HomeMy WebLinkAbout107395 NATIONAL WATERWORKS - PURCHASE ORDER - 5506797City of Fort Collins Page Number: 1 City of Fort Collins Date: 10/10/05 Purchase Order Number: 5506797 p 97 Delivery Date: 10/18/05 Buyer: BONNETTE, ED Purchase Order number must appear on invoices, packing lists, labels, bills of lading, and all correspondence. Note: PER FAXQUOTE (ANVIL LANE & ORCHARD DRIVE) WITH ADDENDUM ACKNOWLEDGED, DATED 10/5/05. VENDOR SHALL NOTIFY TERRY POPEJOY @ (970)221-6232 OF THE SCHEDULED DELIVERY OF MATERIALS NO LATER THAN 24 HRS PRIOR TO ARRIVAL. DELIVERY WITHIN 7 WORKING DAYS ARO. All Fittings shall be per City of Fort Collins Specifications (Water Standard Line Qty/Units Description Extended Price 1 LOT OF 1 EACH 399.00 6" X 6" TAPPING SLEEVE, SS JCM #432 2 LOT OF 1 EACH 479.00 6" TAPPING VALVE, RES. SEAT MUELLER #T-2360 (OPEN RIGHT) 3 LOT OF 5 EACH @ $309.50/EA 1,547.50 6" GATE VALVE, RES. SEAT, MJxM MUELLER #A-2360, W/ACC'Y, OPEN RIGHT 4 LOT OF 3 EACH @ $111.00/EA 333.00 6" X 6" SWIVEL TEE TYLER/SIGMA, W/ACC'Y 5 LOT OF 1 EACH 91.75 6"X6"X6"TEE TYLER/SIGMA, W/ACCY Ali City of Fort Collins City of Fort Collins Page Number: 2 Date: 10/10/05 Purchase Order Number: 5506797 —, -IVWIr �ULV. Iui Iorua Buyer: BONNETTE, ED Purchase Order number must appear on invoices, packing lists, labels, bills of lading, and all correspondence. Note: PER FAXQUOTE (ANVIL LANE & ORCHARD DRIVE) WITH ADDENDUM ACKNOWLEDGED, DATED 10/5/05. VENDOR SHALL NOTIFY TERRY POPEJOY @ (970)221-6232 OF THE SCHEDULED DELIVERY OF MATERIALS NO LATER THAN 24 HRS PRIOR TO ARRIVAL. DELIVERY WITHIN 7 WORKING DAYS ARO. All Fittings shall be per City of Fort Collins Specifications (Water Standard Line Qty/Units Description Extended Price 6 LOT OF 2 EACH @ $27.00/EA 54.00 6" PLUGS, PUSH -IN, W/RES.LUGS TYLER 7 LOT OF 3 EACH @ $58.50/EA 175.50 6" 90-DEG. BENDS, MJxMJ TYLER/SIGMA 8 LOT OF 30 EACH @ $18.50/EA 555.00 6" MEGA -LUG RES. FOR PVC EBAA #2006PV Total �lr.vw= . 9 $3,634.75 City of Fort CC)Winf Director of Purchasing and Risk Management City of Fort Collins This order is rtQthalid over $2000 unless signed by James B. O'Neill 11, CPPO, FNIGP Accounting Department City of Fort Collins Purchasing, PO Box 580, Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 PO Box 580 Phone: 970-221-6775 Fax: 970-221-6707 Email: info@ci.fort-collins.co.us Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580