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Dear Mr. James B. O’Neill,
I wanted to take this opportunity to reconfirm Rapidigm’s interest in working with the City of Fort Collins. As you move forward with the vendor review process for P930-Application
Development Services and P934-Website Design Services, I thought it would be important to point out that Rapidigm is a full-service IT solutions partner, capable of successfully managing
all projects encompassed by these proposals (PeopleSoft/JD Edwards upgrades, data archiving/DW, Microsoft .Net integration, website design and maintenance) in addition to a range of
other key initiatives.
Our Managed Services Practice also offers cost effective Remote DBA and O/S monitoring & maintenance and even Offshore development to help maximize ROI. We are currently engaged in
an ERP upgrade for Summit County, CO for which offshore resources will be utilized to help reduce the overall cost.
Rapidigm has built a solid reputation throughout the State of Colorado, not to mention developed strategic partnerships with Advanced Energy, Waterpik and Group Publishing in Fort
Collins, and we look forward to establishing a partnership with the City of Fort Collins and the North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
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Heather Novickis
Rapidigm, Inc.
p 1-877-834-6463
303.665.6866 x1021
f 303.665.6977
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"A World of Business Information Solutions"
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