Fax: 970.686.2508
Hi David,
Please find my cover letter and resume on the following three pages. I talked with Jamie who
called for Theresa Vandendriesche today. She felt with two software purchases on my part, we are
compatible. I hope you find my rates reasonable and that we find ourselves partners in business.
Thank you,
John Riviera
From: To: City of Ft. Collins
John Riviera David Carey
Date: 4/8/03 Page(s): 4
1402 Canal Drive
Windsor, CO 80550
Cellular: 9 70- 213-5313
Phone: 970-686-2592
April 8, 2003
David Carey
City of Ft. Collins
Administrative Services
Dear David,
We are a perfect match with the exception of the following two areas. I am willing to purchase
and upgrade at my expense so we are completely compatible if you find my rates reasonable
and eventually utilize my service.
• I currently use Quark XPress, not In Design
• I am operating on Windows 98, not Windows XP
;'``" John Riviera
Administrative Services
Purchasing Division
Vendor Nattte. _ 1 � lyiE c� i`,I,Jl far p ZfIGS
Date: April 1, 2003
Ref #- Graphic Design Services
THIS 13 4 fjk4 Nqk T fwarATIgy Nt7T Art oHngsl
The City of Fort Collins Transportation Department is seeking bids from qualified vendors to prov:fler
Graphic Design Services, as required, for various marketing programs, The objective Is to have a pro,
approved outside source available for projects that exceed in-tious+e capacity and/or capabilities, flume
supply houriy rate and ability to meet or exceed the below referenced wecif;oatio.ns.
Respond by 3;+3b p.m. on April 11, 200*,4 vier FAX to: David Carey, C..P,M,
FAX: (970) 221-6707
Any questions regarding this inquiry should be directed to David Carey @ (970) 49t,3;-2191
The City reservas tho right to accept or reject ail quotas,
fats•// iQ 231S1grier Sj;1�C1fic8tirirl5
QthLgf FOrf Collins SillartTljOILTm
Use a PC Computer only for our project& (ascause of difficulties in translation we've
experienced In the past, no Macintosh computers should be used for our projects)
Expertise in various programs:
PC version of In Uosign 2.0
PC version of illustrator 10
PC version of Phatoshop 6.0
Craet'nre development
. Graphic design. (layout and pasts -up)
Work within budget parameters
• Ability to do press shacks
• Multi -media development (radio copy, televirrion scripting, power point presentations, att.)
• Artwork delivered to us or directly to the printer
• Ali work put on CDs for our fides; access to the materials when finished.
• Product to be compatible with windows XP.
• Ability to do small jobs as wall as large jobs.
• Coordination with printers for bids and delivery, when needed. At trnoes, we will work with
printers but we would :Ikra this graphic designer to be able to do this also.
• No up charge for working with printers. We will pay hourly for the woi k, but do not avant the
graphic designer to place an up charge on the printer bids received.
All artwork needs a nignoff by the project manager before It goes to printer.
Pago 1 of 2
Adndnistratiwe Services
Purchasing Division
TYpes of jobs that might be asked include, but are not limited to:
• Campaigns from start to finish with brochures, posters, flyers, advertising, etc.
• Newspaper advertising
Direct marl pieces
• Brochures
• Posters
• Flyers
+ Point of Purchase advertising
• Radio and TV advertising
Hourly Rate: $ 1' r y e Pre)AI,t4i-co
Services bid most or exceed the above specifications without exception. Yes NO
If not, please list exceptions on a separate sheet and attach to your bid.
NOTE: First year award will cover projects for calendar year 2003. At the option of the City, the
award may be extended for additional one-year periods not to exceed two M additional one-year
periods. Written notice of renewal shalt be provided to the Service Provider and mailed no later
then thirty (30) days prior to contract end.
Vendor Name:-.,..jok4 1 1`11i1"r r'� �I1/i( Yc1�1�7tC5
Telephone #:
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FAX #: