Admini, -alive Services
Purchasing Division
The City of Fort Collins is requesting proposals from firms to provide state of the art software for
an electronic document management system for the Engineering Department Mapping Division
as described in the following pages.
A copy of the Proposal may be obtained as follows:
1. Call the Purchasing Fax -line, 970-416-2033 and follow the verbal instruction to request
document #30734 . (The proposal number must be preceded by 30 when using the Fax -
2. Download the proposal from the Purchasing Webpage, Current Bids page, at:
www.ci.fort-collins.co. us\CITY_HALL\PURCHASING then via the Current Bids pushbutton.
3. Come by Purchasing at 256 W. Mountain Ave., Fort Collins, and request a copy of the
Written proposals, eight (8) will be received at the City of Fort Collins' Purchasing Division, 256
West Mountain Avenue, Fort Collins, Colorado 80521. Proposals will be received before 2:00
p.m. (our clock), November 5, 1999. Proposal No. P-734.
Sales Prohibited/Conflict of Interest: No officer, employee, or member of City Council, shall
have a financial interest in the sale to the City of any real or personal property, equipment,
material, supplies or services where such officer or employee exercises directly or indirectly any
decision -making authority concerning such sale or any supervisory authority over the services
to be rendered. This rule also applies to subcontracts with the City. Soliciting or accepting any
gift, gratuity favor, entertainment, kickback or any items of monetary value from any person who
has or is seeking to do business with the City of FQrt Collins is prohibited.
Collusive or sham proposals: Any proposal deemed to be collusive or a sham proposal will be
rejected and reported to authorities as such. Your authorized signature of this proposal assures
that such proposal is genuine and is not a collusive or sham proposal.
The City of Fort Collins reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive any
irregularities or informalities.
ea es B. O'Neill II, CPPO
ctor of Purchasing & Risk Management
256 W. Mountain Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6775 • FAX (970) 221-6707
The vendor will perform on -site testing during and after complete installation, providing
Engineering with test reports. The test reports shall contain the description of all tests
performed, the results obtained and any required modifications necessary as a result of testing
and installation.
The vendor must be able to provide a complete turnkey solution based on available hardware,
application software, software development, installations, training and support for all specified
portions of a complete system with the least amount of down time necessary.
The proposed solution must support a 99% up -time service during the City's business hours of
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday — Friday.
The proposed solution should be capable of multiple levels of security and confidentiality.
The vendor will furnish Engineering with all hard copy system documentation needed to support
the system.
The vendor will suggest a Disaster Recovery plan.
The vendor will complete system implementation within ninety (90) days, after notice to
All recommended hardware and software components (including database and applications
software) must be fully Year 2000 compliant.
The vendor must provide a full illustration of the database structures and report generating
The vendor must specify for training, installation, start up support, and pre -acceptance support,
the number of days needed on -site, how many separate trips would be involved, how many
vendor personnel will be involved, and general timing of the trips.
The vendor must include in their response information regarding compatibility with the City's
existing document management system, Navigator 2000, as well as a proposed description of
how the conversion of existing images and databases in the Navigator 2000 system would be
The vendor must include in their response information regarding compatibility with the City's
existing GIS system, ESRI Arclnfo, and permitting system, Sierra Permits Plus, as well as a
proposed description of how the two systems may or may not be compatible with the proposed
document management system. The vendor must also address any connectivity or integration
issues, if there are any, which may exist between these two systems and the proposed
document management system.
The vendor must provide on -site technical support during the installation process. The vendor
must also be able to provide on -going support after the system is on line.
Technical support must be available during working hours Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to
6:00 p.m., Mountain Standard Time. Our preference would be to have technical support
available during weekend hours for maintenance and repair issues if necessary
The vendor will provide a toll free Technical Support hotline or singular point of contact. The
technical support problem response time will be within 2 hours of initial contact.
The vendor must describe the terms and conditions of on -going software support during
installation, initial usage after installation, and following upgrades. List any limitations and
include a detailed cost breakdown for providing technical support related to software problems
The vendor must provide detailed information regarding comprehensive support and
maintenance for all components of the system. Explain any related costs associated with
providing this service.
The vendor must provide on -site training to key Engineering staff associated with the
implementation of this project. The vendor will provide training in all aspects of the program.
Training will include operation of all aspects of the system. Training will be "hands on" and
tailored to enhance the technical expertise, operating efficiency and diagnostic skills of the staff
using or impacted by the system.
The vendor will furnish Engineering a master copy of all training materials, suitable for
reproduction. In addition the vendor will provide at least one copy of any training material
specifically written for technical personnel and five (5) copies of any manual that is specifically
developed for operating personnel. If there are any costs associated with providing this type of
documentation, the vendor must identify such costs and in what format the documentation
would be in (e.g., CD-ROM, hard copy). Both system level and user documentation must be
The vendor must outline and describe how they would schedule and provide training for
technical staff, system administrators, and end users, including initial training, consultation, and
follow-up training. This section must also identify and define related personnel costs, including
travel expenses, for each service provided during installation and training.
The vendor must address how their proposed system would meet the following specifications.
The response to these technical specifications is critical. All information should be as
descriptive as possible. The vendor may use separate pieces of paper, illustrations, articles,
manuals, etc. in response to this requirement.
a. All imaging technologies must be acceptable to the Colorado State Archives.
b. The system must utilize accepted industry standards and `open" architecture.
