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.r� SPECIFICATIONS •- AND ,.. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS I • FOR �• Children's Garden at the Gardens on 4. F. Spring Creek 4, r BID NO. 5921 PURCHASING DIVISION 215 NORTH MASON STREET, 2ND FLOOR, FORT COLLINS JUNE 6, 2005 - 3:00 P.M. (OUR CLOCK) Bids will be received as set forth in the Bidding Documents. The Work is expected to be commenced within the time as required by Section 2.3 of General Conditions. Substantial Completion of the Work is required as specified in the Agreement. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond guaranteeing faithful performance and the payment of all bills and obligations arising from the performance of the Contract. No Bid may be withdrawn within a period of forty-five (45) days after the date fixed for opening Bids. The OWNER reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, and to waive any informalities and irregularities therein. Bid security in the amount of not less than 50 of the total Bid must accompany each Bid in the form specified in the Instructions to Bidders. Sales Prohibited/Conflict of Interest: No officer, employee, or member of City Council, shall have a financial interest in the sale to the City of any real or personal property, equipment, material, supplies or services where such officer or employee exercises directly or indirectly any decision -making authority concerning such sale or any supervisory authority over the services to be rendered. This rule also applies to subcontracts with the City. Soliciting or accepting any gift, gratuity favor, entertainment, kickback or any items of monetary value from any person who has or is seeking to do business with the City of Fort Collins is prohibited City of Fort Collins By� Jam s B. O'Neill, II, CPPO, FNIGP u hasing/Risk Management Director 07/2001 Section 00020 Page 2 notice to OWNLR and CONTRACTOR. in accordance with paragraph 1413 that the Work is acceptable (exeept as otherwise expressly provided in connection with Substantial Completion), 6.21. S ifety Represvxk ilve. CODSfRACTOR doll desigote a qualified and experienced safety representative at the site whose duties and rwsiximbilities shall be the pcovemio n of accidents and the maintaining mid supervising of safety precoutiorns and prcgaxtns. Hawr d Canatanication Pror asm, 6.22. CON RACTGR shall be responsible for wordvading any ew.barige of material safety daut sheets or other harard communication information required to be made available to or exchanged between or among empldym at the site in accordance with laws or Regulations. FWaVatetiew 6,23, In emergencies affectung the safety or protection of persons or the Work or prrgxaty at the site or adjaucatt thereto, CONTRACTOR, without special instracdon or authoriartidn front OWNER or ENGINIEER, is obligated act to prevent threatened dama$�injury err loss. CONTRACTOR shall give 1 "tiC'rhNEER frump[ written notice if CONTRhc"TQR believes that arty significant changes in die Work or variations front the Contract Documents have been caused thereby ]f F�NGINTER determines that a change in the Contract Documents is require) because of the action taken by CONTRACTOR in resxnse to sUclt an emergency, a Work Change Directive or Chainge Order will be issued to document the consequences of such action 6.24. Shop Draa+ixgsarrd&mpl&t,t 624.1. CONTRACTOR shall submit Shop Druwirip to ENGIN41;R fix review and approval in aceoudancc with the accepted schedule of Shop Tirawings and Sample snDmtittals (see paragraph 2 9) All submittals will he identified as ENGINEER may require and in the number of copies specified iri tlx General Requirements. The Arta shown on the Shop Drawings will be complete with reVect to quantifies, dimensions, specified perlowrance and design cr teria, materials and similar data to show ENGilvfiliR the materials and equipment WN'TF_iCiIOR pr,,p ses is provide and to enable EN(IN'Ef,:R to review the information for die limited pxugxises rcyuircd by paragraph 6.26. 624 2_ O NTRACTOR shall also suln is Samples to RNG N ER for review and approval in accordance with said aucepted schedule of Shoo Dra7ving3 and Sample submittals Fach Sample will he identified clearly as to material. Supplier, pertinent data such as catalog number and the use for which intended and otherwise as ENGINEER may require to criable RNGWIsDR to review the submittal for the limited 16 h:1, 7rr 6k`!'hsi2�11 d: C A€)13"tUt3'S t r1 v) i vva t (roos) w=t,71Y QtFCtR'rt701J.1165 MCit?il'1d'411itl�S iRk i IZt"1 purposes required by paragmph6:26- The numbers of each Sample to be submittal will be as specified in the Specifications. 6.2R Sabmir&rt I'rocedwres: 6.25.1. Befrte submitting each Shot Drawing m Sample, CONTRACTOR shrill have determined anti verified:, all field measurames, quantities, dimensions, specified perforntariee criteria, installation requirements, materials, catalog numbers and similar information with respect thereto, 6.25.12. ut materials with respect to untended use, fabrication, dripping handling, storage, assembly and installation per ming to the performance of the Work, and 625.13, all infirmation relative to CeNTRACTOR's sole responvibiGtiar in respect of means, methods, tech itiques, wAtiems and procedures of construction and safety precautions and programs incident thereto. COINURACTOR shall also have reviewed and coordinated each Slap Drawing or Sample with other shop Drawings and Samples and with the requirements of the Work and the Contract Documents 6.25.2. Each submittal will bear a atam or specific written indication that CONTRACTOR Us satisfied CO TTRACTOR's obligations tender the Contract Mcuments with respect to CONTRACTOWs review and approval of that submittal. 6 25.3, Al the time: of each submission, coxrPACTC)R shall give ENGINEER specific written notice of such variations, if any, that the Slap Drawing or Sample submitted may have from the requirements of the Contract Docwrtetts, such notice to be ire a written cotimuracaurn separate from the suhmittal, and, in addition, shall cause a specific notation to be made on each Shop Drawing and Sample submitted to ENGINEER for review alit approval of each such variation, 626 ENGINEER will review and approve. Shop Drawit tool Stmrples ur arc xdartce with tra svhiedulc o[ Shop &wing% and Sample suhniitals accepted by FNGINMER as required by imiagtaph2.9, ENt3 aRrs review and approval will be only to determine if the items covered by the submittals will, after installation or incorporation in the Work, c nt mi to the intimation givers in the Contract Documents and ire compatible with tie design ern ocpt of the completed Project as a functioning whole as nahcated by the Contract Doctuttents. ENGINEER's review and approval will not extend to means, nxthods, techniques, sequences or panctiures of coistructiol (except where a particular means, method, technique, sequence or procedure of construction is specifically and expressly called for b%- the Contract Documents) or it) safety precautions or programs incident thereto. The review anti approval of a separate item as such will not indicate apfwwal of the assembly in which the item fiunctions CONTRACTOR shall make corrections required by ENGINEER, and shall return the required number of corrected copies of Shop Drawings and submit as required new Samples for review slid approval. CONTRACTOR shall direct specific attention in writing to revisions other than the corrections called fca by ENGINEER an previous submittals. 6.27 ENGDNEER's review and approval of Shnp Drawings or Samples stall not relieve COIvTTRAC7c) Gem resIxinsibility for any variation from the requirements of the Contract Documents unless CONTRACTOR has in writing called ENGItt`EER's allcotior to each such variation at the time of submission as required by paragraph 6.25.3 and ENraj,1 EER has given written approval of each such variation by a specific written notation thereof incorporated in or accompanying tine Shop Drawing or Sample approval; rear will any approval by ,ENGINEER relieve CONTRACTOR from resfxrtsibility For complying with the requirements of paragraph 6 25.1 6.28_ When; a Shop Thawing or Sample is required In the Contract Documents or the sole of Shop Drawing mid Sample submissions accepted by ENGIN1 Tlz as required�v ppaatt�a �aapdn29, any related Work perfornwd }rn r to EI�GIN1'^ER's review xit approval afUte pertiner t sulnnitml will be at the axle expense and responsibility of CONTRACTOR. Continuing Ilse Norio: 5 . CONTRACTOR shall earn, on fire \k2uk arni Where to the progress scheduk during all d spute or disagreements with OWNER No Work staall lv delayed or postponed pending resolution cif any disputes or dimgraements, rxoe{R as p�'rmitted by paragraph 15.5 or a� OW`N,'L'R am] CONTRACTOR may otherwise agree in writing. 6.3& COATRA(TOR's General Warranty and Guarantee: 6.30.1. coNl'RACTOR warrants and guarantees to OWNER, ENGINEER and ENGINE 3R's Consultants that all Work will be in accordance with the Contact Documents and will not be Mecave, C,0NTR-1CfOk's warranty and guanmtce hengndcr excludes defects or damage caused by. 6.30,LL abuse, modification or improtcr maintenance or operation by petxons othm than CONTRACTOR, Subcontractors or Suppliers; or 6.30,1.', normal war arx] tear tinder normal usage. 6.30.2. C O NTRrACTOR's obligation to perforin mxl complete the Work in accordvxr, with the Contract Documents shall be absolute None of Ute- Billowing will constitute an acceptance of Work that is not in IJ('(i(;(.j,i'a]DAL C'4"+.'k`tx 11 i�'a l't}q ftY91}�.Y7iriq{t arJ CITY OF fORi i th.l,ph411UPIPI C,V'rl i�S (RI�,A"-S ^4(Ul i accordance with the Gcattract Document-, or a release of CON r RACTOR's obligation to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents: 6.3it21 observations by ENGINEER; 6.30:22. recommeclation of any progress or rural payment by FNGINER 0.30.23. the issuance of a certificate of Substantial Completion or any payment by OWNER to CONTRACTOR under the Contract Thricuments; 6 310'-4. use or occuraicy of the Work or any pan Lbereol`byOWN ; any acceptance by OWNER or any failure to do so; any review and approval of a Shop Drawing or Sample submittal cr the issuance of a notice cif acceptability by E:NUMHER pursuant toI-euagraph 14.13, 6-30.2 1, any inspection, test or approval by others; or 6 3! n 2. S_ any Xdrec Lion of ik.recttve Work by OWNFIR, Indenwificadon: 6.111 fa the fullest extent permitted by laws and Regulations, CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold harmless OW7NT12, F,NGfMMR, EVGINE:ER's Consultants and the otfiicers, ditucto s, smployces, agens and other consultants of each and any of them fiomn and against all claims, coste logics and damages (including, Ixt not iinitle i ro, all fees and charges of eilguteer;, architects, attorneys and other professionals and all court ox adritndion or other dispuic resolution casts) caused by, arising oil of or restriking tiom the perfdrmance of the Woit provided tlutt any such claim, cost, lass or damage' (t) is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible pro rt} (other than the tl`ork itself), including the loss of use resulting thereftorn, and (it) is caused in whole of in part by any n",liu�rt act or omission of CONTRACTOR, TOR, any Sulxottromr, anv Supplier, any person or organization directly or indirectly cmriloyed by any of them to perform or furnish an% of file Work or anyone fowheae acts anv of them may he liable, rcgardlevs of whether or not causeli in pan by am nel ligenxe or oaission of a person or entity indemnified hereunder or whether liability is imposed upon such indcninifiozl party by Laws and Regulations regardless of the ne2ligmee ofany such person orentity. 6.32, let arts' lull all claims against MV'\ R or l,.N i1Tf�R. or any of their resptTfive consultants, agents. officers, directors or cruploy'ces by any employee (or the rim=ivcr or Ixr:.Aial repro-miatice of such employee) of COti 3 R.ACTOR. arty Submit actor. any Supplier, any person or Irgcnivlrion directly or indirectly employed by 17 any of them to pertain or furnish any of the Work or anyone for whose acts any of than may be liable, the rtdemtrfncation obligation under praragraph6,31 shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the ammunt or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for CONTRACTOR or any such Subcontractor. Supplier or other person or organization wider workers' compensation acts, disability benefit acts or other employee better it acts 6.33. The inderttrtilicatiat obltgah= of CONTRACTOR under pangmph6.31 shall not extend to the liability of ENGN7EER arud ENGIN18ER's Consultants, officers, directors, employees or agents caused hg the professional negligence. errors cr onrsstorrs ofany of them, Survival of Obligadonr 6,34. All representations, indemnifications, warranties and guarantees made in required by or given in accordance with the coramrx Documents, as well as all continuing oblation indicated in the Contract Documents, will survive final payment, oomptetion and acceptance of the Work and termination or completion of the Agreemem, ARTICLE: 7--(YrHFR \VORK Rekited Work ar Sire, 71. OWNER may perform other work related. to the project at the site by OIANTR's own Gtrc^es, or let other direct contracts therefor which shall contain General Conditions similar to these, or have other wok performed pry utility owners, if the fact that such otter work. is to be perforated was not noted in the Contract f)ocwnems, then: (i) writan notice thereof will be given to CONTRACTOR prior to starting any such other work ant (it) CO\7RACTOR may make a claim ther'ethr as provided to Articles I and 12 if CtaNT&M."FOR believes that such performance will involve adtfit dial expense to CONTRACfORor requires addnional time and the parties are unable to agree as to the ant runt or extent thereof 72. CON f RACiI OR shall atTcrd cac:h other contractor who is a party to such a direct contract .and each utility owner (and OWNER, if OW*NLR is performing the additional work with (ArNNE R's employees) proper and safe access to the site and a reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of materials and eNuipmtennt and the execution of such other work and shall properly aomteex and coordinate the Wok with theirs tlnlens otherwise. provided in the Coucact Dicunients, CONTRACTOR shall do all cutting fitting and patching of the Work that may be required to make its several pains atone together properly and intefr�ate with such other work.. 03NTRACTOR sowI not endanger any work of others by ctllorig, excavating o otherwise altering their work and will only cut or after their work with the written consent of ENOD LfiER and the others whose work will be affected. The duties and responsibilities of Ct�� l RAC( OR under this paragraph arc for the benefit Of such utility owners and other contractors to the extent than there ore comparable 18 WCt?c (WNE tnn44'O<U{ ill.? S tNt O i i U)54) iteAnult xt C11-f OF Rik r (Y11 i 1 N4 MOOR k"All ONS OUN4?2CK)0) provisions for the benefit of t ONTRAC'TOR in said direct contracts between OWNER and such utility owners and outer contractors. 7.1 if the proper arecutitn or results of any part of CONTRACTOR's Work depends tin �t work ppaatermed by others tender this Article7. C NTRACTOR shall Gsuch other wok and promptly repot to NE in writing any delays, defects or deficiencies in streh outer work that render it unavailable or uustiftble for the proper execution and resuhs of CONTRA'TOR's Work. CONTRACTOR's failure so to repot will cnnsiinne an acceptance of such other work as tit and proper for integration with CONTRACTOR's Work except for latent or nonapperent defects and deficiencies in such other work. Coorrtlaatioa.: 7A if OWhTiR contracts with others for the performance of other work on the Project at the site, the following will be set ftinh in Supplementary Cornditiorw 7.4.1 the person, firm or corporation who will have authority and responsibility for coordination of the activities among the various prime contractors will be identified; 74.2. the spxoifre matters to be covered by such authority andrespognsAi dity will be itemiaA and 7.43, the extent of such authority vnd resp orisibilities will he provided. thiless otherwise provided in the Supplementary Conditions, OWNF,R shall have tole authority and reSponsibitity tit react of such coordination. ARTICLE 8-OWNER'S NEIR'S RL'SL'OP45SIHILITIF S SA Lwept as otherwise provided in these General Conditions, OW'q'ER shall issue all conmtunicados tp CONURAC TOR through ENGINEAR. 8? In case of termination of the empleiytiiant c. EN-GINEEK, OWNER shall appoint an engineer ng.nnst whom, no-reawnahle -o bjl ";or whose slates Under de ('ontrad Documents shall be that of the former ONG UNE'ER. 84 OWNER shall ttornish the data required of OttNER wider the Contract Documents promptly and shall make payments to CONTRACTOR promptly 1 1wn they are due as prow ided in paragraphs 14.4 wad I I.? ; 8.4. OWNliR's duties in respect of providing lands and casements and ptovidnng erigincering surveys to estahhsh reference pntms are set forth. in pa IT" 4.1 and 4.4. paragraph 4.2 refers to OW 'ER's idaitih iog and making available to CONTRACTOR copies of reports of explorations and tests of subsurface c Witions at the site and drawing,; of phv%ienl conditions in existing structures at or oozNigmtis to the site that have been utihzed by F.,NGINEFAR. in pr4paringthe Contract Documents R S,...__-t34t-Ni;STD'e-raspotrabilsti in+�spawt-of purtiitasinw p re ,''et forth -in pa}� ra � 5,5 thraigh 5-1 k). 8,6. (LVI15Z is obligated it) Mckile Charge Orders as indicated in paragraph 16.4. fig, 0LY� ,R's teslxmsibility in respect of certain inspections tests and approvals is set forth in paragraph 13A 8,8 In connection with OWNER's right to stop Rork or suspend Work, see ful',a�� hhss 13A I) and I S I . imagraph152 deaals with O NIP:R's right to tvIntlnmtC services of C(wmAC'f OR under certain circumstances. 8.9 T'he OLL'v1"sR shad not supervise, direct or have control or authority ova, nor be responsible fur, ('0 TRACTOR's means, methods, techniques, sequence., o pmx edt res oC construction or the !safety precautios and programs incident thereto, or for a>?' Cilium of C'ONv"1 RAC"I'OR to comply with .taws and Regulations applicable to the furnishing or pe:rfomnnnce of the Work- OWNTR will not be responsible for COSd`f1Z,LClOIt`s failure to perronn or furnish the Work in aaxonlance with the Contract Dceunncnta 81f1 - OWNERsresforistbthty-in rupee of-tn disclasexl A.sk7<astes;— t7i4,,�, --12LqrokAW—lit tMfd uf, —Waste--or Radiamctivr (atetimb unuoveted-or RMeale l-a! the Arta -is set-forth-m-parmeraph 4 3- R F4—IIi mend to tl a zrtent--;-AV t`r tR,}m tweet",, fcuril r c=t-i/>Pl k-�t It�rR.,.-.rr=tseNarl�--er`x�._--tt'rtb- fnrrrrx:ia! err ntent5 have been -una& tc� satisfy- o N FR'S rnhlitoxw textxr -the—<mtk'�.Fa r tr.'al2thts nn regent the wor WWII 1Was Wt-ton h m Ilia sntppletntaritary <:txulitiorts. ARTWIX 9—ENGI168R'S STA'rt'5 DURING CONSTRUCTION 011N1,ft's Reeeresantnrive: 91, ENGINEER will be (AVNER's represenuitive ekaing the e%xxstltwuon period riv daunes and responsibilities and the bmmtmiomvs of armhark% of R NGMER as OkXINFR's mepresuurtatnC during construction are set forth m the G(munct I)OCUmentS and shall not be extended without wriucrt consent of OWN 1k and EN ;I�hfiR Il5mto Site: o?. :yf-I R will make visitsto the site at inIIaLs approrlate to she e ern O�, Merges of e�ncrnunaa ail FN(1rEl:R dccvls ncct:: ary in order to ahxnc dim an exIvnenced and qualified def,lgn prote tional the rnyresx k.h'Crq [iL' tA. V, Ctiti17[ n•.iYS I'J ] 0.$ 41 ��� Ca11tiW1; eV ❑ n` oF F t eRl t (iE.€IN, V UpH WN I l0%'S'RFF a.hNam} that has been Horde and the quality of the various aspects of CONTRACTOR's executed Work Rased on information obtained during such visits and observations. r,tiGINMRR will endeavor for the benefit of OWNER to determine, in geiwal, if the Work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents ENGINMER will not be required to make exhaustive or continuous on - site ittspwotions to check the quality or quantity of the Work FNGTMTMR's efforts will be directed toward providing for OWNER a greater degree of eadicitme "t the completed Work will conform generally to the Contract Documents. On the basis of such visits and on - site observations, ENCTI5FRR will keep OLkNP.R informed of the progreas of the Work and will endeavor to , qrd OLV', ER against defective Work, ENi INE Ws visits and on -site observations are subject to all the hmitaticmis on 13NGINE> R`s authority and respu sibdity sc forth m ppaaragraph 9,13, and pmrttcu arly, but without limitation, dwI g or as a result of ENGIAER's omrsite visits or observations of tX1NTRACfOR's Work 11v0NFER will wt supervise coital control or have authority aver or be responsible for CONNfRACTOR's means, methods, techniques. sequences or procedures of construction, or the safety precautions and programs incident thereto, or fo any failure of CONTRACTOR to comply with Laws marl Regulations applicable to the furnishing o performaw.. of the Work. Project Representative: q 3. if OWNER and I;NGINKER agree, I3NOW' -+IR will furnish a Resident 1'rolect Rciiresentative to assist T-tN*Gr,,,'FFR in providing more corutimuous observation of the Work. The rasponsibili4es and authority and limiueiions thereon of any such Resident Project Representative and assistants will be as providexi to Iraragraphs 9, 3 -, and 9,13 snA -in N,>i q f rout condmtion3 oi' these General Conditiotu. If OWNER. designate% another reprersentative or a en! to repro sent 0"NE-R at the site Who is rust fi1vG1N ER`s t_"owwltant, agent Ix emplen'ee, the responsibilities sand authority and limitations !hereon of such other lxncson will he as provtclecl in lxir9b oph `A 3 of it Gentcral Conditttmx if the FNGIINE ER furnishes, n-J2esldent .Ersiaevt Ti[eseUkLly� SEtPRJ yr other },stairs or it:jhe O Nl It {letimgmntes a Repro. mIatwe pr Aecpt_ Alt as provide up�x rzAtnnh. 3 of Ole Clap rl,l Condit orit, these Represettanves_shall.haye the auth<mmty. ar«I Inn t=•!ions as pmviti:�ii in prprntgraph ? 11 of the lrlxtml('041Jilwgs_hndshal(lvsy ttatlte,foll }aims en 3 1 "l7ir RvTacsentuuves., clealitgs m m otters penalnir�, u+ the on wit:, work will. in general, lx comb the 1'�!_3t\T I R a�xl z ()'siTIv1C�.OR F3up, tlx Represeltinne will keep the 01WI UR prolwrlti ad%ised about arch matters.,. The R presznt+utr` de a linas}vmth sui,crmniractors will _only_Fx thrtxw . or with the full �kvlow Any atut... ..mpproval of die rR,A( 1 OR, t t _ Iluttcs and Rspgtu{l?ilities, , I2e>=r�se_ntatit e uilL o +, __1 Schedules _ _Revis y the_ -plc zrev sc),ctAtk altd,,.gfher ScJtiCtiulesl?r t»r l I AN Ct7 TI2ACTt)T;�. 1=`+'C±l���ETt �r aerniny;awxotabdih• 9.3 2.2. Conferences &W Maetina - Attend m_4St>_nB with the CO�a, IRACTOa mch rig LxS `o,rk*i9Eivlr._canfetSli y pr9gress,;nactings and other iob conkrtraces and prepare and ciraulgtee ca�ys,_aC�linutmes cr�me�,tjs,.. 93.2.3. Liaison 9:313 1, Serve as EN 3INF.ER'S liaison with CONI'RAi f wo*r % aria, 11V thrcw¢h CQIi jl R-1C. rOR'S stmaimemk,Y U< assist the XATRACCOR in taxlnmandirn• %rCanllnct Documents. 9.3.2 ?�tsttii r obtau= from OR'NIR Leg"adritia�l ...sk�il�..._«__unfdm aljen,_,_w...hen "m for motto execution of K W ruk, C()'NT1tACTOR of the commcttes7nent cd' Im tlork;.... rya _ng.. •__ Sho)_, _�aw,ng .r :mp sshmtvsran if the mhmissian has not hem apricTed by the ,NQRNEER. lA="w� t»skx?ctiix,.x ana Ttstg.- 3 3 ' d 1_ C ogtduct an-sstc c,t�rserv�nans i�f !fir ar t y �t r rCi in detennintng t atYi In 4Vdx ii4,mpr coed ; rr �a.rn �SAe4 44:1t1t.SELe C;smlitr4ll'h?ieltiy,. ,3 4 3 \cutntm_„ a isitin _ iusnee crr Qpreseauuta_publrc or other a d%it- haVu jltn4cucm ovcr the IRt,jett record the TcRAIs 4f thrx insrdetgtns and rgNrt_ to OW 9,3.2 5, lnterpT ta!ion or Contract Dpctrmuus._ _ ,ktq t tq.. E`irrtNEGR.._u'hui clrv9bc�t,ons and! mG.rtxet:Alions of the Contract C>ocStments "are needacl,._ and Oast it, to dlaW-4Itii>n aetd irytcrtney,gan of the ("onva_c,•,t Documents as Isvied bythe r�vCti2�t2, . �,3w2 G tadrlrc�rtion�r _Cx,nsfiigr aft evvahirtr r OVI h It "I'OR'S sv�zaastians fitr 21) F;�CTh e3t:,'w�kiLt VAE51JIdi?+4". lUl E,'t'i,nl EidpiUtt W", CI rl Ol F(WI Coll'I•vA\tmlllt Allwvr (SFtl 1r2,4)91 moMd kation to Drawings or Spr,6Naugi5 and r� thew_rxmrdr�txh+tRa'trI2vGIN FRw ;acc Eet • a smit to m ".CtNT��r.?�` cisthi! F'i�GTivFT?lt. 93.^_ 7.Recerds, 93 27.3. Record names, addresses and tetephgne nurmthers of. all t �`.fR � �'t7�, �glrcidniracicros ngcl maEcxsuf}hers_ni'cV i emanelto}tengls, 9 z y"8-. T0porls: 911! 28 1 I'u[t!i ter 1 L.i lt_. txdl ,dl c relxtrts, as required„ of the_ot'CZ(Vss cif. tN tVcu,k andi of tfk , CQ 'TRACTOR',S �nolr�ncc atltt�. drd. ptv��. s+�l�duk.and x$eclulr of sh=)* I)rnwin,�+ end same;le. ;Ali,ilrtt Ldls. t%.l.t.$2 ('cx;silt, }t•ttjl_L�ut�.')r;%2 11r vulvmwe of scheduhrm major tests tctsz toot. ,c_st.uY c f tmlxut;mt thaw . of tth. Work, ' +.y,b � lli"2ft y,rv}?r�secl t Etat�e t}E ciera and Wort. Dirt.ttad t'he1( ,d� uhixlnarty Nic9,up malmal, ro I the CUV I i2 1CTi i Z and ru,dnnmeml, to 1'(`r1 1 Fit t ring'. CSrxler�, lt'd>tk Caire+,i,r4e Clazl_r. a�rrl field alders 2> t 03. .._ y,x! ,'immai,ateh set e,. I'1:+ 1'•,Lt.R wild OWNER the mcanrnce of witf, acdi.lent, `r i._' '___Fta4nLta.,lted�ucsts, i<et•.jeu atg)Lcati'm }iv luyment arch ('r p ! t 123t'Tt'76Z f�+ ci�rnl+l%,hgce stem_ Elu._ d taUlislud _,I,rdxe_dun Car , their suhnu sidsn an 1 tnnvgrd with recommend®ltvtn_to I?vvl�I}tt,,dtotiiig,.I>attieularl}' � rela4onship �7f the P+}inert rtsici kci checiG nfyiuk work complete i and materials anJ ce7ui�a deliveredat, tl e site but_nd it c<xpor&t d in the wgi;; Si,3 2.10 Comptetion,, 9,3� 10 1,.....__IkforeI sIG TGFR issueaa t grittytttc. nC Sep iIa1,QwpE�iort, sulanjt inCC>NTRACTOR.,,,a list of observed items r irirecgim or gmtpletiu�t y.311(}:i. CO Ra anal itlsl et rim in the cnmTaarr�}�_at the EN'GINFER OWNER aid t C)'�i7-RAC TC)RR�._par:�e a heal hst of aeons to lv; yxsreyzedor completed. ol�'_ t1.3 Qbsave tkral all iletns m Une final listhang heca c Ieeted tar;PM oted and male recummendatiunk uts Gi'�fiFR concemir�acat>fancc. h,intna[i n of tuthvritfhc Reixesetntative_ sltn{I not: 9331 Authorizeany deviations from,_..the (";�ptracl T3ocu(tyer�v .�......ti�til..�.aS1Y s�tlxtlttil4 n7atenals ucugujp)tigtt..utily ,tktlyxldei by rho F.NrrIN1ER. 9,. , a _ EYcecd_limiations of I I�LIMkIiK' audnx sty rs ,;L,(5?tt�ui ttu' C�Qrina� `tuvents:. 9.5s , 3 t."ndettake aa" of the r spin thrltnes of >h t tj>akL1iQI9R _uhctt�it�tnr:, iN )�•.�S_�O!Pknt144ti1i1i!3t- 0_134 Ndyise 9n,... Vr..1$$tlV.d!xP I,tCtttt C41ativc to3 or assume control... aver an}._.ttsl>cd of the mans, methy4% techtuquea. sequences or p oc edul os for eat5lCUctd wxlx i s1t }n, is sIvC henlly called for in fire Ccmtract Document,. 9.3 . 5 Advise .on or , tgsuc directions regardttn or .ax5tn1i1P. .. fs(onl.._._iwer. 5a fed, ptecauums and prtr ams_m cvxtrtecuons with the Work <) , t n lccept Shop f-trawarlas or sample utnndtlk . tfoxn ._anvgr other than, the 9 ._:> 7. _luthorize OW ZYN to occupy d} 11iAinin_wixilecrin ,net. v , ; ;i Participate..._ in spccialized fidd. Or 1 {h}r uort tetits tx.m cTioru conrhicted by others except as gx,ifivath authanzecl bI the E 1lNEER. Clarifications and Intet7irerrrtions. 9A. F (iIvEER will issue with reasonable prompincss such written clarifications or interpretations of die h rCIH'(4E?•II V.i`•�'=slJtnOt'14^+13r9-R ll �'ht [idf6txi} u CT'll"�il't �RI �:'i)S.LdS.S MIA)IF1C,inON}i (iUiS'42aCN7J reguirematts of the C:omract Documents tin the form of Drawings Or otherwise) as ENGINEM may determine necessary, which stall be consistent with the intent of and reasonably inferable from the Contractrk)cuments. Such writtcnclarificttunn: and interpretations will be binding on OWNER and CONTRACTOR- If QWNER or 0)xTRACTG)R believes flat a written clarification or interpretation justifies an adjustment in the Contract Price tr the Contract Times and the parties are unable to agree to file amount or extent thereof if arm, OW'NFdt or CONTRACTOR may make a Miller' claim th tefor as provided in Article I or Article U. ,4xtharizetl l'ariaaans in Work: 93. EWrIN6TsR may authorize minor variations in the !Work from the reyuuements of the Cmtruct Documents which do not involve an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract Times and are compatible with the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whale as indicated by the Contract I Wuments. These ma}' be accomplished by a Field Order and will be binding cm 0VVNFR and also on CONMNCTOR who shall perform the Work involved promptly_ If OWNER or CONTIONCTOR believes that a Field Eder justifies an adjustment in the Contract Rice or the Coantract'fimes and the panics are unable to agree as to the amount or extent thereof, 011,"SER or COMRACTOIZ may make a wrinen chum therefor as provided in Article I i or I'. Rejecting Defective Work: 9.6- I GINI-aa will have authority to disaplrove or rajcxx'Work which ENUINEER. lxthevca to lac ckkhve, or that ENGIINM iR believes will that pro htce a Completed Roj"It that conforms to the Contract Do uments Or that will prejudice the integrity of the design concept of fix completed Project as a functionill whole as iral5sted by the Cnntraot Documv'xtts. PN•INEF'R will al* lase authority to require special msftcchon or testing if die !hock as provided in paragraph whether err not die Work is tabt Coated, installed or vvinplete J Shop Drmvings, Change Orders andTaytrtenn 9-7 In connection with 1 NOINEE Ws audxrav as to Shop Drawings and Samples ee paraemplis 624 thratgt (s."3 inclusive. 9.9 In ronmxstion with authcrrity as to ChaneOrd rs, oxe ,articles 10. 99, In connection with FN6f'cFFR's authrriy as to Application% lot Payment, see Article 14. Dewy ninatians far Vnit Prices 9,1,1 hNGI:NElilt will determine thc actual yuantitioa and ch issifirsitioni of I.Ina frun, li;xk perfornied by COiaTRACft>R. CNGfNEER will review with CONA RA(*i'()R the I ` 11.Nl FWR prehmnm+t? &-terminations on such matters betirc reatdennng a written decision thereon (Ire recommendation of an Application for Ixaymenx or oth etww). hNGINEER's written decision therein will be final and binding upon OWNER and CONTRACTOR. unless, within ten days after the date of any such decisitat, either OWNER or CONTRACTOR delivers to the other and to ENGMEER written notice of intention to appeal from ENGINhiER's decision and: (i) an appeal from GNEER's decision is taken within the time lrnits and in accordance with the procedures set forth In Exhibit GC. -A, 'Dispute Resolution Agreement% emend into between OWNER and CONTW-TOR purswuant to Article 16, or (it) if rfe such Dispute Resolution Agreement has been entered into, a formal proceeding is instituted by the a}r ling party in a forum of competent jurisdiction to ccttrrase such rights or remedies w the appealing party may have with respect to ENGiNEWs decision, tin" otherwise agreed in writing by OVVNhsR and CONTRACTOR- Such appeal will to be subject to die procedures of paragraph 9.11, Zed dons on Distartes- 9_11_ ENGINEER will he the initial interpreter of the mWitroments of the Contract Documents and judge of the acceptability of the Work thereunder Claims, disputes and other matters relating to the acceptability of the Work or the interpretation al' the res;uuemenrt of the Contract D ocumems patam* to the performance and fumishimg of the Work and claims utda Articles I 1 and 12 in respect of changes in the Contract price or Contract Times will be referred initially to PNOINIEER in writing with a request for a formal decision in accordance with this paragraph. Written notice of each such claim, dispute m other matter will he delivered by the claurant to ENGINEER and the other to the Agrcement promptly (but no no event later L1111111yanny days') after the start of the occurrence or event giving rise thereto, fund written sin mg data will be submitted to E„K.1i hJ K and the er party within sixty days alter thus scan of such occurrence or event unless ENGINEER allowx an additional period of time for the: submission of addilk,4 l o mire accurate data in soppor of such claim, dispute or other matter. 'Thu a��aosing party shw[I stnbnnit any resp rase to ft�G1NT lit and the claimant within thirty days alter receipt of the claimant's last submittal (unless MWGINEER allows additional time). kNGINEER will rendet a formal decision in writing within thirty days after receipt of the oppo rig rarty's submitt rl. if row, in accordance with this paragraph ENGINUR's written deai atin on such claim, dispute cc other matter will be final and binding upon OWNER and CONTRAC1 OT,' unless, (i) an appeal tium EIlGINEER6 decisicun is taken within the time limits and in accordance with the rocedues ;vt forth in EXIIII3I1 00-:'i, 'Dispute esoluticn Arc ment", entered into betwc en 01N7,4'`R and CONTRA(IOR pursuaru to Article 16, ov Ciil if rw such Dispute Rastilution Agreement has been entered into, a written notice of intention to appeal from EAtGINFLR's written dec:isicn is delivered by OWNb:12 or t ONTRAC,TOR to the other and to lad GINMER within thirty days after the dead of such decision and a formal proceeding is irw itutecl by the appealing prarty in a forum of competent jurisdiction to exercise such rights or remedies as the appealing party may lrtve, with respx-ct to such claim, dispute or other matter in accordance with applicable Laces and Regulations widen sixty days oil' the date of such 22 GJCO (XNEKAL 0),"1411.ON> 19 t:t-$1199C� 64tktii w?(MOVIt7KI ?!KIOI decision, unless otherwise agreed in writing by OWNER. and CONT RM TOR. 912. When functioning as irdcrrpprreta and judge under paragnalihs 9.10 and 9.11, EKG, will " stow p�tttelity to OWNER or CONTRACTOR and will not be liable in cotirvs tion with any interpretation or decision rendered of good faith in Swett capacity. The rendering of a decision by I -MI ih"T72 pursuant to paragraphs 9-10 or 9.11 with respect to any such claim, dispute or other matter (except any which have been waived 6y the making or acceptance of final payment as provided in paragraph 14.15) will be a condition precedent to any exacrse by OWNER or CONTRACTOR of suds rights or remedies as either may otherwise have under the Contract Documents or by Laws or Regulations in respect of any such clean, disliute o cxher nutter pumeant to Artit le..16. 9,13. Limitations at EWiNEER's Amthorit,P and Revondbifido . 9.13.1, Neither ENGiNMR's authority or responsibility under this Article 9 or order any other povtsu m of the Cauract Documents nor any deemon made by ENGINEER in goal faith either to exercise or not nYorcise such authority or responsibility m the undertakirut� exercise orprxformanoc of any authority or responsiblity by ENtiINEER shall create, impose or give rise to any duty owed by r-\IGINEER to CONTRACTOR, any Subaxdractor, any Supplier, any ether person or organization, or to any surety for or employee or agent of any of these, 9,13 2 E 61NlifiR will not supervise, direct, control or have authority over or be responsible for ('OVTRACTOR's moans, methods, techniques, segrwnors or procedres of construction, of the safety lrecautioms and programs incident thereto, or f4 any failure of CONTRACTOR to comply with laws and R:gulatkms apphoable to to (firwhing or performanw of the Wark E,MGINEER will fiat be responsible far 'O TRAC.TOR's failure to perform or Woush the Work in accardsmx with the Contract D,)contents. 9 13 3 ENGINE N will rat be re,,prosible for the acts or omissions of COTILACTOR or of any Sutuontractor, arw Supplier, or of any other person or orgaru;.,tion pkrforrming or fiurf6hirig any of the Work. 9.13.1 E; 'GL1I ER's review of ti e foul ri1 ppucaEian for Payment and acccxnpptanyittt docturwntation and all mainteraace and operating iutnutiobs. schedule guarantees, Bonds and certificates of inspection, tests anti approvals and other documentation required to be delivered by prragraphl411 will only br to determine Lcricmliy that their content complies with the rcquircanents 4, end m, the case of evAdicates of inspections, tests and approvals that the resui4s cettitiad itxhcate eompl'iance with. the Contract I ),^avmepts 913,i the limitations upon authority and res f, asibility see Forth in this paragraph 9,13 shall also apply to ENGItiEFR'a ConwlianK Resident Project Representative and assistants. ARTICLE: L0—CHANGES IN THE WORK W.I. Without invalidating die Agreement and without truce to any surety, OWNMP may, at any time or from rime to time, order additions. deletions or revisions in the Work Such additions, deletions or revisions will he author zed by a Written Aineadment, a Change Order. or a Work Change Directive. Upon receipt of any such document. CONTRACTOR shall prompptcly proceed with dye \teak involved which will be p erform d under the applicable conditions of the Contract Documents (except as Otherwise 4vciftetlly provided). 102. If OWNER and CONTRACTOR are unable to agree as to the extent, if any, of an adjumttent in the Contract Price Or an adjustment of the Cora act T fares that shtwkl he allowed as a result of a Work Change Directive, a claim may (re mask therefor as provided in Article I i or Article i^_. 103 CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to an increase in the Contract Pace or an extension of the Conttact Times with tegeu to any Work performed that is nor rejuired by the Contract Cktcuments as amended, modified and supplemented as provided in paragraphs 33 and 3.6, except in the vase of an. emergency as providerl in paragiaph6.23 or in the case of uncovering Work as provided in pxnagraph 13 `.t 104. OWN'tiR and CONTRACTOR shall execute. appntrnate Chmrge OOrdrrs recovnmended by F t'GINEER (or Written Amendmems) covering- WA.I _ changes in the Work which are (i) ordered by C )\\NLR pursuant to paragraph 10. L (it) required because of acceptance of dofrerav Work under Paragraph 13,13 or correcting dtfeetive Work ender paragraph 13.14, or (id) agreed to by the parties, lir.d _ changes in the Contract Price or Contract Tara, which are agreed to by the parties: and 10.:13 changes in fire Contract Price or Contact Times which embaiv the substance of any written decision letrdered b7 1z1;:GLy7 E:R putrw' ant to Para pea h 9 11, Provided that, in lieu of executing any such Change Order. an appal may be taken from any such decision in accordance w1111 the provisions of the Contract hncametax and applicable Taws and Rcaulations, but during anv such apt�e-A CO 1 RAC'TOR shall earty' on tire \`vvA and adh(Te to the progress schedule, as provided in paragraph 4-39. IO..i. If nott" of any change affecting the general soxhpe of the i4'trrk or the ptoeimoris of the Contract Oocunrent:4 1 Jy Dr',74' �tak,V. a Aai�Ullft;Vg 3`ht9� 9'f� �tli[isru2 w <1IYs"a IOr, e,'1)1.a,INS MODn9CA'rnrNNSWEX 1:29011) (including, but not limited it), Contract Price or Contract Times) is required by the prnvisiom of any Rand to be given to a surety, the giving of any such notiLx will be CONTRACTOK's responsibility. and the amount of each applicable Lund will. In adusted accurc ingly. ART'ICLF It. -CHANGE OFC O'XT 2AC7I' PRIt'E III The Contract Price .constitutes the, total compensation(suhjeci W audionzed adjuuunents) payable to CONTRACTOR for per -forming die \' oik. All diaies, responsibilities and Obligations assigned to lit undertaken by CONTRACTOR shall be at (,C IN TRAC I y 1 ., exNnse without charge in the Contract price. 11 _- The Contract Price may only be changed by a Change Ordo or by a Written Amendment. Am cLum for an adjusment in the Contract 1"tiee shall Ix baud on written notice dchverrd by the retry making duo claim to the other patty and to 111vGINEUM promptly ibut in ter event later than thurty days) after the start of the OCcmYtn" a' event givit>t* n to Ilk ;.lair and %11ing the gencral nature of the claim Notice of tie arnnunt of due claim with supMrting data shrill he delivered rcithin siU� days after the start of suds owurrenee or event (unleK, f;NGINF.`ER allows additional time far claimant to sutxnit additional or more accurate data in support of the chtan) and shall he acconmpamed by chaimant's written staiemux that the edjtcsrmert darned covers all httown amoums w which the claimant is entitled as a result of said occurrence or event All claims for adjuament in the Contract Price dwll be deleunted by i N GI NEL'It hr accordance with paragniph9li if :m\\©lilt and C70?411RAC'TOR amnnot odtencisc agree csr the amount involved. No claiur for an adjustmnt in the t'ona%ct Price will be valid if not suhnitted in accordmrc;e with this paragraph f 1 =. 113. "She value of env \Sark covered by :a Changt Order or of any claim fur an adjustment in the i'ontaet E it& will be determined as followx: 11.3, t. where the Work involved is coycrt:J bi- ung pekes cootaitred in the Contract 1)o�unrent% by application of such unit prices to the qu;mtitiu of the items involved (,subject to the pat 1sions of patagraplts 11.9.1 through 11.9.3, mclusive'r, C;ONTRACrOR shall obtain oompetruve bids from Sut>r.oritrackrs acceptable to OWNER anti 11.3.2. where the Work involved is not covcred by CONTRACTOR and shall deliver arch (rids to unit prices contained in the Contract Documents, lay a OWNER who will then determine, with the advice of mutually agreed payment basis, including lump sum Td'dOMEM which bids, if any, will be aox gxci 1f (which may include an allowance for overhead and any subcontivet provides that the Subcontractor is to profit not necessarily in accordance with be paid on the psis of Cosa of the Work plus a fee, paragraph 11.62), the Subconitractoes Cost of the Work and fee shall be determined in the same manner as CONTRACTOR's 11.3.3, where the Work involved is not covered by uni t Cast of the Work and fee as pprrovided in prices contained in the Contract Doctmnerms and paragraphhs 11.4, 1.1.5, 1.1.6 and 11.7. All agreament to a lump sum is rout reached under subcontracts shall be subject to the outer provisions of ppaaragr tltt 11 3.2, on the basis of the Cc*t of the Work the Contract act Documents insofar as applicable. (dotertntn x1 as provided in paragraphs 11.4 and 11.5) plus a C INI'RACTORs tee for owahead and profit 11.4A, C,osrs of speciat consultants (including but (determinedasprovidedinparagraph 11,6), not limited to coozcny architects testm laboratories, survey^ attorneys and acourrtents Cost of the Work- employed for services specifically related to the Work. 11.4. The term Cost of the Work means the sum of all costs necessarily incurred and paid by CONTRACTOR in 11.4.5. Supplemental casts including the following: the proper performance of the Work. Except as otherwise may be agreed to in writing by OWNER, such coasts shall The prupxrtion of necessary be in amounts no higher than those prevailing in the transportation, n, travel and subsistence e);fxses of locality of the Project, shall include ortly the Collowing CONTRACTOR's employees incurred in items and shall ter include any of the costs itemized in discharge of duties'cnmecteil with tba Work. paragraph 11.5, 11.4.51 Coo, including transportation and cots for employees in the dlreci maintenance, of an materials, supplies, employ of C_OT4 FRACTOR in the pxfarmance of tine oWipment, machinery, appliances, otrwe and Work under schedules of job ctassifiontionns agreed temporary facilities at the site and hand tools not upon ky 0W"NbR and CONTRACTOR, Such owned by the workers which are consumed in the, empkoyeos shall include without hmitation perfornnance of the Work, and cost le" market superintendents foremen and other permnnel value of such items used but not consumed which employed full-time at the site Payroll costs far remain the property of CONTRACTOR employees not employed full -tame on the Work shall be apportioned on the basis of their time slsnt an the 11.45 3. Rentals of at) construction Wok_ payroll cots shall krotude: buttobc, him [tap to- equipment and machinery and the parts thereof salario, and wages plus the costof fringe benelitc whether retied from C70MMAC'TOR or others in which shall include ,wial security UUr1lXItKVLS, accordance with renal agreements approved by, wnanployment excise and payroll to.ws, worktt s' OWNER with the advice of LNGINHER, and the co m1wrnssmio . health and -retirement benefits.-bonuse% costs of transpartarion, loading, unloading, rick hive vncaticvr hClitiayynay all lieable thereto urastllatiort dismstrA irg and removal thereof —all The expenses of performing Work after regular in accordance with terms of said. rental working haws, on Saturday. Stmcbmy of legal hnlidays, agreements. The rental of any such equipment, skull he included in the above ton the extent authonyed machinery or parts shall cease When the use by Oak'�rfY thereof is no longct necessary for the Work. 11.4.2. Cost of all muteriah and equipment 1'tunished 11.4.5A. Sales, consumer, use or similar taxes and unaxp crated in the Work, inciukling costs of related to the Work, and for ntinicit transportation and storage thereof, aril Suppliers' field CONTRACTOR is liable, imposed by laws and ssnues requited in commclion therewith. All cash Regulatiom d15counts sl>Alh accrue fo CONTRACTOR unl OWNER deposits fiats with CONTRACTOR with 11.4.5,5, Deposits lost for causes other than which to make payments, in which case the cash negligence of CONTRACTOR, am' discounts shalt accrue to OWNER. All hatk Subeoamtractox or anyone directly or indirectly discamts. rebates and refunds and rearms From sale of employed by any of then or for whose acts any stapler materials and equipment slwll accrue to of glen may be liable, and royalty paymtms and O1h'MX and r'OtTRAC'1'0R shall make provisica`a fees for permits arid licenses, so that then may be obtained I1.4.5.6. Losses and damages (and related 11.4_1 P>aynerax made by C'0\"'IRAt('Jft. to dr.: expanses) caused by damage to the: Work. not Subcontractors for Work performed or furnished by compensated by irsuri mac of otherwise, sustained Subcontractors If required by OIVk k, tn, CONTRACTOR in connection with the 24 FJ�-t,� (t,::kC:.#GCO h?I'rtl7t`ei t�l'tbfn99rr }aims%�4 as 4a lY (�f rail CGLi.t (,5 W(5rH1 It Al H)NS (Rt'1'1 :rrcrn! performance and fuatishaV of the. Work (except losses and damages within the deductible amOtmta of property insurance established by OWNER in aoctmiance with paragraph 5.91 provided they have resulted from causes other than dtc ligeace of CONTFRACTOR, :mv Su etor, or anyone; diredly, or indire4cfv employed by any of t hem or for whose acts anv of them may be liable. SuLh lases shall include settlements made with the written consent and approval of OWNER, No such losws, damages and expenses stall be included in the Cost of the Work for the purpose of determining CONTRACPOR's fee. X however, any such loss or damage requires reconstruction and CONTRACTOR is placed in charge thereof, CONTRACI'O)R sliall be paid fur scxtic:cs a tle proportionate to that stated in paragraph 1 L6.2. 11A_5.7. 'the cost of utilmes, fact and sanitary facilities at the site. Manor expenses such as telemarns, hag distalwe telephone calls, telephone sere i e at the site, expressage and similar petty cash items in connection with the Work. 11.4.5,9. Cost of fi a r iums fix additional L3onds and insurance. required beetrose of ehatges at the Work 11.5, The term Cost of the Work shall not include anv of the following_ IISJ. Payroll costs and other compensation of t0=`ITACTOR's officers, executive;. Ix°nctlzr:.; iuf pannership and sole proprictorshipsi, pcneral wanagets, clig.uoeers, arciutects,. estimatots, attorneys. auditors, accountants- purchasing and contracunfz rents. exVJit,rs, ttmekeepw% ete'ks and other p>Ltu;nnel employed by (JX,,T tACfOR whether at £hc site or in FC} ?RA("T OR's principal of a branch odic fo! geneat ailatniswtioft cif the Work and tu>E specthe�Illy included in the agreed upon schedule of job classifications refeited to in paragraph 11 4 1 or sped:ifocatly covered by paragraph 11 4A-ail of x%h!ch are to be considered a&ninistrative costs covered by the CWp rR_ ''I O2s fee. l 15,2lixpenses of CONTRAC'fOR's principal and brash office. other than CON "rR CTOIR:s office n the: !site. 1153. :Any part of CONTR \( P)R's capital expenses, including tntereest on CON I RAC I O S capital emploved for the, Work and elvrrgvs senlin t C Ox.TRAe'1 QR for delinquent putinems- 1i 5.4, Cost of premiums for all Ponds and to all inaurance whether or not (7(X%gRA(-f()kis required by doe Contract Documents to purdiase and maintain the Brame teaeft for Inc cross of preirtiwns extend h% subparagraph ahovei. �h f N'Uk'�trdi U° tA+'�UriOA3 t'H9-& fiy9c 1.r4nie�) w Cll}',7p F03t1 001.11'r`.3 lit OIFId'.R'fIL)`cS �ftf l':^Dealt t l s5, Costs clue to the negligence of CONTRACTOR, any Suhuuttraucx, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by an} of theta or for whose ads am, of them may be liable including but not limited to, the correction of u'afecene Work, disposal of materials or equipment wrongly supplied and making goad any damage to property. 11 5.6. Other overhead or general exlenw costs of any kind and file costs of any item net specifically and expressly included in paragraph 11.4_ I IA The CONI'R:A -l'OR's fee allowed to COTdIkACTOR for overhead and profit shall be determined as billows: 11.6.1. a mutually aecgxabte fixed Fee, or 1 L6.2, if a fixed tee is not agreed upon. then a fee based on the following rweenmge_s of the various portions of the Cost of the Work, 1 L6.2.1 for costs incurred umer paragraphs 11 41 and 11 4.2, the COO CRA('1 OR's fee shall he fifteen percent, 11,62.2, for costs incurred under paragraph 11.4,3, the CONTR 1t,`TOWs fee stall be five percexu. I1-6.23, where, one or more tip of subcontracts are on the basis of Cost of the 4'do6- plus a fie and no fixed fee is agreed upon, the intent ofpiragntphs 1IA1, 1L4.2. 1IA3 and 11.6.2 is that the Suhcorruactor who acam% performs or funushes the i oik, it whatever net, will be paid a fee of fifteen percent of the costs incurred by such Subcontractor unckr pimagaphs 11.4_l and 11..4.2 and that amhigher tier Subcontractor and CpN'1'RACTOk will each b paid a lie of five peleent of theamount -laKI to the next lower tier; ubeonnactcx, to be negcx meet 1rtb .With vs- 311i hilt not to eNae51 EreL roent of the amcnmt paid to arc next lower tts� �tt>rQmc�eiev I L6 2.4. no te.e shall be 1xmyable on the basis of costs itemized unchr para_raphs 11 4 4. It 4.> and I1 A( it 6- the an xint of credit to he allowed tat COM-R\r"fOR to O1 alit for am change which results in it net deceeaw in cost milt he the amount of the actual net decrease in cost plus a deduction in CON 'I kA I OR's tee by an amount equal w five percent of such net de.reaw, and 1162,6 when loth additions and credits are tmvilved ut am cafe clam-c. dic adlusmtetit in COfifRAr.TGR's fee shah?be eiimputed den the basis of the net charge in accordance with paratuephs 11 6.^_.1 thnogh I Lh' mehcsive 11.7. Whenever the cut of anv Ubrk is to be 2i SECTION 00100 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS determined pursuant to paragraphs t IA and 1 Li, CONTRACTOR will establish And maintain rcoor(h thereof in accordance With generally acC accounting lxttctices and submit in font acceptable w accounting an R amid cost breakdown together with supporting data. Cash Alfrmtuncar- 11.8_ It is understood that CONTRACTOR has included in the Contract Price all allowances so named in the Contract Documents and stall cause the Work sn covered to be furnished and performed for such airs as may be woeptanble to Old'MW and ENGINEER. CC)NIRAC"TOR Agrees. that: 11,83, the allowances include the cost to CONTRA("fOR (less any applicable amde diwuunts) of materials and cyugmfent required by the allowances to be delivered at to site, and all applicable taxes; and 11.8.2. CONTRACTOR's costs for unloading slid handling on the site, labor, installation cads, overhead. profs Mid Other expenses txntcmpktted for the allowances have been included in the Contract Price and not in the allowances and no demand fox Additional lwytnent on account of any of the foegoing wit[ he valid. Prior to final Payment, an al e Chat�e Order Will be issues] as rccommeraied by 01211, ERR to reflect actual amounts flue CONTRACTOR on account of Work averred by allowances, and the Contract Price shall he con 'espandinngly adjusted 11.9. 1s*nit Mice Rork: 11.9.1, Mire the Contract Documents provide that all of pad of the Work is to be Unit Price Work, initially tlx: Contract Price will be deemed to include for all Unit Price Work on amount equird to tlx: sum of the. cstabli [sal unit prices fa cads separately idcaatified item of dint Price' Vok times the estimated quantity of each item as indicated in tine Agreement The estimated quantities of items of tint price Work at nut guaranteed and are solely, for tine purpose of a>mpainsan of Bids and determining in initial Contract Nice. Determinations of the. actual quantities anti classificanons of 'Unit Price Work perfomned bN C'(-")NTRACTOR will be made by E GNTMR in ac:cordaocrt+idtlnpauagraph'),10 11.9.2. &ich unit } rice will be deemn deemed to uiciu& a anuart ccm.vitoreci by CONTRAt` rok to be adequate to cover CONTRACTORS overhead and profit [br- each s parately identified item. I 9 1 OMN'ER or CONTRACTOR may make it claim for an adjustment in the Co fact Arks; in accordance With atttcte i l I f 1 9 3 1, file quantity of any item of Unit Price t ,wk, pctformecl he CON- l`RA(1OR ddP materially and significantly from the estimated qunntfty of such rem indicated in the Agreenienr Let 1>l Crt'.1 tt..'U. i%r iPt7T4?`fii 111u S, l990 EeltU,ai � 2 ¢ c U'I t oF FOR r CSpiJ 71,5 bN?D11 Ia AlIU?LT Otk Y ir2r(xq and there is no corresponding a4usunent with respect to any other item of Work: and 11.9,3.3. if CONTRACTOR believes that CONTRACTOR is entitled to an increase in Contract Price as it result of having, mottued additional wgxnse or OWNER believes that OWNM is entitled to a decrease 41 Contract Price and the parties are unable to agree as to the amotmt of arty such increase or decrease, J19.14CQNTR_ACI[QR ac ,I �tat thatOWNER has the right to add or delete items in tfta �o c�tal;iiRs nit OAWERS wle diaretian wi4u� t�a stunt ite Contact Price of art}._it�Mm_.g-.it�..._sci....long ...os the del; ion cc asklttitxn does not exceed twenty -live pyrceiat of t�_ongarml i44�1_(:cxtlracY.I?rce: ARTICLE 12--C,l ALNGE OF CONTRACT TI 1FS 13.t. 'rho Contract Times (or Milrarnesl) may only be changed by a Change Order or a Written Amendment Any claim for an adjustment of the Ceruract Times (o Kfi esw=) shall he bo&kxi on Written notice delivered by the party making the claim to the other party and to HNGINEER pranpdy (but in no event later than that; days) after the occt rreru e of due event vuig rise to the chum and stating the general nature of t� claim Notice of the extent of the claim Willi suppatjtag data shall be delivered within sixty days alter such € ccurrence (unless L"Id'OINEh"R allows additional time to asccrtain more accurate data in support of the claim) and shall b accompanied by the claimant's written tlatement that the adjustriam clamed is the entire adjustment at which the claimant has reason to believe it is entitled as a result of the occurrenoe of said event. Ail ctauns for adjustment in tine Contract Times (or 4t last real it+ll ix determined by ENGiNEER in accordance with htuaaraph9.l1 if O'AVER and COI -(TRACTOR cannot othetwise agree. No claun for an adjustment, in the Contract Times (tT hfrlestates) will be valid if not stibminatl in sea rdaa_e with the requirements of this ponnp aph 12_ 1, 12.2_ All unae tuntits stated it, the Coxatao Dctitmaenis are of the essence of the Agreement. 12.3. Where CONTRACTOR iv prcv,° nted frc.,ii completing tuiv pan of die Work within tite Contract Timees Of Nfileslotesi due rip delay beyond the control of CONTRACTOR, dsa Contract Times {ar ldosttxtcs`Y will be "ended in tin amount e(finl to lime iou cite• (osu_b delay if a claim is made therefor au provzdkd in ragmph 12.1. I days beyorxt the .%:antral of CO ACTOR shall include, but not be hauled to acts or neglect by OWNER, acts or negNN-t of utility owners or other coon ictos peniimnu e other, w pit-: as c,sunmplated by Article 7, fires, floods, cpidcmacs, abnonnaat iveatlier conditions ur acts of Cad belays nnributnble to Ant within the control of a SuhK:oaracttx or Supplier shout ix domed to he delays within the control of CONTRACTOR. 114- Where CONTRACTOR is prevented front completing any part of the Work within the C xitntct Timm (or Milestannes) due to delay beyond the control of both OWNER and CONTRACTOR, an emension of the Contract Times (or !Milestones) in an amount equal to the time last due to such delay shall be CONTRACrM% sole and exclusive remedy fix such delayy. In no event stroll O" NER be liable to CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor, any Supplier, any other person or organization. or to any surety £or or employee or agent of any of them, for damages arising out of or resulting from (n) delays caused by or within the control of the C 0.\;TRAC'rOR, or (it) delays beyond the control of both parties including, but. not fiuuted tn, fires, floods, epidemics, abnormal weather conditions, acts of God or acts or neglect by utility owners or other contractors perform illy odor work as contemplated by Article 9, ARTICLE 13--7'T":ST8 AND INSPECTION'*; CORRECTION', RF OVAL OR ACCEPTANCE OF DEFEtT1IE WORK 13.1. <Varice nfDefects: Prompt notice of all defeerive Work of which Oiv'N-FR or ENGINEIiR have actual knowledge: will be given to CONTRACTOR, All d fective Wink nmy Ix, rejected, corrected or accepted as provndcd m this -article t .Ice efiv to lI'ork: 13 2 OWNER, ENGINUR EN(JI'NEER's Consultants, other repxermmtiives and pemorrel cf tall lilt. independenT testing laboratories and gov..mm,,rod +gcwlllez with jurisdiction;d interests will have ace ess fa the t5'ork at reasonable --times far their cktien ation, inspecting and tosting. CONTRACTOR shall txcovide them pri,por and safe conditions fix such access and advise them of CONTRACTOR's site safety procedures and pioganns so that they may comply therewv ith as applicable Teavandfrrs odons 133. CONTRACTOR shall give LN61 EI R hmcly notice of readiness of the Work for all required inspections. tests or approvaN and shall cocy)etate with inspection and testing personnel to facilitate required irrsrvc isms or icsrs. 13 a OWNER shall employ and pty for flit Seta -ices of an independent testing laboratoryto perform all inspections, tests, or approvals required b}- the C oraract Documents except 1 3_4, t for inspectioms. hits or approvals covered by paragraph 13.5 below. 13.4Z that cots ihcwnxi in connection with tests or inspections conducted pursuant 1, pxhm«raph 1.10 �JC I x, iif ."wF".1tA1. L'u�UI "ftE> v5 3 p 10 ; i r 39) L.t&d,A�a w: 0 1Y OF FOR h O N r-t?rS MUt}f hn e';n'ih04S tF I ; a 2wpr below shall be paid as provided al said faragratlh 13.9; and 134.1, as otherwise spicificalh, provided in the Contract Documents. 13.5, If Laws or Regulatioms of any public body laving jurisdiction require any Work for part t ereoat) Wiffcidly, to be inspected, tested or approved by an employee or other ioprowraative of such public body, CONTRACTOR shall assume full retiponstbility for amupEing and obtaining such inspections, tests or approvals, pay all costs in connection therewith, and furnish RNGINERR the required certificates of inspection, at approval. C1ON7'RACTOR stall also be responsible for arrwwI and obtaining and mall pay- all costs in connection w any itnpeahohs, tests o aplovals required for OWNER's and INC1INEEPv's acceptance of materials or equipment to be irtt:otporated in the Wo& or of materials, mix designs, or c pment submitted for ap�voval prior to CONTACTOR's purchase thereof fri incorporation in the Work. 13_6 If any Work (or the, work of others) that is to be inspected, tested or approved is cowered CONTRACTOR without written concurrence cf ENGI,VE C it must, if requested by 73Nt.;IVtild2 be. uncovered for observation h 3 7. Unoovcritf; Work as provided in paragraph 116 shall he at CONTBACTOR's e:\jiense utters CONTRACTOR has given ENGINEER timely notice of CONTRACTOR's infemion to cover the: same and I-Nij I-NHF.R has not acted with reast- able promptness in respon.w to such notice. Uncovering Nark: 13.8if any Work is covered contrary to the written request of ENGINRER it must, if requested by ENGlNEER. be uncovered for L\(_ilNEER's observation and replaced at COINTR'iC" Mks extien se. 134 If FNGINEER considers it necessary or advisable that covered Work be observed by ENM31N ER or inspected ox tested by others, CONT'RM, TOP., ai ENIGINLER's request shall uncover, expose or otherwise make available for observation, inspection or tasting as UNO IN:T ZER may require, that portion of the Work in questio11 titr ring all oecc-wr)• labor, material and equipment If it is found that stir Work is tfefectrve, COINrRACITOR shall pay afl claims, Costs lasses and damages Caused by, arising out of or resulting from such tmcovering, e,a3aosure, cAxservatian, inspection and testing and of satisfaulory replacement or r construetion, fincludung but ntof'limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others, anal Ol4Ab:R shall. be entitled to an appropriate decrasc in the Contract Rice, and, if the parties are unable to agree as to the amount thereof, may make a claim therefior m provided in Micle I I. IC however, such Work is not foutxt to be ke%ctiw, ('O� T'i�:'lC"I'OR shall (V allowed an increase in the ('anaact Price or an extension of the Contract Times ;or Milestones), or Mh, direst, attributable to such 7 uncovering, e7gaowm, obwvah m, Inspection, teativ, replacement and rocon trucdon; and, if the parties are Unable to aw�ee as to the amount or extent thereat, CONTRACTOR may make a claim therefor as provided in Articles i 1 and 12. OWNER May Stop the Work: 13.i0. If the Work is defte ive, or CONTRACTOR fails to supply sufficient skilled workers or suitable materials or equtlnmera, or fails to furnish or perform the Work in such a way that the completed Work will confirm to the Corract Dricu mmemts. OWNW may order CONTRACTOR to st�ap the Work, or any portion there4 until the cause far su l order has been eliminated, however, this right of OWfi'ER to the Work shall not give rise to any duty on the part of OWNER to exercise this right for mite benefit of CONTRAC7rotd or any suroty or other party. Correestim or Remmal ofDefkave Work: 13.11 _ if required by E'NG114M, COR TRACTOR shall promptly, as directed, either correct all defecrirov Work, whether or trot fabricated, installed or completed, or, if the Work has been rgeded by ENGINEER, remove it from the site and rapp��oe it with Work that I.% not defective. C)ONl'Rr1CT.1R sheaf, pay all claims, oasts, losses and damages caused by or resularg front such correction or removal (including but not limited to all costs of remir or replacement of work of others). 13.12. Comertion Ported^ 13.I2.1. If within one-year two ors after the date of Substantial Completion or such longer period of time as may be prescribed Laws or Regulations or by the terms of any apphca le special guamn(ze required by the Contract Documents or by any specific provision of the Contract Documents any Workm founxl to Ix, ckfecrrw, CONTRACTOR &hail promptly, wahout o xo to OWNER and in accordance with OWi\TR's written instructions () correct such A9 Pctniw Work, or, if it has been rejected by OWNER, remove it from tie site anal replace it with Work that is not defctive, and (ii) satisfactorily correct or remove and replace any damage ua other Work or the work of others- resulting therefrom If 0ONTFLACTOR does not promptly ctauply with the terms of such instructions, or in an emergency where delay would cause serious risk of loss or damage. OWNER R may have the Defective Work cmecteol or iLt rejected Work removed and replaced, and all chi ms casts, lases and damagc- caused by or restdting lioni such removal and replacement (including but not limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others} will be paid by CONTRA( I OR 13122.In special eircarWances where a particular item of equipnnem is placedin continuous service. before Substantial Completion of all the kkork, the correction period faar that item may star to ntn from an earlier date if so provided in the Specifacatioms or !n: Written Amatdment 13-123. Where defective Work (and damaawe to other IN hl(76)C<X�NlitGu.L()NDIIIOs�APal(ts;tux)i ott"" WO R C)i' FCriT CCm l tidS MOfalm It A I ION*, (RE"' a-`26i3t1) Work resulting theretrcnn) has boon corrected. removed or replaced under this paragraph 13.12, the correction period heretardor with respect to such Work will be extended for an additional period of ono -year tw._o „years after such correction or removal and replacement has been satisfactorily completed, =iccep&tnee ofDefootive Worst. 13.13. If, instead of requir cxrredion or removal end replacement cif defective W�, OWNER (and, prior to E IGINEER's recommendation of final payment, also ENGP,3EER) pr eI s to noMi it, OWNER may do so, C."ONTRACTOR shad pay all claims, cods, lassos end damages attributable to OWNER., evaluation of and determination to accept such ciafective Work (:etch coats to be approved lay ENGINEER us to reaso ubkatess), If any such acceptance occurs prior to ENGFNJiMs recommendation offins l payment. a Change Order will be issued incorporating the necessary revisions in the Contract Documents with respect -to the Work: and OWNER shad be emitted to an appropriate decrease in the contract Price, and, if the es are umralrle to agree as to the anoint thereof'. 014?vvv may make it claim dweler as provided in Article I 1 If the acceptance occurs alter such recommersdatann, an appropriate amount, will be paid hay Co NsTRAC roR to OWNER. 01M1ER JA(v Correct Defective W#rk: 13.14, if CONTRACTOR fails within a reasonable time after written notice from UNGINKER to correct defective Work cc to remove and replace rejected Work as required by ENGlN144Z in accordance with paragraph 13.11, or if CONTRACTOR fails to perform the Work in accordance with the Cortruo Documeti s, or if CON7TRACTOR fails to comply with any other provision of the Contract Documents, OWNER may, after seven days written notice to ("t )ti'm.,%c`rok, correct and remedy any such Jorwietcv. In exercising the rights and rettredius undor this paragraph OWW`NLK shad proceed expeditioaisly. In connection with such corrective and remedial action, OWNER may Exclude CONTRACTOR trom all or part of die site, take possession of all or part of the Work, and suspend CONTR,ICTOR's services related thereto, take posnescion of CONTRACfOR's fowls, appdran^ construction equapmert and machinery at the site and incorporate in the Work all materials and equipment stored at the site or for which OW NAA R, has paid CONTRACTOR but which are stored elscwhere. CONTRA("TOR shall allow OG4NTmR. OWNER% represeteatives. agent; and enspplon•ees, (AVNEn`R's other urttradors and ENGIlv1iER and f•NGl?3Eii.Ps Consultants accessto the site to enable OWNER. to exercise the rights and remedies under this paragraph All claims, costs, losses and damages incurred or sustained by OWNER to exercisesuch rights and remedies will he charged against CONTRACTOR arid a Change Order will be issued incorporating the neucsszrry revisions or the Contract I)cxunnents with reseedto the Work, and OW ''BR shall to entitled to air appropriate decrease in the Contract Prize, anti if -the j}x"tsare unable to agree. as to the amount thereof, OWNER may make a claim therefor as provided in 1rtiele I f . Such claims. costs, Iesses and damages will include but not be limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others destroyed nr damagged by carectiun, removal or replacement of CONTRAC tM, dafeclive Wort:. (X):dTRACTOR shall not be allowed an extension of the Contract Times (or Milestones) because of any delay in performance of the Wok attributable to the exercise by OWNFdt orOW"NERs rights mxl remedies lrereundzr. ARTICLE 14—PAYMENTS TO C,ONr12.AC.TOR AND COMPLETION Schedltfe ofVafaes: 14.1. The schedule of values stabli. F4W it provided in paragraph 2.9 will serve as the basis for progress payments and will be incorporated into a form of Applcatkor for Payment acceplilc to ENGINEFd2. Progress paymems car account of tinitPnw Work will he based on the mmnber of units completed. AlVicarhon for Progress Payment: 14.2_ At least hvetuy days hefoxe the date established for each progress payment (but not moe often than once a moth). CONTRACTOR shall submit to L','GNEER for review an :application f v Payment tiller'] out and signed by C(:)'NTRAC'rOR covering the Work completed as of the date of the Application and aecompramed by such supliorting documentation as is required by the Co7ianict Documents, If payment is requested on the hams of materials and cquiptncant not incorpxrrated in tlae Work but delivered and suitably Stored at the site <> at another k>eation agreed to in writing, the Application for Payment shall also be accompanied by a bill of sale, invoice o other documentation wanantine that OWvhR tuts received the - materials and equipliwor Crer. and clear of Of i.,icras and o*vklerwe that the materials and equipment are awerad by appropriate property insurance and other arrangements to protect OWNER's amerest tkxreue, all of which will be satisfactory to OWNER The arncunt of retamage with respect to provess payments will he as stipulated in the Aereement_ Apv fundis,that are withheld Iry the OWNER sfmll not be sub cut to subwuktwn by the CONTRACTOR AC 'I OR with securities out any a[? nrga merits am o!s trn� tun e:Isuw eu iodumshlp lay executi , the application. Cot payment roan the,CC71[iA(, CC3I2 pydeessly taarvcs his n11tt tektite benches Colorado Revised Statutes tiection 24'>I-101. el seq.. CO .VM-1 C TOR's Ff arnwnrp of Tide 14 t, CON 1 RA('.I OR warrants and Luuanxe,s that title to all Work, materials and equipment covered by any _lppltcation for payment, whether incorporated in the Project or not- will pass to C>W'iC3R no later than the time of payment free and clear of all Liens. Riwiew of. pplication.s for Progress Airejrewr 14.4 k?11U1NEFR mtl. within ten days after rxcipt of each Application fox I'irmhent, either rndiaata in writing a recommendation of payment and present the Application toOW'NfR,cvreturn tile Application to0ONNI ACTOR indicating in writing ENGINEEWs reasons for refusing to recornmend payment. In the latter case, CONTRACTOR may make the necessary corrections and resubmit the Application. rest days after presentation of the Application for Payment to OWNFA with FNGIAII ER's recommendation, the amount recommended will (subjo;t to the provisions of the last sentence of paragraph 14.7) become due and when due will be paid by OWNER to CONTRACTOR. 14.5 F:NCr12N'EF.Ws recommetttlation of any payment reyueAW in an Application for Payment will constitute a representation by h-NGfNFFR to OWNM based on ENGINEER's on -site observations of the executed Work as an experienced and qualified design profeasiomd and on tiN(jLNEERs review of theApplication for payment and the accompanying data and schedules, that to the best of ENG1INMER's km)wledge, information and belief 14.5.1 the Work hats progressed to the point indicated, h 4. t 2. the quality of the Work is generally in ac Ir`dance with the Contract Documents (sulyect to an evaluation of the Work as a functioning whole prior to or upon Substantial Completion, to the results of am subsecpuent tests called for in the Contract Documents, to a final determination of quantities and classifications tar unit. Price Work under paragraph 9.10, and to any, other qualifications stated in the rccommer dation), and 14.53, the connditions precedent to CONTRACTOWs being entitled to such payment appear to have been fulfilled insofar as it is ENGINEEWs responsibility to obsazve the Work,. However, by rceommenilveg am, such lwyment EMHNEER will not thereby be deemed to have represented that. (i) edraustive or continuous ;ut-site a%Toecwrvq have beccrt made to check: the quality or the quantity of the Work beyond the responsibilities specifically assigned to ENGINEER in the Conmtct Documents or (ii) that there may, not be other matters or issues between the parties that might entitle CON'1R4CfOR to be paid additionally by OWNER or entitle OW'NCRto withhold payment toCONTRA(IOR 14_C, ENCdNEER's recnmmendati n of any pvment. including final pttymett, shall not mean that FR'C➢CNEER is responsible for C:`ONTRAC'TOR's mutes, ntcthcxtc techm -y Lies. sequences or procedures of construction, or the sataty precautions and program; incident thereto, or for any failun: of CONTRACTOR to comply with Law; and Regulations applicable !o the. furnishing or p rformance of Work, or for any failure of CON MAC'TOR to perform or fear" Work in accordance with the Contract f))cumems. 14.7. F;tiCille"[;l R may refirs<'to recommemltile. whole or any part of any paaymem if, in EXCIINT'FR's onpnnion it would he incorrect te, make the representations to L.JCUG GEtdiiM:U. C+.rt�-Dl17 �Yii 191r,�jlv�r�t:,tiriiffri 2`) W, 071l OFFOR I t')lj ihNmt A Itrlr Fl thS,HCv I:,ilwn OWNER refined to at paragraph 145. ENGINEER may also refuse to recommend any such payment, or, becimae of adxittly discovered evidence or the results of subaquent inspections or tests, nullify any such payment previously recommended, to such extent as may be necesattry in ENG(NEER's opinion to protect OWNER felon loss because: 14.7.1. the Work is rkfecsve, or completed Work has been damaged reWwmg correction orreplamuert, 14.7.1 the Contract Price has been reduced by Written Amendment or Change Ceder, 14.7.3. QWIVER has been required to correct d 2fa-ctive Wok or complete Week in accordance with ltiragraph 13.14, or 14.7.4. ENGINEER has actual knowledge of the occurrence of any of the events enumerated in paragraphs 15.11 through ugh 15.2.4 inclusive, OWNER may tefuse to make payment of the full amount recommended byE GMSRbecause 147,5. claims have been made against OWNER on noscxun of ('ONfRACfOR's performance or furnishing of the Work, 14:7,6. liens have been filed in ctmnection with the Work except where CONTRACTOR has delivered a specific Bond satisfactory to OW VW'W to secure the atisfaetionand discharge ofsucbLim 14,73. there are other items entitling OWNER to a set- o€f againtit tine amount recommended, or 14 7,8. OWNER has actual knmwTodge of the occurrercce of any of the events enumerated in gAiCiili¢"dgthS 14.7.t through 1423 or paragraphs 15,2.1 tlrcwgh 15.2.4 inclusive, but OWIN-j R must give CONTRACTOk mtmedak written notice (with a copy to 13NG11vTERj slsung die reasons for such action and promptly pay CONfRACTOR the amount so withheld, otany adjustment thereto agreed to by t:SWNER and COKURA(MR, when CONTRAC.I'OR ccrracts to OWNER's satisfaenon the reasons for sueh action Substantial Completion: 14.R. When CONTRACTOR considers the entire book ready for its intended use CONTRACTOR sl'ull notify OWNER and EMIM ER in writing that the entire Work is substantially complete (except for items stweificttlly listed by CONTRACTOR as incomplete) and request that fMLNT7 R issue a certificate of Substantial Completion. Within a reasonable time thereafter_ O5 M" K. CONTRX 7TOR and ENTGUNMER shall make an inspection of the Work to determine the status of completion If FNOINVEIs does nat consider tic Work substantially complete. - GINEFR will notify t ONJR�aCTOR in wrain giving the reasons therefor If li\1-1lNFVR 31I l.ti]p4(3Et\kalt.t O,rfBltN.." ttl b [ ?.i% Yu,dR uG711 Qt }a)aT R)6r,I>`'S hiCN711 It A1t� ai'i eRLi'120eHp considers the Waft subdantally complete, ENGINEER will prepare and deliver to OWNER a tentative certificate of Subswrial Completion which shall fix the date of Substantial Completion, There shill be attadted to the certificate a tentative list of items to be eompided or corechist before finalpayment. OWNER shall have seven days after rewtipt of the teNative certificate during which to make written objection to ENGINEER as to any provisions of the certificate or attached fist. il: after cotsiderirt� such objections, LN(ILN ER coo ludes that the Work is rat subgarttially complete, PNGINEBR. will within fourteen days afar submission of the tentative certificate to OWNER notify CONTRACTOR in writing, Rating the reasons therefor. If, after consideration of OWNER's ot9mao es, ENGINEER considers the Work substantially complete, EISE4INMrR will within said fourteen days execute and deliver to OWNER and CONTRACTOR a definitive certificate of Substantial Completion (with a revised tentative fist of items to be compkxed or corrected) reflect' g such charges from the tentative certificate as FNGINEmEP, believes justified after consideration of any okgetctions from OWNER. At the time of delivery of the tentative certificate of Substantial Completion E1v}GINFFP will deliver to OWNER and CONTRACTOR a written recommendation as to division Of res nmsibilitics pending feral payment between OWNL" and C7OMMACTOR with re� to scourity, operation, satiety, maintenance, heat, utilities, insurance and warri mies and guarantees. thanes, OWNER and CONTRACTOR, agree othen�vise in writiinrngg and so inform ENGiNEER in writing pricer to FNuIIIEER's issan* the definitive certificate of Substantial Completion, ENGINTLR's aforesmd to ommendation will be binding on OWNER and CONTRACI OR until final payment. 14.9. OW `}R2 shah have the right to exchik CONTRACTOR from the Work after the date of Substantial Corupletiort but OWNER stall allow CONTRACTOR reasonable access to compile or core, e items of the tentative list. Aarriat Udti;rikors 1410, Use by OW'N'ER at OWN R:s option of any substantially coapletetl peen of ilte Work which: (i)has specifically been identified in the Contract Documents, or (ii) OWNER, ENGINEER and CONTRAC1OR We constitutes a separately functioning and usable part of the Wok that can be used by OINNER for its itcnckd purpose without signi icam interference with COdTRACTOR's perfommatmce of f k, remainder of the \Vork, may be aveuaphshed prior to Substantial Completion of all the Work subje t to the following 14.10 LOW'NER at any time may request CON"TRACTOR in writing to permit OWMI to use any such pan of the Work which OWNl31'H baliaves to be ready for its intended use and substantially complete IfCONTRACfORagrees thutsuch dot the Week is sutxutntially amtplete, CONTRACTOR. moil) certify to OWNER and fiNGfI€EER that such }}Xtd of the, Weak is whstint a I I y eonmplete and request ENGTNEFR to issue a certificate of Substantial Cotmtpdeticin for ilxit part of the Work. (0NT'RAC UO8 at any tine may nobly OWNER and 1NG II�E$R in writing that CONTRAC rOR. considers any such part of the Work ready for its intended use and substantially complete and request rNGPN !.'FR a) issue a certificate of Substantial Completion far that part of the Work. Within a reasonable time after either such request, OWNER, CONTRACTOR and LNQlN1-J&xR shall make nn inspection of that pun of the Work to determine its status of completion If ENGINEER does not ca r sider that part of the Work to be substarvialiy complete FK61 tiPER will notify OVA4u"It and CONTRACTOR in writing giving the reasons therefor. If RNOM F IZ considers that part of the Work to be substantially tomptete. the provision of paragraphs 14.8 and 14.9 will apply with respect to certification of Substantial C'ompiehon of that }cart of the Work and the div ision of responsibility in redden thereof and access thereto 14.10.2. No occupancy or separate operation of pan of the Work will be accomplished prior to compliance with the requirements of paragraph 5.15 in respect of property insurance. Final Inspection: 14A L Upon written notice from COtiTRACTOK that the entire Work or an agreed portion thereof is complete, E1vGIN, EER will make a final ins fexiwr with OW?v1 R and CONTRACTOR and will n of ty OONTRACI OR in writing of all particulars in which this inspection reveals that the Work is incomplete or raEfective, €MURACTOR siiall immedawly take stch ruexsures as eve race;,very to complete such work or remedy such deficiencies Final,4ptikardsn forPaymanr: 14.13. After CONTRACTOR has uanpleted all such corrections to the satisfaction of I'MiINE R and delivered. in accordance with the Cdntmet Docua emt all maintenance and operating insirvctios, schedules, guarantees, Bonds, certificates or other evidence of insurance required by paragraph 5 4, certificates of _. inspection, madded -up record documents (as provided in pal agtaph619) and atfiar documents, CO';I - may make application fox final payment f itlowing the pro urc for progm," payments. The Nail Arifilkationt l e Pin ment shall be accompanied (exropt as previously delivered) bv. (h all docimnentatdxn called for in the Contract Documents, intcludin>g but not hmitad to the miderwe of avarrance required M' subparagraph > 4 Cs, (it) consent of the surety_ if any, to final payment, and (iii)cxaaplele. Arai legally effupice rceascs or eat er.s (satisfactory to Off' M) of all Liens arising out of or filed in connection with the Rork. In lieu of such releases or waivers of Liens and as approved be OW'ti1>R, €x)N".fRAC'TOR may famishreceipts or reeases in fill � :end alTtdavit of r.,oxRAr"TOR that, (i) the releases and receipts include all lab t, wrvwt,, material and equipment for which a lien could be filed- and (ii) all payrolk,, material and equipment hills. and other incebtedness connected with the Work for ardvch (AVNI 1, or t "t44NFR't property might in any way be responsible have been laaid or ethenvise satisfied Ifany Subcontractor or Supplier fail,, k:JC.`td' rt:•." EKAL CON'DUVIONS 19 10411 rH) EA6,90 a (11 YCIF FOR t COLLCh43detta@1CN]It AS (tF4420M) to tartish such a release or receipt in full, CONTRAt."rOR may furnish a Ikxtd or other collateral satisfactory to OWNER to iridemnify OWNER against any Lien ' keleases or waivers, of lien and the consent of the w-m to fuwli�c MMwt,_are to be sal hcxi en fomtti con orm ne to the format of the (. XXNEER'S standard Crams bourid in &e—Naje,A tm\1n1,, Final Pa3menr andAcceptance: 14.13- if, on the basis of ENGINUR's observation of the Work during construction and final irrT=tion. and F\C,I FP.R's review of the final Application For Payment turd accompanying documentation as required by the Contract I)ocumems. ENGINEER is satisfied that the eVcrk has been completed and MNITRACTOR's other obligati"s tinder the C'onuadt Ikwuntents Irate been full llcd, ENG IIvEM will, within ten days alter receipt of the final Application for Payment, indicate in wrong ENGItiEIiR's reeommendation of payment and presem the Application to OW" TR for paymcrt. At die same time I `KCr tNEIi R will also give carmen notice to OlL NMtR and CONTRACTOR that the Work is acceptable subjec t to the IT(wisions of paragraph 14.15 Otherwise. 1,,'NGINEER will return the Application to CONTRACTOR, indicating in writing the icisor, for refusing to recommend final payment, in which case CONTRACTOR shall make the tecesxir): corrections and resubmatheApplication, Thutydaysalter Iwwrilattonto OWNER of the Applwatin and aca)mpalloiBig documentation. in algirolinate feria and substance anu with Fti<i1N'GER's recommendation and notice of :kcoltabihty�, tic amount teconnmen d h. ENCrR�iEft will become due and will be paid by MMiR to O lhr\i'TCR sublyet t4 lxult�ztnph_ 176' of tjtcx (jeuetal consljjlon+ . 14-14. It: thnuugh tic, fault of CONTRAC OR— final completion iA the o,oak i vtgnilwantly delayed and if IN`(jIN1.ER so confirms. (Ak"NMR shall, uponl receipt of CO'<IRAC'I'OR'° final Application for Fhvtnent and recommendation of t: c;fal EIt_ and without tenninatine the .Ayreense t, make piiy'toent A the 1xilance due for Ur3t pcnioxn ofthe 'Xork fully completed and accepted, If the retraining balance to Ltd held by OWNER far Wcxl: not fidly completed or corrected is less; than the retainage stipulated in the Agremient, and if Bolick knave leon furnished as required in ixtragaph 5_1= the written content of the 'uretg to the p,,o mane of the balance duc for that pi lwil of ila Work full}- Compleacd and aoxpted chalk be sulnnitted b_v CO 'V TOR to I`N('AMJ--2 wide the Apph"itact for •ateh Intyment. `.iuclt Pnynncnt -Iadl be made umkr the term:; and conditions governing +'m,a 1*1yindnl, exccpt that it shall not corraitute a waiver of chairs kkniver of Chains, 14.15. The nnakinri ami e opts n of iuiad paynnent will constitute. 14 15.1 a +n.necr u ill claims by Otl -k againsf ociN"I'KA('It>R, except daims arising Got LUISM d I.wm-, from &,Ykefve'Aork appearing after final inspection pursuant W paragraph 14.11. from failure to comply with the Contract Nuumcnts or the tens of m�} special guarantees specified therein, or from CONTRACTOR'S continuing obligations tinder the Contract f.7ocurnents: and 14.IS. 4'.A waiver of all claims by CONTRACTOR. against OWNER other than those peviously made in writing and still unsettled. ARTICLE IS -,SUSPENSION OF WORK AIND TERNUNATION UIWh:R titer Suspend Woe*: 15. L at any time and without cause, OWNTER may susprnd the Work or ally portion thereof for a period of not more than ninety clays by notice in writing to (X.Kri2Ac rOR anti ENGINEER which will fix the date on which Work will he resumed. CONTRACTOR shall resmne the Wok, on the date so fixed CONTRACTOR shall be allowed an adjustment in. the Contract price or an extension of the Contract Times, or hoth, directly attributable to any Stich suspension if CO1 MXUrOR makes an approa-1 claim therefor as provided in Articles i i aril 13. O VUA R tier Terardate: is 2. 1?pom the occumnce of any one or more of the following events. 1511. if CO 1TRAC'rOR persist,erttiy tails to perform the Wok in accordance with die Contract Document - (including but not limited a% failure to supply sufficient skilled workers or suitable materials or equipment or failure to adhere to the trogress schedule established under pzuagtaph29 as adjusted from time to time pursuant to paragraph 6.6). if CONTRACTOR disregard paws or Regukuicrrs of any public body }haying jt riot airnt; 1 � i-3. if t u1GTR,-AC1 OR disregard the auth vity of LNXANEE'R; or I s -14 if wNuRACTOR odtemw ; ietiuc4 r, our substantial way may provisions of the Contract Documents, OW'NTR may, at%r giving (A)1v'TRACTOR (arid the surety. if any) seven days' wnnen notice and to the extent Permitted by Laws and Regulations, terminate the services of CONTRAC [OR, cx uck CON 16V'1'()R from the site and take possession of the Welk and of aft CO..N TRAC TOR's k o s, appliances, construction equipment aml machinery at the site and use, the same to the full extent they anted be u,ed by CONTRACTOR (wsthout liability to (,.6z.€h-V-1'0R nor trespass or conversion), inuogxarate in the Work all materials and equipment stzued at the site or for which r sW vER has paid 3' ttil%k�i ilti a.U. t'rr �tni ttd ,`�'�tni rb tvx�[d�uwtt ` W,Cln the t+.witl'tOIII♦'M6f}n Ile 41 Rh�lS rJttw�t2lNp1) CONfRACFOR but which are stored elsewhere, and finish the Work as OW`NFR. may dam expedient. In such case CONTILACTOR shad not be entitled to receive any h rt}xr payment until the Wort: is finished. If the unpaid balance of the Contract Price cxceerds all claims, casts, losses aril damagessuAwned by OWNER arising out of or rebutting fitnm completing the Work such excess will be Paid to CONTRACTOR If such claims, costs, lasses and damages exceed such unpaid balance, CONTRACTOR shalt pay the difference to OkkNER. Such claims, cats, losses and damages incurred by OWNER will be reviewed by ENGINEER as to their reasonableness and when so approved by ENGIN MIZ incorporated in a O',hmge Order, provided that when exercising arty rights or remedies under this paragraph OWNER shall rid be required to obtain the lowest price for the Work performed. 15_3- Where C'ONTRACrOR's services have been so terminated by OWNER, the termination will not atrect any rights or remedies of OWNER against CONTRACTOR thon existing or which may thereafter accruc: Any retention or payment of moneys due MNTRACrOR by OWNER will nor release CONTRACTOR Grab lability. 15.4 Upon seven dayswritten notice to WNfRACTOR and W%sQJNEHR, OWNER may, without cause and without prejudice to any other right or remedy of OlAVER, elect to termvhate the Agreement. In such mv, CONTRACTOR shall he Paid (without duplication of any itmnst 75,4.1- Con ahahpleted and acceptable Wrn°k executed in accordance with the Contract Documents prior to the effective date of termination, including for and reawnable sums for overhead and profit on such Work. I i41 for expenws wstamed prior to the etfectne date of termination in perforhning services and furnishing labor, materials or equipment as rernured by the Contract I)o-uments in connection wilt umompleted Work, plus fair and reeasonabte sums for overhead and profit an such exlyrtsesi I5A3 for all clalnts, costs, tosses and damagc incurred in settlement c f terminated ccmtrncts with Subcontractor;, Supptters and other,: and 15,4 1 for rea>occ,ble c,q--once 61ccily attribuubie to termination. CONtTRA('TOR shall not la paid on ncmmt of loss of anticipated trouts or rcrcrouc or other econoanic lows seising out of or rasulhne Cann such tcrmaratron. CC2tTWIC T012 Atarstap dd ark or T ernminate 1 i 3, [f, tfrrcrxu��Inno act cr fault of CO4"1'lL'At`f(?R, txC Work is suspeuded for a Inrio d of more than ninety dais by OWI ER or under an order or court or tiler public autrrih', IT I NOI( k I f R fafis to act on any appli(nuon for Nyntent within thtrll days after it is submitted cx OWNER tails fir thirty day., to pay t'O?, ik.ACI OP any suet thtally determined to be due, that CO!NFFK\C"CUR may, upon seven days' writtert notice to OWNMIZ and ENGINEER, and provided OWNER or ENGINEER do mot. remedy such suspension or failure within that time, terminate the Agreement and recover from Ol'vNXR peymern an the same terms as provided in lZumgraph 15 4 Tn lieu of terminating the Agreement and without prejudice to any outer tight or remedy, if ENGINEER his filled to tut on an Application for payment within thirty days after it is sulatutted, or 01ylr'lm"R has Hailed for thuty days to pay CONTRACTOR any sum finally determined to be due. CONTRACTOR may upon seven days' written notice to OWNER and EN(3rINEF,R stopp the Work urdil payment of all such amounts due Coh 1`VeTOR, including interest thereon The provisions of this pam$mph 15 5 are not intended to preclude CONTRACTOR from making,, claim under Attides I I acid 12 for an increase in Comhud-t prise or Contract Tunes or otherwise for cTenses or damage directly attributable to CONTRACTOR's stopping Work its permitted by this paragraph ARTICLE 16—I)IS 1TM. RESOLUTION If and to the extera that OWND� and (70?,JRAC1OR have agreed on the method and procedure for resolving disputes between ti end that may :arise under this Agreement, such dispute resolution method and froctdum, if any, shalt ba as set forth in E.xhthittIC-h "Dispute Resolution Y%greement", to be attached hereto and made a part hereof. If no ouch agreement on the method and procedure for resolving such disputes has been reached, and subject to the provisions of famgrtphs9,It), 9,11 and 9.12, OWNER and CONTRACTOR may exercise such rights or remedies as either may otherwise have under the Contract Documents of by Laws or Regulationos in respect of any dispute. ART'ICI.I: I7-1lISC'Et L:INF:t)I'S G7aing Nedice: 17.1.. Whenever any provision of the Contract Documents requires the going of written notice, it will be deemed to have been validly given if delivered in person to the individual or to a member of (he firm, or to an offuer of the corporition for whon it is intended of if deliveied at or surd by registered or certified maib, postage prepaid to the last business address known to the liver of the not i,x. 17.2, Comparmion OjTin c: 17.2.1. When am period of time is retened €o in the Contract Documents by days it will be computed to exclude the first and include the last day of such period. If doe last day of any suds period falls on a Saturday or Sump or on a dot msde n le eal holiday by the law of the applicable jurisdiction, such dap will he unfitted from the exam putation. tJCpr Gb[va':;rt.U„ COMA OVi rt?ti - s I I'P1) b�.6tiat; at(IrY OF B4H T tI ill INS Mt A 41:1 CA f li N", fRFv r 29HY"t) 17 2 2 A calendar day a, twenty -tour hours measured from midnight to the next midnight will constitute a day Nmfee of Claim: 17.3. Should OWNb.R or CONTRACTOR awtffer unjuty. or dFamage to person or properly because of arty error, omission or act of the other party or of any of the other party-, emplovees or agents or others for whose seta the other puny is legally Gable, claim will be made in writing to the other party within a reasonable time of the first observance of such injury or damage. The provisions of this paragraph 17 3 shall not be corxmied as a substitute for or a waiver of the provisions of any applicable statute of limitations or repow.CatnukidiveRexafies: 17A. The duties and obligations imposed by these General Conditions and the rights and remedies available txsxwndes to the parties hacto, and, in particular but without limitation, the warranties, guarantees and obligations imixsed upon CONTRACTOR by paragraphs 6.1?, 6.16, 6.30, 6 31, 6-32, 13.1, 13 12, 13.14, 14 3 and 15,1 and all of the rights and remedies available to O4 NER and ENGI1x`E%R theruundec, are in addition to, and are not to be construed in any way as a limitation of', any rights and remedies available to any or all of them which are odienvise imposed or available by Lanus or Ttegularions by slx-eial watmnty or guarantee or by other provisions of the Contmx Documents, and the prdmisiom of this I;ara,graph will be as effective as if repeated speaificalth. in the Como 5ct. Documents in connection with each pan iauiar duty_ obligation.. right and remedy to which thev apply. f'mfewonal Fees and Courr Cosh IneluAed 17.5. 1\henever reterem;e is made to "claims, costs, kosw,� and danna&cs", it shall inehidf in rich cioe, but not be lanited to. all tees and charges of aigiruers, architects, auornoy-, and other professionals and all court or arlatjvdivoa or Awn dispute reolutioo costs- 176 fie hneS of the State ot��'v_lsx#ado apply°_SS this Agreement Reference to hvo pertitnent,Colorado statutgs are ws follows, Elo�l i'cltazto,Reyjxd Statut<s„�( IDS h-17-lttl:i r4yu»e_tJhat_ Cotoraolo latex be �Inployed to. gcrfomt the Wothto the extent of nob Ian than Rai percent ar of cash tylx w clas of tobur in the several cl i sdid�tidon% of skilled.and commc?n..Iabdt atnr1twed qn the pr�ggyw _Colorado labor mesas atnv per qn wJx! is a hxmx tide resident cut the State of Colorado at the time of emplcoymcm, tvithout,d iaeainmirwtion as to race, coo r reed,a e relILMtm_eir-W f 7 It a vl iuti is,, _lilt d O1V &K is t xfuar t._Uy I,ivv(t'i;S;B:��( p07}Cao,tvithhdildtromallPaymeritso n l h \CTUK, _su i entis_[o_ iiume _ tine fr.{ywncni of all chins for labor, materials_ team, hire, su tcname,_lx01 tyfon:3__pxdNeffdder__ctr cthu.,_suliplics used or cntsumedi [A, CONTRACTOR or his 34 6li,Y7G 4Lh'GCt_�l[. c„'c� [H llt _�t`; �+1 r8�tvsP i'<ducisj n�CI PI Of FORT i 7n. MODIIl AMINS(RI X+ZOOM cr'hLs page Irfl blank intmumally-j kh7X; cY-'tilk �i <�..'�\ut'.7 �.ti 7910-S il�!r4 E�4tcrts �' ix InorteQr101,1P- Mrnwr7c_NIur�stKr�aauno� SECTION 00100 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1.0 DEFINED TERMS Terms used in these Instructions to Bidders which are defined in the Standard General Conditions of the Construction Contract (No. 1910-8, 1990 ed.) have the meanings assigned to them in the General Conditions. The term "Bidder" means one who submits a Bid to OWNER, as distinct from a sub -bidder, who submits a Bid to Bidder. The terms "Successful Bidder" means the lowest, qualified, responsible and responsive Bidder to whom OWNER (on basis of OWNER's evaluation as hereinafter provided) makes an award. The term "Bidding Documents" includes the Advertisement or Invitation to Bid, Instructions to Bidders, the Bid Form, and the proposed Contract Documents (including all Addenda issued prior to receipt of Bids). 2.0 COPIES OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS 2.1. Complete sets of Bidding Documents may be obtained as stated in the Invitation to Bid. No partial sets will be issued. The Bidding Documents may be examined at the locations identified in the Invitation to Bid. 2.2. Complete sets of Bidding Documents shall be used in preparing Bids; neither OWNER nor Engineer assumes any responsibility for errors or misinterpretations resulting from the use of incomplete sets of Bidding Documents. 2.3. The submitted Bid .proposal shall include Sections 00300, 00410, 00420, and 00430 fully executed. 2.4. OWNER and Engineer, in making copies of Bidding Documents available on the above terms, do so only for the purpose of obtaining Bids on the Work and do not confer a license or grant for any other use. 3.0 QUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS 3.1 To demonstrate qualifications to perform the Work, each Bidder must submit at the time of the Bid opening, a written statement of qualifications including financial data, a summary of previous experience, previous commitments and evidence of authority to conduct business in the jurisdiction where the Project is located. Each Bid must contain evidence of Bidder's qualification to do business in the state where the Project is located or covenant to obtain such qualification prior to award of the contract. The Statement of Qualifications shall be prepared on the form provided in Section 00420. 12/03 Section 00100 Page 1 K)(Di2i HI:NkRAL ('07NDMO�A 1919-8 411%, E(Wkol IV I I IN 01'P?R EXHIBIT GC -A to General Conditions of the Construction Contract Between OWNER and CONTRACTOR DISPUTE rRISOLUTION AGREEKI"'T° OWNER and comb-RA(:170R her&A, agree. that Article 16 of the Geri ral Conditions of the Construction Cmntmct between owNER find coN rRACTCJR is amended to include the following agreement of the parties. 16.1 All claims, disputes and other matters in question between CIA4NER acid CONTRACTOR arisu-4 out of or relating to the Contract Documents or the breach thereof (except ftx claims which have been waived by the making or acceptance of final payment as provided by paragraph 14-15) will be dec" by arbitration in accordance with the Construction industry Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association then. obtaining. subject to the hanantions or the Article 16. This agreement so to arbitrate and any other agrecment or consent to arbitrate entered into in accordance herewith as provided in this Article 16 will hespecifically enforceable under Ow prevailing law of any court having jurisdiction 16 2 No demand for arbitration of am claim, cdispute or otitis matter that is required to be rafe-rcd to F \ ,lNFFR initially [or u-cistern in accordance with prnr aaa iph t, I I will be made until the eatber of (a) 11a: date on which k\i3I%'1;FR has relulere..d a written dcr-tsirm cv (b) the thirty fnst day afro the parties have presented their evidence to l „iCi 1T�.'fER if a written clociAion lvls not Not rcnttered by I MI NEIER More that dole No demand for arbitration oflow such claim, dtspme or otho matter will Ix ready later there thirty days cliff die data Cali which 1 v HCWFFR has rendered s written decision in respect thereof in accordance with paragraph) 9.11, and the failure to demand arbitration within said thirty days` period will result in TfNiriNXFR's diecitjon being final and binding upxrn oA6'NIJ k and CON-IR.ACTOR. R E.'yti1NEER renders a decision alter arbitration proceedings have been matate(j, such decision may he entered as evidence but wdl not supersede die arbitration proceedings; except where the ciea-iswn is acceptable to the parties. concerned, No detttand 10x arbitra6011 bat any written decision of ENGTNlITJZ iemioea err icriN&klrce with pu'aaph 1r) will be made later than ten days after the party making such demand has debvercxl written notice of intention to appeal as provided in p mialT a?kn 9. I }) 16 1 % tice of the demand Cor arbitratiara will lee tiled in writing with the other part` to the Agreement and with the Arno tc,ui Arbitration Assmaknion, and a copq will Ix- event to 1 ec;INlitR for information The demand for arbih'atjoll t+ill 1?c made wjtliin tilt thirty -day art ten -dap period >1\-ciltod in pxinV2 aph IC as up1?lir:able, and in ail out,cr cases ,yithin it rrascaaabie time J&r the claun, dispute crr other neater in question has arise?, and in no event shall me such &&nand bo made alter the dale when institution of Icgal or err. ilable pioceedinp based on such cla m. dispute or ;ether matter in question would tv Ixirred by the applicable statute. of lJill itaticau. I ,3FhtRU _L}S<13Ft N:iv:S 191U S fl?r9at3cNacvtl w , 9 t! ON r opt t 9'99't 16 4. Except as provided in paragraph 16.5 below, no arbitraUcm arising out of or relating to the Confect T-oi:a Gents` shall include by consolidation. joinder or in ally other manner any other person or entity (including EN rNiEER. ENC3IN sus Consultant and the otlicers, directors, agents, employees or consultants of any of them) who is net a party to this contract unless. 15.4.1, the inclusion of such other person or entity is n v--,-aiy if complete relief is to be afforded arr ig those who are. already parties to the arbitration, and 164.2. such other person or entity is substantially involved ina quesdion of law or fact which is cwunwn to those who are already parties to the arbitration and which will arise in such procecdnngi,and 16A 3. the written consent of the other person or entity sought to be included and of OWNER and CON'fRArv* has been obtained for stnch inclusion, which consent shall make specific reference to this paragraph: but no such eons shall am9titute consent to arbitration of any dispute not specifically described in such consent to to arbitration with J, party not specifically identified in such consent. lti.9- Notwithstand paragraph I64, if a claim. dispute or other matter in question between ONVNEM and ;'C);'<TCUAi'TOR. uwolves the Work of it "xilurntractor, either oWNT N or c oNTRAC"FOR may join such Subcontractor as a party to the arbitration between OWNER and CONTRACTOR hereunder. CON RAtI'Ok shall include, in alb subcontracts. rekinrcd hfituagniph 6.11 a spxit3c provision whereby the Subc<xltraewr c?rusents to kxtmg joined in an arbitration hetwcoi <FW`XER kind Ccl'tTRACTOR uiyolvutg the Work of such 'Sulxantraciot Nothing: in this paragraph In i rmr in the provision of such wbcontaiet omienurg to joinder shall create. any claim, right or cause of action in taver A +utcmraetar and agumli t,rtl'INt:R. LNt,INT1iR of hNOIti,1CLR14's Consultants that does not other wisr evst )o6. The award reidered by One arbamlors will he final, ludgmera may he entered upon it in any court having in itAlictjolt thereof, and it will not be subject to mcdijicano or appeal I it ; O4l'MM and CON't k-AC R W agree that thct' shall fret submit any and all un dtleO ciaiMi. counterlaim+, dtsputrs �mu9 oflicr rnaners era question Ivlweem them arising; out of art relating to the CLntract l)vcumeals or the bread, thereof (%bsputce>"), to mediation lot the American Arbitration Association wider the ( oklstnjQtion hxlusUy 'Mediation Rules of die Aneiiun Arbitration Association prior to either of them imitating against the other a demand for arbitration pumatumt tc. pxiragaphs 16t through to 0. unless delay in mjbating. atbitration would erevcxably prejudice one of the }mrtic.c. The icspccuyc thirty and ten lay- time Hants within which to t'le a demand for arbitration as provided in prrreraphs 16' mnd 16.3 above shall be suspended with respect It, it dliputa subminfd to medoniutn within thong same applicable tune limits surd sh all until ten claw aficr the tennination of the nrediatic?rn. The medintev nt am drsputz sulxmittad to metla:}lion and r dote ..\grc hnc7n still.) a�J,crsc as arhi Fsa[ty of sut.h disp>n tc unless oYhenv°isc aureed. FIC"UC CE?a"E.R,V, CONDITIONS 191 [t.8 {I 994 F' itik* Zvi CITY OF f C?.RT CC)t.l.t'.=5 RIf)blY'1('.3TIONS iiiEl' 9.4-If Cl,-* AI SE SECTION 00800 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS SECTION 00800 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Conditions of the Contract These Supplementary Conditions amend or supplement the General Conditions of the Construction Contract (EJCDC General Conditions 1910-8, 1990 edition with City of Fort Collins modifications) and other provisions of the Contract Documents as indicated below. SC-4.2 Subsurface and Physical Conditions: A. Add the following language to paragraph 4.2.1 of the General Conditions. The following report(s) of exploration and tests of subsurface conditions at the site of the Work: Soils report from original Gardens on Spring Creek project provided to awarded Contractor. Soils report may be viewed at City Operations Services Department: 117 N. Mason Street, Fort Collins. Contractor may rely upon the accuracy of the technical data contained in the geotechnical documents, but not upon nontechnical data, interpretations or opinions contained therein or upon the completeness of any information in the report. SC-5.4.8 Limits of Liability A. Add the following language at the end of paragraph 5.4.8. The limits of liability for the insurance required by the paragraph numbers of the General Conditions listed below are as follows: 5.4.1 and 5.4.2 Coverage A - Statutory Limits Coverage B - $100,000/$100,000/$500,000 7/96 Section 00800 Page 1 5.4.3 and 5.4.5 Commercial General Liability policy will have limits of $1,000,000 combined single limits (CSL). This policy will include coverage for Explosion, Collapse, and Underground coverage unless waived by the Owner. 5.4.6The Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance policy will have limits of $1,000,000 combined single limits (CSL). 5.4.9This policy will include completed operations coverage/product liability coverage with limits of $1,000,000 combined single limits (CSL) . SC-8.10 OWNER's Project Manager A. Add the following language to ARTICLE 8: 8.10. The OWNER will provide a Project Manager. The CONTRACTOR shall direct all questions concerning Contract interpretation, Change Orders, and other requests for clarification or instruction to the Project Manager. 8.10.1 Authority: The Project Manager will be the OWNER's representative during the construction of the project. The Project Manager shall have the authority set forth in the OWNER's Capital Project Procedures Manual, The Project Manager shall have the authority to reject work and materials whenever such rejection may be necessary to ensure the proper performance of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 8.10.2 Duties and Responsibilities: The Project Manager will make periodic visits to the project site to observe the progress and quality of the Work and to determine, in general, if the Work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Project Manager shall not be required to make comprehensive or continuous inspections to check the progress or quality of the Work. The Project Manager shall not be responsible for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures, or for safety precautions or programs in connection with the Work, or for any failure of the Contractor to comply with laws and regulation applicable to the performance or furnishing of the Work. Visits and observations made by the Project Manager shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR of his obligation to conduct comprehensive inspections of the Work, to furnish materials and perform acceptable Work, and to provide adequate safety precautions in conformance with the Contract Documents. The Project Manager shall at all times have access to the Work. The CONTRACTOR shall provide facilities for such access so the Project Manager may perform his or her functions under the Contract Documents. 9/99 8.10.3 One or more Resident Construction Inspectors) (RCI) may be assigned to assist the Project Manager in providing observation of the Work, to determine whether or not the Work is proceeding according to the construction documents. CONTRACTOR will receive written notification from the OWNER of any RCI assignments. The RCI shall not supervise, direct or have control or authority over, nor be responsible for, CONTRACTOR's means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction or the safety precautions and programs incident thereto, or for any failure of CONTRACTOR to comply with Laws and Regulations applicable to the furnishing or performance of the Work. The RCI will not .be responsible for CONTRACTOR's failure to perform or furnish the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. The RCI's dealings in matters pertaining to the on -site work will be to keep the Project Manager properly apprised about such matters. 8.10.4 Communications: All instructions, approvals, and decisions of the Project Manager shall be in writing. The CONTRACTOR may not rely on instructions, approvals, or decisions of the Project Manager until the same are reduced to writing. SC-12.3 Add the following language to the end of paragraph 12.3. Contractor will include in the project schedule thee (3)three days lost due to abnormal weather conditions. Must be documented and approved by City's Project Representative. SC-13.12 Correction Period: 13.12.1If within one year after the date of Substantial Completion or such longer period of time as may be prescribed by Laws or Regulations or by the terms of any applicable special guarantee required by the Contract Documents or by any specific provision of the Contract Documents, an Work is found to be defective, CONTRACTOR shall promptly, without cost to OWNER and in accordance with OWNER's written instructions . . . SECTION 00900 ADDENDA, MODIFICATIONS AND PAYMENT 00950Contract Change Order 00960Application for Payment SECTION 00950 CHANGE ORDER NO PROJECT TITLE: CONTRACTOR: PROJECT NUMBER.: DESCRIPTION: 1. Reason for change: 2. Description of Change: 3. Change in Contract Cost 9. Change in Contract Time: ORIGINAL CONTRACT COST $ .00 TOTAL APPROVED CHANGE ORDER 0.00 TOTAL PENDING CHANGE ORDER 0.00 TOTAL THIS CHANGE ORDER 0.00 TOTAL o OF THIS CHANGE ORDER TOTAL C.O.o OF ORIGNINAL CONTRACT ADJUSTED CONTRACT COST $ 0.00 (Assuming all change orders approved) ACCEPTED BY: DATE: ACCEPTED BY: Contractor's Representative Project Manager DATE: REVIEWED BY: DATE: Title: APPROVED BY: DATE: Title: APPROVED BY: DATE: Purchasing Agent over $30,000 cc: City Clerk Contractor Project File Architect Engineer Purchasing 9/99 Section 00950 Page 1 Section 00960 APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT PROJECT: PO#_ PAY ESTIMATE NO: DATE: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: CONTRACT FOR: PARTIAL The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief the work covered by this application for Payment has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, that all accounts have been paid by him for Work for which previous Certificates for Payment were issued and payments received, in this current payment shown herein is now due. CONTRACTOR: By: FINAL TO In accordance with the Contract Documents, based on site observations and the data comprising the above application, the Architects Certifies to the Owner that the Work has progressed to the point indicated; that the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents, and that the Contractor is entitled to payment of the AMOUNT CERTIFIED. ENGINEER: By: Date: Date: Application is made for Payment, as shown below, in connection with the Contract. Schedule of Values is attached. The present status of the account for this Contract is as follows ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS TO DATE ADJUSTED CONTRACT AMOUNT TOTAL WORK COMPLETED AND MATERIALS USED RETAINAGE (10% OF TOTAL) TOTAL EARNED LESS RETAINAGE LIQUIDATED DAMAGES WITHHELD TOTAL EARNED LESS LIQUIDATED DAMAGES LESS PREVIOUS PAYMENTS CURRENT PAYMENT DUE APPROVED BY (Title) cc: Accounting City Clerk Contractor Engineer Pro}ect File DA 9/997/96 Section 00960 Page 1 3.2. In accordance with Section 8-160 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins in determining whether a bidder is responsible, the following shall be considered: (1) The ability, capacity and skill of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the services required, (2) whether the bidder can perform the contract or provide the service promptly and within the time specified without delay or interference, (3) the character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience and efficiency of the bidder, (4) the quality of the bidder's performance of previous contracts or services, (5) the previous and existing compliance by the bidder with laws and ordinances relating to the contract or service, (6) the sufficiency of the financial resources and ability of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the service, (7) the quality, availability and adaptability of the materials and services to the particular use required, (8) the ability of the bidder to provide future maintenance and service for the use of the subject of the contract, and (9) any other circumstances which will affect the bidder's performance of the contract. 3.3. Each Bidder may be required to show that he has handled former Work so that no just claims are pending against such Work. No Bid will be accepted from a Bidder who is engaged on any other Work which would impair his ability to perform or finance this Work. 3.4 No Bidder shall be in default on the performance of any other contract with the City or in the payment of any taxes, licenses or other monies due to the City. 4.0 EXAMINATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SITE 4.1. It is the responsibility of each Bidder, before submitting a Bid, to (a) examine the Contract Documents thoroughly, (b) visit the site to familiarize himself with local conditions that may in any manner affect cost, progress or performance of the Work, (c) familiarize himself with federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations that may in any manner affect cost, progress or performance of the Work, (d) study and carefully correlate Bidder's observations with the Contract Documents, and (e) notify Engineer of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies in the Contract Documents. 4.2. Reference is made to the Supplementary Conditions fog identification of: Subsurface and Physical Conditions SC-4.2. 4.3. The submission of a Bid will constitute an incontrovertible representation by Bidder that Bidder has complied with every requirement of this Article 4, that without exception the Bid is premised upon performing and furnishing the Work required by the Contract Documents and such means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction as may be indicated in or required by the Contract Documents, and that 12/03 Section 00100 Page 2 WORK CHANGE DIRECTIVE INSTRUCTIONS A. GENERAL INFORMATION This document was developed for use in situations involving changes in the Work which, if not processed expeditiously, might delay the Project. 'these changes are often initiated in the field and may affect the Contract Price m the Contract Times. This is not a Change Order, but only a directive to proceed with Work that may be included in a subsequent Change Order. For supplemental instructions and minor changes not involving change in the Contract Price or the Contract Times a Field Order should be used. B. COMPLETING THE WORK CHANGE DIREC'rivE FORM Engineer initiates the form, including a description of cite items involved and attachments. Based on conversations between Engineer and Contractor, Engineer completes the following: METHOD OF DE'rERMININO CIIANGE, IF ANY, IN CON TRACT PRICE: Mark the method to In used in determining cite final cost of Work involved and the estimated not effect on the Contract Price. If the change involves an increase in the Contract Price and the estimated amount is approached before the additional or changed Work is completed, another Work Change Directive must be issued to change the estimated price or Contractor may stop the changed Work when the --,, estimated time is reached, If the Work Change Directive is not likely to change the Contract Price, the space for estimated increase (decrease) should be marked "Not Applicable". Once Engineer has completed and signed the form, all copies should he sent to Owner for authorization because Engineer alone dues not have authority to authorize changes in Price or Times. Once authorized by Owner, a copy should be sent by Engineer to Contractor. Price and Times may only be changed by Change Order signed by Owner and Contractor with Engineer's recommendation. Paragraph 10.03.A.2 of the General Conditions requires that a Change Order be initiated and processed to cover any undisputed stun or amount of time for Work actually performed pursuant to this Work Change Directive. Once the Work covered by this directive is completed or final cost trod times are determined, Contractor should submit documentation for inclusion in a Change Order. THIS IS A DIRECTIVE TO PROCEED WFI'FI A CHANGE. THA r MAY AFFECT TIIE CONTRACT PRICE OR CONTRACT 'ITMES. A CHANGE ORDER, IF ANY, SHOULD BE CONSIDERED PROMPTLY. ;IT 7/96 Section 00960 Page 2 Aelveneemene of Concemenf Technology REQUEST FOR INTERPRETATION Project! R.F.I. Number' To: From: Date. A/E Project Number: Re: Contract For: Specification Section: Paragraph: Drawing Reference: Detail: Request: Signed by Date: Response: ❑ Attachments Response From: To: Date Rec'd: Date Re& Signed by: Date: Copies: ❑ Owner ❑ Consultants ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ File Copyright 1994, Construction Specifications Institute, Page of July 1994 99 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 300 Alexandna, VA 22314 CS] Form 13.2A 7/96 Section 00960 Page 3 Ava ndCo�on Technology CLARIFICATION NOTICE Project: Clarification Notice Number: Fran'. To: Date: A/E Project Number: Re: ContractFor: This Clarification Notice is issued for the purpose of clarifying the Contract Documents based on an interpretation reasonably inferable from the Contract Documents, and therefore has no effect on the Contract Sum or Contract Time. Proceeding with Work in accordance with this Clarification Notice indicates acceptance with no change in the Contract Sum or Contract Time. Specification Section: Paragraph: Drawing Reference: Detail: Description: ❑ Attachments Signed by: Copies: ❑ Owner ❑ Consultants ❑ ❑ Copyright 1994, Construction Specifications Institute, Page of 99 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 300 Alexandria, VA 22314 Dale. Cl- ❑ ❑ File July 1994 CS1Fonn 13.3A 7/96 Section 00960 Page 4 IVAdvancement or Conseedon Technology FIELD ORDER Project. Field Order Number From: Date'. A,,E Project Number: Re: Contract For: You are hereby directed to execute promptly this Field Order which interprets the Contract Documents or orders minor changes in the Work without change in Contract Sum or Contract Time. If you consider that a change in Contract Sum or Contract 'lime is required, submit a Change Order Request to the A/E immediately and prior to proceeding with this Work. Specification Section. Paragraph: Drawing Reference: Detail: Description of Interpretation or Change: ❑ Attachments Signed by: Date: Copies: ❑ Owner ❑ Consultants ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ File Copyright 1994, Consouclion Specification Institute, Page of July 1994 99 Canal Center Place, Suite 300 Alexandria, VA 22314 CS I Fonn 13 4 A 7/96 Section 00960 Page 5 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden Technical Specifications TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01010 SUMMARY OF WORK 01020 ALLOWANCES 01025 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 01026 APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT 01027 CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURES 01030 ALTERNATES 01040 COORDINATION 01041 SUPERINTENDENT 01045 CUTTING AND PATCHING 01046 ACCESS TO SITE 01060 REGULATORY REQUIREMETNS 01070 ABBREVIATIONS 01200 PROJECT MEETINGS 01310 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES 01340 SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES 01370 SCHEDULE OF VALUES 01400 QUALITY CONTROL 01410 TESTING 01510 TEMPORARY UTILITIES 01520 CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT AND AIDS 01530 BARRIERS AND ENCLOSURES 01560 TEMPORARY CONTROLS 01580 PROJECT SIGN 01590 FIELD OFFICES AND SHEDS 01600 MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT 01700 CONTRACT CLOSEOUT 01710 CLEANING 01720 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS 01730 OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE DATA 01740 WARRANTIES AND BONDS DIVISION 2 - SITE CONSTRUCTION 02230 SITE CLEARING 02231 TREE PROTECTION AND TRIMMING 02240 DEWATERING 02300 EARTHWORK 02630 STORM DRAINAGE 02666 POND AND RESERVOIR LINER 02751 CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 02764 PAVEMENT JOINT SEALANTS 02781 POROUS UNIT PAVING 02810 IRRIGATION 4/05 TABLE OF CONTENTS Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 02870 MISCELLANEOUS SITE WORK 02920 LAWNS AND GRASSES 02930 EXTERIOR PLANTS DIVISION 3 — CONCRETE 03300 CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE DIVISION 4 — MASONRY 04400 STONE MASONRY DIVISION 5 — METALS 05521 PIPE AND TUBE RAILINGS DIVISION 6 — WOOD AND PLASTICS 06100 ROUGH CARPENTRY 06150 - WOOD PLASTIC COMPOSITE DECKING AND RAISED PLANTERS DIVISION 7 — THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION 07142 GARDEN ROOF OVER HOT -FLUID APPLIED ROOFING ASSEMBLY DIVISION 10—SPECIALTIES 10300 METAL SHADE STRUCTURE DIVISION 13 — SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION 13475 FOUNTAIN MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL DIVISION 16—ELECTRICAL 16050 BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS 4/05 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden SECTION 01010 SUMMARY OF WORK PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 PROJECT SITE 3/05 A. Location: The Children's Garden's will be located at the Gardens on Spring Creek, 2145 Centre Avenue, Fort Collins, Colorado B. Owner: City of Fort Collins, 300 LaPorte Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80522. City's Project Coordinator: Steve Seefeld, CCCA, Facilities Project Manager has been designated to serve as the Owner's Project Representative. All project communications shall be made through Mr. Seefeld, unless otherwise noted or approved. Mr. Seefeld can be contacted at: 970.221.6227. C. Design Professional: Principal Architect/Engineer (A/E) is EDAW, Incorporated. Contact Mark Kosmos at: 970.484.6073. 1. Architect, Engineer, and A/E shall be synonymous terns in this specification. D. Related requirements or conditions specified elsewhere: 1. Section 01020, Allowances. 2. Section 01022, Unit Prices. 3. Section 01030, Alternates. 4. Section 01046. Access to Site. 1.02 DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK A. Construction of an institutional garden including, but not limited to: overlot and finish/fine grading and landscape infrastructure consisting of: rock walls, planting beds, a "green -roof' shelter, concrete paths, special water features, outside electrical and minor mechanical. Specific features are planned as Contractor design/build and will require complete submittals and detailed shop drawings. B. Unless otherwise provided, Contractor shall provide, at his expense, all materials, labor, equipment, tools, transportation and utilities, including cost of connection necessary for successful completion of the project. C. It is the intent of the Owner not to disturb the normal functions of the facility and immediate surroundings, its residents and their visitors, employees, vendors, suppliers, contractors or related outside businesses during the work of this project. D. The Contractor shall be responsible for seeing that all contractors, subcontractors, suppliers and workmen associated with the project conduct themselves in a professional and businesslike manner while on the site. 1. Alcoholic beverages and smoking will not be permitted on the site, anywhere within the Owner's facilities or on the Owner's property. 2. All workers shall refrain from the use of profane or abusive language and other forms of harassment on the site. 3. Other specific conditions of this Section shall be as arranged at the Pre -Construction Conference. 4. Refer to Section 01046 for specific rights of the Owner's principal representative. 1.03 CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS A. Contractor Qualifications: General Contractor shall have completed at least three (3) projects requiring similar work within the past five (5) years. 1. Contractor shall hold any appropriate Licenses with the City of Fort Collins, Larimer County, and/or the State of Colorado, in order to obtain permits for the project to administratively complete the work. DIVISION 1 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 2. As a job specific requirement, the Contractor must either be: — a. currently licensed as a (at minimum) class C-2 General Contractor with the City of Fort Collins. b. determined to be, by the City Project Representative, as having the capabilities to perform and complete the project successfully. B. Superintendent Qualifications: Refer to Section 01041. 1.04 FORM OF BID AND/OR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT — A. The work of this Project shall be bid and construction contracts awarded on the following basis, unless otherwise modified in the General or Supplementary Conditions of the Contract: 1. Lump sum basis, including approved Alternates. 1.05 WORK BY OTHERS _ A. Owner shall furnish and install all offsite improvements, including street improvements, utility extensions and stornwater systems by separate contract if necessary. END OF SECTION DIVISION I 2 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden SECTION 01020 ALLOWANCES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. This Section identifies each Allowance by number. B. Related requirements specified elsewhere: I. Bidding Documents: Bid Form. 2. Owner -Contractor Agreement: Incorporation of Allowances into the Work. 3. Sections of the Specifications as referenced. 4. General and Supplementary Conditions. 1.02 ALLOWANCE PROCEDURES 3/05 A. Allowances shall be included in the base Bid and shall include the costs of materials, delivery of materials to the site, and installation. B. If the actual cost of material selected by the Owner is less than the Allowance, the Contractor shall credit the Owner the difference; if the actual cost of the material selected is greater than the Allowance, the Contractor shall be entitled to an adjustment to the base price. C. Any extra material shall become the property of the Owner or restocked and credited to the Owner, at the Owner's option. 1.03 DESCRIPTION OF ALLOWANCES A. Allowance No. 1: NA END OF SECTION DIVISION 1 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 DIVISION 1 4 -- the Contract Documents are sufficient in scope and detail to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performance and furnishing of the Work. 5.0 INTERPRETATIONS AND ADDENDA. 5.1. All questions about the meaning or intent of the Bidding Documents are to be submitted in writing to the Engineer and the OWNER. Interpretation or clarifications considered necessary in response to such questions will be issued only by Addenda. Questions received less than seven days prior to the date for opening of the Bids may not be answered. Only questions answered by formal written Addenda will be binding. Oral and other interpretations or clarifications will be without legal effect. 5.2. All questions concerning the scope of this project should be directed to the Engineer. Questions regarding submittal of bids should be directed to the City of Fort Collins' Purchasing Division. 5.3. Addenda may also be issued to modify the Bidding Documents as deemed advisable by OWNER or Engineer. 5.4. Addenda will be mailed or delivered to all parties recorded by the OWNER as having received the Bidding documents. 6.0 BID SECURITY 6.1. Each Bid must be accompanied by Bid Security made payable to OWNER in the amount stated in the. Invitation to Bid. The required security must be in the form of a certified or bank cashier's check payable to OWNER or a Bid Bond on the form enclosed herewith. The Bid Bond must be executed by a surety meeting the requirements of the General Conditions for surety bonds. 6.2. The Bid Security of the successful Bidder will be retained until such Bidder has executed the Agreement and furnished the required contract security, whereupon Bid Security will be returned. If the successful Bidder fails to execute and deliver the Agreement and furnish the required contract security within 15 days of the Notice of Award, OWNER may annul the Notice of Award and the Bid Security of that Bidder will be forfeited. The Bid Security of other Bidders whom OWNER believes to have reasonable chance receiving the award may be retained by OWNER until the earlier of the seventh day after the effective date of the Agreement or the thirty-first day after the Bid Opening, whereupon Bid Security furnished by such Bidders will be returned. Bid Security with Bids which are not competitive will be returned within seven days after the Bid opening. 7.0 CONTRACT TIME. 12/03 Section 00100 Page 3 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden SECTION 01025 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT PART 1 GENERAL 3/05 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. This Section covers methods of measurements and payment for items of Work covered in the Bid Form/Bid Schedule. 1. Owner will not pay for defective work and will not pay for repair or additional work required to bring the project to a point of acceptance. B. Bid Price. 1. The Total Bid Price covers all Work required by the Contract Documents. All work not specifically set forth as a pay item in the Bid Form shall be considered a subsidiary obligation of the Contractor and all costs in connection therewith shall be included in the prices bid for the various items of Work, unless otherwise noted. 2. Prices shall include all costs in connection with the proper and successful completion of the Work, including furnishing all materials, equipment and tools, performing all labor and supervision to fully complete the Work, associated General Conditions and Division 1 expenses associated with the Work, and the costs of Contractor overhead, profit and bonding applicable to the particular Bid Item. C. Related work specified elsewhere: 1. Bid Form/Bid Schedule. END OF SECTION DIVISION I Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 DIVISION 1 6 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden SECTION 01026 APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED 3/05 A. Submit Applications for Payment to Owner in accordance with the schedule established by the General and Supplementary Conditions of the Contract and Owner -Contractor Agreement. B. Related requirements specified elsewhere: 1. Owner -Contractor Agreement: a. Lump sum and unit prices. b. Progress payments, retainages and final payment. C. Allowable progress payments for Contractor overhead, profit and Division I expenses. 2. Bid Form. 3. General and Supplementary Conditions: a. Retainages. b. Liquidated damages, if applicable. C. Partial release of lien affidavits. 4. Section 01370, Schedule of Values. 5. Section 01700, Contract Closeout. 6. Section 01730, Operating and Maintenance Data. 1.02 FORMAT AND DATA REQUIRED A. Submit itemized Applications typed on standard City of Fort Collins forms, unless otherwise approved. B. Provide itemized data on continuation sheet. Format, schedule, line items and values shall be those of the Schedule of Values accepted by the Owner and the AJE. C. Applications for payment shall include only that material, labor and/or stored material in place as of the date of Application. 1.03 PREPARATION OF APPLICATION FOR EACH PROGRESS PAYMENT A. Application Form 1. Form shall be completed and notarized by a Notary Public, state of Colorado. 2. Fill in required information, including that for Change Orders executed prior to date of submittal of Application. Incomplete Application forms shall be returned to the Contractor and not processed. 3. Fill in summary of dollar values to agree with respective totals indicated on continuation sheets. 4. Certification shall be executed with signature of a responsible officer of contract firm. B. Continuation Sheets: 1. Fill in total list of all schedule component items of work with item number and scheduled dollar value for each item. 2. Fill in dollar value in each column for each scheduled line item when work has been performed or products stored, as of date of Application. 3. List each Change Order executed prior to date of Application at the end of the continuation sheets. a. List by Change Order number and description, as for an original component item of work. DIVISION 1 7 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 C. Retainage: The Owner shall withhold retainage from each progress payment, as stipulated in the General and Supplementary Conditions. Contractor shall reflect the amount retained on each Application for Payment. D. Partial Release of Liens Affidavit: Contractor shall submit a Partial Release of Liens Affidavit with each Application for Payment certifying payment to Subcontractors, material suppliers or other entities having provided labor, materials and equipment related to the Work covered by the previous Application for Payment, as specified in the General and Supplementary Conditions. E. Prior to acceptance of Application for Payment, Contractor shall show that project record drawings are current and up to date per Section 01720, as requested by the Architect or Owner. F. Prior to acceptance of Application for Payment, Contractor shall provide certified payroll reports, as requested by the Owner, in conformance with the requirements of the Davis -Bacon Act, if applicable. ^ G. Prior to acceptance of Final Application for Payment, Contractor shall submit complete operating and maintenance manuals for review and acceptance by the Architect and Owner. Refer to paragraph 1.06 below. 1.04 SUBSTANTIATING DATA FOR PROGRESS PAYMENTS A. When the Owner requires substantiating data, Contractor shall submit suitable information with a cover letter identifying: 1. Project name, Application number and date. 2. Detailed list of enclosures. 3. Stored materials may be submitted for payment, provided they are stored on site, in the _ Subcontractor's insured facility, or in a bonded warehouse facility as of the date of Application. a. Submit item number and identification as shown on Application, description of specific material. b. Submit certificate of insurance indicating coverage of stored materials, if requested by the Owner. B. Submit one (1) copy of data for each copy of Application. 1.05 PREPARATION OF APPLICATION FOR FINAL PAYMENT A. Fill in Application form as specified for progress payments. B. Use continuation sheet for presenting the final statement of accounting as specified in Section 01700, Contract Close -Out. 1.06 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURE A. Submit Applications for Payment to Architect within the time limitations and deadlines stipulated in the Agreement. B. Number: Four (4) copies of each Application, or as established at the Pre -Construction Conference. C. When Architect finds Application properly completed and correct, he will transmit Certificate for Payment to Owner within seven (7) calendar days. D. Final Certificate for Payment shall be processed only after operating and maintenance manuals have been received, reviewed and accepted by the Architect and Owner. END OF SECTION DIVISION 1 8 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden SECTION 01027 CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED 3/05 A. Contractor shall prepare and promptly implement Change Order procedures: 1. Provide full written data required to evaluate proposed changes in the Contract Sum or extensions of the Contract Time. 2. Maintain detailed records of work done on a time-and-material/force-account basis. 3. Maintain detailed records of weather -related delays to substantiate claims for additional time. B. Designate in writing the member of Contractor's organization who is authorized to accept changes in the work. C. Related requirements specified elsewhere: 1. Owner -Contractor Agreement and Conditions of the Contract: a. Methods of determining cost or credit to Owner resulting from changes in the work made on a time -and -material basis. b. Contractor's claims for additional costs. C. Allowable limits for Contractor's overhead and profit. d. Established unit prices. 2. Section 01026, Applications for Payment. 3. Section 01046, Access to Site: Designation of Owner's Principal Representative, authorized to execute change orders. 4. Section 01310, Construction Schedules. 5. Section 01370, Schedule of Values. 6. Section 01600, Material and Equipment: Substitutions. 7. Section 01720, Project Record Documents. 1.02 DEFINITIONS A. Change Order: See General Conditions. B. Architect's Supplemental Instructions, AIA Document G710: A written order, instructions or interpretations signed by Architect making minor changes in the work not involving a change in Contract Sum or Contract Time. C. Proposal Request, AIA Document G709: A written request by the Owner or Architect describing proposed changes in the work and requesting change order pricing from the Contractor, but not authorizing the work to be completed until approved in writing by the Owner. D. Construction Change Authorization, standard City of Fort Collins form: A written order to the Contractor signed by Owner and Architect which amends the Contract Documents as described and authorizes Contractor to proceed with a change which affects the Contract Sum or the Contract Time, for inclusion in a subsequent Change Order. 1.03 PRELIMINARY PROCEDURES A. Owner or Architect may initiate changes by submitting a Proposal Request to Contractor. Request will include: 1. Detailed description of the change, products and location of the change in the project. 2. Supplementary or revised Drawings and Specifications. 3. The projected time span for making the change and a specific statement as to whether overtime work is or is not authorized. 4. A specific period of time during which the requested price will be considered valid. DIVISION 1 9 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 5. Such request is for information only and is not an instruction to execute the changes or to — stop work in progress. B. Contractor may initiate changes by submitting a written notice to A/E containing: 1. Description of the proposed changes. 2. Statement of the reason for making the changes. 3. Statement of the affect on the Contract Sum and the Contract Time. 4. Statement of the affect on the work of separate contractors. 5. Documentation supporting any change in Contract Sum or Contract Time as appropriate. — C. Changes in the work affecting construction cost and/or contract time shall not be started without a fully executed Change Order or other written authorization from the Owner and Architect, in accordance with the General and Supplementary Conditions. 1.04 CONSTRUCTION CHANGE AUTHORIZATION A. In lieu of a Proposal Request, Architect may issue a Construction Change Authorization for Contractor to proceed with a change for subsequent inclusion in a Change Order. B. Authorization will describe changes in the work, both additions and deletions, with attachments of revised Contract Documents to define details of the change and will designate the method of determining any change in the Contract Sum and any change in Contract Time. C. Owner and Architect will sign and date the Construction Change Authorization as authorization for the Contractor to proceed with the changes. D. Contractor will sign and date the Construction Change Authorization to indicate agreement with the terms therein. 1.05 DOCUMENTATION OF PROPOSALS AND CLAIMS A. Support each quotation for a lump sum proposal and for each unit price which has not previously been established with sufficient substantiating data to allow Architect and Owner to evaluate the quotation. 1. Labor and equipment required. 2. Materials required: — a. Recommended source of purchase and unit cost. b. Quantities required. 3. Taxes, insurance and bonds. 4. Credit for work deleted from Contract similarly documented. 5. Overhead and -.profit. Refer to Supplemental Conditions of the Contract for established limits, if applicable. 6. Justification for any change in Contract Time. B. Support each claim for additional costs and for work done on a time-and-material/force-account basis, with documentation as required for a lump sum proposal plus additional information: 1. Name of the Owner's authorized agent who ordered the work and date of the order. 2. Dates and times work was performed and by whom. — 3. Time record, summary of hours worked and hourly rates paid. 4. Receipts and invoices for: a. Equipment used, listing dates and times of use. _ b. Products used, listing quantities. C. Subcontracts. C. Document requests for substitutions for products as specified in Section 01600. D. Support each claim for additional time due to weather -related delays with the following daily information: 1. Statement of the reason for requesting an extension to the Contract Time due to the weather, including the materials or trades affected and the adverse effects of the weather upon these items. 2. Weather conditions at the site of the project for each day requested. 3. Temperature in Fahrenheit at the site for each day requested. 4. Any additional information requested by the Owner. DIVISION 1 10 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 1.06 PREPARATION OF CHANGE ORDERS 3/05 A. Contractor shall prepare each Change Order, unless Owner or Architect is authorized and designated to prepare Change Orders at the Pre -Construction Conference. B. Form: Change Order is an Owner provided form. C. Change Order will describe changes in the work, both additions and deletions, with attachments of revised Contract Documents to define details of the change. D. Change Order will provide an accounting of the adjustment in the Contract Sum and the Contract Time. 1.07 LUMP SUM/FIXED PRICE CHANGE ORDER A. Content of Change Orders will be based on either: 1. Architect's Proposal Request and Contractor's response as mutually agreed between Owner and Contractor; or 2. Contractor's proposal for a change as recommended by Architect. B. Owner and Architect will sign and date the Change Order as authorization for the Contractor to proceed with the changes. C. Contractor will sign and date the Change Order to indicate agreement with the terms therein. 1.08 UNIT PRICE CHANGE ORDER A. Content of Change Orders will be based on either: 1. Architect's definition of the scope of the required changes. 2. Contractor's proposal for a change as recommended by Architect. 3. Survey of completed work. B. The amounts of the unit prices to be either: I. Those stated in the Agreement. 2. Those mutually agreed upon between Owner and Contractor. C. When quantities of each of the items affected by the Change Order can be determined prior to start of the work: 1. Owner and Architect will sign and date the Change Order as authorization for Contractor to proceed with the changes. 2. Contractor will sign and date the Change Order to indicate agreement with the terms therein. D. When quantities of the items cannot be determined prior to start of the work: 1. Architect or Owner will issue a Construction Change Authorization directing Contractor to proceed with the change on the basis of unit prices and will cite the applicable unit prices. 2. At completion of the change, Architect will determine the cost of such work based on the unit prices and quantities used. a. Contractor shall submit documentation to establish the number of units of each item and any claims for a change in Contract Time. 3. Architect will sign and date the Change Order to establish the change in Contract Sum and in Contract Time. 4. Owner and Contractor will sign and date the Change Order to indicate their agreement with the terms therein. 1.09 TIME AND MATERIALIFORCE ACCOUNT CHANGE ORDER/CONSTRUCTION CHANGE AUTHOR- IZATION A. Architect and Owner will issue a Construction Change Authorization directing Contractor to proceed with the changes. B. At completion of the change, Contractor shall submit itemized accounting and supporting data as provided in paragraph 1.05, Documentation of Proposals and Claims. DIVISION 1 I Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 C. Architect will determine the allowable cost of such work as provided in General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions. D. Architect and Owner will sign and date the Change Order to establish the change in Contract Sum and in Contract Time. E. Contractor will sign and.date the Change Order to indicate their agreement therein. F. Owner must approve in writing and on a daily basis all time and material Change Orders. 1.10 CONTRACTOR OVERHEAD AND PROFIT A. General: Allowable limits to the Contractor's and Subcontractors' mark-ups on Change Orders shall be as established in the General Conditions or the Supplementary Conditions of the Contract. 1.11 CORRELATION WITH CONTRACTOR'S SUBMITTALS A. Periodically revise Schedule of Values and Application for Payment forms to record each change as a separate item of work and to record the adjusted Contract Sum. B. Periodically revise the Construction Schedule to reflect each change in Contract Time. 1. Revise sub -schedules to show changes for other items of work affected by the changes. C. Upon completion of work under a Change Order, enter pertinent changes in Record Documents. END OF SECTION DIVISION 1 12 .-, Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 SECTION 01030 ALTERNATES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. This section identifies each Alternate by number and describes the basic changes to be incorporated into the work only when that Alternate is made a part of the work by specific provisions in the Owner - Contractor Agreement. B. Coordinate related work and modify surrounding work as required to properly integrate the work under each Alternate for the complete construction required by the Contract Documents. C. Related requirements specified elsewhere: 1. Bidding Documents: Method of quotation of the cost of each Alternate and the basis of the Owner's acceptance of Alternate. 2. Owner -Contractor Agreement: Incorporation of Alternates into the work. 3. Bid Form and Bid Schedule. 4. Sections of the Specifications as listed under the respective Alternates. Referenced Sections of Specifications stipulate pertinent requirements for products and methods to achieve the work stipulated under each Alternate. D. Alternates will be accepted as follows, unless otherwise modified by the General or Supplementary Conditions to the Contract. 1. Alternates will be accepted in any order. 1.02 DESCRIPTION OF ALTERNATES A. Alternate No. 1 Entry Plaza Pool: The footings, cast in place walls, mortared sandstone veneer and spigot details associated with the Entry Plaza Pool are to be part of this bid alternate. This area and related details are noted in the construction documents plans and details with the term "BID ALTERNATE." All area drains and piping noted on the plans as well as the transfer pump associated with the watering can detail is not part of the bid alternate and should be calculated for in the base bid. END OF SECTION DIVISION 1 13 Gardens on Spring Creek - Childreds Garden DIVISION 1 3/05 ~ 14 The. number of days within which, or the date by which the Work is to be substantially complete and also completed and ready for Final Payment (the Contract Times) are set forth in the Agreement. 8.0 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES. Provisions for liquidated damages are set forth in the Agreement. 9.0 SUBSTITUTE ("OR EQUAL") MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT The Contract, if awarded, will be on the basis of material and equipment described on the Drawings or specified in the Specifications without consideration of possible substitute or "or equal" items. Whenever it is indicated on the Drawings or specified in the Specifications that a substitute or "or equal" item of material or equipment may be furnished or used by CONTRACTOR if acceptable to Engineer, application for such acceptance will not be considered by Engineer until after the "effective date of the Agreement". The procedure for submittal of any such application by CONTRACTOR and consideration by Engineer is set forth in the General Conditions which may be supplemented in the General Requirements. 10.0 SUBCONTRACTORS, SUPPLIERS AND OTHERS 10.1. Each Bidder shall submit at the Bid opening to OWNER a list of principal subcontractors he proposes to use in the Work. Refer to Section 00430 contained within these Documents. 10.2. If OWNER or Engineer after due investigation has reasonable objection to any proposed Subcontractor, either may, before the Notice of Award is given, request the apparent successful Bidder to submit an acceptable substitute without an increase in Bid price. If the apparent successful Bidder declines to make any substitution, OWNER may award the contract to the next lowest responsive and responsible Bidder that proposes to use acceptable subcontractors. Subcontractors, suppliers, other persons or organization listed and to whom OWNER or Engineer does not make written objection prior to the giving of the Notice of Award will be deemed acceptable to OWNER and ENGINEER subject to revocation of such acceptance after the effective date of the Agreement as provided in the General Conditions. 10.3. CONTRACTOR shall not be required to employ any subcontractor, supplier or other persons or organizations against whom he has reasonable objection. The use of subcontractors listed by the Bidder and accepted by OWNER prior to the Notice of Award will be required in the performance of the Work. 11.0 BID FORM. 12/03 Section 00100 Page 4 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 SECTION 01040 COORDINATION PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 COORDINATION REQUIREMENTS A. Contractor shall be responsible for the overall coordination of all civil, landscape and urban design, architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical components and systems that are a part of this project. 1. Coordinate components and systems prior to purchasing or fabricating. 2. Coordinate materials, equipment and fixtures supplied by various trades for compatibility with the final installation. B. Coordinate all work included in the Construction Documents, including but not limited to the following construction trades: 1. Demolition. 2. Earthwork, excavation and grading. 3. Onsite utilities, including utilities designed by other jurisdictions. 4. Cast -in -place concrete. 5. Structural steel and metalwork. 6. Carpentry and cabinetwork. 7. Building and roof insulation. 8. Roofing and flashings. 9. Doors, windows and glazing systems. 10. Painting and finishing. 11. Flooring and hard surfaces. 12. Specialties. 13. Equipment. 14. Mechanical and plumbing systems. 15. Electrical systems. C. Coordinate scheduling, submittals and work of the Drawings and various Sections of Specifications to assure efficient and orderly sequence of installation of interdependent construction elements. D. Coordinate and verify that utility requirement characteristics of operating equipment are compatible with the building utilities. Interruption of utility services shall be scheduled with and subject to the approval of the Owner seven (7) business days prior to the interruption. E. Coordinate utility locates and utility designs with the City of Fort Collins and other jurisdictions having authority over the project. Refer to Section 01060. F. Related requirements specified elsewhere: 1. General and Supplementary Conditions: Contractor's Responsibilities. 2. Section 01010, Summary of Work. 3. Section 01050, Field Engineering. 4. Section 01060, Regulatory Requirements. 5. Section 01600, Materials and Equipment: Substitutions. 6. Section 06100, Rough Carpentry: General project coordination. 1.02 RELATED WORK BY OTHERS A. Coordinate as required with the Owner for related work, as shown on the Drawings or specified herein, to be performed by the Owner's own forces or by separate contract from this project. Refer to Section 01010. DIVISION 1 15 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 1.03 COORDINATION OF SCHEDULES A. Coordinate schedule of construction activity with the Owner's continued use of the facility and site. Refer to Section 01046, Access to Site. B. Coordinate schedule of construction activity with the Owner and other Contractors as necessary to facilitate the related work by others described above. 1.04 COORDINATION MEETINGS A. In addition to progress meetings specified in Section 01200, Contractor shall hold coordination meetings and pre -installation conferences with personnel and Subcontractors to assure coordination of work. 1.05 COORDINATION OF SUBMITTALS A. General: Schedule and coordinate all submittals specified in Section 0I340 or other Sections. B. Coordinate work of various Sections having interdependent responsibilities for installing, connecting to and placing in service such equipment. C. Coordinate requests for substitutions to assure compatibility of space, operating elements and the effect on work of other Sections. 1.06 COORDINATION OF SPACE A. Coordinate use of project space and sequence of installation of mechanical and electrical work which is indicated diagrammatically on the Drawings. Follow routing shown for pipes, ducts and conduits as closely as practicable, with due allowance for available physical space; make runs parallel with lines _ of building. Utilize space efficiently to maximize accessibility for other installations, for maintenancc and for repairs. B. In finished areas, except as otherwise shown, conceal pipes, ducts and wiring in the construction. Coordinate locations of fixtures and outlets with finish elements. 1.07 COORDINATION OF CONTRACT CLOSE-OUT A. Coordinate completion and cleanup of work of separate Sections in preparation for Substantial Completion. B. Assemble and coordinate close-out submittals specified in Section 01700. C. After Owner's occupancy of premises, coordinate access to the site by various Sections for correction of defective work and work not in accordance with Contract Documents to minimize the disruption of Owner's activities. END OF SECTION DIVISION 1 16 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden SECTION 01041 SUPERINTENDENT PART1 GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED 3/05 A. Contractor shall employ a competent superintendent and any necessary assistants, who shall be in attendance at the project site during performance of the work. B. Superintendent shall be on the jobsite to the minimum level specified herein, but in all cases whenever a Subcontractor is working on the project. C. Related work specified elsewhere: t. General and Supplementary Conditions of the Contract. 2. Section 01010, Summary of Work. 3. Section 01040, Coordination. 4. Section 01046, Access to Site. 1.02 QUALIFICATIONS A. Contractor shall employ a competent superintendent to supervise and coordinate all construction and jobsite administration tasks for the duration of the project. 1. Superintendent shall be a regular employee of the Contractor's firm, unless the use of a contract employee is approved and authorized by the Owner in writing. 2. Superintendent shall have a general knowledge of the type of construction proposed for this project, and shall have successfully completed at least one (1) project of similar size and complexity in the past five (5) years, serving in a similar capacity. 3. Contractor shall submit a written resume, references for similar completed projects and other supporting documents to verify the qualifications of the person(s) to be employed as superintendent for this project, if requested by the Owner. 1.03 REQUIRED LEVEL OF SUPERVISION A. Superintendent shall be present at the jobsite until Substantial Completion on a full-time basis. t. Superintendent shall be present at the jobsite whenever a Subcontractor is working on the project. 2. Superintendent shall be present during any municipal or utility inspection. 3. Superintendent shall be present at any regularly scheduled meeting and/or Owner, or, A/E requested meeting. B. Superintendent shall be present at the jobsite after Substantial Completion and through project closeout as follows: 1. Superintendent need not be onsite full time during this period, except as noted below. 2. Superintendent (need not) be present at thejobsite when punch -list work is being completed. END OF SECTION DIVISION 1 17 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 _ DIVISION I 18 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden SECTION 01045 CUTTING AND PATCHING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED 3/05 A. Requirements and limitations for cutting and patching of the work. Cutting and patching shall be as required to provide a complete and finished project. B. Related work specified elsewhere: 1. Section 01600, Materials and Equipment: Substitutions. 2. Section 02070, Selective Demolition. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Submit written request in advance of cutting or alteration which affects: 1. Structural integrity of any element of the project. 2. Building, fire, life safety or handicapped accessibility compliance of the project. 3. Integrity of weather -exposed or moisture -resistant elements. 4. Efficiency, maintenance or safety of any operational element. 5. Visual or aesthetic qualities of sight -exposed elements. B. Include in request: 1. Location and description of affected work. 2. Necessity for cutting or alteration. 3. Description of proposed work and products to be used. 4. Alternatives to cutting and patching. 5. Effect on work of Owner or separate Contractor, if any. 6. Date and time work will be executed. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2:01 MATERIALS A. Materials used in cutting and patching shall be those required for, or to match, original construction. B. For any change in materials, submit request for substitution in accordance with Section 01600. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 CUTTING AND PATCHING A. Execute cutting, fitting and patching as required for a complete and finished project. 1. Contractor shall be responsible for cutting and patching as required forthe completion of the work. No cutting shall be done without approval of the Architect or Owner as to location, method and extent of cutting. 2. Fit work tight to adjacent elements. Maintain integrity of wall, roof, ceiling or floor constructions and finishes. Refinish surfaces to match adjacent finishes. 3. Minimize extent of necessary cutting and patching. Thoroughly explore alternatives to cutting and patching. Remove and replace defective and non -conforming work. 4. Provide openings in elements of the work for mechanical and electrical penetrations, work of other trades or Subcontractors. DIVISION 1 19 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 B. Cutting, patching and fitting shall be performed by personnel or subcontractors skilled in the particular trades or Sections of the work involved. C. Perform cutting by methods which will prevent damage to other portions of the work and provide proper surfaces to receive installation of repair and new work. D. Perform fitting and adjusting of products to provide finished installation complying with the specified tolerances and finishes. END OF SECTION DIVISION I 20 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 SECTION 01046 ACCESS TO SITE PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 OWNER'S USE OF PREMISES A. The City of Fort Collins shall fully occupy the existing facility, parking areas and grounds during construction of this project, except for specific areas designated strictly for use by the Contractor as specified in paragraph 1.02. B. It is the intent of the Owner not to disturb the normal functions of the complex, visitors, employees, vendors, suppliers, contractors or related outside businesses during the work of this project. C. The City of Fort Collins (the Owner) shall not occupy or use any portion of the building or site until Substantial Completion of the project. D. Refer to paragraph 1.04 below for special site restrictions. E. The Owner's principal representative on this project shall be Steve Seefeld. Mr. Seefeld shall be the only representative of the Owner with access to the site with or without the Contractor's knowledge, permission or guidance. Subject to review in Pre -construction meeting. G. Related conditions specified elsewhere: 1. Section 01010, Summary of Work. 2. Section 01040, Coordination. 3. Section 01060, Regulatory Requirements. 4. Section 01510, Temporary Utilities. 5. Section 01590, Field Offices and Sheds. 1.02 CONTRACTOR'S USE OF PREMISES A. Contractor shall have access to the site of new construction as required for the successful completion of the project, as arranged at the Pre -Construction Conference. B. Site area affected by construction access, construction activities, employee parking and material storage areas is to be minimized. 1. General limits of the site access are as shown on the site plan in the Drawings. Final limits shall be as determined at the Pre -Construction Conference. 2. Owner's access to non -effected areas of the site shall be maintained at all times. Employee parking areas will be maintained throughout the duration of the project, as determined at the Pre -Construction Conference. 3. Contractor's employees and subcontractors shall not park on the public streets adjacent .o the site without written permission from the Owner's Representative. C. Access to areas of the existing facility affected by construction activities of the project is to be minimized. 1. Schedules for construction activities within the existing facility shall be submitted to the Owner for approval a minimum of seven (7) days prior to beginning work. 2. Access to areas of new construction through the existing facility will not be allowed. 3. Contractor shal I protect all existing exterior and interior materials and finishes as determined at the Pre -Construction Conference. Contractor shall repair or replace any existing materials or finishes damaged as a part of this work at no cost to the Owner, including damage to adjacent properties. 4. Contrractor shall provide daily cleaning of the site and areas of the existing facility during the period of construction activity. D. Contractor shall assume full responsibility for the protection and safekeeping of products under this Contract stored on the site and for completed work. E. Noise Control: Refer to Section 01560, Temporary Controls. F. Dust and Erosion Control: Refer to Section 01560, Temporary Controls. DIVISION 1 21 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 G. Construction Hours: Refer to Section 01560, Temporary Controls. — H. Toilet Facilities: kefer to Section 01510, Temporary Utilities. 1.03 CONSTRUCTION STAGING A. Contractor shall provide a staging and phasing plan for the Owner's review and approval at the Pre - Construction Conference, including: 1. Major materials to be stored on the site. 2. Major equipment to be used in the work, with the proposed placement of this equipment — during different phases of construction. 3. Field offices, trailers and storage sheds, including those proposed by major Subcontractors. 4. Limits of temporary site fencing, including access points. — 5. Proposed location for construction vehicle and employee parking. 6. Proposed phasing or sequencing of construction on the site. B. Rooftop Staging: Contractor's use of the roof area for storage of demolished or new materials shall be limited by the structural capacity of the roof structure. (if applicable) — 1.04 SPECIAL SITE RESTRICTIONS A. Contractor shall acquire any permits or other approvals as required for street or alleyway closures for deliveries and as necessitated by the construction. Refer to Section 01060, Regulatory Requirements. END OF SECTION DIVISION 1 22 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden SECTION 01060 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 APPROVAL AND RECOMMENDATION AGENCIES 3/05 A. The City of Fort Collins has jurisdiction for review and approval of the project, including but not limited to, the following departments: 1. Planning and Zoning. 2. Building Inspection. 3. Fire Prevention. 4. Engineering and Traffic Engineering. 5. Water/Wastewater Utility. 6. Stormwater Utility. 7. Electric Utility. 8. Handicapped Advisory Commission. B. Other entities having jurisdiction of this project, include but are not limited to: 1. State of Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. 2. Larimer County Health Department. 3. State of Colorado, Department of Transportation. 4. Water Utility. 5. Poudre Fire Authority. C. Codes which have been adopted by City of Fort Collins applicable to the project include, but may not be limited to: 1. Uniform Building Code, 1997 Edition. 2. Uniform Code for Building Conservation, Current Edition. 3. Uniform Plumbing Code, 1997 Edition. 4. Uniform Mechanical Code, 1997 Edition. 5. CDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. 6. NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, Current Edition. 7. National Electrical Code, Current Edition. 8. ANSI Al17.1, American National Standards Institute Specifications for Making Buildings and Facilities Accessible to and Usable by Physically Handicapped People, Current Edition. 9. Americans with Disabilities Act, provisions for accessibility by physically handicapped people, 1990. 10. Miscellaneous health and safety codes and standards applied by the State of Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. 11. Any other local, state or federal codes which are applicable. 12. In case of a conflict between referenced applicable codes, the one having the more stringent requirements shall govern. 1.02 SERVICES AND UTILITIES A. Utility services are provided to the area of the project by the following jurisdictions: 1. Water: City of Fort Collins Utilities Department. 2. Sanitary Sewer: City of Fort Collins Utilities Department. 3. Stormwater Drainage: Not Applicable. 4. Natural Gas: Xcel Energy. 5. Telephone: Qwest. 6. Cable Television: AT&T Broadband. 7. Electric: City of Fort Collins Utilities Department. DIVISION 1 23 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 B. Specific on- and off -site utility extensions and service lines are shown on the Drawings, except: 1. Natural gas. 2. Telephone. 3. Cable television. 4. Electrical primary service to location(s) of the transformer(s). The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating the work of these outside utility providers, as well as the coordination of these utilities with those shown on the Drawings. Refer to Section 01040. 1.03 COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS A. In addition to any applicable regulations referenced elsewhere, all Contractors shall strictly adhere to all applicable federal and state laws, orders, and all applicable standards, regulations, interpretations or guidelines issued pursuant thereto, including but not limited to: 1. National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended, and the implementing regulations of HUD and of the Council on Environmental Quality providing for establishment of national _ policy, goals, and procedures for protecting, restoring and enhancing environmental quality. 2. The Clean Air Act of 1970 as amended, requiring that federal assistance will not be given and that license or permit will not be issued to any activity not conforming to the State implementation plan for national primary and secondary ambient air quality standards. 3. Davis -Bacon Fair Labor Standards Act requiring that, on all contracts and subcontracts which exceed $2,000 for federally -assisted construction, alteration or rehabilitation, laborers and mechanics employed by contractors or subcontractors shall be paid wages at rates not less than those prevailing on similar construction in the locality as determined by the Secretary of Labor. 4. Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act of 1962 requiring that mechanics and laborers employed on federally -assisted contracts which exceed $2,000 be paid wages of not less than one and one-half times their basic wage rates for all hours worked in excess of forty in a work week. 5. Copeland "Anti -Kickback" Act of 1934 prohibiting and prescribing penalties for "kickbacks" of wages in federally -financed or assisted construction activities. 6. The Lead -Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act - Title IV prohibiting the use of lead -based paint in residential structures constructed or rehabilitated with federal assistance, and requiring notification to purchasers and tenants of such housing of the hazards of lead -based paint and of the symptoms and treatment of lead -based paint poisoning. 7. Section 109 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 as amended, providing that no person shall be excluded from participation (including employment), denied program benefits or subjected to discrimination on the basis of race, color, national — origin or sex under any program or activity funded in whole or in part under Title I (Community Development) of the Act. S. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion or religious affiliation, or national origin in any program or activity receiving federal — financial assistance. 9. Executive Order 11246 (1965), as amended by Executive Orders 11375, prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, religion, sex or national origin in any phase cf employment during the performance of federal or federally -assisted contracts in excess of $2,000. 10. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, providing that no otherwise qualified individual shall, solely by reason of a handicap, be excluded from participation _ (including employment), denied program benefits or subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal funds. 1.04 HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBILITY A. Construction shall be in substantial compliance with the requirements of the American National Standards Institute Specifications for Making Buildings and Facilities Accessible to and Usable by DIVISION 1 24 11.1. A copy of the Bid Form is bound in the Contract Documents which may be retained by the Bidder. A separate unbound copy is enclosed for submission with the Bid. 11.2. Bid Forms must be complete in ink or typed. All lump sum prices on the form must be stated in words and numerals; in case of conflict, words will take precedence. Unit prices shall govern over extensions of SUMS. 11.3. Bids by corporations must be executed in the corporate name by the president or a vice-president (or other appropriate officer accompanied by evidence of authority to sign) and the corporate seal shall be affixed and attested by the secretary or an assistant secretary. The corporate address and state of incorporation shall be shown below the corporate name. 11.4. Bids by partnerships must be executed in the partnership name and signed by a partner, his title must appear under his signature and the official address of the partnership must be shown below the signature. 11.5. Bids by joint venture shall be signed by each participant in the joint venture or by an authorized agent of each participant. The full name of each person or company interested in the Bid shall be listed on the Bid Form. 11.6. The Bid shall contain an acknowledgement of receipt of all Addenda (the numbers of which must be filled in on the Bid Form). 11.7. No alterations in Bids, or in the printed forms therefore, by erasures, interpolations, or otherwise will be acceptable unless each such alteration is signed or initialed by the Bidder; if initialed, OWNER may require the Bidder to identify any alteration so initialed. 11.8. The address and telephone number for communications regarding the Bid shall be shown. 12.0 BID PRICING. Bids must be priced as set forth in the Bid Schedule or Schedules. 13.0 SUBMISSION OF BIDS. 13.1. Bids shall be submitted at the time and place indicated in the Invitation to Bid and shall be enclosed in an opaque sealed envelope marked with the Project title, Bid No., and name and address of the Bidder and accompanied by the Bid Security, Bid Form, Bid Bond, Statement of Bidders Qualifications, and Schedule of Subcontractors as required in Section 00430. If the Bid is sent through the mail or other delivery system, the sealed envelope shall be enclosed in a separate envelope with 12/03 Section 00100 Page 5 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 Physically Handicapped People, ANSI At 17.1, Current Edition, and the Americans with Disabilities Act, 1990. B. Refer to Section 01010, Summary of Work, for extent of handicapped accessible and handicapped adaptable construction. C. Refer to specific Sections of the Specifications for specific requirements relating to each section. 1.05 SAFETY OF LIFE, HEALTH AND PUBLIC WELFARE A. Contractor shall have sole responsibility for compliance on the job site with all applicable portions of the Williams -Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) and compliance with the Equal Employment Opportunity Act (EEO). 1. Contractor shall fully comply with OSHA requirements for maintaining Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) on the site. B. Protection of life, health and public welfare as it relates to construction of the project is the responsibility of the Contractor. The Owner will not provide observation, inspection, supervision or any comment on plans, procedures or actions employed at the project as they relate to safety of life, health or public welfare. If conditions are imposed by the Owner which interfere with or imply actions detrimental to safety, written notice shall be returned to the Contractor for action prior to affecting any unsafe conditions. C. The Architect shall not have control or charge of, and shall not be responsible for, construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures for safety precautions and programs in connection with the work, for the acts or omissions of the Contractor, subcontractors or any other persons performing any of the work or for the failure of any of them to carry out the work in accordance with the Contract Documents. I. The Architect shall have no responsibility for the discovery, presence, handling, removal or disposal of or exposure of persons to hazardous materials in any form at the project site, including but not limited to asbestos, asbestos products, lead -based paint, polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) or other toxic substances. Refer also to Section 02080, Hazardous Material Removal. 1.06 PERMITS AND FEES A. Refer to General and Supplementary Conditions. B. Contractor shall be responsible for all permits, fees and inspections required by the regulatory agencies referenced above, including but not limited to: 1. Subcontractor fees. 2. Any other local or state permits or fees. 3. Plan review fees. 4. Building Permit fees. C. Owner shall be responsible for the following permits, fees and inspections required by the regulator v agencies referenced above, including but not limited to: 1. Utility impact and plant investment fees, and other development fees. 2. Utility tap and meter fees. D. The Contractor shall be responsible for applying for, and acquiring, all building permits, inspections and any other permits required for the construction of this project, except as modified below. 1. The Drawings and Specifications may be in the City of Fort Collins' review process during the bidding phase of the project. END OF SECTION DIVISION 1 25 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 DIVISION I 26 _. Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden SECTION 01070 ABBREVIATIONS PART1 GENERAL 1.01 DEFINITIONS 3l05 A. Wherever used in these Specifications, the following abbreviations shall have the meanings indicated AAMA American Architectural Manufacturers Association AASHTO American Association of State Highway & Transportation Officials ADA Americans with Disabilities Act AIA American Institute of Architects AISC American Institute of Steel Construction AISI American Iron and Steel Institute AITC American Institute of Timber Construction ANSI American National Standards Institute ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials AWI Architectural Woodwork Institute AWS American Welding Society AWWA American Water Works Association CDOT Colorado Department of Transportation CISPI Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute CRSI Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute CS Commercial Standard EEI Edison Electric Institute FS Federal Specifications IBBM Iron Body, Bronze Mounted IBC International Building Code IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IRC International Residential Building Code ISA Institute Society of America IGCC Insulating Glass Certification Council LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design MBMA Metal Building Manufacturer's Association MCC Motor Control Center MCIP Motor Control Instrument Panel MSL Mean Sea Level MSS Manufacturer's Standardization Society of the Valves and Fittings NBS National Bureau of Standards NEC National Electric Code NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association NFRC National Fenestration Rating Council NFPA National Forest Products Association NPT National Pipe Thread NRS Non -Rising Stem NWMA National Woodwork Manufacturer's Association PIMA Polyisocyanurate Insulation Manufacturer's Association RPM Revolutions per minute SDI Steel Deck Institute SJI Steel Joist Institute SMACNA Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association, Inc. SPRI Single -Ply Roofing Institute DIVISION 1 27 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden TCA Tile Council of America UBC Uniform Building Code UCBC Uniform Code for Building Conservation UFC Uniform Fire Code UL Underwriter's Laboratories UMC Uniform Mechanical Code UPC Uniform Plumbing Code END OF SECTION 3/05 — DIVISION I 28 , Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden SECTION 01200 PROJECT MEETINGS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED 3/05 A. Owner shall schedule and administer Pre -Bid and Pre -Construction Conferences. B. Contractor shall schedule and administer periodic progress meetings and specially called meetings throughout progress of the work. 1. Prepare agenda for meetings and conduct meetings. 2. Record the minutes, including significant proceedings and decisions. 3. Reproduce and distribute copies of minutes within five (5) days after each meeting to all participants in the meeting and parties affected by decisions made at the meeting. 4. Prepare and regularly update an "open items list" to document and track required decisions and pending changes. C. Representatives of contractors, subcontractors and suppliers attending meetings shall be qualified and authorized to act on behalf of the entity each represents. D. Owner's representative will attend meetings to ascertain that work is expedited consistent with Contract Documents and construction schedules. 1.02 PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING A. Owner shall schedule and administer the Pre -Construction Conference within five (5) working days after the date of Notice to Proceed. B. Location: A central site, convenient for all parties, designated by the Owner. C. Attendance: 1. Owner's principal representative. 2. Contractor's project manager and superintendent. 3. Major subcontractors. D. Agenda: 1. Distribution and discussion of: a. List of major subcontractors. b. Project construction schedules. C. Schedule of Values. d. Contractor's staging plan. 2. Critical work sequencing. 3. Major equipment deliveries and priorities. 4. Project coordination. a. Designation of responsible personnel. 5. Procedures and processing of: a. Field decisions. b. Proposal requests. C. Submittals, shop drawings and samples. d. Change Orders. e. Applications for Payment. f. Certified payroll reports for Davis -Bacon wage reporting, if applicable. 6. Adequacy of distribution of Contract Documents. 7. Procedures for maintaining Record Documents. 8. Use of premises: a. Field office, work and storage areas. b. Owner's use of site and grounds. 9. Construction facilities, controls and construction aids. DIVISION 1 29 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 — 10. Temporary utilities. it. Safety and first -aid procedures. 12. Security procedures and temporary site or building fencing and enclosures. 13. Housekeeping procedures. 14. Pending changes and substitutions by Change Order. _ 15. Installation of project sign. 1.03 PROGRESS MEETINGS A. Contractor shall schedule and administer regular weekly meetings as determined at the Pre -Construction Conference and specially called meetings as required by progress of the work. B. Location of the Meetings: As designated by Contractor and coordinated with the Owner's principal representative, normally the Contractor's jobsite trailer. C. Attendance: 1. Contractor's project manager and on -site superintendent. 2. Owner's principal representative. 3. Architect and his professional consultants, as needed. 4. Subcontractors as appropriate to the agenda. 5. Others as appropriate. D. Suggested Agenda: 1. Review of work progress since previous meeting. 2. Field observations, problems and conflicts. 3. Review of off -site fabrication and delivery schedules. 4. Revisions to the construction schedule. 5_ Progress and schedule during succeeding work period. 6. Review submittal schedules and expedite as required. 7. Maintenance of quality standards. 8. Pending changes and substitutions, with review of the proposed changes for: a. Effect on construction schedule and completion date. b. Effect on other contracts of the project. 9. Review of Contractor's application for progress/final payment. 10. Walk-through inspection of the work in progress by the Owner's representative, Architect and his consultants, as necessary, and General Contractor. Subcontractors will only be involved in these walk-throughs as requested by the Owner or Architect. END OF SECTION DIVISION 1 30 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden SECTION 01310 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES PART I GENERAL 3/05 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Architect estimated construction progress schedules for the work with subschedules of related activities which are essential to its progress. B. Submit revised progress schedules periodically. C. Related requirements specified elsewhere: 1. General and Supplementary Conditions, and Conditions of the Contract: Liquidated Damages. 2. Section 01040, Coordination. 3. Section 01200, Project Meetings. 4. Section 01340, Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples. 5. Section 01700, Contract Close -Out. 1.02 FORM OF SCHEDULES A. Type: Schedules will be computer generated, using software specifically designed for this intent, and shall be capable of automatically adjusting critical path entries. B. Prepare schedules in a continuous flow, both daily and weekly formats. 1. Provide separate horizontal bar for each trade, supplier or subcontractor. 2. Horizontal Time Scale: Identify the first workday of each week. 3. Scale and Spacing: As required to allow space for notations and future revisions. 4. Minimum Size: 8-1/2" x I V. C. Format of Listing: Table of Contents of this project manual. D. Format of Scheduling: Chronological order of the start of each item of work. E. Identification of Listings: By major specification section numbers as a minimum. 1. Listings shall be complete enough to include each item of work that is sizable enough to affect either the start of, or completion of, other areas of the work. 1.03 CONTENT OF SCHEDULES A. Construction Progress Schedule: 1. Show the complete sequence of construction by activity. 2. Show the dates for the beginning and completion of each major element of construction, based upon the Schedule of Values. 3. Substantial completion, punch list completion, final completion and contract close-out shall be included. B. Final Completion Schedule: Contractor shall update the latest progress schedule through contract close-out. C. Nothing in these requirements shall be deemed to be a usurpation of the Contractor's authority and responsibility to plan and schedule the work as he sees fit, subject to all other requirements of the Contract Documents. 1.04 SUBMISSIONS A. Submit initial schedule within fifteen (15) days after Award of Contract. 1. Owner and A/E will review schedules and return review copy within ten (10) days after receipt, if modifications are required. 2. If required, resubmit within seven (7) days after return of review copy. DIVISION 1 31 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 B. Submit revised progress schedules with each Application for Payment indicating actual work progress in comparison to scheduled progress. Schedules will be reviewed at normally scheduled meetings, as set forth in Section 01200. C. Submit final schedule with contract close-out documentation. 1.05 DISTRIBUTION OF SCHEDULES A. Distribute copies of the reviewed schedules to: 1. Job site file. 2. Owner's representative. 3. A/E 4. Other concerned parties. B. Instruct recipients to report promptly to the Contractor in writing any problems anticipated by the projections shown in the schedules. END OF SECTION DIVISION 1 32 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden SECTION 01340 SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED 3/05 A. Coordinate and submit shop drawings, product data and samples required by the Contract Documents. B. Provide shop drawings for approval by Owner for all Contractor Design Build Items C. Related requirements specified elsewhere: 1. Conditions of the Contract: Definitions and additional responsibilities of parties. 2. Section 01040, Coordination, 3. Section 01200, Project Meetings. 4. Section 013 10, Construction Schedules. 5. Section 01720, Project Record Documents. 6. Division 15, Mechanical, and Division 16, Electrical. 1.02 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Drawings shall be presented in a clear and thorough manner, with sufficient detail and completeness to clearly illustrate all conditions of the specific installation. 