HomeMy WebLinkAboutRESPONSE - FAX QUOTE - LAUREL STREET 8 DUCTILE IRON PIPE2005" 1' 16PM""' Ferguson vv�l ilro, rur;vr(lo: rrin rIV, aiu c�lelui No, 8000 P. 211/ua Furcbasrng DiV6( �. �J x7• I (, � �i 2I � Firm Name► , , r V.50y, �'1/G�4e(Wc�iC� oale,;!wrar"M>4, zoos Rat #:.I-Auidl Street rii" Ductile Iran Pipe t Requirements THIS IS A PRICE QUOTAftry •• NOT AN OFDEft Please • supply.: pricing and delivery information. `,"ll, items to be quoted F.0;6; Fort Collins, Colo fad below; and respond via' 9Y end of business V'�ddnesday, March, 9, '2D;i75jYa';;; Ed Sonnette;; P.M., CPPB (970) 221-6707 or e-maj:;>lq ebonnette@fcgov.com The •Cit`y vrill,„award this Bid on an AII-or-Nlooe basis. The City reserves The right to accept -or f6c't any and ali bids, and to Walv�e any irregularities or informalities. All Fittings';{ be per City of Fort Collins S0egification5 (Water Standard Construction SPeciticatfoiVO. Please indicate fastest a ble delivery date on,your`bid response; fastest1;1rUV*y.•time May be used as an at 'criteria for this bid, Daiigery is required on or bie#( ",411rch 25, Nor,. Any Quer,tiorl ,rtegardinq this Faxquote process shoyld°be directed to Ed aonnetto.$ F970) 410-2247, Any gUpsi40`' ,fregprding Technical Speclfioationx;th'Lld be directed ro 7erry Popeiny @ (970) 221- 6232, S3l1Ai�FrY:: X 6" TappinV , t've �i�wrt-G S �'G'i�q'bot,c Mfr. Jr''t; Mfr.x_�v(e��(ao{���QC)�C� Delivery date; Items being bid 7""gt'0 above specifications without exception. Yes %� No _ IE 6 7, ple'ase list exceptions, iOPGlfyin8 paragraph reference number, oflai Separate sheet and attadh to your bid. 2 each e•�f• 1- p&,rI, tp- C F 6 I14 wt6R, 6" Tapping valv,' �] r_ $..,_"_._ I .'`Fa_ Sr `P.�i — Total Mfr. Ow Mfr. k t t nth .---- -t11--- _.. Delivery date :T 0 (✓ �C ZH `i0rtl& Masa1;5RW •.2"tl Flonr • P,O. Ra% 590 • Fan C*W1V "CO 80522-0530 • (770) 221-677S - rar (970) 221-G707 ; • uvlv.lr,n�n 9 7. 2005, 1,17PM ' I • ' ' �M 5 each , '1 � ea4h• 5 each WA 114 Ferguson _.1, 1 ,, II.w.I I ,A 11V. 9 1 U «"U i u 1.No. 8000,___1, 3J? Items being bid'•$**% the above specificaplaft without exception,, Yes J� No IthOT, piesse list exceptions; specifying paragraph reference numb#(,fCh la separate ,sheet and attach to Your bid. 8' X 6" SwEvet,,,T, T Pc f F k� ,M ]Sit �(v . 7 $ I �Ea. s .10 Total Mfr. Mfr. # Q o - Delivery daze: r ,1 : S+QC 1 L hems Bing bid milk the above specifications wiTholut exception. Yes J\ No . *'� Qt; pfeaselist exoeptior+s,'specifying paragraph reference numbe",,*A -SeP2faTe sheet •and,ameh•to your bid. 6" X 8" Reduce%':'•PIvin to Bell FED Le BRO' S - �'t? —[ 0 „Total Mfr.—' -j_ e— Mfr. ,() �q 10 l oerverydata L IL Items being bid rhe'e"I, the above specifications,Withbut exception. Yes 7( No -_, ,it., pfe3se list exceptions, specifying paragraph reference number; +}=a, separate sheet and ettath to your bid. 4" X 6" Reducer:; Bell to Bell RP pw�. R LAVP 30-�.L-� ��Total ;Fa, S t�, Mfr.