HomeMy WebLinkAboutRESPONSE - BID - 2206336 5729 STATION 14 FIRE TOOLSAug 22 02 07:18p Hilton KCI 816-891-8030 p•1 AUv-16-02 FRI 06101 PM CITY/FT COLLINS, PURCHAS FAX NO. 070 2216707 P.04/06 Equipment Bid Shoot QTY DESCRIPTION - . __ .._-_. __. PRODUCT __. _ NO+ 1 1l2" Task Force lips hand line — "--' UNIT PRICE`EXTENDMI-EADTIME - - — ..5 nozzles HMO-VPGI - . - .... 10 ° 3aQQo w t? e 1 /2 Task Force T psgh rihise 2nozzles HMDSTO _. - 56000 I12Q°O 3�wee�g Pist01 Gri._ps for Task Force Tips " 3 high nse nozzles H-VOI a 3 S°° % 0 S o 2 1/2 Task Force Tlps Fog Nozzle- .2,PIaX2Pe . --- ----,H-2BLUTZ 7G S o0 153poo 3, 2 1/2" Task -Force Tips straight -.. 2 bore Playp.lpe ._._.. H 2VPP 4 O QOO � D�a a w ee-K 5 Blitz Fire Monitor 2.5" NHT inlet 2 and outlet )C)(11 iA -B-1 _tz . I LI %0 ° ° -.- a.�j 1, 0 G= W e e. S Monitor Nozzle.__.. for Fire 2.6" 2NHTinlet.(MaxForce) MD12A - — Sm long x 21/2" NHT Stream -- 2 StrAWhtener, _� _.... XF SS5 _ . 4 1" Task Force Tips Nozzle B BGH � pt] 0 ° I All7tems listed above must be _ ._ -.- d� 9 0 •�, ,..1 R, �, k . manufactured by Task Force 7-'Ps. No alternates are acceptable! 5 hose spanners (afummum) with on HSSW .;'in 3 brackets _ 3.8,spanner.brackets �� - I & 0 ° J . — Akron2448 42 1l2 s enners 2 and bracket$ Akron 10 - P. _ (.)__ N(?..-n't N Q M1 D -. 2 1/2 to 3!4" Gartlen Hose Thread--- _Yi O� ?.'Redu�er tJH y. )�Y. -` ._ . -- 4 21/2 double_ma IINHT rollte:A__k_ron 336T G ! S o ^ J - 4 2 1/2" double females NHT 1—._ IAkron 335. - - --ir - �.. N 4 1 0 21/2" to 1 1/2 reducer tapered i 4 NHT r --- ( .-.�Py ohte Akron 1422 ... --' � (~ P Q -- - .No 2 1/2" clappered Siamese w/draln •' -" 1, valve &.handle (NH pyrol" Me R 10 ®) -- ..—Hero ngton H2O0- 5" Strotz to 2 21!2" ated 2.(NHT),pyrolrte -- _ 50.25NH 1 3 Sr7 c- 7 OC°_ 3 vJ _ 1,.2 1/2" gats,v_alve {NHT�Pyro6te• _Akron 2285 _._.. . - 2 NHT roll[ •PY._.e ..---• Elkhart B_•100_A 3 1 112 dgUble temal6 NHT -- — - L ) - 3' 1 1/2" double male NHT pyrolite Akron 398 2 1 /2" to 2- 2 1 /2" gated wye - ?.(NHT) T, Pyrolits. _...... . Akron 1582 _.. 1,1 1/2' cap With chain NHT chrome Akron 345 2 V2" Bresnan Distributor (NHT) 1Pyrolite_ __._ _Akron 535 5" Storz to 4 1!2' hydranf swivel' N a s;.l P - adapters (NHT) pyrolite wiStortz Harrington 3 lock I I 0 0 3 Q 00 3 q 0— 5 W o' ,' -- ---_ Z_Adlustable hvdiant wrens, "'"— �H5FS60 46NHR! iT _.., ; ^_„ .,_._ --� - . Page 1 of 2 C-A-3 6,7 08/22/2002 10:20 303-449-1203 FRONT RANGE PAGE . ; flat 240 Note: The Mode1240 maybe from protected to • 40° F. by adding a Model 605 Leaded Stream Anti -From owes A�E'�.�X Wt CODED: L Model 264 Mo gf 252 2k1003A:20S Mode1240 utilizes the cooling, soaldng and penetrating effect of a 55 ft. stream of WATER. The 45 - 55 am discharge firm makes it v effective for inexperienced operators for use on Class A fires. Pro from freezing by adding fhe Model 506 Loaded StreamiAntwtret charge. In areas with a high level chloride content water it may corrosion protected by using the Model 507charge. Modei254AFFFFOAMunique 6llter size fills many requireme for a lighter, more compact Class A:B extinguisher. Easy 1 effective application with the patented spray nozzle. Apply to CL B liquid spills to prevent ignition. Ideal for emergency first respol vehicles. Model 252 FFFP FOAM adds Class B fire fighting capability to Class A effectiveness of this extinguisher. The Akolloi Resistant fighting agent is effective on fires in a wide variety of Class B matei such as alcohols, polar solvents, hydrocarbons and combinations s as gasohol. Apply to a non -ignited Class B Hquid spill and R will seal surface minimizing Me chance of serious fire. Available in a 33 Gal. Wheeled or Stationary unit. C Tested tests v + APPllca + Tested safety + Low PI grease + Precis out, b + Excel chart :a•21• 2002 2;21PM Wheatland Fire Eauiv 130132223231U yl� �� 1No•1569 P, I'•05/05 Equipment Bid Sheet QTY DESCRIPTION — —_PRODUCT N..O' UNIT PRICE: Hose CIamP Pyrolite V %AoLi Gng— __ 1 Bracket _ __.. -- •-_. .