACT DOCLIvIENTS ANIENDING, REUSE 4 11-3.2 Intent..._ .... ...... ...... 4 3.3 References. to Standards and Speci- Bastions of Technical Societies; Reporting and Resolving Dis� crVAncits ....................... 4-5 14 Intent of Certain Terms a Adjectives .................................... 5 3.5 Amending Contract Documents ........ 5 3.6 Supplementing contract Documents............................... 5 3-7 Rouse of Documents ........ 3 AVAILABILITY OF LANDS; SUBSURFACE AND PHYSICAL CONDITIONS; REFERENCE POINTS .....................__......._.......5 4.1 Availability of Lan4, ... ......... __5-6 4.2 Subsurface and Physical Conditions_ ...... __ 6 411 Reports and Drawings.. ............. 4,12 Lim tied Reliance by C6�..TRAC- -.0 TOP Authorized, Technical Data 6 42.3 Notice of Differing Subsurface in Physical Conditions..................6 4.2.4 13NOINEEW3 Review 0 425 Possible Coramt Documents Change,__... 6 4.2.6 Possible Price and Times Adjustoumts__-__ ..... ... _ __0-7 43 Physical Conditions-Undergresuid Facilities....................................... 7 4,11 shown or Indicated 4.3.2 Not Shown or Indicated ... ... ..... 4.4 Reference Points 7 rJCW GENERAL CONDITIONS 1910-8 (19% EuI1I0141 W1 CITY OF FORTCOLUNSMOMFICAVONS (RFV 9/" Article or Paragraph Page Number &Title. Number 4.5 Asbestos, PCBs, Patreltum,. Ifazardous Waste or Radioactive Material,;;;,;;74 5, BONDS AND INSURAMM............. :....... : 8 5.1-5.2 Porformanca, Payment and Other Braids...._ ............. ...:.8 5:3 Licensed: Sureties and Insurers;. Certificates of Insurance :............ ....... 8 5.4 CONTRACTORsLiability Insurance .......... . .... ... ..._.9 5.5 OWNER'sLiability Insurance ......... -,,, 9 3.6 Property Insurance .....................940 5,7 Boiler and Machinery in Addi- tional Property Insurance. .... 10 5:8 Notice ofCancellation, A'orision,.,-. .... 10 5.9 CONTRACTORs Recipons l»hty.. for Deductible Amounts_ .... 5:10 Other Special insurance ............... -10 5,11 Waiver of Rights ......... _....... .11 SA2-5.13 'Receipt and Application of insurance Proceeds ................ _,10.11. 5.14 Acceptance +ofBonds and Insa- anee; Option to Replace.:... ....:.. 11 SAS Partial lhitization--Property Insurance.:......... _.................:....::, l l C>. CONTRACrOWS.RESPONSIBILITIES...............11 6.1.6:2 Supervision and Superintendencv,...... 11 Labor, Materials and Equipment_ 11-12 6.6 Progreso Schedule., .................... ___12 6.7 Substitutes ,and -Or-Egiml.items; CONTRACTORS Expense; Substitute Construction Methods or Procedures; ENGINEER's Evaluation.............12-13 6.8-6.11 Concerning Subcontractors, Suppliers and Others; Waiver of Rights ............ ............. 13-14 6.12 Patent Fees and Royalties ............ ....... 14 6.13 permits ............. ___ ................._.......14 6,14 Laws and Regulations ............. _.......... 14 6.15 Taxes.__....................................._14-15 6.16 Use of Promises ...................... _ .: S i- 6.17 Site Cleanliness,...- ........................... 15 613 Safe Structural Loading.....................15 6.19 Record Documents,...... ... .__.... _._.._15 6.20 Safety and Protection .... _... .... _..... 15.16 6.21 Safety Representative,........_ ................ 16 6.22 Hazard Communication Programs,,.... 16 623 Emergencies......._ ......................._... 16 6.24 Shop Drawings and Sam pleo..............16 Article or: Paragraph Page Number :&.Title Number 6.21 Submittal Proceedures; C ON- TRACTOR's Review Prior to Shop:Dravring or Sample Submittal_.._ ........................ ...J6 6.26 Shot Drawing & Sample Submit- tals Review by ENGINEER .... ..16-17 627 Responsibilityfor Variations From Contract Duuum ents,........... 7 6:28 Related Work Performed Prior toIil4ODIEER's Review and Approval of Required Submittals ...... . ......... ....:...17 619 Continuing the Work .............. ..... _17: 6.30 'CCNTRACTOR's Genera( WarrantyandGuarantee.........; .17 6,31-6.33 Indemnification .. .............. ... 17-18 6.34: survival of Obligations ................ 18 7, '.OTIIER.WORK.. ........... ................A 71-7.3 Rd" Work at Site .................:18 7A coordination,.... ........... ....... JS 8. OWNERS RESPONSIBILITIES .................IS 81 Communications to CON- TRACTOR ..................................18 8.2 Replacement of ENGINEER.......... JS 8:3 runush Data andPay Promptly When Due ............................. IS 8A Lands end Easements; Reports and Tests........ ... ....... 18-19 8.5 Insurance......... _ _ _ ........................ 19 8.6 Change Orders .............._..._.........J9 8.9 Inspections. Tests and Approvals ................................... 19 8:8 Stop or Suspend Work; Terminate CONTRACrOR's Services ....................................... 19 8.9 Limitations on, OWNER'S Responsibilities....... ......... ..... 19 8,10 Asbestos, P(7io, Petroleum, Hazardous Waste or Radioactive Material... _...............19 8.11 Evidence of Financial Arrangements ............................ 19 9. ENGINEERS STATUS DLMG CONSTRUCTION ... _............... _.... _.................19 9.1 .. OWNERS Representative ..... ....... _. 19 9.2 Visitsto Site........_..._....._.........:..19 9.3 project Representative ............... 19-21 4A Clarifications and Interpre- tations ........................................ 21 9.5 Authorized Variations in Wrk... ..... 1 EJCDC GENERAL CONDITIONS I91e4 (19" ED111WO wt CITY OF FORT COLLIM MODIFICATIONS #%EV 9/99) Article or Paragraph Page Article or Paragraph Page Number & Title Number Number & Titib Number 9.6 Rejecting Defective Work . ...............21 13.9-13.9 Uncovering Work at ENGf- 9349 Shop Drawings, Change Orders (VEERsRequest .................... 27-28 and Payments-,,,,:... .............21 13.10 OWNER May Stop. the Work._, i' 8 9.14 L7otermmanms for Unit fkiecv I 21.22. 13.11 Correction or Removal of 9,11.9.12 Decisiom on Disputes ENGI befecfiie Work.....,:... 2g N$ER as Initial Interpreter.............. 22 13.12 Correction Perlord,,.. .... 28 9.13 Limitations on ENGINEER'S 13,13 ,.. Acceptance of Defective Work.__ ....29 Authority and Res Responsibilities 13.14 OWNER May CixrectDejectve,. CHANGES 1N'fHE WORK _.,..... 23 Work.... ......... ......... 28-29. 10.1 OWNEW3 Ordered Change ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,233 14. PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTOR AND 10.2 Claim for Adjustment .,,.... ....... 23 COMPLETION zg 10.3 Work Not Reyulred by Contract 14. 1. ..... Schedule of Values ....... . 29 Domaents .....___ ___ ...... .23 14.2 Application for Progress 10.4 Change Order*.,,,.,, ......... ..... 3 Payment 10.5 Notificancsl of Surety ..........;>1 14.3 CONTRACTOWs Warranty of ....29 C[fANGE OF CONTRACT PRICE ,. . .......... ..23 14.4-14.7 Title...... .........................29 Review of Application, for I1.1-I l.3 Contract Price; Claim for Progress Payment, �9-30 ~ Adjustment Value of 14.9-14.9 _,. Substantial Completion, 30 the Work ,:., ......23-24 1410 Partial Utitlzation _3 114 Cost of the Wo .....24.25 .of 14. 