HomeMy WebLinkAboutRESPONSE - BID - 5891 SODIUM CHLORITE FOR WATER TREATMENTBID PROPOSAL BID #5891 SODIUM CHLORITE FOR WATER TREATMENT FACILITY BID OPENING: JANUARY 5, 2005, 3:00 p.m. (our clock) WE HEREBY ENTER OUR BID FOR THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS REQUIREMENTS FOR SODIUM CHLORITE PER THE BID INVITATION AND ANY REFERENCED SPECIFICATIONS: The City of Fort Collins Water Treatment Facility uses Sodium Chlorite in the on -site production of chlorine dioxide. Sodium Chlorite must meet the most current American Water Works Association (AWWA) Standard for sodium chlorite. Other specifications regarding product quality, safety, delivery, and purchasing are as outlined in the Fort Collins Water Treatment Facility Standard Operating Procedure for Purchasing Sodium Chlorite enclosed with this bid packet. Prices quoted are to be as delivered to the Fort Collins Water Treatment Facility. A Blanket Purchase Order will be established at the beginning of each new year; delivery releases will be made against that Purchase Order throughout the year. Price is to be quoted in pounds. Estimated annual volume for bidding purposes is 100,000 pounds; that is the average volume over the last three years. NO GUARANTEES OF THIS VOLUME IS MADE OR IMPLIED. Pricing is to be held firm through December 31, 2005. If agreeable to both parties this agreement may be extended in one-year intervals for up to four additional years (through December 31, 2009). The City of Fort Collins allows other Public Agencies the opportunity to purchase off the Award for this Bid, at the option of the Awarded Vendor. Sodium Chlorite, per most current AWWA Standard for Sodium Chlorite, delivered price to Fort Collins Water Treatment Facility: $Q_a211I _/Ib Manufacturer Name, Product Number and Product Name: r2-=-vUlCSri4-1X11 o % AMa NoW 215 For questions concerning this bid, contact Ed Bonnette, C.P.M., CPPB, Buyer @ 970-416-2247. Fixj(t l tear cw7kacr Poaj with 5�ths �lu�rirt �Ilcv�� y�or pricln to tx dnCusd 5�� MLAtLtCk � r9r&5dCAT T tVU- TIm' ' Cf nn� S501)5�c LA�nr qnntAal Pol&�_r perlod. ad6ttTVnct.1 PVA16 n(� OPTicns on atklcmd pci3E Method of Award: finished drinking water to ensure compliance to all applicable regulations. NOTE: All Listed products from this facility are NSF Certified, whether or not they bear tY NSF Mark. Number of matching Manufacturers is 1 Number of matching Products is 2 Processing time was 0 seconds • Search Listings • News Room • About NSF • Careers • NSF Mark • Client_Loo&-In • Privacy Policy • Site Map • Request Info • Contact Us • Copyri ht_©_2004 NSF International. ALTIVIA ALTIVIA CORPORATION 1 100 LOUISIANA, SUITE 3160 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77002-5217 TELEPHONE: (713) 658-9000 FAX: (713) 658-0102 www.altivia.com REFERENCES City of Aurora (Griswold Water Treatment Plant) Kirk Watson Treatment Plant Supervisor 14201 E. Hampden Avenue Aurora, Colorado 80014 Phone: (303) 739-7980 Fax: (303)739-7216 kwatson@ ci. aurora. co. us City of Aurora (Wemlinger Water Treatment Plant) Kevin Linder Treatment Plant Supervisor 18301 E. Quincy Avenue Aurora, Colorado 80015 Phone: (303) 739-6750 Fax: (303)699-3918 klinder(a)ci. aurora. co.us Soldier Canyon Filter Plant Bob Reed Plant Manager 4424 LaPorte Avenue Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 Phone: (970) 482-5143 Fax: (970)495-9845 WATER TREATMENT CHEMICALS ALTIVIA January 3, 2005 ALTIVIA CORPORATION 1100 LOUISIANA, SUITE 3160 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77002-5217 TELEPHONE: (713) 658-9000 FAX: (713) 658-0102 www.altivia.com LIST OF INTENDED DELIVERY AGENTS I. Groendyke Transport, Inc. 2. Interstate Chemical Company, Inc. 3. Vulcan Materials Company The Motor Carrier Safety Ratings for each of these companies is attached in the form of a letter from the US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration or the Carrier SafeStat Result History downloaded from SafeStat Online. WATER TREATMENT CHEMICALS a US Depprtntent of Transportation Feder91 gghway hiPf 1011 