-._ 888 ;Akron Task Force MST3.31....�.0 --- - __._. . __... _,• Stack Ups 1 3/8", 1 1/2', 1 314", 2" 4NJ or Akron 1 •(NHT) Pyrolite- -- -- .1 1/2" NHT stack tips 1", 1 1/8", - 1 35TACK or Akron - 1420 -10" Stream Straightener 21/2" x 2':SS10 oor Akron. 11/2"JNNT)pyrolite_ _ 201b ABC Dry chemical - 5488 $125.00 $125.00 `- _-Extinguisher._ 2 1/2 gallon Pressurized Water er 2 �r Bad 5_9M8�2 H _ ; "-`_ _ iEguisher - - ----.... 6iHose Strap Tool :Bad er WP61 N" b 2 --- Q'$id TAkron 78� -_.: Must Be, No $:3:7, 00-- __. $222-.00 ! _. 1 _K-Tool_ Forcible Entry Set- -- Substitutes! _ - :_..$1 0 0_. 0 0 1 Paratech Py Axe• Substitutes! 1'4toot prybar --- : 2AO..Dn. __._. 32.0.o.AiL-. .1-Flat head ,AXe6lbWoodhandle — -- �31.0o-- -�• $3�,00--• ---- _._ . •_ -Iowa Amedcan $32 00 _ $-32:•B4• ; IAHT=30ss, 4 Holman Bar 30 inch' Mustac No D-Rid t� _, _Substitutes! 1 Pick head Axe 6 lb wood handle --"' - —.. .._�. -- _ 1 CI0.3et Hook 36 inch handle -- - d -- _ supervk $36--00 — P164SE. Must 1_Smoka Ejector" Be, No $792.00 $792.00 Substitutes! 1;Door Barw1ffan heas nkler tongs --_ -- - - - - .....-- ,.—. . Vac pW — Akron 107 $ - • _._.: �t12..4.4.._._. Salvage Covers 18 vz. Vn . 12' X .' -- v _ • .-$-44.00=... __ • $ 44 -0 0 14' (one each in Red, Yellow, and Fol-da.tank SC12$106.00 _.. 3-GrgenZ_ — ;x14 $318.00 ; _.. 2 Fire.xtinuisher Brackets 1 Bad er UB 20 s list will be awarded by I fne �teiri, qlj items (0 ept the Tssk Force Tps nt)2ils e dicated abo inve and the Items Where No Substitutes are Indicated) must be the Mod! Number listed, an approved alternate /f other than the Mode! Number listed, p/ease piov/deemanufacturers specigeationson the item with your Bid; la order for the substitute item to be considered in all cases, please provide order _ _,. _ Leadt!me after receipt o_f orq!g for each L/qe Item bid, FIRM NAME: ADDRESS_ _ -V) P - PHONE/FAX: - -- — •• _. NAME: �91t3NATURE: - Page 2 of 2 .°'aa.21-, 2002 2 : 2 2 P M Wheatland Fire EQUIP 13073222323 No,1569 P. 4 1 Elkhart 2 x/2" Stream straightener $125.00 $125.00 6 Elkhart Hose Strap $37.00 $222.00 1 K-Tool $100.00 $100.00 1 P=Tech P -Axe $200.00 $200,00 1 32" Pry Bar S31.00 $31.00 1 Plat plead Axe with Wood Handle $32.00 $32.00 1 Pick Head ,Axe with Wood Handle $34.00 $34.00 Hook $51.00 $51.00 [EF36",Closet VacP164SE SmokeEjector $792.00 $792.00 1 erVac Door Bar for Above Ejector $112.00 $112.00 4 Spfinkler Tons $44.00 $176.00 3 18oz. Vinyl 12' x 14' Salvage Cover one Red, Yellow, and Green $106.00 $31800 + Above pricing is firm for 30 days and includes shipping. Please don't hesitate to call if we may be of further assistance. Sincerely, `R�, 0"', Bob Glasson Ext. 228 AUi;Aua.23- 20025 2:21PM ClWheatland Fire Equip 13073222323, 970 2216707 No•7569 P- 204/05 Poudre Fire Authority _�...__ Equipment Bid Sheet QTY DESCRIPTION ------...-`- --- — " — -- -- • __....-- ;PRODUCT NO: UNIT PRIG 1 1/2" Task ;EXTENDED FOroe lips hand line - --•- •---- LEADTIME­ 5. nozzles _ -` — HMD-VPGi 1!2" Task Force Tips h(gh rise — No -Bid --... �.. 