Economic, klarketing and Management Consultants
February 28, 2006
Ken Waido
City of Fort Collins
281 North College
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521
Via: e-mail
Mr. Waido,
Deerfield Beach, FL
Miami, FIL.
Henclenmmille, NC
Based on our conversation of today, we have revised our Project Cost to reflect changes in the proposed
Scope of Services for the North Fort Collins Business Association Action Plan.
PMG Associates, Inc. (PMGA) will perform the following services:
• Conduct a door-to-door survey of property owners and tenants to determine the information
specified in the RFP necessary to plan for new projects in the Study Area.
• An evaluation of each property will be conducted along with the door-to-door survey.
• Review and assess data from the County Assessor's Office.
• Identify new and anticipated development projects.
• Prepare Action Plan which identifies key properties and potential assemblages.
• Complete a report with findings and transmit data to the City.
Items that PMGA will not perform, but specified in the RFP:
• PMGA will not complete maps depicting the results of the research and analysis. The results will
be presented in tabular form and data conveyed to the City for mapping, if desired.
Assistance form the City required for this project:
• Obtaining parcel specific data for the County Assessor.
• Organizing the North Fort Collins Business Association to provide data and assist with the survey
function. Telephone and e-mail contacts from this group will assist in making the survey function
more cost effective.
• Base maps of the area, including parcels.
• Create all necessary mapping of data from this study.
• List of Occupational Licenses by location and type.
• List of any anticipated projects.
• List of infrastructure improvements; planned or anticipated.
• List of future Right-of-way needs for roadways and utilities.
• Current Zoning Map.
• Current Land Use Map.
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Intimate knowledge of the goals of the
Market Analysis and the intent of this
Prepare an Action Plan that will lead
to specific project for the
redevelopment of the North College
Review Property Assessor's records
Meet with City staff
Conduct on -site interviews
Follow-up with telephone calls
Tabulate the results
Assist City in mapping, where
Detailed information on all parcels
Information sorted to facilitate analysis
Information to include:
Potential for assembly
Develop 4 to 5 scenarios for
development based analysis of the
data and the interview with property
owners and/or brokers
Evaluate the scenarios to determine
the benefits to be received and the
potential for success
A report that discusses the research
and the potential development
The report will include the evaluation
of the projects
The report will also contain a
blueprint for future actions to be
Familiarity and Understanding of the
purpose of the project and the use of
the information provided
Knowledge of the area
Experience in similar projects
Knowledge of land assembly and
project development
Ability to react to Fort Collins based
on location of personnel
FEBRUARY 17, 2006
PMG Associates, Inc.
2151 West Hillsboro Boulevard
Suite 301
Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442
(954) 427-5010
Deerfield Beach, FL
Miami, FL
PMG Associates Inc. Hendersonville, NC
Economic, Marketing and Management Consultants
February 16, 2006
City of Fort Collins Purchasing Division
215 North Mason Street
2nd Floor
Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
Re: Request for Proposal P1009, North Fort Collins Business Association Action Plan
PMG Associates, Inc. (PMGA) is association with Shapins Associates (SA) is pleased to submit
this proposal to complete professional services to the City of Fort Collins and the North College
Avenue Business Association. Our firm has prepared development plans for community areas
similar to the situation in Fort Collins and we are uniquely proficient with the conditions that
impact the North College Avenue area. Our previous work in conducting a Market Analysis for
the area led to this RFP.
To facilitate the research and depiction of the results, we have joined with Shapins Associates of
Boulder, Colorado. SA offers mapping specialists that will provide all of the mapping products
in a format that will assist Fort Collins in marketing the North College Avenue area. In addition,
Jerry Shapins of SA is a board member of the Colorado Community Revitalization Association,
a state agency specializing in redevelopment efforts.
Our Project Team will be led by Phil Gonot who was the chief author of the North College
Avenue Market Study and provides the fiscal evaluation expertise to the Team. The Action Plan
and Development Plans will be prepared by Jeff Oris who also contributed to the North College
Avenue Market Study. Mr. Oris is also registered as a Certified Economic Developer from the
International Economic Development Council and a former executive director of a
Redevelopment Agency. Field work and interviews will be conducted by Jennifer Coffland who
has extensive experience with interviewing and focus groups for land development scenarios.
Ms. Coffland is based in Phoenix Arizona and will be available for regular updates to the
NCABA and the City. Mapping will be performed by Shapins Associates who have extensive
experience in that field. Any field work that requires bilingual interviewers will be conducted by
Mr. Peter Pallieja (who's native tongue is Spanish) who has been conducting interviews for
PMGA for over 10 years.
PMGA commits to completing this project on -time and within budget. Our previous experience
with the North College Avenue area will enable us to delve directly into the analysis and not
spend time trying to get acclimated. The genesis of the need for an Action Plan is the work we
previously completed for this area. We know what is needed and how it will be used.
2151 West Hillsboro Boulevard, Suite 3011 Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442 4 (954) 427-5010 Fax (954) 480-8836 ♦ www.pmgassociates.com
All of the information requested is provided in the following submittal. We have presented the
information in the format requested. We look forward to working with the City of Fort Collins
and the North College Avenue Business Association again. We are delighted that the City has
taken our recommendations and moved forward for the redevelopment of the North College area
into a vital economic center for the City.
Very truly yours,
7tlAssociates, Inc.
R. Gonot
PMG Associates, Inc. hereby proposes a change in our original pricing to account for the items
listed in this letter. Based on the provisions as stated here, PMG Associates, Inc. proposes to
complete the North Fort Collins Business Association Action Plan for the fee of $19,000.
Thank you for the opportunity to work with the City of Fort Collins again on this exciting
Very truly yours,
PMG Associates, Inc.
xafft&w x gonaf
Kathleen R. Gonot
Project Approach and Methodology
This section sets forth the methodology and approach to the work to be performed by PMG
Associates, Inc. and Shapins Associates (Consultant) for the preparation of a detailed inventory
of land in the North College Avenue Urban Renewal Area (URA) and an action plan for the
North Fort Collins Business Association (NFCBA) and the City of Fort Collins (City).
Work Task 1.0 Proiect Organization
Objective: To organize the project in a fashion which clearly delineates the goals and
objectives of the work and the preparation of a clear and succinct project scope and schedule.
1.1 Project Organization
a. Consultant and project management staff will meet to detail expectations and a final
timeline of deliverables and key benchmarks. Consultant Senior Staff will be in
attendance at these meetings.
b. Consultant shall meet and interview appropriate City staff regarding existing
documents and reports related to the Urban Renewal Area (URA). Consultant will
obtain other relevant information in the City's possession at this time.
c. Consultant will review pertinent planning documents.
Final project schedule
Work Task 2.0 Data Collection
Objective: To prepare a full and comprehensive list of property owners and prepare map(s)
showing ownership of properties in the area.
2.1 Obtain and Interpret data from County Assessors Office
The County Assessor's Office will be the key data source for this task
a. Consultant shall obtain data outlining ownership of all parcels
b. Consultant shall interpret data to determine the physical location of property owners
(i.e. local ownership, in -state ownership, out of area ownership)
c. Map(s) will be prepared that indicate the parcels in the area owned by persons in each
category of ownership (i.e. local ownership, in -state ownership, out of area
a List of Ownership home locations
b. Map of Ownership's home locations
Work Task 3.0 Land Use and Zoning Database
Ob'ective: To determine, list and map the land use and zoning of all properties, the status of site
improvements, infrastructure deficiencies, and information on sales of land and businesses in the
3.1 Interviews with City Staff
Consultant shall meet with City staff members to gather relevant data related to land use
and zoning, business licenses, and other pertinent information.
3.2 Site Visitation
Consultant will perform an on -site visitation to determine current uses of land (i.e.
residential — owner occupied or rental, commercial — wholesale or retail, etc.) as well as
to determine current status of improvements and infrastructure. PMGA staff (Ms.
Coffland) from the Phoenix Office will be the team member directly responsible for these
visits. A checklist will be prepared and completed for each property that outlines various
items for review related to site improvements and infrastructure. This checklist will
provide for a standardization of condition review for all elements identified (i.e.
conditions or landscaping, building fagade, parking lot, drainage, lighting, etc.). (This
visitation will be conducted in conjunction with Task 4). Information collected will be
appropriately mapped and/or reported.
3.2 Data Review
Consultant shall review information obtained from City, County Assessor's Office and
other governmental sources, as well as through the questionnaire portion of Task 4
(below) to determine recent land sales and business sales. Data obtained will be utilized
to determine costs per acre and per square foot for appropriate transactions and will be
a. Map depicting land use subcategories and current zoning
b. Map depicting recent sales of businesses/land
c. Map depicting current status of improvements and infrastructure needs
d. Tables outlining information collected
Work Task 4.0 Ouestionnaire
Obiective: To gather input from property owners and business operators in the URA regarding
their willingness to sell their property, relocate their business, expand their business, and other
such relevant questions.
4.1 Creation of Questionnaire
a. Consultant shall prepare a questionnaire for use with business operators and property
owners to determine level of interest in redevelopment opportunities. Questions may
• Those related to willingness to sell or relocate, to participate in owner
• To sell to the City or a private party and under what circumstances
• Are there business expansion opportunities available to business, if they have
considered relocation, etc.
b. Approval of Questionnaire by the City
4.2 Implementation of Questionnaire
a. Consultant shall survey using the questionnaire during on -site visitation with property
owners/business operators (in conjunction with Task 3 above). PMGA has bi-lingual
professional level staff that can address those that need to be interviewed in Spanish.
b. Property owners/business operators out of the local area or those not available during
on -site visits shall be contacted by telephone where reasonable research on the part of
Consultant can locate a contact person and phone number.
c. Results of Questionnaire will be compiled.
a. Questionnaire
b. Map of sites with willing sellers
c. Report on Questionnaire results
Work Task 5.0 Projected Plans and Developments
Obiective: To gather and map data on new and anticipated development projects in the URA
and to map locations of new and anticipated public projects.
5.1 Private Projects
Consultant shall compile a list and map new and anticipated private development
projects. This list shall include those recent projects completed or under construction as
well as projects for which permits or approvals have been obtained but the project has not
commenced and projects which are publicly known and anticipated but may not have
completed the approval process. These development projects may include: residential,
commercial, and industrial projects.
5.2 Public Projects
Consultant shall compile a list and map identified public improvements recently
completed or under construction as well as projects which are budgeted but not yet under
construction. These improvements may include: drainage, roadway enhancements,
roadway construction, flood control, parks, social services, etc.
a. List and map of private development projects
b. List and map ofpublic improvements
Work Task 6.0 Action Plan
Obiective: Preparation of an Action Plan to be used by the City and North Fort Collins
Business Association to stimulate development and redevelopment.
