240 EAST MOUNTAIN AVENUE City of Fort Collins
Forestry and Horticultural Division
215 North Mason Street, 2id Floor
80524 Fort Collins, CO 80524
Re: Proposal#P-922
TEL 970 484 6073 Children's Garden at The Gardens on Spring Creek
FAX 970 484 8518 Dear Selection Committee:
We are very pleased to submit the following proposal to you. As you review the
proposal, please consider the following:
• EDAW is a national leader in the design of public gardens, and especially
children's gardens. We have worked on over a dozen such projects in eight states
over the last six years. All of the completed projects have won design awards.
• EDAW prepared the master plan for The Gardens at Spring Creek and has an in-
depth understanding of the project site, setting, goals and philosophy.
• EDAW's graphic capabilities are exceptional. Standard EDAW products are often
used at no additional cost for promotional and fundraising purposes.
• EDAW's staff of over 35 professionals, including in-house engineers and fountain
and irrigation designers, has ample capability to complete all aspects of the
• EDAW's office is local, convenient and readily available to the project.
• EDAW is highly motivated to apply its national expertise in its hometown
community, and is willing to donate time to the project.
We look forward to the possibility of being selected for this most important
community project.
Herbert R. Schaal, FASLA
Principal/Viee President
HERBERT R. SCHAAL, FASLA through montane, subalpine and alpine life zones. This project received a
CCASLA Honor Award.
Award of Merit, Gateway Science School,
High Plains Arboretum, USDA Grasslands Research Station, Laramie, WY
Educational Garden, American Society of
Landscape Architects, 2000
Principal Designer
Award of Merit, Terrace Gardens at Red
CLIENT: Friends of High Plains Arboretum
Butte Garden and Arboretum, American
Master plan for 60-acre site, including 60-year-old USDA trail plantings, many of
Society of Landscape Architects, 1999
which have been introduced into the nursery industry.
Merit Award, Hershey Children's Garden,
Cleveland Botanical Garden, Great Plains
Chapter/American Society of Landscape
Gardens on Spring Creek, Fort Collins, CO
Architects, 1999
Principal Designer
President's Award of Excellence, Gateway
Science School, Educational Garden,
CLIENT: City of Fort Collins
Colorado Chapter/American Society of
Master plan and Phase 1 design for 18-acre city community garden, including
Landscape Architects, 1999
conservatory and regional display gardens. The project received a CCASLA
Honor Award, Olson Family Garden
Presidents Award of Excellence.
Terrace, St. Louis Children's Hospital,
Colorado Chapter/American Society of
Landscape Architects, 1999
Zellerbach Garden of Perennials, San Francisco, CA
Merit Award, Hershey Children's Garden,
Principal Designer
Cleveland Botanical Garden, Colorado
Chapter/American Society of Landscape
CLIENT: Strybing Arboretum
Architects, 1999
Redesign of an intimate garden by noted Landscape Architect, Ed Williams, for
Land Stewardship Award, Asian Highlands
the Zellerbach Family featuring terraces, arbors and perennials beds. The project
at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, Colorado
received a CCASLA Merit Award.
Chapter/American Society of Landscape
Architects, 1999
Engineering Excellence Award, Lena
Norfolk Botanical Garden, Children's Garden, Norfolk, VA
Gulch, Taggart Engineering Associates,
Principal -in -Charge
ACEC of Colorado, 1998
CLIENT: Norfolk Botanical Garden
Merit Award, Terrace Garden at Red Butte
Botanic Garden and Arboretum, Colorado
A 3-acre master plan for a children's garden with an internationally diverse and
Chapter/American Society of Landscape
global theme.
Architects, 1997
Engineering Excellence Award, South
Gateway Science School, St. Louis, MO
Platte River Improvement, McLaughlin
Water Engineers, 1996
Principal -in -Charge
American Horticultural Therapy
CLIENT: St. Louis Public Schools
Association Award of Honor, Morrison
Site planning and design for 2-acre school courtyard emphasizing natural areas
Horticultural Demonstration Center,
Denver Botanic Gardens, 1995
and mathematical metaphors. This project received a National ASLA Design
P P 1 $n
AIA Denver Chapter Award of Distinction,
Unbuilt and Future Projects, Dinosaur
Discovery Center, Anderson Mason Dale
Betty Ford Alpine Gardens Alpine Plaza, Vail, CO
Architects, 1995
Merit Award, Hewlett-Packard Ledge
Principal -in -Charge
Garden, Colorado Chapter/American
CLIENT: Vail Alpine Garden Foundation
Society of Landscape Architects, 1994
Influenced by regional tundra landscapes, the plaza will become the forecourt
Award of Honor, Planning the Green Zone,
for the Gerald Ford Amphitheater, and will feature alpine water features, tundra
Colorado Chapter/American Society of
lantin Ktvmmholz trees.
P g
Landscape Architects, 1994
Award for Outstanding Example of
Western Planning Ethic, Planning the
Cheyenne Botanic Garden Master Plan, Cheyenne, WY
Green Zone, Colorado Chapter/American
Principal -in -Charge
Society of Landscape Architects, 1994
Merit Award, AmeriFlora'92 Entry,
CLIENT: Cheyenne Botanic Garden
Colorado Chapter/American Society of
Master plan includes a themed western walkway, community garden, children's
Landscape Architects, 1992
garden, rose and herb gardens, wetlands, a meeting pavilion and a
Merit Award, 1931 Lindenridge, Colorado
Chapter/American Society of Landscape
Architects, 1990
Merit Award, 1-25 Colorado Springs
Family and Children's Garden, Richmond, VA
Landscape Master Plan, Colorado
Principal -in -Charge
Chapter/American Society of Landscape
Architects, 1990
CLIENT: Lewis Ginter Botanic Garden _
Award of Honor, Loveland Civic Center, Master plan for 5-acre family garden and design of 1-acre children's garden
Colorado Chapter/American Society of including interactive sand bed stream, adventure maze, activity areas and
Landscape Architects, 1989 international village.
Olson Family Garden Terrace, St. Louis, MO
Principal -in -Charge
Award of Honor, Addenbrooke Park,
CLIENT: Washington University Medical Center
Colorado Chapter/American Society of
Landscape Architects, 1989
This 8,000 s.f. roof garden, at St. Louis Children's Hospital, provides an outdoor
Award of Honor, Englewood Greenway,
experience for very sick children and their families while in the hospital
Colorado Chapter/American Society of
environment. The project received a CCASLA Honor Award.
Landscape Architects, 1988
Merit Award, Grand Canyon Landscape
Program, Colorado Chapter/American
Hershey Children's Garden, Cleveland, OH
Society of Landscape Architects, 1987
Principal -in -Charge
Merit Award, Fort Collins Xeriscape
CLIENT: Cleveland Botanical Garden
Garden, Colorado Chapter/American
The garden has both ecological and horticultural landscapes and includes a tree
Society of Landscape Architects, 1986
house, wetlands, flowing stream, root viewing windows, worm bins, a unique 4
President's Award, Morrison Horticultural
Demonstration Center, Denver Botanic
winds fountain, celestial courtyard and many other features specially designed
Gardens, Colorado Chapter/American
for kids. This project received an OCASLA Honor Award.
Society of Landscape Architects, 1985
President's Award, 1-25 Pueblo Landscape
Master Plan, Colorado Chapter/American
Red Butte Children's Garden, Salt Lake City, UT
Society of Landscape Architects, 1984
Principal -in -Charge
Tucker Award of Excellence, Alpine Rock
CLIENT: Red Butte Garden and Arboretum
Garden, Denver Botanic Gardens, 1983
The plan includes special playful, educational and ecological garden elements
Award of Honor, Alpine Rock Garden,
Denver Botanic Gardens. Colorado
Best in Show. for children. The project received a UCASLA Honor Award
P 1 /
Chapter/American Society of Landscape
Architects, 1983
The Terrace Gardens at Red Butte Garden + Arboretum, Salt Lake City,
Award of Merit, Alpine Rock Garden,
Denver Botanic Gardens, American
Society of Landscape Architects, 1983
Principal -in -Charge
Award of Merit, Rocky Mountain Energy
CLIENT: Red Butte Garden and Arboretum
Company Headquarters, American Society
The plan includes a herb, medicinal and fragrance garden linked together by a
of Landscape Architects, 1983
series of terraces, pools and arbors. This project received a National ASLA
Associate Landscape Contractors of
Colorado Grand Award, Rocky Mountain
Design Award.
Energy Company Headquarters, 1982
Award of Merit, Colorado State Trails
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Asian Highlands + Las Montanas, Colorado
Master Plan, American Society of
Springs, CO
Landscape Architects, 1981
Award of Merit, Hewlett-Packard Fort
Principal -in -Charge
Collins, American Society of Landscape
CLIENT: Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
Architects, 1981
Design of $6 million expansion plan for zoo, featuring mountain flora and fauna
Award of Honor, Creating Land for
Tomorrow, American Society ofproject
from Asia and South America. The received a CCASLA Land
Landscape Architects, 1979
Stewardship Award.
W.O.O.D. Architectural Award of
Excellence, Denver Botanic Gardens,
Arne►iFlora'92, OH
American Public Power Association Honor
Principal -in -Charge
Award, Platte River Power Authority
CLIENT: AmeriFlora '92
Headquarters, 1979
Site plan and design of $2 million festival entry for the first sanctioned
Platte River Power Authority Certificate of
International Floral and Garden Exposition ever to be held in the United States.
Merit, 1978
Included interactive fountain and transportation terminal. The project received a
Award of Merit, Olympia Soda Springs
CCASLA Merit Award.
Study, American Society of Landscape
Architects, 1974
Award of Merit, Davenport Studies,
Denver Botanic Gardens Master Plan Update, Denver, CO
American Society of Landscape Architects,
Principal -in -Charge
California State Polytechnic University,
CLIENT: Denver Botanic Gardens
Outstanding Graduate in Landscape
Master plan update for 23 acres and design consultation to the gardens since
Architecture, 1962
Alpine Rock Garden, Denver, CO
Principal -in -Charge
CLIENT: Denver Botanic Gardens
Design of North America's most ambitious alpine and rock garden, containing
over 2,000 plant species. This project received a National ASLA Design Award.
HERBERT R. SCHAAL, FASLA Bonfils Stanton Rose Garden, Denver, CO
Principal -in -Charge
CLIENT: Denver Botanic Gardens
Design of rose garden including sections for various rose types and creative
wood structures. The project received the WOOD Award of Excellence.
Morrison Horticultural Center + Community Garden Square, Denver, CO
Principal -in -Charge
CLIENT: Denver Botanic Gardens
Design of garden demonstrating accessibility techniques and horticultural
therapy. The project received a CCASLA President's Design Award.
West Pond + Wetlands, Denver, CO
Principal -in -Charge
CLIENT: Denver Botanic Gardens
Renovation design of garden to improve an existing pond and showcase
wetland species.