2: nozzles __..._._ . ,_. �HMp-STO -- _. istOl Grips for Task Force Tips — No -Bid 3 high rise nozzles H-V01 2 1/2" Task Force Tips Fog Nozzle — 2:PIa_,�1ipe• �- _ _ H-2BLITZ 2 1!2" Task Force Tips straight ---N°-.$id ?' bore Playpipe __ H-2VPP _ ___. - Blitz Fire Monitor 2.6" NHT inlet Nq-No 2 and outlet - -- ---- -—XX111A Monitor Nozzle for Blitz Fire 2.5" '-""" '"`-_ nrO-.Bid .2 NHT inlet (Max Farce) _ _.. Mp12A _ 5" long x 2 1/2" NHT Stream - . .. - - _..2' Straightener XF-SS5 1 Force TiipsNozzle No -Bid . _._._... .----- 1. -ask B-BGH All ---- ,• -•- Manufactured by Task Force Tlps. No alternates are - : accVtab!e! - - 5" hose spanners (aluminum) with 'Harrington HSSW 4 - 6 weeks _—. __.. 3:bracketS _ 401 _.. 3.-SPannobrackets ...._._ ._._._. _n — Akron 2448 For All '_�222,_gQ_._.--... _... - 1!2" s anners 2 and br8oket9 ;Akron 10 ` -- — _ _ 2 1/2" to 3/4" Garden Hose Thread -- -- 2 Reducer�NHT)pyrofite _Action GHT - - _.._ 4.2 1/2" double maINHT �Yrolite_Akron 335 $41 , 00 $82.00 •-- °---- - 4 21/2" double females�HT)— Akron 335 21l2"to11/2"reducertapered ------$25,t}0- -_,_-$109-e0 ..:___,.. .._.__.... ..__-. -4;(WElpyrolite Akron 1422 2 1l2" cla —_. _ _.. _ _.... _,. pper Siamese w/drain $54.00 $216"00 ---- ----- ----- 1262__ _- . 1 valve & handle�NHT) pyrollte '—Ha 5"3trotzto2-21/2" ated 9 wye Harrington W200 $-@1.00 ; ..$2S1 .00__ - _-, _- .. _7) pyrolite 50-25NH 1 21/2''gatevalve - Akron 2285 $34 11,.00._ 00 $,3,40..,„_.i_. 91J2 sled g 1/2" $1-6� � 0 0<„--• _..., HT rolite �,`N.•_..to Eltdtart 6-100 -4 _ - _ 3 1 double female NHT -- — )� i�ron336 $.17.$. 00 _... - .. 311/2 double_male(NHT)p-y_rolite Akron 336 —$57:flfl :2 1/2" to 2- 2 1/2" gated wye ——$12.09 .yT!!te — Akron 1582 — - 1.7 1/2" cap with chain NHT Chrome'Akron 345 T- TT -- - --- .. —.. —._ 21/2"BresnanNiFbutor NH �- ----""$34-.-90 1;Pymlite _Akron535 5" Storz to a 1/2"-hydrant swivel $341.00 $34100 'adapters (NWT) pyrolite w/stortz .Harrington o:weR _ .HSFS50-"NHtiLi $124.00 $124.00 2 Ad`ustable hydrant wre Fe —Ikr A T•-on1- _5--. � _ __ . --- Paige / of 2 WHEATLAND FIRE EQUIPMENT COMPANY 1851 OAK STREET/P.O. BOX 487 WHEATLAND, WY 82201 PH: 1-80M54-0911/(307)322-5350 PAX: 1-800-338-0267/(307)322-2323 August 23, 2002 Bob Poncelow Poudre Fire Authority 102 Remington Street Fort Collins, CO 80524-2834 Laritner Please find below the pricing you requested: QTY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE 3 Harrington 5" Spanners with Bracket $74.009 $222.00 2 Redhead Style 37 2 %2" x 3/4" GI� T Ada ter $41.00 $82.00 4 2'/2" Double Male $15.00 $60.00 4 2'/2"Double F=aleAdter $25.00 $100,00 4 2 '/2" x 1 '/2" Bell Reducer Ada tere $54.00 $216.00 1 2 W' Clappered Siamese w/Drain and Handle Elkhart 4A $281.00 $281.00 2 Harrington 2-Way Ball Valve 5" Storz x 2- 2 %2" Gated W d $340.00 $680,00 1 C & S 2'/2" Gate Valve $169.00 $169.00 4 Elkhart B-100-A 2 %a" x 2- 1 '/2" Gated Wye $179.00 $716.00 3 1 %2" Double Female Ada ter $19.00 $57.00 3 1 %2" Double Male Adapter $12.00 $36.00 1 1 %2" Ca w/Chain Chrome $30.00 $30.00 1 2 Y2" Bresnan Nozzle Elkhart 193-9 $341.00 $341.00 3 5" Storz x 4 t/2" NST Swivel $124.00 $372,00 2 Adjustable Hydrant Wrench $32.00 $64.00 1 Elkhart Hose Clarn2 with Bracket $331,00 $331.00 1 Elkhart Stacked "Pips with 2 '/2" Base and 1 3/8" -1 '/" - I '/," - 2" Tips $297.00 $297.00 2 Elkhart Stacked Tips with 1 %2" Base and 1" -1 1/8" - 1 Y4" Tips $210.00 $420.00 "Where quality is remembered long after price is forgotten" ti/E 'd 010L'0N EZEZZZ£L0 dinb3 0crid pue1128gM WdtiZ Z Z 0 0 'EN Fax Name: PURCIIIASING Organization: CITY OF FORT COLLINS Fax: 970-22�-6707 Phone: [Phone) From: JOHN ffU0HES Date: Augustl22, 2002 Subject: BID # $729 Pages: 3 PURCHASING CITY OF FORT COLLINS FAX # 970-22I-6707 ATTACHED IS MY BID FOR YOUR BID # 5729 OPENING 2:00 P.M. AUG. 22, 2002. ALL ITEM BID ARE A� SPECKED OR EQUIVALENT TO TIM ITEMS SPECIFIED. DELIVERY ON ALL ITEMS BID WOULD BE 30 DAYS ARO, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE SNAP-TITE ITEMS WHICH WILL BE 60 DAYS ARO. THANK YOU, JOHN HUGHES i From the desk of... 6 & H FIRE EQUIPMENT JOHN HUGHES 2616 COLUMBINE DR. DURANGO, CO 81301 970-259-0862 FAX 970-259-0581 CELL 970-749-5884 10 39tld 38IJ H H T89069ZOL6 TZ:TO Z00Z/ZZ/80 Poudre Fire Authority Equipment Bid Sheet QTY DESCRIPTION PRODUCT NO UNIT PRICE EXTENDED LEADTIME 1 WTask Force Tips hand line 5 nodes HMD-VPGI 896.75 $4 483.75 1 'W' Task Force Tips high rise 2 nozzles HMD-STO 725.75 $1,453.60 Pistol Grips for Task Force Tips; 3 hi h rise nozzles H-VOI $0.00 2 ''/2' Task Force Tips Fog Nozzle 2 playpipeH-28LITZ 969.5 $1939.00 2 W Task Force Tips straight 2 tore Pla i e H-2VPP 527 $1 054.00 Blitz Fire Monitor 2.5" NHT inlet' 2 and outlet I XX111A 2120.75 $4 241.50 Monitor Nozzle for Blitz Fire 2.5' 2 1 NHT inlet Max Force MD12A 772.5 $1,545.00 5" long x 2'/2" NHT Stream 2 Strai htner XF-SS5 146 $290.00 41 V Task Force Tips Nozzle B-BGH 660 $2,600.00 All items listed above must be manufactured by Task Force', Tips. No alternates are acce blel 5" hose spanners (aluminum) voth TFT-A3810 3 brackets 85 $255.00 3 5" sDanner brackets $0.00 4'/2 2" s annei 2 and bracke ACTION A+246-2 45 $180.00 2'/" to 3/4" Garden Hose Thread 2 Reducer NH rolite Action GHT 27 $64.00 4 r4 2'/" Double Males NH ro ite ACTION AA+136 22.5 $90.00 4 2 Y" Double Females NHT ACTON AA+135 22.8 $91.20 2 W to 1 '/V reducer tapered NHT rolite TFT H-A 88 $352.00 2'/2" clappered Siamese w/dra n 1 lvalve & handle NH rolite Akron1262 $0.00 5" Storz to 2-2'/2" gated wye SNAP -TITS B2S5 2 NHT rolite M25N 400 $800.00 1 2Y2" gate valve NH rolite Akron 2285 $0.00 2 Y" to 2'/" gated wye 2 NHT rolite Elkhart B-100-A $0.00 3 1 'W'double female NH lits ACTION AA+135 16.8 $50.40 3 1 '/2" double male NH rol' a ACTION AA+136 10.5 $31.50 2'/=" to 2-2 %" gated wye NHT rolite Akron 1582 $0.00 1 1 'W cap with chain NHT chrorhe ACTION-CAP15C 35 $35.00 2'/2" Bresnan Distributor (NHT) 1 pyrolite Akron 535 $0.00 5" Storz to 41/2" hydrant swiveh SNAP-TITE adapters (NHT) pyrolite w/Storz A850F45N 117.5 3 lock $0.00 2 Adjustable hydrant wrench Akron 15 $0.00 Page 1 of 2 60 39Vd 38Id H H T8906560L6 TZ:TO Z00Z/ZZ/80 Poudre Fire Authority equipment Bid Sheet DESCRIPTION PRODUCT NO UNIT PRICE EXTENDED LEADTIME Hose Clamp pyrolite w/mounting! r1l Bracket Akron 588 $0.00 Task Force MST - Stack tips 13/8", 1 1/2", 1314",2"' 4NJ NH rolite 382.5 $382.50 Task Force FS- 1 %' NHT stack tips 1", 1 1/8", 1: 3STACK 21/4° 221 $442.00 Task Force XF- 10" stream straightener 2'W' x 7 SS10 1 '/s" NHT rolite 145 $145.00 20 lb ABC Dry Chemical 1 Extinguisher Badger 20MB-21-1 $0.00 2 1/2 gallon Pressurized Water 1 extinguisher Bad er WP61 $0.00 B Hose Strap Tool Akron 78 $0.00 " Must Be, No 1 K-Tool Forcible Entry Set* Substitutes $0.00 * Must Be, No 1 Paratech Pry Axe* Substitutes $0.00 1 1-foot pry bar GFE-PPB-36 28 $28.00 1 Flat head Axe 6 lb wood handle' GFE-WF-6 32 $32.00 Iowa American IAHT-30SS. * Must Be, No 4 Hali an Bar 30 inch* Substitutes $0:00 1 Pick head Axe 6 lb wood hand) GFE-WP-6 34 $34.00 1 Closet Hook 36 inch handle