HomeMy WebLinkAbout379008 SMITHS MEDICAL PM - PURCHASE ORDER - 6600699Date: 02/06/06 City of Fort Collins City of Fort Collins Page Number: 1 Purchase Order Number: 6600699 ...c....vey vaay. Wu iww Buyer: 6t7NNETTE, ED Purchase Order number must appear on invoices, packing lists, labels, bills of lading, and all correspondence. Note: Line Qty/Units Description Extended Price 1 1 LOT 12,795.00 pulse oximeters (20) PER PROPOSAL #012506-PFA-3301-20 FROM WENDELL BASSETT, DATED JANUARY 25, 2006. PRICING IS GSA PRICING; THROUGH COLORADO 1122 FEDERAL PROCUREMENT PROGRAM (COUNTER -DRUG ACTIVITIES) FOR POUDRE FIRE AUTHORITY; PER THEIR AGENCY LETTER. (QTY 20) #3301 BCI 3301 HAND-HELD PULSE OXIMETERS @ $470.05/EA = $9,401.00 (SYSTEM INCLUDES: #3301 MONITOR, #1818R OPERATION/ SERVICE MANUAL, #3044 OXIMETRY FINGER SENSOR, ALKALINE "C" CELL BATTERIES (QTY OF 3)). (QTY 20) #3318 PROTECTIVE RUBBER BOOT W/CARRYING STRAP @ $25.00/EA = $500.00 (QTY 20) #3178 PEDIATRIC REUSABLE OXIMETRY FINGER SENDSOR @ $142.20/EA = $2,844.00 FREIGHT @ $50.00 FOR ENTIRE ORDER; SHIPPED F.O.B. FT. COLLINS, CO ORDER TOTAL $12,795.00 PLEASE SHIP TO ATTN : JOHN VANGORDER, CONTACT #(970)416-2086. Total $12,795.00 City of Fort Cqrinf Director of Purchasing and Risk Management This order is rtQlhalid over $2000 unless signed by James B. O'Neill II, CPPO, FNIGP City of Fort Collins Accounting Department City of Fort Collins Purchasing, PO Box 580, Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 PO Box 580 Phone: 970-221-6775 Fax: 970-221-6707 Email: info@ci.fortcollins.co.us Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 smLths BCl® 3301 Hand -Held Pulse Oximeter Quote Smiths Medical PM, Inc. Patient Monitoring and Ventilation N7 W22025 Johnson Drive, Waukesha, Wisconsin 53186 USA Phone 262-542-3100 Fax 262-542-0718 Toll Free 1-800-558-2345 Internet: http://www.smiths-medical.com To: Poudre Fire Authority 3400 W. Vine Ft. Collins, CO 80521 Attn: Ed Sonnette Phone: 970-416-2247 Fax: January 25, 2006 Prepared by: Wendell Bassett Pricing Authorized by: GSA PRICING Proposal* 012506-PFA-3301-20 TERMS CONDITIONS FOB FREIGHT SALESPERSON NET 30 VALID FOR 30 DAYS W AUKESHA, W l Prepay & Add We CATALOG CITY DESCRIPTION LIST UNIT DISCOUNT NET UNIT TOTAL # PRICE PRICE 3301 20 BCI® 3301 Hand -Held Pulse Oximeter $595.00 -$124.95 $470.05 $9,401.00 System includes: 3301 — Monitor 1818R — OperationlService Manual 3044 — Oximetry Finger Sensor Alkaline "C" cell batteries —quantity of 3 3318 20 Protective rubber boot with carrying strap $50.00 425.00 $25.00 $500.00 3178 20 Pediatric Reusable Oximetry Finger Sensor $180,00 -$37.80 $142.20 $2,844.00 FREIGHT 1 FREIGHT FOR THIS SHIPMENT $50.00 0.00 $50.00 $50.00 THIS ORDER TO BE SENT FOB FT. Collins, CO. $0.00 $0.00 Visa and Mastercard Accepted Total $12,795.00 Subject to applicable sales tax and freight charges Warranly 24 months on monitor 12 months on reusable sensor and patient cable U.S. Patent No.5,437,275 