Purchasing Division
City of Fort Collins
April 10, 2006
Roger Sorenson
R & D Vending
2300 Silver Trails
Fort Collins, CO 80526
Re: Renewal, RFP# P886-Vending Machine Services at EPIC & Mulberry Pool
Dear Mr. Sorenson:
The City of Fort Collins wishes to extend the agreement term for the above captioned proposal per
the existing terms and conditions, with the proposed additional terms listed below. The term will be
extended for one (1) additional year, from April 17, 2006 through April 16, 2007.
Proposed Additional Terms:
ARTICLE 1-Concession Space; under Section 1.1-Definition of Concession Space
ADD Subsection 1.1.4
215 North Mason Street Building: Break room on 2"d floor located on the west side.
ADD Subsection 1.1.5
Downtown Transit Center (DTC): North wall of the lobby at 250 N. Mason Street.
ARTICLE 6-Fee for Conducting Business; under Section 6.1-Concession Fee
ADD: Subsection 6.1.4
For vending operations at 215 North Mason Street, the Concessionaire shall pay to the City
an amount equal to zero percent (0%) of its gross revenues.
ADD: Subsection 6.1.5
For vending operations the DTC at 250 North Mason Street, the Concessionaire shall pay to
the City an amount equal to twenty-two percent (22%) of its gross revenues.
ARTICLE 6-Fee for Conducting Business; under Section 6.5-Method of Payment
ADD: Subsection 6.5.1
Separate concession fee check for machines located at DTC shall be mailed or personally
delivered to the City of Fort Collins Transfort, 6570 Portner Road, Attention: Sue Griffith.
215 North Mason Street • 2nd Floor • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6775 • FAX (970) 221-6707
Administrative Services
Purchasing Division
City of Fort Collins
EXHIBIT "A"- Vending Machine & Game Requirements
ADD: Section 4.0 For 215 North Mason Street
SubSection 4.1
One (1) Snack/Candy Machine - Machine shall have a minimum of thirty-two (32) selections
to handle a variety of snacks and candy items. For example: corn chips, nacho cheese
chips, cracker jacks, cheese/peanut butter crackers, M&M's, plain and peanut, Hershey
Candy Bars, red licorice, peanut rolls, Skittles, etc.
SubSection 4.2
One (1) Soda Machine — Machine shall have a minimum of nine (9) different Pepsi and
Coca-Cola products.
ADD: Section 5.0 For Downtown Transit Center (DTC)
SubSection 5.1
One (1) Snack/Candy Machine - Machine shall have a minimum of thirty-two (32) selections
to handle a variety of snacks and candy items. For example: corn chips, nacho cheese
chips, cracker jacks, cheese/peanut butter crackers, M&M's, plain and peanut, Hershey
Candy Bars, red licorice, peanut rolls, Skittles, etc.
SubSection 5.2
One (1) Beverage Machine — Machine shall have a minimum of nine (9) different Pepsi and
Coca-Cola products.
SubSection 5.3
One (1) Dollar Bill Changer (separate unit) - Changer shall be in addition to any other
machines that have this capacity.
If the renewal is acceptable to your firm, please sign this letter in the space provided and return it to
the City of Fort Collins, Purchasing Division, P. O. Box 580, Fort Collins, CO 85022, within the next
fifteen days. If not, we ask that you send us a written notice stating that you do not wish to renew the
agreement and state the reason for non -renewal.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact David M. Carey, CPPB, Buyer at
ame B. O'Neill ll, CPPONIG , FP
or of Purchasing and Risk Management
215 North Mason Street • 2nd Floor • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6775 • FAX (970) 221-6707
Administrative Services
Purchasing Division
Citv of Fort Collins
Renewal Acceptance: RFP# P886-Vending Machine Services
;;Z--/3 -ag6
nature Date
(Please indicate your desire to renew RFP# P886 by signing this letter and returning it, with a
current copy of insurance forms, to Purchasing Division within the next fifteen days.)
215 North Mason Street • 2nd Floor • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6775 • FAX (970) 221-6707