GFE-UL-3-DWH 47.5 $47.50 Super Vac P164SE. Must Be, No 1 Smoke Ejector' Substitutesi $0-00 1 Door Bar w/fan hanger Su r Vac $0.00 4 S rinkler tons Akron 1078 $0.00 Salvage Covers 18 oz. Vinyl 1$' x 14' (one each Red, Yellow, and) C & R IND, 3 Green 12 x 14 82 $246.00 2 1 Fire Extinguisher Brackets Badger UB-20 $0.00 This list will be awarded by line Item. All Items (except the Task Force Tip nozzles indicated above and the items where No Substitutes are Inpicstao must be the Model Number Ilsted, or an approved alternate. If other than the Model Nun(ber listed, please provide manufacturers specification on the item with your Bid; in order for the subs"le item to be considered. In all cases, please provide order Leadtime (after receipt of Order) for each line Rem tild. FIRM NAME: B&H FIRE EQUIPMENT CO. PHONE/FAX: 970-259-0862 / 970-259-0581 ADDRESS: 2616 Columbine Orive, Durango, CO 81301 BIDDER'S NAME: John Hughles DATE: 8122102 SIGNATURE'. % 60 39vd 3dId H 9 T89065ZOL6 TZ:TO Z00Z/ZZ/80 Aug 22 02 07:18p Hilton KCI 816-891-8030 p,2 AUG-?6-02 FRI 06:01 ?N CITY/FT COLLINS, PURrNAS FAX NO, 970 2216707 P,05/05 Poudre Fire Authority j Ec�ufpment Btd Sheet -- 4TY DESCRIPTION _. __. •- PRODUCT Np' UNIT PRICE_F_XfENDED HosaClam'- - ___ ._._. p pyrolite w/mounting - - ' LEADTIflAE _ ....I Bracket_ _ _ 688 40 P'll) „Akron Task Force MST- - Stack Ups 1 3/8", 1 1/2", 1 3/4", 2' 4NJ or Akron NHT rolita__ — Oo (�`90'"- p o L ado^- a In1P_e}�S ._1 ,Task 1 1/2" NHT stack tips 1' 1 1/S", 1 STACKorAkron; %70 Q— 3�doJ J e�V� 1420_ Task Force XF- ` ' .___-. .._ -- 10" Stream Straightener 2 V2" x 2 SS10 or Akron 1 1 p 1/2" jNHT) pyrolite 3488 ___ . ___... 20IbABCDrychemical --- --- .i-- __._ -Extinguisher_- ;„ AI,4 %to ..:gadger,20MB_2H 2 1/2 gallon Pressurized Water - 9. Bader WP81 s;exfin uisher —j ►11©_Pi10_._ Hose Strap Tool Akron - N o ----Be, _P�_L Must Nn - _ _ _. 1 K-Tool Forrible Entry Substitutes! _ i " Must Be, No _ I Paratech py Axe' Substitutes! ri p 10 N 1.3 fcot, pry bar ,., 1r I-t"�pa1'.S • 1 Flat head Axe 6 lb wood handl8 rc oo . ... 35 3, 9 1 -" _ Iowa Amedcen L4HT-30SS. Must Be,No 4: Haligan Bar 30 Inch Subshtufesl N Q f 1 D I. Plck head Axe 6 Ib woac har_.dle r� 11 ca Y 5. MI5 Aso y� 4 weekg 1„_�Ioset Hook 36 inch handle � ,rc NEoY Super - ' Must So, No gzjJ©o? Sao t { w Ce. 5 1;Smoke Ejector' Substitutes! 1 Door Bar w/fan hanger _,.. ,S_ per Va_cc.Its- 4 Sprinklertongs _- Akron 1078 -_.. Salvage Covar318 oz. Vnyl 12' x - --` -- 14 (one each in Red, Yellow, and Fol-da-tank SC12! x 14 2 re E ..- uisher Brackets Bad er UB 20 1� ©tj i D L-4 t3lPp-._ th is f - we y t ftems exce the iask Force i 6 nozzles in d above and the It ins where Substitutes aindicated) must bo the Modei Number listed, Gran approved pprov alternate. ffother then the Model Number listed, please provide manufacturers specNeatlonson the item with your Old; in order for the subsfhute item to be considered, in elf cases, please provide order LeedtfineLfter receipt of OrdeJ fhr each Line item bid FIRM NAME C lk S C ci A N D. - PHONElFAX ADDRE8.1: 1,4���w1 SA O J6. 9 �--B-4;%5 nr1V BIRDER'SNAME: (��]t�� o+SFner __DATE: - Pags 2 of 2 2002 16:44 3032966503 WESTERN FIRE PAGE 01 n` �1u iu-uc rrct uo:uti 1'M CITY/FT 01LINS, PLRCHAS FAX NO, 970 2218707 P, 03/0li BID PROPOSAL fA ale #Ra P�-ES & EQUIPMENT BID OPEN : q U8T 200 :00 , OUR CL WE HEREBY ENTER OUR BID FOR THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS' REQUIREMENTS FOR POUDRE FIRE AUTHORITY FIRE Il NOZZLES & EQUIPMENT PER THE 810 INVITATION AND ANY REFERENCED SPECIFICATIONS - The City of Fort CoIl ns is requesting bids for Fire Dept. equipment using the following BIDDING GUIDELINES. 