HomeMy WebLinkAboutRESPONSE - FAX QUOTE - 1562001/30/2003 01:27 3036598598 WESTERN UNITED EL PAGE 02/11 JfiN-Zr-W MON Z31 I'M CITY/FT COLLINS, PD WS FAX NO, 970 2218707 R 01/29 Adminl Wrative Services Purchasing Division Firm Name Wt$6 UAI FJ &�` S DATE: January 27, 2003 Ref. 015620 THIS IS A PRICE QUOTATION -- NOT AN ORDER Pieaoo cuppiy pricing and deifveiy information, all Items to be quoted FOB point of shipment freight Prepaid and allowed, as requested below and response via FAX within 3 days to: OPAL F. DICK, CPPO (970) 221-e707 Any questions regarding this inquiry should be directed to Opal F, pick, (970) 221-8778_ QUANTITY: ESCRIPTION: 2 EA. Transformer, $00 kVA pod -mounted compartmental -type, three phase distribution with separable insulated load break high -voltage connectors. High voltage rating: 13200 GRDY/7620. Low voltage rating: 460Y/27/. Serial number 031 to be in accordance with Specification #068-300-031, Revision KK, 59 93, I Total Mfr_ ?dwael[ Mfr.# 74036 Delivery in weeks AR0: /- (e Vito-6 Guaranteed No Load Loss 14$3 Guarontooel pull Load Lose 16aa Guaranteed Total Load Loss P ._ impedance (°k) a .44 The transformers being bid meet orexceed the specrBcations. ✓ Yes No_ If no, p1980 list excgptlons,(speolfying paragraph reference number) on a separate sheet of paperend attach to yourbid, 1 EA, Transformer, 150 kVA pad -mounted compartmental -type, three phase distribution with separable insulated load break high -voltage connectors_ High voltage rating: 13200 GROY/7620. Low voltage rating: 460Y1277. Serial number 015 to be in accordance with Specification 036MOO.015, Revision CC Ea. 9 4g_ 7� O�— _Total Mir._la Mfr,# 7Zl3015134Agj0xie bellvary in woa_ ks ARO: 4— 6_` 213 North Macon Streot - 2n4 Floor - P,O, Boa 58; • roll C011Ury, CD 80522-0:180 • (M) 221-6775 - FAX (97U) 221-6707 01/30/2003 01:27 3036598598 WESTERN UNITED EL PAGE 03/11 JHN-2l-ud OUN W dl FM CITY/FT COLLINS, FURCHAS FAX NO. 970 2216707 P.02/29 06#a-a Guaranteed No Load Loss 314 Guaranteed Full Load Loss 81 Guaranteed Total Load Loss 1 01 Impedance (%) A-07 The transformers being bid meet or exceed the spscificadons. .� Yes _No. If no, please list exceptions,(speclfying paragraph reference number)on a separate sheet of paperand attach toyourbid. Total all items: !4i 9-34 Escalation Is , is not ✓ applicable for the transformers bid. K escalation applies, the Bidder shall indicate in his bid the specific Rams or material* subjectto escalation, and 3h4li give the method and indices to be used in computing the amount thereof_ Escalation occurring after the quoted delivery date will not be paid unless delays are the result of actions by the City. Escalation occur" after acceptance, if Purchaser exercises the option to delay shipment after manufacturing is oompleted, will not be paid. For purposes of warranty and service ONLY approved manufacturers or distributors authorized ny an approved manufacturer to serve the Fort Collins area may bid. SUPPLEMENT& INSTRU IONS Prices quoted must remain firm for a 30 day period after the opening date. Freight terms: F.O,B. desfinstion freight prepaid, All freight charges must be included in pricing submitted on proposal and not entered as separate pricing. Any diewunt allowed uy Vandvr fur prompt payment, etc, must the reflected in quoted figure, and not entered as separate pricing. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all quotes. Any questions or inquiries rsgarding this bid should be directed to: Opal F. pick, CPPO, Senior Buyer (970) 221-6778 /ao j3(a*k#4 �"igt45�• 3f ea )DRESS: STREET, CITY, STATE,