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urn, cv' V`t 1 nu Lit -cu nil V1 i r/r E WLI.urn, rui[unnO Administrative Services Furchasin's Division - f OF !L �Eir i G"" sP F r`'. CO4u A+ Pnone r . /�'• . 317 '• O PUglt N � �'� Glib • °-, 7• 7• b 70- - 70 0ate:'January 28, 2004 Ref #: '.19247 Tarby Pump Replacemern Parts THIS IS A PRICE QUOTATION •• NOT AN ORDER Please supple pricing and delivery Intormation. all items to be quoted FOB Fort Collins, Colorado, as requested below; and respond via FAX BY end of day Mcndey `Fghruary 2, 2004 'to: Ed 8onnette, C,P,M., C[E'91M, ChPB (970) 221-6707 TH14 WILL BE AN "ALL-OA-NONE" AWARD. FREIGIT..COST• Of THE ENTIRE`QRDEA SHOULD BE AMORTIZED ACROSS PIECE PRICE 00 tAtM LINE ITEM. Any questions regarding this inquiry should be directed to Ed IjvnrrptXd, t970) 4.16-2247. 4TkS Qom! 1 each Tarby #961.10$AAA SHAFT'QIIILL 364.00 Ea.' $ 364,0.0 Tdw Mir. WEST.COAST ROTOR Mr. # . delivery TWO TO THREE :.WF, . �S A . R . o . Items being bid meet the above•epeoifications without exception. Yes No_. If not, please ilfit excesptlons, Specifying paregraph reference number, on a separate sheet and attach •to your bid, 2.each Tarby #361-10BAAA SHA'FT'CONNECTOR TE0361W $203.00 Ea. E 406.00 Total Mfr. WE8TCOAST. ROTOR Mfr. # . Delivery; TWO TO THREE WEEKS -A.R. 0. Items being bid meet the abbve'specifications without exception. YGO— - No . It not. 010aye I4t4xcepti6ns, specifying pilragraph reference number, on a separate Oh;eet end.attsch to your bid. 215 '�Tarrh Mrsun Street • 2au! Moor • l?0. Box 580 - Fort CoBing, CO 8US2 0�0 • (970) 2214795 • TAX (976) .221..6707 ZO 39dd ONI dOlOd 1Sd03iS3M 9ZZbLZEOTE LT411 b00Z/Z0/Z0 - � o 0A. 4 each Terby #951-13BAAA.6ALL'.GAAR' AF0951W. S---U7.00 Ea,. 9 468.00 Yotal Mtr�. COMj_ RQTOR Mfr. #f Delivery TWO TO THREW FKS itema being bid meet the abovi: apisclf ations withatlt exception. . Yeah No ; . it not, please7iya�e7cceptians, specifying paragraph reference number, on a separate'thast and attach'to your bid'. 4 each Terby #962-13BAAA RING GEAR AFO9.52W ---:�0 0_ - Ea. g 264.00 MIrMESTCOAST w Mfr. # ' Delivery :wTWO- TO TH-REEE Iterns being bid • meet the above, soscificatidns without excapti6n, Yes-_X_ No_, If not, please Ilst+txoeptsoris, apecifying.persgCiph.• referenoe number, on a tapari0e4h.pat and. attach to. your bid. 4 each Tarby #66I'l39AAA CONlNt-TING. ROD LOOK NUT RP0581W 0.0.0 Total . Mft_OAST R4TOFt Atc4r._� Delivery :• TWO . TQ THREE WEEKS 'A . R1 O . * Items being bid rnaec that above :s,peaifieatiaris without Rx4eptiaa, Yes: No_. If not. please lisx•exeeptions, $Pecifying paragraph, . reference number, on a separate.46pat and attach :o,your bid, 4 each Terby #112.214AJAA 0-RINd FLANGE SEAL SE1120 2.00 800 3 Ea S.