HomeMy WebLinkAbout380591 J 2 CONTRACTING - CONTRACT - BID - 5951 OAK STREET PLAZAr SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR Oak Street Plaza BID NO. 5951 Citv of Fort PURCHASING DIVISION 215 NORTH MASON STREET, 2ND FLOOR, FORT COLLINS January 11, 2006 — 3:00 P.M. (OUR CLOCK) KK. 6-8 Foot Ornamental Tree $ Each LL. 5 Gallon Deciduous Shrub/Ornamental Grass $ Each MM. 1 Gallon Perennial/Ornamental Grass $ Each NN. 4-Inch Perennial/Omamental Grass $ Each 00. Annuals $ Each PP. Sod $ Square Foot Miscellaneous QQ. Stucco Patching $ Square Foot RR. Core Drilling $ Each SS. Bus Stop $ Each TT. Pop -Jet Nozzle with Drain $ Each UU. String Light with LED Bulbs $ Linear Foot W. Drinking Fountain $ Each 9. PRICES The foregoing prices shall include all labor, materials, transportation, shoring, removal, dewatering, overhead, profit, insurance, etc., to cover the complete Work in place of the several kinds called for. Bidder acknowledges that the OWNER has the right to delete items in the Bid or change quantities at his sole discretion without affecting the Agreement or prices of any item so long as the deletion or change does not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the total Agreement Price. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Signature Title License Number (If Applicable) (Seal - if Bid is by corporation) Attest: Address Telephone Date 7/96 Section 00300 Page 3 1 20. General Requirements --Sections of Division I of the Specificalions. 121. Hazardous Waste —The tern llwmrdtws Waste shall have the meaning provided in Section 1004 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 USC Section 6')03) ns amended from time to time. 1.22.x. Laws and Regulations: Latu or Regulations --Arty and all applicable laws. rulm regulations, ordinances, codes and orders of any and all governmental bodies, agencies, authorities and courts having jurisdiction LvQul Halidays—shall be tlwse holidays ubscrved by the City of Fort Collins. 123, Liens —Lions, charges, security interests or eaxcumbrances upon real property or persoal property. 1.24. Milestone --A principal event specified in the Contract Documents relating to an intermediate completion date or time prior to Substantial Completion of all the Work. 1.25. Notice ofAwanxi—A written notice by OWNER to the apparent successful bidder stating that upon compliance by ttw apparent successful bidder with the conditions precedent enumerated therein, within the time specified, OV NM will sign and deliver the Agreement. 1,26. Notice to Proceed -A written notice given by OWNER to CONTRACTOR (with a copy to ENGINEER) filring the date on which the Contract Tortes will commence to run and on which CONTRACTOR shall start to perform CONTRACTOR'S obligation under the Contract Docunmetts. 1.27. OWNER -The public body or authority, crnpcxation, associatium firm or person with wham CONTRACTOR has entered into the Agreement and for wham the Work, is to be provided 1..28. Parfial Utiliz0on-Use by OWNER of a substantially completed part of the Work for the purpose for which it is intended (or a related purpose) prior to Substantial Complation of all the Work 1.29 PCBs -Polychlorinated biphesryls. 1.3o, Petmleto-Petroleum, including crude oil or any fraction thereof which is liquid at standard cmditirns of temperature and pressure (60 degrees Fahrenheit and 14.7pounds per square inch absolute) such as oil, petroleum, fuel oil; oil sludge, oil refuse, gaadino, kerosene acid oil mixed wtth.other no ri-Haasrdous Wastes and crude o il& " 1.31. Project -The total construction of which the Work to be provided under the Contract Documents map be the whose, or a part as indicated elsewhere in the Contract Documents, 132.g Radioactive Material -Source; special nuclear, or byproduct material as defined by the Atomic Energy Act of EJCDCOENhT,&i coNDI norm i910-s om Mimi, w1 Q"fY OF FORT OOLLI M MODIFICATIONS (FEV 420M) 1954 (42 USC Section 2011 et seq,) as amended from time to time. 132b. Retrnlar Wonline Hours—Rmu lar working hours are fined, a-5 7 to 6:�n_utdess otherwise specified lain thetieneral Rewirenents. 133. Resident Project Representafive—The authorized representative of ENIGINT-ER who may be assigned to the site or any part thereof. 1.34. Stmrples—Physical examples of material& equipment, or workmanship that are representative of some portion of the Work and which establish the standards by which such portion of the work will be judged. 135. Shop Drawings —Alt drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules and other data or information which are spe cificalIy prepared or assembled by or for CONTRACTOR and submitted by CONTRACTOR to illustrate some portion of the Week. 1.36, Specifncarlons—Those portions of the Contract Documents consis ing of written technical descriptions of materials, equipment, construction systems, standards and workmanship as applied to the Work and certain administrative details applicable thereto. 1.37. Subcontractor --An individual, firm or corporation having a direct contract with CONTRACTOR or with any other Subcontractor for the performance of a part of the Work at the site. 1.38. Su bstortial Completion —The Work (or a specified part therea has progressed to the pops Where. in the opinion of ENGINEER as evidenced by ENGINEER's definitive certificate of Substantial Corarletion, it is sufficiently complete, in accordance with the doitract Documents, so that the Work (or specified (tiro) can be utilized for the purposes for which it is intended: or if no such certi&»de is issued when the Wok is cones� and ready for fund payment as c�idertced by VO NEER's written recommendation of Sinai payment in acctrdanee with paragraph 14.13. The terms "substantially complete" and substantially completed" as applied to all' or part of the Work raer to Substantial Completionthereof 1.39. Supplementary C4vt MMV-Thu rd of the Contract Documents which amemis or SUPPI,emettts'these General Conditions. 1,40. Supplier -A mam.6ctinrer, fabricator, supplia, distributor. materiahnan Or venidrr Baying a direct contract with CONTRACTOR or with any Subcottractor to furnish materials or equipment to be incorporated in the Work by CONfRAMA or arty Suboorivictor. 1.41. Undergromid Facilfries-All pipeline, conduits. ducts cables, wires, martlnoles, vaults; tanks; tumids or other such facilities or attachmetMs, and wneaeemcnts containing such facilities which -have beets - installed underground to furnish any of the lbHotwing services or materials. electricity, gases, steam, liquid petroleum products- telephone or other communications, cable television, sewage and drainage removal. traffic or other control systems or water. 1 4^ thrir Price [Pori —Work to be paid for on the basis of unit prices. 1.43. 11'wk—The entire conpleRd construction or the various separately identifiable parts thereof required to be furnished under the Contract Documents. Work includes and is the result of performing or furnishing labor .and furnishing and incorporating materials and equipment into the construction. and performing or furnishing services and furnishing documents, all as required by the Contract Docwncrrts. 1.44. if'ork Clwnge Directive --A written directive to CONTRACTOk issued on or after the Effective Date of the Agreement and signed by OWNER and recommended by ENGINEER, ordering an addition, deletion or revision in the Work, or responding to differing or unforeseen f physical conditions under which e Work is to be performed as provided in paragraph 4.2 or 4.3 or to emergencies under. paragraph 6.23. A Work Change Directive will not change the Contract price or the Contract Times but is evidence that the parties oq>cct that the change directed or documented by a Work Change Directive will be incorporated in a subsequently issued Change Order following negotiations by the parties as to its effect, if any, on the Contract Price or Contract Tunes as provided in paragraph 10.2. 1.45. fVnitten AmencMrent. A written amendment of the Contract Documents, signed by OWNER And, CONTRACTOR on or after the Effective Date of the Agreetnept and normally dealing with the raincrrgavering or nontechnical rather than - strictly construction -related aspects of the Contract Documents ARTICLE 2—PRELEW1INARY MATTERS Delivery of Bonds: 2.1. When CONTRACTOR delivers the executed Agreements to OiVNER CONTRACTOR shall also deliver to OWNER sudt Bonds as CONTRACTOR may be required to famish in accordance with paragraph 5-1. Copies ofDocume W 2.2. OWNER shall fiunish to CONTRACTOR up to ten copies (unless otherwise specified in the Supplementary Conditions) of the Contract Documents as are reasonably necessary for the execution of the Work. Additional copies will be Garnished, upon request, at the cost of reproductio m Commencement of Contract Times; Notice Io Proceed* 2.3. The Contract Times will eminence to run on the thirtieth day after the Effective Date of the Agreement, or, E.Id,I>C GENERAL COND1TIOM 191" (19" EoGtlm) V UTY OF FORT COLLIM MOMFiCAMONS (REP 4$7M if a Notice to Proceed is given, at the day indicted in the Notice to Proceed. A Noxicv to Proceed may be given to any time within thirty days after the Effective Dale of the Agreement---]n--r�—iwvmt—v: ill—the--4�3rttr+wb--Times o:aarmrnse-ie-sun--{Nlrr--tManhhrsEattetlr.kttiapef-t}te-day of Ridopeningor the thirtieth clay after the Effective Date of the Agreement. whichever date isearlier. Starting tare Work: 24. CONTRA("FOR shall start to perform the Work on the date when the Contract Times commence to run. but no Wark shall he done at the site prior to the date on which the Contract IImes comment a to run Befrrre Starting Construction: 2.5, Before undertaking each part of the Work, CONTRACTOR shall carefully study and compare the Corrimct Documents and thee{ and verity pertinent figures shown thereon and all applicable Geld measurements CONTRACTOR shall promptly report in writing to ENGINEER any conflict, error, ambiguity or discrepancy which CON'rRAC1'OR may discover and shall obtain a written interpretation or clarification from ENGINEER before proceeding with any Work affected thereby; however, CON'TRACI'OR shall not be liable to OWNER or ENGTNEER for failure to report arty conflict, error, ambiguity or discrepancy in the Contract Documents, unless CONTRACTOR knew or reasonably should have known thereof. 2.6. Within ten days after the Effective Date of the Agreement (unless otherwise specified in the General Requirements), CONTRACTOR shall submit to ENGINEER for review: 2.6.1. a preliminary progress schedule indicating the times (numbers of days or dates) fee staring and completing the various stages of the Work, inchnding any Milestones specified in the Contract Documents, 2.6.2. a preliminary schedule of Shop Drawing and Sample submittals which will list each required submittal and the times for submitting, reviewing and processing such submittal.; In no ose will a schedule be act. _bie which allows less than 2t calendar days for each review by Eneinoer. 2.6.3. A preliminary schedule of values for all of the Work which will include quantities acid prices of items aggregating the Contract Price and will subdivide the Work into component parts in sufficient detail to serve as the basis for progress payments during construction Such prices will include an Appropriate amount of overhead and profit applicable to each item of Work. 2.7. Before any Work at the bite is started CONTRACTOR arA OkW;FA shall eaA deliver to the etltros bWNE�T with copies to eaek iijklitions! identified ENGINEl72 certificates of insurance (and other evidence of insurance Whie"ithceer cad tltt nr tx—any adElit awl —its. cacti —may rnaxFwbl;-- start to ested by OWNER) which CONTR4CTC is required to purchnase and maintain in accordance with paragraphs 5.4; 5.6 and 5 7 Preconstruction Conference, 2.8. Within twenty days after the Contract Times start to run, but before any MA at the site is started, a conference attended by COISTRaCTOR ENGINEER. and others as appropriate will he held to establish a working unlerstantlinng among the parties as to the Wok and to discuss the schedules referred to in paragraph 2.6, procedures for handling Shop Drawings and other submittals processing Applications for Payment and maintaining required records. lnkklly Acceptable Schedules 2.9. ,Jnless otherwise provided in the Contract Documcras, Appfisa ier�%r Pa.pw mt before any work at the site beltina a conference attended by CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER and others as appropriate dos by OWNER will be beld to review far acceptaRlitytoENGINEER as provided below the schedules submitted in accordance with the schodules No progress payment shall 1* made to CONTRACTOR until the sdtadtiks are submitted to and acceptable to ENGINEER as provided below. The progress schedule will be acceptable to ENGINEER as providing an orderly progression of the Work to completion within any specified Milestones and the Comma Times, but such acceptance will neither impose on ENGINEER responsibility for the scheduling or progress of is he Work nor inn � w= or relieve CONTRACTOR from CONTRACfOR's full responsibility therefor. CONTRACTOR's schedule of Sh) NDrawing and Sample submissions will be scoghtable toGiNEER as providing a workable arrangement for reviewing and procassing the required submittals CON'TRACTOR's schedule of values will be acceptable to ENGINEER as to farm and substance. ARTICLE 3--CONTRACT DOCUMENTS; INTENT, AMENDING, REUSE Intent: 3.1. The Contract Documents comprise the entire agreement between OWNER and CONTRACTOR conoer mg the Work. The Contract Documents are complementary; what rs called For by one is as bircirtmp as if called for by all, The Contract Documents will be construed in accordance xith the law of the place of the project. 3.2. It is the intent of the Contract Documents to EJCDCGM4ML4.CONDIIIOM 1910.8 (19"EdtiOM w/ aTY OF FORT o UINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 4/2000) describe a functionally complete Project (or part thereof) to be constructed in accordance with tlx Contract Documents. Any Work, materials or equipment that may reasormbly be inferred from the Contract Documents or from prevailing custom or track usage as being required to produce the intended result will be furnished and performed whether or not specifically called for. AIM words or phrases which lave a well-krxmn technical or construction industry or trade meaning are used to describe Work, muteriuls or equipment, such words or phrases shall be interpreted in accordance with that meaning, Clarifications and interpretations of the Contract Documents shall be issued by EiVC11NE"ER as provided in paragraph 9.4. 3.3. Reference to Slandardr and Specifrcadons of Technical Societies; Reporting and Renwhing Discrepancies 3.3.1. Reference to standards, specifications, manuals or nodes of arty technical society, organization or association, or to the Laws or Regulatiom of any governmerdal authority, whether such reference be specific or by implication. shall mean the latest standard, "specification, manual, code or Laws or Regulations in effect at the time of openirr* of Bids (or, on the Effective Date of the Agreement if there were no Bids), except as may be otherwise specifically during the performance of the Work, TOR discovers any eonffict; error, tr discrepancy within the Contract or between the Contract Documents and on of any such Law or Regulation n the perfotmattce of the Work or of any it specification, manual or code or of any fam Sttmberreferredtoinparagraph 6.5. at once, and, G°ONTRACTOR shall not with the Wak affected thereby (except in an cy'as authorized by paragraph 6.25) until an ent or supplement to the Con tenet Documents t issued by one of the methods indicated in ;h 33 or 16; provided, however, that .ACTOR shall not be liable to OW14ER of or discs or reasormbfy Amadd 3.3.3. Except as Wwwisa specifically stated in the Contract Documents or as may be provided by atttendmer or lemem thereto issued by one of the methods r4 .tl in paragraph3-5 or 3.6, the provisions of the Contract Documents shall take precedence in resolvi* any conttid, error, ambiguity or discrepancy between the provisions of the Contract Documents and: 333.1. the provisions of any such standard, specification, manual, code or irorructton (whether or not specifically incorporated by referemice in the Contract Documents); or die provisions of any such Laws or Regulations applicable to the performance of the Work (unless such an interpretation of the provisions of the Contract Documents would result in violation of arch Law or Regulatioo). No provision of any such standard, specification, manual, code or instruction shall be effective to change the duties and responsibilities of OWNER, CONTRACTOR or ENGINEER, or any of their Subcontractors, cortsttltanits, agents or employees from those set forth in the Contract Documents, nor shall it be effective to assign to OWNER, ENGINEER or any of FNGTN'FF,R's Consultants, agents or employees any duty or authority to supervise or direct the furnishing or performance of the Work or any duty or authority to undertake responsibility inconsistent with the provisions of paragraph 9.13 or any other provision of the CorrtraaDocuments. 3A. Whenever in the Contract Documents the terms "as ordered", "as directed", "as required", "as allowed", "as approved" or terms of like effect or import are used, or the adjectives "reasonable". "suitable", "acceptable", "proper" or "satisfactory' or adjectives of like effect or import are used to describe a requirement. direction, review or judgment of ENGINEER as to the Work, it is intended that such requirement, direction, review or judgment will be solely to evaluate, in general. the completed Work for compliance with the requirements of and information in the Comma Documents and caifonnance with the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole as shown or wiliicated in the Contract Documents (unless there is a specific statement indicating otherwise). The ift of any such term or adjective shall not be effective to assign to ENGINEER any duty or authority to supervise or direct the furnishing or performance of the Work or any duty or authwrity to undertake responsibility contrary to the provisions of paragraph 9.13 or anv other provision of the Amending andSupplennenting Contact Documents: 3.5. The Contract Documents may be amended to provide for addititrts, deletions and revisions in the Work or to modify the terms and conditions thereof in one or more of the following ways: 3.5.1. a formal Written Amendment, 3.5.2. a Change Order (pursuant to paragraph 10.4), or shoot: GENERALCONDIU xrs tsto-s ayso EMMI) wf CITY OF FORT dxn.trns MODIFICATIONS UUN 4120aa) 3.5.3 a 11'ork Clxtnge Directive (pursuant to paragraph 11).1)- 3.6. In addition. the requirements of the Contract Lkxuments may be supplemented, and minor variations and deviations in the Work may he authorized. in one or more of the following sways: 3.6.1. A Field Order (pursuant to paragraph 9.5). 3.6 2. ENGT\TfiElirs approval of a Slurp Drawing or Sample (pursuant to paragraphs 6.26 and 6.27), or 3.6.3. ENGCNFERS written interpretation or clarification (pursuant to paragraph 9.4). Reuse ofDocumenrs: 3.7. CONTRACTOR, and any Subcontractor or Supplier or other per -Ain or organization performing or furnishing any of the Work under a direct or hAvict coruraLt with OWNER (t) shall not have or acquire any title to or ownership rights in any of ft Drawings, Specifications or other documents (or copies of any thereof) prepared by or hearing the seal of FNGINF.ER or FNGiNF,FR's Consultant, and (ii) shall not reuse any of such I ni ings, Specifications, other documents or copies on extensions of the project or any other project without written consent of OWNER and ENGINEER and specific written verification or adaptation bv.ENGIN$FR. ARTICLE 4-.AVAILABUATY OF LANDS; S17JI,SSIRFACE AND .PHYSICAL CONDITIONS; RF,FFRFNCF POINTS .4nmitabefirr ofLondv: 4.1. OWNER shall furnish, as indicated in the Contract Documents, the lands upon which the Work is to be performed, rights -of --way and easements for access thereto, and such other lands which are designated for the use of CONTRACTOR 1•Jaen-raasenabla OWNER shall identify any encumbrances or restrictions not of general application but specifically related to use of lwxk so furnished with which CONTRACTOR will have to, comply in performing the Work: Easements for permsneffi Stnutures or permanent changes in existing facilities will be obtained and paid.for by OWNER, unless otherwise provided to the Contract Documents. If CONTRACTOR and OWNER are unable to agree on entitlement to or the amount or extent of any adjustments in the Contract Price or the Contract Times as a result of any delay in OWNERS fun tshin these lands. rights -cif - way or easements, CONTRACTOR may make a claim therefor as provided in Articles 11 artd 12. CO\1RACT0R shall provide for all additional lands and access thereto that may be required for temporary construction facilities or storage of materials and equipment. 4. Subsurface and Physical Cnnd ions.• 4.11. Reports and Dhznvings: Reference is made to the Supplementary Conditions for identification of Subsuface Conditlorts: Those reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the site that have been utilized by ENGINEER in preparing the Contract Documents: and Pln-sical Conditions: Those drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing Zee or subsurface structures at or contiguous to the site (except Underground Facilities) that have been utrhud by ENGINEER in preparing the Contract Documents. 4.22 Limited Reliance by COMMC70R Authorized; Technical Data: CONTRACTOR may rely upon the general accuracy of' the "technical data' contained in such reports and drawings, but such reports and drawings am not Contract Dominants, such "technical data, is identified in the Supplementary Tonditicm Except for such reliance on such "technical data% CONTRACTOR may not rely upon or make any claim against OWNER ENGINEER or any of ENGINEER's Consultants with respect to the completeness of such reports and drawings for CONTRACTOR'S purposes, including, but not limited to, any aspects of the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of corartiction to N employed by CONTRACTOR and safely precautions and Programs incident thereto, or other data, interpretations, opinions and information contained in such reports shown or indicated in such drawings, or any CONTRACTOR intmpr.Ad an of or conclusion drawn front any, ".techtn cat data, cs aarrtyry such data, interpretations, opinions or infocrnatioi. 4.2.3. Notice of Differitrg Sulutirface or Physical Condirtions: If 'CONTRACTOR believes that any subsurface or physical condition at cr contiguous to the site that is uncovered or revealed either; 4.23.1. is of such a nature as to establish that any 'technical data" on which CONTRACTOR is entitled to rely as provided in paragraphs 4.2.1 and 4.22 is materially inaccurate, or is of such a nature as to require a change in the Contract Docutro ns, or 4.23.3. dialers materially from that shown or EtCnccENEM CONDITIONS 1910.4 t1990Edit o nl w/ CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 4nODO) indicated in the Contract Documents. or a 2.3.4. is of an unusual mature. and differs materially from conditions ordinarily encountered aril generally recognized as inherent in work of the character provided for in the Contiact Documents; then CONTRACTOR shall, prertV4y unmediately after becoming aware thereof end before further disturbing conditions affected thereby or perfuming any Work in connection therewith (except in an emergency as permitted M? paragraph 6.23), notify OWNER and ENGINEER in writing about such condition. CONTRACTOR shall not further disturb such ctmdmom or perform anv Work in connection therewith (except as aforesaid) until receipt of written order to do so. 4.2.4. ENGiNEER's Review: ENGINEER will promptly review the pertinent conditions, derermatc the necessity of OWNMs obtaining additional exploration or tests with respect thereto and advise OWNER in writing. with a copyto CONTRACTOR) , of WGINEMs findings and conclusions 4.2..5. Possible Contract Docwmnts Change: if ENGINEER conclud= that a changer in the Contract Documents is required as a result oft condition that meets one or more of the categories in paragraph 4.2.3. a Work Change Directive or a Change Order will be issued as provided in Article 10 to raged and document the consequences of such change. 4.2.6. Possible Price and 7'imas A4ustments: An equitable adjustment in the Contract Price or to the Contract Timms, or both, will be allowed to the extent that the existence of such uncovers or revealed condition causes an increase or dedease in CONTRACTORS cost of; or time required for performance of the Work; subtject, however, to the following; such oondWan must meet any erne or more of the catetones described inparagraphs 4,2:3.1 the 4.23,4, inchisivc;. a clan a in the Conlaid Domirneats purma to paragraph 415 will not to on automatic authorization of Inner a, condition precedent to entitlement toarry such ad usfinent', 4.2.63. with respect to Work that is paid for on a Unit Price Basis, any adjusmtert in Contract Price will be sulgedx to the provisions of p>arappaplis 9.10 and l i,y, and 41.6.4. CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to any adjustment in the Contract Price or Times if; 4 26.4.1. CONTRACTOR . knew of the axsteru a of such conditions at the time CONTRACTOR made a final cornrrnitment to OWNER in rasped of Contract Price and Contract Times by the submission of a bid or becoming txnnrd under a negotiated contract: or 416.4.2. the existcnce of .arch condition could reasonably- have been discovered or revealed as a result of any examinatidm, investigation, exploration, test or study of the site and contiguous areas required by the Lidding Requirements or Contract Documents to be conducted by or for CONTRACTOR prior to CONTRACTOR's making such final commitment, or 426.4.3. CONTRACTOR tailed to give the written notice within the time and as required by paragraph 4.2.3. If OWNER and CONTRACTOR are unable to agree on entidement to or as to the amount or length of any such equitable adjustment in the Contract Price or Contract Times, a claim may be made therefor as provided in Articles 11 and 12. However, OWNER, ENGINEER and ENGINBER's Consultants shall not be liable to CONTRACTOR for any claims, costs, losses or damages sustained by CONTRACTOR on or in connection with any otherprc jest or anticipated project. 4.3, Physical Condtions—UndergroundFacilities: 4.3.1. Sfroxsrorh0cated,, The information and data shown or indicated in the Contract Documents with respect to existing Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site is based on information and data furnished to OWNER or ENG.MER by the owners of such Underground Facilities or by others. Unless it is otherwise ,expressly provided in the Supplementary Conditions: 43.1.1. OWNER and ENGINEER shall not be responsible for the accuracy or completeness of any such information or data, and 4.3,12, The cad of all of the following will be included in the Contract Price and CONTRACTOR shall have full rt hrnsi ility for: (i) reviewing and chc6ting all such rnforntatton and data. (ii) locating all Unel mmd Facilities shown or indicated in the eoloxact eras,(ii) coordination of the Work with the owners of such Underground Facilities during construction, and (iv) the safety and protection of all such Underground Facilities as provided in paragraph 520 and repairing any damage thereto resulting from the Work. 4.32. Not Shoint or lrnafcated• If an Underground Facility is uncovered or revealed at or contiguous to the site which was not shown or indicated in the Contract Documents, CONTRACTOR shall. promptly immediately after becoming aware thereof and before further disturbing condition; affected thereby or performing any Work in connection thereavith (ex t in an emergency as required by paragraph 6: 23 , identify the owner of such Underground Facility and E)COC UENE'R AL COMMONS 1910-3 (19" Edtiai) w/CITY Or FORT COLLIM MOVIRCATIONS(RE;V 412000) give written notice it) that owner and to M NNER and GNGINrER. LNGINMER will promptly review the Underground Facility and determine the extent, if any, to which a change is required in the Contract Documents to reflect and document the consequences of the existence of the inderground Facility. If ENGINEER concludes that a change in the Contract Documents is required, a Work (Amrige Directive or a Change Onkr wilt be issued as provided in Article 10 to reflect and document such consequences. During such time. CONI'R.ACTOR shall be responsible 6 the safety and protection of such Underground Facility as provided in paragraph 6.20, CONTRACOR slaklmay be allowed an Increase in the Contract price or an extension of the Contract Times, or bout, to the extent that they are attributable to the existence of any Underground Facility that was not shown or indicated in the Contract Documents and that CONTRACTOR did not know of aril could not reasonably have been ccpacted to be aware of or to have anticipated ItOWNI ER and CONTRACTOR are unable to agree on entitlement to or the amount or length of any such adjusgnerR in Contract Ptiee or Conract Tines, CONTRACTOR may make it claim therefor as provided in Articles i i and 12. However, OWNER, ENGINEER and ENGINEER's Consultants shall not be liable to CONTRACTOR for any claims, cases, losses or damages incurred or sustained by CONTRACTOR on or in connection with any other project or anticipated project. Reference Poildt 4A. OWNER shall provide crgutecring surveys to establish reference points for construction which in ENGINE.ER's judgment arc necessary to enable CONTRACTOR to proceed with the Work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for laying out the Work, shall protect and preserve the established reference points and shall make no changes or relocations without the prior written approval of OWNER. CONTRACTOR shall report to ENGINEER whenever any reference point is lost or destroyed or requires relocation because of necessary changes in grades or locations, and shalt be responsible for the accurate replacement or rekication of such reference points by professionally iltaliGed personnel. 4.5. Asbestos, PCBs, Petrotarm,11azardous Waste or Ra,*oactne AlaterW. 4.5.1. OWNER shall be responsible for any Asbestos, PCBs, Petroleum, Hazardous Wage or Radioactive Material uncovered or revealed at the site which was not shown or indicated in Drawirgs or Specifications or identified in the Contract Documents to be within the scope of the Work and which may present a substantial danger to persons or proexposed thereto in connection with the Work at site. OWNER shall not be responsible for any such materials brought to the site by CONTRACTOR, Subcurnractom Suppliers or anyone else for whom CONTRACTOR is responsible. 4 +.?. C'E3ti'FR �E 1 c)R shah immadiatily {t) stops]! �'�rk-in ece+rteutien�i as and irrirny-arw-stll'rutccl-tker�+>3y-frtcsr gatta� Eilt?3ER-orxF 4 Fb' �+ -fund- d»r"110-senri m such "teem writing)--t)tiYPFf {� altali prorttptly ctrsult with ENGINE een>retttir�g•:hrrtaessiiyfie OW vtiR-to retain qualified expart-toeveleatte-such #wenrcktus-st>nditifxrr-or-balk-eerwa4ivw-aetean.--if girt]` CONTRACTOR shall -nob be-requut&te resume -]Mork fA-6E7rinN6ilEN1-w 11 Saelt-a�Ce t� EJCDC GENERAL CONDtnom 1910,8 (t'Ne Edna) 8 wr C17Y of rQRT COt.l. M MbD1FiCAnOM QtEV 4/laea) ARTICLE 5-BONDS AND INSUR 1NCE Performance, Payment and Other Bonds-. 5.1. CONTRACTOR shut] furnish Perfomnance and Payment Bonds, each in on amount at least equal to the Contract Price as security fur the faithful performance and payment of all CONTRACTOR's obligations under the Contract Documents. These Bonds shall remain in effect at least until one year after the date when fowl payment becomes due, except as provided otherwise by Laws or Regulations or by the Contract Documents. CONTRACTOR shall also furnish such other Bands as are required by the Supplementary Conditions. All Bonds stall be in the form prescribed by the Convect Documents except as provided otherwise by Laws or Regulations and shell be executed by Bach sureties as are named in the cavrent list of "Companies Holditng Certificates of Autiwrity, as A6x:"ble Sureties on Federal Bonds and as AttceptabdeRAilosurins Comptmiee. as published in Citialar 590 (amen by the Audit Staffr Bureau of Government Financial Operations, 11.S Treasury Department All Bonds signed by an agent must be accompanied by a certified copy of such agcnes authority to act. 5.2. if the surety on any Bond tarnished by CONTRACTOR is declared a bankrupt or becomes insolvent or its right to do business is terminated in any state wham ort)rpart of the Project is located or it ceases to meet the requiem" of paragraph 5.1. CONTRACTOR shall within ten days thereahr substitute another Bond and surety,'bod of which must be acceptable to OWNER. M. Llcmwd Sureies and Insurers; Certificates of Insurance.., 5.3.1. All Bonds and insurance required by the Cortract Documents.to be purchased and maintained by OWNER or CONTRACTOR sha11 be obtained from surety or warome companies that are duly licensed or authorlmd in the junsdicticn in which the Preiectis located to iswe Bonds of insurance policies meet such s as may be TOR shall deliver to OWNER, 3d4tionel insured identified in the mitims, certificates of insurance oe of insurance requesit'd other additiornal insurers) which CONTR4CTOR's Liabilio, Insurance: 5.4. CONTRACTOR shall purchase and maintain such liabilit.N and other insurance us is appropriate for the Work nemg performed and famished and as will provide protection from claims set forth below which may arm out of or result from CONMACfOR's performance and furnishing of the Wrvk and CO, iTRAC'TOR's other obligations under the Contract Documents, whether it is to be perforated or furnished by CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor or Supplier, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform or furnish any of the Work, or by anyuie for whose acts any of them may be liable? 5.4.1. claims under workers' compensation disability benefits and other similar employee benefit acts; 5.4'2. claims for damages because of bodily injury. occupational sickness or disease, or c6ath of i ONTRACTOPVs employees; 5.43. claims for damages because of bodily injury, sickness or disease, or death of any person other than CONTRACTOR's employees; 544. claims -far damages -insured• ]w—eustarnaey 5.4.5. claims for damaM ether than to the Work itself; because of injtay to on destruction of tangible property wherever located, including loss of use resulting therefrom; and 5.4.6, claims for damages because of bodily injury or death of any person or property damage arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of any motor vehicle. The policies of insurance so required by this paragraph 5A to be purchased mail maintained stiall: 5A.7, with respect to insurance regitireed by paragraphs 5.4.3through 5A.6 inclusive and 5.4,9. include' as additional inutreds (subject to any customary exclusion in respect of professional liability), OWNER, ENGMER. ENGRgE Rs CoBukw& and any other or entities identified in the Supplementary Conditions, of whom shall be tided as:additiaoal insureds, mid include coverage for the respective. officers And employees of all such additional insureds; 5.4.8, include the specific coverages and be written for not less than the limits of liability provided in the Supplementary Co mlitions or required by Laws or Regulations, Whichever is greater., 5.4.9. include completed operation insurance; F-E'DCaEh%XALcotamloNs 1910-s (19" Edtion) wl CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS ft-V42000) 5.4.10. include contmonml liability insurance covering CONfRaCTORs indemnity obligations undm p=Mphs 6.12, 6.16 and 631 through 6.33; 5 4 11 contain a provision or endorsement that the coverage afforded will not be cancelled, materially chane-ml or renewal refused until at least thirty days' prior written notice has been given to OWNER and CONTRACTOR and to ouch other additional insured identified in the Supplementary Conditiioni to whom a vertifivate of insurance has been issued (and the certificates of insurance furnished by the CONTRACTOR ptustiant to paragraph 5.3.2 will so provide); 5.4.12. remain in of cd at least until fuel payment and at all times thereafter when CONTRACTOR may be correcting, removing or replacing ckfeclive Work in accordance with paragraph 13.12; and 3-4.13. with respect to completed operations insurance, and any insurance coverages written on a claims -made basis, remain in effect toe at least two years after I'mal payment (and CONTRACTOR shall furnish OWNER and each other additional insured identified in the Supplementary Conditions to whom a certificate of insurance has been issued evidence satisfactory to OWNER and any such additional insured of continuation of such insurance at final payment and one year thereafter). OWNER's Liability Insurauee: 5.5. in addition to insurance: required to be provided by CONTRACTOR under paragraph5A. OWNER, at OWNEWs grior4 may purchase and maintain at OWNER's expense OWIrUVs own liability insurance as will protect OWNER against claims which may arise from operations under the Contract Documents. Propertylrtsuranee: 6--•-•-L0 lass wrye cared idad in ties 4SepplayaftAat�iBar(g� Cond60ow, OtlNER-s}iall—pttrekase—eridf—nTAi,�M� and-ahall-ba er leas of tTr4e imp, ctweragz; thelt; vandalism aixl mahtiw3s-nrisGhiaF exrthquako, eel!Lion wa sprGafa all+ie�(ulred-k"he�r+ lmfank�r titan 5.0,3,. include..expenses..imurred in ... dte-frpair--M rel>lasementof any srsured prcperty (inaltltiingTier-not Ixl}iled-40-Fees-and chargrs--ir£ rnginzt$s-ead AnchiteGLs)s 5 6 4 uavzF rrrekt xlsund rcte+ipaler>Mteredel the site cw At aAother kmation that was Agreed"in'rn'WFitlrl$-i)j' prAFi�lliaF'R36lTAia{arral59H�8-�!!A t3`f, -lrNfslNb}.�}��aRl 5.9. OWNER shall not be respmsible Jar PmVh 9 and maintaiun�urtg say prap�ty iltsuraancso to proved 166 imaests of C4NTRACTOR Subcontractom or others in _Am ._Wo4i ..tA _ -_- _r EXI)COENEliA1.CONDMONS 191" (I"GEMMI) 10 wl UTY OF FORT COLLINS NIODIFICATIONS at6'V 4J2GGo) eonrmzneemasx oFthe- Work -lit -the gite,-(AVINURshrill in dvise 4Z4VTRA4.4QR WhelllheF OF-nFN-6FiGtiUllieF i 9W •ark E 4)t FE�(AET4R mt«+el that all pelisieagwchestxi-irraaGerdanGa wig}r-pamgmphs 5.€, xnd--3:7--wil}-pFatas4--9W--GBAl�r�TEaR SubGontrndtxs---•iiNE.fNE&i _._.-_h?^t(ilNEER's instveds ar-additiena�...invaseds-irr-9ueh policies -and nil reuwery aeairim any of C(I)N7R\C'TOR. Sub ontntc:tois. {„".}4 i1�8�I<lt:1tA16�.'41�sft'S-t-`txa;ukant�FtnFi- tha-e1Trc�rs: direetc�rs:-rnrpkvrrsttrxl-agrrrts oftFay-ef tlarnr: Receipt and Application of Insurance Proceerb: .` 1 _. Any insured loss under the policies of insurance required by pamgraphs5.6 and 53 will Ix adiusted with OWNER and mask payable to O\1'biER as fiduciary for the insureds. us their interests may appear, subject to the requirements of any applicable mongage clause and of paragraph 5.13. (ANI ER, shall depu it in a separate account any money so received, and shall distribute it in accordance with such a}gecntent as the parties in interest may reach If no other special agreement is reached the damaged Work shall be repaired or replaced the moneys so received applied on account thereof and the Work and the cost thereof covered by an appropriate Change Order or Written Amendment. 5.13. OWNER as fiduciary shall have power to adjust and settle any loss with the insurers unless one of the parties in interest shall object in writirt within fifteen days after the occurrence of loss to OWNER's exercise of this power. If such objection be made, OWNER as fiduciary shall make settlement with the insurers in accordance. with such agreement as the parties in iracrost may reach if no such agreement among the parties in interest is reached, OWNER as fiduciary shall adjust and settle the loss with the insurers --A :C re +ireft an --filing W arty -party in interest 91 Nfs}� irk fidusiar� Fha- give-Ettnd--filte Acceptance ofBandrandln=rwnce; OpliontoReplace: 5.14. If OWNER has arty objection to the coverage afforded by or other provision-, of the bonds -or insurance required to be purchased and maintained by the ether --pert CONTRACTOR in accordance with Article 5 on the basis of nonccaormance with this Contract Documents, the in waiting with the certificates 2.7. Partial Uriliration—J'ivrperry Insurance. 5.15. If OWNER funds it necessary to occupy or use a portion or portions of the Work prior to Substantial E1CDC GENERAL C0141)ITIONS tvto-s (1990 EMU)) w! QTY OF FORT COLLI NS MODIFICATIONS (REV 4r000) Completion of all the Work such use or occupancy may be accomplished in acardance with paragraph 14.10: Cded that no such use or occupancy shall commence bfthe insurers providing the property insurance have acknowledged notice thereof and in writing effected any changes in coverage necessitated thereby. The insurers providing the property insurance shell consent by endorsement on the policy or policies, but the property insurance shall not be cancelled or permitted to lapse on account of any such partial use or occupancy. ARTIC L F: 6--CONTRACTOR'S RESI'ONsiat .1'nEs Supai,Wan and.Superiruendence: 6.1. CONfRACfOR skill supervise, inspect and direct the Work competently and efficiently, devoting such attention thereto and applying such skiffs and ctpertise as may be necessary to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Document& CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of contruction, but CONE RACCOR shaft not be responsible for the negligence of others in the design or specification of a specific means, method, technique, sequence or procedure of construction which is shown or indicated in and expressly required by the Contract Documents. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to see that the completed Work complies accurately with the Contract fk>cumcnts. 6.2. CONTRACTOR shall keep on the Work of all times during its progress a competent resident superintendent, who shall not be replaced without written notice to OWNER and ENGINEER except under extraordinary circumstances. The sdperimmilem will be CONTRACTOR's representative at the site and shall have authority to act on behalf of CONTRACTOR All communications to the superintendent shall be as binding as if given to CONTRACTOR. Labor, Materials and Equipment: 6:3. CONTRACTOR shall provide competent, suitably qualified personnel to survey, lay out and construct the Work as required by the Cortract Documents. CONTRACTOR shall at all times maintain good discippline and order at the stile. Except as otherwise required fa the safety or protection of persons or the Work or property at the site or adjacent thereto, and except as otherwise mdicated in the Contract Documents; all Work at the site shall be performed during regular working hours and CONTRACTOR will not permit overtime work or the performance of 'Work cat Saturday, Sunday or any legal holiday without OWNIIts written consent given after prior written notice to ENGINEER ll NOD c OMD" --, :a a� r-OW' 04 DAM • W 4► MAO • W oa em VAULT SECTION '� NTS PNIOVAKA wwDLe enter. emmod DOOR -PAW blow aurreR IN ooNCNM DAMP PROO" No cage CUPS 4x4' 04 DAM* V = DMILL AM PIPE TO WATHS VAULT OR O %, ► DARE- GLO? M&M TO RAMS • W or, I I LIMNRAAT D 0 SM RAL& a 64 unless otherwise specified in the General Rmluiremertts, CONTRACTOR shall furnish and assume full responsibility for all materials. equipment, labor, transporatuon, construction equipment and machinery. tools. •r!ppliances. fuel. pLAvcr, light, heat. telephone, water, anunn facifitim tern )rwy facilities and all other rrcilitiis and incidentals necessary for the furnishing, pertonnance. testing, stet -up and completion of the \York. purging- Restrictions CONTRACTOR mu t_cum�rly:with the Cjt\ s QurchssirV restnetio_ns.A Ma of the resolutions are available for review in�tl 4 office-;.-- of _ hz._I�urch�sing _n>xxl Risk _.RMm+�ement 1Jivision or the City Clerk's office. 6.4.2 (omentRestrictions_ City of Fort Collins Rowltnion 91-121 rowan that supphers and Producer of cement or producm contarrilM cement to ccrufv that the men was not made in c Ins t hamnlouswaste as a firri. 6.5, All materials and equipment shall be of good quality and new, except as otherwise provided in the tract rocuments. All wammtiess and ggririaarnranntees specifically called for by the Specifications shall expressly run to the benefit of OWNER 1f required by F,NGMER, C ()NTRACTOR shall furnish satisfactory evidence (including reports of required tests) as to the kind and quality of materials and equipment AD materials and equl( ncrit shall be applied, installed connected, erected, used, cleaned and conditioned in accordance with instructions of the applicable Supplier, except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. Progress &-hedufe 6.6. CONTRACTOR shalt adhere to the progress schedule established in accordance with paragraph 2.9 as t may be adjusted from time to time as provided below: 6.6.1. CONTRACTOR shall subunit to ENGINEER for acceptance (to the extent indicated in paragraph 2.9) proposed Aushnerts in the Progress schedule that will not change the Contract Times (or Milestones). Such adjustments will conform generally to the progress whedule then in effect and additionally will comply with any provisions of the General Requirements applicable thereto. 6,62. R adjustments in the progress schedule that will � the Contract Times (or Mtlestom) shall be submitted in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 12.1. Such adjustments may only be made by a Change Order or Written Amendment in accordance with Article 12. 6.7. Srtba)Wdesand "Or.Equaf" Iteaa: 6.7.1. Whenever an item of material or equipment is specified or described in the Contract Documents by using the name of a item or the name of a Particular Supplier, the >pcci£t)oation or is mudded to establish the type, function and quality required. Unless the specification or description VCDC OI:NEM CONDI11ONS 1910-S 41940 EdGm) 12 wl CITY OF FORT C'OLLINS MODIFICATIONS (P EV V2000) contains or is followed by words reading that no like, equivalent or "or -equal" item or no substitution is permitted, other items of material or equipment or material or equipment of other Supplier may be accepted by ENGINEER under the fulluwing circumstances 6.7-1.1. 'br-Equal'", If in ENGINI:ER's sole discretion an item of material or equipment proposed by CONTRACTOR is functionally equal to that named and sufficiently similar so that no change in related Work will be required. it may be considered by FNGRNFFR as an "or -equal" item, in which cause review and approval of the pn�posed item may, in ENGINEMs sole discretion be accomplished without compliance with some or all of the requirements for acceptance of proposed substitute items, 6312. Substitute ltvnw If in ENGINEERs sole discretion an item of material or equipment same as v by the ENGINEER will as supplemented in the v of pro)iased substitute items pmert wilt not be aaepted by in anyone other than If CONTRACTOR wishes to Iubaidute, item of material or 'RACTOR shall first make to ENGINEER for acceptance ;e of such sad claims to contractors Of M coins or fly (Mm costs of by the resulting change. all of which will be considered by ENGINEER in evaluating the proposed substitute. ENGINEER MUY require CONTRACTOR to furnish additional data about the proposed substitute. CONM4CTOR's L•.cyense: All data to be provided t-A CONTRACTOR in support of am, proposed "or -equal" cr substitute item will be at CONl'RACTOR's expense. 6.7.2. Substitute CUILY1171clion Meduxls ar Procedures: If a specific means. method technique, sequence or procedure of construction is shown or indicated in and expressly required by the Contract Documents, CONTRACTOR may furnish or utilim a substitute means, method, technique, sequence or procedure of construction acceptable to ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR shall submit sufficient information to allow ENGINEER, in ENGINEER's sole discretion, to determine that the substitute proposed is equivalent to thatexpressly called for by the Contract Documents. The procedure for review by ENGINEER will be similar to that provided in subparagraph 6.7.3. Engineer's Evaluation: ENGINEER will he allowed a reasonable time within which to evaluate each proposal or submittal made pursuant to paragraphs 6,7.1.2 and 6.7.2. ENGINEER will be the sole . judge of acceptability. No �� r dr substitute will be ordered, installed or atitizecl without ENGINEER's prior written acceptance which will be evidenced by either a Change Order or an approved Shop Drawing. OWNER may require CONTRACTOR to fiu ilih at CONTRACTOR's expense a special performance guarantee or other surety with respect to any "or-oqual" or substitute. ENGINEER will record time required by ENGINEER and ENGINEER's Comftnts in evaluating substitutes proposed or submitted by CONTRACTOR pursuant to paragraphs 6.7.1 and 6.7.2 and in making changes in the Contract Documents (or in the provisions of any other dined contract with OWNER for work an the project) occasioned thereby, Whether or M ENGINEER accepts a substitute item so proposed or submitted by CONTRACTOR, CONTRA.CTOR gall reimburse OWNER, for the charges of ENGINEER and ENGINEEiVs Consultimis for evaluating each such proposed substitute item. a. Concerning Sxbeondadars, Suppliers and err 6.8.1. CONTRACTOR shall not employ any Subcontractor. Supplier or other person or organization (includes those acceptable to OWNER and ENGINEER, as indicated in paragraph 6.8 2x whether initially or as a substitute. against wheat OWNER or ENGINEER may have reasonable objection. CONTRACTOR shall not be required to employ any Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or or amratton to f unish or perform any of the Work against whom CONTRACTOR has reasonable objection. E)CDCOEMLAL CONU TIOM 191" (1990 Ec5Gao) w/ MY Of FORT COLLIM MODIFICATIONS UMN 412000) 6.9. t-mgTRAC"1'OR s}rall Perkyrn not less than 20 percent of the ore _with its own forces. (thatiN without subcontracting). The 20 Itelcent reyuirrmrnt shall h understood to refer a the Work the v rhea of _hich lqtala not less thin' rernt _the CQn_tracl Price 6.8.2. it the Supplententnrv-Conditions BidkRI) Documents require the identity of certain Subcontractors. Suppliers or other persons or organi-imions (includim those who are to furnish the principal items of materials er equipment) to be submitted to OWNF,R in advance of the -specified date prior to the Effective Date of the Agreement for acceptance by OWNER and ENGINEER,—end-+i ,. flaE=k3rilFtn6l -iyiiit—ilia—'Stl�p'>]1lrRentaEF--%.-[31Rdii1f7n&� (' WNER's or ENGINEER's acceptance (either in writing or by failing to make written objection thereto by the date indicated for acceptance or objection in the bidding documents or the. Contract Documents) of A er in INN— Ixtsis-eE rsvrsewrltla-objeetien�Rer-Clue-intia� hNGiNEER. No acceptance by OWNER or ENGINEER of any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization shall constitute a waiver of any right of OWNER or ENGINEER to reject defective Work. 6.9.1. CONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible to. OWNER and ENGINEER for ail ads and omtssio m of the Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons and organizations performing or furnishing any of the Work under a direct or indirect contract with CONTRACTOR just as CONTRACTOR is responsible for CONTRACTORS own acts and omissions. Nothing in the Contract Documents shall create for the benefit of any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization any contractual relationship between OWNER or ENGMER and any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organintiot, nor shop it create any obligation on the part of OWNER or ENMEER to pay or to see to the payment of any moneys due any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organ mtion except as may otherwise be required by Laws and Regulations. OWNER furnish to any subcontractor, supplier or a prayapj.zatio p_evionc� of amowts tmnd tB CONTRACTOR in accordance with CONTRACTOR'S ^Awliratiom for Payment', 13 6.9.2. CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for scheduling and coordimtting the Work of Subcontractors. Suppliers and other persons and organizations performing or furnishing any of the Work under a direct- or indirect contract with m Nv rRACTOR. CONTRAC 0R shall require all Subcontractors, Suppliers and such other persons and organizations performing or furnishing any of the Work to communicate with the ENGINMR through CONTRACTOR. 6.10. The divisions and sections of the Specifications and the identifications of any Drawings shall not control CONTRACTOR in dividing the Work among Subcontractors or Suppliers or delineating the Work to be performed by any specific trade. 6.11. All Work performed far CONTRACTOR by a Subcontractor or Supplier will be ptusumn to an a pprrgapxr ate agreement between CONTRACTOR and the Subwdraetor or Supplier which spedfically binds the Suboameexar or Supplier to the-alrpltoebks .tmats_and Parent Fees and Royalties' EXW GENERAL CONDITIOM 1910-3.OMEet OO 14 W1 a Ty OF FORT COLLIMrvIODIFICATIOM t,'v 4/E000) Permits: 6.13. Unless otherwise provided in the Supplementary Conditions, CONTRACTOR shall obtain and pay for all construction permits and licenses. OWNER shall assist CON rRACTOR, when necessary, in obtaining such permits and licenses. CONTRACTOR shall pay all governmental charges and inspection fees necessary for the prosecution of the Work, which are applicable at the time of opening of Bids. or, if there arc no Bids'. on the Effective Date of the Agreement. CONTRACTOR shall pay all charges of utility owners for connections to the Work, and O4;'VER shall pay all charges of such utility owners for capital costs related thereto such as plant investment fees. 6.34Laws andRegatatinrw: 6.14.1. CONTRACTOR shall give all notices and comply with all Laws and Regulations applicable to fturnishnn and performance of the Work. Except where otherwise otpiessly required by applicable Laws and Regulauona, rivid r. -OWNER nor ENGMER shall be responsible for monitoring CONTRACTOR's compliance with any laws or Regulations. 6,14.2. If CONTRACTOR ,performs any Work knowing or having reason to know that it is contrary to Laws or RegulattQM CONTRACTOR shall bear .it ntni,,,s chess Inaaea sod daetaaes caused bv_ not be.CONTRACTOR'sp�t ary responsibility to make certain that the Specifications and Drawings are in accordance with Laws and Regulations, but this shall tact rohtve CONTRACTOR of CONTRACTOR's obligation under neragraph 3.3,2. Taxes: 6.15. CONTRACTOR shall Pay all sales, cor"Ier, use and other similar ttiroea required to be paid by CONTRACTOR in ttoca]taive with the Laws and Regulations of the place of the project which are applicable during the performance of the Work 6JIL MjMAM St@La dedlnthe Corilcact.prax- Ca1M0 Rpm ent ofRevemae State Cogtal Annex '-a 1375 Sherman Street Chnon cr,.Colorado, 80261 Sales and Use Ta.Nes for .the State or Colorado Rggiga l_ Tramsp motion District _(2TL and certw 1Uado counties are collected by the State of orcradt and, are lriefwded in the Certification, of G�e�Uon, All applicable Sales and lase Taxes (ncludira State x llectrd taxes ). on any items other than construction and building materials physically incorporated into thr p_ro�ect are to he Amid by_CONTRACTUR_and._are to be included in aporoEriatr bid items. Use of Premises: 6.16. CONTRACTOR shall confine construction equipment, die storage of materials and equipment and the operations of workers to the site and land and areas identified in and permitted by the Contract Documents and other land and areas permitted by Laws and Regulations, rightswf--way, permits and casements, and shall not urretsohrably encumber the premises with construction equipment or other materials or equipment. CONTRACTOR shall assume full responsibility for any damage to any such land or area, or to the owner or occupant thereof or of any adjacent land or areas, resulting from the performance of the Work Should any claim be made by any such owner or occuprant became of the performance of the Work, CONTRACTOR shell promptly settle with such other parry by negotiation or otherwise resolve the claim by arbitration or other dispute to thefullest e lion proceeding or at law. CONTRACTOR gaunt permitted by Laws and Regulations, indemnify and bold }armless OWNER, ENGINEER, ENGiNEERs Consultant and anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them from and against all clains, costs, losses and damages arising out of or resulting frown any claim or action, legal or equitable, brought by any such owner or occupant agathmst OWNER. ENGINEER or any otter party indemutified hereunder to the extend caused by or based upon CONTRACTOKs performance of the Work. 6.17. During the progress of the Work CONTRACTOR shtaR keep the premises Gee from accumulations of waste materials, rubbish and otter debris resulting from the Work. At the completion of the Wok CONTRACTOR snau remove an waste matmats, rutrtmstr am and about the promises as well as all tools; construction equipment and machinery a materials. CONTRACTOR shall ]cave the sil ready for occupancy by OWNER at Completion of the Wreck. CONTRACTOR slur original condition all property not designiated.f by the Gmtract Documents. 6,1t. CONTRACTOR shalt not load not permit any part of any structure to be loaded in any roamer that will endanger the, structure, no shall CONTRACTOR subject any part of the Work or adjacent property to stresses or pressures that win endanger it Record Documears; E MC uarmitAL COM-Voids 1910s u990E(Itim) WI CITY OF FORT CO1.Ln4s MOOIPICAT1ONS tRt V 42DaaT 6.19. CONTRACTOR shall maintain ma safe place at the site ono record copy of all Drawings. Specifications, Addenda. Wriucrt Atncridnients. Change Orders, Work; Change Directives, Field Orders and written interprttadoms and clarifications (issued pursuant to paragraph94) in good order and annotated to show all changes made during construction. These record documents together with all approved Samples and a counterpart of all approved Shop Drawings will be, available to LNGIN'EER for reference. Upon ompletion of the Work- and prior. to redeasc_oif final_pa_yIngn these record doaunenl .Samples and $pup Drawings will be deliveredtokiNGINHER forMNER Mfery and Protection: 6._U. CONTRACTOR shot be responsible for iodating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and prog ums in connection with the Work. CONTRACTOR shall take all neccssary precautions for the safety oC and shall provide the necessary protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to: 6.20.1. all persons on the Work site or who may be affected by the Wort:; 6,211.2. all the Work and materials and equipment to be incorporated thereiN'whether in storage on or off the site; and 6.20.3. other property at the site or adjacent thereto, including trccs, shrubs, lawns; walks, pavements, roadways, structures, utilities and Urxfergraoid Facilities not designated for removal relocation or replacement in the course of coxhstntct ern, CONTRACTOR shall comply with at applicable Laws and Regulations of any public body having jurisdiction fix safety of persons or property or to protect. them Gan damage, injury or loss; and shall erect and maintain all necessary safeguards for such safety and protection. CONTRACTOR shall notify owners of adjacent property and of Underground Facilities and utility owners when prosecution aC the Work may affect them, and shall cooperate with dvin in the protection, removal, relocation and replacement of their property. All damegge, injury or loss to any property referred to in paragrapFss 0.20.2 or 6,203 caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in put, by CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor, Supplier or any other person or organization directly cc 'indirectly employed by any of them to perform or furnish any of the Work or anyone for whose acts an of them may be Sable, stall be remedied by CONTRACTOR (except damage or loss attributable to the fault of Drawings or Specifications or to the acts or omissions of OWNER or ENGINEER or LNGINEEIrs Consultant or anyone employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, and not attributable, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, to the fault or negligence of CONTRACTOR or any Subcontractor. Supplier or other person or organization directly or indirectly employed by any of them). CONTRgCTOWs ditties and responsibilities for the safety and protection of the Work shall continue until -such time as all the Work is completed and ENGINEER has issued a 15 notice to OWNER and CONTRACTOR in accordance with paragraph 14.13 that the Work is acceptable (except as otherwise egxmly provided in connection with Substantial Completion). 6.21. Sajeity Representative CONTRACTOR shall designate a qualified and experienced safety representative at the site whose duties and reTont abilities shall be the prevention of accidents and the maintaining and supervising of .-Afety piveautiort_s and prugams. Hazard Communication Programs: 6.22. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for coordinating any txchenge of material safety data sheets or other hazard communication information required to be made available to or exchanged between or among employers at the site in accordance with Laws or Regulations. Fmergencier 623. In emergencies affecting the safety or protection of persons or the Work or pruperty at the site or adjacent thereto, CONTRACTOR, without special instruction or authorization from OWNER or ENGINEER, is obligated to act to prevent threatened damage, injury or loss. changes in the Work or variadtats from the Contract Documents have been caused thereby. If ENGINEER. determines that a change in the Contract Documents is required because of the action taken by CONTRACTOR in response to such an emergency, a Work Change Directive or Change Order will be issued to document the consequences of such action 6.24. Shop DrawingsandSa)*es. 6.24.1. CONTRACTOR shall submit Shop Drawings to ENGINEER for review and approval rn accordance with the aocepted scheule of Shop Drawings and as materials and similar data to show ENGtNhhK the materials and equiptiart CONTRACTOR proposes to provide and to affable ENGINEER to review the inhartnatiort for the limited purposes .required by paragraph 6.2fi. 6.24.2. CONTRACTOR shall also submit Samples to ENGINEER for review and approval in accordance with said socepted schedule of Shop Drawings and Sample submittals. Each Sample will be identified clearly as to material, Suppiia pertinent data such as catalog numbers and the use tier which intended and otherwise as ENGINEER may require to enable ENGINEER to review the submittal for the limited E)CDCGbWU.AL CON01110M 191" a"0Ednim) 16 wJ aTYOF FORT 0OUIN3 MODIFIOATIOMOLEV42000) purposes required b)" trrrauaph6.26 The numbers of each Sample to be submitted will be as 4vcirted in the Specifications. 6.25. Subrninal Procedures: 6.25.i. Before submitting each Shop Drawing or Sample, CONE"RAC70R shall have determined and verified: 625" 1.1. all field measurements, quantities, dimensions. specified performance criteria. installation requirements, materials catalog numbers and similar information with respect thereto, 6.25.1.. all materials with respect to intended use, fabrication, shippppiang, handling, storage, assembly and instal�tion pertauung to the peformance of the Work, and 6.25.L3. all information relative to CONTRACTOR's sole responsibilities in respect of means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction and safety precautions and programs incident thereto, CONTRACTOR shall also have reviewed and coordinated each Shop Drawing of Sample with other Shop 'Drawings and Samples and with the requirements of the Work and the Contact Documents: 6.25.2. Each submittal will bear a stamp or specific written indication that CONTRACTOR has satisfied 00NTRACfOR's obligations tinder the Conuact Documents with respect to CONTRACTOR's review and approval of that. subminal. 6.25.3. At the time of each submission, CONTRACTOR shell dive ENGINEER specific wtittennotice of such vansdons, if any, that the Shop Drawing or Sample submitted may have from the requirements of the Contract Documents. such notice to be in a written communication sepamm from the 6.2fi: ENGINEER will review and approve Shop Druvemigs and Samples in accordance with the schedule of Slop Drawing and Sample submittals accepted by ENGDMIM as required by paragraph 19. E INEER's review and approval will tit only to determine if theitems oovered by the submittals will, after installation or incorporation in the Work. oonfcrm to the information given in the Contract Documents acid be compatible with the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole as indicated by the Contract Documents. ; ENGINEEWs review and approval will not =teinrd to means, methods, tecbniqum sequences or procedures of construction (except where a particular means, method, technique, sequence or procedure of construction is slxcifically and espressly called for by the Contract Documents) or to safety precaulions or programs incident thereto. The review and apprun'al of a separate item as such will not indicate approval of the assembly in which the item functions. CONTRACTOR shall make corrections required by ENNGINEER, and shall return the required number of corrected copies of Shop Drawings and submit as required new Samples for review and approval. CONTRACTOR shall duecl specific attention in writing to revisions other than the corrections called for by ENGMMER on previous submittals. 6.27 ENG(NK R's review and approval of Shop Drawings or Samples shall) not relieve CONTRACTOR from responsibility for any variation tium the requirements of the Contract Documents unless CONTRACTOR has in writing called ENU1NEETYs .attention to each such variation at the time of submission as required by paragraph 6,25.3 and ENGINEh]2 has given written approval of each such variation by a speck written notation thereof incorporated in or accompanying the Shop Drawing or Sample approval; nor will any approval by ENGINEER relieve CONTRACTOR from responsibility for complying with the requirements of paragraph 6.25.1- 623. WhLre a Shop Drawing or Sample is required by the Contract Documents or the schedule of Shop Drawing and Sample submissions accepted by ENGTNEF,R as required by paragraph 2.9. any related Work performed pnorto ENGINEER'S review and approval of the pertinent submntal will be at the sole expense and responsibility of CONTRACTOR Continuing the Wamk: 6.29. CONTRACTOR shall carry on the Work and adhere to the progress schedule during all disputes or disagreements with OWNER. No Work shall be delayed or postponed pending resolution of any disputes or disagreements, except as permitted by paragraph 155 or as OWNER and CONTRACTOR may otherwise agree in writing. 630. CONT&ICTOR's GrAcral Warranty and Qarantee• 6.30.1. CONTRACTOR warrants and gpararitees to OWNER, ENGINEER and ENGINEEWs Consultants that all Work will be in accordance with the Contract Documents and will not be defective. CONTRACTOR's warranty and guarantee hereunder excludes defects or damage caused by:, abuse, modification or improper maintenance or operation by persons other than CONTRACTOR, Subcontractors or Suppliers or 630.1.2. normal wear and tear under normal usage. 6.30.2. CONTRACTOR'S obligation to perform and complete the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents shall be absolute. None of the following will constitute an acceptance of Work that is not in EXI)CUTNERALCON MONS 1910-8 I1990E(ition) wf (17Y OF FORT COLLIM MODIFICATIONS ("V 4/2000) accordance with the Contract Documentx or a release of CONTRACTOR'S obligation to perlixm the Work in accordance with the Contract l)ucuments. 6.302.1, observations by EN,01NEER: recommendation of any progress or final payment by ENGLNEER: 6.302.3. the issuance of a certificate of Sulstantial Completion or any payment by OWNER to CONTRACTOR under the Contract Documents, 6.30.2A use or occupancy of the Work or any part thereof by OWNE12; 6.302.5. any acceptance by OWNER or any failure to do so; 630.2.6. any review and approval of a Shop Drawing or Sample submittal or the issuance of a notice of acceptability by ENGINEER pursuant to paragraph 14.13; 6.30.27 any inspection, test or approval by others; or 6,30.2.8. any correction of defective Work by OWNER Indeawijfoadon: 6.31. To the fulled extent permitted Regulations, CONTRACTOR shall rode harmless OWNER, Consultants and the offi( and other consultants of against all claims, costs, but not limited to, all architects, attorneys and or arbitration orother di: arising out of or resultii Work, provided that any (i) is attributable to box death, or to injury to or (other than the Work ti resulting therefrom,m and by any negligent act cr o carecetyor tnanr or flgnish any i of them may in ppart' eery n indeat ad he upon such in& regardless of th Laws and arm hold sch and any of them from and losses and damages (including, 'ees and charges of engineers, e or or gin the performance of claim, cost, lass or llama niurv. sickness. disease by or 632. In any and all claims against OWNM or ENGINEER or arty of their respective consultants, agents, officers, directors or employees by any employee (or the survive or personal tcpreaerttative of such employee) of CONTRACTOR; airy SubcontmCt(x, any, Supplier, any person or orgartimtion directly or indirectly employed by 17 any of them to perform or furnish any of the Work or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, the indemnification obligation under paregraph6.31 shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for ('ONT1u4CTOR or any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization under workers' compensation acts, disability benefit acts or other employee benefit acts. 6.33. The indemnification oblt'gations of CONTRACTOR under p aragrapih 6.31 shall not extend to the liability of ENGINEER and ENGINNEERR's Consultants. officers, directors, employees or agents caused by the professional negligence, errurs or omissions of any of them. &wWval ofObl4aaons: 6.34. All representations, indemnifications, warranties and guarantees made in, required by or given in secardmtce with the Contract Documents, as well as all continuing obligations indicated in the Contract Documents, will survive final payment, conipledon and "tome of the Work and termination or completion of the Agreement. ARTICLE 7—OTHER WORK Related Work at Site: 7.1. OWNER may perform other work related to the proied at the site by OWNEWs own forces, or let other direct contracts therefor which -shall contain Gencral Conditions similar to these, or kave`atherwcrk.performed by utility owners, If the fact Ow such other woik is to be performed was not noted in the Contract Documents, then: (i) written notice thereof will be given to CONTRACTOR prior to. starting any such other work and (n) CONTRACTOR may make a claim therefor as and will only cut or afar then work ENGINEER and the others wi The duties and r bilities this paragraph are the bend other cotmmdoss to the extem and s by and ONTRACTOR under ach utility owners and . there are comparable E!t'O G84 MALCONVIMONS 19108(t990EMM) 18 wl aTY OF FORT COLLIM MODIIICATIOM(AEV 42000) provisions for the benefit of CONTRACTOR in %iid direct contracts between OWNER and such utility owners and other contractors. 7.3. 1f the proper execution or results of any part of CONTRA('I'OR's Work depends upon work performed by others under this Article 7, CONTRACTOR shall inspect such other work and promptly report to ENGINEER in writing any delays, defects Jr deficiencies in such other work that render it unavailable or unsuitable for the proper execution and results of CONTRACTOR's Work. CONITRACTOR's failure so to report will constitute an acceptance of such other work as fit and proper for integration with CONTRACTOR's Work except for latent or nomppnrent defects and deficiencies in such other work. Coordination: T4. If OWNER contract-, with others for the performance of other work on the Project at the siti, the following will be set forth in Supplementary Conditions: 7.4.1. the person, fin or corporation who will have authority and responsibility for coordination of the activities among the various prime contractors will be identified-, 7.4.2. the specific matters to be covered by such authority and responsibility will be itemized; and 7.4,3. the extent of such authority and responsibilities will be provided. Unless otherwise provided in the Supplementary Conditions, OWNER shall love sole authority and responsibility in respect of such coordiration, ARTICLE 8-OWNEWS IES 8.1. Except as otherwise provided in these Gen" Conditions OWNER shall issue all communications to CONTRACTOR throughENGINEER 8.2, In case of termination of the employment of ENGINEW OWNER shall appoint an maer,e w}aso Mitts status'under the Cotttt'ad Dowma* shmll be that of the former iNGMER 8.3. OWNER shall famish[ the data required of OWNER under the Contract Documents promptly and shall make payments to CONTRACTOR promptly when they are due as provided in paragraphs 14A and 14.13. 8.4. OW`Mls duties in respect of providing lands and easements anrd providing mtgmuwntg sure�eyyss to establish reference points are set fordo m pan)gmpha 4A and 4.4. Parograph4.2 refers to OWNER's identifying and making available to CONTRACTOR copies of reports of explorations and tests-cf subsurface conditions at the site and drawings of physical conditions in existing structures at or contiguous to the site that have been utilized by EX(ANEER in preparing the Contract r cuments gs...__�L1�bE12'srasptart>iliilRies-act r�e�-tr€purrhasing q:1 a; ruaU}fining IiabrlNy-and-prfperiv rstvtinbr anti -set ;.,rh in rmrajaphs:i.cthrough 5. in. 8'6 OWNER NER is obligated 10 execute Change Orders as indicated in paragraph 10.4, 97, OWNER's responsibility in respsct of certain inspections. tests and approvals is set forth in paragraph 13.4. SX In connection with OWNER's right to stop Work or suspend Work, see paragraphs 13 if) and 15.1. Paragraph 152 deals with OWNERS right to terminate services of CONTRACTOR under certain circumstances. 9,9. The OWNER shall not anpervise, direct or have control or authority over. no tx responsible for, CONTRACTOR's means, methods, techniques,, sequences or procedures of construction or the safety precautions and programs incident thereto, or for any failure of (X)NI'RAG'I'OR to comply with laws and Regulations applicable to the furnishing or peribnnance of the Wok. OWNER will nMnt be resptmsibk for CONTRACTOR's failure to perform or furnish the Wok in accordance with rite Contract Documents. aK&n$dnnBlStS—17aYd-��eetl---m9dB-4�-6aFS5�--�W{>� respotasi?�ik�-ut-respetak•t}nuresf-will-tea fls set-�fOrt}r-tn-Eha ARTICLE 9-EIVCINEER'S STATUS DURING CONSTRUCTION OII NER's Representative; 9.1. ENGINEER will be OW'NER's representative curing the constructiot period. The dufies and responsibilities and the limitations of authority of ENGINEER as OWNER's representative during contraction are set forth in the Contract Documents and shall not be w4ended without written consent of OWNER rail ENGINEER rsits to Site; 9 2. ENGINEER will make visits to the site at intervals appppxrooppnnate to the various stages of cortaniction as ENClldv'EER deems necessary in order to observe as an experienced and qualified design professional the progress EJCDC (;E7*XAL CONDIMNS 1910.8 (1990 Ed'itia;i w,'w rY Or roar COLLIM mitJunrlCAnONS (REV anoao) that has been made and the quality of the various aspecis of CONTRACTOR's executed Work- Based on information obtained during such visits and c&ervations. ENGINEER. will endeavor for the benefit of OWNER to determine, in general, if the Work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. ENGI.NEPR will not be required to make exhaustive or continuous on - site inspections to check the quality or quantity of the Work. ENGINEER's efforts willbe directed toward providing for OWNER a greater degree of confidence that the completed Work will conform generally to the Contract Documents, On the basis of such visits =1 on - site observations, ENGNEER will keep OWNER informed of the progress of the Work and will endeavor to guard OWNER against defeceve Work. ENGINEER's visits and on -site observations are subject to all the limitations on ENGINEWs authority and responsibility set forth inpa ragraph 9.13, and particularl1yy, but without limitation, duririg or as a result of ENGINEER's on -site visits or observations of CONTRACTOR'- Work ENGINEER will not supervise, dira:L corarol or have authority over or be responsible for GONTRAC YOR's means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of oonstniction, or the safety precautions and programs incident thereto, or for any failure of CONTRACTOR to comply with Laws and Regulations applicable to the furnishing or perfcmtance of the wok. PrrJectRgrrestnofivu 9,1 If OWNER and ENGINEER agree, ENGINEER will furriish a Resident Project Representative to assist ENGINEER in providnng more continuous observation of the Work. The re bilitiea and authority and limitat ms thenton of any such Resident Project Representative and assistants will be as provided in paragraphs 9.3 and 9.13 aM in £Miens of these General Conditions. If OWNER dE.4i NIPS another re bye or agent to represent O et the site is not ENGINEERS Consultant, a&W or employee, the responsibilities and authority and limitations thereon of such other person will be as provided in GorAtietbmmuL23 U j — These tr�otive's dealipgs in matters mertamtra tothe oroliework will to a neral, be with the ENGINEER and CONTRACTOR But. the RepreslmtaGve will ':keep the OWNER Zropaerly advised alnout such matters The $epreseataWIX deal with subcontractors will only be throiahor with the full knowledge and approval the CONTRACT0$ 93.2. _ Duties and_Patiosibilitie& Reoresentative tan - Review the �rcxnress 19 schedule and other schedules prepared by the CONTRACTOR:. and .,_cpnsult ._.wadh_._.,thz FIN(iiNFER concerning acadability. Conce'"" g and hiWirg, - AtteRJ meetitm with the CUNTRAt"f'OR such W preconstirtaction . Gmferenoes,_.fx_cE�r?ss_ meedn�s and p er b conferences and--gepare and circa, to cuptes oCmtnutts oCmgelmg Liaison 9.323.1. Serve as FNGCNEFWR j liaison with CONTRACTOR work, a txincioallv through COId rRe4C1 UR'S superintendent to assist the CONTRACTOR in tlnderstartchrlg the Contract lJocgracri o a a z I Aeaist n_ obte_ fining from OWNER a a«ml deiails or infarman m, when reaima for Ixomx oxeculm of the Work d CONTRAGfO of the commencement . Wmk n-aui—'rat a Shop_ Lram or sampic sulm,ogg lLthe suhnission has not txcr a�xpved by t}le �itdGiNE)a"R. 9: a a Review of Wrrk� Reieefi�+'_.'124�SaY �11b>snections and Tests - 93 2 4 3 Corldtut Milk abaetvat� ra t�f e�>�' in t �t thI4W e ork is mg to n d9++ ivM, the contract Dome ft • J ' b° is .qp. } 1i .��, e�E�iS! 1 t ieS�+11:J.'>•S''.:i. tact hen c[arit Lions and i of the Contract tcmalntt to o three, Contract ents'as issu v e Effl*1 9326 Modlfiwticns Consider and evaluate CONTRACTOR'S suggestions for EXDC GEMMAL CONptTiOM 1910-8.(IM E"M) 20 wlcarroFFotlTiot.larrsmloolFtcaMNSOttynnoopl modification in PraN ines ur Soecitications and repnrt thew rmommendatipm to EN Accurateh transmit to CGI�EC.R, CONTRACTOR decisions issued dw_ the ENGINEER. 9 3 2.7.,Reeords. S?.3.= 7). A-4iintain at the Rrpresenlative's LTc_INI GEK 1i tir particularly the relationshi h of the tai%ment requested to the schedule of Talucs, work completed and materials and cvuinment deliverer] at the site but not inccapdxatcd in the 9.3._.IG. Completion Before ENGINEER issues a Ccrtikift. c,f Substantial CbmpletB submit io CONtiTRACTOR a list of observed items MLLUnm ccvrcYtia- oor comyletion Conduct final i~nspegton in the company of the KNGINEIiR. OWNF3t and CONTRAC—FOR and_prccmre a fret] list of items to be corrected or completed. J. ?.10.3_ _ Observe that all items on the final list have heen cmTectcd or completed and make recommendations to ENVG11NEER owcermng acceptance 9.3.3. Limitation of Authority The Representative shall not:,_Authorize .any deviations ._from .the Contract I�ocumhents or acc any su �iiute maleci?Js Qt ecltt meat _tatlls atltlm�iz l byl._thz EN(iDNJTR_ 3.3.2_. Exceed limitations of ENG1 i XS aurhorty as sec forth in the Cortuaei Documents. 993.3 3. undertake my of the res.,,ponaibilitles of the- CONTRACTOR. Submtttracturs or Q.-OH4 ..Iic'iCIMS_An:R�rlI1 oka $..a.3._4�. _Ij„cjyj.�ott ouj�n .¢�tiorns relggve to- ar assume control over any %W� lnf the mean _ methods, wohniguesc1Vences , or goedw fine cot maim artless such -V-m 1call called for in the Contract Documentsk. Advise on or issue directions Le:$aLrallg t� assume �l1It41_ fiver sattly pprreeM tiros a� in a chores with the Work, 9 3.6. Ace e „_.Shoo Draw' r or sample submittals frame anyone other than tea 9PNTRACTO$, Authorize OWNER to occupy the Work in whole or in Dw. Participate in sIalized Sold fix laburatoa tests or coons conducted by others 4ece toa L stneci ica 1I, authorized by the ENGINEER. Clanfreatfom and Interpretations: 9.4. ENGINEER will issue with reasonable promptness such written clarifications or interpretations of the EX''DC (3ENERAL COM)InONS 19i" (199e Edtimr) wt CITY Or Foxe WUA NS M Wm7CATIONS ptEV 412(M) requirements of the Contract Documents (in the Corm of Drawings or otherwise) as ENGINTEER may determine necessary, which shall be consistent with the intent of and reasoably inferable from the Contract Documents. Such written clarifhcatiors and interpretations will be binding, on OWNF,R and CONTRACTOR If 0WNU or CONTRACTOR believes that a written clarification or interpretation justifies an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract T imes and the parties are unable to agree to the amount or extent thereof if any, OWNER or CONTRACTOR may make a written claim therefor ties provided in Article 11 or -Article 12. Authonzed Fk iadans in cork: 9.5. ENGINEER may authorize minor variations in the Weak from the requirements of the Contract Documents which do not involve an adjustment in the Contract Pace or the Contract Times and are compatible with the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole as indicated by the Contract Documents These maybe accomplished by a Field Order and will be binding an OWNER and also on CONTRACTOR who shall perform the Work involved promptly. If OWNER or CONTRACTOR believes that a Field Order justifies an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract Times and the parties are unable to agree as to the amount or extent thereof, OWNER or CONTRACTOR may make a written claim therefor as provided in Article 11 or 12 RejectingWed&e Work: 9,6. ENGINEER will have authority to disappprrove or reject Work which ENGINEER believes to be r fecrive, or that INGINEER believes will not product a completed Project that conforms to the Contract Documents or that will prejudice the integrity of the design concept of tha completed Project as a frnnctioni whole as indicated by the Contract Doctmtetitss. ENG will also have authority to require special inspection or testing of the Work as provided in paragraph 13.9, whether or rot the Work is fabricated, inttalted or completed. Shop Drawings, Gkange Orders and Payments: 93. In cotmectim with ENGINEER's authority as to Shop Drawings and Samples, see paragraphs 6,24 through 6.28 inchtsive. 9.8. In cormection with ENGINEERs authority as to Change Orders, we Articles 10,11, deal 12. 9.9. In connection with ENGIMERs authority as to Applhcations for payment, see Article 14. Deteroduadonsfor Unit i" r eAw 9.10. ENGINEER will detannine the actual quantities and classifications of Unit price Work perforated by CONTRACTOR. ENGiNF.ER will review with CONTRACTOR the ENGINEER's preliminary determinations on such matters before rendmi% a written decision thereon (try recommendation of an Application 21 0 a: ti C=) r - m N 0 9 C.D a CV AttENDANCE RECORD PRE9w CONFERENCE. Phgect: 9951 Oak Sueat Plaza Time: 10:00 a.m. Data: December 19, 2005 LocatlorF:215 N. Masan 2A PRIM PRINTADDRESS TELEPHONE FAX # E-MAIL ADDRESS NAME FIRM NAME 7—/o �C�S ��i. (C7i 9 /�-�-� ._ 'v ��V"LGYA��� ��r".a--�:J L'�l,Fi7►`C�L �f r�fsrr kV ,ff / s7 J f Fir Uf ,✓rJ�` �N�� L.�ofv� 2 Ccwrr+�T�r-c Co Pd �vx JZ_9 9�1J 39y o�3�% !j�%�i �9x a64S C�.3"SLEarvEc43Z f�rwc,^�< 6,0J7Z� cvAZ at 05F IY� C�GCIy! $ +'f fPIfIKS 7 �U*!(tZZ4U I ruZTi�- �dtlG�l�i��'E/401/'Z4 ( l 54t.--17`77 �fLCV4.+ [�t.�trcl� 02[5 N *tOWM t fWpc"r ' "NtiL-F, 7IZ _94ff ZV'''S%MW Z.�3*i8-S3 St OSC4mt PW We AUAV--14"4&e oica tin Payment or otherwise). ENGIN M's written decision thereon will be final and binding upon O4\'INT-R and CONTRACTOR, unless. within ten days after. the date of any such decisiorx either 014NER cc CONTRACTOR delivers to the other and to ENGINEER written notice of intention to appeal from 6NGINfxER's decision and- (i) an appeal from ENGINEER's decision is taken within the time limits and in accordance with the procedures set forth in Exhibit GC:A, "Dispute Resolution Agreement", entered into between OWNER and CONTRACTOR pursuant to Article 16, or (ii) if no such Dispute Resolution Agreement I'm been entered into, a formal proceeding is instituted by the appealing party in a forum of competent jurisdiction to exercise such riklhis or remedies as the appealing party may have with respect to ENGINE R's decision, unless otherwise a�eed in writing by OWNER and CONTRACTOR Such appeal will riot be subject to the procedures of paragraph 9.11. Dedsions on Disputer 9.11. ENGINEER will be the initial interpreter of the requimmem of fhe Contract Documents and Judge of'the acceptability of the Work thereunder. Claims, disputes and etlxr matters relating to the seceptability of the Work or the interpretation of the ntquiremenLs of the Contract ants in' to the performance and furnishing of the Work grid claims undo Articles I and 12 in respect of changes in the Contract Price or Contract Times will be referred initiallyto ENGINEER in writing with a request for a formal decision in accordance with this paragraph• Written notice of each such claim, or other matter will be dedivored by the elaimata too 2NOD IZ end the other periy to the Agrec itaut promptly (but in no event later titan thirty days) after the .start of the occurrence or event giving rue thereto. and written suppo�rrita� data will be sultmitted to BMINEER and the tottii party within start of such occarratce or event unless s-ace additional period of time for the aortal or more accurate data in support or I" a vetted by VW14hK Or aid to ENGINEER within such decision and a formal appalling, party m a ftxum of vine such rights or remedies 'accordance with applicable Laws sftay days of the date of such EX=GENERAL CONDITIOM 1910-8 (1990 Editim) -� cal CITY OF FORT OOLLINS MOt)1FICATIONSO1HV 4R000) decision. unless otherwise agreed in writing by OWNER and CON riw'rOR 9.12. When functioning as interpreter and judge under paragraphs9.10 and 9.11. ENGINEER will tux strew partiality to ONVNER or CONTRACTOR and will not be liable in connection with any interpretation or decision rendered in good faith in such capacity. The rendering of a decision by G\GI NE&R pursuant to paragri* 9.10 or 9.11 with respect to any such claim, dispute or other mailer (except any which have been waived by the making or acceptance of final payment as provided in paragraph 14.15) will he a condition precedent to any ever cise by OIbNER or CONTRACTOR of such rights or remedies as either may otherwise have under the Contract lkrcuments or by laws or Regulations in respect of arty such cls inn, dispute or other matter ptx +anEtd>:lrtioks fe. 9.13. Limitations on MYGINEER's AuthoMy and Responslbilttier 9.13.1, Neither ENGINESis authority or responsibility under this Article 9 or under any other provision ofthe Contract Documents nor any decision made by ENGINE Mt in good faith either to exercise or not exercise such authority or responsibility or the undertaking, exercise or performance of any authority or responsibility by ENGINEER shall create, impose or give rise to any duty owed by ENGINEER to CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor, arty Supplier, any other person or orgarazation. or to any surety for or employee or agent of ary of them 9.13.2. INGINEER will not supervise, direct, control or have authority over or be responsible for CONIRACTOR's means, methods. techniques. sequences or procedures of construction, or the safety precautions and programs incident thereto, or for any failure of CONTRACTOR to comply with Laws and Regulatiars applicable to the furnishing or performance of the Work. ENGWEER will not be respor'ble for CONTRACTOR'S failure to perform or furnish the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents 9.13.3. ENGINEER will not be respilaslible for the acts or omissions of CONTFACVOR or of any Subcontractor, an Supplier, or of any other' person or niration pert'crming or furnishing any of the angorak. 9.13A. ENGINEER's review of the final Application for payment and accompanying -documentation and all maintenance and operating matruchorA schedules, guarantees, Bonds and certificates of inspection tests and approvals and other documentation required to be delivered by paragraph 14.12 will only be to determine generally that their c orted complies with the requirements of, and in the case of certificates of inspections, tests and approvals that the results certified indicate compliance with, the Contract Documents. 9.13.5. The limitations upon authority and responsibility ibility scat lorth in this paragraph 9.13 shall also apply to 11(.i1N1 EXi Consult"Ws. Resident Project Representative and assistants. .UR'I VA-V to--t:IL NCF,%IN THE WORK 10.I. Without tmandtuin6 the Agreement and without notice to any surety. 01'47..\ER may, at any time or from time to time, order additions. deletions or revisions in the Work. Such addtions, deletions or revisions will he authorized by a Written Amendment a Change Order. or a Work Change Directive. Upon receipt of any such document, CON"TRACTOR shall promptly proceed with the Work involved which will be performed tinter the applicable conditions of the Contract Documents (except as otherwise specifically provided). 10.2. If OWNER and C'ONTRAC10R are tumble to agree as to the extent, if any, of an adjustment in the Contract Price or an adjustment of the Contract Times that should be allowed as a result of a Work Change Directive, a claim may be made therefor as provided in Article 11 or Article 12. 10.3. CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Times with respell to any Work performed that is mitt required by the Contract Documents as amended, modified and. supplanented as providcd in paragraphs 3.5 and 3.6, except m the case of an 7ergcncy as provided in paragraph 6.23 or in the case of uncovecmg Work as provided to paragraph 13.9. 10.4. OWNER and CONTRACTOR shall cm -cane appropriate Change Orders recommended by ENGU4EER (or Written Amendments) covering: 10-4.1. dtanges in the Work which are (i) ordered by OWNER pursuant to paragraph 10.1, (ii) required because of acceptance of talsfeclive Work under paragraph 13.13 or correcting defective Work under paragraph 13.14, or (iii) agreed to by the parties; 10.4.2. changes in the Contract Price or Contract Times which are agreed to by the patties; and 10.4.3. changes in the Contract Price or Contract Times which embody the substance of any written decision rendered by ENGINEER pursuant to paragraph 9.11,, provided that, in lieu of executing any such Charge Order, an appeal may be taken from any such decision in accordance with the provisions of the Contract Documents and applicable Laws and Regulations, but during any such spl, CONTRACTOR shall carry on the Work and adhere to the progress schedule as provided in paragraph 6.29. 10.5. If notice of any change affecting the general scope of the Work or the provisions of the Contract Documents EX-Dc(; News. CONDI.11ONS 1910-3(1990 Edtiat) V QTY OF FORT C OMANS MOOIN CATIONS (MV 4.12(taa) (including but not limited to, Contma Mice or Contract Times) is required by the provisions of any Bond to be given to a surety, the giving of any such notice will be CONTRACTOR's responsibility, and the amount of each applicable Bond will be adjusted accordingly. ARTICLE 11—CHANGE OF CONTRACT PRICE 11.1. 7'hC Contract Price constitutes the total compensation (subject to authorized adjustment;) payable to CONTRACTOR for performing the Work. All duties, responsibilities and obligations "'or undzrtaken by CONTRACTOR shall beat C�O�'RAC'TOR's expense without change in the Contrad Pi ice. t 12. The Contract Price may only be changed by a Change Order or by a Written Amendment. Any claim for an adjustment in the Comma Price shall be based on written notice delivered by the party making the claim to the other party and to ENGINEER ptYmtpdy (but in no event later than Urirty days) after the start of the occurrence or event giving rise to the claim and stating the gereml nature of the claim. Notice of the amount of the claim with supporting data shall be delivered within sixiy days after the start of such occurrence or event (unless aawtionw or more accurate data in support or the Clain) and shall be accrmtpattied by claimant's written statement that the adjustment claimed Covers all known atnoimts to which the claimant is entitled as a resent of said occurrence or event All claims for adjustment in the Cottract Price shall be 40ertmued ENGINEER in accordance with paragmph9,11 if OWNER and CONTRACTOR cannot otlerwisezagree on the amount involved. No claim for an adjusst i in the Contract Prim will be valid if riot submitted in seem*= with this paragraph 11.2. 113. The value of any Work covered) by a Change Order or of any claim fir an adkniotent in the Contract Price will be determined as &allows: 11.3.1. where the Work involved is covered by unit prices contained in the Contract Documents, by application of such unit prices to the quantities of the items involved (subject to the provisions of 23 paragraphs 11.9.1 through 11.93, inclusive), 11.3'. where the Work involved is not.cuvertd by unit prices contained in the Contract Documents, by a mutually agreed payment basis, including lump stun (which may include an allowance for overhead and profit not necesurity in accordance with paragraph 11,62), 1 1 .3.3. where the Work involved )s net covered by llmt prices contained in the Contract Documents and agreement to a lump sum is not reached under paragraph 11. 32, on the basis of the Cost of the Work (determined as provided in paragraphs 11.4 and 11.5) plus a C.ONTRACTOR's fee for overhead and profit (determined as provided in paragraph 11,6). Cosr off be Work 11.4. The term Cost.of the Work means the sum of all costs tlecessazily; inetrtYd and paid by CONTRACTOR in the proper performance of the Work. Except as otherwise may be agreed to in writing by OWNER, such cents shall be in amounts no higher than those prevailing in the locality of the project, shall include only the following items and shall not include any of the costs itemized in paragraph) 1.5: 11A.1.Payroll costs for ,employees in the direct employ of CONTRACTOR in the performance of the Work under schedules of job classifications agreed upon by OWNER and CONTRACTOR. Such employees shall include without limitation superiamen rtterdents'forand other personnel employed fidwme at 'tile site. Payroll coats for employees not anpioyed fall4icme on the Work shall be apportioned on this basis of then time spent on the Wnrk. Pavroll costs shallL-Ah net be limited for tint wages plus the cost of stall include social seci264 Of rk gaff regular or legal holidays. extent authorised field cash to to make paymerits, in which case =a from sale of Sian accrue to make provisions 11.4.3. payments made by CONTRACTOR to, the Subcontractors fir Work performed or famished by Subcontractors. if requited by OWNER, EXWOE?*XNL CONAr19ONS 1910-8 (1990 Men) 24 err/ UTY OF FORT OOLUM MOOIIRCATtONS atEV 4120n0) CONTRACTOR shall obtaut wrnpetitive bids from Subcontractors acceptable to 01NNER and CONTRACTOR and shall deliver such bids to OWNER who will then determine, with the advice of ENGTNEER. which bids, if any, will be accepted. If any subcontract provides that the Subcontractor is to be paid on the basis of Cost of the Work plus a fee, the Subcontractor's Cost of the Work and fee shall be determined in the same manner as CONTRACTOR's Cost of the Work arxl fee as provided in paragraphs 11 A, 11.51 11.6 and 11.7. All subwntracts shall be subject to the other provisions of the Contract Documents insofar as applicable. 11.4A. Costs of special consultants (including but not limited to engineers, architects, testing laboratories, surveyors. attorneys and accountants) employed for services specifically related to the Work. 11.43. Supplemental costs including the following: 11,4.5.1. The proportion of necessary transportation, travel and subsistence expenses of' CONTRACfOR's employees incurred in discharge of duties connected with tlx: Work. Cast, including transportation and maintenance, of all material4 supplies, equipmem, machinery, appliances, office and temporary faculties at the site and hand tools not owned by the workers, which arc co nstuned in the performance of the Work, and cost less market value of such items used but not consumed which remain the property of CONTRACTOR. 11 A 5.3. Rentals of all construction eWipmem and machinery and the pacts thereof whether rented from CONTRACTOR or others in accordance with rental agreements approved by OWNER with the advice of ENGINEER. and the coats of transportation, loading, tmloadirut, installation, dismantling and removal thereof —ail in accordance with terms of said rental agreements, The rental of any such equipment machinery or parts shale cease when the use thereof is no longer necessary for the Work. I I.4 SA Sales, corsurner, use or similar taxes related to the Work, and for which CONTRACTOR is liable, imposed by Laws and Regulations. Deposits lost for causes other than ngence of CONTRACTOR, any Stxntractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or for whose acts arty of them may be liable, and royalty payments and fees for permits and lice sea Lasses and damages (and related expenses) caused by damage to the Work, not coanpersate d by imurance or otherwise, sustained by CONTRACTOR in connection with the performance and furnishing of the Work (except losses and damages within the deductible amounts of property insurance established by U\4NER in accordance with paragraph 5.9), provided they have resulted lion causes other them the negligence of CONTRACTOR. any Subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or for whose acts mlv of them may be liable. Such losses shall include settlements made with the written consent and approval of OANTNE-_R. No such losses, damages and expenses shall be included in the Cost of the Work for the purpose of determining CONTRACTOR's fee. IT, however, any such loss or damage requires reconstruction and CONTRACTOR is placed in charge thereof. CONTRACTOR "it be pad for services a fee proportionate to that stated m paragraph 11.6.2-- 11,4.5.7. The cost of utilities, Heel and sanitary facilities at the site., Minor expenses such as telegrams, long distance telephone calls, telephone service at the site, expressage and similar petty cash items in connection with the Work, 11.4.59. Cost of premiums for additional Bonds and insurance required because of changes in the Work. 11.5. The term Cost of the Work shall not include any of the following: 11.5.1. Payroll casts and other compensation of CONTRACTOR's officers, executives, principals (of partnership and sole proprietorships), general managers, engineers, architects, estimators, attorneys. auditors. accountants, purchasing and contracting agents, expediters, timekeepers, clerks and other persorvmei employed by CONTRACTOR whether at the site or in CONTRACTOR's principal or a branch office for general administration of the Work and not specifically included in the agreed upon schedule of jot classifications referred to in paragraph 11.4.1 or specifically covered by paragraph 11.4.4--an of Which are to be considered admtttislradve costs covered by the CONTRACTOR'sfee. 11 S Expenses of CONTRACTOR's principal and branch offices other than CONTRACTOR's office at the site. 115.3. Any port of CONTRACTOR'. capital expenses, including interest on CONTRACTOR'S capital employed for the Work and charges against CONTRACTOR for delinquent payments. 11.5.4. Cost of premiums for all Boruls and for all insurance whether or not CONTRACTOR is required by the Contract Documents to purchase and maintain the same (except for the cost of premiums covered by subparagraph above). BX DC GENERAL CONDITIONS 1910-8 (17M Britian) w! CITY OF FORT COLLI NS tMOUIFICATIONS OkEV 42000) 11.55. Costs (hie to the negligence of CONTRACTOR any Subcontractor, or anvV ne directly or indirectly employed by any of them or for whose sets arty of them may be liable. including but not limited to, the correction of ckleclire \fork, disj�r.;nl of materials or equipment wrongly supplied and making good any damage to property. 11.5,6' Other overhead or general expense costs of any kind and the costs of any item not specifically and expressly included inparagmph 11.4 11A Tlx (X)Nl'RACTOR's fee allowed to CONTRACTOR for overhead and profit shall be determined as follows: 11.6.1. a mutually acceptable fixed tee: or 11,62 if a fixed fee is not agreed upon, then a fee based on the following percentages of the various portions of the Cost of the Work: for costs incurred under paragraphs 11.4.1 and 11.4.2. the CONTRACTOR's fee shall be fifteen percent, for costs incurred under paragraph I IA.3, the CONTRACTOR's fee shall be five percent; 11.6.23, where one or more tiers of subcontracts are on the basis of Cost of the Work plus a foe and no fixed fee is agreed upon, the intent of paragraphs 11.4.1, 11.4.2, 11.4.3 and 11.6.2 is that the Subcontractor who actually performs or furnishes the Work, at whatever tier, will be paid a fee of fifteen percent of the costs incurred by such Subcontractor under paragraphs 11.4.1 aril 11.4.2 and that any higher tier Subcontractor and CONTRACTOR will each be 11.6 2.4. no fee shall be payable on the basis of costs itemized tinder paragraphs 1,1.4.4. 11.4.5 and11S; 1 L6.2.5. the amount of credit to be allowed by CONTRACTOR to OWNER for aq which results in a net decrease in cost will amount of the actual not decrease in oast plus a deduction in CONTRACTOR's fee by an amourt equal to five percent of such net decrease; and when bah additions and credits are involved in any one ewe the adjustment in CONTRACTOR's fee stnaii be computed on the basis of the net change in accordance with paragraphs through 11.6.25, inclusive 11.7. Whenever the cast of any Work is to be 25 determined pursuant to paragraphs11.4 and 11 ?. CONTRACTOR will establish and maintain records thereof in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices and submit in form acceptable to ENG=, R an itemized cost breakdown together with supporting data. Cash Allmrances., 11.8. It is understood that CONTRACTOR has included in the Contract Price all allowances so named in the Contract Documents and shall cause the Work so covered to be furnished and performed for such sums as may be acceptable to M NER and ] NGINI I R CONTRACTOR agrees that: 11.8.1, the allowances include the cost to CONTRACTOR (less arry applicable trade discounts) of materials and equipment required by the allowances to be livered at the she, and all applicable taxes; and 11.8.2. CONTRACTOR's costs for unloading and handlitg on the site, labor, installation cosh; overhead, profit and cther expenses contemplated for the allowances have been included in the Contract price and not in the allowances and no demand for additional payment on account of any of the foregoing will be valid. prior to final payment, an appropriate Change Order will be issued as recommended by ENGINEER to reflect actual amowits due CONTRACTOR on account of Work covered coallowances, and the Contract Price shall be rrespondingly adjusted 119. Unit PriceWork 11.9.1. Where the Contract Documents provide that all or pan of the Work is to be Unit Price Work initially the Contract Price will be dawned to include for all Unit Price Work an amount equal to the scan of the established unit prices for each separately identified item of Unit price Work times the estimated quantity of each item as indicated in the Agreement. The estimated quantities of items of Unit Price Work are not guaranteed and are solely for the p, comparison of Bids and determining an imtual Cmtract price. .Determinsboris of the awitai quantities and classiftcnticros of Unit. Price Work performed by CONTRACTOR will be made by ENG]NEi;R. in accordamce with paragraph 9.10. 11.9.2. Each unit price will be deemed to include an at OBA considered by CONTRACTOR to be adequate to cover CONTRACTOR's overhead and profit for each.separ ttely identified item. 11.9.3, OWNER or CONTRACTOR may make a claim for an ad4*nerit in the Coxaract Rice in accordance with Article 11 if. 119.3.1. the clay of any item of Unit Price Work performed by CONTRACTOR differs materially and significantly from the estimated quantity of such item indicated in the Agreement; MIDC GENERAL CONDMON51910S (1990EMOO 26 w/CITY OF FOttTCOLLIM mon1FICATioNsft-V4n(M0D) and there is no corresponding adjustment with respect to any other item of Work; and 11 9.3.3. if COM RACrOR believes that CONTRACTOR is entitled to an incrrasc: in Contract Price as a result of having incurred additional empense or OWNER believes that OWNER is entitled to a decrease in Contract Price and the parties are unable to agree as to the amount of any such increase or decrease. 