GROENDYKE TRANSPORT INC P 0 BOX 632 ENID OK 73702-0632 DEAR MOTOR CARRIER: 400 Seventh St, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20590 SEPTEMBER 08, 1999 IN REPLY REFER TO: YOUR USDOT NO.: 004247 REVIEW NO.: 00215517/CR THE MOTOR CARRIER SAFETY RATING FOR YOUR COMPANY IS: SATISFACTORY THIS SATISFACTORY RATING IS THE RESULT OF A JUL 28, 1999, REVIEW AND EVALUATION. A SATISFACTORY RATING INDICATES THAT YOUR COMPANY HAS ADEQUATE SAFETY MANAGEMENT CONTROLS IN PLACE TO EFFECT SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH THE FEDERAL MOTOR CARRIER SAFETY AND/OR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGULATIONS. PLEASE ASSURE YOURSELF THAT ANY SPECIFIC DEFICIENCIES IDENTIFIED IN THE REVIEW REPORT HAVE BEEN CORRECTED. WE APPRECIATE YOUR EFFORTS TOWARD PROMOTING MOTOR CARRIER SAFETY THROUGHOUT YOUR COMPANY. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS OR REQUIRE FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE SAFETY SPECIALIST WHO CONDUCTED THE REVIEW. JAMES R. KEENAN NATIONAL FIELD COORDINATOR, OFFICE OF MOTOR CARRIER FIELD OPERATIONS Dee,28. 2004 9;32AV Interstate 0bemloal Q U.S. Department of Transponation Federal Highway AdmllWstrarion INTERSTATE CHEMICAL COMPANY, INC. 2797 FREEDLAND ROAD HERMITAGE, PA 16148 GENTLEMEN: No. 5127 P. 2 400 Seventh St., S.W. Washington, D.C. 20590 MARCH 24, 1993 IN REPLY REFER T0: -IIEiYOUR USOOT NO.: 051714 REVIEW NO.: 00146835/CR THE MOTOR CARRIER SAFETY RATING FOR YOUR COMPANY IS: SATISFACTORY THIS SATISFACTORY RATING IS THE RESULT OF A FEB 16, 1993, REVIEW AND EVALUATION. A SATISFACTORY RATING INDICATES THAT YOUR COMPANY HAS ADEQUATE SAFETY MANAGEMENT CONTROLS IN PLACE TO EFFECT SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH THE FEDERAL MOTOR CARRIER SAFETY ANO/OR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGULATIONS. PLEASE ASSURE YOURSELF THAT ANY SPECIFIC DEFICIENCIES IDENTIFIED IN THE REVIEW REPORT HAVE BEEN CORRECTED. WE APPRECIATE YOUR EFFORTS TOWARD PROMOTING MOTOR CARRIER SAFETY THROUGHOUT YOUR COMPANY. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS OR REQUIRE FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE SAFETY SPECIALIST WHO CONDUCTED THE REVIEW, • , �. � /. V RONALD G. ASHBY CHIEF, FEDERAL PROGRAMS DIVISION - SEE MESSAGE ON BACK - Attention: The print -orientation setting may need to be set to "landscape" in order to print all information on this page. SafeStat Online - SafeStat History Report as of November 26, 2004 Carrier Information US DOT #: 146511 Carrier Name: VULCAN MATERIALS COMPANY Carrier SafeStat Result History ♦ Accident SEA History ♦ Driver SEA History NEW The Carrier SafeStat Result History report provides a historical view of the carrier's performance over multiple SafeStat runs. It displays the most ♦ Vehicle SEA History current month's SafeStat results followed by the last five semi-annual runs (run in March and September). Due to improvements made to the SafeStat Safety Mgmt SEA History methodology over the years, comparison of some safety results may be misleading. Please click on the icon Version Notes to view the version improvements associated with the past 6 SafeStat runs. ♦ Graphical View - History I.T-S�R:I I. .0 Mr Carrier Overview History SafeStat Run Dates: 11/26/2004 09/24/2004 03/26/2004 09/19/2003 03/24/2003 09/28/2002 Summary Result Data SafeStat Score National Rank State Rank SEA Category Number of Power Units 100 100 100 100 100 119 Number of Drivers 97 97 97 97 97 131 Last Review(used by SafeStat) None None None None None None Safety Evaluation Areas Accident �p A Driver 1.12 1.26 2.35 1.87 2.01 1.82 Vehicle 4.96 3.69 5.32 4.76 5.61 6.55 Safety Management Insuf. Data Insuf. Data Insuf. Data Insuf. Data Insuf. Data Insuf. Data Go to Too of Page Accident SEA History SafeStat Run Dates: 11/26/2004 09/24/2004 03/26/2004 09/19/2003 03/24/2003 09/28/2002 ACSEA Compliance Review Results (within 12 months) Date of Last Review None None None None None None Recordable Accident Indicator rp Recordable Accident Rate Yr # of Recordable Crashes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Annual Vehicle Mlles Traveled N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A State Reported Crashes (within 30 months) Accident Involvement Indicator(All) * �p Accident Involvement Measure(AIM) # of Vehicles Involved in Crashes 3 3 4 4 4 4 Average Number of Power Units 100 100 106.33 106.33 112.67 99.67 Go to Top of Page Driver SEA History SafeStat Run Dates: 11/26/2004 09/24/2004 03/26/2004 09/19/2003 03/24/2003 09/28/2002 DRSEA 1.12 1.26 2.35 1.87 2.01 1.62 Compliance Review Results (within 18 months) Date of Last Review None None None None None None Driver Review Indicator (DRI) Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Driver Review Measure (DRM) Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data # of Acute Violations N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A # of Critical Violations N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Driver Inspections (within 30 months) Driver Inspection Indicator (DII) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Driver Inspection Measure (DIM) 0 0 0 0 0 0 # of Driver Inspections 138 144 177 192 180 169 # of Driver OOS Inspections 0 0 0 0 0 0 # of Jumping OOS Orders 0 0 0 0 0 0 Driver DOS RATE (DOR) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Moving Violation Inspections (within 30 months) Moving Violation Indicator (MVI) 3.35 3.77 7.04 5.60 6.04 5.47 Moving Violation Measure (MVM) 0.093 0.103 0.165 0.134 0.144 0.13 # of Drivers 97 97 97 97 97 131 # of Moving Violations 5 6 8 9 9 9 Go to Top of Page Vehicle SEA History SafeStat Run Dates: 11/26/2004 09/24/2004 03/26/2004 09/19/2003 03/241 003 09/28/2002 VHSEA 4.96 3.69 5.32 4.76 5.61 6.55 Compliance Review Results (within 16 months) Date of Last Review None None None None None None Vehicle Review Indicator (VRI) Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Vehicle Review Measure (VRM) Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data # of Acute Violations N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A # of Critical Violations N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Vehicle Inspections (within 30 months) Vehicle Inspection Indicator (VII) 4.96 3.69 1 5.32 4.76 5.61 6.55 Vehicle Inspection Measure (VIM) 0.084 0.065 0.087 0.082 0.09 0.108 # of Vehicle Inspections 126 128 119 129 125 120 # of Vehicle COS Inspections 5 4 5 6 6 6 Vehicle COS RATE (VOR) 0.04 0.031 0.042 0.047 0.048 0.05 Go to Top of Pa Safety Management SEA History SafeStat Run Dates: 11/26/2004 09/24/2004 03/26/2004 09/19/2003 03/24/2003 09/28/2002 SMSEA Insuf. Data Insuf. Data Insuf. Data Insuf. Data Insuf. Data Insuf. Data Compliance Review Results - Safety Management (within 18 months) Date of Last Review None None None None None None Safety Management Review Indicator (SMRI) Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Safety Management Review Measure (SMRM) Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data # of SM Acute Violations N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A # of SM Critical Violations N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Compliance Review Results - Hazmat (within 18 months) Hazmat Review Indicator (HMRI) Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Hazmat Review Measure (HMRM) Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data # of HM Acute Violations N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A # of HM Critical Violations N/A WA N/A N/A N/A N/A Enforcements History (within 6 years) Date of Last Enforcement None None None None None None Enforcement History Indicator (EHI) Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Enforcement Severity Measure (ESM) Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data # of Enforcements Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data Insuf. data * Specific SafeStat information has been temporarily removed, click here for details. Insuf: data - no data or insu€ficent data were available to calculate the measureirndicator or SEA Go to Top of Page ical View of SafeStat Results - 2 x *Acddem + 1.3 x Dv iver # Vehicle + Sa Mar agen em '�° SEAVa�e SEAValue SEA to vvkfue The Accident SEA value represents carrier accident involvement only and is not intended as a means to assess fault. Explanation To obtain a SafeStat Score, a carrier must be deficient in at least two different Safety Evaluation Areas (SEAS). A SEA with a value from 75 to 100 is defined as deficient. SEA Values that are less than 75 are not used in the calculation of a SafeStat Score. Carrier SafeStat Score SafeStat graph is not provided since motor carrier does not have a SafeStat score for reported SafeStat runs. error '80004005' /SafeStat/safestath istoryaccident. asp, line 13 City will award contract to the Bidder with the lowest total responsive and responsible bid, who has submitted in advance a representative Product Sample that has been tested in the Pilot Plant and/or has been approved by the Water Treatment Quality Coordinator as meeting all of the requirements stated in the Operating Procedure Purchasing Sodium Chlorite and other Bid Requirements as stated in this document. Vendors Statement: I have read and understand the Standard Operating Procedure Purchasing Sodium Chlorite and requirements for this bid and I agree to comply with such specifications and requirements. I further agree that the method of award is acceptable to my company. FIRM NAME: 1LT IV � /A��ChI1QLL----- ADDRESS: ILC.�?__Ll')i jr7,i ca."t�__31uo - HoUSM a;LLkaS_ I -7W-2----------- EMAIL ADDRESS: bids HONEO1 2E(Z _U32B BIDDER'S NAME: SIGNATURE: 11_ ---- SERVICE ISSUES CONTACT: (h-TREMY ___--- TELEPHO,nNE�.0 2-r-Q1=ALL-_ FAX: C113)I f5 (�Z EMAIL: j11LLrrr� d_Q_(a Ii �5•). �(�YYI-------- CELL �a4_91-D52o EMERGENCY&Uoj2t�3 -Y 2 BACKUP: Do2m--- BILLING ISSUES CONTACT: LOLArtn-L(�Q�(�J -5j-6 TELEPHONE: it 0= �43t� FAXTC )�5-QO2_ EMAIL: �1Ci�1�tn�rey h I �, yd1 (mil�Y�QYY� CELL #: I'1�---_---- EMERGENCY: Q(2(P)Z58 _ LAE342 BACKUP: daYl_C_S__(bj2f,E_&--------------------- PLEASE GO TO www.fcqov.com/ourchasing TO REGISTER IN OUR E- PROCUREMENT SYSTEM FOR FUTURE BID OPPORTUNITIESI BE SURE TO SELECT ALL APPROPRIATE COMMODITY CODES! ALTIVIA CORPORATION 'A 1100 LOUISIANA, SUITE 3160 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77002-5217 TELEPHONE: (713) 658-9000 ALTIVIA FAX: (713) 658-0102 www.altivia.com January 3, 2005 ADDITIONAL PRICING OPTIONS The below options are in addition to the bid pricing ALTIVIA has submitted on its Bid Proposal. Option 1: Sodium Chlorite, per most current AWWA Standard for Sodium Chlorite, delivered to Fort Collins Water Treatment Facility: Individual Contract Year Fixed Pricing as Follows: Year 1 (January 1, 2005 — December 31, 2005) $0.3714/lb Year 2 (January 1, 2006 — December 31, 2006) $0.390011b Year 3 (January 1, 2007 — December 31, 2007) $0.4095/lb Year 4 (January 1, 2008 — December 31, 2008) $0.4300/lb Year 5 (January 1, 2009 — December 31, 2009) $0.4515/lb Option 2: Sodium Chlorite, per most current AWWA Standard for Sodium Chlorite, delivered to Fort Collins Water Treatment Facility: Fixed Five Year Average Contract Price (this would be a single fixed price to be invoiced each year over the course of a formal five year contract award, subject to the City's retained right to bid out the business annually after contract year one). $0.4105/lb WATER TREATMENT CHEMICALS 0i Fort Collins Water Treatment Facility Standard Operating Procedure Wilma Purchasing Sodium Chlorite Author. Rita DeCourcey Approvals (Signatures and Dates): Section: Administration Subject: FCWTF SOP for Sodium Chlorite Purchases• \ Revision: Rita DeCourcey Kevin h. Ge ft, Water Prcduchon Manager Revision Date: December 3, 2004 Chuck Gross, Plant Superintendent PURPOSE Establish guidelines for purchasing Sodium Chlorite (NaC102) for the Fort Collins Water Treatment Facility (FCWTF). The mission of the Fort Collins Water Treatment Facility (FCWTF) is to "provide the community with a continuous ample supply of treated water that is pleasing, wholesome, free from known health risks, and affordable' The FCWTF purchases