11 _......... .._30.31 Final Inspection.... 31 11.3 Exclusions to Cost the Work__ ... _25 14.12 ......... ........ Final Application for Payment-,,,,,..31 . .... 11.6 CONTRACTOR'S Fee,_, .......,. „.,...25 14,13-14,14 Final Payment and Acceptance„_..31 11.7 Cost Records. ........... . ..... ..... ....... 25-26 14..15 Waiver of Claims 31-32 ILS Cask Allowances,,,,,,,,, , eg ... I—_. ............ 11.9 Unit Price work ...... _.........2G 15. SUSPENSION OF WORK AND TFRMRvArION. ......... 2 CHANGE OF CONTRACT TIMES,,,,,,,,� .......26 15.1 ,. ............ ....... Work OWNER Suspend Work... 32 111 Claim far Ad'ustment 1 .. � .._;:6 1i2-13A OWNER May Terminate . 32 122 Time of the Essence ,.t6 15.5 ._...._.. CONTRACTOR May Stop 12.3 Delaysl3eyondCO1,7RA6TOR's Work or Terminate-..._,.. Control .... ............. 2 . ,......32-33 12.4 DelaysAcyondOWNF.R'sand l6. DISPUC'ERF,SOL1TfION CONTRACTOR'S Control................27 ..................................33 17. MISCFLLANFOUS 33 TESTS AND. INSPECTIONS; CORRECTION, 17.I Giving Not t 33 REMOVAL ORACCEP'fANCEOF 17.2 ..,,_ ..„_..33 Computation. of Timm DG/rEt777FE WORK,_ ..._ . .. _ ......,-7 17:3 .,,._.,,, --' No[iceol'Claun 13.1 Notice of l7efecLs ...... i7 17A , ._. _ Cumulative Remedies.. ...33 - -= Access to the Work..... ..... .......... 27 17.3 Professional Fees and Court ...33 13.3 Tests andlnspectnms; Costa Included_...,.. CONTRACTOR's Operation......, 27 17.6 ..._.___....33 Applicable State .Laws 3-34 13.4 OWNERsResponsibiluies: Intentionally .... ............ left blank Independent. Testing Laboratory_..., 27 ............. .... .............._......35 13.5 CONTRACTOR's EXHIBIT GC -A, (Optional) Responsibilities........... . . .. .......27 ........ Dispute Resolution Agreement OC-Al 13.6-13.7 Covering Work Prior to Inspe, _ _ Arbitration, CSC --AI tion, Testing of Approval„r7 16.7 Mediation EJO)CGENERAL CANDI7"IONS 191a.3 (1990 lot noiin wf CITY OF FORT COLUNS MODIFICATIONS (RF,V 91") rNDEX TO GENERAL COMMONS City of Fort Collins modifications to the General Conditions of the Construction Contract are not shown in this malm Article or Paragraph Number 9.12, 14.15 ............. 1.14 ts 4A k ...... 7.2 ... I .... .1, ... - - J3.2, 13.14, 149 Acts and Om issions- ................... ....... ....... &91,9A3.3 ___629, 9,13.3 1.10.6,19),] 1 - .......... -; 53 Contract Price or Contract Times ............. ............1.5, 3.5, 4.1, 4.1Z 4.5.2, . ...... __ .......... _ 4.5.3, 9.4, 9.5, 10.2-10.4. ......... -11, 12, 141, 15.1 progress schedule ._., ....... ....... ........ ...... -6 6 Agreement-- definition of .......................................................1.2 1.2 "All -Risk" Insurance, policy forin ................... .... 542 Allowances, Cash ................................... ................ 11,8 Amending Contract Documents_ ..... .................. 3.5 Amendment. Writtim.. in 1.45,33, 5.10, 512, 6.6.2 ..........................6.8.2, 6.19, 10.1, 10A, IL2 12.1, 13.112,14.12 Appeal, OWNii or CONTRACTOR intent to .............. ..... __9 ,. 10. 9.1 I, 10.4. 10, I&S Application for ftyment.- definition o.......................................................L.3 SMIKEER's Responsibility ..... -4..............I.....9.9 final payment ................. 9. 13.4, 9.13 5, 14.1 2-14. 