1. Details shall be identified by reference to sheet and detail, schedule or room numbers shown on Contract Drawings. 2. Shop drawings shall be returned un-reviewed if, in the opinion of the Owner or consultants, the drawings lack sufficient completeness or clarity to allow their review. B. Sheet size for all shop drawings shall be 8-1/2" x 11 ", I V x 17" or 24" x 36". C. Quantity and Format: Unless otherwise directed by the Owner, provide the following: 1. Shop Drawings: One (1) reproducible and three (3) prints or copies. D. Cover Sheet: Each copy shall contain the Shop Drawing Identification Form, located at the end of this Section. 1.03 PRODUCT DATA A. Preparation: 1. Clearly mark each copy to identify pertinent products or models. 2. Show performance characteristics and capacities. 3. Show dimensions and clearances required. 4. Show wiring or piping diagrams and controls. B. Manufacturer's standard schematic drawings and diagrams: 1. Modify drawings and diagrams to delete information which is not applicable to the work. 2. Supplement standard information to provide information specifically applicable to the work. C. Quantity and Format: Unless otherwise directed by the Owner, provide the following: 1. Product Data: Minimum five (5) complete sets. 1.04 SAMPLES A. Office samples shall be of sufficient size and quantity to clearly illustrate: 1. Functional characteristics of the product with integral related parts and attachment devices. 2. Full range of color, textures and pattern. B. Contractor shall coordinate and submit all samples requiring finish, texture or color selection by the Owner so that these materials may be reviewed by the Owner as a complete package. The Owner reserves the right to withhold finish and color selections until all such samples have been submitted. DIVISION 1 33 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 — 1.05 CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES A. Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Owner a log of shop drawing, product data and sample submittals, indicating schedules for submission and review of individual products or equipment. B. Contractor shall coordinate and make submittals promptly, in accordance with the approved submittal schedule. The Owner shall not be responsible for delays in the work caused by the Contractor's failure to make submittals in a timely manner, the completeness and/or accuracy of such submittals, or failure to allow adequate time for review of submittals by the Owner or his professional consultants. C. Contractor shall review shop drawings product data and samples prior to submission to Owner. Contractor shall determine and verify: 1. Quantities. 2. Field measurements. 3. Field construction criteria. 4. Catalog numbers and similar data. 5. Conformance with Specifications. 6. Completeness of submittal and compliance with the requirements of this Section. D. Coordinate each submittal with requirements of the work and of the Contract Documents. Contractor shall coordinate submittals between related items of work prior to purchasing or fabricating. E. Review of shop drawings and submittals by the Owner/Engineer is only for general conformance with design intent of the project and general compliance with the information given in the Contract Documents. Contractor shall be responsible for meeting all requirements of the Drawings and/or Specifications, whether noted in the Owner/A/E review or not. F. Notify the Owner/Engineer in writing at time of submission of any deviations in the submittals from requirements of the Contract Documents. The Contractor must submit in writing any requests for modifications to the Drawings and Specifications. Shop drawings submitted to the Owner/A/E for this review do not constitute "in writing" unless it is noted that specific changes are being requested. Changes by means of shop drawings become the sole responsibility of the Contractor. G. Begin no fabrication or work which requires submittals until return of submittals with Owner/A/E approval. 1.06 SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS A. Make submittals promptly, in accordance with approved schedule and in such sequence as to cause no delay in the work or in the work of any other Contractor. B. Number of submittals required: 1. Shop Drawings: As specified in paragraph 1.02.C. 2. Product Data: As specified in paragraph 1.03.C. 3. Samples: Submit one sample or set of samples of each item requested. 4. The Owner reserves the right to withhold review and approval of submittals until all required copies have been furnished. C. Submittals shall contain the following information, to be completed on the attached Shop Drawing — Identification Form: 1. Date of submission and the dates of any previous submissions. 2. Project title and number. 3. Contract identification. — 4. Names of: a. Contractor. b. Supplier. C. Manufacturer. 5. Field dimensions clearly identified as such. 6. Relation to adjacent or critical features of the work or materials. 7. Applicable standards such as ASTM or Federal Specification numbers. — 8. Identification of any deviations from Contract Documents. DIVISION 1 34 the notation "BID ENCLOSED" on the face of it. 13.2. Bids shall be deposited at the designated location prior to the time and date for receipt of Bids indicated in the Invitation to Bid, or any extension thereof made by addendum. Bids received after the time and date for receipt of Bids will be returned unopened. Bidder shall assume full responsibility for timely delivery at the location designated for receipt of Bids. 13.3. Oral, telephonic, telegraphic, or facsimile Bids are invalid and will not receive consideration. 13.4. No Bidder may submit more than one Bid. Multiple Bids under different names will not be accepted from one firm or association. 14.0 MODIFICATION AND WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS. 14.1. Bids may be modified or withdrawn by an appropriate document duly executed (in a manner that a Bid must be executed) and delivered to the place where Bids are to be submitted at any time prior to the opening of Bids. 14.2. Bids may also be modified or withdrawn in person by the Bidder or an authorized representative provided he can prove his identity and authority at any time prior to the opening of Bids.. 14.3. Withdrawn Bids may be resubmitted up to the time designated for the receipt of Bids provided that they are then fully in conformance with these Instructions to Bidders. 15.0 OPENINGS OF BIDS. Bids will be opened and (unless obviously non -responsive) read aloud publicly as indicated in the Invitation to Bid. An abstract of the amounts of the Base Bids and major alternates (if any) will be made available after the opening of Bids. 16.0 BIDS TO REMAIN OPEN SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE. All Bids shall remain open for forty-five (45) days after the day of the Bid Opening, but OWNER may, in his sole discretion, release any Bid and return the Bid Security prior to that date. 17.0 AWARD OF CONTRACT. 17.1. OWNER reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, to waive any and all informalities not involving price, time or changes in the Work, to negotiate contract terms with the Successful Bidder, and the right to 12/03 Section 00100 Page 6 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 9. Contractor's stamp, initialed or signed, certifying to review of submittal, verification of products, field measurements and field construction criteria and coordination of the information within the submittal with requirements of the work and of Contract Documents. 1.07 OWNER RESPONSIBILITIES A. Upon receipt, Owner shall distribute submittals to his professional consultants as applicable. B. Owner and consultants shall review submittals in a timely manner, in accordance with the requirements of General and Supplementary Conditions. C. Owner shall return submittals to the Contractor, with stamp indicating approval, rejection, required revisions, or description of requirements for resubmittal, if applicable. D. Owner shall retain copy or copies of submittals. 1.08 RESUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS A. General: Make any corrections or changes in the submittals required by the Owner/Engineer and resubmit until approved. Resubmittals may be required for the following reasons: 1. Incomplete or unclear submittals, or submittals which have not first been reviewed and approved by the Contractor. 2. Lack of required number of copies of product data or shop drawings. 3. Extent of the revisions necessary in the submittal to meet the design intent and to be properly reviewed. 4. Materials and/or fabrication details that do not meet the design or technical requirements of the specifications. 5. All color and/or finish selections have not been submitted as a complete package. B. Shop Drawing and Product Data: Revise initial drawings or data and resubmit as specified fe: the initial submittal. Identify any revisions made. C. Samples: Submit new samples as required for initial submittal. 1.09 DISTRIBUTION OF REQUIREMENTS A. Contractor shall distribute reproductions of shop drawings and copies of product data which ccrr) the Owner/A/E stamp of review to: 1. Job site file. 2. Record Documents file. 3. Subcontractors. 4. Supplier or fabricator. B. Architect shall distribute returned copies of shop drawings and product data to: 1. Owner's representative. 2. Consultants, as applicable. DIVISION 1 35 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden SHOP DRAWING IDENTIFICATION FORM DATE: PROJECT ARCHITECT: ALLER•LINGLE ARCHITECTS, P.C. 712 WHALERS WAY, SUITE B-100 FORT COLLINS, CO 80525 (970)223-1820 CONTRACTOR: NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: SUBCONTRACTOR: NAME: CONTACT PERSON: ADDRESS: PHONE: PRODUCT(S): SPEC. SECTION(S): *STAMP* END OF SECTION 3/05 DIVISION 1 36 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden SECTION 01370 SCHEDULE OF VALUES 3/05 PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. Submit to the Owner and Architect a Schedule of Values allocated to the various portions of the work. Upon request of the Architect, support the values with data which will substantiate their correctness. B. Schedule of Values shall be used only as the basis for the Contractor's Applications for Payment. C. Related requirements specified elsewhere: 1. Conditions of the Contract. 2. Section 01026, Application for Payment. 1.02 FORM AND CONTENT OF SCHEDULE OF VALUES A. Schedule of Values shall be submitted to the Architect within fifteen (15) days of Award of Contract. B. Format: Contractor's standard forms or computer printouts. Identify schedule with: I. Title of project and location. 2. A/E and project number. 3. Name and address of Contractor. 4. Contract designation. 5. Date of submission. C. Schedule shall list the installed value of the component parts of the work in sufficient detail to serve as a basis for computing values for progress payments during construction. 1. List separately the costs associated with the materials and labor for each component part of the work. D. Basis: At a minimum, the Table of Contents of this Project Manual shall be used as the format for listing component items. Contractor may include additional listings at their option. I. Identify each line item with the number and title of the respective major section of the Specifications. 2. Mechanical and Electrical: Provide separate line items for rough -in and finish work for all plumbing, mechanical and electrical work. E. For each major line item, list sub values of major products or operations under the item. F. Contractor's overhead and profit shall be listed as a separate line item. G. The sum of all values listed in the schedule shall equal the total Contract Sum. END OF SECTION DIVISION 1 37 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 DIVISION I 38 .., Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden SECTION 01400 QUALITY CONTROL PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED 3/05 A. General quality control of the materials, equipment and labor for the project. B. Manufacturer's field services, support, and testing requirements. C. Related requirements specified elsewhere: 1. Section 01600, Materials and Equipment: Quality of materials and equipment to be installed in the work. 2. Division 15, Mechanical, and Division 16, Electrical. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Contractor Qualifications: See Section 01010, 1.03; Summary of Work. B. Manufacturers: Where two or more units of the same class of equipment are required, these shall be the products of a single manufacturer. However, the component parts of the system need not be the products of the same manufacturer, unless otherwise specified. C. Design Criteria: 1. Design equipment for operations at an elevation of4,900 feet above mean sea level, unless otherwise indicated in Division 15 and/or 16. 2. Coordinate details of the equipment with other related parts of the work, including verification that all structures, piping, wiring and equipment components are compatible. 3. Design equipment to operate under all conditions of load without objectionable sound or vibration. Sounds or.vibrations noticeable outside of room in which equipment is installed, or annoying sounds or vibrations noticeable inside room, will be considered objectionable. Correct conditions considered objectionable to Architect/Engineer by means of approved vibration eliminators or by replacing equipment at Owner's option. 4. Nameplates: Provide a permanent operational data nameplate on each item of power - operated equipment indicating the manufacturer, product name, model number, serial number, speed, capacity, power characteristics, labels of tested compliances and similar essential operating data. Locate nameplates in easily read locations. D. Design underground piping systems, joints, couplings, valves, vaults and other appurtenances to function under all conditions of load to be encountered on the site, including but not limited to: I. Soils conditions, including expansion and contraction. 2. Water table conditions. 1.03 QUALITY CONTROL AND WORKMANSHIP A. Maintain quality control over suppliers, manufacturers, products, services, site conditions and workmanship to produce work of specified quality. B. Comply with industry standards, except when more restrictive tolerances or specified requirements indicate more rigid standards or more precise workmanship. C. Perform work by persons qualified to produce workmanship of specified quality. D. Secure products in place with positive anchorage devices designed for the appropriate loads and sized to withstand stresses, vibration and racking. 1.04 MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS A. When required by individual Specifications section, submit manufacturer's printed instructions in the quantity specified for delivery, storage, assembly, installation, startup, adjusting and finishing. DIVISION 1 39 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 B. Comply with manufacturer's instructions in full detail. Include each step in sequence. Should instructions conflict with Contract Documents, request clarification from Owner/A/E before proceeding. C. When required by individual Specification section, submit manufacturer's written maintenance instructions for the Owner's use after occupancy. 1.05 MANUFACTURER'S CERTIFICATES A. When required by individual Specifications section, submit manufacturer's certificate, in duplicate, that products meet or exceed specified requirements. 1.06 MANUFACTURERS' FIELD SERVICES A. When specified in respective Specifications section, require supplier and manufacturer to provide qualified personnel to observe field conditions, installation and workmanship, startup, testing and balancing of equipment as applicable and to make appropriate recommendations. B. Representative shall submit written report to Owner listing observations and recommendations. END OF SECTION DIVISION 1 40 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden SECTION 01410 TESTING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. Materials testing by an independent, approved testing laboratory including, but not limited to: 1. Concrete testing. 2. Compaction testing. 1.04 ACCESS TO SITE AND NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS 3/05 A. Testing laboratory will be allowed access to the site as required in the performance of their work. Contractor shall provide testing laboratory at least 48 hours notice prior to time testing is required prior to the next phase of work. B. Restoration and Preservation Projects: If historical or archaeological resources are encountered during excavation or construction of this project, the Contractor shall stop work and notify the Owner and the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, Colorado Historical Society. Work shall not proceed until authorized in writing by the Owner. 1.05 TESTING REQUIREMENTS A. Concrete: 1. Inspection and testing of concrete mix will be performed by an independent testing agent recommended by the Contractor and approved by the Owner. 2. Submit proposed concrete mix design to inspection and testing firm for review prior to commencement of work. 3. Test cylinders shall be taken and materials tested in accordance with requirements of Section 03300. 4. If tests indicate that materials do not meet specified requirements, remove defective work, replace and retest at no additional cost to Owner. B. Compaction at Foundations, Building Slabs and Utility Trenches: 1. Testing of compacted fill materials shall be performed by an independent testing agent recommended by the Contractor and approved by the Owner. 2. Notify the Architect at completion of each phase of excavation prior to placement of backfill of all foundations and utility trenches. 3. When work of this Section or portions of work are completed, notify the testing laboratory to perform density test. Do not proceed with additional portions of work until results have been verified. 4. If tests indicate that compacted materials do not meet specified requirements, remove defective work, replace and retest at no additional cost to Owner. C. Contractor shall conduct the following tests as specified in Division 2, Sitework and./or required by local jurisdiction with authority over the installation and testing of utility systems. 1. Pipe alignment tests. 2. Sewer infiltration tests. 3. Sewer exfiltration or air tests. 4. Pressure and leakage tests. 1.06 TESTING FEES A. Fees for required materials testing will be paid for by the Owner as provided in the General and Supplementary Conditions. DIVISION 1 41 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 B. Fees for additional testing required due to improper performance of the work will be paid by the Contractor. 1.07 TESTING RESULTS A. Testing laboratory shall furnish copies of the required test results to the following: I. Owner's representative. 2. Structural Engineer for open -hole inspection, concrete and steel testing. 3. Contractor. END OF SECTION DIVISION I 42 .� Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden SECTION 01510 TEMPORARY UTILITIES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED 3/05 A. Furnish, install and maintain temporary utility services required for construction. Remove upon completion of work. B. Furnish, install and maintain temporary sanitary facilities for use by construction personnel. Remove upon completion of work. C. Related requirements specified elsewhere: 1. Section 01060, Regulatory Requirements. 2. Section 01530, Barriers and Enclosures. 3. Section 01560, Temporary Controls. 4. Section 01590, Field Offices and Sheds. 5. Section 01710, Cleaning: Trash removal during construction. 1.02 REQUIREMENTS OF REGULATORY AGENCIES A. Comply with the current editions of all applicable building codes. Refer to Section 01060. B. Comply with applicable federal, state and local codes and regulations. C. Comply with applicable utility company requirements. 1.03 UTILITY FEES A. Utility charges and expenses for temporary construction usage for the following shall be paid by the Owner, unless indicated otherwise: 1. Temporary electricity. 2. Temporary construction water until installation and acceptance of the building's permanent plumbing systems. 3. Temporary heat and ventilation upon start-up of the building's permanent mechanical systems, when put into service during the construction period as specified in paragraph 2.03.C. B. Utility charges and expenses for temporary construction usage for the following shall be paid by the Contractor, unless indicated otherwise: 1. Installation or connection charge for temporary electricity, water, natural gas, propane or telephone service. 2. Temporary sanitary facilities. 3. Temporary local and long-distance telephone, including cellular. 4. Temporary heat and ventilation until start-up or use of the building's permanent mechanical systems, including the cost of fuel used during construction. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. General: Materials for temporary construction uses may be new or used but must be adequate in capacity for the required usage, must not create unsafe conditions and must not violate requirements of applicable codes and standards. DIVISION 1 43 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 2.02 TEMPORARY ELECTRICITY AND LIGHTING 3/05 _ A. Contractor may utilize existing 120/240V power service in the existing facility. B. Install circuit and branch wiring with area distribution boxes located so that power and lighting is available throughout the construction area by the use of construction -type power cords. C. Provide adequate artificial lighting for all areas of work when natural light is not adequate for work and for areas accessible to the public. D. Security Lighting: Provide temporary security lighting for temporary, secure materials storage area, as may be required by the Owner's or Contractor's Builder's Risk insurance. 2.03 TEMPORARY HEAT AND VENTILATION if applicable A. Contractor shall provide and maintain, at his own expense, all temporary heating, including all fuel and required attendance necessary to protect and dry all work during cold weather. B. Provide adequate forced ventilation of enclosed areas for curing of installed materials, to disperse humidity and to prevent hazardous accumulations of dust, fumes, vapors or gases. 1. Portable heaters shall be standard approved units complete with controls. Do not store materials near sources of intense heat or open flame. C. Permanent building heating system may be used upon installation, testing and acceptance by the jurisdiction having authority over this area of the work, as allowed in Division 15, Mechanical. 1. The project shall be substantially enclosed and secured with the building's permanent glazing systems and either construction or permanent hardware. 2.04 TEMPORARY TELEPHONE SERVICE A. Contractor shall install and maintain a job telephone. Contractor shall pay all costs for installation, _ maintenance, removal and service charges for local calls. Toll charges shall be paid by the party who places the call. B. Telephones within the existing facility shall not be used by construction personnel during the construction period. C. The use of cellular phones as job telephone may be permitted with approval by Owner. TBD at pre - construction conference. 2.05 TEMPORARY WATER A. Contractor may utilize existing water service at the Owner's nearby facility with Owner's permission. B. Install branch piping with taps located so that water is available throughout the construction area by the use of 50' hoses. Protect piping and fittings against freezing. 2.06 TEMPORARY SANITARY FACILITIES A. Contractor shall provide sanitary facilities for use by construction personnel in compliance with current laws and regulations. I. Service, clean and maintain facilities and enclosures in accordance with local governing health agencies. B. Toilet facilities within the existing facility shall not be used by construction personnel during the construction period. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION AND OPERATION A. General: Install and maintain temporary utility services in accordance with requirements of applicable federal, state and local codes and regulations, and applicable utility company requirements. DIVISION 1 44 disregard all nonconforming, nonresponsive, unbalanced or conditional Bids. Also, OWNER reserves the right to reject the Bid of any Bidder if OWNER believes that it would not be in the best interest of the Project to make an award to that Bidder, whether because the Bid is not responsive or the Bidder is unqualified or of doubtful financial ability or fails to meet any other pertinent standard or criteria established by OWNER. Discrepancies between the indicated sum of any column of figures and the correct sum thereof will be resolved in favor of the correct sum. 17.2. In evaluating Bids, OWNER will consider the qualifications of the Bidders, whether or not the Bids comply with the prescribed requirements, and such alternates, unit prices and other data, as may be requested in the Bid Form or prior to the Notice of Award. 17.3. OWNER may consider the qualification and experience of Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other persons and organizations proposed for those portions of the Work as to which the identity of Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other persons and organizations is submitted as requested by OWNER. OWNER also may consider the operating costs, maintenance requirements, performance data and guarantees of major items of materials and equipment proposed for incorporation in the Work when such data is required to be submitted prior to the Notice of Award. 17.4. OWNER may conduct such investigations as OWNER deems necessary to assist in the evaluation of any Bid and to establish the responsibility, qualifications and financial ability of the Bidder's proposed Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons and organizations to do the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents to OWNER's satisfaction within the prescribed time. 17.5. If the Contract is to be awarded, it will be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible Bidder whose evaluation by OWNER indicates tc OWNER that the award will be in the best interest of the OWNER. Award shall be made on the evaluated lowest base bid excluding alternates. The basis for award shall be the lowest Bid total for the Schedule or, in the case of more than one schedule, for sum of all schedules. Only one contract will be awarded. 17.6. If the Contract is to be awarded, OWNER will give the Successful Bidder a Notice of Award within forty-five (45) days after the date of the Bid opening. 18.0 CONTRACT SECURITY. The General Conditions and the Supplementary Conditions set forth OWNER's requirements as to performance and other Bonds. When the Successful Bidder delivers the executed Agreement to the OWNER, it shall be accompanied by the required Contract Security. 12/03 Section 00100 Page 7 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 B. Maintain and operate systems to assure continuous service. C. Modify and extend systems as work progress requires. 3.02 REMOVAL A. Completely remove temporary materials and equipment when use is no longer required, or upon completion of the work. B. Clean and repair damage caused by temporary installations or use of temporary facilities. C. Restore permanent facilities used for temporary construction services to original or specified condition. I. Prior to final inspection, remove temporary lamps and install new lamps in all lighting fixtures used during the construction period. 2. Prior to final inspection, clean permanent filters and replace disposable filters in all mechanical equipment used during the construction period. Clean ducts, blowers and coils if units were operated during the construction period without filters. END OF SECTION DIVISION 1 45 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 DIVISION I 46 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden SECTION 01520 CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT AND AIDS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. Furnish and maintain required construction equipment. B. Furnish, install and maintain required construction aids and remove upon completion of work. C. Related work specified elsewhere: I. Section 01046, Access to Site. 2. Section 01510, Temporary Utilities. 3. Section OI530, Barriers and Enclosures. 4. Section 01560, Temporary Controls. 5. Section 01590, Field Offices and Sheds. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS 3/05 A. General: Equipment and construction aids for temporary construction uses may be new, used or rental equipment, suitable for the intended purpose, but must not violate requirements of applicable codes and standards. 2.02 CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT A. Provide construction equipment as necessary to facilitate execution of the work, including but not limited to: 1. Miscellaneous hand tools. 2. Miscellaneous power tools. 3. Goggles, masks, hardhats and other personal safety equipment. 4. Cranes, forklifts and other material handling equipment. 5. Rolling or vibrating plate compactors. 6. Concrete hatching and pumping trucks and equipment. 7. End loaders, scrapers, backhoes and other heavy equipment. 8. Air compressors. 9. Portable electrical generators. 10. Mortar hatching equipment. 11. Drywall texturing equipment. 12. Paint spraying equipment. 13. Other equipment as required. 2.03 CONSTRUCTION AIDS A. Provide construction aids and temporary equipment required by personnel to facilitate execution of the work, including but not limited to: 1. Scaffolding, staging, ladders and platforms. 2. Stairs, ramps, runways and guardrails. 3. Hoists, platform lifts and chutes. 4. Concrete curing and thermal protection blankets. 5. Drop cloths and other protective materials. 6. Other facilities as required. DIVISION 1 47 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Consult with Owner, review site conditions and other factors which affect construction procedures and construction aids, including adjacent properties and public facilities which may be affected by execution of the work. B. Comply with applicable requirements specified in Divisions 2 through 16. C. Relocate construction aids as required by progress of construction, by storage or work requirements and to accommodate legitimate requirements of other subcontractors employed at the site. _ 3.02 REMOVAL A. Completely. remove temporary materials, equipment and services: 1. When construction needs can be met by use of the permanent construction; or 2. At completion of the project. B. Clean and repair damage caused by installation or by use of temporary facilities. 1. Remove foundations and underground installations for construction aids. 2. Grade areas of site affected by temporary installations to required elevations and slopes and clean the area. C. Restore permanent facilities used for temporary purposes to specified condition. END OF SECTION DIVISION 1 48 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden SECTION 01530 BARRIERS AND ENCLOSURES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. Furnish, install, and maintain temporary construction barriers and enclosures. B. Furnish, erect, and maintain temporary site security fencing and gates. C. Furnish, erect and maintain temporary safety barricade fencing. D. Related work specified elsewhere: 1. Section 01030, Alternates. 2. Section 01046, Access to Site. 3. Section 01060, Regulatory Requirements. 4. Section 01510, Temporary Utilities. 5. Section 01520, Construction Equipment and Aids. 6. Section 01560, Temporary Controls: Dust partitions. 7. Section 01590, Field Offices and Sheds. PART 2 PRODUCTS 3/05 2.01 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION BARRIERS AND ENCLOSURES A. General: Provide and maintain for the duration of construction all scaffolds, tarpaulins, canopies, warning signs, steps, platforms, bridges, and other temporary construction necessary for proper completion of the work, in compliance with applicable safety and other regulations. B. Safety Barricade Fencing: Refer to paragraph 2.08 below. 2.02 TEMPORARY SITE FENCING A. Prior to commencing work, Contractor shall, at his option, erect and maintain construction fencing to enclose an area for ground level construction activity, storage and waste removal, as approved by the Owner. 1. Fencing Materials: Panelized, chain -link fencing with crossed X-type post supports, minimum 6-0 high. 2. Refer to the approved staging plan for approximate limits of site area to be fenced fo:- construction activities and storage. B. Provide vehicular and pedestrian access gates, with locks, as appropriate for construction access. 1. Furnish Owner's principal representative with keys to the lock of the primary access gate. C. Do not attach temporary fencing to any existing permanent construction, including buildings, trees, retaining walls, walks or pavements. D. Promptly remove temporary fencing materials upon completion of sitework, rough grading and asphalt paving and restore area to original condition. Contractor shall repair or replace any existing material:; or equipment damaged as a part of this work at no cost to the Owner. 1. Fencing shall remain in place until building is secured. 2. Fencing shall be removed prior to finish grading, installation of underground sprinkler system and landscaping. 2.04 SAFETY BARRICADE FENCING A. Prior to commencing any sitework within any street, alley, public sidewalk or other right-of-wa,. Contractor shall prepare and submit a traffic lane closure plan to the City of Fort Collins for approvai. DIVISION 1 49 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 1. Plan shall clearly indicate how both vehicular and pedestrian traffic shall be safely — accommodated and maintained during construction. B. Prior to commencing such work, Contractor shall erect and maintain protective safety barricade fencing around the areas of work, as required by the approved plan. 1. Approved Materials: Expanded plastic fencing. 2 Color: Orange, or as approved by the governing agency with jurisdiction over this work. Refer to Section 01060. C. Provide adequate room within fenced enclosures for workers and construction activities. _ D. Maintain all required clearances for vehicular and/or pedestrian circulation within public right-of-ways that will be allowed during the construction period. Refer to Section 01046. E. Consult with the City of Fort Collins for any additional barricading or public safety requirements. F. Promptly remove temporary safety fencing upon completion of work and restore site area to original — condition. Contractor shall repair or replace any existing materials or finishes damaged as a part of this work at no cost to the Owner. END OF SECTION DIVISION 1 .A 50 ... Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden SECTION 01560 TEMPORARY CONTROLS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED 3/05 A. Furnish, install and maintain temporary facilities required for dust, erosion and pollution control. B. Implement and maintain temporary controls required for noise and construction work hours limitations. C. Related requirements specified elsewhere: 1. Section 01010, Summary of Work: Special site restrictions. 2. Section 01040, Coordination. 3. Section 01046, Access to Site. 4. Section 01510, Temporary Utilities. 5. Section 01530, Barriers and Enclosures: Cold -weather construction enclosures. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. General: Materials for temporary controls may be new or used, but must be adequate in capacity for the required usage, must not create unsafe conditions and must not violate requirements of applicable codes and standards. 2.02 DUST CONTROL A. Furnish and maintain such facilities or procedures as may be necessary to prevent air -borne dust generated by the construction activities of this project from affecting either the Owner's use of this site or neighboring properties. Implementation of such requirements will be at the sole discretion of the Owner or the City of Fort Collins. B. Furnish materials, erect and maintain temporary dust partitions to seal portions of the building and equipment to remain in use during the construction period from affected areas of the project. 1. Partition Sheeting: Translucent or clear polyethylene sheets, 6-mil thickness minimum. C. Partitions shall be attached to the existing building so as not to damage or mar materials or finishes. D. Promptly remove temporary partitions upon completion of the work and restore materials and finishes to original condition. Contractor shall repair or replace any existing materials or finishes damaged as a part of this work at no cost to the Owner. 2.03 POLLUTION CONTROL A. Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent spilling or littering of water -polluting substances. Do not allow any foreign materials to be dumped into any portion of the sewer or storm drainage collection system or into any water runoff collection basin. The Contractor shall be responsible for all labor, equipment and materials necessary to remedy any such pollution as deemed appropriate by governing agencies with such jurisdiction. B. No burning of debris or any other air -polluting methods or equipment will be allowed. AI I motorized equipment shall be adjusted to minimize exhaust pollution. C. Contractor shall prevent fumes from equipment from being drawn into the existing facility's air intake system. Equipment shutdowns shall be scheduled as specified in Section 01040. DIVISION 1 51 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Construction Work Hours: Construction activity will be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday during the construction period, except as limited in paragraphs 3.01.13. and 3.02. Sunday or holiday construction will ONLY be allowed with written permission from the Owner. B. Specific activities that may limit the -Contractor's working hours, if applicable, shall be determined at the Pre -Construction Conference. 3.02 NOISE CONTROL A. Construction activities that generate noise in excess of 85 db shall be limited to hours as established at the Pre -Construction Conference. 1. Prohibited after 6:00 p.m. every weekday, unless approval is obtained by Owner. 2. Prohibited on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, unless approval is obtained by Owner. END OF SECTION DIVISION 1 52 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden SECTION 01580 PROJECT SIGN PART 1 GENERAL 3/05 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. Contractor may prepare, erect and maintain one painted project sign subject to Owner's review and approval. B. No other signs or advertisement will be allowed. C. Sign shall be no larger than 4'-0" X 4'0". D. Sign must comply with City of Fort Collins Sign Code. PART 2 PRODUCTS not used PART 3 EXECUTION not used END OF SECTION DIVISION 1 53 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 DIVISION I 54 19.0 SIGNING OF AGREEMENT. When OWNER gives a Notice of Award to the Successful Bidder, it will be accompanied by the required number of unsigned counterparts of the Agreement with all other written Contract Documents attached. Within fifteen (15) days thereafter, CONTRACTOR shall sign and deliver the required number of counterparts of the Agreement and attached documents to OWNER with the required Bonds. Within ten (10) days thereafter, OWNER shall deliver one fully signed counterpart to CONTRACTOR. Each counterpart is to be accompanied by a complete set of the Drawings with appropriate identification. 20.0 TAXES. OWNER is exempt from Colorado State Sales and Use Taxes on materials and equipment to be incorporated in the Work. Said taxes shall not be included in the Contract Price. Reference is made to the General and Supplementary Conditions. 21.0 RETAINAGE. Provisions concerning retainage are set forth in the Agreement. 22.0 PURCHASING RESTRICTIONS. Purchasing restrictions: The Bidder's authorized signature of this Bid assures the Bidder's compliance with the City's purchasing restrictions. A copy of the resolutions are available for review in the Purchasing and Risk Management Division or the City Clerk's office. A. Cement Restrictions: City of Fort Collins Resolution 91-121 requires that suppliers and producers of cement or products containing cement to certify that the cement was not made in cement kilns that burn hazardous waste as a fuel. 23.0 COLLUSIVE OR SHAM BIDS. Any Bid deemed by the City in its sole discretion to be a collusive or sham Bid will be rejected and reported to authorities as such. Your authorized signature of this Bid assures that such Bid is genuine and is not a collusive or sham Bid. 24.0 BID RESULTS. For information regarding results for individual Bids send a self- addressed, self -stamped envelope and a Bid tally will be mailed to you. Bid results will be posted in the Purchasing office seven (7) days after the Bid Opening. 12/03 Section 00100 Page 8 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden SECTION 01590 FIELD OFFICES AND SHEDS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. Furnish, install and maintain temporary construction offices and secured storage facilities. B. Related work specified elsewhere: 1. Section 01046, Access to Site. 2. Section 01530, Barriers and Enclosures. PART2PRODUCTS 2.01 TEMPORARY FIELD OFFICES 3/05 A. Contractor may provide and maintain a secured, weathertight office, no larger than 12' x 20', for use by Contractor, Architect, consultants, Owner's representative and subcontractors. Building shall be the property of the Contractor and shall be promptly removed upon completion of the project. Location for the building shall be as arranged at the Pre -Construction Conference. 1. Structures shall be provided and maintained in good condition, as determined by the Owner's representative. 2. Signage and other advertising allowed on the structures shall be as determined at the Pre - Construction Conference. B. Existing Facilities: Owner's existing facilities may not be used for this purpose. C. Facilities may include, but not be limited to: 1. Conference table and chairs for minimum six (6) persons. 2. Bottled, chilled water dispenser and cups. 3. Plan rack or other facilities for storage of project record documents. 4. File cabinet or other facilities for storage of shop drawings, samples, color boards, installation instructions, materials data sheets, etc. 5. Adequate heat, air conditioning, ventilation and artificial lighting. 6. Other facilities as deemed appropriate or necessary by the Contractor. D. Facilities to be paid for by the Owner as Division 1 expenses shall be subject to the approval of the Owner. 2.02 STORAGE SHEDS A. Contractor shall provide and maintain secured, weathertight storage sheds or enclosures for tools, materials and equipment requiring such conditions, with adequate heat and ventilation. Provide space for organized storage, and access and artificial lighting for inspection of stored materials. i. Structures shall be provided and maintained in good condition, as determined by the Owner's representative. 2. Signage and other advertising allowed on the structure shall be as determined at the Pre - Construction Conference. B. Temporary Site Fencing: Refer to Section 01530. C. Security Lighting: Provide temporary security lighting for temporary, secure materials storage area, as maybe required by the Owner's or Contractor's Builder's Risk insurance. Refer to Section 01510, Temporary Utilities. 55 DIVISION 1 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 PART 3 EXECUTION ^ 3.01 REMOVAL OF TEMPORARY FACILITIES A. Completely remove temporary facilities when use is no longer required, or upon completion of the work. B. Clean and repair damage caused by temporary installations or use of temporary facilities. C. Restore permanent facilities used for temporary construction services to original or specified condition. END OF SECTION DIVISION 1 56 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden SECTION 01600 MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT PART I GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED 3/05 A. Material and equipment incorporated into the work: 1. Conform to applicable specifications and standards. 2. Comply with size, make, type and quality specified, or as specifically approved in writing by the Owner/Engineer. 3. Manufactured and Fabricated Products: a. Design, fabricate and assemble in accordance with the best engineering and shop practices. b. Manufacture like parts of duplicate units to standard sizes and gages to be interchangeable. C. Two (2) or more items of the same kind shall be identical by the same manufacturer. d. Products shall be suitable for service conditions. e. Equipment capacities, sizes and dimensions shown or specified shall be adhered to.. unless variations are specifically approved in writing. 4. Do not use material or equipment for any purpose other than that for which it is designed or specified. B. Provide specified maintenance materials, equipment and tools to the Owner at the completion of the project. C. Provide equipment or systems start-up, commissioning and operational testing, as specified in individual Sections. D. Related requirements specified elsewhere: 1. Conditions of the Contract. 2. Section 01010, Summary of the Work. 3. Section 01040, Coordination. 4. Section 01340, Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples. 5. Section 01400, Quality Control. 6. Section 01710, Cleaning. 7. Section 01730, Operating and Maintenance Data. 1.02 MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS A. When Contract Documents require that installation of work shall comply with manufacturer's printed instructions, contractor shall obtain and distribute copies of such instructions to parties involved in the installation, including two (2) copies to the Owner. 1. Maintain one (1) set of complete instructions at the job site during installation and until completion. B. Handle, install, connect, clean, condition and adjust products in strict accordance with such instructions and in conformity with specified requirements. 1. Should job conditions or specified requirements conflict with manufacturer's instructions, consult with Owner for further instructions. Do not proceed with work without clear instructions. C. Perform work in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Do not omit any preparatory step or installation procedure, unless specifically modified or exempted by Contract Documents. DIVISION 1 57 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 _ 1.03 TRANSPORTATION AND HANDLING A. Arrange deliveries of products in accordance with construction schedules, coordinate to avoid conflict with work and conditions at the site. I. Deliver products in undamaged condition in manufacturer's original containers or packaging with identifying labels intact and legible. 2. Immediately upon delivery, inspect shipments to assure that materials and equipment are in compliance with approved submittals, required quantities have been provided and that products are properly protected and undamaged. B. Provide equipment and personnel to handle products by methods to prevent soiling or damage to products or packaging. 1.04 STORAGE AND PROTECTION A. Preparation for Shipment: 1. Prepare in a manner to facilitate unloading and handling. 2. Provide skids, boxes, crates or other effective shipping devices to protect materials, fixtures or equipment against damage from rough handling, moisture, dust, excessive heat or cold. 3. Protect painted surfaces against impact, abrasion, discoloration and other damage. _ 4. Apply grease packing or lubricating oil to all bearing and similar items. 5. Tag or mark each item as identified in the delivery schedule or on the shop drawings. Package or bundle items consisting of multiple similar pieces. Tag or mark the package or bundle. 6. Include complete packing lists or bills of material with each shipment. 7. Do not ship equipment requiring cranes or special equipment for unloading or handling without notice or until Contractor is prepared to receive and care for it properly. 8. Protect electrical equipment, controls and insulation from moisture or water damage. B. Store products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, with seals and labels intact and legible. 1. Store products subject to damage by the elements in weathertight enclosures. 2. Maintain temperature and humidity within the ranges required by manufacturer's instructions. C. Exterior Storage: 1. Store fabricated products above the ground on blocking or skids. Prevent soiling or staining. Cover products which are subject to deterioration with impervious sheet coverings. Provide adequate ventilation to avoid condensation. 2. Store wood and wood products above the ground on blocking or skids, and cover to protect from weather exposure. D. inspections of stored products to assure that products are maintained under specified conditions and free from damage or deterioration. E. Protection after Installation: 1. Protect materials, fixtures and equipment with original protective wrappings until Substantial Completion of the project, as specified in individual Sections, to include but not be limited _ to: a. Factory -finished wood doors. b. Custom cabinetry and casework. C. Toilet and bath fixtures and faucets. d. Finish hardware items. 2. Provide substantial coverings as necessary to protect installed products from damage from traffic and subsequent construction operations. Remove when no longer needed. 1.05 SUBSTITUTIONS AND PRODUCT OPTIONS A. Products List: 1. Within twenty-one (21) days after Award of Contract, submit to Owner a complete list of major products proposed to be used with the name of the manufacturer and the installing Subcontractor. DIVISION 1 58 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 B. Contractor's Options: 1. For products specified only by reference standard, select any product meeting that standard. 2. For products specified by naming several products or manufacturers, select any one of the products or manufacturers named which complies with the specifications. 3. For products specified by naming one or more products or manufacturers and "or equal", Contractor shall submit a request for substitutions of any product or manufacturer not specifically named. 4. Manufacturer's material or equipment listed in Schedules, Specifications or on the Drawings are types to be provided for establishment of size, capacity, grade and quality. If other acceptable manufacturers are used, cost of any change in construction required by their use shall be borne by the Contractor. C. Contractor shall use any approved equal material or equipment at no additional cost to the Owner if the material or equipment used in his Bid is unavailable or causes undue delay in fabrication or delivery. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. General: Use materials of commercial quality suitable for the anticipated service conditions. B. All materials and equipment to be installed in the permanent construction shall be new, unless otherwise permitted. C. Unless required otherwise, use components of standard sizes to assure future availability and permit field installation of repair parts. Make like parts of duplicate units interchangeable. D. Contractor to provide a Certificate of Material for all building materials that apply to this Proiect- 2.02 FABRICATION AND MANUFACTURE A. Workmanship and Materials: Design, fabricate and assemble equipment in accordance with the best engineering and shop practice. B. Lubrication: 1. Include lubrication systems which do not waste lubricants, require attention during startup or shutdown or more frequently than weekly during normal operation. 2. Furnish sufficient lubricants of the type recommended by the equipment manufacturer to fill lubricant reservoirs and replace consumption during startup, testing and operation prior to the Owner's acceptance of the equipment. C. Drive Units: Refer to Division 15, Mechanical, and/or Division 16, Electrical. D. Anchor Bolts: 1. Furnish with each piece of equipment required to be anchored. 2. Minimum Diameter: 3/4", or as indicated on the Drawings. 3. Minimum Length: Provide for required embedment in structural concrete and extend through concrete base, 1-1/2" of grout, base plate and nuts. Concrete base will be 4" thick, unless otherwise indicated. 4. Include two (2) nuts with each bolt. 5. Deliver anchor bolts with templates or setting drawings in time for installation when structural concrete is placed. E. Equipment Bases: 1. Include a cast iron or welded base plate with each pump, compressor and similar equipment installed on concrete base, if applicable. 2. Design to support both the driven unit and its drive assembly on a single base plate. 3. Support all equipment to be set on floor with 4" minimum concrete base. 4. Include grout holes and provisions for anchor bolts. 5. Include raised lip all around and a threaded drain connection with base plates for pumps. Special Tools and Accessories: DIVISION 1 59 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 1. Furnish all special tools, instruments and accessories required for proper maintenance. 2. Furnish such special devices as are required for proper lifting and handling. G. Shop Painting: Refer to Section 09900, Painting. 1. Protect iron and steel surfaces with paint or other protective coating applied in the shop. 2. Use coating good for anticipated useful life of equipment on surfaces inaccessible after assembly. 3. Finish exposed surfaces smooth, clean and filled to obtain uniform base for paint. 4. Apply one (1) or more shop coats of a primer capable of protecting surfaces to receive finish paint coats after installation. 5. Apply finish coats in the shop with a high-grade oil -resistant enamel on electric motors, speed reducers, starters and other self-contained or enclosed components. 6: Do not paint machined, polished or non-ferrous surfaces. Goat such surfaces with rust -preventive compound, Houghton Rust Veto 334, Rust-Oleum R-9 or equal. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install equipment with or under the guidance of qualified personnel having the knowledge and ~ experience necessary for proper results. B. Arrange work to facilitate maintenance, repair or replacement of equipment. Locate services requiring maintenance on valves and similar units in front of services requiring less maintenance. Connect equipment for ease of disconnecting, with minimum of interference with other work. C. Locate operating and control equipment, dampers, valves, traps, clean -outs, motors, controllers, switchgears, drain points, maintenance items and devices for easy access. Install access panels where _ units are concealed by finished and similar work. D. Provide required clearances in front of, and around, equipment as necessary for access and ventilation. Comply with all applicable codes and regulations. 3.02 PLACING EQUIPMENT IN OPERATION A. Before starting up each system: I . Check each piece of equipment for proper drive rotation, belt tension and any other condition which may cause damage to equipment or endanger personnel. 2. Clean, blow-out or flush lubricating oil, water systems and other pipelines. 3. Lubricate equipment in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 4. Test lubrication system safety interlocks and system performance. 5. Perform final alignment checks under observation of the Owner's principal representative and, where required, manufacturer's field representative. 6. Demonstrate that no abnormal stresses are transmitted to equipment from piping, ducts or other attachments. 7. Check anchor bolt tensions, grout and shims. Use calibrated torque wrenches for tightening anchor bolts. Do not overstress bolts. B. Place equipment into successful operation in accordance with the written instructions of the manufacturer or the instruction of the manufacturer's field representative, including required adjustment, tests and operation checks. 3.03 PERFORMANCE TESTS A. Tests may be required, whether or not specifically called for, to determine if equipment will perform as specified or guaranteed. Final acceptance of equipment, or Substantial Completion of that part of the work, is contingent upon acceptable test results. B. Do not conduct tests on equipment for which manufacturer's field service is specified, unless manufacturer's field representative is present and declares the equipment ready for test. DIVISION 1 60 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 C. Conduct tests as set forth in the Specifications, unless another manner is approved. D. Equipment or systems that fail to satisfy the performance requirements shall be modified or replaced at Owner/Engineer's option. If modifications are allowed, make modifications necessary to produce an installation which will satisfy the performance requirements. Retest after modifications or equipment replacement is complete. Modifications, additional equipment, retesting and structural, piping or electrical modifications necessary to accommodate modified equipment or replacement equipment shall be made at no additional cost. END OF SECTION DIVISION 1 61 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 DIVISION I 62 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden SECTION 01700 CONTRACT CLOSE-OUT PART I GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED 3/05 A. Comply with requirements stated in Conditions of the Contract and in Specifications for administrative procedures in closing out the work. B. Related requirements specified elsewhere: 1. Conditions of the Contract: Fiscal provisions, legal submittals and additional administrative requirements. 2. Section 01026, Applications for Payment: Requirements for final payment. 3. Section 01050, Field Engineering: Surveying certificate and final completion survey. 4. Section 01310, Construction Schedules. 5. Section 01600, Material and Equipment: Maintenance materials. 6. Section 01710, Cleaning. 7. Section 01720, Project Record Documents. 8. Section 01730, Operating and Maintenance Data. 9. Section 01740, Warranties and Bonds. 10. Respective Sections of Specifications: Testing requirements and closeout submittals required of specific trades or subcontractors. 1.02 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION A. Definition of Substantial Completion: Refer to General and Supplementary Conditions of the Contract. B. When Contractor considers that the work is substantially complete, he shall submit to the Owner: 1. Written notice that the work or designated portion thereof is substantially complete. 2. "Punch list" of items to be completed or corrected, as determined by the Contractor prior to inspection by the Owner. 3. Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, or other evidence of acceptance by the building official or other authority with jurisdiction over the project. C. Within a reasonable time after receipt of such notice, Owner will make an inspection to determine the status of completion. D. Should Owner or Engineer determine that the work is not substantially complete: 1. Owner or Engineer will promptly notify the Contractor in writing, giving the reasons therefor. 2. Contractor shall remedy the deficiencies in the work and send a second written notice of substantial completion to the Owner. 3. Owner or Engineer will reinspect the work, as appropriate. E. When Owner concurs that the work is substantially complete, he will 1. Prepare a Certificate of Substantial Completion on AIA form G704 or other Owner -provided form, accompanied by Contractor's list of items to be completed or corrected as verified and amended by the Owner. 2. Submit the Certificate to the Owner and Contractor for their written acceptance of the responsibilities assigned to them in the Certificate. 1.03 FINAL INSPECTION A. When Contractor considers the work is complete, he shall submit written certification that: 1. Contract Documents have been reviewed, and that the work has been inspected for compliance with Contract Documents. 2. Work has been completed in accordance with Contract Documents. DIVISION 1 63 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 — 3. Corrective or incomplete work has been completed from "punch lists" provided at Substantial Completion. 4. Equipment and systems have been tested in the presence of the Owner's representative and are operational. 5. Final cleaning has been completed and project is ready for final inspection. 6. Final Certificate of Occupancy has been issued. B. Owner will make an inspection to verify the status of completion with reasonable promptness after receipt of such certification. C. Should Owner consider that the work is incomplete or defective: 1. Owner or Engineer will promptly notify the Contractor in writing, listing the incomplete or defective work. 2. Contractor shall take immediate steps to remedy the stated deficiencies and send a second written certification to Owner that the work is complete. 3. Owner or Engineer will reinspect the work, as appropriate. D. When the Owner finds that the work is acceptable under the Contract Documents, he shall request the Contractor to prepare and deliver closeout submittals. E. Should Engineer perform reinspection due to failure of the work to comply with the claims of status of either Substantial or Final Completion made by the Contractor: 1. Owner will compensate Engineer for such additional services by change order to the A/E Agreement. 2. Owner will deduct the amount of such compensation from the final payment due the Contractor. 1.04 SYSTEMS TESTING A. Contractor shall conduct tests for operational systems and equipment as specified herein or as required by individual Sections, prior to Final Inspection. 1.05 CONTRACTOR'S CLOSE-OUT SUBMITTALS A. Evidence of compliance with requirements of governing authorities: l . Certificate of Occupancy. 2. Certificates of Inspection, including plumbing, mechanical and electrical systems. B. Final Completion Schedule: Refer to Section 01310. C. Project Record Documents: Refer to Section 01720. D. Operating and Maintenance Data, Instructions to Owner's Personnel: Refer to Section 01730. E. Warranties and Bonds: Refer to Section 01740. F. Evidence of Payment and Release of Liens: General and Supplementary Conditions. G. Test Results: Written approval from the testing agency for systems or equipment requiring final testing, as specified above. H. Certifications: Written certifications of material or equipment compliance, as required by Colorado Department of Transportation. 1.06 FINAL ADJUSTMENT OF ACCOUNTS A. Submit a final statement of accounting to the Owner. Statement shall reflect all adjustments to the Contract Sum: 1. The original Contract Sum, including accepted Bid Alternates. 2. Additions and deductions resulting from: a. Previous Change Orders. b. Allowances. C. Unit prices. d. Deductions for uncorrected work. e. Penalties and bonuses. f. Deductions for liquidated damages. DIVISION 1 64 ADDENDUM No. 1 SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Description of Bid: Children's Garden at the Gardens on Spring Creek OPENING DATE: 3:00 P.M. (Our Clock) June 6, 2005 To all prospective bidders under the specifications and contract documents described above, the following changes are hereby made. Question & Answers following the May 23, 2005 prebid meeting: 1.) Are the funds relative to this project a matter of public record? Answer: Yes. All project funding comes from non -City sources. Please see City of Fort Collins, Forestry and Horticulture website by going to: http:/Ifcgov.com/horticulture/childrens-garden.php. Note however, that the total of the outlined funds described therein make up the entire project budget, not what we expect to see as a GC price for the contract scope of work. The Owner will be doing all the landscaping, irrigation, and various other project features directly. Please see drawings marked as (NIC) not in contract. Contract budget is anticipated to be in the range of 100K to 250K. 2.) Is there a soils report available for the project? Answer: Not specifically. The soils report for the original "Gardens on Spring Creek" project is available at Terracon in Fort Collins. Contact Mike Walker. The City will be responsible for any necessary testing and analysis. The Contractor will be responsible for coordination and scheduling with the Owner's consultant. See "Testing" SECTION 01410, in the Project Manual. RECEIPT OF THIS ADDENDUM MUST BE ACKNOWLEDGED BY A WRITTEN STATEMENT ENCLOSED WITH THE BID/QUOTE STATING THAT THIS ADDENDUM HAS BEEN RECEIVED. 215 north Mason Street • 2"0 Floor • P.O. Roz 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-O580 • (470) 221-67715 • Fax (470) 221-6707 www.foPzov.Com END OF SECTION 12/03 Section 00100 Page 9 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 g. Deductions for reinspection payments. h. Other adjustments. 3. Total Contract Sum, as adjusted. 4. Previous payments. 5. Sum remaining due, including retainage. B. Contractor will prepare a final Change Order reflecting approved adjustments to the Contract Sum which were not previously made by Change Orders. 1.07 FINAL APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT A. Contractor shall submit the final Application for Payment in accordance with procedures and requirements stated in the Conditions of the Contract and Section 01026, Applications for Payment. END OF SECTION DIVISION 1 65 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 — DIVISION 1 66 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden SECTION 01710 CLEANING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED 3/05 A. Execute cleaning during progress of the work and at completion of the work. B. Furnish, maintain and service trash removal dumpsters and/or roll -offs. C. Furnish, maintain and service recycling containers for construction materials, packaging and waste products. D. Related requirements specified elsewhere: 1. Conditions of the Contract. 2. Respective Sections of Specifications: Cleaning for specific products or work. 1.02 DISPOSAL REQUIREMENTS A. Conduct cleaning and disposal operations to comply with applicable codes, ordinances, regulations and anti -pollution laws. B. Disposal of waste materials, debris and rubbish shall be at a commercially -operated recycling center, legal dumpsite or landfill 1. Contractor shall be responsible for all dump fees and expenses associated with hauling materials to the landfill. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 CLEANING MATERIALS A. Use only those cleaning materials which will not create hazards to health or property and which will not damage surfaces. B. Use only those cleaning materials and methods recommended by manufacturers of the surface material to be cleaned. C. Use cleaning materials only on surfaces recommended by cleaning material manufacturer. 2.02 WASTE REMOVAL CONTAINERS A. Furnish and maintain recycling, trash and waste removal dumpsters and/or roll -off dumpsters for the collection of waste materials, debris and rubbish, in quantities sufficient for the Work. L Dumpsters shall be provided with tightly fitted covers to prevent debris from being blown out. 2. Roll -offs shall not be required to be covered, but shall be serviced frequently enough to prevent debris from accumulating and being blown out. 3. Individual recycling containers shall be maintained for paper, corrugated cardboard, and co - mingled containers for glass, plastic, aluminum and steel. General contractor shall be responsible for ensuring proper separation of recycled materials and delivery to acceptable recycling centers. Location of roll -offs and trash dumpsters shall be as arranged at the Pre -Construction Conference. DIVISION 1 67 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 — PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 PROGRESS CLEANING A. Execute periodic cleaning to keep the work, the site and adjacent properties free from accumulations of waste materials, rubbish and windblown debris resulting from construction operations. B. Maintain parking areas, access drives and city streets clean from mud and other debris. C. Remove recycling, waste materials, debris and rubbish from the site periodically and dispose of at legal commercial recycling centers, dump sites or landfills away from the site. 3.02 CLEANING PRIOR TO PAINTING A. Clean interior spaces prior to the start of finish painting and continue cleaning on an as -needed basis until painting is finished. B. Schedule operations so that dust and other contaminants resulting from cleaning process will not fall on wet or freshly finished surfaces. — C. Temporarily seal window and door openings prior to the start of finish painting to prevent windblown dust and other particulates from impairing wet or freshly finished surfaces. 3.03 FINAL CLEANING A. Final cleaning shall be performed by personnel or subcontractors skilled in this work. B. In general, the extent of final cleaning shall be to remove grease, mastic and adhesives, dust and dirt, — stains, fingerprints, labels and other foreign materials from site -exposed interior and exterior surfaces. C. Interior cleaning shall include, but not be limited to: I. Wash and polish glass, glazing and mirrors. Polish glossy surfaces to a clear shine. 2. Damp mop all wood floors. 3. Wipe down all finish carpentry, woodwork and cabinetwork. 4. Wipe down and polish toilet partitions, toilet and bath accessories, signage components and other specialties. _ 5. Broom clean and dry vacuum all interior sealed concrete floor slabs to be left exposed. Apply specified finish/sealer. D. Exterior cleaning shall include, but not be limited to: 1. Wash and wipe down doors and frames. 2. Wash and polish glass and glazing. E. Site cleaning shall include, but not be limited to: 1. Broom clean and wash down all areas of exterior concrete flatwork and asphalt paving. F. Ventilating Systems: 1. Clean permanent filters and replace disposable filters if units were operated during construction. 2. Clean ducts, blowers and coils if units were operated without filters during construction. G. Prior to final completion or Owner occupancy, Contractor shall conduct an inspection of the site, all site -exposed interior and exterior surfaces and all work areas to verify that work of the entire project is clean. END OF SECTION DIVISION I 68 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden SECTION 01720 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. Maintain at the site one (1) record copy of each of the following documents: 1. Drawings. 2. Addenda. 3. Change Orders and other modifications to the Contract. 4. Approved shop drawings, product data and samples. 5. Field test records. B. Related requirements specified elsewhere: 1. Section 01340, Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples. 2. Section 01410, Testing. 1.02 MAINTENANCE OF DOCUMENTS AND SAMPLES 3/05 A. Prior to beginning work, separate one (1) clean, complete set of project documents from construction sets and hold for record document purposes. The Owner will not furnish additional sets for the Contractor's use at the end of construction, unless compensated for by the Contractor. B. Store documents and samples in Contractor's field office apart from documents used for construction. Provide files and rack for storage of documents. C. Maintain documents in a clean, dry, legible condition and in good order. Do not use record documents for construction purposes. D. Make documents and samples available at all times for inspection by the Owner and A E. 1.03 RECORDING REQUIREMENTS A. Record information concurrently with construction progress. Do not conceal any work until required information is recorded. B. Drawings shall be legibly marked to record actual construction: 1. Depths of various elements of foundation in relation to finished first Floor datum. 2. Horizontal and vertical locations of underground utilities and appurtenances, referenced to permanent surface locations. 3. Location of internal utilities and appurtenances concealed in the construction, referenced to visible and accessible features of the structure. 4. Field changes of dimension and detail. 5. Changes made by field order or by Change Order. 6. Details not included in original Contract Documents. C. Specifications and Addenda shall be legibly marked to record: 1. Manufacturer, trade name, catalog number and supplier of each product and item of equipment actually installed. 2. Changes made by field order or by Change Order. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. At contract closeout, deliver all Record Documents to the Owner. B. Accompany submittal with transmittal letter containing: 1. Date, project name and number. 2. Contractor's name and address. 3. Title and number of each Record Document. DIVISION 1 69 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 4. Signature of Contractor or his authorized representative. C. Submit one (1) copy of approved data in final form no later than fifteen (15) days after final inspection or acceptance, but prior to applying for final payment. D. As -Recorded Documents shall be submitted, reviewed and accepted by the Owner prior to the Final Application for Payment being processed. E. A/E shall prepare and furnish the Owner with one (1) set of reproducible hard copy and (1) AutoCAD Compact Disc of the Record Documents in accordance with the Contract requirements. END OF SECTION DIVISION 1 70 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden SECTION 01730 OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE DATA PART I GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED 3/05 A. Compile product data and related information appropriate for Owner's maintenance and operation of products furnished for this project. 1. Prepare operating and maintenance data as specified in this Section and as referenced in other pertinent Sections of the Specifications. B. Instruct Owner's personnel in maintenance of products and in operation of equipment and systems. C. Related requirements specified elsewhere: 1. Section 01060, Regulatory Requirements. 2. Section 01340, Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples. 3. Section 01700, Contract Close -Out. 4. Section 01720, Project Record Documents. 5. Section 01740, Warranties and Bonds. 6. Division 15, Mechanical, and Division 16, Electrical. 1.02 SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Prepare data in form of an instructional manual for use by Owner's personnel. B. Format of Submittals: 1. Size: 8-1/2" x 11". 2. Paper: Manufacturer's printed data or neatly typewritten. 3. Drawings a. Provide reinforced punched binder tab, bind in with text. b. Fold larger drawings to size of text pages. 4. Provide fly leaf for each separate product or each piece of operating equipn1-1A a. Provide typed description of product and major component parts of equipment. b. Provide indexed tabs. 5. Cover: Identify each volume with typed or printed title "OPEPATING AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS". List the following: a. Title of project. b. Identity of separate structure as applicable. C. Identity of general subject matter covered in the manual. C. Binders: 1. Commercial quality three-ring binders with durable and cleanable plastic covers, ring size as required. 2. When multiple binders are used, correlate the data into related, consistent groupings. D. Number of Manuals Required: Three (3) copies of each complete manual, including all gcner.,i information and plumbing, mechanical, electrical and fire sprinkler sections. 1.03 CONTENT OF MANUAL A. Neatly typewritten Table of Contents for each volume arranged in systematic order. I . Contractor, name of responsible principal, address and telephone number. 2. List of each product required to be included, indexed to content of the volume. 3. List with each product, name, address and telephone number of: a. Subcontractor or installer. b. Maintenance contractor as appropriate. C. Identify the area of responsibility of each. d. Local source of supply for parts and replacement. DIVISION 1 71 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 — 4. Identify each product by product name and other identifying symbols as set forth in Contract Documents. B. Product Data: I. Include only those sheets which are pertinent to the specific product. 2. Note each sheet to: a. Clearly identify specific product or part installed. b. Clearly identify data applicable to installation. C. Delete references to inapplicable information. C. Drawings: I. Supplement product data with drawings as necessary to clearly illustrate: a. Relations of component parts of equipment and systems. b. Control and flow diagrams. — 2. Coordinate drawings with information in Project Record Documents to assure correct illustration of completed installation. Do not use Record Documents as maintenance drawings. D. Written text as required to supplement product data for the particular installation: — 1. Organize in consistent format under separate headings for different procedures. 2. Provide logical sequence of instruction for each procedure. E. Copy of each warranty, bond and service contract issued indicating: — 1. Proper procedures in the event of failure. 2. Instances which might affect validity of warranties or bonds. F.. Copy of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for each product or material. 1.04 MANUALS FOR PLUMBING, MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS A. Content for each unit of equipment and system as appropriate: i. Description of unit and component parts. 2. Operating Procedures: a. Start-up, break-in, routine and normal operating instructions. b. Regulation, control, stopping, shutdown and emergency instructions. _ C. Summer and winter operating instructions. d. Special operating instructions. 3. Maintenance Procedures: a. Routine operations. b. Guide to "troubleshooting". C. Disassembly, repair and reassembly. d. Alignment, adjusting and checking. 4. Servicing and lubrication schedule, with list of lubricants required. 5. Manufacturer's printed operating and maintenance instructions. 6. Description of sequence of operation by control manufacturer. 7. Original manufacturer's parts list, illustrations, assembly drawings and diagrams required for — maintenance. 8. As -installed control diagrams by control manufacturer. 9. As -installed color -coded piping diagrams. 10. Charts of valve tag numbers with location and function of each valve. i l . List of original manufacturer's spare parts, manufacturers current prices and recommended quantities to be maintained in storage. 12. Other data as required under pertinent Sections of Specifications. B. Content for each electric and electronic system as appropriate: 1. Description of system and component parts. a. Function, normal operating characteristics and limiting conditions. b. Engineering data and tests. C. Complete nomenclature and commercial number of replaceable parts. 2. Circuit directories of panelboards. a. Electrical service. DIVISION I 72 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 b. Controls. C. Communications. 3. As -installed color -coded wiring diagrams. 4. Operating Procedures: a. Routine and normal operating instructions. b. Sequences required. C. Special operating instructions. 5. Maintenance Procedures: a. Routine operations. b. Guide to "troubleshooting". C. Disassembly, repair and reassembly. d. Adjustment and checking. 6. Manufacturer's printed operating and maintenance instructions. 7. List of original manufacturer's spare parts, manufacturer's current prices and recommended quantities to be maintained in storage. 8. Other data as required under pertinent Sections of Specifications. C. Prepare and include additional data when the need for such data becomes apparent during instruction of Owner's personnel. 1.05 SUBMITTAL SCHEDULE A. Submit specified number of copies of approved data in final form no later than fifteen (15) days after final inspection or acceptance, but prior to applying for final payment. B. Operatine and maintenance manuals shall be submitted reviewed and accepted by the Owner prior to the Final Application for Payment being processed. 1.06 INSTRUCTION OF OWNER'S PERSONNEL A. Prior to final inspection or acceptance, fully instruct Owner's designated operating and maintenance personnel in operation, adjustment and maintenance of products, equipment and systems. B. Operating and maintenance manual shall constitute the basis of instruction. C. Review contents of manual with personnel in full detail to explain all aspects of operations and maintenance. END OF SECTION DIVISION 1 73 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 DIVISION 1 74 i SECTION 00300 BID FORM PROJECT:�;�IjZ��jc� �RdE�j ((�� fflt- "�r't ( 1£NS � � �� � Place" � r att1 t45 , Date (Pi 2o0S 1. Zn compliance with your Invitation to Bid dated 1'/3 and subject to all conditions thereof, the undersigned a (Corporation1 Limited Liability Company, Partnership, Joint Venture, or Sole Proprietor)** authorized to do business in the State of Colorado hereby proposes to furnish and do everything required by the Contract Documents to which this refers for the construction of all items listed on the following Bid Schedule or Bid Schedules. 2. The undersigned Bidder does hereby declare and stipulate that this proposal is made in good faith, without collusion or connection with any other person or persons Bidding for the same Work, and that it is made in pursuance of and subject to all the terms and conditions of the Invitation to Bid and Instructions to Bidders, the Agreement, the detailed Specifications, and the Drawings pertaining to the Work to be done, all of which have been examined by the undersigned. 3. Accompanying this Bid is a certified or cashier's check or standard Bid bond_ in the sum of S 2�6 ($ ) in accordance with.the Invitation To Bid and Instructions to Bidders. 4. The undersigned Bidder agrees to execute the Agreement and a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond for the amount of the total of this Bid within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date when the written notice of the award of the contract is delivered to him at the address given on this Bid. The name and address of the corporate surety with which the Bidder proposes to furnish the specified performance and payment bonds is as follows: 5. All the various phases of Work enumerated in the Contract Documents with their individual jobs and overhead, whether specifically mentioned, included by implication or appurtenant thereto, are to be performed by the CONTRACTOR under one of the items listed in the Bid Schedule, irrespective of whether it is named in said list. 6. Payment for Work performed will be in accordance with the Bid Schedule or Bid Schedules subject to changes as provided in the Contract Documents. 7. The undersigned Bidder hereby acknowledges receipt of Addenda No. through ---I— 7/96 Section 00300 Page 1 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden SECTION 01740 WARRANTIES AND BONDS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED 3/05 A. Contractor shall compile specified warranties and bonds and specified service and maintenance contracts. B. Review submittals to verify compliance with Contract Documents. C. Submit to Architect for review and transmittal to Owner. D. Related requirements specified elsewhere: 1. Instructions to Bidders: Bid or Proposal Bond. 2. Conditions of the Contract: Performance Bond and Labor and Material Payment Bond. 3. Conditions of the Contract: General Warranty of Construction. 4. Section 01700, Contract Close -Out. 5. Section 01730, Operating and Maintenance Data. 6. Respective Sections of Specifications which specify the product. 1.02 SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A. General: Submit warranties, bonds and service and maintenance contracts as specified in respective Sections of Specifications. 1. Unless otherwise indicated, all warranties shall be written in the Owner's name, and shall be transferable to future Owner(s) for the duration of the warranty period. B. Assemble warranties, bonds and service and maintenance contracts, executed by each of the respective manufacturers, suppliers and subcontractors, bound with operating and maintenance data. Manuals are specified in Section 01730. C. Number of original signed copies required: Three (3) each, or as required by number of manuals specified in Section 01730. D. Table of Contents: Neatly typed in orderly sequence. Provide complete information for each item. 1. Product or work item. 2. Firm with name of principal, address and telephone number. 3. Scope of warranty, bond or service and maintenance contract. 4. Date of beginning of warranty, bond or service and maintenance contract. 5. Duration of warranty, bond or service and maintenance contract. 6. Provide information for Owner's personnel: a. Proper procedure in case of failure. b. Conditions which might affect the validity of warranty or bond. 7. Contractor, name of responsible principal, address and telephone number. E. Format of Submittals: 1. Format: Prepare in duplicate packets. 2. Size: 8-1/2" x I V punched sheets for standard three-ring binder. Fold larger sheets to fit into binders. 1.03 SCHEDULE OF SUBMITTALS A. Submit documents within twenty-five (25) days after inspection and acceptance for equipment or component pails of equipment put into service during progress of construction. B. Otherwise make submittals within twenty-five (25) days after date of Substantial Completion, prior to final request for payment. DIVISION 1 75 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 _ C. For items of work where acceptance is delayed materially beyond date of Substantial Completion, provide updated submittal within ten (10) days after acceptance, listing date of acceptance as start of warranty period. 1.04 REQUIRED WARRANTIES AND BONDS A. Bid or Proposal Bond: Refer to Instructions to Bidders. B. Performance Bond: Refer to Conditions of the Contract. C. Labor and Material Payment Bond: Refer to Conditions of the Contract. D. General Warranty of Construction: Refer to Conditions of the Contract. Unless modified elsewhere, General Contractor shall warrant all construction materials and workmanship for a period of one (1) calendar year from the date of Substantial Completion. E. Warranties: Provide required warranties for products, materials and equipment covering defects in materials and workmanship for the time duration(s) specified in individual Sections. Where no specific warranty is mentioned, provide warranty coverages normally provided by the manufacturer for that product. —. 1. Unless otherwise indicated, all warranties shall be written in the Owner's name. 2. All warranties shall be transferable to future Owner(s) for the duration of the warranty period. F. Provide warranties and/or bonds for all products and services specified in the Drawings. F. Optional Bond(s): The Contractor shall retain the right to require Performance and/or Labor and Material Payment Bonds from any or all of his/her Subcontractors. G. Maintenance Agreements: None required. However, all Contractors and Subcontractors shall be required to make service calls as requested by the Owner throughout the one-year general warranty period, at no additional expense to the Owner. END OF SECTION DIVISION 1 a 76 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 SECTION 02231 - TREE PROTECTION AND TRIMMING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the protection and trimming of existing trees that interfere with, or are affected by, execution of the Work, whether temporary or permanent construction. B. Related Sections include the following: 1. Division 1 Section "Summary of Work" for limits placed on Contractor's use of the site. 2. Division 1 Section "Temporary Controls" for temporary tree protection. 3. Division 2 Section "Site Clearing" for removal limits of trees, shrubs, and other plantings affected by new construction. 4. Division 2 Section "Earthwork" for building and utility trench excavation, backfilling, compacting and grading requirements, and soil materials. 5. Division 2 Section "Exterior Plants" for tree and shrub planting, tree support systems, and soil materials. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Tree Protection Zone: Area surrounding individual trees or groups of trees to remain during construction, and defined by the 5 feet from trunk of individual trees or the perimeter drip line of groups of trees, unless otherwise indicated. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3-EXECUTION 3.1 EXCAVATION A. Do not excavate within tree protection zones, unless otherwise indicated. B. Where excavation for new construction is required within tree protection zones, hand clear and excavate to minimize damage to root systems. Use narrow -tine spading forks and comb soil to expose roots. TREE PROTECTION AND TRIMMING 02231 - t Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 — I. Redirect roots in backfill areas where possible. If encountering large, main lateral roots, expose roots beyond excavation limits as required to bend and redirect them without breaking. If encountered immediately adjacent to location of new construction and redirection is not practical, cut roots approximately 3 inches back from new construction. 2. Do not allow exposed roots to dry out before placing permanent backfill. Provide temporary earth cover or pack with peat moss and wrap with burlap. Water and maintain in a moist condition. Temporarily support and protect roots from damage until they are permanently relocated and covered with soil. C. Where utility trenches are required within tree protection zones, tunnel under or around roots by drilling, auger boring, pipe jacking, or digging by hand. I. Root Pruning: Do not cut main lateral roots or taproots; cut only smaller roots that interfere with installation of utilities. Cut roots with sharp pruning instruments; do not break or chop. 3.2 REGRADING A. Minor Fill: Where existing grade is 6 inches or less below elevation of finish grade, fill with topsoil. Place topsoil in a single uncompacted layer and hand grade to required finish elevations. 3.3 TREE REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT — A. Promptly repair trees damaged by construction operations within 24 hours. Treat damaged trunks, limbs, and roots according to arborist's written instructions. B. Remove and replace trees indicated to remain that die or are damaged during construction operations that arborist determines are incapable of restoring to normal growth pattern. 1. Provide new trees of same size and species as those being replaced; plant and maintain as specified in Division 2 Section "Exterior Plants." 3.4 DISPOSAL OF WASTE MATERIALS A. Burning is not permitted. _ B. Disposal: Remove excess excavated material and displaced trees from Owner's property. END OF SECTION 02231 TREE PROTECTION AND TRIMMING 02231 -2 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 SECTION 02240 - DEWATERING PART1-GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. L2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes construction dewatering. B. Related Sections include the following: 1. Division 1 Section "Temporary Controls" for temporary utilities and support facilities. 2. Division 2 Section "Earthwork" for excavating, backfilling, site grading and for site utilities. 1.3 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Dewatering Performance: Design, furnish, install, test, operate, monitor, and maintain dewatering system of sufficient scope, size, and capacity to control ground -water flow into excavations and permit construction to proceed on dry, stable subgrades. 1. Maintain dewatering operations to ensure erosion control, stability of excavations and constructed slopes, that excavation does not flood, and that damage to subgrades and permanent structures is prevented. 2. Prevent surface water from entering excavations by grading, dikes, or other means. 3. Accomplish dewatering without damaging existing buildings adjacent to excavation. 4. Remove dewatering system if no longer needed. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with water disposal requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. B. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site to comply with requirements in Division 1 Section "Project Management and Coordination." 1.5 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Existing Utilities: Do not interrupt utilities serving facilities occupied by Owner or others unless permitted under the following conditions and then only after arranging to provide temporary utility services according to requirements indicated: 1. Notify Owner not less than two days in advance of proposed utility interruptions. 2. Do not proceed with utility interruptions without Owner's written permission. DEWATERING 02240 - 1 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 B. Project -Site Information: A geotechnical report has been prepared for this Project and is available for information only. The opinions expressed in this report are those of geotechnical engineer and represent interpretations of subsoil conditions, tests, and results of analyses conducted by geotechnical engineer. Owner will not be responsible for interpretations or conclusions drawn from this data. 1. Make additional test borings and conduct other exploratory operations necessary for dewatering. 