119.3.4. CONTRACTOR acknuwlalees that the OWNER has the right to add or delete items in the Bid or change ties at OWNER'S sole tiscr'ri.m without inv the Cunitract Price of am rexampm items 'so tong as the deletion or ' ' does of acted to catty -five percent of 9ddiligQ1 e51! the caglnal total Contract price. ARTIC:1,R 12—CHANGE OF CONMCT T M'ES 12.1. The Contract changed by a Chang Any claim, for an Milestones) shall be f the extent r Milestones) may only be or a Written Amendmentt. of the Contract Times (or written notice delivered by to the other party and to no event later than thirty die event ggiiving rise to the -sore of the claim, Notice th sutwalitpt data Shall be accurate data in of the claim) and ftU be accompanied by the smsarift written Batt lient that the adjustment claimed is the entire adjustment to which the claimant has reason to believe it is a tilled as a result of the occurrerice'of said event All claims for e4ust ent in the Contract Times (or Mlestones) shop be detetmirod by ENGINEER in accordance with Imagraph9.t1 if OWNER and CONTRACTOR cannot othawiw agree No. claim for an adjustmer it (he Contract Tithes (or wiuttne requnrements orrmssparagiapa rA.i. 12.2. All time limits stated in the Contract Documents are of the essence of the Agreement 12.3. Where CONTRACTOR is prevented from completing any part of owl Work within the Co nhacl tided in an amount if a claim is in cc neglect b by Article7, fires; floods, epidemics,' abnormal'wes conditions or acts of Gad. Delays attributable to within the control of a Subcontractor or Supplier shall be deemed to ix delays within the control of CONTRACTOR. 12A. Where CONTRACTOR is prevented from inricting any part of the Work within the Contract Times or `,ltlestones) due to delay beyond the control of both % %` 1R and CONTRACTOR, an extension of the Contract Times (or lkfilestones) in an amount equal to the time lost due to such delay shall be CONTR CTOWs sole and exclusive remedy for such delay. In no event shall OWNER be Gable to CONTRACTOR. any Subcontractor. any Supplier, any other person or organization. or to any surety for or employee or agent of any of them, for damages arising out of or resulting from (i) delays caused by or within the control of the CONTRACTOR, or (n) delays beyond the control of both parties including, but not limited to, foes. floods epidemics, abnormal wcuther conditions, acts of God or acts or neglect by utility owners or other contractors performing other work as contemplated by Article 7. ARTICLE 13-.TESTS AND INSPECTTOr SI CORRECTION, "REhfOV I, OR ACCMANCE OF DEIVCTII1V WORK ML NoticeofDef"Is: Prompt notice of all defective Work of which OWNER or ENGINEER have actual knowledge will be given to CONTRACTOR. AR defective Work may be rejected, corrected or accepted as provided in this Article 13. Awns to Work: 13.2. OWNER ENGINEER ENGINEER'S Corsuhaz)K other representatives and personnel of OWNER, independent testing laboratories and governmental agencies with jurisdictional interests will have access to the W mk at nasemble times for their observation, inspecting and testing. CONTRACTOR shall provide them proper and safe conditons for such access and advise them of CONTRACTOR's site safety procedures and programs so that they may comply therewith as applicable Tests turd Ird)aedfons: 13.3. CONTRACTOR stall give ENGINEER .timely notice of readiness of the Work for all required inspections, tests or approvals, and shall cooperate withimpeLtiott and testing personnel to facilitate required inspections or tests. 13.4. OWNER shall employ and pay for the services of an independent testing laboratory to perform all inspections, tests, or approvals required by the Contract Pocvmetms except: 13.4.1. for inspections, tests or approvals covered by paragraph 13.5 below; 13,4.2. that costs incurred in connection with tests or inspections conducted pursuant to paragraph 13.9 FDc cateraAL <roxutnOrns 1910-8 (19" ration) wt e'1TY OF FORT t`t?LL11 A?viWiF'3CAT{OtiS UtEV 4Rta)D) below shall be paid as provided in said paragraph 13.9, and 13.43. as otherwise specifically provided in the Contract Documents. 135. 1f Laws or Regulations of any public body having jurisdiction require any Work (or part thereeol) specifically to be inspected, tested or approved by an employee or other representative of such public body. CONIRAt.-TOR shall assume full responsibilityCcr arranging and obtaining such inspections, tests or approvals pay all costs in connection therewith, and furnish ENGMENR the required certificates of inspection. or approval. CONTRACTOR shall also be responsible for arranging and obtaining and shall pay all costs in connection with any inspecttoms, tests or approvals required for OWi'VERs and HNGINEER's acceptance of materials or equipment to be incorporated in the Work, or of materials, mix designs, or equipment submitted for approval prior to CONTRACTOR's purchase thereof for u1puration in the Work 13.6. If any Work (or the work of others) that is to be inspected, tested or approved is covered by CONTRACTOR without written concurrence of ENGINEER, it must, if requested by ENGINEER, be uncovered for obscnratioa 1337 Uncoveri Work as ided in paragraph 13.6 shall be at 4-ONTRACTQR's expense unless CONTRACTOR has given ENGINEER timely notice of CONTRACTOWs inteation to carer the some and ENGINEER has not acted with reasonable promptness in response to such notice. Uncovering Work: 13.& If any Work is covered contrary to the written .request of ENGMEER, it must, if requested by ENGINEER., be uncovered for ENGIINEER's observation and replaced at CONTRACTOR's expense. 3.9. If ENGINEER considers or at able for observation, irupeobon or t tutg as may require, that pomort of the W in anishing all necessary Labor, material and If it is found dim such Work is defechve, TOR shall pay all claims, costa, losses and red by. arlsnrm out of or resultinafrnn such and of satisfactory replacement ar reconstructicn, (including but not limited to all coats of repair or replacement of work of others); and OWNER shall be entitled to an al ropriate increase in the Contract price, arA if the parties an unable to agree as to the amount thereof, may make a claim therefor as provided in Article ll. IL however, such Work is not found to be defective, CONTRACTOR shall be allowed an increase in the Contract Price or an exitention of the Contract Times (or Milestones), or both, directly attributable to such 27 uncovering, exposure, observation, inspection testing, replacement and reconstruction, and. if the punier are unable to agree as to the amount or extent thereof, CONTRACTOR may make a claim therefiv as provided in Articles 11 and 12. OWWER biay Stop the Work: 13.10. If the Work is defective, or CONTRACTOR fails to supply sufficient skilled workers or suitable materials or equipment, or fails to furnish or perform the Work in wch a way that the completed Work will conform to the Contract Documents, OWNER may order CONTMACTOR to stop the Work, or any portion thereof. until the cause for such order has been eliminated; however; this right of OWNER to stop the Work shall not give rise to any duty on the part of OWNER to exercise dins right for the benefit of CONTRACTOR or any surety or other party. Correction or Removal of Defective Work 13.11. If required by ENGINEER, CONTRACTOR shall promptly, as directed, either correct all defacfie Work, whether or not fabricated, installed or completed, or, if the Work has been rejected by ENGINEER, remove it from the site and replace it with Work that is not defective. CONTRACTOR shall pay all claims, costs, losses and damages caused by or resulting from such correction or removal (including but not limited to all costs of repair a replacement of work of others). 13.12. Crreciion Period: 13.12.1. tf within one )*eaF two Years after the date of Substantial Completion or such longer period of time as may be prescribed by Laws or Regulations or by the terms of any applicable special guarantee required by the Contract Doe mernts or by any specific provision of the Contract Documents, any Work is found to be defecrive. CONTRACTOR shall promptly, without cost to OWNER and in accordance with OWNEWs written instructions: () correct such defective Work or, if it has been rejected by OWNER. remove it from the site and replace it with Wak that is not defective, and (i) satisfactorily correct or remove and replace any damage to other Work or the work of others resulting therefrom. If CONTRACTOR doors M promptly comply with the tams of:auch irnstrt tiorrs or in an emergency where delly woould cause serious risk. of lass or damage, OWNER may have the defective Work corrected or the rejected Work removed and replaced and all claims, casts, losses and damages caused by or resulting from such removal and replacement ('including but not limited to all costs of repair orreplacement of work of others) will be paid by CONTRACTOR 13.12.2, In special circumstances where a particular item of equipment is placed in continuous service before Substantial Complaticn of all the Work the correction period for that item may start to rum from an earlier date if so provided in the Specifications or by Written Amendment 13.12.3. Where defective Work (and damage to other Ent caENERALcotimnom 1910-9(1990E"M) 28 w/ CITY OF FORT (,,K)LU vSMODIFICATIONS OI EV AJ200e) Work resulting therefrom) has been corrected, removed or replaced under this paragraph 13.12, the correction period hereunder with respect to suds Work will be a Aended for an additional period of one-year two year after such correction or removal and replacement has been satisfnctorily completed. Acceptance of Defective Work: 13.13. If. imtcad of rttluiring corretion or removal and replacement of defective Work, OWNER (and, prior to ENGINEER's recommendation of finial payment, also ENGINEER)efers to accept it, Olb'NF,R may do sit CONTRACTOR shall pay all claims, oosts, losses and damages attributable to OWNER's evaluation of and determination to accept such defective Work (such costs to be approved by ENGINEER as to reasonableness), if any such acceptance occurs prim to E'NGINIi`ER's recommendation of filar payment, a Change Order will be issued incorporating the necessary revisions in the Contract Documents with respect to the work, ;and the amount thereof OWNhX maymatce It eman vie as provided in Article 11. If the acceptance occurs such recommendation, an appropriate amount Wdl be by CONTRACTOR to OWNER. OWNER May Correct DefeedueYork: CONTRACTOR fails to perform the W with the Contract Documents. a if COT to comply with any other provision Documents, OWNER may, after sev notice to CONTRACTOR, correct and deficiency, In exercising the TWO an this paragraph OWNER shall Intoceeii the site; takdi possession of all mrporixte in the Work -aft mat at at the site or for which CONTRACTOR but whsklt at CONTRACTOR Mall allow ( ratxesentatives, agents aced emit) contlradm and RN( claims, Costs. OWNER in charged again be issued in respect if Contract price, and, if the es are unable to agree as to the amount thereof, OWNER may make a claim thesder as provided in Article 11. Such claims, cents, losses and damages will include but not be limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others destroyed or damaged by correction removal or replacement of CONfRACTOR's defective LVork. CONTRACTOR shall not be allowed an extension of the Contract Times (or n.lilest,:nes) 1.ec:ause of any delay in performance of the a erk attributable to the exercise lay OWNER of 01kNER's rights and remedies hereurater. ARTICLE 14--PAYNTE-NT'S TO CONNTRACTOR AND COMPLETION .Sehedmle of f ataer. 14.1. The schedule of values established as provided in paragraph 2.9 will serve as the basis for progress payments and will be incorporated into a form of Application for Payment acceptable to ENGINEER. Progress payments on account of Unit Price Work will be based on the number of units completed Application for Progren Payment: i4,2. At least twenty days before the date established for each progress payment (but not more often than once a month), CONTRACTOR shall submit to ENGINEER for review an Appfi ation for Payment filled out and signed by CONTRACTOR coveting the Work completed as of the date of the Application and accompanied by such supporting documentation as is required by the Contract Documents If payment is requested on the basis of materials and equipment not incorporated in the Work but delivered and suitably stored at the site or at another location agreed to in writing, the Application for Payment shall also be Accompanied by. o'bill of sale, invoice or other documentation warranting that OWNER has received the materials and equipment free and clear of all Liens and evidence diet the materials and equipment are covered by appropriate property insurance and other arrangements to protect OWNU s interest therein, all of which will be satisfactory 'to OWNER.. The amount of retsinage with respect to Progress mavments will be as stioulated in the CONMCTOR's Warranty of TM& 14.3. CONTRACTOR warrants and guarantees that title to all Walt, materials and equipment covered by am Application for Payment, whether incorporated at the Project or not, will pass to OWNER no later than the time of payment free and clear of all Liens. Review ofAppIteadons forProgresrPayment 14.4. ENGINEER will within ten days after receipt of each Application for Payment, either indicate in writing a exI)C UENMAL COND1110M 1910-8 (1990EMon) w/ CITY OF FORT CULLINS MODIFICATIONS (Rh' V 412neA) recommendation of payment and present the %pphintion to OWNER, or return the Application to t'0\1 TRACTOR indicating in writing ENGUEER's reasons for refusing to recommend payment. In the latter case, CONTRACTOR may make the necessary corrections and resubmit the Application. 'fen days after presentation of the Application for Payment to 014NER with ENGINEER's recommendation the amount recommended will (subject to the provisions of the last sentence of paragraph 14.7) become due and when due will be paid by 01i'NER to CONTRACTOR 145. HTIGINEER's recommencauon of any pavnnent requested in an Application for Payment will wntuute a representation by ENGINEER to OWNER, based on ENGiNEER's on -site observations of the executed Work as an experienced and qualified design professional and on ENGINEETs review of the Application for Payment and the accompanying data and schedule& that to ifne best of ENGINEER's knowledge, information and belief 14.5.1. the Work has progressed to the point indicated, 14,5.2, the quality of the Work is generally in accordance with the Contract Documents (subject to an evaluation of the Work as a functioning whole prior to or upon Substantial Completion, to the results of any subsequent tests called for in the Contract Documents, to a final determination of quantities and classifications for Unit Price Work under paragraph 9A0, and to any other qualifications stated in the recommendation), and 14.53, the conditions precedent to CONTRACTOR's being entitled to such payment appear to have been fulfilled insofar as it is ENGINPER'S responsibility to observe the Work. However, by recommending any such payment ENGINEER will not thereby be deemed to have represented that: (t)exhaustive or continuous on -site inspections have been made to check the quality or the quantity of the Work beyond the responsibilities specifically assigned to ENGINEER in the Contract Documents or (it) that there may not be other mattes or issues between the parties that might entitle CONTRACTOR to be paid additionally by OWNER or entitle OWNER to withhold payment to CONTRACTOR 14.6: ENGINEER's recommendation of any payment, including final payment, shall not mean that ENGINEER is responsible for CONTRACTOR's means, methods, teclmigtres, sequences a procedures of corstructioq or the sa of eedamions and programs incident thereto, or for any of CONTRACTOR to comply with Laws and Regulations applicable to the furnishing or performance of Work, or for any failure of CONTRACTOR to perform or furnish Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 143, ENGINEER may refuse to recommend the whole or any Part of any payment if, in ENGINEER's opinion, it would be incorrect to make the representations to 29 O'vVNER referred to in paragraph 14.5. ENGINEER may also refuse to recommend any such payment, or, because of subsequently discovered evidence or the results of subsequent inspections or tests, nullify any such payment prvviuusly recommended, to such extent as may be necessary in ENGINEF,'R's opinion to protect 01VNFsR from loss because: 14.7.1. the Work is defechve, or completed Wort: has been damaged requiring correction or replacement, 14.7.2. the Contract Price has been reduced In Written Amendment or Change Order, 14.73, OWNER has been required to correct defecvve Wort; or complete Work in accordance with paragraph 13.1.4, or 14.7.4. ENGINEER has actual knowledge of the occurrence of any of the events enumerated in paragraphs, 15.2.► through 15.2.4.inclusive. OWNER ma refse to make payment of the full amount recommended by ENGINEER because: 14.7.5. claims have been made against OWNER on account of CONTRACTOR's performance or furnishing of the Work, 14.7.6. Liens have been filed in connection with the Work, aWepC where CONTRACTOR has delivered a spaciftc 'Bond satisfactoty to OJVNER to, secure the satishectinnand discharge of such Liens, 14.7.7. there are other items entitling OWNER to a set- off against the amount recommended. or 14.7.8. OWNER has &dual knowledge of the occurrence of any of � the events enumerated in paragraphs 14.7.1 through 14.7:3 or paragraphs 15.2 J thro * 15.2.4 imkisive•, but OWNER must give CONTRACTOR immediate written notice (with a copy to ENGINEER) stating the reasons Tor Stich action and promptly pay CONTRACTOR the amount so wolhelA, or any addj�t.tatmerit thisvo agreed to .by >OWNER atxl CONTRACTOR.. when CONTRACTOR corrects to OWNER's mWisation the rensenm for silt action svrbara dw Corrupletfon: 14.& When. CONTRACTOR considers the entire Work ready foritsmtended use CONTRACTOR shall notify is subslanthall complete (except listed by CONTRACTOR as into I NG]PIhE' R issue a certificate of Within a reasonable time CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER stall make an inspection of die Work to determine the status of completion. If ENGINEER does not oodsider the Work substantially complete, ENG1NEE2 will notify CONTRACTOR in writing giving the reasons therefor. If ENGINEER EXMCGENERAL CONDITIOM 1910E (1990Edtim) 30 wl (3-ry OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 412000) considers the Work substantially complete. ENGINIGd, will prepare and deliver to OtVNER it tentative certificate of Substantial Completion which shall fax the date of Substantial Completion There shall be attached to the certificate a tentative list of items to be completed, or corrected before final payment OWNER shall have seven days after receipt of the tentative certificate during which to make written objection to ENGINEER as to any provisions of the certificate or attached list. If, after considering such objections. ENGINEER concludes Unit the Work is not substantially complete, ENGTNLT:R will within fourteen days alter submission of the tentative certificate to OWNER notify CONTRACTOR in writing, stating the reasons therefor. If, after consideration of OWNER's objections, ENGINEER considers the Work substantially compleM ENGINEER will within said fourteen days execute and deliver to OWNER and CONTRACTOR. a definitive catificaw of Substantial Completion (with a revisal tentative list of items to be completed or correc reflecting such changes from the tentative certificate aGINEER believes justified after consideration of any objationm from OWNER. At the time of delivery of the tentative certificate of Substantial Completion ENGINEER will deliver to OWNER and CONTRACTOR a writtenrecommendaticat as to division of responsibilities penning final payment between OWNER and CONTRACTOR with r" to security, operation, safety, mainterrerae, heat, utilities, insurance and warranties and guarantees. Udless OWNER and CONTRACTOR sWee otherwise in ventingg and so inform hNGINIiFZ: in writing prior to ENGINEER'a issuing the definitive certificate of Substaral Completion, ENGINEER's aforesaid reeommoulation will be bidding on OWNER and CONTRACTOR until finalpaymett 14.9. OWNER shall have the right to exclude CONTRACTOR from the Work after the date of Substantial Completion, but OWNER shell stow CONTRACTOR reasonable access to complete or correct items on the tentative list Partial flBNrarllon: 14,10, Use by OWNER at OWNW3 option Of any, - substantially aomplated part of the Work. which (1) has Am a that may be a :ion of all the 14,10.1.OWNER at any time may request CONTRACTOR in writit* to permit OWNER.to use any such part of the Work wh ichOWNER believes to be ready for its intended use and substantially c�tpp�kute. if CONTRACTOR agrnea that such part of the 1 rek. is substantially complete CONTRACTOR will certify to OWNER and ENGINEER drat such part of the Work is substantially complete and request Ia401NEER to issues certificate Lof Substantial Completion for that part of the Work. CC�N]'IUNC'COR at any time may notify OWNER arid ENGIN,ER in writing that CONTRACTOR considers any such part of the Work ready for its intended use and substantially complete and request NGINEER to is.ue a certificate of Substantial Completion for dint Ix,n of the NNork. Within a reasonable time after either such request. OWNER CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER shall make an inspection of that part of the Ware to determine its status of completion. If F.NG1NE)R does not consider that part of the Work to IX. substantially complete, ENGINMR will notiry OWNER and CONTRACTOR in writing giving the reasons therefor. If b'NGTNEHR ennsiders that part of the Work to be substantially complete, the provisions of paragraphs; 14.8 and 14.9 will apply with respect to certification of Substantial Completion of that part of the Work and the division or responsibility in respect thereof and access thereto. 14ARZ No occupancy or separate operation of part. of the Work will be accomplished prior to compliance with the requirements of paragraph 5.15 in respect of property insurance. Final Impecffbn: 14.11. Upon written notice from CONTRACTOR that the entire Work or an agreed portion thereof is complete, ENGINEER will make a final inspection with OWNER and CONTRACTOR and will notify CONTRACTOR in writing of all particulars in which this inspection reveals that the Work is incomplete or defective. CONTRACTOR shall immediately take such measures as are necessary to complete such work or remedy such deficiencies Final Application for Payment.• 14.12, After CONTRACTOR has completed all such corrections to the satisfaction of ENGINEER and delivered m accordance with the Contract Documents all maintenance and operating itnstrttctions schedules, guarantees, Bonds, certificates or othcs evidence of irsttamce required by paragraph 5A, certificates of inspection, marked -up record documents (as provided in paragraph 6.19) and other documents, CONTRACTOR. may make application for final payment following the procedure for progress payments. The final Application for Payment shall be amomptimad (except as previously elivered) by_ (i) all documentation called for in the Contract Documents, including but not limited to the evidence of insurance required by subparsgraph5:4.13. �u) consort of the surety, if any, to final payment and iii) complete and legally effective releases or waivers (satisfactory to OWNER) of all Liens arising out of or hed. in connection with the Work. In lieu of such releases or waivers of Liens and as approved by OWNER, CONTRACTOR may furnish receipts or releases in full and affidavit of CONTRACTOR that: (i) the releases and receipts include all labor, services, material and equipment for which a Lien could be filed, and (ir)all payrolls. material and equipment bills, and other indebtedness connected with the Work for which OWNER or OWNER's property might in any way be respxxnstble have been paid or otherwise satisfied If any Subcontractor or Supplier fails Ex -DC t,EFDxnL CONDinorts 1910-8 (1990 Edtim) w1C NOF FOKI CULUMMODIFICATIOM(REV 4aOM) to furnish such it release or receipt in fit[], CONTRACTOR may htrish a Bond or other collateral satisfactory to OWNER to indenmify OWNER agairsst any Lien Releases or waivers of hens antl the consent of the surety to fora i �vment are to be hied �n forms conformin,,g,to the fornim of the OWNER'S standhrd firms bound in the Projecct_m„anuaL Final Patmtent andAcceptance: 14.13. If. on the basis of rNGINEER's observation of the Work during construction and rand inspection, and ENGINFER's review ofthe final Application for Payment and accompanying documentation as required by the Contract Documents, ENGINEER is satisfied that the Work has been eompletcd and CONTRACTOR's other obligations under the Contract Documents have been fulfilled, ENGINEER will, within ten days after receipt of the final Application for Payment, indicate in writing ENGINEWs recommendation of payment and present the Application to OWNER for payment. At the same fimeENGINEER will also give written notice to OWNER and CONTRACTOR, that the Work is acceptable subject to the provisions of paragraph 14.15. Otherwise, ENGINEER will return the Application to CONTRACTOR, indicating in writing the reasons for refusing to recommend final payment, in which case CONTRACTOR shall make the necessary corrections and resubmit the Application. Thirty days after presentation to OWNER of the Application and accompanying documentation, in appropriate form and substance and with INGINEER's recommendation and notice of acceptability, the amount recommended by ENGINEER will become due and will be paid by OWNER to CONTRACTOR su nicct to naraarnh 17.6, of these Gj glens, 14.14. It through no fault of CONTRACTOR final comppletion of the Work is sipgnifrcantly delayed and if ENGINEER so oottfirnts, OWNER shaA upon receipt of CONTRACTOWs fatal Application for Payment and recommendation of ENGINEER, and without terminating the Agwittettf, make payment of the balance due for that pottion. of the Work fully completed and accepted. if the remaining balance to be held by OWNER for Work not fully completed or corrected is less than the retainage stipulated in the Agreement, and if Bonds have been fire tished as required m pamgm h 5.1, the written consent of the surety to the pa ant of the balance due for that poitiot of the Work ful yl completed and accepted shall be sutmitted by CONTRACTOR to ENGINEER with the Application for such payment Such payment shall be made under the terms and conditions governing final payment, except that it shall not constitute it waiver of Waiver of Claims: 14.15. The making and acceptance of final payment will constitute: 14,15.1.a waiver of all claims by OWNER against CONTRACTOR except claims arising from unsettled Liens, from defective Work appearing after M CV O 0 ti co CV CV O N m Z 41 CQ Q a. U a CV CV M O Lo 0 m CL I U ,= 0 ATTFNDANC(c RECORD PREBID CONFERENCE Project: 6951 Oak Street Plaza Tire: 10-00 a.m. Date: DammW 19. 2005 Lo"tien:215 N. Mason 2A PRINT PRINT ADDRESS TELEMONE FAX # E-MAIL ADDRESS ME IRM NAME r \ _ '% aj-Id 5 SZ Off .2 L�p��/ lam(/ JAYS a> 3 �✓fr 4+7r� C,v; �q6►Y P•. T£r�mvs r' �a w�sT. �'G7 onovcxr ctwi FnWrt ��cG l L (a^Zi 0-7 Wets �Co/-145 -p 1. 4i+�. wG]�C3' t/-U J[.73'i3 1 L)3Ll aanov+:-,.Cl lic..3 islPnCta �c:4�4c1;( At A HMV Ic ft m 4 � 7 `-fir ��!�Uj� GNU r{ ' �^' �t �/ eSlvue_, to wl Zr7�/ f 86, I. add "wl, CAraO#,R 0,ky ;ta3 vvfg� CD -73. Za Zt Lam• �a xx3 303 .10#'c . red k4-Ca 141vav, cam final inspection pursuant to paragraph 14.11, from failure to comply with the Contract Documents or the terms of spccid guarantees specified therein or fron CO CTOR's continuing obligations under the Contract Documents; and i 4.15.2. A waiver of all claims by CONTRACTOR against OWNER other than those previously made in writing and still unsettled. ARTICLE 15-SUSPENSION OF WORK AND TERMINATION OWNER May Saspend War- 15.1, At any time and without cause, OWNER may suspend the Work or any portion thereof for a period of not more time ninety dayyss by notice in writing to CONTRACTOR and ENGWEER which will ftat the date on which. Work will be rrsstmned CONTRACTOR shall resume the Work on the date so fixed CONTRACTOR shall be allowed an adjustment in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contact Times, or both, directly attributable to any such suspension if CONTRACTOR makes an approved claim therefor as provided in Articles I I mid 12. OWNER May Terwdlrgre. 15.2. upon the oanurcnce of any one Or more of the following events: 15.2.1. if,CONTRACTORwuly fails to petfam the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents (including, but not limited to: failure to supply sufficient skilled workers or suitable materials or equipment or failure to adhere to the progress schedule established under paragraiph29 as adjusted from time to time purs/anttoparagmph CO. 15:2.2.. if CONTRACTOR disregards Laws or Regukttiats of any public body havingjurisdiaicm. 15.2:3, if CONTRACTOR disregards die authority of > NIGME or 15.2.4: it CONTRACTOR othmw se violates in any substantial way any provisions of the Contract Docwnents; OWNER may, after giving CONTRACTOR (and the surety, if any seven days' written notice and to rho extent permitted by rove rich Regulations, terminate the services Of CONTRACTOR uurctudeCONTRACTORfromthe site and take Possession of the Work and of all CONTRAC OR's tools appliances, construction equipment and machinery at the site and use the same to the full extent they could be used by CONTRACTOR (without liability to CONTRACTOR for trespass or conversion), otcasporate in the Work all materials and equipment stored at the site or for which OWNER has paid EJCpCEIENMAL CONINTIOM 1910-8 (19" E3tia(l) 32 wl OTY OF FORT ODLLINS MODIFICATIONS f -V 4/2000) CONTRYNCIOR but which are stored elsewhere, and finish the Work as OWNER may deem expedient. In such case CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to receive anv further payment until the Work is finished. If the unpaid balance of the Cuntract Price exceeds all claims, cmts, losses and damages sustained by OWNER arising out of or resulting from completing the Work such excess will be paid to CONTRACTOR If such claims costs losses and damages exceed such unpaid balance, CONTRACTOR sha11 pay the difference to OWNER. Such claims, costs. losses and damages incurred by 01VN11 wUlbereviewed by ENGINEER as to their reasonableness and when so approved by P;N(;iN PFR incorporated in a Change Order, provided that when exercising any rights or remedies under this paragraph OWNER shall not be required to obtain the lower price for the Work performed. I 153. Where CONTRACTOWs services have been so terminated by OWNER, the wrininatien will not effect any rights or remedies of OWNER against CONTRACTOR then existing or which may thereafter accrue. Any, retention or pmyment of moneys due CONTRACTOR by OWNER -will, not release CONTRACTOR fion liability. 15A Upon seven days' written notice to CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER, OWNER may, without cause and without prejudice to any ether right or remedy of OWNER, elect to terminate the Agreement. In such cane, CONTRACTOR shaH be paid (without duplication of any itens): 15.4.1. for completed and acceptable Work executed in accordance with the Contract Documents prior to the effective date of termination, including fair and reasonable sums for overhead and profit on such Work, 15, 42. for expenses sustained prior to the affective date of termination in performing services and furnishing labor, materials ortpmoatt as required by the Contract Docurrnents�' casiectio n with uncompleted Work, plus air and reasonable sums.for overhead and profit on such expenses, 15.43. for all claims, costs, losses aid damagu. incurred in settlement of termitmted cxxritrmcts wtth Subcontractors, Suppliers and other and 15.4.4. for reasonable VqXnM'direcdY attributable to termination. CONTRACTOR sball not be paid on account of loan -oil' anticipated profits or revenue or other 000 omic loss arising out of or resulting hots such termination CONTRACTOR May Slap Work orTerminare: .15.5. Tr throughno act cc fault of CONTRACTOR the Work is suspended for a period of more than ninety do 3 by OWNER or under an order oft' court or other public. authority; or ENGINM fails to act on any Application far Payment within thirty days dkr it �is suttntittod or ,. OWNER fails for thirty days to pay CONTRACTOR any sum finally determined to be due_ then CONTRACTOR may, upon seven days' written notice to OWNER and ENGINEER, and provided OWNER or ENGINEER donut remedy such suspension or failure within that time, tenniratic die Agreement and recover from OWNER pxmten: on the same terms as pna-ided in paragmph 15.4 In lieu of terminating the Agreement and without prejudice to any other right or remedy, if ENGMT;ER lots failed to act on an Application for Payment within thirty days after it is submitted or OWNER has failed for thirty days to pay CONTRACTOR any star finally detemtirted to be due, CONTRACTOR may upon seven clays' written notice 10 OWNER and VNGiNEfiR stop the Work until payment of all such amounts due CONTRACTOR. includung interest thereat, The provisions of this paragraph 15.5 are not intended to preclude CONTRACTOR from making claim under Articles I 1 and i2 for an maestri in Contract price or Contract Times or otherwise for cxTcnses or damage directly attributable to CON'TRACTOR's stopping Work as pemtittod by this paragraph. ARTICLE 16-01SPITTE RESOLiPC ON if and to the coc»t that OWNER and CONTRACTOR have agreed on the method and procedure for resolving disputes between them that may arise under this Agreement, such dispute resolution method and procedure, if any, shall be as set forth in Mubit GCA, "Dispute Resolution Agreement", to be attached hereto and made a part hereof. If no such agreement on the method and procedure for resolving such disputes has been reached, and subject to the provisions of paragraphs9.10, 9,11 and 9.12, OWNER and CONTRACTOR may exercise such rights or remedies as either may otherwise have under the Contract Documents or by Laws or Regulations in respect of any dispute. .ARTICLE 17—NUSCELLANEOt1S Ghing Notice. 17.1. Whenever any provision of the Contract Documents reguires the giving of written notice, it will be deemed to have been validly given if delivered in person to the individual or to a member of the firm, or to an officer of the corporation for whom it is intended, or if delivered at or sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid to the last.business address known to the giver of the notice. 17.2. Compxtation of Time. When any period of time is referred to in the Contract Documents by days, it will be computed to exclude the first and include the last day of such period If the last clay of airy such period fills on a Saturday or Sunday or an a day made a legal holiday by the law of the applicable jurisdiction, such day will be omitted from the cam putmam E)COC t•ENMLgL CONLn111.0M 19103(7990 EM011) wr CITY or FORT CVLUMMMIFICA7toNs W.9V art000) 17 2 ^_ A calendar day of twenty-four hours measured from midnight to the hest midnight will constitute a clay Nodee ofClnim: 17.3. Shtwld OWNER or C'ONf RICTOR suffer injun or damage to person or property because of any cnor, omission or act of the other party or of any of the other parly's employees or agents or (then fir whose acts the ot}xr party is legally liable, claim will be made in writing to the other panto within a reasonable time of the first observance of such injury or damage. The provisions of this paragraph 17.3 "1 not be construed as a substitute for or a waiver of the provisions of any applicable statute of limitation or repvse.Cumuludve Rende&es: I T4. The duties and obligations imposed by these G.tneral Conditions and the rights and remedies available hereunder to the parties hereto, and, in particular but without limitation, the warrarwes, gumoritetes and obligations imposed upon CONTRACTOR. by rAragmphs6J2, 6.16, 6.30, 6.31, 6.32, 13.1, 13.12, 13.14, 14.3 and 15.2 and all of the rights and remedies available to OWNER and ENGINEER thereunder, are in addition to, and are not to be connived in any way as a limitation of, any rights and remedies available to any or all of them which are otherwise imposed or available by Laws or Regulations by special warranty or guarantee or by other provisions of 6 Contract Doctmtents, and the provisions of this paragraph will be as effective as if repeated specifically in the Contract Documents in connection with each particular duty, obligation, right and remedy to which they apply. Professional fees and 0mri Ce M Included: 17.5. Whenever reference is made to "claims, costs, losses and damages", it shall include in each case, but not be limited tcl all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys and other professionals and all court or arbitration or other dispute resolution costs. IT Tha laays oft State at Cs1.9:do aunly to this Agreement ReferM to two pertinent Colorado statutes are as follows 17.w2• If a claim is 61eOW ts_rgypEirc�bv ltt(t;R.S 38-26-107) to wtt}tlnold Frain all uaymo:nfs to CONTRACTog cte midto imvre the payment of al] cairns for tabor, materials, turn hire. sustetance, provisions. rrovenider. or other suonlits used or constmted by CONTRACTOR or his 33 EICDCOENERAL CONDIMONS 1910-S (1990 EMM) 34 wl CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 4200D) Mis page left blank intentionally.) E MC UENERAL CONDIn ON51910-8 (1990 Edlion) 35 wJ CITY Or FORT COLLINSMOUIFIG1nONS(REV 4rOUO) EXHIBIT GC -A to General Conditions of the Construction Contract Behyeen OWNER and CONTRACTOR DISPUTE RESOLUTION AGREEMENT (A NliR and CDN'rRL1(.. TOR hereby agree that Article 16 of the deneral Conditions of the Cautruction Contract between OWNER and CONTRACTOR is amended to include the following agreement of the parties: 16.1 All claims, disputes and other matters in question between OWNER and CONTRACTOR arising out of or relating to the Contract Documents or the breach thereof (except for claims which have been waived by the making or acceptance of final pa era as svided by paragraph 14.15) will be decidat by at iitratica in accordance with the Construction industry Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association then obtaining, subject to the limitations of the Article 16. This agreement so to arbitrate and any other agreement or consent to arbitrate entered into in accordance herewith as provided in thisArticle 16 will be specifically enforceable under the prevailing law of any court having jurisdiction 162 No demand for arbitration of any claim, dispute or other matter that is required to be referred to :ENGINEER initially for decision in accordance with paragraph 9.11 will be made until the earlier of (a) the date on which ENGINEER has mndrrcd a written decision or (b) the thirty-first day after the parties have presented their evidence to ENGINEER if a written decision has not been rendered by ENGINEER before that date. No demand for arbitration of any such claim, dispute or other matter will be made Rater than dnifty days of the date on which ENGINEER has rendered a writenn decision in respect thereof in accordance with paragraph 9.11. and the failure to demand arbitration within said thirty days' period will result in ENGINEER's decision being fatal and binding upon OWNER and CONTRACTOR. If ENGINEER renders a decision after arbitration proceedings have been initiated, such decision may be entered as evidence but will not supersede the arbitration proceeditngs,except where the decision is acceptable to the parties concerned. No demand for arbitration of any written decision of ENGINEER rendered in accordance with paragraph 9.10 will be made later than ten days after the party making such demand has delivered written notice of intention to appeal as provided in paragraph 9.10. 16.3. Notice of the demand for arbitration will be filed in writing with the other party to the Agreement and with the American Arbitration Association, and a copy will be sent to ENGINAER for information The demand for arbitration will be made within the thirtyifay or ten-day period specified in paragraph 16.2 as applicable, and in all other cases within a reasomble time after the claim, dispute or other matter in question has arisen, and in no event shall any such demand be made alter the date when institution of legal or equitable proceedings gs based an such claim, dispute or other matter in question would be barred by the applicable statute of limitations, EXDC t3hNERAL CONDIT10M 1910.8 (1990 Editors) w! CITY OF FOWT COLIJNS MODIFICATIONS (REV 9199) 16.4. E,rcept as provided in patagraph 165 below. no arbitration arising out of or relating to the Contract Documents shall include by consolidation. joinder or in any other manner any other person or entity (including ENGINEER. ENGINEERS Consultant and the officers. directors, agents, employees or consultants of any of them) who is not a party to this contract unless: 16.4.1. the inclusion of such other person or entity is necessary if complete relief is to be afforded among those who are already parties to the arbitration, and 16-4.21_ such other person or entity is sutx;tantially involved in question of law or fact which is common to those who are already parties to the arbitration and which will arise in such proceedings, and 16.43. the written consent of the other person or entity sought to be included and of OWNER and CONTRACTOR has been obtained for such inclusion, which consent shall make specific reference to this poragrapk but no such consent shall constitute consent to arbitration of any dispute not specifically describer.) in such consent or to arbitration with any party not specifically identified in such consent. 16.5. Notwithstanding paragraph 16.4, if a claim, dispute or other matter in question between OWNER and CONTRACTOR involves the Work of a Subcontractor. either OWNER or CONTRACTOR may join such Subcontractor as a party to the arbitration between OWNER and CONTRACTOR hereunder. CONTRACTOR shall include in all subcontracts required by paragraph 6.11 a specific provision whereby the Subcontractor consents to being joined in an arbitration between OWNER. and CONTRACTOR invoivutg the Work of such Subcontractor. Nothing in this paragraph 16-5 nor in the provision of such subcontract consenting to joinder shall create any claim, right or cause of action in favor of Subcontractor and against OWNER, ENGINEER or ENGRREER's Consultants that does not otherwise exist. 16.6. The award rendered by the arbitrators will be Final, judgment may be entered upon it in any court having jurisdiction thereof and it will not be subject to modification or appeal, 16.7, OWNER and CONTRACTOR shall first submit any and all on counterclaims. disputes and other matte between therm turning out of or relating t Documents or the breach thereof ("disputes by the Americas Arbitration Associati Construction Industry Maliaum Rules of the American Arbitration Association pity to either of them: initiating against the other a demand for arbitration pursuant to paragraphs 16.1 through 16.6, unless delay m ini&fi% arbitration would irrevocably prejudice one of the patties, The respective thirty and ten day time limits within which to file a demand for arbitration as provided in paragraphs Ifi 2 and 16.3 above shall be suspended. with respect to a dispute submitted to mediation within those some applicable time limits and shall remain suspended until ten days niter the termination of the mediation. The mediator of any dispute submitted to mediation under this Agreem eat shall not serve as arbitrator of such dispute unless otherwise agreed UC•AI SECTION 00800 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS SECTION 00800 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Conditions of the Contract These Supplementary Conditions amend or supplement the General Conditions of the Construction Contract (EJCDC General Conditions 1910-8, 1990 edition with City of Fort Collins modifications) and other provisions of the Contract Documents as indicated below. SC-5.4.8 Limits of Liability A. Add the following language at the end of paragraph 5.4.8. The limits of liability for the insurance required by the paragraph numbers of the General Conditions listed below are as follows: 5.4.1 and 5.4.2 Coverage A - Statutory Limits Coverage B - $100,000/$100,000/$500,000 5.4.3 and 5.4.5 Commercial General Liability policy will have limits of $1,000,000 combined single limits (CSL). This policy will include coverage for Explosion, Collapse, and Underground coverage unless waived by the Owner. 5.4.6The Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance policy will have limits of $1,000,000 combined single limits (CSL). 5.4.9This policy will include completed operations coverage/product liability coverage with limits of $1,000,000 combined single limits (CSL). 7/96 Section 00800 Page 1 SECTION 00900 ADDENDA, MODIFICATIONS AND PAYMENT 00950Contract Change Order 00960Application for Payment e .. SECTION 00950 CHANGE ORDER NO. PROJECT TITLE: CONTRACTOR: PROJECT NUMBER: DESCRIPTION: 1. Reason for change: 2. Description of Change: 3. Change in Contract Cost 4. Change,in Contract Time: ORIGINAL CONTRACT COST $ .00 TOTAL APPROVED CHANGE ORDER 0.00 TOTAL PENDING CHANGE ORDER 0.00 TOTAL THIS CHANGE ORDER 0.00 TOTAL % OF THIS CHANGE ORDER TOTAL C.O.% OF ORIGNINAL CONTRACT ADJUSTED CONTRACT COST $ 0.00 (Assuming all change orders approved) ACCEPTED BY: DATE: Contractor's Representative ACCEPTED BY: DATE: Project Manager REVIEWED BY: DATE: Title: APPROVED BY: DATE: Title: APPROVED BY: DATE: Purchasing Agent over $30,000 CC: City Clerk Contractor Project File Architect Engineer Purchasing 9/99 Section 00950 Page 1 \ \ m � f f e & \ \ j 0 ƒ . Ladd» uezzUJ §025M =z®5= . . zoo z zQ§o °)cww \0(L0` 2)ƒ CL . $ ) 9 0 . ) � \ k . § .0 E f 0 g . _ < § ) _ . \ \ . § § - ® 0� % a � )a CL _ < 0 0° nk\k < ® Of \ < ƒ§k/ f \\ § z k . 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Amount Qty. Amount Qty. 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This section contains general requirements that are applicable to this project. 1.02 Description of Work A. The Contractor shall provide all labor, materials and equipment necessary to perform the work items called for on the bid schedule. 1.03 City Furnished Materials A. None. 1.04 Conditions of Work A. Area of Work: The Contractor shall confine his operations to the immediate work area. Material storage shall be confined to areas shown on the Drawings or designated by the City. B. Regulations: The Contractor shall comply with all applicable Federal, State, and local regulations pertaining to safety, traffic control, fire prevention, erosion control and environmental protection. C. Working Hours: The Contractor's working hours shall be between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., with no work on weekends or Federal holidays, unless otherwise approved by the City. D. Material Storage: The Contractor's material and equipment storage site shall be limited to the area of the project site. The area shall be kept orderly and free of litter. 1.05 Project Cleanup A. The Contractor is responsible to maintain the construction site in a clean and orderly condition from the start of the project to completion. Daily cleanups are required. 1. The City may require Contractor to perform cleanup within 100 feet of the progress of the work and perform cleanup of the site daily prior to work stoppage. B. Store volatile wastes in covered containers and dispose off -site. 1. Provide on -site covered containers for the collection of waste materials, debris and rubbish. 2. Neatly store construction materials, such as concrete forms, when not in use. C. Wastes shall not be buried or burned on the site or disposed of into storm drains, sanitary sewers, streams or waterways. D. At project completion the Contractor shall remove all equipment, materials, and debris from the site including toilets and dumpsters. Areas around work sites shall be cleaned with dirt and grass surfaces raked clean of any slag from the Contractor's operations. Broom clean exterior paved surfaces. 1.06 Trash Removal A. All non -salvageable items and trash shall be hauled off the site and disposed of in accordance with applicable state and local regulations. Items shall be transported in tarp -covered or closed vehicles. Any materials dropped or blown off vehicles shall be picked up immediately by Contractor. City of Fort Collins SECTION 01000 - PROJECT SUMMARY Park Planning & Development Division Page 1 of 4 1.07 Verification of Dimensions A. The Contractor shall be responsible for the coordination and proper relation of the work. He shall field verify all dimensions and advise the City of any discrepancies prior to proceeding with that phase of the work. 1.08 Fire Hydrants A. Fire Hydrant Connections: City's permission is required for connection to fire hydrants. Only compatible adapters shall be utilized for hydrant connections. A gate valve shall be provided and installed by the Contractor between the hydrant and supply hoses to control flow. Connection shall include backflow protection. Temporary connections to fire hydrants shall he disconnected at the end of each working day. No quick closing valves such as plug or butterfly valves will he used. 1.09 Outages A. Utility outages necessitated by the work shall be requested in writing at least fifteen (15) working days prior to the proposed outage. The request shall be directed to the City and shall stipulate the specific utility system(s) and circuits to be affected, the location of the work, the time at which the shutdown will occur, and the duration of the outage for each system. Outages shall be kept to a minimum both in number and in duration. Where multiple outages are required, as many outages as can be accurately scheduled shall he submitted as a group. 1.10 Fill Material A. Excess fill material, including rock, gravel, sod, broken concrete or asphalt, plaster, etc., shall be hauled off the site and disposed of in accordance with applicable State and local regulations. B. Additional fill material, if required, shall be hauled to the site from off the site as a necessary part of the work. Material composition shall be subject to the requirements of the specifications. 1.11 Parking A. Parking of the Contractor's vehicles shall be restricted to an area designated by the City. 1.12 Telephone A. Business Telephone: At the beginning of construction, the Contractor shall provide the City with a telephone number at which the Contractor or his representative may be contacted at any time during regular working hours. The Contractor shall also provide a phone number for after -duty hours contact. 1.13 Sanitary Provisions A. The Contractor shall provide temporary toilets for the use of construction personnel. Location, type, proposed maintenance, etc., shall be approved by the City prior to placing toilets. Temporary toilets shall be removed at the completion of construction and the adjacent area restored to the condition existing prior to the start of construction or as indicated on the plans. 1.14 Pollution Abatement A. Transporting materials to or from the site shall be accomplished in a manner preventing materials or particles from becoming airborne. Earth materials shall be covered, wetted or otherwise protected. Gravel, sand and concrete shall be contained within vehicles to prevent spillage. B. Prevent the deposit of dirt, mud or debris on improved streets and roads, and remove all should such deposition occur. C. Burning of any material on site is prohibited. D. Stream beds, lakes, drainage ways, sanitary and storm sewers, etc., shall not be polluted by fuels, oils, bitumen, acids, or other harmful materials. Surface drainage from the construction site, which contains harmful amounts of sediment, shall not be allowed to drain onto adjacent areas. All grading shall be accomplished to allow sedimentation to settle out prior to flowing onto adjacent areas. City of Fort Collins SECTION 01000 - PROJECT SUMMARY Park Planning & Development Division Page 2 of 4 E. Flushing of concrete trucks is allowed only at the project site or the designated contractor storage area. with the responsibility of control and cleanup resting with the Contractor. F. Toxic, corrosive and flammable materials for construction other than specified shall not be used without prior approval of the City of Fort Collins_ When approved, disposal of these materials or their containers will be off site and conform to state and federal regulations. 1.15 Protection of Property A. Initiate, maintain and supervise necessary protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to: l . The Work and materials and equipment to be incorporated in the project, whether in storage on or off the site: and 2. Property at the site or adjacent thereto, including fences, patios, driveways, sidewalks, pavement. trees, shrubs, lawns, walks. structures, utilities and underground facilities not designated for removal, relocation or replacement in the course of construction. B. Maintain, protect, and support existing utilities and other appurtenances against damage by shoring, bracing, or other means. C. Do not stockpile excavated material against existing appurtenances. 1A6 Survey Requirements A. Contractor shall be responsible for construction staking necessary for proper and accurate completion of the work covered by this contract. The Contractor shall provide experienced instrument personnel, competent assistants, and such instruments, tools, stakes, and other materials required to complete the survey, layout, and measurement Work. Survey work shall be performed under the direction of a licensed professional surveyor in the State of Colorado. In addition, Contractor shall furnish, without charge, competent personnel and such tools, stakes, and other materials as Engineer may require in checking survey, layout, and measurement Work performed by the Contractor. B. All work shall be performed to the lines, grades, and elevations shown on the Drawings. When construction falls within the following tolerances, the installation will be acceptable to the Owner, with respect to the lines and grades. If the tolerances are not met, the Contractor shall be responsible for performing modifications to the facilities to bring the project components into the tolerances_ Description: Horizontal location of structures & playground features Horizontal location of paved areas & underground installations Horizontal location of grading & surface features (i.e. berms, swales, etc.) Vertical elevation of structures & playground features Vertical elevation of paved areas Vertical elevation of underground installations Vertical elevation of grading & surface features (i.e. berms, swales, etc.) City of Fort Collins Park Planning & Development Division Maximum Permissible Deviation from Alignment and Elevation shown on the Drawings: 0.05 feet 0.10 feet 0.50 feet 0.05 feet 0.05 feet 0.05 feet 0.10 feet SECTION 01000- PROJECT SUMMARY Page 3 of 4 C Contractor shall remove and reconstruct Work that is improperly located. Horizontal and vertical airanments shall be checked regularly as the Work progresses. Contractor shall report results to the Engineer. D. If the construction survey uncovers any discrepancies. the Contractor shall notify the Engineer, in writing, prior to construction proceeding. If the Contractor proceeds with work that includes apparent discrepancies without resolution by the Engineer, he assumes full responsibility for any subsequent necessary modifications. 1.17 Construction Superintendent A. The construction superintendent shall be at the job site any time work is being accomplished by any of the trades per General Conditions including, but not limited to, Article 6. PART 2 - MATERIALS (Not Applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) PART 4 - MEASUREMENT & PAYMENT (Not Applicable) END OF SECTION City of Fort Collins SECTION 01000 — PROJECT SUMMARY Park Planning & Development Division Page 4 of 4 DIVISION 1 SECTION 01100 - SUMMARY OF WORK PART 1-GENERAL 1.01 Description of Work A. The City of Fort Collins Oak Street Plaza project is located at the intersection of Oak Street and College Avenue in Fort Collins_ Colorado. The Work for the project includes demolition; earthwork grading; installation of water, sewer and electrical utilities plaza; fountain; bus shelter: street sign. string lights: pedestrian lights; soil preparation and fine grading, irrigation; landscaping: site furnishings and miscellaneous items of work. The site is approximately '/4 city block in size of which the entire site will be disturbed and constructed upon. B. Protection and Restoration. I . Replace to equal or better conditions all items removed and replaced or damaged during construction. Restore all areas disturbed to match surrounding surface conditions. 1.02 Notices to Private Owners and Authorities A. Notify private owners of adjacent property, utilities, affected governmental agencies, and school district when execution of the work may affect them. B. Give notification 48 hours in advance to enable affected persons to provide for their needs when it is necessary to temporarily deny access or services. C. Contact utilities at least 48 hours prior to excavating near underground utilities. D. Contact all agencies at least 72 hours prior to start of construction. Notify all agencies of the proposed scope of work schedule and any items that would affect their daily operation. E. Names and telephone numbers of affected agencies and utilities in the area are listed below for Contractor's convenience. Water - City of Fort Collins, Colorado 221-6681 Storm Sewer - City of Fort Collins, Colorado 221-6605 Sanitary Sewer - City of Fort Collins, Colorado 221-6681 Electrical - City of Fort Collins, Colorado 482-5922, 221-8553 Gas - Public Service Company of Colorado 482-5922, 221-8553 Telephone - U.S. West Communications 484-0300, 226-6310 Roads - City of Ft. Collins, Colorado 221-6815 Cable Television — AT&T Cable Services 493-7400 Utility Locates - One -call System 1-800-922-1987 Safety - Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 844-3061 Fire - Poudre Fire Authority Non -Emergency 221-6581/ Emergency 911 Police - City of Fort Collins Police Department Non -Emergency 221-6550 / Emergency 911 Larimer County Sheriffs Department - Non -Emergency 221-7177 Postmaster - United States Postal Service 482-2837 Ambulance - Poudre Valley Hospital Non -Emergency 484-1227 / Emergency 911 Public Transportation - TransFort 221-6620 Traffic Control - Traffic Engineering 221-6815 City of Fort Collins SECTION 01100- SUMMARY OF WORK Park Planning & Development Division Page 1 of 2 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Pages BID INFORMATION 00020 Notice Inviting Bids 00020-1 - 00020-2 00100 Instruction to Bidders 00100-1 - 00100-9 00300 Bid Form 00300-1 - 00300-3 00400 Supplements to Bid Forms 00400-1 00410 Bid Bond 00410-1 - 00410-2 00420 Statements of Bidders Qualifications 00420-1 - 00420-3 00430 Schedule of Major Subcontractors 00430-1 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 00500 Agreement Forms 00500-1 00510 Notice of Award 00510-0 00520 Agreement 00520-1 - 00520-6 00530 Notice to Proceed 00530-1 00600 Bonds and Certificates 00600-1 00610 Performance Bond 00610-1 - 00610-2 00615 Payment Bond 00615-1 - 00615-2 00630 Certificate of Insurance 00630-1 00635 Certificate of Substantial Completion 00635-1 00640 Certificate of Final Acceptance 00640-1 00650 Lien Waiver Release(Contractor) 00650-1 - 00650-2 00660 Consent of Surety 00660-1 00670 Application for Exemption Certificate 00670-1 - 00670-2 CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT 00700 General Conditions 00700-1 - 00700-34 Exhibit GC -A GC -All - GC-A2 00800 Supplementary Conditions 00800-1 - 00800-2 00900 Addenda, Modifications, and Payment 00900-1 00950 Contract Change Order 00950-1 - 00950-2 00960 Application for Payment 00960-1 - 00960-4 SPECIFICATIONS PART 2 - MATERIALS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) PART 4 - MEASUREMENT & PAYMENT (Not Used) END OF SECTION City of Fort Collins SECTION 011 o0 — SUMMARY OF WORK Park Planning & Development Division Page 2 of 2 DIVISION 1 SECTION 01160 — SITE CONDITIONS PART 1 - SITE INVESTIGATIONS AND REPRESENTATION 1.01 General Investigations A. The Contractor acknowledges that he has satisfied himself as to the nature and location of the work, the general and local conditions, particularly those bearing upon access to the site; handling, storage, and disposal of materials; availability of water. electricity and roads_ uncertainties of weather. or similar physical conditions at the site; the conformation and conditions of the ground; the equipment and facilities needed preliminary to and during the execution of the work: and all other matters which can in any way affect the work or the cost thereof under this Contract. 1.02 Soil Conditions A. The Contractor further acknowledges that he has satisfied himself as to the character, quality and quantity of surface and subsurface materials to be encountered from his inspection of the site and from reviewing any available records of exploratory work furnished by the Owner or included in these Documents. Failure by the Contractor to acquaint himself with the physical conditions of the site and all the available information will not relieve him from responsibility for properly estimating the difficulty or cost of successfully performing the work. 1.03 Contractor Representation A. The Contractor warrants that as a result of his examination and investigation of all the aforesaid data that he can perform the work in a good and workmanlike manner and to the satisfaction of the Owner. The Owner assumes no responsibility for any representations made by any of its officers or agents during or prior to the execution of this Contract, unless (1) such representations are expressly stated in the Contract, and (2) the Contract expressly provides that the responsibility therefore is assumed by the Owner. PART 2 - INFORMATION ON SITE CONDITIONS 2.01 General Any information obtained by the Engineer regarding site conditions, subsurface information, groundwater elevations, existing construction of site facilities, and similar data will be available for inspection, as applicable, at the office of the Engineer upon request. Such information is offered as supplementary information only. Neither the Engineer nor the Owner assumes any responsibility for the completeness or interpretation of such supplementary information. A. Differing Subsurface Conditions: I. In the event that the subsurface or latent physical conditions are found materially different from those indicated in these Documents, and differing materially from those ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inherent in the character of work covered in these Contract Documents, the Contractor shall promptly, and before such conditions are disturbed, notify the Owner in writing of such changed conditions. The Engineer will investigate such conditions promptly and following this investigation, the Contractor shall proceed with the work, unless otherwise instructed by the Engineer. If the Engineer finds that such conditions do so materially differ and cause an increase or decrease in the cost of or in the time required for performing the work, the Engineer will recommend to the Owner the amount of adjustment in cost and time he considers reasonable. The Owner will make the final decision on all Change Orders to the Contract regarding any adjustment in cost or time for completion. City of Fort Collins SECTION 01160 - SITE CONDITIONS Park Planning & Development Division Page 1 of 3 G. Underground Utilities: l . Known utilities and structures adjacent to or encountered in the work are shown on the Drawings. The locations shown are taken from existing records and the best information available from existing utility plans, however. it is expected that there may be some discrepancies and omissions in the locations and quantities of utilities and structures shown. Those shown are for the convenience of the Contractor only, and no responsibility is assumed by either the Owner or the Engineer for their accuracy or completeness. PART 3 - CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR UTILITY PROPERTIES AND SERVICE 3.01 General A. Where the Contractors operations could cause damage or inconvenience to railway, telegraph, telephone, television, oil, gas, electricity, water, sewer, or irrigation systems, the operations shall be suspended until all arrangements necessary for the protection of these utilities and services have been made by the Contractor. B. Notify all utility offices which are affected by the construction operation at least 48 hours in advance. Under no circumstances expose any utility without first obtaining permission from the appropriate agency. Once permission has been granted, locate, expose, and provide temporary support for all existing underground utilities. C. The Contractor shall protect all utility poles from damage. if interference of power poles, telephone poles, guy wires, or anchors is encountered, notify the Owner's Representative and the appropriate utility company at least 48 hours in advance of construction operations to permit the necessary arrangements for protection or relocation of the interfering structure. D. The Contractor shall be solely and directly responsible to the Owner and operators of such properties for any damage, injury, expense, loss, inconvenience, delay, suits, actions, or claims of any character brought because of any injuries or damage which may result from the construction operations under this Contract. E. Neither the Owner nor its officers or agents shall be responsible to the Contractor for damages as a result of the Contractor's failure to protect utilities encountered in the work. F. If the Contractor while performing the Contract discovers utility facilities not identified in the Drawings or Specifications, he shall immediately notify the Owners and the utility in writing. G. In the event of interruption to domestic water, sewer, storm drain, or other utility services as a result of accidental breakage due to construction operations, promptly notify the proper authority. Cooperate with said authority in the restoration of service as promptly as possible and bear all costs of repair. In no case shall interruption of any water or utility service be allowed to exist outside working hours unless prior approval is granted. H. The Contractor shall replace, at his own expense, any and all other existing utilities or structures removed or damaged during construction, unless otherwise provided for in these Contract Documents or ordered by the Engineer. 3.02 Interfering Structures A. Take necessary precautions to prevent damage to existing structures whether on the surface, aboveground, or underground. An attempt has been made to show major structures on the Drawings. The completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed, and it is presented simply as a guide to avoid known possible difficulties. 3.03 Field Relocation A. During the progress of construction, it is expected that minor relocations of the work will be necessary. Such relocations shall be made only by direction of the Owner's Representative. if existing structures are encountered that prevent the construction, and that are not properly shown on the Drawings, notify the Owner's Representative before continuing with the construction in order that the Owner's Representative may make such field revision as necessary to avoid conflict with the existing structures. City of Fort Collins SECTION 01160 — SITE CONDITIONS Page 2 of 3 Park Planning & Development Division If the Contractor shall fail to so notify the Owner's Representative when an existing structure is encountered. and shall proceed with the construction despite the interference, he shall do so at his own risk. 3.04 Easements A. Easements and permits will be obtained by the Owner where portions of the work are located on public or private property Easements will provide for the use of the property for construction purposes to the extent indicated on the easements. Copies of these easements and permits are available upon request to the Owner. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to determine the adequacy of the easement obtained in every case and to abide by all requirements and provisions of the easement. The Contractor shall confine his construction operations to within the easement limits or make special arrangements with the property owners or appropriate public agency for the additional area required. Any damage to property, either inside or outside the limits of the easements provided by the Owner, shall be the responsibility of the Contractor as specified herein. The Contractor shall remove, protect, and replace all fences or other items encountered on public or private property. Before final payment will be authorized by the Owner's Representative, the Contractor will be required to furnish the Owner with written releases from property owners or public agencies where side agreements or special easements have been made by the Contractor or where the Contractor's operations, for any reason, have not been kept within the construction right-of-way obtained by the Owner. B. It is anticipated that the required easements and permits will be obtained before construction is started. However, should the procurement of any easement or permit be delayed, the Contractor shall schedule and perform the work around these areas until such a time as the easement or permit has been secured. 3.05 Land Monuments A. The Contractor shall notify the Owner's Representative of any existing Federal, State, Town, County, and private land monuments encountered. Private monuments shall be preserved, or replaced by a licensed surveyor at the Contractor's expense. When Government monuments are encountered, the Contractor shall notify the Owner's Representative at least two (2) weeks in advance of the proposed construction in order that the Owner's Representative will have ample opportunity to notify the proper authority and reference these monuments for later replacement. END OF SECTION City of Fort Collins SECTION 01160 - SITE CONDITIONS Park Planning & Development Division Page 3 of 3 I DIVISION 1 SECTION 01270 — UNIT PRICES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Related Documents Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.02 Summary This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for unit prices. Related Sections include the following: 1. Division 1 Section "Allowances" for procedures for using unit prices to adjust quantity allowances. 1.03 Definitions A. Unit price is an amount proposed by bidders, stated on the Bid Form, as a price per unit of measurement for materials or services added to or deducted from the Contract Sum by appropriate modification, if estimated quantities of Work required by the Contract Documents are increased or decreased. 1.04 Procedures A. Unit prices include all necessary material, plus cost for delivery, installation, insurance, applicable taxes, overhead, and profit. B. Measurement and Payment: Refer to individual Specification Sections for work that requires establishment of unit prices. Methods of measurement and payment for unit prices are specified in those Sections. C. Owner reserves the right to reject Contractor's measurement of work -in -place that involves use of established unit prices and to have this work measured, at Owner's expense, by an independent surveyor acceptable to Contractor. D. List of Unit Prices: A list of unit prices is included in Part 3. Specification Sections referenced in the schedule contain requirements for materials described under each unit price. PART 2 — MATERIALS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 List of Unit Prices Demolition Unit Price Item: Demolition of 6-Inch Concrete Slab 1. Description: Demolition, removal, and dispose of 6-inch thick concrete slab, including all incidental efforts and materials required to complete the demolition. 2. Unit of Measurement: Square Foot City of Fort Collins SECTION 01270 - UNIT PRICES Park Planning & Development Division Page 1 of 1 Gnit Price Item: Demolition of City Curb and Gutter 1. Description: Demolition. removal. and disposal of City of Fort Collins curb and gutter, including all efforts and materials required for complete removal. 2. Unit of Measurement: Linear Foot Unit Price Item: Unclassified Excavation 1. Description: Unclassified excavation including all efforts and materials required for complete removal. 2. Unit of Measurement: Cubic Yard Unit Price Item: Reconditioning Subgrade 1. Description: Reconditioning subgrade including all efforts and materials required for a complete item. 2. Unit of Measurement: Cubic Yard Unit Price Item: Sawcutting 1. Description: Sawcutting including all efforts and materials required for a complete item. 2. Unit of Measurement: Linear Foot Utilities Unit Price Item: Storm Inlets 1. Description: Storm inlet installation per drawings including all efforts and materials required for a complete item. 2. Unit of Measurement: Each Unit Price Item: 2-Inch PVC Sewer Pine 1. Description: Two inch PVC sewer pipe installation per drawings including all efforts and materials required for a complete item. 2. Unit of Measurement: Linear Foot Unit Price Item: Sanitary Sewer Connection 1. Description: Sanitary sewer connection including all efforts and materials required for a complete item. 2. Unit of Measurement: Each Paving and Wall Unit Price Item: 6-Inch City Curb and Gutter — 1. Description: Installation of City of Fort Collins standard 6-inch curb and gutter including excavation, formwork, and transportation, installation in place, and incidental effort and materials required for completed finished product. 2. Unit of Measurement: Linear Foot. Unit Price Item: Concrete Header _ 1. Description: Installation of 6" wide by 18" deep concrete header per drawings including excavation, formwork, and transportation, installation in place, and incidental effort and materials required for completed finished product. _ 2. Unit of Measurement: Linear Foot Unit Price Item: Integral Colored Specialty Concrete City of Fort Collins SECTION 01270 - UNIT PRICES Page 2 of 1 Park Planning & Development Division I. Description: Installation of Specialty Concrete including excavation, formwork, transportation, installation in place, and incidental effort and materials required for completed finished product. 2. Unit of Measurement: Square Foot Unit Price Item: Concrete Pavers 1. Description: Concrete pavers including transportation, excavation, compaction. aggregate base, sand setting bed, adjustment of setting bed elevations, installation in place. pavers, sand and other incidental materials, and all labor and equipment for a complete the installation. 2. Unit of Measurement: Square Foot. Unit Price Item: Granite Pavers l . Description: Granite pavers including transportation. excavation, compaction, aggregate base. sand setting bed, adjustment of setting bed elevations, installation in place, pavers, sand and other incidental materials, and all labor and equipment for a complete the installation. - 2. Unit of Measurement: Square Foot. Unit Price Item: Smooth Step 1. Description: Cast -in -place smooth step including all excavation, formwork, concrete, reinforcing, finishing, and other materials, backfill, transportation of materials, and incidental efforts required for a complete finished product. 2. Unit of Measurement: Square Foot Unit Price Item: Smooth Radial Stairs — 6 Inch 1. Description: Cast -in -place smooth radial stairs including all excavation, formwork, concrete, reinforcing, finishing, and other materials, backfill, transportation of materials, and incidental efforts required for a complete finished product. 2. Unit of Measurement: Square Foot Unit Price Item: Smooth Radial Stairs-4 Inch 1. Description: Cast -in -place smooth radial stairs including all excavation, formwork, concrete, reinforcing, finishing, and other materials, backfill, transportation of materials, and incidental efforts required for a complete finished product. 2. Unit of Measurement: Square Foot Unit Price Item: Smooth Radial Retaining Wall 1. Description: Smooth radial retaining wall including all excavation, formwork, concrete, stone, reinforcing, and other materials, backfill, transportation of materials, and incidental efforts required for a complete finished product. 2. Unit of Measurement: Face Foot Lighting Unit Price Item: Pedestrian Light 1. Description: Steel light post with luminaire, luminaire support arm, lamp, wire, painted metal, including fabrication, transportation, excavation, formwork, concrete foundation, installation in place, for functional installation, and incidental efforts and materials required for completed installed finished product. Assumes electric power is available at location of installation. 2. Unit of Measurement: Each Unit Price Item: String Light 1. Description: String light to include transportation, installation in place including connection attachments to pole lights or at brick face attachment, stainless steel cable, lamps, hardware, City of Fort Collins SECTION 01270 - UNIT PRICES Park Planning & Development Division Page 3 of 1 and incidental efforts and materials required for completed finished product. Assumes electric power is available at point of connection 2. Unit of Measurement: Linear Foot Furnishings Unit Price Item: Handrail - Custom Description: Custom handrail including all fabrication, painting, transportation, grout, posts, attachment in place, and incidental efforts and materials required for complete installed finished product. 2. Unit of Measurement: Linear Foot Unit Price Item: Handrail — 1 V2 inch Description: One and one half inch diameter metal pipe handrail including all fabrication, painting, transportation, grout, posts, attachment in place, and incidental efforts and materials required for complete installed finished product. 2. Unit of Measurement: Linear Foot Unit Price Item: Tree Grate Description: Four foot square tree grate, steel frame and concrete header, including fabrication, transportation, hardware, concrete footing, attachment in place, excavation for tree, and incidental efforts and materials required for a complete installed finished product. Does not include tree, backfill planting soil, irrigation, or mulch. 2. Unit of Measurement: Each Unit Price Item: 8-Foot Bench Description: 8-foot length steel bench including purchase, delivery, hardware, attachment in place, and incidental efforts and materials required for a complete installed finished product. 2. Unit of Measurement: Each Unit Price Item: Bicycle Rack Description: Bicycle Rack including purchase, delivery, hardware, attachment in place, and incidental efforts and materials required for a complete installed finished product. 2. Unit of Measurement: Each Unit Price Item: Trash Receptacle Description: Steel trash receptacle and installation, including fabrication, transportation, hardware, attachment in place, and incidental efforts and materials required for a complete installed finished product. 2. Unit of Measurement: Each Unit Price Item: 42 Inch Diameter Planter Pot Description: Forty two inch diameter planter pot, drain rock, filter fabric, planting soil, mulch and concrete header base, including fabrication, transportation, hardware, concrete footing, attachment in place, excavation for tree, and incidental efforts and materials required for a complete installed finished product. Does not include irrigation or planting. 2. Unit of Measurement: Each Unit Price Item: 36 Inch Diameter Planter Pot Description: Thirty six inch diameter planter pot, drain rock, filter fabric, planting soil, mulch and concrete header base, including fabrication, transportation, hardware, concrete footing, attachment in place, excavation for tree, and incidental efforts and materials required for a complete installed finished product. Does not include irrigation or planting. City of Fort Collins SECTION 01270 - UNIT PRICES Page 4 of 1 Park Planning & Development Division 2. Unit of Measurement: Each Unit Price Item: 24 Inch Diameter Planter Pot l . Description: Twenty four inch diameter planter pot, drain rock, filter fabric. planting soil, mulch and concrete header base. including fabrication. transportation, hardware, concrete fooling. attachment in place. excavation for tree- and incidental efforts and materials required for a complete installed finished product. Does not include irrigation or planting, 2. Unit of Measurement: Each Unit Price Item: 18 Inch Diameter Planter Pot 1. Description: Eighteen inch diameter planter pot. drain rock, filter fabric, planting soil, mulch and concrete header base, includine fabrication, transportation, hardware, concrete footing, attachment in place, excavation for tree. and incidental efforts and materials required for a complete installed finished product. Does not include irrigation or planting. 2. Unit of Measurement: Each Unit Price Item: Custom Sign 1. Description: Custom sign installation, including fabrication, transportation, hardware, attachment in place, and incidental efforts and materials required for a complete installed finished product. 2. Unit of Measurement: Each Irrigation Unit Price Item: Planter Pot Irrigation Supply I. Description: Irrigation for planter pot, irrigation riser and tee, coupling, swing pipe PE riser, dripline, connection to irrigation lateral and piping including fabrication, transportation, installation in place, for functional installation, and incidental efforts and materials required for completed installed finished product. Does not include copper lateral line, planter pot, planter pot base, planting soil or planting. 2. Unit of Measurement: Each Unit Price Item: Netafim Dripline 1. Description: Netafim dripline tubing, connection to automatic control valve, including fabrication, transportation, installation in place, for functional installation, and incidental efforts and materials required for a complete installed finished product. Does not include automatic control valve, mainline, or associated valve box. 2. Unit of Measurement: Linear Foot Unit Price Item: 1-Inch Class 200 Irrigation Lateral Pipe 1. Description: ]-inch nominal diameter Class 200 pipe for irrigation system laterals including transportation, excavation, bedding, backfill, compaction, couplings, installation in place, and incidental efforts and materials required for completed finished installation. 2. Unit of Measurement: Linear Foot Landscape Unit Price Item: 2 'h Inch Caliper Ornamental Tree 1. Description: Two and one half inch caliper ornamental tree, including transportation, excavation, planting soil, soil amendments, fertilizer, mulch, subgrade removal, installation in place, and incidental efforts and materials required for complete finished installation. Does not include irrigation system work. 2. Unit of Measurement: Each City of Fort Collins SECTION 01270 - UNIT PRICES Park Planning R Development Division Page 5 of 1 SECTION 00020 INVITATION TO BID 07/2001 Section 00020 Page 2 Unit Price Item: 2 Inch Caliper Ornamental Tree 1. Description: Two inch caliper ornamental tree. including transportation, excavation, planting soil. soil amendments, fertilizer. mulch, subgrade removal, installation in place. and incidental efforts and materials required for complete finished installation. Does not include irrigation system work. 2. Unit of Measurement: Each — Unit Price Item' 1 '/s Inch Caliper Ornamental Tree 1. Description: 1 '/3 inch caliper ornamental tree, including transportation, excavation. planting _ soil. soil amendments, fertilizer, mulch, subgrade removal, installation in place, and incidental efforts and materials required for complete finished installation. Does not include irrigation system work. — 2. Unit of Measurement: Each Unit Price Item: 6-8 Foot Ornamental Tree 1. Description: Six to eight foot ornamental tree, including transportation, excavation, planting soil, soil amendments, fertilizer, mulch, subgrade removal, installation in place, and incidental efforts and materials required for complete finished installation. Does not include irrigation system work. — 2. Unit of Measurement: Each Unit Price Item: 5 Gallon Deciduous Shrub/Ornamental Grass 1. Description: Five gallon deciduous shrub or ornamental grass, including transportation, excavation, planting soil, soil amendments, fertilizer, mulch, subgrade removal, installation in place, and incidental efforts and materials required for complete finished installation. Does — not include irrigation system work. 2. Unit of Measurement: Each Unit Price Item: 1 Gallon Perennial/Ornamental Grass 1. Description: One gallon perennial or ornamental grass, including transportation, excavation, planting soil, soil amendments, fertilizer, mulch, subgrade removal, installation in place, and incidental efforts and materials required for complete finished installation. Does not include — irrigation system work. 2. Unit of Measurement: Each Unit Price Item: 4-Inch Perennial/Ornamental Grass I. Description: 4-inch container perennial, including transportation, excavation, planting soil, soil amendments, fertilizer, mulch, subgrade removal, installation in place, and incidental ^ efforts and materials required for complete finished installation. Does not include irrigation system work. 2. Unit of Measurement: Each — Unit Price Item: Annuals 1. Description: Annual planting for planter pot, including transportation, excavation, and incidental efforts and materials required for a complete installed finished product. Does not — include irrigation, or planter pot and related materials. 2. Unit of Measurement: Each Unit Price Item: Sod 1. Description: Sod planting including transportation, excavation, and incidental efforts and materials required for a complete installed finished product. Does not include irrigation, or — planter pot and related materials. 2. Unit of Measurement: Square Foot City of Fort Collins SECTION 01270 - UNIT PRICES Park Planning & Development Division Page 6 of 1 Miscellaneous Unit Price Item: Stucco Patching l . Description: Stucco patching including equipment, materials. preparation and labor for a complete repair. 2. Unit of Measurement: Square foot Unit Price Item: Core Drilling I. Description: Core Drilling including equipment, materials, preparation and labor for a complete item. 2. Unit of Measurement: Each Unit Price Item: Bus Stop 1. Description: Bus stop shelter including concrete footing, materials, transportation, excavation, formwork, installation and all efforts and materials required to complete the item. 2. Unit of Measurement: Each END OF SECTION City of Fort Collins SECTION 01270 — UNIT PRICES Park Planning & Development Division Page 7 of 1 DIVISION 1 SECTION 01290 - MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Description A. This section covers the methods employed in determining the payment due for work completed under this contract. B. The bid price should cover all work required by this contract based upon the descriptions outlined in the bid form. C. Where actual quantities differ from those outlined on the plans; unit prices as stipulated in the bid form shall be utilized to compute payment. D. Where unit prices are not set forth on specific work, that work shall be considered a subsidiary obligation of the Contractor. E. Quantities given on the plans or in the bid form are estimates for the purpose of evaluating bids consequently some difference may arise in actual and bid quantities. 1.02 Lump Sum Prices A. Where lump sum (LS) prices are given for an item in the bid schedule or for items added during construction by change order, the price will include all materials, labor, overhead and any other cost incurred to complete the construction of the item in accordance with the plans and specifications. B. All unit prices for each item shall include its pro rata share of profits, taxes, and overhead, and are for the items installed in place, maintained and guaranteed. Including these factors, unit prices must accurately reflect actual costs. Unit prices are to be valid for the life of the contract. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION City of Fort Collins SECTION 01270 — UNIT PRICES Park Planning & Development Division Page 1 of 1 DIVISION 1 SECTION 01300 — COORDINATION AND PROJECT MEETINGS PART1-GENERAL 1.01 General A. In order to provide for an orderly progression of work, all parties involved in the construction will meet at various times during the project to discuss pertinent items regarding the work. B. Coordinate operations under contract in a manner that will facilitate progress of the Work. C. Conform to the requirements of public utilities and concerned public agencies in respect to the timing and manner of performance of operations that affect the service of such utilities, agencies, or public safety. 1.02 Conferences A. The pre -construction conference will be held at a time to be determined by the Owner, after the award of the contract and prior to the issuance of the Notice to Proceed. The meeting will involve the Owner, the Engineer, the Contractor and representatives of the owners of utilities and other properties that will be directly affected by the work. Among the Contractor's representative on the site. The Contractor will have a complete construction schedule ready for review at the time of the pre -construction conference. B. Hold conferences for coordination of the Work when necessary. C. The City may hold coordination conferences to be attended by all involved when Contractor's operations affects, or is affected by, the work of others. 1.03 Progress Meetings A. Contractor and the City shall schedule and hold regular progress meetings at least weekly and at other times as requested by the City or required by the progress of the Work. B. Attendance shall include: 1. Contractor and Superintendent 2. Owners Representative 3. Landscape Architect 4. Others as may be requested by contractor, Landscape Architect or Owner C. Minimum Agenda shall include: 1. Review of work progress since last meeting 2. Identification and discussion of problems affecting progress 3. Review of any pending change orders 4. Revisions of Construction Schedule as appropriate 1.04 Job Site Administration A. Contract administration and construction observation services will be provided by the Owner. The Owner will make decisions regarding changes in the work and adjustments in contract quantities and/or unit prices. END OF SECTION City of Fort Collins SECTION 01300 — COORDINATION AND PROJECT MEETINGS Park Planning & Development Division Page 1 of 11 DIVISION 1 SECTION 01310 - CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 General A. It is the intent of the Owner to begin construction on approximately February I, 2006. The signing of the contract and issuance of a Notice to Proceed will be completed promptly to accomplish that objective. The Notice to Proceed will authorize the Contractor to begin project administration and construction work on the site. Construction work shall not begin on site prior to the pre -construction conference. B. The Contractor shall complete all work, including cleanup of the site by June 15, 2006, specified in the Agreement, subject to the "Liquidated Damages" provision described under "Instructions to Bidders." C. Delays during project contract period outside control of the Contractor are subject to time extension consideration but not financial compensation unless such delay is significant enough to reasonably require Owner initiated work suspension (demobilization) as determined in the field by the Owner at the time of occurrence. See Paragraph 1.04 for requirements for modifying the Contract Time due to weather delays. D. Contractor shall plan and schedule his own work effort (personnel, equipment and material) to complete the project satisfactorily within the project time limits. Such schedule shall be in general conformance with the schedule submitted at the pre -construction conference. This includes the requirement that the Contractor conduct his operations to enable a shift of work effort from one part of the project to another to reasonably accommodate unexpected delays, and to conduct his daily operations so as to not create a public nuisance including but not limited to access or traffic obstruction, dust and mud generation, work outside of construction limits, noise, unsatisfactory cleanup or site restoration, unacceptable equipment/materials staging, flooding, etc. No work is to begin at the site until city Is acceptance of the Construction Schedule. E. Contractor shall prepare and submit a Critical Path Method (CPM) schedule. The schedule shall show all work completed within the contract time and shall cover the time from the date of Notice to Proceed to the completion date. Contractor shall use Microsoft Project 2000 or approved equivalent to develop and manage the CPM schedule. F. Schedule shall include milestones that demonstrate the Contractor's approach to completing the project within project time limits. Milestones shall be of sufficient number to indicate regular progress of work and shall identify major components of the work. Milestones are subject to Owner approval prior to work beginning at the site. If Contractor fails to meet a milestone, contractor shall submit an updated schedule subject to Owner approval and demonstrate how the remaining milestones will be met. The Owner may order work shut down or suspended for nonconformance with the approved schedule (See Paragraph G. below) G. Milestones (minimum required items) The following items shall be indicated on the schedule with completion dates: (1) Eartwork (2) Utilities (3) Concrete Paving (4) Irrigation (5) Art Piece, March 1, 2006 11. The Contractor may voluntarily shutdown or suspend work due to conditions beyond his control provided a minimum of 24 hours notice is provided to the Owner together with the reasons for subject suspension of work. The Contractor shall leave the project conditions in such a way so as not to cause a public nuisance or a threat to public safety. Neither remobilization costs nor additional time will be City of Fort Collins - Soft Gold Park SECTION 01310 — CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES Park Planning & Development Division Page 1 of 4 allowed for such suspension unless agreed to in writing in advance. The Owner or Engineer may order work shut down or suspended for such nonconformance issues as unsafe conditions, nonconformance with schedule, cause of public nuisance, unnecessary private property disturbance. materials and labor unsuited to the task, nonconformance to technical specifications. failure to comply with permits. etc. The Owner or Engineer will give a written warning to the Contractor with a specified deadline during which time the Contractor shall remedy the cause(s) described on the waming. Failure to do so shall justify the Owner or Engineer to order work shut down or suspended. Such shutdown will not be compensated by cost reimbursement or time schedule adjustment. J. Failure to promptly execute the approved schedule in the judgment of the Owner will result in a written warning submitted to the Contractor explaining the specific compliance needed. Failure of the Contractor to remedy the noted items may be considered a breach of contract possibly leading to work shutdown for cause or contract termination. 1.02 Format and Submissions A. Prepare Construction and Procurement schedules in a graphic format suitable for displaying schedule and actual progress. B. Submit two copies of each schedule to owner for review. Owner will return one copy to contractor with revisions suggested or necessary for coordination of the Work with the needs of Owner or others. 1.03 Progress Revisions A. A schedule update shall be submitted to the Owner at each weekly progress meeting that will reflect work performed in the previous week and the upcoming two-(2) weeks. Schedule updates shall not change any Contract times. B. A complete schedule update shall be submitted with each application for progress payment. C. Show changes occurring since previous submission. Actual progress of each item to date. 2. Revised projections of progress and completion. D. Provide a narrative report as needed to define: Anticipated problems, recommended actions, and their effects on the schedule. 2. The effect of changes on schedules of other work. 1.04 Modifications to Time of Completion in the Approved Schedule A. The date of beginning and the times for completion of the work are essential conditions of the Contract Documents and the work embraced shall be commenced on a date specified in the Notice to Proceed. The Contractor will proceed with the work at such rate of progress to ensure full completion within the contract time. It is expressly understood and agreed, by and between the Contractor and the Owner that the contract time for the completion of the work described herein is a reasonable time, taking into consideration the climatic and other factors prevailing in the locality of the work. Every effort shall be made by the Contractor to complete the project within the "Contract Time" shown in the proposal. The "Contract Time" anticipates a "Normal" weather and climate condition in and around the vicinity of the Project site during the times of year that the construction will be carried out. Extensions of time based upon weather conditions shall be granted only if the Contractor demonstrates clearly that such conditions were "unusually severe," would not have been reasonably anticipated, and that such conditions adversely affected the Contractor's work and thus required additional time to complete the work. City of Fort Collins — Soft Gold Park SECTION 01310 -CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES Park Planning & Development Division Page 2 of 4 The following specifies the procedure for the determination of time extensions for unusually severe weather. The listing below defines the anticipated number of calendar days lost to adverse weather for each month and is based upon National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) or similar data for the geographic location of the project. Monthly Anticipated Calendar Days Lost to Adverse Weather Conditions JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC (7) (4) (4) (4) (6) (3) (4) (2) (3) (3) (2) (5) The above schedule of anticipated adverse weather will constitute the base line for monthly (or portion thereof) weather time evaluations. Upon acknowledgment of the Notice to Proceed and continuing throuehout the contract on a monthly basis, actual adverse weather days and the impact of adverse weather days that delay the work will be recorded on a day-to-day basis. It is assumed that the work will be carried out Mondays through Fridays (holidays excepted) unless an approved construction schedule or written authorization from the Owner indicates otherwise. The number of days of delayed work due to adverse weather or the impact thereof will then be compared to the monthly adverse weather schedule above. An actual adverse weather day must prevent work for 50 percent or more of the Contractor's workday, delay work critical to the timely completion of the project, and be documented by the Contractor. The City Representative observing the construction shall determine on a daily basis whether or not work can proceed or if work is delayed due to adverse weather or the effects thereof. The Contractor shall notify the Construction Coordinator in writing of any disagreement as to whether or not work can proceed on a given date, within 2 calendar days of that date. The Owner will use the above written notification in determining the number of working days for which work was delayed during each month. C. At the end of each month, if the number of working days for which work was delayed due to adverse weather exceeds that shown in the above schedule, a Change Order will be executed which increases the Contract Time. The number of workdays delayed due to adverse weather or the impact thereof will then be converted to Calendar Days based on the contract completion day and date. This conversion assumes a 5-day work week, Mondays through Fridays, holidays excepted; should the Contractor have authorization to work weekends and/or holidays, then the method of conversion of workdays to calendar days would take this into consideration. The contract time period will then be increased by the number of calendar days calculated above and a new contract completion day and date will be set. D. The Contractor's schedule must reflect the above -anticipated adverse weather delays on all weather - dependent activities. E. While extensions of time shall be granted for "unusually severe" weather or climate conditions, the Owner shall make no monetary compensation for any costs to the Contractor arising out of such delays. The Contractor shall comply with the portions of the Contract Documents relating to his project schedule and amendments thereto which result from the "unusually severe" weather condition. F. Breakdowns in equipment or lack of performance by the Contractor will not be considered justification for an extension of time. Liquidated damages will be assessed as delineated elsewhere. G. The Contractor shall not be charged with liquidated damages or any excess cost when the delay in completion of the work is due to the following, and the Contractor has promptly given written notice of such delay to the Owner or Engineer. I. To any preference, priority, or allocation order duly issued by the Owner. 2. To unforeseeable causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor, including but not restricted to, acts of God, or of the public enemy, acts of the Owner, acts of another Contractor in the performance of a contract with the Owner, ftt;es, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes, and abnormal and unforeseeable weather as provided above; and 3. To any delays of Subcontractors occasioned by any of the causes specified in paragraphs 1 and 2, above. City of Fort Collins- Soft Gold Park SECTION 01310— CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES Park Planning & Development Division Page 3 of 4 1.05 City's Responsibility A. City's review is only for the purpose of checking conformity with the Contract Documents and — assisting Contractor in coordinating the Work with the needs of the project- B. 11 is not to be construed as relieving Contractor from any responsibility to determine the means, _ methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction as provided in the General Conditions. PART 2 - MATERIALS (Not Applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) PART 4 - MEASUREMENT & PAYMENT (Not Applicable) END OF SECTION City of Fort Collins— Soft Gold Park SECTION 01310 — CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES Park Planning & Development Division Page 4 of 4 DIVISION 1 SECTION 01330 — SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Shop Drawings A. Submit newly prepared information drawn accurately to scale. Highlight, encircle, or otherwise indicate deviations from the Contract Documents. Do not reproduce Contract Documents or copy standard information as the basis of Shop Drawings. Standard information prepared without specific reference to the Project is not a Shop Drawing. B. Shop Drawings include fabrication and installation Drawings, setting diagrams, schedules, patterns. templates, and similar Drawings. Include the following information: 1. Dimensions. 2. Identification of products and materials included by sheet and detail number. 3. Compliance with specified standards. 4. Notation of coordination requirements. 5. Notation of dimensions established by field measurement. 6. Sheet Size: Except for templates, patterns and similar full-size Drawings, submit Shop Drawings on sheets at least 8-1/2 by 11 inches but no larger than 24 by 36 inches. 7. Submittal: Submit 3 blue- or black -line prints and 2 additional prints where required for maintenance manuals, plus the number of prints needed by the Contractor for distribution. The Owner's Representative will retain 2 prints and return the remainder. a. One of the prints returned shall be marked up and maintained as a "Record Document." 8. Do not use Shop Drawings without an appropriate final stamp indicating action taken. 1.02 Product Data A. Collect Product Data into a single submittal for each element of construction or system. Product Data includes printed information, such as manufacturer's installation instructions, catalog cuts, standard color charts, roughing -in diagrams and templates, standard wiring diagrams, and performance curves. 1. Mark each copy to show applicable choices and options. Where printed Product Data includes information on several products that are not required, mark copies to indicate the applicable information. Include the following information: a. Manufacturer's printed recommendations. b. Compliance with trade association standards. c. Compliance with recognized testing agency standards. d. Application of testing agency labels and seals. e. Notation of dimensions verified by field measurement. f. Notation coordination requirements. 2. Do not submit Product Data until compliance with requirements of the Contract Documents has been confirmed. 