Xeriscape Demonstration Garden, Fort Collins, CO
Principal -in -Charge
CLIENT: City of Fort Collins
Design for garden showing plant design and installation techniques that
conserve water. This project received a CCASLA Merit Award.
Claude A. Ban Memorial Great Plains Garden, Hot Springs, SD
Principal -in -Charge
CLIENT: Great Plains Botanical Society
Master plan featuring native plants and water harvesting techniques.
Descanso Gardens, La Canada, CA
Principal -in -Charge
CLIENT: Descanso Gardens Guild
Master plan revision for a garden containing a collection of over 100,000
Rock + Alpine Garden, Salt Lake City, UT
Principal -in -Charge
CLIENT: Utah State Arboretum
Feasibility study for garden at state arboretum.
Peace Garden, Cheyenne, WY
Principal -in -Charge
CLIENT: Cheyenne Botanic Gardens
Design features timeless quotations integrated into a secluded garden.
Dinosaur Discovery Center, Southern CO
Principal -in -Charge
CLIENT: Garden Park Paleontological Society, Bureau of Land Management
Site plan for $25 million center near Royal Gorge. Plan relates to and protects
natural systems.
M.L.A. University of Oregon, Eugene, 2004
Craig Russell has been involved extensively with children's gardens and
B.S., Landscape Architecture, Colorado
State University, Fort Collins, 1997
educational landscapes for over six ears. He brings design and illustration
P Y g g
skills as well as an understanding of the educational and participatory
aspects of these unique gardens. In addition, his experience in interpretive
Landscape Architect, State of Wyoming
planning and design helps the team develop creative methods of
communicating educational content.
American Society of Landscape Architects
Norfolk Botanical Garden, Children's Garden, Norfolk, VA
Ohio Chapter ASLA Honor Award, 2000 -
Project Manager
Hershey Children's Garden, Cleveland
CLIENT: Norfolk Botanical Garden
Botanical Garden
A 3-acre master plan for a children's garden with an internationally diverse
Colorado Chapter ASLA President's Award
of Excellence, 2001 - Fort Collins
and global theme.
Community Horticulture Center Master Plan
Colorado Chapter ASLA President's Award
Community Horticultural Center Master Plan, Fort Collins, CO
of Excellence, 2002 - Frederick Meijer
Project Landscape Architect
Children's Garden, Grand Rapids, Michigan
CLIENT: City of Fort Collins
Colorado Chapter ASLA Merit Award, 2002
-zellerbach Garden of Perennials, San
The master plan includes a children's garden and many backyard
Francisco, CA
horticultural ideas as well as participatory community gardening.
Colorado Chapter ASLA Merit Award, 2003
- Betty Ford Alpine Gardens, Vail, CO
Children's Adventure Garden at The Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL
Project Landscape Architect
CLIENT: The Morton Arboretum
Master plan for 5-acre children's garden.
Family Gardens and Children's Maze Garden Master Plan, Lewis Ginter
Botanic Garden, Richmond, VA
Project Landscape Architect/Designer/Illustrator
CLIENT: Lewis Ginter Botanic Garden
Family Gardens and Children's Maze Garden at Lewis Ginter Botanic
Garden. The maze requires kids to make choices that relate to contrasting
landscapes and includes 7 special activity areas, water features, tree houses
and fanciful garden elements.
Hershey Children's Garden, Cleveland Botanical Garden, Cleveland,
Project Landscape Architect
CLIENT: Cleveland Botanical Garden
The garden has both ecological and horticultural landscapes and includes a
tree house, wetlands, flowing stream, root viewing windows, worm bins, a
unique 4 winds fountain, celestial courtyard and many other features
specially designed for kids.
Olson Family Garden Terrace, Children's Hospital, Washington
University Medical Center, St. Louis, MO
Project Landscape Architect/Designer/illustrator
CLIENT: St. Louis Children's Hospital
This 8,000 s.f. roof garden provides an outdoor experience for very sick
children and their families while in the hospital environment, and includes
resilient surface paths and patios, plantings that appeal to the senses, small
water features and a bridge, a birthday wall, children's niches, amphitheater,
a celestial plaza with an interactive sundial, and telescopes to view the city.
CRAIG RUSSELL West Pond and Wetlands, Denver, CO
Project Landscape Architect
CLIENT: Denver Botanic Gardens
Renovation design of garden to improve an existing pond and showcase
wetland species.
Betty Ford Alpine Gardens Alpine Plaza, Vail, CO
Project Landscape Architect/Designer/Illustrator
CLIENT: Vail Alpine Garden Foundation
Influenced by regional tundra landscapes, the plaza will become the
forecourt for the Gerald Ford Amphitheater, and will feature alpine water
features, tundra planting, and Krummholz trees.
Zellerbach Garden at the Strybing Arboretum, San Francisco, CA
Landscape Architect
CLIENT: Strybing Arboretum Society
Design for renovation of small, yet significant perennial garden in Golden
Gate Park.
EDUCATION Mark Kosmos is a landscape architect with experience ranging from conceptual
B. S., Landscape Architecture, Colorado
design and illustration to construction detailing. He specializes in digital
State University, 2001
rendering methods which he frequently utilizes to illustrate children s garden
Graduate School in Chemistry, Colorado
concepts; and 3-D visualization techniques. Mark graduated with a B.S. in
State University, 1992
Landscape Architecture from Colorado State University and received a
B.A. Chemistry, College of Wooster, 1991
National Merit Award for academic excellence from the American Society of
Landscape Architects.
Honor Award, The Morton Arboretum
Children's Garden Master Plan, Colorado
Chapter/American Society of Landscape
Architects, 2003
Family Gardens + Children's Maze Garden Master Plan, Lewis Ginter
Honor Award, Children's Environmental
Garden and Accessible School House
Botanic Garden, Richmond, VA
Garden at Betty Ford Alpine Gardens,
Landscape Architect
Colorado Chapter/American Society of
CLIENT: Lewis Ginter Botanic Garden
Landscape Architects, 2003
Family Gardens and Children's Maze Garden at Lewis Ginter Botanic Garden.
President's Award of Excellence, Lena
Meijer Children's Garden Master Plan,
The maze requires kids to make choices that relate to contrasting landscapes,
Colorado Chapter/American Society of
and includes seven special activity areas, water features, tree houses and
Landscape Architects, 2002
fanciful garden elements.
Merit Award, Zellerbach Garden of
Perennials, Colorado Chapter/American
Society of Landscape Architects, 2002
Children's Environmental Garden, Betty Ford Alpine Gardens, Vail, CO
Colorado Chapter ASLA Merit Award, 2001,
Landscape Architect
Tyson Research Center Resource Study
CLIENT' Betty Ford Alpine Gardens
National ASLA Merit Award for Colorado
Design of miniature trail from the Vail Valley to the peaks of the Gore Range,
State University
through montane, subalpine and alpine life zones. This project received a
CCASLA Honor Award.
Lena Meijer Children's Garden, Frederik Meijer Botanic Garden +
Sculpture Park, Grand Rapids, MI
Landscape Architect
CLIENT: Frederik Meijer Botanic Garden
Master plan for $5 million, 4-acre children's garden emphasizing connections
between plants and environment and art and sculpture. The project received a
CCASLA President's Award of Excellence.
Children's Adventure Garden, Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL
Landscape Architect
CLIENT: The Morton Arboretum
Master plan for $7.5 million project on 4 acres, emphasizing science and
education in familiar urban and wild landscapes. The project received a
CCASLA Honor Award.
Cheyenne Botanic Gardens, Cheyenne, VIVY
Project Manager
CLIENT: Cheyenne Botanic Gardens
Conceptual design of the Rose Garden and Herb Garden, including
construction documentation.
Nigh Plains Arboretum, USDA Grasslands Research Station, Laramie,
Project Manager
CLIENT: Friends of High Plains Arboretum
Master plan for 60-acre site, including 60-year-old USDA trail plantings, many
of which have been introduced into the nursery industry.
Ms. George has a wide range of experience throughout the western half of the
Master of Landscape Architecture in Urban
United States as well as internationally. She has extensive experience as a
Design, Harvard University, 1994
project designer and project manager for both small and large-scale
Bachelor of Landscape Architecture,
Kansas State University
development projects. Her experience encompasses children's gardens,
community design, community parks, trailway corridors, and mixed use
master planned communities. As part of the planning and design team, Denise
Honor Award, The Morton Arboretum
finds inspiration in utilizing the context of the project to integrate explorative
Children's Garden Master Plan, Colorado
design and the natural environment and systems.
Chapter/American Society of Landscape
Architects, 2003
'Studio Works 2' Harvard University
Children's Adventure Garden at Morton Arboretum Lisle IL
+ +
Graduate School of Design; Copyright 1994
Project Manager
President and Fellows of Harvard College
CLIENT: Morton Arboretum
'Rabat's Urban Fringe', Harvard University
Master plan for 4.25 acre children's garden focusing on science and learning in
Graduate School of Design, Department of
the landscape.
Urban Planning and Design; Copyright
P e.
1993, Unit of Housing and Urbanization,
Harvard university Graduate School of
Children's Garden, Quad City Botanic Gardens, Rock Island, IL
Project Manager
CLIENT: Quad City Botanic Gardens
Urban Design Instructor, Boston
Master plan for $5 million, 3-acre garden, emphasizing upper Mississippi River
Architectural Center, Spring 1994
Lewis Ginter Family and Children's Garden Construction Documents,
Richmond, VA
Project Manager
CLIENT: Lewis Ginter Botanic Garden
Construction documents for 5-acre family garden and design of 1-acre
children's garden, including interactive sand bed stream, adventure maze,
activity areas and international village.
Stapleton Central Park + Greenways, Denver, CO
Design Team Member
CLIENT: Stapleton Metro District
A park that blends the best aspects of a traditional urban park - turf grass
lawns, active recreation amenities and planted gardens - with the principles of
natural resource conservation - the reuse of water and the use of low -irrigation
turf with the functions of a restored natural stream corridor and wetlands,
wildlife habitat, and stormwater runoff capacity. The park features a full range
of active and passive uses, traditional great lawns and riparian habitat along a
natural edge; and is connected to both interior and surrounding neighborhoods
through a linear greenway system.
Stapleton Parks + Streetscape Design, Denver, CO
Project Landscape Architect
CLIENT: Forest City Development
Conceptual design services for boulevard, retail, and residential streets as well
as for the town green and neighborhood pocket parks.
Mr. Hurst is a Civil Engineer with over 20 years of professional experience in
M.S., Civil Engineering, Colorado State
land development related design, including infrastructure planning, water,
University, Fort Collins, 1982
sewer, road, grading and drainage, hydraulic structure, irrigation system
B.S., Civil Engineering, Colorado State
design, and water resource studies and design. As Director of the Site
University, Fort Collins, 1976
Engineering Services Team and a Principal at EDAW, Mr. Hurst is responsible
for design and layout of domestic water systems, sanitary sewer systems, storm
Member, American Society of Civil
drainage retention ponds and channels, irrigation systems, water feature and
lake engineering, water rights analysis, and water resource feasibility studies.
