Description of Bid P-847 Computer Aided Dispatch
OPENING DATE: August 16, 2002, 2:00p.m. (Our Clock)
To all prospective bidders under the specifications and contract documents described above, the
following changes are hereby made.
Q: Could you clarify the meaning of the term NEARLINE?
A: Nearline data is data that has been archived from the active database to some
type of archival server (tape or CD or ??), but that is still available to the user
without the intercession of a system administrator or the need to run different
software (as with off-line data). Nearline data should be transparently (and
automatically) available to the user after a short delay during which time the
archived data is accessed and reloaded to the active database and all references
to the old archive are destroyed. The reload is necessary as it is highly likely that
additional data would be added and it is desired that all data of a type be stored
together whenever archived. The reloaded data would stay in the active database
as long as it was being actively accessed and modified. After the data sits idle
for a system administrator defined period of time it would be re-archived to the
archival database.
Q: Should all interfaces be considered as two-way?
A: No, it depends on the interface as follows:
2-5.2 Computer Aided Dispatch - One way - If the CAD is a different vendor then
the interface only needs to be one way CAD to RMS/JMS.
2-5.3 E911 Interface - One way - From E911 to CAD.
2-5.4 ProQA Interface - Two way - CAD would pass through the questions from
the ProQA server and the answers would be sent back to the ProQA server. OR -
One way - All functionality of the ProQA EMD system for call evaluation would be
resident in the CAD system and only the responses to an incident would be sent
to the ProQA server. In either case the EMD questions and responses are
expected to be a part of the incident audit trail in CAD.
2-5.5 TDD Interface - Two way - CAD to Vesta.
2-5.6 Master Timing Source - One way - Time Sync all servers and applications.
2-5.7 CCIC/NCIC Interface - Two way - CAD/RMS/JMS/Mobile to and from
2-5.8 SunPro Fire Records Management System - One way - CAD to SunPro.
2-5.9 Toning/Pager Interfaces - One way - From CAD/RMS to all Zetron toning
and paging systems.
2-5.10ColoradoIBRSandNIBRS-One way - From RMS to CCIC.
2-5.11 Document Imaging (FCPS and LCSO) - One way - Index feeds from the
CAD/RMS/JMS to the respective imaging system for image retrieval.
2-5.12Municipal Court System Interface - Two way - RMS/JMS to Full Court and
Full Court to RMS/JMS.
2-5.13Voice - Two way - RMS to and from Voice AND - One way - From JMS to
2-5.14 Livescan - One way - From RMS/JMS to Digital Biometrics.
2-5.15Certex-One way - From JMS to the Certex check writing software.
2-5.16Commissary-Two way - JMS to Swanson and Swanson to JMS.
Q: What is meant by the word FORM (i.e.3-5.1(17)) p.13?
A: Depends on context. In this context it means an on screen input mask.
Q: Should AVL be priced as a standard/optional part of this bid response or
not at all?
A: The intent is to purchase an AVL solution however we need to seed the
pricing for AVL in both of the requested configurations (see pricing response
Q: Will the City please provide a copy of the network diagram of the existing WAN,
referenced on page 6, section 1-3.10 Computer Room and Network Description – All
A: To be provided.
Q: Given the electronic format dictated by the RFP, how would the City like vendors to
submit authorized, binding signatures as required by the City’s RFP Cover Letter?
A: In Section 1-14, paragraph 4 the RFP states “Original proposals must show
the company name and indicate the company officer or employee who has the
authority to bind the company or firm by their signature.” No signature is
Q: In reference to RFP section 1-14 Terms and Conditions, of the City’s RFP, will the
City indicate how vendors are to respond in the case where a requirement
accompanied by a blank space in the Excel document is actually a preface for another
requirement or set of requirements? For example, in the Global System Specifications,
requirement 2-3.1 (1) states, “The vendor shall supply comprehensive documentation
for the proposed CAD/RMS/JMS and associated applications which covers at least the
following subjects:” In this case, the requirements that follow (2-3.1 (1.1-1.7)) seem to
be the actual requirements whereas 2-3.1 (1) seems to be a preface to the actual
specifications. Similar examples exist in requirements 2-3.5 (5), 2-4.1 (3), 2-5.7 (7), and
2-7.1 (1), among others.
A: We would recommend a “Yes” answer to the preface if there will be any “Yes”
answers in the following related fields, a “No” if there will be only “No” answers
and so on.
Q: In reference to RFP Section 2-6, will the City define all data elements to be
A: Most of the data to be converted exists on either the Fort Collins Police
Services PRC Tri-fox system or the Larimer County Sheriffs Office’s Unisys
system since all of the participating agencies have been sharing to some extent
for several years. There may, however, be some stored data held at the smaller
agencies to be transferred but as stated in paragraph 2-6, these file conversions
will be on a case by case basis. Data elements will be defined by the respective
agencies dependant on the database schema of the chosen vendor and the final
data sets to be converted.
