� Assessment
Pro posal
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representatives of the GIS Section of DTD in order to look at the role the
repository could play in the annual information gathering process conducted for
the HUTF and HPMS reports.
During this task, Carter & Burgess will also review existing data sets used or
maintained by NFR MPO that were identified during the interview process. If
necessary, Carter & Burgess has budgeted to visit MPO staff again to look at
these data in detail, especially as they relate to the on -going transportation and
land use modeling efforts. Results of the Information Gathering task will then be
compiled into a Technical Memorandum for NFR MPO. After this memorandum
has been reviewed, Carter & Burgess will proceed to the Data Dissemination task.
3. Data Dissemination. During this task, Carter & Burgess will review the
technical and organizational implementation alternatives that should be
considered for the creation of the repository. The first step in this task will be to
address the technical methodologies that are available to NFR MPO as this time.
Significant advances have been made in the management of spatial data through
the use of Database Management Systems (DBMS) using software such as ESRI's
ArcSDE (Spatial Database Engine). However, these type of alternatives also
require the proper information technology resources, including hardware,
software and networking, and the right human and financial resources as well.
The second task in reviewing alternatives for data dissemination will be to review
these types of organizational requirements. The possibility of establishing
cooperative arrangements between NFR MPO with some of its larger members to
share technical resources for the repository will be examined.
A set of methodologies or procedures for maintaining and updating the data must
also be outlined. These will include basic standards for the data regarding
projections and accuracy, and also include guidelines for the frequency of
updates. Submission standards for member jurisdictions to provide data for the
repository must also be addressed. The technical, organizational and procedural
requirements for the dissemination of data will be summarized in a technical
memorandum to be provided to NFR MPO for review before proceeding to the
Draft Design task.
4. Draft Design. The objective of this task will be to develop specific
recommendations for the design of the GIS repository. The design will depend
heavily on information pulled from the preceding tasks. The first step will be to
formalize a database design based on the input from Tasks 2 and 3. This design
will specify the layers to be included as well as the structure of each layer,
including feature attributes. Following this design, a general system architecture
will be outlined, including recommendations for software packages to be used as
part of the architecture. Using this architecture, Carter & Burgess will
recommend one or more applications to be developed that will provide the key
services for the repository. These applications could include a web -based viewer
CCQ'1wGurge55 Proposal for North Front Range GIS Needs Assessment 5
to allow member jurisdictions to review data and extract data for the areas they
need or customizations to a desktop GIS data editing software to streamline the
process of incorporating new information.
The draft design that Carter & Burgess will develop will also address the full
range of staffing and organizational requirements that will be required by the
implementation. Any new staff training requirements that will be generated by
implementing the GIS will be highlighted with recommendations as to now that
training might be achieved. Carter & Burgess will also address inter -
organizational concerns, such as the need for data sharing arrangements or data
licensing procedures. If other types of agreements to support the GIS as a
cooperative effort between jurisdictions are required, Carter & Burgess will
outline the structure of a potential Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA). All of
the recommendations for the draft design will be written into a technical
memorandum that will accompany a general Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
that will detail the tasks and steps for implementing the system.
Task 5. Needs Assessment Report. The final report for the project will be based
largely on the four technical memoranda that will have been developed for the
preceding tasks. Carter & Burgess will first develop a draft version of this report.
The report will include an Executive Summary and will provide an overview of
the existing GIS program and its resources and it will document the vision
elaborated by NFR MPO and its members for the new GIS repository. This
overview will then be compared with the requirements of the new system in order
to highlight the actions that are necessary to implement the new system.
After releasing the draft report, Carter & Burgess staff will meet with the MPO's
staff to discuss the document and its conclusions. Any concerns or corrections
will be addressed at the meeting so that the content of the final document can be
agreed upon. After the meeting, Carter & Burgess will make any required edits to
the report and issue it to NFR MPO. Acceptance of the report by the MPO will
finalize the project.
CarterltBiurgess Proposal for North Front Range GIS Needs Assessment
Carter & Burgess has assembled the tasks for the Work Plan into a schedule that we
estimate will run 12 weeks with a proposed start in mid March. The organization of our
effort is shown in the schedule on the following page. This schedule includes a one -week
period for the draft of all deliverables to the North Front Range MPO. If necessary,
Carter & Burgess has the staff resources to shorten the performance period. Hourly task
assignments for project team members are discussed with the cost estimate in the final
section of this proposal.
Ca"erlvBurge55 Proposal for North Front Range GIS Needs Assessment
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CarterliBurgess Proposal for North Front Range GIS Needs Assessment 8
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Firm Qualifications
Carter & Burgess is one of the fastest growing consulting firms in Colorado. At the
heart of our growth is a commitment to excellence, the desire to provide meaningful work
for our employees, and a passion for involvement in significant projects.
Our Denver office has a strong commitment to the use of GIS and related geo-spatial
technologies on our projects and to assisting our client's in reaping the benefits of
advances in these areas. The Denver office has been using computer aided design tools
for over ten years to support our civil, environmental and structural
engineering practices. We have operated our own survey crews since 1998
and outfitted our field staff with centimeter accuracy Global Positioning
Systems (GPS) data collectors. Since 2001 our office has been offering
photogrammetric mapping services through a fully digital process.
Our offerings in GIS are rooted in our commitment to this tool as part of our
design programs since 1995. Carter & Burgess design staff use GIS to
analyze environmental impacts, to profile potential roadway and pipeline
alignments, to build property maps and track ownerships around major
projects, to examine driver behavior and traffic speeds and to integrate water
and sewer system models during design efforts. As a national firm, we have
been sharing these opportunities with our clients for nearly ten years. Carter
& Burgess has planned and implemented GIS systems for municipal public
works departments, water and sewer authorities and districts, major airports,
metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) and private sector clients. In
support of these programs, Carter & Burgess has become a business partner of
ESRI whose software currently dominates the GIS market for public works.
Carter & Burgess is well qualified to perform the scope of work outlined above for three
primary reasons. First, our staff and firm have the strong qualifications in the
development of GIS applications and data that will be required for to develop the
technical guidelines of the system for NFR MPO. Second, Carter & Burgess has
connections to transportation planners among several of NFR MPO's member jurisdiction
and a strong familiarity with regional planning issues. Finally, over the last two years
Carter & Burgess has been investing in GIS based solutions for MPO's throughout the
We have selected six recent projects to demonstrate our experience. References are
included with each project. Recent regional experience is highlighted in the Northern
Colorado Truck Bypass study (Carter & Burgess is also performing work on Fort Collins'
Mason Street study at this time). Two projects listed below were performed for MPOs,
the Denver Speed Study and the MAG 2002 Regional Travel Time study. Additional
transportation consulting was done by our GIS staff in the CDOT Geometrics Review,
currently on -going for DTD, and the El Paso County DOT GASB 34 study. Finally, we
have included the most recent Needs Assessment conducted by our staff for the City of
Carters=Bumess Proposal for North Front Range GIS Needs Assessment 9
141 "
Northern Colorado Truck Mobility Study
Carter & Burgess partnered with PBS&J in the study of a potential truck bypass
for the City of Fort Collins. For this project Carter & Burgess's completed an
origin/destination survey to look at the movement of trucks through the City.
Transportation modelers compiled
t travel demand forecasting to evaluate
the proposed bypass alternative and
prepared a finance plan for the project.
GIS staff collected and prepared data
from City and County data sources and
then developed applications to evaluate
the potential bypass route alternatives.
Reference: Mark Jackson, City of Fort
Collins, (970) 416-2029.
Yl f.
Denver Speed Study
Carter & Burgess conducted a field
'x study of roadway speeds in the Denver
`i' •�••:•�: td:... -� metropolitan area for the Colorado
`T Department of Transportation (CDOT)
- and the Denver Regional Council of
Governments (DRCOG). The primary
purpose was to provide average speed estimates to be used for calibration
purposes of the Denver Regional Travel Demand Model. The model is
maintained and operated by DRCOG and is the region's primary tool for
forecasting the use of existing and proposed transportation facilities. The speed
estimates were categorized by type of roadway, area, and time of day.
Carter & Burgess used state-of-the-art techniques to accomplish the data
collection and database management. A fleet of ten vehicles, managed by Traffic
Research and Analysis, Inc., performed the floating car technique at 114 locations
throughout the metropolitan region. A total of almost 5,000 speed runs were
sU 7cS
Carters=Burgess Proposal for North Front Range GIS Needs Assessment 10
.1 1 ?,!!!
performed. Each car was equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS),
which recorded time and location every second of the speed run. The GPS
positional data was exported to GIS for quality control, and a Microsoft SQL
Server database was used for analysis. The entire project was completed within
three months to meet the schedule requirements of CDOT and DRCOG
Reference: Kathy Engelson, CDOT Project Manager, (303) 757-9770.
MAG 2000 Regional Travel Speed Study
Carter & Burgess is conducting the Maricopa Association of Governments
(MAG) 2002 Regional Travel Speed Study. The study will focus on collecting
travel time data on 75,000 miles of major arterials and freeways and comparing
the current travel speeds with historical data. This information will be used by the
MAG to identify congestion and mobility problems and target these areas for
improvement, and as input for calibration of the regional traffic forecasting
model. The project will include data collection using GPS and geo-referenced
digital video.
The MAG 2002 Regional Travel Speed Study includes the collection of travel
time data for over 60,000 miles of roadways. The data collection team includes 8
fully equipped vehicles driving 6 hours a day for 8 months. This project is
thought to be the largest travel time study ever assembled in the nation. This
includes evaluation of all major arterials, freeways, and HOV lanes and
comparing the current travel speeds with historical data. Initially, the primary
goal of the project was to determine the speeds and delay on all roads to be used
to calibrate the existing regional traffic -forecasting model. Through the
technological developments by Carter & Burgess and the built-in efficiencies of
the methodology, the project scope has expanded within the same budget.