� � Total Mfr, Mfr_ Delivery, TWO TO THRtP, 'WEi-'KS A,. R. O* hems being bid meet the above rpiacifioeVons without Cxreovon, Yes_X No If not, please 1im,-'p;upptions, specifying paragraph reference number, on a separate stiaet•and a=ch•to your. bid. IT 39ad ONI Noiod 1SVOOlS3M 9ZZbLZEOTE LT:VT b00Z/Z0/Z0 JHN-CU'u4 lhu V(;ed hP VtIY/r1 UVLL1Pb, YUKVM� 1-fi? N'.:. Ui.11 4elb.ftif l`.IElt� 4 each Tarby 4850-14AJAA STATOWGASKET aW.8'5Q 00 Total Mfr. WESTCOAST ROTOR Mtr, Delivery TWO TO THRE13 .-wBt.XS A.R.O. items being bid meet the abov@i spocifictrtions without ueoption. Yes X_ No if not, plsas.e.1.4t.exceptions. specifying paragraph reference number, on a separate sheet and attach to your hid. 4 each Tarby #185-14SAAA' RETAINING RING tSTATQR) ' AGOO$5W $-1, - 16.00 Total Mir. WESTCOAST ROTOR- Ift, # Ueiivery : TWO* TO THREE WEEKS . A, . R . O'� Items being bid most the obovt4pecifiicatirna without exception. Yes,x . No ,. 1f not, please list.sk options, spc"C,i►Yln9 pa agraph reference number, on a -separate. shs.0 and attach to your bid. . eeech Tarby #700-2145SAAA 1101OR CTIF51W Sw 3170.0 Total 11Afr, aFST -Q,�, T R(, T(�R WT. Delivery :TWO TO THREE WEEKS A: Rs 0.. items teeing laid great the above .speoificaYiona without exception. Yeses No . It not, piease.iistexceptions' specifyfng paragraph reference number, on a separate shoat and attach to your bid. ..each Tarby #400-21458DAA STATOR 0150QW 5 649.00 Ea, S .1299. 00 Total Nt`r. wE$TCQ)iST ROTOR Delivery ;TWO TO THREE WEEKS A. R:0. _ Items being bid most the above spc1 610ntians Without exti;eptian. Yes X. No If not, �ile�lSr,'list exc$ptions, specitying paragraph reference numbee, on a separate sh.aex and attach to your.bid. ZT 30ad ONI 80jo 1 iSVO0163M 9ZZbLZEOTE LT:bT bOOZ/ZO/ZO 02/02/2004 14:40 3103274226 WESTCOAST ROTOR INC PAGE 01 The Economical AlternatiVe of Quality Components for Progressing Cavity pumps FAX TRANSMITTAL. DATE: �. �x �� FAX# ( ( f V) 0Q0V — 6 7 / ATTN: ,kD• AmNMME . COMPANY NAME: e FROM,. . . N1JI *P.Off' PAGES INCLUDING THIS ONE: COMMENTS: PHONE_ 800.-356-6090 FAX: 3 k.0-327-4226 *****IP TWS TRANSMITTAL IS NOT LUMBLE OR ALL PAGES HAVE NOT BEEN RECEIVED CONTACT PERSON A13oVE+++*+ 119 Mat 154th Street, • Gardena, California 90248 (310) 327-5050 • (800) 356-W80 • Fax: (310) 3274226 02/02/2004 14:40 3103274226 WESTCOAST ROTOR INC PAGE 02 JRN-ZU-U4 lHU U1;ed HI1. t;•iiY/h(..l:UlLIMS, FU1{uHHS HIA NU, Ulu delCM r. tc/tt p Vendor Name: WESTCOABT. ROTOR, INC. Address; 119. W-? 1.54TH STREET.', GARDENA, C,A, 90248 1'ebephona # $00.- 35 6_6084 FAX # 1-310-327-4226 fR6sponden[ Name: _._XR1'KQR (KIRK) 1l4AHDESSIAN (Pleas!; • Pr.int) / BY: (Signature) *IF' NEEDED CAN SHIP EARLIER u,ni-ev-U4 Inv v- red firl 4i 1Y/r I UVLLINb, YUXVHf15 I•Fn r4U,.. 10v..eeIUfUI ' r, ue/Ie. 4 each 4 each 4 each ... 4 each Tarby #761-1OBAAA POTQR/SHAFT KEY RE0761W $• ,�.,. 13.00 Ea.� ;, - .