2. The geotechnical report is referenced elsewhere in the Project Manual. C. Survey adjacent structures and improvements, employing a qualified professional engineer or land surveyor, establishing exact elevations at fixed points to act as benchmarks. Clearly identify benchmarks and record existing elevations. During dewatering, regularly resurvey benchmarks , maintaining an accurate log of surveyed elevations for comparison with original elevations. Promptly notify Owner if changes in elevations occur or if cracks, sags, or other damage is evident in adjacent construction. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3-EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Protect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, _ lateral movement, undermining, washout, and other hazards created by dewatering operations. 1. Prevent surface water and subsurface or ground water from entering excavations, from pending on prepared subgrades, and from flooding site and surrounding area. 2. Protect subgrades and foundation soils from softening and damage by rain or water accumulation. B. Install dewatering system to ensure minimum interference with roads, streets, walks, and other adjacent occupied and used facilities. Do not close or obstruct streets, walks, or other adjacent occupied or used facilities without permission from Owner and authorities having jurisdiction. Provide alternate routes around closed or obstructed traffic ways if required by authorities having jurisdiction. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Install dewatering system utilizing wells, well points, or similar methods complete with pump equipment, standby power and pumps, filter material gradation, valves, appurtenances, water disposal, and surface - water controls. B. Before excavating below ground -water level, place system into operation to lower water to specitied levels. Operate system continuously until drains, sewers, and structures have been constructed and fill materials have been placed, or until dewatering is no longer required. C. Provide an adequate system to lower and control ground water to permit excavation, construction of structures, and placement of fill materials on dry subgrades. Install sufficient dewatering equipment to drain water -bearing strata above and below bottom of foundations, drains, sewers, and other excavations. DEWATERING 02240 - 2 ,. Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 Do not permit open -sump pumping that leads to loss of fines, soil piping, subgrade softening, and slope instability. D. Reduce hydrostatic head in water -bearing strata below subgrade elevations of foundations, drains, sewers, and other excavations. Maintain piezometric water level a minimum of 24 inches below surface of excavation. E. Dispose of water removed by dewatering in a manner that avoids endangering public health, property, and portions of work under construction or completed. Dispose of water in a manner that avoids inconvenience to others. Provide sumps, sedimentation tanks, and other flow -control devices as required by authorities having jurisdiction. F. Provide standby equipment on -site, installed and available for immediate operation, to maintain dewatering on continuous basis if any part of system becomes inadequate or fails. If dewatering requirements are not satisfied due to inadequacy or failure of dewatering system, restore damaged structures and foundation soils at no additional expense to Owner. Remove dewatering system from Project site on completion of dewatering. Plug or fill well holes with sand or cut off and cap wells a minimum of 36 inches below overlying construction. G. Damages: Promptly repair damages to adjacent facilities caused by dewatering operations. END OF SECTION 02240 DEWATERING 02240 - 3 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 SECTION 02630 - STORM DRAINAGE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes gravity -flow, nonpressure storm drainage outside the building, with the following components: 1. Drains. 2. Precast concrete manholes. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. PE: Polyethylene plastic. B. PVC: Polyvinyl chloride plastic. 1.4 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Gravity -Flow, Nonpressure, Drainage -Piping Pressure Rating: 10-foot head of water. Pipe joints shall h at least silttight, unless otherwise indicated. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For the following: 1. Drains. DuraCast 6-Inch Round Grate: Part Number: D6. Description: 6-inch round, heavy-duty, cast iron grate with black powder coating. Ductile Iron for Grate: ASTM A 48 and A 536. Grate Openings: 3/4 inch. Open Surface Area: 9.0 square inches. Inlet Capacity: 11.79 gpm. Load: 326 to 575 psi. H-20 rated. 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Do not store plastic manholes, pipe, and fittings in direct sunlight. STORM DRAINAGE 02630 - 1 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 B. Protect pipe, pipe fittings, and seals from dirt and damage. 1.7 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Interruption of Existing Storm Drainage Service: Do not interrupt service to facilities occupied by Owner or others unless permitted under the following conditions and then only after arranging to provide temporary service according to requirements indicated: 1. Notify Owner no fewer than two days in advance of proposed interruption of service. 2. Do not proceed with interruption of service without Owner's written permission. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 PIPING MATERIALS A. Refer to Part 3 "Piping Applications" Article for applications of pipe, fitting, and joining materials. 2.2 PVC PIPE AND FITTINGS A. PVC Sewer Pipe and Fittings, NPS 15 and Smaller: ASTM D 3034, SDR 35, with bell -and -spigot ends for gasketed joints with ASTM F 477, elastomeric seals. B. PVC Profile Gravity Sewer Pipe and Fittings: ASTM F 794 pipe, with bell -and -spigot ends; ASTM D 3034 fittings, with bell ends; and ASTM F 477, elastomeric seals. 2.3 CLEANOUTS A. PVC Cleanouts: PVC body with PVC threaded plug. Include PVC sewer pipe fitting and riser to cleanout of same material as sewer piping. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EARTHWORK A. Excavation, trenching, and backfilling are specified in Division 2 Section "Earthwork." 3.2 PIPING APPLICATIONS A. Pipe couplings and special pipe fittings with pressure ratings at least equal to piping rating may be used in applications below, unless otherwise indicated. Use nonpressure-type flexible couplings where required to join gravity -flow, nonpressure sewer piping, unless otherwise indicated. a. Unshielded flexible or rigid couplings for same or minor difference OD pipes. b. Unshielded, increaser/reducer-pattern, flexible or rigid couplings for pipes with different OD. STORM DRAINAGE 02630 - 2 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 C. Ring -type flexible couplings for piping of different sizes where annular space between smaller piping's OD and larger piping's ID permits installation. B. Gravity -Flow, Nonpressure Sewer Piping: Use any of the following pipe materials for each size range: I. NPS 4 and NPS 6 : Corrugated PE drainage pipe and fittings, silttight couplings, and coupled joints. 2. NPS 4 and NPS 6 : PVC sewer pipe and fittings, gaskets, and gasketed joints. 3. NPS 8 to NPS 12 : PVC sewer pipe and fittings, gaskets, and gasketed joints. 4. NPS 8 to NPS 12 : PVC profile gravity sewer pipe and fittings, gaskets, and gasketed joints. 5. NPS 8 to NPS 12 : Nonreinforced-concrete sewer pipe and fittings, gaskets, and gasketed joints. 3.3 PIPING INSTALLATION A. General Locations and Arrangements: Drawing plans and details indicate general location and arrangement of underground storm drainage piping. Location and arrangement of piping layout take design considerations into account. Install piping as indicated, to extent practical. Where specific installation is not indicated, follow piping manufacturer's written instructions. B. Install piping beginning at low point, true to grades and alignment indicated with unbroken continuity of invert. Place bell ends of piping facing upstream. Install gaskets, seals, sleeves, and couplings according to manufacturer's written instructions for use of lubricants, cements, and other installation requirements. C. Install proper size increasers, reducers, and couplings where different sizes or materials of pipes and fittings are connected. Reducing size of piping in direction of flow is prohibited. D. Tunneling: Install pipe under streets or other obstructions that cannot be disturbed by tunneling, jacking, or a combination of both. E. Install gravity -flow, nonpressure drainage piping according to the following: 1. Install piping pitched down in direction of flow, at minimum slope of 2 percent, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Install PE corrugated sewer piping according to CPPA's "Recommended Installation Practices for Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe and Fittings." 3. Install PVC sewer piping according to ASTM D 2321 and ASTM F 1668, 4. Install PVC profile gravity sewer piping according to ASTM D 2321 and ASTM F 1668. 5. Install nonreinforced-concrete sewer piping according to ASTM C 1479 and ACPA's "Concrete Pipe Installation Manual." 3.4 PIPE JOINT CONSTRUCTION A. Basic pipe joint construction is specified in.Division 2 Section "Piped Utilities - Basic Materials and Methods." Where specific joint construction is not indicated, follow piping manufacturer's written instructions. B. Join gravity -flow, nonpressure drainage piping according to the following: 1. Join corrugated PE piping according to CPPA 100 and the following: a. Use silttight couplings for Type 1, silttight joints. b. Use soiltight couplings for Type 2, soiltight joints. STORM DRAINAGE 02630 - 3 .- Walsh Construction, Inc. 5828 N. St. Louis Ave. Loveland, CO 80538 CONTRACTOR BY: T"t w T ADDRESS: Walsh Construction, Inc. 5828 N. t. Louis Ave. 8. BID SCHEDULE Loveland, CO 80538 Base Bid Lump Sum $y� py� , I ,�00 j �n In Words 1d WV c eo� �'feiU•� yTV�o heuJsooly (y� 0/t,� SVia AT!�XRL / r ^� mff — Alternate #1 Lump Sum $ Vlp, G oC d4 - Alternate No 1: (Entry Plaza Pool) The footings, cast -in -place walls, mortared sandstone veneer, and spigot details associated with the Entry Plaza Pool are to be part of this bid alternate. This area and related details are noted "BID ALTERNATE" in the construction drawings. All area drains and piping noted on the plans, as well as the transfer pump, associated with the watering can detail is not part of the bid alternate and should be calculated for the base bid. 9. PRICES The foregoing prices shall include all labor, materials, transportation, shoring, removal, dewatering, overhead, profit, insurance, etc., to cover the complete Work in place of the several kinds called for. Bidder acknowledges that the OWNER has the right to delete items in the Bid or change quantities at his sole discretion without affecting the Agreement or prices of any item so long as the deletion or change does not exceed twenty-five percent (250) of the total Agreement Price. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: SnatDate 7 1A W : ESQ ENZ Title 7. U. License Number (If Applicable) (S`(yd'h"'.LW°if Bid isby co o ion) Attest: &/Y ✓ice G� Walsh Construction, Inc. Address 5828 N. St. Louis Ave. Love an , UV 00538 Telephone - ac�a- 7/96 Section 00300 Page 2 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 3.5 CLEANOUT INSTALLATION A. Set cleanout frames and covers in concrete pavement with tops flush with pavement surface. 3.6 STORMWATER INLET AND OUTLET INSTALLATION A. Construct riprap of broken stone, as indicated. 3.7 DRAINAGE SYSTEM INSTALLATION A. Assemble and install components according to manufacturer's written instructions. B. Install with top surfaces of components, except piping, flush with finished surface. C. Assemble channel sections to form slope down toward drain outlets. Use sealants, adhesives, fasteners, and other materials recommended by system manufacturer. D. Fasten grates to channel sections if indicated. 3.8 IDENTIFICATION A. Materials and their installation are specified in division 2 Section "Earthwork." Arrange for installation of green warning tape directly over piping and at outside edge of underground structures. 1. Use detectable warning tape over nonferrous piping and over edges of underground structures. END OF SECTION 02630 STORM DRAINAGE 02630 - 4 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 SECTION 02300 - EARTHWORK PART1-GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: 1. Preparing subgrades for walks, pavements, lawns and grasses, and exterior plants. 2. Excavating and backfilling for structures. — 3. Drainage course for slabs -on -grade. 4. Subbase course for concrete walks and pavements. 5. Subsurface drainage backfill for walls and trenches. 6. Excavating and backfilling for utility trenches. _ 7. Excavating and backfilling trenches for buried mechanical and electrical utilities and pits for buried utility structures. B. Related Sections include the following: 1. Division 1 Section "Allowances" for quantity allowance provisions related to unit -price rock excavation and authorized additional excavation. 2. Division 1 Section "Change Order Procedure" for unit -price rock excavation and authorized additional excavation provisions. 3. Division 1 Section "Construction Schedules" for recording preexcavation and earthwork progress. 4. Division 1 Section "Temporary Controls" for temporary controls, utilities, and support facilities. — 5. Division 2 Section Site Clearing" for temporary erosion and sedimentation control measures, site stripping, grubbing, stripping and stockpiling topsoil, and removal of above- and below -grade improvements and utilities. 6. Division 2 Section "Tree Protection and Trimming" for protecting and trimming trees to remain. 7. Division 2 Section "Dewatering" for lowering and disposing of ground water during construction. 8. Division 2 Section "Lawns and Grasses" for finish grading, including preparing and placing topsoil and planting soil for lawns. — 9. Division 2 Section "Exterior Plants" for planting bed establishment and tree and shrub pit excavation and planting. 10. Division 3 Section "Cast -in -Place Concrete" for granular course if placed over vapor retarder and beneath the slab -on -grade. 11. Divisions 2 and 16 Sections for installing underground mechanical and electrical utilities and buried mechanical and electrical structures. 1.3 UNIT PRICES A. Unit prices for earthwork are included in Division 1 Section " Change Order Procedure." B. Quantity allowances for earthwork are included in Division 1 Section "Allowances." EARTHWORK 02300 - 1 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 1.4 DEFINITIONS A. Backfill: Soil material or controlled low -strength material used to fill an excavation. 1. Initial Backfill: Backfill placed beside and over pipe in a trench, including haunches to support sides of pipe. 2. Final Backfill: Backfill placed over initial backfill to fill a trench. B. Bedding Course: Course placed over the excavated subgrade in a trench before laying pipe C. Borrow Soil: Satisfactory soil imported from off -site for use as fill or backfill. D. Drainage Course: Course supporting the slab -on -grade that also minimizes upward capillary flow of pore water. E. Excavation: Removal of material encountered above subgrade elevations and to lines and dimensions indicated. 1. Authorized Additional Excavation: Excavation below subgrade elevations or beyond indicated lines and dimensions as directed by Architect. Authorized additional excavation and replacement material will be paid for according to Contract provisions for changes in the Work. 2. Bulk Excavation: Excavation more than 10 feet in width and more than 30 feet in length. 3. Unauthorized Excavation: Excavation below subgrade elevations or beyond indicated lines and dimensions without direction by Architect. Unauthorized excavation, as well as remedial work directed by Architect, shall be without additional compensation. F. Fill: Soil materials used to raise existing grades. G. Rock: Rock material in beds, ledges, unstratified masses, conglomerate deposits, and boulders of rock material 3/4 cu. yd. or more in volume that exceed a standard penetration resistance of 100 blows/2 inches when tested by an independent geotechnical testing agency, according to ASTM D 1586. H. Structures: Buildings, footings, foundations, retaining walls, slabs, tanks, curbs, mechanical and electrical appurtenances, or other man-made stationary features constructed above or below the ground surface. 1. Subbase Course: Course placed between the subgrade and base course for hot -mix asphalt pavement, or course placed between the subgrade and a cement concrete pavement or a cement concrete or hot -mix asphalt walk. J. Subgrade: Surface or elevation remaining after completing excavation, or top surface of a fill or backfill immediately below subbase, drainage fill, or topsoil materials. K. Utilities: On -site underground pipes, conduits, ducts, and cables, as well as underground services within buildings. 1.5 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Existing Utilities: Do not interrupt utilities serving facilities occupied by Owner or others unless permitted in writing by Owner and then only after arranging to provide temporary utility services according to requirements indicated. 1. Notify Owner not less than two days in advance of proposed utility interruptions. 2. Do not proceed with utility interruptions without Owner's written permission. EARTHWORK 02300 - 2 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3. Contact utility -locator service for area where Project is located before excavating. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 SOIL MATERIALS 4/05 A. General: Provide borrow soil materials when sufficient satisfactory soil materials are not available from excavations. B. Satisfactory Soils: ASTM D 2487 Soil Classification Groups GW, GP, GM, SW, SP, and SM, or a combination of these groups; free of rock or gravel larger than 3 inches in any dimension, debris, waste, frozen materials, vegetation, and other deleterious matter. C. Unsatisfactory Soils: Soil Classification Groups GC, SC, CL, ML, OL, CH, MH, OH, and PT according to ASTM D 2487, or a combination of these groups. Unsatisfactory soils also include satisfactory soils not maintained within 2 percent of optimum moisture content at time of compaction. D. Subbase Material: Naturally or artificially graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel, crushed stone, and natural or crushed sand; ASTM D 2940; with at least 90 percent passing a 1-1/2-inch sieve and not more than 12 percent passing a No. 200 sieve. E. Engineered Fill: Naturally or artificially graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel, crushed stone, and natural or crushed sand; ASTM D 2940; with at least 90 percent passing a 1-1/2-inch sieve and not more than 12 percent passing a No. 200 sieve. F. Bedding Course: Naturally or artificially graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel, crushed stone, and natural or crushed sand; ASTM D 2940; except with 100 percent passing a 1-inch sieve and not more than 8 percent passing a No. 200 sieve. G. Drainage Course: Narrowly graded mixture of crushed stone, or crushed or mrcrushed gravel; -- 'ASTM D 448; coarse -aggregate grading Size 57; with 100 percent passing a 1-1/2-inch sieve and 0 to 5 percent passing a No. 8 sieve. H. Sand: ASTM C 33; fine aggregate, natural, or manufactured sand. L Imported Topsoil Mix: Sandy loam blended with 1/3 compost. Submit I gallon sample to Owner to - approval. 2.2 GEOTEXTILES A. Separation Geotextile: Woven geotextile fabric, manufactured for separation applications, made from polyolefins or polyesters; with elongation less than 50 percent; complying with AASHTO M 288 and the following, measured per test methods referenced: 1. Survivability: Class 2; AASHTO M 288. 2. Grab Tensile Strength: 247 Ibf ; ASTM D 4632. 3. Sewn Seam Strength: 222 Ibf ; ASTM D 4632. 4. Tear Strength: 90 Ibf; ASTM D 4533. 5. Puncture Strength: 90 Ibf ; ASTM D 4833. 6. Apparent Opening Size: No. 60 sieve, maximum; ASTM D 4751. _ EARTHWORK 02300 - 3 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 7. Permittivity: 0.02 per second, minimum; ASTM D 4491. 8. UV Stability: 50 percent after 500 hours' exposure; ASTM D 4355. 2.3 CONTROLLED LOW -STRENGTH MATERIAL A. Controlled Low -Strength Material: Low -density, self -compacting, flowable concrete material as follows: 1. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150. 2. Fly Ash: ASTM C 618, Class C or F. 3. Normal -Weight Aggregate: ASTM C 33, 3/8-inch nominal maximum aggregate size. 4. Foaming Agent: ASTM C 869. 5. Water: ASTM C 94/C 94M. 6. Air -Entraining Admixture: ASTM C 260. B. Produce low -density, controlled low -strength material with the following physical properties: 1. As -Cast Unit Weight: to be determined at point of placement, when tested according to ASTM C 138/C 138M. 2. Compressive Strength: to be determined. C. Produce conventional -weight, controlled low -strength material with compressive strength to he determined. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Protect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities from damage caused by settlem.;nt, lateral movement, undermining, washout, and other hazards created by earthwork operations. B. Preparation of subgrade for earthwork operations including removal of vegetation, topsoil, debris, obstructions; and deleterious materials from ground surface is specified in Division 2 Section "Site Clearing." C. Protect and maintain erosion and sedimentation controls, which are specified in Division 2 Section "Site Clearing," during earthwork operations. D. Provide protective insulating materials to protect subgrades and foundation soils against freezing temperatures or frost. 3.2 DEWATERING A. Prevent surface water and ground water from entering excavations, from ponding on prepared subgrades, and from flooding Project site and surrounding area. B. Protect subgrades from softening, undermining, washout, and damage by rain or water accumulation. 1. Reroute surface water runoff away from excavated areas. Do not allow water to accumulate in excavations. Do not use excavated trenches as temporary drainage ditches. 2. Install a dewatering system, specified in Division 2 Section "Dewatering," to keep subgrades dry and convey ground water away from excavations. Maintain until dewatering is no longer required. EARTHWORK 02300 - 4 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 3.3 EXPLOSIVES A. Explosives: Do not use explosives. 3.4 EXCAVATION, GENERAL A. Unclassified Excavation: Excavate to subgrade elevations regardless of the character of surface and subsurface conditions encountered. Unclassified excavated materials may include rock, soil materials, and obstructions. No changes in the Contract Sum or the Contract Time will be authorized for rock excavation or removal of obstructions. I. If excavated materials intended for fill and backfill include unsatisfactory soil materials and rock, replace with satisfactory soil materials. 2. Remove rock to lines and grades indicated to permit installation of permanent construction without exceeding the following dimensions: a. 24 inches outside of concrete forms other than at footings. _ b. 12 inches outside of concrete forms at footings. C. 6 inches outside of minimum required dimensions of concrete cast against grade. d. Outside dimensions of concrete walls indicated to be cast against rock without forms or exterior waterproofing treatments. ^ e. 6 inches beneath bottom of concrete slabs on grade. f. 6 inches beneath pipe in trenches, and the greater of 24 inches wider than pipe or 42 inches wide. 3.5 EXCAVATION FOR STRUCTURES A. Excavate to indicated elevations and dimensions within a tolerance of plus or minus 1 inch . If applicable, extend excavations a sufficient distance from structures for placing and removing concrete formwork, for installing services and other construction, and for inspections. 1. Excavations for Footings and Foundations: Do not disturb bottom of excavation. Excavate by hand to final grade just before placing concrete reinforcement. Trim bottoms to required lines and grades to leave solid base to receive other work. 2. Excavation for Underground Tanks, Basins, and Mechanical or Electrical Utility Structures: Excavate to elevations and dimensions indicated within a tolerance of plus or minus 1 inch . Do not disturb bottom of excavations intended as bearing surfaces. 3.6 EXCAVATION FOR WALKS, PAVEMENTS AND TOPSOIL A. Excavate surfaces under walks and pavements to indicated lines, cross sections, elevations, and subgrades. 3.7 EXCAVATION FOR UTILITY TRENCHES ^ A. Excavate trenches to indicated gradients, lines, depths, and elevations. 1. Beyond building perimeter, excavate trenches to allow installation of top of pipe below frost line. EARTHWORK 02300 - 5 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4105 B. Excavate trenches to uniform widths to provide the following clearance on each side of pipe or conduit. Excavate trench walls vertically from trench bottom to 12 inches higher than top of pipe or conduit, unless otherwise indicated. 1. Clearance: 12 inches each side of pipe or conduit. C. Trench Bottoms: Excavate and shape trench bottoms to provide uniform bearing and support of pipes and conduit. Shape subgrade to provide continuous support for bells, joints, and barrels of pipes and for joints, fittings, and bodies of conduits. Remove projecting stones and sharp objects along trench subgrade. 1. For pipes and conduit less than 6 inches in nominal diameter and flat-bottomed, multiple -duct conduit units, hand -excavate trench bottoms and support pipe and conduit on an undisturbed subgrade. 2. For pipes and conduit 6 inches or larger in nominal diameter, shape bottom of trench to support bottom 90 degrees of pipe circumference. Fill depressions with tamped sand backfill. 3. Excavate trenches 6 inches deeper than elevation required in rock or other unyielding bearing material to allow for bedding course. D. Trench Bottoms: Excavate trenches 4 inches deeper than bottom of pipe elevation to allow for bedding course. Hand excavate for bell of pipe. Excavate trenches 6 inches deeper than elevation required in rock or other unyielding bearing material to allow for bedding course. 3.8 SUBGRADE INSPECTION A. Notify Architect when excavations have reached required subgrade. B. If Architect determines that unsatisfactory soil is present, continue excavation and replace with compacted backfill or fill material as directed. C. Authorized additional excavation and replacement material will be paid for according to Contract provisions for changes in the Work. D. Reconstruct subgrades damaged by freezing temperatures, frost, rain, accumulated water, or construction activities, as directed by Architect, without additional compensation. 3.9 UNAUTHORIZED EXCAVATION A. Fill unauthorized excavation under foundations or wall footings by extending bottom elevation of concrete foundation or footing to excavation bottom, without altering top elevation. Lean concrete fill, with 28-day compressive strength of 2500 psi , may be used when approved by Architect. Fill unauthorized excavations under other construction or utility pipe as directed by Architect. 3.10 STORAGE OF SOIL MATERIALS A. Stockpile borrow soil materials and excavated satisfactory soil materials without intermixing. Place, grade, and shape stockpiles to drain surface water. Cover to prevent windblown dust. EARTHWORK 02300 - 6 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 1. Stockpile soil materials away from edge of excavations. Do not store within drip line of remaining trees. 3.11 BACKFILL A. Place and compact backfill in excavations promptly, but not before completing the following: 1. Construction below finish grade including, where applicable, subdrainage, dampproofing, waterproofing, and perimeter insulation. 2. Surveying locations of underground utilities for Record Documents. 3. Testing and inspecting underground utilities. 4. Removing concrete formwork. 5. Removing trash and debris. 6. Removing temporary shoring and bracing, and sheeting. 7. Installing permanent or temporary horizontal bracing on horizontally supported walls. B. Place backfill on subgrades free of mud, frost, snow, or ice. 3.12 UTILITY TRENCH BACKFILL A. Place backfill on subgrades free of mud, frost, snow, or ice. — B. Place and compact bedding course on trench bottoms and where indicated. Shape bedding course to provide continuous support for bells, joints, and barrels of pipes and for joints, fittings, and bodies of conduits. C. Backfill trenches excavated under footings and within 18 inches of bottom of footings with satisfactory soil; fill with concrete to elevation of bottom of footings. Concrete is specified in Division 3 Section "Cast -in -Place Concrete." D. Place and compact initial backfill of satisfactory soil, free of particles larger than 1 inch in any dimension, to a height of 12 inches over the utility pipe or conduit. —' 1. Carefully compact initial backfill under pipe haunches and compact evenly up on both sides and along the full length of utility piping or conduit to avoid damage or displacement of piping or conduit. Coordinate backftlling with utilities testing. E. Backfill voids with satisfactory soil while installing and removing shoring and bracing. F. Place and compact final backfill of satisfactory soil to final subgrade elevation. 3.13 SOIL FILL A. Cultivate subsoil in grass and planted areas to a depth of 12 inches prior to placing imported topsoil mix. B. Place and compact fill material in layers to required elevations as follows: ^ 1. Under grass and planted areas, use 4 inches imported topsoil mix over satisfactory soil material. 2. In growing plots, use 12 inches imported topsoil mix over satisfactory soil material. 3. Under walks and pavements, use satisfactory soil material. 4. Under steps and ramps, use engineered fill. 5. Under footings and foundations, use engineered fill. EARTHWORK 02300 - 7 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 C. Place soil fill on subgrades free of mud, frost, snow, or ice. 3.14 SOIL MOISTURE CONTROL A. Uniformly moisten or aerate subgrade and each subsequent fill or backfill soil layer before compaction to within 2 percent of optimum moisture content. I. Do not place backfill or fill soil material on surfaces that are muddy, frozen, or contain frost or ice. 2. Remove and replace, or scarify and air dry otherwise satisfactory soil material that exceeds optimum moisture content by 2 percent and is too wet to compact to specified dry unit weight. 3.15 COMPACTION OF SOIL BACKFILLS AND FILLS A. Place backfill and fill soil materials in layers not more than 8 inches in loose depth for material compacted by heavy compaction equipment, and not more than 4 inches in loose depth for material compacted by hand -operated tampers. B. Place backfill and fill soil materials evenly on all sides of structures to required elevations, and uniformly along the full length of each structure. C. Compact soil materials to not less than the following percentages of maximum dry unit weight according to ASTM D 698: 1. Under structures, building slabs, steps, and pavements, scarify and recompact top 12 inches of existing subgrade and each layer of backfill or fill soil material at 95percent. 2. Under walkways, scarify and recompact top 6 inches below subgrade and compact each layer of backfill or fill soil material at 92percent. 3. Under lawn or unpaved areas, scarify and recompact top 6 inches below subgrade and compact each layer of backfill or fill soil material at 85percent. 4. For utility trenches, compact each layer of initial and final backfill soil material at 85percent. 3.16 GRADING A. General: Uniformly grade areas to a smooth surface, free of irregular surface changes. Comply with compaction requirements and grade to cross sections, lines, and elevations indicated. 1. Provide a smooth transition between adjacent existing grades and new grades. 2. Cut out soft spots, fill low spots, and trim high spots to comply with required surface tolerances. B. Site Grading: Slope grades to direct water away from buildings and to prevent pending. Finish subgrades to required elevations within the following tolerances: 1. Lawn or Unpaved Areas: Plus or minus I inch. 2. Walks: Plus or minus 1 inch. 3. Pavements: Plus or minus 1/2 inch. C. Grading inside Building Lines: Finish subgrade to a tolerance of 1/2 inch when tested with a 10-foot straightedge. EARTHWORK 02300 - 8 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 — 3.17 SUBBASE AND BASE COURSES A. Place subbasecourse on subgrades free of mud, frost, snow, or ice. B. On prepared subgrade, place subbasecourse under pavements and walks as follows: 1. Install separation geotextile on prepared subgrade according to manufacturer's written instructions, overlapping sides and ends. 2. Shape subbasecourse to required crown elevations and cross -slope grades. 3. Place subbasecourse 6 inches or less in compacted thickness in a single layer. 4. Place subbasecourse that exceeds 6 inches in compacted thickness in layers of equal thickness, with no compacted layer more than 6 inches thick or less than 3 inches thick. 5. Compact subbasecourse at optimum moisture content to required grades, lines, cross sections, and thickness to not less than 95percent of maximum dry unit weight according to ASTM D 698. 3.18 DRAINAGE COURSE A. Place drainage course on subgrades free of mud, frost, snow, or ice. B. On prepared subgrade, place and compact drainage course under cast -in -place concrete slabs -on -grade as follows: 1. Place drainage course 6 inches or less in compacted thickness in a single layer. 2. Place drainage course that exceeds 6 inches in compacted thickness in layers of equal thickness, with no compacted layer more than 6 inches thick or less than 3 inches thick. ^ 3. Compact each layer of drainage course to required cross sections and thicknesses to not less than 95percent of maximum dry unit weight according to ASTM D 698. 3.19 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Testing Agency: Owner will engage a qualified independent geotechnical engineering testing agency to perform field quality -control testing. B. Footing Subgrade: At footing subgrades, at least one test of each soil stratum will be performed to verify design bearing capacities. Subsequent verification and approval of other footing subgrades may be based on a visual comparison of subgrade with tested subgrade when approved by Architect. C. Testing agency will test compaction of soils in place according to ASTM D 1556, ASTM D 2167, ASTM D 2922, and ASTM D 2937, as applicable. Tests will be performed at the following locations and _ frequencies: 1. Paved and Building Slab Areas: At subgrade and at each compacted fill and backfill layer, at least 1 test for every 2000 sq. ft. or less of paved area or building slab, but in no case fewer than 3 tests. 2. Foundation Wall Backfill: At each compacted backfill layer, at least 1 test for each 100 feet or less of wall length, but no fewer than 2 tests. 3. Trench Backfill: At each compacted initial and final backfill layer, at least I test for each 150 feet or less of trench length, but no fewer than 2 tests. D. When testing agency reports that subgrades, fills, or backfills have not achieved degree of compaction specified, scarify and moisten or aerate, or remove and replace soil to depth required; recompact and retest until specified compaction is obtained. EARTHWORK 02300 - 9 SECTION 00420 STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS All questions must be answered and the data given must be clear and comprehensive. This statement must be notarized. If necessary, questions may be answered on separate attached sheets. The Bidder may submit any additional information he desires. Walsh Construction, Inc. 5828 N. St. Louis Ave. 1. Name of Bidder: Loveland, CC-)QnF�R Walsh Construction. Inc, 5828 N. St. Louis Ave. 2. Permanent main office address: Loveland, CC) 8n538 3. When organized: IV) —r 4. If a corporation, where incorporated: �iDl©g� & Jo 5. How many years have you been engaged in the contracting business under your present firm or trade name? rj Q}�p 6. Contracts on hand: (Schedule these, showing the amount of each contract and the appropriate anticipated dates of completion.) 7. General character of Work perf med � your company: 8. Have you ever failed to complete any Work awarded to you? N_ If so, where and why? 9. Have your ever defaulted on a contract? NO If so, where and why? 10. Are you debarred by any government agency? NO If yes list agency name. 7/96 Section 00420 Page 1 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3.20 PROTECTION 4/05 A. Protecting Graded Areas: Protect newly graded areas from traffic, freezing, and erosion. Keep free of trash and debris. B. Repair and reestablish grades to specified tolerances where completed or partially completed surfaces become eroded, rutted, settled, or where they lose compaction due to subsequent construction operations or weather conditions. Scarify or remove and replace soil material to depth as directed by Architect; reshape and recompact. C. Where settling occurs before Project correction period elapses, remove finished surfacing, backfill with additional soil material, compact, and reconstruct surfacing. Restore appearance, quality, and condition of finished surfacing to match adjacent work, and eliminate evidence of restoration to greatest extent possible. 3.21 DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS AND WASTE MATERIALS A. Disposal: Transport surplus satisfactory soil to designated storage areas on Owner's property. Stockpile or spread soil as directed by Architect. Remove waste material, including unsatisfactory soil, trash, and debris, and legally dispose of it off Owner's property. END OF SECTION 02300 EARTHWORK 02300 - 10 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 — SECTION 02666 — POND AND RESERVOIR LINERS PARTI-GENERAL I .I RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes impermeable geomembrane reservoir liners. B. Related Sections include the following: 1. Division 2 Sections for earthwork, special subsurface bedding and geotextiles related to liner work. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Plastics Terminology: Refer to ASTM D 1600 for definition of abbreviated terms for plastics not other- wise defined in this Section. B. PVC: Polyvinyl chloride. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of the following: 1. Geomembrane liner. 2. Geotextile fabric. — 3. Seaming adhesive, solvent, and extrusion. 4. Penetration assembly. B. Material and Product Test Reports: Indicating materials, geomembrane, and seams comply with require- ments, based on comprehensive testing of current product formulations and products. C. Warranties: Special warranties specified in this Section. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: Installer shall have been in the business of installing project of similar complex- ity and size for a minimum of 5 years and have installed no less than 20,000 square feet. This work shall be the sole responsibility of the Water Feature Contractor. B. Manufacturer Qualifications: A firm experienced in manufacturing geomembrane liner panels similar to those indicated for this Project and with a record of successful in-service performance. POND AND RESERVOIR LINERS 02666 -1 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 C. Source Limitations: Obtain geomembrane liner panels, accessories, and required seaming materials, sol- vents, and adhesives through one source from a single manufacturer. D. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site. Review methods and procedures related to product including, but not limited to, the following: I. Inspect and discuss condition of substrate and other preparatory work performed by other trades. 2. Review structural load limitations. 3. Review limitations on equipment and Installer's personnel. 4. Review and finalize construction schedule and verify availability of materials, Installer's person- nel, equipment, and facilities needed to make progress and avoid delays. 5. Review required testing, inspecting, and certifying procedures. 6. Review weather and forecasted weather conditions and procedures for unfavorable conditions. 1.6 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Weather Limitations: Proceed with installation only when existing and forecasted weather conditions permit placement and seaming of geomembrane to be performed according to manufacturers' written instructions and warranty requirements. Do not place or seam geomembrane during conditions of precipitation, excessive atmospheric moisture, blowing dust, strong wind, or at temperatures outside manufacturers' recommended range. 1.7 WARRANTY A. General Warranty: Special warranty specified in this Article shall not deprive Owner of other rights Owner may have under other provisions of the Contract Documents and shall be in addition to, and run concurrent with, other warranties made by Contractor under requirements of the Contract Documents. B. Special Warranty: Written warranty, signed by geomembrane manufacturer, liner manufacturer, and liner Installer agreeing to repair or replace geomembrane liner that fails in materials and workmanship or that deteriorates under conditions of normal weather within specified warranty period. Warranty does not in- clude deterioration or failure of geomembrane liner due to exposure to harmful chemicals, gases or va- pors, abnormal and severe weather phenomena, fire, earthquakes, floods, vandalism, or abuse by persons, animals, or equipment. Failures include, but are not limited to, the following: Leaks. C. Warranty Period: 10 years from date of Final Payment. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: 1. Watersaver Company, Inc., or equal. 2. Colorado Lining, or equal. POND AND RESERVOIR LINERS 02666 -2 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 2.2 MATERIALS A. General: Provide impervious geomembrane liner fabricated from sheet material indicated, complying with specified product characteristics. 2.3 PVC SHEET A. Virgin PVC with plasticizers and other modifiers, compounded for use in hydraulic structures, formed into uniform, flexible sheets with material properties complying with PGI's "PVC Specification" for nominal thickness indicated: 1. Nominal Thickness: 40 mils. 2. Sheet Texture: One side smooth; other side as follows: _ a. Smooth. 2.4 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Adhesives: Provide types of adhesive compounds, solvents, and tapes recommended in writing by liner manufacturer for bonding to structures (if required), for sealing of seams in geomembrane, and for sealing projections through liner. B. Penetration Assemblies: Provide manufacturer's standard factory -fabricated assemblies for sealing pene- trations. Include joint sealant, recommended in writing by liner manufacturer, compatible with geomem- brane and containment conditions and materials. C. Geotextile: As manufactured by Mirafi or equivalent. I. Non woven polypropylene needle punched geotextile. 2. 8 oz per sq. yard per ASTM D 5261 _ 3. Model180N. 2.5 FABRICATION A. Fabricate geomembrane liner panels from sheets in sizes as large as possible with factory -sealed seams, consistent with limitations of weight and installation procedures. Minimize field seaming. 2.6 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL A. General: Test for bonded seam strength and peel adhesion every 1000 feet or once per panel, whichever is more frequent, per NSF 54, Table 14. B. PVC Liner: Test and inspect factory seams for peel adhesion not less than 10 1bf/in of seam width, ac- cording to ASTM D 413, as modified by NSF 54, Annex A, and for bonded seam strength indicated ac- cording to ASTM D 3083, as modified by NSF 54, Annex A. 1. Bonded Seam Strength: Not less than indicated for seam constructed from two sheets, each with nominal sheet thickness of not less than 40 mils. a. 58.4 Ibf/in. of seam width. POND AND RESERVOIR LINERS 02666 -3 ... Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden PART 3-EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION 4/05 A. Examine substrates, with Installer present, for freedom from sharp projections and voids; for compliance with requirements for soil compaction and grading; for subgrade free from angular rocks, rubble, roots, vegetation, debris, voids, protrusions, and ground water; and for other conditions affecting performance of liner. Examine anchor trench excavation, where liner is to be secured, for substrate conditions indicated above and for correct location and configuration. B. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Provide temporary ballast that does not damage geomembrane liner or substrate, to prevent uplift of liner in areas with prevailing winds, until edges are permanently secured. B. Prepare surfaces of construction penetrating through liner according to liner manufacturer's written in- structions. Remove curing compounds and coatings from concrete surfaces to be sealed to geomembrane liner. 3.3 INSTALLATION A. General: Place geomembrane liner over prepared surfaces to ensure minimum handling. Comply with liner manufacturer's written instructions. In areas with prevailing winds, begin placing liner at Project's upwind direction and proceed downwind. Install liner in a relaxed condition, free from stress and tension. Fit closely and seal around inlets, outlets, and other projections through geomembrane liner. Permanently secure edges. B. Field Seams: Install with no seams if possible. If seams are required, get approval of Architect. Comply with liner manufacturer's written instructions. Form lapped seams by lapping edges of panels 2 to 4 inches unless instructions require a larger overlap. Wipe contact surfaces clean and free of dirt, dust, moisture, and other foreign materials. Use solvent -cleaning methods and grind geomembrane seam sur- faces if recommended by liner manufacturer. Proceed with seaming at required temperatures for materi- als and ambient conditions. Continuously bond sheet to sheet to construct single or double seams of width recommended for method of seaming used. Seal or fuse free seam edges as instructed. Inspect seams and reseal voids. Adhesive Bonding: Apply bonding cement to both contact surfaces in seam area and press to- gether immediately, or use other seaming methods as instructed by liner manufacturer. Roll to press surfaces together, to distribute adhesive to leading edges of panels, and to remove wrinkles and fishmouths. Remove excess adhesive. C. Liner Attached to Concrete: Use liner manufacturer's standard system to suit project conditions. Support adhesive and liner fabric on not less than 8-inch-wide concrete substrate, unless otherwise indicated. D. Liner Repairs: Repair tears, punctures, and other imperfections in liner field and seams using patches of liner material, liner -to -liner bonding materials, and bonding methods according to liner manufacturer's POND AND RESERVOIR LINERS 02666 -4 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 written instructions. Apply bonding solvent or weld to contact surfaces of both patch and liner and press together immediately. Roll to remove wrinkles. 3.4 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Nondestructive Testing: Visually inspect all seams and patches. Comply with ASTM D 4437 for Air Lance Test, Vacuum Box Testing, or Ultrasonic (High Frequency) Pulse Echo Testing or with GRI Test Method GM6, as applicable to geomembrane and seam construction. Record locations of failed seams and patches. For the record, individually number and date occurrences and details of leak and remedial action. Repair leaking seams and patches. 3.5 PROTECTION A. Protect installed geomembrane liner according to liner manufacturer's written instructions. Repair or re- place areas of liner damaged by scuffing, punctures, traffic, rough subgrade, or other unacceptable condi- tions. B. Protect installed geomembrane with an additional layer of geotextile fabric at all locations where con- crete, compacted fill, rip rap or pipe penetrations will bear on membrane. C. Before initial filling of stream, or placement of rock or gravel cover, inspect seams and patched areas to ensure tight, continuously bonded installation. Repair damaged membrane and seams and reinspect re- paired work. END OF SECTION 02666 POND AND RESERVOIR LINERS 02666 -5 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 SECTION 02751 - CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT PART1-GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes exterior cement concrete pavement for the following: 1. Walkways & Plazas. B. Related Sections include the following: 1. Division 2 Section "Earthwork" for subgrade preparation, grading, and subbase course. 2. Division 2 Section "Pavement Joint Sealants" for joint sealants of joints in concrete pavement and at isolation joints of concrete pavement with adjacent construction. 3. Division 3 Section "Cast -in -Place Concrete" for general building applications of concrete. 4. Division t Section "Testing" for testing of concrete for footings 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Cementitious Materials: Portland cement alone or in combination with one or more of blended hydraulic cement, fly ash and other pozzolans, and ground granulated blast -furnace slag. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of manufactured material and product indicated. B. Design Mixtures: For each concrete pavement mixture. Include alternate mixture desigm when characteristics of materials, Project conditions, weather, test results, or other circumstances warrant adjustments. C. Manufacturers color charts: showing full range of colors available if different from those specified. D. Qualification Data: For firms indicated in "Quality Assurance" Article, including list of completed projects. E. Field quality -control test reports. F. Minutes of preinstallation conference. 1.5 APPROVALS CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 02751 - I Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 — A. All form work must be approved by the Architect prior to placing concrete. Placed concrete without prior approval is subject to removal at the Contractor's expense. B. Notify Architect 72 hours in advance of time approval is requested. 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer Qualifications: Manufacturer of ready -mixed concrete products who complies with ASTM C 94/C94M requirements for production facilities and equipment. 1. Manufacturer certified according to NRMCA's "Certification of Ready Mixed Concrete Production Facilities." 2. Installer Qualifications: An installer with 5 years experience with work of similar scope and quality. Submit list of completed projects demonstrating full range of concrete types listed in summary. 3. Obtain each specified material from same source and maintain high degree of consistency in workmanship throughout Project. 4. Notification of manufacturer's authorized representative shall be given at least 1-week before start of Work. B. Testing Agency Qualifications: An independent agency qualified according to ASTM C 1077 and ASTM E 329 for testing indicated, as documented according to ASTM E 548. Personnel conducting field tests shall be qualified as ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician, Grade 1, according to ACI CP-01 or an equivalent certification program. C. ACI Publications: Comply with ACI 301, "Specification for Structural Concrete," unless modified by requirements in the Contract Documents. D. Concrete Testing Service: Engage a qualified independent testing agency to perform material evaluation tests and to design concrete mixtures. E. Mockups: Cast mockups of full-size sections of concrete pavement to demonstrate typical joints, surface finish, texture, color, and standard of workmanship for each color and condition shown on plans. 1. Build mockups in the location and of the size indicated or, if not indicated, as directed by Architect. 2. Notify Architect seven days in advance of dates and times when mockups will be constructed. 3. For accurate color, the quantity of concrete mixed to produce the sample should not be less than 3 cubic yards (or not less than 1/3 the capacity of the mixing drum on the ready -mix truck) and _ should always be in full cubic yard increments. Excess material shall be discarded according to local regulations. 4. Construct mockup using processes and techniques intended for use on permanent work, includirp curing procedures. Include samples of control, construction, and expansion joints in sample — panels. Mockup shall be produced by the individual workers who will perform the work for the Project. 5. Retain samples of cements, sands, aggregates and color additives used in mockup for comparison with materials used in remaining work. 6. Obtain Architect's approval of mockups before starting construction. 7. Maintain approved mockups during construction in an undisturbed condition as a standard for judging the completed pavement. 8. Demolish and remove approved mockups from the site when directed by Architect. 9. Approved mockups may become part of the completed Work if undisturbed at time of Completion. CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 02751 - 2 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 F. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site to comply with requirements in Division I Section "Project Meetings." Before submitting design mixtures, review concrete pavement mixture design and examine procedures for ensuring quality of concrete materials and concrete pavement construction practices. Require representatives, including the following, of each entity directly concerned with concrete pavement, to attend conference: a. Contractor's superintendent. b. Concrete pavement subcontractor. 1.7 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Traffic Control: Maintain access for vehicular and pedestrian traffic as required for other construction activities. B. Integrally Colored Concrete Environmental Requirements: 1. Schedule placement to minimize exposure to wind and hot sun before curing materials are applied. 2. Avoid placing concrete if rain, snow, or frost is forecast within 24-hours. Protect fresh concrete from moisture and freezing. 3. Comply with professional practices described in ACI 305R and ACI 306R. C. Schedule delivery of concrete to provide consistent mix times from hatching until discharge. Mix times shall meet manufacturer's written recommendations. 1.8 PRE -JOB CONFERENCE A. One week prior to placement of integrally colored concrete, a meeting shall be held to discuss the Project and application methods. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 FORMS A. Form Materials: Plywood, metal, metal -framed plywood, or other approved panel -type materials to provide full -depth, continuous, straight, smooth exposed surfaces. Use flexible or curved forms for curves. B. Form -Release Agent: Commercially formulated form -release agent that will not bond with, stain, or adversely affect concrete surfaces and will not impair subsequent treatments of concrete surfaces. 2.2 CONCRETE MATERIALS A. Cementitious Material: Use the following cementitious materials, of the same type, brand, and source throughout the Project: 1. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type I, gray. CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 02751 - 3 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 B. Normal -Weight Aggregates: ASTM C 33, Class 4S coarse aggregate, uniformly graded. Provide aggregates from a single source. I . Maximum Coarse -Aggregate Size: 1-1/2 inches nominal. 2. Fine Aggregate: Free of materials with deleterious reactivity to alkali in cement. C. Water: ASTM C 94/C 94M. D. Air -Entraining Admixture: ASTM C 260. E. Chemical Admixtures: Provide admixtures certified by manufacturer to be compatible with other admixtures and to contain not more than 0.1 percent water-soluble chloride ions by mass of cementitious material. 2.3 CURING MATERIALS A. Water: Potable. B. Evaporation Retarder: Waterbome, monomolecular film forming; manufactured for application to fresh concrete. C. White Waterborne Membrane -Forming Curing Compound: ASTM C 309, Type 2, Class B. 2.4 RELATED MATERIALS A. Acceptable Manufacturer: L.M. SCOFIELD COMPANY, Douglasville, Georgia (800) 800-9900. Local Contact: Central Division Office (630) 752-9424. B., Materials: 1. Colored Admixture for Integrally Colored Concrete: CHROMIX PO Admixture and CHROMIX LO; L.M. SCOFIELD COMPANY. a. Admixture shall be a colored, water -reducing, admixture containing no calcium chloride with coloring agents that are lime proof and UV resistant. b. Colored admixture shall conform to the requirements of AC1303.1, ASTM C979, ASTM C494, and AASHTO M194. 2. Curing and Sealing Compound: Cureseal`4 Semi Gloss; L.M. SCOFIELD COMPANY. Curing and sealing compound shall comply with ASTM C309 and be of same manufacturer as colored admixture, for use with integrally colored concrete. 3. Water -based Reactive Stains: LITHOCHROM0* TinturaTm Stain; L.M. SCOFIELD COMPANY, a ready -to -use, penetrating, reactive staining product that chemically combines with cured concrete or cementitious toppings to produce translucent color effects. a. Colors: As indicated on the L.M. Scofield Color Chart(s). C. Pavement Joint Sealants: Refer Section 02764. ." CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 02751 - 4 6/6/2005 Walsh Construction, Inc. 5828 N. St. Louis Ave. Loveland, CO 80538 Current Jobs in Progress #10405 Project: Nix Farm Stora ell-oafing Shed Bonded Tax Exem t# 107,711.00 PURCHASE ORDER#5503313 10% Owner: City of Fort Collins Steve White Start-06/01/05 117 N. Mason 970-221-6273 End -(120 days) \••'\�•A i'+�4}}'Y� ':.\ `:YY`<}\:v}:$YiY.l #10205 ��� \:}-.hY:� \.h,h.Y.'±ni{'J` .L:'i+:Y.'�'Y; Project: Fort Collins, CO 80524 970-221-6534 ,v�,.h._.� :v�}} \y ' h h' ,�� \` �. \'�Y`}�� � }.Yh 4 Y\ ti. ii ,+vi: Via:\: ..�. \C.i.i:i�,'a.M�:: v vlbS.: d.: i.`•�.Yn ~ ». ,.Y :n:. : .{> Kanemoto Park Irrigation Pump House Replacement � hY h h a'hYYY'vY`�} +hh Yhh . n7.: Y:.itlnC.7vv aJ tlY',. �..Ci. no bond Tax Exempt#89-12280-0017 Trent720-234-7651 33,711.00 PURCHASE ORDER#502126 10% Owner: C of Longmont Teny Herbert, P.M. Start-4/11/05 Purchasing Dept. 303-651-8451 End 1100 S. Sherman St. Fax 303-651-8759 95% complete Longmont, CO 80501 Parks & Forestry }�,\�. •NO h cv.y. Y'' r. #10105 ,i+, +:,i+tit. l v "a4a�`i: �a.......v Project: 303-651-8349 - Fax 651.8588 p ��pp ,}C„icn:, o:.y w <Ki:: i;:: ..a1'+'.}Y}.: 3\Y\.'\+l� :: �,\Y.Ki.v h�+: \..: Co:Q�\+ ..WQ.rvl:JiY: .:.1MAI'�`�'{+ACV.h§"`.: , vyy� �:t•. Yw.� `.: .i+....�..A. YX+T.::.:..:nvx._.....:..'.G'::::.::...,.:::.,..i.Sh Water Quality Vaults 747 Coffman St, Longmont 60501 @:x::;: a+' ;}:a,:::<i:9.}::2:::: �•s'?Y.i.}}:o,:::'c::e�::u� ..:k}ni,..--:::: o::: s '::.\+:?::�:: .: ..: v.,}((�.: �.y-..:hYyi:Y..'.'?}i(\:v\'YY:Y v�qi +f:}~<'i}'.�i•: i":'}': �• ,...:a.�:v:.....::........Y:.a...::.:wo::YY+..+.a:.coA:...::,h:::at�j.`aoCC.:.::x•:�h\ Permit#COG71873 Bonded Tax Exempt #89-12280-0016 74,711.00 10% Owner: City of Loveland Dan Evans, P.E. Start 3115/05 Public Works Stormwater 962-2773 End - 410 East Fifth St. Ce11290-3222 99% complete Loveland, CO 80537 : #10304 `b$$''y�� MEh1 Project: 970-962-2627-Fax 962-2908 yh\n�a\Q,E�. �+tv�..JJ'`:i2 �".r+}tY}:'}.�C.\�'Q�+C�...tihh}tiiy�»�.hhJYv�a`Sv± +h:j.:�.Vi}nvkaii.+ i(�f.ini�aa.((W��CC:tt��,:�i.l,tlJv+eYv.t�iY+Y�R.Yi:'YQ:Y`YZ{,}.'`i+•h'`�•i.tYiiYh:MY\+.::*:';�$ia�Yi].\2:+i\Q�'N:ai1'� L\Yi\Y1C}`hAJ\vi{�'^,:i:Yiv�v�,)riv.O:i,':-C:..tvn.N: �aY?:}+:iY:.:iY.t:.:i}"n}Y.::}:::}4Yi:\Qii.\i'.:.j:hJ:.�lAY:i:::.\:Y}i,~:AYiY:i:?�i}.'i.y'.+.�Yi$M.iK+iY{i9;:.i:Y.�\: i<:4+��t�:4i,i.:ii'v.)}}'�::\aY..\.:i\`\L.}}Y:.t:Yy.:\::� Reynolds Ranch Open Space House Rehabilitation �:\�': k0:��.Y?ti•,t.+:Y:�.}.:M4iO;��i`',vi4C.`-%i:Y�\,�\4.Yp:5?::"i:�:Y�tvi. ��A." F'\Y' . Pernnit #BP041435 10117 Magnolia, Nederland, CO 80466 Bonded Tax Exempt# 89-12280-0015 48,711 Owner: Boulder County Sid#4577-04 2020 13th St. Mailing: PO Box 471 Start -11101104 Boulder, CO 80302 Boulder, CO 80306 End -03/15/05 303-441-3505 - Fax 441-4594 Jenny Oiberding, Punch agent Glenda Rowe 303-441-4957 303-441-3525 99% complete +•.•(• •\.'v'CY '. �� •JvM \' \ +,\+: :: R. ��Y �vfil ''a'+ ,\S�{+Y�C)y��Y\a`K:o BFI/Jacklyn 303-286-6489 YC:C:\:CY:.va'h:::. ': vtJ"CY \^ a'..\+\.v. .. v �\Y• 'nvv{ .i '} A u VY.n v )q+ . \ .i � ++`,�:,}}..:a nKVuv:..T\"::•vK'� .i. i:*.::\^^:q+ha.:�^ �i ti`"�n�{�i. -i{4.\+\*5.,.+i�:`J4t.;\:'•,\+NRT:.v'iJyii�$:iS�.�}.\\: ,iYi,i:✓ii"e'+CYtii,i`Y Y iJ+•pY.4.: '.}.:.v.y�YpiR�.,i:JJ}�\�Y�n 'S�hv. v..J. v... \n:.' v i�A\+: ��\ : \n`i, ..�. q �:i�v�Y:}:^iSY�\ti�'vAy:::. ti�v'}\\$::}:*:.{} �'��Y�.�*C',0.iiij\�` hY Yvv�,�v�i,i Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 2.5 COLORS AND PATTERNS A. Concrete Colors: 1. Cement: Color shall be gray. 2. Sand: Color shall be locally available natural sand. 3. Aggregate: Concrete producer's standard aggregate complying with specifications. 4. Colors and finishes as indicated on drawings. a. Color and Finish A. 1) Plain grey concrete. 2) Stain Color to match Pantone Color #S-4000, 3 applications of stain. 3) Medium broom finish, perpendicular to plaza layout points & perpendicular to direction of traffic. b. Color and Finish B. 1) Plain grey concrete. 2) Stain Color to match Pantone Color #S-3010, 3 applications of stain. 3) Medium broom finish, perpendicular to direction of traffic. Color and Finish C. 1) Plain grey concrete. 2) Stain Color to match Pantone Color #S-X300, 3 applications of stain. 3) Medium broom finish, perpendicular to direction of traffic. d. Color and Finish D. 1) Plain grey concrete. 2) Stain Color to match Pantone Color #S-0010, 3 applications of stain. 3) Medium broom finish, perpendicular to direction of traffic. e. Color and Finish E. 1) Plain grey concrete. 2) Stain Color to match Pantone Color #S-X715, 3 applications of stain. 3) Medium broom finish, perpendicular to plaza layout points. f. Color and Finish F. 1) Integral Color C-21 Adobe Tan 2) Exposed Aggregate Finish g. Color and Finish G. 1) Integral Color C-21 Adobe Tan 2) Float finish. 2.6 CONCRETE MIXTURES A. Prepare design mixtures, proportioned according to ACI 301, for each type and strength of nonnal-weight concrete determined by either laboratory trial mixes or field experience. Use a qualified independent testing agency for preparing and reporting proposed concrete mixture designs for the trial batch method. B. Proportion mixtures to provide normal -weight concrete with the following properties: CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 02751 - 5 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 1. Compressive Strength (28 Days): 4000 psi. 2. Maximum Water-Cementitious Materials Ratio at Point of Placement: 0.45. 3. Slump Limit: 4 inches. C. Add air -entraining admixture at manufacturer's prescribed rate to result in normal -weight concrete at point of placement having an air content as follows: 1. Air Content: 5-1/2 percent plus or minus 1.5 percent for 1-1/2-inch nominal maximum aggregate _ size. 2. Air Content: 6 percent plus or minus 1.5 percent for 1-inch nominal maximum aggregate size. 3. Air Content: 6 percent plus or minus 1.5 percent for 3/4-inch nominal maximum aggregate size D. Limit water-soluble, chloride -ion content in hardened concrete to 0.15 percent by weight of cement. E. Cementitious Materials: Limit percentage, by weight, of cementitious materials other than portland cement according to ACI 301 requirements. F. Slump of concrete shall be consistent throughout Project at 4-inches or less. At no time shall slump exceed 5-inches. If super plasticizers are allowed, slump shall not exceed 8-inches. G. Do not add calcium chloride to mix as it causes mottling and surface discoloration. H. Add colored admixture to the mix according to manufacturer's written instructions in premeasured bags, not by weight of cement content. 2.7 CONCRETE MIXING A. Ready -Mixed Concrete: Measure, batch, and mix concrete materials and concrete according to ASTM C 94/C 94M. Furnish batch certificates for each batch discharged and used in the Work. 1. When air temperature is between 85 deg F and 90 deg F, reduce mixing and delivery time from 1- 1/2 hours to 75 minutes; when air temperature is above 90 deg F, reduce mixing and delivery time _ to 60 minutes. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Coordinate sleeve locations as shown on Landscape Irrigation Plans B. Surfaces shall be finished uniformly with the following finish: 1. Broomed: Pull broom across freshly troweled concrete to produce medium texture in straight lines perpendicular to main line of traffic. Do not dampen brooms. 2. Float Finish: Begin the second floating operation when bleed -water sheen has disappeared and concrete surface has stiffened sufficiently to permit operations. Float surface with power -driven floats, or by hand floating if area is small or inaccessible to power units. Finish surfaces to true planes. Cut down high spots and fill low spots. Refloat surface immediately to uniform granular _ texture. CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 02751 -6 --, Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3.2 EXAMINATION 4/05 A. Examine exposed subgrades and subbase surfaces for compliance with requirements for dimensional, grading, and elevation tolerances. B. Proceed with concrete pavement operations only after nonconforming conditions have been corrected and subgrade is ready to receive pavement. 3.3 PREPARATION A. Remove loose material from compacted subbase surface immediately before placing concrete. 3.4 EDGE FORMS AND SCREED CONSTRUCTION A. Set, brace, and secure edge forms, bulkheads, and intermediate screed guides for pavement to required lines, grades, and elevations. Install forms to allow continuous progress of work and so forms can remain in place at least 24 hours after concrete placement. B. Clean forms after each use and coat with form -release agent to ensure separation from concrete without damage. 3.5 JOINTS A. General: Form construction, isolation, and contraction joints and tool edgings true to line with faces perpendicular to surface plane of concrete. Construct transverse joints at right angles to centerline, unless otherwise indicated. When joining existing pavement, place transverse joints to align with previously placed joints, unless otherwise indicated. B. Construction Joints: Set construction joints as shown on drawings. C. Isolation Joints: Form isolation joints of preformed joint -filler strips abutting concrete curbs, catch basins, manholes, inlets, structures, walks, other fixed objects, and where indicated. t. Locate isolation joints as indicated. 2. Extendjoint fillers full width and depth of joint. 3. Terminate joint filler not less than 1/2 inch or more than 1 inch below finished surface if joint sealant is indicated. 4. Place top of joint filler flush with finished concrete surface ifjoint sealant is not indicated. 5. Furnish joint fillers in one-piece lengths. Where more than one length is required, lace or clip joint -filler sections together. 6. Protect top edge of joint filler during concrete placement with metal, plastic, or other temporary preformed cap. Remove protective cap after concrete has been placed on both sides of joint. D. Contraction Joints: Form weakened -plane contraction joints, sectioning concrete into areas as indicated. Construct contraction joints for a depth equal to at least one-fourth of the concrete thickness, as follows: Grooved Joints: Form contraction joints after initial floating by grooving and finishing each edge of joint with grooving tool to a 1/4-inch radius. Repeat grooving of contraction joints after applying surface finishes. Eliminate groover marks on concrete surfaces. CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 02751 - 7 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 — 2. Sawed Joints: Form contraction joints with power saws equipped with shatterproof abrasive or diamond -rimmed blades. Cut 1/8-inch-wide joints into concrete when cutting action will not tear, abrade, or otherwise damage surface and before developing random contraction cracks. E. Edging: Tool edges of pavement, gutters, curbs, and joints in concrete after initial floating with an -- edging tool to a 3/8-inch radius. Repeat tooling of edges after applying surface finishes. Eliminate tool marks on concrete surfaces. 3.6 CONCRETE PLACEMENT A. Inspection: Before placing concrete, inspect and complete formwork installation, steel reinforcement, and items to be embedded or cast in. Notify other trades to permit installation of their work. B. Remove snow, ice, or frost from subbase surface and reinforcement before placing concrete. Do not place concrete on frozen surfaces. C. Moisten subbase to provide a uniform dampened condition at time concrete is placed. Do not place concrete around manholes or other structures until they are at required finish elevation and alignment. _ D. Comply with ACI 301 requirements for measuring, mixing, transporting, and placing concrete. E. Do not add water to concrete during delivery or at Project site. F. Do not add water to fresh concrete after testing. G. Deposit and spread concrete in a continuous operation between transverse joints. Do not push or drag concrete into place or use vibrators to move concrete into place. H. Consolidate concrete according to ACI 301 by mechanical vibrating equipment supplemented by hand ^ spading, rodding, or tamping. 1. Consolidate concrete along face of forms and adjacent to transverse joints with an internal vibrator. Keep vibrator away from joint assemblies, reinforcement, or side forms. Use only square -faced shovels for hand spreading and consolidation. Consolidate with care to prevent dislocating reinforcement, dowels, and joint devices. I. Screed pavement surfaces with a straightedge and strike off. J. Commence initial floating using bull floats or darbies to impart an open textured and uniform surface plane before excess moisture or bleed water appears on the surface. Do not further disturb concrete surfaces before beginning finishing operations or spreading surface treatments. K. Cold -Weather Placement: Comply with ACI 306.1 and as follows. Protect concrete work from physical damage or reduced strength that could be caused by frost, freezing actions, or low temperatures. 1. When air temperature has fallen to or is expected to fall below 40 deg F, uniformly heat water and aggregates before mixing to obtain a concrete mixture temperature of not less than 50 deg F and not more than 80 deg F at point of placement. 2. Do not use frozen materials or materials containing ice or snow. 3. Do not use calcium chloride, salt, or other materials containing antifreeze agents or chemical accelerators unless otherwise specified and approved in mix designs. L. Hot -Weather Placement: Comply with ACI 301 and as follows when hot -weather conditions exist: CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 02751 - 8 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 1. Cool ingredients before mixing to maintain concrete temperature below 90 deg F at time of placement. Chilled mixing water or chopped ice may be used to control temperature, provided water equivalent of ice is calculated to total amount of mixing water. Using liquid nitrogen to cool concrete is Contractor's option. 2. Cover steel reinforcement with water -soaked burlap so steel temperature will not exceed ambient air temperature immediately before embedding in concrete. 3. Fog -spray forms, steel reinforcement, and subgrade just before placing concrete. Keep subgrade moisture uniform without standing water, soft spots, or dry areas. 3.7 SURFACE FINISHING A. General: Do not add water to concrete surfaces during finishing operations. B. Newly placed concrete shall be sufficiently cured to allow concrete to become reactive, minimum 14 days. C. Do not use liquid curing materials. Cure concrete flatwork with new, unwrinkled, non -staining, high quality curing paper. Do not overlap curing paper. D. Surfaces shall be cured using the same method and different sections (pours) chemically stained when the concrete is the same age. E. Immediately prior to chemically staining, thoroughly clean the concrete. Sweep surfaces, pressure wash or scrub using a rotary floor machine. Use suitable, high -quality commercial detergents to facilitate cleaning. Rinse surfaces after cleaning until rinse water is completely clean. Allow concrete to dry completely prior to application of stain. F. Some concrete may require abrading to open the surface and make it sufficiently penetrable. In these instances the concrete surface must be sanded using an 60 mesh -sanding screen. After sanding, all residue must be removed by power vacuuming. The surface should then be pressure washed or scrubbed using a rotary floor machine. G. For preparation, the sandblaster should be capable of producing a light, uniform sandblast and be equipped with a dust collector. H. For preparation, the pressure washer should be equipped with a fan tip and have a minimum pressure capability of 4000 psi (14 MPa). Hot water capability may facilitate cleaning of existing concrete. 3.8 APPLICATION OF CHEMICAL STAIN A. Concrete surfaces shall be dry and properly prepared as described above. Protect surrounding areas from over -spray, run-off and tracking. Divide surfaces into small work sections using wall, joint lines, or other stationary breaks as natural stopping points. B. Apply water -based reactive stains full strength (undiluted) at the coverage rate recommended by the manufacturer and use application equipment described in the manufacturer's printed technical literature. The color of the liquid chemical stain has no resemblance to the final color produced on the concrete substrate. C. Transfer water -based reactive stain to the substrate by brush or spray. CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 02751 - 9 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 D. Reaction time depends on wind conditions, temperatures, and humidity levels. E. The second coat, if required, should be applied after the first coat has dried sufficiently and can be walked on without damage, normally 2-4 hours after application depending on temperature and humidity. 3.9 APPLICATION OF SEALER A. Concrete substrate shall be completely dry. B. Sealer shall be produced by the water -based reactive stain manufacturer. C. After the final Tintura Stain application has dried sufficiently, normally 8-24 hours at 75' F (24' C) and 50% relative humidity, remove all contaminates from the surface by dry mopping if required. D. Apply sealer according to manufacturer's written instructions at a rate of 300 to 500 square feet per gallon per coat. Two coats are required. E. Maintain a wet edge at all times. F. Allow sealer to completely dry before applying additional coats. G. Apply second coat of sealer at 90' to the direction of the first coat using the same application method and rates. H. Seal horizontal joints in areas subject to pedestrian or vehicular traffic. 3.10 CONCRETE PROTECTION AND CURING A. General: Protect freshly placed concrete from premature drying and excessive cold or hot temperatures. B. Protect pavement from traffic for at least 72 hours after final application of sealer C. Comply with ACI 306.1 for cold -weather protection. 3.11 CURING A. Integrally Colored Concrete: Apply curing and sealing compound for integrally colored concrete " according to manufacturer's instructions using manufacturer's recommended application techniques. Apply curing and sealing compound at consistent time for each pour to maintain close cola- consistency. 1. Apply immediately after surface has hardened sufficiently so that application of curing and sealing compound will not mar surface. Apply uniformly over entire surface at coverage rate recommended by manufacturer and meeting or exceeding the moisture retention requirements of ASTM C309. 2. As soon as possible after antiquing release has been removed and after moisture content of concrete is low enough that alkali and other salts do not become trapped beneath sealer, normally a minimum of 14 to 28 days after placement, apply 2 coats of specified curing and sealing compound according to manufacturer's written instructions. 3. There should be no free water on surface at time of application. 4. Curing compound shall be same color as the colored concrete and supplied by same manufacturer of the colored admixture. — CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 02751 - 10 �, Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 5. Precautions shall be taken in hot weather to prevent plastic cracking resulting from excessively rapid drying at, surface as described in CIP 5 Plastic Shrinkage Cracking published by the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association. 6. Do not cover concrete with plastic sheeting. B. Chemically Stained Concrete: Apply curing paper for chemically stained concrete according to manufacturer's instructions using manufacturer's recommended application techniques. 3.12 PAVEMENT TOLERANCES A. Comply with tolerances of ACI 117 and as follows: 1. Elevation: 1/8 inch. 2. Thickness: Plus 3/8 inch, minus 1/4 inch. 3. Surface: Gap below 10-foot- long, unleveled straightedge not to exceed 1/8 inch. 4. Contraction Joint Depth: Plus 1/4 inch, no minus. 5. Joint Width: Plus 1/8 inch, no minus. 6. Minor variations in appearance of colored concrete, which are similar to natural variations in color and appearance of uncolored concrete, are acceptable. 3.13 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Testing Agency: Engage a qualified independent testing and inspecting agency to perform field tests and inspections and prepare test reports. B. Testing Services: Testing of composite samples of fresh concrete obtained according to ASTM C 172 shall be performed according to the following requirements: Testing Frequency: Obtain at least 1 composite sample for each 100 cu. yd. or fraction thereof of each concrete mix placed each day. a. When frequency of testing will provide fewer than five compressive -strength tests for each concrete mixture, testing shall be conducted from at least five randomly selected batches or from each batch if fewer than five are used. 2. Slump: ASTM C 143/C 143M; one test at point of placement for each composite sample, but not less than one test for each day's pour of each concrete mix. Perform additional tests when concrete consistency appears to change. 3. Air Content: ASTM C 231, pressure method; one test for each composite sample, but not less than one test for each day's pour of each concrete mix. 4. Concrete Temperature: ASTM C 1064; one test hourly when air temperature is 40 deg F and below and when 80 deg F and above, and one test for each composite sample. 5. Compression Test Specimens: ASTM C 31/C 31M; cast and laboratory cure one set of three standard cylinder specimens for each composite sample. 6. Compressive -Strength Tests: ASTM C 39/C 39M; test 1 specimen at 7 days and 2 specimens at 28 days. a. A compressive -strength test shall be the average compressive strength from 2 specimens obtained from same composite sample and tested at 28 days. CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 02751 - 11 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 C. Strength of each concrete mix will be satisfactory if average of any 3 consecutive compressive -strength tests equals or exceeds specified compressive strength and no compressive -strength test value falls below specified compressive strength by more than 500 psi. D. Test results shall be reported in writing to Owner's Representative, concrete manufacturer, and Contractor within 48 hours of testing. Reports of compressive -strength tests shall contain Project identification name and number, date of concrete placement, name of concrete testing and inspecting agency, location of concrete batch in Work, design compressive strength at 28 days, concrete mixture proportions and _ materials, compressive breaking strength, and type of break for both 7- and 28-day tests. E. Nondestructive Testing: Impact hammer, sonoscope, or other nondestructive device may be permitted by Owner's Representative but will not be used as sole basis for approval or rejection of concrete. F. Additional Tests: Testing and inspecting agency shall make additional tests of concrete when test results indicate that slump, air entrainment, compressive strengths, or other requirements have not been met, as directed by Owner's Representative. G. Remove and replace concrete pavement where test results indicate that it does not comply with specified requirements. H. Additional testing and inspecting, at Contractor's expense, will be performed to determine compliance of replaced or additional work with specified requirements. 3.14 REPAIRS AND PROTECTION A. Remove and replace concrete pavement that is broken, damaged, or defective or that does not comply with requirements in this Section. B. Drill test cores, where directed by Owner's Representative, when necessary to determine magnitude of cracks or defective areas. Fill drilled core holes in satisfactory pavement areas with portland cement concrete bonded to pavement with epoxy adhesive. C. Protect concrete from damage. Exclude traffic from pavement for at least 14 days after placement. When construction traffic is permitted, maintain pavement as clean as possible by removing surface stains and spillage of materials as they occur. D. Maintain concrete pavement free of stains, discoloration, dirt, and other foreign material. Sweep concrete pavement not more than two days before date scheduled for Substantial Completion inspections. END OF SECTION 02751 CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 02751 - 12 1 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden SECTION 02764 - PAVEMENT JOINT SEALANTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: Isolation joints within cement concrete pavement. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each joint -sealant product indicated. 4/05 B. Samples for Verification: For each type and color of joint sealant required. Install joint -sealant samples in 1/2-inch-wide joints formed between two 6-inch-long strips of material matching the appearance of exposed surfaces adjacent tojoint sealants. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source Limitations: Obtain each type of joint sealant through one source from a single manufacturer. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver materials to Project site in original unopened containers or bundles with labels indicating manufacturer, product name and designation, color, expiration date, pot life, curing time, and wixiub instructions for multicomponent materials. B. Store and handle materials to comply with manufacturer's written instructions to prevent their deterioration or damage due to moisture, high or low temperatures, contaminants, or other causes. 1.5 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Do not proceed with installation of joint sealants under the following conditions: I. When ambient and substrate temperature conditions are outside limits permitted by joint -sealant manufacturer. 2. When ambient and substrate temperature conditions are outside limits permitted by joint -sealant manufacturer. 3. When joint substrates are wet or covered with frost. 4. Where joint widths are less than those allowed by joint -sealant manufacturer for applications indicated. 5. Where contaminants capable of interfering with adhesion have not yet been removed from joint substrates. PAVEMENT JOINT SEALANTS 02764 - 1 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden PART2-PRODUCTS 4/05 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, products listed in other Part 2 articles. 2.2 MATERIALS, GENERAL A. Compatibility: Provide joint sealants, backing materials, and other related materials that are compatible with one another and with joint substrates under conditions of service and application, as demonstrated by joint -sealant manufacturer based on testing and field experience. B. Colors of Exposed Joint Sealants: As selected by Owner from manufacturer's full range to match adjacent paving. 2.3 JOINT SEALANTS A. Joint sealer shall be Sikaflex 2c-SL Elastic Sealant/Adhesive for horizontal joints and Sikaflex 2c-NS Elastic Sealant/Adhesive for other joints, as manufactured by the Sika Corporation or other material as noted on the Drawings or acceptable to the Architect. Sikagard 62 by the Sika Corporation shall be used as a primer in water -retaining applications and where necessary for bond in. other applications. Add color as required to match adjacent surfaces where exposed to view. B. Non -Shrink Grout: Non -shrink grout shall be Masterflow 713 by Masterbuilders, SikaGroui 212 by Sika Corporation, Multi -Purpose Construction Grout by Symons Corporation or equivalent acceptable to the Architect. Grouts with iron filings are not acceptable. The grout shall be compatible with the surface to be bonded. Use in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 2.4 JOINT -SEALANT BACKER MATERIALS A. General: Provide joint -sealant backer materials that are nonstaining; are compatible with joint substrates, sealants, primers, and other joint fillers; and are approved for applications indicated by joint -sealant manufacturer based on field experience and laboratory testing. B. Round Backer Rods for Cold -Applied Sealants: ASTM D 5249, Type 3, cf diameter and density required to control sealant depth and prevent bottom -side adhesion of sealant. 2.5 PRIMERS A. Primers: Product recommended by joint -sealant manufacturer where required for adhesion of sealant to joint substrates indicated, as determined from preconstruction joint -sealant -substrate tests and field tests. _ PAVEMENT JOINT SEALANTS 0.�764 - 2 11. List the more important projects recently completed by your company, stating the approximate cost of each, and the month and year completed, location and type of construction. .390 S s'r� R - S o00 ' 4 P P= - iA(�k.S Map iAk,.a 9 LUII rir-n- 4 1r -j IA.. nn .- 12. �ist your major, equipment available for this contract. 13. Experience in construction Work similar in importance to this project: f):�ChF D 14. Background and experience of the principal members of your organization, includi g officers: 15. Credit available: $ 16. Bank reference � �tJ1 AL �}(`l�r 1 1 _� eu II 1 EXiRE q7o a(9'7-(o9-'� (� 17. Will you, upon request, fill out a detailed financial statement and furnish any other information that may be required by the OWNER? 4EGJ 18. Are you licensed as a General CONTRACTOR? !EJ If yes, in what city, county and state? (gyp, LAeJXr2r1i--4&ufK,6r `VN What class, license and numbers? 01_ 119 'fWN1145S i .��t�"�� lout 1A+--)d 19. Do you anticipate subcontracting Work under this Contract? 95 If yes, what percent of total contract? �d p and to whom? ( -+M Lft-NJSCflKr -1�,Kmotzd-t-PAtc' foN, mifon15 us 20. Are any lawsuits pending against you or your firm at this time? IF yes, DETAIL 7/96 Section 00420 Page 2 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 PART 3-EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine joints indicated to receive joint sealants, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for joint configuration, installation tolerances, and other conditions affecting joint -sealant performance. 1. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Surface Cleaning of Joints: Clean out joints immediately before installing joint sealants to comply with joint -sealant manufacturer's written instructions. B. Joint Priming: Prime joint substrates where indicated or where recommended in writing by joint -sealant manufacturer, based on preconsttuction joint -sealant -substrate tests or prior experience. Apply primer to comply with joint -sealant manufacturer's written instructions. Confine primers to areas of joint -sealant bond; do not allow spillage or migration onto adjoining surfaces. 3.3 INSTALLATION OF JOINT SEALANTS A. General: Comply with joint -sealant manufacturer's written installation instructions for products and applications indicated, unless more stringent requirements apply. B. Sealant Installation Standard: Comply with recommendations in ASTM C 1193 for use of joint sealants as applicable to materials, applications, and conditions indicated. C. Install backer materials of type indicated to support sealants during application and at position required to produce cross -sectional shapes and depths of installed sealants relative to joint widths that allow optimum sealant movement capability. 1. Do not leave gaps between ends of backer materials. 2. Do not stretch, twist, puncture, or tear backer materials. 3. Remove absorbent backer materials that have become wet before sealant application and replace them with dry materials. D. Install sealants using proven techniques that comply with the following and at the same time backings are installed: 1. Place sealants so they directly contact and fully wet joint substrates. 2. Completely fill recesses provided for each joint configuration. 3. Produce uniform, cross -sectional shapes and depths relative to joint widths that allow optimum sealant movement capability. E. Provide joint configuration to comply with joint -sealant manufacturer's written instructions, unless otherwise indicated. F. Provide recessed joint configuration for silicone sealants of recess depth and at locations indicated. PAVEMENT JOINT SEALANTS 02764 - 3 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 3.4 CLEANING A. Clean off excess sealants or sealant smears adjacent to joints as the Work progresses by methods and with cleaning materials approved by manufacturers of joint sealants and of products in which joints occur. 3.5 PROTECTION A. Protect joint sealants during and after curing period from contact with contaminating substances and from damage resulting from construction operations or other causes so sealants are without deterioration or damage at time of Substantial Completion. If, despite such protection, damage or deterioration occurs, cut out and remove damaged or deteriorated joint sealants immediately and replace with joint sealant so installations with repaired areas are indistinguishable from the original work. END OF SECTION 02764 PAVEMENT JOINT SEALANTS 02764 - 4 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 SECTION 02781 - POROUS UNIT PAVING PART 1-GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: 1. Porous paving consisting of concrete pavers set in aggregate setting beds. B. Related Sections include the following: 1. Division 2 Section "Earthwork" for excavation and compacted subgrade. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Samples for Verification: 1. Full-size units of each type of unit paver indicated. 2. Aggregate fill. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source Limitations: Obtain each type of porous paver from one source that has resources to provide materials and products of consistent quality in appearance and physical properties. B. Mockups: Build mockups to verify selections made under sample submittals and to demonstrate aesthetic effects and set quality standards for materials and execution. 1. Approved mockups may become part of the completed Work if undisturbed at time of Substantial Completion. 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Store pavers on elevated platforms in a dry location. If units are not stored in an enclosed location, cover tops and sides of stacks with waterproof sheeting, securely tied. B. Store aggregates where grading and other required characteristics can be maintained and contamination can be avoided. POROUS UNIT PAVING 017,'1 - I Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden PART 2-PRODUCTS 4/05 2.1 CONCRETE UNIT PAVERS A. UNI Eco-Stone Concrete Pavers available from: Robinson Block Co, 840 Diamond Valley Drive, Windsor, CO 80550, phone 970-686-6477 1. Thickness: 3-1/8 inches. 2. Face Size and Shape: 5 ''/z" x 9". 3. Color: Pewter, Antique Torwotta, River,Red, 3 Tone Brown, Gray 2.2 AGGREGATE SETTING -BED MATERIALS A. Graded Aggregate for Base Course: Sound crushed stone or gravel complying with ASTM D 448 for Size No. 8 . B. Sand for Leveling Course: Sound, sharp, washed, natural sand complying with gradation requirements in ASTM C 33 for fine aggregate. C. Graded Aggregate for Porous Paver Fill: Sound crushed stone or gravel complying with ASTM D 448 for Size No. 8. 2.3 EDGE RESTRAINT A. Edge Restraint: Provide Trex recycled plastic edge restraint in locations shown on plans. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Proof -roll prepared subgrade according to requirements in Division 2 Section "Earthwork" to identify soft pockets and areas of excess yielding. Proceed with porous paver installation only after deficient subgrades have been corrected and are ready to receive base course for porous paving. 