products by determining best value for the City. Best value is calculated by combining the following four components: (1) the chemical has been tested in the Pilot Plant and/or approved by the Water Treatment Quality Coordinator, (2) the chemical can meet or exceed all FCWTF standards, the AWWA standards, the NSF standards, and any other regulatory agency standards; (3) the supplier can meet all the FCWTF requirements; and (4) the cost is factored in once it has been determined that a supplier can meet items (1), (2), and (3) above. HEALTH AND SAFETY ISSUES For detailed information, please refer to the MSDS 1. Sodium chlorite solution is corrosive. The liquid can bum the skin and eyes on contact. Sodium chkxite solution is a REACTIVE CHEMICAL and is an EXPLOSION HAZARD when mixed with organic material or acids. 2. NFPA Hazard Rating includes: • Health=3 • Flammability=0 • Reactivity=l 3. Personal Protective Equipment: Impervious gloves and goggles. If there is prolonged or repeated contact, completely impervious clothing should also be used. 4. Leaks and Spills: • Dilute small spills or leaks with plenty of water. • Wash down any spilled material into the containment vault and follow Operations procedures. • Notify supervisor. ,% IF #, Page / K•/OperaWSOP/Chlortm/So&wnChloritePurdhzmdoc l�lF � AFort Collins Water Treatment Facility C,,, a F „ Standard Operating Procedure °"`"ift Purchasing Sodium Chlorite INFORMATION FOR THE FORT COLLINS WATER TREATMENT FACILITY (FCWTF) 1. Sodium chlorite is budgeted in account 502-032201-534180. 2. Sodium chlorite is used in the on -site production of chlorine dioxide. 3. Delivery of sodium chlorite is to be made within 10 days after placing an order. 4. FCWTF will reject delivery of any chemical containers which appear to be leaking or have been damaged so that the structural integrity is questionable. Any shipments that do not have an associated Certified Analysis faxed prior to delivery will not be accepted. 5. FCWTF requires that all manufacturers of sodium chlorite have their product tested in the FCWTF Pilot Plant for a period of one year. Any manufacturer failing to meet the one year study is not considered a potential supplier. 6. FCWTF will reject any shipments that do not meet its standard in quality or delivery safety. The Supplier will pay the freight for any rejected shipments. Sodium Chlorite 1. Sodium chlorite must meet the most current American Water Works Association (AWWA) Standard for Sodium Chlorite. A. Sodium chkmte supplied according to this standard shall contain no inorganic or organic substances in quantities capable of producing deleterious or injurious effects on the health of those consuming water that has been property treated with the sodium chlorite not shall such quantities be capable of causing water so treated to exceed the USEPA safe drinking water standards. B. Purity. Sodium chlorite based on 80 percent sodium chlorite cement shall contain not more than the following percentages of specific impurities by weight: Sodium chloride-17.0% Sodium hydroxide-3% Sodium carbonate-2% Sodium sulfate-3% Arsenic-.0003% Sodium nitrate-.1% Sodium chlorate-1 % 2. Sodium chlorite must meet the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) Standard 60. SUPPLIER 1. Supplier must guarantee sodium chlorite meets or exceeds the most current AWWA Standard for Sodium Chlorite. 2. Supplier must guarantee sodium chlorite meets or exceeds the most recent version NSF Standard 60. 3. Supplier must provide a Certified Analysis of impurities with each shipment. This analysis can be faxed prior to delivery or presented by the delivery driver. Failure to provide this analysis can be a basis for rejection of the shipment. 4. Supplier will guarantee the safety of the delivery vehicle and delivery containers. A. Containers must meet industry standard for hauling sodium chlorite, stainless steel or any other suitable material that will not be attacked by the strongly oxidizing solution. Page 2 K:/Operate/SOP/CoWormeSo&umCMorrtePur Jaws.doc ®Fort Collins Water Treatment Facility C,,,d,�„ Standard Operating Procedure Purchasing Sodium Chlorite B. Supplier must ensure that the container is in suitable condition for hauling sodium chlorite and that it does not contain any substances that might affect the use or usefulness of the sodium chWte in treating municipal water supplies. C. Containers leaving the Suppliers property should not be leaking fluids, have bulging in any portion of the container, and have connectors that are free from damage. D. Delivery vehicles must meet or exceed all current State of Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) regulations. 5. Supplier must inspect the delivery container prior to loading of the chemical to ensure no contaminating material or residue exists in the container. 6. Supplier is required to have a method to ensure that tampering has not occurred from the point of origin to FCWTF unloading point. This is typically done by a metallic, numbered "tie" which must be cut to open the hatch or cam lock. All other methods need to be approved by the FCWTF. 7. Each year in January, the supplier will mail to FCWTF a new copy of the MSDS sheet and/or the web site location of the most current version. B. Each year in January,the supplier will mail to FCWTF a copy of the NSF Certification. 9. Supplier will be responsible for shipping costs if the shipment is rejected and returned for not meeting the standards expressed in this SOP. DELIVERY 1. All chemical suppliers must fax to the FCWTF (970-221-6736) the following information prior to delivery: a) the name of the driver making the delivery b) the numbers of the tractor and trailer transporting the chemical 2. Delivery trucks must park in the designated area on the north side of LaPorte Avenue outside of the entrance gate. Use a cellular phone to call the facility at (970)221. M or walk to the entrance kiosk and press the red call button. Please do not block the facility entrance on LaPorte Avenue. All deliveries are checked by FCWTF personnel prior to entry. 3. The receptionist or person answering the telephone must contact the Duty operator. The Duty operator will verify the delivery from the schedule board. The operator or designee will meet the truck at the parking area outside the gate. 4. FCWTF personnel will verify that the faxed information matches up with the driver and the delivery vehicle arriving at the FCWTF. If the driver's ID or the tractor and trailer numbers do not match, the truck will not be allowed to enter the facility. The Plant Superintendent will be contacted and the delivery may be rejected. 5. Delivery drivers will provide a sample and submit it to the Operator at the time of delivery. The Operator will take the sample to the on -site Laboratory Technicians for analysis. 6. The security verification, the supplier's quality assurance analysis, and the City's lab analysis will be given to the Water Quality Coordinator in order to identify the load in the event of any problems. 7. The delivery driver will wash down under the trailer and use a bucket to catch any sodium chlorite that drips while unloading. qr Page 3 K/Operale/SOP/Chi orine/SoWumChiontePurchases.doc rlr, Y♦ Fort Collins Water Treatment Facility PAW Standard Operating Procedure Purchasing Sodium Chlorite 8. The delivery driver will wash down the entire area once the delivery has been completed to prevent any dry sodium chlorite from remaining on the pavement. 9. Delivery drivers are required to provide certified weight tickets for both the empty and loaded weights of the tractor and trailer unit. All weight tickets should have the tractor and trailer numbers written on them, as well as the name of the facility, FCWTF. 10. Delivery of sodium chlorite is to be made within 10 days after placing an order. 11. Delivery drivers are responsible for off-loading the sodium chlorite. FCWTF personnel are not allowed to connect or disconnect any supply hoses. FCWTF personnel will give instructions to the delivery driver on chemical off-loading in accordance with FCWTF SOP for Sodium Chlorite Delivery. 