Member, Irrigation Association
Professional Engineer (P.E.), Colorado
Children's Adventure Garden, Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL
(1982), Wyoming (1982), California (1985),
Virginia (1986), Arizona (1990)
Principal Civil En
P 9
CLIENT: The Morton Arboretum
Master plan for $7.5 million project on 4 acres, emphasizing science and
Merit Award, Las Campanas Water
education in familiar urban and wild landscapes. The project received a
Management Master Plan, Colorado
CCASLA Honor Award.
Chapter/American Society of Landscape
Architects, 2002
Land Stewardship Designation, Las
Children's Environmental Garden, Betty Ford Alpine Gardens, Vail, CO
Campanas Water Management Master
Principal Civil Engineer
Plan, Colorado Chapter/American Society of
Landscape Architects, 2002
CLIENT: Betty Ford Alpine Gardens
Third Annual Landscape Irrigation Award,
Design of miniature trail from the Vail Valley to the peaks of the Gore Range,
Toro Company, for Scottsdale Princess
through montane, subalpine and alpine life zones. This project received a
Hotel, Scottsdale, Arizona
CCASLA Honor Award.
LAFrroro Award, for Fort Collins Xeriscape
Demonstration Garden, Fort Collins,
Gardens on Spring Creek, Fort Collins, CO
Merit Award, Colorado Chapter/American
Principal Civil Engineer
Society of Landscape Architects, for Fort
Collins Xeriscape Demonstration Garden,
CLIENT' City of Fort Collins
Fort Collins, Colorado
Master plan and Phase 1 design for 18-acre city community garden, including
Best Engineered Design Award, American
conservatory and regional display gardens. The project received a CCASLA
Society of Irrigation Consultants, for Sunset
President's Award of Excellence.
Ridge (Squires) Park, Westminster,
Irrigation Design Grand Award, American
Gateway Science School, St. Louis, MO
Society of Irrigation Consultants, for BKK
Civil Engineer
Corp. Landfill, West Covina, California
CLIENT: St. Louis Public Schools
Site planning and design for 2-acre school courtyard emphasizing natural areas
and mathematical metaphors. This project received a National ASLA Design
The Terrace Gardens at Red Butte Garden + Arboretum, Salt Lake City,
Principal Civil Engineer
CLIENT: Red Butte Garden and Arboretum
The plan includes a herb, medicinal and fragrance garden linked together by a
series of terraces, pools and arbors. This project received a National ASLA
Design Award.
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Asian Highlands + Las Montanas, Colorado
Springs, CO
Principal Civil Engineer _
CLIENT: Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
Design of $6 million expansion plan for zoo, featuring mountain flora and
fauna from Asia and South America. The project received a CCASLA Land
Stewardship Award.
GREGORY A. HURST, PE AmeriFlora 192, ON
Principal Civil Engineer
CLIENT: AmeriFlora'92
Site plan and design of $2 million festival entry for the first sanctioned
International Floral and Garden Exposition ever to be held in the United States
Included interactive fountain and transportation terminal. The project received
a CCASLA Merit Award.
West Pond + Wetlands, Denver, CO
Principal Civil Engineer
CLIENT: Denver Botanic Gardens
Renovation design of garden to improve an existing pond and showcase
wetland species.
Xeriscape Demonstration Gardens, Santa Clarita, CA; Fort Collins +
Loveland, CO
Project Manager/Principal Engineer
CLIENT: Numerous
Xeriscape demonstration gardens for Santa Clarita , California Water District;
Fort Collins, Colorado; and Loveland, Colorado.
Dulles Corner Office Park, Washington, D.0
Project Engineer
CLIENT: Webb/Sequoia, Inc.
Lake channel design, architectural fountain design, and mechanical and control
system design for 100-acre site designed to function as an office park, with
formal gardens, parks and water features.
Loveland Civic Center, Loveland, CO
Project Manager/Engineer
CLIENT: City of Loveland
Lake and water feature engineering; site civil engineering including water,
sewer, storm drainage and parking lot design; and construction cost estimating
for 10-acre project.
Public Park Projects, Colorado
Project Engineer
CLIENT: Various
Irrigation system master planning, water source development and construction
documents for numerous public park projects, including Stephens Park, Vail,
Colorado; Addenbrooke Park in Lakewood, Colorado; Carson Park in
Greenwood Village, Colorado; Squire's Park, Oakhurst Park, Nottingham Park,
and City Park in Westminster, Colorado; Troutman Park, Greenbriar Park, and
English Ranch Park in Fort Collins, Colorado; Rim Rock, Ulysses, and Heritage
Dells Parks in Golden, Colorado; Loveland Civic Center and Sculpture Park in
Loveland, Colorado; Arapahoe County Park; Cornerstone Regional Park in
Englewood, Colorado; Parque de Vida in Cortez, Colorado; Foothills Park and
Skunk Creek Park in Phoenix, Arizona; and Denver Sports Complex in Denver,
Dominic is a hydraulic and electrical designer with 21 years of professional
College of Petroleum Engineering
experience in water feature design, including project management, installation,
University of Texas at Austin
custom product design and manufacturing. As the primary contact for the
University of Texas at El Paso
Water Feature Design team, Dominic is responsible for the conceptual
development, design development and construction documentation of water
feature projects.
Merit Award, Four Seasons Biitmore,
Colorado Chapter/American Society of
Landscape Architects, 2003
Merit Award, Denver Tech Center Entry,
Children's Garden at Red Butte Garden + Arboretum, Sait Lake City, UT
Colorado Chapter/American Society of
Water Feature Designer
Landscape Architects, 2003
CLIENT: Red Butte Garden and Arboretum
Rattlesnake interactive fountains for children's garden.
Member, International Association of
Amusement Parks and Attractions
Hershey Children's Garden at Cleveland Botanical Gardens, Cleveland,
Water Feature Designer
CLIENT: Cleveland Botanical Gardens
Sun and Four Winds interactive fountain in the Celestial plaza at Hershey
Children's Garden.
Family and Children's Garden, Richmond, VA
Water Feature Designer
CLIENT: Lewis Ginter Botanic Garden
Waterfall and interactive sand stream with squirting, gurgling and misting
Norfolk Botanical Garden, Children's Garden, Norfolk, VA
Water Feature Designer
CLIENT: Norfolk Botanical Garden
Cooperation fountain and simulated map of the world with walkthrough
Children's Adventure Garden, Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL
Water Feature Designer
CLIENT: The Morton Arboretum
Conceptual design for stream and wetland for children's garden.
Children's Environmental Garden, Betty Ford Alpine Gardens, Vail, CO
Water Feature Designer
CLIENT: Betty Ford Alpine Gardens
Stream and wetland for children's garden.
Olson Family Garden Terrace, St. Louis, MO
Water Feature Designer
CLIENT: Washington University Medical Center
Stream and water ball for 8,000 s.f. roof garden, at St. Louis Children's Hospital.
Children's Medical Center, Dallas, TX
Hydraulic and Electrical Designer
CLIENT: Parkland Hospital
Interactive water features for children in wheelchairs to enjoy and participate
table of contents
Sandra Treece Harnois
Sandra Treece Harnois has over 17 years of graphic design, project management, and
exhibit fabrication experience, as well as ten years cartography experience. Her well-
rounded experience within all aspects of the industry provides you with a project
manager that completely understands your project requirements. Her project
management experience includes both contract and task order management for public
agencies and private organizations. Her projects often include design workshops, public
meetings and fostering consensus with multiple agencies. Relevant projects include:
EDAW — Bureau of Land Management Bureauwide A-E Services Indefinite
Quantities Contract. Contract and task order manager for Interpretive Planning and
Schematic designs for the following projects to date:
Pompeys Pillar Visitor Center, Billings, MT — Interpretive Planning and
Schematic design for Visitor Center, interpretive facilities, pedestrian plazas,
trails/boardwalks, picnic/day use areas.
Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area Interpretive Center, Las
Vegas, NV — Detailed evaluation and site analysis, interpretive plan for restoration
and new construction of interpretive center.
California Historic trails Interpretive Center, Elko, NV — Planning and schematic
design services for national significant interpretive center overlooking the Humboldt
River and the California Trails corridor.
Colorado's Ocean Journey — Interpretive Planning, design, fabrication and
installation of temporary exhibit.
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research — Interpretive planning, design,
fabrication and installation of their "Anniversary Exhibit" in the Mesa Lab's in Boulder
Boulder County, Stroh Dickens Barn — Interpretive Planning, design and fabrication of
interactive exhibit to highlight the agricultural history of Boulder County located in
Longmont, CO.
Space Science Institute — Boulder, CO — Worked closely with NASA to design an
interactive traveling weather display. Condit designed fabricated and set up the display
for the first venue at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, it has sense traveled to
many locations throughout the United States.
Lily Lake Visitor Center — Exhibit plan, design, fabrication and installation - US Parks
Service, Estes Park, CO
Idaho Springs Interpretive Center - Exhibit plan, design, fabrication and installation US
Forest Service, Idaho Springs, CO
National Mining Hall of Fame Museum - Exhibit plan, design, fabrication and -
installation the city of Leadville, CO
Wyoming State Museum — Design, fabrication and installation. Cheyenne, WY
Amoskeag Fishways — Fabrication and Installation of Visitor Center, Manchester, NH
Missouri Botanical Gardens — Exhibit plan, design, fabrication and installation
Jefferson City, MO
Kaibab National Forest Visitor Center — Fabrication and installation, Williams AZ
National Renewable Energy Laboratories Visitor Center — Design, fabrication and
installation of the majority of exhibit properties, Golden, CO
Dixie National Forest Visitor Center — Exhibit plan, design and fabrication, Richfield,
Cameron Prairie National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center — Exhibit plan, design,
fabrication and installation, Lake Charles LA
Story Fish Hatchery — Exhibit Plan, design, fabrication and installation, Wyoming,
Wyoming Game & Fish Dept.
Cheyenne Visitor Center — Exhibit plan, design, fabrication and installation, Wyoming,
Wyoming Game & Fish Dept.
Clear Creek Visitor Center — Design, fabrication and installation, Colorado, US Forest
St. Joseph Visitor Center — Exhibit Plan, design, fabrication and installation, Wyoming,
Wyoming Game & Fish Dept.
Ranch A Fish Hatchery Visitor Center — Exhibit plan, design and fabrication,
Wyoming, Wyoming Game & Fish Dept.
Bachelor of Arts / 1980 / Business and Art
Continuing Education / 1982 / Engineering and Geological Drafting
AA / 1988 / Visual Communication
E X H 1 6 1 T S
Joe McGrane
515 Smith Street
Ft. Collins, Colorado 80524
970 221-1220
mcorane .colostate.edu
Mr. McGrane is a Colorado artist with over 20 years of experience in the design and construction
industries. Trained as a landscape architect and environmental interpreter, his art seeks to reveal and
reinforce a site's natural and cultural context. It is colorful, active and experiential. It promotes exploration
and interaction and can be appreciated on many levels of perception.