C. The system must incorporate a user-friendly, GUI type of interface.
d. The system must run over multiple hardware platforms: clients will use Windows
NT 4.0, Windows 95/98 as an operating system, and either Novell NetWare 4.0
or NT for server functions. Other platforms may include SUN and Unix.
e. The system must provide the ability to attach electronic comments/notes or
otherwise edit the document to include additional comments/notes. The system
should also allow for the insertion of electronic stamps or signatures.
The system must provide automatic scaling; zooming and rotation of the
document images to identified paper size for printing.
g. The system must accommodate retention schedules. Identify the systems ability
to utilize an internal clock/calendar for scheduled destruction or removal of
information based on a defined retention schedule for both archived, back-up
media and the "live" system.
h. The system should have online help that is searchable.
Describe how the system alerts the user that an error or limit violation has
Describe your policy on providing upgrades and future optional modules.
k. Identify if the system can support SQL.
The database should be ODBC (open database connectivity) compliant and
engine should be non -propriety. The goal of ODBC is to make it possible to
access any data from any application, regardless of which database
management system (DBMS) is handling the data.
M. Remote users must have the ability to attach to the network/server and access
scanned images and other supporting documents via standard phone lines.
Describe how the system will overcome bandwidth limitations.
All components of the system must be non-proprietary, including software, plug -
ins, and hardware recommendations.
o. The system must be able to accept images taken with a digital camera. Please
specify if there are any restrictions with this requirement or special
circumstances that need to be considered.
P. The system should have multilevel security that can be set from read-only
(including restricting printing or screen -printing) to full access.
The system must allow documents to be entered directly from word processing
files, HTML, ASCII, spreadsheets (Excel), desktop publishing files, or CAD files.
It is preferred that the scanning work be performed in house from a single
scanning station. The vendor will propose the necessary hardware and software
required to accomplish this. In addition, please provide any outsourcing cost
estimate and procedure in the event that in house scanning is not possible.
Define how, when, and where the scanning would take place.
C. The system must display the image to the screen to allow for image clarity to be
reviewed and adjusted as necessary.
d. Once an image has been scanned and indexed to the system, the system must
allow the user to add additional documents, delete images, delete an entire
image file, and re -index a set of documents. It must also allow insertion of
documents into scanned batches at any point.
e. The system must allow for automatic and/or manual indexing at the time they are
f. The scanner is required to scan 2436 or larger, on different types of paper
products and quality. Some documents maybe 11x17 — identify if the
recommended large-scale scanner can handle this smaller paper size.
g. The scanner should have the capability to automatically adjust the `lightness"
and "darkness" to optimize the image quality and OCR effectiveness. The
scanner should allow for despeckling for cleaning up scanned images.
h. The scanner should be able to read all types of documents and all colors of ink
(blue, red, green, etc.). If there are any colors that are considered not readable
by the scanner and/or system please identify specifically which ones.
Scanning documents into a "batch file" for later identification and indexing is
Scanner should support 100-400 dpi resolutions (halftone, color or b/w) or higher
as needed for detail. Identify any memory issues related to each dpi resolution
and recommend a reasonable dpi for storage.
k. Scanned images will be stored off of the main server onto optical disk or some
other mass storage devices. Recommend the type of storage device that is best
for the system and identify the retrievable speed from the recommended device.
I. Images should be zoomed "in" or "out" as necessary with the mouse or through
percentage using the software.
M. The scanner should utilize Twain and/or ISIS drivers.
n. The scanning device should have the ability to save images into various file
formats (TIFF, JPEG, PDG, DWG, etc) with the preferable archival format being
TIFF. The TIFF images must be portable to other systems. If the proposed
system does not have the ability to save images into TIFF, then the vendor must
provide a bridge solution to a new system. TIFF headers and footers must be
o. For smaller images, the scanner should allow for two sided scanning.
a. Identify if the indexing fields are customizable and do they need to be well
established before implementation?
b. The software is required to allow the user to choose which page(s) to OCR and
index in a document, as well as allow the user to chose a "zone" within a page to
C. Identify if a default index value can be assigned through the scanning or batch
d. The system should allow for cross-indexing and linking to supporting documents,
such as linking a 2436 map to a supporting standard size letter.
e. The system must allow for multiple field indexing with a minimum of 8 fields.
a. The system must be capable of searching the entire database or specified areas
of a database by exact, Boolean, "fuzzy" searches, or mis-OCR'd words or
character strings within a document. Upon matching the search criteria, the
system must allow the user a convenient way of sorting through the "hit list" to
select the correct document. Identify if the system has the ability to save a
search and related results so that the user could refer back to it later. Identify if
the system as sub -search capabilities.
b. The system must order the "hit list" into a prioritized list such that the desired
document is usually at the top of the list. The linked image (or text) should be
then accessible by a single mouse click or keystroke.
C. The system should contain a robust, flexible, intuitive, user-friendly search
The system should also support attribute -based searches, key words, criteria
based searches (variable ranges, etc.), and field specific customized fields.
Searches for documents on a database should be performed within the server,
not the client.
Indicate the anticipated response time of searches using pre -defined indices.
The system should allow the ability to view images and OCR text side by side.
The system should allow for the merging of documents and sharing of
documents through fax and email.