12. Delivery drivers will be responsible for chocking trucks during delivery. Chocks will be provided by FCWTF. 13. Delivery drivers should meet with the operator to become familiar with the location of phones, alarms, and emergency showers that are nearest to the off load location. PURCHASING 1. All contracts and purchases will be made in accordance with the City of Fort Collins Purchasing Department (FCPD) Purchasing Procedures. A copy can be obtained through the Purchasing Department. The Purchasing Department will ensure adherence to the FCPD Purchasing Procedures. 2. FCWTF requires that all suppliers submit the names, locations, and phone numbers of three current clients as part of any bidding process. 3. FCWTF requires that all suppliers submit a list of intended delivery agents (motor carrier) and a letter from the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, stating the Motor Carrier Safety Rating for the company as part of any bidding process. Each listed motor carrier's rating must be Satisfactory or above to be considered in the bidding process. 4. FCPD representatives are responsible for ensuring that the items noted in this SOP could be met by the supplier before any contract is awarded. 5. The FCWTF and FCPD will establish, at the beginning of each New Year, a Blanket Purchase Order. 6. FCWTF Plant Supervisor or his designee will place delivery orders on that Purchase Order throughout the year. FCWTF must be able to place orders using telephone, fax, or electronic mail. 7. When placing an order, a delivery date will be specified. 8. This SOP can act as the sole -source justification if only one supplier can meet the criteria specified above. Page 4 K: /Operate/SOP/ChlonwISo&umChloritePurchases. doc January 3, 2005 ALTIVIA CORPORATION 1100 LOUISIANA, SUITE 3160 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77002-5217 TELEPHONE: (713) 658-9000 FAX: (713) 658-0102 www.altivia.com AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE ALTIVIA's Sodium Chlorite (Akta Klor 25), manufactured by Vulcan Chemicals (Wichita, KS) complies with A.W.W.A. B303 specifications, including purity levels, chemical requirements, and physical requirements. In addition, the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) International certifies Vulcan's Sodium Chlorite in potable drinking water. EPA #: 21164-6 Gayle M. TuI12er Senior Contract Administrator WATER TREATMENT CHEMICALS NSF Product and Service Listings These Listings were Last Updated on Monday, January 03, 2005 at 4:15 AM Eastern Time. Please contact NSF International to confirm the status of any Listing, report errors, or make suggestions. Warning: NSF is concerned about fraudulent downloading and manipulation of website text. If you have received this listing in hard copy, always confirm this certifeation/listing information by going directly to http //www.nsf.orWCertified/Pws 'hemicalls/ListinEs.asn? __ComuanyName=vulean&TradeName=akt_a+klor+25& for the latest most accurate information. NSF/ANSI STANDARD Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals VULCAN CHEMICALS A DIVISION OF VULCAN MATERIALS CO. 1200 URBAN CENTER DRIVE P.O. BOX 385015 BIRMINGHAM, AL 35238-5015 800-873-4898 205-298-3405 Facility: FAIRMONT CITY, IL Sodium Chlorite[CL] Trade Designation Akta Klor 25 .I - Health Effects Product Function Max Use Disinfection & Oxidation 22 mg/L [CL] The residual levels of chlorine (hypochlorite ion and hypochlorous acid), chlorine dioxide, chlorate ion, chloramine and disinfection by-products shall be monitored in finished drinking water to ensure compliance to all applicable regulations. NOTE: All Listed products from this facility are NSF Certified, whether or not they bear tt NSF Mark. Facility: WICHITA, KS Sodium Chlorite[CL] Trade Designation Akta Klor 25 Product Function Max Use Disinfection.& Oxidation 22 mg/L [CL] The residual levels of chlorine (hypochlorite ion and hypochlorous acid), chlorine dioxide, chlorate ion, chloramine and disinfection by-products shall be monitored in