Selected Works
100 Days of Summer is currently planned for the entrance to the new City Park
Pool in Ft. Collins. It is a playful sculpture that references summer imagery,
experience and memory with the passage of time. It features an entry plaza with
1 �s
.,� a precast concrete "sand castle" and standing wave, stainless steel carnival
mirrors, tile mosaic, memory windows, summer calendar medallions and
sandstone seating. It was commissioned through the Ft. Collins Art in Public
"too Days of Summer" Places Program and completed 2003. Cost$18K
The Red Pony at English Ranch Park in Ft. Collins, Co is an 8' tall precast
concrete and ceramic horse that creates a thematic gateway to the park's
playground and picnic area. Located on the walk to the neighborhood school, the
sculpture is a powerful image from American literature. It references cultural
evolution and personal growth while commemorating the site as an English horse
"Red Pony ranch. It was commissioned by the Fort Collins Art in Public Places Program in
1999. Cost $11 K
• Janet Meisel Burns — Senior Parks Planner, Department of Parks and Recreation, City of Loveland
• Ellen Martin — Director, Art in Public Places, Ft. Collins, Colorado (970) 221-6735
Related Experience
Assistant professor - Colorado State University, 1990-1991, 1998 to present
Landscape Architect — EDAW Fort Collins, Colorado 1980-1998
Public Art consultant to City of Fort Collins, Public Works Department - ongoing
Member - Colorado Artist Registry
BSLA, Colorado State University, 1982
Honors and Awards
ASLA Merit Award for Design, 2000
CCASLA President's Award of Excellence for Design, 2000
Poudre Valley Board of Education Service Award, 1999
Larimer County Environmental Service Award, 1998
Hershey Children's Garden
Red Butte Children's Garden
Betty Ford Children's Environmental Garden
Nicola Ripley, Director of Horticulture
Betty Ford Alpine Gardens
183 Gore Creek Drive
Vail, CO 81657
Quad City Children's Garden
Cheryl Carney, Executive Director
Quad City Botanical Center
2525 4th Avenue
Rock Island, IL 61201
(concept design complete; schematic design in progress)
Morton Arboretum, Children's Garden
William Carvell, PhD, Director of Education
The Morton Arboretum
4100 Illinois, Route 53
Lisle, IL 60532-1293
(schematic design complete, construction documents in progress)
Two additional references are given of projects completed in 1999. These are
two of our most notable children's gardens, of similar size to the Children's
Garden at Spring Creek.
Red Butte Children's Garden
Mary Pat Matheson, Director, Red Butte Gardens
(past President of AABGA; currently Director at Atlanta Botanical Garden)
Atlanta Botanical Garden
1345 Piedmont Avenue, NE
Atlanta, GA 30309
Hershey Children's Garden
Maureen Heffernan, Project Director, Cleveland Botanical Gardens
(currently Director at Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens)
Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens
P.O. Box 234
Boothbay, ME 04537
Hershey Children's Garden
Betty Ford Children's Environmental Garden
Betty Ford Children's Environmental Garden
• Programming
• Workshops
• Concept Design
• Promotional Graphics
• Schematic Design
• Construction Documents
• Construction Administration
Dates: Completed 2002
Quad City Children's Garden
• Programming
• Workshops
• Model Conceptual Design
• Promotional Graphics
• Public Meetings
• Fundraising Presentations
• Concept Design
• Now beginning Schematic Design and Design Development Phase
Dates: 2003 to present
Morton Arboretum, Children's Garden
• Programming
• Workshops
• Model Concept and Schematic Design
• Promotional Graphics
• Input to Construction Documents by Locals
Dates: 2000 to present
Red Butte Children's Garden
• Programming
• Workshops
• Concept Design
• Promotional Graphics
• Schematic Design
• Construction Documents
• Construction Administration
Dates: Completed 1999
Hershey Children's Garden
• Programming
• Workshops
• Concept Design
• Promotional Graphics
• Schematic Design
Dates: Completed 1999
� 1�
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December 1, 2001
To Whom It May Concern:
It is my pleasure to offer this letter of reference for Herb Schaal and EDAW Inc.
Vail Alpine Garden Foundation operates Betty Ford Alpine Gardens. My staff and I
have had the privilege to work with Herb and his team for the last 16 months. Betty
Ford Alpine Gardens is a small, but mountain -focused series of gardens located at an
elevation of 8,200'. Our project was the final expansion of the Gardens. Herb and his
associates came up and spent 41h days of intensive planning with various stakeholders.
Each evening Herb would take the day's work and craft illustrations. The next day we
would critique and re -plan and Herb would refine his illustrations accordingly. This
planning process ensured that the input of both the stakeholders and the design team
were fully integrated at the final presentation; essentially, "buy -in" was guaranteed.
Two weeks later Herb delivered a bound 30 page 5'chematic Design Report which had
text, illustrations, photos and a budget. This has turned into a extremely valuable sales
tool in our fundraising efforts.
Through the design development and construction document phase, Herb and his team
were highly professional in meeting our specific project's needs, which involved
everything from infrastructure challenges to water feature designs to interpretation
planning. We are currently under construction and when completed, with EDAW's
work, we will have gardens like no other in the world.
I highly recommend Herb Schaal and EDAW. Their skills, experience, professionalism,
attention to detail and superior design capabilities have allowed.us to reach new
heights in the botanic gardens arena.
Ry outhard
Executive Director
"Our ti(NU TS 1II the j1QIil zur are CIS CYio' s cis OUT SMW [l.! the 1Pinlej-. "
183 GORE CREEK DRIVE • VAIL. COLORADO 81657 - 970 d76.0103 -FAX 970.176.1585
The 4
4100 Illinois Route 53
Lisle, IL 60532-1293
December 12, 200
To Whom It May Concern:
Mr. Herb Schaal, principal of EDAW, Inc in Fort Collins, Colorado, has worked as the
landscape architect for The Morton Arboretum's Children's Discovery Garden since
April, 2001. After an extensive search, EDAW was chosen from a national pool of highly
regarded landscape architectural firms. We critically evaluated Mr. Schaal and his
portfolio, and visited several of his gardens. We were impressed with the intellectual
rigor, initiative, and creativity that he brought to these projects. More importantly, we
selected Mr. Schaal's firm because he designs beautiful and imaginative gardens.
His gardens are visually and spatially appealing. They are well -planned and inspirational
spaces where scale, proportion, and circulation are artfully combined to create beautiful,
functional spaces for people. They exhibit spaces that have clearly supported program
goals for the garden. He has effectively blended elegant and sophisticated architectural
features with plants to create gardens that are horticulturally interesting and rich.
Mr. Schaal interacted very well with Arboretum staff and the Children's Garden project
team. We have two museum consultants assisting us in developing experiences for
children. Mr. Schaal has eagerly learned from them, but has also challenged them when
he felt it was necessary. His input contributed to their understanding of garden design and
learning in outdoor settings. I believe his willingness to listen, as well as challenge, has
been instrumental to our progress.
In our first concept development workshop, Mr. Schaal listened and positively responded
to our program goals. He also sparked our thinking with his interpretation of our goals.
His understanding and leadership throughout this design process helped us clear several
hurdles and significantly advanced our garden planning. Afterwards, our staff praised Mr.
Schaal's efforts and agreed that he contributed valuable insights regarding the project.
During my association with Mr. Schaal, I have found him to be very professional, with a
relaxed, friendly, and confident manner. He is easy to approach and can easily work
comfortably with a wide cross-section of personalities. His colleagues at EDAW have
also proven to be equally accommodating and helpful. Our professional relationship with
this firm has been extremely productive and beneficial.
Sincerel ,
William N. Carvell,.Ph.D.
Director of Education
The Morton Arboretum
Fax 630-719-2433
To whom it may concern;
Herb Schaal, of EDAW in Fort Collins, Colorado, designed and managed the construction
of the Children's Garden at Red Butte Garden and Arboretum, University of Utah. As a
designer, Herb was extremely receptive to the ideas of our group and an excellent facilitator
for a rather complex conceptual design process. Herb not only facilitated the input of many
different constituencies_ he also initiated a means of involving children in the design
process that we had not considered. The result was an innovative design suitable to the
mountain environment of Red Butte Garden that met the goals and objectives established by
the Red Butte team.
The Children's Garden was opened on May 1, 1999, and has been so popular with
children and parents that the Garden's visitation has almost doubled this summer. The
garden is very attractive, interactive, creative and full of surprises for visitors. In addition,
the Children's Garden is a beautiful compliment to the Terrace Garden, a display of herb,
medicinal and fragrant plants that Herb Schaal also designed.
I highly recommend Herb Schaal as a designer, facilitator and landscape architect. He is
creative in his design approach, knowledgeable about plants in western landscapes, and
works extremely well with a team. Herb Schaal understands the complex needs and
desires of botanical gardens and community -oriented projects and is not only willing to
listen, but very good at facilitating decisions through a team approach. We are extremely
pleased with the beautiful design of the Terrace Garden and our new Children's Garden.
Their success can be attributed to the fine work of Herb Schaal and EDAW of Fort Collins.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 801/581-3878
Mary Pat Matheson
Red Butte Garden
IRA de Trobriand Street
Salt [Ae City, Utah 84113-;(M4
(RUI) 5814RIS
Fas (RUI) S854i491
in University Circle
February 25, 1998
To Whom It May Concern:
It is my pleasure to recommend the design services of Herb Schaal of EDAW, Inc.
I have had the opportunity to .work with Herb while previously employed at the American
Horticultural Society as well as in my current position at Cleveland Botanical Garden.
At the American Horticultural Society's 1993 national children's gardening symposium, Herb
presented a talk on children's garden designs which was very well received and demonstrated
an active interest, expertise, and enthusiasm for designing landscapes for children.
In 1996, when we began the search for a designer for Cleveland Botanical Garden's new
children garden, I immediately thought of Herb as a possibility. We eventually hired Herb
because, more than other firms we interviewed, he demonstrated an ability to genuinely listen,
understand, and then synthesize all of our design needs and wants into a practical, creative, and
child -centered design.
Herb handled the design work in a thoroughly professional, yet relaxed manner working
cooperatively with a diverse group of staff, trustees, and outside consultants. He encouraged
as much input and feedback as possible at all levels of the design stage from as many people as
Everyone involved in the project is absolutely delighted with Herb's final design. It brilliantly
met our project goal which was to blend spaces for pure play and enchantment with innovative,
hands-on educational features. We also were impressed with how Herb sited various design
elements to take full advantage of the natural geography of the outdoor site.
I would be happy to respond to any questions you may have regarding the services of Herb
Schaal. I may be reached at (216) 721-1600.
