HomeMy WebLinkAboutRESPONSE - FAX QUOTE - 16336Christine Patterson -Jarvis - M00320BC.TIF Page 1 '"AA�AY03WTUEn l 114JAA a1. 4TY T COLLINS, PURCHA3ENT Fl�XtNO. 9-10 2216"!D'] cat ool P. Dl/D3 Aar+r �atracivc Sexziiccs _ Pu rc F'asiiib Divralor �'+ City of Fort Colllasa F-IRM NAME �i�L 1C- pgTE: Aril 22, 2003 Raf. 16336 rH13 IS A PRICE QUOTATION -- NO1- qN OROER plea¢¢ supply pricing and dalivOlY Informatiori, all ma xc ba quoted FOB polni of 5hlpin.rit frelBhT Prap_id Arid nllowad, as rvquaaxeC below and rva p o n av era FAX wl[htn 3 dayf to. O P4L F_ OICK., CpPO 1670) 221-B701 AnV quas2lena rBaaramq tnls inquiry should bm atroctad io Opai F_ Oick. l9>01 .,_e7')B. Qt1q NTIT OEg CRiPT G9N 26 Ea. Ppla. 5[reatlig F,t, 23', Taparad Flbarptaaf. 1-+pla Top 3"' Max. O.O., W/Steal SlvaVa, 2- Olamata! Acc®as Mofa, black a opth gntih. paf Speac_ 373-103, Ram. p. (prawing) W. J. Whatley pE3023_t 2_52N2.3.4.6; She Kospaare #6523-Ot S.tLAA9R. Sa. ea S �✓s._.__ roxal Mfir___..., 1<ama b:d m .vo¢leicaciona. v®a Nc If n plassa Isx cxcaptiona on a aaparav ahaax pf paper and a ch o yowr bid. «a <o For pa"poavv o t and s a (JCN Lm a'p 1pro Vad m ufav< try r® r rtl albu o - au by an pp .av d ¢ fa Fo C Ilin¢ arao may b, _ uxurar <a valve a 215 NortA Moro» 3a�--at � ._nd Fiooi - IPO. Boi L90 - }or[ toile.. �, CO SU522-U68U - [9i U] 221-/iJl$ - F \ (970) 221_6n1� Christine Patterson -Jarvis - M00320F7.TIF Page 2 „ad,�nn� APR-22 ��_� wL�TL�fI �.f=rEp EL 03 TCE y09:A6 AME S901 TV/FT COL I. I NS, PIIRCHAS _�. FAX NO, 9(O 2276707 pgr,E P2,P� P 02/03 Prices quoted must (amain film Tot a 30 day Parigd after [ha ot> +ntnH data. Freight terms: F.O.B. daatin®tlon freight prepaid_ qil freight charHas rn not be includ¢d in prloing submrtt¢d on ntered as Propo9gl and not w aPora[m Prictny. AQn y� f6�eunta H113OP dib�y iV"nl^9r fOr prompt PayminL ¢t, mua} bB r¢11®r=1ed In quoted flger�, acid [ tprcd j Tha Ci[y res¢rvag the rlpht to accept nt rrtoct a nY antl elf quotes. Any quesfiOns or Inqulr!¢a regarding this bltl anowa ba tliracted t..' OP/ai F�pic CPPp, B¢nior BVyar (......1-67JH S ItG�N�Arr�y�j{qtNJ prep L ra�6"bR y3F[tiVs'IrE O��M �•L�� Q'_Pr�¢rala�• ___ C� P NV Nuiv.�y�IScdS S 3e (�59 a354 3� G.6q-8$v� H (AREA TELEPFtONE A FAX Nl1 Ef3 AppRESS' STREET. 1 ��ATE.. 2'ZII PL GATE Christine Patterson -Jarvis - M00320EF.TIF Page 1 C]PR-24-20p3 11�19 1.1. J. WMgTLEY 3©32H6'J316 P. pl'p3 Amarloi'a LNdof Aqua KOr Century In compoalta Lipf�[Iny atl�.a of Proven Partot+nanca Pelaa and Lame Pwta Ayl In All APPllcatlens TO: ��Oal T` T%�CK � CPPD COMPANY: C O'F JA. FROM: f '1 ^y sua/Ec-r- RFC �163sc- 0.4TE: '4� Jb"3 ii OF PAGES INCLlJO1N0 COVER SHEEP: 3 __ MESSAQE 44AB4K `'/4V Fo(c %)m OAP0 W"121 "'l0 Qh7 € 'Y"I/f O UX W.J. Whatley, Inc. - 69 0 E. 56th Place -Commerce City, CO 80022 - Phbnb (303) 287-BO53 - Fax (303) 286-7216 TOLL FREE (8TT) WJW-POST ftttp://www.whatlay.cem ama{I_ aalaal�whatlay.com Christine Patterson -Jarvis - M00320EF.TIF Page 2 F1PR-2-1-2©03 li-.