C. The system should have the capability of moving pages from one document to
another, and allow the user to delete pages and insert new pages into an
existing document.
d. Identify if the software can provide an audit of activity with a document, such as
last editing.
e. The system should allow for assigning and updating a retention schedule.
Identify if the system will notify the system administrator when it is time to
destroy a document.
f. Auto Tab — the entry form screen should be able to identify the key data entry
field and automatically tab to them. The user shall not have to tab multiple times
to place the cursor on a field that must be keyed.
g. System software must support real time sharing of continuously updated
information. Describe how this is supported.
h. The system should be able to support the use of embedded objects. Please
describe how this would be accomplished.
The system must support a 32-bit client. If not, please indicate a plan to
j. Indicate the frequency of software upgrades/revisions for maintenance and any
related costs.
k. The client side must be able to access and use, complying with the above
specifications, the document management system via an Intranet using Microsoft
Internet Explorer 4.01.
The system must support TCP/IP.
M. The software must have the ability to support large scale scanner drivers.
a. Provide specifications and pricing for a permanent record storage solution,
including Optical disk, microfilm, WORM, etc.
b. Identify how documents could be stored on a variety of media for temporary,
permanent, and archival purposes.
C. The proposed storage solution should have the ability to cache data to a large
hard disk that would reduce jukebox access time.
The storage location should be transparent to users.
The storage location should be able to be identified independently for document
retrieval or archiving.
a. The vendor is required to recommend the specific hardware/software
requirements, specifically servers, scanner, storage devices, jukeboxes, and
indexing/retrieval workstations. Additional hardware/software must be identified
to ensure the successful operation of the system.
b. The system shall integrate with the existing local area network running Novell
and NT, and allow image display on existing client PC's running Windows NT.
C. Is a separate database server required? If so, the database must be Oracle.
d. The system should be 32-bit architecture, preferably three -tiered.
e. Workstations must be able to run other applications concurrently with imaging
and database functions.
f. Identify if the server can provide additional services beyond database/indexing,
such as printing, file services, and communication.
g. Discuss the use of RAID technology for data access and how the system would
be set-up, such as mirrored, striped, etc.
h. Identify use of a print server with the system for the large-scale documents.
a. The system should have full backup and recovery capabilities of all documents
and indexes. In addition the backup process should be able to be performed
unattended. The vendor will recommend a solution for this to ensure the highest
level of protection to the database.
b. The system must contain security measures that can be implemented at all
levels, from user/workstation to individual record in the database, such that
system/database security and integrity are maintained.
C. The system must be able to produce duplicate copies of the permanently stored
image to comply with State Archiving requirements.
The vendor must provide specific storage recommendations and pricing for a
permanent record storage solution.
Please provide a comprehensive price list of all of the products you are proposing.
Include all hardware, software, installation, training and maintenance support of the
product your firm is proposing.
Please describe each component in the proposed hardware configuration and their
respective prices. Where quantities or capacity may need to be decided or discussed,
please provide the unit prices of the component in question. Also, state the
recommended quantity to allow the system to work effectively and efficiently as
described in this RFP.
Please describe in detail the proposed software configuration including a list of all
components and their respective prices. If the product is available in modules, please
illustrate the dependencies between modules (e.g. if the City selects modules c & d, it
must have module b). Additionally, please indicate wherever a module is required or
optional. Include the vendor's willingness and plan for keeping its products up to date.
"Up to date" is defined as continuously adding or replacing products to take advantage
of new technology and complying with emerging industry standards.
Clearly define the use of licensing of the vendor's product and related cost, such as site
licensing (how many users are included?) or package licensing seats (group of 5, 10,
etc.), as well as individual license costs.
Cost Table:
Give a total lump sum cost for the installation of all software, hardware, peripheral
components, as well as all of the services included in the proposed system.
Describe in detail the projected maintenance costs involved in this proposed system.
Include first year (15' year) costs, second year (2nd year) costs and an overall total four-
year (4-year) cost for the following items: new software releases, telephone support, and
manufacturer's warranty.
Describe what is included with the Manufacturer's warranty, which components does it
cover? What is the cost for continuing the Manufacturer's warranty beyond the first
State how long pricing is firm. Give an hourly labor rate for any additional services not
included in the proposal. If hourly rates vary among members of the project team,
please provide a rate for each team member.
The City reserves the right to designate which consultant; vendor employee or city
employee will perform specific services. If the consultant or vendor employees working
on the matter are changed because of company needs, the City will not be charged for
the learning curve time that any "new" individuals spend in becoming familiar with the
a. Identify how many years the vendor has been in business and providing
document management solutions?
b. Location of corporate headquarters, branch offices if any. Which location would
service our account? Specify size, facilities and general description.
C. How much experience do each of your key personnel possess? Name the
person/s that would train install and implement our system, with a general
description of their experience.
e. What special skills do your key personnel possess?
a. Include a draft copy of your documentation (working manuals).
a. Please provide a list of locations and contact personnel where your product is
currently in operation. Specifically identify those organizations that have
converted Engineering scale drawings (24x36 or larger) utilizing your software
b. Identify any installation and/or conversion problems experience while scanning,
indexing, and retrieving large scale Engineering drawings and what the
resolution to those problems were.