Maureen Heffernan -
Director of Public Programs
11010 E.',i Boi t -vLi_ :.D Oil 44100 Ti 21b -'1 1000 F,, 216 721 2050
Maureen Heffernan_
From: Mary Humensky
Sent: Saturday, September 18, 199911:32 AM
To: Maureen Heffernan; Lynne Feighan
Subject: FW: LOVED IT!
Just had to forward this one, what a great compliment for our facility!
--Original Message ----
From: Brad Buma 1SMTP:bradbumaCearthlinknell
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 1999 1:45 PM
To: mhumensky(Mcbgarden.org
Subject: LOVED IT!
My name is Ashton and I am 17 months old. Today my mommy took me to the
Hershey Children's Garden. IT WAS SO WONDERFUL --I had the best time I've
had in a LOOOOOOONG time. There was plenty of planting, laughing, getting
wet, sweeping, looking at fish, watching the "big water" come out of the big
sun face, learning, "ooh" and "aah"ing—and did I mention laughing? My
mommy was a preschool teacher for 7 years before I was born, so she knows a
lot about "kid stuff'. I am just little myself, so I know a lot about what
kids like too. So we, "the experts" (my mommy and 1) just want to tell the
Hershey Foundation of Cleveland and the Hershey family that you have done a
fabulous job! The gardens are beautiful, while being truly child friendly.
I loved everything about it. But my favorite part (today) was filling up
my watering can and watering the plants in the shoes —how silly!! As we
left, a nice man who takes care of the pretty flowers gave me a book about
the garden to take home. In the book it said that this garden is "my
garden"" MY GARDEN? My mommy said when somebody does something nice for
me, I should tell them thank you ---and yes the garden is VERY NICE!! THANK
YOU!!! Since we will be here for 2 more years (my Daddy is a Dental Student
at CWRU) I will get to visit "my garden" lots and lots of timesl III
Thank you for having a great idea and bringing it to all the children of
EDAW is a national landscape architecture and planning firm with local offices
in Fort Collins and Denver.
EDAW's Fort Collins office was established in 1974, and currently has a staff
of over 35 professionals who are landscape architects and planners, but also
includes engineers, fountain and irrigation designers, and biologists.
The Fort Collins office specializes in the design of public spaces, including
parks of all types, urban places and public gardens. The office emphasizes
creative solutions and unique design as evidenced by receipt of over 50 awards
since its establishment.
The office and firm have been involved with many public garden projects,
locally and nationally, as indicated below.
" Alpine + Rock Garden at Denver Botanic Gardens, Denver, CO
CLIENT: Denver Botanic Gardens
Landscape design for alpine and rock garden within larger botanic garden.
• AmeriFlora'92 International Exposition Gardens, Columbus, ON
CLIENT: Ameriflora'92
Design of $3 million festival entry plaza, including interactive fountain and
transportation terminal.
" Betty Ford Alpine Garden, Vail, CO
CLIENT: Vail Alpine Garden Foundation
Planning + design of 4 garden elements, including central plaza/tundra
garden, schoolhouse accessibility garden, children's environmental garden,
riparian trail system.
Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
CLIENT: Brookside Gardens
Master Plan for 90-acre site within Wheaton Regional Park.
' Butterfly Garden, Washington University Medical Center, St. Louis,
CLIENT: Washington University
Landscape design for butterfly-themed children's garden atop medical
center balcony.
• Children's Garden at the Deriver Botanic Gardens, Denver, CO
CLIENT: Denver Botanic Gardens
Landscape design for children's educational garden within larger botanic
*Fort Collins Office Projects
Olson Family Garden
Norfolk "World of Wonder' C hildren's Garden
It is EDAW's policy to provide outstanding service and to meet budgets and
schedules mutually agreed to, and to make adjustments only when the client
agrees to a scope or schedule change. Mr. Schaal has an excellent record of
honoring this policy.
EDAW's approach to work is characterized by the following:
Design • Based on client's needs and desires
• Innovation and creativity
• Sound ideas based on research
• Regional sensitivity
• Thoroughness, good engineering, accurate construction
Service • High degree of client satisfaction
• Performance — on time and schedule, within budget
• Collaborative, enjoyable experience
• Strong communication of ideas with drawings and models
Socially • Application of sustainable and ecological planning principles
Responsible • Accessibility by all sectors of society
• Environmentally educational
Our most telling performance is evidenced by our work on The Hershey
Children's Garden at Cleveland Botanical Garden, The Children's Garden
at Red Butte Garden, and current work at Morton Arboretum, Quad City
Botanical Center and other children's gardens. The process was fun, logical
and collaborative. We incorporated all of our clients' ideas and visions into
technically sound, affordable projects. We added our own experience and
creativity to develop one -of -a -kind gardens — gardens that are uniquely
regional, gardens that are nationally acclaimed.
For example, at the Outdoor Learning Garden at the St. Louis Science School,
we created a landscape for learning about horticulture, ecology and physical
sciences. Teachers take their K through 8 grade classes into the garden to
learn about ecological relationships in Missouri prairie, forest and wetland
environments. In order to develop accurate plant community representations
for the region, we visited with local experts and studied existing natural areas.
The award -winning Rock Alpine Garden and Morrison Center work at the
Denver Botanic Gardens are often cited as being thoroughly researched,
innovative and developed with strong staff collaboration. For the sensory par
course in the Morrison Garden, we developed a unique list of the tactile and
auditory properties of plants; for the Rock Alpine Garden, we developed sic
different soil mixes and located the sources for five different rock types. Both
of these gardens were built within budget estimates and have a high degree of
client satisfaction. Our work on design of the Herb, Medicinal and Fragrance
Hershey Children's Garden
Gardens at Red Butte Garden in Salt Lake City and the Peace Garden at the
Cheyenne Botanic Garden can be similarly characterized. For the Fragrance
Garden, we created a complete list of Zone 4-5 and colder plants with
odoriferous qualities, and classified each according to scientific odor notation
as well as "fast" and "free" properties. For the Peace Garden, we researched
Zone 4 plants referred to in scriptures, including pharmaceuticals. For Morton
Arboretum Children's Garden, we participated in over a year's worth of
research on other children's gardens and in state-of-the-art science learning
concepts for children.
Evidence of our client -oriented, creative, cost sensitive approach is well
documented in the included letters of reference and Mr. Schaal's outstanding
list of professional awards.
Our perception of the Children's Garden at The Gardens on Spring Creek is
well stated in the mission and philosophy section of the RFP, which includes:
• Children and families
• Experiential activities
• Connections to nature
• Sense of place
• Horticulture, botany and ecology
• Direct experiences with nature
• Connections with agriculture
• Learning about the Fort Collins locale
In order to be attractive to kids, the garden needs to be fun, interactive, scaled
down, and containing symbolism and detail specifically related to kids. In
order for kids to learn, all of the 8 intelligencesl should be appealed to:
spatial, kinetic, linguistic, musical, logical, intrapersonal, extrapersonal and
natural science.
As Luther Burbank said,
Every child should have mud pies, grasshoppers, water bugs, tadpoles, frogs,
mud turtles, elderberries, wild strawberries, acorns, chestnuts, trees to climb.
Brooks to wade, water lilies, woodchucks, bats, bees, butterflies, various
animals to pet, hayfields, pine -cones, rocks to roll, sand, snakes, huckleberries
and hornets; and any child who has been deprived of these has been deprived
of the best part of ... education.
1 (8 ways kids learn as developed by Dr. Howard Gardener at Harvard)
Lena Meijer Children's Garden
Olson Family Garden
Red Butte Children's Garden
The following elaborates on our approach to the scope of work stated in the
RFP per phase.
This phase of the project is to develop a common understanding between the
designer, design team and stakeholders, and a solid basis for design. During
this phase, we propose to:
• Share examples and lessons learned from experience and children's
gardens around the country.
• Revisit the stated mission and philosophy for the garden and establish
agreement and understanding of the purpose and themes for the garden.
• Establish realistic expectations of what can and cannot be accomplished
with the funds available by determining baseline costs for such basic
items as soil preparation, grading, drainage, circulation, enclosure, water
supply and irrigation, basic planting, etc.; and variable costs for such
items as fountains, raised beds, artwork, exhibits and garden structures.
Volunteer work and donated items will be factored into the cost model.
• Determine those elements that contribute to sense of place.
This phase is to develop the basic design for the garden.
During this phase, we propose to work collaboratively with the design
committee and stakeholders to share ideas, work out site relationships and
allocate the budget by:
• Analyzing the site.
• Brainstorming ideas that support the mission and philosophy.
• Using graphics and models to develop ideas and sense of place.
• Weaving the ideas into one harmonious composition that fits with the site
and has a spirit of its own, unlike any other garden.
• Utilizing the services of local landscape artist, Joe McGrane, to identify
and cost design/build opportunities for interactive art pieces, and Sandra
Harnois, of Condit Exhibits, to identify and cost design/build exhibit
• Producing graphics that accurately communicate ideas and can be used
as a by-product, at no additional cost, to promote and fundraise for the
• Evaluating the functionality of design using families, kids, educators and
feedback from disabled persons.
• Evaluating the sustainability of the design using a LEEDTMI checklist.
• Cost estimating the design and adjusting to fit the budget.
This phase is to develop the working documents necessary to bid and
construct the job in accordance with prevailing standards.
During this phase, we propose to:
• Meet with the design team throughout the process to work on details that
may need resolution.
• Contact contractors for cost of unusual items.
• Refine the cost estimate.
• Produce construction documents.
This phase of work is to assist the client during the construction process.
During this phase, we will:
• Make periodic visits to the site and report observed irregularities with the
intent of the documents.
• Advise on adjustments to the work.
• Work with volunteers at no cost.
Betty Ford Children's Environmental Garden
Gateway Science School
We have ample capacity to begin this project at any time in the spring of 2004,
and can work to any reasonable schedule.
Our staff of 35 is large enough to respond to the most demanding schedule,
and we have four landscape architects with significant children's garden
experience. Having in-house engineering, fountain design and irrigation
design also enhances the communication and availability of our design team.
Our office in Old Town Fort Collins is convenient to City offices and to the
project site.
Hershey Children's Garden
We have designed children's gardens in eight states and are especially
interested in applying our state-of-the-art national experience to our own
This will be a garden that we can observe on a day-to-day basis and offer
suggestions for its improvement and evaluation.
This is a garden that we could volunteer in.
This is a garden that we will come to see as families
This is a garden that will have a most positive effect on our children, our
friends and our community.
We believe there can be no stronger motivation than to improve one's own
community and to create healthy, life-long attitudes in children. We will make
this project our highest priority and support fundraising activities at no cost to
the project.
cost +
work hours
Hershey Children's Garden
The following table shows our preliminary estimate of work hours and cost,
plus reimbursable expenses. We are prepared to negotiate revisions to this
estimate commensurate with a mutually agreeable work plan.