-12.00. Total Mfr, WESTCOAST ROTOR Mfr. # Deliver TWO TO THREE. E&S .A . R . O . * Items being bid meet the abave'.,epaolfleations'without exception. Yes, No __. If not, please. �*! er C000ns, specifying paragraph reference number, or, a separatt'stheet and attach to your bid, Tarby #610-10AJAK DRIVE-SHAFT/QUILL,-RING $ 9.00 Ea. •• S 3 6.0.0 idxel Mfr. WES- COAST ROTOR Mfr: Ac Delivery r!i'WO TO THREE- <WEEEKS A.R.O.* Items being bid meet the above soarificacion; .withoux exception: Yes-X-- No _. If not, piea:3e.ti. tezcepporis: specifying paragraph reference number, on a separate.�heet Arid -attach to your bid. Tarby #891710BAAA SEAL.! .PPQRT WE0991W EOo Total MtrWESTCOAST . Mfr..a' Delivery :_TWO . TO THREE W'SEKS' A • R • ()* . Items being bid meet the abo,*Speci#icetions without exceOo t. Yes X No If not. Please list~ exceptions, specifying paragraph reference number, on a 8aparste.i fleet and attach to your bid. Tarby #870-10BDAA GEAR.4t7IP4'T SEAL WE0870W S __ 2 0. AR Ea- e._. 8 00 0�—Total Mfr MOYNO (R) Delivery :TWO TO THREE WEEKS A. R.O. E0 39bd ONI dolod 1Sd001S3M 9ZZVLZEOTE LT:VT b00Z/Z0/Z0 jM11-cb-u4 IMu yr if Hrt VI s tM 44LLires, rm;mm eHA Mi. Ulu LI10 ;r IC It6M$ being bid meet the apove'specifications without. exception. Yoe No f< not, please Ifst exceptions. specifying paragraph reference number, on o separate:Sheet and -attach to your bid. 4 each Tarby #880-1OBAAA BEAL`MT-AINER. ta11 088SW 2-�4.00-_ .._Ea. $ 96.00 Total MfrWLPSTCOASTI IROTIOR Delivery. TWO TO THREE WEEKS A. R..O Ite.ns being bid meet the above .specifica=ions without exception, Yes-X- No _. If not, please list exceptions, specifying paragraph reference number, on a separate sheet and attach to your bid. 4 each Tarby #810-1 OAJAK GEAR JOINT. RETAINER RING KTZ11QW s._ 9.00 Ea. fi 36.00 Tote1 Mfr. MOYN0 (R) Mf r. # Delivery; -TWO TO THREE WEMS .A.R:0 Items being bid meet the above-.s}�cifications Without exception, ,y Yes,* No _ , If not, piessc IiSt eX^Cptions, specffying .Raragraph - reference number, on a separate stieet and attach to your bid. - 4 each Tarby #981-10AEAA THMJ T:PLATE REO981W $_ 34. 00 _ _ Ea. $ . ' 136.00 ' Total Mfr, WESTCOAST ROTOR.. Mfr./p Delivery., TWO TO THREE ESKS A.R.0 Items being bid meet the aboye ,;specifications without exception. Yes X No . If not, please list.*xceptions; $pacifying paragraph reference nuriber, on a separate. sheet and attach to your bid. 4'each Tarby #951-10BAAA BALL:GLAR AE09.51W 8 87.00 a 3. 348.00- ----••--�---�- - �..�.W_ -- -- -- —Total MfrWESTCOAST ROTOR M b0 39Vd ONI d0106 1Sd0OIS3M 967,0LZ£01£ LZ:bt V00Z/Z0/Z0 b�V i:lt)!41 r. U41 IL dtiN-ed-U4 Ittu ul;BULLINbi t'Uit4tit�;a' 1'N1i NU:.., - ,A y . 9.P 1 Z,- Delivery:. TWO TO THREE WEEKS A.�..R Q:4 - --- Items being bid, meet .the abotii,ipsMications without exception. Yes X No It nail pinto,e�cpsptfpn�,'Dooft in9 paragraph. reference number, on a separdti sheet and attach to. your bid, 4 each Tarby 0952-IOSAAA RING GEAR AE0.952W g 60.00 Ea, 2 4 ti . 00.. Tote1 Mfr, WESTCOAST ROTOR Delivery .TWO TO THREE. WEEKS A. R.0 . Items being ald meet the abbve..speciticativns-without exception: Ysa X No If not, ptesae lik"excaptlops, specifying paragraph referartce'number, on a separats.,.#h!wt.end attach to.your bid. 4 each Tarby #581-.108AAA C.ONNeCTIN-G ROD LOCK NUT RE05B1W S 1.0 0 Ea. S. 4.00 ;otel Mfr. WESTCOAST ROTOR NiFr; Delivery;_ TWO TO THREE WEEE'S.'R.,D * - Items being bid. meet the above ap806-lo;ions without exception: Yes, X No. ___ If. notj please Fitt"ax6.ep0M, gpedfying paragraph reference number, on a separate `shaLand attach to your bid. 2 eath Tarby #911-108AAA GEAR J04NT SHELL GE.09I1W . 80.00 .� Ea. 16 a . o t) Total Mfr.WESTC0AST ROTOR Mar, Daliverv:TWO TO THREE WEEKS :A.'R.O.' Iterns being btd meet the above specifications without r=xceptian; Yes X No--. If not, please listexcoptior+.s, specifying paragraph . reference number, on a separate shaet.snd attach to your bid. 2. each Tarby #200-105AAA GEAR 01INT'.RETAINER TE020DW..' SO 3JCd �NI �10102i 1St70�1S3M 9ZZbLZEOIE LT :bt pooz/ZO/ZO J HN-e✓ —Uti IOU U f : e'_ f 11H i; l -Y H' UULL, ► lt5, YUKi2iAS Mfr,WESTCOAST ROTOR IVffr: # C�61i4ery : TWO TO T REER W'$9KS 1 ; fit - [terns being bid meat the above: specifications without exception_ Yes X' No if not; please lint:except'fons"specifying paragraph. reference number, on a separate sheeat and attaph to Your bid. 4 each Tarby #181-1OBAAA SFi4LA.ETAINING RING AE0081.W S . 12.0 0 Total Mir. WESTCOAST .ROTOR- , .Mfr. TWO TO THREE WEEKS A.-R,O. Delivery :�--•---- --- -- --- :., ltems being bid most the 'above: specifications without exception. Yes X Na . If riot. please iist:axmapt ns, spbcifying.peragraph 'reference number., on -a sepa'Hte.shi:et,anri attach to .your bid. 2 each Tarby #E251-1 I'BAAA CONNI CTINGAOD_ TE0252W S 64.00 Ea. a 128..00. Total Mir.. WESTCOAST ROTOR hAfr,. # Qeii�e TWO -TO THREE WiM'EKS A: R. 0 . rY ' Items being bid meet the above *pee f e-ations without exception. Yeses. No - if not, p;caie list•9x0eption5, speciF,/lrfg parapiaph rafertnCe number, or 4'asparate s>•istt and attach to your'bid, 2 each Tarby #251.10SAAA DRIVE 8H.AFT .TE0261 0 166,00 ea.. $ 332.00' Tetai Mfr. -WESTCOAST ROTOR Mtr ft . . Delivery : TWO TO THREE WEEKS A. R. 0 Items being b14 meet the' 04ove sp6tif;cations without exception. Yes'. X 146 _. If riot, pldast i15t E`,xCeptiC,ns, specifying Paragraph reference.nurrber, on a 4;e0arste'sheet;,and'attaoh to your bid. . 90 39bd ONI WiON 1Sd00iS3M 9ZZbLZE016 LT:bZ t700Z/Z0/Z0 JIiY""Ga-U4 Zhu .Ul ;41 fill L;I IYlP 1 I,ULLIM4 rUKGnfib rflA ;NUS a•JU 4:-lt)'at r, uor IZ 4. each Tarby #165-10SAAA SUCTJ64114OUSING F► TAcINING R1NC# AE0085W $ 3.0 Q I:a. 1.2 ..0 0 Tntal MtfWESTCOAST ROTOR Mfr. #/ Delivery; TWO TO `I�� ErWF�EKS . A. R ..O !terns being bid meat the shave,aj c+ficatians without exception:. Yes�K FJa __. if net, please li�j#axgeptions, a"-clfyinq