6.1 Identification ofPriority Properties
a. The Consultant will identify four (4) to five (5) key properties or potential property
assemblages. The key properties will be those which would have the greatest impact
on development/redevelopment efforts with minimal need for changes to current
conditions. Every effort will be made to prioritize properties that are already
appropriately zoned for uses identified in the North College Area Market Analysis,
need minimal (if any) infrastructure improvements, and have owners that have
indicated a willingness to sell.
b. A map will be prepared indicating the priority projects.
a. Action Plan
b. List of priority properties
c. Map of priority properties
1-Overall map of area showing possible projects
2-Individual maps of each possible project
Work Task 7.0 Final Report
7.1 Final Report
Consultant shall compile a Final Report which shall be a single document including all
lists, tables, maps, text and the Action Plan as outlined in previous Work Tasks.
a. Final Report
All text, charts, tables, maps and any other graphic material, will be provided to the NFCBA and
the City in a hardcopy and digital format. Digital textual material will be provided in Microsoft
WordTm and/or Microsoft Exce1T""
*March 24, 2006
9 2 3 4 5 6
1.0 - Project Organization
2.0 - Data Collection
3.0 - Land Use and Zoning Database
4.0 - Questionnaire
5.0 - Projected Plans and Developments
6.0 - Action Plan
7.0 - Final Report
Status Reports
= Submittal of Status Report Memo
Assumption of Start Date no later than
March 24, 2006
7 8
July 1,2006
9 10 11 12 13 14
Project Manager
Economic Planner
Research Coordinator
Research Analyst
Senior Planner
Direct Expenses
Project Manager
Economic Planner
Research Coordinator
Research Analyst
Senior Planner
Direct Expenses
Project Manager
Economic Planner
Research Coordinator
Research Analyst
Senior Planner
Direct Expenses
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Project Manager
Economic Planner
Research Coordinator
Research Analyst
Senior Planner
Direct Expenses
Project Manager
Economic Planner
Research Coordinator
Research Analyst
Senior Planner
Direct Expenses
Project Manager
Economic Planner
Research Coordinator
Research Analyst
Senior Planner
Direct Expenses
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Project Manager
Economic Planner
Research Coordinator
Research Analyst
Senior Planner
Direct Expenses
Project Manager
Economic Planner
Research Coordinator
Research Analyst
Senior Planner
Direct Expenses
page 3 of 3
Project Manager
Economic Planner
Research Coordinato
Research Analyst
Direct Expenses
Project Manager
Economic Planner
Research Coordinato
Research Analyst
Direct Expenses
Project Manager
Economic Planner
Research Coordinato
Research Analyst
Direct Expenses
Project Manager
Economic Planner
Research Coordinato
Research Analyst
Direct Expenses
Page 1 of 2
NAME: Kathy Gonot
FIRM: PMG Associates, Inc. (PMGA)
ASSIGNMENT: Principal -in -charge; Stakeholder Interviews
EXPERIENCE: As President of the firm, she is responsible for all contractual issues. Ms. Gonot
has been responsible for county -wide focus groups for Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department as well
as state-wide programs such as the High Speed Rail Project. Her experience in developing rapport with
business and home -owner groups and commercial land owners has been well documented.
NAME: Phil Gonot
FIRM: PMG Associates, Inc.
ASSIGNMENT: Project Manager; Project Economist,
EXPERIENCE: Mr. Gonot has completed CRA redevelopment plans and marketing plans for
CRAB throughout Florida and the United States. His knowledge of the real estate market has been
successful with projects that determine the demand for product and the absorption rates. Phil's familiarity
with the North College area, the businesses and the NFCBA will allow for an on -time project with the
desired goals met.
NAME: Jeff Oris
FIRM: PMG Associates, Inc.
ASSIGNMENT: Action Plan and Land Assembly
EXPERIENCE: Jeff's years in the field of redevelopment and familiarity with Fort Collins, will
allow him to draft an Action Plan that is unique and achievable.
NAME: Jennifer Coffland
FIRM: PMG Associates, Inc.
ASSIGNMENT: Research Coordinator, Stakeholder Interviews
EXPERIENCE: As PMGA's Phoenix, AZ. office representative, Ms. Coffland will coordinate all
activities with the NFCBA and City to create the detailed inventory of lands and staging of property
and/or business operators interviews. Jennifer has years of experience in interviewing stakeholders in all
kinds of settings. She has held focus groups throughout the nation in order to ascertain relevant
information for marketing plans. She will also coordinate the research of land ownership.
NAME: Jerry Shapins
FIRM: Shapins Associates
ASSIGNMENT: Mapping/Research
EXPERIENCE: As the principal of Shapins Associates of Boulder, CO was vast experience in the
Colorado market. Jerry's Computer Mapping and Analysis courses will allow the team to address the
necessary mapping elements and research aspects of this project.
NAME: Elizabeth Lokocz
FIRM: Shapins Associates
ASSIGNMENT: Mapping/Research
EXPERIENCE: As the Planner/Mapping Technology person for this project, Elizabeth will be in
charge of the coordination of all mapping aspects of this engagement. With her background in
development patterns, mapping, technology, software, planning and research, she will be the day-to-day,
go to person for all mapping aspects of this project.
Firm's and staffs experience in data research, field observations and stakeholder interviews:
PMG Associates, Inc. has been in business for 22 years providing data research, economic
impact studies and their implementation and conducting field operations and surveys. Our
experience has been for both the public and private sectors, with the major of survey/opinion
polls for governmental agencies.
In completing redevelopment studies and plans, one of the important facets has always been the
ability of our staff to "connect" with the respondent. We are not only able to acquire the
necessary information, but we believe in building relationships with the community, but do this
for various entities throughout the US. Part of our projects have always centered on gaining the
input of citizens, business owners/operators and conducting focus groups.
Interviews with property owners:
Most all of our redevelopment/development engagements contain a component that has our
senior staff conducting interviews with the stakeholders of the area. We know how to gain the
trust of those involved as we are responsible to do it every day. Our successful experience in the
field of redevelopment, actions plans and interviewing techniques can easily be documented by
contact with any of our current and past clients.
Over 33 years of experience developing research into cost analysis of projects to determine the benefits received
and the costs incurred, capital cost assessments, economic feasibility, market analysis studies and impact
considerations. Performs economic evaluations, along with projection of direct and secondary impacts of a variety
of capital intensive projects. Determination of the proper budgetary allocations and the analysis of all fiscal aspects
of the study.
Included in a market analysis and strategy study for the Town of Juno Beach, Florida CRA Area were the types of
businesses, retail or commercial, or housing units that would be best suited for their particular market along US 1.
This analysis also made recommendations regarding mixed use developments.
For the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, generated an economic development/redevelopment program for the North
College Avenue area. The analysis focused on the best uses for the area based on market demand for activities.
Measured demand in the amount of area to be allocated for commercial, office, industrial and residential uses. One
of the principal elements of the plan was input from the community to determine the needs of the businesses and
people in the target area and the quality of life issues they found most significant.
As the "antique capital of Florida," Historic Mount Dora wanted to evaluate their current standing in the region and
look towards the future for its marketing potential. Determined what was missing for both the visitor and resident
retail/shopping experience through a telephone survey of the residents and an intercept survey of the visitors, in-
depth market analysis of the surrounding area, including spending patterns and demographics and recommendations
of future marketing strategies.
Completed project involved the analysis of development proposals for the central business district for the City of
Margate. The analysis consisted of determining market demand, analyzing tax revenues and measuring the impact
of surrounding property values. Completed economic assessment and evaluation of zoning changes. The study
included comparisons of land values before and after the proposed change.
Completed market demand study for redevelopment of a four acre site that included older commercial properties
along with residential uses. The project site is located in a "Target Area" of Fort Lauderdale, Florida that has faced
a deterioration of building conditions and commercial potential. The analysis included the determination of
demand, a pro forma for the project and an economic impact analysis to be used for the application of development
incentives from Broward County, Florida.
Will serve as project manager for the Market Study for the Central Business District of Summerton, South Carolina.
The characteristics of the community will be identified which will include the physical, regulatory and human
elements. Various factors such as; land use configuration, zoning ordinances and other development regulations
that impact growth, environmental issues, appearance, undesirable uses, current market -driven development
pressures and relationship with the rest of the region, education and training of the workforce, transportation access
and unique opportunities will be addressed. The study will entail a market and economic examination of the City's
trade area. Current and future conditions in housing, population, spending patterns, travel, disposable income and
commercial activity will be reported. The specific strengths and weaknesses of the study area will be identified
which assess the impacts on economic redevelopment in the study area.
Consultant for the City of Hallandale Beach reviewing the economic impacts of a proposed development project at
the Gulfstream Race Track, which included a tourist activity center. The project included an analysis of revenues
generated from the project and the net impact on the City of Hallandale Beach. The projections included the
amount of business conducted at the project site and the impacts throughout the community.
Assists the CRA of the City of Fort Lauderdale with evaluations of proposed projects in redevelopment area.
Prepares the financial analyses of the impacts of developments including projections of TIF and other revenues.
Projects to date include over $41 million in developer investment in the minority portion of the CRA.
Completed analysis of the market demands for the Davie Road area for the Town Of Davie and prepared
recommendations that lead to an overall marketing program for the corridor. Also included in this assignment, was
the issuance and marketing of a RFP for a one -acre CRA owned parcel. Demand and trend analysis, demographic
profile of residents and shoppers and a local and regional growth sector were completed. An examination of
potential future housing and retail for the CRA area was also undertaken.
As the County Consultant on Redevelopment Issues in Broward County, Florida will be providing technical
expertise to the Department of Urban and Redevelopment and the county Administration. Duties will include
determining the impacts of any private and municipal redevelopment projects that come before the Board for
During the analysis of the development and redevelopment options available for the South Dixie Highway Corridor
neighborhood in the City of West Palm Beach, a number of economic facets were documented. The project
included the evaluation of the housing and business sectors that are contained within the study area and those that
impact the corridor from outside the target area. The analysis included the determination of the market demand for
additional business, specific business for attraction and changes in evaluations of the property. Estimates of
changes in the market were used to assist in determining financing options.
Developed an Economic Model for Broward County, which was designed to measure the benefits and costs
associated with business incentives for relocation and expansion of business enterprises. The model is used to
determine the effective return to the County and Cities derived from offering incentives to new businesses. The
measurement identified all direct and indirect revenues from tax generations as well as additional employment. All
direct and indirect expenses related to serving the new business enterprise are also included in the model.
Consultant for the City of Pompano Beach regarding the redevelopment of a key portion of the "target area" for the
City. Duties include the development of a master plan for the shopping center, completion of a market demand
analysis, identification of investors and master developer and conducting focus groups to insure that the interests of
the community are met.
Completed the economic evaluation of impacts generated by the development of the Portofino project in South
Miami Beach. The analysis consisted of the determination of the revenues generated from all tax and fee sources
and all costs to provide municipal services. Projected demand for residential, commercial and retail space were
also included in the report.
Served as Regional Economic Consultant for the Central Florida Regional Planning Commission. Primary
responsibilities included the analysis of new planned projects in the region particularly with respect to the
identification of the public service costs and the associated revenues. Analyzed the new projects, to ensure that all
public services are provided in a timely and appropriate manner.
Performed financial and market analyses for redevelopment projects in Key West, Cocoa and Miami Beach,
Florida. Projects included an analysis of the infrastructure needs and the best means to meet the requirements. The
Miami Beach program included an analysis of the best methods to replace low income housing that was to be
eliminated due to the redevelopment plans.
B.BA. Economics; University of Miami, Miami, Florida
M.S.M. Finance; Florida International University, Miami, Florida
M.Acc. Accounting; Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida
C.P.A. certification in Florida
Responsible for general management of the firm. Performs market analysis/surveys on projects ranging from
commercial activities to residential developments to economic impact analysis. Conducts research and evaluations
of the economic impacts of capital projects, completes interviews of stakeholders and conducts visioning/focus
group sessions for various municipal entities. Over 32 years experience developing analytical studies of research
and survey projects designed to determine public perceptions and to gather input for the development of programs
for success.
Responsible for a market plan for the redevelopment area of Mount Dora, Florida. This project included market
research, demographics, census breakdowns of information, phone and intercept interviews with residents and
visitors to ascertain their perceptions of the redevelopment area, interviews with stakeholders and presentation of
the results to board members.
During the Davie CRA Market Consulting Project, conducted analysis of the market demands for the Davie Road
area and prepared recommendations that would lead to an overall marketing program for the corridor. A demand
and trend analysis, demographic profile of residents and shoppers and a local and regional growth sector were
completed. One of the most significant elements of the project was the identification of the specific business types
and industries that should be relocated to the corridor. Stakeholder and business/manager/owner interviews were
conducted as well as community interviews with the surrounding "users" of the area businesses. The purpose of
these interviews and surveys were to ascertain the insights and demands of the users and potential users of the
Completed a market and economic study of the City of Satellite Beach and the City's trade area. This study
consisted of an evaluation of the current structure of the economy and its condition, the market demographics, the
strengthens and weaknesses of the area, an inventory of the types of businesses that are currently available vs. what
the population wants, problems that the existing businesses currently run into in attempting to expand or relocate
within the City, whether current zoning should remain commercial vs. change to residential and a review of the
City's current Redevelopment Plan.
Responsible for evaluations of future impact needs and growth impact plan for services for the City of Titusville,
Florida. A review of other jurisdictional impact fees will be undertaken and a calculation of impact fees for
Titusville will be finalized.
Completed inventory of businesses, identified current and projected square footage, identified shortfalls and
analyzed the sustainability and the market demand of the Historic West Canal Street Area. Projections of TIF and
other revenues were the result from the evaluation. A focus group was held with the business owners of both the
East and West sides of Canal Street to determine goals and to set priorities.
For the analysis of redevelopment of East Miramar, Ms. Gonot was required to analyze the potential attraction of
business and the rehabilitation of the existing housing stock. The study area faced significant changes due to
expansion of the highway (S.R. 7/US 441) and the modification of the business flow. Housing issues included the
identification of substandard conditions and the impact on property evaluations. The plan was designed to address
the deteriorating conditions and programs to revitalize the area.
A market demand analysis of the Juno Beach area was undertaken for the Town which defined the market demand,
existing inventory and prospects for the future. This analysis included the amount of square footage or dwelling
units that could be absorbed in the market area. Also included were the types of businesses or housing units that
would be best suited for this market. The analysis also made recommendations regarding mixed use developments.
Analyzed available supply of housing and demand for new housing in the South Brevard and Palm Bay area.
Determined demand and absorption rates and showed current supportable home prices.
Organized and moderated a community focus group designed to gain input into the planning process to determine
community needs and interest in a neighborhood -based shopping center and focal point in the City of Pompano
Beach. This City proposed project was in a minority community. Tasks included the identification of stake
holders, community leaders and representatives from each portion of the affected neighborhood which was a
Community Development Target Area. Discussed needs of the community and means to achieve the desired goals.
Input led to the development of an overall plan for the community. The input from this process was added to the
market demand analysis and feasibility study for the shopping center.
Evaluated the potential for the reuse of this Historic Post Office site located in downtown Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Completed analysis that would allow the developer and the CRA to determine the positive potential of the proposed
development. This project is for a mixed use development of retail and housing units.
Analyzed the development/redevelopment options available for South Dixie Highway Corridor in the City of West
Palm Beach, Florida. The project included the evaluation of the housing and business sectors that were contained
within the study area and those that impact from outside the target area. The analysis included the determination of
the market demand for additional business, specific business for attraction and changes in evaluations of the
property. Estimates of changes in the market were used to assist in determining financing options.
Responsible for conducting market studies to determine the financial capabilities of housing development projects.
The projects include a determination of demand, analysis of potential supply and fiscal analysis of the prospects for
success. Other duties include the analysis of the economic impact of major developments including business and
employment potential. Some projects included; Anchor Bay Condominium, Hallandale, West Broward Rentals,
Ashberry, Orlando, Heatherwood, Boca Raton, Downtown Fort Lauderdale, Boynton Beach, Bent Tree, Orlando
and the North Dade County Rental Study.
Commercial market studies were complete that included; projections of the disposable income for the residents of
the market area as well as retail spending patterns, the determination of the market study area, demand
characteristics of the development, assessment of competition, a report of findings and presentation of those
findings to governmental bodies during quasi-judicial proceedings. The end result of the analysis was a
determination of the demand for commercial market space defined in square footage. Some projects completed
included; Silver Lakes, Pembroke Pines/Miramar, Beth W Property, Cooper City, F.E.C. Property, Davie, Santa Fe
P.U.D., Miramar, Procter/WKQS Project, Cooper City and the Flamingo Center, Cooper City.
Completed public opinion surveys to meet the requirements of the "Sustainable Community" designation of the
City of Boca Raton. The surveys identified the attitudes and perceptions of the public regarding the future direction
of the City. Also completed were survey of redevelopment issues, along the northern U.S. 1 corridor, as perceived
by residents, business owner/tenants and land owners.
Completed the Economic Impact Assessment surveys and interviews of the tenants, on and off -airport at Massport,
Boston, Massachusetts. These tasks included the total coordination of over 400 surveys of airlines, cargo
companies, development property tenants, banks, concessionaires, rental car companies and other firms involved in
the daily functioning of Logan International Airport, Hanscom General Aviation Airport, The Massport
Development Properties, and the Bridge.
Past President -National Association of Women Business Owners
Past Chairman, Deerfield Beach Redevelopment Committee
B.S. Sociology - Barry University, Miami Shores, Florida
M.S. Sociology - Nova University, Davie, Florida
• Broward County Chapter, Florida League of Cities, Member
• North Carolina Downtown Development Association, Member
• Florida Redevelopment Association, Member
Over fifteen years of government experience with expertise in the following areas: Economic Development and
Research, Redevelopment Planning and Zoning, Community Development, Organizational Development, Budget
and Financial Management, Citizen Relations/Public Involvement Programs, and Impact Studies and Grant Writing
and Administration.
Authored an Economic Development/Redevelopment Plan for the West Perrine Neighborhood of Miami -Dade
County, Florida. The Plan included a complete economic positioning strategy outlining the types of businesses to
attract and types of incentive programs that should be formulated to attract these businesses. The Plan also
evaluated existing conditions in the area and made recommendations for a land acquisition and assembly strategy to
attract additional development.
For the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, generated an economic development/redevelopment program for the North
College Avenue area. The analysis focused on the best uses for the area based on market demand for activities.
Developed a full redevelopment strategy including recommendations for new business mix and relocation of
businesses to better utilized limited roadway frontage and increase business potential and attraction. One of the
principal elements of the plan was input from the community to determine the needs of the businesses and people in
the target area and the quality of life issues they found most significant.
Assisted with the preparation of the market analysis data for the "visioning" plan for the Ybor City Community
Redevelopment Agency of Tampa, Florida and conducted business input into the overall plan development.
Analyzed the market and determined the direction of the area with a "no action" scenario. Determined the potential
to change the direction of the market based on current conditions and desires of the community. Determined if the
final plans were realistic based on the market conditions.
Project Manager for the market demand analysis of the Juno Beach area defining the market demand, existing
inventory and prospects for the future was under taken. The Central Business District Area, U.S. 1, is the primary
focus of the study. This analysis included the amount of square footage or dwelling units that could be absorbed in
the market area. Also included were the types of businesses or housing units that would be best suited for the
market. The analysis also made recommendations regarding mixed use development.
Assisted with the determination of market demand for the North College Avenue redevelopment area of the City of
Fort Collins, Colorado. Focus was on the best uses for the area based on this market demand. Commercial, office,
industrial and residential uses were examined. Organization of input from the community to determine the needs of
the businesses and people in the target area and the quality of life issues they find most significant was a primary
Analyzed the economic impacts of the redevelopment of the Gulfstream Race Track, which will include a tourist
activity center, for the City of Hallandale Beach. The project includes the analysis of the revenues generated from
the project and the net impact on the City of Hallandale Beach. The projections will comprise the amount of
business conducted at the project site and the impacts throughout the community.
Completed market demand study for the redevelopment of a four acre site that included older commercial
properties along with residential uses. The project site is located in a "Target Area" of Broward County (Tater
Town) that has faced a deterioration of building conditions and commercial potential. The analysis included the
determination of demand, a pro forma for the project and an economic impact analysis to be used for the
application of development incentives from Broward County.
Currently preparing a redevelopment plan the Biscayne Corridor Area for Miami -Dade County
Responsible for evaluation of "Residential Incentive Program" for the West Palm Beach, Florida, CRA. As major
revisions to an incentive program for residential construction in the downtown area had been written, the proposal,
would have allowed developers to build an additional three stories above existing development rights, if 10% of the
units were offered and maintained as attainable housing for moderate income persons. Further review was
undertaken to show threshold levels of attainable housing for different heights, property costs and construction
costs while maintaining economic viability of the project for the developer.
Researched the transportation and transit funding sources and level of commitment for existing programs for the
Miami -Dade MPO. The analysis was used to identify sources for pedestrian and bikeway corridors throughout the
county. The program included the development of alternatives sources and combination of funds to secure
expanded funding options.
For the Hillsborough County City -County Planning Commission, reviewed the established zoning overlay district
for the West Tampa area and evaluated initial plans for economic and community development. Findings were
presented to the public in an open forum as a basis for the creation of an area wide economic redevelopment
Responsible for the identification of the services provided to the Fort Pierce CRA from various departments in the
City and valuation of those services. The project required the identification of all personnel who provided service
on an on -going and specific project basis. These efforts were then translated into a cost based on salary and fringe
Analyzed the existing procedures to fill vacancies at the public housing facilities operated by Miami -Dade County.
The analysis was conducted to insure compliance with a Consent Decree from a class action lawsuit previously
filed in this matter. In addition a citizen based group (LIFFT) had offered a proposal to address the vacancy issue.
The responsibility of PMG Associates was to evaluate the conditions and programs and make recommendations to
address all issues and concerns.
Served as Chief Executive Officer of the City of Margate CRA, implemented board policy, oversaw day-to-day
operations, identified and resolved long range issues. Work involved overseeing and accounting for a budget of
over $6.5 million, management of all agency projects, consulting agreements and agency meetings including
agendas, implementation of the CRA's land acquisition programs. Administered all City of Margate economic
development initiatives including business attraction and retention.
• Increased the taxable value of CRA District by approximately 60% in six years.
• Attracted approximately 3,200 new jobs to the City within a five-year period.
• Designed and hosted the CRA's public participation programs leading the creation of the first Margate
Community Development Plan.
Master of Public Administration; Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York
Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Labor Relations; Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
Certified Professional Economic Developer (CEc.D.) International Economic Development Council
• International Economic Development Council, Professional Certification Committee
• Florida Redevelopment Association, President -Elect, Legislative Affairs & Conference Committee
• American Planning Association, Florida Chapter, Georgia Chapter, North Carolina Chapter
• Broward Chapter, Florida Redevelopment Association, Founding Member
• Broward County Chapter, Florida League of Cities, Member
• North Carolina Downtown Development Association, Member
Project Manager
Economic Planner
Research Coordinato
Research Analyst
Direct Expenses
Project Manager
Economic Planner
Research Coordinato
Research Analyst
Direct Expenses
Rate Hours
Project Manager
Economic Planner
$125 1
Research Coordinato
Research Analyst
Direct Expenses
Project Manager
Economic Planner
Research Coordinato
Research Analyst
Direct Expenses
Page 2 of 2
Strong educational background in marketing combined with more than four years of marketing
experience. Specialized in classes relating to market research, including questionnaire design, data
collection methods, and statistical analysis. Projects include various consumer satisfaction surveys and
public opinion polling.
In studies undertaken for the real estate development market in Phoenix, Arizona, responsibilities have
included; analyzing and preparing detailed land acquisition packages, the setting of price strategy for new
neighborhoods to achieve desired closing ratios to meet yearly business plan goals, providing of
recommendations regarding the feasibility and profitability of future land purchases. Also conducted
focus groups and wrote "Target Market Surveys" to test new products and amenity packages for specific
demographic groups, tracked competitive data and provide key managers with real-time market
evaluations, utilized GIS mapping software to prepare various location maps and migration trend maps.
Experience with computer programs such as; Claritas, RL Brown (Magic), Meyers Land Pro, ARC GIS,
Microsoft Office and Win2.
Project Manager for the analysis of the economic impact of the American Maritime Officers Plans
(AMOP) operations located in Dania Beach, Florida. In addition to analyzing the existing conditions, an
incremental analysis was also considered for the potential expansion of the facility to incorporate the
property known as the Graves Museum. The analysis will include three separate aspects: (1) Total
Throughput, or spending by the facility operations; (2) Revenues generated directly to the City of Dania
Beach and (3) Spin-off economic activity generated by the students who attend training programs at the
Performed analysis of households with high-school age children in the South Florida counties of Miami -
Dade and Broward to ascertain the perceptions of the parents towards a historically Black college. This
project was to be used to assist the College in a new marketing program for the ethically diverse
population of the area. Data was broken into cross -tabulations that consisted of demographics,
geographic area and specific areas of importance.