Initial Scope
Schematic Design
Construction Documents
Construction Administration
EDAW acknowledges receipt of Addendum No. 1.
+ expertise S
Betty Fond Childress Environmental Garden
The attached project sheets and list of public garden projects in the Firm
Description section indicate our depth of experience. Many of these projects
have received planning and design awards. The following is a summary of the
most relevant projects.
Gateway Science School
2 acres
Complete, 1999
ASLA Award
Hershey Children's Garden
6%: acres
Complete, 1999
Red Butte Children's Garden
3/4 acres
Complete, 1999
Betty Ford Children's
1/8 acre
Complete, 2002
Environmental Garden
Lena Meijer Children's Garden
6.2 acres
Under construction;
to be completed 2004
Lewis Ginter Children's Garden
8/10 acre
Out to bid;
to be completed 2004
Morton Children's Garden
6.4 acres
Now in CDs;
to be completed 2005
Norfolk "World of Wonders'
3 acres
Now in CDs;
Children's Garden
to be completed in 2005
Schematic design;
Quad City Children's Garden
2 acres
complete 2003;
construction not scheduled
Midway Children's Play Garden
2.5 acres
Concept design complete;
construction not scheduled
Mr. Schaal, who will be the principal designer, is a nationally -recognized
expert in the design of children's gardens. He has studied how children play
and learn since 1990. He has been published and given numerous lectures on
the subject at national conferences. Recently, he has been identified as "one of
the most important public garden designers in the country"
Gardens on Spring Crook
Fort Collins, Colorado
Client: City of Fort Collins
The Gardens on Spring Creek are located on a 17-acre site in central Fort Col-
lins. In addition to community fruit and vegetable gardens, the center will
include numerous demonstration/theme gardens, including a children's
garden, healing garden, water garden, habitat garden, experiential garden,
rock/alpine garden, prairie garden and four seasons garden.
The City of Fort Collins selected EDAW to design the community horticulture
center with the objective to "connect people to each other, nature and our local
place." While emphasizing the plant growing process, applied horticulture,
horticulture to improve the community and environmental horticulture/food
crops, the center will also be fun, inclusive, experimental and demonstrate sus-
tainable principles.
The site design follows sustainable principles by utilizing porous paving, raw
water, recycled/recyclable materials, water harvesting, composting, macro/
micro -climate orientation and sustainable interpretation. Sustainable oppor-
tunities related to the building include use of passive, active and photovoltaic
solar power, building orientation to maximize solar heat, high insulation level,
natural ventilation, high efficiency heating, shading devices, destratification
fans, and natural daylighting.
Children's Garden at Red Butte Garden and Arboretum
Salt Lake City, Utah
Client: University of Utah
Since it opened in May of 1999, the Children's Garden has become one of the
major attractions at the Red Butte Botanical Garden. The garden's purpose
is "to provide a special place for children to learn about and experience the
uses, sciences and pleasures of plants and horticulture." To accomplish this
purpose, the garden is scaled down for children. The garden contains many
surprises, adventures and interactive opportunities.
There are 3 distinct garden sections to explore, each with its own emphasis.
The first section encountered is the Adventure Garden. At its center is a snake
topiary maze and an interactive fountain that magically squirts as children
walk by.
The Discovery Garden includes an indoor classroom with a sod roof and a
small greenhouse. The focus of this garden is a turf hill for rolling combined
with an amphitheater and outdoor teaching/craft area surrounded by theme
plots. The theme plots may change from year to year and will include plant
arrangements related to ABCs, making pizza, fairy tales, birthday months, pio-
neers, prehistoric plants, butterflies, etc.
By crossing a bridge, chidren enter a world of possibilities in the Exploratory
Garden, where a small wetland frames a grotto veiled by a thin curtain of
water. South of the wetland, a zigzag ramp leads to "ruins" where Native
American plants and their uses are displayed. Here, children can make animal
effiegies, totems and fabric from plants; grind corn; and handle a variety of
beans, gourds, and peppers.
* Childran's Global Garden at Norfolk Botanical Garden, Norfolk, VA
CLIENT: Norfolk Botanical Gardens
A 2.8 acre garden that connects world culture and world landscapes.
Children's Landscape at Cheyenne Botanic Gardens, Cheyenne, WY
CLIENT: Cheyenne Botanic Garden
Design of western-themed, interactive, child -scaled landscape within larger
botanic garden.
' Children's Play Garden at Midway Plaisance, Chicago, IL
CLIENT: Chicago Park District, Research & Planning
A 1.5 acre garden that emphasizes play in a garden setting.
* Children's Tree Discovery Center at Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL
CLIENT: The Morton Arboretum
A 4.25 acre garden focusing on science and learning in the landscape.
City Park Rose Garden, New Orleans, LA
CLIENT: Friends of City Park
Master plan for restoration of existing historic rose garden.
* Claude A. Barr Great Plains Botanic Garden, Not Springs, SD
CLIENT: Great Plains Botanical Society
Master plan for memorial garden recognizing a pioneer in Great Plains
* Denver Botanic Gardens, Denver, CO
CLIENT: Denver Botanic Gardens
Master plan for 23 acres and specific plans for individual gardens and
central amphitheater.
* Denver Botanic Gardens Interpretive Program, Denver, CO
CLIENT: Denver Botanic Gardens
Design of interpretive program + sign system for botanic gardens, including
over 180 interpretive signs + 20 banners.
* Descanso Gardens, La Canada, CA
CLIENT: Descano Gardens Guild Inc.
Master plan for future development of gardens depicting foothills
* Family Garden at Lewis Ginter, Richmond, VA
CLIENT: Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden
Family Gardens and Children's Maze Garden at Lewis Ginter Botanic
Garden. The maze requires kids to make choices that relate to contrasting
landscapes and includes seven special activity areas, water features, tree
houses and fanciful garden elements.
* Fragrance Garden at Denver Botanic Gardens, Denver, CO
CLIENT: Denver Botanic Gardens
Landscape design for garden showcasing fragrant plants of the Rocky
Mountain region.
* The Gardens on Spring Creek, Fort Collins, CO
CLIENT: City of Fort Collins, Forestry
Master plan for 17-acre horticulture center, including a children's garden
and participatory community gardening.
`Fort Collins Office Projects
• Prototype for new schools interested
in developing outdoor educational
• National Merit Award, American
Society of Landscape Architects
• President's Award of Excellence,
American Society of Landscape
Architects, Colorado Chapter
Gateway Science School Courtyard
St. Louis, Missouri
Client: St. Louis Public Schools
A court order directed that this math -science technology cluster be built as a
magnet school. Because students attend magnet schools by choice, they must
be outstanding in curriculum as well as physical design.
A wealth of educational and recreational opportunities abounds in the secure
two -acre courtyard. Here, children from diverse backgrounds can experience
the joys of discovery in a stimulating outdoor environment that includes
an Ozark forest, mid- and tall -grass prairie, stream, pond, wetland, rock
outcroppings, fossils, animal tracks, amphitheater, and Lunch area.
The overall plan is rich in both geometric and naturalistic metaphors
appropriate to the math and science curriculum. It additionally serves as a
reminder that the earth's natural resources are the basis of all life and that the
highest purpose of science is to find sustainable solutions to man's habitation
on the planet.
Recognizing the importance of the project, former President Bill Clinton
addressed the nation from the site regarding innovation in education.
Lewis Ginter Children's Garden
Richmond, Virginia
Client: Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden
The purpose of the Children's Garden is to provide children (and their
families) with gardening experiences that delight and amaze.
This 1-acre garden is composed of a series of children's activity areas, a maze,
an international village, an interactive stream and water feature, contrasting
plant plots and changeable gardens. Throughout the Garden are shady places
for parents to sit, allowing "arm's length" surveillance of the children.
Of particular interest is the Maze and Interactive Stream. The Maze is a
complicated adventure/discovery path that winds through various plant
communities and is entered from a tunnel under a waterfall. Wattle
structures, boardwalks and small bridges add interest and tracks lead to
sculptures of Virginia animals which are hidden along the way. At other
points, various musical sounds may be created, including wind chimes, bells,
drums, xylophones and a gong. The destination is a promontory where
parents can observe the progress of the children.
The Interactive Stream and Water Feature is accessible and shallow for the
children to play in and includes opportunities for making dams, channels,
water crossings, water wheels and floating boats. Associated with the stream
are surprising and playful water effects, including squirts, pot jets, weeps,
dribbles, and mists.
• The first public children's garden in
Ohio and one of the first of its kind in
the United States
• 20,000 square feet
• Honor Award, American Society of
Landscape Architects, Ohio Chapter
• Merit Award, American Society of
Landscape Architects, Colorado
• Merit Award, American Society of
Landscape Architects, Great Plains
Hershey Children's Garden at the Cleveland Botanical Garden
Cleveland, Ohio
Client: Cleveland Botanical Garden
The Hershey Children's Garden, a permanent exhibit within the venerable
Cleveland Botanical Garden, opened in June 1999 and has more than
doubled the Botanical Garden's visitation. It is an interactive, playful place
where children can learn about the value of plants, gardening and the
interconnectedness of nature.
The garden is organized into three main areas - entry court, ecological and
horticultural. Each has a distinctive quality and is rich in experiences scaled to
the physical size and intellectual capacities of children.
An open, rustic tree house with an ample deck built around two existing tulip
trees is the main attraction in the ecological area. Other natural landscape
elements here include pond, wetlands, stream, peat bog, coppice, hill, forest,
bird blind, stone cliff, and cave.
The horticultural area features planting beds, tool house, hand water pumps,
play house with sod roof, international plants garden, worm and compost
bins, and a scrounger garden displaying plants in a variety of found objects,
including old shoes and musical instruments.
Forecourt Sketch
Norfolk Children's Garden
Norfolk, Virginia
Client: Norfolk Botanical Garden
Norfolk, Virginia is a community rich in ethnic diversity and is the North
American headquarters for NATO. The overall design philosophy for the
Children's Garden at the Norfolk Botanical Garden is to introduce and interest
children in plants by way of global themes. Children explore the connections
between plants, international culture and environment using their natural curi-
osity and instinct to play.
The garden introduces visitors to the global theme in a forecourt/entry space
which allows visitors informal perimeter seating and features a central United
Nations Parterre. A central plaza and global garden is the primary organiz-
ing feature of the garden and contains a walk-through map of the world, with
continents, bioregions and wet oceans. Children learn geography, pattern
recognition, plant communities, and route finding here. A vine covered, maze -
like tunnel surrounds the plaza and offers entry into gardens that represent
six continents of the world and feature typical plants of representative biomes,
interactive artifacts from selected cultures, time zone sundials, and passport
stamping stations. Other sections of the Children's Garden include a World
Plants Garden, Environmental Garden, Explorer's Garden and One -World
The Norfolk Botanical Garden views this project as an excellent way to attract
different types of visitors to their institution.
