Airgas Intermountain - Ft Collins 9704845354 2/2
December .005
Airgas Inb,ri );main Inc.
305 Air P;sir ;:rive
Ft. Collins.._)j S0524
Attn. Denton I rlorripson
Re: Renewable Faxquote for Leather Driver's Gloves for Utilities Vk/arehouse
The City ,il rurt Collins has elected to renew our Renewable Fnxquoll� for leather Driver's
Gloves (Memphis Gloves #3214) for Utilities Warehouse with your lirm. The terms and
conditions o. this renewal will be the same as stated in the oricima' hid documents and including
LA past inns: 1;.r The Warehouse anticipates that they will tollcnu tip with their Restocking
Order it Sl:1rii i l 2006 or before.
If the renewa, is acceptable to your firm, please sign this letter in the space provided and return
to the City nt Fnrl Collins, Purchasing Division, within the next fifteen (15) days. If delivered,
please delivCr to 215 North Mason Street, 2'" i Floor . Fort Collins. (.0 ,0524. If mailed, the
mailing address is P.O. Box 580, Fort Collins. Colorado 80522-050().
If this relicr,:;-11 is not acceptable with your firm, please send us vritt:rn notice stating that you
do not wish;- renew the bid. If you have any questions iechardino ihir� renewal, please contact
Ed Boomed,,..;P.M.. CPPB, Buyer. at970-416-2247.
James B. O'Neill II. CPPO, FNIGP
Director nil P,,whasing and Risk Management \
(Please iii iw-iie vour desire to renew the Faxquote by signing il'•i� kdt�!r and returning it to
Purchasingt I:)nrision within the next fifteen (15) days.)
r"k.L;� 113.c1`i pr
X L h (r