-.._r�`._ ` Mir, # • I „ Delivery date- • ` Items peing bid m Vrhe above apeeffications without exception. Yes !� No _ , li ot, please list exceptions, Specifying paragraph reference number, �Wk,p separate v sheet and a;tech. to your bid, 6" Line valve L Pit E U W O LA U 6Bql I• Total Mfr. G U 1n/ Mfr. I Dy n .. is �. •�. ------------ Delivery date : ' Item eing bid maeiiha above specifications •without exception. N+ Yes_ Ale �_ it"!',�-Ple6se list exceptions, specifying paragraph �' t� r, 1, 20081; I:18PM,n" Ferguson �,ULLI O, rurcup;-1. i-KA Nu. alu [[.b(ut No, 8000 P. 403/09 reference numbgrt a separpte sheer and attach to your bid. i 8„ :, �i�f A) f L A-X 1/ 6 X " lea: fit, „ �•, /� �} �.:}' �7 Ea. _ YOtel Mfr. i c r— Mfr. •`r'_ ` Delivery date: 4�� L % , a. Items being bidff A-t the above specifi4illtidrs without exception, ' Yes No ,Iiaot, list please please exceptions; specifying paragraph ' reference nt 7, be ;4 vr'a separate sheet•atid.attach toyour bid. i-: teach' 8 Push -in Plug:.;.,• ' PrPX (TIOBacklug�s�QuPad)' /`1 J ' H' 3 3 , p:1 . rw- Mfr. Mfr, 4 M3009 } Delive " rydate- f Items being bid rrie4t the above specifioation; without exception, Yes No _ lf'nbt, please list excepticm, specifying Paragraph reference number,yo' rLD separate sh®el and attach to your bid, 1 each. 6" MJ Plug MJ 5 P t1 Delivery date: S Items being bia rhos the above specifications without exception - Yes No . If r,ox•'please list exceptions, specifying paragraph reference number, o4 p separate sheet and attaell to your bid, 5Y i �CH S"G1'^a G.7)T70WAJG F] 2005 1:18PM 2 each 5 each Ferguson No. 8000—P. 5 6" Solid Sieev� ort 4, /41 j SS LPt Ea 30' 0� H Total Mfr Delivery data L Items being bid 9*t' the above specifleatrons, without exception. Ye2 � No irpnox Please list ex000tiorts,,sPecifying paragraph Werencenu to your bid. 4" Plug M.J. PW 3 S PP $ 4�0 A ------ Ea. __Total Mfr,— MIr. # Delivery dale :­ Iterni,peing bid. melt the above specifications without exceptjo6. Yas_ANor.._.': �!�lf'M t, Please list @Xc6I)11OA'*,'2P9Mfy;ng paragrapb:, reference nurnber.i, separate Sheet and attach to your bid. 4' Solid Sleeveft" Tt 00 ..Ea- Total Mfr. 9 (t Delivery date qV C I L_ 11:rM 11nq bid m0i,'the above specifications• without skeepTion- . I Y f.6 bt, Please list exceptions, specifying paragraph reference nus No _MbeT,,,_ iseparate sheet and attach to your b;4 6" Line Valve r 10 0 L;� xUR I _.19 '1-3( —.Total Mfr, lU Mfr. 11C\ Delivery date Items being bid rY46�1*.fi, e above 40ecificalicns WiThAM exception. Yes X. No Jf'17i;t­Pl@aSO list txcoplions, specifying Paragraph reference number, �fiil separate sheet and attach 'to your bid, 7. 