Assisted with the supervision of a city-wide survey of police issues for the City of Boca Raton, Florida.
Topics included; satisfaction with services, awareness of programs, and whether more services and
programs were warranted.
Supervised a parking and traffic flow study at the University of Florida, Gainesville. This two week field
study including timed data collection of parking habits at 20 specific lots/garages on the large campus
along with interviews of the people who parked to ascertain their origin and destination points.
Completed public opinion survey for the City of Santa Paula, California, Police Department. Citizens
were requested to assess satisfaction with current services, offer input for departmental improvement, and
to guide the department in locating perceived 'problem areas' within the community. The results of this
survey will enable to police department to create more tailored community programs and increase overall
customer satisfaction.
Conducted a survey for the City of Boca Raton regarding a proposed annexation. Citizens were asked to
express their opinion regarding the annexation and the potential impact on their community. Results of
the survey allowed city officials to address citizens' concerns and to disseminate information regarding
the proposed annexation vote.
Performed customer service evaluations, surveys, and focus groups for Broward County Transit.
Responsible for evaluating the customer service phone banks (paratransit and regular customer service
lines). Evaluated bus pass vendor sites and made recommendations for service improvements. Conducted
focus groups with both customers and employees to get feedback for improving the systems. Results
were used in; improved customer service and satisfaction, continued training of employees and provided
direction for future community efforts.
Reviewed customer service opinion surveys for the City of Ormond Beach, Florida. Assisted in survey
instrument development and survey plans for internal surveys to assess efficiency and satisfaction.
Completed annual survey that evaluates customer satisfaction. Results were improved understanding of
operations, staff productivity, and job satisfaction.
Conducted two projects for Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department. The first project was a survey of
customers who had interacted with the department to obtain information or to lodge a complaint. The
second project was a system -wide survey of customers to obtain their insights and perceptions regarding;
satisfaction levels with the department, whether there is a market for new services, and knowledge of
conservation issues. Results of this survey were improved communication and customer satisfaction.
Responsible for a public opinion survey for Lee County Transit. County residents were interviewed to
identify their interests, opinions, and experiences relating to transit issues. This project resulted in
increased knowledge of public perceptions and awareness of the department's programs and provided
direction for future planning activities.
B.S.; Marketing
Principal/Urban Designer/Landscape Architect
Master of Landscape Architecture /Regional Planning, University of Pennsylvania
Computer Mapping/Analysis Post Graduate Course, Harvard University
Bachelor of Arts Life Sciences/Fine Arts, Pennsylvania State University
Industrial Design Studies, Philadelphia College of Art
Jerry Shapins, ASLA, is a landscape architect/urban designer and the founding principal of Shapins Associates,
Inc.(www.shapins.com). Shapins Associates is a 12 person Boulder based firm with extensive downtown area and
urban design experience working on projects for public agencies, non-profit concerns developers and districts
throughout the Western United States. Jerry has been responsible for the development of plans and designs for
college & university campuses, visitor centers, public park systems, open space systems, river corridors, new towns,
urban centers, commercial corridors, streetscapes, resorts, park sites, historic sites, and rural communities. For the firm,
Mr. Shapins directs land development, urban design and site planning projects, and participates in design and planning
charettes throughout the countrywhere he provides design solutions with free hand graphics in a collaborative setting.
He has a M.L.A. from the University of Pennsylvania, and for sixyears was a full time professor atthe Graduate School of
Architecture and Planning at the University of Colorado at Denverwhere he taught courses in site planning/design,
resource planning/analysis, and the history of landscape architecture. Recent projects that Jerry has directed include:
Broadway Corridor Reconstruction in Downtown Boulder; the Superior/Louisville Interchange, Cherry Creek South
Drive Improvements/Denver; and the University of Northern Colorado Parking and Pedestrian Improvements.
Lectures/Speaking/Invited Charettes
Town of Windsor, February2005
"CCRA Downtown Development Charette"
Town of Nederland, Colorado, October 2004
"Opportunities for Shaping Downtown Visitor Experiences"
Town of Livingston, Montana, May 2002
"Downtown Design Charette"
City of Tarpon Springs, Florida, September 2000
"Downtown Action Plan Design Charette"
Town of Jackson, Wyoming, March 2001
"Pearl Avenue Downtown Design Charette"
Town of Jackson, Wyoming, May2000
"Broadway Corridor Design Charette"
City of Boulder, Downtown Management Division, May 1999
"9th & Canyon Civic Use Design Charette"
ASLA, Colorado Chapter 1997 Annual Meeting
"Sustainable Design Projects"
Park City Utah Olympic Legacies Design Charette,1997
"Design Strategies for Downtown Design and Visitor Management"
APA, Colorado Chapter Luncheon Meeting 1994
'Trail Planning and Urban Design Implications"
APA, Colorado Chapter Annual Meeting 1993
"Small Town Planning/Reclaiming Western Places"
Manitou Springs Historic Preservation Commission 1993
"Urban and Community Design Strategies for Historic Downtown Areas"
Steamboat Springs Vision 2020 Committee 1993
"Vision Planning for Mountain Communities"
APA, Colorado Chapter Annual Meeting 1991
"River Corridor Planning"
American Society of Foresters, Denver Chapter,1990
"Design for Multiple Uses of Urban Open Space"
International Pedestrian Conference, Boulder, Annual Meeting 1986
"A Regional Design Approach for the Cache -La- Poudre River Corridor"
Principal/Urban Designer/Landscape Architect
Lectures/Speaking/Invited Charettes, coot.
Colorado Springs League of Woman Voters 1986
"Community Design Adaptations to Microclimate"
Association of Living History Farms, Denver Annual Meeting 1985
"Design for Human Comfort at Four Mile Historic Park"
University of Colorado, School of Architecture and Planning Symposium 1985
Ecology and the Spirit of Place"
Publications and Representative Projects
Grandview Area Master Plan, Boulder, Colorado
UNC 10' Avenue Parking and Pedestrian Improvements, Greeley, Colorado
UNC 11' Avenue Parking and Pedestrian Improvements, Greeley, Colorado
CU Boulder South Land Use Assessment, Boulder, Colorado
CU 28' Street Landscape Development Master Plan, Boulder, Colorado
ParkerJoint Use Facility, Town of Parker, Colorado
Parker Mainstreet Center, Parker Colorado
East Mainstreet Conceptual Plan, Parker, Colorado
Missoula Champion Mill Site Downtown Waterfront Options, Missoula, Montana
Boulder Plaza SubArea Master Plan, Boulder, Colorado
Kolouch Property, Twin Falls County, Idaho
Boulder Jewish Commons, Boulder
Crossroads East SubArea Master Plan, Boulder, Colorado
Broadway Reconstruction Project, Boulder, Colorado
Cherry Creek Drive South Improvements, Denver, Colorado
Superior/Louisville Interchange, Town of Superior, Colorado
McCaslin Median Design, Town of Superior, Colorado
Coal Creek Streetscape, Town of Superior, Colorado
Niver Creek Redevelopment/Land Use Options, Thornton, Colorado
Crossroads Ranch Development Master Plan, Jerome County, Idaho
Commerce City New Lands Master Plan, Commerce City, Colorado
City of Golden Comprehensive Plan Update, Golden, Colorado
Hot Sulphur Springs Master Plan
Grand Canyon Heritage Education Campus Master Plan, Grand Canyon, Arizona
Grand Canyon Transit Center, Grand Canyon, Arizona
Craig Civic Improvement Plan, Craig, Colorado
City of Golden Downtown Area Plan, Golden, Colorado
Colorado Chautauqua Dining Hall Plaza, Boulder, Colorado
Inner Canyon/Eldorado Canyon State Park Master Plan / Site Design/CD's, Boulder County
University Hill Commercial Area Sketch Plan, Boulder, Colorado
City of Louisville Streetscape Master Plan, Louisville, Colorado
9th/Canyon Design Guidelines, Boulder, Colorado
Town of Vail Signage Improvements, Vail, Colorado
Teaching Experience
CU Denver, School of Architecture and Planning, Assistant Professor
Regional Design and Planning Studio, Site Planning Design Studio, Urban Design Studio, Ecological
Analysis/Adaptation, Historyand Theory of Landscape Architecture, Basic Design Studio
Professional Background
Shapins Associates, 1991 - Present
BRW, Inc., Denver, 1989 -1991
Design Studios West, Denver, 1988 - 1989
Shapins/Moss, 1980- 198B
School of Architecture and Planning, CU Denver, 1980 - 1987
HOH Associates, Inc., Denver
Principal/Urban Designer/Landscape Architect
Affiliations/Awards/Sorvi c e
Boulder Affordable Housing Alliance Board Member, City of Boulder, 2004-2007
Colorado Community Revitalization Association Board Member, 2005- 2008
Downtown Design Advisory Board, City of Boulder
Steering Committee Downtown Plan, City of Boulder
Community Design Focus Group, City of Boulder Integrated Planning Project
1996 National Merit Award, ASLA, Big Cypress Bayou Study
1986 National Merit Award, ASLA, Boulder Reservoir Development Master Plan
1985 Design Merit Award, ASLA, Four Mile Historic Park
Member, American Society of Landscape Architects
Member, American Planning Association
Landscape Architect/ Planner
Masters of Landscape Architecture, University of Massachusetts
Emphasis: Land Use Planning & Ecological Design
Masters of Regional Planning, University of Massachusetts
Emphasis: Integration of Planning & Design
Bachelor of Arts, Human Ecology, College of the Atlantic
Elizabeth Lokocz brings a diverse range of experience to Shapins Associates. Her professional experience as a
Landscape Architect and Planning has ranged from small scale design to large scale planning and resource
management topics. One of her current projects includes the Parker Joint Use Facility Master Plan. This project
blends a new public library, performing arts center, and mixed use development in downtown Parker in a
pedestrian oriented pattern and density. Her research has included studies of development patterns, attitudes
towards land conservation and integration of technology in the planning and design process. Her personal
interest in the use of digital technology resulted in a broad knowledge base in many software programs, teaching
experience, and a masters project researching the topic. Elizabeth's strengths include her ability to effectively
apply technology, her understanding of the relationship between planning and design and her organizational
skills. Her continuing work includes design development drawings for Berthoud Pass, located on the Continental
Divide Trail, and Design Guidelines for the Spring Mountains National Recreation Area west of Las Vegas,
Representative Projects and Publications
Irvine Ranch Land Reserve, Visitor Use Framework Plan, Orange County, California
Town of Parker, Joint Use Facility Plan, Parker, Colorado
Broomfield Trails, Ridgeview Trails, construction documentation, Broomfield, Colorado
Broomfield West Directional Interchange Landscape Improvements, construction documentation, Broomfield,
U.S. Forest Service, Berthoud Pass Recreation Area and Trailhead, design development, Arapaho— Roosevelt
National Forest
U.S. Forest Service, Spring Mountains National Recreation Area Design Guidelines, Nevada
Eastman Park, construction documentation, Windsor, Colorado
Professional Background
Shapins Associates, July2005— Present
University of Massachusetts, September 2001— May2005
Landtech Design LA.P.C. January2000—August2001
Karen Kettlety Landscape Architecture, June 1999— December 1999
Affiliations and Awards
American Society of Landscape Architects, Associate (ASLA), 2005— Present
American Society of Landscape Architects, Student (ASLA), 2001-2005
ASLA Certificate of Meritfor Excellence in the Study of Landscape Architecture 2004
Award for Teaching Excellence, University of Massachusetts, 2004
Client: City of Mount Dora CRA
Contact: Gus Gianikas, City Planner/CRA Director/Project Manager
510 Baker Street, Mount Dora, F132757
(352) 752-7113 x 1705
Client: City of Hallandale Beach
Contact: Jerry Sternstein, Economic Development Coordinator
400 South Federal Highway, Hallandale Beach, F133009
Client: Town of Juno Beach
Contact: Damian Peduto, Town Planner
340 Ocean Drive, Juno Beach, Florida 33408
Client: Broward County Commission
Contact: Norm Taylor, Director of the Broward County Office of Economic Development,
115 South Andrews Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, F133301
Client: City of Fort Collins Colorado
Contact: Clark Mapes, Planner (970) 221-6225
Ken Waido, Chief Planner (970) 221-6753
City Planning Department
281 N. College Ave., Fort Collins, Co 80524
MARCH 13, 2006
Mr. Garner Stoll, Town of Parker, Director of Planning
Town of Parker, CO
re: Downtown Parker Improvements, Mainstreet Center Redevelopment Plan, East Mainstreet Conceptual Plan
Mr. Tom Kolouch, Developer, Seattle, WA
Ms. Helen Kolouch, Landowner, Ketchum, ID
Tom — 206-650-4622
re: Kolouch Property Master Plan, Twin Falls, Idaho
Shelley Hill -Worthen, Architect, Project Manager
US Forest Service, Ogden, Utah
re: Spring Mountain National Recreation Design Guidelines, Middle Kyle Canyon Framework Plan
Peter Pollock, Director of Planning
City of Boulder, Colorado
re: Various Projects
The basic business premise of PMG Associates, Inc. (PMGA) is to provide economic,
management and marketing services to a variety of public and private clients. Our firm was
founded in 1984 and has been serving clients throughout Florida, the Caribbean and Mexico
since that time. PMGA is a Minority Business Enterprise (Woman Owned Business) which
specializes in the financial and planning aspects of development.