C. Identify the type of installation that was done and the duration of implementation
for the various reference organizations. Specifically identify the length that your
staff was required for on -site installation and implementation, and how many
follow up visits were required.
d. Identify your current relationship with the listed reference organizations with
respect to your product.
e. Identify any existing or pending professional relationships with ESRI, JD
f. Edwards, and Sierra.
THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into the day and year set forth below, by and
between THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO, a Municipal Corporation, hereinafter
referred to as the "City" and , [insert either a corporation, a partnership or an individual, doing
business as 1, hereinafter referred to as "Professional'.
In consideration of the mutual covenants and obligations herein expressed, it is agreed by
and between the parties hereto as follows:
1. Scope of Services. The Professional agrees to provide services in accordance with
the scope of services attached hereto as Exhibit "A", consisting of ( ) page[s], and
incorporated herein by this reference.
2. The Work Schedule. [Optional] The services to be performed pursuant to this
Agreement shall be performed in accordance with the Work Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit
"B", consisting of () page[s], and incorporated herein by this reference.
3. Time of Commencement and Completion of Services. The services to be performed
pursuant to this Agreement shall be initiated within () days following execution of this
Agreement. Services shall be completed no later than . Time is of the essence. Any
extensions of the time limit set forth above must be agreed upon in writing by the parties hereto.
4. Early Termination by City. Notwithstanding the time periods contained herein, the
City may terminate this Agreement at any time without cause by providing written notice of
termination to the Professional. Such notice shall be delivered at least fifteen (15) days prior to the
termination date contained in said notice unless otherwise agreed in writing by the parties.
PSA 10/97 19
Proposal No. P- 734
Electronic Document Management System Software
Section 1.07 Proposal Requirements
1.1 General Description
The City of Fort Collins Engineering Department is requesting proposals for the purchase of
state of the art software providing an integrated approach to electronic storage of large scale
engineering drawings (24x36 or larger) and standard size documents (8.5x11, 8.5x14, 11x17)
for document management, imaging, and workflow, in a single system. The system should have
a single common interface and a single logical repository that makes retrieval of the documents
by users easy. The system should have the functionality for centralized administration for
managing the entire system, not separate administration for each EDMS component. The
system should also have the flexibility to change or modify the system to meet a broad range of
user and organizational requirements, such as using Windows NT to establish security levels
for users. The architecture for the system must be 32-bit, have an open architecture, have a
common back -end, and have the ability to be scalable to meet the needs of current and future
users. The database should be Oracle. The system should also allow for Web capabilities
(Internet, Intranet). Hardware recommendations for this system will also be required, with the
option of purchasing the hardware separately to take advantage of government pricing.
1.2 Proposal Costs
The City of Fort Collins shall not reimburse any firm for costs incurred in the preparation and
presentation of their proposal.
Firms submitting proposals shall submit eight (8) copies of their proposal containing the
information listed below in the order and format specified. All proposals shall be prepared in a
comprehensive manner as to content; however, no necessity exists for expensive binders or
promotional material. All costs, including travel and expenses, incurred in the preparation of
this proposal shall be borne solely by the proposing firm
1. Cover letter signed by a duly authorized representative of the firm submitting the proposal.
The signature must include the individual's title.
2. Company history and experience in the development and deployment of Electronic
Document Management Systems into government organizations, specifically for the conversion
of large scale engineering size documents.
3. The name of the company representatives responsible for providing information and for
negotiating with the City.
4. A narrative describing the proposed software in general. Include the names of personnel
who would be assigned to the project team and a proposed project timeline. Describe the
support and personnel backup available to the project team.
5. Completed responses to attached Exhibit A, sections 3.6 through 3.9.
All notices provided under this Agreement shall be effective when mailed, postage prepaid and sent
to the following addresses:
Professional: Copy: With Copy to:
In the event of any such early termination by the City, the Professional shall be paid for services
rendered prior to the date of termination, subject only to the satisfactory performance of the
Professional's obligations under this Agreement. Such payment shall be the Professional's sole
right and remedy for such termination.
5. Design. Project. Indemnity and Insurance Responsibility. The Professional shall be
responsible for the professional quality, technical accuracy, timely completion and the coordination
of all services rendered by the Professional, including but not limited to designs, plans, reports,
specifications, and drawings and shall, without additional compensation, promptly remedy and
correct any errors, omissions, or other deficiencies. The Professional shall indemnify, save and
hold harmless the City, its officers and employees in accordance with Colorado law, from all
damages whatsoever claimed by third parties against the City; and for the City's costs and
reasonable attorneys fees, arising directly or indirectly out of the Professional's performance of any
of the services furnished under this Agreement. The Professional shall maintain commercial
general liability insurance in the amount of $500,000 combined single limits, and errors and
omissions insurance in the amount of
6. Compensation. [Use this paragraph or Option 1 below.] In consideration of the
services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement, the City agrees to pay Professional a fixed
fee in the amount of ($) plus reimbursable direct costs. All such fees and costs shall
PSA 10/97 20
not exceed ($). Monthly partial payments based upon the Professional's billings and
itemized statements are permissible. The amounts of all such partial payments shall be based
upon the Professional's City -verified progress in completing the services to be performed pursuant
hereto and upon the City's approval of the Professional's actual reimbursable expenses. Final
payment shall be made following acceptance of the work by the City. Upon final payment, all
designs, plans, reports, specifications, drawings, and other services rendered by the Professional
shall become the sole property of the City.