Children's Environmental Garden and Accessible School House
Vail, Colorado
Clients Betty Ford Alpine Garden Foundation
EDAW designed four new garden elements that provide a cohesive framework
for the Betty Ford Alpine Gardens. The new gardens emphasize education,
local environment and community building.
The first garden is the Alpine Plaza. This garden becomes a new hub, with
entries to the Gerald Ford Amphitheater, Betty Ford Alpine Gardens, River
Trail, Schoolhouse Accessibility Garden and Children's Environmental Garden.
The plaza contains elements of the local alpine landscape, such as flag trees,
tundra plantings and limestone crags.
The second garden is the Schoolhouse Accessibility Garden. This garden estab-
lishes an existing historic schoolhouse as the anchor for an accessible garden-
ing area. The garden features raised beds bordering a ramp, which leads up to
the main terrace adjacent to the structure.
The third garden is the Children's Environmental Garden, which includes a
miniaturized landscape of the Vail Valley. A kid's trail ascends to a miniature
Grand Traverse in the nearby Gore Range. In accordance with the garden's
educational mission, this child -oriented environment teaches and educates
visitors about the local landscape vocabulary and environment, illustrating
concepts such as plant adaptations and geology.
The fourth garden is the Gore Creek Trail, which enriches visitor experience by
immersion in the adjacent riparian environment. Natural river granite boul-
ders border sections of the trail and create access to Gore Creek.
Lena Meijer Children's Garden Master Plan
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Client: Federik Meijer Gardens
The goal of the 5-acre Lena Meijer Children's Garden is to provide a family -
oriented place where an interest in plants, the natural environment and the arts
can be developed synergistically through creative play. EDAW served as land-
scape architect and master planner, coordinating a team of environmentalists,
educators and art curators. The master plan encourages connections between
art/sculpture and plants/environment by calling for playful, kid -scaled land-
scapes with integrated artworks. It offers children opportunities for artful
expression using natural materials such as stone, earth, plants, water, snow, ice,
and wood.
About one-third of the site involves jurisdictional wetlands. EDAW considered
this an exceptional opportunity, and worked with the Michigan Department
of Environmental Quality to make full use of the wetlands without adverse
disturbance. The plan proposes boardwalks, decks, overlooks and a system of
natural filters, which shows methods of cleaning urban runoff.
The master plan demonstrates a process of planning which takes into account
educational, environmental and aesthetic factors. It deals with the unique idea
of combining nature and art education in a playful, kid -oriented outdoor envi-
ronment. The project will help children establish lifelong attitudes and knowl-
edge related to appreciation and stewardship of the arts and landscape.
Olson Family Garden Terrace
St. Louis, Missouri
Client: St. Louis Children's Hospital
The Olson Family Garden Terrace is an 8,000 s.f. rooftop garden on the 811 floor
of St. Louis' Children s Hospital. The purpose and objectives of the garden are
• Provide a place of solace for very sick children and their families, away
from the stresses of the hospital environment.
• Provide opportunities for children to connect with nature, such as smelling
plants, interacting with sculpture, touching water, etc.
• Provide opportunities to increase a child's interest level through discovery.
• Provide a sense of acceptance of life's rhythms through images of healing
and wellness.
• Provide families with a private place to converse with caregiving staff or
simply reflect in quiet solitude.
The garden includes such elements as a gazebo overlooking the garden and
city below, raised beds, a small stream, garden shade structures for potting
and inclement weather, meandering paths, gathering space and celestial plaza.
The overall feeling of the garden is informal and friendly. Meandering path-
ways lead to cozy spaces and natural elements to delight the senses, inviting
play and sharing but also allowing for seclusion and privacy for families.
The entire garden is subdrained and all elements are designed to be "lifted" to
the 81' floor.
The project won an Honor Award from the Colorado Chapter of the American
Society of Landscape Architects.
The Morton Arboretum Children's Garden Master Plan
Lisle, ullnolse
Client: The Morton Arboretum
The purpose of the Morton Arboretum Children's Garden is to provide a state-
of-the-art educational landscape for children. The challenge facing EDAW was
to conceive an outdoor environment in which children can gain confidence in
their ability to understand the natural world around them and develop a posi-
tive approach to outdoor learning.
Introducing children to many aspects of plant physiology, reproduction, ecol-
ogy and aesthetics through both self -guided and mediated hands-on experi-
ences is the intention of the plan. It begins in backyard, themed landscapes and
transitions into wild, natural landscapes allowing the child to move comfort-
ably from the familiar to the unfamiliar.
EDAW used the challenging 25 foot elevation change to advantage by sculpt-
ing the site into distinct upper and lower sections allowing a clear separation
between landscapes. A system of boardwalks and canopy access structures
will compel children to explore the full limits of the site. The planned area will
blend with its surroundings, creating buffer zones where needed and capitaliz-
ing on vistas to the visitor center, Meadow Lake and the skyline.
Children learn through play and self-discovery by touching, feeling, observing,
experimenting and being immersed in the subject matter. Expanding their out-
door education in this way establishes lifelong, positive attitudes and knowl-
edge about inquiry, stewardship, nature and landscape year after year.
Honor Award + Best of Show,
American Society of Landscape
Architects, Utah Chapter
Terrace Gardens at Red Butte Garden + Arboretum
salt Lake City, Utah
Client: Red Butte Garden + Arboretum
With the Wasatch Mountains as a dramatic backdrop, the 1.5-acre Terrace
Gardens is part of a botanical garden complex that is visited by over 100,000
people annually. Its purpose is to provide opportunities for visitors to
cultivate their knowledge of the historical, utilitarian, aesthetic and regional
uses of culinary herbs, medicinal plants and fragrant plants from around the
world that can be grown in Utah.
• National Design Award, American
The herb, medicinal and fragrance gardens are each sheltered by trees selected
Society of Landscape Architects
for their aromatic qualities; carefully placed openings frame spectacular views.
Terraced transitions from one garden to the next include tunnel -like wisteria
• Tucker Award for Design Excellence,
Building Stone Institute
arbors, overlooks, small fountains and cascading pools adjacent to flowing
• Merit Award, American Society of
Landscape Architects, Colorado
On the eastern edge of the site is a garden of native plants that segues into the
vegetation beyond its boundaries. Other display areas include medicinal bog
plants and poisonous species.
An exceptional educational venue, Terrace Gardens also sets a high standard
for environmental quality, incorporation of local stone and building materials,
and use of hardy native plants.
Midway Plaisance Children's Play Garden
Chicago, Iliinoise
Client: Chicago Park District
The Children s Play Garden was designed to develop a new regional and com-
munity attraction that invites the public to the Midway Plaisance. The theme
of the garden focuses on the unusual and playful landscape use of garden and
natural elements, to encourage play, excite imagination and invite investiga-
tion. The garden also makes thematic connections to the neighboring Museum
of Science and Industry and the 1893 Chicago World's Fair.
EDAW's design organizes the garden into a 'hub and spoke' system with a
central gathering space or play center providing access to three primary garden
components, the flower garden, wild place and vegetable garden. This idea of
a single point of access allows parents to monitor their children and feel com-
fortable knowing where they are playing. Grand scale terra Cotta pots became
an icon for the Children s Garden and helped establish it as a landmark at the
EDAW's design provides a playful landscape where kids, families and inclu-
sive children s groups can have fun through free play while developing an
interest and appreciation for plants and the environment.
• Gateway Science School, St. Louis, MO
CLIENT: St. Louis Public Schools
Design for 21-acre site, including 2-acre secured courtyard with
Harper Humanities Garden, Denver, CO
CLIENT: University of Denver
Detailed site plan for 3-acre Humanities Garden connecting chapel and
• Hershey Children's Garden, Cleveland, OH
CLIENT: Cleveland Botanical Garden
Planning and design for new interactive children's garden and education
• Lena Meijer Children's Garden, Grand Rapids, MI
CLIENT: Frederik Meijer Gardens
Master plan for 3-acre children s garden.
• Loveland Xeriscape Demonstration Garden, Loveland, CO
CLIENT: City of Loveland, Parks & Recreation
Design/interpretive signage for public garden demonstrating water
conservation principles.
• Morrison Horticultural Demonstration Center, Denver, CO
CLIENT: Denver Botanic Gardens
Master plan, design plan, and interpretive sign system for demonstration
National Capitol Columns at the National Arboretum, Washington, DC
CLIENT: Friends of the National Arboretum
Design of commemorative display within the 450-acre National Arboretum,
using historic architectural columns.
National Garden at the US Botanic Garden, Washington, DC
CLIENT: Architect of the Capitol
Concept design for new 4-acre public garden educating the public on
American plants.
• Navajo National Zoological + Botanical Park, Window Rock, AZ
CLIENT: Navajo Zoological + Botanical Park
Master plan + development guidelines to direct future expansion of existing
zoo/botanical garden.
Northern Virginia Arboretum, Fairfax County, VA
CLIENT: Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority
Master plan and construction drawings for new 94-acre garden park and
• Olson Family Garden Terrace, St. Louis, MO
CLIENT: Washington University
Planning and design for 8,000-SF rooftop garden at Children's Hospital.
• Peace Garden at Cheyenne Botanic Garden, Cheyenne, WY
CLIENT: Cheyenne Botanic Garden
Landscape design for Peace garden, including timeless inscriptions and
plants associated with peace quotations throughout history.
*Fort Collins Office Projects
Children's Garden at the Quad City Botanical Center
Rock Island, Illinois
Client: Quad City Botanical Garden
When the Quad City Botanical Center (QCBC) was first envisioned, the found-
ers knew a children's garden would be an integral component. Idea -gathering
meetings were held to pave the way and advocates for the children's garden
patiently waited until the time was right to select a designer and begin the
planning process. In the fall of 2002, EDAW was chosen to develop plans for a
2-acre garden west of the existing facility.
In July 2003, the EDAW team worked with members of the QCBC's Children's
Garden Design Committee to select concepts and design elements for the
garden. Using various aspects from Quad City's history — such as agriculture,
the early Native American influence, river and train transportation, eagles'
nesting habitats, and more, a design resulted that would not only educate chil-
dren in the area's history, but foster enthusiasm for plants and nature.
EDAW's design for the Children's Garden will help fulfill its purpose -- to
provide an attractive place for families and students, where interest and affec-
tion for plants, horticulture and the natural environment of the region can be
explored and enjoyed.
• Interprets the seven xeriscape prin-
• Serves as a functional and comfortable
public open space
• Merit Award, American Society of Land-
scape Architects, Colorado Chapter
• Toro / LAF Industry Advancement
• Grand Award, Associated Landscape
Contractors of Colorado
Fort Collins Xeriscape Demonstration Garden
Fort Collins, Colorado
City of Fort Collins
"Low water use can be beautiful" is the message EDAW and the City of Fort
Collins wanted to convey to developers, contractors and homeowners. To get
the message across vividly and unavoidably, the City agreed to transform its
entrance to City Hall into a Xeriscape Demonstration Garden, interpreting for
general public use the seven xeriscape (water conservation) principles - design,
soil improvement, reduced turf areas, expanded mulch use, low water demand
plants, zoned irrigation systems and maintenance.