15 in general ...... .............2.8, 2.9,5.6.4, 9,10, 15.5 Progress payment..,.,...... _................. .... J4.1-14.7 review of ... ....... ................... ...... .. 1-11114.4-14.7 Arbitration .... ................... .......... 161-16.6 Asbestos - claims pursuant therein.... _4,5.2, 4 5.3 CONTRACTOR authorized to stop Work,........., 4.5.2 definition of ......... ....... .......... .................. ...... , JA Article or Paragraph Number .1- ... -.1-03, 8,10 Work., ..... J.6,&25, 6.27, 9.5 ... I'll ..... 11 ...... --- ......... 41. M Bid-definitatin of ...... ................ 1.5 (1, 1, 1.10,,23, 3.3, --111.1-1 ......... :4.2.6A,45.13, Bidding Dociuments-definition Of1-1--l-1- ...... Bidding Requirements definition Of ...... ....... .......... 1.7 (L 1. 41.6.2) Bonda- acceptance of ......... _.,_ .................. .......... additional binds.,.. -,.... ...................... 10.5, 11,4.50 Cost ofthe Work.,.....,._.........................11.5,4 definition of ........... .... .. _............................I 8 delivery of, ................. ........... ............. Z1. $.I final Appfcatimn for (Payment,..._,.,-_.,.-, 14.12-1414 general ........ .............................. 1.10, 5,1-5.3, 5,13. 1 ... 11-11-1 ............. ..... -- 9.13,10.5,143A Performance, Payment and Other ........... ...... 5,1-5.2 Bonds and Trisurance-in general...... I ..........................5 Buildees risk *sll-risk' policy Jorrit ............... __ ..... 5.6.2 Cancellation Provisions, _ _iA.11, 5,8, 5.15 Cash Allowances . ....... ........................................... Min Certificate of Substantial Cornpletiort, ....... 1.38,630.2.3, ...... __ ....... _ .... _ ..... ...... ........ 14-8,14,10 Certificates of Inspection .... .... ___ ..... 9.13.4, 13.5,14.12 Certificates of Inswitace-- ......... 2-7, 5.3, 5.4.11, 5.4.13. '___ ... ...... 5,8,5A4,9.13.4,1412 Change. in Contract Price.. Cash Allowances__ .... .................. --- -- ...... 8 claim for prim adjustment ...... __ ...4.1, 4.2.6, 4.5, 5.15, 6.8.2, 9.4 9.5. 9111, 10.2, 10.5. 11.2,13,9. .......... .......... J3 13,13-14,14.7, 15.1, 15.5 CONTRACTOR'S Ice.......:._ ............ -- ............. 116 Cost of the Work general _ ............. ....... 1.4-11.7 ExclusionsExclusionsto ........... ....... . . .. . ..... 11.5 Cost Rtocids .......................... ...... 11.7 in general ............. j 19, 1.44,9.11, 10.4.2,10.4,3. It Lump Sum Pricng ......................................... 11,31 Notification of Surety ...... Scope of,...._..._.._ .... ........ - ......... ... 10.3-10.4 Testing and Inspection, Uncovering the Work ...... ............ ........ 13.9 UMC (JENEM CONXTIONS 1910-3 (19" EDIIKK wt CITY (V FORT COLLIM MODIFICAMM (REV W99) Unit Price Work Article Or Paragraph Number Value Of Work ....... __ ..... _ ... _ ............ ...... JI.3 Change in Contract Times -- Claim for times adimtMent.- .... A 1, 4.2,6, 45, 5.15, ... ... __ 6,8,2, 9.4, 93 9.11, 10.2, 10.5, t2l, ............... 13.9, 13.13. 1314. 14.7, 151, 15,5 Contractual time limiti! ........ ...... . ..12.2 12.3 and W'NiXAAwIU1CscOutrOI ....... .... ............. 12A Notifiestirm OfxaalY. ....... __ ............. ............ Scope of change ........... ....... ................ _W5 ... 10.3-10.4 Change Oedem- AcceptancecifDofeefive Wcrk____ .... .. ...... J3,13 Amending Contract Documents................. ....... .35 Cash Allowances Change of Corittact Price ............ Change of Contract Tfineit ........ .......... ...... 12 Changes in the work ............ if) CONTRACTORsf" ...... ......... 11.6 Cost of the Work Cost Records ,11A-11.7 _M7 definition emergencies, ............. ............ ....... ..... 0,23 ENGINEEKs responsibility .... .. 9.8,10,4,112, 12A exccutim Of JOA In4cm nifliction .......................4.12, 6,16, 6.31433 Insurance, Bonds and-,..,,,. 5,10,5.13, 10,5 OWNER may terminate._.. _.... .... 15.2-15.4 OWNERs Responsibility-, ..... . 1$.6� 10.4 Physical Conditions — Subsurface and..... ......................................... 42 Underground Facilities-, ..................... 4-3.2 Record Daum ems '&Ig Scope of Change..,.... 10.3-10.4 Substitutes ... jG3.3, 6.8.2 Unit Price Work,,,,.,-._ .... .... ....... . lj�q value of Work, covered by .... 1 IS Changes in the Work ... jo Notification orsorety, .. ...... m5 OWNERS and CONTRACTOR'S ...... responsibilities,...... .......... . .. .. . . . Right to an adquistment .... ........ __ �10.4 __ Scope of change ...... ............. ................... .. .. ... _10,2 103-10A Claims-- RgainstCONTRACTOR 6.16 agairst ENOINEER... C>, 32 against OWNER,,...... 632 Change of Contract Pri or ....... ...... ... ... .. 9.4,112 Change of Coveraot Tuucs_ ......... ........ 9,4,121 CON'TRACTORs, - . . - - 4, T 1. 9A, 9,5. 9,11. 10 2, .......................... ] 1.2,11 9, 111, 13,9,14 8, CONTRACT0R`sFcc_.__., .... ..... �., _ 11 .6 Article or Paragraph Number CONTRACTORs liability ........... 5A.6.12, 636,631 Cost of the Work _1 1.4, 11.5 Decisions on DispuWq ......... ...... .............. 9. 11, 912 nWmcR1=Iutma........ .......... .... __ .... ___ .... )6.1 Dispute Resolution Agreement ........ - ....... 16-1-16.6 ENGINEER as initial interpretut ........ Lump Sum Ptitift&_ ..................................... J1.3.2 Notice _17.3 OWNEkk ................... 9,4,95,9.11, 10,2, 11.2, 11.9 -.1--1.11 ..........121. 119,13.13,13,14,17.3 OWKR's liability ................ .. ................. .5_5 OWNER may mbuse to make Payment. ...... 14.7 Professional Fees and Court Costs Included 17.5 request fir formal 'i, ........... Substitute Items Time rxtension _12.1 Time requirements...... 12,1 unit Price Work � -.11.9.3 Value of J.1.3 Waiver of --on Final PaYmeAL ....... ....... J4.14, 14.15 Week Change Directive ..... .... ... . ...... _ ..10.2 written notice require4 ........ __ .... .... 9,11, 11.2,12.1 Clarifications and Interpretations,.....,,,,., },6.3, Clean Site Codes of Tcehnic'l or Association ........ ...... - ....................... .........3.3.3 Commencement.Of Contract Times, � ....... _23 Communications. - general . ...... .... ......... ....... ........... 0,1 6.9.2. 8.1 Hazard Communication Programs ..... . ....... 0,22 Completion. - Final Application for Payment ..........................14.12 Final InaPceiiOQ_-- Final Payment and Acceptance ... ...... __14.11 �.14.13-14.14 Partial Utilizufioq,-, __J4.10 Substantial Completion,_,,,,_ A 38,14.8A4.9 Waiver Of Claims.,,,,,,..,............. .......... 4.15 Computation of Times_ ___ .-, _ _j 17.8.1-17,2.2 C,oncerningSubcontractors, Suppliers and Others.,..... k.8-6.11 Conferences — initially acceptable schedules .... .. . 2.9 precorlstructiork .......................... ........... ....... I's Conflict, Error, Ambiguity, Discrepancy— CONTRACrOR to Report,_. 2.5,13.2 Construction, before starting by (,'OMrRA(,-rOR 15-17 Equipment,.....1.1. Construction Machinery, etc__. 6.4 Continuing the Work, ......... ............ ........ Contract Documems_- Amending..........................................................3.5 Bonds ElCW, GENERAL, CONDIIJONS 191o.8 (19W EDITION) WICITY (TFORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS OREV9199) Cash Allowances...,..... ........ ............... ll-S Article or paragraph Number Change of Contract Prieg ....... ........... - ...... ..... — 11 Change of Contract Times_ ....... .. ............ _ 12 Changes in the Work, ................. obackandvarify--, ... ....... Clarifications and Interpretatioria...._ ........... _,2,3.6,9A 9 It definition of ....................... - ................. ...IAA ENGINEER as initial interpreter of;,.;.. ..... 9.11 MGWEBR,sts OWNWs repreatustalivA ..... .... 93 gonctall! Insurance,,,: ............ ....... 5,1 Intent _, ....... . .................. ........ -_--_3.1-3.4 minor variations in the Work ....... ...... 16 OWNFIts,responsibility to furnish daW. ............. 8.3 OWNER's responsibility to make prompt payment ........ _._ .... ..... S.3,1*4,14,13 precedence .................... _- ...... _-- .... ..... 3. 1, 113 Record Documents.,....... .............. I ..... ..... .... -6 19 Reference to Standards and Specifications ol'Tochnical Swicticsi ........ I ...... .... -- ..... 3.3 Related Work ..................................................72 Rgaporting and Resolving Discrepencies., ...... 15,13 Rouse of . .... ... I . . ..... -3.7 Supplameming__ ... ____ ............... --- ........0 Termination of ENGINEERs Employment .......... U UnitPriceWork ............................... .......... 1I-9 Variations ........................................)A 6.23, 6,27 Visits to Site, ENGINBERsi .......... ....... ..... .... 9.2 Contract Price- adjustmentof .. ............. 3.5,4.1, 9.4, Changeof .......... ............... ___ ..... .... ... .... --) I Decision on Disputes....._ .................................9.11 deftinition o( ........... .............. ...... ......... J-11 Contract Times- adjustmentof, ........ ......... 10.3,12 Change of:_ ............ ........ ............ __12.1-12.4 Commencementof ........ .................................... 23 definition of ..... ........ ....... ___ ............... _1.12 CONTRACTOR - Acceptance of lnsurance. ......... ....... ... ... 5. 14 Communications ............. -. _ __ ., §.2, 6.9.2 Continue Work ........................................ 6-29,104 coordination and scheduling. � ...... ....... 0, 9, 2 definition of,, ................... ...... ....... J. 13 Limited Reliance on Technical Data Authorized._........._._._ . . ... ..... .. _ 4.2.2 Nby Stop Work or Terminate...._ ..... ......... .1- 15.5 provide sne access to others .......................7.2, 13.2 Safety and Protection ............ ---411,2.6,16, 6A8, ............ .......... 6.21-623, 72,13.2 Shop Drawing and Sample Review Prior to Submittal........................................6.25 A Stop Work mquirementi......_ ......... ........ 4-5.2 CONTPACTOR's— Article or Ruagraph Number Compensation...... . Continuing obligation ........... ............ 14,15 Defercam Work.... . 9.6,13.10413.14 Duty to coff ed*feeffive Work .......... ............... 13.11 Work caused by .111.- ...... --- ........ ............. 6.23 tot others ............ ................. 73 tic*4..................................4.2.3 D6opments 2.3,3.3.7- 614.2 acHifies not indicated ....... —Al2 —1 ... - .... ........... - -- I. - --6.23 ehincry Rental, Cost .......... .......... -- ....... -JL4.5.3 11.4.5,6, 1 1,5: 1, 11.6 md Quammeq... .. ................. 