Additional elements include: mapping the network and geo-coding relevant
features, collecting geo-referenced digital video along with the GPS travel time
runs, and hosting a project web site for use by project team and MAG The
following pages highlight a few of the details completed to date.
Reference: Ratna Korepella, Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG),
CDOT Geometries Study
The Division of Transportation Development has responsibilities for the
maintenance of information about roadways statewide. This includes data about
federally funded state highways, over which CDOT has direct jurisdiction, for
uses that include coordinated planning efforts and federal reporting requirements.
One data set maintained by DTD is a database known as XSECON that contains
information about roadway geometries and pavement. Roadway information in
this database has been divided into sections — continuous sections of each
roadway with similar cross sections between major crossings are kept as a single
Carter»'Burges5 Proposal for North Front Range GIS Needs Assessment 11
—11A "
entry. Data in the XSECON database have been updated only as other CDOT
divisions have reported changes in highway geometrics to DTD or as other
programs have triggered DTD to check the accuracy of the data.
Carter & Burgess is currently under contract with CDOT/DTD to evaluate the
methodologies available for updating this database. This assignment includes a
review of field procedures for updating the data as well as the use of digital
orthophotography as a tool for the updates. In evaluating these procedures, Carter
& Burgess is also updating the procedures to include the use of advanced
technologies such as Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and the use of GIS data
management and analysis.
Reference: William G Johnson, CDOT, (303) 512-4808
Paso County Department of Transportation GASB 34 Implementation Study,
El Paso County, CO
Carter & Burgess is currently finishing a study for the El Paso County DOT that
will provide the organization with a roadmap for its implementation program for
Statement 34 of the Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB 34). The
focus of this study has been the development of a complete model of the
infrastructure assets maintained by the El Paso County DOT and the development
of methods for inventorying these assets, assessing their condition, and providing
a value to them.
Reference: Paul Larch, El Paso County DOT, (719) 520-6876
C1.N.a� Wn ffl.Ma
Carterldurgess Proposal for North Front Range GIS Needs Assessment 12
GIS Needs Assessment, City of Brighton, CO
The City of Brighton Public Works Department, in conjunction with the
Community Development Department, has hired Carter & Burgess to conduct a
Needs Assessment for the City's deployment of GIS. The decision to investigate
GIS technology has been
driven largely by the
high rate of residential
growth that the City has
experienced during the
last 10 years. Asa result
of this growth, the City
has extended its water
distribution and sewer
and drainage collection
networks from their
original core. The City,
however, lacks mapping
of this new infrastructure
as well as any systematic
way to integrate
mapping with
maintenance records or into planning efforts. The Needs Assessment is a first step
in implementing a GIS that will close this gap.
Reference: Terry Benton, City of Brighton, (303) 655-2034
Carters=Burgess Proposal for North Front Range GIS Needs Assessment 13
Project Team
Carter & Burgess' work on the Needs Assessment will be supported by the staff members
listed in the following section and show in the organization chart on page 16. All staff are
based in our Denver office and all have extensive experience developing GIS applications
and data, and working with clients to develop a better understanding of the capabilities of
GIS technology. Resumes for these staff members are included in the Appendix.
Jennifer Heisler — Project Director
As Project Director, Ms. Hiesler will ensure that NFR MPO has the complete
commitment of resources from Carter & Burgess necessary to complete the GIS Needs
Assessment. Ms. Heisler will also assist the project team through her existing
relationships with member jurisdiction and wide knowledge of transportation planning
Ms. Heisler has over 25 years of experience in the management of multimodal
transportation projects. She has conducted alternative analyses, major investment and
studies, and corridor feasibility studies, assessed environmental impacts of transportation
projects, and led regional transportation planning efforts. She has designed and
implemented community and agency involvement programs for regional, corridor and
project -specific studies. Ms. Heisler has also managed transit circulator feasibility studies
and has extensive experience in travel demand forecasting for roadways and transit.
Phil Lidov —Project Manager
As Project Manager, Mr. Lidov will be the key point of contact for NFR MPO with Carter
& Burgess. Mr. Lidov will be involved with all tasks of the Needs Assessment and will
provide the technical leadership required for the project.
Mr. Lidov has worked for more than 11 years as a developer of GIS databases and
applications as well as other specialized information systems. At Carter & Burgess, Mr.
Lidov leads an applications -oriented group of GIS professionals who focus on methods
for using GIS technology to support the daily activities of staff and clients of the Denver
office. This program helps project staff to define a GIS approach to work done for all of
its clients so that the projects benefit from the many advantages of GIS, including
improved data management and data access, spatial analysis, and easy report production
through data summaries and maps. This group also consults with clients in order to bring
them the applications and training necessary to implement this same approach in their
own offices.
Brann Greager, P.E. — Senior GIS Specialist
With over ten years of combined experience in GIS, application development, civil and
environmental engineering, and planning, Mr. Greager is a uniquely experience GIS
Specialist. His background in the Northern Front Range area will allow him to be a key
member of the GIS Needs Assessment.
CartP.rnBurge55 Proposal for North Front Range GIS Needs Assessment 14
No Text
Mr. Greager has worked for 10 years as a developer of GIS databases and applications as
well as other specialized information systems, particularly for environmental, engineering
and planning projects. He has experience in database design and development, spatial
data preparation and analysis, and cartographic design and compilation using ArcView
and ArcInfo. He has worked on several GIS projects related to custom GIS applications,
environmental studies, and production of large map directories. His recent experience has
focused on development of linear databases for transportation projects and on asset
inventory and condition assessment.
Chris Primus —Senior Transportation Planner,Modeler
Mr. Primus has extensive experience in the use of several transportation demand models,
including TransCAD, and with GIS. His project role will be to identify the needs of NFR
MPO's modeling programs for the GIS repository.
Mr. Primus serves as a senior transportation planner with a specialty in travel demand
forecasting. He has contributed to numerous multi -modal regional transportation plans
and corridor studies, with involvement on roadway, transit, pedestrian, and bicycle
planning components. As project manager for several projects, he has demonstrated able
organization and communication skills. Prior to joining Carter & Burgess he served as a
senior transportation planner at the Denver Regional Council of Governments, where his
primary responsibilities were operation and maintenance of the regional travel demand
model and preparation of transportation plans. He has extensive experience researching
and analyzing travel demand measures for travel demand modeling and air quality
benefits. His experience in transportation planning and travel forecasting includes the
development and application of models using TP+, TransCAD, MINUTP, and
TRANPLAN, as well as spreadsheet, database, and GIS software.
Steven True — GIS Specialist
Mr. True is widely experienced in all aspects of GIS implementation. His role will be to
help design the technical implementation of the GIS repository. Mr. True has worked for
six years as a developer of GIS databases and applications as well as other types of
specialized information systems in the telecommunications and real estate markets. He
has developed GIS systems to address specific business needs of many Fortune 1000
companies, such as truck or materials routing and facilities management.
Rich Garcia — GIS Specialist,Planner
Mr. Garcia will draw on his experience developing GIS data sets for transportation
projects in working on all aspects of the project. Mr. Garcia also has extensive
knowledge of local GIS data in Colorado and his current assignments include work on a
transportation plan in Fort Collins. Mr. Garcia has five years experience working with GIS
applications for research and analysis in the public, private and non-profit sectors. He has
helped implement the use of GIS for environmental planning in transportation projects and
coordinates GIS efforts for the Environmental Planning group at Carter & Burgess' Denver
office. Mr. Garcia has worked on numerous NEPA documents, GIS implementation projects,
and land use studies. His project roles include writing and researching sections ofNEPA
documents, building GIS implementation plans, and developing Intemet-based project -
specific applications.
CarternB urgess Proposal for North Front Range GIS Needs Assessment 15
141 "
Project Team
Organization Chart
Jennifer Heisler Phil Lidov
Chris Primus Brann Greager, P.E. Steven True Rich Garcia
CarteruBurgess Proposal for North Front Range GIS Needs Assessment 16
Availability & Location
Carter & Burgess is a privately owned consulting firm with 39 offices across the country.
With nearly 2,400 employees firmwide, Carter & Burgess brings a wealth of diverse
resources to this project. Our Denver office is staffed with over 275 employees.
Although Carter & Burgess has other active projects, the level of involvement of our
proposed staff on these other projects will be close to completion with the start-up of this
Our Denver office is located at 707 17th Street in the heart of downtown Denver. All of
our resources and team members are located in the Denver office.
All of our team members will be intricately involved in all aspects of this project. We are
staffed effectively to respond to our clients in a professional and timely manner. Our
senior -level staff is continuously involved in each and every project and will respond to
your needs.
Please note that all key staff and support staff identified in this proposal are readily
available for this project.
CarftPuBurg@SS Proposal for North Front Range GIS Needs Assessment 17
I i"
Task & Hour Summary
Carter & Burgess proposes to conduct the GIS Needs Assessment for NFR MPO on a
time and materials basis for a cost not to exceed $35,830.00. This fee includes $330.00
for reimbursable expenses such as mileage between Fort Collins and Denver and for
mailings. The labor costs for our work have been broken down by task and staff
member in the table below.
Labor Rate:
1 $100
Task 100: Conceptual GIS Framework
Task 200: Information Gathering
Task 300: Data Dissemination
Task 400: Draft Design
Task 500: Needs Assessment Report
Project Total labor only):.
Reimbursable Expenses:
W •
CarferuB urgers Proposal for North Front Range GIS Needs Assessment 18
CarterlsBu ge55 Proposal for North Front Range GIS Needs Assessment 19
Associate Principal, Group Manager
Carter & Burgess, Inc.
