July 13, 2006
Mr. James B. O'Neill II
Director of Purchasing & Risk Management
City of Fort Collins' Purchasing Division
P. O. Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
Dear Mr. O'Neill:
Arbitrator • Mediator *,Fullft8(pleW 1983
Please be advised that as of January 1, 2007, my per diem rate for labor-management
arbitration is $1500, as described in the enclosed billing practices.
Norman Brand
150 Lombard Street, Suite 3
San Francisco, CA 94111-1133
Tel 415-982-7172
Fax 415-982-8021
To the Parties:
Paragraph 80 of the Code of Professional Responsibility for Arbitrators of Labor -
Management Disputes requires that I advise you beforehand of my individual bases for
determining fees and expenses.
(a) Hearing time. My $1500 per diem charge applies to all or any part of a
hearing day. If a hearing exceeds eight hours in a single day, there will be a second per
diem charge.
(b) Study time. My $1500 per diem charge applies pro rata to actual time
spent reviewing testimony, exhibits, and processing my Opinion and Award. Two days
of study time will ordinarily be charged for a one day hearing.
(c) Travel time and expenses. My $1500 per diem charge applies pro rata to
travel time. The parties will reimburse all expenses for travel and subsistence which I
incur in connection with the case.
(d) Postponements and cancellations. My $1500 per diem charge applies for all
postponed or cancelled cases unless I receive more than twenty (20) working days notice in
writing. In computing the twenty working days, neither the day notice is given nor the day of
the hearing is included. If two or more consecutive hearing days are scheduled, the per diem
charge will apply for each cancelled day. If 3 or more consecutive dates scheduled, 35
working days' notice required.
(e) As joint contractors, the parties are jointly and severally liable for my
bill. Bills are due and payable thirty (30) days after receipt by parties. Unpaid bills
will accrue interest of 1% per month (12.68% APR).
If you have any questions, please call.
January 1, 2007