1) The list will be awarded by Line Item. Bidder is to fill in the Unit Price for each item, and multiply It out by the Quantity Requested, to fill in the Extended Cost. e) All Items bid must include frelght F.O.B. Destination, Freight Prepaic. All freight charges must be included In prices submitted on proposal. a) Lead Time (after Receipt of Order) must be included for each item bid, 4) Poudre Fire Authority has listed a Preferred Brand for most items listed on the bid. Note that the first nine ittem$ listed on the bid must be the Item indicated, manufactured by Task Force Tips. NO subsditutes are acceptable! There are four other items listed on the bid, where no substitutes are acceptable. On all other items, the bidder may elect to offer an "or equivalent" brand as an option. In those cases, please provide manufacturer's specifications for that item with your bid; in order for the'equivalent" Rem to be considered, The City will be the final judge as to whether the `equivalent" brand is acceptable in lieu of the Preferred brand requested. If you have any questions please contact Ed Bonnette, c.P.M„ Buyer, at 970.416- 2247. 08/22/2002 16:44 3032966503 WESTERN FIRE _ _ PAGE 02 nuV-jo-Uc rKl Ub:U8 FN CITY/FT COLLINS, PURCHAS FAX NC, 970 2216707 - P, 04/05 POLICIrea AAuthority _ _Equipment Bid Sheet QTY bESCRIPTI'ON 1 112" Task Force Tips nand .me PRODUCT NO. UNIT PRICE EXTENDED 5 nozzles " — �-LEADTIME 1 i/2" Task Force `rps tii®h rtse __ 4593, 2 nozzles _,.. --._ --- 75 4-fi ItkS_.... ' -- HMD-STO Pistol Gnps for TaSk Force Tips - " -'� ' 16.03. 12 q_ h' h rise nozzles _ ._._ .__ 2 1/2" Task Force Tips--.;H`VOl0 ,_. 09 Nozzle -" '012.50 q_ 6 wks Playgipe ...- _._.. _ H-28LiTz 2 112" Task Force Tips stralght ...- "' -- 2203.12 4-6 2 bore Playplpe wks .__. H-2VpP 5► -' _.., BIItz Fire Monitor "`' 1162.50 2.6" NHT net 4-fi,tlet and ou __.._ .wks _... - -I" XX111A Monitor Nozzle for Blitz Fite 2.5 � 2 NHT inlet (Max Force) MIDI r 5" long x 2 1/2" NNT Stream 2 Straightener _ ._" - _..._ XF SS6 I 4 !"Task Force T1p3 Nozzle...4-6 Ali Ilefns?r�ted above mtrat be wks 2868.7.6. manufactured by Task Farce 4.T6 wks-- Tipa. No alternates are accephrble! 5" hose Spanners (aluminum with Harrington HSSVv- 3 brackets 401 5 5 spanner brackets _ _,-.-. 4 2 1 /2 r-.... sparners (land brackets 262 29 3-4 Wks _.. 108.00_ 2 1/2" to 3!4 Garden Hose'Thread REU 1.48-�--Alp _. - 3_4.._t ks � 2J17 • 3-4. 40- 2 Reducerj,NHT)p�glite red`$7 iia�l�a -wks _ 4 2112, double Males_(NHT)pyrol to - red- fi4 28 3-4 wks 3 E' _ - - 4 2 1/Z dgU61e female$ �NHTJ Yed-5 t32_..56 3-4 Wks 21/2"to1lft reducer tapered_. - _ �A� ._ . __109-.68 _3� 4 (NHTJ..AYrallte Akron 1422 7 1l2" cl ----- _.. aPered Siamese w/drain-- .... �" .wKs .-..-•582 1 valve 8 Handle NHT pyrolite Akron 1262 5 _84. q�6. wks _ Strolz to 2-2 1!2" a ed - g wYe Harnngton H2O0- (NH2jijT) pyrolite 57.4.29. -- 4-6... Wks, 121/2" -- _ 50-25NH., 1 _gate.velve NHT - (--)pye to _, 928.00 3-4 wks to 2-1 1/2 gated wye P4>s-_ 13 *�O� 2 NHT r Pok-9866 (_ , ) py ole_ 4 6-wks 324. 00 3 1 1/Z" double femdlyLNHT) "' - 4-6 wks 3 i IT. double male NHT red--35 !�* _L. ) PYroiite - red- '67,71 "" . .3-4 wks, 2 1/2" to 2-2 1/2" gated wye 2 peolltC. POk-2 772 54.45 3 _4. wks . ,(NHT) - _ .. _ ca�_wjlh chain NH___ chrome 444. 00 4-6 wks .C15 2 1/2 Bresnan Disvllwtor (NHT) red'�-21. 71 3­4. 