6. Compensation. [Option 1] In consideration of the services to be performed
pursuant to this Agreement, the City agrees to pay Professional on a time and reimbursable direct
cost basis according to the following schedule:
Hourly billing rates:
Reimbursable direct costs:
with maximum compensation (for both Professional's time and reimbursable direct costs) not to
exceed ($ ). Monthly partial payments based upon the Professional's billings and
itemized statements of reimbursable direct costs are permissible. The amounts of all such partial
payments shall be based upon the Professional's City -verified progress in completing the services
to be performed pursuant hereto and upon the City's approval of the Professional's reimbursable
direct costs. Final payment shall be made following acceptance of the work by the City. Upon final
payment, all designs, plans, reports, specifications, drawings and other services rendered by the
Professional shall become the sole property of the City.
7. City Representative. The City will designate, prior to commencement of work, its
project representative who shall make, within the scope of his or her authority, all necessary and
proper decisions with reference to the project. All requests for contract interpretations, change
PSA 10/97 21
orders, and other clarification or instruction shall be directed to the City Representative.
8. Project Drawings. [Optional] Upon conclusion of the project and before final
payment, the Professional shall provide the City with reproducible drawings of the project
containing accurate information on the project as constructed. Drawings shall be of archival quality,
prepared on stable mylar base material using a non -fading process to prove for long storage and
high quality reproduction.
9. Monthly Repo . Commencing thirty (30) days after the date of execution of this
Agreement and every thirty (30) days thereafter, Professional is required to provide the City
Representative with a written report of the status of the work with respect to the Scope of Services,
Work Schedule, and other material information. Failure to provide any required monthly report
may, at the option of the City, suspend the processing of any partial payment request.
10. Independent Contractor. The services to be performed by Professional are those
of an independent contractor and not of an employee of the City of Fort Collins. The City shall not
be responsible for withholding any portion of Professional's compensation hereunder for the
payment of FICA, Workers' Compensation, other taxes or benefits or for any other purpose.
11. Personal Services. It is understood that the City enters into this Agreement based
on the special abilities of the Professional and that this Agreement shall be considered as an
agreement for personal services. Accordingly, the Professional shall neither assign any
responsibilities nor delegate any duties arising under this Agreement without the prior written
consent of the City.
12. Acceptance Not Waiver. The City's approval of drawings, designs, plans,
specifications, reports, and incidental work or materials furnished hereunder shall not in any way
relieve the Professional of responsibility for the quality or technical accuracy of the work. The City's
PSA 10/97 22
approval or acceptance of, or payment for, any of the services shall not be construed to operate
as a waiver of any rights or benefits provided to the City under this Agreement.
13. Default. Each and every term and condition hereof shall be deemed to be a material
element of this Agreement. In the event either party should fail or refuse to perform according to
the terms of this agreement, such party may be declared in default.
14. Remedies. In the event a party has been declared in default, such defaulting party
shall be allowed a period often (10) days within which to cure said default. In the event the default
remains uncorrected, the party declaring default may elect to (a) terminate the Agreement and seek
damages; (b) treat the Agreement as continuing and require specific performance; or (c) avail
himself of any other remedy at law or equity. If the non -defaulting party commences legal or
equitable actions against the defaulting party, the defaulting party shall be liable to the
non -defaulting party for the non -defaulting party's reasonable attorney fees and costs incurred
because of the default.
15. Binding Effect. This writing, together with the exhibits hereto, constitutes the entire
agreement between the parties and shall be binding upon said parties, their officers, employees,
agents and assigns and shall inure to the benefit of the respective survivors, heirs, personal
representatives, successors and assigns of said parties.
16. Law/Severability. The laws of the State of Colorado shall govern the construction,
interpretation, execution and enforcement of this Agreement. In the event any provision of this
Agreement shall be held invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such
holding shall not invalidate or render unenforceable any other provision of this Agreement.
PSA 10/97 23
17. Special Provisions. [Optional] Special provisions or conditions relating to the
services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement are set forth in Exhibit "C", consisting of
( ) page[s], attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference.
John F. Fischbach
City Manager
James B. O'Neill II, CPPO
Director of Purchasing & Risk Management
City Clerk
Assistant City Attorney
[Insert Professional's name] or
[Insert Partnership Name] or
[Insert individual's name]
Doing business as _[insert name of business]
(Corporate Seal)
Corporate Secretary
PSA 10/97 24
Section 1. Contractor hereby certifies that all information resources or systems to be
provided or used in connection with the performance of this Agreement are "Year 2000
Compliant", except as otherwise expressly described in Section 2, below. "Year 2000
Compliant" shall mean that information resources meet the following criteria:
a. Data structures (e.g., databases, data files) provide 4-digit date century
recognition. For example, "1996" provides date century recognition; "96" does not.
b. Stored data contains date century recognition, including (but not limited to) data
stored in databases and hardware/device internal system dates.
C. Calculations and programs logic accommodate both same century and multi -
century formulas and date values. Calculations and logic include (but are not limited to) sort
algorithms, calendar generation, event recognition, and all processing actions that use or
produce date values.
d. Interfaces (to and from other systems or organizations) prevent non -compliant
dates and data from entering any state system.
e. User interfaces (i.e., screens; reports; etc.) accurately show 4 digit years.