Although the informational aspects of the garden are of primary importance,
the garden also serves as a functional and comfortable public open space for
the enjoyment of city employees and visitors.
The project received an Award of Merit from the Colorado Chapter of the
American Society of Landscape Architects, the Toro/LAF Industry Advance-
ment Award, and the Grand Award from the Associated Landscape Contractors
of Colorado.
Alpine and Rock Garden, Denver Botanic Gardens
Denver, Colorado
Client: Denver Botanic Gardens
This 3/-acre specialty garden takes advantage of the distinct climatic and
elevational advantages of Denver to house over 3,000 different kinds of plants
in a wide variety of natural conditions.
Diverse conditions are carefully organized in a visually unified garden. The
climatically controlled Alpine House serves as the main focal point. A
1,500-square-foot, six-foot high moraine mound was specially constructed to
simulate high mountain conditions where an underground water flow from
melting snow or glacial ice is constant. Other features include a scree mound,
a bog area and a stream that winds through the center of the garden. A 3,000
square foot alpine meadow, 300 feet of ledges, 150 feet of cliffs, 3,000 square
feet of boulder fields, riparian woodlands and walls are other highlights of
the gardens.
The automatic irrigation system is divided into 17 zones, based on soil type
and aspect. The garden has won several national awards.
Peace Garden, Cheyenne Botanic Gardens
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Client: Cheyenne Botanic Gardens
The Peace Garden is one of several special gardens designed for the grounds
of the Cheyenne Botanic Gardens. Its concept is to provide a quiet, intimate
atmosphere with seating, while conveying non -denominational elements of
education, reflection, contemplation and inspiration.
Pine trees on each side provide a strong enclosure. As one looks into the
garden, the design leads the eye to one focal point, implying a spiritual force
and oneness. The garden's expanding radial geometry and concentric band-
ing in the walks combine to provide uplifting vistas from the garden. Paving
and wall material are buff sandstone or terra cotta, recalling an ancient Middle
Eastern feeling. Inspirational and contemplative quotes- are placed strategically
in the paving and walls of the garden. The garden displays flowers, produce,
herbs and other plants known to be native flora of the Mediterranean -Bible
lands. The small water fountain in the pool adds a calming sound and sense of
intimacy to the garden.
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Ocean Journey
conjunction will
fabricate and it
exhibit "Shar6
interior and ext
the existing des
infrastructure. '
will become a t
which will act h
value of the Oc
Sharkscape Go
Extend the value of admission
Make it fun
Attract families with children 7-12
Relieve path congestion by creating
exhibitry and programs throughout
the building
Sharkscape Mission
The mission of Sharkscape is to create
innovative exhibits, engaging interactive
areas and programs to increase the
understanding of sharks and their
importance, to learn more about their
amazing diversity and unique adaptations.
Of visitors that were polled, 40% were visiting
Ocean Journey to experience Sharkscape
Callaway Gardens - Pine Mountain, Georgia
Y •
PAY. ;s
t q y
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x P l^
* President's Park at the White House, Washington, DC
CLIENT: US National Park Service
Documentation of plant materials in Rose Garden + Kennedy Garden of the
White House.
' Red Butte Children's Garden, Salt Lake City, UT
CLIENT: Red Butte Garden + Arboretum
Planning + design for new children's garden/education center.
' Strybing Arboretum at Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA
CLIENT: Strybing Arboretum and Botanical Gardens
Various projects including demonstration and fragrance gardens, and John
Muir Trail.
' Terrace Gardens at Red Butte Garden + Arboretum, Salt Lake City,
CLIENT: Red Butte Garden + Arboretum
Planning + design for award -winning botanical garden, including herb,
medicinal, and fragrance gardens.
Volunteer Park Conservatory EIS, Seattle, WA
CLIENT: City of Seattle
Environmental impact statement for proposed expansion of historic
building and park facilities supporting area garden and horticultural clubs.
"Fort Collins Office Projects
Hershey Children's Garden
Herb Schaal, FASLA, Principal Landscape Architect
Herb will be the principal -in -charge and principal designer, responsible for
coordinating with the City.
Herb will lead the team and is one of the nation's premier public garden and
children's garden designers. He has designed more than a dozen children's
gardens in eight states, ranging in size from 1/4 acre to 4 acres and in cost
from $300,000 to $5,000,000. Every one of his completed public and children's
gardens have won design awards.
Having prepared the master plan for The Gardens on Spring Creek, he has an
in-depth awareness of the project site, setting, goals and philosophy.
Other key personnel will include:
Craig Russell, Landscape Architect
Craig is a CSU graduate who has worked closely with Mr. Schaal on many
public garden projects. He recently completed a Master of Landscape
Architecture degree at the University of Oregon where he studied interpretive
systems. Craig will be a project landscape architect and interpretive planner
on this project.
Mark Kosmos, Landscape Architect
Mark is a CSU graduate who has worked with Mr. Schaal on Morton
Arboretum Children's Garden. He prepared the construction documents for
the new High Plains Arboretum, Rose and Herb Garden at Cheyenne Botanic
Gardens. Mark will be Mr. Schaal's chief assistant on this project.
Denise George, Landscape Architect
Denise has a Masters of Landscape Architecture degree from Harvard and
worked closely with Mr. Schaal on plans for the Morton Arboretum Children's
Garden and Quad City Children's Garden. Denise will assist on design of
individual elements.
Greg Hurst, Civil Engineer
Greg is a civil engineer who has worked out technical engineering issues on
many of Mr. Schaal's gardens. Greg will be responsible for site engineering as
Dominic Shaw, Fountain Designer
Dominic is EDAW's principal water feature and outdoor lighting designer, and
will deal with any electrical or mechanical systems that are needed. Dominic
has worked on many of Mr. Schaal's children's gardens.
Sandra Harnois, Exhibit Designer
Sandra is an exhibit designer with Condit Exhibits. She has worked with
EDAW on several interpretive exhibits and will be available to suggest and
price design/build exhibits for the project.
Joe is a"*, Sits Artist
worked withort Collins site artist
available Mr Baal on publicas
Project. and rice whogardenss for Over with Years.
J and has
P design/build interactive artp. Joe will be
All ke AW art pieces for the
Y ED Personnel
ng trix worked o
the followi have
and resumes inrl;, n the design of rh;u_
Mr. Schaal is a Landscape Architect with over 30 years of experience in a broad
range of applications of the profession, with an emphasis on public gardens and
B.S., Landscape Architecture, California
parks. He has received 38 awards from the American Society of Landscape
State Polytechnic College, 1962
Architects (ASLA) for his work. Mr. Schaal has been a consulting Landscape
M.L.A., State University of New York at
Architect for the Denver Botanic Gardens on various projects since 1975, and is
Syracuse, 1969
acclaimed for the design of the award -winning Alpine/Rock Garden and
Morrison Horticultural Demonstration Garden. He is well published for his
work on educational gardens for a first of its kind Science School in St. Louis,
Fellow, American Society of Landscape
themed landscapes s, The es for the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs,
P Y P g
Member, American Association of Botanic
Hershey Children's Garden at Cleveland Botanical Gardens, and The Children's
Gardens and Arboreta
and Terrace Gardens at Red Butte Garden in Salt Lake City, Utah. He has
Member, Denver Botanic Gardens
spoken on educational gardens for children at the American Association of
Life Member, The Nature Conservancy
Botanic Gardens and Arboreta (AABGA); the American Horticultural Society
Certified Park Planner, Colorado
Annual Conference in Washington, D.C.; the Royal Botanic Gardens in Sydney,
Founding Member, Colorado State Parks
Australia; the American Horticultural Society Conference on A Gardens for Youth;
and a Horticultural Therapy Conference on Accessible Gardening. He is currently
working on new children's gardens for Frederick Meijer Botanic Garden, Lewis
Ginter Botanic Garden, Norfolk Botanical Gardens, Morton Arboretum, Quad
Current/Previous Registrations - Arizona`,
California', Colorado, Nevada, Nebraska',
City Botanic Gardens and Chicago Parks District.
Oklahoma, Missouri', Utah', and National
Council of Landscape Architects Review
Lena Meijer Children's Garden, Frederik Meijer Botanic Garden +
Honor Award, The Morton Arboretum
Sculpture Park, Grand Rapids, MI
Children's Garden Master Plan, Colorado
Principal Designer
Chapter/American Society of Landscape
Architects, 2003
CLIENT: Frederik Meijer Botanic Garden
Honor Award, Children's Environmental
Master plan for $5 million, 4-acre children's garden emphasizing connections
Garden and Accessible School House
between plants and environment and art and sculpture. The project received a
Garden at Betty Ford Alpine Gardens,
CCASLA President's Award of Excellence.
Colorado Chapter/American Society of
Landscape Architects, 2003
President's Award of Excellence, Lena
Midway Children's Play Garden, Chicago, IL
Meijer Children's Garden Master Plan,
Principal Designer
Colorado Chapter/American Society of
Landscape Architects, 2002
CLIENT: joint venture of Chicago Park Department and University of Illinois
Merit Award, Zellerbach Garden of
Master plan for $4 million, 3-acre children's garden with a public park,
Perennials, Colorado Chapter/American
emphasizing play in a garden environment.
Society of Landscape Architects, 2002
Tucker Award of Excellence, Terrace
Garden at Red Butte Botanic Garden,
Children's Adventure Garden, Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL
Principal Designer
President's Award of Excellence, Fort
CLIENT: The Morton Arboretum
Collins Community Horticulture Center
Master Plan, Colorado Chapter/American
Master plan for $7.5 million project on 4 acres, emphasizing science and
P P J P g
Society of Landscape Architects, 2001
education in familiar urban and wild landscapes. The project received a
Honor Award, Red Butte Children's
CCASLA Honor Award.
Garden, Colorado Chapter/American
Society of Landscape Architects, 2001
Merit Award, Tyson Research Center
Children's Garden, Quad City Botanic Gardens, Rock Island, IL
Resource Study, Colorado
Principal Designer
Chapter/American Society of Landscape
CLIENT' Quad City Botanic Gardens
Architects, 2001
Master plan for $5 million, 3-acre garden, emphasizing upper Mississippi River
Honor Award, Hershey Children's Garden,
Cleveland Botanical Garden, Ohio
Chapter/American Society of Landscape
Architects, 2000
Children's Environmental Garden, Betty Ford Alpine Gardens, Vail, CO
Honor Award and Best of Show, Terrace
Gardens at Red Butte Garden and
principal Designer
Arboretum, Utah Chapter/American
CLIENT' Betty Ford Alpine Gardens
Society of Landscape Architects, 2000
Design of miniature trail from the Vail Valley to the peaks of the Gore Range,