2005 10 1 19 PM FergusonX 8" Tee I 1UL W. I V I M No. bul V" -7Li Delivery date ; Izems being bidM''' Yes . q_ft the above $Peeltication; without exception. _A, No please list ekcljptor<4, r ref P;jc,f Yriq paragraph reference nurnb*-,��h 3 separate shoot zi;iid aTu&h to bid. Valve Box Top, Total Mfr. Mfr. #_O Delivery date - Items being bid r4i 'i the above spe(,jfir;&TiCnS without exception, Yes _�, No __. ',rf`O,t'please list exceptions, Specifying paragraph reference nLJmbqr,,!:".21 separate sheet and attagly to y' tir bid, Valve Box So ttqMY-24 Y, a43 - 8 Mfr, (C"5 n Mfr, ff P30.6 Delivery date ftam$ being bid nia*,°the above specirications Without exception YL No OQt- please list exceptions, speqifyinq paragraph reference separate sheet and attach To your bid. Sonnet P(X+, 6- TU 940 8 (1� E3. $ Total Mfr, 44W:6t'`501,ymfr. Dr-iiverydatf.-.1___ Items being bid miyokthia above specifications without exception - Yes X No z,,,please li$ t exca pTion 6, 604cifying Paragraph ZOPOta-M meet aAd ?Maoft.joyQUr 1)10. ,GAF A I11 ;IV 31 2 0 0 5 1 2 0 P M hill Ferguson UULLm,, r 10' vaeh. each IK� IlRX NJ. VU &lb(Vl U. 8000 P. . 7U6/UU, V p (krf- OVBLWcO Oroplid Ea. Mfr. n Mfr. # Dve A k/ Deliverydatp L 'A Items being bid,Mijot the above sper 'ifjcationj I Without exception. Yes No No Afhot. please list OX04006S. specifying paragraph 0• reference nu—r—mbi6"" 1ph a separate Sheet ana,amch to our 1d.yli 1 4 8" Megalug 10 LAO Total Mfr. Mf r. lot Delivery data:_ Items being bid m*6t the above specifications without exception. Yen No plLas@ IiSt excsprjons. sptdifyng P r..'! aragraph reference nL)�Mbe ?On. 2 SIParalto sheet -and attach to your bid. tit,. 6" Megalug 0 Ea. SDI O� Mft. 110� Delivery date: Items being bid m"',t the above spac;ficatj"s without exception. Yes No _,"I " f.hbt, please list eXceptionS' specifying paragraph reference MVMber,," V separate sheet and attach to your bid, 4" Mega I ug Lk EA, Mfr. I OL-i Delivery daze - ITOTT's being bid rMe".0 - -the above SpecIficaltions'WIVIOUT Oxception. Y at — No �--' k 091: please list Mcptions, specifying paragraph• reference number,top, a;sep;3raEe Sheet and aTTAth to your bid, .1 2 �10 1 21 7TT -�XIT 1,NPM Fer20son I V.4VIb..'q' !!!n rry v'v ceiuiul No, 8000 P. 8uriva ��- r•'2 eachI ,ell r° G°�� 250 HLER Ok*' ITLROUS FT CQLUNS,,$T ,V PAC>: A'O( rt� �r 1/y r, Rgi�i".rr IW1.1 EPDXY SH E WAY., SS -BOLTS' OPEN RIGHT, A � Mfr. L i ' , �Totaf iv F • #_ .� SIG au ry r 't PP �R � DeltverY date; Items being bid t he above specificat(prts without exception, i,� �DU1G Yes No .' TOot, please list exceptions, specifying paragraph .3 • reference num6eryi t a separate sheet and attach to your bid. x, 5 each Bell Joint Restri# (tor 8" Pipe) Ea- . 4. 