Q: Do the Participating Agencies expect the full compliment of proposed hardware to
be installed and tested during the initial 30 day evaluation period? If yes, are the
Agencies willing to pay for the hardware upon delivery? If no, what configuration will be
considered representative of the proposed system?
A: The Participating Agencies expect that all servers and software needed for the
system as proposed will be installed and tested before the initial 30 day
evaluation period. It is not required that the client environment be fully installed
before or during the evaluation period (the participating agencies will be
providing the client computers in any case). If the system fails the evaluation,
then the vendor will be expected to remove all server hardware and all software.
The Participating Agencies will not purchase any hardware used for the
evaluation if this failure occurs. The only payment that would be made is for the
reasonable cost for staff time and basic setup costs (documentation of all
expected expenses must be provided prior to the evaluation). This process is
detailed in the RFP in paragraph 2-3.12. If the system is acceptable then payment
for hardware would be made as agreed in the contract. It is not acceptable to use
different hardware for the evaluation, it must be the hardware that will run the
system upon acceptance.
Q: As the Excel specifications document currently stands, there is no word wrap
enabled and the sheet is protected, to facilitate editing of comments, will the City
release an unprotected version of the sheet or a protected version that allows word
wrap in the Comments column?
A: The comments column on the response spreadsheet is not intended to allow
word wrap to avoid lengthy response comments expanding the spreadsheet. As
stated in paragraph 1-7, it is intended that vendors attach a separate Word
document with the reference number (i.e. 2-16.1 (1)) if comments exceed the
column space provided.
Q: Regarding points 2-13.1 (2) and 2-13.1 (3)
Please elaborate on the intent of these points and how the user would interact.
Please provide an example for each of the two points.
Please elaborate on the differences between the two points, and the differences in
how the user would interact with the feature(s).
A: The intent of these specifications are to ensure that the system automatically
creates messages to other entities/individuals as needed and as defined by the
process being completed by the user at the time. For example the system would
notify classification personnel with both an internal message and an external e-
mail that an individual had been booked and was waiting the classification
process. The reason for the capability for both an internal and external message
is so that a user need not sign on to know of pending work and so that actions
could be prompted by entities/individuals who do not use the system.
Q: In section 5-1.1 WORKFLOW PROCESS
Please define your use of the term “workflow”.
Does this refer to processes from one user to another or is this the management of
tasks for a single user from one screen of information to another?
A: Workflow process is defined as the steps (taken in the order defined by each
agency) needed to complete a task (such as a booking or case report entry) by
one or many individuals. As such the answer to the second part of the question
is “Both”.
Q: General workflow questions
To what extent do you see the need to manage the flow of work from one person to
Will you be managing work both inside and outside of the organization?
How much tracking of multi-person work do you require? Do you need reporting
tools to show the amount of work processed and through which steps?
A: Management of workflow is seen as vital both for a single person and from
person to person. Work processes could extend beyond the system but it is not
our expectation that the system track anything beyond what is requested in the
RFP. A high level of tracking is desired, however reporting is desired for the
status in a process more than quantity of work processed in most cases.
Q: Several areas of the RFP refer to an Appendix. Please provide the Appendix.
A: Sorry, it was left out through an oversight. It will be provided. For your
information the forms are being provided as a reference of current work
processes and the data captured by each. It is not the intent that the vendor
match exact format or content of many of the forms (some must match due to
state reporting requirements). Final look and content of forms output will be
negotiated at the time of award and contract.
Q: Section 2-14.1 (11): The vendor shall describe any reports offered as part of their
proposed CAD/RMS/JMS application that are not required hereafter. What does
"hereafter" mean?
A: Badly written. What this means is that we want to know of any reports that
come with the system in addition to the reports that have been specifically
requested later in the RFP.
Q: Section 2-14.2(n): Is the City asking for a list of predefined reports other than the
ones implied by the requirements?
A: No
Q: Section 3-5.6(5): Please clarify the term "business rules?”
A: As defined by the context of the RFP specification it is “the ability to define
variables (business rules) to adhere to current protocols.” In other words,
configure the system to the way we currently do business in regards to this
Q: Section 3-5.7 (20): Please provide clarification regarding the following requirement.
The proposed application shall allow the user to configure the system to recognize
which ambulance unit is first or last call in reference to time of day and/or day of the
A: The intent is to be able to configure the dispatch order of ambulances based
on the priority of the call at a particular time of day or day of week and not have
the system limit the dispatcher to only the closest ambulance. (i.e., for a non-
emergency call the system could be configured to recommend an ambulance
from a lower call area during certain days/times and retain a central ambulance
for emergencies.)
If you have any questions please contact Keith I. Ashby, CPPO, buyer, at 970-416-2191.