paregrufth.. reference number, orr a.saparat$ sheet and attach to your bid. 4 each Tarby #850-11AJAA STATOR GASKET BF08'5Q 3.0 4Ee. 12.00 '�ataJ Mir. WESTCOAST ROTOR 1Vlfr, di ' Delivery : TWO TO . THREE WJP1M A'. R. O items being bid meet.the sbova,spAciflc.AtiOn3 without szcaption. Yes 3i No It not, please list'e>ioaptiona, specifying paragraph reference nwliber, on a Separate rA,dot: And attach to your bid. 4 each Tarby ##185-11SAAA STATOR:AETAMING RING . kro.085W 3.00 Ea.. 12•:00 ..� _.��...� . .Total RRfr. WESTCOAST ROTOR Delivery:, TWO TO THREE ' WEEKS A: R.O.: Items being bid meet the above peolf,16atlons without exception. .. Yeo_x_ No . if not, please lie% akoolitions; specifying paragraph reference nymbsr, ore a separate s%r3et-I'Md attach to. youf bid. 4 each Tarby #540-10$AAA SHELL R©T-OR SET SCAM 13EO548W $w. _.._.. 2 ".00x. _ 8.00 Total • Mfr. WESTCOAST ROTOR -,pjlfi. Ai. M,..�.�...w �...__,....� Delivery :�TWQ TO _THREE W.ESKS . A.9.0. e Items being bid most, the above sptaG'sficatitrns without exception. Yes X No If not: piaaet !ist eXaeptiorfs, specrfying paragraph _ reference number, oh a separate shie t and'aitaeh'to your'bid. L0 39dd ONI 80108 iSd0OiS3M 96ZVL71E01E LT:PT 0006/Z0/Z0 d-ur-cc-u4 inu u{ �r nn �I I Y/r I WLLIM, ruKVM`10 miA it.:4 b.i4 eewlif_ r, U(/ to 2.� 4 each Tarby #550-138BAA SirT S.CSM HE0545W 8.00 Tout Mfr,_ WEST'COAST ROTOR !Mfr. # Delivery:_ TWO TO THREE WMR.9 A. R.O * . Items being bid meet the above specifications without exception. Yeses No _. If not, please} list oxGepiiryns, spsoifyin-9 paragraph reference dumber, on a separate sh;*t and attach.to your bid. 4 each Tarry #700-1113ABA ROTOR. -C72EF'1W S 980.00 Ea. 3920.00 Total Mfr._45STCOAST ROTOR Mfr. #' Delivery: TWO TO THREE WEEKS A. R . 0. lCeme being bid meet the above spp4 ,ificatlons without exceptlon. Yeses , No If not, please fist exception$, specifyinG paragraph reference number, on a separexe Ack and attach to your bid.. 4 each Tarby #400-139DBA STATOR C320FQW. ' 462.00 Ea, S. 18 4 8.0 0 Total Mfr.WESTCOAST ROTOR Mfr. # Delivery: TWO TO THREE WEER$ A. R.O. * v Items being bid meet the above :$peclfivatians without exception. Yas X No _ If not, please ilst-excepliohs, specifyiN paragraph refuerce number, on a separste`*heat and attach to your bid. 14 sets Tarby #362-108AAA SOCKET..HEAD SCREW j3/$-18 X 1/2 X 112) t 2.00 rEB. 9_ 6.00. l TWA Mfr, WESTOOAST Mfr. # Delivery: TWO TO THREE. WER96 'A . R. 0 _ *. Iterns being bid meet the above specifications without exception. Yes _ No If not, please list Pxception% specifying paragraph reference number, on a separate shiet and alttich to your bid. 60 39bd ONI 8010d 1SG001S3M 9ZZhLZEOIE LT:V1 V00Z/Z0/Z0 v-Uj-G•0-U9 lnu Jf ,e t till 41 i lir 1 WLLIM5, rUttliClM !'Hr, fV4^�"3iU GL!