HomeMy WebLinkAboutCORRESPONDENCE - GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE - TRAINING AGREEMENT (3)David Carey Ft.CollinsAgrmnt 1004.doc Page 1 SuccessSystems, Inc. "Training People To Excel With People" P. O. Box 18208 Boulder, CO 80308 (303) 998-0248 Email: succsyst@peakpeak.com October 20, 2004 Doreen Kemp Training & Development City of Fort Collins 215 North Mason Fort Collins, CO 80521 LETTER OF AGREEMENT This letter confirms our agreement to conduct the 1-day Handling Conflict With Skills training program for the City of Fort Collins, Colorado on April 8, 2005 and the 4.5-hour Disrespect! Where's The Line? training program on September 30, 2005 in facilities provided by the City of Fort Collins. SuccessSystems, Inc. agrees to provide a master copy of the training workbook to be reproduced by the City of Fort Collins for the participants in each program. The City of Fort Collins is not allowed to reproduce copies of this workbook for any other purpose without the express written consent of SuccessSystems, Inc. The fee to be paid to SuccessSystems, hic. for the delivery of each of the training programs described above shall be $1,600.00 for the April 8 program and $1,000.00 for the September 30 program. SuccessSystems, Inc. will submit an invoice for each program after delivery. Sam R. Lloyd, PrZ rent 10/20/04 Date �V' - D reen Kemp, Training Coordinator O 2 `f Date