HomeMy WebLinkAboutRESPONSE - FAX QUOTE - 1826712/09/2003 17:33 3036598598 WESTERN UNITED EL PAGE 01/02 DEC-09-03 TUE 02;59 PM CITY/FT COLLINS, PURCHAS FAX H0, 970 2218707 P,01/02 AdnVhitrative Services Purchasing Division FIRM NAME WS.S6k Llnt 'Fedfr�c3 Pry DATE: December 8, 2003 Ref. 18267 AMENDED THIS IS A PRICE QUOTATION — NOT AN ORDER Please supply pricing and delivery information; all items to be quoted FOR point of shipment freight prepaid and allowod, as requested below and response via FAX Within 3 days to: OPAL F. DICK, CPFO (970) 221-6707 Any questions regarding this Inquiry should Ge directed to Opal F. Diok, C;PPO (870) 221-13778, aVkNT.IM $C0IPTi9N. AMEN15FD DESCRIPTION 3 Ea. 6990-8860 BOXPAD, 106- X 75" X 48" FOR PADMOUNTED SWITCH, WITH THREE OPENINGS. 1) 24- X 63" WITH 30" X 76.5- PENTAHFAD. SECURED COVER; 2)53" X 15"; AND 3) 67" X 1W. NORDIC FIBERGLASS #GS-106-75..48_3TO..MG-Q8099-GSC �' LJ Total Mfr._8_0 J'c Mfr. # (3-s-�oG-7s-�EA'� 3rc3-Nfr Q[Qgg-c-Sc Delivery in Weeks:_ '! 9 ti)45 Items bid meet or exceed specifications. Yes ✓ No If not, please list exceptions on a separate sheet of papor and attach to your bid, For purposee of warranty and service ONLY approved mdnu' MUrers or distributors authorized by an approved manufacturer to serve the Fort Collins area may bid. 215 North Mason Street & Znd Floor - PC. Box 580 • Fort Collins. CO S0322 05A0 • {97(t) 7.21.6775 o FAX (97(1) 27.1.6707 12/09/2003 17:33 3036598598 DEC-09-03 TUE 02:59 PM CITY/FT COLLINS, PURCHAS WESTERN UNITED EL PAGE 02/02 FAX N0, 970 2218707 P. 02/02 SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTION4 Prices quoted must remain firm for a 30 day period after the opening date. Freight terms: F.O.B. destination freight prepaid. All freight charges must be Included in pricing submitted on proposal and not entered as separato pricing. Any discount allowed by Vendor for prompt payment, etc. must be reflected in quoted figure, and not entered oo separate pricing: The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and ail quotes, Any questions or inquiries regarding this bid should be directed to: Opal F. Dick, CPPO, Senior Buyer (970) 221-8T78 Vendors: The City of Fort Collins Purchasing Division has implemented an on-line vendor registration system. This system allows vendors to register, view and update their business information and commodities. In the future, vendors will also be able to receive Requests for Proposals (RFD's) through the on-line system. All vendors doing business with the City of Fort Collins are requested to register. . The vendor registration system is accessible through the City of Fort Collins Purchasing Department intemet webpage at www,Wov.com/purchasing. The vendor registration form is located by clicking ht1ps://secure2Foaov sg/IpQin.iso ��ae» Note the printable instruction pages link. Itl QUMPANY NAME (AREA =UTELEPHONE $ N64 SNU I1�ss� -�r� L �bG83 L4j AA DR�4 STREET, C STATE, Zip DATE'