Year 2000 is correctly treated as a leap year within all calculation and calendar
Section 2. Contractor agrees to notify the City immediately of any information resources or
systems that are not Year 2000 Compliant upon encountering the same in connection with the
performance of the Agreement, including without limitation any information resources or
systems in use by Contractor in the performance of the Agreement or information resources or
systems of the City regarding which Contractor obtains information in the course of its
performance of the Agreement.
Section 3. Contractor agrees to permit examination, by the City or agents thereof, of any
and all information resources and systems in use in connection with this Agreement, and
related Year 2000 Compliance implementation plans, in order to evaluate Year 2000
Compliance and potential implications of the same for the City and for performance of the
Section 4. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, and its officers,
agents and employees, from and against all claims, damages, losses, and expenses, including
attorneys fees, arising out of or resulting from the Contractor's information resources or
systems that are not Year 2000 Compliant.
6. Completed Y2K compliant statement (Exhibit C).
7. Signed Proposal Acceptance, Section 5.0
Proprietary Information
The City of Fort Collins is subject to public information laws, which permit access to most
records and documents. Proprietary information in your response must be clearly identified and
placed in a separate section. Information so identified will be protected to the extent legally
permissible. Proposals may not be marked "Proprietary" in their entirety. Information
considered proprietary is limited to material treated as confidential in the normal conduct of
business, trade secrets, discount information, and individual product or service pricing.
Summary price information may not be designated as proprietary.
Response Material Ownership
All materials submitted regarding this RFP become the property of The City of Fort Collins and
will only be returned to the vendor at the City's option.
The City of Fort Collins Engineering Department is seeking to contract for the purchase of a
computer software package to electronically archive, index, retrieve, output, and share
engineering size documents and supporting regular size documents. The City plans to have
the vendor selected by December 3, 1999, with system installed and functional by March 15,
See Exhibit A.
Section 4.0: Evaluation
Evaluation and Assessment of Proposal
The proposals will be evaluated per the review and assessment criteria listed below.
Interviews for the top rated proposals, if necessary, are tentatively set for December 1, 1999
with notice of selection by December 3, 1999.
An evaluation committee shall rank the interested firms based on their written proposals using
the ranking system set forth below. Firms shall be evaluated on the following criteria. The
rating scale shall be from 1 to 5, with 1 being a poor rating, 3 an average rating, and 5 an
outstanding rating. Recommended weighing factors for the criteria are listed adjacent to the
Scope of Proposal
Does the proposal show understandings of the
project objective, methodology to be used, and
results that are desired from the project?
Assigned Personnel
Do the persons who will work on the contract have
the necessary skills? Are sufficient people of the
requisite skills assigned to the contract?
Can the work be completed in the necessary time?
Can targeted start- and completion -dates be met?
Are other qualified personnel available, if required,
to assist in meeting the project schedule? Is the
project team available to attend meetings as
required by the Scope of Work?
Is the firm interested and are they capable of doing
the work in the required time frame?
Cost and Work
Do the proposed cost and work hours compare
favorably with the Project Manager's estimate? Are
the work hours presented reasonable for the effort
required in each project task or phase?
Firm Capability
Does the firm have the support capabilities the
assigned personnel require? Has the firm done
previous projects of this type and scope?
4.2 Reference Evaluation (Top -ranked firms)
The Project Manager will check references using the following criteria. The evaluation rankings
will be labeled Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory.
4.3 Qualification and Standard
a. Overall Performance - Would you hire this company again?
b. Timetable - Was the original Scope of Work completed within the specified time? Were
interim deadlines met in a timely manner?
C. Completeness - Was the company responsive to client needs; did the company
anticipate problems? Were problems solved quickly and effectively?
Budget - Was the original Scope of Work completed within the project budget?
e. Job Knowledge - Did company personnel exhibit the knowledge and skills necessary for
the efficient completion of the Scope of Work?
Ongoing Technical Support — Did the company provide continuing quality technical
4.4 Presentation/Demonstration
The award may be made on the basis of written evaluations or, at the option of the City, up to
three of the top -rated respondents may be asked to participate in further interviews and/or
demonstrations. Such interviews /demonstrations will be evaluated using the same criteria as
the written proposals. The City of Fort Collins will require that the top proposing firm(s)
demonstrate with actual Engineering Department documents and maps, how their system will
be able to perform the following, but not limited to: scan, index, retrieve, print and/or plot. The
firm will also be required to demonstrate the capabilities to perform work flow and the related
features of work flow, such as sticky notes, editing, etc. In addition, other items identified in this
RFP shall be demonstrated, such as but not limited to, the active map concept, cross
referencing and indexing, various search functions, the ability to use customizable search fields,
and utilize the Intranet and/or Internet to search records.
All proposals shall remain subject to initial acceptance 90 days after the day of submittal.
By signing the Proposal I agree to the rating system as outlined in section 4 and will enter into
an agreement with the City of Fort Collins substantially per the terms of the Standard Services
Agreement (sample copy in Exhibit B) within 30 days after notification of acceptance. If the
Agreement is not signed within 30 days after notification of award, the city has the right to
cancel and award the proposal to the next highest rated proposal.