Years of Experience: 25
Years with C&B: 8
M.C.P., City Planning, 1978
University of Pennsylvania
B.A., Political Science, 1976
Pan American University
Professional Registration
American Institute of Certified Planners
1985, 005041
American Institute of Certified Planners
American Planning Association
American Society of Highway Engineers
Institute of Transportation Engineers
Women's Transportation Seminar
Language Fluency
Professional Experience:
Ms. Heisler has over 25 years of experience in the management of multimodal transportation
projects. She has conducted alternative analyses, major investment and studies, and corridor
feasibility studies, assessed environmental impacts of transportation projects, and led
regional transportation planning efforts. She has designed and implemented community and
agency involvement programs for regional, corridor and project -specific studies. Ms. Heisler
has also managed transit circulator feasibility studies and has extensive experience in travel
demand forecasting for roadways and transit.
Relevant project experience includes:
• Austin Metropolitan Area Telecommuting Forecast Study, Austin, TX; Transportation
Planner. Oversaw effort to identify current levels of telecommuting in the Austin area,
predict future levels of telecommuting and analyze impact on traffic in the metro area.
• Colorado Boulevard Health Facilities TMO Employee Commute Survey, Denver, CO;
Project Manager. Worked with TMO to finalize commuter survey and prepare for data
Carter -Burgess
Page 2
entry. Summarized commute survey data to provide understanding of current travel
patterns, work schedules, commute choices and attitudes as well as specialized cross -
tabulations. Presented survey results using geographic information system software.
• Colorado Boulevard Health Facilities TMO Transit Shuttle Feasibility Study, Denver,
CO; Project Manager. Developed and evaluated transit shuttle alternatives to serve
staff, student, visitor and patient trips with the Colorado Boulevard health care
district. Worked with TMO to identify most cost-effective strategy and developed
marketing and implementation plan for shuttle.
• Colorado Boulevard Mobility Enhancement Program, Denver, CO; Project Director.
Conducted inventory of major regional arterial to identify pedestrian and transit
opportunities and constraints. Developed range of strategies to enhance safety for
pedestrians. Strategies included immediate, low cost actions as well as longer -term
capital -intensive projects. Prepared implementation plan and Transportation
Improvement Program (TIP) applications for major projects.
• Douglas County Traffic Calming Study, Douglas County, CO; Planner. Researched
traffic calming programs to determine their effectiveness and applicability for
suburban development in Douglas County.
• Downtown to Astrodome Corridor Environmental Assessment, Minneapolis, MN;
Senior Transportation Planner. Responsible for preparing transportation impacts
section for this light rail final EA, assisting with development of information for
financial analysis and for preparation of New Starts Submittal update.
• East Colfax Parking Study, Denver, CO; Project Manager. Developed options for
parking strategies along major urban arterial into downtown Denver. Worked with
community groups and businesses to identify parking needs and issues and prepared
assessment of parking strategies used by other cities to manage parking.
• East-West Travel Corridor Mobility Study, Loveland, CO; Project Director. Investigated
east/west transportation needs and utilized an extensive citizen -based public input
process to develop and evaluate short and long term improvements to meet
transportation needs. Developed phasing plan to accommodate growth.
• 1-25/1-90 Camino Real Corridor Study, Buffalo, WY; Project Manager. Conducted
feasibility study of a joint port -of -entry and truck inspection center between Wyoming
and Montana. Worked with the Wyoming and Montana DOTs to define physical,
operational and institutional requirements of the joint port. Evaluated alternative site
locations and developed conceptual port designs, including ITS options such as weigh-
in -motion and electronic preclearance. Assisted WyDOT and MDT prepare a grant
application to secure funds for Environmental Assessment and preliminary engineering
of port.
Carter: -Burgess
Page 3
• Inter -Regional Corridor Alternatives Analysis, Salt Lake City, UT; Project Manager.
Responsible for evaluating transportation needs, developing and evaluating multi -
modal alternatives, and developing a phased implementation plan for transportation
• Jordan Road Closure, Greenwood Village, CO; Transportation Planner. Provided
technical assistance to Arapahoe County in mediation with the city of Greenwood
Village concerning traffic impacts and mitigation related to potential street closures
within Greenwood Village and Cherry Creek State Park.
• North Sheridan Interchange Improvement Study and EA, Sheridan, WY; Project
Director. Developed conceptual design alternatives for the reconstruction of 1-90
interchange in North Sheridan, Wyoming and prepared an Environmental Assessment.
• South Colorado Boulevard Corridor Transit Circulator Study, Denver, CO; Project
Director. Responsible for development and evaluation of transit circulator service
alternatives and technology options for an inner-city employment and shopping district
in Denver; evaluated transit market potential and developed operating, maintenance
and capital costs and identification of implementation strategies. Project resulted in
the initiation of transit circulator service, the "B-Line," which began operation in
1999. Ridership achieved two-year forecasts within three months.
• Southeast Corridor EIS/PE, Denver, CO; Assistant Project Manager. Assisted in
developing and analyzing transportation improvement alternatives for Denver's
Southeast Corridor along 1-25 and 1-225. Responsible for alternatives evaluation and
assessment of cost effectiveness. MIS resulted in light rail as preferred alternative.
Prepared information for FTA New Starts Submittal.
• Southeast Corridor Major Investment Study, Denver, CO; Assistant Project Manager.
Assisted in developing and analyzing transportation improvement alternatives for
Denver's Southeast Corridor along 1025 and 1-225. Responsible for alternatives
evaluation and assessment of cost effectiveness. MIS resulted in light rail as
preferred alternative. Prepared information for FTA New Starts Submittal.
• State Infrastructure Bank Needs Assessment, Denver, CO; Project Director. Provided
needs assessment of State Infrastructure Bank and recommended guidelines and
criteria for establishment and implementation of a SIB.
• U.S. 36 Corridor Study, Boulder, CO; Transportation Planner. Investigated feasibility
of implementing fare or high occupancy toll (HOT) lanes for the corridor. Analysis
included a review of institutional, legislative and cost issues.
• U.S. 36 Major Investment Study, Denver, CO; Project Manager. MIS in corridor
between downtown Denver and Boulder, CO. Developed and evaluated alternatives
including Commuter and Light Rail, Bus Rapid Transit, HOV lanes and roadway
Page 4
widening. Managed extensive community involvement program to develop consensus
among five communities and two agencies on a multimodal locally preferred
• Utah County 1-1 5 Corridor Management Plan, Provo, UT; Senior Transportation
Planner. Responsible for developing evaluation process to examine roadway and
interchange options in a 44-mile corridor in Utah County. Assisted with alternatives
development, screening, evaluation and phasing and preparation of final plan.
• West Glenwood Springs to Aspen Corridor Investment Study/Draft Environmental
Impact Statement, Glenwood Springs and Aspen, CO; Senior Transportation Planner.
Responsible for evaluating transportation impacts of commuter rail and bus rapid
transit alternatives and coordinating technical reviews with local, state and federal
• Assessment of Self -Service Fare Collection Equipment, Washington, DC; Project
Manager. Collected and analyzed data on the performance of automatic fare collection
equipment. Analyzed the impact on passenger delay of various equipment component
• Austin Metropolitan Transportation Plan, Austin, TX; Project Manager. Developed a
multimodal, long-range transportation plan to address projected travel demand through
the year 2020. Developed phased land use scenarios and roadway and transit
improvements to meet travel demands
• Banning Lewis Ranch Corridor Refinement Study, Colorado Springs, CO;
Transportation Planner. For a proposed "new town" east of Colorado Springs,
developed a travel demand model, including land use forecasts and roadway networks
to estimate required roadway improvements for the 22,000-acre development.
Prepared phased roadway implementation plan to accommodate projected
development of this site.
• Colorado Congestion Management System, Denver, CO; Transportation Planner. For
the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG), the Colorado Department of
Transportation (CDOT) and the Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments (PPACG),
supported the development of congestion management systems by evaluating system
plans, detailing the process by which congestion projects develop and progress from
concept through project implementation, and tailoring the process for each agency's
specific project programming process.
• Commuter Rail Study, Denver, CO; Project Director. Supervised a feasibility study of
implementing commuter rail service on one of two existing rail lines serving the
northwest Denver metro area. Worked with two railroads to obtain their agreement to
cooperate with the concept of commuter rail. Developed operating plans, ridership
potential, capital and operating costs, environmental impacts and financing options.
Page 5
• Denver Southwest Corridor Major Investment Study, Denver, CO; Assistant Project
Manager. Directed the analysis of a nine -mile transportation corridor in the Denver
metro area. Evaluated each alternative in terms of capital and operating costs,
ridership, social, economic and environmental impacts, public acceptability, cost
effectiveness and financial feasibility. Conducted extensive community and agency
involvement program.
• E-470 Toll Road, Denver, CO; Transportation Planner. Developed toll revenue and
traffic projections for proposed toll road. Coordinated transportation and land use
planning for facility forecasts.
• Electronic Application System for Over Dimensional Permits, Colorado Department of
Transportation, Denver, CO; Project Manager. Developed an electronic credentialing
system for issuance of overdimensional permits. Worked with CDOT staff and
commercial vehicle operators to conduct knowledge engineering sessions to define the
credentialing process. Developed a PC Windows -based system which allows CDOT
staff to automatically "click and pick" carriers and commodities.
• 1-225 Interchange Feasibility Study, Colorado Springs, CO; Transportation Planner.
Developed sub area travel demand forecasting model to analyze interchange options
for a new interchange on 1-225.