3. Preliminary Submittal: Submit a preliminary single copy of Product Data where selection of options is required. City of Fort Collins SECTION 01330 — SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES Park Planning & Development Division Page 1 of 3 4. Submittals: Submit 2 copies of each required submittal; submit 4 copies where required for maintenance manuals plus additional copies as needed by the Contractor for distribution. The Owner will retain one and will return the other marked with action taken and corrections or modifications required. 5. Distribution: Furnish copies of final submittal to installers, subcontractors, suppliers, manufacturers, fabricators, and others required for performance of construction activities. Show distribution on transmittal forms. a. Do not proceed with installation until a copy of Product Data is in the Installer's possession. b. Do not permit use of unmarked copies of Product Data in connection with construction. 1.03 Samples A. Submit full-size, full -fabricated Samples cured and finished as specified and physically identical with the material or product proposed. Samples include partial sections of manufactured or fabricated components, cuts or containers of materials, color range sets, and swatches showing color, texture, and pattern. 1. Mount or display Samples in the manner to facilitate review of qualities indicated. Include the following: a. Specification Section number and reference. b. Generic description of the Sample. c. Sample source. d. Product name or name of the manufacturer. e. Compliance with recognized standards. f. Availability and delivery time. 2. Submit Samples for review of size, kind, color, pattern, and texture. Submit Samples for a final check of these characteristics with other elements and a comparison of these characteristics between the final submittal and the actual component as delivered and installed. a. Where variation in color, pattern, or other characteristic is inherent in the material or product represented, submit at least 3 multiple units that show approximate limits of the variations. b. Refer to other Specification Sections for requirements for Samples that illustrate workmanship, fabrication techniques, details of assembly, connections, operation, and similar construction characteristics. c. Refer to other Sections for Samples to be returned to the Contractor for incorporation in the Work. Such Samples must be undamaged at time of use. On the transmittal, indicated special requests regarding disposition of Sample submittals. d. Samples not incorporated into the Work, or otherwise designated as the Owner's property, are the property of the Contractor and shall be removed from the site prior to Substantial Completion. 3. Preliminary Submittals: Submit a full set of choices where Samples are submitted for selection of color, pattern, texture, or similar characteristics from a range of standard choices. The Owner will review and return preliminary submittals with the Owner's notation, indicating selection and other action. 4. Submittals: Except for Samples illustrating assembly details, workmanship, fabrication techniques, connections, operation, and similar characteristics, submit 3 sets. The Owner will return one set marked with the action taken. 5. Maintain sets of Samples, as returned, at the Project Site, for quality comparisons throughout the course of construction. City of Fort Collins SECTION 01330 - SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES Park Planning & Development Division Page 2 of 3 SECTION 00020 INVITATION TO BID Date: December 7, 2005 Sealed Bids will be received by the City of Fort Collins (hereinafter referred to as OWNER), at the office of the Purchasing Division, 3:00 P.M., our clock, on January 11, 2006, for the Oak Street Plaza; BID NO. 5951. If delivered, they are to be delivered to 215 North Mason Street, 2°d Floor, Fort Collins, Colorado, 80524. If mailed, the mailing address is P. O. Box 580, Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580. At said place and time, and promptly thereafter, all Bids that have been duly received will be publicly opened and read aloud. The contract documents provide for construction of a Downtown plaza park including: concrete paving, concrete pavers, concrete walls, fountain, custom railings, utilities including; water, sanitary sewer and electrical service, pedestrian lights, signage, site furniture, irrigation system, and landscaping. All Bids must be in accordance with the Contract Documents on file with The City of Fort Collins, 215 North Mason St., 2nd floor, Fort Collins, Colorado 80524. Contract Documents will be available December 8, 2005. Copies of the Contract Documents, complete with Construction Specifications and Drawings, may be obtained from Purchasing Division at 215 North Mason St., 2nd floor, Fort Collins, Colorado, 80524 upon payment of a refundable fee of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per set. No partial sets will be issued. The Contract Documents and Construction Drawings may be examined at: 1. City of Fort Collins, Purchasing Division. 2. Dodge Plan Room, 1114 W. 7th Ave., Suite 100, Denver, Colorado. 3. Builders Exchange, 223 South Link Lane, Fort Collins, Colorado. 4. Construction News Service, 4775 Centennial Blvd Ste 150, Colorado Springs, Colorado. A prebid conference and job walk with representatives of prospective Bidders will be held at December 19, 2005, at 10:00 a.m., 215 N Mason, Conference Room 2A, followed by a site visit to Oak Street Plaza, Corner of College Ave. and Oak Street, Fort Collins. Prospective Bidders are invited to present their questions relative to this Bid proposal at this meeting. 07/2001 Section 00020 Page 1 a. Unless noncompliance with Contract Document provisions is observed, the submittal may serve as the final submittal. b. Sample sets may be used to obtain final acceptance of the construction associated with each set. B. Distribution of Samples: Prepare and distribute additional sets to subcontractors, manufacturers, fabricators, suppliers, installers, and others as required for performance of the Work. Show distribution on transmittal forms. 1.04 Quality Assurance Submittals A. Submit quality -control submittals, including design data. certifications, manufacturer's instructions. manufacturer's field reports, and other quality -control submittals as required under other Sections of the Specifications. B. Certifications: Where other Sections of the Specifications require certification that a product, material, or installation complies with specified requirements, submit a notarized certification from the manufacturer certifying compliance with specified requirements. 1. Signature: an officer of the manufacturer or other authorized individual shall sign Certification documents. C. Inspection and Test Reports: Requirements for. submittal of inspection and test reports from independent testing agencies are specified in Division 1 Section "Quality Control and Testing," and in the applicable technical specifications. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) END OF SECTION City of Fort Collins SECTION 01330 — SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES Park Planning & Development Division Page 3 of 3 DIVISION 1 SECTION 01340 - SURVEY DATA PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Survey Requirements A. Contractor is responsible for the layout of the Work. The City will not provide surveying. B. Base all measurements, both horizontal and vertical, on established control points. Verify all established control points at site prior to laying out the work. C. Perform layout of the Work with qualified personnel. 1. At a minimum stake corners and bus shelter post locations. 2. At a minimum, stake concrete sidewalks, concrete pavement and changes in pavement type at grade changes, changes in horizontal alignment, and at 25-foot stations along the sidewalk centerline. D. All field books, notes, and other data developed by Contractor in performing surveys required by the Work will be available to City for examination throughout the construction period. . 1.02 Submittals A. Submit to City all survey data with other documentation required for final acceptance. PART 2 - MATERIALS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) PART 4 - MEASUREMENT & PAYMENT (Not Used) END OF SECTION City of Fort Collins SECTION 01340 - SURVEY DATA Park Planning & Development Division Page 1 of 1 DIVISION 1 SECTION 01450 - QUALITY CONTROL AND TESTING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 General A. Provide such equipment and facilities as the City may require for conducting field tests and for collecting and forwarding samples. Do not use any materials or equipment represented by samples until tests, if' required, have been made and the materials or equipment are found to be acceptable. Any product that becomes unfit for use after approval hereof shall not be incorporated into the work. B. All materials or equipment proposed to be used may be tested at any time during their preparation or use. Furnish the required samples without charge and give sufficient notice of the placing of orders to permit the testing. Products may be sampled either prior to shipment or after being received at the site of the work. C. Tests shall be made by an accredited testing laboratory selected by the Owner. Except as otherwise provided, sampling and testing of all materials and the laboratory methods and testing equipment shall be in accordance with the latest standards and tentative methods of the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM). D. Where additional or specified information concerning testing methods, sample sizes, etc., is required, such information is included under the applicable sections of the Specifications. Any modification of, or elaboration on, these test procedures which may be included for specific materials under their respective sections in the Specifications shall take precedence over these procedures. 1.02 Test Reports A. Submit 2 copies of the reports of all tests made by testing laboratories, plus copies to be returned to the contractor. 1.03 City's Responsibilities A. City of Fort Collins shall be responsible for and shall pay all costs in connection with the following testing: l . Soils compaction tests. 2. Pipe and structural bedding. 3. Tests not called for by the Specifications of materials delivered to the site. 4. Concrete, mortar and grout tests. 1.04 Contractor's Responsibilities A. In addition to those inspections and tests called for in the General Conditions, Contractor shall also be responsible for and shall pay all costs in connection with testing required for the following: 1. All performance and field testing specifically called for by the specifications. 2. All re -testing for Work or materials found defective or unsatisfactory, including tests covered under 1.03 above. 3. Testing of pipe. 4. Vacuum testing of manholes. 5. Concrete materials and mix designs. 6. Gradation tests for embedment, fill and backfrll materials. 7. Irrigation mainline pressure test and operational test. City of Fort Collins SECTION 01450- QUALITY CONTROL AND TESTING Park Planning & Development Division Page 1 of 2 8. Material Substitution - any test for basic material or fabrication of equipment offered as a substitution for a specified item on which a test may be required in order to prove it compliant with the specifications. Nothing contained herein is intended to imply that the Contractor does not have the right to have tests performed on any material at any time for his/her own information and job control so long as the Owner does not assume responsibility for the cost or for giving them consideration when appraising quality materials. 1.05 Transmittal of Test Reports A. Submit 2 copies of each report of tests and engineering data furnished by the Contractor for City Representative's review. The Owner's Representative will retain one and will return the other marked with action taken and corrections or modifications required. B. The testing laboratory retained by the Owner will furnish three (3) copies of a written report of each test performed by laboratory personnel in the field or laboratory. Two (2) copies of each test report will be transmitted to the City Representative and one (1) copy to the Contractor within seven (7) days after each test is completed. 1.06 Contractor's Quality Control System A. General: The Contractor shall establish a quality control system to perform sufficient inspection and tests of all items of work, including that of his subcontractors, to ensure conformance to the functional performance of this project. This control shall be established for all construction except where the Contract Documents provide for specific compliance tests by testing laboratories or engineers employed by the City. Contractor's control system shall specifically include all testing required by the various sections of the Specifications. B. Contractor's quality control system is the means by which he assures himself that his construction complies with the requirements of the Contract Documents. Controls shall be adequate to cover all construction operations and should be keyed to the proposed construction schedule. C. Records: maintain correct records on an appropriate form for all inspections and tests performed, instructions received from the City and actions taken as a result of those instructions. These records shall include evidence that the required inspections or tests have been performed (including type and number of inspections or test, nature of defects, causes for rejection, etc.) proposed or directed remedial action, and corrective action taken. Document inspections and tests as required by each section of the Specifications. Provide copies to City in a reasonable time. D. Pipe alignment and grade is to be maintained through the use of suitable surveying instruments or laser equipment operated continuously during construction. Horizontal tolerances of + 0.3 feet and vertical tolerances of + 0.1 feet maximum deviation from plan and construction staking are to be maintained, except that visible "snaking" of the horizontal alignment and changes in directions of slope will not be permitted. PART 2 - MATERIALS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) PART 4 - MEASUREMENT & PAYMENT (Not Used) END OF SECTION City of Fort Collins SECTION 01450 — QUALITY CONTROL AND TESTING Park Planning & Development Division Page 2 of 2 DIVISION 1 SECTION 01500 - TEMPORARY CONTROLS 1.01 Noise Control A. Take reasonable measures to avoid unnecessary noise when construction activities are being performed in populated areas. B. Construction machinery and vehicles shall be equipped with practical sound muffling devices, and operated in a manner to cause the least noise consistent with efficient performance of the work. C. Cease operation of all machinery and vehicles between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. 1.02 Dust Control A. Dusty materials in piles or in transit shall be covered to prevent blowing. B. Earth and road surfaces subject to dusting due to construction activities and detouring of traffic shall be kept moist with water or by application of a chemical dust suppressant. 1. .Chemical dust suppressant shall not be injurious to existing or future vegetation. 1.03 Pollution Control A. Prevent the pollution of drains and watercourses by sanitary wastes, concrete, sediment, debris and other substances resulting from construction activities. 1. Retain all spent oils, hydraulic fluids and other petroleum fluids in containers for disposal off the site. 2. Prevent sediment, debris or other substances from entering sanitary sewers, storm drains and culverts. 1.04 Erosion Control A. Take such measures as are necessary to prevent erosion of soil that might result from construction activities. 1. Measures in general will include: a. Control of runoff. b. Trapping of sediment. c. Minimizing area and duration of soil exposure. d. Temporary materials such as hay bales, sandbags, plastic sheets, riprap or culverts to prevent the erosion of banks and beds of watercourses or drainage swales where runoff will be increased due to construction activities. B. Preserve natural vegetation to the greatest extent possible. C. Locate temporary storage and route construction traffic so as to preserve vegetation and minimize erosion. D. Comply with the City of Fort Collins' Storm Drainage Erosion Control Manual. END OF SECTION City of Fort Collins SECTION 01500 — TEMPORARY CONTROLS Park Planning & Development Division Page 1 of 1 DIVISION 1 SECTION 01510 - TEMPORARY UTILITIES PART 1-GENERAL 1.01 Utilities A. Furnish all utilities necessary for construction including. but not limited to temporary electric power and pay all cost associated with utilities during and used for the contract period. All temporary utilities installation shall meet the construction safety requirements of OSHA. State and local governing agencies. 1.02 Water A. Contractor is responsible for obtaining water for construction and shall pay all costs associated with establishing a temporary meter used during construction. 1.03 Sanitary Facilities A. Furnish temporary sanitary facilities at the site in the vicinity.of the construction for the needs of construction workers and others performing work or furnishing services on the Project. B. Properly maintain sanitary facilities of reasonable capacity throughout construction periods. C. Enforce the use of such sanitary facilities by all personnel at the site, D. Obscure sanitary facilities from public view to the greatest extent practical. PART 2 - MATERIALS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) PART 4 - MEASUREMENT & PAYMENT (Not Used) END OF SECTION City of Fort Collins SECTION 01510 - TEMPORARY UTILITIES Park Planning & Development Division Page 1 of 1 DIVISION 1 SECTION 01570 - TRAFFIC CONTROL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 General A. Traffic Control necessary to complete the project as depicted in the plans and specifications will be provided by the Contractor and will not be paid for separately. B. The Contractor must submit traffic control plans and coordinate all traffic control with the City's Traffic Control Coordinator. The traffic control plans must be submitted and approved 72 hours prior to starting construction and before making each modification. C. Conformance: City of Fort Collins Work Area Traffic Control Handbook, Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (U.S. Dept. of Transportation), or applicable statutory requirements of authority having jurisdiction. D. Limited closures may be permitted for short periods up to three days to allow installation of concrete pavement. Closures must be requested and approved 72 hours prior to anticipated closure. E. 'Limited alternating one-way traffic operation may be permitted during the hours from 9:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. One-way traffic operation must be requested and approved 72 hours prior to anticipated operation. F. At all times, Contractor must maintain two-way traffic with a minimum of one lane of traffic in each direction. Limited closures may be allowed. G. The Contractor must coordinate with adjacent residents to provide and maintain them sufficient access during the duration of the project_ It will be the Contractor's responsibility to coordinate and communicate with the residents during construction. H. Keep traffic areas free of excavated material, construction equipment, pipe, and other materials and equipment. 1. Keep fire hydrants and utility control devices free from obstruction and available for use at all times. 1. Conduct operations in a manner to avoid unnecessary interference with public and private roads and drives. K. Provide and maintain temporary approaches or crossings at streets, businesses, and residences. L. Keep roads open and in acceptable condition, unless closure or detour has been approved by City's Traffic Control Coordinator 72 hours prior to closure or detour. M. Define a temporary pedestrian access route for children coming from the surrounding neighborhoods. This pedestrian access route shall be located outside of the project limits. The pedestrian access route shall be kept free of excavated material, construction equipment, pipe, and other materials. 1.02 Traffic Control Plan A. Submit a detailed traffic control plan to Traffic Control Coordinator for review and acceptance. Plan most be accepted 72 hours prior to work commencing at the site. Maintain the accepted plan throughout all phases of construction. Provide copy to Owner prior to submittal. 1. Notify police, sheriff, ambulance services, and fire authorities of traffic control plan and the schedule of it. Distribute copies if requested. 1.03 Flagmen A. Required where necessary to provide for public safety, or the regulation of traffic, or by jurisdictional authorities. City of Fort Collins SECTION 01570 - TRAFFIC CONTROL Park Planning & Development Division Page 1 of 2 B. Shall be properly equipped and licensed. 1.04 Warning Signs and Lights A. Provide suitable barricades and warning signs for: 1. Open trenches and other excavations. 2. Obstructions, such as material piles, equipment, piled embankment. B. Illuminate by means of warning lights all barricades and obstructions from sunset to sunrise. C. Protect roads and driveways by effective barricades on which are placed acceptable warning signs. 1.05 Parking A. Provide suitable parking areas for the use of all construction workers and others performing work or furnishing services in connection with the Project so as to avoid interference with private property, public traffic, City's operations, or construction activities. Such parking shall occur on the project site or another suitable location, approved by the City. 1.06 Roadway Usage between Operations A. At all times when Work is not actually in progress, Contractor shall make passable and shall open to traffic such portion's of the Project and temporary roadways or portions thereof as may be agreed upon between Contractor and City and all authorities having jurisdiction over any properties involved. PART 2 - MATERIALS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) PART 4 - MEASUREMENT & PAYMENT (Not Used) END OF SECTION 0 City of Fort Collins SECTION 01570 - TRAFFIC CONTROL Park Planning & Development Division Page 2 of 2 DIVISION 1 SECTION 01600 — MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT PART 1-GENERAL 1.01 Related Documents A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division I Specification Sections. apply to this Section. 1.02 Summary A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements governing the Contractor's selection of products for use in the Project. 1.03 Definitions A. Definitions used in this Article are not intended to change the meaning of other terms used in the Contract Documents, such as "specialties," "systems," "structure," "finishes," "accessories," and similar terms. Such terms are self-explanatory and have well -recognized meanings in the construction industry. I . "Products" are items purchased for incorporation in the Work, whether purchased for the Project or taken from previously purchased stock. The term "product" includes the terms "material," "equipment," "systems," and terms of similar intent. 2. "Materials" are products substantially shaped, cut, worked, mixed, finished, refined, or otherwise fabricated, processed, or installed to form a part of the Work. 3. "Equipment" is a product with operational parts, whether motorized or manually operated, that requires service connections, such as wiring or piping. 1.04 Submittals A. Product List: Prepare a list showing products specified in tabular form acceptable to the Owner. Include generic names of products required. Include the manufacturer's name and proprietary product names for each item listed. 1. Coordinate product list with the Contractor's Construction Schedule and the Schedule of Submittals. 2. Form: Prepare product list with information on each item tabulated under the following column headings: a. Related Specifications Section number. b. Generic name used in Contract Documents. C. Proprietary name, model number, and similar designations. d. Manufacturer's name and address. e. Supplier's name and address. f. Installer's name and address. g. Projected delivery date or time span of delivery period. 3. Initial Submittal: Within 30 days of date commencement of the Work, submit 3 copies of an initial product list. Provide a written explanation of omissions of data and for known variations from Contract requirements. 4. Complete List: Within 60 days after date of commencement of the Work, submit 3 copies of the completed product list. Provide a written explanation for omissions of data and for known variations from Contract requirements. City of Fort Collins SECTION 01600 — MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT Park Planning & Development Division Page 1 of 3 5. Owner's Action: The Owner will respond in writing to Contractor within 2 weeks of receipt of the completed product list. No response within this period constitutes no objection to listed manufacturers or products, but does not constitute a waiver of the requirement that products comply with Contract Documents. The Owner's response will include a list of unacceptable product selections. containing a brief explanation of reasons for this action. 1.05 Quality Assurance A. Source Limitations: To the fullest extent possible. provide products of the same kind from a single source. B. Compatibility of Options: When the Contractor is given the option of seeking between 2 or more products for use on the Project, the product selected shall be compatible with products previously selected, even if previously selected products were also options. C. Foreign Product Limitations: Except under one or more of the following conditions provide domestic products, not foreign products, for inclusion in the Work: Not available domestic product complies with the Contract Documents. 2. Domestic products that comply with the Contract Documents are available only at prices or terms substantially higher than foreign products that comply with the Contract Documents. 1.06 Product Delivery, Storage and Handling A. Delivery, store, and handle products according to the manufacturer's recommendations, using means and methods that will prevent damage, deterioration, and loss, including theft. 1. Schedule delivery to minimize long-term storage at the site and to prevent overcrowding of construction spaces. 2. Coordinate delivery with installation time to assure minimum holding time for items that are flammable, hazardous, easily damaged, or sensitive to deterioration, theft, and other losses. 3. Delivery products to the site in an undamaged condition in the manufacturer's original sealed container or other packaging system, complete with labels and instructions for handling, storing, unpacking, protecting, and installing. 4. Inspect products upon delivery to ensure compliance with the Contract Documents and to ensure that products are undamaged and properly protected. 5. Store products at the site in a manner that will facilitate inspection and measurement of quantity or counting of units. 6. Store heavy materials away from the Project structure in a manner that will not endanger the supporting construction. 7. Store products subject to damage by the elements above ground, under cover in a weather -tight enclosure, with ventilation adequate to prevent condensation. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 Product Selection A. General Product Requirements: Provide products that comply with the Contract Documents, that are undamaged and, unless otherwise indicated, new at the time of installation. B. Product Selection procedures: The Contract Documents and governing regulations govern product selection. Procedures governing product selection include the following: 1. Proprietary Specification Requirements: Where Specifications name only a single product or manufacturer, provide the product indicated. No substitutions will be permitted. 2. Senuproprietary Specification Requirements: Where Specifications name 2 or more products or manufacturers or where Specifications specify products or manufacturers by name, accompanied City of Fort Collins SECTION 01600 — MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT Park Planning & Development Division Page 2 of 3 Lids will be received as set forth in the Bidding Documents. The Work is expected to be commenced within the time as required by Section 2.3 of General Conditions. Substantial Completion of the Work is required as specified in the Agreement. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond guaranteeing faithful performance and the payment of all bills and obligations arising from the performance of the Contract. No Bid may be withdrawn within a period of forty-five (45) days after the date fixed for opening Bids. The OWNER reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, and to waive any informalities and irregularities therein. Bid security in the amount of not less than 5% of the total Bid must accompany each Bid in the form specified in the Instructions to Bidders. Sales Prohibited/Conflict of Interest: No officer, employee, or member of City Council, shall have a financial interest in the sale to the City of any real or personal property, equipment, material, supplies or services where such officer or employee exercises directly or indirectly any decision -making authority concerning such sale or any supervisory authority over the services to be rendered. This rule also applies to subcontracts with the City. Soliciting or accepting any gift, gratuity favor, entertainment, kickback or any items of monetary value from any person who has or is seeking to do business with the City of Fort Collins is prohibited City of Fort Collins By James B. O'Neill, II, CPPO, FNIGP `Purchasing/Risk Management Director 07/2001 Section 00020 Page 2 by the term "or equal" or "or approved equal," provide one of the products listed or comply with the Contract Document provisions concerning "substitutions" or obtain approval for use of an unnamed product. 3. Nonproprietary Specification Requirements: When Specifications list products or manufacturers that are available and may be incorporated in the Work. but do not restrict the Contractor to use these products only, the Contractor may propose any available product that complies with Contract requirements. Comply with Contract Document provisions concerning "substitutions" to obtain approval for use of an unnamed product. 4. Descriptive Specification Requirements: Where Specifications describe a product or name, provide a product or assembly that provides the characteristics and otherwise complies with Contract requirements. 5. Compliance with Standards, Codes, and Regulations: Where Specifications only require compliance with an imposed code, standard, or regulation, select a product that complies with the standards, codes, or regulations specified. 6. Visual Matching: Where Specifications require matching an established Sample, the Owner's decision will be final on whether a proposed product matches satisfactorily. 7. Visual Selection: Where specified product requirements include the phrase "... as selected from manufacturer's standard colors, patterns, textures..." or a similar phrase, select a product and manufacturer that complies with other specified requirements. The Owner will select the color, pattern, and texture from the product line selected. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 Installation of Products A. Comply with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations for installation of products in the applications indicated. Anchor each product securely in place, accurately located and aligned with other Work. END OF SECTION City of Fort Collins SECTION 01600— MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT Park Planning & Development Division Page 3 of 3 DIVISION 1 SECTION 01700 —CONTRACT CLOSEOUT PART 1 — GENERAL 1.01 Related Documents A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including general and supplementary conditions and other Division I specification sections. apply to this section. 1.02 Summary A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for contract closeout including, but not limited to, the following: I. Inspection procedures. 2. Project record document submittal. 3. Operation and maintenance manual submittal. 4. Submittal of warranties. 5. Final cleaning. B. Closeout requirements for specific construction activities are included in the appropriate Sections in Divisions 2 through 16. 1.03 Substantial Completion A. Preliminary Procedures: Before requesting inspection for certification of Substantial Completion, complete the following. List exceptions in the request. I . In the Application for Payment that coincides with, or first follows, the date Substantial Completion is claimed, show 100 percent completion for the portion of the Work claimed as substantially complete. 2. Advise the Owner of pending insurance changeover requirements. 3. Submit specific warranties, workmanship bonds, maintenance agreements, final certifications, and similar documents. 4. Obtain and submit releases enabling the Owner unrestricted use of the Work and access to services and utilities. Include occupancy permits, operating certificates, and similar releases. 5. Submit record drawings, maintenance manuals, final project photographs, damage or settlement surveys, property surveys, and similar final record information. 6. Deliver tools, spare parts, extra stock, and similar items. 7. Make final changeover of permanent locks and transmit keys to the Owner. Advise the Owner's personnel of changeover in security provisions. 8. Complete startup testing of systems and instruction of the Owner's operation and maintenance personnel. Discontinue and remove temporary facilities from the site, along with mockups, construction tools, and similar elements. 9. Complete final cleanup requirements, including touchup painting. 10. Touch up and otherwise repair and restore marred, exposed finishes. B. Inspection Procedures: On receipt of a request for inspection, the Owner will either proceed with inspection or advise the Contractor of unfilled requirements. The Owner will prepare the Certificate of Substantial Completion following inspection or advise the Contractor of construction that must be City of Fort Collins SECTION 01700- CONTRACT CLOSEOUT Park Planning & Development Division Page 1 of 5 completed or corrected before the certificate will be issued. I. If the Owner's Representative determines that the work is not substantially complete at the time of review or that deficiencies remain at time of compliance review, the Contractor shall pay for the additional review(s) by Owner's Representative. 2. Results of the completed inspection will form the basis of requirements for final acceptance. 1.04 Status after Substantial Completion A. The date of substantial completion marks the beginning of the maintenance period defined in Section 02970 — Planting Maintenance. B. During maintenance period, the following conditions hold: I . Insurance: Same as during construction. 2. Electricity and Irrigation Water: Supplied by Owner, as installed by Contractor under this contract. 3. Bonds: Remain in effect. 4. Retainage: Same as during construction. 1.05 Final Acceptance A. Preliminary Procedures: Before requesting final inspection for certification of final acceptance and final payment, complete the following. List exceptions in the request. 1. Submit the final payment request with releases and supporting documentation not previously submitted and accepted. Include insurance certificates for products and completed operations where required. 2. Submit an updated final statement, accounting for final additional changes to the Contract Sum. 3. Submit a certified copy of the Owner's final inspection list of items to be completed or corrected endorsed and dated by the Owner. The certified copy of the list shall state that each item has been completed or otherwise resolved for acceptance and shall be endorsed and dated by the Owner. 4. Submit final meter readings for utilities, a measured record of stored fuel, and similar data as of the date of Substantial Completion or when the Owner took possession of and assumed responsibility for corresponding elements of the Work. 5. Submit consent of surety to final payment. 6. Submit a final liquidated damages settlement statement. 7. Submit evidence of final, continuing insurance coverage complying with insurance requirements. B. Reinspection Procedure: The Owner will reinspect the Work upon receipt of notice that the Work, including inspection list items from earlier inspections, has been completed, except for items whose completion is delayed under circumstances acceptable to the Owner. 1. Upon completion of reinspection, the Owner will prepare a certificate of final acceptance. If the Work is incomplete, the Owner will advise the Contractor of Work that is incomplete or of obligations that have not been fulfilled but are required for final acceptance. 2. if necessary, reinspection will be repeated. 1.06 Record Document Submittals A. General: Do not use record documents for construction purposes. Protect record documents from deterioration and loss in a secure, fire-resistant location. Provide access to record documents for the Owner's reference during normal working hours. B. Record Drawings: Maintain a clean, undamaged set of blue or black line white -prints of Contract Drawings and Shop Drawings. Mark the set to show the actual installation where the installation varies City of Fort Collins SECTION 01700 — CONTRACT CLOSEOUT Park Planning & Development Division Page 2 of 5 substantially from the Work as originally shown. Mark which drawing is most capable of showing conditions fully and accurately. Where Shop Drawings are used. record a cross-reference at the corresponding location on the Contract Drawings. Give particular attention to concealed elements that would be difficult to measure and record at a later date. I. Mark record sets with red erasable pencil. Use other colors to distinguish between variations in separate categories of the Work. 2. Mark new information that is important to the Owner but was not shown on Contract Drawings or Shop Drawings. 3. Note related change -order numbers where applicable. 4. Organize record drawing sheets into manageable sets. Bind sets with durable -paper cover sheets; print suitable titles. dates, and other identification on the cover of each. set. 5. Prior to Contract Closeout, obtain from the Owner a reproducible mylar copy of the Drawings. Using technical drafting pen, duplicate information contained on the Record Drawings maintained on site. Label each sheet "Record Drawing." On the first sheet, the Contractor or resident Superintendent shall execute the following statement: Having reviewed this document and all attachments, I affirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the information presented here is true and accurate. Signed: Date: Position: C. Record Specifications: Maintain one complete copy of the Project Manual, including addenda. Include with the Project Manual one copy of other written construction documents, such as Change Orders and modifications issued in printed form during construction. 1. Mark these documents to show substantial variations in actual Work performed in comparison with the text of the Specifications and modifications. 2. Give particular attention to substitutions and selection of options and information on concealed construction that cannot otherwise be readily discerned later by direct observation. 3. Note related record drawing information and Product Data. 4. Upon completion of the Work, submit record Specifications to the Owner. D. Record Product Data: Maintain one copy of each Product Data submittal. Note related Change Orders and markup of record drawings and Specifications. 1. Mark these documents to show significant variations in actual Work performed in comparison with information submitted. Include variations in products delivered to the site and from the manufacturer's installation instructions and recommendations. 2. Give particular attention to concealed products and portions of the Work that cannot otherwise be readily discerned later by direct observation. 3. Upon completion of markup, submit complete set of record Product Data to the Owner. E. Miscellaneous Record Submittals: Refer to other Specification Sections for requirements of miscellaneous record keeping and submittals in connection with actual performance of Work. Immediately prior to the date or dates of Substantial Completion, complete miscellaneous records and place in good order. Identify miscellaneous records properly and bind or file, ready for continued use and reference. Submit to the Owner. City of Fort Collins SECTION 01700 - CONTRACT CLOSEOUT Park Planning & Development Division Page 3 of 5 =lamtenance Manuals: Organize operation and maintenance data into suitable sets of manageable size. snd properly indexed data in individual, heavy-duty. 2-inch (51-mm), 3-ring, vinyl -covered binders. with pocket folders for folded sheet information. Mark appropriate identification on front and spine of each binder. Include the following types of information: 1. Emergency instructions. 2. Spare parts list. 3. Copies of warranties. 4. Wiring diagrams. 5. Recommended "turn -around" cycles. 6. Inspection procedures. 7. Shop Drawings and Product Data. 8. Fixture lamping schedule. 1.07 Warranties and Bonds A. Provide duplicate notarized copies. Maintain copies of all Contractor's submittals and assemble documents executed by subcontractors, suppliers, and manufacturers. Provide table of contents and assemble in binder with durable plastic cover. B. Submit material prior to final application for payment. For items of Work delayed materially beyond date of substantial completion, provide updated submittal within ten days after acceptance, listing date of acceptance as start of warranty period. 1.08 Final Payment A. At the end of maintenance period, submit written certification that Contract Documents Work has been reviewed and that Work is complete in accordance with Contract Documents and ready for Owner Representative's review. B. In addition to submittals required by the conditions of the Contract provide submittals required by governing authorities, and submit a final statement of accounting giving total adjusted Contract Sum, previous payments and sum remaining due. C. Owner's Representative will issue a final Change Order reflecting approved adjustments to Contract Sum not previously made by Change Order. D. Retainage will be held until advertisement for liens and encumbrances is completed. PART 2 — PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 — EXECUTION 3.01 Closeout Procedures A. Operation and Maintenance Instructions: Arrange for each Installer of equipment that requires regular maintenance to meet with the Owner's personnel to provide instruction in proper operation and maintenance. Provide instruction by manufacturer's representatives if installers are not experienced in operation and maintenance procedures. Include a detailed review of the following items: l . Maintenance manuals. 2. Record documents. 3. Spare parts and materials. 4. Tools. 5. Lubricants. 6. Fuels. 7. Identification systems. 8. Control sequences. 9. Hazards. 10. Cleaning. City of Fort Collins SECTION o17oo - CONTRACT CLOSEOUT Park Planning & Development Division Page 4 of 5 1 1. Warranties and bonds. ! 7. Maintenance agreements and similar continuing commitments. 13. As part of instruction for operating equipment. demonstrate the following procedures: 1. Startup. 2. Shutdown. 3. Emergency operations. 4. Noise and vibration adjustments. 5. Safety procedures. 6. Economy and efficiency adjustments. 7. Effective energy utilization. 3.02 Final Cleaning A. General: The General Conditions require general cleaning during construction. Regular site cleaning is included in Division 1. B. Cleaning: Employ experienced workers or professional cleaners for final cleaning. Clean each surface or unit to the condition expected in a normal, commercial building cleaning and maintenance program. Comply with manufacturer's instructions. 1. Complete the following cleaning operations before requesting inspection for certification of Substantial Completion. C. Removal of Protection: Remove temporary protection and facilities installed for protection of the Work during construction. 1. Remove labels that are not permanent labels. 2. Clean transparent materials, including mirrors and glass in doors and windows. 3. • Clean exposed exterior and interior hard -surfaced finishes to a dust -free condition, free of stains, films, and similar foreign substances. Restore reflective surfaces to their original condition. Leave concrete floors broom clean. 4. Wipe surfaces of mechanical and electrical equipment. Remove excess lubrication and other substances. Clean plumbing fixtures to a sanitary condition. Clean light fixtures and lamps. 5. Clean the site, including landscape development areas, of rubbish, litter, and other foreign substances. Sweep paved areas broom clean; remove stains, spills, and other foreign deposits. Rake grounds that are neither paved nor planted to a smooth, even -textured surface. D. Compliance: Comply with regulations of authorities having jurisdiction and safety standards for cleaning. Do not burn waste materials. Do not bury debris or excess materials on the Owner's property. Do not discharge volatile, harmful, or dangerous materials into drainage systems. Remove waste materials from the site and dispose of lawfully. 1. Where extra materials of value remain afler completion of associated Work, they become the Owner's property. Dispose of these materials as directed by the Owner. END OF SECTION City of Fort Collins SECTION 01700 — CONTRACT CLOSEOUT Park Planning & Development Division Page 5 of 5 "WISION 2 SECTION 02100 - MOBILIZATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Work Included A. Prepare the site for construction. Q. Move in and move out personnel and equipment. C. Set up and remove temporary offices, buildings, facilities and utilities. 1.02 Site Conditions A. The City has provided the right-of-way, easement or project site for all permanent access or permanent construction for the project. Any additional access, access right-of-way, construction areas, or additional needed land which may be involved in the construction of this project shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. B. The land owned by the City maybe used as- site headquarters, storage yard, or base of operations provided that the use of said land meets with all of the requirements and restrictions imposed by the City at the time of usage. 1.03 Site Preparation for Contractor Occupancy A. The Contractor shall provide all temporary facilities as required for performing the work. The Contractor shall secure and maintain proper storage areas for equipment and materials in locations she/he may deem necessary for the proper execution of the job as approved by the City Representative. No storage yard or project headquarters site may be utilized in conflict with objections from the adjacent property owners unless the Contractor obtains from the City specific written permission for such objectionable use. No objectionable material will be allowed to blow from, wash off or drain off of any storage yard on to adjacent property. B. The Contractor shall maintain all storage yards in as neat and orderly a manner as possible, allowing no accumulation of waste materials or disposal piles. The Contractor may construct a temporary security fence for the protection of materials, tools, and equipment. The fence shall be maintained during the construction period. Upon completion of work, the security fence shall be removed from the site. The Contractor shall provide adequate parking facilities within the designated area for personnel working on the project. C. The Contractor shall obtain the necessary permits for connection to necessary services provided by utility companies serving the project area. D. Materials, equipment, and work required for temporary storm water management during the construction period shall be provided by the Contractor as required to ensure public safety and to protect the work in progress and materials stored on site. 1.04 Damage or Use -Fee Claims A. Any damage or use -fee claims filed against the Contractor may become a part of the final settlement of this project and may be cause for delay of final acceptance or delay of final payment. City of Fort Collins Section 02100 - Mobilization Park Planning and Development Division Page 1 of 2 PART 2 - NOT USED PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 Obstructions A. The location of some utilities and obstructions may not be shown. Bidders are advised to carefully inspect the existing facilities before preparing their proposals. The removal and replacement of - minor obstructions such as electrical conduits, air, water, and waste piping and similar items shall be anticipated and accomplished, even though not shown or specifically mentioned. Major obstructions encountered that are not shown on the Contract Drawings or could not have been foreseen by visual inspection of the site prior to bidding should immediately be brought to the attention of the City Representative. The City Representative will make a determination for proceeding with the work. If the City Representative finds that the obstruction adversely affects the Contractor's costs or schedule for completion, a proper adjustment to the Contract will be made in accordance with the General Conditions. 3.02 Demolition A. Any pipes or existing structures encountered during construction shall be preserved until accepted for removal by the City Representative. The Contractor shall be required to repair pipes or structures in use that are damaged during construction at no cost to the City. The removal of _ abandoned pipes shall be reviewed by the City Representative. 3.03 Removal and Salvage of Materials A. The Contractor shall carefully remove materials specified to be reused or salvaged so as not to damage the material. Reuse by the Contractor of salvaged material will not be permitted, except as specifically shown or specified herein. Existing materials to be removed or replaced and not specifically designated for salvage shall become the property of the Contractor. Provide and maintain dust tight temporary partitions, bulkheads, or other protective devices during the construction to permit normal operation of the existing facilities. Construct partitions of plywood, insulating board, plastic sheets, or similar material. END OF SECTION City of Fort Collins Section 02100 - Mobilization Park Planning and Development Division Page 2 of 2 - DIVISION 2 SECTION 02122 - TREE PROTECTION PART 1 -GENERAL Description of Work A. The Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to perform the work items called for on the bid schedule. B. The Contractor shall perform tree protection regardless of the type, nature, or condition of trees encountered, as specified or required in order to accomplish the construction. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 Temporary Fencing A. Orange construction fencing, five feet or greater in height as required to fulfill the intent of this section. B. Fencing anchors for small trees shall be T posts. Anchors for fencing within the drip line of large trees shall be dual -socket portable concrete pier blocks sufficient to secure the fence in a vertical position for the construction period. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 General A. Prior to and during construction, barriers shall be erected around all protected existing trees. Barriers shall be orange construction fencing located no closer than six (6) feet to the surface of the trunk or one-half (V2) of the drip line radius, whichever is greater. Posts shall be anchored in movable concrete blocks so as not to require excavation within the tree's drip line. There shall be no storage or movement of equipment, material, debris, or fill within the fenced tree protection zone. The drip line is defined as the area on the ground covered by the spread of branches. B. There shall be no cleaning of equipment or material or the storage and disposal of waste material such as paints, oils, solvents, asphalt, concrete, motor oil or any other material harmful to the life of a tree within the drip line of any protected tree or group of trees. C. No attachment, wires, signs, or permits may be fastened to any protected tree. D. Large areas containing clumps, groves, or copses of protected trees which are naturally separated from construction or land clearing areas, road rights -of -way and utility easements may be "ribboned off," rather than erecting protective fencing around each tree as required above. This may be accomplished by placing metal t-post stakes a maximum of thirty (30) feet apart and tying ribbon or rope from stake -to -stake along the outside perimeters of such areas being cleared. E. The temporary fencing shall be removed by the Contractor only after all heavy equipment has been permanently withdrawn from the site. 3.02 Excavation A. Install shoring or other protective support systems to minimize sloping or benching of excavations. City of Fort Collins Section 02122 - Tree Protection Park Planning & Development Division Page 1 of 2 B. Do not excavate within the tree drip line, unless otherwise indicated. Where excavation for new construction is required within tree drip lines, hand excavate to minimize damage to root systems. Use narrow -tine spading forks and comb soil to expose roots. C. Relocate roots in backfill areas wherever possible. if encountering large, main lateral roots, expose beyond excavation limits as required to bend and relocate without breaking. If — encountered immediately adjacent to location of new construction and relocation is not practical, cut roots approximately 3 inches back from new construction. D. After excavation outside the drip line of trees, any severed roots should be cut again smoothly — with flush cuts. E. Do not allow exposed roots to dry out before placing permanent backfill. Provide temporary earth cover or pack with compost and wrap with burlap. Water and maintain in a moist condition and temporarily support and protect roots from damage until they are permanently relocated and covered with earth. F. Root Pruning: Do not cut main lateral roots or tap roots; cut only smaller roots that interfere with — installation of new work. Cut roots with sharp pruning instruments; do not break or chop. Roots i inch and larger shall be painted with two coats of Tree Seal or approved equal. G. Trenching should be done outside the drip line of trees. The installation of utilities, irrigation — lines, or any underground fixture requiring excavation deeper than six inches shall be accomplished by boring under the root system of protected existing trees at a minimum depth of 24 inches. The auger distance is established from the face of the tree (outer bark) and is scaled from tree diameter at breast height as described in the chart below. Tree Diameter at Breast Height (Inches) Auger Distance from Face of Tree (Feet) 0-2 1 3-4 2 5-9 5 10-14 10 15-19 12 Over 19 15 3.03 Tree Repair and Replacement A. Promptly repair trees damaged by construction operations to prevent progressive deterioration. B. Remove and replace dead and damaged trees that the City Forester determines to be incapable of restoring to a normal growth pattern. 1. Provide new trees of same size and species as those being replaced. Plant and maintain as ^ specified herein. END OF SECTION City of Fort Collins Park Planning & Development Division Section 02122 - Tree Protection Page 2 of 2 SECTION 00100 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS I I AVISION 2 SECTION 02200 - EARTHWORK AND GRADING PART 1 — GENERAL 1.01 Section Includes A. Stockpiling of topsoil B. Grading to contours within specified tolerances, cutting, and filling. C. Establishment of subgrades, compacting, and preparing the site for paving and vegetation. D. Erosion control measures E. The Contractor shall perform all excavation regardless of the type, nature, or condition of material encountered, as specified or required in order to accomplish the construction. 1.02 Related Sections A. Section 01290 —Measurement and Payment: requirements applicable to unit prices for the work of this section. B. Section 01450 — Quality Control and Testing: testing compaction of earth fill areas. C. Section 02250—Topsoil. 1.03 Unit Price Measurement and Payment A. Topsoil: by the percent complete as determined by the schedule of values. Includes removing, stockpiling, and redistributing topsoil. B. Subsoil: by the percent complete as determined by completed progress topographic surveys. C. Erosion control: by the percent complete. 1.04 Project Record Documents A. Submit under provisions of Section 01700. B. Accurately record actual location of utilities remaining by horizontal dimensions, elevations or inverts, and slope gradients. C. Accurately document finished grades and other information for use in preparing the City of Fort Collins Drainage Certification. 1.05 Quality Assurance A. Reference standards listed hereunder and referenced elsewhere in these specifications shall become a part of this specification and are incorporated herein by reference. The latest edition, amendment or supplement thereto in effect thirty days (30) before the date of bid invitation shall apply. 1. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). City of Fort Collins — Soft Gold Park Section 02200— Earthwork and Grading Park Planning & Development Division Page 1 of 7 2. American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM). 1.06 Submittals A. Submit reports of testing service: Contractor shall provide soil testing service for quality control testing of soil compaction during earthwork operations, as required under City rules and reeulations. Contractor will coordinate schedules with the Engineer in order to allow for adequate time to conduct tests. B. Testing Methods and Frequency Testing shall be done with the following methods and frequency: Item AASHTO ASTM Sampling Soil Classification Moisture -Density (Proctor) Density (Nuclear) Moisture Content (Nuclear) 1.07 City Furnished Materials A. None, unless otherwise noted on the Bid Schedule. 1.08 Site Conditions T 87 D 420 M 145 D 3282 T 99 D 698 T 180 D 1557. T 238 D 2922 T 239 D 3017 A. A geotechnical investigation may have been performed for the City in order to obtain relative data concerning the character of material in and upon which the project is to be built. if an investigation has been performed, the information will be available to.the Contractor for information purposes only. The Contractor shall satisfy himself as to the kind and type of soil to be encountered and any water conditions that might affect the construction of the project. B. The locations of existing utilities are shown in an approximate way only and not all utilities may be shown. The Contractor shall determine the exact location of all existing utilities prior to commencing work. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for any and all damages that might be occasioned by his failure to exactly locate and preserve any and all utilities. If utilities are to remain in place, the Contractor shall provide adequate means of support and protection during construction. C. Should drawn, or incorrectly drawn, piping or other utilities be encountered during excavation, the Contractor shall advise the City within thirty (30) minutes of encountering the utility. The Contractor shall cooperate with the City and utility companies in keeping respective services and facilities in operation to the satisfaction of the respective owners. The City reserves the right to perform any and all work required should the Contractor fail to cooperate with the respective companies, and back charge the Contractor for any and all expenses. D. The Contractor shall provide barricades and signs in accordance with the Uniform Manual of Traffic Control Devices where applicable. The Contractor shall maintain all devices in a working manner. City of Fort Collins — Soft Gold Park Section 02200 — Earthwork and Grading Park Planning & Development Division Page 2 of 7 E. Limit of Operations: 1. The Contractor will limit his operations to only those areas identified on the drawings. If the remaining area of the site is disturbed, in the opinion of the Owner, the Contractor will repair and re -seed the disturbed area. All costs of this work will be borne solely by the Contractor. 2. If unauthorized over -excavation occurs, the Contractor shall be responsible for the repair of the area. backfilling with approved material. and compacting to the specified density. F. Drainage: Maintain the excavations and site free from water throughout the course of the project. G. Interruption of Service: I. Coordinate interruption of utility services with the Owner and the utility operator. Make connections to the existing system requiring the service interruption during the time designated by the Owner (weekends. nights, holidays). 2. Obtain permission to cut and replace existing service lines. Notify affected users two hours in advance of interruption and restore service within four hours after interruption. Repair damage at no additional cost to the Owner. 3. Operate valves or other controls on the existing system only after obtaining Owner approval. H. Erosion Control: The Contractor will follow the requirements of the Erosion Control Plan. The Contractor's earthwork schedule is to be identified and submitted on the schedule required by the General Conditions of the Contract. The Contractor will implement erosion control measures as described and herein referenced by the City of Fort Collins Erosion Control Manual. 1.09 Material Imports and Exports A. Waste or demolition material, including rock, gravel, sod, broken concrete or asphalt, plaster, etc., shall be hauled off the site and disposed of in accordance with applicable regulations. B. Additional fill material, if required, shall be hauled to the site from off the site as a necessary part of the work. Material composition shall be subject to the requirements of the specifications. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 Soil Materials A. Coarse -grained soils free from debris, roots, organic material, and non -mineral matter containing no particles larger than 4-inch size and classified as either: 1. Sands with fines (SM, SC) and less than 25 percent of the soil particles passing the No. 200 sieve, or 2. Clean sands (SW, SP) 3. Native soils as determined acceptable by the Engineer. 2.02 Filter Fabric A. Filter Fabric shall be Typar 3451 W, Mirafi 70OX or approved equal. City of Fat Collins — Soft Gold Park Section 02200- Earthwork and Grading Park Planning & Development Division Page 3 of 7 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 Preparation A. Field measurements: Before commencing work. locate all baselines and coordinates required for control of the work. establish required grade staking for control of excavation. fill and embankment construction. Field verify by excavation the location all utility crossings, service connections. and connections to existing lines before proceeding with earlhwork. B. Layout Lines and Levels: l . Verify that survey bench mark and intended elevations for the Work are as indicated. 2. The drawings indicate existing elevations and proposed elevations. The existing elevations and proposed are given for the convenience of the Contractor to assist him in arriving at the quantities of excavation, grading, backfilling etc. 3. Before earthwork operations are started, all construction items shall be completely staked out for the Owner's approval. For any area with a two- percent slope or flatter, the Contractor shall lay out a 50-foot on -center grid and calculate the exact elevation at every intersection of the grid lines. These calculations will be approved by the Owner's Representative. For complex grading in the core area of the park, the contractor shall exercise craftsmanship and diligence in the establishment and layout of detailed slopes and precise landform shapes. Additional surveying and smaller equipment are likely to be required to precisely achieve specified convex and concave berm grades in these areas to the specified tolerances. 4. Preliminary grade stakes for subgrade elevations shall be set at 50 feet on center for the center line of walks; all drainage swales; breaks in grade; spot elevations; and as otherwise required to complete the work of this section to the elevations shown on the Drawings or as modified in the field by the Owner. 5. Protect benchmarks, temporary benchmarks, survey control points, sidewalks, paving, curbs, existing above and below grade utilities, and existing vegetation that is to remain from excavating equipment and vehicular traffic. C. Removal of Topsoil: Strip existing earthen material (topsoil) to a depth of 4 inches over the entire site. Stockpile on site in area approved by Owner's Representative. Keep topsoil segregated. Place, grade, and shape stockpile for proper drainage. 3.02 Excavation A. Prior to beginning excavation operations, accomplish all site preparation in accordance with these specifications. Perform excavation of every description to the lines and grades indicated on the drawings. B. Complete excavation work to the grade elevations shown on the drawings for all areas to be paved. 3.03 Clearing the Site A. All areas underlying new structures, paved areas, site fills and embankments shall be cleared of stumps, shrubs, brush, and other vegetative growth. City of Fort Collins — Soft Gold Park Section 02200 — Earthwork and Grading Park Planning & Development Division Page 4 of 7 B. Any material containing roots, grasses and other deleterious or organic matter generally found in the top four to six inches of undisturbed natural terrain shall be stripped from all areas requiring excavation, grading, trenching. subgrade preparation for foundations and embankment work. The City will require stripped topsoil deemed suitable for spreading over the finished grades to be stockpiled and preserved until the finished grading operation, at which time it shall be spread uniformly over areas to be seeded or sodded. C. Upon completion of the project, completion of a particular phase of the project, or termination of the use of any particular area, site, storage yard right-of-way or easement. the Contractor shall promptly and neatly clean up the area and re-establish the ground to the contours required by the project or conditions prior to project commencement. 3.04 Earth Fill Construction A. install the work in accordance with the Geotechnical Engineering Report and in accordance with the City of Fort Collins standards. B. The Contractor shall perform all grading to the lines and grades specified and/or established by the Engineer, with an appropriate allowance for topsoil. All slopes shall be free of all exposed roots and stones exceeding 3-inch diameter, which are loose and liable to fall. Tops of banks shall be rounded to circular curves not less than 6-feet in radius or as shown on the drawings_ C. Rounded surfaces shall be neatly and smoothly trimmed. Topsoil shall be replaced to a depth of 4-inches in areas to be revegetated. D. The Contractor shall protect the fill against freezing when atmospheric temperature is less than 35 degrees F (1 degree Q. 3.05 Compaction A. The Contractor shall meet minimum percentage density specified for each area classification as follows. Percentage of Maximum Density Requirements: Compact soil to not less than the indicated percentages of maximum density relationship determined in accordance with ASTM D 698. 1. Foundations, Paved Areas, Utilities, and Sidewalks - 95 percent 2. Unpaved Areas - 90 percent B. Control moisture content within 2% of optimum moisture content as determined by ASTM D 698. Where subgrade or layer of soil material is too dry to permit compaction to the specified density, uniformly apply water to surface of cut area, subgrade, or loosely placed layer of soil material. Mix soil and applied water by blading, disking, or other methods to achieve uniform moisture content throughout the soil mass to be compacted.. C. Remove and replace, or, scarify and air dry, soil material that is too wet to permit compaction to specified density. Soil material that has been removed because it is too wet to permit compaction may be stockpiled or spread and allowed to dry. Assist drying by disking, harrowing or pulverizing until moisture content is reduced to a satisfactory value. D. Puddling is not an acceptable method of compaction. City of Fort Collins — Soft Gold Park Section 02200— Earthwork and Grading Park Planning & Development Division Page 5 of 7 3.06 Grading A. Paved Areas: Immediately prior to placing structural pavements, shape area to the required lines. grades, and limits to enable achievement of the finished elevations indicated and roll with an approved heavy vibratory roller until compacted to the specified density. Maintain moisture content within 2%of optimum during final rolling and until subgrade is covered by subsequent construction. Remove loose material and protect subgrade until covered. B. Landscape Area and Remainder of Site: l . Rough grade areas as indicated on grading plan to 4 inches below finish grade. After rough grading is finished, compacted and approved, scarify area to a depth of at least 6 inches. 2. Place previously stockpiled topsoil in all areas within the limits of the project not indicated to receive subsequent foundations, slabs on grade, walks, safety surfacing or other similar materials. 3. Uniformly distribute topsoil on the disturbed area and evenly spread to a thickness of inches deep after light compaction. Perform spreading so that planting can proceed with little additional soil preparation or tillage. Do not place topsoil when subgrade is frozen, excessively wet, extremely dry or in a condition otherwise detrimental to specified grading, seeding and planting specifications. C. Finish Grading -- Grade all excavated sections, filled sections, construction disturbed areas and adjacent transition areas to finish elevation. Make finished surfaces smooth, compacted and free from irregular surface changes. Remove all construction debris. 2. Unless indicated otherwise on drawings, finish grade area adjacent to sidewalks and pavements to''/z inch below finish elevation of sidewalk and pavement. 3. Grades not otherwise indicated shall be uniform levels or slopes between such points and existing finish grade. Abrupt change in slopes shall be rounded. 3.07 Tolerances A. Tolerances for areas to receive paving shall be plus or minus 0.05 foot. In the areas to receive new vegetation and the remainder of the site, tolerances shall be within plus or minus 0.10 foot. 3.08 Field Quality Control A. Section 01400 —Quality Assurance: Field inspection and testing. B. Testing: In accordance with AASHTO TI80. C. Allow testing service to inspect and approve subgrades and fill layers before further construction work is performed. Notify testing service not less than 8 working hours in advance. Testing shall be at the discretion of the Owner. D. If tests indicate that the Work does not meet the specified requirements, remove work, replace and retest. E. Verification of grading within allowable tolerances shall be conducted as requested by the Owner. The Contractor shall provide all necessary surveying equipment and a survey crew, if requested City of Fort Collins — Soft Gold Park Section 02200 — Earthwork and Grading Park Planning & Development Division Page 6 of 7 by the Owner. If. in the opinion of the Owner, the grading does not conform to the required grades and tolerances, the Contractor shall regrade the area and bear all costs associated with the regrading and reverification until the specifications are met_ 3.09 Settlement A. Where completed compacted areas are disturbed by subsequent construction operations or adverse weather. the Contractor shall scarify the ground surface, re -shape, and compact to required density prior to further construction. B. Any settlement in backfill, fill, or in structures built over the backfill or fill, which may occur within the guarantee period in the General Conditions will be considered to be caused by improper compaction methods and shall be corrected at no cost to the City. Any structure damaged by settlement shall be restored to their original condition by the Contractor at no cost to the City. 3.10 Disposal of Excess Excavation and Waste Materials A. The Contractor shall dispose of all excess excavated material not required for fill on -site, as directed by the Engineer. The grading design is intended to balance on site. Utility trench excavation material was not included in the calculation of earthwork balance. B. The Contractor shall remove and be responsible for legally disposing of excess fill material not placed on -site, waste materials, trash and debris. C. The Contractor shall conduct all site grading operations and other construction activities to minimize erosion of site soil materials. The contractor shall be responsible to maintain streets/public right-of-way daily by removing any spillage of dirt, rocks or debris from equipment entering or leaving the site. 3.11 Dust Control A. Obtain Larimer County Fugitive Dust Permit, B. Control the amount of dust generated from construction to prevent hazardous conditions or public nuisance. Use of water will not be permitted when it will result in hazardous conditions such as ice, flooding, or pollution. Blowing dust will not be permitted. 3.12 Cleaning During and upon completion of earthwork operations, clean areas within contract limits and within the public rights -of -way. Remove tools and equipment. Provide site clear, clean, free of debris, and suitable for site work operations. END OF SECTION City of Fort Collins— Soft Gold Park Section 02200- Earthwork and Grading Park Planning & Development Division Page 7 of 7 No Text DIVISION 2 SECTION 02220 - DEMOLITION PART 1-GENERAL 1.01 Description of Work A. Demolition or salvage and removal of boulders (if found) for re -use in landscape: and remove fencing. other plant material, and debris or other items on the site necessary for the construction of the project. 1.02 Quality Assurance A. Standards listed hereunder and referenced elsewhere in these specifications shall become a part of this specification and are incorporated herein by reference. The latest edition, amendment or supplements thereto in effect thirty (30) days before date of invitation shall apply. I . City of Fort Collins, Street Cut and Excavation Repair Standards 2. City of Fort Collins, Stormwater Drainage Design and Construction Standards PART 2 - MATERIALS - Not Used PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 Inspection and Reviews A. Schedule site meeting with Owner's Representative to verify and mark limits of demolition. 3.02 Protection A. Refer to the General Requirements for site protection and temporary controls. B. Erect barriers and warning signs as necessary to prevent injury to the public and construction personnel. C. Protect features and areas not marked for demolition. Limit use of site to the delineated areas. D. Use of explosives is prohibited. 3.03 Demolition and Removal A. Items listed for salvage remain the property of the City. Items listed for demolition become the property of the Contractor. B. Remove from site items shown on demolition plan. C. Arrange for and pay costs associated with off -site disposal. 3.04 Hidden Conditions A. A hidden condition is any feature that could not be discovered or reasonably inferred from a careful inspection of the site prior to demolition. B. Promptly report hidden conditions to the Owner's Representative. C. Hidden conditions may cause damage to features that are to remain in a finished work if demolition operations continue. Stop demolition operations affected by hidden conditions until a determination is made by the Engineer. D. Hidden conditions may cause a change in contract time or price; refer to the General Conditions. END OF SECTION City of Fort Collins Section 02220 - Demolition Park Planning & Development Division Page 1 of 1 DIVISION 2 SECTION 02221 — TRENCHING, BACKFILLING, AND COMPACTION PART 1-GENERAL 1.01 Scope Furnish all labor, materials, and equipment, and perform all operations to complete trenching, including excavation, subgrade preparation, drainage, filter fabric installation, bedding, backfiliing, compacting, and finish grading for underground pipelines, service lines, sleeving, and appurtenances as shown on the drawings and as specified herein. 1.02 Related Work A. Section 02200 — Earthwork and Grading. B. Section 02520 — Portland Cement Concrete Paving. C. Section 02600— Domestic Water Supply. D. Section 02700 — Sanitary Sewerage Systems. E. Section 02810— Irrigation- F. Section 16000 — General Electrical. 1.03 Protection A. Obtain utility locations before commencing work. Protect all existing underground utilities, above ground structures or plantings, or repair to original condition. PART 2 MATERIALS: 2.01 Trench Backfill Material A. Trench excavation or imported material free from frozen material, stumps, roots, brush, other organic matter, cinders or other corrosive material, debris, and rocks or stones greater than 2 inches in any dimension. 2.02 Other A. Bedding, piping, filter fabric, and other materials specified on the drawings and in related sections. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 Preparation A. Remove and stockpile topsoil from areas to be disturbed by construction. Keep topsoil segregated from non -organic trench excavation materials and debris. 3.02 Trenching A. Excavate trenches by open cut methods. Segregate suitable backftll. Rough trench excavation will leave trench with uniform width and vertical sidewalls from an elevation one foot above the top of installed pipe to the bottom of pipe. B. Minimum trench width will provide 6 inch space between pipe wall and side of trench. Maximum trench width will be shown on the drawings or in the appropriate pipeline section. If not specified elsewhere the maximum trench width is the pipe O.D. plus 20 inches. City of Fort Collins Section 02221 - Trenching, Backfilling and Compacting Park Planning & Development Division Page 1 of 2 r(h asing tfii ison ADDENDUM No. 2 City of. Fort Collins SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Description of Bid: 5951 Oak Street Plaza OPENING DATE: January 19, 2006 (Our Clock) 3:00 P.M. To all prospective bidders under the specifications and contract documents described above, the following changes are hereby made. GENERAL CLARIFICATION 1. Bid opening date has been changed to January 19, 2006 — 3:00pm (Our Clock). 2. Coordination for the Custom Handrail and Custom Metal Fence needs to include pricing and installation by the General Contractor. 3. The patching of West Oak Street for the sanitary sewer service line shall meet current City standards. The existing pavement section to be patched is T' concrete pavement with an asphalt overlay. Refer to Larimer County Urban Area Streets Standards for instruction on how to re -patch cut area. Please contact City of Fort Collins Engineering Department for any other information at 970-221-6605. All associated permit costs and coordination will be required by the general contractor. 4. Sheet WF-C, General Note No. 1: The fountain display pump shall provide flow of 170 gpm and 95 TDH. 5. Sheet WF-4, item 1: Pump shall be a Goulds Model number 33SV, 5 hp, 170 gpm, 95 TDH, single stage pump. 6. Electrical drawings are correct. SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 2, SECTION 02870 - MISCELLANEOUS SITE FURNISHINGS PART 2- MATERIALS Add the following: 2.11 Custom Handrail and Custom Metal Fence Factory Representative: Mind Over Metal, 11909 FM 2769 Austin, Texas 78727 (512) 258-7000 or (800) 320-1076. Website www.mindovermetal.com RECEIPT OF THIS ADDENDUM MUST BE ACKNOWLEDGED BY A WRITTEN STATEMENT ENCLOSED WITH THE BID/QUOTE STATING THAT THIS ADDENDUM HAS BEEN RECEIVED. 215 North Mason Street • 2' Floor • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6775 • Fax (970) 221-6707 www.rceov.com 1.0 2.0 3.0 SECTION 00100 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS DEFINED TERMS Terms used in these Instructions to Bidders which are defined in the Standard General Conditions of the Construction Contract (No. 1910-8, 1990 ed.) have the meanings assigned to them in the General Conditions. The term "Bidder" means one who submits a Bid to OWNER, as distinct from a sub -bidder, who submits a Bid to Bidder. The terms "Successful Bidder" means the lowest, qualified, responsible and responsive Bidder to whom OWNER (on basis of OWNER's evaluation as hereinafter provided) makes an award. The term "Bidding Documents" includes the Advertisement or Invitation to Bid, Instructions to Bidders, the Bid Form, and the proposed Contract Documents (including all Addenda issued prior to receipt of Bids). COPIES OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS 2.1. Complete sets of Bidding Documents may be obtained as stated in the Invitation to Bid. No partial sets will be issued. The Bidding Documents may be examined at the locations identified in the Invitation to Bid. 2.2. Complete sets of Bidding Documents shall be used in preparing Bids; neither OWNER nor Engineer assumes any responsibility for errors or misinterpretations resulting from the use of incomplete sets of Bidding Documents. 2.3. The submitted Bid proposal shall include Sections 00300, 00410, 00420, and 00430 fully executed. 2.4. OWNER and Engineer, in making copies of Bidding Documents available on the above terms, do so only for the purpose of obtaining Bids on the Work and do not confer a license or grant for any other use. QUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS 3.1 To demonstrate qualifications to perform the Work, each Bidder must submit at the time of the Bid opening, a written statement of qualifications including financial data, a summary of previous experience, previous commitments and evidence of authority to conduct business in the jurisdiction where the Project is located. Each Bid must contain evidence of Bidder's qualification to do business in the state where the Project is located or covenant to obtain such qualification prior to award of the contract. The Statement of Qualifications shall be prepared on the form provided in Section 00420. 12/03 Section 00100 Page 1 (. Grade trench bottom to provide uniform clearance for bedding material. De -water trench. Remove loose material and foreign objects. When required, install filter fabric per manufacturer's specifications- D. Unstable subgrade is not expected. If unstable subgrade material is encountered, report the condition to the Owner. Remedy and payment for subgrade stabilization will be based on the actual conditions encountered. 3.03 Bedding A. Pipe will be bedded in accordance with the detailed drawings or the appropriate pipeline specification. 3.04 Backfilling and Compaction A. Backfill trench promptly after completion of pipe bedding. B. Deposit material in uniform layers with thickness commensurate with the soil encountered and the compaction equipment used. C. Compaction requirements will be made at the moisture content and will meet the densities, by zone, specified in Section 02200 — Earthwork and Grading. D. Coordinate and schedule compaction tests with City Representative. 3.05 Surface Restoration A. Restore pavements according to City of Fort Collins Standards. B. Restore landscaped areas according to Section 02900 — Landscaping. END OF SECTION City of Fort Collins Section 02221 — Trenching, Backfilling and Compacting Park Planning & Development Division Page 2 of 2 DIVISION 2 SECTION 02240 - TREE REMOVAL PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 Description of Work A. Individual trees to be removed SHALL BE SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. 1.02 Quality Standards A. If you do not currently have a Fort Collins Arborist License, submit three references with the bid. You must obtain a license from the City Forester to be qualified to bid on this job. B. The contractor must have at lease three (3) years of experience removing trees larger than 20 inches in diameter, or have successfully completed a job similar to this bid in size and condition in the past three (3) years. C. The City Forester can further examine a contractor's qualifications through a "PRE -AWARD SURVEY". D. The contractor can dispose of or use brush and logs in any acceptable manner except brush or logs of the elm genus (Ulmus) which must be hauled to the County Landfill, Log size material for species other than Ulmus, can be deposited at the City Forestry woodpile at the Hoffman site arranged by the Assistant City Forester. E. Provide the assistant City Forester with a schedule and timetable of all work. F. The contractor is expected to fully cooperate and coordinate all work activities with the residents and owners of the adjacent properties. Failure to do so shall be grounds for termination of the contract. PART 2 - MATERIALS - Not used PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 Standards for Workmanship A. Authorized work in this job neither expresses nor implies a right to violate any law of the land while in process of performing such work. B. All such work shall be conducted in a manner as to cause the least possible interference with, or annoyance to others. C. Inadequately or improperly trained personnel shall not be utilized for work on or with trees or shrubs beyond their known capacity or ability to perform properly or safely. D. A qualified supervisor shall be present at all times when work is being performed except that he may be absent for short periods during the day when necessary because of emergencies or other urgent matters. E. Any injury to persons or damages to any improvement, tree, shrub, or structure while working on this job shall be promptly reported to the Assistant City Forester. F. Any use of tools or equipment in unsafe conditions or any application of techniques or methods deemed unsafe to life, limb or property is forbidden. G. Pedestrians and vehicular traffic shall be allowed to pass through the work areas only under conditions of safety and with as little inconvenience and delay as possible. City of Fort Collins Section 02240 - Tree Removal Park Planning & Development Division Page t of 2 H. Adequate barricades and warning devices shall be placed and flagpersons shall be stationed as necessary for the safety of persons and vehicles. 1. Qualified street and sidewalk warning devices shal be in position as required at all time while work on this job is being performed. 1. Whenever electric or telephone lines, gas lines, water lines, or other improvements, public or private, will be implicated or jeopardized by any authorized tree or shrub activity and all requested precautions by any such authority shall be complied with. K. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the business of planting. cutting, trimming, pruning, removing. spraying. or otherwise treating trees, shrubs, or vines within the City without first procuring a license therefore from the City. L. All motor vehicles and other major equipment or any licensed person used in conducting the licensed business shall be clearly identified with the name of the licensee. 3.02 Standards of Workmanship for Tree Removal A. Cleanup of branches, logs or any other debris resulting from any tree removal shall be promptly and properly accomplished. The work area shall be kept safe at all times until the cleanup operation is completed. Under no circumstances shall the accumulation of brush, limbs, logs, or other debris be allowed in such a manner as to result in a hazard. B. The use of climbing spurs or spike shoes in the act of trimming the tree are prohibited, but are permitted for removal. C. Under no condition shall it be considered proper to leave any severed or partially cut limbs in the upper portion of any tree being worked on after the tree workers leave the scene of operation. D. Whenever large tree sections are being cut in a treetop which may endanger people or property, such materials shall be secured by ropes and lowered safely in a controlled manner. E. Stump removal is required as part of the work. Grind stumps to 12-14 inches below finish grade. Woody debris shall be removed from site and disposed of. F. At least one responsible tree worker shall serve to coordinate safe operations on the ground at all times when work operations are in progress. G. The contractor is responsible for providing all necessary traffic control to assure the safety of motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists. The traffic control shall be provided by and maintained by an ATSSA certified Traffic Control Supervisor, TCS. All traffic control devices shall meet or exceed the minimum standards set forth in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, MUTCD. The contractor must submit traffic control plans and coordinate all traffic control with the City's Traffic Control Coordinator. The traffic control plans must be submitted 72 hours prior to starting tree operations and prior to any modification to the traffic control plan. If the plan is not submitted and approved, or if the traffic control devices are not provided according to the plan, the project will be shut down immediately until the situation can be corrected. Faaggers must be used to close the street and for on lane traffic operation. The flaggers must be certified and under the supervision of a certified TCS. H. Sidewalks must be properly barricaded to protect pedestrians during actual removal operations. END OF SECTION City of Fort Collins Section 02240 - Tree Removal Park Planning & Development Division Page 2 of 2 DIVISION 2 SECTION 02250 — TOPSOIL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Scope A. This work shall consist of excavating. stockpiling, and placing topsoil on the project site( and/or furnishing. hauling, and stockpiling) and placing topsoil from approved sources. This work shall also include preservation of vegetation and objects designated to remain from injury or defacement. PART 2 - MATERIALS ' 2.01 Topsoil A. Topsoil shall consist of the organic growing layer of soil which is reasonably free of admixtures of subsoil, refuse, stumps, roots, rocks, brush, weeds, heavy clay, hard clods, toxic substances or 'other material which would be detrimental to proper development of vegetative growth. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 Protection of Existing Improvements A. Provide protection necessary to prevent damage to existing improvements indicated to remain in place. B. Protect improvements on adjoining properties and on City's property C. Restore damaged improvements to their original condition, acceptable to parities having jurisdiction. D. Protect existing trees and other vegetation indicated to remain in place, against unnecessary cutting, breaking, or skinning of roots, skinning and bruising of bark, smothering of trees by stockpiling construction materials or excavated material within drip line, excess foot or vehicular traffic, or parking of vehicles within drip line. Provide temporary guards to protect trees and vegetation to be left standing. E. Water trees and other vegetation to remain within limits of contract work as required to maintain their health during the course of construction operations. F. Provide protection for roots over 1-1/2" diameter cut during construction operations. Temporarily cover exposed roots with wet burlap to prevent roots from drying out; cover with earth as soon as possible. G. Repair or replace trees and vegetation indicated to remain which are damaged by construction operations, in a manner acceptable to parties having jurisdiction. Employ qualified tree surgeon to repair damages to trees and shrubs. Replace trees which cannot by repaired and restored to full growth status, as determined by the City. 3.02 Construction Requirements A. Materials selected for topsoil shall be excavated and stockpiled (and/or furnished, hauled, and stockpiled) and placed at the site and graded. Topsoil shall be placed directly upon constructed cut and fill slopes without the use of stockpiles whenever conditions and the progress or work will permit. B. Strip topsoil to whatever depths encountered in a manner to prevent intermingling with underlying subsoil or other objectionable material. City of Fort Collins Section 02250 — Topsoil Park Planning & Development Division Page 1 of 2 C. Limit stripping to limits of construction shown on the drawings: or to as small an area as practical within the rieht-of way or limits of construction. D. Remove heavy growths of grass from areas before stripping. E. Where trees or bushes are indicated to be left standing. stop topsoil stripping a sufficient distance form the trees or bushes to prevent damage to main root system. F. Stockpile topsoil in storage areas designated or agreed to prior to starting work. Construct storage piles to freely drain surface water. Cover storage piles if required to prevent wind-blown dust. Maintain topsoil free from contamination- G. The area where topsoil shall be removed are: 1. Where final contours on the drawings indicate excavation or filling. 2. Under all asphalt pavement. 3. Under all walkways. 4. Under all graveled driveways and storage areas. 5. Under all new building sites. H. Topsoil shall be placed and graded in landscaped areas. Placement shall not impede drainage patterns. Topsoil shall not be placed until the areas to be covered have been properly prepared and grading operations in the area have been completed. END OF SECTION City of Fort Collins Section 02250 — Topsoil Park Planning & Development Division Page 2 of 2 DIVISION 2 SECTION 02304—AGGREGATE BASE COURSE PART 1 — GENERAL 11 Description of work A. The current edition of the Colorado Department of Transportation Standard Specification Booklet is referenced into these specifications. PART 2- REVISIONS A. Subsection 304.01 is revised to include the following: This work shall consist of placing Aggregate Base (Class 5) over previously prepared subgrade approved by the Engineer. Aggregate Base will be used as fill under the curb, gutter, and sidewalks if there is not any acceptable material onsite. The proposed material shall meet the following minimum requirements: LL Maximum: 30 PI Maximum: 6 "R" Value Minimum: 78 The minimum strength coefficient of the Class 5 Aggregate Base shall be 0.12. B. Subsection 304.07 is revised to include the following: Aggregate Base Course will be measured by the ton at proper moisture. Quality will be adjusted accordingly if moisture is too high. Haul and water necessary to bring mixture to optimum moisture will not be measured paid for separately, but shall be included in the price for Aggregate Base. C. Subsection 304/08 is revised to include the following: The accepted qualities of Aggregate Base Course will be paid for at the contract price per ton. D. Payment will be made under: Pay Item Pay Unit 304-01 A.B.C.(C-5) Tons The above prices and payments shall include lull compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals and for doing all work involved in placing Aggregate Base Course including haul and water, complete -in -place, as shown on the plans, as specified in the specifications, and as directed by the Engineer. END OF SECTION City of Fort Collins Section 02304 — Aggregate Base Course Park Planning & Development Division Page 1 of 1 DIVISION 2 SECTION 02305 - SITE PREPARATION AND RECONDITIONING (from FCCP) PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 Work included A. The contract work lobe performed under this section consists of furnishing the required labor. materials, equipment, implements, parts and supplies, reconditioning. compaction, wetting or drying and finish grading as shown on the plans necessary for. or appurtenant to the site preparation beneath the basketball court. 1.02 Related Sections A. Section 02522 — Asphalt Court Paving B. Section 02750 — Concrete Paving C. Geotechnical Engineering Report prepared by Terracon, dated March 14, 2001. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 Subgrade Materials A. Strip and remove existing vegetation, debris and other deleterious materials from court areas and pavement areas. Exposed surfaces should be free of mounds and depressions which could prevent uniform compaction. B. Stripped materials consisting of vegetation and organic materials should be wasted from the site or used to revegetate landscaped areas or exposed slopes after the completion of grading operations. If there is excess organic materials, they may be stored within the park site for use by Parks Maintenance. 2.02 Subgrade Preparation A. Subgrade soils beneath pavements shall be scarified, moisture conditioned and compacted to a minimum depth of eight (8) inches. B. Subgrade preparation beneath pavements shall comply with the recommendations of the Geotechnical Engineering Report. C. The moisture content and compaction of subgrade soils shall be maintained until concrete or asphalt pavement construction. 2.03 Fill Areas A. Areas intended to be filled shall initially be graded to create a relatively level surface and to provide for a relatively uniform thickness of fill beneath proposed building structures. B. Exposed areas which will receive fill, once properly cleared and benched where necessary, shall be scarified to a minimum depth of eight (8) inches, conditioned to near optimum moisture content and compacted. C. Use of lime, fly ash kiln dust cement or geotextiles should be considered as a stabilization technique if unstable conditions develop. City of Fort Collins Section 02305 - SITE PREPARATION Park Planning & Development Division Page 1 of 2 2.04 Fill Materials and Placement A. Clean on -site soils or approved imported materials may be used as fill material. Fill materials and placement of fill material shall comply with the Geotechnical Engineering Report. 2.05 Tennis and Basketball Court Fine Grade Material A. Fine grade base material shall be an approved compactable, free draining base material (sand, fine gravel, etc.) 2.06 Skate Park Reconditioning A. The top 8" of the subgrade, including fill areas, shall be reconditioned by scarifying and recompacting. The subgrade shall be thoroughly mixed and dried or moistened to full depth and compacted as specified in the Geotechnical Engineering Report. The reconditioned surface shall not vary above or below the lines and grades as staked by more than 0.04 foot under concrete surfacing or 0.08 foot under aggregate base course. The surface shall be tested prior to application of base course or concrete. Defective work shall be corrected as directed by the Owner's Representative. The surface shall be protected and maintained until base course or concrete has been placed. If the Contractor chooses to use roadbase as a fine grade material or a material to mitigate over excavated or rain damaged areas this shall be entirely the Contractor's cost and shall be considered incidental to the Work. The Contractor shall be paid for reconditioning, if reconditioning has been attempted and muck excavation in the event that unsuitable material is encountered and removed at the direction of the Engineer. It shall be at the Engineer's discretion to determine if the Contractor has made a sufficient effort to control the moisture in the subgrade material and made a reasonable effort to recondition the subgrade. PART 3 — EXECUTION 3.01 Subgrade A. Where percent, trees, bushes, and a minimum of four inches (4") of top soil will be removed from the site. The area will be graded to the required depth to accommodate the base and concrete or asphalt thickness and provide a uniform one percent (11/6) slope at plus or minus one tenth of a foot (+/- .1') in one plane. Fills will be placed in six inch (6") layers and will be compacted to ninety five percent (95%) standard density at optimum moisture. The contractor will alert the owner of'soft spots' or structures that could affect the stability of the slab. B. The site preparation will be done so as to provide positive drainage away from the play courts and, if needed, to provide intercepting swales to prevent drainage on to the courts. 3.02 Fine Grade A. For Tennis and Basketball Courts the base material shall be placed with automatic laser -regulated equipment capable of providing a true accurate to plus or minus one -quarter inch (+/- �/,'). The depth of the fine grade base material shall be sufficient to develop a one -quarter inch ('/,') accuracy. END OF SECTION City of Fort Collins Section 02305 — SITE PREPARATION - Park Planning & Development Division Page 2 of 2 DIVISION 2 SECTION 02370 — SLOPE PROTECTION AND EROSION CONTROL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Description A. Erosion control materials required within the project site as shown on the plans. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 Erosion Control Materials A. "Envirofence" silt fence system manufactured by Mirafi, Inc., or equal B. Curlex erosion control blanket manufactured by American Excelsior Company, or equal PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 General A. All erosion control products and materials will be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and as shown on the plans. B. All sediment barriers shall remain in place until seeding has been established, at which time they shall be removed by the contractor. 3.02 Silt Fence A. The height of a silt fence shall not exceed 36 inches (higher fences may impound volumes of water sufficient to cause failure of the structure). B. The filter fabric shall be purchased in a continuous roll cut to the length of the barrier to avoid the use of joints. When joints are necessary, filter cloth shall be spliced together only at a support post, with a minimum 6-inch overlap, and securely sealed. C. Posts shall be spaced a maximum of 10 feet apart at the barrier location and driven securely into the ground (minimum of 12 inches). When extra strength fabric is used without the wire support fence, post spacing shall not exceed 6 feet. D. A trench shall be excavated approximately 4 inches wide and 4 inches deep along the line of posts and up slope from the harder. E. When standard strength filter fabric is used, a wire mesh support fence shall be fastened securely to the up sloped side of the posts using heavy duty wire staples at least I inch long, tie wires or hog rings. The wire shall extend into the trench a minimum of 2 inches and shall not extend more than 36 inches above the original ground surface. F. The standard strength filter fabric shall be stapled or wired to the fence, and 8 inches of the fabric shall be extended into the trench. The fabric shall not extend more than 36 inches above the original ground surface. Filter fabric shall not be stapled to existing trees. G. When extra strength filter fabric and closer post spacing are used, the wire mesh support fence may be eliminated. In such a case, the filter fabric is stapled or wired directly to the posts with all other provisions of Item F applying. H. The trench shall be backfilled and the soil compacted over the filter fabric. I. Silt fences shall be removed when they have served their useful purpose, but not before the up slope area has been permanently stabilized. City of Fort Collins Section 02370 — Erosion Control Parks Planning and Development Division Page 1 of 2 FART 4 - caAINTENANCE 4.01 Silt Fences A. Silt fences and filter barriers shall be inspected immediately after each rainfall and at least daily during prolonged rainfall. Any required repairs shall be made immediately. B. Should the fabric on a silt fence or filter barrier decompose or become ineffective prior to the end of the expected usable life and the barrier still be necessary, the fabric shall be replaced promptly. C. Sediment deposits should be removed after each storm event. They must be removed when deposits reach approximately one-half the height of the barrier. D. Any sediment deposits remaining in place after the silt fence or filter barrier is no longer required shall be dressed to conform with existing grade. prepared and seeded. END OF SECTION City of Fort Collins Section 02370 — Erosion Control Parks Planning and Development Division Page 2 of 2 3.2. In accordance with Section 8-160 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins in determining whether a bidder is responsible, the following shall be considered: (1) The ability, capacity and skill of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the services required, (2) whether the bidder can perform the contract or provide the service promptly and within the time specified without delay or interference, (3) the character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience and efficiency of the bidder, (4) the quality of the bidder's performance of previous contracts or services, (5) the previous and existing compliance by the bidder with laws and ordinances relating to the contract or service, (6) the sufficiency of the financial resources and ability of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the service, (7) the quality, availability and adaptability of the materials and services to the particular use required, (8) the ability of the bidder to provide future maintenance and service for the use of the subject of the contract, and (9) any other circumstances which will affect the bidder's performance of the contract. 