Firm name
Firm Address
State Zip Code
Authorized Signature Date
Scope of the Project
The City of Fort Collins Engineering Department is interested in purchasing a multi -phased
electronic document management system that will allow for the electronic archiving of current
and historical civil engineering documents, as well as supporting documents that are standard
paper size. The civil engineering documents are on various media, such as vellum, linen,
Mylar, blue line paper, and old discolored sepia. The documents are civil engineering plats,
plans, construction drawings, and maps. The standard size of the documents is 24x36 or larger
(42x42). Most of the documents are "final" documents; they are not work in progress or drafts.
It is envisioned that this project will be expandable to serve a variety of functions. The initial
phase will be the conversion of over 10,000 civil engineering documents, as defined above, into
electronic format. These archived records will be indexed and stored on media that will allow
for disaster recovery in the event of a disaster or destruction of the computer or building that the
system will reside on. It is anticipated that the system will allow for the addition of comments to
the scanned images during the indexing process, through "sticky notes" or editing features.
During the scanning stage, it is expected that images can be "cleaned up" particularly when
scanning old, discolored documents.
Once the archiving has taken place, it is the intention of the Engineering department to make
these documents available to a variety of sources through a phased rollout process. Access for
each customer group would constitute a separate sub -phase of the major project.
The initial customer will be employees of the Engineering Department. It is our preference to
utilize a non-proprietary web viewer to allow access to the electronic data so as to avoid
additional costs with client software. Our preference is to only utilize client software for the
administrator, and the scan and indexing stations, and all other users will utilize a non-
proprietary web viewer. There will be two ways of viewing the documents for users, from either
their individual desks or via remote access. The field crews (inspectors and surveyors) will
have a laptop computer that can remotely login to the network/server and pull up either the
image or supporting documentation for an image, or both.
The second customer of the system will be a citizen who personally comes in to the
Engineering Department requesting information. We will have a self -serve kiosk at the
Mapping/Drafting Service counter that citizens/customers can use to search through the
records that they may be looking for. This self-service kiosk should be user friendly and easy to
navigate through. It is expected that the software provide a thumbnail approach to viewing
images, particularly if there are multiple images related to a single inquiry. The customer then
can zoom into the area that they are seeking and print out the identified area to a printer in
8.5x11 format or chose to have the entire 24x36 image which would print to a plotter.
The third customer of the system would be the rest of the City organization, particularly those
departments that house their documents in Engineering's vault currently, such as the Water and
Stormwater Utility, Planning Department, or other departments that utilizing the Engineering
documents for their work, such as the GIS Department.
The final customer would be the general community of the city of Fort Collins and others who
may be interested in the available information. The access for this group would be through
Internet access.
The second major phase of the project is to utilize workflow as a way of sharing electronic
development plans and information among various workgroups. For the Engineering
Department, the Development Review Section is the primary area that will utilize workflow. It is
our vision that eventually the development community will provide their development plans in
electronic format (dwg, TIFF) that can be downloaded and shared among the various
departments that review the plans. In Engineering specifically, the Drafting, Survey,
Development Review, and Pavement Management divisions would immediately benefit from
sharing of these development documents through an electronic workflow process to red -line,
check for legal information, or comment on submitted information. Currently several sets (20)
of blue line copies are made and distributed throughout the organization for redlining and
review. The workflow process will cut back tremendously on the use of blue line paper and
make available more staff time for other tasks. During this phase, Engineering will request that
the development community voluntarily provide their final documents in electronic format (dwg,
bitmap, jpeg, tiff) to download to the archived data base to prevent the redundancy of scanning
in a paper version of the development plans. Scanning of a hard copy may remain a necessity
for those developers who do not utilize CAD programs to produce documents.
The third major phase of the project will be to scan, index, and cross-reference supporting
documentation to the large scale engineering documents. These documents will be standard
size documents with A to C format. The typical document is a legal Development Agreement,
staff notes, correspondence and soils reports.
Other departments throughout the organization are interested in possibly utilizing the software
that will be purchased through this RFP. Therefore, this document is also requesting basic
information regarding conversion of current documents that have been scanned and indexed
into Navigator 2000, an I Levy and Associates (St. Louis) document management program, or
conversion of Access data bases that have used image enabling systems such as Image Now
(Perceptive Vision, Inc.). Also, there is interest in the possible connectivity, compatibility,
linkage, or data exchange between a document management system and ESRI Arclnfo GIS
software, and Sierra Permits Plus software.
The required product is a computer software package that will enable Engineering to archive,
index, and retrieve, in electronic format, large-scale engineering drawings and supporting
regular size documentation. The product will allow access to a variety of users through a non-
proprietary web viewer. The product will also have a workflow component that will allow for
redlining, editing, or attaching notes to an image to be routed throughout the department or
organization. The product will have a single storage and backup system.
The product will need to provide an integrated approach to electronic storage and usage of
large scale engineering drawings (24x36) and standard size documents (8.5x11, 8.5x14,
11x17) for document management, imaging, and workflow in a single system. The product
should have a single common interface and may have multiple storage areas that will give the
system storage flexibility. The multiple areas will be transparent to the user. The product
should have the functionality for centralized administration for managing the entire system, not
separate administration for each Electronic Document Management System (EDMS)
component. The product should also be scaleable and flexible to allow for changes or
modifications to meet a broad range of user and organizational requirements. The architecture
of the product should be open, 32-bit and have a common back -end. The database should be
Oracle based. The product should also allow for Web capabilities (Internet, Intranet).
The product should have the capability of bringing a scanned image into a CAD environment for
editing. The product should also have the ability to accept digital photos into the system for
indexing, cross-referencing and linking, as well as retrieval. The product should demonstrate
the ability to scan in poor quality documents, allow for cleanup, and produce a good quality print
image. The product should also have adequate indexing fields that can be customizable to the
needs of the Engineering Department. Examples of customizable screens are having an easy,
self-help menu at a viewing station that is not the same as the client search screens, or have
viewing screens that may be customizable for the various users in the Engineering Department
based on security levels. The product should also allow for a zoom of a particular area and
print that zoomed image to an output device.
There are two processes that we would like a system to do. Please address whether the
system and/or products are customizable to include these processes. The first process involves
a self-help customer menu. We would like to have the option of a customer clicking on an area
of a large city map to identify the area that they are searching for information on. The click
would create a zoom like feature to enlarge the area that was selected. The person could then
"zero" in on the specific subdivision and/or lot, select what they were searching for and be
immediately linked to the archived records for that specific selection. The supporting
documents could be the subdivision plat, utility plans, landscaping plans, etc.
The second process would be to have a built-in billing system that would be associated with the
customer kiosk that would track the number of copies that were printed for a certain customer.
Ideally the customer would request a print or several outputs; this would link to a billing screen
that would require input of the person's name and address. Upon entering the personal
information, the system would allow for printing, by identifying the size of output the person is
interested in, generating the outputs and keep track of them in the billing system. The person
then would be required to terminate the inquiry and print job which would then generate a bill
that would show up on the Engineering Customer Service Representative's computer for
collection from the customer. Currently this is a manual system and often the customer does
not pay for their documents, and often times customers will ask for several copies until they
realize that they have to pay for them. If this process could be computerized and linked to the
customer inquiry, then they may not request as much information and print it, as well as
providing a way of billing if they elect not to pay.
The vendor must satisfactorily demonstrate that the proposed product is currently fully
operational at other locations under similar conditions including but not limited to; all the items
listed above, but demonstrate, using our documents, that the system can handle scanning,
indexing, retrieving, and printing large scale engineering documents. The vendor must
demonstrate the system's ability to be customizable as outlined above with minimal
programming, administration, and cost. The product must have been in operation at these other
locations for a sufficient length of time to be determined a dependable software system.
The City of Fort Collins Engineering Department provides a variety of services relating to the
construction and design of the City's capital projects and subdivision development. Among the
responsibilities of Engineering is the provision of construction management that includes
planning, design, and inspection services for capital projects constructed in the public right-of-
way, or private development adjacent to public right-of-way. It manages street maintenance
(overlay) through the pavement management program. The department also provides
surveying, drafting and mapping services for other City departments. Engineering also has the
responsibility for management and coordination of subdivision activities, including the
Development Review Process and Street Oversizing. Associated with this function is a
departmental objective of maintaining close and open communications with the Fort Collins
development community.
The Development Review Division of Engineering is responsible for the timely coordination and
review of private development proposals and plans to be built in Fort Collins. The division is
specifically responsible for the review of development plans and designs prepared by Civil
Engineering consultants for proposed residential and commercial projects within the City of Fort
Collins for conformance to City specifications and code. This process may involve several
redline reviews over the course of several weeks until the consultant has met the criteria
outlined by the engineer.
Involved in the review process also are the Surveying, Mapping and Drafting, Pavement
Management, and Street Oversizing divisions of Engineering. The Mapping and Drafting
division is responsible for the review of a subdivision plat for such elements as: street names,
lot dimensions and easements, assigning addresses, and currently redraw the final plat to
support the GIS base map system. This area may review the plat on average 3-4 times during
the review process from preliminary design to final acceptance.
The Surveying division is responsible for the review of a subdivision plat for such items as: legal
description accuracy, boundary closures, measurement details, easement identification,
adjoining properties, and conformance of the plat to state statute. The Survey division may on
average review a single plat three times between preliminary design to final acceptance.
The Pavement Management division is responsible for the review of the subdivision plats for
accuracy in pavement design for the proposed streets to be built. The Street Oversizing
division is responsible for the review of the subdivision plats for design impacts to the Street
Oversizing program budget because the program participates in the cost of street construction
related to development. These two divisions may review the plats on average two times during
the review process between preliminary design to final acceptance.
Following the development review process, the Engineering Construction Inspection division is
responsible for the oversight in the field of the construction of the approved residential and
commercial projects. This division currently makes a blue line copy of the approved plans to
carry with them in their vehicles to make sure the project is built as designed. Throughout the
construction process there may be changes in the field that would require the final document to
be modified to reflect the changes. These documents are referred to as -built drawings.
In addition the Engineering Department has a Capital Project Design division that constructs
City capital improvement projects, such as a street widening or extension. This area produces
construction drawings for contractors and subcontractors to the City for construction. The
Construction Inspectors also need a copy of these plans to monitor field construction for
accuracy to plan specifications.
All of these divisions within Engineering would benefit from the sharing of large-scale
documents through a workflow component of a document management system.
The vendor will, with the Engineering Department Network Specialist, install and configure all
software onto the network and/or workstations as necessary.