PMGA strives to provide our clients with the most cost effective solution to the questions they
face. Economic Impact analyses are performed not only to meet an academic measurement of
data, but also to identify the meaning of the numbers and how they effect the complimentary
industries. In the area of statistics and surveys, emphasis is placed on correct selection of the
survey sample to avoid errors.
In addition to citizen surveys PMGA also provides municipal consulting services in the area of
urban planning, infrastructure analysis, financial planning and economic evaluation. These
additional services will enable us to fully understand the magnitude of the surveys to be
conducted and provide better results. Other services include:
Economic Impact of projects is analyzed to determine the impact on the surrounding area
including the economy, employment and other aspects of the business community.
Feasibility Studies, which examine the potential revenues as well as the costs of developing and
operating the project.
Financial Planning, including an analysis of the return on investment, funding for the project
and overall financial operation.
Infrastructure Requirements are addressed through an evaluation of the needs of the
community and the subsequent capital projects required to meet these needs.
Visioning Sessions/Focus Groups of projects and issues to secure community input,
involvement and consensus building.
Public Participation including workshops and meetings to solicit and address community needs,
perceptions and initiate goal setting strategies.
Statistics and Surveys address the current and future needs of individuals and populations to
ascertain goals, marketing potential and trends.
Demographic Analysis and Projections are performed on many projects to identify the
population expected and the characteristics of this group including income, age, housing and
other factors.
PROJECT: Redevelopment Plan for the West Perrine Community Redevelopment Agency,
Miami -Dade County, Florida
DESCRIPTION: Preparation of a Redevelopment Plan for the West Perrine Community Redevelopment
Agency, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 163 Part III of the Florida Statutes and the needs of
Miami -Dade County, was undertaken by PMGA in August of 2005. Project included; public involvement, in-
depth interviews with stakeholders in the area, review of existing documents and studies, an inventory of the
area, site analysis, economic development analysis and identification of catalyst economic projects, a
conceptual plan preparation and the final community redevelopment plan.
Client & Contact: Miami -Dade County Florida Board of County Commissioners, Rick Glasgow, Assistant to
the Director, Office of Community and Economic Development,(305) 375-375-3418
PROJECT: Mount Dora CRA, Market Plan and Evaluation for Economic Development, Mount Dora
DESCRIPTION: As the "antique capital of Florida," Historic Mount Dora wanted to evaluate their current
standing in the region and look towards the future for its marketing potential. Duties included; individual
stakeholder interviews with business and community leaders to ascertain their perceptions of the process and
the area, intercept surveys of residents and tourists to determine their perception of the CRA area, and also to
determine what was missing in their retail/shopping experience, a telephone survey of the residents of the City,
in depth market analysis of the surrounding area including spending patterns and demographics and future
marketing strategies.
Client & Contact: City of Mount Dora CRA, Gus Gianikas, City Planner/CRA Director/Project Manager;
(352) 752-7113 x 1705
PROJECT: Market Analysis and Redevelopment Plan for North College Avenue, Fort Collins,
DESCRIPTION: Responsibilities include the generation of a redevelopment program for the North College
Avenue area of the City of Fort Collins. The analysis focuses on the best uses for the area based on market
demand for activities. Demand was measured in the amount of area to be allocated for commercial, office,
industrial and residential uses. One of the principal elements of the plan was input from the community to
determine the needs of the businesses and people in the target area and quality of life issues they find most
Client & Contact: City of Fort Collins, Colorado, Clark Mapes or Ken Waido, Planners (970) 221-6225
PROJECT: Market Study for the Central Business District, Summerton, South Carolina
DESCRIPTION: A market study will be conducted starting January 2006, for the Central Business District of
Summerton South Carolina. The study will entail a market and economic examination of the City's trade area.
Interviews with business owners and leaders in the community are to be conducted to r obtain their input on
the current and future economy of the central business district and the surrounding area. Current and future
conditions in housing, population, spending patterns, travel, disposable income and commercial activity will
be reported. The specific strengths and weaknesses of the study area will be identified which assess the
impacts on economic redevelopment in the study area. The characteristics of the community will be identified
which will include the physical, regulatory and human elements. Various factors such as; land use
configuration, zoning ordinances and other development regulations that impact growth, environmental issues,
appearance, undesirable uses, current market -driven development pressures and relationship with the rest of
the region, education and training of the workforce, transportation access and unique opportunities will be
Client & Contact: Rebecca Vance -Rhodes, City Manger of Summerton, (803) 485-2525, Ext. 19
PROJECT: Marketing/Economic Environmental Study, City of Satellite Beach CRA, Satellite Beach
DESCRIPTION: This is a market and economic study of the City and the City's trade area. This evaluation
consisted of an evaluation of the current structure of the economy and its condition, the market demographics,
the strengthens and weaknesses of the area, an inventory of the types of businesses that are currently available
vs. what the population wants, problems that the existing businesses currently run into in attempting to expand
or relocate within the City, whether current zoning should remain commercial vs. change to residential and a
review of the City's current Redevelopment Plan. Interviews with stakeholders were conducted.
Client & Contact: City of Satellite Beach CRA, Satellite Beach, Florida, Laura Canady, (321) 773-4407
PROJECT: Economic Development Database, City of Margate, Florida
DESCRIPTION: Development of a data base of all commercial and industrial properties in the City including
vacancies, rental rates and other market conditions. The database was developed for use in marketing of the
CRA area.
Client & Contact: Mr. Bill Dowd, Past CRA Board Member, City of Margate CRA(Florida) (954) 605-1011
PROJECT: Economic Revitalization and Analysis Study/Gulfstream Park, Hallandale Beach
DESCRIPTION: Consultant for the City of Hallandale Beach selected to review the economic revitalization
and impacts of the redevelopment of the Gulfstream Race Track including a tourist activity center. The project
included the analysis of the revenues generated from the project and the net impact on the City of Hallandale
Beach. The projections included the amount of business conducted at the project site and the impacts
throughout the community.
Client & Contact: City of Hallandale Beach, Florida, Jerry Sternstein, (954) 457-1300
PROJECT: Cost Allocation Model, for Incorporation Studies
DESCRIPTION: As part of the Miami -Dade County Management Advisory Consulting Services Pool,
responsibilities will include being an independent third party reviewing the County's service impact analysis
methodology and financial impact documents (Impact to UMSA Statements and pro forma budgets) associated
with at least three proposed incorporations. Interviews with the members of the committees have been
undertaken to assess their understanding of the process.
Client & Contact: Miami -Dade County, Florida, Office of Strategic Business Management/Annexation and
Incorporation Division, Pedro Velar, Assistant Director, (305) 375-5117.
PROJECT: Economic Development, Marketing & Research, Town of Davie CRA, FL
DESCRIPTION: Purpose of the project was to conduct analysis of the market demands for the Davie Road
area and to prepare recommendations that would lead to an overall marketing program for the corridor. Also
included in this assignment, was the issuance and marketing of a RFP for a one -acre CRA owned parcel. A
demand and trend analysis, stakeholder interviews completed, demographic profile of residents and shoppers
and a local and regional growth sector were completed. An examination of potential future housing for the
CRA area was also undertaken.
Client & Contact: Town of Davie CRA; Will Allen, Director of CRA, (954) 797-2093
PROJECT: CRA Consultant, City of New Smyrna Beach
DESCRIPTION: Project consists of market study for the Historic West Canal Street Market Area of New
Smyrna Beach, Florida. Consultant inventoried businesses, identified current and projected square footage,
identified shortfalls and analyzed the sustainability and the market demand of the area. Projections of TIF and
other revenues were the result from the evaluation.
Client & Contact: New Smyrna Beach CRA; Noleen Foster, CRA, (386) 424-2265
PROJECT: CRA Visioning Consultant, Ybor City CRA, Tampa, Florida
DESCRIPTION: Prepared the market analysis data for the "visioning" plan for the Ybor City CRA and
conducted business input into the overall plan development. Analyzed the market and determined the
direction of the area with a "no action" scenario. Determined the potential to change the direction of the
market based on current conditions and desires of the community. One scenario was to site industrial uses.
Determines if the final plans are realistic based on the market conditions.
Client & Contact: Civic Design Associates, Inc., Jim Hill, (713) 520-6606
PROJECT: Economic and Market Analysis/Economic Development — Immokolee, Florida
DESCRIPTION: PMGA will analyze market and economic factors to determine the key opportunities and
constraints that affect the community's future economic development. Identification of market limitations and
will provide an analysis detailing those limitations. Areas with development potential will be identified on a
general basis. The analysis will address opportunities within neighborhoods, corridors, and Land Use Districts.
The end result of the analysis will be an Economic Positioning Strategy Report.
Client & Contact: The RMPK Group/Collier County; Russell Moore, RMPK Group, (941) 954-1718
PROJECT: Economic Consultants, Central Florida Regional Planning Council
DESCRIPTION: Completes economic analysis of DRI submittals on behalf of the RPC. The duties include
the review of the ADA Application with emphasis on the economic, employment, tax generation, housing and
public services portions of the application. The review included determination of levels of standards and
obligations of the public entities in the new development.
Client & Contact: Central Florida RPC; Brian Sodt, Past Director/Review Coordinator/Current
Consultant — DRI Submissions, (863) 521-1266
PROJECT: East Miramar Redevelopment Strategies, Miramar
DESCRIPTION: The redevelopment of East Miramar requires the analysis of the potential attraction of
business and the rehabilitation of the existing housing stock. The study area is facing significant changes due
to expansion of the highway (S.R. 7) and the modification of the business flow. Housing issues include the
identification of substandard conditions and the impact on property evaluations. The plan was designed to
address the deteriorating conditions of the area, and suggest programs to revitalize the area.
Client & Contact: Gladding, Jackson; David Barth, (561) 659-6552
PROJECT: South Dixie Highway Corridor Redevelopment Plan, West Palm Beach
DESCRIPTION: Analysis of the development and redevelopment options available for this older
neighborhood in the City of West Palm Beach. The project included the evaluation of the housing and
business sectors that are contained within the study area and those that impact from outside the target area.
The analysis included the determination of the market demand for additional business, specific business for
attraction and changes in evaluations of the property. Estimates of changes in the market were used to assist in
determining financing options.
Client & Contact: Glatting, Jackson, Consultants, David Barth, (561) 659-6552
PROJECT: Bartow CRA Market Evaluation, Bartow
DESCRIPTION: As a municipality in Central Florida, Bartow, needed to evaluate its current and future CRA
and Historic Downtown Area market strengthens and weaknesses. Being the County seat with numerous
governmental, corporate and regional offices and having unique "small" town favor for tourism, the CRA
decided to take a look at their current competition in the surrounding area and to develop a market plan for the
CRA development area. Consideration was given to other competitive "historic" market draw areas and how
Bartow would compete in the market and the region.