1 pyrolite Akron 535 wks... _ 5" Storx to 4 t/2" hydrant swtvel-�. __ � 473�..14 .4,.6 wks adapters (NHT) pyrpptC w/S[ortz Harrington _- 3aock _�► ____ . FS50-45NHRL,, ^c J. Ad usWble h rant wrench 504.00 3-4 wks .---- P090 10r 2 88/22/2082 o ,l6:44383296 WESTERN FIRE PAGE 83 ^i^`^ ,o .vn/ o//C/F?FA4 W. 970 ----- ` 4-6 Wks L AD I Extinguisher zed Water 2 Papgech Pr _y Axe wood handle Arnerican lb wood �ip_ndle P164SE. Must AR Vinyl 12, 14'(One each in Red, Yellow, and Fo)-datank SC12. theitems"'hw"" -Substltufta are indicated) must be Oe Model 1Vumb*rjjste4 Oran aPproved alternate. ff other then the Model Number listed, P/1"SO Provide mantifacturers SPOOfflcaffonson the item W'th Your Bid; in order for the Substitute Item to be considered, in all cases, pfe&se Provide order 190M bid. Gujjsenb� DATE: Page 2ofu 08/22/2002 10:20 303-449-1203 FRONT RANGE PAGE 01 4727 N. Broadway, Baader, Colmadu $0304 FAX 3031449-1203 Fronnt Range Fire O0T4449a� exf-17 800/334-9911 exL 17 303/589-7134 Cellular frontwgefire@atknet Fax To: ED BONNETrE From: Mm Faluotico / TI Sinniugton Fax: 970-221-6707 Phan: _ Date: 8/22/2002 Re: $Ip #5729 -PFA EQUIPMENT CC: ❑ urgers ❑ For Review ❑ Please Comment • Comments: Ed - 0 Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle Attached please find our bid for bid 45729 - PFA Nozzles mod Equipment. We have bid all items as specified with two exceptions. We are not able to offer the Task Force Blitz Fire because we are not stocking disalbutors. We are also not able to offer the Iowa American haligam. We ate stating 4 to 6 week delivery on all items. This will not be the case on the majority, of the items, as we have a fair amount of than in stock We also acknowledge the receipt of one (1) addendum. If them are any additional questions, Please do not hesitate to Comm us. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service. 08/22/2002 10:20 303-449-1203 FRONT RANGE PAGE 02 / FRONT RANGE FIRE APPARATUS 4727 NORTH HROADWAY •BOULDER, COLORADO 80304 (303) "0-9911 SHOP (303) 444•0816 /303) 449-1203 NAME/�1DD,RESS DRF FIRE AUTHORITY REM 102 REM[NGTON FT. COLLINS, CO 80524 QUOTATION FAX 7DATE7 NUMBER 8/22/2002 5984 CUSTOMER P.O. CUSTOMER P.O. REP TERMS SKIP K4 FOB MBF DUE ON RECPT UPS ORIGIN QTY ITEM Non -Inventory DESCRIPTION PRICE E.Y. PRICE 5 TASK FORCE #HMD-VPGI - 1.5" NOZZI3, 4.083.35 2 Non-Inv Non -Inventory TASK FORCE #HMD-STO. 1.5" NOZZLE 1425 00 3 Non -Inventory TASK FORCE #H-VOI-PISTOL GRIPS 900.00 � 2Nnn-Inventory TASK FORCE #H-2BLITZ - 2.5" NOZZLE 1,95814 2 Non -Inventory TASK FORCE #11-2VPP - 2.5" STRAIGHT BORE 1,03334 Non -Inventory 2 Non -Inventory TASK FORCE #MD12A - 2.5" MONITOR NOZZLE 1,416.68 2 Non -Inventory TASK FORCE #XF-SSS - STEAM STRAIOHTENER 281.69 4 Non -Inventory TASK FORCE #B-BGH - 1" NOZZLE 2,550.00 3 Non -Inventory HARRINGTON #HSSW-401 - SPANNERS 174.00 3 Non -Inventory HARRINGTON #HSM33I00 - SPANNER WRENCH BRACKETS 54.00 4 Non -inventory AKRON #448 -2.5" SPANNERS W/ BRACKET 305.44 2 Non -Inventory ACTION #AA+137.2.5" F x GHT M ADAPTER 51.0000 4 Non -Inventory AKRON 4336 - 2.5" DOUBLE MALES 100.00 4 Non -Inventory AKRON #335 - 2.5" DOUBLE FEMALES 300 00 4 Non -Inventory AKRON 41422 - 2.5" x 1,5" REDUCER 425.00 1 Non -Inventory AKRON 01262 - 2.5" SIAMESE. CLAPPERED 418.75 2 Non -Inventory HARRINGTON #H2O0.50-25NH - 5" STORZ GATED WYE 692.00 l Non -inventory AKRON #285 - 2.5" GATE VALVE 266.25 2 Non -Inventory ELKHART#13-100-A-2.5"GATED WYE 466.381 3 Non -Inventory AKRON #335 - 1.5" DOUBLE FEMALE 193.14 3 Non -Inventory AKRON #336 - 1.5" DOUBLE MALE 99.39 2 Non -Inventory AKRON 01582 - 2.5" GATED WYE 1,576,26 1 Non -Inventory AKRON #345. 