0.30 ......... —_y.14 V.1u, inspection of the Weak. ......... ......... _.. 7.3, 114 Labor, Materials and Equipment ...... _ ........... 0.3-6.5 Laws and-Regulotiors. Compliance by._, .... _6_14A Liability Insurance . ............. .............................. $A Notice of Intent to Appeal ........... ............ .9-10,10.4 obligation to perform and complete theWork ... — ........................................ ..... 0.30 PswrttFeos and Royalties. paid for by ...............6.12 Performance and Other Bonds ............... 5 1 Permits, olasined and paid for by ... Progress Schedule ........ ................ .2-6,2.8,2.9,66, .... 6.N. 10-4,15-2.1 Request for formal decisionon disputes .............. :9. 11 Responsibilities — Changes in the Work,..__........ ........ Concerning Subcontractors, Suppliers and Others ..................................... .6.9-6.11 Continuing the Work,...--.................6.29, 10A CONTRACTOR's ccpcnw ...........................0.7.1 coNTRACTOks General Warranty and Guarantee......,...... --- ..... ... .........6.30 CONTPACTORx review prior to Shop Drawing or Sample submittal ................ 6.25 coordination of Work..........._ ...._.......... 6.92 Emergencies,,.,. .... __ .... ............... ............. 6.23 ENGINEERs evaluation. Substitutes or 'Or.Hqual" Items...._. _ ........ 6.7.3 For Acts and Omissions of Others ................... §.91-6.92,9 13 for deductible amountsinsurance ....... .... - ... ., 5.q general ........................................6, T2, 7.3, 8:9 MZardeus Commiinication Programs._..-.._ 6.22 Indemnification ................................... 0.31-6.33 EICDC MNERAL CONMONS 1910.8 (IM EDMON) w(aTY OF FORT COLUNS MOMICA11M 0MV 91M Labor, Materials and Equipment. ........, 0-3.6.5 Liability Insurance. ................._ 5:4 Article or Paragraph. Number Notice of variation from Contract DOcUm grits :.... ................... _ _ _.... fi:27 Patent Fees and Royahiea................... __ .., 6.12 Permits ............................... ........... a£13 Progress Schedule . .......... ..........64 Record Documents. ...... ..,........ ...... 6.19 related Work perforined prior to ENGINEI R's approval of required' subm ittale....:...................... ..... 0-28 safe structural loading ............. ,6.18 Safety and: protection..._,._,,,, 1520. 72, 13,2 Safety Representative ............. ... 6,21 Scheduling the Wark.— ....... ........... _ 6.9:2 Shop Drawings and Samples..___ ... ............ (i?4.. Shop Drawings. and Samples Review by ENGINEER .... ............ ................ ..:_ 26 Site Cleanliness..-.._. _.........-. -_-........ ........ 6.17 Submittal Procedures ......... ......... ........... ..:...(.25 Substitute Construction Methods and procedures— ..... ............... __........ . 6,1,2. Substitutes and "Or -Equal" Item;,,,,,, 6:21 Superintendencq,.. _..................... 0.2. Supervision._.._._ . ....4.1 Survival Of Obligations ...... ........_634 Taxes............ ..... .6. li .......... ............... Tests and Innpectiorrs, 13.5 To Report. _.....,.._............ .............._,2.5 Use of Premises ,,.,,,.,,__,,,,,,.,-6. 166.18, 6:30.2.4 Review Prior to Shop Drawing or Sample Submittal ............................... .6.25 Right to adjustmentfor changes in the Work ..... lU right to claim _ ....... _, 4, 7.1, 9.4, 9.5, 9.11, 10.2,11.2, ..._11.9,12.1, 13.9, 14.8, 15.1, 15.5, 17:3 Safety and Protection.,,,,,,,,„.._ 6.20-6.22, 72, 13,2 Salety RepresdManive .......... .................... Shop Drawings and Samples Submittals,.,. ........,fi.21 6,24-6.28 Special Consultants........ _ .............................I. L4.4 Substitute Construction Methods and procedures 6.7 Substitutes and "Or-Equid" Item, � �� Expense.....—............ ...................... 6.7,1, 6.T2 Subcontractors, Suppliers and Others..... _,,,,fi.g-6:7 7 Supervision and Superintendence,,,,,,._. 6. 1, 62, 6.21 Taxes, Payment by...... tine of premises, ....... .. _... ,,.. ..6.15 6.166.18 Warranties and guaranteeq,...........,...._..,,..6.5, 6.30 Warranty of Title.,...., ..........,.._. ....................... 143 Written Notice Required -- CONTRACTOR stop Work % term rnale' 15.5 Reports of Differing Subsurface and physical Conditions,...__ .............. .g_23 SubaaMial Completion._ ......... .... _...... 14.8 vill CONTRACTORS --other...-.........: Contractual LiahilitylnsMnm,.. ........ Contractual TimeLimits__ _.,..........__......... )2.2. Article tr Paragraph Number Coordination — CONTRACT Oka responsibility...____ .... .... ...49.2 Copies of Documents ..................... 2.2 Correction Period ,...,............................... _. . 13.12. Corr action, Removal or Acceptance ofDeficriw Work— in general.................. ............ 10A.1,: 13.10,13-14 AcceptanceofD#fecdve Work „_._...... ..-_13.13 Correction or Removal of Defi4 iva tYork„.:— .......................... 6.30, 13.11 Correction Period...-.... _: .... .. 33.12 OWNER: May Correct Defective Work..,....... _ _..13.14 OWNER May Stop Work:................................13:10 Cost — of Tests and inspections ... ............... Records 11.7 .....13.4 Cost of the Work — Bonds and insurance, additional, .................. 11.4,5.9 Cash Discount.Y..............................................11.4.2 CONTRACTOR'sFee;,,,, ........-....... 11.6 EmployeeEc pensex..,..._........_...................: .. . Exclusions: to,.,... ..,..,....., 11.5 Genara111.4-11.5 Home office and Overhead expenses,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11.5 Losses and damages.....................................11.4.5.E Materials and equipment_ ... ..... ..__._...__.11.4.2 Minor expenses ..... ....... .___ ...................,.. Payroll costs on changes .............._._.._.......... 11.4.1 Performed by Subcontractors_ ........................11.43 Records 11..7 Rentals of construction equipment and machinery, ....... _....... ___...._...._... Royalty payments, permits and license fees ...............:...... Site office and temporary facilities,.. , ,-,..�,.11A 52 Special Consultants, .CONTRACTOR .......... 11,4.4 Supplemental..._. .... ..... .._ .. .__..._.._ _ 11.4.5 'faxes related to the Work ........... Tests and Inspection. ........... ... ,......_ . __... Trade Discounts .................. .....13.4 ...,., 11.4.2 Utilities,. fuel and sanitary facilifie%..............11A.5.7 Work after regular hours............................__11AA Covering Work_ ...... .... .._..... ......_,.116.13.7 Cumulative Remedies... 17.4-17.5 Cutting, fitting and patching., ..,__„., .. .......... ..... ..7.2 Data, to be furnished by OWNER _ ... ... 3 Day —definition of, _,,,,,„.,_,_ ..,....,.,,J22.1 ......8 Decisions on Disputes, . ......... .......... 9,1 I, 9.12 defecOo--definition of.........._... ..._.1.14 defective Work — Acceptance of. „,_... ... _..10. 4.1, 13.13 EJCDC GENERAL COMM IONS 1910-8 11990 EDITION) utOITY OP FORTCOLLINS MODIFICATIONS (RF,V 9l99)