Signature SCl is a trademark of the SmBhs Madical family of companies I ` _ w (�'(,./� The symbol ® mU. indicates the trademark is registered in the S. Patent and Trademark Once and certain other PO# 6 l �a countries J / 02oo4 Smiths Medical Family of companies. All rights reserved Date All products liated are covered by the Smiths Medical PM, Inc. Terns and conditions of Sale Please include this quote, signed and dated, with your company purchase order (if applicable) when placing your order. RV 111604 2006-02-02 17:05 4 JAN-27-06 FRI 11,22 AID 0175T OQLLINSt PURCHAS FAX NO. 970 2216707 P.91 The Colorado 1122 Federal Procurement Program Phone: 303-239-5776 pars 30-239-5775 ps I USE Oat lernal 1 f''und { Agocy i org Appr qDJ i CRL ITivisiOP G7i4r 1 1122 Spee& Urder Form BCI 3178 Pediatric Reusable Oximetry Finger Sensor FAch Qvanttty to he 20 each NA sadcbs Medical F".Y1, lrw- norm #3178 Unit Price $2,844.00 Pnp" #012506-PFA-33oi-20 NT W22025 dobnson Drive Waukesba, W153186 Karly Pride, Customer Service PUM: 262-542-3100 I Pax 262-so. Is BmaO John Vangorder,Puudre Fire j 970-416-2086 970-221.0854 Authority Email - - — "- OrdaC Date —� RequirEA Date of DI 1Vaagordotic6ovcnm 1-26-06 As soon as po I ---- Poudre Tire Authority 3400 W Vine Fort Collins, CO 80521 Attu; John'Vangorder This oM'W is placad Pw% am to Stour and Local Law 8atoteetnem Equipment envorEmEat Program (1 w Prog=) in support of Omnter-chug activium Dee ----Invoke--- - 1122 C AppwQl Colorado State Patlroi This order is placed putsuaw to Wee and Local Law Fnfineanere Equiplrmtt 1127FederaiProcurement Program Ptocumnant0122P in*%Wtofooulger4ma4avvlilac. 7001Cip1ing, Sttita 3000 g &n�o�S Ye v A pt cial Denver, CO $0215 Please fax tot E03a39-57't5 2006-02-02 17:0 4 JAN-27-06 FRI 11i22 Ail CITY/FT COLLINS, PURCHAS FAX NO, 070 2216707 P.(P9/� The Colorado 1122 Federal Procurement Program Phone: 303-239-5776 Fax: 303-239-5773 CI1P51gtet7tal Fund II I",({ Org Appr Obj ' CAL Dtvisioa i 1122PON CseOnly L_ ..,L . 1 1122 Special Order Form Staff use 0Ny-Fsaed: Confirmed product poaerioden or Nalwast Stock Member � ; Model or Part Number BC13318 Protective Rubber Boot with Carrying #3319 Strap i UnitPrice $25.00/each ..-, FAO Quseft to be ordered _ — Extended Prim (Veit mes x Qoanfity) 20 each SSAA.00 Additional $hipping Cents Total Prite NA $500.00 i Voador Informatm Sinoinde as much information as >:ottatbisl (( lnrra Nam* GSA Contract Nuutbar j Smiths 1ledical PH, Inc. Proposal #0125*"A-3301-20 Address -- � Vender Point of Costar �V7 W22025 Jahnsan Drive ! Wauk/wha, WI 53I86 Karly Pride, Customer Service i Phnntt7.e2.54Z�t0li �Fs:267•s42�f+7'Ig �.���- F.rdait.�"...u...". —� I Cuidamer Information _ O ericgOffici1W?0C Ph4na Fax �- 1 John Wnngorder, Poudre Fire: 970-416-2086 97422.1.085E Authority EMU _--� OrderWty -� RequtredAAbetDclrvery - JVao°�+Prdtr�iyfcgor,eom 1.26.06 As soon as possible l This order is placed mumm to State and (local Law FafotcemenrF.gtdpm=ftcemmm Nagam (f 1 Y2 Poudre Fire Authority Program) in Support ofCaunttFdiag acoritirS. 