HomeMy WebLinkAboutRESPONSE - RFP - P897 CUSTODIAL SERVICESDate: November 10, 2003 To: The City of Fort Collins Fort Collins, CO From: Porter Industries, Inc. 5202 Granite Street Loveland, CO 80538 RE: Proposal Number P-897 Custodial Services Requested Revision: • EPIC CENTER • 2nd SHEET OF ICE • MULBERRY POOL • NORTHSIDE ATZLAN CENTER • SENIOR CENTER Nov-03-03 02:10113 PORTER INDUSTRIES Inc 9706352566 P.02 ham E Staffing Commitment Please indicate the hours recommended under your program to achieve the quality requirements as noted in the RFP. Record the direct minimum hours you are contractually committing, completing one form for each building. You will have 43 of them. Then complete one form that shows the total hours nightly and weekly for ALL buildings. BUILDING Senior Center POSITION # FT I # PT Nightly Hrs. Total Weekly Hrs. s Manager X it Manager X Cleaner 1 X Cleaner 2 Cleaner 3 Other Floor person X 39 .6217 8.00 4.256 3.1085 40.00 29.79 .20 1.40 13.0777 74.2985 Revision based on: Distribution of costs based on exact percentages used in original proposal. 2. Exact labor hour commitment for each of the five facilities. 3. No profit percentage as in the original proposal. 4. The same pay scale for custodial team: a. Manager: $15.63 / hour b. Assistant Manager: $10.00 / hour C. Lead $ 8.50 / hour d. Floor Tech $ 8.00 / hour e. Custodian II $ 7.50 / hour f. Custodian I $ 7.25 / hour 5. Price Adjustments are a result of: a. Inclusion of actual consumable costs using quantities provided by the City of Fort Collins. b. 16 hours of additional labor at the Senior Center to correct an improper mathematical extension. (All hours identical numbers repeated in Item E) EPIC CENTER Direct Labor Manager 212.00 Lead 1,208.00 Cleaner 1 1,206.00 2626.00 (58.29%) Direct overhead 548.00 (12.17%) Consumables 378.00 (8.38%) Equipment 118.00 (2.61 %) Supplies 108.00 (2.40%) Other 32.00 (.71%) Admin overhead 696.00 (15.44%) Profit 0 0 4506.00 (100.00%) Additional consumables 43.00 4549.00 $54,588.00 Annual Costs Actual Costs = $54,588.00 Initial Bid = $52,992.00 $ 1,596.00 Monthly Increase = $133.00 Consumables (Epic & 2°d Sheet) Actual = $514.00 Average in bid = $461.00 Additional $ 53.00 EPIC - 43.00 2"d Sheet - 10.00 '1 Q EPIC — 2n' SHEET OF ICE Direct Labor Manager 47.00 Lead 265.00 Cleaner 1 265.00 577.00 (58.29%) Direct overhead 120.00 (12.17%) Consumables 83.00 (8.38%) Equipment 26.00 (2.61%) Supplies 24.00 (2.40%) Other 7.00 (.71 %) Admin overhead 153.00 (15.44%) Profit 0 0 990.00 (100.00%) Additional consumables 10.00 1000.00 Annual Costs Actual Costs = $12,000.00 Initial Bid = $13,248.00 $ 1,248.00 Monthly Decrease = $104.00 MULBERRY POOL Direct Labor Manager 5.00 Lead 55.00 Cleaner 484.00 544.00 (58.29%) Direct overhead 114.00 (12.17%) Consumables 78.00 (8.38%) Equipment 24.00 (2.61 %) Supplies 22.00 (2.40%) Other 7.00 (.71%) Admin overhead 144.00 (15.44%) Profit 0 0 933.00 (100.00%) Additional consumables 260.00 1,193.00 $14,316.00 Annual Costs Actual Costs = $14,316.00 Initial Bid = $12.360.00 $ 1,956.00 Monthly Increase = $163.00 Consumables Actual = $338.00 Average in bid = - 78.00 Increase $ 260.00 NORTHSIDE CENTER Direct Labor Manager 100.00 Lead 121.00 Cleaner 1 21.00 Floor 420.00 662.00 (58.29%) Direct overhead 138.00 (12.17%) Consumables 95.00 (8.38%) Equipment 29.00 (2.61 %) Supplies 27.00 (2.40%) Other 8.00 (.71 %) Admin overhead 175.00 (15.44%) Profit 0 0 1,136.00 (100.00%) Additional consumables 90.00 1,226.00 $14,712.00 Annual Costs Actual Costs = $14,712.00 Initial Bid = $13,440.00 $ 1,272.00 Monthly Increase = $106.00 Consumables Actual = $185.00 Average in bid = $ 95.00 Increase $ 90.00 SENIOR CENTER Direct Labor Manager 211.00 Lead 1,473.00 Cleaner 1 936.00 Floor 49.00 2669.00 (58.29%) Direct overhead 557.00 (12.17%) Consumables 384.00 (8.38%) Equipment 120.00 (2.61 %) Supplies 110.00 (2.40%) Other 32.00 (.71%) Admin overhead 707.00 (15.44%) Profit 0 0 4,579.00 (100.00%) Additional consumables 11.00 4,590.00 $55,080.00 Annual Costs Actual Costs = $55,080.00 Initial Bid = $42,660.00 $12,420.00 Monthly Increase = $1,034.00 Consumables Actual = $395.00 Average in bid = $384.00 Increase $ 11.00 EPIC EPIC 2nd Sheet Mulberry Pool Northside Center Senior Center COST ADJUSTMENTS — 5 FACILITIES MONTHLY 133.00 (104.00) 163.00 106.00 1,034.00 1,333.00 Additional Considerations ANNUAL 1,596.00 (1,248.00) 1,956.00 1,272.00 12,420 15,996 1. Michelle Sargent will be the Administrator of these facilities. 2. A full-time manager will no longer be required or expected. 3. Incentive program will begin at the EPIC Center on 01/01/04. 4. Services provided with less than 24 hours notice will be billed at $24.50/hour. Authorization of Revision r eve Hendrickson, President/CEO Porter Industries, Inc. SCHEDULE 813, PER BUILDING PRICE REVIEW BUILDING TOTAL YFARI Y PRI[_F PFR RI III TAMP 112 Howes $ 1,548.69 215 Mason $ 48,175.80 281 N. College $ 25,863.41 330 S. College $ 8,462.40 330 S. College Meter Readers $ 2,495.15 405 Canyon $ 3,523.99 906 Vine $ 3,565.84 Budget Cottage $ 1,820.87 City Hall $ 23,151.53 City Park Center $ 8,830.35 Dist.#1 Police $ 2,551.73 Downtown Restrooms $ 6,171.48 EPIC- Main Building $ 58,107.00 EPIC- 2nd sheet of ice $ 17,132.88 Fleet Services $ 5,801.75 Grandview Office $ 944.92 Grandview Shop $ 1,016.68 Library $ 36,039.32 Library Tech Services $ 1,428.26 Martinez Farm $ 5,436.04 Mulberry Pool $ 18,349.83 Museum $ 8,130.95 NIX Maint. $ 1,994.85 NIX Office $ 2,436.79 Northside Atzlan Center $ 13,922.55 Operations Services $ 7,404.66 Park Shop $ 8,940.28 PFA Training $ 11,295.48 PFA $ 6,019.92 Police Annex $ 2,834.86 Police Firing Range $ 2,278.20 Police Services $ 26,703.20 Pottery Studio $ 3,953.32 Recreation $ 4,741.21 Senior Center $ 65,463.00 Traffic Operations $ 7,667.25 Transfort $ 6,960.83 Transfort Cottage $ 1,672.21 Transit Center $ 9,788.21 Water Pollution Lab $ 5,304.12 Water Quality Lab $ 3,911.47 Water Reclamation- Engineers $ 1,116.00 Water Reclamation- Mulberry $ 480.77 Water Reclamation- Plant Ops. $ 11,160.00 Water Treatment $ 15,446.11 YAC $ 11,441.34 TOTAL YEARLY Is 521,485.50 TOTAL MONTHLY 1 $ 43,457.13 Changes made were to 215 Mason, EPIC and 2nd Sheet