3.2 INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Do not use unit pavers with chips, cracks, voids, discolorations, and other defects that might be structurally unsound or visible in finished work. B. Cut unit pavers with motor -driven masonry saw equipment or a block splitter to provide clean, sharp, unchipped edges. Cut units to provide pattern indicated and to fit adjoining work neatly. Use full units without cutting where possible. Hammer cutting is not acceptable. C. Tolerances: I. Variation in Plane between Adjacent Units (Lipping): Do not exceed 1/16-inch unit -to -unit offset from flush. 2. Variation from Level or Indicated Slope: Do not exceed 1/8 inch in 24 inches and 1/4 inch in 10 feet or a maximum of 1/2 inch . POROUS UNIT PAVING 02781 -2 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 D. Provide Trex recycled plastic edge restraints as shown on plan. 3.3 SETTING -BED INSTALLATION A. Compact soil subgrade uniformly to at least 95percent of ASTM D 698 laboratory density. B. Proof -roll prepared subgrade to identify soft pockets and areas of excess yielding. Excavate soft spots, unsatisfactory soils, and areas of excessive pumping or rutting, as determined by Architect, and replace with compacted backfill or fill as directed. C. Place separation geotextile over prepared subgrade, overlapping ends and edges at least 12 inches . D. Place aggregate base, compact to 100 percent of ASTM D 1557 maximum laboratory density, and screed to depth indicated. E. Place drainage geotextile over compacted base course, overlapping ends and edges at least 12 inches . F. Place leveling course and screed to a thickness of t to 1-1/2 inches, taking care that moisture content remains constant and density is loose and constant until pavers are set and compacted. 3.4 PAVER INSTALLATION A. Set unit pavers on leveling course, being careful not to disturb leveling base. If pavers have lugs or spacer bars to control spacing, place pavers hand tight against lugs or spacer bars. If pavers do not have lugs or spacer bars, place pavers with a 1/1 6-inch- minimum and 1/8-inch- maximum joint width. Use string lines to keep straight lines. Fill gaps between units that exceed 3/8 inch with pieces cut to fit from full-size pavers. When installation is performed with mechanical equipment, use only unit pavers with lugs or spacer bars on sides of each unit. B. Compact pavers into leveling course with a low -amplitude plate vibrator capable of a 3500- to 5000-lbf compaction force at 80 to 90 Hz. Use vibrator with neoprene mat on face of plate or other means as needed to prevent cracking and chipping of pavers. Perform at least three passes across paving with vibrator. 1. Compact pavers when there is sufficient surface to accommodate operation of vibrator, leaving at least 36 inches of uncompacted pavers adjacent to temporary edges. 2. Before ending each day's work, compact installed concrete pavers except for 36-inch width of uncompacted pavers adjacent to temporary edges (laying faces). 3. As work progresses to perimeter of installation, compact installed pavers that are adjacent to permanent edges unless they are within 36 inches of laying face. 4. Before ending each day's work and when rain interrupts work, cover pavers that have not been compacted and leveling course on which pavers have not been placed with nonstaining plastic sheets to protect them from rain. C. Place graded aggregate fill immediately after vibrating pavers into leveling course. Spread and screed aggregate fill level with tops of pavers. 1. Before ending each day's work, place aggregate fill in installed porous paving except for 42-inch width of unfilled paving adjacent to temporary edges (laying faces). 2. As work progresses to perimeter of installation, place aggregate fill in installed paving that is adjacent to permanent edges unless it is within 42 inches of laying face. POROUS UNIT PAVING 02781 - 3 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 3. Before ending each day's work and when rain interrupts work, cover paving that has not been filled with nonstaining plastic sheets to protect it from rain. D. Remove and replace pavers that are loose, chipped, broken, stained, or otherwise damaged or that do not match adjoining units. Provide new units to match adjoining units and install in same manner as original units, with same joint treatment and with no evidence of replacement. END OF SECTION 02781 POROUS UNIT PAVING 02781 - 4 _. Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden SECTION 02810 - IRRIGATION PARTI- GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE 4/05 Furnish all labor, materials, supplies, equipment, tools, and transportation, and perform all operations in connection with and reasonably incidental to the complete installation of the irrigation system, and guarantee/warranty as shown on the drawings, the installation details, and as specified herein. Items of work specifically included are: A. Procurement of all applicable licenses, permits, and fees. B. Coordination of Utility Locates ("Call Before You Dig"). C. Connection to municipal potable water service downstream of water meter within Horticulture Center building. D. Connection to non -potable irrigation pump station. E. Connection of electrical power supply to the irrigation control system. F. Maintenance period. G. Sleeving for irrigation pipe and wire. 1.2 WORK NOT INCLUDED Items of work specifically excluded or covered under other sections are: A. Excavation, installation, and backfill of tap into municipal water line. B. Excavation, installation, and backfill of water meter and vault. C. Installation of pumping plant for irrigation system. 1.3 RELATED WORK A. Division 1-General Requirements: B. Division 2-Site Work: 1. Section 02920 — Lawns and Grasses. 2. Section 02930 — Exterior Plants. 3. Section 13475 — Fountain Mechanical & Electrical 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Deliver four (4) copies of all submittals to the Owner's Representative within 10 working days from the date of Notice to Proceed. Provide information in a 3-ring binder with table of contents and index sheet. Provide IRRIGATION 02810 - ' Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 _ sections that are indexed for different components and labeled with the specification section number and the name of the component. Submittals must be made for all the components on the material list. Indicate which items are being supplied on the catalog cut sheets when multiple items are shown on one sheet. Submittal package must be complete prior to being reviewed by the Owner's Representative. Incomplete submittals will be returned without review. B. Materials List: Include sleeving, pipe, fittings, mainline components, sprinkler and bubbler components, drip irrigation components, control system components, shop drawings and all other components shown on the drawings and installation details or described herein. Components such as pipe sealant, wire, wire connectors, ID tags, etc. must be included. Quantities of materials need not be included. C. Manufacturers' Data: Submit manufacturers' catalog cuts, specifications, and operating instructions for equipment shown on the materials list. D. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings called for in the installation details. Show products required for proper installation, their relative locations, and critical dimensions. Note modifications to the installation detail. 1.5 RULES AND REGULATIONS A. Work and materials shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the National Electric Code, the Uniform Plumbing Code as published by the Western Plumbing Officials Association, and applicable laws and regulations of the governing authorities. B. When the contract documents call for materials or construction of a better quality or larger size than required by the above -mentioned rules and regulations, provide the quality and size required by the contract documents. _ C. If quantities are provided either in these specifications or on the drawings, these quantities are provided for information only. It is the Contractor's responsibility to determine the actual quantities of all material, equipment, and supplies required by the project and to complete an independent estimate of quantities and wastage. 1.6 TESTING A. Notify the Owner's Representative three days in advance of testing. B. Pipelines jointed with rubber gaskets or threaded connections may be subjected to a pressure test at any time after partial completion of backfil I. Pipelines jointed with solvent -welded PVC joints shall be allowed to cure at least 24 hours before testing. C. Subsections of mainline pipe may be tested independently, subject to the review of the Owner's Representative. D. Furnish clean, clear water, pumps, labor, fittings, and equipment necessary to conduct tests or retests. E. Hydrostatic Pressure Test Pipe: 1. Close tightly isolation gate valves on mainline for tests. Backfill to prevent pipe from moving under pressure. 2. Test each section of pipe between isolation gates valves on the mainline pipe separately. _ 3. Purge all air from the pipeline before test. Attach pressure gauge to pipeline in test section. 4. Subject mainline pipe to the anticipated operating pressure of 100 PSI for two hours. Observe pressure loss on pressure gauge. If pressure loss is greater than 2 PSI, identify reason for pressure loss. Replace IRRIGATION 02810 - 2 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 defective pipe, fitting, joint, valve, or appurtenance. Repeat the test until the pressure loss is equal to or less than 2 PSI. 5. Cement or caulking to seal leaks is prohibited. 6. If Hydrostatic Pressure Test can not be passed for sections of mainline pipe with gasketed pipe, test pipe using Volumetric Leakage Test as prescribed by gasketed pipe manufacturer. F. Operational Test: 1. Activate each remote control valve in sequence from controller. The Owner's Representative will visually observe operation, water application patterns, and leakage. 2. Replace defective remote control valve, solenoid, wiring, or appurtenance to correct operational deficiencies. 3. Replace, adjust, or move water emission devices to correct operational or coverage deficiencies. 4. Replace defective pipe, fitting, joint, valve, sprinkler, or appurtenance to correct leakage problems. Cement or caulking to seal leaks is prohibited. 5. Repeat test(s) until each lateral passes all tests. Repeat tests, replace components, and correct deficiencies at no additional cost to the Owner. G. Control System Grounding: 1. Test for proper grounding of control system per manufacturer's recommendations. Test results must meet or exceed manufacturer's guidelines for acceptance. 2. Replace defective wire, grounding rod, or appurtenances. Repeat the test until the manufacturer's guidelines are met. 1.7 CONSTRUCTION REVIEW The purpose of on -site reviews by the Owner's Representative is to periodically observe the work in progress, the Contractor's interpretation of the construction documents, and to address questions with regard to the installation. A. Scheduled reviews such as those for irrigation system layout or testing must be scheduled with the Owner's Representative as required by these specifications. B. Impromptu reviews may occur at any time during the project. C. A review will occur at the completion of the it system installation and Project Record (As -Built) Drawing submittal. 1.8 GUARANTEE/WARRANTY AND REPLACEMENT The purpose of this guarantee/warranty is to insure that the Owner receives irrigation materials of prime quality, installed and maintained in a thorough and careful manner. A. For a period of one year from commencement of the formal maintenance period, guarantee/warranty irrigation materials, equipment, and workmanship against defects. Fill and repair depressions. Restore landscape or structural features damaged by the settlement of irrigation trenches or excavations. Repair damage to the premises caused by a defective item. Make repairs within seven days of notification from the Owner's Representative. B. Contract documents govern replacements identically as with new work. Make replacements at no additional cost to the contract price. IRRIGATION 02810 - 3 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 C. Guarantee/warranty applies to originally installed materials and equipment and replacements made during the guarantee/warranty period. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.1 QUALITY A. Use materials which are new and without flaws or defects of any type, and which are the best of their class and kind. 2.2 SUBSTITUTIONS A. Alternative equipment must be approved by the Owner's Representative prior to bidding. The Contractor is responsible for making any changes to the design to accommodate alternative equipment. B. Pipe sizes referenced in the construction documents are minimum sizes, and may be increased at the option of the Contractor. 2.3 SLEEVING A. Install separate sleeve beneath paved areas to route each run of irrigation pipe or wiring bundle. B. Sleeving material beneath pedestrian pavements shall be PVC Class 200 pipe with solvent welded joints. C. Sleeving beneath drives and streets shall be PVC Class 200 pipe with solvent welded joints. D. Sleeving diameter: equal to twice that of the pipe or wiring bundle. 2.4 PIPE AND FITTINGS A. Mainline Pipe and Fittings: 1. Use rigid, unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) 1120, 1220 National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) approved pipe, extruded from material meeting the requirements of Cell Classification 12454-A or 12454- — B, ASTM Standard D1784, with an integral belled end. 2. Use Class 200, SDR-21, rated at 200 PSI, conforming to the dimensions and tolerances established by ASTM Standard D2241. Use PVC pipe rated at higher pressures than Class 200 in the case of small _ nominal diameters which are not manufactured in Class 200. 3. Use rubber-gasketed pipe equipped with factory installed reinforced gaskets for mainline pipe with a nominal diameter greater than or equal to 3-inches. Gasketed pipe joints must conform to the "Laboratory Qualifying Tests" section of ASTM D3139. Gasket material must conform to ASTM F477. Use rubber- -- gasketed deep bell ductile iron fittings conforming to ASTM A-536 and ASTM F-477. Use lubricant approved by the pipe manufacturer. 4. Use solvent weld pipe for mainline pipe with a nominal diameter less than 3-inches or where a pipe ^ connection occurs in a sleeve. Use Schedule 40, Type 1, PVC solvent weld fittings conforming to ASTM Standards D2466 and D1784. Use primer approved by the pipe manufacturer. Solvent cement to conform to ASTM Standard D2564. IRRIGATION 02810 - 4 .., Walsh Construction, Inc. 5828 N. St. Louis Ave., Loveland, CO 80538 (970) 622-8227 Name of Project: Eaeleview Park Owner: City of Loveland Parks and Rec Dent. 500 East Third St., Loveland, CO 80537 Contract Amount: $418,711. Date of Completion: Dec. 2002 Class of Work: Public Works Percent of Work Self -Performed: 75% Name of Project: 224 Street Park Owner: City of Boulder General Contractor: City of Boulder, Parks & Recreation 3198 N. Broadway, Boulder, CO 80304-2644 Drew Horton (303) 413-7223 Contract Amount: $90,711.00 Contract Date: February 2001 Date of Completion: October, 2001 Class of Work: Public Works Percent of Work Self -Performed: 90% Name of Project: Sheldon Lake Retaining Wall, Fort Collins, CO Owner: City of Fort Collins, 256 W. Mountain Ave., Fort Collins, CO 80521, Contact: Janet Meisel -Burns, (970) 221-6367 Architect: City of Fort Collins, 256 W. Mountain Ave., Fort Collins, CO 80521 Contract Amount: $39,051.00 Contract Date: May 11, 1999 Date of Completion: July 31, 1999 Class of Work: Public Works - Civil Percent of Work Self -Performed: 100% Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 Lateral Pipe and Fittings: 1. Use rigid, unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) 1120, 1220 National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) approved pipe, extruded from material meeting the requirements of Cell Classification 12454-A or 12454- B, ASTM Standard D1784, with an integral belled end suitable for solvent welding. 2. Use Class 160, SDR-26, rated at 160 PSI, conforming to the dimensions and tolerances established by ASTM Standard D2241. 3. Use solvent weld pipe for lateral pipe. Use Schedule 40, Type 1, PVC solvent weld fittings conforming to ASTM Standards D2466 and D1784 for PVC pipe. Use primer approved by the pipe manufacturer. Solvent cement to conform to ASTM Standard D2564, of a type approved by the pipe manufacturer. 4. For drip irrigation laterals downstream of zone control valves, use UV radiation resistant polyethylene pipe manufactured from Prime Union Carbide G-resin 7510 Natural 7 manufactured by Union Carbide or a Union Carbide Licensee with a minimum of 2% carbon black. Use PVC/compression line fittings compatible with the drip lateral pipe. Use tubing stakes or landscape fabric staples to hold above -ground pipe in place. C. Specialized Pipe and Fittings: I . Copper pipe: Use Type "K" rigid conforming to ASTM Standard B88. Use wrought copper or cast bronze fittings, soldered or threaded per the installation details. Use a 95% tin and 5% antimony solder. 2. Use a dielectric union wherever a copper -based metal (copper, brass, bronze) is joined to an iron -based metal (iron, galvanized steel, stainless steel). 3. Ductile iron pipe: Use Class 50 conforming to ANSI A21.51 (AW WA C151). Use a minimum of Class 53 thickness pipe for flanged piping. 4. Use mechanical joints conforming to ANSI A 21. 10 (AWWA C 110) and ANSI A2 1.11 (AWWA C1 11) or flanged fittings conforming to ANSI/AWWA C110 and ANSI B16.1 (1254). 5. Low Density Polyethylene Hose: a. Use pipe specifically intended for use as a flexible swing joint. Inside diameter: 0.490+0.010 inch. Wall thickness: 0.100+0.010 inch. Color: Black. b. Use spiral barb fittings supplied by the same manufacturer as the hose. 6. Assemblies calling for flanged connections shall utilize stainless steel studs and nuts and rubber gaskets. 7. Assemblies calling for threaded pipe connections shall utilize PVC Schedule 80 nipples and PVC Schedule 40 threaded fittings. 8. Joint sealant: Use nonhardening, nontoxic pipe thread sealant formulated for use on threaded connections and approved by the pipe fitting manufacturer. 9. Pipe marking tape: Marking tape shall be model TA-DT-Y-G-1 as manufactured by T. Christy Enterprises. D. Thrust Blocks: 1. Use thrust blocks for fittings on pipe greater than or equal to 3-inch diameter or any diameter rubber gasketed pipe. 2. Use 3,000 PSI concrete. 3. Use 2 mil plastic. 4. Use No. 4 Rebar wrapped or painted with asphalt tar based mastic coating. IRRIGATION 02810 - 5 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 E. Joint Restraint Harness: 1. Use a joint restraint harness wherever joints are not positively restrained by flanged fittings, threaded fittings, and/or thrust blocks. 2. Use a joint restraint harness with transition fittings between metal and PVC pipe, where weak trench banks do not allow the use of thrust blocks, or where extra support is required to retain a fitting or joint. 3. Use bolts, nuts, retaining clamps, all -thread, or other joint restraint harness materials which are zinc plated or galvanized. 4. Use on pipe greater than or equal to 3-inch diameter or any diameter rubber gasketed pipe. 2.5 MAINLINE COMPONENTS A. Isolation Gate Valve Assembly: as presented in the installation details. Install a separate valve box over a 3-inch depth of 3/4-inch gravel for each assembly. B. Quick Coupling Valve Assembly: double swing joint arrangement as presented in the installation details. C. Manual Drain Valve Assembly: as presented in the installation details. Install a separate sump consisting of three cubic feet of 3/4-inch gravel for each drain valve. 2.6 SPRINKLER IRRIGATION COMPONENTS A. Remote Control Valve (RCV) Assembly for Sprinkler Laterals: as presented in the installation detaiis. Use wire connectors and waterproofing sealant to join control wires to solenoid valves. Use standard Christy I.D. tags with hot -stamped black letters on a yellow background. Install a separate valve box over a 3-inch depth of 3/4- inch gravel for each assembly. B. Sprinkler Assembly: as presented in the drawings and installation details. 2.7 DRIP IRRIGATION COMPONENTS A. Remote Control Valve (RCV) Assembly for Drip Laterals: as presented in the installation details. Use wire ^ connectors and waterproofing sealant to join control wires to solenoid valves. Use standard Christy I.D. tags with hot -stamped black letters on a yellow background. Install a separate valve box over a 3-inch depth of 3/4- inch gravel for each assembly. B. Zone Control Valve Assembly: as presented in the installation details. Install a separate box over a 3-inch depth of 3/4-inch gravel for each assembly. C. Drip Emitter Assembly: Barb -mounted, vortex and/or pressure compensating emitter device as presented in the installation details. 2. Install emitter types and quantities on the following schedule: Tree: 4 single outlet emitters each or 1 multi -outlet emitter each (with 4 outlets open) 3. Use flexible plastic distribution tubing to direct water from emitter outlet to emission point. Use distribution tubing compatible with the emitters. Length of distribution tubing shall not exceed five feet. Secure distribution tubing outlet with tubing stakes. IRRIGATION 02810 - 6 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 4. Install an access sleeve for each multiple -outlet emitter located in a turf area. D. Flush Cap Assembly: as presented in the installation details. Locate at the end of each drip irrigation lateral pipe. Install a separate valve box over a 3-inch depth of 3/4-inch gravel for each assembly. E. Dripline Tubing: Use dripline tubing where indicated on plan. Tubing must include integral emitters. Each emitter to be pressure compensating and include a check valve feature. Install tubing as presented in the installation details. 2.8 CONTROL SYSTEM COMPONENTS A. Irrigation Controller Unit: 1. As presented in the drawings and installation details. 2. Lightning protection: Provide one 12" x 36" x 0.0625" ground plate, one 5/8"x10 foot copper clad UL listed grounding rod, 30 feet of #6 AWG bare copper grounding wire, and one CADWELD connector, and two 6-inch round valve boxes at each satellite controller group. 3. Wire markers: Prenumbered or labeled with indelible nonfading ink, made of permanent, nonfading material. 4. Switch/Outlet: Use 120 VAC, 15 amp combination switch/GFCI outlet. B. Control Wire: 1. Use American Wire Gauge (AWG) No. 14 solid copper, Type OF or PE cable, UL approved for direct underground burial from the controller unit to each remote control valve. 2. Color: Use white for common ground wire. Use easily distinguished colas for other control wires. Spare control wires shall be of a color different from that of the active control wire. Wire color shall be continuous over its entire length. 3. Splices: Use wire connector with waterproof sealant. Wire connector to be of plastic construction consisting of two (2) pieces, one piece which snap locks into the other. A copper crimp sleeve to be provided with connector. 4. Warning tape: Inert plastic film highly resistant to alkalis, acids, or other destructive chemical components likely to be encountered in soils. Three inches wide, colored yellow, and imprinted with "CAUTION: BURIED ELECTRIC LINE BELOW." C. Instrumentation: 1. As presented in the drawings and installation details. 2. Provide, install and test an rain sensor to prevent irrigation during or immediately after rainfall events. 2.9 OTHER COMPONENTS A. Tools and Spare Parts: Provide operating keys, servicing tools, test equipment, spare parts and other items indicated in the General Notes of the drawings. B. Other Materials: Provide other materials or equipment shown on the drawings or installation details which are part of the irrigation system, even though such items may not have been referenced in these specifications. IRRIGATION 02810 - 7 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSPECTIONS AND REVIEWS 4/05 A. Site Inspections: I. Verify construction site conditions and note irregularities affecting work of this section. Report irregularities to the Owner's Representative prior to beginning work. 2. Beginning work of this section implies acceptance of existing conditions. B. Utility Locates ("Call Before You Dig"): 1. Arrange for and coordinate with local authorities the location of all underground utilities. 2. Repair any underground utilities damaged during construction. Make repairs at no additional cost to the contract price. C. Irrigation System Layout Review: Irrigation system layout review will occur after the staking has been _ completed. Notify the Owner's Representative one week in advance of review. Modifications will be identified by the Owner's Representative at this review. 3.2 LAYOUT OF WORK A. Stake out the irrigation system. Items staked include: sprinklers, pipe, control valves, manual drains, pumping plant, controller, and isolation valves. B. Install all mainline pipe and mainline components inside of project property lines. 3.3 EXCAVATION, TRENCHING, AND BACKFILLING A. Excavate to permit the pipes to be laid at the intended elevations and to permit work space for installing connections and fittings. B. Minimum cover (distance from top of pipe or control wire to finish grade): 1. 24-inch over non -potable mainline pipe and over electrical conduit. 2. 26-inch over control wire. 3. 36-inch over potable mainline. 4. 12-inch over lateral pipe to sprinklers and over manifold pipe to drip system zone control valves. 5. 12-inch over drip lateral pipe in turf or paved areas downstream of drip system zone control valves. 6. 3-inch minimum mulch cover over drip lateral pipe in planting beds downstream of drip system zone — control valves. 7. PVC UV radiation resistant lateral pipe shall be installed directly on the soil surface. C. Maintain at least 15-feet clearance from the centerline of any tree. r D. Backfill only after lines have been reviewed and tested. E. Excavated material is generally satisfactory for backfill. Backfill shall be free from rubbish, vegetable matter, frozen materials, and stones larger than 2-inches in maximum dimension. Remove material not suitable for backfill. Backfill placed next to pipe shall be free of sharp objects which may damage the pipe. ^ IRRIGATION 02810 - 8 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 Backfill unsleeved pipe and sleeves in either of the following manners: 1. Backfill and puddle the Tower half of the trench. Allow to dry 24 hours. Backfill the remainder of the trench in 6-inch layers. Compact to density of surrounding soil. 2. Backfill the trench by depositing the backfill material equally on both sides of the pipe in 6-inch layers and compacting to the density of surrounding soil. G. Enclose pipe and wiring beneath roadways, walks, curbs, etc., in sleeves. Minimum compaction of backfill for sleeves shall be 95% Standard Proctor Density, ASTM D698-78. Conduct one compaction test for each sleeved crossing less than 50 feet long. Conduct two compaction tests for each sleeved crossing greater than 50 feet long. Costs for such testing and any necessary retesting shall be borne by the Contractor. Use of water for compaction around sleeves, "puddling", will not be permitted. H. Dress backfilled areas to original grade. Incorporate excess backfill into existing site grades. Where utilities conflict with irrigation trenching and pipe work, contact the Owner's Representative for trench depth adjustments. 3.4 SLEEVING AND BORING A. Install sleeving at a depth which permits the encased pipe or wiring to remain at the specified burial depth. B. Extend sleeve ends six inches beyond the edge of the paved surface. Cover pipe ends and mark with stakes. Mark concrete with a chiseled "x" at sleeve end locations. C. Bore for sleeves under obstructions which cannot be removed. Employ equipment and methods designed for horizontal boring. 3.5 ASSEMBLING PIPE AND FITTINGS A. General: Keep pipe free from dirt and pipe scale. Cut pipe ends square and debur. Clean pipe ends. Keep ends of assembled pipe capped. Remove caps only when necessary to continue assembly. Trenches may be curved to change direction or avoid obstructions within the limits of the curvature of the pipe. Minimum radius of curvature and offset per 20 foot length of pipe by pipe size are shown in the following table. All curvature results from the bending of the pipe lengths. No deflection will be allowed at a pipe joint. IRRIGATION 02810 - 9 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden SIZE RADIUS OFFSET PER 20' LENGTH 25' T-8" 2" 25' 7'8" 2 '/:" 100' 1'-1 V 3" 100' 1'-11" 4" 100' 1 1'-11" B. Mainline Pipe and Fittings 4/05 1. Use only strap -type friction wrenches for threaded plastic pipe. 2. PVC Rubber-Gasketed Pipe: a. Use pipe lubricant. Join pipe in the manner recommended by manufacturer and in accordance with ^ accepted industry practices. b. Ductile iron fittings shall not be struck with a metallic tool. Cushion blows with a wood block or similar shock absorber. — 3. PVC Solvent Weld Pipe: a. Use primer and solvent cement. Join pipe in a manner recommended by the manufacturer and in ~ accordance with accepted industry practices. b. Cure for 30 minutes before handling and 24 hours before allowing water in pipe. C. Snake pipe from side to side within the trench. 4. Fittings: The use of cross type fittings is not permitted. C. Lateral Pipe and Fittings: 1. Use only strap -type friction wrenches for threaded plastic pipe. 2. PVC Solvent Weld Pipe: a. Use primer and solvent cement. Join pipe in the manner recommended by the manufacturer and in — accordance with accepted industry practices. b. Cure for 30 minutes before handling and 24 hours before allowing water in the pipe. C. Snake pipe from side to side within the trench. 3. UV Radiation Resistant Polyethylene Pipe: a. Join pipe in the manner recommended by manufacturer and in accordance with accepted industry practices. b. Snake pipe from side to side within the trench. Pipe is not to be compressed or crimped by construction activity. IRRIGATION 02810 - 10 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 4. Fittings: The use of cross type fittings is not permitted. D. Specialized Pipe and Fittings: I. Copper Pipe: a. Buff surfaces to be joined to a bright finish. Coat with solder flux. 2. Solder so that a continuous bead shows around the joint circumference. 3. Ductile Iron Pipe: a. Join pipe in the manner recommended by manufacturer and in accordance with accepted industry practices. 4. Insert a dielectric union wherever a copper -based metal (copper, brass, bronze) and an iron -based metal (iron, galvanized steel, stainless steel) are joined. 5. Low Density Polyethylene Hose: Install per manufacturer's recommendations. 6. Flanged connections: Install stainless steel studs and nuts and rubber gaskets per manufacturer's recommendations. 7. PVC Threaded Connections: a. Use only factory -formed threads. Field -cut threads are not permitted. b. Use only nonhardening, nontoxic thread sealant. C. When connection is plastic -to -metal, the plastic component shall have male threads and the metal component shall have female threads. 8. Make metal -to -metal, threaded connections with nonhardening, nontoxic pipe sealant applied to the male threads only. 9. Pipe marking tape: Install tape per installation details. E. Thrust Blocks: 1. Use cast -in -place concrete bearing against undisturbed soil. 2. Size, orientation and placement shall be as shown on the installation details. 3. Wrap fitting with plastic to protect bolts, joint, and fitting from concrete. 4. Install rebar with mastic coating as shown on the installation details. F. Joint Restraint Harness: 1. Install harness in the manner recommended by the manufacturer and in accordance with accepted industry practices. 3.6 INSTALLATION OF MAINLINE COMPONENTS A. Isolation Gate Valve Assembly: 1. Install where indicated on the drawings. IRRIGATION 028 1 C - 11 No Text Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 2. Locate at least 12-inches from and align with adjacent walls or edges of paved areas. B. Quick Coupling Valve Assembly: Install where indicated on the drawings. C. Manual Drain Valve Assembly: Install where indicated on the drawings and at other low points in the mainline piping. 3.7 INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER IRRIGATION COMPONENTS A. Remote Control Valve (RCV) Assembly for Sprinkler Laterals: 1. Flush mainline before installation of RCV assembly. 2. Install where indicated on the drawings. Wire connectors and waterproof sealant shall be used to connect control wires to remote control valve wires. Install connectors and sealant per the manufacturer's recommendations. 3. Install only one RCV to a valve box. Locate valve box at least 12-inches from and align with nearby walls or edges of paved areas. Group RCV assemblies together where practical. Arrange grouped valve boxes in rectangular patterns. Allow at least 12-inches between valve boxes. 4. Adjust RCV to regulate the downstream operating pressure. 5. Attach ID tag with controller station number to control wiring. B. Sprinkler Assembly: 1. Flush lateral pipe before installing sprinkler assembly. 2. Install per the installation details at locations shown on the drawings. 3. Locate rotary sprinklers 6-inches from adjacent walls, fences, or edges of paved areas. 4. Locate spray sprinklers 3-inches from adjacent walls, fences, or edges of paved areas. 5. Install sprinklers perpendicular to the finish grade. 6. Supply appropriate nozzle or adjust arc of coverage of each sprinkler for best performance. 7. Adjust the radius of throw of each sprinkler for best performance. 3.8 INSTALLATION OF DRIP IRRIGATION COMPONENTS A. Remote Control Valve (RCV) Assembly for Drip Laterals: 1. Flush mainline pipe before installing RCV assembly. 2. Locate as shown on the drawings. Wire connectors and waterproof sealant shall be used to connect control wires to remote control valve wires. Connectors and sealant shall be installed as per the manufacturer's recommendations. 3. Install only one RCV to valve box. Locate at least 12-inches from and align with nearby walls or edges of paved areas. Group RCV assemblies together where practical. 4. Arrange grouped valve boxes in rectangular patterns. Set RCV assembly discharge pressure to 30 PSI. B. Zone Control Valve Assembly: Instal► at locations shown on the drawings. C. Drip Emitter Assembly: 1. Locate as shown on the drawings and installation details. 2. Flush lateral pipe before installing emitter assembly. 3. Cut emitter outlet distribution tubing square. 4. Install an access sleeve as part of each multiple -outlet emitter assembly for emitters located in turf areas. IRRIGATION 02810 - 12 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 5. Use tools and techniques recommended by the manufacturer. Make openings for barb -mounted emitters with the emitter manufacturer's hole -punching tool. D. Dripline Tubing Assembly: 6. Locate as shown on the drawings and installation details. 7. Flush lateral pipe before installing dripline tubing. 8. Cut tubing square. 9. Use tools and techniques recommended by the manufacturer. E. Flush Cap Assembly: Install at the end of each drip irrigation lateral pipe or dripline tubing as shown on the installation details. F. Pressure Adjustment Procedure: 1. Fully open all zone control valves and energize the RCV assembly. 2. Determine which emitter has the least outlet pressure; this is the critical emitter. 3. Identify zone control valve associated with the critical emitter; this is the critical zone control valve. 4. Set discharge pressure of RCV such that the critical pressure compensating emitter has a pressure of 25 PSI + 5 PSI. Measure with pressure gauge attached to critical emitter. 5. Identify the critical emitter for remaining zone control valves. 6. Set each zone control valve such that its critical pressure compensating emitter has a pressure of25 PSI+ 5 PSI. 3.9 INSTALLATION OF CONTROL SYSTEM COMPONENTS A. 'Irrigation Controller Unit: 1. The location of the controller unit as depicted on the drawings is approximate; the Owner's Representative will determine the exact site location upon commencement of contract. 2. Lightning protection: Drive 8-foot copper -clad grounding rod into the soil. If rock prevents driving, bury at least four feet deep. Use one rod for each controller. Connect controller to grounding rod with AWG No. 10 solid conductor copper wire. Secure wire to grounding rod with brass or bronze clamp. Locate the connection in a separate valve box. 3. Lightning protection: Provide on all remote control valve wiring as recommended by the manufacturer. Provide other components such as ground rod, grounding wire, etc., to manufacturer's recommendations. 4. Attach wire markers to the ends of control wires inside the controller unit housing. Label wires with the identification number (see drawings) of the remote control valve to which the control wire is connected. 5. Install combination switch/GFCI outlet inside the controller pedestal. 6. Connect control wires to the corresponding controller terminal. B. Control Wire: I Bundle control wires where two or more are in the same trench. Bundle with pipe wrapping tape spaced at 10-foot intervals. 2. Control wiring may be chiseled into the soil utilizing a vibratory plow device specifically manufactured for pipe pulling and wire installation. Appropriate chisel must be used so that wire is fed into a chute on the chisel, and wire is not subject to pulling tension. Minimum burial depth must equal minimum cover previously listed. 3. Provide a 24-inch excess length of wire in an 8-inch diameter loop at each 90 degree change of direction, at both ends of sleeves, and at 100-foot intervals along continuous runs of wiring. Do not tie wiring loop. Coil 24-inch length of wire within each remote control valve box. IRRIGATION 02810 - 13 TRENT WILHELM Mom PROJECT MANAGER Trent Asbury has over 8 years experience in construction operadons, project management, supervision, estimating and pre - construction activities for commercial, retail, technical TI, biopharmaceutical, residential and large mu/d family projects Trent provides a bread range of management services for complex systems, from preconstrurVon to project kick-off through closeout for large and small-scale projects Profession/Data • Bachelor of Science in Construction Management Colorado State University 1999 ■ Certified Associated Constructor - AIC Constructor Certification Commission AX Constructor #800 _-. ■ $10M T-Mobile WIreless, Small Format Retail Rollout (highly branded 300-1000 square foot ground up stick framed buildings), Program Management of over 100 sites responsible for everything from Lease thru Design and receipt of C of O. locations indude TX, U7; MA, IN, NV G4, IL NH, CO, PA, ■ $300k Robeks Fruit Smoothies and Healthy Eats, 1000 square foot food services TI, 16" street mall Denver, CO, ■ $2M Convergent Group, 70,000 square foot office facility with 2,500 square foot computer mom, Greenwood Vl/age, CO. ■ $3.5M YIPES Communications, 10,OW square foot facility with 4,000 square foot colocation space and state of the art network operation center, Denver, CO. Industrial $39M Regional Transportation District; Sad Light Rail Maintenance Facility, 100,000 square foot structural steel maintenance building, light rail specific tools Induding (wheel truing lathe, sanding system, vehide IiRs) as well over 5 miles of light rail track., Denver, CO ■ $40M Greystar Real Estate and Development; 12 story high-rise apartment complex comprised of267 High end aparbnerrt units, induding a 3 story panting garage. Denver, CO / I , . 1 / I - / r. I • $6M IDEC Pharmaceuticals, 70,000 sf. R & D laboratory space, San Diego, G4. rO7I7-7FA7=-,1"MI I22� ■ $8M Alexandria Technology Center, two story shell and care building, designed for research and laboratory space induding a 40,000 sfsub-grade garage, San Diego, C4. Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 4. Install common ground wire and one control wire for each remote control valve. Multiple valves on a single control wire are not permitted. 5. If a control wire must be spliced, make splice with wire connectors and waterproof sealant, installed per the manufacturer's instructions. Locate splice in a valve box which contains an irrigation valve assembly, or in a separate 12-inch standard valve box. Use same procedure for connection to valves as for in -line splices. 6. Unless noted on plans, install wire parallel with and below PVC mainline pipe. Protect wire not installed with PVC mainline pipe with a continuous run of warning tape placed in the backfill six inches above the wiring. 7. Install four (4) space wire along entire mainline length coil 24" length in each valve box. 3.10 INSTALLATION OF OTHER COMPONENTS A. Tools and Spare Parts: Prior to the Review at completion of construction, supply to the Owner operating keys, servicing tools, spare parts, test equipment, and any other items indicated in the General Notes on the drawings. B. Other Materials: Install other materials or equipment shown on the drawings or installation details which are part of the irrigation system, even though such items may not have been referenced in these specifications. 3.11 PROJECT RECORD (AS -BUILT) DRAWINGS A. Submit Record Drawings under provisions of Section 01700 - Contractor Closeout, Record Documents. B. The Contractor is responsible for documenting changes to the design. Maintain on -site and separate from documents used for construction, one complete set of contract documents as Project Documents. Keep documents current. Do not permanently cover work until as -built information is recorded. C. Record pipe and wiring network alterations. Record work which is installed differently than shown on the construction drawings. Record accurate reference dimensions, measured from at least two permanent reference points, of each irrigation system valve, each backflow prevention device, each controller or control unit, each sleeve end, each stub -out for future pipe or wiring connections, and other irrigation components enclosed within a valve box. D. Prior to construction completion, obtain from the Owner's Representative a reproducible mylar copy of the drawings. Mylars or CAD data files compatible with AutoCAD software, can be purchased from the Owner's Representative. Cost of mylar reproducible drawings is $25 per sheet and the cost of AutoCAD data files on diskette is $100 per project set. Using technical drafting pen or CAD, duplicate information contained on the project drawings maintained on site. Label each sheet "Record Drawing". E. Turn over the "Record Drawings" to the Owner's Representative. Completion of the Record Drawings will be a prerequisite for the Review at the completion of the irrigation system installation. IRRIGATION 02810 - 14 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 3.12 WINTERIZATION AND SPRING START-UP _ A. Winterize the irrigation system in the fall following final acceptance of irrigation system and start-up the irrigation system the following spring. Repair any damage caused in improper winterization at no additional cost to the Owner. Coordinate the winterization and start-up with the landscape maintenance personnel. 3.13 MAINTENANCE A. Upon completion of construction and Review by the Owner's Representative, maintain irrigation system for a duration of 30 calendar days. Make periodic examinations and adjustments to irrigation system components so as to achieve the most desirable application of water. B. Following completion of the Contractor's maintenance period, the Owner will be responsible for maintaining the system in working order during the remainder of the guarantee/warranty period, for performing necessary minor _ maintenance, for trimming around sprinklers, for protecting against vandalism, and for preventing damage after the landscape maintenance operation. 3.14 CLEANUP A. Upon completion of work, remove from the site all machinery, tools, excess materials, and rubbish. END OF SECTION 02810 IRRIGATION 02810 - 15 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 SECTION 02870 - MISCELLANEOUS SITE WORK PART 1—GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY: A. Furnish all labor, supplies, equipment, tools, and transportation, and perform all operations in connection with and reasonably incidental to complete installation of site work and site furnishings to include game time talk tubes. 1.2 RELATED WORK: A. Section 02751 - Cement Concrete Paving. 1.3 SUBMITTALS: A. Submit samples under provisions of Section 01340 -Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples. B. Manufacturer's Technical Literature: Submit manufacturer's specifications, cut sheets, shop drawings, and color samples for: 1. Game Time Talk Tubes. 1.4 HANDLING AND STORAGE: A. Protect all materials from damage, deterioration, or loss of any kind while in storage and during construction. B. Ensure that materials have not been damaged during shipping. No damaged materials shall be accepted. If materials have been damaged beyond repair, they must be replaced with new materials of the same type and kind at no additional cost to the Owner. Damaged materials that have been repaired will be accepted only if the damaged part or parts can be replaced with a completely new manufacturer -supplied part or parts of the same type and kind. PART 2: MATERIALS 2.4 GAME TIME TALK TUBE: A. Game Time Talk Tubes, by Triple M Recreation, 14646 North Kierland Blvd, Suite 238, Scottsdale, AZ 85254, Phone: (480) 315-9103. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.1 TALK TUBES A. Locate all furniture on site for review by Owner's Representative. Install per manufacturer's recommendations. B. Prior to completion of project, clean all furniture, as needed, to remove any dust and dirt. Provide a clean factory finish at time of final review. Touch up paint as needed. END OF SECTION 02870 MISCELLANEOUS SITE WORK 02870- 1 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden SECTION 02920 - LAWNS AND GRASSES PART1-GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: 1. Sodding irrigated lawn. 2. Seeding irrigated grass. 4/05 1.2 DEFINITIONS A. Finish Grade: Elevation of finished surface of planting soil. B. Planting Soil: Existing or imported topsoil, manufactured topsoil, or surface soil modified to become topsoil; mixed with soil amendments. C. Subgrade: Surface or elevation of subsoil remaining after completing excavation, or top surface of a fill or backfill immediately beneath planting soil. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: A qualified landscape installer whose work has resulted in successful lawn establishment. 1. Installer's Field Supervision: Require Installer to maintain an experienced full-time supervisor on Project site when planting is in progress. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Sod: Harvest, deliver, store, and handle sod according to requirements in TPI's "Specifications for Turfgrass Sod Materials" and "Specifications for Turfgrass Sod Transplanting and Installation" in its "Guideline Specifications to Turfgrass Sodding." B. Seed: Deliver seed in original sealed, labeled, and undamaged containers. 1.5 SCHEDULING A. Irrigation System: Proceed only after irrigation system has been installed and tested B. Weather Limitations: Proceed with planting only when existing and forecasted weather conditions permit. Installation must be completed by September 15. LAWNS AND GRASSES 02920 - 1 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 1.6 LAWN MAINTENANCE 4/05 A. Begin maintenance of irrigated lawn and irrigated grass and water immediately after each area is planted and continue until acceptable lawn is established. Maintain until after first mowing. 1. Schedule watering to prevent wilting, puddling, and erosion. 2. Water lawn at a minimum rate of 1 inch per week. 3. Mow lawn as soon as top growth is tall enough to cut. 4. Mow grass 1-1/2 to 2 inches high. 5. Apply fertilizer after initial mowing and when grass is dry, use fertilizer that will provide actual nitrogen of at least 1 Ib/1000 sq. ft. to lawn area PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 TURFGRASS SOD A. Turfgrass Sod: Number 1 Quality/Premium, including limitations on thatch, weeds, diseases, nematodes, and insects, complying with TPI's "Specifications for Turfgrass Sod Materials" in its "Guideline Specifications to Turfgrass Sodding." Furnish viable sod of uniform density, color, and texture, strongly rooted, and capable of vigorous growth and development when planted. B. Turfgrass Species: Full Sun: Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis), a minimum of three cultivars. 2.2 SEED A. Spring Creek Children's Garden: Swale Seeding % R ~ IV DRY SWALE MIX Sideoats gmm sweio, a Qatopeliduta 9 190 9 1 38 Blue gram .tfieiots qrloT, (11 710 a 042 Salt qrays c',slichFs vfnm 9 flrX) fa 0 4+4 Canada Widrye EF .M<, cane k+nss 115 3 1 1k Blanketflower •Gakla:d,j ofist�[a 1;70 6 1:'31 Western wheal ras Rasce; rum sm>Irr,.: a i 20 8 £Y W9d rose Rosa woods i s 45 3 2 90 Little bluestem Schizacrrdri m scccar:,m a 130 8 2.6£ TOTAL 46 13.23 WET SWALE MIX Balttc rush Jur,c.-sba+k:c X100 10 0.75 B' Bluestem Amllc?,o. r x0ifst 18o 1:U 24", Canada Goldenrod SclidaW eam-�Jencs c 1L!)0 6 01` Canada Wlld e Eiym-s:;a+adens,- tto 3 11-0 Western wheat ras Pas,, +-Fun=rm4 t ,20 9 2 18 TOTAL 34 6.99 g=-�xass '=forb i=tree. 'a=shru0. LAWNS AND GRASSES 02920 - 2 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 2.3 FERTILIZER A. Commercial Fertilizer: Diamonium phosphate. 2.4 MULCHES A. Hydromulch: Biodegradable, dyed -wood, cellulose -fiber mulch; nontoxic; free of plant -growth or germination inhibitors; with maximum moisture content of 15 percent and a pH range of 4.5 to 6.5. PART 3-EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine areas to receive lawns and grass for compliance with requirements and other conditions affecting performance. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Protect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities, trees, shrubs, and plantings from damage caused by planting operations. B. Provide erosion -control measures to prevent erosion or displacement of soils and discharge of soil - bearing water runoff or airborne dust to adjacent properties and walkways. 3.3 LAWN PREPARATION A. Limit lawn subgrade preparation to areas to be planted. _ B. Apply Roundup prior to seeding if required. Follow manufacturer's specifications. C. Spread 4 cy organic soil amendments per 1,000 s.f. and fertilizer over the entire area to receive seed or sod, and incorporate into the top 8 inches of soil by disking or rototilling until a uniform planting soil is obtained with no pockets of soil or amendments remaining. Water thoroughly. D. Cultivate soil to a minimum depth of 8 inches or deeper if a hard pan exists. Remove all rubble, stones and extraneous material over I inch in diameter. E. Finish Grading: Grade planting areas to a smooth. uniform surface plane with loose, uniformly fine _ texture. Grade to within plus or minus 1/2 inch of finist, elevation. Roll and rake, remove ridges, and fill depressions to meet finish grades. Limit fine grading to areas that can be planted in the immediate future. Allow for sod thickness and settling. F. Moisten prepared lawn areas before planting if soil is dry. Water thoroughly and allow surface to dry before planting. Do not create muddy soil. G. Restore areas if eroded or otherwise disturbed after finish grading and before planting. _ LAWNS AND GRASSES 02920 - 3 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 3.4 SODDING A. Lay sod within 24 hours of harvesting. Do not lay sod if dormant or if ground is frozen or muddy. B. Lay sod to form a solid mass with tightly fitted joints. Butt ends and sides of sod; do not stretch or overlap. Stagger sod strips or pads to offset joints in adjacent courses. Avoid damage to subgrade or sod during installation. Tamp and roll lightly to ensure contact with subgrade, eliminate air pockets, and form a smooth surface. Work sifted soil or fine sand into minor cracks between pieces of sod; remove excess to avoid smothering sod and adjacent grass. C. Saturate sod with fine water spray within two hours of planting. During first week, water daily or more frequently as necessary to maintain moist soil to a minimum depth of 1-1/2 inches (38 mm) below sod. 3.5 SEEDING A. Irrigated Grass Seeding: 1. Apply seed at rates shown in section 2.2 SEED, handrake seed into soil to a depth of 2 inches. 2. Hydromulch with mechanical hydromulcher at a rate of 2,000 lbs. per acre. 3.6 SATISFACTORY LAWNS AND GRASSES A. Satisfactory Lawn and Grass: A healthy, well -rooted, even -colored, viable lawn and grass shall be established, free of weeds, bare areas, and surface irregularities. B. Reestablish sod and grass that do not comply with requirements and continue maintenance until satisfactory. 3.7 CLEANUP AND PROTECTION A. Promptly remove soil and debris created by lawn work from paved areas. END OF SECTION 02920 LAWNS AND GRASSES 02920 - 4 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 — SECTION 02930 - EXTERIOR PLANTS PART1-GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS _ A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: 1. Plant material. 2. Topsoil. — 3. Amendments. 4. Fertilizer. 5. Planter soil mix 6. Mulch — 7. Stakes and guys 8. Edgings. 9. Landscape boulders, stream boulders, flagstone and stream cobble. _ B. Related Sections include the following: 1. Division 2 Section "Site Clearing" for protection of existing trees and planting, topsoil stripping _ and stockpiling, and site clearing. 2. Division 2 Section "Earthwork' for excavation, filling, and rough grading and for subsurface aggregate drainage and drainage backfill materials. 3. Division 4 Section "Stone Masonry" for acceptable stone source. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Balled and Burlapped Stock: Exterior plants dug with firm, natural balls of earth in which they are grown, with ball size not less than sizes indicated; wrapped, tied, rigidly supported, and drum -laced as recommended by ANSI Z60.1. B. Container -Grown Stock: Healthy, vigorous, well -rooted exterior plants grown in a container with well - established root system reaching sides of container and maintaining a firm ball when removed from — container. Container shall be rigid enough to hold ball shape and protect root mass during shipping and be sized according to ANSI Z60.1 for kind, type, and size of exterior plant required. C. Finish Grade: Elevation of finished surface of planting soil. D. Manufactured Topsoil: Soil produced off -site by homogeneously blending mineral soils or sand with stabilized organic soil amendments to produce topsoil or planting soil. E. Planting Soil: Native or imported topsoil, manufactured topsoil, or surface soil modified to become topsoil; mixed with soil amendments. EXTERIOR PLANTS 02930 - 1 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 F. Subgrade: Surface or elevation of subsoil remaining after completing excavation, or top surface of a fill or backfill, before placing planting soil. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. B. Samples for Verification: For each of the following: 1. Edging materials and accessories, of manufacturer's standard size, to verify color selected. 2. 5 stone sample for Boulders, showing full range of size/color 3. 10 stone sample for Stream Cobble, showing full range of size/color 4. Tree wrap. 5. Flagstone. C. Planting Schedule: Indicating anticipated planting dates for exterior plants. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: A qualified landscape installer whose work has resulted in successful establishment of exterior plants. Installer's Field Supervision: Require Installer to maintain an experienced full-time supervisor on Project site when exterior planting is in progress. B. Topsoil Analysis: Furnish soil analysis by a qualified soil -testing laboratory stating percentages of organic matter; gradation of sand, silt, and clay content; cation exchange capacity; sodium absorption ratio; deleterious material; pH; and mineral and plant -nutrient content of topsoil. Report suitability of topsoil for plant growth. State recommended quantities of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potash nutrients and soil amendments to be added to produce a satisfactory topsoil. C. Provide quality, size, genus, species, and variety of exterior plants indicated, complying with applicable requirements in ANSI Z60.1, "American Standard for Nursery Stock." Selection of exterior plants purchased under allowances will be made by Owner, who will tag plants at their place of growth before they are prepared for transplanting. D. Tree and Shrub Measurements: Measure according to ANSI Z60.1 with branches and trunks or canes in their normal position. Do not prune to obtain required sizes. Take caliper measurements 6 inches above ground for trees up to 4-inch caliper size, and 12 inches above ground for larger sizes. Measure main body of tree or shrub for height and spread; do not measure branches or roots tip -to -tip. E. Observation: Owner may observe trees and shrubs either at place of growth or at site before planting for compliance with requirements for genus, species, variety, size, and quality. Owner retains right to observe trees and shrubs further for size and condition of balls and root systems, insects, injuries, and latent defects and to reject unsatisfactory or defective material at any time during progress of work. Remove rejected trees or shrubs immediately from Project site. Notify Owner of sources of planting materials seven days in advance of delivery to site. EXTERIOR PLANTS 02930 - 2 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Protect plants from desiccation during delivery B. Do not prune trees and shrubs before delivery, except as approved by Owner. Protect bark, branches, and root systems from sun scald, drying, sweating, whipping, and other handling and tying damage. Do not bend or bind -tie trees or shrubs in such a manner as to destroy their natural shape. Provide protective covering of exterior plants during delivery. Do not drop exterior plants during delivery. C. Handle planting stock by root ball. D. Deliver exterior plants after preparations for planting have been completed and install immediately. If planting is delayed more than six hours after delivery, set exterior plants trees in shade, protect from weather and mechanical damage, and keep roots moist. 1. Set balled stock on ground and cover ball with soil, peat moss, sawdust, or other acceptable material. 2. Do not remove container -grown stock from containers before time of planting. 3. Water root systems of exterior plants stored on -site with a fine -mist spray. Water as often as _ necessary to maintain root systems in a moist condition. 1.7 COORDINATION A. Weather Limitations: Proceed with planting only when existing and forecasted weather conditions permit. B. Coordination with Lawns: Plant trees and shrubs after finish grades are established and before planting lawns, unless otherwise acceptable to Architect. When planting trees and shrubs after lawns, protect lawn areas and promptly repair damage caused by planting operations. 1.8 WARRANTY A. Special Warranty: Warrant the following exterior plants, for the warranty period indicated, against defects including death and unsatisfactory growth, except for defects resulting from lack of adequate maintenance, neglect, or abuse by Owner, or incidents that are beyond Contractor's control. I. Warranty periods below are examples only for some categories of exterior plants; revise to suit Project. 2. Warranty Period for Trees and Shrubs: One year from date of Substantial Completion. 3. Warranty Period for Ground Cover and Plants: Six months from date of Substantial Completion. 4. Remove dead exterior plants immediately. Replace immediately unless required to plant in the succeeding planting season. 5. Replace exterior plants that are more than 25 percent dead or in an unhealthy condition at end of warranty period. 6. A limit of one replacement of each exterior plant will be required, except for losses or replacements due to failure to comply with requirements. EXTERIOR PLANTS 02930 - 3 Matthew Walsh 5828 N. St. Louis Ave., Loveland, CO 80538 (970) 635-1928 EDUCATION B.S. - Construction Management, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80521 Major GPA: 3.014.0 May 1997 Course Content: Construction Project Administration, Scheduling & Planning, Construction Contracts, Construction Estimating, Safety Management, Labor Relations, Elementary Structural Design WORK EXPERIENCE Walsh Construction, Inc. Loveland, CO. July 1998 - Present General Contractor • President/Owner RD. Stewart, Inc. Loveland, CO. August 1997 - July 1998 General Contractor; Contact: Dave Hall (970) 669-1500 • Project Manager • Oversaw project operations for commercial and multi -family construction • Project estimating, budgeting, scheduling, cost control, general administration • Negotiated, wrote and organized all subcontracts • Performed on -site supervision • Reported to Divisional Operations Manager Amma Construction Corp. Huntington Station, N.Y. Summers/Winters 1988-1997 Civil Construction, Contact: Prescott Ammarell (516) 351-6124 • Supervised operations related to concrete, sitework and steel fabrication • Assisted in project estimating • Modified company's job cost control system • Diagnosed possible, managerial problems in company • Assisted office engineer in everyday duties • Assisted in organizing and maintaining companies shops and yard • Operated wide range of heavy equipment • Drove tractor/trailer combinations to move equipment and materials to various jobs • Performed general labor duties Self- Employed, Walsh Contracting, Northport, N.Y. Summers 1993 - 1995 Residential Landscape Construction • Initiated company's existence • Contracted work related to residential landscaping • Planned, organized and supervised everyday operations (..pnd Use Environmental Corp. 4aiting Hollow, N.Y. Summer 1993 9 Performed general tasks in accordance with marsh and wetland renovation Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 TREE AND SHRUB MATERIAL 4/05 A. General: Furnish nursery -grown trees and shrubs complying with ANSI Z60.1, with healthy root systems developed by transplanting or root pruning. Provide well -shaped, fully branched, healthy, vigorous stock free of disease, insects, eggs, larvae, and defects such as knots, sun scald, injuries, abrasions, and disfigurement. B. Grade: Provide trees and shrubs of sizes and grades complying with ANSI Z60.1 for type of trees and shrubs required. Trees and shrubs of a larger size may be used if acceptable to Architect, with a proportionate increase in size of roots or balls. C. Label each tree and shrub with securely attached, waterproof tag bearing legible designation of botanical and common name. D. Label at least one tree and one shrub of each variety and caliper with a securely attached, waterproof tag bearing legible designation of botanical and common name. E. If formal arrangements or consecutive order of trees or shrubs is shown, select stock for uniform height and spread, and number label to assure symmetry in planting. 2.2 SHADE AND FLOWERING TREES A. Shade Trees: Single -stem trees with straight trunk, well-balanced crown, and intact leader, of height and caliper indicated, complying with ANSI Z60.1 for type of trees required. 1. Provide container or balled and burlapped trees. 2. Branching Height: One-third to one-half of tree height. B. Small Upright & Spreading Trees: Branched or pruned naturally according to species and type, with relationship of caliper, height, and branching according to ANSI Z60.1; stem form as follows: 1. Stem Form: Single stem & Multistem, clump, with two or more main stems & Multistem, shrub, with multiple stems. 2. Provide container or balled and burlapped trees. C. Multistem Trees: Branched or pruned naturally according to species and type, with relationship of caliper, height, and branching according to ANSI Z60.1; stem form as follows: 1. Stem Form: Clump. 2. Provide container or balled and burlapped trees. 2.3 DECIDUOUS SHRUBS A. Form and Size: Deciduous shrubs with not less than the minimum number of canes required by and measured according to ANSI Z60.1 for type, shape, and height of shrub. Provide container -grown trees. EXTERIOR PLANTS 02930 - 4 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 — 2.4 CONIFEROUS EVERGREENS — A. Form and Size: Normal -quality, well-balanced, coniferous evergreens, of type, height, spread, and shape required, complying with ANSI Z60.1. B. Form and Size: Specimen -quality, exceptionally heavy, tightly knit, symmetrically shaped coniferous evergreens: 1. Provide container or balled and burlapped trees. 2.5 BROADLEAF EVERGREENS A. Form and Size: Normal -quality, well-balanced, broadleaf evergreens, of type, height, spread, and shape required, complying with ANSI Z60.1. _ 1. Provide container balled and burlapped trees. 2.6 GROUND COVER PLANTS A. Ground Cover: Provide ground cover of species indicated, established and well rooted in pots or similar containers, and complying with ANSI Z60.1 2.7 PLANTS A. Annuals: Provide healthy, disease -free plants of species and variety shown or listed. Provide only plants that are acclimated to outdoor conditions before delivery and that are in bud but not yet in bloom. B. Perennials: Provide healthy, field -grown plants from a commercial nursery, of species and variety shown or listed. C. Fast -Growing Vines: Provide vines of species indicated complying with requirements in ANSI Z60.1 as follows: 1. Two-year plants with heavy, well -branched tops, with not less than 3 runners 18 inches or more in length, and with a vigorous well -developed root system. 2. Provide field -grown vines. Vines grown in pots or other containers of adequate size and acclimated to outside conditions will also be acceptable. 2.8 TOPSOIL A. Topsoil: ASTM D 5268, pH range of 5.5 to 7, a minimum of 4 percent organic material content; free of stones 1 inch (25 mm) or larger in any dimension and other extraneous materials harmful to plant growth. 1. Topsoil Source: Reuse surface soil stockpiled on -site. Verify suitability of stockpiled surface soil to produce topsoil. Clean surface soil of roots, plants, sod, stones, clay lumps, and other extraneous materials harmful to plant growth. a. Supplement with imported or manufactured topsoil from off -site sources when quantities are insufficient. Obtain topsoil displaced from naturally well -drained sites where topsoil occurs at least 4 inches (100 mm) deep; do not obtain from bogs or marshes. EXTERIOR PLANTS 02930 - 5 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 2.9 FERTILIZER A. Slow -Release Fertilizer: Osmocote for trees and shrubs. 1. Fertilizer: Nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium in amounts recommended in soil reports from a qualified soil -testing agency. 2.10 MULCH A. Organic Mulch: Clear pine or spruce, No. 1, "pole peelings" with an approximate width of 1-2 inches and 3-4 inches length, fibrous and capable of matting together and interlocking when moistened and settled. ALL MULCH IS BY OWNER & NOT IN CONTRACT 2.11 STAKES AND GUYS A. As shown on details LP501. 2.12 TREE WRAP A. 4-inch commercial tree wrap. Submit sample. 2.13 PLANTER SOIL MIX A. Planter Soil Mix: One part topsoil, one part coarse sand, one part peat moss. 2.14 COMPOST A. Compost: A-1 organic compost (Loveland's own); or well -composted, stable, and weed -free organic matter, pH range of 5.5 to 8; moisture content 35 to 55 percent by weight; 100 percent passing through 1/2-inch sieve; soluble salt content of 5 to 10 decisiemens/m; not exceeding 0.5 percent inert contaminants and free of substances toxic to plantings. Organic matter content: 50 to 60 percent of dry weight. CN ratio is to be less than 20:1. 2.15 PLANTING PIT AMENDED SOIL A. Add 1/3 compost by volume to on -site soil. 2.16 BOULDERS Landscape boulders and stream boulders & stream cobble can be obtained from the following acceptable rock source: Stone Wholesale, 11585 N. Highway 287, Laporte, CO 80535, contact Jim Striggow 970-221-0057. Select boulders have been pre -selected by Owner. EXTERIOR PLANTS 02930 - 6 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 -' A. Where indicated, size of boulders is keyed to drawings as follows Key Minimum Length Minimum Width Minimum Height #1 1-Foot I -Foot 1-Foot #2 2 feet 1 '/z feet 1 foot #3 3 feet 2 feet 1 '/2 feet #4 4 feet 2 '/2 feet 1 '/2 feet #5 5 feet 2'/2 feet 2 feet _ #6 6 feet 5 feet 4 feet Size of boulders where not indicated shall be approximately as shown to scale on plans and details B. Boulders shall be sound and not marred by handling. 2.17 STREAM COBBLE A. Stream cobble shall be rock of the same approved rock source as the boulders. Submit a 5 gallon bucket sample for approval by Owner. B. Size shall be as follow: 1. 50% 1'/Z "-3" diameter. 2. 25% 4"-6" diameter. 3. 25% 7"-8" diameter. 2.18 FLAGSTONE C. Flagstone shall be of the same approved rock source and be a Lyons Red to match existing flagstone on site. Submit a 5 stone sample for approval by Owner. D. Thickness shall be minimum of 2 inches unless otherwise noted: PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine areas to receive plants for compliance with requirements and conditions affecting installation and performance. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. B. Beginning work of this section implies acceptance of existing conditions. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Protect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities, and lawns and existing exterior plants from damage caused by planting operations. B. Provide erosion -control measures to prevent erosion or displacement of soils and discharge of soil - bearing water runoff or airborne dust to adjacent properties and walkways. EXTERIOR PLANTS 02930 - 7 ,� Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 C. Lay out individual tree and shrub locations and areas for multiple plantings. Stake locations, outline ar- eas, adjust locations when requested, and obtain Architect's acceptance of layout before planting. Make minor adjustments as required. 3.3 PLANTING BED ESTABLISHMENT A. Loosen subgrade of planting beds sufficient to remove compaction. Remove stones larger than 2 inches (50 mm) in any dimension and sticks, roots, rubbish, and other extraneous matter and legally dispose of them off Owner's property. Thoroughly blend soil mix off site before spreading or spread topsoil, apply soil amendments and fertilizer on surface, and thoroughly blend planting soil mix. 2. Spread soil mix to a depth of 8 inches but not less than required to meet finish grades after natural settlement. Do not spread if planting soil or subgrade is frozen, muddy, or excessively wet. a. Spread approximately one-half the thickness of planting soil mix over loosened subgrade. Mix thoroughly into top 4 inches (100 mm) of subgrade. Spread remainder of planting soil mix. B. Finish Grading: Grade planting beds to a smooth, uniform surface plane with loose, uniformly fine tex- ture. C. Restore planting beds if eroded or otherwise disturbed after finish grading and before planting. 3.4 TREE AND SHRUB EXCAVATION A. Pits and Trenches: Excavate circular pits. Trim base leaving center area raised slightly to support root ball and assist in drainage. Do not further disturb base. Scarify sides of plant pit smeared or smoothed during excavation. Excavate approximately two times as wide as ball diameter for balled and burlapped or container - grown stock. B. Subsoil removed from excavations may be used as backfill. C. Obstructions: Notify Architect if unexpected rock or obstructions detrimental to trees or shrubs are en- countered in excavations. D. At the direction of the Architect, conduct percolation tests on representative tree pits by filling pit half full with water. If pit does not completely drain, install an 8-inch diameter caisson of sufficient depth to drain pit. Fill with 1'/2 inches of crushed stone covered with geotextile filter fabric. 3.5 TREE AND SHRUB PLANTING A. Set balled and burlapped stock plumb and in center of pit or trench with top of root ball 2 inches (50 mm) above adjacent finish grades. 1. Remove burlap and wire baskets from the top half of root balls. Do not remove from under root balls. Do not use planting stock if root ball is cracked or broken before or during planting opera- tion. 2. Place planting soil mix around root ball in layers, tamping to settle mix and eliminate voids and air pockets. When pit is approximately one-half backfilled, water thoroughly before placing remain - EXTERIOR PLANTS 02930 - 8 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 der of backfill. Repeat watering until no more water is absorbed. Water again after placing final — layer of planting soil mix. B. Set container -grown stock plumb and in center of pit or trench with top of root ball 2 inches (50 mm) above adjacent finish grades. 1. Carefully remove root ball from container without damaging root ball or plant. 2. Place planting soil mix around root ball in layers, tamping to settle mix and eliminate voids and air — pockets. When pit is approximately one-half backfilled, water thoroughly before placing remain- der of backfill. Repeat watering until no more water is absorbed. Water again after placing final layer of planting soil mix. C. After a bed is completely planted, hand -spade entire bed to a depth of 12 inches (250 mm) in order to re- move compaction from planting operations. D. Organic Mulching: Apply 3-inch (75-mm) average thickness of organic mulch over entire planting bed. — 3.6 TREE AND SHRUB PRUNING A. Prune, thin, and shape trees and shrubs only as directed by Owner. 3.7 GUYING AND STAKING — A. Guying and Staking: As shown in details, guy and/or stake trees immediately upon planting to maintain plumb trunks. 3.8 PLANTERS A. Place 12-inch minimum planter soil mix in all raised planting areas. 3.9 GROUND COVER AND PERENNIAL PLANTING _ A. Set out and space ground cover and perennials in groups to ensure even spacing. B. Dig holes large enough to allow spreading of roots, and backfill. C. Work soil around roots to eliminate air pockets and leave n slip*ht saucer indentation around plants to hold water. — D. Water thoroughly after planting, taking care not to cover plant crowns with wet soil. E. Protect plants from hot sun and wind; remove protection when plants show evidence of recovery from _ transplanting shock. 3.10 PLANTING BED MULCHING A. Apply 3-inches (75-mm) average thickness of organic mulch, and finish level with adjacent finish grades in all planting areas, except plots in turf area. Do not place mulch against plant stems. _ 3.11 BOULDER AND STREAM COBBLE PLACEMENT EXTERIOR PLANTS 02930 - 9 �, Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 A. At the direction of the Architect, place boulders to relate faces and tops of boulders to one another. Plans show the general location, orientation and size of boulders. Anchor boulders and stream cobble in stream with grout or embed in gunite. B. Dig a soil pocket for each boulder so that bottom of boulder will be 3 to 6 inches below grade at face of boulder. Backfill around boulders in 6-inch lifts, eliminating air pockets. 3.12 CLEANUP AND PROTECTION A. During planting, keep adjacent pavings and construction clean and work area in an orderly condition. B. Protect plants from damage due to landscape operations, operations by other contractors. Maintain pro- tection during installation and maintenance periods. Treat, repair, or replace damaged planting. 3.13 DISPOSAL A. Disposal: Remove surplus soil and waste material, including excess subsoil, unsuitable soil, trash, and debris, and legally dispose of them off Owner's property. END OF SECTION 02930 EXTERIOR PLANTS 02930 - 10 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 SECTION 03300 - CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE PART1-GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section specifies cast -in place concrete, including formwork, reinforcing, mix design, placement _ procedures, and finishes. B. Cast -in -place concrete includes the following: — 1. Cast in Place Walls, foundations and footings. C. Related Sections: The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this Section: I. Division 2 Section "Cement Concrete Pavement" for concrete paving and walks. 2. Division 4 Section "Masonry" for stone veneer. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. General: Submit the following according to Conditions of the Contract and Division 1 Specification Sections. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Codes and Standards: Comply with provisions of the following codes, specifications, and standards, _ except where more stringent requirements are shown or specified: I. American Concrete Institute (ACI) 301, "Specifications for Structural Concrete." 2. Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI) "Manual of Standard Practice." 3. American Concrete Institute (ACI) 117, "Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials." 4. American Concrete Institute (ACI) 347, "Recommended Practice for Contract Formwork." — B. Concrete Testing Service: The Owner shall engage a testing agency to perform material evaluation test;, and shall engage a design engineer to observe the reinforcement prior to casting of concrete. C. Materials and installed work may require testing and retesting at any time during progress of Work. Tests, including retesting of rejected materials for installed Work, shall be done at Contractor's expense. D. Delivery, Storage, and Handling: Deliver, store, and handte steel reinforcement to prevent bending and damage. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 FORM MATERIALS A. Rough -Formed Finished Concrete: Plywood, lumber, metal, or another approved material. Provide lumber dressed on at least two edges and one side for tight fit. CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - 1 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 B. Form Release Agent: Provide commercial formulation form release agent with a maximum of 315 lbs/gal volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that will not bond with, stain, or adversely affect concrete surfaces and will not impair subsequent treatments of concrete surfaces. 2.2 STEEL REINFORCING MATERIALS A. Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A 615 Grade 60, deformed. Fabricate steel reinforcement according to CRSI's "Manual of Standard Practice." 2.3 CONCRETE MATERIALS A. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type I or II. 1. Use one brand of cement throughout Project. B. Fly Ash: ASTM C 618, Class F. C. Normal -Weight Aggregates: ASTM C 33 and as specified. Provide aggregates from a single source for use throughout the project. 1. For exposed exterior surfaces, do not use fine or coarse aggregates that contain substances that cause spalling. D. Water: Potable and meeting ASTM C 94. E. Admixtures, General: Provide concrete admixtures certified by manufacturer to be compatible with other admixtures and that will not contribute water-soluble chloride ions exceeding those permitted in hardened concrete. Do not use calcium chloride or admixtures containing calcium chloride. F. Air -Entraining Admixture: ASTM C 260. G. Water -Reducing Admixture: ASTM C 494, Type A. H. High -Range Water -Reducing Admixture: ASTM C 494, Type F. I. Water Reducing, Accelerating Admixture: ASTM C 494, Type E. Use only where reviewed in advance and acceptable to Engineer. k Water Reducing, Retarding Admixture: ASTM C 494, Type D. Use only where reviewed in advance and acceptable to Engineer. 2.4 RELATED MATERIALS A. Vapor Barrier: Premolded seven -ply membrane consisting of reinforced core and carrier sheet with fortified bitumen layers, protective weather coating, and plastic antistick sheet. Water vapor transmission rate of l perm when tested according to ASTM E 96, Method B. Provide manufacturer's recommended mastics and gusset tape. B. Absorptive Cover: Burlap cloth made from jute or kenaf, weighing approximately 9-oz./sq. yd., complying with AASHTO M 182, Class 2. C. Moisture -Retaining Cover: One of the following, complying with ASTM C 171. CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - 2 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 1. Polyethylene film. 2. Polyethylene -coated burlap. 2.5 PROPORTIONING AND DESIGNING MIXES ` A. Design mixes to provide normal weight concrete with the following properties as indicated on drawings and schedules: — 1. 4,000 psi 28-day compressive strength. 2. Maximum water -cement (w/c) ratio: 0.45. 3. Minimum cement: 564 pounds per cubic yard. 4. Air content: 4.5 to 7.5%. B. Slump Limits: Proportion and design mixes to result in concrete slump at point of placement as follows: 1. Walls and columns: Not less than 4 inches and not more than 6 inches. C. Adjustment to Concrete Mixes: Mix design adjustments may be requested by Contractor when characteristics of materials, job conditions, weather, test results, or other circumstances warrant, as accepted by Architect. Laboratory test data for revised mix design and strength results must be submitted to and accepted by Architect before using in Work. 2.6 ADMIXTURES A. Use water -reducing admixture or high -range water -reducing admixture (superplasticizer) in concrete, as required, for placement and workability. B. Use non -corrosive, non -chloride accelerating admixture in concrete stabs placed at ambient temperatures below 50 deg F. C. Use high -range water -reducing admixture in pumped concrete, concrete for heavy -use industrial slabs, wall and column concrete, concrete required to be watertight, and concrete with water -cement ratios below 0.45. D. Use crystalline waterproofing additive for waterproof concrete stream basin, pool and fountain concrete — in accordance with manufacturer's specifications. E. Use air -entraining admixture in exterior exposed concrete unless otherwise indicated. Add air -entraining admixture at manufacturer's prescribed rate to result in concrete at point of placement having total air — content with a tolerance of plus or minus 1-1/2 percent within the following limits: 1. Concrete structures and slabs exposed to freezing and thawing: — a. 5.5 percent (severe exposure) for 1- 1/2 inch maximum aggregate. b. 6.0 percent (severe exposure) for 1 inch maximum aggregate. C. 6.0 percent (severe exposure) for 3/4 inch maximum aggregate. d. 7.0 percent (severe exposure) for 1/2 inch maximum aggregate. 2. Other concrete not exposed to freezing, thawing, or hydraulic pressure, or to receive a surface hardener. 2 to 4 percent air. F. Use admixtures for water reduction and set accelerating or retarding in strict compliance with manufacturer's directions. _. CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - 3 1 0 21. What are the limits of your public liability? DETAIL What company?J[�T _ f�k ).r T C)F�s 22. What are your company's bonding limitations? I{oopimo— 1, I as 4000 '-" 23. The undersigned hereby authorizes and requests any person, firm or corporation to furnish any information requested by the OWNER in verification of the recital comprising this Statement of Bidder's Qualifications. l Dated a � ,p this i��^ day of �W�9_ 20�G. Dame `IDfv�iddei°�'y r County of �if�(L.F ✓V\,C�-Vt I V hsping duly sworn deposes and says that he isand that (name of organization) � own, ''j00 =Ko—. the answers to the foregoing questions and all statements therein contained are true and correct. Subscribed No sworn to before me this day '•• OTARY% 0 My commission expires 7/96 jada3? elf 001�l�fSSI�N EXPIRES 111191 Section 00420 Page 3 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 2.7 CONCRETE MIXING A. Job -Site Mixing is not allowed. 3/05 B. Ready -Mixed Concrete: Comply with requirements of ASTM C 94 and ASTM C 1116, and as specified. Furnish batch tickets with all material proportions listed. When air temperature is between 85 deg F and 90 deg F, reduce mixing and delivery time from 1- 1/2 hours to 75 minutes, and when air temperature is above 90 deg F, reduce mixing and delivery time to 60 minutes. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. Coordinate the installation of joint materials, vapor retarder, and other related materials with placement of forms and reinforcing steel. 3.2 FORMS A. General: Design, erect, support, brace, and maintain formwork to support vertical, lateral, static, and dynamic loads that might be applied until concrete structure can support such loads in accordance with ACI 347 and ACI 301. Construct formwork so concrete members and structures are of correct size, shape, alignment, elevation, and position. Maintain formwork construction tolerances and surface irregularities complying with the following ACI 347 limits: Provide Class C tolerances. B. Construct forms to sizes, shapes, lines, and dimensions shown and to obtain accurate alignment, location, grades, level, and plumb work in finished structures. Provide for openings, offsets, sinkages, keyways, recesses, moldings, rustications, reglets, chamfers, blocking, screeds, bulkheads, anchorages and inserts, and other features required in the Work. Use selected materials to obtain required finishes. Solidly butt joints and provide backup at joints to prevent cement paste from leaking. C. Fabricate forms for easy removal without hammering or prying against concrete surfaces. Provide crush plates or wrecking plates where stripping may damage cast concrete surfaces. Provide top forms for inclined surfaces where slope is too steep to place concrete with bottom forms only. Kerf wood inserts for forming keyways, reglets, recesses, and the like for easy removal. D. Provide temporary openings for clean -outs and inspections where interior area of formwork is inaccessible before and during concrete placement. Securely brace temporary openings and set tightly to forms to prevent losing concrete mortar. Locate temporary openings in forms at inconspicuous locations. E. Chamfer exposed corners and edges, using wood, metal, PVC, or rubber chamfer strips fabricated to produce uniform smooth lines and tight edge joints. F. Provisions for Other Trades: Provide openings in concrete formwork to accommodate work of other trades. Determine size and location of openings, recesses, and chases from trades providing such items. Accurately place and securely support items built into forms. CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - 4 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 G. Cleaning and Tightening: Thoroughly clean forms and adjacent surfaces to receive concrete. Remove chips, wood, sawdust, dirt, or other debris just before placing concrete. Retighten forms and bracing before placing concrete, as required, to prevent mortar leaks and maintain proper alignment. 3.3 VAPOR BARRIER INSTALLATION A. Vapor Barrier: Place, protect, and repair vapor -barrier sheets according to ASTM E 1643 and manufacturer's written instructions. 3.4 PLACING REINFORCEMENT A. General: Comply with Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute's (CRSI's) "Manual of Standard Practice" for details and methods of reinforcement placement and supports and as specified. 1. Do not cut or puncture vapor barrier during reinforcement placement and concreting operations. Repair damages before placing concrete. B. Clean reinforcement of loose rust and mill scale, earth, ice, and other materials that reduce or destroy bond with concrete. C. Accurately position, support, and secure reinforcement against displacement. Locate and support reinforcing by metal chairs, runners, bolsters, spacers, and hangers, as approved by Architect. D. Place reinforcement to maintain minimum coverages as indicated for concrete protection. Arrange, space, and securely tie bars and bar supports to hold reinforcement in position during concrete placement operations. Set wire ties so ends are directed into concrete, not toward exposed concrete surfaces. 3.5 JOINTS A. Construction Joints: Locate and install construction joints so they do not impair strength or appearance of the structure, as indicated and as acceptable to Architect. 3.6 PREPARING FORM SURFACES A. General: Coat contact surfaces of forms with an approved, nonresidual, low-VOC, form -coating compound before placing reinforcement. B. Do not allow excess form -coating material to accumulate in forms or come into contact with in -place concrete surfaces against which fresh concrete will be placed. Apply according to manufacturer's instructions. 1. Coat steel forms with a nonstaining, rust -preventative material. Rust -stained steel formwork is not acceptable. 3.7 CONCRETE PLACEMENT A. Before placing concrete, inspect and complete formwork installation, reinforcing steel, and items to be embedded or cast in. Do not pour concrete until all required observations have been performed. Provide a minimum of 24 hours notice of all required observations. Do not place concrete during rain, sleet or snow unless adequate protection is provided and Engineer's acceptance is obtained. CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - 5 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 B. General: Comply with ACI 304, "Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting, and Placing Concrete," and as specified. C. Deposit concrete continuously or in layers of such thickness that no new concrete will be placed on concrete that has hardened sufficiently to cause seams or planes of weakness. If a section cannot be placed continuously, provide construction joints as specified. Deposit concrete to avoid segregation at its final location. D. Placing Concrete in Forms: Deposit concrete in forms in horizontal layers no deeper than 24 inches and in a manner to avoid inclined construction joints. Where placement consists of several layers, place each layer while preceding layer is still plastic to avoid cold joints. I. Consolidate paced concrete by mechanical vibrating equipment supplemented by hand -spading, rodding, or tamping. Use equipment and procedures for consolidation of concrete complying with ACI 309.311 "Guide to Consolidation of Concrete in Congested Areas" and ACI 301. 2. Do not use vibrators to transport concrete inside forms. Insert and withdraw vibrators vertically at uniformly spaced locations no farther than the visible effectiveness of the machine. Place vibrators to rapidly penetrate placed layer and at least 6 inches into preceding layer. Do not insert vibrators into lower layers of concrete that have begun to set. At each insertion, limit duration of vibration to time necessary to consolidate concrete and complete embedment of reinforcement and other embedded items without causing mix to segregate. 3. Maximum height of concrete free fall is 4 feet. E. Cold -Weather Placement: Comply with provisions of ACI 306.1 "Standard Specifications for Cold - Weather Concreting" and as follows. Protect concrete work from physical damage or reduced strength that could be caused by frost, freezing actions, or low temperatures. Do not place any concrete on frozen substrate. When air temperature has fallen to or is expected to fall below 45 deg F, uniformly heat water and aggregates before mixing to obtain a concrete mixture temperature of not less than 50 deg F for sections with least dimension of 12 inches and over; and not less than 60 deg F for sections less than 12 inches in the least dimension; and not more than 80 deg F at point of placement. 1. Do not use frozen materials or materials containing ice or snow. Do not place concrete on frozen subgrade or on subgrade containing frozen materials. 2. Do not use calcium chloride, salt, or other materials containing antifreeze agents or chemical accelerators unless otherwise accepted in mix designs. G. Hot -Weather Placement: When hot weather conditions exist that would impair quality and strength of concrete, place concrete complying with ACI 305R "Standard Specification for Hot -Weather Concreting" and as specified. 1. Cool ingredients before mixing to maintain concrete temperature at time of placement to below 90 deg F. Mixing water may be chilled or chopped ice may be used to control temperature, provided water equivalent of ice is calculated to total amount of mixing water. Using liquid nitrogen to cool concrete is Contractor's option. 2. Cover reinforcing steel with water -soaked burlap if it becomes too hot, so that steel temperature will not exceed the ambient air temperature immediately before embedding in concrete. 3. Fog spray forms, reinforcing steel, and subgrade just before placing concrete. Keep subgrade moisture uniform without puddles or dry areas. 