1.5" CAP W/ CHAIN 19.50 I Non -Inventory AKRON 4535 - 2.5" CELLAR NOZZLE 345.00 3 Non -Inventory HARRINGTON #HSFS50-45NNIII, - 5" STORZ ADAPTER 372,00 2 Non -Inventory AKRON 015 - HYDRANT WRENCH 7600 I Non -Inventory AKRON 9388 -HOSE CLAMP W/MOUNTING BRACKET 36060.6565 I Non -Inventory AKRON 42499 - STACK TIPS 300.00 2 Non -Inventory AKRON # 1420. 1.5" STACK TIPS P4w8s, 420,00 _ This Quotation is `fd for Thirty Days. 08/22/2002 10:20 303-449-1203 FRONT RANGE PAGE 03 / �47 / OT RANGE FIRE AS 47NORTH BROADWAY -BOULDER, D080304 (303) 449-9911 SHOP (303) 444,0818 (303) 449-1203 FAX NAMEIADDRESS QUOTATION DATE NUMBER 8/ 2/2002 5984 POUDRE FIRE AUTHORITY 102 REMINGTON FT. COLLINS, CO 80524 CUSTOMER P.O. REP TERMS SWP VIA FOB MBF DUE ON RECPT UPS ORIGIN QTF ITEM DESCRIPTION PRICE Erb PRICE I Non -Inventory AKRON #3488 - l0" STREAM STRAIGHTENER - T 180.00 1 Non -inventory AMEREX #A41 I - 200 A13C EXTINGUISHER 88.00 1 Non -Inventory AMEREX #240.2.5 GALLON WATER CAN 68.00 6 Non -Inventory AKRON #78 - HOSE STRAP TOOL 240.00 , 1 Non -Inventory FIREHOOKS K-TOOL 85.50 1 Non -inventory PARATECH 422-000520 - PRY AXE W/ STANDARD CLAW 191,00 1 Non -Inventory FIREHOOKS CROW BAR - 36" 15.00 I Non-Invantory FIREHOOKS 4FA-6 - FLAT HEAD 6# AXE 38.00 Non -inventory WE OFFER PARATECH HALIGAN BARS ONLY, "NigboiNOW 0.00 I Non -Inventory F�#FAP-6 - PICK HEAD 6# AXE 39.00 1 Non -Inventory FIREHOOKS #NHFO - 3r CLOSET HOOK W/ D HANDLE 65,00 , 1 Non -Inventory SUPERVAC OF 164SE - SMOKE EJECTOR 750.00 1 Non -Inventory SUPERVAC DOOR BAR 106.00 4 Non -Inventory ARKON 01078 - SPRTNKLER TONGS 102,00 3 Non -Inventory FOL--DA-TANK#SC12xl4-SALVAGE COVERS 327.00 2 Non -inventory AMEREX #810 - FIRE EXTINGUISHER BRACKETS 66.50 :**NOTE-** WE ARE NOT STOCKING DISTRIBUTORS FOR TASK FORCE TIPS - THUS OUR DISCOUNT IS NOT A HIGH, AND WE ARE NOT ABLE TO OFFER THE BLI IZ FIRE UNTIL JANUARY 2003. i ALL ITEM PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT - DELIVERY IS QUOTED AT 4 TO 6 WEEKS FOR EACH ITEM. 7�II�Y /ii/ This Quotation is d for Thirty Days. 08/22/2002 10:20 303-449-1203 FRONT RANGE PAGE 04 mosoml a"" ftewaft W'o ftoddo" ENVIRONMENTALLY ACCEPTABLE * EPA approved"Clean Agent" for Class A, B and C hazards * Low GWP (Global Warming Potential) Low ODP (Ozone Depletion Potential) 1 Short Atmospheric Lifetime CLEAN * Leaves no powder residue USER FRIENDLY de No electrical conductivity back to the operator ;k No thermal or static shock * Good visibility during discharge Note: The 5, 11 and 1 S1h Ib. are U. S. Coast Guard approved with the bracket tasted on the U.L. label. AM�R.T]iC HALOTRON I is a "Clean Agent' HydroChloroFluoroCarbon dis- charged as a rapidly evaporating liquid which leaves no residue. It effectively extinguishes Class A, and B fires by cooling and smothering and it will not conduct electricity back to The operata. Halotron is pressurized with Argon gas and is an EPA and FAA approved HCFC blend B agent approved for use on Class A, 8 and C fires. It has a low GWP of 0.04 - 0.24, low ODP of 0.014 (twelve times lower than the EPA maximum allowable ODP d 0.20) and a low Atmospheric Lifetime (31/2to 11 years). Halotron is intended for use in areas formerly protected by Halon 1211 hand portable extinguishers such as computer rooms, telecommunications facilities, clean rooms, data storage areas, offices (for protection of sensitive electronic equipment), boats and vehicles.