• IBM Office Complex Traffic Impact Analysis, Austin, TX; Transportation Planner. To
meet City requirements for approval for new development, conducted a traffic impact
analysis for a one -million -square -foot office development. Traffic generated at the
office site was estimated and the capacity and levels of service at key intersections
and roadways were analyzed. Roadway and intersection improvements were
developed to provide access to the IBM facility and to maintain an acceptable level of
service on the surrounding roadways.
• Lower Downtown Transportation Study, Denver, CO; Project Manager. Analyzed
impacts of alternative traffic rerouting plans to accommodate aggressive bridge and
viaduct replacement projects by the City of Denver. Developed traffic estimates for
numerous alternatives, including one-way street conversions, parking restrictions and
additional turn lanes to accommodate changing traffic demands as viaducts were
closed and replaced over a very short time period.
• Main Street Improvements Project, Salt Lake City, UT; Transportation Planner.
Developed alternative bus routing plans through the central business district to
maximize the use of new transit facilities and to minimize disruption of traffic
operations. Analyzed impact on passenger convenience, bus scheduling, signal
coordination and space availability for bus queuing. Developed an implementation
strategy for a free -fare zone in the Salt Lake City central business district and
estimated resulting revenue and ridership impacts.
•..�. I .. ••-- .. . u�..
GIS Needs
February 24, 2003
Page 6
• Metro Area Connection (MAC) Light Rail Transit Project, Denver, CO; Senior Planner.
For Denver's first light rail transit project, conducted an extensive public and agency
outreach program which successfully gained regional approval to construct the project
with local funds. Prepared a local version of the federally mandated Alternatives
Analysis evaluation, including assessment of technology alternatives, alignment,
capital and operating costs, ridership estimates, and socioeconomic and environmental
• Multimodal Prioritization Study, CO. As part of a continuing program to address
agency's need to prioritize project across modes, FHWA funded a demonstration
study for the Colorado Department of Transportation Department. Using CDOT's
planning process as an example, worked with the Regional Directors to develop a
methodology to select, prioritize and rank projects for funding. Developed
performance goals for mobility and system preservation, evaluation criteria and
weights, and recommended a process for statewide implementation.
• North -South Corridor Study, Scottsdale, AZ; Project Manager. Managed transportation
study to develop short- and long-range transportation improvements to accommodate
north -south travel within the city. Conducted an extensive community involvement
program for controversial alternatives through established neighborhoods.
• Northwest Corridor Transportation Study, Greeley, CO; Transportation Planner.
Developed alternative land use, transportation alternatives and sub area travel demand
forecasting model to evaluate transportation alternatives in northwest corridor of city.
• Park-n-Ride Assessment Monitoring, Denver, CO; Project Director. Set up program to
compile statistics on usage and status of over 45 park-n-Rides with almost 10,000
parking spaces throughout the Regional Transportation District to recommend
expansion, replacement and closures. Analyzed surrounding land use, roadway
congestion, type and magnitude of bus service to park-n-rides to identify key elements
for success or failure.
• RPTA Transit Plan, Phoenix, AZ; Transportation Planner. Supervised network
development of a proposed rapid transit and bus system to develop ridership
estimates for transit alternatives. Responsible for development, testing and analysis
of transit system alternatives, supervised data collection and analysis, and coordinated
the preparation of an environmental overview for proposed transit system. Assessed
system -wide transportation, air quality and land use impacts, and corridor -specific
community noise, traffic and access issues.
• RTD Strategic Plan, Denver, CO; Project Manager. Supervised the development of a
10-year Strategic Plan to provide a long-term framework for the development of
transit services and facilities. The plan incorporated all elements of RTD's
Page 7
organization and provided a systematic process for identifying, prioritizing, integrating,
and programming projects to meet the agreement's goals.
• RTD Transit Development Program, Denver, CO; Project Manager. Responsible for
annual preparation of financially constrained six -year capital and operating plan for
District. Responsibilities included coordinating with senior management to develop
programs and projects to meet ridership demands within financial constraints of
• Southeast Arizona Corridor Profile Studies, AZ; Transportation Planner. Prepared
needs assessment and identified priority projects for two corridors - the Tucson to
New Mexico (1-10) and Benson to Douglas (SR80/90/92) travel corridors.
Responsibilities included developing an inventory of existing needs and deficiencies for
all modes, estimating future travel demand, evaluating future needs and deficiencies
and prioritizing projects to address deficiencies.
• Southwest Corridor Alternatives Analysis, Denver, CO. Prepared FTA work scope and
grant request, obtained federal funds and directed the alternatives analysis of a nine -
mile transportation corridor in the Denver metro area.
• US 24 Bypass, Colorado Springs, CO; Transportation Planner. Developed sub area
model, and assembled land use and access data to analyze interchange and access
alternatives for bypass facility in rapidly growing area of the city. Assisted in
preparation of environmental documentation.
Carter Surgess
GIS Manager
Carter & Burgess, Inc.
Years of Experience: 11
Years with C&B: 5
M.A., Geography, 1995
University of Colorado at Boulder
B.A., History, 1990
Haverford College
Continuing Education
Arclnfo Database Design, 1996
Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc, Boulder, CO
Programming with Avenue, 1995
Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc, Boulder, CO
Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA)
American Congress on Surveying and Mapping
Computer Program Fluency
ArcView 3.X
ArcView 3d Analyst
ArcView Spatial Analyst
ER Mapper
Map Objects IMS
SQL Server 2000
Professional Experience:
Mr. Lidov has worked for more than 11 years as a developer of GIS databases and
applications as well as other specialized information systems. At Carter & Burgess, Mr. Lidov
leads an applications -oriented group of GIS professionals who focus on methods for using
GIS technology to support the daily activities of staff and clients of the Denver office.
Mr. Lidov is an expert user in the ESRI ArcGIS and ArcView family of software, including
both the Spatial Analyst and 3-13 Analyst extensions and is a highly experienced programmer
Page 2
in Visual Basic, AML and Avenue. In addition, Mr. Lidov has a wide background in the use of
Image Processing software for GIS such as ERDAS Imagine and ER Mapper. Mr. Lidov is an
experienced application developer and has written programs in Visual Basic, Perl and a
variety of scripting languages. Database expertise includes both MS Access and MS SQL
Server. Mr. Lidov also has extensive experience in field data collection programs using GPS
equipment like the Trimble Pro-XR series differential GPS.
Relevant project experience includes:
• Fort Morgan Utility GIS, Fort Morgan, CO; GIS Project Manager. Responsible for the
development of a citywide GIS for the City of Fort Morgan for all city utilities. Fort
Morgan currently manages its own water distribution, wastewater collection, gas
distribution, electric distribution, and storm water systems. The GIS database was
developed for Fort Morgan using the geometric network features of ArcSDE. The
utility staff of the City will access the database using web -based map tools developed
by Carter & Burgess. The project also includes the development of land base
information for the City including County parcel mapping, and City zoning.
• Drainage Master Plan, Fort Morgan, CO; GIS Manager. Oversaw the development of a
database of the existing storm water utility for the City of Fort Morgan, CO. This GIS
database was used as the baseline condition in the planning of future improvements
and in the development of a Storm Water Utility for the City of Fort Morgan. The
inventory was conducted using differential GPS equipment and ArcView project was
built to develop and organize the mapping.
• Englewood GIS Mapping Services, Englewood, CO; Project Manager. Managed the
delivery of GIS mapping, consulting and data conversion services to the City of
Englewood's Community Development Department. Services include the updating and
development of all GIS data sets necessary to produce a new reproducible zoning
map, an eight -foot by eight -foot zoning map displayed in the new City Council
chambers and the Community Development Department's offices, and a Zoning Atlas.
This atlas is expected to be used across City departments. Products for this project
were developed in both ARC/INFO and ArcView GIS.
• Preble Creek Development Project, Broomfield, CO; GIS Manager. Supporting the
development of over 3,000 acres of mixed -use development for Pulte Homes. All
design data on this project is centrally managed using ArcSDE and the CAD Client
software. A website has been created providing the extended project team with
interactive access to the latest designs.
• Lower South Platte Wastewater Utility Plan, Adams County, CO; GIS Manager. A GIS
is being developed in ArcView and Arclnfo to screen the project area for a site for a
70-MGD wastewater treatment plant. Preliminary siting of the interceptor sewers from
Carter Surgess
Page 3
existing service areas to the plant sites, including topographic analysis, is being
conducted in ArcView GIS using the 3-D Analyst Extension.
• Louisville Reservoir Rehabilitation, Boulder, CO; GIS Manager. Developed a 3-D model
of existing reservoir in GIS using ArcView 3-D Analyst. Geotechnical borings were
also stored in the project, and from the corresponding bore logs subsurface geology
was modeled. The GIS was used to output maps in both plan and perspective views
as well as cross -sections showing the existing ground surface and subsurface
• Arapahoe County Transportation Plan Update, Arapahoe County, CO; GIS Manager.
Managed the GIS component for the development of a unified multimodal
transportation plan that became part of the county's Comprehensive Master Plan.
Special use was made of GIS in the development of land use projections for
unincorporated portions of the county. GIS also was utilized to manage data about
road and traffic conditions, to produce graphics for public meetings, and to display
results of the transportation demand model.
• Regional Economic Advancement Partnership (REAP), Adams and Arapahoe County,
CO; Project Director. These services are desired by the client to enable the local
municipalities and businesses to identify zoning and ownership of parcels within their
jurisdiction. R.E.A.P.'s goal is to stimulate economic development for its member
• Dallas Park and Recreation Department Long Range Development Plan, Dallas, TX; GIS
Manager. Contracted to develop an inventory of all signs in right-of-way of all roads
managed by the North Texas Tollway Authority (NTTA) and to document their
condition so that programs for maintenance and replacement can be developed. Carter
& Burgess is achieving this objective through the development of an asset
management system for the signs in Microsoft Access. Data from these tables is
mapped and queried through a Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) running in ArcMap
8.1 using the embedded .COM technology. Field inventory was done using GPS, laser
range finder, and spectrometer with direct entry of data in the field.