4. Use water -reducing retarding admixture when required by high temperatures, low humidity, or other adverse placing conditions, as acceptable to Architect. CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - 6 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 _ 3.8 FINISHING FORMED SURFACES A. Rough -Formed Finish: Provide a rough -formed finish on formed concrete surfaces not exposed to view in the finished Work or concealed by other construction. This is the concrete surface having texture imparted by form -facing material used, with tie holes and defective areas repaired and patched, and fins and other projections exceeding 1/4 inch in height rubbed down or chipped off. 3.9 MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE ITEMS A. Bases and Foundations: Provide machine and equipment bases and foundations as shown on drawings. Set anchor bolts for machines and equipment to template at correct elevations, complying with diagrams or templates of manufacturer furnishing machines and equipment. 3.10 CONCRETE CURING AND PROTECTION A. General: Protect freshly placed concrete from premature drying and excessive cold or hot temperatures. In hot, dry, and windy weather protect concrete from rapid moisture loss before and during finishing operations with an evaporation -control material. Apply according to manufacturer's instructions after screeding and bull floating, but before power floating and troweling. B. Initially, the concrete temperature shall be maintained at or above 70 deg F for 3 days or at or above 50 deg F for 7 days. Continue curing as required to achieve the specified 28-day strength. C. Start initial curing as soon as free water has disappeared from concrete surface after placing and finishing. Weather permitting, keep continuously moist for not less than 7 days. D. Curing Methods: Cure concrete according to ACI 308.1 by curing compound, by moist curing, by moisture -retaining cover curing (if concrete will be hidden from view), or by combining these methods, _ as specified. E. Apply curing (and sealing where specified) compound on exterior slabs and curbs as follows: 1. Apply curing (and sealing where specified) compound to concrete slabs as soon as final finishing operations are complete (within two hours and after surface water sheen has disappeared). Appl) uniformly in continuous operation by power spray or roller according to manufacturer's directions. Recoat areas subjected to heavy rainfall within three hours after initial application. Maintain continuity of coating and repair damage during curing period. 2. Use membrane curing compounds that will not affect surfaces t,, be covered with finish material, applied directly to concrete. F. Curing Formed Surfaces: Cure formed concrete surfaces, including underside of beams, supported slabs, and other similar surfaces, by moist curing with forms in place for the full curing period or until forms are removed. If forms are removed, continue curing by methods specified above, as applicable. G. Comply with ACI 306.1 for cold -weather protection and ACI 305R for hot -weather protection during curing. 3.11 REUSING FORMS A. Clean and repair surfaces of forms to be reused in the Work. Split, frayed, delaminated, or otherwise damaged form -facing material will not be acceptable for exposed surfaces. Apply new form -coating compound as specified for new formwork. CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - 7 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 B. When forms are extended for successive concrete placement, thoroughly clean surfaces, remove fins and laitance, and tighten forms to close joints. Align and secure joint to avoid offsets. Do not use patched forms for exposed concrete surfaces except as acceptable to Architect. 3.12 CONCRETE SURFACE REPAIRS A. Repair concealed formed surfaces, where possible, containing defects that affect the concrete's durability. If defects cannot be repaired, remove and replace the concrete. B. Perform structural repairs with prior approval of Architect for method and procedure, using specified epoxy adhesive and mortar. C. Repair methods not specified above may be used, subject to acceptance of Architect. D. Remove and replace concrete that cannot be repaired and patched to satisfaction of Owner. 3.13 QUALITY CONTROL TESTING DURING CONSTRUCTION A. General: The Owner shall employ a qualified, independent testing and inspection agency to perform field tests and inspections and to submit test reports. Contractor shall provide Owner's testing and inspection agency with a minimum of 24 hours notice prior to all required inspections. B. Sampling and testing for quality control during concrete placement shall be performed in accordance with ACI 301 and include the following: Sampling Fresh Concrete: ASTM C 172, except modified for slump to comply with ASTM C 94. a. Slump: ASTM C 143; one test at point of discharge for each day's pour and for each set of compression tests of each type of concrete; additional tests when concrete consistency seems to have changed. b. Air Content: ASTM C 173, volumetric method for lightweight or normal weight concrete; ASTM C 231, pressure method for normal weight concrete; one for each day's pour and for each set of compression tests of each type of air -entrained concrete. Unit weight shall also be recorded. C. Concrete Temperature: ASTM C 1064; one test hourly when air temperature is 40 deg F and below, when 80 deg F and above, and one test for each set of compressive -strength specimens. d. Compression Test Specimen: ASTM C 31; one set of five standard cylinders for each compressive -strength test, unless otherwise directed. Mold and store cylinders for laboratory -cured test specimens except when field -cured test specimens are required. e. Compressive -Strength Tests: ASTM C 39; one set for each day's pour exceeding 5 cu. yd. plus additional sets for each 50 cu. yd. more than the first 25 cu. yd. of each concrete class placed in any one day; one specimen tested at 7 days, one specimen tested at 14 days, two specimens tested at 28 days, and one specimen retained in reserve for later testing if required. 2. When total quantity of a given class of concrete is less than 50 cu. yd., Architect may waive strength testing if adequate evidence of satisfactory strength is provided. C. Test results shall be reported in writing to Architect, Structural Engineer, ready -mix producer, and Contractor within 24-hours after tests. Reports of compressive strength tests shall contain the Project identification name and number, date of concrete placement, name of concrete testing service, concrete type and class, location of concrete batch in structure, design compressive strength at 28-days, concrete CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - 8 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3/05 — mix proportions and materials, compressive breaking strength and type of break for all 7-day, 14-day and 28-day tests, slump of concrete, unit weight, temperature of concrete as placed and air content. D. Nondestructive Testing: Impact hammer, sonoscope, or other nondestructive device may be permitted but shall not be used as the sole basis for acceptance or rejection. E. Additional Tests: The testing agency will make additional tests of in -place concrete, at the expense of the Contractor, when test results indicate specified concrete strengths and other characteristics have not been attained in the structure, as directed by Architect. Testing agency may conduct tests to determine adequacy of concrete by cored cylinders complying with ASTM C 42, or by other methods as directed. END OF SECTION 03300 CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE 03300 - 9 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4l05 SECTION 04400 - STONE MASONRY PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE - BASE BID Furnish all labor, materials, supplies, equipment and transportation, and perform all operations in connection with and reasonably incidental to the complete installation of sandstone walls, sandstone steps, sandpit sandstone border and amphitheater seat rocks on the drawings and as specified herein. Items of work specifically included are: A. Drylaid sandstone walls. B. Sandstone veneer walls anchored to concrete backup. C. Drylaid sandstone steps D. Amphitheater seat rocks E. Sandpit sandstone border 1.2 RELATED WORK A. Division 3 Section "Cast -in -Place Concrete". 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. All stripstone for drylaid sandstone and sandstone veneer walls to be buff color to match existing stonework on site. B. Single Source Responsibility for Stone: Obtain each color, grade, finish, type and variety of stone from a single quarry with resources to provide materials of consistent quality in appearance and physical properties, including the capacity to cut and finish material without delaying the progress of the work. An acceptable stone source is: Stone Wholesale, It 585 N. Highway 287, Laporte, CO 80535, contact Jim Striggow 970- 221-0057. C. Craftsmanship: 1. Drylaid sandstone wall and sandstone veneer walls to match in materials and finished appearance. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Furnish three samples of sandstone for walls and 2 for steps showing extreme variations in color and texture for review by Owner before ordering stone from the quarry. 1.5 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING: A. Storage: Store stone off the ground to prevent contamination by mud, dust or materials likely to cause staining or other defects. Do not place materials in such a manner as to limit access to other work. STONE MASONRY 04400 - 1 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 B. Protection: Protect all materials from the elements with covers, if necessary. C. Store cementitious ingredients in weather -tight enclosure to protect against contamination and warehouse set. Protect from freezing. Protect additive from temperature extremes in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.1 DRYLAID SANDSTONE WALLS, SANDSTONE VENEER WALLS, SANDSTONE STEPS, AMPHITHEATER SEAT ROCKS & SANDPIT SANDSTONE BORDER A. Type: Sandstone, Buff color, to match color and finish of existing sandstone walls in the Gardens on Spring Creek Horticulture Center, free of defects detrimental to appearance or durability. B. Surface: Top and bottom surface shall be smooth and not vary more than 1/8 inch from a continuous plane. Front and back sides shall be guillotine cut and shall not vary more than 1/2 inch from a continuous plane. Ends shall be clipped straight and not vary more than 10 degrees from vertical. Angle of end surfaces shall be perpendicular to front surface except where required for wall radius. C. Proportions: All stones shall be longer (L) than high (H). Range of proportions for all stones in place shall fall between 3L:1H and 6L:1H. D. Size Distribution for walls: Stones installed in walls shall meet the following size distribution: 1. 25% shall have a face area greater than 18 square inches and less than 48 square inches. 2. 60% shall have a face area greater than 48 square inches and less than 100 square inches. 3. 15% shall have a face area greater than 100 square inches and less than 200 square inches. E. Size: 1. Sandstone Veneer Walls: Width 3 inches, height 2-6 inches, length 6-20 inches. 2. Drylaid Sandstone Walls: Width 10 inches, height 2-8 inches, length 10-36 inches. 3. Drylaid Sandstone Steps: Width 16-18 inches, height 6-8 inches, length 20-36 inches. 4. Amphitheater Seat Rocks: Width 18-20 inches, height 14-20 inches, length 18-36 inches 5. Sandpit Sandstone Border: Width 12-14 inches, height 4-6 inches, length 12-24 inches. 2.2 MORTAR A. Portland Cement: ASTM C150-84, rype 1, low alkali (0.60% maximum Na20 + 0.658 K20), non air - entering, gray color. B. Mortar Aggregate: Sand per ASTM C144, clean, natural. C. Hydrated Lime: ASTM C207-79, Type S. D. Water: Potable. E. Color: To match existing mortared walls. Submit sample. PART 3-EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION STONE MASONRY 04400 - 2 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 A. Verify that items built in under other sections are properly located and sized. B. Verify concrete foundations, walls and columns are properly constructed and located, and built to the elevations shown on the drawings. C. Establish lines, levels and coursing. Protect from disturbance. D. Surfaces of concrete to receive stone veneer shall be cleaned of substances which may reduce bonding with mortar. 3.2 MORTAR PROPORTIONS A. Mortar for all stone veneer cap and fascia masonry shall have the following proportions by volume: 1 part Portland Cement 1/2 part hydrated lime 4 1/2 parts aggregate (measured in a damp, loose condition) Water/Additive Solution: As required for workability, in solution form. Mix in a 4:1 (water/additive) solution; otherwise in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. B. Mix all materials in a mechanical mixer for a minimum of 5 minutes using sequence recommended by additive manufacturer (e.g., water/additive solution mixed first). Add extra water/additive solution as required until mortar is of a satisfactory, workable consistency. If mortar begins to stiffen from evaporation or absorption of mixing water, retemper immediately with water/additive solution. 3.3 SANDSTONE VENEER WALL INSTALLATION A. Arrange stone in random ashlar pattern and provide joint work consistent with existing stonework on site. B. Set stone in full mortar setting bed to support stone over full bearing surface and to establish joint dimensions. C. Mortar joints shall be allowed to vary from 3/8 inch to 112 inch in width. D. Rake all joints 1/2-inch deep. E. Thoroughly fill all voids between back surface of stone with mortar as work progresses. 3.4 DRYLAID STONE WALL INSTALLATION A. Arrange stone in random ashlar pattern, all stones level. B. Mortar capstone if rocking occurs. Mortar joints shall not be visible from face of wall. Wall to appear drylaid. 3.5 DRYLAID SANDSTONE STEPS INSTALLATION A. Arrange stone as shown in detail, all stones level. STONE MASONRY 04400 - 3 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 r 3.6 SANDPIT SANDSTONE BORDER INSTALLATION _ A. Arrange stone without gaps as shown on plans, all stones sloped to drain as shown in detail. 3.7 TOLERANCES A. Variations from level for walls shall not exceed 1/4 inch. B. Broken, marred or otherwise unacceptable stone, and variations greater than tolerances stated may be grounds for rejection of walls or portions of walls by Owner's Representative. Rejected installations shall be removed and reinstalled without additional cost to the Landscape Architect. 3.8 CLEANING A. Masonry Surface: Clean with brushes and water. If cleaning agent is needed, test on sample wall panel and — obtain review of Owner's Representative. Upon review, proceed. Apply to small sections of wall in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. END OF SECTION 04400 STONE MASONRY 04400 - 4 ADDENDUM No. 2 SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Description of Bid: 5921 Children's Garden at the Gardens on Spring Creek OPENING DATE: 3:00 P.M. June 6, 2005 REVISION: Attached find three (3) drawings with added notations reflecting a reduction in price of the original bid. 2IS North Mason Street • 2"" Floor - 11.0. Box 580 • Forl Collins, CO 80522-0580 - (970) 221-6775 * Fax (970) 221-6707 www.fc og v.com SECTION 00430 SCHEDULE OF SUBCONTRACTORS List all subcontractors for the work items listed below and all subcontractors performing over 200 of the contract. 1 ITEM SUBCONTRACTOR 7/96 Section 00420 Page 1 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 SECTION 05521 -PIPE AND TUBE RAILINGS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: Steel pipe and tube railings. 1.3 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. General: In engineering railings to withstand structural loads indicated, determine allowable design working stresses of railing materials based on the following: Steel: 72 percent of minimum yield strength. B. Structural Performance: Provide railings capable of withstanding the effects of gravity loads and the following loads and stresses within limits and under conditions indicated: Handrails: a. Uniform load of 50 Ibf/ ft. applied in any direction. b. Concentrated load of 200 Ibf applied in any direction. C. Uniform and concentrated loads need not be assumed to act concurrently. C. Thermal Movements: Provide exterior railings that allow for thermal movements resulting from the following maximum change (range) in ambient and surface temperatures by preventing buckling, opening of joints, overstressing of components, failure of connections, and other detrimental effects. Base engineering calculation on surface temperatures of materials due to both solar heat gain and nighttime - sky heat loss. Temperature Change (Range): 120 deg F , ambient; 180 deg F , material surfaces. D. Control of Corrosion: Prevent galvanic action and other forms of corrosion by insulating metals and other materials from direct contact with incompatible materials. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Include plans, elevations, sections, details, and attachments to other work. PIPE AND TUBE RAILINGS 05521 - 1 Gardens on Spring Creek - ChildreWs Garden 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source Limitations: Obtain each type of railing through one source from a single manufacturer. B. Welding: Qualify procedures and personnel according to the following: 1. AWS DLL, "Structural Welding Code --Steel." 4/05 — 1.6 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Field Measurements: Verify actual locations of walls and other construction contiguous with railings by „ field measurements before fabrication and indicate measurements on Shop Drawings. I. Established Dimensions: Where field measurements cannot be made without delaying the Work, establish dimensions and proceed with fabricating railings without field measurements. Coordinate wait and other contiguous construction to ensure that actual dimensions correspond to established dimensions. 2. Provide allowance for trimming and fitting at site. — 1.7 COORDINATION AND SCHEDULING A. Coordinate installation of anchorages for railings. Furnish setting drawings, templates, and directions for installing anchorages. Deliver such items to Project site in time for installation. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 METALS, GENERAL A. Metal Surfaces, General: Provide materials with smooth surfaces, without seam marks, roller marks, rolled trade names, stains, discoloration, or blemishes. B. Brackets, Flanges, and Anchors: Cast or formed metal of same type of material and finish as supported rails, unless otherwise indicated. 2.2 STEEL AND IRON A. Tubing: ASTM A 500 (cold formed) or ASTM A 513, Type 5 (mandrel drawn). B. Pipe: ASTM A 53/A 53M, Type F or Type S, Grade A, Standard Weight (Schedule 40), unless another grade and weight are required by structural loads. 1. Provide galvanized finish for exterior installations and where indicated. C. Plates, Shapes, and Bars: ASTM A 36/A 36M. D. Castings: Either gray or malleable iron, unless otherwise indicated. 1. Gray Iron: ASTM A 48/A 48M, Class 30, unless another class is indicated or required by structural loads. 2. Malleable Iron: ASTM A 47/A 47M. -- PIPE AND TUBE RAILINGS 05521 -2 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 2.3 FABRICATION 4/05 A. General: Fabricate railings to comply with requirements indicated for design, dimensions, member sizes and spacing, details, finish, and anchorage, but not less than that required to support structural loads. B. Assemble railings in the shop to greatest extent possible to minimize field splicing and assembly. Disassemble units only as necessary for shipping and handling limitations. Clearly mark units for reassembly and coordinated installation. Use connections that maintain structural value of joined pieces. C. Cut, drill, and punch metals cleanly and accurately. Remove burrs and ease edges to a radius of approximately 1/32 inch , unless otherwise indicated. Remove sharp or rough areas on exposed surfaces. D. Form work true to line and level with accurate angles and surfaces. E. Fabricate connections that will be exposed to weather in a manner to exclude water. Provide weep holes where water may accumulate. F. Cut, reinforce, drill, and tap as indicated to receive finish hardware, screws, and similar items. G. Connections: Fabricate railings with welded connections, unless otherwise indicated. H. Welded Connections: Cope components at connections to provide close fit, or use fittings designed for this purpose. Weld all around at connections, including at fittings. 1. Use materials and methods that minimize distortion and develop strength and corrosion resistance of base metals. 2. Obtain fusion without undercut or overlap. 3. Remove flux immediately. 4. At exposed connections, finish exposed surfaces smooth and blended so no roughness shows after finishing and welded surface matches contours of adjoining surfaces. I. Form changes in direction as follows: 1. As detailed. 2. By bending. 3. By radius bends of radius indicated. J. Form simple and compound curves by bending members in jigs to produce uniform curvature for each repetitive configuration required; maintain cross section of member throughout entire bend without buckling, twisting, cracking, or otherwise deforming exposed surfaces of components. K. Close exposed ends of railing members with prefabricated end fittings. 2.4 FINISHES A. Comply with NAAMM's "Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products" for recommendations for applying and designating finishes. Finish metal fabrications after assembly. B. Steel and Iron Finishes: Hot -dip galvanize items as indicated to comply with ASTM A 123/A 123M or ASTM A 153/A 153M as applicable. PIPE AND TUBE RAILINGS 05521 -3 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 2. Preparation for Shop Priming: Prepare uncoated ferrous -metal surfaces to comply with requirements indicated below for environmental exposure conditions of installed metal fabrications: a. (SSPC Zone 113) SSPC-SP 6/NACE No. 3, "Commercial Blast Cleaning." b. Shop Priming: Apply shop primer to uncoated surfaces of metal fabrications, except those with galvanized finishes and those to be embedded in concrete, sprayed -on fireproofing, or masonry, to comply with SSPC-PA 1, "Paint Application Specification No. 1: Shop, Field, and Maintenance Painting," for shop painting. C. Blast -clean steel surfaces as recommended by coating manufacturer and according to SSPC-SP6. d. Treat bare and sandblasted or pickled clean metal with a metal treatment wash coat before priming. e. Touch up bare areas and shop -applied prime coats that have been damaged. Wire brush, solvent clean, and touch up with same primer as the shop coat. C. Color 1. Galvanized Steel Handrail - Tiger Drylac Powder Coating RAL 8028, 49/66500 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Perform cutting, drilling, and fitting required for installing railings. Set railings accurately in location, alignment, and elevation; measured from established lines and levels and free of rack. 1. Do not weld, cut, or abrade surfaces of railing components that have been coated or finished after fabrication and that are intended for field connection by mechanical or other means without further cutting or fitting. 2. Align rails so variations from level for horizontal members and variations from parallel with rake of steps and ramps for sloping members do not exceed 1/4 inch in 12 feet . B. Adjust railings before anchoring to ensure matching alignment at abutting joints. C. Fastening to In -Place Construction: Use anchorage devices and fasteners where necessary for securing railings and for properly transferring loads to in -place construction. 3.2 RAILING CONNECTIONS A. Welded Connections: Use fully welded joints for permanently connecting railing components. Comply with requirements for welded connections in Part 2 "Fabrication" Article whether welding is performed in the shop or in the field. 3.3 ATTACHING HANDRAILS TO WOOD POSTS A. Locate brackets as indicated or, if not indicated, at spacing required to support structural loads. B. Railing Fabricator to design attachment: 1. Provide shop drawings for Owner's Approval. PIPE AND TUBE RAILINGS 05521 - 4 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3.4 PROTECTION 4/05 A. Protect finishes of railings from damage during construction period with temporary protective coverings approved by railing manufacturer. Remove protective coverings at time of Substantial Completion. B. Restore finishes damaged during installation and construction period so no evidence remains of correction work. Return items that cannot be refinished in the field to the shop; make required alterations and refinish entire unit, or provide new units. END OF SECTION 05521 PIPE AND TUBE RAILINGS 05521 - 5 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden SECTION 06100 - ROUGH CARPENTRY PARTI-GENERAL 4/05 ` 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: 1. Framing with dimension lumber. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Exposed Framing: Framing not concealed by other construction. B. Dimension Lumber: Lumber of 2 inches nominal or greater but less than 5 inches nominal in least dimension. C. Lumber grading agencies, and the abbreviations used to reference them, include the following: 1. NeLMA: Northeastern Lumber Manufacturers' Association. 2. NLGA: National Lumber Grades Authority. 3. SPIB: The Southern Pine Inspection Bureau. 4. WCLIB: West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau. 5. WWPA: Western Wood Products Association. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Material Certificates: For dimension lumber specifir-d to comply with minimum allowable unit stresses. Indicate species and grade selected for each use and design values approved by the ALSC Board of Review. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source Limitations for Engineered Wood Products: Obtain each type of engineered wood product through one source from a single manufacturer. B. Forest Certification: For the following wood products, provide materials produced from wood obtained from forests certified by an FSC-accredited certification body to comply with FSC 1.2, "Principles and Criteria": _ 1. Dimension lumber framing. 2. Rim boards. ROUGH CARPENTRY 06100 - 1 _ Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 4/05 A. Stack lumber flat with spacers between each bundle to provide air circulation. Provide for air circulation around stacks and under coverings. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 WOOD PRODUCTS, GENERAL A. Lumber: DOC PS 20 and applicable rules of grading agencies indicated. If no grading agency is indicated, provide lumber that complies with the applicable rules of any rules -writing agency certified by the ALSC Board of Review. Provide lumber graded by an agency certified by the ALSC Board of Review to inspect and grade lumber under the rules indicated. 1. Factory mark each piece of lumber with grade stamp of grading agency. 2. For exposed lumber indicated to receive a stained or natural finish, omit grade stamp and provide certificates of grade compliance issued by grading agency. 3. Where nominal sizes are indicated, provide actual sizes required by DOC PS 20 for moisture content specified. Where actual sizes are indicated, they are minimum dressed sizes for dry lumber. 4. Provide dressed lumber, S4S, unless otherwise indicated. B. Engineered Wood Products: Provide engineered wood products acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction and for which current model code research or evaluation reports exist that show compliance with building code in effect for Project. Allowable Design Stresses: Provide engineered wood products with allowable design stresses, as published by manufacturer, which meet or exceed those indicated. Manufacturer's published values shall be determined from empirical data or by rational engineering analysis and demonstrated by comprehensive testing performed by a qualified independent testing agency. 2.2 WOOD -PRESERVATIVE -TREATED LUMBER A. Preservative Treatment by Pressure Process: AWPA C2, except that lumber that is not in contact with the ground and is continuously protected from liquid water may be treated according to AWPA C31 with inorganic boron (SBX). 1. Preservative Chemicals: Acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 2. For exposed items indicated to receive a stained or natural finish, use chemical formulations that do not require incising, contain colorants, bleed through, or otherwise adversely affect finishes. B. Kiln -dry lumber after treatment to a maximum moisture content of 19 percent. Do not use material that is warped or does not comply with requirements for untreated material. C. Mark lumber with treatment quality mark of an inspection agency approved by the ALSC Board of Review. For exposed lumber indicated to receive a stained or natural finish, omit marking and provide certificates of treatment compliance issued by inspection agency. D. Application: Treat all rough carpentry, unless otherwise indicated. ROUGH CARPENTRY 06100 - 2 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 2.3 DIMENSION LUMBER FRAMING — A. Maximum Moisture Content: 15 percent B. Joists, Rafters, and Other Framing Not Listed Above: Construction or No. 2 grade and any of the following species: 1. Hem -fir (north); NLGA. 2. Southern pine; SPIB. 3. Douglas fir -larch; WCLIB or WWPA. 4. Mixed southern pine; SPIB. 5. Spruce -pine -fir, NLGA. 6. Douglas fir -south; WWPA. 7. Hem -fir; WCLIB or WWPA. 8. Douglas fir -larch (north); NLGA. 9. Spruce -pine -fir (south); NeLMA, WCLIB, or WWPA. -' 2.4 FASTENERS — A. General: Provide fasteners of size and type indicated that comply with requirements specified in this Article for material and manufacture. 1. Where rough carpentry is exposed to weather, in ground contact, pressure -preservative treated, or in area of high relative humidity, provide marine grade fasteners with hot -dip zinc coating complying with ASTM A 153/A 153M. — B. Power -Driven Fasteners: NES NER-272. C. Wood Screws: ASME B18.6.1. D. Lag Bolts: ASME B18.2.1 . E. Bolts: Steel bolts complying with ASTM A 307, Grade A ; with ASTM A 563 hex nuts and, where indicated, flat washers. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION, GENERAL — A. Framing Standard: Comply with AF&PA's "Details for Conventional Wood Frame Construction," unless otherwise indicated. — B. Framing with Engineered Wood Products: Install engineered wood products to comply with manufacturer's written instructions. C. Do not splice structural members between supports, unless otherwise indicated. D. Sort and select lumber so that natural characteristics will not interfere with installation or with fastening other materials to lumber. Do not use materials with defects that interfere with function of member or pieces that are too small to use with minimum number of joints or optimum joint arrangement. E. Comply with AWPA M4 for applying field treatment to Cut surfaces of preservative -treated lumber. ROUGH CARPENTRY 06100 - 3 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 1. Use inorganic boron for items that are continuously protected from liquid water. 2. Use copper naphthenate for items not continuously protected from liquid water. F. Securely attach rough carpentry work to substrate by anchoring and fastening as indicated, complying with the following: I . Table 2304.9.1, "Fastening Schedule," in ICC's International Building Code. 2. Table 23-II-B-1, "Nailing Schedule," and Table 23-1I-B-2, "Wood Structural Panel Roof Sheathing Nailing Schedule," in ICBO's Uniform Building Code. 3. Table 2305.2, "Fastening Schedule," in BOCA's BOCA National Building Code. 4. Table 2306.1, "Fastening Schedule," in SBCCI's Standard Building Code. 5. Table R602.3(1), "Fastener Schedule for Structural Members," and Table R602.3(2), "Alternate Attachments," in ICC's International Residential Code for One- and Two -Family Dwellings. 6. Table 602.3(I), "Fastener Schedule for Structural Members," and Table 602.3(2), "Alternate Attachments," in ICC's International One- and Two -Family Dwelling Code. G. Use galvanized wire nails, unless otherwise indicated. Select fasteners of size that will not fully penetrate members where opposite side will be exposed to view or will receive finish materials. Make tight connections between members. Install fasteners without splitting wood; do not countersink nail heads, unless otherwise indicated. H. For exposed work, arrange fasteners in straight rows parallel with edges of members, with fasteners evenly spaced, and with adjacent rows staggered. 1. Comply with approved fastener patterns where applicable. 2. Use finishing nails, unless otherwise indicated. Do not countersink nail heads. 3.2 DECK JOIST FRAMING INSTALLATION A. General: Install deck joists with crown edge up and support ends of each member with not less than 1-1/2 inches of bearing on wood or metal, or 3 inches on masonry. Attach deck joists as follows: Where framed into wood supporting members, by using wood ledgers as indicated or, if not indicated, by using metal joist hangers. B. Do not notch in middle third of joists; limit notches to one -sixth depth of joist, one-third at ends. Do not bore holes larger than 1/3 depth of joist; do not locate closer than 2 inches from top or bottom. C. Anchor members paralleling masonry with 1/4-by-1-1/4-inch metal strap anchors spaced not more than 96 inches o.c., extending over and fastening to 3 joists. Embed anchors at least 4 inches into grouted masonry with ends bent at right angles and extending 4 inches beyond bend. D. Provide bridging of type indicated below, at intervals of 96 inches o.c., between joists. 1. Diagonal wood bridging formed from bevel -cut, 1-by-3-inch nominal- size lumber, double- crossed and nailed at both ends to joists. 2. Steel bridging installed to comply with bridging manufacturer's written instructions. 3.3 PROTECTION A. Protect wood that has been treated with inorganic boron (SBX) from weather. If, despite protection, inorganic boron -treated wood becomes wet, apply EPA -registered borate treatment. Apply borate solution by spraying to comply with EPA -registered label. ROUGH CARPENTRY 06100 - 4 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 — B. Protect rough carpentry from weather. If, despite protection, rough carpentry becomes wet, apply EPA - registered borate treatment. Apply borate solution by spraying to comply with EPA -registered label. END OF SECTION 06100 ROUGH CARPENTRY 06100 - 5 THE AMERi BAN INSTITUTE OF ARuHITECTS AIA Document A310 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we WALSH CONSTRUCTION, INC. 5828 North St. Louis Avenue, Loveland, CO 80538 as Principal, (Here insert full name and address or legal title of Contractor) hereinafter called the Principal and Westchester Fire Insurance Company 140 Broadway, 41st Floor, New York, New York 10005 (Here insert full name and address. or legal title of Surety) a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of New York as Surety, hereinafter called the Surety, are held and firmly bound unto City of Fort Collins 215 North Main Street, Fort Collins, N.Y. 80524 (Here insert full name and address or legal title of Owner) as Obligee, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of Five Percent of the Total Amount of Bid-------- Dollars ($5% for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, the said Principal and the said Surety bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has submitted a bid for (Here insert full name, address and description of project) Constructing Institutional Garden Landscaping, Concrete, Pavers NOW, THERErORE, if the Obligee shall accept the bid of the Principal and the Principal shall enter into a Contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of such bid, and give such bond or bonds as may be specified in the bidding or Contract Documents with good and sufficient surety for the faithful performance of such Contract and for the prompt payment of labor and material furnished in the prosecution thereof, or in the event of the failure of the Principal to enter such Contract and give such bond or bonds, if the Principal shall pay to the Obligee the difference not to exceed the penalty hereof between the amount specified in said bid and such larger amount for which the Obligee may in good faith contract.w,it4.,, another party to perform the Work covered by said bid, then this obligati,oti jh4kj, be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed and sealed June 3, 2005 (Witness) (Witness) WALSH CONSTRUCT101i, INC' (PrinciP (sel y Westchester Fire Insurance-Cbr6pJkny (Surety) Diana P. Ales6Attbrney in Fact . ATM nnrTTMVXIM T710 . DTn DnATn ATM Pr`DDr1T1DV 1 OqO Vn . TDC TMCDT/1AA1 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 SECTION 06150 - WOOD PLASTIC COMPOSITE DECKING AND RAISED PLANTER PARTI-GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division i Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: 1. Wood plastic composite made primarily from equal parts of reclaimed hardwood sawdust and reclaimed/recycled polyethylene plastic, not used for framing or structural members for use on boardwalk decking, raised planter, header & porous paver edging. 2. Fasteners. B. Related Sections include the following: Division 6 Section "Rough Carpentry" for dimension lumber items associated with wood decking. 1.3 REFERENCES A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): 1. ASTM A123 Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot -Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products. 2. ASTM A307 Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60 000 PSI Tensile Strength. 3. ASTM C177 Standard Test Method for Steady -State Heat Flux Measurements and Thermal Transmission 4. ASTM D143 Standard Methods of Testing Small Clear Specimens of Timber. 5. ASTM D198 Standard Test Methods of Static Tests of Lumber in Structural Sizes. 6. ASTM D1037 Standard Test Methods for Evaluating Properties of Wood -Base Fiber and Particle Panel Materials. 7. ASTM D1413 Standard Test Method for Wood Preservatives by Laboratory Soil -Block Cultures. 8. ASTM D1761 Standard Test Methods for Mechanical Fasteners in Wood. 9. ASTM D 1929 Standard Test Method for Determining Ignition Temperature of Plastics. 10. ASTM D2047 Standard Test Method for Static Coefficient of Friction of Polish -Coated Floor Surfaces as Measured by the James Machine. IL ASTM D2394 Standard Method for Simulated Service Testing of Wood and Wood -Base Finish Flooring. 12. ASTM D2395 Standard Test Methods for Specific Gravity of Wood and Wood -Based Materials. 13. ASTM D4761 Standard Test Methods for Mechanical Properties of Lumber and Wood -Base Structural Material. 14. ASTM E84 Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristirs of Building Materials. 15. ASTM F1667 Standard Specification for Driven Fasteners: Nails, Spikes, and Staples. WOOD PLASTIC COMPOSITE DECKING AND RAISED PLANTER 06150 - 1 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden B. Federal Specifications (FS): 1. FS FF-S-I I ID Screws, Wood. 2. FF-S-325 Expansion Shields. C. American National Standards Institute (ANSI): 1. ANSI B18.2.1 Square and Hex Bolts and Screws, Inch Series. D. International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO): I . ICBO Report ER-5747 Plastics (188) - Trex Wood -Polymer Composite Lumber. 2. Uniform Building Code, 1997. 3. International Building Code, 2000. 4. International Residential Code, 2000. E. National Evaluation Service, Inc., Reports (NER): 1. NER-508 Trex Composite Lumber. F. Building Officials and Code Administrators (BOCA): I. BOCA National Building Code, 1999. G. Southern Building Code Congress International (SBCCI): 1. Standard Building Code, 1999. H. Trex Company: 1. Trex Contractors Handbook. 2. Trex Decking Span Chart. I. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): 1. EPA Toxicity Test TCLP1113 1.4 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Design Requirements: 1. Structural Properties: Ultimate Value/Design Value: a. Compression Parallel to Length (ASTM D198): 1806 psi/550 psi. b. Compression Perpendicular to Length (ASTM D143): 1944 psi/625 psi. C. Tensile Strength (ASTM D198): 854 psi/250 psi. d. Shear Strength (ASTM D143): 561 psi/200 psi. e. Modulus of Rupture (ASTM D4761): 1423 psi/250 psi. f. Modulus of Elasticity (ASTM D4761): 175,000 psi/100,000 psi. 4/05 WOOD PLASTIC COMPOSITE DECKING AND RAISED PLANTER 06150 - 2 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. General: Submit listed submittals in accordance with Conditions of the Contract and Division I Submittal Procedures B. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's product data and installation instructions including details of anchors, hardware and fasteners. C. Samples: Submit selection and verification samples of decking in color and thickness as selected by Architect. D. Quality Assurance/Control Submittals: Submit the following: 1. Certificates: Submit manufacturer's certificate that products meet or exceed specified requirements. E. Closeout Submittals: Submit the following: 1. Warranty documents specified herein. 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: Utilize an installer having demonstrated experience on projects of similar size and complexity. B. Regulatory Requirements and Approvals: 1. The National Evaluation Service Committee: a. BOCA National Building Code, 1999. b. Standard Building Code, 1999. C. International Building Code, 2000. d. International Residential Code, 2000, subject to Repot No. NER-508 Conditions of Use. 2. The International Conference of Building Officials: a. Uniform Building Code, 1997. b. International Building Code, 2000. C. International Residential Code, 2000, subject to Report No. ICBO ES ER-5747 Conditions of Use. 1.7 DELIVERY, STORAGE & HANDLING A. General: Comply with Division I Product Requirement Section. B. Delivery: Deliver materials in manufacturer's original, unopened, undamaged palletized units with identification labels intact, C. Storage and Protection: Store materials protected from exposure to harmful environmental conditions and at temperature and humidity conditions recommended by the manufacturer. 1. Immediately upon delivery to jobsite, place materials in area protected from weather. 2. Take special care when handling. WOOD PLASTIC COMPOSITE DECKING AND RAISED PLANTER 06150 - 3 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3. Store composite lumber decking on a flat surface. 4. When stacking palleted units, start supports at each end and spaced 24" (610 mm) oc. 5. Line up supports vertically. 1.8 WARRANTY A. Project Warranty: Refer to Conditions of the Contract for project warranty provisions. 4/05 B. Manufacturer's Warranty: Submit, for Owner's acceptance, manufacturer's standard warranty document executed by authorized company official. Manufacturer's warranty is in addition to, and not a limitation of, other rights Owner may have under contract documents. 1. Provide manufacturer's fully transferable limited warranty against splintering, splitting, checking, rot, decay and termite damage. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 WOOD COMPOSITE LUMBER A. Manufacturer: Trex Company. Contact: 160 Exeter Drive, Winchester, VA 22603-8605; Telephone: (800) 289-8739; Fax: (540) 542-6890; E-mail: marketing@trex.com; website: www.trex.coni. B. Proprietary Products/Systems: Wood composite lumber, including the following: Trex Wood Composite Lumber Decking: a. Material Description: Solid composite material consists of approximately 50% wood fibers by weight with the remainder of the material being a thermoplastic polymer plastic material. b. Size(s): As indicated on drawings. C. Color: Woodland Brown. d. Flash Point (ASTM D1929): > 698 degrees F (370 degrees Q. e. Flammability (ASTM E84): Flamespread index 80, smoke developed index 285. f. Auto Flammability: > 743 degrees F (395 degrees Q. g. Solubility in Water: Negligible. h. Toxicity (EPA Test TCLPI 113): Passes. 1. Abrasion Resistance (ASTM D2394): 0.01" (0.25 mm) wear/1000 revs. j. Hardness (ASTM D143): 1124 lb (510 kg). k. Self -Ignition Temperature (ASTM D1929): 743 degrees F (395 degrees C). 1. Flash Ignition Temperature (ASTM D1929): 698 degrees F (370 degrees Q. M. Flamespread (ASTM E84): 80. n. Water Absorption (sanded surface) (ASTM D1037, 24 hour immersion): 4.3%. o. Water Absorption (unsanded surface) (ASTM D1037, 24 hour immersion): 1.7%. P. Expansion/Contraction Properties: Thermal Typical Trex Wood Polymer lumber values for Coefficient of Thermal Expansion/Contraction (36" (914 mm) long samples) Width: 35.2 x 10-6 to 42.7 x 10-6, Length: 16.1 x 10-6 to 19.2 x 10-6. q. Expansion/Contraction Properties: Moisture typical Trex Wood Polymer lumber values for Long Term Water Immersion (36" (914 mm) long samples): Width -3%. Constant High Humidity (6" (152 mm) long samples): Width -1%. r. Nail Withdrawal, 8d common wire nail (ASTM D1761): 163 lb/in (198 N/m). WOOD PLASTIC COMPOSITE DECKING AND RAISED PLANTER 06150 - 4 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden S. Screw Withdrawal, No. 10 wood screw (ASTM D1761): 558 lb/in (679 N/m). t. Static Coefficient of Friction - Dry (ASTM D2047): 0.53/0.55. U. Static Coefficient of Friction - Dry (ASTM D 1679): 0.59/0.70. V. Static Coefficient of Friction - Wet (ASTM D1679): 0.70/0.75. W. Fungus Resistance (White/Brown Rot) (ASTM D1413): Rating = No decay. X. Termite Resistance (AWPAEI-72): Rating = 9.6. Y. Specific Gravity (typical) (ASTM D2395): 0.91 - 0.95. Z. Thermal Conductivity (ASTM C177): 1.57 Btu-in/hr-ft@ 85 degrees F. 2.2 PRODUCT SUBSTITUTIONS A. Substitutions: No substitutions permitted. 2.3 ACCESSORIES 4/05 A. Hardware: Provide all necessary nails, spikes, screws, clips and bolts required for proper installation of wood composite lumber decking. Sizes and quantities as required by code authority having jurisdiction, unless more stringent requirements specified elsewhere. 1. Bolts, Exterior Use: a. Material Standard: Comply with ASTM A307, with standard washers. b. Finish: Galvanized, ASTM A123. C. Size: Diameter less than or equal to 1/2" (12.7 mm). 2. Lag Screws: a. Material Standard: Comply with ANSI B18.2.L b. Finish: Hot dipped galvanized for exterior use. 3. Expansion Shields: a. Material Standard: Comply with Fed Spec. FF-S-325, Type 1, Group III, Self -drilling. 4. Nails, General: a. Material Standard: Comply with ASTM F1667. b. Type: Common unless otherwise indicated. C. Finish: Hot dipped galvanized for exterior use. d. Size: Nails shall have a diameter less than or equal to 16d diameter. 5. Wood Screws: a. Material Standard: Comply with FS FF-S-I11. b. Size: Screws shall have a diameter less than or equal to No. 12 diameter. PART 3-EXECUTION 3.1 MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS A. Comply with the instructions and recommendations of the wood composite lumber manufacturer. WOOD PLASTIC COMPOSITE DECKING AND RAISED PLANTER 06150 - 5 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 1. Comply with the methods detailed in manufacturer's Trex Contractors Handbook. 4/05 — 3.2 EXAMINATION A. Site Verification of Conditions: 1. Verify that site conditions are acceptable for installation of wood composite lumber. 2. Do not proceed with installation of wood composite lumber until unacceptable conditions are corrected. 3.3 INSTALLATION A. Interface with other Work: Coordinate installation with other trades. B. Framing: 1. Erect framing true, plumb and level. 2. Provide temporary bracing as required to maintain lines and levels until permanent members are in place. 3. Install miscellaneous connectors, anchors and accessories as indicated and required for a complete installation. C. Gapping: 1. Ensure boards are gapped end to end and width to width as described in the Tres Contractors Handbook. 2. Use manufacturer's gapping guidelines to calculate end spacing. 3. Work in which board is incorrectly gapped will be rejected. D. Spans: I. Ensure decking spans do not exceed the requirements of the Tres Decking Span Chart. 2. Work in which boards are incorrectly spanned will be rejected. 3.4 CLEANING A. Comply with cleaning instructions as described in the Trex Contractors Handbook. 3.5 PROTECTION A. Protect installed work from damage due to subsequent construction activity on the site. END OF SECTION 06150 WOOD PLASTIC COMPOSITE DECKING AND RAISED PLANTER 06150 - 6 ... Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 SECTION 07142 — GARDEN ROOF OVER HOT FLUID -APPLIED ROOFING ASSEMBLY PART IGENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. L2 SUMMARY A. This Section included the following: 1. Surface preparation and substrate treatment. 2. Reinforced waterproofing membrane. 3. Sheet flashings and accessories. 4. Extensive Garden Roof Assembly B. Related Sections: The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this Section: 1. Division 2 Section "Exterior Plants" for planting of roof. 2. Division 2 Section "Irrigation" for drip irrigation of planted roof. 3. Division 10 Section "Metal Shade Structure" for construction of roof. 1.3 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. General: Provide waterproofing that prevents the passage of liquid water under hydrostatic pressure and complies with physical requirements of CAN/CGSB-37.50, "Hot Applied, Rubberized Asphalt for Roofing and Waterproofing," as demonstrated by testing performed by an independent testing agency of manufacturer's current waterproofing formulations. 1.4 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Furnish and install a completed Garden Roof Assembly including Monolithic Membrane 6125EV-FR and flashings, protection/separation course and/or root barrier protection, protection/water retention mat, drainage/water retention component, filter fabric, lightweight engineered soil/growing medium. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. General: Submit each item in this Article according to the Conditions of the Contract and Division 1 Specification Sections. B. Product Data for each type of waterproofing specified, including manufacturer's printed instructions for evaluating, preparing, and treating the substrate, technical data, and tested physical and performance properties. C. Shop Drawings showing locations and extent of waterproofing, including details for substrate joints and cracks, sheet flashings, penetrations, and other termination conditions. GARDEN ROOF OVER HOT FLUID -APPLIED ROOFING ASSEMBLY 07142 - 1 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 _ D. Samples, 6-by-6-inch (150-by-150-mm) minimum size, of each waterproofing material required for Project. E. Installer certificates signed by manufacturer certifying that Installers comply with requirements under the "Quality Assurance" Article. F. Certification from an approved independent testing laboratory experienced in testing this type of material, that the material meets the CGSB 37-GP-50M standard for rubberized asphalt membranes, including applicable ASTM procedures. G. Certification showing full time quality control of production facilities and that each batch of material is tested to insure conformance with the manufacturer's published physical properties. H. Certification showing that all waterproofing components are being supplied by a single -source membrane manufacturer. 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: Engage an experienced installer who is certified in writing by waterproofing manufacturer as qualified to install manufacturer's waterproofing. Approved list of installers available from: T.A.M.P.A. 2222 S. Albion Street, Suite 210, Denver, CO 80222 B. Manufacturer Qualifications: Engage a firm experienced in manufacturing hot fluid -applied waterproofing similar to that indicated for this Project and that has a record of successful in-service performance. C. Single -Source Responsibility: Obtain waterproofing materials from a single manufacturer regularly engaged in manufacturing waterproofing. D. Field Samples: Apply waterproofing field sample to 100 sq. ft. (9.3 sq. m) of deck to demonstrate surface preparation, joint and crack treatment, thickness, and standard of workmanship. I . Notify Architect one week in advance of the dates and times when field sample will be prepared. 2. When Architect determines that field sample does not meet requirements, reapply waterproofing until field sample is approved. 3. Retain and maintain approved field sample during construction in an undisturbed condition as a standard for judging the completed waterproofing. An undamaged field sample may become part of the completed Work. E. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site to comply with requirements of Division Section "Project Meetings." 1. Before installing waterproofing, meet with Owner, Architect, consultants, independent testing agency, waterproofing manufacturer, and other concerned entities. 2. Review requirements for waterproofing, including surface preparation specified under other Sections, substrate condition and pretreatment, minimum curing period, forecasted weather conditions, special details and sheet flashings, installation procedures, inspection and testing procedures, and protection and repairs. 3. Notify participants at least 3 working days before conference. The rubberized asphalt membrane product shall contain an inert clay filler to enable the product to be resistant to acids (fertilizers, building washes, and acid rain). G. Membrane Manufacturer shall have available an in-house technical staff to assist the contractor, when necessary, in application of the products and final inspection of the assembly. GARDEN ROOF OVER HOT FLUID -APPLIED ROOFING ASSEMBLY 07142 - 2 _ Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 H. Membrane Manufacturer Qualifications: Manufacturer shall demonstrate qualifications to supply materials of this section by certifying the following: 1. Membrane Manufacturer must show evidence that the specified rubberized asphalt has been manufactured by the same source for fifteen (15) years and successfully installed on a yearly basis for a minimum of fifteen (15) years on projects of similar scope and complexity. 2. Membrane Manufacturer must not issue warranties for terms longer than they have been manufacturing their hot fluid rubberized asphalt membrane. Applicator: Company specializing in performing the work of this Section with a minimum five (5) years documented experience with the proposed manufacturer. Applicator must submit with bid five (5) completed projects of equal magnitude to this type and size with their proposed manufacturer and certify in writing from that manufacturer of satisfactory completion. Foreman for waterproofing applicator must have installed the proposed manufacturer's membrane for a period of three (3) years on projects of this type and size. 1.7 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver materials to Project site in original containers with seals unbroken, labeled with manufacturer's name, product brand name and type, date of manufacture, and directions for storing and mixing with other components. Store materials in their original undamaged containers in a clean, dry, protected location and within the temperature range required waterproofing manufacturer. Protect stored materials from direct sunlight. 1.8 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Deliver materials to Project site in original containers with seals unbroken, labeled with manufacturer's name, product brand name and type, date of manufacture, and directions for storing and mixing with other components. Application of membrane shall not commence nor proceed when the ambient temperature is below 0 degrees F (-17.7 degrees C). C. Preparation and application of membrane must be conducted in well ventilated areas. D. Over its service life, do not expose membrane or accessories to a constant temperature in excess of 180 degrees F (82 degrees C), (i.e. hot pipes and vents or direct steam venting, etc.). E. Adhesives contain petroleum distillates and are extremely flammable. Do not breathe vapors or use near an open fire. Do not use in confined areas without adequate ventilation. Consult container or packaging labels and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for specific safety information. Do not allow waste products (petroleum, grease, oil, solvents, vegetable or mineral oil, animal fat, etc.) to come in contact with the waterproofing membrane. Any exposure to foreign materials or chemical discharges must be presented to membrane manufacturer for evaluation to determine any impact on the waterproofing membrane assembly performance. G. 2"x 6" Tongue & Groove Deck Surface Condition. Consult waterproofing manufacturer to acceptable surface condition. H. Deck Preparation. Refer to Section 3.02 Preparation. General Contractor shall assure adequate protection during installation of the waterproofing assembly. GARDEN ROOF OVER HOT FLUID -APPLIED ROOFING ASSEMBLY 07142 - 3 Gardens on Spring Creek- Children's Garden 4/05 J. Wood Plank (2"x 6" Tongue & Groove) Roof Deck 1. Minimum thickness 3/4" (19mm). Adequate structural support is required to limit deflection and movement between planks. Tongue and groove joints are required. Wood must be free of any special chemical treatments or other applications which would affect MM 6125's ability to bond to it. 1.9 WARRANTY A. Special Warranty: Submit a written warranty signed by waterproofing manufacturer agreeing to repair or replace waterproofing that does not meet requirements or that does not remain watertight within the specified warranty period. 1. Provide ten (10) year warranty under provisions of Section 01700 — Contract Closeout. 2. Warranty: Include coverage for waterproofing failing to resist penetration of water. Hairline cracking of concrete due to temperature change of shrinkage is not considered a structural failure. 3. Applicator shall include guarantee for a period of two (2) years in conjunction with the Manufacturer. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated in the Work include: 1. Monolithic Membrane 6125EV-FR with reinforcing fabric: American Hydrotech, Inc. 2.2 MEMBRANE A. Single -component, 100 percent solids, hot -applied rubberized asphalt, complying with the following as determined by the test method indicated with each property: PROPERTY TEST METHOD Flash Point ASTM D-92 CGSB-37.50-M89 Low Temperature Crack CGSB-37.50-M89 Bridging Capability Water Vapor Permeability ASTM E-96 Procedure E CGSB-37.50-M89 Water Resistance CGSB-37.50-M89 (5 days/50 degrees C) Water Absorption Toughness CGSB-37.50-M89 CGSB-37.50-M89 TYPICAL RESULT 500 Degrees F (260 degrees C) No cracking, adhesion loss, or splitting 1.6 ng/Pa(s)M2 No delamination, blistering, emulsification, or deterioration .22 g weight gain 13.0 Joules GARDEN ROOF OVER HOT FLUID -APPLIED ROOFING ASSEMBLY 07142 - 4 ACKNOWLEDL.AENT OF PRINCIPAL IF A COKPORATION STATE OF ( CL& } COUNTY OF 1�V(� y9.Il/I ss}- T ►' On this 6 '� aay of 3", 26before me personally came /P"ew V%Rl/ 4� to me known, wF�o being by duly ord did depose and say that he/she resides at S8a S N 9fi. l.,6u/ S /QtL-• /puE/►4rJd, GU 8.� and that he/she is the fieES�E rST of Q�f-4 Nj5 the corporation de hi grid ch�'�xecuted the foregoing instrument/ that he/she knows the seal of said corporation, , he of eats ed to said in ments such seal, that it was so affixed by order of the directors ofco0o �rt,,ar>t he sign s name thp{eto by likeorder. zS�\.'\ D: 0 y% ••� PJ.••'•GOO� NOTARY PUBCIC "116 ACKNOWjEEDGMENT OF PRINCIPAL IF A PARTNERSHIP STATE OF COUNTY OF }ss.: On this day of I before me personally appeared to me known and known to me to be one of the members of the firm of described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same anf or the act and deed of said firm. NOTARY PUBLIC ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PRINCIPAL IF AN INDIVIDUAL STATE OF } COUNTY OF }�" On this day of I before me personally appeared to me known and known to be to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he/she executed the same. NOTARY PUBLIC ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SURETY STATE OF New York) ss COUNTY OF Nassau } On June 3, 2005 before me personally came Diana P. Alesci to me known who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he/she resides at 255 Executive Drive Plainview, New York 11803, that he/she is the Attorney in Fact of Westchester Fire Insurance Company the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; and that he/she signed his/her r thereto ty order of the Board of Directors of said corporation. n , r -� NOTARY PtNJPLllter He v ublic Stae of NY 2006 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden PROPERTY Ration of Toughness to Peak Load Viscosity Heat Stability TEST METHOD CGSB-37.50-M89 CGSB-37.50-M89 CGSB-37.50-M89 Low Temperature Flexibility CGSB-37.50-M89 (-25 degrees C) Penetration Flow Softening Point Elongation Resiliency Bond to Concrete Acid Resistance Resistance to Hydrostatic Pressure 2.3 AUXILIARY MATERIALS ASTM D-5329 CGSB-37.50-M89 ASTM D-1191 CGSB-37.50-M89 ASTM D-36 ASTM D-1191 ASTM D-5329 ASTM D-3583 ASTM D-896 Procedure 7.1 (M-8) ASTM D08.22 Draft 2 4/05 TYPICAL RESULT 0.069 7.0 seconds No change in viscosity, penetration, flow or low temperature flexibility No delamination, adhesion loss, or cracking 75.0 mm 77 degrees F (25 degrees C) 121.7 mm @122 degrees F (50 degrees C) 0.0 mm @ 140 degrees F (60 degrees C) 180 degrees F (82 degrees C) 1000% min. 40% min. Pass @ 0 degrees F (-18 degrees C) Pass - 50% Nitric Acid 50 % Sulfuric Acid 100 psi (equals 231 foot head of water) A. Primer: ASTM D 41, asphaltic primer. B. Sheet Flashing: 60 mil (1.3-mm-) minimum, nonstaining, uncured sheet neoprene with manufacturer's recommended contact adhesives and predrilled metal termination bars and anchors, complying with the following: 1. Tensile Strength: 1400 psi (9.6 MPa) minimum; ASTM D 412, Die C. 2. Elongation: 300 percent minimum; ASTM D 412. 3. Tear Resistance: 125 psi (860 kPa) minimum; ASTM D 624, Die C. 4. Brittleness: Does not break at minus 30 deg F (minus 34 deg C); ASTM D 2137. C. Sealants and Accessories: Waterproofing manufacturer's recommended sealants and accessories. D. Elastomeric Reinforcing Sheet: 60 mil (1.3 mm) minimum, nonstaining, uncured sheet neoprene with manufacturer's recommended contact adhesives. GARDEN ROOF OVER HOT FLUID -APPLIED ROOFING ASSEMBLY 07142 - 5 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 — 1. Tensile Strength: 1400 psi (9.6 MPa) minimum; ASTM D 412, Die C. 2. Elongation: 300 percent minimum; ASTM D 412. 3. Tear Resistance: 125 psi (860 kPa) minimum; ASTM D 624, Die C. 4. Brittleness: Does not break at minus 30 deg F (minus 34 deg C); ASTM D 2137. E. Membrane Reinforcing Fabric: Manufacturer's recommended spunbonded nylon or polyester fabric. F. Protection Course: Semirigid sheets of fiberglass or mineral reinforced -asphaltic core, pressure laminated y between 2 asphalt -saturated fibrous liners and as follows: 1. Thickness: 1/4 inch (6 mm), nominal. G. Provide complete systems in landscaped areas as indicated on Landscape Drawings: 1. American Hydrotech, Inc. — a. Waterproofing Membrane — Monolithic Membrane 6125E-FR. b. Hydroflex 30 c. Root Stop WSF 40 d. Moisture Retention Mat SSM 45 e. Floradrain 40 Retention Channels f. Floratec FS75 g. Filter Fabric h. Engineered Soils i. Landscape PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates, areas, and conditions under which waterproofing will be applied, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements. Do no proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 1. Do not proceed with installation until after the minimum concrete curing period recommended by waterproofing manufacturer. 2. Verify substrate is visibly dry and free of moisture. Test for capillary moistmr by the plastic sheet method according to ASTM D 4263. 3. Notify Architect in writing of anticipated problems using waterproofing over substrate. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Clean and prepare substrate according to manufacturer's recommendations. Provide clean, dust -free, dry substrate for waterproofing application. B. Mask off adjoining surfaces not receiving waterproofing to prevent spillage affecting other construction. C. Close off deck drains and other deck penetrations to prevent spillage and migration of waterproofing fluids. D. Remove grease, oil, form release agents, paints, and other penetrating contaminants from concrete. Remove fins, ridges, and other projections and fill honeycomb, aggregate pockets, and other voids. GARDEN ROOF OVER HOT FLUID -APPLIED ROOFING ASSEMBLY 07142 - 6 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3.3 JOINT AND CRACK TREATMENT 4/05 A. Prepare, treat, rout, and fill joints and cracks in substrate according to CAN/CGSB-37.51, "Application of Rubberized Asphalt, Hot -Applied, for Roofing and Waterproofing," and waterproofing manufacturer's recommendations. Remove dust and dirt from joints and cracks complying with ASTM D 4258 prior to coating surfaces. Install elastomeric sheet reinforcement and bond to deck and wall substrates where indicated or required according to CAN/CGSB-37.51 and waterproofing manufacturer's recommendations. C. Extend elastomeric sheet reinforcement a minimum of 6 inches (150 mm) onto perpendicular surfaces and other work penetrating substrate. D. Prepare vertical and horizontal surfaces at terminations and penetrations through waterproofing and at drains and sleeves according to CAN/CGSB-37.51 and waterproofing manufacturer's recommendations. 1. At expansion joints and discontinuous deck -to -wall or deck -to -deck joints, bridge joint according to waterproofing manufacturer's recommendations with sheet flashing extended along each side of joint and securely bond to substrate. 3.4 MEMBRANE APPLICATION A. Apply rubberized asphalt according to CAN/CGSB-37.51, "Application of Rubberized Asphalt, Hot Applied, for Roofing and Waterproofing," and the manufacturer's written installation recommendations. Heat rubberized asphalt in an oil- or air -jacketed melter with mechanical agitator specifically designed for heating rubberized -asphalt waterproofing. Apply primer, at manufacturer's recommended rate, over prepared substrate and allow to dry. D. Reinforced Membrane: Apply waterproofing to substrates and adjoining surfaces indicated. Spread hot, rubberized -asphalt to a thickness of 90 mils (2.3 mm), fully embed membrane -reinforcing -fabric overlapped sheets 2 inches (50 mm), and spread another 125-mil (3.2 mm) thick layer to provide a uniform, reinforced, seamless membrane 215 mils (5.5 mm) thick. E. Apply waterproofing over prepared joints and up wall terminations and vertical surfaces to heights indicated or required by manufacturer. Install protection course with overlapped joints while rubberized asphalt is still hot. 3.5 GARDEN ROOF COMPONENTS INSTALLATION A. Root Barrier Protection Extensive Garden Roof. A layer of Root Stop WSF 40 shall be laid over the Hydroflex 30, lapping adjacent sheets 5 feet (1.5 m). The WSF 40 shall be turned up all vertical, roofed/flashed surfaces to completely protect waterproofing and flashings. B. Water Retention Mat 1. Where specified, a layer of Moisture Mat SSM 45 shall be installed over the root barrier (when no insulation is specified) or air layer/insulation, lapping adjacent rolls a minimum of 4 inches (100 mm). The SSM 45 shall be turned up all vertical, roofed/flashed surfaces a minimum of 6 inches (150 mm) beyond the anticipated soil level. Any excess shall be trimmed down to the level of the soil. GARDEN ROOF OVER HOT FLUID -APPLIED ROOFING ASSEMBLY 07142 - 7 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 — C. Drainage/Water Retention Component. 1, Extensive Garden Roof. FD 40 shall be installed with holes through the dimples on top, over the root barrier protection, water retention mat. Adjacent panels may be butted together or overlapped approximately I inch (25 mm) and fixed together with staples/clips. Floradrain shall be cut to fit around penetrations, etc. with a heavy-duty utility knife or small toothed saw. a. For slopes >-3:12 (approx. 151, 25%), Floratec FS75 shall be installed with larger cup profile facing up, over the root barrier protection. Adjacent panels shall be butted together. Floratec shall be cut to fit around penetrations, etc. b. The cups of the Floradrain shall be filled with lightweight aggregate level with the top surface of the panels where required due to loading conditions. _ D. Filter Fabric. 1. Extensive Garden Roof. A layer of Systemfilter SF shall be laid over the Gardendrain/Floradrain, lapping adjacent rolls a minimum of 6 inches (150 mm). Enough material shall be left to be drawn up above the anticipated soil level. Any excess shall be trimmed down to the level of the soil. a. For slopes >3:12 (approx. 15°, 25%), filter fabric shall not be installed over the Floratec FS75 throughout the field of the roof so that the growing media may be placed directly into the cups. Filter fabric shall be laid at penetrations, terminations, etc. b. For slopes >>-2:12 and <3:12 (approx. 10 - 15°, 17 — 25%) filter fabric shall not be installed over the Floradrain FD40 throughout the field of the roof so that the growing media may be placed directly into the cups. Filter fabric shall be laid at penetrations, terminations, etc. 3.6 SOIL INSTALLATION A. LiteTop soil shall be placed carefully to avoid damage or displacement of other materials such as walls, paving, drainage components, filter fabric, and roofing membrane. B. LiteTop soil shall be place to within I inch greater than final grade or to a depth of no greater than 8 inches and compacted as described in 3.07.C. below. For final grades less than 8 inches only one round of compaction shall be performed and remaining soil loosely placed such that top soil exceeds final grade by l inch (see3.07.D. below). For final grades greater than 8 inches, place soil at no greater than 6 inches and repeat procedure until soil has been compacted within I inch of final grade. C. Compaction shall be performed with a 200 — 300 lb. landscape roller or lightly compacted with a hand held mechanical compactor to achieve a 50 - 60% compac±ion as determined by ASTM D1557. D. After compaction remaining soil shall be placed at 1 inch greater than final grade and thoroughly watered or jetted over entire area. Low settled areas shall be filled with additional soil and re -wet to achieve uniform prescribed final grade. 3.7 VEGETATION INSTALLATION A. Supply and install specified vegetation strictly in accordance with the Architect/designers instructions, plans and good practice. GARDEN ROOF OVER HOT FLUID -APPLIED ROOFING ASSEMBLY 07142 - 8 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3.8 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 4/05 A. Test each deck area for leaks after waterproofing and before protection course and overlying construction are placed. Plug or dam drains and fill with water to a depth of 2 inches (50 mm) or to within 3 inches (75 mm) of top of sheet flashings. Flood each area for 24 hours. B. Owner will engage an independent testing agency to perform field inspections, sample and test materials being used, observe flood tests, and report whether tested Work conforms to or deviates from requirements. 1. Testing agency will identify, seal, and certify samples of materials delivered to Project site, with Contractor present. 2. Testing agency will perform tests for any of the product characteristics specified, using referenced test procedures and other texts cited in manufacturer's Product Data. 3. Testing agency will verify thickness of waterproofing membrane. 4. Testing agency will examine underside of decks and terminations for evidence of leaks. C. Correct deficiencies in or remove waterproofing that does not comply with requirements, repair substrates, reapply waterproofing, and repair sheet flashings. 1. After flood tests, repair leaks and make further repairs until the waterproofing installation is watertight. D. Additional testing, at Contractor's expense, will be performed to determine compliance of corrected Work with requirements. 3.9 PROTECTING AND CLEANING Protect waterproofing according to manufacturer's recommendations to prevent damage and wear during application and remainder of construction period. Clean spillage and soiling from adjacent construction using cleaning agents and procedures recommended by manufacturer of affected construction. END OF SECTION 07142 GARDEN ROOF OVER HOT FLUID -APPLIED ROOFING ASSEMBLY 07142 - 9 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden '4l05 SECTION 10300 - METAL SHADE STRUCTURE PART1 GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE A. This work consists of furnishing and installing a pre -fabricated steel shade structure in accordance with the drawings and applicable specifications. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. All manufacturers shall have a minimum of 5 years experience in the exclusive fabrication of tubular steel shade structures and shall submit written evidence of such. Shade structure fabrication shall be the manufacturers primary business and shall be manufactured in the manufacturers own facility under his direct supervision. Manufacturer shall have fabricated similar structures to that which is specified. All non -specified manufacturers shall submit complete shop drawings indicating type, size & gauge of material used, with detailed connections to the specifying agency at least 10 days prior to bid opening for review and written pre -approval. All bids submitted without prior approval will be rejected. B. The structure manufacturer shall submit structural calculations after award of bid, sealed by a registered engineer in the state in which the structure is to be erected for review and approval by the approving agency. (Structural calculations shall not be required for federal projects but it is the manufactures and contractors responsibility to assure that the structure slab and footings are structurally sound.) C. Manufacturer shall warranty the structure to be free from defects in material and work -man -ship for a period of (5) five years from date of acceptance by owner. Warranty does not include damage from theft, fire, vandalism or acts of God. Manufacturer shall repair or replace structure components of like kind at his option, to match existing material and workmanship. Submit warranty prior to project completion. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.1 PRE -FABRICATED STEEL SHADE STRUCTURE A. The pre -fabricated steel shade structure shall be a Classic Recreation Systems, Inc. Scottsdale model, 20'x20' (measured eave to eave), as shown on the drawings and specified h,,-rein. Contact Newell Roundy 1-928-775-3307, 11875 East Berry Drive, Dewey, AZ. 86327 B. Dimensions: Roof Dimensions (Main Roof) 20'-0"x 20'-0" Roof Dimensions (Cupola) 4'-0"x 4'-0" Minimum Clearance @ eave T-6" Roof Height @ Peak of main roof tl 1 %4" Gable Roof 3:12 pitch Square Feet Under Roof 400 C. Steel columns shall be 7"x 7" steel tube (min..188 wall thickness). D. Columns shall be surface mounted with one hidden anchor bolt per column. METAL SHADE STRUCTURE 10300 - 1 Gardens on Spring Creek - Childreds Garden 4/05 E. Straw bale surrounds shall be provided by others. F. All beams shall be structural steel tube (min..120 wall thickness). G. All bolts shall be A-307 or A-325 hard hidden at all connections. H. Frame shall bolt together in the field with no field welding required. No bolts shall be exposed for the frame members. I. Roofing shall be provided by others. J. Sub -roof shall be provided by CRS and shall be #1 grade SPF 2"x 6" tongue and groove, rough one side, facing down. Main roof fascia shall be #1 grade 2"x 6" and cupola fascia shall be 2"x 4", SPF, rough one side facing out. K. Compression rings shall be as small as practical and closed on the bottom side so no bolts are exposed. L. Beams shall be factory prime painted and field painted with industrial grade enamel per the specifications. M. Open or welded together "C" channel beams, '7 beams, angle iron, "S" or "Z" purlins shall not be allowed. 2.2 DESIGN CRITERIA A. Structure shall be designed and fabricated to the IBC (Latest Edition) with standard load designs of 36# per S.F. minimum live load, 100 mph wind load and the applicable zone for seismic loads. 2.3 STEEL MEMBERS A. All members shall be designed according to the "American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) specifications and the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISA) specifications for cold -formed members. 2.4 WELDING A. All fabrication welds shall be in strict accordance with the structural welding code of the American Welding Society (AWS) specifications. All structural welds shall be in compliance with the requirements of "Pre -qualified" welded joints. All welding shall conform to ASTM A-233 series E-70XX electrodes - low hydrogen. Field welding shall not be required. 2.5 FRAME MEMBERS A. All frame members shall be one piece structural steel tube with a minimum .120 (1/8") wall thickness, sized according to engineering. All frame members shall be bolted together with bolts totally concealed. All tubing for frame members shall be ASTM 500 grade B. Beam end plates shall be ASTM A36 fy=36,000 psi UNO. Bolts shall be A-325 or A-307 unless noted otherwise. "I" beams, Angle iron, "C", "Z" or "S" purlins or beams, open or closed, shall not be allowed. 2.6 ROOFING AND SUB -ROOF A. All roofing shall be supplied by others. (See Section 07142 "Garden Roof Over"). Sub -roof shall be #1 grade SPF, 2"x 6" tongue and groove. METAL SHADE STRUCTURE I0300 - 2 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 — 2.7 PAINT A. All frame members shall be factory prime painted with Sherwin Williams Kern 400 quick drying primer. Gloss: 60-80 units. Volume solids: 25t 2%. Viscosity: 35-45 seconds #3 Zahn Cup & 60-75 seconds #4 Ford Cup. Recommended film thickness: Mils Wet 4.5 - 5.5, Mils Dry 1.0-1.25. Spreading Rate @ 1 mil dit: 400 s.f. / gal. Spot paint any frame member bare metal rubbed areas caused during shipping and erection with Kem Kromik Universal metal primer. A high quality industrial grade gloss enamel finish coat (DT acrylic, B66-100 series), by Sherwin Williams, shall be furnished and applied with a spray applicator (min. 3 mil thickness), in the field by the contractor or installer after the frame is erected. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 FOOTINGS A. Footings shall be structurally engineered by the structure manufacturer to meet local codes and site conditions. (Layout and footing drawings shall be made available to the contractor or owner from the manufacturer). Anchor bolts for shall be supplied by the concrete contractor. Concrete footing rebar shall be ASTM A-615 grade 40 #4 bars & smaller, grade 60 #5 bars & larger. Concrete shall be 5 sack mix "Portland" cement. Maximum slump shall not exceed 4". Compressive strength shall be a minimum of 2500 psi @ 28 days. 3.2 ERECTION A. Manufacturer shall supply complete layout and detail plans with installation instructions for the structure — prior to installation. The structure shall be erected in a work -man -like manner with framing, roofing and trim installed according to the manufacturer's installation instructions. Care shall be taken to avoid damaging the structure during installation. — END OF SECTION 10300 METAL SHADE STRUCTURE 10300 - 3 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 SECTION 13475 - FOUNTAIN MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL PART 1: GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The uniform general conditions, supplementary general conditions, Division 1 of the Specifications apply to the work specified in this section. B. All work covered by this section of these Specifications shall be accomplished in accordance with all applicable provisions of the contract documents and any addenda of directives which may be issued herewith, or otherwise. 1.2 SUMMARY A. Water Effects: Stream - This water feature consists of a number of a stream that begins at a hidden source and runs through the Grasslands to Glaciers Garden, ending in the pond/wetland. The water source is hidden under large boulders to give a natural appearance. Each weir is to provide a drop in elevation for the water and creates small pools along the stream course. The stream course is designed to be winterized with drain lines for emptying the weirs. A valve on the stream supply line can be shut off manually for winterization. The remaining submersible pump lines that feed the pond are intended to run year round to maintain water circulation and prevent stagnation in the pond and wetland. Siting of the pump vault is intended to provide a biofilter through the surrounding pea gravel. . B. Furnish all labor, material, apparatus, tools, equipment, transportation, temporary construction and special or occasional services as required to make a complete working mechanical installation, as shown on the drawings or described in these specifications. C. The Drawings are essentially diagrammatic, intended mainly to indicate the scope of work to be done. Equipment and material locations may be distorted for clearness in presentation. The contractor shall determine the exact routing of the piping and equipment locations with consideration for site conditions. D. Provide complete working fountain mechanical and electrical system as shown on the drawings and as necessary including pumps and their associated assemblies, valves, piping, biological filters, fill systems, water level controls, backflow preventors, starters, distribution panels, controls and specialties including utility connections to water, storm and sewer. E. The Contractor shall fully inform himself regarding any available space limitations and unusual requirements for the installation of all materials and work furnished under this Section. Although the location of equipment may be shown on the Drawings in certain positions, the Contractor shall also be guided by site conditions and coordination of work by other trades. Pay particular attention to existing site conditions as well as the overall landscape plans for the area regarding stone placement. F. Related Sections: 1. General and Supplementary Conditions. 2. Division 2 "Earthwork." Fountain Mechanical and Electrical 13475 - 1 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3. Division 2 "Irrigation." 4. Division 2 "Pond and Reservoir Liners." 5. Division 16 "Electrical" 1.3 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. Installation: Comply with all applicable provisions of the latest edition of the following codes: 1. UPC: Uniform Plumbing Code 2. UBC: Uniform Building Code 3. NEC: National Electric Code 4. Materials: Comply with the latest edition of applicable standard specifications published by: a. ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials b. ANSI: American National Standards Institute c. ASME: American Society of Mechanical Engineers d. NEMA: National Electrical Manufacturer Association 5. Equipment Labeling: Where required, by the following organizations: 6. NSF: National Sanitation Foundation 7. UL: Underwriters Laboratories. 4/05 B. All workmanship and materials shall conform and comply with the latest requirements of all building ordinances, codes, rules and regulations, of all departments and bureaus of the comity, City and State, having lawful jurisdiction over the work in this Section. 1.4 SUBSTITUTIONS A. The use of manufacturers' names and catalog numbers followed by the phrase "or equivalent" is generally used to establish a standard of quality and utility for the specified items. Substituted items will be allowed provided they deliver the same performance as the specified items. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. General: Submit product list for products furnished raider this section. B. Drawings and Product Data: Submit in accordance with General Requirements for the following items: 1. Submersible Pump Systems 2. Water Level Controls 3. Fill Assemblies 4. Piping specialties 5. Specialties, fabricated items, gratings, frames and screens. 6. Controls, timers and starters. B. Shop Drawings shall indicate the intended routing of all mechanical piping, valves, submersible pump locations, skimmers, fill assemblies, overflow locations, and other pertinent information necessary to execute the installation of the water feature mechanical and electrical system. Shop Drawings shall include details for geosynthetic clay liner penetrations if necessary, connections from the water feature Fountain Mechanical and Electrical 13475 - 2 No Text Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4105 submersible pumps, water supply line supplied to the water feature equipment, biological filter system discharge and manifold assemblies. Provide shop drawings for all electrical panels, and control panels. 1.6 AS -BUILT DRAWINGS A. Maintain a current set of drawings showing installed locations of piping systems and sleeves particular to the water features. Include critical dimensions to permanent structures and invert elevations. Drawings to be located on site at all times during construction. B. Provide a final set of as built drawings to the owner as part of the operations and maintenance manuals. 1.7 OPERATING INSTRUCTION/MAINTENANCE MANUALS A. Prior to substantial completion, allow a period of not less than 1 day for the water feature for instructing Owners operating and maintenance personnel in the use of all systems. B. Provide 3 sets of operating and maintenance instructions in a three ring or lever arch binder with tabs indexed for each feature. Include specific instructions on the start up, operation, maintenance, and trouble shooting procedures for each system supplied under this section. Deliver to the owner. 1.8 TESTING AND ADJUSTING A. Prior to substantial completion, demonstrate a thirty day, fully automated uninterrupted daily operation of not less than twelve hours nor more than twenty hours for systems provided. Supervise operation of equipment and be responsible for proper operation and make no claim against the Owner for damage to the equipment during testing and operation. Make changes, adjustments, or replacements of equipment required to comply with the Specifications, or to replace defective parts or materials. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL A. See Mechanical and Electrical Drawings for specific product information. B. Provide special tools for proper operation and maintenance of the specified equipment. Deliver tools to the Owner. 2.2 PUMPS A. General: Pumps and accessories furnished shall be suitable for the service specified. See Mechanical and Electrical Drawings for specific pump information. 2.3 VALVES A. Provide all valves as necessary to facilitate throttling, isolation and maintenance. B. All check valves 3" and larger shall be silent type. Fountain Mechanical and Electrical 13475 - 3 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 C. Solenoid fill valves shall be slow closing. 2.4 PIPE AND PIPE FITTINGS A. General: 1. All pipe and fittings shall be identified by the manufacturer to indicate material, class or type, size and/or pressure rating as appropriate. B. Red Brass Pipe and Fittings: _ 1. Pipe: schedule 40, iron pipe size conforming to ASTM B43. 2. Fittings: 125 psi cast bronze threaded conforming to ANSI B16.15. C. Copper Pipe and Fittings: 1. Pipe: Hard tempered, seamless, conforming to ASTM B-88. _ 2. Fittings: Wrought sweat type fittings conforming to ASTM B-75 and ANSI B16.22. D. PVC Pipe and Fittings: 1. Pipe: Schedule 40 and schedule 80 conforming to ASTM D-1785, Class 12454B. 2. Fittings: conforming to the requirements of ASTM D-2464, 3. Flanges: conforming with AWWA C207. _ 4. Solvent cement: ASTM D-2564. E. Steel Pipe and Fittings: 1. Pipe: Standard weight, conforming to ASTM A-53, Beveled ends for welding. 2. Weld fittings: Standard weight conforming to ASTM A-234 and ANSI B16.3 3. Flanges: 150 psi steel conforming to ASTM A-181 and ANSI 16.5, 2.5 SPECIALTIES A. See mechanical and electrical plans for specific product information: PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. Install and connect equipment in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. — Provide piping, valves and connections recommended by the manufacturer for proper operations. B. Protect pipes, equipment and other parts of the work against injury by exposure to the weather during construction while stored or installed in place. C. Make adjustments required for the proper operation of mechanical system. Use manufacturer's representatives or factory technicians where adjustments cannot be accomplished by Contractors personnel. Fountain Mechanical and Electrical 13475 - 4 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 3.2 VALVE INSTALLATION 4/05 A. Supply piping systems with valves arranged to provide necessary isolation and give regulating control throughout the system. B. Globe and angle valves shall close against pressure. C. Do not install valve stems below horizontal line. 3.3 PIPE INSTALLATION A. General: Provide flanges or unions as indicated and as required allowing removal and reinstallation of each item of equipment or accessory without cutting, welding or soldering. B. Cut pipe to measurements established at the site. Work into place without springing or forcing. C. Protect openings in piping during construction to prevent the entry of foreign matter. D. Make changes in pipe size using reducing fittings. Use bushings only if shown on the drawings. E. Arrange exposed piping straight, parallel and perpendicular to the walls of the structure unless otherwise shown on the drawings. F. Cut pipe ends square. Remove rough edges and burrs so that a smooth and unobstructed flow will be obtained. G. Close or short nipples should be used only where shown on the drawing, or absolutely necessary to satisfy dimensional constraints. 3.4 APPLICATIONS A. All systems underground or encased in concrete: Galvanized steel, PVC or red brass as noted on the drawings. B. Exposed piping in the pond: PVC or Red brass with threaded fittings. All nozzle risers to be red brass pipe with threaded fittings. 3.5 UNDERGROUND PIPING A. Excavate trenching for underground piping to required depths. Tamp trenches hard. Slope to secure required fall. B. Provide sufficient space at both side and bottom of trench. Install piping on 6" deep bed of sand in the bottom of trench. Perform piping tests before coating or wrapping pipe. Backfill in 6" layers to a minimum of 95% compaction. 3.6 PIPE PROTECTION A. Copper or brass piping, underground or encased in concrete: Exterior shall be wrapped with one layer of pipe wrap at half lap. Fountain Mechanical and Electrical 13475 - 5 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden B. Welded steel piping assemblies in the equipment space: Epoxy coat after fabrication. 4/05 -' C. Welded steel piping assemblies underground or encased in concrete: Exterior shall be coated with two coats of coal tar mastic. 3.7 PENETRATIONS A. Core drilling for pipe penetrations shall be accomplished only at locations and in a manner approved by the Architect. B. Provide sleeves wherever piping passing through a concrete wall or floor is not cast in the concrete. C. Provide waterstop or membrane clamp for every pipe or sleeve penetrating an exterior concrete or gunite wall or floor or the water feature wall or floor, whichever is appropriate to the waterproofing method. D. Provide manufacturer recommended pipe penetration sealing at all penetrations through the pond liner. E. Seal sleeves passing through exterior walls with resilient seal or oakum and poured lead unless otherwise noted on the drawings. 3.8 PIPING TESTS A. Provide all temporary piping, pumps, and gauges as necessary to conduct the specified tests. B. Conduct all tests before concealment of work and before any coating or wrap is applied. Replace or repair any part that leaks. Repeat test until criteria are met. C. Do not subject any item to a test pressure greater than the pressure rating of the item. Vent air from all piping being tested. D. Underground piping shall be tested as follows: Pressurize all underground piping (except for drain system) to 150% of working pressure prior to backfilling (spot backfilling to anchor piping may be done prior to pressurizing). Piping shall remain pressurized until all backfilling, grading, planting and concrete work in the area of the piping is completed. Pressurize all underground drain piping to 15 psi. E. The completed piping systems shall be tested as follows: Conduct each test for a minimum of eight hours. Hydrostatically pressure test all storm and sanitary drain piping at 15 psi. Hydrostatically pressure test all other piping and equipment at 150% of working pressure. F. Log pressure readings for all tests required above at the beginning and end of each test and on every working day between. Note the location and cause of any failures and method of repair on the daily log. 3.9 FLUSHING A. Flush all fountain system piping with water to remove foreign matter. Completely drain all piping and equipment. Fill the system to required capacity. Circulate the water throughout the system for four hours, using the display pump. Do not allow extremely cloudy water to pass through the filter tank. Drain, fill and circulate until the water remains clear. 