Client & Contact: Civic Design Associates, Inc., Jim Hill, (713) 520-6606
PROJECT: Economic Development Plan Review of West Tampa Overlay District, Hillsborough County
DESCRIPTION: This engagement centered on the development potential of the West Tampa area. The City
established an overlay district and the initial plans for economic development related provisions are to be
evaluated so that the locale can reach its full potential.
Client & Contact: Hillsborough County City -County Planning Commission; James Hosler, (813) 272-5940
PROJECT: City of Homestead Economic Impact Analyses, Williams Agricultural Enterprises
DESCRIPTION: Numerous economic impact analyses were completed that included housing and commercial
projects that were required by the City of Homestead. The projects consisted of market analyses of the project
and identification of the revenues generated by the projects due to additional taxes and fees. Another portion
of this analysis was the determination of the additional costs incurred by the City for providing municipal
services to the project. Some op those projects were:
■ Baywinds
■ Vista Lakes
■ Renaissance
■ Eve Breeze
■ Portofino
■ Malibu Bay
• Water Stone
PROJECT: Economic Model, Broward County Office of Economic Development
DESCRIPTION: Developed an Economic Model for Broward County designed to measure the benefits and
costs associated with business incentives for relocation and expansion of business enterprises. The model is
used to determine the effective return to the County and Cities from offering incentives to new businesses.
The measurement identifies all direct and indirect revenues from tax generations as well as additional
employment. All direct and indirect expenses related to serving the new business enterprise are also included
in the model. Project was on time and within budget.
Client & Contact: Sheila Pitts -Howard or Norman Taylor, Broward County Office of Economic Development,
(954) 357-5673
PROJECT: Courtyards at Flagler Village, Fort Lauderdale
DESCRIPTION: Completed the measurement of the revenues generated by this 200 unit rental housing
project. The units included both market rate and subsidized housing product. The analysis was used in the
negotiations with the CRA over the amount of incentives to be returned to the developer from TIF monies.
Client & Contact: New Phase Developers; Peter Feldman, (954) 523-4050
PROJECT: Tater Town Shopping Center, Fort Lauderdale Florida
DESCRIPTION: Completed market demand study for the redevelopment of a four acre site that included
older commercial properties along with residential uses. The project site is located in a "Target Area" that has
faced a deterioration of building conditions and commercial potential. The analysis included the determination
of demand, a pro forma for the project and an economic impact analysis to be used for the application of
development incentives from Broward County.
Client & Contact: NW Area Community Council, Fort Lauderdale, Florida; Randy Jesus, (954) 274-7712
PROJECT: Reuse of Old Downtown Post Office Site, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
DESCRIPTION: Evaluated the potential for the reuse of this Historic Post Office site located in downtown
Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Completed analysis that would allow the developer and the CRA to determine the
positive potential of the proposed development. This project is for a mixed use development of retail and
housing units.
Client & Contact: Hooper Construction, Alan Hooper, (954) 761-8439
PROJECT: Avenue Lofts, Fort Lauderdale
DESCRIPTION: Prepared financial analysis for this "fee simple" mixed use loft project in the CRA area of
Fort Lauderdale. The project initiated with a market demand analysis for the project and the assistance in
negotiations with financial institutions. Analysis for the CRA resulted in awarding of incentives to locate the
project within the CRA boundaries.
Client & Contact: Hooper Construction, Alan Hooper, (954) 761-8439
PROJECT: Shopping Center Development, City of Pompano Beach, Florida
DESCRIPTION: This City proposed project was in a minority community. Conducted a feasibility study to
identify the community needs, disposable income, spending treads and overall interest in the development of a
shopping center in the minority community. Tasks also included the identification of stakeholders, community
leaders and representatives from each portion of the affected neighborhood, which was a Community
Development Target Area. Organized and moderated a community focus group designed to gain input into the
planning process to determine community needs and interest in a neighborhood based shopping center and
focal point. Discussed needs of the community and means to achieve the desired goals. Input led to the
development of an overall plan for the community. The input from this process was added to the market
demand analysis and feasibility study for the shopping center. Also responsible for the development of a RFP
for a developer for the shopping center. Assisted City with the writing of the proposal and development of
selection criteria, the development of the mailing list of developers, pre -bid conference, bid openings and short
PROJECT: Commercial Market Studies
DESCRIPTION: In preparation for applications for Land Use Plan amendments, market demand studies are
required in Broward County. These plans included projections of the disposable income for the residents of
the market area as well as retail spending patterns. The end result of the analysis was a determination of the
demand for commercial market space defined in square footage. Projects completed include:
o Silver Lakes, Pembroke Pines/Miramar
o Beth W Property, Cooper City
o F.E.C. Property, Davie
o Santa Fe P.U.D., Miramar
o Procter/WKQS Project, Cooper City
o Flamingo Center, Cooper City
PROJECT: Housing Market Analysis
DESCRIPTION: Market survey of conditions affecting the sales potential of various housing projects. The
purpose is to establish the means to obtain the best return to the owners. Projects include:o Anchor Bay
Condominium, Hallandale
o West Broward Rentals
o Ashberry, Orlando
o Heatherwood, Boca Raton
o Downtown Fort Lauderdale
o Boynton Beach
o Bent Tree, Orlando
o North Dade County Rental Study
PROJECT: Market Demand Analysis for Brevard County/Palm Bay Housing Market
DESCRIPTION: Analyzed available supply of housing and demand for new housing in the South Brevard and
Palm Bay area. Determined demand and absorption rates and showed current supportable home prices.
Client & Contact: Kenco Communities; Ken Krasne (561) 624-7404
PROJECT: Evaluation of a Proposed New Downtown Residential Incentive Program (RIP), City of
West Palm Beach, Florida
DESCRIPTION: The City had written major revisions to an incentive program for residential construction in
the downtown area. The proposal, essentially an inclusionary housing ordinance, would have allowed
developers to build an additional three stories above existing development rights if 10% of the units
constructed were offered and maintained as attainable housing for moderate income persons. An evaluation
was performed and feasibility of providing the required housing was determined based on a sample project.
Further review was undertaken to show threshold levels of attainable housing for different heights, property
costs and construction costs while maintaining economic viability of the project for the developer.
Client & Contact: West Palm Beach CRA, Kim Jackson-Briesemeister, Redevelopment Director, (561) 822-
PROJECT: Analysis of RFP Responses for Development of the "Tent Site", City of West Palm Beach,
DESCRIPTION: The West Palm Beach CRA released an RFP for development of one of the most visible
parcels in the City known as the "Tent Site". Responses were received from two development groups, one for
an office complex and the other for residential towers. Both responses were fully reviewed, evaluated and an
economic impact analysis was performed. All revenues to the City and the Community Redevelopment
Agency were estimated and evaluated for both projects and a report was generated that outlined these results.
Client & Contact: West Palm Beach CRA; Kim Jackson-Briesemeister, Redevelopment Director, (561) 822-
PROJECT: CRA Financial Consultant, City of Fort Lauderdale, Florida
DESCRIPTION: Assists the CRA with evaluations of proposed projects in redevelopment area. Prepares the
financial analyses of the impacts of developments including projections of TIF and other revenues. The
purpose of the analysis was to determine the total amount of revenues that were available to the City and the
CRA and the ability to fund the required infrastructure improvements.
Completed market demand study for the CRA to determine the need for a Publix grocery store in the target
area. Taken into consideration were completed and approved developments (housing and commercial) in a
three mile radius. Thus, the CRA was able to present the findings of the study to the corporate offices of
Publix to persuade them to locate in the CRA area.
Client & Contact: City of Fort Lauderdale CRA, Kim Jackson-Briesemeister (currently Director of WPB
CRA) (561) 822-1450
PROJECT: Consultant to the City of Gainesville Community Redevelopment Agency regarding
Submissions for the TPI Program
DESCRIPTION: This engagement was a review of a pending application, existing reports and plans for the
Transformation Projects Incentive (TPI) Program. The review consisted of; the economic analysis submitted
by the developer as well as market tests of financial data. Consultant met with financial advisors representing
the developer. Preparation of a net cash flow analysis of the project with reference to the revenues generated
by the CRA and the City of Gainesville, as well as the costs associated with the City's involvement was be
undertaken. Preparation of an assessment of the total economic impact of the project including TIF and all
incremental revenues generated by the development was generated and a final evaluation of the Public/Private
Partnership was documented.
Client & Contact: Gainesville CRA, (Florida), Karen Slevin, Agency Manager, (352) 334-2205
PROJECT: Economic and Market Analysis/Economic Development —Town of Juno Beach, FL
DESCRIPTION: A market demand analysis of the Juno Beach area defining the market demand, existing
inventory and prospects for the future was under taken. Individual discussions were held with the community
leaders which included business owners, elected officials, community activists, and land and building owners.
This analysis included the amount of square footage or dwelling units that could be absorbed in the market
area. Also included were the types of businesses or housing units that would be best suited for the market.
The analysis also made recommendations regarding mixed use developments.
Client & Contact: Town of Juno Beach; Damian Peduto, Town Planner, (561) 626-1122
PROJECT: Rental Market Study, Boynton Beach
DESCRIPTION: Surveyed the rental market in the Boynton Beach area for the feasibility analysis of a 280
unit complex. The analysis consisted of a review of the existing inventory including determination of. all
product types, square footage, rental amounts, vacancies and rental velocity. Other elements of the project
included the projection of demand, phasing recommendations, pricing and service amenities.
Economic, Marketing and Management
Consulting Firm
Established in 1984
Completed Redevelopment Plans and
Action Plans throughout the United States
Staff with extensive experience in providing
results oriented studies
H Bi-lingual personnel on Team
Client: Boca Raton Police Department, Boca Raton, Florida
Description of work: City-wide surveys were conducted to ascertain the public's perception, satisfaction and
awareness of programs and personnel. Information was obtained regarding interaction with officers, crime
level in various neighborhoods, and identification of public concerns. Respondents were offered the
opportunity to provide specific feedback regarding interaction with officers, and suggest opportunities for
Results: Increased understanding of public perceptions, identification of potential problem areas, and feedback
from citizens which will be used for future planning and program development. Results provided a baseline of
citizen satisfaction that was used in comparison with future satisfaction surveys.
Client: Martin County Sheriff Survey, Martin County Florida
Description of Work: Two surveys were conducted. First, a countywide survey was conducted to ascertain
the public's perception, satisfaction and awareness of the departments programs and personnel. The second
survey completed was a random survey of user/callers to the 911 service to ascertain the level of satisfaction
with their interaction during an emergency call.
Results: In-depth Departmental understanding of the public's perception of the functioning of the Sheriff.
From this understanding public outreach programs were tailored to the needs of the community. The "911
survey" allowed for and independent look at the services rendered by department.
Client: Santa Paula Police Department, Santa Paula, California
Description of work: A city-wide survey was conducted to ascertain the public's perception, satisfaction and
awareness of programs and personnel. Information was obtained regarding interaction with officers, crime
level in various locations, and identification of public concerns.
Results: Increased understanding ofpublic perceptions, identification of potential problem areas, and feedback
from citizens which will be used for future planning and program development.
Client: Village of Wellington, Public Safety Surveys
Description of Work: Citizen Surveys — PMGA was engaged to complete a Village -wide survey of the
citizens regarding public safety issues. The project consisted of 400, randomly selected households
in a stratified, cross-section of the Village. The results of the survey were reported in tabular form
and written form and presented to the village council.
Results: Increased awareness of the residents perceptions towards the Sheriff s Department and the need for
tailoring programs to this community.
Client: City Of Kissimmee, Florida
Description of Work: Citizen Surveys - Assists in survey instrument development to assess the resident's
opinions and perceptions regarding the variety of services provided, whether the respondent has used the
services and their satisfaction with the services. Semi-annual customer service evaluations were conducted.