• 2002 Regional Travel Speed Study, Phoenix, AZ; GIS/Data Manager. Recently
contracted with MAG to conduct their 2002 Regional Travel Speed Study. Project
data collection is -built on using the "floating car" method with vehicles equipped with
a GPS and digital video cameras. Along with the velocity records, the output of the
video will be geo-referenced to GIS layers created for the project so that it can be
accessed randomly, based on a map location. A web -based map showing the status
of the travel time runs with basic data summaries will also be available to the staff of
• Denver Area Speed Study, Denver, CO; GIS Manager. Carter & Burgess is currently
under contract with DTD to conduct a speed study for purposes of updating the
Page 4
speeds used by the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) regional travel
demand forecasting model. Carter & Burgess is employing GPS technology to produce
statistically valid estimates of speeds for different categories of roadways in the
Denver metropolitan area. Mr. Lidov is in charge of the design and implementation of
the GIS database used to manage and analye all travel speed data generated from the
GIS equipment. This project is being implemented using ESRI's Spatial Database
Engine (SDE) running on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and with ArcMap 8.2.
• Northern Colorado Truck Mobility Study, Fort Collins, CO; GIS Specialist. Worked on
project team evaluating the creation of potential truck by-pass around the city of Fort
Collins. Responsible for the collection and analysis of GIS datasets used to evaluate
the benefits and impacts of several routes, including new alignments.
• El Paso County Department of Transportation GASB 34 Implementation Study, El Paso
County, CO; GIS Project Manager. Currently finishing a study for the El Paso County
DOT that will provide the organization with a roadmap for its implementation program
for Statement 34 of the Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB 34). The
focus of this study has been the development of a complete model of the
infrastructure assets maintained by the El Paso County DOT and the development of
methods for inventorying these assets, assessing their condition, and providing a
value to them.
Carter: -Burgess
Project Manager
Carter & Burgess, Inc.
Years of Experience: 10
Years with C&B: 3
B.S. Environmental Engineering, Colorado State University — Fort Collins, 1993
MicroSoft Visual Basic 6.0, CompuSkills, Denver, CO.
Over 100 hours of GIS training at Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc (ESRI),
Boulder, CO, including:
o Programming with Avenue
o Working with the ArcView Spatial Analyst
o Introduction to ArcView GIS
o Introduction to ARC/INFO
o Introduction to ArcGIS I
Professional Engineer, Colorado 2002 (#36329)
ESRI Authorized ArcView Instructor, September 1997
OSHA 40-Hour HAZWOPER Safety Training, April 1999
MSHA 40-Hour Safety Training, June 1994
ARC/INFO 7.x and ARC/INFO 8.x (Workstation and Desktop), ArcView 3.2, ArcView
Spatial Analyst, ArcView 3-D Analyst, ERDAS Imagine 8.x, MS Sequel Server, MS Access,
MS Excel, MS Word, MS PowerPoint
Arc Macro Language (AML), Avenue, SOL, Visual Basic 6, HTML, XML
Operating Systems
Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0 (Workstation and Sever), Windows 98, Digital Unix 4.0
Foreign Languages
Proficient in speaking, reading and writing Spanish
Professional Experience
Mr. Greager has worked for 10 years as a developer of GIS databases and applications as
well as other specialized information systems, particularly for environmental, engineering
and planning projects. He has experience in database design and development, spatial
data preparation and analysis, and cartographic design and compilation using ArcView and
ARC/INFO. He has worked on several GIS projects related to custom GIS applications,
environmental studies, and production of large map directories. His recent experience has
Carter -Burgess
focused on development of linear databases for transportation projects and on asset
inventory and condition assessment.
Mr. Greager is an expert user in the ESRI ARC/INFO and ArcView family of software,
including the Spatial Analyst extension, and has experience programming in AML, Avenue,
and Visual Basic. He is an ESRI-Authorized ArcView Instructor and has taught several
sessions of the 2-day Introduction to ArcView class, both in-house and at client sites, in
English and in Spanish. He is currently in charge of the development and execution of the
Carter & Burgess GIS training program. In addition to teaching ArcView classes, Mr.
Greager has prepared and delivered numerous technical classes, papers, and presentations
for projects and for technical conferences.
At Carter & Burgess Mr. Greager is a member of an applications -oriented group of GIS
professionals who focus on methods for using GIS technology in the everyday activities of
both the staff and clients of the Denver office. This program helps project staff to define a
GIS approach to work done for all of its clients so that the projects benefit from the many
advantages of GIS, including: improved data management and data access, spatial
analysis, and easy report production through data summaries and maps. This group also
consults with clients in order to bring them the applications and training necessary to
implement this same approach in their own offices.
In addition to his GIS qualifications, Mr. Greager has several years of experience in
environmental and engineering disciplines related to mining. His experience includes
environmental impact studies, audits, and baseline studies for mining projects in South
America, Central America, and the United States; field engineering and mapping for
remedial environmental investigations; cyanide detoxification research; and hydrologic
studies. Mr. Greager is also proficient in Spanish, including translation of technical
material between Spanish and English.
Relevant Project Experience Includes: (with Carter & Burgess)
• Utah Department of Transportation, 3500 South Corridor Study, GIS Specialist.
Currently developing the project database for this long-term corridor study and EIS.
Working with the project team and client team to determine data needs for the various
disciplines, developing the database and ArcIMS website, and training staff in GPS data
collection and GIS data management.
• Northern Colorado Truck Mobility Study, Fort Collins, CO; GIS Specialist. Worked on
project team evaluating the creation of potential truck by-pass around the city of Fort
Collins. Responsible for the collection and analysis of GIS datasets used to evaluate
the benefits and impacts of several routes, including new alignments.
• Florida Department of Transportation, Railroad Crossing Inventory and Database.
GIS/GPS Specialist and Programmer, Orlando, FL. Developed the database and data
collection system for a region -wide inventory of railroad crossings in FDOT Region 5.
Designed the web -based application for retrieval of data and printing reports for use by
FDOT and its consultants. Currently programming the application and refining the
design for connection to FDOT's ArcIMS mapping website.
• City of Dallas Park and Recreation Department Long -Range Development Plan: MIS
Needs Assessment, Dallas, TX, GIS Specialist. As part of a Needs Assessment,
interviewed executives and technical experts with the City of Dallas concerning their
Management Information System (MIS) needs. Prepared MIS Needs Assessment
Report, including analysis of current situation and recommendations. Currently
preparing a workshop for the Park and Recreation Department to create a strategy for
future development of the PIDS program and the Department MIS.
• US 285 Feasibility Study, Jefferson and Park Counties, CO; GIS Specialist. Developed
a GIS linear database and supporting applications for organization and mapping of data,
analysis of current roadway and traffic conditions, and characterization of future
impacts. Led data collection over this 52-mile alignment using differential GPS,
including an inventory of highway features such as access points, deficiencies, lanes
and turning movements, and adjacent structures. Also using GIS to manage property
ownership information adjacent to the alignment.
• City of Dallas Park and Recreation Department Long -Range Development Plan: PIDS
(Park Inventory Database System) Application Programming, Dallas, TX, Programmer.
Developed the database and data collection and retrieval system for an extensive
enterprise -wide asset inventory for the Park and Recreation Department. Extended the
application to a web -based system using HTML and JavaScript for the user interface
and Visual Basic, SQL Server, and ESRI Internet Map Server for the server components.
• Carter & Burgess GISTA Training Program, CO; GIS Specialist. In charge of
development and execution of a training program for the Denver office for Geographic
Information Systems (GIS), Global Positioning Systems (GPS), linear databases,
surveying, and other data -related fields. His responsibilities include administration of
the program, creation of training classes and materials, and organizing and teaching
classes. As an ESRI Authorized Instructor, provides the 2-day Introduction to Arc View
GIS class for clients and in-house.
• City of Englewood GIS Mapping Services, Englewood, CO; GIS Specialist. Managed
the preparation of a new color 'Run Atlas' for the Fire Department of the City's Safety
Services Division, replacing hand modified black and white maps used for the last
fifteen years. Services include the updating and development of all GIS data sets
necessary to produce a new map atlas, a series of street maps of the city for use by
the Fire Department during calls. Products for this project were developed in both
ARC/INFO and ArcView GIS.
• Wolf Creek Pass Wetlands Mitigation and Monitoring, CO; GIS Specialist. Prepared
Microsoft Access database and accompanying GIS application for the continued
tracking and evaluation of potential wetland mitigation sites along SH160 at Wolf Creek
Carter -Burgess
Pass. Water depths tracked in the database were input into a 3-D model contained in
the GIS in order to analyze the feasibility of each site for a constructed wetland.
Loaded a 3-D model of construction plans into a GPS unit and led a field investigation
with project geotechnical engineers to confirm locations of rock cuts for final design.
• Southeast Project (now T-REX) Environmental Impact Statement, Denver, CO; GIS
Specialist. Prepared data sets used in the analysis of property impacts along the
corridor. Used ARC/INFO and ArcView to prepare an atlas of property impact maps.
• COOT — HIRSYS Hotline Programming; GIS Specialist.
• Public Service Company of Colorado, Silverthorne Substation, CO; GIS Specialist.
• Arapahoe County, CO; GIS Specialist.