0 Mfr. 7, DeliverydaTe; ;;.. ✓JVL lL ;B` Items being bid r ,,The above soociflcatidns without exception. ` Yes No__.i ; t, please list exceptions, sspeeifyin raph v j' reference number,'r'Y,a separate sheet and att your id. V. 1300 tt.' ' 8" Ductile Iron P on Ia y / FEZ, tXL INK"i•, Mfr. ri C,rti Mfr. #, wG� r If� , u. • Delivery date l ItemS being bid mel.''the above.� yes Nn "' ` specificaSions without exception, „� _. it,,ijp,t„pleaa< list exceptions, spGcifying paragraph i reference number: r. �'sO�Qparate sheet and attaro to your bid, 40 6" Ductile Iron F'' l'2gf I F,I I 7.'1 Orn pwi• ��s�JP ., T:a, S Toral5, -' Mfr. mere Ern n Mir, / - �— f Delivery date :� 1 L 6L ;a., a.r ". Items being bid meot"'the above specifications without exception, YesiL No 17:ft leaselistexception%syec4ingoarapraeh s refw®nGe number, di lease sheet and attar*h 1a your bid. $ �N , ;�J•d 621.TZ870G6 ;ITT -)KIT IKIn .,... 1, 2005j5 1;21PMn,i FergusonUu�-Lwv , ruruntr,� rMA riu, yru CCitiaf Nor8000 P.,381w;i.. . •: 'i' ^i\tip ,\ [ r.: f.F 4 , III ,':.V .IQ<' r ) J��.J(]� /`!'�jl•.;� n N; ry 4" Ductile tran'F+ 4ie o' . $_ 1 ~ • O ,` . Ea. S OJ O Total s; l✓ Mfr. � ' Mfr. A'LA) (\ Delivery dareIL — —„ Iternsgbeing bia moo the above speoificetloris without exception: Yea No _ _.. It#iPt, please list excWiertl, SP.Jcifying paragraph reference numbajaa#ra separate sheet and attach to your bid. ` r / , J. I" • t! " Jd bS•3. ' ' ,r• EXTEKOW- --OTAL FOR TOTAL LOT QF VENDdR'SIP441'NOTIFY THE FORT COLLINS Wkfi TIES, TERRY POPF�JOY, 97P-221-6232 OF THE $Q,,, rH�d'.DELIVERY OF MATERIALS N1, ER THAN 24 HOURS Phi OR TO'ARRIVAL, c1 M LLli i 1W, 'gE DELIVERED TO THE WARE WW9 LOCATED AT 10a't�,tpCa�:sTREET- FORT t:OLLt11I:°r IlvsrR Phcea qpt O#({W remain firm for a 30 day peri pfler the opening date,, FreighfterRWF:0.9_ destination freight prepaid.' lfreight charges must•be included in pricing 3' submitteitrori,'p�oposal and not entered aS Separpricing.t Any (1i5Caunli�owed by Vendor for prompt payrtYft etc. must be reflected in qu0t0d figure, and not eriterer3'as.p�arate pricing. „F The City t?,�Boee-the right to accept or reject 8riy.,�itidrall quotas. Any,gWgogjar iri,quiries regarding this bid shai directed to: '. Ed BCtrarie ;x'Fy` P;ytt., CPPS, Buyer (970) 416-224:7,', • rf rr' I"t� j1dell aln -J C�1 T70h"1G r. 1. 2005 1:22PM . .,lU H�1 Ferguson UULLM, ?UKUHS- No. 8000 tHH NU, vu LGlb1Ul P. 1 r, lu;�; S' L ; a., F ' GNA�.kk-A't�l'� TITLE IT C PLEAse eq�j -ATO+glyl-TWF.UTURE BID �i RT "A C7) T710hm) C. nry1„I l 1 i LC � •'y ZEA CODE) >, =EPHONE & FAX NUMPE� ' CITY. STATE, zip OrE ;,gm�p—igcha FO REGISTER IN OUR•'.�PROCUREMENT O : 'PORTUNIT "BE SURE TO SELECT ALL APPROPRIATE ; qd' • 6 •' I ti,,i V 1 ' rr. �pf 1 • 1N� . 1�e T T .F 1 T 1 l Il \ V4'+f`.M\.� � r n, � r .-..—..�.� .�.—. • .... .