3.3. Each Bidder may be required to show that he has handled former Work so that no just claims are pending against such Work. No Bid will be accepted from a Bidder who is engaged on any other Work which would impair his ability to perform or finance this Work. 3.4 No Bidder shall be in default on the performance of any other contract with the City or in the payment of any taxes, licenses or other monies due to the City. 4.0 EXAMINATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SITE 4.1. It is the responsibility of each Bidder, before submitting a Bid, to (a) examine the Contract Documents thoroughly, (b) visit the site to familiarize himself with local conditions that may in any manner affect cost, progress or performance of the Work, (c) familiarize himself .with federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations that may in any manner affect cost, progress or performance of the Work, (d) study and carefully correlate Bidder's observations with the Contract Documents, and (e) notify Engineer of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies in the Contract Documents. 4.2. Reference is made to the Supplementary Conditions for identification of: Subsurface and Physical Conditions SC-4.2. 4.3. The submission of a Bid will constitute an incontrovertible representation by Bidder that Bidder has complied with every requirement of this Article 4, that without exception the Bid is premised upon performing and furnishing the Work required by the Contract Documents and such means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction as may be indicated in or required by the Contract Documents, and that 12/03 Section 00100 Page 2 DIVISION 2 SECTION 02515 — UNIT PAVERS: OAK STREET PLAZA PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Summary A. This section includes: Concrete pavers set in aggregate setting bed. B. Related Sections: 1. Earthwork 2. Cast In Place Concrete 3. Joint Sealants 1.02 Submittals A. Product Data for the following: C 1. Concrete Pavers, including color charts 2. Sand setting bed sieve analysis report 3. Sand joint filler sieve analysis report 4. Test results from an independent testing laboratory for compliance of paving unit requirements to ASTM C 936. 5. Layout, pattern and relationship of paving joints to fixtures and project formed details Sample of full size unit of each type of paver. Qualification Data: For firms and persons specified in "Quality Assurance" Article to demonstrate their capabilities and experience. Include lists of completed projects with project names and addresses, square footage of unit pavers installed, names and addresses of architects and owners and descriptions of sub -base preparation. 1.03 Quality Assurance A. Installer Qualifications: An experienced installer who has at least three years experience placing unit pavers on projects of similar type and cost. B. Source Limitations: Obtain each type of unit paver from one source to provide materials and products of consistent quality and appearance and physical properties. C. Mockups: Before installing unit pavers, build mockups for each form and pattern of unit pavers required to verify selections made under sample Submittals and to demonstrate aesthetic effects and qualities of materials and execution. Build mockups to comply with the following: 1. Build mockups in a location indicated as permanent installation and of the size indicated as directed by Engineer. 2. Notify Engineer seven days in advance of dates and times when mockups will be constructed. 3. Demonstrate the proposed range of aesthetic effects and workmanship. 4. Obtain Engineer's approval of mockups before starting unit paver installation. 5. Approved mockups may become part of the completed Work if undisturbed at time of Substantial Completion. 1.04 Delivery, Storage and Handling A. Deliver concrete pavers to the site in steel banded, plastic banded, or plastic wrapped cubes capable of transfer by fork lift or clamp lift. Unload pavers at job site in such a manner that no damage occurs to the product. City of Fort Collins Section 02515- Unit Pavers Park Planning & Development Division Page 1 of 4 3. Sand shall be covered with waterproof covering to prevent exposure to rainfall or removal by wind. The covering shall be secured in place. C. Coordinate delivery and paving schedule to minimize interference with normal use of buildings adjacent to paving. 1.05 Environmental Conditions A. Do not install sand or pavers during heavy rain or snowfall. B. Do not install sand and pavers over frozen base materials. C. Do not install frozen sand. PART 2 PRODUCTS AND MATERIALS 2.01 Concrete Pavers (Three types) A. Two types concrete pavers shall be supplied by Pavestone Company or an approved equal. Denver, CO: 303.287-3700 1. Adirondack pattern, tumbled finish, combination of five (5) sizes, thickness = 2 3/8", color = buff charcoal, modified to 2/3 buff, 1/3 charcoal 2. Holland Heritage pattern, tumbled finish, thickness = 2 3/8" color = buff charcoal Any supplier: 3. Black Chinese Granite, flame finish; 2' x 1', thickness = 2 3/8" B. Pavers shall meet the following requirements set forth in ASTM C 936, Standard Specification for Interlocking Concrete Paving Units: I . Average compressive strength of 8,000 psi (55 MPa) with no individual unit under 7,200 psi (50 MPa). 2. Average absorption of 5% with no unit greater than 7% when tested in accordance with ASTM C 140. 3. Resistance to 50 freeze -thaw cycles when tested in accordance with ASTM C 67. C. Pigment in concrete pavers shall conform to ASTM C 979_ D. Material shall be manufactured in individual layers on production pallets. E. Materials shall be manufactured to produce a solid homogeneous matrix in the produced unit. 2.02 Visual Inspection A. All units shall be sound and free of defects that would interfere with the proper placing of unit or impair the strength or permanence of the construction. B. Minor cracks incidental to the usual methods of manufacture, or chipping resulting from customary methods of handling in shipment and delivery, shall not be deemed grounds for rejection. 2.03 Accessories A. Geotextile Fabric 2.04 Aggregate Bed Materials A. Graded Aggregate for Sub base; B. Graded Aggregate for Base: City of Fort Collins Section 02515 — Unit Pavers Park Planning & Development Division Page 2 of 4 C. Sand for Leveling Course: D. Sand for Joints: PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 Examination A. Verify that sub grade preparation, compacted density and elevations conform to the specifications. Compaction of the soil sub grade to at least 95% Standard Proctor Density per ASTM D 698 is recommended. Higher density. or compaction to ASTM D 1557 may be necessary for areas subject to continual vehicular traffic. Stabilization of the sub grade and/or base material may be necessary with weak or saturated sub grade soils. The Architect/Engineer should inspect sub grade preparation, elevations, and conduct density tests for conformance to specifications. B. Verify that geotextiles, if have been placed according to specifications. C. Verify that aggregate base materials, thickness, compaction, surface tolerances, and elevations conform to the specifications. D. Verify that base is dry, uniform, even, and ready to support sand, pavers, and imposed loads. E. Beginning of bedding sand and paver installation means acceptance of base. 3.02 Preparation A. Proof -roll prepared sub grade surface to check for unstable areas and areas requiring additional compaction. Compact sub grade to at least 95% Standard Proctor Density per ASTM D 698. Proceed with unit paver installation only after deficient sub grades have been corrected and are ready to receive sub base for unit pavers. 3.03 Installation A. Place geotextile fabric beneath base course as shown on details. B. Place aggregate base material to depth indicated on drawings. Compact by tamping with plate vibrator and screed to depth required to allow setting of pavers. C. Place leveling course and screed to a thickness of 1 to 1 ''/d', taking care that moisture content remains constant and density is loose and constant until pavers are set and compacted. Place leveling course such that installed unit pavers will set 1/8 to 1/4" inches above edge. Do not use The bedding sand to fill depressions in the base surface. D. Ensure that pavers are free of foreign materials before installation. E. Lay the pavers in the pattem(s) as shown on the drawings. Maintain straight pattern lines. F. Joints between the pavers on average shall be between 1/16 in. and 3/16 in. (2 mm to 5 turn) wide. G. Fill gaps at the edges of the paved area with cut pavers or edge units. H. Cut pavers to be placed along the edge with a double blade paver splitter or masonry saw. I. Use a low amplitude, high frequency plate vibrator to vibrate the pavers into the sand. Use Table 3 below to select size of compaction equipment: City of Fort Collins Section 02515 — Unit Pavers Park Planning & Development Division Page 3 of 4 Table 3 Paver Thickness Minimum Centrifugal Compaction Force 60 mm 3000 lbs. (13 kN) 80 mm 5000 lbs. (22 kN) J. Vibrate the pavers. sweeping dry joint sand into the joints and vibrating until they are full. This will require at least two or three passes with the vibrator. Do not vibrate within 3 ft. (1 m) of the unrestrained edges of the paving units. K. All work to within 3 ft. (1 m) of the laying face must be left fully compacted with sand -filled joints at the completion of each day. L. Sweep off excess sand when the job is complete. _ M. The final surface elevations shall not deviate more than 3/8 in. (10 mm) under a 10 ft. (3 m) long straightedge. N. The surface elevation of pavers shall be 1/8 inch to 1/4 inch (3 to b mm) above adjacent drainage inlets, concrete collars or channels. O. The resanding as necessary of paver joints shall be accomplished by the contractor for a period of 90 days after completion of work. 3.04 Field Quality Control A. After removal of excess sand, check final elevations for conformance to the drawings. , B. Remove and replace unit pavers that are loose, chipped, broken, stained or otherwise damaged or that do not match adjoining units as intended. Provide new units to match adjoining units and install in same manner as original units, with same joint treatment and with no evidence of replacement. END OF SECTION City of Fort Collins Section 02515 — Unit Pavers Park Planning 8 Development Division Page 4 of 4 DIVISION 2 SECTION 02520 — PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Scope A. Furnish all labor, materials, supplies, equipment, transportation, and perform all operations in connection with and reasonably incidental to complete installation of concrete paving as shown on the drawings and as specified herein. Items of work specifically included are: B. Subgrade preparation for plazas, walks, ramps, playground curbs and headers. C. Form work. D. Reinforcement. E. Surface finish. F. Construction, expansion and control joints. G. Curing. H. Concrete plazas, sidewalks, ramps, playground curbs and headers. I. Interior slabs -on -grade in restroom, etc. 1.02 Work Not Included A. Items of work specifically excluded or covered under other sections: B. Excavation and backfrll. C. Earthwork and grading. D. Cast -in -place structural concrete or precast concrete, such as foundations, drainage appurtenances, and pad and building. E. Joint sealers. 1.03 Related Work A. Division 2 — Site Work: a. Section 02050— Demolition. b. Section 02200 — Earthwork/Grading. c. Section 02220 — Trenching, Backfrlling, and Compaction. B. Not Used C. Division 7 — Thermal and Moisture Protection: 1. Section 07900 — Joint Sealers. 1.04 References A. ACI 301 — Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings. B. ASTM C33 —Concrete Aggregate. C. ASTM C150 — Portland Cement. D. ASTM C260 —Air Entraining Admixtures for Concrete. City of Fort Collins Section 02520 — Portland Cement Concrete Paving Park Planning & Development Division Page 1 of 11 E. ASTM C309 - Liquid Membrane - Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete. F. ACI 304 - Recommended Practice for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting. and Placing Concrete. G. ACI 305R - Hot Weather Concreting. H. ACI 306R - Cold Weather Concreting. I. ACI 308 - Standard Practice for Curing Concrete. J. ACI 309 - Recommended Practice for Consolidation of Concrete. K. ACI 318-89 - Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete. 1.05 Regulatory Requirements A. Conform to applicable code of governing authority for paving work within public right-of-way. 1.06 Tests A. Submit proposed mix design to testing laboratory for review prior to commencement of work. For standard premix concrete mixes, the supplier's quality control records may be substituted for job mix testing. B. Refer to Division 1, Section 01450 Quality Control and Testing. C. Coordinate and schedule sampling testing during concrete placement with City Representative. 1.07 Submittals A. Submit product data under provisions of Section 01600 - Materials and Equipment. B. Submit data on admixtures and curing compounds. C. Submit a ten pound sample of aggregate for exposed aggregate finish. D. Submit manufacturer's data on leave -in -place construction joint form. E. Submit sample chips of specified colors indicating pigment number and required dosage rate. Submittals are for general verification of color and may vary somewhat from concrete finished in field according to Specifications. F. Submit samples of colored sealers. 1.08 Test Panels A. Provide a 3' x 3' test panel for finish and tooling of joints for Owner approval. Provide one panel for each pavement type specified. In casting the panels, use personnel and methods to be employed on the work. B. If sample disapproved, cast additional samples until approval is obtained. Maintain test panel on site until finished work is accepted. Test panel will represent minimum workmanship standard. C. Work completed prior to text panel approval shall be subject to removal and replacement at Owner's request. PART 2 MATERIALS 2.01 Concrete Materials A. General: Provide materials of same brand and source throughout the project unless otherwise noted. B. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type I or Type 1/II, gray color. I City of Fort Collins Section 02520 - Portland Cement Concrete Paving .- Park Planning & Development Division Page 2 of 11 C. Aggregates: ASTM C33, normal weight. In addition, the combined aggregate shall comply with the following gradation, shown in percent passing. Sieve Size %,-Inch Nominal Maximum Size '14Inch 90— 100 3/8 Inch 60 — 80 No. 4 40 — 60 No. 8 30 — 45 No. 16 20 — 35 No. 30 13 — 23 No. 50 5 — 15 No. 100 0-5 D. Coarse Aggregate for Exposed Aggregate Finish: 5/8-inch maximum size; rounded shape, ratio of maximum to minimum dimensions not to exceed 2.5:1; color to be tan to brown, no more than 2% white or black combined, no pink, no red, no green. E. Water: Clean and not detrimental to concrete. 2.02 Pigments for Integrally Colored Concrete A. Manufacturer: 1. Davis Colors manufactured by Davis Colors: phone (213) 269-7311. 2. Substitutions: Comply with Section 01600 for substitution request procedures. B. Materials: Pigments shall contain pure, concentrated mineral pigments especially processed for mixing into concrete and complying with ASTM C979. C. Packaging: If pigments are to be added to mix at Site, furnish pigments in pre -measured Mix - Ready disintegrating bags to minimize job site waste. D. Colors: Concrete mix shall contain the dosage rate of pigments indicated in this specification. Dosage rate shall be based on weight of Portland cement, fly ash, silica fume, lime and other cementitious materials but not aggregate or sand. Refer to the site plans for locations of the various colors of concrete. 2.03 Form Materials A. Slab Edges: Two by lumber permitted for surfaces not exposed to view in the final work. Use concrete -form grade hardboard, "plyform" grade plywood, or metal for fomvng surfaces exposed to view. Forms shall be straight and sufficiently stiff and well braced to meet line tolerances specified in Part 3. B. Keyed Joint Form: Wooden key or leave -in -place metal construction joint form. C. Form Coatings: Commercial form -coating compounds that will not bond with, stain, or adversely affect concrete surfaces, and will not impair subsequent treatments of concrete surfaces. 2.04 Reinforcement A. Reinforcing Steel: ASTM A615; 60 ksi yield grade; deformed billet -steel bars, uncoated finish. B. Fibermesh: Bundled, fibrillated, virgin polypropylene fibers manufactured for use in premix concrete and having the following characteristics: R I. Special Gravity: 0.91. City of Fort Collins Section 02520 - Portland Cement Concrete Paving Park Planning & Development Division Page 3 of 11 2. Tensile Strength: 70 to 100 ksi. 3. Fiber Lengths: '/2 inch,'/4 inch. 4. Accepted Materials: "Fibermesh" by Fibermesh Company of Chattanooga. TN: or "Forta CR" by Forta Corporation of Groove City. PA. C. Dowels: ASTM A615; 40 or 60 ksi yield grade, plain steel, uncoated finish; matched sleeve and cap one end. Provide dowel basket to hold dowels in parallel alignment. 2.05 Admixtures A. General: Unless specified in the mix or directed in Part 3, no admixtures shall be used without approval of the Owner's Representative. Do not use admixtures that would result in mixing water with a concentration of more than 150 ppm of chloride ion. B. Air Entraining: ASTM C260. C. Water Reducing: ASTM C494, Type A. D. Accelerator: Nonchloride, ASTM C494, Type C or E. E. Retarder: ASTM C494, Type B or D. F. Color Agent: Davis Colors of Los Angeles, California. 2.06 Related Materials A. Expansion Joint Filler: ASTM D1752, closed cell polyethylene,''/2 inch thickness. B. Joint Sealant: See Section 07900. C. Surface Retardant: Surface retarding agent intended for exposed aggregate. Retardx-SRO" by Prokrete of Denver, Colorado, or approved equal. D. Curing Compound for Standard Non -Colored Walks, Curbs, Gutters, Etc: White pigmented, wax - resin based compound, ASTM C309, Type I, Class A. Recommended by manufacturer for use on exterior sidewalks and driveways. E. Curing Compound for Concrete with Coloring Agent: Davis Seal Color to match colored concrete. F. Curing Compound and Sealer for Exposed Aggregate Concrete: Acryseal by Prokete Industries of Denver, Colorado. G. Curing Compound for Interior Slabs: Protex Promulsion 100 or equal. H. Interior Floor Sealer: Protex Triple Seal or equal. 2.07 Concrete Mix A. Mix concrete in accordance with ASTM C94. 1. Provide non -colored concrete for exterior slabs on grade, sidewalks, curb and gutter, walls, aprons and ramps (except panel inserts) with the following characteristics: Unit Measurement a. Compressive Strength 3,500 psi at 28 days b. Minimum Cement 564 lb./cy c. Maximum Aggregate Size 1 '/2 inches d. Fibrous Reinforcement '/41b./cy e. Air Entrainment 4% to 6% f. Maximum Water/Cement Ratio 0.46 g. Maximum Slump 4 inches City of Fort Collins Section 02520 — Portland Cement Concrete Paving Park Planning & Development Division Page 4 of 11 2. Provide colored concrete for plazas. ramps and other flatwork with the following characteristics: Unit Measurement a. Compressive Strength 3,500 psi at 28 days b. Minimum Cement 564 Ib./cy c. Maximum Aggregate Size 1 %2 inches d. Fibrous Reinforcement '/4 Ib./cy e. Air Entrainment 4% to 60NO f. Maximum Water/Cement Ratio 0.46 g. Coloring Agent Per manufacturer's recommendations (refer to Definition of Bid Items and/or Drawings for designated colors) h. Maximum Slump 4 inches 3. Provide concrete for playground curb with the following characteristics: Unit . Measurement a. Compressive Strength 3,500 psi at 28 days b. Minimum Cement 564 Ib./cy c. Maximum Aggregate Size 5/8 inches d. Air Entrainment 5% to 8% e. Maximum Water/Cement Ratio 0.46 f. Maximum Slump 2.5 inches 4. Provide concrete for interior slabs -on -grade with the following characteristics: Unit Measurement a. Compressive Strength 3,500 psi at 28 days b. Type I or II Cement 564 Ib./cy c. Maximum Aggregate Size '/4 inches d. Maximum Air 3% e. Water reducing agent 3 oz. Minimum to 4 oz maximum per 100 pounds.; or as recommended by manufacturer to obtain desired air content 5. Provide concrete for colored trail flatwork and paving with the following characteristics Unit Measurement a. Compressive Strength 3.500 psi at 28 days b. Minimum Cement 564 lb./cy c. Maximum Aggregate Size 1 % inches d. Fibrous Reinforcement '/4 lb./cy e. Air Entrainment 4% to 6% f. Maximum Water/Cement Ratio 0.46 g. Coloring Agent 2 lbs. per sack of Yosemite Brown Color h. Maximum Slump 4 inches B. Pozzolanic mineral admixture is not permitted. City of Fort Collins Section 02520 — Portland Cement Concrete Paving Park Planning & Development Division Page 5 of 11 C . Use accelerating admixtures in cold weather as directed in Part 3. D. Use set -retarding admixture during hot weather as directed in Part 3. E. Water reducing agent is permitted. 2.08 Selection of Proportions A. Mix Design: Cost of concrete mix design is responsibility of Contractor. B. Selection of Proportions: Use method of ACI 301 3.9. Proportioning base on method of ACI 301 3.10 not allowed. 1. Field test records used for documentation of the average strength produced by a propos mix in accordance with ACI 301 shall, in addition to the requirements listed. comply with the — following: a. The test record shall represent production concrete from a single design mix produced during the past year. b. The test record shall represent concrete proportioned to produce the maximum slur allowed by these specifications, and for air -entrained concrete, within a ±0.5% of t maximum air content allowed. 2. Mixes proportioned on the basis of trial mixtures shall meet the provisions of ACI 301 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 Subgrade Preparation A. Shape and compact Subgrade to match appropriate detail. Compact to 95% density as measured _ by ASTM D698. Coordinate with Section 02200 — Earthwork, Article 3.05, Compaction. B. Where subgrade cannot be compacted, remove subgrade. Replace with bed course. Compact to 95% density as measured by ASTM D698. _ C. Moisten subgrade to minimize absorption of water from fresh concrete. Subgrade shall not be muddy, soft, frozen, or covered with standing water when concrete is placed. 3.02 Form Work A. General: Design, construct, and brace forms in accordance with ACI 301 and ACI 347. In addition to those requirements, forms shall be placed and braced so the finished edges and joints meet the tolerances listed later in this section. B. Preparation of Form Surfaces: 1. Clean reused forms of concrete matrix residue; repair and patch as required to return forms to acceptable surface condition. 2. Coat contact surfaces of forms with specified form -coating compound before reinforcement is placed. Apply form -coating compound according to manufacturer's instructions. Do not allow excess form -coating material to accumulate in forms or to come in contact with concrete surfaces against which fresh concrete will be placed. C. Slipforming: Slipfortning of vertical curb and gutter sidewalks is permitted. D. For Surfaces Exposed To View: Form faces shall be free from raised grain, tears, worn edges, patches, dents, or other defects which would impair texture of the concrete surfaces. Minimize — number of seams in form material, and arrange seams in an orderly manner. 3.03 Reinforcement and Embedments A. General: City of Fort Collins Section 02520 — Portland Cement Concrete Paving ^� Park Planning & Development Division Page 6 of 11 the Contract Documents are sufficient in scope and detail to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performance and furnishing of the Work. 5.0 INTERPRETATIONS AND ADDENDA. 5.1. All questions about the meaning or intent of the Bidding Documents are to be submitted in writing to the Engineer and the OWNER. Interpretation or clarifications considered necessary in response to such questions will be issued only by Addenda. Questions received less than seven days prior to the date for opening of the Bids may not be answered. Only questions answered by formal written Addenda will be binding. Oral and other interpretations or clarifications will be without legal effect. 5.2. All questions concerning the scope of this project should be directed to the Engineer. Questions regarding submittal of bids should be directed to the City of Fort Collins' Purchasing Division. 5.3. Addenda may also be issued to modify the Bidding Documents as deemed advisable by OWNER or Engineer_ 5.4. Addenda will be mailed or delivered to all parties recorded by the OWNER as having received the Bidding documents. 6.0 BID SECURITY 6.1. Each Bid must be accompanied by Bid Security made payable to OWNER in the amount stated in the Invitation to Bid. The required security must be in the form of a certified or bank cashier's check payable to OWNER or a Bid Bond on the form enclosed herewith. The Bid Bond must be executed by a surety meeting the requirements of the General Conditions for surety bonds. 6.2. The Bid Security of the successful Bidder will be retained until such Bidder has executed the Agreement and furnished the required contract security, whereupon Bid Security will be returned. If the successful Bidder fails to execute and deliver the Agreement and furnish the required contract security within 15 days of the Notice of Award, OWNER may annul the Notice of Award and the Bid Security of that Bidder will be forfeited. The Bid Security of other Bidders whom OWNER believes to have reasonable chance receiving the award may be retained by OWNER until the earlier of the seventh day after the effective date of the Agreement or the thirty-first day after the Bid Opening, whereupon Bid Security furnished by such Bidders will be returned. Bid Security with Bids which are not competitive will be returned within seven days after the Bid opening. 7.0 CONTRACT TIME. 12/03 Section 00100 Page 3 M 1. Fabricate. position, and secure reinforcement and embedded items according to ACI 301 and ACI 315. Coordinate with other sections for locations, instructions, or equipment for embedded items. 2. Shop drawings are not required. 3. Welding reinforcement is not permitted. 4. In the event of discrepancy, immediately notify the Owner's Representative. Do not proceed with installation in areas of discrepancy until all such discrepancies have been fully resolved. B. Field -Bending of Reinforcement: Reinforcement partially embedded in concrete shall not be field -bent. except as noted on the drawings or specifically permitted by the Owner's Representative. C. Inspection of Reinforcement Completed installation of concrete reinforcement must be reviewed by the Owner's Representative before depositing concrete. D. Unless otherwise indicated, place reinforcement where required at top of slabs on grade. Provide '/z-inch minimum cover over reinforcement. E. Dowels: Grease sleeves, insert dowels and through form, secure dowel basket against movement. F. Notches for Sleeving: Notch both vertical sides of walk or slab where sleeving occurs. G. Welded wire fabric shall be overlapped one full mesh and tied. H. Fibrous Reinforcement: 1. Add fibrous concrete reinforcement to concrete materials at the time concrete is batched in amounts in accordance with approved submittals for each type of concrete required. 2. Mix batched concrete in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations for uniform and complete dispersion. 3.04 Joints A. General: Place joints in accordance with ACI 301. Conform to the tolerances listed later in Part 3. B. Isolation/Expansion Joints: Isolation joint and expansion joint are synonymous for concrete paving. 1. Place isolation joints where work abuts existing walls, curbs and structures, and where shown on the drawings. 2. Interrupt reinforcement at isolation joint. Install dowels only where indicated on drawings. 3. Joint filler shall extend full depth of the slab. Hold back filler from top of slab as required for sealant. Attach joint filler to first placement. 4. Seal all expansion joints and joints between concrete and asphalt per Section 07900. C. Keyed/Construction Joints: Keyed joint and construction joint are synonymous for concrete paving. 1. Reinforcement, if required, shall continue through the joint. 2. Install where indicated on drawings, or where required by concrete delivery or finishing rate. 3. Key first placement. Key shall be 1'% inches wide and'/4 inches deep. 4. After first placement has hardened, clean and roughen face. Install control joint form at top of slab. 5. Subject to Owner's Representative approval; manufactured leave -in -place cold joint form may be used. City of Fort Collins Section 02520 - Portland Cement Concrete Paving Park Planning & Development Division Page 7 of 11 D. Control/Score Joint: Control joint and score joint are synonymous for concrete paving. 1. Control joints shall penetrate 1 /3 of slab thickness. 2. Sawn Joints: Control joints on play area curb shall be sawn. Kerf shall be 3/16-inch wide. Start cutting as soon as concrete is able to be sawn without dislodging aggregate. Complete cutting before shrinkage cracks occur. Joints perpendicular to walls may be less than required depth within 6 inches of the wall. and may stop 2 inches from the wall. Wash slurry from concrete to avoid staining of slab. 3. Tooled Joints: Control joints maybe cut into the plastic concrete during finishing operations. Tooled joints shall have '/4 radius. and shall not incorporate a troweled edge unless specifically noted on the drawings. 4. Formed control joints are permitted only in conjunction with keyed joints. 5. Unless otherwise indicated, provide control joints at the following intervals: Use Tyne Maximum Spacing Uncolored Exterior & Tooled broom Symmetrically placed: Interior Slabs, Sidewalks over joint 10' maximum or 1.'/2 times width of walk, whichever is smaller Curb and Gutter Tooled joints 10' maximum Pans Tooled joints 15' maximum Play Area Curb & Header Tooled joints 10' maximum Concrete Tooled joints 10' maximum 3.05 Concrete A. Preplacement Inspection: Form work installation, reinforcing steel placement, and installation of all items to be embedded or cast in, to be verified by the Owner's Representative prior to placement. B. General: Comply with ACI 301, ACI 304, and as herein specified. C. Added Water: Concrete mix has been designed to a specific water cement ratio in order to enhance durability of the final product. Do not add water at the job site or concrete will not be accepted. D. Cold Weather Placement: When depositing concrete after the first frost or when the mean daily temperatures area below 40 degrees, follow recommendations of ACI 306 as modified herein. Use specified accelerator. Maintain concrete temperature at a minimum of 55 degrees for not less than 72 hours after depositing. Do not place concrete without approval of the Owner's Representative on days when temperature at 9:00 a.m. is below 30 degrees. Job -cured cylinders for verification of strength and/or the adequacy of the Contractor's protective methods will be required. E. Hot Weather Placement: When depositing concrete in hot weather, follow recommendations of ACI 305 as modified herein. When the air temperature is expected to exceed 90 degrees, the Contractor shall obtain acceptance from the Civil Engineer or Owner's Representative of the procedures to be used in protecting, depositing, finishing, and curing the concrete. The temperature of concrete at the time of placement shall not exceed 90 degrees. Protect to prevent rapid drying. Start finishing and curing as soon as possible. Specified water reducing retarding admixture may be used. The use of continuous wetting or fog sprays may be required by the Owner's Representative for 24 hours after depositing. City of Fort Collins Section 02520 — Portland Cement Concrete Paving —� Park Planning & Development Division Page 8 of 11 F. Placing: Deposit and consolidate concrete slabs in a continuous operation, within the limits of construction joints, until the placing of a panel or section is completed. Deposit concrete as nearly as practicable in its final location to avoid segregation. G. Consolidation: Consolidate concrete with internal vibrators with a minimum frequency of 7.000 rpm. Maintain one standby vibrator for every three vibrators used. Consolidate according to ACI 309. Do not transport concrete with vibrators. Work concrete into comers and around embedments and reinforcement. H. Surface Leveling: Strike off and level surface with screed of sufficient length to span the slab. On slabs ereater than 15 feet wide. use intermediate screed strips_ I. Integral colored concrete: Add color by weight directly into the mixer along with the aggregate, cement and water while the mixer is operating at mixing speed_ Continue mixing for 5-10 minutes or from 50 — 100 revolutions. 3.06 Finishes A. Float Finish: After surface stiffens enough to support the operation, float with hand floats or powered disc floater. Use magnesium float: do not use wood float on air entrained concrete. Check surface planeness with a 10-foot straight edge, applied at not less than two different angles. Cut down high spots and fill low spots to produce a surface with Class B tolerance. Refloat the slab to a uniform sandy texture. B. Broom Finish: Concrete flatwork shall receive a heavy broom finish applied at a right angle to the direction of travel. The plaza area shall have smooth troweled joints, 1 %2 inches from the centerline of the joint, to result in a total trowel width of 3 inches. All other flatwork shall have broom finish over joints. C. Exposed Aggregate Finish: Immediately after floating, apply surface retardant. Apply retardant uniformly. Cover with polyethylene sheet to retain moisture. When mortar is hard enough to retain aggregate but soft enough to be removed by brushing, wash the surface with water and remove mortar from surface aggregate by brushing. Do not dislodge aggregate. D. Coordinate rate of concrete placement with pace of washing crew. E. Formed Finishes: 1. Surfaces Not Exposed to View: Patch tie holes and defects. Chip off fins greater than ''/< inch in height. 2. Surfaces Exposed to View: Patch tie holes and defects. Completely remove fins. F. Schedule of Finishes: I. Curbs, gutters, ramps within ROW — per City Specifications. 2. Sidewalk— heavy broom finish. 3. Plaza paving — as shown on plans. 4. Playground curbs and header — exposed aggregate finish. 5. Interior slabs at restroom — medium broom finish. G. Notch both vertical sides of concrete flatwork to indicate location of irrigation sleeves. 3.07 Curing/Sealing A. Apply curing compound within 30 minutes of completing finish. Follow manufacturer's recommendations for applying compound. Reapply in areas exposed to rain within 3 hours of initial application. Maintain continuity of coating and repair damage during 7-day curing period. - Follow manufacturer's instructions for sealing interior slabs. City of Fort Collins Section 02520 - Portland Cement Concrete Paving Park Planning & Development Division Page 9 of 11 B. Integra] colored concrete is to be cured with the matching Davis Color Sea]. Follow manufacturer's recommendations for application. 3.08 Tolerances A. Surface Planeness: Unless otherwise specified, produce slabs with a Class B tolerance. 1. Finishes with Class B tolerances shall be true planes within'/A inch in 10 feet, as determined by a 10-foot straight edge placed anywhere on the slab in any direction. 2. Slope interior slabs to drains as indicated. B. Formed Surfaces. Joints, and Embedments: Unless otherwise specified. the finished work shall meet the following tolerances: 1. Variations of formed, or cut or tooled linear element: a. In 20 feet: '/2 inch. b. For entire length: 1 inch. 3.09 Field Quality Control A. Field inspection and testing will, be performed under provisions of Paragraph 1.06, Tests, and as specified below. B. Concrete Tests: 1. Shall be provided by the Contractor and shall be accordance with requirements of ACI 301, Chapter 16 — Testing, except as noted or modified in this section. a. Strength test. i. Mold and cure four cylinders from each sample. ii. Test one at 7 days and one at 14 days for information and one at 28 days for acceptance. Keep the remaining one as a spare to be tested as directed by the Owner. b. Minimum samples. i. Collect the following minimum samples for each 28-day strength concrete used in the work for each day's placing: uanti Number of Samples 50 cubic yards or less one 50 to 100 cubic yards two 100 cubic yards or more two plus one sample for each additional 100 cubic yards c. Sample marking. ii. Mark or tag each sample of compression test cylinders with date and time of day cylinders were made. iii. Identify location in work where concrete represented by cylinders was placed. iv. Identify delivery truck or batch number, air content, and slump. d. Slump test. Conduct test for each strength test sample and whenever consistency of concrete appears to vary. e. Air content. Conduct test from one of first three batches mixed each day and for each strength test sample. C. Acceptance of Concrete: City of Fort Collins Section 02520 — Portland Cement Concrete Paving Park Planning & Development Division Page 10 of 11 1. If the average of three consecutive 7-day tests falls below the specified 7-day strength. the Owner shall have the right to require conditions of temperature and moisture necessary to secure the required strength and may require core tests in accordance with ASTM C-42. 2. Strength level of concrete will be considered satisfactory so long as average of all sets of three consecutive strength test results equals or exceeds specified 28-day strength and no individual strength test result falls below specified strength by more than 500 psi. D. Failure of Test Cylinder Results: 1. Upon failure of the 28-day test cylinder results, Owner may require Contractor. at his expense, to obtain and test at least three cored samples from area in question. 2. Concrete will be considered adequate if average of three core tests is at least 85 percent of. and if no single core is less than 75 percent of the specified 28-day strength. 3. Upon failure of core test results, Owner may require Contractor, at his expense, to perform load tests as specified in ACI 318, Chapter 2. 4. In the event an area is found to be structurally unsound, the Owner may order removal and replacement of concrete as required. The costs of the core tests, the load test and the structural evaluation shall be borne by the Contractor. 5. Fill all core holes with a non -shrink grout as Master Builders Masterflo 713 or approved equal. E. Maintain records of placed concrete items. Record date, location of pour, quantity, air temperature, and test samples taken. 3.10 Integral Color Schedule LOCATION DAVIS COLOR DOSAGE/PIGMENT FINISH Core Area Spanish Gold 3 Lbs. 5084 Heavy Broom END OF SECTION City of Fort Collins Section 02520 — Portland Cement Concrete Paving Park Planning & Development Division Page 11 of 11 DIVISION 2 SECTION 02600 — DOMESTIC WATER SUPPLY PART 1 - GENERAL Scope A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and perform all operations to install potable water services to within 5' of the restroom and drinking fountain(s) if required. Related Work A. See related sections for trenching, backfilling, and compaction. Job Conditions A. All work must be done in accordance with standards and conditions as set forth by the City of Fort Collins Storm. Standards referenced in these specifications must be verified before commencement of construction. B. Perform site survey, research public utility records and verify existing utility locations. Contact utility -locating service for area where project is located. C. Site Information: Reports on subsurface condition investigations made during the design of the project are available for informational purposes only; data in reports are not intended as representations or warranties of accuracy or continuity of conditions (between soil borings). Owner assumes no responsibility for interpretations or conclusions drawn from this information. D. When work is not in progress, securely close ends of pipe and fittings. Quality Assurance A. References: American Association of State Highway and Transportation (AASHTO), American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM), and Uniform Plumbing Code as published by the Western Plumbing Officials Association. Submittals A. Furnish four copies of the pipe manufacturer's installation instructions or guides, and submit technical data and certifications from manufacturer that product complies with specifications. Product Handling B. Deliver pipes and tubes with factory -applied end caps. Maintain end -caps through shipping, storage and handling to prevent pipe -end damage and to prevent entrance of dirt, debris, and moisture. Pipe shall be handled with slings, pipe tongs, or skids. C. Protect stored pipes and tubes from moisture and dirt. Elevate above grade. Do not exceed — structural capacity of floor when storing inside. Do not stack pipes higher than 5 feet. Pipe shall be supported evenly along its barrel. Pipe shall not be stored in such a way as to be supported by the bell. D. Protect flanges, fittings and piping specialties from moisture and dirt. City of Fort Collins Section 02600 — Domestic Water Supply Park Planning & Development Division Page 1 of 11 E. Store plastic pipes protected from direct sunlight. Support to prevent sagging and bending. F. Lubricant shall be stored and used in a manner which will avoid contamination- G. Rubber gaskets shall be stored in a cool, dark location away from grease, oil and ozone producing electric motors. H. Take precautions not to damage materials during delivery or storage. 1. Store valves off the ground and away from material that could contaminate potable water systems J. Take precautions to keep joints and internal parts clean - Installation of Service Taps A. Utility contractors licensed by the City for utility work in the public right-of-way shall be allowed to make service taps on water mains which have been initially accepted. B. Unless prior permission is given by the utility, only the utility shall make service taps on mains which have passed final acceptance. C. The Contractor shall not make any taps without permission from the utility. D. 2-inch and smaller taps on existing line shall be made with a tapping saddle. Maintenance and Correction A. The Contractor shall maintain and repair all service lines, meter pits and any associated appurtenances which leak, were installed incorrectly or otherwise prove to be defective for a period of two years after final completion and acceptance of the work. Meter Setters A. Unless it is otherwise specified, meters, strainers and meter setters 2-inch and less meters shall be purchased from the utility. B. Meter settings for meters shall be installed in accordance with Drawing Detail. Meter Pits A. Meter pits shall be installed by the Contractor. 1. Meter pits shall be constructed from standard 48-inch inside diameter precast concrete manhole sections or bituminous fiver; per utility standards. 2. Meter pit covers shall be an aluminum manhole ring and cover with a 12 inch or 24-inch diameter opening. a. All meter pit covers shall have a 27/32" worm -lock with a Standard Waterworks pentagon head. b. All meter pit covers shall have the word "water" cast in the lid. 1.01 Testing A. Volumetric Leakage Test: 1. Backfill to prevent pipe from moving under pressure. Expose couplings and fittings. 2. Purge air from pipeline before test. City of Fort Collins Section 02600 — Domestic Water Supply Park Planning & Development Division Page 2 of 11 3. Subject pipe to 150 psi pressure for two hours. Maintain constant pressure. The amount of additional water pumped in during the test shall not exceed 1.5 gallons per 100 joints. 4. Replace defective pipe, fitting joint. valve. or appurtenance. Repeat the test until the pipe passes the test. PART 2 MATERIALS 2.01 Manufacturers A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated in the work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Drilling Machine Corporation Stops: a. Ford Meter Box Company, Inc. b. Hays Division, Romac Industries. c. Mueller Company, Grinnell Corporation. 2. Bronze Corporation Stops and Valves: a. Ford Meter Box Company, Inc. b. Hays Division, Romac Industries. c. A.Y. McDonald Manufacturing Company. d. Mueller Company, Grinnell Corporation. 3. Tapping Valves: a. Clow Valve Company Division, McWane, Inc. b. East Jordan Iron Works, Inc. . c. Kennedy Valve Division, McWane, Inc. d. Mueller Company, Grinnell Corporation. e. U.S. Pipe & Foundry Company. 4. Gate Valves: a. American Darling Valve Division, American Cast Iron Pipe Company. b. Clow Valve Company Division, McWane, Inc. c. East Jordan Iron Works, Inc. d. Gem Sprinkler Company Division, Grinnell Corporation. e. Hammond Valve Corporation. f. Kennedy Valve Division, McWane, Inc. g. Milwaukee Valve Company, Inc. h. Mueller Company, Grinnell Corporation. i. Nibco, Inc. j. Stockham Valves & Fittings, Inc. City of Fort Collins Section 02600 — Domestic Water Supply Park Planning & Development Division Page 3 of 11 k. U.S. Pipe & Foundry Company. 1. Waterous Company. 5. Plastic Pressure Pipe and Fittings: a. Johns-Mansville. b. Certaineed. c. Gifford -Hill. d. North Star. 2.02 Pipes and Tubes A. Refer to Part 3 for identification of systems where pipe and tube materials specified below are used. B. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Plastic Pipe: ASTM D 1785, Schedule 40. 1. Pipe Marking: NSF 14, "NSF-pw" or "NSF-pvc cto only." C. Copper Pipe: 1. AWWA C880-66. 2. 2" Type K, annealed copper tubing to be installed from tap to meter and 5 feet beyond meter. 2.03 Pipe and Tube Fittings A. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings: Schedule 40, socket -type, ASTM D 2466. 1. Pipe Markings: NSF14, "NSF-pw" of "NSF-pvc cto only." B. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe Fittings: Schedule 40, socket -type, solvent cement joint, or elastomeric gasketed joint. 1. Pipe Markings: NSF14, "NSF-pw" of "NSF-pvc cto only." 2. Gaskets: ASTM F 477, elastomeric seal. C. Copper Pipe Fittings: 1. Wrought copper brazed fittings. 2. Solder shall be 95% tin and 5% antimony. 2.04 Joining Materials A. Primers for PVC Piping Solvent -Cement Joints: ASTN F 656. B. Solvent Cement for PVC Piping Solvent -Cement Joints: ASTM D 2564. C. Push -on joints shall be manufactured in accordance with ANSI A21.11-85 (AWWA C 111). 1. All gaskets shall be made of synthetic rubber. 2. Lubricant shall be that which is specified by pipe manufacturer. 2.05 Tapping Saddles A. All tapping saddles shall have a bronze body with bronze double flat straps and bronze nuts. City of Fort Collins Section 02600 — Domestic Water Supply Park Planning & Development Division Page 4 of 11 I_ Outlet thread on tapping saddles shall be "cc" type only. B. Acceptable manufacturers of tapping saddles are: I. Mueller. 2. Ford. 3. There will be no substitutions allowed. 2.06 Corporation Stops A. All corporation stops shall conform to AW WA C800-66. 1. All corporation stops shall be constructed of brass. 2. Corporation stop inlet threads for tapping saddles shall be "cc" type only. 3. Corporation stop inlet threads for tapped tees shall be IP type only. 4. All corporation stop outlets shall use a compression connection. 5. Corporation stops shall be used for all taps which are 2 inches and smaller. 6. Corporation stops shall incorporate ball valves only. a. Plug valves will not be allowed. B. Acceptable manufacturers of corporation stops are: 1. Mueller. 2. Ford. 3. A.Y. McDonald. 4. There will be no substitutions allowed. 2.07 Couplings A. All couplings shall use a compression connection. B. Acceptable couplings and their manufacturers are: 1. Mueller: #H-15403. ' 2. Ford: #C44-"d". a. "d" equals the diameter of the service. 3. A.Y. McDonald: #4758-22 or #4758T. 4. There will be no substitutions allowed. 2.08 Curb Stops A. All curb stops shall have compression connections at both ends. B. The top threads for all curb stops shall be Minneapolis type. C. Curb stops shall be used for taps which are 2 inches and smaller. D. Acceptable'/a-inch and 1-inch curb stops and their manufacturers are: City of Fort Collins Section 02600 — Domestic Water Supply Park Planning 8 Development Division Page 5 of 11 The number of days within which, or the date by which the Work is to be substantially complete and also completed and ready for Final Payment (the Contract Times) are set forth in the Agreement. 8.0 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES. Provisions for liquidated damages are set forth in the Agreement. 9.0 SUBSTITUTE ("OR EQUAL") MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT The Contract, if awarded, will be on the basis of material and equipment described on the Drawings or specified in the Specifications without consideration of possible substitute or "or equal" items. Whenever it is indicated on the Drawings or specified in the Specifications that a substitute or "or equal" item of material or equipment may be furnished or used by CONTRACTOR if acceptable to Engineer, application for such acceptance will not be considered by Engineer until after the "effective date of the Agreement". The procedure for submittal of any such application by CONTRACTOR and consideration by Engineer is set forth in the General Conditions which may be supplemented in the General Requirements. 10.0 SUBCONTRACTORS, SUPPLIERS AND OTHERS 10.1. Each Bidder shall submit at the Bid opening to OWNER a list of principal subcontractors he proposes to use in the Work. Refer to Section 00430 contained within these Documents. 10.2. If OWNER or Engineer after due investigation has reasonable objection to any proposed Subcontractor, either may, before the Notice of Award is given, request the apparent successful Bidder to submit an acceptable substitute without an increase in Bid price. If the apparent successful Bidder declines to make any substitution, OWNER may award the contract to the next lowest responsive and responsible Bidder that proposes to use acceptable subcontractors. Subcontractors, suppliers, other persons or organization listed and to whom OWNER or Engineer does not make written objection prior to the giving of the Notice of Award will be deemed acceptable to OWNER and ENGINEER subject to revocation of such acceptance after the effective date of the Agreement as provided in the General Conditions. 10.3. CONTRACTOR shall not be required to employ any subcontractor, supplier or other persons or organizations against whom he has reasonable objection. The use of subcontractors listed by the Bidder and accepted by OWNER prior to the Notice of Award will be required in the performance of the Work. 11.0 BID FORM. 12/03 Section 00100 Page 4 1. Mueller: #H-15155. 2. Ford: #1344-333M and #B44-444M. 3. A.Y. McDonald: #6104-22 or #6104T. 4. There will be no substitutions allowed. F. Acceptable 1 '/3 -inch curb stops and their manufacturers are: 1. Ford: #B44-666M. 2. Mueller: #H-10287 (with Minneapolis threads) with two #H 15428 ends. 3. A.Y. McDonald: 46104-22 or #6104T. 4. There will be no substitutions allowed. F. Acceptable 2-inch curb stops and their manufacturers are: 1. Ford: #B44-777M. 2. Mueller: #H-10287 (with Minneapolis threads) with two #H-15428 ends. 3. A.Y. McDonald: 46104-22 or #6104T. 4. There will be no substitutions allowed. 2.09 Valve Boxes for Curb Stops A. Minneapolis pattern shall be used for all curb stops. B. Acceptable valve boxes and their manufacturers are: 1. Mueller: #H-10302. 2. There will be no substitutions allowed. 2.10 Meters A. All meters shall be purchased from the utility for installation by the Contractor unless otherwise specified. B. The acceptable manufacturers of meters are: 1. Rockwell. 2. Neptune. 3. Badger. 4. There will be no substitutions allowed. 2.11 Strainers A. All strainers shall be constructed of brass. B. The acceptable manufacturers of strainers for water meters are: 1. Rockwell. 2. Neptune. 3. Badger. City of Fort Collins Section 02600 - Domestic Water Supply Park Planning & Development Division Page 6 of 11 4. There will be no substitutions allowed. 2.12 Meter Setters A. Acceptable 1 -inch and 2-inch meter setters and their manufacturers are: 1. Ford. a. 1 ''/2-inch,#JVVF6612B-13. b. 2-inch. #VVF7712B-17_ 2. Mueller. ##11-1423. 3. There will be no substitutions allowed. 2.13 Meter Pits A. Acceptable manufacturers of meter pit covers for I %-inch and 2-inch meter pits are: 1. Casting Incorporated, or approved equal. 2.14 Gate Valves A. Conformance: AWWA C509-87. 1. Type: Solid wedge resilient seat. 2. Stem Seal: O-ring. 3. Direction of Opening: Open right. 4. Valve Ends: Conform to the type of pipe material used. 5. Operator: Underground, 2-inch not. 6. Bubbletight at 200 psi working pressure. 2.15 Valve Boxes A. Materials and Construction: Water service lines. 1. Type: Cast iron or ductile iron, extension sleeve type. 2. Shaft size: 6-inch minimum. 3. Furnish with suitable wide oral base and cover. 4. Cast word "Water" in cover. 5. Coating: dip in bituminous varnish. 6. Manufacturer: Tyler Series 6860. 2.16 Disinfecting Materials A Hvnochlorites: Reference AWWA B300-80. 1. Adhesive: Permatex No.l. City of Fort Collins Section 02600 - Domestic Water Supply Park Planning & Development Division Page 7 of 11 2.17 Bedding and Backfill A. Bedding and backfill as presented in the installation details. PART 3 — EXECUTION 3.01 General A. The Contractor shall not make any taps until the water main has been initially accepted, curb and gutter has been installed. and service locations and grades have been staked. B. The Contractor shall obtain permission to tap and schedule an inspection of the lap from the utility's meters and services supervisor. l . A minimum of 24 hours notice is required on all tap inspections. C. Valves and valve boxes shall be examined for cracks, dents, abrasions, and other flaws prior to installation. 1. Defective valves and valve boxes shall be marked and removed from the site. D. The Contractor shall adjust stop boxes and meter pits to final grade as determined by the grade stake. 1. Grade stakes shall be placed a minimum of 5 feet from the location of the stop box. 2. Grade stakes shall not be disturbed prior to inspection of the service by the utility. E. The Contractor shall mark the location of the water service with a cross chiseled into the face of the curb and gutter. F. The Contractor shall flush and satisfactorily disinfect new water lines prior to placing them in service in accordance with AWWA C651-86. 3.02 Layout of Work A. Stake out the water service line prior to construction. B. Verify all existing utility locations prior to commencement of construction. C. Notify Owner's Representative after staking and prior to construction. 3.03 Pipe and Fittings A. General: 1. Keep pipe free from dirt and pipe scale. Cut pipe ends square and debur. Clean pipe ends. 2. Keep ends of assembled pipe capped. Remove caps only when necessary to continue assembly. B. Pine and Fittings: 1. PVC Rubber-Gasketed Pipe: Use pipe lubricant. Join pipe in the manner recommended by manufacturer and in accordance with accepted industry practices. 2. Copper Pipe: Buff surfaces to be joined to a bright finish. Coat with solder flux. Solder so that a continuous bead shows around the joint circumference. 3. All service lines shall be a minimum of 54 inches and a maximum of 66 inches below the final grade. City of Fort Collins Section 02600 — Domestic Water Supply Park Planning & Development Division Page 8 of 11 4. There will be a maximum of one coupling per service between the main and the curb stop. a. Service lines (3/4-incb through 2-inch) shall be uniform in size from the corporation stop to 5 feet past the meter pit: or the curb stop. if the meter is set inside the building. 5. When backfilling the service trench. care shall be taken so that no stones larger than 3 inches are resting against the service line. 6. Service trenches shall be subject to compaction specifications. C. Thrust Blocks: 1. Use cast -in -place concrete bearing against undisturbed soil. 2. The surface area for the thrust block that bears against undisturbed soil shall be a minimum size of 2.0 square feet for a 90 degree bend, and 1.0 square foot for a 45 degree bend. 3.04 Corporation Stops A. Taps shall not be made within 2 feet of any joint or fitting. B. Taps shall be separated by at least 2 feet (measured along the pipe length) even when taps are made on opposite sides of pipe. C. Taps which are made on the same side of the pipe and within 10 feet of each other (measured along the pipe length) shall be staggered 15 degrees. 3.05 Curb Stops A. The Contractor shall adjust the curb stop box to'/2 inch above final grade prior to final inspection. B. Curb stop box shall be fully extended and screwed onto the curb stop. C. Curb stop box shall be plumb so that a shut-off key can be placed on the curb stop. 3.06 Meter Pits A. Exterior meter settings shall be installed in accordance with drawings. B. Service lines entering meter pits shall be a minimum of 54 inches and a maximum of 66 inches below the final grade. C. Meter pit shall not be installed in any street, alley, parking area, driveway, or sidewalk. D. There will be no major landscaping (trees, shrubs, boulders, etc.) or structure (retaining wall, etc) within 4 feet of the meter pit. E. The ground surrounding meter pits shall slope away from the lid at a minimum grade of 2%. F. There will be no plumbing connections inside the meter pit. G. All tees, connections, and couplings shall be a minimum of 5 feet from the meter pit wall and on the outlet side. 1. There will be no tees, connections, and couplings installed between the curb stop and the meter setter. H. If the property owner changes the grade of the ground surrounding the meter pit, after the pit has been installed, he shall be required to adjust the meter pit cover to''/2 above the final grade. City of Fort Collins Section 02600 — Domestic Water Supply Park Planning & Development Division Page 9 of 1111 3.07 Valves A. Valve shall be joined in the same manner used for joining ductile iron fittings. B. The valve shall be installed in such a manner that the operating nut is perpendicular to the pipe. C. The joined valve shall be supported in place on compacted granular materials with a concrete block supporting the valve body. 1. Reference Section 02221. 3.08 Valve Boxes A. Valve boxes shall be installed on all buried valves. B. Valve boxes shall be installed so that no stress is transmitted to the valve. C. Valve operators which are mounted to one side of the valve shall be located to the south or west of the valve. D. Valve boxes which are to be set over the valve shall be plumb and directly over the valve with the top of the box on grade. 1. The soil around the valve box shall be carefully compacted around the barrel with hand equipment to minimize misalignment and the settling of the backfill. ' 2. Other valve box types shall be adjusted as required on the construction drawings. 3.09 Disinfecting of Water Lines A. Filling Pipe: _ 1. The City shall operate existing valves to fill the pipe, open air blow -offs and hydrants. 2. If permanent air vents are not available, the Contractor shall install corporation stops at high points in the water line in order to evacuate air. a. All corporation stops which were installed to facilitate evacuation of air from the water main shall be removed and plugged after the water main is filled. b. Calcium hypochlorite granules shall be placed in the pipe sections during construction. c. Preliminary flushing shall occur. Reference AWWA C651-86. d. Chlorinated water shall be introduced into the water lines at a constant, measured rate so that the chlorine concentration is maintained at a minimum of 25 milligrams per liter of free chlorine. i. The entire main shall be filled with the chlorine solution. ~ ii. Reference Table 4 ofAWWA C651-86. e. The chlorinated water shall be retained in the main for a minimum of 24 hours, at which time the treated water must contain no less than 10 milligrams per liter of free chlorine residual throughout the entire length of the main. B. Final Flushing: After chlorination, the Contractor shall flush the chlorinated water from the water lines until the chlorine concentration is no higher than that prevailing in the system, or is less than 1 milligram per liter, whichever is higher. C. Repetition of Procedure: City of Fort Collins Section 02600 — Domestic Water Supply Park Planning & Development Division Page 10 of 11 .. 1. If the initial disinfection or subsequent disinfections fail to produce satisfactory samples. the line shall be rellushed and resampled. If the samples are still not satisfactory. the line shall be rechlorinated by the continuous feed method of chlorination until satisfactory results are obtained. 2. If the residual is less than 25 milligrams per liter, as stated above, the water lines shall be rechlorinated by the continuous feed method of chlorination and retested. 3.10 Inspection A. "The Contractor shall ensure that the curb stop, corporation and any couplings remain exposed until after the inspection and the approval for backfill is given by the utility. B. The Contractor shall turn on water at the corporation stop when the service is ready for inspection. l . The packing nut on the back of the corporation stop shall be tightened and water shall be flushed through the curb stop. C. All tap and service inspections shall be scheduled with the utility's meters and service supervisor. 1. A minimum of 24 hours notice is required on all tap and service inspections D. The water shall be turned on at the curb stop by the utility only after the service line, curb stop, stop box and meter setting is approved. END OF SECTION City of Fort Collins Section 02600 — Domestic Water Supply Park Planning & Development Division Page 11 of 11 DIVISION 2 SECTION 02601 — MANHOLES PART 1 —GENERAL 1.01 Description A. This section covers manholes, including ring and covers, steps, grade rings, fittings and other appurtenances for storm drainage, sanitary sewers and irrigation supply lines. 1.02 Quality Assurance A. Manhole inverts shall not deviate from elevations shown on the drawings by more than + 0.03 feet. B. All quality control testing to be performed under City of Fort Collins Construction Requirements. 1.03 Submittals A. Submit shop drawings on precast concrete sections, rings, covers and steps. 1.04 Reference Standards A. Manholes shall be the City of Fort Collins Standard. 1.05 Product Delivery, Storage and Handling A. Do not deliver precast concrete sections to job until concrete has attained at least 80 percent of specified strength. B. Manholes shall be handled, stored and protected in such a manner as to prevent damage to materials. 1.06 Alternatives A. Manhole bases may be either monolithically precast or cast -in -place. PART 2 — PRODUCTS 2.01 Concrete A. Concrete 1. Meet the requirements of Section 03300 — Cast -in -Place Concrete. 2. Strength: 3,000 psi at 28 days. 3. Cement: Type II or Type I/II. 4 B. Mortar 1. One part Portland Cement, ASTM C 150, Type II. 2. Two parts sand, ASTM C144. 3. One-half hydrated lime, ASTM C207, Type S. C. Grout (non -shrink) 1. Premixed: Master Builders: Masterflow 713, "Sonneborn: Ferrolith G-DS. Redi-Mixed," or equal. City of Fort Collins Section 02601 — Manholes Park Planning & Development Division Page 1 of 5 2. Job -Mixed: a. One part Portland Cement, ASTM C150, Type 11 or Type 1/11. b. One part sand, ASTM C144. C. One part shrinkage correcting aggregate. Master Builders: Embco Aggregate, "Sonneborn: Ferrolith G-DS," or equal. 2.02 Precast Concrete A. Bases, Barrels, Cones and Flat Tops: I. Case base and first barrel section monolithic. 2. Meet requirements of ASTM C478. 3. Cement: Type II or Type I/Il. 4. Invert: Cast -in -place concrete as specified above. Provide horseshoe -shaped openings for manholes to be installed in existing lines. 2.03 Manhole Gaskets A. All preformed plastic gaskets shall conform to AASHTO M198. B. Diameter: 1. 48-inch manholes: 1 '/2 inch 2. 60-inch manholes: 13/4 inch 3. 72-inch manholes: 2 inch C. Approved Manufacturers: 1. Ram-Nek; K.T. Snyder Company. 2. Rub'r-Nek; K.T. Snyder Company. 3. Kent Seal; Hamilton -Kent Manufacturing Company. 4. Approved equal. 2.04 Pipe Penetration Gaskets A. Resilient connectors shall be manufactured in accordance with ASTM C923. B. Approved Manufacturers: 1. Dukor Company, Kor-N-Seal. 2. A-lok Corporation, A-lok. 3. Approved equal. 2.05 Ring and Cover A. Material: Gray iron, meeting requirements of ASTM A48, Class 35B. B. Construction: 1. Size: Minimum clear opening 24-inch diameter. All rings shall be 8 inches in height. 2. Weight: Heavy duty, 400 pounds minimum. 3. Bearing surfaces: Machined. 4. Lid pattern: Checkered top or indented top. City of Fort Collins Section 02601 — Manholes Park Planning & Development Division Page 2 of 5 5. Pick hole: Concealed. 6. Words: "Sanitary Sewer" or "Storm Sewer" as appropriate, shall be cast into the cover. 7. Acceptable products are: Neenah. R-1706 or approved equal. 2.06 Steps A. Material: Polypropylene plastic coated steel. B. Construction: 1. Reinforcing rod: 'h-inch diameter. 2. Length: 10 inches, designed for 6-inch protrusion from manhole wall. 3. Width: 12 inches. 4. Tread: Notched ridge with retainer lugs on each end. 5. Vertical spacing: 12 inches. C. The maximum distance from the cover of the manhole to the top -most step shall be 24 inches. D. The maximum distance from the bench of the manhole to the lowest step shall be 18 inches. E. Manufacturer: 1. M.A. Industries, Inc., PS-2-PFS. 2. Neenah; R-1982-W. 3. Approved equal. 2.07 Manufacturer A. Forms: Rigid, adequately braced, free from dents, gouges or other irregularities which would impair quality, appearance or performance of members. B. Holes and Openings: Incorporate into design and fabrication, openings indicated on drawings. C. Surface Finish and Formed Surfaces: 1. Provide a smooth, transverse broom finish at top surface of flat -top slabs. 2. Provide smooth, uniform texture and color for formed surfaces. 3. Remove fins and other projections. D. Shop Marking: Label or paint on each section a shop marking to indicated location and position of each member. E. Curing: Cure precast section in accordance with ACI 308 to attain specified design strength. PART 3 — EXECUTION 3.01 Inspection A. Examine each precast section, ring and cover and appurtenance for cracks and other defects. Remove all defective materials from the site. 3.02 Manhole Size A. Unless directed otherwise in the Contract Documents, use 48-inch diameter manholes on sewers 8 inch through 18 inch in diameter; 60-inch manholes on sewers 21 inches through 30 inches in diameter; and 72-inch manholes on sewers 33 inch through 42 inches in diameters. - City of Fort Collins Section 02601 - Manholes Park Planning & Development Division Page 3 of 5 B. Use eccentric cones where manhole depth is 60 inches or greater on 48-inch manholes. and 72 inches or greater on 60-inch manholes. Use flat -top manholes when manhole depth is less than the above and on all 72-inch manholes. 3.03 Installation of Precast Manhole Sections A. Connect all pipes to precast manhole sections using pipe penetration gaskets. w B. If inverts are not constructed by precaster and wherever grade and alignment permit; lay the main sewer continuously through the manhole and split the pipe after construction of the invert. Where this is not possible, terminate pipe flush with interior manhole wall and construct transition smooth and of proper radius for uninterrupted flow. In no case shall the invert flow section through the manhole be greater that that of the outgoing pipe. Finish invert with a steel trowel prior to adding riser section to the base. C. The manhole shall be set plumb. 1. Precast concrete adjustment rings shall be used to bring the ring and cover to grade. a. The total height from the top of the cone section to the finish street grade shall not exceed 16 inches. b. The adjustment rings shall be flush with the inside of the manhole and grouted. D. Manhole sections shall be joined to each other and to the base using a double row of preformed plastic gaskets. 1. All joint surfaces shall be kept clean and dry during installation. 2. The joint between the manhole section and the base shall be grouted on the inside to provide a smooth surface. _ E. Manhole sections, adjustment shims, ring and covers shall be joined using mortar or preformed plastic gaskets. 1. All joint surfaces shall be kept clean, dry and warm during installation. 2. When mortar joints are used, each section shall beset with a 1-inch minimum full bed of mortar. 3. Manhole sections shall be grouted to ring and covers on the inside. F. All lifting holes, joints and other imperfections shall be filled with an approved non -shrink grout to provide a smooth finished appearance. G. If the ground water is above the top of the pipe, the exterior surfaces of manholes shall have a 1/1 6-inch coating of tar. 1. The determination of the need for a tar coating shall be made by the City Representative upon review of the soils report, or shall be shown on the approved utility plans. 3.04 Field Quality Control A. Inspect each manhole for and repair all visible leaks. B. Vacuum Testing Manholes: 1. Manholes shall be tested before the ring and cover and grade adjustment rings are installed. 2. All pipes entering the manhole shall be plugged and braced. 3. A vacuum of 10 inches of mercury shall be drawn. 4. The vacuum pump shall be turned off and the time monitored as the vacuum drops 1 inch. City of Fort Collins Section 02601 — Manholes _ Park Planning & Development Division Page 4 of 5 11.1. A copy of the Bid Form is bound in the Contract Documents which may be retained by the Bidder. A separate unbound copy is enclosed for submission with the Bid. 11.2. Bid Forms must be complete in ink or typed. All lump sum prices on the form must be stated in words and numerals; in case of. conflict, words will take precedence. Unit prices shall govern over extensions of sums. 11.3. Bids by corporations must be executed in the corporate name by the president or a vice-president (or other appropriate officer accompanied by evidence of authority to sign) and the corporate seal shall be affixed and attested by the secretary or an assistant secretary. The corporate address and state of incorporation shall be shown below the corporate name. 11.4. Bids by partnerships must be executed in the partnership name and signed by a partner, his title must appear under his signature and the official address of the partnership must be shown below the signature. 11.5. Bids by joint venture shall be signed by each participant in the joint venture or by an authorized agent of each participant. The full name of each person or company interested in the Bid shall be listed on the Bid Form. 11.6. The Bid shall contain an acknowledgement of receipt of all Addenda (the numbers of which must be filled in on the Bid Form). 11.7. No alterations in Bids, or in the printed forms therefore, by erasures, interpolations, or otherwise will be acceptable unless each such alteration is signed or initialed by the Bidder; if initialed, OWNER may require the Bidder to identify any alteration so initialed. 11.8. The address and telephone number for communications regarding the Bid shall be shown. 12.0 BID PRICING. Bids must be priced as set forth in the Bid Schedule or Schedules. 13.0 SUBMISSION OF BIDS. 13.1. Bids shall be submitted at the time and place indicated in the Invitation to Bid and shall be enclosed in an opaque sealed envelope marked with the Project title, Bid No., and name and address of the Bidder and accompanied by the Bid Security, Bid Form, Bid Bond, Statement of Bidders Qualifications, and Schedule of Subcontractors as required in Section 00430. If the Bid is sent through the mail or other delivery system, the sealed envelope shall be enclosed in a separate envelope with 12/03 Section 00100 Page 5 a. The vacuum must not drop more than 1 inch for the duration of the time indicated in the following table: Specified Test Duration for Diameter of Manhole (duration indicated in nrinutes:seconds) 48" I 60" I 72" 1:00 1:15 1:30 5. Manholes which fail the vacuum test shall have the defects located and repaired, and the test shall be repeated. a. Repair and repeat testing of the failed manhole shall be repeated until the testing requirements are met. END OF SECTION City of Fort Collins Section 02601 — Manholes Park Planning & Development Division Page 5 of 5 DIVISION 2 SECTION 02700 — SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM PART 1-GENERAL Description A. This section covers the installation and testing of the sanitary sewer pipelines and drinking fountain (if required) drain. Manholes are covered in Section 02601 - Manholes. Quality Assurance A. All work shall be performed per the City of Fort Collins Standard Specifications. B. Do not deviate from line or grade more than I inch for line and ''14 inch for grade, provided such deviation does not result in a level, more reverse sloping invert. Measure for grade at the pipe invert, not at the top pipe. Submittals A. Certification: Submit manufacturer's certification that products meet requirements of referenced specifications. Product Delivery, Storage and Handling A. Do not damage the pipe by impact, bending, compression or abrasion during handling and storage. B. Store pipe on a flat surface that provides even support for the barrel, with bell ends overhanging. C. Do not stack pipe higher than 5 feet. D. Do not store pipe and fittings in direct sunlight for periods in excess of two weeks. E. Ship rubber gaskets in cartons, and store in a clean area away from grease, oil, ozone -producing electric motors, heat, and the direct rays of the sun. F. Use only nylon protected slings or hands to handle pipe. Do not use hooks or bare cables. 1.05 Job Conditions A. Protection: 1. Prevent foreign material from entering the pipe. 2. Do not place debris, tools, clothing, or other materials in the pipe 3. Whenever pipe laying is stopped, close the open end of the pipe with a plug, cap or end dam to prevent the entry of foreign material into the pipe. 4. Use effective measures to prevent the uplift or floating of the line prior to completion of the backfilling operation. B. Do not lay pipe in water or in unsuitable weather or trench conditions. However, rubber gasketed joints may be completed when the water is not higher than the pipe invert, and when the water is clear and the trench bottom is clean coarse gravel. Use extreme caution to ensure no gravel is in the joint. City of Fort Collins Section 02700 — Sanitary Sewer System Park Planning & Development Division Page 1 of 5 PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.01 Pipe Materials A. Type: Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), ASTM D 3034, Type PSM. SDR35. 2.02 Manhole Materials A. Refer to Section 02601 — Manholes. 2.03 Flexible Couplings A. When jointing two pipes of dissimilar material or two pipes with different outside diameters. use the following: 1. Pipe sizes 15 inches or smaller: a. Can -Tex, C-T Adapters. b. Femco, flexible couplings or reducing couplings. c. Jointers, Inc., Carder Coupling. d. Mission, Bushing Adapters. e. Nashua Pre -Cast Corporation, Flex-O-Joint. f. Eagle Plastics. g. Or equal. 2. In pipe sizes larger than 15 inches inside diameter, wrap the joint with two laps of rubber or vinyl, and band each pipe with a stainless steel band. a. Lap joint downward at springline of pipe. b. Rubber or vinyl shall extend at least 6 inches on each pipe past the joint, minimum thickness 1/1 6-inch rubber or 32-oz. vinyl. B. Encase flexible couplings in a concrete collar a minimum of 6 inches thick and extending a minimum of 6 inches either side of the joint. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 Preparation A. Excavate the trench in accordance with appropriate sections relating to trenching, backfilling, and compaction. B. Cutting the Pipe: 1. The pipe shall be cut smooth, straight and at right angles to the pipe axis with saws or pipe cutters that are designed specifically for the materials. 2. The cut end of the pipe shall be beveled in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 3. Burrs shall be removed and all dust shall be wiped off of the jointing surface. C. Where connections are to be made to existing pipes or appurtenances, the exact location of which cannot be determined without exposing the existing pipe or appurtenance, excavate and expose the existing pipe or appurtenance and specify any necessary adjustments in line or grade of the proposed pipe to accomplish the connection. D. Joints: City of Fort Collins Section 02700 - Sanitary Sewer System Park Planning & Development Division Page 2 of 5 I. Dirt, oil grit and other foreign matter shall be removed from the inside of the bell and the outside of the spigot. 2. A thin film of lubricant shall be applied to the inside surface of the gasket and the spigot end of the pipe per the pipe manufacturer's recommendations. 3. The lubricated joint surface shall be kept clean until joined. 4. The pipe shall have a depth mark prior to assembly to ensure that the spigot end is inserted the full depth of the joint. 5. Stabbing of the pipe shall not be allowed. 6. Previously completed joints shall not be disturbed during the jointing operation. 7. All joints shall be watertight and free from leaks. 8. After the initial acceptance of the sewer main, the Contractor shall be responsible for the repair of any leak resulting from improper workmanship or materials, which is discovered within a two-year period. 3.02 Pipe Installation A. Pipe Lavine,: 1. Begin pipe laying at the lowest point, unless otherwise approved by Engineer, and install the pipe with the spigot ends pointing in the direction flow. 2. Lay pipe true to line and grade, and join in such a manner that the offset of the inside of the pipe at any joint is held to a minimum at the invert. The maximum offset at the invert shall be 1 % of the inside diameter, or 3/8 inch, whichever is smaller. 3. As each length of pipe is placed in the trench, complete the joint in accordance with the applicable pipe material specification and adjust the pipe to the correct line and grade. Make adjustments by scraping away or filling pipe bedding under the body of the pipe, and not be wedging or blocking up the bells. 4. Secure the pipe in place with the specified bedding tamped under and around the pipe, except at the joints. Do not walk on small diameter pipe or otherwise disturb any conduit after the jointing has been completed. 3.03 Construction of Appurtenances A. Install cleanouts and stubs at locations indicated on the drawings. Insert removable watertight plugs in unused stubs and record location of cleanout or stub referenced to a minimum of two permanent surface references. 3.04 Field Quality Control A. Each section of sewer shall meet the requirements of the following tests. Repair all defects as indicated as a result of the tests. Furnish all equipment, labor, and incidentals necessary, and conduct tests in the presence of Engineer. B. Alignment Tests: L Engineer may lamp each section of sewer between manholes to determine whether any displacement of the pipe has occurred. Provide suitable assistants to help Engineer. 2. Repair poor alignment, displaced pipe or other defects discovered. C. Infiltration Tests: 1. Conduct infiltration tests on sections of the sewer where infiltration appears to exceed specified limits. .- City of Fort Collins Section 02700 — Sanitary Sewer System Park Planning & Development Division Page 3 of 5 2. Conduct tests by placing a calibrated V-notched weir in the line as it enters the manhole, and plugging the line as it leaves the next higher manhole. 3. Allow sufficient time for the water level behind the weir to stabilize before reading. Remove any foreign matter hanging on the weir before reading. Take successive readings until consistent results are obtained. 4. Maximum allowable infiltration shall be 0.04 gallons per inch of pipe diameter per foot of pipe length. 5. If the infiltration rate exceeds the maximum allowable, suspend construction on that section and provide electronic or photographic visual inspection of the interior of the pipeline. 6. Repair all defects found and continue to test the sewer until the infiltration limits are met prior to proceeding with further construction- D. Exfltration Tests: l . Conduct exfiltration tests on section of sewer where the groundwater table is below the elevation of the top of the sewer. 2. Where the difference in elevation between inverts of adjacent manholes is greater than 10 feet, conduct an air test as specified in this section in lieu of an exfiltration test. 3. Test each section between successive manholes by plugging all pipe entrances at manholes, except those connecting the reach being tested. 4. Fill the upper manhole and pipe with water to a depth of 4 feet above the invert of the sewer at the center of the upper manhole. 5. Duration of Test: Two hours minimum. 6. Maximum allowable leakage shall be determined by the following formula: Q = 0.00067 LD (H)'/: Where L is the length of the sewer tested in feet; Q is the allowable leakage in gallons per hour; D is the pipe diameter in inches; and H is the difference in elevation between the water surface in the upper manhole and the invert of the pipe in the lower manhole in feet; or if groundwater is present above the invert of the pipe at the lower manhole, the difference in elevation between the water surface in the upper manhole and the groundwater elevation at the lower manhole. 7. For the purpose of determining the maximum allowable leakage, manholes shall be considered sections of equivalent size pipe. E. Air Tests: 1. Air tests maybe used in lieu of exfiltration testing for vitrified clay, PVC, and ABS composite sewer pipe, but not for manholes or reinforced concrete sewer pipe. 2. Comply with the requirements of ASTM C828. 3. Test manholes and reinforced concrete sewer pipe using exfiltration tests. 4. Preparation for Test: Flush and clean the sewer line prior to testing in order to wet the pipe surfaces and produce more consistent results. Plug and brace all openings in the main sewer line and the upper end of any connections. Check all pipe plugs with a soap solution to detect any air leakage. If leaks are found, release the air pressure, eliminate the leaks, and start the test procedure over again. 5. Procedure of Test: Add air until the internal pressure of the sewer line is raised to approximately 4.0 psi gage, at which time the flow of air shall be reduced and the pressure maintained between 3.5 and 4.5 psi gage for a sufficient time to allow the air temperature to come to equilibrium with the temperature of the pipe. City of Fort Collins Section 02700 — Sanitary Sewer System Park Planning & Development Division Page 4 of 5 6. After the temperature has stabilized, permit the pressure to drop to 3.5 psi gage. at which time a stop watch or a sweep second hand watch shall be used to determine the time lapse required for the air pressure to drop to 2.5 psi gage. 7. The time elapsed shall not be less than: a. t — 0.472d; where t — time in minutes; d = pipe diameter in inches. R. Maximum Air Leakage: 0.003 cfm per square foot of internal pipe surface. 9. Brace all plugs sufficiently to prevent blowouts, and vent the pipeline completely before attempting to remove the plugs. 10. Provide pressurizing equipment with a regulator set at 5 psi to avoid ovcrpressuring and damaging and otherwise acceptable line. 3.05 Cleaning: A. Prior to substantial completion, remove all accumulated construction debris, rocks, gravel, sand, silt, and other foreign material from the sewer system. Use mechanical rodding or bucketing equipment as required. B. Upon final inspection, if any foreign matter is present in the system, flush and clean the sections of the line as required. END OF SECTION City of Fort Collins Section 02700 — Sanitary Sewer System Park Planning & Development Division Page 5 of 5 No Text IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 02810-IRRIGATION PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE: 2 1.02 SUBMITTALS: 2 1.03 RULES AND REGULATIONS: 3 1.04 TESTING: 3 1.05 CONSTRUCTION REVIEW: 5 1.06 GUARANTEE/WARRANTY AND REPLACEMENT: 5 PART 2: MATERIALS 2.01 QUALITY: 5 2.02 SUBSTITUTIONS: 5 2.03 SLEEVING: 6 2.04 PIPE AND FITTINGS: 6 2.05 MAINLINE COMPONENTS: 7 2.06 BUBBLER IRRIGATION COMPONENTS: 7 2.07 DRIP IRRIGATION COMPONENTS: 7 2.08 INDEPENDENT CONTROL SYSTEM COMPONENTS: 7 2.09 OTHER COMPONENTS: 9 PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTIONS AND REVIEWS: 9 3.02 LAYOUT OF WORK: 9 3.03 EXCAVATION, TRENCHING, AND BACKFILLING: 10 3.04 SLEEVING AND BORING: 11 3.05 ASSEMBLING PIPE AND FITTINGS: 11 3.06 INSTALLATION OF MAINLINE COMPONENTS: 12 3.07 INSTALLATION OF BUBBLER IRRIGATION COMPONENTS: 13 3.08 INSTALLATION OF DRIP IRRIGATION COMPONENTS: 13 3.09 INSTALLATION OF INDEPENDENT CONTROL SYSTEM COMPONENTS_: 13 3.10 INSTALLATION OF OTHER COMPONENTS: 15 3.11 PROJECT RECORD (AS -BUILT) DRAWINGS: 15 3.12 WINTERIZATION AND SPRING START-UP: 16 3.13 MAINTENANCE: 16 3.14 CLEANUP: 16 DIVISION 2-SITE WORK SECTION 02810-IRRIGATION PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE: Provide labor, materials, supplies, equipment, tools, and transportation, and perform all operations in connection with and reasonably incidental to the complete installation of the irrigation system, and guarantee/warranty as shown on the drawings, the installation details, and as specified herein. Items of work specifically included are: A. Procurement of applicable licenses, permits, and fees. B. Coordination of Utility Locates ("Call Before You Dig"). C. Sleeving for irrigation pipe and wire. D. Provision and connection of electrical power supply to irrigation control system. E. Preparation of Record Drawings. F. Winterization and Spring Start-up G. Maintenance period. 1.02 SUBMITTALS: A. Deliver four (4) copies of submittals to Owner's Representative within 10 working days from date of Notice to Proceed. Furnish information in 3-ring binder with table of contents and index sheet. Index sections for different components and label with specification section number and name of component. Furnish submittals for components on material list. Indicate which items are being supplied on catalog cut sheets when multiple items are shown on one sheet. Owner's Representative. Incomplete submittals will be returned without review. B. Materials List: Include sleeving, pipe, fittings, mainline components, sprinkler and bubbler components, drip irrigation components, control system components, shop drawings and other components shown on drawings and installation details or described herein. Include pipe sealant, wire, wire connectors, ID tags, and other miscellaneous items. Quantities of materials need not be included. C. Manufacturers' Data: Submit manufacturers' catalog cuts, specifications, and operating instructions for equipment shown on materials list. D. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings called for in installation details. Show products required for proper installation, their relative locations, and critical dimensions. Note modifications to installation detail. Oak Street Plaza Renovation December 5, 2005 Aqua Engineering, Inc. 028.10 - 2 Irrigation �.03 RULES AND REGULATIONS: A. Provide work and materials in accordance with latest edition of National Electric Code, Uniform Plumbing Code as published by the Western Plumbing Officials Association, and applicable laws, regulations and codes of governing authorities. B. When contract documents call for materials or construction of better quality or larger size than required by above -mentioned rules and regulations, provide quality and size required by contract documents. C. If quantities are furnished either in specifications or on drawings, quantities are furnished for information only. It is Contractor's responsibility to determine actual quantities of material, equipment, and supplies required by the project and to complete independent estimate of quantities and wastage. D. Notify engineer in writing prior to construction about discrepancies between contract documents and existing site conditions or manufacturer's specific recommendations for use of their product. E. Contractor is responsible for damage to site amenities during construction. Replace damaged items with identical materials of equal value to match existing conditions. Make replacements at no additional cost to contract price. Penalty for specific damage: as valued by an independent auditor or as mutually agreed to by owner and contractor. 1.04 TESTING: A. Schedule testing with Owner's Representative a minimum of three days in advance of testing. B. Mainline pipe jointed with rubber gaskets or threaded connections may be subjected to pressure test at any time after partial completion of backfill. Allow irrigation pipe jointed with solvent -welded PVC joints to cure at least 24 hours before testing. C. Subsections of mainline pipe may be tested independently, subject to review of Irrigation Engineer. D. Provide clean, clear water, pumps, labor, fittings, and equipment necessary to conduct tests or retests. E. Hydrostatic Pressure Test: 1. Subject mainline pipe to hydrostatic pressure equal to 140 PSI for two hours. Test with mainline components installed. 2. Backfill to prevent pipe from moving under pressure. Expose couplings and fittings. 3. Purge air from mainline pipe before test. Attach pressure gauge to mainline pipe in test section. Oak Street Plaza Renovation December 5, 2005 Aqua Engineering, Inc. 02810 - 3 Irrigation the notation "BID ENCLOSED" on the face of it. 13.2. Bids shall be deposited at the designated location prior to the time and date for receipt of Bids indicated in the Invitation to Bid, or any extension thereof made by addendum. Bids received after the time and date for receipt of Bids will be returned unopened. Bidder shall assume full responsibility for timely delivery at the location designated for receipt of Bids. 13.3. Oral, telephonic, telegraphic, or facsimile Bids are invalid and will not receive consideration. 13.4. No Bidder may submit more than one Bid. Multiple Bids under different names will not be accepted from one firm or association. 14.0 MODIFICATION AND WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS. 14.1. Bids may be modified or withdrawn by an appropriate document duly executed (in a manner that a Bid must be executed) and delivered to the place where Bids are to be submitted at any time prior to the opening of Bids. 14.2. Bids may also be modified or withdrawn in person by the Bidder or an authorized representative provided he can prove his identity and authority at any time prior to the opening of Bids. 14.3. Withdrawn Bids may be resubmitted up to the time designated for the receipt of Bids provided that they are then fully in conformance with these Instructions to Bidders. 15.0 OPENINGS OF BIDS. Bids will be opened and (unless obviously non -responsive) read aloud publicly as indicated in the Invitation to Bid. An abstract of the amounts of the Base Bids and major alternates (if any) will be made available after the opening of Bids. 16.0 BIDS TO REMAIN OPEN SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE. All Bids shall remain open for forty-five (45) days after the day of the Bid Opening, but OWNER may, in his sole discretion, release any Bid and return the Bid Security prior to that date. 17.0 AWARD OF CONTRACT. 17.1. OWNER reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, to waive any and all informalities not involving price, time or changes in the Work, to negotiate contract terms with the Successful Bidder, and the right to 12/03 Section 00100 Page 6 4. Observe pressure loss on pressure gauge. If pressure loss is greater than _.. 5 PSI, identify reason for pressure loss. Replace defective pipe, fitting, joint, valve, or appurtenance. Repeat test until pressure loss is equal to or less than 5 PSI. 5. Visually inspect irrigation pipe for leakage and replace defective pipe, fitting, joint, valve, or appurtenance. Repeat test until pipe passes test. 6. Cement or caulking to seal leaks is prohibited. F. Operational Test: Activate each remote control valve in sequence from controller. Provide either one additional personal with radio or use handheld remote to activate remote control valves from controller. Manually activating remote control valve using manual bleed mechanism at remote control valve is not an acceptable method of activation. Owner's Representative will visually observe operation, water application patterns, and leakage. 2. Replace defective remote control valve, solenoid, wiring, or appurtenance to correct operational deficiencies. 3. Replace, adjust, or move water emission devices to correct operational or coverage deficiencies. 4. Replace defective pipe, fitting, joint, valve, sprinkler, or appurtenance to correct leakage problems. Cement or caulking to seal leaks is prohibited. — 5. Repeat test(s) until each lateral passes all tests. Repeat tests, replace components, and correct deficiencies at no additional cost to Owner. G. Control System Grounding: 1. Test for proper grounding of control system per manufacturer's recommendations. Test results must meet or exceed manufacturer's guidelines for acceptance. 2. Replace defective wire, grounding rods, grounding plates, or appurtenances. Repeat test until manufacturer's guidelines are met. H. Testing Review: 1. Failure of initial testing review will require additional review. Payment of — costs, including travel expenses and site visits by Owner's Representative, for additional reviews that may be required due to non- compliance with the Construction Documents will be Contractor's responsibility. Oak Street Plaza Renovation December 5, 2005 _ Aqua Engineering, Inc. 02810 - 4 Irrigation 1.05 CONSTRUCTION REVIEW: The purpose of on -site reviews by Owner's Representative is to periodically observe work in progress, Contractor's interpretation of construction documents, and to address questions with regard to installation. A. Schedule reviews for irrigation system layout or testing with Owner's Representative as required by these specifications. B. Impromptu reviews may occur at any time during project. C. A review will occur at completion of irrigation system installation and Project Record Drawing submittal. 1.06 GUARANTEE/WARRANTY AND REPLACEMENT: The purpose of guarantee/warranty is to ensure that Owner receives irrigation materials of prime quality, installed and maintained in thorough and careful manner. A. Guarantee/warranty irrigation materials, equipment, and workmanship against defects for period of two years from formal written acceptance by Owner's Representative. Fill and repair depressions. Restore landscape, utilities, structures and site features damaged by settlement of irrigation trenches or excavations. Repair damage to premises caused by defective items. Make repairs within seven days of notification from Owner's Representative. B. Replace damaged items with identical materials and methods per contract documents or applicable codes. Make replacements at no additional cost to contract price. C. Guarantee/warranty applies to originally installed materials and equipment, and replacements made during guarantee/warranty period. PART 2: MATERIALS 2.01 QUALITY: Use new materials without flaws or defects. 2.02 SUBSTITUTIONS: A. Use specified equipment, or pre -approved equal. Alternative equipment must be approved by Engineer prior to bidding. Changes and associated design costs to accommodate alternative equipment are Contractor's responsibility. B. Pipe sizes referenced in the construction documents are minimum sizes, and may be increased at Contractor's option. Oak Street Plaza Renovation December 5, 2005 Aqua Engineering, Inc. 02810 - 5 Irrigation 2.03 SLEEVING: A. Provide sleeve beneath hardscape for irrigation pipe. Provide separate sleeve beneath hardscape for wiring bundle. B. Provide PVC Class 200 pipe with solvent welded joints for sleeving material beneath hardscape. C. Sleeve sizing: A minimum of twice the nominal diameter of solvent -welded pipe or wiring bundle, or as indicated on drawings. 2.04. PIPE AND FITTINGS: A. Mainline Pipe and Fittings: 1. Use rigid, unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) 1120, 1220 National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) approved pipe, extruded from material meeting requirements of Cell Classification 12454-A or 12454-13, ASTM Standard D1784, with integral belled end. 2. Use Class 200, SDR-21, rated at 200 PSI, conforming to dimensions and tolerances established by ASTM Standard D2241. 3. Use solvent weld pipe for mainline pipe with nominal diameter less than 3-inches. Use Schedule 40, Type 1, PVC solvent weld fittings conforming to ASTM Standards D2466 and D1784. Use primer approved by pipe manufacturer_ Use solvent cement conforming to ASTM Standard D2564. 4. Mainline pipe within sleeves: Use solvent weld pipe for mainline pipe with nominal diameter 3-inches and smaller installed within sleeves. B. Lateral Pipe and Fittings: 1. Use rigid, unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) 1120, 1220 National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) approved pipe, extruded from material meeting requirements of Cell Classification 12454-A or 12454-B, ASTM Standard D1784, with integral belled end suitable for solvent welding. 2. Use Class 160, SDR-26, rated at 160 PSI, conforming to dimensions and tolerances established by ASTM Standard D2241. Use PVC pipe rated at higher pressures than Class 160 in cases where small nominal diameters are not manufactured in Class 160. C. Specialized Pipe and Fittings: Copper pipe: Use Type "K" rigid pipe conforming to ASTM Standard B88. Use wrought copper or cast bronze fittings, soldered, flared mechanical, or threaded joint per installation details or local code. Use a 95-percent tin and 5-percent antimony solder. Oak Street Plaza Renovation December 5, 2005 Aqua Engineering, Inc. 02810 - 6 Irrigation 2. Use dielectric union wherever copper -based metal (copper, brass, bronze) is joined to iron -based metal (iron, galvanized steel, stainless steel). 3. Use PVC Schedule 80 nipples and PVC Schedule 40 threaded fittings for threaded pipe connections. 4. Joint sealant: Use non -hardening, nontoxic pipe thread sealant formulated for use on threaded connections and approved by pipe fitting or valve manufacturer. 2.05 MAINLINE COMPONENTS: A. Isolation Gate Valve Assembly: as presented in drawings and installation details B. Quick Coupling Valve Assembly: as presented in drawings and installation details. 2.06 BUBBLER IRRIGATION COMPONENTS: A. Remote Control Valve (RCV) Assembly for Bubbler Laterals: as presented in drawings and installation details. B. Bubbler Assembly: as presented in drawings and installation details. 2.07 DRIP IRRIGATION COMPONENTS: A. Remote Control Valve (RCV) Assembly for Drip Laterals: as presented in drawings and installation details. B. Flush Cap Assembly: as presented in drawings and installation details. C. Inline Drip Tubing: Tubing: Use UV resistant polyethylene drip tubing with integral pressure compensating drip emitters. Emitter spacing as noted in drawings and installation details_ Use emitters that are pressure compensating from 7 to 70 PSI. Use tubing with O.D. of 0.67", and I.D. of 0.57". Use fittings compatible with inline drip tubing. 2. Blank Drip Tubing: Use UV resistant polyethylene blank drip tubing for exhaust manifold tubing, as noted in drawings and installation details. Use tubing with O.D. of 0.67", and I.D. of 0.57". Use fittings compatible with inline drip tubing. Use blank tubing from same manufacturer as Inline drip tubing. 2.08 INDEPENDENT CONTROL SYSTEM COMPONENTS: A. Irrigation Controller Assembly: As presented in drawings and installation details. Oak Street Plaza Renovation December 5, 2005 Aqua Engineering, Inc. 02810 - 7 Irrigation 2. Lightning protection: Provide one 12"x36"x0.0625 ground plate, one 5/8"x10 foot copper clad UL listed grounding rod, 30 feet of #6 AWG bare copper grounding wire, two 6-inch round valve boxes, and one CADWELD connector at each satellite controller group. 3. Wire markers: Prenumbered or labeled with indelible nonfading ink, made of permanent, nonfading material. B. Irrigation Controller Assembly enclosure: As presented conceptually in installation details- C. Power Wire: Use AWG #12, solid or stranded copper, Type OF single -conductor cable or multi -conductor with ground cable, UL approved for direct underground burial from power source to Controller Assembly. 2. Splices: Use 3M #82-A2 Series with Split Bolts or Butt Connectors for inline splices and 82-B1 or 90-B1 Series for wye splices. 3. Electrical conduit: Use PVC Schedule 40 conduit conforming to dimensions and tolerances established by ASTM Standard D-1785. Use Schedule 40, Type 1, PVC solvent weld sweep fittings for PVC conduit — conforming to ASTM Standards D2466 and D1784 for buried installations. Use rigid metallic conduit with sweep elbows for above grade installations. — 4. Warning tape: Inert plastic film highly resistant to alkalis, acids, or other destructive chemical components likely to be encountered in soils. Three — inches wide, colored red, and imprinted with "CAUTION: BURIED ELECTRIC LINE BELOW." D. Low Voltage Control Wire: 1. Use American Wire Gauge (AWG) No. 14-1 solid copper, 600 volt, Type OF or PE cable, UL approved for direct underground burial for individual — control wires and spare control wires from the controller assembly to each remote control valve or stub -out location. Use American Wire Gauge (AWG) No. 12-1 solid copper, 600 volt, Type OF or PE cable, UL — approved for direct underground burial for common ground wire and spare common wires from controller assembly to each remote control valve or stub -out location. — 2. Color: Use white for common ground wire. Use easily distinguished colors for other control wires. Spare control wires shall be of color different from that of active control wire. Wire color shall be continuous over entire length. 3. Splices: Use 3M DBY or 3M DBR wire connector with waterproof sealant. Oak Street Plaza Renovation December 5, 2005 Aqua Engineering, Inc. 02810 - 8 Irrigation 4. Electrical conduit: Use PVC Schedule 40 conduit conforming to dimensions and tolerances established by ASTM Standard D-1785. Use Schedule 40, Type 1, PVC solvent weld sweep fittings for PVC conduit conforming to ASTM Standards D2466 and D1784 for buried installations. Use rigid metallic conduit with sweep elbows for above grade installations. 5. Warning tape: Inert plastic film highly resistant to alkalis, acids, or other destructive chemical components likely to be encountered in soils. Three inches wide, colored red, and imprinted with "CAUTION: BURIED ELECTRIC LINE BELOW." 2.09 OTHER COMPONENTS: A. Tools and Spare Parts: Furnish operating keys, servicing tools, test equipment, spare parts and other items indicated in drawings and specifications. B. Other Materials: Provide other materials or equipment shown on drawings or installation details that are part of irrigation system, even though items may not have been referenced in specifications. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTIONS AND REVIEWS: A. Site Inspections: Verify construction site conditions and note irregularities affecting work of this section. Report irregularities in writing to Owner's Representative prior to beginning work. 2. Commencement of work implies acceptance of existing site conditions. B. Utility Locates ("Call Before You Dig"): Arrange and coordinate Utility Locates with local authorities prior to construction. 2. Repair underground utilities that are damaged during construction. Make repairs at no additional cost to contract price. 3.02 LAYOUT OF WORK: A. Stake out irrigation system. Items staked include: bubblers, pipe, sleeves, control valves, controller assemblies, and isolation valves. B. Irrigation System Layout Review: Irrigation system layout review will occur after staking has been completed. Notify Owner's Representative one week in Oak Street Plaza Renovation December 5, 2005 Aqua Engineering, Inc. 02810 - 9 Irrigation advance of review. Modifications will be identified by Owner's Representative at this review. C. Install irrigation components inside of project property lines. 