3.10 SUPPORTING DEVICES Fountain Mechanical and Electrical 13475 - 6 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 A. Furnish and install all required fasteners, rods, hangers, supports, bolts, nuts, washers and steel plates and shapes. B. All supporting hardware in contact with the pond water shall be type 316 stainless steel. C. Furnish and arrange for the installation of all required inserts and anchor bolts. Provide templates where appropriate. D. Equipment may not support any of the pipe loading, nor may equipment, except valves, strainers and in - line pumps be supported by any of the piping. E. Piping shall not be supported by another pipe or duct. END OF SECTION 13475 Fountain Mechanical and Electrical 13475 - 7 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 — SECTION 16050 - BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this section. L2 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: This section includes requirements for basic electrical materials and methods for the following items. 1. Waterproof receptacles. 2. Shelter lighting. 3. Fountain mechanical. B. Related Sections: 1. General and Supplementary Conditions 2. Division 2 "Irrigation." 3. Division 10 "Metal Shade Structure.- 3. Division 13 "Fountain Mechanical and Electrical." 1.3 REFERENCES A. The latest edition of the following standards and codes, standard publications of professional organizations, and the local authorities having jurisdiction are the minimum requirements for this work. 1. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 2. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 3. Association of Edison Illuminating Companies (AEIC) 4. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 5. Insulated Cable Engineer's Association (ICEA) 6. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) 7. National Electrical Manufacturer's Association (NEMA) 8. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 9. NFPA 70, The National Electrical Code (NEC) 10. Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. (UL) 11. State, City, and Local Authorities 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use. B. Comply with NFPA 70, the National Electrical Code. BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS 16050 - 1 ,, Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 C. All equipment and materials will be new and unused and shall conform with the current applicable industry standards. Workmanship and neat appearance shall be as important as electrical and mechanical operation. Defective or damaged materials shall be replaced or repaired prior to final acceptance in a manner meeting approval of Architect and/or Engineer and at no additional cost to Owner. 1.5 SEQUENCING A. The electrical system construction sequence shall follow the general project sequence. In addition work shall be planned to ensure that the existing facilities remain operational throughout construction. B. Coordinate chases, slots, inserts, sleeves, and openings with general construction work during progress of construction to facilitate the electrical installation. C. Sequence, coordinate, and integrate installing electrical materials and equipment for efficient flow of the Work. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 EQUIPMENT A. All materials sufficient to meet the intent of the construction drawings. B. Fountain Mechanical: Materials noted on plans C. Shelter downlight: Hubbell Model 4WAC-LP808 with MR 16 50W (light) PART 3-EXECUTION 3.1 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION A. General: Install all wiring and electrical components indicated on the drawings in accordance with prevailing electrical codes. B. Materials and Components: Install level, plumb, and parallel and perpendicular to other building systems and components, unless otherwise indicated. C. Equipment: Install to facilitate service, maintenance, and repair or replacement of components. Adhere to clearances required by the NEC, NFPA 70. Connect for ease of disconnecting, with minimum interference with other installations. D. Right of Way: Give to piping systems installed at a required slope. 3.2 CUTTING AND PATCHING A. Cut, channel, chase, and drill floors, walls, partitions, ceilings, and other surfaces required to permit electrical installations. Perform cutting by skilled mechanics of trades involved. B. Coordinate the repair and refinish of disturbed finish materials and other surfaces with the appropriate trade BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS 16050 - 2 Gardens on Spring Creek - Children's Garden 4/05 _ to have areas restored to match adjacent undisturbed surfaces. This contractor is responsible for all costs of — repairs required by work performed by this contractor. Install new fireproofing where existing firestopping has been disturbed. Repair and refinish materials and other surfaces by skilled mechanics of trades involved. 3.3 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Inspect installed components for damage and faulty work — 3.4 CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. On completion of installation, including outlets, fittings, and devices, inspect exposed finish. Remove burrs, dirt, paint spots, and construction debris. B. Protect equipment and installations and maintain conditions to ensure that coatings, finishes, and cabinets are without damage or deterioration at time of Substantial Completion. END OF SECTION 16050 BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS 16050 - 3 -d Bonnette Temporary Personnel Ser )s contract _ LL Page 1 From: 'Ray Swanson" <snellingray@frii.com> To: <joneill@fcgov.com> Date: 5/11/2005 2:03:29 PM Subject: Temporary Personnel Services contract James, I met you when I attended the 10/29/04 seminar at city hall for doing business with the government. There is currently a city contract in place for temporary personnel services. Has there been a decision yet to put this out for bids or will it be automatically renewed fro yet another year? Ray Swanson Franchise Owner Snelling Personnel Services Fort Collins, CO Phone (970) 225-9292 Fax (970) 225-0830 WHAT KIND OF APPROACHES WORK BEST TO PRODUCE THE DESIRED RESULT? PURCHASING STRATEGIES: We are seeking proposal that encourage and support Responsiveness to accidents, crimes, fires and utility emergencies. Specifically proposals for/that: Provide flexible, cost efficient, response to emerging crime trends. Promote coordination and response by appropriate agencies. Provide for well-equipped, trained, caring response teams. Provide for prompt restoration of services in emergency situations. We are seeking proposal that encourage and support Prevention, to be proactive in prevention and not just respond to safety concerns. Specifically proposals for/that: Provide a safe environment (well -lit buildings, streets, parking lots, safe design and inspection of facilities, clean well kept neighborhoods and public areas, visible presence of safety personnel). Provide an efficient traffic flow/control system. Provide programs for youth involvement. Prevention programs to reduce crime. Prevention programs to reduce high risk behaviors (drug prevention). We are seeking proposal that encourage and support Planning and Preparedness, that enable us to be forward thinking in our planning and preparations. Specifically proposals for/that: Enable appropriate staging of plans, personnel and equipment to deal with natural disasters, outages and significant community events. Promote strategic problem solving. Programs to promote intervention and rehabilitation. We are seeking proposal that encourage and support Community Involvement and Partnerships, that make our community safer and stronger. Specifically proposals for/that: Maximize the resources of local and regional agencies to address safety issues. Provide for victim's assistance. Reduce recidivism of juvenile offenders. Increase citizen awareness and involvement in public safety. Promote individual accountability. Mental health? WESTCHESTER FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENT December 31, 2004 ADMITTED ASS BONDS $1,363,863,132 SHORT - TERM INVESTMENTS 24,549146 STOCKS 0 REAL ESTATE 0 CASH ON HAND AND IN BANK 5,338,440 PREMIUM IN COURSE OF COLLECTION* 117,395,478 INTEREST ACCRUED 15,349,513 OTHER ASSETS 365,657095 TOTAL ASSETS 11,892,152,8-6-3 LIABILITIES RESERVE FOR UNEARNED PREMIUMS $416,496,923 RESERVE FOR LOSSES 1,150,554,701 RESERVE FOR TAXES 5,413,537 FUNDS HELD UNDER REINSURANCE TREATIES 0 OTHER LIABILITIES (179,492,174) TOTAL LIABILITIES $1,391,972,987 CAPITAL: SPECIAL SURPLUS $187,300,000 CAPITAL: 928,592 SHARES, $4.85 PAR VALUE 4,503,671 CAPITAL: PAID IN 129,098,600 SURPLUS (UNASSIGNED) 179,277,545 SURPLUS TO POLICYHOLDERS 500,179,816 TOTAL $1,892,152,803 ('EXCLUDES PREMIUM MORE THAN 90 DAYS DUE.) STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA Kolull -AAr&j John P. Taylor, being duly swam, says that he is Vice President of Westchester Fire Insurance Company and that to the best of his knowledge and belief the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the said Company's financial condition as of the 31 st day of December, 2004. Swom before me is 27th day of April, 2005. M President Notary Public /short forms 2003/w-fict COMMONWEALTH CIF PE"YLVANIA MM T.ViamrK Notary PLOAC CIMP1111001910*11 Pit2*41his 0=11v MeftW, PtnneoVanta AS10datlan Of NoWet o roiw /j4' e?jgg- My oorarnitsion ezpires POLICYHOLDER DISCLOSURE NOTICE OF TERRORISM INSURANCE COVERAGE Named Insured Walsh Constniction Inc. Endorsement Number Policy Symbol Policy Number Policy Period Effective Date of n orsement TO J" 3 2U Issued y ame of nsurancaCompany) WMIGEM FIRE Db-LRANM CWANY THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. You should be aware that under the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002_("The Act") effective November 26, 2002, any losses caused by certified acts of terrorism under your existing coverage may be partially reimbursed by the United States under a formula established by federal law (applicability is subject to the terms and conditions of each individual policy). The Act was specifically designed to address the ability of businesses and individuals to obtain property and casualty insurance for terrorism and to protect consumers by addressing market disruptions and ensure the continued availability of terrorism coverage. Underthe terms of The Act, you may now have the right to purchase insurance coverage for losses arising out of acts of terrorism, as defined in Section 102(1) of the Act: The term "act of terrorism" means any act that is certified by the Secretary of the Treasury, in concurrence with the Secretary of State, and the Attorney General of the United States -to be an act of terrorism; to be a violent act or an act that is dangerous to human fife, property; or infrastructure; to have resulted in damage within the United States, or outside the United States in the case of an air carrier or vessel or the premises of a United States mission; and to have been committed by an individual or individuals acting on behalf of any foreign person or foreign interest, as part of an effort to coerce the civilian population of the United States or to influence the policy or affect the conduct of the United States Government by coercion. Responsibility for Compensation under The Act is shared between insurance companies covered by The Act and the United States. Under the formula set forth in The Act, the United States pays 90% of covered terrorism losses exceeding the statutorily established deductible, which is paid by the insurance company providing the coverage. We are providing you with the terrorism coverage required by The Act. We have not established a separate price for this coverage; however the portion of your annual premium that is reasonably attributable to such coverage is: IM Authorized gent TRIA12 (5/03) SECTION 00510 NOTICE OF AWARD Date: September 15, 2005 TO: Walsh Construction, Inc. PROJECT: 5921 Children's Garden at the Gardens on Spring Creek OWNER: CITY OF FORT COLLINS (hereinafter referred to as "the OWNER") You are hereby notified that your Bid dated June 6, 2005 for the above project has been considered. You are the apparent successful Bidder and have been awarded an Agreement for 5921 Children's Garden at the Gardens on Spring Creek. The following reductions in scope of work have been agreed upon by the Customer (City of Fort Collins) and the General Contract (Walsh Construction, Inc.): 1.) Eliminate all concrete staining indicated in drawings/specifications and convert all concrete flatwork indicated on drawings to (1) one integral color added to concrete mix. All concrete scoring to remain as shown on drawings. All concrete to have a light broom finish. Cost reduction equals $30,000.00 2.) Eliminate the "Walk of Extremes" ramp, stairs & railing, and overlook revetment boulders, however, maintain grades as shown on drawings. See attached Addendum 2 mark-ups indicating which boulders are to be eliminated. Cost reduction equals $10,000.00. 3.) Replace underwater boulder wall with Versalok product. Architect to provide alternate design details as necessary. Stepping stones and pea gravel to remain a part of this feature. See attached Addendum 2 mark-up for underwater wall. Cost reduction equals $3,000.00. 4.) Eliminate sandblasted drain pan. See drawings sheet # LS501: "Site Details - Paving". Cost reduction equals $4,500.00. 5.) The Customer does not accept Bid Alternate #1. Walsh Construction bid price $342,711.00 Total cost reductions 47,500.00 new contract price $295,211.00 The Price of your Agreement is Two Hundred Ninety Five Thousand Two Hundred Eleven Dollars $295,211). 9/12/01 Section 00510 Page 1 Three (3) copies of each of the proposed Contract Documents (except Drawings) accompany this Notice of Award. Three (3) sets of the Drawings will be delivered separately or otherwise made available to you immediately. You must comply with the following conditions precedent within fifteen (15) days of the date of this Notice of Award, that is by September 30, 2005. 1. You must deliver to the OWNER three (3) fully executed counterparts of the Agreement including all the Contract Documents. Each of the Contract Documents must bear your signature on the cover of the page. 2. You must deliver with the executed Agreement the Contract Security (Bonds) as specified in the Instructions to Bidders, General Conditions (Article 5.1) and Supplementary Conditions. Failure to comply with these conditions within the time specified will entitle OWNER to consider your Bid abandoned, to annul this Notice of Award and to declare your Bid Security forfeited. Within ten (10) days after you comply with those conditions, OWNER will return to you one (1) fully -signed counterpart of the Agreement with the Contract Documents attached. City of Fort Collins OWNER By: Jame B O'Neill, II, CPPO, FNIGP Dire t r of Purchasing & Risk Management SECTION 00520 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is dated as of- the 15th day of September in the year of 2005 and shall be effective on the date this AGREEMENT is signed by the City. The City of Fort Collins (hereinafter called OWNER) and Walsh Construction, Inc. (hereinafter called CONTRACTOR) OWNER and CONTRACTOR, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, agree as follows: ARTICLE 1. WORK CONTRACTOR shall complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents. The Project for which the Work under the Contract Documents may be the whole or only a part is defined as the construction of the 5921 Children's Garden at the Gardens on Spring Creek and is generally described in Section 01010. ARTICLE 2. ENGINEER The Project has been designed by Edaw, who is hereinafter called ENGINEER and who will assume all duties and responsibilities and will have the rights and authority assigned to ENGINEER in the Contract Documents in connection with completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. ARTICLE 3. CONTRACT TIMES 3.1 The Work shall be Substantially Complete within 95 calendar days after the date when the Contract Times commence to run as provided in the General Conditions and completed and ready for Final Payment and Acceptance in accordance with the General Conditions within 95 calendar days after the date when the Contract Times commence to run. 3.2. Liquidated Damages. OWNER and CONTRACTOR recognize that time is of the essence of this Agreement and that OWNER will suffer financial loss if the Work is not.completed within the times specified in paragraph 3.1. above, plus any extensions thereof allowed in accordance with Article 12 of the General Conditions. They also recognize the delays, expenses and difficulties involved in proving in a legal proceeding the actual loss suffered by OWNER if the Work is not completed on time. Accordingly, instead of requiring any such proof, OWNER and CONTRACTOR agree that as liquidated damages for delay (but not as penalty) CONTRACTOR shall pay OWNER the amounts set forth hereafter. Section 00520 Page 1 1) Substantial Completion: Five Hundred Dollars ($500) for each calendar day or fraction thereof that expires after the Ninety Five (95) calendar day period for Substantial Completion of the Work until the Work is Substantially Complete. ARTICLE 4. CONTRACT PRICE 4.1. OWNER shall pay CONTRACTOR for performance of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents in current funds as follows: Two Hundred Ninety Five Thousand Two Hundred Eleven Dollars $295,211), in accordance with Section 00300, attached and incorporated herein by this reference. ARTICLE 5. PAYMENT PROCEDURES CONTRACTOR shall submit Applications for Payment in accordance with Article 14 of the General Conditions. Applications for Payment will be processed by ENGINEER as provided in the General Conditions. 5.1. PROGRESS PAYMENTS. OWNER shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Price on the basis of CONTRACTOR's Application for Payment as recommended by ENGINEER, once each month during construction as provided below. All progress payments will be on the basis of the progress of the Work measured by the schedule of values established in paragraph 2.6 of the General Conditions and in the case of Unit Price Work based on the number of units completed, and in accordance with the General Requirements concerning Unit Price Work. 5.1.1. Prior to Substantial Completion, progress payments will be in the amount equal to the percentage indicated below, but, in each case, less the aggregate of payments previously made and less such amounts as ENGINEER shall determine, or OWNER may withhold, in accordance with paragraph 14.7 of the General Conditions. 900 of the value of Work completed until the Work has been 50% completed as determined by ENGINEER, when the retainage equals 5% of the Contract Price, and if the character and progress of the Work have been satisfactory to OWNER and ENGINEER, OWNER on recommendation of ENGINEER, may determine that as long as the character and progress of the Work remain satisfactory to them, there will be no additional retainage on account of Work completed in which case the remaining progress payments prior to Substantial Completion will be in an amount equal to 1000 of the Work completed. 900 of materials and equipment not incorporated in the Work (but delivered, suitably stored and accompanied by documentation satisfactory to OWNER as provided in paragraph 14.2 of the General Conditions) may be included in the application for payment. 5.1.2. Upon Substantial Completion payment will be made in an amount Section 00520 Page 2 No Text sufficient to increase total payments to CONTRACTOR to 950 of the Contract Price, less such amounts as ENGINEER shall determine or OWNER may withhold in accordance with paragraph 14.7 of the General Conditions or as provided by law. 5.2. FINAL PAYMENT. Upon Final Completion and Acceptance of the Work in accordance with paragraph 14.13 of the General Conditions, OWNER shall pay the remainder of the Contract Price as recommended by ENGINEER as provided in said paragraph 14.13. ARTICLE 6. CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATION In order to induce OWNER to enter into this Agreement, CONTRACTOR makes the following representations: 6.1. CONTRACTOR has familiarized himself with the nature and extent of the Contract Documents, Work, site, locality, and with all local conditions and Laws and Regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work. 6.2. CONTRACTOR has studied carefully all reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions and drawings of physical conditions which are identified in the Supplementary Conditions as provided in paragraph 4.2 of the General Conditions. 6.3. CONTRACTOR has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for obtaining and carefully studying) all such examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports, and studies (in addition to or to supplement those referred to in paragraph 6.2 above) which pertain to the subsurface or physical condition at or contiguous to the site or otherwise may affect the cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work as CONTRACTOR considers necessary for the performance or furnishing of the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Times and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, including specifically the provisions of paragraph 4.2 of the General Conditions; and no additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports, studies or similar information or data are or will be required by CONTRACTOR for such purposes. 6.4. CONTRACTOR has reviewed and checked all information and data shown or indicated on the Contract Documents with respect to existing Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site and assumes responsibility for the accurate location of said Underground Facilities. No additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports, studies or similar information or data in respect of said Underground Facilities are or will be required by CONTRACTOR in order to perform and furnish the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Times and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, including specifically the provision of paragraph 4.3. of the General Conditions. Section 00520 Page 3 6.5. CONTRACTOR has correlated the results of all such observations, examinations, investigations, tests, reports and data with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 6.6. CONTRACTOR has given ENGINEER written notice of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies that he has discovered in the Contract Documents and the written resolution thereof by ENGINEER is acceptable to CONTRACTOR. ARTICLE 7. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ? . 1 The Contract Documents which comprise the entire Agreement between OWNER and CONTRACTOR concerning the Work consist of the General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, those items included in the definition of "Contract Documents" in Article 1.10 of the General Conditions, and such other items as are referenced in this Article ?, all of which are incorporated herein by this reference. 7.2 Forms for use by CONTRACTOR in performing the Work and related actions in carrying out the terms of this Agreement are deemed Contract Documents and incorporated herein by this reference, and include, but are not limited to, the following: 7.2.1Certificate of Substantial Completion 7.2.2 Certificate of Final Acceptance 7.2.3Lien Waiver Releases 7.2.4 Consent of Surety 7.2. 5 Application for Exemption Certificate 7.2. 6 Application for Payment 7.3 Drawings, consisting of a cover sheet and sheets numbered as follows: DRAWING INDEX: to include all drawing sheet numbers. SHEET TITLE Cover Construction Document Package GI 101 Abreviations and Graphic Symbols GI 102 Existing Site Survey GI 103 Irrigation As-Builts GI 104 Sheet Reference Plan LD 101 Demolition Plan LG 101 Site Grading LS 101 Hardscape Layout and Jointing Plan LS 102 Site Development Call Out Plan Section 00520 Page 4 LS 401 Entry Plaza Plan Enlargement LS 402 Boulder Layout Plan Enlargement LS 501 Site Details - Paving LS 502 Miscellaneous Elements LS 503 Site Details - Watering Cans (CDB) LS 504 Site Details - Boardwork LS 505 Site Details - Pond LS 505 Site Details - Stream LS 507 Site Details - Amphitheater LS 508 Site Details - Steps and Shelter LS 601 Design Build Details (NIC) LS 601 Design Build Details (NIC) LS 603 Design Build Details (NIC) LP 101 Planting Plan (NIC) LP 102 Perennial/Annual Planting Plan (NIC) LP 501 Planting Details (NIC) LI 100 Irrigation Legend and Notes (NIC) LI 101 Irrigation Plan (NIC) L1501 Irrigation Details (NIC) LI 502 Irrigation Details (NIC) E 101 Schematic Electrical Plan MW 100 Schematic Mechanical and Piping Plan MW 101 Mechanical Details The Contract Drawings shall be stamped "Final for Construction" and dated. Any revisions made shall be clearly identified and dated. 7.4. Addenda Numbers 1 to 2, inclusive. 7.5. The Contract Documents also include all written amendments and other documents amending, modifying, or supplementing the Contract Documents pursuant to paragraphs 3.5 and 3.6 of the General Conditions. 7.6. There are no Contract Documents other than those listed or incorporated by reference in this Article 7. The Contract Documents may only be amended, modified or supplemented as provided in paragraphs 3.5 and 3.6 of the General Conditions. ARTICLE 8. MISCELLANEOUS 8.1. Terms used in this Agreement which are defined in Article I of the General Conditions shall have the meanings indicated in the General Conditions. 8.2. No assignment by a party hereto of any rights under or interests in the Contract Documents will be binding on another party hereto without the Section 00520 Page 5 written consent of the party sought to be bound; and specifically but not without limitations, moneys that may become due and moneys that are due may not be assigned without such consent (except to the extent that the effect of this restriction may be limited by law), and unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent to an assignment no assignment will release or discharge that assignor from any duty or responsibility under the Contract Document. 8.3. OWNER and CONTRACTOR each binds itself, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other party hereto, its'.partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives in respect to all ,cov$rrants, Agreement and obligations contained in the Contract Document. OWNER: CITY FORT COLLINS By: JAMES B. 'NEILL II, CPPO, FNIGP DIRECTOR OF PURCHASING �I AND RISK MANAGEMENT DatR* -d 5 F O c, Attes4. L Z&a C' y Clerk giving notices: P. O. Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522 Approved as to Form i Assistant City 1krtorney Is CONTRACTOR: t By: ' -'-J Matth6. Walsh PreS-1de Walsh Constructid'n, Date: 160 (CORPORATE SEAL) Attest: aiz y Address for giving notices: Walsh Construction, Inc. 5828—N. St LOLLIS Ave. Loveland, CO 80538 LICENSE NO.: J/ Section 00520 Page 6 SECTION 00530 NOTICE TO PROCEED Description of Work: 5921 Children's Garden at the Gardens on Spring Creek To: Walsh Construction, Inc. This notice is to advise you: That the contract covering the above described Work has been fully executed by the CONTRACTOR and the OWNER. That the required CONTRACTOR's Performance Bond and Payment Bond have been received by the OWNER. That the OWNER has approved the said Contract Documents. Therefore, as the CONTRACTOR for the above described Work, you are hereby authorized and directed to proceed within ( ) calendar days from receipt of this notice as required by the Agreement. Dated this day of , 20_ The dates for Substantial Completion and Final Acceptance shall be , and , 20 , respectively. City of Fort Collins OWNER By: Title: ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF NOTICE Receipt day of of the above Notice 20 CONTRACTOR By: Title: to Proceed is hereby acknowledged this Section 00530 Page 1 SECTION 00600 BONDS AND CERTIFICATES 00610 Performance Bond 00615 Payment Bond 00630 Certificate of Insurance 00635 Certificate of Substantial Completion 00640 Certificate of Final Acceptance 00650 Lien Waiver Release (CONTRACTOR) 00660 Consent of Surety 00670 Application for Exemption Certificate FROM (TUE)OCT 25 2005 17:18/ST.17:17/N0,6365763375 P 2 SECTION 001�10 PERFORMANCE BOND Bond NOD 7253862 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: that (Firm) WALSH QNSIBUCITCN, INC. (Address) 5828 NWH Sr. LaM AVENUE LOVE1M, OD. 80538 (an Individual), (a Partnership), (a Corporation), hereinafter referred to as,the "Principal" and (Firm) WESICFSIER F)RE DEURANCE OMANY (Address) 140 BRXWAY 41ST RDT NEW YCW, N.Y. hereinafter referred to as 'the Surety", are held• and firmly bound unto City of Fort Collins, 300 Laporte Ave, Fort Collins. Colorado 805�22 a (Municipal Corporation) hereinafter referred to as the "OWNER", In the penal sumbf 'Ib,D H NM) NBQY FIVE T) EAND M HMM AND ECM money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION are such that whereas the Principal entered Into a certain Agreement with the OWNER; dated the 15 day of 5 a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof for the parforrnance of The City of For Collins project, CITY CF FC)nP 0,UM 13tQM 5921 GHLDRENIS GARDEN AT IM GARDFNS'CN SIMU CREEK NOW, THEREFORE, If the Principal shall well, truly and faithfully perform its duties, all the undertakings, covenants, terms, conditions and -agreements of said Agreement during the original term thereof, and any extensions thereof which may be granted by the OWNER, with or without Notice to the Surety and during the life of the guaranty period, and if the Principal shall satisfy all claims and demands incurred under such Agreement, and shall fully Indemnify and save harmless the OWNER from all cost and damages which it may suffer by reason of failure to do so, and shall reimburse and repay the OWNER all outlay and expense which the OWNER may incur in making good any default then this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the sald Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement or to the Work to be performed thereunder or the Specifications accompanying the same shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond; and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement or to the Work or to the Specifications. PROVIDED, FURTHER, that no final settlement between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR shall abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder, whose claim may be unsatisfied. PROVIDED, -FURTHER, that the Surety Company must be authorized to transact business in the State of Colorado and be acceptable to the OWNER. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Instrument is executed in four (4) countemsrts, each one of which shall be deemed an original, this 20 day of Septerber Z000�5 FROM (TUE)OCT 25 2005 17:1SAT. 17:17/N0.6365763375 P 3 Principal Walsh Construction, Inc. (Tills)• _ ✓};rr=✓ r;�:t�N 5828 North st.Louis Avenue, Loveland, 00. 8053B (AddreSS) By: Bv: IN PRESENCE OF: � Other Partners fond must not be prior to date of Agreement If CONTRACTOR is tners should -execute Bond. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PRINCIPAL IF A CORPORATION STATE OF O1i"A"49 } COUNTY OF L^(P, - ss}. On this 31 day of OC-00-- 2qK before me personally came M4"71,,f W tvW6H to me known, who being by duly sword did depose and say that helshe resides at 5928 N s7. Gad /y uz=u4.W, (0 eo-�,39 and that he/she is the ph Fs/PC-A/i of iV0j,gifi / nrC . the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument/ that he/she knows the seal of said corporation; that one of the seals affixed to said instruments such seal, that it was so affixed by order of the directors of said corporation, and that thhe. signed his name thereto by like order. NOTARY PUBLIC ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PRINCIPAL IF A PARTNERSHIP STATE OF ) COUNTY OF }ss.. On this day of , before me personally appeared to me known and known to me to be one of the members of the firm of described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same and or the act and deed of said firm. NOTARY PUBLIC ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PRINCIPAL IF AN INDIVIDUAL STATE OF ) COUNTY OF }� On this day of , before me personally appeared to me known and known to be to be the person described In and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he/she executed the same. NOTARY PUBLIC ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SURETY STATE OF New York}s . COUNTY OF Nassau } On September 20, 2005 before me personally came Diana P. Alesci to me known who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he/she resides at 255 Executive Drive Plainview, New York 11803, that he/she is the Attorney in Fact of Westchester Fire Insurance Company the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; and that he/she signed his/her r thereto by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation. fJ A t-- NOTARY .- �r Ixvu WESTCHESTER FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY �.... 112384! !W ot,tho aODa1 = am I ,Myoke my Wwr ampom g;gmecay K69oWttfloB Di M noemurullec;ma. tomhtate, constitute and appoint DIANA P, ALESCI, IYIARYLOU BItQWN, RQSANNE CALL AHAi i, RO)BRT FINNELL, PETER HENRY and RICHARD K. KAINZ ail of the City of Plainview, State of New York , each individually if there be more than one named, its true and lawful attorney -in -fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver on its behalf, and as its act and deed any and all bonds, undertakings, recolmWnees, contracts and other writings in the nature thereof in Penalties not exceeding Three tvfillion Dolhuii ($3,000,000) and. the execution of such writings in pursuance of these presents shall be as binding .upon said Company, as €ully and amply as if Shay had been duly executed and aekotrledged by the mmtlarly elected tffieers of the Cotrtnanyl at its principal office. 38449-P ■ e x V f ' . �Y a a a C fR Y Z, N ccu i O f6 i cn m a irs a H CU CL o E� oa M� E U q} E = ocu ;p 0N Si _ W � f6 t 03 r Jo 0 �7 LO .. t,bM D © I WESTCHESTER FIRE 1NSIJRANtd COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENT Decernb6r31,2004 ADMITTED ASSETS BONDS $1,363,863,132 SHORT . TERM INVESTMENTS 24,549,145 STOCKS 0 REAL ESTATE 0 CASH ON f4AN17 AND IN BANK 5,338,440 PREMIUM IN COURSE OF COLLECTIOW 117,395i478 INIttREST ACCRUED 15,30.,513 OTHER ASSETS 365,667.095 TOTAL ASSETS 1,892,15 803 L.IAl3(UTIES RESERVE FOR UNEARNED PREMIUMS $415,49P.923 RESERVE FOR LOSSES 1,150,554,701 RESERVE FOR TAXES 5,413,637 FUNDS HELD UNDER REINSURANCE TREATIES 0 OTHER LIABILITIES (179,492,174),, TOTAL LIABILITIES CAPITAL- SPECIAL SURPLUS $187,3W,000 CAPITAL 928.592 SHARES, $4.86 PAR VALUE 4 ' e503,071 CAPrrAL PAID. IN SURPLUS (UNAS 81GREP) SURPLUS TO POLICYHOLDERS 500,179.816 TOTAL (*EXCLUDES PREMIUM MORE THAN 90 DAYS, DUE.) STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COUNTY OF P141LADELPHIA John P. Tay $Dj� being duly swam, says that he is Vm' President of . Westchester Fire Insurance Company and that is tllabegt of his knowledge and belief the tMaing Is a true and coned starternent aft. said C4rnPaWs financial condition as of the 31 st day of Dacember, 2004. ishort ftmv 2003wa POLICYHOLDER DISCLOSURE NOTICE OF TERRORISM INSURANCE COVERAGE arced Insured n orsement umber Walsh Cortst=ticn, Inc. Policy Symbol Policy Number Policy Period TO Effective Date oT Endorsement Septetber 20, M Issued y uvanne III Insurance uUmpanyl WBZI 'TIIt FIRE IIVSCiRAivYE OCIPANY THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. You should be aware that under the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002.(`The Act") effective November 26, 2002, any losses caused by certified acts of terrorism under your existing coverage may be partially reimbursed by the United States under a formula established by federal law (applicability is subject to the terms and conditions of each individual policy). The Act was specifically designed to address the ability of businesses and individuals to obtain property and casualty insurance for terrorism and to protect consumers by addressing market disruptions and ensure the continued availability of terrorism coverage. Under the terms of The Act, you may now have the right to purchase insurance coverage for losses arising out of acts of terrorism; as defined in Section 102(1) of the Act: The term "act of terrorism" means any act that is certified by the Secretary of the Treasury, in concurrence with the Secretary of State, and the Attorney General of the United States -to be an act of terrorism; to be a violent act or an act that is dangerous to human life, property; or infrastructure; to have resulted in damage within the United States, or outside the United States in the case of an air carrier or vessel or the premises of a United States mission; and to have been committed by an individual or individuals acting on behalf of any foreign person or foreign interest, as part of an effort to coerce the civilian population of the United States or to influence the policy or affect the conduct of the United States Government by coercion. Responsibility for Compensation under The Act is shared between insurance companies covered by The Act and the United States. Under the formula set forth in The Act, the United States pays 90% of covered terrorism losses exceeding the statutorily established deductible, which is paid by the insurance company providing the coverage. We are providing you with the terrorism coverage required by The Act. We have not established a separate price for this coverage; however the portion of your annual premium that is reasonably attributable to such coverage is: JQIM -RtAl2 (5/03) FROM 41011)SEP 1 9 2005 '14'--/ST.14;2110.6365763560 P 4 SECTION 00615 PAYMENT BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY TNESE PRESENTS: that Bond No,10 72 53 86 2 (Firm) Walsh Construction, Inc. (Address) 58M North St. Louis Avenue, Loveland, 00 805M (an IndZvidual), (a Partnership) • the "principal" and (a Corporation), hereinafter referred to as (Firm) . Westchester Fire Insurance CamL-vnv (Address) 140 Sroa&A y, 41st Floor, New York, New York 10065 hereinafter referred to as "the Surety", are held and firmly b City of Fort collins 30p Y bound LaPorte Ave. Fort Collins Ito the {Municipal Corporation) hereinafter referred to as "the OWN „. Colorado. 80522 a sum Of 211 00 ER in the United States, for the y o in lawful mone pthe enal ourselves, successors and a s ns hiCh sum well and truly to be made, ebind presents. 9 jointly and severally, firmly by these THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION are such that whereas the Principal entered into a certain ,Agreement with th the OWNER, dated the a copy of which is hereto attached and made a pare day of performance of The City of Fort Collins project, 5921 Gfhildren�s Gardgnat the Gardens on Sgring Creek. NOW, THEREFORE, if the principal shall make payment to all subcontractorsr and corporations furnishing materials for or Persons, f' in the prosecution Of the Work firms, authorized extension or modification rpthereof oxncludin in such Agreement aid labor materials, lubricants, repakrs on machinery, g all amounts due for rented ar used in Connection with the y, equipment and tools, consumed, insurance premiums on said work and construction of such Work, and all whether by subcontractor or otherwise,thenall thisoobligation Performed shall such otherwise to rem ain in full force and effect,. Work Void; 7/96 Section 00615 Page 1 FROM (M01,J)3EP 19 2005 14' '/ST.1�;2VNM 3657535oC P 5 PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement or to the Work to be performed thereunder or the Specifications accompanying the same shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond; and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement or to the Work or to the Specifications. PROVIDED, FURTHER, that no final settlement between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR shall abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder, whose Claim may be unsatisfied. PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the Surety Company must be authorized to transact business in the State of Colorado and be acceptable to the OWNER. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed in three each one of which shall be deemed an original„ this 20_"� IN P ESENCE Or: I�I JJI yy p� t �� �Xf 9" ("(:orK+s�a Sea 13 ����,°AaPCtta raoeeo'.r��� Y IN PRESENCE OF: (3) counterparts, 20 day of Septmb principal Walsh Construction, Inc. (Title) 5B 2B North St. Louis Avenue, Loveland, Co. 8053E (Address) Other Partners IN PRESF CE OF: p Westchester Fire Insuranoe Capany By: D =BY.=== 1 B ddsess) (Surety Seal) NOT$: Date of Bond must not be prior to data of Agre"ent. If CONTRACTOR is Partnership, all partners should execute Bond, 7196 Section 00615 Page 2 ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PRINCIPAL IF A CORPORATION STATE OF COUNTY OF /- fX I /�) c c J ss}. On this�v ' ay ot�:f a5�/3't/ 3M5- before me personally came; ice' T- (K to me known, who bein�g by duly sword did depose and say that he/she resides at SY,2Y N. Sf •J �� t 4- Cv38 / and that he/she is the � �� & of C' k; cq9 -A , i o the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument/ that he/she knows the seal of said corporation; that one WN of go4affoced to said in ments such seal, that it was so affixed by order of the directors of said co bnftot he signed name thereto by like order s 0tOTAKY PUBLIC ��;" Q' s Z 0 MY COMMISSION EXPRES 11PRA ACK � @AMEN OF PRINCIPAL IF A PARTNERSHIP STATE OF COUNTY OF On this day of I before me personally appeared to me known and known to me to be one of the members of the firm of described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same and or the act and deed of said firm. NOTARY PUBLIC ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PRINCIPAL IF AN INDIVIDUAL STATE OF } COUNTY OF }�" On this day of I before me personally appeared to me known and known to be to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he/she executed the same. NOTARY PUBLIC ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SURETY STATE OF New York }ss_ COUNTY OF Nassau } " On September 20, 2005 before me personally came Diana P. Alesci to me known who, being by me duly swom, did depose and say that he/she resides at 255 Executive Drive Plainview, New York 11803, that he/she is the Attorney in Fact of Westchester Fire Insurance Company the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; and that he/she signed his/her r thereto by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation. 12 A e--` NOTARY 1116276 wt, Resolution, and the signature ofi etnifying Ofiterand the seal of the CwVmymay be e&odby facsmale to Bay nerufice/d ofmy:�h power, and my each Power or certificate beatvtg such taghmtc sig�ure end seal -� ",he Md and bmdingm the Company - (}) Seth other OlrWM ofthe Ccn"". and Attonmys-In-Pact shall havemtaariy tocsnify'or verify copies of this &ewlution, the By -Laws of ttte Company, and my of idapit or record of the Company nedeesay to tlm d"argeoftheirdatics. one named, its true and lawful .VANIA WESTCHESTER FIRE INSURAN.d COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENT December 31, 2004 ADMITTED ASSETS BONDS $1,363,863,132 SHORT -TERM INVESTMENTS 24,549,145 STOCKS 0 REAL ESTATE 0 CASH ON HAND AND IN BANK 5.338,440 PREMIUM IN COURSE OF COLLECTION* 117,395,478 INTEREST ACCRUED 15,349,513 OTHER ASSETS 365,657,095 TOTAL ASSETS 1,892,152,803 LIABILITIES RESERVE FOR UNEARNED PREMIUMS $415,496,923 RESERVE FOR LOSSES 1,150,554,701 RESERVE FOR TAXES 5,413,537 FUNDS HELD UNDER REINSURANCE TREATIES 0 OTHER LIABILITIES (179,492,1741 TOTAL LIABILITIES $1,391,972,987 CAPITAL: SPECIAL SURPLUS $187,300,000 CAPtTAL: 928,692 SHARES, $4.85 PAR VALUE 4,503,671 CAPITAL: PAID IN 129,098,600 SURPLUS (UNASSIGNED) 179,277,545 SURPLUS TO POLICYHOLDERS 500,179,816 TOTAL $1,892,152,803 (-EXCLUDES PREMIUM MORE THAN 90 DAYS DUE.) STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA John P, Taylor, being duty swam, says that he is Vice President t4 Westchester Fire Insurance Company and that to the best of his knowledge and belief the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the said Company's fiiancial condition as of the 31 st day of December, 2004. Sworn before me this 27th day of April. 2005. 5V Vii;6 President /short forms 2003Aovfird COMMONWEALTH Of PENNMVANA Member, Pennsvlvanis Association Of Notaries My commigsion expires POLICYHOLDER DISCLOSURE NOTICE OF TERRORISM INSURANCE COVERAGE amed Insured Endorsement Number Walsh Constriction, Inc. Policy Symbol Policy Number Policy Period Effective Date of Endorsement TO SepUmber 20, M ISSUea Lly uManle OT insurance Companyt WESTCHES ER FIRE INSURA U fflfMY THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. You should be aware that under the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002.("The Act") effective November 26, 2002, any losses caused by certified acts of terrorism under your existing coverage may be partially reimbursed by the United States under a formula established by federal law (applicability is subject to the terms and conditions of each individual policy). The Act was specifically designed to address the ability of businesses and individuals to obtain property and casualty insurance for terrorism and to protect consumers by addressing market disruptions and ensure the continued availability of terrorism coverage. Under the terms of The Act, you may now have the right to purchase insurance coverage for losses arising out of acts of terrorism-, as defined in Section 102(i) of the Act: The term "act of terrorism" means any act that is certified by the Secretary of the Treasury, in concurrence with the Secretary of State, and the Attorney General of the United States -to be an act of terrorism; to be a violent act or an act that is dangerous to human Iffe, property; or infrastructure; to have resulted in damage within the United States, or outside the United States in the case of an air carrier or vessel or the premises of a United States mission; and to have been committed by an individual or individuals acting on behalf of any foreign person or foreign interest, as part of an effort to coerce the civilian population of the United States or to influence the policy or affect the conduct of the United States Government by coercion. Responsibility for Compensation under The Act is shared between insurance companies covered by The Act and the United States. Under the formula set forth in The Act, the United States pays 90% of covered terrorism losses exceeding the statutorily established deductible, which is paid by the insurance company providing the coverage. We are providing you with the terrorism coverage required by The Act. We have not established a separate price for this coverage; however the portion of your annual premium that is reasonably attributable to such coverage is: Jq..a Author' dAgent TRIA12 (5/03) SECTION 00630 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE CONTRACTOR shall insert his own standard form for Certificate of Insurance. 7/96 Section 00630 Page 1 ACORDA CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANC4 OP ID S DATE(MMIOWYY) ALSH-1 1 06 09 05 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE Business Insurance Agency, Inc HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR 353 vets Memorial Hwy ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Commack NY 11725 Phone.-631-864-2200 Pax1631-864-3344 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURED INSURER A: Scottsdale Insurance Company INSURERS: Landmark American Insurance Co Walsh Constructign Inc INSURERC: Zurich American Insurance Co. 4828 No. St. Louls Ave INSURERD: Travelers Property Casualty Loveland CO 80538 INSURER E: COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSRI LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER DATE MIDDIYY DAT AIMIDPOLICYEFFECTIVE LIMITS A GENERAL LIABILITY % COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS MADE O OCCUR x incl.contr. liab. BCS0010321 05/01/05 05/01/06 EACH OCCURRENCE 61,000,000 FIRE DAMAGE (Any we fire) $100,000 MED EXP(Any one person) $ 5, 000 PERSONAL S ADV INJURY $1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $2, 000, 000 GENL AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: POLICY x JEPRO-CT 7 LOC PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $1,000,000 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON -OWNED AUTOS COMBINED SINGLE LIMB (Ea bmident) $ BODILY INJURY (Per person) S BODILY INJURY (Per awl) S PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per actlxnU S GARAGE LIABILITY ANY AUTO AUTO ONLY -EA ACCIDENT S OTHER THAN EA ACC AUTO ONLY: AGG S $ EXCESS LIABILITY OCCUR CLAIMS MADE DEDUCTIBLE RETENTION $ EACH OCCURRENCE S AGGREGATE $ S $ S B WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITY WC768-44-20 04/01/05 04/01/06 WC S LIMITS ER X I E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $500,000 E.L DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $500,000 E.L. DISEASE -POLICY LIMIT S500, 000 OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATKNWILOCATIONSNEHK:LESfEXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENTISPECIAL PROVISIONS Additional Insured: The City of Fort Collins. • i A �V.,�v,� FTCOLLI SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL --3 Q_ DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL City Of Fort Collins IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER ITS AGENTS OR 215 North Mason Street Fort Collins CO 80522 REPRESENTATIVES. cc R- d Qt O O Ch 0 � Q r —75_ d Q1aYFrnm � _ s ,� Q= N l xi IMPORTANT If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the poticy(ies) must be endorsed. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such andorsement(s). (911*$111 Vi�4q. The Certificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract between the issuing insurer(s), authorized representative or producer, and the certificate holder, nor does it affirmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon. SECTION 00635 CERTIFICATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION TO: CITY OF FORT COLLINS (OWNER) DATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION: PROJECT TITLE:5921 Children's Garden at the Gardens on Spring Creek PROJECT OR SPECIFIED PART SHALL LOCATION: Fort Collins, Colorado INCLUDE: OWNER: City of Fort Collins CONTRACTOR: CONTRACT DATE: The Work performed under this contract has been inspected by authorized representatives of the OWNER, CONTRACTOR, and the ENGINEER and the project (or specified part of the project, as indicated above) is hereby declared to be substantially completed on the above date. A tentative list of items to be completed or corrected is appended hereto. This list may not be exhaustive, and the failure to include an item on it does not alter the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to complete all the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. ENGINEER AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE The CONTRACTOR accepts the above Certificate of Substantial Completion and agrees to complete and correct the items on the tentative list within the time indicated. By: CONTRACTOR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE The OWNER accepts the project or specified area of the substantially complete and will assume full possession of the specified area of the project at 12:01 a.m., on responsibility for heat, utilities, security, and insurance under Documents shall be as set forth under "Remarks" below. CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO By: OWNER REMARKS: project as project or The the Contract AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE 7/96 Section 00635 Page 1 SECTION 00640 CERTIFICATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE TO: Gentlemen: 20 You are hereby notified that on the day of , 20 the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, has accepted the Work completed by for the City of Fort Collins project, 5921 Children's Garden at the Gardens on Spring Creek. A check is attached hereto in the amount of $ as Final Payment for all Work done, subject to the terms of the Contract Documents which are dated In conformance with the Contract Documents for this project, your obligations and guarantees will continue for the specified time from the following date: Sincerely, OWNER: Citv of Fort Collins By: Title: ATTEST: Title: 7/96 Section 00640 Page 1 SECTION 00650 LIEN WAIVER RELEASE (CONTRACTOR) TO: City of Fort Collins, Colorado (OWNER) FROM: (CONTRACTOR) PROJECT:5921 Children's Garden at the Gardens on Spring Creek 1. The CONTRACTOR acknowledges having received payment, except retainage from the OWNER for all work, labor, skill and material furnished, delivered and performed by the CONTRACTOR for the OWNER or for anyone in the construction, design, improvement, alteration, addition or repair of the above described project. 2. In consideration of such payment and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, the CONTRACTOR voluntarily waives all rights, claims and liens, including but not limited to, mechanic's liens, Miller Act claims (40 U.S.C.A. 270 a and b), stop notices, equitable liens and labor and material bond rights which the CONTRACTOR may now or may afterward have, claim or assert for all and any work, labor, skill or materials furnished, delivered or performed for the construction, design, improvement, alteration, addition or repair of the above described project, against the OWNER or its officers, agents, employees or assigns, against any fund of or in the possession or control of the OWNER, against the project or against all land and the buildings on and appurtenances to the land improved by the project. 3. The CONTRACTOR affirms that all work, labor and materials, furnished, delivered or performed to or for the construction, design, improvement, alteration, addition or repair of the project were furnished, delivered or performed by the CONTRACTOR or its agents, employees, and servants, or by and through the CONTRACTOR by various Subcontractors or materialmen or their agents, employees and servants and further affirms the same have been paid in full and have released in full any and all existing or possible future mechanic's liens or rights or claims against the project or any funds in the OWNER'S possession or control concerning the project or against the OWNER or its officers, agents, employees or assigns arising out of the project. 4. The CONTRACTOR agrees to defend and hold harmless the OWNER, the lender, if any, and the Surety on the project against and from any claim hereinafter made by the CONTRACTOR'S Subcontractors, materialmen, employees, servants, agents or assigns against the project or against the 7/96 Section 00650 Page 1 OWNER or its officers, employees, agents or assigns arising out of the project for all loss, damage and costs, including reasonable attorneys fees, incurred as a result of such claims. 5. The parties acknowledge that the description of the project set forth above constitutes and adequate description of the property and improvements to which this Lien Waiver Release pertains. It is further acknowledged that this Lien Waiver Release is for the benefit of and may be relied upon by the OWNER, the lender, if any, and Surety on any labor and material bonds for the project. Signed this day of , 20 CONTRACTOR By: Title: ATTEST: Secretary STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTY OF LARIMER ) Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 20 , by Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: Notary Public 7/96 Section 00650 Page 2 SECTION 00660 CONSENT OF SURETY TO: City of Fort Collins, Colorado (hereinafter referred to as the "OWNER") CONTRACTOR: PROJECT: 5921 Children's Garden at the Gardens on -Spring Creek CONTRACT DATE: In accordance with the provisions of the Contract between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR as indicated above, for (Surety) on bond of hereby approves of the Final Payment to the CONTRACTOR, and agrees that Final Payment to the CONTRACTOR shall not relieve the Surety Company of any of its obligations to the OWNER, as set forth in the said Surety Company's Bond. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Surety Company has hereunto set its hand this day of , (Surety Company) By ATTACH: Power of Attorney and Certificate of Authority of Attorney(s)-in- Fact. 7/96 Section 00660 Page 1 SECTION 00670 APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE DR 0172 (12198) 6 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE DENVE CO 81 (303) 232-2416 CONTRACTOR APPLICATION 2-2l18 FOR EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE Rursuantto Statute Section 39 M114(1xa)QaX) DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE The exemption certificate for which you are applying must be used only for the purpose of purchasing construction and building materials for the exempt project described below. This exemption does not include or apply tothe purchase or rental of equipment, supplies, and materials which are purchased, rented, or consumed by the contractor and which do not become part of the structure, highway, road, street, or other public works awned and used by the exempt organization. Any unauthorized use of the exemption certificate will result in revocation of your exemption certificate and other penalties provided by law. Aseparate certificate is required for each contract. Subcontractors will not be issued Certificates of Exemption by the Department of Revenue. It is the responsibilty ofthe prime contractor to issue certificates to each of the subcontractors. (See reverseside). FAILURE TO ACCURATELY COMPLETE ALL BOXES WILL CAUSE THE APPLICATION TO BE DENIED. .egatratudAcrout No, to be assigned by erud 0170-750 (999) $0.00 ' p. rAPI-,89 As v . , n .'.; ,. , „s. .. . .. fade namef A'. t er, Partner. a corporzte name: almgaddress(City. Stae,Zip) omacl Person - . ail addross Federal Employer's Ideriblicabon Number id amount or your contact ax um er Business telephone mmbeC ora a tm.lding tax ...W num x. i Flame ot exempt organization jass own on con ae txemptorcianizalionsnumuer 98 - Addiofesemptorganizalion(City, State.Zip)_ Principal contact at exempt organization Pfmopal contact s telephone number. hysical location of project site (give actual address when applicable and cites andlor .oun ties) where project is located) slied,16d Month ay Yoar =t"'Itea Writ aY ear xstmdion a an date: a mVletbn data. � WRIW , f declare under penalty of perjury in the second degree dial die statements made in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. signature of cyaner, partner or corporate oficisr Fit, ef corporate officer- Dale - UV NVI VVKIIC [SCLVVY INIJ LINO Section 00670 Page 1 Special Notice Contractors who have completed this application in the past, please note the following changes in procedure The Department will no longer issue individual Certificates of exem ption to subcontractors. Only prime oontrac- tors will receive a Contractor's Exemption Certificate on exempt projects. Upon receipt of the Certificate, the prime contractor should make a copy for each subcontractor involved in the project and complete it by filling in the subcontractor's name and address and signing it. The original Certificate should always be retained by the {rime contractor. Copes of all Certificates that the prime contractor issued to subcontractors should be kept at the prime contractor's place of business for a minimum of three years and be available for inspection in the event of an audit. Once an 89tf has been assigned to you, please use the next five numbers following it for any applications submitted for future projects. This should be your permanent number. For instance, if you were assigned 89- 12345-0001, every application submitted thereafter should contain 89-12345 on the application. The succeed- ing numbers will be issued by the Department of Revenue. DO NOT enter what you believe to be the next in sequence as this may delay processing of your application. Section 00670 Page 2 SECTION 00700 GENERAL CONDITIONS GENERAL CONDMONS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT These G12,JLRAL CONDITIONS have been developed by using, the STANDARD GENERAL. CONDITIONS OF THE CONSIRUt-MON CON -TRACT prepared by the Engineers Joint Contract Documents (7otttmittu, EJCLIC Na. '1910-8 (1990 I3dition), as a I se,- Changes to that document are shown by underlining text that has been added and striking through text that has been deleted. Ii3CDC (117 s W. CONDITIONS 1910-8 (1991) EDITION) WI'I`I-I cn Y OF FORT COLLINS MODIFICA I IONS (I2F V 9/99) Children's Garden at the Gardens on Spring Creek Fort Collins, Colorado BID # 5921 OWNER City of Fort Collins 300 Laporte Avenue Fort Collins, CO 80522 CITY OF FORT COLLINS FACILITIES PROJECT MANAGER Steve Seefeld, CCCA (970) 221-6227 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER EDAW, Inc. PROJECT MANAGER Mark Kosmos, LA (970) 484-6073 PURCHASING SENIOR BUYER John Stephen, CPPB (970) 221-6777 TABLE OF CONTFNTS OF GFW.RA1. COMMONS Article or Paragraph Page Article or Paragraph Number & Title Number Number & Title DrFIMTICX4,9 ........ I'l Addenda...., ..... 12 Agreement ....... ................ 13 Application for Payment. . ...... . I. IA Asbestos 1.5 Bid ........ .. .... ...... L6 Bidding Documents... L7 Bidding Requirements,, 1.8 Boacls ___ ..... ...... ...... 1-9 Change Order, _ . ."I 1,10 ContractDocumcnis, 1.11 Contract Price 1.12 Contract Times 1-13 (,',OWPA(.T(.)R 1.14 dqf4?cfiW ..... ................ j 1.15 Drawings , _., ,,_,__I , _3 1,16 Effective Date of the Agreement_ _I 1,17 E13OMER.111 -1 1.18 EN(JINFER's Consultant. 1.19 Field Order, 120 General Rcqutrornetxts, 12 1 Hazardous Waste 2 1,21a Law's and Regulations, 1.aws ol Regulations.... ......... .. . I 22,b Legal Holidays 1.23 Liens 124 INfilestone Ili Noacc of Award 1.26 Notice to Proceed 2 1.27 OWNER, 129 Partial Utilization L29 PCBS, _ ...... 2 130 Petroleum, 1,31 Project 1,31a Radioactive Malerini 1 311) Regular Working Flours 2 13.1 Resident Project Repro, nl;!f iu• 1.34 Samples-, 135 Shall) Firawings, 1.34 *5pecificamns 1.37 Subcontractor_ 119 Sulxa alit tal Completion 139 Supplementar% Conditions 1,40 5ki1-4)11ci 1.41 Underground facihioN 2-3 1,42 Unit Price Work, ....... ..... ..... 3 143 Wak. 3 1.44 Work ['hinge Directive 3 L45 Written Amendmerit Page Number PRELDVIINARY MATTERS ..... 3 11 Delivery of Bonds........._. _ ........ j 22 Copies of DisumcnLI...................__.3 1; Commencement of Contract Times; Notice to Proceed,........_..,.. 3 14 Starting the Work ...... 2.52,7 Before Starting Construction: CONTRACIOWs Responsibility to Repeat; Preliminary Sroheciile% Delivery of Certificates of Insurance_...._ _ .....................__3-4 'S Preconstruction ConferciuX ... 4 2.9 Initially Acceptable Schedules_ A CONMACT DOCUNS-NITS: MENT, AMNDING, REVS9 ... ....... 3-1-3,2 Intent 'to "ait-d,Sp'cc"i�', 4 3.3 Reference Standards tications of Technical Societies; Reporting and Resolving Dis- erepaticieg ...... __ ....... ..... ____4-5 34 Intent of Certain Terms or Adjectives 35 Amending Contract Docurtents.-I 3 05 Supplementing Contract Documents, , - ................... ....... . 5 37 Reuse of Documents AVAdj'ABrLjllY' OF f,ANDS S1.1ISURFACE iV-Q) PHYSICAL COMTIONS RFFE-,RFN,(','E POINTN . . ..... .... 5 4.1 Availability of Lands ..... 3.6 4.2 Subsurface and Physical Conditions_.... . ...... .. 6 4_1 1 Reports and Drawings_ ......... 4.2.'. lamiwd Reliance by (X)N'rRA('- TOR Authorized; Technical Data 4 �3 notice of Differing SuLv;urfacc Of Physical (1,011ditit)M .................. is 4,2A ENGIINEER's Review .......................a 4 2 5 Possible Contraot Documents Change_ . . ...... _ - . , .., , , ,, 6 4_16 kyssible Price and Times Adjustmerlt* - 1 1 0-7 43 Physical Condtions.-Undergiound 43,11 Shown or Indicated 43,2 2 N", Shown or Indicated. 44 RefetenccPoints, (11,NTRA6 COMMIORN 19t0-8(1990 VIA noNi W, CITY Or FORT Article or Paragraph Page :article or paragraph Page Number 3'a Title 'dumber 'Number & Title Number 45 Asbestos. PCBs, Petroleum, Hazardous Waste or Radioactive Material ? 8 5, 13ONDS AND INSURANCE ....... .......... .._- ........ . 8 S.1-5.2 Performance, Paymcnt and Other Bonds ........ .... ........ .... .............. ..., S Licensed Sureties and Insurcrs; Certificates of Insurance 8 5A CONTRAC7TOR's Liability l nsurance......................................... 9 55 Cil4NEWs Liability Insurance, 9 56 Property Insurance......... 53 Boiler and Machinery or Addi- tional Property Insurance ......_.__Ict 5.s Notice of Cancellation Provision......, ltl 59 CONTRACTOR'sResponsibility for Deductible Amounts. ... ....... 516 Other Special Insurance„ 3.11 Waiver of Riots ............. . .............11 5A2-5.13 Receipt and Application of Insurance Proceeds ..................... 10-I1 5.14 Aco+:pumce of Bonds and losu- ance; Option to Replace, _ _ __ _. _...11 5.15 Martial Utilization --Property Insurance._..,... _._...,....,_............:_.. tl E. CO`�`IH,��t"IC3R'Sk&SE'ti\'511;1I.7'tIF.3 Supervision and Supenowndolec. -„. E1 Labor, Materials and Equipment 11-12 6.6 Progress Schedule,..,,..,._... 6.7 Substitutes and "Or -Equal' Items. ( v)'-RACTOK's Expcnse; Substitute Construction -Methods or Procedures: ENOINEER's Evaluation,... __.._.,.12-13 6.s-6. i 1 Concerning Subcontractors. SuppliersandOthers; Winver of Rights _.13-14 6 12 Patent Fes. and Ruy4hic,................. ;14 fi_13 Peanuts .. 14 t5.14 taws and Regulations .......__.... 14 6.15 lases- ...___. 14-IS 6.16 Use ofNemises......_...._.______._..15 6.17 Sstc CLeanllness , _-.,-.. ._-..__,.., 15 ct,Is Safe Structural Loading. _._. 6.19 RevordDocunents__. i5 6211 Satetvand Protection .__ 6.21 Safety Represcrawtive 16 522 Eia�ardC:Cmntunicatianlh ,rams:,,, 16 16 G_94 Shop Ehawingsand Samples- ....___.16 6>5 Submittal Proceedures, CON- TRACTOR's Review Prior to Shop Drawing or Sample Subminat-.......... _..,_.._.... .16 6.26 Shop Drawing &- Sample Submit- tals Review by ENGINEER.. _.16- 17 627 Responsibility for Variations From Contract Document's ..... ....17 (i Z8 Related Work Performed Prior to E;NGI' 7EER's Review and Approval of Required Submittals.- .......,.._._.__.....__...17 6.29 Continuing the Work, , _., _._. 17 6.30 CONTRACTOR'S General Warranty and Guarantee 6.31-633 Indemnification_ _ . __. 17-18 634 Survival of Obligations....._ ...... ..._...18 7. O'I'HERWORK._ ..... ._...... _ 1` TI-7.3 Related Work at Sac, 13 7.4 Coordination is 8. OWNF,R'SRHSPONSTRIT-MRS ....... .........JS Is, i Comm vmtcuttwls to C)iv- TRACTOR_ __. _ .. Is S_2 Replacement of ENGINEER,_,. ._,18 8.3 1 utnish Data andPay Promptly When Due _.... ......__............1s S.4 bands and E,.asrmerm: Reports and Tests __.... - .19-19 8.5 _ Insurance 1`) 8.6 Change ()rtErs_, 19 8 7 lnsiecnons. Tests and ;;. S "'top of SUNpcnd work, TerminateC NTRAC.IOR's Services 1,inlilallons on OWM-." Respunslhilities 19 R IC) Aslxtitcn, PCRs. Petroleum, Hazardous Wastc of Radioactive Material , l9 NA I ht idence of I'manoill set-angcmeltts.. .._ _._.19 S'tRI C'tION 9.1 C? VM;R`R Representative 92 Gisif kWkite„-_.__ v).,: il'nlect RGpresentnuve __,. 10-17 ') 4 Clarifications and Int,rTpre- tations............ _.__ ... _......., _.21 4.5 Authorized Vat iau(na in NVwk.. '1 U(I) ' OLNFR AL t ONI N t SUN" C+111-8 0 "O t 01110N) w 0 rY OF PORT 0OLMN4 MOT)1P-h:An Si; ,'79"i°) Article or Paragraph page Article or Paragraph Number &Title Number Number & Title N90 Number 9.6 RejectingLieftefive Work ........ ')1 13,8-13.9 Uncovering Work at ENGI- 9,7-9.9 Shop Drawings, Change Orders NEER!s Request ..... .......... __ 27-28 and PaM ent s,. , . ....... __ ... __ ... ........ _21 13,10 OWNUM ?&Y Stop the Wiyk_ .28 910 Determinancris fcx Unit Prices,__21-22 13 11 Correction or Removal of 9. 11.9,12 Decisions on Disputes: LN01. L)?Jeciive Work NEER as Initial Interpreter,,, 22 13.12 Correction Period_,..., ........ . .... .... 28 9.13 Limitations on ENGINERWs 11.13 Acceptance, ofLiefective Work_ ., .28 Authority and Pespansibilitic.... �22-23 13,14 OWNER May Correct Defective Work........-... .... 28-29 CIIANGfi9 IN TITE WORK I _ 23 10.1 OWNERs Ordered Charipc ................23 14. PAMiNTSTO ('01VIXACTOR AM 10.2 Claim for Adjustment .... ..................23 COMPLETION ........ 20 10.3 Work Not Required by Contract 14 t Schedule of Values,...._._ ... ..... .. ... 29 Documents. - , ,, ,, - . ...... .. . 23 14,2 Application fur Progress 10A Change Orders . .......... ... ... . ...... 23 Payment...._._..... ........ ....... ...... 29 10,5 Notification of Surety,,. , ... ... 2-3 143 CONTRACTORs Warranty of Title --29 CHANGE OF (X,)KTPA(T FRIC3 ....... 21 14.4,14,7 Review 4 Applications for (."onlract, Price" Claim fir Progress Paymcnts_.. ........ 2930 Adjustment; Value of 14.8-14.9 Substantial Cornpletiw_.., the, Work_. 14,10 Partial Utilization.. .. ... ..... ... 30-31 1 iA Cast of the Work ...........................2425 14.11 Final Inspection............,.., ............. )I 11.5 EXCIUS10113 it) Cost of the Work. ...... _ _25 14.12 Final Application for Nymenl_ 31 116 15 14 11,!4 14 ftnaltymrntauctAcceptan 11 11.7 CastRi:Lords 25-26 14.15 Waiver ofOlsims— —31-32 11's Cash Allowances_. .... ... 26 119 Unit Price Work 0, SUSI%NSION OFWORK AND TERMMNATION._....... ........................... .32 04ANGE OF CONTRACT I JIME S ......... ...............26 15A OWNER May Susperic! Work ... ...... 32 U I Chinn for Adjustment 26 13 2-13 4 OWNER MayTermirmte 32 112 Time of (he Essence ... ..... . ... ... ' 16 15.5 CONITRJACI'OR May Stop 1-1.3 Delays Beyond COINTRACTORs tk ork or Terminate . .... .. .. 32-331 Coovol, 26-27 12.4 rmays Beyond OWNER's and 16 DISM 7F RHISOLI "!EON , ......... ............. 33 CONTRACTOR'S Control,,,,,,,,,,,,, 27 17, MISCELLANEDUS 33 TESTS AND MPEK"T IONS; CORRECTION, 17.1 Giving Notice, 33 REMOVAL OR ACCEVIANCE OF 17.2 ('01ripulation of Times 33 WORK 27 17 1 N)g ice of Clain) 13 131 Nouce .. ..... .......... 1)7 17,4 U111tilatvc kmedie!k ... _ ................ 33 13. Nev emtothcWork 27 17-5 Profesmonal Fees and Court 133 I -gists and inspections: Costs Included 33 CQNTR,kC 1016 Cooperation_ .27 17.6 Applicable StateLaws 33-34 114 OWNSR!s Responsibilities, lnteriiionall} tell blank, ... ... ..... . 35 tndeperident'Fe,siing Laboratory 27 13,5 CONTRACTORs FMINTGC-A. (Optional) Re-sponsibiltite,,i, 27 Dispute RSoltjtjonAgreenient GC -Al 7 Covering Work Prior to Inspec- 16 1-16,o Arbitration GC —AI Lion, Testing ca .Approval.-.......,_._27 161 'Mccliatiou, . ... .. ... .... {w,A I - iV 1-.,R'JX'[It ;%H'AL CONDMONS 1910.8 M") 1,01 110N) CITY OUFORT COLUNSOMFICATIOM (REV %"M TNDEX TO GENFRAT. CONDITIONS Criv of Fort Collins modifications the General Conditions of the Construction Contract are not shown in this index Article or Paragraph Number Acceptance of Braids and insurance .......................... __ ........ :,),14 deftellve Work .. ...... ......... )it 4 1, 13 5, 1.1 Il final payment Y-12 14.15 insurance,... ... ........... .. .. . .. ... ..... 14 other Work, by (_6,,qrRACT0R T3 Substitute,,; and -()r_F,(luaj- Item . . .. .............6 7 1 Work by .... ... ... ...... _2. 5, 634 6.34 Access to the -- Lands, (,)%Ni-,R and (7,(wf R.N(-,roR responsibilities,,,. . , site, related \xork .__.....72 W,rk, 13,2, 13.14, 149 Acts or Om iss)(ins, Acts and Otnvqsions CONTRACTOR .6 91, 9,13 3 , ENGINEER 20, 9.1 -1 3 Q.20, 8.9 Addenda--detainjon of (also'we definition of SNcifications) ... ..(16- t it), 6 PY). I I Additional Property tnsurnnoes... .... .......... .. ...... 5 7 Adjustments— ('onriact 1) ice cff Contract 'times L il 3.5. 4 1, 4.3.2. 4.5.2. 4 i 3 9 4, 9 i, 10 1 - I o -1. lt. 12. 14. 8, 15 I progress sclieduie Agreement— definition ol..............................._........._.....___. "All -kick" tnscaunee- potjcl fern) 5.",2 Allowances, Cash 11 X Amending Contract rkicuments Amendment. WrittCri in aeneral 1 lo, 1-45, IS, 5 10. 5 1-, 6 6 ."(0-2, 6 l9, M I, to 4- It 111, 0 112, 14,7' Appeal- (AVNFR or ('()\I'RA('rOR intent to o, t I - 16, 4, 1e.2, tti_; Appltc,awn for Pwymew-- definilical of HNOINF.HR's Re%ponsihility.11 1) 9 final payment, 0 13 4, 9 13 i, 14 1 '--14 1 in Lcrieral 2.9, 3,(,4, 9. 10. 1 progress plymolt rev ions of_ 144-14 7 Mlitrallon . .. . .. .. . ....... Asbestos._ claims rUrsuarit thereto, 4 ()R UULII(Irized twsiq, Work 4_5 definition or _.1.4 Article or Paragraph Number OWNRIZ responstbi lily foa. ........ ............ . ... 4.51,8 10 possible price and times change ... ....... ....3.5.2 Authorized Variations in Work,,...... 3.6, 625, 6.27, 9.5 Availability of Lands_ 4.1, 8.4 Award, Notice or --defined., ..... ...... 1 15 Before Starting C(nistructiork ....................... 25.1.8 Did --definition of . ..... .. _ , . .11.5 (1,1, 1 10, 2.3. 3 3, _4.2,6,4, 6,13, 11.4.3, 11,9.1) Bidding Docurntnts—definition of ... .... 1 6(6-8.2) Bidding Requirements. -definition of.......... Bonds -- acceptance of 5 14 additional bonds_ 10.5. Cost of the Work.,__ 11, 5 4 &finiti(m. of do j vaTy )( , � _. � . ........ _ ........... 1, 5,: final Application for Payment I . 14 12_14 14 general ........ ........ I.lq i,I-53, 3,13, 9.13, 10A 14.7.0 Performance, Payment and Other Z Buildei's risk 'all-risk' policy form 62 Can-ollation Provisions, Insurance, A4.11, 18. S, I Cash Allowunces___ ........................... .. ......... 11 i_'ejjifjQatc of Substantial Ccrinpiclion 138, 6.3(j.2.3. 14 S. 14 Ifl ''citificriles of Inspection, 9113A, 13,45, 14 12 Ovrtrfi.ate,s of Insurance 27, i3, 54,11, 5 4,13, i, 5-8, 5,14, 4 1' J 14 1 Change In Cowill act Price— Cash A] lowances, c !aim for price adjustment ..4 1. 4.2,6, 4.5, .5 15, 6,' 8. 2, 9,4 .),9,11, 011, 10j7 130. 3,13, 13 14, 143, 1 i I, I i C(NIRNCTOR's fee., .... .. ....... . !L6 Cost of the Wi-wk general , , , _ ., I'll 11 H.4-11.7 E,xclusions to ..... ... . 11.5 Comet Necords It 7 In (mlerai .... 19, 1 44, Q,l L 10A 2, 1043.11 1,11111p Sort Priced _ ...... .. .. ....... . .. 11 3 2 Notification ofSurety- ]o S Scope (A. Testing and laspe"wil, (Tllcovermg tilt Wort, tXTXf t1-,N[ - t_Al, CONDI thl_oV, PM I -X(IT)k' I I a I I ('�) W�, {M ,'-T roar r-oLuNs memiric % rv""i WX, ) Unit Price Work-- _11 .................... ---- JL9 Article or Paragraph Number umber Value of Work .... ___ ...... ............ ....... ....... )1,3 Change in Contract Times, Claim for lanes adjtvitmi cnt___A. 1, 4.2,6, 45, 5.15, 6.8.2, 9.4, 9.5, 9.1 L 10,2, 10.5, 12-1, 1. 13.9, 13.13, 13,14, 14.7, 13. 1, 15.5 Contractual firn e lim ittf _ � ............ ......... ____,12.2 Delays beyond CONTMACTORs control Delays beyond OWNER's and CONTRACTORs control Notification ofsurety, ............... ................ 10,5 Scope of change .... .... .... ... ... ... 10.3-10.4 Change Ordeqs Acceptance of Defective Work ... ........ 13.13 Amending Contract Docwncnt4 .......................... I Cash 8 Change of Contract Price ......... ..... ... ....... Change of Contract Chang" in the 'Work .... ............. CONITRACTOKs fee, - � ....................................11.6 Cv,x of the Work... ........................... ........ 11,4-11,7 Cost Records _11-7 definition of, 1.a emergencies .... ........ 23 F"N'GINEFRs responsibility ... ... 9,8, 10A. 11.2, 12,1 execution of _ ...... ........_...10A Indeminfimort ................. ........ t, 12, 6,16, 0,31-6 33 himirarice- Bonds and 3 10, 511, 10 i (',AA,WLR may terminate, . .. ..... 15.1 15,4 OWNFR's Responsibility .. ...... .$.6, 10.4 Mysical Conditions,— U)surface and,............ ..... .......................... 42- Underground Facilities--..........,._,,,,,,,,,,,_„ Record Docurn ents. .6 19 Scope of Change. ... ......... ........ 10.3-I(JA SuIxititutes 6J.3, 6.8.2 Unit Price Work 11.9 Vahic of Work, covefoj bra .. .. ... __11 3 Changes in the Work .. ... .. .__.,....._.Iles Notiftcatiori ofsurety, 10,5 r_)WX[',,ks and CONTR-Ac I oRs resporl'ibih ties 10A Right to an adjustment, 10 Scope ofchange......_._ .... ....... _ HI 10 3-A Claims-- against CON MAC MR 6 16 against ENGINEER, against 0V\:NM-,'K' 6 1' Charge of Contract Price ....... 4, 112, Change ........... 9A, 121 CON-TRY'TOR's .... .. . 4,71,94,95.911, 10,2. 11 11 a� 12A, 131,9, 14.£ __15.1, 15.3, 17.3 (',OUTR,A(10Xs Fee I 1 1 1 .... I . J 1 6 Article or Paragraph Number CONTRACTOR'S I istality, . ..... __54, 6,12, 6 16, 6,31 CA)st of the Work 11,4,113 Decisions on Dispute4_ 11, 9.12 Dispute Resolution......... 16.1 Dispute Resolution Agreement.. . . ..... 16.1-166 FNGINE.ER as initial interpretur .. .................. Lump Sum Pricing-.. .... . . .. .... ceof Wi_ , N ., _ .... ............ ........ .. . .... , 1,73 OWN'ETs 4� 95, 9 11, 10. , 11. Z 11,9 4 1-19, 13.13,1114, 173 OWN1"It'sliability'. _ .... .... ....... ;_Si OWNER may refuse to make payment, 14.7 Professional Fees and Court Costs Included request for formal decision oq... ..... ............ ...... 9,11 Substauteftems", .6 7,1.2 Time Fxternilon J1 I Time requirements.. ... .. ..... . . __9A 1, 12.1. Unit Price Work_ .11,93 Ir"alue of .......... 11, 3 Waiver of --on Final .................14.14, 14,),) Work Change. Directive 10 1 wrium notice required .., I , 11, 2, 111 Clarifications and Interpretation;_, .. _3.6.3. 9.4, 9,11 Clean Site 6 17 Codesol Technical Societ)% Organisation or Association _1 3 3 Co mmcncenicnl of Contract I irnc.5.. Communications -- general 6. 2, Hazard Communication Prograims, 1) 22 Corn pletron Final Application for Payrnem.........................14 12 Final InVection 14AI Final Payment and Acceptance 14,13-14.1-1 partial Utilization !4A,) .Sub.,Aamial Completion ..... . .......138, 14 W,mvVi of OwIlIS" 4 1 i Ccqu putat Kitt of T im es 17 2 1-17 2 Concermno Sulwontractors, Suppliers and ( ithers initially acceptable schedujes Conflict. Ernor, Ambiguity, Discrepancy_ CoNTRACIORtokepoir 2 3, .1 .11 Constimiton- before �twting by CO�< I R,Wl OR onstrucoon %Lwhmor%, F,*.yuipment, ew 64 COmmutru,' the Wotk 29, W 4 Contract AniCtIdIlig... IJ( 1Y_'Eta Nk_KAL COMAONS 191).8 11990 On 110N) wr 0TY iR'% 9 99) Cash Allowances - .— ...... — I'll, 1 .118 Article or Paragraph Number Change of Contract Price_ ........ ............. II Change of Conmot Times, 12 Changes in the Work....-.,.....,.. ... ........ 10 4-1 check and verify, . . ....... ... ...... . Clarifications and lntapretatiom,, ... __ ... . ..... 3.2, 3.6, 9 4, 911 definition of 1,10 ENGINEER as initial interpreter of 9 11 ENMINEF'R as OWNER's representative............ 9,1 gcreraD Insurance-1. Intent 3,1-3 4 minor variations in the Work, 16 01ANER's responsibility to furnish data__.__ .83 OWNn'i responsibility to make Prompt payment.......,..._._......... 3, 14A, 14.13 precedence-..,,.. .... 1, 3 3 3 Record I3iocumen ts, -0119 Reference to Standards and Specifications of Technical 'Societics___ Related Wotk ..... .. ............ ........ .... . 72 keponing and Resolving Discret'Ninciez. 15, 3.3 Reuseof_. ,37 Supliltmenting J 6 fermination of LN(ANEERs EmploNwent 82 t#mt Price Work- ......... .. ..... . 11,9 3 6, F23.627 Vi1ns to Site, liNGIN'l-I'ER's Contract Price-- adiustirent of 15, 4, L 9 4, 10.3. 112-11,3 Chilllgs of I I . 11 .1 11 1 . it -Deeislon on Disputes ... ..... ......... ... ....... .. 9. 11 definition of 1,11 Contract Times— adiustnient of 5. 4.1. 9A. 10. 3, 1 Clianx,c of 12, 1 - 114 Cola mcnc-cintnt of C0N7R'AC'r0[t-- Acceptance of Insurance i14 9, Z Ccntutue Work 6- 29, 10.4 c<xwdinatiNii and scheduling 16.9' defintlion of I Lnmwd Reliance on Technical Data Authorized 4 2 2 ,\I,A% �hjl Work vi Terminate 115 prod d^ we access In other,,;, 7 2- 1 1 '33f,tik and Frotection 4 .4 1 6, It,, 6 1 N, 6,21-65 23, 7 13 2 Shq, T)r n ltuini� and ",ainple Review lll;,)r to Submittal,_.-..... Stop Work requirements..._.._..-. -4 S 2 C'MM-RA(,7fO[Cs-- Article or Paragraph Number Compen"tion 1-11,2 Continuing Obligation .... ......... ....... 14 15 (%fecfire Work ........ ..... . _ _ _9 6, 13.10-13,14 fluty to correct defective Work,.., .... ... ..... ....... 13.11 Mity to Report — Changes in the Work caused by limergency_ ,, ..... _ . ...... . ...... ... 4,23 OefecLs in Work of Others .............................7 3 Differing conditions—, Discrepancyin Underground Facilities not indicated,., Emergencies,... ..... ..... 6-23 Equipment and Machinery Rental, Cost of the Work ........ 11,4,53 Fed—Coit Plus_ ........ ..... .. _1 1,43.6, 11 i. 1, 11.6 General Warranty and Guarantee_ 630 Hazard Communication Programs Indemnification ...... l5,1 . 6.) (5, 6.31 -6 33 Inspection of theWork ............................... 73, 134 Labor, MlatcriaI3 and Equipment,.....,. 6 3-6 '; Laws and Regulations, Compliance by. 6,14,1 Liability Insurance, 5.4 Nuti,x of Intent to Appeal., obligation to perform and complete the Work ........ . ...... ... ..... ... p3l) PatentFees and Rox-altics, paid for tj.,_ .... .. . 12 Perfivniance and Other lik)nds ;.1 Permits, obtained and paid for 611 Pi ogress Schedule.--... .... 2.8, 2.9o.il, u, 29. 104.. 1 5 2, 1 Reque3t for firmal deeworion dispute :: .. ....... . .> Responsibilities -- Changes in the Work [0 1 Concerning Subcontractor.", suppliers and Others Continuing the Wcwk o to 4 CONFMACTOT6 expense .... ... .... e, 7 1 1� ,,OYrP,AC'rOR!s General Warranty and Guarantee ('34) CONI RACTOk s i cv iew prior to Shop Drawing or Sample submittal 6,2 C,(Nordination of Work..._ LNOINEJER,', evaluation, Substitutes or P(*4-41ial" Items 73 For Acts and Ornissiolls of Otherf, ' (, 1) 1-6 9 Gv deduv.tible',Im(iunts,inskirance general ............ ....... .... _ _ ., 6, 7 7 3. 8.9 Hazardous Communication Programs 6 Indemnification..,_..- 31 .6 ',-I Nil FX;W. r wmy or n,.,\':i iurw -j,qqk Labor, Materials and Equipment-...._ ,63-65 Laws and Regulations,_ 614 Liability Insurance.,_ ... ...... ... __ ............... 5.4 Article or Paragraph Number Nolice of variation from Contract Ducuments .. ....... ..... ...... ....... _ __4.27 patent Fees and Royalties, ......... ...... ,6.12 Permits-- , — ....... ..................................6.13 Progress Schedule,,. ...... ....... ,, i5.6 Record Documents—...."., .... ... 1-111.1 -.619 related Work performed prioc to ENGINEER's approval of required subafluals ............ safe structural leading, ..... ...... __ ...... . .. IS Safety and ftotwion, ..... ............. j6,20. 71. 132 )..' Safety Representative,.,__,_., . � , � .. .... .... 621 Scheduling the Work ..................................6.9.2 Shop Drawings and Samples... Shop Drawings and Samples Review bYENUNErR Site Cleanliness- 6.17 Submittal Nocedures 6. !q Substitute Construction mediods and Prix edure.R.— 7.2 Substitutes and "Or -Equal' Items, ...... ..... . I&TI Super interidencq ............. .. ..... _6,2 Supervision_....... _ ......... ..... .Survival of obligations ..... ...... ............. _-,6 34 Taxk,s 6, 15 Tests and ln,�jweiwns 135 To Report Lire iA)'Ihemjsc.s1 Review f1i Jor %) Shop Draxving or Sample SulAnitial ......... ...... 6 25 Right to adjustment for changes in the Work 102 rig ,ht io clarin 7.1, 9A, 9. 5, 9.11, lo, 2.11, 2- 1. 11.9, 11L 13.9, 14.8, 15.1, 15.5, 1743 Safety and llroteciwn 6120-6.22, 7.--. 11.2 Salety I2epresetlla ve . ...... __ .... ..... ... . _ 621 Shop Omwaiesand Samplers Submivals_, 6 24-6 ^S Special 11 4A Substitute Construction Methods and Prooedurcs..0 7 Substitutes and "or -Equal' Items, Lxpenw _ . . _ . � .......... _ _ _ _6.7.1. 03,2 Subcontractors, Suppliers and Other4_ , _ 6.3-6. 11 Sulxrviston and Superintendence,,,. 6,1, 02- 6.21 Taxes, Payment by. Waffurific3 and guarantees .. ....... . 6,3, 6,30 warrant; -'A I ak 14.3 Written XcAi.:e Required— Rejxirlsof Differing Sabsurfaco and Illy.slical Canditions... Subxianual Completion Ali Contractuat Liability Insurance 54,10 Contractual Time 111 Article or Paragraph Number Coordination-. CON7RAC,roRs responsibility,.. .. ........ .... ..0.9.2 Copies of Documents 17 Correction Period._..... 1112 Correction, Removal or Acceptance of Dqjecfive Work— in 10.4, 1, 13,10-13.14 Acceptance of IN/ective Work . ....... ...... _13.13 Correction, or Removal of Deftclive Work.. . . Correction Period...._ 13-12 OWNER May Correct Defective Work. 1114 OWNMER May Stop Work . ............................ ... 13.10 (,(Kt -- of Tests andinspettions.1-11 ... ...... 114 Records IL? Cost of the Work— Brinds, and insurance, additional ................... Cruffi Di9counO 11,4.2 (XKrRA( , 7OWs Fee Employee Expenses 11,4,5.1 Exclusions to 11.5 (Jencral 11.4-11. Hoine office and overhead expends., _1 L 5 Lonsscs and damoges 11 4, 5.6 Materials and equipment. — 11,41-2 Minor expenses,...... jL4.5.8 Payroll wsta on dianizes .... . .. . ... .... ...... 11.4.1 performed be 1143 Rec,jrd,, 11, i Rentals of voustravtjon equipment and machinery_ Royalty payinents, permits and license fees..._. ,,'tic office and temporary facitiue I IA-5-2 special (',xtstrltaiwN C I O'JR V'TOR's IAA Supplemental I L4.5 Taxes related to the Mirk IL4,5A rests and Inspection 13.4 r1adeDisC(RMI:; 11.4.2 1 -A iliues, fret and sanitary facilities,,,,,,,,,,,, 11.4,53 X>'orkaller reglaarhoUrSI-1- 1 1A 1 "overing Work 1 31.6-133 £'unvulattve Remedies I 74.17 5 Cutting. fitting and paiching 1 wort to Iv furniq]-icd In, (M-MiR 83 ],)a -- ' %definition of, 17 2 - DeMtOnS On DUSPUte,_ 9.12 iklective—definition of 1,14 -IwYecpve "oik— ;\Qceptarwe of 13,13 1-.AA x' 0KNh',kA1, COAX I ION" 1910 is -1 TY01- 1-CRT Correction or Removal of, .... 10.4 1, 1" 11 Correction Period, .1312 in general, .. ....................... .......13, 14.T 14,11 Article or Paragraph NumIxt Observation by FiNGINEER- ............................. 92 oWXrR &by Stop Work .... ......... Prompt Notice of Defects.,,,.... _.. ........ 13.1 Rejecting....,..._._ ....... ....... ....... ...... ...... - 9-6 Uncovering the Work ......... Ug Definitions ....... ............... -, 1 Delays --- ..... - ......... 41, 6,29,12.3-12,4 Delivery of Bonds .......... ........ .................... .. ... 11 D(livery of certificates of insurance ,.......... _ _ - - 2.7 Deterin matim's for Unit Prices ..... ....... . ........ 9. 10 Diff,ering Subsurface or Physical Conditions - Notice .4 2-3 , FNGINEFTVs Review - ......... ... ... .. .... "" 4 2A Possible Contract Documents Change._..... ..... 14 2 1 possible Mee and Times Adjustments, 4.2 o Discrepancies -Reporting and Resolving.. - .... ....... .. . .. 15, 33 6 14 2 Dispute Resolution -- Agreement ............. .......... ............ . - - 6 1- 16 6 Arbitration- 16 gcneraM Mcdiation. 1o.6 Dispute Resolution Agreement_ ..... to I - 10 6 Pi,,pi.acs, Decisions 1)), ENOM HR ..................9 11-9 1-' l.�cxalm elms -- Copies of Recordo.19 Reuse or ...... . . Drawings-dettilition of, Easements ........ --- .... - .... . . ........ .. Efreetivc Jaw or Agreement lcfinitioll qf .. ... I fi.mcrgenctes_ 1l:NGI'.\T.1-IR-- tis initial interpreter on dispute*_...... 0,11 1-2 definition of 1 17 Limitations on authority and responsibilitic'n, I I Replacement of-.... N Resident Project Representative tl I IS ENGINEER's- authority and resr-Kinsibility, limitations on I Authorized Variations in the Wcx4. Change Orders, responsibility for 7, 111. H. I' Clanircations and Interpretation* 3 e, 3, y 4 Decisions Car Dispulei_ de Oetive Work, notice of FA alua6(m of Substitute Items 1% 7 Liabitav it 3 0 1 Notic� VFoik is Acceptable 1413 Observatiom ................. o3ki ' 'l OWNER's Representative - ' 9A Payments to the CON T RAC T OR - Responsibility for., 9.9. 14 Recommendation of Payment .... .. .... _14A, 14.13 Article or Paragraph Number Responsibilities-4.imitatiojis on ..... . _ , 9,11-9.13 Review of Reports on Differing SubsurLace and physical Conditions ........ . .......... . ..... 4,24 -Shop Drawings and Samples, review responsibility ,asnus During C(instruction- author ized variations in the Work. 9.5 Clarifications and Interpretations . . .. ... ....... 94 Decisions on Disputes. 9,114 12 Determinations on Unit Price, ENGINEER as Initial Interpreter 9 11-9 11 EN,GT\T.ER!s Responsibilities, ....... 1-9.12 Limitations on ENIOINHER's Authority and ResIxalsibilitie's- . . .. ..... -9,A3 OWN Ms Representative 9.1 Project Representative ... ... .. 93 RelectingDe&c1riv Wckk Shop Di aNvinga, Change Orders and Payments 7.9 9 Visits to Site '9 U'rut Price determinafiow,. 9.14) Vtsit'5 to Site, 9,2 \Vlitico cOn-wilt I e'Vlred 9-1 Fquipirent, labor, MritcriaN and ........ ..............6 3.6, 5 Equipment rental, Cost of the Work It 4,5 3 Equivalent Mawrials and E.quipmen! 7 error or olmssions" '033 Fvtdence J Financial Ariangenients N"Il FxPlorritions of physical conditions .... . ....... 121 Fee, CONTRACTOR' --Cols Plus, .. ...... ..........I I Field order - definition of issued by LN(JINE-.E-R 3,0.1. lk5 Final Application for lla}ment 1412 hind inspection..... .14 11 Final Payment - and Acceptance 14 13-14,14 Pi lot to, for cash ullovances, 11.8 Gelln at PrO lhiujls 173-17.4 General Requirements: d6lailioll of " _ ,, , _ _ _ .. .... _ 1 24) principal iefaen�es to 6. o 4. o 6-6 7, 6,24 6tying Notice 171 Guiriarrec of W,4 k--by I1()\-TkAk'T0R 630, 14,12 Hazard Communication lli,*ararns 6 7- definition of., 21 general 4,{ fol. Io Indemnification,.._.,,,._.._._ .. Initially Acceptable Schedules. Inspection -- Certificates ol',;. _............... Final .......... .. .. 0,12, 6.16, 6.31-6.33 ........ 13.5, 14.12 14.11 Article or paragraph Number Special, required byH 1C11i'QLR...... .......... ........ 9:6 Teats and Approval ............................ R.7, 13.3-13.4 Insurance -- Acceptance of, by OWINER., ....... .... _.._ _.._., 5.14 Additional, required by changes III the Work,.._ ............. ......_ . Before starting the Work • . ............ . ........Z7 Bonds and --in general .........................._,...__--•--. Cancellation Provisions S.f Certificates of .............4,6.5, 5.$, 5.14, 9.13.4, 14A2 completed operations_ ...... ... „___....___..,.,.. 5.4.13 CO' TRACTOR"s liability, ..........:...�,.,..., ... ..... .5.4 COti MACTOR's objection to cuvcrage,.,,,.,,. ,,. 5.14 Contractual Liability_... ...... ...... -_...5A.10 deductible amounts, CONTKACTOKs responsibility ................ .............. .......... ....... u Final Applicalon for Payment....., _ ..........,,14-17 Licensed Insurers, .._..... ..,_............ ........_ 5.3 'Notice requirements, material Changes,,,,,,_-5.8, 103 Option. to Replace.._...._ .._.,...... __._.........5.14 other special insurances......._ ...........................5.I0 OWMR as fiduciary for insuredq,,,, „__„5 12%5.13 OWVt;R`s Liability .._ 5.' OWNERS Responsibility, Partial C'tdiration, Properly Insurance Pr%wrty _ I I 1__._ . __._ - _ IS('-510 Receipt and Application of Insurance ProceedS...._,.......................................3-12.5- 13 Special Insurance __.... _ _.._.... .... ..5.R) Waiver of Rights ...... ....... __...... ..... ..._5AI Intent ot:C.ontiactDvcwncnts.___.-. _.. ...._...-1,1-3.4 Interpretations and Clar(fic bons.... „j 6 3, 9 d Inv"- ilerti:a,s of phpstcal condaions..................... 4 Labor, Mitermk and Equiprnem, _. _..... ...... S.3-ES Lands -- and kaSCment', ...................... . .........X-4 rlxtulabilitycr.._...-.__.- .4,1, 8A Reports and rests, . ,., 1..,.1..-1.. , XA Laws and Regul-wwnns--Laws or Regulations -- Bonds - 5.1-5.2 Changes In the Cl'ork 10.4 cbnuact Dixturietits--- .... _......._,..-.. .1 t nt 1 k 7 t0k's Re'sptnsibditics _ 6 14 Cor.,-ction pericxl„te(actrve Wcwk_. Cost o[ the Work, taxes.. _.............. ._,_. definition of generafb 14 lndcmnihcatu,m ,_.... ._.. , 6.31-6 33 Insurance.._...._.....,,.,.:. _.................. ..... ..._...5 3 Precedence..__._... _.._.._11, 3.33 Reference to .................. ,,.......... _.,..,.... _..,..,.. 33.1 Safety and Protection ... ..... ... ............ ...6. 0, 13,2 Subcontractors, Suppliers and Others_ ,, ....6.".11 Article at Paragraph Numher Tests and Inspections..... _....... ......... . Use of Premises ................... Visits to Site, ..... Liability Insurance— Cc1N RArrOR'q..................:......................_.... Licensed Sureties and Inurers....,,, „ , ... ..... Liens -- Application for Progress Paytnent,...... _ _....... CONTRACTCIR's Warranty of Title ,- Final Application for Payment ..........................1 definition of ..................... Waiver of Claims Limitations on E1NCrMLR's authority and responsibilities..._.. .... limited Reliance by C'ONTR-ACTOR Authorized..................... _......... _,...... ... ........ 'ttaintenance and Operating Manuals -- Final Application for Payment, , ... , ...... 1 Manuals (of others) -- Precedence _.__... _._.__.3 Reference to in Ckmuact Document* ................... .Matermts and equipment -- tarnished by COMRACTOR .. .. _.. not incorporated in Work, .. . , .. .NWerials or equipment --equivalent Me-dtation (Optional)._....._ ... ..... ... -- Mil"on s--definition vC..........................._...:...._. TvWee llanecKw - computation of'rimes , Cumulative Remedies ..,..,...... Giving Notice - . ..... .. Notice of Claim, Professional Fees and Court Costs lnclud,-d .... Multi -prime contracts_ Not Shown or Indicated Notice of Acceptability of Project,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ..1 .............. . Award, definition of .................. ... _....... Claim ..... ........ L7erects,l3-1 [Affering Subsurface or Physical Conditions - 13.5 Ci.16 9.2 5.4 SS 5:3 141 14:3 4,12 l_23 4.15 9.13 q.12 4.12 1.3.1 f _3 14? 16.7 1.24 IT' 17.4 ITI 17_3 I75 7 4.a:2 4.13 1.25 17.3 4 _'A (,'living _ _ ,17.1 I "s and fnspections, _.__.._ .- 13-3 Variation, Shop DrawingandSample ..._._... ,6'27 �iotice to 1'raeeed— detinition of ..................... 1.2b giving EX.3-C't:J1vMAt, CQM]a7'IQh" 131n1 •s I199n EDI rt0NF Ali CITY 9P Ft?RT fl;C)Ll,r'€5 ,'r1t�[]tFlfiTTtt5N9 fPF.4 9,M) No6fication to Suretv ' 10.5 ' _0110,92 ry Obseations, by EN41NICE "R , , .. . (iccui,ancy of the Work._._ __ _ Is, 15, 6,30,14.14, 10 Ont i&sions or acts by CONTRACTOR, , _ . .... . 69,913 Open Peril policy form, Insurance . ........ . . .. 562 Option to Rep] ace .... ___ ......... ....... __ .......... 114 Article or Paragraph Number °Or Equal" Items ....... Other work 7 Overtime Work --prohibition of 6.3 OWNFR ACCq)tance 4defective Work ... ............ ....... J113 appoint an LN(.!fN.hER... ..... ... ., 8,2 H% 12-5 13 Availability of Lands. responsibility , - 4A definition of , , 1,27 data, furnish 83 May CorrectDo?%efive Work. ......... 14 May refuse to make pqYmewt 14,7 May Stop the Work. 10 May Suspend Work, 1'eralinate - - ,,, , , _Z, I'A'), l5,1-15-4 Pavivicnt, make prompt._.. $3, 14 4, 14.13 l3crformanwol'other work. 7-1 permits and licenses, rejuirem mits ... ... (03 purchased insurance reduiremems 3.6-5 10 ()W\I;Rs.. Acceptance of the 'Work 5 Change Orders, obligation to execute,l Y.ti, 104 Coordination ofthe, Work 74 lh',PUWS, request for decision, 9.11 fiispections, tests and approvals, 7 13.4 I.,oahtlay hlsurtmoe Nonce of Delect%, I Ropresoritgtive--During Construction, FINGN1411'.R's Status 91 Responsibilities-- AsIxMw. W,13a Petiolcurti, Hazurdous �N astv or Raflirxwtv, Mawual It' Change Orders ... .... .......... .... 6 Changes in the Work I �om m on icat ions I CONIRACTOR's icspunsibilvlic� $_9 Ofdunce of financial arruogemrris' inspections, tests and approNals 7 m5uranec _ ...... i kolds andmwment's 4 prompt paynicra by 8 uplacemeat of FiNGINEFR111 rq"-'r1_q and tests X 4 stop or suspend \Vork 8 N, I; I0 IN I tk�rmmate CONTRACTOR's NCIVICCS , , 3.8. I ' i'2 WIXMIte NPI'Cum"ItIve ....... �j I testing, independent 13.4 use or occupancy of the Work 5.15. 6.30.14. 14.10 written consent or approval required, 1, 63, 11A LA, IX, I ffLNFRAi ,,i N1 H I I (a " S 1410 A ( VOW El A 110%) W kTr1 OT R Rl I LL I \.; MOD 111 CA11 ONS (RJ IV j T) I SECTION 00020 INVITATION TO BID 07/2001 Section 00020 Page 2 Article or Paragraph Number written notice required..,._ __ ............. ?.1. 9-4. 9A 1. -1-1. . . ..... _IL2, 119, 14.7, 154 PCB3-- definition of general.......................................... .. 45 (AVINEWS responsibility for.,,...,. ___ .......... _8.10 Partial Utili7Ation- definition of general 6 K2.4, 14,10 Property Insurance - ......... ... .... 5,15 Patent Fixes and Royalties ....................................... . 6.12 Payment Bonds.. .... .. ............ ... ___ ....... ___ Payments, Recommendation of ... ----WA-147, 14,13 Payments to CQVIRACTOR, and Completion - Application for ProgxessPayments_ . ..... .. . .,14.2 CONTRACTOR's Warranty of Title , , .11 .. �143 Final Application for Payment ....... .......... j4,12 Final Inspection......,._ ........... , , . . ...... 1411 Final Ilavinent and AccepttmcC ....... 4,13-14 14 general , , , " , , , - " " -111. � .... 13-3, 14 Venial Vtdization-- - -, - , - , ..- 14 10 Rewmage........................... ..... _ .............. ....14.2 Rcnlc%v of Applications far ProgressPaymonts _ � ... .... .. .... . J44-147 prompt payment . .... ......... .. 83 Schedule of Values,,.,., 14.1 Substantial Completion,,, . ... .. ....... ... 14.8-14,9 kViliver of Claims� 1415 when payments duo ..............................14 4, 14 11 withholding payment Nrfuwniance Bonds - Permits 6, 13 definition of* 30 gw,nerbll ...... OWNY-R'.5responsibility, for__ .. ..... KO) Phymcat Conditions- Draivrng,,of;in or relating to_ .. .... 4 ' 1 2 E\*GVq-,!-W% roviovi-- ......... ....... ___ 4.24 e,,,J,Mjng sirwturesl 4-2 general 4 11.2 Notice of Differing Subsurface or,... 4,13 Poasiblc t%nitizwt Documents Change, ...... ... 4,2.5 Possible Price and "limes Adju&tnients.., kq,'oilS and Diaivinp .... ................ 4.2 1 Sub ., -mrlace and, _4,2 Sut�ure Conditions. 4 -' I I I edusicid MLimited Relunwe by COVI RM *TOR Authorized- 4 Unklererownd Facilities— ...... .. .... 3 "'Ot Shown cm- Indicated.... .... 432 Prot'-01M 1'.f_ 3, 6 21) Article or Paragraph Number Shown or Indicated, ........ ...... . .. ..... . 4,11 Technical Data 42 2 Pr000nstructim Conkxencq .......................... ........ 9 Preliminary Matters,,, . . ....... .. 2 Preliminary Schedules._._._ ............. .. ... .. 1.11---2.6 Premises, Use of.,_....,._..._._.. 6.16-6.18 Price. Change of Contrac( 11 Price, Contract -definition of I I Progress Payment. Applicaltions .... .. 14,2 Progress Payment-retainag; 14.2 Progress schedule, C.0NTRA(.-r0R`s_ ..... 6, 2, 8, 2 9, - -1 ... ---- 0.6. 6.2% 10.4, 15.11 Project-definution of, ........... . .. . ... 1,31 Project Representative- ENGINEERs Status During Construction .9. 31 Project Representative, Resident -definition of 1,33 prompt payment by MWEP . .....................................8.3 Property tnsurance- Additional i,7 gcneralS.6-5,10 Partial Utilization 5,15, 14, 10,2 receipt and application of proceeds,,,,,,,,,,,, ,12-5,13 NcAection, Safety and .............. ............ 112 Retch list 1-1 11 Radioactive 1�riatcrial-- defuntion of genera)4,5 OWNIR's responsibility f"_ ... ... .... Recoin mendation k-ii'Payin wt ....... .. ..... 14A 14-;, 14 11 Record Documents 19, 14.12 Records, procedweqfor maintaining, , Reference Points_ Reference to Standards and Specifications or Technical Socictics- .......... ...... . -3 3 Regulatiotis; Laws and00 .... ...... 6.14 Rejecting Dqfeefive Work Related Work - at Site Performed prior to Shop Drawings and Samples iubl,; 111ai's I 28 Rcmoifics, cumulative 17 4. 175 Removal or Correction ol'o"iecriv., kkork 1111 rental agreements, OWNER approval rCklUircd, If 45 3 replacement of ENGNEM by OWNER. ,8.2 Reporting and Resolving Discyep-ancjes, ........ 2 5. 13 2, o 14 Reports-' and Drawings 4 2-A and Test',, OXMNIRis I eilionsibiti1%, Resident and Protect Repre-wintative- definition of provision for_...._ .... ........ .... .. . ........... . _ zii KICIV GENl-,KAL CONJA I 10%I A10-i IJA I LON) w MY (A' 1� ✓RT COLLINSM01>111CATIONr *EV9,99, Article or Paragraph Numbcr Resident Superintendent_ CONTRACTOR75..._..__......6 2 Responsibilities-- CONTRACTOR's-[n general..................................6 Limitations tn.------ ...__....._. __.... ___.__.<913 OW'NERs-in general .. _.......................... _. _.... _8 Retainage _,. __ _ 14' Reuse of Documents_.,_,_.._. .. _._ _.33 Review by CONTRACTOR: Shop Drawings and Samples Prior to Submittal_ __ _.... . _.. 6.25 Review of Applications for Progncss 11"ents .. 14.4-14.7 Right to an adjustment, ___ 10.2 Rights of Way,... _ 4.1 Royalties, Patent Fees rmcl ..... .. ...... ., ti 12 Safe structural Loading......... Safety -- and Protection...... 4,12, 6.16, 6.15, 6.20-621, 7.2. 13,2 general .. rt20-6.23 ..... Representative,tONTRACTORs_....... _._..ti21 Samples — definition of . general....__.,. _� 6-4.6,28 Review by COS: fl'ACTQl2 Review by ENG1NFER... .. . ........ ?+i. 627 related Work.. ........ ....... .... ... _._.,4,28 %Ubmittal of., . _ __ 6_24:2 subm ittat procedures. _... _.. .... 62s Sclndule of pro> cs _ _.. _ a t . -2.9. 6.6. 6 10 lii_d. 15.?_t Schedule of Shop Drawing and Sample Su11n11t1+t13,......._......... _.... _ _.i'f, ? S :.iJ, 6.24-62$ st:hedule of Vahrea9. 14.1 Schedules-- Adhercncetq __.. ..__.._. . _. 15.21 AcIpming_.__, Cliange of Conti act Times ...... .._. ......I0.4 [nittallyAvxcplable_ .-.. _ _ =.$,=9 11reliminary _ ___ .... --t` Scope of Chanucs �. _ I o.3- € 0.4 SubsmraceC-orrditious_. __. 421.1 Shop .Drawings-- an<I :iamplas, t3enenit ..................__.._....... 634-0_�,$ C'hange Orders 8, Applications to[ Payments, and..._.. __.... _ ..93--9.9 definition of. _. _ __ _t3> I;,41. approval of, [:�\t1�.1:1'12.�s fe\pl?nSllli iffy for icvietP .._... _ 9 7_ 6.24-6 28 related Work 28 rcvrewprocedurCa_,,_.._.. 2 Fi34-625 Article or Paragraph Number submittal required_..... _....__ .............. ... .......fi24.1 Submittal Fho,Gedure9........... ..._................. ......, 623 use to approve sutxctimtions.. ,. _..... _. _ .......-._ 6.73 Shown or Indicated_ ............ .............. .......... I ... ...,4.3 1 Site Access ...... ......... . ......_...., .,.........7.2, 13.2 Site C:leanliness..,,.._.... _.._.._........._ .................. .6.17 Site. Visitsto— byENGINEER _ _. _... 4.2, 13.2 32 °slxrtal CaUSM of toss' policy form, insurrinu _,_..._._........ definition of .... .._. _.__ ............... ................ 1.36 Speeifleattons— defmation of ...... .. 1.36 of'rechnical Societies, reference to ,__... 3.=3-1 precedence. .... ...... .. ........................ ........... 3-3-3 Standards and Specifications of Technical `,ocieties ...... _.. .. ..........3 1 Starting Construction, Betorr;....... _....... .. .......23-2.5 Starting the Work, ......... . Stop or Suspend Rork -- by CONTRACTOR ... ..................... ...... ....... 15.i by OWV''F:R 8 $ 13.10, 1 �1 Storage of materials andcquipment„_ ..... ...,.4A. 7.2 Structural Loading, Safety. .._.._ .. . ..............6.18 Sutxontractor— ing,..._..._. ._.. ...F.8-6_11 dafinitic nof ............. ............ ................ .....137 delays _ 123 waiver ofrights„ __. ,..._ ..._....... ¢.11 Subcontractor s--in general 6.8-6.11 Suba:untracis requ,rcd prrnisiors__, .?.11, 6�11, 11.43 Submittals-- Applicanonns for Papmeant...... ............. ........._...14,2 Maintenance find Operation Manuals_,...._.,.... t4.12 Proc.dures Progress Schedule? . _ .......... _.. ............ ,,2.6, ^2.? Schedulcof' Values .... ........... .........16, 141 Schedule of Shop Drawings and Samples Submissions _. _...._ ..__.2.b, 2.8-2.9 Shop Drawings Substantial Completion — cenificxuen of Ci,302.3, )4.8-141) definition of ......... ............_.........................1 3$ Substitute Constructtorr N%thods or Procedures. ___672 Substttutesand "Or Fquxl"Items- _........ _.6.7 t_`ON'T'RACfOR'sF;xpcnse ..._ ........__..5413 } Aa4(tiI F;R's Hvstuation _...._ 6 73 "Or -Equal" .._ .. _..._, __1.11,¢Z1 1 S.ub1 ti-,titute Construction Mothod9 xCti IJt I)C OLNLRAL CONDITIONS t9la-S (199a 6Drr10N) w, t`tTY of FORT COLLMs MOD111CA1IPNS IRtA .r99, ,`trticic or paragraph Number or Procedures ..... ......... ........ 0,7,2 Substitute Items 1.2 Subsurface and Physical Conditions -- Drawings of, in or relating to, ENGINEER's Review, - _ .......... .424 general. ..... _.__ .... _ ........... ..... .. ...... _4 1 Limited Reliance by, CONTRACTOR Authorized ....... ........ . ... 4 2.2 ,Notice of Differing Subsurfitce or Physical Conditions._ .... ....... ... _. _ 4.13 Physical Conditions,-....._ ......... .......... .. ..... 4,212 Possible Contract Documents Change 4.z5 Possible Price andTimes Adjustments, 42,6 Reports and Drawings_ 4_2 1 Subsurface and............................ ..... . .......... 42 Subsurface Conditions at the Sete. 4 11 1 Technical Datit, 41, Supervision-- CONTRACTORs responsibility.... 6,1 OWNER shall not supervise........_ 8 t' ENGINEER shall not superviic; ....... . .. _:R,2, 9,13 2 5uperintenderice ........... ...... . ......... (12 Superintendent, CONTRACTOR's resident Supplemental casts. I I - I I . 1. ... 1. . I 1 1. . , 1. 1 , I I . 4,5 Supplementary Conditions -- definition of.... ...... ............... 139 principal references to .... ........ ... ) 10, 1 18. 22, 2,7. .1 4 2, 4 1, S 1. 51, 5A, 9, 5.11, 6,8, 6.13, 7.4, KI t, 9.3. 9.10 3.6 definition of ............... ................ .... ....... j 41, principal references Iij... 6.24-913, 1411 Waiver of Rights.. 6.11 Surety -- consent to final payment,. 14,11 14 14 ENGINEER has no duty iq ....... 9 13 Notification 10 1, to 5. 15 2 qualification of 11 . 11 1 1 - I 5.j_5 3 Survival orwillatioas ......... .. ........ ,)34 Suspend Wtxk, OWNER May, ,, , ... .. . 13.10, 15.1 Suspension of Work and Tormirtalion, 1 C 0\7R,'XCTOR Nky Stop Work of Terminate._ .... . 15.5 OWN'r. R May Suspend Work I; I O%V\TRk1ayTcrmirmte 15,2-1 ' S4 Tnxds--P,aymmt by CONITRV'YOR. 61i Technical Dina— Li in ited Reliance by CONTRACTOR, _4,2 2 Possible Price and Times Adjustments 426 Reports of Differing Subsurface and physical Ckirttlitions'..' 4.2 .1 Kit Tent porary construction facilities,..... 4-1 Article or paragraph Number Termination— by CONT RACrOR ...... - .... .. .. J5,5 by M1'NHK ... . . ... ........ S, 8, IS- I - 1 5A of ENG MLIZ's employinent_ 82 Suspension of Work-in general., .... ...... . )5 Terms and Adjectives.._._..... _ ........................ .. 3.4 Tests and linspecitions-- Access to the Work, by others,. ......13.2 CON"RACTOR's iesponsibilawN......................13.5 cost of 13.4 covering Work prior .......... 11,6417 Laws and Regulations 13,5 Notice of Defects . ..... .. .. ... _13A OWNER May Stop 111ork __13.10 OWNER's independent testing ..........................13A special, required by .. ........... 9, 6 timely notice required, .. ........ . ...13.4 Uncovering the Work, at E NG INME R's request-, .... .. Limes -- Adjusting ........ _ I .... ... ... Chirrige or Contract Computation of Contract Tim es --definition of 12 day Milestorics-, ..... Requirements -- appeals 10, 16 clarifications. claims and disputes ....... , _. 9,11, 1 L-2, I' (.7ommencemont of COntractTimes_ 23 Preconstruction Contemns ... ..... ...... . schectttles....... 2,6. 2,9, 6.6 Starting the Work 2A Title, Warranty of, 143 U icovicring Work.. _JM-139 Underground Facilities, physical Cnmdition5-- dei'mitiori of 1 41 Not Shown or Indicated 43 2 protection of Shown or Indicated Unit Ata Work— clatms . ...... 0.91 definition generall 19, 14 1, 145 hi it Priccs general 11.11 Determination for Uw of promises n 16 o I S_ 0 30 2.4 Utility owncis,.. 6 13, t, 20, 7 1-7.3% 112 UtiltZIAIM, PAtfial, 1 1-8, 5 I <, 6,30 2A. 14 14) Value of the Work '' � ................................. .... _11 3 'Values, Sdiedule of,.. 2,6. 14A UJUIX'(A-Ail It AL OINIX I it INM IV 10.8 (199(1 RATION) w CITY CTFORT i ONAN", MODIFICAUUNT, !R!`V 9,99? Variancitis in work—Mmor Awthorizccl_ 625, 6.27, 95 Vtik;lc or purawsph Number Vi-,ftfi to Site --by ENIGINFER.................................... 9,2 Waiver of Claims -,on Final tlapw ent , . , � ..... ... 1415 Waiver of Rights by Insured parties .... ........ 6,11 Warranty and Guarantee, General --by CONTRA(7170R Warranty of Title, CONTRACTOWs._... ...... _143 Work. -- Access to 13,2 by oihers.............................................................. 7 Changes in the____.__.._.__.._.....,,..._._......IQ Continuing the_...-._.._ ... ..... .......... ......... 24 CONTRACTOR Nfay Stop Work or Term come cooirdination of Cost of the ...... .......... .... ............... 14- 11 -5 definition of, -1,43 neglected by O)NITRACTOR., .13 14 other Work - OWNER Nlay ')top Work 1110 0\V,NF.K!NlaySuspend Work ......... )3,K 15,1 Reliacd, Work at Site., . .... ... ......... 7,1-7_1 Starting the, ...... _2 4 Stopping by CON I RA(TrOR ... .. ..... 0-5 Stopping by MVNER Variation and deviation authorized, inutior �56 WWork Change Oirectiv� dauns pursuant to definition of 1,44 principal rctcrence�,; it), 3.5.3, 1 u, I - 10.2 Written am e ntlni en I leftnition (4, 45 principal relcrenvcs 1. 10. 3 5, 5. 10,15. 12, 6 6 9.2.6 19. 10.1, 1 0.4. 1 1, 13,12-27 14,7.2 Written Clarifications and lriterprctaucuus. S).Jj \VnItten Nonce Rcquircd by ...... .. ........ 1, 9 M-9 11, 11) 4, 11,2, 1 21 hV I )xv\l:k y lo-Y i i - 10A, 11 _7, 13.14 LK'(X' kit-N -RAE, COMA RON5 I ] U -St 1990 Fill I It tN' w, OTY CC F)KT(-ot,ums kit); it is a'w , , (Phis page Ieti blank intantimally) EXI)C UENN(AI. COI UTIOVS 1910•8 (1") HATIO#) w. CT'I'Y or FORT COLLM MOLNFICATYONM 4RF4' 9t997 GENERAL CONDI'X'IONS ARTICLE t-43F,F'iM11OANS W7terever used in those General Cenduiorts or in the other Contract Documents the following terns have the meanings indicated which are applicable to both the singular and plural thereof 1, 1, Adknda-Written cr graphic, instruments issued Prior to the opernx g of Bids- which clarify, correct or clmange the Bidding Raquitemams or the Contract Documents. 12. #ggwoment -The written contract € etween OWNER anal CONTRrACTOR coveting the Work to be performed; ether Contract Ck) uments are attached to the FNgreement and made a part thereof as provided thercitt. 13. A mficutirm /fw paj ni-fhe firm acccrcd by ENGE3F which is to be used by CON MAC MR in requesting progress or final payments and which is to be accompanied my such supporting documentation as is required by the Contract Ikmcumonts. 1 A Asbesh33-arty raarertal that contains more. than Otte percent "- wiltos and is friable or is releasing asbestos fibers into time air above current fiction levels established by tine united States Occupational Safety' and Health Admirnistratidm. 1,5 Bid -The offer of proposal of the laildct sulunitted on the prescribed f" setting faith the prices for dw Work to be performed 1,6 Bidding GUntmems-`fhe advertisement or invitation to Biel, utstructiotn to bidders, the Nisi f4rn, and the p repcned Contract Documents (including all AdderuFa issued prior to receipt ofBids). 13 Biddag Reyairements;-Tie advertisement or invitation to Bid, Instructions to bidders, and tht, Bid foram_ 1.8. Boa ds-Pttiiumara e and Payment bands mid other instruments of security Ifs, Chhng,, C7 ciao -A document reuunmended V, LNGINFLIt, which is signed by CONTRACUOIZ andl M, ILR and authorizes an additicwi, deletion or uv uion in the Work, tx an actiustment in flsc t `rmtrao Price or the Contract Times, issued on or after the Effective Nate of tlic Agreement Ilo Conrlac'f Dvlrmenfs-The Agreement, Wdxala (which per€am to the Conhad Docunments).. CohIKr1CT0R`5 Bid (incindng cka'umentauom acccmipanving theBid and any px)st Bid documentation submitted prior to the Notice of Award) when attached as all exhibit to the :As7ccau'nta 'be Notice to €'ux;cnxt, the F3ands, these Gcme at Conditions, the Supplcmemary Conditions, the specirwations and the Drawings ns the i'Xis:(;VN1f tw, i-ON61TR'N�S9tayet r3+t'x4ri ii w.`Cr7l' CiF FOR I rxlttLNs \tt HlIPI CdJ U +*.S rI2i7.V-120001 same are more specificalky iderttifted in the :agreement, together with all Written Amendments, Change Orders, Work Carange Directives, Field Orders and ENGINEERS written interpretations and clarifications issued pursuant to prima€ hs 3.5. 3.6.1 and 3.63 on or after the Effective Chute of the Agreement Shop Drawing submittals approval purnrant to paragraphs 6.26 and 6.27 and the reports and drawings referred to in pamgraplis 4.2.1 and 42.2 are not Contract TAxmmerO. L1I, contract Price --The moneys patable by Olw, ER to CONTRACTOR for completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Iktcuments as stated in the Agreement (subject to the provisicuts of paragraph I l i) l m the case of unit Rice Wok). 1.12, Comiavt Tirrws--The numbers of days or the dates stated in the Agreement' (i) to achieve Substantial Completion, and (it) to complete tine Work so that it is ready for final payment as evidenced by WOINEHR's written recommerJation of final payment in accerdanc e with paragraph 14.13. 1 13. COMRA IYA?-fhe person, firm or corporaturn with wit t)W WR has entered into the Agreement. 1 14, *fec&v---An adjective which when modifying the word Ahrork refers to Work that is unsatisfactory, faulty or deficient in that it does not conform to the C'oniraa Ditcumcnts, to does not meet the requirements of any int;pection, reference standard, test or approval rct.rrecl in the Contract [)o umentc, or has been damaged prior to F- GINYHER's tecommsndation of final trayrnetnt {urtl:'- responsibility for the protection thereof has been assumed by OWNER at Substantial Completion in acx,xdttncc will, pauaciraph 14.8 or 1411I) 1.15, Drantn gs-=fhe drawings which show the scepd, extent and character of the Work to be furnished ^.nu perf timed by i't)°:`l`RACTOR and which lurve been puepmed or approved by l,' NGINLER and are refened to in the Contract I locuments. Shop drawings arc not l)rawumgs as sin echoed. L fir. Ejfectwe Chute nfrire 1 wertwnt-The date indicated in the < rxmeni fin which tt beeonn w ettrer�t'<, Nit if no such data is indicated it means the date on which the Agreement is signed and delivered by the last of the two panes to men and deliver. 117 E,t"UlV 'ER=fhe person, firm or copovatron named as such at the Agecnacta. 1_I5 person. €inn or corporation bm ag a contra,§ wtth ENO NTTiR to lumisil s'rviws as F\,-GINE.ER`s independent associate or conuiltani %fib respect to the Protect aril whi. is identified as such in the Supplementary Conditions 1.19 FzeW Orzkv--A written order is;uecl by )Y'\t rM-1-A which orders mmor changes tit the Work in accor lane with paragraph `,. but which d,nrs n0 involve a chat mc lit the Contract Prig; or the Contract T ime%. 120. General Requirements -Suctions of Division I of the Spocificatiom. 171. Haaardm&Waste-Theterm Hazardous Waste statt have the meaning provided in Section 1004 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 USC Section 690-1) as amended kom time to time. 1,22.a. Laws and Regulationv: Lama or Regulations --Any and all applicable laws, rules, regulations, ordaances, codes and orders of any and all governmental bodies, agencies, authorities and courts havingjurisdiction I.21b. Lewd NoG li be those holidays observed by the C of EM Collins 123. Liens --Liens, charges, secunity ratmests or encumbrances upon real property or personal property. 1.24. Xtiksionn--A }xincipal event specified in the Cnntrad Documents relating to an intermediate completion date or time prior to Substantial Completion of all the Work. 1 25. Nokcs of.4wmxE--A written notice by OWNER to the a rent stivec-4ful bidder static that, upon compliance by the app;trent successful bidder with the conditions precedent enumerated therciti, within the time specified, 01ANER will sign and deliver the Agretmem. 1.26. Nonce to Pmceed-A written notice given by OWNFiR to CO `1'RAC TOR (with a copy to EN(41tMiR) fixing the date on u9niih the Contract Times will commence to ram and on whist CONTRACTOR stall start to perform (X)R'TkA('T0R'.3 obligations under the Contract Oocumeuss, 1.27. OR NER- The public, body ox authority, core ot"tionn, association, lien or person with whom CONITRACTOR Ins entered into the .agreement and for whom the Work is to be provided 128 Partial t.tdroation--f.ise by OWNER of a suitstantially completed ran of the Wo6- for the pwrp ose for which it a intended for a related purpose) prior to SuWantial Cornpleticmofallthe, Work 1 29- PCFs-Polychlorinated biphenyls. 1.30. {'atr'olermr--F'etrolautu, including crude oil or any fraction thereof which is liquid ar standard coanditicns of temp .nature and presswe (60 d earces Fatuctilicit aW 14 ? pounds per Nuarc inch al s rlu u), such HS oil, petroleum, fuel oil, oil sludge, oil refww, ppttsol nc, kerosene and oil mixed with other non-Flazarntns Waste% and crude oils. 131, Prgreet The total construction of which the Work to be prrn iced under the Contract ('Mcuments utav be, the whose. or a part as indicated elsewhere in the Nntmct Documents. 1.32.g, Rarlioacrire rtlarenah-Source, special nuclear. ot byproduct material as defined by the Atomic Energy .Act of E'A, OC (rVAE RAt, c o'er n7ti;Rks 191q-s o 99(- cAumv ry C7'E1" OF FM I i(LLr,i Al5 M1iQ6it n'AThtXv'S ilttI t' 1+240) 1954 (42 USC Section 2011 at seq.) as amertdeel from time to time. l3't,b._ Re tlan Ffarkirtg fatcrc-l2t�utar wcxlct dories are deCtnod as 7 (1Uam to 4-00 tot unless {Wise spaNj��ntintettts 1,33. Resident Pmliwt Rsprvsarrtafinr-The authorized representative orINGIIVEER who may be assigned to the site or any part thereof: 1.34. Samples -Physical examples of materials, equipment, or workmanship that are representative of some portion of the Work and which =bh the standards by which such portion of the Work will be juclgtd 1.35. Strop Drunings-All drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules and outer data or information which are ssp�ccrificnd , prepared or assembled by or for CONTRACTOR and submitted by CONTRACTOR to illustrate some port on of the Work. 1.36. Syec0catieuu-Those portions of the Contract Documents consisting of written technical descriptions of materials, equipment, ocrostructkat systems, standards and workmartsNp as applied to the Work and certain administrative details applicable dweto. 1.37. Subvcmiractot=-An individual, firm or corporation hnvLw a direct commct with CON fRArm eawith ar- other Subcontractor for that performance of a part of the Work at the site 1.3& Su5stanhat Camptehan-:The Work for a specified part thereof) has progressed to the );point where, in the opinion of IsNONFlik as evidenced by ENGNT ,Ms definitive certificate of Snbslinliiil Completion it is sadliciently complete. in accordance with the Controct Douments, so tkett the Work (or specified pats} can be utilized for the purposes for which it is imenrkA a if no such certificate is issued, when the Work is coiplete and rody Irtr final poaynrent as evidenced by ENGIN' FFR's written recommendation of fatal payment in accordance with paragraph 14.)3 The terms "sutxtanhally complete" and "aolntantially completed" as applied to all or pan of the Work acres tv Substantial Completions thereof t 39, Supplertsentap Cctuhtwna--i"he part of the Contract Documents which ramen(Is or supplements th+ x General Corrdihons. 1.40, Supplier -A manufacturer, fabricator. sup lAier, distributor, naterlalman or vendor havime a direct contract with COINTRACTOk on with any Subcomm-nor to furnish materials or tspipwnent to be. incorporatect in the Work by CON' TRACTOR a anv Subcontractor. 1.41- Gnde:igremvid Raxt3Nles-All pipelines, conduits, ducts, cables, wires. manholes, vaults, tanks, tuned, or other such facilities it attar }'ane-itts, araf ;trey encas"nents containing such tacilides which have teen installed underground to furnish any of the following services or materials: olectrwdy, gws ,, steam, liquid petroleum products telephone or other communicatiorts, cable television, sewage and drainage removal, traffic a other control systarts or water. 1 A2. dint Price f ork—ilk°ork to he paid for on the basis of unit prices 1,43. [Valk --The entire completed construction or the various separately identifiable parts thereof required to be furnished under the Contract Documents lVork includes and is the result of performing or furnishing labor and furnishing and nx:orpomting materials aril equipment into the construction. and pctf)nning or furnishing services avid furnnishing documents, all as required by the Contract Documents, 1.44. Work Change Dime ive--A written directive to CONTRACTOR, issued on or after tlm Effective Nate of the Agroement and signed by OWNT P and recommended by EbC11NEER, ordering an addition, deletion or revision in the Work, or respording to differing or unforeseen Physical auditions under which the Wrxk Is u1 he performed, as provided in paragrtphd.2 or 4.3 or to emergencies under paragraph 6.23. A Work (1nange Directive will not change the Contact Prize: or the Contract Times, but is evidence that the portico expect that the change directed or doconemed by a Work Change Directive will be incorporated in a subsequently issued Change Order lotlowing negotiations, by the parties as to its effect, if any, on the Contrrxr. Price or Contract Times m Provided in paragraph 102 1,45- WnUon Anxnchnent•-A written amendment of [he Contract Doxtiments signed by Dtl'NFR and CONTRACTOR to or after the Ssffecxive Dale of the Agreement and normally dealing with the nonenghuedng or nontechnical rather loan strictly construction -related aspects of the (.intend Documents_ .A tTTCLE 2--PRFLLA9Tti.kItY NIXFTER.S Deb ery of Bou&; - When CONFRACrOR, delivers the mcuted A tements to tntk"NER, CO.VrRICTOR shall also cue ever to OWNER such Uoorxt4 as t,O MNJOR may he required to furnish in accordance with paragraph 5_ 1_ Capiex of Docunrenty: 22 OWNFR shall famish to RACTOR up to tell copies (unte-st otherwise s+vcitied in the Supplementary Conditions) of the Contract Doc•umems as era reascarvbly necessary for the exccutioti of the Work. Addidcrwl copies will be tirrolshed, upcm request, at the cost or reproduction Commencement oft "oatract Tinter; Notice to Pracee2 2.3. rile Contract [woes will coaumeucc to tun on the thtrueth day after the F;ffective Date of the Agreement, or. lrJc;l)C'G[;NE IYV i.r!;t;[Tivt51910Y( I4+N)t>0401 wCITY 3FFOR10al11"tMk1("A CVl045(RF,Y 1200411 if a 'Notice to Proceed is given, cat the day indicated in tlx Notice to proceed. A Notice to Proceed may be given at may time within thirty days after the Effective Date of the Agreement- In cxyrntnenatn- of Bid operung-or- the -thirtieth -day after the Fifedive, Date of theAgreemer k whicheverate isearirer: Starting the Work: 2.4_ CONTRACTOR shall start to perform the Woo; on the date what the Contract Times commence to run, Nit no Work 4*11 ha done at the site prier to the date on which the Contmcd Times c maicrnce to run flejore,Yarling Constvtwdion: 2 5 Before undertaking each part of the Work, COh`MACTOR sha11 carefully study mid compare the Contract Documents and duck and verify Pertinent figtuc: shown thereon and all applicable field measurements. CONTRAC.fOR ,hall promptly report in writing to RNOUNfiER ai�ryry Conflict, erns, ambiguity tx discrepancy which COD, ,(,TOR. may discover and shall obtain a written "crpretatiaan or clarification from ENGINIFER lictixe prncceding with any Work affected thereby; however, C ONfRAC1'OR shad not be Gable to OWN'1.R or EN(YTN`F.FR for failure to report any conflict, error. ambiguity or discrepancy in the Contract Documents, unless CONTRACTOR k-my or reasonably- should have known thereof 1-6 Within ten days alter the EtTecnve Datc of the agreement (unless ot.hxwisc specified in the general Requiretnents'), CONTRACTOR shall submit to ENO,l'vFL'R for revienv: �6.1 a preliminary progress schedule ndicating the times (numbers of days or dates) for starting and compleung the varicvns singes of the Work, including any.Milestones specified in the Contract Documents. _2.6-2. a preliminary schedule O Slay.+ thawing and Sample submittals which will list each required submitaal and die times for submitting, reviewing and processing such submiital; =rig"I. In tic• case will a schedule he acceptabi whtcfi allows less than 21 calendar yinys fur etclt reyiew_b�tany;�ncgr 2.6.3. A pretnnirary schedule of values far all of the tVork which will -include yuantiiics and prices of itcius aggregating the. Co inict Price and will .,A.hdrvide the Wo#into component parts in sufficient dual to verve as the bases for pnszress payments during c±nstmctitat. Such prices will include, an approp'mte amount of overhead and proton applicable n, each item of Work. 37 Before art) Work at the site is started., tit?`� I t2-ec'ft:?f afoot-t�3WN1,iR shall e*+ deliver to the Dither t )W', W , with copies to vai4t--adkliiiorttnl-trtrure l identitaad In the Supplementary Conditions 1 certificates of unsur nce (and oflrer{, evidence of insurance r�ea�at�l}..rngtbd: aL_YS. Ut�'IQERI wheel CONtRACTCAt-mtdAV��-re.+@eatrral'!'•e►e is required to per }are and mairtlain m aocwdancc wnh paragrnphs 5.4 �� ate►-3 7. f'rece»ar„trxio» Gonfennace: 2.8. Within twenty days after the Contract Times start to run, but before any Work at the site is started, a Conference attended by CONTRACTOR, h"an GINEER and others as appropriate will be held to establish a working understanding among the parties as to the Work and to aseum the wh edriles refined. to in paragraph 2.6, procedures for handy Shesp l)mwings and other submittals pro erring 6cations feu Payment and maintaining required rear tnftWtY AeC4"e &hedaf T 2.9, Unless Otherwise provided in. the Contract. Docttm n Application for-Paymatt before anY work at the, aito begbts a conference attended by CONTRACTOR, ENOINEER and others as apprctps+at> �ggjgp�Led by OWI FER will lu hold to review nor aaceptabthty to liPiGLdfiER as prrnickd below the schedule% submitted in accordance with ('a h 2 h. aced_f2ivisitttt_1..-,.�Z 1_. (?itsl>actlps. (' ra TRACTOR shall have an addnucrah ton days to make eorectiores and adjustments and to complete and resubmit the schedules. No progress payment %hall be made to CONTRACTOR, amid the schedules are submitted to and acceptable to ENGiNEM as provided below The progress schedule will he acceptable to ENGINEER as pnwidung at orderly propesscm of the Work to completion within any specified Milestones and the contract Times, but such acceptance will neither impose on &`NGiNam resporr4bihty for the sequencing, scheduling or progress of ale Work nor interfere with or reeve c(3ly rjzA(.:TOR trorn CON fMCI`01Cs full responsibility therefor. CONTRACrOR's schedule of Shop 1)nawnn� and Sample submissions will he aece ptable to FNGINF.FR as providing a workalnlo arrangement fur reviewing; and pruce-v;ing the required submittals CCtNf RAC71'C)Rs sch�ule of values will be acceptable to LINT INEF-R as to form and substance, ARTICLE, 3•-CON'rRACI'DOCt'biENTS: MUM', ANiLNUMG, REt 5E Intent: 3.1 The Contract Documents coampritz the, entire aureement between OWNTR and. CON7TRAt. fOR 0 exrnecrtnr the Work. The Contract Dcxatments care mrlemeniatt; wFWf is called fir by ate is as birahgt ors if called for by all. The Cotiract Documents will In ccnemncl in io�ordarice with tln bow (if the place of the project. 12, It is the intent of the Contract Documents to EkY)4�3F~isl�a,u. ('4elta1716;tk'i t4t'r8 t1�99 iitfti�rrt cot CI TT C1F FLIRT ('YiL.t,l nLS l4CN311 tC4'tt04S at6 V 4PfNi0? de 3criiae a functionally complete Project (o( Park thereof) to be constructed in accordance with the Contract Document& Any Work, materials or equipment that may reasonably be inferred from the Contract Documents or from prevailing custom or trade usage as (zing required to produce the intended result will be furnished and performed whether or not specifically called for. When words Or pleases which have a well-known teclatn:al or construction industry or trade meaning are used to describe Work. materials or equipment, such words or phrases shall be interpreted in accordance with that naeanung. Clarifi ittio s and interpretations of the Contract Docume a s stall be issued by F\'GINEER as provided in paragraph 9A. 3.3. Reference to Viandards and Specifhaagons of ?echnicap &melodies, Repotfinh and RewMng D1lscrepraaches• .33.h. Reference to standards, specifications, manuals or oades of any technical society, organization or association, or to the Laws or Regulations of any, governmental authority, whether such reference be specific or by implication. shall mean the latest starKlyd, specification, manual, code or Laws or Regulations in cilect at the time of Opening of Rids (o, on the Mective Date of the Agreement if there were no Bids), erect as may he otherwise specifically stated ua the Contract Documents. 3,11, It', during the performance of tine Work. CONTRACTOR discovers any conflict, error, amhhgunv or d4utcyaixy within the Conuaa Docuntcros or between the Contract Documents and any provision of arty such Law our Regulation applicable to the petfannwacv of the Work or of any such standard specificatnry manual or code Of of %any instructionof any Supplier refaTei to in paragraph 6.5, cY N,rRACT(7,R shall report it to I NC h-NEIUt in wrntutg at one, aral, C0NTRACT0R shall non preweed with die Work affected dicUbv IMepx in an cmert;:e:ncy as authorized by ptuugr'aph 6:23) until an ametxtment or supplement to the Contract Documents has been iced by ore of the methods indicated in parattrrph3> or 3A }iOvided however, unit C'0M RACTOR shall m he liable to OWNER or EN(ANEER for failure to repott any such conflict - error, ambiguity or discrepancy unless (,o,o x-1'(3R knew or reasonably should have tatowilthereof 33 A Freaks ur, otherw a; specifically stated it the Contract Documents Or as may he provided b, amendment cr supplement thereto issued by one of tine methochs indicated in para&mph 3.5 or 3A the provisions of the Contract Documents shall take lroxedence, in resolwirg; any conflict, error, fmab. iguiry or discteparu3 between the provisions of the Contract D'wOn Inns and, 3 3.1. the provisions of any such standard, s3xa'itlwdion.. mama!_ cod: or instruction (whether or rapt spa iiealty incorporated by r'efcrencc in tine Clntract Documents); or, the provisions of am! 90, Laws Ot Regulations applicable to the 1 trfaxmance of the Woikk (unless such an interpretation of the provisions of the C lanes Documents would result in violation of such Law or Regulation). No provision of any such standard, spfeeifieation, manual - code Or instruction shall be effective to change the duties and responsibilities of OWNER, CONTRACTOR or MANHER or any of their subcontractors, «msultsuuS, agents or employees from those sd ford in the Co trans ikhcumcros, nor shall it bc effective to assign to OW'.vF2 HNOINTFFR or any of hNT(Y NF.F.R's C.otsulkmts, ngcnts or employees any duty or authority to supervise or direct the famishing Or lxrfoxmance of die Work or any duty or authority to undertake responsibility inconsistent with die provisions of paragraph 9,13 or any other provision of tie CorYmCt DOCUMC 5. 34 Whenever in the t" Ontrad rkxumens tile, terms "as ordered". "as directed", "as required", "as allowed". "m approved" or terms of like widest or altpod are used, Of the adjectives "reasonable", "suitable". "acccptable". "proper" of ";atislacta-y" or adjectives of like affect or import are used to describe a requirement, directions review a judgment of f N INETR as to the Work- it is intended that �.Ich re�luu micrit, direction, review or judgmem will he. solely to etaluate, in general, the cxnipleied Work for compliance with the tequiranentts of and infornimicn in the Comract Documents find' conformance with the deitgn one ept of the completed Project as a t'unctioning whole as shown a ind auet to the Contract L)ocumeri s (unless there is a spcoitie statement indivaing+ otherwise). The use of any such term or adjeedve shall not be effective to assign to EN t CA -,ER any duty or authority to supervise or direct the furnishing cr performance of the Work or any duty or autJnxi y to undertake responsibility contrary to tic provisions of pYaraYSaph 9 13 or any other proviSlon of the Contract Oocuments. Aneen6ng and Supplementing Contract Dmwnents 35 The Contract L)OCuments may be amended to provide for additions, deletions: and revkions in the Work or to tindi k the terms and Conditions thereof in ore a Mae cfthe dollo- amg ways 3.S_1. a formal Written Aintridment 3.9.2. a Change Order (Pursuant to para4ra0i 10.3i, or VJ0 r(' 01,.Nt R VI 0,-NIA11ONS 19 10 $11 y'>'r UA iltl ,v 0]Yt;)[:V,RI,YH.L1^a'S0,1(4)1F1CA'T10%'3tR17A I2IR_M11 353 a Work Change Directive (pursuant fo pmaigraph 10.1)- 3.6 In addition, the requirements of the Contract Documents may be supplemented, and minor variations and deviations in the Work may be authorized, in am or more of the following ways: 16], . A Field Order (purstant to paragraph 9.5 3.6.2. ENGINFFR's approval of a Shop Drawing or Sample (txtrsuant to paragraphs 6.2G and 6.27), or 3.6.3. PNGMER's written interpretation or clarificatkm (pumuuit to ruagmph 4-d). Remw of Documents.' 3.7. CONTRACTOR and any Subcontractor cr Supplier or other person or organization perrforming or furnishing any of the Work under a dire d or inc6red contract with Ow-NMR. (i) shall not have or soquire any title to of ownership rights in any of the Drawings, Specifications or over documents (or copies of any thereof) prepared by or hearing the seal of ENGINEER cr rNMUNT.FR's ConsulUmt, and (6) mall not reuw any of such Drawings, S orations. other documents or copes on extensions or doe Project. or any Other pn>je"ctwithout written consent of OW1,M]k and ENO MEM and spocific written verification Or adapurtiot by ENCHNFliR_ ARTICU 4.-Ai AII„-1DUATY OF L:'StNVS; SUIJISU RFACE AtND PHYSICAL CONDITIONS; REFERENCE POINIS bailabitio, of [An*.* 4,1 . OWNER shall furnish. as indicated in the Contract Documents, the lands upon which the Work is to be retfomtWd rgltt"t-way and easements for tcces> thereto, and such other lands which are designated for the useofCO TRACTOR. D -Feu nebl writtenr<quest, ALYtffl-:skarlt furnish-<=l?'{R4f F<:)R-utter-a-correct s ateanertt a€r�tOrd legal tAii-mod leg 1 deseription-of the lands -upon ,-which theWorkis-to, --he--pertomted-and talk' Ries interest- -therein, as neeevsary-for giving resod ze tat -or lilrrtg--a--rinwltatties-.{ten femrtst sooh-latx6 in itecordane With -applicable-Laws and Reeulations C)tvNER stall ideauifv any encunbrauxw o' restrictions nett of general ap}sicaiicn but speeilicaily related to ua, or land; so fourushed with which CONTRACTOR will have to comply in perrormtrig the Wokl i�ments For permanent structures or permanent changes in existina facilities will he obtained and paid lir ln' OWNER- unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documcm,;. If CONTR.-VAOR anal OW.Nlilt arc tu-sable to agree on entitlement to or the amount or extent of any acljusiman!i in the Contract Price or the Contract Times to a re uht of arm' delay in 01k'NTdR furnishing thcv, Isn(tz rights -of way Lx rasemmhts, CON'TRACfOR inav make a Aain therefor as provided in Artiefes t I rind I: SECTION 00020 INVITATION TO BID Date: May 13, 2005 Sealed Bids will be received by the City of Fort Collins (hereinafter referred to as OWNER), at the office of the Purchasing Division, 3:00 P.M., our clock, on June 6, 2005, for the Children's Garden at the Gardens on Spring Creek; BID NO. 5021. If delivered, they are to be delivered to 215 North Mason Street, 2nd Floor, Fort Collins, Colorado, 80524. If mailed, the mailing address is P. 0. Box 580, Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580. At said place and time, and promptly thereafter, all Bids that have been duly received will be publicly opened and read aloud. The Contract Documents provide for the construction of an institutional garden including, but not limited to, overlot and finish/fine grading, landscape infrastructure consisting of rock walls and planting beds, a "green" roof shelter, concrete paths, special water features, outside electrical and minor mechanical. Specific features are planned as Contractor design/build and will require complete submittals and shop drawings. All Bids must be in accordance with the Contract Documents on file with The City of Fort Collins, 215 North Mason St., 2nd floor, Fort Collins, Colorado 80524. Contract Documents will be available May 13, 2005. Copies of the Contract Documents, complete with Construction Specifications and Drawings, may be obtained from Purchasing Division at 215 North Mason St., 2nd floor, Fort Collins, Colorado; 80524 upon payment of a refundable fee of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per set. No partial sets will be issued. The Contract Documents and Construction Drawings may be examined at: 1. City of Fort Collins, Purchasing Division. 2. Dodge Plan Room, 1114 W. 7th Ave., Suite 100, Denver, Colorado. 3. Reed Construction Data, 8878 Barrons Blvd., Highlands Ranch, Colorado 4. Builders Exchange, 223 South Link Lane, Fort Collins, Colorado. 5. Construction News Service, 3630 Sinton Road, Suite 210, Colorado Springs, Colorado. A prebid conference and job walk with representatives of prospective Bidders will be held at Gardens on Spring Creek, 2145 S. Centre Ave., Fort Collins, CO 80526 on May 23, 2005, at 10:00 a.m. Prospective Bidders are invited to present their questions relative to this Bid proposal at this meeting. 07/2001 Section 00020 Page 1 CONTRAC I'OR skill provide for all additional lards and access thereto that may be required for temporary Wristr uciion facilities or storage of materials and equipment. 4 Z Sirbsurfiwe and Phyatcof Condoons. 4Z 1. Reports mid Draw fn st Reference is made to the Supptementary Conditions for identification of 4-2.Ll Sibaafooe Cv omi: Thim reports of explorations anti tests of substarfaoe conditions at or tic tg�sous to the site that have been utilized bylsNC}INE'ER in preparing the COand Documents, and 42,1.2. Piryskal Conihlfow. Those drawings of physical conditions in or refacing to existing surface or subsurface stnictures at or cord igttow to die site (except (J ourd Facilities) that have been utilized by EGINEd',R in preparing the Contract Documents. 4.2.2. Limited Reliance by COMMICTOR Authorized' Technical Data: CONTRACTOR may rely upon the general accuracy of the 'technical daW" contained in such repels and drawings, but. such reports and drawings are not. Contract Documents. Such 'technical data" is identified in the Suppletnemrw Conditions. Except for such reliance on such "technical data", CC`),^d'1'RAC,TOR may not rely upon or make any claim agairist O1VNM ENGINUR or any of ENGWEEF.R's Consultants with respect to: 4221.. the completeness of such. reports and. drawings; for C.ON7RAC'fOR1s pur)x)ses, ineludiN, but not limited to, army aspens of the - nienns, mctlx)ds, techniques, sequences aril Procedure, of construction to be cmplcs}•ed by coN rl<ACTOIA and :safety precautions and programs hneideitt thereto, or 42,2.2. slier data, intctpretations• opinions and inftVInation contained in ;itch reports or shown or indicated in such drawings, it 4223 tiny C ONTRAC.l'O,R interprttattcut of or conclusion drawn Jim any 'technical data" or any such data, interpretations, opinions or inftxmaticxi. 4,2.3. Notice of 1)jertng Subsurface or Phvvicdi Cvmfifiarms: If CC)ti1'RACTOR believes that anv subsurface or physical condition at or contiguous to the site that is uncovered or revealed either:, is of such a nature as to establish tkit any "technical data" on which COKTIf <" 1'OR is entitled to rely as provided in pitragraphs 4.2. t and 4.2.2 is nnutenki ly imru:urate, m- 4.2.3:2. is of such a nature as to mature a Change in the Contract Documcnts, or 42 3 3 liflers materially from that Shawn or Ek ti?, 6t�t:Ct.R4 r•i jVUirtClt:S 1 A1Q-$ t t?T)p fiefitixii w4.11't Cal"roar' i'ftt.l..tAfi tk[CN)a IrtAl'itrtJS (HF:t' A T6dnn indicated in the Contract Documents, or is of an unusual nature, and differs materially from conditions ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inherent in work of the character provided for in the C.mtract Documents; then CONTRACTOR shall, Prenpely imflf_e{eJy after becoming aware thereof and before further disturbing conditions affected thereby or performing any Work in connection therewith (except in an emergency as E�zafitted by liaragmph6.23), notify OWNFR and F� `GMgNEER in writing about such comiiticn. CONTRACTOR shall not furdmer diaurb such conditions or perform arm} Work in connection therewith (except as ufcresaid) moil receipt of written order to do su. 4.2.4. EvGINEER's Review. • ENGIN-MR will promptly review the pertinent condition determine the necessity of OMNTIR's obtaining additional exploration or tests with respect thereto and advise OWN%R in writing (with a copy to CONTRACTOR) of EN(J &ER's findings and mndusions. 42_5. Possible Comruct Documents Otanse: If ENG1NEt;R cocludea that a change in the Contract Documents is required as a result of a condiiuern that mects cne or more of the categories in paragraph 4.2 3, a Wcrk Change Directive or It Change Order will he issued as provided in Article If) to reflect and document the consequences of such change. 42.6 Pavrible Price and IYnter h#usf menV An Nuitable adjustment at the Contract price or in the Contract Times, car both, will be allowed to the extent that the existence of such uncovered or revealed ccmdition causes art increase or decrease in CONTRAC'1'OR's cart u)f. or time required for perwm farae of the Work, subject, tww•ever, to the toliowing: 42.6.1- such eondition must meet anv one ct mono of Late categories described in paragraph% through, inclusive: 4 2 6,2 a change in the Contract I)c>cuments pumiant to pamgmph 4:2 5 will not be an automatic authorimuo of nor a condition precedent to entitlement to any such adjustment: 4? (i.3 with respect to Work that is paid for 0i a Unit Dice l3ssis, any adjustment in Contract Price will be suhjcct to the provisions of Inuagrapin 9. In and I 19, and CONTRACTOR skill tart tx entitled to any adjustment in the COritnict price or'rimes if, 4.2,6.4.1 CONTRACTOR knew of the existence of such conditions at the time CONT12At"f<)li made a final commitinent to OWNER in respect of Contract Rice and Contract Times by the submission of a bid or becoming bound under a negotiated contract; or 6.4.2, the existence of such condition could reasonably have bean discovered or revealed as a result of any emminathon, investipticm, exploratioi test or study of the site and comiguoxts areas required by the Bidding Requirclnc» is or Coluact Documents to be conducted by or fix CONTRACTOR prig to COINTRACTOR's making such final Conamitra l; or 42 6.4.3- CONTRACTOR failed U~ give the written notice within the time and as required by paragraph 4.23_ If OWNER sand CONTRACTOR are unable to auce on entitlement to nr as to the amount or length of aray such equitable adjustment in the Contract Price or Contract Time,, a claim may be made therefor as provided in Articles i I and 12. However, OWNER, h"NUI1IEFR and JENCYNEFITS Consultants slosh not be, liable to CONTRACTOR fox any claims, coats, losses or damages sustained by CONTRACTOR on at in connection with any enter drojcct or anticipated prniecl. 43. PkNcatCorrelit(bns Undmgriiond 'acitifies: 4.:. I Shown or ln4cated: The information and data Shown or indicated in the Contract Documents, with r s t to existing Underground Facilities tit or contiguous to the site is based on information and data furnished to OWNER or ENGINEER by the owners of such Lndeiground Facilities or by others. Linless it is otherwise expressly provided in the Supplgnientai} C'ennditiorc,: -t ; 1.1 OW'NTX and ENGV\XER sfall not w responsible for the accuracy it completenersa of any such information or data; and 4.3-1.2 The cost of all of the following tvifl be included in the Contract price and CONTRA(M) shall have full responsibility fin O reviewing and checking all such information and data, (if) looming all CrndergrotmdFacilities shownor indicated ern the Contract Chcuments,'iii) coordination of the Wori Will the owners of such Underground Faciliue-. during anmstruction, and tied the saletti and prol&tion of all such Underground Facrhtri--3 .s:, provided in paragraph6 0 am] repanriml am damage thereto resullhng from the Work. 4.3.2. .%ot S oan or Iskh'lcatea': if an Underground Facility is uncovered Or revealed at or coringuous to 11:c site which was not shown or indicated in the Concoct Ooconertss, CONMV:Tolle shall Inaptly immediately after becoming aware thereof and fxforc Ratner disturbing conditions aflecled thereby or tvrtbmnn; any Wok in connection therewith ecsecpe in an cnnnrgcncy as required by paragraph i?31 rienliv the owner of such linden grid facility and a,IIY ,FI'-Htl+'01,1 MSlot OIFI CArltiRfi(RI:F I,'0t0i'I give written. notice to that owner and to OWNER and E'NGfNEER ENGINEER will promptly review the. iJmiergrau><t Facility and determine the extent, if am to which a change is required in the Contract Documents to reflect and document the consequences of the existence of the t`rxlerground Facility. If h'-,'GINEER concludes that a change in the Contract Do:tmtettts is required. a Work Citange Dilutive or a Change Order will be issued as provided in Article I0 to reflect and document such consequerees. During such time, CONTRACTOR shall bitreapnrtsibtc tote the safety aril protection of such Underground b'acrhryry as ov uled In paragraph 620 (X�I fRACfOR "D may be allowed an morease m the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Times, or both, to the extent that they are. attributable to the existence of any Uukrgound Facility that was not shown or indicated in the Contract Documents aril that CONTRACTOR did net know of amid could not reasonably have been exppeccct[ecd to be aware of or to have anticipated IfOWN ER an d CONTRACTOR arc tumble to agree on entitlement to or the amount or length of any such adjustment in Contract 1price or Contract Times, COfd TR.M TOR may make a claim therefor as prom ided in Articles I l and 12. However, OWNER, FNGI7.VFS:R and F vG NEFR's C'onsultards shall not Ix liable to (`ON,rI A('TOR for any claims, costs, losses or damages incurred or sustained by CONURACTOR on of in connection with any other project or anticipated project Reference Points: 4.4. OWNER shall provide engineering surveys to establish reference points for construction which in F,N1 rIN1T;Ws judgment are necessary to ¢stile ooN'TRAC"OR to procceh with the Work COINTYR:ACTOR shall be responsible tier layinn out the Work, shall )protect and dxe�erve the estahlislic`al telci ence lxoius and shall make rn> elvanges or rellcotlons without the pries- written approval of OW;N`VR, (C)'s h RAC K)R half velum to ENGiNME'R whenevcr any reference lxrint is last or destroved or requires retwition because of necessary charges it grades or locations, and shrill be ies♦xpnsible for the accurate replucernent or relocation of such reference pomL% by professionally qualified lcr�)ncl. 4.5. .4v4evtox, PCHv. Petroleum. lfazardous Waste ar Rrtdiexretive Maletial: 4 M. f)li.NER shall be rr1}-a+It,ib[c Itr an% �sb> stcN PCI;s,. Petroleum Haanrdous l mic Or Radioactive Material uncovered or revMed at the site which was net shown or indicated in Drawins_rs or Specifications or idundf€ed in the r"omtraat Documents to be within the ope of the. Work and which may present a substantial danger to person: or paolvrty e: -d thei etor In none motion with the Work to the site, OW NIM shall net he revjionsiblc for any such materials txuught to the site b> - C70 TRACTOR. SuIv.ontractrs. Suppliers or anyone. else fur whom f'(n'y I kAC'IOR is responsible. in�ny-arareliaGtd-thereby-f m anemer oed 4 8 -... fri}PA such •rtetice-in-WAving).t ...-£IWNIEW sAall--pramdtly Ewnxuli-wifh 67vGFvBBleerutnwtg tlte•ity far t3W�R-ic*cetafrr-a quali�reef-atc�er-ter-mwluate-a�wlt C9?i )~R.A4,T4-)Fi-:sFntll-not be-n;gttuct4iu-re:�emo'•Vark 1l'ork-sl€ lap -which Wor k is agr+wtl H}-t3TRr16fk3R tun Fie -renamed; either -panty -tatty -make a-olaltlh-therefor as prrwuW in Af6eles-3-h-atA4-L .s-?3--tf-atYew-rceeipt•etf-ntah-Speaiiah•wt'nten ttatiea Ff? d CR 1L F( ifin-not-agrzu-ta-r.'stnrtwaim n-woFk aftree-to--ram- ea�x-Ltilerlt-under-�tl cxthuintdxt:, than (�WN131-trap-order-srteh--r oh We-l4erk�-Hutt-is-der-a:�ettteatian-with :yeah -lam c>mnditlatt cct vt-sn+eh-atTceted arts iQ-hz Fklc�ted-liant ten- F4ork':-If-f�t14-.1Fik�snd-(:k1AF1'Rt\t;=}CR,t--coat at. ttgree ns-to entitlement tenor -the amwntor-extent of tin adjustmeett, -rest=emm+tc�-Frieeert"ehtmrttetT{ettrts aw-a-n2stilt-F*ln'etittg-aiaMgartian-of-tltz��Ex#,-ttxn either pity-tmav makeih-elaieM'herefarar-providtin t4rE{eks-l-1 tend-F_z- t-�l:it-mac-Feyewc�kt-deEcse+i portion +r41" -wor pvtiernttri her_{34VPdditiR-'s--otvn formsorothers n t et redo with rltmcie 7 4 54--1'wh dtt callest r�ttettt•-petnttifed ty`f t+rs attcl Regulmiohs 47t 1ilR _ I__.inciemni#y tool- hold lnttuk+ss• t7 iTRlt T'�jf... Sttlsemtactots I:Ni-ilP}FHIS_._tiNf"sl?Vl:�i:li's-4'orfE4 tt:zl- `-vac t AT umsuhamtt. and subcontractors -of each end -ant Other 4f5— e a'ea't0FP- - M , bytes; -..a trtLTig� -- y -ter them from -arA auquist-all-elaims, costs, losses, and own-nettlrgtiwe, 4;5:5.; __-The-lxevisions--of-paragtmha}ts-A;2--:+..cue mF�t-itmvtdnt--to-tilhpk, t«.A.51a;orris;�:Y:'�1_v;-Fetrttetxx:: Htertar�nns-4S=xstwar-1�nvm-4fxtarial-wwcnserl or revealed at -the site. �i1J• c t*iti[t�l.rXa+�RfitSTw'S late-&itFJC+fiditmi !a ell ti OF FOR I Ct1t.t.I NS {t(-ttIPIC.4IIU1w'C Q2F.G' d ?GNU)) ARTICLE 54110NOS AND UNSUR INCE Performance, Pyymentand OMer&ndic 5.l CONTRACTOR shall fitmish Performance and Payment Beads, each it an amount at least equal to the Contract Price as security for the faithful perfwnhanc a and payment of all CONTRAC YOR's tins under the Contract Mcumems. Thew Bchnds 1 remain in ellfect at least until am year after the date when Carol payment hecomes due, except as prmaded otherwise by laws or Regulations or by the Contract Documcriis. CONTRACTOR sell also finmish such other Bcauts is are required by the Supplcm atary Conditions. All Bonds shill be in the &xm prescribed by the Contract Docuunonts iapt as prat idod otherwise by Laws or Regulations and stall ho executed by such sureties as are maned in the current list of "Companies Holding Certificates of Authority as Acceptable Sureties on Federal Brntds and as Acceptable Rein Companies' as published in Circular5'10 (aroc� by the Audit Sta,Aurreaau tit government Financial Operations, 13.3. Treasury Department All Bonds signed by an agent must he accompanied by a ccxtified copy orsuch agent's authority to act 5'2. If the surety on any Bond furnWW by C0MRA%7-01? is declared a bankrupt or ixcancs insolvent or its tight to do business is terminated in any state where any part of the Project is located or it ceases to nteet tea: requiteiremsof paragraph 51, CO_ 7RAC OR shall within hen dava thereafter substitute another Bond and surety, Iuhth ofwhich must he acceptable to OWNER. 53. licensed SurenSas and Wirers; Cerrhfrcates cal Insurance. i,3.1, All Bonds and instinince required by the Contract Docurnerhts to be purchased and maintained by oWNSR or CONTRACTOR shall lx ctxained fisher surow or utsmrame oori nnies that are duly licensedor authorized `art the jurisdiction in which the FYojta is located to issue Bcuhds or insurance policies kir the, limits and orwemi;es su required Such surest, and insurance companies shall also meet such additional roclturements and qualificatioms as may be, lxovided inthe Supplementary Conditiors i.3 2 ('O\!TRA(TOR shall deliver to (AVNI it with uxapies to ea 7h additional insured identificd art the Suppiementory Conditions, cenific:atas or insurance (and !ether evidence of insurance requtaleul by OWNER or achy other additional insured) which CON ACTOVR ins regtuired to purchase and maintain in accordance with taamhrranh 5-4. OWNfiR-dxtll CONTR4C.TOR's Liahifety Insurance. 5.4- CONTRACTOR shall purchase and maintain crutch liability and other insurance as is appropriate for the li!sk being performed and furnished and as will provide protection prom claims set forth below which may arise out of or result from CONTRACTOR's performance and furnishing of the Work and CO\7RACTOR's other obhgations under the Comma dlocumcrts, whether it is to be performed or furnished by (X)NTRACTOR, any Subcontracts or Supplier, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform or furnish any of the Work, or by anyone for whose acts am of them may he liable: 5-4.1, elauns under wakens' onmparsatiars disability benefits and other similar employee iencfrt acts; 5.42_ claims for damages because of bodily injury, occupational sickness or disease, or death of CONT RAC'T OR'% employees. 5.43 claims fm' damages because of bodily injury, sickness or disease, or death of any person other than CONTRA(TFOR's employees; 5.44--slaima -fa nudges- rod- fw, euaom m)r wrlm°h tire-attaaim*d- may' �•t4ir�oNy or indirectly ralated ttv the employment of such perstnn. by. C= 1:>1`I=I2:Aix'i'LaR;-e+`-{ti##r1r"any'tither-person--!'or-atw etherreeaonr 5.4.5. olainns for damages, other than to the 'Novi; itself, because of injury to Or destruction of cargible property whaevor located; including loss of use re,whi ng therefrom; and 546, claims for damago because of bcxtily injurl cM (kath of airypetsat or pre ty (hu nage arising out of the. ownership, maintenaret or use of any motor vehicle The pwGctes of utsurmee so required by this paragraph iA to be purchased and maintainedshn11, 5A 7. with respect to insurance required I.nw paragraphs 5.4.3 through 5A.6 inclusive and 5,49. include rus addhional utstreds (sat)ject to any cuslomary exclusion in respect of professional liability J. Okk NER. ENGINE'Ek, ENGlNh I R's Consultants and any other posims or emitie>s identified in the Supplementary Conditions, all of whorn shall be listed as additional insureds, and include eaveraac for the respective of icon and employees of all such additional insureds, 5AS mcludc the Specific coverages and be written for net less than the limits of liability provtdrd in the Supplementary Corditions ar required by Laws ar kegula wme whichever isgru^tter', 5A 9_ include ceanpletod operations inmrmce: tJCPC.t��., :F_R<u, C;✓N17M'005190-S 09*1 UttImu. tt QlY �f Ea rat e'6A.LlivTe Llt itlli7 ('A711 )>rti tRf yJ2tunnl 5.410, indtxk contractual liability imntrartce covering CONTRACTOR's indemnity obligations under paragraphs 6.12, 6.16 and 6.31 through 633; 5.4,1 I contain a provision or endorsement that the coverage atkcded will not he cancelled materially slimed or renewal refused until at least thirty days' prior written notice has been given to OWNER and CONTRACTOR and to cash other addition( insured identified in the Supplementary Conditions to wham it certificate of insurance has been issued (and the certificates of insttmnce furnished by the C ONI TIZjkcTOR pursuant to pneragrapir 5.312 will so provide); 5.4,12, remain in cilect at least until final payment and at all times thereafter whan CONTRACTOR may be correcting, removing or replacing defective Weak in accordance with paragraph 13-12; and 5A,13with respect to completed operations insurance, and any insurance coverage written on a claims -made basis, remain in effect for at least two years after final payment land CONT RACTOR shall (furnish t)t N-F.R and each other additional insured identified in the Supplementary Conditions to whom a certificate of insurance has been issued evidence satisfictory w OW\ER and arty such additional insured of vmotinuation of such insurance at final payment and one near thereafter) Cali,N R'x Liability Insurance: 3,31 In addition to insurance raquirat to be provided by CO�NCRACTQR under paragraph 5.4 c VVNE R, at OINNER's option, may purchase and maintain at OWNERts eN>wnsc O IV'NER's own liability insurance as will protecrOWNER against claims which may anse from optxationsunder the Ciaraa N�cuments. Properg• Insurance. Elitltuz:- herwisa-p provided to the Sul pic'tt matt' Cenditio _.-0xkNNER--shall purchase- and autntwn prepert_v-ira,txaneecepe+n-the-Wc>Pk�tt"thesttt tn-tha+nn<xtnt of the, full rephiceprem -cr, theracsf-{subject to such deductible amounts an truiy be-prt)vtckcl-in the Supplementary--Conbtterta or required k-Taws-..and Regulations) Thts awurance isle t!] include the interests of O3 V'N1sR, t�tITAIt—_-,tiulaccgttrtscYctrs;- f.`«;f{,1�31�; IiNEi2 'FSGR's-Er'-urtstaiurrxs-and-4urr' k4het--f3er:.tan-car entitaes-identdreci -in the Supplementary CCfthlams: each -ofwh mt is deemedta havetat,insurahlx interest anctshall-beatstal as un itxiurtedrit additional insured, written of a Builder's RA "all-mk" yr t�eri" ptrtl-or--speeurl-:atuh�t orF-lotir-fx+lice-lianrthat 4hall-w--leas6 utelude arsurance-fir- physical _kmss or datnate-tor-theA rk--temporar+ h wldu s- Wwwor6 sod-4l=o-�tk in-tntt�it-grocer-Awll-unsurw-ttpe�t+nts{ at-ietnat the-tblltwtng peak; fire,. lightning. extended aau�age; theft.•-vnridnlisrrt-a#id-ntxli�i�us -iec)tiaf; eeaaeioliad bymiforvamaet..ef Lew& aw Regidatiamik, SG3, inektdr•expersve iewurted---in--the_.repair --- of fe(r(a�rtta+t-af aap-u�+far! pr'�pariY £-ateltuk�-ihtt«nc+i ar itaot,s}; � ntatt�kter-kaeatilaa-ttMt-w+ra e�ced�ift UN -in by "d-tfiat smb materialsmdequipntenc-have -been +neludg<b irr an•aippliax+tierr €aFAaymawt-f�amtttenrkti by -RING *SEE and 5.6.5--ba-tnair�tataedirrotl�E--urzEil iawl...}w mrari-fs made•-t�nlats-- thirty--ws+tten- aietases-la--each - ether- a�iduiem l itt�rrad-ter--wham- a-esfti£i«ni#a-irf�tflu�ara:a-taw--eft isfated: 8--- _ilfk rHe pc�leies-et=in.9uzwnet't+uxt'the-tettifea6ea rx txt�*r--ttirk�a-�t}ta��k}- rec#uifao3--te•-�al�id mamtnined by OWNtit +n-acecxdenea�ittt# imgr ts- emd i 7-will-ecmwrn-tt-pratviai-w-elcraennt ihet the 4XWOMge..+itie(*d warlViwl-1e,--tm *11aJ �r en tal#y d ullved or-fenawil refiseduntil at-least-thity-da", prier wriuen - notier...-ham- been ..-given- to --9t2r`i2--end �'{Nti f-k�§#=a F�l�-trnet-irr taelrc cnhlita<+rur} ttxtrtreci-tet wham ncartiraatta c>f'-irrrufanoc-his-been--issue l-and will Gont(frrt-'NaH'e1 --pfoviskm%--in---oo"vdafwe --with paragraph=i-l-I-- 59- OWNM fill not by respottsible fix purchasing arut maintaining my prop"f imumx in prated the atterssis of t: ON I IM'fOK Subooj*actors or others it, the Work to low tIMent eFart{-dadttdibk amEwnts tht&a€e iditntrfied- ill dte is kmer ry t etdttcexn '€he risk at 1e+tx:-wiiiun train a�li+nHfied�letla%Eitila aettittnt, willb�llttrae by �'.t;ati%f�:�GT<a&.-;;ir�rNfautdt��.any shalt itxx-efa{ it tiny--uf thy- wie t --pr wr6y 4nwmn vl feaerage-within the--limits--e3i'-ouch--emotatt�r;--each--rnay purchee anusmnntaiarit•aG[he-lArndssiwar'srnm-ctxpnre;a. :1�. kk-E(_i�-lf AC FEdR-r ae�s-ur�rrNir kiwi 4lef r{�ecKtl-trisaran�-lze--itmladad--ia-ihe-prcrpaK�ee PNi 405 provided stit.lef--fx+ ephs-S- 4-er-S'�--&?W:� shall, if -ffs i >te.-- t+ r x ►r •tn5uran a tmd iM3 "We dtefret will —be -charge t s CL3 iTRi�< i F ht aplxc }r3at3 Charms Order or Wnuen-- AMendnent - Prior- to ku;"t3c r t';L.a:At,{•O�t alT6�t�,S i'+tit-8 it�ii�itrq�l tU a-Cllx OF huaT('ltl,i.lhlSiCiU114CATtONS (RLi'A�2ofHIt t ��t�ht-�detk-et--ttt�+-eete�-�)li%-?iAiR- sia[+1F in + mmrw*) a t*eae b}-0t NE& payatde arrfer4my policy so igmed �reinst--—4��TR,AC`FLltt. -- �Sutx�eunract�� -.-#=ensultnnts-arx1-ttr�+ el% eii68oiate; eats layea� arid--agerars k t ally O -N-�-1-- Fa:?sr~firttrrr.� trttefruirtixm krz of -asrr at other--eaetsag�ar# al lass extending batiagtl---diaew--•physic less-cx-culuaga-to ate-r+ut-af of ewhing from i+fe or athc+r perd.. whetteror-not imwed-by OWNER: end -the-uanpkced rsurua - to A','Ompletiott - iy--OblG'�s$--cfrcc+f+r� tiai-k+ss-cefefrc�l ivr-iwlltis tam'agraph�-1-f ?-3haN-w3ntam��wtsieatst�a-the etYesr-rltat '-anp-rtw]r-ass,--cinmtige-ea ct meyuerkial:.--h—M the -uuurers will...Ivive no ns ht of ram- r any-d(-4;Elar"F'k:iE:-fCX2; 5uhsr�tttraetnre rtad-�Ita-afliaers directtxa: •amp�vnuesartd t�etu6se}f e+ty c>€ t}tmt: Receipt andAppiicanon of lonsarance Pno vg&-. 5.12. Any insured loss under the policies of insurance required by paragraphs S.6 and 5.7 will Ix adj"cd with OW,NMR and made payable to OWATR as fiduciary far the atsowds, as their interests may appear, sub icrt to the re4itiremems of any applicable mortgage clause and of paragraph 5.13 OW2vTR shall deposit in a separate account any money so receiveri, and shalt distribute it in aveAxdanee with such agreement as the parties in interest may reach if no other special agreement is reached the damaged Work shall be repaired or replaced the mrnneys u+ received apphed. on accomit thereof and the Work and fire cost thereof covered by an appropriate Change Order or Written eimendinent. 5.13, OWNER as fiduciary shall have power to adjust and settle arty logs with the insurers unless one of the parties in interest shall abject in writ emg within fitteen rays after the occurrence of lass to I 17P's eKerc:ise of this power. If such objection be made. OANUR its ftdue-imy shall make acdlementt with the insurers in accordance with such agreement as the parties in interest Play reach I f ❑n such agreement mnon>g rho* parties in interest is reached, OWNTIR as fiduciary shall adjust and settle the loss with the insurers art l tf recttrire i rr wv+tu by aria p u? in mterata;--t lxN'1:R-ai; fiduciary_ shall give .toad lm-the pre�r.ycvfatnannce-ol'-suctladut�. Acceptance oftionds and Inmerance, Option in Replace: 5.14. If either piety+W�IR x_.rFs? pRA:'Tt3Rj Ot NWR has any ohicchon to tie coverage afforded by or alter' Ixovisionus of rite Donets or in-wraicerequired to be purclutsed and maintained lx the other party CONTRACTOR to iecordtnca with \insole ; eat the txisrs of nran-conformance with tic Contract Uocumeus, the abyeetin perfv shall -cora7til'p- the other sty Ok_V4'FR t%itl ppilly 'C)vLl S fOK I In wi'itug watim ten tttteon days after Weipt ckhuery of the certificates tax other evidence, regtaasted7 1p QNNN;R as required by pairopatait 17. (4W,j{1� mid-<'El'tif,It 40R :shall-ei�f+rewxtr 11+1 other -such -additional -irdarmatioon In restwt-of tnsuuance provided as the -other -mm isNisonably-request. It either party .does -now-purchase -Crmaintain all -of the-Bomtls and ar•taarce,-requffe%l of suede- party by -tlw, Cont€olO f.>futunenls sttela -party ;shall- nouty the Other party all writing of such failure to fauJiaw. prtur to the stark of Olt l4txk;-car-�aFaui.�k-latiurcaZcanatnt»ttt-prior-k>-fart'-tl+irtrgt in thefeguirc+&luwerttge:--1L=iFlatitiF-pragtralicother-right or ram dy, the <tlax-paWy may-ele#-to- tlaai equivalent i3atvls-ter-insaranerttrtxotertsuah ocher partys-mtere:a�t net the aewpenFu cd'-the prorty who was, re(juirrKtto provide uicb cover spe -sad-a-Change Older toixlpsl-the Coraraet rioe scootdirlit,tly Partial f}rilizthon--Propegi, Insarance: 5. If OWNER finds it neccssmy to occupy or use a pcxtton or portions of the Work prior to Sul-rtaatial i A•GC GE;4Lasu, c0?"ll V Nti I9Ja-,9 fn 9so Edrriaii xv' (1Tl` O}: FUa r CCa.t I>+`� Lii 4 }n9 C:i rli )tiff raFl: I NMI Complettom of all the Wick, such use or occupancy may Iv— acctmtph.4W in accordance with paragraph 14.10. provided drat no such use or occupancy shall commence before the insurers providing the property, insurance have acknowledged notice thereof and in writing effected any changes in coveragenecessitated thereby, The insurers providing the property insurance shall catsell by endorsement on the polo or potic:ies. but the property insurance shall not be cancelled or permitted to lapse on account of any such partial use or occupancy. ARTiCI,F; 6--CONTRACOWN RUS!"ONSMILITIFS Superridon and &perintenden e: 6.1. CONTRACTOR shall supervise, inspect and direct the Work canpetertly and efficiently, devoting vetch attention thereto and applying such skills and expertise as may he neecs_sary to perform the Wcxk in accordance with the Contract lloattnaus. COWRACTOR shall he solely responsible for the means, methods, techniques sequences and pros xhines of construction, hilt CON I kA(,' FOR shall not be respxmfhle far the negligence of others in the design or speetfication of a specific meant. method, to hmque, sequence or procedure of ctxeltructio n which is shown or indicated in and expressly required by the Contract Documents. COWRACI'OR shall be re.4mosible to see that the completed Wow], earnplies acc'tuately with tine Contract Documents- f 2 CQN'TR_,V"UiR. sisill keep on the Work at all times during, its _progr.:xs a cximpetunt resident superintendent- wilo dish not be replaced without written notice Ili O\lWNF.R and except under extraordman serum Ian :a The ripe( mendent will be CONTRAC IOR's representative at the site and shall have aut{xrity to act ton behalf of t:O TR=k 01Z_ All cvmmumotions to the superuuerxlent shall be as binding rIs if given to t:C3'::TRr1('rOl't. Labor, Materials anti Equipmesnt: t):3. t_,otiTRACTi)R shall provide competent, suitably qualified personnel to survey, Iay out and construct the Work as rcc{ua'ed by tie Contract: INvuments C'ON R=vi'Ti]R shall at all times maintain goaxi discil?linc and order it the site. hxcept as otherwise required for the safety k3f Ixot<cti(on of p:rso)w or the Wtuk ar pnrcrt} at Ole site w adjacent thereto, and except as otherw'isa indicated in the Contract Documents. all Ekcirk at the site shall be peif ormed during regular working hours ;rill CON I t,H `]`CiR will not permit overtilvc work Of the pc Lf aianxe of AV'oxk at Saturday, :sundry or anytemzal bclyda vaiout OWNER's written consent given after prior v:rirwn ncaice to EhCYNE'ER. o'Oi4 [R,C_TCaR shall sutanit requests to the lTG1:h1EF.R no tames than 44 hours m _ a 1 mc, of any Work to be ptrlannarl_at `, slturci ly, Surdiv 1{ lams Or outside the Regurlar Tl'y-,r(5jrn* H,wr 6.4. Unless otheMX specified in the General contains or is followed by words reading that no like, Requiremenm, CONTRACTOR shall furnish and assume equivalent a "or -equal" item or no substitution is full responsibility for all materials, equipment labor, permitted, other items of material or equipment or trancpontatiort, construction equipment and machinery, mateytal or equipment of other Suppliers may be tads; appbaneex fuel, power,14K beat, telephone, water, accepted by ENGINFF.R under the following sanitary facilities, temporary fliciltties and an other incidental for the tLmishing, circumstances:facilities —� and necrasary performance, tasting, sort up and completion of the Work. 6.7.1. t. `Yh-Equar If in rNGINEFIt's sole discretion an item of material ur equipment Gq Atop o d by CONTRACTOR is functionally muse ccamply'wzih the. CJty 4 purchasrrtg restrictions A eepmI to that named grad sufficiently similar so that y (q�yg resolutrans am Ivatlable ffar review in ibe no change m related Work will be required, it may a lSces of the ptrdnas" ani Risk Mamggment he considered by FNGiNFER as an "or -equal" Divisionart}zeCityClerl'sai6oe item, in which case review and spproval of the proposed item may, in ENGINES s sole 6A.2., Cement R t§ ricticm_C-it�of Fort Collins discretion be aecomphshed without compliance Rew�ttont 91-121 requires that supphers and INWqoe with wine or all of the reyuremmrt5 for of cemcnst 4r pro frees eoltEa etlnent to cugdy that acceptance of proposed substitute items. the cGtnent was not mask in cetnem Itilru that bum Subsfintie items- If in ENGINEER'S sole ht.c!�ug_�.aas.�lL>e1, discretion an item of material or egttent proposed by CONTRACTOR does no quahfy as 6.5, All materials and equipment shall be of good an "or -equal" item under subparagraph, it rlity and new, except as otherwise provided in the will be considered a proposed substitute item. Bali ntraet Doanmena All warranties and gunrrantees CONTRACTOR submit affieientt specifically called for by the Specifications shall expressly information as provided below to allow run to the benefit of OWNER. If required by ENGINEER, ENGINEER to dac mine that the itun of material CONTRACTOR shall furnish satisfacuay evidence or equipment proposed is essentially equivalent to _ (including reports of required tests) as to the kind and that named and an aecegxable substitute theretix. gtadity of materials and equipment. All materials and The procedure for review by the ENGINEER will egui rient shall be applied, installed, connected, cret�ted, include the following as supplemented in the used, cleaned and cxxtditiwnel in acm*nce with General Requirements and as ENGINFFR may instructions of the applicable Supplier, except as otherwise decide is appropriate under the circumstances. —. provided in the Commet Documetu4. Rtqucsts for Teview of proposed substitute items of material or a ipment will not he accepted by Progress Suaedute: ENGiNEFR from anyone other than CONTRACTOR, If CONTRACTOR wishes to Cal, CONTRACTOR shall adhere to the progress furnish or use a substitute item of material or schedule established m accordance with paragraph 2.9 as it equipment. CONTIL\C 1 OR shall first make may be adiustod from time to time as provided below. written application to 1 N rlNHEk feu acceptance thereof, cettt6,ing that the pr,>pooed substitute with 6.6.1. (i)NTRACTOR shall submit to ENGINEER perform adequawly the tonctionts and achieve the far acceptance (to the extant indicated in results called for tw the general desip, be similar — ptragxaph2.9) proposed a4utsgments in the progress in subsume to that spealfted and I* sulked to the schedule that will not change the Contract Tunes (or same use as thatspecified The application will i ilestates). Such adjustments will conform gernerally state the extent, if any, to which tote evaluation to tine progreiz schedule then m effect and additionally and acceptance of the priVmed substitute will win comply with any provisions of Una General pre udioe C"Oh"TRA71'OR's ach u vemeni of Requiremems applicable thereto Substantial Completion on time. whether or not acceptance of die substitute for use in the Work b 6,2• Proposed adjustments in the lxogrow rxh:du:Q will require a change in any of the Contract that wilt change the Contract Times (or Mnleat(nrnes; Documents for in the provisions of any oteet' shall be submitted in accordance with the requirea eus direct contrast with OWM,"R f° work on the of paragraph 12.1, Such adjustments may only Ix Projed) to adapt the design to the piL")sed made try a Change Order or Written Amendment in substitute and whether or not incorporation or use accordance with Arnett 12- of the substitute in ca»xectton with the Work is subject Ca pa}raad a€ any license £ee ev ro}dlty. 6.7. Subsrftutesand "(3r.Fgaat"Items.•An variation: aC the praptti substitute (item that specihcd will be idttbui in the application and 6.7.1. Wherntvtr con friar of roatenal ar equipntettt is available maimemtnec, relrair and replacetntit specified or described in the Contract Documents by service will be indicated The application will using, the name of a proprietany item or the name of a also contain an itertivxd estimate of all costs or particular Supplier, the specthcation or description is credits that will rewrlt directly x tndireoly from intended to establish the type, function and quality acceptance oil'such sul:+tcute. inncludinia costs of required. [ Wess the specification or description redesign and claims of other contractors affected h'JC1Xt3L*FttAt.C'(XNU'rt0 S1?IQ.Sit9tx�Edltishri 12 w' C]"17 OF RORT IX)t.i.t1Y,5 M1tCSl71W'U7,i11F)NS fttnrV 420ao1 by the resulting charge. all of which will be considered by ENGFNEETt in evaluating the lxopysod substitute. EhlilNPER may rwire CTMZA<"TOR to furnish rakhtiori l into about the proposed substitute. 67.1.3. COf'47RAC"TOR's Ctpznw: :all data to be provided by CONTRACTOR in support of any proposed "or -equal" or substitute item will be at. COYTRACTOR's exptshse. 6.7.2. Substitute C"ons'"clion A= edunis or Proceadfres. If a .ssppeecritic meats, method, technique, sequence or pcoaIre of construction is shown or indicated in and egxessly required by the Contract Documents CON7fRACFOR may furnish or utilize a substitute means; method, ta;hn dote, sequenee or procedure of construction acceptable to HNGINEER, CONTRACTOR shall submit sufficient information to allow IMANIl->R, in VNC:INIiFR's We discretion, to determine that the substitute proposed is cquivaterit to that etipresfily called for by the Contract Documcnts. The prowdure for review by BINGiNISER will he simlar to that proyidaf in subparagraph 6 7 1.2 6.7.3J,'ngineer'.i Evaluatn»r: NVGiNEER will hoe allowed a reasonable time within which to evaluate` each propaxral or subnuard made pursuant to I aragraphs 6.7-1 2 an t v 7 2 ENGINiIR will be the sole judge of acceptahility, No 'or -equal" or gtlzntimte will he ordered, installed o€ utilizrolwithout f"NGINLER's prier written acceptance which ;will be eyideriecd by either a Change Order or an apinwed Shop Drawing OWNTR may require c0NTR.\CTOR to foirmh at CON TOR's exi'vaW a special performance guarantee or other surety with respect to env "ta-equal" or substitute. E•'NGlNIJER will record nine re(itared by HNGt'. I;I3k and I ':t N I R's consultants, in evaluating suhsthute; pr�jxYW or skiNmiW by CONTRACTOR pursuant to p'arVaphs 60 12 aril 672 and in nuking ch;m6cs in the Contract Documents (or to the prove aom. of any other dried contract with OWINFR for work on the Project) occasioned theubv. Whether or not tNt,INHErt accept3 a suhxij itule item so proptzxd cr submitted by CON RL-V71 R, CCTV"I'Ki fOR shall reimburse OWNER for the clsumes of E:A;INOi R and LNGI: ETIR:s CohuultaMs for ecaltriong each such praparxdsubuitutr itmi. 68, C'oneeruung .Subewitractom. Suppliers and i7tbem ri I, CON I RACI OR shell not employ any Subcontractor, Supplier or other person :rr organs, atiun (including those acceptable to (UNETt and 6N'GIN GR as indicated in Itvragraph !, x _' i, tehethei uutialiy or as a substitute. against .vhom {)W NER or I-,NGTNJ-,f R.. may hake was: ,,mble cobjection. +-'( NTR-AC FOR shhall not to required to employ any Sul,vonundtor, Sufplicr oroiher Ixrv'ah or or mniniii(m to furnsh or perform air, of the Work against whom CON Yk k:70P hoc, reasonable ohlectlon. FYIX*t;V i'V tAI, Ct rM)lIt ".) INh0,4, 0 tv1) E;dirier,, n (37l'E�P r'Sigl �t.e.3'dti \4 Ahltry Cst7h, r�hiRLl'l7Vbthh CONTRACTOR shall_pere fan not lass, thart. 2Ct �unt._o( th& Gi ark _wt j, it ¢_ nwn:EYR9a {_th�tis wtf u sic on ractiny}_ The 24 pg cent remtimment -- II ltc unc�rstood to. refer to the _4�'ark the valte. of winch towli not less than 2U plc of the Contract PtLCL Ci.S2. %Jditlg Documents require the identity of certain Subcunttrsctas. Suppliers or other persons or organizations iincludirg time who are to furnish the principal items of materials or equipmem) to be subirimed. to OWNER in-xAHtnae-c+f-the-- Seethed date prior to the Effective Date of the Agreement for acceptance by OIVNER and ENGINEIiR;...and. . if (- )W'M Gfhb �-in uswrdanae--watt t}te—tx>kiuettary ..t<xtclitiuttst OWNER's or HNIM?vliMs acceptit= (either in writing or by failug to make written objection thereto by the date indicated for acceptance or objection in the bidding documents or the Contract Documents) of any slit tiubeatalrmen EW c>kgattii'rttiwt--sa-idwitifted--map He•-ttrvdkdel-rut+-tea bases -of rt .0nahle ©tg*Mtion-aftor-due -mvaattgatrc rt; iw--svhieh--c�esa-•�(�Aia=l?rA�l'L3R—shall--gubteit-snt necspable, .atitzstmate,--the-CComraet_.-Priee-will- be adjusted-gy-the-di�'�d�tee-ie- stteit substieutioa-tuid-an-apprupriata-Oteutga k3nier wilFbe--ice or irrr ' tr iil constitute_ r a carxhticat of fix Contract regpiring_ hz use of the named bibeiw=ct us_,,su�he____r cvhcr persons oritatim on ihE Work unless pricer written apyLoyal is obtained from 0kV`NER and I N- GINIT4t;. No acceptance by 01KNE'R, or E'NGiNF.F i or any such Subcontractor, Supplier or otter personcu orVniaatiot shall oomitute a waiver of any right of OWNER or ENGINlstsft to reject ci' Il rtve W01 k-, 0.9.1, (_Tg,, R,,vI OR shall be fully responsible to OWNLK and UNGINUR tar all acts and ohhm%ras of the Subuontractors, Suppliers and other per%)m and aganizatio s petfixating or furnishing any of the Work under a direct or tndirect contract ovi,i Ct;)INTReACTOR just- as CONTILACTOR is responnible for CCYNTIRACTO sus owls acts anti omissions, Nothing in the Contract Documents shu.a create for the, benefit of any such Subcontractor, Supplies is other person or organization any contractual relationship between OW ,;ER or t Gh` ME.,R and any such Subcontractor, Suppliu or other person to organization, nor shall it create any obligation on the pan of OWNER or ENGINEER to pay or to see to the payment of any monevs duo any Stich Subcontractor, Supplier or other pemm or organization except as may otherwise be required by laws and Regulation ()",Njb o ENCA.N It agaty lumish to any suhaintrxctcs, supplier r nther,persen �oruatn'at� ton ryisietne oC_amciuits-.-mid tq CON't RAC,"I OR in acc irdaracc - with CJNCR 1C.7 CARS >dpptitauons fox Pavmcnt" 6.9,2, (',QtiTR.AC7OR shall be solely resfx)nsible for scheduling and coordinating the Mork of Subcontractors. Suppliers mid other persons and organizations performing ar furnishing any of die Work under a direct or indirect contract with CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR shall require all Suboontracters, Suppliers and such outer persons and organizations perfmairrg or fort» string am, of the Work to communicate with the ENGINEER through CONTRACTOR & M The divisions and sections of the Specifications and the identifications of my Drawings shall not control CONTRACTOR it dividing the Work amog Subcontractors or Suppliers or delineating the Work to be performed by any specific trade. 6.11. All Work performed for CYJNTRAC;I'OR by a Subcontractor or Supplier will be pursuant to un I Tsriatm agreement betsvoen CON"I'RACTOR and the u dot or Suppler which specifwally binds die Subcontractor or Supplier to the applicable ternts and conditions of the Conttad fkw:urnen is for the bawfti of OWNER and ENGINEER. Whenever -any suehngresmant is ier•ivhtm-ia lifer arm additional- 111111.4110- pt»l3ert7-it"unmee-frowdded-in baaragaap •-bMween---the F417E etia tot or fiupltfier will Parent Fees and Royrr/ties: 6t2- CONTRACTOR shall pay all license tees and royalties and assume all costs incident to the u..e in the perfomawe of the Work or the utco"n ration in the Work of any invention, design, process, product or device which is the subject of patera rights or copyrights held by oth rs Ira particular invention, design, process, product or device is specified in the Cotttrct Documents for use in €he performance of the Work and if to the actual knowledge of OWNER or Ia`N"E"iTttittiEER its use is subject to patent rights o copyrights. calling for dre payment of an+ hcenxw Teti or royalty to others, the existence of Bauch rights shall he disclosed by OWNER in the Ccnttnuct Documents ro du fullest extant pennitted by Latins anti kegulaticxi:; CONTRACTOR shall urdemniR mid holJ hanailess OIATNEft, ENGINEER, W R INE-,f R's Consultants and the officers, directors, employees agents. kind other consultants of each and any of them from and against, all claims, crnts. losses and damages arising out of or resulting from arry infringeme»t of pratent rights or ct \,rights ancidmt � the use inthe performance of the 14"iX or resubinr ho�n the incorporation in the Work of any invention, &k nun, �xr.i, product or device not speaffied in the Contract tuncnts. Edon%17t�taF'f�latA[;S(,ArN7ti:.a'i l4l ta. t �+n tscht:•+u 14 w�csn hr xortruu nos aczortu �uch�rs atr:t?otxn permits; 6.13. Unless otherwise provided in the Su lementar Catdifizm,, CONTRACTOR shall obmin and pay for all construction permits and licenses. OWNER shall assist CC)N1TtACTOR, mvhen n wry, in obtaining such permits and licenses. CONTRACTOR shall pay all governmental charges and inspections fees necessary for the prosecution of the Work, which are applicable at the time of opening of Bids, or, if there arc no Bids, an the Effective Date of the Agreement. CONTRACTOR shall pay all Charges of utility owners for connections to the Work, and Olt°I ER stall M, all charges of such utility owners for capital costs related thereto such as planet investment fees. "44. Lens and Regulmians: 6.14.1. CONTRACTOR shall give all netias and comp)y with all Laws and. Regulations applicable to furnishing and performance of the Work.. Except where othartvise expmt- required by applicable Laws and Regulations, neither OWNER nor ENGllv'E6R shall be responsible for monitoring CON'rRAC.`fOR's compliance with any Laws or Regulatiras. 6.14.2, If CONTRACTOR performs any Work krnwinrg or havinryg3 realm to know that it is contrary to Laws or Regulations, CONTRACTOR shall bear all claims, cons, losses and damages caused by, arising out of or resulting therefroim howo cr, t shrll not he CONTRACTORS primaty responsibility to make certain that the Speci ficauots sad Drawings are in accordance with laws and Regulations, but this shall not relieve CONTRACTOR of Ct: NTRAC.MR's obligations under paragraph 3.12, Taxes 6,15. CO\l;RVTOR shall pay all sales, ccsmtmer. use and odwr similar taxes squired to be paid be c,ONIRaaCTOh. in ao or r_re with tlhe Laws and Regulations of the place of the project which the applicable during the perkeranre of the Work 6 I s 1 f xt NJ Ct i, eve m x_ front t oh"Cla_State iin;.l local sales and" tisa. UKes on' imaterials. to-- e pe(alarn:ndt n tporatgd into the jns)jwl 40 tfa es 4i! not b • ,iu IoJed nil ht t'oncract ('rice. Addre ss Colorgda L)cmruncnt of keh_eow 51sIte L`sr jtalWmcs I37� Sherman �tireet Tk_ fircr�, C.cal�mlclo, &t}2b1, Sales_anl Use _Taxes fox_ the Star _of _04mdo,. R xi I ra tian District__�RTD and cento a ( olaradn counties are colt � by the State of Coloraiq and are inlutcled_in the Certi6catidxl of KN—M.P on lal,1 a_1Rhiul}le..S des oral to e Taxck.%twlu4i: Slate oo, tec red taws), on any, items other than construction b s 1w ' to the }fie t0 he meld t'iTN CRACTOR and are to, be ua ia_�ppganriatc bid items Use of 1wnaser., 6.16. CONTRACTOR shall confine construction. equipment, the storage of materials and equipment and the cc�itrtaatim of workers to the, rite and land and areas idenrtifled in mid permitted by the Contract Documents and other land and areas permitted by laws and Regulations. rights of ay, permits and easccalents, and shall not wveasoiahly encumber the premises with construction equipment or other materials or equipment. C'OlNrl'RACTOR shall assume fill responsibility for am' damage, to any such land or area, or to flic owner or occupant thereof or of any adjacent land or areas, resulting front the ferfoanance of the Work, Should any clean be made by arty such owner or occupant because of the perfomsnoe of the Work, C7ONTRACTOR shall promptly settle with such other party by negotiation or otherwise re�lve. the clam by mburxhon or other dispute resolution proceeding or at law CONTRAC'FOR shall, to the fullest ixttent permitted by Laws and Regulations, indemnify and Bold harmless t WNTER, ENGINEER, INGM3ER's Consultant and anyone directly or ndirectly employed by any of them fioan and against all claims, costs, losses and damages atwing cut of or resulting from any claim or action?, legal cxr equitable: brought by any such owner or occupant against t)W'Nf R L:NGINLER o any other party indemnified hereunder to the extent caused lav ry leased upon Cd3NfRAC:TOR'3 }xafomiace of the Work, 617_ During the progress of the Work, CONTRACTOR shall keep the premises free from accumulations of waste materials, ruttish and other debris resulting, from the W(Tk At the complction of the 'Work CONTRACTOR shall remove all waste matczisis rubbish and debris from and about the pretuism as well as all tools, appliances, construction cYpupment and machinery and surplus nhaterials Ct 9tiTRAC TOR shall leave the site clean and ready for occupancy b_v C "All at Substamial Completion of Vw Work. CONTRACTOR strall testcte to oigi at condition all property not desviatetl tar alteration try' the Contract Documents. 6.1 S. CONTRA(A OR shall not load nor lxcmnit any part of any structure to be loaded in any tuarurr that will endanger the structures, rat shall CONTRACTOR subject any part of fie Work or adjacent property, to stresses or pre s urs that will ert6oper it Recarrd Um;arnenis.- EJCDCr;4NIH-AI iiiNlnl"n ,\S 1909(19!)o L-'664ie w1O YOFF(W l.Yad INS MODIFIC1 I(0\SiRFa-I; (HHII 6.19. C'C1NfRAC TOR shall maintain in a We place at the site one record copy of all Drawings, Specifications, Addenda, Written Amendments, Change Orders. Work Change Directives, Field Orders and written interpretations and clarifications (issued pursuant to paragraph 9.4) in gnod order and annotated to show all changes made during construction Those record documents together with, all approved Samples and a counterpart of all approved Shop Drawings will be mailable to LNGINELR for reference. Upot oompletion of the Work andfir to rtlaase of 6�l_paymern, these record documents, Samples and Shop Drawings will be delivered to FNGINMFR for OW'NFR, Safety and Protection: 620. CONTRACTOR shill Lee respunsible liar initialing, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programs in conecuot with the Work" CONTRACTOR shill take all necessary precautions for the safety oC and "if provide the nueessary protection to prevent damage,. injury or lass to, 6.2Q.1 all persons tan the Work site or who may he affected by the Work; 6,202 all the, Wok and materials and equipmem to Ire incogxurated therein, whether in storage on or oll' the site, and 6.20t3. other property at the site or adjacent thereto, including trees, shrubs, lawns, walks, pavements, roadway-, structures, utilities and t;ndergrotind Iracihfies nor designated tux removal. relo;at on or replacement in the course of construction. CONTRACTOR elect k�omply with all applicable, Laws and Regulations of any public bcaly having j urisd icrtan '- 'safety oxf Nrsdms or 111o1wrty or to protect them liom okamag� injury Of loss; and ;Kill erect and maintain all tecessary safeguards for such safety and protectt(m CONTRACTOR shalt notify owners of adjacent prop;rty and of Urukri;r6irid I'ac iti s and utility owners whe:. Prosecution of the Work may affect axon, and shill cooperate with then) in the protecti(AL rerndnal, relocat;on and replacement of their property All d unayg,e, injury or loss to any' property i e€erred to in pntagi aphs 6 2t. 2 + i 6,20.3 caused, d fired, or indirectly, in whole or in part_ by Ct NIMXCTOR, anv Subcontractor, Sul)plier or any other person or organization directly or indirectly employed by any of than to perform or furnish any of the Work or mayor lot whose a.;ts tuns of Ihcm may ke lwole. -tact Lx` remedied 1w (`ONTRA(IOR (except damage or loss attributable to the fault of Drawings or Specifications or to the acts or om81YOY; of Oft NER or INGINa'7 INGINFER's Consultant or anyone cmploNod by a.,} of them din mivone for whole acts any of them may be liable, and not attributable, dirutly or indirectly. on whole ox in mil, to the fatift or negligoicc d d ON"TRAi'1'oR or a Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization directly or indirectly employed by wty of them). C;ONTRACTOR's drnies and rosponsifvinuc her the satcty mid protection of the Work shall continue until such tin,a as all the Work is completed and E\Cf\hTiR lens issued a