Relevant Project Experience Includes: (with Knight Piesold LLC)
• Road Environmental Assessment Study, San Cristobal Project --Apex Silver Mines
Corporation, Bolivia; Project Manager. Managed the environmental assessment of a
new international road for a silver/lead/zinc mining project in southern Bolivia. Work
included leading field studies along the route, collaborating in Spanish and English with
the client and government officials in Bolivia and Chile. Management of Bolivian,
Chilean and American consultants and sub -contractors and preparation of the
environmental assessment document to comply with World Bank standards and
Bolivian and Chilean laws.
• Map Directories, Colorado, RE/MAX International. Project Manager in charge of
development and management of a comprehensive spatial directory of all RE/MAX
International offices in the United States, Canada, and abroad using ARC/INFO GIS
software. Led a team in performing extensive research to improve location information
for thousands of individual offices. The project included preparation of map packages
that were sent to dozens of regional offices for editing, which were then incorporated
in the final maps. The project resulted in production of over 160 maps included in the
RE/MAX national and international Referral Rosters. For three years on this annual
project: managed a large, complex spatial database; managed compilation, editing, and
plotting of maps; managed distribution of preliminary maps and incorporation of edits
into the database; performed documentation and extensive QA/QC for the project;
automated tasks by programming in Arc Macro Language (AML).
• ArcView Training, Colorado, Arizona, and Peru. Responsible for organization and
execution of the ESRI-Authorized Introduction to ArcView class. Organized and
provided the class in-house and at client sites, in North America and South America.
Taught the class in both English and Spanish, and received rating of 4 out of 5 or
higher from every student evaluation to date. Developed and provided additional data
sets and exercises related to environmental issues in mining to augment the authorized
Carter -.-Burgess
7G7 17th Street, Suite 2300
Denver, Coloiado 802023404
Carter Surgess Phnne 303 820 5240
Fax 303 820 2402
11 r-b.com
February 21, 2003
Suzette Thieman
North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization
215 North Mason Street, 2nd Floor
Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
Proposal for GIS Needs Assessment
Dear Ms. Thieman,
Please find enclosed six copies of Carter & Burgess's proposal for the Geographic Information Systems
(GIS) Needs Assessment. I believe that we have assembled a team with outstanding expertise for assisting
your organization in the design and development of a GIS repository to serve the entire MPO. Our proposed
Project Manager, Phil Lidov, has worked on several GIS applications for MPOs and is also very familiar
with the data available for transportation project planning in Colorado.
The rest of our proposed team is equally qualified. Jennifer Heisler will serve as Project Director. Ms.
Heisler has over 20 years of experience with transportation planning in Colorado. Our other team members
are also highly familiar not only with GIS and technologies such as Transportation Demand Models but are
also familiar with the regional context of your organization and the data available from its member
jurisdictions. They are all excited to work on this project.
Carter & Burgess feels that the timing of this project could not be better. While the task of regional planning
faced by MPOs has become more challenging over recent years, GIS technology has matured to become both
more sophisticated and easier -to -use. Tightly structured repositories of spatial data are now easier to
implement and wide access to GIS data is possible through the use of Internet -based technologies, such as
the World Wide Web. Carter & Burgess has been researching and implementing these types of technologies
for several years.
Please review our proposed work approach, project team and firm qualifications. I believe that you will find
Carter & Burgess to be very well qualified for all of the tasks outlined in the RFP. Our team will have the
full backing of our office and its resources. If you have any questions about our submittal, or require any
additional information, please feel free to contact me at (303) 820-4818.
Duane M.Johnson
Vice President, Denver Office Manager
Carter & Burgess, Inc. Carter & Burgess Architects/Engineers, Inc. Carter & Burgess Consuitents, Inc C&B Architects/Engineers, In(
C&B Architects/Engineers, PC, C&B Nevada, Inc_ Nixon & Laird Architects/Engineers, PC.
class. For various clients, including Phelps Dodge Morenci and Knight Piesold
Consultores, S.A (Peru).
• Field Engineering and Mapping, Database Management, and Data Analysis, Santa
Clarita, CA. Field engineer supervising drilling, environmental sampling, and earthworks
in support of the remedial investigation. Used ArcView to integrate various base map
layers, sampling locations, and laboratory data for mapping to support this brownfields
development project. Integrated Microsoft Access soil database with GIS database to
map analytical results against proposed areas of development. For RFI, Inc.
• Environmental Liabilities Study, Peru; Team Leader. Lead an audit team to determine
environmental liabilities associated with the purchase of an abandoned mining property.
Performed on -site property inspection, interviews with company employees and
government officials, on -site water and soils data collection, mapping and analysis
using ArcView GIS, and report preparation. For Compania Minera Antamina S.A.
• Environmental Audits, Panama, Nicaragua, and Honduras. Co -leader of an audit team
to determine environmental status of the company's Central American properties.
Work included visiting five mine sites in three countries, as well as corporate offices
and government agencies. Performed site inspections, interviews with company
employees and government officials, data collection and analysis, mapping, and audit
report preparation. For Greenstone Resources Canada Ltd.
• Mapping Support, Pirquitas, Argentina. Using ARC/INFO and ArcView, assisted in
database design and development, map compilation, editing, and production for the
environmental baseline study and the environmental impact study at this gold mining
project. For Sunshine Mining Company.
• Data Conversion and Database Documentation, Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), NM.
Performed extensive data conversion for development of the Spatially Referenced
Geotechnical Information System (SrGIS). Work included use of ArcView and
ARC/INFO to automate the data conversion, extensive documentation and QA/QC of
the conversion, troubleshooting of data -conversion tools, and training of WIPP
personnel in the ongoing data -conversion process. For Westinghouse Electric
• Environmental Impact Study, Cerro Vanguardia Project, Argentina, MinCruz U.T.E. In
conjunction with an Argentine consulting firm, performed an EIS in support of the
project Feasibility Study for a potential gold/silver open -pit mining project in Southern
Argentina. Work included a site visit and analysis of site conditions, collaboration with
Argentine consultants and subcontractors, translation of Spanish documents and
correspondence in Spanish and English, and preparation of the EIS document to comply
with World Bank standards and Argentine laws.
• Data Conversion, Spatial Analysis, and Map Production, Jilau and Taror, Tajikistan.
Supported the environmental baseline study at this gold mining project. Performed
ARC/INFO analysis to quantify areas of disturbance of various environmental features
Carter -Burgess
(soils, vegetation, land use) affected by project components. For Nelson Gold
• Mapping Support, Cerro Verde, Peru. Led efforts in map compilation, editing, and
production for the environmental baseline study at this gold mining project. For Cyprus
Climax Minerals, Inc.
• Environmental Impact Report, Alumbrera, Argentina. Prepared an Environmental Impact
Report for a world -class 550-million-tonne copper/gold mining operation in northwest
Argentina. Work included preparation of the document, collaboration with Argentine
subcontractors for Baseline Studies, and translation of technical documents and
correspondence. For Minera Alumbrera Ltd.
• Environmental Assessment Report, Bajo de la Alumbrera, Argentina. Preparation of an
Environmental Assessment Report for a 413 million tonne copper/gold mining operation
in Argentina. Work included preparation of the report and translation of technical
documents from Spanish to English. For International Musto Explorations Ltd.
• Mill 2/5 Tailings Facility Expansion, NV. As a field engineer, performed on -site quality
assurance for a constructed raise of the tailings dam, including geotechnical testing of
dam materials. For Newmont Gold Company.
• Environmental Modeling, Brewer Mine, SC. Modeling of seepage through clay cap
using EPA Hydrologic Evaluation of Landfill Performance (HELP) computer model. For
Brewer Gold Company.
• Technical Research/Analysis, WA. Preparation of an All Known Available and
Reasonable Technology (AKART) Evaluation for cyanide detoxification for gold mill
tailings. Work resulted in production of an AKART document that was accepted by the
State of Washington. The document presented a comprehensive discussion of
alternatives for cyanide destruction for this gold mining project. For Battle Mountain
• Environmental Modeling, Mill 2/5, NV. Modeling of seepage through tailing facilities
embankment using EPA HELP model. For Newmont Gold Company.
Relevant Project Experience Includes: (with Colorado State University Civil Engineering
• Effects of Gradation and Cohesion on Scour Study, CO, Research Technician. Large-
scale experimental modeling of waterways to study local scour at bridge piers and
abutments. Responsibilities on this three-year project included set-up and execution of
experiments, data collection, and management of graduate research staff. For Federal
Highway Administration.
Carter: -Burgess
Senior Planner
Carter & Burgess, Inc.
Years of Experience: 11
Years with C&B: 3
M.S., Civil Engineering, 1992
Purdue University/West Lafayette
M.S., Computational Mathematics, 1987
Michigan State University
B.A., Mathematics, 1984
Fort Lewis College
Institute of Transportation Engineers
Professional Experience:
Mr. Primus serves as a senior transportation planner with a specialty in travel demand
forecasting. He has contributed to numerous multi -modal regional transportation plans and
corridor studies, with involvement on roadway, transit, pedestrian, and bicycle planning
components. As project manager for several projects, he has demonstrated able organization
and communication skills. Prior to joining Carter & Burgess he served as a senior
transportation planner at the Denver Regional Council of Governments, where his primary
responsibilities were operation and maintenance of the regional travel demand model and
preparation of transportation plans. He has extensive experience researching and analyzing
travel demand measures for travel demand modeling and air quality benefits. His experience
in transportation planning and travel forecasting includes the development and application of
models using TP+, TransCAD, MINUTP, and TRANPLAN, as well as spreadsheet, database,
and GIS software.
Relevant project experience includes:
• Arapahoe County Transportation Plan Update, Arapahoe County, CO; Senior
Transportation Planner. Participated in the development of an updated long-range
transportation plan for Arapahoe County including meeting with county citizens and
advisory committees. Developed the transit, bicycle, and pedestrian plan elements.