3.03 EXCAVATION, TRENCHING, AND BACKFILLING: A. Excavate and install pipes at minimum cover indicated in drawings or specifications. Excavate trenches at appropriate width for connections and fittings. B. Minimum cover (distance from top of pipe or control wire to finish grade): 1. Mainline pipe: 24-inches to top of pipe. 2. Electrical conduit: 24-inches to top of pipe. 3. Control wire: 2-inches deeper than bottom of mainline pipe. 4. Lateral pipe to bubblers: 12-inches to top of pipe. 5. Supply manifold pipe to drip system: 12-inches to top of pipe. 6. Inline drip tubing in turf areas: 6-inches to top of pipe. C. Maintain at least 15-feet clearance from centerline of trees. D. PVC lateral pipes must be installed in open trench. Pipe pulling will not be allowed. Install pipe at burial depths listed above. E. Backfill only after lines have been reviewed and tested. F. Excavated material is generally satisfactory for backfill. Use backfill free from rubbish, vegetable matter, frozen materials, and stones larger than 2-inches in — maximum diameter. Remove material not suitable for backfill. Use backfill free of sharp objects next to pipe. G. Backfill buried pipe in either of the following manners: 1. Backfill and puddle lower half of trench. Allow to dry 24 hours. Backfill remainder of trench in 6-inch layers. Compact to density of surrounding soil. 2. Backfill trench by depositing backfill material equally on both sides of pipe in 6-inch layers and compacting to density of surrounding soil. H. Backfill buried pipe by depositing backfill material equally on both sides of pipe in 6-inch layers and compacting each layer to 90 percent Standard Proctor Density, ASTM. D698-78. Use of water for compaction, "puddling", will not be permitted. I. Enclose pipe and wiring beneath roadways and hardscapes in separate sleeves. Oak Street Plaza Renovation December 5, 2005 Aqua Engineering, Inc. 02810 - 10 Irrigation _ Minimum compaction of backfill for sleeves shall be 95 percent Standard Proctor Density, ASTM D698-78. Use of water for compaction around sleeves, "puddling", will not be permitted. J. Dress backfilled areas to original grade. Incorporate excess backfill into existing site grades. K. Contact Owner's Representative for trench depth adjustments where utilities conflict with irrigation trenching and pipe work. 3.04 SLEEVING AND BORING: A. Provide sleeving at depth that permits encased pipe or wiring to remain at specified burial depth. B. Extend sleeve ends twelve inches beyond edge of hardscape. Cap sleeve ends and mark with stakes. Provide rope or wire through sleeve and secure to stake at surface grade at each end for future sleeve location. C. Bore for sleeves under obstructions that cannot be removed. Employ equipment and methods designed for horizontal boring. 3.05 ASSEMBLING PIPE AND FITTINGS: A. General: I 1. Keep pipe free from dirt and debris. Cut pipe ends square, debur and clean as recommended by manufacturer. 2. Keep ends of assembled pipe capped. Remove caps only when necessary to continue assembly. 3. Trenches may be curved to change direction or avoid obstructions within limits of the curvature of pipe. Curvature results from bending of pipe lengths. Do not exceed pipe and fitting manufacturer's allowable deflection at joints. Mainline Pipe and Fittings: 1. Use only strap -type friction wrenches for threaded plastic pipe. 2. PVC Solvent Weld Pipe: a. Use primer and solvent cement. Join pipe in manner recommended by manufacturer and in accordance with accepted industry practices. b. Cure for 30 minutes before handling and 24 hours before allowing water in pipe. C. Snake pipe from side to side within trench. 3. Fittings: Oak Street Plaza Renovation December 5, 2005 Aqua Engineering, Inc. 02810 - 11 Irrigation a. Use of cross type fittings is not permitted. C. Lateral Pipe and Fittings: 1. Use only strap -type friction wrenches for threaded plastic pipe. 2. PVC Solvent Weld Pipe: a. Use primer and solvent cement. Join pipe in manner recommended by manufacturer and in accordance with accepted industry practices. — b. Cure for 30 minutes before handling and 24 hours before pressurizing or installing with vibratory plow. C. Snake pipe from side to side within trench. 3. Fittings: Use of cross type fittings is not permitted. D. Specialized Pipe and Fittings: 1. Copper Pipe: a. Use flux and solder. Join pipe in manner recommended by manufacturer and in accordance with local codes and accepted industry practices. — b. Solder so that continuous bead shows around the joint circumference. 2. Insert dielectric union or flange wherever copper -based metal (copper, brass, bronze) and iron -based metal (iron, galvanized steel, stainless steel) are joined. — 3. PVC Threaded Connections: a. Use only factory -formed threads. Field -cut threads are not permitted. b. Apply thread sealant in manner recommended by component, pipe and sealant manufacturers and in accordance with accepted industry practices. C. Use plastic components with male threads and metal components with female threads where connection is plastic -to -metal.. — 3.06 INSTALLATION OF MAINLINE COMPONENTS: A. Isolation Gate Valve Assembly: Provide where indicated on drawings. Install at least 12-inches from and align with adjacent walls or edges of paved areas. Brand "GV" on valve box lid in 2-inch high letters. B. Quick Coupling Valve Assembly: Provide where indicated on drawings. Brand "QC" on valve box lid in 2-inch high letters. Oak Street Plaza Renovation December 5, 2005 Aqua Engineering, Inc. 02810 -12 Irrigation 3.07 INSTALLATION OF BUBBLER IRRIGATION COMPONENTS: A. Remote Control Valve (RCV) Assembly for Bubbler Laterals: 1. Flush mainline before installation of RCV assembly. 2. Provide where indicated on drawings. Use wire connectors and waterproof sealant to connect control wires to remote control valve wires. Provide connectors and sealant per manufacturer's recommendations. 3. Provide only one RCV to a valve box. Locate valve box at least 12-inches from and align with nearby walls or edges of paved areas. Group RCV assemblies together where practical. Align grouped valve boxes in uniform patterns. Allow at least 12-inches between valve boxes. Brand controller letter and station number on valve box lid in 2-inch high letters. 4. Adjust RCV assembly to regulate downstream operating pressure. 5. Attach ID tag with controller station number to control wiring. B. Bubbler Assembly: Flush lateral pipe before installing bubbler assembly. 2. Provide bubbler assembly per installation details at locations shown or directed on drawings. 3.08 INSTALLATION OF DRIP IRRIGATION COMPONENTS: A. Remote Control Valve (RCV) Assembly for Drip Laterals: Flush mainline pipe before installing RCV assembly. 2. Locate as shown on drawings. Connect control wires to remote control valve wires using wire connectors and waterproof sealant. Provide connectors and sealant per manufacturer's recommendations. 3. Provide only one RCV to valve box. Locate at least 12-inches from and align with nearby walls or edges of paved areas. Group RCV assemblies together where practical. Align grouped valve boxes in uniform patterns. Allow at least 12-inches between valve boxes. Brand controller letter and station number on valve box lid in 2-inch high letters. 4. Arrange grouped valve boxes in rectangular patterns. B. Inline Drip Tubing: Install inline drip tubing components in strict accordance with tubing manufacturer details, guidelines, and recommendations. 3.09 INSTALLATION OF INDEPENDENT CONTROL SYSTEM COMPONENTS: A. Irrigation Controller Assembly: Oak Street Plaza Renovation December 5, 2005 Aqua Engineering, Inc. 02810 - 13 Irrigation disregard all nonconforming, nonresponsive, unbalanced or conditional Bids. Also, OWNER reserves the right to reject the Bid of any Bidder if OWNER believes that it would not be in the best interest of the Project to make an award to that Bidder, whether because the Bid is not responsive or the Bidder is unqualified or of doubtful financial ability or fails to meet any other pertinent standard or criteria established by OWNER. Discrepancies between the indicated sum of any column of figures and the correct sum thereof will be resolved in favor of the correct sum. 17.2. In evaluating Bids, OWNER will consider the qualifications of the Bidders, whether or not the Bids comply with the prescribed requirements, and such alternates, unit prices and other data, as may be requested in the Bid Form or prior to the Notice of Award. 17.3. OWNER may consider the qualification and experience of Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other persons and organizations proposed for those portions of the Work as to which the identity of Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other persons and organizations is submitted as requested by OWNER. OWNER also may consider the operating costs, maintenance requirements, performance data and guarantees of major items of materials and equipment proposed for incorporation in the Work when such data is required to be submitted prior to the Notice of Award. 17.4. OWNER may conduct such investigations as OWNER deems necessary to assist in the evaluation of any Bid and to establish the responsibility, qualifications and financial ability of the Bidder's proposed Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons and organizations to do the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents to OWNER's satisfaction within the prescribed time. 17.5. If the Contract is to be awarded, it will be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible Bidder whose evaluation by OWNER indicates to OWNER that the award will be in the best interest of the OWNER. Award shall be made on the evaluated lowest base bid excluding alternates. The basis for award shall be the lowest Bid total for the Schedule or, in the case of more than one schedule, for sum of all schedules. Only one contract will be awarded. 17.6. If the Contract is to be awarded, OWNER will give the Successful Bidder a Notice of Award within forty-five (45) days after the date of the Bid opening. 18.0 CONTRACT SECURITY. The General Conditions and the Supplementary Conditions set forth OWNER's requirements as to performance and other Bonds. When the Successful Bidder delivers the executed Agreement to the OWNER, it shall be accompanied by the required Contract Security. 12/03 Section 00100 Page 7 Location of controller assembly as depicted on drawings is approximate; Owner's Representative will determine exact site location during sprinkler layout review. Install controller assembly and enclosure in accordance with controller manufacturer recommendations. 2. Lightning protection: Drive full length of grounding rod into soil. Space rod and grounding plate 20 feet apart in straight line away from each controller group. Connect #6 AWG copper grounding wire to rod using CADWELD connection. Install 6-inch round valve box over each CADWELD connection and grounding plate connection. Provide connection of grounding wire between controllers in groups in accordance with controller manufacturer or distributor's recommendations. 3. Coordinate and provide installation of electrical service in accordance with local codes. Provide primary surge protection arrestors on incoming power lines in accordance with controller manufacturer recommendations. 4. Provide one valve output surge protection arrestor on each control wire and one for common wire. 5. Connect control wires to corresponding controller terminal. Attach wire markers to ends of control wires inside controller assembly housing. Label wires with identification number (see drawings) of remote control valve to which control wire is connected. B. Power Wire: 1. Install with minimum number of field splices. If power wire must be spliced, make splice with recommended connector, installed per manufacturer's recommendations. Locate splices in jumbo rectangular valve box. Coil 3-feet of wire in valve box. 2. Install power wire using open trenches. Use of a vibratory plow is not permitted. 3. Use green wire as common ground wire from power source to controller assembly. 4. Carefully backfill around power wire to avoid damage to wire insulation or wire connectors. 5. Install wire parallel with and below mainline pipe unless noted otherwise on plans. Install wire at depth required by local codes. 6. Provide continuous run of warning tape above power wire. Install warning tape six inches above wire. Encase power wire within electrical conduit where not installed in common trench with PVC mainline pipe. C. Low Voltage Control Wire: Oak Street Plaza Renovation Aqua Engineering, Inc. 02810 - 14 December 5, 2005 Irrigation 1. Bundle control wires where two or more are in same trench. Bundle with pipe wrapping tape spaced at 10-foot intervals. Do not tape wires together where contained within sleeving or conduit. 2. Provide 24-inch excess length of wire in 8-inch diameter loop at each 90- degree change of direction, at both ends of sleeves, and at 100-foot intervals along continuous runs of wiring. Do not tape or tie wiring loop. Coil 30-inch length of wire within each remote control valve box. 3. Install common ground wire and one control wire for each remote control valve. Multiple valves on single control wire are not permitted. 4. If control wire must be spliced, make splice with wire connectors and waterproof sealant, installed per manufacturer's instructions. Locate splice in valve box that contains irrigation valve assembly, or in separate standard rectangular valve box. Use same procedure for connection to valves as for in -line splices. 5. Install wire parallel with and below mainline pipe unless noted otherwise on plans. 6. Encase wiring within electrical conduit where installed above grade, and where not installed in common trench with PVC irrigation mainline pipe. Protect wire not installed with PVC mainline pipe with continuous run of warning tape placed in backfill six inches above wiring. 3.10 INSTALLATION OF OTHER COMPONENTS: A. Tools and Spare Parts: Prior to Review at completion of construction, supply to Owner operating keys, servicing tools, spare parts, test equipment, and other items indicated in General Notes on the drawings. B. Other Materials: Provide other materials or equipment shown on drawings or installation details that are part of irrigation system, even though items may not have been referenced in specifications. 3.11 PROJECT RECORD (AS -BUILT) DRAWINGS: A. Submit Record Drawings under provisions of Section 01700 - Contractor Closeout, Record Documents. Document changes to design. Maintain on -site and separate from documents used for construction, one complete set of contract documents as Project Documents. Keep documents current. Do not permanently cover work until accurate "as -built" information is recorded. B. Record pipe and wiring network alterations on a daily basis. Record work that is installed differently than shown on construction drawings. Record accurate reference dimensions, measured from at least two permanent reference points, of each irrigation system valve, each controller assembly, each sleeve end, and other irrigation components enclosed within valve box. Oak Street Plaza Renovation December 5, 2005 Aqua Engineering, Inc. 02810 - 15 Irrigation C. Obtain from Owner's Representative a reproducible mylar copy of drawings prior to construction completion. Mylars or CAD data files compatible with AutoCAD software can be purchased from Engineer. Cost of mylar reproducible drawings is $25 per sheet and cost of AutoCAD data files on diskette is $150 per project set. Duplicate information contained on project drawings maintained on -site using technical drafting pen or CAD. Label each sheet "Record Drawing". D. Turn over "Record Drawings" to Owner's Representative. Completion of Record Drawings is required prior to final construction review at completion of irrigation system installation. 3.12 WINTERIZATION AND SPRING START-UP: A. Winterize irrigation system in fall following completion, or partial completion, of irrigation system construction. Start-up irrigation system in spring following completion, or partial completion, of irrigation system construction. Repair any damage caused in improper winterization at no additional cost to Owner. Coordinate winterization and start-up with landscape maintenance personnel. 3.13 MAINTENANCE: A. Maintain irrigation system for a duration of 30 calendar days from formal written acceptance by Owner's Representative. Make periodic examinations and adjustments to irrigation system components in order to achieve the most desirable application of water. B. Following completion of Contractor's maintenance period, Owner will be responsible for maintaining system in working order during remainder of guaranteetwarranty period, for performing necessary minor maintenance, for trimming around sprinklers, for protecting against vandalism, and for preventing damage after landscape maintenance operation. 3.14 CLEANUP: A. Remove from site machinery, tools, excess materials, and rubbish upon completion of work. END OF SECTION Oak Street Plaza Renovation December 5, 2005 Aqua Engineering, Inc. 02810 -16 Irrigation FOUNTAIN MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 02821-FOUNTAIN MECHANICAL PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE: 1 1.02 DISCREPANCIES: 1 1.03 RELATED WORK: 1 1.04 SUBMITTALS: 2 1.05 RULES AND REGULATIONS: 2 1.06 TESTING: 2 1.07 ACCEPTANCE: 3 1.08 GUARANTEE/WARRANTY AND REPLACEMENT: 3 PART 2: MATERIALS 2.01 QUALITY: 3 2.02 SUBSTITUTIONS: 3 2.03 CONCRETE VAULT AND COMPONENTS: 4 2.01 PRECAST CONCRETE COMPONENTS: 4 2.04 PIPE AND FITTINGS: 5 2.05 PIPING COMPONENTS: 6 2.06 ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS: 7 2.07 OTHER COMPONENTS: 8 PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTIONS AND REVIEWS: 9 3.02 EXCAVATION, TRENCHING, AND BACKFILLING: 9 3.03 CONCRETE VAULT COMPONENTS: 10 3.04 PRECAST CONCRETE: 10 3.05 ASSEMBLING PIPE AND FITTINGS: 10 3.06 INSTALLATION OF PIPING COMPONENTS: 12 3.07 INSTALLATION OF ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS: 13 3.08 INSTALLATION OF OTHER COMPONENTS: 13 3.09 PROJECT RECORD (AS -BUILT) DRAWINGS: 14 3.10 MAINTENANCE: 14 3.11 CLEANUP: 14 DIVISION 2-SITE WORK SECTION 02821-FOUNTAIN MECHANICAL PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE: Furnish all labor, materials, supplies, equipment, tools, and transportation, and perform all operations in connection with and reasonably incidental to the complete installation of the fountain system, and guarantee/warranty as shown on the drawings, the installation details, and as specified herein. Items of work specifically included are: A. Procurement of all applicable licenses, permits, and fees. B. Removal of all existing fountain mechanical equipment within existing vault. C. Excavation, installation, and backfill of all fountain piping, display nozzles, and associated components in the plaza. D. Connection of electrical power to all fountain mechanical equipment to be installed within the existing mechanical vault. E. Installation of balance tank. F. Connection to existing sanitary sewer and storm sewer manholes. G. Maintenance period. 1.02 DISCREPANCIES: It is the intent of these plans and specification that the fountain system be complete and workable. It is the Fountain Contractor's responsibility to make sure that the equipment furnished is compatible and adheres to all regulations. Any discrepancies should be noted immediately and should be reported to the fountain Engineer for clarification. 1.03 RELATED WORK: A. Division O-Bidding and Contract Requirements: B. Division 1-General Requirements: C. Division 2-Site Work: D. Division 15-Mechanical: E. Division 16 — Electrical: Oak Street Plaza December 5, 2005 Aqua Engineering, Inc. 02821 - 1 Fountain Mechanical 1.04 SUBMITTALS: A. Submit samples under provisions of Section 01300-Submittals. Deliver four (4) copies of all submittals to the Engineer within 15 days from the date of Notice to Proceed. B. Materials List: Include pipe, fittings, fountain components, and control system components. Quantities of materials need not be included. C. Manufacturers' Data: Submit manufacturers' catalog cuts, specifications, and operating instructions for all equipment supplied. D. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings called for in the installation details or -- specifications. Show products required for proper installation, their relative locations, and critical dimensions. Note modifications to the installation detail. 1.05 RULES AND REGULATIONS: A. Work and materials shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the National Electric Code, the Uniform Plumbing Code as published by the Western Plumbing Officials Association, and applicable laws and regulations of the governing authorities. B. When the contract documents call for materials or construction of a better quality or larger size than required by the above -mentioned rules and regulations, provide the quality and size required by the contract documents. C. If quantities are provided either in specifications or on these drawings, these quantities are provided for information only. It is the contractor's responsibility to — determine the actual quantities of all material, equipment, and supplies required by the project and to complete an independent estimate of quantities and wastage. 1.06 TESTING: A. Notify the Owner's Representative three days in advance of testing. B. Fill system with water, provided by Owner, to proper level for operation after all electrical and mechanical connections have been completed. C. Operate pump recirculation system. D. Adjust or move system components to correct deficiencies. Repeat the test until the Owner's Representative approves the test results. E. Cement or caulking to seal piping or mechanical system leaks is prohibited. Oak Street Plaza December 5, 2005 Aqua Engineering, Inc. 02821 - 2 Fountain Mechanical N� 1.07 ACCEPTANCE: A. Pre -maintenance inspection will occur at substantial completion of the fountain system, record (As -Built) drawings, and all installation, operation, and maintenance manuals. Comply with Section 01700 - Contract Closeout. B. Final inspection will be performed at the end of the maintenance period in accordance with Section 01700 - Contract Closeout. 1.08 GUARANTEEMARRANTY AND REPLACEMENT: The purpose of this guarantee/warranty is to insure that the Owner receives fountain and plumbing materials of prime quality, installed and maintained in a thorough and careful manner. A. For a period of two year from commencement of the formal maintenance period, guarantee/warranty fountain materials, equipment, and workmanship against defects. Fill and repair depressions. Restore landscape or structural features damaged by the settlement of trenches or excavations. Repair damage to the premises caused by a defective item. Make repairs within seven days of notification from the Owner's Representative. B. Contract documents govern replacements identically as with new work. Make replacements at no additional cost to the contract price. C. Guarantee/warranty applies to originally installed materials and equipment and replacements made during the guarantee/warranty period. PART 2: MATERIALS 2.01 QUALITY: Materials used in the system shall be new and without flaws or defects of any type, and shall be the best of their class and kind. 2.02 SUBSTITUTIONS: Pipe sizes referenced in the construction documents are minimum sizes, and may be increased at the option of the Contractor. 2.03 DISPLAY NOZZLES: Provide display nozzles and associated equipment per installation details. Display nozzles shall be provided by a single source as noted on the drawings. Display nozzles and associated controls can be obtained from Fountain Supply Company, Santa Clarita , California. Oak Street Plaza December 5, 2005 Aqua Engineering, Inc. 02821 - 3 Fountain Mechanical 2.04 FOG SYSTEM: Provide complete fog generation system as noted on the drawings and installation details including pump, filters, nozzles, and tubing. All equipment shall be provided by one single company. Fog system can be obtained from FOGCO, Chandler, Arizona. 2.05 WATER QUALITY SYSTEM: Provide complete water quality system as noted on the drawings including a auto backwash media filter, circulation pump, controls, water quality monitoring equipment, bromine feeder, acid injection pump, and all other miscellaneous equipment. Water quality system to be provided by Roman Fountains, Albuquerque, New Mexico or Engineer approved equal. 2.06 CONCRETE VAULT AND COMPONENTS: A. Ventilator Stack. and Cover: 1. Supply galvanized steel or cadmium plated expansion bolts and anchors necessary for mounting. 2. Provide electrical wires and approved conduit. 3. Use 20 gauge galvanized steel pipe, 12-inch diameter, for construction of the stack. 4. Cover shall be 12-inch diameter galvanized steel stack cover with louvers to prevent rain from entering stack. Bottom of cover must be mounted at least 6-inches above final grade. B. Sump and Sump Pump: 1. Maintain operation of existing sump pump. 2.01 PRECAST CONCRETE COMPONENTS: A. Provide shop drawings showing complete information for the fabrication and installation of the precast concrete sections. Include special reinforcement and lifting devices necessary for handling and erection. B. Provide layout dimensions, and identification of each precast unit. Detail inserts, connections, blockouts, joints, accessories and openings. Oak Street Plaza Aqua Engineering, Inc. 02821 - 4 December 5, 2005 Fountain Mechanical d C. Manufacturer of precast concrete units is responsible for design of reinforcement and its placement. Fabricate units with concrete having minimum compressive strength of 4000 PSI at 28 days using Type 1-II cement. 1. Furnish test reports of concrete indicating compressive strength. 2. Certify that the concrete units fabricated and installed will support the required design loads. D. Fabricate precast sections in conformance with to ASTM C-478 designation for manufacturing, testing, and quality control. E. Furnish precast units with concrete finish equal to smooth steel formed as -cast concrete. Small surface holes caused by air bubbles, normal form joint marks, minor cracking, chips and spalls, and normal color variations will be permitted. 'N F. Furnish as shown on drawings: 1. Insert type plastic coated steel access steps installed on 12-inch centers. 2. Cast out gasketed openings for intake pipe as shown in details. 3. Traffic rated lids for laminar flow nozzle jet vaults. 4. Manhole lid and frame for balance tank. G. Furnish precast concrete sections manufactured with tongue and groove joints installed with a joint sealant. 2.07 PIPE AND FITTINGS: A. PVC Pipe and Fittings: 1. Use rigid, unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) 1120, 1220 National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) approved pipe, extruded from material meeting the requirements of Cell Classification 12454-A or 12454-13, ASTM Standard D1784, with an integral belled end suitable for solvent welding. 2. Use Schedule 80 conforming to the dimensions and tolerances established by ASTM Standard D1785. Use Schedule 80, Type 1, PVC solvent weld fittings conforming to ASTM Standards D2466 and D1784. Use primer approved by the pipe manufacturer. Solvent cement to conform to ASTM Standard D2564. F Oak Street Plaza December 5, 2005 Aqua Engineering, Inc. 02821 - 5 Fountain Mechanical B. Specialized Pipe and Fittings: 1. Copper pipe: Type "K" rigid conforming to ASTM Standard B88. Fittings shall be wrought copper or cast bronze, soldered or threaded per the installation details. Solder shall be 95% tin and 5% antimony. 2. Steel pipe: Schedule 40 steel pipe, ASTM Standard A120. Fittings shall be flanged or grooved, standard weight, malleable iron fittings. Use ITT Gruvloc or Victaulic grooved fittings. 3. Galvanized steel pipe: Schedule 40 galvanized steel pipe, ASTM Standard A120. Fittings shall be galvanized, threaded, standard weight, malleable iron fittings. 4. Use a dielectric union wherever a copper -based metal (copper, brass, bronze) is joined to an iron -based metal (iron, galvanized steel, stainless steel). 5. Assemblies calling for threaded pipe connections shall utilize PVC Schedule 80 nipples and PVC Schedule 80 threaded fittings. 6. Joint sealant: Use only Teflon -type tape pipe joint sealant on plastic threads. Use nonhardening, nontoxic pipe joint sealant formulated for use on water -carrying pipes on metal threaded connections. 2.08 PIPING COMPONENTS A. Lug -Type Butterfly Valve: 1. One piece body constructed of cast iron. 2. Stem constructed of 316 stainless steel; disc constructed of aluminum bronze. 3. Use lubricated bronze stem bushings. 4. Use 10 position locking lever operator. 5. Seat constructed of EPDM. 6. Grooved fitting valve, Victaulic or Gruvlok, may be substituted. B. Basket Strainer: 1. Provide 4-inch cast iron basket strainer with flanged connections. Oak Street Plaza December 5, 2005 Aqua Engineering, Inc. 02821 - 6 Fountain Mechanical 19.0 SIGNING OF AGREEMENT. When OWNER gives a Notice of Award to the Successful Bidder, it will be accompanied by the required number of unsigned counterparts of the Agreement with all other written Contract Documents attached. Within fifteen (15) days thereafter, CONTRACTOR shall sign and deliver the required number of counterparts of the Agreement and attached documents to OWNER with the required Bonds. Within ten (10) days thereafter, OWNER shall deliver one fully signed counterpart to CONTRACTOR. Each counterpart is to be accompanied by a complete set of the Drawings with appropriate identification. 20.0 TAXES. OWNER is exempt from Colorado State Sales and Use Taxes on materials and equipment to be incorporated in the Work. Said taxes shall not be included in the Contract Price. Reference is made to the General and Supplementary Conditions. 21.0 RETAINAGE. Provisions concerning retainage are set forth in the Agreement. 22.0 PURCHASING RESTRICTIONS. Purchasing restrictions: The Bidder's authorized signature of this Bid assures the Bidder's compliance with the City's purchasing restrictions. A copy of the resolutions are available for review in the Purchasing and Risk Management Division or the City Clerk's office. A. Cement Restrictions: City of Fort Collins Resolution 91-121 requires that suppliers and producers of cement or products containing cement to certify that the cement was not made in cement kilns that burn hazardous waste as a fuel. 23.0 COLLUSIVE OR SHAM BIDS. Any Bid deemed by the City in its sole discretion to be a collusive or sham Bid will be rejected and reported to authorities as such. Your authorized signature of this Bid assures that such Bid is genuine and is not a collusive or sham Bid. 24.0 BID RESULTS. For information regarding results for individual Bids send a self- addressed, self -stamped envelope and a Bid tally will be mailed to you. Bid results will be posted in the Purchasing office seven (7) days after the Bid Opening. 12/03 Section 00100 Page 8 2. Lift out stainless steel screen with 5/32-inch perforations. 3. 1 1/2-inch flush/drain plug located at bottom of basket. C. Wafer -Type Check Valve: 1. Silent check style with cast iron body, free from blow holes, sand holes, and other impurities. 2. Use a disc, seat, and stem guide constructed of machined bronze and aligned to allow proper seating and full closure before flow reversal. D. Wall Penetration Seal: 1. Use Link Seal, as manufactured by Thunderline Corporation, Wayne, MI 48184. 2. Size seal as recommended by manufacturer to fit pipe and wall opening. E. Pressure Gauges: 1. Furnish two (2) liquid filled pressure gauges, minimum diameter 3-inches. 2. Use stainless steel housing, bronze internals, and a 0-50 PSI pressure range. F. Pipe Support Stand: Furnish manufactured or fabricated steel pipe support stand. Support must be capable of supporting 500 lbs. dead load and be adjustable within the range shown on the vault piping detail. 2.09 ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS: -- A. Fountain Control Panel: 1. Furnish NEMA 12 control with hands -off automatic switch to house pump magnetic starter, pilot operating lights, PLC, relays, transformers, etc. 2. Provide bill of materials and electrical schematic to Engineer for approval prior to fabrication. �.. 3. Control panel must perform the following functions: a. Start and stop the display pump. b. Protect pump. recirculation motor against lightning, phase failure, and low voltage. C. Shut down pump at low water level, low suction pressure, and low flow. Oak Street Plaza December 5, 2005 Aqua Engineering, Inc. 02821 - 7 Fountain Mechanical d. Provide ground fault interruption circuits for all electrical equipment. e. Use panel suitable for wall mounting and which is lockable. f. Start and stop the fog pump. g. Open and Close all solenoid valves for each display nozzle. h. Open and Close actuator for each laminar flow nozzle. i. Start and Stop the filter pump. B. Low Pressure Switch: 1. Furnish low pressure switch to shut off pump at low suction pressure. 2. Use NEMA 12 enclosure. 3. Range: 30-inches vacuum to 10 PSI. 4. Use Allen Bradley Catalog No. 836-C2J. C. Flow Switch: 1. Furnish flow switch to shut off pump at low discharge flow. 2. Use NEMA 12 enclosure. D. Conduit: 1. Use galvanized, rigid or flexible, conduit in the vault. 2. Use PVC type, approved waterproof conduit for buried underground installations. 3. All conduit which conforms to Underwriters Laboratories specifications. 4. Furnish inert plastic yellow warning tape, minimum 3-inches wide, imprinted with "CAUTION: BURIED ELECTRIC LINE BELOW" above all direct buried conduit. 2.10 OTHER COMPONENTS: A. Tools: Provide operating keys, servicing tools, test equipment, and other items indicated in the General Notes of the drawings. Oak Street Plaza December 5, 2005 Aqua Engineering, Inc. 02821 - 8 Fountain Mechanical B. Spare Parts: 1. Provide complete gasket set for centrifugal pump. 2. Provide complete spare mechanical seal assembly for centrifugal pump. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTIONS AND REVIEWS: A. Site Inspections: 1. Verify site conditions and note irregularities affecting work of this section. Report irregularities to the Engineer\Landscape Arch itect\Owner's Representative prior to beginning work. 2. Beginning work of this section implies acceptance of existing conditions. B. Verify locations of underground utilities. 3.02 EXCAVATION TRENCHING, AND BACKFILLING: A. Excavate to permit the pipes to be laid at the intended elevations and to permit work space for installing connections and fittings. B. Minimum cover, distance from top of pipe or electrical conduit to finish grade: 1. 24-inch over fountain display pipe and over electrical conduit. 2. 36-inches over gravity return pipe, or as noted on drawings. C. Excavated material is generally satisfactory for backfill. Backfill shall be free from rubbish, vegetable matter, frozen materials, and stones larger than 2-inches in maximum dimension. Remove material not suitable for backfill. Backfill placed next to pipe shall be free of sharp objects which may damage the pipe. D. Backfill pipe in either of the following manners: 1. Backfill and puddle the lower half of the trench. Allow to dry 24 hours. Backfill the remainder of the trench in 6-inch layers. Compact to density of surrounding soil. 2. Backfill the trench by depositing the backfill material equally on both sides of the pipe in 6-inch layers and compacting to the density of surrounding soil. E. Dress backfilled areas to original grade. Incorporate excess backfill into existing site grades. Dispose of excess backfill off site. r' Oak Street Plaza December 5, 2005 Aqua Engineering, Inc. 02821 - 9 Fountain Mechanical F. Where utilities conflict with irrigation trenching and pipe work, contact the — Engineer\Landscape Architect\Owner's Representative for trench depth adjustments. 3.03 CONCRETE VAULT COMPONENTS: A. Steel Access Cover: Install as shown in detail and per manufacturer's recommendations. B. Ventilator. Stack, and Cover: 1. Install stack and cover as shown in detail. C. Access Ladder: =� 1. Install ladder where indicated in detail. 2. Installation must conform to OSHA and all applicable building codes. 3. Secure both sides of the ladder to the floor and vault walls with 3/8"x1 1/2" galvanized or cadmium plated steel bolts in expansion anchors. 3.04 PRECAST CONCRETE: A. Coordinate exact location of fixtures with Architect prior to installation. B. Install units on a 6-inch gravel subbase over compacted subgrade in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. C. Lift, place, and secure units in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and — final shop drawings. Do not install units until supporting members are in place and secured. 1. Lift only at lifting points provided and install temporary shoring and bracing as necessary. 2. Level units accurately and in acceptable condition to allow installation of subsequent work. 3. Grout all joints and repair damaged exposed surfaces as required. 3.05 ASSEMBLING PIPE AND FITTINGS: A. General: 1. Keep pipe free from dirt and pipe scale. Cut pipe ends square and debur. Clean pipe ends. 2. Keep ends of assembled pipe capped. Remove caps only when necessary to continue assembly. Oak Street Plaza December 5, 2005 Aqua Engineering, Inc. 02821 - 10 Fountain Mechanical B. Fountain Pipe and Fittings: 1. Use only strap -type friction wrenches for threaded plastic pipe. 2. PVC Solvent Weld Pipe: a. Use primer and solvent cement. Join pipe in a manner recommended by the manufacturer and in accordance with _ accepted industry practices. b. Cure for 30 minutes before handling and 24 hours before allowing water in pipe. C. Snake pipe from side to side within the trench. C. Specialized Pipe and Fittings: 1. Copper Pipe: a. Buff surfaces to be joined to a bright finish. Coat with solder flux. b. Solder so that a continuous bead shows around the joint circumference. 2. Steel Pipe: a. Join pipe in the manner recommended by manufacturer and in accordance with accepted industry practices. b. Use factory -made threads whenever possible. Field -cut threads will be permitted only where absolutely necessary. Cut threads on axis using clean, sharp dies. C. Apply Teflon -type tape or pipe joint compound to the male threads only. d. Install grooved pipe and flanged connections per manufacturer's recommendations. 3. Insert a dielectric union wherever a copper -based metal (copper, brass, bronze) and an iron -based metal (iron, galvanized steel, stainless steel) are joined. 4. PVC Threaded Connections: a Use only factory -formed threads. Field -cut threads are not permitted. Oak Street Plaza December 5, 2005 Aqua Engineering, Inc. 02821 - 11 Fountain Mechanical b. Use only Teflon -type tape. C. When connection is plastic -to -metal, the plastic component shall have male threads and the metal component shall have female threads. 5. Make metal -to -metal, threaded connections with Teflon -type tape or pipe joint compound applied to the male threads only. 3.06 INSTALLATION OF PIPING COMPONENTS: A. Lug -Type Butterfly Valve: 1. Install where indicated on drawings. 2. Install per manufacturer's recommendations. B. Basket Strainer: 1. Install where indicated on drawings. 2. Provide sufficient room for strainer access. 3. Install per manufacturer's recommendations. C. Wafer -Type Check Valve: 1. Install where indicated on drawings. 2. Install per manufacturer's recommendations. D. Wall Penetration Seal: 1. Install where indicated on drawings. 2. Install per manufacturer's recommendations. E. Pressure Gauges: 1. Install where indicated on drawings. 2. Install per manufacturer's recommendations. F. Pipe Support Stand: 1. Install where indicated on drawings. 2. Secure to concrete floor with galvanized or cadmium plated steel expansion bolts. Oak Street Plaza December 5, 2005 Aqua Engineering, Inc. 02821 - 12 Fountain Mechanical 3.07 INSTALLATION OF ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS: A. All installation of electrical components shall be performed by a licensed electrician, and conform to the National Electric Code and all local building codes. Fountain electrical must specially conform to Article 680 of the National Electric Code- B. Fountain Control Panel: Mount control panel where indicated on drawings. 2. Run all wiring in approved conduit. 3. Manufacturer to provide two days of start-up and programming of all display functions. Start up and programming to be provided after contractor has demonstrated that all mechanical and electrical components are operating properly. C. Low Pressure Switch: 1. Install low pressure switch where indicated in detail. 2. Weld thread-o-let fitting on steel pipe for switch mounting. D. Conduit: Install a continuous run of warning tape, placed in the backfill 6-inches above all direct buried conduit. 3.08 INSTALLATION OF OTHER COMPONENTS: A. Tools: Prior to the Pre -Maintenance Review, supply to the Owner operating keys, servicing tools, test equipment, and any other items indicated on the drawings. B. Spare Parts: Prior to the Pre -Maintenance Review, supply to the Owner the spare parts indicated in these Specifications or on the drawings. C. Paint all unfinished steel surfaces with at least two (2) coats of Sherwin-Williams Polane textured epoxy. Prepare metal surfaces and prime per manufacturer's instructions. Color will be determined by the Engineer\Landscape Architect\Owner's Representative D. Other Materials: Install other materials or equipment shown on the drawings or installation details to be part of the fountain system, even though such items may not have been referenced in these specifications. Oak Street Plaza December 5, 2005 Aqua Engineering, Inc. 02821 - 13 Fountain Mechanical 3.09 PROJECT RECORD (AS -BUILT) DRAWINGS: A. Submit Record Drawings under provisions of Section 01700 - Contractor Closeout, Record Documents. Maintain on -site and separate from documents used for construction, one complete set of contract documents as Project Documents. Keep documents current. Do not permanently cover work until as -built information is recorded. B. Record pipe and wiring network alterations. Record work which is installed differently than shown on the construction drawings. Record accurate reference ' dimensions, measured from at least two permanent reference points. C. Prior to Final Review, obtain from the Engineer a reproducible mylar copy of the — drawings. Using technical drafting pen, duplicate information contained on the project drawings maintained on site. Label each sheet 'Record Drawing". Completion of the Record Drawings will be a prerequisite for the Final Review. — 3.10 MAINTENANCE: - A. Upon completion of Final Review, maintain fountain system for a duration of 30 calendar days. Make periodic examinations and adjustments to the system components so as to achieve the most desirable operating conditions. 3.11 CLEANUP: A. Upon completion of work, remove from the site all machinery, tools, excess materials, and rubbish. B. Remove all debris and foreign material from the fountain area and pump vault — prior to operating the system. END OF SECTION Oak Street Plaza December 5, 2005 Aqua Engineering, Inc. 02821 - 14 Fountain Mechanical DIVISION 2 SECTION 02870 - MISCELLANEOUS SITE FURNISHINGS PART 1: GENERAL Section Includes A. Drinking Fountain B. Table and Chairs C. Bike Rack D. Site Benches E. Trash Receptacles F. Planter Pots G. Tree Grates H. Fountain Vault Lids 1. Umbrellas J. Umbrella Bases Submittals for Review A. Submittals shall be directed to the Owners Representative and shall be approved in writing before affected work commences. B. Submit shop drawings and technical literature from manufacturer for all items specified in Section 1.01 above. C. Submit all color swatches on finish metal colors for each of the above site furnishings at the same time. D. Submit warranty information at time of review. Substitutions A. Alternative bid proposals, which propose material substitutions, must be fully supported by necessary documentation showing compatibility/comparability with specific materials. µ Substitutions must be submitted to the Owners Representative prior to the bid opening. Substitutions must also comply with the General Conditions. Some Materials may not be substituted. 1.04 Warranty A. Warranty all products under this section for a period of two years from the date of Substantial Completion. In addition to the manufacturer's product Warranty, Contractor shall warranty the installation of all products in this section exclusive of normal wear and tear and damage caused out of the Control of the Contractor. This Warranty shall extend to removal and replacement of any defective materials or damaged products arising out of the failure of the product of improper installation of the Contractor. City of Fort Collins Section 02870 — Site Furnishings �' Park Planning & Development Division Page 1 of 4 PART 2: MATERIALS 2.01 Drinking Fountain One (1) Hi-Lo Pedestal Mounted Drinking Fountain - Haws Model 43511. Allow 10-12 weeks for delivery Color: Custom (To Be Determined). 2.02 Table and Chairs Seven (7) Tables and Twenty -Eight (28) Chairs. Cabaret Series - Model #CB6-SQ Color: Custom (To Be Determined). _ Allow 10-12 weeks for delivery Factory Representative: Keystone Ridge Designs, Inc. P.O. Box 2008, 670 Mercer Rd. Butler, Pennsylvania 16003-2008. 1-800-284-8208 Website www.keystoneridgedesigns.com 2.03 Bike Rack One (1) Tandem TD Series Bicycle Rack. Fabrication: 1.9-inch OD, 0.145-inch wall, Schedule 40 steel pipe. Bicycle Capacity: 6. — Mounting: Embedded. Finish: CreativeCoat TGIC polyester powder coated. Color: Custom (To Be Determined). Allow 8-10 weeks for delivery Factory Representative: Creative Pipe, Inc., PO Box 2458, Rancho Mirage, California 92270-1087. Toll Free (800) 644-8467. Web Site www.creativepipe.com. 2.04 Site Benches Two (2) Yuma Curved Bench with Back - 6fl., surface mount - Model #Y2CU6 One (1) Yuma Bench with Back - 811., surface mount - Model #Y28 Color: Custom (To Be Determined). Allow 10-12 weeks for delivery Factory Representative: Keystone Ridge Designs, Inc. P.O. Box 2008, 670 Mercer Road, Butler, Pennsylvania 16003-2008, 1-800-284-8208. Website www.keystoneridgedesigns.com 2.05 Trash Receptacles Two (2) Profile Trash Receptacles - Model #086CI. _ Finish: Cast Iron Allow 12-14 weeks for delivery Factory Representative: IAP 101 Henry Adams Street, Suite 380 San Francisco, CA 94103 1-800- 426-6471. Website www.iapsf.com 2.06 Planter Pots Four (4) Orbit 42" Planter - Model #041 Cl City of Fort Collins Park Planning 8 Development Division Section 02870 - Site Furnishings Page 2 of 4 M END OF SECTION 12/03 Section 00100 Page 9 Wo (2) Orbit 36" Planter -Model #041 C] Three (3) Orbit 24" Planter - Model #041C1 Three (3) Fairfax 18" Planter- Model #034C1 Finish: Cast Iron Factory Representative: IAP 101 Henry Adams Street. Suite 380 San Francisco, CA 94103 1-800- 426-6471. Website www.iapsf'.com 2.07 Tree Grates Six (6) 4' Square Tree Grates with "P" Paver Frames - Model #OT Title-24 4' SQ Tree grate is to be modified to a 22" round tree opening. Finish: Cast Iron Allow 8-10 weeks delivery Factory Representative: Urban Accessories, 465 East 151h Street, Tacoma, WA 98402 1-877-487- 0488. Website www.urbanaccessories.com 2.08 Fountain Vault Lids Two (2) 36" Round Lids with "S" Standard Frames - Model #OT36 One (1) 36" Round Open Lid Pattern with "S" Standard Frame - Model #OT36. This lid is to be like an open drain cover. All Three (3) lids are to have a special 2"cored hole from the factory. Coordinate with Owner's Representative and Aqua Engineering. Finish: Cast Iron Allow 8-10 weeks delivery Factory Representative: Urban Accessories, 465 East 151h Street, Tacoma, WA 98402 1-877-487- 0488. Website www.urbanaccessories.com 2.09 Umbrellas Five (5) 6.5' Square, Bay Master Umbrellas with Armor -Wall Aluminum poles, manual lifting system, no vent, silver hub, and Market Style canopy profile. Finish: Brushed Aluminum Fabric: Awning & Furniture Grade ,. Fabric Colors: One (1) 4600-Erin Green, One (1) 4601-Pacific Blue, One (1) 4602-Sunflower Yellow, One (1) 4603-Jockey Red, One (1) 4609-Orange. Allow 8-10 weeks for delivery. Factory Representative: TUUCI - USA / International Headquarters, 2900 NW 35'h Street, Miami, FL 33142 1-305-634-5116. Website www.tuuci.com 2.10 Umbrella Bases Five (5) Flush Mount "In Ground" (SSFM Base) with 12" sleeve to be embedded in concrete. Refer to manufacturer for installation details. Allow 4-8 weeks for delivery. City of Fort Collins Section 02870 - Site Fumishings "' Park Planning & Development Division Page 3 of 4 Factory Representative: TUUCI — USA / International Headquarters, 2900 NW 35'h Street, Miami. FL 33142 1-305-634-5116. Website www.tuuci.com PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 Site Furniture A. Locate tables and chairs, umbrellas. and benches on site for review by Engineer prior to installation. See plan for dimensional locations. B. Prior to completion of project, clean all furniture, as needed, to remove any dust and dirt, and provide a clean factory finish at time of final review. Touch up paint as needed. 3.02 Bike Rack A. Install bike racks per manufacturer's recommendations. B. Set racks plumb with grade, as shown on plans, and parallel and perpendicular to building walls and/or walks. C. Provide all concrete footings and hardware necessary for installation per plans and manufacturer's recommendations. D. Prior to completion of project, clean bike racks, as needed, to remove dust and dirt. Provide a clean factory finish at time of final review. Touch up paint as needed. 3.03 Protection A. Protect all painted surfaces from cracking or chipping during installation. Use blankets, tarps etc., to protect paint surfaces while handling. B. Do not accept materials damaged during shipping. Damaged parts shall not be accepted. If minor repairs are required, it shall be at the discretion of the Owners Representative whether the items are acceptable. C. Verify proper operation of all equipment prior to acceptance. Contractor shall be responsible for proper operation of all materials. END OF SECTION City of Fort Collins Section 02870 — Site Furnishings Park Planning & Development Division Page 4 of 4 /' DIVISION 2 SECTION 02912 — LANDSCAPE TREES, SHRUBS AND PERENNIALS PART 1-GENERAL 1.01 Work Included A. Furnish all labor, materials, supplies, equipment, tools, and transportation, and perform all operations in connection with and reasonably incidental to complete installation of the plantings and guarantee as specified herein. Items of work specifically included are: I . Procurement of all applicable licenses, permits, and fees. 2. Installation of trees, shrubs and perennials. 3. Mulch. 1.02 Related Work A. Tree Protection: Section 02122 B. Irrigation Installation: Section 02810 C. Seed Construction: Section 02940 D. Sod Construction: Section 02950 E. Planting Maintenance: Section 02970 1.03 Submittals & Quality Assurance A. Submittals and test results shall be directed to the City Representative and shall be approved in writing before affected work commences. ALL COSTS TO ENSURE QUALITY SHALL BE PAID BY THE CONTRACTOR. I. Submit three copies of manufacturer's specifications and literature on all products. 2. Submit three copies of complete materials list including quantities and descriptions of materials. B. Summary of submittals from this section: 1. Soil amendment analysis. 2. Mulch. 3. Plant material. C. Provide at least one person who shall be present at all times during execution of this portion of the work and who shall be thoroughly familiar with the type of materials being installed and the best methods for their installation and who shall direct all work performed under this section. 1.04 Inspections A. Site Inspection: 1. Contractor will inspect existing site conditions and note irregularities affecting the work of this section. Verify that grading operations have been satisfactorily completed and that topsoil of adequate quantity and quality has been placed in all disturbed areas as specified. Verify that the areas to be revegetated are protected from concentrated runoff and sediment from adjacent areas. Note any previous treatments to the areas such as temporary seeding or mulching and discuss with the City Representative how these treatments will affect permanent revegetation. ` City of Fort Collins Section 02912 — Landscape Trees, Shrubs and Perennials Park Planning & Development Division Page 1 of 6 Report all irregularities affecting work of this section to the City Representative before initiating work. When the Contractor begins work under this section, it implies acceptance of existine conditions_ 2. Contractor shall notify City Representative prior to start of work. City Representative will be responsible to monitor the work. B. Pre -planting Inspections: I. All plant material shall be inspected by a City Forestry Representative before planting. Inspection of materials may be sequenced by major planting areas to accommodate efficient planting operations. Plants for inspection must be in a single location preferably on the project site. All rejected materials must be removed from the site, replaced and reinspected before planting. If the supplier is a local nursery, tagged plants may be inspected at the nursery. Photographs of the plant materials to be obtained from non -local sources may be submitted to the City Forestry Representative for preliminary inspection. This preliminary inspection is subject to final approval of plants at the job site. The Owner reserves the right to reject any plant material at any stage of construction or guarantee period. 2. All soil amendments, backfill mixes and mulches will be inspected at the site by the City Representative before they are used in planting operations. 3. City and Forestry Representatives will inspect staked locations of all trees before digging for those plants occurs. City Representatives will inspect the location of all shrubs in their containers at the proposed locations before digging commences. Contact City Representatives at least two days in advance. C. Final Inspection: As soon as all planting is completed, a review and preliminary inspection to determine the condition of the vegetation will be held by the City Representatives upon request by the Contractor. 2. The inspection will occur only after the following conditions have been met: a. All areas will be free of weeds and neatly cultivated; b. All plant basins shall be in good repair; c. Irrigation systems shall be fully operational with all heads properly adjusted; d. All debris and litter shall be cleaned up and all walkways and curbs shall be cleaned of soil and debris left from planting operations. 3. If, after the inspection, the City Representative is of the opinion that all work has been performed as per the Contract Documents, and that all vegetation is in satisfactory growing condition, he will give the Contractor Written Notice of Acceptance and the Guarantee Period shall begin. 4. Work requiring corrective action in the judgment of the City Representative shall be performed within the first ten (10) days of the guarantee period. Any work not performed within this time will necessitate an equivalent extension of the guarantee period. Corrective work and materials replacement shall be in accordance with the Contract Documents, and shall be made by the Contractor at no cost to the Owner. 5. Final approval and Substantial Completion notice will be given when all deficiencies are corrected. City of Fort Collins Section 02912 — Landscape Trees, Shrubs and Perennials Park Planning & Development Division Page 2 of 6 D. End of Guarantee Period Inspection: l . At the end of the second full growing season City Representatives will inspect all trees for satisfactory condition. The inspection shall take place in September and the City shall contact the Contractor concerning replacements. Replacements may take place the following spring if deemed proper or necessary. 2. The Contractor is responsible for removal of all tree stakes. wire and webbing at the end of the guarantee period. 1.05 Guarantee A. Guarantee landscape construction materials against defects due to any cause for a period of two years. B. Guarantee plant material used in this section against defects due to any cause for a period of two full erowinp seasons from the date of acceptance of all work. This guarantee includes insect infestation or infection by disease organisms. C. This guarantee will not be enforced should woody vegetation die due to vandalism; improper maintenance procedures carried out by the Owner involving over or under watering, lawn mower damage, over -fertilization, fire, flood, or hail or other similar circumstances beyond the control of the Contractor. D. Replace woody vegetation when it is no longer in a satisfactory condition as determined by the City Representative for the duration of the Guarantee Period. Make replacements within fourteen days of notification from the City Representative. Replacement planting for trees shall be done in the spring planting season, except as approved otherwise. Remove dead plants within seven days of notification. If a tree is in marginal condition at the end of the guarantee period it may be agreeable to both parties to wait until the end of the growing season before deciding whether to replace that tree. E. All replacements shall be of the same kind and size as originally specified and shall be installed as described in the contract documents unless changes are approved by City Representatives. Repairs and replacements shall be made at no expense to the Owner. F. Guarantee shall apply to originally specified and installed plants and other landscape materials, and any replacements made during the guarantee/warranty period. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 Plant Material A. A complete list of plants including a schedule of quantities, sizes and other requirements is shown on the Landscape Plan. If discrepancies occur between quantities of plants indicated in the plant list and as indicated on the plan, the plan quantities shall govern. B. No substitutions shall be accepted without approval from the Owner's Representative. C. Plant material shall be a first-class representative of its species; healthy, vigorous, well -branched and well proportioned with respect to height and width relationships. Inspect to assure that all plants are free from disease, injury, insects and weed roots; and conform to the requirements of the American Standard for Nursery Stock, ANSI 260.1 All plants are subject to inspection see 1.04 B. D. Plant material that is grown in a zone more mild than USDA zone 5 shall be acclimated to Colorado conditions prior to planting. E. Digging, Wrapping, and Handling: Plants shall be dug and prepared for shipment in a manner that will not cause damage to branches, shape, and future development after planting: City of Fort Collins Section 02912 — Landscape Trees, Shrubs and Perennials Park Planning & Development Division Page 3 of 6 1. Balled and burlapped plants shall be nursery grown stock adequately balled with firm, natural balls of soil in sizes and ratios conforming to the Colorado Nursery Act as cited above. Balls shall be firmly wrapped with non -treated burlap. secured with wire or jute, Broken balls will not be accepted. 2. Container grown plants shall have been nursery grown in containers and shall have sufficient roots to hold the entire soil mass together after container removal without being root -bound. 3. Options as to method: if all other requirements are met, a container grown plant may be substituted for a balled and burlapped or field collected plant. Trees transplanted by mechanical tree spade may be substituted for balled and burlapped trees as long as minimum ball sizes are equal to or larger than AAN Standards- F. Plant Protection: Plants shall be handled so roots are adequately protected at all times from drying out and from other injury. Protect balls of balled plants which cannot be planted within twelve hours of delivery with mulch or other suitable material. Where possible, store plants in the shade. Keep all plant roots moist before, during, and after planting. 2.02 Soil Amendment A. Use compost or two year cured manure free from lumps, stones or other foreign matter. Do not use Colorado mountain peat, sphagnum peat is acceptable. Soil amendment must be free of mineral matter or chemical composition harmful to plant life and have the following properties: Organic Matter: 35-40% pH: 7.4 to 8.5 Salt: < 7 mmhoslcm Submit test results prior to application. 2.03 Staking Materials A. Tree Stakes: 6-foot long metal "T" posts, safety caps. B. Guying and Staking Wire: Galvanized iron or steel 12-gauge wire. C. Webbing: 2-inch nylon webbing. 2.04 Landscape Fabric A. (Consider the situation before specing this) Weed barrier or landscape fabric which allows the exchange of water and air and staples. 2.05 Mulch A. Shredded wood: Mulch shall be shredded branches, chipped or shredded pallets is not acceptable. Mulch shall be free from noxious weed seed and all foreign material harmful to plant life. Submit samples. 2.06 Herbicide: A. Round -Up 2.07 Watering: A. No water will be available on site until installation of the irrigation system is complete. It is the intent that all plant material be watered using the irrigation system after installation. City of Fort Collins Section 02912 — Landscape Trees, Shrubs and Perennials Park Planning & Development Division Page 4 of 6 QT 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 Planting Woody Vegetation A. Location: stake tree locations and place container shrubs as shown on the plans. Coordinate review of locations with City Representative. B. The following table identifies the minimum distances from trees to utilities etc. Item Minimum Distance (feet) Curbs 5 Sidewalks 5 Electric buried cable 4 Water lines b Sewer lines 10 Gas lines 4 Street lights — Shade trees 40 Street lights — Ornamental trees 15 Street signs 7 Intersections 30 Vaults and pits 5-10 Irrigation rotor heads 12-20 In turf areas: Tree to tree — Shade trees 25 Tree to tree — Evergreen trees 15 Tree to tree — Ornamental trees 15 C. Planting Pits: 1. Dig planting pits two times the width of the root ball, see planting detail. 2. Roughen sides of the pit to remove any compacting or glazing. Mix loosened soil with specified backfill. D. Backfll Material: Tree and shrub planting pits shall be backfilled with the following mix: 1. 2/3 existing pit soil by volume. 2. 1/3 soil amendment by volume. Thoroughly mix backfill material in accordance with industry accepted technique in order to obtain a uniform, evenly blended consistency, free from pockets of unblended material and clods or stones greater than two inches in diameter. Coordinate review of backfill mix with City Representative. E. Planting: 1. Place each tree and shrub in the planting pit so that it will be two inches above finish grade for trees and one inch above finish grade for shrubs. 2. Untie and remove burlap from top third of root ball on balled and burlapped material. Remove all burlap that is treated (green in color). Complete removal of wire baskets is preferred, at a minimum remove wire baskets from top and sides of root ball. City of Fort Collins Section 02912 — Landscape Trees, Shrubs and Perennials Park Planning & Development Division Page 5 of 6 3. Backfill planting pit with backfill material and tamp to compact. Water in thoroughly. Be sure no soil is placed on top of the root ball. 4. Stake all trees in a true vertical position per the appropriate construction detail. 5. Place safety caps on tree stakes within 15 feet of the playground curb. 6. Coordinate woody vegetation operations with other construction activities so that the irrigation system can be used to water the vegetation immediately after planting. 3.02 Placing Fabric and Mulch A. Place weed barrier in all shrub beds. Lay out weed barrier around shrubs using staples to secure edges and seams. Do not use weed barrier in perennial or groundcover beds. B. Place a layer of wood mulch in all tree rings to the depth of 3-4 inches as shown on the construction detail. Do not install weed barrier in tree rings. Deciduous tree rings shall be 4 feet in diameter, coniferous tree rings shall extend I foot beyond the drip line. C. Place mulch in all planting beds, if shrub or perennial beds are planned. Place mulch to a 3-4 inch depth. Gently brush mulch off of perennials once installed. Take care in placement not to damage newly planted vegetation. 3.03 Maintenance A. Continuously maintain all plantings included in the Contract from the beginning of Contract work and during the progress of work, see Section 02970 Planting Maintenance. B. The Owner will assume the responsibility of maintenance including watering, fertilizing, weeding, etc. upon written acceptance of Substantial Completion from the Owner. The Contractor shall periodically inspect the project during the two year guarantee period and immediately notify the Owner's Representative of any irregularities or deficiencies which will affect the guarantee. C. Round -Up herbicide may be used in mulched tree rings if grass seed has sprouted from seeding operations. D. The Contractor shall be responsible for resetting of any plants to an upright position or to proper grade and for the removal and replacement of any dead plant material. 3.04 Project Record (As -Built Drawing) A. Maintain one complete set of contract documents on site. Keep documents current. Record any changes in location, quantity and species of plant material. Submit corrected drawings to the Owner's Representative prior to final inspection. 3.05 Tree Stakes A. Remove all metal T-posts, wire and webbing one year after installation or at the end of the two year warranty period. END OF SECTION City of Fort Collins Section 02912 - Landscape Trees, Shrubs and Perennials -. Park Planning & Development Division Page 6 of 6 DIVISION 2 SECTION 02930 - SOD CONSTRUCTION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Work Included A. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment and perform all work and services necessary for sod construction in the quantities required. B. Furnish and install all supplementaryor miscellaneous items, appurtenances and devices incidental to or necessary for a healthy. sound, and complete, craftsman -like installation. Work to include: 1. Application of herbicides. 2. Soil preparation. 3. Fine grading of all planting areas. 4. Sod installation. 5. Maintenance during establishment. 1.02 Submittals & Quality Assurance A. Submit three copies of: 1. Manufacturer's specifications and literature on all products. 2. Manufacturer's tests (within 6 months of application) on supplied products. 3. Sod grower's letter certifying the sod's species composition. B. Provide at least one person who shall be present at all times during execution of this portion of the work and who shall be thoroughly familiar with the type of materials being installed and the best methods for their installation and who shall direct all work performed under this section. 1.03 Inspection A. Initial Inspection: 1. Contractor will inspect existing site conditions and note irregularities affecting the work of this section. Verify that grading operations have been satisfactorily completed and that topsoil of adequate quantity and quality has been placed in all disturbed areas as specified. Verify that the areas to be sodded are protected from concentrated runoff and sediment from adjacent areas. Note any previous treatments to the areas such as temporary seeding or mulching and discuss with the City Representative how these treatments will affect permanent revegetation. Report all irregularities affecting work of this section to the City Representative before initiating work. When the Contractor begins work under this section, it implies acceptance of existing conditions. B. Substantial and Final Acceptance: 1. Contractor shall notify City Representative prior to start of work. City Representative will be responsible to monitor the work. 2. Sodded areas shall receive "Final Acceptance" provided a healthy, even colored, viable turf is established, free of weeds and undesirable grass species, disease and insects. City of Fort Collins Section 02930 — Sod Construction Park Planning & Development Division Page 1 of 4 1.04 Guarantee A. Guarantee sod against defects for a period of one growing season from the date of final acceptance- B. This euarantec shall not be enforced should sod die due to vandalism, improper maintenance by Owner. lawn mower damage or other circumstances beyond the control of the Contractor. C. Replace sod when it is no longer in a satisfactory condition as determined by the Owner's Representalive for the duration of the guarantee period. D. Areas sodded in the spring shall be inspected for required coverage the following fall not later than October. Areas sodded in the fall will be inspected in October of the following year. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 Herbicide A. Round -Up 2.02 Soil Amendment A.. Use compost or two year cured manure free from lumps, stones or other foreign matter. Soil amendment must be free of mineral matter or chemical composition harmful to plant life and have the following properties: Organic Matter: 35-45% pH: 7.4 to 8.5 Salt: < 7 mmhos/cm 2.03 Fertilizer A. Commercial Fertilizer (20 — 20 — 10) apply at manufacturers recommendation. 2.04 Sod A. Provide strongly rooted sod not less than 2 years old and free of weeds. B. Species composition shall be a mix of Kentucky Bluegrass and Perennial Rye. Furnish in rolls: 1. Uniformly mowed height when harvested. 2. Free of disease, nematodes, pests and pest larvae. 3. Thickness: Soil thickness of sod cuts shall not be less than 3/4 inch nor more than I inch. C. Weeds: 1. Free of Bermuda grass, Quack grass, Johnson grass, poison ivy, nut sedge, nimble will, Canada thistle, bindweed, bent grass, wild garlic, ground ivy, perennial sorrel. 2. Containing less than 10 Jimsonweed, mustard, Iamb's quarter, chickweed, cress or crabgrass plant per 100 sq. ft. 2.05 Water A. Free of substances harmful to plant growth. Contractor responsible for watering even if area sprinkler system is not operational. 2.06 Pegs A. Softwood, 3/4 inch diameter, 8 inch length. City of Fort Collins Section 02930 — Sod Construction —, Park Planning 8 Development Division Page 2 of 4 SECTION 00300 BID FORM 1, PART Z - EXECUTION 3.01 Site Preparation A. Prepare areas as follows: I. Remove any existing vegetation not scheduled to remain. 2. Rip existing topsoil to a minimum depth of eight (8) inches in one direction using an agricultural ripper with tines spaced at no greater than 18 inches. Areas adjacent to walks, structures, curbs. etc., where the use of large mechanical equipment is difficult, shall be worked with smaller equipment or by hand. 3. Place soil amendment at a rate of six (6) cubic yards per 1,000 square feet. 4. Till all areas to be planted to a depth of six (6) inches. 5. In tree protection areas, the topsoil shall be worked by hand to a depth of 3 inches. 6. Remove all rubble, stones, plant material and extraneous material over 1'/z inches in diameter from the site. 7. Apply pre -planting fertilizer as specified in Part 2 of the Section. 8. Restore fine grade with float drag to remove irregularities resulting from tilling operations. Float drag in two directions. Coordinate restoration of fine grade to establish the vegetation subgrade at one inch below adjacent paved surfaces. Match grade at property lines and work - limit lines. B. Remove any additional stones over 1 %z inches that have come to the surface. Perform drainage test by applying water with the irrigation system. Do not plant until the finished grade is reviewed by City Representative. This review does not reduce Contractor's responsibility to provide a finished product that drains properly. 3.02 Installation A. Sod areas indicated on drawings. B. Selection of the time of sodding shall be the Contractor's responsibility, consistent with weather limitations. Coordinate with Parks Maintenance if fall watering is required for establishment. C. Begin sodding from bottom of slopes. D. Lay first row of sod in a straight line with long dimension of pads parallel to slope contours. E. Butt side and end joints. F. Stagger end joints in adjacent rows. G. Do not stretch or overlap sod. H. Peg sod on slopes greater than 3 to 1 with a minimum of two pegs per sq. yd. 1. Water sod immediately after transplanting. J. Roll sod, except on pegged areas, with roller weighing not more than 150 lbs. per foot of roller width. K. Water sod and soil to a depth of 4 to 6 inches within four hours after rolling. L. Provide sufficient barriers and signage notifying the public to keep off the newly sodded areas. 3.03 Maintenance A. Sod establishment period: City of Fort Collins Section 02930 — Sod Construction Park Planning & Development Division Page 3 of 4 1. Sod establishment period shall begin immediately after installation and continue through the second or third mowing when turf is established. Maintenance shall include watering. mowing, fertilizing and weed control as necessary. 2. Watering: Water sod areas as needed to keep wet to a depth of4 to 6 inches for 2 to 3 weeks until grass is established. Avoid standing water, surface wash or erosion from over -watering. Reduce water application after the first few weeks. 3. Mowing: Mow when grass is over four (4) inches. Mow at a height of three (3) inches. Do not mow more than one third (1/3) height of grass. Reduce irrigation prior to mowing to prevent damage to turf Mow with walk behind mower. 4. Disease and Insect Control: A licensed applicator shall apply fungicides and insecticides as required to control disease and insects in accordance with state law requirements. 3.04 Re -sod and Repair A. Resod areas where there is not a satisfactory stand of grass at the end of establishment period. B. Sod shall be established at least 30 days prior to Final Acceptance. r C. Re -sod spots larger than 1 sq. ft. not having a uniform stand of grass. END OF SECTION City of Fort Collins Section 02930 — Sod Construction --� Park Planning & Development Division Page 4 of 4 DIVISION 2 SECTION 02935 — PLANTING MAINTENANCE PART 1-GENERAL 1.01 Scope A. Furnish all supervision, labor. material equipment, and transportation. and perform all operations in connection with and reasonably incidental to maintaining all planting, including winter watering, called for under this contract. Maintain landscape materials in an attractive, healthy, operable condition until seeded areas are established, landscape punch list items are complete, and all landscape work is accepted by Owner. 1.02 Quality Assurance A. Work Force: Contractor's representative shall be experienced in planting and irrigation maintenance. B. Maintenance Record: Submit to the Owner's Representative a monthly record of all maintenance operations performed, including a record of all herbicides, insecticides, and disease control chemicals used. 1.03 Environmental Conditions A. The requirements for winter treatment of plants will be applicable when the maintenance period extends past October 15. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 Materials A. Replacement materials shall conform to the specifications for original installation. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 Tree Care A. Watering: When hand watering, use a water wand to break the water force. All trees and shrubs shall be winter watered using a need type root feeder at least once per month between irrigation system winterization and spring start-up. Irrigation system may be used for winter watering, providing the system is re -winterized after each use. B. Staking: Inspect stakes monthly to prevent girdling of trunks or branches, and to prevent rubbing that causes bark wounds. Remove stakes and guys after one year, or as determined by Owner's Representative. Stakes will remain the Contractor's property and shall be removed from the site. C. Weed Control: Keep planting areas free of weeds. Use recommended legally approved herbicides. Avoid frequent soil cultivation that destroys shallow roots. Weed at least once per week. D. Insect and Disease Control: Maintain reasonable control with approved materials to prevent visual and structural damage to the plants. E. Wounds: All wounds or injuries should be traced out and disinfected with alcohol or equal. No tree wound compounds or paints shall be applied. F. Tree rings: Mulched tree rings shall be kept tidy and weed free. City of Fort Collins SECTION 02935 - Planting Maintenance �` Park Planning & Development Division Page t of 2 G. Replacement of Plants: Remove dead and dying plants and replace with plants of an equal size, condition, and variety or original planting plan. Replacements shall be made at no expense to Owner. H. Trash Removal: Remove trash, clipped grass. and blown dirt weekly from shrub beds. lawns, walks. and tree basins. Keep the entire area within the limits of planting free from trash and dirt (water or wind carried) at all times. Repair erosion damage for duration of maintenance period. 3.02 Turfgrass Care A. Mowing: Mow only the turf areas as needed to maintain a height of 3 inches. Do not mow wildflowers. B. Edging: Trim edges at least twice monthly or as needed for neat appearance. Catch clippings and removed from lawn areas. Vacuum or blow off walks. C. Watering: Water turf areas at the frequency required to obtain proper turf establishment and to maintain a lush, green lawn. Apply water in such a way to encourage deep root growth. 3.03 Low Maintenance Grasses A. Mowing: Mow low maintenance grasses and wetlands grasses only after they have produced mature seeds and/or gone dormant for the winter or for weed control. B. Watering: Water as frequently as needed to obtain plant establishment (usually 6 to 8 weeks) and thereafter as needed to avoid dieback. Apply water slowly and deeply to prevent runoff and encourage deep root growth. C. Weed Control: The Owner will determine the need for weed control. END OF SECTION 11 City of Fort Collins SECTION 02935 - Planting Maintenance Park Planning & Development Division Page 2 of 2 SECTION 03200 CONCRETE REINFORCING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. Furnish, bend and install all reinforcing bars, welded wire fabric, ties and supports. B. Furnish and install fiber reinforcing materials. C. Related work specified elsewhere: 1. Section 03300, Cast -in -Place Concrete. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Fabricate and place reinforcing steel in accordance with the latest edition of ACI 315, "Manual of Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures", and as detailed on the Drawings. B. Contractor Quality Assurance Program: Refer to Section 03300 for requirements. C. Reference Standards: Comply with requirements of the following codes and standards, except as otherwise shown or specified: 1. ACI 318, "ACI Standard Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete". 2. ACI 315, "Manual of Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures". 2. ACI 301-72, "Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings". 3. CRSI "Manual of Standard Practice". 4. CRSI "Recommended Practice for Placing Reinforcing Bars". 5. CRSI "Recommended Practice for Placing Bar Supports". 6. AWS D12.1, 'Recommended Practices for Welding Reinforcing Steel, Metal Inserts and Connections in Reinforced Concrete Construction". D. Contractor shall obtain specific approval from the Architect/Engineer for the following items: 1. Relocation of bars to an extent that causes placement tolerances to be violated. 2. Bar chairs and spacers. 3. Splices not shown on the Drawings and mechanical connectors. 4. Bending of reinforcement embedded in hardened concrete. 1.03 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver reinforcement to site in strongly tied bundles with metal tags corresponding to bar schedules and diagrams. Store on the site free of rust, scale, oil or other coating. Store bars off the ground and protect from moisture, dirt, oil or deleterious coatings. B. If concreting is delayed for any considerable period of time after reinforcement is in place, it shall be protected by suitable covering. C. Protect exposed reinforcement intended for bonding with future extensions by suitable covering, if applicable. 03200 - 1 0537.02 PART PRODUCTS 2.01 REINFORCING MATERIALS A. Bars: ASTM A615-82, 60 KSI grade, deformed billet steel bars, plain finish, as indicated on the Drawings. Bars shall be free of scale or other bond -reducing coatings. B. Ties, stirrups and field bent bars, #3 or smaller, may be ASTM A615, 40 KSI grade. C. Welded Wire Fabric: ASTM A185 or A497, plain type in flat sheets, plain finish, welded intersections, in sizes as indicated on the Drawings. Use of coiled rolls shall not be permitted. D. Steel Wire: Provide plain cold -drawn wire conforming to ASTM A82. E. Fiber Reinforcing: Collated, fibrillated polypropylene fiber, Fiber Mesh I, Fiber Mesh, Inc., Chattanooga, TN, or equal. 2.02 ACCESSORY MATERIALS A. Accessories shall be of suitable type conforming to ACI 315 and shall include spacers, chairs, tie bars, support bars and all other devices for properly assembling, placing and supporting reinforcement, weight of concrete and workmen without displacement of reinforcement. Wood, brick, block, concrete chips and other non-metallic devices are not acceptable. B. For exposed -to -view concrete surfaces where legs of supports are in contact with forms, provide supports with legs which are hot -dipped galvanized, plastic protected or stainless steel protected. C. Wire Ties: Wire for tying shalt be annealed, cold -drawn wire of at least 16-gage. 2.03 FABRICATION A. Shop fabricate reinforcing bars to conform to the required shapes and dimensions with fabrication tolerance complying with ACI 315. Cold bend bars in a manner which will not injure material. B. Straightening or rebending at site will not be permitted for bars over 40 KSI yield strength. C. Where reinforcing bars are shown welded to structural steel, bars are to be furnished by rebar supplier and welded in place by structural steel erector. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Site preparation and compaction of existing and/or imported fill materials shall be in accordance with the requirements of Section 02225. If the foundation structure design shown on the Drawings and/or specified will not strictly conform to this requirement, advise Architect/Engineer before proceeding with work of this Section. 3.02 SPLICES A. Splices not shown on the Drawings must be approved by the Architect/Engineer. B. Lapped splices shalt be securely wired together. Minimum laps shall be in accordance with requirements of ACI 318 and ACI 301-72 and as shown on the Drawings. Offset vertical lap 03200 - 2 0537.02 splices at least one bar diameter. Lapped splices for welded wire fabric shall be made so that overlap of outermost wires is not less than one full mesh. Lace splices together with 16-gage wire. 3.03 PLACING REINFORCING STEEL A. Prior to placing into position, thoroughly clean reinforcement of mill and excessive rust, scale, dust, mud, oil, ice and all other deleterious coating which may destroy or reduce bond. B. All reinforcing shall be placed in accordance with the Drawings and the "Manual of Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures", ACI 315, ACI 301 and ACI 318. C. Accurately place and support reinforcing steel with chairs, bar supports, spacers or hangers as recommended by ACI detailing manual except in slab -on -grade work. Support bars in slabs -on -grade and footings with approved accessories. D. Place reinforcing bars to a tolerance of +/- 1 /4", except that minimum spacings between bars shall be to a tolerance of +/- 1/4". Bars may be moved as necessary to avoid interference with other reinforcing steel,'conduit or embedded items. The Architect/ Engineer's approval must be obtained prior to moving bars under these circumstances. E. Securely anchor and tie reinforcing bars and dowels prior to placing concrete. F. Place reinforcement to obtain at least the minimum coverage for concrete protection shown on the Drawings and specified. Do not place reinforcement with additional concrete cover unless expressly approved by the Structural Engineer. G. Steel reinforcing bars shall run continuous through cold joints. 3.04 PLACING WELDED WIRE FABRIC A. Welded wire fabric shall be placed 2" below slab surface or as indicated on the Drawings and shall not be permitted to be placed on subgrade prior to concrete placement and hooked into position. Reinforcement shall be fully supported at required elevation prior to concrete placement. Use continuous chairs or support bars in structural slabs to maintain proper locations as shown on the Drawings. B. Install welded wire fabric using full sheets as large as possible. Lap adjoining pieces as specified herein. Offset end laps in adjacent widths to prevent continuous laps in either direction. 3.05 PLACING FIBER REINFORCING A. Place fiber reinforcing in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions and recommendations. 1. 1-1 /2 lbs. per cu. yd., unless otherwise recommended by manufacturer. PART 4 SCHEDULES _. 4.01 SCHEDULE OF REINFORCING MATERIALS A. Reinforcing materials shall be placed in quantities, sizes and spacing as shown on the Drawings and/or as scheduled herein: 1. Reinforcing bars and welded wire fabric shall be installed where shown or 03206 - 3 0537.02 scheduled on the Drawings. Fiber reinforcing shall be placed in all poured -in -place concrete flatwork, including exterior concrete drives, apron pavements and curb and gutter sections, sidewalks, etc., regardless of whether these already are reinforced with steel or wire materials. 3. Fiber reinforcing is not required in footings, foundation walls, grade beams and piers. END OF SECTION 03200 - 4 0537.02 SECTION 03300 CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE FOR SHELTER, SIGNS AND LIGHT POLES PART GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. Furnish and install cast -in -place concrete for footings, foundations, piers, and any other concrete work required but not itemized. B. Furnish and install cast -in -place concrete for thrust restraint, encasement or other work. C. Furnishing and placing joint materials. D. Furnish and install cast -in concrete accessories, unless arranged for otherwise. E. Apply sandblast finish to exposed concrete surfaces where specified. F. Related work specified elsewhere: 1. Section 01450, Quality Control and Testing. 2. Section 02220, Demolition. 3. Section 02221, Trenching, Backfilling and Compacting. 4. Section 02520, Portland Cement Concrete Paving. 5. Section 02870, Site Furnishings. 6. Section 03200, Concrete Reinforcement. 7. Section 05120, Structural Steel. 8. Section 07900, Sealants and Joint Fillers. 9. Division 16, Electrical. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Reference Standards: Except as modified or supplemented in these Specifications, structural concrete shall meet the requirements of the following standards. Refer to the standards for detailed requirements. 1. ACI 301, "Specification for Structural Concrete for Buildings". 2. ACI 347, "Recommended Practice for Concrete Formwork". 3. ACI 318, 'Building Code Requirements for Reinforcing Concrete'. " 4. ACI 304, "Recommended Practice for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting and Placing Concrete". 5. ACI 305, 'Recommended Practice for Hot Weather Concreting'. 6. ACI 306, 'Recommended Practice for Cold Weather Concreting'. 7. ASTM C94, "Standard Specification for Ready -Mixed Concrete". 8. ASTM C33, "Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates". 9. ASTM C150, "Standard Specification for Portland Cement". 10. ASTM C260, "Standard Specification for Air -Entraining Admixtures for Concrete". 11. ASTM C494, "Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete". ` 12. ASTM C618, "Standard Specification for Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use as a Mineral Admixture in Portland Cement Concrete". 13. Uniform Building Code, current edition. r B. Contractor Quality Assurance Program: Contractor shall have in place a quality assurance program to monitor the composition of the ready -mixed concrete provided for this project. The quality assurance program shall detail: 03300 - 1 0537.02 1. Quality and types of aggregates, cement, mineral admixtures, chemical admixtures and water. 2. Batching of these materials, including properties of the batched mix(es). 3. Delivery and placement requirements for the batched mix(es). 4. Regular contractor monitoring and testing of batched materials. C. Contractor shall maintain a copy of ACI SP-15-72, "Field Reference Manual" in the field office at all times. D. Contractor shall employ an experienced and competent foreman for all concrete work. The foreman shall be thoroughly familiar with all phases of concrete construction, — including formwork. Upon request submit records of qualifications and experience of the foreman to the Architect. E. All concrete work which does not conform to specified requirements, including strength, -- tolerances and finishes, shall be corrected or removed and replaced as directed by the Architect/Engineer, at the Contractor's expense. The Contractor shall also be responsible for the cost of corrections to any other work affected by or resulting from correction to concrete work and for any additional testing of work in place which may be required. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Mix Design: Submit proposed mix design(s) in accordance with ACI 304 for approval by the Architect/Engineer. Submit written design mix reports for each class of concrete at least fifteen (15) days prior to start of work. Include the following in each report: 1. Project identification. 2. Concrete class. — 3. Specified properties for concrete. 4. Source of concrete aggregate and cement. 5. Cement type and brand. — 6. Manufacturer and brand name of admixtures. 7. Proportions of concrete mixed per cubic yard. 8. Test results for each property specified for design mix. 9. Unit weight. B. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's product data with application and installation instructions for proprietary materials and items, including reinforcement and forming — accessories, admixtures, patching compounds, joint systems, color additives and concrete stains, sealers, hardener and finishing compounds. C. Contractor Quality Assurance Program: Submit for review by the Architect/Engineer in accordance with paragraph 1.02.B. D. Certificates: 1. Sieve analysis of fine and coarse aggregates. '~ 2. Certification of appropriate use for hardening and sealing products, as specified in paragraph 2.05. E. Contractor shall retain for Architect/Engineer's review, if requested, all delivery tickets for each load delivered to the site. Tickets shall show truck number, concrete strength, cement brand and type, cement content, water content (also expressed as water/cement ratio), amount of course aggregate and fine aggregate, name and amount of admixture, number of yards delivered, time of arrival at site and mixing time. 03300 - 2 0537.02 AmAdininistrative Services Purchasing f)ivisoll City of Fort Collins ADDENDUM No. 1 SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Description of Bid: 5951 Oak Street Plaza OPENING DATE: 3:00 P.M. (Our Clock) January 11, 2006 To all prospective bidders under the specifications and contract documents described above, the following changes are hereby made. GENERAL CLARIFICATION 1. Structure quantities on sheet A-1 are 1(one) Street Sign, 1(one) Shelter, and 9(nine) Light Fixtures. 2. Digital data for grading of plaza provided upon request (Park Planning & Development). 3. Legend on sheet S-1 Custom Handrail and Custom Metal Fence (By Others). "By Others" refers to these items being manufactured by artist "Mind Over Metal", but will still need to be coordinated by the General Contractor for installation. 4. In DIVISION 2, Section 02240 — Tree Removal, 1.02 A. A Licensed Forester is to bid this portion of the work and not the whole project. 5. The cable attachment for the string lights is shown on the structural drawings Sheet SF-1, Cable shall be 7X19 Galvanized Aircraft Cable sized to meet 1000# load as shown on Sheet SF-1, with thimble and wire rope clips for the required load. Layout of the cable and lights is shown on sheet E-2. 6. Existing Mechanical Vault: The existing water feature mechanical equipment shall be removed and disposed of off -site. The existing centrifugal pump, basket strainer, display pump piping and valves shall be removed. All existing electrical control panels, conduit, and wiring shall be removed. The existing ventilation fan shall be removed. The existing potable water meter, sump pump, sump pump piping, and cover over sump pit shall remain in place. 7. Heat Tape: The heat tape to be wrapped around the %" copper fog nozzle supply pipe shall 'he RayChem WinterGard Wet, 120V, 6-watt cable suitable for wet applications. Pipe and heat tape shall be wrapped with electrometric Insul-Tube pipe insulation. All heat tape and insulation to be installed per manufacturers recommendations. 8. Irrigation Controller: The irrigation controller shall be as shown on the irrigation drawings details and specifications. The controller is to be located in the water feature mechanicai vault as shown in the drawings. The 120 VAC electrical service to the controller shall be as shown on the electrical drawings. 215 North Mason Street • 2nd Fluor • F.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 " (970) 221-6775 • Fax (970) 221-6707 www.fcizov.com SECTION 00300 BID FORM PROJECT: Bid 5951 Oak Street Plaza Place I�+- L4Jl t �S , CO Q11111006� Date 1. In compliance with your Invitation to Bid dated Lteem&E,r,7, and subject to all conditions thereof, the undersigned a (Corporation, Limited Liability Company, Partnership, Joint Venture, or Sole Proprietor) authorized to do business in the State of Colorado hereby proposes to furnish and do everything required by the Contract Documents to which this refers for the construction of all items listed on the following Bid Schedule or Bid Schedules. 2. The undersigned Bidder does hereby declare and stipulate that this proposal is made in good faith, without collusion or connection with any other person or persons Bidding for the same Work, and that it is made in pursuance of and subject to all the terms and conditions of the Invitation to Bid and Instructions to Bidders, the Agreement, the detailed Specifications, and the Drawings pertaining to the Work to be done, all of which have been examined by the undersigned. 3. Accompanying this Bid is a certified or cashier's check or standard Bid bond in the sum of j ya ($ ) in accordance with the Invitation To Bid and Instructions to Bidders. 4. The undersigned Bidder agrees to execute the Agreement and a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond for the amount of the total of this Bid within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date when the written notice of the award of the contract is delivered to him at the address given on this Bid. The name and address of the corporate surety with which the Bidder proposes to furnish the specified performance and payment bonds is as follows: DEbEt,;�0646 SiL�r� AMP ��%�.✓tr�, fin., PP Bc�c y69rJXS� I,ktiv���,lA V02yd 5. All the various phases of Work enumerated in the Contract Documents with their individual jobs and overhead, whether specifically mentioned, included by implication or appurtenant thereto, are to be performed by the CONTRACTOR under one of the items listed in the Bid Schedule, irrespective of whether it is named in said list. 6. Payment for Work performed will be in accordance with the Bid Schedule or Bid Schedules subject to changes as provided in the Contract Documents. 7. The undersigned Bidder hereby acknowledges receipt of Addenda No. _through ._. 7/96 Section 00300 Page 1 1.04 INSPECTION A. Provide free access for the Architect/Engineer to locations where concrete materials are stored, proportioned or mixed. Do not place concrete until forming and reinforcing for a given pour has been approved by the Architect/Engineer. B. Provide minimum 24 hours advance notice for inspection to the Architect/Engineer, but ensure that forming and reinforcing are substantially complete at the time of notification. 1.05 TESTING A. Inspection and testing of concrete mix will be performed by an independent testing agent approved by the Architect. Testing fees shall be paid as specified in the General and Supplementary Conditions. B. Provide free access to work and cooperate with the appointed firm. C. Submit proposed concrete mix design to the inspection and testing firm for review prior to commencement of work. D. Field Quality Control Testing: Perform sampling and testing for field quality control during the placement of concrete, as follows: 1. Sampling Fresh Concrete: ASTM C172, except modified for slump to comply with ASTM C94. 2. Slump: ASTM C143; one (1) test for each set of compressive strength test specimens. 3. Air Content: ASTM C231, pressure method, one (1) test each set of compressive test specimens, or when the indication of change requires. 4. Compression Test Specimens: ASTM C31; one (1) set of four (4) standard cylinders for each compressive strength test, unless otherwise directed. 5. Cast and store cylinders for laboratory cured test specimens and field -cured test specimens as specified in ASTM C31. E. Compressive Strength Tests: 1. ASTM C39: One (1) set for each 50 cu. yds. or fraction thereof of each mix design placed in any one day, or for each 5,000 sq. ft. of surface area placed; one (1) specimen tested at seven (7) days, two (2) specimens tested at 28 days, and one (1) specimen retained in reserve for later testing if required. 2. When the frequency of testing will provide less than three (3) strength tests for a given mix design, conduct testing from at least five (5) randomly selected batches or from each batch if fewer than three (3) are used. 3. Report test results in writing to the Owner, Architect, Structural Engineer, Contractor and ready -mix supplier on the same day that tests are made. Reports of compressive strength tests shall contain the project identification name and number, date of concrete placement, name of contractor, name of the concrete supplier and truck number, name of the concrete testing service, concrete type and class, location of concrete batch in the structure, design compressive strength at 28 days, concrete mix proportions and materials, compressive breaking strength and type of break for both 7-day tests and 28-day tests. 4. The testing agency will make additional tests of in -place concrete when test results indicate the specified concrete strengths and characteristics have not been attained in the structure, as directed by the Architect/Engineer. The testing agency shall conduct tests to determine the strength and other characteristics of the in -place concrete by compression tests on cored cylinders complying with ASTM C42, by load testing specified in ACI 318 or other acceptable non-destructive 03300 - 3 0537.02 testing methods, as directed. The Contractor shall pay for this additional testing. F. Slump Test: One (1) slump test will be taken for each set of test cylinders taken. G. Air Entrainment Test: One (1) air entrainment test will be taken for each set of test cylinders taken. H. Test hourly when air temperature is 400 F and below, and when 800 F and above and each time a set of compression test specimens are made. -1.06 EVALUATION OF QUALITY CONTROL TESTING A. Do not use concrete delivered to the final point of placement which has slump or total air content outside the specified values. B. Compressive strength tests for laboratory -cured cylinders will be considered satisfactory if the averages of all sets of three (3) consecutive compressive strength tests results equal or exceed the 28-day design compressive strength of the type or class of concrete and no individual strength test falls below the required compressive strength by more than 500 psi. C.. If the compressive strength tests fail to meet the minimum requirements specified, the concrete represented by such tests will be considered -deficient in strength and subject to additional testing as herein specified or removal and replacement of the concrete which the test represents. 1.07 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Store cement in watertight enclosures and protect against dampness, contamination and warehouse set. B. Stockpile aggregates to prevent excessive segregation or contamination with other materials or other sizes of aggregates. Use only one (1) supply source for each aggregate stockpile. C. Store admixtures to prevent contamination, evaporation or damage. Protect liquid admixtures from freezing or harmful temperature ranges. D. Allow a maximum of 90 minutes between the time water is added and the time the concrete is completely placed. 1.08 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS A. Environmental Requirements: 1. Do not place concrete during rain, sleet or snow, unless adequate protection is provided. Do not allow rainwater to increase the mixing water or damage the surface finish. B. Cold Weather Concreting: 1. Refer to ACI 306, 'Recommended Practice for Cold Weather Concreting'. 2. Temperature of concrete when placed shall not be less than the following: Minimum Concrete Temp. Degrees Air Temp. F Section with Least Dimension Degrees F Under 12" 12" and Over 30 to 45 60 50 0 to 30 65 55 Below 0 70 60 03300 - 4 0537.02 3. When placed, heated concrete shall not be warmer than 80' F. 4. Prior to placing concrete, all ice, snow, surface and subsurface frost shall be removed and the temperature of the surfaces to be in contact with the new concrete shall be raised above 350 F. 5. Protect the concrete from freezing during specified curing period. 6. Heated enclosures shall be strong and windproof to ensure adequate protection of corners, edges and thin sections. Do not permit heating units to locally heat or dry the concrete. Do not use combustion heaters during the first 24 hours, unless the concrete is protected from exposure to exhaust gases which contain carbon dioxide. C. Hot Weather Concreting: 1. Refer to ACI 305, "Recommended Practice for Hot Weather Concreting'. 2. Take precautions when the ambient air temperature is 900 F or above. Temperature of concrete when placed shall not exceed 850 F. 3. Cool forms and reinforcing to a maximum of 900 F by spraying with water prior to placing concrete. 4. Do not use cement that has reached a temperature of 2700 F or more. 5. Do not place concrete when the evaporation rate (actual or anticipated) equals or exceeds 0.20 pounds per sq. ft. per hour. 6. Approved set -retarding and water -reducing admixtures may be used with the Architect/Engineer's approval when ambient air temperature is 900 F or above to offset the accelerating effects of high temperatures. PART PRODUCTS 2.01 CONCRETE MATERIALS A. Portland Cement: ASTM C150, Type II. Use only one (1) brand of cement in any individual structure. B. Fine Aggregate: Clean, sharp, natural sand conforming to ASTM C33. C. Coarse Aggregate for Normal Weight Concrete: Clean, strong crushed gravel or stone conforming to ASTM C33. Gradation shall be as specified under concrete mixes. D. Water: Clean, fresh potable supply, free from oil, acid, alkali, organic materials or other deleterious substances. E. Admixtures: Use only when specified or approved by the Architect/Engineer. 1. Air -Entraining Agent: ASTM C260, manufactured by Master Builders MBVR, Sika AER, Grace Darex AEA, Protex, or equal. 2. Non -Chloride Accelerator: ASTM C494, Type C or E. 3. Retarder: ASTM C494, Type B or D. 4. Water Reducer: ASTM C494, Type A, manufactured by Master Builders Pozzo-Lith, Grace WRDA, Protex PDA 25XL, Sika Plastocrete, or equal. 5. Fly Ash: ASTM C618, Class C or F. 6. Calcium chloride or admixtures containing calcium chloride are specifically prohibited. 7. Fiber Reinforcing: Refer to Section 03200 and paragraph 3.02 of this Section. 03300 - 5 0537.02 2.02 NON -SHRINK GROUT A. Provide premixed, factory -packaged non -shrink, non-metallic grouting compounds specified in Section 05120. 2.03 CONCRETE BONDING AGENTS A. Provide an aqueous phase, film forming, freeze -thaw resistant compound suitable for brush or spray application, complying with Military Specification MIL-B-19235. — 1. Chem Master Polyweld, Grace Daraweld-PBA, Larson Weldcrete, Euclid Eucoweld, Protex Prowetd-D, or equal. B. Provide a two -component all-purpose epoxy bonding agent for structural repair or — corrections. 1. Protex Probond ET-150, Sika Colma-Dur, or equal. 2.04 CONCRETE ACCESSORIES A. Expansion and Isolation Joint Filters: Refer to Section 03100. B. Fiber Reinforcing: Polypropylene fiber reinforcing, specified in Section 03200. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION AND COORDINATION — A. Notify any trades that may have items to be embedded in concrete, or that may require openings in concrete, of placing schedule. Coordinate work to avoid cutting of concrete and to avoid delays in the work. This work may include, but is not limited to: 1. Site furnishings. 2. Fencing. 3. Bicycle racks and lockers. 4. Concrete reinforcing. 5. Structural steel. 6. Electrical work specified in Division 16. B. Surfaces shall be true to line and grade and free from loose earth, frost, ice, mud and standing or running water. Protect bottom of excavation against freezing. Do not deposit — concrete against frozen ground. C. Make all preparations required for protection of concrete during placing and curing under detrimental. weather conditions. — D. Notify the Architect/Engineer at least 48 hours prior to placing of any concrete. Do not deposit any concrete before the Architect/Engineer has observed reinforcement and other work in place and given permission to proceed. Such inspection and permission to proceed — shall in no way relieve the Contractor of full responsibility for proper placement of reinforcement and placing of concrete and of responsibility for adherence to other requirements of the Construction Documents. - E. Form and install concrete work in accordance with ACI 301, except as amended by this Section. Concrete formwork shall be as specified in Section 03100. F. Site preparation and compaction of existing and/or imported fill materials shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Soils Investigation Report and Section 02225. If the foundation structure design shown on the Drawings and/or specified will not strictly 03300 - 6 0537.02 conform to this requirement, advise the Architect/Engineer before proceeding with work of this Section. G. Ensure that form inserts for all exposed edges and corners requiring chamfers are properly placed, as specified in Section 03100. H. Ensure that sleeves and other site items to be installed under concrete work are properly located and installed, as specified in other Sections. I. Smoothing and Resurfacing Coating: All surfaces in contact with coating shall be free of dirt, oil, grease, laitance and other contaminants. J. Patterned Concrete Slab -on -Grade: Do not begin concrete work until all operations are complete enough to allow placement to be carried on as a continuous operation for the entire section that is to be placed. 3.02 DESIGN MIXES A. Concrete mixes shall be as itemized on the Drawings or specified herein for specific locations. B. Concrete which does not meet the minimum requirements for strength at 28 days shall be reviewed and is subject to removal at the option of the Architect/Engineer. C. Proportion normal weight concrete in accordance with ACI 211.1. Concrete for all parts of the work shall be of the specified quality, capable of being placed without excessive segregation and, when hardened, of developing all characteristics required by these Specifications and the Contract Documents. Proportion ingredients to produce a mixture which will work readily into the corners and angles of the forms and around reinforcements by the methods of placing and consolidation employed on the work. D. Design mixes shall be made and reported by an approved testing laboratory for each class of concrete, at the Contractor's expense. E. Design mixes shall contain all admixtures required by these specifications and/or proposed by the Contractor to be used in concrete. F. Proportion concrete design mixes so that compressive strength of laboratory -cured cylinders will be at least 15% greater than minimum specified strength. Refer to paragraph 1.05 for testing requirements. G. Concrete Mixes: 1. Class I: For piers and caissons, 4,000 psi (minimum), 5.5 sacks of Type II cement/cubic yard (minimum), maximum aggregate size 3/4", 3" to 5 slump. Air entrained 5% to 7%. No fly ash substitution. H. In lieu of designing new mixes for this project, existing mix designs meeting all requirements specified for each concrete mix and used successfully on previous projects under conditions similar to those anticipated on this project may be used, providing the following are submitted for the Architect/Engineer's approval for each class of concrete: 1. Reports of concrete mix design and test results. 2. Reports of sufficient consecutive sets of 7- and 28-day concrete strength test made during the last six (6) months and the calculations of standard deviation for these tests. 3. Reports of compliance tests of fine and coarse aggregates made during the last six (6) months. 4. Mix submittals and required statistical strengths shall be in accordance with ACI 301. I. Concrete Reinforcing: Refer to Section 03200. Y 0537.02 03300 - 7 z 3.C' '01`11CRETE BATCHING AND MIXING A. Ready -mixed batch plant equipment and facilities must comply with the requirements of ACI 614 and ASTM C94. The plant must have sufficient capacity to produce and deliver concrete of specified qualities in quantities required to meet the construction schedule. B. Site -mixed concrete will not be permitted. Measure, mix and deliver concrete in — accordance with ASTM C94, except as specified herein. C. All concrete not placed within 90 minutes of initial contact of cement and water shall be rejected. — D. Indiscriminate addition of water to increase slump is prohibited. Obtain the Archi- tect/Engineer's approval for any addition of water. Do not exceed the maximum permissible water/cement ratio or maximum slump under any circumstances. — 3.04 PREPARATION OF INSERTS, EMBEDDED ITEMS AND OPENINGS A. Provide formed openings where required for pipes, conduits, sleeves and other work to be embedded in and passing through concrete members. B. Coordinate work of other Sections and cooperate with trades involved' in forming and — setting openings, slots, recesses, chases, sleeves, bolts, anchors and other -inserts. C. Accurately position and securely fasten all anchor bolts, castings, steel shapes, conduit, sleeves, masonry anchorages and other materials to be embedded in the concrete. — D. Install conduits between reinforcing steel in walls or slabs with reinforcing in both faces and below reinforcing in slabs with only one (1) layer of reinforcing steel. E. Embedments shall be clean when installed. Remove concrete spatter from all surfaces not — in contact with concrete. 3.05 PLACING CONCRETE A. Transit -mixed concrete shall be truck -mixed in accordance with "Specification for Ready - Mixed Concrete", ASTM C94-67. — B. Concrete shall have a temperature of 700 F ± 200 F at the time of placing, unless prior permission has been granted in writing by the Architect/Engineer to exceed these tolerances. — C. Transport the concrete from mixer to final position as rapidly as practical without segregation, contamination or loss of material. Maximum not -to -exceed from introduction of water to placement of concrete is 90 minutes. Place concrete in forms with drop — chutes, baffles or other methods which will prevent segregation. Comply with the requirements of ACI 614. 1. Contractor shall assess the placement requirements of the site, construction staging and other factors, and provide concrete pumping equipment for concrete placement as may be necessary, at no additional cost to the Owner. D. Concrete foundation structures shall be placed on undisturbed, clean surfaces free from — frost, ice, mud, standing or running water. E. Ensure that hardened concrete, wood chips, shavings and other debris have been removed from the interior of the forms and all hardened concrete and foreign materials have been removed from the inner surfaces of the mixing and conveying equipment. Forms shalt be wetted, oiled or treated with an approved form -coating material prior to placing concrete. Reinforcement shall be cleaned, secured in position, inspected and approved by the Architect/Engineer before starting the pouring of concrete. 03300 - 8 0537.02 r..•ncrete shall be deposited in the forms as nearly as practical in its final position so as to a,aidrehandling. Special care shall be exercised to prevent splashing the forms or reinforcement with concrete in advance of pouring. G. Place concrete in horizontal layers not more than 24" thick, unless otherwise required by specific conditions of the work, i.e., round, tubular fiber -formed columns. Place successive layers at such speed so that the preceding layer is still plastic. H. Immediately after depositing, the concrete shalt be compacted to force out all air pockets, working the mixture into corners, around reinforcement and inserts to prevent Lhe formation of voids. Consolidate concrete by vibration, spading or rodding. Do not over -vibrate or use vibrators to transport concrete. Insert and withdraw vibrators vertically at uniformly spaced locations not farther apart than the visible effectiveness of the machine. Do not insert vibrators into lower layers of concrete that have begun to set. 1. Mechanical vibrators need not be used for thrust restraints. 2. When vibrating is not practical, concrete shall be consolidated and all faces well spaced by continuous working with a suitable tool in a manner acceptable to the Architect/Engineer. 3.06 TOLERANCES A. Maintain the following tolerances for all cast -in -place concrete work. Defective work shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor's expense. 1. Variation from Plumb: a. 0-10% 1 /4" maximum. b. 20' or more: 3/8" maximum. 2. Variation in Thickness: 1 /4" to 1 /2" standard, 5% for footings. 3. Variation in Grade: a. 0-10': 1 /4" standard, 1 /8" for floor slabs. b. 10-20': 3/8" standard, 1 /4" for floor slabs. C. 40' or more: 3/4" standard, 3/8" for floor slabs. 4. Variation in Plan: a. 0-20% 1 /2". b. 49 or more: 3/4" standard, +1 /2" for footings. 5. Variation in Eccentricity: 2% for footings. 6. Variation in Openings: a. Size: b. Location: 1 /4". B. Slab Tolerances: 1. Interior Floor Slabs: 1 /8" in 10'. 2. Exterior Sidewalks, Slabs and Ramps: 1 /4" in 10'. 3.07 CURING AND PROTECTION A. General: Protect freshly placed concrete from premature drying and excessive cold or hot temperatures and maintain without drying at a relatively constant temperature for a period of time necessary for hydration of cement and proper hardening. B. Refer to Section 03100 for stripping and removal of formwork after curing. C. Refer to the manufacturer's written instructions and recommendations for curing of concrete slabs -on -grade to receive stains, sealers or other special finishes. 03300 - 9 0537.02 A D. Start curing immediately after finishing. Cure for at least seven (7) days, not necessarily consecutive, during which air temperature surrounding concrete is above 500 F. Wood forms shall be kept wet. If forms are removed during curing period, an approved curing _ method must be started immediately. E. Cure slabs by approved moisture -retaining coverings, lapped and seated, and kept continuously wet. Approved curing compounds may be used if compatible with specified — finishes. Specific approval is required from the Architect/Engineer. Curing compounds shall be applied in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. F. Contractor shall be responsible for protection of freshly placed concrete from vandalism, — accidental damage by workmen or equipment, or damage resulting from subgrade settlement or subsequent construction traffic. Take adequate precautions to restrict traffic in the area of fresh concrete during the curing period. Damaged concrete shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor at the Owner's discretion. G. Comply with the requirements of ACI 305 when hot weather conditions exist. Temperature of concrete when placed shall be less than 901 F. When necessary to prevent — premature drying, arrangements for installation of windbreaks, shading, fog spraying, sprinkling, ponding or a wet covering of light color shall be made in advance of placement, and such protective measures shall be taken as quickly as concrete hardening and finishing — operations will allow. H. Comply with the requirements of ACI 306 when cold weather conditions exist. When atmospheric temperature is 400 F and below, maintain concrete temperature at not less than 500 F for at least six (6) days. When necessary, make arrangements before concrete placing for heating, covering insulation or housing as required to maintain specified temperature and moisture conditions without injury due to concentration of heat. — 1. Maintain protective cover on concrete so that changes in temperatures of concrete shall be as uniform as possible and shall not exceed 5° F in any one (1) hour or 50' F in any 24- hour period. — 3.08 MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE APPLICATIONS A. Equipment Bases and Foundations: Provide machine and equipment bases and foundations as shown on the Drawings or required by the work. Set anchor bolts for machines and equipment to template at correct elevations. Comply with certified diagrams or templates of the manufacturer furnishing machines and equipment. Items include but are not limited to: 1. Pumps and tanks. 2. Electrical transformers. Coordinate sizes of transformer bases and other equipment with the governmental agency or utility having jurisdiction. 3.09 APPLICATION OF SMOOTHING AND RESURFACING COATING A. General: Prepare surfaces to receive coating per manufacturers requirements and — recommendations. 1. Surfaces shall be free of dirt, oil, grease, laitance and other contaminants. 2. Remove unsound concrete to ensure a good bond. — 3. Mechanically abrade smooth, dense surfaces to provide necessary bonding. 4. Moisten area prior to application. 5. Maintain contact areas between 400 F and 900 F prior to repair and during initial curing period. 03300 - 10 0537.02 ✓- B. Mixing: Use a mechanical mixer with rotating blades on low rpm for 3-5 minutes to achieve desired consistency. C. Placing: Place material consistently without multiple layers, using a putty knife, trowel or sponge float. 1. Apply in applications from feather edge to 1 /8" thickness. 2. For areas greater than 1 /8" thick, apply U. S. Spec Quickset 20 to within 1 / 16" of final repair, then apply finish coat. D. Finishing: Follow standard ACI curing practices. 3.10 DEFECTIVE CONCRETE A. Remove and replace defective concrete not conforming to required line, detail and elevation as directed by the Architect/Engineer. B. Repair or replace concrete not properly placed resulting in excessive honeycombing and other defects. Do not patch, repair or replace exposed architectural concrete, except upon express direction of the Architect. C. Concrete damaged after placement shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor at the Owner's discretion. 3.11 PATCHING AND POINTING A. Patch and point all vertical and horizontal formed concrete surfaces where exposed to view, as defined in paragraph 3.07. B. Fill holes and openings left in concrete structures for passage of work by other trades, unless otherwise shown or directed, after such work is in place. C. Mix, place and cure concrete to blend with in -place construction. D. Provide other miscellaneous concrete filling shown or required to complete the work. 3.12 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Exposed cast -in -place concrete work shall be subject to evaluation to the satisfaction of the Architect, including but not limited to, the following characteristics: 1. Tolerances specified in paragraph 3.06. 2. Joint materials and placement. 3. Surfaces of fiber formed architectural columns. B. Power wash, or clean by other acceptable means, all dampproofing or waterproofing overspray or other surface visual defect. END OF SECTION 0537.02 03300 - 11 SECTION 05120 STRUCTURAL STEEL PART GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. Furnish, fabricate and erect all structural steel framing, including columns, canopies, bracing and other framing members. B. Furnish and fabricate items to be imbedded in concrete or masonry such as anchor bolts, angles or plates for attachment of structural steel and other work. C. Furnish, fabricate and install miscellaneous non-structural steel items, such as caps and cover plates, unless arranged for otherwise. D. Repair and/or reinforce existing structural steel members as indicated on the Drawings. E. Related work specified elsewhere: 1. Section 01450; Quality Control and Testing. 2. Section 03300, Cast -in -Place Concrete. 3. Section 05999, Miscellaneous Metals. 4. Section 09900, Painting. 1.02 RELATED WORK FURNISHED BY OTHERS A. Electrical light fixtures, outlets and wiring attached to and concealed by steel fabrications. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Reference Standards: Comply with the following codes and standards, except as otherwise shown or specified: 1. AISC: Specifications for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings. 2. AISC: Manual of Steel Construction. 3. AISC: Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges. Make the following modifications to the AISC Code of Standard Practice. a. Delete Paragraph 3.3. Substitute the following: All things which, in the opinion of the Contractor, appear to be deficiencies, omissions, contradictions or ambiguities in the Contract Documents shall be brought to the attention of the Architect/Engineer. The Contract Documents will be corrected or a written interpretation of the alleged deficiency, omission, contradiction or ambiguity will be made by the Architect/Engineer before the affected work proceeds. b. Delete Paragraph 4.2.1. Substitute the following: Approval by the Owner and/or Architect of Shop Drawings prepared by the Fabricator indicates that the Fabricator has correctly interpreted the contract requirements. Approval does not relieve the Fabricator of the responsibility for accuracy of dimensions on Shop Drawings, nor the general fit -up of parts to be assembled in the field. Approval does not relieve the Fabricator of design responsibility for any connections designed or modified as part of the 05120 - 1 0537.02 Bid 5951 Oak Street Plaza ADDENDUM 3 REVISED BID SCHEDULE B. BID SCHEDULE (Base Bid) LUMP SUM $ �59�• 00 (- t In words: 1VJ� �jiy�(¢p &Ei7 /✓&� /< 1AVk$,W-0 //IWZV'-'O & f Ts�Dollars UNIT PRICES For additions or deletions to the Contract, the following'unit prices shall be applicable for the specific items listed. Prices shall be complete, in place including materials and installation, i.e., fittings, etc. and anything incidental to the proper installation as specified. A. The Contractor agrees that for requested and/or required changes in the scope of work, the Contract Sum shall be adjusted in accordance with the following unit prices, where the Owner elects to use this method of determining costs. B. The Contractor is advised that the unit prices will enter into the determination of the successful bidder. Unreasonable prices may result in rejection of the entire bid proposal. Unit prices listed below refer to all items installed and completely in place. C. Unit prices for irrigation shall include pipe, fittings, valves, concrete thrust block and stabilizers and any other items shown on the Drawings, as described in the Specifications or recommended by the manufacturer as part of the installation. D. The unit prices quoted by the Contractor shall be those unit prices that will be charged or credited for labor and materials to be provided regardless of the total number of units and/or amount of labor required for added or deleted items of work. UNIT PRICE ITEM UNIT PRICE Demolition A. Demolition of 6-Inch Concrete Slab B. Demolition of City Curb and Gutter C. Unclassified Excavation D. Reconditioning Subgrade E. Sawcutting Utilities F. Storm Inlets G. 2-Inch PVC Sewer Pipe H. 12-Inch Storm Sewer Curb Inlet $ Q, TI Square Foot $ /60s -/ Linear Foot $ �j • �q�t� Cubic Yard $ 55• f / Cubic Yard $ Linear Foot $ ;736.00 $ 60• S Z $ 3$13.5 7 Each Linear Foot Each preparation of shop drawings. — 4. AISC: Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts Approved by the Research Council on Riveted and Bolted Structural Joints of the Engineering Foundation. 5. AWS: Code for Welding in Building Construction. 6. ASTM A36: Structural Steel. 7. ASTM A307: Low -Carbon Steel Externally and Internally Threaded Fasteners. 8. ASTM A325: High -Strength Bolts for Structural Steel Joints. 9. ASTM A500-13: Cold -Formed Welded and Seamless Structural Steel. 10. ASTM A572-50: High -Strength, Low -Alloy Columbium Vanadium Structural Steel. 11. FS TT-P-31: Iron Oxide, Ready Mix, red and brown. 12. ASTM A525: Sheet Steel, Zinc -Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot -Dipped Process. B. Fabricator Qualifications: Experienced in fabrication of structural steel for projects of similar size and complexity. C. Welding Qualifications: Welding shall be performed only by welders or welding operators — currently certified in accordance with the AWS Code to perform the type of welding involved. 1. All welders shall have evidence of current certification. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Specifications: Submit manufacturer's specifications and installation instructions showing compliance with the specifications for filler metal for welding, shop paint and grout. B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings, including job standards for shop and field connections, anchor bolt and base plate plans, erection drawings for framing, and detail drawings of ail structural members. 1. Erection drawings shall show all necessary erection details, location, type and size of all bolts and welds, clearly distinguishing between shop and field bolts and welds. 2. Indicate all joints and attachments between the work of this Section and the work specified in Section 05999. 3. Connector plate drawings shall show each plate type or condition to scale, with anchor bolt placement. C. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings of any miscellaneous or specialty metal fabrications not submitted under separate Sections. 1.05 TESTING A. Testing and inspection of shop and field welding shall be as specified in Section 01410. 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Materials to be Installed by Others: Deliver anchor bolts and other anchorage devices which are embedded in cast -in -place concrete to the project site in time to be installed before the start of cast -in -place concrete operations. Provide setting drawings, templates and directions for installation of anchor bolts and other devices. B. Handle members in a manner to prevent damage, distortion or abrasion of shop paint. Repair or replace damaged materials, members or structures as directed by the Architect/ Engineer. 05120 - 2 0537.02 C. Storage of Structural Steel: Structural steel members stored at the project site shall be above ground on platforms, skids or other supports and stored upright to prevent twisting. Protect steel from corrosion. Store other materials in a weathertight and dry place until ready for use. Store packaged materials in their original, unbroken package or container. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 STRUCTURAL STEEL SHAPES A. Structural Steel: Conform to ASTM A36. B. Rolled Steel Shapes: Comply with ASTM A572-50. C. Structural Tubular Steel: Square, cold -rolled steel tubing, fully welded constructions. Comply with ASTM A500, Grade B. D. Structural Steel Pipe: Comply with ASTM A53, Grade B. E. Solid Steel Bars and Plates: Comply with ASTM A36-81 a. 2.02 FASTENERS AND ANCHORS A. Unfinished threaded fasteners shall be regular low -carbon steel bolts and nuts complying with ASTM A307, Grade A. B. High -strength threaded fasteners shall be heavy hexagonal structural bolts and nuts and hardened washers complying with ASTM A325 or ASTM A490. C. Electrodes for manual shielded and metal arc welding shall be covered mild steel electrodes conforming to the AWS Code and ASTM A233, Series E-70. 2.03 PRIMER AND PAINT A. Shop Paint: Provide paint conforming to FS TT-P-636, manufacturer's standard red. Field touch-up paint shall be the same as shop paint. B. Asphaltic Paint: Provide an asphaltic base paint for all surfaces below grade and for all members exposed in crawlspaces, and all exterior members to be in contact with concrete, or as shown on the Drawings. 1. Sonneborn Hydrocide Semi -Mastic. C. Bus shelter, light fixtures and street sign to be prepared as noted below. 2.04 POWDER COAT FINISH A. Surface Preparation: "Commercial Blast Cleaning', SP-6. 2.05 NON -SHRINK GROUT A. Provide factory -packaged non -shrink non-metallic flowable grout where shown on the Drawings, manufactured by Embeco, Five Star or equal. 1. One (1) day compressive strength of 5,000 psi minimum. 05120 - 3 0537.02 _.I FART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Contractor shall check all lines and levels and verify existing conditions prior to commencing work of this Section. Notify the Architect/Engineer in writing of any discrepancies or conditions which may affect the successful installation of the structural steel work. Do not begin work until conditions are corrected in a manner acceptable to the Erector. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Contractor shall be responsible for checking all dimensions, elevations and assuring fit of structural steel members prior to commencing erection. B. Prior to start of erection of the steel, verify the location of embedded anchor bolts and — report deviations from the anchor bolt setting plan to the General Contractor in writing. C. Make provision for erection loads and for sufficient temporary bracing to maintain structure safe, plumb and in true alignment until completion of erection. 3.03 PREPARATION FOR STRUCTURAL MODIFICATIONS A. Contractor shall be responsible for checking all dimensions, elevations and assuring fit of structural steel members prior to commencing installation. B. Field welding as a part of this work shall only be allowed where specifically approved by the Architect/Engineer. 1. Contractor shall be responsible for the repair or replacement of any existing construction damaged or destroyed by this work at no additional cost to the Owner. 2. Protect adjacent materials or areas below from damage due to weld splatter or sparks during field welding. 3.04 FABRICATION OF STRUCTURAL STEEL A. General: Structural steel shall be detailed and fabricated in accordance with the referenced codes, AISC Specifications and standards and in compliance with the final approved shop drawings. Provide camber in structural members as shown. B. Shop -fabricate and assemble in complete components for delivery and erection on the site. C. Coordinate fabrication and delivery sequence to expedite erection and minimize field _ handling of materials. Plates and anchor bolts to be built into concrete work shall be shipped loose. D. Cutting and Fitting: Perform necessary cutting, fitting and drilling for the accommodation — of other trades. Secure correct information for same, both before and after steel is delivered. Cutting or drilling wilt not be permitted on the job without the approval of the Architect/Engineer. — E. Steel to be Exposed in Finished Structure: All steel canopies, connector plates, beams, columns and other items to be exposed in the completed work shall be fabricated and cut square, true and uniform, with uneven, rough or abraded edges sanded smooth prior to powder coating. 05120 - 4 0537.02 3.05 SHOP AND FIELD CONNECTIONS A. Weld or bolt shop connections, unless otherwise shown. Bolt field connections, except where welded connections are shown or specified. 1. All welds exposed to view are to be "Architectural Grade", sanded smooth. B. Finish work in accordance with the approved shop drawings. Work shall be true and free from twists, kinks, buckles, open joints and other defects. 3.06 POWDER COATING A. After fabrication, remove all loose scale, rust, weld slag or flux deposit, oil, grease, dirt or other foreign materials. Clean to meet SP-6 "Commercial Blast Cleaning" requirements. B. Apply one (1) coat of powder coating to all steel, except as specified herein. Dry film thickness shall not be less than 2 mils. 3.07 ERECTION OF STRUCTURAL STEEL A. General: Erect steel in accordance with AISC Specifications and Code of Standard Practice and other specified requirements, including. special provision of CSHA and COSH. B. Erection equipment shall be of adequate capacity to perform all work safely. C. Maintain work in safe and stable condition during erection. Provide temporary shoring and bracing as required. D. Clean bearing and other surfaces which will be in permanent contact before assembly. 1. Allowable Tolerances: Comply with requirements of AISC Code of Standard Practice. Leveling and plumbing shall be based on a mean temperature of 700 F. Compensate for difference in temperature at time of erection. E. Set loose and attached base plates and bearing plates on steel wedges or on other adjustable devices. Tighten anchor bolts after the supporting members have been positioned and plumbed. Do not remove wedges or shims. F. Ream holes that must be enlarged to admit bolts. Do not use gas cutting torches in the field for correcting fabrication errors. All gas cutting must have prior approval of the Engineer. G. Field Modifications: Written approval of the Architect/Engineer must be obtained before using cutting torch for field modification or refabrication of structural steel. Contractor shall be responsible for errors in fabrication and for correct fit in the field. 3.08 FIELD PAINTING A. Paint only when ambient air temperature is above 40' F. Surfaces to be painted shall be free of rust, oil, dirt and mud. Immediately after erection, touch-up field welds, bolted connections and abrasions of the shop coat. B. Apply asphaltic paint to portions of columns, including base plate that will be below grade or top of slab -on -grade, and to all connections or other surfaces exposed in crawlspaces or to be in contact with concrete in exterior applications. C. Refer to Section 09901, Powder Coating, for field finishing of exposed steel surfaces. 05120 - 5 0537.02 3 09 P+_ACEMENT OF NON -SHRINK GROUT A. Inspect surfaces prior to placement of grout. Check for cleanliness and proper placement — and installation of steel work to be in general conformance with the Drawings. B. Thoroughly mix grout ingredients in quantities needed for immediate use. Follow manufacturer's printed instructions. _ C. Place in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions. Pack grout solid taking care that there are no voids. Refrain from tightening anchor bolts until grout has set and cured. — 3.10 CLEANING A. Clean all steel surfaces in preparation for field finishing. — 3.11 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL — A. Shop- and field -welding of exposed structural steel members shall be subject to evaluation to the satisfaction' of the Architect, including but not limited to, the following — characteristics: 1. Alignment of members. 2. Flushness and plumb of adjacent members. — 3. Quality and appearance of finished welds. END OF SECTION 05120 - b 0537.02 SECTION 05999 MISCELLANEOUS METALS PART GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. Furnish and install miscellaneous fabricated items of ferrous and non-ferrous metals as shown on the Drawings, including but not limited to: 1. Pipe bollards. 2. Miscellaneous steel channels, angles, lintels, and straps, if not furnished by other Sections. B. Related work specified elsewhere: 1. Section 05120, Structural Steel. 2. Section 09900, Painting. 1.02 WORK FURNISHED BUT INSTALLED BY OTHERS A. Section 02520, Portland Cement Paving: Metal fabrications cast in concrete. B. Section 03300, Cast -in -Place Concrete: Metal fabrications cast in concrete. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Reference Standards: Conform to requirements of the following standards and codes: 1. ASTM A36: Structural Steel. 2. ASTM A307: Low -Carbon Steel Externally and Internally Threaded Fasteners. 3. ASTM A325: High -Strength Bolts for Structural Steel Joints. 4. AWS D1.1: Structural Welding Code. 5. FS TT-P-86: Paint, Red -Lead Base, Ready Mixed. 6. FS TT-P-645: Primer, Paint, Zinc -Chromate, Alkyd Type. 7. Uniform Building Code, current edition. 1.04 DESIGN CRITERIA A. Handrail and guardrail components shall be fabricated and installed to meet all current building code requirements, whether detailed on the Drawings or not, including but not limited to: 1. Railing extensions at the top and bottom of stair runs. 2. Railing returns to walls. 3. Uninterrupted grip on railings. 4. Spacing between handrail and guardrail components. 5. Height of handrails and guardrails. B. Installed railing systems shall resist minimum lateral force of 50 lbs. per foot at top member, without permanent set or damage to members or anchors. 05999 - 1 0537.02 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's written product literature for any miscellaneous or specialty metal fabrications not submitted under separate Sections. B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings of any miscellaneous or specialty metal fabrications not submitted under separate Sections. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 STEEL MATERIALS A. Structural Steel: Conform to ASTM A36. 1. Bolts, Nuts and Washers: High -strength type recommended for structural steel joints, ASTM A307. 2. Welding Materials: Applicable AWS D1.1, type required for materials being welded. 3. Primer: Zinc -chromate alkyd FS TT-P-645. B. Structural Tubular Steel: Square, cold -rolled steel tubing, fully welded construction. Conform to ASTM A500, Grade B. C. Structural Steel Pipe: Comply with ASTM A53, Grade B. — 2.02 FABRICATION A. Shop -fabricate and assemble items in largest practical components for delivery and installation on the site. Extent of shop assembly shall be as approved in the shop drawings. B. Fabricate items with joints neatly fitted and properly secured. C. Grind exposed welds smooth and flush with adjacent finished surfaces. 1. All welds exposed to view to be "Architectural Grade". D. Supply components required for proper anchorage of metal fabrications. Fabricate anchorage and related components of same material and finish as metal fabrication, unless otherwise specified. E. Thoroughly clean surfaces of rust, scale, grease and foreign matter prior to prime painting. F. Prime paint items for field finishing as specified in Section 09900. Do not shop -prime surfaces in contact with concrete or requiring field welding. Shop -prime in one (1) coat. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Contractor shall check all lines and levels and verify existing conditions prior to commencing work of this Section. Notify Architect/Engineer of any discrepancies or conditions which may affect the successful installation of the work. Do not begin work until such conditions are corrected in a manner acceptable to the Installer. B. Contractor shall field verify all dimensions affecting the work of this Section and coordinate fit and installation details with related trades prior to fabrication. 05999 - 2 0537.02 C. Ensure that items required to be cast into concrete or embedded in masonry are supplied to the site prior to concrete or masonry work, complete with necessary setting templates. D. Ensure that ferrous metal surfaces have been properly painted where in contact with aluminum or other dissimilar metals as required to prevent electrolysis. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. General: Install prefabricated items in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions and recommendations. Install items square and level, accurately fitted and free from distortion. B. Make provision for erection stresses by temporary bracing. Keep work in alignment. C. Replace items damaged in course of installation. D. Perform field welding in accordance with AWS D1.1. PART 4 SCHEDULES 4.01 SCHEDULE OF MISCELLANEOUS METALS A. Pit Ladders: As detailed on the Drawings. B. Miscellaneous Steel Channels, Angles, Lintels and Straps: Furnish under this Section, unless arranged for otherwise. END OF SECTION 05999 - 3 0537.02 SECTION 07150 DAMPPROOFING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. Prepare and prime surfaces to receive dampproofing. B. Furnish and apply bituminous dampproofing to all below -grade concrete wall surfaces adjacent to earthen backfill, including but not limited to the following locations: 1. Below -grade surfaces of concrete retaining walls. 2. Other areas where shown on the Drawings, or required by project conditions. C. Seal joints and protrusions through dampproofing. D. Furnish and install protection material over applied dampproofing. E. Related work specified elsewhere: 1. Section 03360, Cast -in -Place Concrete. 2. Section 07180, Water Repellant Sealers. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Reference Standards: Conform to the current requirements and recommendations of applicable portions of standards, codes and specifications, except where more stringent requirements are shown or specified. 1. Mastic: FS SS-C-00153C Type 1, Class B; ASTM D2822-75, Type 1. 2. Semi -Mastic: FS SS-A-694D; ASTM D2823-75. 3. Liquid or Spray -Applied: FS SS-A-694D; ASTM D2823, Type 1. f 4. Fiber -Free: FS SS-A-701 B. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's written product literature and instructions for proper application. 1.04 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS A. Weather Conditions: Comply with manufacturer's requirements and recommendations for the application and curing of the dampproofing materials. B. Do not apply bituminous dampproofing materials unless ambient air temperature is above 400 F. 1.05 WARRANTIES A. Provide manufacturer's standard one-year warranty covering defects in material performance. 07150 - 1 0537.02 PART PRODUCTS 2.01 BITUMINOUS DAMPPROOFING MATERIALS A. General: Provide types and product selections indicated for bituminous dampproofing or, where not otherwise indicated, provide type recommended specifically by manufacturer for application indicated. 1. Spray -on, liquid form where substrate is smooth. 2. Semi -mastic form where substrate is textured or porous. 3. Heavy -mastic form where substrate is coarse, very porous or with deep joints or cracks. 4. Other special-purpose form as indicated. — B. Dampproofing: ASTM D1227 Type I and FS-R-1981 Type I multi -purpose, cold -applied dampproofing, solvent -base, clay emulsion with fibers. Provide brush -on or trowel type, 1 /8" thick minimum. _ 1. Approved Product and Manufacturer: Hydrocide Series by Sonneborn Building Products, Minneapolis, MN, (612) 835-3434. 2. Manufacturers providing materials of same function and performance are acceptable. C. Protective Fabric: Roll roofing type, minimum 30 lbs. per square or polyethylene film type, minimum 6 mil thickness. D. Protection Material: 1 /4" protection board, Celotex or equal. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 SURFACE PREPARATION A. Ensure that surfaces to receive dampproofing materials are fully cured, dry and free from frost, oil, grease, form release agents, curing compounds, laitance and loose materials detrimental to adhesion and monolithic application of dampproofing. B. Remove loose materials and foreign matter with scraper, wire brush or other recommended method. Remove grease or oil with solvent, effective alkaline cleaner or detergent. If solvents are used, follow with an application of alkaline cleaner or detergent and scrub surfaces clean with water. 3.02 APPLICATION OF DAMPPROOFING MATERIALS A. General: Apply dampproofing in accordance with the manufacturers written instructions and recommendations. Apply in one (1) continuous and uniform coat. B. Application Rate: 1. Liquid Form: 1.0 gal. per 30-35 sq. ft. of surface. _ 2. Semi -Mastic Form: 1 /8" wet film; 8-9 gal. per 100 sq. ft. of surface. C. Coverage: Apply from 2" below finished grade, down to one of the following, as required for the particular application or as shown on the Drawings. 1. Bottom of grade beam or footing for slab -on -grade or retaining wall applications. D. Seal construction joints occurring below grade, including joints between concrete walls, footings and floor slabs. Ensure that coating is continuous and free from breaks and pinholes. Form cover at junctions of horizontal and vertical surfaces for drainage away from the structure. 07150 - 2 0537.02 Paving and Wall I. 6-Inch City Curb and Gutter S / Linear Foot p✓:5, J. Concrete Header - 6" wide by 18" deep ! $ /, /` Linear Foot K. Integral Colored Specialty Concrete $ Square Foot L. Concrete Pavers $ 10,7Z Square Foot M. 1'x 2'x 2" Thick Granite Pavers $ ?. Square Foot N. 1'x 21x 3" Thick Granite Pavers $ Square Foot 0. Smooth Step /� y $ % / / Square Foot P. Smooth Radial Stairs - 6 inch $ �✓Z•� Square Foot Q. Smooth Radial Stairs - 4 inch $ Square Foot (19,35 R. Smooth Radial Retaining Wall - varies $ 7 /+ 51 Face Foot Lighting S. Pedestrian Light 77> $ /G(�ZQ•(%!D Each T. String Light $ Linear Foot Furnishings U. Handrail - custom �j $ 3 / t,�7-70 Linear Foot V. Handrail - 1 ;1" diameter $ ! z3.3 V Linear Foot W. Tree Grate $ /353.$7 Each X. Bench - 8 Foot $ Z/ Y3- ZZ Each Y. Bicycle Rack $ / Yc/> Z • % Z Each Z. Trash Receptacle $ b 0 1 16 Each AA. Planter Pot - 42 Inch $ /KZ8 • 70 Each BB. Planter Pot - 36 Inch $j(/38.3 6 Each CC. Planter Pot - 24 Inch $ W 0l// Each DD. Planter Pot - 18 Inch $ S�Y3• ! b Each EE, Custom Sign /b $ / / p - s Each E. Seal around items and services projecting through dampproofing surfaces. Apply in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and ensure that sealed areas are moisture -tight. 3.03 INSTALLATION OF PROTECTION MATERIAL A. Protect dampproofing from damage during backfilt operations by adhering protective fabric over treated surfaces. Use of dampproofing materials as an adhesive is not acceptable. B. Backfitl within seven (7) days of application, but not before allowing 24-48 hours for curing of the dampproofing, or as recommended by the manufacturer. Ensure that back fill is placed so as not to dislodge the protective fabric, rupture or damage the dampproofing membrane or dislodge the dampproofing from the coated substrate. C. Reapply dampproofing where damaged by backfilling or compaction processes to provide continuous, moisture -tight membrane. END OF SECTION P� r 07150 - 3 0537.02 SECTION 07900 SEALANTS AND JOINT FILLERS PART GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. Clean and prepare joint surfaces. B. Furnish and install joint backing materials. C. Furnish and install joint caulking and sealants. D. Related work specified elsewhere: 1. Section 02520, Portland Cement Paving. 2. Section 03100, Concrete Formwork: Joint fillers for cast -in -place concrete work. 3. Section 03300, Cast -in -Place Concrete. 4. Division 15, Mechanical. 5. Division 16, Electrical. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer of sealants and caulking shall have minimum five (5) years of successful experience with projects of similar size and complexity. B. Installer shall be continuously employed in work of this type. C. Certification: Manufacturer/Supplier of sealant and accessory materials shall certify that materials supplied are acceptable and appropriate for the materials, substrates and conditions under which sealants are to be installed. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's specifications, recommendations and installation instructions for each type of sealant, caulking compound and associated miscellaneous material required. ' B. Samples: Submit samples of manufacturers standard color line for each type of sealant specified for exposed locations for selection by the Architect. C. Sample Installation: Select a test area on the exterior and install caulking. Notify the Architect for approval and acceptance prior to proceeding with caulking. The test area will become the standard for quality control of remaining caulking. /" 1.04 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS A. Do not proceed with installation of sealants under adverse weather conditions or when temperatures are below 400 F or above 1000 F. Proceed with the work only when forecasted weather conditions are favorable for proper curing and development of high early bond strength. Where joint width is affected by ambient temperature variations, install elastomeric sealants only when temperatures are in lower third of the manufacturers recommended installation temperature range so that sealant will not be subjected to excessive elongation and bond stress by subsequent low temperatures. Coordinate time schedule with Contractor to avoid delay of project. 07900 - 1 0537.02 I 05 WARRANTIES A. Provide manufacturer's written 5-year warranty covering defects in materials when such _ materials are properly applied and fully cured as described in the manufacturer's product data sheets. The Contractor further agrees to replace sealants which fail because of loss of cohesion or adhesion, or that do not cure properly due to improper application or _ curing, or when the materials installed are not appropriate for that application, joint type or other factor beyond the manufacturer's control, for a period of five (5) years. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 SEALANT MATERIALS A. General: Supplier/Installer of work of this Section shall certify that materials specified and/or furnished for this project are appropriate for use in the specified applications for the following criteria: 1. Compatibility of sealant material with adjacent materials. 2. Compatibility of sealant material with type and degree of weather exposure. 3. Compatibility of sealant material with expected use of space. 4. Compatibility of sealant material with joint type, width and depth. — B. Exterior: One- or two-part polyurethane -based elastomeric sealants complying with FS TT- 5-00230, Class A, Type I (self-leveting) or Type II (non -sag). 1. One -Part Sealant: Sonotastic NP-1 by Sonneborne as basis of design or as recommended by manufacturer for type of application. 2. Two -Part Sealant: Sonolastic NP-2 by Sonneborne as basis of design or as recommended by manufacturer for type of application. — C. Concrete Slab Joints: One -part non -priming urethane -based self -leveling pourable sealant complying with FS TT-S-00230C, Class A, Type 1 (horizontal use). 1. Sonolastic SL-1 by Sonneborne as basis of design or as recommended by manufacturer for type of application. 2. Ensure that sealant is compatible with seamless flooring systems specified in Division 9. 3. Ensure that sealant is compatible with special concrete floor finish system specified in Section 09800. D. Color(s): — 1. Colors are to be selected by Architect from manufacturer's full line of standard colors. 2. Design intent is to match sealant color to color of adjacent material, unless — indicated otherwise. The Architect shall have final authority for color selection, including variations from this policy. E. Approved Manufacturers: 1. Sonneborne Building Products, Minneapolis, MN, (612) 835-3434. 2. Tremco Sealants, Cleveland, OH, (800) 321-7906. 3. Schnee -Morehead Inc., Irving, TX, (800) 255-9427. 4. Manufacturers providing materials of same design, function and performance are acceptable. 0537.02 2.02 ACCESSORY MATERIALS A. Primer: Non -staining type for joints as recommended by sealant manufacturer. B. Joint Cleaner: Non -corrosive and non -staining type recommended by sealant manu- facturer, compatible with joint forming materials. C. Joint Filler: ASTM D1056, round polyethylene foam rod, over -sized 30-50%, as recommended by manufacturer of sealant used. 1. Provide closed cell or open cell foam rod materials, as recommended by the Installer for specific applications. D. Bond Breaker: Pressure -sensitive tape recommended by sealant manufacturer to suit application. E. Joint Fillers for Cast -in -Place Concrete Work: Refer to Section 03100. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Installer shall examine joint surfaces, backing and anchorage of units forming sealing rabbet and conditions under which sealant work is to be performed and notify Contractor of conditions detrimental to proper completion of the work, performance and curing of sealants. Do not proceed with sealant work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner acceptable to the Installer. B. Clean, prepare and size joints in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Remove any loose materials and other foreign matter which might impair adhesion of sealant. C. Ensure that horizontal and vertical surfaces are of sufficient dimension for required bonding of sealant materials as recommended by the manufacturer. D. Ensure that sealants are compatible with the substrates to which they are to adhere. E. Verify that joint shaping materials and release tapes are compatible with sealant. F. Examine joint dimensions and size materials to achieve required width/depth ratios. G. Install joint filler to achieve required joint depths to allow sealants to perform properly. H. Install bond breaker where required. I. Mask or otherwise protect adjacent surfaces which may be marred or damaged by sealant materials. 3.02 INSTALLATION OF SEALANTS A. General: Install sealant in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Apply sealant within recommended temperature ranges. Consult manufacturer when sealant cannot be applied within recommended temperature ranges. B. Tool joints slightly concave in vertical surfaces and flush in horizontal surfaces. C. Maintain joints free of air pockets, foreign embedded matter, ridges or sags. D. Ensure that sealant is applied leaving crisp, clean lines with adjacent materials. Do not allow sealant to bleed onto adjacent surfaces. Immediately wipe excess sealant materials off adjacent surfaces. E. Remove and replace any sealants improperly applied, to the satisfaction of the Architect. F. Repair and replace any adjacent materials that have been damaged, marred or discolored by work of this Section, to the satisfaction of the Architect. 07900 - 3 0537.02 K S FS 4.01 SCHEDULE OF SEALANT WORK A. Install sealants as indicated on the Drawings or scheduled herein, including but not limited to: 1. Expansion joints in exterior concrete flatwork adjacent to structures and retaining walls. 2. Expansion joints in exterior concrete pavements, aprons, sidewalks, ramps and _ curb and gutter sections. 3. Vertical expansion and control joints in concrete walls. 4. Miscellaneous vertical and horizontal joints between dissimilar materials, where required for contraction and expansion of joints, or where required to maintain the weathertightness of the project. 5. Other joints as indicated, as required for neat appearance, or as directed by the Architect. B. Refer to other Division 2 sections for sealants required for site concrete work and other materials. _ END OF SECTION 07900 - 4 0537.02 SECTION 09900 PAINTING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. Prepare surfaces to receive opaque painted finishes as specified. B. Finish surfaces as indicated in the schedule at the end of this Section. Generally, the scope of work shall include painting all exposed surfaces, whether specifically noted or not, and certain concealed surfaces, except where materials are prefinished or where intended to remain unfinished as described in paragraph 1.02 below. C. Related work specified elsewhere: 1. Section 01600, Material and Equipment:. Maintenance materials. 2. Section 09901, Powder Coating. 3. Section 10430, Signage. 4. Division 15, Mechanical. 5. Division 16, Electrical. 1.02 WORK NOT INCLUDED A. Unless otherwise indicated, painting is not required on surfaces in concealed areas and inaccessible areas such as furred spaces, foundation spaces, utility tunnels, pipe spaces and duct shafts. B. Metal surfaces of anodized aluminum, stainless steel, chromium plate, copper, bronze and similar finished materials will not require painting under this Section, except as may be so specified. C. Materials, fixtures and equipment specified or supplied by the manufacturer as prefinished shall not be painted, unless otherwise indicated in the Schedule at the end of this Section. Materials supplied with factory -applied primer coats shall be field finished by this Section, unless otherwise indicated. D. Do not paint moving parts of operating units, mechanical or electrical parts such as valve operators, linkages, sensing devices and motor shafts, unless otherwise indicated. E. Priming or finishing of certain surfaces may be specified to be factory -applied or installer - performed under other Sections. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Finish work shall be performed only by qualified personnel employed by firms specializing in work of this type, with a minimum of five (5) years successful experience in projects of similar size and complexity. B. Materials shall be applied with appropriate equipment and tools as specified herein, or as required to provide the specified quality. C. Coordination of Paint Finishes, Primers and Substrates: 1. Provide finish coats which are compatible with the prime coats actually used. 2. Review other Sections of these Specifications as required, verifying the prime coats to be used and assuring compatibility of the total coating system for the various substrates. 09900 - 1 0537.02 3. Upon request, furnish information on the characteristics of the specific finish ^ materials to assure that compatible prime coats are used. 4. Provide barrier coats over non -compatible primers or remove the primer and — reprime as required. 5. Notify the Architect in writing of anticipated problems in using the specified coating systems over prime coatings or substrates supplied under other Sections. _ D. Certification: Supplier shall certify that all paint materials supplied contain no lead or other toxic substances. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's product literature and specifications to show _ compliance with the specified requirements. B. Materials List: Submit materials list of all items proposed to be provided under this Section. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver paint materials in original, sealed and labeled containers bearing manufacturer's name, type of paint, brand name, color, designation and instructions for mixing and/or reducing. B. Provide adequate storage facilities to store materials at minimum ambient temperature of 450 F in a welt -ventilated area. C. Take precautionary measures to prevent fire hazards and spontaneous combustion. — 1.06 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS A. General: Follow manufacturers written specifications and recommendations for product handling and application. Adhere to all applicable OSHA regulations related to product application and handling of removed paint, rinse water and other residual materials. — B. Ensure that surface temperature or the surrounding air temperature is above 40' F before applying finishes. Minimum application temperatures for latex paints for interior work is 45' F; 50° F for exterior work. C. Provide adequate continuous ventilation and sufficient heating facilities to maintain temperatures above 45' F for 24 hours before, during and 48 hours after application of finishes. D. Provide minimum 15 footcandles of lighting on surfaces to be finished. 1.07 PROTECTION A. Adequately protect other surfaces from paint and damage. Repair damage as a result of inadequate or unsuitable protection. B. Furnish sufficient dropctoths, shields and protective equipment to prevent spray or droppings from soiling surfaces not being painted and, in particular, surfaces within storage and preparation area. C. Place cotton cloths and any material which may constitute a fire hazard in closed, metal containers and remove daily from the site. D. Remove electrical plates, surface hardware, fittings and fastenings prior to painting operations. These items are to be carefully stored, cleaned and replaced on completion of work in each area. Do not use solvents to clean hardware that may remove permanent 1 09900 - 2 0537.02 lacquer finish. 1.08 MAINTENANCE MATERIALS A. Contractor shall furnish Owner additional maintenance stock of not less than one (1) gallon shall be adequate for all accent and trim colors. B. Containers are to be tightly sealed and clearly labeled for identification. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 FINISH MATERIALS A. Paints, Enamels and Fillers: Type and brand scheduled herein, ready -mixed, except field - catalyzed coatings. Pigments fully ground maintaining a soft paste consistency, capable of readily and uniformly being dispersed to a complete homogeneous mixture. Paints shall have good flowing and brushing properties and be capable of drying or curing free of streaks or sags. 1. Paint materials shall contain no lead or other toxic substances. Refer to paragraph 1.03.c. B. Paint Accessory Materials: Linseed oil, shellac, turpentine and other materials not specifically indicated herein but required to achieve the finishes specified, of high quality and approved manufacturer. C. Color(s) as selected by the Architect from manufacturer's full color selection, unless otherwise indicated. Painter shall prepare samples for the Architect's approval of each paint color selected. Remake samples until approved, at no additional cost to the Owner. D. Approved Manufacturers: Use the same brand throughout the project for each type of paint material specified: 1. Sherwin-Williams ProMar 200, as basis of design. 2. Paint: Pittsburgh, Diamond Vogel, ICI Dulux, Fuller O'Brien, Benjamin Moore, Kelly Moore, Kwal-Howell and Sophir Morris. Using product lines of same quality, function and performance are acceptable only as approved by the Architect prior to bidding. 3. Powder coating: Refer to Section 09901. 4. Strippers and Paint Removers: Refer to Section 09905. 2.02 APPLICATION EQUIPMENT A. For application of the specified paint, use only such equipment as is recommended for application of the particular paint by the manufacturer. B. Prior to use of application equipment, verify that the proposed equipment is actually compatible with the material to be applied and that integrity of the finish will not be jeopardized by use of this equipment. 2.03 COLOR SCHEDULES A. The Architect will prepare marked -up elevations or a color schedule with samples for guidance in painting. Contractor shall furnish samples of all other related finish materials for coordination in preparation of the color schedule. 09900 - 3 0537.02 B. The Architect may select, allocate and vary colors on different surfaces throughout the work, subject to the following: 1. A maximum of three (3) different colors will be used, plus variations for miscellaneous work. — PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Subcontractor shall thoroughly examine surfaces scheduled to be painted or finished prior to commencing work. Notify the Architect of any condition that may potentially affect proper application and final appearance. Do not commence work until such defects have been corrected to the satisfaction of the painting subcontractor. Beginning work shall be considered acceptance of surfaces. 3.02 PREPARATION OF SURFACES A. General: All preparatory work shall be subject to evaluation and acceptance by the Architect. Painting subcontractor will accept responsibility for the preparation of all surfaces, as specified herein, prior to finishing. B. Ensure that the Contractor has corrected defects in all surfaces which may adversely affect work of this Section, including but not limited to: 1. Metal doors and frames. 2. Metal stair components. 3. Gypsum wallboard surfaces and texturing. 4. Plaster surfaces and finishing. 5. Welding and other attachments. 6. Steel plate connectors at exposed wood trusses. C. Remove surface contamination and oils from galvanized surfaces and wash with solvent. — Apply a coat of etching -type primer. D. Remove grease, rust, scale, dirt and dust from steel, ferrous metal and iron surfaces. Where heavy coatings of scale are evident, remove by wire brushing, sandblasting or any — other necessary method. 1. Clean unprimed surfaces by washing with solvent. Apply a treatment of phosphoric acid solution, ensuring that weld joints, bolts and nuts are similarly cleaned. — Prime surfaces as required. 2. Sand and scrape shop -primed surfaces to remove loose primer and rust. Feather out edges to make touch-up patches inconspicuous. Clean surfaces with solvent — and prime surfaces as required. 3. Back -prime structural steel and ferrous metal surfaces to be in contact with concrete, unless furnished by other Sections. — 4. Ensure that excess weld slag or flux deposits are removed, and that all exposed welds are ground or sanded to specified appearance. E. Remove all hardware from doors before painting. Masking of hardware is unacceptable. F. Schedule painting prior to installation of prefinished materials, specialties, furnishings and fixtures to the extent possible, including but not limited to: 1. Finish hardware. — 2. Cabinetry and casework. 09900 - 4 0537.02 3. Surface -mounted mechanical and electrical devices such as thermostats, prefinished grilles and diffusers, switchplates and outlet cover plates, etc. 3.03 APPLICATION A. General: Apply finish materials in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. Ensure that surfaces have been property prepared and primed prior to application of finish coats. B. Apply each coat at the proper consistency. Allow each coat of finish to dry before the following coat is applied, unless directed otherwise by manufacturer. Sand lightly between coats to achieve the required finish. C. Brush Applications: 1. Brush out and work the brush coats onto the surface in an even film. 2. Finish coats shall be finished by roping the paint, moving from wet to dry areas. 3. Cloudiness, spotting, holidays, laps, brush marks, runs, sags, ropiness and other surface imperfections will not be acceptable. D. Spray Applications: 1. Except as specifically otherwise approved by the Architect, confine spray application to metal framework and similar surfaces where hand brush work would be inferior. 2. Gypsum wallboard walls, ceilings and soffits shalt be finished by spray application, then back -rolled with roller equipment to result in specified mil thickness, moving from wet to dry areas. 3. Where spray application is used, apply each coat to provide the hiding equivalent of brush coats. 4. Do not double back with spray equipment to build up film thickness of two (2) coats in one (1) pass. E. For completed work, match the approved samples as to texture, color and coverage. Remove, refinish or repaint work not in compliance with the specified requirements. 3.04 PAINTING MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT A. General: Painting of exposed equipment, louvers, ductwork, piping, conduits, etc. shall be work of this Section, unless otherwise indicated. 1. Paint all ductwork, piping, conduit and devices to be exposed to view in the completed project, unless prefinished or in concealed areas as defined in paragraph 1.02. 2. Coordinate extent of field finishing of mechanical and electrical equipment with the Architect as necessary. 3. Architect retains the right to require prefinished diffusers, grilles and other mechanical or electrical devices to be field finished, whether or not specifically called for. 4. Prime and paint insulated and bare pipes, conduits, boxes, insulated and bare ducts, hangers, brackets, collars and supports in exposed locations, except where items are plated or covered with a prefinished coating, or where located in mechanical chase spaces. Finish paint primed equipment to color selected. B. Color Coding: Refer to Mechanical and Electrical Sections for requirements concerning color coding, identification branding of equipment, ducting, piping and conduit, if required. 09900 - 5 0537.02 Irrigation FF. Planter Pot Irrigation Supply $ SAS' ZQ Each GG. Netafim Dripline $ `•00 Linear Foot HH. 1-Inch Class 200 Irrigation Lateral Pipe $ 1,71 Linear Foot Landscape 1,1 //b'�y�>I II. 2 Inch Caliper Ornamental Tree $ Each CD JJ. 2 Inch Caliper Ornamental Tree $ S-ao" / Each L1.5.a KK. 1 '1 Inch Caliper Ornamental Tree $ l q Each LL. 6-8 Foot Ornamental Tree $ S / S.% % Each MM. 5 Gallon Deciduous Shrub/Ornamental Grass $ sli•�J� Each NN. 1 Gallon Perennial/Ornamental Grass $ �//• yQ// Each 00. 4-Inch Perennial/Ornamental Grass $ �D•/ Each PP. Annuals $ Each D QQ. Sod $ o / Square Foot Miscellaneous RR. Stucco Patching SS. Core Drilling TT. Bus Stop UU. Pop -Jet Nozzle with Drain W. Pop -Jet Service and Return Lines WW. String Light with LED Bulbs XX. Drinking Fountain $ 2 / • 3 % Square Foot $ .G2/9.//�`o Each $ 3 , S3 3.7 0 Each $ Z5,91,A08 Each $ `20 Linear Foot /13, $ Linear Foot (/��qj•/�js/� $ 7 / /b, N Each 0 1. Color code equipment, piping, conduit and exposed ductwork in accordance with requirements indicated. 2.' Color banding and identification (flow arrows, naming, numbering, etc.). — C. Remove grilles, covers and access panels for mechanical and electrical systems from location and paint separately. D. Paint face(s) and edges of plywood backboards for electrical equipment before installing backboards and mounting equipment on them. 1. Replace identification markings on mechanical or electrical equipment when painted over or spattered. E. Do not paint gas meters, electric meters and similar exterior equipment provided by outside utility providers, if not permitted by those agencies. Coordinate requirements with the appropriate Subcontractor prior to painting. — 1. Exposed gas piping leading to the gas meters shall be painted. 2. Exterior surface -mounted meter centers, disconnects, CT cabinets and similar equipment shall be painted, where not specifically excluded above. 3. Interior panelboard cabinet frames and doors shall not be painted, unless specified elsewhere. 3.05 AREAS OF SPECIAL CONCERN A. The bus shelter light poles and lights, street sign and railings shall be powder coated with touch up by the painting subcontractor using materials provided by powder coating subcontractor. 3.06 CLEANING A. Promptly remove paint from adjacent materials or surfaces as work proceeds where spilled, splashed or splattered. B. During progress of work, keep premises free from any unnecessary accumulation of tools, equipment, surplus materials and debris. C. Place cotton cloths and material which may constitute a fire hazard in closed metal containers and remove daily from the site. D. Upon completion of work, leave premises neat and clean, to the satisfaction of the Architect. 3.07 QUALITY CONTROL A. Painted finishes shall be subject to evaluation and approval to the satisfaction of the Architect, including but not limited to, the following characteristics: — 1. Consistency and smoothness of surface. 2. Coverage and mil thickness. 3. Color match between adjacent areas. -- 4. Compliance with approved sample(s). PART 4 SCHEDULES 4.01 EXTERIOR PAINTING AND FINISHING SCHEDULE NOTE: MWF indicates minimum wet film thickness which is a per coat measurement in mils thickness. Systems are based on Sherwin-Williams (S-W) or as noted. 09900 - 6 0537.02 A. Exterior Exposed Steel Surfaces: 1. Location: Exposed surfaces of exterior steel structures and railings. B. Exterior Metal Surfaces: 1. Location: Metal doors and frames. 2. Primer: One (1) coat shop prime or inhibitive metal primer, MWF 3.6 mils. 3. Finish: Two (2) coats alkyd enamel, semi -gloss, MWF 4.4 mils. 4. Product: S-W Industrial Enamel. 5. Color(s): To be selected. C. Metal Boxes, Conduits and Mechanical Equipment: 1. Location: As shown on the Drawings. 2. Primer: One (1) coat, factory primed. 3. Finish: Two (2) coats acrylic latex, MWF 3.6 mils where not factory finished. 4. Product: S-W A-100 Satin Latex House and Trim. 5. Color: To match adjacent surfaces. D. Louvers and Vents: Paint where not prefinished by manufacturer. E. Exterior Signage: Prefinished by manufacturer. END OF SECTION r r r 09900 - 7 0537.02 SECTION 10430 EXTERIOR SIGNAGE PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. Furnish surface -mounted, individual letter directional signage at street sign, each face, where shown on the Drawings. B. Installation of same, unless arranged for otherwise. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's product literature and schedule of required signage indicating type, size, style and method of installation. t. Schedule shall illustrate each required sign for size, style and copy, and indicate quantity required for each. B. Samples: Submit samples of manufacturer's full line of standard colors and finishes for selection by the Architect. Submit one full-size sample representative of each signage system specified. Sample will be returned upon approval. 1.03 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Package separately or in like groups, as applicable. Include installation template, hardware or adhesive specified and installation instructions. 1.04 WARRANTIES A. Provide manufacturer's written one-year warranty covering defects in materials and workmanship. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MONUMENT ENTRY SIGNAGE A. Type: Surface -mounted, individual cutout letter type. B. Letter Material: 3/8" brass or aluminum plate, as recommended by the fabricator. C. Mounting: Stud mounted into steel framing at street sign, each face of sign. D. Finish: Manufacturer's standard Polished Brass finish, #1155 by Gemini Inc. as basis of design. E. Letter/Numeral Style: Copper Plate. ` F. Letter/Numeral Sizes: 3". G. Copy Position: Centered. H. Letter Spacing: Normal. I. Capitalization: All caps. J. Copy: Signage to read "OAK STREET PLAZA" in individual letters, each face of sign. K. Quantities: Two (2) faces of one (1) sign, as shown on the Drawings. 10430 - 1 0537.02 41pproved Signage Fabricators: 1 Flat, cutout metal letter signage system as manufactured by Gemini Inc., Cannon Falls, MN, (507) 263-3957, as basis of design. 2. ABC Sign Works, Inc., Fort Collins, CO, (970) 223-9211. 3. Manufacturers providing products of same function, performance, design and appearance are acceptable. — 4. Custom signage companies offering design services and fabrication capabilities meeting the design intent of this Section are acceptable upon approval by the Architect prior to bidding. -- END OF SECTION 10430 - 2 0537.02 SECTION 16050 BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS PART 1-GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this section. 1.02 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: This section includes requirements for basic electrical materials and methods for the following items. 1. Raceways 2. Conductors and Cables 3. Supporting Devices for Electrical Components 4, Electrical Identification 5. Electricity -Metering Components 6. Concrete Equipment Bases 7. Electrical Demolition 8. Cutting and Patching for Electrical Construction 9. Touchup Painting 1.03 REFERENCES A. The latest edition of the following standards and codes, standard publications of professional organizations, and the local authorities having jurisdiction are the minimum requirements for this work. 1. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 2. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 3. Association of Edison Illuminating Companies (AEIC) 4. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 5. Insulated Cable Engineer's Association (ICEA) 6. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) 7. National Electrical Manufacturer's Association (NEMA) 8. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 9. NFPA 70, The National Electrical Code (NEC) 10. Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. (UL) 11. State, City, and Local Authorities 1.04 DEFINITIONS A. Instructions such as "Provide" shall mean the same as though the words "This Contractor shall" preceded each such instruction. "Provide"" shall mean Furnish and Install." Where the words r "Accepted" or "Acceptable" are used, such',Accepted" or "Acceptable" action by the Engineer and/or Architect denotes that the work or equipment item is in conformance with the design concept of the project and, in general, complies with pertinent information given in the Contract P Documents. B. EMT: Electrical metallic tubing P Oak Street Plaza 16050-1 BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS RMH Proj. #17109 AND METHODS r C. LNT: Electrical nonmetallic tubing D. FMC: Flexible metal conduit — E. IMC: Intermediate metal conduit F. LFMC: Liquidtight flexible metal conduit G. LFNC: Liquidtight flexible nonmetallic conduit H. RMC: Rigid metallic conduit I. RNC: Rigid nonmetallic conduit — 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use. B. Comply with NFPA 70, the National Electrical Code. C. All equipment and materials will be new and unused and shall conform with the current applicable industry standards. Workmanship and neat appearance shall be as important as electrical and mechanical operation. Defective or damaged materials shall be replaced or repaired prior to final acceptance in a manner meeting approval of Architect and/or Engineer and at no additional cost to Owner. 1.06 SEQUENCING A. Coordinate chases, slots, inserts, sleeves, and openings with general construction work and arrange in building structure during progress of construction to facilitate the electrical installation. B. Set inserts and sleeves in poured -in -place concrete, masonry work, and other structural components as they are constructed. C. Sequence, coordinate, and integrate installing electrical materials and equipment for efficient flow — of the Work. Coordinate installing large equipment requiring positioning before closing in the building. D. Coordinate electrical service connections to components furnished by utility companies. 1. Coordinate installation and connection of exterior underground and overhead utilities and services, including provision for electricity -metering components. 2. Comply with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction and of utility company providing _ electrical power and other services. E. Coordinate location of access panels and doors for electrical items that are concealed by finished surfaces. Access doors and panels are specified in Division 8 Section "Access Doors." — F. No work shall be concealed until after inspection and approval by proper authorities. If work is concealed without inspection and approval, Contractor shall be responsible for all work required to expose and restore the concealed work in addition to all required modifications. BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS 16050-2 Oak Street Plaza AND METHODS RMH Proi. #17109 G. Where electrical identification devices are applied to field -finished surfaces, coordinate installation of identification devices with completion of finished surface. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.01 RACEWAYS A. Metallic Conduit Systems: 1. EMT: ANSI C80.3, zinc -coated steel. EMT shall be galvanized on the outside and coated on the inside with a hard smooth lacquer finish. EMT fittings shall be set -screw type. EMT shall comply with UL 797 and ANSI C80.3. 2. FMC: Flexible metal conduit shall be galvanized steel with steel fittings and shall comply with UL 1. 3. IMC: ANSI C80.6, zinc -coated steel, with threaded fittings. Intermediate steel conduit shall be hot -dipped galvanized. 4. LFMC: Zinc -coated steel with sunlight -resistant and mineral -oil -resistant plastic jacket. Liquidtight Flexible Steel conduit shall comply with UL 514C. Liquid and moisture tight conduit shall be American Brass with Appleton "ST" connectors or approved equal. 5. RMC: Rigid Steel Conduit shall be galvanized and shall comply with UL 6 and ANSI C80.1. Plastic -coated conduit shall be rigid galvanized steel conduit having a 0.030" minimum thick factory -bonded PVC jacket, using pre -jacketed couplings as manufactured by Pittsburgh Robroy, Plastic Applicator, Occidental or approved equal. B. Nonmetallic Conduit Systems: 1. ENT: NEMA TC 13 2. RNC: NEMA TC 2, Schedule 40 or 80 PVC 3. LFNC: UL 1660 4. ENT and RNC fittings: NEMA TC3, match to conduit or conduit/tubing type and material C. Raceway Fittings: Specifically designed for the raceway type with which used. D. Metal Wireways: Wireways shall be hinged cover or screw cover complete with all necessary -manufactured fittings which shall be of one manufacturer. Wireway shall be G.E. Type HS or ITE KEL Duct or acceptable equal. 1. Material: Sheet metal sized and shaped as indicated. 2. Fittings and Accessories: Include couplings, offsets, elbows, expansion joints, adapters, hold-down straps, end caps, and other fittings to match and mate with wireways as required for complete system. 3. Select features, unless otherwise indicated, as required to complete wiring system and to comply with NFPA 70. 4. Wireway Covers: Screw -cover type 5. Finish: Manufacturer's standard enamel finish 2.02 CONDUCTORS AND CABLES A. UL-listed building wires and cables with conductor material, insulation type, cable construction, and rating as specified in Part 3 "Wire and Insulation Applications." B. Rubber Insulation Material: Comply with NEMA WC 3. C. Thermoplastic Insulation Material: Comply with NEMA WC 5. D. Cross -Linked Polyethylene Insulation Material: Comply with NEMA WC 7. Oak Street Plaza 16050-3 BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS RMH Proj. #17109 AND METHODS E. Ethylene Propylene Rubber Insulation Material: Comply with NEMA WC 8. F. Conductor Material: Copper. G. Conductors and Cables: 1. All conductors shall be new, unless otherwise noted. All conductors #8 AWG and larger _ shall be stranded. Conductors #10 and smaller may be solid or stranded depending on their application. 2. Secondary voltage conductors and cables shall be electrical grade, annealed copper, _ tinned if rubber insulated, and fabricated in accordance with ASTM and ICEA standards. The use of aluminum is prohibited except where shown on one -line or equipment schedules. Minimum size #12 for branch circuits; #14 for control wiring. Conductor types shall be as follows: a. In sizes #1/0 AWG and larger: Cross -linked polyethylene insulation type XHHW (75 to 90°C) or THWN/THHN. b. In sizes #1 AWG and smaller: All conductors shall have heat/moisture resistant thermoplastic insulation type THW or THWN (75°C), except as follows: 1) Where conduit temperature will exceed 100°F, use type THHN (90°C). Type XHHW (90°C) permissible in dry locations. 2) ' Motor circuit conductors: 750 THWN or XHHW from disconnect to motor. 3) In 120-volt incandescent fixtures, type AF (150°C). 4) In wireways of fluorescent lighting fixtures types THWN/THHN/MTW (90'C). 5) Handling cord drops and cord connections: Type "SO" cord. 6) Conductors in 120 volt circuits longer than 100 feet or 277 volt circuits longer than 200 feet shall not be less than #10 AWG. C. All wiring for control circuits to contactors, pushbuttons, and the like, shall be #12 AWG, copper, stranded with THWN insulation. H. Wire Connectors and Splices: Units of size, ampacity rating, material, type, and class suitable for service indicated. _ 2.03 SUPPORTING DEVICES FOR ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS A. Provide hangers and supports to support raceways, fixtures, cabinets, boxes, etc. as manufactured by B-Line, Unistrut, Binkley or Kindorf. B. Material: Cold -formed steel, with corrosion -resistant coating acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. C. Metal Items for Use Outdoors or in Damp Locations: Steel, hot -dip galvanized after fabrication. D. Slotted -Steel Channel Supports: Flange edges turned toward web, and 9/16-inch- (14-mm-) diameter slotted holes at a maximum of 2 inches (50 mm) o.c., in webs. E. Nonmetall'ic Channel and Angle Systems: Structural -grade, factory -formed, glass -fiber -resin channels and angles with 9/16-inch- (14-mm-) diameter holes at a maximum of 8 inches (203 mm) o.c., in at least one surface. 1. Fittings and Accessories: Products of the same manufacturer as channels and angles. 2. Fittings and Accessory Materials: Same as channels and angles, except metal items may be stainless steel. F. Raceway and Cable Supports: Manufactured clevis hangers, riser clamps, straps, threaded C- clamps with retainers, ceiling trapeze hangers, wall brackets, and spring -steel clamps or click - type hangers. BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS 16050-4 Oak Street Plaza AND METHODS RMH Proj. #17109 Pipe Sleeves: ASTM A 53, Type E, Grade A, Schedule 40, galvanized steel, plain ends. H. Expansion Anchors: Carbon -steel wedge or sleeve type. I. Toggle Bolts: All -steel springhead type. 2.04 ELECTRICAL IDENTIFICATION A. Identification Devices: A single type of identification product for each application category. Use colors prescribed by ANSI A13.1, NFPA 70, and these Specifications. B. Raceway and Cable Labels: Comply with ANSI A13.1, Table 3, for minimum size of letters for legend and minimum length of color field for each raceway and cable size. 1. Type: Pretensioned, wraparound plastic sleeves. Flexible, preprinted, color -coded, acrylic band sized to suit the diameter of the item it identifies. 2. Color: Black letters on orange background. 3. Legend: Indicates voltage. C. Colored Adhesive Marking Tape for Raceways, Wires, and Cables: Self-adhesive vinyl tape, not less than 1 inch wide by 3 mils thick (25 mm wide by 0.08 mm thick). D. Underground Warning Tape: Permanent, bright -colored, continuous -printed, vinyl tape with the following features: 1. Not less than 6 inches wide by 4 mils thick (150 mm wide by 0.102 mm thick). 2. Compounded for permanent direct -burial service. 3. Embedded continuous metallic strip or core. 4. Printed legend that indicates type of underground line. E. Color -Coding Cable Ties: Type 6/6 nylon, self-locking type. Colors to suit coding scheme. F. Engraved -Plastic Labels, Signs, and Instruction Plates: Engraving stock, melamine plastic laminate punched or drilled for mechanical fasteners 1/16-inch (1.6-mm) minimum thickness for signs up to 20 sq. in. (129 sq. cm) and 1/8-inch (3.2-mm) minimum thickness for larger sizes. Engraved legend in black letters on white background. G. Interior Warning and Caution Signs: Comply with 29 CFR, Chapter XVII, Part 1910.145. Preprinted, aluminum, baked -enamel -finish signs, punched or drilled for mechanical fasteners, with colors, legend, and size appropriate to the application. H. Exterior Warning and Caution Signs: Comply with 29 CFR, Chapter XVII, Part 1910.145. Weather -resistant, nonfading, preprinted, cellulose -acetate butyrate signs with 0.0396-inch (1-mm), galvanized -steel backing, with colors, legend, and size appropriate to the application. 1/4-inch (6-mm) grommets in corners for mounting. I. Fasteners for Nameplates and Signs: Self -tapping, stainless -steel screws or No. 10/32 stainless - steel machine screws with nuts and flat and lock washers. 2.05 CONCRETE EQUIPMENT BASES A. Concrete Forms and Reinforcement Materials: As specified in Division 3 Section "Cast -in -Place Concrete." B. Concrete: 3000-psi (20.7-MPa), 28-day compressive strength as specified in Division 3 Section "Cast -in -Place Concrete." Oak Street Plaza 16050-5 BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS RMH Proj. #17109 AND METHODS 2.06 TOUCHUP PAINT _ A. For Equipment: Equipment manufacturer's paint selected to match installed equipment finish. B. Galvanized Surfaces: Zinc -rich paint recommended by item manufacturer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION A. Headroom Maintenance: If mounting heights or other location criteria are not indicated, arrange _ and install components and equipment to provide the maximum possible headroom. B. Materials and Components: Install level, plumb, and parallel and perpendicular to other building systems and components, unless otherwise indicated. C. Equipment: Install to facilitate service, maintenance, and repair or replacement of components. Adhere to clearances required by the NEC, NFPA 70. Connect for ease of disconnecting, with minimum interference with other installations. D. Right of Way: Give to raceways and piping systems installed at a required slope. _ 3.02 RACEWAY APPLICATION A. Use the following raceways for outdoor installations: 1. Exposed: IMC 2. Concealed: IMC 3. Underground, Single Run: RNC 4. Underground, Grouped: RNC 5. Connection to Vibrating Equipment: LFMC 6. Boxes and Enclosures: NEMA 250, Type 3R or Type 4 B. Use the following raceways for indoor installations: 1. Exposed: EMT 2. Concealed: EMT 3. Connection to Vibrating Equipment: FMC; except in wet or damp locations, use LFMC 4. Damp or Wet Locations: IMC 5. Embedded in concrete: IMC or RMC 6. Boxes and Enclosures: NEMA 250, Type 1, unless otherwise indicated 7. Damp or wet locations: NEMA 250, Type 4, nonmetallic 3.03 RACEWAY AND CABLE INSTALLATION A. Conceal raceways and cables, unless otherwise indicated, within finished walls, ceilings, and floors. B. Install raceways and cables at least 6 inches (150 mm) away from parallel runs of flues and steam or hot-water pipes. Locate horizontal raceway runs above water and steam piping. C. Use temporary raceway caps to prevent foreign matter from entering. BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS 16050-6 Oak Street Plaza AND METHODS RMH Proj. #17109 PRICES The foregoing prices shall include all labor, materials, transportation, shoring, removal, dewatering, overhead, profit, insurance, etc., to cover the complete Work in place of the several kinds called for. Bidder acknowledges that the OWNER has the right to delete items in the Bid or change quantities at his sole discretion without affecting the Agreement or prices of any item so long as the deletion or change does not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the total Agreement Price. RESP y ITTED: P I�'1ot U�� YTS Signature Date P � 1p• y nw 4j��F R1&-5�. t)6A4r Title License Number (If Applicable) (Seal - if Bid is by corporation) Attest: Address %/ 4�;eEc'A c z) f3D �3y Telephone UCH u. Stu'`, up Connections: Extend conduits through concrete floor for connection to freestanding equipment. Install with an adjustable top or coupling threaded inside for plugs set flush with the finished floor. Extend conductors to equipment with rigid steel conduit; FMC may be used 6 inches (150 mm) above the floor. Install screwdriver -operated, threaded flush plugs flush with floor for future equipment connections. Arrange so that curved portion of bends is not visible above the finished slab. E. Install raceways embedded in slabs in middle third of slab thickness where practical, and leave at least 1-inch (25-mm) concrete cover. 1. Secure raceways to reinforcing rods to prevent sagging or shifting during concrete placement. 2. Space raceways laterally to prevent voids in concrete. 3. Install conduit larger than 1-inch trade size (DN27) parallel to or at right angles to main reinforcement. Where conduit is at right angles to reinforcement, place conduit close to slab support. 4. Transition from nonmetallic tubing to Schedule 80 nonmetallic conduit, rigid steel conduit, or IMC before rising above floor. 5. Make bends in exposed parallel or banked runs from same centerline to make bends parallel. Use factory elbows only where elbows can be installed parallel; otherwise, provide field bends for exposed parallel raceways. F. Make conduit bends and offsets so ID is not reduced. Keep legs of bends in the same plane and straight legs of offsets parallel, unless otherwise indicated. G. Use raceway and cable fittings compatible with raceways and cables and suitable for use and location. H. Install pull wires in empty raceways. Use No. 14 AWG zinc -coated steel or monofilament plastic line with not less than 200-lb. (90-kg) tensile strength. Leave at least 12 inches (300 mm) of slack at each end of the pull wire. I. Install telephone and signal system raceways, 2-inch trade size (DN53) and smaller, in maximum lengths of 150 feet (45 m) and with a maximum of two 90-degree bends or equivalent. Separate lengths with pull or junction boxes where necessary to comply with these requirements, in addition to requirements above. J. Connect motors and equipment subject to vibration, noise transmission, or movement with a maximum of 72-inch (1830-mm) flexible conduit. Install LFMC in wet or damp locations. Install separate ground conductor across flexible connections. K. Set floor boxes level and trim after installation to fit flush to finished floor surface. 3.04 WIRING METHODS FOR POWER, LIGHTING, AND CONTROL CIRCUITS A. Feeders: Type THHN/THWN insulated conductors in raceway. B. Underground Feeders and Branch Circuits: Type THWN or single -wire, Type OF insulated conductors in raceway. C. Branch Circuits: Type THW or THHN/THWN insulated conductors in raceway where exposed. Armored or nonmetallic sheathed cable where permitted by authorities having jurisdiction and where concealed in ceilings and gypsum board partitions. - Oak Street Plaza 16050-7 BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS RMH Prol. #17109 AND METHODS D. Remote -Control Signaling and Power -Limited Circuits: Type THHN/THWN insulated conductors in raceway for Classes 1, 2, and 3, unless otherwise indicated. _ 3.05 WIRING INSTALLATION A. Install splices and taps that are compatible with conductor material and that possess equivalent or better mechanical strength and insulation ratings than unspliced conductors. B. Install wiring at outlets with at least 12 inches (300 mm) of slack conductor at each outlet. — C. Connect outlet and component connections to wiring systems and to ground. Tighten electrical connectors and terminals, according to manufacturer's published torque -tightening values. If manufacturer's torque values are not indicated, use those specified in UL 486A. 3.06 ELECTRICAL SUPPORTING DEVICE APPLICATION A. Damp Locations and Outdoors: Hot -dip galvanized materials or nonmetallic, U-channel system components. B. Dry Locations: Steel materials C. Support Clamps for PVC Raceways: Click -type clamp system D. Selection of Supports: Comply with manufacturer's written instructions. — E. Strength of Supports: Adequate to carry present and future loads, times a safety factor of at least four; minimum of 200-lb. design load. 3.07 SUPPORT INSTALLATION A. Install support devices to securely and permanently fasten and support electrical components. B. Install individual and multiple raceway hangers and riser clamps to support raceways. Provide U- bolts, clamps, attachments, and other hardware necessary for hanger assemblies and for — securing hanger rods and conduits. C. Support parallel runs of horizontal raceways together on trapeze- or bracket -type hangers. — D. Size supports for multiple raceway installations so capacity can be increased by a 25 percent minimum in the future. E. Support individual horizontal raceways with separate, malleable -iron pipe hangers or clamps. F. Install 1/4-inch- (6-mm-) diameter or larger threaded steel hanger rods, unless otherwise indicated. G. Spring -steel fasteners specifically designed for supporting single conduits or tubing may be used instead of malleable -iron hangers for 1-1/2-inch (38-mm) and smaller raceways serving lighting and receptacle branch circuits above suspended ceilings and for fastening raceways to slotted channel and angle supports. H. Arrange supports in vertical runs so the weight of raceways and enclosed conductors is carried entirely by raceway supports, with no weight load on raceway terminals. BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS 16050-8 Oak Street Plaza AND METHODS RMH Pro!. #17109 1. Simultaneously install vertical conductor supports with conductors. J. Separately support cast boxes that are threaded to raceways and used for fixture support. Support sheet -metal boxes directly from the building structure or by bar hangers. If bar hangers are used, attach bar to raceways on opposite sides of the box and support the raceway with an approved fastener not more than 24 inches (610 mm) inches from the box. K. Install metal channel racks for mounting cabinets, panelboards, disconnect switches, control enclosures, pull and junction boxes, transformers, and other devices unless components are mounted directly to structural elements of adequate strength- L. Install sleeves for cable and raceway penetrations of concrete slabs and walls unless core -drilled holes are used. Install sleeves for cable and raceway penetrations of masonry and fire -rated gypsum walls and of all other fire -rated floor and wall assemblies. Install sleeves during erection of concrete and masonry walls. M. Securely fasten electrical items and their supports to the building structure, unless otherwise indicated. Perform fastening according to the following unless other fastening methods are indicated: 1. Wood: Fasten with wood screws or screw -type nails. 2. Masonry: Toggle bolts on hollow masonry units and expansion bolts on solid masonry units. 3. New Concrete: Concrete inserts with machine screws and bolts. 4. Existing Concrete: Expansion bolts. 5. Threaded studs driven by a powder charge and provided with lock washers in existing concrete are not allowed unless approved by Architect. 6. Steel: Welded threaded studs or spring -tension clamps on steel. Field welding shall comply with AWS D1.1. 7. Welding to steel structure may be used only for threaded studs, not for conduits, pipe straps, or other items. 8. Light Steel: Sheet -metal screws. 9. Fasteners: Select so the load applied to each fastener does not exceed 25 percent of its proof -test load. 3.08 IDENTIFICATION MATERIALS AND DEVICES A. All components of electrical system shall be neatly and accurately labeled to facilitate ready identification and service. Temporary type of markings, which are visible on equipment, will not be permitted. Repaint trims, housing, etc. where such markings cannot be readily removed. Defaced finish must be refinished. Provide labels as follows (or indicated elsewhere): 1. Provide engraved composition nameplates on each branch circuit panelboard, etc. Lettering shall be 1/2 inch minimum height for panelboards. Apply labeling for panelboards on outside of each panelboard door and include voltage and phase. 2. Provide neatly -typed directory cards for all branch circuit panelboard directories. 3. Provide engraved composition nameplates having 3/8 inch minimum height, white letters engraved in a black face for each switch or circuit breaker in switchboards and subdistribution boards. Provide labeling of matching style designating all units as designated on drawings. Secure all lamenoid nameplates with rivets or screws. Adhesives will not be allowed. 4. Use of Dymolabels for panels and circuit number identification on all receptacle covers and disconnect switches in mechanical and equipment rooms is forbidden. 5. Provide engraved composition nameplates on all time clocks, starters, etc. Lettering shall be 3/8 inches (5-mm) minimum height for equipment. Labeling for equipment shall be in accordance with designations given on the associated drawings. Oak Street Plaza 16050-9 BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS RMH Proi. #17109 AND METHODS B. Coordinate names, abbreviations, colors, and other designations used for electrical identification with corresponding designations indicated in the Contract Documents or required by codes and standards. Install at locations for most convenient viewing without interference with operation and maintenance of equipment. Use consistent designations throughout Project. 1. Bands: Pretensioned, snap -around, colored plastic sleeves or colored adhesive marking tape. Make each color band 2 inches (51 mm) wide, completely encircling conduit, and place adjacent bands of two-color markings in contact, side by side. 2. Band Locations: At changes in direction, at penetrations of walls and floors, at 50-foot (15- m) maximum intervals in straight runs, and at 25-foot (8-m) maximum intervals in congested areas. C. Tag and label each feeder conductor (having an operating voltage of 600 volts or less) in pullboxes with an engraved, non-metallic tag, having 3/16-inch minimum height letters. Tag shall be a minimum of one inch diameter or square. State circuit number and phase (A, B, C). D. Tag and label circuits designated to be extended in the future. Identify source and circuit numbers in each cabinet, pull and junction box, and outlet box. Color -coding may be used for voltage and phase identification. E. Install continuous underground plastic markers during trench backfilling, for exterior underground power, control, signal, and communication lines located directly above power and communication lines. Locate 6 to 8 inches (150 to 200 mm) below finished grade. If width of multiple lines installed in a common trench or concrete envelope does not exceed 16 inches (400 mm), overall, use a single line marker. F. Color -code 208/120V system secondary service, feeder, and branch -circuit conductors throughout the secondary electrical system as follows: 1. Phase A: Black 2. Phase B: Red 3. Phase C: Blue 4. Neutral: White 5. Ground: Green G. Color -code 480/277V system secondary service, feeder, and branch -circuit conductors throughout the secondary electrical system as follows: 1. Phase A: Brown 2. Phase B: Orange 3. Phase C: Yellow 4. Neutral: White with a colored stripe or gray 5. Ground: Green H. Install warning, caution, and instruction signs where required to comply with 29 CFR, Chapter XVI1, Part 1910.145, and where needed to ensure safe operation and maintenance of electrical systems and of items to which they connect. Install engraved plastic -laminated instruction signs with approved legend where instructions are needed for system or equipment operation. Install metal -backed butyrate signs for outdoor items. I. Install engraved -laminated emergency -operating signs with white letters on red background with minimum 3/8-inch- high lettering for emergency instructions on power transfer, load shedding, and other emergency operations. BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS 16050-10 Oak Street Plaza AND METHODS RMH Proj. #17109 C3 STOPPING A. Apply firestopping to cable and raceway penetrations of fire -rated floor and wall assemblies to achieve fire -resistance rating of the assembly. Firestopping materials and installation requirements are specified in Division 7. 3.10 CONCRETE BASES A. Construct concrete bases of dimensions indicated, but not less than 4 inches (100 mm) larger, in both directions, than supported unit. Follow supported equipment manufacturer's anchorage recommendations and setting templates for anchor -bolt and tie locations, unless otherwise indicated. 3.11 DEMOLITION A. Protect existing electrical equipment and installations indicated to remain. If damaged or disturbed in the course of the Work, remove damaged portions and install new products of equal capacity, quality, and functionality. B. Accessible Work: Remove exposed electrical equipment and installations, indicated to be demolished, in their entirety. C. Abandoned Work: Cut and remove buried raceway and wiring, indicated to be abandoned in place, 2 inches (50 mm) below the surface of adjacent construction. Cap raceways and patch surface to match existing finish. D. Remove demolished material from Project site. Coordinate with Owner for any materials to be salvaged. E. Remove, store, clean, reinstall, reconnect, and make operational components indicated for relocation. 3.12 CUTTING AND PATCHING A. Cut, channel, chase, and drill floors, walls, partitions, ceilings, and other surfaces required to permit electrical installations. Perform cutting by skilled mechanics of trades involved. B. Repair and refinish disturbed finish materials and other surfaces to match adjacent undisturbed surfaces. Install new fireproofing where existing firestopping has been disturbed. Repair and refinish materials and other surfaces by skilled mechanics of trades involved. 3.13 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Inspect installed components for damage and faulty work, including the following: 1. Raceways 2. Conductors and Cables 3. Supporting Devices for Electrical Components 4. Electrical Identification 5. Electricity -Metering Components 6. Concrete Equipment Bases 7. Electrical Demolition 8. Cutting and Patching for Electrical Construction 9. Touchup Painting Oak Street Plaza 16050-11 BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS RMH Proi. #17109 AND METHODS 3.14 REFINISHING AND TOUCHUP PAINTING A. Refinish and touch up paint. Paint materials and application requirements are specified in Division 9. 1. Clean damaged and disturbed areas and apply primer, intermediate, and finish coats to suit the degree of damage at each location. 2. Follow paint manufacturer's written instructions for surface preparation and for timing and application of successive coats. 3. Repair damage to galvanized finishes with zinc -rich paint recommended by manufacturer. 4. Repair damage to PVC or paint finishes with matching touchup coating recommended by manufacturer. 3.15 CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. On completion of installation, including outlets, fittings, and devices, inspect exposed finish. Remove burrs, dirt, paint spots, and construction debris. B. Protect equipment and installations and maintain conditions to ensure that coatings, finishes, and cabinets are without damage or deterioration at time of Construction Acceptance. END OF SECTION BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS 16050-12 Oak Street Plaza AND METHODS RMH Prof. #17109 SECTION 16060 GROUNDING AND BONDING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this section. 1.02 SUMMARY A. This Section includes grounding of electrical systems and equipment. Grounding requirements specified in this Section may be supplemented by special requirements of systems described in other Sections. B. Related Documents: Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use. Comply with UL 467. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: 1. Grounding Conductors, Cables, Connectors, and Rods: a. Apache Grounding/Erico Inc. b. Boggs, Inc. C. Chance/Hubbell. d. Copperweld Corp. e. Dossert Corp. f. Erico Inc.; Electrical Products Group. g. Framatome Connectors/Burndy Electrical. h. Galvan Industries, Inc. i. Harger Lightning Protection, Inc. j. Hastings Fiber Glass Products, Inc. k. Heary Brothers Lightning Protection Co. I. Ideal Industries, Inc. M. ILSCO. n. Kearney/Cooper Power Systems. o. Korns: C. C. Korns Co.; Division of Robroy Industries. p. Lightning Master Corp_ q. Lyncole XIT Grounding. r. O-Z/Gedney Co.; a business of the EGS Electrical Group. S. Raco, Inc.; Division of Hubbell. t. Robbins Lightning, Inc. Oak Street Plaza 16060-1 GROUNDING AND BONDING RMH Pmi. #17109 U. Salisbury: W. H. Salisbury & Co. V. Sankosha Corp. W. Superior Grounding Systems, Inc. X. Thomas & Betts, Electrical. 2.02 GROUNDING CONDUCTORS A. For insulated conductors, comply with Division 16 Section "Conductors and Cables." B. Material: Aluminum, copper -clad aluminum, and copper. C. Equipment Grounding Conductors: Insulated with green -colored insulation. D. Isolated Ground Conductors: Insulated with green -colored insulation with yellow stripe. On feeders with isolated ground, use colored tape, alternating bands of green and yellow tape to provide a minimum of three bands of green and two bands of yellow. E. Grounding Electrode Conductors: Stranded cable. F. Underground Conductors: Bare, tinned, stranded, unless otherwise indicated. G. Bare Copper Conductors: Comply with the following: 1. Solid Conductors: ASTM B 3. 2. Assembly of Stranded Conductors: ASTM B 8. 3. Tinned Conductors: ASTM B 33. H. Copper Bonding Conductors: As follows: 1. Bonding Cable: 28 kcmil, 14 strands of No. 17 AWG copper conductor, 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) in diameter. 2. Bonding Conductor: No. 4 or No. 6 AWG, stranded copper conductor. 3. Bonding Jumper: Bare copper tape, braided bare copper conductors, terminated with copper ferrules; 1-5/8 inches (42 mm) wide and 1/16 inch (1.5 mm) thick. 4. Tinned Bonding Jumper: Tinned -copper tape, braided copper conductors, terminated with copper ferrules; 1-5/8 inches (42 mm) wide and 1/16 inch (1.5 mm) thick. 1. Ground Conductor and Conductor Protector for Wood Poles: As follows: 1. No. 4 AWG minimum, soft -drawn copper conductor. 2. Conductor Protector: Half -round PVC or wood molding. If wood, use pressure -treated fir, or cypress or cedar. J. Grounding Bus: Bare, annealed copper bars of rectangular cross section, with insulators. 2.03 CONNECTOR PRODUCTS A. Comply with IEEE 837 and UL 467; listed for use for specific types, sizes, and combinations of conductors and connected items. B. Bolted Connectors: Bolted -pressure -type connectors, or compression type. C. Welded Connectors: Exothermic -welded type, in kit form, and selected per manufacturers written instructions. — GROUNDING AND BONDING 16060-2 Oak Street Plaza RMH Proj. #17109 L.U, GROUNDING ELECTRODES A. Ground Rods: Sectional type; copper -clad steel. 1. Size: /4" in diameter by 120" long. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 APPLICATION A. Use only copper conductors for both insulated and bare grounding conductors in direct contact with earth, concrete, masonry, crushed stone, and similar materials- B. In raceways, use insulated equipment grounding conductors. C. Exothermic -Welded Connections: Use for connections to structural steel and for underground connections, except those at test wells. D. Equipment Grounding Conductor Terminations: Use bolted pressure clamps. E. Ground Rod Clamps at Test Wells: Use bolted pressure clamps with at least two bolts. F. Grounding Bus: Install in electrical and telephone equipment rooms, in rooms housing service equipment, and elsewhere as indicated. 1. Use insulated spacer; space 1 inch (25.4 mm) from wall and support from wall 6 inches (150 mm) above finished floor, unless otherwise indicated. 2. At doors, route the bus up to the top of the door frame, across the top of the doorway, and down to the specified height above the floor. G. Underground Grounding Conductors: Use copper conductor, No. 2/0 AWG minimum. Bury at least 24 inches (600 mm) below grade or bury 12 inches (300 mm) above duct bank when installed as part of the duct bank. 3.02 EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTORS A. Comply with NFPA 70, Article 250, for types, sizes, and quantities of equipment grounding conductors, unless specific types, larger sizes, or more conductors than required by NFPA 70 are indicated. B. Install insulated equipment grounding conductor with circuit conductors for the following items, in addition to those required by NEC: 1. Feeders and branch circuits 2. Lighting circuits 3. Receptacle circuits 4. Single-phase motor and appliance branch circuits 5. Three-phase motor and appliance branch circuits 6. Flexible raceway runs 7. Armored and metal -clad cable runs C. Busway Supply Circuits: Install insulated equipment grounding conductor from the grounding bus in the switchgear, switchboard, or distribution panel to equipment grounding bar terminal on busway. Oak Street Plaza 16060-3 GROUNDING AND BONDING RMH Proi. #17109 Nonmetallic Raceways: Install an equipment grounding conductor in nonmetallic raceways unless they are designated for telephone or data cables. E. Signal and Communication Systems: For telephone, alarm, voice and data, and other communication systems, provide No. 4 AWG minimum insulated grounding conductor in raceway from grounding electrode system to each service location, terminal cabinet, wiring closet, and central equipment location. _ 1. Service and Central Equipment Locations and Wiring Closets: Terminate grounding conductor on a 1/4-by-2-by-12-inch (6.4-by-50-by-300-mm) grounding bus. - 2. Terminal Cabinets: Terminate grounding conductor on cabinet grounding terminal. F. Metal Poles Supporting Outdoor Lighting Fixtures: Provide a grounding electrode in addition to installing a separate equipment grounding conductor with supply branch -circuit conductors. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Ground Rods: Install at least three rods spaced at least one -rod length from each other and located at least the same distance from other grounding electrodes. 1. Drive ground rods until tops are 2 inches (50 mm) below finished floor or final grade, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Interconnect ground rods with grounding electrode conductors. Use exothermic welds, except at test wells and as otherwise indicated. Make connections without exposing steel or damaging copper coating. B. Grounding Conductors: Route along shortest and straightest paths possible, unless otherwise indicated. Avoid obstructing access or placing conductors where they may be subjected to strain, impact, or damage. C. Underground Grounding Conductors: Use bare copper wire. Bury at least 24 inches (600 mm) below grade. D. Bonding Straps and Jumpers: Install so vibration by equipment mounted on vibration isolation hangers and supports is not transmitted to rigidly mounted equipment. Use exothermic -welded connectors for outdoor locations, unless a disconnect -type connection, is required; then, use a bolted clamp. Bond straps directly to the basic structure taking care not to penetrate any adjacent parts. Install straps only in locations accessible for maintenance. E. Metal Water Service Pipe: Provide insulated copper grounding conductors, in conduit, from building's main service equipment, or grounding bus, to main metal water service entrances to building. Connect grounding conductors to main metal water service pipes by grounding clamp connectors. Where a dielectric main water fitting is installed, connect grounding conductor to street side of fitting. Bond metal grounding conductor conduit or sleeve to conductor at each end. F. Water Meter Piping: Use braided -type bonding jumpers to electrically bypass water meters. — Connect to pipe with grounding clamp connectors. G. Bond interior metal piping systems and metal air ducts to equipment grounding conductors of associated pumps, fans, blowers, electric heaters, and air cleaners. Where metallic piping and — duct systems are rendered metallically non -continuous by non-conductive couplings, provide bonding jumpers to restore grounding continuity. Use braided -type bonding straps. H. Bond each aboveground portion of gas piping system upstream from equipment shutoff valve. ^ GROUNDING AND BONDING 16060-4 Oak Street Plaza RMH Prol. #17109 r%- SECTION 00410 BID BOND IWOW ALL MEN BY J-2 CONTRACTING COMPANY as Principal, and DEVELOPERS PRESENTS" SENTS" that we, the undersigned hereby held and fi 1 AND INDEMNITY COMPANY as curet OWNER, in the sum ofrnt Y bound unto the Cit Y, are $ Y of Fort Collins Colorado truly to be made, we hereby-5z -* for the payment of which, well and and assigns, jointly and severally bind ourselve®, succec sots, T= COxDITiON of this obligation is such that whereas submitted to the Cites et Fort Collins, Colorthe Principal has ado the acc hereby made a part hereof to enter into a Construction OmPauying Bid and construction of Fort Collins•Project, Bid 5951 oak street Hlazareement for the NOW TMWFORE, (a) Tf said Bid shall be rejected, or (b) If said Bid shall be accepted and the Principal shall execute and deliver a Contract in the form of Contract attached hereto (properly. completed in accordance with said Bid) and shall furnish a BOND for his faithful performance of said Contract, and for payment labor or furnishing materialof all persona performing s in connection of other respects perform the Agreement created by the acceptance lof ai d Bid, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise the same shall remaid in force and effect, it being expressly understood and agreed that the liability of the Surety for any and all claims hereunder s event, exceed the penal amount of this obligation as hall, in hp herein stated. The Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates obligations said surety and and agrees that the affected by any extension of its BOND shall be in no way impaired or the time within we OWNER may accept such hich th Bid; and said Surety does hereby waive notice of any such extension. Suety Companies executing bonds must be authorized to transact business in the State of Colorado and be accepted by the OWNER, * FIVE PERCENT OF TOTAL AMOUNT BID-------- 7/96 Section 00410 Page 1 Install one test well for each service at the ground rod electrically closest to the service entrance. Set top of well flush with finished grade or floor. Fill with 1-inch- (25-mm-) maximum -size crushed stone or gravel. 3.04 CONNECTIONS A. General: Make connections so galvanic action or electrolysis possibility is minimized. Select connectors, connection hardware, conductors, and connection methods so metals in direct contact will be galvanically compatible. 1. Use electroplated or hot -tin -coated materials to ensure high conductivity and to make contact points closer to order of galvanic series. 2. Make connections with clean, bare metal at points of contact. Clean surfaces thoroughly before applying ground lugs or clamps. If surface is coated, the coating must be removed down to the bare metal. After the coating has been removed, apply a noncorrosive approved compound to clean surface and install lugs or clamps. Where galvanizing is removed from metal, it shall be painted or touched up with "Galvanox," or equal. 3. Make aluminum -to -steel connections with stainless -steel separators and mechanical clamps. 4. Make aluminum -to -galvanized steel connections with tin-plated copper jumpers and mechanical clamps. 5. Coat and seal connections having dissimilar metals with inert material to prevent future penetration of moisture to contact surfaces. B. Exothermic -Welded Connections: Comply with manufacturer's written instructions. Welds that are puffed up or that show convex surfaces indicating improper cleaning are not acceptable. C. Equipment Grounding Conductor Terminations: For No. 8 AWG and larger, use pressure -type grounding lugs. No. 10 AWG and smaller grounding conductors may be terminated with winged pressure -type connectors. D. Noncontact Metal Raceway Terminations: If metallic raceways terminate at metal housings without mechanical and electrical connection to housing, terminate each conduit with a grounding bushing. Connect grounding bushings with a bare grounding conductor to grounding bus or terminal in housing. Bond electrically noncontinuous conduits at entrances and exits with grounding bushings and bare grounding conductors, unless otherwise indicated. E. Connections at Test Wells: Use compression -type connectors on conductors and make bolted - and clamped -type connections between conductors and ground rods. F. Tighten screws and bolts for grounding and bonding connectors and terminals according to manufacturer's published torque -tightening values. If manufacturer's torque values are not indicated, use those specified in UL 486A and UL 486B. G. Compression -Type Connections: Use hydraulic compression tools to provide correct circumferential pressure for compression connectors. Use tools and dies recommended by connector manufacturer. Provide embossing die code or other standard method to make a visible indication that a connector has been adequately compressed on grounding conductor. H. Moisture Protection: If insulated grounding conductors are connected to ground rods or grounding buses, insulate entire area of connection and seal against moisture penetration of insulation and cable. Oak Street Plaza 16060-5 GROUNDING AND BONDING RMH Proi. #17109 05 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Tests: Perform the following field quality -control testing: 1. After installing grounding system but before permanent electrical circuitry has been energized, test for compliance with requirements. 2. Test completed grounding system at each location where a maximum ground -resistance level is specified, at service disconnect enclosure grounding terminal, and at ground test wells. Measure ground resistance not less than two full days after the last trace of precipitation, and without the soil being moistened by any means other than natural drainage or seepage and without chemical treatment or other artificial means of reducing natural ground resistance. Perform tests, by the fall -of -potential method according to IEEE 81. 3. Provide drawings locating each ground rod and ground rod assembly and other grounding electrodes, identify each by letter in alphabetical order, and key to the record of tests and observations. Include the number of rods driven and their depth at each location and include observations of weather and other phenomena that may affect test results. Describe measures taken to improve test results. a. Equipment Rated 500 kVA and Less: 10 ohms. b. . Equipment Rated 500 to 1000 kVA: 5 ohms. C. Equipment Rated More Than 1000 kVA: 3 ohms. d. Substations and Pad -Mounted Switching Equipment: 5 ohms. e. Manhole Grounds: 10 ohms. 4. Excessive Ground Resistance: If resistance to ground exceeds specified values, notify Architect promptly and include recommendations to reduce ground resistance. 5. Report: Prepare test reports, certified by the testing organization, of ground resistance at each test location. Include observations of weather and other phenomena that may affect test results. Describe measures taken to improve test results. 3.06 GRADING AND PLANTING A. Restore surface features, including vegetation, at areas disturbed by Work of this Section. Reestablish original grades, unless otherwise indicated. If sod has been removed, replace it as soon as possible after backfilling is completed. Restore areas disturbed by trenching, storing of dirt, cable laying, and other activities to their original condition. Include application of topsoil, fertilizer, lime, seed, sod, sprig, and mulch. Comply with Division 2 Sections for Landscaping. Maintain restored surfaces. Restore disturbed paving as indicated. - END OF SECTION GROUNDING AND BONDING 16060-6 Oak Street Plaza RMH Proj. #17109 SECTION 16140 WIRING DEVICES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this section. 1.02 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Convenience Receptacles 2. Wiring Connectors 3. Wall Toggle Switches 4. Device Wall Finish Plates 1.03 REFERENCES A. IEC 309-1, Part 1: General Requirements: Plugs, Socket -Outlets and Couplers for Industrial Purposes. B. NEMA WD 1-83: General Requirements for Wiring Devices. C. NEMA WD 6-88: Wiring Device — Dimensional Requirements. D. UL 486A-91: Wire Connectors and Soldering Lugs for Use with Copper Conductors. E. UL 486E-91: Wire Connectors for Use with Aluminum Conductors. F. UL 20: General -Use Snap Switches. G. UL 498: Electrical Attachment Plugs and Receptacles. H. UL 943: Ground -Fault Circuit Interrupters. I. UL 1449: Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors. 1.04 DEFINITIONS A. GFCI: Ground -Fault Circuit Interrupter B. TVSS: Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Qualifications: 1. Provide products specified in this Section that are "listed and labeled"(as defined by the National Electrical Code, Article 100). 2. Comply with NEMA WD 1. 3. Comply with NFPA 70. Oak Street Plaza 16140-1 WIRING DEVICES RMH Proj. #17109 1.06 COORDINATION A. Receptacles for Owner -Furnished Equipment: Match plug configurations. B. Cord and Plug Sets: Match equipment requirements. 1.07 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Packing, Shipping, Handling, and Unloading: Deliver all materials to the Work site in original, new, and unopened containers bearing the manufacturer's name and label. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Acceptable Manufacturers: Items of material furnished for the Work, subject to compliance with requirements, items listed or equal approved from manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Wiring Devices: a. Bryant Electric, Inc. b. Eagle Electric Manufacturing Co., Inc. C. GE Company; GE Wiring Devices. — d. Hubbell, Inc.; Wiring Devices Div. e. Intermatic f. Killark Electric Manufacturing Co. g. Leviton Lighting Control Division h. Pass & Seymour/Legrand; Wiring Devices Div. i. Pyle -National, Inc.; an Amphenol Co. 2.02 COMPONENTS A. Straight -Blade and Locking Receptacles: Heavy -Duty grade: Comply with NEMA WD 6. B. GFCI Receptacles: Feed -through type, with integral NEMA WD 6 Configuration 5-20R duplex receptacle arranged to protect connected downstream receptacles on same circuit. Design units for installation in a 2-3/4-inch- (70-mm-) deep outlet box without an adapter. The weatherproof cover shall be designed to mount on a single gang vertical junction box to ensure weather protection for a standard receptacle. The cover shall mount on indoor or outdoor junction boxes and shall include a weatherproof cover/base assembly, a gasket, two universal inserts and mounting hardware. The weatherproof cover shall include two inserts to provide flexibility in installation. The outlet cover shall meet or exceed UL requirements for wet locations while in use. The weatherproof cover shall be designed to meet requirements of NEC Article 410- - 57(b) and shall be NEMA 3R rated. The weatherproof cover shall be constructed entirely of cast aluminum material. The cover which encloses the cord set shall be opaque gray. The cover shall meet agency requirements for cold impact at -60°F (-51°C). The cover shall provide useable inside depth of 3-1/8". Weatherproof cover shall be INTERMATIC Model WP1010MC or approved equal. C. Snap Switches: Heavy-duty, quiet type. Switch shall be rated at 20 A, 120/277-VAC. WIRING DEVICES 16140-2 Oak Street Plaza RMH Proj. #17109 D. Wall Plates: Single and combination types match corresponding wiring devices. Metal plate - securing screw with head color to match plate finish. 1. Material: Galvanized steel. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Secure all devices and assemblies plumb and secure. B. Arrange devices and assemblies, unless otherwise noted, mounted flush with long dimension vertical, and grounding terminal of receptacles on top. , C. Provide adequate protection for devices and assemblies prior to commencement of painting. Install device wall plates and assembly cover plates upon completion of painting. D. Connect wiring device and assembly grounding terminal to outlet .box with bonding jumper. Connect wiring device and assembly grounding terminal to branch circuit equipment grounding conductor. E. Tighten all electrical connectors and electrical terminals according to manufacturers publishes torque -tightening values. If torque values are not published, use torque values as specified in UL 486A and UL 486B. 3.02 IDENTIFICATION A. Comply with Division 16 Section 'Basic Electrical Materials and Methods". 1. Clearly label all devices and assemblies with Brother® #M231 adhesive identification tape or approved equal, giving panel identification and branch circuit number and durable wire markers or tags within outlet boxes. Exterior device and assembly locations shall utilize non -adhesive Dymo® aluminum tape labels or approved equal, fastened to device. 2. Where three or more switches are ganged, and elsewhere as indicated, identify each switch with approved legend engraved on wall plate. 3.03 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Site Tests, Inspections: 1. Test wiring devices for proper polarity and ground continuity. Operate each device and assembly at least six times. 2. Test GFCI operation with both local and remote fault simulations in accordance with manufacturer's written testing procedures. 3.04 ADJUSTING A. Replace damaged and/or defective components. 3.05 CLEANING A. Keep all items protected before, during, and after installation. Clean area and remove all debris. Remove all paint overspray and/or spattering from devices and assemblies. Oak Street Plaza 16140-3 WIRING DEVICES RMH Proi. #17109 3.06 DEMONSTRATION A. The Contractor shall provide for demonstration and complete instruction to the Owners' operating personnel as to the operation, maintenance, and repair procedures of all installed devices and assemblies. END OF SECTION WIRING DEVICES 16140-4 Oak Street Plaza RMH Proj. #17109 SECTION 16410 ENCLOSED SWITCHES IM_l 0.4MMCIA41I0i:LIII 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this section. 1.02 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: This section includes requirements for individually mounted and enclosed fused and non -fused disconnect switches, fuses, and circuit breakers for disconnecting and protecting services, feeders, branch circuits, and utilization equipment. 1.03 REFERENCES A. The latest edition of the following standards and codes, standard publications of professional organizations, and the local authorities having jurisdiction are the minimum requirements for this work. 1. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 2. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) 3. National Electrical Manufacturer's Association (NEMA) 4. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 5. NFPA 70, the National Electrical Code (NEC) 6. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) 7. State, city, and local authorities 1.04 DEFINITIONS A. FDS: Fused Disconnect Switch B. NFDS: Non -fused Disconnect Switch C. RMS: Root Mean Square D. SPDT: Single -pole Double -throw 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use. B. Comply with NFPA 70, the National Electrical Code. C. All equipment and materials will be new and unused and shall conform with the current applicable industry standards. Workmanship and neat appearance shall be as important as electrical and mechanical operation. Defective or damaged materials shall be replaced or repaired prior to final acceptance in a manner meeting approval of Architect and/or Engineer and at no additional cost to the Owner. Oak Street Plaza 16410-1 ENCLOSED SWITCHES RMH Prot. #17109 PART2-PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Disconnect Switches: Acceptable manufacturers are listed below. All disconnect switches shall — be of the same manufacturer. 1. Cutler -Hammer 2. General Electric Company 3. Square D Company — B. Fuses: Acceptable manufacturers are listed below. All fuses shall be of the same manufacturer. 1. Bussman 2. Gould Shamut 3. Littlefuse 2.02 DISCONNECT SWITCHES A. Enclosed fusible and non -fusible switches, 1200-amp and smaller, NEMA KS1, heavy duty type with lockable handle, 600-volts, horsepower rated for motors as required. Number of poles and ampacity as noted or required by code. Short-circuit rating shall be sufficient to withstand the — available fault current or let -through current before the fuse melts without damage or change in rating. B. Fusible switches 30- through 600-amperes shall be furnished with rejection class "R" or "J" type fuse clips and 800 through 1200 amperes shall be furnished with class "L" type fuse clips. C. Switches shall incorporate a safety cover interlock to prevent opening the cover with the switch in the "ON" position or prevent placing the switch in the "ON" position with the cover open. Provide a "defeater" for authorized personnel. D. Handles shall have provisions for padlocking and shall clearly indicate the ON and OFF positions. — Front cover doors shall be padlockable in the closed position. 2.03 FUSES A. Fuses shall be Class K-1 and K-5 of rejection type for 600 amperes and below and Class L for over 600 amperes. Fuse voltage class shall be either 250 volt or 600 volt and shall be applied — according to circuit voltage. B. Coordinate the low -voltage fuses required for the project to provide basic selective protection and properly coordinate with the other associated protective equipment. 2.04 ENCLOSURE A. NEMA AB 1 and NEMA KS 1 to meet environmental conditions of installed location. — 1. Outdoor Locations: NEMA 250, Type 3R. 2. Other Wet or Damp Indoor Locations: NEMA 250, Type 4. 3. Indoor use for protection against dust, falling dirt, and dripping non -corrosive liquids; NEMA — 250, Type 12 ENCLOSED SWITCHES 16410-2 Oak Street Plaza RMH Proj. #17109 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install devices in general area of equipment and accessible to maintenance personnel according to manufacturer's written instructions. Secure devices firmly to supporting structure with approved fasteners in a level and plumb manner. Verify voltage and amperage size and enclosure type of devices for each installation. Where practical, devices shall be mounted such that the top of switch is a maximum of 6-0" above finished floor or surface. B. Connect devices to wiring system and to ground as indicated and instructed by manufacturer. Tighten electrical connectors and terminals according to manufacturer's published torque - tightening values. Where manufacturer's torque values are not indicated, use those specified in UL 486A and UL 4B6B. C. Identify each device according to requirements in other sections of these specifications. 3.02 OVERCURRENT PROTECTIVE DEVICES A._ Install fuses where required as a protective- device in conformance with equipment manufacturer's specified requirements and in accordance with the requirements of this section. 3.03 EQUIPMENT CONNECTIONS A. Provide all final power connections for mechanical equipment. All equipment items will be furnished and set by others. Confirm with suppliers all rough -in data, e.g., electrical characteristics, dimensions, locations, type of connection, etc., prior to installation. 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Prepare for acceptance tests as follows: 1. Test insulation resistance for each enclosed switch, circuit breaker, component, and control circuit. 2. Test continuity of each line- and load -side circuit. 3.05 CLEANING A. On completion of installation, inspect interior and exterior of enclosures. Remove paint and plaster splatters and other spots. Vacuum dirt and debris; do not use compressed air to assist in cleaning. Repair exposed surfaces to match original finish. END OF SECTION Oak Street Plaza 16410-3 ENCLOSED SWITCHES RMH Proj. #17109 SECTION 16442 PANELBOARDS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this section. 1.02 SUMMARY A. This Section includes lighting and power panelboards, distribution panels, and associated auxiliary equipment rated 600 V and less. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. All exceptions to the specification shall be in written, detailed format with paragraphs referenced and presented with the shop drawing submittal. Refer to Division 1. Provide a written list with sections referenced of all the exceptions taken on this specification. B. Product Data: For each type of panelboard, accessory item, and component specified. C. Shop Drawings: Include dimensioned plans, sections, and elevations. Show tabulations of installed devices, available spaces, major features, and voltage rating. Include the following: 1. Enclosure type with details for types other than NEMA 250, Type 1. 2. Bus configuration and current ratings. 3. Short-circuit current rating of panelboard. 4. Quantity and wire range of lugs. D. Panelboard Schedules: For installation in panelboards. Submit final versions after load balancing. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Testing Agency Qualifications: In addition to the requirements specified in Division 1 Section "Quality Control," an independent testing agency shall meet OSHA criteria for accreditation of testing laboratories, Title 29, Part 1907, or shall be a full member company of the InterNational Electrical Testing Association. 1. Testing Agency's Field Supervisor: Person currently certified by the InterNational Electrical Testing Association or National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies, to supervise on -site testing specified in Part 3. B. Listing and Labeling: Provide products specified in this Section that are listed and labeled. 1. The Terms "Listed" and "Labeled": As defined in the National Electrical Code, Article 100. 2. Listing and Labeling Agency Qualifications: A "Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory" as defined in OSHA Regulation 1910.7. C. Comply with NFPA 70. D. Panelboards: 1. NEMA PB-1 Oak Street Plaza 16442-1 PANELBOARDS RMH Proj. #17109 TN NTTN&ss MMRROF, the principal and the surety ofy have hereunto set their hands and seals this 11th corporations have caused theJanuary ir corporate seals t o e� hereto affixedd such of and ase Presents to be signed by their proper officers, the er and the -we forth above, y and year first met PRINCIPAL Name: J-2 CONTRACTING COMPANY Address:45�. 6th treet Gz�e Y, 80631.- Hy: s Title:2c ATTSST: 8Y: rt V Q�•t�L./� ::7, a'd [ ! �,1 (SEAL) n. Gil, _ Y 14 • d a'f 7/96 SURZTY "MV4 11� ulf Y 1 ul' milli Denver, CO 80246 B Title: Attorney -In -Fact J.R. Richards I SRAL) _ty Section 00410 Page 2 2. Federal Specification W-P-115A Type 11, Class 1 3. UL 50 and 67 E. Circuit Breakers: 1. NEMA AB-1 2. Federal Specification W-C-375a and W-C-375b 3, UL 489 F. Fusible Switches: 1. Federal Specification W-S-865c 2. UL 98 1.05 MAINTENANCE A. Extra Materials: Keys: 6 spares of each type for panelboard cabinet lock. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Eaton Corp.; Westinghouse & Cutler -Hammer Products. 2. General Electric Co.; Electrical Distribution & Control Div. 3. Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc. 4. Square D Co. 2.02 PANELBOARD FABRICATION A. Enclosures: Flush- or surface -mounted cabinets as indicated. NEMA PB 1, Type 1, unless otherwise indicated to meet environmental conditions at installed location. Enclosures shall be corrosion resistant galvanized (zinc finished) sheet steel. Fronts shall be cold rolled steel, finish ^ coated with ANSI 61 gray enamel over a rust inhibitor. B. Front: Secured to box with concealed trim clamps, unless otherwise indicated. Front for surface - mounted panelboards shall be same dimensions as box. Fronts for flush panelboards shall overlap box, unless otherwise indicated. C. Directory Frame: Metal, mounted inside each panelboard door. D. Bus System: 1. Bus bars shall be sequence phased, rigidly supported by high impact resistant, insulated supporting bus assemblies to prevent vibration and resulting damage when subjected to stress, vibration or short circuits. Solderless terminations shall be suitable for either copper or aluminum wire or cable. 2. Bus bars shall be silver-plated copper. Bus bars shall be of the ampere rating shown on ^ the Drawings. Neutral bus shall be full size and of the same material as the phases buses. Neutral bus shall be 200% rated when supplied from a double neutral feeder. Provide copper equipment ground bus in each panelboard. In addition to the equipment ground bus, provide an isolated ground bus when supplied from a feeder which includes an _ isolated grounding conductor. Neutral and ground buses shall be capable of terminating one conductor per pole position minimum. PANELBOARDS 16442-2 Oak Street Plaza RMH Proj. #17109 E. Main and Neutral Lugs: Mechanical type F. Where a main breaker is indicated, it shall be factory mounted to the bus and shall be located in panel as indicated. Panels shall be flush or surface -mounted, as indicated. Provide panels with main lugs only or with main breakers as indicated. G. Panelboards rated 240 VAC or less shall have short-circuit ratings as shown on the drawings, but not less than 10,000 amperes RMS symmetrical. H. Panelboards shall be labeled with a UL short-circuit rating. Provide "FULLY" rated panelboard unless noted otherwise. When series ratings are applied with integral or remote upstream devices, a label shall be provided. Series ratings shall cover all trip ratings of installed frames. It shall state the conditions of the UL series ratings, including: 1. Size and type of upstream device 2. Branch devices that can be used 3. UL series short-circuit rating 1. Molded -case or combination molded -case with current -limiting fuses as scheduled or required. Provide quick -make and quick -break toggle mechanism, inverse -time characteristics, and trip - free operation on overload or short-circuit. Automatic tripping shall be indicated by a handle position between the manual OFF and ON position. Provide a trip element for each pole, a common -trip bar for all poles and a single molded insulating material handle. Handle ties will not be accepted. Adjustable magnetic trip devices shall be set at the factory to the low trip setting unless otherwise noted. Provide breaker frame sizes as required to meet the continuous ampere rating and the interrupting capacity. Provide G.F.I. or shunt -trip type breakers where indicated on drawings. Shunt -trip breakers shall be supplied with 120 VAC coils, U.O.N. J. Fusible Switch Units: 1. Quick -make, quick -break, dead -front type. Each switch shall be a self-contained unit, externally operated from the front. 2. Defeatable interlock to prevent opening the door when the switch is in the ON position. 3. Switches shall be equipped with rejection type clips suitable for UL Class R fuses up to 600A, suitable for UL Class L fuses above 600A. 4. Handle shall be capable of being padlocked in the OFF position. K. Service Equipment Approval: Listed for use as service equipment for panelboards with main service disconnect. L. Future Devices: Equip with mounting brackets, bus connections, and necessary appurtenances, for the overcurrent protective device ampere ratings indicated for future installation of devices. 2.03 OVERCURRENT PROTECTIVE DEVICES A. Branch Overcurrent Protective Devices: Bolt -on circuit breakers, replaceable without disturbing adjacent units. B. Molded -Case Circuit Breaker: NEMAAB 1, handle lockable. 1. Characteristics: Frame size, trip rating, number of poles, and auxiliary devices as indicated and interrupting capacity rating to meet available fault current. 2. Application Listing: Appropriate for application, including Type SWD for switching fluorescent lighting loads and Type HACR for heating, air-conditioning, and refrigerating equipment. 3. Lugs: Mechanical lugs and power -distribution connectors for number, size, and material of conductors indicated. Oak Street Plaza 16442-3 PANELBOARDS RMH Proj. #17109 C. Fusible Switch: NEMA KS 1, Type HD, clips to accommodate specified fuses, handle lockable. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install panelboards and accessory items according to NEMA PB 1.1. B. Mounting Heights: Top of trim 74 inches (1880 mm) above finished floor, unless otherwise indicated. C. Mounting: Plumb and rigid without distortion of box. Mount flush panelboards uniformly flush with wall finish. D. Circuit Directory: Type directory to indicate installed circuit loads after balancing panelboard ^ loads. Obtain approval before installing. E. Install filler plates in unused spaces. F. Install plugs on open knockouts. G. Provision for Future Circuits at Flush Panelboards: Stub four 1" (27-GRC) empty conduits from panelboard into accessible ceiling space or space designated to be ceiling space in the future. Stub four 1" (27-GRC) empty conduits into raised floor space or below slab not on grade. H. Wiring in Panelboard Gutters: Arrange conductors into groups, and bundle and wrap with wire ties after completing load balancing. 3.02 IDENTIFICATION A. Panelboard Nameplates: Nameplates for identifying the panelboards shall be engraved laminated plastic strips (white with black letters), attached by screws, or phenolic buttons or small window -frame type. Adhesive stick -on labels alone will not be acceptable unless specifically approved. Panelboard nameplates shall include name of panel and voltage. 3.03 GROUNDING A. Make equipment grounding connections for panelboards as indicated. B. Provide ground continuity to main electrical ground bus as indicated. 3.04 CONNECTIONS A. Tighten electrical connectors and terminals, including grounding connections, according to manufacturer's published torque -tightening values. Where manufacturer's torque values are not indicated, use those specified in UL 486A and UL 486B. 3.05 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Prepare for acceptance tests as follows: 1. Make insulation -resistance tests of each panelboard bus, component, and connecting supply, feeder, and control circuits. PANELBOARDS 16442-4 Oak Street Plaza RMH Proj. #17109 2. Make continuity tests of each circuit. B. Testing: After installing panelboards and after electrical circuitry has been energized, demonstrate product capability and compliance with requirements. 1. Procedures: Perform each visual and mechanical inspection and electrical test stated in NETA ATS, Section 7.5 for switches and Section 7.6 for molded -case circuit breakers. Certify compliance with test parameters. 2. Correct malfunctioning units on -site, where possible, and retest to demonstrate compliance; otherwise, remove and replace with new units, and retest. 3.06 CLEANING A. On completion of installation, inspect interior and exterior of panelboards. Remove paint splatters and other spots, dirt, and debris. Touch up scratches and mars of finish to match original finish. B. Backboxes shall be clean, dry and free of construction debris and fireproofing overspray prior to installation of panelboard interior. C. Vacuum backboxes clean of debris after installation and wiring of branch circuits. END OF SECTION Oak Street Plaza 16442-5 PANELBOARDS RMH Proi. #17109 SECTION 16521 EXTERIOR LIGHTING PART 1-GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. B. This Section includes exterior lighting units with luminaires, lamps, ballasts, poles/support structures, and accessories. C. If information provided in the Luminaire Schedule conflicts with information provided in the specifications, than the more stringent or high quality requirements shall apply. 1.02 DEFINITIONS A. Lighting Unit: A luminaire or an assembly of luminaires complete with ballast housing, and mounting and support accessories. B. Luminaire (Light Fixture): A complete lighting device consisting of lamp(s) and ballast(s), when applicable, together with parts designed to distribute light, to position and protect lamps, and to connect lamps to power supply. C. Poles: Luminaire support structure, including foundation, standard, pole top and high pole, and tower used to illuminate large area. 1.03 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR POLES A. Dead Load: Weight of luminaire and its horizontal and vertical supports, lowering devices, and supporting structure, applied as stated in AASHTO LTS-3. B. Live Load: Single load of 500 Ibf (2224 N), distributed as stated in AASHTO LTS-3. C. Ice Load: Load of 3 lbf/sq. ft. (143.6 Pa), applied as stated in AASHTO LTS-3. D. Wind Load: Pressure of wind on standard and luminaire. Wind speed for calculating wind load for poles 50 feet in height or less is 100 mph 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. General: Submit each item in this Article according to the Conditions of the Contract and Division 1 Specification Sections. Any submitted fixture that differs in any manner from that scheduled or specified must be marked "exception'. Clearly indicate exact differences and include all manufacturers data as indicated. Show associated cost credit to owner. Complete working fixture samples shall be provided equipped with a 120-volt cord and plug for any proposed substitution upon request of the Architect and/or Engineer. Provide electronic copy of any independent laboratory tested IES photometric file for Engineer used in verifying that substituted fixture meets the specifications. Oak Street Plaza 16521-1 EXTERIOR LIGHTING RMH PrOj. #17109 B. Product Data: For each type of lighting unit indicated, arranged in order of lighting unit designation. Include data on features, accessories, finishes, and the following: 1. Materials and dimensions of luminaires and poles. 2. Certified results of laboratory tests for fixtures and lamps for photometric performance. Photometric data shall include candle power distribution curve and table, zonal lumen table and coefficient of utilization table. 3. High -intensity -discharge luminaire ballasts. C. Shop Drawings: Anchor -bolt templates keyed to specific poles and certified by manufacturer. —. D. Maintenance Data: For lighting units to include in maintenance manuals specified in Division 1. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Luminaires and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, for their indicated use, location, and installation conditions by a testing agency acceptable to authorities _ having jurisdiction B. Comply with ANSI C2. C. Comply with NFPA 70. 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING OF POLES A. Package aluminum poles for shipping according to ASTM B 660. B. Store poles on decay -resistant treated skids at least 12 inches (300 mm) above grade and — vegetation. Support poles to prevent distortion and arrange to provide free air circulation. C. Retain factory applied pole wrappings on fiberglass poles until just before pole installation. _ Handle poles with web fabric straps. D. Retain factory applied pole wrappings on metal poles until just before pole installation. For poles with nonmetallic finishes, handle with web fabric straps. 1,07 WARRANTY A. General Warranty: Special warranty specified in this Article shall not deprive Owner of other ^ rights Owner may have under other provisions of the Contract Documents and shall be in addition to, and run concurrent with, other warranties made by Contractor under requirements of the Contract Documents. B. Special Warranty: Written warranty, signed by manufacturer and Installer agreeing to replace external parts of luminaires and poles exhibiting a failure of finish as specified below. This warranty is in addition to, and not a limitation of, other rights and remedies Owner may have under requirements of the Contract Documents. 1. Protection of Metal from Corrosion: Warranty against perforation or erosion of finish due to weathering. 2. Color Retention: Warranty against fading, staining, and chalking due to effects of weather and solar radiation. 3. Warranty Period: Manufacturer's standard, but not less than three years from date of _ Substantial Completion. EXTERIOR LIGHTING 16521-2 Oak Street Plaza RMH Proj. #17109 1.08 EXTRA MATERIALS A. Furnish extra materials described below that match products installed and that are packaged with protective covering for storage and identified with labels describing contents. 1. Lamps: 10 for every 100 of each type and rating installed. Furnish at least one of each type. 2. Glass and Plastic Lenses, Covers, and Other Optical Parts: One for every 100 of each type and rating installed. Furnish at least one of each type. 3. Ballasts: One for every 100 of each type and rating installed. Furnish at least one of each type. 4. Globes and Guards: One for every 20 of each type and rating installed. Furnish at least one of each type. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the products indicated in the Luminaire Schedule shown on the electrical drawings. 2.02 LUMINAIRES A. Comply with IESNA RP-8 for parameters of lateral light distribution patterns indicated for luminaires. B. Doors, Frames, and Other Internal Access: Smooth operating, free from light leakage under operating conditions, and arranged to permit relamping without use of tools. Arrange doors, frames, lenses, diffusers, and other pieces to prevent accidental falling during relamping and when secured in operating position. Provide for door removal for cleaning or replacing lens. Arrange to disconnect ballast when door opens. C. Gasketing: Door frame and housing sealed by one piece extruded silicon gasket with vulcanized end closure. D. Exposed Hardware Material: Stainless steel. E. Plastic Parts: High resistance to yellowing and other changes due to aging, exposure to heat, and ultraviolet radiation. F. Reflecting Surfaces: Minimum reflectance as follows, unless otherwise indicated: 1. White Surfaces: 85 percent. 2. Specular Surfaces: 83 percent. 3. Diffusing Specular Surfaces: 75 percent. G. Lenses and Refractors: Materials as indicated. Use heat- and aging -resistant, resilient gaskets to seal and cushion lens and refractor in luminaire doors. H. Photoelectric Relays: As follows: 1. Contact Relays: Single -throw, arranged to fail in the on position and factory set to turn light unit on at 1.5 to 3 fc (16 to 32 Ix) and off at 4.5 to 10 fc (48 to 108 Ix) with 15-second minimum time delay. Oak Street Plaza 16521-3 EXTERIOR LIGHTING RMH Proi. #17109 I. iiigh-Intensity-Discharge Ballasts: Comply with ANSI C82.4. Constant wattage autotransformer or regulating high -power -factor type, unless otherwise indicated. 1. Single -Lamp Ballasts: Minimum starting temperature of minus 40°C. 2. Open -circuit operation will not reduce average life. 3. Noise: Uniformly quiet operation, with a noise rating of B or better. J. Lamps: Comply with the standard of the ANSI C78 series that is applicable to each type of lamp. Provide luminaires with indicated lamps of designated type, characteristics, and wattage. Where a lamp is not indicated for a luminaire, provide medium wattage lamp recommended by manufacturer for luminaire. 1. Metal -Halide Color Temperature and Minimum Color -Rendering Index: 3600 K and 70 CRI, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Fluorescent Color Temperature and Minimum Color Rendering Index: 3500K and 85 CRI, unless otherwise indicated. 2.03 LUMINAIRE SUPPORT COMPONENTS A. Description: Comply with AASHTO LTS-3 for pole or other support structures, brackets, arms, appurtenances, base, and anchorage and foundation. B: Wind -Load Strength of Poles: Adequate at indicated heights above grade without failure, permanent deflection, or whipping in steady winds of speed indicated in 'Performance Requirements" Article, with a gust factor of 1.3. C. Luminaire Attachment: Structural supports to comply with luminaire mounting requirements. D. Finish: Match finish of pole/support structure for arm, bracket, and tenon mount materials. E. Mountings, Fasteners, and Appurtenances: Corrosion -resistant items compatible with support components. 1. Materials: Will not cause galvanic action at contact points. 2. Mountings: Correctly position luminaire to provide indicated light distribution. 3. Anchor Bolts, Nuts, and Washers: Hot -dip galvanized after fabrication unless stainless - steel items are indicated. 4. Anchor -Bolt Template: Plywood or steel. 5. Concrete Bases: Cast -in -place concrete. Concrete, reinforcement, and formwork are specified in Division 3. F. Pole Bases: Embedded type with underground conduit entry for fiberglass poles. Concrete foundations with anchor bolts, leveling nuts, and bolt covers for steel poles. 2.04 FIBERGLASS POLES A. Poles: Comply with ANSI C136.20, with access handhole in pole wall. B. Resin Color: black; provide uniform coloration throughout entire wall thickness. C. Surface Finish: Pigmented polyurethane, with a minimum dry -film thickness of 1.5 mils (0.04 mm). 2.05 STEEL POLES A. Poles: Comply with ASTM A 500, Grade B, carbon steel with a minimum yield of 46,000 psig (317 MPa); 1-piece construction up to 40 feet (12 m) in length with access handhole in pole wall. EXTERIOR LIGHTING 16521-4 Oak Street Plaza RMH Proj. #17109 3. Factory -Painted Finish: Comply with NAAMM's "Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products" for recommendations for applying and designating finishes. 1. Surface Preparation: Clean surfaces to comply with SSPC-SP 1, "Solvent Cleaning," to remove dirt, oil, grease, and other contaminants that could impair paint bond. Grind welds and polish surfaces to a smooth, even finish. Remove mill scale and rust, if present, from uncoated steel, complying with SSPC-SP 5/NACE No. 1, "White Metal Blast Cleaning," or SSPC-SP 8, "Pickling." 2. Interior Surfaces: Apply one coat of bituminous paint on interior of pole, or otherwise treat to prevent corrosion. 3. Exterior Surfaces: Manufacturer's standard finish consisting of one or more coats of primer and two finish coats of high -gloss, high -build polyurethane enamel. Color shall be as indicated by the manufacturer's designations. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Embedded Poles: Set poles to indicated depth, but not less than one -sixth of pole length below finish grade. Dig holes large enough to permit use of a mechanical compactor the full depth of hole. Backfill in 6-inch (150-mm) layers and thoroughly compact each layer so backfill is equal to or greater than that of undisturbed earth. Backfill material shall consist of 3/4 inch or less uncontaminated crushed rock. Follow pole manufacturer's installation procedures. B. Concrete Foundations: Construct according to Division 3 Section "Cast -in -Place Concrete." 1. Comply with details for reinforcement and for anchor bolts, nuts, and washers. Verify anchor -bolt templates by comparing with actual pole bases furnished. 2. Finish for Parts Exposed to View: Trowel and rub smooth. Comply with Division 3 Section "Cast -in -Place Concrete" for exposed finish. C. Install poles as follows: 1. Use web fabric slings (not chain or cable) to raise and set poles. 2. Secure poles level, plumb, and square. D. Luminaire Attachment: Fasten to indicated structural supports.. E. Luminaire Attachment with Adjustable Features or Aiming: Attach luminaires and supports to allow aiming for indicated light distribution. F. Lamp luminaires with indicated lamps according to manufacturer's written instructions. Replace malfunctioning lamps. 3.02 CORROSION PREVENTION A. Aluminum: Do not use in contact with earth or concrete. When in direct contact with a dissimilar metal, protect aluminum by insulating fittings or treatment. B. Steel Conduits: Comply with Division 16 Section "Raceways and Boxes." In concrete foundations, wrap conduit with 0.010-inch- (0.254-mm-) thick, pipe -wrapping plastic tape applied with a 50 percent overlap. Oak Street Plaza 16521-5 EXTERIOR LIGHTING RMH Proi. #17109 3.03 CONNECTIONS A. Ground Equipment: Tighten electrical connectors and terminals according to manufacturer's published torque -tightening values. If manufacturer's torque values are not indicated, use those specified in UL 486A and UL 486B. B. Ground metal poles/support structures according to Division 16 Section "Grounding." 1. Poles: Install 10-foot (3m) driven ground rod at each pole. Use exothermic weld connection between ground rod and ground conductor. 2. Nonmetallic Poles: Ground metallic components of lighting units and foundations. Connect luminaires to grounding system with No. 6 AWG conductor. 3. Install grounding conductor pigtail in the base for connecting luminaire to grounding system. 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Inspect each installed unit for damage. Replace damaged units. B. Tests and Observations: Verify normal operation of lighting units after installing luminaires and energizing circuits with normal power source, and check excessively noisy ballasts. C. Malfunctioning Fixtures and Components: Replace or repair, then retest. Repeat procedure until units operate properly. 3.05 CLEANING AND ADJUSTING A. Clean units after installation. Use methods and materials recommended by manufacturer. END OF SECTION EXTERIOR LIGHTING 16521-6 Oak Street Plaza RMH Proj. #17109 POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR DEVELOPERS SURETYAND INDEMNITY COMPANY INDEMNITY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA PO BOX 19725, IRVINE, CA 92623 (949) 263-3300 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that except as expressly limited, DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY and INDEMNITY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, do each, hereby make, constitute and appoint: ***James S. Rosulek, J.R. Richards, Douglas J. Rothey, Cynthia M. Burnett, Florietta Acosta, Donald E. Appleby, Gloria C. Blackburn, Dilynn Guern, Pamela J. Hansen, Kristen L. McCormick, Kevin W. McMahon, Frank C. Penn, Susan J. Lattarulo, jointly or severally*** as their true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, to make, execute, deliver and acknowledge, for and on behalf of said corporations, as sureties, bonds, undertakings and contracts of suretyship giving and granting unto said Attomcy(s)-in-Fact full power and authority to do and to perform every ad necessary, requisite or proper to be done in connection therewith as each of said corporations could do, but reserving to each of said corporations full power of substitution and revocation, and all of the acts of said Attomey(s)-in-Fact, pursuant to these presents, are hereby ratified and confirmed. 'This Power of Attorney is granted and is signed by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolutions adopted by the respective Board of Directors of , DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY and INDEMNITY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, effective as of November 1, 2000: RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Board, the President and any Vice President of the corporation be, and that each of them hereby is, authorized to execute Powers ofAttomey, qualifying the allDrney(s) named in the Powers ofAttomey to execute, on behalf of the coiporstiona, bonds, undertakings and contracts of suretyship; and that the Secretary or any Assistant Secretary of the corporations be, and each of them hereby is, authorized to attest the execution of any such Power of Attorney; RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the sigoatores of such officers may be affixed to any such Power of Attorney or to any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such Power of Attorney or catifiate bearing such facsimile signatures shell be valid and binding upon the corporation when so affixed and in the More with respect to any bond, undertaking or contract of suretyship to which it is attached. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY and INDEMNITY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA have severally caused these presents to be signed by their respective Executive Via President and attested by their respective Secretary this 1st day of February, 2005. David H. Rhodes Executive Vice-president CL 0CQ� `Opq �0l CT. to10 a ui 1957 y 96 WaHerA.Crowell.Seeretsry WN. der � 'CIFOP STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ).SS. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) On February 1, 2005, before me, Nita G HifSneyer, personally appeared David H. Rhodes and Walter A. Crowell, personally known to me (or proved to tan on the basis of satisfactory avidemce) to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their authorized capacities, and that by their signatures on the instrument the entity upon behalf of which the persons acted, executed the histrtmaaxt. WITNESS my hand and official seal. rdir- Nino 0. H f MEYM ,.AMCOMM / 1649�8t maim. ,Nn.t fl�Ott CERTIFICATE The undersigned, as Executive Vice -President, of DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY and INDEMNITY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, does hereby certify that the foregoing Power of Attorney remains in 8d1 force and has not been revoked, and furthermore, that the provisions of tie resolutions of the respective Boards of Directors of said corporations set forth in the Power ofAttomey, are in force as of the date of this Certificate. This Certificate is executed in the city of Irvine, California, the 11 th day of January , 2006 By <: ` Devil L. Kertiggo, Executive Vice -President tl ID-1390(Rev 2/05) SECTION 16590 PROGRAMMABLE LIGHTING CONTROL SYSTEM PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 OVERVIEW AND INTEGRATION REQUIREMENTS A. Provide a complete low voltage lighting control system for the projects as shown on the plans and specified herein. B. Relay panel interior shall be pre -assembled complete with the necessary relays, transformers and devices. Relay panel interior shall be separate from enclosure so as to permit easy mounting, conduit installation and wire pull to enclosures. Interior to be inserted last and connections made. 1.02 REFERENCES A. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by the basic designation only. 1. NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (NFPA) 2. NFPA 70 (2002) National Electrical Code 3. U.S. NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION (NARA) 4. 47 CFR 15 Radio Frequency Devices 5. UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES (UL) 6. UL 916 (1998) Energy Management Equipment 7. UL 486A (1997; Rev thru Dec 1998) Wire Connectors and Soldering Lugs for Use with Copper Conductors 8. U.S. FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (FCC) 9. FCC Part 15 (1989) Rules and Regulations: Radio Frequency Devices 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. General: Submit each item in this Article according to the Conditions of the Contract and Division 1 Specification Sections. Any submitted fixture that differs in any manner from that scheduled or specified must be marked "exception". Clearly indicate exact differences and include all manufacturers data as indicated. Show associated cost credit to City of Fort Collins. Complete working fixture samples shall be provided equipped with a 120-volt cord and plug for any proposed substitution upon request of the Architect and/or Engineer. 1. Product Data 2. Modular relay panels 3. Programmable scanners 4. Photocell control 5. Timeclock 6. Low -voltage Wire B. Include dimensions and data on features, components, and ratings for lighting control devices. 1. System Component Shop Drawings a. Programmable lighting controller & components 2. One Line Diagram: Submit a one -line diagram of the system configuration proposed if it differs from that illustrated in the riser diagram included in these specifications. 3. Typical Wiring Diagrams: Submit typical wiring diagrams for all components including, but not limited to, relay panels, relays, low -voltage switches, occupancy sensors, master switches, photocells, and override switches. Oak Street Plaza 16590-1 PROGRAMMABLE LIGHTING RMH Prol. #17109 CONTROL SYSTEM 1.04 A. B. C. 1.05 4. Testing, Operation and Maintenance Data a. Provide a testing plan that indicates step by step how the system will be tested by the factory authorized technician. b. Provide sequence of operation that allows City of Fort Collins to troubleshoot any potential problems with the system and can be used as a training tool for future maintenance personnel. C. All final reviewed and approved submitted material shall be included in maintenance manuals specified in Division 1 at the end of the project. RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. Specification Section 01650, "Commissioning and Start-up" applies to this section. Division 16 Section "Lighting Control Devices". SUMMARY A. Extent of low -voltage lighting control system work is indicated by drawings and by the requirements of this section. 1. In general the low -voltage control system consists of a programmable relay panel, an associated low -voltage photocell and timeclocks and control wiring. The system shall control all of the project lighting except the vault lighting which is locally switched. Refer to the one -line diagram, relay panel schedule, and site lighting plan for more information. B. Requirements are indicated elsewhere in these specifications for work including, but not limited to, raceways and electrical boxes and fitting required for installation on control equipment and wiring. Electrical contractor shall be familiar with all system components and the associated installation requirements prior to submitting bid. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source Limitations: 1. Obtain lighting control devices from a single source with total responsibility for compatibility of lighting control system components specified in this Section. B. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: 1. Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, for their indicated use and installation conditions by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. C. Compliance: 1. Comply with 47 CFR 15, Subparts A and B, for Class A digital devices. 2. Comply with NFPA 70. 3. Comply with NEC as applicable to electrical wiring work. 4. Comply with applicable portions of NEMA standards pertaining to types of electrical equipment and enclosures. D. Manufacturers: 1. Firms regularly engaged in manufacture of lighting control equipment and ancillary equipment, of types and capacities required, whose products have been in satisfactory use in similar service for not less than 5 years. PROGRAMMABLE LIGHTING 16590-2 Oak Street Plaza CONTROL SYSTEM RMH Proj. #17109 : omponent Pretesting: 1. All components and assemblies are to be factory pretested and burned in prior to installation. F. System Checkout: 1. Factory trained technicians shall be available to functionally test each component in a programmable system after installation to verify proper operation and confirm that the panel wiring and addressing conform to the wiring documentation. G. System Support: 1. Factory applications engineers shall be available for onsite training as well as telephone support. H. UL Approvals: 1. Remote panels are to be UL listed under UL 916 Energy Management Equipment. FCC Emissions: 1. All assemblies are to be in compliance with FCC Part 15 Subpart J emissions Standards specified in for Class A application. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Acceptable Manufacturer: Douglas Lighting Controls or approved equal. 2.02 LOW -VOLTAGE SWITCHING SYSTEM A. Submit shop drawings on programmable lighting controller & components for approval. B. System Description: 1. The low -voltage lighting control system shall consist of a relay panel assembly, low -voltage timeclock and photocells as well as their associated wiring. 2. The relay panel shall be mounted in the underground vault as indicated on the drawings. The numbered relays in the panel shall be wired to control the power to each load as indicated on the Relay Panel Schedules included in the drawings. All power wiring will be identified with the circuit number controlling it at the load. 3. Low -voltage switches and/or photocells shall be mounted in the spaces as indicated on the lighting plans and lighting control system one -line diagram. Each low -voltage wire shall be labeled with the relay number (1?48) at each switch or sensor. Use only properly color - coded, stranded #18 AWG (or larger) wire as indicated on the drawings. All relays and switches shall be tested after installation to confirm proper operation and the loads recorded on the directory card in each panel. C. Hardware Features: 1. Modular relay panels shall be UL listed and consist of the following: a. Tub: Empty NEMA 1 enclosure sized to accept an interior with either 1-12, 1-24 or 1- 48 Douglas Controls WR-6161 relays. b. Interior: Bracket and circuit board backplane with pre -mounted Douglas Controls relays. Interiors shall be sized to accept either 6-72 relays. Each relay is capable of direct ON/OFF control by a low -voltage switch, occupancy sensor or photocell control. Relay shall have manual on/off operation lever with on/off indicator built-in to provide status check at the panel. Oak Street Plaza 16590-3 PROGRAMMABLE LIGHTING RMH Proi. #17109 CONTROL SYSTEM C. Relays shall be momentary -pulsed mechanically latching contactors rated at 20 amps, 120-277 VAC. Output contacts shall have high -inrush -duty rating (suitable for sustaining 20 msec. 1500 amp fault current). d. Power Supply: 40VA transformers for providing power to relays and associated low - voltage switches and sensors. Transformers include internal overcurrent protection with automatic reset and metal oxide varistor protection against powerline spikes. 277 VAC, 50/60 Hz. +/- 10%. e. Cover: Surface with captive screws in a hinged, lockable configuration. A wiring schedule directory card shall be affixed to the cover's back to allow identification of circuits/relays/loads controlled if the door is open or the cover is off. D. Programmable Scanners: Provide programmable relay scanners to allow for controlling several groups of relays via master switches. Each scanner shall be solid state and have 12 or 24 relay outputs. An output shall be capable of switching the connected relay ON and OFF. Each programmable scanner shall have 5 switch inputs to accommodate master group switches. Each switch input shall be set with the keypad built in to the scanner to switch some or all of the 24 relay outputs of the scanner. E. Photocell Control: 1. General: Each photocontrol point shall consist of remote sensor and a separate control/calibration unit. The sensor shall connect to the control/calibration unit with 2 #18 conductors with a maximum distance of 500 ft. The control unit shall be powered by 24 VAC. 2. Control Unit: a. Controller shall provide 24 time/photo-controlled outputs for relay scanners. Outputs shall be programmed to a turn-off foot-candle level and a turn -on foot-candle level. Lighting levels shall be set in the field with commissioning agent and City of Fort Collins representative. b. Control unit shall be a standard device which can operate with a remote photo -sensor within a range between 1 and 6500 footcandles. C. Control device shall employ a 3-minute time delay between switching outputs to avoid nuisance tripping. There shall be a 1 sec time delay to aid in initial setup and troubleshooting. 3. Sensor Devices: Provide where required a photometric sensor (Douglas Controls WPS- 5941), capable of sensing from 0 to 65,535 lux. a. The photometric sensor shall continuously monitor the true ambient light level and shall allow different relays (or groups of relays) to be switched at different light levels. b. The photometric sensor shall be watertight and be able to withstand direct sunlight, rain or snow. The sensor shall have an operating range of -500 to +130OF F. Timeclock: 1. Timeclock shall have the following features: a. Eight outputs, each individually programmable b. Two outputs with paralled dry contacts C. Seven assignable programs d. Sixty-four events per year e. Sixty-four holiday schedules per year f. Power down protections for time and programs g. Automatic daylight savings time and leap year adjustments G. Low -voltage Wire: 1. All low -voltage wiring shall be color coded to match the relays, switches, and sensors. It must also be UL listed as conforming to Class 2 wiring requirements. PROGRAMMABLE LIGHTING 16590-4 Oak Street Plaza CONTROL SYSTEM RMH Proj. #17109 j ,F,T 3- EXECUTION _410;tit11111 Wi+691_1IWTAN9Eel E A. Install equipment level and plumb and according to manufacturer's written instructions. B. Mount lighting control devices according to manufacturer's written instructions and requirements in Division 16 Section 16050N, "Basic Electrical Materials and Methods." C. Mounting heights indicated are to bottom of unit for suspended devices and to center of unit for wall -mounting devices. D. Mount enclosures for photocell controllcalibration unit in electrical room with the associated relay panel. 3.02 CONTROL WIRING INSTALLATION A. Install wiring between relays and control devices according to manufacturer's written instructions. B.- All Class 2 wiring shall be installed in conduit. C. Bundle, train, and support wiring in enclosures. D. Ground equipment. E. Connections: Tighten electrical connectors and terminals according to manufacturer's published torque -tightening values. If manufacturer's torque values are not indicated, use those specified in UL 486A. 3.03 IDENTIFICATION A. Identify components and power and control wiring according to Division 16 Section 16050, "Basic Electrical Materials and Methods." 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Schedule visual and mechanical inspections and electrical tests with at least seven days' advance notice. B. Inspect control components for defects and physical damage, testing laboratory labeling, and nameplate compliance with the Contract Documents. C. Check tightness of electrical connections with torque wrench calibrated within previous six months. Use manufacturer's recommended torque values. D. Verify settings of photoelectric devices with photometer calibrated within previous six months. E. Electrical Tests: Use particular caution when testing devices containing solid-state components. Perform the following according to manufacturer's written instructions: F. Continuity tests of circuits. 1. Operational Tests: Set and operate devices to demonstrate their functions and capabilities in a methodical sequence that cues and reproduces actual operating functions. 2. Include testing of devices under conditions that simulate actual operational conditions. Record control settings, operations, cues, and functional observations. Oak Street Plaza 16590-5 PROGRAMMABLE LIGHTING RMH Proj. #17109 CONTROL SYSTEM 3. Correct deficiencies, make necessary adjustments, and retest. Verify that specified requirements are met. 4. Test Labeling: After satisfactory completion of tests and inspections, apply a label to tested components indicating test results, date, and responsible agency and representative. 5. Reports: Written reports of tests and observations. Record defective materials and workmanship and unsatisfactory test results. Record repairs and adjustments. G. Commission photocells according to manufacturer's instructions and City of Fort Collins representative requests. In general exterior lighting will be turned off when 5 footcandles of daylight is present outside. Exact lighting levels whereby lighting will be turned off shall be set in field under the direction of the City of Fort Collins representative. H. Program timeclock functions according to City of Fort Collins representative(s) desired settings. 3.05 CLEANING A. Cleaning: Clean equipment and devices internally and externally using methods and materials recommended by manufacturers, and repair damaged finishes. 3.06 DEMONSTRATION A. System Startup: Manufacturer shall provide a factory authorized technician to confirm proper installation and operation of all system components. The control system shall be fully tested by the contractor, with point-to-point checklists, pre -functional checklists, and functional performance testing completed and verified by the commissioning authority prior to the general contractor (and sub -contractors) receiving substantial completion. B. Engage a factory -authorized service representative to train City of Fort Collins' maintenance personnel as specified below. C. Train maintenance personnel on troubleshooting, servicing, adjusting, and preventive maintenance. Provide a minimum of three hours' training. 1. Training Aid: Use the approved final version of maintenance manuals as a training aid. 2. Schedule training with City of Fort Collins representative with at least seven days advance notice. 3. Training: Manufacturer shall provide factory authorized application engineer to train maintenance personnel in the operation and programming of the lighting control system. END OF SECTION PROGRAMMABLE LIGHTING 16590-6 Oak Street Plaza CONTROL SYSTEM RMH Proi. #17109 SECTION 00420 STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS All questions must be answered and the data given must be clear and comprehensive. This statement must be notarized. If necessary, questions may be answered on separate attached sheets. The Bidder may submit any additional information he desires. /l 1. Name of Bidder: � Z (�iovT/LR�TZr6 ( � 2. Permanent main office address: $-Q4,S/ 3. When organized: 06 1/97S 4. If a corporation, where incorporated: 624!!»"bp 5. How many years have you been engaged in the contracting business under your present firm or trade name? 0 Z 9 6. Contracts on hand: (Schedule these, showing the amount of each contract and the appropriate anticipated dates of completion.) EE Sc ALroji ze s A� + s /IF�F Tu-i CoMVZCYW �iyo�Css�S 7. General character of Work performed by your company: 8. Have you ever failed to complete any Work awarded to you? If so, where and why? A/O 9. Have your ever defaulted on a contract? /(/ 2 If so, where and why? 10. Are you debarred by any government agency? 144:2 If yes list agency name. 7/96 Section 00420 Page 1 11. List the more important projects recently completed by your company, stating the approximate cost of each, and the month and year completed, location and type of construction. c A trArwer Se,"4F0V1F 12. List your major equipment available for this contract. Co rZZ-K 5:-:=-,o S c2 S yea ks 62AAr,6V6 Az," S /� [ AT A02. 5 /'� 7S9A- Aae ce4/ CA 430 J-AA�Tcn, Lo ope2 SACkA106 ,MAGlG. r-AA100eln 13. Experience in construction Work similar in importance to this project: �E✓En/�Z. Plb5E�T5 S2�rL'[�R� / Y/�Lc F ,on40 Sinai U Va- I— 14. Background and experience of the principal members of your organization, including officers: $65 AAA40 tA-%f:Ni 15. Credit available: $ Sl3D,0,00 16. Bank reference: $AMG. /-�itF Sc:f,�.oAee 9%47 5's%-yZ�,3 17. Will you, upon request, fill out a detailed financial statement and furnish any other information that may be required by the OWNER? 18. Are you licensed as a General CONTRACTOR?;,(/p If yes, in what city, county and state? What class, license and numbers? 19. Do you anticipate subcontracting Work under this Contract? �<t If yes, what percent of total contract?S and to whom? 566 S-cekn L(F /kr S4,,8r- 1-nz G nYL'S 20. Are any lawsuits pending against you or your firm at this time? ✓ o IF yes, DETAIL 7/96 Section 00420 Page 2 9. The motor starters for the display pump and filter pump shall be provided as part of the fountain control panel per the water feature mechanical specifications and drawings. 10. Phone numbers for the water feature mechanical system specialty items are as follows: Fountain Supply Company, 1-800-786-6604. Roman Fountains, 1-800-794-1801. 11. The vault ventilation pipe extensions and stacks shall be as shown on the water feature mechanical drawings WFA and WF-5. Disregard the reference to the ventilation stacks and extension pipes on the electrical drawing E-2. Provide the ventilation fan per the electrical drawings. SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS DIVISION 1, SECTION 01270 — Unit Prices Renumber Unit Price Items A through SS. PART 3- EXECUTION 3.01 List of Unit Prices Utilities Replace H. Sanitary Sewer Connection with the following: H. Unit Price Item: 12-Inch Storm Sewer Curb Inlet 1. Description: Twelve inch storm sewer curb inlet including all efforts and materials required for a complete item. 2. Unit of Measurement: Each Add the Following Unit Price Items: Unit Price Item: Pop -Jet Nozzle with Drain 1. Description: Pop -Jet Nozzle with drain installation and associated plumbing and all efforts and materials required to complete the item. 2. Unit of Measurement: Each Unit Price Item: String Light with LED Bulbs 1. Description: String light with Xenon bulbs replaced with LED bulbs. 2. Unit of Measurement: Linear Foot Unit Price item: Drinking Fountain 1. Description: Drinking Fountain installation including freight, custom color, hardware, attachment in place, and incidental efforts and materials required for a complete installed finished product. 2. Unit of Measurement: Each 21. What are the limits of your public liability? DETAIL ZM2`tc�T?v✓ AcGa G ff 11`l=Lt�av CMtA�tps'l� What company? 22. What are your company's bonding limitations? zeCS4,Z-rw /&70-•a 23. The undersigned hereby authorizes and requests any person, firm or corporation to furnish any information requested by the OWNER in verification of the recital comprising this Statement of Bidder's Qualifications. -s- Dated at ! this rNday of 20_ Sr Z CJ«'yT/IAGTZ CO. Name % Bidder f By: fd�GZS 16c7tiF Title: U?-eE State ofpLp,4gpp County of ! ✓Eka C444s.�5 /--1EC7A-< :��Ul being duly sworn deposes and says that he is (lrk-',E p gZa4rN of C&A,-XAAD - sCi✓6 and that (name of organization) the answers to the foregoing questions and all statements therein contained are true and correct. Subscribed and sworn to before me this IRS day of --J , 2 09tv. �0.ucu to Lem Notary Public! My commission expires ,115a9d`OS3;r, .; 44 '�11 My Commission Expires September 6, 2006 Section 00420 Page 3 w C J' J I PO Soy 129. 450 East 1fit h Street -Greeley, CO 80532 Ph: (970) 392-0694 -Fax; (9701 392-0695 • Emael: J2=1.J2coretraehn9. cant 1. Project Name: HWY 34 & 47TH Ave. Intersection Improvements Sub or Prime? Prime Contractor Owner: City of Greeley (Contact: Mike Bedell 336-4125) 1001 9`h Ave. Greeley, CO 80620 Contract Amount: $687,000 Sch. Completion Date: 7/2005 Description: Remove conc./asphalt, earthwork, aggregate base course, paving, signalization, striping, major traffic control 2. Project Name: 2005 Valve and Hydrant Replacement Sub or Prime? Prime Contractor Owner: City of Evans (Curtis Templeman 339-5344) 1100 37'h Street Evans, CO 80620 Contract Amount: $49,000 Completion Date: 5/2005 Description: Replace and install new fire hydrants and water valves. 3. Project Name: Northern Colorado Medical Center — 2"d Century Project Sub or Prime? Subcontractor General Contractor: Hensel Phelps PO Box 0 Greeley, CO 80631 Contract Amount: $755,000 Completion Date: 10/2005 Description: Remove conc./asphalt, earthwork, aggregate base course, paving, striping, excavation and backfill 4. Project Name: 37'h Street/35d' Ave. ROW Improvements Sub or Prime? Prime Contractor Owner: City of Evans (Contact: Martin Howell) 1100 37" Street Evans, CO 80620 Engineering: Drexel-Barrell 4840 Pearl East Circle, Suite 114 Boulder, CO 80301 Contract Amount: $3,300,000.00 Completion Date: 5/2004 % Comp. with Own Forces: 70% 5. Project Name: Sub or Prime? Owner: Engineering: Contract Amount: Completion Date: % Comp. with Own Forces: 6. Project Name: Sub or Prime? Owner: Engineering: Contract Amount: Completion Date: % Comp. with Own Forces: 7. Project Name: Sub or Prime? Owner: Engineering: Contract Amount: Percentage Complete: Completion Date: % Comp. with Own Forces: 8. Project Name: Sub or Prime? Owner: Engineering: Contract Amount: Percentage Complete: Completion Date: % Comp. with Own Forces: • AOGW~Tlt F"CROMMOA661011"'M SAM • 011110UMN • PU" U"LffNIM• lXCAVATM* SM 6"INUO •STOWT COI PO Box 129.450Easf 16th Street+Greeley, CO SP63T Ph: (910J 39Z-0694 • Fux: (970j 392.0695 •Email: J2a.12contrdc Gng,com I 56`h Ave. Reconstruct Prime Contractor City of Greeley (Contract: Pat Hill 350-9540) 1000 101h Street Greeley, CO 80631 City of Greeley (Contract: Pat Hill 350-9540) 1000 loth Street Greeley, CO 80631 $146,561 6/02 36% Highland Hills 20'h Street/56'h Ave Detention Pond/Irrigation Line Prime Contractor City of Greeley (Contract: Bert Leautaud 350-9788) 1000 10`h Street Greeley, CO 80631 City of Greeley (Contract: Bert Leautaud 350-9788) 1000 10 Street Greeley, CO 80631 $254,773.00 9/02 95% 476' Ave. Widening Prime Contractor City of Greeley (Contract: Mike Bedell 336-4125) KBN Engineers 820 8`h Street Greeley, CO 80631 $410,000 100% 11 /03 40% Weld County Parking Lot (8`h St. & I e Ave.) Prime Contractor Weld County (Contract: Pat Persichino) KBN Engineers 820 8`h Street Greeley, CO 80631 $430,000.00 100% 4/05 40% ♦AOSM"TSPRO08" IMAOOVA"TO"LM•001OLMON • PUUM 60OW"M/CTWU Recently Completed Public Works Projects (2000-2005) (Continued) 9. Project Name: 32n8 Street/29`h Ave. ROW Improvements Sub or Prime? Prime Contractor Owner: City of Evans (Contract: Martin Howell 339-5344) 1100 37`h Street Evans, CO 80620 Engineering: Pickett Engineering 808 8`h St. Greeley, CO 80631 Contract Amount: $1,354,000.00 Percentage Complete: 100% Completion Date: 11/01 % Comp. with Own Forces: 50% 10. Project Name: East Memorial Storm Sewer/Balsam Ave. Improv. Sub or Prime? Prime Contractor Owner: City of Greeley (Contract: Bert Leautaud 350-9788) 1000 10`h Street Greeley, CO 80631 Engineering: Burnett Consulting Engineers P.O. Box 121 Cowdrey, CO 80434 Contract Amount: $809,000 Percentage Complete: 100% Completion Date: 10/01 % Comp. with Own Forces: 70% It. Project Name: 49`h Ave. & 59`h Ave. Storm Sewer Sub or Prime? Prime Contractor Owner: City of Greeley (Contract: Bert Leautaud 350-9788) 1000 10'h Street, Greeley, CO 80631 Engineering: City of Greeley (Contract: Bert Leautaud 350-9788) 1000 10'h Street, Greeley, CO 80631 Contract Amount: $306,000 Percentage Complete: 100% Completion Date: 11/01 % Comp. with Own Forces: 70% • AOGMATK PROCS" MOrAGO1NWATB "Ln$ • OIMO LMON • }'UlLiC YTfyrra'�sptCAYATi0N�8tf! O1tAWli9•s'r�T O�MMgtfgiCT1AM Recently Completed Public Works Projects (2000-2005) (Continued) 12. Project Name: Monfort Phase III Sub or Prime? Prime Contractor Owner: City of Greeley (Contact: Phil Carter 350-9826) 1000 10 h Street, Greeley, CO 80631 Engineering: Boyle Engineering 165 South Union Blvd., Suite 200 - Lakewood, CO 80228 Contract Amount: $300,000 Change Orders: $70,000 (4.change orders) Completion Date: 11/00 % Comp. with Own Forces: 80% 13. Project Name: I" Ave./East Memorial Storm Sewer Sub or Prime? Prime Contractor Owner: City of Greeley (Contract: Bert Leauthud 350-9788) 1000 10"' Street, Greeley, CO 80631 Engineering: Burnett Consulting Engineers P.O. Box 121, Cowdrey, CO 80434 r Contract Amount: $620,000.00 Percentage Complete: 100% Completion Date: 8/00 % Comp. with Own Forces: 70% 14. Project Name: 2000 Impac Project r Sub or Prime? Prime Contractor Owner: City of Greeley (Contract: Linda Hood 350-9808) 1000 10t' Street, Greeley, CO 80631 Engineering: Same Contract Amount: $354,000 Percentage Complete: 100% Sch. Completion Date: 9/00 % Comp. with Own Forces: 45% 15. Project Name: Hill and Park Waterline Sub or Prime? Prime Contractor Owner: City of Evans (Contract: Martin Howell 339-5344) 1100 37 h Street, Evans, CO 80620 ` Engineering: RTW Fort Collins, CO 80525 Contract Amount: $254,000 Percentage Complete: 1000/0 Completion Date: 12/00 % Comp. with Own Forces: 90% •!tl'8{.{CY'M1TWf•E%CAVATWK4*1T1611D OOSIO T COOMMKTIMI • • Recently Completed Commercial Projects (2000-2005) 1. Project Name: Accutel Parking Lot Sub or Prime? Prime Contractor Owner: S&E Investments c/o KBN Engineers Engineering: KBN Engineers 820 8d' Street Greeley, CO 90631 Contract Amount: $204,000 Completion Date: 7/05 % Comp. with Own Forces: 700/o" 2. Project Name: Bonell Good Samaritan Center Parking Lots Sub or Prime? Prime Contractor Owner: Bonell Good Samaritan Center 708 22id Street Greeley, CO 80631 Engineering: Landmark Engineering 3521 W. Eisenhower Blvd. Loveland, CO 80537 Contract Amount: $295,000.00 Percentage Complete: 10% Completion Date: 8/2003 % Comp. with Own Forces: 80% 3. Project Name: College Green Business Park Sub or Prime? Prime Contractor Owner: Hensel Phelps Development Management Co. (Contract: Kim McAuliffe 970-352-6565) Engineering: KBN Engineers 820 8d' Street Greeley, CO 80631 Contract Amount: $700,000 Completion Date: 4/04 % Comp. with Own Forces: 94% 4. Project Name: Northern Colorado Medical Center, MOB 91 4 Sub or Prime? Sub Contractor Owner: Northern Colorado Medical Center Prime Contractor: Hensel Phelps (RJ Barron (970) 506-9402) Engineering: Drexel-Barrell 4840 Pearl East Circle, Suite 114 Boulder, CO 80301 Contract Amount: $460,000 Completion Date: 5/03 % Comp. with Own Forces: 100% QUALIFICATIONS OF KEY PERSONNEL JOHN C. LEONE SR. Education: Colorado State University Fort Collins CO Graduated: 1970 • BS in Construction Management Current Employer: J-2 Contracting_Company 1993-Present Title: President Job Description: Superintendent, Supervises all Field Operations Previous Experience: KIP Construction, Golden, CO 1990-1993 • Project Manager for Heavy Highway Construction. Greeley Excavation Company, Greeley, CO 1980-1990 • Owner, Estimator, Project Manager Flatiron, Greeley, CO 1976-1980 • General Manager of Concrete Division D-Leone Construction Co., Colorado Springs, CO 1970-1976 • Field Superintendent for Heavy Highway Construction CHRIS LEONE Education: Colorado School of Mines Golden, CO Graduated: 1994 • BS in Mechanical Engineering Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO Graduated: 2003 • Masters in Business Administration Current Employer: J-2 Contracting Company 2/l/05-Present Title: Vice President Job Description: Manages business Fundamentals Previous Experience. Celestica Colorado, Fort Collins, CO 1997-2005 • Business Office Director -Manage business office customer relations. SECTION 00430 SCHEDULE OF SUBCONTRACTORS List all subcontractors for the work items listed below and all subcontractors performing over 10%- of the contract. ITEM Et-E �TirsiC�� . pl7FcA5T (�Ji✓ca!'�''F SUBCONTRACTOR /,7 *yYC piepst � l {L d-le" L,owvc�rtF �QLt7!lAG:a %�a+Fto3T ✓✓A�l.`2-��sE 7/46 Section 00430 Page 1 SECTION 00420 STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS All questions must be answered and the data given must be clear and comprehensive. This statement must be notarized. If necessary, questions may be answered on separate attached sheets. The Bidder may submit any additional information he desires. 1. Name of Bidder: 2. Permanent main office address: 3. When organized: 4. If a corporation, where incorporated: 5. How many years have you been engaged in the contracting business under your present firm or trade name? 6. Contracts on hand: (Schedule these, showing the amount of each contract and the appropriate anticipated dates of completion.) 7. General character of Work performed by your company: 8. Have you ever failed to complete any Work awarded to you? If so, where and why? W Have your ever defaulted on a contract? If so, where and why? 10. Are you debarred by any government agency? If yes list agency name. 7/96 Section 00420 Page 1 DIVISION 2, SECTION 02515 —Unit Pavers PART 2 — PRODUCTS AND MATERIALS 2.01 Pavers Replace with the following: Any supplier: 3. Black Chinese Granite or Approved Equal, Thermal finish; 2' x 1', thickness = 2" DIVISION 2, SECTION 02520 —Portland Cement Concrete Paving PART 1- GENERAL Add the following: 1.09 Qualifications A. Concrete Installer for Lithocrete Specialty Concrete must be an approved licensed installer. Colorado Hardscapes 8085 E. Harvard Ave. Denver, CO 80231 (800) 447-1888; (303) 750-8200 coloradohardscapes.com 2.09 Specialty Concrete A. Lithocrete Surface -seeded Aggregate by Colorado Hardscapes Colorado Hardscapes 8085 E. Harvard Ave. Denver, CO 80231 (800) 447-1888; (303) 750-8200 coloradohardscapes.com 3.10 Specialty Concrete A. Lithocrete — Install as per Lithocrete specifications by Colorado Hardscapes. 8085 E. Harvard Ave. Denver, CO 80231 (800) 447-1888; (303) 750-8200 www.coloradohardscapes.com www.lithocrete.com 3.11 Integral Color Schedule 11. List the more important projects recently completed by your company, stating the approximate cost of each, and the month and year completed, location and type of construction. 12. List your major equipment available for this contract. 13. Experience in construction Work similar in importance to this project: 14. Background and experience of the principal members of your organization, including officers: 15. Credit available: $ 16. Bank reference: 17. Will you, upon request, fill out a detailed financial statement and furnish any other information that may be required by the OWNER? 18 19 Are you licensed as a General CONTRACTOR?_ If yes, in what city, county and state? class, license and numbers? Do you anticipate subcontracting Contract? If yes, what percent of total contract? and to whom? What Work under this 20. Are any lawsuits pending against you or your firm at this time? IF yes, DETAIL 7/96 Section 00420 Page 2 21. What are the limits of your public liability? DETAIL What company? 22. What are your company's bonding limitations? 23. The undersigned hereby authorizes and requests any person, firm or corporation to furnish any information requested by the OWNER in verification of the recital comprising this Statement of Bidder's Qualifications. Dated at this day of , 20 Name of Bidder By: Title: State of County of being duly sworn deposes and says that he is of and that (name of organization) the answers to the foregoing questions and all statements therein contained are true and correct. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 20 Notary Public My commission expires 7/96 Section 00420 Page 3 SECTION 00430 SCHEDULE OF SUBCONTRACTORS List all subcontractors for the work items listed below and all subcontractors performing over 10% of the contract. ITEM SUBCONTRACTOR 7/96 Section 00430 Page 1 SECTION 00500 AGREEMENT FORMS 00510 Notice of Award 00520 Agreement 00530 Notice to Proceed SECTION 00510 NOTICE OF AWARD Date: February 09, 2006 TO: J-2 Contracting Company PROJECT: Bid 5951 Oak Street Plaza OWNER: CITY OF FORT COLLINS (hereinafter referred to as "the OWNER") You are hereby notified that your Bid dated January 19, 2006 for the above project has been considered. You are the apparent successful Bidder and have been awarded an Agreement for Bid 5951 Oak Street Plaza: construction of a Downtown plaza park including: concrete paving, concrete pavers, concrete walls, fountain, custom railings, utilities including; water, sanitary sewer and electrical service, pedestrian lights, signage, site furniture, irrigation system, and landscaping.. The Price of your Agreement is ($959,544.00) Nine Hundred Fifty Nine Thousand Five Hundred Forty Four Dollars. Three (3) copies of each of the proposed Contract Documents (except Drawings) accompany this Notice of Award. Three (3) sets of the Drawings will be delivered separately or otherwise made available to you immediately. You must comply with the following conditions precedent within fifteen (15) days of the date of this Notice of Award that is by February 24, 2006. 1. You must deliver to the OWNER three (3) fully executed counterparts of the Agreement including all the Contract Documents. Each of the Contract Documents must bear your signature on the cover of the page. 2. You must deliver with the executed Agreement the Contract Security (Bonds) as specified in the Instructions to Bidders, General Conditions (Article 5.1) and Supplementary Conditions. Failure to comply with these conditions within the time specified will entitle OWNER to consider your Bid abandoned, to annul this Notice of Award and to declare your Bid Security forfeited. Within ten (10) days after you comply with those conditions, OWNER will return to you one (1) fully -signed counterpart of the Agreement with the Contract Documents attached. City of Fort Collins OWNER By: • J mes B. eill, II, CPPO, FNIGP D rector of Purchasing & Risk Management 9/12/01 Section 00510 Page 1 SECTION 00520 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is dated as of the 9th day of February in the year of 2006 and shall be effective on the date this AGREEMENT is signed by the City. The City of Fort Collins (hereinafter called OWNER) and J-2 Contracting Company (hereinafter called CONTRACTOR) OWNER and CONTRACTOR, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, agree as follows: ARTICLE 1. WORK CONTRACTOR shall complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents. The Project for which the Work under the Contract Documents may be the whole or only a part is defined as Bid 5951 Oak Street Plaza; the construction of a Downtown plaza park including: concrete paving, concrete pavers, concrete walls, fountain, custom railings, utilities including; water, sanitary sewer and electrical service, pedestrian lights, signage, site furniture, irrigation system, and landscaping and is generally described in Section 01100. ARTICLE 2. ENGINEER The Project has been designed by City of Fort Collins Park Planning Department, who is hereinafter called ENGINEER and who will assume all duties and responsibilities and will have the rights and authority assigned to ENGINEER in the Contract Documents in connection with completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. ARTICLE 3. CONTRACT TIMES 3.1 The Work shall be Substantially Complete by May 15, 2006 as provided in the General Conditions and completed and ready for Final Payment and Acceptance in accordance with the General Conditions by June 15, 2006. 3.2. Liquidated Damages. OWNER and CONTRACTOR recognize that time is of the essence of this Agreement and that OWNER will suffer financial loss if the Work is not completed within the times specified in paragraph 3.1. above, plus any extensions thereof allowed in accordance with Article 12 of the General Conditions. They also recognize the delays, expenses and difficulties involved in proving in a legal proceeding the actual loss suffered by OWNER if the Work is not completed on time. Accordingly, instead of requiring any such proof, OWNER and CONTRACTOR agree that as liquidated damages for delay (but not as penalty) CONTRACTOR shall pay OWNER the amounts set forth hereafter. 7/96 Section 00530 Page 1 1) Substantial Completion: Three Hundred Dollars ($300) for each calendar day or fraction thereof that expires after May 15, 2006, the date for Substantial Completion of the Work until the Work is Substantially Complete. 2) Final Acceptance: After Substantial Completion, One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150) for each calendar day or fraction thereof that expires after June 15, 2006 the date for Final Payment and Acceptance until the Work is ready for Final Payment and Acceptance. ARTICLE 4. CONTRACT PRICE 4.1. OWNER shall pay CONTRACTOR for performance of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents in current funds as follows: ($959,544.00), Nine Hundred Fifty Nine Thousand Five Hundred Forty Four Dollars, in accordance with Section 00300, attached and incorporated herein by this reference. ARTICLE 5. PAYMENT PROCEDURES CONTRACTOR shall submit Applications for Payment in accordance with Article 14 of the General Conditions. Applications for Payment will be processed by ENGINEER as provided in the General Conditions. 5.1. PROGRESS PAYMENTS. OWNER shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Price on the basis of CONTRACTOR's Application for Payment as recommended by ENGINEER, once each month during construction as provided below. All progress payments will be on the basis of the progress of the Work measured by the schedule of values established in paragraph 2.6 of the General Conditions and in the case of Unit Price Work based on the number of units completed, and in accordance with the General Requirements concerning Unit Price Work. 5.1.1. Prior to Substantial Completion, progress payments will be in the amount equal to the percentage indicated below, but, in each case, less the aggregate of payments previously made and less such amounts as ENGINEER shall determine, or OWNER may withhold, in accordance with paragraph 14.7 of the General Conditions. 90% of the value of Work completed until the Work has been 50o completed as determined by ENGINEER, when the retainage,equals 5% of the Contract Price, and if the character and progress of the Work have been satisfactory to OWNER and ENGINEER, OWNER on recommendation of ENGINEER, may determine that as long as the character and progress of the Work remain satisfactory to them, there will be no additional retainage on account of Work completed in which case the remaining progress payments prior to Substantial Completion will be in an amount equal to 100% of the Work completed. 90% of materials and equipment not incorporated in the Work (but delivered, suitably stored and accompanied by documentation satisfactory to OWNER as provided in 7/96 Section 00530 Page 2 paragraph 14.2 of the General Conditions) may be included in the application for payment. 5.1.2. Upon Substantial Completion payment will be made in an amount sufficient to increase total payments to CONTRACTOR to 950 of the Contract Price, less such amounts as ENGINEER shall determine or OWNER may withhold in accordance with paragraph 14.7 of the General Conditions or as provided by law. 5.2. FINAL PAYMENT. Upon Final Completion and Acceptance of the Work in accordance with paragraph 14.13 of the General Conditions, OWNER shall pay the remainder of the Contract Price as recommended by ENGINEER as provided in said paragraph 14.13. ARTICLE 6. CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATION In order to induce OWNER to enter into this Agreement, CONTRACTOR makes the following representations: 6.1. CONTRACTOR has familiarized himself with the nature and extent of the Contract Documents, Work, site, locality, and with all local conditions and Laws and Regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work. 6.2. CONTRACTOR has studied carefully all reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions and drawings of physical conditions which are identified in the Supplementary Conditions as provided in paragraph 4.2 of the General Conditions. 6.3. CONTRACTOR has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for obtaining and carefully studying) all such examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports, and studies (in addition to or to supplement those referred to in paragraph 6.2 above) which pertain to the subsurface or physical condition at or contiguous to the site or otherwise may affect the cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work as CONTRACTOR considers necessary for the performance or furnishing of the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Times and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, including specifically the provisions of paragraph 4.2 of the General Conditions; and no additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports, studies or similar information or data are or will be required by CONTRACTOR for such purposes. 6.4. CONTRACTOR has reviewed and checked all information and data shown or indicated on the Contract Documents with respect to existing Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site and assumes responsibility for the accurate location of said Underground Facilities. No additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports, studies or similar information or data in respect of said Underground Facilities are or will be required by CONTRACTOR in order to perform and furnish the Work at the Contract Price, 7/96 Section 00530 Page 3 within the Contract Times and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, including specifically the provision of paragraph 4.3. of the General Conditions. 6.5. CONTRACTOR has correlated the results of all such observations, examinations, investigations, tests, reports and data with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 6.6. CONTRACTOR has given ENGINEER written notice of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies that he has discovered in the Contract Documents and the written resolution thereof by ENGINEER is acceptable to CONTRACTOR. ARTICLE 7. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 7.1 The Contract Documents which comprise the entire Agreement between OWNER and CONTRACTOR concerning the Work consist of the General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, those items included in the definition of "Contract Documents" in Article 1.10 of the General Conditions, and such other items as are referenced in this Article 7, all of which are incorporated herein by this reference. 7.2 Forms for use by CONTRACTOR in performing the Work and related actions in carrying out the terms of this Agreement are deemed Contract Documents and incorporated herein by this reference, and include, but are not limited to, the following: 7.2.1Certificate of Substantial Completion 7.2.2 Certificate of Final Acceptance 7.2.3Lien Waiver Releases 7.2.4Consent of Surety 7.2.5Application for Exemption Certificate 7.2.6Application for Payment 7.3 Drawings, consisting of a cover sheet and sheets numbered as follows: SHEET TITLE SHEET COVER SHEET ACCESS & STAGING PLAN EROISION CONTROL DEMOLITION PLAN GRADING PLAN - PLAZA GRADING PLAN - WALL / STEP ELEVATIONS SITE PLAN - LAYOUT CURVE / MATERIALS LAYOUT FOUNTAIN ENLARGEMENT SITE DETAILS SITE DETAILS SITE DETAILS BUS SHELTER PLANS & ELEVATIONS ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS AS-1 EC-1 D-1 G-1 G-2 S-1 S-2 S-3 SD-1 SD-2 SD-3 A-1 A-2 7/96 Section 00530 Page 4 STRUCTURAL, FRAMING & DETAILS SF-1 ELECTRICAL LEGEND & ONE -LINE DIAGRAM E-1 ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN E-2 WATER FEATURE COVER SHEET / LAYOUT PLAN WF-C WATER FEATURE DETAILS WF-1 WATER FEATURE DETAILS WF-2 WATER FEATURE DETAILS WF-3 WATER FEATURE DETAILS WF-4 WATER FEATURE DETAILS WF-5 WATER FEATURE DETAILS WF-6 WATER FEATURE DETAILS WF-7 WATER FEATURE DETAILS WF-8 IRRIGATION COVER SHEET I-1 IRRIGATION LAYOUT PLAN I-2 IRRIGATION DETAILS I-3 IRRIGATION DETAILS I-4 IRRIGATION DETAILS I-5 IRRIGATION DETAILS I-6 IRRIGATION DETAILS I-7 LANDSCAPE LEGEND & PLAN LA -I The Contract Drawings shall be stamped "Final for Construction" and dated. Any revisions made shall be clearly identified and dated. 7.4. Addenda Numbers 1 to 2, inclusive. 7.5. The Contract Documents also include all written amendments and other documents amending, modifying, or supplementing the Contract Documents pursuant to paragraphs 3.5 and 3.6 of the General Conditions. 7.6. There are no Contract Documents other than those listed or incorporated by reference in this Article 7. The Contract Documents may only be amended, modified or supplemented as provided in paragraphs 3.5 and 3.6 of the General Conditions. ARTICLE 8. MISCELLANEOUS 8.1. Terms used in this Agreement which are defined in Article I of the General Conditions shall have the meanings indicated in the General Conditions. 8.2. No assignment by a party hereto of any rights under or interests in the Contract Documents will be binding on another party hereto without the written consent of the party sought to be bound; and specifically but not without limitations, moneys that may become due and moneys that are due may not be assigned without such consent (except to the extent that the effect of this restriction may be limited by law), and unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent to an assignment no assignment will release or discharge that assignor from any duty or responsibility under the Contract 7/96 Section 00530 Page 5 DAVIS COLOR DOSAGEIPIGMENT FINISH Palomino 3 Lbs. 5447 Lithocrete DIVISION 2, SECTION 02912—Landscape Trees, Shrubs, Perennials PART 2 — MATERIALS Replace 2.04 with the following: 2.04 Landscape Fabric A. Weed barrier by Dewitt, Mirifi, Typar, Pro 5 or equal. PART 3 — EXECUTION 3.02 Placing Fabric and Mulch A. Place weed barrier in all shrub beds and perennial beds. Lay out weed barrier around shrubs using staples to secure edges and seams. SPECIFICATION QUESTIONS 1. Section 16060, paragraph 3.03 (1). Are test wells going to be required on this project? ANSWER Test wells are not required for this project. 2. Section 16590, paragraphs 1.06 (F) and 3.06 describe the requirement for a "factory authorized technician" to be available on site or by phone for commissioning, testing, and training of the lighting control system. Is this truly necessary for this small of a job? If so, should the electrical contractor propose a budget for this personnel to be onsite? ANSWER No changes will be made to this requirement. The local representative is a factory authorized technician. The technician shall be on site. Telephone support is an additional requirement, not an "or" requirement — spec reads as follows: "Factory applications engineers shall be available for onsite training as well as telephone support." 3. Section 16060, paragraph 3.05 (Al-A5). Are drawings and reports required on this project? Are these tests and reports prepared by an independent contractor? Same question for Section 16410, paragraph 3.04. ANSWER Reports are required but an independent contractor is not required. This applies to both of the specification sections noted in the above question. 4. Section 16521, paragraph 1.08. My interpretation of this specification is that at least one lamp, ballast covers, globe, guard, etc. be furnished with each type of light fixture. ANSWER This is correct with the exception of the additional. Provide 20 spare lamps and globes for the string lights. Document. 8.3. OWNER and CONTRACTOR each binds itself, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other party hereto, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives in respect to all covenants, Agreement and obligations contained in the Contract Yocument. OWNER: CITY OF FORT COLLINS CONTRACT ntracting Company By: ((�l„�-V By JAMES B'O'NEILL II, CPPO, FNIGP . ECTOR OF PURCHASING Z-(<10-� AND RISK MANAGEMENT ,/ Title: VZ4c6 A'`gQ&C: FART COS Date: LZ i �F,.••.....,.<�� te: 2- 1y1O .•.yam SEAL (CORPORATE SEAL) Attest: test: City Cler `rt Address for giving notices: Address for giving notices: P. 0. Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522 LICENSE NO.: Approved as to Form Assistant C y Att rney 7/96 Section 00530 Page 6 SECTION 00530 NOTICE TO PROCEED Description of Work: Bid 5951 Oak Street Plaza To: J-2 Contracting Company This notice is to advise you: That the contract covering the above described Work has been fully executed by the CONTRACTOR and the OWNER. That the required CONTRACTOR's Performance Bond and Payment Bond have been received by the OWNER. That the OWNER has approved the said Contract Documents. Therefore, as the CONTRACTOR for the above described Work, you are hereby authorized and directed to proceed within ( ) calendar days from receipt of this notice as required by the Agreement. Dated this day of , 20 The dates for Substantial Completion and Final Acceptance shall be and 20 , respectively. City of Fort Collins OWNER By: Title: ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF NOTICE Receipt of the above Notice to Proceed is hereby acknowledged this day of , 20 CONTRACTOR: J-2 Contracting Company By: Title: 7/96 Section 00530 Page 8 SECTION 00600 BONDS AND CERTIFICATES 00610 Performance Bond 00615 Payment Bond 00630 Certificate of Insurance 00635 Certificate of Substantial Completion 00640 Certificate of Final Acceptance 00650 Lien Waiver Release (CONTRACTOR) 00660 Consent of Surety 00670 Application for Exemption Certificate SECTION 00610 PERFORMANCE BOND'' Bond No. 882291P KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: that (Firm) J-2 CONTRACTING COMPANY (Address) 450 E. 16th Street, Greeley, CO 80631 (a Corporation), hereinafter referred to as the "Principal^ and (Firm) DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY (Address) P.O. Box 469025, Denver, CO 80236 hereinafter referred to as "the Surety", are held and firmly bound unto City of Fort Collins, 300 Laporte Ave, Fort Collins, Colorado 80522 a (Municipal' Corporation) hereinafter referred to as the "OWNER", in the penal sum of in lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, successors and assigns, jointly and. severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION are such that whereas the Principal entered, into a certain Agreement with the OWNER, dated the 9th day of ** , 20 06, a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof for the performance of The City of Fort Collins project, Bid 5951 Oak Street Plaza. NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall well, truly and faithfully perform its duties, all the undertakings, covenants, terms, conditions and agreements of said Agreement during the original term thereof, and any extensions thereof? which may be granted by the OWNER, with or without Notice to the Surety and during toe life of the guaranty period, and if the Principal shall satisfy all claims and demands incurred under such Agreement, and shall fully indemnify and save harmless the OWNER from all cost and damages which it may suffer by reason of failure to do so, and shall reimburse and repay the OWNER all outlay and expense which the OWNER may incur in making good any default then this' obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. * NINE HUNDRED FIFTY NINE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND 00/100 DOLLARS ($959,544.00) ** February 7/96 Section 00610 Page 1 PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement or to the Work to bey performed thereunder or the specifications accompanying the same shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond; and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement or to the Work or to the Specifications. PROVIDED, FARTHER, that no final settlement between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR shall abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder, whose claim may be unsatisfied. PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the Surety Company must be authorized to transact business in the State of Colorado and be acceptable to the OWNER. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each one of which , 2006. IN PRESENCE OF: ATTEST• I2 V . o-v-- ' 4. (Cot orate S al) IN ORESAt1I I F this instrument is executed in three (3) counterparts, shall be deemed an original, this 13th day of .NOT APPLICABLE Principal J CONTRACTING COMPANY BY: 1.6o/v6 (Title) 450 16th_street, Greeley, CO 80631 (Address) other Partners By: _ NOT APPLICABLE By: 0 IN PRESENCE OF: Surety •VE RS ND INDEMNITY COMPANY WITNESS - BY: e-(L 1 /�� By: J.R. ichards, Attorney -In -Fact Elke E. Eriksen, Denver, ColoradoX": P.O. Box 469025, Denver, CO 80246 (Address) (Surety seal) NOTE r Date of Bond must not be prior to date of Agreement. 'If CONTRACTOR is Partnership, ali Partners should execute Bond. * February 7/96 Section 00610 Page 2 SECTION 00615 PAYMENT BOND Bond No- 882291P KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: that (Firm) J-2 CONTRACTING COMPANY (.Address) 450 E. 16th Street, Greeley, CO 80631 Or (a corporation), hereinafter referred to as the "Principal" and (Firm) DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY (Address) P.O. Box 469025, Tenver, CO 80246 hereinafter referred to as "the Surety", are held and firmly bound unto the City of Fort Collins, 300 Laporte Ave., Fort Collins, Colorado 80522 as (Municipal Corporation) hereinafter referred to as "the OWNER", in the penal sum of NINE HUNDRED FIFTY NINE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED* in lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION are such that whereas the Principal entered into a certain Agreement with the OWNER, dated the 9th day of 20 OG a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof for the performance of The City of Fort Collins project, Bid 5951 Oak Street Plaza. Now, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall make payment to all persons, firms, subcontractors, and corporations furnishing materials for or performing labor in the prosecution of the work provided for in such Agreement and any authorized extension .or modification thereof, .including all amounts due for materials, lubricants, repairs on machinery, equipment and tools, consumed, rented or used in connection with the construction of such work, and all insurance premiums on said work, and for all labor, performed in such work whether by subcontractor or otherwise, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. * FORTY FOUR AND 00/100 DOLLARS ($959,544.00) ** February 7/96 Section 00615 Page 1 PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement or to the Work to be performed thereunder or the Specifications accompanying the same shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond; and it does hereby waive notice of any., such change, extension of 7 -:c time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement or to the work or to the Specifications. PROVIDED, FURTHER, that no final settlement between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR shall abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder, whose claim may be unsatisfied. pROVTDED, FURTHER, that the Surety Company must be authorized to transact business in the State of Colorado and be acceptable to the OWNER. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. this instrument is ekecuted in three (3) counterparts, each one of which shall be- deemed an original, this 13th day of 2 0_a6. IN PRESENCE OF: ATTEST: i' (rorpovot,t pal) IN 4pi2ES'NCg'' OF: NOT APPLICABLE Princip -2 ONTRACTING COMPANY By: H/t r oNE .cF feke v0EA-T` (Title) 450 E. 16th Street, Greeley, CO 80631 (Address) Other Partners NOT APPLICABLE IN PRESENCE OF: Sure V E U AND INDEMNITY COMPANY WITNESS: r BY: � (10 C � � By: J. . Richards, Attorney -In- act EIke E..Eriksen, Denver, Colorado ,0, Box 469025, Denver, CO 80246 (Address) ` stirety1 9e01) NOTE: VAtr of bond must not be prior Tf CONTRACTOR is Partnership, * February to date of Agreement. all partners should execute bond. 7/96 Section 00615 Page 2 POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY PO BOX 19725, IRVINE, CA 92623 (949) 263-3300 www.InscoDico.com KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that except as expressly limited, DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY does hereby matte, constitute and appoint: ***James S. Rosulek, J.R. Richards, Florietta Acosta, Donald E. Appleby, Gloria C. Blackburn, Dilynn Guern, Kristen L. McCormick, Kevin W. McMahon, Frank C. Penn, Susan J. Lattarulo, Lisa T. Solove, jointly or severally*** as its true and lawful Attomey(s)-in-Fact, to make, execute, deliver and acknowledge, for and on behalf of said corporation as surety, bonds, undertakings and contracts of suretyship giving and granting unto said Attomey(s)-in-Fact full power and authority to do and to perform every act necessary, requisite or proper to be done in connection therewith as the corporation could do, but reserving to the corporation full power of substitution and revocation, and all of the acts of said Attorneys) -in - Fact, pursuant to these presents, are hereby ratified and confirmed. This Power of Attorney is granted and is signed by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY effective as of November 1, 2000: RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Board, the President and any Vice President of the corporation be, and that each of them hereby is, authorized to execute Powers of Attorney, qualifying the Attomey(s)-in-Fact named in the Powers of Attorney to execute, on behalf of the corporation, bonds, undertakings and contracts of suretyship; and that the Secretary or any Assistant Secretary of the corporation be, and each of them hereby is, authorized to attest the execution of any such Power of Attorney; RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the signatures of such officers may be affixed to any such Power ofAttomey or to any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such Power of Attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures shall be valid and binding upon the corporation when so affixed and in the future with respect to any bond, undertaking or contract of suretyship to which it is attached IN WITNESS WHEREOF DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its respective Executive Vice President and attested by its Secretary this I st day of December, 2005. ............ r�••�tV AND By: David H. Rhodes, Executive Vice -President E r, OCT. ,W. 10 o� 1936 Walter A. Crowell, Secretary STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE On December 1, 2005 before me, Gina L. Gamer, (here insert name and title of the officer), personally appeared David H. Rhodes and Walter A. Crowell, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature G:� (SEAL) CERTIFICATE GINA L. GARNER COMM. # 1569561 wrARY Puauc cAuFoataA ORANGE COUNTY M amran. p Ina M 13, 2009 The undersigned, as Assistant Secretary, of DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY, does hereby certify that the foregoing Power of Attorney remains in full force and has not been revoked, and furthermore, that the provisions of the resolution of the respective Boards of Directors of said corporation set forth in the Power of Attomey, is in force as of the date of this Certificate. This Certificate is executed in the City of Irvine, California, the 13 th day of 4'F4 i4; 2006 By Albert Hillebrand, Assistant Secretary ID-1438 (DSI) (Rev. 12/05) SECTION 00630 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE CONTRACTOR shall insert his own standard form for Certificate of Insurance. 7/96 Section 00630 Page 1 r1Ie..Hf. QAAC A...-...,1.. ACORD,N CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE °A'7("M'°°"YY"' 02/13/06 PRODUCER HRH of Colorado THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE 720 S, Colorado Blvd Ste 600-N P.O. Box 469025 HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Denver, CO 80246-9025 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # INSURED 450E 16th Street Contracting Company INSURER A: Bituminous Casualty Corp - 20095 INSURER B: Pinnacol Assurance 10780 INSURER C: Greeley, CO 80631 INSURER D: INSURERS THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECTTO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSK LTR NOW INSRN TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER p UI,CCY EFFECTIVE E 4MMA)DIYY1 POLICY EXPIRATION DATE (MMIDDIYYV OMITS A GENERALUABIUTY CLP3n2807 01/02/06 01101/07 EACH OCCURRENCE $1000000 MERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY X COMMERCIAL CLAIMS MADE O OCCUR DA D ENTE mrical E100DOO MED EXP (Any ore person) $5 000 PERSONAL&ADVINJURY $1000000 X BI/PDDed:1,000 GL4276(09103) GENERAL AGGREGATE s2,000,000 Add'I Ins Form GEN'L AGGREGATE LIAR APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS - COMPIOP AGG $1 000 000 POLICY FXJFCT PRO- LOC A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO CAP3503043 01/02106 01/01/07 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea accident) $1,000,000 X BODILY INJURY (Per Person) $ ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON -OWNED AUTOS X. BODILY INJURY (Par accident) E X PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accident) $ GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT $ OTHER THAN EA ACC AUTO ONLY: AGG $ ANY AUTO $ A CE EXSSIUMSRELLA LIABILITY X OCCUR CLAIMS MADE CUP2577990 01/02106 01/01107 EACH OCCURRENCE $1 000 000 AGGREGATE $1 000 000 a E DEDUCTIBLE X RETENTION $ 1 O 000 $ B WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY 3114522 10/01/05 10/01106 X oR Limit OFR E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $1 000 000 ANY PROPRIETOR)PARTNER/EXECUTIVE OFFICERIMEMBER EXCLUDED? If yaa, describe under E.L. DISEASE -EA EMPLOYEE $1 00O 000 E.L. DISEASE -POLICY LIMIT $1 00O 000 SPECIAL PROVISIONS beloW q Lease/Rented CLP3222807 01112/U6 01/01/07 $200,000 Special Form JOTHER Equipment $1,000 Deductible DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS 1 VEHICLES 1 EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT SPECIAL PROVISIONS Project: Oak Street Plaza, Fort Collins, CO The following are Additional Insureds as respects General Liability (See Attached Descriptions) The City of Fort Collins 300 Laporte Avenue Fort Collins, CO 80522 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL •'3n DAYSwRrrrFN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY IOND UPON THE INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR ACORD 25 (201108) 1 of 3 $S21R11 02IM277731 r r_n n ArnOn rnoone."nM .nen �7•l�ll:� 5. Detai► 6, GRANITE PAVER, SD-1, Delete (2'x1'x 2 3/8") GRANITE PAVERS and replace with (2'x1'x 2") GRANITE PAVERS. Delete 2 3/8" in the dimensions and replace with 2". 6, Sheet A-1 & A-2 See the revised sketches for the vault curb & lid. 7. Sheet E-1 Change feeder schedule note 2 to read #4 bare copper. 8. Sheet E-1 Please refer to the feeder schedule on sheet E-2 which indicates relay numbers and the associated lighting control zones. The vendor should be able to generate a bill of materials based on this information. 9. Sheet E-2 Delete key notes #16 and #17 from sheet E-2. The vent piping is shown on the water feature plans. ATTACHMENTS Bid Form 2. 9/A1 3. 8/A2 4. Prebid Attendees December 19, 2005 RECEIPT OF THIS ADDENDUM MUST BE ACKNOWLEDGED BY A WRITTEN STATEMENT ENCLOSED WITH THE BID/QUOTE STATING THAT THIS ADDENDUM HAS BEEN RECEIVED. IMPORTANT If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). DISCLAIMER The Certificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract between the issuing insurer(s), authorized representative or producer, and the certificate holder, nor does it affirmatively or negatively amend, extend or after the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon. +a.vnai Aa Q tcuu uuol Z or 3 952U11821MZ77731 DESCRIPTIONS (Continued from Page 1) only If required by written contract and coverage applies only as respects ongoing operations performed by the Insured for the Additional Insureds. Additional Insureds: The City of Fort Collins All coverage terms, conditions and exclusions of the policy apply. The Additional Insured endorsement which is referenced above under "Type of insurance -General Liability" Is attached. * The following cancellation conditions always apply. -10 days for non-payment of premium - If policy shown,10 days for Workers' Compensation for fraud; material misrepresentation; non-payment of premium; other reasons approved by the Commissioner of Insurance AM$ 25.3 (2001/08) THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. CONTRACTORS ADDITIONAL INSURED ENDORSEMENT This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART 1. SECTION II -WHO IS AN INSURED is amended to include; Any "owner", "contractor", °construction manager", "engineer" or "architect" if it is required in your written contract or written agreement executed by you and all other parties to the contract or agreement prior to any loss that such person(s) or organization(s) be added as an additional insured on your policy but only for the project designated in your written contract or written agreement and only with respect to "bodily injury," "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" caused, at least in part, by your negligence and with respect to liability resulting from: A. Your ongoing operations for the additional insured(s), or B. Acts or omissions of the additional insured(s) in connection with their general supervision of such operations. With respect to the insurance afforded such additional insureds pursuant to this endorsement and the above referenced General Liability Form, the following additional provisions apply to limit that coverage: 1. We will have no duty to defend the additional insured against any "suit" seeking damages for "bodily injury," "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury," until we receive written notice from the additional insured requesting that we defend it in the "suit." 2. The Limits of Insurance applicable to the additional insureds under this endorsement are those specified in the written contract or agreement requiring this coverage, or as stated in SECTION III - LIMITS OF INSURANCE of the COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM, whichever are less. These Limits of Insurance are inclusive of and not in addition to the Limits of Insurance described in SECTION III of that form. 3. As additional conditions of coverage under this form, an additional insured under this endorsement will as soon as practicable: a. Give written notice to us of an "occurrence" or an offense which may result in a claim. This shall include: (1) How, when and where the "occurrence" or offense took place; (2) The names and addresses of any injured persons and witnesses; and (3) The nature and location of any injury or damage arising out of the "occurrence" or offense. b. Give written notice to us of a claim or "suit" brought against the additional insured including specifics of the claim or "suit" and the date it was received. c. Give written notice of such claim or "suit," Including a demand for defense and indemnity, to any other insurer who had coverage for the claim or "suit" under its policy(ies), either at the time of, or at any time subsequent to the occurrence of the GL-4276 (09103) -11- "bodily injury," "property damage" and/or the offense causing the "personal and advertising injury," which is the basis for such claims or "suit". (1) Such notification must demand the full coverage available under that policy; and (2) The additional insured shall not take any action to waive or limit such other coverage available to it. 4. This insurance does not apply to: a. "Bodily injury" "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" occurring after: (1) All work on the project (other than service, maintenance, or repairs) to be performed by or on behalf of the additional insured(s) has been completed; or (2) That portion of "your work" out of which the injury or damage arises has been put to its intended use by any person or organization other than another contractor or subcontractor engaged in performing operations for a principal as a part of the same project. b. "Bodily injury" "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" resulting from any act or omission of the additional insured(s) or any of their employees, other than the general supervision of work performed for the additional insured(s) by you. c. "Bodily injury" "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" resulting from work performed on a project where other valid and collectible Insurance is available to the additional insured under an Owner Controlled Insurance Program or Consolidated (wrap-up) Insurance Program. d. "Bodily injury," "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury": (1) Arising out of the rendering or failure to render'any professional services by any insured, or on their behalf, but only with respect to either or both of the following operations; (a) Providing engineering, architectural or surveying services to others in the insured's capacity as an engineer, architect or surveyor, and (b) Providing, or hiring Independent professionals to provide, engineering, architectural or surveying services in connection with work the insured performs. (2) Subject to paragraph (3) below, professional services include: (a) The preparing, approving or failing to prepare or approve maps, shop drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, field orders, change orders, or drawings and specifications; and (b) Supervisory or inspection activities performed as part of any related architectural or engineering activities, but does not include the general supervision of your operations on such project. (3) Professional services do not include services within construction means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures employed by you in connection with your operations as a construction contractor. GL-4276 (09/03) -2- For the purpose of this endorsement, the following definitions are added: "Owner" means a person or organization who has ownership in the project premises, designated in your written contract or written agreement, at which you are performing operations at. "Contractor" means a person or organization with whom you have agreed in a written contract or written agreement to perform operations for at the project designated in the written contract or written agreement. "Construction Manager" means a person or organization designated as "construction manager" in your written contract or written agreement, and has management or supervisory responsibilities over your operations for the project designated in your written contract or written agreement. "Engineer" means a person or organization who has been engaged by the "owner", "contractor" or "construction manager' to perform engineering services for the project designated in your written contract or written agreement and has a contractual responsibility for supervising, directing or controlling your operations on such project. "Architect" means a person or organization who has been engaged by the "owner", "contractor or "construction manager" to perform architectural services for the project designated in your written contract or written agreement and has a contractual responsibility for supervising, directing or controlling your operations on such project. Any coverage provided herein will be.. excess over any other valid and collectable insurance available to the additional Insured(s) whether primary, excess, contingent or on any other basis unless you have agreed in a written contract or written agreement executed prior to any loss that this insurance will be primary. However, any insurance specifically purchased for a designated project(s), including but not limited to specific additional insured coverage, owners contractors protective coverage, etc., will be primary with this insurance being excess. This insurance will be noncontributory only if you have so agreed in a written contract or written agreement executed prior to any loss and this coverage is determined to be primary. GL-4276 (09/03) -3- SECTION 00635 CERTIFICATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION TO: CITY OF FORT COLLINS (OWNER) DATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION: PROJECT TITLE: Bid 5951 Oak Street Plaza PROJECT OR SPECIFIED PART SHALL LOCATION: Fort Collins, Colorado INCLUDE: OWNER: City of Fort Collins CONTRACTOR: CONTRACT DATE: The Work performed under this contract has been inspected by authorized representatives of the OWNER, CONTRACTOR, and the ENGINEER and the project (or specified part of the project, as indicated above) is hereby declared to be substantially completed on the above date. A tentative list of items to be completed or corrected is appended hereto. This list may not be exhaustive, and the failure to include an item on it does not alter the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to complete all the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. ENGINEER AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE The CONTRACTOR accepts the above Certificate of Substantial Completion and agrees to complete and correct the items on the tentative list within the time indicated. By: CONTRACTOR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE The OWNER accepts the project or specified area of the substantially complete and will assume full possession of the specified area of the project at 12:01 a.m., on responsibility for heat, utilities, security, and insurance under Documents shall be as set forth under "Remarks" below. CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO By: OWNER REMARKS: project as project or The the Contract AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE 7/96 Section 00635 Page 1 SECTION 00640 CERTIFICATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE , 20 TO: J-2 Contracting Company Gentlemen: You are hereby notified that on the day of , 20_, the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, has _ accepted the Work completed by for the City of Fort Collins project, Bid 5951 Oak Street Plaza. A check is attached hereto in the amount of $ as Final Payment for all Work done, subject to the terms of the Contract Documents which are dated In conformance with the Contract Documents for this project, your obligations and guarantees will continue for the specified time from the following date: Sincerely, OWNER: City of Fort Collins By: Title: ATTEST: Title: 7/96 Section 00640 Page 1 SECTION 00650 LIEN WAIVER RELEASE (CONTRACTOR) TO: City of Fort Collins, Colorado (OWNER) FROM: (CONTRACTOR) PROJECT: Bid 5951 Oak Street Plaza 1. The CONTRACTOR acknowledges having received payment, except retainage from the OWNER for all work, labor, skill and material furnished, delivered and performed by the CONTRACTOR for the OWNER or for anyone in the construction, design, improvement, alteration, addition or repair of the above described project. 2. In consideration of such payment and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, the CONTRACTOR voluntarily waives all rights, claims and liens, including but not limited to, mechanic's liens, Miller Act claims (40 U.S.C.A. 270 a and b), stop notices, equitable liens and labor and material bond rights which the CONTRACTOR may now or may afterward have, claim or assert for all and any work, labor, skill or materials furnished, delivered or performed for the construction, design, improvement, alteration, addition or repair of the above described project, against the OWNER or its officers, agents, employees or assigns, against any fund of or in the possession or control of the OWNER, against the project or against all land and the buildings on and appurtenances to the land improved by the project. 3. The CONTRACTOR affirms that all work, labor and materials, furnished, delivered or performed to or for the construction, design, improvement, alteration, addition or repair of the project were furnished, delivered or performed by the CONTRACTOR or its agents, employees, and servants, or by and through the CONTRACTOR by various Subcontractors or materialmen or their agents, employees and servants and further affirms the same have been paid in full and have released in full any and all existing or possible future mechanic's liens or rights or claims against the project or any funds in the OWNER'S possession or control concerning the project or against the OWNER or its officers, agents, employees or assigns arising out of the project. 4. The CONTRACTOR agrees to defend and hold harmless the OWNER, the lender, if any, and the Surety on the project against and from any claim hereinafter made by the CONTRACTOR'S Subcontractors, materialmen, employees, servants, agents or assigns against the project or against the OWNER or its officers, employees, agents or assigns arising out of the 7/96 Section 00650 Page 1 project for all loss, damage and costs, including reasonable attorneys fees, incurred as a result of such claims. 5. The parties acknowledge that the description of the project set forth above constitutes and adequate description of the property and improvements to which this Lien Waiver Release pertains. It is further acknowledged that this Lien Waiver Release is for the benefit of and may be relied upon by the OWNER, the lender, if any, and Surety on any labor and material bonds for the project. Signed this day of , 20 J-2 Contracting Company By: Title: ATTEST: Secretary STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OF LARIMER ) Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 20 by Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: Notary Public 7/96 Section 00650 Page 2 SECTION 00660 CONSENT OF SURETY TO: City of Fort Collins, Colorado (hereinafter referred to as the "OWNER") CONTRACTOR: J-2 Contracting Company PROJECT: Bid 5951 Oak Street Plaza CONTRACT DATE: In accordance with the provisions of the Contract between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR as indicated above, for (Surety) on bond of hereby approves of the Final Payment to the CONTRACTOR, and agrees that Final Payment to the CONTRACTOR shall not relieve the Surety Company of any of its obligations to the OWNER, as set forth in the said Surety Company's Bond. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Surety Company has hereunto set its hand this day of , (Surety Company) By ATTACH: Power of Attorney and Certificate of Authority of Attorney(s)-in-Fact. 7/96 Section 00650 Page 3 5951 Oak street Plaza REVISED BID FORM B. BID SCHEDULE (Base Bid) LUMP SUM $ In words: Dollars UNIT PRICES For additions or deletions to the Contract, the following unit prices shall be applicable for the specific items listed. Prices shall be complete, in place including materials and installation, i.e., fittings, etc. and anything incidental to the proper installation as specified. A. The Contractor agrees that for requested and/or required changes in the scope of work, the Contract Sum shall be adjusted in accordance with the following unit prices, where the Owner elects to use this method of determining costs. B. The Contractor is advised that the unit prices will enter into the determination of the successful bidder. Unreasonable prices may result in rejection of the entire bid proposal. Unit prices listed below refer to all items installed and completely in place. C. Unit prices for irrigation shall include pipe, fittings, valves, concrete thrust block and stabilizers and any other items shown on the Drawings, as described in the Specifications or recommended by the manufacturer as part of the installation. D. The unit prices quoted by the Contractor shall be those unit prices that will be charged or credited for labor and materials to be provided regardless of the total number of units and/or amount of labor required for added or deleted items of work. UNIT PRICE ITEM UNIT PRICE Demolition A. Demolition of 6-Inch Concrete Slab $ Square Foot B. Demolition of City Curb and Gutter $ Linear Foot C. Unclassified Excavation $ Cubic Yard D. Reconditioning Subgrade $ Cubic Yard E. Sawcutting $ Linear Foot Utilities F. Storm Inlets $ Each G. 2-Inch PVC Sewer Pipe $ Linear Foot H. 12-Inch Sanitary Sewer Connection $ Each Paving and Wall I. 6-Inch City Curb and Gutter $ Linear Foot J. Concrete Header — 6" wide by 18" deep $ Linear Foot K. Integral Colored Specialty Concrete $ Square Foot 7/96 Section 00300 Page 1 SECTION 00670 APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION CERTIFI OR 0172 (126B) COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE DENVE61 (303) 232-2416 CONTRACTOR APPLICATION 2-241fi FOR EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE Pursuant to Statute Section 39-21114(1xa)NX) TE nO NOT WRITF IN TMI[ CPdrC The exemption certificate for which you are applying crust be used only for the purpose of purchasing construction and building materials for the exempt project described below. This exemption does not include or apply to the purchase or rental of equipmetrt, supplies, and materials which are purchased, rented, or consumed by the contractor and which do not become part oft he structure, highway, road, street, or other public works awned and used by the exempt organization. Any unauthorized use oft he exemption certificate will result in revocat ion of your exemption certificate and other penalties provided by law. A separate certificate is required for eac h contract. Subcontractors will not be issued Certificates of Exemption by the Department of Revenue. It is the responsibility of the prime contractor to issue certificates to each of the subcontractors. (See reverseside). FAILURE TO ACCURATELY COMPLETE ALL BOXES WILL CAUSE THE APPLICATION TO BE DENIED. Accoud No. to be assigned by Period 89strata 0170.750 (999) $0.601 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ' „xl trade name/A ner, partner, or corporate name ^ Mailing address (City. te,zip) : on tact Person E-Mail address edera mployer's Iden cation Number tl amount for your contractt $ az um ec Business telephone number: o ora o m1 o irg ax amoum num er' Cuplea of oonlraci dragraetttentpsg&$ EXEMPTIbI INFORMATION (1) ldantJNtft Qo i as EPS06*W' and(2fcontalninge`IgiuifluasbfcontBctln§partleshtntitb sttac „l ` Name of exempt organization (as s own on contract) Extempforganizationsnumber 98 - ddress of exempt organization (City, State,Zip): Principal contact at exempt organization Prin3pal contacts telephone number Physical location of project site (give actual address when applicable and Cities andlor County (test where project is located) Scheduled Month ay Year Estimated ont ay ear oonslmclion start date: completion date: .. .. R .e ,.. ^ I dedare under penalty of perjury in the second degree that the statements made in this application are true and complete to the best of my knoWedge Ignature of owner, partner or corporate officer 111e of corporate officer: DO NIJI WK1I L tStLUW THIS LINE Section 00670 Page 1 Special Notice Contractors who have completed this application in the past, please note the following changes in procedure The Department will no longer issue individual Certificates of exam ption to subcontractors. Only prime contrac- tors will receive a Contractor's Exemption Certificate on exempt projects. Upon receipt of the Certificate, the prime contractor should make a copy for each subcontractor involved in the project and complete it by filling in the subcontractor's name and address and signing it. The original Certificate should always be retained by the prime contractor. Copies of all Certificates that the prime contractor issued to subcontractors should be kept at the prime contractor's place of business for a minimum of three years and be available for inspection in the event of an audit. Once an 89# has been assigned to you, please use the next five numbers following it for any applications submitted for future projects. This should be your permanent number. For instance, if you were assigned 89- 12345-0001, every application submitted thereafter should contain 89-12345 on the application. The succeed- ing numbers will be issued by the Department of Revenue. DO NOT enter what you believe to be the next in sequence as this may delay processing of your application. Section 00670 Page 2 SECTION 00700 GENERAL CONDITIONS GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT These GENERAL CONDITIONS have been developed by using the STANDARD GENERAL CONDITIONS OP THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT prepared by the Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee, EJCDC: No. 191M (199U Edition), as a hale. Changes to that document are shown by underlining text that has been added and striking through text that has been deleted. EJCDC GENERAL CONDITIONS 1910-8 (1990 EDITION) WITH CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 9/99) TABU" Oh CONTENTS OF GI NERAL CONDITIONS r Article or Paragraph Page Article or Paragraph Page Number & Titic Numher Number & Title NumMr. I DEFINITIONS.._. ....... .. .1 2. PRELI_NJINARY MATTERS........ 3 1.1 Addendn......___ ....................... 1 2.1 Delivery of Bonds.._..._ ......__.3 L2 .Agreement ... ....... ................ ................. I 2.^_ of of Documents......... ...... ..... ...3 1.3 Application for Payment, ...1 23 Commencement of Contract 1.4 Asbestos . ____ . 1 Times; Notice to Proceed,_ _ . ,.._. 3 1.5 Bid ........... ... _....... _._.._. ...._..... ...I 24 Starting the Work _-- ........ ...__.._..3 1.6 Bidding Documents, ,._.,... ... _... _......... 252.7 Before Starting Construction, 1.7 Bidding Requirements._ _. ..............I CONTRACTORsResponsibility 1.8 Bonds.........................._..-..................1 to Repot; Preliminary Schedrle.1; 1.9 Change Order.. . ............. ........... ...... .. I Delivery of Certificates of 1.10 Contract Documents._..._......._._..- ... J. Insurance ...... .................. .......... 3-4 1.11 Contract Price ..... 1- ...1.1.............._..._,-.1 2.8 PreconstructionConferencG,,,,-.- ..... .4 1.12 Contract Times....................................1 2.9 Initially Acceptable Schedules.........A 1.13 CONTRACTOR..................................1 1.14 def¢crive.............................................1 3, CONTRACT DOCLMENTS: INTENT, 1.15 Drawings .............. ...,1 APWNDiNG,REUSE.__........................_.-........4 1.16 Effective Date ofthe Agrecmcnt--..•-,-_-1 3.1-3.2 Intent •_-.---_,,,,,,,,,,•-•-••,_-,... *".,..-4 1.17 ENGINEER........................................1 3.3 Reference to Standards and Speci- 1.18 ENGINEERs Consultant ....... ........... _1 tications of Technical Societies; 1.19 Field Order, ...... ........ .................... 1 Reporting and Resolving Dis- 1.20 General Requirements ................... crepancies,......... .............. ,........ 4-5 121 .Hazardous Waste.................................2 3.4 Intent of Certain Terms or 1.21a Laws and Regulations; Laws or Adjectives-..................................5 Regulations .... ..................................2 3.5 Amending Contract Doctments......... 5 1.22.b Legal Holidaya-..........I...... ...------- --- -1) 3.6 Supplementing Contract 1.21 Liens ................................................. Documents............:---.......... 1.24 Milestone ............................. _.............2 3.7 Reuse of Documents ....... ................. .5 1.25 Notice of Award......__ .................... ....'_ 1.26 Notice to Proceed.................................2 4, AVAILABILITY OF LANDS; 1.27 OWNER..--._......................................2 SUBSURFACE AND PHYSICAL CONDITIONS; 1.28 Partial Utilization................................2 REFERENCE POINTS .............................. ........... 5 1.29 PCBs.................._..............................2 4.1 Availability ofLands, ............... ....-5-6 1.30 Petroleum...........................................2 4.2 Subsurface and Physical 1.31 project...._ ...................................... t Conditions..-.:..-........ 6 I.32.a Radioactive MaterioL ...........................2 4.2.1 Reports and Drawings ................ 1.32.b Regular Working Hours ..... ........... ......2 4.2.2 Limited Reliance by CONT.RAC- 1.33 Resident project Representative•••,., ...... 2 TOR Authoiized;Technical 1.34 Samples..............................................2 Data ......... ...,......__....................... 6 L35 Shop Drawings ............ _....... ....._..--...2 4.2,3 Notice of Differing, Subsurface 1.36 Specifications...................I.................2 or Physical Conditions. ................. 0 1.37 Subcontractor.....................................2 4.2A ENODMEWaReview... -:....... 1.38 Substantial Completion--.-- ................ :-$ 4.2.5 Possible Contract Documents 1.39 Supplementary Conditions ... ...... ..... _.-.,2 Change,._. .............. ..... __ .... __.6 1.40 Supplier, ... ...... 4.2.6 Possible Price and Times 1-41 .... ..................... I-- I Underground Facilities.....................2 3 Adjustments .......... ..... _..........-...4-7 1.42 Unit Price Work .................................. 43 Physical Condtions--Underground. 1.4-1 Work ............. ............. - ..................... 3 Facilities....,............ 1.44 Work Change Directive ............. .......... -3 4.3.1 Shown or Indicated ...... ................. -.7 1.45 Written Amendment .......................... .3 4.3.2 Not Shown or Indicates]...... ............. 7 4.4 Reference Points .... ................... .._ .... 7 EICDC GEMMAL CONDITIONS 1910.8 (1990 MMON) w/ CITY OF FORT COLLINS M1 01)MCAMNS (REV 9/99) Article or Paragraph Page Article or Paragraph I�Aoc Number X- 'I itle Nuni [wr Nunibcr S: Title Number 5, 6. 45 Asbestos, PCBs, Petroleum, Hazardous Waste or Radioactivelklaterial 7-8 BON OS AND INSLIRANCH Is 5. 1 -5.2 Performance, Payment and Other Bonds 53 Licensed Sureties and Insurers, Certificates of Insurance 8 5.4 CONTRACTOR's Liability Insurance ........ 9 5.5 OWNEKs Lai&h't'y' In'su'ra'n...................9 c'e- 9 5.6 Property Insurance.........................9-10 5.7 Boiler and Machinery or Addi- tional Property Insurance .................10 5.8 Notice of Cancellation Protision 10 5,9 CON7RACTOR's Responsibility for Deductible Amounts 10 10 Other Special Insurance .... . ...... .. ... 10 5,11 Waiver of Rights....._..... I ...................I1 5.12-5.13 Receipt and Application of Insurance proceeds .................... JO-1 1 5.14 Acceptance of Bonds and Insu- ance-. Option to Replace ...................11 5.15 Partial Utilization -Property Insurance ........ I I CONfRAC7rOR`S RESPONSMILITIES 11 61-62 Supervision and Superintendencq ....... 11 6.3-65 Labor, Materials and Equipment --- 11-12 6.6 Progress Schedule ..............................12 6.7 Substitutes and "Or -Equal" Items, CONTRACTORS Expense; Substitute Construction Methods or Procedures, ENGINFERs Evaluation 12-13 6.8-6,11 Concerning Subcontractors, Suppliers and Others; Waiver of Rights .................. _ ... ]3-14 6.12 Patent Fees and Royalties, ............... ... 14 6.13 Permits 14 6.14 Laws and Regulations._.................. _.14 6.15 Taxes 14-15 6.16 Use of Premises - ....... ... . ... . 15 6.17 Site Cleanliness, ............................... 15 6.18 Safe Structural Loading .....................15 6.19 Record Documents .............................35 6.20 Safety and Protection ------ ............. J5.16 6.21 Safety Representative ..........................16 6.22 Hazard Communication Prograniq ...... 16 6.23 Emergencies ................................... _ 16 624 Shop Drawings and Sample* ..............16 62i Submittal Proceedure& COIN- TRACTOR's Review Prior to Shop Drawing or Sample Submittal 16 6.26 Shop Drawing X Sample Submit- tals Review by ENGINEER 16-17 6.27 Responsibility for Variations From Contract Documents 17 6,28 Related Work Performed Prior to ENGINEER's Review and Approval of Required Submittals.................... ......... ... 17 629 Continuing the Work .......... ........ . 17 6.30 CONTRACTORS General Warranty and Guarqntee .............. 17 6.31-6.33 Indemnification,. .......... : ........... 17-1$ 6.34 Survival of Obligations ...................18 7. OTHER WORK .18 7.1-7.3 Related Work at Site 18 7A Coordination ................................. IS S. OWNERS RESPONSIBILITIES .........................I S 8-1 Communications to CON- TRACTOR_ .............................. IS 8.2 Replacement of ENGINEER . ........... IS 8.3 Furnish Data andPay Promptly When Due ..................................18 8.4 Lands and Easements; Reports and Tests 18-19 8.5 Insurance 19 8.6 Change Or��'S'...............................19 8.7 Inspections, Tests and Approvals ...................................19 S'S Stop or Suspend Work, Terminate CONTRACTORs Services 19 81 Limitations on OWNER'S Respom-bilitieq .......................... J9 8.10 Ailbestos, PCBs, Petroleum, Hazardous Wage or Radioactive Material__ ..............19 8.11 Evidence ofFinancit Arrangements__ ... __ ................ 19 9. ENGINEER'S STATUS DURING CONSTRUCTION......,-.._.................................19 9.1 OWNER!s Representative., .............. 19 9.2 Visits to sitc..................................19 9.3 Project Representativq ....... - ...... 19t-21 9A Clarifications and Interpre- tations 21 9.5 Authorized Variations in V,6rk .... 21 ai EXVC GENERAL COM)ITIONS 19104 (1990 EDITION Wf CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS XV 9(99) Article or Raragraph Number & Title Page Article or Paragraph Number Number &Title 9.6 RejectingDejectiveWork .:...... ..__..'J 9.7-9.9 Shop Drnvings, Change Orders and Payments._.................................^21 9.10 Determinations feu Unit Prices '_I-'_-'_ 9,11-9.12 Decision% on Disputes; FNGI- NEER as Initial Interpreter...... . _. 22 9.13 Limitations on ENGINEER'S Authority and Responsibilities._ .'_^_= 3 CHANGES IN THE WORK 23 10.1 OWNER's Ordered Change ............. .13 14. 10.2 Claim for Adjustment ........................ 10.3 WorkNot Required by Contract Documents.... _................. _.....,...... 23 10A Change Orders ... -............... .............. 23 10.5 Notification of Surety..............._,___. _Z3 CHANGE OF CONTRACT' PRICE ...................:.........23 I1_1-11.3 Contract Price; Claim for Adjustment -,'Value of theWork ........................_ ......... 11.4 Cost of the Work, ......................... 24-25 11.5 Exchtsions to Cost of the Work,........, 25 11;6 CONTRACTOR's Fee :...:......:............Z5 11.7 Cost Records_.. .................... ...25-26 11.8 Cash Allowances...............................26 11.9 Unit Rice Work .............. ................. 26 CHANGE OF CONTRACT TIMES ...................... ....... '46 12.1 Claim for Adjustment__,... , „ ... , ..26 12.2 Time of the Essence. ..........................36 12.3 Delays Beyond CONTRACTOR's Control, ............................... ..... 26-27 12.4 Delays Beyond OWNER's and CONfRACTORs Control................77 TESTS AND INSPECTIONS CORRECTION, RMvMVAL OR ACCEPTANCE OF DEFEC77FE WORK....:....................................27 13.1 Notice of Defects...............................77 13.2 Aocesstothe Work ................ ............ 27 13.3 Tests and Inspections; CONTRACTOR's Cooperation.........27 13.4 OWNER'sResponsibilities; Independent Testing Laboratory...... 27 133 CONTRACTORS Responsibilities ............................... 27 13.6-133 Covering Work Prior to lnspec. tion, Testing or Approval.................27 13.8-13.9 Uncovering Work at ENGI Page Number NEER'sRequest.................. 2728 13.10 OWNERMay Stop the Work ....... _ ,28 13.11 Correction or Removal of DefectiveWork ...........................28 13.12 Correction Period......_..._..,... ..._.28 13.13 Acceptance ol'Defective Work.. ....28 1314 OWNER May Correct Defective Work........... _. _.................... 28-29 PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTOR AND COMPLETION ..................... 2 14.1 Schedule of Values .........................29 14.2 Application for Progress Payment....... . ............................. 29 143 CONTRACTOR's Warranty of Title...................:....... ........... 29 14.4-14.7 Review of Applications far Progress Payments.............._29-30 14.8-14.9 Substantial Completion .................." MAO Partial Utilization ............... ._...30-31 14.11 Final Inspection .............................31 14.12 Final Application for Payment ........ 31 14,13-14.14 Final Payment and Acceptance, ....... 31 14.15 Waiver of Claims ...............31-32 15. SUSPENSION OF WORK AND TERMINATION...............................................32 15.1 OWNER May Suspend Work .......... 32 15.2-15.4 OWNER May Terminate._ .... ------- 32 15.5 CONTRACTOR May Stop Work or Terminate _ _ 32 33 Ira HIM0111 R '11ii1111rIT` 17. MISC:ELLANEOUS..............................__.......:33 17.1 Giving Notice, ...... ............. ........33 17.2 Computation of Tim es..................33 17.3 Notice of Claim ................. .:.......33 17.4 Cumulative Remedies ......... ......33" 17.5 Professional Pees and Court Costs Included ............ .... _...........33 17.6 Applicable State Laws,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 33-34 Intentionally left blank, ......................... ........ 35 E .MIT GC -A: (Optional) Dispute Resolution:Agreement.................... GC -A] 16.1-16.6 Arbitration.............. ............... GC,-A1 16.7 Mediation........:..:...................GC-AI EJMC OENERAL CONDITIONS 1910-a (19W EDITION) cot MY Of FORT COLUNS MODWICATIONS W..V 91" TNDEX TO GENFRAL CONDITIONS City of Fort Collins modifications to the General Conditions of the Construction Contract are not shmvii in this index .Article or Paragraph Number Acceptance of -- Bonds and Insurance . ...................... ......... 14 tfzJ¢cfive Work_ . ....... . _JOA�J, 13.5. 13.13 final payinem. 9.12, 14.15 insurance ...... .... ......... ...... ............. .... 5.14 other Work, by CONTRACTOR ....... ................ _ 7.3 Substitutes and `Or -Equal" Items-r ........ ..... 0,7,1 Work by 01ANFR._, ............. ............ 2.5. 6.30, 6-34 Access to the__ Lands, OWNER and CONTRACTOR responsibilities. . ........ ...... ............................ 4.1 site, related Work ......... ............... ........ ....... 7.2 Work. .......................................... 13.2,13.14, 14.9 Am or Omissions-, Acts and Omissions-- CONT RAC`fOR ......... . .... __ ........ ... 69-1, 9.13.3 ENGINEER 9.13.3 OWNER 0.20,8.9 Addenda --definition of (also see definition of Specifications)__J1.6, 1.10, 6.19) 1-1 Additional Property Insurance* ............................. _, 5.7 Adjustments -- Contract Price or Contract Times ........ ...... ........ 1.5., 4.3.2, 4.5.2, ...... ...... ....... 4-53. 9.4. 9.5. 10.2-10.4, .............. 11, 12,14.9, 15.1 progress schedule.... ................................... ....... 6.6 Agreement -- definition of......................................................1.2 'All -Risk! Insurance, policy form- ............ __ ...... __5.6.2 Allowances, Cash.................._................................1 LS Amending Contract Document; ._ ........ ................... 3.5 Amendment, Written -- in general ------- ......... 1, 10, 1-45, 3.5, 5,10, 5. 1 Z 6.6.2 .8.2,6.19, 10. 1. 10A.11.2 12.1, 1312.2,14.7.2 Appeal, OWNER or CONTRACTOR intent lo_... ......................9.10, 9.11, 10.4, 16.2, 16.5 Application for Payment— definition of ENGINEEks Responsibility, .. .............. ....... __9_9 final payment.... _..... 9.13.4, 9.13,5, 14.12-14.15 in general., .... ......... . ....... 2. 8, 2.9, 5.6.4, 9,10, 15.5 progress payment............... I.....:...,......:.-..; review of......_ .... ____ .................... __,14.4-14-7 Atbivation ....... ................... _ .......... ... 16.1-16.6 Asbestos -- claims pursuant thereto .......... ........ _ ..... 442, 433 CONTRACTOR authorized to stop Work ....... -4.5.2 definition of........_ ......................................_... t.4 Article or Paragraph Number OXN1,1ER responsibility for-, 5 1, 8 14) possible price and times change, 4.A2 Authorized Variations in Work 3.6. 6.25. 6.27. 9.5 Availability of Lands..__.,_..... ....... .......... ... 4.1, 8.4 Award, Notice of --defined ...... .......... _ 1,25 Before Starting Construction­­­15-2.9 Construction..,,,,_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Bid --definition of ........................1.5 , 0. 1, 1 10, 23, 3.3, ...... ­­­ ___ ..... 4-16.4. 6.13, MA3, 11.9.1) Bidding Documents --definition 'Of ................. .................................1-6 (6.8,2) Bidding Requirements--defini(ion of ..........................................1.7 IZ6.2) Bonds -- acceptance of ......... .......... .. . ........ �5.14 additional bonds,,,,,,,__._,,, .10.5, 1 L4.5.9 Cost of the Work.,......... _.............. _......11.5A definition of L8 delive4y ot................................................... final Application for Payment ...... .. .... .14-12-14.14 general ....................................... 1,10, 5.1-5.3, 5,13, 9.13. 10.5. 14.7.6 Performance, Payment and Offier...r. 1. , ­ 1. . .... IS'] -5,2 Bonds and Insurance --in general..- ............. .......... . 5 Builder's risk "all-risk' policy forin . _ � ..... .. - .......... i.6.2 Cancellation Provisions, Insurance ......... 3.4,11, 5.8, 5.15 Cash Allowancesk ............................ ...................... 31.8 Certificate of Substantial Completion, . ...... Lat, 630.2.3, ........ -1.1 .......... J 4 8, 14.10 Certificates of Inspection ............. __RUA, 13.5, 14.12 Cimificates of Insurance .............. 2.7. 5.3, 5.4-11, 1,4.13. ....................5.6.5, 5.8. 5.14, 9.13.4, 14,12 Change in Contract Price ­ Cash Allowances ....... ............ _J1.8 claim for price adjustment,.,.,,,,,.-. 4.1, 4.2.6, 4.5, 5.15, 6.8.2, 9.4 ................... 9.5, 9.11. 10,2, 10.5. 11.2, 13.9. ........................ 13.13, 13.14, 14.7, 15-1, 15.5 CONTRACTORsfee ......................................... 11,6 Cost of the Work general.....,, ................. ...... 1.4-11.7 Exclusions to ........................ ....................... 1 L5 Cost Records.....................................................11.7 in general..... ........ )19,1,44, 9.11, 10.4.2, 10.4.3. 11 Lump Sum priciag .........................................11.3.2 Notification of Swett'...._.................._............10,5 Scope of .............................. ...... _JO.3-10.4 Testing and Impectiun. Uncovering the Work...,...._ ...... ................. 139 EJCUC OENLRAL CONDITIONS 1910-8 (1990 EDITION) w/ CITY Of FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 9199) t )nit Price Work J] 9 Article or Nragruph Number Value of Work . ..................... ........... 11 3 Change in Contract Timm— Claim for times adjustmenj ........ p 1: 4.2 6. 4.5. 5. 15, 9.5. 9.11. 10-2. 1 0,5. 12.1. 13.9. 13.13. 1314. 14.7. 15. 1, 1 > Contractual time limits limits...._,.,....._... I 22 Delays bevond CONTRACTORs control ................ Delays beyond OVVNFR's and CONTRACTORS control., ....... ... ...... 1-1.4 Notification of surety............_._ ....... ............. 10,5 Scope of change ...... ........ ......... .. 10.3-10.4 Change Orders -- Acceptance ofLiefective Work ..........................13.13 Amending Contract Documents .......................... 15 Cash Allowances .............................................. M8 Change of Contract Price ............. .. ............... Change of Contract Times...................................12 Changes in the Work .......................................... 10 CONTRACTOWs fee ........................................11.6 Cost of the Work ....................................... Coo Records ....................... - ' ­J1.7 definition of.................................................1.9 .. . emergencies ................................... ... .............. . 6.23 ENGINEERS respon ........ 9.8. 10.4, 11.112.1 execution of .....................................................10A Indernnifictioq .........................6.12, 6.16, 6.31.6,33 Insuratick Bonds and ... .......... —.5-10,5.13, 10,5 OWNER may terminate ................ OWNERS lZeWousibility, .... ­­­ ........... Physical Condition& - Subsurface and .............................................4.2 Undargro%vid Facilities--.............................4.3.2 4.3.2 Record Documents—— ................................. 6,19 Scope,of Chigingt, ­ ­ ­. . ..... ...................... 10.3-10.4 Substitutes ..... ........... .......................... j5.73,6.8.2 Unit Price Wort ...... ................... ..... ­ ....... .... 11.9 ,value of Work. covered by ................. I I .............. 113 Changes in the Work ... .................... ........ ....... ..... 10 Notification of Surety ................... ............. ... 10.5 OWNEWs and CONTRACTOks rtsponSibjIjtj�.. .... ­­ ........ ­­ ...... ....... Right to an g[djustm ank., ... ............ .......... ....... lU Scope of change .... . .................................. 103-10A Claims — against CONTRACTOR ..................... .............. 6.16 against ENGINEER ......................................... A32 against OWNER..............................................0.32 Change of Contract Price,......., _............ 9.4, 11.2 Change of Contract Times . ............. ............ !?.4,12.1 CONTRACTOR's... ......... 4, T1, 9.4, 9.5, 9.11, 10.2, ........................... 11.2,11.9,12.1. 13.0, ) 4.8, 151, C'0N'rF-A(.n'oR's Fee ................... 11.6 Article or Paragraph Number CONTRACTORs liability,,,,.,,;. 5.4, 6,12, 6.16, 6.31 Cost of the Work ................... .......... ..... 11.4, 115 Decisions on Disputes ............... ............... 9.11,9.12 Dispute Resolutiun........... ...... ­ ............... I ...... , 16.1 Dispute Resolution Agreement, ........... ....... 16.1,166 ENGINEER as initial interpretor ..9.11 ......... Lump Sum Pricing ................ ..................... j 1.3.2 Noticeof.._ .. .. ...... . ­­ ................................. 17.3 OWNER's ....................9.4, 9.5, 9,11, I1,9 ............... ­12.1, 13.9,13.13, 13.14, 173 OWNERS liability ........... ­­ ............................... 5.5 OWNER may refuse to make payment.................i4.7 Professional Fees and CA)urt Costs Included................................................. ..... 17.5 "quest for formal decision oix ................... .......9.11 Substitute Items.......... ...... ­­ ....................... -6,71.2 Time Extension.................................................12.1 Tune requirements ..... ­ ......... .................. 9-11,121 Unit Nice Work .............................................11.9.3 Valueof..._ .................................................... Waiver of --on Final Payment, .............. ­34.14,14,15 Work Change Directive ........... ­ ............ .... .­­102 written notice required ...................... 9.11, 112, 111 Clarifications and Interpretatiomi ........... 3.63. 9. 4, 9. 11, Clean site ............. ........... ........ ­ .......... ...... 0 17 Codes of Technical Sociiety, Organization or Association........._ ....... ............. ........... .....333 Commencement of Contract Times„_„.„...... ......2.3 Communications -- general .................................. ........... O.Z 6.9.2,8.1 Hazard Communication Prograrn4 ........... ....... ­.0.22 Completion — Final Application for Paym eall. ........ ..... 14.12 Final Inspection.... ......... - ...... ................... ­14.11 Final Payment and Acceptance ............ ­14.13-14.14 Partial Utilization,. ........... ......... ­111 ... t.1)4,10 Substantial Completion ...................... 1.38, 14.8-14.9 Waiver of Claims .... ­ ..................................... 34,13 Computation of Times ............................... 17.2.1-17.2.2 Concerning Subcontractors, Suppliers andOthers ........................ ­ ............... ....... Conferences — initially acceptable schedule* ..................... ........ 2.9 preconStructioA .......................................... Conflict. Error. Ambiguity, Diwepiutcy— CONTRACTOR to Report,..... .... 3.3.2 Construction, before starting by CONTRACTOR ................. ... . ..................... 2.5-27 Ccristruction, Machinery, Equipment, etc,::... ...... 6A Continuing the Work ..................................... 6.20,10.4 Contract Documents -- Amen di ng....................... ­ ......... ............. 3-5 Bonds­ ........................................................ 5.1 EJCDC GENERAL CONDITIONS 1910-3 (IM EDITION) v/ CITY Of FORT COLLINSIMODIFICATIOM (REV 91") Cash: 111owances_...____..._.. .. ___11.8 Stop Work requirements._.. CON"IRAC.t O 's, - Article or Paragraph Number Article or Paragraph tiumber Change of Contract price .................................... I I Change of Contract Times _.._ 11_ Compensation Changes in the 5t'ork...................... ......"10,4-111_5 Continuing Obligation_ ........................ ......... 14.1> check andvenfy. _..... '-.5 DefiectiveWork...._ _._..__ ".6.13.10-13.14 Clarifications and Duty to correct dc'feethv Work............._.13 11 Interpretations_._...... ...... ........3---.3.6.9)A.9.11 Duly toReport— definition of ........ _.._ 1.10 Changes in the Work caused by ENGINEER asinitial interpreter of_„__,.911 Emergency„_.. 6?3 ENGINEER as OW'NBR's representative, ............. 91 Defects in Work of Others, ...... ...................... 3.3 genera13 Differing conditions.-...._ ...._...................4.2.3 Insurance.,,...,.-„.................................._.........._ 53 Discrepancy in Documents ....... .2.5, 3.3.2, 6.14.2 Intent .......... ............._....................:.._..... .3.1-3.4 Underground Facilities not indicated_....-,,,4.3.2 in inor variations in the Work ..............................3.6 Emergencies ....... ............... _............... .............. 0.23 OWNERsresponsibility tof4mishdata.:... ,....... 83 Equipment and Machinery Rental, Cost OWNERs responsibility to make of the Work........................................... prompt payment ................. ......... 8-3, 14A, 1413 Fee--CostPhis ,_.._...... _._.......... 11A5.6, 11.5.1, 11.6 precedence......................................_........3.1, 3.3.3 Crencral Warranty and Guarantee, ... Record Dceuments............................................0.19 IIu-zard Communication Programs ....... ............ ...6.22 Reference to Standards and Specifications Indemnification ,.......... ........ _...6.12,6.16,6.31-6.33 of Technical Societies...................................3.3 inspection of the Work............................... 13, 114 Related Work.....................................................7.2 Labor. Materials and Equipment .............. ...... ¢.3-6.5 Reporting and Resolving Discrepancies,.... , 2,5, 3-3 Laws and Regulations, Compliance by..........., 6,14.1 Reuseof ................... ............ .............................. 3.7 Liability Insurance.•............................._._....._....5.4 Supplementing_ ........ ,......................... .............16 Notice of Intent to Appeal ........... ................ 9.10, 10.4 Termination 4 ENGINEERs Employment....__,.82 obligation to perform and complete UnitPrice Work...............................................I1.9 the Work ........ .............. ...................... ........6.30 variations,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3.6, 6.23, 6.27 Patent Fees and Royalties, paid for by ....... ... 6.12 Visits to Site, ENGiNEF.l2's..................... ------- 9.2 Performance and Other Bonds ..... ..................... 5.1 Contract Price- Permits, obtained and paid for by„,,,,,,,,0.13 adjustment of.. ....... I ...... 3.5, 4.1, 9.4, 10.3, 11.2-11.3 Progress Schedule ...........................2-6. 2.8, 2.9, 6.6, Change of ................................. .I 1 ....... , 629, 10A. 15.2.1 Decision a1 Disputes........................................9.11 Request for formal decisionon disputes ............... 9.11 definition o(.................................................... 1.11 Responsibilities -- Contract Times-- Changes in the Work ............. .....................10.1 adjustment of„........................3.5. 4.1, 9.4, 10.3, 12 Concerning Subcontractors. Suppliers Change of ......:.__ ....... :......... .... .............. 12.1-12.4 and Others......................................6.8-6.11 Commencement of.. ........... , ... 2.3 Continuing the Work ................ ....._.¢.29. 10A definition o(................ ......., ..1.12 CONTRACTOR'seepense ........ ............... ...6.7.1 CONTRACTOR- CONIRACTOR'sGeneral Warranty Acceptance of Insurance . .... :........ ..................... 5.14 and Guarantee ................. ................. _...6_30 Communications ...... __... ........ _.............. 6.2, 6.9.2 CONTRACTORs review prior to Shop Continue Work .__ ...... ....... .•.6.29, 10A Drawing or Sample submittal,.,-,.......... 0.25 coordination and scheduling ........................ .... 0.9.2 Coordination of Work ............... .................. 6-9.2 definition of .................................. .1.13 Emergencies......................... .....6.23 Limited Reliance on Technical ENGINEERS evaluation, Substitutes DataAuthorrzed............. ................. -......... .4:2.2 or 'Or -Equal" Items ..................... __---6.7.3 May Stop Work or Terminate_ ..................... ... 15.5 For Acts and Omissions provide site access to others ....... __.... ........ T2, 13-2 of Others ....... ]-6.9.2, 9.13 Safety and Protection,__ ............ 4.3. L2, 6.16, 6.18, for deductible amotmis,instuance...................5.9 ... ....... ....... ....... ..... I ........ -21-6.23, 7.2, 13.2 general .......................... ....... ....... 6, T2, 7.3, 8:9 Shop Drawing and Sample Review Hazardous Communication Programs.._,,.... 6.22 Prior to Submittal, ................... ................... f).25 Indemnification .... ,.............................. 6,31-6.33 vli E.ICDC GENERAL COMDITIONS 1910 •a (1990 ED1110M Wf OTY OF FORT MIMS h1ODIFICAMNS (REV 9l99) L. Concrete Pavers $ Square Foot M. Granite Pavers $ Square Foot N. Smooth Step $ Square Foot O. Smooth Radial Stairs — 6 inch $ Square Foot P. Smooth Radial Stairs — 4 inch $ Square Foot Q. Smooth Radial Retaining Wall - varies $ Face Foot Lim R. Pedestrian Light $ Each S. String Light $ Linear Foot Furnishings T. Handrail - custom $ Linear Foot U. Handrail — 1 ''/z" diameter $ Linear Foot V. Tree Grate $ Each W. Bench - 8 Foot $ Each X. Bicycle Rack $ Each Y. Trash Receptacle $ Each Z. Planter Pot - 42 Inch $ Each AA. Planter Pot — 36 Inch $ Each BB. Planter Pot - 24 Inch $ Each CC. Planter Pot - 18 Inch $ Each DD. Custom Sign $ Each Irrigation EE. Planter Pot Irrigation Supply $ Each FF. Netafim Dripline $ Linear Foot GG. I -Inch Class 200 Irrigation Lateral Pipe $ Linear Foot Landscape HH. 2 %: Inch Caliper Ornamental Tree $ Each II. 2 Inch Caliper Ornamental Tree $ Each 7J. 1 '/z Inch Caliper Ornamental Tree $ Each 7/96 Section 00300 Page 2 Labor, Materials and Equipment _...... .._63-6.5 CON IRACIORS--other...__.. ..............._.._ ___....7 Laws and Regulations.__......__ . ..... ..6,14 Contractual Liability Insurance. ........ ... _ ._..._.54.10 Liability insurance ..... 5.4 Contractual Time Limits..__ ...... ......... ...... _.,..........12-= Article or Paragraph Article or Paragraph Number Number Notice of variation from Contract Coordination— Documents....._ ..._ .._........ ................0.27 CONTRACTOR'sresponsibility ................... ...69. Patent Fees and Royalii_........._..............612 Copies of Documents ...... ....... .... ...... '—' Permits_ .........6.13 Correction Period ................................... ....... .._....13.12 Progress Schedule -_.......... . ...... ..... ........... 6.6 Correction, Removal or Acceptance Record Docrmtent%_................. __................ 19 ofDefeetive Work -- related Work performed prior to in general...................................10.4.1, 13.10-13.14 ENGINEER s approval of required Acceptance ofDefective Work ................ ..........:13.13 submittals ........................ ..................... 0,28 Correction or Removal of safe structural loading_...............................6.18 Defective Work ................................. 6.30, 13.11 Safety and Protection._ ........ .....0.20. T2,13.2 Correction Period:. ....... ,.... .13,12 Safety Representative..... . ..... ............. ___...6,21 OWNER May Correct Defective Work .... 13.14 Scheduling the Work................................6,9,2 OWNER May Stop Work ..,............ ...........,...... 13.10 Shop Drawings and Samples ........................0.24 Cost -- Shop Drawings and Samples Review of Tests and Inspections..._................................13.4 by ENGINEER ........................... ........... 6.26 Records)1.7 Site Cleanliness_ ......... ...._......................_417 Cost of the Work -- Submittal Procedures,., ............ .......615 Buds and insurance, additional.,............ Substitute Construction Methods Cash Discounts ............................. ........ .......... a 1.4.2 and Prowdures.................................. 6.7,2 CONTRACTOXsFee ,,,,. .... IIA Substitutes and "Or -Equal" Items ...............0.11 Employee Expenses ..........................._i Superintendence...........................................012 Exclusionsto,.......................................... ..::.,....11.5 Supervision ......._. ..- ....... ...... . '61 Generalli.4.11.5 Survival of Obligations .......................6.34 Home office and overhead expenses.....,... ........i13 Taxes..........................................................0.15 Losses and damages ....................... .............. Tests and inspections ......................... _..._. „13:5 Matrnalsand sent ........ ............. ......_..]1.4.2 equip To Report ....................................... ..... .........2.5 Minor expenses.............,...:....... 11.4.5 .8 Use of Premises............... ......0.1".18, 6,30.24 Payroll costs on changes ....,.. ...., ...11.4.1 Review Prior to Shop Drawing or performed by Subcontractors„ „..............11.43 Sample Submittal ........................................ b 25 Reeordsll.7 Right to adjustment for changes in the Workk,_..101 Rentals of constrtiction equipment right to claim ........ ,,. 4, 71, 9A, 9.5, 9.11, 10.2,11- and machinery, ........ -.......................... _ 11A.53 11.9,12.1 13 9 14 8,15.1, 15 5, 17.3 Royalty payments, permits and „ Safety andProteotiot;-,........ j620-6.22, 7.2, 13.2 1ictnse fees.,,.. ,. , ,.;.......114;5.5. Safety Represedativa................................ ._6:21 Site office and temporaryfaeiiittea ...... 11A3.2 Shop Drawings and Samples SubmittaL3..... 6.24-6:28 Special Corsa t nits, CONTRACTOR'S.,, ...11.4.4 Special Consultants,...... ........ _..._..11.4.4 Supplemental....._. ....................... ... ...11,4.5 Substitute Construction Methods and Procedu m-6.7 Taxes related to the Work ;:,-- ..,., Substitutes and "Or -figural" Items, Tests and Inspecticat ............................... ......13.4 Expense...................... . 671 6.7.2 Trade Discounts.:. ...........................11.4.2 ......... Subcontractors, Suppliers and Others ; .......68-6.11 Utilities, fuel and: sanitary facilities,,,, „ .) Supervision and Superintendenc4......... 6.1, 6.2. 6.21 Work after regular hours:.„..,.............. ........ :11.4.1 Taxes, Payment by............................................6.15 Covering Work .......... 116.13.7 Use of Premises .....................616.6.18 Cumulative Remedies ........... _....................... .17,4.17.5 ............... Warranties and guarantees ..........................6.5, 6.30 Cutting, fitting and patching.;,... ........ ....... 722 Warranty of ....................................... ..14.3 Data, to be furnished OWNER ....... by 8.3 Written Notice Requirred- Day -definition of„.„ ............:...... .. 112,22 CONTRACTOR stop Work or terminate Decisions on Disputes..................................9.11, 9.12 Reports of Differing Subsurface .......15.5 defective --definition of ............. .......:...................... 1.14 and Physical Conditions ....................... 4.2.3 defective Work -- Substantial Completion,, ................... ­ ........ 14.8 Acceptance or. .......................... ........... ,10.4.1, 13.13 Al EIC'DC MM RAL COMITIONS 1910-8 (19" W1110t) w! C1TY OF TORT COLUNSMODMCA770M (REV 9t991 Correction or Removal of 10.4.1, 13.11 Correction Period 13.1'_ in general ....... .__... .... .'Article or Paragraph Number Observation by 13NGINEE.R..........._................. 9.2 OWNER May Stop Work_ _ _.. .. . _.. _.. ....13.10 Prompt Notice of Detects _ ............:..._...131 Rejecting ....... _.... .. _ _..9.6 Uncovering the Wort;_... .... .....13-8 Definitions 1 Delays ..... .................. ............... 1, 6.2_9; 12.3-12.4 Delivery of Bonds.. ............_...... _........ ................. ..:2.1 Delivery of certificates of insurance ............................2.7 Determinations for Unit Prices„..............................9.10 Differing Subsurface or Physical Conditions -- Noticeof.........,.._ .............._........... _4,23 ENGINEER's Review. ............ .. 4.2.4 Possible Contract Documents Change„ ...... ,... 4.2.5 Possible Price and Times Adjustments.............4.2.6 Discrepan cies-Report i n g and Resolving.,.,..". _... _ .................2.5, 3.3:2, 6.14.2 Dispute Resolution — Agreement, ................................ _............. 16.1-16.6 Arbitration ........ ........ ..:.............................2 b.1-16.5 generall6 Mediation .:............... _ ..16.6 Dispute Resolution Agreement,._................. ....16.1-16.6 Disputes, Decisions by ENGINEER.. ........ __.....Q,11-9.12 Docu n ems -- Copiesof ....... ................ ....._......................... ... 2.2 Record 6.19 Reuse of....-....... .. 3.7 Drawings --definition of.........._..............................1.15 Easements.........................................................__ 4.1 Effective date of Agreement -- definition Qf,.. .... _..... J.16 Emergencies_._...__ .................... . 0.23 ENGII,1EER as initial: interpreter on disputes ....... .......... 9,11-9.12 definition Of ... 1,17 Limitations on authority and responsrbrhtleg..... 9.18 Replacement Of,................................................. &2 Resident Project Representative, .............. ......... _�.3 ENGINEER's Consultant -- definition of,1,18 ENGIIdEER's-- authority and responsibility, limitations on .......9.13 Authorized Variations in the Work ...................9.5 Change Orders, responsibility for. _... 9.7. 10, 11, 12 Clarifications and Interpretations...,, , ,;;:6.3, 9A Decisions on Disputes .... ........ ............... _ 9.11-9,12 defective Wok, notice of..................................13.1 Evaluation of Substitute Items, .... __................. 0,7 3 Liability ........................... ....................... 4.32, 9.12 NoticeWork is Acceptable-.._..................__....14,13 Observations,,,,....................................... 5.30.2, 9.2 OWNHIZ's Representative. __.9.1 Payments to the CONi' RA(: r0R, Responsibility for ............. .__... ..... ....... ..9.9, 14 Recommendation of Payment,... _ 14A. 14.13 Article or Paragraph Numlxr ResponsibiIlties--Limitations oil ..... _. ,,_.._9.11-9.13 Review of Reports on Differing Sulxsurl"ace and Physical Conditions 4 2A Shop Drawings and Samples, review responsibility ...... — ... _ ...... _..................... 5.26 Status During Construction -- authorized variations in the Work ............ .....9.5 Clarifications and Interpretations ..... ............9A Decisions on Disputes,, _,. _.. _, _......Q.11.9.12 Determinations on Unit Price ...................... 9.10 ENGINEER asInitial Interpreter -._._-.., 9.I1-9.12 ENGINEER'S Responsibilities......."",..-... 9.1-9,12 Limitations on ENGINEER's Authority and Responsibilities....._ ....... .............. 9.13 OWNER's Representative..._..........................9.3 Rejecting Defective Work ......... _...................9.6 Shop Drawings, Change Orders and Payments .................................. 9.7-9.9 Visits to Site......................._.........,..._.......-.9.2 Unit Price determinations.................................9.10 Visas to Site ....................... ......9.2 Written consent require(i.............................. 7.2, 9A Equipment, Labor, Materials and ........................0.3-ti.5 Equipment rental, Cost of the Work .............. ,__ Equivalent Materials and Equipment--"„ ......... ......... 6.7 error or omissions .............. .......5,33 Evidence of Financial Arrangements ........... ..........$.I i Explorations of physical conditions ............... ......... 4:2.I Fee, CONTRACTOR's--Costs Plus ...........................11.6 Field Order -- definition of ............................... ...1.19 issued by ENGINEER ........................... 3.6.1, 9.5 Final Application for Payment_ ..........................14.12 Final Inspection...................................................14.11 Final Payment — and Acceptance._.:..............................14.13-14.14 Prior to, for cash allovanccs............ ................... 11,8 General Provisions :.:...:...:.........„.,,.,.,,,,-„_ General Requirements definition of, ... :....... ___ ..... ...................... ......... 1,20 principal references to. ............. 2.6, 6.A, 6.6-6.7, 6,24 GivingNoticq.................. .,................... ..........._... Guarantee of Work —by CONTRACTOR ,,,,,..,0.30, 14.12 Hazard Communication Programs....___................0,22 Hazardous Waste -- definition of ........... ....................................1.21 general .... _.. _-- . 4.5 OWNER's responsibility fa..............................8.10 EJCDC GENRIAL CONDI"nONS 1910-3 t199a EDMON wl CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (RF,V 91W) Indemnification 6. 12, 6-16, 6.31-6.33 Initially Acceptable Schedules., 29 Inspection -- Certificates of ...........9.13.4, 115, 14.12 1 inai ..... . . ............ ......... ......... 14.11 Article or Paragraph Number Special. required byliNGINEER ............. ............. �.6 Testa and Approval .... ................ 83. 13.3-13.4 Insurance -- Acceptance of, by OWNER ...............................5.14 Additional, required by changes in the Work ­ . ....................................... Before starting the Work ....... ....... ­­ ....... ....... .:2-7 Bonds and --in general.,..........._........................... 5 Cancellation Provisions .................................... 5.8 Certificates Of.. ...... 2.7. 5, 5.3. SAI 1, 5.4.13, ........ I ......... 3-6.5.5-8, 5.14, 9.114,14.12 completed operationsi .....................................5.4.13 CONTRACTORs Liability ...... ...... ............... .... 5.4 CONTRACTORs objection to coveragc ......... ­.5-14 Contractual Liability..._ ......................... ­­­-5.4. 10 deductible amounts, CONTRACTORS responsibility ...... ...................................... Final Applicalion for Payment_,,_„........, ...14.12 Licensed Insurers ...............................................5.3 Notice requirements, material change* ........ 5.8,103 Option to Replace-- -, ........ .......... .......... ­­­ ... .534 other special insurances ........ ........................ J. 10 OWNER as fiduciary for irrsurcdg............ ­5,12-5.13 OWNERS Liability ................ ................... ­­­5-5 OWNERS Responsibility.. ............................. .... 8.5 Partial Uta"tion, Property InSuranC4 ... ...... .... 5,15 Property... ............ - ...................................3.6-5.10 Receipt and Application of Insurance Proceeds .. . ........................................ 5.12-5.13 Special Insurance... ..................... .......... ....... J-10 Waiver of Rights ....... ........ 5,11 Intent of Contract Docuraantg ................ ......... ­.1-3A J interpretations and Clarificationa ............. ... 3,63, 9A Investigations of physical conditions ... ...................... 42 Labor. Materials and Equipment .......................... . 0.3-6.5 Lands. - andEasements ................................................. JA Availability of ............................ . ............... 4.1.8-4 Reports and Tests, ... ­ ................................ ...... Laws and Regulations -.Laws cc Regulations -- Bonds............................. ..... ­­.­ ............. 5.1-5.2 Changes in the Work.....................................10.4 Contract Documents ............................ ............ .3-1 CONTRACTOR's Responsibilities .................... §. 14 Correction Period, defective Work ... ........ ....... 33,12 Cost of the Work, taxek .................... ......... jL4.5.4 definition of..........._ ................. ...................... ).22 gencral6.14 Indemnification......,., .............. ................. 631-6.33 Insurance. Precedence 3A. 33.3 Reference to Safety and Protection. ..... ........ ... 6,20, 13.2 Subcontractors. Suppliers and 01hers, Article or Paragraph Number Tests and Inspections Use of Premises 6.16 Visits to Site 9.2 Liability Insurance-' CONTRACTOR..%...,, ....................... ...... ..... 5.4 OWNEWs...........................................................5.5 Licensed Sureties and Insurers,,.,........ _................... 53 Liens -- Application for Progress Payment .......................14.2 CONTRACTORS Warranty of Title..................143 Final Application for Payment. .................14.12 definition of ............ ­..­1..j.23 Waiver of ............................._............,14.15 ...... Limitations on ENGINEERS authority and responsibilities .................... ............................. 9.13 Limited Reliance by CONTRACTOR Authorized ...................................................... 4.2.2 Maintenance'and Operating Manuals -- Final Application for Payment .........................14.12 Manuals (of others) -- Precedence ................................... ..... Reference to in Contract Documents..................3:3J Materials and equipment - furnished by CONTRACTOR ........................ not incorporated in Wort,-, ................................ 141 Materials or equipment --equivalent ........... ......... ­­0.7 JvWiAtion (optiortal)­, ............................................ 16.7 Milestones --definition of.. .................................. j 24 Miscellarteious­ Computation of Times ..................................... Cumulative Remedies ...... ................. ­ ............ j 7A Giving Notice ................................................. �j 7.1 Notice of Claim ...... ......... ........ ................. 17.3 Professional Fees and Court Costs Included,..... ­173 Multi -prime contracts ..................................... ­ . .... ... :7 Not Shown or lndicatcd.­. ............. ­ ........... ......... _43.2 Notice of-- Acooptability ofProject ......................... . ..... ­14.13 Awarcl, definition of ..........................................1.25 Claim...................... ­­ ...... .......... ................ 1.7.3 Defects.13.1 Differing Subsurfacc or Physical Conditions, ... :4.23 Giving...... .......... ................... ­ ............ ­­ ... 17.1 Tests and Inspections ... ............... ...... ... J3.3 Variatior% Shop Drawing and Sample .................4-27 Notice to Proceed - definition of ...................................................... 1,26 givingof...._......................................................Z3 111CDC GENERAL CONDITIONS 1910.8 0990 EDITION) wj CITY OF FORT COLLINSMODIFICATIONS (REV 91") Nc4ification to Surety ... 110 Observatiom, by 6,30, 9,2 Occupancy of the Work. .............. 5.15, 14.10 Omissions or [lets by (7(__)N'TF_ACTOR 6.9, 9.13 Open Peril policy form- Inwrince., .50.2 Option to Replace ............ ......... ........................ J. 14 Article or Rari.oraph N-umVxr "Or Eiqual" Items 6.7 Other work 7 Overtime Work --prohibition of 63 OWNER -- Acceptance of defective Work ...........................13.13 appoint an ENGINEER ... ... .... ...... ...... 8" as fiducian .......... ...... .......... _5.12-5. 13 Availability of Lands-. responsibility ......... ......... 4.1 definition of.................__........................-..__...1.27 data, furnish .............. .............. ..................8.3 May Correct Defective Work ............ ..... _13,14 May refuse to make payment. ..... ------ ..... 14.7 May Stop the Work ..... ...... ..... ... May Suspend Work, Terminite.... ..... ....... ........ 13.10, 15.1-15A Payment, make prompt ..................... 3, 14.4, 14.13 performance of other work .................................. T I permits and licenses, requiremen4 ............ 6.13 purchased insurance requirements ............... 5.6-5.10 OW'NETs-- Acceptance of the Work ............. ..... .......... 630,15 Change Orders, obligation to executq. . ... .... B.6,10,4 Communications ............................................... 8.1 Coordination of the Work- ......... ..... - ...... Disputes, request for decision ...... ............ _9.. Inspections, tests and approval; .................. $3, 13.4 Liability lnsurante........... ........ ........ ....... 5-5 Notice of Defects 3.1 Representative. -During Construction, IMMER's Status ......................................93 ResponsibUities-- Asbestos, PCBs, Petroleum, Hazardous Waste or Radioactive Material __8.10 Change Orders ..... .................... __ ........... _8.6 Changes in the Work....__ ...........................10.1 communications 8,1 CONMCTORs responsibilities ....... ...... __8.9 evidence of financial arrangements... ............ 8.11 inspections, tests and approvals ....... * ... **"*' .,8.7 insurance. ............ ......................... *** ......... .A.5 lands and easements ............. ......... * ............ 8.4 prompt payment by........- ........... *' - '* .. ... 8.3 replacement of ENGINEER ...... .... * .... .. .... _$.2 reports and tests ............. _ ..... ..... 94 stop or suspend Work ................. ii) 0"45.1 terminate CONTRACTORs services - J8, 15.2 separate representative at sitq .... ................... 9-3 testing. independent,........ use or occupancy of the Work Nvrinen consent or approva required .... ........... - J. 15,, 14.10 -.1 ... ......... 11.9 1, 6 3, 11 A E)CM GENERAL CONDITIONS 1910.8 (1990 EDITION wl CITY OF FORT COLLIM MODIFICATIONS MEV 9/99) Article or Paragraph Number written notice required ... __..... _........ 7.1, 9.4, 9.11, ...._..11.2, 11.9, 14.7. 15.4 - definition of......... _ .. ._ ............ ................1.29 genctal ........................................ 4.5 OWNER'S responsibility for___ .. .....................MO Partial fAilization-- definition of. ................... ......__..............._.......1.28 genera) 6.30.2,4, 14,10 Property Insurance........... _..............._............ 5.15 Ntent Fees and Royalties ...................................1... 6.12 Payment Bonds .................. .... ........ ....... ..... ....... ..5.1-5.2 Payments, Recommendation of..,. '* ....... 14.4-14.7, 14-13 Payments to CONTRACTOR and Cmpletion— Application for ProgressPayments ...................... 14.2 coNTRACTOR'swarranty ofTitle_ ........... ..14.3 Final Application for Payment .........................14.12 Final Inspection...... _ ........ .................... I., ...... .14.11 Final Payment and Acceptance .............._14.13-14.14 general................................... ............... ....... .3, 14 Partial Utilization ...................... __..,....... ........ 4.10 Retainage..........................................................14, 2 Review of Applications for Progress Payments.„._.„.... ......... ......... 14.4-14:7 prompt payment .......... _...... .. ...........................:8.3 Schedule of Values............................................14.1 Substantial Completiort....... ............... .......14.8-14.9 Waiver of Claims ............... .................... ..:... ...14.15 when payments due................................14.4, 14A3 withholding payment........... _,..._.._.14:7 Performance Bonds....,_ ... ........... .... _ ... _ _­ 5.1-5.2 Permits............................................................k.13 Petroleum -- definition of .............. ........................... ............1.30 general...................... .............................. ....... ..4,5 OWNER's responsibility for ............................... •10 Physical Conditions -- Drawings oL in or relating .to.......................4.2 1:2 ENGINEER's review ........................................ 4.2.4 existing structures ...................... ...................... 4,2.2 general ....................... ..... ....... Notice of Differing Subsurface or.... 4.2-3 Possible Contract Documents Change ....... ,....... ,42.5 Possible Price and Times Adjustments . ............4.2.6 Reports and Drawings ..................................... 4.2.1 Subsurface and........... :......... ___ .......... ........... .4-2 Subsurface Conditions,.., ........ ...................... 4.211.1 Technical Data. Limited Reliance by CONTRACTOR Authorized ....................... 4.12 Underground Facilities-- general........................................................A.3 Not Shown or Indicded.................. ........I...43.2 Protection of ........................................ 4.3, 6,20 xii Article or Paragraph Number Shown or Indicated..._._ ................. ...................... Technical Data .... ............ ............... _._.._ .....4 2.^ . Reconstruction Confereneq.......................................2.8 Preliminary Matters ... ......._....... ... .......... ...... ...'- Preliminary Schedule...............................................2 0 Pram ises, Use of ............... _.. ... ....... _ ....... 6.16-6.18 Price, Change of Contract _ ......... ............ ...._....... Price, Contraci--definition of.__ . ._..............__.. 1 11 Progress Payment, Applications for .... .... ... _... ....... 142 Progress Payment--retainage...... ......... _. _ ....-....... 142 Progress schedule, CONTRAC,TOR's............ ' 6, 2.8, 29, ........_....... 6.6, 6.299, 10.4. 15.2.1 Project —definition of...............................................1.31 Project Representative— ENGiNEER's Status During Construction........... 9.3 Project Representative,. Resident -definition of .... ,_ L33 prompt payment by OWNER, ........................ ....... 8.3 Property Insurance -- Additional.,,., ...... .......................... ............ 53 genera15.6-5.10 Partial Utilization........_......................5.15, 14.10.2 receipt and application of proceeds.. .......... 5• 12-5.13 Protection, Safety and .... .......................... 0,20-6.21, 13.2 Punch list ........................ ...._....... ...... -jAll Radioactive Material-- defintion of .......... _.........................................1.32 gon rra14.5 OWNER's responsibility fa ............................ 8.10 Recommendation orpayment................14.4, 14.5, 14.13 Record Documents ................... ... .....019, 14.12 Records, procedures for maintaining ..................2.8 Reference Points ....................................................... 4.4 Reference to Standards and Specifications of Technical societies ........................................ 3.3 Regulations, Laws mid(or)...................................... 6.14 RejeetingDefec#ve Work .......... ...... ..............._.........9.6 Related Work — at Site- ................. .......... ............ 7.1-7.3 Performed prior to Shop Drawings and Samples submittals review ..................... .28 Remedies, cumulative .......... ___ ......... .......... _114, 17.5 Removal or Correction ofDefeetiw Work_.............13.11 rental agreements,.O.WNER approval required. ... , replacement of ENGINEER by OWNER .................... 8.2 Reporting and Resolving Discrepancies...............................2.5, 3.3.2, 6.14.2 Reports -- and Drawings-_-, .... ........... 4.2.1 and Tests, OWNERi responsibility ...................8A Resident and Project Representative -- definition of ........................ ..... ........... ............. .33 provision for.............................................................9.3 EicDC GENERAL CGNumGNs 1910-8 0990 ED1nGN1 wr C1TY OF FORT COI,UNS MODIFICATIONS MV 91") Article or Paragraph Number Resident Superintendent. CON IR.ACTOR's__.6.2 Respcinsibilities-- CONIRACTOR's-in general ........... _ ....................6 EN(MNEER's-in general_ _ _ _ r) Limitations on 9 13 MNFR's-m general Retainage Reuse of Documents ............... ....... -.... 3.7 Review by CONTRACTOR: Shop Irawings and Samples Prior to Submittal ..... - Review of Applications for ....6._5 Progress Payments., ..... .__-........ __..,14.4-14.7 Right to an adjustment ....... .......... _ .....................10.2 Rightsof Way ... .................. ......... .................... ...... -4.1 Royalties. Patent Fees and......................................6.12 Safe Structural Loading, ......... ...... .............. ........ 6.18 Safety -- and Protection...............................4.3.2, 6.16, 6.18, ..._..............:.....- - ......6.20-6.21, 7.2. 13.2 general ....................... ............... .............. 6.20-6 23 Representative, CONTRACTOR's.......................6.21 Samples -- definition of ............... .......... ........... ............... .1.34 general ................... .................................. 6.24-6.28 Review by CONTRACTOR. _.................._---6.25 Review by ENGINEER ............... ......._.......0.26, 6.27 related Work.....................................................0-23 submittal of ........................... ._ .......... .....0-24.2 submittal procedures ....... ......................._...,. .... 6-25 Schedule of progress..,..............._.........2.6, 2.8-2.9, 6.6, ............... .... I ----- ....629, 10.4, 15.2.1 Schedule or Shop Drawing and Sample Submittals.............................2.6, 2.8-2.9, 6.24-6.2$ Schedule of Values, ......... ........ ............2.6, 2.8-2.9, 14.1 Schedules -- Adherence to.• .............................. ............15.2.1 Adjusting... .......... ..................................... ......6.6 Change of Contract Times...............................10.4 Initially Acceptable .......... ......... ..._.......... ..2.8, 2.9 Preliminary.. _ .................................... ...............2.6 Scope of Changes.......................................I0.3-10.4 Subsurface Conditions._ ...................... „_.,,,,,-„4:21.I Shop Drawings. - and Samples. general. ............................... 6,24-6-28 Change Orders & Applications for Payment-, and ..... .......... ....... ........ ........ .9.7-9.9 definition of., ..................... .............................. 1.35 ENGINEER's approval of ...................... .......... 3-6.2 ENGINEERS responsibility for review,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .................. ...9.7,6.24-6.28 related Work................._.........._.....__......_....45.28 review procedures .............................. 2.8, 6.24-6.28 Article or Paragraph Number submittal required., .... _._............................A24.1 Submittal Procedures................................„.,.,.„6.25 wwtoapprove substitutions ... _.............. ....6.7.3 Shown or Indicated—-..........................................4.3.1 Site Access _ ..... _ . _ _ 7.2, 13.2 Site Cleanliness _.._0.17 Site, Visits lo-- by ENGINEER _..... ...........9.2, 13.2 by others... ...13.2 "special causes of loss" policy form, insurance 5.fi 2 definition or, ............................................ ...1.36 SpeciLcations— defination of ....... ......... ......................... .1.36 of Technical Societies, reference tp- .... .._......... 3.3.1 precedence............................. .......................... 3,3.3 Standards and Specifications or Technical Societies........................................3.3 Starting Construction, Before .................. .. _...........,,,;2,5-2.g Starting the Work.._ ............ .......................... ......... «A Stop or Suspcnd Work -- by CONTRACTOR ...........................................15.5 by OWNER...................................8.8, 13.10, 15.1 Storage of materials and equipment .....................4.1, 7.2 Structural Loading, Safety .... .................... I ........... . 6.]S Subcontractor-- Concerning ....................... ...........:6. definition of.....................................................1.37 delays ............. ... 123 waiver of rights__ ........... ........ ....... 0.11 Subcontractors --in general ...... ......... .............. ,. Subcontracts --required provision ,........5-11, 6.11, 11.4.3 Subm ittals-- Applications for Payment.................................14.2 Maintenance and Operation Manualil_........ _-14,12 Procedures,.......... ..........:..:..:......6.25 Progress Schedules ..... .., .............. Samples .,.... Schedule of Vah�es...........................:.........2.6. 14.1 Schedule of Shop Drawings and Samples Submissions 2:6 2.8-2.9 Shop Drawings...,... ... ...,. 6.24-6.28 Substantial Completion — certification of .............. ..0. 30.2.3, 14 8-14.9 definition of ........ 1.38 Substitute Constrticticvt Methods or Procedure*,,,,, , 6.T.2 Substitutes and "Or Equal" Item ..... ........... ..............6.7 CONTRACTOR's Expensq.............................0.7. L3 ENGINEERs Evaluation ....... ........................ .;6.7.3 "Or -Equal" ............. _._..........:...................... Substitute Construction Methods UMC GENERAL CONE)MONS 1910.8 (1"0 ED1170N1 w/ CITY OF FORT COLLIM MODIFICAMM OLEV Sft Article or Paragraph Number or Procedures.............................................¢.7., Substttutc Items 6.7.12 Subsurface and Physical Conditions -- Drawings of. in or relatng to _ _ _ _.. _,.......... 4?. 3.2 ENGINTEER'sReview...... _._.4.2:4 general.............. ... -............................_..---4,22 Limited Reliance by CONTRACTOR Authorized .................. ............... ............4.2.2 Notice of Differing Subsurface or Physical Conditions., ................................. ... _4.2.3 Physical Conditions .............. :I.- ... I—. ...... ...... Possible Contract Docum ents Change,,,,,, 3.2 5 Possibly Prio a andTimes Adjustments...............4.2.6 Reports and Drawings ......................... .... -.....- 4.2. Subsurface and...............................................4.2 Subsurface Conditions at the Site. _ ............... ,. Technical Data ...... ...... ....................... - ............ 4.2.2 Supervision— CONTRACTORS responsibility.._.......................6.1 OWNER shall not supervise................................8.9 ENGINEER shall not supervise ................ 9 Z 9.13 2 Su ntendence ..... ...... .................... ....... p� .............. ¢.2 Superintendent, CONTRACTOWs resident ..... ........... d 2 Supplemental costs ............................... ___ ........ 11.4.5 supplementary Conditions -- definition of.....................................................).39 principal references to.................).10, 1.18, 2.2, 2.7, _.._..,,,..-,_ 4,2, 4.3, 5.1, 5.3, 5A, 5.6-5.9, ................ 5.11, 6.8, 6.13, 7.4. 8.11, 9.3, 9.10 Supplementing Contract Documents ..........................3.6 Supplier -- definition of .... ...................... _........................ 1.40 principal references IQ ........... 3.7, 6,5, 6.8-6.11, 6.20, ... ..... ..................6.24, 9.13, 14.12 Waiver OfRlghts..................................... ...._ Is.l l Surety -- consent to final payment. ......................14.12, 14.14 ENGINEER has no duty to .............................. -9.13 Notification of... .........._.............. _....10.1. 10.5, 15.2 qualification of ................ ............... ......... ...,5.1.5,3 Survival of Obligations ............. ........................:..._§ 34 Suspend Work,OWNER May ................ Suspension of Work and Termination--, ................ _ J5 CONTRACTOR May Stop Wo k or Terminate ......:.............. .......................15,5 OWNERMay Suspend Work ................. ........... ..15.1 OWNER,May Terminate............................15.2-15.4 Taxes --Payment by CONTRACTOR.........................6 15 Technical Data — Limited Reliance by CONTRACTOR................4.2.2 Possible Price and Times Adjustments..............4.2.6 Reports of Differing Subsurface and Physical Conditions...._..............................4.2.3 xiv Temporary construction facilities.41 Article or Paragraph Number Termination -- by CON FRAM OR ..... 15.5 byOWNEK8.8, 1S.1-15.4 of ENGINEER's employment.........- ._.. _..--......... $ 2 Suspension of Work-in general... I I ___..... 1.._.1,,..14; Terms and Adjectives. ._._.........__ ................. ... 34 Tests and Inspections_ Access tothe Work, by others .......... ..................13.2 CON'rRACiOR's responsibilities ......................13.5 cost of 13.4 covering Work prior to..................._....._.13.6-13.7 Laws and Regulations(or)................................ 13.5 Notice of Defects ................................. :............. 13.1 OWNER May Stop Work ..... ........................ _.13.10 OWNEVs independent testing ...................)3.4 special, required by ENGINEER.- ... ,•................. 9.6 timely notice required..,.,_.-- ..........................13-4 Uncovering theWo rk, at ENGINEERs request.-... ............................................ 3.8-13.9 Times -- Adjusting.............................................. ....... ..... 6,6 Change of Contract-,--.— ........... ..... I........:,12 Computation of................................................17.2 Contract Times--defmititm of ...........................1.12 day__..........._.............................17._. �2 Milestones..........................................................)2 Requirements -- appeals..... ......... .......... ..................... .... 9.10, 16 clarifications, claims and disputes ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9.11, 1 LZ 12 Commencement of Contract Times :. ............. 2:3 Neconstruction Conference ..........................2.8 schedules.........................................2.6, 2.9, 6.6 Starting the Work .......... ................... -__.... 2.4 Title, Warranty of ................ ............................. :...:,14.3 Uncovering Work.,...,.. Underground Facilities, Physical Conditions definition of...................,..........................:,,..:1.41 Not Shown or Indio-ated...................... .......... _ 4:3.2 protection of ............ ................................. 4.3. 6,20 Shown or Indicated...,... ........................ .......4.3.1 Unit Price Work: claims........................................................ 11.9.3 definition of ..................................................... L42 generalil.9, 14.1, 14,5 Unit Prices-- general11.3.1 Determination for ............ ...................... __...... .10 Use of Premises ....... ....... .......... _...,.6.16, 6.18, 6 30,2.4 Utility owners ............................. 6.13, 6.20, 7.1-7.3. 13.2 Utilization, Partial ................... 1 28, 5.15, 6,30.2.4. 14.10 Value of the Work...................................................11.3 Values, Schedule of ............................. 2.6, 2,8-29, 14.1 EICDC OENFRAL CONDITIONS 1910.8 (1990 ED1TIC" w/ CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS M 919% 4 Variations in Work --minor Authorizc3.. 0.25. 6 27, 9.5 Article or Paragraph ldumher Visits to Site --by ENGINEER .................................... 9.<^ Waiver of Claims --on Final payment ..__._..,...___.14,15 Wainer of RighLs by insured parties .................. 11, 6.11 Warranty and Guarantee. General --by CONTRACI(7R.._._,.,..,.. .............. . _........_:630 warranty of Title. CONTRACTOR'S_......._.. kk'ork-- .4ccess to ...... ...... ...... ..13.2 by others,............................................. .............. 7 Changes in the.. __ ......... . ...............10 Continuing the..................................................0.29 CONTRACTOR May Stop Work or Terminate.._.........._ )5.5 Coordination of ................................. ............. .....7.4 Cost Of the ............................. _...._............11.4.11:5 definition of ................... _1.43 neglected by CONTRACTOR ............... ............ 13.14 otherWork ...................................... 7 OWNER May Stop Work ............ ......... ............ 13,10 OWNER May Suspend Work,„................13.10, 15.1 Related, Work at Sitc........ ............................7.1 7:3 Starting the....... 2.4 Stopping by CONTRACTOR ............... ...............15.5 Stopping by OWNER ........ ................... ..... .15.1-15.4 Variation and deviation authorized, minor ...... __._3.6 Work Change Directive — claims pursuant to.............................................10.2 definition oC.,,,,,.___....-........._...._1.44 principal references to ................... _ 3.5.3, 10.1-10.2 Written Amendment -- definition o1.................................. ................... 1:45 principal references to.............1.10, 3.5, 5.10,15.12, ..........................0.6.2, 6.S.2, 6,19, 10.1, 10.4, _.............11,2, 111, 13,12.2, 14.7.2 Written Clarifications and Interpretations,,,,,,, .....;3.6.3, 9.4, 9.11 Written Notice Required — by CONTRACTOR .......... ................ ..7.1,', ...... I .... ..._............ ............ 10.4, 11.2, 12.1 by OWNER....................9.10-9.11, 10.4, 1.1.2, 13,.14 xv EJCDC GENERAL CONDITIONS 19104 (1990 EDITION) w/ CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (REV 9/99) xvi (This page left blank intentionally) EJMC (MDUUM COMMONS1910-s 0"0 EDMON) w/CITY OF FORT CO11dNSMODMCAVONS(REV 919% "�? GENERAL CONDITIONS ARTICLE 1--DEnNaT1Oh5 Wherever used in these General Conditions or in tie other Contract Documents the following terms have the meanings indicated which are applimble to both the singular and plural thereof: I . Adcknda--Written or graphic instruments issued prior to the opening of Bids which clarify. correct or change the Bidding Requirements or the Contract Documents 1 . Aggreement-Dhewritten contract betweenOWNER and CONTRACTOR covering the Work to be performed; other Contract Documents are attached to the Agreement and made a part thereof as provided therein. 1.3. Applacadion for Payment —The form accepted by ENG which is to be used by CONTRACTOR in requesting progress or final payments and which is to be accompanied by such supporting documentation as is required by the Contract Documents. 1.4. AsbesWs--Any material that contains more than one percent asbestos and is friable or is releasing asbestos fibers into the air above current action levels established by the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration. 1.5, Bid -The offer or proposal of the bidder submitted on the form setting forth the prices for the Work to be performed, 1.6. Biddorg Documents --The advertisement or invitation to Bid, instructions to bidders, the Bid form, and the proposed Contract Documents (including all Addenda issued prior to receipt of Bids). 1.7. Bidding Requirements —The advertisetnem or invitation to Bid instructions to bidders, and the Bid form. I.S. Bonds :Performance and Payment bolds and other msdrumentsof security. 1.9. Chmge Order —A document recommended by ENGINEER, which is signed by CONTRACTOR and OWNER and authorizes an addition, deletion or revision in the Wak, or an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract Times, issued on or after the Effective Dateof the Agreement LM Conimct Doctxwnts—The Agreement, Addenda (which pertain to the Contract Documents), CONTRACTOR's Bid (including documettafiot accompanying the Bid and any post Bid documentation submitted prior to the Notice of Award) when attached as an exhibit to the Agreement the Notice to Proceed, the Borah these General Conditions, the Supplementary Conditions, the Specifications and the Dmwm*s as the EXDC GENERAL CONDITIONS 1910-3 (1990 E&OU) w! CITY OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICATIONS (RE/ Al2000) -same are more specifically identified in t1w Agreement, together with all N}'ritten Amendments. Charge Orders, Work Change Directives. Field Orders and FINGINFER's written interpretations and clarifications issued pursuant to paragraphs 3. 5, 3.6.1 and 3.6.3 on or u[ler the Effective Dote of the Agreement. Shop llmw ins suhrm ills approved pursuant to pam6rdphs 6.26 and 6 '7 and the reports and drawings referred to in p arnVaphs 4.11 and 4.2.2 are not Contract Documents. 1.11. Contact Price —The moneys payable by OWNER to CONTRACTOR fcx completion of the Wank in accordance with the Contract Documents as stated in the Agreement (subject to the provisions of paragraph 11.9.1 in the case of Unit Price Work). 1.1'. Contract Tines —The numbers of days ur the dates stated in the Agreement: (i) to achieve Substantial Completion. and (ii) to complete the Work so that it is ready for final payment as evidenced by FNGIN'14.ER's written recommendation of final paymerii in accordance with paragraph 14.13. I.13. CC ArMCTOR-:The person, Timm or corporation with whom OWNER has entered into the Agreement 1.14. defective —An adjective which when modifying the word Work refers to Work that is unsatisfactory, faulty or deficient in that it does not conform to the Contract DocunncnL% or does not meet the requirements of any inspection, reference standard, tut or approval referred to in the Contract Docwncnts, or has been damaged prior to ENGINEER'S racontmendation of final payment (unless responsibility for the protection thereof has been assumed by OWNF,R at Substantial Completion in accordance with paragraph 14.8 or 14,10). 1.15. Drawings --The drawings which show the scope, cetent and character of the Work to be furnished and performed by CONTRACTOR and which have been prepared or approved by ENGINEER and are referred to in the Contract Documents. Shop drawings are not Drawings as so defined. 1.16. Effective Date of fix Agreement —The date indicated in the Agreement on which it becomes effective, but if no such date is indicated it means the date on which the Agreement is signed and delivered by the last of the two parties to sign and deliver. 1.17. ENGINEER —The person, firm or corporation named as such in the Agreement. 1.18. ENGINEER'S Consultmrt—A person, firm or corporation having a contract with ENGINEER to furnish services as ENGiNEER's independent professional associate or consultant with respect to the Project and who is identified as such in the Supplementary Conditions. 1.19. Field Order —A written order issued by ENGINEER which orders minor changes in the Work in accordance with paragraph 9.5 but which does not involve a change in the Contract Price or the Contract Times.