HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHANGE ORDER - RFP - P934CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 ,j arm C.f� Year v PROJECT TITLE: Smarttrips.org Website Redesign CONTRACTOR: Pacific Intermedia PROJECT NUMBER: 4007.5262 PURCHASE ORDER #: 21 DESCRIPTION: Change in Scope of Work 1. Reason for Change: Change site from static HTML to a GIS-based interactive portal 2. Description of Change: See attached 3. Change in Contract Cost: $19,781.00 4. Change in Contract Time: None ORIGINAL CONTRACT COST: $ 40,000.00 TOTAL APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS: $ TOTAL PENDING CHANGE ORDERS: $ _ TOTAL THIS CHANGE ORDER: $ 19,781.00 TOTAL % OF ORIGINAL CONTRACT, THIS C.O.: 49.45% TOTAL % OF ORIGINAL CONTRACT, ALL C.O.'S.: 49.45% ADJUSTED CONTRACT COST $ 59,781.00 (Assuming all change orders approved) ACCEPTED BY: �' �`�"'� DATE: Contractor's Representative ACCEPTED BY: oyt, ALM DATE: $ !4 d Project Mafiager - Margie Jo OFRMPO REVIEWED BY: DATE: /o NaWe PTitle Gayle Foos, NFRMPO Financial Manager APPROVED BY: - DATE: 31mA Na e / Title - ayle Foos, NFRMPO Financial Manager APPROVED BY: DATE: Purchasing Agent over $30,000 cc: Purchasing u:\forms\Pacific Intermedia - Change Order #1 8/18/2004 nac. is ter�neciia SmartTrips Platform Enhancement Recommendations and Cost PROPOSAL 5. Hour, Cost and Timeline Estimate for Phase 1 5.1. Hours 5.1.1. Discovery 5.1.2. Design, Front End 5.1.3. Design, Back End 5.1.4. Development Released Under Confidentiality to City of Fort Collins. Page 9 of 12 August 5, 2004 Copyright 0 2004. All Rights Reserved. Pacific Intermedia, Inc. i n teredia SmartTrips Platform Enhancement Recommendations and Cost PROPOSAL DELIVERABLES Reviews, Database ORIGINAL HOURS ADDITIONAL HOURSTO TAL Savings Calculators) 13 0 13 MileMapper 33 7 40 Carpool Matching 8 0 8 Alpha Release & QA Testing 13 10 23 Beta Release and Acceptance Testing 20 10 30 Subtotal 126 66 193 5.1.5. Deployment DELIVERABLES OROURS ADDIT10HAL System Documentation 5 3 8 Delivery Final System Code 10 0 10 Post -Release Support 15 0 15 Subtotal 30 3 33 5.1.6. Project Management/Change Management Released Under Confidentiality to City of Fort Collins. Page 10 of 12 August5,2004 Copyright 0 2004. All Rights Reserved. Pacific Intennedia, Inc. cd1{l s Pa _ mtermectia 3P SmartTrips Platform Enhancement Recommendations and Cost 5.2. Costs DELIVERABLESORIGINAL Discovery COSTD 4,500 • •TOTAL 2,500 7,000 Design, Front -End 7,955 7,125 15,080 Design, Back -End 6,000 3,375 9,375 Development 12,675 8250 20,925 Deployment 1,370 375 1,745 Project/Change Management 7,500 4,750 12,250 Subtotal $40,000 $26,375 $66,375 Custom Marketing Campaign Elements Creation (Gratis) 0 $2,500 Value Gratis Total $40,000 $26,375 $66,375 Less "Strategic Project" Discount 25% ($6,594) Adjusted Total $19,781 $59,781 PROPOSAL As this project is a "Strategic Project' for PI, a one time discount of 25% on "Additional Work" cost is extended. Released Under Confidentiality to City of Fort Collins. Page 11 of 12 August 5, 2004 Copyright* 2004. All Rights Reserved. Pacific Intennedia, Inc. pacific �..3_ intern-tedia SmartTrips Platform Enhancement Recommendations and Cost 6. Schedule See PDF attachment. PROPOSAL Released Under Confidentiality to City of Fort Collins. August5,2004 Page 12 of 12 Copyright® 2004. All Rights Reserved. Pacific Intermedia, Inc. ..._. ;n= pacific Intermedia STATEMENT OF PROPOSAL City of Fort Collins SmartTripsTm Platform Enhancements Recommendations and Cost August 5, 2004 Released Under Confidentiality to City of Fort Collins. Page 1 of 12 April 4, 2004 Copyright® 2004. All Rights Reserved. Pacific Intennedia, Inc. 14 a V. pacific SmartTrips Platform Enhancement Recommendations and Cost intermedia PROPOSAL Submitted by: Michael Clark Vice President Business Development Pacific Intermedia, Inc. Signature Corporation: Date The information in this Proposal shall not be disclosed outside the Client's organization and shall not be duplicated, used or disclosed in whole or in part for any purpose other than to evaluate the Proposal, provided that if a contract is awarded to Pacific intermedle as a result of or in connection with the submission of this Proposal, the Client shag have the right to duplicate, use or disclose the information to the extent provided by the contract. This restriction does not limit the right of the Client to use information contained in the Proposal if it is obtained from another source without restriction. Released Under Confidentiality to City of Fort Collins. Page 2 of 12 August 5,2004 Copyright 0 2004. All Rights Reserved. Pacific Internedia, Inc. pacific .. intermcdia Table of Contents SmartTrips Platform Enhancement Recommendations and Cost PROPORAI 1. Executive Summary ..................................................................................................................................4 2. Phase 1: Functional Enhancements in the Initial Website Launch...........................................................5 3. Phase 2: Integration of GIS Routes..........................................................................................................8 4. Phase 3: Multi -Modal Itinerary Planning...................................................................................................8 5. Hour, Cost and Timeline Estimate for Phase 1.........................................................................................9 5.1. Hours.....................................................................................................................................................9 5.2. Costs....................................................................................................................................................11 6. Schedule.................................................................................................................................................12 Released Under Confidentiality to City of Fort Collins. Page age 3 of 12 Copyright 0 2004. All Rights Reserved. Pacific Intennedia, Inc. DI M.mipacifc .,L SmartTrips Platform Enhancement Recommendations and Cost 1. Executive Sum During the Discovery phase of the SmartTrips Website Redesign project, several key subject matter expert (SME) requests indicated that specific enhancements of the original scope of work are highly recommended. It makes sense for these enhancements take place now as costs and timelines will increase from 20% to 30% if delayed and done under a separate project phase. Key requirements driving this recommendation include: • A single user database to support both the MileMapper and the Carpool Matching Applications. • Integration of GIS mapping capabilities provided via the Carpool Matching Application's ArcIMS map server. • Major enhancement of the MileMapper both in the "benefit offerings" it provides the prospective user, and the amount and type of data it captures and reports. • Major enhancement in the content editor interface to allow community SmartTrips personnel to add, modify and delete programs, events and promotions listed for their community, thus increasing the content of the site without adding personnel burden to the regional office. We propose enhancements to the original scope of work in three phases. • Phase 1: Functional enhancements in the initial website launch. • Phase 2: Integration of GIS bike routes, transit routes and road construction/incident locations. • Phase 3: Advanced GIS multi -modal itinerary planning. This proposal summarizes the scope of work and costs associated with Phase 1. Released Under Confidentiality to City of Fort Collins. Page age 4 of 12 Copyright 02004. All Rights Reserved. Pacific Intermedia, Inc. t_ Pacific ermedia SmartTrips Platform Enhancement Recommendations and Cost P oononlzm 2. Phase 1: Functional Enhancements in the Initial Website Launch The following are recommended for immediate implementation with the phase 1 redesign • Creation of a common master registration database with unified user tables to support both the MileMapper and the Carpool Matching Application. • Integration of the MileMapper and Carpool applications through a seamless user form that allows enrollment and tracking of carpool miles as well as user profile. ORIGINAL SCOPE SmartTrips MileMapper and Carpool Matching Applications would each be supported by a unique user database with its own registration and user tables, and each generating unique usage reports. ADDITIONAL SCOPE Establish a common master registration database with a unified user table on the SmartTrips platform. Develop a web service that validates users before sending them to the Carpool Matching Application forth data to the Carpool Matching Application. Automatically create MileMapper accounts for carpool users, and track usage through one reporting mechanism. I Reduces duplication of agency development efforts. Reduces internal the NFRMPO personnel costs needed to manipulate and align data from two different sources. Reduces user confusion in dealing with two distinct applications asking for the same data input. Increases the accuracy of report data by capturing a user only once. Builds a single database repository of users for future geocoding applications to support marketing analysis and promotional campaigns • Major enhancement of the MileMapper portal that allows us to customize the site to a specific user profile and offer features that would encourage use of the tool. • Additional email listsery functionality. ORIGINAL SCOPE ADDITIONAL SCOPE BENEFITS User-friendly log -in to existing Custom user portal that presents Encourages increased use by system. promotions, events, and programs offering more benefits. applicable to the user's At -a -glance cumulative totals transportation mode(s) of choice and Establishes automated email (number of days, type of mode, community of residence. calories burned, etc). notifications, reducing personnel work -hours currently applied to Automatic tracking of miles saved, contacting users. costs saved, calories burned and pollution reductions specific to the Establishes ongoing contact with user. Also automatic tracking of miles logged to a miles -based incentive users through email campaigns. promotion. Released Under Confidentiality to City of Fort Collins. Page 5 of 12 August 5, 2004 Copyright 0 2004. All Rights Reserved. Pacific Intennedia, Inc. 0 pacific rt unterntedia SmartTrips Platform Enhancement Recommendations and Cost PROPOSAL ORIGINAL SCOPEDD•SCOPE BENEFITS Automatic email notification of the above information, new promotions, and road construction conditions. Automatic email notification if the account has not been used with a set period of time. • Major enhancement of the MileMapper reporting mechanism to include information required by CDOT for funding purposes. ORIGINAL SCOPE ADDITIONAL SCOPE BENEFITS This feature was reduced in scope to Automated regional and community- Better analysis of data captured. meet budget of $40K. No specific specific reports, exported to Excel, requirements in the contract scope of and containing at a minimum: work. - new users: total, by mode, and by program, event or campaign - new users who previously commuted via SOV: total, by mode, and by program, event or campaign - miles logged: total, by mode, and by program, event or campaign participation - miles logged by new vs. established users - trips logged: total, by mode, and by program, event or campaign participation - registration trend: increase/ decrease new users by month - usage trend: increase/ decrease miles by month - usage trend: increase/descrease trips by month - user profiles ODBC access for data mining by communities. Released Under Confidentiality to City of Fort Collins. Page 6 of 12 August 5, 2004 Copyright 0 2004. All Rights Reserved. Pacific Interrnedia, Inc. Pacific SmartTrips Platform Enhancement Recommendations and Cost PROPOSAL A more robust site content editor than originally planned so to allow more dynamic content entered by community users for custom campaigns and additions, enhancements, and edits. ORIGINAL SCOPE ADDITIONAL SCOPE BENEFITS An off -the -shelve product such as Inline WYSIWYG editor for all Increases site content and value to Macromedia Contribute can serve as regional static content pages, such the user because community management tool, with minor as "About SmartTrips." administrators will be able to add customization. more information. Interactive fortes that allow community administrators to enter, Increases site accuracy because modify or delete programs, events community administrators will be and promotional campaigns listed for able to update their own information. their community. These fortes are backed with templates for each Decreases site maintenance costs. category. Interactive forms that allow Decreases manual labor by regional administrator since community community administrators to enter, administrators are controlling their modify or delete case studies, FAQs own content. and/or testimonials. • Integration with the available ArcIMS server and initial definition of community GIS boundaries for orientation of users, events, promotions and programs. None Integration with the ArcIMS server Proactive planning for eventual provided to the site by Walsh integration of features requiring GIS- hosting. based mapping functionality. See Phase 2 and 3. • Text -Only interface for mobile -device access and enhanced ADA. 508 ADA compliance as tested via I Text -only version of the interface I Adherence to ADA compliance for all BOBBI text -based browsers (exceeding 508 compliance). Text -only access for easy and quick access to mobile devices which are a quickly evolving market for travlers and commuters. Released Under Confidentiality to City of Fort Collins. Page age 7 of 72 Copyright 0 2004. All Rights Reserved. Pacific Internedia, Inc. •rN pacific interniedia SmartTrips Platform Enhancement Recommendations and Cost PROPOSAL 3. Phase 2: Integration of GIS Routes Once the initial site is in place, we recommend integrating current GIS data sets, and creating any required new GIS data sets, to implement: • Dynamic GIS-based bike routes • Dynamic GIS-based transit routes • Dynamic GIS-based road construction and incident maps 4. Phase 3: Multi -Modal Itinerary Planning Once GIS data sets have been created, we propose that the next step for SmartTrips is a multi -model transit planner. This transit planner would require GIS routing functionality. The intention would be to allow users to plan routes using a combination of all modes: • Walking • Biking • Transit • Vanpool • Carpool Released Under Confidentiality to City of Fort Collins. Page 8 of 12 August 5, 2004 Copyright 0 2004. All Rights Reserved. Pacific Intermedia, Inc.