General Specifications/Requirements:
Waste Removal Services:
1) Service Provider must provide all labor and equipment necessary to
remove waste from the locations and at frequencies listed on Bid Sheet
(Attachment A). Total cost quotation shall include all charges associated
with waste/trash removal; including required containers, equipment and
2) Service Provider must provide 7 day per week service (including
Holidays) for those scheduled for 7 day per week pick-ups listed in Waste
Removal Bid Sheet (Attachment A). All other pick-ups scheduled on City
Holidays, will be moved to the day following the observed City Holiday
(see “2005 Holidays”, attached).
3) Service Provider shall be responsible to locate and provide containers at
the existing locations with the same capacities listed in Waste Removal
Bid Sheet (Attachment A) of this document and meet or exceed the
following requirements:
a) heavy gauge steel construction on sides and bottom.
b) flip type, hinged lid(s) of a light weight durable material (plastic, fiberglass, etc).
c) lid locking mechanism/device to accept one standard type padlock (supplied by
vendor), provided upon City request at no additional charge on a site by
site basis.
d) either flat bottomed or with industrial type casters on all corners, when
requested by the City and where physical locations require regular moving.
e) clear marking, permanent signage or color coding to identify container
4) Service Provider shall be responsible for all risk of loss due to theft or
vandalism pertaining to any equipment provided in conjunction with this
bid. Likewise, replacement of containers, whether due to loss, physical
condition or a City request shall be made without undue delay or
interruption in service, and no later than 24 hours after the request.
5) All regularly scheduled pick-ups must be completed on schedule. If
Service Provider misses three or more scheduled pick-ups during a
calendar year, the contract may be canceled. Because of quantities of
trash involved late or missed pick-ups at city locations must be made up
on the same day. The City shall maintain the right to deduct from any
payment to Service Provider, as liquidated damages, the unit cost, as
calculated from their bid, for service that was not provided on the
scheduled day, and twice the unit cost for any such removal which was
not made on the day following the scheduled day.
6) The City shall retain the right to adjust its service schedules on an as
needed basis. The City may add or delete services and adjust the prices
according to the bid prices.
7) Requests for unscheduled pickups shall be honored by Service Provider.
All non-scheduled pickups must be completed within 24 hours of the
request. Requests for additional dumpsters shall also be honored, within
24 hours of the request.
1) Service Provider shall pick up refuse from locations shown on Waste
Removal Bid Sheet (Attachment A) at such times as reasonably specified
by the City. All pickups shall be completed by 11:00 a.m.
a. Refuse will be removed from the premises and disposed of at the
Larimer County Landfill. In the event that there is an alternate
landfill in closer proximity or, if Larimer County Landfill is not
available, Service Provider agrees to deposit an offsetting volume
of trash equal to or greater than the City’s weekly volume into the
Larimer County Landfill in order to compensate for the “volume
loss” to Larimer County Landfill.
NOTE: Service Provider has provided a Letter to Ed Bonnette
dated January 21, 2005 (from Dan DeWaard/Don Archuleta) in
which Waste Management guarantees that waste from designated
routes shall be deposited in the Larimer County Landfill in order to
more than exceed the theoretical maximum volume that the City
would generate in the event that all locations were active at the
same time at maximum volume. Waste Management has, in this
manner, demonstrated a more than adequate “good faith effort” to
comply with the Service Agreement provision that all city refuse
volume (or an equivalent offsetting volume) be deposited in the
Larimer County Landfill.
2) Trucks and equipment used will be properly inspected, licensed and
insured. Containers shall be equipped with lids and kept in good repair at
all times.
3) It will be the responsibility of the Service Provider to wash the inside of all
containers regularly so odors are kept at a minimum and there is no
accumulation of waste.
4) Service Provider shall be responsible for any damage claims arising from
the operation of equipment or disposal of refuse.
5) Service Provider shall be responsible for all liability insurance and other
legal requirements (see Exhibit B).
6) Service Provider shall provide one single point of contact to the City to
handle any additional pick ups or missed deliveries, and notify the City
immediately if there is a contact change. Service Provider shall also
provide one single point of contact to the City to handle any billing issues.
Service Provider agrees to hold prices firm for the term of the Annual
Contract. Any price adjustment requests for the following year will be
submitted when the Renewal Letter is sent out; the City of Fort Collins
uses the Denver Boulder Greeley CPIU index published by the Colorado
State Planning and Budget Office as a guide. Service Provider agrees
that they will not charge the City any Fuel Surcharges, Finance Charges,
or Late Charges. All billing will be sent to the Accounts Payable
Department at P.O. Box 580, Fort Collins, CO 80522, not to the individual
departments. The Contractor agrees to provide the City with an updated
electronic spreadsheet detailing the new Monthly and Annual Charges
within 30 days submittal of the signed Renewal Letter.
TELEPHONE: (970) 416-3574 FAX: (970) 482-4491
EMAIL: darchule2@wm.com
CELL #: (970) 567-0439 EMERGENCY: (970) 567-0439
BACKUP: Rich Morford (970) 567-0448
TELEPHONE: (970) 416-3552 FAX: (970) 482-4491
EMAIL: jzwest@wm.com
CELL #: (970) 567-5280 EMERGENCY: (970) 567-5280
BACKUP: Kacey Oldright (970) 416-3546
b) CITY SERVICE ISSUES CONTACT: Ed Bonnette, Purchasing (also, see
list of Departmental Contacts, attached)
TELEPHONE: (970) 416-2247 FAX: (970) 221-6707
EMAIL: ebonnette@fcgov.com
CELL #: N/A EMERGENCY: (970) 221-6775
BACKUP: Jim O’Neill (970) 221-6775
TELEPHONE: (970) 416-2438 FAX: (970) 221-6782
EMAIL: amiodonski@fcgov.com
CELL #: N/A EMERGENCY: (970) 221-6788
BACKUP: Linda Brown (970) 416-2441