Prepared travel demand model forecasts for alternative land use scenarios, which
included refining the DRCOG regional model to meet the county's needs.
• Denver Area Speed Study, Denver, CO; Project Manager. Field study to statistically
validate estimates of average speed of roadways for purposes of travel demand model
Carter: -Burgess
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calibration. The study involved over 3,100 one -mile sample travel time runs at 114
locations throughout the Denver metropolitan region.
• El Paso Transit Corridor Feasibility Study, El Paso, TX; Senior Transportation Planner.
Responsible for using TransCAD travel demand modeling software for creating and
analyzing transit systems for alternative scenario analysis.
• Inter -Regional Corridor Alternatives Analysis, Salt Lake City, UT; Senior Transportation
Planner. Participated in planning and evaluating multi -modal improvements in a 120-
mile corridor between Brigham City and Payson, Utah. The analysis of multi -modal
travel demand was performed in the TP+/Viper travel demand software environment.
• Lafayette Comprehensive Plan, Lafayette, CO; Senior Transportation Planner.
Responsible for preparing travel demand forecasts for different future land use and
roadway alternative scenarios. This involved refining and validating the regional travel
model to meet the City of Lafayette's specific needs, and presenting the results to
project advisory committee and the public.
• Longmont Travel Model Update, Longmont, CO; Project Manager. Responsible for the
updating and recalibration of the City of Longmont's MINUTP travel demand model.
• North Sheridan Interchange Improvement Study and EA, Sheridan, WY; Senior
Transportation Planner. Participated in traffic forecasting efforts to evaluate
alternatives for improving an 1-90 interchange. Met with local governments and
developed forecast land use data for input to the travel demand model.
• Northern Colorado Truck Mobility Study, Fort Collins, CO; Senior Transportation
Planner. Responsible for TransCAD travel demand forecasts to evaluate potential
alternate routes for SH-14 in the Fort Collins and Larimer County area.
• Oahu Regional Transportation Plan Update, Honolulu, HI; Senior Transportation
Planner. Assisted in travel demand modeling preparation and analysis for developing a
long-range multi -modal plan for the Oahu metropolitan area. The travel demand
modeling included defining and analyzing potential highway and transit improvement
• SH 9 (Frisco to Breckenridge) Environmental Impact Statement, Summit County, CO;
Senior Transportation Planner. Assisted in the development and analysis of transit,
high -occupancy vehicle, and travel demand management alternatives for the draft EIS.
• State Highway 16 Interchange Reconstruction, El Paso County, CO; Senior
Transportation Planner. Responsible for preparing the travel forecasts for the feasibility
study. This involved coordinating land use and network assumptions, overseeing the
TRANPLAN travel modeling, interpreting results, and presenting the analysis.
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• U.S. 36 Major Investment Study, Denver, CO; Senior Transportation Planner.
Participated in preparing transit and highway travel demand forecasts as well as other
components of the major investment study. The corridor study resulted in a multi -
modal recommendation that included commuter rail, bus rapid transit, highway
widening, and other improvements.
• Utah County 1-15 Corridor Management Plan, Provo, UT; Senior Transportation
Planner. Assisted in the definition, the interpretation, and analysis of TP+ travel
model forecasts for potential future 1-15 interchanges and collector -distributor
systems. This included preparing detailed comparative level -of -service analysis.
• 2020 Mountains and Plains Regional Transportation Plan, Denver, CO; Senior
Transportation Planner. Principal contributor for the long-range plan of the mountains
and plains areas of the Denver Regional Council of Governments. Met extensively
with local government representatives and conducted public meetings to ascertain
needs and priorities for the regional long-range transportation plan.
• Conformity Analysis of Transportation Improvement Programs, Denver, CO; Senior
Transportation Planner. Coordinated travel demand modeling to support the air quality
conformity analysis of several transportation improvement programs and long range
transportation plans. This involved overseeing the coding of improvement projects on
multiple highway networks and coordinating other input data, running travel models,
and reviewing and preparing the results.
• Parking Cost Model Development, Denver, CO; Transportation Planner. Participated in
the development of a parking cost model for the regional travel demand model.
Coordinated parking cost and supply surveys in the Denver central business district.
• PM-10 Emissions Reduction Report, Denver, CO; Transportation Planner. Principal
author of a technical report concerning particulate matter (PM-10) for the Denver
Regional Council of Governments. Researched potential transportation demand
strategies for achieving travel reductions and air quality benefits.
• Travel in the Denver Region, Denver, CO; Senior Transportation Planner. Principal
author of a report summarizing results from a travel behavior study conducted by the
Denver Regional Council of Governments. The report highlights travel characteristics
such as the amount of travel, trip purpose, origin and destination and vehicle
occupancy as reported by the residents of over 3,800 households.
• Vehicle -Miles -Traveled Tracking Program, Denver, CO; Transportation Planner.
Responsible for the VMT Tracking Program for the Carbon Monoxide State
Implementation Plan. Performed technical analyses of estimated regional vehicle -
miles -traveled in compliance with Environmental Protection Agency regulations.
STEVEN W. TRUE, GIS Specialist
GIS Specialist
Carter & Burgess, Inc.
Years of Experience: 7
Years with C&B: 1
B.A., History, 1997
University of Vermont
Computer Program Fluency
3D Analyst
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
AutoCAD 2000i
Crystal Reports
ENVI Image Processing
ER Mapper
MS Office 2000
MS Project 2000
MS SQL Administration
Map Basic
Pathfinder Office
Windows 2000
STEVEN W. TRUE, GIS Specialist
Page 2
Professional Experience:
Mr. True has worked for six years as a developer of GIS databases and applications as well
as other types of specialized information systems in the telecommunications and real estate
markets. He has developed GIS systems to address specific business needs of many Fortune
1000 companies, such as truck or materials routing and facilities management.
Mr. True is an integral part of the Carter & Burgess application team, developing GIS
applications and databases that emphasize Internet mapping applications for transportation,
infrastructure and environmental projects. He works with the technical project teams and
clients to define a GIS approach and application that will improve data management and data
access, facilitate spatial analysis and provide user-friendly reports through data summaries
and maps.
Relevant project experience includes:
• Preble Creek Development Project, Broomfield, CO; GIS Specialist. All design data on
this project is centrally managed using ArcSDE and the CAD Client software. A
website has been created providing the extended project team with interactive access
to the latest designs.
• Dealer Locator Web -Based Application for a Large Giftware Franchiser, NY; GIS
Project Manager. Led development of a web -based mapping application that helped
customer service representatives search for competing franchisees in a given radius
and rank them by sales volume. The objective was to provide representatives a way
to decide whether to grant a caller a new giftware franchise in their area, based on
factors such as local competition. The application was developed using MapXsite,
Visual Basic and Mapinfo Professional.
• Driver Dispatch Routing Application - New York Post Circulation Department, New
York, NY; GIS Project Manager. Led development of a customized Mapinfo application
designed to create maps of drop off points and to create driving directions for
temporary and new -hire delivery drivers at the New York Post. The objective was to
create an easy -to -use interface that was robust, quick and highly accurate. This GIS
application was developed by collecting an address database from the city of New
York then developing an interface to interactively geocode drop points, then output
this to a printable map.
• Environmental Remediations - Multiple Locations; GIS Lead. Created basemaps for
projects in Arclnfo.
• GIS Parcels Database of Khaylitsha Township, Cape Town, South Africa; GIS Lead.
Led conversion effort to vectorize existing paper engineering drawings. Database
designs, including object models and table designs, were completed for each utility
STEVEN W. TRUE, GIS Specialist
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system (storm sewer, water distribution, sanitary sewer, gas distribution and electric
distribution) based on published models from ESRI.
• High -Resolution Digital Terrain Models of Vietnam, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Port
Gentil, Gabon, Worldwide; GIS Technician. Developed models in Arclnfo using ArcEdit
and GRID modules that were used as data to help model radio tower networks.
• Parcel Data Set for Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Long Island Arterial
Roadway System, Long Island, NY; GIS Lead. Relevant spatial data, such as manholes
and transmission, were collected in field using GPS survey. Additional boundary data
were collected and used to spatially enable demographic data of populations living
along highway.
• Telecommunications Web Mapping Application, New York, NY; GIS Project Manager.
Managed a team of seven GIS and CAD professionals creating 3D building models for
network engineers to plan and build out rooftop infrastructure in localized central
business districts. The multi-user ArcIMS application was developed using aerial
survey, photogrammetry, cadastral maps and database tools such as ArcSDE and
Oracle and allowed end user to place specific antenna on a rooftop and conduct point
to multi -point line of sight analyses.
• Urban Data Systems, New York, NY; GIS Specialist. Managed a team of seven GIS
and CAD professionals creating 3D models of central business districts. Used ArcSDE,
Oracle, Arc Macro Language (AML) and Arclnfo tools in creating multi-user ArcIMS
application. Coordinated data development activities within organization. Wrote scope
of work documents, coordinated and evaluated outside contractor's data conversion
projects, including feature extraction, digitization and attribution projects. Developed
work plans and prepared contingency plans for workflow disruption throughout
production cycle. Performed cost estimating, budgeting and resource tracking for data
conversion projects and development cycles. Created GIS data standards for creating
and maintaining LIDS proprietary data.
Carter -Burgess
Planner II
Carter & Burgess, Inc.
Years of Experience: 5
Years with C&B: 4
B.A., Geography, 1998
University of Colorado at Denver
Seminar Presentations
"Faciltating Cumulative Efforts using GIS", 2001, ESRI User Conference, San Diego,
"Socio-economic Transistions of the Golden Triangle Neighborhood in Denver, CO",
"Agricultural Shifts of the Owens Valley, California", 1998.