Results: Improved standards for customer/citizen service delivery and understanding of citizen perceptions
Client: City Of Boca Raton, Florida
Description of Work: Citizen Surveys/Polls — Conducted various polls/surveys in the fall of 2003 to ascertain
City resident's perceptions regarding the annexation of unincorporated areas into the City. The areas to be
annexed included the Town Center Mall, surrounding commercial areas and various residential enclaves. The
initial poll and follow-up surveys were used to track voter movement and success of the ballot issue.
Also completed a poll of the residents of the unincorporated areas, west of the City limits, regarding their
incorporation into the city limits. The information that was obtained from this poll was used to design a
PR/marketing plan to answer citizen's questions and to encourage them to become City residents. The poll and
follow-up surveys were used to track voter movement and success of the ballot issue.
Results: Increased awareness of the citizens understanding and motivation of annexation issues, costs and
the impacts on their lives.
Client: Broward County Transit, Florida
Description of Work: Customer Service Evaluations/Surveys/Focus Groups - Responsible to evaluate the
customer service center (paratransit and regular help lines) of the system by random calls into the center. Also
monthly evaluations of the "Buz Pass" vendors sites and recommendations for improved service. This is a
renewal of a previous three year contract to supply mystery riders on all sectors of service including fixed
routes, on -demand and paratransit systems. Evaluate Tri-Rail feeder buses.
Results: Improved customer service and customer service standards. Retraining of staff
Client: City of Coral Springs, Florida
Description of Work: Annual assessments are completed for recycling and solid waste for the Public Works
Department. The results of the surveys allowed the City to negotiate with the private service provider for
improved services. Surveys measured customer perception and satisfaction regarding residential and business
recycling. Annual statistical analysis included comparisons to previous year's findings to ascertain shifts in the
public's awareness of programs and recycling habits.
Results: Survey used in the negotiation of the contract with the City's provider, Waste Management. Improved
customer service and customer service standards.
Client: City of Coconut Creek, Florida
Description of work: Citizen Surveys - Assists in survey instrument development to assess the resident's
opinions and perceptions regarding the variety of services provided, whether the respondent has used the
services and their satisfaction with the services.
Results: Improved standards for customer/citizen service delivery and understanding of citizen perceptions
Client: Lee County Transit, Lee County, Florida
Description of work: A statistically valid survey of citizens was conducted that identified the interests and
opinions of the residents of the County. The survey addressed the attitudes and experiences of the general
population related to transit issues.
Results: Increased knowledge of the public's perception, awareness of the Department's programs and a
"planning" blueprint for future transit decisions.
Client: Town of Lake Clark Shores, Florida
Description of work: Completed a statistically valid survey of town residents regarding citizen opinion of
annexation of unincorporated areas near the town. Also, prepared was report of findings, appropriate cross -
tabulations and a presentation to the council.
Results: Awareness of the citizen's perceptions towards annexation.
Client: City Of Coral Springs, Florida
Description of Work: Customer perception and satisfaction surveys - Analysis of public opinion regarding (1)
governmental services and (2) Police Department issues and interest in crime prevention and police services,
(3) budgetary priorities, (4) hotel/convention center, (5) planning issues (signs, parking, development of City
Center), (6) city tennis center, (7) residential and business recycling.
Results: All projects resulted in the understanding of the citizen's perception of the delivery of services and
revamped and improved service standards.
Client: Space Coast Office of Tourism, Brevard County, Florida
Description of work: Identified the number of tourists that visit Brevard County on an annual basis and
measure the annual spending by segmented groups. Identified the total revenues and expenditures that Brevard
County spends that can be directly traced to the tourist industry. Surveys were conducted of tourist activity in
Brevard County to identify the spending patterns of the visitors and to determine the appropriate tourism
category for assignment.
Results: Increased knowledge of the spending patterns of tourists which will help with future economic
planning and development.
Client: City of Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Description of Work: Conducted assessments of customer service perceptions and levels of service
satisfaction for the City as a whole through the annual citizen survey and also for the Utility/Public Works
Department. The annual Utility survey was conducted of customers, both inside and outside of the city, as the
city serves also serves unincorporated Broward County. These evaluations resulted in a better understanding of
the perceptions of the citizens/customers. Cross tabulations were conducted for sub -areas (zip codes) and
demographics on various questions.
Project Name: Annual Citywide Customer Survey (through 2003)
Project Name: Annual Citywide Customer Survey of Water and Sewer Customers (through 2003)
Project Name: Other surveys for the City — Annexation/Cable, Etc. Budget Varied By number of questions
and the area surveyed
Results: Resulted in improved customer service. Results also identified service problems that the department
was unaware of and were able to address in their capital improvement program.
Client: City Of Ormond Beach, Florida
Description of Work: Customer Service Evaluations - Reviewed and changed customer service opinion
surveys so a better picture of the service delivery could be ascertained. Also assists in survey instrument
development and survey plans for internal surveys to assess efficiency and satisfaction. Conducts annual
customer service evaluations for various departments including Police and Building. Annual surveys measures
customer service, service delivery and satisfaction of the customers who have used the service. Results have
been reported by Geopranhic Areas.
Results: Recommended improved standards for customer service delivery
Client: City of Coral Springs, Florida
Description of Work: Annual assessments are completed for recycling and solid waste for the Public Works
Department. The results of the surveys allowed the City to negotiate with the private service provider for
improved services. Surveys measured customer perception and satisfaction regarding residential and business
recycling. Annual statistical analysis included comparisons to previous year's findings to ascertain shifts in the
public's awareness of programs and recycling habits.
Results: This has resulted in improved customer service, identification of service problems that the department
was unaware of, better understanding of recycling needs, understanding of the citizen's perception of the
delivery of services and revamped and improved service standards.
Client: Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department (WASD), Miami, Florida
Description of Work: Four projects have been undertaken for the Department. The first was to conduct six focus
groups of customers of the WASD at different locations throughout Miami -Dade County. All sessions were
conducted in English, Spanish and Creole. Discussion subjects ranged from satisfaction with services to possible
new programs that the Department could offer. The second phase of this project was a survey of customers who
called the department to obtain information or to lodge a complaint. The third phase of the project was a system -
wide survey of customers to obtain their insights into their satisfaction with the department, whether there is a
market for new proposed department services (water audits, etc.) and knowledge of conservation issues. The last
part of the project was in-depth interviews with large users to ascertain their opinions on service delivery and
possible improvements that the Department could be make to improve their business relationship.
Results: Improved customer service and communication.
Client: Various Government Agencies
Description of Work: Completed survey projects for governmental agencies throughout Florida. Surveys
ascertained satisfaction with services, suggested improvements to service provision, governmental confidence
levels, and perceptions of citizens. Over 350 total surveys completed.
Results: Detailed reports on citizen/customer satisfaction, perceptions of customers on issues, "belief'
statements and confidence levels regarding various issues. These insights lead to the building of public
awareness and education campaigns and inter/intra-departmental communications.
Client: Florida Department of Transportation
Description of work: Southeast Florida Regional Travel Characteristics Study - responsible for all aspects of
the visitor and transit surveys for this regional transportation modeling effort. Duties included the design of the
survey instrument, coordination with all transit and MPO agencies in Miami -Dade, Broward and Palm Beach
Counties, recruitment and organization of survey personnel, quality control of completed surveys and the
presentation of the results to the oversight committee.
Transit data collection included conducting over 10,000 surveys of on -board passengers in the three county
regions as well as for Tri-Rail and Metro Rail movements. The survey design effort included the targeting of
the appropriate routes based on rider -ship and assurance that the survey distribution was correct for the study
universe. Consideration of the various languages in the region was also integrated into the survey plan.
Result: Understanding of traffic and tourist movement from Palm Beach County south.
Client: Florida Department of Transportation
Description of work: Southeast Florida Planning Model Data Study. As part of the consulting team,
responsibilities include research techniques, sampling requirements and market research. This project will
assist Florida Department of Transportation in long term planning in the region.
Result: The outcome of the project was the development of a survey plan for the region to insure that the
appropriate data was collected in the most cost-effective manner.
Client: Broward County, Florida - Office of Integrated Waste Management
Description of work: Conducted a citizen survey county -wide to determine the extent of compliance and
program knowledge for recycling. The effectiveness of the on -going advertising campaign was also measured.
The survey also addressed the best means to distribute information to the general public. This survey project
has been conducted for the past four years.
Results: Targeted advertising campaigns for all aspects of recycling and waste management and measurement
of effectiveness of the media campaigns over time.
Client: Miami -Dade County Transit, Miami, Florida
Description of Work: This was a survey of people who lived near or crossed the South Dade Busway. This
survey of 500 was to ascertain commuter's perceptions, opinions and attitudes regarding traffic movements,
impediments to safety and individual suggestions on highway improvements.
Results: Detailed report on results and commuter suggestions regarding safety implementations such as "back
plating" traffic lights, longer stacking lanes, improved and more frequent signage and landscaping
Client: Miami -Dade County Transit, Miami, Florida
Description of Work: Survey/poll of registered voters in Miami -Dade County regarding their opinions on
transit funding. This survey explored the voters attitudes regarding the last transit referendum regarding use of
the penny sales tax proposal and voter confidence in government administration of those funds. Also explored
were preferences of funding agency structure. Results were suggested transit funding mechanisms and agency
structure for the future.
Results: Referendum that passed to fund a''/z cent sale tax to "The People's Transportation Plan for Miami -
Dade County"
Client: Tampa Bay Water, Clearwater, Florida
Description of Work: Conducted assessments of customer service perceptions and levels of service for the
service area of Tampa Bay Water. This area encompassed three counties in West Florida. The process
included delineating the service area, as not all of the three counties are served by the Client. This project
consisted of a survey of 1,500 customers, divided into geographically and statistically valid sub -areas.
Customers were requested to assess; satisfaction with services, attitude and opinions about the Agency's ability
to meet future needs, level of knowledge of services provided and public perception of the Agency. Results
were reported by County, Municipal retail customer franchise and other appropriate cross tabulations and
Results: Improved communication with customers, improved knowledge and recognition of the Agency - it's
goals and mission (Public Awareness Program) and improved service delivery
Client: Broward County Transit - Broward County Commission
Description of work: Responsible for two surveys (Community/telephone and on -board). Calculated and
validated sample sizes, designed questionnaire, conducting and supervision of survey personnel, data entry,
tabulations, analysis and report. The on -board surveys of passengers concentrated on the service issues of the
Transit Division to determine if the service provided best met the needs of the public. The community survey
was conducted by telephone of the general public to determine their attitudes toward transit, means to increase
rider -ship and other data necessary to properly plan for the future and expand the use of the system. The
survey results were later reallocated to smaller planning areas to assess the information on a sub -regional basis.
Information impacting several communities was extracted to analyze the routing and service issues for those
Result: Improved future planning efforts through measurement of attitudes, perceptions, and interest in mass
Client: Broward County Department of Environmental Protection, Florida
Description of Work: County -wide survey of citizens to ascertain their levels of awareness of various
environmental subjects. These areas included water supply, natural environments (the Everglades, nature
parks), air quality and the disposal of waste.
Results: Detailed report was generated regarding the results and citizen suggestions regarding the "future" of
the environment in Broward County.
Client: Village of Wellington, Florida
Description of Work: Two surveys were completed for the Village. The first survey was regarding parks and
recreation issues. This survey measured the citizen's perceptions and needs regarding programs, facilities and
communication with the community. The second survey involved obtaining citizen input for future planning.
The focus was measuring overall citizen perceptions of the appearance of landscaping, wall buffers and right-
of-way issues.
Results: Future planning document for the Village.
Client: Broward County Commission; Fort Lauderdale -Hollywood International Airport
Description of work: Surveys have been conducted and included: (1)Identification of economic impact, (2)use
of the airport, (3)attitudes of departing passengers and travel patterns and (4)future market potential and needs
of large users of the facility.
Results: Marketing brochures and campaigns to attract new airlines to the facility.
Client: Broward County Commission; Fort Lauderdale -Hollywood International Airport
Description of work: Analyzed the economic impacts on the local economy of the operations at the
international airport. Direct spending, employment and wages were determined as well as spin-off impacts.
Additional studies determined the impact for the General Aviation facility at North Perry Airport as well.
Surveys were completed of all on -airport businesses as well as freight forwarders.
Results: Economic Impact Study
Client: Town of Jupiter, Florida -Annual Town -wide Citizen Survey
Description of work: Statistically valid survey of citizens to ascertain their perceptions and satisfaction
regarding city services and their insights and opinions on how to improve them. Cross -tabulations were
completed by various subjects and by geographic areas. The Town was divided into four distinct areas and the
survey questions were then cross -tabulated to recognize any differences in delivery of services.
Results: Detailed report was generated regarding the results and citizen suggestions regarding improvements.
Client: Town of Jupiter, Florida - Neighborhood Redevelopment Surveys
Description of work: Specific target surveys were conducted in neighborhoods that the staff had identified as
initial areas to redevelop. These areas included "Pine Gardens" and "Jupiter River Estates." Community
interest and knowledge was measured to ascertain possible future commitment of the population.
Results: Detail population breakdowns were determined (specific household ages, interest in elder care) so
future planning could be undertaken.
Client: Village of Miami Shores, Miami Shores, Florida
Description of Work: Charter School Survey — This municipality wanted to measure the interest of
households with school age children who could have an interest in sending their child(ren) to a Village -run
charter school. Over 300 completed surveys were conducted in a 7 mile radius to ascertain whether there
would be sufficient numbers of middle and high-school children to fill the new school. It was found that there
was an overwhelming demand for this type of school.
Results: Report/study which allowed the Village to make a decision whether to go forward with this project.
Client: Charter Schools — Various areas throughout the USA
Description of Work: Charter School Surveys — These surveys measured the interest of households with pre-
school and school -age children who would have an interest in sending their child(ren) to a charter school.
Duties entailed the determination of area to be surveyed, the determination of sample size for the specific
population, survey development, the specific areas of interests/conduct of the students and parents, conducting
the surveys, data collection and processing, report, cross -tabulations and presentation of results.
Budget: Varies
Results: Reports were able to show whether or not a charter school would be realistic in the designated area.
■ Houston, Texas
■ Bridgewater (Orange County), Florida
■ Summerport (Seminole County), Florda
■ Aventura, Florida
■ North Lauderdale, Florida
• Miami, Florida
■ Homestead, Florida
■ So. Fl. Tech., Miramar, Florida
■ St. Cloud, Florida
■ Orlando, Florida
■ Parkland, Florida
■ Hialeah Gardens, Florida
■ West Dade, Florida
■ Plantation, Florida
■ Miramar, Florida
■ Orange/Ulster Counties, New York
■ Coral Springs, Florida
■ North Fort Myers, Florida
■ Bonita Springs, Florida
• Hollywood, Florida
■ Gateway (Lee County), Florida
• 6 Mile (Lee County), Florida
Client: Leigh Fisher Associates, Inc., San Mateo, California
Description of Work: Lambert Field, St. Louis, Missouri - Conducted six operation studies to determine the
ability of the facility to meet the needs of the public. These included the evaluation of the movement of
customers through the facility. Measurements were taken at ticketing, the parking garage, curbside service,
baggage and transportation vendors within the airport. Conducted a departing passenger survey at this major
airport to determine the attitudes and perceptions of the public.
Results: Improved customer service
SHAPINS ASSOCIATES, Inc. is an award -winning environmental planning, urban design and landscape architecture
firm located in Boulder, Colorado. Founded in 1980,the firm specializes in creating urban, community, institutional,
recreational, cultural and natural environments that evoke a strong and enduring sense of place.
Over the years, SHAPINS ASSOCIATES has planned and designed a wide range of public and private places that are
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purpose is to develop innovative land planning and design solutions that are based on effective user involvement
and ecologically responsible development practices. We strongly believe in creating projects for and with the people
who will ultimately use them. Simultaneously, we strive to preserve the land's character, to highlight its unique
attributes and to enhance its value.
Recent projects have included designs and plans for neighborhood streets, a university commercial district, a
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At SHAPINS ASSOCIATES, our projects are always grounded in a systematic yet flexible process that we tailor to
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The synergy of SHAPINS ASSOCIATES' people, processes and technologies enables us to develop an aesthetic,
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Effective resource planning and design requires an understanding of the interaction between people and their
environment. Further, plans to establish or revive a sense of place must be grounded in community agreement.
SHAPINS ASSOCIATES offers outstanding skills in communication, facilitation and group consensus building. We
work closely with users of the environment to incorporate and balance their values, ideas and concerns. Our goal is
to help users generate the future character of the site and to assist them in creating the vision they wish their place
to become.
Backed by our strong process orientation and advanced computer technologies, SHAPINS ASSOCIATES is a small
firm that is able to manage and direct large, highly complex projects. Rather than making a partial commitment to
many clients, we are totally committed to providing personalized service to a few. As a result, each client benefits
from our highlyfocused and responsible approach to project planning, design, and management.
When needed, we draw from our wide network of outside consultants to augment our in-house staff. These
strategic teaming arrangements enable us to directthe proper personnel and resources to every project, regardless
of scope, scale or schedule.
To accommodate a growing
student body and research
needs the University of
Colorado estimates 1 million
square feet of new
classroom, office, and
research space will be
required. Considering its
location on the northern
edge of the main campus,
1999 Campus Master Plan
identified the Grandview
Terrace area as the ideal
area to expand. The
Grandview neighborhood, an
11-acre, 3-block area on top
of a bluff overl000king
downtown Boulder, contains
several important local
historic structures, as well
as many turn of the century
bungalows Shapins
Associates was asked to
create a plan that balances
Client University o(C'olorado at Boulder
the growing needs of the
university with the desires of
the community to preserve
historic structures. The plan,
which has been accepted by
both the Boulder historic
community, and the
university's board of regents
retains the grid pattern of the
streets as well as 13 historic
structures, while creating
550,000 square feet of space
for expansion. A pedestrian
spine connects a series of
quads and plazas. The
massing and scale of new
building reflects the
character of the historic
structures, creating a
campus area that serves as
a transition between the
campus and downtown
University of Colorado, 8ouider, (olorodo
\ .S S( ) C I .A "I' I; S
Jerry Shapins managed and
directed this urban design planning
study to identify physical develop-
ment strategies to attract high
quality redevelopment to this pro-
posed "urban village". Design
objectives and guidelines were
developed for a 40-acre parcel of
underdeveloped land adjacent to
the Crossroads Regional Activity
Center. The recommendations
included streetscape beautifica-
tion, urban open space amenities,
mixed use redevelopment and
transportation/ parking improve-
ments. A concept for a Pearl Street
Gateway corridor was included in
the plan. These concepts promot-
ed a traditional urban design
approach, whereby unified street
trees, curbside amenities, parking
lot screening, and minimum set- .
backs will be used to create a
gateway between the Crossroads
area and the historic downtown.
The plan was adopted by City
Council and has successfully been
used as a guiding framework for
numerous housing, cultural, retail
and office redevelopment efforts at
the site. The plan was initially
directed by Jerry Shapins while he
was with a senior associate with
another firm, and completed by
Shapins Associates.
Client Boulder Urban Renewal Authority
Boulder, Colorado
Jeff Cris - Certified
Professional Economic
Responsible for strategy
and implementation
portions of the North
College Area Market
Completed property
assembly programs and
negotiations with
Jennifer Coffland - Real
Estate Research Analyst
Conducts field research
including direct interview
Experience with research
and analysis of Property
Assessor's records and
other data
Evaluates and qualifies
interest of persons for
investment purposes
hiksborq, ibloIiIdo
Founded in 1881 along the South
cNlt n
Platte River in northeastern
Colorado, the Town of Julesburg
shares attributes that character-
ze traditional American towns
which include grid street layout,
alleys, tree -lined streets and
housing stock with large porch-
Tq �v61 �ARA e
es, recessed garages, and
front stoops. In response
to the need for more housing in
the area, Shapins Associates
assisted the Town by generating
an economic and marketing
studysite master plan and
design guidelines for new resi-
dential housing. through public
involvement that included a
.. ri Fr rARAc-f
visual preference survey , a
ChunI lawn of 1uloshuiy
"new urbanism" site plan was
developed which recommends a
neighborhood pattern That is
continuous in form, pecestrian
oriented, and human-s(.aled. In
conjunction with the site master
plan, the guidelines assist in
establishing a sense of regulari-
ty, consistency, and visual conti-
nuity while allowing individual
expression and variety. The
guidelines will serve as a primer
for developers and home -
builders. The overall vision of
the project is to create an
enduring sense of community
fostered by a variety of design
responses that complement
each other in terms of s-ale,
character, and overall a)pear-
Campbell Lands Master Plan and Development Guidelines; Julesburg, CO
Founded in 1881 along the South Platte River in northeastern Colorado, the Town of
Julesburg shares attributes that characterize traditional American towns which include
grid street layout, alleys, tree -lined streets and housing stock with large porches,
recessed garages, and raised front stoops. In response to the need for more housing in
the area, Shapins Associates assisted the Town by generating an economic and
marketing study, site master plan and design guidelines for new residential housing.
Through public involvement that included a visual preference survey, a "new urbanism"
site plan was developed which recommends a neighborhood pattern that is continuous in
form, pedestrian oriented, and human -scaled. In conjunction with the site master plan,
the guidelines assist in establishing a sense of regularity, consistency, and visual
continuity while allowing individual expression and variety. The guidelines will serve as a
primer for developers and home -builders. The overall vision of the project is to create an
enduring sense of community fostered by a variety of design responses that complement
each other in terms of scale, character, and overall appearance.
Boulder Plaza Urban Design Master Plan; Boulder, CO
Jerry Shapins managed and directed this urban design planning study to identify physical
development strategies to attract high quality redevelopment to this proposed "urban
village". Design objectives and guidelines were developed for a 40-acre parcel of
underdeveloped land adjacent to the Crossroads Regional Activity Center. The
recommendations included streetscape beautification, urban open space amenities,
mixed use redevelopment, and transportation/ parking improvements. A concept for a
Pearl Street Gateway corridor was included in the plan. These concepts promoted a
traditional urban design approach, whereby unified streettrees, curbside amenities,
parking lot screening, and minimum setbacks will be used to create a gateway between
the Crossroads area and the historic downtown. The plan was adopted by City Council
and has successfully been used as a guiding framework for numerous housing, cultural,
retail and office redevelopment efforts at the site. The plan was initially directed by Jerry
Shapins while he was with a senior associate with another firm, and completed by
Shapins Associates.
University of Colorado, Boulder Grandview Micro -master Plan; Boulder, CO
To accommodate a growing student body and research needs, the University of Colorado
estimates 1 million square feet of new classroom, office, and research space will be
required. Considering its location on the northern edge of the main campus,1999 Campus
Master Plan identified the Grandview Terrace area as the ideal area to expand. The
Grandview neighborhood, an 11-acre, 3-block area on top of a bluff overlooking
downtown Boulder, contains several important local historic structures, as well as many
turn of the century bungalows. Shapins Associates was asked to create a plan that
balances the growing needs of the university with the desires of the community to
preserve historic structures. The plan, which has been accepted by both the Boulder
historic community and the university's board of regents retains the grid pattern of the
streets as well as 13 historic structures, while creating 550,000 square feet of space for
expansion. A pedestrian spine connects a series of quads and plazas. The massing and
scale of new building reflects the character of the historic structures, creating a campus
area that serves as a transition between the campus and downtown Boulder.
Phil Gonot - Chief Kathy Gonot -
Economist Management Analyst
Evaluates the potential Conducts research of data
return on investment of bases including Property
development projects Assessor records
Project manager for the Assembles reports of
North College Area Market research outcomes
Implement the recommendations of the
North College Area Market Analysis
Collect data regarding the ownership, use
and status of the individual parcels located
in the URA area
Qualify interest in development or land
assembly ventures
Develop an Action Plan
redevelopment projects
and type of project
that specifies
including location