�O W.S. LIHPTLEI' _3�32867216 p. T2i p3 Adxiili[lYtSaldvC SCIV3LC5 FIRM NAME ,1�. �. )Flrirl a.Y T JL. City of Fort Collins _ OATE: April 22. 2003 Raf. ]B336 TN19 IS A PRICF_ pIJVTATION -- NOT AN ORDER PI¢ati¢ pply pri CinH and daliv¢ry Informa[lan. ¢II ma <e ba puo atl FOB polnx o{ ship mrnc TrClghx p @paid and allewetla3 rcqu as<s0 below and r6a pone¢ vIa FAX<wi<hin 3 deya t0. OPAL F. DICK. cPPO (970J 22]-6707 AnY q•+caYinnS ra9ard1�9 <M1la Inq uiry ahcsu ld L< dran<ad <o OPeI F. OiCk. (9J0) 2�t-6776. Qu(1NTITYf fj' �IPTION. 25 Ea. POIe, Streatli9h[. 23', Ta pefed Fiberglass, POIe Top 3` Max. W/Steel Sle®va, 2" Oiamatar Access HOJ, black smooth finish. par Spec. 373-100. Ray. F, (Drawing) W_ J. Whatley #E302}t2_52N2.3.4.G: S M1Oheap<a rr #0523-0'1-S ] AAg9. s 6 12 S • p0 Total Mrr. W :S (Ji1A-rE¢ y _ MTr. # E 3o23 - 1 Z- SZ A 2 3, y,, narya.y ill was.;.. 5_-6 wKc A2O ILema bid a0 Ypaciiicationa. Yea �NO If n plaaav axeaptipns On ¢ >ep¢ra Ce ahae[ o} paper and axe aeh [q Your Ord. Fer purposes ui w my and s ¢ ONLY approved m uiao[ur¢rc rlbutora author 2<d by an ¢ap prcvad mOnufacxu.ar c0 ¢arva ins FOrtlColli�; area may bitl_ 215 \or<h Maror <b,p¢t 2nc Flo[ar ISO- Eaox EAU Foxf Collins. CO AOS32-OSPO (670) 221-6775 - F- � (9>O) 22t-6]O> Christine Patterson -Jarvis - M00320EF.TIF Page 3 w. s. wl-IUTLEr 3 [33266 i 216 P. �3%©3 �E PrlCes quotmd muBt rGmaln firm fOr 8 30 day poriod afterthe opening d.ta. Fr®ight terms: F.O.B. daattnaiion frG1®ht prepaid. All Ttalght charges must be InGuda in pnGng submiKed do proposal and nOt an[ared as acpa rate pric�n g. Any druccu is Flowed by Vendor for prompt payment. wtc, must be reflected Fri quotad fi®u re, and no an a epara[a phcing. The City resar em the right to accept Or reject any and all quotas. Any quastlona or �nquirl¢s rcBarding thi3 bid Bhpuld be directed to: Opal F. c C Senior Buyer (n J0) 221-6778 91G4AT �wa TITLE Al�—' TYPEO OR PRINTE�E GNf> TL�����G��—r�rs " l�.c�Jc�1L2TtsFy_______ 3o3-2B-�-Ha s.3 3o3-z�c-7�v_1=9x ( OMPANY NAME (�(�AREA CODE) TELEPH�JNE 8 FAX NUMBER AO�RESS: ST EET. CITY, 5. AT ZIP l7ATE Christine Patterson -Jarvis - M00320BC.TIF Page 1 APR-22�03w fIlEe 111g5rgH }"01TY'/FTTOOLLINS, PUOWASEN' FgXcNO. OP❑ 2216"!O'] P.OI/oaf"�t Ate— trati..e Sctz•ic�s City o� Fort Collitxs FIRM NAME C�/��8" sxL � -_ - GATE: •il 22, 2003 Raf. '1 (3338 -FI-115 IS A PRICE QUOTATION -- NOT AN ORDER Please supply prlc ing and dallvery Information. all i[v-ma re ba que<od FO6 pofni of ahlpmvnt irelghc pre paid vrd allowed. aA requ®arvtl bClow and response v,a FAX within 3 days <o: OPAL F_ DICK. C'PPO AnV qusstlona ragvrtl in9 Ails Ir.q,+irV should nv dl•acxad io Opal F_ OicR. f9J0) 221_67')B. OIIANTITY= OE9. 