3400 W vine Fort Collins, CO 80521 »at, AMA John Vangorder -- ....... -. 1122LSPOC.Approval Colorado State Patrol ibis OWcr is placed pursrwm to State and 1=al LAW Enf atom Ewipman 1127Federal Proeureawat Program t4oeumrnent (t tz2� )support ofccwmarMhug-cdvlria. j 700 Klpiing, Suite 3b0A �, r a% o cr, { Denver, CO 80215 Signature of SPOC 4mving offie at Pteasefsx to: 3ti3.334.5775 Z JAN-FQO FRi IIID% CITY/FT COLLINS, FURCHAS FAX NO, 970 2216707 P. A/Y4 The Colorado 1122 Federal Procurement Program Phone: 303-239-5776 Fax: 303-239-5775 CDPS interest Fund t A,ncv Org Appr Obj GRL Di wow ; t12i rM t 1122 Special Order Form Star We otty Faxed: COD&MC& A odoaDeseeipeWeorNawndStock:Vnmbor ModdorPan Naftaber BCI 3301 Hwid-held Irnlse Oximeters i i +�330I Unit otTune -- --'— Cob UnFtPrice $470.09eaeh Qu%Pft to be ordered Lxtot Prig (dolt him x Quantity) 20 each — 59,401.00 -- ! Additioio 3blpPCosta Total Price �$9,asLoa Vendor InfQEM#tion (include as much Information as pettatibkl firm Name. Smiths Medical I t, Inc. — �� GSA t oapxst Marcher PropoW #01250&PFA 3301.20 .�..- Address Vendor point ofCoatact N7 W22025 Johtrson Drive Waukesha, WI 53186 Karly Pride, Customer Service Phone_ 2JS2.SOb3100 Fax 262 M2411* Email Customer lnformadon OrderiagOtFicial/MC Mae � � Fix - --•�- John V=gnrder, Poudre Fire 970416-2086 ; 970-2-21.0854 Authority i iEfaaSl order JvattgiMerfcgoe eom Dace Ragaired Date of nakwy I-26-06 _ As soon as possible Thin erdor is plsued puraumt to State avid Low law Edamernm PAuonwit hoctaaaem Program (1 r2 Poudre Fire Authority >' )iinnsupperofCamter-dtasactivitim 4 3400 W Vine pate Fort C oklins, CO $0521 r Attn: John 'Vangoxcier 1l22 SIWOC Approval Caletrado State Patrol Tbis orda is placed xaswnt to State and Local Law Waxemeut Equipment i 1122Federal Procurement Prograln procurawtC2.FUP1°.� �FAi'P°^taCcawtwda+gacthitioa. I-A.7-v� �o 700Kj)&g,3taite3000 Sgn n-Mvirts [cial Denver, CO 90215 please rax to; 3o3-a39471s it { Poudre Fire Authority Ptcanim 3400 West Vine Drive Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 January 31, 2006 To Colorado State Patrol 1122 program. We are requesting authorization for purchase of pulse oxymetry monitoring devices to carry on our fire apparatus as part of anti -drug program through the state. Pulse oxymetry is utilized to assess physical status of individuals, including law enforcement and fire personnel, who may have been exposed to fumes and vapors from methamphetamine and other illegally manufactured drugs. The respiratory effects of these uncontrolled dangerous processes directly affects the cardio-vascular system of parties exposed, and pulse oxymetry monitoring is a rapid means to assess the extent of such exposures and serves as starting point for definitive treatment. Respectfully, John VanGorder Captain, Poudre Fire Authority Warehouse/Purchasing Division