Computer Program Fluency
ArcGIS 8.2
ArcView 3.2
Avenue (Programming/Application Development Language for ArcView)
Bentley Microstation J
ERDAS Imagine
Microsoft Access
Professional Experience:
Mr. Garcia has four years of experience in working with GIS applications for research and
analysis in the public, private and non-profit sectors. He has helped implement the use of GIS
for on transportation projects and coordinates GIS efforts for the Environmental Planning
group at Carter & Burgess' Denver Office. In his four years with Carter & Burgess, Mr. Garcia
has worked on numerous transportation corridor studies, NEPA documents, GIS
Implementation projects, and land use studies. His diverse skills have given him the chance
to fill various roles on projects ranging from writing and researching sections of NEPA
documents to developing GIS based applications to help analyze environmental issues on
transportation projects.
Relevant project experience includes:
• 987041 .401 .1 .0014 -- State Highway 9: Frisco to Breckenridge - Environmental
Impact Statement, Summit County, CO; Graphic Production Coordinator. Responsible
for managing the environmental GIS efforts for the project. Performed various duties
Page 2
throughout the project including writing and researching the water quality, right-of-
way, and land use sections of the EIS.
• 95XO04 -- U.S 84/285 CORRIDOR EIS , ; Data Coordinator. Coordinated the
environmental data collection efforts for this EIS. This project is unique in that it is
comprised of numerous sub consultants and agencies that are collecting information
for the project area. The goal is to integrate the various data sets that are being
developed independently into a common platform. Once the data is collected and
properly documented it will be distributed to the project team to avoid duplication of
• Northwest Parkway Environmental Assessments, Denver, CO; GIS Manager.
Responsible for Integrating GIS into the NEPA process of a new corridor from 1-25 to
US 36. Two separated Environmental Assessments and a corridor study were
completed for this project. Responsible for maintaining a wide range of environmental
data for the separate studies and conducted analysis on numerous alternatives that
were developed as part of the project. Responsibilities also included training and
coordinating C&B staff in the development of graphic displays based on GIS data so
that the general public could understand it.
• E-470 Beltway Segment IV Environmental Studies, Denver, CO; Environmental
Planner. Responsible for collecting and maintaining geographic information for three
interchange areas that included a new 1 2-mile corridor between 1-25 and 120th Avenue.
Produced graphic displays for public and resource meetings using GIS software.
• Dallas Area Rapid Transit, Dallas, TX; Website Coordinator. Responsible for
coordinating the website development team for the Dallas Area Rapid Transit?s
(DART) Act 21 Office. The website will integrate numerous technology applications
that will make project related information such as real estate, utility, parcel, and
alignment data available to project members via a secured Internet site.
• Regional Economic Advancement Plartnership GIS Implementation, Bennett, CO;
Project Manager. Responsible for creating a GIS database of the region to assist in
stimulating economic development along the eastern 1-70 corridor. The town needed
to extend the GIS database created in 1998 to encompass a broader planning area,
which included the neighboring towns and businesses.
• Town of Bennett, Colorado Planning Department, Bennett, CO; GIS Analyst.
Responsible for coordinating between two counties that the town boundaries were
within and built the senior planner, the town?s first GIS, that could be used to access
zoning and ownership information. Also updated the town?s official zoning map and
conducted a land use assessment, which was adapted by the town?s Planning
Carter -.:Burgess
-11A "
Table of Contents
Introduction........................................................................... I
Project Understanding........................................................... 2
ProjectApproach................................................................... 3
WorkPlan.............................................................................. 4
Schedule................................................................................. 7
Firm Qualifications............................................................... 9
ProjectTeam........................................................................ 14
Availability & Location....................................................... 17
Task & Hour Summary........................................................ 18
Appendix.............................................................................. 19
Page 3
• Upper Arkansas and South Platte Project, AR; GIS Analyst and Field -mapping Tech..
Worked for the Upper Arkansas and South Platte Project, a non-profit organization
dedicated to mapping and collecting data for the wilderness areas of the upper South
Platte and Arkansas River watersheds.
Carter. -Burgess
IiA "
Through the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21), the
Federal government solidified the role of Metropolitan Planning Organizations
(MPOs) in coordinating and planning regional transportation improvements. As
communities on the Front Range of Colorado have grown, the need to improve
roadway and transit infrastructure has also accelerated. In the coming years, with
a possible decrease in Federal revenues, the role of MPOs in planning project
funding is likely to become more scrutinized at the same time that these
organizations face increasing expectations from the Federal government and the
public for the types of reviews that will be deployed in screening potential
Carter & Burgess believes that information systems, including Geographic
Information Systems (GIS), have a key role to play in assisting MPOs in their
work of regional transportation planning. GIS initially can serve as a regional
repository of transportation projects and data about roadways, traffic, and land
use. These data can then be integrated into applications that assist MPO staff in
their on -going task of screening and collating information about proposed projects
with existing and future conditions to prioritize project funding in ways that is
both efficient and equitable.
CarteruBurgess Proposal for North Front Range GIS Needs Assessment 1
Project Understanding
The North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization (NFR MPO) serves
as the regional planning agency responsible for long range planning in the
northern Front Range. As the state -designated agency for regional planning, NFR
MPO is a contributor of projects to the State Transportation Improvement Plan
(STIP). Members of the MPO include I I municipalities in the area as well as
Weld and Larimer Counties, the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT),
and the State Air Quality Control Commission (AQCC).
NFR MPO seeks to select a consultant that will work with the MPO's staff in the
design of a program that will allow NFR MPO to serve as a regional repository of
GIS data to assist in its planning programs. NFR MPO would like this database
set-up in such a way so that a minimal amount of staff time would be required to
maintain the data repository and so that member jurisdictions will have easy
access to this data. Layers in the GIS may include data about roadway
centerlines, regional land use, and demographic information such as US Census
data. These data need to be designed to interact easily with additional software
programs run by the MPO, such as the TransCADTM travel demand model and the
CommunityVizTM land use modeling and simulation application suite. Both of
these applications work from a platform of GIS data, so the structure of the layers
with which they interact will be significant to their use.
Carter»'Burgess Proposal for North Front Range GIS Needs Assessment 2
I i"
Project Approach
In approaching the planning for a regional repository to be managed by NFR
MPO, Carter & Burgess will keep in mind that the success of the repository is
likely to rest on the ease with which it can be administered and updated. The
objective of a cooperative and easy -to -use system will be met through a focus on
the following three tactics for its development:
I. Carter & Burgess will utilize our experience working with the
municipalities of north central Colorado to assist NFR MPO in its
consensus building process for the development of a regional GIS
repository. Development and maintenance of the repository's data will
depend on the cooperation of member jurisdictions, so their input must be
incorporated into the planning.
2. In developing the repository, Carter & Burgess realizes that the simpler
the practices and procedures that can be developed, the more likely that
the repository will be kept updated.
3. Where possible, existing resources should be leveraged. For example,
NFR MPO may be able to cooperate with the Division of Transportation
Development (DTD) at CDOT, as the GIS Section at DTD updates
roadway data sets on an annual basis for the Highway Users Trust Fund
(HUTF) Road Mile Report and the Highway Performance Monitoring
System (HPMS) database. DTD may function as a key partner for parts of
this initiative.
In the development of the Needs Assessment and plans for the repository, Carter
& Burgess will make all deliverables clear and without jargon so that the resulting
plan can be understood and followed by all participants.
Carters Burgess Proposal for North Front Range GIS Needs Assessment 3
IiA "
Work Plan
Through the Request for Proposal (RFP) issued by NFR MPO, the MPO's staff
have identified a series of tasks that will provide the organization with a roadmap
and guidelines for the implementation of a regional GIS. Carter & Burgess has
developed a work plan in response to these guideposts, which include:
1. Development of a Conceptual GIS Framework
2. Information Gathering
3. Data Dissemination
4. Draft Design
5. Needs Assessment Report
The details of the work plan are described below.
1. Conceptual GIS Framework. The Conceptual GIS Framework task will
allow staff from Carter & Burgess to work with NFR MPO staff in the
development of baseline concepts for the GIS repository. This task will begin
with a kickoff meeting at the MPO's offices with key team members from Carter
& Burgess in attendance. The meeting's agenda will include a discussion of the
vision that NFR MPO's staff have elaborated about the role and function of the
repository. At this meeting, Carter & Burgess will schedule and discuss further
interviews that will take place with NFR MPO's staff. In addition, Carter &
Burgess will discuss the design of a survey form to be sent to member
jurisdictions during the Information Gathering task.
During the kickoff meeting, Carter & Burgess will schedule a follow-up date to
return for the individual staff interviews. These interviews will be informal, but
guided by a standard questionnaire and designed to develop a full sense of the
anticipated use of the GIS repository by MPO staff as well as a knowledge of the
capabilities and resources that these staff members will bring to the initiative.
The results of these interviews and of the kickoff meeting will be summarized in
Technical Memorandum for NFR MPO. After this memorandum has been
reviewed, Carter & Burgess will proceed to the second task.
2. Information Gathering. The objective of the Information Gathering task will
be to collect information about the data that will be required for the repository.
As a first step, Carter & Burgess will send the survey form developed in
consultation with NFR MPO to representatives of all member jurisdictions.
Carter & Burgess staff will then follow-up with the jurisdictions either by
telephone or in person where more detailed discussion should take place. Carter
& Burgess will also research federal sources of transportation data, including the
National Transportation Atlas of GIS data compiled by the Bureau of
Transportation Statistics. At the state level, Carter & Burgess will meet with
CarbtruBumesS Proposal for North Front Range GIS Needs Assessment