25 Ea_ Pola. S[rae[Ilght, 23', Taparad Flbar)•)lassa. Pole Trap 3"' Maz_ O.O., W/Staof Slaavv, 2- Diameter Accaaa Holo, blacK ooth TTr+iaF•, par Spat_ 373-1 �3. Rav_ F, (OraWinp) W_ J- Wnatlsy pE3023-t2�52N2.3,M1.6; SilalcaspaalC 1iB523-01 �'IAAp9. Imma b:d m elf(oac one. va No _ If n plcasab liai Ca,cspY�ons on a saparaW sheet aef paper and aiivcho Your id, to For purpoaa6 o warranty and a rV loa ONLY approved m ufaceu rarer Fr distributers a to o•izsd by an pp o..ad m uf® ort ceul..a area may bid. an �i..rer <e aar..a xr.a ..5 v-rt I fl - .—I - ---. Fbor - O. .— 'f" - Yo_ Cvt+f.. r., CO H0922_V56o - , U) 221 ,, - f: X ",, 321-fi %O'i Christine Patterson -Jarvis - M00320BC.TIF Page 2 .t ®nn2 AP -22- 3W TUE 11145E AN ev CITY/FT COLLIN.. FUROHSFlS FAX NO. HTH pZ 16T07 P. 02/03 TRUCT ONg^ Prices quo[etl must ramam FfRI fora 30 day parted attar the opening tlata. Freight terms- F_O_B. dasLnailon Sral9M1t praApaid. All f�aight ohargay must ba included In prlclnp submitted on proposal and not ant¢rad as _pargte pricing. Any dMsc nt alln"c by Vand4r for prompt payment, etc. must be reflected in quotoC Fgura, and not ante ratl as spa ra to pricing. Tn¢ Crty reserves [M1a right to accept or reject Any and all quotas_ Any qu_c�st(l�onw or �nqulries regarding this bid shculd be dlrsctwd to: Opa! F It, GP anlnr Huyar 1g70) 221-BT78 51/OTN/A—��1/�///����yTLE S — r2��/ fLLc�.C�P TYPED pR PRINTED NYME ANP TITLE --"" — COMPANY NAME (AREA GPPE) TELF_PHPNE 6 FAX6N�UMBER 3' l�_� AOPRE55- STREET CIT Y. STATE. ZIP / pqT� �S Christine Patterson -Jarvis - M00320D3.TIF Page 1 Apr 23 03 01:26p Utility Products 303-988-8280 p.l APR-22-03 TUE 09 33 AM CITY/FT COLLINS. PURCHAS FAX NO, 970 2216707 P,01/03 Administrative Services imPurchasing Division City of Fort Collins DATE: April 22, 2003 Ref. 16336 THIS IS A PRICE QUOTATION -- NOT AN ORDER FIRM NAME I I� ��i j Please supply pricing and delivery information, all items to be quoted FOB point of shipment freight prepaid and allowed, as requested below and response via FAX within 3 days to: OPAL F. DICK, CPPO (970)221-6707 Any questions regarding this inquiry should be directed to Opal F. Dick, (970) 221.6778 ON. QUANTITY: DESCfiIn 25 Ea. Pole. Streetlight 23% Tapered Fiberglass, Pole Top 3" Max. O.D., W/Steei Sleeve, 2" Diameter Access Hole, black smooth finish, per Spec. 373.103, Rev. F, (Drawing) W. J- Whatley #E3023.12-52N2,3,4,6; Shakespeare #BS23-01-S1AA99. S Maw -6 6,-A � j �i'l.J 1/�-�TOtal