�fL►I r. M/ 141 a�- / 2— 2 each Tarby #615-22AJAA O-RINGS (BEARING COVER PLATE) # 2.00 Ea. g' 4 .'0 0 Total ivffr. WESTCOAST ROTOR Delivery: TWO TO THREE WLEKS A.R. 0 ITAMs being bid meet the above specifications. without exception. Yes_IL No If not, please liataxceptlons, apecftnjrparagraph reference number, on a separate street and attach to your bid. . 2 each Tarby #616-1OAJAA O RINGS (DRIVESHAFT 'HEADY BE113QW 4 2.00 Ea. 4 4.00 .,... _. ..Total . Mfr. MR, # Delivery; TWO TO THAM V:FMS ' A. R. O* - .y !terns being bill meet the above 4peelfications vf+Ittout exception. Yes X No ___. If not, please +ist exo8ptiprts, specifying pairagraph . reference number, on a separate sheet and attach to Your bid. 8 each Tarby #761-13SAAA KEYS RP0761W 4 each s— 4.00 ` Ea. — 3 2.0 0 Total Mfr.WBSTCOA,9T ROTOR Mfr. # Delivery j`W To THREE WE4KS . A . R . O * sterns being bid meet the above speAaations without, exception, yos_X, IVo If not, please list exteptiAns, speoifyitig paragraph reference number. -an a separate st,bet arise attach to. your -bid. .' Tarby #891-2135AAB SEAL SUPPORT PP0891W 9 2Q.'l�tl.. i "a, t30.00 Total M,tr. &TCOA5T ROTOR Mfr. Delivery: TWO TO THREE WESICS A. R, O. * -- - 'Terns being bicl meet the above specificatfans without. exception. Yes_)L_ No _. if not, please list. 69'0 i pt+ons, specifying paragraph reference dumber, on a separate shoet and attach to your bid. 60 39dd ONI N010d 1S0001S3M 9ZZbLZ601E LT:PT 1?00Z/ZO/Z0 J-111%.0-u4 i nu V(,40 tint l 1 1l r t wLt.111b, rVGrlt'tW ► i a.f+ GG 101 U i r. uai t c 4 each Tarby- #870-21 SAJAA GEA£ : 01N..T SEAL, 42.00 Ee. 168.00 Total Mfr. TARBY Deiivety :'TWO TO THREE "EKS A. R. O* ' Items being bid meet the aboife 4"Cificationo wilt at exception. Yes X No it riot, please I16(e teptiohs, spedifyirig paregt'tlph _.. reference number, on a separetis4aheset and, attach to your bid. 2 each Tarby #185-1401AAA RETAINING 141N.G SUCTION HOUSING AGO085W g 4, 0 0 t<a. 8.0 0. Total MfrXESTCOAST ROTOR hllfr. Delivery TWO 'TO THREE WEXXS A. R. a Items being bid meet the ibow i,:d0ocificat►ons without exception.. Yes_X. No _ if not,; plQesid fisT ioeep['On$, specifying paragraph . _. . refarehee number, do a separattt6shept-and attach to your bid, 4 each Tarby #982-213AEAA SECOWOARY THRUST PLATE PF.0982W- $ 102.00 Fa, s 408..00 rct f. \Afr,WESTCOAST ROTOR Mtr, 0 Delivery,_ TWO TO THREE ;WBEKR 'A.R. 0'.* . Items being bid meet the, above',specifications without exception. Yes_ X Nc ,_. if not, please Fiai,ax+asptions, specifying'paregraph reference rtumlaer, on a separate'roiiet anti attach to Your bid. . d each Tarby 3AEAA PRiMA-RY THRUST PLATE PF098IW 9 4.0 0---Ea, 3 7.6.0 0 TDta( Mfr. WESTCOAST ROTOR DeEiurgry : TWO. TO THREE W$EK'S A . R.O , 1-mms being bid meet the above ipeciffoations `+vitfiaut exception. Yes�X No ___. If not, please list; exceptions, specifying paragraph reference nurr►bir, on a ssoare'te'she,61 snd atwh to Your bid. 0t 39Vcl ONI z101oa 1SV001S3M 96ZVLZEOTC LZ:ti 1700Z/Z0/ZO