Mfr Mfr. N Delivery in Weeks:______ Items bid meet or exceed specifications. Yes__ No _. If not, please list exceptions oh a separate sheet of paper and attach to your bid. For purposes of warranty and service ONLY approved manufacturers or distributors authorized by an approved manufacturer to serve the Fort Collins area may bid. 115 North Mason Sbeei, • 2nd Floor • P.O. Be- 590 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970)ZZI-a775 •FAX (970) 221-G707 Christine Patterson -Jarvis - M00320D3.TIF Page 2 Apr 23 03 01:26p Utility Products 303-988-8280 p.2 APR-22-03 TUE 09:34 RN CITY/FT CO(UNS, PURNAS FAX NO. 970 2216707 P.02/03 SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTIONS Prices quoted must remain firm for a 30 day period after the opening date. Freight terms: F O.B. destination freight prepaid. All freight charges must be Included in pricing submitted on proposal and not entered as separate pricing. Any discount allowed by Vendor for prompt payment, etc. must be reflected in quoted figure, and not entered as separate pricing. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all quotes. Any questions or inquiries regarding this bid should be directed to: Opal F. �kSenior Buyer (970) 221-6776 NATURE AN TITLE TYPED OR PRINTED NAME AND TITLE lam_ �c33 �ib�S'loZoU 303) 4�bb ' s-2 5-ory COMPANY NAME (AREA O ELEPAON & FAX NUMBER ADDRESS: STR E7, CITY. STATE, ZIP DATE Christine Patterson -Jarvis - M00320F7.TIF Page 1 R4/LU/2©p3 pl: p9 3p3659BS9E -.� ��� EL V - APR-22-03 TUE 09:44 AM CITY/Pi COLLINS, PURC11AS t=T FAX NC.)T9 70 2216707 P�01/03606 '/pz Admiaa3s(Taf3vB Services Purcbassrg aiviainr. --.- llq TE' gprll 22, 2003 Raf- 'IB33B TYIIS IS A PAIC'E- pU OTATION -- NOT AN ORDER P lela M1t P •+Pad nnlalape ntl <f sllvary' t all rasp° va .-..ea, r _eratl below anp nee gpo:aatry oa P of M1rP...ant FqX w� In 3 days to. OPAL F. OICIc. t^ppp ts�o) azt-a�o> AnY Oucaxiona r_oard p tryic 1 9a• Y anc..l.. pc dlracTad io OAaI F. O.ck. (9>O) 331-6`»g_ OESC J�Zf�JN� as !`a Pnla. Strarnlg M1i. 23'. Tapenlaf FlRaerglaas. Pole Tnp 3^ Max. W/Steel Slaava. 2^ Diameter q�t-ase Mola. blg�k 0mooiM1 flnlan, Par 8pwc- 3T3-103. Rev. F, (prawlnp) W_ J.. Wrya[Iey bE3023-t2S2N2,3,n n; Sh9km®paaro #BS23-Ot�Slgggg_ a _�_cx_ '„ ea. a SI7.S`v - roial M f._ s/tn i=.<spco�a. 15 /AA4 OalivarY in Weaker:__-.�=._4 r^fe kc __ Itam& bd ft oxoaptions son ap aepe♦ata na y+ No • aiawa2 acf p Par antl attael't �O Qor purpose° of warranty y "m vice ONI_m a'pprevatl m aka r Ula In pc�<ora a •ShorlZCtl by n pprovycf a fa m Thep Fort Cellina area may bitl. ctc.•rar tp a ry - c�3 .worth Mauun >pcec 2nY h•onr - I"p_ nox ino � port Ca»ISnac.0 A0532-QSPO � (9'Jq) ZZI-ri713 � iqx 1`»OJ 3Yi.37o7